ICT YT - 2023-02-07 - Price Action Chronicles - February 07 2023

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2023-02-08 10:07


00:20 - Introduction to today’s episode.

06:04 - What is a fair value gap?

13:42 - What’s above these equal highs by side liquidity?

19:33 - Cable and USD imbalance.

26:00 - What is the New Week Opening Gap?

31:59 - What is the difference between a real market and a synthetic market?

39:31 - How do you know if you’re right or wrong?

44:12 - How do you know if you’re doing it correctly?

50:20 - When do you stop taking partials?

01:00:03 - How to identify the right fair value gap.

01:06:27 - How to use a five-handle run as a starting point.

01:11:27 - Volume and bounce as an entry.

01:17:41 - How do you know if the market is bearish or bullish?

01:22:53 - What could happen at the open if the market breaks down.

01:29:32 - The importance of following the logic of the model.

01:34:46 - Watching the midpoint of this trade.

01:40:16 - High resistance liquidity run -.

01:50:00 - When does the market chop at the open when it's already delivered?

01:54:45 - Is it easier to get to 41 50 or 4121?

02:00:20 - The sellers that were interested in chasing markets lower today at the open haven’t seen much in delivery on the downside.

02:03:33 - Why do you want to hold on to something that could potentially turn on you?

02:08:24 - Chart of the Day -.

02:14:43 - It’s an opportunity for you to hurt yourself, do reckless trading, turn your account for broker sake and lose it.

02:19:23 - High resistance creates a lot of pausing and pausing deeper retracements.

02:23:52 - How do you know when to get in and get out of the market?

02:30:55 - Don’t force trades in low resistance conditions.

02:36:53 - It’s so much more than that in books and courses.

02:42:29 - How to use PDE as a stair step or a mountain climber.

02:48:01 - Turtle suits don’t require a PDE array.

02:52:35 - How far can it go below this low?

02:58:40 - Consolidation doesn’t guarantee it’s going to deliver.

03:04:03 - How to anticipate choppy opens at 930.

03:07:52 - Where liquidity hasn’t been tapped yet.


00:00:20,190 --> 00:00:21,390 ICT: Sure I don't see it
00:00:59,459 --> 00:01:00,419 bear with me folks
00:01:28,200 --> 00:01:29,160 bear with me folks
00:02:00,840 --> 00:02:04,530 right looks good morning everyone should be able to hear me
00:02:18,540 --> 00:02:37,230 right so today is the first of my price action Chronicles so we're going to start with a review where we are in relationship to where we have been and then
00:02:37,230 --> 00:02:52,890 I'll give you my analysis for the 30 and then 930 expectations so we are going to go into
00:02:58,260 --> 00:03:13,950 this view here and I'm showing the raw chart with everything showing like at the bottom down here so that we can see what I'm doing because sometimes I'll put a
00:03:14,490 --> 00:03:30,330 comparison chart when I want you to be able to see what it is I'm doing how I'm doing it I'm treating you just get on with this so we have first go to Dollar
00:03:30,330 --> 00:03:30,870 Index
10 00:03:42,540 --> 00:03:50,520 Alright, for some of you two have been with me for a while now and they have been with me since the beginning of the year for the analysis on Dollar Index.
11 00:03:50,550 --> 00:04:02,160 Now why am I even referring to that? Because it's a risk on risk off barometer, it tells me if I'm likely to see continued upside going long in ES or if I'm
12 00:04:02,160 --> 00:04:15,870 likely to see continued weakness in ES and also it kind of contributes to Agile learn throughout this year. When I'm expecting consolidation, choppiness things
13 00:04:15,870 --> 00:04:26,640 that might be conflicting in analysis. That means that I'm going to be looking for a lot lower degree of participation with risk. So in other words, if I'm not
14 00:04:26,640 --> 00:04:39,480 looking for a really clean one sided run, then I'll trade various small intraday scalps not try to capture the entire morning session run or the entire daily
15 00:04:39,480 --> 00:04:51,240 run, or even a large portion of the weekly range. So I'm using this indicator, whether if I'm doing analysis with the forex market, if I'm dealing with the
16 00:04:51,240 --> 00:05:01,320 bond market, if I'm doing it with equities index futures, okay, so, all of my analysis, every bit of my analysis starts with this instrum I'm here, because it
17 00:05:01,320 --> 00:05:13,680 helps me frame the logic of whether I should be a trader, that's assuming risk. That means buying foreign currencies or buying stock. And if that's the case,
18 00:05:13,890 --> 00:05:22,290 then I'm assuming that it's risk going. And that would be a lower dollar. We were looking for a lower dollar at the beginning of the year. If you go back and
19 00:05:22,290 --> 00:05:30,480 look at the analysis videos, it's on my YouTube channel, and follow all the commentary on the tweet stuff posted on my Twitter account. No, there's a lot of
20 00:05:30,480 --> 00:05:39,150 it. But for those that have been here, this is old hat to you. But I'm counseling you not to take my word for it, because it's going to look like it's
21 00:05:39,150 --> 00:05:48,930 hindsight here. But everything I'm going to talk about here was talked about beforehand. So it's kind of like a benchmark where we were, where we are now and
22 00:05:48,930 --> 00:05:59,220 where we're likely to go to next. So it kind of gives you like a full circle perspective on what I'm seeing and or expecting. We're looking for lower prices
23 00:05:59,970 --> 00:06:09,240 Celsa liquidity that was absolutely tagged, and an asset. If we went below that, we have an order block, and we have a fair value gap in here. If you look at the
24 00:06:09,450 --> 00:06:20,730 range, and I promise, I'll be very, very quick through this because I want to be in front of the charts live a third. So half of this gap between this candles
25 00:06:20,730 --> 00:06:35,520 high in this candles low. That's a bison unbalanced sell side inefficiency, with an order block. So the order block is down close candle. Why is that an order
26 00:06:35,520 --> 00:06:47,160 block, because it has a fair value. Price has moved away from it. So if it comes back down and retreats back into this candle here, we're gonna see some kind of
27 00:06:47,160 --> 00:06:56,040 what reaction does it mean, it's the ultimate low and the dollar never sees any lower prices? No, it just means that it's going to be a strong draw on price
28 00:06:56,070 --> 00:07:13,800 when price is above it, as it was in the beginning of the year. Here. We've lower we use the fair value gap here as resistance. Okay, drops lower, digs into
29 00:07:13,800 --> 00:07:22,560 the sell side liquidity throughout this year, you're gonna see that while many folks that come to my work, they're gonna say, or you'll hear other people say,
30 00:07:23,760 --> 00:07:31,950 ICT complicates things. I'm not complicating it, I'm just giving you a deep understanding about what it is is available in terms of trading price action.
31 00:07:32,760 --> 00:07:40,890 Throughout this year, in my sessions in ongoing teachings, you're going to see that it's absolutely simple. It's very simple. We're only looking for one of two
32 00:07:40,890 --> 00:07:52,470 things is price going higher. Okay, if it's going higher, is it going to go above an old singular high, a swing high, or relative equal highs? Because above
33 00:07:52,500 --> 00:08:01,350 highs is going to be bias either quarterly? Or is it going to go lower? If it's going to go lower, it's going to go down below a single swing low or below
34 00:08:01,440 --> 00:08:15,510 relative equal lows. So multiple lows or a singular low below those lows is sellside. liquidity. Now if I'm bullish, and we have a imbalance, what an
35 00:08:15,510 --> 00:08:28,980 imbalance, something like this. And like that, and I'm bearish, like I wasn't in the beginning on dollar is going to draw to those levels. So I had two points of
36 00:08:28,980 --> 00:08:35,430 interest where I had the sell side here. And I said once we go below that it could dig into this imbalance in this order block, go back and watch the videos.
37 00:08:35,730 --> 00:08:43,530 It's in January's commentaries can't edit it can't change it. What I want to take your attention to is the fact that we went right down to the middle point
38 00:08:43,560 --> 00:08:51,720 of that gap, which is consequent encouragement. Whenever there's an imbalance, whether it be by side imbalance, suicide inefficiency, which is what this is
39 00:08:51,720 --> 00:09:05,250 here. It is a fair value gap by category within that category is classified as a buy side unbalanced sell side inefficiency, or busy bi si you'll see that used a
40 00:09:05,250 --> 00:09:14,940 lot in my charts. A lot of my students have their charts annotated like that as well. There's three levels. Okay, this is what I argue all the time when people
41 00:09:15,120 --> 00:09:22,470 just casually watch my content or my concepts they'll say it's supply and demand. It has absolutely nothing to do with supply and demand. It's three
42 00:09:22,470 --> 00:09:34,230 specific price levels that I'm what I'm looking for the actual high, which is going to be framed by this candles low. So there's this gap or February gap is
43 00:09:34,230 --> 00:09:47,220 framed with this specific price level the middle, which is consequent encouragement, and then the low. The low is the less likely price objective. So
44 00:09:47,220 --> 00:09:59,490 the two most primary levels when you when you're above it, trading down into it. It's going to be the high of that gap. And as much as the midpoint look at the
45 00:09:59,490 --> 00:10:16,650 reaction there I see that right there. That's undeniable. Okay. Also notice that I was framing shorts on s&p last week. Because we had traded down into this
46 00:10:16,650 --> 00:10:32,220 imbalance, I apologize, I got this new headset on using and slide all around my head. The the reaction here on dollar, this rally up into this imbalance here.
47 00:10:33,510 --> 00:10:43,200 And we don't know yet because really, we haven't really opened up and move around a lot so far tonight and into this morning's trading session. So I'm not
48 00:10:44,010 --> 00:10:52,200 going to have a whole lot of this is what's going to happen at 930, I have to wait to see what we do at 930. So and you'll understand where and how I get that
49 00:10:52,200 --> 00:10:59,070 logic where you'll be able to do it once. We're not doing this anymore next year, and you're doing independently without me, when you're looking at your
50 00:10:59,070 --> 00:11:06,570 charts, you'll know what procedures to follow, and what not to worry about and what things you need to be focusing on. But we've traded up into this area here.
51 00:11:07,110 --> 00:11:19,860 So as it stands right now, the market has already posted a risk off scenario, where dollars going higher, that means foreign currencies are likely to go
52 00:11:19,860 --> 00:11:34,230 lower, and or has gone lower. For equities, like stock indices, and stocks individually, they'll see temporary weakness against this rally in the dollar.
53 00:11:34,830 --> 00:11:43,470 So if you get shorting opportunities in like the s&p and your charts are communicating that there's a potential low resistance liquidity run. Again, if
54 00:11:43,470 --> 00:11:50,400 you don't know what that is, you'll be seeing a lot of that throughout this year. That's what I'm teaching primarily to focus on, there's going to be a lot
55 00:11:50,400 --> 00:12:01,260 of gyrations in price action that are going to be of no importance to me. And you'll probably see them today in future live streams where you'll question, why
56 00:12:01,260 --> 00:12:09,150 didn't you take that trade, it's not my setup, that's not the one I'm interested in, you might see it. So don't look at whatever I call whatever I call talk or
57 00:12:09,150 --> 00:12:18,930 outline in price action, don't let it discourage you from following a model you may have already adopted, it's helping you in finding setups. I'm not here to
58 00:12:18,930 --> 00:12:26,910 try to twist anyone's arm. I'm here just simply communicating to the folks that are new. This is how you go in and you start learning how to read the tape
59 00:12:26,910 --> 00:12:33,570 before you even press a demo account before you even do any of that stuff. These are the things you're supposed to be doing. And it's gonna seem boring,
60 00:12:33,570 --> 00:12:42,600 especially for seasoned traders that are already profitable, it's not going to be as exciting or helpful to you. But as we go further into this year, you'll
61 00:12:42,600 --> 00:12:50,490 see there's going to be a whole lot more engagement. But in the beginning, there has to be a foundation. So the market has already traded up for the dollar into
62 00:12:50,490 --> 00:12:58,350 this area here. I like the idea of it trading up into the midpoint of this up close candle, which is a bearish order block the midpoint of the order block,
63 00:12:58,650 --> 00:13:02,880 which has nothing to do with the depth of market or level two data.
64 00:13:04,200 --> 00:13:15,480 Half of that candle is mean threshold. So half of a gap, like down here is consequent encouragement, half of a quarter block, whether it be the last up
65 00:13:15,480 --> 00:13:22,710 close candle prior to a displacement lower with a fair value gap. That's what makes us a bearish order block. Not typically because it's the last up close
66 00:13:22,710 --> 00:13:33,450 candle before a down move, there has to be signatures and alignment that are agreed. And the midpoint of that candle is mean threshold. That means it's
67 00:13:33,450 --> 00:13:42,630 likely to draw up to this candle and as much as the midpoint. Now what I'm interested in seeing is do we trade through the mean threshold? Because if we
68 00:13:42,630 --> 00:13:53,700 do, I've had this annotated here. And while it was a volume imbalance initially here, here, failed it here. So now what's above these relative equal highs by
69 00:13:53,700 --> 00:14:05,340 side liquidity? So buy sell liquidity with a small little gap right there between this candle is high and that candles low. So there's a there's a
70 00:14:05,340 --> 00:14:14,670 potential draw for dollar to get up to here. I'm not stating unequivocally that it's going to go there. I'm watching to see throughout this week, do we see
71 00:14:14,670 --> 00:14:25,560 signs that it wants to continuously press up into this area? If it does, that means we have potential not a guarantee potential for lower prices in forex,
72 00:14:25,980 --> 00:14:38,880 stocks and stock averages. So that's where my focus is today. I want to see do we get more indications that that's probable or are we going to hit this fair
73 00:14:38,880 --> 00:14:43,530 pay gap, complete closure here and then we draw sales you can see.
74 00:14:58,559 --> 00:15:07,409 So we have just a little bit left in here, and I want to watch and see do we get a reaction and start to sell off a little bit? And if we do sell off, how far
75 00:15:07,409 --> 00:15:17,039 can it go, we have a breaker here we have a low, high, lower low. So that up close candle on here, it can trade down as far as that, which would be around
76 00:15:17,039 --> 00:15:32,339 the one or 230 to one to 255 ish. There's two specific price levels. So that's what I'm looking for for dollar and the relationships between what levels and
77 00:15:32,339 --> 00:15:42,449 why I expect to see either one potentially drawn to I don't have a right now this is what's going to do. We haven't seen a whole lot of movement overnight.
78 00:15:43,349 --> 00:15:53,399 We don't really have any heavy news we have at 830. Some kind of weak report, in terms of in my opinion, but we could get a little bit of movement in about 11
79 00:15:53,399 --> 00:16:07,199 minutes. Real quickly wanted to touch on Euro. I see you're mentioned also the beginning of year that we were going to draw up into these relatively equal
80 00:16:07,199 --> 00:16:14,189 highs for the buy side. And if it gets above that we could trade up into this very vague again, go go back and watch the videos. The bodies respected
81 00:16:14,189 --> 00:16:25,709 perfectly Look at that. The clothes in the open on his candle. And after running up into that city, it's a fair value get by classification. But specifically,
82 00:16:25,709 --> 00:16:32,279 it's a sell side and balanced by side inefficiency, meaning that it only delivered price on the downside. So how does the market algorithmically
83 00:16:32,279 --> 00:16:46,349 rebalance and reprice this range, it has to do what deliver it on the upside. So it trades up into it offers that buy side that was inefficient over here. And
84 00:16:46,349 --> 00:16:54,779 then we had the market displace lower. So he took out a short term swing low here, I liked the idea that we traded down into a bison imbalance I was on
85 00:16:54,779 --> 00:17:02,909 efficiency here. So this is a fair of a gap to this singular candle. And we could dig down a bit further, just like we mentioned on the dollar has a little
86 00:17:02,909 --> 00:17:10,709 bit more upside to fill in its gap doesn't mean much in terms of opportunity. It just means that's where my focus is just because we're sitting in front of
87 00:17:10,709 --> 00:17:18,089 charts, and we have time to be in front of the charts and the markets are trading doesn't mean Oh, I got time, the charts are printing candlesticks, so
88 00:17:18,089 --> 00:17:27,929 therefore let's take a trade that's gambling. So there has to be something for me to, to lean on logically, to frame a condition that would be hopefully, high
89 00:17:27,929 --> 00:17:36,209 probability, I only want to encourage you to focus on those types of opportunities, there's plenty, there's a plethora of opportunities intraday,
90 00:17:36,389 --> 00:17:48,479 that are not really good risk, well framed with real good risk reward models, not that I'm a big fan of risk reward because I think it's a fallacy, you don't
91 00:17:48,479 --> 00:17:56,009 know if your trades gonna pan out that much. And you don't know if your stop loss is gonna get hit. So no one knows that. So you might look to trade with a
92 00:17:56,009 --> 00:18:06,119 specific risk model, five to 110 to 131. But the going into this industry thinking that you're always going to get what you're setting your trade up for
93 00:18:06,839 --> 00:18:15,929 is a fallacy, you have no control once you enter the marketplace. So I'm going to be teaching you hopefully, to ferret out these opportunities, where price
94 00:18:15,929 --> 00:18:24,389 action can deliver with the highest degree of probability reaching from one level to the next notice I didn't say I'm going to put you in winning trades.
95 00:18:24,539 --> 00:18:35,459 That's a stark contrast to what I'm trying to do here. I'm trying to teach you how to read price. If you're here to try to like keep score or something like
96 00:18:35,459 --> 00:18:45,119 that. That's not what this is. I have other live streams that I'll do things I'll I'll showcase stuff here. It's lectures, teaching, getting down to the
97 00:18:45,119 --> 00:18:51,629 brass tacks of what you're supposed to be doing before you even present them account using the things I'm teaching on my channel. Okay, so that we hopefully
98 00:18:51,629 --> 00:18:58,619 have communicate that clearly. It's not meant for you to follow along and press a live trade. Don't try to trade your funded account with the things I'm going
99 00:18:58,619 --> 00:19:08,699 to say today in any future. Live Stream, okay. It's very important that you understand that. Today also marks the day where I'm not writing, I'm not
100 00:19:08,699 --> 00:19:17,129 replying or Harding or liking any posts on Twitter. It is now just a medium for me to alert you. If there's something that's got my attention, and I'm not live
101 00:19:17,129 --> 00:19:23,579 streaming, I'm gonna bring something to your attention. I don't care to know what your responses are. I don't care if you'd like it. I don't care if you
102 00:19:23,579 --> 00:19:30,659 don't like it. Don't communicate to me through it because I'm not reading any of it. My attention is dialed in in the markets for now and between now in the
103 00:19:30,659 --> 00:19:42,659 second Friday of November. It's all work. No play. Cable real quick. We'll just take a quick look at this one. This one was unable to make a higher high before
104 00:19:42,659 --> 00:19:55,259 I transitioned to cable, look at the higher highs being posted here up into its fair value gap for year over here. And then look at cable weak, really weak. So
105 00:19:55,289 --> 00:20:05,189 we had this imbalance here. I wanted to see it run above take by side it failed to do so. It looks likely that we'll get down in to the sell side here. If we
106 00:20:05,189 --> 00:20:20,519 accelerate through this, be mindful that we have this area over here, which since cables already posted weakness comparatively to the euro, if one were to
107 00:20:20,519 --> 00:20:33,569 consider, if we see acceleration on the upside for dollar, again, that's risk off. higher dollar is lower prices for foreign currencies, and lower likely
108 00:20:33,659 --> 00:20:44,969 lower for stock indices, equities index futures. So if we take up this low, it could, if dollar accelerates to the upside, we could see cable drop down into
109 00:20:44,969 --> 00:20:56,489 this imbalance here. Alright, so that's about it for forex. Let's go on over to you yes.
110 00:21:27,450 --> 00:21:41,430 All right, so we have the upper left hand corner chart that is the hourly chart, the lower left hand corner is the 50 minute time frame. And the one minute
111 00:21:41,430 --> 00:21:50,580 chart, which will change throughout the live sessions, I'll toggle this particular chart from five minute four minute, three minute two minute one.
112 00:21:50,850 --> 00:22:01,500 Okay. And pretty much mimicking what I have static in front of me, when you watch the little Stinger video I put up on my Twitter this morning, you've
113 00:22:01,500 --> 00:22:11,820 probably already seen it, it's my trading real estate at eight monitors in front of me. And one of the screens itself has a one minute, two minute, three minute,
114 00:22:12,150 --> 00:22:22,500 four minute for NASDAQ and the ES. Since I'm using those two markets, primarily from trading index futures, I don't trade the Dow even though you will see the
115 00:22:22,500 --> 00:22:31,470 Dow flash, you know when it's necessary to be mentioning it, I don't trade the doubt and just trying to discourage you from trading. If you've been successful
116 00:22:31,470 --> 00:22:40,380 with it. If you'd like that medium, by all means stick to it, don't let me or anyone else take you out of what you're trying to do in the deal. Okay, I'm
117 00:22:40,380 --> 00:22:50,670 trying to do is inspire you to read price from a classical point of view, without indicators, completely naked. Nothing in here, you'd like this little
118 00:22:50,670 --> 00:23:04,770 red line down here. That's not an indicator, all that is is the NASDAQ. It's the price on this year. It's a line chart. And the way you get that how you get that
119 00:23:04,770 --> 00:23:17,130 mean, just take it off, and I'll let you see how we do it. Government still got to your little plus symbol here on TradingView. You click on that, be mindful
120 00:23:17,130 --> 00:23:27,090 that you're looking at the chart that you're not going to load back up in words, plotting s&p, so ES is the chart so I want to compare it to NASDAQ. So you would
121 00:23:27,090 --> 00:23:35,910 do the same thing here, you type out the front month code for the index that you want to compare it to, you can do this with with a doubt too. Like if you wanted
122 00:23:35,910 --> 00:23:47,910 to put the Dow Have you put y m h for the month code for November, I'm sorry for March, November 2023. Okay, and if I did that, it's plotting over top, you don't
123 00:23:47,910 --> 00:24:01,620 want that. So on target, and click on new pain. And it'll plot it down here. Now if you want to add the NASDAQ in addition to you can put n q h 2023. Now when
124 00:24:01,770 --> 00:24:14,760 March contract expires, you would change the H two M for the delivery month of June. Okay, and then plot that. And then again, it's plotting your top but you
125 00:24:14,760 --> 00:24:26,280 don't want to do that. You want to go to New pain. Alright, and then what you would do is if you want to compare it like if you're looking for market breadth
126 00:24:26,280 --> 00:24:36,900 to continue working lower, you would be comparing the highs. So you would click on the toggle box here on your price source you would go to high. Okay, and then
127 00:24:36,900 --> 00:24:47,700 here for the NASDAQ same thing. You would go to high and what that's doing is it's plotting. I don't like the light blue color. It's plotting the relationship
128 00:24:47,760 --> 00:24:58,050 of all of the highs. So you can comparatively study the difference in relationships between all the price highs that have Yes, that's the trading
129 00:24:58,080 --> 00:25:09,090 market as I'm trading that market. But I'm looking at the relationships between how the market has priced in specific highs and lows relative to the Dow, which
130 00:25:09,090 --> 00:25:18,570 is the only real use for me as a trader, I don't trade the Dow. And then you have the NASDAQ. So I'm looking at the relationships between the highs in one
131 00:25:18,570 --> 00:25:24,870 pay on that one pair, but one market versus the other. And what I mean, but what's the what's the benefit of doing something like this, if you look at the
132 00:25:24,870 --> 00:25:42,510 relationship of these highs here on NASDAQ with that of Dow and then E Mini s&p. So you can see that the s&p looked stronger here. And it was relatively
133 00:25:42,510 --> 00:25:50,070 speaking. But it was just running up into take stops. And how do you know it's a stock run? When you start seeing weakness across the averages like this? And
134 00:25:50,070 --> 00:25:59,790 this is simply just Dow Theory. And I like to look at that to confirm market breadth does the market offer the likelihood of continued price move higher or
135 00:25:59,790 --> 00:26:10,500 lower? Okay. And about 25 seconds or so we have some news coming in. It's not terribly exciting, in my opinion, but we'll watch and see. But that's how you
136 00:26:10,500 --> 00:26:18,180 add those things. They're not indicators. That's not an oscillator. It's not, you know, I don't use indicators. Okay, but I'm looking at the relationships
137 00:26:18,180 --> 00:26:29,070 between the averages that'll help me many times, ferret out an idea. Or at least, that's the plan, right? You might be looking at these levels over here
138 00:26:29,100 --> 00:26:42,450 asking what they are, that is the new week opening gap high and low. They maximize this real quick. On Sundays opening, as soon as the market opens, the
139 00:26:42,450 --> 00:26:48,750 only thing I do anymore, I used to trade Sundays, but I don't trade them anymore. The only thing I'm interested in doing on Sunday is seeing where we
140 00:26:48,750 --> 00:26:54,240 open. So here's the opening price on Sunday. And you want to do that
141 00:27:01,200 --> 00:27:10,170 I'm not sure you guys can still hear me or not sound like this headset just powered down. It's a brand new one. So I don't know. I don't know if it's
142 00:27:10,170 --> 00:27:21,510 picking up the audio. me a second here you should be still hearing me. So we'll stick with it.
143 00:27:36,089 --> 00:27:47,369 Okay, and on a 15 minute timeframe, the opening price on Sunday, you annotate that. And then you have the closing price on Friday. So that range is your new
144 00:27:47,369 --> 00:27:52,709 week opening gap. So wanna make sure I can hear myself, if I can hear myself you should be fine.
145 00:28:08,670 --> 00:28:22,260 All right, I apologize if the video audio goes to a lower degree of volume. But I don't know how to fix this headset is purchase. So we'll just have to work
146 00:28:22,260 --> 00:28:32,790 with this until I can overcome that we can still be thinking you can still hear me. So this gap, this new week opening gap. It has been taught by me multiple
147 00:28:32,790 --> 00:28:43,680 times throughout the years that this is like a real strong price magnet, the markets gonna want to gravitate back to it if we're not trending. Okay, this is
148 00:28:43,680 --> 00:28:51,540 the part where if you're watching and you don't have a notepad or your journaling is not being utilized here. You're wasting your time watching this.
149 00:28:51,810 --> 00:29:03,210 Because these are things that repeat if the markets going to be consolidating, or not in a trending environment, the opening gap one Sunday, if you extend it
150 00:29:03,210 --> 00:29:12,630 through all the way through Friday, you're going to see many times the price will gravitate back to it. Sometimes it'll go into halfway. Sometimes it'll go
151 00:29:12,660 --> 00:29:23,070 completely through it. It'll act as real support and resistance that the way you expect classic support resistance to work like you see in the books, these two
152 00:29:23,070 --> 00:29:38,640 price levels and the middle of it. What is the middle just take your fib plot on the opening price on Sunday and you apply it to the closing price on Friday.
153 00:29:39,180 --> 00:29:49,890 That range is extremely sensitive, especially with the low the high in the midpoint. So the midpoint level would be 4140 and a quarter
154 00:30:08,010 --> 00:30:16,470 And you can draw some distinctions, the way you would want to do it, I'm just showing like this is one way of doing it so that we can differentiate what what
155 00:30:16,470 --> 00:30:18,360 it is, you can make them very bold
156 00:30:26,910 --> 00:30:39,420 and I keep mine like like a black color which is in indirectly use something that's standing out my chart, whereas usually I'll have like a blue line or a
157 00:30:39,420 --> 00:30:49,080 red line for like liquidity pool. This way, it's drawing a heavy distinction between what I level might be on a lower timeframe, I know that that big, heavy,
158 00:30:49,080 --> 00:30:58,530 thick black line is rooted on something higher timeframe and or in this case, it's the new week opening gap. You can see how we've already traded up to it
159 00:30:58,530 --> 00:31:10,710 here, it bumped it here, failed to go here went lower work to here, just fell short there, tried several times here and failed right here. So we haven't
160 00:31:10,710 --> 00:31:22,740 really probed anything above meaningfully, the consequent encouragement, which again, consequent corrosion is half of a gap, or any inefficiency. So this was
161 00:31:22,770 --> 00:31:32,610 this level was here, we haven't worked really anything up into this area here. So there's a little bit of price action that has not closed in, or offered by
162 00:31:32,610 --> 00:31:38,820 side here. So even if we do go low, or take out this low, which is in my mind, likely this morning.
163 00:31:46,349 --> 00:31:55,259 We could go down here reject and make an attempt up here if we get that weakness in $1. So if the dollar does trade lower, that would offer an opportunity for
164 00:31:55,259 --> 00:32:02,429 the market that wouldn't trade back up into this new week opening gap, which is these specific price levels. Now, think about what are the stated there. I'm not
165 00:32:02,429 --> 00:32:11,579 teaching supply and demand, I don't believe in supply and demand. Unless we're talking about commodities, which are really directly linked to a real supply and
166 00:32:11,579 --> 00:32:18,479 demand factor. Because it's a real, it's a real market. Not to say that you can't make money in this market, it's not a real market, not in the same sense
167 00:32:18,479 --> 00:32:33,809 that a bushel of wheat or gold, that's something real, okay. The value of a stock in the sea is not the same as something that you can eat it, this could
168 00:32:34,109 --> 00:32:44,249 theoretically go to zero. Highly unlikely, but it theoretically could go to zero. Gold's not going to zero wheats not going to zero, you know, cattle and
169 00:32:44,249 --> 00:32:53,939 beef prices, pork, you crude oil, it's not going to zero. So there's a real supply demand factors with those markets. But when we look at markets like this,
170 00:32:54,209 --> 00:33:05,189 this in many ways, I view them as synthetic. They don't have the same measure of supply and demand. But it is manipulated and engineered. So the interest is
171 00:33:05,189 --> 00:33:15,359 always constantly manipulated. So what I do and what I teach my students to do is look for areas in markets where the manipulation is obvious, or it's
172 00:33:15,359 --> 00:33:27,389 expected. And then we look for setups that repeat using phenomenon based on markets trading to liquidity by side liquidity, which is above a high or
173 00:33:27,419 --> 00:33:39,419 relative equal highs. That can be an entry to a new trade, or it could be a closing target for an existing trade. Don't think that it's that that is the
174 00:33:39,419 --> 00:33:51,839 only approach for your trade is its target only now I can use it as an entry to, as you'll learn this year as well. I want to focus primarily on what I taught
175 00:33:51,839 --> 00:34:04,559 last year, that model, the 2020 model. But I can't promise that I won't stray off topic when it doesn't materialize. So because I'm in front of you live, I
176 00:34:04,559 --> 00:34:13,259 want to get you thinking about things beyond that model. So that way for those individuals, not that all of you should be but for those individuals that are
177 00:34:13,649 --> 00:34:22,049 already outgrowing that model, because you've never used it, you're making money with your funded account or maybe live funds and you're learning. You want to do
178 00:34:22,049 --> 00:34:33,809 something more and broaden your horizons in terms of price action. I'll show and do more of that stuff this year. But also it's it's beneficial for you to just
179 00:34:33,809 --> 00:34:43,259 simply because I might not trade a specific price swing doesn't mean that I can't see it or you may not steer away from it, maybe the very pattern that
180 00:34:43,259 --> 00:34:57,509 you're going to focus in on. So I'm trying to be the mentor that allows you to bring your own I'm going to maximize this now. So all of this is going to
181 00:34:57,509 --> 00:35:11,099 disappear and It's not important that stays up, I just want to make sure that showed you how did that compare. Alright, so now think about what has happened
182 00:35:11,099 --> 00:35:14,999 here, we have a five minute chart, we have liquidity down here.
183 00:35:20,250 --> 00:35:30,660 So at this low and just below it, I teach my students we aim for that. I don't look at that as it's going to come down here and bounce. I don't ever look at it
184 00:35:30,660 --> 00:35:40,950 like that. I look at price like, who went long here? I don't, I don't know, you don't know, we don't care, somebody went long the market went higher. So below
185 00:35:40,950 --> 00:35:51,840 that low classical technical analysis is going to do what? Preach that you have to put your stop loss rate at that low or just below, right. So what kind of
186 00:35:51,840 --> 00:36:02,850 stops is going to be there? A Sell Stop. Which is why I teach that that is sell side liquidity.
187 00:36:13,260 --> 00:36:26,370 Price rallies up, it breaks down what just happened right here, right below this low. It shifts market where bullish or bearish, bearish. So what we do is we
188 00:36:26,370 --> 00:36:38,490 look inside this price leg here. And we look for any inefficiency. So once this leg here has been broken on that candle, that one right there, that's where you
189 00:36:38,490 --> 00:36:49,230 enter with the expectation of finding the setup that I taught in the 2022 model. This is exactly what you would expect to see. Now why is that, because you're
190 00:36:49,230 --> 00:36:53,670 seeing number one by side taken, see these relative equal highs over here
191 00:36:59,040 --> 00:37:08,250 above this area, anywhere in your price, anywhere in your chart, I don't care what market you trade, it doesn't matter. It's this is like a constant thing
192 00:37:08,250 --> 00:37:16,200 that repeats over and over and over again, watch this volume imbalance in here, by the way, because it could see that and drop down and deliver. But by side
193 00:37:16,200 --> 00:37:25,230 liquidity here above old highs when the markets dropping.
194 00:37:30,390 --> 00:37:38,760 like it does here. If anyone wants short there, where would they place their stop, theoretically to protect themselves, the books teach us what put your stop
195 00:37:38,760 --> 00:37:49,980 loss at the high or just above it. So the market drops down rallies from here. And all of this area here that's absorbing and engaging all the by side
196 00:37:49,980 --> 00:37:58,800 liquidity or by stops, that will be resting above these relative equal highs. So that's that's what's occurring here. So what I teach my students and how I
197 00:37:58,800 --> 00:38:08,640 internalize price, when I see that I'm expecting price to do what show a willingness to want to go lower. Because it went up here for real orders, I
198 00:38:08,640 --> 00:38:19,140 don't need level two, you don't need level two, you don't need depth of market to see that it's, it's plain. Wherever there are smooth edges, like these
199 00:38:19,140 --> 00:38:28,890 relatively equal highs like this, the market, it's uncanny how it will go up there and make those smooth edges jagged. So it's all nice and smooth here like
200 00:38:28,890 --> 00:38:39,990 a like a perfect ceiling, right. And then all of a sudden, he says smash running up, spend some time up here, and then breaks lower. This moment right here, when
201 00:38:39,990 --> 00:38:53,190 it takes up these lows in that candle. That is the market model that I gave you for 2022 Doesn't mean you get in it means now you look at this price leg here,
202 00:38:53,550 --> 00:39:04,800 go back through this price lay because this is the displacement price late, this low has been taken out right there. So inside this entire run lower, you want to
203 00:39:05,910 --> 00:39:17,430 look at where there is an inefficiency or fair value gap. That fair value gap is your entry point. You just don't chase it just because it went down below here.
204 00:39:17,850 --> 00:39:26,820 Many times I see a lot of YouTubers, their breakout traders, you know, they might make money. But I promise if you spend a little bit of time I'm gonna
205 00:39:26,820 --> 00:39:36,510 teach you this year, you will enter shorts when the markets going up. And it seems scary. It seems like I don't want to do that. That's terrifying. How do
206 00:39:36,510 --> 00:39:43,950 you know? Well, number one, you know because you practice it. You do it over and over and over again. And by doing it over and over and over again, it
207 00:39:43,950 --> 00:39:52,230 desensitizes you to because in the beginning, you want to be correct. That's that's really you didn't get into this business to be right. Because if you
208 00:39:52,230 --> 00:40:00,360 wanted to be right, you would play board games and play chess. Okay, those types of things. I was right about these moves and these outcomes and that will As the
209 00:40:00,420 --> 00:40:11,250 reward for it in the markets, you want to be profitable, and control and manage risk. You don't want to do anything but that that's the number one factor for
210 00:40:11,280 --> 00:40:21,180 while you're doing something. But in the beginning that, that lower into the marketplace while you're doing it changes and morphs into, I want to be right, I
211 00:40:21,180 --> 00:40:41,220 don't want to be wrong, because ego pride, just I guess the inability to embrace uncertainty creates fear. And somehow, we, as humans, encapsulate that one
212 00:40:41,220 --> 00:40:55,560 transaction at one idea that in many ways is insignificant. One trade is insignificant. But in the beginning, you make that singular trade, or a singular
213 00:40:55,560 --> 00:41:08,670 trade. Paramount, like it's the only thing that defines you as a profitable trader. And that is, unfortunately, something that is normal. It happens to
214 00:41:08,670 --> 00:41:15,750 everyone. I went through it, everyone else that's still trading profitably. Now, how long have you been doing it? They can sit there and and they're nodding
215 00:41:15,750 --> 00:41:24,150 their head right now listening to me. And yes, that's that's happens, everybody goes through that. The problem is, you want it to be black and white, perfect,
216 00:41:24,150 --> 00:41:33,090 you know, when it only works. And you know, when it doesn't work. So therefore, you're thinking that there's a way for me, and you and everyone else out there
217 00:41:33,330 --> 00:41:44,730 to never take the losing trade. And that doesn't exist, that does not exist. So you have to look at the probabilities of something repeating that we can look
218 00:41:44,730 --> 00:41:55,500 back in time and say, okay, it usually does this, it usually does that. And therefore, I've seen 100 sample sizes of this particular thing happening under
219 00:41:55,500 --> 00:42:08,010 these circumstances, you know, the things that lead up to it. And what does that mean? Well, as I mentioned, we had relatively equal highs, the market runs up in
220 00:42:08,010 --> 00:42:17,670 here, we don't do anything we're waiting, then the market drops. It does. So here, do we do anything with it? No. The market rallies again, what does it do?
221 00:42:17,730 --> 00:42:28,770 It runs above the rejection block in here. It's in my YouTube channel. And then there's a displacement lower. So this willingness to break sharply below a swing
222 00:42:28,770 --> 00:42:44,460 low after after taking by side, this is how you frame high probability. high probability for short means some measure of by side has been taken. We see that
223 00:42:44,460 --> 00:42:56,730 here, then you wait for what displacement, that means in plain terms, you want to see the market drop sharply lower and take out a specific low. Here's a short
224 00:42:56,730 --> 00:43:06,750 term low, it trades through here. Once we have that, then we can go back through all this price line here and look for inefficiencies. That means a specific fair
225 00:43:06,750 --> 00:43:18,990 value gap. Now, once you have that price leg identified, you want to go through all your timeframes 54321. Right now I'm showing you on a five minute chart. So
226 00:43:19,380 --> 00:43:22,500 we have this price like from high to low.
227 00:43:32,610 --> 00:43:45,660 High to low. This is the low that was shown as a break in market structure and that pretty uncertain, say that way, a shift in market structure. So anything at
228 00:43:45,660 --> 00:43:58,920 this level or higher. We want to look at that as a potential what Vega now, this is the part that being mentored versus just watching one of my videos or listen
229 00:43:58,920 --> 00:44:07,110 to someone else, try to take a series of lectures, or a video of mine that may be an hour or so long, and they try to condense it to a five minute train and
230 00:44:07,110 --> 00:44:13,500 learn ICT stuff in five minutes. You're never going to learn what I'm about to show you in this five minute trainer versions. Okay, I understand everybody
231 00:44:13,500 --> 00:44:19,560 wants to get clicks on their videos and such but if you want to learn you get there's a way of doing it correctly. And there's a way of just looking at
232 00:44:19,560 --> 00:44:26,700 cliffnotes it didn't work for you in school when each study the cliffnotes and you didn't get a high score. You have to read the book, right? Okay, so here's
233 00:44:26,700 --> 00:44:36,390 what it is inside this run from the midpoint of this lake higher and lower. Okay, that's the that's the price like that. We're looking at why this price leg
234 00:44:36,390 --> 00:44:45,810 because it took out this short term low on that candle. It's a shift in market structure bearish lower prices are expected. We do not look at any rally up as a
235 00:44:45,810 --> 00:44:54,630 sustainable run. Why because stops have already been taken above this high here. Then there's a shift in market structure below that low. That means that any
236 00:44:54,630 --> 00:45:06,090 rally prior some starting up prior for after, you know establishing the The point here, once it goes above that, in my mind, I'm thinking we're only going
237 00:45:06,120 --> 00:45:19,560 up to go down. So algorithmically, the market will pre print and produce a premium market. A premium market is where you want to sell your long positions
238 00:45:19,560 --> 00:45:32,220 and as partials or enter your short positions, when the markets rallying, that's where you want to short. You don't want to sell in down candles, that's chasing
239 00:45:32,220 --> 00:45:42,060 price. When you see me doing my partials are not my position. When I'm pyramiding into a position. I'm selling short in the UP candle. And then I'm
240 00:45:42,060 --> 00:45:51,870 adding more as the candles are going up into that move. I'm not fearful that when I first started, I was absolutely afraid of that. I was scared. I was
241 00:45:51,870 --> 00:46:02,100 afraid what I was buying was a rocket. And I didn't want to get stung or to get I didn't want to hurt. More specifically, I didn't want to be wrong, I didn't
242 00:46:02,100 --> 00:46:12,450 care about the money. I didn't want to be wrong, I want to be right. And being right is not essential to profitability. It sounds like it's a it's an
243 00:46:12,450 --> 00:46:23,970 impossibility. Because you can be you can be right and lose money. You can be wrong and make money. So you have to do many times what seems like is the most
244 00:46:26,490 --> 00:46:36,660 proper way of doing it, most intuitive thing isn't this, this time, not the correct thing to do and trading. When the markets been going down. Everybody
245 00:46:36,660 --> 00:46:46,470 thinks what well is going down. So let me get short. They chase it. And I was a victim of that when I first started. So that's the reason why I teach the pdra
246 00:46:46,470 --> 00:46:55,350 matrix that way you can frame a price leg as we're doing here, the high to that low. Why am I specifically aiming for this price? Like why am I only looking at
247 00:46:55,350 --> 00:47:03,000 this one? And why am I looking at this one, because this one here didn't do any kind of a short term price run where it created a swing low like this one does
248 00:47:03,000 --> 00:47:14,640 here. It rallies up and then overlaps that entire run and breaks it there on that candle. Once that occurs. As soon as that happens. I'm waiting for price to
249 00:47:14,640 --> 00:47:23,910 make a turn and start going back up. Well, what happens here ICT didn't go above the equilibrium price went here? No, because this level isn't the equilibrium
250 00:47:24,240 --> 00:47:37,740 until this low. So if we're looking at this here did that? Did that trade meaningfully above the 50%? Level? No. Even if it poked its head above that, did
251 00:47:37,740 --> 00:47:52,500 it trade to a fair Baghdad that will be inside that price? Like from here to here? Now, so look closer, you have this price run down, we're waiting for price
252 00:47:52,500 --> 00:48:03,240 to go back above equilibrium, which is the 50% level on your fib. That's There's no mystery to it. Okay? This is this is the only benefit of having a Fibonacci
253 00:48:03,240 --> 00:48:10,770 in my mind that in how I use it for targeting. And I'll show you that stuff. And you've probably seen many times I've been doing it in my live executions and
254 00:48:11,130 --> 00:48:21,300 manage the position and trailing stop looking for targets to be hit and such. But this run above equilibrium within this price leg here that sets the stage.
255 00:48:21,420 --> 00:48:24,570 Okay, now we are in a premium market meaning
256 00:48:32,610 --> 00:48:47,940 this range is premium. It's in other words, overbought, I don't need an indicator, you don't need an indicator to derive that. From this point here to
257 00:48:47,940 --> 00:49:02,340 hear this discount as soon as we leave. And again, this is again, not in the folks that try to teach my stuff. They don't know what they're doing. And I'm
258 00:49:02,340 --> 00:49:10,350 asking you, please stop trying to teach my stuff because you don't know what you're doing. You're not covering things that are most salient, and you're
259 00:49:10,620 --> 00:49:19,050 oblivious to the things that are necessary for certain things to be really in the marketplace. This discount
260 00:49:25,440 --> 00:49:40,860 Okay, in the red shaded area, above this level here, that's a premium above it or at that level. They're your ideal shorts. As soon as you cross the midpoint
261 00:49:42,270 --> 00:49:45,960 of the discount level here. Once we get through that
262 00:50:09,059 --> 00:50:21,509 The Bible is pretty good. Once you get through that they're the highest form of profitable shorts, the highest probability short entries. They have now been
263 00:50:21,509 --> 00:50:34,589 exhausted. The only thing you want to be focusing on now is taking partials and trailing your stop. Yes, that's a diamond. You just simply can't just take every
264 00:50:34,589 --> 00:50:43,979 single trade and enter and enter and enter, enter. When do I stop taking partials for permitting? Something like this. Now, I'll build pyramid ng entries
265 00:50:44,009 --> 00:50:56,609 all in this until we get through here. And then I stopped taking pyramid entries. Go back and look at my examples. You'll see that's true. So when I want
266 00:50:56,609 --> 00:51:07,409 to learn how to pyramid and build my positions large, I learned it incorrectly from Ken Roberts Raghava book, the world's most powerful money manual, of
267 00:51:07,409 --> 00:51:17,999 course. So long title for something that was useless like toilet paper. But I guess toilet paper is useful. But use toilet paper, I suppose that the the idea
268 00:51:17,999 --> 00:51:30,359 of looking for the best entry points, the highest probability, and how the market will respect those levels more so than others. See, once we leave the
269 00:51:30,359 --> 00:51:42,509 midpoint of that discount range of this price run here to here. And we're in the lower portion of it, we're entering that expansion phase, that expansion phase
270 00:51:42,509 --> 00:51:55,319 is likely to not offer very many if at all, new high probability pyramid entries to to add to a position. So there's a threshold at which I will no longer add to
271 00:51:55,319 --> 00:52:05,399 new existing positions. But while I'm on that premium area, within that price leg within the market structure I'm looking for, as I just outlined here, and
272 00:52:05,399 --> 00:52:16,319 again, you're gonna want to watch this portion of the video several times. It gives you the highest degree of probability for delivery from your entry to your
273 00:52:16,319 --> 00:52:26,309 targets. And you don't want to chase the move and build in more position, once it breaks through the threshold that is outlined here. Because to do so number
274 00:52:26,309 --> 00:52:35,039 one, you're going to be worrying about trying to put on an opposition versus taking off some as it moves in your favor. It's crucial in the beginning for you
275 00:52:35,039 --> 00:52:41,549 to do those types of things. Now, for someone that's seasoned, they've been around for a long time, you know what you're doing, you know how to profit, you
276 00:52:41,549 --> 00:52:49,709 know, targets, your targets are not unrealistic. And you can go to full terminus, that means your full target, where you aimed for when you first got on
277 00:52:49,709 --> 00:52:56,639 the trade in the beginning, and this is who I'm talking to right now, when I'm doing these live streams, and I'm talking to you, the students that are here
278 00:52:56,639 --> 00:53:04,439 listening, I'm not talking to the guy that's been doing it for five years, and he's funded and he's got new profitability, you can glean what you want to glean
279 00:53:04,439 --> 00:53:12,869 from what I'm teaching. But it's the folks that are brand new, they have no idea where to go, they have no idea what to do with this information, how to use it,
280 00:53:12,869 --> 00:53:22,679 how to frame the logic, what roles do you follow? What do I do, what do I don't do, that's what I'm trying to accomplish with these lectures and obviously with
281 00:53:22,679 --> 00:53:34,499 the live streams so once the market starts to draw back up into this premium area, we have to go through our timeframes and look for fair Vega So right away
282 00:53:34,499 --> 00:53:48,119 we have this low to high let's go back in with the Fed. So we have to go into a fair value gap that or above equilibrium. So from this point on up, we can look
283 00:53:48,119 --> 00:54:01,409 for what a fair value is this a fair value gap? Yes. What if you sold short there? Would it be profitable? Yes. Where would you stop need to be here it
284 00:54:01,409 --> 00:54:09,329 needs to be at the high. That's a lot. That's a lot of that's a lot of range. But I don't want to have a stop loss like that. Okay, that you're gonna have to
285 00:54:09,329 --> 00:54:25,979 be more selective with your entries then now look closer, inside this price like here. This is why I'm not supplying to me and also what is this? What's that?
286 00:54:27,089 --> 00:54:39,899 What's the separation between this candles close and this candles opening? Volume imbalance. The volume imbalance has no body between too close and or
287 00:54:39,899 --> 00:54:51,719 opening prices. So it can be a volume imbalance between a higher close and a lower opening. Or it could be a difference between a close with a higher
288 00:54:51,719 --> 00:55:03,659 opening. That's the difference between the two potential volume and balances. The wicks overlap see how have small little wicker here. Let me see if I can I
289 00:55:03,659 --> 00:55:17,729 can do that here. I know there's probably a shortcut to do this. And you guys are saying if you would just do this ICT there's a small little wick here, and a
290 00:55:17,729 --> 00:55:26,369 small little wick right here. Whenever I'm looking at price, I'm looking for those types of things. Because that's a signature. That's a little that's a
291 00:55:26,369 --> 00:55:33,059 little glitch in the Matrix. Think of it like that. So if you take that
292 00:55:39,000 --> 00:55:49,980 draw it through, because we cut through candles, Sam, we're not supplying to man around here. If you cut through all this drop, as it's retracing back up, what's
293 00:55:49,980 --> 00:55:59,520 it reaching for? It is reaching for an imbalance in here. Yes, there's one here with this candle. There's one here between this candles low and this candles
294 00:55:59,520 --> 00:56:11,430 high. And then we have one here to here specifically with that candle. Which one is better? Yes, you can enter here and have a stoploss up here. But look closer,
295 00:56:12,030 --> 00:56:24,570 in this delivery higher when it ran higher. What is this last up close candle anyway? It's a bearish order block. Why is it a bearish order block? Because it
296 00:56:24,570 --> 00:56:42,420 has a fair value gap. opening price on this candle is what? You're gonna look right here. The opening price on this candle is 41 30.00. Okay, what's the high
297 00:56:42,420 --> 00:56:56,730 on this candle here? You're looking right here. The high of that candle is 41, three 0.00. You cannot improve on perfection. That's algorithmic. What's the
298 00:56:56,730 --> 00:57:12,900 high on the next candle here? 41 30.00. Again, not one tick off, not one tick over not want to short. So if you had a series of fair value gaps, which one do
299 00:57:12,900 --> 00:57:27,300 you look to trade to or use your entry app, look for the bearish order block, look for a volume imbalance or a fair value gap on the other side of the drop.
300 00:57:27,690 --> 00:57:40,050 You extend it through again we cut through candles, you can't. I'm trying to not trying to be so dogmatic in livestreams. And I'm trying to control myself
301 00:57:40,050 --> 00:57:48,270 because I will literally go into a Twitter rant and just not be as productive as I'm trying to be. There are certain things you have to look for. And I can't
302 00:57:48,270 --> 00:57:57,750 teach you every possible scenario that's available in the future, because it's better to see it live explaining it a lot, then you're looking at this thing.
303 00:57:57,750 --> 00:58:06,960 Well, that's not it's not live, it's already happened. I understand that. But I'm showing you the logic that one would use to get to the delivery on this
304 00:58:06,960 --> 00:58:22,920 setup, which is exactly out of the 2022 model that was shown to you last year. So with that volume of balance, and the fact that it's above equilibrium on that
305 00:58:22,920 --> 00:58:33,600 price leg right here. So the first one you come to you, you could go short there and your risk would be that high trading this one with the volume imbalance and
306 00:58:33,600 --> 00:58:42,030 the fair value gap. And now watch what's the half of this up close candle remember that was what's the half of an order block. It's not consequent
307 00:58:42,030 --> 00:58:53,730 encouragement, consummate encouragement is any inefficiency. The fear of a gap is unbalanced inefficiency. Those are constant encouragement midpoints. A candle
308 00:58:53,760 --> 00:59:10,320 a range a specific candle that's been delivered in price, the midpoint of that is mean threshold LOW to HIGH is 4131 and a half. So if you were taking this
309 00:59:10,320 --> 00:59:22,290 fair value gap joining it with the volume imbalance and it's a bearish order block price should not do what it should not treat above the midpoint of that up
310 00:59:22,290 --> 00:59:35,130 close candle. So your stock could be at 4132 4132 So I mean do you have a to handle or two points stop loss entering within this volume and balance within
311 00:59:35,130 --> 00:59:36,240 this fair value gap
312 00:59:46,739 --> 00:59:57,779 and as some of your new had no idea that this stuff is repeating like this and I walked you through an example something like this in the stock indices last
313 00:59:57,779 --> 01:00:07,889 week, I said you know, I want to use a fair bit He go for a resistance level. And it stopped dead in his tracks just like this, the that here, and I executed
314 01:00:07,889 --> 01:00:17,609 on it, showed it to you. So it's not cherry picking. It's not you looking at hindsight only you have to study hindsight. Every trader is making money right
315 01:00:17,609 --> 01:00:27,179 now that's profitable. They learned by studying hindsight, you have to understand what the concept looks like you have to identify it. And that way by
316 01:00:27,179 --> 01:00:37,649 seeing like when you go out and learn how to hunt and track your prey, you spend a lot of time looking at tracks, though this is a bear, this is a elk. This is a
317 01:00:37,679 --> 01:00:48,209 deer. And that's the only way you can identify what it looks like because you have to see it in the history, where has it been shown before. But once you
318 01:00:48,209 --> 01:01:01,049 understand the basics of the pattern, the setups, the primary framework, then it must be studied on real time data. And it doesn't mean studying by pushing a
319 01:01:01,049 --> 01:01:10,829 demo account or studying with a live account, you do not learn anything correctly. By doing that there's a step in between that everybody skips over
320 01:01:10,829 --> 01:01:21,659 because they're in a hurry to be profitable. Versus I want to take my time and be systematic. I want to know that I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing, and
321 01:01:21,659 --> 01:01:29,729 avoiding the things and not being influenced emotionally, psychologically, because of the money. Because as soon as you put a trade on, you're worrying
322 01:01:29,729 --> 01:01:46,259 about the p&l that trade. You're not worrying about the price action, your mind shifts from managing the risk and managing the trade. Versus now I hope I don't
323 01:01:46,259 --> 01:01:53,429 lose is this thing going to turn around and go after my stop. And it may not even be close to your stuff. But most of the time it will be because you're in a
324 01:01:53,429 --> 01:02:04,169 hurry to do what jam your stop loss up. And that's not what a profitable trader does. Profitable traders aren't in a hurry to race, their stop loss to break
325 01:02:04,169 --> 01:02:13,019 even they're not they're not concerned about that. Why because they've been here before. They know that even if this trade fails, it's not going to end their
326 01:02:13,019 --> 01:02:21,959 career, it doesn't undo the the efficacy of their model or their approach to trading. It just means that that was one human transaction that they made. They
327 01:02:21,959 --> 01:02:31,199 placed risk behind it and it was wrong. And it didn't deliver a favorable outcome. But you can still learn from that. And it doesn't unsettle you, as a
328 01:02:31,229 --> 01:02:39,479 profitable trader, that you don't you don't say I'm going to change what I'm doing. I'm gonna change my approach to trading because I had a losing trade. Now
329 01:02:39,479 --> 01:02:46,679 in the beginning, that's exactly what you're going to want to do. So did you try to learn from me or learn from someone else, and you suffer a losing trade, the
330 01:02:46,679 --> 01:02:56,129 first thing you're thinking is, okay, this doesn't work, let me do something else. And I did that I did that for years. And I had a winning model. But I kept
331 01:02:56,129 --> 01:03:08,339 tinkering around with it until I realized I was holding myself back. So that's how we go through the process of looking for the right fair value gap. Now if
332 01:03:08,339 --> 01:03:18,299 there's no volume of balance, or if there's no fair value gap here on the other side of the displacement leg, then I'll use the first fair value gap above the
333 01:03:18,299 --> 01:03:31,739 equilibrium. And then there it is. Now another version of this would be using this. And I usually do this, if I'm going to be building a large position. Like
334 01:03:31,739 --> 01:03:40,739 if I know I'm going to be building a large pyramid position, I'll use this run up where it takes right before it drops down and takes a shift in market
335 01:03:40,739 --> 01:03:53,039 structure. So this is the displacement leg. Okay, this leg here, you split that in half, you use any fair value got, I'm sorry, fair value get at this level as
336 01:03:53,039 --> 01:04:01,049 yourself. So I looked at it we just talked about there. Let me finish this thought here. And and I'm talking about this well in advance, I mentioned this,
337 01:04:01,049 --> 01:04:10,919 like here to here, if we had no volume imbalance if that wasn't there, I would take this love to that high that equilibrium there. Drag that through, this
338 01:04:10,919 --> 01:04:18,809 would be the fear that I get at that moment. So then I would be doing this again, this is assuming that there's no volume and balance. My entry would be
339 01:04:18,809 --> 01:04:29,039 here and framed on this fair pay gap there. Show me how to pick the right fair value got. I just did. Did you write it down? Did you record it and you're
340 01:04:29,039 --> 01:04:41,579 involved in the journal it? No, you you're watching it like Netflix and you're gonna never learn. So there's the there's the logic. Okay, and here's the sell
341 01:04:41,579 --> 01:04:47,639 side. Now let me take your attention right back down into here because I told you watch this volume and balance. You know when there's cherry picking events.
342 01:04:49,409 --> 01:05:04,829 If you ever hear the separation between the candles close, and the candles opening, you want to get real get used to doing that in your charts. When you
343 01:05:04,829 --> 01:05:17,699 see that your eyes gonna jump to it. Do you see it here? See that right there? That's a volume imbalance. That's a glitch in the matrix. Okay? They're coded.
344 01:05:17,939 --> 01:05:39,839 They're there for a reason. Right there. See it? Just like it was here. And there's one here. There's one right there. So when I look at price, my eyes jump
345 01:05:39,839 --> 01:05:53,099 to fair value gaps, swing highs and swing lows, volume and balances. That's, that's just where my eye goes. Okay. Here, think about what I was talking about
346 01:05:53,099 --> 01:06:04,439 before we dropped down into the sell side. I said, Watch this when it was trading up into here. So watch this volume imbalance from this point here to
347 01:06:04,439 --> 01:06:07,049 that low, what is that?
348 01:06:12,210 --> 01:06:24,150 It's a PD array. It's an area where you expect price to React, React, how I framed all this here. But before I went on to this business up here, I said,
349 01:06:24,540 --> 01:06:32,850 Watch that low. I believe we're going down below that. Now, I already know some of the sceptics. I mean, skeptics in the audience are sitting here thinking, Oh,
350 01:06:32,850 --> 01:06:43,950 no big deal. You know, it was this big run, I have hundreds of trades where I'm doing 100 handles or more, you can use the same logic to do those trades to I am
351 01:06:43,950 --> 01:06:54,780 teaching you this year how to do a five handle run as a starting point. That is not to say that your entire career must only be on the basis of a five handle
352 01:06:54,780 --> 01:07:05,190 price. It's to get someone that has never traded a low hanging fruit objective. And I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Because if anybody in here
353 01:07:05,190 --> 01:07:14,730 is an educator or teacher, they have a first threshold objective, something that they teach their students to aim for, I'm just electing to, say, five handles in
354 01:07:14,730 --> 01:07:23,370 the s&p market. When you're paper trading, and you're demonstrating and your tape reading, if you're looking for that, number one, if that's all you ever get
355 01:07:23,400 --> 01:07:36,210 to be consistent with, that's enough, it's absolutely enough. You can take that same little cookie cutter approach of five handles and put money manage behind
356 01:07:36,210 --> 01:07:48,360 that money management behind something that is defective, could produce many, many five handle moves over and over and over again. And it compounds and use
357 01:07:48,360 --> 01:08:02,520 the power of compound interest to do the heavy lifting through money management, you're not risking more, you would be a guest risking more comparatively from
358 01:08:02,520 --> 01:08:10,620 where you first started as as your equity base when you first start trading versus five years in the trading. Your risk isn't any larger percentage wise.
359 01:08:11,130 --> 01:08:23,460 It's a fixed rate of percentage risk. That increases monetarily, but never percentage wise. So the heavy lifting is done by money management, not the
360 01:08:23,460 --> 01:08:35,610 bigger positions coming in, I can do that. I can do heavy handed trades. But a learning student first introduction to trading first introduction to what I'm
361 01:08:35,610 --> 01:08:47,190 trying to teach. It would not be efficient for me as a mentor to try to waste my time trying to build you up to try to do these big heavy handed trades and
362 01:08:47,190 --> 01:08:55,080 beginning when you don't even know how to read price. So the way you learn how to read price and you feel rewarded, because it's more frequently you'll see a
363 01:08:55,080 --> 01:09:09,000 five handle move than 100 Handelman there's many five handle runs intraday. versus how many one hand 100 handle runs is happening intraday in one sustain
364 01:09:09,000 --> 01:09:18,900 run, it's not happening often right? So by framing the logic like this, this is where the stops are what kind of stop there sell stop. So that makes it sell
365 01:09:18,900 --> 01:09:28,320 side liquidity, the markets going down up here. So where would it go down to here? Why? Because smart money and the algorithms that are in the marketplace.
366 01:09:28,710 --> 01:09:39,600 They engage these levels here. So what's above that buy side liquidity in short, it's what buy stops. So what happens is the buy stocks get tripped in here.
367 01:09:41,340 --> 01:09:53,730 Smart Money traders like myself and who I'm teaching my students to be they will accumulate short positions against these buy stops with the expectation that
368 01:09:53,730 --> 01:10:07,170 they will ride price lower. To that to this low Why is it advantageous, because below this low is sellside liquidity for anyone that has been long here and
369 01:10:07,170 --> 01:10:15,660 wrote it up. I'm not saying that there aren't traders up here, trading without a stop loss or trailing their stop loss up tighten had been knocked out. That's
370 01:10:15,660 --> 01:10:25,560 not what I'm saying. algorithmically, the market will remember and refer back to that low. It does not know how many stocks are actually below the low, it
371 01:10:25,560 --> 01:10:34,890 doesn't need to know that. It just needs to reprice at that level, then the people that are in the marketplace, quote, unquote, smart money, the composite
372 01:10:34,890 --> 01:10:49,650 man, they will use that liquidity as a counter to their shorting against the buy stops up here. So basically, it's a game of tag, tag, you're it by stops, or it.
373 01:10:49,890 --> 01:11:03,300 Okay, so now who's next sell side Tag, you're it down here. So in essence, Smart Money, sells to buy stops with the expectation that they're going to run lower
374 01:11:03,300 --> 01:11:16,170 in price, and then buy sell stops. Now you don't learn that in books, you think, buy down here support, sell up here, resistance, and I take my students
375 01:11:16,200 --> 01:11:24,900 understanding about the marketplace and turn it upside down. Because inside the upside down, is the clarity that you're looking for. The frustration is
376 01:11:24,930 --> 01:11:39,900 immediately removed. So now let's go back the volume and bounce I mentioned live food for it actually delivered to you. Inside this area, if if we had already
377 01:11:39,900 --> 01:11:48,720 moved so far away here, I would use as an entry. Why wouldn't you take that as an entry? If you knew and you said it was a volume imbalance cycle? You said
378 01:11:48,720 --> 01:11:56,460 there was a sell side liquidity, you said it was going to likely go down there? Why didn't you take this as a trade? Why wouldn't I take that as a trade because
379 01:11:56,460 --> 01:12:07,830 of what I've outlined up here in reference to the premium and discount range, once we leave, if we're bearish. Once we break through the midpoint of discount,
380 01:12:08,250 --> 01:12:20,700 I cannot take another new entry. You can I'm not, I'm managing now. I'm managing my core position. That's it, it's over. This becomes a point of interest where
381 01:12:20,700 --> 01:12:28,800 I'm gonna see the trade be managed with it, I am not going to put my stop loss below that volume imbalance I'm not going to trail it down here. If I see that
382 01:12:28,890 --> 01:12:38,460 volume imbalance, as I mentioned real time said watch that area. My stock could be above this high. It could be at the middle of this up close candle mean
383 01:12:38,460 --> 01:12:46,470 threshold because it shouldn't go there. Why? Because I'm expecting this volume and bounce this keep price from wanting the rally all that why? Why would I
384 01:12:46,470 --> 01:13:00,780 expect that? You see this opening here. We rally up. We dropped down all this range between from the low and the high. That range has already been delivered
385 01:13:00,780 --> 01:13:13,920 to this low. So 4118. The next candle here we open, we dropped down and we roll right back over top of 4118. So we had one two times between this candles high
386 01:13:13,950 --> 01:13:16,920 in this candles low this entire range
387 01:13:23,010 --> 01:13:35,910 Oh, you're learning today. school is in session of ICT. So inside that range, this is now balanced. Because we've had delivery to the downside. We came off of
388 01:13:35,910 --> 01:13:48,540 it. We went down through it again. And then we left what a volume imbalance. So it's highly, highly unlikely that the market's going to do what think. What do
389 01:13:48,540 --> 01:13:52,800 you see in here? I've been reading I've been recently teaching a lot about it
390 01:13:58,410 --> 01:14:12,450 that low to that high? What's that price? That's consequent encroachment. Wait a minute. You said that's for gaps and fair value gaps? Yes. A wick is a gap to
391 01:14:12,600 --> 01:14:21,870 algorithm, they view a wick as a gap. The point of that is consequent crushing, what price is that? 4119 and a quarter so my stop would have to be above that.
392 01:14:23,460 --> 01:14:36,060 Trusting that it would not go above that. That stop management. That's how you understand what you're looking for. And we got about 11 minutes almost for the
393 01:14:36,060 --> 01:14:46,680 market opens up. So in this area here that volume and bounce will simply just be a measure of me managing a position that's open until we get down to here and we
394 01:14:46,680 --> 01:14:59,100 can take partials okay. Just want to have a second to go back over to the dollar index. Just give me a second please
395 01:15:16,830 --> 01:15:27,630 Okay, yeah, see how we went into this area here? I mentioned that that smaller portion of price went right up into it there. So now this is important because
396 01:15:27,690 --> 01:15:39,570 we have technically fulfilled the repricing of this down close candles. So this city, which is a fair value, gap, sell side imbalance by side inefficiency, it
397 01:15:39,570 --> 01:15:49,470 offered the range on the downside. So to reprice, that is going to be delivered on the upside, which is what we have here. But now, because we've hit that, and
398 01:15:49,470 --> 01:16:01,470 we're going into what the opening in New York 930, we have to demand a whole lot from price action, because it's already delivered enough to cause us to go into
399 01:16:01,500 --> 01:16:12,210 consolidation. We don't know with any great degree of certainty now, if it's going to rally higher, or if it's going to decline lower. So how would I use
400 01:16:12,210 --> 01:16:24,600 that on a day like today? I would probably trade, specifically, the afternoon session. I would let the st money wrestle with the strong money, smart money in
401 01:16:24,600 --> 01:16:33,600 the morning session. It doesn't mean I'm going to turn off the livestream, it just means that I'm not likely to see a setup because of this condition here.
402 01:16:34,290 --> 01:16:48,600 We've arrived at a level I mentioned that would be likely possible, but it doesn't really give us much did offer what weaker. s&p Did we have weaker s&p?
403 01:16:52,830 --> 01:17:04,950 Did you see a signal form? No. Did you see me outline a signature in price this should offer what response and price? The bias is what? On s&p Lower? Where was
404 01:17:04,950 --> 01:17:18,420 it likely to go to from this volume imbalance to this low and underneath it? Why? Because everything I've outlined here? Did it move five handles? From 4118
405 01:17:19,350 --> 01:17:31,650 to 4113? Is that not five handles. You want to screenshot this, you want to save this and in all these open areas in your chart. If your screenshot in mind, you
406 01:17:31,650 --> 01:17:38,520 want to fill this up with things that you've observed what you've heard me say today. Because chances are I'm probably not going to remember everything I said
407 01:17:39,000 --> 01:17:50,340 and add it to the annotations I'm using. Because out. I'll save these charts and log them on my trading View Profile. I don't know how I don't know how to share
408 01:17:50,340 --> 01:17:59,940 them. So I'll have to figure that out later tonight. But I think if you follow me on trading view, you should be able to see anything I publish, I'm assuming I
409 01:17:59,940 --> 01:18:13,980 don't know for certain. So please don't hold me to that. So that's model 2022. Last year's teaching right here in price action and the logic of how to know
410 01:18:14,550 --> 01:18:22,800 that the market is likely to be bearish or bullish. I've walked you through that this morning. How do you get a bias How do you look for risk on risk off real
411 01:18:22,800 --> 01:18:32,970 quick in your notes risk one is when the dollar is dropping are likely to go lower. That means that you have foreign currency likely to go higher. In that
412 01:18:32,970 --> 01:18:43,440 instance, you have stocks that are likely to go higher and an index futures are likely to go higher. If you have risk on I just got confused here. Let me say it
413 01:18:43,440 --> 01:18:58,680 again without all the mumbo jumbo dollar lower allows s&p and forex to go higher. Dollar higher puts pressure on s&p stocks, index futures and forex and
414 01:18:58,680 --> 01:19:09,090 it's likely to see them go lower. So it's like a teeter totter if dollars up, are going up or likely to go up. That means it's risk off all other assets are
415 01:19:09,090 --> 01:19:20,490 likely to go lower or have difficulty going higher. If dollars going lower that means it's going to be easy for buy signals in s&p and in futures and or Forex
416 01:19:20,550 --> 01:19:41,220 to go higher. So if we look at the senior chart if we look at the Euro real quick remember we were digging down deeper into that if we look at the five
417 01:19:41,220 --> 01:19:42,270 minute chart on Euro
418 01:19:50,310 --> 01:20:05,910 Vega softer the cake real quick and then I can hear the guys it's been trading for a while. Dude honor this, I understand you might know there's a lot of
419 01:20:05,910 --> 01:20:18,690 people that are here that don't cables is ugly, we did have software, but there's nothing here I would have traded on. In fact, I probably would have been
420 01:20:18,690 --> 01:20:31,380 stopped out with this room here I would have been, I would have used this right here, I would have went short on that one, and my stop would have been hit
421 01:20:31,380 --> 01:20:49,050 there. So there's some reality for you. And gold real quick. And when I said last week about gold, it's pretty well dropped when
422 01:20:55,050 --> 01:21:07,950 watch this level here on this waterblock. There might be a level of watch, if we break through the middle of this candle here. So you do your own mean threshold
423 01:21:07,950 --> 01:21:20,010 measurement there. If we break through that, on the downside on a closing basis, we're going into this area here with sellside. Otherwise, we might want to drag
424 01:21:20,010 --> 01:21:33,090 up into this down close candle. Because we have a candle high and can low Sibi. So they might want to reach back up into this V Ray gap in act as resistance and
425 01:21:33,090 --> 01:21:44,100 then maybe go softer, especially if we continuously see what dollar going higher, which is why you saw weakness and why the gold market dropped like it
426 01:21:44,100 --> 01:21:50,820 did. It's not surprised when you start looking at it from a macro stance. So whenever we sit down on the weekend, or we go through our analysis in the
427 01:21:50,820 --> 01:21:59,400 morning, I always revisit my macro analysis because it's easy to see something on a lower timeframe chart and think Oh, yes, is that the same thing I saw when
428 01:21:59,400 --> 01:22:11,400 I was 22 as a trader, and I did really well with it. Because you can't do that, you got to take it back to the core macro analysis. And yes, I can trade against
429 01:22:11,490 --> 01:22:20,730 core macro analysis. But in the beginning, you shouldn't be trying to do that. Because it will help frame experience and provide you a means of measuring
430 01:22:20,760 --> 01:22:30,000 progress. Because you're continuously doing the same things and getting progressively better at doing it versus insanity, which is doing the same thing
431 01:22:30,000 --> 01:22:37,860 over and over again, which is jumping from method jumping from model jumping from educator jumping from market to market, different timeframes, different
432 01:22:37,860 --> 01:22:54,090 style of trading, that's insanity. So you have to give yourself a chance really to do well. Alright, so we're a couple minutes away from the open. Now you can
433 01:22:54,090 --> 01:23:02,700 see this, we have a gap here. Would you take that? No. Why? Because we've already moved a lot. And we weren't, we've already tapped into sell side. So
434 01:23:02,730 --> 01:23:11,460 what could happen at the open, we could start to sell off a little bit. Get everybody thinking, Okay, it's been going down, it's going to keep going down.
435 01:23:11,460 --> 01:23:21,690 So they'll dogpiling going short. And then they'll rip it up of this volume and bounce. This here is the only exposed area I see in price with the exception of
436 01:23:21,690 --> 01:23:32,820 this one, why there's no overlap between the candle before this one with this candle in this candle between their respective highs and lows meaning this here
437 01:23:33,450 --> 01:23:44,520 and here, if you take that there. So that is a city, it is a fair value by classification. But specifically it is a assault on a balanced by Southern
438 01:23:44,520 --> 01:23:55,710 efficiency. So within this run from here to here, that is above equilibrium. I'm not stating that this is what's going to happen, folks be mindful that there's
439 01:23:55,710 --> 01:24:01,830 something you're like, okay, and he's telling us as a bike. I'm not saying that at all. I'm answering questions, you're probably seeing this fear vague. What
440 01:24:01,830 --> 01:24:12,270 would you do with it? I would do nothing with it. I would watch. Why, why are we why are we watching price right now? Because it's already fulfilled several
441 01:24:12,270 --> 01:24:23,550 things on dollar. And it's already fulfilled a run on liquidity here ahead of 930. If this would have been trading up here, still, I'd say okay, I'm looking
442 01:24:23,550 --> 01:24:34,170 for a short and I'm going to target that low. But because we already broke down the model that I taught last year has already delivered. So since it's already
443 01:24:34,170 --> 01:24:42,270 delivered without expect reasonably, so you have to be careful. So anything here that we would get from this very, very good. I mentioned we could take that that
444 01:24:42,270 --> 01:24:53,760 low, entice new sellers at the open and then this is electronic trading hours if you go here to regular trading hours. Right now the price is 4113 and a quarter
445 01:24:53,760 --> 01:25:12,900 okay. We go to regular place regular trading hours. The chart looks different, doesn't it? So we're down here in electronic trading. And we have a gap from
446 01:25:12,900 --> 01:25:27,060 yesterday's close to here. So now think about that. We have already tapped into sellside. Here, don't worry, I'll go back into that chart in a second. We've
447 01:25:27,060 --> 01:25:37,620 already traded down here, we hit it, we asked, we do have a fair value gap here. But just because it's a fair value gap doesn't mean it's a tradable entry point.
448 01:25:38,460 --> 01:25:49,080 It's something that we watch, just like this volume imbalance here. Okay, because we're down here at 4113 and a half in electronic trading, the markets
449 01:25:51,180 --> 01:26:00,810 are gonna see the market as a gap lower and st money sees, oh, it's weak, let me get short. Let me sell my stocks. And we're about 30 seconds away from the
450 01:26:00,810 --> 01:26:13,650 opening. So any movement lower, you're gonna chase that when we have a significant gap between where the markets view it from regular trading hours
451 01:26:14,070 --> 01:26:22,050 there, it's more likely that they'll want to trade back up into that range versus I would not want to chase it lower here. So not every fair value gap is
452 01:26:22,050 --> 01:26:40,110 an entry not every imbalance is a reason to get into the trade. Alright markets open I'd like to see it I want to see it take up that loads be honest with you
453 01:26:40,110 --> 01:26:42,990 first, I don't want to see it run from here I'm gonna see it take out that well
454 01:26:58,740 --> 01:27:00,120 man I hope my audio has been working
455 01:27:05,850 --> 01:27:14,100 to get that reaction off the fairway got there it was nice. That you said I didn't say anything except for just study it I don't want to I don't want to do
456 01:27:14,100 --> 01:27:25,500 anything with it yet. Now we've taken out the low if we can rally okay, if we can rally and I don't know for certain we're going to do it yet because it's
457 01:27:25,500 --> 01:27:34,140 only a couple minutes now into the new opening but if we rally above it and find some support here that's what I'm watching and observing to see if we can do
458 01:27:34,140 --> 01:27:42,930 that and then run up into this area here otherwise we could very well just keep on melting lower and then later in the morning going into the afternoon try to
459 01:27:42,930 --> 01:27:45,720 do something out of this outline in that gap from yesterday's trading
460 01:27:58,050 --> 01:28:09,270 okay now if we go back to regular trading hours the this is what everybody's seen the market was here and we get down oh my goodness the markets going lower.
461 01:28:10,170 --> 01:28:28,560 So st money's doing what Selling Selling Selling the mindful this if we do continuously drop 41 06 50 Is is something in my mind is significant because
462 01:28:28,560 --> 01:28:30,060 consequent encroachment of that wick
463 01:28:40,890 --> 01:28:56,610 let me see if I can make a visual aid here. So theoretically what I'm saying is this from the close of yesterday to the open today, this range is likely to be
464 01:28:56,610 --> 01:29:07,020 traded back up into so all this year and where does it take us up into that fair value gap? Which is why I mentioned it earlier
465 01:29:13,740 --> 01:29:28,830 so all this now has been explained why it's important to me why I'm watching it whites and not even worth mentioning. So on the downside, we had the consequent
466 01:29:28,830 --> 01:29:40,230 encroachment on that wick. I would have liked to see a hit that first. But if we rip from here, that's fine. And before you can get to the point where you can
467 01:29:40,260 --> 01:29:49,770 get in and take trades and trust what the logic is that you're trying to trade on. You have to do this part folks. And it feels like it's a waste of time. It
468 01:29:49,770 --> 01:30:00,870 feels like it's monotonous is it's unproductive when it's extremely productive. sitting here watching these candles form around specific times with The day, the
469 01:30:00,870 --> 01:30:10,980 logic behind it, why it should do certain things, why it shouldn't do certain other things is crucial. And you won't be influenced by anybody not that you
470 01:30:10,980 --> 01:30:24,090 should be on social media anyway. But listening to other people, if you have no business, you know, trying to find your own model, or trying to develop your own
471 01:30:24,120 --> 01:30:30,810 approach to dealing or you don't have the discipline to do it, you've known that enough to you would rather follow someone else that knows what they're doing,
472 01:30:31,050 --> 01:30:40,470 then there's nothing wrong with that. But if you're trying to learn how to do this, my opinion is, even if someone's successful, and you're following them,
473 01:30:40,530 --> 01:30:50,130 the only thing you're developing is codependence and I don't like that in people. Like I think independence is much stronger trait and, you know,
474 01:30:50,880 --> 01:31:03,510 depending upon someone else to show you their cards, but there is a market for it, there's a, there's a student base out there that's better suited for that,
475 01:31:03,510 --> 01:31:07,650 because they have no intent, they have no interest in learning how to trade because they knew their own limitations.
476 01:31:21,510 --> 01:31:35,130 So think about what has transpired here from seven o'clock. Okay, from here, down into the sell side. So it delivered a beautiful low resistance liquidity
477 01:31:35,130 --> 01:31:49,050 run, it was in agreement with the dollar index going higher, we had support of like the Euro wanting to go lower. Go want to go lower. So everything with a
478 01:31:49,050 --> 01:31:53,940 risk off scenario. Delivered price, as we see here.
479 01:32:01,770 --> 01:32:14,400 The better this is for your journal. The better morning sessions are if we open up with this framework, assuming, as I've outlined, if it hadn't done the drop,
480 01:32:14,400 --> 01:32:23,730 like say, for instance, trading, like here at 930. And we hadn't taken out that low yet. That is a real obvious easy opening session trade where that's where I
481 01:32:23,730 --> 01:32:35,550 would be doing it. But notice what has already happened at what at 930 right here on this candle, it had already delivered into the sell side. So in my mind,
482 01:32:35,820 --> 01:32:47,700 you know, my experience tells me to sit still, it's already done something. And because it's opening at 930. There's initial volatility, there's uncertainty, we
483 01:32:47,700 --> 01:32:54,690 don't know if it's going to run up into that red area here, I could be completely wrong. If you've just go right on through that 41 06 50 level and
484 01:32:54,690 --> 01:33:05,280 dollar scream higher. That's the uncertainty that's associated with this type of market structure. At the time of the 930 opening after delivery of the model
485 01:33:05,280 --> 01:33:14,580 that I taught you last year, everything has already transpired. So we have to sit and wait demand more information. That is never a bad thing. It's never a
486 01:33:14,580 --> 01:33:22,200 bad thing because trades always repeat themselves. There's more setups that it's gonna work repeating in the future, that you're going to keep yourself from
487 01:33:22,200 --> 01:33:30,990 being able to be a participant off by rushing in in low probability uncertain times because you're here in front of charts. So therefore you must take a
488 01:33:30,990 --> 01:33:47,460 trade. That's asinine that's that's gambling. What's that 41 06 50 level so here you go. You have an example of me outlining a trade that I would not take which
489 01:33:47,460 --> 01:33:57,060 is trading in a fair value gap. But it offer five handles you might look at that and say that was perfect. That's cherry for me. They meet every one of my
490 01:33:57,060 --> 01:34:04,860 criteria. Don't let me influence I'm just saying because you want to hear me tell you these things. This is what I would do. This is what I wouldn't do. This
491 01:34:04,860 --> 01:34:18,750 is why I wouldn't want to do it. That's mentoring. Now if we get above this fair pay gap now after this in touch support I think we could potentially run up into
492 01:34:18,750 --> 01:34:26,190 here I still would have favored that 41 06 50 hidden first though
493 01:34:33,930 --> 01:34:45,420 have drank two bottles of water so I had to relieve myself I'll be back in a second this watch and see if we get above this gap here if it acts as support.
494 01:34:46,050 --> 01:34:47,430 Watch to see if it delivers there.
495 01:37:35,940 --> 01:37:46,920 Alright, so now we have traded up through the fair value gap, no look to the left. What do we have here? One, two down close candles.
496 01:37:52,860 --> 01:38:03,360 midpoint of that both ranges are potentially a bullish order block, we don't know for certain it is until we displace. So I'm watching the midpoint that
497 01:38:03,360 --> 01:38:12,240 level, I don't want to see price go down back down below that, I would want to see it rally from here and trade up into that level here, not piercing or going
498 01:38:12,240 --> 01:38:14,040 below this level here.
499 01:38:24,150 --> 01:38:31,260 If this was a trading day, like say I wanted to take a trade, I would not use full leverage because it's going against what what's the undertone of the
500 01:38:31,260 --> 01:38:46,230 marketplace? Market is likely to see what higher dollar if it continues. So that's what invitation for risk off. So while the trade might be there, it very
501 01:38:46,260 --> 01:38:59,610 well could deliver and go up into 4121. I can't offer myself the potential of lose for risk. Like the industry says it's 2% it's too high for someone that's
502 01:38:59,610 --> 01:39:10,530 new 2% is too much risk. But whatever your maximum threshold for risk would be, would not be utilized on a trade like this. So like for instance, say, you see
503 01:39:10,530 --> 01:39:26,880 me trade with like 20 contracts, I would do like three because it's engaging price, I'm not opening myself up to larger risk against against the potential
504 01:39:27,150 --> 01:39:39,060 for the dollar index to rally higher which would put pressure on a long entry in forex or an index futures like this. There's a lot of managing and weighing out
505 01:39:39,060 --> 01:39:47,520 that has to be done. It's simply not just give me an order block give me a fair value gap. You have to measure these things out. In the your primary role as a
506 01:39:47,520 --> 01:39:56,250 trader is to preserve capital and manage risk. Because if you don't do those two things, it doesn't matter what pattern you learned, doesn't matter what
507 01:39:56,250 --> 01:40:11,580 structure or approach that you use to trade with you Don't lose. Alright, so the next point of interest we want to see it go through would be the volume and
508 01:40:11,580 --> 01:40:24,840 balance here. Now I would want to see if we can, if we can do it. If it can trade through the volume and bounce, I want to see it do so with speed and no
509 01:40:24,840 --> 01:40:33,210 respect of it. In other words, I want to see it, go through it, and not come back and touch it. Now it can go up to it, start a new candle, touch it and then
510 01:40:33,210 --> 01:40:41,190 expand, that's fine. I'm not looking for a type of run up, stop short of this box, and then come back down, find support and then go up to it. I don't want to
511 01:40:41,190 --> 01:40:49,320 see that. Why would I expect something like that? Why would I want that? Number one, because we have outlined this morning that the dollar index has been
512 01:40:49,320 --> 01:41:00,930 bullish, it continues, it can continue being bullish later in the morning here and completely pressure this from wanting to to go were preventing it to go
513 01:41:00,930 --> 01:41:13,680 higher. So you're trading right now in a what? high resistance liquidity run. It doesn't matter if it goes up here, that I don't want you thinking I was right,
514 01:41:13,710 --> 01:41:23,100 or we were right watching it. That's not what I'm I'm not trying to build that as the argument. What I'm saying is, is look how hard it is for price to want to
515 01:41:23,100 --> 01:41:33,870 get there. Under these present conditions. I'm teaching you high probability trading, but I have to teach you what high resistance liquidity runs look like.
516 01:41:33,870 --> 01:41:42,870 So that way you can avoid trading them or at least once you get into trading you've identified it's what it is, you can pair the risk back and not demand
517 01:41:42,900 --> 01:41:52,860 that it goes to your targets. Because many times in these types of conditions, I might see a potential setup, I might see a target. I've made mine available
518 01:41:52,860 --> 01:42:00,780 here, this is what I think is likely to occur, I'm more prone to be wrong. If you want to think about it in terms of being right or wrong, I'm more prone to
519 01:42:00,780 --> 01:42:12,720 be wrong and not have my trade p&l When it's under these types of conditions. Which is why I teach my students to specifically target times when the markets
520 01:42:12,720 --> 01:42:23,490 likely to go one direction, it's so heavy handed, it's very hard to defend, you know, to not defend to present both sides of the equation. So if you can look at
521 01:42:23,490 --> 01:42:33,450 a trade setup, and you can argue it from both sides of the coin, like I can see a sell here I can see a buy here, in my definition that is a low probability
522 01:42:33,450 --> 01:42:47,040 trade. Versus is so overwhelmingly likely to go this direction because it has all these other factors behind it. That to me is high probability. And I
523 01:42:47,040 --> 01:42:58,530 understand the limitations of the terminology and definition I just gave there for someone new that doesn't do justice. But for someone that has been doing
524 01:42:58,530 --> 01:43:07,230 this for a little bit of time, and maybe not even profitably yet, that made much more sense to that person and maybe even more for those that are profitable. You
525 01:43:07,230 --> 01:43:15,060 know, you know what your setups look like. And that's what I'm saying. But as a new student to the marketplace, you really don't know what your setup is because
526 01:43:15,060 --> 01:43:20,130 you don't even know what you're doing. You're just floundering around watching these candles in China chase the next person that's hot
527 01:43:27,870 --> 01:43:37,680 so in this instance late, I was unaware not that that would happen but say I was unaware that the dollar index has been trading the way it has been. Okay. Say I
528 01:43:37,680 --> 01:43:49,050 got myself into a trade and I discovered that I'm in a high resistance liquidity run. At this moment, I would start doing that typical. I want to see in the next
529 01:43:49,050 --> 01:43:58,170 two or three minutes I want to see some favorable price action. So that means I want to see it start to new trade higher take out the short term high here. At
530 01:43:58,170 --> 01:44:07,530 least touch the volume imbalance. So since we have the markers here on the five minute chart, we're going to start dropping down in our timeframes and you can
531 01:44:07,530 --> 01:44:18,240 see there's really nothing in here so a lot of chop and I'm only telling you what is likely to occur because we've already went down we took out the low we
532 01:44:18,240 --> 01:44:27,720 have a Von imbalance and we have a fair value gap here within within the gap that's established from yesterday's trading to today's opening
533 01:44:34,530 --> 01:44:40,740 for three minutes the courts here now
534 01:44:56,010 --> 01:45:07,560 relatively equal highs. They're very clean. I like to I idea if it can run one more time below that low, hit that 41 06 50, maybe even Pierce 41 06 50. And
535 01:45:07,560 --> 01:45:15,870 then if it rejects that, these levels here I have, I think are much more significant right now, it's still a lot of uncertainty there.
536 01:45:22,710 --> 01:45:34,110 Again, these are the conditions you get once you see the delivery of a objective on setup, again, getting back to that cell site here, because it's done. So
537 01:45:34,110 --> 01:45:46,620 before the 930, opening, this right here, this is exactly what makes the morning chop at the opening. This is what creates that condition all these factors
538 01:45:46,620 --> 01:45:58,050 together. Because it's already delivered, what will be reasonable in terms of a very high probability, low resistance liquidity run signature, it just means in
539 01:45:58,050 --> 01:46:11,880 plain terms, easy language, it would be the easy setup going short has already happened from over here, and it went to Target. So since it's already done, so
540 01:46:12,120 --> 01:46:25,680 before the markets open at 930, that means the markets going to chop around until it can establish more sentiment. Right now, in my opinion, they're trying
541 01:46:25,680 --> 01:46:34,920 to force the narrative that it's going to go lower. And they like to do that with presenting relatively equal highs like this. So that looks like what, oh,
542 01:46:34,920 --> 01:46:43,020 it stopped here, it stopped here and starts to drop down. So that means what this is resistance, right? That's what a retail trader sees. That's what St
543 01:46:43,020 --> 01:46:57,570 money sees what's resting above those highs right now, by side by stops. So ripping above that, and the volume imbalance, how far can it go above that into
544 01:46:57,570 --> 01:47:11,820 this gap here, which now is refined with this candle here. So from this candle here, in here, so we can refine it to this, it's a bit more sensitive. Because
545 01:47:12,060 --> 01:47:20,700 initially, I had it set set on the five minute chart, now we're in a three minute chart. So it is a little bit more refined now. So hopefully, you know,
546 01:47:21,150 --> 01:47:31,740 the point is, you're learning this morning how to anticipate the chop the anticipation of when the market is going to rip higher and build bias. Even in
547 01:47:31,920 --> 01:47:39,630 the presence of a high resistance liquidity run, we had our volume imbalance traded to here. So remember, I said I want to see in the next two or three
548 01:47:39,630 --> 01:47:43,290 minutes, it needs to get into that volume imbalance. So it's met that threshold
549 01:47:53,430 --> 01:48:01,740 this down close candle here. The way I observed that is I don't want to see it go down and close below the midpoint of that it can come down and touch it.
550 01:48:01,740 --> 01:48:08,340 That's fine because it's also the old Vega. But I want to see if it does that it needs to rip higher and aggressively run.
551 01:48:14,970 --> 01:48:24,000 Now think about think about and now some of you in here. I've tried to press the button, I'm sure. And you're flipping out right now. Because you're seeing all
552 01:48:24,000 --> 01:48:30,600 this chopping you're wanting is just that the ICTs got it wrong, just the day is gonna be right. Oh my goodness, you're worrying about the outcome of your trade
553 01:48:30,600 --> 01:48:40,320 that you should have never entered, versus having the peace of mind knowing how to read this and not have any emotional commitment to it whatsoever. The folks
554 01:48:40,320 --> 01:48:46,410 that are not pushing the button are actually learning today. You're learning fear and greed and buyer's remorse.
555 01:48:52,380 --> 01:49:03,810 But imagine if you're in a trade right now, is it showing you a state of delivery that is very comforting. It shouldn't it's choppy. These are market
556 01:49:03,810 --> 01:49:14,400 conditions when you're in them. They feel like you're being strangled. And darkness is about to slip on and envelop you. You can't it's like It's choking
557 01:49:14,400 --> 01:49:24,900 you. And you don't want to be in trades like that. You want to find trades that are very easy to just once you get in them. Not long after entering them. It
558 01:49:24,900 --> 01:49:33,120 starts moving in your favor and it starts delivering quickly and you have big ranges in your favor. That's a low resistance liquidity run signature. That's
559 01:49:33,120 --> 01:49:43,500 what I'm teaching you to find that you have to see what they are not to know when they exist. This is a high resistance liquidity run. It still can deliver.
560 01:49:43,860 --> 01:49:55,800 It absolutely can do it. But it can do so with gray hair or loss of hair. It's very stressful sometimes and it can it feels like it's an eternity and or
561 01:49:55,830 --> 01:50:03,000 completely fail on you and that's that's always a probability with any trade. Really, but it's more likely to feel when you're trading in these kinds of
562 01:50:03,000 --> 01:50:08,490 conditions. I hope I hope I'm communicating that effectively today
563 01:50:19,020 --> 01:50:30,930 so we've taken those smooth relative equal highs out, we traded up into the volume imbalance. And we're back down in here. So, in my mind, watch this fair
564 01:50:30,930 --> 01:50:35,370 value gap now because it might want to act as resistance and tag that 41 06 50 level
565 01:51:00,450 --> 01:51:01,320 tug of war day
566 01:51:06,780 --> 01:51:17,400 these are days, I'm so glad I'm not in it. As a younger man, I would insist there's something to do right here. I just don't know what it is. Let me take a
567 01:51:17,400 --> 01:51:19,740 guess. We get that
568 01:51:30,030 --> 01:51:30,960 Alright, so now
569 01:51:36,000 --> 01:51:39,180 what's the 4121 level
570 01:51:44,340 --> 01:51:52,020 looks like it's respecting a breaker. I mean, it's not the best breaker. Michelle, you have low, lower low.
571 01:52:08,070 --> 01:52:18,420 So I'm watching how price reacts in here. I don't care about the wick. I'm looking at the body. It's really, really hard to read it when it's like this
572 01:52:18,420 --> 01:52:30,150 choppiness. And it's just a really like a, an experience thing. And if I'm right, don't read into as his skill. It's not skill, because it's not something
573 01:52:30,150 --> 01:52:45,390 I'm pushing a button on. But you should be feeling the trouble, the struggle, the difficulty in reading this, which is exactly when you identify it like this,
574 01:52:45,420 --> 01:52:57,600 here's what you do, okay? You close your trade. Right, as soon as you as soon as you discover that you're in these types of environments, close your trade. But I
575 01:52:57,600 --> 01:53:09,750 see I'm under close your trade. Close it, because you're going to end up spending more mental capital than you're going to make in real life profit. Even
576 01:53:09,750 --> 01:53:19,500 if it goes to your target, you're going to spend more time worrying about this trade, when there's so many other very good setups that aren't going to force
577 01:53:19,500 --> 01:53:20,850 you into something like this.
578 01:53:37,980 --> 01:53:50,700 When does the market chop at the open? When it's already delivered? It's move pre market. And that's what you're seeing here. And then becomes a 5050. It
579 01:53:50,700 --> 01:53:59,790 could go up to that red box. Now I'm hoping I'm hoping that it doesn't. Because I want you to see me get it wrong in these contexts in this context in this
580 01:53:59,790 --> 01:54:07,830 condition, because then it'll prove to you why I'm teaching you the way I'm teaching you. If it goes up there, you're gonna think well, he just got it
581 01:54:07,830 --> 01:54:17,490 right. Again, I don't want that actually to occur here. I want to be wrong. I want to be wrong and say, See, this is why that condition is exactly what you
582 01:54:17,490 --> 01:54:24,150 should be fearful of as a trader, this is the thing you should be fearful of falling victim to this insisting on it's going to go where you want it to go.
583 01:54:24,720 --> 01:54:33,840 Versus, okay, this is more work that needs to be. Let me just close it and I'll come back at another time where it's cleaner. What does that mean cleaner? When
584 01:54:33,840 --> 01:54:45,390 price runs very efficiently. It doesn't waste a lot of time. retracements go to specific levels that are predetermined we can see them as visibility to it. And
585 01:54:45,390 --> 01:54:59,760 it's easy draw. Where right now is it more likely to go to is it easier for it to get to 4121 or to get to 41 06 50? It's 5050. Either one of those scenarios I
586 01:54:59,760 --> 01:55:11,130 can make make a case for right now. And whichever one forms two people that side with that they will think that that was skill, and it's not. And that's what I
587 01:55:11,130 --> 01:55:20,100 fell victim to. In the beginning when I was a 20 year old, I was getting lucky and attributed it falsely to skill. Whereas now I'd like to believe I'm a little
588 01:55:20,100 --> 01:55:33,720 bit more versed. I've picked up a whole lot of wisdom through pain. So it's a big difference between me now and as a 20 year old. But when you first start,
589 01:55:33,750 --> 01:55:43,200 you don't have that measuring stick, right? You just have your emotions. And as young men, we'd like to think you were that caveman, we get it right your your
590 01:55:44,130 --> 01:55:46,140 thought on the unconquerable.
591 01:55:55,980 --> 01:56:06,960 This wick right here, here for that sense, it was traded here. And we're looking at the bodies, it's not showing a willingness to give back above that original
592 01:56:06,990 --> 01:56:09,420 five minute Fairbury gap, which is that green box
593 01:56:19,350 --> 01:56:40,770 take a look at this on a one minute chart. How's that make you feel? Yep. 5050 41 06 50, or 4121, who's going to be right? In the beauty is, neither one
594 01:56:41,490 --> 01:56:50,520 is a factor for you as a trader right now, you're completely at peace of mind, knowing that you're not influenced by Oh, but if it moves there, I could catch
595 01:56:50,520 --> 01:57:01,590 that move, there's going to be so many other moves that are cleaner, easier and easier to deliver the transport your entry to target much more efficiently and
596 01:57:01,860 --> 01:57:06,600 faster, really. Whereas this, you know, it could go either way.
597 01:57:11,910 --> 01:57:25,320 This candle we're on right now just went right up to that fear vague get in touch to as resistance as you would expect. Low, low and low. So their suicide
598 01:57:25,350 --> 01:57:32,820 rate below here. If they're gonna go below that they're gonna run into here in a net consequent encroachment wick at 41 06 50. And I have some of you who are new
599 01:57:32,820 --> 01:57:45,420 or thinking myself, There's no way I would know how to do this, you will. It's the same stuff repeating all the time. Everything worth doing takes a little bit
600 01:57:45,420 --> 01:57:53,790 more effort than the average person is willing to do. And you should commend yourself for wanting to do this because this is one of the hardest things in the
601 01:57:53,790 --> 01:57:54,420 world to do.
602 01:58:02,940 --> 01:58:12,300 So now let's this is another thing I like to do. And this is how I've always taught my students as well. Say you're late to get into the charts. Okay, first,
603 01:58:12,540 --> 01:58:24,540 first sitting down, you turn your charts on you overslept. You run to your charts, and this is what you see. What do you feel confident about? It?
604 01:58:24,540 --> 01:58:35,520 Admittedly, I'm thinking 41 06 50, if I'm looking at the chart right now, but I'm not looking at a chart thinking, I gotta get in there. I'm gonna miss
605 01:58:35,520 --> 01:58:51,510 something. Look at this. Does anything in here look like anything I've taught on my YouTube channel? For opportunity? No. So what are you doing? You're gambling.
606 01:58:51,540 --> 01:59:02,310 If you enter into this, there's nothing. It's a 5050 condition. And if you don't understand that, if you can't see that you're going to fall victim to this type
607 01:59:02,310 --> 01:59:09,540 of day. I guarantee you, there's YouTubers out there right now trying to insist that it's going to do one thing or another right now. And I'm not trying to be
608 01:59:09,540 --> 01:59:20,820 argumentative or route to any of them. But because you're in front of other people in a live stream, you're sharing your opinion, guess what? You're going
609 01:59:20,820 --> 01:59:29,190 to force something. And that's why as a new student or a new trader, the worst thing you can do is put yourself out there in front of other people because it's
610 01:59:29,190 --> 01:59:38,640 going to make you impulsive, versus using sound logic, good risk management. And are you really following your model or are you just doing something because you
611 01:59:38,640 --> 01:59:44,550 want to perform to that volume imbalance
612 02:00:10,830 --> 02:00:25,260 Now I'm going to ask you just study this is a very very poor condition to do it in. But see if that volume imbalance acts as resistance as a run to 41 06 50.
613 02:00:43,650 --> 02:00:44,400 Nothing there
614 02:01:01,230 --> 02:01:08,700 for those of you who have been very disciplined this morning, I'm proud of you, and you should be thinking to yourself, I'm glad I didn't do anything today.
615 02:01:34,440 --> 02:01:46,680 So the sellers that were interested in chasing markets lower today at the open, haven't seen much in delivery on the downside. Since we went down below that old
616 02:01:46,680 --> 02:02:00,390 low at 4113, which the level I told you to focus on for sell side, we've had 1234 times where we ran out, short term buy side and we dropped down and only
617 02:02:00,390 --> 02:02:16,440 taken out one with this low two with that low. So it to me looks like we probably rounded out the morning, morning low and we'll likely see that 4121
618 02:02:16,440 --> 02:02:16,680 Then
619 02:02:30,120 --> 02:02:39,660 don't close candle it mean threshold which is half of it, which is real close to the middle of that wick right there.
620 02:02:46,950 --> 02:02:56,220 Devil's Advocate say I was long say I was foolishly trying to push something, I'd want to see it now in the next two candles. And we're in a one minute chart.
621 02:02:56,490 --> 02:03:11,580 Next two or three candles, I want to see it run higher, and reach back up into that Obata liquidity pool here. And say I was in a trade sales in a trade and I
622 02:03:11,580 --> 02:03:21,780 realized I was potentially in a high resistance liquidity run signature. And I'm having difficulty getting to target by having this two to three minute filter.
623 02:03:21,960 --> 02:03:31,590 If it doesn't deliver as I'm expecting, which is this blue line right here. It needs to get above that then I would close the trade and be done regardless of
624 02:03:31,590 --> 02:03:39,540 wherever I was. That's the benefit of having that time filter. Why would I want to do that because I'm going to hold on to something that could potentially turn
625 02:03:39,540 --> 02:03:51,420 worse on me or just stay exactly where it's at doing nothing. So it's important to understand these conditions because you will eventually fall victim to it. So
626 02:03:51,420 --> 02:04:00,150 there's a lot of times where the market looks like it's going to offer beautiful price delivery you know the setups are just easy like it's dangling candy in
627 02:04:00,150 --> 02:04:09,150 front of you. And then once you take it and you pay for it by entering and paying the Commission's and incurring the risk you regret it and then you don't
628 02:04:09,150 --> 02:04:17,310 want to close it out because you fear fully thing that it seems like close trader then is going to run in my favor and then I'll feel stupid. Well more
629 02:04:17,310 --> 02:04:20,400 times than not, you're going to regret having held on to Detroit
630 02:04:35,910 --> 02:04:46,890 so what are we seen so far? every reason to expect choppiness uncertainty came to fruition
631 02:05:08,040 --> 02:05:12,510 Take a look at NASDAQ haven't looked at that this morning I apologize I should have brought it up sooner
632 02:05:19,500 --> 02:05:35,520 the hourly chart over here see this ranger in slightly took a look at Dale
633 02:05:41,070 --> 02:05:41,730 Thank you
634 02:05:49,050 --> 02:05:57,990 Alright, so that would be the end of I would not hold the position. If I had a position on, I will close it and be content with. Okay, it's not doing what I
635 02:05:57,990 --> 02:06:07,860 want to see it do time filter parameter kicked in, it didn't deliver where I wanted to see it deliver at least a minimum. So I would cut bait. So whenever
636 02:06:07,860 --> 02:06:17,670 you hear me for refer to cut bait, either I'm in a position I'm closing it, or I'm no longer interested in pursuing anything for that session. And I'll just
637 02:06:17,670 --> 02:06:25,410 move to sidelines and be flat and do nothing and not worry about even if it does whatever it's going to do. I'm not going to go back and look at the chart and
638 02:06:25,410 --> 02:06:35,490 say, Oh, I wish I would have because experience will teach you if you exist in the longevity is offered to you by doing the right things and avoiding the wrong
639 02:06:35,490 --> 02:06:42,870 things. If you stay in this business long enough, you're gonna see that there are more times that you're going to wish you would have gotten now versus
640 02:06:42,870 --> 02:06:52,620 holding on to it when it's problematic and suggesting otherwise crummy conditions. It's better simply this move to the sidelines. Because if anybody's
641 02:06:52,620 --> 02:07:06,030 looking at this and saying oh yeah, that's one of those XYZ patterns. It always works out. You're you're talking about the other end okay, that's nonsense so
642 02:07:06,030 --> 02:07:14,760 here we have one more piercing of the daily low and again, I really would have liked to see that 41 06 50 level get tagged
643 02:07:25,050 --> 02:07:36,930 we have a breaker now. All Fairbury get right in take us right into that right there
644 02:07:48,240 --> 02:08:02,190 what's the low tech it made a little low two. I was looking at the lows from here seeing if it had failed the Mako.
645 02:08:24,510 --> 02:08:46,470 plotted the NASDAQ comparatively and I'm looking at the lows plotted on NASDAQ. And I'm comparing respectively, the IES lows versus that of the the NASDAQ 41 06
646 02:08:46,470 --> 02:08:47,010 should be hit
647 02:08:57,150 --> 02:09:11,760 for somebody that just got here the 41 06 level is this over here on a five minute chart
648 02:09:17,430 --> 02:09:30,090 that wicker here and I think we just hit it yeah 41 06 50 Hit it as consequent encouragement on that wick and we'll see does it want to offer a return back up
649 02:09:30,090 --> 02:09:37,830 in the gap that has formed again this is we'll make another notation
650 02:09:43,320 --> 02:10:03,600 opening to Friday's close that blue shaded area that's the range we had betrayed up into that. Inside this range is gap tried several times to do it, this move
651 02:10:03,600 --> 02:10:12,840 lower. We've hit consequent crochet 41 06 50. And I believe the better price action will be in the afternoon session
652 02:10:18,119 --> 02:10:28,739 the opportunity still lies with if the market can find a low, set up something as a run in the afternoon up here, I favor that based on all I'm seeing right
653 02:10:28,739 --> 02:10:40,889 now, that's what I favor. Anything can happen between now and over the lunch hour. But I would like to see that as a potential framework for like 130 to four
654 02:10:40,889 --> 02:10:55,979 o'clock session. So we got up essentially about halfway through that gap, isn't that blue shaded area represented by yesterday's day, session close and 930
655 02:10:55,979 --> 02:10:56,729 opening today?
656 02:11:20,760 --> 02:11:30,540 is very hard for me to have this on my chart. And hopefully, I'm not making it harder for you. But this is a lot of lipstick on the chart for me, I just want
657 02:11:30,540 --> 02:11:42,000 you to see the representation of that gap from yesterday's trading to this morning's opening, that range is important. And we see trade up about half of it
658 02:11:42,060 --> 02:11:53,610 here. And we'll take this other stuff off because it's no longer sealed. So just be mindful that that range here that have those levels on your chart.
659 02:12:08,550 --> 02:12:24,810 Yeah, that's gonna be it for me this morning. So not a terribly exciting one, obviously, but you got to see some some elements of price action that we'd like
660 02:12:24,810 --> 02:12:37,230 to see deliver. And then also learning when I sit still, why I sit still, what constitutes a reason for me not to want to do it. And unfortunately, in your,
661 02:12:37,260 --> 02:12:44,490 when you're new, you can't appreciate that type of lesson. Because it feels like you should be pushing a button, you should be showing me the market is going to
662 02:12:44,490 --> 02:12:53,670 move a big move. And if the markets not going to move, it doesn't matter how many things I talk about liking about it, it won't make price go up or down.
663 02:12:54,690 --> 02:13:03,150 It's not going to do like that doesn't work like that. So the market has to be in a position to be predisposed to go higher or lower, with a great deal of
664 02:13:03,180 --> 02:13:14,880 ease. That's very low resistance liquidity runs. And we're not seeing that here. And you can't walk away from this thinking foolishly, there was an unprofitable
665 02:13:14,880 --> 02:13:26,370 study because these are the very things that you're going to chop yourself up, do lots of needless silly trades. chasing the next breakout, thinking this is
666 02:13:26,370 --> 02:13:32,970 gonna be the real run, this is gonna be the real move. This is gonna be thing that I've been waiting for all morning, I get all my losses back. And the only
667 02:13:32,970 --> 02:13:43,620 thing ends up happening is you compound your losses into larger ones. And or blow your account. I'm telling you, this is exactly what it looks like. This is
668 02:13:43,650 --> 02:13:54,060 why it forms this way. And all the things that were outlined here, if the move delivers before 930 expect night or any choppy and trade the afternoon session
669 02:13:54,090 --> 02:14:02,280 done simple. That's why also sometimes you see me entering and doing trades before 930 Why but you said the idea should be we should be trading Yeah, you
670 02:14:02,280 --> 02:14:15,660 should be focusing on 930. And if there's news at 830 focus there too. But if the moves form a setup before that there's nothing saying you can't trade seven
671 02:14:15,660 --> 02:14:26,640 o'clock than nine o'clock in the morning. If the framework is offering it to you, there's your setup. But by doing that know that when 930 comes in the US
672 02:14:26,640 --> 02:14:35,370 equities market opens is usually the opening bell ding ding ding you know, CNBC Hello business makes a big deal that when that occurs, this is what you're
673 02:14:35,370 --> 02:14:45,000 likely to see this type of messiness. And you don't want to look at this and trick yourself into thinking this is opportunity. The it is opportunity, it's an
674 02:14:45,000 --> 02:14:56,610 opportunity for you to hurt yourself. Do reckless trading, turn your account for broker sake, and you lose it or create drawdown this is exactly where it creeps
675 02:14:56,610 --> 02:15:05,880 into your trading. In the beginning, when you listen These 20 year olds that think that they have things figured out, you'll fall victim to that just like I
676 02:15:05,880 --> 02:15:17,040 fell victim to things on America Online back in 1992 and 93. There was always these hucksters out there always trying to tell you something, do this by this.
677 02:15:18,030 --> 02:15:32,280 It was in these instances that they were quiet. They didn't have an answer for it. And people were getting wrecked. You have to know where these types of
678 02:15:32,280 --> 02:15:48,240 conditions will manifest, where will they likely form. And by knowing that, number one, it prevents you, hopefully, from losing control yourself. And over
679 02:15:48,330 --> 02:15:58,710 expecting price delivery on a day like this in these types of conditions. It's easy to see after the fact and say, Oh, I wish I would have known that. It's all
680 02:15:58,710 --> 02:16:09,240 together something different. And it's only guided by experience and no book. No educator, no five minute trainer, nobody's going to teach that lesson to you.
681 02:16:09,630 --> 02:16:20,130 You have to live it. You have to be hurt by it a few times. And say okay, I understand what this is now. It's pretty interesting how 41 06 50 level reacted
682 02:16:20,130 --> 02:16:30,840 in it. I'm giving it time to see if I can get to that breaker. This this candle here if you can get above that function support. I'm going to watch that were on
683 02:16:30,840 --> 02:16:45,450 there ICTs addicted for the last 30 years I've been addicted it's the best drug on the planet. Price
684 02:16:50,520 --> 02:17:05,520 look at the lows right at B 41 06 50 level as a hit that see what the NASDAQ wasn't able to do. It didn't make that lower low. That was the whole point we
685 02:17:05,520 --> 02:17:21,600 bring in about shorting that busy jawboning. So here's where this is where we usually see like a gun to my head. Okay. If I had to do something right now, I
686 02:17:21,600 --> 02:17:30,720 wouldn't want to do anything right now admittedly. But if I had to do something right now, would I be more interested in being short or more interested in being
687 02:17:30,720 --> 02:17:38,700 long? I would be more interested in being long. I'd like to see a trade down to that fair pay gap right there. repriced the here and then into this area here.
688 02:18:33,479 --> 02:18:44,729 Both these hit I've got his headset here and I thought I was doing myself good but I'm not sure why this died I have no way the battery died that quick. So I'm
689 02:18:44,729 --> 02:18:45,689 probably doing something wrong
690 02:19:02,940 --> 02:19:09,240 the idea will be invalid at that point. Apologize beginning
691 02:19:21,659 --> 02:19:31,949 Why am I picking that level? Because it's below the middle point of this down close candle it's mean threshold so my stat will be below that. I don't have a
692 02:19:31,949 --> 02:19:38,819 trade arm so please don't take that as invitation to push the button. Okay, I know some of you in here just are doing that what you're doing.
693 02:19:50,940 --> 02:20:03,210 Remember, high resistance. high resistance creates a lot of pausing deeper retracements and you then He would rather see and ultimately failure
694 02:20:10,830 --> 02:20:24,360 in low resistance liquidity run signature, this thing would have already been over 4119. Because a time of the morning, because we've already priced in a
695 02:20:24,360 --> 02:20:29,550 lower low. And we have a divergence between the NASDAQ's of the actors are not confirming one another
696 02:20:37,229 --> 02:20:38,189 see that reaction
697 02:20:44,490 --> 02:20:54,720 that's what high resistance liquidity rooms do. It's very, very give and take back a lot, give and take a lot. It's, it's very frustrating to be in these
698 02:20:54,720 --> 02:21:01,530 types of trades. Even when the p&l, it's very difficult that you understand the distinctions between the two.
699 02:21:18,450 --> 02:21:21,000 See how still slightly, it's still trading sideways.
700 02:21:26,820 --> 02:21:29,460 It's very, very hard to get excited about move like this today.
701 02:21:35,969 --> 02:21:44,849 So if you're new and you haven't traded with real money, yet, you've been spared the pain and anguish that these types of environments create for you that most
702 02:21:44,849 --> 02:21:53,549 people end up losing their accounts and chopping themselves up with. Because if they tried to fix the problem of doing something they knew they should never
703 02:21:53,549 --> 02:22:03,629 done, take a trade in an environment that is iffy, like a 5050 condition. And everyone's done this. If you've ever traded with money, you know exactly the few
704 02:22:03,629 --> 02:22:11,459 times that stand out in your mind that you wish you never would have done those trades on that day, that day, because you knew is most likely not going to pan
705 02:22:11,459 --> 02:22:22,079 out for you, but you couldn't leave it alone. The feeling is you want to get back in there and fix it right away, you want to erase it. Let me just go back
706 02:22:22,079 --> 02:22:30,089 and fix it. And then I'll stop trading for the day and I'll be glad I fixed it in them. I'm smarter for doing so that never works out like that and ends up
707 02:22:30,089 --> 02:22:31,229 becoming a bigger drawdown.
708 02:22:40,710 --> 02:22:43,230 Now, if it doesn't run higher on this candle, it isn't going on.
709 02:23:17,010 --> 02:23:30,630 Starting the day like this, before a pain is much more a factor is wisdom. It won't feel like wisdom, it will feel like you're cheating yourself out of
710 02:23:30,630 --> 02:23:42,660 potential to make more or fixing a problem. Don't ever think that. Don't ever think that if the markets ugly, and you recognize it as being ugly, and you
711 02:23:42,660 --> 02:23:55,830 start feeling heavy chested, and you're breathing heavy heart palpitations, that will be a stop out. Now, do I need to get in here and trade this in lose in
712 02:23:55,830 --> 02:24:05,520 front of you, for you to appreciate the fact that this is exactly what you want to avoid? I don't need to push a button to do that. Everything I'm outlining
713 02:24:05,520 --> 02:24:16,560 here is problematic for you going forward, if you don't listen to it. Contrast that with other days where it's easy. You know, every single time I talk about
714 02:24:16,560 --> 02:24:32,190 it on Twitter. When I talk about on Twitter, those examples, they've been pretty much 90% They're under the pretense of a low resistance liquidity run. You don't
715 02:24:32,190 --> 02:24:42,300 see me point now. Oh, well, this is going to be a hard run here is going to be a sticking point at this price level. It's sloppy, it's choppy. You don't want to
716 02:24:42,300 --> 02:24:54,090 trade in these conditions. And the problem is is you'll see these things sometimes allow you to fix a problem, fix an error fix a losing streak that you
717 02:24:54,090 --> 02:25:09,810 had that morning and you'll think that that's skill See that lower low on the s&p, it hasn't been met with the NASDAQ that are here. Now by itself means
718 02:25:09,810 --> 02:25:25,200 absolutely nothing. The fact that it's done so on a day where we've opened with a large gap blower, we've taken out the low here, here, in here, how many
719 02:25:25,200 --> 02:25:31,830 buyside. Now have we taken out this high from here, this high here, this high here
720 02:25:39,030 --> 02:25:54,180 so anybody that's wanting to sell or breakout, they're short. Anyone that's already short, feels confident. And we have a large gap still unfulfilled above
721 02:25:54,180 --> 02:26:09,690 us with an s&p divergence between the averages, so the averages did not confirm that lower low and NASDAQ. So assuming that we don't go crashing lower between
722 02:26:09,690 --> 02:26:22,470 now and 130, I would like in this is not an invitation for you to trade. But I would like to see if it makes it an opportunity for the market that want to run
723 02:26:22,470 --> 02:26:35,130 up into that 4121 4123 level during the pm session. And by having that as a potential narrative to work with in the afternoon, it allows you to just let the
724 02:26:35,130 --> 02:26:44,790 market do whatever it's going to do. What what happens if you come back at 130, and it has already done that, then it's over and you missed it. There's nothing
725 02:26:44,790 --> 02:26:57,000 wrong with that. It just means you missed that trade. But what happens if it does offer that potential and fails, you're going to fail in trading, you're
726 02:26:57,000 --> 02:27:06,570 going to have trades that don't pan out. There's nothing wrong with that it mean everybody has losing trades everyone's gonna have their setups that they think
727 02:27:06,570 --> 02:27:14,880 is really there, they're not going to be fruitful. Alright, let's watch one more
728 02:27:28,979 --> 02:27:38,159 volume and balance s&p divergence here, breaker Beisa.
729 02:27:57,300 --> 02:28:09,960 When I was younger these are the lessons I would have paid money for. Because this is how I hurt myself. Every time I blew an account, I was forcing trades
730 02:28:09,960 --> 02:28:22,620 and days like this and insistent on that was I was right, I was going to be right finally I was finally gonna be right. Now any other day, I would treat
731 02:28:22,620 --> 02:28:31,890 this as a long entry why? Short term high taken here. We retraced we took sellside out and we have a divergence some tea, and we've not been able to
732 02:28:31,890 --> 02:28:44,100 accelerate on the downside on a date we get lower. So I would want to see it really start to run higher, and attack that by side here. But again, watch how
733 02:28:44,100 --> 02:28:55,470 it delivers. Under the context of a high resistance, liquidity run everything I've outlined this morning, this is what you have in ahead of you. You don't
734 02:28:55,470 --> 02:29:06,870 have the wind at your back, it's in your face. And it's like hurricane force, it's forcing back against you in your trades. And it's very very frustrating. If
735 02:29:06,870 --> 02:29:19,500 you don't know what you're experiencing and you can't observe it, it can be very very frustrating and that makes you get emotional. It makes you feel like you
736 02:29:19,500 --> 02:29:34,350 feel reckless, you know and that type of thing causes you to do what remove a stop loss in this case would be right here mean threshold there is that will be
737 02:29:34,350 --> 02:29:34,590 there
738 02:29:41,190 --> 02:29:51,750 too. I mean, there's a lot of things about this industry that don't get talked much about in books and such but traders so I love listening to people to
739 02:29:51,750 --> 02:30:05,940 actually trade because what they say and how they experience and internalize price action and listening in observing the frustrations or the elation that
740 02:30:05,940 --> 02:30:16,500 they feel, while they're in a market mood, to me is much, much more fascinating. Because these candlesticks are really about psychology more than they are
741 02:30:16,500 --> 02:30:30,870 anything else. They're Rorschach, they're they, they're like inkblots, you're gonna make them say whatever you want them to say. Because you want to do
742 02:30:30,870 --> 02:30:39,030 something, you want to trade, you want to force a narrative, you want to force an idea, you want to do something that causes the potential for you to make
743 02:30:39,030 --> 02:30:47,490 money, because that making other money means that you're significant. And that significance is a powerful drug. That's why social media is so addictive.
744 02:30:55,020 --> 02:31:04,110 One more touch there. Now, on another day, we're not being met with high resistance, that would have been another entry for me, you know, adding more to
745 02:31:04,110 --> 02:31:11,310 it. But you can't think that today with this, because we have all these other factors fighting against you.
746 02:31:25,650 --> 02:31:36,930 These are the things I was doing when I had my first year mentorship. And I'm sitting in a room with GoToWebinar, 800. And some people enter 68 people and 64,
747 02:31:36,930 --> 02:31:45,840 something like that. And in the chat window, I had a mistake made the mistake of being able to see that which was terrible for me, because it was very
748 02:31:45,840 --> 02:31:56,250 distracting. And I had I was trying to teach this over the charts live. And I would get 1000 questions. What about this? And what about that, and I'm trying
749 02:31:56,250 --> 02:32:10,260 to do my best to try to use service everyone's request and question. And it was such a state of confusion like I couldn't focus I could not focus on I was
750 02:32:10,260 --> 02:32:17,130 frustrated with myself, I was frustrated with my students because they weren't were on listen, they weren't willing to listen and see what it was I was showing
751 02:32:17,130 --> 02:32:27,390 them. And understanding there's a lesson in understanding that a high resistance liquidity run, you will see things in the price action doesn't mean that it's
752 02:32:27,390 --> 02:32:36,150 going to deliver like you want it. And they still might deliver like you would like to see them deliver. But you can't actively seek trading in those
753 02:32:36,150 --> 02:32:41,550 conditions. And keep peace of mind while you're trading. Because it's makes it harder to it has to be.
754 02:33:15,840 --> 02:33:22,980 I really want to see you hit that red line and be a technical hypothetical stopped out because that would be communicating what I'm teaching you today,
755 02:33:23,370 --> 02:33:31,140 what to avoid, don't try to force trades in these conditions. If it runs up there and hits the buy side and hits that rectangle up there, you're going to
756 02:33:31,170 --> 02:33:38,460 foolishly assume that that skill and you're going to be able to do this type of thing going forward. That's not what this lesson is about. That's not what the
757 02:33:38,580 --> 02:33:48,390 focus is. It's to show you by contrast, when you see me trading in low resistance liquidity runs, it's easy. It's real easy. It's why it looks easy,
758 02:33:48,390 --> 02:33:59,820 because everything is going in your favor. Everything is you got time of day you have all the other factors supporting it, you risk on risk off all the price
759 02:33:59,820 --> 02:34:12,480 delivery, everything is this, like precision. That's that's the example I share on Twitter. That's why they work. I don't force those types of things in
760 02:34:12,480 --> 02:34:20,970 Twitter, when it's like this. That's what makes it different. And when you see other people tweeting to me and saying, oh, you know, how's he able to do this?
761 02:34:21,000 --> 02:34:32,820 How does he know which one, number one it's experience? Two, I'm avoiding these kinds of conditions because even a very good trader, a very good trader, trading
762 02:34:32,820 --> 02:34:42,990 in these types of conditions will look like a novice, because the markets are just being very fickle. That is they're not going to they're not going to
763 02:34:43,020 --> 02:34:53,130 present you the opportunity that you would rather see. And it's unfortunate because as a new trader, you don't have the patience to appreciate good wisdom
764 02:34:53,130 --> 02:35:01,350 and sound logic when it's presented to you. Because you're you're weighing everything on the basis of right or wrong You're making money, you're not making
765 02:35:01,350 --> 02:35:11,490 money, show me with a live account, it doesn't matter. The logic works or it doesn't work. No buttons are being pushed here. And I'm proving that even in
766 02:35:11,490 --> 02:35:21,000 these conditions, I'm not as precise, which is exactly what we're trying to focus on here, showing how you are going to avoid that same condition going
767 02:35:21,000 --> 02:35:29,340 forward. Because if you don't understand where the potholes are, you're going to fly over top of them. And to slamming in, it's going to do what it's going to
768 02:35:29,340 --> 02:35:37,680 mess your alignment up. It's going to tear up your alignment, just like in your car, if you hit a big old pothole, boom, what happens, your alignments off, you
769 02:35:37,680 --> 02:35:45,210 might still drive, it might not pull that much to the right or to the left. But given enough time, what happens it wears your tires away prematurely, more
770 02:35:45,210 --> 02:35:51,780 costs, that means you're going to be doing things differently, you're going to steer to the right or the left, when you're trading should have been straight
771 02:35:51,780 --> 02:36:01,080 ahead. You've been affected. Now your bearings have been deviated from. And you're going to incur more loss because there's wear and tear on the tires.
772 02:36:01,200 --> 02:36:09,360 That's the wear and tear on your equity, you're going to be constantly taking on more trades, more losing more drawdown than is necessary. If you would have
773 02:36:09,360 --> 02:36:17,850 learned a lesson like this one, understanding where there's going to be problem areas in the marketplace. And try not to force the issue. Don't try to head
774 02:36:18,540 --> 02:36:26,430 don't go 55 mile an hour into a pothole when you know that that's going to be likely the scenario going forward in the marketplace for that given session or
775 02:36:26,430 --> 02:36:38,640 that day. Why are you flooring it? Your flooring it? You're trying to correct every issue oversteering and then it causes you to crash too. So all these
776 02:36:38,640 --> 02:36:49,890 factors, all these things, as a new trader, as a new student, you have no idea how to you appreciate those types of lessons, because you think it's push a
777 02:36:49,890 --> 02:37:03,030 button, get me and make me money. Like it's a video game. It's so much more than that. Way more than that, in books and courses. You know, they don't do it. Like
778 02:37:03,030 --> 02:37:16,830 you got to sit with somebody and let them walk you through it step by step, candle by candle over time. And you will see oh, yeah, I get it now. Nobody
779 02:37:16,950 --> 02:37:31,560 nobody in, in Twitter Ville, okay, or YouTube would have been able to outline all this mess beforehand, and navigate it efficiently. If they've done so, if
780 02:37:31,560 --> 02:37:40,980 they've are profitable, if they are online and are saying they did it with skill. That's nonsense. Because anybody with any measure of experience would
781 02:37:40,980 --> 02:37:51,720 know that you're just getting lucky in this sloppy chop mess. And that was a very painful thing for me. Because I was attributing a skill when I was getting
782 02:37:51,720 --> 02:38:04,410 lucky in the early days. It was not luck. It was just mentally it was luck. Rather, it wasn't skill, it was blind luck. And it was a very bitter pill,
783 02:38:05,610 --> 02:38:14,460 you'll see I would want to see that go head went down the consequent Kurzman this gap here, it needs to really tear off and take out these highs. These are
784 02:38:14,460 --> 02:38:24,540 relatively equal. And if it does go well that it needs to rip through it not go above and come back down in. So look at this right here. And this will hopefully
785 02:38:24,540 --> 02:38:26,130 be the last one we talked about.
786 02:38:33,900 --> 02:38:44,160 So it's very get here with the order block. dropped down into it, we rallied I'd want to see it really tear off, not come back down into this again, it need not
787 02:38:44,160 --> 02:38:54,450 do that it needs to go above these relatively equal highs and not return back into that it needs to accelerate through. What would that mean for a trade?
788 02:38:54,660 --> 02:39:08,820 Okay. Right now, we would have hypothetically five handles. And the stock would have to be below here for any partials. If, if you've taken something off, your
789 02:39:08,820 --> 02:39:18,630 stop would be right there below the fair value gap. And it's below the order block. If it went down a hit you out. Or if it touches this line, you'd have to
790 02:39:18,630 --> 02:39:29,340 be content with the five handles that you would have taken as a partial. But look how hard even five handles is in this condition. We're bumping up against
791 02:39:29,340 --> 02:39:37,860 that old low. Let me go back up to a five minute chart just for a second. As we're hitting right here, we're just hanging around below that. But look what
792 02:39:37,860 --> 02:39:50,070 we've done. We've went low, low or lower that was not confirmed with the NASDAQ. That's not an indicator okay. It's it's the price action of the NASDAQ the
793 02:39:50,070 --> 02:40:03,420 what's occurring when that happens is my my belief in it is this because the NASDAQ was unwilling to make to lower low when the net when the s&p made a lower
794 02:40:03,420 --> 02:40:15,000 low here, the fact that it was unable to do so in the NASDAQ, it's like a cracking correlation because in a perfect world, s&p Dow and NASDAQ should be
795 02:40:15,000 --> 02:40:24,450 going the same direction. And as long as they're making higher highs equally, respectively, and whereas if high highs are being met in ES, they should be met
796 02:40:24,450 --> 02:40:33,000 in the NASDAQ and they should be met in the Dow. If at any time they don't do those things, then there's something going on behind the scenes that is probably
797 02:40:33,000 --> 02:40:44,310 noteworthy with a one minute chart. And typically, it means that there's some kind of an intermediate term shift in the marketplace, traditionally, but when
798 02:40:44,310 --> 02:40:51,090 you have these types of conditions like this, it makes it harder for that to be delivered. And now the estoppel. So you'd have to be content with whatever
799 02:40:51,090 --> 02:41:05,190 partial at five handles. There. It's done. So I wish I could do more with what we have here. But the markets gonna give us what the markets gonna give us
800 02:41:05,190 --> 02:41:14,160 right. I'm actually interested to see if it rips now because of me staring at level right here, because a lot of you are probably taking this as a walk trade.
801 02:41:16,980 --> 02:41:19,950 Oh, I got stopped out and he ran it up to 4121.
802 02:41:29,460 --> 02:41:41,400 Now here's this, here's a scenario for you. Say I was in a trade? I took a partial off here, but five into this breaker. Fine, wonderful. And I rolled the
803 02:41:41,400 --> 02:41:52,260 stock up here. Great hits it and stops. Now, would there be a way for me to back go back in? If it were not a day like today? How would I do that? How would I
804 02:41:52,380 --> 02:42:08,070 reengage the marketplace? Well, we have this mitigation blocker here, let's close candle, which is a breaker low, high, low and low. Last up close candle in
805 02:42:08,070 --> 02:42:18,240 there hi, extend that forward. If we were to trade above it, come back down and touch it as support. I would use that as a entry technique and use the
806 02:42:18,240 --> 02:42:29,790 consequent encroachment of this fair value gap as a stop. And I would look for first partial here. An aim for consequent curtailment of this gap. That's what
807 02:42:29,790 --> 02:42:30,150 I'm gonna do.
808 02:42:35,460 --> 02:42:46,530 So I'm using each one of these PDE arrays, kind of like a stair step, or like a mountain climber, they look where's their next grab point, where's the next part
809 02:42:46,530 --> 02:42:53,820 four point on the surface of the mountain or cliff, where they're gonna put their foot when they get there, where's the next thing they're gonna do? I'm
810 02:42:53,820 --> 02:43:03,120 looking at price like that. Whereas I'm not relying on like trend lines, or something else. I don't know what else to refer to.
811 02:43:13,229 --> 02:43:23,069 This is actually one of the best things that could have happened today because it will filter out who's lazy. And I've had so many people come in, I'm gonna
812 02:43:23,069 --> 02:43:31,559 learn this, I'm gonna do this. And then they realize how much work is involved? And like, oh, yeah, it's easier for me go here and get this indicator. Go ahead.
813 02:43:32,249 --> 02:43:33,269 I'll see you in a couple of years
814 02:43:41,160 --> 02:44:08,130 now look at the range that's been formed between nine What is it 957 5951. So 951 to 1020. Just consolidating sideways, everybody wants a break out. So
815 02:44:08,130 --> 02:44:20,370 everybody's waiting for they want to see this spring finally get released in one direction or the other is gonna go higher or lower. At this point, I think it is
816 02:44:20,370 --> 02:44:26,670 gonna go higher. We still have a lot of divergence on that NASDAQ versus that low on the s&p.
817 02:44:36,840 --> 02:44:49,800 So take a step back for a moment. And think about what we've talked about this morning, trying to wind this thing down. We looked at the idea that the sell
818 02:44:49,800 --> 02:45:02,760 side below that 4113 level would be attacked. It was it hasn't been a lot of movement below that. We keep Reaching lower, but each low has been shallow,
819 02:45:03,840 --> 02:45:15,690 making lower lows, yes, but they're shallow. At the same time, when we hit that 41 650 level, which was outlined from the regular session hours, go back and
820 02:45:15,690 --> 02:45:28,080 listen to the video, I show you exactly where it's at. This lower low here is not being met with the NASDAQ while we hit 41 06 50 After taking sellside
821 02:45:28,080 --> 02:45:42,930 liquidity, and nothing really happening after the session open at 930. So all those factors, you can converging on one another. And we mentioned the volume
822 02:45:43,080 --> 02:45:58,770 imbalance here, it offered it and then from here, up to the breaker that's five handles. Five handles in slop events are getting stopped out. If you use the
823 02:45:58,770 --> 02:46:06,060 logic I would have used if I was in a trade, I would have been stopped out on the balance. If anything was left over, I would have been removed from that
824 02:46:06,090 --> 02:46:19,050 position here. But still better than the entry down here at the moment balance. The takeaway is right now, given everything about line this morning, and why it
825 02:46:19,050 --> 02:46:29,520 should be like this or why we expect it to be like this. You don't want to force it or try to trade in these conditions. Because it's harder, it's much much more
826 02:46:29,520 --> 02:46:42,600 harder than it needs to be. There's there's other conditions and market setups that are going to be a lot better for you as a trader to focus on than that of
827 02:46:42,630 --> 02:46:54,480 doing simply because you have time you took the day off because RCTs live streaming. Alright, so now we have a nice run above the breaker watch. Now you
828 02:46:54,480 --> 02:47:02,520 think I gotta wait for to trade away and come back down. You can trade right in that breaker. I shouldn't say it that way. Because you're going to take the
829 02:47:02,520 --> 02:47:13,080 entry, watch and see if the price if it can come back down and just touch the top of this in the same candle. It can do that. It does not need to leave and
830 02:47:13,080 --> 02:47:16,350 come back to it. It can. That's fine. It's how I teach it.
831 02:47:23,430 --> 02:47:31,860 So again, be mindful the love here. I'm gonna take this away. So we can look more at the chart for the divergence between the NASDAQ failing to make that
832 02:47:31,860 --> 02:47:42,360 lower low. So this is like a turtle soup. How do you treat turtle soup? It takes the low out. It's at a level I already predefined which was the 41 06 50 level
833 02:47:42,390 --> 02:47:50,730 we've mapped out earlier this morning. And then we wait for something to indicate that it's going to go higher. So what is that? We have a failure in
834 02:47:50,730 --> 02:48:01,950 NASDAQ making a lower low. It didn't do so when when the s&p did go lower than we rally. So we did rally? Do I need to shift the market structure on it? No.
835 02:48:02,190 --> 02:48:10,590 Turtle suits don't require that. That's totally different. You're trading external range liquidity when you're trading turtle suit, what is that the low
836 02:48:10,590 --> 02:48:20,250 here has sell side, it takes that sell side here, then it breaks away. All I need is one PD array. It could be a fear of a gap. It could be the last enclosed
837 02:48:20,250 --> 02:48:29,490 candle if there's a fair backup afterwards forming or in this case, as I outlined, see that volume imbalance there it is. trades down into it and then
838 02:48:29,520 --> 02:48:40,410 rallies I told you that the stock will be below that volume imbalance with a logic that I've been teaching consistently throughout all the concepts. If
839 02:48:40,410 --> 02:48:51,420 you're bullish, you got to find a PDE array that's a discount and you have to have it showed you a defined level where below midpoint of a fair value gap or a
840 02:48:52,110 --> 02:49:04,710 quarter block. After a sellside liquidity pools been rallied, you went below it then you can trust what your stock can be placed. I'd like to see it run from
841 02:49:04,710 --> 02:49:12,870 here. It doesn't necessarily need to trade back down here. I would like to not do it though. But if it hit it I would expect it to react and the advice out
842 02:49:12,870 --> 02:49:22,080 there I tell you me I drink two bottles of water and it feels like I got a gallon it's working through me
843 02:49:33,090 --> 02:49:47,190 another thing new traders feel that is as a source of trouble is if they get into a trade and it gets stopped out. And they have to get back in to get the
844 02:49:47,880 --> 02:49:57,690 the final portion of the movie we're hoping for. They think that that is a lack of skill. No, it's not a lack of skill. If you're aware that you can still
845 02:49:57,750 --> 02:50:09,390 engage the marketplace and enter a game In, how's that a lack of skill, it's not a lack of skill, you're still seeing opportunity you're engaging. Alright, so
846 02:50:09,390 --> 02:50:19,770 now watch this one, we hit the breaker here we round above it trade back down in completely, repriced did the breaker, see this down close candle over here we
847 02:50:19,770 --> 02:50:29,850 have the fair value gap order block here for that mean threshold so we'll use what's got to be below the old low because that's at this level is here. So if
848 02:50:29,850 --> 02:50:42,000 you were trying to use this as an entry, your stop would have to be below the old low so you use like the rejection block here which is this price that
849 02:50:42,000 --> 02:50:46,050 closing price right there. I'm trying to see you here 41 1250.
850 02:50:52,500 --> 02:50:56,430 Again, observe how difficult or how fast it fails on
851 02:51:06,630 --> 02:51:20,790 you'll see when we have a much more cleaner day how it's much more engaging but these are the lessons in that right there I think it would have been 12 right
852 02:51:20,790 --> 02:51:33,030 there it's much cleaner price action it's faster you'll see the runs easier. And you'll see everybody have a different carnival like atmosphere
853 02:51:43,500 --> 02:51:44,520 claim and balance
854 02:52:03,000 --> 02:52:13,530 now looking at this we rallied up we failed to take out that high we're back below that old low remember the old low that was telling you that for where the
855 02:52:13,530 --> 02:52:15,630 sell side was that's over here
856 02:52:27,450 --> 02:52:36,300 so we're returning back into the old low, might want to sleep a little bit, but there's nothing down here with the exception is old fare Vega. That's the only
857 02:52:36,390 --> 02:52:46,890 inefficiency but has been repriced to does it need to come back down into it could touch that again. But if it traded down below this then it's then we're
858 02:52:46,890 --> 02:52:58,530 going lower on the day not just to take out the love but we're going lower on the day and why do I say that because we've spent lots of time trying to go
859 02:52:58,530 --> 02:53:14,040 lower below that low which is this level here. We tried multiple times going back above it and you try once more here and we fail. So the last line in the
860 02:53:14,070 --> 02:53:25,530 sand if you will for any potential run up into that old gap from yesterday's trading he would have to mount that rally into this fairway get higher otherwise
861 02:53:25,560 --> 02:53:32,280 below that we go lower below this and that would look like
862 02:53:37,469 --> 02:53:37,949 seeing
863 02:53:46,800 --> 02:53:49,590 try to get the daily chart nothing on it
864 02:54:03,719 --> 02:54:21,059 see this candles high book right here. This candles high at 409 1.25. If we take out the low again, we could expand down into that area there
865 02:54:29,580 --> 02:54:32,070 and we're below the fair pay gap now so.
866 02:54:43,320 --> 02:54:51,420 It's very, very difficult for me to have all this stuff on the chart and talk to you about it. But I guess there's no other way for me to communicate for you to
867 02:54:51,420 --> 02:54:52,890 track what I'm seeing.
868 02:54:58,770 --> 02:55:10,320 So with the exception of that diver urgence in NASDAQ not making that lower low, we're still consolidating. How far if it takes out that low? Can it go? Well,
869 02:55:10,320 --> 02:55:31,740 I'll show you on a daily chart here to hear. So 409 5.25, and then 409125, watch that fair value get that we had here, I can bump up up underneath that. treat
870 02:55:31,740 --> 02:55:44,550 that as resistance. And I'm aware that this probably looks like I'm enticing you to do a lot of trades. None of these are trades. These are all observations for
871 02:55:44,550 --> 02:55:53,730 you to study and see which one would you trust more as a trader, which one makes more sense to you pattern wise, if you want to call it that?
872 02:56:03,900 --> 02:56:13,710 Mark that level. It's one standard deviation is what I'm measuring. So basically, what I'm doing is I'm taking this high, down to that low and it's
873 02:56:13,710 --> 02:56:21,030 like a fulcrum point, watch and see if there's any sensitivity once it hits that for Vega. It can trade into the fairway get into consequent COURAGING with this
874 02:56:21,030 --> 02:56:31,620 with too. So just be mindful that I'm looking at that. So it can hit that and then trade below this for sell side. But anyway, I was saying was this high, the
875 02:56:31,620 --> 02:56:33,810 fib is essentially anchored to
876 02:56:40,139 --> 02:56:51,359 there. So this point, in this point, here is what I'm putting in the FIB one, and this is acting as a fulcrum point. So if it were to go lower, if it was to
877 02:56:51,359 --> 02:57:00,629 go below this low, how far can it go? The same distance from this low to the high, you projected from that load down? That would be one standard deviation.
878 02:57:01,109 --> 02:57:13,109 So one standard deviation is that and then that daily, old high, which would reprice that entire by Sanibel sign efficiency, which I know is a lot of things
879 02:57:13,139 --> 02:57:20,429 being said most of you probably wouldn't understand. But go back and listen to the video I just showed you on a daily chart what I was referring to, but that
880 02:57:20,429 --> 02:57:29,369 would be a level that would look forward. If it was to take out that low there in immediate as much as that if it were to come out of the blue with a with a
881 02:57:29,369 --> 02:57:33,659 down day. I think that's going to be it
882 02:57:49,590 --> 02:58:00,000 when it's clean, you won't have all of these conflicting PD arrays. How do you know which one to use? How do you know which one to pick? Most of the time,
883 02:58:00,030 --> 02:58:09,330 you're asking that during periods of consolidation like that, and this is the problem of trading in this environment, you won't know. Whereas if you have a
884 02:58:09,330 --> 02:58:20,370 run that's established, and it's clearly making a way to a old high or low or something above the marketplace that would be inefficient. That tendency to want
885 02:58:20,370 --> 02:58:34,980 to go that direction strongly makes it easy to see which pdra exists because it doesn't have a plethora of conflicting fare a gap and volume imbalance. Order
886 02:58:34,980 --> 02:58:45,390 blocks, they're all converging in small little range between the high formed at 951. And the low formed at 1028. So if the market is being held in
887 02:58:45,390 --> 02:58:56,580 consolidation, as we clearly see it is here. Every time it creates a, an area where I would like to participate in, it doesn't guarantee it's going to deliver
888 02:58:56,610 --> 02:59:07,230 it just means that there's more of them forming. And because there's more than forming, there's conflicted analysis presented by that. So it's Imagine your
889 02:59:07,230 --> 02:59:20,430 best buy scenario, or setup and your best sell scenario for me at the same time. Which one do you use? Think which one are you going to use? Who knows, right?
890 02:59:20,700 --> 02:59:29,880 Left the problem of trading and conflicted consolidations like this. You don't know no matter what pattern whatever methodology you use, it's kind of present
891 02:59:29,880 --> 02:59:36,990 both sides of the coin constantly. It's going to keep flipping the coin and heads has enough opportunities in the day to lose money and tails has enough
892 02:59:36,990 --> 02:59:46,740 opportunity to lose money in the day. And you don't realize before long you know you've wrecked yourself and you've done damage to yourself and drawing down
893 02:59:47,190 --> 02:59:59,610 losing and then at the end of the day you look at it. I wish I saw a news consolidation newest choppy but what it should have could have doesn't put the
894 02:59:59,610 --> 03:00:12,270 money back In your account, does it it doesn't fix the pride issue that you feel you have to know, with a great deal of conviction. Where is it likely to go
895 03:00:12,270 --> 03:00:27,540 next? I cannot make this any more paramount than then I'm trying to do today. You have to know, you have to know, where is it going. And I know there's going
896 03:00:27,540 --> 03:00:36,720 to be people that say, you don't know if it's going to go there. No, nobody knows what the great deal of a surety that it's going to go there. But you can
897 03:00:37,230 --> 03:00:47,280 look at price action and measure from previous price runs and what price usually does. And it's never an indication what it's going to do in the future, it's not
898 03:00:47,280 --> 03:01:01,380 a guarantee doesn't mean it's going to pan out that same way, it just means that all things being equal, it's likely to do a run to an old low or an old high.
899 03:01:02,970 --> 03:01:10,830 Whatever one is likely to occur in a better cleaner environment where it's not being held in consolidation like this, the mark is not being permitted to move.
900 03:01:12,330 --> 03:01:23,370 So when it's like this, you're forced to sit on your hands and then wait for it to move, get out of this mess and not necessarily a breakout because I'm not a
901 03:01:23,370 --> 03:01:36,660 breakout trader. But once it moves and goes to a higher level timeframe key level then we can anticipate a specific price run and then it's easier to do
902 03:01:36,660 --> 03:01:47,460 that because when those occur excuse me the stomach has talked about I'm starving. There's a volume imbalance in here it's touching the top of the fair
903 03:01:47,460 --> 03:01:59,250 value gap there and we're back in this volume of bounce there. So we're still dead center midpoint of the range between 951 and 1020 What was it 28?
904 03:02:14,639 --> 03:02:16,589 Watch this one
905 03:02:45,870 --> 03:02:47,400 so we have a fair a gap in here
906 03:02:56,219 --> 03:03:03,329 a swing highs broken while I'm in balance watch and see if there's any reaction after repricing to it in here.
907 03:04:03,330 --> 03:04:11,610 This lower here, we're in consolidation. So you got to look and see what has been taken recently, cell size has been taken
908 03:04:19,139 --> 03:04:20,519 so where is the buy side?
909 03:04:38,910 --> 03:04:48,660 Even in consolidations is going to run from buy side the sell side by side the sell side. What is it just recently taken? Sell side to there's buy side and
910 03:04:48,660 --> 03:04:52,470 there's the delivery to the 4121 level.
911 03:04:57,629 --> 03:05:14,069 Now that doesn't mean anything He's absolutely nothing. But what did you learn today? You learned how to anticipate choppy opens at 930. If discovered what
912 03:05:14,069 --> 03:05:25,979 it's like to be in high resistance liquidity runs, which is nerve racking, it's very frustrating. You seen the potential turning point with the SMT, between the
913 03:05:25,979 --> 03:05:39,119 NASDAQ low and s&p, you've seen the conflicting analysis that even though there may be a fair value gap, there may be a waterblock, there may be a volume
914 03:05:39,119 --> 03:05:50,519 imbalance, without having a clear idea of where the markets likely to go. Like, where's it wanting to go? If you don't have that, everything else is going to
915 03:05:50,519 --> 03:06:01,649 hurt you. And if the markets not going to move, nothing's gonna work. It's gonna go back and forth, back and forth. But when you get closer to that lunch hour,
916 03:06:03,029 --> 03:06:25,589 and usually around 1050 to 1010. In that area, there's a lunch macro. Okay, 1050. To 1110. I want you to annotate this on your charts every day. Study what
917 03:06:25,589 --> 03:06:36,719 price is doing, or don't do that. Okay, annotate your chart like that. And just, I guess, record it, and annotate it in a way where you know what you're
918 03:06:36,959 --> 03:06:48,449 referencing there. New York lunch, macro. In your notes, we better if you had your annotation visible, right.
919 03:06:59,610 --> 03:07:11,820 And you want to study when the markets consolidating? Okay, you're gonna get that price range between 1050 and 1110. What that does, it's, it's kind of like
920 03:07:11,820 --> 03:07:25,320 the last ditch before? Yes, traders do take lunch. Okay, they absolutely do take lunch, the algorithm doesn't take lunch, but it likes to stimulate the volume
921 03:07:25,530 --> 03:07:39,030 and sentiment going into that lunch hour. Because lunch hour can be a pause and continuation of a trending day. Or it can be a reversal. Or it could just stay
922 03:07:39,510 --> 03:07:48,480 sideways and do nothing and chop. Here's the wonderful thing about this 1050 till 1110. It doesn't matter which one of those conditions are there, you're
923 03:07:48,480 --> 03:07:59,580 going to see a move form between 1050 and 1110. And what is likely to occur is where hasn't that liquidity been tapped into yet. And that's what I was walking
924 03:07:59,580 --> 03:08:09,300 you through here. We've already seen sales side taken. Where's by side here, and we're I've outlined the here. And if it goes to that level, it's going to expand
925 03:08:09,300 --> 03:08:25,740 up into that area here. Now, if it was taken out that low, here, I mentioned that we would look for it to go here. We didn't take the low out. We took a
926 03:08:25,770 --> 03:08:35,940 market shift bullish here. So as you're watching this one here, even if it just trades in there, that's where you enter. It's called close proximity entries.
927 03:08:36,300 --> 03:08:45,930 You don't need a breaker, okay, you don't need a breaker to trade above and come back down and touch it. You can do that. That's how I taught it. But I don't, I
928 03:08:45,930 --> 03:09:00,450 don't require just that. If I know where I'm likely to see price go to buy side and buy side between 1050 and 1110. You're gonna see a price run originating
929 03:09:00,450 --> 03:09:10,590 then it will happen regardless if there's a consolidation day reversal day, or is it trend continuation after lunch, it doesn't matter, you're going to see a
930 03:09:10,620 --> 03:09:19,380 price run begin at that it's a smaller segment of price action and time. And it's going to run for liquidity, it's going to run for the liquidity that has
931 03:09:19,380 --> 03:09:35,580 not been tapped yet. And that's what you're seeing here. Okay, the levels inside the the consolidation between 920 I'm sorry, 951 and tend to eat while they're
932 03:09:35,580 --> 03:09:47,160 in there, everything is going to be conflicting. But once you get to 1050 to 10 I'm sorry 1050 to 1110 that lunch macro and you've seen me do executions of this
933 03:09:47,190 --> 03:09:59,550 on my Twitter feed. It's based on this logic. You have to look for where hasn't been tapped into yet what hasn't been affected who hasn't been upset? Where's
934 03:09:59,550 --> 03:10:09,600 the pain? threshold for the people that feel the safest? Well, anyone with a stop above this high felt safest, especially when it dropped from here and went
935 03:10:09,600 --> 03:10:18,780 down lower than that low there. And then it created short term high trading back down and and then rally after that fair value got once it ripped higher above
936 03:10:18,780 --> 03:10:28,290 here, that is a shift in market structure during a specific time of day 1050 to the 1110. That's algorithmic has nothing to do with harmonic patterns. It has
937 03:10:28,290 --> 03:10:36,960 nothing to do with Elliott Wave, nothing supply and demand. It's absolutely internally built, it's part of it, it's codified it's code, it's there, it will
938 03:10:36,960 --> 03:10:47,580 run for liquidity that has not been tapped. Now, this many times can be a key point for the day, and it never returns back down below it or above it in
939 03:10:47,580 --> 03:10:59,640 reference to if it was going lower. I'm not teaching it. For you to have that understanding alone. It's for you to study how to if you're watching these
940 03:10:59,640 --> 03:11:09,150 consolidation days like this study between 1050 and 1110. And see if you don't get a price run like this. Don't take my word for it, go back and through charts
941 03:11:09,150 --> 03:11:29,670 and go forward with it. We've seen how they excuse me, they opened it and work that old low, multiple times inducing new shorts to chase it going lower. I
942 03:11:29,670 --> 03:11:37,890 mentioned this level down here, that's a fulcrum point it has to go below that low. If it goes below that low then see lower prices. But it didn't go lower
943 03:11:37,890 --> 03:11:58,530 than that. We had Southside taken. This right here is returned back down in sorry. Into that Fairbury got right here. That price run to here. This is your
944 03:11:58,530 --> 03:12:08,490 last like bus stop before you get to your your destination. If you don't get on that bus, you didn't get known. So I said watch this one here. As soon as it
945 03:12:08,490 --> 03:12:16,950 traded into it, or into this candle here is close as you can get inside that volume of balance. That's it. Now watch what happens. I'm going to look in this
946 03:12:16,950 --> 03:12:19,320 small little segment of price action right here.
947 03:12:27,059 --> 03:12:40,529 Okay, actually, I mean, I moved it wrong. Sorry. Make sure I do it right. Okay, and inside this little area, I'm going to change the color to
948 03:12:47,459 --> 03:13:06,539 yellow, that stands out. It's not perfect, but it's enough to get our attention. So I'm going to drop down into a 15 second chart. What do you say? Like I say,
949 03:13:06,569 --> 03:13:07,229 What do you say
950 03:13:12,479 --> 03:13:17,939 to them close candles. High, Low.
951 03:13:25,530 --> 03:13:42,390 Vega order block inside the volume and balance, it trades down to it in them. That's your lunch macro, right there. Using the 15 second chart. So when you see
952 03:13:42,390 --> 03:13:51,900 me doing these big run ups, and I'm building and building and building, I may be recording the one minute chart, but you're not seeing me using all the other
953 03:13:51,900 --> 03:14:04,800 charts in front of me that I'm looking at that that right there is my my hammer. Okay. And when I swing that, it gives those big, nice price runs. So don't run
954 03:14:04,800 --> 03:14:14,040 away from this lesson thinking. beating my chest. Look how smart I am. Because I was showing you even in these conditions, it's difficult for me as well. And how
955 03:14:14,040 --> 03:14:25,020 you need to identify what it's likely to do to you as a trader. How does it How did it feel for you today? Watching price action? Were you frustrated? Were you
956 03:14:25,020 --> 03:14:35,430 anxious? Were you second guessing? Were you thinking that they changed the algorithm then not changing shit, okay, the bottom line is it's going to stay
957 03:14:35,430 --> 03:14:44,670 like this. It's going to continuously do this, but the market is going to do one of three things, okay? It's going to consolidate or it's going to go higher, or
958 03:14:44,670 --> 03:14:53,580 it's going to go lower. That's it. That's that's the only things that can happen for they don't trade that day because of a holiday. So those things are pretty
959 03:14:54,030 --> 03:15:03,480 straightforward. And unless you can frame doubt come to the markets likely to go higher to this law. level, this is my magnet and prices drop in liquidity, this
960 03:15:03,480 --> 03:15:13,890 is where the mark is going to reach to, if you can't clearly see that, in your analysis, you are gambling. And I don't care what methodology you use, or who
961 03:15:13,890 --> 03:15:26,550 you taught, or who taught you and, you know, any doesn't matter unless you know where it's likely to go to. There's no way you can be consistent. None, zero.
962 03:15:27,510 --> 03:15:38,550 Because every logic, even mine, if it's forced into the wrong conditions, where the market is not going to move, even it will fail. All my PDF arrays will fail
963 03:15:38,550 --> 03:15:51,930 if the markets not going anywhere, you have to have the most important element. Time. Time, nothing is going to happen in price action until it reaches a
964 03:15:51,930 --> 03:16:03,090 specific time of day, a day of week, a week of the month, month of the year. Seasonality, all those factors come together. And they agree like like pins and
965 03:16:03,090 --> 03:16:14,340 a tumbler lock turns. Everything comes together perfectly. When it's all those other factors we use can't frame the whole trade idea. On the basis of a simple
966 03:16:14,880 --> 03:16:26,490 order block or a fair value gap, there has to be other things. And you can see, when you're met with additional difficulty, it's next to impossible to feel
967 03:16:26,490 --> 03:16:40,050 confident. But when time enters the equation in the chat, things change. Okay, things change, things become a little bit more clear. And it's like this in the
968 03:16:40,050 --> 03:16:47,910 last hour of trading two. There's three macros that run in that last three hours, last hour trading between three o'clock and four o'clock, there's three
969 03:16:47,910 --> 03:16:57,480 specific macros. Not every day, there's all three of them occur, usually two, but always one of them. I'm going to teach you those this year, I will be in the
970 03:16:57,480 --> 03:17:07,740 pm session doing them. But today, I want you to record how you felt. don't communicate to me to Twitter, because I'm not reading anything on Twitter.
971 03:17:08,010 --> 03:17:17,310 Twitter is just for me posting. Like, um, when I tweet something I'm casting out there into the abyss, whoever's listening is going to listen, if you're going to
972 03:17:17,310 --> 03:17:23,820 ignore it, that's fine. I don't I'm not looking for likes, you don't even need to like them anymore. It's just for me to be reached out to you on days that I'm
973 03:17:23,820 --> 03:17:37,830 not doing the live sessions. So if you've enjoyed today, that doesn't necessarily mean that you found it easy. But if you found some insight from
974 03:17:37,830 --> 03:17:48,720 this, if it makes sense to see and understand when it's difficult how to navigate it, what to do with it. If it was helpful to you give it a thumbs up.
975 03:17:49,230 --> 03:17:57,570 Otherwise, I'll just catch you on an excellent I don't know when it will be the second one this week. So today's Tuesday, I'm quite certain it won't be
976 03:17:57,570 --> 03:18:06,690 tomorrow. So it'll either be Thursday or Friday. We'll do our next one. But I will tweet that schedule in time when we will be meeting again, by way of
977 03:18:06,690 --> 03:18:17,790 Twitter. Okay, so hopefully you got something out of this. If not, I apologize. I can't make the market do what I wanted to do. I have to wait for it to do what
978 03:18:17,790 --> 03:18:25,830 I know it is likely to do and there'll be better market days I promise you will be smiling. But you should be happy about this one because it's teaching you
979 03:18:25,830 --> 03:18:34,200 where you're going to lose money and blow your account. If you don't identify it. You will fall victim to that, like everybody else has done in the past. You
980 03:18:34,200 --> 03:18:38,670 won't know what's coming until it's too late. So until next time, be safe