ICT YT - 2023-01-26 - ICT 2023 Mentorship Analysis - January 25 2023

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2023-01-27 06:05


00:15 - Daily chart of the Euro.

03:01 - Daily chart of the day.

08:24 - Selling and buying levels in this range.

10:56 - What is a bullish breaker?

15:43 - What to Expect From The Market Today.

17:58 - Why this is the part where you write down in your notebook when you have a larger imbalance.

22:13 - Consequent Encroachment and subsequent encroachment.

24:42 - Daily chart analysis on efficiency -.

29:02 - Live streamers wishing for the market to go higher -.

31:38 - Find the 5-handle price runs before noon.



00:00:15,780 --> 00:00:26,040 ICT: Good afternoon, folks. hope everybody's doing well. Alright, so just a quick little review. And this will probably be it for this week for me, I have a
00:00:26,220 --> 00:00:36,030 lot of personal things I have to take care of, in deal with with my wife and our home, we have some things with this still get unpacked and take care of that
00:00:36,030 --> 00:00:46,230 stuff. So my trading room still has a couple things in a gift that was sent to me, I have the hang up on the wall, I promised the individual I'd have done
00:00:47,760 --> 00:00:58,980 before I would show you my trading room. So that to take care of probably this weekend, I'm probably haven't done by then. But here's the daily chart on the
00:00:58,980 --> 00:01:10,680 dollar index. And we were looking for lower prices. And this is the the sell side liquidity pool I'm still looking for. It's been meandering around below
00:01:10,980 --> 00:01:22,830 this fair value gap during the consequent encouragement and then has had a reluctancy. To want to go below this. Well, I suspect that tonight into
00:01:22,830 --> 00:01:32,520 tomorrow, we'll probably get to a large candle reaching down below that maybe even digging into the one on one big figure if this is in fact a sustained
00:01:33,180 --> 00:01:43,170 decline, this could eventually be where we reach for for dollar. Okay, so that would allow for upside on your own cable and other foreign currencies.
00:01:48,300 --> 00:01:58,380 Here's the Euro dollar daily chart. Okay, and we've taken up the buy side, as I mentioned the last time we talked about Eurodollar. And I mentioned if it kept
10 00:01:58,380 --> 00:02:05,850 going we would be reaching for the Buy Sell liquidity, we're just in striking distance of that. And should we get intimated to the upside are our city here in
11 00:02:05,850 --> 00:02:15,780 the form of a fair value gap right here in this damn close candle. That would be the next draw on liquidity above the spy side. Okay, so what would change this,
12 00:02:16,530 --> 00:02:26,610 if we trade below the main threshold of this down close candle, so midpoint of that candle, draw that out in time. If it trades below that, then I'd probably
13 00:02:26,610 --> 00:02:43,860 more likely be reaching for this as a return. For a equilibrium type, short term discount, it would be within this breaker, low high lower low. We've never
14 00:02:43,860 --> 00:02:55,980 really come back to that except for our small little brief retest or hero retest but I call that a Retrade to retrace to it, and then leaves it so if we do break
15 00:02:55,980 --> 00:03:06,420 below the midpoint of this down close candle then look for the breaker. Okay. But I'm specifically looking for by side than the city here
16 00:03:11,490 --> 00:03:18,180 also remind I'm not actually trading Forex. I'm just tossing this out here because I mentioned that I will be covering Forex for all of you that are still
17 00:03:18,870 --> 00:03:29,700 digging into those forex pairs. Alright, so we have the remaining balance of this cell Senate balance by Senate efficiency with a bias of liquidity pool here
18 00:03:30,510 --> 00:03:40,890 and here and here. So it's really likely that we're going to punch through that look for 125 even big figure, anything on the estimated upside would be a fossa
19 00:03:40,890 --> 00:03:54,840 liquidity pool resting around 126 67. That changes this if we take out the low here. Okay, so I'm bullish on POUND DOLLAR unless we take out this law
20 00:04:00,750 --> 00:04:12,630 Alright, so NASDAQ This is our daily chart here. Take your attention up to this old high here. So that is a key level 12,339 Even then the consequent
21 00:04:12,630 --> 00:04:24,480 encouragement of that wick because wicks are gaps. Some of you are asking what do I mean by a wick is a gap. The algorithm refers to a wick as a gap. And the
22 00:04:24,480 --> 00:04:33,150 gap will want to most likely be treated to its consequent encouragement, which is the midpoint of the gap. Not to be confused with a mean threshold, which is
23 00:04:33,150 --> 00:04:46,200 the middle or 50% level of an order block. Okay, so my order blackberry and gap theory are distinct. They're very similar in some ways, but they're very
24 00:04:46,200 --> 00:04:55,920 different than others. Okay, so as I mentioned, what we'll go over more of it as we go through this year in 2023 is mentorship. Alright, and now we're here we
25 00:04:55,920 --> 00:05:03,600 have two damn close candles, which is the bullish order block. If you look at the candles high here To this candles, Whoa, that's a buy side imbalance sell
26 00:05:03,600 --> 00:05:14,130 side inefficiency, fair value gap, but specifically categorized as a busy by side analysis on efficiency, the market trades down into it here and trades into
27 00:05:14,130 --> 00:05:24,060 the order block the open to the high. So both of those levels here, be mindful of this blue shaded area is this imbalance from here to here on this single
28 00:05:24,060 --> 00:05:34,500 candle and the order block are these two heavy blue lines. Okay. So it looks like he traded down there picked up to discount, pour off the low. And we'll
29 00:05:34,500 --> 00:05:40,890 probably look to trade up into this level here 12,001 49, even tomorrow going into Friday.
30 00:05:47,370 --> 00:05:59,100 All right, so here we are on the hourly chart. And right away, I should go right to this clean level here. Relative equal lows. And here's that daily by Sanibel
31 00:05:59,100 --> 00:06:16,170 sign efficiency rate here, this blue shaded area. It's aimed at this range from here to here. That's what it's showing the waterblock high in the open on the
32 00:06:16,170 --> 00:06:28,140 daily chart. That's what these levels are here. So you can see how we ran up took out the short term high, broke lower, we have a high, low higher high down
33 00:06:28,140 --> 00:06:40,620 close candle is what bearish breaker trades below it comes back up bumps it sell off, thus sells all the way off to take out the sell side liquidity. And there's
34 00:06:40,620 --> 00:06:46,110 an imbalance here and imbalance in here. And we're going to take a closer look at both of those.
35 00:06:51,990 --> 00:07:03,480 Right here's a 15 minute time frame, you can see the cell cycle recall here to clean, jagged edges are the result. smooth edges like to be made what jagged.
36 00:07:04,410 --> 00:07:21,060 Okay, fill a gap here. My trace down into that comes back up as a support rallies through the short term high trades up into the imbalance here. And what
37 00:07:21,060 --> 00:07:32,910 I'm watching tonight into tomorrow is do we continuously press higher, it looks like you're trying to give like a three drives pattern 123 I don't trust that I
38 00:07:32,910 --> 00:07:39,480 really don't trust it, I feel like they're gonna try to send it higher, I might be wrong and I'm completely comfortable being wrong. But this feels like they
39 00:07:39,480 --> 00:07:48,330 want to send this thing higher. And this high. While it is a nice breakers actually has multiple breakers in it, we have the high the low, the high and
40 00:07:48,420 --> 00:07:55,470 this damn close candle projected forward. That's the reaction I showed you. Before we dropped down from the 60 minute chart to the 30 minute chart here.
41 00:07:55,890 --> 00:08:08,460 That was the reaction we saw dropping. But there is a another breaker with high low, higher high, just as well as you can use this here, high, lower, higher
42 00:08:08,490 --> 00:08:18,450 than this. The down close candle you project that forward. We traded into that. Okay, we went above a little bit here while this candle is high, right there. So
43 00:08:18,450 --> 00:08:33,810 I'm watching to see do we disrespect this Sydney. Okay, because this actually is a bounced price range. And it needs to get through that now should we get
44 00:08:33,810 --> 00:08:46,440 through all of this range in here and trade aggressively above that, then the levels I mentioned on the daily chart are within reason. Otherwise, we could
45 00:08:46,440 --> 00:08:56,640 chop around. I don't see a sell off here yet. Like I don't expect a big dramatic sell off because we had pretty much that you know overnight in on the 24th which
46 00:08:56,640 --> 00:09:13,500 I outlined real time showing you in the chart where xe was within under two handles from the very high of the daily chart making this rotation lower when I
47 00:09:13,500 --> 00:09:24,060 was referring to ES not the NASDAQ by the way, but nonetheless it's the same thing. Alright, so here's the different timeframe with the imbalance here. So we
48 00:09:24,060 --> 00:09:36,030 have sell side and the very gap so digs down into that and it's also the low end of what the sensitive price point of a bullish or block which is the opening
49 00:09:36,030 --> 00:09:50,550 price and the high so it trades down into it hits it and then reacts so let's take a closer look inside this area in here alright, dragging down to a two
50 00:09:50,550 --> 00:10:01,350 minute chart. Why to the chart well to save time and this is the chart that has all the details that you would have worked down through anyway. We have Biostar
51 00:10:01,350 --> 00:10:14,280 here smooth relative equal highs, smooth relatively equal highs, breaks or block trades back to it here sells off trades into our imbalance digs in to the lower
52 00:10:14,280 --> 00:10:24,540 end which is the point is that definitely pricing the downward candle on the daily chart which is bullish or this is the higher the daily bullish order
53 00:10:24,540 --> 00:10:31,710 block. Okay, so that we go back through this video a couple times, I promise I won't go too long with it, but this level is the opening price on the daily
54 00:10:31,710 --> 00:10:46,260 chart down candle at the beginning of the discussion for NASDAQ, we trade down into it taking our sell side here and then trades higher trades back down into a
55 00:10:46,260 --> 00:10:57,120 fear you got after sell side has been taken. And a higher timeframe order block has been traded to the market rallies trades above a short term high. So now we
56 00:10:57,120 --> 00:11:06,600 have a shift in market structure. Fear of a gap here trades down into consequent incursion between the candles low and the candles high here. midpoint is here.
57 00:11:07,410 --> 00:11:19,920 And we have a bullish breaker. So we have low, high, lower low, take the body of the candle most of our most candle extended it forward. Okay, you're doing it
58 00:11:19,920 --> 00:11:26,970 with the up close candle, not the down closed candle when you're using bullish prayers extended through you can see we're finding some support in here
59 00:11:27,030 --> 00:11:36,120 consequent encouragement and you want to see gaps like that in this stay open. It would promote the idea that you may be seeing a breakaway gap. Its market
60 00:11:36,120 --> 00:11:48,300 rallies back up into less closed candle. This would be a breaker by any other definition. But because we are elongated from the high moment it keeps
61 00:11:48,300 --> 00:11:59,670 stretching further. And when trade back to it and above it, it's mitigation. Okay, so what's what's being mitigated here? Any trader that's offside that was
62 00:11:59,700 --> 00:12:13,920 going long in here. They can mitigate that trade here. Order blocks and candles are not mitigating. Okay. See a lot of people using the word a lot excessively
63 00:12:14,160 --> 00:12:28,290 mitigation and mitigating. Mitigating is the action of the trader that is offside order blocks in candles are not mitigating anything. Prices allowing the
64 00:12:28,290 --> 00:12:40,710 trader to mitigate their offside position mitigating potential drawdown limiting it or removing altogether so that was the function of mitigation trades down to
65 00:12:40,710 --> 00:12:48,360 here also we have a bias out of ourselves on efficiency but miss candles high this candles low we dip into that partially it's supporting Why didn't go we
66 00:12:48,360 --> 00:12:56,010 come down to this level here. Because the navigation block leaves some of that open expect it to be institutional order for entry here which is a partial entry
67 00:12:56,010 --> 00:13:07,980 to a fair value gap before resuming higher the market reaches up into the buy side liquidity here creates a bullish order block trades down into here rallies
68 00:13:08,010 --> 00:13:18,150 bear a gap consolidates accumulates more long positions and rallies away. What level is this accumulating long's that at the high of the daily bullish order
69 00:13:18,150 --> 00:13:27,690 block wick down here is the daily order block opening price. So this is the high wick area that and then we have market rally up order block retest here
70 00:13:28,320 --> 00:13:41,430 continues to move higher. Happening session on NASDAQ dropping into still the two minute chart New York launch begins and ends here's that run from the order
71 00:13:41,430 --> 00:13:52,230 block and then the fear Vega rally around the high of that daily bullish order block with high rallies order block as I mentioned before we transitioned into
72 00:13:52,230 --> 00:14:00,810 the pm session slide here no institutional order flow introduced right there I don't have that new pologize fear that you get with an order block trades into
73 00:14:00,810 --> 00:14:11,610 here rallies order block cut through candles folks. Little short block rallies another order block 123 Why do I only use this one candle here in mind I use all
74 00:14:11,610 --> 00:14:19,680 of these here because all these candles here are going against order flow order flows bullish. So if there's a series of down close candles and we rally through
75 00:14:19,680 --> 00:14:32,310 it strongly like we do here go back to that original high candle extended forward. We have an imbalance yes we have a potential order lock here but I'm
76 00:14:32,310 --> 00:14:41,430 not interested in that why because the candles body on this one goes lower than now. There's rules There's levels all this folks. The market drops into the
77 00:14:41,430 --> 00:14:48,780 order block accumulates rallies again small little fair value gap in here between this candle is high and this candles low. Send it through accumulate
78 00:14:48,810 --> 00:14:58,800 Long's here, here here. And then once we're over here, why that needs to go higher. And that last our trading the macro runs from three o'clock to four
79 00:14:58,800 --> 00:15:14,670 o'clock. It trades down to the order block. Everyone thinks with highs in place posted through whose advice is rolling over into E Mini s&p is our daily chart.
80 00:15:16,020 --> 00:15:23,310 Obviously this high is important, I still have another chart because I want you to see the distinctions between these levels. We have the consequent portion of
81 00:15:23,310 --> 00:15:38,010 this wick 4117 and three quarters consequence of this candles wick which is 4,072.75. Much like NASDAQ we had accumulation from this original fear of a gap
82 00:15:38,010 --> 00:15:48,540 here, bouncing, trading up to and stopping here. Most traders like I mentioned, they would expect this to be a sell off. We've walked through this on live
83 00:15:48,600 --> 00:15:58,290 tweets and discussions and watching you my commentary throughout the day. And then the market rally through attacking the buy side here as I was mentioning,
84 00:15:58,320 --> 00:16:08,190 we would likely see the Twitter storm that I send out in terms of market commentary and things that pretty much keep your eye on and study tape read via
85 00:16:08,190 --> 00:16:23,580 my tweets. market does in fact deliver that then we had this meal here. Okay, previous day we had this small little candle which is what an Inside Day Inside
86 00:16:23,580 --> 00:16:33,690 Day because it's high is lower than the previous day. And it's low is higher than the previous day. So we're gonna get a large range day whenever we see this
87 00:16:33,690 --> 00:16:41,820 type of scenario. Now I liked the idea that we came all the way back down into this box that imbalance also inefficiency this green candle here and the buy
88 00:16:41,820 --> 00:16:45,960 side imbalance sells on efficiency fair Vega is framed with this candles Hi,
89 00:16:46,140 --> 00:16:56,490 this candles low split this candles range between here and here. This is consequent encouragement, look out nicely. It's beautiful. It's almost like
90 00:16:56,490 --> 00:17:07,380 poetry. How just drops like this hits the consequent encroachment, completely algorithmic and then reprice is higher. Now, intraday, this is gonna look like
91 00:17:07,380 --> 00:17:17,310 it's going to hell. Oh, it's gonna crash. Oh, it's gonna. And so it feels like when you're Massey's lower timeframes. But you have to have a baseline on what
92 00:17:17,340 --> 00:17:25,050 the higher timeframe daily chart is, because the algorithm is predominantly using reference points on this timeframe here. So the narrative is really
93 00:17:25,920 --> 00:17:34,440 closely linked to this timeframe. So you need to know your key levels off of this daily chart, carrying those ideas and levels over into the hourly chart you
94 00:17:34,440 --> 00:17:46,320 can see here, here's that buy Sanibel sell some efficiency in the market rally up on the pass through here, consolidated relative equal lows, so you knew was
95 00:17:46,320 --> 00:17:53,970 gonna be resting below that, right, so sad liquidity. And we had a small little imbalance That's purple, it's hard to see it, I know that we have this one here.
96 00:17:54,840 --> 00:18:03,780 And then we have this one over here, it's better to leave this one, open. Why? This is the part where you write down in your notebook. When you have a larger
97 00:18:03,780 --> 00:18:13,530 imbalance, like this blue shaded one here from the daily chart. If I'm bullish, I want to see the majority of the reactions in the upper portion, which would be
98 00:18:13,530 --> 00:18:25,500 the premium level of the imbalance. But when you're looking for continuations, don't see this trading down to this level here in upper portion. Like I have
99 00:18:25,500 --> 00:18:36,090 here, the upper half of the fair Vega, that area here, a premium on a higher Time Frame level when bullish when it trades back down into it, it creates what
100 00:18:36,120 --> 00:18:48,360 an inversion. So premium becomes discount. That part is extremely confusing. And I promise you we will revisit this throughout the course of 2023. But just know
101 00:18:48,360 --> 00:18:56,010 that it's better. You want to know the answers, the whiners, some of these imbalances are gonna stay open, right? While I'm teaching it to you. And this is
102 00:18:56,010 --> 00:19:03,540 what I meant by I just can't do a five minute trainer video, I just can't write a paragraph or tweet and explain it and you can run away and start making
103 00:19:03,540 --> 00:19:12,930 courses about it because you still don't know what I'm talking about. The whole point is there are some imbalances. They're going to remain open. Some I want
104 00:19:12,930 --> 00:19:24,930 them filled the ones in the upper half of this fairway graph on the daily chart above consequent curtailment. I want to see those filled, it's even stronger if
105 00:19:24,930 --> 00:19:35,070 they don't fill in. But the ones on the lower half. They are likely to stay open. They're better as they open. If they come down and fill in, then it's not
106 00:19:35,070 --> 00:19:45,840 as bullish. And the algorithm may chop around and consolidate longer. And then I have to wait for more information. But if I see these types of scenarios here,
107 00:19:46,140 --> 00:19:55,980 it's almost like a loaded deal. Like a lead lead pipe cinch trade. It's easy. Like it's a sledge hammer. Like it's pretty much next to a short thing that
108 00:19:55,980 --> 00:20:04,800 you're going to get a type of reaction like this here, okay. And it's why some Heinz, when you see me trade, I can go right in here when it's just driving
109 00:20:05,220 --> 00:20:14,040 straight down like a falling dagger. And I'll catch it right when it's going into the lowest low, and I'll buy it right there, which seems crazy. But it's
110 00:20:14,040 --> 00:20:26,190 these types of scenarios that I do that in, when I can see what the framework is entrusted you, these theories down here won't be traded to. So we have an
111 00:20:26,190 --> 00:20:37,230 imbalance in here, keep your eye on that pink area there. And then we have this wick as consequent encroachment. That's the next objective at 4,043.25. In the
112 00:20:37,230 --> 00:20:56,640 reduction block, we saw that Trinity today 40 38.75. And let's dig into the perspective of this entire range from here to here, here's equilibrium. So we
113 00:20:56,640 --> 00:21:03,510 are in what a discount. So even though we're in the upper portion of that daily fair value gap in the form of advice on a balance outside of efficiency, that's
114 00:21:03,510 --> 00:21:17,100 that blue shaded box here. The upper portion of that is the ideal scenario for what lower intraday charts trading down into that creating a discount relative
115 00:21:17,100 --> 00:21:28,470 to this low to this high. So you can start to see how this web gets very, very intricate as we drop from a higher timeframe down to the lower timeframe. And if
116 00:21:28,470 --> 00:21:39,720 you don't know your stuff, or more specifically, my stuff, you can get easily inundated and lost, which is why algorithmic theory must be understood. You just
117 00:21:39,720 --> 00:21:46,710 can't look at down close candles and things are order blocks and you can't look at just every individual candle that may resemble a fair value gap and assume
118 00:21:46,710 --> 00:21:54,840 that you're going to have a trade on that there has to be narrative wrapped around it. And none of you that are running around trying to teach my course
119 00:21:54,930 --> 00:22:01,500 materials have any idea what you're doing. Stop, okay, just stop. You're hurting other people.
120 00:22:07,380 --> 00:22:16,950 Okay, 30 minute time frame. You can see that we dropped down from the fairway gap over here. We went below the low here went below it came back up MCATs
121 00:22:16,980 --> 00:22:28,530 really respecting that one more time here consequent encroachment midpoint of the pink shaded area. And then x is what real resistance as added support here,
122 00:22:28,530 --> 00:22:39,060 right. If we go through it like we do here, it can come back up. And then what we start to work now this whole shaded area becomes a bounce price range. It's
123 00:22:39,060 --> 00:22:54,630 delivered both sides down and then left it come back in consequent encroachment that's the last line of defense and goodbye nasty plunge drops lower creates a
124 00:22:54,630 --> 00:23:06,750 small little city here fairway get consequent encroachment, beautiful delivery down into our lower level hourly. Here Vega digs into it perfectly here not
125 00:23:06,750 --> 00:23:18,060 perfectly one over but one quarter of a point to one tick. Then we consolidate here, create a fair value get, as I mentioned, live on a one minute chart and
126 00:23:18,060 --> 00:23:29,130 then rallied up. Then I was watching all this stuff on my phone. Sneaking admittedly I was sneaking on my telephone, walking around being with my wife
127 00:23:29,130 --> 00:23:41,730 today. So it was no harm no foul, but I was in stealth mode trying to give you commentary. I wasn't supposed to be on Twitter today, but I surreptitiously did
128 00:23:41,730 --> 00:23:57,360 it. Sneaky ICT so notice also this city project that through you can see we come back down into it in consequent corrosion once more. Bam, like that. Bam. You're
129 00:23:57,360 --> 00:24:04,410 gonna hear all kinds of wild stuff. And I'm doing live streams, some of the things you've never heard me say and whenever there's animation on my part, and
130 00:24:04,410 --> 00:24:12,120 if especially if my son does something right, and then we'd like cheerleading them. So you just get yourself ready for all that business. The rallies up,
131 00:24:12,810 --> 00:24:26,520 takes up Beisa here digs into the last upclose little change in the state of delivery here strap into the five minute chart. Here's a five minute chart, saw
132 00:24:26,520 --> 00:24:34,800 the quarter here digs below it. It's the hourly fare agar, the one app consequent encroachment. Remember, we don't want to see the lower half of that
133 00:24:34,860 --> 00:24:43,230 daily by surveillance also efficiently which is that big blue shaded area here. We don't want to see it trade down below consequent origin. We're focusing on
134 00:24:43,230 --> 00:24:54,510 the upper portion of that. Because if it's going to do its turn in here and sort of presenting all these arrays that we can time off a long or a shift higher in
135 00:24:54,510 --> 00:25:06,540 price then it's better for it to do that there then dig into the lower portion of that box and analysis on efficiency on the daily chart. Now, this is one of
136 00:25:06,540 --> 00:25:13,380 those videos where you have to watch it a few times. Because what I'm saying isn't going to register until you watch the first portion of the video the
137 00:25:13,380 --> 00:25:24,300 upsets so far pertaining to Yes, because it's, it takes a couple times to see where we're at, in the lower timeframes, what these areas are, and you can
138 00:25:24,300 --> 00:25:33,540 quickly see why I am not, I'm not painting all this stuff on my charts when I'm watching it, because to me, this is extremely busy. But I'm showing you the
139 00:25:33,540 --> 00:25:45,360 overlap of all of these convergences that the algorithms gonna refer to. It's not, there's not supply and demand, it's not support and resistance. It's these
140 00:25:45,360 --> 00:25:55,770 ranges, the markets gonna key off of very specific prices, the high the middle point, or the low. And there's logic into knowing which one you want to see hit
141 00:25:55,770 --> 00:26:03,930 and which ones you don't want to see hit. And I'm going to do that throughout this year. So that way, that's the only way you can learn it. That's the only
142 00:26:03,930 --> 00:26:12,360 way you can learn it. Because knowing what I know what's been codified, I can't just simply say, this is the rules that's going to work every single time,
143 00:26:12,360 --> 00:26:20,250 there's going to be things that the algorithm is going to do based on what factors are in price action at that time, on that day of the week, and that time
144 00:26:20,250 --> 00:26:29,550 of day. So all those things coming together and being equal, you're going to have certain rules and processes that you're gonna have to consider. I'm not
145 00:26:29,550 --> 00:26:39,540 going to teach you every possible scenario, because that will take years, many years. And frankly, I don't promise that to you anyway, that's pretty much what
146 00:26:39,570 --> 00:26:49,380 makes me who I am. And my family members are privy to that. But the general public like you all of you, I don't know that to you. So I'm doing as much as I
147 00:26:49,380 --> 00:26:59,160 can, obviously, and much more than any of you really would have discovered. So I'm hoping that this is going to be enough this year. For some of you, it won't
148 00:26:59,160 --> 00:27:13,590 be and that's okay. But I want you to take your attention in here. We have this candle here. This candle here in this candle right there. So the market reacts
149 00:27:13,590 --> 00:27:24,990 from the low end of the hourly, fair Vega that joins in links with that consequent encroachment of that daily boss and analysis on efficiency. The blue
150 00:27:25,050 --> 00:27:36,000 rectangle, hit rallies up creates a short term high right there. And then this candle pierces it creating when this candle here closes fear a gap right there.
151 00:27:37,260 --> 00:27:50,970 So the market trades down into here, once more opens, and then runs away, water lock trades down retouches it rallies, consolidates rallies again into our old
152 00:27:50,970 --> 00:28:01,290 shaded area. dips back down. It's going to be resistance here. Now. We have now turned the corner down here. I mentioned that if we went to 3977 and three
153 00:28:01,290 --> 00:28:11,730 quarters, that's the end of the line. That means it's over. The bear sentiment is no longer valid. We will be considering what the end of bearish sentiment is
154 00:28:11,730 --> 00:28:22,500 now bullish. Okay, so you're watching look at the tweets, I'm not going to show you in the tweet, that's your job to go through the tweets. In here, I give a
155 00:28:22,560 --> 00:28:30,300 very specific candle to talk about a fair value gap. And we'll look at that when you drop it on the lower timeframes but your eyes away and comes back down into
156 00:28:30,300 --> 00:28:47,370 the buy side of the sell side of efficiency here with the order block trades to their rallies through and presses into the afternoon 40 38.75 level on a one
157 00:28:47,370 --> 00:28:57,570 minute chart, you can see how we dropped from that 15 minute timeframe for your yoga retreat up into here it is a Judas swing after taken by some liquidity.
158 00:28:59,010 --> 00:29:06,960 This right here had everybody thinking it's gonna retire. I was watching several live streamers this morning. They got really animated here, they're actually
159 00:29:06,960 --> 00:29:14,550 wishing cheerleading, hoping it goes higher hoping it goes higher. And the more they did that, the more I felt confident that it was going to sell off. So I
160 00:29:14,550 --> 00:29:25,650 actually sold off a position here built it larger here and wrote it all down into this level here. And then in here, I went short, building up another
161 00:29:25,650 --> 00:29:34,260 position. And then I was calling all this stuff on the fly on a telephone. So I was looking at all the things I look for doing all the measurements. I look for
162 00:29:34,260 --> 00:29:49,830 Fibonacci extensions, levels on higher timeframes working down, and I came to idea that 3962 and a half would be likely. So I had a limit order to get out at
163 00:29:49,830 --> 00:30:09,000 39 62.75. And it didn't give it to me. The market didn't actually go that low. The market did in fact rally here. Look at this hot here, right with the volume
164 00:30:09,000 --> 00:30:17,370 and balances. See this high here? This candle is high is higher than that one. And then this candle is lower than that one. This is your swing high. The market
165 00:30:17,370 --> 00:30:27,180 rallies through. That's a shift in market structure. But ICT it didn't close above the high. I didn't say it had to go back and watch the videos on the 2020
166 00:30:27,690 --> 00:30:40,320 model. A shift in market structure does not ever require a close above a short term high. When it's shifting bullish. It does not require a close below the
167 00:30:40,320 --> 00:30:51,960 swing low. When it's shifting, bearish. Stop spreading misinformation and stop perpetuating ignorance. Okay, this is the reason why people complain to me,
168 00:30:51,990 --> 00:30:59,910 because they're learning from Dollar Menu mentorships. And they're not learning from someone that can do it. Number one, they didn't author it. They have no
169 00:30:59,910 --> 00:31:09,210 idea what it is they have no idea when it won't work when it's likely to be there when it's not likely to be there. So that shift here is bullish. So this
170 00:31:09,210 --> 00:31:23,160 drop down here, it's a suspect decline. It's a Judas swing in many ways. Where's it going? Here Vega trades and consequent crocin midpoint. How nice is that? The
171 00:31:23,160 --> 00:31:36,300 market rallies takes off the short term high here. Now the fair Vega. Here's where I stated. Look. Look at that candle right there on a one minute chart.
172 00:31:38,220 --> 00:31:54,240 That candle is your favorite agar. And I said you had homework today, I gave you a task of looking for to find to five handle price runs before noon. Well, I
173 00:31:54,240 --> 00:31:58,260 know some of you were not able to get to. So I gave you one today.
174 00:31:59,460 --> 00:32:10,530 Here is the candle that range extended through it, it touches it here, here, here here. And then I said you're gonna take your attention to 39 ad to Basa
175 00:32:10,530 --> 00:32:21,390 liquidity, which is this short term high. Why that one because it's going to offer five handles easy and delivers like gangbusters. I'm walking around, I'm
176 00:32:21,390 --> 00:32:32,160 looking at my phone. So I'm looking at all this price action here through the lens of what my Galaxy Note 10 My cell phone can only show me so much in my 50
177 00:32:32,160 --> 00:32:40,200 year old eyes. They're not as good as they used to be. So it is what it is. Eight ran off a lot more. And I thought I was gonna do to get something in the
178 00:32:40,200 --> 00:32:49,500 afternoon. But it did majority of the run right after me calling this live on Twitter. It just left. You know Elvis left the building right there boom in
179 00:32:49,620 --> 00:33:05,280 stock indices went with him. So we consolidate in here, rip through the buy side here back into that in bounce on the hourly chart, an hourly break of continuity
180 00:33:05,280 --> 00:33:12,810 and price action. During the New York lunch hour, you can see that here. We dropped back down into the passing of ourselves time efficiency hits the order
181 00:33:12,810 --> 00:33:27,090 block here. Beautiful rally accumulated the low end of that old hourly imbalance, the pink shaded area and Vega rallies once more. And you're gonna
182 00:33:27,090 --> 00:33:35,370 want to go through your charts and see what these levels are. Okay, this is the part this is the part where the lazy students, the casual readers and Netflix
183 00:33:35,400 --> 00:33:43,860 ICT students, you're not going to get this. You might be entertained, or maybe bored to death by watching my videos. But I can tell you this if you don't go
184 00:33:43,860 --> 00:33:52,920 into your charts and look for the things I'm annotating here or mine. If you're just simply watching mine, you are not learning you're not doing the quote
185 00:33:52,920 --> 00:34:00,630 unquote work that's required. This is the part that none of my students that paid me for mentorship, they didn't do these things. They didn't then take that
186 00:34:00,630 --> 00:34:08,070 information into live data and watch price print and if they had jobs or if they went to school or if they couldn't be awake during that time. They didn't make
187 00:34:08,070 --> 00:34:17,190 an investment to record price in a screen recorder and then study it that way. So there's no excuse zero excuse for you not to be going into your charts
188 00:34:17,190 --> 00:34:26,460 because if you don't do that you're not going to get the Blue Ribbon results you're hoping for at the end. All right, creates a decline in here. Order block
189 00:34:27,330 --> 00:34:38,100 trades into here rips higher, fair value get these into it here with an owner block. Rallies again by side taken here false high drops back down the last hour
190 00:34:38,190 --> 00:34:46,800 of trading between three o'clock and four o'clock waterblock extended through why this one because we're not supplying demand we cut through candles. This is
191 00:34:46,800 --> 00:35:01,920 the most significant price point. This one here. Last few down close candles through this price action hits a here last our macro All comes in, great when
192 00:35:01,920 --> 00:35:13,110 you're expecting it to rallies up, takes the buyside out, bam hits the 4038 and three quarters level. Go back to the beginning of the discussion for ES and see
193 00:35:13,110 --> 00:35:22,260 what that is on the daily chart. That's where you derive it from, and that my friends and neighbors is going to be it for today. I hope you had a good week
194 00:35:22,260 --> 00:35:33,210 with me. Closing shop early. So Thursday's trading in Friday's trading, I might do some personal trades, and then they show you like a short little vignette
195 00:35:33,240 --> 00:35:42,780 type thing. But as far as like YouTube videos, I gotta rest a little bit more, okay, because we're coming up close to when I'm going to be really delivering on
196 00:35:42,780 --> 00:35:50,730 a day by day basis. So I'm trying to enjoy the time, even though I'm trying to keep myself close to the marketplace and not get rusty by staying away from the
197 00:35:50,730 --> 00:36:00,360 market for a few weeks. This way, keeps me close, keeps my finger on the pulse of the market sentiment in order flow. And then we'll see we'll get so if I do
198 00:36:00,360 --> 00:36:11,310 something tomorrow on trading then I can record something I will if I can't, you know I'll try to do something on Friday. In otherwise we will talk on I guess a
199 00:36:11,310 --> 00:36:15,840 shot on Saturday on Twitter. Until then, be safe