ICT YT - 2023-01-24 - Conquering Fear Of Being Wrong Vs. Profitability

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2023-01-27 05:33


02:59 - E-Mini S&P Futures -.

04:53 - Fear of being wrong vs. focus on profitability -.

10:15 - The importance of having a full calendar year of experience.

13:14 - Looking for patterns for pattern’s sake.

19:50 - The importance of understanding why you’re getting into a trade -.

26:40 - Take everything off your chart and look at the market.

29:14 - S&P/Nasdaq divergence at the lows of September.

34:40 - Holding on to right or wrong vs harvesting.

38:08 - The desire to be right vs. profitability.

45:24 - Why you need to stop placing so much emphasis on being correct and never get it wrong.

52:57 - There’s no shame in learning how to trade -.

56:08 - Don’t measure your progress against someone else’s. Your progress is uniquely your progress.

01:02:06 - He only wants to make the money, that's the proper mindset.

01:05:49 - He doesn't want to fail and do it wrong.

01:11:46 - When you do this work you get all the results and you own it.

01:18:13 - Become the trader that you don’t even realize is in the making -.

01:21:24 - The market is a mirror -.

01:27:27 - How to find a model that fits your personality.

01:30:56 - Market Structure Break - Market Structure Shift.

01:35:55 - What to look for in the market.

01:42:28 - What is a bullish breaker?

01:45:41 - What you need to look for in a trader -.

01:51:58 - Hourly Chart:.

01:55:45 - How do you log what you see in your charts?

02:03:10 - What’s the likelihood of these relative highs?

02:10:51 - Real-time trading charts with one minute candles.

02:15:05 - There’s a gray area where experience dictates the outcome.

02:20:53 - What do you think I’ve been telling you? Five handles five panels is all over the place.

02:24:10 - How to plan your trading.

02:31:49 - Don’t touch the Dow.


00:02:59,670 --> 00:03:10,710 ICT: Everybody's doing well good morning just waiting for my confirmation that audio has gone through
00:03:39,960 --> 00:03:42,960 Alright, so it's important to pay attention to this risk disclaimer
00:04:08,340 --> 00:04:23,760 Alright, so we are looking at the E Mini s&p futures contract for March delivery 2023 in the upper left hand corner this one up here that's the hourly chart
00:04:31,500 --> 00:04:47,160 and the lower left is the 15 minute timeframe and in the larger chart to the right is the one minute chart all the same market just different timeframes.
00:04:53,670 --> 00:05:04,920 Alright, so if you're not following me on Twitter, you're probably not going to Appreciate as much as those individuals that watched me outline this morning was
00:05:04,920 --> 00:05:15,420 really short. But I'll give you the context as to why I was drawing everyone's attention to the buyside liquidity. And what we may or may not see going forward
00:05:15,420 --> 00:05:30,090 for the rest of the day. So it's topic I want to talk about is conquering fear of being wrong, versus the focus being on profitability. So if you're starting
00:05:30,120 --> 00:05:42,930 with me, or in trading in general, it's easy to get inundated with fear. And I promise it won't be a long, drawn out. Boring session. So I'm gonna take you
00:05:42,930 --> 00:05:51,030 into the charts. But I'll I'll kind of like want to build a foundation here as to why I'm going to be talking about this topic and why it's something that it's
10 00:05:51,030 --> 00:05:59,880 important for you to tackle early on. But it's also something for you to minimize as a concern. In the beginning, when you first start learning how to
11 00:05:59,880 --> 00:06:12,990 trade, and you're watching these charts, and it looks like a foreign language you've never learned before. Pressuring yourself to try to find correct entries,
12 00:06:13,260 --> 00:06:26,340 and correct stop placements. targets. Which timeframe in which market should you be falling? What approach or model or technique are you going to employ? Those
13 00:06:26,340 --> 00:06:39,960 are all normal things for a new student or trader to be concerned about. But the most significant factor in a developing students mindset is conquering the fear
14 00:06:39,960 --> 00:06:52,350 of being right or wrong. And more specifically, the fear of getting it wrong. There's nothing wrong with doing it incorrectly. But there is a lot of things
15 00:06:52,350 --> 00:07:03,390 wrong with doing it incorrectly, recklessly, with over leveraging overtrading and just gambling. So there's a lot of things that I teach in price action that
16 00:07:03,390 --> 00:07:17,520 are repetitive in nature, they tend to repeat when conditions are prone to produce the outcome that we're looking for. Now there are times when even myself
17 00:07:17,520 --> 00:07:30,330 I'll go in and expect a certain price delivery something to bring in a certain response in price action. And I try to align myself with that mindset, through
18 00:07:30,330 --> 00:07:40,350 the charts through my teaching so that we my students that are following me on Twitter, are alerted to where I'm thinking the markets gonna go to next. Now,
19 00:07:40,380 --> 00:07:47,220 don't do it yet. Because the tweets are already there, I can't change them, I can't edit them. Okay, and you can see the responses from people that were
20 00:07:47,220 --> 00:07:59,760 watching it, then as well. I don't delete any tweet, sometimes I'll do a typo. I may or may not catch it. But whatever tweet I put out, it stays. So you can
21 00:07:59,760 --> 00:08:15,930 grade my consistency based on all that. As well as precision. So when we're looking at being correct, or trying to avoid being incorrect, what we're placing
22 00:08:15,990 --> 00:08:27,270 on ourselves is an unrealistic expectation because nobody is perfect. I'm not perfect, I do get it wrong. Sometimes I miss trade, sometimes I enter a trade
23 00:08:27,300 --> 00:08:35,250 and it will hit my stop loss and I never get a profit out of it at all. And there's nothing wrong with that, it doesn't mean that the model that I employ
24 00:08:35,280 --> 00:08:47,880 are the concepts that I use and create they fail in my use, because on the operator, not the concepts themselves, I've misinterpreted price. So there's a
25 00:08:47,880 --> 00:09:00,090 great deal of responsibility that is placed on me as the analyst slash trader, while I'm trying to keep the gambler that's an all of us at bay, trying to
26 00:09:00,630 --> 00:09:16,290 preserve equity, and keeping the hands of the gambler out of the equation. So when we look at charts, and what I'm lending you in my experience, is by being
27 00:09:16,290 --> 00:09:28,470 on Twitter, I point to levels that I think are the next draw on liquidity. I think that providing that tool that resource allows my students to at least
28 00:09:28,530 --> 00:09:38,790 engage in this is my opinion now, okay, doesn't mean I'm correct, but my opinion and my thought processes, if I've been doing this for 30 years, I think it's
29 00:09:38,790 --> 00:09:49,170 reasonable to assume that I would have a better understanding where price is gonna go then that of a new student or a new startup or someone that's casually
30 00:09:49,170 --> 00:10:02,070 just viewing my tweets or my content. Can I show before the fact where the market is likely to go to next and what narrative behind that exists? So, if
31 00:10:02,070 --> 00:10:13,590 we're looking for repetitive patterns, or delivery in price that should be consistent doesn't mean it's going to be 100%. It just means that over a long
32 00:10:13,590 --> 00:10:23,730 sample size, what's a long sample size? Well, it's relative to whatever you think is reasonable. I think reasonable isn't as a year, one year of
33 00:10:23,730 --> 00:10:35,790 consistently being able to see the market real time call it beforehand, tape reading, practicing, then, I think in my opinion, may want to disagree with
34 00:10:35,790 --> 00:10:46,200 this. But after a full calendar year, where you see all of the seasonal factors that come into the marketplace, all the seasonal tendencies, the geopolitical
35 00:10:46,560 --> 00:10:58,920 tug of war, things that create Well, reverberations through the marketplace, because those shockwaves will be seen in these candlesticks. So having a full
36 00:10:58,920 --> 00:11:12,210 year behind you, allows you to have the confidence that you've seen enough to know that this is worth pursuing. While I'm talking about this, I'm watching the
37 00:11:12,210 --> 00:11:22,110 4032 level, there's by sign up there. So as I'm talking to you, I'm just thinking out loud, it doesn't mean I'm taking a trade. I've already done for
38 00:11:22,110 --> 00:11:33,840 today, and I'll show you why I did what I did, and we'll go over that. But I want you to think about how I'm learning from a book. Okay, learning from a
39 00:11:33,840 --> 00:11:49,920 course, learning from static texts that come in a PDF format, okay. They all have their place in our learning, they all have a certain measure of value. But
40 00:11:49,920 --> 00:12:01,620 seeing something demonstrated repeatedly over and over again, week after week, day after day, taking your focus into a specific location and price action. And
41 00:12:01,620 --> 00:12:13,470 then watching that price deliver real time from an alert that comes through a tweet that says, note this on your chart. This morning, I noted in a tweet, I
42 00:12:13,470 --> 00:12:24,330 said 4028. Note that love letter by side liquidity. The reason why I sent that tweet out was I was watching price in here. See how it's relatively equal here.
43 00:12:24,750 --> 00:12:30,330 Now retail traders and I apologize, you're gonna hear one of my boxers Bella, she's barking she's trying to get my attention because she's she knows I'm
44 00:12:30,330 --> 00:12:44,040 upstairs in the office. And this area here, it looks like resistance to retail traders. So whenever the market looks smooth like this, I have an expression I
45 00:12:44,040 --> 00:12:52,680 like to use all the time smooth edges like to be made jagged in the marketplace. Much in the same vein, you see these relative equal lows, the market goes
46 00:12:52,710 --> 00:13:03,450 through them multiple times, and then reacts this level in response to this shaded area. I'll cover that all six, I mentioned that, you know, tweet before
47 00:13:03,450 --> 00:13:12,540 the fact too. But I want you to think about how the things I'm showing in my tweets and in my recordings and my executions, because you're seeing one right
48 00:13:12,540 --> 00:13:25,380 here. It's based on things that repeat over and over again, algorithmically in price. So when I'm looking at price, and when I'm trying to teach you as my
49 00:13:25,380 --> 00:13:36,990 students, I'm not trying to put your mind into the framework of looking for patterns for patterns sake, which is equivalent to what indicator traders do.
50 00:13:37,500 --> 00:13:44,010 And allow me the liberty to say that without feeling like I'm beating anybody over the hill, I know there's traders out there that use indicators that are
51 00:13:44,010 --> 00:13:53,040 profitable. But I want you to just take a step back and think for a moment. If you're using by contrast, I want you to think about what I'm teaching them what
52 00:13:53,040 --> 00:14:05,100 other traders do with indicators. And if you look at an indicator and you're measuring the bullishness or bearishness of a particular market on a specific
53 00:14:05,100 --> 00:14:18,510 timeframe, using any indicator could be stochastic. It could be RSI, CCI, MACD, you name it, whatever it is that you're attributing religious belief that that
54 00:14:18,750 --> 00:14:27,210 indicator, and it's compression and manipulation of data, which is the open high, low and close that's already happened. That's all these indicators do.
55 00:14:27,630 --> 00:14:35,610 They number crunch, they take something that's already happened, which is what you've already seen here in this chart. These candles are representative of the
56 00:14:35,610 --> 00:14:45,000 raw data that the indicators used to compress and crunch and spit out some kind of overbought, oversold or continuation or something to that effect. And when I
57 00:14:45,000 --> 00:14:52,080 first started as a trader, it was important for me to figure out what indicator I should be using.
58 00:14:53,460 --> 00:15:01,320 And over time, I learned that it's not all that important, because I got caught up in this one ticket Quick Look at NASDAQ.
59 00:15:09,210 --> 00:15:21,330 The indicators are not the secret, it's not when I first started, I felt that it was. And I had a lot of indicators on my chart, lots of them. And it became a
60 00:15:21,330 --> 00:15:32,160 pursuit of finding the pattern in indicators. So one can argue, and this is my argument here is that if you're looking at indicators, you're no different than
61 00:15:32,160 --> 00:15:43,710 someone that looks at just a classic chart pattern, you're looking for the pattern of price delivering on the heels of something you've attributed to, with
62 00:15:43,710 --> 00:15:55,080 a religious belief. And there's a lot of atheists in this marketplace, that are still religious because they have their faith based on something that may or may
63 00:15:55,080 --> 00:16:04,530 not be the real catalyst where my price is going where it's going. And that, to me was a big shock, when I discovered that my faith, that was indicators and the
64 00:16:05,040 --> 00:16:19,050 use of them wasn't needed. At least for me, it wasn't needed. And it provided clarity when I removed them from the chart. And I take a step back all the time.
65 00:16:19,410 --> 00:16:28,230 And I try to think about how I'm going to present this in a way where I won't offend someone, because invariably, I'm going to offend a group of listeners or
66 00:16:28,230 --> 00:16:37,380 viewers. It's not my intent. Okay, my intent is for you to just think about it for a moment and think about how this may or may not be true for you. But when I
67 00:16:37,380 --> 00:16:46,230 took away the indicators, it was scary for me because I felt like I was blind. Like I didn't know what I was doing. I was trying to drive in the dark, with no
68 00:16:46,230 --> 00:17:00,810 light. That's scary, right? So what it took for me to grow in trading naked, with nothing on the chart new indicators whatsoever. I had to understand why I'm
69 00:17:00,840 --> 00:17:12,360 even anticipating a specific price move in the first place. So I'm looking for reasons why the market should go higher. Okay. Why should it go higher? While
70 00:17:12,360 --> 00:17:23,040 the market has gone to a specific level, it's shown a willingness to go higher. It's punished those individuals that have already tried to go long. And there's
71 00:17:23,070 --> 00:17:34,260 a area where traders that would be profitable as the market dropped, where would they have their stop loss? And I started thinking about the market from a
72 00:17:34,500 --> 00:17:47,160 cannibalistic stance, how can I devour the less informed traders? That that was the mindset. So instead of going in and looking at price action with indicators
73 00:17:47,160 --> 00:17:57,270 over the chart, I started thinking about where are all the traders out there right now in the marketplace? Where would they have an order resting whether to
74 00:17:57,270 --> 00:18:11,880 get in the market? Or gadelle? Where would they have a protective stop loss. And the logic that most retail books would promote is this is resistance. So
75 00:18:11,880 --> 00:18:19,650 therefore, as the market drops, where would be the easiest place to place a protective buy, stop protecting your position, it would be above these highs.
76 00:18:20,160 --> 00:18:30,030 That's exactly what every person that does any kind of retail level trading when you first get into the marketplace. That's the first lesson they learn. That's
77 00:18:30,030 --> 00:18:42,090 the that's the first sip of the Kool Aid that poisons your entire outlook on price. I do the same thing. I'm guilty of that too. And it's hard to believe
78 00:18:42,090 --> 00:18:56,310 that they would allow all these books out there with all this misinformation, but yet they do. misinformation in the hands of someone that's reckless, can
79 00:18:56,310 --> 00:19:09,510 cause blown accounts. I've done that. Depression, I've experienced that. repeated failure, I've experienced that as well. That changed when I stopped
80 00:19:09,510 --> 00:19:22,620 forcing my treasured authors and mentors who I had foolishly placed faith in because they showed me static examples that they didn't actually trade
81 00:19:22,620 --> 00:19:34,860 themselves. So there's a limitation in terms of what you can learn from someone, even me if I would have never started doing what I'm doing here. Or when I was
82 00:19:34,860 --> 00:19:42,570 doing mentorship and showing my students daily, like you're getting the experience of right now on Twitter. Stop asking me to join because I'm doing it
83 00:19:42,600 --> 00:19:50,430 for free. Right in front of everybody. Everybody's here listening. Everybody's able to watch my tweets, okay? That's the mentorship you're all part of it when
84 00:19:50,430 --> 00:20:00,030 you go there. It didn't cost you anything but the time invested. But it's going to take you time to divulge or for me to divulge everything that is that I I
85 00:20:00,030 --> 00:20:08,010 want to cover and I think a minimum reasonable expectation in terms of time is a full calendar year because there's seasonal tendency to come in the marketplace.
86 00:20:10,620 --> 00:20:23,640 But you're gonna see a reoccurring theme that repeats itself, that I'm taking your attention to the most important level next. Contrast that with, alright,
87 00:20:23,640 --> 00:20:34,830 we're going to do a market review. And here's, here's the trade I did. I think I got in here. And I poked fun at people that's on YouTube like that. If you've
88 00:20:34,920 --> 00:20:45,420 taken the trade, you'll show that you've taken a trade, why wouldn't you? Why wouldn't you do that? So it's, it's an unfortunate thing, that we as new
89 00:20:45,420 --> 00:20:57,000 students, new traders in development, and I was like that 1992 We place a great deal of faith on logic that we've not proven ourselves. And we've not seen the
90 00:20:57,090 --> 00:21:07,950 teacher themselves, prove that they understand that as well. So one of the things that I set out to do as a trader is figuring out why the market should go
91 00:21:07,950 --> 00:21:18,750 where it's going to go next. There's lots of things that you can use, even from a retail traders perspective, to get into a trade. Getting into a trade is easy.
92 00:21:19,170 --> 00:21:30,780 Understanding why you're getting into that trade is more significant. And more important than just checking down real quick. It's also permanent, your video
93 00:21:30,780 --> 00:21:31,410 isn't frozen.
94 00:21:39,510 --> 00:21:50,220 So knowing why the market should go where it's going to go next, with a great deal of probability statistics behind the faith that you hold in that price
95 00:21:50,220 --> 00:22:03,360 movement, painting out on your chart, what's the logic behind that? days, weeks, months of back testing, forward testing and tape reading, you can't become
96 00:22:03,630 --> 00:22:17,160 precise with your trading. Without doing that, no trader, no mentor, no teacher, no course No. Program, no blackbox thing that you can follow that gives you
97 00:22:17,160 --> 00:22:27,600 signals, none of that is going to bridge the gap between you trusting in the core being of who you are, the thing that you're doing and risking potentially,
98 00:22:27,600 --> 00:22:40,350 if you ever decide to do this with real money, you have to have the faith that no person no other teacher other influence can remove your faith in what you're
99 00:22:40,350 --> 00:22:51,360 doing. Because you've done it, you've handled it. So when I set out to figure out what it is I'm looking for in price action, I wanted to target and victimize
100 00:22:51,990 --> 00:23:01,470 the less informed traders, because I was tired of being one of them. And I, I took that anger and that resentment I had all the time, the money, I invested in
101 00:23:01,470 --> 00:23:13,200 things that weren't able to be profitable for me. Blown accounts, failed continuously, and couldn't find traction. So I was looking for a way to take
102 00:23:13,200 --> 00:23:25,950 away all those things that I discovered. Were the very vices that caused me to put this unrealistic expectation on myself that I had to be right. I had to be
103 00:23:25,950 --> 00:23:33,150 right about the direction, yes. But I had to be right about the market to which one was going to trade. Because I was a commodity trader when I first started
104 00:23:34,650 --> 00:23:46,170 and what timeframe would I trade on? I to be right about all those things, folks, just like you are, you're holding yourself to the flame. If you don't
105 00:23:46,170 --> 00:23:58,890 know what you're doing, you get too close to the flame and it burns you. So I have to take away all the distractions in my perception about price and focus on
106 00:23:58,980 --> 00:24:11,340 where's the pain going to be? Where's the pain? Where are those bull's eyes that are sitting in the marketplace, there's the stops above the marketplace, there's
107 00:24:11,340 --> 00:24:21,600 buy stops this is by sight liquidity. This is by stocks that are pending, their orders are sitting there. I don't need a heat map. You know, gimmick thing that
108 00:24:21,600 --> 00:24:29,820 some brokers offer? I don't need to look at level two. I don't need to look at a DOM depth of market. I don't need to look at any of those things. I have 30
109 00:24:29,820 --> 00:24:39,510 years behind me knowing that this is where everybody's gonna have their thoughts. This is where everyone's gonna have their religious faith placed on
110 00:24:39,510 --> 00:24:46,530 their system, their pattern, their approach their indicator, whatever it is they're using. And that's why the markets gonna go there because there's real
111 00:24:46,530 --> 00:25:00,450 orders. The market is not aware the algorithm has no idea about harmonic patterns or supply and demand zones. Okay, that's not how these markets Book,
112 00:25:00,900 --> 00:25:13,710 the price generates movements, and price runs based on the first premise of time. And if it's not the correct time of day, day of week, it's not going to
113 00:25:13,710 --> 00:25:25,380 deliver a specific way. Whether it be bullish or bearish in certain times the markets are predisposed to go into consolidation and range bound. That's an
114 00:25:25,380 --> 00:25:34,440 important factor of understand why time is a crucial element to knowing what you're learning here. This is algorithmic theory. I'm not teaching you classic
115 00:25:34,440 --> 00:25:44,400 chart patterns. In fact, I will show you how those chart patterns fail when they're going to fail. Fake bull flags, fake inverted head and shoulders,
116 00:25:45,540 --> 00:25:53,220 triangles, you know, in the books, they tell you, once it breaks out of these triangles, these wedges, then you go in the direction of the breakout, I don't
117 00:25:53,220 --> 00:26:05,190 like that, because I fell victim to that. And to me, it's guessing it's equivalent to the people that you see on social media, they'll draw a level line
118 00:26:05,220 --> 00:26:10,800 going up, if they think it's gonna go up, it's gonna go here. And if it's gonna go down, it's gonna go down here, I don't do that, I tell you exactly where it's
119 00:26:10,800 --> 00:26:23,040 gonna go next. If I don't know that, I'm saying nothing, I'm staying silent. And there's nothing wrong with that. Because it's about being profitable, or not
120 00:26:23,040 --> 00:26:32,040 being right, if I wanted to be right, my pursuit of being right, was the reason why I'm even teaching, I'd be tweeting 1000 times a day telling you the very
121 00:26:32,040 --> 00:26:41,070 next one minute or five minute bouts of liquidity to be reaching for, or inefficiency it would be reaching for, I could do that could drive me nuts. But
122 00:26:41,070 --> 00:26:47,100 that's not the point. The point is, I want you to understand how to take everything off your chart and look at the market the way the algorithm that
123 00:26:47,130 --> 00:27:02,640 books price. I have floor traders in my community. Now these folks, they were on the floor open outcry, you guys screaming, seven five, give me five give me
124 00:27:02,670 --> 00:27:13,980 they're they're the they're in the trenches, or they were now electronic trading there dinosaurs. Now it was a lot for them to transition. And some of them were
125 00:27:13,980 --> 00:27:24,030 unable to transition from that way of trading into electronic trading. There's a field that you get down on the floor, that the students that I listened to that
126 00:27:24,030 --> 00:27:32,490 were floor traders, they would they would tell you they would you'd see the tide turning. They don't have a chart in front of them. They got they have the number
127 00:27:32,490 --> 00:27:41,550 they have the orders coming in, where they have to work with the actual orders coming in the marketplace. So that was the first clue to me. And I learned this
128 00:27:41,580 --> 00:27:54,900 idea from Georgia and gel. Okay, he's a, he's an author wrote a bunch of books about trading, specifically the s&p. And I liked more about the things he
129 00:27:54,900 --> 00:28:06,000 remarked about that were not that many, really. But when he talked about being a floor trader, and as expected experiences being donor, and how they would sense
130 00:28:06,000 --> 00:28:14,880 that the turn of the tide, where the direction would change in the marketplace, based on the order flow coming in the fevered pitch of how much action was
131 00:28:14,880 --> 00:28:24,720 coming in and didn't need to see a chart. And I started thinking myself, if these floor traders are making their money without a chart, and they're
132 00:28:24,780 --> 00:28:36,390 interpreting the future price fluctuations, based on the orders that are coming in, that means that I should be able to visually see where these orders are.
133 00:28:37,380 --> 00:28:47,580 Wave before a floor trader even reacts to what would naturally be what, when this high in this high here is taken out here and you know what's gonna happen,
134 00:28:47,580 --> 00:28:58,290 it's gonna be a flood of orders coming in. There's gonna be a fevered pitch, the markets gonna be inundated with market orders coming in because these by stops.
135 00:28:59,340 --> 00:29:09,510 Once they're activated, they become market orders. In that intensity, that number, that number of contracts that are coming into the marketplace that are
136 00:29:10,050 --> 00:29:27,570 being exchanged, that's predictable. When it's down here, it's here, here and here. Even down here if you look at my tweets this morning, I mentioned that
137 00:29:27,570 --> 00:29:35,340 there was SMT divergence. Some of you probably thinking, Okay, what is that? I'm going to show you an indicator. Okay, this is one of my top secret indicators.
138 00:29:36,270 --> 00:29:56,460 Really. Look at that. That's crazy, right. This is not oversold. This is just simply the price on a line chart on the low of the NASDAQ. Okay, you can create
139 00:29:56,460 --> 00:30:03,120 this on trading view. If you're using trading view up in the upper left In quantum, there's a little plus symbol. If you click on it, it'll give you the
140 00:30:03,120 --> 00:30:17,430 opportunity to add a another instrument. So this chart here above is the E Mini s&p futures contract. And all I did was compared to the NASDAQ. comparably, and
141 00:30:17,430 --> 00:30:26,490 I clicked on new paint, new paint puts it down here, it's plotted on the closing. And I'm sorry, it's plotted on the low on a line chart, when you first
142 00:30:26,490 --> 00:30:34,830 open this up in the overlay like this and compare, it defaults to the closing price, you don't want that. So when you're bullish, or if I'm bullish, I'm
143 00:30:34,830 --> 00:30:43,860 comparing and contrasting the relationship between the lows of the s&p versus the lows of the NASDAQ. And you can see how we were going below these lows here,
144 00:30:43,890 --> 00:30:52,770 drop down here, but we didn't see that same thing occurring. Down here, we had higher lows forming in the NASDAQ. That's SMT. I mentioned that this morning in
145 00:30:52,770 --> 00:31:02,310 my first two. So there's the coupling in the stock indices. And there's s&p Divergence at the lows on September, I'm sorry, I'm on the s&p here. And that,
146 00:31:02,310 --> 00:31:20,310 oh, the NASDAQ. So that set the stage for the manipulation aspect, that I felt that was worth taking on the risk of going long. So if I'm seeing price, not an
147 00:31:20,310 --> 00:31:33,990 indicator, that's all this is, I'm comparing actual price action of closely correlated markets. I'm looking at the relationship of yours. decades of
148 00:31:33,990 --> 00:31:36,690 experience looking at when this occurs
149 00:31:38,339 --> 00:31:47,219 around the opening at the opening bell at 930. In the morning, New York time, if I see that, and there is something like this existing in price action, which is
150 00:31:47,219 --> 00:31:59,639 these relative equal highs, that's a smooth area in price action, the market does not like to leave smooth edges. Now by itself, doesn't mean much at all.
151 00:31:59,669 --> 00:32:12,689 But when you couple that with the fact that the market's been going down. And then as this is going lower here, we've taken out a smooth area here. This is
152 00:32:12,689 --> 00:32:22,889 going to be viewed as what in retail mindset support, right? And then when breaks through it, traders that would look for this level here as support. And
153 00:32:22,889 --> 00:32:31,979 they don't want to trust that there's going to go higher there, they expect it to break. They want to see that support broken turn, what resistance. So how are
154 00:32:31,979 --> 00:32:40,979 they going to be right about their trade, they're going to wait for it to come back up into this level here. And they're going to try to go short to the
155 00:32:40,979 --> 00:32:52,439 traders that are in the market up here, short there, right, if that never goes back up to this level here. I'm not worried about being right or wrong. I'm
156 00:32:52,439 --> 00:33:10,139 looking to devour, to consume, the less informed traders and they're willingly laying their necks, on my blade. They're willfully walking into the crosshairs
157 00:33:10,439 --> 00:33:21,179 of how I trade. They're not aware of me. And they're not aware of you as my students that internalize the market like this. They're just looking at their
158 00:33:21,179 --> 00:33:30,779 patterns, they're looking at their indicators, they're looking at the things that their religion says should equate to profitability. And when none of that
159 00:33:30,779 --> 00:33:41,729 stuff has any bearing on why price has gone, where it's going. And it's easy to convince yourself like it did mean when I had well, very few opportunities where
160 00:33:41,729 --> 00:33:53,459 it panned out in my favor using specific indicators. And I know this lesson painfully because I'm preaching you what it was that I discovered how I was
161 00:33:53,459 --> 00:34:03,119 won't because when I was doing it with these indicators and the Mark was predisposed go up anyway, I was only focusing on being long trader, I didn't
162 00:34:03,119 --> 00:34:12,299 understand going short. That idea of only focusing on being a buyer when the market is likely to go up. Well, it stands to reason that's the only reason why
163 00:34:12,299 --> 00:34:22,139 my trade p&l had nothing to do with the indicator had nothing to do with a price pattern. It was the fact that the market is going to go anyway. So the
164 00:34:22,139 --> 00:34:38,639 realization I had one day sitting in gunpowder State Park in a hammock looking out reading how I was trying to do something enforcing correct outcomes,
165 00:34:39,149 --> 00:34:50,789 avoiding incorrect outcomes. Here's your bias out of this mentioned by the way. It's one of those cherry picked moments. The the necessity of holding on to
166 00:34:52,049 --> 00:35:04,739 right or wrong as the outcome versus Am I making money? Am I consistently able to find As a way of harvesting, taking money out, and the only way you're going
167 00:35:04,739 --> 00:35:13,889 to be able to be assured that that's going to continue week after week, daily, every single time you sit in front of charts that that opportunity is presenting
168 00:35:13,889 --> 00:35:28,289 itself is understanding liquidity. Because if you don't understand liquidity, liquidity is the orders at rest above highs by side liquidity by stops or below
169 00:35:28,289 --> 00:35:45,059 lows, which is sell side liquidity sell stops. Understanding who's going to be targeted next, why should they be targeted next? So I don't want you as my
170 00:35:45,059 --> 00:35:54,539 student if you're new, or if you've been here for a while. And some of my students communicate grief in their results. In their tweets, they'll say, oh,
171 00:35:54,569 --> 00:36:07,349 you know, I messed up any almost flogged themselves publicly in a tweet. And I know why subconsciously. We as humans like to do those types of things. You're
172 00:36:07,349 --> 00:36:16,739 looking for the community, or maybe even me as the educator, the mentor, the hero that you looking at me as a witch, I'm not sure. You want me to coddle you.
173 00:36:17,069 --> 00:36:27,209 You want me to give you a pat on the back and say, don't? Don't worry, you know, you'll learn how to do this one day. And that's not how you are supposed to be
174 00:36:27,209 --> 00:36:39,779 doing it. You never ever record anything negative, whether it be a tweet, or in your journal, or in your notes, or vocalize it. Because your subconscious is
175 00:36:39,779 --> 00:36:52,139 going to remember that painful moment. And that's the very thing that anchors to the reason why you're fearful of being incorrect. Think about it. Social media
176 00:36:52,169 --> 00:37:09,959 has created a firestorm of that. Everybody's responding to what stimuli? If you don't like me, I don't like you that type of thing. Right here. There's your
177 00:37:09,959 --> 00:37:20,789 buyside. Next, let me make sure I haven't. Sorry, getting lost in my discussion. So there's buyside recording at 4041 50.
178 00:37:26,490 --> 00:37:40,290 So you're not trying to you're not trying to be liked by everybody. I don't feel bad when I win. And someone lost, I don't have any concern for that. Because
179 00:37:40,290 --> 00:37:51,630 when you open up a trading account, you understand the same risks that I did when I opened up mine. So if you lose money, whose fault is it? Yours when I
180 00:37:51,630 --> 00:38:02,460 lose money, whose fault is mine. But that problem of balancing and being responsible with the risk as a new student, as a new trader, it's easy for
181 00:38:02,460 --> 00:38:14,160 someone to say, well, those brokers did it to me. And sometimes that's true, especially if you're trading Forex. But when you're trading a futures market,
182 00:38:14,670 --> 00:38:28,680 where it's it is what it is, everybody has the same high low. It's a it's a pure, medium. But you're still going to be haunted and plagued by the desire to
183 00:38:28,680 --> 00:38:41,880 be right, because you think being right. is safe. No one can judge you. If you're right, you should have made money. But how many times have you watched
184 00:38:41,880 --> 00:38:48,300 the charts and been right that you didn't have a trade on? So you can't argue that's the reason why it's important for you to be right. Because you're not
185 00:38:48,300 --> 00:38:57,300 even making any money when you're right. Or even if you place a demonstrate you didn't make any money, you can't go buy groceries with that. So are you still
186 00:38:57,330 --> 00:39:08,580 doing things properly by placing the emphasis on being correct or right versus profitability. So you have to peel that onion back and get all the dead layers
187 00:39:08,580 --> 00:39:18,450 off of things that you're worrying about, which is normal. Everybody's done it. Everybody will do it continuously in the future. After I'm long gone, people
188 00:39:18,450 --> 00:39:29,370 that will come into this industry, they're still going to have the same problems that plagued them fearful about doing it wrong. And it's normal. You know what
189 00:39:29,370 --> 00:39:37,920 it was like when you made the mistake of telling your spouse, your friends or coworkers? Whomever, that you're getting ready to start learning how to trade
190 00:39:38,460 --> 00:39:47,670 and they probably gave you every reason why you shouldn't do it, right. Oh, man, you're gonna lose your rear end. I know a guy that lost. That's the first thing
191 00:39:47,700 --> 00:39:55,470 that's the first thing that I'm telling you. And what are you going to remember that? And all you wanted to do was share your excitement about wanting to learn
192 00:39:55,470 --> 00:40:06,810 something new in the well. Here's a news As for you, your family and friends, they don't really want to see you succeed, to stop inviting them into your
193 00:40:06,900 --> 00:40:20,010 business. They have no business and sharing the spoils and your victories. They didn't work for it, they didn't take the risk that you're doing. They're not
194 00:40:20,010 --> 00:40:28,050 putting in the work that you're doing, stopping, stop inviting them in the conversation, because they're only going to bring in their perspective of why
195 00:40:28,050 --> 00:40:37,440 they would never do this themselves. But in your heart, you're thinking, if this works for you, you're going to help them by getting them on the same page. No,
196 00:40:37,620 --> 00:40:45,690 it's not a team sport. If they want to do it, and then when you succeed, trust me, you will have to beat them off you with a stick, because they're gonna be
197 00:40:45,690 --> 00:40:54,360 bothering you constantly, hey, can you do this? Can you help me? Can you trade my account for me, and my family members do that all the time. I have family
198 00:40:54,360 --> 00:41:06,660 members that I cannot help out, give them money, I bought homes for them, they still lose everything. You can't help some people in this industry. If you are
199 00:41:06,660 --> 00:41:14,790 by yourself, even though you may be mentored by someone like me or someone else that's equivalent, that's well, meaning in terms of trying to protect you from
200 00:41:14,790 --> 00:41:25,560 yourself, knowing what it's like to do the wrong things. And also guiding you away from unrealistic expectations. Because you're expecting to be right all the
201 00:41:25,560 --> 00:41:37,920 time, never wrong. And even if you're wrong, that's gonna be when you're in demo, not with your Live account. That's unrealistic. You need to have a
202 00:41:37,920 --> 00:41:49,680 disconnect, from the equation of right or wrong. It's about being profitable. In the number one thing you want to do is focus on removing all those distractions.
203 00:41:50,490 --> 00:42:07,530 In the first one in that is social media. your Instagram, your Twitter worships your Facebook's, whatever it is, whoever you're worshiping, whoever you're
204 00:42:07,530 --> 00:42:14,340 following along and lifting up on a pedestal. And this is why I strike down. Everybody says, I'm the greatest of all time, that goat King, I can't stand
205 00:42:14,340 --> 00:42:29,100 that. I'm not. I'm just the guy that's been blessed with this information, and I'm trying to help you with it. I want you to do well. But you have to make
206 00:42:29,100 --> 00:42:40,140 decisions along the process, that either you're going to listen to everything I'm saying, or the results that you're aiming for are going to be skewed. And
207 00:42:40,140 --> 00:42:48,090 that's exactly what I get from students. Some of my hardline critics are students of mine, that failed themselves, not because my concepts don't work
208 00:42:48,090 --> 00:42:56,820 because they themselves had the wrong mindset. They're impatient, they expected something that was unrealistic. And they didn't do the things I tell them to do.
209 00:42:58,800 --> 00:43:08,790 Which is what I'm putting all of you through this year. And some of you have seen that it's a lot more work than you thought it was going to be. Some of the
210 00:43:08,790 --> 00:43:20,910 folks that started this very first video the year in 2023 first mentorship video, big huge list of views to get some views on some 1000. Other as the
211 00:43:20,910 --> 00:43:31,800 videos would go up, less viewership less viewership, because they can't perform. They don't have the wherewithal to do it. Because inside their mind, they're
212 00:43:31,800 --> 00:43:42,840 thinking, I was expecting this to be easy. And it takes them back to that fear of being right or wrong. If it's this hard, I'm probably going to be wrong. And
213 00:43:42,990 --> 00:43:56,400 we're ICT himselves, you know, scammer because he has rental properties. And, you know, he probably sleeps there to know. You're gonna have everybody and
214 00:43:56,400 --> 00:44:07,770 everything give you perfect excuses why you shouldn't do this. If you're swayed by that you're not a trader. Because you come hell or high water. Someone that's
215 00:44:07,770 --> 00:44:18,120 really dug their heels in and says themselves, I already know this is going to be hard. Already know it's going to take longer than I probably want to be. But
216 00:44:18,120 --> 00:44:26,760 I've seen enough to know that this is exactly what I want to do with my life. I want to pursue this. And I want to master myself notice I said Master myself and
217 00:44:26,760 --> 00:44:40,230 not master the markets. I have not mastered the markets. And I will never mess with the markets. How's that for a reality check? Now I'm pretty precise. I'm
218 00:44:40,230 --> 00:44:46,770 pretty consistent. I can see certain things in the marketplace. And I'll demonstrate that for years. And my students are able to do that as well. None of
219 00:44:46,770 --> 00:44:54,450 us are mastering the market. The only thing we can do is master ourselves and how do we do that? Number one, we wrestle with the idea and we hold it at bay.
220 00:44:54,690 --> 00:45:09,870 The idea or notion that we have to be right right is not always profitable. And wrong is not always unprofitable. There's many times I'll get in to a trade. And
221 00:45:09,870 --> 00:45:17,250 I expect a specific thing to be reached for, like, for instance, we're staring at right now the 4041 and a half level. I liked the idea that trading up there,
222 00:45:17,250 --> 00:45:25,890 but it might require going over lunch hour before it does it. Or it might just shoot up air while I'm talking to you. It doesn't make a difference to me. I'm
223 00:45:25,890 --> 00:45:34,950 not in the trade. But it's an expectation I have. So if I placed that in front of you, you're all watching me live. If I say I believe that 4041 and a half is
224 00:45:34,950 --> 00:45:45,990 likely to be traded to today. And it doesn't, what did I lose? Nothing. For some of you, you think, Ah, you got that wrong? And you'll overanalyze? How did you
225 00:45:45,990 --> 00:45:55,320 get that wrong? Here's what he didn't see. And you'll bring all your retail stuff as to why I should have trusted that versus what I've been doing for 30
226 00:45:55,320 --> 00:46:05,250 years. I don't care about the opinion of other people. That's not going to change my perspective on how I teach what I use what my students make money
227 00:46:05,250 --> 00:46:16,560 with. They're not looking at their bottom line and thinking how many times they were correct, and how many times they were incorrect. They're looking at their
228 00:46:16,560 --> 00:46:27,900 bottom line growing. And that's why you're here. If you don't like me, as a person, I don't give you fashion tips. I'm here showing you lifestyle stuff.
229 00:46:28,380 --> 00:46:36,270 You're here because you know that I'm showing you something that repeats. And that's exactly why I want you here. That's it. You're not gonna have dinner with
230 00:46:36,270 --> 00:46:49,890 me, I'm not going to come over your house. I'm in your house every day, but I'm not going to visit you. Your relationship with me is I'm a conduit. I'm a
231 00:46:49,890 --> 00:47:00,390 pathway between where you are right now. And where I know you can be, your visibility may be limited. Because of experience because of doubt. The people
232 00:47:00,390 --> 00:47:12,600 you hang around with, where you came from. All those things are really factors in why you're placing so much emphasis on being correct. And never get it wrong.
233 00:47:12,930 --> 00:47:24,060 That's unrealistic, you need to put it aside and dismiss that. Don't worry about that. That will be an impediment to your development. As long as you hold on to
234 00:47:24,060 --> 00:47:26,850 it. I'm going to put you through drills.
235 00:47:29,550 --> 00:47:39,060 Live Streaming, I'm going to tell you watch this fractal here, watch this move here. Let's see if it goes to this level next. And we're going to record how
236 00:47:39,060 --> 00:47:47,730 much time it took how much drawdown from the time that we would anticipate the move beginning until it trades there or where it goes to a level that would be
237 00:47:48,270 --> 00:48:00,240 no longer valid for that price round. For those of you that are listening, you're thinking, that's it. ICT has given us a secret signal. Okay, that's the
238 00:48:00,240 --> 00:48:12,120 buy and sell that we're looking for. If you do that, if you do that you are cheating yourself of a learning experience that you cannot get otherwise, when
239 00:48:12,120 --> 00:48:23,970 you don't do it with money. If you place a trade based on the things I'm saying when I'm doing live streams, you're ignoring the benefit that's available by you
240 00:48:23,970 --> 00:48:32,160 not being swayed by the outcome. See if I say I think it's going to go here, and this is what we're watching. We're watching the reaction here, and it should go
241 00:48:32,160 --> 00:48:39,930 here next, and it shouldn't go here. That's enough for someone with reasonable understanding to say, okay, he said, This is where the stock would be. Because
242 00:48:39,930 --> 00:48:46,740 if it goes there, it's no good. And this is where things are gonna go. And he's saying right now is the time it should react. So that's the buy or the sell the
243 00:48:46,740 --> 00:48:55,170 stop and the target. Right? Right. I'm aware of that. But I'm not telling you a signal. I'm teaching you how to read price. And here's what's gonna happen.
244 00:48:56,820 --> 00:49:04,080 Folks are gonna go in there, I'm gonna press a button based on what I'm doing, and it's gonna move and then they're gonna go to my Twitter feed and they're
245 00:49:04,080 --> 00:49:10,710 going to try a High five me they're gonna say thank you ICT I just got my funded account this past that, or I'm getting my first payout because I just took that
246 00:49:10,710 --> 00:49:20,490 tree. I'm not going to like your post. In fact, it offends me because you're not listening to me. That's the number one reason why I refrained from doing these
247 00:49:20,490 --> 00:49:31,440 types of things. Because it's not helping you. As much as you think is that little bit of monetary push. You will not be able to do it on your own. If I
248 00:49:31,440 --> 00:49:42,120 stopped doing it, you're gonna be back at square one of I'm afraid if I do it, I'm gonna get it wrong. versus watching the tape with me live when we do it live
249 00:49:42,120 --> 00:49:53,490 over the charts. Putting aside the the requirement for it to be on a trade that makes money or loses money, because if you're thinking about the money, you're
250 00:49:53,490 --> 00:50:07,140 placing yourselves in the same category that I attack in my trades. When I'm doing my trades, I'll many times annotate sometimes facetiously and say, imagine
251 00:50:07,140 --> 00:50:15,780 you were short here, would you feel comfortable with your stop here. And invariably, it goes right to the area where the stop is. When I'm looking at
252 00:50:15,780 --> 00:50:25,230 these candlesticks, I'm reading the hearts and hopes of traders out there that are just trying to do everything they can to make money with things that will
253 00:50:25,230 --> 00:50:33,480 never deliver that I can never meet them, I can't get them, I can't tweet them, I can't text them, I can't call them I can't send him an email and say, Hey,
254 00:50:33,480 --> 00:50:45,540 you're doing it wrong, let me help you. So I don't have any moral dilemma here. They knew the risks. And when they lose, they'll either learn how to do it
255 00:50:45,540 --> 00:50:54,090 better, or stop trading, either one of those outcomes is favorable. I'm still going to sleep the same way whether those people still have an account after
256 00:50:54,090 --> 00:51:09,450 that loss or not. But you as a developing student, you're placing so much foolishness, on things that are controllable. And you're not placing emphasis on
257 00:51:09,450 --> 00:51:22,470 the things that are requiring a lot more of your time and due diligence, which is studying without any monetary commitment to demo, not even that no tape
258 00:51:22,470 --> 00:51:30,330 reading, what I'm putting you through watching the tape, when I tweet, I say this is the next level. Watch that note that if it's above the marketplace, at
259 00:51:30,330 --> 00:51:43,710 the time I tweeted it, my bias is what bullish I'm expecting it to go up to what zoom no to that level, to that price level. It might squeak through it, that's
260 00:51:43,710 --> 00:51:52,950 fine. But that's the level I want you to be following in watching the tweets go out in the market price that I'm telling you to note on your chart is below the
261 00:51:52,950 --> 00:52:07,650 market price at the time of the tweet, I'm signifying that I believe the next run to be focused on is going down. Isn't that pretty easy. Now, I still get
262 00:52:07,650 --> 00:52:20,460 criticized. And I don't give a rat's rear end. from people that just simply want me to spoon feed them. I am spoon feeding you. I have a 24 karat spoon every day
263 00:52:20,460 --> 00:52:31,200 on Twitter, all you have to do is show up, you have to study the things that are in my videos, you'll see your pattern form, the thing that you're going to be
264 00:52:31,200 --> 00:52:43,200 utilizing to make your trades on your own independent without me saying anything. That will come by you watching the tape, using my experience borrowing
265 00:52:43,230 --> 00:52:52,170 my experience of where I think the markets gonna go next, there's gonna be times when I get it wrong. But that's going to be far less than you would have been
266 00:52:52,170 --> 00:53:01,440 doing it. And it's all I'm suggesting is use it as a crutch. In the beginning, there's no shame in that. No shame at all. There's no shame in learning how to
267 00:53:01,440 --> 00:53:12,540 trade and demo. There's no shame in teaching in a demo. If an educator goes out there and says, Hey, you know, I'm responsible. I don't want to see any of you
268 00:53:12,540 --> 00:53:19,830 hurt. And also I want to protect myself because I'm a licensed trade adviser. I'm not a I'm not a fighter. And I'm a financial advisor. And by talking about
269 00:53:19,830 --> 00:53:30,450 charts like this, there was no button being pushed I'm in fact, I've actually told you not to do it. But the skill set of reading and interpreting price
270 00:53:30,450 --> 00:53:38,490 action. And by doing these exercises and spending time with someone that knows how to deal whether they're doing the demo where they push a button or not. If
271 00:53:38,640 --> 00:53:52,710 the market pans out continuously over time, over time repeats, there's something there that's worth mining. There's some kind of insight that's worthwhile to
272 00:53:52,800 --> 00:54:06,930 extract from that medium or person. And you foolishly place a trade on anything that I say or someone else's and you don't know the logic as to why it's being
273 00:54:07,110 --> 00:54:20,850 considered as a trade. Your attention is not going to be on the things I'm going to say draw reference to, you're going to be watching the profit and loss up and
274 00:54:20,850 --> 00:54:27,450 down as the fluctuations occur, you're going to zone out you're not going to hear the things that's going to be more pertinent to you to know how to do this
275 00:54:27,450 --> 00:54:38,700 independently. Because you're fearful of what the outcome now not being profitable, you're not going to listen to anything else. It's the same thing
276 00:54:38,700 --> 00:54:47,370 that everybody does when they watch a book or join a course. Or they follow somebody that thinks they're the bee's knees and trading and they're talking
277 00:54:47,370 --> 00:54:55,650 about where the markets gonna go next. And you're all out there trying to line up to do trades based on what they whatever they say. You have no idea what made
278 00:54:55,650 --> 00:55:06,960 that person say it's gonna go where it's gonna go in their analysis or their call A signal. To me that's the epitome of gambling, you have no reason why you
279 00:55:06,960 --> 00:55:18,810 should trust that. What's the logic? Contrast that with me, I'm literally trying to explain to you why these price patterns should form, when they should form,
280 00:55:19,080 --> 00:55:29,640 how you can trust them when you know they can fail. And also teaching you in certain instances, there's a environment that you don't want to be taking a
281 00:55:29,640 --> 00:55:42,420 trade in. Because the risks are too high versus the potential reward. That's a skill set that you can't learn from a book. You have to be side by side with
282 00:55:42,420 --> 00:55:52,770 someone. There's no way that isn't, there's literally no way to learn that except for walking hand in hand with someone on a daily basis, a weekly basis
283 00:55:52,770 --> 00:56:04,590 for months, in my opinion, a full year, you'll appreciate managing the risk more appropriately by doing it. And at the end of the year, you're gonna look back
284 00:56:04,590 --> 00:56:14,460 and say, You know what, I'm glad I didn't push myself into trying to trade before I was ready. And I'm confident that there are going to be many of you
285 00:56:14,490 --> 00:56:22,290 that won't listen to what I just said, You're zoning that part out. Because you need to make your ends meet, groceries are more expensive bills are going up
286 00:56:22,320 --> 00:56:38,640 rents, higher gas, electric, natural gas, even eggs 400% increase in egg prices, I get it. But you can't speed up progress. You can't, your progress is going to
287 00:56:38,640 --> 00:56:46,890 be uniquely your progress. And don't measure it against somebody else that you may be seeing do very, very well, you might see someone that you're friends with
288 00:56:46,890 --> 00:56:57,330 online, they came to the same place that you're at right now. They're trying to learn this stuff, great. They may do far better, faster, or give you the
289 00:56:57,330 --> 00:57:08,460 impression of doing it better. And you might think, well, that means I'm not good enough. I'm not a good enough student, I must be slower mentally than that
290 00:57:08,460 --> 00:57:19,950 person or everyone else. I have students that started with me in 2016 paid me money, and learn the same lessons that people that are making money right now
291 00:57:21,090 --> 00:57:30,960 learned that they can't do it themselves. And the common denominator is how much they put into it. What they're holding on to in terms of fear.
292 00:57:33,179 --> 00:57:45,389 Just doubt, and just doing the work and the work is sitting in front these charts and watching price action. You might not be a trader that has the ability
293 00:57:45,389 --> 00:57:57,989 to trade intraday may not be within the realm of well, it's possible for you, you might need to trade a higher timeframe. Don't discount what I'm showing you
294 00:57:57,989 --> 00:58:08,519 because everything that occurs in these one minute charts, is applicable to a daily or weekly, it's the same things, it's just takes a lot more time to pan
295 00:58:08,519 --> 00:58:17,939 out. So there's no reason for you to have these unrealistic expectations about being right or wrong. It's about being profitable in your ability to be
296 00:58:17,939 --> 00:58:28,079 profitable. Once you latch on to whatever it is that I'm teaching that you'd like, it might not be a fair value, it might be an order block. It might be the
297 00:58:28,079 --> 00:58:36,659 breaker, that's your only model you care about trading. That's it. That's your multiplier, that's the thing that you're looking for. Okay, what's wrong with
298 00:58:36,659 --> 00:58:47,099 that? Just because your entry is going to be different from somebody else, you might make less on your trade than the next trader. Is that trader going to give
299 00:58:47,099 --> 00:59:02,009 you any of that profit? No. Is it realistic for you to expect them to do that for you? No. You should be content with enough if all you do this year is
300 00:59:02,249 --> 00:59:14,609 develop a skill set that allows you to reduce some of your overhead costs, living day to day for you and your family. Is that not a success? How many of
301 00:59:14,609 --> 00:59:25,469 you considered that? That was the reason why I made that NS series on my YouTube channel is ground some of you younger folks that are just so worried about going
302 00:59:25,469 --> 00:59:35,969 out there trying to get Ferraris and Lamborghinis and such. They're fun. I get it. But once you own them, everybody knows you have them. Nobody cares anymore.
303 00:59:37,559 --> 00:59:43,499 You're still stuck with the insurance, the upkeep and the worrying about somebody scratching it and you're never going to want to park it somewhere and
304 00:59:43,499 --> 00:59:59,969 walk away from it because those types of things happen. More money more problems. Reverse it and say how can I use this skill set to help remove anxiety
305 00:59:59,999 --> 01:00:07,709 Eddie, whereas right now you're using it as this is the reason why I'm anxious. This is reason why I'm having anxiety because I can't figure this stuff out,
306 01:00:08,189 --> 01:00:16,739 when you need to relax, and understand that not every single moment of the day is an opportunity. And it's not realistic for you to see it. You're still
307 01:00:16,739 --> 01:00:31,979 learning. But being fearful of the outcome is always attributed to because you have money on the line. That's not to say that when you start trading with life
308 01:00:31,979 --> 01:00:43,529 funds should you decide to do so that you shouldn't be concerned about the risks. Yes, you should be. But it shouldn't be paralyzing. I'm about to work
309 01:00:43,529 --> 01:00:52,409 with my son Cameron, I mentioned the day he said he wanted to do a funded account. He watches my videos. And obviously you see the advertisements, people
310 01:00:53,699 --> 01:01:05,369 run ads on YouTube, and he lost his top step thing. I have no affiliation with top step. Okay, I'm just being open with you know, my son said he wanted to do
311 01:01:05,369 --> 01:01:13,679 it. And he does not want to have a Twitter account doesn't want to have a YouTube channel. In fact, frankly, I think that's great. And his words were I
312 01:01:13,679 --> 01:01:24,119 don't care about anybody else like me that if I can make money with it, that's all I care about. How proud how proud was I here to him to say you hear saying
313 01:01:24,119 --> 01:01:33,149 something like that? Because you don't see that as somebody that's selfish and greedy. That's someone that's got it figured out early on. If you're going to do
314 01:01:33,149 --> 01:01:40,739 this, only do it because you want to make money. I don't care who likes me, you shouldn't care. Who likes you? Do you think it's going to matter? When you
315 01:01:40,739 --> 01:01:47,999 figure out what you're doing, and you conquer this fear of being right or wrong, and you're unable to find consistency. It means making and losing money. But
316 01:01:47,999 --> 01:01:58,019 over time, you're making more than you lose, that's trading? Do you think that anybody is going to convince you that you've wasted your time when you start
317 01:01:58,199 --> 01:02:07,199 making money? No, you're not even going to give them the time of day. And the hair, my son say that he's not interested in that. He only wants to make the
318 01:02:07,199 --> 01:02:24,599 money. That's the proper mindset. But, but he admits that he has a fear, which is reasonable of pushing the button, because I can see that fair value gap. But
319 01:02:24,599 --> 01:02:38,669 I'm afraid if I go in, and I push the button that I'm afraid it won't pan out for me. And I don't want that transaction to be painful. And he plays video
320 01:02:38,669 --> 01:02:48,719 games. So he's trained himself conditioned himself into what new high score all the time, new high score all the time, new high score all the time. And that's
321 01:02:48,719 --> 01:02:59,759 fine for video games. But this is not video games. This is financial ruin if you let it happen. So it's important for you to understand there are times when
322 01:02:59,999 --> 01:03:14,909 right or wrong is important. But right or wrong isn't terribly important while you're learning. You need to learn how to balance that. And one of the things
323 01:03:14,909 --> 01:03:25,139 that I'm going to teach him, and I'm going to teach you all as a result of being a part of the program with my son being a developing trader is that I'm going to
324 01:03:25,139 --> 01:03:41,399 put him in to situations where I desensitize him. And I was afraid of putting on trades like that too. And hearing it come from my experiences. It only has so
325 01:03:41,399 --> 01:03:55,439 much help. So I have to show him how to desensitize yourself from fear of doing it wrong. We will be doing live streams. I will be thinking about this because I
326 01:03:55,439 --> 01:04:03,689 know there's people out there saying I do this all the time. I do reset my account for other reasons. But this is the this is the demo account I showed you
327 01:04:03,689 --> 01:04:16,079 guys the other day, I saw some joker say oh, he blew his account. That's why he's talking about something else. He screwed this up here. Not tweeted. You can
328 01:04:16,079 --> 01:04:30,239 see all the dates and stuff here. So I'm in two trades. This is nothing it's paper trading. It's a stupid, okay. But I'm going to reset this account. Okay,
329 01:04:30,449 --> 01:04:40,079 to 50,000 because I'm going to be working with my son Cameron. He wants to get a $50,000 top step funded account. That's his goal. That's what he wants to do. He
330 01:04:40,079 --> 01:04:53,519 works a job. I make him work a job. And it's important for him to make his own money. If I just dole out money to him, which is what I've done with one of my
331 01:04:53,519 --> 01:05:07,589 children, and it did not it did not help to make things worse. So now because of that experience, I don't have the the shame and guilt that I felt by having a
332 01:05:07,589 --> 01:05:16,349 lot of money and not giving it to them like I wanted to do when I was younger man. By making them work for it, it conditions them. It's work hardening, it's
333 01:05:16,349 --> 01:05:29,249 important. That's what gave me the work ethic that I have mail. But he has this fear of doing it wrong, because he's viewing it like a video game. Because in
334 01:05:29,249 --> 01:05:40,229 this if you lose your account, unless you have more money to put into the account, or reset with these found that accounts, I think that's what they call
335 01:05:40,229 --> 01:05:47,759 it, resetting it. It's something like well network, if you blow the account, challenge, whatever, you pay another fee to start it up again. So if it's not
336 01:05:47,759 --> 01:06:02,849 reset, I'm saying it wrong, I apologize. But he doesn't want to fail and do it wrong. And it's in his head about pushing the button. So I'm going to teach him
337 01:06:02,849 --> 01:06:12,869 how to desensitize himself, I'm physically going to be on live stream, you'll hear me talking to him. Now, I'm not going to do it daily. But I'm going to
338 01:06:12,869 --> 01:06:26,429 force him and you all have the benefit of hearing me, tell him exactly this is my flesh and blood. This is the the the sun that was given to me on Valentine's
339 01:06:26,429 --> 01:06:38,459 day That day, I was married to my wife supposed to be born on March 5, but the Lord seen fit to give it to him, Give us him that day, which is great. But I'm
340 01:06:38,459 --> 01:06:50,459 not going to give him advice that I don't wholeheartedly subscribe to. So that way you can trust the things that I'm teaching you. I'm talking to him right
341 01:06:50,459 --> 01:07:01,499 now, this entire discussion has been to him that you think I'm talking to you. All of my videos are to the My children. And when you watch us, and listen to me
342 01:07:01,499 --> 01:07:12,599 and him engage over live data. And I'm trying to tell him, do this right now. And tell me what you feel while you're doing it. For some of you, it's going to
343 01:07:12,599 --> 01:07:23,369 be very entertaining. Others, you're going to learn a great deal about yourself and how you see price as it's happening live. And I'm going to try to get him to
344 01:07:23,369 --> 01:07:33,179 be honest. And tell me exactly how he feels in his own words. He may or may not do this because that attorney teams Mr. Macho, you know, teenage boys are
345 01:07:34,679 --> 01:07:47,759 way bigger than I am. He looks like a frickin linebacker on NFL team. But he's a softy at heart. And he doesn't want to be judged. So I believe he has the makeup
346 01:07:47,939 --> 01:07:57,479 in him. If I turn him into a savage, he will be a menace on social media. If any of my kids are going to be like that it would be him. But he's also cognizant to
347 01:07:57,479 --> 01:08:09,059 the fact that he is not there yet he wants to be. But he's also admitted to his father, that he's scared to push the button because he doesn't want the results
348 01:08:09,059 --> 01:08:21,179 to be negative. And he doesn't know what that's going to feel like. Because he's doing it with, quote unquote, potential to make money. Now, this same son of
349 01:08:21,179 --> 01:08:31,889 mine, his only listened to me about trading, he has never sat down ever. Never ever, ever sat down, did it on his own, start the demo account started worked
350 01:08:31,889 --> 01:08:44,759 up, he's never done it, he has next zero experience. So if he get out if he gets out here in live, and he does this in the flounders in the beginning, that's
351 01:08:44,759 --> 01:08:56,159 exactly what it's like, when people do it. It doesn't matter if ICTs is dead. Because he's going to push the button. I'm not pushing the button. So it's a
352 01:08:56,159 --> 01:09:06,599 matter of grinding your way through because if I pass away and he doesn't learn his skill set, then guess what? He's stuck where you are. It's only in the
353 01:09:06,599 --> 01:09:21,539 videos. And I want my youngest son to learn. Like he will hopefully see Cameron do it. And understand that he had fear he had anxiety about performance anxiety,
354 01:09:21,839 --> 01:09:36,599 you know, you want to do it. But you're attributing the failure and success on an individual event or transaction and one trade. And that's what makes this
355 01:09:36,599 --> 01:09:45,629 difficult because not everybody can afford to lose one quarter of 1% No matter what they have in their account. If you can't you shouldn't be trading. Yes, I
356 01:09:45,629 --> 01:09:57,269 said one quarter of 1%. When you're learning how to trade with real money, that's where you start. Not 2% not 1% And the folks that are out there saying
357 01:09:58,319 --> 01:10:10,739 you can't make money with the 50 day doesn't dollar fund that account or a $50,000 trading account? Or with 1%? The same people don't know how to trade
358 01:10:10,739 --> 01:10:27,419 period? Because you're you're basically saying you don't know math? How can someone say that you can't make real money with 1%? Now, are you saying you
359 01:10:27,419 --> 01:10:38,279 can't flip your account every month? Or every three weeks? Risking 1%? Then yeah, I agree that that's a that's a true statement. But you can make six
360 01:10:38,279 --> 01:10:50,669 figures a year, making trades with less than 1%. In terms of risk, I'm not saying you're only making less than 1%. I'm saying to incur risk, or open
361 01:10:50,669 --> 01:11:03,869 yourself up to risk at 1% or less, you can still make six figures a year doing that. How can you do that ICT? It's math, all you're going to be doing is
362 01:11:03,869 --> 01:11:10,109 looking for something that repeats over and over again, you're looking for your cookie cutter. But right now you're afraid that your cookie cutter isn't going
363 01:11:10,109 --> 01:11:18,179 to give you the cookie that you want. That's why you're fearful of it, you have not handled it yet you have not worked with it yet you have not seen it perform
364 01:11:18,179 --> 01:11:29,009 in price data that's live. And it will desensitize you, and remove all that doubt that you have right now. You're fearful that you can't do this, because
365 01:11:29,009 --> 01:11:40,019 you haven't handled it yourself. Most of you are sitting on sidelines and waiting for me to do these live streams, call moves, call this call that. And
366 01:11:40,019 --> 01:11:51,929 then if I do it right most times, then you're gonna take the initiative to do it. Okay, it's fine. That's normal, I guess, in a lot of ways. But there still
367 01:11:51,929 --> 01:12:03,659 will be people that even when I showed them results, they're not going to be willing to do it. Because there's an there's a barrier there. And it's not with
368 01:12:03,659 --> 01:12:15,209 me, it's not what the content or the concepts it's in, it's in them. And you have to press into that, when it feels uncomfortable. That's exactly where the
369 01:12:15,209 --> 01:12:28,979 growth occurs. It's that scary feeling of I see it there. I know it's only a demo, I'm gonna push the button. But I don't want to see the bad result happen,
370 01:12:28,979 --> 01:12:36,989 because it's just gonna make me feel like I'm never gonna learn how to do this. That's exactly what you press into. You press into that moment, right then and
371 01:12:36,989 --> 01:12:50,549 there. There it is. And you log the experience, without having any of the negative self talk. You always positive self talk, you find the silver lining
372 01:12:50,549 --> 01:12:57,839 and everything and you record that in your journal, you record that in your charts in your annotations, you never emotionally charged it with a negative
373 01:12:58,949 --> 01:13:10,319 link to a bad reaction or regret. Because your subconscious remembers that. And it will be an impediment to you pushing the button when you need to in the next
374 01:13:10,319 --> 01:13:17,819 trade that will be perfect that you will be thinking and beating yourself up mentally in social media invites us to do those types of things.
375 01:13:23,790 --> 01:13:35,910 You don't want to do those things. As a trader, you want to guard your mind, filter in only positive. If anybody out there is toxic, they should be removed
376 01:13:35,910 --> 01:13:44,970 from your attention. If I am a distraction to your trading, don't follow me on Twitter. If you already know how to trade and you had to use my concepts, the
377 01:13:44,970 --> 01:13:52,770 worst thing you could do is listen to me on Twitter because I might be looking at a setup that will be contrary to yours. And I have students have done this.
378 01:13:54,270 --> 01:14:01,800 Man, I wish I never would have saw that tweet because it made me second guessing my trade that I'm in a larger timeframe. And I got out too early. And I would
379 01:14:01,800 --> 01:14:11,430 have made this much more. Yeah, whose fault is that? It's not my fault I'm teaching. I'm not aware of your trade. So you need to be responsible with your
380 01:14:11,760 --> 01:14:22,170 actions or inactions and own the results. If it's good, you earned it. If it's wrong and you did something incorrect, and you have an adverse reaction. You own
381 01:14:22,170 --> 01:14:33,570 that too. There's nothing shared in trading. I have students that are making real money. They're not sending me parts of their winnings because they feel
382 01:14:33,570 --> 01:14:48,330 like they owe me something they earned that when you do this work, you get all the results and you own it good or bad. But being fearful of the outcome is
383 01:14:48,330 --> 01:15:01,740 rooted in you not knowing what it is you're trying to do. And you're trying to make that like a boogeyman scenario. Like You're going to be a victim of
384 01:15:01,740 --> 01:15:11,100 something outside of yourself, when it's just you. You your broker didn't make you push the button. I didn't make you push a button, your spouse and your
385 01:15:11,310 --> 01:15:22,770 circle of influence friends and family, co workers, none of them forced you to put on a trade. None of you will ever be able to justify you're pushing a button
386 01:15:22,920 --> 01:15:35,250 on anybody else but yourself, you own that. So doesn't it make sense for you to desensitize yourself from the experience? In the beginning, doing it the right
387 01:15:35,250 --> 01:15:46,560 way, by not having money attached to the transactions, studying price, getting a close read on price. And knowing when not to trade, and when to close the charts
388 01:15:46,560 --> 01:16:00,810 and be done. And not being fearful of missing out. If any of you are in the listening audience right now, and you put on a trade, maybe took a couple
389 01:16:00,810 --> 01:16:13,230 trades, and you made money. The times I tell you in Twitter to close your charts and turn them off. Doesn't that feel like I'm asking you for your firstborn?
390 01:16:16,260 --> 01:16:28,680 What I might be able to get on the trade. I need to get my fund that account challenge finished. I just need that $5 more of a move to get back that last bit
391 01:16:28,680 --> 01:16:36,180 of drawdown. It's a Friday ICT, I gotta I gotta do this, or I'm not going to be able to live with myself this weekend. I'm not going to close my charts, I gotta
392 01:16:36,180 --> 01:16:50,610 go any more time. It's that fear of missing something. If you feel that that's the infancy as a trader. That's not maturity. Maturity is knowing that you have
393 01:16:50,610 --> 01:17:00,510 the discipline to follow sound advice? I'm not saying there isn't going to be fluctuations in price. I'm just saying, Do you have the discipline to say this
394 01:17:00,510 --> 01:17:12,780 is enough? Because the charts, I'm inviting you to forge discipline? And some of you, most of you if I'm being honest, does you don't doesn't register as sound
395 01:17:12,780 --> 01:17:21,540 device? Do you think I'm just oh, well, that's he's done doesn't mean I should be done? No, I'm teaching you to remember there's a time when you can be content
396 01:17:21,630 --> 01:17:29,580 and close the charts, then you're not inviting the wrestling match that happens with I need to be right on my train. And you know what it feels like when you
397 01:17:29,580 --> 01:17:37,290 still keep your charts open, and you go out there and you wreck yourself. And then you tweet to me, or you want to tweet to me, but you know, I'm gonna say
398 01:17:37,290 --> 01:17:51,720 these types of things to you. I told you not to do that. Everything I'm doing and saying and teaching on is meant for my children to do well. You are all
399 01:17:51,720 --> 01:18:05,580 guests in my house. That's it. That's, that's that's the way we do things here. And I'm teaching my children, you are just invited into the conversations. But
400 01:18:05,580 --> 01:18:18,300 when you make bad decisions, much like my own children will deal with. They're going to be told the same way. Eat it. It's good medicine. It's going to help
401 01:18:18,300 --> 01:18:32,580 you become the trader that you don't even realize is in the making that formidable, profitable, consistently. sound logic, not afraid, not swayed by
402 01:18:32,580 --> 01:18:38,430 emotions, you know exactly what you're going and therefore you know why you're doing it. And you know where you're going to be wrong so that we can measure and
403 01:18:38,580 --> 01:18:49,080 define risk. If you're going to weather losing trades, that's fine. That's normal. Every trader has losing trades. Every trader has drawdown, and better
404 01:18:49,080 --> 01:18:53,790 traders control drawdown, and mitigate systemic drawdown.
405 01:18:59,010 --> 01:19:09,330 Those are skill sets that you learn by getting in the trenches and being in these charts and pushing a button that you want to learn those lessons when
406 01:19:09,330 --> 01:19:19,140 there's no money attached to them. And most of you are attributing being right or wrong in the fear that of being wrong. Because you're trying to do it with
407 01:19:19,140 --> 01:19:33,240 live money when you're not even ready to trade. You have no idea. Can you honestly say and be honest now think? Can you find 15 profitable setups which
408 01:19:33,240 --> 01:19:44,850 were between now and the close of the month of January? Do you have the experience in you to know that you can absolutely frame that many high
409 01:19:44,850 --> 01:19:57,270 probability setups between now and the close of this month? If you can't do that? Why on earth would you be worrying about transactions being right or wrong
410 01:19:57,270 --> 01:20:10,050 and having so much emphasis on it? you're placing unrealistic expectations on yourself. I don't ask that of you or any of my students. So why are you asking?
411 01:20:11,280 --> 01:20:23,610 You're asking to be a gold medalist, the Olympic trader, because you watch a video series by me. I don't expect that of you or my viewers. But that's the
412 01:20:23,610 --> 01:20:34,740 equivalent of what it is you're doing. It may not feel like it, but that's exactly what you're doing. And that's irresponsible. It's unrealistic. And it
413 01:20:34,740 --> 01:20:44,310 needs to stop. Because you're holding up your your progress by doing those things, thinking about it like that. So when we tape read this year, and we're
414 01:20:44,310 --> 01:20:52,650 watching price action, and I'm taking you through the charts on Twitter, you need to be engaging and not thinking about how much money I would have made on
415 01:20:52,650 --> 01:21:07,350 it, that's the worst thing you could have done. Worst thing ever, because you're not taking advantage of the time I'm investing in you. By showing you how to
416 01:21:07,350 --> 01:21:17,370 read the tape, watch these candlesticks paint, and you have no outcome to worry about, you're not going to make any money on it, you're not going to lose any
417 01:21:17,370 --> 01:21:28,980 money on it. And you have all of the focus on what reading how price behaves between the time I send that tweet. And when it hits the level. There's lessons
418 01:21:28,980 --> 01:21:39,330 in that, that I can't even articulate, because it's going to be on an individual unique basis, you're going to discover, wow, I really am impatient. It took 11
419 01:21:39,330 --> 01:21:47,250 minutes for the trade to go there. And it felt like a lifetime. I'm really impatient. Yes, that's what this market will do. This market is a mirror, it's
420 01:21:47,250 --> 01:21:57,480 going to show you every character flaw in you. And you can try your best to try to ignore it. pretend it's not there, it will just compound and show you in
421 01:21:57,480 --> 01:22:08,370 reckless trading. You got a superiority complex, you're on social media, you're going to try to be better than everybody else. And you're gonna break every
422 01:22:08,370 --> 01:22:14,160 sound logic rule in trading, you're gonna overlap it, you're going to Martin deal, you're going to push, you're going to say I should stop, I know I should
423 01:22:14,160 --> 01:22:24,270 stop and you're still going to do it on your live streams, enriched yourself. These markets are a mirror. And they're going to show you and the world that
424 01:22:24,270 --> 01:22:34,920 they're watching the real you. And if you're new, and you haven't even discovered how to trade yet, why would you invite other people to cast their
425 01:22:34,920 --> 01:22:45,720 judgment upon you when you don't even know who you are as a trader yet? You're trying to rush to do too many things. And there's more important things to be
426 01:22:45,720 --> 01:22:57,780 worrying about. sound logic, patience, knowing what to look for, what do these patterns look like on a day by day basis, week to week. And over time? What that
427 01:22:57,780 --> 01:23:08,610 does, it's a desensitizing event that you see these things panning out, it doesn't mean that you should be expecting to see the same thing when you first
428 01:23:08,790 --> 01:23:20,070 find me. Some people, I've watched your entire series, I started all your videos, which means I watched all of them. And I'm still struggling with bias.
429 01:23:20,640 --> 01:23:33,510 Okay, that's what this entire year is going to teach bias. I'm trying to figure out how to find the right fair value get that's what I'm doing this year. Here
430 01:23:33,510 --> 01:23:45,090 the last word in that sentence this year, you will not learn the correct bias. Ordinary active in watching one video series. I can't write a book. I can't
431 01:23:45,090 --> 01:23:57,300 condense it into a five minute trainer. Nobody can. You have to walk it with me. You have to see it daily, weekly, over months throughout this entire year. And
432 01:23:57,300 --> 01:24:06,960 then you'll be able to reflect back on all the journal entries all the times the events that we walked through live either on Twitter or on live streams. You'll
433 01:24:06,960 --> 01:24:18,210 have that experience and then they'll mean more to you because you walked it. You lived it. You went through it. And some of your kicking and screaming I
434 01:24:18,210 --> 01:24:29,340 don't want to do it ICT. Dammit, you're not going to make me do it. Right. Okay? Stay mediocre and unprofitable. Because that's what you're saying. Because
435 01:24:30,330 --> 01:24:42,210 whether you realize it or not, the long term continuous success in trading is doing this anyway. Every day. If you think you're not going to be looking at
436 01:24:42,210 --> 01:24:48,540 charts, how you're how you're gonna make money. I don't want to watch data. I don't want to watch the charts. I don't want to back tests. I don't want to do
437 01:24:48,630 --> 01:25:03,090 that stuff. What how are you going to trade? How are you going to find the setup you're looking for? You got to put your nose in the charts. got time for this,
438 01:25:03,120 --> 01:25:11,670 right? You are saying that you are in a hurry to lose, you want to fail, you're on the fast track to failure. Go ahead, have it your way mentorships are out
439 01:25:11,670 --> 01:25:12,390 there, do it.
440 01:25:17,580 --> 01:25:30,720 I'm here, and I'm talking to the folks that are ready to learn. They're not expecting pie in the sky results real fast. They're not trying to get Lambo
441 01:25:30,720 --> 01:25:42,510 lifestyles, now. You can get that real quick, learn how to trade and then make your analysis available to other people, they will pay you gladly for that. And
442 01:25:42,510 --> 01:25:52,980 you will make millions of dollars doing that real fast, you get lambda life just like that. So if that's really what your passion is, put the work into it, learn
443 01:25:52,980 --> 01:26:00,630 how to do this, and there's lots of other people that want to copy whatever you think is going to happen. If you're consistently profitable, your your analysis
444 01:26:00,630 --> 01:26:10,500 is correct. Believe me, there's more people on this planet that are willing to pay you for that skill set, then you can take his trades. And you can make more
445 01:26:10,500 --> 01:26:17,490 money doing that. And he does this whole argument, this whole argument? Well, if you could do it, you wouldn't teach you wouldn't charge money. That's bull.
446 01:26:17,700 --> 01:26:25,740 That's bull. Okay, if I needed to make a lot of money, if I needed to make a lot of money real fast, right now, all I gotta do is put a PayPal link up and say
447 01:26:25,740 --> 01:26:34,680 here, join my mentorship. I don't need to do that. I'm teaching you to trust me, I am not selling you a mentorship. I'm giving you my life right here for this
448 01:26:34,680 --> 01:26:42,510 entire year and pouring it out and giving you the experience. But don't let other people tell you if this is what you want to do, that you want to go out
449 01:26:42,510 --> 01:26:49,830 and you want to teach what the markets going to do next, using this newfound skill set you're learning. Don't let anybody tell you that something that you
450 01:26:49,830 --> 01:27:03,000 should be ashamed of get your bread. Get it. Because the same people that are going to criticize you and cause you to doubt, they're not going to be there
451 01:27:03,000 --> 01:27:12,390 handing out something when you need it. When your utility bills high, you can't pay it, they're not going to help you. So why you give them the time of day
452 01:27:12,390 --> 01:27:21,180 worrying about it. It's the same thing you're doing to yourself when you self sabotage yourself, doubting, Oh, I gotta be right, I gotta be right. No, you
453 01:27:21,180 --> 01:27:30,000 don't have to be right, you have to be responsible for knowing what it is you're looking for. And it has to fit your personality. If you're trying to find a
454 01:27:30,000 --> 01:27:39,870 model that I'm maybe even covering, you know, later in the year, you might not even see me talk about in this move here, I expect this type of price action and
455 01:27:39,870 --> 01:27:51,030 this model is XYZ. If it doesn't resonate with you don't force it like you have to because I maybe did something correctly and it panned out. Don't do that. I
456 01:27:51,030 --> 01:27:58,410 have people that have never left the simple optimal trade entry pattern, which was my flagship pattern on this YouTube channel. Even though I've taught
457 01:27:58,440 --> 01:28:08,400 everything new Fairbury got model the whole core content from the paid mentorships up on the YouTube channel. And they have still never left optimal
458 01:28:08,400 --> 01:28:20,280 trade entry. And that's what they make their money with, Hey, you are the poster child of who I'm trying to represent here. They're not influenced. Even by me,
459 01:28:20,340 --> 01:28:26,970 once they find their model. They don't care. They might watch my stuff, but it isn't changing anything. Right? It's not having any impact. They're not
460 01:28:26,970 --> 01:28:35,640 tinkering with what already works. And when you buy a new sports car, if you pay a lot of money for it, how quick are you to want to open the hood up and move
461 01:28:35,640 --> 01:28:41,670 things around underneath the hood. I ain't touching this though. I don't understand it. I ain't gonna shame and telling you I'm not tinkering with
462 01:28:41,670 --> 01:28:54,930 something that is already perfect is the way it is. So when you find your model, you find your approach. Don't let other people whether you positively or
463 01:28:55,080 --> 01:29:04,830 negatively let them have no impact on your trades. Not nothing not your model not anything. Talk about this real quick. NASDAQ is really really really sloppy
464 01:29:04,830 --> 01:29:07,650 here. really sloppy
465 01:29:13,020 --> 01:29:25,560 gun to my head maybe a higher high looks likely on this one. I don't know if it wants to run this high here on the 30 minute time frame that and they just drop
466 01:29:25,560 --> 01:29:41,730 a line on it just don't refer back to that later on. My stomach's talking to me saying yesterday you have lunch see here. Take a look at the dow I don't trade
467 01:29:41,730 --> 01:29:51,330 this instrument but I do use it for like the dollar index when I'm using dollar for like a barometer for forex, which I'm not actively trading anymore. I know
468 01:29:51,330 --> 01:30:07,590 some of you are upset about forex. So hopefully you know when I'm teaching my son, Cameron, and I'll put him through exercises, you can take those same
469 01:30:07,590 --> 01:30:24,450 exercises and utilize them as well. And that way you can, in my opinion, try to build the I guess the tolerance to resist being fearful of the outcome of a
470 01:30:24,450 --> 01:30:34,770 trade or an idea, some of you are just plagued with, you don't think you deserve to learn how to do this. And some of you are afraid of success is weird as that
471 01:30:34,770 --> 01:30:47,640 may sound, that's exactly what some of you are fearful of, is it going to change you as a person? It will, it takes a whole lot more energy and effort to resist
472 01:30:47,640 --> 01:30:59,040 being ugly. And when I started making a lot of money when I was younger man, that really made me arrogant. And you got to be careful with that. And it's
473 01:30:59,040 --> 01:31:07,590 something probably that you should be concerned about, if you're a young person, especially a male, and females not so much. But the males tend to be braggarts
474 01:31:07,590 --> 01:31:19,650 and want to show their peers that they're worth listening to. But I want to cover what I did this morning. And then we'll close this. And I could turn this
475 01:31:19,650 --> 01:31:28,110 into four hours easily, and probably bore the socks off for you. But I want to make it useful. So if we have the
476 01:31:36,030 --> 01:31:50,760 you can see it's not a market replay, by the way. So we had the s&p divergence down here. And that is here, we have the lower lows, but not seen in the NASDAQ,
477 01:31:50,790 --> 01:32:00,510 you see that. So this is the s&p divergence. And what does is what's actually occurring here, as the s&p market is dropping lower, it's going below the sell
478 01:32:00,510 --> 01:32:09,270 side of liquidity here. So I'm going to annotate that real quick. So you can see follow the logic is what's going on in my head, as the trader below here, sell
479 01:32:09,270 --> 01:32:18,750 stops. Okay, that's what we call sell side liquidity. So the market taps into that here, and then once more here, and right there, we're getting divergence
480 01:32:19,980 --> 01:32:23,880 between the lows of the NASDAQ and I'll show you what that looks like with the candlestick.
481 01:32:29,640 --> 01:32:42,000 See how we went lower here, this low, this low, this low, respectively on the NASDAQ, it's higher Ah, okay. So it didn't make a lower low on this pass on
482 01:32:42,000 --> 01:32:50,970 NASDAQ, which is the lower chart I'm pointing to, at the same time that the s&p went lower. So that's what I call SMT SMT. I've never really settled on a name
483 01:32:51,000 --> 01:32:59,910 specifically with the SMT stands for have interchangeably used Smart Money techniques Smart Money tool, okay. And that's why it's always just referred to
484 01:32:59,910 --> 01:33:09,960 as SMT. Because otherwise, I would have had the full three words as the name but creating the language for y'all when I was on baby pips. That's what we settled
485 01:33:09,960 --> 01:33:21,960 on. And it's never really changed. But that divergence, there was enough for me to look at this liquidity as a raid, especially if we run a short term high,
486 01:33:21,990 --> 01:33:33,600 which is what we get. Minimize this short term high right there. It runs through it there. Once it runs through it, let me zoom a little bit more.
487 01:33:43,920 --> 01:33:53,070 All right, the short term high right here, we run through it there that candle, so we have technically a shift in market structure that's bullish. Now, a shift
488 01:33:53,070 --> 01:34:04,560 in market structure. This is where your notes, Oh, you didn't bring a new pet? Oh, send yourself a text. The market structure shift is just a short term change
489 01:34:05,910 --> 01:34:18,870 in market sentiment, and it will deliver on a short term basis. A market structure break is where the entire tide of the marketplace changes. And we go
490 01:34:18,870 --> 01:34:28,020 into a longer higher timeframe, delivery of price where if it's been bullish, and then we have a break in market structure that's bearish, then what we're
491 01:34:28,020 --> 01:34:40,830 saying is, is there's a change in trend, if we want to call it retail logic. A shift in market structure is not equivalent to an outright reversal. It's just a
492 01:34:40,860 --> 01:34:51,240 change in short term market sentiment. And that's all we need to capitalize on in terms of intraday price action. So when we see the short term high changing
493 01:34:51,240 --> 01:35:00,630 here, right there that that candle once it passes through it, I never instance for you, and it's also a shift in market structure does not require a Higher
494 01:35:00,630 --> 01:35:11,010 close above the short term high. It just needs to trade above it. The algorithm is not basing its next run on price because it closes above that it just needs
495 01:35:11,010 --> 01:35:19,230 to run through it. Once it does that that trigger now starts a macro. Macro is a short list of instructions that the algorithm will run. And the price engine
496 01:35:19,230 --> 01:35:28,020 that creates these fluctuations in price, it matters not how much buying and selling pressure. That's a misnomer. It's like why. Okay, that is not how these
497 01:35:28,020 --> 01:35:39,150 markets book, I don't care who tells you otherwise. Okay, it's not the volume. Because if it was the case, then why do we study volume and prices going higher
498 01:35:39,150 --> 01:35:46,980 and making higher highs but volume is receding going lower? The volume didn't put it up there. It's being booked there. It's being priced it's being offered
499 01:35:46,980 --> 01:35:53,850 there. Regardless of how many people buy and sell, it doesn't matter. markets do not talk because it runs out of buyers. And it doesn't bother them when it runs
500 01:35:53,850 --> 01:36:04,590 out of sellers. You have been lied to? I know it's hard to take that it sounds what? There's no way this guy, I'm telling you spend the rest of the year with
501 01:36:04,590 --> 01:36:11,970 me, you're going to be convinced of it, I promise you, you're gonna be convinced of it. In fact, hold me to it as a challenge, I guarantee you, I'm going to
502 01:36:11,970 --> 01:36:20,790 convert you in least in that respect. So once we get below the sell side here, we run through the short term high, there's a shift in market structure. Now
503 01:36:20,790 --> 01:36:27,930 it's bullish, so your eye goes to what my eye goes to Where's liquidity? So the first thing I'm going to look for, as I pan back, is I'm going to look for is
504 01:36:27,930 --> 01:36:38,430 there a relative equal high, something smooth? Well, these highs are basically almost the same, right? So it feels like it's like a ceiling. If you're in your
505 01:36:38,430 --> 01:36:45,540 room. If you're here, if you're indoors right now look up and see the ceiling where you're at. That's like being down here looking up this ceiling. That's the
506 01:36:45,540 --> 01:36:55,920 ceiling right here. Retail thinks that's the highest they can go. Because that's what the books tell them. They say in their mind, okay, this is the highest it
507 01:36:55,920 --> 01:37:05,250 can go because that's resistance. I train you to think it's going there and going above it because that's exactly where the money's resting. That's where
508 01:37:05,250 --> 01:37:16,890 the victims are holding up signs. I'm heading to Loserville give me a ride. Okay, that's a hitchhiker. I want to pick up every time when the market trades
509 01:37:16,890 --> 01:37:24,960 down to the sell side here. And then I'm watching does it shift bullish Lee is a shift in market structure with that candle right there. It does not need to
510 01:37:24,960 --> 01:37:36,510 close above it. So now in my mind, I go back through what just took place? Well, we just ran sellside. We have SMT divergence. I'm not using an indicator just
511 01:37:36,510 --> 01:37:49,200 comparing correlated markets. The Dow, the NASDAQ in the s&p, I'm comparing the price action between those three, I'm sorry, there's three instruments. If I'm
512 01:37:49,200 --> 01:38:03,990 anticipating the likelihood of something bullish I'm already expecting the SMT. I'm not using the divergence as a trade selection. It's a confirmation tool. It
513 01:38:03,990 --> 01:38:15,360 qualifies something that I had already anticipated. This was too smooth. We were going below sellside. We went through it if it went through it, and we didn't
514 01:38:15,360 --> 01:38:22,260 diverge. And if the NASDAQ made lower lows with the s&p, then I would not expect this. Send on some of your product that could Can you just tell me what, what
515 01:38:22,260 --> 01:38:29,520 you're trusting and what you wouldn't have trusted, I just told you that. If the NASDAQ would have made a lower low like it did here in the s&p, I would not have
516 01:38:29,520 --> 01:38:38,670 gone long, even if it went above that short term high here because then I would expected this fair value gap to be something to be monitoring. But because we
517 01:38:38,670 --> 01:38:48,570 had divergence with the NASDAQ lows not meeting the lower low that we see in the SP here. Then I'm gonna watch and see does it give me does it show his hand to
518 01:38:48,570 --> 01:39:00,000 me? Does it tip his hand to me and say, Michael, this is what I'm about to do. I'm going higher. Get on board. I'm going to give you a fair bag that runs above
519 01:39:00,000 --> 01:39:12,510 the short term high here there. And as it's coded just like it's supposed to be this candle is high. Look at this price here. Okay. Right up here. This candles
520 01:39:12,510 --> 01:39:24,780 high. In this candles low. That's what I'm framing here. That's the fair value gap. Now it drops down what time is this? 945. That's when I told you the news
521 01:39:24,780 --> 01:39:36,570 was coming out. Now, that news report, I'm not afraid of that type of report. It's not the same thing like a CPI CPI will rip your face off. Like it's it's,
522 01:39:36,870 --> 01:39:49,020 you do not ever, ever, ever want to be trading ahead of the CPI number ever. You don't ever want to be trading ahead of a rate announcement ever, because it will
523 01:39:49,020 --> 01:40:00,930 tear your limbs off. If you don't want to do that but other market reports. They will just be fuel to something you already anticipate and see. So This 945
524 01:40:00,930 --> 01:40:18,120 candle. Notice it does wick through the fair value gap. But does it take out the low? No. Your stop, could originate here at that low. Buying this candles low,
525 01:40:18,150 --> 01:40:28,710 that's your first entry. You can use that you can use the consequent encroachment, which is the midpoint of the gap, which is this one candle. So,
526 01:40:28,890 --> 01:40:39,840 when I'm talking about things on Twitter, I'll say, yes, one minute chart, and then I'll give a 09 colon four, two. I'm not saying I did it for this one here.
527 01:40:39,840 --> 01:40:49,380 But the other ones, I'm going to refer to them, I did. If I'm telling you 09, colon four, two, and I'm telling you one minute, yes, I'm telling you to look at
528 01:40:49,380 --> 01:41:03,120 the ES chart, find that time on the axis at the bottom of the chart, and put it right on that candle. And you'll see exactly what I'm looking at, I won't have
529 01:41:03,120 --> 01:41:13,950 to say this is a buy, I won't have to say this is a sell on the saying, watch that. Note that because you want to annotate that in your chart. And then watch
530 01:41:13,950 --> 01:41:26,970 how price reacts and goes towards what we're looking for which was tweeted, after the s&p divergence, I said, note the 4028 level that's by side. So the
531 01:41:26,970 --> 01:41:37,950 market runs, dips back down into this area here on the news comes back up in the candle closes here. The next candle opens trades one more time, was the tape
532 01:41:37,980 --> 01:41:45,180 trading into the fair value get one more time. This is the only other opportunity you have. If you're going to use in their fair pay gap, you got to
533 01:41:45,180 --> 01:41:56,760 buy it smack it rate as it goes into that candles low rate there. It goes a little bit passive but not much. But what is it really reaching for this wick
534 01:41:56,820 --> 01:42:09,750 from the high, I'm sorry, from the low of the body, which is the closing price to that low, eyeball half of it. Boom. And it's also inside the fair Vega. When
535 01:42:09,750 --> 01:42:18,570 you watch me talk about price live, you'll see me refer these things as they happen. And you're gonna be floored how it respects and responds to many of
536 01:42:18,570 --> 01:42:25,740 them. I'm gonna get it wrong, don't get me wrong, because I'm looking at one minute charts. One minute, there could be something that happens a little flurry
537 01:42:25,740 --> 01:42:36,360 of something that comes in, and I'll be off. Okay, no problem. But I have no fear of doing it with you showing you that this is what you can do. And then it
538 01:42:36,360 --> 01:42:49,680 rips through this short term. Hi. This is a bullish breaker. What does that the low here makes the high and then a lower low. So this move up, you were focusing
539 01:42:49,680 --> 01:43:02,460 on highest up close candle extend that range out. So as it's digging into this here, this is return into that bullish breaker. If okay, this is this is what
540 01:43:02,460 --> 01:43:12,930 some of my trolls and detractors like to say, Oh, this is only old Hi, this resistance broken turn support. Here's how you classify retail support
541 01:43:12,930 --> 01:43:25,380 resistance as the real levels to be trusted. Okay. If they're high has a low prior to it and a lower low after it after this high forms, then it comes back
542 01:43:25,380 --> 01:43:33,780 down to it, then yes, you can trust it as resistance broken turn support. The narrative behind why it should be that way is what makes my breaker the breaker.
543 01:43:34,050 --> 01:43:45,090 It broke. Anyone that was holding stocks below here, they went lower than and then rip through the short term high. This in itself is a shift in market
544 01:43:45,090 --> 01:43:45,510 structure.
545 01:43:48,090 --> 01:43:56,160 Notice that same event is occurring with this short term high here when that candle passes through it is occurring with this high with this movement right
546 01:43:56,160 --> 01:44:08,280 there. The logic is that we've done damage with this candle being high here he took out and broke, it broke the backs of anyone trying to go long on that low.
547 01:44:09,150 --> 01:44:16,710 When it ripped up higher like this, then went down one more time to knock them out. There's liquidity taken here and absorbed what kind of sell side who would
548 01:44:16,710 --> 01:44:25,050 want to take out sell side individual one of the long smart money buying those sell stops up there being counterparty to it and then using the fair value gap
549 01:44:25,050 --> 01:44:34,800 as it drops into here and then one more time here and it rips through the short term high here. We take this off when it comes right back down into the high but
550 01:44:34,800 --> 01:44:48,180 more specifically, it's a bullish breaker and old high Yes. And there's a fair begun right there. You have three things qualifying that level. Now compare and
551 01:44:48,180 --> 01:45:02,190 contrast that with the new Larry's School of logic in in trading retail books. They're cherry picking levels in the In the past, look at this trendline, this
552 01:45:02,190 --> 01:45:08,760 diagnosis how you could have bought this. I bought all that stuff in the beginning. I thought that's exactly what people do. And I thought I thought that
553 01:45:08,760 --> 01:45:17,580 was how it was going to be profitable for me. And I couldn't make it work. So I had to go in and figure out really what's going on. So when we trade back down
554 01:45:17,580 --> 01:45:25,590 into this high with the fair value gap, and it's a breaker, look at the perfect close look at the look at this right here. Look at this price, right there,
555 01:45:25,590 --> 01:45:39,090 folks, watch that price. When this candle is high? What is the high that for zero to 0.50? This movement back down into the fair value gap? What's the low of
556 01:45:39,090 --> 01:45:50,400 that candle? For zero to 0.50? Folks, listen, listen, I'm not where I'm not aware of where you're at with neck of the woods, you're from what country you're
557 01:45:50,400 --> 01:46:02,340 in. Okay, but perfect, is perfect. It's not a fluctuation short, it's not a fluctuation past it, it's dead ringer rate on the actual tick, I'm sorry, if I
558 01:46:02,340 --> 01:46:12,540 hurt your feelings, if it doesn't line up with your treasured guru mentor, okay, I'm sorry. But this is it, this is the thing you're looking for. You're looking
559 01:46:12,540 --> 01:46:22,650 for something that works, that you can trust the logic behind it, and you want something that is delivering with no opportunity to approve upon. This is it.
560 01:46:22,950 --> 01:46:30,540 And this is the reason why I talk to you the way I talk. And it sounds arrogant. But it's just confidence. I know what I created, I know what I'm holding in my
561 01:46:30,540 --> 01:46:40,170 hands, and I'm giving it to you, all you have to do is spend time with it. And you'll fall in love with it, I promise you, I promise you, you will fall in love
562 01:46:40,170 --> 01:46:52,830 with this. But if you sit on the side, and just hold on to your fear and struggle with the work ethic that's going to be required to learn it, then
563 01:46:52,860 --> 01:47:01,530 obviously, you know, it's easy to cast judgment because it's easy to talk about something you haven't really worked worked for. So everybody that's worked for
564 01:47:01,530 --> 01:47:11,280 it, and it's got it, they don't care, who believes me, who doesn't believe they're doing it, you're not going to either. But you're never gonna get to that
565 01:47:11,280 --> 01:47:24,690 stage, until you press through this ratio by itself as a trade. It moves from 421 50, what we'll call, we'll just do the low, you could not you could have
566 01:47:24,690 --> 01:47:34,410 went long on that at the low using the logic already taught, I'm not cherry picking anything here 4021 and a quarter. All it has to do is trade at that
567 01:47:34,410 --> 01:47:47,790 level, there used to be a buyer from 4021 and a quarter. Right there, it doesn't even have to go into the old highs back here, which is what I was going to be
568 01:47:47,790 --> 01:47:58,050 aiming for. But this candle here soon as it trades to 26 and a quarter. Right there. That price right there, bumping above these relatively equal highs right
569 01:47:58,050 --> 01:48:08,610 there. That's five handles, and you don't need to be right about trading to the boss out liquidity. That's the difference between worrying about profitability
570 01:48:09,150 --> 01:48:17,910 versus being right. You can be a buyer down here on the breaker in the fair value gap, run the short term high and not need these highs to be taken out. If
571 01:48:17,910 --> 01:48:26,820 you can get five handles on that. Guess what, that's exactly how you start. That's how you start. That's your first rung objective, your expectations on
572 01:48:26,820 --> 01:48:33,600 what it is that you're trying to do as a trader. That's what you're trying to do. Know where it's likely to go, what you're reaching for, where's the market
573 01:48:33,600 --> 01:48:40,680 more likely to go? I'm giving you that with my tweets, I'm telling you, I'm telling you what the market is likely to go to next. You won't be 100% of time.
574 01:48:41,580 --> 01:48:51,300 Nobody's 100% I'm not I've never said I was 100%. But I promise you you're never gonna find another person walking this planet is going to be more precise as I
575 01:48:51,300 --> 01:49:03,930 am. And that ruffles feathers and I don't care. You got something that's better bring it. Back five handles is an easy low hanging fruit objective. But once it
576 01:49:03,930 --> 01:49:17,520 clears those by stops here above this highs right here. Pay the trader that was a tweet that came in 4028 hit, done, booked, it's over. Move to the sidelines.
577 01:49:17,610 --> 01:49:26,580 But what is it? Who cares? What if that's not the text trade? And that's the other thing I want to talk about. Every time I do something and I call it it
578 01:49:26,580 --> 01:49:36,780 pans out. There's always this flurry of the same people. Franklin, does this mean that we're going to go short now? Like I'm sitting here buying and selling
579 01:49:36,780 --> 01:49:47,160 every swing high? I'm not doing that I can. I've done that before. But that's not what I'm promising you this year. I'm promising you how to go in find low
580 01:49:47,160 --> 01:49:58,530 hanging fruit. Something you can go in here and do five minutes, five minutes. Five handles on one mini is $250 Do you make 250 hours in a day? Working your
581 01:49:58,530 --> 01:50:17,160 job I'm not trying to be rude. But do you make $250 a week? In some countries you aren't. And you don't need to have these extremely irresponsible mentors out
582 01:50:17,160 --> 01:50:24,630 there trying to tell you that you could be making six figures a month, or that they're aspiring to make six figures, and therefore, because they're saying
583 01:50:24,630 --> 01:50:32,820 they're trying to do it, that means it should be realistic for you to try to do. I don't do that, folks. But what I'm saying to you is, what if you could just
584 01:50:32,820 --> 01:50:45,540 find one of these per week and had diligence and responsibility to stop for the week? And you did it every week? Every month? Wouldn't that help you? With your
585 01:50:45,540 --> 01:50:55,980 utility bills? And your maybe your car note? How much of a life changing impact would it be to have that thing off your neck every month? If that's all you got?
586 01:50:56,460 --> 01:51:07,020 your grocery bill was paid for? Wouldn't that mean a whole lot more to you, in terms of building your confidence to keep doing what you're doing and grow from
587 01:51:07,020 --> 01:51:17,490 that same five handle? Yes, it would. And if you're saying No, it wouldn't turn this video, don't come back to my channel again, because you are a gambler. I
588 01:51:17,490 --> 01:51:25,560 cannot work with gamblers. I'm not trying to promote gambling mindset. I'm not trying to promote somebody get rich quick stuff. I'm not teaching that at all.
589 01:51:25,740 --> 01:51:38,100 But listen, if you take the things I'm showing you here, and you want to get rich, Who's stopping you? I'm not. Nobody else would be only you are. But I
590 01:51:38,100 --> 01:51:45,540 don't, I'm not teaching you that. I don't want you walking into this thinking. I'm promising you getting rich, I'm promising you're going to work your rear end
591 01:51:45,540 --> 01:51:55,290 off. Because you got to overcome a lot of these character flaws that you're gonna have, that you don't even realize you have. But you can make this into
592 01:51:55,290 --> 01:52:04,950 whatever you want it to be big or small. Now over here, this low here is random reaction. Let's take a look at the
593 01:52:09,990 --> 01:52:24,180 hourly chart here. Alright, so I tweeted this also, I said, pull up on your hourly chart, your 60 minute chart, the Monday 23rd of January's hourly candle,
594 01:52:24,180 --> 01:52:32,430 note that that's a fair Vega. Okay, that rectangle is the same rectangle that's being shown over here, this this chart that I'm looking at the big one on the
595 01:52:32,430 --> 01:52:41,100 right hand side, that's a one minute, this same market is over here, just being viewed from an hourly chart. So every candle represents the interval of the
596 01:52:41,100 --> 01:52:50,460 highest high and the lowest low of each hour. candle on the bottom lower left, each candle represents the highest highs and lowest lows every 15 minute candle,
597 01:52:50,640 --> 01:53:00,330 you can see that rectangle here if I take it off, but it disappears from the other charts. If I Ctrl Z, they'll go back. So it's going down to that level
598 01:53:00,330 --> 01:53:11,160 based on the hourly chart. It trades down to it here. It trades down to it here. That reaction is what I tweeted, it's a note that when we were inside the fair
599 01:53:11,160 --> 01:53:24,990 value gap here. I taught last night that you can look for inversion levels to extend the fair pay gap in time and look where the bodies are collected in
600 01:53:26,280 --> 01:53:38,880 inside the fair value gap. It trades right back up to this candles low does it here hits it hits it hits it hits it breaks lower goes exactly what I said in a
601 01:53:38,880 --> 01:53:52,830 tweet on Twitter, the hourly fair value got there's five handles there. So 10 handles offered without really expecting a lot in terms of risk. There's risk
602 01:53:52,830 --> 01:54:00,540 every time you take a trade obviously, but in terms of movement against the idea that once I tweeted it very little fluctuation or will we be considered drawdown
603 01:54:02,010 --> 01:54:13,740 the market then rallies and returns back up into the area of what makes us larger again, it returns back to this pool of liquidity there. Then it comes
604 01:54:13,740 --> 01:54:28,500 right back down into this right here. Take this off. This candle here. In this candle here is one order block. An order block has nothing to do with a depth of
605 01:54:28,500 --> 01:54:39,360 market or level two data. It has nothing to do with actual orders. When I say it's an order block. What I'm saying to you is the algorithm refers back to this
606 01:54:40,320 --> 01:54:55,950 as an order block. It has nothing to do with mitigating order blocks don't get mitigated. Okay. The market when it trades back to this level here. You want to
607 01:54:55,950 --> 01:55:11,610 take the opening price. Extend Mountain Time you guys liked it. I'm having fun today. If you're learning something tweet me if you're having fun. Alright, so
608 01:55:11,640 --> 01:55:21,780 this order block, okay, this run lower and then shift in market structure, where's that occur? Right there. That candle right there. It's a shift in market
609 01:55:21,780 --> 01:55:31,800 structure, what took place? The sell stops or sell side liquidity resting below here has been purged. So if we take this level here and put it right there, I
610 01:55:31,800 --> 01:55:41,010 told you, we were here to put that level, the blue shaded area on your hourly chart and denote that if it was up here, and I tell you down here, where's my
611 01:55:41,010 --> 01:55:52,650 bias? Down? How far to that fair value gap? Once it hits it? What do you do? You log it? Does it offer five handles? If it does, you annotate your chart, you say
612 01:55:52,650 --> 01:56:02,970 this is what I seen. And you put in annotations, like you observed it with foresight before the fact. And by doing that, and putting it in your chart,
613 01:56:03,840 --> 01:56:10,740 technically, if you're going to be highly critical, you're technically lying to yourself in your annotations, because you're giving yourself positive self talk,
614 01:56:10,740 --> 01:56:18,990 like you saw it coming. When you look at your charts on the weekend, and you refer to your annotations, what's actually happening is, it's very aesthetically
615 01:56:18,990 --> 01:56:27,300 pleasing to see positive self talk in your charts. But it's also subconsciously reinforcing the positives of what it is you're supposed to be retaining in price
616 01:56:27,300 --> 01:56:40,110 action, and you're teaching yourself, subconsciously, to remember these things as what worthwhile endeavors. Not. I'm afraid I'm gonna get it wrong. Do you see
617 01:56:40,110 --> 01:56:51,390 what just took place there? There's a subtle shift, that paradigm shift is required for people to filter out negativity, never invited in your annotations,
618 01:56:51,390 --> 01:57:00,720 or you're logging in in your journals, or even in your social media posts. Never post regret? Not because I don't want students to see that they're feeling no,
619 01:57:00,720 --> 01:57:09,990 that's not what I said. You can say, I lost on this trade. I did this and didn't pan out. Okay, great. That's responsible. It's also sharing the community. Hey,
620 01:57:09,990 --> 01:57:18,960 look, I tried it. It didn't work. And I'm moving on not I blew it today. I'm so stupid. I'm gonna quit. I can never figure this out. This is so dumb. I'm dumb.
621 01:57:19,020 --> 01:57:30,960 Do you see the difference between that and the former? It's too toxic. People reading that? I guarantee you they're thinking, Man, this, this person's a
622 01:57:30,960 --> 01:57:41,550 wreck. And you are if you're doing that, because what you're trying to do is you want to be coddled, I don't coddle I'm going to tell you if you made a mistake,
623 01:57:41,550 --> 01:57:52,500 and it's okay. Blog it, learn from it. Don't repeat it. It may sound insensitive, maybe that's not the response you're looking for. But the response
624 01:57:52,500 --> 01:58:03,270 you're looking for the sugar coated, candy coated ICT mentorship dye, that doesn't work. Okay, that does not work. candy coated mentorships. And mentors
625 01:58:03,780 --> 01:58:14,580 are never going to give you the meat and potatoes that you want on your bones as a trader is there's no way that say other than that. You want the real truth,
626 01:58:14,640 --> 01:58:23,610 the real truth is, is as hard, you're going to earn it, it's going to feel uncomfortable sometimes. And that's normal, you press into that. And every time
627 01:58:23,610 --> 01:58:37,380 you do and you get more insight and you more confidence, it's harder for you to be defeated by yourself, your old self, that old self has to die. You got to put
628 01:58:37,380 --> 01:58:47,820 down and you're going to renew yourself into a new mindset. Replacing positive everything in your life will become you're seeking the positive. And you're
629 01:58:47,820 --> 01:58:55,110 going to take a different approach and everything you do because of what you do with your money in this trading endeavor. It's going to transform you into
630 01:58:55,110 --> 01:59:02,460 something totally different. And you won't even recognize yourself at the end of the year, you won't recognize you. And that's a good thing. Don't be fearful of
631 01:59:02,460 --> 01:59:11,190 it. But this down close these two down close candles That's an order block the algorithm was doing is once this shift and structure occurs here. Look at those
632 01:59:11,190 --> 01:59:23,340 right there on that candle rate at that moment there. The algorithm says okay, I need to reprice higher. It's going to start booking price higher. It doesn't
633 01:59:23,340 --> 01:59:34,290 matter, folks. Jim, the trader on Instagram, okay. It doesn't matter what he says his cousin used to be a broker, his guys, nephew, son, sister's, a market
634 01:59:34,290 --> 01:59:43,110 maker at UBC you are whatever it is, whatever the hell that you're going to try to tell you. I don't care. All of the things I'm going to show you real time
635 01:59:43,110 --> 01:59:53,010 this year is going to fly in the face of everything else out there. And I want you to figure it out. If it's not what I'm telling you what it is improving over
636 01:59:53,010 --> 02:00:06,390 and over again. Then what on earth is it? Because it's not retail? It's not I think in those books, but you have to see it, you have to handle it. And once
637 02:00:06,390 --> 02:00:17,850 you see it, you handle your own. No, this is something totally different. And that's what happens when people come into this content. It's infectious. It's
638 02:00:17,880 --> 02:00:28,140 sticky, you can't, you can't get it off your hands, you want more of it, though, it's like cotton candy. This return to this order block, the market will want to
639 02:00:28,140 --> 02:00:43,350 do that. Once it does that, accumulates buying opportunities. Let me say it better. It provides smart money to accumulate long positions. When it returns to
640 02:00:43,350 --> 02:00:56,190 this, the algorithm is not waiting for smart traders to buy and they're buying is not propelling price higher. It's going down there based on time, it goes
641 02:00:56,190 --> 02:01:07,830 down to it here pulls away from it, and goes down to it one more time. It's spending time allowing individuals that are privy to what I'm telling you what
642 02:01:07,830 --> 02:01:18,330 I'm teaching you when I'm showing you. There are people that are waiting for this opportunity. That is what they're paid to do. They are bank traders. They
643 02:01:18,330 --> 02:01:34,350 are not JP Morgan traders. They're not Goldman Sachs traders. They're at the bank. Oh, but they will not for this discussion. I don't care if you believe it.
644 02:01:35,100 --> 02:01:43,050 I'm not here to try to twist your arm in regards to that. But this run here, did it take out that high on this run here away from the order block when it has
645 02:01:43,050 --> 02:01:50,910 shifted microstructure on that candle right there. When it moved up? Did it take out that high? No matter? What did it leave there by side, I was talking to you
646 02:01:50,910 --> 02:01:57,780 earlier. And you'll hear it in the recording. You'll see in the recording, I mentioned that there's by side here. Be mindful of that. Okay, and I went back
647 02:01:57,780 --> 02:02:07,380 to my conversation with the Rock Creek drops back down into the order block. The algorithm offers the opportunity for traders, they're looking forward to get in
648 02:02:08,700 --> 02:02:19,950 prices higher rejection block, retraces back down to the order block. Once more. What's it doing? It's allowing smart money to accumulate inside the order block.
649 02:02:20,190 --> 02:02:33,060 What else is it doing? For supply and demand, folks? Fasten your seat belts. You're cutting through some candles? Oh, no. We're going back into that area of
650 02:02:33,390 --> 02:02:50,520 inefficiency. It was inefficient in what? Sell side. And it went up. It offered to here. Okay, is this balanced? This range here is this range here bounced at
651 02:02:50,520 --> 02:03:01,890 that point. No, it's only bounced when it comes to it and leaves it now to bounce price range. This is an entirely different endeavor of running out
652 02:03:01,980 --> 02:03:12,930 liquidity that's formed here. It does not cancel this out with you going through my core content, I teach you the pdra matrix. And there is a 2040 and 60 day
653 02:03:12,930 --> 02:03:25,680 look back. And there's a 2040 60 day cast forward. The algorithm refers to things in that scope. And I can obviously turn this into a whole all nighter
654 02:03:25,680 --> 02:03:31,470 here and teach and teach and teach. And it's just going to give you more things, especially if you're new. This is the first time you watch me, it's going to
655 02:03:31,830 --> 02:03:39,270 it's going to seem like it's too complicated. And it would be viewed as complicated for anyone that hasn't really spent any time with me. But for the
656 02:03:39,270 --> 02:03:45,270 folks has been here for a while. This is already starting to make a lot of sense to you. And your gears are turning like oh my goodness, I see it, I see it
657 02:03:45,300 --> 02:03:58,050 right. It's gonna keep repeating to every week, every day and it won't stop. I'm not changing anything. Okay, it will not stop working. will not trust me. The
658 02:03:58,050 --> 02:04:07,500 markets will cease to exist before this stops working period. If I believed by making it public, it would change or stop it. You never, you never would have
659 02:04:07,500 --> 02:04:22,020 heard of me. So trading out into the old fair bagel, what is it offering? sellside again, here and the order block. So how many factors do you have here,
660 02:04:22,290 --> 02:04:38,940 leading to the likelihood of these relative equal highs? Much like they were over here? What's above here? Same thing we have here from a narrative by side
661 02:04:41,430 --> 02:04:52,170 what, what the price do from here? Drop down to what? Toilet low? Why did it do that? It took ourselves like why would it be advantageous for the algorithm to
662 02:04:52,170 --> 02:05:03,120 reprice all way down here? You're trying to tell me that only short sellers came in here. Nobody bought That's what drove price down exactly to the fair value
663 02:05:03,120 --> 02:05:13,710 gap that I outlined beforehand. So every trader out there knew the fair value gap. You all just discovered it this year. My mentorships students learned about
664 02:05:13,710 --> 02:05:27,060 it in 2016. I've been using it for 26 years. So you're wrestling with trying to find a rhyme and a reason as to why I can do this and why my students are able
665 02:05:27,060 --> 02:05:36,120 to do this. And you can find another similarity to something else. And lean on retail logic as to why the markets book Oh, it's just auction theory. No, it
666 02:05:36,120 --> 02:05:50,940 ain't. Oh, no, it's not. It's not anybody, anybody that sits down and does the work of going through what I'm teaching you, that's dismissed immediately. The
667 02:05:50,940 --> 02:06:02,010 volume of how many contracts are traded is irrelevant. When they want the market to go to a price level, it's going to that price level regardless, regardless of
668 02:06:02,010 --> 02:06:11,610 how many buyers and sellers they are, why would it be advantageous for this level to be taken out? Because it's allowing traders that would be looking for
669 02:06:11,940 --> 02:06:21,570 higher prices, keying off of that discount array, which is the ferry I get on our chart, that blue shaded area down here, that I tweeted beforehand, before it
670 02:06:21,570 --> 02:06:33,810 even went there? And look at the look at turning point of that? Is that not beautiful? When I was a younger man, when I first started to learn how to trade,
671 02:06:34,260 --> 02:06:44,700 I never imagined that there would be this level of precision available. Anyway, could see it before it happens. And you all get the walk with me every day,
672 02:06:45,150 --> 02:06:55,440 every week. And I'm showcasing it, no deleted tweets. It's all there, bringing the receipts all year long. All you have to do start paying paying more
673 02:06:55,440 --> 02:07:02,070 attention to it. And what does it mean to you? What is it communicating to you? Because there's lots of trades here, based on what I've just shown, there's many
674 02:07:02,070 --> 02:07:11,280 trades that you can take. But this movement here was the catalyst that sent us up into the box of liquidity that I talked about in this live stream. That's
675 02:07:11,280 --> 02:07:27,090 where it's going to go next. What does that mean? It's not going below that low? Your focus was placed up here. Did it not do it? It did. Is it a big deal? No.
676 02:07:27,780 --> 02:07:37,290 But to a new student, for a new viewer, a casual viewer? Well, I was kind of lucky. We get lucky a lot around here. Like it's it's a reoccurring phenomenon.
677 02:07:37,290 --> 02:07:50,250 And really, I don't personally believe in luck, but it is what it is. But then we run from the waterblock. up to and through that buyside liquidity runs above
678 02:07:50,250 --> 02:08:05,640 it comes back down. works inside this range here. What's this down close candle? What's this right here? It's the same thing. This is it's an order block. It has
679 02:08:05,670 --> 02:08:16,080 absolutely nothing to do with how many contracts are bought or sold, has nothing to do, how many orders are resting on the depth of market, the DOM, using
680 02:08:16,080 --> 02:08:24,450 ladders and stuff like that market rope bucket profile point of control all those things, I have not a believer in it. If you make money and you use that
681 02:08:24,450 --> 02:08:35,100 stuff, and you attribute your profits to that, then well done. That's what you believe that's what you subscribe to. And I'm not going to have any any ability
682 02:08:35,100 --> 02:08:43,710 to defer your attention to anything else if that's what you subscribed to. And you shouldn't even pay any mind. If you're making money. It's irrelevant what I
683 02:08:43,710 --> 02:08:54,930 say. No matter what it is you use. If you're making money, don't tinker with it. But don't say that's what's making the market go higher and lower because then
684 02:08:54,930 --> 02:09:04,230 we will argue, but this is an order block. Okay, it's a downloads candle prior to the change in the state delivery, which is the current rate that opening
685 02:09:04,230 --> 02:09:17,610 price extending out in time, as soon as that price is touched and crossed to the upside. That is equivalent to a market structure shift. At that moment, this
686 02:09:17,610 --> 02:09:35,670 entire range here becomes sensitive to future returns to it. And I'll explain that in a minute. And ICTs poor clinic price action clinic today. So down close
687 02:09:35,670 --> 02:09:43,470 candle displacement to down obstructed upside. What's the opening price? Why is the opening price low because there's no wick? Well, why did you use the opening
688 02:09:43,470 --> 02:09:50,580 price down here? It didn't take I'll get back to that digit. Why don't you do it on the wick because whenever is a short little stubby work like that. I just
689 02:09:50,790 --> 02:10:01,350 immediately go right to the opening price. This is because I've traded Forex, and forex has a lot of spread issues. And that was were adopted the ruleset.
690 02:10:01,710 --> 02:10:13,920 There is. But the hard and fast rule is if it's a really little small little wick, just go to the body open. market trades down into it here. Look how much
691 02:10:13,920 --> 02:10:30,030 around the midpoint of that candle, which was mean threshold half of a gap, or inefficiency is consequent encroachment, it's the midpoint. If, if we have a
692 02:10:30,030 --> 02:10:38,520 order block, that's not a gap that's on a fair value gap, it's a, it's a specific range in one candle. And you split that in half, that's mean threshold.
693 02:10:39,120 --> 02:10:51,600 Look where they're going for here. If these candles, boom, half, half, here, half, and then breaks higher. what's occurring rate on this candle. Let me zoom
694 02:10:51,600 --> 02:10:53,130 in here, because I want you to really get this.
695 02:10:56,340 --> 02:11:04,560 When I'm watching my real time trades pan out, you see the recordings of it and you see me annotating as it's going, and I'm drawing lines on it. And I'll say I
696 02:11:04,560 --> 02:11:13,410 want to see it run from here. And I want to do this, I'm doing all that with one minute candles. So I'm looking at price, internalizing receiving what it is I'm
697 02:11:13,410 --> 02:11:21,420 seeing in price delivery, then I'm articulating a way of communicating to you, then I have to go to my keyboard and I have to type it out. And then sometimes I
698 02:11:21,420 --> 02:11:29,220 have to correct the typos. And then still maintain my focus on the chart. Now imagine all that going on with somebody that has attention deficit like I have,
699 02:11:30,210 --> 02:11:37,410 it's hard, it's very, very hard for me to do this, to communicate it on a one minute chart, there's no way to fake that. There's no way I could be managing
700 02:11:37,440 --> 02:11:46,650 another chart somewhere else. Another my I have moles right now I'm staring at eight monitors in front of me. But I'm holding a laptop, this laptop is away
701 02:11:46,650 --> 02:11:54,600 from my trade desk, but I'm in the room with them, those screens are not even on. And when I'm doing everything through the recording with Camtasia, I'm
702 02:11:54,600 --> 02:12:05,010 recording and I only record with a laptop on aisp That's only synced to this one, my Trading Computers are using a different ISP, I'm never going to record
703 02:12:05,010 --> 02:12:12,030 off of those, you're never going to see my TradeStation charts, you're never gonna see those things. You're not. So don't ask for it. And you're not, you're
704 02:12:12,030 --> 02:12:20,490 not, I'm not making you that close of a friend to me, okay, it's not to be rude or anything, but you don't need to see those things. Everything I'm teaching is
705 02:12:20,490 --> 02:12:28,950 communicated through TradingView. And I'm using a laptop because if I do get hacked, which I've had multiple instances of since 2006, they're not getting
706 02:12:28,950 --> 02:12:40,680 anything here. There's no credit cards, there's no nothing personal nothing. It's just the ISP connected to YouTube, and trading you That's it. That's it. So
707 02:12:42,090 --> 02:12:56,400 I didn't say that I'm sorry. But when we leave, when we leave this consolidation inside this order block, okay? drops down into here, I mean threshold is here
708 02:12:56,400 --> 02:13:06,210 for the order block. So half of this range, I'll show you that. This is what you want to do with your favorite gaps. And what you think is an order block. So
709 02:13:06,210 --> 02:13:07,680 4027 even.
710 02:13:14,490 --> 02:13:24,510 Okay, 4027, even in my mind, I'm watching on a boardwalk, I'm watching the high to the midpoint, I want to see it show a willingness to support price.
711 02:13:24,900 --> 02:13:34,650 Preferably hit it and quit it and run the other direction real quick. That's what I'm really looking for. But if it starts doing this, as long as it's
712 02:13:34,650 --> 02:13:43,320 respecting that midpoint down here, I'm okay with it. I'm more specifically going to be watching if it starts to consolidate, I'm going with like six
713 02:13:43,320 --> 02:13:51,120 contracts, I'm doing my typical go in, I buy six contracts, and I'm going to try to parlay it up and build a bigger position. What would I do in this instance,
714 02:13:51,870 --> 02:14:01,860 using the order block going in right there at that price, I'd be going long on the first return to there. So I'll go long six contracts there. As it's digging
715 02:14:01,860 --> 02:14:11,250 down, I'm gonna watch this I want to go to the mean threshold mean threshold is half of an order block or half of a breaker or half of mitigation block and go
716 02:14:11,250 --> 02:14:19,140 back through my core content, you'll see all that stuff is on the YouTube channel. Then I would buy three right here on this channel as it hits the mean
717 02:14:19,140 --> 02:14:28,260 threshold. So now would be long nine contracts. If it runs like it does here and then one more time pumps into it one more time. Then I'm doing my one last
718 02:14:28,260 --> 02:14:43,350 contract and I'd be long net 10 contracts 631 hoping that I can get the little wick through in the midpoint trusting that isn't gonna go the other side. So
719 02:14:43,350 --> 02:14:52,350 you're thinking how do you know ICT then think I've got to know that. How can you trust that ICT experience knowing that it's likely to do what I'm explaining
720 02:14:52,350 --> 02:15:04,890 here, and also being comfortable with being wrong? Because I can be wrong and be profitable. I can be right. And be not as profitable as I should have been.
721 02:15:05,490 --> 02:15:15,840 There's, there's a gray area where experience dictates the outcome. And I don't make any sugar coated claims to make you not understand it's going to take you
722 02:15:15,840 --> 02:15:28,440 work to study this. But over time, you'll see it in time does its work. But when we when we see this range here, the midpoint of the, the order block, once it
723 02:15:28,440 --> 02:15:44,190 leaves it, okay, once it leaves that what's this candle right here? This is a proportion block. It's an order block within this order block. So it's a nested
724 02:15:44,190 --> 02:15:55,500 level. I love this formation. I love it. Let me show you why I love it. What's the opening price? was the opening price on the candle right here? You should
725 02:15:55,500 --> 02:16:14,850 see it right up here. 402 9.25 Okay, 4029 and a quarter. That price to its high, written here. That is one of the most sensitive bullish order blocks really
726 02:16:15,210 --> 02:16:25,230 responsive, quick, sudden, like it's like, it's like you want to see a dynamic movement. It's going to really do it on this. Like, show me the order blocks at
727 02:16:25,230 --> 02:16:32,130 work. Well, here's that lesson. Here's that lesson, folks. You're probably listening to me driving in your car while you're working your forklift at work
728 02:16:32,130 --> 02:16:40,920 and scooping ice cream in it. Bob Evans or maybe not bothered? And what's the other? What's the ice cream place? Now? I gotta figure this out. Now I can't go
729 02:16:40,920 --> 02:16:49,590 past the Baskin Robbins so I was thinking wherever you're at you're working. He wished you probably would have watched this with the new with the notepad. But
730 02:16:49,800 --> 02:17:01,020 go back the just remember that we're talking about the proportion but this opening price to its high that is the absolute most sensitive area in order
731 02:17:01,020 --> 02:17:01,770 block theory
732 02:17:08,160 --> 02:17:08,850 what'd he say?
733 02:17:14,760 --> 02:17:27,540 What's the opening price of this candle? 4029 and a quarter? It goes through it. It leaves it on this candle. Does it not? Yes. The next candle we open here.
734 02:17:28,230 --> 02:17:40,440 What's the low of that candle? You're looking at this price right here. What's the low 402 9.25 Wait a minute. Wait a minute, deja vu something something
735 02:17:40,440 --> 02:17:53,520 different here? No, it's exactly the same. The opening price for zero to 9.25. Now I know pick your jaw up. Okay, pick your jaw up. And that again, is exactly
736 02:17:53,520 --> 02:18:08,820 what I taught you. It's core content lessons. Those videos were produced in 2016. It's logic that I coined in 1996 and it's never been in any books. It's
737 02:18:08,820 --> 02:18:24,900 never been taught and until I released it you cannot improve upon perfect you can't improve upon it. It doesn't fluctuate it doesn't fall short of it. It goes
738 02:18:25,680 --> 02:18:40,140 right to the tick and does what it delivers exactly the logic I teach you for for propulsion block the running price here you have several things you can look
739 02:18:40,140 --> 02:18:40,350 at
740 02:18:46,860 --> 02:18:50,070 you have the buy side relative equal highs here
741 02:18:55,979 --> 02:19:05,249 having too much fun now you guys asked for his live streams now you're going to be killed by him. Don't get on ICT don't get on I need to have a marriage. So we
742 02:19:05,249 --> 02:19:21,149 have buyside here. And also what is the highest looking here? Look in this area here. What is the highest closing price was the highest closing price right
743 02:19:21,149 --> 02:19:36,359 there. I'm going to walk through the pdra matrix with you okay. There. And what else do you have? What's the highest high right there? So this high? What have I
744 02:19:36,359 --> 02:19:57,599 taught you about that? wicks are gaps. What works or gaps? The midpoint of that gap is constant encouragement. It's 4036 Even what is the closing price on that
745 02:19:57,599 --> 02:20:11,249 candle for 1036 Even, yes, there's a small little wick. I don't care about that. I'm caring more specifically about the bodies. Because the body is going to tell
746 02:20:11,249 --> 02:20:22,709 you the narrative. The wicks are where the damage is done. The bodies are what I'm looking for that that's telling me the storyline. What's the opening price
747 02:20:22,709 --> 02:20:40,559 of the next candle? 4036 even, can you improve upon it? Know what happens after that recedes and goes lower does it offer from this point here buying into the
748 02:20:40,679 --> 02:20:55,439 propulsion block? From here to the first rejection block right here. That's the first of your premium arrays. Does it offer five handles there? Yes. What do you
749 02:20:55,439 --> 02:21:02,909 think I've been telling you five handles, five panels is all over the place, intraday. It's all over the place, there's so many opportunities to get that
750 02:21:03,779 --> 02:21:14,219 it's very forgiving for folks that miss a move, you can find it again, if you're using a one minute chart. Oh, I see the I wish I could just be able to afford to
751 02:21:14,219 --> 02:21:24,299 pay my utility bills a month, well start mining this and you might be able to do that. I can't promise it. But you might be able to do that. Let's go back to the
752 02:21:24,299 --> 02:21:51,419 propulsion block in here what does it leave? What does that mean? You can see it's a pretty big gap in it. How do you know it's going to stay open? The
753 02:21:51,419 --> 02:22:02,909 propulsion block. This shouldn't stay open. It should stay. I'm sorry. It should stay open. It should not fill in. This would act as what a breakaway gap.
754 02:22:07,589 --> 02:22:21,059 surface this is breaking away. I'm going to expect what price delivery to be more bullish candles. Very little retracement and maybe one or two down close
755 02:22:21,059 --> 02:22:30,599 candles everything else be what bullish delivery by side being offered. Coming down close candles you have from the precaution block to the consequent question
756 02:22:30,599 --> 02:22:41,549 of the wick one down close candle. Why is that important? You need to know the difference between signatures that are going to be favorable for you. If you
757 02:22:41,549 --> 02:22:49,499 start seeing a lot of consolidation and down close candles forming and booking in a price round that you're in. Chances are you're probably going to retrace
758 02:22:49,499 --> 02:22:59,339 and come back on your stop loss or it's not going to go in your favor anyway. So I'm looking at how does price continuously deliver? Is it given me bullish
759 02:22:59,339 --> 02:23:08,609 candles? Is it staying bullish each time? With the exception of this this candle here? Every candle was bullish. And I'm not worrying about all the little
760 02:23:08,609 --> 02:23:17,009 whipsaws back and forth because I'm not going to wrap my stop loss up there. Theoretically because I want to see it do what I wouldn't even roll my stop up
761 02:23:17,009 --> 02:23:24,659 until this short term High was taken out. Because above that is what a very small pool of bison liquidity by stops anyone that's shortly able to trail it
762 02:23:24,659 --> 02:23:39,119 from here to here. And then we move back into consolidation and we're entering what time of day noon that's lunch. I teach that you most of the time you're
763 02:23:39,119 --> 02:23:47,249 going to be squaring your position before noon. I'm not saying that I don't trade in lunch I do I have done but as a developing student you don't want to be
764 02:23:47,249 --> 02:23:50,909 doing that because you don't know the characteristics that are part of that.
765 02:23:55,980 --> 02:24:11,070 Alright, we're in the noon lunch hour. And at the time it's been going for two hours. More than two hours to like two and a half hours. It doesn't feel like it
766 02:24:11,640 --> 02:24:20,190 to me. Some of you probably think man this lifetime I'm gonna close this thing. I'm afraid I'm gonna miss some but it's getting on my nerves. It doesn't feel
767 02:24:20,190 --> 02:24:37,350 like a long time. For me it feels like I've been here for like 20 minutes. So if we were to look at the rest of the day, okay. We moved in a range that looks as
768 02:24:37,350 --> 02:24:53,730 if we've already taken sell side here with this drop. This is all to clean. I'm not trading the rest of the day. Okay, but I would watch this area here if it
769 02:24:53,730 --> 02:25:02,850 doesn't run for it. Going into the two o'clock hour and it leaves this low intact. If this low It stays intact. If it doesn't breach that low, I would look
770 02:25:02,850 --> 02:25:10,650 for the last hour trading to try to attack this. That's how I would look at it. Now that's just forecasting, that's not trading. That's not saying it's
771 02:25:10,650 --> 02:25:18,780 absolutely going to pan out that way. That's how I would plan like I would go get something to eat, and come back to my charts at 130. And see does everything
772 02:25:18,780 --> 02:25:28,800 I just said, exists on the chart, if this low stays intact, we haven't gone below it in this stays like it is nothing piercing it, then I would expect the
773 02:25:28,830 --> 02:25:40,710 final hour trading to reach for 4030. And I would plan my afternoon like that. And if it if I come back, and it has done that, then I would do nothing for the
774 02:25:40,710 --> 02:25:49,350 last part of the day. So that's how I plan my trades. That's how I plan my sessions. I think about the logic, just mapped out why they said what I said.
775 02:25:50,010 --> 02:25:59,130 And if it's anything other than I'm not interested, it can do something, it could completely collapse and go down below 4000 From where we are right now.
776 02:25:59,790 --> 02:26:11,850 That's not my trade. And that in that and that I'm not participating in it. I'm not claiming to be in every single swing, I am claiming that you can find very
777 02:26:11,850 --> 02:26:22,230 specific surgical strikes with precision. And it doesn't need to have any indicator, nothing that's going to be new, in addition to anything that I
778 02:26:22,230 --> 02:26:34,710 applied to my chart is just lipstick to essentially dial in your attention to a very specific element of price. I don't I don't have it on my chart. It's an
779 02:26:34,710 --> 02:26:41,130 adjustment for me to have these things. While I'm watching price. I annotate them. And then I turn my attention to my other charts. Because if I look at
780 02:26:41,130 --> 02:26:54,270 things I drawn on the chart, it's a distraction to me. Very obsessive, and it's very difficult. And you'll probably hear me vocalize that in certain times when
781 02:26:54,270 --> 02:27:03,300 I'm doing the live sessions, because it will be something that I wish I didn't have on the chart, but you're going to find it helpful to you because your your
782 02:27:03,300 --> 02:27:12,780 frame of reference needs to be anchored on some limitation and price action, not like everything that's been explained here doesn't even factor in all this over
783 02:27:12,780 --> 02:27:20,820 here. This is already done. This fractals done are very outlined, can you see when it's done, I've given you my expectation for the afternoon. This low, we
784 02:27:20,820 --> 02:27:31,800 ran out during the lunch hour, it only took it two minutes to get into lunch or to do it. So this drop down. I liked that. I liked the fact that we have
785 02:27:31,800 --> 02:27:40,350 relatively equal highs. I'm not trying to call a top in the marketplace. So I'm not going to arm wrestle that, that logic with retail tries to do they try to
786 02:27:40,350 --> 02:27:50,070 pick tops and try to pick bottoms, I don't want to do that. I look for where the obvious liquidity is. And the low here, they ripped through that in this low
787 02:27:50,070 --> 02:28:02,100 here. So we ran through that this is not smooth anymore. It's jagged. Where's their smooth levels, it's here. And if it was to drop through this low, I don't
788 02:28:02,100 --> 02:28:13,860 do anything. I just take the rest of the day off. Now think about that for a second. Doesn't that sound like someone that has put together? They're not just
789 02:28:13,860 --> 02:28:24,420 jumping around and reacting to price. They can plan their day, they can plan how they're going to engage the marketplace. They're not chasing something, they're
790 02:28:24,420 --> 02:28:34,140 not fearful of missing a move? I've outlined it does any of these things, then I'm not interested? Do you have that in your system right now? Chances are, if
791 02:28:34,140 --> 02:28:44,040 you're new, you don't know. Those are things that experience teaches you to consistently profitable traders, I'm gonna say this in closing, they have
792 02:28:44,070 --> 02:28:56,070 processes to get into a trade. That's without saying, obviously, they also have processes that keep them out of the marketplace, for various reasons may be an
793 02:28:56,100 --> 02:29:07,800 economic report that's due that it's going to invite a lot of volatility. Or it may be a expectation that the market does, in fact, do nothing. And it's not
794 02:29:07,800 --> 02:29:16,920 imperative for them to engage right now and no wait for later time for the market to get more animated. And then they'll participate that they're not an
795 02:29:16,920 --> 02:29:26,700 I'm not. And my students that have adopted this mindset, we're not worrying about missing a move. And if a move was to manifest itself, and rip and tear off
796 02:29:26,700 --> 02:29:36,960 and do something phenomenal, and we aren't a part of it, we're not breathing over that. Because we know that we can find repeating phenomena in price action
797 02:29:36,990 --> 02:29:45,900 that are rooted in statistical probabilities that you can go back and see many times have that very thing occurring. But it's not the same thing as saying,
798 02:29:45,930 --> 02:29:54,180 like I've taught and this is a joke right there on Twitter right now trying to make a name for himself because he's French to some numbers. In my lectures, I
799 02:29:54,180 --> 02:30:08,670 teach that it's in a bearish model. Okay, it's in a sell model, the high that we tends to form 70% of time on Tuesday. If you take every week, indiscriminately,
800 02:30:10,110 --> 02:30:19,410 and look for does it form the high on Tuesday, between two o'clock and four o'clock in the morning, you're gonna get data that doesn't support that you
801 02:30:19,410 --> 02:30:29,910 don't even define what a sell model is. And I do. So having that mindset, I'm not going out there every day, thinking the high of the week is going to be on
802 02:30:29,910 --> 02:30:39,690 Tuesday, or the low of the week is going to be on Tuesday, between two o'clock, four o'clock in the morning. There has to be other factors that filter that. And
803 02:30:39,690 --> 02:30:48,120 that's what happens when people come to my content. And they cherry pick things that they hear me say, and they take it completely out of context. But then,
804 02:30:48,120 --> 02:30:59,160 when you sit down with me, and I'm outlining things real time before it happens, they get quiet. They want to talk about things that aren't true. And they're
805 02:30:59,160 --> 02:31:08,220 gonna try to distract you. And you need to think about what it is that you're seeing what you're witnessing, what you're seeing other people profit with real
806 02:31:08,220 --> 02:31:24,630 money. Is there more things here inviting you to dig deeper, for free? Or is there a warning sign saying, I better not touch this, this ICT content is, is a
807 02:31:24,630 --> 02:31:32,340 plague we need to teach people to stay away from it. You're gonna hear a whole lot more that as the year goes on, because you're not supposed to learn this.
808 02:31:32,610 --> 02:31:41,070 Right now. It's just jokers and people that are jealous, but I'm telling you watch and see how it just starts to manifest. There is going to be a lot more
809 02:31:41,370 --> 02:31:51,960 spotlight placed on the things that I'm teaching here. And it's going to be a whole new level of campaign the smearing. That's okay. You ain't changing
810 02:31:51,990 --> 02:32:06,030 anything. You ain't stopping anything? Because it's already on the back. It will repeat every week. Every day, it will stop. I do hope you had fun with me today.
811 02:32:06,150 --> 02:32:22,440 I hope you had some learning. Hopefully, you picked up some things and you've adopted some new approaches and techniques and thought processes. I just want to
812 02:32:22,440 --> 02:32:40,830 scan through real quick before I close. NASDAQ is ugly. The Dow. Yeah, look at this. Look at this, you should be seeing the NASDAQ. That price action on the
813 02:32:40,830 --> 02:32:53,820 right hand side. That rate there is a day that says Don't touch me. Now you might see that thinks something else. But I'm saying that right there tells me
814 02:32:54,150 --> 02:33:07,950 Don't touch me. Because I say don't touch the NASDAQ was closely correlated to NASDAQ. Yes. So if it's a no touch on NASDAQ, then it's a no touch on what? Yes.
815 02:33:10,170 --> 02:33:21,480 They have to confirm one another. If I don't see a sustained move in all three of the averages. And here's the Dow if I don't see a justification for them to
816 02:33:21,510 --> 02:33:33,900 move in agreement, it gives me the market breadth to trust that we have a sustainable price move underway. If one of them acts like a six Sister, this one
817 02:33:33,900 --> 02:33:45,210 here's like a hobbling bum leg. It's not doing all that much in terms of symmetry. This is all over the place. Looks like a heart attack. That's your
818 02:33:45,210 --> 02:33:45,840 warning sign
819 02:33:45,840 --> 02:33:55,830 that you're probably trading with low probability conditions. So going back to ES while I do believe that those highs could be taken out, because of what I've
820 02:33:55,830 --> 02:34:05,190 just shown you in this deck, I'm probably going to be incorrect. So I've subscribed to something publicly. But I'm also communicating the reasons why I
821 02:34:05,190 --> 02:34:16,080 personally will not be going back in to take a trade because of what we're seeing in NASDAQ now doesn't have this army. It gives you a reason to say okay,
822 02:34:16,110 --> 02:34:24,630 I'm not going to be doing something and I'm okay with not doing not I don't know what I'm doing. But I feel like I'm missing something. Big difference, isn't it?
823 02:34:25,290 --> 02:34:34,770 So that type of feeling that comfort comes from someone that's been doing it for a while, and traders that have been subscribing to me my Twitter feed. They have
824 02:34:34,770 --> 02:34:48,570 been benefiting from that because they've seen a lot of well, things that would otherwise be distracting. Not really providing any clarity as to what they would
825 02:34:48,570 --> 02:35:02,040 expect as a trader, what they would be dealing as a trader, and how to think as a trader and what well, how to conduct themselves and think and these are
826 02:35:02,040 --> 02:35:11,910 lessons you have to walk with someone doing it. You can't just read it in a book, it doesn't communicate well. You have to walk with that person doing it
827 02:35:11,910 --> 02:35:21,990 live, seeing what they would think about at this moment, at this juncture, does the things that you were hoping to see in price action? Does that still ring
828 02:35:21,990 --> 02:35:33,720 true now? And if it doesn't, why doesn't it? And if it doesn't communicate why that's useful, and how can we can take that insight and move forward with it
829 02:35:33,720 --> 02:35:41,160 that way we won't hurt ourselves as students. That's my motivation. That's what I'm trying to do. Because I've already taught you how to trade I'm
830 02:35:46,410 --> 02:35:55,920 not sure what just happened, that it's connected, reconnected, hopefully, I promise you, you will not regret having learned this. You'll do amazing things
831 02:35:55,920 --> 02:36:02,310 with this information in your personal life doesn't mean you're getting rich. It just means that you're going to do amazing things, and your direction of your
832 02:36:02,310 --> 02:36:13,710 life is gonna change. You'll be more organized the way you take on risks in every aspect of your life. And to me, that's a success. So that's it for this
833 02:36:13,710 --> 02:36:19,830 one. Hopefully, you found it insightful. Hopefully you found it encouraging. And until next time, be safe.