ICT YT - 2022-06-10 - ICT Mentorship 2022 Episode 39.srt

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2022-06-11 09:50

00:00:09,660 --> 00:00:19,170 ICT: Alright folks, welcome back. Alright, so we're looking at the s&p futures contract for June 2022. On the left hand side, you can see that we have a daily
00:00:19,170 --> 00:00:27,780 chart. And on the right hand side, it's a one hour chart. So I'm only going to do this to like save time. Also bring your attention to levels that are
00:00:28,860 --> 00:00:37,470 sensitive on one timeframe, higher timeframe, and how it's subordinate on the lower timeframe to those higher timeframe levels. If you don't know what I'm
00:00:37,470 --> 00:00:50,130 referring to, obviously, you'll understand more as we go through. Alright, so this morning, I had a short little video that I posted about how we had recently
00:00:50,130 --> 00:01:01,140 been in this trading range in here. And if we were to start to move higher and had displacement to the upside, this could have been a draw on liquidity. This
00:01:01,140 --> 00:01:12,540 is the objective I was looking for. Near term. If we were to break higher, we had news this morning. And unemployment data which obviously, you know, given
00:01:12,540 --> 00:01:26,850 the state of affairs at present. It's a heavy weight around the neck of the markets. So we had a move lower. Prior to the opening at 930. I talked about
00:01:26,850 --> 00:01:40,290 how, until we had some kind of displacement, I wasn't really excited about doing much in the marketplace. I felt that 4070 was a nice draw on liquidity, which
00:01:40,290 --> 00:01:53,850 would be below these relative equal lows. I posted that obviously before 9:30am. So it gave you have a a target, okay, or my bias. So I'm thinking what if I'm
10 00:01:53,850 --> 00:02:06,870 pointing down here before 9:30am I suggesting that we're going to go up here, or here or here? No. So I'm looking for evidence to support the idea that a run
11 00:02:06,870 --> 00:02:19,620 below these relative equal lows is warranted. I also stated If we went below those lows, that we would draw into that fear Vega. Now with the benefit of
12 00:02:19,620 --> 00:02:31,050 hindsight, obviously, when I'm talking to folks that have not been with me, or they watched only post production or post market reviews or things like that, it
13 00:02:31,050 --> 00:02:40,830 sounds like hindsight. But I assure you that folks over there on Twitter, and it's time and date stamped, I don't delete any tweet, if it's a typo, it stays
14 00:02:41,070 --> 00:02:51,420 okay. And then my age, MRI is failing like they are, it's probably going to be a reoccurring theme over there that I type something correctly. But I'm not
15 00:02:51,420 --> 00:02:59,640 sweeping anything under the rug, I'm not trying to hide anything from you, I came out in video explained that I would be more interested in seeing this level
16 00:02:59,640 --> 00:03:10,350 down in here. And if we did, we would draw on the this area here. Now, that is suggesting several things. Number one, we're expecting the volatility or I'm
17 00:03:10,350 --> 00:03:19,470 expecting the volatility, to be significant enough to take us below these lows. And if that was to occur, then we're going to draw all the way down into here,
18 00:03:19,530 --> 00:03:32,040 which means what we're gonna have a small range day on the daily chart, or a large range day. Clearly a large range day. So there was a lot of things that
19 00:03:32,040 --> 00:03:44,550 are laid in your hands this morning, that hopefully give you hope that these things are predictable. Obviously, I'm not without imperfections. Yesterday, I
20 00:03:44,700 --> 00:03:56,880 mapped out an idea on Twitter and engaged and I took a loss. It was a five point loss was not a significant loss. And in fact, I called a level later in the
21 00:03:56,880 --> 00:04:09,450 afternoon, how I could have easily gained that back now. When I say those things, to understand the premise. Okay, why why am I saying it? Am I saying it
22 00:04:09,450 --> 00:04:20,310 to beat my chest and sound egotistical? No. I wanted everyone to see what it's like, even if I do something wrong, and I don't rush out there to try to fix it.
23 00:04:21,630 --> 00:04:31,560 Okay, because that's going to be your initial response to you taking a losing trade in your demo account, or worst case scenario, rush into trading live
24 00:04:31,560 --> 00:04:38,820 funds. When none of you are ready to do that yet. I understand there's traders in here that are watching the videos and you're probably not as profitable. When
25 00:04:38,820 --> 00:04:47,790 I say that you shouldn't be trading with my funds. You shouldn't be trading with my funds with these concepts because you're still learning that which I'll end
26 00:04:47,790 --> 00:04:57,180 this video with a request from all of you so you guys can let me know in the comment section. What you would like to see going forward. I have a suggestion
27 00:04:57,240 --> 00:05:03,450 and you guys are open to give me input on that. And you as a community will let me know what it is that we're going to be doing.
28 00:05:08,160 --> 00:05:16,290 Alright, so on the daily chart to the left, you can see we have, there's relatively equal lows, I mentioned, the drone liquidity was there. So I was
29 00:05:16,290 --> 00:05:27,090 focusing what sell side or I had a bearish bias against conditions that we went below there, it's not going to go down there to go up, it's going to go down
30 00:05:27,120 --> 00:05:40,440 into this area here. So what those levels transpose over to the hourly chart now, this level here is this level on a daily chart. This level down here is
31 00:05:40,440 --> 00:05:48,120 this level. Now, obviously, someone you're like, that's pretty obvious, but you'd be surprised how many new students I have, and they get lost in the
32 00:05:48,120 --> 00:05:55,920 timeframes. So whatever you're doing in your higher timeframe, you want to start your annotations there, but keep them simple, you want to see a level that it's
33 00:05:55,920 --> 00:06:09,060 going to draw to, and or what key levels that may be a factor for changing or suggesting a bias is in play. As I did this morning, I said, I believe we're
34 00:06:09,060 --> 00:06:17,100 going to go down below here with help that's likely to occur. And if that does happen, we're drilling into this area here, not just going below relative equal
35 00:06:17,100 --> 00:06:23,280 loads to go higher. Because there's a lot of people all around the world that are being exposed my content, whether it be directly from me, or someone that's
36 00:06:23,280 --> 00:06:34,530 learned my concepts and have tried to create something new, with a twist of their own. They're teaching that it's always a relative equal low or equal lows,
37 00:06:34,620 --> 00:06:43,950 the hit those and then go the other way. That's not the case. Narrative must be understood. And narrative unfortunately, requires experience and experiences,
38 00:06:44,580 --> 00:06:53,460 what I'm lending you, so when I'm talking to you, or if I'm pointing to something on lending, my three decades of experience doing it so that way, you
39 00:06:53,460 --> 00:07:02,490 can hopefully grow faster. But I'm not trying to rush you along. But it's easier for a student to be engaged when they're shown something to anticipate
40 00:07:02,490 --> 00:07:10,860 something. And then they have the benefit and enjoyment of watching it pan out in their own charts, which I think that's the epiphany to every student under
41 00:07:10,860 --> 00:07:19,920 me. And I guess anyone else, when they have that moment of astonishment where it delivers as they're expecting or hoping to see happen. It feels like they're in
42 00:07:19,920 --> 00:07:30,840 alignment with the marketplace, which is many times not the case for retail traders and new traders, or long term struggling traders that are breakeven it
43 00:07:30,840 --> 00:07:41,130 is can't find your footing and can't be profitable. It's a wonderful feeling. And I know once you have that moment, you'll want to dig deeper. And that
44 00:07:41,130 --> 00:07:50,460 inspires me as a mentor to so if you watch this pan out today, and you expected it based on being in the community and audience members this morning before the
45 00:07:50,460 --> 00:07:58,980 market opened up with my commentary. Give me a heads up in the comment section. And what was it like to watch it unfold. So every on an hourly chart, we had a
46 00:07:59,400 --> 00:08:10,980 fair value gap here. Swing low, we had this placement, we consolidated going into midnight, last night, New York time it rallied up chill into a fear of a
47 00:08:10,980 --> 00:08:21,750 gap here and up into the bearish order block. So we have this orb walk, it touches it, you can take that tray, but I'm trying to draw your attention to
48 00:08:21,750 --> 00:08:31,050 these areas here. Okay, where there's three candles, one candle in the middle that has an exposed area that is not overlap with the previous candles low,
49 00:08:31,680 --> 00:08:42,000 immediate candle to the right of it. So there's that little section that we call a fair. Price goes above it hits the order block, but look with the candles, see
50 00:08:42,000 --> 00:08:54,840 on the candles bodies stay predominantly in between these two levels here. So yeah, there's a wick. And there's a wick. But largely the volume is encapsulated
51 00:08:54,870 --> 00:09:05,940 in between these two levels. I drew your attention here. I mentioned how we would like to go below those lows. And then we have an O low back here. So even
52 00:09:05,940 --> 00:09:16,260 if we weren't looking at my commentary or watching it, this framework here, then running to that low is something that you should have identified. But if you
53 00:09:16,260 --> 00:09:25,140 didn't, it's okay, you'll get it in time. This price or level here is the opening price at midnight in New York local time. So I'm extending that out in
54 00:09:25,140 --> 00:09:38,910 time. So now think about what I've done so far here. Before the fact in Twitter in a video. And in a post, I stated that I'm interested in seeing these taken
55 00:09:38,910 --> 00:09:45,090 out and I like 470 as an interest. Okay, that's a draw on liquidity. So for up here,
56 00:09:46,500 --> 00:09:59,640 and I'm stating that I think 4070 is interesting. Your eyes should go that level and study what it is at that level. That may be of interest to me. So that way
57 00:09:59,640 --> 00:10:05,760 it forces You have to dig into the chart. Now in the beginning working with me as your mentor, this is gonna be very frustrating for some of you, because
58 00:10:05,760 --> 00:10:13,080 unfortunately, some of you just want it spelled out for you. And I don't teach that way, you're not going to learn that way. And I'm going to spoon feed you,
59 00:10:13,440 --> 00:10:23,640 and you're going to learn better and more productively by you going in and doing the very things that you would be doing if you didn't need me holding your hand,
60 00:10:23,940 --> 00:10:35,160 which means going into the charts looking for the evidence and details, you know, yourself. So you had a bearish bias given to you, you had an objective, a
61 00:10:35,160 --> 00:10:46,140 draw on liquidity. And in the chart, here, I'm showing you the framework for the daily range, the opening price at midnight, I teach there typically, if there's
62 00:10:46,140 --> 00:10:56,130 going to be a down day, which is what I was suggesting, before the market opens at 930, we would see a bearish day and look for drawl to 470. If that occurs,
63 00:10:56,610 --> 00:11:06,960 your attention should be down between these two levels here based on that daily chart. Okay? Now, incorporate power three. My power three concept is the
64 00:11:06,960 --> 00:11:15,180 accumulation of shorts, the manipulation of those individuals that were already short, and that's what this is here, that's a Judas swing, the market goes up to
65 00:11:15,180 --> 00:11:25,680 a short term premium which is high to low back into a premium relative to just dealing range high and dealing range well, then the market breaks lower trades
66 00:11:25,680 --> 00:11:36,930 below the short term relative equal lows here. retraces consolidates a little bit breaks once more consolidates, and then attacks the sell side here and
67 00:11:36,930 --> 00:11:45,060 aggressively runs through the 470, which is what we were anticipating based on my commentary before the market opened. And then we take our attention down to
68 00:11:45,060 --> 00:11:56,010 here. So if you are short, you take a partial here. When you wait for daily range to fulfill. That means you have to submit yourself to time, what time
69 00:11:56,430 --> 00:12:04,410 three o'clock to four o'clock, wait to that last hour of trading, because you'll get the delivery in a price when it trades down into that.
70 00:12:10,230 --> 00:12:18,990 All right, now we have the 50 minute time frame on the left hand side and the five minute chart on the right. You can see how we rallied up into that fair a
71 00:12:18,990 --> 00:12:35,550 gap on the hourly we broke down once more traded back above the opening price at midnight here. Breaks lower consolidates all of this we'll talk about later in
72 00:12:35,550 --> 00:12:48,360 the video, then breaks once more trades up into a fear of a gap here. Breaks lower and aggressively runs into that higher timeframe daily fair value got on
73 00:12:48,360 --> 00:13:00,600 the five minute chart. You can see here we have the equities opening at 9:30am. Here. And I mentioned when we were down here, I said price is initially showing
74 00:13:00,600 --> 00:13:12,090 weakness is going lower trade you're gonna get caught short doing that chasing price going lower, they're gonna reprice the 41 05 there's buyside liquidity
75 00:13:12,090 --> 00:13:23,010 resting there and a fair value gap. The market immediately after my post runs to that level, I engage that what a demo trade, I entered it. And I took profits
76 00:13:23,010 --> 00:13:32,580 below that short term low here. And then I'll teach you how I knew this was reversing me and saved my stop and also took a second partial off it route at
77 00:13:32,580 --> 00:13:43,080 once more blowing out that short term high. So we have a lot of chop in the initial opening range. Low, higher high than the high, lower low than that low,
78 00:13:43,560 --> 00:13:54,810 lower low again, then rallied through this high and left this fair value gap. Consolidate a little bit here, trade it back down in once more back into the
79 00:13:54,810 --> 00:14:05,040 opening price at midnight, which is this line here. If you're bearish you want to be going short at or above that level or as close as you can get to it like
80 00:14:05,040 --> 00:14:18,600 this one here. Okay, the market drops down between 11 o'clock and noon it consolidates then retraces back up, takes by side here, breaks lower, returns
81 00:14:18,600 --> 00:14:28,050 back to a swing low, which we'll talk about in a moment. Breaks lower again aggressively runs for that 470 level and it's off to the races down into the
82 00:14:28,080 --> 00:14:29,640 daily fare Vega.
83 00:14:36,330 --> 00:14:43,980 Now if you look at the daily range through the scope of a five minute chart here, you can see the opening price here at midnight. Prices gravitates around
84 00:14:43,980 --> 00:15:01,980 that. In London, they rallied start building in a premium ahead of the 830 time window. The market creates the high brakes takes out short term sell side
85 00:15:01,980 --> 00:15:15,000 liquidity, here, retraces back up into consolidates for the majority of the afternoon then breaks lower and then aggressively attacks the sell side below
86 00:15:15,000 --> 00:15:24,810 470. And then going right back down to that 440 level. And then hanging out in consulting and closing inside that larger daily fear of how you got
87 00:15:30,000 --> 00:15:39,630 now I want you to take a look at this price action here. We're looking at the afternoon. So what the morning aside because I've walked everyone through that
88 00:15:39,630 --> 00:15:55,110 basically on Twitter, and with pre market analysis and commentary. The rules for a afternoon session trade. Before you even consider trading in the afternoon
89 00:15:55,110 --> 00:16:05,430 session, you got to consider what is the daily range trying to do? Is it trying to expand higher? Is it trying to expand lower? Did it reverse in the morning
90 00:16:05,430 --> 00:16:14,550 session? And is it going to have a counter trend move? Or is it going to just consolidate because we're waiting on a big news event the following day. Today
91 00:16:14,550 --> 00:16:26,790 we had a big news event. We had employment data, the market consolidated and we had a bearish bias, we were looking for 4070 Based on my experience, I was
92 00:16:26,790 --> 00:16:35,730 generous enough to give that to you beforehand with commentary suggesting that we would trade him that lower timeframe for Vega on the s&p daily chart. So the
93 00:16:35,730 --> 00:16:47,820 framework was one sided it was not ambiguous, it was specific about what we were looking for. Once the market started to break, after lunch, one is lunch and at
94 00:16:47,820 --> 00:16:51,480 one o'clock in the afternoon, New York local time. That is
95 00:16:51,600 --> 00:16:55,320 here. So 12 to one.
96 00:16:59,460 --> 00:17:00,510 There is our
97 00:17:02,970 --> 00:17:03,900 New York lunch.
98 00:17:05,220 --> 00:17:19,620 If we're bearish, what did I teach you, the market will do what it will clear the stops during the lunch hour what highs were formed in the lunch hour here
99 00:17:19,710 --> 00:17:32,850 and prior to going in. This was the bicep liquidity pool or short term high. So at one o'clock the algorithm read prices and runs to take the stops above the
100 00:17:32,850 --> 00:17:44,820 buy side here. So during the lunch hour, we're seeing that the top two stops here. You can if you're aggressive, you can put on a trade here. Because we're
101 00:17:44,820 --> 00:17:57,870 in a directional move. We're trying to anticipate a large range day in large rains days can typically form with a busy lunch schedule. And I just recently
102 00:17:57,870 --> 00:18:09,510 taught this, that the market if it's going to be a fast market, during the lunch hour, it can create a significant higher significant low. But the premise mainly
103 00:18:09,510 --> 00:18:22,200 is if you're bearish are gonna be looking for the highs to be swept. Because they don't want participants to be profitable, that may have assumed a short
104 00:18:22,200 --> 00:18:33,240 position from the morning session or prior to this high forming. They may have already been short here. And instead of letting the market release and break to
105 00:18:33,240 --> 00:18:42,600 lower PV arrays in a discount market, the algorithm read prices knocks those individuals out because it floods the market with what buyers at a higher price
106 00:18:42,750 --> 00:18:56,760 higher than what didn't was here than it was here. So smart money utilizes this run above this short term high as an influx of buying interest and liquidity
107 00:18:57,300 --> 00:19:10,440 that's available immediately. While the markets being priced here and held at that level. Smart Money will go in and sell to those buyers, that their orders
108 00:19:10,440 --> 00:19:20,430 will be resting about here. So their stops are being tripped, their short position is being knocked out. And conversely, there's traders that will see
109 00:19:20,430 --> 00:19:30,270 that had been broken as a means of getting long and they have a buy stop that will trigger them getting in on a breakout. So smart money is cannibalizing
110 00:19:30,510 --> 00:19:44,010 those two types of orders, what orders are they by side liquidity. So the counterparty to their short has to have buying interest. That buying interest is
111 00:19:44,010 --> 00:19:56,670 being engineered by the algorithm when it runs up here. So smart money goes short here with the expectation that they can take off a portion here, back to
112 00:19:56,670 --> 00:20:09,960 old low of 470 and then 440 In an internet Faraday gap on a daily chart. Now, sticking to the rules of the model I'm trying to teach you, if you do not trade
113 00:20:09,960 --> 00:20:19,920 during the lunch hour, that's fine. You're going to wait until after lunch for ice up the form. Those of you that have been studying my channel here on
114 00:20:19,920 --> 00:20:31,410 YouTube, you understand that this swing low here to a higher high than that of here is a breaker. Okay, that's my ICT bearish breaker. What is a breaker? A
115 00:20:31,410 --> 00:20:41,430 breaker is a pattern where price runs out. It pulls liquidity in this case is a bias or liquidity pool. And then it reverses and trades back down below that
116 00:20:41,430 --> 00:20:49,410 short term low. If it trades back up to that end, the narrative is bearish. Notice that it's not just simply we have this pattern here. And that's all there
117 00:20:49,410 --> 00:21:00,510 is no you must know what the market is likely to be reaching for. If you leave that out. It's not a breaker. It's a gamble. It's a guess. It's a speculation.
118 00:21:00,900 --> 00:21:05,430 That's aimless. Notice the difference there.
119 00:21:07,020 --> 00:21:14,820 So this down close candle, the lowest one prior to move up clarinet short term high. And I teach this on the YouTube channel. So if you've already gone through
120 00:21:14,820 --> 00:21:23,460 the 2022 mentorship videos, and you're caught up, you're welcome to go through the other videos as well. But I'm trying to keep your focus in this series,
121 00:21:23,460 --> 00:21:34,650 because it's very easy for you to go into other series on this YouTube channel. And get inundated with things and create so many questions that will feel like
122 00:21:34,650 --> 00:21:44,010 they are pertinent to this model. And they're not okay, but I'm just giving you a comprehensive view of what it is I look at in price. What I'm judging whether
123 00:21:44,010 --> 00:21:51,930 or not is it likely to continue going lower. And as price starts to move back up in this level, I would expect and anticipate that level repelling price and go
124 00:21:51,930 --> 00:22:00,240 lower, and then be aggressive about trading below that because their sell side there and then not going below this low here to go higher. We want to see it go
125 00:22:00,240 --> 00:22:09,270 through there and accelerate going down. It wants to run quickly for that 4070 level because there's a larger pool of liquidity below that and then
126 00:22:09,270 --> 00:22:15,630 aggressively run into that fair value gap on the daily chart because that's the imbalance that the algorithm is going to want to reprice to
127 00:22:21,869 --> 00:22:33,659 in the afternoon, obviously, you can see post breaker intrigue to heaviness falls below 4070 And then accelerates see that is how fast it accelerates down.
128 00:22:34,259 --> 00:22:45,809 Small little consolidation, no retracement no return back to an old low broken, support becomes resistance forget about this is an algorithmic sell day. Retail
129 00:22:45,809 --> 00:22:56,669 doesn't get to do a lot of those retail concepts. You either are on board beforehand, or you watch the ship sail off without you. And that's basically
130 00:22:56,669 --> 00:23:05,309 what you end up seeing here in price a 440 gets traded through and back into that daily fear of a gap as I mentioned would be the likely target for today.
131 00:23:11,069 --> 00:23:21,059 Alright, so this brings me to the point of the video that promised everyone on Twitter that I would touch on. And I did a little bit of a rant on Saturday, I
132 00:23:21,059 --> 00:23:35,159 took my car out for a spin. And you all got to see what it's like to be around ICT. Where I don't have the benefit of having the Camtasia Studio editing out
133 00:23:35,159 --> 00:23:42,629 because there's a lot of times while I'm making these videos, that things in the house will go on my kids will interrupt me my dogs will come in and bust in the
134 00:23:42,629 --> 00:23:52,529 door and you want me to play with them. Or I'll say something wrong and get upset about doing something incorrectly while I'm producing the video. So
135 00:23:52,529 --> 00:24:04,889 they're like human traits. You know, I'm I'm a human being I make choices sometimes that aren't the best ones. And sometimes, you know, I'm prone to have
136 00:24:04,889 --> 00:24:16,349 chemical imbalances because I'm bipolar. And I don't make any excuses for that. I don't make any attempt to hide it. Because I know if you spend time with me
137 00:24:16,349 --> 00:24:27,059 long enough, you'll notice it. So during the rant I gave on the Twitter spaces, I guess it's like a podcast features are trying to build up on that platform. I
138 00:24:27,059 --> 00:24:38,429 tested it out this weekend. And I mentioned that I would share with you all the model I'm teaching my son Caleb, I'm not afraid to teach it to you. I'm not
139 00:24:38,429 --> 00:24:46,709 trying to hide it from you. Okay, but I wanted to make sure he had some foundations of what it is he's trying to do. And I wanted to spend time with
140 00:24:46,709 --> 00:24:59,909 them and figure out like, because of his characteristics, you know, what's his concerns? What's his fears? What's his comfort level? Is he trying to trade the
141 00:24:59,909 --> 00:25:09,869 whole daily range are you trying to get in and out real quick, small little pieces, that type of personality inquiry that you have to do as a trader to, you
142 00:25:09,869 --> 00:25:17,099 don't take a model because you see somebody else doing well with it and say, I'm gonna do that. Because if it doesn't match your personality, if it doesn't match
143 00:25:17,099 --> 00:25:29,339 the way you see and engage price action, you'll never make it work for you. Okay? So I'm aware that I'm cognizant of that effect on individuals learning
144 00:25:29,339 --> 00:25:40,169 things, not just this, but anything. But with something so technical as this, in this industry, with as many as we have, in terms of variables for choices, what
145 00:25:40,169 --> 00:25:48,929 to do, you know, think about all the indicators that are out there and think about all the trading styles and methodologies and teachers in their respective
146 00:25:48,929 --> 00:25:57,809 personalities. So you have to be able to number one, be able to put up with them, and listen to them to learn from them. And sometimes I'm off putting, I
147 00:25:57,809 --> 00:26:08,129 can't retain the attention of everyone, and or they don't like my teaching style, or they don't have any faith in me or whatever. I'm not going to scratch
148 00:26:08,129 --> 00:26:18,689 the itch for everyone. But for those that sit down here, and they want to learn from me, obviously, you've seen live accounts being utilized this year, my son
149 00:26:18,959 --> 00:26:32,729 started trading in the first week of May of this year, he started trading a Live account, and he opened up with AMP futures. And I'm not repping them, I'm not
150 00:26:32,729 --> 00:26:44,249 saying anything for you to go and open up an account with them. But I have been asked, Are they a good broker? I can only report the fact that he has not
151 00:26:44,249 --> 00:26:56,249 reported any issues with his films being executed, and done professionally. The only issue there was was they weren't happy with the fact that I was sharing one
152 00:26:56,249 --> 00:27:08,759 of his statements that he emailed me. And they asked him to ask me to take it down. So I took it down. But I can talk about the numbers. Okay, so here's what
153 00:27:08,759 --> 00:27:23,579 he did. He had a equity low of 2010. And in a matter of a number of weeks until just at present, he didn't do any trades today. Okay, we were observing, I was
154 00:27:23,579 --> 00:27:34,919 teaching, I did trades myself. But he was observing. He's in the position of spectating, that speculating today, because I wanted him to understand that the
155 00:27:35,609 --> 00:27:43,949 large range day can creep in like it did in the afternoon. And it may not look so clear in the morning, but we were looking at it with that lens. And I was
156 00:27:43,949 --> 00:27:47,639 showing that beforehand, in the marketplace, and in commentary on Twitter.
157 00:27:49,799 --> 00:28:08,219 But he's at 18,300 plus. So in the course of like four weeks, that's about 400% Return to that's in my opinion. Yeah, that's a remarkable growth. That shows
158 00:28:08,249 --> 00:28:17,639 obviously, he knows what he's looking for. He knows what he wants to do. He wants to obviously grow his account, he wants to build it up, and not try to hit
159 00:28:17,639 --> 00:28:32,009 grand slam home runs. And because he works at a low paying job, it's real easy to hit that threshold that he earns on a weekly basis. So when I sat down with
160 00:28:32,009 --> 00:28:43,229 him, one of the things I felt was imperative was he has a very short attention span, he's easily distracted. So I wanted to give him a model that gave him a
161 00:28:43,229 --> 00:28:57,599 very low threshold for a return of points or pips. And since we settled in on the index futures market for him, it ignores the spread issues that are going to
162 00:28:57,599 --> 00:29:08,099 be a plague for traders that are using Forex. It's a professional market, it's a very liquid market, the E Mini s&p, and
163 00:29:09,420 --> 00:29:10,140 it's
164 00:29:11,549 --> 00:29:22,919 systematic in the way it delivers price. So if I can sit down with him, I want to take into the chart at a specific time of day with a specific logic in mind
165 00:29:23,459 --> 00:29:32,879 and then have him hopefully, see a pattern that repeats. It may not form that day, he said sound that he has to just move to the sidelines and do nothing.
166 00:29:36,269 --> 00:29:48,449 That choice to say I don't see it today. And then if something forms after the charts get closed, or if the trader moves away from the charts and they come
167 00:29:48,449 --> 00:29:58,979 back later on and you see it move a certain way. That fear of missing out. You need to squash that quickly in the beginning and the only way you do that is by
168 00:29:58,979 --> 00:30:11,339 back testing and seeing him Many times these things form. So while we did that together, because I'm his father, and I'm literally next to him, like I'm next
169 00:30:11,339 --> 00:30:22,169 to him, giving him my experiences as close as I can possibly be. Next to doing it, you know what I mean? Like, I'm sitting here acting like the internal voice
170 00:30:22,169 --> 00:30:29,519 for him. I'm saying, Okay, what do you see here? What do you see there? What happens if you did this? And what happens? If you did that? Where would you
171 00:30:29,519 --> 00:30:41,519 think price is gonna go? So I'm literally being the internal dialogue, that 30 years of experience would have spoke to him internally. So he has that inside
172 00:30:41,519 --> 00:30:51,599 advantage, okay, that, that home field advantage, if you will, he's pushing the buttons, obviously. And if he elects to do nothing, based on what I'm asking him
173 00:30:51,599 --> 00:30:59,489 about in the chart, sometimes the market moves, he's not in it. Sometimes he does something in the market does something against him. And he has that
174 00:30:59,729 --> 00:31:13,529 decision of, do I let the stop loss get hit? Or do I just bail now and figure out what it is that I did wrong, or what I'm uncomfortable about. So it may not
175 00:31:13,529 --> 00:31:24,419 be the ideal learning conditions for everyone. But I know where I'm leading him, I need him to be prepared to obviously look for a specific element in price
176 00:31:24,419 --> 00:31:32,249 action. And its algorithmic, okay, I'm not sitting down with him with anything retail, I'm not filling his head up with your bull flags and bear flags. And
177 00:31:32,279 --> 00:31:41,519 when they fail, because I teach my use price action students to look for those types of things, I'm not teaching him trendlines. I'm not even bringing any of
178 00:31:41,519 --> 00:31:50,369 that stuff in, I'm taking him right to the brass tacks of what it is that the algorithm is going to do. Because I only want him to be a one trick pony. Right
179 00:31:50,369 --> 00:31:58,439 now. That's all he needs to be able to feel confident to leave his job. So I said I would teach it, I said, I would show it to you. So I'm gonna kind of give
180 00:31:58,439 --> 00:32:07,319 you the loose framework, you know what it is that I try to teach him what he's looking for those types of elements. But before I get into it, I want to remind
181 00:32:07,319 --> 00:32:18,299 the viewers because this might be the first video, you came across with my content. So I want all of you and to be reminding those of you that have lost
182 00:32:18,329 --> 00:32:28,619 this in the conversation throughout these videos, that price is delivered by an algorithm, okay? There is no buying and selling pressure. That is something that
183 00:32:28,619 --> 00:32:44,999 they use as a excuse for what the market does. And or doesn't do. And algorithmic theory is based on time. And price. Now, time and price. When I
184 00:32:44,999 --> 00:32:59,609 wrote this algorithm, coding, it leans heavily on time element. Okay, what does that mean? What time of day? What day of week? What week of month? What month of
185 00:32:59,609 --> 00:33:10,109 year? What seasonal influences. So there's several factors encoded in the algorithm that will seek these reoccurring phenomenon that can be capitalized on
186 00:33:10,109 --> 00:33:19,769 by those individuals that know what it is that they're hunting. Okay? That little billboard that flashes, hey, it's time for you to engage now. Okay, that
187 00:33:19,799 --> 00:33:29,669 signal that pattern, it set up that framework, whatever you want to call it, the moment before you push a button. That's what I'm trying to take his attention
188 00:33:29,669 --> 00:33:40,619 into. Okay, I'm taking all the other distractions away. And I want him to go right in and look at that specific element. price levels are useless until time
189 00:33:40,889 --> 00:33:51,149 is considered. Just because it's trading at your favorite price level. This is the reason why support and resistance is a fallacy. There's many instances that
190 00:33:51,179 --> 00:33:57,839 anyone can go back in hindsight and say, here is where this line worked in IT repelled price up or down.
191 00:34:00,780 --> 00:34:11,490 Do it live, consistently pick the right level consistently. And that's the problem that retail traders have. I went through that same thing, I couldn't
192 00:34:11,490 --> 00:34:20,940 pick the right support resistance level, even the higher timeframe ones, because sometimes you'll have a move, where it'll go up, hit a level that would be
193 00:34:20,940 --> 00:34:28,230 otherwise viewed as resistance. And then it starts to go down and then it goes one more time up higher high. And then higher high, takes my stop and then I'm
194 00:34:28,230 --> 00:34:39,510 afraid to go back in and go short, right? You've all experienced it. I did the same stuff in the 90s 1992 1993 1994 all those types of fearful events of
195 00:34:39,510 --> 00:34:48,270 getting stopped out and then abandoning my opinion about what I thought the market was going to do. Instead of saying, okay, the framework still valid, I
196 00:34:48,270 --> 00:34:58,230 just had the entry wrong. Let me go back in with less risk. It's done. less leverage this time and see if the if it pans out. But like most of you and
197 00:34:58,230 --> 00:35:13,440 everybody else, though was stopped out events create fear and anxiety and uncertainty. So that's why time has to be considered first. Because the
198 00:35:13,440 --> 00:35:23,250 algorithm is going to start working a specific macro, that means a short order of things that will do as instructions is going to seek a specific level, move
199 00:35:23,250 --> 00:35:37,440 to a premium move to a discount, suddenly move or consolidate, and wait for another time element in that same trading day, or trading week, or month. Okay,
200 00:35:37,650 --> 00:35:51,150 so that's the reason why I am teaching you that that element of time is crucial. Your inability to know everything that there is to know about time is going to
201 00:35:51,150 --> 00:36:04,140 be the area where at which you will have the largest growth in, but you'll have the initial adversities When, when, when, when, when to do this, when to do
202 00:36:04,140 --> 00:36:14,130 that, when going through the motions of what it is I'm teaching you, it'll happen for you that you understand why certain things are occurring at a
203 00:36:14,130 --> 00:36:25,710 specific time. And I can't articulate it any better than that it's just a matter of doing it. Sitting with me every week, looking at what is I'm trying to share,
204 00:36:25,890 --> 00:36:38,850 taking your attention to a specific price level over time, your your eyesight, your understanding, the visibility, the perception of price will be dialed in,
205 00:36:38,880 --> 00:36:51,990 you'll know what it is I'm doing, because you've done it with me for days, weeks and months, okay. Time is of no use unless price is at a key PD array. Okay,
206 00:36:51,990 --> 00:37:02,520 just because it's time for you to be able to sit in front of charts doesn't mean anything, unless it's at a key PV array. So in other words, blending the two
207 00:37:02,730 --> 00:37:14,580 yields astonishing results and the precision that I share with you. I've done a plethora of examples proving precision, proving prognostication, forecasting
208 00:37:14,970 --> 00:37:28,020 objectives targets the whole business, okay. It's not my aim, or goal to try to do magic tricks for you. Okay. I don't want to be out here trying to be David
209 00:37:28,020 --> 00:37:38,610 Copperfield of the markets and say, here's what's this sleight of hand? And are you amazed by that? Are you amazed? My task is I'm making you a wizard. Okay,
210 00:37:38,640 --> 00:37:47,790 I'm teaching you the craft. I'm not up here performing for you. I tried to make it as engaging as I can, to keep the attention span on those that are very
211 00:37:47,790 --> 00:37:57,900 limited. And bored easily. I tried to get their attention quick with little things that will draw their attention. And hopefully keep them engaged long
212 00:37:57,900 --> 00:38:11,040 enough for the effects of learning properly, to take root. So if you look at this price action, it's been staring at you. Does anything stand out on this
213 00:38:11,040 --> 00:38:19,350 chart, if you're a new student, to price action, or if you're new students, to me, a lot of these things that you're looking at here in terms of the price
214 00:38:19,350 --> 00:38:28,530 action, all the movements and such, it looks like a foreign language you've never learned how to read. Well, if you're looking at price action like this, it
215 00:38:28,530 --> 00:38:39,450 looks like it has no reason for doing what it's doing. It's completely random. And one of the fun things I get to experience as a mentor with the insight that
216 00:38:39,450 --> 00:38:51,480 I have. Being in a position where I've done a lot of the producing of these things, and the authorship of it, I get the benefit and pleasure of watching
217 00:38:51,480 --> 00:38:59,400 people get blown away by the incredible detail that this algorithm repeats and follows.
218 00:39:00,960 --> 00:39:11,160 If we take all of the noise away from this, all this back and forth movement, and we add just a little bit of lipstick
219 00:39:16,740 --> 00:39:32,220 suddenly, we have a lot more to work with. What's the first element to algorithmic theory, price or time. Time. So time begins in the morning session
220 00:39:32,220 --> 00:39:42,030 for us as a index futures trader at 830. It's when the news embargo lifts. That means at 830 That's when there's usually a news event or some kind of economic
221 00:39:42,030 --> 00:39:52,290 report that comes out at 830 in New York local time. So that's the reason why I tell you to set your clocks on your trading view platform here to the local time
222 00:39:52,290 --> 00:40:09,480 in New York. This candle right here is the 830 candle in New York Time This morning, I outlined how I felt that we would likely see the market move to a
223 00:40:10,560 --> 00:40:23,940 liquidity pool, a specific liquidity pool, and it would draw down and attack the sell side. It teach my son to look for setups that are going to target a
224 00:40:23,940 --> 00:40:38,160 specific pool of liquidity. It means I have to have a clear idea of where the markets likely to go up for buy side or down for sell side. I'm not trading a
225 00:40:38,160 --> 00:40:46,170 support and resistance idea. I'm not looking to go to a level to watch it repel away. That's not what I'm doing. That's a fallacy. That's the reason why retail
226 00:40:46,170 --> 00:40:55,890 traders drop the ball so many times and or blow their accounts and never find consistency. Because they're trying to force something that is designed to fail.
227 00:40:55,980 --> 00:41:06,960 I don't know why it's so hard for people to acknowledge when they are met with extreme adversities, trying to force retail logic to work. Can you make money
228 00:41:06,960 --> 00:41:17,880 with retail concepts? Yes. Yes, you can. If you understand how the reprice like I'm teaching it if you did those types of things, without understanding why the
229 00:41:17,880 --> 00:41:25,230 market should do what it's doing, why is price booking the way it is? And then what does that mean? Why is price going to the specific levels at the time it's
230 00:41:25,230 --> 00:41:39,150 doing it? There's a logic behind that. And for some that want to say there is no technical science, you know, at some point, you know, when does it stop becoming
231 00:41:39,150 --> 00:41:53,580 useful? All of its useful. Every tiny minut little fluctuation in these price movements are absolutely controlled, engineered, and premeditated, either by AI,
232 00:41:54,390 --> 00:42:04,320 artificial intelligence, that's the algorithm. It's following the code that's been written for it. Or there are times when manual intervention comes in, and
233 00:42:04,320 --> 00:42:13,800 they will send price to a specific price level. Sometimes it's going to be abrupt and aggressive. And it may not be fun or pleasurable being a part of that
234 00:42:13,800 --> 00:42:25,170 move. Other times, it will be exhilarating because you were on the right side. When those moments of intervention occur, that's a manual intervention, that
235 00:42:25,170 --> 00:42:35,880 means someone is literally going in and manipulating price to do a specific thing. What would that be like FOMC, a rate announcement something to that
236 00:42:35,880 --> 00:42:46,350 effect. And the market will reprice aggressively, quickly to a price that's well outside the scope that would be reasonably expected for that short term
237 00:42:47,100 --> 00:42:59,310 perspective, big explosive price movement. The economic calendar is useful in that respect, because you can go in and see where these events are likely to
238 00:42:59,310 --> 00:43:15,930 form. So I'm looking for days in my son's model, where he can go in and engage price when there is a medium or high impact news event. Or if there is a lack of
239 00:43:15,930 --> 00:43:30,120 one, he can practice, but he shouldn't be engaging with his normal risk percentage. Okay, so first element is time. So at 830 in the morning, that's
240 00:43:30,120 --> 00:43:41,160 when a news embargo list that's the first element of time that I taught you with this model. The second one is 930. Okay, that's right here. The first here it
241 00:43:41,220 --> 00:43:54,450 midnight, New York low time, the opening price is here. Did the market rally above the opening price? At 830? Yes. Are we bearish? I proved this morning I
242 00:43:54,450 --> 00:44:03,210 was expecting lower prices, I preferred lower prices. So that means we're above the opening price at midnight. So my power three concept is you want to be
243 00:44:03,210 --> 00:44:12,270 shorting at or above the opening price at midnight in New York local time. If you're trying to capture movement on a daily range on a down day.
244 00:44:13,980 --> 00:44:24,630 So that opening price, look what happens. We run up, take out short term highs here, that's a short term run on liquidity, who's going to have stops at that
245 00:44:24,630 --> 00:44:33,210 moment? Anybody that would have put a stop loss in on the lower timeframes. There's traders that are doing it all the time. The algorithm is not aware of
246 00:44:33,240 --> 00:44:50,850 how much volume rests above or below a high or low that's penetrated. It has no understanding of that. It doesn't need it. For folks that are perplexed by that
247 00:44:50,850 --> 00:45:03,060 statement, and I've said it several times in the past. You play a video game. How about Pac Man? I'm a I'm a child Love the 70s I was born 1972 August
248 00:45:03,090 --> 00:45:21,690 8 7:11pm. See that 711 Lucky 711 I came in the world with some luck that night. So when you're looking at a game like Pac Man, okay, what keeps PacMan inside
249 00:45:21,690 --> 00:45:29,520 the boundaries of those lines that make up the maze that it runs around and collects and eats those dots until it gets to a power.or. chase down and killed
250 00:45:29,520 --> 00:45:44,490 by the ghosts. The program language keeps him limited. The play board or game maze has limitations. Those limitations are programmed as such, every video game
251 00:45:44,790 --> 00:46:02,790 today, they have a map, okay fortnight, Call of Duty, Battlefield, you all that? genre of video game creation, all those maps or territories that the player gets
252 00:46:02,790 --> 00:46:17,130 to enjoy and explore. They have limitations. Okay? The daily range has those limitations programmed into it as well, until manual intervention is brought in,
253 00:46:17,310 --> 00:46:30,450 and those initial boundaries are removed. Okay, so think of price like that. So if you know that, we're likely to see that, in terms of like an analogy, we're
254 00:46:30,450 --> 00:46:39,690 at 830. We're above the opening price at midnight, we ran a short term high here. The algorithm doesn't care humming orders were above that. It doesn't
255 00:46:39,690 --> 00:46:47,400 care. It just has to take out a short term high it does. So it's at a premium. It took up by side. So what is it likely to do now because we're in a bearish
256 00:46:47,400 --> 00:47:03,450 day and we're above the opening price. And it's 830 reprice for what sell side where sell side, this level down here. 41 01 Or what 4100 big figure for 100
257 00:47:03,750 --> 00:47:16,470 level. So there's liquidity resting below that, what kind of liquidity if markets price is here. And sell side is here, it's old lows. There sell side
258 00:47:16,470 --> 00:47:26,250 below that. So market prices here, relative equal lows in the past is this level here, go back in the beginning the video, you'll understand that level is then
259 00:47:27,240 --> 00:47:39,390 that liquidity is sellside. We're at a premium here, this will be a discount because market prices here or here. Anything below is what discount. So the
260 00:47:39,390 --> 00:47:49,950 algorithm goes from buy side liquidity at 830. On a bearish day above the opening price, wait for the market to trade lower, it does short term low, see
261 00:47:49,950 --> 00:47:59,910 that swing low trades through it creates a fair value gap. rally back up to it sell short with the expectation is going to run to sell sell liquidity. This is
262 00:47:59,910 --> 00:48:13,950 what I'm teaching my son to do at 830. That's all he's trying to capture there. In this move, he may not run all the way to the sell side. He's going to get his
263 00:48:13,950 --> 00:48:25,860 five points. Once he does he stopping. He gets out. And then he watches the move, go to the sell side liquidity pool. Why am I telling him to get out of
264 00:48:25,860 --> 00:48:36,510 five points. Number one, five points is very, very easy. I think that that is the lowest threshold of points. A setup should hopefully yield. If you're trying
265 00:48:36,510 --> 00:48:37,590 to do anything less than that.
266 00:48:39,000 --> 00:48:47,970 You're doing ultra short term scalping and the commission costs will kill you. It ain't worth doing. And I think five points is an easy threshold. You can do
267 00:48:47,970 --> 00:48:57,750 it once in the morning you do once an afternoon. Even on a really weird, choppy day, you could reasonably pull out five points if you have the experience. You
268 00:48:57,750 --> 00:49:04,140 don't have that experience yet. So let me put that in your mind right now. Because I don't want you thinking well, I'm gonna go out here tomorrow and do it
269 00:49:04,140 --> 00:49:11,340 said, I've only been trading for weeks. I think keetsa really convinced me that I can pull this off. And it's gonna be 10 points a day for me five and one five
270 00:49:11,340 --> 00:49:20,280 an afternoon this is gonna be cakewalk. I'm not always putting my two weeks in this now until the boss pounds. No, no, no, no, no, don't do that. You're not
271 00:49:20,280 --> 00:49:32,010 ready. But if that's a goal for you start working towards it. So over time, my expectation is that my son will have a better understanding of what he's
272 00:49:32,010 --> 00:49:44,520 dealing. And those five points he'll have, hopefully learn to take a portion off at five points and then hold for that liquidity pool to be hit. And because of
273 00:49:44,520 --> 00:49:53,040 doing that very thing. He's rewarding himself initially while he's learning so it engages him. It shows that he can make more money doing this than his job.
274 00:49:53,880 --> 00:50:02,790 Okay, that does not mean that you can do more than your job. I'm saying this is my son. He has me as his father I'm sitting with him, I'm coaching him, I'm
275 00:50:02,790 --> 00:50:13,170 telling him what he should be focusing on, I'm questioning why he isn't focusing on other things. So I'm actually like CO piloting him. You know, I'm giving him,
276 00:50:13,590 --> 00:50:27,090 you know, visual and audible clues as to what he should be using to navigate price. So don't think for a moment, folks that he sat down, you know, in did
277 00:50:27,090 --> 00:50:34,950 like a couple of days of talks with daddy. And now he's out there making 400% gains from his equity low up to where it is now that that is not what took
278 00:50:34,950 --> 00:50:46,230 place. Okay. He has the benefit of me sitting with him talking to him. Okay. Much in the same vein that I did with you all this morning on Twitter, where I
279 00:50:46,230 --> 00:50:53,610 said, this is what I'm looking at, these are the levels I'm looking for. If this breaks, I think we're going down to that level. I'm doing that on a minute by
280 00:50:53,610 --> 00:51:06,900 minute basis with Caleb. So he's literally driving a car with me talking about every pothole, every potential hazard, it's coming. I'm reading the mind of all
281 00:51:06,900 --> 00:51:18,420 the drivers around us and telling him what they're going to do before they do it. So it's, it's a totally immersive experience for him. And admittedly, it's a
282 00:51:18,420 --> 00:51:27,420 little intimidating for him, it's too much at some times, and we have to repeat certain things. Or he gets confused, or he's apprehensive or reluctant to do
283 00:51:27,420 --> 00:51:35,910 something, or he second guesses something. So you know, all those types of things that any human being would have, you know, what Dad's expectation, the
284 00:51:35,910 --> 00:51:51,180 learn how to do this. And also, you're dealing with real money. So I'm teaching him to respect what to do. And when it's wrong, he feels it. It's not a matter
285 00:51:51,180 --> 00:52:02,160 of, well, you know, I can reset a demo account. No, this is real money. So when he sees the money going up in his account, he feels that good feeling. If he
286 00:52:02,160 --> 00:52:13,500 hits, entered a trade, and it's drawing down on him, he's feeling that. Now I know what I'm looking at. I know what I'm expecting. He doesn't. So I'm allowing
287 00:52:13,500 --> 00:52:17,700 him to experience those things. But five points, I think is a reasonable low threshold.
288 00:52:19,170 --> 00:52:29,820 Over time, he will by default, learn to trade with more than five points, but I gotta give him something to hit that it's easy. That low hanging fruit approach
289 00:52:29,820 --> 00:52:38,790 that I teach, just like I taught on baby pips, when I first came out 25 pips a week, you should be aiming for that. And when you get it stop, does that mean
290 00:52:38,790 --> 00:52:46,200 when you're trading 10 years from now, that's all you're gonna do know. People that have been highly critical of me, they, they like to take the things I say
291 00:52:46,200 --> 00:52:55,050 out of context and make a straw man argument about it. And they have no idea what I'm doing with the new student, I'm targeting a audience that is trying to
292 00:52:55,050 --> 00:53:05,490 do something that's going to give them encouragement, feel like they're progressing. And don't think for a moment that five points just once a day isn't
293 00:53:05,490 --> 00:53:16,350 good, because you can literally do very, very well think about this way. If you just did five points in the evening, s&p one contract and never in gauged money
294 00:53:16,350 --> 00:53:24,240 management to the degree where you start parlaying it up and start doing two contracts and then two contracts becomes four contracts eventually, eventually
295 00:53:24,240 --> 00:53:34,680 you're trading if you just did one contract, okay? Sit calm down for a second, it's this listen to me for a moment. If you just did one contract of the Mini,
296 00:53:35,400 --> 00:53:52,770 s&p, that means one point in your favor or against you, is worth $50. Now $50 times five, that's $250 a day. If you did that consistently, once every single
297 00:53:52,770 --> 00:54:09,690 day. That's 25 handles or points a week. That's 1200 50 hours a week. I'm quite certain after polling my audience on Twitter, which isn't my entire audience,
298 00:54:09,690 --> 00:54:18,360 obviously, I have a lot of people, a lot of people actually leave comments on my video on YouTube, that I can see that they're a subscriber. And I can also see
299 00:54:18,360 --> 00:54:27,840 the comments that are left by subscribers. Usually, I answered the questions that people present to me if they're a subscriber because it's kinda like a
300 00:54:27,840 --> 00:54:39,390 little perk, because I I have like a goal. I want a million subscribers I ain't gonna lie to you. I want to have a million subscribers on this channel. And I'm
301 00:54:39,390 --> 00:54:50,160 surprised and really honored and humbled that so many of you've subscribed to this channel. I mean 260 Some viewers, I thought by the end the year I could
302 00:54:50,160 --> 00:55:01,290 have had 250,000 But now you know I'm almost on my way to 300,000 Before I know it, you know it's this channel could be in a year or two you hit my goal of a
303 00:55:01,290 --> 00:55:10,920 million subscribers. But folks that follow me and they leave comments. If it's a comment that I want to address, I usually will respond to those that have that
304 00:55:10,920 --> 00:55:19,470 little mark next to their name, you can't really see it, but I can because it's the channel on the owner of the channel. So I can see who's commenting with a
305 00:55:19,740 --> 00:55:33,750 follow. And if you follow me, I appreciate that. Thank you for that. But I don't want any of you to think that you're going to make five points every single day.
306 00:55:34,770 --> 00:55:46,980 For instance, I took a loss of five points yesterday, I could have easily went back in and made four times that later in the afternoon. But that's just me, you
307 00:55:47,310 --> 00:55:55,380 don't have that skill set and confidence yet that okay, if you take a loss and you took five points as a drawdown, you're going to want to go back in and do it
308 00:55:55,380 --> 00:56:05,460 right away, whereas I can, and I chose not to. Because I want you to feel like, okay, it's okay. And I even proved that I can call a move, even in the
309 00:56:05,460 --> 00:56:13,860 afternoon. I said, this is where it's gonna go. I'm going to a specific level, I went to it, I said that we will run out the lows, and then we will break a
310 00:56:13,860 --> 00:56:26,610 trendline that retail thinks is noteworthy, and they destroyed it. Go back and look at the comments on Twitter, I don't delete the single tweet, zero. So I'm
311 00:56:26,610 --> 00:56:34,830 laying bread crumbs down for you, but I'm not going to spoon feed you, you're going to earn it here. And that makes some of you angry, it frustrates some of
312 00:56:34,830 --> 00:56:43,290 you. And no amount of frustrated replies to me or you pointed statements
313 00:56:44,940 --> 00:56:55,530 are going to is going to make me change the way I do it. Because once you earn this skill set, you will not regret what you went through to get it and you will
314 00:56:55,620 --> 00:57:03,570 treasure it, you'll appreciate it. It's not like reading a book that teaches you a magic trick. And then you want to go around telling him how to do the magic
315 00:57:03,570 --> 00:57:13,890 trick versus getting good at doing the magic trick. There's a difference there. Okay. So what I teach my son to do is at 830, he looks for a setup like this, if
316 00:57:13,890 --> 00:57:22,560 it's if it's a bear scenario, he's looking for liquidity below the marketplace. And he's looking for some type of framework where it gives a fair value got that
317 00:57:22,560 --> 00:57:32,160 is his pattern. That's what he settled in on. And we're gonna run to liquidity. And if it gives him five points, he's out, even if the framework allows for 30
318 00:57:32,610 --> 00:57:41,460 points. He's getting out at five. Now, I already know some of you hot shots has been doing it for a while or like to be critical. We're trolling, you just run
319 00:57:41,460 --> 00:57:51,600 your mouth. Oh, this guy. He's telling his son, it could move 30 points, but he's getting out of 5.2 Does that someone that's never traded live money before
320 00:57:51,600 --> 00:58:02,490 that's who's doing it. Okay, someone that's already made 400 Some percent in one month. That's who's doing it. Okay. Someone that hasn't had a losing day, in
321 00:58:02,490 --> 00:58:15,300 weeks. That's who's doing it. So sit down, take notes or move along. In the afternoon. There's a setup as well, we'll get into that in a moment. But the
322 00:58:15,300 --> 00:58:28,560 next area of opportunity is the 930. Our. Okay, so equities open at 930. And this is one I outlined. The Mark was down here. I mentioned on Twitter. I said
323 00:58:28,560 --> 00:58:39,000 okay, they opened it up at 930. initially started sending it lower. And we'll talk about them in a couple minutes what that was and what information can be
324 00:58:39,000 --> 00:58:50,670 gleaned from that. But I said that they're going to take price up into the fair value gap. And also clear 41 05 It's all time and date stamped folks, you can go
325 00:58:50,670 --> 00:59:03,690 back on Twitter, take a look at it's there. It's undeniable, it's not ambiguous. It's very specific. Look at the time when your chart is here. I'm saying 41 05.
326 00:59:04,140 --> 00:59:10,110 That's where the bicep liquidity is. That's where the stops are. And it's a fair value get there, it's going to reprice there, and then you're going to see the
327 00:59:10,110 --> 00:59:21,750 move the real move for the day. market drops from there, I went short on a demo account. And as price went below this low, I tweeted first go back and look at
328 00:59:21,750 --> 00:59:31,110 the little recording. Okay, I'm not in here, because there's people already going around in other forums and other social media saying, I'm trying to pump
329 00:59:31,110 --> 00:59:38,070 and dump because they don't have a big audience. They think I'm gonna go out there and say something, hopefully create some kind of movement in the
330 00:59:38,070 --> 00:59:50,070 marketplace. And then I'm gonna get out before I say I'm getting out. No, I literally record myself saying pay the trader and then I go in I take my partial
331 00:59:50,070 --> 01:00:03,570 as it goes below here, go and watch the video. So I'm not doing any of those types of things, folks. Okay. I'm going to be Your best friend, I'm going to be
332 01:00:03,570 --> 01:00:14,670 the best friend you could ever have in these markets. If you just simply relax and trust me, I'm here to help you. I'm not here to ask anything of you except
333 01:00:14,670 --> 01:00:24,210 for subscribe. You know, that's like a trophy for me, if I get a million subscribers, I want to have that. I'll put the work in the urn. But I'm not
334 01:00:24,210 --> 01:00:32,670 asking you to pay for anything. I'm not asking you to worship Me and cheer, my name and all that stuff. And none of that. I just want you to have fun hanging
335 01:00:32,670 --> 01:00:40,590 out with me. That's it. Because I promise if you if you put the work into this stuff, and hang out every single day show up every single day, if you don't
336 01:00:40,590 --> 01:00:50,880 understand it, if you feel like you got confused about what it is I'm doing, keep showing up. Every single day that discipline will yield results, each one
337 01:00:50,880 --> 01:00:59,010 of you are going to have a different timeline is when you're gonna get it. I don't have a deadline, I don't have a I'm stopping when it gets to this date.
338 01:00:59,460 --> 01:01:09,990 I'm here now. Okay, I'm enjoying myself, I'm having fun. And hopefully you guys are having fun too. But this setup here, eventually came back and ran back above
339 01:01:09,990 --> 01:01:19,170 the short term high and ran here. So we went one more time where above the New York midnight opening price. So we're at a premium and above the opening price
340 01:01:19,170 --> 01:01:33,960 at midnight. And consolidates in here, and then it breaks down. And later on in the afternoon. We'll see what it does. Now, if you watch the video, you can see
341 01:01:33,960 --> 01:01:37,380 that I actually entered in here when short, I was aiming for this ahead
342 01:01:38,640 --> 01:01:50,070 objective of taking two contracts off here. So it went below that I tweeted take partials or pay the trader first, then I went into my demo account and closed
343 01:01:50,100 --> 01:01:59,040 out the two as it went below that low. So I was managing your expectations, I was showing you what to do with your demo account if you're doing anything and
344 01:01:59,040 --> 01:02:10,110 engaging. And then I did my version of it. So I was given the instruction first. And then when the market started going up, I outlined this order block here, it
345 01:02:10,110 --> 01:02:18,570 started to repel away from it, I actually mentioned that I wanted to see price stay below this level here. All I did was extend this and mentioned that Uber
346 01:02:18,870 --> 01:02:31,440 taken order block here was problematic. I had anticipated if you watch on air, net short term video, I had pulled up the partial close of three more contracts.
347 01:02:31,860 --> 01:02:41,160 And my stop I hadn't moved. Except for moving to the breakeven little bit better than breakeven entered at the partial here. And then once it went above this
348 01:02:41,160 --> 01:02:48,300 order block here, that's when I closed three more contracts before the stock also hit now I could have closed the entire order. But to me, that would feel
349 01:02:48,300 --> 01:02:59,850 like panic, okay, I don't mind the stop loss getting hit because that's teaching you, that's what they're paid to do, you're paying a stoploss to do its job, I'm
350 01:02:59,850 --> 01:03:08,970 not worrying about price going higher than my stop loss. But if I have an ability to take something off before the stop is gonna go there. And maybe maybe
351 01:03:09,210 --> 01:03:17,310 it goes close to the stop loss. If it doesn't hit it. I've taken something off, which was the initial partial here, plus three more contracts, and I had
352 01:03:17,310 --> 01:03:27,930 remaining three contracts that got stopped out better than even. So I didn't scratch on any position. I didn't take, in my opinion, large enough position off
353 01:03:28,500 --> 01:03:38,460 down here in retrospect, but that's how it's gonna be for you. Now, the question is going to be this. Why did I picked this candle? While I was that concerned
354 01:03:38,460 --> 01:03:47,880 about it, when it went above it? And why did I close the three contracts? When it went above that? How did I know it was reversing basically, is what you're
355 01:03:47,880 --> 01:03:58,380 asking. Now, if you look at this sell side liquidity pool we have outlined here, that was explained on Twitter. It's also been shown on this video here at the
356 01:03:58,380 --> 01:04:06,600 beginning of the video. So if you look at the liquidity up here, the old lows we went below that. So sulphides been tapped here, then it went lower and created
357 01:04:06,600 --> 01:04:16,830 relatively equal lows here, creating what another level of sell side below that it went below that. So we now have another low form here. What's resting below
358 01:04:16,830 --> 01:04:26,310 that sell side, people are always trying to buy lows, they're trying to pick bottoms. So the sell side gets taken once more here. And then this low gets
359 01:04:26,310 --> 01:04:43,440 taken here. So notice what's occurring. We went below salsa here, here, here, here, here and here without moving very much. Notice that So after we've taken
360 01:04:43,440 --> 01:04:51,900 buyside liquidity here, it should have been off to the races and went lower. And this should have kept the price on the upside because it's an up close candle
361 01:04:51,930 --> 01:05:00,870 institutional order flow. My rules for teaching that to you is if we're bearish. An order flow is bearish. This should have stopped price like it did here, it
362 01:05:00,870 --> 01:05:07,740 should have maybe touched it one more time here or just bumped above that short term high, and then went aggressively lower, it did not do that. That's why if
363 01:05:07,740 --> 01:05:15,990 you watch the video of me actually doing the trade, I actually pull up the order take three off, because I'm watching see if this is going to fail, because it
364 01:05:15,990 --> 01:05:24,930 didn't tear off and take that low out. Because it was reaching back up into this order block and then started going into it, I knew I was gonna get smoked on the
365 01:05:24,930 --> 01:05:35,520 stop. So it'd be easier for me to just take partial, three off, which I'd had pulled up on my chart ready to go, versus this clicking Close the entire trade,
366 01:05:35,520 --> 01:05:46,650 which, in my opinion, wouldn't be as instructional for you. Because I want to show you how you can still many times take something off again, and it might not
367 01:05:46,650 --> 01:05:53,040 hit your stop loss. And then it resumes going in your favor. And hopefully you can add those three contracts or whatever the portion would have been, if you
368 01:05:53,040 --> 01:06:02,010 had taken the trade, put them back on an edit, you know as a pyramid type thing. But because we took this up close candle out, that was problematic because we
369 01:06:02,010 --> 01:06:11,820 had multiple levels of sell side taken below the original sell side liquidity that was outlined the beginning of the day on Twitter. So in short, what should
370 01:06:11,820 --> 01:06:21,060 have happened was reran the buy side here. That should have been the high of the day. And then it broke lower. But because it took out this candle here, after
371 01:06:21,060 --> 01:06:30,600 taking multiple levels of sell side, what's the algorithm going to do? Seek buy side, where is it now above this high here. So it's doing that run them here,
372 01:06:30,660 --> 01:06:36,840 and then back above midnight opening candle price at opening New York local time, at midnight.
373 01:06:42,900 --> 01:06:53,880 And in the afternoon, if my son has taken a trade in the morning, and was profitable, he'll do another trade in the afternoon. He's aiming for either 830
374 01:06:53,880 --> 01:07:03,690 or 930. For his morning session move. If he gets his five points at 830, he won't trade at 930. If he misses something at 830, he'll try at 930. Either or
375 01:07:03,780 --> 01:07:15,060 he's trying to do one time in the morning. Now he can take a loss at 830. And he can try to get back with the 930 setup. If he misses the 930 setup, or takes a
376 01:07:15,060 --> 01:07:27,240 loss in the morning, he can trade the afternoon. If he makes money in the morning, I tell him paper trade or demo trade the afternoon. Okay, why? Why not
377 01:07:27,240 --> 01:07:34,800 push your edge if you have an edge ICT if your son is so good, and he's doing what he's been taught to do, why shouldn't he be trading every session move,
378 01:07:35,040 --> 01:07:44,550 because I'm not teaching him to be greedy. I'm teaching him discipline. Because if he can see that he can make more and chooses not to do it. There's a certain
379 01:07:44,580 --> 01:08:06,840 measure of confidence assurity contentment, knowing that you can go into these markets anytime and get it in that fact that understanding that realization is a
380 01:08:06,840 --> 01:08:17,100 peace of mind that keeps me from going into overtraining. It keeps me from going in and doing more than it's necessary. And it never allows me to fear and keeps
381 01:08:17,100 --> 01:08:26,490 me from ever fearing that these things are gonna stop working. Like I understand that, I get lots of new students, and they see what I'm doing. And they're
382 01:08:26,490 --> 01:08:35,760 afraid that all these people that are following me are somehow going to break the market, because they're all doing the same thing. No, because you're gonna
383 01:08:35,760 --> 01:08:45,120 find setups that are gonna be different than I'm entering. And I can do a lot other things that aren't even in charts. So I'm not worried about these things
384 01:08:45,120 --> 01:08:52,980 failing, because I taught more people to do because if you look at the folks on my Twitter feed, that are just, you know, subscribing to me, and they're looking
385 01:08:52,980 --> 01:09:03,420 at every thing I say anything that's a code word for ticket, or ticket sell, it's they're rushing in to take a trade, they needed to be slowing down. There's
386 01:09:03,420 --> 01:09:09,180 always going to be people out there that just because they're being exposed to this content, they're not going to be disciplined enough, and they're gonna be
387 01:09:09,180 --> 01:09:16,260 people that come to this YouTube channel. And they are watching these videos, and they're studying the concepts. And they're never gonna make it work for
388 01:09:16,260 --> 01:09:24,930 themselves, not because they don't work, but because they're doing things with them in an undisciplined manner. They're doing things willy nilly. They're
389 01:09:24,930 --> 01:09:33,330 trying to recreate the wheel because they want to be able to say they did something. They need something, they created it. It's their authorship. It's
390 01:09:33,330 --> 01:09:44,550 their concept. It's their thing, their model their approach to what they learned from me. Because it's cloud. They want cloud cloud is the thing everybody wants
391 01:09:44,550 --> 01:09:54,240 right now. Clicking the buttons, watch my views come to my channel, you know, that type of thing attention to me. And those types of people aren't going to be
392 01:09:54,240 --> 01:10:02,940 the successful ones. The ones that don't care about being looked at or cared to be followed. They're going would be probably the best out of the entire fold
393 01:10:02,970 --> 01:10:11,310 here. Because that's how it is in my private group, the ones that are the most quiet. They're the ones that are doing it the best. They're not trying to make
394 01:10:11,310 --> 01:10:22,470 an image on themselves. They only care about the results. And the results are significant enough for them. Not to look for outward, you know, approval. But in
395 01:10:22,470 --> 01:10:35,820 the afternoon, what was the time I taught you? In this mentorship? When is the afternoon session 4pm session trading in index futures after lunch, but
396 01:10:35,820 --> 01:10:47,160 specifically what time 130. So at 130. Right here, we're leaving an area of buy stocks that have been taken, it's breaking down, then the market returns back to
397 01:10:47,160 --> 01:10:55,200 a bearish breaker there, then it starts to go lower. We have displacement here. That could have been an entry there.
398 01:10:56,730 --> 01:11:07,860 Once more low taken here. And now we have wealth of equal lows. They are broken there, see that? This is what I'm training my son to see. This is a valid setup.
399 01:11:08,280 --> 01:11:16,260 But I'm looking for these types of things for him because look, what this is this low, this low and this low? What's resting below that? sells out liquidity
400 01:11:16,770 --> 01:11:27,270 on a bearish day. So does it want to drive down into that? It does? Does it create an imbalance there? It does? Does it trade back up into it? Yes. That's
401 01:11:27,300 --> 01:11:35,430 where he's gonna be selling short. And he's looking for his five points. And then he's watching and studying, does it go to that 4070 level that I was
402 01:11:35,430 --> 01:11:44,130 talking about? Does it go down to that daily fair value gap that I was talking about before the market opened this morning. And those things will deposit
403 01:11:44,640 --> 01:11:56,160 pseudo experience that over time results into real experience. And then he can lean on those instances of experience where he's been here before. He's not
404 01:11:56,160 --> 01:12:05,940 intimidated if he's done it wrong. He's not fearful that the markets changing the way he does things, because he's now suddenly profitable. And it has a
405 01:12:06,060 --> 01:12:18,960 series of losing trades or whatever. He's not losing his mind, because he has taken a trade that he felt was lined with likelihood and probabilities in his
406 01:12:18,960 --> 01:12:31,590 favor, but then failed. He's not discouraged by that. Because he knows that these things repeat. So best case scenario, there's three opportunities for him
407 01:12:31,590 --> 01:12:45,870 a day. He's looking for just one of them to yield five points. If he does, he makes more than half of his weekly salary on that one trade. He's trying to do
408 01:12:45,870 --> 01:12:58,110 that. Once in the morning, once in the afternoon, he's taking a live trade in one or the other. But once he gets one live trade, he's trying to condition
409 01:12:58,110 --> 01:13:09,990 himself to do a demo, or he'll pay per trade, whatever, just watch and observe. But he's not trying to do three trades a day. Initially, I forced him into doing
410 01:13:09,990 --> 01:13:18,750 that. I said, take a trade in the morning, take a trade and 830 take a trade at 930 Take a trade at the afternoon, and then take and also sometimes at three
411 01:13:18,750 --> 01:13:28,410 o'clock to four o'clock. That market unclosed macro that runs by the algorithm. There's a little setup the forum's most days of the week. And that last hour, it
412 01:13:28,410 --> 01:13:41,250 looks similar to this. It might be a by day, it might be a by setup, not just a short setup, but I'm taking him into specific times of day time. I'm taking him
413 01:13:41,250 --> 01:13:54,180 to the market at these times. Okay. If you have not been paying attention, this video, I've literally laid in your lap, the very moments that the setups are
414 01:13:54,180 --> 01:14:07,110 forming. It's up to you to go through your charts and find out if that is true. The lazy won't do it. They want to be told what to do. They don't want to go in
415 01:14:07,110 --> 01:14:16,680 and roll their sleeves up and find it. But once you see this, once you see it and you back test and you pull out with example, after example, after example of
416 01:14:16,680 --> 01:14:30,210 how the market sets up like this, and it runs the liquidity above or below the marketplace. Count how many times over the last month, three weeks, two weeks,
417 01:14:30,240 --> 01:14:43,410 one week, how many setups offered five points with something just like this at these key times of the day. And then do the math. If you could just do one half
418 01:14:43,500 --> 01:14:59,670 of that. Or just one quarter of that with one mini it's real easy to see how it's just a matter of time. Before that thing you call a job. No longer is a
419 01:14:59,670 --> 01:15:13,470 hindrance. to you because it is a hindrance to you, where you have your faith chained to their boss's generosity, they're so generous that they make you work
420 01:15:13,470 --> 01:15:15,030 those 40 hours sometimes more
421 01:15:16,800 --> 01:15:18,000 to get that paycheck
422 01:15:19,410 --> 01:15:27,000 that Uncle Sam gets the tax before you touch it. And you come out and find out that everything's
423 01:15:28,380 --> 01:15:29,820 much more expensive today.
424 01:15:32,580 --> 01:15:44,700 When you have this skill set, folks, I want you to understand what I'm about to say, and I'm gonna close this video. When you learn this skill set it removes
425 01:15:44,700 --> 01:16:03,480 fear. It removes fear of missing out. It removes the fear and anxiety of failing, but it also removes the fear of inflation. Because this skill set will
426 01:16:03,480 --> 01:16:15,750 always outpace inflation. I don't care if gas is 20 hours again, I'm trying I'm gonna drive my Corvettes. I've eaten cylinder Corvettes that I absolutely will
427 01:16:15,750 --> 01:16:25,830 not leave parked, I will drive them and I will enjoy them. I don't care. gas can be whatever it wants to be, it's a write off for me, okay. I don't care how much
428 01:16:25,830 --> 01:16:35,070 food is going to cost. I hope I can continuously find it. But I'm not worried about what my utility bills are going to cost. I don't worry about what things
429 01:16:35,070 --> 01:16:47,850 are going to cost. That skill set that you're learning here. It aids in that it helps in that notice I'm not promising you get rich notice I haven't said that.
430 01:16:49,110 --> 01:17:01,770 Because I don't want you coming to my channel, thinking I'm promising you to get rich. But I am promising you a skill set that offers the opportunity to do
431 01:17:01,800 --> 01:17:14,370 limitless, limitless feats and wonders. And it's only limited by your imagination. How much work you're gonna put into it. How much work have you put
432 01:17:14,370 --> 01:17:29,040 into it? Who are you allowing to influence you? In discourage you distract you? Are you seeing results? Am I proven this stuff works? Do you feel scammed? Or do
433 01:17:29,040 --> 01:17:39,480 you feel energized and thankful that you're part of the community like we have here that's thriving, it's energetic, they're happy, they're uplifted, they
434 01:17:39,480 --> 01:17:50,400 encourage one another. And everyone here knows that they're not being taken for a ride. There's no upsell common than that feel good. It frees you up to just
435 01:17:50,400 --> 01:18:04,530 concentrate on learning. There's no angle, there's no sales pitch common. Isn't that awesome? Isn't that cool? It's like, the point is, is you're you're in a
436 01:18:04,530 --> 01:18:13,560 community that we're all trying to help one another. And all I'm trying to be is the captain of the team, and just lead you in the right direction. And hopefully
437 01:18:13,560 --> 01:18:32,970 avoid pain and struggles that I went through real accounts, real money, real buttons are being pushed. You are going to find that there is a lot of
438 01:18:32,970 --> 01:18:44,340 opportunity that you're going to let slip by and not be upset about it, it's gonna be one of the most fun experience that you're gonna have, as a developing
439 01:18:44,340 --> 01:18:53,190 and developed student of price action under me is you'll see so many. So I feel like I could do this trigger now, but I'm not going to and then walk away from
440 01:18:53,190 --> 01:19:05,010 it after it comes to fruition. They can thinking I could have done that. And I had the discipline to say no, because I'm not being influenced by fear or greed.
441 01:19:06,720 --> 01:19:19,410 And when you're at that level, and you're consistent, you have graduated. You are an independent thinker. You have mastered fear and greed. You have operated
442 01:19:19,410 --> 01:19:36,510 with a level of discipline that is unknown to majority of traders on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, wherever that data is coming for you. But you got to go
443 01:19:36,510 --> 01:19:45,900 through this stuff here to get to it. It's not hiding from you. I'm not making it hard for you. I've literally taught you everything except for money manager,
444 01:19:45,900 --> 01:19:53,670 which we'll talk about next week. And then you have a complete understanding of what it is you're doing here. And you're gonna do the same thing every day.
445 01:19:54,120 --> 01:20:02,580 Sometimes you'll get it right, some days you want. When you get it wrong, you stop. You don't rush to get it back. You're going to find the next day
446 01:20:02,610 --> 01:20:08,130 sometimes, here it is, which you took as a loss the previous day comes back sometimes with interest.
447 01:20:10,080 --> 01:20:17,400 And that's a good feeling. When that happens, it's like, well, you know, I don't need to worry about it. You know, losing trades is like getting a flat tire. It
448 01:20:17,400 --> 01:20:28,170 sucks. It costs you a little bit of money and time, delays you from what you're trying to get to accomplish. But it's just the speed bump, costs a little bit of
449 01:20:28,170 --> 01:20:40,290 time and money. But it didn't keep you from getting where you're going. It just created as a detour, delay. But the inevitable happens still, nonetheless, you
450 01:20:40,290 --> 01:20:50,820 arrive at your destination, your destination here is excellence, and you don't get there overnight. You get there gradually, one step in front of the other a
451 01:20:50,820 --> 01:20:59,430 little bit here a little bit there. Sometimes you'll take a step or two back, get your footing again and resume going forward. And sometimes you have to take
452 01:20:59,430 --> 01:21:10,410 a detour once in a while. That's all part of it. That's the that's the growth that every trader goes through. But when it gets hard for you, when you feel
453 01:21:10,410 --> 01:21:17,310 like you want to quit, that's a moment when you need to test, take a break, take a week off, don't watch my videos, there'll be here, I'm not taking my videos
454 01:21:17,310 --> 01:21:30,780 down, take a week away from it, enjoy another hobby, and then come back to it fresh. You want this to be enjoyable, you do not want to make it, I have to do
455 01:21:30,780 --> 01:21:41,190 this, it must work. I gotta get out of my job right now. Because it's just gonna make it harder and longer for you to learn it. Have fun with it, enjoy it. I
456 01:21:41,190 --> 01:21:51,270 have to ask a question here. And then obviously by the number of comments in either support of it, or there's no interest in whatever. But if you'd be so
457 01:21:51,270 --> 01:22:02,070 kind to let me know in the comment section, if you would like to see me do a very short, I'm talking like, two minute three minute review. Each day where the
458 01:22:02,070 --> 01:22:12,600 setups were for the s&p and or NASDAQ, I'm not going to do both, because it takes too much time to do that. But where were there setups for you to engage
459 01:22:12,600 --> 01:22:21,210 with what I'm teaching you here in this mentorship. If you'd like to see that as a Monday through Friday, short, little upload, just let me know in the comment
460 01:22:21,210 --> 01:22:28,620 section below. Also, if you could include also, what your experience has been so far under my teachings on this YouTube channel? Has it been a positive
461 01:22:28,620 --> 01:22:38,430 experience for you? Has it been not so much of a impact on you? Or has it been just simply waffle? Maybe I'm missing the mark entirely. Be honest with me, but
462 01:22:38,430 --> 01:22:48,840 just be respectful. If it hasn't been your cup of tea? You can respectfully tell me that and that's okay. I'll just use your feedback to hopefully try to dig in
463 01:22:48,840 --> 01:22:57,000 a little bit deeper. And maybe I can find something that helps you or maybe not, I don't know, but I'm looking for feedback and that way you can help me in that
464 01:22:57,000 --> 01:23:05,130 regard in the comment section below. And until I talk to you next time, Lord willing on Tuesday. Enjoy your weekend and be safe