ICT YT - 2020-09-01 - ICT Forex Price Action Lesson - Orderflow and Volume Imbalances.srt

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2021-06-12 06:30

00:00:15,540 --> 00:00:24,930 ICT: Hi, folks, welcome back. This is going to be a little discussion on secrets to volume and price delivery. And it provides me an X ray perspective to future
00:00:24,930 --> 00:00:25,680 price swings.
00:00:32,820 --> 00:00:43,470 I'm going to talk a little bit about interbank order flow and price delivery. But the focus of this lesson is D. contrast between retail support and
00:00:43,470 --> 00:00:53,400 resistance, trend following that type of thing that everyone unfortunately gets indoctrinated in this industry through books, educators, and courses and such.
00:00:54,300 --> 00:01:07,890 And I kind of like want to open your eyes to something else that is more pure, then those ideas, okay, it's going to challenge a little bit of your thinking,
00:01:08,190 --> 00:01:21,720 and your treasured ideas. And I'm going into this as a friend, okay, I'm trying to just open your eyes to something that is existing in price that he may not be
00:01:21,720 --> 00:01:33,360 aware of. And you'll see there's a strong contrast between what I'm showing you here, versus other ideas and theories that are permeating in the industry. We'll
00:01:33,360 --> 00:01:44,010 talk a little bit how I track interbank smart money. I'm going to show you an example of a market maker sell model. And I prompted you on the community tab to
00:01:44,010 --> 00:01:52,890 study a fractal on price action. That was a five minute chart. And we'll break that down into greater detail. But I'm going to show you some things today in
10 00:01:52,890 --> 00:02:08,610 this discussion that are highly precise. Now, when I say these things, and I put it in video, many times, the cynics will say, well, it's all hindsight. And I'm
11 00:02:08,610 --> 00:02:22,740 going to remind all of my students, okay, if I am not telling the truth, if everything I'm saying in this video is not what I outlined before the fact you
12 00:02:22,740 --> 00:02:36,420 have my permission to thumbs down this video, all of you, okay, and that will be loud, resounding evidence that what I'm saying is untrue. All right. So there
13 00:02:36,420 --> 00:02:47,520 will be a lot left out of the discussion, because I'm really not trying to teach mentorship. But I'm going to pull the veil back a little bit today, and show you
14 00:02:47,520 --> 00:02:58,380 some of the things that my private group sees. And we outlined in advance, okay, so there's, there's price swings that occur every single quarter. And what I
15 00:02:58,380 --> 00:03:10,260 mean by that, every three to four months, there's a particular price swing that will open up one direction or another. And my focus as an educator as a mentor
16 00:03:10,290 --> 00:03:23,010 is to teach my students how to forecast those price moves. So that in essence is what mentorship is, okay, just because you may have a friend that gave you a
17 00:03:23,010 --> 00:03:35,040 video or two or more of my mentorship teachings, that's not the same as I did ICT is mentorship, because my mentorship is ongoing. And it's nowhere near
18 00:03:35,070 --> 00:03:47,190 complete. Nowhere near 100% taught on any of the concepts, they're all just introduced. So it's a language we all use. Now I have created a language so my
19 00:03:47,190 --> 00:03:54,090 students can understand what I'm pointing to certain things in price action, that you can't find some where else in a retail book. And as you'll see today,
20 00:03:54,660 --> 00:04:03,630 I'm going to make public, okay, I mean, by making it available through my YouTube channel, otherwise, it was in my mentorship and only taught back in
21 00:04:03,630 --> 00:04:15,270 1996. If you were a one on one student with me, that cost you $20,000 not just to learn just one concept, but how to interpret future price moves, and how to
22 00:04:15,270 --> 00:04:30,630 engage in those price moves. Well, over time, since 1996, I have refined a lot of things about how price action works with my trading, and how I engage price.
23 00:04:30,660 --> 00:04:44,310 So I look for specific things in price that are highly specific and precision oriented. So that those buzzwords get used a lot now, you know, like smart money
24 00:04:44,310 --> 00:04:54,150 and precision and sniper this is these are all things that I've used over the last 20 some years and I just want to get to the heart of the teachings and try
25 00:04:54,150 --> 00:05:04,650 not to use all these things and such. So I just want to be me. Okay, and hope Flee this lesson, this conversation, if you will, what broaden your
26 00:05:04,650 --> 00:05:15,060 understanding, okay. And also open your mind to the possibility that even if you are a profitable trader right now, and I'm sure there's lots of you in my
27 00:05:15,060 --> 00:05:24,330 audience, there are things that are occurring in price action that you probably aren't aware of. And I'm going to try to show you some of them today. And I
28 00:05:24,330 --> 00:05:32,700 promise, it's unrivaled in precision. So let's go to the charts. And I'll outline what I was hinting at on my community tab.
29 00:05:34,350 --> 00:05:44,100 Okay, so we're looking at the Dollar Index. And right away, you should know now that their five minute fractal is the dollar index five minute chart from the
30 00:05:44,100 --> 00:05:54,270 31st of August 2020. Now before we even get into that discussion, I want to add some more value to this video because I was going to just talk about how that
31 00:05:54,540 --> 00:06:04,530 five minute fractal is a market maker sell model. But as I started thinking about it earlier today, I was like, you know, what, I'm going to teach a little
32 00:06:04,530 --> 00:06:15,600 bit more, and provide a little bit more value, and show you the contrast to what is in my free tutorials versus how I teach in my mentorship. Now, right away the
33 00:06:15,600 --> 00:06:25,530 guys in here, and gals that aren't turned off immediately, when there's a sales pitch, vibe going, nothing forces you to buy my mentorship, like there's only
34 00:06:25,560 --> 00:06:36,330 going to be January, enrollment coming up. If you don't want to join, that's fine. But I'm still gonna give you this lesson. And it just costs you the time
35 00:06:36,360 --> 00:06:46,920 to sit in front of the video. So, again, I'm not twisting anyone's arm, I'm not promising you, and pulling the rug out from underneath you the last minute, I'm
36 00:06:46,920 --> 00:07:00,990 just sharing something that I think that would at least pique your curiosity. Okay. And before I get into it, as a reminder, my students that are in my
37 00:07:00,990 --> 00:07:15,090 mentorship, if I am embellishing if I'm saying that, this is what we did, and and I really didn't call these moves, then you are 100% invited to thumbs down
38 00:07:15,090 --> 00:07:23,400 this video because I keep the comments closed. I'm not going to babysit the comment section on my YouTube video. So just I'm not going to do it. There's so
39 00:07:23,400 --> 00:07:32,880 many people out there hating because they can't keep up. They want to just try to discredit me as much as they can. And I've made blanket statements before and
40 00:07:32,880 --> 00:07:43,500 I put our $1,000 out now it's a bounty. If you can find everything I'm teaching, prior to 1996 in writing or in, in video anywhere, you get 100,000 hours, and
41 00:07:43,530 --> 00:07:56,550 I'll do a live stream giving it to you. I'll go wherever you are and give it to you. So I'm absolutely comfortable knowing that no one has this information. But
42 00:07:56,550 --> 00:08:08,970 me. Now that sounds ridiculous. I know it sounds absolutely ridiculous. But I can say that because now after 27 years, no one has ever come close to what I'm
43 00:08:08,970 --> 00:08:22,530 revealing. It doesn't exist. The reason why I was approached by two gentlemen that aren't traitors, but they opened my eyes to help prices delivered. And it's
44 00:08:22,530 --> 00:08:36,000 100% diametrically opposed to what we as traders are taught to trust to believe, okay, and we're told to believe in supply and demand, support and resistance,
45 00:08:36,600 --> 00:08:48,270 higher highs, higher lows, you know, all those things, and they give us these tools. But they're really hindrances and blinders, but we call them indicators
46 00:08:48,870 --> 00:09:01,230 indicating where you're going to think like a retail trader. Now think about that for a moment. When you apply an indicator to your chart, you in your belief
47 00:09:01,230 --> 00:09:15,750 system, regardless of whatever discipline of trade theology, you use, the tools that you're applying to your chart, you believe that they are giving you some
48 00:09:15,750 --> 00:09:30,240 foresight, some prognostication. I believe that stuff too. Okay. When I sat down in 1992, I believed wholeheartedly that RSI was the secret recipe to success and
49 00:09:30,240 --> 00:09:43,080 divergence on that indicator plotted on a 14 period. And then it didn't work. So then I went to a 20 period stochastics and then it failed. Then I went to 10
50 00:09:43,080 --> 00:09:47,730 periods, the Catholics, because if it was faster reaction, that's the real secret.
51 00:09:49,680 --> 00:10:02,250 I was clueless. Okay, so I'm going to tell you that if you just investigate some of these ideas, okay. Spend some time in your charts. And I think you'll be
52 00:10:02,250 --> 00:10:11,880 pleasantly surprised. Now you're not going to hit it, like I'm outlining here. But I'm on record back in June. And for my mentorship students, you can go back
53 00:10:11,880 --> 00:10:23,460 to June 10 2020. That video, we outline a very specific level that I'm going to talk about here. And then all subsequent videos after that, and commentaries was
54 00:10:23,460 --> 00:10:32,940 leading to where we traded to today in dollar. Okay, and if I'm not telling you the truth, you're going to see 10s of 1000s of thumbs down on this video. Okay,
55 00:10:32,940 --> 00:10:40,740 and that will be your indication, you don't need to have a person go on my commentary section, it'll be evident in the thumbs down rating on this video.
56 00:10:40,770 --> 00:10:51,900 Now, I always get like, a dozen or so thumbs down because guys just like to tailor but in this video, if you see 1000s and 1000s of thumbs down. That means
57 00:10:51,930 --> 00:11:02,370 that my mentorship students that can see this video because it's public till they're telling you that what I'm saying in this video is absolutely false. And
58 00:11:02,370 --> 00:11:12,420 that I'm lying, and I'm a fraud. That's how you determine that, okay, now I don't have 10,000 or so I don't have 1000s of YouTube channels, okay, I don't.
59 00:11:13,350 --> 00:11:20,310 And I certainly don't have the time to sit down and hurry up and create them and then thumbs down the button. Okay, so obviously, you can see where I'm going
60 00:11:20,310 --> 00:11:27,690 with this. I'm being facetious here. I'm saying this without having to go actually into the video because I was going to do that I was going to go to the
61 00:11:27,690 --> 00:11:34,230 video, but where I start talking about it, I'm actually talking about other things that I don't really want made public, okay? Because it's meant it's meant
62 00:11:34,230 --> 00:11:45,090 for the students in the mentorship. But even with those things withheld, you're going to get something from this lesson. So I want you to if you're doing other
63 00:11:45,090 --> 00:11:54,390 things, and you're distracted, come back to this video later, when you can devote more of your attention to it and not be distracted. Otherwise, you're
64 00:11:54,390 --> 00:11:57,840 really not going to get the point I'm trying to come across with.
65 00:11:59,490 --> 00:12:10,290 Alright, so as I mentioned, every three to four months, there's a quarterly shift. That's how I teach it in the markets. Now it's not just forex. And what
66 00:12:10,290 --> 00:12:20,220 I'm going to cover today and discuss really isn't limited to the Forex either. It's the markets in general. So the markets will always seek yield to always be
67 00:12:20,220 --> 00:12:31,500 moving up and down gyrating. But if you break down the market, any market you're looking at, and you look at how the price swings occur every three to four
68 00:12:31,500 --> 00:12:42,930 months, there's a significant price swing, it may swing higher, or it may swing lower. My job as a mentor is to point in the direction that these moves are
69 00:12:42,930 --> 00:12:58,050 going to occur, and where they're likely to go to now, understand this, this is not a signal service. Okay, I give all the tools on how to get in and engage. I
70 00:12:58,050 --> 00:13:10,230 specifically point to levels that should react with the tools. But I do not sit down and say, by here, put your stop here and take your target off here. I don't
71 00:13:10,230 --> 00:13:22,530 do that I'm not licensed to do that. And if you have aspirations to join my mentorship, I want you to understand that that is exactly what we do. I point I
72 00:13:22,530 --> 00:13:31,890 outline where the market is going to go. And then you use the tools that I taught in poor content, and ongoing commentaries that I do on Wednesday on
73 00:13:31,890 --> 00:13:44,430 Friday. Those are the procedures that my students follow. Now, most people don't have the discipline to do that, because they want a recipe handed to them. ABC
74 00:13:44,430 --> 00:13:54,090 123 do this all the time. And this is how it's going to work. That doesn't work in the markets because there's so many different variables, you have to be able
75 00:13:54,090 --> 00:14:04,440 to decipher what price is likely to do. And the first thing you start with is a bias. Where is it likely to go higher or lower. And we'll talk a little bit
76 00:14:04,440 --> 00:14:14,160 about that today. And I'm also going to talk about quarterly shifts where we have a little bit more magnitude of a price move. Okay, cuz you've seen if
77 00:14:14,160 --> 00:14:23,280 you've been through my YouTube video, or video library on this channel, I have various videos where you can see me entering, exiting, managing live trades,
78 00:14:23,280 --> 00:14:33,720 reversing buying long, going short, the same day, back and forth. Everything that you're seeing me do in those one minute charts, is very similar to what I'm
79 00:14:33,720 --> 00:14:46,350 showing you here. It just takes a whole lot more time for these to pan out. And I don't have a lot of patience. I'm easily distracted. And I'm not I'm not as
80 00:14:46,350 --> 00:14:55,110 patient as I may come across as a mentor, which is the reason why I specialize in day trading and short term trading. You know, a three day four day hold for
81 00:14:55,110 --> 00:15:05,640 me is sometimes agonizing because I don't want to be overnight. Holding a lot of risk, I understand the daily range enough that I can get in and work that daily
82 00:15:05,640 --> 00:15:13,770 range and be out and sleep well and not worry about if it's going to reverse and run hard against me. Now, you might be thinking, Oh, well, if you're so good,
83 00:15:13,800 --> 00:15:21,480 why are you worried about that? Well, because when I trade, I'm not trading with 10 cents per Pip, I'm not trading with $1 per PIP or $2 per Pip, even though I
84 00:15:21,480 --> 00:15:31,410 give those examples to show you, in real terms, how you can relate to it. Because if I go in here, and I'm trading with 500, or $1,000 per Pip, who can
85 00:15:31,410 --> 00:15:38,400 relate to that, especially if you're a new student, it looks like I'm showing off, you're probably not going to believe me anyway. So to keep things very
86 00:15:38,400 --> 00:15:51,090 germane and easy to work with in conversation, I use examples now that are very low leverage, also trying not to entice people to try to run as fast as they can
87 00:15:51,090 --> 00:16:03,870 to ridiculous leverage. So when we look at these examples of price movement every three to four months, that is a large magnitude price move, that's as bad
88 00:16:03,870 --> 00:16:17,520 as long as my vision, okay, or perception on price action limits me like I don't, I don't see, like five years ahead. I don't see a whole year ahead. I'm
89 00:16:17,550 --> 00:16:28,800 usually about two to three months visibility. And it's not 100%. But I have a really good track record. And everyone that is in my mentorship, they see it
90 00:16:28,830 --> 00:16:39,840 unfold every single week, I'm calling specific things. And it's a different kind of ICT on YouTube and on social media, I have carried on a lot, okay, because
91 00:16:39,840 --> 00:16:52,320 it's been like entertainment. I'm trying to move away from that, and try to be as beneficial to everyone versus the folks that just get the inside jokes that
92 00:16:52,320 --> 00:16:54,690 I'm always making. So anyway,
93 00:16:55,830 --> 00:17:09,600 I want you to look at the June highs, okay, in the dollar, and that's right in here. Okay. And I want you to think, what ideas would lend well, to this,
94 00:17:09,690 --> 00:17:19,950 creating a selling opportunity in retail thought, okay, I want you to stop the video and give it some consideration. And then when you've exhausted all
95 00:17:19,950 --> 00:17:32,610 possible ways of determining that that is a shorting opportunity. Then press play, and I'll go into annotations in discussion further on. He didn't pause the
96 00:17:32,610 --> 00:17:43,050 video, did you? See you're cheating yourself? But uh, well. Alright, so now obviously, we know that support and resistance, all those ideas, the only thing
97 00:17:43,050 --> 00:17:54,540 that I would believe off the top of my head folks would look at would be a Bear Flag. Okay, you see this long decline, and then consolidation, but everything is
98 00:17:54,540 --> 00:18:04,590 going slightly higher. This is your flag portion. And then when it breaks down, it will usually repeat the same leg in terms of price range from this low up to
99 00:18:04,590 --> 00:18:16,380 this high once it breaks this, and then basically we did about that. Okay. Now, I don't know about you, but I've traded a lot of bear flags and bull Flags Over
100 00:18:16,380 --> 00:18:28,590 the last 27 years. And I can tell you, I've lost more trading those things than I've won. What? Yeah, but here's the thing, I can go back and write books, and
101 00:18:28,590 --> 00:18:35,910 make courses about the times where it worked. And if you bought the course or read the book, you would walk away thinking that that was the secret recipe to
102 00:18:35,910 --> 00:18:48,990 trading continuation patterns, Bull flags, that's all you need. Listen, if there's a proper context, then that stuff will work. I've mentioned in other
103 00:18:48,990 --> 00:18:59,370 videos where if you understand the logic of how prices delivered, okay, what I mean by that the markets going to go where it's going to go regardless of what
104 00:18:59,370 --> 00:19:06,600 you believe what your system or theology says about price, it's going to go where it's going to go because it's pre determined. It's absolutely controlled.
105 00:19:06,600 --> 00:19:17,430 It's rigged. The whole system's rigged, period. Now, you may have people from Goldman Sachs, you may have people from JP Morgan, Merrill Lynch, x, y, z,
106 00:19:17,430 --> 00:19:29,610 trading, Prop, firm, whatever. They're all going to tell you that. Largely that's not true. When they themselves are indoctrinated in the school of
107 00:19:29,610 --> 00:19:38,670 thought, where they work. They're told this is what happens. This is what you do. It's probability. It's statistical. It's this. It's that. No, it's rigged.
108 00:19:39,450 --> 00:19:49,710 It's absolutely rigged. These markets are going to go where it's going to go because it's programmed to do so. Okay, when I was going through school, I
109 00:19:49,710 --> 00:20:01,590 wanted to be a systems analyst. I had to learn programming to understand how to communicate to the programmers how a system should be programmed by My outline
110 00:20:01,590 --> 00:20:13,710 from my documentation stage, all the things that I needed the system or program to do, whether it be a payroll system for a company's employment payment,
111 00:20:14,520 --> 00:20:25,050 whatever it is that I was looking to be hired to do, I had to have a way of breaking that down into a manner. So I can speak to the programmers and say,
112 00:20:25,050 --> 00:20:32,130 Hey, this is what I need you to do. I need you to do this, this, this, this, this, and it has to answer this problem, this problem in this problem, and then
113 00:20:32,340 --> 00:20:41,280 when they present it to me, then I have to resolve whether or not this is going to fit the client's expectations. That's what I was going to school for. That's
114 00:20:41,280 --> 00:20:54,540 what I went through my education in computer science specializing in Information Systems and mathematics. So I am highly technical, coming from that field. So
115 00:20:54,540 --> 00:21:06,600 when I looked at price, I knew that if everything I was doing, was based on these books and these indicators, and it wasn't working, the money that was
116 00:21:06,600 --> 00:21:17,100 leaving, my account was going into someone else's account. So what are they doing, that I'm not doing. And when I started, reverse engineering, everything
117 00:21:17,100 --> 00:21:33,240 that leads to retail theology, I started seeing things in price. And when I met two gentlemen, in the early 90s, they opened my eyes to how price is delivered.
118 00:21:33,900 --> 00:21:34,830 And it's
119 00:21:36,300 --> 00:21:49,620 basically a self fulfilling prophecy. We look at these wiggles and waggles on our charts. And we attribute that thing that we're looking at, as Oh, it's one
120 00:21:49,620 --> 00:21:57,180 of our secret patterns is something harmonic, it's an order block. It's a supply and demand zone, it's a support resistance level, you get what I'm saying.
121 00:21:57,630 --> 00:22:05,040 Everyone has these little things that they like to classify as the reason why the markets going to do what it's going to do, or why it most likely in the past
122 00:22:05,040 --> 00:22:16,050 has done it. Because hindsight usually is what everyone uses. And I get this, when I talk about what I'm going to show you here, it's going to sound all
123 00:22:16,080 --> 00:22:27,750 hindsight. But I'm on record, okay, and a lot of you plan on joining in January, and you are absolutely Welcome to make a YouTube video in response to this video
124 00:22:27,750 --> 00:22:36,450 and say, ICT, you are a liar. You did not say that the market was a bearish environment where it was gonna go down to where we're seeing trade today. Okay.
125 00:22:36,900 --> 00:22:49,560 So if I can just capture your attention. So I've probably already bored some of you, I'm talking to my tie now. But I want you to appreciate what I'm showing
126 00:22:49,560 --> 00:22:56,310 you today. Because if I just sit down say this, this, this this and it's a seven minute video, you're going to be like, okay, big deal. I didn't teach you
127 00:22:56,310 --> 00:23:08,430 anything. But I want you to contrast what you as a developing students, or trader are dealing with internally, because you can probably give me a dozen
128 00:23:08,430 --> 00:23:18,690 times where your things are working for you. But if you're honest, there's more times that it isn't working for you. And you attribute that as well, as long as
129 00:23:18,690 --> 00:23:29,280 I'm doing a three to one four to one five to 110 to one are multiple on my setups. It doesn't matter how accurate and I guess in a way, you're right, in
130 00:23:29,280 --> 00:23:42,060 that sense, but why would you want to trade in those environments and still accept low hit rates? See, I don't like low hit rates. I want to know that I am
131 00:23:42,060 --> 00:23:54,960 in the know. That means I'm and I'm engaging price, when it's so likely to go where I want it to go the direction I wanted to see it trade in and reach a
132 00:23:54,960 --> 00:24:05,460 level that I've already outlined. Now, that sounds like the obvious everyone's doing that. But everyone isn't doing this level precision. And I'm going to show
133 00:24:05,460 --> 00:24:15,390 you. So with that said, apart from Bear Flag. There's really nothing in here. Because if you say okay, well, oh, it's this level right here. Okay, well, why
134 00:24:15,390 --> 00:24:29,220 this level and not that one? And why not this level? Or this one? Why did it go here and turn around go lower? Why to do that? June 10 of 2020. I outline I
135 00:24:29,220 --> 00:24:39,630 didn't just teach it June 10 2020. This is actually one of the concepts that I teach in my mentorship group. And it's called a volume imbalance. Whoo. Sounds
136 00:24:39,630 --> 00:24:50,940 cool. Yeah, it's not in your books either. But what this is, I'm going to zoom in right in the scrunch it up a little bit. She can see what I'm referring to.
137 00:24:52,980 --> 00:25:04,830 Right. Right in here. You see this candle right there. And then the next candle, we're There, if you were to look at the difference between this candles close,
138 00:25:05,940 --> 00:25:27,420 okay, the closing price is 9768 and this candles open at 9757. Okay? That is what I teach is a volume imbalance. Now, what does that mean? What it is, is
139 00:25:27,450 --> 00:25:41,760 there's a segment in price that when the algorithm delivers, sell side, cut, I'm referring to this as a sell side volume imbalance. So it's basically saying,
140 00:25:42,690 --> 00:25:54,930 We're below it, and it should come back up into it. Alright, now when we look at a gap in price, usually there is no wick, no body crossover, there's a segment
141 00:25:54,930 --> 00:26:08,220 in price action where there's simply no trading, none. Everyone that's familiar with technical analysis is familiar generally, with a common gap. This, you can
142 00:26:08,220 --> 00:26:18,300 see the candles low crosses over and into the body of this candle. When this candle opens, it opens here. So there's a difference between its open on this.
143 00:26:18,540 --> 00:26:29,370 And close here. There's a small little wick above this candle. I guess if I zoom in a little bit more. There you go. So we have
144 00:26:33,810 --> 00:26:47,580 this candles close this candles open, that little segment of price action right in there. These things have existed in your price charts forever. And no one has
145 00:26:47,580 --> 00:27:01,860 ever wrote about it never made courses about it never drew anyone's attention to it at all. Until I did. Now, what do you do with it? you anticipate price
146 00:27:01,860 --> 00:27:11,040 trading back up into that? Why? Why should price trade back up into it? Well, price is dropping here. And it got a little ahead of itself in here. So even
147 00:27:11,040 --> 00:27:24,420 though we went down on this candles low, it left an imbalance of volume imbalance. Now in forex, we don't have a real clear depiction of volume, we have
148 00:27:25,530 --> 00:27:40,350 an absence of volume, so we have to use other tools. So that's why when I see folks trying to trade with the volume profile with forex. To me, it's kind of
149 00:27:40,350 --> 00:27:47,730 like a partial picture, you're looking through binoculars with one eye closed, you're seeing things and you're getting magnification, but you're not really
150 00:27:47,730 --> 00:27:56,730 getting a clear depiction of what price is likely to do. And you certainly aren't seeing all the volume. So what do you do, you use the bodies of the
151 00:27:56,730 --> 00:28:06,870 candles. Now, there's a lot of school thought for specific concepts in my teachings where we use a wick, we use a tail, and we use the bodies. There are
152 00:28:07,320 --> 00:28:16,620 procedures and protocols to use for each individual concept. And that's not gonna be taught here. And you don't need that. What I'm showing you here is very
153 00:28:16,620 --> 00:28:26,220 specific about price, where there's a small little gap between the bodies, even though there are wicks and tails crossing between the two candles. Okay, so
154 00:28:27,720 --> 00:28:38,010 price on June 10. I drew everyone's attention to it in my mentorship right there to look at that area and anticipate price trading up into it. You can see we
155 00:28:38,010 --> 00:28:45,870 traded up into it here and here. And then price rolled over. You can see the same thing occurring
156 00:28:51,630 --> 00:29:03,600 right here. See, there's the candles close. And here's the candles open that small little segment of price action. We trade up into it here. And again, I
157 00:29:03,600 --> 00:29:14,880 told my mentorship if it trades to this level we should anticipate rolling over. So here we're bearish. Here we're bearish. Okay, long story short, we were
158 00:29:14,880 --> 00:29:26,580 anticipating lower prices in dollar. Why would you expect lower prices in dollar? Well, all the things that's been going on with the illness that's been
159 00:29:27,360 --> 00:29:38,100 going around the world. And I'm going to say that I'm going to say just that and not say any more because YouTube will flag me if I say anything more. And the
160 00:29:38,100 --> 00:29:50,520 likelihood of the dollar going lower was more likely to occur than the appreciation for it if it broke below this range, and we saw it break down. And
161 00:29:50,550 --> 00:29:58,230 admittedly while price was in here too, so full disclosure, when price was back and forth in here, I was telling my group that we are sitting on our hands
162 00:29:58,230 --> 00:30:07,770 waiting for cleared to start. Double move that's going to go higher or lower. And at that time, I didn't really care which direction but when we got to do in
163 00:30:07,770 --> 00:30:19,320 this area here, we're bearish. And we've been bearish on on the dollar. I gave a clear indication as to where I believe the dollar would go. Okay, and I'm gonna
164 00:30:19,320 --> 00:30:27,660 put the levels up in a moment. But I want you to think about how price traded to this volume and balance and three there and traded all the way down to today's
165 00:30:27,660 --> 00:30:42,450 low. See that? Now, this movement in dollar is many, many pips in foreign currencies, especially in like cable like British Pound versus US dollar. So if
166 00:30:42,450 --> 00:30:56,460 we see a four or 500 PIP decline in the dollar, it can many times go way beyond that in cable, because cable tends to over exaggerate everything, which is why I
167 00:30:56,460 --> 00:31:08,100 love that pair has a lot of volatility. It's predictable volatility versus like the swissy swissy can be finicky, it can still unload, where I think it's going
168 00:31:08,100 --> 00:31:18,210 to go. But many times, it'll come back and take my stop if I start moving it. And it's this guy has a lot of volatility, you know, the Swiss franc versus US
169 00:31:18,210 --> 00:31:30,450 dollar. And then the 90s, I used to trade a lot of it as a futures contract. But when I segwayed, into just pure forex in 2006, and left features, then I got
170 00:31:30,450 --> 00:31:44,340 burned a lot with swissy. And when it was D pegged from the Euro, it was I was done. I mean, I was done before we got into that. But anyway, the difference
171 00:31:44,340 --> 00:31:56,940 between the dollar movements on quarterly shifts, if we have a large several 100 PIP move in dollar, that is very, very huge potential in foreign currency
172 00:31:56,970 --> 00:32:06,840 because the dollar is it's kind of stunted in its movement. So if there's a big move in dollar, this huge moves happening in foreign currency, and even larger
173 00:32:06,840 --> 00:32:22,110 moves in the crosses, because they're even more exaggerated. And what I mean by that, like, Euro yen, pound yen, those types of crosses, or all the yen, Euro
174 00:32:22,170 --> 00:32:32,130 Ozzy yen, those crosses that I don't personally trade because I don't get the tax treatment in the US by trading them. So yes, there's a lot of moves that
175 00:32:32,130 --> 00:32:40,290 occur that I knew I could be a participant of. But I don't care because I can make 10 pips a day and do everything I would ever need to do in my lifetime.
176 00:32:40,800 --> 00:32:49,560 It's what you do with the pips, you earn not how many pips you, Aaron, it's not about how many, that that's not how this game is one. It's how you manage the
177 00:32:49,560 --> 00:33:02,550 risk and how you leverage within reason, the result that you can measure as a constant result and return on the engagement you're placing in price. That's,
178 00:33:02,580 --> 00:33:13,080 that's the reality of trading. So if you are thinking that you have to get these big moves like this, that's not what I'm trying to communicate here. I'm saying
179 00:33:13,080 --> 00:33:21,210 that, even though this is not my cup of tea, for trading, like getting short dollar here, because I don't really trade dollar, I use it as a barometer. So
180 00:33:21,270 --> 00:33:38,460 I'm going long foreign currency in this instance, okay. We were long on euro, we were long on cable, all throughout this movement. So I want you to see where I
181 00:33:38,460 --> 00:33:52,980 drew everyone's attention to, over the course of this decline in the dollar. Okay, this low here, and this low here are relatively equal
182 00:33:53,700 --> 00:33:59,130 to that. Now, I'm going to zoom in on that little piece of price action right there.
183 00:34:07,080 --> 00:34:20,280 Okay, so you have this low, and this low. More specifically, it's this candles high to this candles low, or what I teach is a fair value gap. Now, fair value
184 00:34:20,280 --> 00:34:30,090 gap is something that's mine as well. And you don't see that in books. A lot of people have been exposed to it. Now are trying to make videos about it on
185 00:34:30,090 --> 00:34:38,100 YouTube. And they're not right, you have no idea what you're doing. So when you do that you're actually doing a disservice to your viewers. Because I haven't
186 00:34:38,100 --> 00:34:47,910 taught everything about fairbury gap and every little segment in price acts like this isn't a fair value gap in the sense that it's going to be traded to events,
187 00:34:47,910 --> 00:34:57,330 I guess I'm long enough time. Everything would be traded too. But the way I see these people on YouTube, trying to use it new build a name for themselves. It's
188 00:34:57,720 --> 00:35:09,900 It's pathetic, but nonetheless This area in here is what I was drawing my students attention to why is that important? Well, we have a period of equal
189 00:35:09,900 --> 00:35:23,880 lows the fair value gap is imbalance and this this placement higher the algorithm moved too fast and did not allow time for any real selling to occur
190 00:35:23,880 --> 00:35:33,240 between this candles high and this candles low. So, all of this at some point between this candles low and this candles high should be rebounds in the future,
191 00:35:33,660 --> 00:35:45,900 enter those levels. Now you have liquidity. Now you have sell side liquidity resting below what sell side liquidity and sell stops the liquidity that's
192 00:35:46,470 --> 00:35:58,080 framed on the basis of if the price goes lower. It's the sellers that are being attacked. Okay, so that's why I label all my annotations below lows. It's
193 00:35:58,080 --> 00:36:08,850 sellside liquidity. And I'm using that with a market efficiency paradigm. No words when I look at price, I'm looking at the sell side liquidity pools as a
194 00:36:09,000 --> 00:36:18,840 reason for price to go down here. And that's where smart money will be looking to buy from. While they won't be buying because they're short, and they could
195 00:36:18,840 --> 00:36:30,330 have a short you have to buy it back. So sell side equity wrestling below here to a point of rebalance at this candles high at 9192 9192. Isn't that just below
196 00:36:30,660 --> 00:36:46,740 the 92 big figure? Yes. When markets sweep below a big figure or above a big figure they will do it in specific grades 510 1520 2530 and can spike through as
197 00:36:46,740 --> 00:37:01,230 much as 40 pips. If we were looking at the 92 big figure, we could reasonably expect it to trade 10 1520 pips below it, which would give us what low in
198 00:37:01,230 --> 00:37:16,980 potential range 9170 if it's 30 pips below 9175 if it's 25 pips below it, and 9180 if it's 20 pips, it's usually but it usually does around 2020 pips below or
199 00:37:17,010 --> 00:37:28,680 20 pips above certain characteristics with specific currencies like cable have more parameters to picking how many pips above and below it can go. Just like
200 00:37:28,680 --> 00:37:38,100 swissy has its own Canadian dollar has its own little signatures, that how it works, big figures and mid figure levels. I teach all that stuff. And I've
201 00:37:38,100 --> 00:37:45,690 hinted at a lot of things even in my free tutorial. So don't think if you just watch this video is your first time here, and you found me just put this video
202 00:37:45,690 --> 00:37:56,910 don't think that I'm teasing dangling characters, a lot of lessons in this YouTube channel, that if a diligent student sits down, takes copious notes, and
203 00:37:56,940 --> 00:38:07,410 really studies the things that I draw your attention to, you will never need to buy a signal service, you'll never need to buy a trading course, if you just
204 00:38:07,410 --> 00:38:15,660 want to go in and find a way of trading. My YouTube channel teaches that. But my mentorship level content is for the freaks that just want to know everything.
205 00:38:16,800 --> 00:38:27,030 And then know that they know. That's the difference. You can be profitable. With the content that I give on this YouTube channel. Absolutely. Will you be a freak
206 00:38:27,030 --> 00:38:38,250 of nature? Probably not. And most of you really don't really care to be a freak of nature. But I know some young guys out there, you just want to be superhuman.
207 00:38:38,550 --> 00:38:47,910 But if you look at how price trades down into these levels, Now, obviously I have these two work warrants, which will make sense in a moment, but we spiked
208 00:38:47,910 --> 00:39:03,330 down through that 92 big figure and today's low. Isn't it's not right, let's see. Here it is. 9175 Okay. 9175 so it spiked through 25 pips below the 92 big
209 00:39:03,330 --> 00:39:06,840 figure. I was drawing everyone's attention here.
210 00:39:08,280 --> 00:39:16,620 While this price was declining, we had this target here first, we managed and seen how price traded through that we want to see a big displacement below that
211 00:39:16,620 --> 00:39:28,140 we got. Then the same thing we want see a big displacement below this low. We got it. Okay, so there's a volume imbalance here calling that high in this high
212 00:39:29,220 --> 00:39:41,910 is here, volume imbalance there. Okay. So that's not support resistance. That is price delivery. It's the algorithm going back to points of reference they needs
213 00:39:41,910 --> 00:39:55,350 to refer to to cause the market to be efficiently delivered. Now, that sounds like a whole bunch of mumbo jumbo I know. But it's the truth. The market when it
214 00:39:55,350 --> 00:40:04,260 goes into reaching down here, right away, everybody's thinking well, this Is the old support. So it's gonna trade down to there and it might bounce. I used to
215 00:40:04,260 --> 00:40:11,340 think like that. And you probably think like that too. Or we're probably thinking that you're looking at $1. Or you're probably asking yourself, why
216 00:40:11,340 --> 00:40:23,370 didn't it do that? Or why didn't it bounce at that level here because the algorithm was going to reprice below this low in target this level down here. We
217 00:40:23,370 --> 00:40:34,620 knew about it for months. Now, I'm telling you why we know about it. So that way, you can investigate it and see and study all the price action between here
218 00:40:34,710 --> 00:40:44,310 and here, and how many trading opportunities were available. Some of you may be thinking, well, if you can call these moves, why don't you get short dollar long
219 00:40:44,310 --> 00:40:52,920 foreign currency in whole all these moves in every foreign currency and be a billionaire. I've already stated that I don't have the comfort of holding on to
220 00:40:52,920 --> 00:41:04,650 these positions. Because I have a very short term personality, like I'm changing my mind a lot, like, just like that. And I've made my mind up over a dozen
221 00:41:04,650 --> 00:41:12,150 different changes in what I wanted to talk about today. That's why I was delayed. Nothing really was delaying me. It's just what did I want to talk about
222 00:41:12,150 --> 00:41:22,050 today? Did I want to go this far? Did I not want to go this far. And it's these are moves that already happened. So my students can't be upset about this. And
223 00:41:22,050 --> 00:41:30,660 plus, it's my content, I can do whatever I want to do with it. But you're not learning mentorship, by me doing this, I'm just like I'm doing in the core
224 00:41:30,660 --> 00:41:41,340 content lessons. I'm providing you an example of a concept. providing an example is not the same as me saying, Okay, now we're expecting the price to go here.
225 00:41:41,730 --> 00:41:50,490 And then I go back and fill in all the gaps with why the details led me to that decision. And I'm 90 some percent accurate in terms of where the markets gonna
226 00:41:50,490 --> 00:42:03,210 go in a higher time frame. So that's me, playing the Scout, okay, or the spotter for you as a developing sniper. I said, I wasn't gonna use those themes, but it
227 00:42:03,210 --> 00:42:14,910 just fits right now, for me to be able to justify what it is that I do as a teacher. I use my experience. And the years I've been doing this, and I'd lend
228 00:42:14,910 --> 00:42:26,820 that to my students. So they're not trying to be bullish on dollar here. Their framework is outlining short opportunities on dollar, which would be the
229 00:42:26,820 --> 00:42:36,090 opposite in foreign currency, which would be long currencies. Okay, so with all that said, that's the framework. So we have this, I'll put this on the chart so
230 00:42:36,090 --> 00:42:36,690 you can see it.
231 00:42:45,960 --> 00:42:54,570 This is the volume imbalance. Okay, look at the bodies respecting it in here. And then we get one little spike that takes out these relatively equal highs.
232 00:42:55,320 --> 00:43:05,700 And then it goes lower. The context was that volume imbalance, targeting this low end and ultimately going down here, scrunched up, as you can appreciate the
233 00:43:05,700 --> 00:43:21,000 full fractal. There you go. Okay, so I'm not looking at this low here, or this low here, I'm looking at all the storyline in this price move higher. And where
234 00:43:21,000 --> 00:43:31,590 my eye goes is the imbalance or liquidity pools. There's only two decisions I need to make about my trade because the bias is the easy thing. If I want to be
235 00:43:31,590 --> 00:43:39,840 a buyer or seller, that's the easy stuff. And I know probably this offended A lot of you What's the thing I'm struggling with Michael, how could you say that
236 00:43:39,840 --> 00:43:48,060 that's ignorant. You're not sensitive to my needs? Listen, I'm like laughing at you. I'm laughing. It's that's how I felt too. Okay, back in the 90s. I felt
237 00:43:48,060 --> 00:43:58,350 like I was like, Man, these people write these books, or I'm watching these VHS tapes, because that's what you use them back then. And then once the CDs and all
238 00:43:58,350 --> 00:44:07,110 this stuff, I'm like the date, they make references to things like I should know it, but not really teaching it. So again, okay, I'm trying to do my best to
239 00:44:07,140 --> 00:44:15,330 communicate something that just isn't taught. And this is what I mentioned earlier in the video, just because you may have some one share a video with you.
240 00:44:15,600 --> 00:44:24,660 Okay, that's mentorship grade. And it's like, oh, yeah, I have his month number for lessons. And it's this and it's that so I have his mentorship. Now you
241 00:44:24,660 --> 00:44:33,510 don't, you have the same thing you all are watching right now, where I'm demonstrating something that I know, like the back of my hand. But nobody else
242 00:44:33,510 --> 00:44:44,460 is able to use it all because I'm not done teaching. It's 27 years of experience. You cannot condense that down into one video. You can't no one can.
243 00:44:44,760 --> 00:44:54,930 Because there's so many moving parts and so many things that leads to mastery. And that sounds arrogant, I know. But it's the truth. You're not going to find
244 00:44:54,930 --> 00:45:04,800 this with a one video solution. There's no one silver bullet solution in trading. Especially with the things I teach. Now you don't need every facet of
245 00:45:04,800 --> 00:45:17,370 my mentorship to find a niche where you're able to go in and engage. But what I mentioned earlier is, I'm not worried about that bias because if I understand at
246 00:45:17,370 --> 00:45:27,090 this point here to hear now I'm not going to sit here and count every single candle. But this is something I want you to do as a viewer. I want you to count
247 00:45:27,090 --> 00:45:40,410 the number of down days versus the up days in this fractal Okay, a fractal is a segment of price action from here to today's low. Alright, so from this candles
248 00:45:40,410 --> 00:45:52,860 high, all we down to today's low, count how many down candles you have, where the open is higher than the close. Or I guess the easiest way to say it with the
249 00:45:52,860 --> 00:46:03,090 value behind it is every lower clothes. Day no words every in this case, every down clothes candle to me, I represent that with a Black Candle. And every
250 00:46:03,120 --> 00:46:12,900 upclose candles green. From this high to this low you can see the majority of the candles are down. So that means every single one of those days until we get
251 00:46:12,900 --> 00:46:24,690 to this level down here. If you're a day trader, you want to be going short. If your objective is to get 50 pips a week, okay? How hard would it be to get 10
252 00:46:24,690 --> 00:46:37,200 pips in one day, over the course of a week, starting with that objective and growing from there to maybe 15 pips a day, and then 20 pips a day, and then
253 00:46:37,200 --> 00:46:49,500 learning to trust this big type of move, and work within the weekly range, and try to get a very premium price level. In other words, an elevated, expensive
254 00:46:49,500 --> 00:46:58,260 price level that shouldn't stay expensive for a long time, until eventually starts to gravitate towards this low down here and move to a discount. Okay, so
255 00:47:01,380 --> 00:47:09,540 bias is easy, but you have to have these types of narratives on the higher timeframe. Because if you do that, then yeah, you might get burned with one or
256 00:47:09,540 --> 00:47:21,630 two up close days that runs against you. But okay, how many up close candles are you getting in this grand scheme of things? That's the potential for losing if
257 00:47:21,630 --> 00:47:31,650 you try to trade every single day. But if you look to trade after a up close day, how many times are you met with hard selling the next day or the day after?
258 00:47:32,430 --> 00:47:40,770 There's a secret for you study that. So you have to have the logic and the context that the algorithm is going to be operating in because it's going to
259 00:47:40,770 --> 00:47:49,110 reprice down here. Now, I know some of you saying, but why should it go here? You're not saying that, Michael, right? That's mentorship. But between this
260 00:47:49,110 --> 00:48:00,660 level here to here, that is the the book ends, if you will, the dividers that frame that move this volume imbalance to this fair value gap below old lows on
261 00:48:00,660 --> 00:48:12,240 the daily chart, it's all gonna cover for rent right now. But I promise you, if you look at every single three to four month price move in any market, similar
262 00:48:12,240 --> 00:48:20,580 signatures like this, will jump off the chart, but you're not going to just watch this video and say, Oh, I know how to do this, I'm going to go out there
263 00:48:20,580 --> 00:48:27,540 and start making YouTube videos and start a channel where I'm going to make all these moves, you're going to I see lots of people on tradingview. Okay, trying
264 00:48:27,540 --> 00:48:35,130 to put my stuff on their charts. And if you press the little tab that goes the other direction screaming against them, they have their order blocks on there,
265 00:48:35,130 --> 00:48:42,570 they have their fair value gaps on there. And these are people that I've also warned and I said don't try to do this publicly, because you don't even know
266 00:48:42,570 --> 00:48:51,090 what you're doing. You don't know what you're doing. All of my students are still in development. They're growing in their understanding, but I'm walking
267 00:48:51,090 --> 00:49:00,720 them hand in hand, every single week telling them what direction this markets gonna go and where they're gonna go. Okay, it's not a signal service. I did not
268 00:49:00,720 --> 00:49:09,840 go in here and give themselves signals and setups for every single down day. I didn't do that. I keep pointing, training them to trust these types of moves.
269 00:49:10,110 --> 00:49:20,520 And if you operate in this context, and you have a bias that's bearish, you have 80% of the battle already won. What do you do with the rest of it? Well, you can
270 00:49:20,520 --> 00:49:29,670 look at the opening price at midnight, and try to trade short at that or above it, or wait for New York setups and wait for a bearish optimal trade entry, just
271 00:49:29,670 --> 00:49:40,800 like I taught on the YouTube channel. It's just that easy, folks. It doesn't seem like that. That's all that's required. But it's a discipline of waiting for
272 00:49:40,800 --> 00:49:50,040 these types of moves to unfold on a higher timeframe, and then engaging with that with a market efficiency paradigm. That means when I'm looking at the
273 00:49:50,040 --> 00:49:59,640 marketplace, I'm looking at how the interbank traders are going to be looking at this level here and looking to go short. When all of these ideas in here are
274 00:49:59,640 --> 00:50:11,160 going to find harmonic patterns that are bullish supply and demand areas. Oh, this is this is a demand zone. Everybody thinks it's an order. And it starts
275 00:50:11,160 --> 00:50:25,860 around you get excited. We're looking at how the interbank price delivery is provided for our charts to show it as it's developing. Everything that happens
276 00:50:25,860 --> 00:50:33,000 in the marketplace is absolutely controlled, it's programmed, it's pre determined, it's just a matter of how much time is it going to be required to
277 00:50:33,000 --> 00:50:46,200 unfold? That's the variable. That's the thing that throws every trader and me off, the algorithm can stay in a state of consolidation longer than you're going
278 00:50:46,200 --> 00:50:54,990 to be comfortable with. And that's the reason why if you watch all my trade examples, I am never in a rush to move my stop. Because I understand that facet
279 00:50:54,990 --> 00:51:08,400 about the algorithm. The algorithm is I dubbed it as the interbank price delivery algorithm. epta Okay, I p DEA. That is what causes these markets to go
280 00:51:08,400 --> 00:51:16,020 up and down. It's not buying sell pressure, it's not supply and demand. It's not your patterns. It's not nothing harmonic. Okay. There's instances where you can
281 00:51:16,020 --> 00:51:27,360 look back and say, Oh, yeah, that looks like but I've already made this argument before. Try to use every theology that you understand in these big moves. And
282 00:51:27,360 --> 00:51:36,240 not all of them are going to agree if it was true if that's what these markets were working off of all of them should agree they don't harmonic won't line up
283 00:51:36,240 --> 00:51:43,830 with Elliott Wave Elliott Wave won't line up with Dow Theory, Dow Theory won't mind that what supply and demand all these things. They're gonna come in and out
284 00:51:43,830 --> 00:51:49,500 of favor. And no one's in over the course of history ever sat down and said,
285 00:51:50,820 --> 00:51:59,820 Well, how is it that the market knows which one to choose, it's going to follow today, or this week or the next three months? What discipline of trading is the
286 00:51:59,820 --> 00:52:11,580 market using now, when it's neither the supply and demand Elliot wave, doubt, none of that stuff. It's not any of those things. It's what I have been teaching
287 00:52:11,580 --> 00:52:22,770 since 1996, that they are programmed, and they're delivered with a premeditated idea of where it's going to go. And if you understand these signatures, in price
288 00:52:22,770 --> 00:52:33,810 action, you can forecast with a great deal of precision where it's going to go and then use other tools that I've made freely available on his YouTube channel,
289 00:52:34,530 --> 00:52:49,050 and operate with a level of precision that is on matched in any other trading discipline period. Done. Now, with that said, and with these levels here on the
290 00:52:49,050 --> 00:52:56,220 chart, I'm going to zoom in and now talk a little bit about what I hinted at on my community tab. So I'm going to zoom in here and get this chart to show what I
291 00:52:56,220 --> 00:53:07,470 want to focus in on. Alright, and I'm going to ask you to work with me here and not pay too much attention to these daily dividers, because it's only showing
292 00:53:07,920 --> 00:53:16,320 August 31. And the first of September, that's what's doing eating, you'll see we drop down to a lower timeframe. But what I want you to look at is this candles
293 00:53:16,320 --> 00:53:27,420 low, okay, which is right there. Then we had this candle here drop down and hit the first time hit that high end of that fear by you got that told you that we
294 00:53:27,420 --> 00:53:39,090 were looking for for it to trade down into for longer term trade. And then here on the 31st, we traded down. And before we went down, we went back up into this
295 00:53:39,090 --> 00:53:48,780 low. So this is what I teach as a immediate rebalance. Michael, you're giving away mentorship? No, I'm not. Because I can talk about this and it's still going
296 00:53:48,780 --> 00:53:57,780 to be useless to the people that just simply watch the video and have not been mentored. Okay? It's like showing you an X, okay? And saying, Okay, look at this
297 00:53:57,780 --> 00:54:06,600 x right here. I own this x, and I own this x, I own this x, and I pick it up and I throw it at a tree and it sticks it the first time. What's the likelihood of
298 00:54:06,600 --> 00:54:15,480 someone going over and grabbing an x and the choices I lay in front of them, picking it up and throwing it hidden in sticking in a tree? Probably very low.
299 00:54:16,830 --> 00:54:26,520 And it's not because I'm trying to tease anyone, I'm just showing that I could literally put this stuff on YouTube. Okay, and unless you're trained by me, it's
300 00:54:26,520 --> 00:54:36,750 not going to work for you. Like every other discipline in trading, you have to understand why the markets going to where it's going. That is a development.
301 00:54:37,380 --> 00:54:48,450 That's a, an understand that comes with time, that is mentorship. You just can't watch videos. Okay, and say I have it all now. It's the length of time that you
302 00:54:48,450 --> 00:54:57,150 work with under tutelage, saying, Okay, this is what should work right now. This is where it should go. This is how it should develop. This is how it should post
303 00:54:57,150 --> 00:55:09,660 on your chart and having someone that can do it. It, namely me, that is being mentored. Okay. That's how you use the tools properly, you're coached along the
304 00:55:09,660 --> 00:55:19,710 way to focus in this environment, trying to focus only on this outcome. And then you force yourself to train with discipline, and only working in that context
305 00:55:20,040 --> 00:55:31,230 over time. By doing that, everyone finds their own unique niche with this content is weird as that sounds, it should be I know what some of your thinking
306 00:55:31,230 --> 00:55:38,460 were. But probably majority of you. If you go through my YouTube channel, or if you go through my mentorship, everybody should have the same cookie cutter
307 00:55:38,460 --> 00:55:50,100 approach training, or trading concept or method or plan. And they all get the same results. And that's not true. It's not true. Because all of us have a
308 00:55:50,130 --> 00:55:58,320 preconceived idea about what is successful, what makes you successful in trading. If you make this much money a week, if you make this much money a year,
309 00:55:58,350 --> 00:56:10,380 if you earn this many pips in a week, I don't think like that. I don't think like that. And I probably don't have three, four dozen of my students that would
310 00:56:10,380 --> 00:56:19,590 even say, Yeah, I agree with that thought process, either. They all have a different way of interpreting, and is weird. And as unlikely as it sounds, it is
311 00:56:19,590 --> 00:56:29,820 true, you're going to be able to see how many setups exist in the marketplace, with the things that I teach, and you can literally carve out your own way of
312 00:56:29,820 --> 00:56:39,240 doing it. I have people in my mentorship that when they sit down and make it a charter level, and they sit down and say, Hey, this is what I'm doing. And I use
313 00:56:39,240 --> 00:56:48,840 this, this, this and this, and I never touched this, this and all the other stuff. And they are consistently able to find the next move, frame risk in their
314 00:56:48,840 --> 00:56:50,820 targets are hitting. Now.
315 00:56:52,290 --> 00:57:04,080 That same individual cannot go back into my mentorship and say, Michael spelled this exact model out with this, this this this this, all they did was they seen
316 00:57:04,110 --> 00:57:11,640 what time of day, what day of the week, what time of the year, what specific market, they like to trade in, what characteristics and signatures that I taught
317 00:57:11,640 --> 00:57:24,330 conceptually in modularly. And they put them together that makes sense for their individual personality. That's how much opportunity these markets have. But you
318 00:57:24,330 --> 00:57:33,180 are all just like I was in the 90s are being distracted from the very truths that are in price. Because you're looking at all these other things, and you're
319 00:57:33,180 --> 00:57:44,130 so busy trying to defend it against people like me. That's what I've done for years. I've enjoyed as mean as it may sound, I have enjoyed trolling other
320 00:57:44,130 --> 00:57:52,680 people with these ideas that this is why they think the market trades like this or that and it's nowhere near like that. None of that stuff is real. It's not.
321 00:57:52,860 --> 00:58:04,800 Because if it was real, it would be so consistent, it would be 90 plus percent accurate. Like my stuff is now I'm teaching here how prices really book and the
322 00:58:04,800 --> 00:58:14,670 story, there's no fluff to it at all. Okay, the markets weak it's going to draw to a discount. What's the discount these two levels in here? Okay, around these
323 00:58:14,670 --> 00:58:26,250 two levels, what's the lowest Red Line 9192 that's below 92. Big finger. So 9192 is essentially eight pips below the big figure 92. I mentioned earlier, as I
324 00:58:26,250 --> 00:58:37,050 teach this to whenever price trades through a figure anticipated not stopping directly at the whole number. Okay, if there's nothing psychological about these
325 00:58:37,050 --> 00:58:46,470 levels, they are mislabeled by everyone by saying it's a psychological level. No, this is where large orders of commerce are grouped around. Okay, so when
326 00:58:46,470 --> 00:58:57,630 there's global commerce that come into the marketplace, they're just many times forced around these levels. So that is the the, the real reasons why they're
327 00:58:57,930 --> 00:59:06,210 reacting as they are because there's liquidity placed at or just above or below these levels, because they're just pre determined orders. They know they have to
328 00:59:06,210 --> 00:59:13,740 buy a certain number of a currency or sell a certain number of currencies for a large corporation, like for instance, Microsoft, okay, Microsoft wants to do
329 00:59:13,740 --> 00:59:26,070 business in Canadian dollars, okay, and they are gonna be operating in Canada, they have to turn their dollars into Canadian dollars. And when those large
330 00:59:26,070 --> 00:59:35,760 orders come through, and the banks have to do that transaction for Microsoft, this spit it out around that level, unless Microsoft comes in and says, look, we
331 00:59:35,790 --> 00:59:46,230 have to have it at at this level or close to it. It's an oversimplification of the idea, but it's nothing really psychological about the whole numbers. Okay.
332 00:59:46,590 --> 00:59:57,570 It's around commerce. So let's segue into the five minute discussion and bring this because I'm on a roll heavy so you can hear me going and maybe I'm going a
333 00:59:57,570 --> 01:00:05,850 little too fast. Maybe a lot of this getting ready to head but haven't talked a lot recently, so have a lot of pent up energy. So I want you again, remember
334 01:00:05,850 --> 01:00:15,120 this low here. And how this candle traded up into that low, you can see that little blue line here. And this next little blue line that creates this candles
335 01:00:15,120 --> 01:00:23,490 high. Okay? yesterday's high the 31st of August, it'll be very clear as to what that is. But before I do it, before I drop down to lower timeframes, I want you
336 01:00:23,490 --> 01:00:34,110 to think about this big down closed candle. All right? If you're bearish, okay, if you're bearish, I'm going to give you a golden nugget right now. If you have
337 01:00:34,110 --> 01:00:44,580 a bias that is leading to you believing that the price is going to be going lower, okay, over the course of the next day, or days, or even weeks, if you
338 01:00:44,580 --> 01:00:47,340 have a big down close candle or a bearish candle,
339 01:00:48,720 --> 01:01:00,660 the opportunities that exist at the midpoint of that candle and to the low. That's your sweet spot. And what I mean by that, if the markets going lower,
340 01:01:00,720 --> 01:01:08,520 okay, many times you'll see how like it does here. And like it does on this candle here, where we have a down closed candle. If we're bearish the next
341 01:01:08,520 --> 01:01:21,660 candle here, it trades up into the previous day's candle. But working specifically at the 50% of the candle and too low. So the next continuation is
342 01:01:21,660 --> 01:01:31,260 going to occur there. Over here, same thing, looking at the bodies, we have a down close candle. Next one here we trade up into and we even crossed through
343 01:01:31,650 --> 01:01:41,550 into the volume imbalance right there, it doesn't completely close it in No. Next candle here it closes down. So we used 50% of the candle into the low. So
344 01:01:41,550 --> 01:01:50,460 the next sell scenario for the next trading day is here, it's going to occur within the range between the 50% or the low of that previous down close candle.
345 01:01:50,790 --> 01:02:00,390 So why is that important? Over here, and I teach this as I'm not making this up to make it fit folks, this, my students know this. And I'm giving it to you for
346 01:02:00,390 --> 01:02:10,740 free. And even with that little nugget. If you go back and look at your trades you lost money on, that's going to be a huge revelation. And like ah, if I just
347 01:02:10,740 --> 01:02:18,960 wanted to Exactly. That's what it's like when you have a real mentor folks, guys, anyway, we have a down close candle split in half from that range right
348 01:02:18,960 --> 01:02:29,580 here on rough, eyeballing it, okay from this level here down to the low. So next candle that opens, it can trade up not to the 50% and higher. That's, that's not
349 01:02:29,580 --> 01:02:36,630 an ideal scenario, but we want to see the sell scenario that would lead to lower prices formed between the midpoint of the candle to the low. Okay, so in other
350 01:02:36,630 --> 01:02:46,890 words, what's happening is the algorithm knows the previous day's range, and it divides it in half. And that low on this candle to that midpoint of that candle.
351 01:02:47,190 --> 01:02:56,730 That's the operating range that the macro will work within. What do I mean by that, the delivery will start when this candles open and trade up into the range
352 01:02:56,730 --> 01:03:06,540 of half to the low of the previous candle. Because that's where your setup is going to be right away, you have a huge advantage right there. When we drop down
353 01:03:06,540 --> 01:03:13,410 to the lower timeframes, I'm going to go right into a 15 minute timeframe. And you'll see that this candles low is the lower of the blue line. And then this
354 01:03:13,410 --> 01:03:20,370 candle here, right here that will be in the bearish order block that everybody's familiar with. Okay, so let's do that. Let's drop down and remember all these
355 01:03:20,370 --> 01:03:28,890 levels here in this little green line here. That's the 80 level 9180. As you can see right there. So let's drop down to a 15 minute time frame. Alright, so
356 01:03:28,890 --> 01:03:40,710 here's the 15 minute time frame, we're focusing on the 31st of August, and the five minute fractal that I was showing is all this. Okay, all of this right here
357 01:03:40,710 --> 01:03:52,920 is a market maker sell model. So from here to here, down to here, that is a five minute ICT market maker sell model. It's not wycoff. It's not harmonic. It's not
358 01:03:53,130 --> 01:04:01,440 dow it's not anything, okay, it's exactly how I teach it. I'm gonna give you some of the signatures here, and shows you the contrast of why it's so perfect
359 01:04:01,680 --> 01:04:14,490 compared to everything else. So now, we had price trading on the 31st, it starts right away higher, and it trades up into that first lower level below, which is
360 01:04:14,520 --> 01:04:20,520 over here. Remember, I told you the lower of the blue lines, rewind the video for a couple seconds, and you'll see what I'm referring to before we transition
361 01:04:20,520 --> 01:04:29,070 to the 15 minute chart, if you'd lost track of what this level was. That's that previous low. And in that higher blue line, I told you that would be a 15 minute
362 01:04:29,070 --> 01:04:40,440 bearish order block relative equal highs. So it's trading back up into that low here and then stretching beyond because it has to get above these levels here to
363 01:04:40,440 --> 01:04:49,800 take out that liquidity. What liquidity rests above that. Buy side liquidity. What does that mean? By stops? Anyone that's going short. Let's trail their stop
364 01:04:49,800 --> 01:04:57,570 loss. They feel comfortable with placing their buy stop here. As prices broke down. They think that this is where the logical level would be to put their
365 01:04:57,630 --> 01:05:03,900 protective stop loss and when you know that's exactly The market goes and if you've been trading with live funds, you know exactly what that feels like. I'm
366 01:05:03,900 --> 01:05:14,700 teaching you how to avoid that and and, more specifically how they use it to frame your entries and manage your stops. Last upclose candle in this price
367 01:05:14,700 --> 01:05:27,240 swing, that opening price. Okay, you're gonna look at this figure right here. The opening price on that candle is 9248. Okay, 9248 price trades right up into
368 01:05:27,240 --> 01:05:40,650 that. What's the high of this candle? You're looking at it right here. Okay. 9248. Now he asked you something. Is that close? Is that within an earshot?
369 01:05:42,450 --> 01:05:52,260 Again, I know I'm being facetious. It's perfect, folks. It's absolutely to the PIP, you cannot get any better than that. It's absolutely impossible for you to
370 01:05:52,260 --> 01:06:05,550 improve upon this zero, potential to improve upon, trades up to that level, and then starts to break down that candle is your Smart Money reversal. Now you have
371 01:06:05,550 --> 01:06:14,520 to look for your low risk cell. Where does that occur? Well, as you see price going up, this is the curve, okay. And I taught this in the last video where I
372 01:06:14,520 --> 01:06:25,260 was differentiating my concepts versus that of wycoff. If wycoff was alive, wycoff would be my student. And I knew that probably killed a lot of you right
373 01:06:25,260 --> 01:06:32,370 now. And you probably just want to turn the video off. But that's the truth, folks. Okay, because what I'm sharing here, isn't found anywhere else. And they
374 01:06:32,370 --> 01:06:40,530 copy me by saying those things Oh, this is taught nowhere else. But it's my stuff. If you look at the precision that I'm showing you here, it's undeniable,
375 01:06:40,830 --> 01:06:50,520 absolutely undeniable. But every movement of price where it's down, and what's the down close candles prior to the Smart Money reversal, where the curve
376 01:06:50,520 --> 01:07:01,680 changes from buy side to sell side, all the down close candles match that up with a move on the right side of the highest candle here. No words at the Smart
377 01:07:01,680 --> 01:07:09,750 Money reversal of the market maker sell model. If you're new, this is your first time watching this video with as never been a student of mine ever watch any
378 01:07:09,750 --> 01:07:18,510 other videos in my YouTube library. This parts going right over your head. But I promise you if you go through the other series in this YouTube channel, you'll
379 01:07:18,510 --> 01:07:26,880 know what I'm talking about when I say market maker by model so models, but to the right of this candle, everything that's short has to match up with what was
380 01:07:26,910 --> 01:07:40,920 a down close candle on this side. Okay, that's not wycoff it matches perfectly. This was one of the reasons that I just said there's no way that everyone sees
381 01:07:40,920 --> 01:07:54,180 the same thing and winds up with support resistance harmonic. You know, Elliott Wave, all these ideas, okay, that were supposedly explaining away how price
382 01:07:54,180 --> 01:08:05,790 moves. wasn't, it didn't jive. There wasn't there was not it was nonsense. It's absolute nonsense. So when you look at the level of precision that's coming, and
383 01:08:05,790 --> 01:08:17,730 I'm gonna, I'm not done. But when we anticipate lower prices, I am looking for the market maker sell model. Okay, that's the, that's the thing I'm looking for
384 01:08:17,760 --> 01:08:29,160 in my setups. So if I'm bearish, I'm looking for this pattern. Okay, wherever the original consolidation is, I'm selling With that in mind, and then I'll
385 01:08:29,160 --> 01:08:38,880 leave something on to capture any runners that would hopefully develop. So if you're looking for this pattern, or fractal to form in a bearish environment,
386 01:08:39,600 --> 01:08:48,420 you have a real likelihood to catch a runner because you are just getting in sync with the move, which is the algorithmic repricing to this fair value gap.
387 01:08:48,900 --> 01:08:56,310 That's what this level is here. And here, these these big thick red lines, I made them that way. So that when when we dropped down the lower timeframe,
388 01:08:56,340 --> 01:09:04,830 that's that range I said it would reach down into, and it went below the 92 figure. And here's the 80 level. Okay. 9180 look at the respect is having that
389 01:09:04,830 --> 01:09:14,430 level and then it repriced higher. But more specifically, I gave you a fractal and asked you what do you see. Some of you may have seen excuse me, most of my
390 01:09:14,430 --> 01:09:20,880 students that have been with me for a while and has been trained. They see the market maker sell model and that five minute chart. This is 15. Still I'll drop
391 01:09:20,880 --> 01:09:33,150 down to the five minute a moment, but at the time, we have this area right here. Okay, all this displacement on the downside, it trades down to the top end of
392 01:09:33,150 --> 01:09:41,370 that old fair value gap that I showed you on the daily chart that the market was going to reach down to since June 10. Look at this down close candle right
393 01:09:41,370 --> 01:10:00,000 there. What's the low of that candle? 92.30. Okay, what's the high of this candle 92.30. Now, is there any room for improvement? Zero. It's actually
394 01:10:00,000 --> 01:10:08,580 salutely Perfect. Now, you cannot find this in any other school of thought, okay, if you're dealing with supply and demand zones, you're dealing with a
395 01:10:08,580 --> 01:10:19,260 range, and you got to guess where you're working to enter. I don't guess, my students know, we have a theology that is specific, it's precise, it's
396 01:10:19,770 --> 01:10:31,560 unambiguous, it's to the PIP. This is what I'm referring to when I, when I teach these concepts, okay? There's going to be periods where there's uncertainty when
397 01:10:31,560 --> 01:10:35,190 it's like that I am 100% honest. And I say, look, right now.
398 01:10:36,720 --> 01:10:46,650 It can go either way. But I have to still cosign and say, this is where I think it's going. Because I'm obligated, I have to give them what my interpretation of
399 01:10:46,650 --> 01:10:56,160 price is. But in that same level of disclosure, I'm also saying, but I'm not participating in any trades right now. But this is what I think's going to
400 01:10:56,160 --> 01:11:05,790 happen. So in honesty, these are the things that I've taught my students, but they all know that I was not active in in trading in the last week. Okay, so
401 01:11:07,590 --> 01:11:16,200 just know that this is how you learn, though you learn this by studying a concept that is obviously has to be in hindsight, because you can't teach
402 01:11:16,200 --> 01:11:23,670 someone, something you've never seen before, without seeing the footprint of it. And that's what we're showing here. It just, it's like a fingerprint of what the
403 01:11:23,670 --> 01:11:33,210 algorithm does all the time, every single day of the week. But you have to understand what it's doing, and why is it doing. So we have this area that was a
404 01:11:33,210 --> 01:11:48,360 buying point, prior to makes this high, when it starts to break down, any buying point has to be mitigated. So this becomes a mitigation block. The plot
405 01:11:48,420 --> 01:11:56,130 thickens. Alright, so now, let's drop into a five minute chart and bring this video to a close. Alright, so here's the five minute chart. And you can see very
406 01:11:56,130 --> 01:12:04,890 specific levels here, this down close candle prior to this run up, extending out in time, hits it two times and then breaks lower. Here's that down close candle
407 01:12:04,890 --> 01:12:17,760 here, it hits it trades down. It's attacking the original consolidation over here. But that's not all there is to the move. You have to submit to what it's
408 01:12:17,760 --> 01:12:26,070 likely to reach down to, which was this was the top of that fair value gap, but it could drop lower. So if we get another selling opportunity, what would that
409 01:12:26,070 --> 01:12:36,600 look like? Well, we have buyside liquidity resting above these highs and bearish order block that's inside. No, it's this last up close candle overlaps with this
410 01:12:36,600 --> 01:12:45,930 mitigation block. And you get this. Isn't that an optimal trade entry? Sure it is. This is what I teach on this YouTube channel.
411 01:12:53,850 --> 01:13:09,210 Here's your 70.5. That's your sweet spot. Bam. Hello. Thank you, ma'am. And then start the break lower. It reaches down into the 90 big figure bounces and
412 01:13:09,210 --> 01:13:21,750 creates another rebounds to this level right in here. What is this level? That 9222 level? It's that fair value got level. Okay. There is an educator that I've
413 01:13:21,780 --> 01:13:32,130 always pointed to in the realm of forex. And I still and I'll do it again here. His name's Chris, Laurie, everyone that has ever looked at any stuff. They will
414 01:13:32,130 --> 01:13:43,830 know right away if you say the words. liquidity void. Okay. liquidly void is basically a price vacuum. Okay, that term preceded both of us. We're not young
415 01:13:43,830 --> 01:13:52,740 men. Okay. That idea I've never claimed ownership of a fair value gap is there's a specific element, there's an imbalance, it's mine. It's not a it's not
416 01:13:52,740 --> 01:14:01,290 anything from Chris Laurie, you know, that stuff. What I'm going to say now I'm saying with a great deal, respect, Chris Laurie teaches how to use liquidity
417 01:14:01,290 --> 01:14:12,870 voids. Okay. Can you make money with it? Yes. Is it valuable? Yes. But it's limited. Okay. Once they fill he's done. I'm not done with a fair value gap,
418 01:14:12,930 --> 01:14:23,040 they can be capitalized. So here's that same level now convinced me, please, that this level would have been any other support resistance level. Okay, you're
419 01:14:23,040 --> 01:14:32,490 gonna look at this level back here and say, Oh, yeah, it's this level here. And it went right back to that level there. Okay, why that one, and not that one. Or
420 01:14:32,490 --> 01:14:46,050 this one. Or this one. You see, again, it's, there's, you have a goalpost, it's constantly moving, my concepts are static. It has to be otherwise the algorithm
421 01:14:46,050 --> 01:14:53,490 is going to never understand what it should do next. So it's repricing back to that old fear Vega because that's the nature of where it was trading to anyway,
422 01:14:53,520 --> 01:15:03,660 that was the target. So it's going to work within that range, what range That's the high end of it. That's the low end of it. Okay. So price breaks into it. It
423 01:15:03,660 --> 01:15:11,370 goes through the midpoint of that I teach that as consequent encroachment. Michael, you're giving away all the mentorship. No, I'm proving authorship. I
424 01:15:11,370 --> 01:15:20,850 own this. Again, this is not teaching you how to go in there tomorrow and start using it. But I'm proving that this is what the algorithm does. It's not
425 01:15:20,850 --> 01:15:30,540 guesswork. It's not just selling capitulation and buying capitulation, selling pressure buying pressure, supply and demand, none of that stuff, it's absolutely
426 01:15:30,540 --> 01:15:42,600 controlled. So it trades back to the top of the fair value gap again, and into the into the imbalances created here, but doesn't completely close in, in what's
427 01:15:42,630 --> 01:15:55,350 happens in price hits the top of the fair value gap, and then trades down here, folks, this is real support resistance. That's how when I look at price, I'm
428 01:15:55,350 --> 01:16:04,170 looking for some of the things that I've shown here many more things than I'm showing you now. But this is the type of stuff I'm looking for. And this is
429 01:16:04,170 --> 01:16:12,390 where the markets react, you want to know where the market setups are gonna occur. It's this kind of stuff, not all the other things that have a very low
430 01:16:12,390 --> 01:16:23,070 strike rate. Again, what is happening in price? Is it following the logic of supply and demand? Is it following the logic of Elliot wave and harmonic
431 01:16:23,070 --> 01:16:37,440 patterns? Or is it something else that it's always doing, that you've never really been exposed to. And that's been my whole life's work. When I finally
432 01:16:37,470 --> 01:16:52,530 decided I was going to start teaching, in 1996, I sat down and said, I'm going to make my life a journey of convincing everyone that these books and these
433 01:16:52,530 --> 01:17:04,830 courses and these educators are regurgitating things that are not linked to how price is booked, period, and a story, and I have a long history of proving it
434 01:17:04,830 --> 01:17:14,550 before it happens. And I could sit down, and again, you're gonna hear this a lot, and it's gonna make you sick and too bad. Swallow it. I can do this in a
435 01:17:14,550 --> 01:17:25,440 court of law and tell what's going to happen before happens, period. I don't need to do this with a Live account. I prove it every single week that this is
436 01:17:25,440 --> 01:17:38,790 what's likely to occur. And I've been doing it for years now in the presence of 1000s. Okay, so if it isn't true, then what is it? Why is it happening? Why is
437 01:17:38,790 --> 01:17:47,850 it reacting like this? Because these things aren't found in any other school of thought. Think, think
438 01:17:49,350 --> 01:17:59,970 I have been telling you the truth all this time, all this time. And many of you have choked on the fact that I was using demo accounts for my own protection.
439 01:18:01,770 --> 01:18:15,990 Did it couldn't be real. It can't be real. It can't be. And yet it is. Market trades down to the bottom that fair value gap and then plunges through it. Why?
440 01:18:16,230 --> 01:18:24,480 Because there's a lot of liquidity that was being built up below that fair value got and into that liquidity void that was shown on a daily chart way back in the
441 01:18:24,480 --> 01:18:40,680 past reaches into the ad level works. The ad level multiple times. reprice is back above and through and where we're at now. So what do you do with this
442 01:18:40,680 --> 01:18:50,220 information? Sounds like a whole lot of nonsense, right? A lot of you cynical people. I want you to go through the videos on my YouTube channel. And you can
443 01:18:50,220 --> 01:18:59,310 see the examples where I'm actually trading with a one minute chart. I'm using a lot of these ideas and a lot of things that I'm never going to teach. Now wait a
444 01:18:59,310 --> 01:19:08,760 minute, that's, that's nasty, that's ignorant. You're just being just spiteful. Now, Michael, now there's certain things I'm not allowed to teach you. I'm not
445 01:19:08,760 --> 01:19:20,460 allowed. Okay, so. But what I'm showing you here, there's a lot of overlap with what I was doing in that one minute chart, and showing the buying and selling
446 01:19:20,460 --> 01:19:32,040 and buying and selling in the same day. Buying and selling reversing and getting all these turning points. When you sit down with me, and you see and study me
447 01:19:32,040 --> 01:19:42,570 giving you these types of ideas before they happen. Now, for disclosure, I did not sit down and outline all of this five minute fractal with my mentorship
448 01:19:42,570 --> 01:19:49,800 group. Okay, so I want to be very clear, I did not do that. I did tell them that it was going to trade down to these levels in here and worked at fair value gap
449 01:19:49,830 --> 01:20:02,400 and maybe sweep into the 90 once we got it. The details are inside of the lessons and then you go in and you practice it Even in this YouTube channel,
450 01:20:02,520 --> 01:20:15,870 everyone that studied my core content in this free library understands that this is all Judas swing. you all understand that. But you won't anticipate this price
451 01:20:15,870 --> 01:20:24,120 run and look to sell short at this bearish order block on a 15 minute timeframe and expect the high of the day the forum unless you understand the context that
452 01:20:24,120 --> 01:20:36,840 we still have unfinished business down in this fear value gap on a longer term basis. So you have to have an understanding, and how the timeframes gladhands.
453 01:20:37,590 --> 01:20:50,910 What is that working from a higher timeframe down to a lower timeframe top down that that's an understood concept. But I have looked at every school of thought,
454 01:20:51,450 --> 01:21:02,340 and anytime they've talked about top down approach, okay, we're using higher timeframes down to the lower timeframe, it still was lacking, it didn't fill in
455 01:21:02,370 --> 01:21:12,480 all of the huge chasms in logic that would constitute a system that is repeating over and over, think about it. Okay, I'm gonna challenge you with this thought
456 01:21:12,480 --> 01:21:24,780 and close the video. If every single one of these ideas and schools of thought for trading, if all of them were really the thing that makes the markets move
457 01:21:24,780 --> 01:21:37,170 around. Why is it that everyone that gets into trading jumps from each one of them over the course of the development? Think about, because if any one of
458 01:21:37,170 --> 01:21:45,750 those were the thing that causes price to move around, what creates the signal, what creates the gyrations and in the draw on liquidity to where it draws to a
459 01:21:45,750 --> 01:21:56,970 specific target. If any of those things were true, no one would system hop, they would just stick rate where they they didn't plan it. You know what's funny
460 01:21:56,970 --> 01:22:09,720 about my content, once you find yourself here, everything else looks like garbage. It's once you have been exposed to this, everything else is absolute
461 01:22:10,080 --> 01:22:20,550 nonsense. It's stupid to do anything else, then you take your time. And you pursue this because this is actually how the markets book. Because it's
462 01:22:20,550 --> 01:22:31,260 algorithmic, you don't have any control over the algorithm. It's going to do what it's going to do. And it does not matter. It does not care or respect your
463 01:22:31,260 --> 01:22:38,160 theology. It doesn't care about your indicators. It doesn't care about who your guru educator was, it doesn't care how many times it's been right in the past
464 01:22:38,160 --> 01:22:48,930 using your your school of thought. When it fails, I can take you into the chart and show you how it was doing what it was doing. I know when I'm likely to be
465 01:22:48,930 --> 01:22:49,380 wrong.
466 01:22:50,970 --> 01:23:01,470 I know when that's going to be likely to occur. So I scale back my trading or completely sit on my hands. You don't get those clear indications in other
467 01:23:01,470 --> 01:23:10,650 schools of thoughts. It's push your edge, as long as you have an edge, you push it, you push it, you push it. Well, that's darling in edge. I know when my edge
468 01:23:10,650 --> 01:23:22,470 is likely to cleave off to the sweetest of the meat which is closest to the bone. When it's not likely to offer that meat. I'm sharpening my edge, I'm not
469 01:23:22,470 --> 01:23:33,930 worrying about missing something. Because of the things I teach. Repeat every single day, every day, because it is the market. Now this stuff works in
470 01:23:33,930 --> 01:23:45,270 futures. It works in index. It works in even the commodities markets like soybean market. In fact, I'm going to challenge you to go back and look at the
471 01:23:46,110 --> 01:23:56,310 20 trading executions or examples I think it was that I gave for the optimal trade entry pattern recognition series. I don't recall off the top of my head,
472 01:23:56,340 --> 01:24:06,210 which one it was that shows the example for soybeans like but you can look at soybeans daily chart for the November contract. And it has performed like
473 01:24:06,210 --> 01:24:14,850 gangbusters. And it has a lot of the things I'm talking about here. Just in an opposite terms where we're looking for lower prices that justify shorting
474 01:24:14,850 --> 01:24:23,820 dollar, not that I trade dollar. I use it as a barometer. So if I'm expecting lower prices in dollar, what am I really saying about euro? It should go higher?
475 01:24:24,120 --> 01:24:35,520 What am I saying? For cable that GBP USD should go higher. Alright, so I gave you a lot of things here and maybe I probably turned you off entirely to me.
476 01:24:35,790 --> 01:24:44,460 Okay, and if that's the case, I sincerely wish you good luck, good trading, whatever discipline you use whoever you use as an educator. I wish you luck. I
477 01:24:44,460 --> 01:24:56,250 really, really sincerely wish you luck. If I have whet your appetite, I promise you. As we work towards the end of the year, I'm going to teach you a lot with
478 01:24:56,310 --> 01:25:07,440 things that you won't find in textbooks and courses. Okay. But I want you if you're considering joining in my only enrollment for mentorship in 2021, it's in
479 01:25:07,440 --> 01:25:15,900 January, I will invite every single one of you on this YouTube channel, I will create a video that will outline everything that you have to do to get into it.
480 01:25:16,110 --> 01:25:23,910 No one can enter it before I am getting slammed with emails, so many so that I have to create another email address so that way my mentorship students can
481 01:25:23,910 --> 01:25:31,710 reach me because it's just gotten ridiculous. So many people are emailing me wanting to join, I want you to understand that you all will have the opportunity
482 01:25:31,710 --> 01:25:40,770 to join, but none of you are going in before anyone else. Okay, the invitation will be extended formally the week of Christmas. Okay, so what does that look
483 01:25:40,770 --> 01:25:56,430 like? We are here today. And you will be notified on YouTube with a video the 21st of December. Okay, so I'll post a video, it'll give you an overview about
484 01:25:56,430 --> 01:26:04,950 what it is you're getting involved in what your expectations should be. So that way, you have a very clear depiction of what it is that you're joining. I'll
485 01:26:04,950 --> 01:26:13,710 give you very specific details on how you go about joining the costs. The costs, I'll just tell you right now, because this will turn off all all of you that are
486 01:26:13,710 --> 01:26:26,550 not willing to pay. It's 12 payments of $155. US dollars payable by PayPal only I don't take Bitcoin, I don't take any other form of payment. Okay, if you can't
487 01:26:26,700 --> 01:26:35,940 create a PayPal account in your name that's matching your mailing address, then you won't be able to join, I don't make any exceptions for anyone. Okay? It is
488 01:26:35,940 --> 01:26:47,880 $155.12 times. So it's paid on a monthly basis, the payments are due at the first of the month, but I give a grace period up to the ninth of each month, on
489 01:26:47,880 --> 01:26:58,200 the 10th when we wake up where I live. If the payment has been made, then we'll process it. But if it's not been made, we remove your access, you will have
490 01:26:58,410 --> 01:27:08,400 until the first of the next month to restore your account, if it doesn't happen, you're removed from the mentorship entirely, you can pay early on the 27th of
491 01:27:08,400 --> 01:27:18,300 the month. So our pay period, or billing cycle is the 27th to the ninth. So it's a rolling period of days that every single month starts the same way the 27th to
492 01:27:18,300 --> 01:27:27,810 the ninth. So you have nine days into the new month of access. If you haven't paid by then on the 10th, we remove your access.
493 01:27:28,110 --> 01:27:40,050 Now, it's 12 payments at 155. But then you have one final payment of 150. And at your charter member payment. And once you pay that you absolutely and never
494 01:27:40,050 --> 01:27:48,930 ever, ever, ever, ever pay me a penny more ever, unless you lose your password. Or if you need to make a change to your account, we always ask you to send
495 01:27:48,930 --> 01:27:56,520 PayPal $1 because it has to be the same paypal account you sent us payments through. And all that is is verify that that's your identity and that you're the
496 01:27:56,520 --> 01:28:05,160 person. And we've had lots of people and believe me, they all have been expected to do that. But you're not paying me any more. I'm not going to constantly milk
497 01:28:05,160 --> 01:28:15,870 you forever. I'm offering you a seat in this private community. So everything I'm ever going to teach will be in this community. Now I'm going to make YouTube
498 01:28:15,870 --> 01:28:24,420 videos. So if you can't afford this, don't think that you're never going to get anything from me ever again. I love doing this, but I'm going to stay only so
499 01:28:24,420 --> 01:28:34,410 far in YouTube. And I'm not going to go into mentorship because I have to respect the investment that my students have made. And also preserve the value
500 01:28:34,440 --> 01:28:45,090 because this is my life. Okay, I've been doing this for 27 years. Nothing else is like it. And I have so much more to teach. And I can also tweak the things
501 01:28:45,090 --> 01:28:54,660 I've already given you for free. So if you just can't afford it. Okay, I understand. I do not give scholarships. I get a lot of emails for that. Can you?
502 01:28:54,690 --> 01:29:04,680 I am I'm poor from Africa. I'm poor in Russia. I'm not. I don't do that. Because for me to do that. This basically disrespects everyone else that's paid. That's
503 01:29:04,680 --> 01:29:12,480 the, you have to do that. Okay. And now you can be mad at me and say, Oh, you're a sellout. You're a jerk. You're a demon. Like some chat rooms are calling me
504 01:29:12,480 --> 01:29:27,600 now on demon. Listen, folks, there are certain things that are just simply not for the public. They're not. And I have lived a long life with this information.
505 01:29:28,080 --> 01:29:46,230 And I preserved it. And now I'm getting older. And I've wanted to do more than I have in my younger years in terms of providing content that's usable, and it's
506 01:29:46,530 --> 01:29:58,680 transcends everything else. Where I'm taking everyone, you have no idea. I do. But you have no idea the journey that's in front of you. And it's still a
507 01:29:58,680 --> 01:30:07,980 wonderful journey if you can't afford them. this YouTube channel is not getting taken down, I'm not going to remove the videos, study them. And I'm 100%
508 01:30:07,980 --> 01:30:20,370 confident that if you give it enough time, you will find a way to make that into a profitable system method, trading plan, trade model, whatever you want to call
509 01:30:20,370 --> 01:30:31,140 it, you'll be able to sit down and decipher price action in a certain way that fits your personality. That happens if you give it enough time. But if you come
510 01:30:31,140 --> 01:30:38,850 here, and you're expecting me to hand you a signal and say, Hey, buy here, sell here. That's not what I do. I don't do that. Because if you do that with
511 01:30:38,850 --> 01:30:50,340 someone, I could have you all addicted to that trade crack. Okay, if I did a workshop, say for one week, and I sat on YouTube, and I did live streams, and I
512 01:30:50,370 --> 01:30:59,220 literally gave you what was going to happen before it happened, you know, what you would do? You would grow in excitement about that, and never really spend
513 01:30:59,220 --> 01:31:09,780 time learning how to do it. What value is that? At any time, if I want to stop doing that, then you're stuck. That's not I didn't want signals. I wanted to be
514 01:31:09,780 --> 01:31:20,340 able to do this on my own and be independent in the process. Where if, for instance, Larry wins, because I bought his 909 hotline stuff, and I was paying
515 01:31:20,760 --> 01:31:37,620 exorbitant rates to get trades that didn't work out for me, okay. I know, I know that giving someone the skill set, once you have it, it's yours. Your boss can't
516 01:31:37,620 --> 01:31:46,170 take it from you, your spouse can't take it from you. Nothing. As long as you have the faculties and mental faculties and such in, in the finances to work
517 01:31:46,170 --> 01:31:56,130 with it. You can make it whatever you want it to be. And that's empowerment. Whereas if I run a signal service, like I did in the 90s, I did a signal service
518 01:31:56,160 --> 01:32:08,370 with the s&p at 1000 subscribers. And I did pretty good. But everybody was just talked on the next trade. And none of them were interested in learning. I even
519 01:32:08,370 --> 01:32:16,530 tried to do workshops back then, hey, you want to learn now I just wanna stick with signals. I don't have time for it. What? But it made no sense to me,
520 01:32:16,860 --> 01:32:25,680 because I was tired of doing the signals. So this whole YouTube channel, okay.
521 01:32:27,870 --> 01:32:41,610 It's really meant to inspire you to believe in yourself. Because if you use the things I'm teaching you here, in this free library, I absolutely believe in you.
522 01:32:42,690 --> 01:32:54,030 Because I know what you're putting your hands on right now is the frickin best. It's the best. I'm sorry, if you're an educator, and that hurts your feelings
523 01:32:54,030 --> 01:33:05,550 and makes you dis cringe. But there is nothing like this. Nothing. That's why no one steps to me. That's why no one's been able to do the things that you see
524 01:33:05,550 --> 01:33:13,800 this YouTube channel do. They may talk about it in hindsight, they may talk about it, you know, after it's happened, but they're never outlining it
525 01:33:13,800 --> 01:33:27,870 beforehand. And in mentorship, I am obligated to point to where it's going to go to next. Think about that. There has never been this expose a of ICT doesn't
526 01:33:27,870 --> 01:33:38,820 know what he's doing. And everybody is leaving a mentorship. That's not how it works. Everyone's flooding to get in and I can't keep up with the demand. So
527 01:33:38,820 --> 01:33:49,560 what does that say? They're saying something that you don't I gave you an inside look today with a lot of the concepts, not all of them, but a lot of them that I
528 01:33:49,560 --> 01:34:01,740 don't even talk about on this YouTube channel. And should you think that you now have the imbalance or volume imbalance? Let's go back out to a daily chart. I
529 01:34:01,740 --> 01:34:09,840 know it just keep going on and on. But if you paid for this, what do you want it to be long and for rich content. See, that's the difference. If you don't pay
530 01:34:09,840 --> 01:34:17,190 for it, you just want everything you're short and quick, because your time is too valuable. Well guess what, my time is more valuable. I'm going to spend it
531 01:34:17,190 --> 01:34:27,660 the way I want. Alright, so we're looking at the idea of a volume imbalance. Okay, outlanded over here, and it gave you that turning point here. I outlined
532 01:34:27,690 --> 01:34:38,490 that here internally. Now, again, when you join for some of you that aren't gonna join Didn't you know, whatever it is, this point doesn't mean anything to
533 01:34:38,490 --> 01:34:49,110 you, but the folks that have every aspiration to join, okay, I want you to think about these times in price and go back at these periods where we're doing the
534 01:34:49,140 --> 01:34:55,290 weekly commentaries, where I talked about price going up to here, and then running this low and then running this low and running down to here. And then
535 01:34:55,290 --> 01:35:05,700 even this volume imbalance here. Go you'll see the videos there. They're in library there. And once I make a video, if I make a mistake in a video or admit
536 01:35:05,700 --> 01:35:14,670 something, or if I say something wrong, call abyssea sibi, or an imbalance of volume imbalance, I've made a mistake and call it a fair value got once in a
537 01:35:14,670 --> 01:35:23,790 while. Because I'm not working with a script, just like now I'm done speaking, this is why sometimes I go overboard, because I don't have it spelled out with
538 01:35:23,790 --> 01:35:31,710 what I want to say. Because I don't have a boss except for my wife. And right now I have lots of time, so I can see what's on my mind and, and speak freely.
539 01:35:33,150 --> 01:35:46,020 If I make a mistake in a video, once it's uploaded, it's there, right or wrong? Glory or shame, okay, it is the way it is. Okay, I am absolutely 100%
540 01:35:46,020 --> 01:35:57,540 transparent. If I make a mistake, if I call it wrong, it is what it is. I eat it. But you'll see that these turning points that I've just mentioned here in
541 01:35:58,230 --> 01:36:10,380 just casual discussion, we spelled out before it happened. And that's what the mentorship is I'm pointing to where the markets going with a hard timeframe. So
542 01:36:10,380 --> 01:36:18,630 I'm keeping all my students framed on the right side of the marketplace. And then you use the tools I teach in the lessons and or the digital commentaries
543 01:36:18,630 --> 01:36:28,020 that's coming. And in whatever price action models that I do for charter members and, and trading plans and such, and you use those as a means to practice.
544 01:36:28,830 --> 01:36:36,750 Because I don't believe that everyone can train a specific way. And they all agree to that methodology. And they're profitable. Because we're all unique
545 01:36:36,750 --> 01:36:45,930 individuals. Some of you like certain sports, I hate sports. Some of you like certain weapons, and I like guns, I don't like certain guns, okay, so we all
546 01:36:45,930 --> 01:36:56,820 have our own personal opinions about things. And the market is the same way. But it's more so in this in the realm of trading, because it's highly specific to
547 01:36:56,820 --> 01:37:05,160 our personality, if it doesn't jive with you, or match your thought process about things or even life, you're probably not going to be successful. And
548 01:37:05,160 --> 01:37:15,900 that's the reason why a lot of people that come to me, if they don't subscribe to the evidence that I provide, then they're the ones that hate me. Because they
549 01:37:15,900 --> 01:37:22,770 can't accept the facts that are shown to them. So therefore, I'm the jerk, and the liar, the fraud, the whatever,
550 01:37:22,890 --> 01:37:31,500 okay, but I have evidence to prove all these things. And I have a track record behind it. I'm on record with it. So if I don't know what I'm talking about, I
551 01:37:31,500 --> 01:37:42,720 would have fallen on my face flat. In 2016. When I started, all this is a mentorship still keeps growing. And the streak continues. It's not 100%, but I'm
552 01:37:42,720 --> 01:37:55,260 in the high 90s. So if you look at this price action right there, okay, we have a close on that candle. And the open there that is basically the same thing I'm
553 01:37:55,260 --> 01:38:09,090 outlining here. And over here, right, this little gap between the clothes and the open Museum, right here. So when price gets up to that level, it should sell
554 01:38:09,090 --> 01:38:16,230 off, right? Because that's the volume imbalance. That's what you are going to do the guys that are on YouTube, trying to take my stuff and pretend it's this and
555 01:38:16,230 --> 01:38:29,700 that getting your side hustles on desktop volume and balance. There is no line and balance there. That's why it runs right on through it. There's logic behind
556 01:38:30,060 --> 01:38:40,200 over here that says that's not a volume imbalance. See, that's the difference of having someone that knows what you're talking about. And a mentor will point out
557 01:38:40,350 --> 01:38:50,280 certain things in the charts. The price reacts at those. I'm not doing what you see me here doing, saying, okay, we're smart, because look at this and look at
558 01:38:50,280 --> 01:39:02,700 that. I'm saying I'm accurate, because I forecasted this turn and run down to here. I don't know, I don't know how else to say other than that. If you put
559 01:39:02,700 --> 01:39:19,410 your time in investing in the study of the things I give you on this YouTube channel, I guarantee I promise, I absolutely believe that you will find your
560 01:39:19,410 --> 01:39:31,110 home in trading. Even if you can't afford or never even want to pay for a mentorship by me. You don't need to. I want you to know that as much as a sound
561 01:39:31,110 --> 01:39:46,410 like a sales pitch. I really want you to believe and I I've worked my ass off since 2010 providing content that is absolutely game changing. And honestly, I
562 01:39:46,410 --> 01:39:57,120 had anxiety a few times with some of the lessons I've given out because I just felt like I knew once I gave them that Yahoo's out there would try to take it
563 01:39:57,120 --> 01:40:04,950 and rename it and never ever even credit me Because they want to try to make a fast buck off of it. And I'm sure later on in life, they'll probably send me an
564 01:40:04,950 --> 01:40:13,470 email saying, Oh, I'm on that guys that did that. I was, it was a jerk. I shouldn't have done it. But, you know, I regret doing it now. And I apologize
565 01:40:13,470 --> 01:40:25,710 bowler, you know, I had that in the past back group from America Online. And a lot of guys took my stuff back then. And you tried to repackage it. And I don't
566 01:40:25,710 --> 01:40:34,560 want to have relationships like that, you know, I want all of the people to ever come into my life to say, Hey, you know what, I'm thankful that you endured all
567 01:40:34,560 --> 01:40:42,030 the things you had to do to get this. I'm thankful that the Lord blessed you with this, and you've kept your promise that you'd be willing to share it. I
568 01:40:42,030 --> 01:40:53,490 have done that. Okay, I have made this YouTube channel with that spirit in mind. I love teaching. I've prayed to be a teacher, since I was a young man, I wanted
569 01:40:53,490 --> 01:41:01,170 to be a martial arts instructor. I wanted it I've always wanted to teach. And obviously, you can hear I'm very passionate about and I've not, there's nothing
570 01:41:01,170 --> 01:41:12,390 except for God, that I'm more passionate about, than trading. Because I have done nothing more in life than this. This is, you've heard it, if I could go
571 01:41:12,390 --> 01:41:26,460 back and talk to my younger self, I have literally sacrificed some of the most treasured moments in my life as a father and a husband. To this. So the only
572 01:41:28,230 --> 01:41:39,600 satisfaction I can get is, at least I'm really, really good at it. So I try to live there as a means of therapy. When I created this YouTube channel, it was
573 01:41:39,600 --> 01:41:51,750 twofold. Number one, it was a way for me to compensate myself emotionally and psychologically, for all the things that I did to hurt myself, in my own
574 01:41:51,750 --> 01:42:05,370 personal life, physically, health, I created mental illnesses through this stuff. And I lost time with family members, I'm never going to get that back. So
575 01:42:06,600 --> 01:42:16,350 I'm not just a trading guru, educator, teacher, okay, I'm a life coach. I don't want to be a life coach, I want to be a mentor that teaches you how to trade
576 01:42:16,350 --> 01:42:18,690 really well. But by default,
577 01:42:19,290 --> 01:42:30,060 I use my real life to show you, if you don't listen to what I'm teaching you, you're going to make these same painful mistakes. And they are much more costly
578 01:42:30,060 --> 01:42:40,860 than just using a blown your account. You can always put more money back into an account. But you can't go back and spend those precious moments with your
579 01:42:40,860 --> 01:42:55,920 family. Again, once they're gone. You can't do it. So if I can cultivate that mindset early on, and steer you the right way and help you navigate. Nothing
580 01:42:55,920 --> 01:43:06,330 could be more rewarding for me as an educator than that. Because if I can preserve you long enough for you to find yourself in this industry. I can't wait
581 01:43:06,330 --> 01:43:19,770 to read your story. I can't wait. I'm so excited to see what you did. Like I can't wait. I am creating volumes of market wizards. You ever read that book
582 01:43:19,770 --> 01:43:29,940 from jack swagger to those books, the first one and the second one, I think the best? The ones after that I'm really impressed with no. I'm not trying to be
583 01:43:29,940 --> 01:43:44,040 disrespectful jack. But the point is, I love reading those stories. And I'm creating those types of people right now. And I'm so excited that I hope I live
584 01:43:44,040 --> 01:44:03,360 long enough to see your story. I want to see it and that the small part that I had in that is going to bring me so much joy. And I'm so excited to see that. So
585 01:44:03,360 --> 01:44:08,610 with that, I'm gonna wish you a very pleasant day. I wish you good luck, good trading, and I'll talk to you again on Thursday.