
Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2023-06-24 05:02


01:15 - How to trade the big runners properly.

- How to trade the big runners properly.
- Holding on for a grand slam home run.

03:59 - How do you overcome the fear of holding on?

- Holding on to a trade for a big runner.
- Graduating to another threshold of trading.

06:56 - How to turn failed traders into consistently profitable traders.

- Different thresholds for a full weekly range.
- The one shot, one kill approach.
- Graduating from five handles to 10 handles.
- The invisible barrier to success.

12:52 - The importance of knowing your limitations.

- Balancing act of growth and fear in the beginning.
- Live fun trading.
- Using a funded account as a rattlesnake analogy.
- The importance of desensitization.

16:20 - Knowing when to take trades.

- The first thing to know about intraday fluctuations.
- Understanding the higher timeframe draw.
- Lower fair value gap on es and nasdaq.
- Nasdaq is a laggard on the upside.

22:59 - Holding on to a trade when the market is a runner.

- Holding on to a trade if it becomes a runner.
- Taking partials.
- The importance of a higher-timeframe frame of reference.
- Trading charts and fibonacci extensions.

26:36 - How to take partials.

- Taking partials off at logical levels.
- The secret to holding big ass runners.
- The danger of jumping too quickly into the trading business.
- Trading with one contract.
- Taking a live account at TD Ameritrade.
- First year trading results like expectations.

33:32 - Don’t try to emulate anyone.

- Don't try to emulate anyone else.
- Ladies are better than men in trading.
- Trading with one contract, then two, then three contracts.
- Know where the higher liquidity is.

36:45 - What is the impact of the news?

- Big gap down opening range gap.
- Nasdaq continues to consolidate sideways back and forth.
- Fair value gaps on the daily chart.
- Time of day for the Nasdaq.

41:08 - The importance of intermarket relationships in your trading.

- The importance of having intermarket relationships in trading.
- The 2022 mentorship playlist.
- Every move in Nasdaq is exaggerated.
- How to manage and grow as a trader.
- Get your honey and get the fuck out of dodge.
- Stick to what you're doing.

50:09 - Don’t waste the opportunity of influence.

- You are now an influencer, so don't waste it.
- Don't waste the opportunity of influence.
- Making $25,000 a month with one contract at TD Ameritrade.
- The entitlement mindset.

53:28 - Mentorship and the mental drain.

- Mentors, teachers, salespeople and course sellers.
- The threshold as a trader.
- Worst-case scenario, it will come back and roll against you.
- Partials are huge benefit to developing students.
- The first threshold of profit profitability for a partial.
- The two stages of liquidity.

01:00:54 - The importance of understanding liquidity.

- Transformation from a couple years ago to now.
- Understanding liquidity is the secret sauce.

01:04:01 - The importance of making money in trading.

- Get the fuck out when it gets to 6000 hours.
- Vinnie and patrick.
- Larry williams, close the trade.
- Managing money, risk and expectations of the audience.
- 90% of people on youtube can't find their own way.
- Focus on what you're doing.

01:11:12 - You can beat the shit out of 100 handle runs.

- How to become a 100% handle trader.
- The importance of having a hard timeframe.
- How Patrick minimizes questions and concerns.
- How to get to the goal quickly.

01:14:39 - Paying attention to your videos.

- Watch your own videos and listen to your own breathing.
- Close the trade now.
- Measuring progress with a journal.
- Finding power in yourself, not others.

01:18:18 - Having a niche and a willingness to trade.

- Drama marketing only works for so long.
- The importance of having a niche.
- Being a hit and run type trader.
- Being comfortable in your own skin.
- Manage the risk, close the trade and profit.
- Keep the main focus in the spotlight.

01:26:05 - People watch youtubers in trading to learn.

- People watch youtubers in trading to watch them trade.
- No human person can answer 100 questions.
- Being an encouragement to everyone, even the people that don't like him.
- Being a fad.

01:29:44 - I don’t want to be at the top.

- Being uncomfortable being at the top all the time.
- Being practical and realistic.
- Finding the sweet spot in forex trading.
- Mastering the model and key points.
- The only time to take a partial.
- How to get past the growth.

01:36:17 - The importance of journaling as a trading tool.

- The importance of journaling as a coping mechanism.
- The biggest crutch as a trader.
- Take a step away from the market.
- Everyday trading is not a casino.

01:39:35 - The importance of sharing your knowledge and experience.

- Trust in yourself and who you are.
- Being an asshole in sock puppet account.
- Slow and methodical wins every time, like a partial profit.
- Mental baggage.
- Don't let the satan choke your roots.
- Don't be an arrogant prick.

01:47:03 - Once you get it, you’ll never go back.

- The novelty wears off when it wears off.
- Being free of all the bullshit.

01:50:03 - The importance of having a real funded account.

- You do dumb shit and racing to get to these big runners.
- Two things incorrectly.
- Nothing is guaranteed in a funded account.
- The importance of being profitable.

01:53:58 - The importance of taking the first trade.

- Risking less than 1% and making big money.
- Being comfortable in one's own skin.
- The first losing trade or getting it wrong the first time.
- Trading is a process.

01:59:25 - What’s preventing you from getting into the market?

- What is preventing you from getting to these big runners.
- Concern is like a doctor.
- Sugar coated self-love and verbal masturbation.
- Desensitizing yourself to the outcome.

02:02:45 - How to set realistic expectations.

- You can do more than what you think you can do.
- Toxic thinking.
- Changes in his body and ability to do things.
- Every man thinks every man thinks.

02:08:42 - Men always do this to themselves in trading.

- Men do this to themselves all the time.
- Young men are rushing to get money.
- Closing in a dog house and getting out.
- Wasting time and money.

02:11:58 - Everything about trading is between your ears.

- Trading is between the ears of the seven-pound universe.
- Money doesn't fix everything.
- Keep all the unknowns in the backseat.
- Trading is about how you are.
- Disorganized and impatient, not following a rule-based idea.
- Every session every day trading.


00:01:15,930 --> 00:01:25,740 ICT: Good evening, folks. It's been a little bit of time since less than we have on these. I was waiting to at least we had 1000 people and we had an audience.
00:01:28,020 --> 00:01:37,080 We don't usually do this on a Friday night. But tonight I have to, because tomorrow, I won't be able to do Saturday morning check on, like, wants to do
00:01:37,080 --> 00:01:46,020 something early on. So that prevents me from obviously doing the normal. So we're gonna spend a little bit time at probably about an hour long tonight.
00:01:46,980 --> 00:02:01,440 Definitely locked out in an hour. I have a movie date with my wife. So we will absolutely be done by nine. So I'll label this one and title it rather, how to
00:02:02,040 --> 00:02:17,130 trade the big runners properly. What does that mean? Well, would you ever been into a trade and maybe the the idea that you first used or implemented to get
00:02:17,130 --> 00:02:27,270 into the trade was something along the lines of, well, if I can get 15 pips or if I get 10 handle that in this run, that's what I'm aiming for. And something
00:02:27,270 --> 00:02:38,670 happens and it's almost like love at first sight. That that mark that you entered into it, you rub your hand just the right way, Florida that you and you
00:02:38,670 --> 00:02:50,880 now you're in love, and now you want to marry it, and you want to hold on to it for the entire daily range. Or beyond that, if it's early in the week, this is
00:02:50,880 --> 00:03:04,350 something that you now have fallen in love with, it's going to be a weekly hold. And then something happens where you have reached that initial objective that
10 00:03:04,350 --> 00:03:20,160 you set out for for the trade. It's it's gone to it, and now we're past it, or a new territory. And that question comes to mind. Am I doing the right thing? Am I
11 00:03:20,160 --> 00:03:33,720 doing the right thing holding on for this big grand slam home run? Did I make a mistake by not getting out? Should I get out? If I take the trade off here, it's
12 00:03:33,720 --> 00:03:44,280 gonna run and I'm gonna regret it. But what happens if I hold on to it? And it reverses and goes beyond where I was aiming for for my target and goes below
13 00:03:44,280 --> 00:03:57,390 that maybe even goes even further. And it scares me it gets me out of the trade. And you mismanage entirely. If you have ever traded with live money, you know
14 00:03:57,390 --> 00:04:06,450 exactly what I'm talking about. It happens all the time. No matter who you are, what style trader you are, whether you've traded with my concepts or somebody
15 00:04:06,450 --> 00:04:17,640 else's stuff, you will have this event take place in your market trading and the career path that you've chosen. It's it's something that's going to creep in.
16 00:04:18,990 --> 00:04:37,410 And what will happen is, sometimes you will hold on to a tiger, but let go of it. And then it'll run. It'll run to three 500 pips or handles? Not really. I
17 00:04:37,410 --> 00:04:46,170 mean, you wouldn't have held on to it for several days. But that's how you'll beat yourself up. And I had that trip I just got held on to it. And the question
18 00:04:46,170 --> 00:05:00,150 becomes, how do you as a trader, how do you overcome that and graduate from, say, a five handle trader or a 20 handle trader for NASDAQ, and it's For the
19 00:05:00,150 --> 00:05:12,060 folks that ask all the time, if you're trying to do five handles for EAS, you know, what should it be for NASDAQ 20. There's your multiplier, okay. But the
20 00:05:12,060 --> 00:05:26,250 idea of holding on to a trade for a big runner, number one, let's get one thing straight. That is not greed. That's graduation, you're graduating to another
21 00:05:26,250 --> 00:05:40,920 threshold of trading. When I teach you that five handle run to start with, all that is, is something very small, something obtainable, easily obtainable each
22 00:05:40,920 --> 00:05:49,320 day. Now, in the beginning, it's going to be next to impossible for you to feel confident or even know what it is you're looking for, to get those five handles.
23 00:05:49,620 --> 00:06:02,460 But after a while doing it over and over and over again, you're gonna get bored with it real quick. Now, trading by an envelope envelope statement that says,
24 00:06:02,460 --> 00:06:14,190 okay, all trading in successful consistently profitable trading should be born. Yes. But you should not be just doing five handle trades for in perpetuity, that
25 00:06:14,220 --> 00:06:22,230 you need to eventually grow beyond that. But what happens if you your personality, prevents that from happening, and you just never get beyond that.
26 00:06:22,260 --> 00:06:29,940 There's nothing wrong with that. As long as you're consistently profitable, and you're able to do that, you get your five handles, out the door, you go, go live
27 00:06:29,940 --> 00:06:40,680 your life for that day. But I'm talking to the folks that know that five handles is just that first rung on the ladder that you're going to climb over the long
28 00:06:40,680 --> 00:06:51,570 career. Oh, consistently profitable. That's the path you're going. That's that's what you're aiming for. So what it is that you're going to have to endure is
29 00:06:51,570 --> 00:07:03,990 figuring out where your target is, where's your comfort zone. All of you're going to have different thresholds. When I set out to be a traded at traded
30 00:07:04,020 --> 00:07:17,490 Forex, and try to treat the one shot one kill where I'm trying to get a lion's portion of the weekly range. I settled in with 50 to 75 pips. It was easy for me
31 00:07:17,520 --> 00:07:28,920 to get 50 to 75 pips every single week, outlining it, showcasing it, trading it executing it, everyone seeing it, now people out there doing it. But that's not
32 00:07:28,920 --> 00:07:40,320 the entirety of a full weekly range. Right, it became real easy for me to juggle and manage the mentorships that I was running, the video production, the
33 00:07:40,320 --> 00:07:49,050 editing, all those things. So your personal life, what you're trying to do all these things, your personal life and your family, your girlfriend, your
34 00:07:49,050 --> 00:08:03,090 boyfriend, your career at work until you can leave it, all those things plus sleep. They're all going to talk me play tug of war with you. And you have to be
35 00:08:03,090 --> 00:08:17,490 realistic. You just can't go for Babe Ruth swinging for the fences knock him out of the park. Not right away, you can't. But you can get there. And I see folks
36 00:08:18,150 --> 00:08:31,530 in my email box. Folks that send me messages on trading view. I see other youtubers talk about this topic. And I'll give you the recipe that I use and
37 00:08:31,530 --> 00:08:41,190 that I teach my students, okay, and it'll be up to you whether or not you find any value in it. But I have turned traders that were failed traders into
38 00:08:41,400 --> 00:08:52,650 consistently profitable traders. I've turned breakeven traders to consistently profitable traders I've taken small, little fragmented type of fluctuations for
39 00:08:52,680 --> 00:09:05,790 profitability in certain traders, and made them able to find big, grand slam home runs. Now, every single day is not a Grand Slam opportunity. But I'm going
40 00:09:05,790 --> 00:09:20,220 to I'm going to pose a question to you. What happens if you get say 40 to 60% of the daily range? Wouldn't that be considered a lion's portion of the daily
41 00:09:20,220 --> 00:09:27,780 range? I'm not saying you have to be perfect and get the highest highs and lows low, but anywhere between the the range of 40 to 60% of the daily range,
42 00:09:27,780 --> 00:09:39,960 whatever that market you're trading is. Would you be content with that? Some of you because you're probably new would think, no. I've seen what you've been able
43 00:09:39,960 --> 00:09:51,960 to do ICT I want to do that. Okay. That's a goal. But I'm talking about going out after you've reached five handles consistently. And then you graduate to
44 00:09:51,960 --> 00:10:03,600 doing 10 handles consistently. And then you worked in towards maybe doing NASDAQ and you can get your 20 and then 40 handles And that index, at some point,
45 00:10:03,660 --> 00:10:12,600 you're going to be bored by it. And you're going to want to spread your wings and grow. And that is something that you should not be fearful of. But too many
46 00:10:12,600 --> 00:10:22,590 times, individuals, traders, like you and I, we will go out there in the early stages, and we'll think that we can bite off more than we typically do in
47 00:10:23,640 --> 00:10:33,930 previous endeavors. I'm ready for at least get there and try to do 10 contracts. I mean, I've never done 10 contracts before in my funded account trading
48 00:10:34,230 --> 00:10:42,270 challenges, or I've never done these things before. Let's just do it today. This is take a leap of faith and do it. That's a mistake.
49 00:10:45,059 --> 00:10:53,369 You have to graduate into it slowly. And that invisible barrier, that traitors, and I promise, I'm going to give you some how tos in a minute. But I kind of
50 00:10:53,369 --> 00:11:02,969 like want to set the stage for this. Because if you've never been here before, you've never been trading with live funds before, never felt the tug of war of
51 00:11:03,389 --> 00:11:12,149 what happens if I'm wrong, this is really going to take money out of my account, am I gonna be asleep tonight, if you've ever had that exposure or experience
52 00:11:12,149 --> 00:11:20,489 doing it, this is gonna sound alien to you, you're not gonna, it's not going to have the same impact that it does for individuals that are listening, that
53 00:11:20,489 --> 00:11:38,369 absolutely have had real risks with real money. So there's this invisible barrier, okay? You never notice it. Until you get to that threshold, you're at
54 00:11:38,369 --> 00:11:52,049 that precipice. Where I want to hold for a little bit more, just a little bit more, I want to go for that 50 handle run, I want to go for that 100 Pit rally,
55 00:11:52,709 --> 00:12:06,869 I want to hold for that 200 point, rally or decline because some big event took place and you feel like it's going to rip. Any other time when you're trading
56 00:12:06,869 --> 00:12:15,839 your five handles getting out when you hit it, you're content with it. There isn't there isn't this invisible barrier out there. But then when you start
57 00:12:16,049 --> 00:12:27,599 wanting to do more, where you know, if you could be consistent with this just a few times a month, wow. What would that do for your trading, I mean, that would
58 00:12:27,599 --> 00:12:37,679 really set you apart. Like you'd be top tier, you'd be in this upper echelon of trading. And everybody would look up to you, and you'd feel good about yourself.
59 00:12:37,769 --> 00:12:47,279 And you would feel like this is really respectable results. Because you probably aren't really thinking that your five handles consistently every single day is
60 00:12:47,279 --> 00:12:59,939 respectable when it is it absolutely is. So it's a balancing act that has to be maintained in your growth. In the beginning, you're scared shitless you don't
61 00:12:59,939 --> 00:13:06,719 know what you're doing. You're afraid to take a trade, you're afraid to lose, you don't want to be wrong. So you're worrying about all the wrong things in the
62 00:13:06,719 --> 00:13:16,319 beginning. But once you work out all that stuff, by experience and conditioning yourself with back testing and doing demo trading, and you work your way into a
63 00:13:16,319 --> 00:13:27,269 very low threshold of real monetary risk, when you decide you decide to get into live fun trading, you start with a very small amount of leverage. And the
64 00:13:27,269 --> 00:13:40,379 graduation from that is going to be slow. Not fast, slow. And the reason why it must be slow, is because you don't know what it feels like to do it. For
65 00:13:40,379 --> 00:13:53,489 instance, can you do a full side split? Right now? At your age, whatever it is, at your level of athleticism, can you just drop right now go into a side split.
66 00:13:54,929 --> 00:14:04,979 I'll be 51 I can do that. I've been doing it since I was seven years old. Now, some of you might think well, what the hell does that got to do with trading?
67 00:14:04,979 --> 00:14:16,169 Michael, you have to know your limitations or you're not that flexible yet to be able to go out there and just simply reach into 1015 contracts and trading. Now
68 00:14:16,169 --> 00:14:25,229 I'm going to set the analogy for the sake of the rest of the discussion here because a lot of my students are trying to use the funded account route. They
69 00:14:25,229 --> 00:14:33,029 don't have a lot of money, and they want to go that route because that allows them to do that. And if they make a mistake, all they have to do is reset and
70 00:14:33,029 --> 00:14:43,139 it's cheap. Okay. I'm not here to say that's the best way of dealing or the right or wrong way of doing it. But I'm just going to speak in those terms. I
71 00:14:43,139 --> 00:14:59,369 watched my son and his attempts to do these things. And the account that he tried to use allowed him up to 15 contracts. And while that is theoretically
72 00:14:59,759 --> 00:15:17,969 over elbow to you, should you be doing it? No. Even if you're conditioned in trading for, I don't know 30% of daily range, you can get that four times out of
73 00:15:17,969 --> 00:15:31,469 a week. You shouldn't go to the upper echelon of leverage. Just because it's offered to you don't touch it. Think of that as like a rattlesnake. Now, you
74 00:15:31,469 --> 00:15:41,939 might be able to grab that rattlesnake before it by dress, you might be able to dodge its fangs and pin it down to the ground. Or it might bite your ass, and
75 00:15:41,939 --> 00:15:57,149 you'll regret reaching for it. So treat that maximum lot size or contract size as a rattlesnake. It's an enticement. But don't touch it. Your job is to over
76 00:15:57,149 --> 00:16:11,009 time, desensitize yourself, desensitize yourself from the fear of missing out. And the fear of failure, the failure of choosing the trade to be in that you're
77 00:16:11,009 --> 00:16:21,059 trying to hold on to for a longer run, I'm going to tell you the secret, what causes that and how you overcome it. There's a couple things you have to know
78 00:16:21,059 --> 00:16:32,219 about. But once you understand these things, you will know exactly when to take those types of trades, you will not fumble it, you won't. second guess it,
79 00:16:32,219 --> 00:16:41,009 you'll just you'll know, this is the thing that I should be doing. This is not the thing I should be doing. The first thing that you have to understand is that
80 00:16:41,009 --> 00:16:53,849 you have to have a higher timeframe drawn liquidity. That's the thing I'm teaching you in all the core the coursework or content that I put on my YouTube
81 00:16:53,849 --> 00:17:05,639 channel, and when I'm talking to you, in these Twitter spaces, I'm conditioning you to look at that higher timeframe draw. Because if you don't consider that,
82 00:17:06,389 --> 00:17:19,949 understand this, how are you ever going to trust these intraday fluctuations and think to yourself that I'm going to hold for 100 handle run? Can 100 handle run?
83 00:17:22,559 --> 00:17:35,969 be birthed manifests itself in a range that has already moved, say several 100 handles down and really close in terms of proximity to a higher timeframe drawl
84 00:17:35,969 --> 00:17:49,319 and liquidity than words, if we think that it's going to go to a specific price level, lower, and it's the last day of the week. Does it have the potential to
85 00:17:49,319 --> 00:18:04,109 move another hand 100 handles beyond that target. Mean? Sure it can. But if it's more likely that it's only going to go to where we set our attention to some
86 00:18:04,109 --> 00:18:17,159 fair value get some old low where liquidity is. Why would you own that particular day, that particular time of day, expect your trade to somehow rub
87 00:18:17,159 --> 00:18:28,019 you the right way. And now you think it's going to be a big runner. So there has to be some frame of reference, which is exactly why I take everybody to a weekly
88 00:18:28,019 --> 00:18:38,279 chart, that weekly candlestick, what's it likely to reach for? And if we don't know what it is, on the weekend before trading starts, we use Monday to
89 00:18:38,279 --> 00:18:51,029 ascertain what that information is. And you work throughout the entirety of the week to see where it is, is reaching for. Now, step one is you have to know what
90 00:18:51,029 --> 00:18:59,729 the higher timeframe draws. Where is it reaching for on a higher timeframe chart. It doesn't have to be the weekly chart, I just prefer to teach my
91 00:18:59,729 --> 00:19:11,069 students to focus there. But if it's not clear, then you must at least at the very minimum, have some idea on a daily chart. What is it reaching for? This
92 00:19:11,069 --> 00:19:26,129 morning, this is June 23 2023, in case you've signed on to another swimming as a YouTuber someone because I don't put these Twitter spaces anywhere on my YouTube
93 00:19:26,129 --> 00:19:33,959 channel. So a lot of students, they'll record them and put them on there are mediums for other people to listen to. And it's fine. I have no problem with
94 00:19:33,959 --> 00:19:52,169 that. Today, Friday, June 23 2023. In the morning session, I sent out a tweet showing you the daily charts for both ES and NASDAQ. And I'd said that I favored
95 00:19:53,099 --> 00:20:12,059 the lower fair value the ES at one above And then the lower one. Obviously, you know, we have been focusing on the NASDAQ as the upside leadership index. So if
96 00:20:12,059 --> 00:20:22,919 we're looking for shorts, which one would be more likely to deliver to its target? The NASDAQ for ES?
97 00:20:25,020 --> 00:20:38,100 Yes. Because it's not done what it has not provided a way of keeping up with NASDAQ on the upside. So it's been a laggard. So when it becomes time for a
98 00:20:38,100 --> 00:20:48,000 market to sell off, or look for, discount or raise when it's bearish, which market is going to be easier. So you're thinking already? Well, the one that's
99 00:20:48,000 --> 00:20:57,540 going up more, it has more room to come down. So therefore, that's the one that sell short now. That's the one who's going to be more reluctant to go down,
100 00:20:58,050 --> 00:21:12,540 because the relative strength leader on the upside. So we want to focus on the index or forex pair, that's the weaker one. So having a higher timeframe drawl.
101 00:21:14,040 --> 00:21:25,080 Let's that daily fair value gap on ES. If you look at your daily chart, mark that off in your daily chart, you'll see that we actually did go into that by
102 00:21:25,080 --> 00:21:43,050 one tick. But that's still going there. NASDAQ was unable to do that. There was a large opening range gap. Both ES and NASDAQ had that today. We were able to
103 00:21:43,050 --> 00:21:52,740 see it trade software and you watch me execute. I shared that today actually put a trade in both of ES and NASDAQ. And I showed you what I was looking at real
104 00:21:52,740 --> 00:22:07,770 time. And how I nixed cancel closed in profit the ES short because it wasn't showing the willingness to want to reach down like the NASDAQ did. So in the
105 00:22:07,770 --> 00:22:20,070 morning session, it offered opportunity to see expansion lower on NASDAQ, even though it failed to get into its daily fair value gap. So when you're looking
106 00:22:20,070 --> 00:22:35,580 for trades to hold on to, and you want to catch a runner, you have to know what you're trying to reach for. And also, you have to also know where is this market
107 00:22:35,610 --> 00:22:47,490 indicating that it's not willing to do so I showed you that today. I've never showed both markets, side by side real time showing the executions, managing the
108 00:22:47,490 --> 00:22:57,990 positions, and then closing it because of some reason that was showing me in the charts. The NASDAQ was willing to open up at better market structure, it rose
109 00:22:57,990 --> 00:23:13,470 respecting its premium arrays. And es was it was rangy, and it was wanting to come back too much on his retracements. So if it's becoming a less likely
110 00:23:13,470 --> 00:23:21,600 scenario, that the market you're in is going to be a runner, don't hold on to the trade just because you want it to become a runner, it's going to be telling
111 00:23:21,600 --> 00:23:31,680 you something all the time, it's either going to be a hold. Or it's probably time to take a large portion of the trade off in the partial and then still wait
112 00:23:31,680 --> 00:23:41,790 out if you don't feel confident even after that. Meaning yet to take a sizable amount of the trade off. So you want to hold on for the full position, a full
113 00:23:41,790 --> 00:23:52,020 pole, a full pause, entry, whatever that position side is, I'm sorry, sizes. And then you place your stop and then it goes to target you've predetermined and
114 00:23:52,020 --> 00:24:01,890 that's it. You've taken no partial that's called a full pole. I've seen many traders talk a good game. A lot of pseudo mentors out there. They'll say that
115 00:24:01,890 --> 00:24:08,190 bullshit. You know, it doesn't make any sense. Take partials, but you don't see them executing shit. You don't see them doing anything, but they a lot of
116 00:24:08,190 --> 00:24:19,920 chatter. I teach you how to take partials. Because you won't know how to do that initially, just like you won't know how to hold on to a trade for a large, big
117 00:24:19,950 --> 00:24:30,660 profitable runner. There has to be something desensitize yourself by trusting all the factors that you're doing for higher timeframe trading. If you're
118 00:24:30,660 --> 00:24:40,980 looking at a three minute, two minute, five minute one minute chart, and you're trying to come to the conclusion that you're going to hold for 100 handles, it's
119 00:24:40,980 --> 00:24:52,650 going to be very, very difficult to do that without a higher timeframe frame of reference. Like you have to know what it's potentially reaching for. Because if
120 00:24:52,650 --> 00:25:01,920 you don't have that frame of mind when you're in your trading charts, whether you've annotated them or not, you have to at least know what it's likely to do.
121 00:25:02,490 --> 00:25:15,750 You can't look at a pivot number, you can't look at a standard deviation. That comes from my work, you can't look at a Fibonacci extension. And think that
122 00:25:15,750 --> 00:25:29,100 that's all there is. Those things are small little cogs, small little components to the larger hole. And if you blend those types of things, with something
123 00:25:29,100 --> 00:25:38,970 that's on a higher timeframe, that would be used for the purpose of liquidity, or repricing to an inefficiency and price, fair value gap, something to that
124 00:25:38,970 --> 00:25:58,860 effect. And those pivots, Fibonacci extensions, those things start to converge around that idea, then you have a better well, narrative, to hold on to, there's
125 00:25:58,860 --> 00:26:06,060 got to be a storyline that you can trust. Because you just can't buy you can't go out there and buy a market think it's gonna go up 100 handles because you
126 00:26:06,060 --> 00:26:18,510 want it to, there may be something up there that you can make a case for. But is one thing that you're making the case around, that makes it feasible for you to
127 00:26:18,720 --> 00:26:27,900 trust that it might go 100 handles, because your subconscious was really talking to you if you're uncertain, you're probably really just saying, I really want
128 00:26:27,900 --> 00:26:34,470 this to be a big runner, because I want to be able to show the world I want to be able to show my spouse, I just want to look in the mirror and say I did it.
129 00:26:36,420 --> 00:26:45,990 And there isn't really enough evidence behind the idea that going that far. So and then in the beginning stages, you have to wrestle through I did that, when
130 00:26:45,990 --> 00:26:54,660 you see me out here, and I'm trading Hunter handles, at handles, 70 handles all these, you know, they're not huge runs. But they're not five and 20 handles
131 00:26:54,660 --> 00:27:08,640 either. The way I get to that point is what I'm showing you. I take partials off at logical levels. I don't need to take the partials off. But I do it so that
132 00:27:08,640 --> 00:27:16,710 way you see by example, I'm because everybody, you know, when they learn from someone, they talk like the person they learn from, they wear their clothes, the
133 00:27:16,710 --> 00:27:25,980 types of things that they do, they pattern them, they emulate them. Well, I know that as a mentor, and I have an influence over you as a student. So I'm teaching
134 00:27:25,980 --> 00:27:36,180 you by example. I teach by example with a demo. So that way, you're not embarrassed to do it. And also, I teach you to take partials, because until you
135 00:27:36,180 --> 00:27:44,010 see how it works. And then you weigh it against what you've been trying to do. And not being consistent with it, it's easier for you to say you know what I'm
136 00:27:44,010 --> 00:27:53,070 going to let go what I thought I should be doing. And I see him doing this, I'm going to try that. And when you take those partials off, which is the secret,
137 00:27:53,430 --> 00:28:04,170 that's the secret to holding big ass runners, you're not doing a full pole. Okay, nobody just walks out there and starts doing that. It takes time
138 00:28:04,440 --> 00:28:15,210 conditioning yourself. So if you know that that's where you want to go and your trading doesn't need every day, you're getting 100 handles, it doesn't mean that
139 00:28:15,660 --> 00:28:27,300 it just means that when the market is offering it to you on a silver platter, here's what it's likely to do. I'll get to those details in a second. You'll
140 00:28:27,300 --> 00:28:37,320 know when to capitalize on it. But the most important thing is know when not to do it. And as a new trader, you probably are new and you feel like I need to get
141 00:28:37,320 --> 00:28:45,420 out there and do this. And many of you probably forgot about the five handles, you haven't even become consistent with that part yet. And you just want to jump
142 00:28:45,420 --> 00:28:54,570 to the 30 handles and 50 handle runs 100 handles because you're here and other people are showing examples of their trades. And now you think well, you know,
143 00:28:54,840 --> 00:29:04,440 why waste my time with these five handles, and this is jump into the grand slam home runs. That's what every trader does when they come into this business. They
144 00:29:04,440 --> 00:29:15,120 jump too quickly and have no idea where they're gonna grab onto it. There's no, there's nobody out there. There's going to catch you. If you don't get a grip on
145 00:29:15,120 --> 00:29:24,300 what the thing you're jumping up to reach for. You're trying to skip rungs in the ladder. That's dangerous. It's very, very dangerous. And when you fall that
146 00:29:24,300 --> 00:29:32,790 those heights, many people don't want to get back on the ladder. And they're scared to go into going through the process of going through it again the right
147 00:29:32,790 --> 00:29:47,250 way. They're upset with themselves. Now they're scared. They have fear, that's mental scar tissue. You have to allow doing the right things to reward you.
148 00:29:48,900 --> 00:29:59,580 Going back to the analogy of say you're going to be doing the funded account challenge stuff. Okay, so that's the pathway you chose. Let's assume for a
149 00:29:59,580 --> 00:30:11,370 moment you Got $150,000 quote unquote, account from a funded account challenged company, whatever they are, whoever they are, and they allow you up to 15
150 00:30:11,370 --> 00:30:20,610 contracts, you have to remember that they have a threshold that you're not supposed to lose this much before they stop you. Your goal should be, I'm never
151 00:30:20,610 --> 00:30:22,050 going to be stopped by them.
152 00:30:23,339 --> 00:30:30,989 Now, right away, somebody you're going to be pissing them on and saying, Well, I can't make any money then. Well, you can't make any money if you blow the
153 00:30:30,989 --> 00:30:39,029 account either. But you will be spending more money to restart it. So what is it you want to be billing? You want to be resetting and paying for that bullshit?
154 00:30:39,869 --> 00:30:52,559 Or do you want to do it properly? Trade with one fucking contract? One, just because they say you can do 15 Just because you see somebody else me anyone else
155 00:30:52,559 --> 00:31:02,429 out there trading with more than one contract? Does it mean that that's what you should be doing? Especially if you're new. I took a Live account over at TD
156 00:31:02,429 --> 00:31:12,869 Ameritrade, which is a shitty as fucking broker. They put $200,000. In my account, one day that I didn't learn. It's all recorded. I went day by day
157 00:31:12,929 --> 00:31:24,689 showing my account statements, day by day, the winners and the losers. It's on my YouTube channel, I think the playlist is first year trading results, like
158 00:31:24,689 --> 00:31:42,539 expectations have what you should expect. One contract made 100% in five weeks, took 25,000 to 50,000. With a lot of losing trades, and a lot of drawdown to be
159 00:31:42,539 --> 00:31:55,619 able to show traders in my private mentorship. How to get out of that. With one contract, take one contract and make $25,000 a month. Are you fucking making
160 00:31:55,619 --> 00:32:04,469 $25,000 right now? Your job? The Mickey Mouse shirt you're trying to deal with your trading now over leveraging and all the how many times have you tried to do
161 00:32:04,469 --> 00:32:13,109 the funded account? How many times have you passed? How many times have you passed it and fucking blown it? Once you get there, you're at the dance. But you
162 00:32:13,109 --> 00:32:27,569 left your dancing shoes. And you blow it because you're not ready. You are not ready. Just like this, this stage in your trading. You will be content in the
163 00:32:27,569 --> 00:32:35,639 beginning with five handles and handles 20 handles and consistent and then that wild hair gets up your ass like everybody has it happen. It happens to every one
164 00:32:35,639 --> 00:32:48,059 of us. And you want to be a big leaguer and you want to go for that big grand slam? Yes, you can do it. Yes, you can be a Babe Ruth. But you can't be a Babe
165 00:32:48,059 --> 00:33:01,259 Ruth every fucking day. You can't. It's it's Murphy's Law. You know, you're the human element that you're bringing into this, which is what everybody does. I as
166 00:33:01,259 --> 00:33:15,299 ICT. I do that too. Sometimes I get out sooner than I want. Sometimes I don't take enough off where I should have. It's just it happens. You overthink it, you
167 00:33:15,299 --> 00:33:28,049 try to finesse it, it is what it is. Rules are there to guide you. So the rules for you to be able to do this is start with one contract. When you get funded, I
168 00:33:28,049 --> 00:33:38,729 don't give a shit what company it is who's doing what I don't give a flying fuck. Who is doing what? Do not try to emulate anyone. And I'm at the top of the
169 00:33:38,729 --> 00:33:50,489 fucking list. Don't try to do that. Because you don't know where your sweet spot is. What does that mean? You see me doing what I do on pyramiding. I'll go in,
170 00:33:50,489 --> 00:34:00,659 I'll take six contracts as my first initial entry. And then my second partial peer meeting in a larger position will be three contracts. And then my third
171 00:34:00,899 --> 00:34:10,439 will be one contract. So what I'm doing is I'm scaling in but I'm really showing traders how to do three entries and not need to be the best one. There isn't
172 00:34:10,439 --> 00:34:22,529 this one entry. There's lots of entries. But I'm showing you how to scale in to a trade with 10 contracts. That's my comfort zone. Right now, based on the
173 00:34:22,529 --> 00:34:31,739 volatility in the marketplace and how it's been behaving. It's been higher than it it's been lower than it depending on how fast the markets moving doesn't mean
174 00:34:31,739 --> 00:34:40,139 that that's what you should be doing. Your comfort level might end up becoming just three contracts. And that's nothing to be concerned about or ashamed of.
175 00:34:40,709 --> 00:34:48,119 Don't think of it like it's a dick measuring contest Okay, that's why ladies are better than fucking men when it comes to trading because they're not out there
176 00:34:48,119 --> 00:34:56,489 trying to scale up and say look my Cox larger than yours on trading with 30 contracts bitch, what's up? That's not how it works. Because really, you can
177 00:34:56,489 --> 00:35:08,429 pull out that 30 handle, man sorry that 30 contract tray he'd, but the whole time, You're shitting bricks, they don't see you, they don't see your face, they
178 00:35:08,429 --> 00:35:16,439 don't see your your shit and your palms sweating the whole time, you're thinking, man, if this blows up, I'm gonna be so embarrassed, I'm never gonna
179 00:35:16,439 --> 00:35:29,669 share this result, this is a job, I really didn't trade that day. You don't know only what people show you. So don't try to emulate anybody. Start with one
180 00:35:29,669 --> 00:35:40,799 contract, and then work up to two, and then work up to three. And if you feel uncomfortable, go back down, not one down, go all the way back to one, and
181 00:35:40,829 --> 00:35:49,979 graduate back up again. And see if that same thing happens when you go back to the three contracts. When you want to start hitting these grand slam home runs,
182 00:35:50,429 --> 00:36:02,099 you don't go into it with one or two contracts, five contracts, eight contracts, 15 contracts. And then now I want to do 15 contracts, and try to catch a handle,
183 00:36:02,549 --> 00:36:14,009 I'm sorry, 100. Handles, that doesn't work. Because it's too big of a leap forward, you haven't conditioned yourself to find out even if that's a realistic
184 00:36:14,009 --> 00:36:25,229 leverage for you, you are the trader, you can't emulate and find comfort, pressing yourself into the mold and image of somebody else doing it. me or
185 00:36:25,229 --> 00:36:34,559 anyone else. So you have to number one know where the higher timeframe drawn liquidity is that means is that there is room for these big runs, it may not be
186 00:36:34,559 --> 00:36:44,909 100 handles you're reaching for it may be 30, it may be 50. But those only exist in the realm of possibility based on what the market structure showing right
187 00:36:44,909 --> 00:36:56,639 now. And what is it done? Is there an impact news driver that's coming out? Or are they behind you, you're later in the week like today, we had a big gap down
188 00:36:57,149 --> 00:37:11,309 an opening range gap that was really, really low. And sometimes it's not reasonable to go short when it's like that. I went short today. And I was going
189 00:37:11,309 --> 00:37:22,139 for it. And I went into both of them, just to show you that you can read it real time. And if it doesn't go down here, I'll see it and you watched it happen. I
190 00:37:22,139 --> 00:37:32,219 took a partial almost that the low end of NASDAQ. And then I took 50% of the remaining portion off before came back and knocked my stop off. That was still
191 00:37:32,219 --> 00:37:47,819 in profit. That's like 70 Plus handles on that move. Is that a runner for you? I mean, I got it in there pretty high, at the opening range high and almost near
192 00:37:47,819 --> 00:37:57,659 the low of the morning. And then it creeped back up to about 50% of the opening range, gap or sorry, opening range gap. So you have to look at where we stopped
193 00:37:57,659 --> 00:38:06,599 trading yesterday. And where we started trading. Its you know, this morning at 930. And I'm sorry, where we start trading yesterday afternoon, and settlement.
194 00:38:06,659 --> 00:38:16,709 And then where we opened up at 930 today. So that's your opening range gap, measure that and put their 50% on that. And you'll see the both ES and NASDAQ
195 00:38:16,919 --> 00:38:27,899 went essentially back up to that level is a little bit more. But in the early sessions until we got into the lunch hour, it was consolidating sideways, back
196 00:38:27,899 --> 00:38:34,769 and forth, back and forth. I watched YouTubers I watch all the time. And you could just hear their voice, you could see the ones that show their face. Were
197 00:38:34,769 --> 00:38:44,159 very frustrating. And it's that's normal. But if it doesn't want to go down to those fair value gaps that we outlined on the daily chart that I showed this
198 00:38:44,159 --> 00:38:54,989 morning, tweet, then it will respect that opening range gap and try to work into it. But it's not likely to go that close to the daily fair value gaps. After
199 00:38:54,989 --> 00:39:04,949 being down so much from the injury we cry and not go all we appear to feel that opening range gap. That's not likely. So if it's not likely what is reasonable.
200 00:39:04,979 --> 00:39:18,749 Hey, if the gap NASDAQ and es went up throughout lunch? And what do I teach you about time of day because this is the other things that you have to factor in.
201 00:39:19,199 --> 00:39:30,749 When do these characteristics manifest in price because everything is buy time. And price, not price. And then hope it is the right time for to buy and sell
202 00:39:30,749 --> 00:39:46,739 now. We wait for a specific time of day. After lunch, we know that the algorithm starts its pm session at 130 New York local time. around 140 or so I can
203 00:39:46,739 --> 00:39:59,969 remember the minute marker but it's that 140 We had a high forum in both ES and NASDAQ. NASDAQ was unwilling to make that higher high when it was proximately
204 00:39:59,999 --> 00:40:17,489 80% of the opening range gap. So there's this divergence there. What did I tell you I favored today? The daily chart fair value gap. That's the draw. So now
205 00:40:17,519 --> 00:40:23,699 think for a second, just think for a second. If you want the lion's portion of the move,
206 00:40:25,020 --> 00:40:34,260 that means that the market crept up. After failing to run into those fair pay gaps on the daily chart in the morning session, I was able to take a big chunk
207 00:40:34,260 --> 00:40:48,420 of that move out, then went up into the opening range gap, half of it and at 130. The pm session starts its rotation. The market starts reaching for what
208 00:40:48,420 --> 00:41:04,770 that higher timeframe drawl and liquidity he asked reaches down into it. What time did it get there? Three o'clock on the dot. NASDAQ didn't do it didn't
209 00:41:04,770 --> 00:41:15,840 trade the trade down as low as es did? Why? Because you have to have intermarket relationships in your trading. If you really want to be a grand slam home run
210 00:41:15,840 --> 00:41:26,580 trader, and you want to hold these big runners? You have to do the research and see which one? Are you in? Are you in the right one? Are you in the one that's
211 00:41:26,580 --> 00:41:38,550 likely to give you the downside? That's no more bearish, which one is more likely to go lower? The one that's failed to go higher when it's been going up.
212 00:41:39,540 --> 00:41:50,940 It's the laggard. And the one that's stronger, when it's been going up, when it's time to go down, it's going to be reluctant to go down. So if you're having
213 00:41:50,940 --> 00:42:00,750 a hard timeframe draw on liquidity. You're balancing out what is this markets doing at the time, and I showed this to you this morning by being in both of
214 00:42:00,750 --> 00:42:13,050 them at the same time short. And when there's warning signs, that is not cooperating with you and your trade idea, kill it. I'm not afraid of being
215 00:42:13,050 --> 00:42:21,450 wrong. What mentor out there able to do that show you execution and explain to you, this is what I was looking for. And it doesn't do exactly what I wanted to
216 00:42:21,450 --> 00:42:30,390 do. But guess what, I'm still able to show profitability. That's what you want to start with, you want to be able to do that. That's a stage in your
217 00:42:30,390 --> 00:42:38,790 development, that when you watch me or other people do these big runs, you think that it's something that you should be able to do right off the bat, right off
218 00:42:38,790 --> 00:42:45,870 the bat, just you watched a couple of videos, you listened to them Jawbone me or someone else, you join a subscription based idea. And you think you're just
219 00:42:45,870 --> 00:42:54,990 gonna walk out there and do it too. And it's hard. It's very, very hard to do that. Consistently. I've never met anybody. And I know a lot of people that are
220 00:42:55,320 --> 00:43:01,230 traders and have tried trading and have been trading longer than me, and none of these motherfuckers have ever done what you're thinking you're going to be able
221 00:43:01,230 --> 00:43:11,610 to do. And I've already said this, if anybody was able to be able to walk out there and do it, it would have been ICT. And I couldn't do that. It took time
222 00:43:12,000 --> 00:43:20,910 working through a lot of shit. Graduating through. Can I trade with two contracts? Can I trade with five contracts? Can I trade with 25 contracts? Can I
223 00:43:20,910 --> 00:43:30,570 trade with 50 contracts? Can I trade 100 contracts? All these things are thresholds that you have to grow into. You have no idea what it feels like to
224 00:43:30,570 --> 00:43:48,960 have $3,500 per handle movement. Yet for ticks 3500 hours can you just walk out there to market you mastered the 2022 mentorship playlist, because you could
225 00:43:48,960 --> 00:43:59,640 condense it into 15 Fucking videos come on. These are unrealistic things and you're trying to do unrealistic feats. And that's what makes what you think
226 00:43:59,640 --> 00:44:07,590 you're learning from me. It's complicated. Now, what you're trying to do with it is the complication. So these big runners, these big runs in the marketplace,
227 00:44:08,430 --> 00:44:16,080 they happen over time. So, you have to know higher timeframe draw on the Quiddity where is it likely to go? You have to have intermarket relationships
228 00:44:16,110 --> 00:44:25,860 understood if you're going to be an index trader, whether you trade the Dow, which I don't whether you trade es, or don't prefer to trade NASDAQ because it's
229 00:44:25,860 --> 00:44:37,650 faster because it's thinner. That's why every move in NASDAQ has much more exaggerated. And that wild ass movement is an enticement. But you might get into
230 00:44:37,650 --> 00:44:49,140 index trading because of what I've been teaching or someone else doing it. And you get into NASDAQ and that shifts things your ass that doesn't mean quit. Just
231 00:44:49,140 --> 00:45:00,240 means okay, go trade ES. You can make a fuckload of money trading ES. You don't need to be in NASDAQ. I just do it because there's pony boys out They're to
232 00:45:00,240 --> 00:45:07,290 think they understand that Martin could do this and do that. And I go out there and I grab by its throat and strangle in front of you, and you see it happening.
233 00:45:07,830 --> 00:45:15,990 You watch me execute it and manage it. But you also see me doing more than 20 handles, you also see me doing more than five handles. And I'm showing you how
234 00:45:15,990 --> 00:45:28,650 to manage and grow in that. I can go through and do full polls entered the high and get out the lows. I can do that. And I'm gonna fucking do it. But you are
235 00:45:28,650 --> 00:45:38,340 trying to learn. So how do you graduate through that? You go in and you look for where is it likely to go? And then where in the process of where it's likely to
236 00:45:38,340 --> 00:45:49,290 go? Where can I take partials off. So that way it rewards me and gives me more courage to hold on. Because if it returns against me, and goes for my stop loss
237 00:45:49,290 --> 00:46:02,400 that may have trailed off too quickly, too quick, too fast. At least I've been paid. And it's soothing to have that experience when you're developing all of my
238 00:46:02,640 --> 00:46:10,410 profitable consistently not even listening to me anymore, because they're doing their own thing. All of my students that have gotten to that point. They're not
239 00:46:10,410 --> 00:46:19,710 doing partials like they first started. Don't need to, they've found their model. They know what they're looking for, to know what their setups are looking
240 00:46:19,710 --> 00:46:33,300 for. And they're just managing it properly, and just letting it go. And they're not trading every day. And they're fucking killing it. Do you think trading is
241 00:46:33,300 --> 00:46:44,340 this. But for you, it might be something entirely something else. And that is perfect for you. You might want to hit these grand slam home runs. But you know
242 00:46:44,340 --> 00:46:55,200 what, you might find out that you are a perfect 30 handle, stop, get out the trade and be done. Look for your next setup. And that's where you are highly
243 00:46:55,200 --> 00:47:05,670 efficient as a trader, you're managing your money properly, you're managing your mental capital properly. And you're not marrying these ideas, you're not going
244 00:47:05,670 --> 00:47:16,020 to be enticed to try to do a little bit more. Because NASDAQ bat its eyes at you and sugar data set you you're not trying to take them home to mom, you're just
245 00:47:16,020 --> 00:47:23,970 trying to have fun with them a romp that's it, there's no shame in it, get your shit, get your honey and get the fuck out of dodge. That's all this is about.
246 00:47:24,750 --> 00:47:33,060 There's no shame in that. Okay, there's nothing anti Christian about going out here making a lot of fucking money trading, you're not stealing from people, the
247 00:47:33,060 --> 00:47:39,540 people you took it from, they knew exactly what was going on, everybody walks in with their hands out of their pockets, with money sticking out there. And
248 00:47:39,540 --> 00:47:49,170 everybody take it from me if you can't, that's that's what this business is about. But if you go out here, and you're looking around constantly trying to do
249 00:47:49,170 --> 00:48:00,600 something that you're not prepared for, you're going to fail. And that little tiny failure is going to have such a huge impact. And it's going to derail you.
250 00:48:00,780 --> 00:48:08,580 And you'll forget about how you can consistently find five handles, you're gonna forget that you can find three good trades out of the week and know when not to
251 00:48:08,580 --> 00:48:18,930 trade on the bad days. And that's good. You're gonna beat yourself up because you tried to do something, you're trying to make an Olympic feat at a something
252 00:48:18,930 --> 00:48:28,650 that you're not quite ready for, but doesn't mean you're not going to get there just means that you're trying to do too much too soon. And many times, I've seen
253 00:48:28,650 --> 00:48:39,390 people as YouTubers, because they have an audience, or because they have a bone to pick, they have some kind of superiority complex, okay, or ego issue or
254 00:48:39,390 --> 00:48:51,360 something to that effect. Where they don't like me sometimes stupid is that they go out and they try to do something. And they don't do it well, or they blow
255 00:48:51,360 --> 00:49:00,630 something that they had on their hands as a winner. Or they start their live stream supposedly up and they shit themselves on the live stream. That's, that's
256 00:49:00,630 --> 00:49:12,000 what goes on out there. And it's because they're trying to do more than what's necessary. You're in this business to make money. That's it. That's the only
257 00:49:12,000 --> 00:49:20,610 reason why you should be here. If you want to have a large audience that loves you and worship you and matches your YouTube, you know, let that be a secondary
258 00:49:20,610 --> 00:49:29,760 thing. Because I promise you, if you stick to the first rule of trying to make money, the first and only priority, everybody will fucking flock to you. If you
259 00:49:29,760 --> 00:49:39,180 can do it consistently, and you're not a dick about it, people will watch you. They will love you. They will absolutely watch what you're doing and have
260 00:49:39,180 --> 00:49:49,620 nothing bad to say. Stay in your lane. Don't talk shit about nobody else. Stick to what it is that you're doing. And I promise you, that is exactly what that's
261 00:49:49,620 --> 00:49:56,790 what people want. If they're there to watch somebody else trade. They want to see you trade. They want to see trade. They don't want to hear you talk about
262 00:49:56,790 --> 00:50:07,140 other people. Just do what it is that you're doing. because they liked that about you, they liked what you're doing. They want to emulate you, they want to
263 00:50:07,440 --> 00:50:18,060 do half as much as what you're doing. You're now an influencer. So don't waste that don't waste, the influence, the opportunity of influence and people with
264 00:50:18,060 --> 00:50:19,020 the right things.
265 00:50:20,580 --> 00:50:31,320 So you, you don't go in trying to trade with big positions to try to catch these long runners. You do it with small positions. And over time you graduate with
266 00:50:31,320 --> 00:50:40,950 one more contract, or one more locked. If it's Forex, and you condition yourself over time, how much time is it gonna be? I don't know. It depends on what you're
267 00:50:40,950 --> 00:50:50,670 trying to do. But I don't want you thinking that you need to have a timeline on it, or a deadline, I gotta be able to catch these 100 pips or 100 handle runs by
268 00:50:50,700 --> 00:51:03,090 the end of this month. Because if I don't do that, I'm a failure. That's not that's that reasonable. That you think about, that's not even practical. Every
269 00:51:03,150 --> 00:51:14,130 person that sets foot in this injury industry that that has made themselves something of a success. I promise you if they sat down with you, or if they
270 00:51:14,130 --> 00:51:24,360 talked openly, and was honest about what they didn't have, and how they got to where they were. The biggest growths in their understanding and their ability as
271 00:51:24,360 --> 00:51:38,700 a trader was when they slowed the fuck down and tried not to do what's beyond necessary. If you can make $25,000 a month with one contract, and that's exactly
272 00:51:38,700 --> 00:51:47,760 what I was doing at TD Ameritrade, I was literally talking to one of the young ladies in my mentorship, who was struggling. She said, look, I can get in here
273 00:51:47,760 --> 00:51:57,960 I'm using the concepts, I can make money. And then when I try to tray with more position, size, and losing, but I don't blow the account, I just go right back
274 00:51:57,960 --> 00:52:07,800 down to breakeven. And yes, I scale down, I start back at square one. And I go with one lot, because she's a, you know, a future trader going in at one
275 00:52:07,800 --> 00:52:16,410 contract, and I'm trying to build it up, I'm trying to build it up, I get it. And then I go right back down to breakeven. And then I rush it, and I go on and
276 00:52:16,410 --> 00:52:24,300 try to get back what I lost. And then I get into deep drawdown, and then I don't know what to do. So I purposely put that account in the drawdown. And I went
277 00:52:24,300 --> 00:52:33,060 through the process of going through the entirety of doing it with real money. Not because I was fucking obligated to any of you. But I want this young lady to
278 00:52:33,060 --> 00:52:46,260 do well. So she asked me sincerely. That was why I did it. It was just for her. But that one contract making $25,000 in one month, five weeks, but that was
279 00:52:46,260 --> 00:52:54,510 correcting drawdown it was put in place to show her day by day showing her look, this is what you do. This is what you don't do. This is what happens if you do
280 00:52:54,510 --> 00:53:05,010 this. She paid me so I was obligated to her. I'm not obligated any you motherfuckers. Okay, I don't mean that be disrespectful. But seriously, some of
281 00:53:05,010 --> 00:53:15,990 you act like you fucking own me. You don't own me. You don't look, you don't fucking own me. That's the dichotomy here, you have to understand that I do this
282 00:53:15,990 --> 00:53:25,650 because I love doing it. And I want to see you succeed. But entitlement mindset, whether you think you should be able to do this faster, and you guard learning
283 00:53:25,650 --> 00:53:33,870 to do it, or that I should do more than I'm already am. Come on. That's not realistic, either. And there's a lot of personalities that come into this
284 00:53:33,870 --> 00:53:44,310 industry. And as a mentor, believe me, anybody that's listening here, that's a mentor or teacher, Guru, a salesman or sell a course seller, I guarantee you,
285 00:53:44,310 --> 00:53:57,180 you have dozens of people that you wish never ever came into your fold ever knew your fucking name, because they're just a mental drain, you can't help them. Are
286 00:53:57,180 --> 00:54:04,830 you that way in your trading, because if you are, I promise you, you will never be able to hold on to these big runners, because you have a lot of mental
287 00:54:04,830 --> 00:54:13,110 baggage. So you have to make sure you clear all that stuff before you can try to do these types of things. If you're trying to measure up to somebody else, if
288 00:54:13,110 --> 00:54:21,900 you're trying to be better than the other person's service, if you're trying to create a product that's better than somebody else's, all those things are going
289 00:54:21,900 --> 00:54:30,150 to lead you to do things that you're really not equipped to do. And you really just want to be able to chance it to see if you could do it, and then sell the
290 00:54:30,150 --> 00:54:40,500 idea that you do it all the time. Because as soon as you start doing it once in a while, your audience is going to say you know what? Mind you doing it like you
291 00:54:40,500 --> 00:54:49,800 did before? Why don't you do this? Why don't you do that? That's the way social media is. You're never going to satisfy anyone. So you might as well fucking be
292 00:54:49,800 --> 00:55:01,140 satisfying yourself. What is the threshold? As you as a trader? Where are you going to be most efficient limitation about your time I'm doing it, how much
293 00:55:01,140 --> 00:55:13,440 time you got to put into the charts. Graduating into that, holding on to a long, you know, big runner, that big runner, you're yours, you're fucking years away
294 00:55:13,440 --> 00:55:25,770 from getting in with your full position and holding on for these big runners. I'm being honest with you, you are fucking years 1000 Fucking days minimum. If
295 00:55:25,770 --> 00:55:36,120 you started today, counting today, day one, you're at least 1000 days away, and I'm talking market days not weekends too. Before you get to that point, that
296 00:55:36,120 --> 00:55:45,780 doesn't mean you can't get in with one contract. And get out there next week and take 100 handles down. Yeah, sure, you can do that. That's reasonable. But when
297 00:55:45,780 --> 00:55:53,070 you start building up these larger positions, whether it be a funded account challenge, or whether it be now you're funded with a company, or you're trading
298 00:55:53,070 --> 00:56:04,290 with real money, those things are gonna be heavy weight factors on your psyche, because you're going to be constantly worrying about did I do this, right? I'm,
299 00:56:04,320 --> 00:56:12,150 you're gonna know that you did it too soon. Guaran damn tee that's going to happen, you're going to feel that you're going to feel it. And it's going to
300 00:56:12,150 --> 00:56:22,830 cloud your mind, you won't even be able to know when the markets telling you. I'm not going to do that. But you want it to be so badly delivered in your
301 00:56:22,830 --> 00:56:31,470 hands. You won't you won't see it, you will not see it. And you'll hold on to too long. And the worst case scenario, which is what you're trying to avoid,
302 00:56:32,340 --> 00:56:40,260 will actually happen. It will come back and roll against you. And that nice big handsome profits you had that was unrealized. And you knew you should have
303 00:56:40,260 --> 00:56:47,130 fucking got out, at least with a partial. You didn't do it. So now what are you doing? You're kicking yourself and asked about that
304 00:56:52,560 --> 00:57:01,350 you're not ready, it doesn't mean you're never gonna get there. It just means that you haven't de sensitize yourself. You work up into it slowly. Now partials
305 00:57:02,550 --> 00:57:15,180 and I'll say this in closing. partials are huge, huge benefit to number one developing students because it teaches proper money management, and proper trade
306 00:57:15,180 --> 00:57:28,050 management. And it helps you grow as a trader, it helps you understand risk, it helps you navigate order flow. It teaches you liquidity and how to implement it
307 00:57:28,050 --> 00:57:38,100 in your trades. But the thing is, there's no perfect, I don't have it, there's no perfect way of saying okay, this is how many contracts you should start with.
308 00:57:38,640 --> 00:57:47,880 And when you get to your first target. This is how many you take off as a first partial. This is how many contracts I have still had to trade students from 2016
309 00:57:49,020 --> 00:57:59,220 that were paid membership students, they send me emails, and they'll say hi, ICT, thank you so much for everything you're doing. Bada bing, bada boom, I'm
310 00:57:59,220 --> 00:58:06,990 really having a hard time. Can you tell me this is the third time they sent this email over the number of years it's been like I somehow forgot, like, I can see
311 00:58:06,990 --> 00:58:15,510 their email thread. When they send me an email, it's right there. And they know who they are. And I'm not making funny, I'm not saying your names, don't be
312 00:58:15,510 --> 00:58:26,130 embarrassed. But there is no and I'm telling you openly, there is no recipe that's going to be appropriate for everyone. That's the part that you bring into
313 00:58:26,130 --> 00:58:35,070 it. That's your personality. So you start with one contract. That means when you get to a first threshold of profit, profitability for a partial, which if you
314 00:58:35,070 --> 00:58:43,770 had more than one contract, or won lotto one, if it's a Forex position, the way you condition yourself to grow as a trader, when he gets to that first
315 00:58:43,770 --> 00:58:53,520 threshold, you close the trade Wait a minute, your targets somewhere beyond that, you just told me to get out where the first partial was yet, if you have
316 00:58:53,520 --> 00:59:02,550 not found consistency yet, that's what I teach my students to do. And then you do that, each time using lower timeframe charts, because you're gonna get lots
317 00:59:02,550 --> 00:59:09,150 of setups that way, you can do it a lot over the course of one month. If you're trying to do those types of trades with a four hour chart, it's gonna take a
318 00:59:09,150 --> 00:59:17,160 long fucking time. And I ain't got that kind of patience, you might think I have the patience of a saint, but I don't. You don't either when you start messing
319 00:59:17,160 --> 00:59:25,500 around with it, so you graduate. And when you get to the point where you can hold on to that first idea with one contract to the first partial and then you
320 00:59:25,500 --> 00:59:35,790 can get two contracts or two lots as a forex trader, then you take one off at your first partial and then you reach for the next partial, then you close it
321 00:59:35,790 --> 00:59:47,520 there too and still not get to your target. What is it teaching you you don't have to be right. What is it teaching you to pay yourself? Was it teaching you
322 00:59:48,090 --> 01:00:01,140 hold it for two stages of liquidity? Now when you can trade three contracts, you take one off at one partial second off at the second part Short, and you roll
323 01:00:01,140 --> 01:00:10,740 your stop to a point at which you're comfortable if you get stopped out what is that it might be breakeven, others, it might be $200, it might be some specific
324 01:00:10,740 --> 01:00:17,820 dollar amount, whatever that is, whatever that minimum expectation that you if you get knocked out of the trade, you don't care, it's not going to hurt your
325 01:00:17,820 --> 01:00:27,120 feelings, you're not gonna beat yourself up about it. But can you understand how many people listen to me, all around the world, there's lots of you, you're all
326 01:00:27,120 --> 01:00:35,490 coming from different walks of life, different income, different careers. Some of you have very stressful lives, some of you just got out of fucking prison.
327 01:00:36,090 --> 01:00:44,550 You think about it, there's different walks of life all around in this community. And I don't have a specific recipe for telling you how much to take
328 01:00:44,550 --> 01:00:53,190 off in partials. But in the beginning, it is its start with one, when you get to your first target, where a partial would be you get out, and you keep doing
329 01:00:53,190 --> 01:01:01,830 that, and it feels good. Because then you get to see does it really go to my target. And then when you journal that it gives you experience. So now apply
330 01:01:01,830 --> 01:01:14,790 that to doing these big runners. That's all you're doing. But see, what you're trying to do is you're skipping over a lot of necessary well conditioning. And
331 01:01:14,790 --> 01:01:22,290 Patrick, you train with weights, can you add to and benchpress 500 Fucking pounds right now, I bet you're 10,000, I can't do it. And that's not that that's
332 01:01:22,290 --> 01:01:32,850 not to demean you is that's the equivalent of when I watch you, I'm seeing you grow. Like I'm literally seeing you transform from what you were a couple years
333 01:01:32,850 --> 01:01:42,030 ago. And I didn't watch you then. But I can see the videos and stuff you did back then you're totally different now. And I asked you to do a video and talk
334 01:01:42,030 --> 01:01:54,360 about what it is that you have done to change. And I this is what my observation is. And I don't mean anything to be ignorant, I'm just sharing something as an
335 01:01:54,360 --> 01:02:03,450 observation. And I'm quite certain a lot of your audience in my audience would agree. These are the characteristics that I see in your trading, I see that you
336 01:02:03,450 --> 01:02:16,320 number one, understand liquidity now that you didn't, when you were trading in 2021, and in begins at 2022, it wasn't there. Now, you focus on where the market
337 01:02:16,320 --> 01:02:25,890 can likely draw to that liquidity. That's the secret sauce, you have to have some kind of understanding about where the markets likely to go. Because I don't
338 01:02:25,890 --> 01:02:34,560 give a shit what you use. If you don't have that, right, you're not making money period in this story. So I've seen that transformation in your, your trading.
339 01:02:35,400 --> 01:02:46,680 Sometimes you second guess it and that's normal, because you're still finding yourself. But you have a very simplistic entry model. And that's proving
340 01:02:46,680 --> 01:02:55,320 something I've already taught many times before, the entry is the least important thing. Literally, it's the least important thing. But knowing what's
341 01:02:55,320 --> 01:03:07,950 likely to be seen as a target or a drop in liquidity where the market reaches for. That is where I think you're shining. Now. You weren't doing those things
342 01:03:07,950 --> 01:03:17,370 in the in the past, as far as I could tell, and I might be incorrect. And you're welcome to correct me. And then kind of public response or whatever. But I think
343 01:03:18,510 --> 01:03:34,440 the direction you're going in, if you just slow down in terms of how much you're trying to bite off, like you could be huge on YouTube, like huge, really big.
344 01:03:36,750 --> 01:03:48,390 Just slow down, what you're trying to accomplish in terms of, I gotta get to 100 point handle, runs, I gotta I gotta do that, I gotta do that. That's great as a
345 01:03:48,390 --> 01:03:59,130 goal, but graduate into it. Like literally graduate into it. When you have an $8,000 trade running. And you're admitting that you're struggling because you
346 01:03:59,130 --> 01:04:09,510 want to hold on to these big runs. When it gets 8000 hours, bro, get the fuck out. Do that every time it gets to 8000 hours. Well, if it goes to 6000 Get out.
347 01:04:10,290 --> 01:04:18,120 Believe me, your fucking audience is not going to say What a dumbass, he has made 6000 hours. That's never gonna happen. Just like nobody can complain about
348 01:04:18,120 --> 01:04:27,120 a partial not being profitable. But because you're in front of an audience, and you're trying to entertain also, you're losing sight of what the fuck you're
349 01:04:27,120 --> 01:04:36,150 doing this for is to make fucking money. And that's a reminder for all of you listening. If you're trading if you're pushing a button. The results should be
350 01:04:36,990 --> 01:04:45,180 you're making money. That's it. Not that I impress the people that watch me fuck everybody that watches me. Seriously. I don't give a fuck if you'd like me.
351 01:04:45,270 --> 01:04:53,430 Okay, if I'm pushing a button I'm taking on risk. The end of that trade. I better fucking make money. I don't care if you liked my post. I don't care if
352 01:04:53,430 --> 01:05:02,400 you liked my my management retreat. I don't give a shit. Because whether you like what I did or whether you didn't like it, if I Do something I didn't feel I
353 01:05:02,400 --> 01:05:10,080 should have done or didn't do something I should have done. I'm beating my ass up mentally over that you could never troll me any of you could never troll me
354 01:05:10,080 --> 01:05:21,030 as hard as I do myself, if I know I did something incorrectly. But when you open yourself up to signal services, standing in front of the world saying, Okay, I'm
355 01:05:21,030 --> 01:05:32,790 going to do this, I'm going to treat this country that seriously, you have now literally multiplied the difficulty into a realm that is absolutely fucking
356 01:05:32,820 --> 01:05:45,840 insane. Because you're literally inviting everybody else to openly critique you if you're watching and looking at it. And if your disposition is combative.
357 01:05:48,210 --> 01:05:59,280 That's me, Patrick. That's you, Vinnie. That's you. You're increasing the level of difficulty for you to focus on what it is you're really doing this for, which
358 01:05:59,280 --> 01:06:11,670 is make money. I've watched both of you literally get into fabulous fucking trades. Fabulous. And then later on, that wasn't enough. You weren't content
359 01:06:11,670 --> 01:06:22,560 with it. You went and did more. Or you had open profit, you had it right there. And you both have said, there's gonna be a little bit more soon as you fucking
360 01:06:22,560 --> 01:06:31,380 say that you did you feel that fucking impulse. I'm telling you, this is what I did to fix me. That King Kong limit, this is exactly what Larry Williams said,
361 01:06:31,410 --> 01:06:39,270 Oh, no, I'm probably gonna get a knock on my door. My wife's gonna be like, it's not a clap, motherfucker. It's not. I wait until that happens. I know, I'm
362 01:06:39,270 --> 01:06:39,930 pushing it. But
363 01:06:41,790 --> 01:06:50,430 Larry Williams said that, if you ever get this impulse, when you're in a trade, and you whip out the calculator, and you're like, I'm gonna figure out how many,
364 01:06:50,880 --> 01:06:58,080 if I do this, I hold on to it this much more. And if I hold on this, and then I don't take much off of the position, I hold on everything, I'm gonna be able to
365 01:06:58,080 --> 01:07:09,840 make this much money. As soon as you start changing your mind about what you think it's likely to do, or how far it's gonna go beyond what you thought. Or
366 01:07:09,840 --> 01:07:22,980 for me. If I feel any kind of vibration, because of experience, and you both have experience, you've been doing it longer than most of these people out here,
367 01:07:23,220 --> 01:07:35,820 you know, yourself. And because you both live stream, you've shown your tell, like you've shown it. And I don't know if you realize it or not. But as soon as
368 01:07:35,820 --> 01:07:46,770 you say it out your mouth. I don't know if I should. That's it. Close the fucking trade. You are managing your money, you're managing the risk, you're
369 01:07:46,770 --> 01:07:57,690 managing your trade, and guessing you're also dealing, you're managing the expectations of your audience properly. That means you are seeing something your
370 01:07:57,690 --> 01:08:07,230 audience is watching you. And then now what are you doing? You're taking the action on say, Okay, I am no longer able to focus on this, it doesn't mean you
371 01:08:07,230 --> 01:08:15,960 suck as a trader, it doesn't mean that your concepts below, it just means that you as the operator working in that market environment in front of fucking an
372 01:08:15,960 --> 01:08:24,510 audience that's live and watching you critiquing you. You now have to pull the plug on the trade. And guess what you're doing, you're pulling the fucking trade
373 01:08:24,660 --> 01:08:33,540 at the height of the profitability while you're in the trade I used to aren't the only one. I've seen other YouTubers doing this shit. They don't even trade
374 01:08:33,630 --> 01:08:44,160 like me. They don't trade like neither one of us. But they have these positions on. And as soon as you see them or hear them question whether or not they should
375 01:08:44,160 --> 01:08:53,190 hold them to trade. As soon as you start thinking. I hope soon as you say hope it's it, the fucking trades done, close it. And if it runs to your target, who
376 01:08:53,190 --> 01:09:03,030 gives a fuck you closed that whatever you closed that 90% of everybody else out there on YouTube are fucking doing their own acids in they can't find their own
377 01:09:03,030 --> 01:09:13,920 fucking way. So because you want to be out there and from the audience doing that. I'm telling you, somebody that's been doing it longer than both of you.
378 01:09:13,920 --> 01:09:25,020 Motherfuckers I'm telling you, you both could be absolutely fucking phenomenal. But you are bringing in all the wrong things, whether it be an ego, whether it
379 01:09:25,020 --> 01:09:32,790 be competition, thinking, you know, you want to expose me as a fraud, or you want to prove that I don't trade with real money or this that I don't think I
380 01:09:32,790 --> 01:09:40,320 got more people following me and I won't demonstrate it doesn't make any sense. All that secondary bullshit, bro. Like you, you have an audience both of you
381 01:09:40,320 --> 01:09:52,380 have an audience. You both can do so much better. If you just focus on what the fuck you're doing. And when you get these little vibrations that tell you you
382 01:09:52,380 --> 01:10:01,470 know what's probably turning, close it. I've been doing it longer and I would not look at that as weakness. But you probably think it's we weakness, I got
383 01:10:01,470 --> 01:10:09,780 another trade I bailed, who the fuck is going to sit around and say you're, you're in 1000s of dollars in profit and you collapsed at the height of the
384 01:10:09,780 --> 01:10:19,110 trade right then and there, it went further. But that's a failure, nobody would say that. There ain't nobody out here that has common sense is gonna look at
385 01:10:19,110 --> 01:10:29,610 someone in a position start to finish. And they have 1000s of dollars in equity, and they close the trade. No one is ever going to say that's a fuckup no one's
386 01:10:29,610 --> 01:10:39,930 ever gonna say that's a failure, no one is ever going to say you did that wrong. And if they did, they're full of shit. But because you're trying to make these
387 01:10:39,930 --> 01:10:51,330 monumental and Olympic sized speeds, the real sole reason what you're doing it for, you've made this something other than trading. You've made it a an action
388 01:10:51,330 --> 01:11:02,790 movie, you made it, uh, I don't know, you've lost the plot. And so many of my students and everybody else I say to teachers, I'm sure you have students too,
389 01:11:03,060 --> 01:11:13,770 they've done this shit, they lose the plot, you're in this to make money, you grow from a starting point, it's rather modest. And you gradually over time,
390 01:11:14,220 --> 01:11:23,520 adding a little bit more and a little bit more. And you may discover that you won't become 100 handle trader. But you can beat the fuck and socks off of 30
391 01:11:23,520 --> 01:11:36,480 and 40 handle runs. And you can find them all week long, up down sideways everywhere. But 101 might not be your thing. It doesn't mean you shouldn't try
392 01:11:36,480 --> 01:11:45,450 to reach for it. But you can't do it with a one minute chart or a three minute chart, you have to have a hard timeframe perspective, you have to have something
393 01:11:45,450 --> 01:11:55,890 beyond the interface. Well lay the lamb has to be larger than what you're looking at when it's a small little tiny interval. If you don't have that frame,
394 01:11:55,890 --> 01:12:06,750 and I've talked about this actually in whatever the last livestream, I did a catering call it taught me what it was. But I showed how I was trading something
395 01:12:07,800 --> 01:12:17,340 using the run on the lunchtime liquidity and then running up into the high of the day and then pyramiding it all the way through that. But also showing you
396 01:12:17,340 --> 01:12:27,210 that there was reference points from higher timeframe charts that you otherwise would not have seen in the recorded execution, which is again, I like to have my
397 01:12:27,210 --> 01:12:34,620 charts naked. I don't want anything on it. But I have to remember to consciously tell myself when I'm doing these things. Make sure I annotate this because I'm
398 01:12:34,620 --> 01:12:43,500 gonna prevent 1000 Different tweet questions or emails or people to noon, not tweeting, I don't know if you would call a message me from trading view. You did
399 01:12:43,500 --> 01:12:51,600 this and I can't answer all your emails, I can't answer all your tweets, I can't answer all your, your your notifications on trading view, there's too many of
400 01:12:51,600 --> 01:13:01,590 you. And that's the reality. It's not because I think I'm something that's too snooty. I can't do it. It's just too many of you doing it. So I tried to do
401 01:13:01,590 --> 01:13:10,500 everything I do to try to minimize what it is that is likely to come up as a question or concern. So I'll annotate the the most salient things. So that way,
402 01:13:10,950 --> 01:13:19,500 most of my students have been with me for a while, a lot of them will come in and field you the questions that come to me if it's on Twitter, and if I like
403 01:13:19,500 --> 01:13:25,860 your response, and if I'm an agreement, I'll read, I'll reply with like a heart or something like that. So it's kind of like me co signing your understanding
404 01:13:26,130 --> 01:13:32,670 and telling the person that we had that question. You told them correctly. And I mean, I didn't need to type that it's easier for me to just hit that little
405 01:13:32,670 --> 01:13:41,760 heart. And there it is, you've done me a favor and the person asking the question, but when you're getting these big runners, you didn't step into that
406 01:13:41,760 --> 01:13:55,320 overnight. You have to gradually over time you have to graduate, working slowly towards that goal. And, again, it may take you a lot longer to get to that. But
407 01:13:55,320 --> 01:14:03,570 you know how to get there. The shortest time is when you're stretching the boundaries of your comfort zone. Just like lifting weights, Patrick, just like
408 01:14:03,570 --> 01:14:14,370 lifting weights. You can't go out there and benchpress 500 pounds right now. But years from now, you could I fucking wouldn't try to do that. There's no way I
409 01:14:14,370 --> 01:14:24,240 would say too much. But everybody knows what their limitations are. And you have to stretch that boundary as soon as you get into these trades. And we have all
410 01:14:24,240 --> 01:14:37,620 seen you holding on to 1000s of dollars and trades, open unrealized profit and your faces on the screen. Your mannerisms, if we were playing poker, your tells
411 01:14:37,710 --> 01:14:48,930 are right there. And I'm saying as someone that's observing it. If you pay attention to what it is you're doing, watch your own videos. Just like a boxer
412 01:14:48,930 --> 01:15:03,360 watches this competition is fight. Watch your own videos. Listen to what you're saying. Listen to your breathing Oh god, oh god, I'm not making funny and bro,
413 01:15:03,690 --> 01:15:13,140 I'm literally telling you, you are talking to yourself, but the whole world that's watching your live stream. They're seeing some of the folks that you
414 01:15:13,140 --> 01:15:20,910 can't see them when you would have your own. What is it the chat window open? Sometimes they will tell you Look, close it now be content with that right now
415 01:15:20,910 --> 01:15:30,930 stop it right now. And that you're you're trying to do something beyond that, where if you just stopped, right? When you feel that uncomfortable point at the
416 01:15:30,930 --> 01:15:39,180 height of your trade. That's when you're doing it. You know, subconsciously you should be closing that trade, you know it. But what you're really wrestling
417 01:15:39,180 --> 01:15:46,170 with, it's not because you're afraid that it's going to go and run in your favor. You're afraid if it does do that, that the audience is going to say you
418 01:15:46,170 --> 01:15:56,460 fucked up, you didn't get that big run. That's really what's going on. That's what's going on. And you're not wanting to close the trade at the height of the
419 01:15:56,460 --> 01:16:04,590 trades profitability when you're feeling that uncomfortable threshold? Because you haven't been there enough times yet. You're not desensitized. This is all
420 01:16:04,590 --> 01:16:12,870 new, new territory for you. And it's awesome watching it. It's fucking amazing watching it. I love it. I wish more of you would do it. I would I would watch
421 01:16:12,870 --> 01:16:26,310 this shit, I'm telling you it would. But when you feel that discomfort, that's growing pains, that you doing that last repetition to failure? Stop, don't go
422 01:16:26,310 --> 01:16:30,810 anymore, you're not going to get any more muscle growth. Stop right there.
423 01:16:32,069 --> 01:16:39,749 Then watch and see what happens. Does it run to your objective where you thought it was gonna go? Or does it turn back on you, and then measure that with your
424 01:16:39,749 --> 01:16:49,439 journal, to say, this is what I did that day is how much I got that this is exactly the moment where I felt uncomfortable. I close to here, and then record
425 01:16:49,469 --> 01:16:57,779 what you took away from that as a positive reinforcement. And then each time you do that, just like weight training, you'll be able to add another two pound
426 01:16:57,779 --> 01:17:12,119 plate, five pound plate, 10 pound plate, one more repetition, one more set, and you'll go beyond and grow. But the things that I love most watching you is that
427 01:17:12,119 --> 01:17:23,639 you're finding this stuff out in yourself. But I don't see anybody else giving you power. You told me I'm not trolling you. I'm telling you, if you do these
428 01:17:23,639 --> 01:17:33,839 types of things, I guarantee you, I guarantee fucking t you, you will be absolutely phenomenal. You'll grow bigger than me on YouTube, you will
429 01:17:33,839 --> 01:17:42,479 absolutely grow bigger than me. And if you just do the things I'm suggesting, you don't have to credit me I'm not asking for any of that bullshit. It's not
430 01:17:42,479 --> 01:17:50,909 about that I want to see you do well, I want to see the I want to see Vinnie do well, I want his algo boxship to become popular for people that like that kind
431 01:17:50,909 --> 01:18:02,819 of stuff. I don't have anything against anybody else. And these two individuals are highly critical of me. And I'm telling you, if they spent more time doing
432 01:18:02,819 --> 01:18:12,989 what it is that they do, and stop worrying about all this other drama bullshit your brands would grow. What makes it stagnant. And the things that people talk
433 01:18:12,989 --> 01:18:24,149 about you is that you still do the things I did in early on. Drama marketing only works for so long. And then you have to be able to do something beyond
434 01:18:24,149 --> 01:18:38,189 that. You both can trade. You both can do it. But you bring in other things and you allow outside influence the fuck with you. I don't. That's why I don't do
435 01:18:38,189 --> 01:18:46,919 it. But see, both of you have something that I don't have. You have a willingness to sit out there and do that. You're willing to do that. I'm not
436 01:18:46,919 --> 01:19:03,059 willing to do that. Think about it. You have a niche, you have a segment of the community that I will not cater to, I will not do that. I can call a move, I can
437 01:19:03,059 --> 01:19:13,199 point to a level and I can record myself doing that very thing trading to that. Because I'm in a closed environment where I cannot be talked to. I can't be
438 01:19:13,919 --> 01:19:23,579 distracted. I can't have someone asked me why did you do this and want you to fuck that. I have 1000 voices in my head constantly. Constantly telling me do
439 01:19:23,579 --> 01:19:31,649 this, don't do that. I don't need hundreds 1000s More doing it with the chat room. I can't do it. I thought I could when I tried mentorship, I thought for
440 01:19:31,649 --> 01:19:39,689 sure I'd be able to do it. And I found that I couldn't do it. And I've been very vocal about it. And some of you that want to go out and learn how to do this
441 01:19:39,689 --> 01:19:47,189 skill set because you want to go out on YouTube and do live streaming, I promise you a large portion of you're gonna be like What the fuck, you're not gonna be
442 01:19:47,189 --> 01:19:54,989 able to you're not going to be able to focus. It's not stage fright. Because if you're, if you're making yourself available to the people that are watching you,
443 01:19:56,309 --> 01:20:03,089 you have a genuine concern to help them. That's what you're there for. work, you want to entertain them, you also want to prove to the world you can do something
444 01:20:03,089 --> 01:20:11,489 that's great. That's admirable, I got all the respect in the world for anybody that does it. God trades by Matt, he gets out there. He's not, you know, hitting
445 01:20:11,489 --> 01:20:20,969 1000. But he's out there trying to do it. I got respect for that. I'm never going to shit on somebody that's trying to do something because they got bigger
446 01:20:20,969 --> 01:20:32,609 balls than I do. I'm not out there doing that. And I know how to do this. But I also know my limitations, I can't, I can't manage that distraction. You both
447 01:20:32,609 --> 01:20:47,369 can. Matt can, I can't. So I bloom where I'm planted, I can do this, in this closed environment where I can't be distracted. Both of you, all three of you
448 01:20:47,369 --> 01:20:58,799 have mentioned now you're out there in front of everybody. That takes a great deal of fucking courage, and focus. I can't focus like that. Like, I literally,
449 01:20:58,859 --> 01:21:11,369 I can't focus. So I know my limitations. Just like you may go out there. If you're listening to this, and you thought for, you know, maybe in recent times,
450 01:21:11,369 --> 01:21:22,499 or when you first started trading, you want to be 100 handle run type trader, you may discover you can't, you can't hold on to position that long. Because
451 01:21:22,589 --> 01:21:34,259 your comfort is not in your patience threshold. doesn't support that type of trading. You got to be a hit and run type search go five handle 10 handle
452 01:21:34,289 --> 01:21:44,729 amount. 10 handle 15 handle 20 pips, if it's a Forex trade, you're done, you're completely out of the marketplace, you can relax, because you're wound up like a
453 01:21:44,729 --> 01:21:54,899 top, you're stressed out constantly. Okay, you can grow out of that. But until you do, you have to be comfortable with what you're doing. Right? You got to be
454 01:21:54,899 --> 01:22:06,329 comfortable in your own skin. I'm not comfortable being out there taking on trades, where if I do something wrong, because I'm listening to other people, I
455 01:22:06,329 --> 01:22:14,279 can't have a chat window open because my eyes gonna go right to that. Think about what you guys bitch about when someone says something negative or
456 01:22:14,279 --> 01:22:25,499 whatever, they're like squirrels to me, I can't, I can't help it. I can't fucking help it. That's I'm wired to despite. So if I'm out there with a chat
457 01:22:25,499 --> 01:22:34,019 window open, I'm gonna have 1000 things going through that chat window. And I'm gonna look at that stuff. And the whole time price is doing what it's doing. And
458 01:22:34,019 --> 01:22:47,759 I won't focus there. So because I know that's a character flaw in me, that's a human weakness in me that I wrestle with, I have to, I must make no allowance
459 01:22:47,759 --> 01:22:57,839 for any outside distractions. Some of you may not have that problem I do. But if you do have that problem, or similar, or maybe different things that you have to
460 01:22:57,839 --> 01:23:06,569 wrestle with, you have to figure out what they are, and then manage them. You have to do whatever it is to keep those things from influencing your ability to
461 01:23:06,569 --> 01:23:14,849 trade, observe price action, and know what it feels like to be in that moment right then and there as a trader. Because if you're not able to pick up on
462 01:23:14,849 --> 01:23:25,799 those, well, vibrations that you're getting, because of experience, you're getting it from the market, it's telling you what you should be doing. But
463 01:23:25,799 --> 01:23:32,819 because of the situation you're in, where you have to perform for somebody else that's watching you, or you think someone's gonna laugh at you because you
464 01:23:33,089 --> 01:23:43,319 didn't do something profitably. You're not doing what it is that you're there to do, which is follow your model your model your method, and make mind, manage the
465 01:23:43,319 --> 01:23:53,369 risk, close the trade and profit, and get the fuck out of dodge and let the people come back to watch it again. That's the main focus. And you have to keep
466 01:23:53,369 --> 01:24:03,959 the main focus in the spotlight. And if you let all this other shit, competition, this guy's better than this one. I can be better than that. If I
467 01:24:03,959 --> 01:24:14,009 did this, and I've had to do that. Just trade distictive what it is that you do. And do that. Fucking guarantee you if you didn't do all these other things. And
468 01:24:14,009 --> 01:24:25,379 if you'd listened to your own experience, that little moment where you're, you're doubting, close it. And over time, the more time you do that, you'll see
469 01:24:25,379 --> 01:24:34,709 that you'll be more comfortable holding past that. And then over time, how much time I don't know but it'll be a fascinating discovery for yourself. And your
470 01:24:34,709 --> 01:24:43,529 audience's will see it happening. It'll be recorded in your in your live streams. You'll have a perfect video journal of what it is that you went
471 01:24:43,529 --> 01:24:50,879 through. I guarantee you watching the video. You'll remember that very moment and you'll think that's exactly where my asshole was puckering right then and
472 01:24:50,879 --> 01:24:58,319 there. And I did the right thing by closing it. Look, it went down and I didn't see it at the time. I kind of felt it could but I closed the trade. I did the
473 01:24:58,319 --> 01:25:05,489 right thing there. And then you can aim for heard yourself say I did the right thing in the privacy when nobody's around watching. You can't hear you and you
474 01:25:05,489 --> 01:25:17,309 encouraging you cheerlead yourself. I promise you that you are probably sitting in your house in Florida, watching the videos and you're beating yourself up
475 01:25:17,639 --> 01:25:26,459 more than you do and you're invidious. Stop. Stop doing that. Because it's channeling that same negativity into your viewership, your audience and then it
476 01:25:26,459 --> 01:25:35,789 makes them do the same thing for themselves. Don't do that. Don't do that. cheerlead yourself. So you know what? I fucking did this shit. Today this way,
477 01:25:35,879 --> 01:25:44,909 and it paid out. I'm fucking hammering it. That's right. That's exactly right. And people think that's arrogant. Fuck them. Fuck these people that talk that
478 01:25:44,909 --> 01:25:57,329 shit. Because they are not making money. So they're fucking miserable. They're miserable. But you're letting those types of people creep in. And you're trying
479 01:25:57,329 --> 01:26:05,699 to arm wrestle that shit. I'm going to show the the brokers the haters, the fucking ICT retards. That's what everybody fucking says about everything. And
480 01:26:05,699 --> 01:26:16,619 that kind of stuff is not necessary. People watch YouTubers in trading to watch them trade or teach something. They're not there to listen to some horseshit.
481 01:26:19,079 --> 01:26:24,929 And I watch all three of you. I watch all three of you.
482 01:26:26,189 --> 01:26:36,749 Not every video, not the entirety of them. But I want you. And all three of you here have characteristics that I like. And if I could sit down with you, I would
483 01:26:36,749 --> 01:26:47,129 say, Look, do this, do this, do this. But neither one of you would do that. Because you don't want anybody thinking that I taught you anything. And that's
484 01:26:47,129 --> 01:26:56,849 unfortunate, because I see potential in all three of you. And a lot more of other YouTubers out there. Some guy that trade stocks are watching it all the
485 01:26:56,849 --> 01:27:08,069 time. And they'll do the trade stock options. They do these same types of things. They let the people in the chat room, manage their focus. And I when I
486 01:27:08,069 --> 01:27:21,449 see that stuff, I'm so much relieved that I came to grips with that real quick. I learned that lesson in 2016. In my first group and mentorship for just Forex.
487 01:27:22,649 --> 01:27:30,989 I thought for sure I was gonna be able to do it. And I just couldn't do it. I could not have 100 People ask me questions and feel like I'm gonna give them all
488 01:27:30,989 --> 01:27:40,499 the attention that they feel that they should get. You can't no human person can do that. No human being can answer a chat window. Every single person that paid
489 01:27:40,499 --> 01:27:49,529 them. They think that they have to have their question answered, and they have every right and expecting that. But not at the single second they asked for it.
490 01:27:49,649 --> 01:27:59,789 It's unreasonable. It's unrealistic. And I felt guilty because I couldn't deliver that personal one on one experience for them. Like, I'm sure some of you
491 01:27:59,789 --> 01:28:05,189 when you tweet to me, and I reply to you, and you're like, well, thank you so much for giving me a response. Or you make a big deal about like, I'm a
492 01:28:05,189 --> 01:28:15,569 celebrity, I'm not a fucking celebrity. I'm just a man. That's it. But when you respond that it was an interaction between us both, it's meaningful. Every
493 01:28:15,569 --> 01:28:25,889 single one of my paid students want that experience. Every single one of them because I'm a human being that is. Like, I'm in one location at one time. I
494 01:28:25,889 --> 01:28:35,639 can't be everywhere at one time. I'm not omnipresent. Okay? I'm not God. Okay, I'm not Forex. Jesus. I'm not index futures new Godhead. I'm not, I'm just a
495 01:28:35,639 --> 01:28:47,639 man. That's it. I'm a man. And I try the best I can to be an encouragement to everyone, even the people that don't like me. There is always some kind of
496 01:28:47,639 --> 01:28:58,589 redeeming quality in a person and I look for that. I look for that in everyone. And also, when it's possible, I try to find some way to steer them in the right
497 01:28:58,589 --> 01:29:09,989 direction to make themselves better. There are better personalities out there, that if they just did similar things, like I'm suggesting here tonight, they
498 01:29:09,989 --> 01:29:19,529 will be much more popular than I am right now. I'm a fad. I'm gonna fizzle out past November. People will still probably watch my videos, but I'm not going to
499 01:29:19,529 --> 01:29:27,209 be the thing somebody else is going to come up and it'll be interesting to watch you that is I'm not gonna be out there fucking kicking sand in their face and
500 01:29:27,209 --> 01:29:36,479 saying, Oh, you're a fucking fraud. Fuck you, pal, you know is that I'm going to be back in my old ways of sitting in the sidelines and doing nothing. Just
501 01:29:36,479 --> 01:29:48,629 watching from a spectators position, enjoying whatever happens in terms of who comes up next. I don't want to be at the top all the time. Like, I'm
502 01:29:48,629 --> 01:29:58,409 uncomfortable being here. Like I'm being honest, I don't like this. I get nervous. I would be nervous if I looked and seen how many people are listening
503 01:29:58,409 --> 01:30:06,329 right now. I don't know. And I will be nervous when I'm live streaming, to see how many people when I close the lifestyle, see how many people are there, it
504 01:30:06,329 --> 01:30:16,859 makes me nervous. Because I'm introverted, I may not sound like an introvert because I had the comfort of talking to a phone, when there's nobody here. But I
505 01:30:16,889 --> 01:30:29,309 wouldn't be this open with all of you. If we were in a large group. I was invited, you know, many times over the last 24 months to be speakers, a keynote
506 01:30:29,309 --> 01:30:41,609 speaker and a lot of engagement, some of them are overseas. And I just don't do those things. I don't feel comfortable in that setting. And I get offers all the
507 01:30:41,609 --> 01:30:54,869 time to do like big events, you know, teaching circuits and things. And I just don't want to do that. And because I have gotten to this point, and I don't like
508 01:30:54,869 --> 01:31:06,569 it, I feel uncomfortable. Because I just don't feel comfortable with it. Some of you may do very well in this and become giants and titans in the industry. I
509 01:31:06,569 --> 01:31:17,879 don't want to be, I don't want to be that. I want to go back to being what I was just simple, Michael, I know what I've been blessed with. I believe by November,
510 01:31:17,879 --> 01:31:28,619 I've done exactly what I promised the Lord I would do if he gave me this. And I've been very upfront with y'all. This is what I'm able to teach. This is how
511 01:31:28,619 --> 01:31:41,219 far we're gonna go. And I will be satisfied in November. And I can lay it down and sleep at night knowing that I've done my part of it. And because it's a
512 01:31:41,219 --> 01:31:47,069 video, you can go back and click on it, you can download it, never go back to my YouTube channel, or ever contribute to ad revenue, if you think that's the
513 01:31:47,069 --> 01:31:56,639 problem, or we think that's going to hurt me or if you want to starve me and my family. Like it's gonna happen, whatever. But I just know, when I'm done second
514 01:31:56,639 --> 01:32:07,019 week of November, I have done everything I could possibly do, to teach and share with the capabilities that I have as human beings, because I'm not the best
515 01:32:07,019 --> 01:32:23,879 teacher. I wish I was better. But the things that I teach, and the way I do it, I try to be as practical as I can. I try to be as realistic as possible. And it
516 01:32:23,879 --> 01:32:35,249 bothers me that I can't reach everybody, because I try, I try so hard, I pray to try to reach more of you. Because I know what it feels like I was there. I know
517 01:32:35,249 --> 01:32:44,519 what it feels like when you know you can do it. But it's just seems like it's just outside your reach. Your fingertips are just almost touching it, you can
518 01:32:44,519 --> 01:32:59,279 see it, you can almost grab it. He's gonna hold on a little bit more time, keep doing what you're doing. And it'll happen. But big runners, they come by
519 01:32:59,279 --> 01:33:10,559 partials and managing it that way. And in finding your sweet spot. That means how many contracts, how many lots as a Forex trade that you're gonna be able to
520 01:33:10,559 --> 01:33:28,619 hold. And then you'd let it go. What's the sweet spot? Look at my trades. Look at my trades. Look I'm teaching you by example. That's how you get there. Over
521 01:33:28,619 --> 01:33:38,639 time, you're going to take less off at your first partial. And you'll leave more often towards the end Terminus or the where you think the price is going to go.
522 01:33:39,959 --> 01:33:47,789 That larger portion, you'll reserve it for that. And then over time, you'll get to the point where you'll know what your first partial would have been in the
523 01:33:47,789 --> 01:33:57,689 past. But because you now feel confident about what you're doing, you'll take your first partial at where your second or third partial would be. And it would
524 01:33:57,689 --> 01:34:08,579 be a very small and just a little token, paying homage to how far you've gone as a trader. And when you get to a point where you've mastered your own model, and
525 01:34:08,729 --> 01:34:17,669 key point, you've mastered yourself, then you just start doing full polls. And the only time you take a partial is like today what you saw me doing in the
526 01:34:17,669 --> 01:34:25,109 NASDAQ where I got that vibration saying okay, it's going to run back on my stop, let me just kill half the position because if I'm wrong about that, at
527 01:34:25,109 --> 01:34:33,959 least I have half the position still on. After the first partial was taken. Then if it rolls down and hits my objective, and I'm okay with that. I did proper
528 01:34:33,959 --> 01:34:44,909 trade management either way. I've lessen the load in terms of the risk and the outcome I'm satisfied with. That's the sweet spot, but you don't know what that
529 01:34:44,909 --> 01:34:55,739 is for you. You don't know what that is. All of you listening. You don't know what that is until you just discover it on your own. And it takes time. It takes
530 01:34:56,009 --> 01:35:06,719 the initiative of going through the process of doing it. exposing yourself to that uncomfortableness of not knowing, do I hold do I close? And the easiest way
531 01:35:06,719 --> 01:35:16,649 to get past that growth is say, Okay. I've been at this point where I got $6,000, in open profit, I have 4000 hours and open profit. And I want to see it
532 01:35:16,649 --> 01:35:29,339 go further. But I'm afraid if it rolls back on me. And I'm afraid if I close it, it'll run to my target. So what do you do take half off, take half off, and be
533 01:35:29,339 --> 01:35:39,269 content with whatever happens after that. That's how you do it. That's how you conditioned yourself to get these big runners. That's how I was able to do it.
534 01:35:40,709 --> 01:35:50,549 Nothing happened in the books that I bought. Nothing happened listening to lectures and people that did this and did that. The things I heard Billy
535 01:35:50,549 --> 01:36:01,259 Williams, the who took 10,000 hours and $1.2 million dollars. It wasn't for all he did it. All of his discussions didn't help me.
536 01:36:02,880 --> 01:36:15,120 It created more puzzles. Just like I'm sure when I'm teaching what I teach, it creates a plethora of new, unanswerable questions. But those questions get
537 01:36:15,120 --> 01:36:24,450 answered over time. But you're expecting them all to be in your understanding right away. And some of you think that big runners should be something that's
538 01:36:24,450 --> 01:36:32,850 because now you can trade, you can find profitability, I need to be able to know you don't need, you don't need that. And you shouldn't talk in terms of I need.
539 01:36:33,750 --> 01:36:49,500 I need places so much unnecessary pressure, on performance, which by as a default, will result in performance anxiety. These are so critical for people to
540 01:36:49,500 --> 01:36:57,990 be able to master within themselves. And you don't know what those trigger events are going to be in your trading. You don't know what it is. I can't tell
541 01:36:57,990 --> 01:37:08,670 you what they're going to be. But I tell you when they're going to creep in, and I give you coping mechanisms to graduate through it. And journaling is the
542 01:37:08,760 --> 01:37:20,760 biggest thing. That's the biggest crutch. As a trader. You have to be you have to have it, folks. You have to nobody's going to cheerlead you. When you're
543 01:37:20,760 --> 01:37:28,590 going through drought drawdown you're not they're not going to do it. They're not not sufficiently. So you have to do it yourself. How can you do it? To
544 01:37:28,590 --> 01:37:36,510 encourage yourself go back in your journal and find a period where you were hitting it? Like you were firing on all cylinders? Everything you touched turned
545 01:37:36,510 --> 01:37:45,180 to gold It was fucking phenomenal trading you were dialed in. Read what you annotated in the charts, see the trades that you've taken, the executions, where
546 01:37:45,180 --> 01:37:54,120 you're getting in where you're getting out at the profits, all that shit? That's where you want to get high off of that. You want to take on that shit, okay?
547 01:37:55,320 --> 01:38:03,090 Because you're going to need it when you mess up. When you go through a period of drawdown or if you go like we had an April where I knew the market was in
548 01:38:03,090 --> 01:38:12,180 some funk and if I come out here it would have been not typical ICT so I practice what I preach to you if you don't feel like you're in line with the
549 01:38:12,180 --> 01:38:23,940 marketplace take a step away I got a fucking RV going down the road are you willing to do that? Chances are you probably aren't you think it's everyday
550 01:38:23,940 --> 01:38:37,170 trading baby. It's everyday trading the markets are open every day is a casino. That's bullshit. If, if you're now learning how to trade and you haven't found
551 01:38:37,170 --> 01:38:46,830 your model, and you haven't gone through the growth of discovering who you are and how to fuck you're gonna mess it all up. Everyday trading is not something
552 01:38:46,830 --> 01:38:54,330 you should be aspiring for. You should not be trying to do that. If you're brand new, you don't know yourself you don't know a model. If you're not consistent
553 01:38:55,290 --> 01:39:10,530 health Fuck no, no way. You're guaranteeing failure. You're you're inviting it and promising is going to be successful and it's endeavor. Trade less, choose
554 01:39:10,530 --> 01:39:22,710 quality setups, and opportunities and market environments to do that trading while you're learning and you'll never fear missing anything. You'll be more
555 01:39:22,710 --> 01:39:34,770 confident to trade in the environments to get those big runners. The things I share an openly talk about on Twitter. When I point to something that's okay.
556 01:39:35,250 --> 01:39:48,270 Mark this. I'm rarely wrong about that. When I share them, it's because everything that I would trust in myself is who I am and what I codified and
557 01:39:48,270 --> 01:39:58,920 created and all this bullshit. I will feel confident that I know if there's ever a time where I know that there's an opportunity that people are going to take
558 01:39:58,920 --> 01:40:07,320 the information and put Your money behind it, which is not what I'm inviting you to do. But when I know what I have all the things that I have in my repertoire
559 01:40:07,620 --> 01:40:18,480 behind me, that I feel confident to share it, that's when I do it. Because I know it will be abused, you'll over leverage your shit. And if it's over
560 01:40:18,480 --> 01:40:27,300 leveraged, and I'm not 100% confident, and you're going to tweet to me and say, I fucking did monads, and it didn't work out, and I'm gonna ask all you're gonna
561 01:40:27,300 --> 01:40:37,530 tell me, I'm an asshole in your sock puppet account. That's going to grieve me. And even if no one said they lost money, and it didn't pan out, it would still
562 01:40:37,530 --> 01:40:46,410 grieve me, because I know some of you are sitting in quiet silence, regret and head falling, something I may have inspired. So that's why I don't do it as
563 01:40:46,410 --> 01:40:57,360 frequently as you probably would want me to do. But I tossed my hat in the ring once in a while just to remind you who I am. And keep you encouraged. So
564 01:40:57,390 --> 01:41:05,100 hopefully, this has been somewhat helpful to you, it probably hasn't scratched the itch for some of you. And for some of you, you probably feel like I wasted
565 01:41:05,100 --> 01:41:19,620 your time. And that's fine. Nobody, nobody paid anything to come here. And I'm not holding any hostages. So take what is I gave tonight as heartfelt
566 01:41:20,340 --> 01:41:31,950 encouragement, obviously, advice that I think is beneficial, because I went through this stuff, like I went through it, and I had to go through it with a
567 01:41:31,950 --> 01:41:42,420 lot of failures. I lost a lot of money in real accounts, trying to do it other ways. Listening this shit that didn't make sense didn't work. And I stripped it
568 01:41:42,420 --> 01:41:55,170 down to I have to treat it like any other process. slow and methodical, slow and methodical, wins every fucking time just like a partial pays every time. A
569 01:41:55,170 --> 01:42:07,560 partial profit never fails to pay you a sound approach, it will always yield experience. And that experience will always be profitable, even if you have a
570 01:42:07,560 --> 01:42:23,040 adverse result on a short term measurable basis. That same adverse reaction or result that you try to do and expected some positive response or outcome, you
571 01:42:23,040 --> 01:42:31,500 can use that as a measuring stick, because the next time you do it, it probably won't be that bad. There'll be a little bit better, if not at all. So you have
572 01:42:31,500 --> 01:42:41,280 to have some expectation, going into this industry in trading, that you're going to have failures, you're gonna have setbacks, you're gonna have a prolonged,
573 01:42:42,030 --> 01:42:52,890 much more prolonged learning curve that you never expected. Because listening to a mentor, whether it be me or someone else does not guarantee your success, it
574 01:42:52,890 --> 01:43:03,480 does not guarantee it. Nobody can guarantee that. No one can guarantee you're going to get these big runners. But there's a proper way of doing it. And I
575 01:43:03,480 --> 01:43:12,600 covered it tonight. There's no sugarcoating it. There's no faster way around it. It's just you have to go through because you every single one of you listening,
576 01:43:13,500 --> 01:43:22,620 just like me, I have a lot of mental baggage. I have mental illness that I had to wrestle with every single day. And it's not easy. And maybe you don't have
577 01:43:22,620 --> 01:43:32,610 that in your in your existence in this world. I do. But you have probably something else. Maybe you have a spouse that is just a nagging non supportive
578 01:43:32,610 --> 01:43:38,340 person. And every time you're looking at these charts, they're going to be over your shoulder. What the fuck are you doing that for? Why are you wasting time,
579 01:43:38,760 --> 01:43:48,540 you're wasting your time with this, you've been doing this shit for three months, you make any money yet. I'm not saying to be a terrible member of that
580 01:43:48,540 --> 01:43:59,790 relationship. But I would suggest if it's like that for you find a way to do it away from them. And I'm not saying divorce on this thing, find your way of doing
581 01:43:59,790 --> 01:44:12,120 it, where they're not able to put that energy overtop of you. Because it will steal your joy, it will replace your passion. And it'll rob you of the
582 01:44:12,120 --> 01:44:24,780 opportunity to be able to show them politely that they were fucking wrong. They were fucking wrong. Remember, this is your pursuit. And if you're married, you
583 01:44:24,780 --> 01:44:35,640 got to give them the fruits to believe in it. But don't let them choke your fucking roots before you start growing that fruit. Don't give any opportunity
584 01:44:35,640 --> 01:44:45,570 for the Satan, the enemy, the fucking thing that comes in it creeps in and spoils the vine. Don't get any opportunity for that. You have to guard your
585 01:44:45,570 --> 01:45:01,050 mind. Guard your time, keep the bullshit out of it. That may be toxic people. It may be members in your friendship circle. co workers, your very spouse Don't let
586 01:45:01,050 --> 01:45:11,520 them do it. It doesn't mean you mistreat them or be ignorant to them. Just don't make it available for them to be able to critique it. Put the work in, and when
587 01:45:11,520 --> 01:45:20,310 you get there, then you can decide how you reveal to them. And you'll have fun doing this, don't be an arrogant prick about it. Because I did that, and it
588 01:45:20,310 --> 01:45:31,650 doesn't work well. You don't get friends. And you don't really influence people in the right way. And people will care about your opinion, even for things that
589 01:45:31,650 --> 01:45:40,680 you don't even know the thing about. But it's really fake friendship, it's fake, it's fake adoration. Because they just want to be able to get something from you
590 01:45:40,680 --> 01:45:49,860 or you do something for them. And when you don't do it, or they feel like they've hit a wall in your relationship with you, they won't be interested in
591 01:45:49,860 --> 01:45:57,720 you. And then you'll be the deck you'll be the arrogant asshole bla bla. And that's exactly what happened. Let me borrow money, a lot of success and love to
592 01:45:57,750 --> 01:46:03,870 be able to do this and be able to do that. It's not the same
593 01:46:05,729 --> 01:46:17,879 as being someone that is more genuine, down the Earth. You're not out there trying to rub, but you haven't everybody's face. Talking down to people, because
594 01:46:17,879 --> 01:46:27,089 you have more than a half. That's all the wrong reasons to be doing this. And some of you young guys, you already know, that's what you want to do. And I hope
595 01:46:27,089 --> 01:46:37,349 you don't do those things. Because you might get attention, you might get a following from all that stuff. But you're gonna have a whole lot of people that
596 01:46:37,619 --> 01:46:46,409 won't have respect for you, they won't have any kind of consideration for what it is that you're you're dealing because they're going to see it for what it is,
597 01:46:46,409 --> 01:46:54,779 it's going to be just clout. You might be successful, you might be able to make a lot of money. But people don't really give a fuck, because they can't spend
598 01:46:54,779 --> 01:47:01,799 your money. They can't drive your cars, they can't sleep in your houses, they can't sleep, they can't swim in your heated pools, they can't go into your
599 01:47:01,799 --> 01:47:15,449 vacation homes. So none of that really matters. And if you're inspired by all that stuff, once you get it and listen to me, once you have all that stuff. It's
600 01:47:15,449 --> 01:47:27,449 like I had much higher expectations. Before I actually got it. Like I thought I would have this feeling I would have that experience. It's not like you think it
601 01:47:27,449 --> 01:47:39,779 is. It's nice to have it but once the novelty wears off, and everybody that you know sees you have it. It's it. They're not calling you up. Hey, do you still
602 01:47:39,779 --> 01:47:48,329 have that sports car in the garage? Do you still? Do you still go to that place that you have over here? Do you still have this over here? Do you do that?
603 01:47:48,419 --> 01:47:56,729 Nobody gives a fuck. But right now when you don't have it, you think that's what it's like for everybody that has it's not, it's not like that. It's just stuff.
604 01:47:58,439 --> 01:48:09,329 You need to enjoy being successful for the reasons of being successful. And free. Doing it so that way you don't have to work with fucking Karl again. You
605 01:48:09,329 --> 01:48:20,429 can leave you can tell your boss you're fucking fired. be unemployable. That's the reason why you do this. No other reason. Not for Klout not for people to
606 01:48:20,429 --> 01:48:32,009 suck your ass off on public. It's simply to be free of all the bullshit. You want fuck you money. If you think that's crude, I'm I'm talking in too much blue
607 01:48:32,009 --> 01:48:39,329 collar. This is what you get sometimes with me when I'm live, there's no filter. It's not pre recorded where it's edited out. You shouldn't have your kids
608 01:48:39,329 --> 01:48:48,029 listening to me when I'm here. Anyway. I'm talking to adults. I'm talking where the rubber meets the road. This is the kind of stuff that you would have someone
609 01:48:48,029 --> 01:48:58,679 tell you that has gone through it. I've had the good and I've had the bad and what some of you young guys think that you want. I've wanted that stuff too. And
610 01:48:58,679 --> 01:49:12,839 once you obtain it it's not as important in the things about being present present in the moment around your loved ones around when you're around your
611 01:49:12,839 --> 01:49:24,179 friends. Think about how many times you're posing you're trying to be more than you really are. I did that shit all the time as a 20 year old all the time
612 01:49:25,289 --> 01:49:35,819 3000 $2,000 In my pocket all the time knotted up any opportunity to pull that fucker out gone and 711 grab something to drink the whole fucking wild had to
613 01:49:35,819 --> 01:49:49,619 come out because I wanted somebody say dare do that reminded me yeah, I've arrived now fucking stupid that was I would never do that today. I have fucking
614 01:49:49,619 --> 01:49:56,099 bad upside my fucking head be laid the fuck out and roll great day where I was stood. So my eyes to be like Damn, he was stupid as fuck carrying that knot
615 01:49:56,099 --> 01:50:11,399 around my mouth. But that's dumbshit people do when you're young. You do dumb shit. And racing to get to these big runners before you're properly equipped
616 01:50:11,429 --> 01:50:20,459 mentally, and the model and the experience to be able to do that consistently, you don't want to just do it one time and say, Yeah, I did it. You won't be able
617 01:50:20,459 --> 01:50:36,029 to do it consistently, a couple times a month. That has to take time. And time is what many of you don't want to spend. You'll be in a hurry to get there and
618 01:50:36,059 --> 01:50:43,229 blow accounts. And I got no time to be learning this shit. You talk too much ICT. Let me get out here and put my money in this account mean goodbye, some
619 01:50:43,229 --> 01:50:52,019 accounts, challenges, and fucking shit yourself trying to say, Oh, I blew that again. We go out and try to make some more money next two weeks, and I some more
620 01:50:52,019 --> 01:51:03,269 challenges. Which one makes more sense? Because that doesn't sound like it can make sense to me. Sounds like it's a waste of fucking time and money. So you're
621 01:51:03,269 --> 01:51:14,399 doing two things incorrectly, you're wasting your time rushing to try to do something you're not equipped to do. versus taking your time slowing the fuck
622 01:51:14,399 --> 01:51:26,819 down. Enjoy the process of doing this. Because it's a career. It's not. It's not a hobby. And some of you guys think it's like a scratch off, like you fucking
623 01:51:26,849 --> 01:51:34,709 get into a funded account. And like, Yeah, I'm gonna get here and make five fingers. Like, what happens if you do get lucky and do it one time, and it was
624 01:51:34,709 --> 01:51:43,979 just happenstance that got you there? You're gonna know damn well. What's if you listen to these people that are honest, that are funded account representatives.
625 01:51:45,479 --> 01:51:57,089 They'll come out and tell you they know the people that are going to be getting payouts consistently. And the ones that just got lucky. They know are you going
626 01:51:57,089 --> 01:52:05,759 to be the person that got to pay out the first time and knowing your heart that it's probably not going to happen again. I don't want to hear that. I don't want
627 01:52:05,759 --> 01:52:12,419 to see that in any of you. I want to see, you know, beyond the shadow of doubt that you're going to take money from these funded accounts, and then find
628 01:52:12,419 --> 01:52:26,789 yourself. Oops, yeah. Don't have they'll have all your expected future revenue in a company like these. They may be obtainable right now. But nothing's
629 01:52:26,789 --> 01:52:40,499 guaranteed. nothing's guaranteed. But if you take the money you earn from that and put it into something that makes you money. Something residual income. I'm
630 01:52:40,499 --> 01:52:48,299 not suggesting what that might be. Because there's lots of things you can do. But at the very minimum, you should have at least a real funded account in your
631 01:52:48,299 --> 01:53:01,259 name as a real broker, like a real burger where they can, where you can take out all the fucking money, you can take out 50% and more. And not gonna say no, they
632 01:53:01,259 --> 01:53:08,339 don't have any restrictions, you make $1,000 10,000 hours in that one day is not as long as you got time to deal with domestic wire where you're at, and they can
633 01:53:08,339 --> 01:53:16,709 send that shit out to you that day. Not you got to be profitable, five more business days. In fact, that's it, I get it, they all have rules, okay, they
634 01:53:16,709 --> 01:53:25,949 have a business model they have to adhere to. But at some point, you're gonna have to leave that or at least branch out into doing real brokerage. And I don't
635 01:53:25,949 --> 01:53:36,149 represent any brokers, I don't represent any funded account firm. I'm not introducing broker, I don't go there. But you need to be in a reputable but once
636 01:53:36,149 --> 01:53:44,399 you start being profitable, you need to take your money and put it into a real brokerage firm. And the things that you adhere to as far as the rules that got
637 01:53:44,399 --> 01:53:54,959 you to that point, just apply that same shit to your funded account. No approach, do that with your real money, but do even more strict adherence to
638 01:53:54,959 --> 01:54:07,949 rules. Many of you don't like the idea of hearing that. But listen to the guys that are making big money. ICT student does this and does that
639 01:54:08,069 --> 01:54:25,919 100,000 180,000 500,000 not listen to what they're risking less than 1%. Yeah. They listened. They listened to those presentations where everybody said ICTs
640 01:54:25,919 --> 01:54:39,749 talk about 1% risk, but that should you can't get rich doing that. Did you make a half a million dollars this year? Did you make $180,000 this year? I think
641 01:54:41,609 --> 01:54:50,249 these cats are doing it. They're using what they learned. They're tricking you into blazing their own trail. I'm not giving them setups. They're finding
642 01:54:50,249 --> 01:54:59,399 themselves and they're not pushing the risk. And they're getting paid out and they're getting interviewed by the companies that paid them out. Where's the
643 01:54:59,399 --> 01:55:11,789 fraud? Where's The fucking fakery in that they're doing everything on their own. And I have so much respect. And I'm proud of them. I have many students that do
644 01:55:11,819 --> 01:55:25,379 more than that, that are quiet, they don't want any kind of fucking notoriety. And I'm proud of them to, I'm more proud of them. Because they know why they got
645 01:55:25,379 --> 01:55:35,939 into this. And they're staying inside their own lane, they don't give a shit about trying to prove to anybody else. They're not working anymore. That you
646 01:55:35,939 --> 01:55:42,899 don't need, you don't need to convince them that they did the right thing, believe me, they're waking up every day saying I did the right thing. And that's
647 01:55:42,899 --> 01:55:51,089 what you need to do, you need to be able to be comfortable in your own skin. And growing as a trader, whether it be this idea of trying to catch these big
648 01:55:51,089 --> 01:56:02,309 runners or there being just finding consistency, or what asset class to trade or what model to trade. So there's so many things that you're wrestling with, you
649 01:56:02,309 --> 01:56:03,899 may not feel like you are but you are.
650 01:56:05,279 --> 01:56:14,879 All these things are going to be impactful. And they're going to either derail you prolong your learning curve. Or if you figure out what it is that you have
651 01:56:14,879 --> 01:56:25,349 to do, to grow through it. Because some of these things, you're gonna have to go through these things. There's no way around them. Just like that first losing
652 01:56:25,349 --> 01:56:35,159 trade or getting it wrong the first time. You don't want to have that experience, you might as well just do it quickly. Just do a quick thing, get it
653 01:56:35,159 --> 01:56:44,549 over with. That's why I tell everybody, as soon as you get a live account, flip a quarter take the first trade based on a whim. Get that loss out of the way.
654 01:56:44,699 --> 01:56:55,589 But the first loss come that way. It's done. The ice is broken. Now it's nothing to fear server. Because you'll sit there in heaven Hall worry about me, it's my
655 01:56:55,589 --> 01:57:04,229 first. It's my first real trade man. It's like what about performance anxiety? What if she doesn't really think I measure up? That's the kind of shit that a
656 01:57:04,229 --> 01:57:15,779 guy does. When you look at this account. They make it sexual. They want to make sure that the market talks about them to their girlfriends tomorrow. No, you're
657 01:57:15,779 --> 01:57:24,899 going in there to have a romp. That's it. That's it. You got to stop loss. That's your fucking protection. There's no sexually transmitted diseases, STDs,
658 01:57:24,899 --> 01:57:33,839 a standard deviation, that's the only thing closest to STD in your trade, it's ever going to be there. So don't be worrying about this shit. You're not taking
659 01:57:33,839 --> 01:57:45,719 them home to meet mom. Go in, have a one night stand or romp. That's it, it's done. your stop loss is your protection, your target, that's your orgasm. There
660 01:57:45,719 --> 01:57:57,119 it is. Simple as that. Be thankful, happy ending. Next. It doesn't make you a player doesn't make you a dog doesn't make you a, you know, a less than a
661 01:57:57,119 --> 01:58:06,989 gentleman. It just means that you are a trader, you're going in there taking what's yours. That's it. And sometimes you're gonna get turned down. It happens
662 01:58:06,989 --> 01:58:21,119 guys, it happens ladies, you might think that that trade is something that you can take home. And they say Not tonight. And you go home. That's it. You're by
663 01:58:21,119 --> 01:58:33,869 yourself. You don't take any profits and you go in, in the club, you drop some money, buy some drinks, nothing happens. You lost. That's drawdown, get over it.
664 01:58:34,949 --> 01:58:42,029 But guess what happens? Guess what happens the next fucking weekend? You got Euro Money in Your Pocket? You're going out to that same Football Club, you're
665 01:58:42,029 --> 01:58:49,679 on the same fucking thing. That's your model. Well, why are you looking at trading any different? You got out there, you invest the money, you buy some
666 01:58:49,679 --> 01:58:58,139 drinks, you want to have a good time. And the market says tonight. Thanks for buying the drinks though. You're going to go back to the next trading
667 01:58:58,139 --> 01:59:15,269 opportunity at the club. It's a process. It's all it is. It's a process, how you think about it. What you make it in your mind as a deterrent, or a boundary or a
668 01:59:15,269 --> 01:59:26,459 barrier. You're doing it yourself. It's just numbers, the markets going up or it's going down or it's going sideways. That's it. That's all. That's all that
669 01:59:26,459 --> 01:59:36,299 is happening. But you don't realize what you're doing internally that's preventing you to be able to get to these big runners. What you're scaring
670 01:59:36,299 --> 01:59:44,879 yourself with what you're concerning yourself with. What is the distractions that being an impediment to you doing these types of trades? You know how you
671 01:59:44,879 --> 01:59:55,589 discover what they are journaling them. Journaling, there's nothing wrong about recording your concerns and saying I noticed today when I was in the market, I
672 01:59:55,589 --> 02:00:05,819 was at this point at this time the market has done this or that and I was concerned Not saying I'm scared. I was anxious. No, I was concerned about this,
673 02:00:05,849 --> 02:00:12,779 whatever it was that was distracting you, whatever it was that you were worrying about. But you're not saying worry or scared. You're saying you were concerned
674 02:00:12,809 --> 02:00:19,979 concern is something like a doctor, if you have something wrong with you, you want them to have concern, but they're not coming in, they saw your says, fuck,
675 02:00:19,979 --> 02:00:27,569 dude, you are not going to believe this. You got fucking what, six days, maybe five days at most, man, what the fuck I hate to be you, nobody's gonna do that
676 02:00:27,599 --> 02:00:34,439 doctor, you're not gonna, you're gonna level that guy. Or you might have smacked that woman, which is probably not the best thing to do. But you're gonna be
677 02:00:34,439 --> 02:00:42,629 scared shitless you're gonna be want to throttle them. Like what the fuck is coming, you're telling me that for. You don't want to do that. You don't wanna
678 02:00:42,629 --> 02:00:51,989 do that in your journal. You don't want to be scaring the shit out of yourself. When you refer back to it, you want it to be neutral, without emotion. But you
679 02:00:51,989 --> 02:01:03,719 know, by when you say I was concerned about this, you are saying? A roundabout way that this was a major issue for you, whether it be anxiety, or fear
680 02:01:03,719 --> 02:01:17,129 inducing. But you're not recording it that way in your journal. Everything else apart from those events has to be sugar coated, self fucking love. Yes, it is
681 02:01:17,129 --> 02:01:26,909 absolutely verbal masturbation, it's the thing that gets you off. When you go back into your journal. You're loving yourself. And there's no reason for you to
682 02:01:26,909 --> 02:01:34,139 be ashamed of it. It's not arrogance and pride, that's for you to read, you're not showing it to the world. You're not putting on New York's bestseller list.
683 02:01:34,619 --> 02:01:45,869 It's just for you to go back and cheerlead yourself when you need it. Because believe me, you're gonna fucking need it. And by going through that process,
684 02:01:47,099 --> 02:01:55,169 you're completely desensitizing yourself to the outcome. It's irrelevant. If trade wins or doesn't win, you don't care. You've been here before. You've been
685 02:01:55,169 --> 02:02:05,369 the disc club. Yeah. I went out this many times over the years, or this year, went to this club, I saw this girl several times bought her drinks, water
686 02:02:05,369 --> 02:02:14,729 drinks, water drinks, I thought for sure after the fifth time I was going to get it and no. So what are you going to do? You're not going to go there and do that
687 02:02:14,729 --> 02:02:23,579 again. But you're not going to stop going to that club, you're gonna, it's not gonna go to that lady or that guy, you're not going to give them that attention
688 02:02:23,579 --> 02:02:33,809 anymore, you're going to do something different, because it's not yielding you the result that you're looking for. You're going through the process, just like
689 02:02:33,809 --> 02:02:43,409 going through the process of trying to catch these big runners, you go into one contract, graduate two contracts. And then you take one contract off, and you
690 02:02:43,409 --> 02:02:53,759 let that last one run. And if it stops you out who cares? You're stopping should be in a position where it's not a loss anyway. And you do this over time, and
691 02:02:53,759 --> 02:03:04,529 you completely desensitize yourself, to getting to the point where you can hope for these longer runs. But you can't do it right out the gate. And anybody that
692 02:03:04,529 --> 02:03:17,819 tells you you can with their service, their product, or whatever the fuck they're doing is bullshit. Period. They're selling you a fucking pipe dream. I'm
693 02:03:17,819 --> 02:03:27,119 telling you, you can do it. I'm telling you. You can do more than what you think you can do right now. But you can't do it real quick. That's all I'm just being
694 02:03:27,119 --> 02:03:36,269 a realist. I'm being practical. I'm trying to talk to you. With the right parameters. That way, you can set yourself up with realistic expectations. And
695 02:03:36,269 --> 02:03:42,869 then allow yourself the time to get to these thresholds that you're probably not even aware that you can do something you probably don't think you're ever be
696 02:03:42,869 --> 02:03:51,389 able to do 100 handle around. Somebody you're struggling to find a five handle and you're thinking, dude, I can find five handles consistently two times a
697 02:03:51,389 --> 02:04:00,689 week, you're talking about 100 handles. And maybe the way I'm talking to you, right? Seems like it's word salad. It doesn't mean anything to you because it
698 02:04:00,689 --> 02:04:14,369 feels like it's unobtainable for you. Well, that's okay. It's for right now. I promise you when I first started doing this shit, November 5, in 1992, at nine
699 02:04:14,369 --> 02:04:24,809 o'clock on a Thursday evening, in my aunt Barb and Uncle stands house. I did not know what I know about trading right now, or even knew that it was possible to
700 02:04:24,809 --> 02:04:34,469 know what I know. So how the fuck could you right now, place any limitations on yourself when you just started? If you've been doing it less than two years,
701 02:04:34,529 --> 02:04:44,819 you're still fucking new. you're brand new, you have no idea what the fuck is going on yet? And why are you placing all of this weight on your shoulders?
702 02:04:46,049 --> 02:04:55,319 Nobody would do that. Nobody that is successful, would be able to go back in time and a time machine tell their selves at two years and experience. Say What
703 02:04:55,319 --> 02:05:03,029 the fuck? You're not doing enough. You should be doing this by now. Nobody knows. Got it, we'll do that. But something you think that that you should be
704 02:05:03,029 --> 02:05:16,349 doing to yourself. And that is toxic thinking. It draws you to if you do that in anything, whether it be personal relationships, exercise, weight loss, whatever,
705 02:05:17,459 --> 02:05:26,999 the hobby, something you're trying to do well, at a perfect example, my eyes aren't the best anymore. You know, I'm older, and I've been looking at screens,
706 02:05:26,999 --> 02:05:38,429 all my life, light sensitivity, and it's just, I have a lot of shit going on. So when I go to the range, I shoot, my eye fatigue is way sooner now than it used
707 02:05:38,429 --> 02:05:51,539 to be. And then I'm coming, I'm getting to an age where I'm an older guy. So I'm really seeing these changes in my body and my ability to do things I used to be
708 02:05:51,539 --> 02:06:02,729 able to do when I was a younger man. It's a little bit unsettling for me. What I took it as why I'll be able to do this now I'm not able to do as well.
709 02:06:04,080 --> 02:06:12,510 If you tear yourself down, and talk about how, oh, you know, I can't do this anymore. As miserable. I'm a failure on this now, I don't think was it gonna do
710 02:06:12,510 --> 02:06:22,980 for you, that's not gonna make you better. And it doesn't make you Macho. To say that, Oh, you're being a pussy when you talk to yourself, that doesn't make you
711 02:06:22,980 --> 02:06:32,700 macho doesn't make you more stronger. What it really does is it's beating down your subconscious. And your subconscious is what manifests through your
712 02:06:32,700 --> 02:06:42,840 emotions, and your psychological response to stress. Yeah, so when you're out there, and you're beating your chest and saying, Oh, I'm a pussy, I just got to
713 02:06:42,840 --> 02:06:51,570 learn how to hold these trades longer. Or I don't know why I can't hold these trades anymore. It's just, you know, this, this that you're literally charging
714 02:06:51,570 --> 02:07:04,110 your subconscious, with so much underlying anxiety, that it will always be there. At that time. When you feel uncomfortable about doing the very thing that
715 02:07:04,110 --> 02:07:12,060 you think you want to do or say out loud, you want to do it. Or tell people, This is my goal, I want to be 100 handle trader, I want to get these trades and
716 02:07:12,060 --> 02:07:25,350 make 30,000 $50,000 $100,000 months. Okay? That's a dream. When you say it, it's a goal, when you go through a process of working towards it, in limiting your
717 02:07:25,350 --> 02:07:35,370 focus and keeping bullshit from getting in. That it's not a dream anymore. It's a goal. And it's an accomplishment, when you go through that process of taking a
718 02:07:35,370 --> 02:07:45,840 dream, turning into a goal and putting the work behind it and filtering out all the bullshit. That's how people get there. But not pressing into that
719 02:07:45,870 --> 02:07:56,850 uncomfortable period, with a process of being able to weigh out what it is that they have to do. Marginally incrementally, holding on for a little bit longer on
720 02:07:56,850 --> 02:08:07,680 the next trade. And when you feel uncomfortable, stop it close the trade. You're getting out in profit. Why? What is the problem? Did you make whatever you're
721 02:08:07,680 --> 02:08:17,580 making that trade yesterday? Probably not. So are you doing, you know, improvement? Yes. Are you profitable? Yes. Are you adding to your bottom line
722 02:08:17,580 --> 02:08:29,250 for the month and the weekend? That day? Yes. Where the fuck is the shortcoming here? But in your mind, you're thinking it's not enough? It's not enough. It's
723 02:08:29,250 --> 02:08:42,810 the same thing, ladies that every man thinks every man thinks this before they laid down with you. Yes, we're talking in crude terms right now. But that's the
724 02:08:42,810 --> 02:08:56,610 reality. That's the reality. Men always do this to themselves. They always do it, man. What, what am I going to be like to her? We lay down together, and
725 02:08:56,610 --> 02:09:09,450 we're going to measure up. That's what men do all the time. All the time. And ladies don't do that in their trading. They're not looking at this and thinking,
726 02:09:09,450 --> 02:09:18,990 Well, you know, am I going to pull this trick off? Like I did on that last guy I was with? No, you're not doing that. It's money. It means something to you men.
727 02:09:19,530 --> 02:09:27,660 We think what are dicks. Everything's about measurement. Who can do it longer, lasts longer, who's longer? That has nothing to do with fucking trading that has
728 02:09:27,660 --> 02:09:34,890 nothing to do with the markets. But that's what you're thinking. And if you're not thinking about it right then and there, you're thinking when I get this
729 02:09:34,890 --> 02:09:44,910 payout, I'm gonna be going out to this this this I'm like trying to get this girl. Yeah. You're trading because you want to get screwed. And you're rushing
730 02:09:44,910 --> 02:09:51,360 to get to that because you think that that money is gonna make you attractive. It's gonna make you more significant. So therefore the honeys are gonna be
731 02:09:51,360 --> 02:10:02,940 wanting to warm up to you. And maybe they will. But you really want one that does that. All the perspective is fucking skewed in this industry. With younger
732 02:10:02,940 --> 02:10:13,860 men, they don't know what they're doing. They're running around doing stupid shit rushing to get money for all the wrong reasons. I don't know who needs to
733 02:10:13,860 --> 02:10:23,100 hear that. But there it is. But anyway, I tried to close this a little bit ago, and I'm quite certain I'm in dog house and I get out of here because it's 10
734 02:10:23,100 --> 02:10:31,290 After I didn't get a knock on the door, so that means I'm in trouble. I am in some serious problem trouble. So I'll probably have to get some marriage
735 02:10:31,290 --> 02:10:43,230 counseling after this one. I knew he was gonna go up and stay. He told me is gone, man. I know. But she knows in November, this shit stops. So it doesn't
736 02:10:43,230 --> 02:10:53,040 mean I won't hear it. But anyway, I'm going to close it here. So you've had two hours and 10 minutes with me tonight. And I probably wasted some of your time.
737 02:10:53,400 --> 02:11:00,930 You know what, you'll be better for it. Even if you think it was a waste of time, you heard something tonight that it's going to come up later on when it's
738 02:11:00,930 --> 02:11:14,100 needed. And even if you think about it again. Think about how it is applicable to you. You never, you never need to come back and say he was right. I don't
739 02:11:14,100 --> 02:11:24,570 care about being right. But somebody that's listening, need to hear this tonight. Somebody needed to hear these things. Okay. And maybe he didn't need to
740 02:11:24,570 --> 02:11:30,960 hear you've overcome it. Maybe it was fun to hear how it used to be for you and how you don't have to feel that way anymore. Or maybe you know, somebody that's
741 02:11:30,960 --> 02:11:37,860 going through it, you've gone through it. And they're in the audience with you right now. Okay, and you're listening to an old guy that's been here before and
742 02:11:38,970 --> 02:11:49,830 fumbled my way through it and found my way on the other side of it. It's practical information. But you know, nobody at the time going through it thinks
743 02:11:49,830 --> 02:11:58,620 like this, they think there's going to be some easy fix some 123 operation or, or something in the trading charts or something that can fix it. For him. It's
744 02:11:58,620 --> 02:12:09,840 not, it's between your ears. Everything about trading is between your ears that that seven pound universe that we call our brain. It's a wonderful organ. God
745 02:12:09,840 --> 02:12:21,210 has been so gracious to give us such a super charged computer to do so many processes are so fast, infinitely faster than anything we can create. Don't give
746 02:12:21,210 --> 02:12:33,150 a fuck who says otherwise. We have a personality, we have a spirit we have a part of us that we bring into trading. And all of those things are going to have
747 02:12:33,150 --> 02:12:46,440 a major impact. And they can be positive. But unfortunately, in the beginning, most of its the negative, you're coming in here with needs. I need to make more
748 02:12:46,440 --> 02:12:53,190 money, I need to be able to pay my bills, I need to be able to be more profitable so that we can live in a better house. That way I can have a better
749 02:12:53,190 --> 02:13:03,720 relationship because I don't live well enough to get take a lady or male friend that I would like to have. I'm doing this because I'm lonely. I don't need to be
750 02:13:03,720 --> 02:13:13,020 with somebody else right now because you're hurting. And this is going to be compensation for that. It's not, you're still going to be lonely. Lots of money
751 02:13:13,050 --> 02:13:24,270 doesn't make you not lonely anymore. In fact, I can imagine that would be worse, having a lot of money and still being lonely. So money doesn't fix that. Being
752 02:13:24,270 --> 02:13:32,100 successful as a trader doesn't fix those things. There are outside external things that you have to work out outside of trading, don't come into trading
753 02:13:32,280 --> 02:13:42,360 with trading and profitability fixing them things because it doesn't. It doesn't fix up an abusive relationship. It won't make you able to deal with it better.
754 02:13:42,510 --> 02:13:54,990 If you're in a toxic relationship, get the fuck out of it. Simple, hard, but simple. You don't feel appreciated with who you're with. Right now, you can't do
755 02:13:54,990 --> 02:14:04,050 it. You can't leave him you got to be codependent. That's your circumstance, I get it. Do what you have to do to improve and build yourself up and make it
756 02:14:04,050 --> 02:14:13,440 available for you to be able to leave on your own terms to not need them. And maybe, you know, they could see the errors of their ways. And maybe he could be
757 02:14:13,440 --> 02:14:20,940 forgiving to get back in when you can show them that you don't need to be codependent with them. And they'd be more appreciative or she'll be more
758 02:14:20,940 --> 02:14:29,640 appreciative of you. And maybe they had that same toxic level again, or break free of it, and live with someone that really respects you. That way you can
759 02:14:29,640 --> 02:14:45,900 have a very fruitful life. Really just living. Some of you right now think that you might be living, you just need more money. That might be true. And a
760 02:14:45,900 --> 02:14:55,110 terrible thing might happen where you start making a lot of money and you're comfortable, successful. Personal life is made toxic because of the money. You
761 02:14:55,110 --> 02:15:01,530 don't know what your spouse or your friend that you're in with. terms of relationship is going to feel when you start making lots ammonia may become a
762 02:15:01,530 --> 02:15:11,970 point of the division. These are all things that you don't even know yet. And I'm not trying to create anxiety for you, but what you think you're getting into
763 02:15:11,970 --> 02:15:26,970 this for and how it's going to be, you don't know. But you don't know. So you have to keep all those things in the backseat. Just keep driving forward, keep
764 02:15:26,970 --> 02:15:36,960 your eyes on the windshield, not the rearview mirror, the bigger perspective of the windshield, you got to monitor where you're going, keep the hazards in front
765 02:15:36,960 --> 02:15:46,290 of you identify that leak and navigate into things behind you. That rearview mirror. That's the reason why so small, because they're they're insignificant,
766 02:15:46,290 --> 02:15:51,750 you've already experienced that. You don't have to relive those experiences,
767 02:15:51,750 --> 02:16:00,060 you don't have to go down that road anymore. Once you cross this bridge of going through the process of finding who you are and how you're gonna fuck yourself up
768 02:16:00,060 --> 02:16:08,700 and trading, that's the most important thing. It's not how to get into a trade. It's not what timeframe to trade. It's not what ICT model or what program to
769 02:16:08,700 --> 02:16:16,170 follow or what mentor to follow. It's how you are you, you are going to mess yourself up. How is it that you're going to do it? Because all of us do it?
770 02:16:16,710 --> 02:16:24,390 There has never been a trader that walked out into this industry, and didn't bring some kind of baggage or bullshit that caused them some kind of blown
771 02:16:24,390 --> 02:16:36,480 account, failure. Struggling point, everybody, we're all human. We all bring that stuff into this. And you don't know what it's going to be for you. Some of
772 02:16:36,480 --> 02:16:45,720 you probably do, but you're gonna discover it's more shit than just that. If you're unorganized, impulsive, you're going to know about it, because that's how
773 02:16:45,720 --> 02:16:57,810 your trading is going to be. I don't journal because you're disorganized. I don't know when to take a trade I'm impatient. That means you're not following a
774 02:16:57,810 --> 02:17:07,380 rule based idea. I tell you when the focus on the trades, it's inside of a 60 minute window. It's an obvious formation in price reaching for a pool of
775 02:17:07,380 --> 02:17:17,970 liquidity above or below what are you wrestling with? What timeframe you start with the five minute you can't see it on the five minute drop down to the four
776 02:17:18,420 --> 02:17:25,530 can't see it on the format drop down there three can't see it on a three minute drop down to a two then one if you have access to a second chart dropped down to
777 02:17:25,530 --> 02:17:35,640 a 32nd but anything less than that I wouldn't touch it. You don't have the experience for it or you can see it in a minute don't do anything wait for the
778 02:17:35,640 --> 02:17:49,200 next session. But ICT but shit you're already showing that you can't follow rules. There's your problem. You want every session every day trading I'm not
779 02:17:49,200 --> 02:17:57,900 promising you that not in the beginning I can't because I know you're not going to have the experience and somebody needs to hear this shit and I can't get off
780 02:17:57,900 --> 02:18:12,960 this this live session already am already in the doghouse that muscle or more of it right now, I've covered everything I want to cover tonight. So hopefully you
781 02:18:13,020 --> 02:18:20,910 got something out of this tonight. If you did let me know on Twitter. Give me a heads up say thanks for those bullshit. This is bullshit. I'll meet you. I
782 02:18:20,910 --> 02:18:30,240 promise I won't block you. I'll meet you though. I get tougher to toxicity. But if it was helpful to you appreciate, just let me know. And until I'll talk to
783 02:18:30,240 --> 02:18:33,300 you next time, enjoy your weekend. Be safe