
Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2023-02-23 12:32


00:34 - Why you have to understand what you’re looking for before you can make money.

04:16 - Mentorship is a pathway to failure and regret -.

12:30 - When you’re in the tape reading stage, you’re weighing and measuring the price.

15:00 - You have to be flexible, allow yourself to learn, but you’re not going to learn it.

22:02 - The importance of being aware of your character flaws.

24:38 - How do you learn to trust these things?

31:16 - How do you determine a bias within a narrative?

34:04 - The fair value gap formed at the 9:10 candle.

39:37 - If you don’t have a hard line bias if you don’t know exactly what you’re doing -.

43:15 - When you’re not listening, you’re lying.

50:52 - The consequences of being impatient and trying to find a trade -.

57:48 - A short version of the story.

01:00:17 - How does the market really work?

01:06:47 - The Real Estate Master Story -.

01:09:30 - Where are all the profitable students at six months later?

01:15:15 - What it feels like to wake up every day and make no money.

01:18:09 - If you see it after the fact, you don’t know it.

01:25:04 - You can do this, but you cannot do it consistently by rushing into pushing the button.

01:28:38 - Why women are better traders than men.

01:34:28 - You want people to say you’re doing a good job, but they don’t have any evidence to support it.

01:38:00 - It’s not an easy solution. It takes a lot of effort, a lot of work and a lot of cheerleading.

01:43:52 - Don’t have high and lofty thoughts about where you are in your learning.


00:00:34,020 --> 00:00:46,590 ICT: Alright, so this morning, I made the mistake of reading tweets. While I'm doing the tape reading with, you know, first of all, the second, regret ahead is
00:00:46,590 --> 00:01:00,120 not just simply staying with what I intend to do, which is in the afternoon. I'm trying to give you as much as I possibly can this year and help you and take you
00:01:00,120 --> 00:01:12,510 into the charts, draw your attention to certain things. That way, you can see by experience that you'll get over time. You'll learn what you're pursuing. And you
00:01:12,510 --> 00:01:19,350 may not even understand what you're looking for right now. And you just want to make money. That's what you're here for. You're trying to make money, and I get
00:01:19,350 --> 00:01:23,730 it. But there's things you have to understand before you can get to that point.
00:01:29,760 --> 00:01:36,690 I'm going to say a few things in the beginning while your attention span is at the highest. And usually people drop off after I start going on to a
00:01:42,270 --> 00:01:57,690 breakneck paced rant you are not to be touching a trade entry. You're not supposed to be touching it with a paper trading account, not a demo account, not
00:01:57,690 --> 00:02:07,200 a funded account on a live account. None of you know what the fuck you're doing. Okay? None of you. You're in here, you're waiting for me to drop some buzzword.
00:02:08,520 --> 00:02:19,170 And what I'm trying to teach you is the ebb and flow of these markets where it's going to move from what level is going to be important. If you're trying to push
10 00:02:19,170 --> 00:02:31,320 a trade entry within 930 to 10 o'clock, you're fucking gambling, okay? Is that clear enough for you? You're clearly impatient. If you're pushing the button,
11 00:02:31,320 --> 00:02:42,090 and I know some of you are doing, you're sending me messages in telegram. You're sending me emails, some of you are texting me on my phone, I gotta change my
12 00:02:42,090 --> 00:02:54,570 fucking phone number now. I am not an Oracle. Okay. I'm not going to tell you where to get in a trade. What I'm teaching you to do is observe price action.
13 00:02:56,610 --> 00:03:06,390 It's generic. It's not going to have I mean how many times I'll have to say this is like 51st Fucking dates. But some of you, I literally am telling you every
14 00:03:06,390 --> 00:03:17,700 time do not try to push the button. That's the whole point of teaching this. And then when you're complaining that you're confused, you're complaining that you
15 00:03:17,700 --> 00:03:30,120 took a loss, which is exactly what I told you to do. In your journal, you record those things. We keep them personal, private. Because then you can take yourself
16 00:03:30,120 --> 00:03:40,260 to the woodshed. I don't have to do these types of lectures. These are divisive. And I'm trying not to be divisive in the past. I didn't give a fuck, who I
17 00:03:40,260 --> 00:03:50,490 offended. But I'm trying my best this year to be very patient when I'm not. These types of things make me extremely impatient. I don't have patience for it.
18 00:03:51,750 --> 00:04:02,580 I booted people out of my paid mentorship that act. It's not like some of you. If you don't listen to the instructions I'm giving right now, where do you think
19 00:04:02,580 --> 00:04:13,380 you're going to be when we get into the weightier matters and things on teaching that are more technical. If you can't even control yourself right now, and
20 00:04:13,380 --> 00:04:21,120 listen to the simple instructions up. You're reading the tape. We're watching it live. I'm going to take your attention to a specific price level. And then
21 00:04:21,120 --> 00:04:33,720 you're going to watch and observe. How does it react there? Why why is that even beneficial? For the folks that are here and you're confused, or you are trying
22 00:04:33,720 --> 00:04:44,700 to push the button and you took a trade and you lost. You are not going to learn this. Okay, you're not you're going to fail. You will not make money here. No
23 00:04:44,700 --> 00:04:56,340 matter what I do. You are going to fail at it. I've learned that in mentoring individuals with that personality. That stubbornness that you're going to just
24 00:04:56,340 --> 00:05:02,520 find your way through it the way you want to find your way you're trying to have it your way mentorship it, and I'm telling you have it your way. Mentorship is a
25 00:05:02,520 --> 00:05:16,980 fucking pathway to Brooke failure, regret, and you're going to try like I've had other students try to do, and try to fault me for it when that's bull shit. The
26 00:05:16,980 --> 00:05:25,320 first 30 minutes you're observing, you don't have the skill set or the ability to trade underneath that first 30 minutes, you don't know what you're looking
27 00:05:25,320 --> 00:05:36,600 for? You don't know. So what's the benefit of waiting for that first 30 minutes, that's the opening range. After that, the buy side and the sell side, they're
28 00:05:36,600 --> 00:05:51,300 going to be attacked one or the other is going to be attacked. Think of it like the way I teach the Asian range in forex. So when I'm walking you through in
29 00:05:51,300 --> 00:05:58,860 either tweets, or on the live sessions, and I'm telling you, Okay, watch this level here. What's this level here? What you're allowing for and what I'm
30 00:05:58,860 --> 00:06:12,090 allowing for, because I understand how this works. You're coming here, with such a small understanding with an exaggerated expectation. You think you're going to
31 00:06:12,090 --> 00:06:23,970 own the fucking world by November? You're not? You're not? Okay, you're not. If you've been misguided up to this point, just understand that it is going to be a
32 00:06:23,970 --> 00:06:32,820 lot of work. And it's going to feel like in the beginning, you're not getting anywhere. And that's absolutely normal. But this is how you get blocked on
33 00:06:32,820 --> 00:06:45,000 Twitter. If you tweet to me that you just took a loss or you made money in a trade, I swear to God, I'm blocking you. I'm done. You're not listening. I don't
34 00:06:45,000 --> 00:06:52,440 give a fuck about your trade result. I don't care if you made money or lost because what you're telling me is in the biggest, boldest neon fucking sign is
35 00:06:52,470 --> 00:07:04,470 ICT. I don't fucking listen. I don't listen, so I'm not going to waste my time and attention on anything that me? So I'm blocking that. Now, do I have your
36 00:07:04,470 --> 00:07:15,090 attention now? So anyway, fuck often, I'm out of here, I'm gonna follow follow someone else. I'm only here to teach. That's it. I'm doing this fucking shit for
37 00:07:15,090 --> 00:07:28,920 free. And you aren't even listening? I don't understand, I don't understand. And you think that you're going to beat this industry, with Mickey Mouse effort like
38 00:07:28,920 --> 00:07:42,840 that. You can't even stay off of a demo or without pushing the button. We haven't even been one month into this yet. And I have folks literally showing
39 00:07:42,900 --> 00:07:50,970 every characteristic that they're going to fail at this. And then in November, they'll be the ones that voice Oh, I went through the ICT mentorship, it's
40 00:07:50,970 --> 00:07:58,020 bullshit didn't work. But I'm going to be trading it, you're gonna see other people trading it, the markets going to be called every level is going to be
41 00:07:58,020 --> 00:08:06,420 hit. Bottom line is you're gonna have your excuse. Because you didn't follow the instructions and the instructions are going to lead you to the results that you
42 00:08:06,420 --> 00:08:13,530 really want. But you think it's too much work. I ain't got time for this bullshit. I want to know what's going on. Where's the signal? Where's the entry?
43 00:08:13,530 --> 00:08:27,270 Where's the stop? You're never going to learn it like that. You're never ever gonna fucking learn it like that. My pattern, my specific setup for the day, or
44 00:08:27,270 --> 00:08:37,530 that morning session or within that particular fractal and price action may not be the one that fits you. I can't make it any plainer than that. Not everybody
45 00:08:37,530 --> 00:08:45,540 is going to trade a fucking RSI divergence. Nobody is going to say hey, you know, I like this guy trading the MACD right here and he's using pivot points.
46 00:08:45,540 --> 00:08:53,940 And I like this guy over here doing Elliott Wave. I'm going to pick and choose whenever I feel impulsive to take which one I like at the time. That's a rookie
47 00:08:53,940 --> 00:09:05,820 mistake. And you're taking every point of reference that I'm calling out. I never said short it. I never said bye. I'm saying watch it. See if it respects
48 00:09:05,820 --> 00:09:13,980 it. Why? Why did I use those fucking terms? Go back and listen to the other times I mentioned it was inside the opening range that first 30 minutes. But
49 00:09:13,980 --> 00:09:21,750 some of you don't want to take notes when you're watching my lectures on YouTube. You don't want to take notes while I'm giving you these rants. But I'm
50 00:09:21,750 --> 00:09:32,010 teaching you the things you need to understand are in these boring discussions. How do I know this? When do I know not to do that? So when I'm talking to you,
51 00:09:33,870 --> 00:09:41,520 but you want to see the little squiggly line bullshit. Show me the fair value gap the fucking things that I'm drawing on a chart. That's the least important
52 00:09:41,520 --> 00:09:52,680 thing. That's the least important thing but you think it's the most paramount thing here is it and it's very frustrating. This is why it's very difficult.
53 00:09:52,680 --> 00:10:02,370 This is why I always fucking recorded my lectures because most of them had this shit and had to go back and edit all out. I'm gonna offend some of you and some
54 00:10:02,370 --> 00:10:12,480 of you may want to unfollow me when you hear me talk like this guy sent me my fucking piece of fucking mind and my time in yours, because if you don't want to
55 00:10:12,480 --> 00:10:20,520 listen to the instructions I'm giving you right now in the beginning, here's yours fucking gonna listen to me when I get into the difficult stuff. This is
56 00:10:20,520 --> 00:10:29,280 nothing. All I'm asking you to do is observe price from one point to the next. That's all you're doing. And the benefit of having done so is you're going to
57 00:10:29,280 --> 00:10:40,710 start seeing things that repeat that your eye draws to. The thing that makes most sense to you at your present understanding, you're going to explore that.
58 00:10:40,980 --> 00:10:53,520 So that way your study on your own time is more beneficial. I'm trying to make you do this the most efficient way possible. But I'm, I'm a realist. You can't
59 00:10:53,520 --> 00:11:00,660 just watch a fucking video. Like a demonstration like a tutorial. And so Oh yeah. Gordon Ramsay just showed me how to make fucking stuffed peppers with
60 00:11:00,660 --> 00:11:08,460 fucking lamb meat. I'm gonna go out and do that right now. The fuck you are, you're gonna burn some shit up. You're gonna fucking make the house stink. Your
61 00:11:08,460 --> 00:11:16,950 fucking spouse is gonna say Why the fuck did you even bother doing this? Let's go to Outback. What the fuck, you're trying to make this harder than it needs to
62 00:11:16,950 --> 00:11:24,330 be because you're not willing to listen. That's a character flaw. And that's exactly what I talk about all the time in this industry. It's a mirror, it's
63 00:11:24,330 --> 00:11:35,190 going to show you that you aren't fucking ready. You aren't ready. If you are looking at me in these live streams, calling out these levels and observing
64 00:11:35,190 --> 00:11:41,340 specific things and taking your attention to this very moment to watch that. That's not a fucking trade.
65 00:11:43,470 --> 00:11:55,860 There's no secret code language I'm giving any of you nudge nudge here. This is a fucking trade. I can't make it any more plainer than this now, okay. You're
66 00:11:55,860 --> 00:12:14,160 watching how price delivers how it moves from one point of interest to the next within a specific time window. Over time doing that. Okay, over time doing that,
67 00:12:15,270 --> 00:12:25,320 you will start seeing things that you don't fully appreciate right now because you've seen it multiple times. Me pointing to fair value gaps. Just look at the
68 00:12:25,320 --> 00:12:40,140 trolls Oh cherry pick. But then when I'm calling them live, and it reacts off of it. They are silent. If you're pushing a button or chomping at the bit impatient
69 00:12:40,290 --> 00:12:48,510 to push a button to get some reaction on the things I'm talking about when the only stage you're in right now is this tape reading tape reading is no fucking
70 00:12:48,510 --> 00:12:58,080 trading. Not a demo, not a paper trade, not a funded account, not live count. If I'm talking about buyside liquidity in the first 30 minutes, what you're doing
71 00:12:58,110 --> 00:13:08,190 is you're wet you're weighing and measuring the ability for the price to want to get to that level if it doesn't go there. What did I teach you yesterday? If it
72 00:13:08,190 --> 00:13:20,910 fails or go to a specific inefficiency consequent coachmen where by sight if it's failing to get up there it's showing you what an unwillingness to go there.
73 00:13:21,300 --> 00:13:32,790 So what's it going to do? It's going to go the other direction so you're weighing out what the markets trying to work most side which side of the opening
74 00:13:32,790 --> 00:13:45,540 range is it trying to work on? Look at the first 30 minutes of yesterday where did it spend the majority of the time in that first 30 minutes the upper portion
75 00:13:46,350 --> 00:14:00,000 and it was unwilling to clear out any significant run about the two by side liquidity pools I had your attention to so how do you know within the first 30
76 00:14:00,000 --> 00:14:08,460 minutes? Woodside the trust I gave you a five minute order block watch that see if it wants to respect that and I said what's the volume imbalance? And I said
77 00:14:08,460 --> 00:14:19,200 breaker how many fucking PD arrays was that? Three oh shit for the notetakers for the people that are listening and taking fucking notes. They're saying to
78 00:14:19,200 --> 00:14:30,900 themselves Oh shit. He did say when three PD arrays fail, you're fucked. It's going the other direction. Nobody said it was a fucking long entry. Nobody said
79 00:14:30,900 --> 00:14:48,420 buy it. I said watch, observe, study, see what it's doing? See if it respects it. You have to look at price. With a lot of flexibility right now. Not holding
80 00:14:48,420 --> 00:15:00,600 any expectation over yourself or the livestreams or what you think you're gonna be able to do a week from now. You can't think about it like that. Do you have
81 00:15:00,600 --> 00:15:09,870 to be flexible? Allow yourself to learn this, but you're not going to fucking learn it. You're here, I'm gonna give you a couple of scenarios. Here's what
82 00:15:09,870 --> 00:15:19,950 happened when I was a younger person, and I used to do card tricks and shit with my friends and stuff, I have friends. You know who they are, you're probably one
83 00:15:19,950 --> 00:15:27,870 of them, and you fucking know it. Okay. And I can see you in my, in my comments on my twitter space. And I can see you in my comments on my videos, too. And
84 00:15:27,870 --> 00:15:37,080 you're some of the ones that are sending messages through telegram and sending me emails. And I don't mind helping, I don't mind answering a question if it's
85 00:15:37,080 --> 00:15:49,860 something that I haven't said, at nauseam. But these things I have said this a lot. Don't trade, don't push the button, your trade and your tape reading. But
86 00:15:49,860 --> 00:15:58,620 invariably, some individuals, they see somebody demonstrate something to a car trick, hey, look, let me show you how to swing the back of your I don't know you
87 00:15:58,620 --> 00:16:08,520 want to do the day you want to grab it, show you how they can do it right away without any practice. And then it's fucking a train wreck. Impatience,
88 00:16:09,450 --> 00:16:18,780 impatience is going to fucking bury you, before you have a chance to even really learn how to do this, you're going to fail, and you might not see it. Some of
89 00:16:18,780 --> 00:16:26,820 you that are doing these types of things, you think you're going to be the exception. And I'm telling you, that's exactly what young ICT thought too. And I
90 00:16:26,820 --> 00:16:43,350 was humbled over and over and over again, you will not be the exception. And I say that with all the love, and all of the respect. And all of the interest in
91 00:16:43,350 --> 00:16:55,470 you succeeding, I want to see you succeed. I do swear to God Almighty, I want to see you succeed. But you have to let me help you. You have to let that process
92 00:16:55,470 --> 00:17:08,640 unfold the way I'm teaching you. If you do not submit to this process, it's impossible for you to be successful in it, you're going to fail. If you're
93 00:17:08,640 --> 00:17:19,590 looking at anything, in addition to the things I'm talking about in the tweets, is that a catalyst for you to want to push the button. If it is, if you're
94 00:17:19,590 --> 00:17:26,940 thinking if this is what I've been trading, you're doing it wrong. Don't ask me Don't even bring it up. That's why I say focus on what it is I'm bringing your
95 00:17:26,940 --> 00:17:36,240 attention to and only that in your own journal. You add all that extra stuff there. You don't bring it to the equation or the conversation while we're doing
96 00:17:36,240 --> 00:17:46,470 tape reading number one. I predominantly do not even look at tweets while I'm doing live sessions or when I'm doing these types of things here. Because
97 00:17:46,470 --> 00:17:54,000 invariably, I'm going to see something that's going to fucking trigger me. And it's either going to take me off the topic I want to tackle, or it's going to
98 00:17:54,000 --> 00:18:04,770 cause me rage. Because I see someone and I know some people are going to come here that are new. But I see some names that repeat. I've recognized you with
99 00:18:04,770 --> 00:18:13,200 either liking a tweet, or retweeting something, or commenting to someone else. So you've been around for a little while. You've you've heard me say don't push
100 00:18:13,200 --> 00:18:25,170 a button. You've heard me talk about the opening range. But if you're doing Netflix and chill with ICT videos, you're going to not get what you're here for.
101 00:18:26,580 --> 00:18:35,160 You're going to have selective hearing. You're going to pick up whatever you think is useful when you have no idea what makes it useful. Is it something
102 00:18:35,160 --> 00:18:43,560 you're going on a hunch? Oh, yes. Is that is that Orderbook? Is that fair? Vega This is that new imply fair Vega. Now all you want to be worrying about that
103 00:18:43,560 --> 00:18:43,830 now.
104 00:18:53,610 --> 00:19:09,450 I have to get this off me. Otherwise, it'll eat at me all day long. When you're trained with me, personally, side by side in the 90s. This is how they got it.
105 00:19:11,460 --> 00:19:22,380 And sometimes it wasn't pleasurable. It wasn't fun. It was uncomfortable. But it's it's the reality. You can't do stupid shit. unexpected results. Okay, you
106 00:19:22,380 --> 00:19:34,890 can't. And you're trying to oh, well, you know, come on, man. There was a loss going long. Nobody said go long. I said, Watch. Trust me, there will be very
107 00:19:34,890 --> 00:19:45,480 finite terms where you can judge my approval or not approval but the accuracy of what it is I'm looking for. Okay, I will give that to you this year. I promise
108 00:19:45,480 --> 00:19:54,630 you that's coming. But in the beginning stages to get everybody at least on the same foundation, whether you've been doing this for a while or not whether
109 00:19:54,630 --> 00:20:03,090 you're familiar with what I do and teach, it's irrelevant. If I get everybody on the same page knowing that we're just looking at price action, we're not trying
110 00:20:03,090 --> 00:20:13,980 to, we're not trying to forecast the actual high and low, we're not trying to time in entry, we're not doing that. Because this skill of finding your
111 00:20:13,980 --> 00:20:25,590 individual trade setup and entry, that's a unique thing. Not all of us are going to have that same entry. When we do sessions where I tell you, Okay, you're
112 00:20:25,590 --> 00:20:36,960 going to use this PV array with your demo account, your paper trading, and I'm going to ask you all to share your chart where it shows your entries were in and
113 00:20:36,960 --> 00:20:48,690 out. Most of you will not want to do that, because you think it's a report card, and it's not going to be good enough. And you're gonna be scared, you'll maybe
114 00:20:48,690 --> 00:20:57,060 share it, and you'll see other people doing better than what you did. And you're going to delete your tweet, don't do that. You're robbing yourself of the best
115 00:20:57,060 --> 00:21:08,550 opportunity how to learn this. And when it's uncomfortable, that's exactly what it's supposed to fucking feel like. Every time that you push a trade, when you
116 00:21:08,550 --> 00:21:21,540 want to get into a live account, you when you trade your funded accounts, guess what you're doing? You're casting your opinion, into the abyss of that hard
117 00:21:21,540 --> 00:21:34,860 right edge. And you don't know what the outcome is going to be. So you have to desensitize yourself. Now, while everybody's doing the same thing, nobody's
118 00:21:34,860 --> 00:21:43,440 better than the other. You're all in the same stage of learning. Regardless of how long you've been with me, if you've been profitable, funded, I don't give a
119 00:21:43,440 --> 00:21:51,810 fuck. This year's mentorship is different. If you can't recognize that, even though I've turned members are thinking, this is something totally different.
120 00:21:51,810 --> 00:22:03,900 Yes. This is the brass tacks. But I also know that this type of training is going to weed out the people that are not going to do well. And it's going to do
121 00:22:03,900 --> 00:22:13,860 it quickly. But I don't want to see any of you fall behind. I don't want to see you fall victim to yourself, your own character flaws before you have a chance
122 00:22:13,860 --> 00:22:28,020 to cope and manage them and replace them with more positive characteristics of trader or speculator. Every everything I'm saying does not translate to an
123 00:22:28,020 --> 00:22:39,300 entry. It does not translate to a trade. What you're doing is seeing those moments in price action at the times I'm prompting you to look at them. Study
124 00:22:39,300 --> 00:22:48,930 it, see, does it do specific things that you are expecting based on the things I teach on my YouTube channel? The order block shouldn't do what shouldn't go past
125 00:22:48,930 --> 00:22:57,930 the mean threshold? What happens? If it does, it's a warning sign that I mentioned the volume imbalance below it? What happens if it goes through that it
126 00:22:57,930 --> 00:23:09,300 can do that. But guess how many PV arrays now is failing to? And I said the bullish breaker? Well, if it goes below that, and shows no willingness to
127 00:23:09,300 --> 00:23:22,830 support anything there, what is it indicating to you? It's going to want to do what? Expand lower, seek discount. Look at the tweets, folks. That's why I'm
128 00:23:22,830 --> 00:23:34,110 doing it. I'm confused. I can't follow your tweets, then wait until the session is over. Go back and take every individual tweet and place it on your chart. And
129 00:23:34,110 --> 00:23:43,620 it'll make perfect sense to you then. I'm telling you, that's how you're supposed to be doing it. For those that are here watching it live, you had the
130 00:23:43,620 --> 00:23:53,310 benefit of the seeing looking at over your chart real time. But there's no disadvantage. For those that can't do it. Because you literally can take that
131 00:23:53,310 --> 00:24:02,460 tweet that's time and date stamped, plotted right on your trading view chart. And you'll see where I was pointing your attention to, and how we are watching
132 00:24:02,460 --> 00:24:10,500 how it's going to reach the next level. Then, what are you supposed to do with that? What's the benefit? Once it goes there? And I say okay, you know,
133 00:24:10,500 --> 00:24:18,240 screenshot this. What are you supposed to be doing? You're supposed to be looking at how much time it took before it repelled away from that level started
134 00:24:18,240 --> 00:24:28,590 gravitating to another level within five handles, does it offer a range of five handles? If it does, was there a setup in there that you can identify? What do
135 00:24:28,590 --> 00:24:37,020 you mean, I'm talking to her she has to tell me I'm telling you. I'm telling you how to find your setup, using the things I've taught with what pattern exists in
136 00:24:37,020 --> 00:24:51,510 that price run. Well in the fair Vega that I mentioned this morning, using the 650 Candle time candle 610 minutes or seven basically in New York, local time. I
137 00:24:51,510 --> 00:25:07,380 mentioned I wanted to see that fair Vega act as resistance in the market does what creates a up close candle in To that fair Vega market moves away, comes
138 00:25:07,380 --> 00:25:18,780 back up again. And it spends multiple times trading into the midpoint of the up close candle. For those that have other charts in front of them, it's the 1005.
139 00:25:20,730 --> 00:25:31,560 Five minutes after 10 Candle this morning, that one singular up close candle in a subsequent candles after that it was trading up into both the fair value gap
140 00:25:32,310 --> 00:25:48,540 low from 650s candle. And then we had what expansion reaching down into the fair value gap I mentioned below it, seeking what discount that candle is formed at
141 00:25:48,540 --> 00:26:01,530 the 650 time candle on their chart, it trades down to it and then blows out the low. And I said you want to screenshot this and label it 50% of the trade off
142 00:26:01,530 --> 00:26:13,410 here. But I didn't take a trade, you didn't take a trade. Oh, what are we doing with all this? You're conditioning yourself. And you're logging it. When I teach
143 00:26:13,410 --> 00:26:23,130 you how to journal, I told you, you're giving yourself positive self talk, you are conditioning your subconscious after the fact using the points of reference
144 00:26:23,130 --> 00:26:31,380 that I'm giving you real time as the chart creates these specific things and it draws the level I'm talking about. You're screenshotting that and then you're
145 00:26:31,380 --> 00:26:44,580 adding all your observations later on. Not then you don't have time to do that. You're watching price. Price gravitates all the way back up to the imbalance
146 00:26:44,610 --> 00:26:53,730 which I did not I was losing my shit when I was reading these tweets. At nine mins after 10 that fair value gap on a one minute chart, it comes back reprice
147 00:26:53,730 --> 00:27:07,950 is the that does not come back up to the fair value gap formed at 705. So five minutes after seven that candle is your favorite you got it was a one on three
148 00:27:07,950 --> 00:27:19,800 attention to first below the breaker below the volume imbalance and below the five minute bullish order block. So we saw price, spend majority of the time
149 00:27:19,800 --> 00:27:33,030 within the first 30 minutes in the upper 50% of that 30 minute range from 930 to 10 o'clock. And it did what it failed. It failed to take 4020 point 75 by side
150 00:27:33,030 --> 00:27:47,280 it couldn't do it. And then it showed a willingness to do what go out below the low of the first 30 minutes of trading. So what we're doing is we're giving the
151 00:27:47,280 --> 00:28:00,840 market time to run on by side. In the first 30 minutes, you don't know what it's going to do. You don't know. So how do you learn to trust these things? ICT? How
152 00:28:00,840 --> 00:28:12,060 do you do this and how you do that by doing what I'm walking you through in these tweets, or in the live sessions. But some of you don't want to learn, you
153 00:28:12,060 --> 00:28:19,500 want to be spoon fed, and you didn't want to lie to me after the fact. But I can see your you don't understand, this is what I'm really trying to do. No, you're
154 00:28:19,500 --> 00:28:29,640 full of shit. You're trying to take a trade, I Guaran damn tee you, you probably have taken three trades this morning. And you regret it. And then the move that
155 00:28:29,640 --> 00:28:39,660 unfolded, you weren't part of that. And you feel regret. You feel like you got confused and tricked. And I didn't tell you exactly what you wanted to hear.
156 00:28:40,350 --> 00:28:47,400 When I'm telling you I'm telling you what you need to hear. I'm telling you what you need to study and observe. Because you don't have the experience to know
157 00:28:47,400 --> 00:28:53,640 what to do in that first 30 minutes. So the first stage of your learning is submitted at first 30 minutes.
158 00:28:56,490 --> 00:29:10,830 That's that's part of this. That first 30 minutes is much like a Asian session in forex, whereas Asian Asian range, rather than Asian South Asian range is
159 00:29:10,830 --> 00:29:21,780 several hours in in length and time. But the first 30 minutes after midnight, New York local time, that's an opening range to but at 930. I'm looking at that
160 00:29:21,780 --> 00:29:37,110 opening range. And we've had a large trending day yesterday. We had a large range expansion to the downside, we had our targets reached. So the next morning
161 00:29:37,110 --> 00:29:50,280 session is going to be more difficult than it would be on another day. So you have to be very, very careful and demand more insight, more information, because
162 00:29:50,280 --> 00:30:01,080 you don't want to be what in a hurry, impatient to go and chase something. So you have to have a filter, a time filter. You allow out for that first 30
163 00:30:01,080 --> 00:30:11,430 minutes. But what happens if it takes off and runs 25 handles? You fucking missed it. You got to have that for logic. But you don't want to accept that
164 00:30:11,430 --> 00:30:21,660 because you want to be able to do every fucking micro move. Just because you watch some videos, you think that's what you're supposed to be able to do. And
165 00:30:21,660 --> 00:30:33,090 that's bullshit. Nobody said you're supposed to be doing that. i Sir, as hell didn't say that, too, you have to have realistic expectations, you have to be
166 00:30:33,090 --> 00:30:43,590 diligent about what it is that you're being told to do, what not to do, and live in that allow yourself to develop under those controlled conditions. You're
167 00:30:43,590 --> 00:30:53,310 safe. It's okay to make a mistake. If you have an opinion about Okay. Michael saying watch this level here. And he's pointing out something below the
168 00:30:53,310 --> 00:31:06,750 marketplace. Okay. So is it showing me anything in there that would lead to a trade. If you don't see it, and price moves, you'll go back and find it in
169 00:31:06,750 --> 00:31:15,000 hindsight, and that's still learning. But you don't want to be pushing a button thinking you understand what I might be hinting at, when I'm not hinting at
170 00:31:15,000 --> 00:31:25,590 anything, I'm just telling you. Watch this level here. Note this here. These are areas I'm watching. On my own chart. I am not putting things out there that are
171 00:31:25,590 --> 00:31:40,530 ambiguous that mean nothing. I'm drawing your attention to the very specific things that I'm utilizing to determine a bias within a narrative. The first 30
172 00:31:40,530 --> 00:31:48,330 minutes, if I don't know right away, what it's going to do, I'm submitting myself to that first 30 minutes myself, I'm doing that. But if I have an
173 00:31:48,330 --> 00:31:58,110 inclination that it's going to do a specific thing, run for a liquidity run for an imbalance. Then I'm gonna go right in here, and soon as it does it, if it's
174 00:31:58,110 --> 00:32:09,630 in the first 30 minutes, I'm in here, I'm doing the trade. But we have a large range day yesterday, and everybody's gonna want to do what? Jump on board. So
175 00:32:10,020 --> 00:32:21,390 the market will most times not always, most times, reach for some measure by side. Why? Because if it's going to go down, like I said yesterday, it can go up
176 00:32:22,320 --> 00:32:36,240 the purge by side to allow smart money to assume shorts against that buyside liquidity. I was offering the market the opportunity to present it to me and
177 00:32:36,240 --> 00:32:52,650 knew by highlighting that 4020 point 75 and 4024 levels. If it doesn't reach there, and you're in the first 30 minutes, nothing has happened. I gave you
178 00:32:52,650 --> 00:33:03,570 three specific PD arrays to watch and observe. You know, if you've been paying attention and taking notes for the folks that know I've said this, do me a favor
179 00:33:03,930 --> 00:33:13,950 and tweet to me. Yes, you have said if three PD arrays fail, that's problematic on bias or a directional view on price. And it's going to most likely go the
180 00:33:13,950 --> 00:33:20,970 other direction. If you know I've said that please tweet that and say you've heard me say that because I know I have I haven't just said it one time I've
181 00:33:20,970 --> 00:33:33,390 said it multiple times. But if I say order block, or fair value, or volume amount, if you're here to find something to talk about that didn't happen
182 00:33:33,420 --> 00:33:45,480 correctly, you're going to have a whole lot of opportunity to do that erroneously not everything I'm referring to is an entry there measuring points,
183 00:33:46,080 --> 00:33:56,130 balance points, points of reference that way we see what is the ebb and flow of price is it respecting this level is it not respecting it if it goes through it
184 00:33:56,460 --> 00:34:11,940 with a lot of speed and magnitude that is also a characteristic that is important. We had price returned back to that fair value gap at the nine minute
185 00:34:11,940 --> 00:34:25,500 after 10. Candle minute Yes. came all the way back up touch the bearish order block spent about four or five candles in there and then reprice lower, then
186 00:34:25,500 --> 00:34:39,000 made a lower low. As it was dropping, I said that we want to see it go through the fair value gap from 650 Time candle and an offer if it comes back to it.
187 00:34:40,260 --> 00:34:51,630 Resistance. Now it went through the initial low at 1015. So once it takes out that low, we're not interested in seeing it return back to that fair value gap
188 00:34:51,630 --> 00:35:05,580 then, because we've expanded and made another lower low so there's no need for to come back to that. We're ready to get it's formed on a 650 candle. To come
189 00:35:05,580 --> 00:35:20,430 back to that level is problematic, which is why I said that, hypothetically your stop loss on this idea would be 400 0.5 or 4001, half of a point to which it
190 00:35:20,880 --> 00:35:40,350 returned back to, but not before trading to 3991 to offer a partial, near the low. So 50% of the trade idea that you're logging, you may not have seen the
191 00:35:40,350 --> 00:35:48,030 setup. But you know, the logic I'm talking about, because I mentioned it in the tweets. Once everything's done, you take that information, go back into the
192 00:35:48,030 --> 00:35:58,020 chart and you study what did what do you see? What do you see, for somebody, you're going to see the consequent encouragement of the low in the candle formed
193 00:35:58,020 --> 00:36:13,080 at 939 38, rather sorry, in the market trades up into that fair value gap I mentioned around the 4007 levels, what it is price wise, but the actual candle
194 00:36:13,080 --> 00:36:16,740 for the fair value gap is five minutes after seven.
195 00:36:22,980 --> 00:36:36,720 Some of you may see that retracement back on the fair value gap after it made the lower low. That's your optimal trade entry. Leaving the range of that first
196 00:36:36,720 --> 00:36:47,190 30 minutes not expecting it to come back into it. It doesn't need to it's done. It's worked by staying in the upper half of it. And then failing to go to by
197 00:36:47,190 --> 00:36:56,820 side. It ran out below the low. Okay, so what does that tell us? From a narrative stance, it says it's going to be seeking discount price will explore
198 00:36:56,820 --> 00:37:08,520 going lower into inefficiencies that are below market price, which is why I took your attention to the candle at 650. That's your favorite I get that was below
199 00:37:08,520 --> 00:37:19,110 price. And then the old low. And then once we went through them 50% of the trade comes off. Why? Why? Because if you go down and take the low, make a lower low,
200 00:37:19,500 --> 00:37:28,860 put people on the wrong side selling short on a breakout. And then come all the backup against the entirety of daily range. Just so happens that retraces back
201 00:37:28,860 --> 00:37:48,870 up into that Fairbury gap formed at the nine minute or 10 or 10 09 handle timewise getting back up into the 4005 level essentially. And then repricing
202 00:37:48,870 --> 00:38:07,560 lower to make a lower low. So now we had two times making a lower low. Why did I say 3991. And I think there's three quarters. If you measure the low of 39, nine
203 00:38:07,620 --> 00:38:23,880 5.50, which was the initial low of the day. And the 3988 level, which is the top of the next new week opening gap that I gave you yesterday below the market
204 00:38:23,880 --> 00:38:38,070 price. midway between that you get 3991 Three quarters 4.75. And as price was reaching down into a tweet, you would screenshot this for here, noting that your
205 00:38:38,070 --> 00:38:51,150 partial would be there. And then you'd have a limit order sitting at 39 88.25 which would allow for what 3988 Even if it traded that the buy limit order would
206 00:38:51,150 --> 00:39:06,780 trigger and that would collapse the trade. Because we had what two stages of offset distribution. That means the market rallied above the buy side above
207 00:39:06,840 --> 00:39:18,600 4015. Those highs at 840. Looking at your one minute chart, look at the bottom of the chart at 08 colon four five goes straight up from there. Just to the
208 00:39:18,600 --> 00:39:25,050 right of that you'll see there's relatively equal highs on a one minute chart that's a buy side liquidity pool there. The market rallied about that but failed
209 00:39:25,050 --> 00:39:35,730 to get to 40 20.75. spent the majority of the time and the first 30 minutes in the upper half of that range. What range the opening range which is the first 30
210 00:39:35,730 --> 00:39:45,570 minutes of trading. If you don't have a hard line bias if you don't know exactly what you're doing, you wait that first 30 minutes and you use let price tell you
211 00:39:45,570 --> 00:39:54,360 what it wants to do. You will not get into high of the day. You will not get into low today and you don't fucking need to. You don't need to. I'm teaching
212 00:39:54,360 --> 00:40:05,250 you to do what find five handles first. That's your First goal is be able to go on to the chart, not necessarily live right now. Because that's not even where
213 00:40:05,250 --> 00:40:13,770 you're supposed to be in your development, you should be able to identify where five handles are. In hindsight, where's the setups? Where do you see it, because
214 00:40:13,770 --> 00:40:20,580 if you can't see it there, you sure as hell aren't going to see it when it's live, you won't, you won't know what it looks like, which is the reason why I'm
215 00:40:20,580 --> 00:40:30,750 giving you these prompts to screenshot that way you can look at it right then and there. At this moment, you have some information to digest, it will be the
216 00:40:30,750 --> 00:40:38,370 equivalent of if you're watching it without me saying anything, you should be seeing something right then and there. And then I tell you what the label is set
217 00:40:38,370 --> 00:40:45,210 by you know, this is what I should be observing at that moment, at this instant, right here, this is what I should be thinking, not because you shouldn't already
218 00:40:45,210 --> 00:40:57,810 know it, but I'm conditioning you to subconsciously retain this as a false memory. You're tricking your brain into thinking you knew this in advance, when
219 00:40:57,810 --> 00:41:08,040 I'm calling it beforehand, I'm lending my experience to you. On lending it, I'm prompting you to do the things that if you would have known how to do this, you
220 00:41:08,040 --> 00:41:17,730 would be seeing this very thing, that instance in time, that very second, that moment in time, this is the part that you should be observing at that moment. So
221 00:41:17,760 --> 00:41:28,980 since you don't have that skill set or the understanding of it, that's what tape reading is. I'm literally prompting you to pull out the at the very specific
222 00:41:28,980 --> 00:41:38,400 times when price is doing certain things that's going to be helpful to you, which leads to what understanding how the market moves from one PD array from
223 00:41:38,400 --> 00:41:42,750 discount to premium from premium to discount, one PD array to the next.
224 00:41:48,300 --> 00:42:01,140 But some of you are just trying too hard to do other shit, or trade. And you're not just simply taking what I'm giving you, which you know, months from now, if
225 00:42:01,140 --> 00:42:09,150 you submit to it, you're going to know that how you were trying to make it harder than it needs to be your approach your you're prolonging your learning
226 00:42:09,150 --> 00:42:18,330 not me. I'm everyday showing up. But you can say you're showing up every day to but if you're showing up every day, and you're not paying full attention, not
227 00:42:18,330 --> 00:42:25,440 focusing on the things I'm telling you to do, and avoiding the things I'm telling you not to do. pushing a button demonstrating. I'm gonna say it for the
228 00:42:25,440 --> 00:42:35,040 folks that didn't hear me in the first couple minutes of this session. If you share that you have taken a trade, whether that's profitable or losing, do not
229 00:42:35,040 --> 00:42:45,960 include my handle in NetSuite because I will block you. I don't want to see it. I don't care to know when I want to know I'll ask you, then you can all flood
230 00:42:45,960 --> 00:42:55,350 the the responses to that tweet when I'm asking. But right now, I need to have the peace of mind knowing that if you're hurting yourself, I don't want to know
231 00:42:55,350 --> 00:43:05,790 about it. Because you're not listening. And if you're making money, you're not learning. The only thing you're doing is getting hopped up on goofballs. And
232 00:43:05,790 --> 00:43:12,930 when the party ends in November, and you didn't learn how to do this on your own, you're not going to have that experience anymore, you're going to be right
233 00:43:12,930 --> 00:43:24,660 back in where you are right now. lying next to nothing. Looking at other people wishing that you could have done what they were doing. And I mean this
234 00:43:24,660 --> 00:43:36,180 sincerely. It's not that I don't care about you. I don't want to be bothered by this shit. That is, is a testimony that you're not listening. Just I want to ask
235 00:43:36,180 --> 00:43:43,860 you not to call me the greatest of all times in the botnet, this shit still happens. It makes me angry as fuck when I see I can't stand it. It's like you're
236 00:43:43,860 --> 00:43:53,760 calling me a derogatory term. I know what you're saying. But I don't want that. I don't want that label on me. So when you listen to me, and I'm doing these
237 00:43:53,760 --> 00:44:03,240 live sessions, and or calling out things on Twitter, keep the focus on whatever it is I'm taking your attention to at that moment. And then you explore your
238 00:44:03,240 --> 00:44:16,530 chart at that moment, go into those screenshots. And what do you see? Are all the examples of me doing that over the years? Or I'd say you What do you see WDY
239 00:44:16,530 --> 00:44:26,550 s question mark. And I'll show you a piece of price action. And for the people that don't really want to learn or, you know, cynics Oh, it's not enough
240 00:44:26,550 --> 00:44:33,960 information. There's a lot of fucking information and things I'm sharing. The thing I'm looking for you to identify is in that piece of price action. And the
241 00:44:33,960 --> 00:44:40,920 people that understand they can see it. The folks that have not learned enough yet they won't see it. And that's not a problem. It means that that's an
242 00:44:40,920 --> 00:44:52,860 opportunity for you to learn more. You dig into that. But you're looking at this thinking, you know how to learn better than I know how to teach you. And that
243 00:44:52,860 --> 00:44:57,870 may sound sound arrogant on my part, but it's more arrogant for you to think that you know what you're supposed to learn when you have no idea what the fuck
244 00:44:57,870 --> 00:45:13,380 you're doing, or what it is I'm going to teach you Let me think about the Think about the level of absurdity to assume going to someone that's proven that they
245 00:45:13,380 --> 00:45:24,060 understand something, making themselves available, telling you what to do, tell you what to avoid. And then you do everything, diametrically opposed to the
246 00:45:24,060 --> 00:45:33,300 instructions, and then mentioned that you're confused, mentioned that you're lost mentioned that you just took a loss. You took a losing trade today.
247 00:45:34,320 --> 00:45:47,220 Everything in that is communicating that you are the fucking problem. Just like I had paid students, that were the fucking problem, they couldn't see it. They
248 00:45:47,220 --> 00:45:56,580 were so blinded by their perception of themselves. There's no way they could make a mistake. There's no way they'd done this wrong. When they everything they
249 00:45:56,580 --> 00:46:04,620 were showing, I'd say, okay, what are you doing? Well, I'm going long in Euro. Why the fuck are you going along? In Europe, when I'm talking about in the
250 00:46:04,620 --> 00:46:11,010 analysis that we're going down to these levels here, and it's going to those levels, but there are in wrestling me saying they can't get it to work, because
251 00:46:11,010 --> 00:46:21,660 they're going against what I'm telling him that it's going to happen in the marketplace? Is that sound logic? Is that Is that a good argument to make? No,
252 00:46:22,170 --> 00:46:36,840 no, it's not. And it's tiresome. It's tiresome when I see folks not listening, when I have done this, to a degree of redundancy that is nauseating for me. So I
253 00:46:36,840 --> 00:46:47,550 know, it's nauseating for the listeners. But I care enough to tell you, you're fucking up. You're doing it wrong. You're not listening. You're doing an extra
254 00:46:47,550 --> 00:46:59,700 shit when it's not expected of you. You want to trade? You want to push the button and find entry points and get out at a profitable exit. I understand
255 00:46:59,700 --> 00:47:07,830 that. But you also want to take that shit to social media. How do I know that because you're quick to give me feedback that I didn't ask for. And you
256 00:47:07,830 --> 00:47:14,610 shouldn't be providing, you're pushing a button when you're told not to. And you're frustrated, because you can't bring your receipts to the people you want
257 00:47:14,610 --> 00:47:25,800 to flex on. And you don't think I know that I know it. I can see how you're talking to other people. Your tweets are right there. But you have selective
258 00:47:25,800 --> 00:47:41,820 memory. Oh, I don't do that anymore, right. So I don't give a shit what your results are, unless I ask for it. I can't spend your money. I'm not going to
259 00:47:41,820 --> 00:47:49,830 lose sleep over the losing trade. So I'm not interested, we're not even in that state of the mentorship yet where you're supposed to be pushing a button, it's
260 00:47:49,830 --> 00:47:59,730 going to happen. It's going to happen, you will be prompted to do certain things in your paper trading account and your demo account. In the observations at that
261 00:47:59,730 --> 00:48:12,420 time, I want to hear your feedback then. Not right now. You haven't even learned how to walk yet. And some of you want to run a marathon and carry your friends
262 00:48:12,420 --> 00:48:21,690 and neighbors on the back of you. Like you can conquer all things and fucking sparks you that your ass, you want attention. And you don't have any skill set
263 00:48:21,690 --> 00:48:30,150 to command that attention right now. You have to learn how to do this properly, you have to filter out all these characteristics that make up who you are as a
264 00:48:30,150 --> 00:48:37,950 person. as lovely as a person, you probably are outside of these negative things for trading. You can't allow that stuff to come in here impatience.
265 00:48:40,920 --> 00:48:51,540 Unwillingness to follow instructions if you can't follow my instructions. Okay, so this is plenty there's going to be if you can't follow instructions that I'm
266 00:48:51,540 --> 00:49:01,170 outlining for you. That leads to you understand how to do this independently without me and successfully? How the fuck are you going to follow your own
267 00:49:01,260 --> 00:49:13,800 trading plan all the time, never deviate from it. You're not in this is where you want to discover that problem in you. Where it was no risk. You didn't lose
268 00:49:13,800 --> 00:49:24,300 any money. You didn't make money and attributed falsely a skill like I did as a 20 year old. I thought I knew what I was doing and it didn't know what the fuck
269 00:49:24,300 --> 00:49:34,230 I was telling you. Please listen to me. Some of you are doing the same shit, even though you hear me telling you not to do it. And these are the reasons why.
270 00:49:34,620 --> 00:49:49,170 And the outcome will be these adverse effects. These results that you don't want. You're going to fail at this unless you listen to everything I tell you to
271 00:49:49,170 --> 00:50:00,780 focus on while you're learning. If you focus on that, you're giving yourself at least the fairest chance to get to it eventually. If you keep After practicing,
272 00:50:00,780 --> 00:50:10,740 you will get it, it will happen. But most people will fail because they don't want to listen to beginning or they don't stick to it long enough. Because their
273 00:50:10,740 --> 00:50:23,160 expectations on how long it should take them to learn it is unrealistic. You're asking for me to teach more of the things that I know about the marketplace and
274 00:50:23,310 --> 00:50:31,920 little tick tricks and caveats to buying and selling and where the price should go and all that you haven't even mastered the one thing that you're supposed to
275 00:50:31,920 --> 00:50:41,790 be focusing on right now. And you just want more entertainment, more talking points, more things to have in your social media equity curve, and some of you
276 00:50:41,790 --> 00:50:43,890 to have in your next mentorship.
277 00:50:52,740 --> 00:51:04,410 I know I'm gonna have more days like this with you throughout this year. I don't like having these kind of discussions, and I've had it with my paid members too.
278 00:51:04,740 --> 00:51:13,770 I had these these are like woodshed moments, wood sheds, when you're when your parents took you out back and told you to break a switch off of a tree, peel it
279 00:51:13,770 --> 00:51:26,310 down, get the bark off of it, and you got it across your backside. Why? So that we understand there's a consequence. Some of you don't realize the consequences
280 00:51:26,310 --> 00:51:35,790 of what you're doing. By being impatient or trying to find a trade. I'm trying to find the bias off of what what these liquidity points are. You're not
281 00:51:35,790 --> 00:51:46,230 supposed to do that right now. That's not the focal point right now. What you're trying to derive from doing the tape reading is number one, you're learning
282 00:51:46,440 --> 00:51:58,500 patience. You're observing characteristics that price does at specific times of the day. By going into the charts, and when I'm telling you to screenshot, and
283 00:51:58,500 --> 00:52:04,710 what I'm telling you look at this right here, whenever you hear me say that that's like unless I say the words because sometimes I don't say because I'm
284 00:52:04,710 --> 00:52:11,340 wrapped up in the live stream, I can't think about everything at the time because I'm reading prices is happening on one that candles. But whenever I say
285 00:52:11,340 --> 00:52:21,750 here, look at this, or focus on here, or watch this. Treat that the same way as when I'm saying screenshot it. Because at that moment, there's something in the
286 00:52:21,750 --> 00:52:35,010 chart that you as a trader using my information, you're going to see something that's going to resonate with you as a setup. If you're not doing this, you are
287 00:52:35,010 --> 00:52:45,030 not going to learn it, it's gonna go right over your head. And come November, you'll be just like the dozen out there to Dirty Dozen. It's probably not even
288 00:52:45,030 --> 00:52:57,330 not any that will say everything I'm doing improving. won't make you money. You can't do it. It's unsustainable. It's not precise. You'll be a part of that
289 00:52:57,330 --> 00:53:04,620 group. Because it will feel like you have to do that because you won't be able to stomach the fact that you will know in hindsight, looking back, you've wasted
290 00:53:04,620 --> 00:53:15,780 your time. And you didn't do the things you were supposed to be doing throughout this year. It's hard being disciplined. I know. I know, man. I know. You feel
291 00:53:15,780 --> 00:53:25,770 like you want to be more productive, I get it. And I thought to myself up doing that same shit. I thought more wasn't better. I gotta be doing more than just
292 00:53:25,770 --> 00:53:40,860 this. Now, just focus on this. I'm gonna say something to you in closing. Because I said enough. And if I've upset you of of offend you just know I'm
293 00:53:40,860 --> 00:53:53,700 talking from a point of caring. You didn't pay for us. I'm not getting ad revenue off of this. I'm talking to you because I want to see you do well. But
294 00:53:53,700 --> 00:54:12,660 there's a old story. It's the Keita quoted part of it. It's the Jade master. And when I heard this story, it resonated a lot with me. Because as a martial
295 00:54:12,660 --> 00:54:23,520 artist, as a young man growing up, I was in several martial arts. And I always had this affinity for the Asian Arts and their lifestyle and the master and the
296 00:54:23,520 --> 00:54:37,260 student comes to the master and he submits himself to the process and all that business. It's funny in martial arts. What's the ES Ron for that? 4018 and a
297 00:54:37,260 --> 00:54:53,670 half and 4020 75 level where the buy side is just watch that now. The when I was in training, early on, trying to learn how to do all this stuff, I didn't have
298 00:54:53,670 --> 00:55:04,110 that discipline. But every time you want a new martial art, and got a new sense a new instructor and cuz like, whatever this guy would have said to do, I would
299 00:55:04,110 --> 00:55:14,220 have done it. And only just that. So in martial arts, I did really good. My friends, my close friends growing up, my best friend would tell you that, you
300 00:55:14,220 --> 00:55:30,120 know, I was, I was pretty good at what I was able to do. But when I try to learn how to trade, every aspect of discipline, personal responsibility, and just
301 00:55:30,150 --> 00:55:42,480 focusing on the things that I'm only supposed to be focusing on right now, until that technique is honed to a degree where I know, I know this, then I can go
302 00:55:42,480 --> 00:55:52,050 into trying to learn something else. That's the proper way of doing it. Well, I didn't have that when I first started trading, because I was too in a hurry to
303 00:55:52,050 --> 00:56:02,010 get out of the rat race. I wanted to stop working for the people I worked for who were taking advantage of me. I knew they were taking advantage of me, they
304 00:56:02,010 --> 00:56:13,710 knew that I knew they were taking advantage of me, and still gave me nothing extra for working six days a week. So I know what it feels like for you. You
305 00:56:13,710 --> 00:56:24,780 think that, you know, I'm sitting on this mountain of cash and it's always been like that? No, I came from nothing. And I had to dig in and go through a whole
306 00:56:24,780 --> 00:56:36,870 lot of shit. To learn discipline. I've not always been disciplined and you can hear I'm chemically imbalanced. It's real hard for me to mean Tane a sense of
307 00:56:37,710 --> 00:56:46,500 rigid discipline. I was doing breathing techniques before I started this because I wanted to make sure I didn't go off the rails immediately
308 00:56:51,900 --> 00:57:02,160 dealing with the public and this is why I want you to trust the fact that this is the last time I'm doing this okay. I don't have the patience to deal with
309 00:57:02,160 --> 00:57:19,800 this many personalities and this many personality flaws. We can weaknesses frailties, impatience, undisciplined, disrespectful those things make it
310 00:57:19,800 --> 00:57:28,470 difficult for me, for any educator to teach a person that holds them and doesn't want to let go of them. And it's even worse when a student doesn't even
311 00:57:28,470 --> 00:57:39,450 recognize that that's what they're holding on to. Because they want to have it their way. They want to be trained their way. So when you have this, this story
312 00:57:39,450 --> 00:57:49,890 called The jade master. I shared a lot when I was on Twitter before. And I'm sure it was looked at and dismissed. What is this guy talking about? I'm saying
313 00:57:49,890 --> 00:58:00,960 important. Whereas older blog stuff, I'm gonna know about that. But I'm not going to read everything, line by line on this and give you real short version
314 00:58:00,960 --> 00:58:13,530 of this master of jade is on the other side of the mountain. This young man he's he's doing everything he can to entertain himself, find its place in the world.
315 00:58:14,550 --> 00:58:20,310 And says, You know what, I'm going to do better in life. I'm going to get a career and I'm going to go be a Jeep master. So I'm going to go to the J Masters
316 00:58:20,310 --> 00:58:33,180 House and ask him to teach me so he journeys a long way. gets there finally gets the answer from the door is old man comes to the door, says hello, how can I
317 00:58:33,180 --> 00:58:45,420 help you? He says I want to learn Jade. Jade masters smiles just come on in, invites him into his own home. They sit down, he makes him cup of tea, they
318 00:58:45,420 --> 00:58:54,930 start talking about things that have nothing to do with Jade. But before he gets comfortable in the chair, the old man presses a piece of green stone in his
319 00:58:55,110 --> 00:59:05,370 hand. He doesn't hold on to it. He starts talking to him about things that the young man feels like this is foolishness. Much like many of you do when I'm
320 00:59:05,370 --> 00:59:18,240 talking like this, or I'm doing the dry parts of my lectures in video or in Twitter spaces. You zone that out. And what's happening, what's actually
321 00:59:18,240 --> 00:59:31,410 happening is the teacher that knows better that knows how the student should learn. And also the test the student attitude, respect, and the ability to
322 00:59:31,410 --> 00:59:40,770 follow instructions. He's testing the first thing that's going to fold which is patience. So he starts talking to him because he came to Him for wisdom. So the
323 00:59:40,770 --> 00:59:53,640 wisdom the first ingredient of success is patience. He's going to test this young man. Now he's came there to learn how to Wat master Jade. You can't
324 00:59:53,670 --> 01:00:01,830 understand how to master Jade until you know what it is. So the young man doesn't even appreciate the fact that he's been placed In a very comfortable
325 01:00:01,830 --> 01:00:15,780 setting with a Master who has given his time and placed a piece of real Jade in his hand. But he thinks he's supposed to be doing something. He came there he
326 01:00:15,780 --> 01:00:26,820 walked a long way. I watched a lot of your fucking videos ICT. I have notes. I got no books. I got all that shit. Stop talking to me about this dumb shit. Tell
327 01:00:26,820 --> 01:00:35,610 me how that market really works. Give me my entry pattern. Give me my my setup. Where's my stop loss? How do I know when the fair value gaps stay open. And as
328 01:00:35,610 --> 01:00:48,540 soon as the young man in patience wears thin on his first visit, he says Listen, listen, listen. Listen. I came here to learn about Jade. I don't care about the
329 01:00:48,540 --> 01:01:04,050 bullshit you're talking about. With all the respect master Cut the bullshit. Show me how to do Jade. To which the young man waits for this new flood of
330 01:01:04,050 --> 01:01:16,740 information. Though man stands up, walks over to him, asks for the stone back, puts it in the tin on the shelf and says go home. Come back in a week. Young as
331 01:01:16,740 --> 01:01:27,510 like what the hell just happened here. And he escorts into the door and he goes home and spends a week away from we comes back. Knock on the door young man
332 01:01:27,510 --> 01:01:36,210 greets him at the door. Oh man smile says come on in. Once again, places that Jade in his hands. He sits down and starts talking to him about shit that has
333 01:01:36,210 --> 01:01:47,070 nothing to do with Jade again. This time the young man lets him go on a little bit. But then same impatience. interrupts him. Listen, listen, I don't think you
334 01:01:47,070 --> 01:01:57,150 understand. I don't care about the shit you're talking about. I came here to learn about Jade. Same thing. man stands up s for the piece J Back, puts back in
335 01:01:57,150 --> 01:02:11,220 the tin tells him go home come back in a week. Young and does it comes back. Third week. He sits down guy says listen. Grab that broom over there. And sweep
336 01:02:11,670 --> 01:02:23,040 this area of the house while I tell you about tree frogs. Well, that was it. Guys like listen. I don't give a fuck about tree frogs. I didn't come here.
337 01:02:23,040 --> 01:02:35,490 Clean your fucking house. Here. This is the last time I'm going to ask you teach me about Jade. Master goes into him says him in the rock, puts back in the tin.
338 01:02:36,240 --> 01:02:50,280 Tells him go home come back in a week. The guy comes back the next week frustrated but now nervous. He doesn't interrupt him. But he says to him.
339 01:02:50,610 --> 01:03:00,990 Listen, I've listened to all your stories this time. And I didn't interrupt you. But I don't feel like I've learned anything about Jade. Oh man gets up, walks
340 01:03:00,990 --> 01:03:10,530 over to another tin on a shelf, reached and grabs a rock and tosses it to the young man. Young man catches it in the air grabs it. Because Tell me about that
341 01:03:10,530 --> 01:03:25,710 Jade. He goes This isn't Jade. And the old man smiles. See you're learning right now. By holding Jade my experience. You can't appreciate it because you can't
342 01:03:25,710 --> 01:03:36,630 use it yet. That young man held on to a piece of genuine Jade. And then the master was teaching him patience. And teaching him also the whole time. What
343 01:03:36,630 --> 01:03:47,490 real Jade is in his hand. And the moment he felt that he wasn't learning shit, challenged the man. He submitted to the process but still had a question of do I
344 01:03:47,490 --> 01:03:55,560 really know anything after doing this? I told myself the whole walk here. Every time I went home, sent home early. Next time I come back here I'm not going to
345 01:03:55,560 --> 01:04:00,030 do it. I'm not going to do it. And this time I submitted to everything you said I listened to your stories and I still don't feel like I've learned anything
346 01:04:00,030 --> 01:04:11,460 about you. And we've tossed them a rock that was green but wasn't real Jade he knew exactly at that moment. He was not holding real Jade. So when you're
347 01:04:11,460 --> 01:04:23,070 looking at these price charts, and I'm talking to you over time, you're going to know where these moves are really not unfolding. And when they're likely to
348 01:04:23,070 --> 01:04:32,280 really unfold. You're gonna see real Jade in the chart, you're gonna see it, you're gonna identify it, you'll know it's there because you've been holding it
349 01:04:32,550 --> 01:04:49,140 every day for months. But so many of you are that impatient young man or young woman and you want it your way, delivered the way you want to hear it. And the
350 01:04:49,140 --> 01:05:01,410 people that know how to do things. We know how to teach it. We know how you're going to learn it. And certain things need to be experienced. not taught in a
351 01:05:01,410 --> 01:05:11,790 book not shown in a video, you have to put your nose in it, you have to handle it. You have to find the look and feel like, okay, this might work and then it
352 01:05:11,790 --> 01:05:25,140 doesn't work. Okay, got my hands and eyes all over this, and it doesn't work. What do you feel from that? The story never goes into detail about what that
353 01:05:25,140 --> 01:05:34,320 young man was doing with that piece of jade in his hand, but you know, damn well, he was doing what he was fiddling with it. The master knew that. He would
354 01:05:34,530 --> 01:05:42,390 be grinding his thumb against that rock, Nick, and I want to strangle this old motherfucker, he will not stop talking about fucking treefrogs this guy won't
355 01:05:42,390 --> 01:05:51,180 stop talking about the bullshit and his personal like, we don't care about Michael's personal, like, tell me about order blocks. Tell me about Faraday you
356 01:05:51,180 --> 01:06:04,890 get, tell me what the algorithms gonna do. I'm showing you what the algorithm is going to do. And you're squeezing and grinding your patience against these
357 01:06:04,890 --> 01:06:13,560 candlesticks as I'm taking you through it just like that young man did with his fingers and palms of his hands, probably sweating to grinding that piece of jade
358 01:06:13,560 --> 01:06:25,920 in his hand because his impatience was wearing on him. But all the while, while He toiled in that impatience, the master knew that he would understand what Jade
359 01:06:25,920 --> 01:06:38,250 feels like because of that experience. Because that Jade master was in that seat before, just like he was. That's how he was taught. And every Jade masters
360 01:06:38,250 --> 01:06:50,160 taught the same way. And over time, less and less, the young man interrupted. That's the abbreviated version of the real estate master.
361 01:06:51,480 --> 01:06:59,610 The story is shut the fuck up, show up every day, take notes, you're going to learn what you're going to learn. But you're going to hold yourself up worrying
362 01:06:59,610 --> 01:07:09,210 about shit that has nothing to do with anything. You're learning patience. Tape reading is teaching you patience. It's teaching you how to observe what the
363 01:07:09,210 --> 01:07:17,790 algorithm is doing. It's not realistic for you to know what the algorithm is going to do right now. If I tell you every minute fluctuation in price action,
364 01:07:18,450 --> 01:07:31,470 it teaches you nothing. It teaches you nothing. It's the equivalent of me giving you signals, setups. You need to find your way in these candlesticks that's
365 01:07:31,470 --> 01:07:45,060 going to mean something to you. That's what is the secret to this. You can't just take a ABC 123 pattern, model approach system, something that tells you to
366 01:07:45,060 --> 01:07:53,850 buy and sell. You can't trust that wholeheartedly. You can't feel good about that. No one can you can lie to yourself and say, Oh yeah, I can do that. As
367 01:07:53,850 --> 01:08:00,210 long as it makes money bullshit, you're gonna have anxiety about the next one hope it works like the last one did. Whereas when you understand how to read
368 01:08:00,210 --> 01:08:10,230 price action, you dismiss that whole notion of, I hope it you don't need it and hope you're going to do it wrong. You're going to make a mistake, you're going
369 01:08:10,230 --> 01:08:21,210 to read it wrong. You're going to internalize it wrong. But it doesn't undo the central tenets to what makes these markets Bill Price. You made the mistake you
370 01:08:21,210 --> 01:08:33,660 own it is their responsibility. It's on you that you made the error. But many of you are showing characteristics that you don't have that capability to be that
371 01:08:33,660 --> 01:08:41,340 responsible, that patient or even aware that you're learning right now, but it doesn't feel like it because you have what what are you measuring it against?
372 01:08:42,510 --> 01:08:52,110 You're thinking that your measurement stick, the measuring stick for your success is getting funded, getting a withdrawal and profits and making money and
373 01:08:52,110 --> 01:09:04,680 spending money. Getting something that you can spend when you're getting experience right now. You're getting it at a breakneck speed. You're literally
374 01:09:05,160 --> 01:09:15,000 getting doused with experience every single day. But because it's coming at you at warp speed. You're again going back to what you came here with your
375 01:09:15,000 --> 01:09:23,730 unrealistic expectations of thinking about you should be learning how to do this in a short period of time. Listen, folks. Everybody out there that says you can
376 01:09:23,730 --> 01:09:36,120 learn this real fast in 40 days. 80 days aren't 20 days, a one week boot camp? Where's all their profitable students? Where are they at six months later.
377 01:09:38,340 --> 01:09:48,180 There's a lot of people out here have taken my content, repackaged it, and they're getting a splash over. Like with anything new sometimes she works. And
378 01:09:48,180 --> 01:09:57,180 it's this blind luck. I'm a I'm a poster child for that. And as a 20 year old using retail garbage buying in a market that was already going to go up anyway.
379 01:09:57,390 --> 01:10:05,490 That's not skill. But you see them out there parading they're, my students are funded look at all these certificates on the fucking wall, how many of those
380 01:10:05,490 --> 01:10:20,430 certificates and the holders thereof are still fucking funded six months later. That's what I'm trying to produce longevity. I don't give a fuck, if you just
381 01:10:20,430 --> 01:10:31,560 get funded. That's not where this ends with me. I want to change your whole family fucking tree, your certificate as good as it feels for you. That's
382 01:10:31,560 --> 01:10:39,600 nothing that this means you paid attention for a little while. That's all it means it's a participation prize. I'm not trying to diminish it. But this is the
383 01:10:39,960 --> 01:10:52,950 real with it. Now, I'm telling you as your mentor. All that is is a participation award. That is not living on your trades. Not trading for a
384 01:10:52,950 --> 01:11:01,260 living, not growing wealth. That's just you participated in something, here's your here's your certificate. And what are you going to do with it, you're gonna
385 01:11:01,260 --> 01:11:08,910 go out on social media. And this is why I don't want to retweet anymore. Because I'm not billing, I'm not building an affiliate with anybody. I'm not going to be
386 01:11:08,910 --> 01:11:16,470 doing affiliate links, with funded accounts, I'm not doing any of that bullshit. Okay, I'm not trying to build a partnership with any company outside of me. It
387 01:11:16,470 --> 01:11:28,620 is what it is. But these certificates, that's just one small, little token, that's been used as a wonderful marketing ploy. Because when you have that
388 01:11:28,620 --> 01:11:36,420 certificate, what's the first thing you want to do? Go on social media. And then what happened also was you show it to ICT, and you say I use your, your, your
389 01:11:36,450 --> 01:11:46,800 your repertoire, your your arsenal of weapons and things in trading, and I was funded, and I want to be an encouragement to you. So I retweet it. And then what
390 01:11:46,800 --> 01:11:59,100 I'm actually doing is I'm fucking marketing for these companies that I have no affiliation with, and I have no affinity for. What I want to see is six months
391 01:11:59,100 --> 01:12:11,610 after I stopped in November, I want to see the students that come forward and say, I'm still making money. Here, here's my proof. Here's my results today,
392 01:12:11,640 --> 01:12:18,180 here's my results for the month, here's my results for the last six months. And when I'll be back here another year, and I'll show you what I took out at the
393 01:12:18,180 --> 01:12:29,430 end of the year. That's the results and receipts I'm working for. I want you to have that. I don't give a fuck about your funded certificate account. And you
394 01:12:29,430 --> 01:12:39,960 shouldn't either. Some of you think that's the end. Like that's the touchdown. That's the that's the you've made it now. Let me look at me. I got this name
395 01:12:40,080 --> 01:12:47,640 that was given to me at birth. I didn't earn it. It's on a piece of paper two and paper. It's just a digital image. And I get it. It feels awesome. Yes,
396 01:12:47,640 --> 01:12:56,190 that's progress. But that's not what I'm fucking teaching you to do. I'm teaching you how to make real fucking money. Consistently, week after week,
397 01:12:56,220 --> 01:13:07,740 month after month, year after year, change your whole fucking family tree. Am I here? For some fucking certificates to be mounted on my motherfucking wall and
398 01:13:07,740 --> 01:13:21,180 brag about that. I want your story. I want to hear the legacy that you're leaving. Fuck those fucking certificates. That's nothing. That's literally
399 01:13:21,180 --> 01:13:31,530 nothing. That's a Hallmark card. That's a lucky letter that you wrote yourself. Here it is. Here's proof that you did something right? Awesome. But don't just
400 01:13:31,560 --> 01:13:44,310 look at that and think and say I'm arrived. That's nothing. He just started now. Now you got to outperform yourself. Dig in. This is legacy. It's not social
401 01:13:44,310 --> 01:13:54,240 media equity curve. It's not affirmation. Let me get the other people around me to say I'm doing good. When you're making fucking money. You don't need anybody
402 01:13:54,240 --> 01:14:04,260 else to tell you you're doing good. You don't need to do that shit. You don't need to go social media. And so some bullshit results. Because you're living on
403 01:14:04,260 --> 01:14:15,870 it. You don't care who believes what you make? Nobody gives a fuck what other people think when you got money. I don't give a fuck. My entire career has been
404 01:14:15,870 --> 01:14:27,600 on the basis of what a fucking demo account a demo account seriously. And it works. Because you have tested it yourself. It matters not if I've done it with
405 01:14:27,600 --> 01:14:35,190 a live account. You've seen it in a demo account. I showed you with one contract to commit 100% in five weeks. Last year right over there on Twitter now on
406 01:14:35,190 --> 01:14:43,080 Twitter on YouTube. What takes other traders a whole year or more to get that same return return
407 01:14:48,360 --> 01:15:04,680 you are learning how to master money not be a slave to it. And in the beginning any small victory. Any small victory is what you feel like you need to keep
408 01:15:04,680 --> 01:15:15,780 pressing forward. And some of you, unfortunately, want to do that prematurely with trades. I just need that. That little affirmation, that little nudge. This
409 01:15:15,780 --> 01:15:22,560 is going to work for me. I know he said, don't push a button. I know he said, Don't trade. But I got I have to Michael, if you could just feel what it feels
410 01:15:22,560 --> 01:15:28,380 like to be inside the skin of mine. I gotta wake up every day and do this dumb shit and make no money. I'm going to country that doesn't make any fucking
411 01:15:28,380 --> 01:15:36,150 money. And I I'm in an impoverished nation. I didn't have a father and have a mother. You know, I can't get a job with my, my college degree. I dropped out of
412 01:15:36,150 --> 01:15:45,030 college. I couldn't afford it. My mom and dad don't do this for me. I look. Listen, listen. All that stuff may be true.
413 01:15:50,250 --> 01:16:00,990 I didn't have my father. He was a contract murderer. He's serving life sentences in prison. My mother didn't want me. I grew up in a neighborhood that was
414 01:16:00,990 --> 01:16:16,500 considered white trash. The white ghetto. I had everything stacked against me. Everything. I had no pedigree that had money before me. I had no advantages
415 01:16:16,500 --> 01:16:29,160 where people could help me get into certain things fall into certain you know, perfect scenarios for jobs. I didn't have any of those advantages. I didn't have
416 01:16:29,430 --> 01:16:41,070 this. Or somebody's whipping my ass in the shape. When I'm doing stupid shit. Get me back on the rails keep me focused. Let me say something. My feelings
417 01:16:41,070 --> 01:16:49,800 would not have been fucking hurt. Because this is exactly how my grandfather talked to me. And I miss it. I wish I could hear that neither man. Whip My ass
418 01:16:49,800 --> 01:16:57,450 and good look. Get your head in the fucking game. Focus on this. What are you looking at that shit for? This is what you're supposed to be focusing on right
419 01:16:57,450 --> 01:17:16,620 now? Yes, sir. I didn't have that when he passed away. He didn't see me do this. You have someone in me, that proves that we can do this consistently. I'm
420 01:17:16,620 --> 01:17:24,810 teaching you how to do it. I'm giving you a mindset, a way of thinking about it, how to conquer your demons wrestle with them, pin them, beat their fucking ass.
421 01:17:27,840 --> 01:17:39,270 But you have to show up and do everything I tell you to do. And everything I tell you not to do, you need to keep it away. filter it, cope, whatever you got
422 01:17:39,270 --> 01:17:54,420 to do. But you cannot you cannot bring your opinion about what it is. And how it is that you should be trained. When you don't even know what you're going to be
423 01:17:54,420 --> 01:18:07,140 doing as a trader. Do you even know? You don't have an inkling? I'd like to be able to trade this model 2020. Okay. Can you really break down that model? Do
424 01:18:07,140 --> 01:18:16,110 you know like the back of your hand? Or that? You see it after the fact in the chart? Because if you know it, you can see it when it unfolds in real time. But
425 01:18:16,110 --> 01:18:26,460 if you're only able to see it after the fact you don't know it, you're still learning. And it's easy to talk yourself into, you know more than what you
426 01:18:26,460 --> 01:18:36,900 really do. Because when I was a young man, I was talking all that shit to my friends. Oh yeah, I know how to do this. And I knew how to do that. When I was
427 01:18:36,900 --> 01:18:49,860 still struggling and they didn't know enough to say you're full of shit. They just saw me making money. But they didn't know I was wrestling with five other
428 01:18:49,860 --> 01:19:03,840 fucking trades that just barely BLEW MY FUCKING account out. In this shit that most of you are doing right now is very similar to that. You're focusing on just
429 01:19:03,870 --> 01:19:15,870 making it to a positive outcome, but showing no public display or voicing what it was like for you to get through the other shit to that. And that's how I
430 01:19:15,870 --> 01:19:26,700 teach. I teach all sides of it. You're gonna get the good, you're gonna get the bad, the sweet and the sour. And sometimes you're gonna get a woodshed moment.
431 01:19:27,750 --> 01:19:35,820 You want that, trust me, for some of you that are foreign. You get very easily offended with people like me or Americans because we sound arrogant. When you
432 01:19:35,820 --> 01:19:46,470 know something, and you're confident it sounds like arrogance. It's not I'm not arrogant. I know where I got all this wrong. But also know that humans have
433 01:19:46,470 --> 01:19:58,620 tendencies, to overcomplicate things and make excuses for why they fucked it up themselves. They prolong the experience more than it needs to be. So when I tell
434 01:19:58,620 --> 01:20:10,050 you don't push a button, don't even try How to push a button. The benefit is, you're going to get so bored with seeing with these things or doing all these
435 01:20:10,200 --> 01:20:21,960 setups, and you're not going to have any impulsive rush, this impatience to do something with a monetary reward, or fear that it's going to lose. See, I say
436 01:20:21,960 --> 01:20:31,980 this a lot, but you plug your ears, you don't want to hear about it, because you knew damn well, tomorrow, later today. Friday, you're going to be listening to
437 01:20:31,980 --> 01:20:40,920 something, whether I say it, or someone else is going to say it. And it's going to inspire you to do what gamble. You just need a scratch off when experience,
438 01:20:41,190 --> 01:20:51,300 you want to go there and buy a scratch off, scratch it off. And guess what? You made 50 bucks, he made 100 bucks. But what's it worth, if you were sweating
439 01:20:51,300 --> 01:21:02,160 bullets the entire time, you didn't learn anything. You're going to try to ignore all the uncomfortable feelings that you had while you took that trade if
440 01:21:02,160 --> 01:21:10,620 you did it, and you're gonna try to sugarcoat it with, Hey, I made money, they go over on social media. So ignore all of the fucking bullshit I had to endure
441 01:21:10,770 --> 01:21:21,450 for this little tiny peanut of a win. Which I won't be able to repeat anyway, because I don't know what I'm doing. That's the reality of it, folks. And you
442 01:21:21,450 --> 01:21:31,890 know, damn, well, what I just said was the absolute truth. But you'd never would admit it on social media. But if we were talking at the pub, at the bar, at the
443 01:21:31,890 --> 01:21:41,940 restaurant, and you want to have a meal and talk the markets with me, that's what we will be talking about, you would confide in me in that setting, but not
444 01:21:41,940 --> 01:21:54,090 for other people where you can be judged and laughed at. You all that are pushing the button to get trades. You're trying to lie to yourself the wrong
445 01:21:54,090 --> 01:22:02,880 way. You want to be able to tell yourself, you can do this when you're not ready. And you're lie to yourself and say that you already and you'll do stupid
446 01:22:02,880 --> 01:22:11,760 shit, like go and try to get a funded account. But Live account funds at risk. When you don't even have a track record to prove that there's a reason for you
447 01:22:11,760 --> 01:22:20,850 to be doing that. Are you consistent? Because the only thing consistent most of you are probably feeling right now is that you're uncertain about what it is
448 01:22:20,850 --> 01:22:28,080 you're going to do. That's the That's the measure of uncertainty you have right. I mean, that's the consistency rather is the uncertainty yet. And that's normal.
449 01:22:28,890 --> 01:22:39,360 But some of you are uncomfortable in that state so much that you're willing to do anything to distract yourself from feeling that much like that young man with
450 01:22:39,360 --> 01:22:48,510 a piece of jade in his hand. He wanted to throw that rock I'm sure that Jade masters forehead, shut the fuck up. I need to do something I got shit to do,
451 01:22:48,510 --> 01:22:54,870 man. There's cars. There's women out there I want to entertain. And I'm not trying to be brash, but young man, you know exactly what the hell you're trying
452 01:22:54,870 --> 01:23:01,440 to do this for. Okay, yeah, you want to flex with your friends and look good. And everybody in the game this guy's got you got it all put together. But you
453 01:23:01,440 --> 01:23:13,080 want to go out there and floss in front, these young women and be a dog. That's exactly what you're trying to do this, and you're going to fail. So let me just
454 01:23:13,080 --> 01:23:19,830 remind you that you're not going to be doing very much of that, because you're doing all the wrong things in the beginning. And you're probably gonna spare a
455 01:23:19,830 --> 01:23:31,920 lot of fathers daughters, heartaches because of it, because you're going to fail. But for the folks that are really trying to make a way for themselves, and
456 01:23:31,920 --> 01:23:44,550 find the approach to doing this consistently, and finding profitability. You're going to sacrifice, you're going to put aside that feeling of I gotta get
457 01:23:44,550 --> 01:23:54,090 through this quicker because I'm uncomfortable. I don't feel like I'm being productive. I gotta get through this part real quick. And you won't take notes,
458 01:23:54,330 --> 01:24:02,010 you won't study. You won't desensitize yourself by going through these very moments where it's uncomfortable not knowing what it is. You're supposed to be
459 01:24:02,010 --> 01:24:09,810 getting from it until you get it. And then when you get it, that experience, you think to yourself, Wow, I didn't I didn't expect to learn what I just learned
460 01:24:09,840 --> 01:24:23,460 now that I know. Wow, that's a totally different perspective. I hold over myself as a speculator and what I'm learning. And I know enough, and good educators
461 01:24:23,460 --> 01:24:40,020 know enough that they have to put the students in the laboratory experiment repeatedly before they can observe the measure of change, learning and
462 01:24:40,020 --> 01:24:55,050 understanding. Every day, I'm giving you that green rock. Some of you want to take that green rock and be an alchemist and turn into real money right now. And
463 01:24:55,050 --> 01:25:05,190 you're not ready. And you're gonna get frustrated because you couldn't do it faster. and lose sight of whatever reminding all of you is slow down. You can do
464 01:25:05,190 --> 01:25:17,160 this. But you cannot do it consistently by rushing into pushing the button. Because you don't have the experience to know and trust that your progress can
465 01:25:17,160 --> 01:25:20,940 be measured without you doing any button pushing right now
466 01:25:27,750 --> 01:25:37,410 for those that have a long term relationship right now, and I promise I'm gonna end it here. If you have a long term relationship spouse, you're married,
467 01:25:38,190 --> 01:25:49,350 boyfriend, girlfriend, you just really committed to this person, you've been with them for a long time. When you met them? Did you try to do all the stupid
468 01:25:49,350 --> 01:25:59,580 shit that you know that you're probably comfortable doing in front of them now? Would you be willing? Or would you have been willing to do all those things on
469 01:25:59,580 --> 01:26:13,170 your first date? No, no way. Not if it was somebody that you wanted to have a relationship with, that you were attracted to, you felt an affinity for, you
470 01:26:13,170 --> 01:26:23,820 want to you want to secure that one. This one's the one you want to take home and show Mom, this is the one you want to build a relationship with. You
471 01:26:23,820 --> 01:26:39,930 wouldn't do those things that you know are uncivilized. Rude. Unpleasant, you wouldn't show that side of you. That you know is in you. When you lose all
472 01:26:39,930 --> 01:26:53,250 control, rage or upset and you show your emotions and you act out. You wouldn't do that. Why? Because you know enough that that's going to do what it's going to
473 01:26:53,250 --> 01:27:08,520 mar any chance of that relationship blossoming. You don't want to put any kind of thorns in that rose garden. So you do what you prove. You're on your best
474 01:27:08,520 --> 01:27:18,750 behavior, you hold the door for her. You speak pleasantly you allow the conversation to be mostly about her. You're genuinely
475 01:27:24,449 --> 01:27:32,729 you, when you come here, and you're trying to learn how to do and you're pushing all the buttons, you're doing the very thing that you wouldn't do if you were
476 01:27:32,729 --> 01:27:42,509 trying to secure a long term relationship with the significant other that you're with now. You're trying to do that here. It's according to coming out here
477 01:27:42,689 --> 01:27:52,049 wearing the same underwear for the last three fucking days. You need to shower you ain't shade your unkept you'll go hog an animal. That's, that's the
478 01:27:52,049 --> 01:28:05,279 equivalent what you're doing by pushing a button. You're uncivilized. You're undisciplined. And you're trying to communicate to your inner self and others
479 01:28:05,279 --> 01:28:14,729 around you to see you. That you're the caveman on the walk. Like you got it all together. Anybody out there outside your cave, you get there with your club,
480 01:28:14,759 --> 01:28:25,709 bonk it over the head, drag it back to your cave, you're you're the man. You don't have to submit to the process everybody else is expected to when the only
481 01:28:25,709 --> 01:28:35,219 thing you're doing is assuring that you're going to fail. look stupid. If you try to show your results to other people when they ask for it. You talk too
482 01:28:35,219 --> 01:28:44,519 much. You don't have the receipts. And you can't do it. And you're looking for one hit wonders. To just give you that little bit of a nudge to get through the
483 01:28:44,519 --> 01:28:58,019 pain and uncomfortable. You're feeling right now. Because you can't wait through the normal process of growth. That's why ladies. That's why the women in my
484 01:28:58,019 --> 01:29:15,209 fold. And in general in trading are better. Yes, young men and old guys to the women are better traders. Now, competition traders. Men tend to be better,
485 01:29:15,449 --> 01:29:23,759 because they're reckless. They'll take bigger bets and they'll gamble because they don't give a fuck. They don't measure the outcome as well. If I lose it all
486 01:29:23,849 --> 01:29:33,209 fucking things happen. A woman would never do that. She has nesting qualities about her. And if you had a child with one of them, you know exactly, I'm
487 01:29:33,209 --> 01:29:40,859 talking about shit. And as soon as they're pregnant, they're already the whole house is turned upside down. They gotta buy all kinds of fucking shit. And they
488 01:29:40,859 --> 01:29:52,259 got nine months still. I have anxiety. I had multiple kids. And every time it was, it was very stressful. You would have thought that she's having a kid
489 01:29:52,589 --> 01:30:00,269 tonight. And four hours we're gonna have this baby. And you can't even tell she's pregnant by looking at her. But they had these nesting quality is about
490 01:30:00,269 --> 01:30:12,329 themselves. Because what it's in their hardwiring, they know they gotta get shit done. They gotta be organized. They gotta be on time, it has to be this way. And
491 01:30:12,329 --> 01:30:25,769 that's why we as men, we butt heads with them, because we want to do shit our way on our own time schedule. And all these things that make us human beings, if
492 01:30:25,769 --> 01:30:37,709 you don't master them, they're going to manifest in your, your trading. You don't realize it young men. Because you haven't found yourself in a situation
493 01:30:37,709 --> 01:30:51,329 where you act like a man. Be in a relationship, hold down a job long term, build a home, secure a home. Right now you're young, who's chasing tail, trying to
494 01:30:51,329 --> 01:31:01,169 look good with your friends, get your bag, and have fun. But at some point, when you mature a little bit more, you're going to know things I'm talking about now,
495 01:31:01,559 --> 01:31:09,899 that are impacting you, they're making you reckless as a trader, because you're reckless is as a young man, you can't operate like that in the marketplace. And
496 01:31:09,899 --> 01:31:25,769 when you start having things of consequence, that are a real loss if you do things recklessly, which is why I mentioned, you know, if you had a child that
497 01:31:25,769 --> 01:31:38,909 you had to take care of. And every trade that you took, had an impact on whether that child would eat or not. I will not try to communicate a way for you to be
498 01:31:38,909 --> 01:31:47,909 stressful about taking trades. That's not, that's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is, if you're trading for a living, and your trading account that is only
499 01:31:48,059 --> 01:31:56,909 there to make your ends meet, you have other accounts that you use to speculate and grow wealth with. I'm talking about one account that you use to get your
500 01:31:56,909 --> 01:32:08,639 ends met. Whatever that grocery bill is. You're not, you're not going to look at that candlestick. If you're responsible. If you're a parent that cares for that
501 01:32:08,639 --> 01:32:17,639 child and wants to weigh out risk and not do things impulsively, you're not going to just push the button because you have time to do so. You're gonna be
502 01:32:17,639 --> 01:32:25,379 more diligent about what it is you're doing to manage that risk. You're gonna look at the charts and think to yourself, Why am I going to take this trade?
503 01:32:27,839 --> 01:32:40,199 This Carl fucking Jr. Have a plate for food tomorrow if I do this trade? Or am I gonna fucking Carlota all up and do some stupid shit a margin call myself
504 01:32:40,679 --> 01:32:55,079 because I'm got an itch to scratch. Don't be a fucking Carl. You want to know what you're doing? Why, when and how every trade you take is uncertain. There's
505 01:32:55,079 --> 01:33:04,769 no guarantee it's gonna pan out. But you know exactly what you're doing. When you're goofing off, pushing a button when you have no business doing so you
506 01:33:04,769 --> 01:33:15,569 can't do that when you have a real responsibility attached to it. Think about what I was teaching and series on YouTube. And taking everything that I taught
507 01:33:15,599 --> 01:33:29,759 on my channel that teaches you how to trade. And then I'm taking it to the real world, not Lamborghini lifestyle. Not Ferrari lifestyle. Not get rich real
508 01:33:29,759 --> 01:33:45,389 quick. Not 200 are multiple lifestyle. Give me a major bill covered each month. That's that's where I try to teach my students. It's real world. It makes it
509 01:33:45,389 --> 01:34:02,219 practical. It allows you to do what associated with your own personal life, you may have children, you may have a spouse that you have to coexist with. And they
510 01:34:02,219 --> 01:34:09,629 may not like the idea that you're risking money because they don't understand what it is you're learning. But that should change is real fast when fucking
511 01:34:09,629 --> 01:34:25,589 grocery bill is now paid for every month in that an supportive spouse or boyfriend or girlfriend partner that wasn't so supportive of the idea in the
512 01:34:25,589 --> 01:34:35,789 beginning, will suddenly think totally different about it. Wow. Look how much better things are because you had the courage to do that. And they will be more
513 01:34:35,789 --> 01:34:42,959 supportive. You'll get the very things that you want people to do for you right now when you haven't even earned the right to get it yet. So you want people to
514 01:34:42,959 --> 01:34:53,549 say like I want people to say you're doing a good job learning how to trade, but the fuck, nobody congratulates anybody. You're doing a good job getting through
515 01:34:53,549 --> 01:35:04,949 it. That's the equivalent saying hey, congratulations, you're still married. You are not in the marriage to hear that you're in the marriage to have that
516 01:35:04,949 --> 01:35:14,009 relationship. You're there for the relationship, you're not there for the congratulatory hand slaps and shoulder Pat's good job and you still, you're
517 01:35:14,039 --> 01:35:28,439 still existing. You can still, you still live with her in differences than women, you can still live with him. So you have to make your trading realistic,
518 01:35:28,829 --> 01:35:40,049 it has to be practical, it has to be measured in a practical, realistic way. And the only way you can do that is by doing what I teach you. Keep it in the
519 01:35:40,049 --> 01:35:50,519 beginning, away from the money. If you have people that are in your life, that you don't know that you're doing this, or making an attempt to do this, they
520 01:35:50,519 --> 01:35:58,799 don't have any evidence to support you doing it. In fact, if they're going to be honest with you, and some of them probably wouldn't ever want to do this to hurt
521 01:35:58,799 --> 01:36:06,269 your feelings, but they don't believe you're going to be successful. And I've already told you this morning, most of you are going to feel like you're going
522 01:36:06,269 --> 01:36:13,289 to never do this and some of you are going to absolutely fail. Regardless of what I teach, however I do it, whatever it is, you're still going to fail. It's
523 01:36:13,289 --> 01:36:23,009 just the way it is, folks, it's hard. You can't get out of your own way, you're gonna fail. And it takes a lot of discipline, to keep doing the right things all
524 01:36:23,009 --> 01:36:33,359 the time and not do the wrong things. And like that young man with the green stone in his hand that he didn't realize was Jade, and he was being conditioned
525 01:36:33,659 --> 01:36:42,149 to know what Jade feels like in his hand. You're in that moment, right now. It's uncomfortable in the chair with me listening to these types of things, because
526 01:36:42,149 --> 01:36:50,009 it feels like I got better things to do me a fuck this guy. I'm not listening this bullshit. Give me an RSI in a fucking moving average. I'm out of here.
527 01:36:51,419 --> 01:37:01,889 Okay, good luck. I really want you to succeed. If you can find success in anything else. I'm all for it, do it. There's other ways out there to make
528 01:37:01,889 --> 01:37:11,879 money. Yes, absolutely. I didn't tie you to a chair here and drag you here. I'm not holding you against your will. And you're not all hostages here.
529 01:37:14,729 --> 01:37:23,939 But I've never seen anybody out there teaching, how to trade, how to look at the marketplace, the way I do it, the way it delivers. And also how to make it
530 01:37:23,939 --> 01:37:34,679 practical for you to go out in the real world and do something with it. And not have it wrapped up with get rich. You can get rich doing this? absolutely can.
531 01:37:35,279 --> 01:37:50,159 You can get rich, digging for oil in your backyard to highly unfuck unlikely. Hey, but there's potential, right? So you gotta just constantly be reminded that
532 01:37:50,159 --> 01:38:00,899 this is a progress that you're gonna go through a process that you have to submit to. And it's not easy. It's not, it's not quick. It's not an easy
533 01:38:00,899 --> 01:38:11,819 solution. It takes a lot of effort, a lot of work and a lot of cheerleading, you got to get from me. And you have to do it to yourself, which is what you do in
534 01:38:11,819 --> 01:38:24,389 your journal. You don't let anything negative in your journal, period. That is your love letter to yourself. You're literally writing to your future self.
535 01:38:26,759 --> 01:38:38,219 Sweet, nothings. No, you didn't really see that trade forming. But in that journal, you're going to say I have loved you since the first time I saw you. I
536 01:38:38,219 --> 01:38:50,879 knew I was going to have a happy life with you. Whatever your model is. And over time, you have conditioned your subconscious. To view everything about these
537 01:38:50,879 --> 01:39:02,159 fucking candlesticks is a love story you you can't wait to be in them again. You can't wait to spend more time looking into their eyes gazing into their beauty.
538 01:39:03,029 --> 01:39:14,429 Watching how they stroll across the canvas of our charts. Some of you young guys and look, I love the way your ass wishes to the left and the right one that came
539 01:39:14,669 --> 01:39:27,029 in at forums and hits a little bit different and doesn't. You have to fall in love with this folks. It has to be a passion that nobody outside of you unless
540 01:39:27,029 --> 01:39:40,529 they're a trader is going to understand. But when that happens, successes is a matter of time. You won't look at these small little speed bumps in the
541 01:39:40,529 --> 01:39:51,869 beginning where you feel like you have to compensate for feeling not like you're producing anything of value or progress in the beginning of anything. Weight
542 01:39:51,869 --> 01:40:07,439 loss, weight training, martial arts, flexibility none of these things gangs can be seen in the early stages right away. It hurts many times, because you're
543 01:40:07,439 --> 01:40:15,359 putting a lot of effort in there. You're foregoing what you would do with your friends and family, you're doing something that takes a lot of your attention.
544 01:40:15,779 --> 01:40:21,569 Even when you're not in these charts, you knew damn, while you're thinking about the shit, you've been learning, you drive and you can't look at charts, you're
545 01:40:21,569 --> 01:40:29,309 driving, look into the fucking traffic signals and such, looking at people. Some bullshit, I'm telling you what, man, I can't wait to get my account where it
546 01:40:29,309 --> 01:40:38,729 needs to be, I gotta sit with these motherfuckers out here and his traffic, I never have to deal with this shit again. You're thinking about it constantly.
547 01:40:40,259 --> 01:40:52,139 You've placed a lot of pressure on yourself. Don't add to it. By doing dumb shit. You're not supposed to be pressing the button. You're not supposed to be
548 01:40:52,139 --> 01:41:03,089 gambling, you're not trying to reward yourself with a participation award. A demo trade when an over zealous live trade entry on your funded account or your
549 01:41:03,089 --> 01:41:16,439 Live account. Just to give you a little bit of a nudge to get through the pain of going through it. Nope. This squeezed that green stone squeezed in your palm.
550 01:41:17,759 --> 01:41:26,669 You're learning you're learning, you have no idea how much you're learning, but you're learning. And in the future, when you start looking at these
551 01:41:26,669 --> 01:41:32,459 candlesticks, they're gonna start telling you a story. As soon as you look at them, they're gonna you'll know exactly what you're going to be doing and when
552 01:41:32,459 --> 01:41:45,839 not to touch it. So if I've offended, you just know I've done it. So you could be better because of it. I've not done it to hurt anybody's feelings. I've not
553 01:41:45,839 --> 01:42:00,059 done it to make any of you feel like I don't want to see you succeed, because I do. But I know, foolish bullshit that I did. And other people dealing over to
554 01:42:00,059 --> 01:42:10,199 the years that I've been teaching. I know the outcome of that. It's never good. It never produces consistent profitability is despite what you ever you might
555 01:42:10,199 --> 01:42:18,389 think. Oh, I don't I don't look at it like that. I see. You just don't know. If I could just get one when if you could just give me one trade a week. Yeah.
556 01:42:18,419 --> 01:42:29,639 Okay. And then it would be like, can you do another one? Because it would really encouraged me if I did two of them a week. Then it's daily. Can you do it in
557 01:42:29,639 --> 01:42:42,839 crypto. So it becomes like an I'll never scratch every edge. So I have to stick to what I know works. If you stay with it, you'll learn. If you give up, you
558 01:42:42,839 --> 01:42:53,489 failed. That's it. There's just no other way about it. It's just those two outcomes. You show up every day, and you put your ass to the grindstone and work
559 01:42:53,489 --> 01:43:06,149 and work and work towards this. And fall in love with it. Love it. When these young men and women go out to the gym, and they are in the shape that they're in
560 01:43:06,149 --> 01:43:13,409 when you see them. And you're thinking man, I wish I could look like that guy looks like an actual woman looks like she's chiseled. didn't look like it when
561 01:43:13,409 --> 01:43:22,649 he first started working out. I guarantee you they're thinking in the beginning thought this shit. Ain't you ain't got to do this man. What am I doing all this
562 01:43:22,649 --> 01:43:35,549 Oregon? Like day, fuck that I ain't going in here day. No, they felt that. And they said, Fuck this, I'm still going in here. And once I get through it, I'll
563 01:43:35,549 --> 01:43:41,759 be glad I did. As soon as you're in the first set, your thinking is I could have stayed home. And I would have been regretting this, the first set, you get
564 01:43:41,759 --> 01:43:51,029 through it. And you'll be glad you're there. Well, every day when you show up. Soon as we start, and we start seeing these candles, start paying, you're glad
565 01:43:51,029 --> 01:44:02,579 you showed up. And let that passion pursue excellence. constantly striving for more understanding. But being realistic about where you are in your learning.
566 01:44:03,359 --> 01:44:10,619 Don't have high and lofty thoughts about what you think you should know right now. Because you shouldn't know much at all. You're learning who you are.
567 01:44:11,459 --> 01:44:21,239 Remember, this markets are a mirror these charts is a scrying mirror, a scrying mirror is something that you cast the vision inside of it. So basically a big
568 01:44:21,239 --> 01:44:32,219 black bowl. But when you're looking at these charts, you're going to see what you want them to tell you. In the beginning, that's what you're seeing. You're
569 01:44:32,219 --> 01:44:42,059 not seeing what they're telling you. You're seeing what you want them to submit to your will. And you have to overcome that. And the only way you can observe
570 01:44:42,059 --> 01:44:51,839 what that is like and what it means to see it like that is by being in the charts continuously every single day. And you're gonna see oh, I was trying to
571 01:44:51,869 --> 01:44:59,129 make something happen in the chart. I was trying to see something that really wasn't there. And you have to identify that and then you have to cope with it
572 01:44:59,129 --> 01:45:10,649 and overcome it. Because no matter what anybody teaches, whether it be my stuff, me doing it, or anything else, until you tackle that, you're going to be an
573 01:45:10,649 --> 01:45:19,349 impediment to your development and success. Because you're going to do dumb shit. You're going to be rushing to demonstrate something, a friend showed you
574 01:45:19,349 --> 01:45:29,819 how to do something, look at this, here, watch this. Let me try not to do that. You don't have to do shit. You don't have to do any of this yet. But you're
575 01:45:29,819 --> 01:45:38,759 rushing to get out there. So you can fail and feel miserable about it. And then you want to do what you want to fix that bandaid issue by giving yourself a
576 01:45:38,759 --> 01:45:50,699 winning trade, pushing the button. And that compensates for what the impatience of going through the process, which is what everybody's expected to do. And
577 01:45:50,699 --> 01:45:59,849 everybody that's profitable, that's long term, consistently profitable. They all had the same boring, monotonous beginning, just like you're going through right
578 01:45:59,849 --> 01:46:09,659 now. And they hated it. Just like everybody, I hated it. I fucking hated it. I needed to happen sooner. And I was trying to do everything I could to get
579 01:46:09,659 --> 01:46:19,139 through it faster. And the only thing by doing it was I made it longer. But I didn't understand the things I was doing in the way I was thinking about was
580 01:46:19,139 --> 01:46:29,729 making it harder for me and made it longer than it needed to be. You think you're getting shortcuts by doing stuff like that? A little bit of a bump? and
581 01:46:29,729 --> 01:46:38,249 encouragement? Nope. Because as soon as you do it, and it gives you the result you're looking for, what are you gonna do? I felt good. Let me do it again. You
582 01:46:38,249 --> 01:46:46,079 get an argument the girlfriend up, let me just do this. I mean, do not trade. I need to feel good about myself. And she she called me a name. She didn't wanna
583 01:46:46,079 --> 01:47:03,809 spend time with me. Got fired. I didn't get a promotion. Fucking Carl. You're going to reach for your trading account. To make yourself feel good. How's that
584 01:47:03,809 --> 01:47:16,349 any different than grabbing a syringe and dosing up with heroin? Doing a line of cocaine ain't no different. No different at all. And unfortunately, this could
585 01:47:16,349 --> 01:47:17,609 be more expensive than that shit.
586 01:47:18,360 --> 01:47:32,220 Because you can lose your entire account on one trade, doing dumb shit trying to compensate for something you feel uncomfortable out in life. I did that. Failed
587 01:47:32,220 --> 01:47:43,920 first marriage. My first couple of years is traitor. I was trying to fix that. That feeling of she left me for an order guy. And the whole the whole world my
588 01:47:43,920 --> 01:47:54,870 whole world knew it was embarrassing. But you know what it made me who I am today. I'm able to talk to you and counsel you about those types of things.
589 01:47:54,870 --> 01:48:08,760 Because I'd made errors. I lost money trying to fix an emotional deficit. I didn't feel I was a good looking guy. But I didn't want to be with other people.
590 01:48:08,790 --> 01:48:15,840 Because I felt like I was supposed to be with just her when it was impossible, it wasn't going to happen. So to compensate, I would go in and take trades
591 01:48:15,840 --> 01:48:27,060 recklessly because I thought if I make a lot of money, real fast, I'd want her back. When in reality, I should have never wanted her back. Everything about her
592 01:48:27,120 --> 01:48:36,300 was wrong for me. But I allowed my emotions to commit myself to doing stupid shit trying to win her attention. And you're doing that same shit. With these
593 01:48:36,300 --> 01:48:45,840 foolish fucking trades. You're trying to hold on to toxic relationships, and you're trying to start toxic relationships. You know, there are certain people
594 01:48:45,870 --> 01:48:59,760 you should not be engaging in. On a personal level. It doesn't matter if you need that, scratch it. On the weekend, my nightstand. This goes for both men and
595 01:48:59,760 --> 01:49:11,460 women. You know, damn well, you shouldn't be doing that. Because the outcome is not what favorable. But you want to do what just feel good for a little while.
596 01:49:12,060 --> 01:49:21,330 Feel wanted to feel sexy, feel appreciated, feel chased and pursued. And you're going to try to manifest that stuff in charts. You're going to try to do that in
597 01:49:21,330 --> 01:49:33,240 your trades. You're going to try to do that in your speculation and wanting some emotional stimuli as a way of overcoming some deficit. And you can't do that.
598 01:49:33,510 --> 01:49:42,030 Because if you do it, it's going to cause problems. You're going to have a hard way of doing this as a trader and developing early on, it's going to be an
599 01:49:42,030 --> 01:49:52,650 impossibility. But I'm going to close it on that. I just want you to know that there's a right way to do this and a wrong way and I'm trying my best to keep
600 01:49:52,650 --> 01:50:02,040 you on the right path. And if you've maintained this entire conversation stayed with me this entire time. You probably got the right one mindset board until
601 01:50:02,040 --> 01:50:04,170 next time be safe