
Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2022-12-29 08:28


00:33 - My patience is extremely thin today.

02:38 - A difficult week for Vinnie.

08:09 - Tom Dante vs Adam Pison.

11:53 - If you are going to stand in front of me, I'm going to run you over.

19:22 - When that guy called you up, you identified a machine field.

23:33 - None of my students make money, they learn how to do it for free.

31:42 - What’s the real deal?

34:50 - Who is the better trader? -.

41:21 - Why he’s still able to talk to you like this.

44:54 - I didn’t run away from Adam Webb -.

51:57 - Don’t bring family into the conversation.

54:23 - If you can make money, do something that makes money -.

58:54 - It’s all over the internet. People making money with it.

01:01:58 - The biggest cesspool in social media is the biggest cess pool.

01:08:07 - I find it fascinating every person in that book or books market wizards they don't trade like I do.

01:10:18 - You want this to keep going? Keep going!

01:16:23 - Nene talks about being threatened and how it’s not true.

01:20:02 - What is the mentality of the audience that you are trying to build up?

01:27:06 - Mentorship is not mentorship, it’s core content.

01:30:32 - You don’t have self-control -.

01:36:22 - It's coming not just in the UK, it's going everywhere. Watch what happens over the next six months.

01:39:04 - What you’re doing is promoting more toxicity than anything positive -.

01:45:49 - Nate’s not changing who he is.



00:00:33,540 --> 00:00:52,740 ICT: Howdy folks sitting out here on the deck in the chat to air out some things here admittedly, My patience is extremely thin today. And it'd be very easy for
00:00:52,740 --> 00:01:06,450 me to fly off the rails like I've done in the past and say things and it'd be not taken with the same level of, I guess, clarity. Importance
00:01:12,330 --> 00:01:25,740 let me just preface it by saying, I'm a real person, okay, I'm a real guy, I have a family. I have friends, I have things that I contend with every day, at
00:01:25,740 --> 00:01:43,560 businesses I'm running. In amongst all those things, in the few seconds that it takes me to treat Twitter like you're all one of my closest friends. And I share
00:01:43,560 --> 00:01:53,760 something like it takes you just a second out of your day. Some friend, some family member and employee, a boss send you a text message is your day
00:01:53,760 --> 00:02:04,260 completely upside down and come to a complete halt because you stopped and responded with a text. Now, your day just keeps on going. So many of you don't
00:02:04,260 --> 00:02:17,880 realize it, but you're in my pocket all day long. And if something comes up, if I see something that's been tweeted, either gets a wild hair up my ass about
00:02:18,000 --> 00:02:25,440 something I see. Or if I just want to encourage someone or give them high fives and you know, keep doing what you're doing. Or if I point to something I think
00:02:25,440 --> 00:02:41,490 is going to unfold in the marketplace. I pick up the phone, I type it out. I'll snap a chart and share it. But this week has been it was hard. This is a
10 00:02:41,490 --> 00:02:57,480 difficult week for me. I've been trying to be a good husband, to my wife, which is a normal thing, but we're trying to land this property. I've been working on
11 00:02:57,480 --> 00:03:08,820 it since July when he first listed it. And I had an assigned offer in July. And then I pulled out that offer because we found out that it had a conservation
12 00:03:08,850 --> 00:03:23,070 easement. And the septic system was encroaching upon that and I wanted to have some surveys done and inspections done. didn't trust that the property would
13 00:03:23,070 --> 00:03:34,470 have those things in my favor, because our listing on our listing if our buying agent recommended that we didn't buy it because I have a class A RV, and RV not
14 00:03:34,500 --> 00:03:44,760 it's not the cheap one. It's not like a Winnebago type thing. It's a pretty high end unit. And I wanted to be able to bring that to that property. And she said
15 00:03:44,760 --> 00:03:51,450 that it's probably not a good idea to get the property because it doesn't look like they allow that. So there is no HOA there but we were made to believe that
16 00:03:51,450 --> 00:04:02,130 there was because of the paperwork. Long story short, you're probably all getting bored already with this but I ended up outbidding another buyer and $2
17 00:04:02,130 --> 00:04:13,170 million property in this kind of climate. There's not a lot of people out there trying to do that. At least not in Harford County. The property sat there for a
18 00:04:13,170 --> 00:04:23,970 little while. And I put a second offering. Now I knew they're entertaining another offer. So I went in a little bit higher than I was originally offering.
19 00:04:24,840 --> 00:04:36,330 They wanted $1,975,000 as their lowest one I contacted them privately I said listen, what's your lowest to take and seal the deal up? That was a number they
20 00:04:36,330 --> 00:04:46,890 gave me. So that went on with that offer. The only other offer they had was coming in with no inspections, all cash while I was all cash anyway, so to beat
21 00:04:46,890 --> 00:04:59,730 them out. To make sure they didn't even entertain them anymore on day. I went in with no inspections all show and they signed after the offer. said okay, we're
22 00:04:59,730 --> 00:05:09,450 pulling At work, if you're not going to give us a signed contract, we're done. Well, as you can see, if you pull up that property I shared. Now you're like,
23 00:05:09,480 --> 00:05:21,690 why would you do that? What do I got to worry about? Because it's public record. I want I want folks to understand something. Okay. Vinnie Imani Vincent mochi
24 00:05:21,690 --> 00:05:35,430 from Texas. Yes, I'm saying your name again. Okay. I extended myself to have a conversation with you in front of everybody. Okay. You and I have talked in text
25 00:05:35,430 --> 00:05:48,630 and an email. And I don't give a fuck if you show what I said to you. Because what I said was sincere. You want some kind of closure to this, okay. And I was
26 00:05:48,630 --> 00:05:57,270 willing to work with you in that regard. But the same bullshit drama that you keep going on and on and on about because you think this is going to be a
27 00:05:57,270 --> 00:06:07,860 version of me back in 2012? Through 2016. But you're doing it all wrong, man. Yes, I want to everybody that had a following on Twitter, and I caught them all
28 00:06:07,860 --> 00:06:10,320 fake. So I said trade trade better than me. I did that.
29 00:06:10,560 --> 00:06:20,670 I did all that stuff. And yes, I got a falling from that. I was like the Steve Austin on Twitter with a demo account. I disarmed everybody, what are you gonna
30 00:06:20,670 --> 00:06:26,460 say about me? I'm coming at you at a demo account, but I can trade better than you and call it better than you execute better than you. Not just you, then you
31 00:06:26,460 --> 00:06:42,090 everyone. And what are you gonna say about me? We're gonna say nothing. Because your words don't mean shit, man. You put up stuff in your lie, you take a little
32 00:06:42,090 --> 00:06:52,110 bit of truth. And you mix it in with all kinds of bullshit. Do you think anybody that's studied my stuff? That's making money right now gives a flying fuck what
33 00:06:52,110 --> 00:07:01,980 you make a video about? They don't. Now, I'm gonna say this. Because I said I was going to do this in a live stream. I invited you to do a live stream. And I
34 00:07:01,980 --> 00:07:09,990 would call in. I even said that I will even tell you right before I call and I will text you and let you know I'm getting ready to call in. These are all the
35 00:07:09,990 --> 00:07:19,440 things I stated I would do. Because you feel like you need Okay, fine. I'll help you with that. Because you're wrestling with something that I don't even think
36 00:07:19,440 --> 00:07:32,250 this is going to fix for you. You've done more damage to your own brand than anybody could have done, dude. You got to stop. It's toxic. Yes. I was there on
37 00:07:32,250 --> 00:07:43,530 Twitter. Years ago, I don't know exactly when this was in terms of months because Dude, my life in the last six years has been a whirlwind. I have so many
38 00:07:43,530 --> 00:07:52,830 people I'm contending with the students. People trying to steal come into mentorship. Stop fucking asking me to join the mentorship. I'm TV. Stop. What
39 00:07:52,830 --> 00:08:07,530 else do you want? I'm giving it for free. But you started something with a guy named Adam Webb. I don't know all the details of how it began. But I'm gonna
40 00:08:07,530 --> 00:08:20,670 tell you what I know. I know Tom Dante, Tom pison whatever the fuck his last name is pronounced like Adam Webb, they were both trying to docs me. Adam Webb
41 00:08:20,670 --> 00:08:29,400 said he was going to do a trading competition and said you give me your personal information. And he literally wanted me to give him give me brother me him. All
42 00:08:29,400 --> 00:08:36,990 my personal information. What the fuck do you need my personal information for dude, go into the fucking competition. And then let's see who does but I already
43 00:08:36,990 --> 00:08:47,670 knew this piece of shit couldn't trade. And then at the time, I don't know how it started with you Vinnie. And Adam. But something happened and you guys
44 00:08:47,670 --> 00:09:00,360 started and Tom, Adam, and you and me. We were going back and forth in DMS. And I felt that you had bras and you were like, Well fuck it. Let's go. Let's if you
45 00:09:00,360 --> 00:09:11,700 want to trade the trade, I saw you trade and dude. You were talking to me and right before this drama rate before this shit blew up on Twitter. I told you, I
46 00:09:11,700 --> 00:09:22,350 would love to sit in and invite all of my audience to watch what you do. I totally do that. I fucking told you. I was going to do that very next fucking
47 00:09:22,350 --> 00:09:33,510 day. You get out there on Twitter and you start blasting. Now I'm trying to build my brand up. Everybody's talking about oh, well Chris Laurie. Yeah.
48 00:09:34,620 --> 00:09:46,410 Listen, okay. I did not learn shit from Chris Laurie except for the term Asian range. I don't even use an age range like he does. I teach it as a
49 00:09:46,710 --> 00:09:58,140 multiplication of that range extended down and above the marketplace. That's it. I don't even do anything with him. And I actually clarify where his limited
50 00:09:58,140 --> 00:10:06,180 exposure and teachings about look Would it be voids which there really isn't a liquidity boy in the sense that he's teaching it? And I expanded on that and you
51 00:10:06,180 --> 00:10:13,260 are seeing it. I know when the Void is going to close and I don't know what's going to stay open. You don't get that from him. And I'm not here to trash him
52 00:10:13,260 --> 00:10:21,210 but I'm so tired of all these boys hanging around in circles talking about how are you actually to learn this and I should choose Chris Laurie. Secretary let
53 00:10:21,210 --> 00:10:35,460 me tell you something you never see Chris Laurie execute shit. Period. I'm out here proven it. I'll call level then I'll execute on it. Vinnie, you know I can
54 00:10:35,460 --> 00:10:35,820 trade.
55 00:10:37,800 --> 00:10:48,180 You wanted one of us who had a bigger following. To give you a lift. You know what? You're trashing me constantly. And I was the only motherfucker that was
56 00:10:48,180 --> 00:10:56,160 willing to do it for you. And you went out there and started causing some ruckus. And I'm trying to build my brand up at the same time. Dude, how am I
57 00:10:56,160 --> 00:11:06,120 gonna cosign with you? I'm gonna Hey, look at this. This guy's going nuts. Getting down to the dirt. And maybe you should have okay and after learning with
58 00:11:06,120 --> 00:11:16,230 this whole thing was going on about because I only know what was coming. From Adam by Tom through DM. I don't know what the fuck you're you're actually doing.
59 00:11:16,620 --> 00:11:27,420 I don't know what he's actually saying to you. I mean, Hitman. You're gonna hear the ice cream man. I don't see Joe Biden around here. Getting come into my show
60 00:11:27,420 --> 00:11:37,440 up. Oh, shit, he went there. I don't know what the what the details were about what was going on what you were saying to one another. But I know it got real
61 00:11:37,440 --> 00:11:49,710 dirty. He got nasty. And yes, I know. He made some public remarks about your wife. And I stepped back and me. I said Okay, listen. Everybody that knows me
62 00:11:49,890 --> 00:11:58,950 knows that. I don't pull punches with it. If you are going to stand in front of me, I'm going to run shop you. If you dare me, I'm going to talk to you. I'm
63 00:11:58,950 --> 00:12:06,660 never going to say anything about anybody's family. And I wouldn't want anybody fucking with my family. But if any you're fucking with my family, and my
64 00:12:06,660 --> 00:12:19,980 patients is fucking gone. You understand what I'm telling you? It's fucking gone. I tried to be a civil gentleman about this whole thing. I tolerated a
65 00:12:19,980 --> 00:12:29,190 bunch of bullshit from you. Your lie your fucking talk all this bullshit. And again, I extended again. I said, Listen, let's squash this stuff. I'm in
66 00:12:29,190 --> 00:12:37,530 agreement. Yes. You got beat up on Twitter years ago. Night. Listen, I had a following. I could have very easily stepped out there and said, hey, you know
67 00:12:37,530 --> 00:12:47,430 what, fuck you, Adam web fucky for doing what you're doing. But I felt that you were handling yourself. You did not give me any inclination at the time. When
68 00:12:47,430 --> 00:12:55,350 you first started going to war with this guy. Like you were needing any assistance. And you're telling me you reached out to me? Do you have any fucking
69 00:12:55,350 --> 00:13:05,580 idea? How many people try to reach out to me? I have so many people constantly. Then when I was accepting DMS I don't DM anybody. Because of all this bullshit.
70 00:13:08,520 --> 00:13:17,220 I couldn't keep up with who was fucking reaching out to me. My own fucking students who paid me couldn't even fucking reach me. They still can't. I got
71 00:13:17,280 --> 00:13:26,430 literally I had 80 Some 1000 Fucking emails. There's no way I can humanly fucking go through those emails. I can't. It's not because I'm a dick. It's not
72 00:13:26,430 --> 00:13:33,810 because I'm blowing you off. I just can't do it. I can't I cannot find the time to if I just answered all those fucking emails that you'd never hear from me.
73 00:13:34,110 --> 00:13:37,770 Nobody would ever learn anything. I couldn't make a video, my wife would probably divorce me
74 00:13:47,820 --> 00:13:56,850 knowing what you've told me what you were, dude, I'm sorry. I didn't rise up in fucking smash this fucking guy. But literally, I tried to stay the fuck away
75 00:13:56,850 --> 00:14:07,140 from that. I didn't want to be involved in it because it got into the line of family. Am I wrong for doing that? I'm sure in your eyes, you're gonna say so.
76 00:14:07,470 --> 00:14:16,260 In other people's eyes, they might think oh, you know, you should have did that you should have did that. But at a time when I was managing people that were
77 00:14:16,290 --> 00:14:27,210 having high expectations of me. And my whole day was nothing but 17 hours of that bullshit. Constantly trying to keep people on the right page, making sure
78 00:14:27,240 --> 00:14:33,180 they got access to their accounts. I mean, it was initially it was just me doing it all. And there was a lot
79 00:14:38,340 --> 00:14:49,020 nobody from my fucking household for me, ever sent anybody that threatened and family that never fucking happened and you need to stop bullshit. It never
80 00:14:49,020 --> 00:14:58,650 happened. You put all this fucking horseshit out there, because you want to make a name for yourself. Dude, I told you Listen, stop all your bullshit. Stop all
81 00:14:58,650 --> 00:15:07,680 your fucking lies and did See what I was pissed off at you? I wanted to get your attention. You've had my attention. You've had my attention. I've told you.
82 00:15:07,830 --> 00:15:15,420 Listen, I'm not sure what the fuck you're trying to go on about, but you're not taking me down motherfucker. Okay, that's not how I'm gonna go up fucking hard
83 00:15:15,420 --> 00:15:24,810 I'm gonna about I'm about to hit the afterburner. I'm gonna break up in the distant stratosphere. Now either you can squash this shit, and start repairing
84 00:15:24,810 --> 00:15:36,030 the image that you've tarnished for yourself. Because honestly, before all that shit happened when used to reach out to me when you were just hey, man, you
85 00:15:36,030 --> 00:15:44,880 know, take a look at this. Take a look at that. I looked at your channel. I watched him I watched what you were doing. I didn't understand what the hell
86 00:15:44,880 --> 00:15:57,120 you're doing. There's too many things on the chart. But I saw you, you were so I told Tom I said honestly, I don't think Adam can poke and trade. But Vinnie does
87 00:15:57,120 --> 00:16:16,020 trade and you seem like you have it under control. Why do I need this jump out there? I listen. I don't need to do this with you. It could be just as easy for
88 00:16:16,020 --> 00:16:27,960 me to sit back and just let you talk about your ass. Make up all this bullshit and watch you never really grow. But I understand if you think that you're owed
89 00:16:27,960 --> 00:16:36,960 something and you're gonna just go at it and constantly like I told you an email. There's a lot of traits that you'll not share. Once you get something in
90 00:16:36,960 --> 00:16:44,880 your head, you just want to keep pushing and pushing and pushing. And unfortunately in this instance you're trying to promote something that I'm
91 00:16:44,880 --> 00:16:54,420 actively proving the other corners is the reality of it all. I absolutely can fucking trade and there is absolutely not a motherfucker walking on Twitter. Not
92 00:16:54,420 --> 00:17:03,090 on fucking YouTube. Not at Goldman Sachs not a fucking JP Morgan bring your motherfucking shit let's fucking go one account one account number shown
93 00:17:03,090 --> 00:17:11,460 publicly I will roast all of your motherfucking asses you want to come here with your your your posse with people I will do 10 times your whole fucking click
94 00:17:11,460 --> 00:17:18,600 let's go I don't know why the fuck you guys are all pretending like I didn't show up here. The dance I'm here. Let's go. What the fuck do you think I came
95 00:17:18,600 --> 00:17:29,940 back to Twitter? I came back here for all that smoke. Give me all that shit you put it in my hand. I'm not passing I want all of it
96 00:17:35,130 --> 00:17:43,860 my so hard to understand. We can have fun doing it. I don't have to be a dick about it. But you all had some fun all these years you had all kinds of fucking
97 00:17:43,860 --> 00:17:55,740 fun I'll let you have it. Talking all that shit. Oh, ICT Oh, ICT that? And you guys make me a bigger deal than I am. Just because you talk about me. Sitting
98 00:17:55,740 --> 00:18:07,380 around. Oh yep. ICT didn't do this. But ICT didn't do that. If I start none of you ever will be able to do what I've done. I forgot more than you're ever going
99 00:18:07,380 --> 00:18:07,770 to learn.
100 00:18:15,750 --> 00:18:31,200 So yes, then you want to? I am absolutely 100% Sorry, I did not. Number one. See your need to have backup to smash a fucking fraud like Adam Webb. Okay. I mean,
101 00:18:31,680 --> 00:18:41,250 I wish I would have said you know what, fuck you, Adam, your piece of shit. I wish I'd done it. I wish I would have done it. Because Tom didn't want to do it.
102 00:18:41,250 --> 00:18:48,240 He's pushy. He's still scared of you. And you say you have a friendship with him. You don't have a fucking friendship. You have somebody that doesn't want to
103 00:18:48,240 --> 00:18:56,880 see you doing this shit to them. And have you noticed that hasn't done a fucking thing to me. hasn't done anything to me. I sat back here. If you're living in a
104 00:18:56,880 --> 00:19:12,420 B movie. You're some fucking Bond villain. Or maybe it's vice versa. I'm the Bond villain and you're James Bond, whatever. When that guy called you up? I
105 00:19:12,420 --> 00:19:19,710 believe you. You identified a machine field. I don't know that to be certain super public record. I don't know. And I'm not saying that's a fact. I don't
106 00:19:19,710 --> 00:19:31,230 know that. But somebody sent me a heads up, said hey, look, this. Look what's going on. And I went over to your channel that day. And you were sitting there
107 00:19:31,230 --> 00:19:38,880 and you were going at it with somebody screaming hollering. And that man, whoever he was, and I don't know for certain if it is because I'm only going by
108 00:19:38,880 --> 00:19:50,370 what you say to the public. But you stated it's my neighbor's kid. I don't know in case you hear that. So I don't have little ones. When that guy starts yelling
109 00:19:50,370 --> 00:19:59,970 at you saying that he's going to do something to you and your family. I was in your chat room. You can actually go back and look at your recording of that and
110 00:20:00,000 --> 00:20:08,250 You'll see me saying this is fake. This is a skit that's in that's me in there saying that I'm really in there as it's happening live, because I honestly
111 00:20:08,250 --> 00:20:15,840 thought until he started threatening your kids, when he said, you know, he's gonna come down there and you know, and see you face to face. That's, you know,
112 00:20:16,170 --> 00:20:24,360 in my mind, I think that was you working out, pantomime, you're just trying to get some kind of an attention, some kind of crowd. But when the ship started
113 00:20:24,360 --> 00:20:33,150 talking about how the children gonna get hurt, I was like, What the hell? That twisted my stomach up because I was like, Okay, I don't think anybody would go
114 00:20:33,150 --> 00:20:41,130 this far with it even knew. Looking at it backwards. Still, I still wouldn't think you would do something like that. And some of the things that I said, you
115 00:20:41,130 --> 00:20:48,690 know, I'm gonna be honest with you, whoever that was, they need to go to jail. I don't give a fuck Wayne by thinks about it. That's not normal. That's not
116 00:20:48,690 --> 00:21:02,250 fucking something that anybody should endure. I believe you have tools in your home to take care of anything that might happen like that. But the uncertainty
117 00:21:02,250 --> 00:21:11,700 of anyone feeling like they gotta live like that wondering if somebody's going to come to their home. That's something that nobody should live with. And I have
118 00:21:11,700 --> 00:21:24,240 a wife and I saw what that was like to see that and I had to turn it off. Like I couldn't I couldn't watch that anymore. Now I can sit up here and talk all Billy
119 00:21:24,240 --> 00:21:36,240 badass shit as a trader. But when it comes to children, I can't I can't fathom anything like that happening. And it pisses me off that you say these things
120 00:21:36,240 --> 00:21:45,600 like I had something to do I have nothing to do. I told you if you have any fucking proof, prove it. Prove it. Because there is no dude, I had nothing to do
121 00:21:45,600 --> 00:21:52,980 with that. I thought it was all faked in the beginning until that person started saying these things. And I had to get my wife. I said, Look at this. This was
122 00:21:52,980 --> 00:22:05,820 going on. And we were genuinely concerned about you. But you mentioned all this bullshit. We lawyered up, and we can't talk. Nothing was being said to you.
123 00:22:06,180 --> 00:22:15,120 Nothing was being said to you at all. I sat back quietly and waited and waited and waited and waited. He sent me a cease and desist letter in the mail
124 00:22:15,930 --> 00:22:25,860 certified, and some hillbilly knock on my door looking like he's dressed up like Amazon, part time worker. You should have seen this guy's clown. Seven o'clock
125 00:22:25,860 --> 00:22:35,790 in the morning on Saturday. Open the door. Why? Because I was expected to be recorded. But let the whole world don't give a fuck. Look at me. Talking about
126 00:22:35,790 --> 00:22:46,890 how I hacked your phone Hector computers did all this bullshit. And later on you did a real low under the radar comment in one of your videos where you said no
127 00:22:46,890 --> 00:23:02,550 somebody else did it. They framed ICT. Dude I am a fucking straight arrow. I do everything legal, except for speeding sometimes with cars immediately. And
128 00:23:02,580 --> 00:23:08,520 sometimes I don't wear my seatbelt. Most of the time. I don't wear my seatbelt. I wear my seatbelt when I see a police officer. But most the time I wear my
129 00:23:08,520 --> 00:23:08,850 seatbelt.
130 00:23:11,880 --> 00:23:21,510 But you're going on with this. Like it's going to amount to something. It's not. You said you're going to do a lawsuit bring it because I can do all these things
131 00:23:21,510 --> 00:23:28,800 and prove everything I've ever said. None of my students make money you said now I put it out there for free and showed the few people in my mentorship that felt
132 00:23:28,800 --> 00:23:36,150 like they were scammed because they can't do it themselves. Now there's people out there in the world doing it for free. They've learned how to do it for free.
133 00:23:36,210 --> 00:23:43,830 I did exactly what I taught my students to do the very things in that mentorship. They learned how to do that. And they didn't want to put it to work.
134 00:23:44,940 --> 00:23:56,880 Period. Do I know if any of your students make money personally? I don't I don't know. I haven't I haven't seen anybody there's that guy what's his name? Curtis?
135 00:23:56,880 --> 00:24:08,490 Somebody Curtis B or Curtis? Something? I know some Curtis he's supposed to be your right hand man. Why doesn't he be a representative? Because look, I know
136 00:24:08,490 --> 00:24:16,410 you can trade and you know I can trade the whole fucking world knows I can trade I don't need to show any more. I know that everybody knows that. I had to do
137 00:24:16,410 --> 00:24:26,520 this. But you should have a price student right? You should have someone out there that can represent you and not talk shit. You don't need to do that man.
138 00:24:27,180 --> 00:24:35,340 Pass all that stuff. And I've said this before back in the early days when you were reaching out to me I said Dr. I'll bring my audience to you and show him
139 00:24:35,340 --> 00:24:46,920 what you got. I was the only one dude the only motherfucker that was going to give you time of day then nobody else he was even fucking with you. And you
140 00:24:46,920 --> 00:24:54,930 can't say anything otherwise is that's the truth and I still even with the shit did you have about me on the internet that any fucking close to true? I'm still
141 00:24:54,930 --> 00:25:03,270 willing to talk to you and still show up in a live stream and still do and then what I fucking get Hey, Ben, he talks shit about you again on a video. And I'm
142 00:25:03,270 --> 00:25:12,540 like, what? We just got done talking last week. And I told you I had to take care of something. I told you exactly what that fucking shit was. And you still
143 00:25:12,540 --> 00:25:21,510 had to pull this Mickey Mouse shirt now. I don't know, if you're wrestling with something else. I mean, my gut tells me you got something that you're really
144 00:25:21,510 --> 00:25:34,500 dealing with is not me. I'm just the outlet for it. But you're not winning this dude. Like, you're not gonna win this. So just lay it down. There's nothing
145 00:25:34,530 --> 00:25:45,630 nothing's going to come and let me tell you something. All this kind of stuff does is make me want to stay out here doing more. Or does. It just makes me want
146 00:25:45,630 --> 00:25:56,760 to do more by contrast, you said you had 100,000 our pickup truck. I went and bought 100,000 pickup truck. He said I flip cars. I don't flip cars. I flipped
147 00:25:56,760 --> 00:26:04,560 ownership of them. When I'm sick of them, I'll take them back. And when I found GPS units on my shit, I traded them in and got something new. You said you live
148 00:26:04,560 --> 00:26:15,360 in a million dollar house. I went and bought house. Whatever you say you're going to do I'm going to publicly do it above and beyond. Just to let you know
149 00:26:15,360 --> 00:26:27,900 politely. You can't keep up. Have you paid attention to that? Because that's exactly what I've been doing. I've been doing that shit all year. Talking
150 00:26:27,900 --> 00:26:38,340 options lady said I would never go into a TD Ameritrade account. Well, did that. Double the account? And your math is wrong, bro. If you put 25,000 in and you
151 00:26:38,340 --> 00:26:51,360 make 100% Return on $25,000. That's $50,000. Okay. I was over $50,000 Less than five weeks of trading. And yes, there wasn't a lot of change. But I was also
152 00:26:51,360 --> 00:26:58,350 doing things showing students saying, Look, this is the situation you're talking about. I'm going to show you that in a real count. Kirby did all that they know
153 00:26:58,350 --> 00:27:05,790 who that is. They know who they are. They're in my mentorship. But I showed them things that they would have to contend with. And it's still double the account.
154 00:27:05,970 --> 00:27:15,450 Now do I think doubling an account in a month's time is something that a new student can do or should be expected to do? No, fuck no, absolutely. I tell
155 00:27:15,450 --> 00:27:25,320 everybody try to aim for 6% for the entire month. And that's going to be a lofty goal for someone brand new. I don't get there until people trade with fucking a
156 00:27:25,320 --> 00:27:36,420 discount broker and try to push to your edge and you do not shit. I don't do that. And I did not use a rented MT for server when I was trolling. Shawn Lee on
157 00:27:36,420 --> 00:27:48,360 Twitter. When I did the 5000 though, several million dollars, I ran that demo account which I've made public. I made that public. I did that doing what y'all
158 00:27:48,360 --> 00:27:57,030 see me doing in TradingView. But I was pushing it sometimes the 5% a trade I don't know why the fuck you guys keep thinking that it's anything but I've what
159 00:27:57,030 --> 00:27:59,400 I've already said I've already said this, it's public.
160 00:28:02,880 --> 00:28:12,090 Whereas the folks that says that it's all fake, and it's around 24 server when I'm pointing to the levels beforehand, sometimes the day before and then you
161 00:28:12,090 --> 00:28:22,650 actually see me going in with the things I actually taught in the two channel executing precisely. And it goes to targets and I'm executing. What do you do
162 00:28:22,650 --> 00:28:30,720 with that? You ignore it because it's apparently what's going on. You all want to hate me because you don't like the fact that I'm able to show receipts now.
163 00:28:32,430 --> 00:28:39,600 And you don't like it because I keep saying Robins The only interesting competition I've ever have. We don't have to have this bullshit because people
164 00:28:39,720 --> 00:28:50,850 when I show proof, it's never enough. Dude, I'm 50 years old my energy level for this kind of shit is is dwindling. And I put myself out here and I share what I
165 00:28:50,850 --> 00:29:03,210 have. Because none of you understand what's about to happen. shits about to go upside down in the United States and everywhere else. That's the reality of it
166 00:29:03,210 --> 00:29:14,880 all. And you're in here fucking talking about stupid shit. You claim to be a Trump supporter or republican or conservative. Can you not see what's about to
167 00:29:14,880 --> 00:29:26,670 happen? And you're consuming your day in year with making Mickey Mouse shit about me. You got nothing from it, man. That's it, you got nothing from it. And
168 00:29:26,670 --> 00:29:33,300 when people see your stuff, and you have like, I don't do meta tags or anything like that in my channel, like I don't do any that kind of stuff ties. I don't
169 00:29:33,300 --> 00:29:43,680 push anything. But you revved up that algorithm with my name. And people come they're looking for burning rubber and a train wreck. And the only thing they
170 00:29:43,680 --> 00:29:53,670 see me doing is burning rubber and tires were I'm smoking everybody by contrast. So you've helped me grow my channel FinCEN and I appreciate that. But you're
171 00:29:53,670 --> 00:30:04,470 doing it in a way where it's not helpful to you. Like at some point, you're going to cross this threshold We're it's no longer possible for you to salvage
172 00:30:04,500 --> 00:30:15,540 this brand that you've created for yourself. And I've said this in private, I'll say it publicly. I think you're a good speaker. I think you're a good orator.
173 00:30:15,540 --> 00:30:24,030 When you're, you're on topic and you don't deviate. And I think when you don't go all hillbilly, and start cussing and ranting, and raving, and uncapable
174 00:30:24,030 --> 00:30:33,840 doing, everybody knows that. But when you stay on task, I think you're a good speaker. I don't understand what it is that you actually do in your product like
175 00:30:33,840 --> 00:30:42,600 I don't, I don't know what you're doing. And I sincerely said, I would be willing to take myself into a setting and you go over like, you could use it. I
176 00:30:42,600 --> 00:30:50,700 didn't. I didn't say this out there without knowing anything about it. But you claimed that you took one of my concepts and put it into automation in your
177 00:30:50,700 --> 00:30:59,280 product. I sincerely said, I would love to see that. In Action. I didn't want to see the actual code. I'm not trying to look at the code and say, Okay, I'm gonna
178 00:30:59,280 --> 00:31:05,700 go and put a fuck all that. But you said, you've automated that. There's a lot of guys out there saying they've automated a lot of my things, or at least
179 00:31:05,700 --> 00:31:13,950 trying to and they've not been successful yet, at least not that I'm aware of. But I have dozens of them, actively trying to take what I've taught and
180 00:31:13,950 --> 00:31:21,810 mentorship and trying to formulate a way of doing and there's people out there that have the fair value gap is an indicator on TradingView. Now, there's guys
181 00:31:21,810 --> 00:31:30,750 out there you ever seen that guy? What's it stacking pips or something? Some some guy? Yeah, I'm the real guy. I'm the real deal, because my indicator is $7.
182 00:31:30,990 --> 00:31:41,040 It's an order block, it shows you how the banks trade, this fucking guy doesn't even know what order block is. If you said you've coded it, I'm taking you on
183 00:31:41,040 --> 00:31:50,670 face value that you said you coded it. I would like to see you show that I would like to be an audience that you and I sit down and talk. You tell me what you
184 00:31:50,670 --> 00:31:59,010 did with it. I'd like to see it. Within you fucking understand me. Like, if I say I'm going somewhere, people are going to come there and see what the hell's
185 00:31:59,010 --> 00:32:07,560 he looking at. And because you created this circus like atmosphere, this carnival. You don't think people are gonna show up, I say I'm coming to your
186 00:32:07,560 --> 00:32:13,800 fucking house, do a live stream. I'm going to be in there talking to you. You don't think that's going to be the highest fucking view thing on your channel,
187 00:32:13,800 --> 00:32:21,540 because that's the only thing that shows views. You put my name in your videos, or put my logo in your thumbnail. That's where your your views are coming from
188 00:32:21,540 --> 00:32:34,920 that you can change all that man. And just squash this shit. Like I'm elevating constantly. And I haven't had to give you any kind of drama, or any kind of lies
189 00:32:34,920 --> 00:32:36,900 bullshit. Not that I've been steady Eddie.
190 00:32:41,910 --> 00:32:51,390 I don't get it. Man. You had the apology now on public TV. I hear you hear it, everybody. I wish I would have stood up for you when you needed me to do it. But
191 00:32:51,390 --> 00:33:00,090 and honestly, I thought that you were able to help. You're just going a little too ballistic. And some of you on Twitter and seem to think that it's
192 00:33:00,090 --> 00:33:10,200 appropriate to talk in terms of people's families and you reach outside the person. And I have backpedaled a lot because of what you and Adam went through.
193 00:33:11,580 --> 00:33:21,990 Because you both did shit to each other. You can say you were listening innocent Nana. He did the family stuff. I know that. And that's wrong. Nobody should have
194 00:33:21,990 --> 00:33:31,980 that fucking shit done. Done. Nobody should have their fucking family attacked. But dude, listen to me. Listen to the person talking to you right now. There
195 00:33:31,980 --> 00:33:43,500 ain't never been anybody on Twitter that's had more bullshit lies and fake fucking shit and family stuff done to them. Like you have done to mine. You owe
196 00:33:43,500 --> 00:33:53,280 me a fucking apology. You owe me a fucking apology for the lies and the shit that you said about me and my fucking family. You said we're running fraud in
197 00:33:53,280 --> 00:34:01,380 true. You said terrible things about my fucking children. You said terrible things about my fucking wife said things about me. That ain't even fucking true
198 00:34:01,380 --> 00:34:19,860 dude. And people are gonna remember that stuff. And I'm willing to even now still do the opportunity to fucking kill it man. Just stop it cuz it's not
199 00:34:19,860 --> 00:34:29,910 working. Like seriously, it's not working. None of that stuff's making your channel grow. And it's not diminishing me. This guy Sam what's his face over
200 00:34:29,910 --> 00:34:38,580 there in the UK? I guess it says I guess he's from the UK to act and Billy badass I challenge ICT three times and he fucking bailed he scared now I said
201 00:34:38,580 --> 00:34:47,910 put 50,000 hours in a Robin's account. account and login showed the login with the same account number do you plan to win with that means you're really in near
202 00:34:47,910 --> 00:34:55,680 show that emails from Robins showing that you are verified and registered which is what I did years ago. And every pissy motherfucker never showed up after
203 00:34:55,680 --> 00:35:08,820 that. So yes, I registered multiple years but never funded. Hello. How about that? Again, the little bit of truth, a whole lot of bullshit. Nobody ever
204 00:35:08,820 --> 00:35:18,630 fucking shows up. You all want to talk about F tml? What the fuck fuck at TMO that's not a fucking a way of saying somebody knows how to fucking trade, if
205 00:35:18,630 --> 00:35:26,430 that's a way for you to start making money. And that's how you have to go that route then go with go that route while you can. They may not be around forever
206 00:35:30,360 --> 00:35:39,090 but if someone's gonna say, Let's see who the better trader is, let me define what that means. Okay, so that way we all understand exactly what inner circle
207 00:35:39,090 --> 00:35:49,500 trader means when he says, the better trader you go into what the industry standard is, what does everybody else in the industry have to use for margin?
208 00:35:51,150 --> 00:36:04,320 Period? You go into a CFTC regulated broker, period. You cannot be faking anything when you show the single account number beforehand, everybody sees it.
209 00:36:04,380 --> 00:36:12,030 So all the bullshit that everybody wants to claim Oh, yeah, ICTs running because then he's gonna prove there's five accounts. What the fuck are you going on
210 00:36:12,030 --> 00:36:22,290 about dude? I said one account number. How to fucking anybody baked dead? How does fuck can? I've already shown you a TD Ameritrade account? To account number
211 00:36:22,380 --> 00:36:35,520 login every single day. I'm ready. I'm fucking ready, man. Like I am ready. What's this guy? Russia banks. I don't know anything about this guy. So I'm
212 00:36:35,520 --> 00:36:42,900 gonna Oh, well, we're gonna do this. We're gonna go into my private broker. Didn't they take MT four in Robins? Go over there and make a name for yourself.
213 00:36:44,340 --> 00:36:55,620 Sam, same thing. Why can't we all seriously fuck the bullshit? Okay, fuck the bullshit. Fuck all the Mickey Mouse bullshit drama. Why can't we all simply just
214 00:36:55,620 --> 00:37:07,740 go into that motherfucker. And just have fun? Let's see who can do what it's all. Whoever wins it wins it. Whoever doesn't go into it never has the fucking
215 00:37:07,740 --> 00:37:15,960 point of ever, ever speak about it because you're a bitch. Why is that so hard to understand? Like, I'm not trying to be a dick to everybody. I'm not trying to
216 00:37:15,960 --> 00:37:31,440 piss on everybody's, you know, identity. And SG Listen to me. I heard somebody talking, saying Oh, yeah, you know, ICT put up a Deadpool fucking wallpaper. And
217 00:37:31,440 --> 00:37:33,270 that was subliminal message to SG
218 00:37:33,359 --> 00:37:42,329 let me let me tell you something that had absolutely nothing to do with you. I gave you flowers on your YouTube channel when you started doing your thing.
219 00:37:42,569 --> 00:37:52,019 Okay. And you said, Thanks, man. I appreciate it. Dude done. But I have a lot of people doing it. I blocked you because you started talking toxic, and people
220 00:37:52,019 --> 00:37:58,049 were responding to you with mine name in the tweets. So I don't want to hear I don't want to see that shit. I don't even know how you trade anymore. If you
221 00:37:58,049 --> 00:38:07,019 went and did something different. God bless you do it. I don't give two fucks about people that's traded with me and my by logic and said, You know what, I
222 00:38:07,019 --> 00:38:15,869 don't like this, I'm going to something else. I'd be interested in you've done differently. Because this morbid curiosity but I don't care if people change
223 00:38:15,869 --> 00:38:29,519 their way of doing I mean, listen, Vinnie. I've said this publicly, okay. I have a lot of fucking students, tons of fucking students, I cannot be the perfect
224 00:38:29,519 --> 00:38:38,669 mentor to everyone. Some individuals came to me, and they want something that is a flash in the pan where it goes, okay? Now, this is when you do something, it
225 00:38:38,669 --> 00:38:47,069 automates it. So, okay, here's the billboard sign flashing on the chart saying now's the time to do this very thing. Some of my students really are looking for
226 00:38:47,069 --> 00:38:54,719 that, because they can't see it. They can't identify it for what it is. They can't they don't have the discipline to follow it. They don't trust the logic
227 00:38:54,719 --> 00:39:05,039 and stay within. And if you've automated something, you have removed all of that subjectivity, and you made it objective. It's either win or lose. It's right or
228 00:39:05,039 --> 00:39:13,199 wrong. That's the this is what it's highlighting. And then there it is. And if you have created that, and you found a way to automate that, I'm genuinely
229 00:39:13,199 --> 00:39:22,439 interested in that. Because if you've done it, and you've demonstrated it, then I'd say you know what, that's a valid thing. It's actually occurring. He's done
230 00:39:22,439 --> 00:39:31,259 it for anybody that has ever wanted to do the automated side of things, and they just don't have the capability of doing it on their own manually. I don't I've
231 00:39:31,259 --> 00:39:38,819 already told you, I don't want to kick back. I don't want you pay me nothing. I don't give a fuck, dude. But if you're looking for props, and you're looking for
232 00:39:38,819 --> 00:39:46,919 a fucking lift, I've already told you I do that. Why don't you fucking see that? I'm not even gonna keep doing what the fuck you're doing and bother me. I'm just
233 00:39:46,919 --> 00:39:53,069 not gonna give you any more time after today. I told you this is it. You're either all in or you're all out and I don't give a fuck what you decide
234 00:39:53,069 --> 00:40:02,279 personally. But you got to stop man. Like you have to fucking stop. It's not healthy. I can sleep at night. ain't worried about it. It stood at some point
235 00:40:02,279 --> 00:40:12,389 your fucking children are gonna grow up and see the shit that you have on the internet. And you're gonna have to answer for that you can live in, tried to be
236 00:40:12,389 --> 00:40:23,819 the the Father of the Year and try to do this and do that. And then when they see you behaving like that, that's a different side. And I know right now
237 00:40:23,819 --> 00:40:32,549 because you're seething and you think you have some kind of Vendetta, which is all contrived. It's all made up based on you wanting me to do something I can't
238 00:40:32,549 --> 00:40:41,519 time travel. I know my trades are fucking amazing. But I'm not literally able to time travel. So I can't go back on to Twitter years ago, and yoke Adam web up
239 00:40:41,579 --> 00:40:49,859 publicly and say Go fuck yourself. You're a piece of fucking shit. And side with you. Okay, that's what you asked me to do. I didn't see you literally come out
240 00:40:49,859 --> 00:40:57,869 and do that. I saw a man that was ready to have war with somebody else. And I watched that man, go dirty. And talk about your wife. Now. I didn't know
241 00:40:57,869 --> 00:41:06,029 anything about your children. I didn't threaten your children. I didn't talk about your children. I didn't even know you're Mexican. So you just mentioned it
242 00:41:06,029 --> 00:41:14,609 the other day. Like, all of these things that you're trying to put out there? They're not none of these things are true about me. I didn't say these things. I
243 00:41:14,609 --> 00:41:24,749 don't think that way. I don't carry myself that way. If there's ever been Listen to me, okay. All you sit out there and little circles and your Twitter spaces
244 00:41:24,749 --> 00:41:39,749 and you think you understand me. Okay? You don't know the fucking thing about me? If I had any reason, be an unstable, threatening piece of shit Mafia Boss
245 00:41:39,779 --> 00:41:50,969 Boss type fucking lunatic nut job that you tried to paint me into the picture? Why am I still able to talk to you like this? And still give you the opportunity
246 00:41:50,969 --> 00:42:01,709 to smooth it over? Like you're literally slandering my name and my family. Defeat every effort you've ever given any thought to why I'm being patient with
247 00:42:01,709 --> 00:42:10,949 you? It's not fair at all. You tried to paint like I'm afraid, dude. I've said your name multiple times. I've pointed to your channel. I've said it. Vinnie E
248 00:42:10,949 --> 00:42:20,429 Mini on YouTube. Vincent mochi. In Texas. He's got a brand new pool with algo box logo on it. You ever thought about if you sell that property? What are you
249 00:42:20,429 --> 00:42:29,219 gonna do with that, by the way? I mean, I'm sure it's cool. And all because it's your logo. I mean, I probably would do that. If I was 20 years old. You know,
250 00:42:29,219 --> 00:42:33,899 put my iced tea logo on there. If I can get somebody to replicate it in my or my pool.
251 00:42:35,850 --> 00:42:48,930 And it turned out nice. By the way, it looks nice. But dude, listen, all of you, not just you vending all of you. You're doing the wrong shit, man. You're
252 00:42:48,930 --> 00:43:03,240 counting pockets. You're trying to keep up with the Joneses. You're trying to be something on the wrong type of energy. That's that's the truth, man. I know. I'm
253 00:43:03,240 --> 00:43:11,370 a divisive figure. I know I am. That's how I built a brand. I've done that very thing. If you had a lot of followers I want right in front of you. Instead in
254 00:43:11,370 --> 00:43:19,020 front of you said this is what I can do. And you show me otherwise. And what are you going to do? I'm already told you I'm doing it with a demo counselor. What
255 00:43:19,020 --> 00:43:27,180 are you gonna say? They're disarmed. But when I'm able to prove something they can't do? Well, guess what? They look stupid. And I get their following. That's
256 00:43:27,180 --> 00:43:39,420 what I did before. That's what I did. I don't need anymore. I don't need Listen to me. I don't need to go on the Robins cut them when that? That I'm ready. And
257 00:43:39,420 --> 00:43:46,860 I'm wanting to. And Sam you need to stop talking shit because I didn't run from you. You didn't do $50,000 deposit? How? why don't why? 50,000 That's because
258 00:43:46,860 --> 00:43:57,240 number one I want to get 50,000 Okay, too. I know you're not going to join that thing because your FX book thing? Did you're in drawdown like you're losing your
259 00:43:57,240 --> 00:44:13,500 little spurt of money? I could do 25% Every single day, day in and day out. Test me and see. Test me and see if I could see here and be the prick an arrogant
260 00:44:13,500 --> 00:44:25,230 motherfucker that I am capable of very easily right now. But it needs to stop. If you all think you're gonna get clout because you've mentioned my name and how
261 00:44:25,230 --> 00:44:34,380 he ran away. I didn't run away from Adam lead. Adam Webb had no fucking intentions of trading. And the proof is he bitched out with you then I told Tom
262 00:44:34,380 --> 00:44:48,780 in private I said Adam Let can't trade period I have never said I had a net worth of $750 million. That's some bullshit. What else was there I had to touch
263 00:44:48,780 --> 00:45:05,550 on here the two guys two guys, that tapped me on the shoulder. Let me tell you something. You If I don't give a flying fuck with any of you believe I don't
264 00:45:05,550 --> 00:45:20,820 give a fuck. The question needed to ask is, How did I get all this and I'm gonna let you drown in because no matter what I tell you, and I believe me those that
265 00:45:20,820 --> 00:45:26,700 don't want to believe anything, it doesn't matter, I can go out there and win that rounds cut and smack the shit out Larry Williams record and he'll still
266 00:45:26,700 --> 00:45:29,670 feel like oh, well he did something different. Somebody else traded for him
267 00:45:34,860 --> 00:45:42,780 but if we're all going to talk shit about each other, and you talk shit about anybody ever, especially this year, you should go into that round. It's like
268 00:45:42,780 --> 00:45:50,610 everybody else. I'll be there if you want to go into it. I don't know why it's it's such a hard thing to do. It's like fucking pulling teeth. No Novocaine
269 00:45:51,810 --> 00:46:00,750 this, have fun with it. In the winter can talk their shit get their flowers, and then there it is, it's done. I'm not trying to work up another mentorship. I'm
270 00:46:00,750 --> 00:46:09,120 not trying to sell nothing. I just want to fucking hang out with everybody. And just get people that are not aware of what's coming prepared and have a clean
271 00:46:09,120 --> 00:46:10,230 conscience about it all
272 00:46:16,590 --> 00:46:27,870 she gets toxic right now. know social media is gonna get even worse when people start losing the ability to be able to feed themselves. People get loose and
273 00:46:27,870 --> 00:46:36,870 start doing shit, that's nuts. And I don't want to have to defend myself with friends dressed in brass, because some of you out here on a different team, get
274 00:46:36,870 --> 00:46:46,560 a case of the AST and say, You know what, I'm going to visit ICT if you visit me just know, run up and get done up. And Benny, you have invited that type of
275 00:46:46,560 --> 00:46:56,610 stuff with the way you talk to people. And I've said this before, you can't do those types of things and not expect people showing up. Eventually somebody's
276 00:46:56,610 --> 00:47:05,340 going to act up and do something dumb. And none of my followers and I'm saying that with quotes. I call you my students but some of you are fucking fanatical
277 00:47:06,360 --> 00:47:15,780 like you did turn it the fuck down like some of you literally want to go out there and go to war with people just because they said something bad about me I
278 00:47:15,780 --> 00:47:25,890 if I'm not losing sleep with Vinnie he's fucking doing why the fuck would you lose any sleep over someone saying I'm a fake demo fraud think about it. This
279 00:47:25,890 --> 00:47:35,640 fucking guy in Texas has put everything he could think of on the internet about me like everything he's whatever the fuck it is. You could call somebody
280 00:47:35,640 --> 00:47:46,080 negative he's done that with me. And here I am every single day pointing to where the markets going and then I'm executing and showing you anybody else
281 00:47:46,080 --> 00:47:59,940 doing that for fucking free now I don't have another mentorship new starting up and you know what? I was gonna write books. I have them I haven't right now and
282 00:47:59,940 --> 00:48:10,710 they're they're ready to go. But you know what happens if I do that? The same little bitches that sit around and talk shit about me. I'll see this is where
283 00:48:10,710 --> 00:48:20,670 he's getting this next bit of money now I don't need to do that. I'm going to release some fucking free to go fuck yourself. Enjoy working the rest of your
284 00:48:20,670 --> 00:48:30,750 fucking life. I don't need to do anything. I choose to do these things because I want to do these things. I am a teacher at heart and yes, they're gonna fucking
285 00:48:30,750 --> 00:48:40,020 traitor lie that can beat me period. Come come there's another Vinnie over there on what's up? How's it he said little podcast? He tried to put some comments in
286 00:48:40,020 --> 00:48:50,640 my videos and you knew who the fuck you are. Mr. Two pips. All you got to do is step talking all that bullshit. He's making up some dumb shit Come on
287 00:48:50,640 --> 00:49:04,350 motherfucker. I will light you on fire and I'll give you a name everybody will remember you by now know why you guys keep ducking it one account full account
288 00:49:04,350 --> 00:49:17,940 number third party auditors whole year that's how you know someone can stock and trade better trading better is working with the industry standard margins a full
289 00:49:17,940 --> 00:49:26,790 fucking year not I'll do a competition with you. Let's run it up for a week. The fuck out of here. You'll you'll definitely think it was fucking luck for me for
290 00:49:26,790 --> 00:49:39,390 one week. So remove all that a whole fucking calendar year. I can close a year. I can close that motherfucker. I will bring the fucking curtain down. But y'all
291 00:49:39,420 --> 00:49:54,120 listen to these guys with these fake fucking empty four servers. They're saying their own brokers what prevents them from going out there and doing that? There
292 00:49:54,120 --> 00:50:01,740 is no excuse for Well, I'm going to deal with multiple accounts and prove it's a fraud. It's not a fucking fraud. If you announce what your full account number
293 00:50:01,740 --> 00:50:10,320 is and you make it public for any trades are made done, I cheated at TD Ameritrade with my account number exposed. Nothing happened. Nothing fucking
294 00:50:10,320 --> 00:50:18,660 happened there's an excuse for every fucking person out there that's going to hide from this. I'm not hiding from it. I'm out here begging it
295 00:50:25,140 --> 00:50:37,020 the what is it? I showed a screenshot years ago on Twitter. I was told I was trolling Shawn Lee from Astro FX because he would always show like The my
296 00:50:37,020 --> 00:50:47,730 effects results were shows you had this many trades and your profit is this and your margin new being used or whatever the hell it is. And I was like eating it
297 00:50:47,730 --> 00:50:57,600 how easy that is to fake. So I put up one of those bullshit posts where it seems like hey, yeah, I'm trying to motivate you. And I literally left the fucking
298 00:50:57,900 --> 00:51:06,690 negative symbol off as a fucking joke. Like, I was literally joking him. This same guy that put a voice message he didn't type it out. He put a little voice
299 00:51:06,690 --> 00:51:13,890 message. And he was like, Yo, come to the UK and I'll cut your fucking throat birthmark fucker. You travel all over the world. Come down here. I'll put a
300 00:51:13,890 --> 00:51:27,600 knife in your hand your fucking give me a shave pitch. I showed up on Twitter. Disappeared. Goes Tam. He knew what was coming. Up. You got to be toxic about
301 00:51:27,600 --> 00:51:36,060 it. Why can't we all just have fucking fun? Why can't we have fucking fun? You can pitch talk and you awkward about each other. But don't bring family into it,
302 00:51:36,060 --> 00:51:48,540 man. Why the fuck would you even reach for something like that? It makes no fucking sense. My wife has been a fucking mess. Since last November about all
303 00:51:48,540 --> 00:51:59,730 this bullshit. She fucking is a wreck. My daughter we moved her out of state because she is literally on medication for anxiety over this fucking shit, then.
304 00:52:02,970 --> 00:52:09,780 You keep putting up shit, saying I've done something to your family. The only thing that's happened consistently and it's ever happened is you've done the
305 00:52:09,780 --> 00:52:23,250 very things that you have said, I've done. And you're proving every fucking day, every week, every month. It's up there. And it's not even true. None of that
306 00:52:23,250 --> 00:52:33,630 shit is true. In some of you out here, why entertain these haters? And why are you doing this in mind? Because I'm married to a woman that's tore up about all
307 00:52:33,630 --> 00:52:44,370 this stuff. That's why to me I don't give a fuck. Do they always made fun of me? Doesn't bother me. You think I give a fuck with these fucking clowns. Think
308 00:52:44,370 --> 00:52:57,540 about me, dude, I am loaded. I was loaded before you met me. Period. None of this shit bothers me. That's why I stepped back when I saw that YouTube on
309 00:52:57,540 --> 00:53:06,060 Twitter years ago. We're willing to go to each other's throats with a family member stuff. You know, you're you're out there trying to tear him apart. And
310 00:53:06,060 --> 00:53:15,780 he's thrown the family shit in there. I didn't want to be involved in that stuff. Because I had children. I had a wife, who was always telling me I'm
311 00:53:15,780 --> 00:53:26,310 spending too much time on Twitter. Yeah, when I wasn't on Twitter, I missed it. Back on Twitter, I live on it. I tweeted like texting a whole bunch of friends.
312 00:53:27,180 --> 00:53:39,300 You know, I'd like your fucking phone up all the time. She doesn't like that. But she understands that this my outlet. I get something in my head. I just put
313 00:53:39,300 --> 00:53:49,200 it out there. But I'm not going after people's fucking family. Not talking shit about somebody else's fucking family. And to say it when everything else proves
314 00:53:49,200 --> 00:54:03,300 otherwise. It's becomes foolish at some point. But seriously, I mean, why can't everybody out there that thinks they have a name for themselves as a trader. If
315 00:54:03,300 --> 00:54:12,090 you can make money, here's the brass tacks of it all. If you can make money, that's awesome. If you do something that makes money, that's not what I teach.
316 00:54:12,930 --> 00:54:22,650 Well done. I'm not the only one and the only way of making money. There's a lot of people out there to make money. There are retail traders that trade retail
317 00:54:22,650 --> 00:54:33,990 logic and make money. I have the persuasion that there's a better approach to learning how to read the marketplace. If you Institute what I teach, you can
318 00:54:33,990 --> 00:54:47,730 make retail trading work for you because you're reversing the logic that retail traders poisoned with Linda Raschke I guarantee she's not doing anything I'm
319 00:54:47,730 --> 00:54:59,970 teaching. But I know she's made money. So you also see me book. Everything in that book is retail. Street Smarts. That's all retail logic. Nothing in there is
320 00:55:00,000 --> 00:55:09,570 is super insider type stuff. There are little basic little patterns that repeat. But you have to understand things that make those patterns viable.
321 00:55:10,920 --> 00:55:20,550 I teach narrative market conditions where market structure technically will give you the edge that you're looking for. And you don't need to have the indicators,
322 00:55:20,730 --> 00:55:32,850 the indicators, hey, if you need an indicator to tell you when to do something, okay, whatever. But you have to have the basis behind those candles. Correct or
323 00:55:32,850 --> 00:55:34,410 that ship is going to do nothing for you.
324 00:55:42,750 --> 00:55:50,400 Too many people out here talking with my name in their mouth for all the wrong reasons Klout go earn it the right way. Talking shit, they've always talk shit
325 00:55:50,400 --> 00:56:01,740 about me. And I just keep floating higher and higher and higher. More shit. Guess what? I rise above all that. I'm not sinking. I'm not fucking going away.
326 00:56:02,370 --> 00:56:11,730 If you noticed, I stay off the topics that would keep me on Twitter. Or let me say that right? I stay off the topics that will allow me to stay on Twitter.
327 00:56:11,730 --> 00:56:21,240 Because if I talked about the things that I would say like on the SoundCloud or what I had in my private mentorship in the discussions and political things,
328 00:56:21,720 --> 00:56:29,910 they would remove my account. And some of you would love to see that happen and say, Oh, he ran away. He got too hot on Twitter again, he ran away because that
329 00:56:29,910 --> 00:56:41,790 shit ain't true either. Nobody ran me to fuck off of Twitter. TOMMY I left it when he started censoring my fucking tweets. Because I told everybody back then
330 00:56:41,820 --> 00:56:51,120 that Trump was going to win and you're going to use him as a fall guy. And look around. And please shut the fuck up because I didn't vote for him. I've never
331 00:56:51,120 --> 00:57:02,520 voted in my life. Ever. Because my vote won't count. Because it's all rigged. Rigged was your last president. Last duly elected president. And if that fucking
332 00:57:02,520 --> 00:57:13,560 Balis? You unfollowed I'll give a fuck. I don't care. I'm not here for fucking friends. I'm here. For all the smoke. I'm here for anybody that ever want to
333 00:57:13,560 --> 00:57:24,900 talk that shit. I'm here. And when this year closes? I'm going to tell you nobody fucking stepped. Nobody did shit. Like I fucking told you last year.
334 00:57:25,050 --> 00:57:34,320 Nobody did it. Not one fucking person. Not no fucking Sam. Not no fucking mini not no other Vinny on the fucking podcast shit. I mean, I know what the hell is
335 00:57:34,320 --> 00:57:45,930 that? I saw. Some guy sent it to me. This guy's talking shit about you. Yeah. Bring your two pips. Yeah, I did. 92 trades with two pips each. Yeah, I'll do
336 00:57:45,930 --> 00:57:59,460 fucking one and lap you. How's that worked for you? You didn't see the best of mine. I've never shown you that. You will not see that. I hold back a ton of
337 00:57:59,460 --> 00:58:09,900 shit. And as students in my mentorship that that infuriates you promise to teach everything that fuck I did. I did not say that. I told you everything that I'm
338 00:58:09,900 --> 00:58:18,600 willing to teach and it will be profitable. And I've given away one fucking model using the logic that I taught in mentorship. And it's all people making
339 00:58:18,600 --> 00:58:32,430 money with it. It's undeniable. You wanted evidence I gave it to you on a silver platter. It's not transferable knowledge. He's only can do it. They're doing it.
340 00:58:33,780 --> 00:58:45,060 It only works in demo. They're pulling out real money. It's something renamed it's Wycoff. It's not. It's applied to man. I have students from Chris Laurie. I
341 00:58:45,060 --> 00:58:55,230 have students from Sam Sidon. I have students from fucking years of trading with Wycoff. And they will tell you in honesty, this is absolutely completely
342 00:58:55,230 --> 00:58:55,620 different.
343 00:59:01,830 --> 00:59:11,010 I'm sorry if it doesn't but swallow. It's the way it is. If none of you all would have rose up and try to talk that shit, you never would have heard this
344 00:59:11,010 --> 00:59:21,570 side of me. But I'm just answering the bullshit. I mentioned the bullshit. Chris Laurie backed out of seminars with me. We were going to do a circuit of
345 00:59:21,930 --> 00:59:30,270 seminars. And a bunch of little bitches out there. ran to him and sent emails. Oh, yeah. ICT is a fraud. And if you're going to do this, I'm not going to come
346 00:59:30,270 --> 00:59:38,970 to your thing. He probably never worth fucking coming anyway. But because he's image oriented. He sent me an email and said, Yeah, we're gonna take a rain
347 00:59:38,970 --> 00:59:53,160 check on that. Blah, blah. Okay, fine. Who's where? That's all I'm saying. Look at who is where do I think that he's still someone you can learn from? Yes. He's
348 00:59:53,160 --> 01:00:05,280 the only one I nod and say take a look at his stuff. But it's basic. It's like that than what you would get in any retail stuff. But it's basic. And that's not
349 01:00:05,280 --> 01:00:13,620 being disrespectful that's being honest opinion not maintain that all time. The whole time. I brought him more business than he's ever had in his life simply
350 01:00:13,620 --> 01:00:20,730 because I say those words. He's never paid me anything. I've never been in business with him and Vinnie, I never worked on baby pips. I was not part of
351 01:00:20,730 --> 01:00:29,220 their fucking staff, the bullshit, you just said the other day and put on your video saying, Oh, I was part of the baby pips staff. And I was caught sock
352 01:00:29,220 --> 01:00:41,430 puppeting when that wasn't true. I literally took an email that they sent me and said, Yeah, we found your ISP address attached to another account. I had one
353 01:00:41,430 --> 01:00:50,790 account. And none of you all would have never known this. I took that public I said, this is bullshit. I did not do these types of things. And none of you
354 01:00:50,790 --> 01:00:57,840 would have known about So why the hell would I brought that to baby pips forum and said, This is what this and they admitted while it's unlikely it could have
355 01:00:57,840 --> 01:01:05,700 happened where someone could have spoof my ISP. All I'm saying is it's not shit. I got one account. Do you think I sat there and fucking click the button over a
356 01:01:05,700 --> 01:01:13,470 million times and make the highest view threads on that fucking forum? You saw I was always on the fucking I was in the chat room. I was on the fucking forum. I
357 01:01:13,470 --> 01:01:21,600 was making these you think I'm sitting here clicking a million fucking times to make those threads that popular? You fucking nuts. Like, dude, at some point
358 01:01:21,600 --> 01:01:32,370 sense has to kick in. And I understand this fucking application for social media is the biggest fucking cesspool there is what's a smooth brains in this
359 01:01:32,370 --> 01:01:50,700 motherfucker. So easily entertained. But so many just unable to do the shit they they claim they can do. If ICT could trade, he wouldn't charge money. Guess
360 01:01:50,700 --> 01:02:05,700 what, I stole millions of dollars. I stopped that. Now, if I want you to hear this carefully, if I wanted to, I could put my fucking PayPal link as the
361 01:02:05,820 --> 01:02:19,080 response to this post right on Twitter today. And say, I'm taking in another intake of students right now. And this time, it's 250 bucks a month, and I'm
362 01:02:19,080 --> 01:02:31,200 trading live. You can't talk to me. But I'm trading live and telling you why I'm getting in how many motherfuckers are signing up to that. All of you. Because
363 01:02:31,200 --> 01:02:39,570 you'll find that fucking 250 Somewhere, you're selling something because you're getting in there. Why? Because you know, now, I am fucking precise. I know where
364 01:02:39,570 --> 01:02:53,640 it's going. I knew when it's gonna get there. I know multiple entry points. And I use real hard stops I'm not trying to take any money from you. I don't have
365 01:02:53,640 --> 01:03:02,040 anything to sell to you. I'm not upselling anything. And I just told you today, I'm not going to sell my books. I'm going to provide them for free. They're
366 01:03:02,040 --> 01:03:11,340 going to be published. But it's going to be in electronic format where I can make them available for download and it is what it is. I don't need your fucking
367 01:03:11,340 --> 01:03:19,950 money. Okay, that's how you know the rich people that don't need fucking money. I don't need to sell you nothing. I don't need a fucking course I don't need to
368 01:03:19,950 --> 01:03:32,070 do signals. I don't need nothing. I don't need shift from any of you. And many of you like to smack a gift horse in the mouth. Because you can't keep up to
369 01:03:32,070 --> 01:03:42,960 something like that. And that's why I came here to do this very short this year. I said just sit back and wait. I'm coming with receipts next year. I can make
370 01:03:42,960 --> 01:03:53,670 millions of dollars selling teaching. And I stopped because I wanted to to prove that I don't need to everybody else they're all looking to sell something. Why?
371 01:03:55,020 --> 01:04:01,980 Why can't they just say you know what? Fuck all this bullshit to ICTs got the right method. I'm going to just prove without having to do all this bullshit. I
372 01:04:01,980 --> 01:04:09,480 make enough money trading. I don't need to do that shit. Who else is doing it? You think Chris Lori's gonna stop teaching? Fuck no, he's not gonna start
373 01:04:09,480 --> 01:04:26,610 teaching. No, he's not. Okay. Larry Williams pious record on Robins sold and continuously makes things available to be purchased millions of dollars a month
374 01:04:26,730 --> 01:04:37,800 easy. All I gotta do is make the PayPal link available and say this is the terms there it has been and I'm not doing it you'll never be able to see it ICT trade
375 01:04:37,800 --> 01:04:39,420 a Live account done that this year.
376 01:04:44,610 --> 01:04:53,700 To you all want me to sit here and under the guise of saying it's proof it's proof. Call the market entry stop. You all know I can trade Well, you just want
377 01:04:53,700 --> 01:05:02,790 me to give you signals. That's all this is. I'm not stupid. I know what that is. And I can get guilty Since doing that, what I've done this so far this year has
378 01:05:02,790 --> 01:05:13,650 proven enough. My bias wrong. No, it goes to the levels. And in between that Call of where it's gonna go with the right bias. I go in, I use what I taught,
379 01:05:13,650 --> 01:05:25,350 you know, and that's the model and boom, there it is. Every day, every week, you're seeing the same account, I'm showing you all the executions are all still
380 01:05:25,350 --> 01:05:37,830 there. It's never gonna be enough. And don't give two fucks it's funny, it's entertaining. So if you are young, in the industry, and you're starting to come
381 01:05:37,830 --> 01:05:54,390 up, just know this, there is always going to be a collection of individuals out there that are salty is fuck that you're doing well. Now, you can entertain that
382 01:05:54,390 --> 01:06:06,360 kind of stuff and challenge everybody and see this and say that about everyone else. But just know, you got to have the skill set to do that. Because there's a
383 01:06:06,360 --> 01:06:19,530 lot of folks out there that carry my logo around like a banner. And they wrecked me. Like, I'm genuinely their fucking dad. And you asked for more drama, with
384 01:06:19,530 --> 01:06:28,110 the shit that you do and say to other people using me as the reasons for it. You don't need to defend me. I'm a grown ass man. Taking the person out there that
385 01:06:28,140 --> 01:06:40,230 won't trade with period. You don't need to defend me stop going around poking and prodding these people. Because all you're doing is giving them talking
386 01:06:40,230 --> 01:06:47,520 points. Otherwise they have no voice. We're going to talk about their not their fucking trades, because they ain't got money. They're not making money. Because
387 01:06:47,520 --> 01:06:53,850 if they did, if they were fucking making money, that will be the conversation. That's the topic. But if I keep rising to the top of the fucking conversation,
388 01:06:53,850 --> 01:07:07,050 that means I'm the topic on the top of the conversation that tells you a whole lot. If I'm the reason why you're all talking, somebody needs to take some
389 01:07:07,050 --> 01:07:15,750 inventory. What the fuck is going on here? What's missing here? profitable trading. Because that should be the topic I would love to listen to people
390 01:07:15,750 --> 01:07:24,210 showing what they've done and how they transitioned from struggling new to now profitable trading and I don't give a fuck if it's using my stuff or not. I find
391 01:07:24,210 --> 01:07:34,830 it fascinating. Every person in that book or books Market Wizards. They don't trade like I do. But I find that book fascinating to hear their experience. I
392 01:07:34,830 --> 01:07:48,510 love seeing that. I like watching that young lady, on the other hand, because I'm watching her development I have a genuine interest in that. I just don't
393 01:07:48,510 --> 01:08:00,660 like when guys sit around and talk shit. And that's all it is is shit. make up stuff. Oh, yeah. ICT alphabet boy. That's a new one by the way. It was created.
394 01:08:02,310 --> 01:08:13,110 But dude, if you're talking about me, I'd love to hear what you're doing. Like I'd love to hear that. Sitting around for a couple hours. Talking about MES is
395 01:08:13,110 --> 01:08:26,100 fruitless. Not going to say anything that Dineen already said. Nailed it. Don't bother me. But earlier, I mentioned that I had a pretty stressful week. My
396 01:08:26,100 --> 01:08:39,150 wife's mother. She's been battling cancer. She's had several bouts of lung cancer. Not now anymore. But she was. So it was it was self inflicted. She's
397 01:08:39,180 --> 01:08:55,650 since stopped smoking. But she has had cancer appear on her appendix. And she'd have that taken out. So, you know, obviously my wife is her daughter. And she's
398 01:08:55,650 --> 01:09:05,370 been emotional this week and driving to and fro picking up and going to doctors and things it's it's a little stressful and on top of it, the person that I
399 01:09:05,370 --> 01:09:18,180 outbid on the house, put a less pardons on less pardons on the property. That means they're claiming that they have a equitable claim to the title of the
400 01:09:18,180 --> 01:09:24,720 property when they don't they don't have a signed offer. I have a signed offer. There's only been two signed offers on that property. One was in July and the
401 01:09:24,720 --> 01:09:34,920 other one was just the Sunday. So we are in a legal battle. Now with that I've been under a lot of shit, Vinnie. Okay, it wasn't that I'm pushing you aside.
402 01:09:34,950 --> 01:09:41,760 I've already told you I would if you just gave me till Sunday to work this out. But seeing that you went and posted some horseshit on your YouTube channel.
403 01:09:43,170 --> 01:09:53,490 You want this to keep going Okay, keep going. Here's what you need to know none of this shit has worked and you picked up my you're warming up monitor this go
404 01:09:53,490 --> 01:10:02,070 to the last inning. This is go right to it right now. Seriously, why the fuck are you want to prolong it? Let's go Let's go whatever the fuck you want to do,
405 01:10:02,070 --> 01:10:16,920 let's go. I got receipts, I'm ready. I'm paying cash for that $2 million house. I don't have a mortgage. I don't have a tax lien on my property. I didn't do a
406 01:10:16,920 --> 01:10:23,220 chargeback on a fucking private investigators that said no, we're not going to deal with you anymore because you're asking us to go on a property and take
407 01:10:23,220 --> 01:10:34,740 video and pitch through a person's. And then when they dropped you, you charge back on them sitting out here waiting for me to do something illegal and they
408 01:10:34,740 --> 01:10:43,290 told you straight he's not doing anything. He lied and said my wife was going to Verizon to buy burner phones. She was going up there to replace her phone that
409 01:10:43,290 --> 01:10:51,870 no longer was allowed to receive messages. No burner phones. No Nigerian fraud ring
410 01:11:02,550 --> 01:11:10,860 at some point you gotta call bullshit. And we're walking past that dude. You're mad at me because I didn't do something to defend you when you're on Twitter.
411 01:11:11,190 --> 01:11:21,330 I'm sorry, bro. Sincerely, I mean, obviously had bent out of shape. Look at what you're doing. I apologize that I did not come to your defense. I could have said
412 01:11:21,330 --> 01:11:30,990 something but you know what's going to happen? People with a mind with an intellect gonna be like a grown ass man. Saying something that defendant another
413 01:11:30,990 --> 01:11:39,660 grown ass man. When he's already defending himself, which I felt was being adequate at the time. Or meeting him along with Let's go. You didn't back down
414 01:11:39,660 --> 01:11:52,500 from him. And then he pussyfoot around and created some fake fucking results. Okay. Everybody knew that you were going to stop as as. But because I didn't
415 01:11:52,500 --> 01:12:01,260 come out there and say something to another man. Dude. Look at the fucking students of mine. They are warring with everybody all the time, because they say
416 01:12:01,260 --> 01:12:08,790 something bad about me. Or they say that. It doesn't work in real accounts. And then they get their ass all bent out of shape. It's too toxic, man. That stuff's
417 01:12:08,790 --> 01:12:20,940 too toxic. And we're getting ready to go into a climate where somebody is going to do something stupid. And that person that called into your shit. That was a
418 01:12:20,940 --> 01:12:30,450 wake up call to me. That's why I do not go hard anymore. I used to do some fucking straight up fucking brutal shit. Right on Twitter calling everybody out.
419 01:12:30,960 --> 01:12:44,520 Now I just toy with everybody because they're never going to do it. But I'm ready. They seem I'm ready. But I would hate to have something fucking happen.
420 01:12:45,360 --> 01:12:54,660 Either to me or to you. Anybody else out there? Dude, it's all over the news. People fucking see these fucking weirdos follow people in public to their house
421 01:12:55,140 --> 01:13:05,700 and do something to them or their family members. Shoot people will fuck up because they said something dumb. That wouldn't even amount this shit. This this
422 01:13:05,700 --> 01:13:14,700 world's changing bro. And only thing you're doing is you're inciting the wrong kind of toxicity, and somebody's gonna want to try to outdo what you're doing.
423 01:13:16,620 --> 01:13:25,170 And they're gonna fucking do something. And it's gonna put them in prison or put some AI in the ground and that is something I would not want to see. And you
424 01:13:25,170 --> 01:13:36,690 know that if you think about it, soberly. Think about it. Inviting that type of environment that's not responsible at all. It's, look, we're in this fucking
425 01:13:36,690 --> 01:13:46,200 business to make money and trade. Can we fuck with each other and razz each other and you give a good ribbing and fucking troll it. I can take that kind of
426 01:13:46,200 --> 01:13:54,930 shit. I'm not thin skinned. I was fucking born in this kind of shit. But as soon as you start bringing in people's fucking family, dude, let me tell you
427 01:13:54,930 --> 01:14:06,180 something. I sat back here to prove that if anybody ever fucking did anything to you, I never acted on anything. I never, I never did anything I could have. I
428 01:14:06,180 --> 01:14:13,980 don't fly. But let me tell you something. It won't take me long to come down to Texas and be on your front doorstep if that should happen to my fucking family.
429 01:14:14,190 --> 01:14:21,420 And I knew who that person was. I would have been sitting in fucking Texas. I would have been on their fucking doorstep. And then yeah, I would have been
430 01:14:21,420 --> 01:14:32,310 arrested. Families and you're bringing in shit. And you're all kinds of attention to yourself. And you're saying things that are really inciting hate?
431 01:14:32,910 --> 01:14:43,140 And it has nothing to do with me. You say? Oh, it's ICT followers? ICT trolls. Dude, you're saying things about other people's race? And that's just the facts.
432 01:14:44,100 --> 01:14:55,560 And you're doing it where they know where you live. That should scare the fuck out of you. I would never do those fucking things. Never in a million years
433 01:14:55,560 --> 01:15:09,330 would I do 1/10 of what the fuck you've done You just have to stop. Because somebody, you're going to have pissed off, you're going to piss off somebody,
434 01:15:10,110 --> 01:15:17,250 you're going to piss off somebody saying something, and they are going to do something they're going to regret for the rest of your fucking life. And
435 01:15:17,250 --> 01:15:25,800 someone's going to get really hurt. And that's not responsible. That's not smart. You say your IQ of 160 days, you're not exhibiting it. You're doing
436 01:15:25,800 --> 01:15:36,810 things on an emotional level. Trying to get out it's never gonna come. I told you Nene, I said, you want to smooth this shit out? You wanna be fucking call me
437 01:15:36,810 --> 01:15:44,550 friends? Whatever. That's fine. I understand. If you genuinely thought in the beginning that this guy that was saying all this shit was being sent by me like
438 01:15:44,550 --> 01:15:53,850 you said, I can see how Oh, yeah, you know, if, if this guy fucking sent this person, I'm gonna fucking I'm gonna go off and I'm gonna do this. I get it, man.
439 01:15:53,880 --> 01:16:00,330 But you know, damn well, that that's not how it was. None of that shit is true.
440 01:16:02,670 --> 01:16:12,150 But I can be honest and tell you that I was threatened like you had been threatened. I would be thinking stupid shit, too. It'd be very hard for anybody
441 01:16:12,150 --> 01:16:27,030 to talk sense into me. I know. So I sat still. Laurie said do this. So I did that. And you see nothing. You pretended like it was weakness and fear. I've not
442 01:16:27,090 --> 01:16:45,390 been fearful at all. I still here. Still growing, still doing everything contrary to what you say. At some point, you got to get to, well, this isn't
443 01:16:45,390 --> 01:16:54,360 really panning out anymore. You said you want an apology. I've already said so man. But I also told you, I didn't want to type it out because it would seem
444 01:16:54,390 --> 01:17:07,830 disingenuous. If someone's going to apologize and they're trying to appeal to your your good nature. You don't type it. You don't send it in text. Either, I
445 01:17:07,830 --> 01:17:16,170 think be heard. And honestly, I can see how if people and I don't know this to be true, but you said somebody out there impersonated me and they hacked your
446 01:17:16,170 --> 01:17:26,310 car sounds like the movie as much as you all want to say, I come at you with some shit like that. This sounds like fucking a Tom Cruise movie. Like,
447 01:17:26,790 --> 01:17:34,800 seriously, I'm not that big of a fucking deal. I don't know how to hack a computer. Everything I learned about computer science is obsolete. Now. I
448 01:17:34,800 --> 01:17:48,600 learned COBOL CIC s mainframe. They don't even have fucking mainframe anymore. The most, I guess, relatable language, it would be c plus plus. And that was
449 01:17:48,690 --> 01:18:04,380 that was the highest I went with 1992. So I haven't coded in years. I use a friend of mine Logan. He did all of my when I use TradeStation. He did all my
450 01:18:04,380 --> 01:18:18,600 trading coding for me. So I mean, I don't know. I don't know what else I got to check off as a bullet point list of things that has been said about me. But
451 01:18:18,600 --> 01:18:28,350 everything that I've ever done, I've been honest about everything I've ever said. How I learned this, dude, listen to me. You claim to be a Christian.
452 01:18:28,590 --> 01:18:40,620 That's why I haven't gotten you where it says touch not My Anointed. But you keep killing me publicly, bro. You keep saying shit that ain't true. And Christ
453 01:18:40,620 --> 01:18:51,960 said if you say Ill about your brother, you've killed him. And you keep doing it over and over again. And it's baseless. It's not even true. None of these things
454 01:18:51,960 --> 01:18:52,680 you're saying are true
455 01:19:03,480 --> 01:19:14,280 so my ribs me, somebody trolls me, whatever I can. I laugh about a lot of things people say. But this kind of stuff is toxic. It's It's It's fruitless. It
456 01:19:14,280 --> 01:19:23,310 doesn't amount to anything. And it puts more heat on you than it would do me. Blaming. There's people that don't like me, they love what you're doing. And
457 01:19:23,310 --> 01:19:33,000 they want to see you continuously keep doing what you're doing. That's a small crowd. That's a that's a group of people that aren't ever going to amount to
458 01:19:33,000 --> 01:19:45,990 shit. Because they'd spend their time with all this kind of stuff. They're going to work on Monday. And they're going to work until the drop dead. So if that's
459 01:19:45,990 --> 01:20:00,870 the if that's the mentality of audience members that your trump well have at it. I sincerely asked for any of the algo box traders If they're actually making
460 01:20:00,870 --> 01:20:12,270 real money because I know you do a lot of things with NinjaTrader Okay, and SGX is another one for you. I wasn't talking about you and your preference to
461 01:20:12,300 --> 01:20:21,540 NinjaTrader you're putting too much credit on yourself. I'm talking specifically about Vincent marching. Vinnie Imani. That's who I was addressing through
462 01:20:21,570 --> 01:20:30,870 NinjaTrader it was brought to my attention that you can go into NinjaTrader and change a trade after the fact I don't know how to use NinjaTrader I have never
463 01:20:30,870 --> 01:20:39,420 used NinjaTrader they had been contacted me because he knew I have a huge following. Same guy constantly. Once a month, he'll email me Hey, looking at you
464 01:20:39,420 --> 01:20:49,230 want to try this out? You know, let's let's work out something. I'm not trying to be a representative of any company. Most like I don't cosign on any one
465 01:20:49,230 --> 01:20:57,570 particular funded account company. I have no affiliation whatsoever to anybody. I am the absolute truthful motherfucker there's ever going to be I'm not going
466 01:20:57,570 --> 01:21:08,430 to be influenced by anybody because I don't need anybody's fucking money. I don't have any partnerships with anybody. But when I said I would like to see a
467 01:21:08,430 --> 01:21:17,310 algo box profitable soon and the reason why I said that is because the other few days now have not sat down and watched all of your videos and because number one
468 01:21:17,310 --> 01:21:27,060 that's you put out more fucking videos than I do. And I thought I was going nuts with videos in the past you're putting out way more videos than I do. In fact,
469 01:21:27,090 --> 01:21:35,460 let me tell you something. The people that I'm buying the house from, they wanted to know more about me and they found your video your video first about
470 01:21:35,460 --> 01:21:45,120 me. We were literally over their house last night because I had to tell them that the guy that put less pardons on the title he called me up and he literally
471 01:21:45,150 --> 01:21:55,830 basically told me he wants to be bought out. sell our T wants the seller or AI to give him money to remove the list pardons that way the title has no cloud
472 01:21:55,830 --> 01:22:04,740 over top of it I can take ownership of and they can transfer ownership. And the seller was like yeah, there's a guy on the internet hates your fucking ass. Like
473 01:22:06,390 --> 01:22:15,960 this his name begin with a V he is Yeah, Tim, Vinnie. Oh, let's watch this guy hates your guts. I'm like, yeah, well. He's helped grow the channel. That's
474 01:22:15,960 --> 01:22:24,720 great. Like your miracle grow from my fucking channel. If you want to keep doing this, you're gonna constantly keep that algorithm generating more traffic to my
475 01:22:25,380 --> 01:22:40,140 channel. That's fine. I got 100 Was it three, three and a 33,000? If not real close to it now. That's awesome. Thank you. But you gotta you gotta discard.
476 01:22:40,140 --> 01:22:51,630 Stop doing that stuff. Okay, like you would grow. If you stopped being toxic. And talking about competitions that you really didn't have. You really didn't
477 01:22:51,630 --> 01:22:59,910 have any competitions. Okay. You said you you beat Ross Cameron. Ross, I asked Cameron in his comments. I said, Do you know a guy named Iman? And he said he
478 01:22:59,910 --> 01:23:09,330 was in a competition with you. So I mean, who that is? So how can you be in a competition? When the other party doesn't know you're in a competition? And you
479 01:23:09,330 --> 01:23:17,580 really can't say Adam Webb what's the competition because that fucking clown doesn't have a fucking trade. Like, you doing one trade smokes him, because he's
480 01:23:17,580 --> 01:23:31,650 not trading. And the other, I guess the other two guys, which I don't even know who they are. But again, they probably don't amount to shit. I've always said
481 01:23:33,120 --> 01:23:43,170 you have you and I both have a lot of monitors, we have a lot of mental to make while we're looking at charts and focus on okay, but if we had to simply go down
482 01:23:43,170 --> 01:23:50,580 to one monitor, we both could do that. We could we could do that. Okay, it's not something outside of our capability.
483 01:23:52,950 --> 01:24:04,410 But I said if you are able to have a hot button, a buy and sell button or limit order button on your NinjaTrader on one screen, instead of pushing that button
484 01:24:04,740 --> 01:24:15,960 on that very monitor, just push it on the Robins cup monitor. I mean Tom Dante, he found his way up here not because of my skill, but the person that was in the
485 01:24:15,960 --> 01:24:24,390 fifth spot fell out of the fifth spot and he flashed up here for one day and then I rate them in their screencast and I said alright Thomas because it's
486 01:24:24,390 --> 01:24:35,550 always been get to the top of the leaderboard and he fell off the next day with someone less in percentage never to be seen again. What happened that account
487 01:24:37,320 --> 01:24:44,490 what happened to that account? And I'd had the tweets copy where he said well I wasn't really in there trying to win I just wanted to see what happened that's
488 01:24:44,490 --> 01:24:54,990 not calling me on you guys who run around saying Tom Dante called me up bullshit not my fucker didn't do shit. He can go on here and 2023 and show the world
489 01:24:54,990 --> 01:25:07,860 everything that I'm saying is bullshit. That I don't think that's going to happen. But it'd be fun to see it. I'm telling you, I will join that
490 01:25:07,860 --> 01:25:17,490 motherfucker if a bunch of y'all just get it going. Let's make it a fucking event. That's all this this make it fun. I will talk any shit at all. I will
491 01:25:17,490 --> 01:25:31,230 just stay quiet. And I'll use the motto I taught on YouTube. How's that? Fair? I won't use a neg moss use that. Come on. Let's have fun with it. And we all want
492 01:25:31,230 --> 01:25:42,240 to see me do it. I want to see other people fucking do it with me. Especially the talkers. That shit talkers. Yeah. Oh, he's a fucking so and so I make real
493 01:25:42,240 --> 01:25:48,210 money. None of you have any idea what the fuck real money is.
494 01:25:56,520 --> 01:26:11,610 I came out here this year, sharing building up people that don't deserve this. Because let me be honest with you folks, okay. You're getting core content for
495 01:26:11,610 --> 01:26:22,140 free. And while I've already said that, that's not mentorship, you're getting something that you're not entitled to. But I also feel comfortable with the fact
496 01:26:22,140 --> 01:26:30,990 that my students know that that's not mentorship. That's just basic prerequisites, to the experiences that those individuals that paid me for
497 01:26:30,990 --> 01:26:40,170 mentorship, they got to see every single day, which you saw, just this year, pointing to where the markets gonna go, why it's gonna go there, they got the
498 01:26:40,170 --> 01:26:50,790 details as to why we're on Twitter. I'm just saying, Nick this level. That's difference. My real students know that. They see the difference by contrast, and
499 01:26:50,790 --> 01:26:59,070 they don't give two shits, that those core content videos are up on the internet. They don't care. That wasn't mentorship. The mentorship was me going
500 01:26:59,070 --> 01:27:11,730 and seeing them commenting why the markets going to do what's going to do before it happens. And 90% accurate. Plus you saw it again here publicly about how he's
501 01:27:11,730 --> 01:27:18,300 a liar. It's not an accident. He gets to side of the marketplace. When did you ever see me do two sides of the market this year? It's gonna go here. It's gonna
502 01:27:18,300 --> 01:27:30,000 go there. No. If I don't have one side, and I say, Well, I'm right now I'm waiting. One sidedness, that's it, they make STS out to me one way. And if I
503 01:27:30,000 --> 01:27:37,470 don't have the understanding of where I think the mark is gonna go, then I hope and I have no opinion, I have no bias, I have to sit still and wait for more
504 01:27:37,470 --> 01:27:47,700 information. And when the information comes, then I share it again. Mentoring is taking the information that's in those core content and applying it to real
505 01:27:47,700 --> 01:27:59,070 right now market conditions. That's what mentorship is, that's what mentorship was, and I'm not mentoring you, right now. I'm enjoying myself. I'm giving away
506 01:27:59,070 --> 01:28:07,590 something for free that all the losers are an internet or trying to sell, you don't need to pay that you're gonna get these videos, you're gonna find out
507 01:28:07,590 --> 01:28:21,570 that, hey, the author gave them to me. And you're also going to know that I told the truth. Mentorship was hard. It was everything, like a fire hose. And I told
508 01:28:21,570 --> 01:28:31,500 them how to make that model on YouTube. They were told how to do that. They were also told how to make their own independent model. And I gave them 12 unique
509 01:28:31,500 --> 01:28:41,370 models that were by themselves usable. But I made it as simple as I possibly could by creating that model on YouTube. Fair Pay Gap after shift to market
510 01:28:41,370 --> 01:28:49,380 structure after stops have been taken. Find equilibrium aim for that with a PDA array. And that's it, you're done. You're not trying to make it more than that.
511 01:28:50,670 --> 01:28:59,700 And that makes money folks. real fucking money. Real money, not demo dollars. The really real shit the stuff you go out there and put gas in your tank with
512 01:29:00,060 --> 01:29:12,780 stuff you feed your children with. Yeah, clothe yourself. You can't do that with demo dollars. And I proved it. And all of you that are exercising the
513 01:29:12,780 --> 01:29:22,830 information and putting it into task. You're proving it to yourself, and that's all I've ever asked if I'm full of shit, but it's a task test it see if you
514 01:29:22,830 --> 01:29:30,360 recklessly fucking go in and risk more than you're supposed to or over trade. That's not me fucking telling you that you blew that? No, where is it? Where I'm
515 01:29:30,360 --> 01:29:42,630 saying over trade trade every day. You're looking for one choice set up per week. Period. You can you're controlling yourself that way. Some of you have
516 01:29:42,630 --> 01:29:52,290 proven that you don't have self control, but you want to put the fault on me afterwards. Wrong. Oh, net shit. You find me. Young man got himself all about to
517 01:29:52,290 --> 01:30:00,690 number two spot on Teemo leaderboard? Vinnie, you're saying that's a fluke. I don't think it's a fluke. I see a lot of that kind of stuff. have no real
518 01:30:00,690 --> 01:30:08,370 accounts, you just don't see it have a lot of people because of things like you're doing and have done for a year, and what other people have trolled and
519 01:30:08,640 --> 01:30:19,080 talk shit about you if you made a condition where a lot of students don't want to draw any special attention themselves, because they don't have the tolerance
520 01:30:19,080 --> 01:30:26,370 that I have. They don't have the tolerance to deal with people constantly talking shit about them, and they don't want to be on social media. There's a
521 01:30:26,370 --> 01:30:33,840 lot of my students that aren't on Twitter, there's a lot of students that aren't following me on my YouTube channel. A lot of them have moved on, because they
522 01:30:33,870 --> 01:30:40,470 now found their model, and they don't give a fuck what I'm talking about now, because I'm a distraction to them, they found what works for them. And if I say
523 01:30:40,470 --> 01:30:50,580 anything, it confuses them based on what they've been grown accustomed to trusting. And that's graduation. See, I want you as the listening student to not
524 01:30:50,580 --> 01:30:52,410 give a fuck what my opinion is.
525 01:30:53,670 --> 01:31:02,370 Not give a fuck would I'm trading not care? What I'm interested in? What trade I'm in? What was my profit? Where was my stop loss? You're asking all those
526 01:31:02,370 --> 01:31:13,140 questions, you got all the wrong focus. You should be looking at the chart and saying, Okay, how would have I done that very trade that he's stealing? Where
527 01:31:13,140 --> 01:31:20,940 would I have done it wrong? What problems would have arise? If I were to use my own entry strategy versus what I'm seeing him do? They're critical questions.
528 01:31:21,090 --> 01:31:29,280 And guess what that's doing, it's putting the spotlight on you and how you think about price. And in weighing out what it is that you're growing and learning
529 01:31:29,280 --> 01:31:29,940 over time
530 01:31:36,030 --> 01:31:46,200 not just expecting me to spoon feed you. This is what it's going to be. Because I'm gonna tell you something, folks am very, very private, going forward. And
531 01:31:46,200 --> 01:31:56,970 very low key. Because there's a lot of preparation, I still have to complete because I know what's coming. And I have family members, I have close friends
532 01:31:56,970 --> 01:32:06,570 that I'm helping. And I'm don't want to be distracted with this Mickey Mouse shit. These markets are going to create some of the wildest fucking shit you've
533 01:32:06,570 --> 01:32:15,510 ever seen in terms of price movement. And if I'm able, I want to be a participant in that next year, I'm telling you right now, food, commodities,
534 01:32:15,840 --> 01:32:26,460 grains, they're gonna go to three, three, they're gonna run probably parabolic, because there's shit that's been put in motion right now. fertilizer, can't get
535 01:32:26,460 --> 01:32:39,420 ahold of it. crops have been take for irrigation has been limited. Folks, you have no idea what the fuck is about to come down. If you have not been paying
536 01:32:39,420 --> 01:32:51,840 attention, let me spell it out for you. We are entering what you might consider the last days. And if that's just too much for you, a good day. But we're
537 01:32:51,840 --> 01:33:06,090 entering that famine, disease, war children rising up against her parents, all that stuff. It's being engineered right in front of you don't even see it. This
538 01:33:06,090 --> 01:33:24,360 stuff? Who's got more money who can trade better? Who systems better? Cut out of the bag now. When I came out on baby pips, that's the reason why I saw this. And
539 01:33:24,360 --> 01:33:38,010 I wanted to make an impact. I wanted to do something good. Where hopefully I could feel like I've done something positive. Because a lot of you folks, were
540 01:33:38,010 --> 01:33:51,930 on the other side of my trades when I'm making money. And you had no idea why you don't have a field. Now, some of you feel like you do have an even playing
541 01:33:51,930 --> 01:34:02,970 field. But it's worse than you think. And it's not a two party thing. It's not a Republican, it's not Democrat thing. It's not just an American. This is gonna be
542 01:34:02,970 --> 01:34:13,620 everywhere, folks. Everywhere, in what you use to pay for your fucking food right now. It's gonna be real hard to get your hands on that stuff. They're
543 01:34:13,620 --> 01:34:25,740 gonna control everything. And they're squeezing as tight as they can get it slowly but surely, you're going to wake up and you're going to realize it's too
544 01:34:25,740 --> 01:34:36,030 late. And some of that might scare the shit out of you. It might scare you make you anxious right now. The only thing you can do is prepare. How do you do that?
545 01:34:37,260 --> 01:34:45,870 non perishable food if you're making money in the markets and if you're not preparing your household for your family members in you with non perishable
546 01:34:45,870 --> 01:35:00,360 food, water, waste, filter water and when the lights Believe me when I tell you, they are going to go out. Power is going to be messed with everybody Sitting
547 01:35:00,360 --> 01:35:14,580 with freezers like me, stocked with food, I got beef, chicken, all kinds of stuff stacked up. The power goes out for a month. I don't have that stuff
548 01:35:14,580 --> 01:35:28,350 anymore. All that ain't gonna happen, that can't happen. It's coming. Not just in America, it's coming everywhere. Watch what happens in the UK over the next
549 01:35:28,350 --> 01:35:44,400 six months. Just sit back and watch, pay attention. And then you'll see who's full of shit then like to find a way to end this one with a positive note. But I
550 01:35:44,400 --> 01:35:56,580 really don't have it today. So only thing I'm going to think to say is this coming week. Be careful. Don't trade too much. Don't expect too much from the
551 01:35:56,580 --> 01:36:04,770 marketplace. s&p was to trade up into volume imbalance on a daily chart. It probably did that one a little bit. But
552 01:36:06,120 --> 01:36:13,860 I don't have an opinion right now. I want to see how we open up on Sunday, and how we deliver on Monday. So new trading new engagement for me on Monday, I want
553 01:36:13,860 --> 01:36:25,350 to see how we engage. And I'll see what I see in the charts there. I don't have an opinion. Admittedly, my my head's cloudy. Because my all my focus is trying
554 01:36:25,350 --> 01:36:36,360 to get this house landed. Because the list pardons is I didn't know what the hell that was. But this guy literally is holding up the whole process with a
555 01:36:36,990 --> 01:36:46,530 fake claim that he had a offer on the house I have a sign off on I'm the only one who has a signed offer. And meeting with the owner of the house last night
556 01:36:46,620 --> 01:36:56,550 and his wife put me at ease that there is no other sign up. Because I mean, how do I know? Right? How do I know he didn't do another sign offer. And that would
557 01:36:56,550 --> 01:37:08,580 have created a mess. But about $1,000 earnest deposit on the account for purchase. And we're slated for October 17th. So my head is a little disturbed
558 01:37:08,580 --> 01:37:20,430 because of all this stuff because I want the property. And I'm committed to noon, taking it down and putting it in my portfolio. And I have a scammer out
559 01:37:20,430 --> 01:37:29,490 there trying to lay claim to something which when we get to court, it'll be smashed. Like he like we have his text message from his buying agent stating if
560 01:37:29,490 --> 01:37:38,310 we don't have a signed contract tonight, we're done. Okay, you've resented your offer. And you've admitted also that you don't have a signed offer, or a signed
561 01:37:38,340 --> 01:37:50,910 contract, which means you have shit. I haven't ratified. So when we get in the court, the house is mine. So that's where I'm at. That's where my focus has been
562 01:37:50,910 --> 01:38:07,740 this week. It's been a little distracting for multiple reasons. And it'd be very easy for me to just unload on you, Vinnie. If that was my nature, if that was my
563 01:38:07,740 --> 01:38:18,570 intent, I have the perfect reasons to do all that. And I don't feel that I just want you to think about what you're doing. Think about what you're gaining from
564 01:38:18,570 --> 01:38:28,710 it, because you're not getting anything. And you're promoting more toxicity than you're doing anything positive. You're not convincing anyone that's out there
565 01:38:28,710 --> 01:38:40,050 using what I'm doing and teaching. And they're making real money. You're not convincing them of anything except for clout. You trying to you're trying to
566 01:38:40,050 --> 01:38:49,410 raise up this Kancil culture against me. And I don't give a fuck what anybody thinks. I'm not the person you're paint me up to be. I'm not the person to many
567 01:38:49,410 --> 01:39:07,260 of you. If you were in my home, live my day to day life. I'm just a plain, soft spoken, not trying to raise too much attention to myself kind of guy. I'm not
568 01:39:07,260 --> 01:39:14,490 the kind of person that you think I am. And I mentioned this many times in the past when people say I want to meet you. I've only met one person on the
569 01:39:14,490 --> 01:39:29,310 internet. One person I met him in the parking lot of my high school. And I only did that because I was trying to get the for the persons that were recording my
570 01:39:29,310 --> 01:39:36,480 family. I told the person I said this on that. You know, the only reason why I met you is because we're being recorded right now. So I had my own investigators
571 01:39:36,480 --> 01:39:51,480 doing the same shit. And we saw the same tan, Suburban. And then we ran all the information. And he's not a licensed private investigator. We knew where he
572 01:39:51,480 --> 01:40:03,360 lives. We knew his name, everything. We knew there was GPS units put on our cars. We had Apple air tags placed on our cars They're hard to find. So I just
573 01:40:03,360 --> 01:40:06,480 got rid of the cars and bought new ones. Cash
574 01:40:14,790 --> 01:40:26,970 like I've never wanted to be out here, flashing things. That's never been my, my goal. Because frankly, the things I do outside of trading and teaching can pay
575 01:40:26,970 --> 01:40:38,310 for all these things that I have, and more. You don't know anything about me. That made money my entire life. But I'm passionate about teaching because I know
576 01:40:38,310 --> 01:40:48,420 that's a skill set that's transferable. And anyone you said you would delete all your shit on your channel. If I just proved that I had Corvettes. I know why you
577 01:40:48,420 --> 01:40:56,070 were doing it because you wanted to be able to take that and twist it and say look, he's out there showing pomp but I have all that stuff recorded showing
578 01:40:56,070 --> 01:41:05,220 that you literally promised that if I did that, and I made sure everybody saw it. I said look, you said I don't have these things. I have them now. Delete
579 01:41:05,220 --> 01:41:11,580 your fucking channel. Delete your bullshit about me because it's real. I don't need to do this though. You want to go out and watch me buy a Lamborghini I can
580 01:41:11,580 --> 01:41:25,800 fucking do that Sammy. Cash, the fact of the matter to me. See, you are need that kind of stuff. Because you're broke. You need to see those types of things
581 01:41:25,800 --> 01:41:36,600 because it motivates you. I'm not motivated by that. I'm motivated by not having to do shit. The lifestyle not having to listen to somebody else. I gotta fuck
582 01:41:36,600 --> 01:41:46,560 you money. I've had fuck you money since I was 20 You're all worried about losing your job. And I'm giving you a way not to worry about it. But you want to
583 01:41:46,560 --> 01:41:55,560 worry about what the fuck I'm driving when I sleep in my children or getting going to be given listen to some guy talk about some fucking bullshit email. My
584 01:41:55,560 --> 01:42:08,880 children were on an under age. How to fuck that they have a $500,000 house? Think man so many people don't even talk and do math correctly around saying oh
585 01:42:08,880 --> 01:42:16,200 I did student fraud in California and I've never stepped foot in California and the date of that person that was charged for students brought to the scene. I'm
586 01:42:16,200 --> 01:42:24,210 not the only Michael Huddleston has actually an actor out there that's a little bit older than me. But these people that put this bullshit Up About ME it's
587 01:42:24,210 --> 01:42:36,840 fucking dummy. That property in Dundalk I still have my mentorship licensed through that address because family members collect the mail for me. I've set
588 01:42:36,840 --> 01:42:50,640 that up. I set up a apartment when I first started to I use that as another location cuz I know people can look up shit. And when people come into my house
589 01:42:52,710 --> 01:43:04,080 do a search to inner circle trader LLC. It'll show Sollars Point Road to this day. I'm not sleeping there you malefactors think I'm sleeping? I'm not sleeping
590 01:43:04,080 --> 01:43:04,380 there
591 01:43:10,950 --> 01:43:22,740 anytime you folks have ever rose up and said some bullshit, I've always been out there to correct you on it. No bye. Nobody else does that. Nobody else comes out
592 01:43:22,740 --> 01:43:29,970 here and puts that much effort into putting your mind at ease. But you worry about that dumb shit. And you ignore the obvious when I tell you what this mark
593 01:43:29,970 --> 01:43:43,590 is going to do. And then I trade it. And I treat it with a live account and you ignore it the stupid right? You think I'm sweating bullets? Like I need to have
594 01:43:43,590 --> 01:43:50,940 this done. Oh ICT Why are you worrying about that? I'm not worrying about this. You don't know the people that literally are sitting on the fence saying I just
595 01:43:51,000 --> 01:44:00,600 this bothers me that you don't just get out there and smash them. Why? Why? Why do I need to smash them? I'm already out here doing my everyday thing and just
596 01:44:00,600 --> 01:44:12,360 rising above everybody else doing the bullshit that they do. All these killer traders out there these people that are smoking 201 150 to one are multiple
597 01:44:12,360 --> 01:44:27,990 trades. Why the fuck are you still trading micro lots? Micro lots. Dude, the fuck? My truck takes more gas than your fucking account has an imbalance. Think
598 01:44:27,990 --> 01:44:31,680 about that. Okay. And you're out here worrying about what the fuck I'm doing.
599 01:44:38,370 --> 01:44:49,620 Savini Yes. I do believe you can trade. I knew that early on. And I was giving you the opportunity to have a larger audience and I was willing to work with you
600 01:44:49,620 --> 01:45:01,170 then. But you chose you chose and you acknowledged and agreed that you went fucking nuclear one atom made it public and just like Chris Lori said, there's a
601 01:45:01,170 --> 01:45:10,380 little too much drama with you. Huddleston. I got to take a step back. Let me tell you something. Have you noticed that haven't changed who I am? Because I
602 01:45:10,380 --> 01:45:23,670 don't give a fuck who wants to affiliate themselves with me or not? I'm me. I am an army of just me. Just me. And that's enough. There's a lot of people that
603 01:45:23,670 --> 01:45:33,450 reach out to me and they say, Hey, can can you come on my live stream can come on my show can do that. And most of the time, I just ignore it. There's a
604 01:45:33,450 --> 01:45:42,720 gentleman out there, Aaron corbs. I've been pushing, trying to get him the growing audiences, I think what he's been trying to do, which has been
605 01:45:43,170 --> 01:45:53,310 immediately a struggle for him, he's admitted that but it's also something that I can relate to because I have obsessive compulsive disorder. Once I have
606 01:45:53,310 --> 01:46:03,090 something that's on my mind, it's like a piece of meat stuck between your teeth, your tongue just keeps going back to it. So if it's the good things, it's not a
607 01:46:03,090 --> 01:46:11,010 problem, but if it's a bad thing, then I feel like I gotta just keep going back and keep patting me and just do what I did this year. Everything you can do, I
608 01:46:11,010 --> 01:46:23,640 can do better. And I can prove it with cash. Live accounts. Precision, perfect highs and lows weekly highs and lows, daily highs and lows. undeniable. Pick the
609 01:46:23,640 --> 01:46:38,760 closing price. Boom. I'm not a magician. I'm a technician. You heard about the composite man. I am that motherfucker. Do you understand that? That's who I am.
610 01:46:39,090 --> 01:46:40,920 Always been who? I am
611 01:46:46,890 --> 01:46:52,770 I see what you can't see. Can I prove it?
612 01:47:17,040 --> 01:47:29,550 Have more iced tea in this class? I don't. So, anyway. Oh, this is a ego session. No, it's not. It's just me talking because you don't know the people
613 01:47:30,660 --> 01:47:42,060 that are having real genuine concerns about things that I address. Oh, he's so insecure. Oh, not gonna give a fuck. I don't give a fuck. What's in it for me?
614 01:47:43,350 --> 01:47:56,850 What am I gonna get from you? I'm on Twitter. I'm not getting any ad revenue off of that. I live on fucking Twitter. It's not monetized. I love doing this. I
615 01:47:56,850 --> 01:48:08,670 love it. Because I know I'm making an impact on those that want to listen and understand that I'm addressing things that the people that have these problems
616 01:48:08,670 --> 01:48:18,120 with me. You know, that's their problem. That's your fucking problem. If you're choking on shit that I won't dance to what you want me to do, I don't give a
617 01:48:18,120 --> 01:48:27,000 fuck about your other competitions. The only one competition matters to me. That one up there. Oh, he's gonna choose this one because it can be faked and they
618 01:48:27,000 --> 01:48:35,820 can't fake a fucking competition. When it's one account one account number. The bounce is shown beforehand. And then when you're done that same account is shown
619 01:48:35,850 --> 01:48:43,920 this is it. There's a lot of other fuckers out there talking and talking and talking and talking. And they don't want to do shit. Oh, I fill out a piece of
620 01:48:43,920 --> 01:48:51,690 paper. Look at this. I signed up. That's not That's not registering for real Sam. That's not registering for real. That's you putting your name on a piece of
621 01:48:51,690 --> 01:48:54,750 paper that Robbins has no understanding or awareness that you did that
622 01:49:01,200 --> 01:49:15,840 and you call yourself a Christian? You're a liar. You're a fraud. Prove me otherwise, is I'm right here with bells on waiting. Waiting in begun and waiting
623 01:49:15,900 --> 01:49:32,190 and begging and steal. Everybody's got excuses. Oh, but you didn't. But I'm ready. But you won't. But I will think about what are exchanged this year. You
624 01:49:32,190 --> 01:49:48,750 think I'm not ready for this? I am I'm absolutely ready. This is all the build up to get every talker on the hook. They'll talk until we get to that point
625 01:49:48,780 --> 01:50:00,660 where they got to put money into that account. Oh, he said I got to share my account number. Well, you know you're a fraud. Wait a minute now These guys are
626 01:50:00,660 --> 01:50:22,020 selling courses and mentorships these guys are really badass. The pitmasters the FX kings, the loads of liquidity. Yeah, you'll be liquidity alright. So no, you
627 01:50:22,020 --> 01:50:31,590 didn't learn anything today from this, but it was therapy for me. And that's all it matters. I got some shit off my chest. Then you got your apology. You choose
628 01:50:31,590 --> 01:50:41,220 not to accept it that's on you, man. I gave you your nod. Yes, you were abused. Yes, they they mess with you. They fuck with you. I didn't know they forced you
629 01:50:41,220 --> 01:50:47,460 out of your account. You told me that's how it happened. I can see how that would have happened. Let's talk about that shit.