
Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2023-02-12 19:29


00:55 - An audio check.

02:29 - Introduction to today’s topic.

07:26 - The moral conflict of profiting from price fluctuations in the marketplace.

14:06 - Create a template for your New Day Opening Gap.

20:18 - Order flow is referencing and studying price right now.

26:23 - What is the primary function of how I teach?

29:55 - What’s the midpoint of the price run?

36:08 - Best case entry point is relative -.

41:35 - The One Minute Chart of February -.

47:54 - You need to look at these two areas in the day.

55:10 - You have to have a way of being able to do what -.

01:02:45 - The high of the day.

01:05:58 - What’s going to happen when the market goes above 1430.

01:11:44 - Fibonacci Overlay -.

01:16:35 - Swing Low and High of the Day.

01:22:39 - How far will the algorithm reach for you?

01:28:00 - What’s the primary driver here? What is the technical science?

01:31:00 - Why is this not more palatable if I'm showing you how to use market structure in a lesson?

01:36:57 - What about the midpoint of that last hour macro?

01:41:43 - What’s the relationship between the low of the candle and the opening price?

01:46:29 - Why are you not teaching with live accounts?

01:53:01 - Mentorship is what it’s all about -.


00:00:55,980 --> 00:00:58,860 ICT: That's give me an audio check. Let me know on Twitter you can hear me
00:01:18,900 --> 00:01:22,290 Awesome, thank you so much for starting about a minute or so.
00:02:29,490 --> 00:02:39,870 Well, good morning. Good morning. Good morning. It is good morning, Saturday. And now I told you in the live stream yesterday, in the last hour trading that I
00:02:39,870 --> 00:02:49,710 didn't feel I was going to be able to do one today. But my youngest son spent most of them last night streaming and playing online gaming with his friends. So
00:02:49,710 --> 00:02:57,750 he'll be sleeping in today. So that gives me the opportunity to do what you all love me to do. And I don't mind doing, which is Jawbone on Saturday morning,
00:02:57,990 --> 00:03:12,300 shotgun Saturday. So if you haven't already done so, I tweeted a visual aid, I'll be referring to certain things. So that way, you can look at it while I'm
00:03:12,450 --> 00:03:21,690 talking about it. And I'll cue you up when to look at it specifically. But it's a chart that I tweeted as a visual aid. It's essentially the entirety of
00:03:22,680 --> 00:03:35,190 Friday's trading. And that way, we can look at a couple of things. And I'll share some market wizardry with you. But the discussion today is order flow and
00:03:36,390 --> 00:03:48,300 live price action. And you've probably heard and seen and witnessed a great deal of things this week that were hopefully inspiring to you and encouraging and
10 00:03:48,300 --> 00:03:59,160 hopefully also communicating that there is no noise or randomness in price action, even on a one minute chart. So I promised you last year that I'd sit
11 00:03:59,160 --> 00:04:07,830 down and I'd show you and walk through every individual one minute candle, explain what it should do what it should not do. And that way it'll help you
12 00:04:08,430 --> 00:04:20,310 grow familiar with order flow without any other assistance, no other kind of gimmick that is used in trading, you know, depth of market ladders and volume
13 00:04:20,310 --> 00:04:30,210 profile all those things. And please when I say that, I'm showing you a stark contrast to using tools that are outside of this naked price action. And that
14 00:04:30,210 --> 00:04:42,390 kind of being is in some respects it sounds like I'm being disrespectful. While I do hold no affinity for any of the any of those quote unquote tools. I know
15 00:04:42,390 --> 00:04:52,050 that there are students even in my own group that utilize them and have you know, a place in their heart for using it. Okay, it's fine, but there is no
16 00:04:52,050 --> 00:05:03,540 necessity to use those tools. So when you see me dressed my chart up and put I put what I call is lipstick on it It may be simply a rectangle as a visual aid.
17 00:05:04,200 --> 00:05:18,150 And or I'll put a little line segments in there. Basically drawing reference to a liquidity pool above an old high below an old low and or like a fair value gap
18 00:05:18,150 --> 00:05:30,630 or volume imbalance something to that effect. Other than that, there's really nothing on my chart. And this week, we covered several things intraday, I talked
19 00:05:30,630 --> 00:05:40,410 about, again, and utilized the importance of knowing what that new weak opening gap is. And that is always going to be Friday's closing price to whatever the
20 00:05:40,410 --> 00:05:50,940 opening price is on Sunday. And it's really interesting to see how everyone's, like really alert to it now, because it's been there the whole time. But none of
21 00:05:50,940 --> 00:06:00,570 you have paid any attention to it. It's hidden, because it's not based on some kind of indicator. So you can see how we've been in consolidation. And I'm
22 00:06:00,570 --> 00:06:12,690 speaking, I'm speaking specifically as it relates to the s&p market. But largely, the market as a whole is in a consolidation. And we're likely to stay
23 00:06:12,690 --> 00:06:26,250 in that consolidation for a number of weeks, maybe a month or two. And that's okay, it's fine. And I think everyone's watching a little bit closer about
24 00:06:26,250 --> 00:06:36,120 what's going on with Russia. And we may see some kind of escalation and all that stuff. And if it does occur, that's going to cause the markets to get really
25 00:06:36,150 --> 00:06:46,500 animated, which is great in that regard. But it's bad because nobody wants to see my hurt or killed because of a war event. But unfortunately, one of the
26 00:06:46,500 --> 00:06:56,160 things that you have to come to terms with as a speculator is we can't control adverse things and famine and war and pestilence, disease and death. We can't
27 00:06:56,160 --> 00:07:09,930 stop that. But we can take that storm and go into it and say, Okay, well, where's the rainbow after all the, you know, that they lose, okay? You look for
28 00:07:09,930 --> 00:07:21,690 the silver lining. And it's one thing to fall victim to that. But it's also empowering for someone to say, Okay, this is terrible. It's hard, you can't stop
29 00:07:21,690 --> 00:07:33,150 it, you can't change it, you can't do anything. You divert it from occurring, if it does. So I don't have a problem. I have no moral conflict with profiting from
30 00:07:33,180 --> 00:07:43,920 it as a catalyst in the marketplace. Now, some of you might think, whoo, you're, you're evil. You're evil, because you're, you're trying to make money off of
31 00:07:43,920 --> 00:07:51,720 pain and suffering and death. No, actually, I'm not I'm, I'm taking advantage of price fluctuations. In the beginning, I was thinking to myself, Wow, is this a
32 00:07:51,720 --> 00:07:59,940 Christian type thing to do? You know, I know that this is probably the root cause for all of this volatility. You know, when crops go bad, when I was
33 00:07:59,940 --> 00:08:12,420 commodity trader, you know, I didn't wish a drought. But if it occurred, guess what happens in the grain markets, they go vertical, straight up. And those
34 00:08:12,420 --> 00:08:27,210 types of moves you won't be able to participate in. In speculation, you're going to be met with a lot of psychological and emotional barriers. And, by me sitting
35 00:08:27,210 --> 00:08:37,470 with you, showing you every individual candle painting, explaining what I would like to see what I don't want to see, and then being met with the reality of
36 00:08:37,470 --> 00:08:48,270 what the markets actually going to do. It helps you frame a mindset. And that mindset needs to be guarded. That means your attention needs to be guarded. So
37 00:08:48,270 --> 00:08:56,790 when you're looking at social media, like when I'm tweeting, if I'm calling the market through Twitter, which I don't think I'm going to do very much more of,
38 00:08:57,030 --> 00:09:06,900 I've really grown comfortable with the idea of doing the live streams, because I don't have to do any kind of real heavy editing. So we'll probably see more of
39 00:09:06,900 --> 00:09:16,500 that kind of stuff, and less of the pre recorded recordings. So I'm sure you probably will happy about that. But it helps me with my time and time management
40 00:09:16,530 --> 00:09:32,400 at home. But watching me outline and give commentary overtop of your live data. It will help you if you don't look at social media. And if you are tweeting to
41 00:09:32,400 --> 00:09:42,960 me or trying to get my attention, and I'm not seeing you, I'm not going to see your tweet, I'm not going to be looking at social media. And I don't have a chat
42 00:09:43,200 --> 00:09:51,900 window on my live stream for my personal guarding of my attention because I know I'm invariably going to get some kind of asshole that show up and want to get
43 00:09:51,900 --> 00:10:04,050 attention for themselves. I don't care. You you make a case for what you saw me do in a live stream. Okay, this Guys go in here and disprove it. Have fun
44 00:10:04,050 --> 00:10:12,420 trying. But that's not my focus right now I'm trying to get through this year. And I want to be able to invest as much as I can into before we get to the end
45 00:10:12,420 --> 00:10:24,390 of the year. And I'm having fun doing it. Hopefully you guys are as well. But I covered the new week opening gap for a couple of weeks now. My private students
46 00:10:24,390 --> 00:10:34,740 have known this, we've talked about this as kind like a charter level education, and they as charter members. They're learning equally, just like you are
47 00:10:35,610 --> 00:10:45,240 expounding on something that I introduced to them. And now you're seeing the fruits of understanding what that is and what it can bring to you in terms of
48 00:10:45,240 --> 00:10:55,290 knowing what price is likely to do next with a great deal of probability. And what is that? I mentioned that the new week opening gap, which is the closing
49 00:10:55,290 --> 00:11:08,760 price of Friday, the previous Friday, and the opening price on Sunday, that range, whichever higher, Friday's close or Sunday's opening, and the midpoint,
50 00:11:09,420 --> 00:11:23,670 its consequent consequent encroachment, you want to extend those levels through the entirety of the week. Now, here's another factor, you want to use that same
51 00:11:23,730 --> 00:11:36,420 opening range for every week, that starts in that same month, the algorithm will refer back to that within the same month. Now there's a little bit of an overlap
52 00:11:36,420 --> 00:11:46,410 to what happens if you're using for instance, like we're in the first and second week of February, are we just using to know you go back as much as four weeks,
53 00:11:47,370 --> 00:11:55,320 because there's going to be rotation, that the algorithm is going to refer back to that it's not always looking at the calendar dates, like we would look at
54 00:11:55,320 --> 00:12:05,970 like when January closes. Start right now. This is a reminder, because I know some of you are just kicking back, eating potato chips, pork rinds getting ready
55 00:12:05,970 --> 00:12:12,180 for the big game this week, and you're just chilling with ICT. If you're not writing this stuff down, you're wasting your time, you're not going to remember
56 00:12:12,180 --> 00:12:19,770 it, you will not remember it. So make sure you have something to write with and record what I'm saying. But you're having basically a rolling four week look
57 00:12:19,770 --> 00:12:22,470 back. It will,
58 00:12:23,610 --> 00:12:36,330 by default, encapsulate a monthly rotation in order flow to the algorithm, we'll refer back to what I mean by that. The opening, new week opening gap. Starting
59 00:12:36,330 --> 00:12:46,710 like this week coming here, when we see the opening price on Sunday, we are looking back the last four weeks. So there's going to be four weeks of new week
60 00:12:46,710 --> 00:12:57,840 opening gaps on a chart, you want to save a profile, or workspace or whatever else you would call it on a platform that's outside of trading view, whatever
61 00:12:57,840 --> 00:13:11,400 that medium is that you save your your charts on, you want to set up a template that is for new week opening gaps. And you want to have the last four. Now,
62 00:13:11,400 --> 00:13:17,940 obviously, you'll have a fifth, because you're starting with a new week. So right away, you're probably thinking, Oh, this is gonna be a lot of stuff on my
63 00:13:17,940 --> 00:13:31,080 chart, it's actually not exactly not at all. So it gives you a x ray view of how the algorithm will refer back to old areas of real fair value. That's not to
64 00:13:31,080 --> 00:13:44,640 diminish or have a gaps, because fair value is an evolving factor. And principle in order flow. Now when I say order flow, I am not referring to some kind of
65 00:13:44,970 --> 00:13:52,230 look inside the candlestick. If you're using this kind of chart, you're an idiot because I used to work at Berkeley's or Barclays or whatever it is, you've seen
66 00:13:52,230 --> 00:14:02,340 that guy on there on YouTube. He's always on my videos, now his ads are running on my stuff. But you don't need to have volume, or the number of contracts
67 00:14:02,340 --> 00:14:12,750 recorded or shown inside of every individual candle. That's irrelevant. You don't need to know that. That is not necessary. But if you want to subscribe to
68 00:14:12,750 --> 00:14:20,220 that and believe that fairy tale that that sounds going to help you. You're welcome to do that. Go right ahead. But that is absolute bullshit. You don't
69 00:14:20,220 --> 00:14:36,030 need anything like that at all. You're looking for levels of premium to discount time oriented concepts and entry points and targets in efficiency and price and
70 00:14:36,030 --> 00:14:51,510 liquidity. Now you can also create a template for your new day opening gaps. And what is that? That is the difference between the 5pm closing price on the s&p.
71 00:14:52,200 --> 00:15:04,080 This is also for Dow futures and Nasdaq futures. And any indicee really that closes between five o'clock and reopens at six PM, Eastern Time. So the
72 00:15:04,080 --> 00:15:18,540 distinction for New Day opening gap, which is always going to be abbreviated as en, the OG opposite, I'm trying to think that I'm saying it right. This is one
73 00:15:18,540 --> 00:15:26,010 of those things that you'd never see in the recording. So I'll go back and edit it control. And that was literally, my fingers are reaching for the Ctrl tab and
74 00:15:26,010 --> 00:15:35,640 looking for, for em, because that gives me a marker on my recordings, and I can go back and fix those things. But New Day opening gap is the difference between
75 00:15:35,640 --> 00:15:45,390 the closing price at 5pm. Eastern time. Or just simply whatever local time is in New York. That's why you need to have a clock set to New York time and your
76 00:15:45,390 --> 00:15:52,290 trading the charts should be defaulted to New York time, everything revolves around New York time. Sounds like a typical American thing. Oh, you guys are
77 00:15:52,290 --> 00:15:59,430 arrogant. You think everything revolves around you? Well, the fucking markets do, okay. And that's just the way it is, I'm sorry. If it was revolving around
78 00:15:59,430 --> 00:16:07,020 India time, I wouldn't get the fuck I would just be trading it based on that's what it is. But I'm telling you, that's what's revolving around. So 5pm closing
79 00:16:07,020 --> 00:16:17,490 price. And 6pm opening price, that your new day opening gap, that range, and you want to extend that out. Now you want to do that for like the week and the week
80 00:16:17,490 --> 00:16:27,870 before, that's about as far as in my opinion, I'm only interested in that. So you're gonna have as much as 10 of them on your chart, you don't want anything
81 00:16:27,870 --> 00:16:37,860 else on that template, just that. And you will see by having a template like that, and also a template, it has the new weak opening gaps, where there's
82 00:16:37,860 --> 00:16:45,750 nothing else on the chart. Because if you're trying to bring everything to your chart, you're going to look like you're doing what everybody else in retail
83 00:16:45,840 --> 00:16:55,710 trading does the plaster all this stuff you received those people that decorate their lawns for Christmas, when I grew up. We had several homes in a
84 00:16:55,710 --> 00:17:02,820 neighborhood that they brought everything out. And you could you couldn't even see their lawn at all it was all these little inflatable things or plastic
85 00:17:02,820 --> 00:17:10,290 ornaments that light up and whatever it was, it was too much stuff. Well, you don't want to clutter your charts up like that you want to be able to see price
86 00:17:10,890 --> 00:17:23,460 and time, and also how it reaches into these areas of real fair value. You'll be surprised to see how markets reach back to them turn, gravitate back to them,
87 00:17:23,610 --> 00:17:33,960 turn, go through them at a support, go through them come back and act as resistance you'll see real order flow. And it's really a fascinating study. And
88 00:17:33,960 --> 00:17:41,790 I don't want you to just take my word for it, I want you to look at it, study it when the weekend go back and see how the market referred back to those price
89 00:17:41,790 --> 00:17:51,600 points. When didn't it respect it? When they didn't respect it was it on the heels of a market report that was high impact or medium impact. All those things
90 00:17:51,600 --> 00:18:00,780 are important for you to journal. So when you're, I guess screenshotting, or if you're printing, which I think is extremely expensive today anymore. When you're
91 00:18:00,780 --> 00:18:09,510 buying ink, it's better just to have an in that opinion, a family opinion rather, for keeping screenshots and annotations. It's better to screenshot
92 00:18:09,510 --> 00:18:20,010 because it's more economical to do that. But I like on the weekend, I'll print one chart out. And it's basically what I just shared with you. So what I do is I
93 00:18:20,010 --> 00:18:32,460 refer to that, and then I literally pencil in not pen pencil in things that I liked seeing about price action, one of the one or two things that I was
94 00:18:32,460 --> 00:18:40,410 expecting that didn't pan out. And anywhere that I would have taken a trade that was wrong. If I get stopped out if I miss a trade, if it doesn't feel my limit
95 00:18:40,410 --> 00:18:50,610 order to get into a move, then I'll write down my observations and my thoughts about it. I don't go in say shit, I missed this fucking move. Why did I not do
96 00:18:50,610 --> 00:19:00,270 that? That's frustration. You don't want to record frustration. You want everything. You want to be writing a love letter to yourself. Every single time
97 00:19:00,390 --> 00:19:10,410 you're journaling, you're encouraging that inner trader to come forth you want to you want to manifest that positive thought principle oriented, analyst
98 00:19:10,530 --> 00:19:18,900 supported speculator and you want to stop the shit out of the game of it's inside of you that wants a wall up all the time, and push the button just to see
99 00:19:18,900 --> 00:19:27,600 what would happen. So you're constantly balancing all that stuff. But I usually print a one minute chart like that, because I don't need to have a 15 minute
100 00:19:27,600 --> 00:19:35,010 chart, I don't need to see a five minute chart because you can see every turning point with that one minute chart, but you can also see much more details in the
101 00:19:35,010 --> 00:19:44,610 order flow. And I only brought out in my opinion, some of the salient points which is also what was making its way into my live streams. So you can see what
102 00:19:44,640 --> 00:19:56,310 I was referring to points of importance to me. And what I felt that was algorithmic for a future prognostication which was told to you real time either
103 00:19:56,310 --> 00:20:05,520 through Twitter or when I was doing the live sessions So we'll get to that chart in a moment. For now, they want to talk a couple principles that you want to
104 00:20:05,520 --> 00:20:14,610 have when you go forward. And you've seen me implement them. This week in our first, I guess, hands on over the shoulder ICT experience with live streaming
105 00:20:14,670 --> 00:20:35,220 and call the markets. Order Flow. By definition, mine is reading the tape and internalizing how price is being delivered right now. Is it in a buy program,
106 00:20:36,330 --> 00:20:46,140 that means it's going to continuously move towards higher prices that could be gravitating towards an inefficiency that's above market price, or a liquidity
107 00:20:46,140 --> 00:20:56,700 pool above an old high or relative equal highs, or multiple highs, like we've seen this week is in for intraday highs, and then ran it and went lower. or
108 00:20:57,420 --> 00:21:10,260 orderflow is referencing and studying price right now live. If it's in a cell model, I'm sorry cell program, where it's continuously pricing lower for a
109 00:21:10,290 --> 00:21:25,830 discount, reaching into either a inefficiency, that's either a fair value gap, or maybe a volume imbalance or actual gap, like a gap at The New Day opening or
110 00:21:25,830 --> 00:21:39,900 new week opening. So when I taught the PD array matrix in the core content that you can see on my YouTube channel for my private tutorship, the PV array matrix,
111 00:21:40,230 --> 00:21:51,600 I gave out a very specific order of where certain PD arrays would usually form in their heirarchy. So the highest form of a premium array to the lowest form
112 00:21:51,900 --> 00:22:06,840 before you get to equilibrium, where they rank a wrong among themselves in delivery, usually, volume imbalances are not in that pdra matrix. institutional
113 00:22:06,840 --> 00:22:18,030 order flow entry drills are not really in that either. And new week, and New Day gaps don't exist in in ranking either. Because why
114 00:22:19,440 --> 00:22:30,540 they're variable. There's no, there's no static reference point where they're going to form, it always looks like this. No, it's not true. But in a price run
115 00:22:30,540 --> 00:22:39,360 from an old high down to an old low in that range. If you're working your way back up, the PD erase form exactly like the pdra matrix, I gave you a NET core
116 00:22:39,360 --> 00:22:48,240 content. And you learn that in month five content in case you're wondering where that sat, just go to the month, five playlist and go through that. And you'll
117 00:22:48,300 --> 00:23:01,890 you'll see all that stuff there. But volume imbalances can occur anywhere in a price range. There's no heirarchy there's no importance of it forming above or
118 00:23:01,890 --> 00:23:15,720 below a fair value gap or a breaker, it can literally come from anywhere. And these gaps because nobody, not even me. Nobody knows where a new day's gonna
119 00:23:15,720 --> 00:23:27,030 open at 6pm. No one knows where the markets going to open up on Sunday. So because those are variables and price action and price delivery, you have no
120 00:23:27,030 --> 00:23:32,910 idea what they're going to do. You don't know if there's going to be a bomb dropped on some country that's going to cause everybody to wig out and cause all
121 00:23:32,910 --> 00:23:45,840 kinds of panic. And then excitement is going to be used. And now open the price up extremely far away from the last closing price on Friday. And they will
122 00:23:45,990 --> 00:24:00,570 inspire and quote unquote, engage in engineer sentiment. So when we're looking at order flow, we're referencing what the retail trader may be expecting in
123 00:24:00,570 --> 00:24:09,120 price action based on what books and theory they use, what they're looking for, for price patterns, you know, like bull flags, and head and shoulders and stuff
124 00:24:09,120 --> 00:24:17,730 like that. We don't like those patterns. I am teaching you not to draw any affinity for those things except for taking advantage of being against that
125 00:24:17,730 --> 00:24:28,830 principle idea. When there's a wrestling match between smart money and retail price patterns like that, and harmonic patterns and things like that, they will
126 00:24:28,830 --> 00:24:42,690 lose. They will lose every single time if it's against a Smart Money idea. Now, when that wrestling match begins, you may or may not know at that moment that
127 00:24:42,690 --> 00:24:50,610 you should be expecting or anticipating it because you're relatively new. That's the benefit of seeing over my shoulder. When I'm showing my charts and I'm
128 00:24:50,610 --> 00:25:00,000 talking over top of it. I'm giving you that three years, three decades and 30 years of experience reading price action. You're seeing it through my eyes and
129 00:25:00,000 --> 00:25:12,660 I'm doing my best and I may not be effective, as much as I'm hoping to be as far as articulating what should be happening next and what's going on, but over the
130 00:25:12,660 --> 00:25:21,870 year, and listen to your feedback and such, I'll use it constructively if it's respectfully given to me. But there's also limitations as far as I'm where I'm
131 00:25:21,870 --> 00:25:32,610 going to go and what I'm going to do so, but real time, watching price. And as prices moving up, let's go back to that analogy of, we're looking for higher
132 00:25:32,610 --> 00:25:43,110 prices assume for that moment, price is likely to go higher. It's going up to a premium level, it's going to buyside liquidity pool, it's obvious the market
133 00:25:43,110 --> 00:25:53,790 wants to get up there, it just keeps pressing higher, higher, higher. And what we're looking at for orderflow is do every PV array that I would teach you and
134 00:25:53,790 --> 00:26:08,010 what you see me reference in real time, one minute charts. Is it providing support? Is it preventing price from going below three PDA raise? A buy program
135 00:26:08,280 --> 00:26:17,010 where markets are bullish, and we're looking for price to continuously deliver. Delivering is constantly booking and printing new higher highs. Not higher
136 00:26:17,010 --> 00:26:24,600 highs. I can think in like, market structure like you see people teaching microstructured higher highs, higher lows, higher highs. Fuck that. That's too
137 00:26:24,600 --> 00:26:33,720 simplistic. That is not what I'm teaching you. You don't ever hear me teaching higher, high higher low bullshit. Okay, that's right out of retail books. Stop
138 00:26:33,720 --> 00:26:43,500 that. It's understandable. And it's introductory. That's great. What I'm talking about is, does does each individual candle. When it expands higher, when you're
139 00:26:43,500 --> 00:26:51,660 bullish, and you're watching that five program unfold, it's digging in to higher prices, and just keeps printing and creeping and creeping up and encroaching on
140 00:26:51,660 --> 00:27:01,020 that old high, whereby side liquidity pool is resting where real biceps are resting. on teaching us we'll look at every individual candle and how it relates
141 00:27:01,020 --> 00:27:12,270 to the candles just before it. So it's going to create a little small little stairstep. And every little candle should support the new one. Every down close
142 00:27:12,270 --> 00:27:22,710 candle I'm looking at that is the the primary function of how I teach order flow, a bullish market, when the market rallies away, and it's reaching to buy
143 00:27:22,710 --> 00:27:34,590 side liquidity I'm watching does the down close candles support price? That's the That's a primary observation. For me, I'm looking at that, by itself that's
144 00:27:34,590 --> 00:27:41,010 going to serve you better than any of the bullshit out there you're looking at, you're looking at level two data you're looking at, you know, ladders and depth
145 00:27:41,010 --> 00:27:48,300 of market and volume profile. All that stuff is distracting you from just looking at the candles themselves, because they're going to tell you everything
146 00:27:48,300 --> 00:27:57,390 you need to see. And it won't divert or dilute your attention. You're simply looking at how are the candles relating to one another? Is it continuously
147 00:27:57,390 --> 00:28:08,040 giving you constructive feedback that you are on side and expecting higher prices. Now that's not to say that you won't see a break lower that comes back
148 00:28:08,040 --> 00:28:20,850 for a short term low and takes out a pool of short term sell stops. That's, that's normal, that's absolutely normal, which is why I teach how you are not to
149 00:28:20,850 --> 00:28:33,420 be in a rush to move your stop loss. That's the number one reason why I tell you not to be in a hurry to move that stop loss up. I'm training you to trust and
150 00:28:33,420 --> 00:28:44,430 have conviction about where the markets gonna go. Your safety net is your stop. But you don't need to have the safety net and training wheels and harnesses all
151 00:28:44,430 --> 00:28:53,760 around you because you're going to be too afraid to trade them. You have to step out there and embrace the uncertainty by watching the candles print. And that's
152 00:28:53,760 --> 00:29:05,880 essentially booking price. When that higher price is expected that's gravitating towards that buy stops. Every down close candle should support any return back
153 00:29:05,880 --> 00:29:15,090 on the new candle or a future candle that would trade down into it. It's going to expand higher and then pull back a little bit expand higher and pull back a
154 00:29:15,090 --> 00:29:25,500 little bit and the narrative behind what price is doing. You can read that and internalize how all the real order flow is coming in. I don't need a fucking
155 00:29:25,710 --> 00:29:34,020 chart to tell me how many orders were at every price level inside that candle. That's too much it's too much information for me I don't give a shit. I'm
156 00:29:34,020 --> 00:29:40,290 reading what the markets gonna I'm already going to know what the fuck they're going to be doing. I'm telling you that they're going to be buying here this
157 00:29:40,290 --> 00:29:45,930 listen to my commentary when the candles are forming. Alright, it's going to go down here. It's gonna stop here. I don't need to know what the numbers are just
158 00:29:45,930 --> 00:29:52,020 like those reports who gives a shit what they say about the data. I don't give a fuck how many people lost their job. I know how many people is going to get a
159 00:29:52,020 --> 00:30:01,800 job, the employment data it's all bullshit. It's old anyway. You can't do anything with that. So why waste your time on all that? I just ship, focus on
160 00:30:01,800 --> 00:30:12,150 what matters most, that means the price right now. And as long as price is moving in the direction that you expect it to go to, down close candles are
161 00:30:12,150 --> 00:30:20,550 supporting price. Now they can go through them when we expect price to go through them and not freak out. If there's a fair value gap, if there's a short
162 00:30:20,550 --> 00:30:31,170 term load, it has recently formed. And we are not in the upper quarter of where the price should go to for target. Let me say that again, slowly so that we
163 00:30:31,170 --> 00:30:42,600 understand we're referring to if you believe that you have figured out where the low is in the market, for this particular price swing, and you think it's going
164 00:30:42,600 --> 00:30:55,650 to go up to an old high, whereby stops on bias on liquidity is that midpoint of that run, that's that will be equilibrium. Now that range is not really there
165 00:30:55,650 --> 00:31:03,570 yet, you're just implying that that's where it's going to likely go. So therefore, between where you think the beginning point of that run is the Low,
166 00:31:04,110 --> 00:31:15,810 you may or may not actually be in the move yet. But assuming that you are or aren't, who cares? The midpoint of that, that equilibrium price point. At that
167 00:31:15,810 --> 00:31:26,310 point or below it, that's where your best buys are going to occur. But now, as soon as we get to the upper quarter of where that target is, you're going to see
168 00:31:26,310 --> 00:31:41,940 less likely retracements to stop. That will be below old lows like ours, the markets not likely to go back for sell stops. Now it can. It can. But largely,
169 00:31:42,150 --> 00:31:50,940 it doesn't. And this is getting back to when I was teaching you this week how to win your pyramiding. And you're adding more to a winning trade and you're
170 00:31:50,940 --> 00:31:54,810 building your positions up. As soon as you cross the threshold
171 00:31:56,130 --> 00:32:06,720 of the opposing side of that discount the premium or premium to discount range. And we're going to use the the analogy I'm talking here we are in a buy program,
172 00:32:06,900 --> 00:32:15,210 at means are expecting higher prices, it's going to go to a premium inefficiency, fair value gap, or an old high to run out stops. So that's the
173 00:32:15,210 --> 00:32:24,750 magnets that draw on liquidity. So as the market goes higher, whether you got in at the low that started that price run, or didn't, you got to know exactly where
174 00:32:24,750 --> 00:32:33,750 to go back to the see the beginning of that move. So that point of inception. And where your target is, which is Terminus between those two price points is
175 00:32:33,750 --> 00:32:47,940 equilibrium. That's where the difference between discount to premium. That's where it starts and ends. But if you go halfway between equilibrium to your
176 00:32:47,940 --> 00:32:57,960 target, which is Terminus that's in premium range, not discount. And I was thinking like, now we're overbought, I'll talk to the folks in here they're used
177 00:32:57,960 --> 00:33:08,190 to listening to and understanding retail logic. As soon as we get to the final quarter of the run, it gets to the target. As soon as we get into that vicinity
178 00:33:08,190 --> 00:33:18,510 in terms of the price run or range of how far it's been moving up. It's less likely to see a stop run below old lows. Why would it be like that? Because it's
179 00:33:18,510 --> 00:33:26,370 going to be in a hurry to run out the buy stops because they may catch wind about what's likely to occur. You know what it's like to be short. And your stop
180 00:33:26,370 --> 00:33:33,030 sitting above and Oh, hi. You're praying to become a Christian then no, you you're looking for Allah, you're looking for Jesus, you're looking for whoever?
181 00:33:33,780 --> 00:33:45,060 Somebody answered me. Yeah, I'm religious, then the the atheist starts praying. Because you know is is it's getting closer to your stop, it's likely to do what
182 00:33:45,060 --> 00:33:54,570 run for it. And that's why the market is less likely. Not that it's impossible to do so but it's less likely for it to come back against you. And run sell
183 00:33:54,570 --> 00:34:03,840 stops before it runs to your target. Because it's going to be in a hurry to reprice because it doesn't want to give the opportunity for those orders to be
184 00:34:03,840 --> 00:34:13,740 pulled, close the trade and collapse and reduce the amount of liquidity for Smart Money traders. That's why the algorithms coded that way. It's coded into
185 00:34:13,740 --> 00:34:24,930 that very thing, because read about those highs is not aware of the human the human aspects of oh, now I'm scared of me disclose my trading protective stop
186 00:34:24,930 --> 00:34:33,660 for those that are smart. It just knows that once we get to that last quarter of the price, run, accelerate. Boom, boom, boom, boom. That's why you see me
187 00:34:33,660 --> 00:34:42,270 talking about and you see me here now this week and you watch me do recordings of executions. I'm looking for speed. I'm looking forward to you know, big range
188 00:34:42,270 --> 00:34:52,710 candles expand up and run into that liquidity cloud. That is a purge of liquidity. Stop calling it a liquidity grab that pisses me off. It's not what it
189 00:34:52,710 --> 00:35:04,500 is. It's a purge of liquidity. So order flow, we're looking at how they just candles support one another. And how if there's any retracement, it's only going
190 00:35:04,500 --> 00:35:14,940 to retrace down to the nearest fair value gap below price. Well, we're more than a buy program as moving higher reaching for bison liquidity. For every down
191 00:35:14,940 --> 00:35:26,010 close candle will support price. Everything I just said reverse it when you're looking for lower prices, every up close candle should resist price from going
192 00:35:26,010 --> 00:35:35,400 any higher. Now, it does not mean that up close candles, while the markets bearish can't be breached and traded above. Because if there's a fair value gap
193 00:35:35,400 --> 00:35:46,680 above it, it's reasonable to expect that it doesn't undermine the efficacy of what I'm teaching you, it just means that the markets going to go back and offer
194 00:35:46,710 --> 00:35:57,330 fair value to the marketplace, which is going to be identified by you as a Smart Money trader as a new opportunity to add or enter. If you haven't been a
195 00:35:57,330 --> 00:36:10,110 participant on the trade yet, that could be your invitation and means of accumulating a short position at that moment. And not be in the best case entry
196 00:36:10,110 --> 00:36:20,010 point. And that best case entry point is relative. Even though everybody wonder like to say okay, I want to get in at the very low. And by that low, your skill
197 00:36:20,010 --> 00:36:28,920 set may not permit that yet. So don't rush that. And I'm seeing folks, you know, bitch and complain about how they are frustrated because they can't get their
198 00:36:28,920 --> 00:36:38,070 trade on. You're not supposed to be trading right now. You're not supposed to be trading right now. And you're not listening. You're not listening to my videos,
199 00:36:38,070 --> 00:36:44,490 you're not listening to me in the live streams, you're not listening to this, and I'm talking to you here. This is the in these Twitter spaces, I'm taking you
200 00:36:44,490 --> 00:36:51,630 to the woodshed you're not going to like how I talk to you. But I'm talking to you like a trainer, I'm talking to you like your father, I'm talking to you like
201 00:36:51,660 --> 00:36:58,080 your best friend that wants you to do well. And I'm trying to have an intervention here. Because you're fucking up when you push the button to enter
202 00:36:58,080 --> 00:37:06,150 trades, while I'm doing what I'm doing, you're not learning anything. And the proof is you're complaining. Because you're complaining about and worrying about
203 00:37:06,150 --> 00:37:14,280 that your trade didn't get put on, instead of understanding what I'm teaching you watching and observing that and seeing what it is you're supposed to glean
204 00:37:14,280 --> 00:37:24,000 from these lessons not to simply Well, you know, he said, basically to pick these lottery numbers, and I'm gonna do that. And that's, you're, you're doing
205 00:37:24,000 --> 00:37:35,460 it wrong, you're being a fool. You're being foolish, and you're being ignorant. You're extending the ignorance that you hold right now, by trying to trade on
206 00:37:35,460 --> 00:37:43,500 what I'm telling you to look at and observe. And I mean that with every measure of love and respect, I don't want to see you waste this opportunity. And this is
207 00:37:43,500 --> 00:37:53,400 the first week. And already, there's dozens of you that are fucking up, you're trading your you're using it to use for a signal service. And that's not what
208 00:37:53,400 --> 00:38:02,760 I'm intending it to be, you're not going to learn the same way and have all the advantages of not having any monetary attachment. So when you're watching the
209 00:38:02,760 --> 00:38:14,400 live price action, you're trying to remove any desire for money, I promise you there is a stage in this year where I'm going to tell you to go in with your
210 00:38:14,400 --> 00:38:24,960 demo account. I'm going to tell you, by this price right here, I'm going to tell you put your limit order right here. And we'll watch and see it get filled and
211 00:38:24,960 --> 00:38:34,230 put your stop loss right here. And we're going to do this run to this objective here. That is not an invitation for to use the Live account. I'm telling you, if
212 00:38:34,230 --> 00:38:41,430 you listen to me and do exactly what I tell you to do, and avoid the things I'm telling you to to avoid, you will get the best learning experience you would
213 00:38:41,430 --> 00:38:52,200 ever get ever. But some of you just don't want to listen. And it frustrates me. Which is why again, I've been saying if you've made money taking trades on this
214 00:38:52,200 --> 00:39:00,900 ship, don't share it with me. I don't want to know because this makes me angry. It pisses me off to be honest with you, because you're not listening. And you
215 00:39:00,900 --> 00:39:09,750 have to listen. This is important, because I'm only going to do it this year. So if you don't take advantage of it now in March price and understand what it is
216 00:39:09,750 --> 00:39:20,790 it's supposed to do, and not worry about how much money you're gonna make and get funded or pasture funded challenges. That shits easy. Look at what I just
217 00:39:20,790 --> 00:39:36,780 showed you this week, every fucking day, every morning session every afternoon session, I gave you five handles each time or more. It doesn't stop working.
218 00:39:37,350 --> 00:39:46,110 Just because you now start trading with a live account or a funded account. But you're thinking that these candles are gonna still do the same shit. They've
219 00:39:46,110 --> 00:39:56,010 been doing the same shit for 30 years while I've been looking at them. And they were doing it before I started trading and before I was even born so the markets
220 00:39:56,010 --> 00:40:07,740 gonna continuously do these things. So stop feeling rushed Take advantage of just relaxing, unwind and enjoy the process. Don't be feeling like you got to
221 00:40:07,740 --> 00:40:21,300 have it right now you don't have to have shit right now, but patients. So when we look at how many opportunities per week now this again in your notes, you're
222 00:40:21,300 --> 00:40:36,150 not inviting yourself to expect five handles every morning session, and five handles and every afternoon session. That's too much 50 handles the week is
223 00:40:36,180 --> 00:40:44,400 that's a very busy week for someone that would be new, at least using the thresholds on teaching you to work with. You've also learned if you've been
224 00:40:44,400 --> 00:40:56,310 paying attention that five handles is relatively easy to see when you know what you're looking for. But price runs can go more than that. And by doing what I'm
225 00:40:56,310 --> 00:41:08,220 teaching you to do, you will observe the times when it's going to be more than a five handle run. What does that mean? How do you know that though, to the visual
226 00:41:08,220 --> 00:41:11,880 aid I gave you and give you a moment to get that loaded up on your device or computer
227 00:41:19,620 --> 00:41:31,740 can already hear people better now, you should just do this on a live stream. No, you should just listen and do what I'm telling you to do. Alright, so I gave
228 00:41:31,740 --> 00:41:44,880 you a chart of Friday's trading. And you can find that online. Twitter, it was probably what maybe one or two, a two or three tweets back. It'll say visual
229 00:41:44,880 --> 00:42:01,440 aid. And it is the one minute chart of February 10 23. And if you look at the far left, there's a dotted line says vertical line says New York 930 opening.
230 00:42:01,860 --> 00:42:16,230 And on the far right hand side is a vertical dotted line that says the 4pm close for New York. And between those time intervals, you're looking for five handles
231 00:42:16,710 --> 00:42:30,840 as your initial baseline measurement for progress. You are not to be expecting like I'm seeing some of you. You're not to expect to be able to pick out the
232 00:42:30,840 --> 00:42:41,760 406 9.75 low that I annotated early in the morning. Before New York session. During the london session, I was talking there by on Twitter, you're not
233 00:42:41,760 --> 00:42:59,460 expected to know the 41 Zero 4.25. High. The importance is the know how many times by looking at through this entirety of price action from the low to high
234 00:42:59,760 --> 00:43:12,000 across the full spectrum of 930. Opening to 4pm. Close. This is the canvas that you're working with every single day. You as the trader need to look at this and
235 00:43:12,000 --> 00:43:24,330 say, What does this life that I'm leaving living right now? And leading? What does it allow me to trade? Does it allow me to trade the first half of this
236 00:43:24,330 --> 00:43:36,930 before 12? Noon, New York time. And that will be the morning session for is it more appropriate for you to be trading the afternoon. Either ones fine, that one
237 00:43:36,930 --> 00:43:49,560 doesn't have any better opportunities. They all have opportunities, but to help you frame your approach to trading and build a model that unique and permissible
238 00:43:49,560 --> 00:43:59,610 for you that your life in the requirements in your life will allow for you to engage. It may be that you can only do it one or two times a week. Okay, those
239 00:43:59,640 --> 00:44:10,560 one or two times a week is just fine. That's fine. Because once you start doing this, okay, because right now you're saying my job and it's just the moment you
240 00:44:10,560 --> 00:44:18,720 do it. You know, I have school. You know, my wife doesn't really support this idea yet. My husband thinks this is bullshit. I'm not going to try to convince
241 00:44:18,720 --> 00:44:27,900 him because I tried he won't let me do it. And you don't have much time. Okay, that's fine. All that shit goes away when you start making money. Okay, once you
242 00:44:27,900 --> 00:44:38,850 see that you can pull these these setups and opportunities at the marketplace consistently. Your job that you think is the most important thing right now.
243 00:44:39,390 --> 00:44:49,230 That controls every aspect of your time. That shit is gonna fall secondary. You're thinking right now, I'd like to learn how to trade. But you know, I got
244 00:44:49,230 --> 00:45:00,450 this job. I'm afraid to lose everything I'm afraid to you take a risk and Okay, entrepreneurs. Here's the difference between an entrepreneur and Someone that's
245 00:45:00,450 --> 00:45:12,960 going to be in the rat race forever the entrepreneur tests to see if there's opportunity. Once the entrepreneur sees there's valid evidence to support that
246 00:45:12,960 --> 00:45:25,470 they can absolutely be profitable doing it. The job that they hold as their shield, their, their pillar of insurance, they hold on to that that's their,
247 00:45:25,650 --> 00:45:35,160 that's their fortress and high tower they run into when things get rough, at least I have my job. Fuck that shit. That job is not guaranteed. Just like your
248 00:45:35,160 --> 00:45:45,570 next trade isn't a guarantee and winning. But see, you think that your job that's a safe thing. That's a fortress of solitude, it is a bunch of shit, it's
249 00:45:45,570 --> 00:45:55,350 slavery. They have literally brainwashed you into thinking that that is what you should accept. And I'm telling you, that's not what you should be accepting,
250 00:45:55,620 --> 00:46:04,320 you're being limited, your entire your entire life is being held back because of that fucking job. You can only make what that person that employs you tells you
251 00:46:04,320 --> 00:46:15,060 you're gonna make you can't make any more than that. Unless they're nice to you. And this is what they've been teaching you, if they're nice to you, and they let
252 00:46:15,060 --> 00:46:25,050 you get some fucking overtime so you can make the Christmas bills that you create for yourself. I know I used to do the same shit, beg and plead Hey, can I
253 00:46:25,050 --> 00:46:36,870 have some extra hours? Can I please slave for less than I'm really you should be expecting his income. Let me prostitute my time some more, and be away from my
254 00:46:36,870 --> 00:46:47,070 family some more, for a little bit more money for one and a half times of the bullshit pinnings that you give me. When you start seeing that you can do this.
255 00:46:47,880 --> 00:47:00,240 That fucking job is going to be secondary now. And that's exactly what you want. You want to do everything that beefs up and fortifies what you're doing as an
256 00:47:00,240 --> 00:47:14,040 investor. Because as an investor, there is no ceiling. There is no limit that you can say okay, this is as much as I can earn. Who says that? Who says that?
257 00:47:14,040 --> 00:47:22,020 You can't do that? Who says that? You can't make $10,000 a month? Who says you can't make 10,000 hours a week? Who the fuck said you can't make $10,000 a
258 00:47:22,020 --> 00:47:36,780 trade? Who's saying you can't? The only person that can stop it is you. You the same person that saying you know I don't like having to go to work. But man, I'm
259 00:47:36,780 --> 00:47:43,470 glad I got my job right now. What would I do if I didn't have my job? What the fuck would you do if you didn't have your job? And you're earning money from
260 00:47:43,470 --> 00:47:51,540 your investments? That's the question you should be asking. Flip it. Instead of saying what would I do? If I lost my job. That's an abusive relationship and
261 00:47:51,540 --> 00:48:04,350 you're fucking holding on to it. You need to look at this chart right now. One of these two areas in the day. That's your home. That's where you're gonna start
262 00:48:04,380 --> 00:48:12,600 at your at your next home that you're going to move into mentally, psychologically, and you're going to live there, you're not going to give a fuck
263 00:48:12,630 --> 00:48:17,910 what the neighbors are doing in the morning session. If you're trading the afternoon. If you're trading the morning session, you don't give a fuck what
264 00:48:17,910 --> 00:48:25,410 your neighbors are doing in the afternoon session. You're picking one. You're gonna become a specialist in this in that specific time of the day. And you're
265 00:48:25,410 --> 00:48:36,720 gonna look for five handles. This is how you progress as you go forward. Observing price action, and keeping in mind what a five handle run looks like.
266 00:48:37,950 --> 00:48:47,250 And you're not going to be limited to five handles you will learn how to do 20 handle moves 50 handle moves and like you've seen me many many times execute on
267 00:48:47,250 --> 00:49:00,930 over 100 handles. One trade. Full pole no partials. partials are for you. there for you are like training wheels. I don't need to take partials. My trades are
268 00:49:00,930 --> 00:49:12,780 better selected when I can see partials there. That way if something comes in, where I can see maybe something's coming into the news wise, we're off some an
269 00:49:12,780 --> 00:49:22,710 unannounced event. Oh, you know, Biden's got a he's getting ready to have a unannounced press conference. Oh shit, what's this going to talk about? Then I
270 00:49:22,710 --> 00:49:30,840 can look to see if any scale some of this stuff out at logical places that will be profitable for me. But my trades don't. I don't need to be taken off partials
271 00:49:30,870 --> 00:49:39,330 I explain and show you that because you aren't me. You don't have 30 years experience you don't know and how to trust and have the conviction to hold to
272 00:49:39,330 --> 00:49:49,410 your target. I do. I'm going to teach you how to do that. But I can't teach you to do full polls on your trades. When you haven't even learned how to number one
273 00:49:49,410 --> 00:49:59,070 master yourself. Get yourself in a position that you can be trained and learn. And then you start small. Five handles is easy. Five handles replaces your
274 00:49:59,070 --> 00:50:07,110 fucking job I don't care what To make you can be a surgeon, I have them five handles, you can make more than that surgeon earns in a year. All the heavy
275 00:50:07,110 --> 00:50:13,350 lifting is done by money management, you just need to have the cookie cutter that repeats over and over and over again, this thing that you keep doing that
276 00:50:13,350 --> 00:50:23,070 you're multiplier. Five handles right now is easy for you to learn to do. It's not easy when you first start. But if you look at these price ranges, in the
277 00:50:23,070 --> 00:50:35,820 morning session in the afternoon session, there's several five minute runs, they're easy ones. The problem is, you want more right now, you're holding
278 00:50:35,820 --> 00:50:42,720 yourself to an expectation that you are not realistically going to meet. And then you're wondering why you're depressed and anxious. You're feeling rushed.
279 00:50:43,080 --> 00:50:50,130 You're weighing yourself against what you think you should know by now. And that's bullshit. There's only been one week, one week and you think you're
280 00:50:50,130 --> 00:51:00,030 supposed to quit your job and double your fucking account in a month. That's not practical man. Or lady. It's not something that you should be aspiring to do
281 00:51:00,030 --> 00:51:11,040 right now. Can you do that and eventually, over time, sure, you can absolutely. Let it be a goal that you work towards. But you have to place time and
282 00:51:11,040 --> 00:51:18,750 experience and invite the opportunity for that experience to come in and build before you take on those monumental
283 00:51:20,070 --> 00:51:32,850 projects and goals for yourself. But the first thing you're trying to learn how to do now is find the setups that repeat. And then once you find that one that
284 00:51:32,850 --> 00:51:44,160 repeats, you will learn how to trust it, because you see it happening every day. Every day, it'll be there. I promise you, scouts honor, you will see a fucking
285 00:51:44,160 --> 00:51:54,360 five handle run every day, every day, every fucking day that markets open five fucking handles is laid in front of you every single day on a silver platter.
286 00:51:55,800 --> 00:52:07,890 You just can't identify it right now. And that's absolutely normal. That's normal. There's no reason to be anxious about that. But at some point, you may
287 00:52:07,890 --> 00:52:20,520 be forced to make changes in your personal life to be able to do this. I did. I had to, I had to work two part time jobs. To get the difference between what I
288 00:52:20,520 --> 00:52:33,240 was earning at my full time job. It's a lot. One job was across town. One was real close to my home. One paid next to nothing. But those hours were
289 00:52:33,270 --> 00:52:43,740 permissible. Because of the time sometimes I'm trying to trade. And I was trying to do that morning session with the bond market. That's what I was trying to
290 00:52:43,740 --> 00:52:55,500 trade. That was that was the thing that I was working towards. And I had to give up. Your my, my job. So I could be in front of the chart to do that. It's scary,
291 00:52:55,530 --> 00:53:05,250 yes. But I didn't do it blindly. I said, I'm going to do this now because I have all this back testing. I call this forward testing. I have the data support the
292 00:53:05,250 --> 00:53:16,320 fact that I know I can make 1000 hours a week in bonds. And I don't need to trade every single day. I'm looking for that one trade for that one week. I'm
293 00:53:16,320 --> 00:53:29,130 teaching you how to see this every day. That builds confidence. Real quick, real quick. But not to inspire overconfidence. Not I'm quitting my fucking job
294 00:53:29,130 --> 00:53:39,870 tomorrow. Now I'm ready. You got me all hyped up now? No, I'm aligning your perspective and aligning your thoughts with what it is I'm trying to put you
295 00:53:39,870 --> 00:53:48,240 through. So that way, the experience itself will be the educator, I'm just the coach, I'm putting you in front of the charts, when the setups are going to
296 00:53:48,240 --> 00:54:00,690 form, trusting that your observation skills, which are hopefully menial, that just that's the app if you can read, okay, and if you can observe. You'll see
297 00:54:00,690 --> 00:54:08,010 it. It'll be there, it'll jump off the chart. Right now, it probably doesn't jump off the chart. I mean, you can see where I'm annotating the charts in the
298 00:54:08,010 --> 00:54:17,220 morning session, you can see what I've annotate in the afternoon. There's annotations were real time. They're not added after the fact. So when I talk
299 00:54:17,220 --> 00:54:25,140 about what the charts are likely to do, what the next candles and what series of candles and what it should perform, going higher or lower, don't go lower than
300 00:54:25,140 --> 00:54:36,330 this, go here, stop maybe retracing Sally and go up here next or go down here. Next. All of that is experience. That part that part comes to you over time, how
301 00:54:36,330 --> 00:54:45,630 much time you're all going to learn that differently. So you're going to warm up to real fast and get a feel for reading orderflow quick and some of you are
302 00:54:45,630 --> 00:54:54,840 going to require a little bit more time. Do not fault yourself for that. Chances are you're probably just worrying about things. And what if thinking, what if I
303 00:54:54,840 --> 00:55:03,480 don't get this as soon as I want to What if I lose my job now and I wasn't worry about that. Now, if I can ICTs give me a complex, I'm having a phobia about
304 00:55:03,480 --> 00:55:13,440 losing my job now. Good. You should be afraid of losing your job, you absolutely should be afraid of losing your job. Because you're not essential. You're not,
305 00:55:13,950 --> 00:55:20,670 you can be made redundant real quick. So you have to have a way of being able to do what, because if you lost your job, let's just say like this, if you lose
306 00:55:20,670 --> 00:55:28,620 your job, they fired you. You go in on Monday, and they say, Hey, look, you're sacked. You're out of here, here's your pink slip goodbye to hell, they don't
307 00:55:28,620 --> 00:55:34,740 care. They don't care. If you have children, they don't care. If you have student debt, they don't care that your mortgage went up because they raised
308 00:55:34,740 --> 00:55:44,820 property taxes, they don't give a shit. But what are you forced to do? Then? Go out there and look for another job that may require you to do a different work
309 00:55:44,820 --> 00:55:52,110 schedule work, load skills that you aren't really that good at? Yep. And you gotta go through the stress of going through it. Why? Cuz you got to earn money.
310 00:55:52,440 --> 00:56:01,920 Okay, the money that's available in these marketplaces? Why is it any different. All you're doing is going through the training process that gets your
311 00:56:01,950 --> 00:56:11,160 certificate, your degree your diploma, that's what you're here for this year. Some of you want to walk out and be a fucking surgeon just because you read
312 00:56:11,520 --> 00:56:24,810 Grey's Anatomy. That's not practical. You can't you can't do that, folks. And this, this is really technical. It's very hard. And you're wrestling with the
313 00:56:24,810 --> 00:56:37,050 brightest minds in the entire world. And they're trying to beat you. They're making it almost impossible if you use retail stuff. Because those things,
314 00:56:38,250 --> 00:56:47,430 they're distractions. And all I'm asking you to do is really look at this chart and figure out where and don't use these individual swings to justify either
315 00:56:47,760 --> 00:56:56,430 think about where you are in your personal life, what changes are you comfortable with making, to allow yourself to be in these markets watching it
316 00:56:56,430 --> 00:57:09,270 live, two and a half, three hours a day, a couple times a week, that's all you need. Because one good setup per week, can replace your entire work week, and
317 00:57:09,270 --> 00:57:23,520 what you earn. It doesn't feel like that, but it's exactly what it is. And when you can repeat it every week it compounds. And then because you can do that your
318 00:57:23,520 --> 00:57:34,020 confidence level, your trust in yourself and what you're learning what you're learning and what you have learned, will repeat. Then you're willing to do what,
319 00:57:34,440 --> 00:57:47,550 what an entrepreneur does expand, make more changes to allow for this to completely and utterly replace your job. But that doesn't happen right away. You
320 00:57:47,550 --> 00:57:57,150 can't try to force that to be immediate or overnight. And I know that's not what you want to hear. But it's what you need to hear. You need to understand that
321 00:57:57,660 --> 00:58:08,160 because you're going to hold yourself back. By having that mindset. Instead of just simply saying, Okay, I'm rolling my sleeves up. I'm committing this entire
322 00:58:08,160 --> 00:58:19,620 year, it's less than a four year degree. But you're gonna make more than any PhD, any master in business. Because there's no limit to this. You pour as much
323 00:58:19,620 --> 00:58:28,800 as you want to pour into this, and you get what you get put in. You put shit out and you have acid attempts to do it. Don't be upset when you get half assed
324 00:58:28,800 --> 00:58:38,130 results. You're gonna lose money when you're doing it. Just like when you lose money when you don't make the work. You get sick, you lose money. You can get
325 00:58:38,130 --> 00:58:46,860 sick, you got a medical bill. Well, that's a that's a loss. You don't look at it like that. But that's exactly what it is. So there's all these six perfect
326 00:58:46,860 --> 00:58:58,890 excuses that you're using to not do what's required to be successful in speculation. But if you look at these individual candles here, every individual
327 00:58:58,890 --> 00:59:06,990 candle represents one minute of time. What's the highest high of that one minute interval? What's the lowest low? Where is the opening price of that one minute
328 00:59:06,990 --> 00:59:21,990 candle? Where's the closing price of that? That's the only thing you're concerned about. And time. You can see obviously, the highs and lows. If you're
329 00:59:21,990 --> 00:59:36,690 looking at your chart. Okay. Patrick? Patrick Whelan, I'm saying this to you. When you're showing your charts, and when you're looking at charts, you want to
330 00:59:36,690 --> 00:59:45,720 have this much on your chart. I know you're probably zoomed in to help your viewers look at it. But if you're not looking at your entire day like this, in
331 00:59:45,720 --> 00:59:55,020 the rest of you also, when I'm looking at my one minute charts, I have a one minute chart that's just like this. I have a lot of screens. But if you're
332 00:59:55,260 --> 01:00:06,330 looking at price and you don't have this much real estate in terms of the candles If you don't have enough, you're too zoomed in. And it's like looking at
333 01:00:07,470 --> 01:00:15,270 the forest with their with your nose right on the tree that you're closest to. Can you see the forest? No. So you have to be able to see and internalize where
334 01:00:15,270 --> 01:00:22,560 liquidity is. Where is the morning session highs? Where's the morning session? Lows? Where's equilibrium on the rings that's already been formed for the day?
335 01:00:24,240 --> 01:00:32,790 Where's the liquidity pool? That's just beyond what your your chart showing right now? Because you're too zoomed in. And you're surprised, like, oh, shit,
336 01:00:32,790 --> 01:00:40,920 what does happen? Why the hell did that just happen? Where did that move come from? You're never gonna hear me say and you've watched me do it now? Do you
337 01:00:40,920 --> 01:00:54,840 ever hear me say, or hear me show a manners like Oh, shit, where the fuck did that come from? I'm not surprised. I'm not fucking surprised. I'm expecting I'm
338 01:00:54,840 --> 01:00:59,310 anticipating, I'm already in the future waiting for price to get to where I am.
339 01:01:02,520 --> 01:01:12,690 You're going to get to that point to, you're not going to be surprised. You're not going to be gasping in panic. And having anxiety attacks. Because you're
340 01:01:12,690 --> 01:01:22,440 watching Real Time price action, you want to anticipate how price is going to deliver based on the concepts that I'm sharing with you. And over time, you're
341 01:01:22,440 --> 01:01:32,220 going to get better at this than you probably expect to. And that's going to be a wonderful testimony, I can't wait to hear from you want to share it. So let's
342 01:01:32,220 --> 01:01:48,630 get into the details here and give you some practical things to look for. Obviously, you know, again, the 406 9.75 low in the London session near the end
343 01:01:48,630 --> 01:02:00,600 of the London session on Friday, before New York session began. And I'll show you that all that detail in the analysis in the charts on Sunday. So that way,
344 01:02:00,600 --> 01:02:13,800 I'll show you where that price level came from, and why I felt confident in sharing it with you. And then now I'm going to talk about the 41, zero to five
345 01:02:13,800 --> 01:02:36,780 level 41 Zero 1.5 level, the 41 04 level and the 41 050. That is a layered area of liquidity above what if you look at the 130 highs in in your chart, it's
346 01:02:36,780 --> 01:02:45,750 going to be real close to where I have versus high of day, go down a little bit towards our little red line and go to the right end of that red line segment.
347 01:02:45,960 --> 01:02:57,570 That high right here at 1330, which is 130. New York local time. That high is relatively equal to that of the high that was formed between 10 o'clock and
348 01:02:57,570 --> 01:03:10,440 1030. On the left hand side where it says bias on liquidity. The fact that the 1330 high running above 4100, breached the high that was formed between 10
349 01:03:10,440 --> 01:03:20,880 o'clock and 1030. On the left hand side were hit by sell liquidity that in itself is too shallow of a run. Notice how it just went up there a couple times
350 01:03:21,000 --> 01:03:38,850 at around 130 ahead of 130. Just a few candles went up there. And then we moved from that high down to around 4082. At 230 in the afternoon. See that. When that
351 01:03:38,850 --> 01:03:52,890 retraced I had a stoploss on my one singular account, or one singular contract in my account. And it went to 40 84.50. That was where my stop loss was. And I
352 01:03:52,890 --> 01:04:06,720 was willing to let it come all the way back down there or see my limit order filled at 41 zero. Now the high of the day. Right around that 130 High was
353 01:04:06,720 --> 01:04:22,140 exactly 41 Zero, but the the difference between the bid and the ask wasn't allowing that limit order to be filled. So the lines portion of the trade that
354 01:04:22,140 --> 01:04:35,880 was taken and accumulated around that the largest rectangle that's pink between 12 o'clock and one o'clock I was going long and all that. Using that fair value
355 01:04:35,880 --> 01:04:48,180 gap high as support, expecting at the rally, and then using the longest blue rectangle in the left hand side of the chart between 11 o'clock and 13 or one
356 01:04:48,180 --> 01:05:03,930 o'clock waiting for that to see price rip through that and attack the buyside liquidity resting around 4095 dug into that, and then reached up above the highs
357 01:05:03,930 --> 01:05:17,910 that was formed between 10 o'clock and 1030 in the morning, that shallow little run in a deep retracement only back down into 4082 and a half or so wherever it
358 01:05:17,910 --> 01:05:33,480 was basically the 1430, low to 30, low New York local time, I felt that we would potentially run that 4100 A little bit more meaningfully. Because it's Friday,
359 01:05:34,140 --> 01:05:47,700 because the left those highs because the bump above it at 130, which is the 1330 time at the bottom of that chart, it only went above it a little bit. So because
360 01:05:47,700 --> 01:05:59,610 that's a high of day, and it was only ran out shallow, little little, little bit above the previous high it was formed at 1010 30. That means there's going to be
361 01:05:59,610 --> 01:06:09,960 what traders feeling very confident that it's not going to go up there. So what's going to be resigning about that by side more by side. And it's going to
362 01:06:09,960 --> 01:06:22,410 be above the high that forms at 1330 or 130 in the afternoon, New York local time. So we would be expecting it to go above that. So now, fast forward to 1430
363 01:06:22,410 --> 01:06:37,290 in time at the bottom of the chart, that's 130 in New York local time. That low at 1430, which is around the price level of almost 40 at 2.00. The high prior to
364 01:06:37,290 --> 01:06:52,320 that low, which forms between 14 114 30 per time. So one o'clock and 130 I'm sorry, two o'clock and 230. There's a short term high that formed around 4090
365 01:06:52,350 --> 01:07:01,350 price level. This would have been so much better if you just wanted that is on Livestream I hear you bitch. And this is better for you to learn this way. I'm
366 01:07:01,350 --> 01:07:12,240 putting you in the chart instead just casually Netflix and watching me that price leg from 49. D are there abouts between two o'clock and 230, which is
367 01:07:12,240 --> 01:07:29,460 represented in this chart by 1400 to 1430 in the time axis at the bottom of the chart, so price level 4090 High down to the low at 1430 or 230. In time at 408
368 01:07:29,490 --> 01:07:42,030 to I think it's a quarter there as the price low. If you take your Fibonacci on your charts, this part may not be applicable for you. But you want to write this
369 01:07:42,030 --> 01:07:55,260 down in your journal. Because you want to test this now. That low up to that short term high. So the low of 1430 time, or 230 to the high formed between two
370 01:07:55,260 --> 01:08:06,090 o'clock and 230. If you take your fib and anchor it to the low all the way up to that high and use your fib projections, and what projections are back, I've
371 01:08:06,090 --> 01:08:26,040 already shared it multiple times on the Twitter and I've also shared it multiple times on my videos you're gonna be placing it at the low at 408 2.00. And that
372 01:08:26,040 --> 01:08:47,340 candles low is going to be exactly at 14 colon 31. Okay, so 231 New York local time. And you drag the Fibonacci up to the high on the to 16. High or in this
373 01:08:47,340 --> 01:09:01,020 candle, or in this chart, it would be 14 column 16 candles. And it would be anchored at the price level exactly at 409 0.75. In your Fibonacci, you're going
374 01:09:01,020 --> 01:09:23,310 to have settings set to negative 0.5, negative one, negative 1.5. And on that price run from that low up to the high. You're measuring expansion and you want
375 01:09:23,310 --> 01:09:30,600 to see standard deviation from that price like I'm going to tell you why I'm picking that but just for now do what I'm telling you to do and not worry about
376 01:09:30,600 --> 01:09:45,960 anything else. The one I'm sorry, negative 1.5 level is the only standard deviation that is above, or the very first one above the relative equal highs to
377 01:09:45,960 --> 01:10:01,290 the left. Notice that at 130 which would be represented by 13 colon 30 on the time axis at the bottom of the chart, those highs relative To the highest forms
378 01:10:01,290 --> 01:10:15,510 between 10 o'clock and 1030 are relatively equal. So the standard deviation between the 130, and I'm sorry, 230, and two o'clock high in the range of this
379 01:10:15,510 --> 01:10:24,420 gave you on the chart, don't worry, you'll get it, I'm gonna, I'm gonna send you a screenshot after I'm done this, and I probably shouldn't say that, because now
380 01:10:24,420 --> 01:10:33,450 you're gonna get lazy, I'm just gonna not do it. And I'll look at what you share on Twitter. The first standard deviation above those relatively equal highs, if
381 01:10:33,450 --> 01:10:45,960 we're measuring standard deviation from the low at 230 to the high at two o'clock, comes in at negative 1.5. Notice that the price level for that standard
382 01:10:45,960 --> 01:10:54,210 deviation negative 1.5, comes in exactly at 410 4.00 then is that
383 01:10:56,190 --> 01:11:04,740 when I was watching and talking to everyone live streaming yesterday, in the last hour of trading, I was talking about how I wanted to see those highs ran
384 01:11:04,740 --> 01:11:23,430 out. And the buy side above that be purged. I wanted to see price go to 41 02 and a half. And then I said I want to see 41 04 or 41 05. And if it was to get
385 01:11:23,430 --> 01:11:36,270 really animated, I'd like to see it rip up into 41 09. The reason why I said 41 04 was because of that price leg and that expansion using standard deviation.
386 01:11:39,570 --> 01:11:51,270 It's not cherry picked, I'm going to explain the logic. But for now just have that on your chart. Okay. Now, if we go back to the low, you're going to start
387 01:11:51,300 --> 01:12:07,950 another Fibonacci overlay. So your tool for Fibonacci, you're going to take that and you're going to anchor it to the low at 1216. Okay, 1216, that candle, that
388 01:12:07,950 --> 01:12:23,820 low, you're gonna anchor your Fibonacci to that. And if you look to the left of that low, the highest forms inside of that fair value gap, the candle is at
389 01:12:24,150 --> 01:12:45,480 1207, or 12 was seven minutes after 12 Noon. The high of that candle is 408 0.50, the load is your anchor to on the 1216 candle. The low is 407 2.25.
390 01:12:50,880 --> 01:13:04,590 The first standard deviation above that relative equal high. If you're anchoring from that swing at this told you're anchored to the first standard deviation
391 01:13:04,620 --> 01:13:19,230 above the morning session high between 10 o'clock and 1030 comes in at negative 2.5. If you don't have your Fibonacci settings to have that you just added in
392 01:13:19,230 --> 01:13:31,440 the price comes in at 410 1.25. Now I felt that we could potentially sweep above that because it's standard operating procedure to see it expand a little bit
393 01:13:31,440 --> 01:13:42,840 past that. So that's why I was calling for 1.50. And it's also the reason why my fill wasn't activated because of the difference between the bid and the ask. So
394 01:13:42,840 --> 01:13:53,700 my limit order that was sitting in residing at 41 zero, it printed that price, but it didn't offer me the exit. So it went there at two candles it printed it.
395 01:13:54,510 --> 01:14:11,940 And those candles were at 120 and 121. Those highs being at 41 zero precision, yes, but sometimes when you're so precise, the downside is is your limit orders
396 01:14:11,940 --> 01:14:21,510 if you're trying to be too particular, like I was trying to be Mr. Fucking note all this week, clearly, and sometimes I don't get the benefit of that precision
397 01:14:21,510 --> 01:14:37,470 because I'm trying to be too razor thin. That's okay. So now let's go back and look at the next high above that I saw liquidity pool from 10 o'clock and 1030
398 01:14:37,470 --> 01:14:53,190 those highs where I had the buy side liquidity annotated on the chart, and then the highs formed at the 130 or not really 131 25 in 120 ties. Those two highs
399 01:14:53,490 --> 01:15:07,440 are relatively equal. If we were to expand further say it was going to expand further than In one, I'm sorry, 4104. Where could expand? Well look at the first
400 01:15:08,850 --> 01:15:25,890 low we just anchored to from 1206, I'm sorry, 1216. Candle, the lowest one in the noon hour, up to the high of the candle at 12 07. Okay, seven minutes after
401 01:15:25,890 --> 01:15:34,080 12 That measurement, we just anchored to fib to look straight up from there. The first standard deviation above the relative equal highs where I have the buy
402 01:15:34,080 --> 01:15:54,330 side liquidity call imitated that is negative 2.5. The next standard deviation is what? negative 3410 5.25. So, when I was talking about that live session,
403 01:15:54,960 --> 01:16:09,300 last our trading, how far can it go above the Buy Sell liquidity pool 41 04 And, or as much as 41 05. And I was willing to eat the quarter point difference
404 01:16:09,300 --> 01:16:21,060 there. Because if it's expanding above the Buy Sell liquidity, it might just get to the 41 05 even level and stop, they're not good to 2025 coretec. So that's
405 01:16:21,060 --> 01:16:31,020 the reason why I was telling you 41 04 and 41 05 yesterday, and if it was the breach above 41 05, and it probably could expand to 41 09, which will be one
406 01:16:31,020 --> 01:16:48,900 point or one handle below around number 4110. So now we're gonna get a little bit more specific. If you look at the low on 242, the low at 242, which we've
407 01:16:48,900 --> 01:17:07,980 represented by 1442 on the chart, you're gonna take your Fibonacci and anchor that low. You're going to draw up to the high formed at 235, okay, which will be
408 01:17:07,980 --> 01:17:26,370 represented on the chart 1435 Time candle, the high I'm sorry, the low that you're anchoring to, on the 1442 time candle. That price comes in at 408 4.75.
409 01:17:29,100 --> 01:17:43,440 And the high that we're anchored up to and drawn up to what your Fibonacci on the 1435 or 235, New York local time candle is 409 1.25. And the highest
410 01:17:43,440 --> 01:17:54,300 409 1.25. And your Fibonacci expansion would be first one takes you to what above the relative equal highs that we were aiming for. Does that strong
411 01:17:54,300 --> 01:18:00,630 liquidity? That's the whole premise of what we're looking for. How far into those pools of liquidity Can we go to because we're not fucking trading supply
412 01:18:00,630 --> 01:18:10,860 and demand zones? We're in some ambiguous area. We're looking for a scientific measurement of exactly what it should reach for the first standard deviation
413 01:18:10,860 --> 01:18:27,510 above those relative equal highs is what 41 Zero 1.00, right? Nope. Because the high to the left of that at 1320 or 120 in the afternoon in New York local time,
414 01:18:27,930 --> 01:18:43,260 that high on that candle is 41 Zero. So you can't use the negative 1.5 level which is half a point less. So what's the first and deviation? Negative two,
415 01:18:43,290 --> 01:18:59,910 what's that price 41 Zero 4.25 What's the high of the day 41.05 I'm sorry, 41 Zero 4.25. Now, rollback, rollback because we just anchored that swing from the
416 01:18:59,910 --> 01:19:18,210 low of time candle 1442 or 242 up to the high of time candle 1435. We just measured that now let's go back and do the same thing with the lunch low. Using
417 01:19:18,210 --> 01:19:38,010 the candle at 1228. You're gonna take your fed anchor to the low at 1228. And draw the FIB up to the high form that either one of these highs at 1223 or 1224
418 01:19:38,010 --> 01:19:53,880 because of both posting the same pie for each candle. I have mine on anchored to the 1225 candle and the high of that candle comes in at 408 0.50. The low of the
419 01:19:53,880 --> 01:20:09,870 candle you're anchored to is 407 6.50 Now straight up from there. What is the first standard deviation? That you got to consider? When we go above the buyside
420 01:20:09,870 --> 01:20:30,960 liquidity? It would be negative four. But look what happens when you see negative 4.5. What price levels are 410 4.25 We have two swing lows to have
421 01:20:30,960 --> 01:20:43,500 what? A swing low that's higher to the left and a swing low that's higher to the right. Meaning what we're looking at real market structure. Okay, this is
422 01:20:43,530 --> 01:20:52,110 institutional market structure. This is how the algorithm defers to what swing high and what swing low. And so you're flipping the fuck out, right? You're
423 01:20:52,110 --> 01:21:09,150 like, ah, holy shit. Yeah, let's go deeper. We have two convergences at 41 Zero 4.25. At two specific swing lows, we have a swing low, at what time what time at
424 01:21:09,150 --> 01:21:27,270 230. And we have the lunch low. 1216, the 1216 low. If you just go back a little bit to the left, you'll come to the low that's formed at 1203. So the time I'm
425 01:21:27,270 --> 01:21:42,990 sorry, the time candle at 1204. That low comes in at 40 75.50. So you want to note that low. And then the lower load it's formed at 1216. And then there's a
426 01:21:42,990 --> 01:21:55,500 higher low to that low to the right of it at 1228, which is what we just measured. Do you see how that's a swing low. If we look at low lower low, higher
427 01:21:55,500 --> 01:22:05,430 low, that is a fractal. It looks like an inverted head and shoulders right? Not that I'm like Head and Shoulders patterns. But that's helping you reference
428 01:22:05,430 --> 01:22:18,840 that. And we have a standard deviation of negative 4.5 which calls for what price level 41 Zero 4.25. Now applying that same logic to the low that's formed
429 01:22:18,840 --> 01:22:23,970 in the afternoon ICT cherry pick
430 01:22:30,090 --> 01:22:47,130 using the low at 230 to measured up to the high of the candle at 1416 or to 16. And time. That price when called for what for 104. Even that negative 1.5
431 01:22:47,130 --> 01:23:03,270 standard deviation. We have a low that's higher than the low at 1431 that candle go to the left. And you'll see the low formed at 14 07 to seven minutes after
432 01:23:03,690 --> 01:23:18,540 two o'clock. That candle which will be represented at the bottom of your chart at 14 colon 07. That low is higher than the low formed at 1431 or 31 minutes
433 01:23:18,540 --> 01:23:33,570 after two o'clock in New York local time. Then later on. We see what the retracement down into the low formed at 1442 candle 14 colon 42 or 40 minutes
434 01:23:33,570 --> 01:23:48,120 after two o'clock New York local time. We measured the fit from that low up to the high formed at the candle formed at 14 colon 35 or 35 minutes after two
435 01:23:48,120 --> 01:24:06,720 o'clock New York local time. Calling for what price standard deviation negative 2410 4.25. So we have two price levels agreeing Exactly. Within the context of a
436 01:24:06,720 --> 01:24:18,570 low, a lower low, a higher low. So we have real market structure. That's institutionally graded. And it's calling for a very specific price level at 41.
437 01:24:18,570 --> 01:24:37,590 Zero 4.25. That's above the buyside liquidity pool between 10 o'clock and 1030 in New York local time. And then the high form that 1020 2010 I'm sorry 13 colon
438 01:24:37,590 --> 01:24:48,180 20 or 20 minutes after one year local time. So those relative equal highs formed respectively. There's gonna be by stops above that. So how far will the
439 01:24:48,180 --> 01:24:59,730 algorithm reach for you? This can't simply take one Fibonacci tool, lay it down on something and say okay, here's my target. No, look at the lesson on staring
440 01:24:59,730 --> 01:25:09,810 TV Asians, for forex, where I'm teaching in, Oh, good grief, I have so many videos, I don't know exactly which one of these I'm sort of somebody inherited,
441 01:25:09,840 --> 01:25:20,100 then really astute about keeping records of where things are in my core content. I'm teaching standard deviations with the Asian range flout and central bank
442 01:25:20,100 --> 01:25:30,990 dealers range. I'm taking you to market structure here where it's not anchored to any specific time, per se, it's anchored to what the market is providing in
443 01:25:30,990 --> 01:25:37,620 terms of structure. So if I'm bullish, and I think those relative equal highs are gonna be blown out later on in the afternoon, preferably the last hour of
444 01:25:37,620 --> 01:25:50,850 trading three o'clock to four o'clock, New York local time, or which will be represented by this chart. 1500 to 1400, I'm sorry, 1500, or 15, colon 00, to 16
445 01:25:50,850 --> 01:25:59,940 colon 00. That time of day, the last portion towards the right side of the chart. So if I'm expecting liquidity to be drawn up into there, I don't want to
446 01:25:59,940 --> 01:26:07,530 just roll the dice and just say, Well, you know, I don't know where it's gonna go. No, I want to do some measurements. Because this is exactly what the
447 01:26:07,530 --> 01:26:19,740 algorithm is going to do, it's going to refer to these points of reference. And that takes you right to what 41 Zero 4.25. So because I fallen victim earlier in
448 01:26:19,740 --> 01:26:31,380 the day being trying to be Mr. Fucking everything. For one, zero, my limit order never got filled at the 130 or 120 time window, and then retrace back on my
449 01:26:31,380 --> 01:26:43,110 stock on the one single candle, or one single contract rather. So now, when I was in the afternoon session yesterday doing it live, I called 441 0400. Or pop
450 01:26:43,110 --> 01:26:54,870 up to what 41 05 Even both of them, both of those levels were called for with a quarter point extra. So I didn't want to call that out there and be short of it.
451 01:26:55,410 --> 01:27:03,930 Because they wouldn't meet that criteria. That would be an X if he got there. You understand what that means? I'm building in the allowance for Yes, I can
452 01:27:03,930 --> 01:27:13,050 call that level but it went 1.2 or one quarter point pass that and that's okay. So that's I was trying to finesse the the actual, better pricing because I got
453 01:27:13,050 --> 01:27:21,600 burned earlier today, because I didn't have that bid Nast difference of one quarter point to be having my limit order, get me on at 41 01 and a half,
454 01:27:22,590 --> 01:27:32,490 despite calling that level being to the tick. So that's what institutional market structure is. Okay. institutional market structure, there is no book on
455 01:27:32,490 --> 01:27:43,830 it. Goldman Sachs boys don't know it. Nobody else knows it. I've taught it. Okay. Because I pulled it out of the logic that the algorithm itself utilizes
456 01:27:43,830 --> 01:27:53,940 when it books price, I don't give a fuck if you believe me, because I'm using it every single fucking day, and to the tick precision. And I'm sorry, I gotta let
457 01:27:53,940 --> 01:28:01,860 it out sometimes, because I'm tired of seeing jokers pretending that their bullshit is what makes these markets go up. And where they go to it's all
458 01:28:01,860 --> 01:28:12,750 horseshit. It's doing something that it's mathematically calculating that specific elements based on what what's the what's the primary driver here, the
459 01:28:12,750 --> 01:28:21,000 market is going to go up to those relative equal highs, which is exactly what I teach you to focus on initially, when you're learning with me, you have to know
460 01:28:21,000 --> 01:28:34,110 where those areas reside first, trying to teach this kind of lesson without you understanding why those two equal highs or relative equal highs at 1020 and 1320
461 01:28:34,860 --> 01:28:42,060 Why orders should reside about that? I would be unsuccessful and trying to teach that this would be like This is bullshit. I don't know I'm not gonna spend the
462 01:28:42,060 --> 01:28:50,430 time trying to learn this. But now because you know what, relatively equal highs half above it, which is what biocide liquidity you want to know what's going on?
463 01:28:50,430 --> 01:28:58,500 What's the science? What's the technical fucking science? Why the market is going to go above that? The where's that going? Well, here you go. The technical
464 01:28:58,500 --> 01:29:11,700 science ICT delivers there's a fucking algorithm folks it's literally booking price based on what I'm showing you here. It's not in books but you have to
465 01:29:11,700 --> 01:29:21,630 start where Ground Zero understand where liquidity is. It's going to act as a draw or a magnet on price if it's going to go up why is it going to go up there?
466 01:29:22,020 --> 01:29:32,460 There's orders up there has nothing to do with any other Mickey Mouse fucking patterns that may be below that. That's your religion that's what that is. You
467 01:29:32,490 --> 01:29:41,760 have a cult like mindset if you believe in supply and demand Elliott Wave harmonic patterns, animal patterns, trend lines moving average crossovers that
468 01:29:41,760 --> 01:29:50,160 none of that shit is the catalyst for why price went up there. The orders resting above those fucking highs. That's the real reason why. There's no other
469 01:29:50,160 --> 01:30:03,750 reason why. Zero. You honestly fucking believe that these investment banks these large funds these firms out there are live Literally swinging on the hopes and
470 01:30:03,750 --> 01:30:14,040 fucking prayers of these animal fucking harmonic patterns, you really fucking believe that? Like, really, there's billions of dollars being shuffled every
471 01:30:14,040 --> 01:30:28,770 day. And you think, honestly, you think that shit is what they're using these fucking people laugh at that stuff, because it's nonsense. It's the equivalent
472 01:30:28,770 --> 01:30:41,280 of the same thing as the last time my elbow was aching. The market went down, I'm going to be a short seller today. It it's the equivalent of that. There has
473 01:30:41,280 --> 01:30:57,000 to be scientific, something tangible behind it. And you may not agree with an algorithm being here, you may not agree with that's what's really going on. Put
474 01:30:57,000 --> 01:31:10,740 that aside. Put that aside for a moment. Is this not? more palatable. If I'm showing you how to use market structure in a lesson, I've already taught
475 01:31:10,740 --> 01:31:21,540 institutional market structure. I'm showing you an advance version of that, using the logic as to why I called live in yesterday's Afternoon pm session.
476 01:31:24,660 --> 01:31:31,920 Some of you just don't like me. And that's the wrestling point. Some of you don't like me, because you can't keep up with me because you're an educator and
477 01:31:31,920 --> 01:31:41,370 trying to sell shit. And you want to try to kick shitting my face and try to mar my image. And so fuck all that I don't give a fuck. You're not stopping nothing.
478 01:31:41,760 --> 01:31:50,280 But you're wasting time and energy because you could learn how to do this and be better. And never have to thank me for it. You're wasting your time. I'm not
479 01:31:50,280 --> 01:32:02,160 wasting mine on AP do this shit. This is my stuff. I codified this stuff. You're all benefiting from your winning trades because of what I've done. You want to
480 01:32:02,160 --> 01:32:14,160 know why haven't and when not to do it. That's what I'm teaching you this year. Stop worrying about all the other shit. So let's go into a deeper dive on that
481 01:32:14,160 --> 01:32:15,840 last hour. I shared.
482 01:32:17,400 --> 01:32:25,890 I don't recall. Honestly, if it was this week, the lines are blurred with what I shared because it gave me so much this week. In the previous week. I don't know
483 01:32:25,890 --> 01:32:33,900 when I told you about the macro in the last hour being 315, which will be representative buying your chart, if you have trading view set to New York local
484 01:32:33,900 --> 01:32:49,440 time, it will be 1515 to 1545. So one quarter past the hour to one quarter. Before the last of the hour. That 30 minute interval. There is a last hour macro
485 01:32:49,650 --> 01:32:54,450 that runs and I'm going to explain it to you here. If you look on the right hand side of your chart
486 01:33:01,050 --> 01:33:03,300 almost swager This spring water here
487 01:33:09,960 --> 01:33:18,090 are you enjoying this kind of lesson? I don't enjoy getting yelled at. This isn't bullshit. You want to learn how to do it right? Oh, listen to good
488 01:33:18,090 --> 01:33:32,310 medicine. Doesn't taste good. But swallow. Final our macro. Here's a little rectangle I have annotated in price action. The largest lower blue rectangle,
489 01:33:32,670 --> 01:33:44,280 it's anchored to the candle at 14 colon 48. Okay, so that fair value gap is extended to the right. I had that extended right over in the live session
490 01:33:44,280 --> 01:33:54,870 yesterday. And I was watching and observing a scene because we had all of the volume imbalances in that segment of price action that is seen between the high
491 01:33:54,900 --> 01:34:07,980 of 15 COVID-19, which would be the little short term high that bumped up to the bottom of the middle rectangle, not the volume and bounce it not that little
492 01:34:07,980 --> 01:34:24,330 thin. But that high down to the low formed inside of the fair value got around 4087 50 in price but the time is 15 colon 25 or 25 minutes after three. In
493 01:34:24,330 --> 01:34:34,650 between that range. There's multiple fair value gaps. I'm sorry, multiple volume imbalances. So it's spotting. I mentioned this yesterday. And for a better
494 01:34:34,650 --> 01:34:43,680 understanding what I mean by what I'm saying here, you can literally just watch the pm session. Final hour of live stream I did yesterday. I actually talk about
495 01:34:43,680 --> 01:34:54,750 that as it's occurring. And it causes a little bit of uncertainty. It makes it harder. It's a harder read on price action. So you have to wait for it to do
496 01:34:54,750 --> 01:35:07,500 whatever it's going to do and then use what it gives you after that meaning I was expecting it to maybe dig down into here, and then run here. It went down to
497 01:35:07,500 --> 01:35:15,660 the original fair value gap I had noted here, and then as it went down here, I said, I'm gonna pull it down to this one, I'm actually talking about a chart
498 01:35:15,660 --> 01:35:27,090 like you're fucking seeing it sorry, though I was looking at the fair value get formed at 232. So on your 232, or we represented on your trading view chart at
499 01:35:27,090 --> 01:35:38,730 14 colon 32. That fair pay gap is where I annotated and change the fair value gap to that one. Just watch the live stream that I did yesterday, you know
500 01:35:38,880 --> 01:35:46,980 exactly what I'm talking about. So it's kind of like that supporting documentation for what I'm teaching here. Because there's a lot of volume
501 01:35:46,980 --> 01:36:02,700 imbalances inside the the price action between 317 and 328. That spotty price action, you have to wait for the displacement. Where's the draw and liquidity?
502 01:36:03,420 --> 01:36:15,750 The highs at 4100? And plus. So what are we going to look for? You wait for the displacement, we see to happen on the 329, or what we represented by 15 colon
503 01:36:15,750 --> 01:36:27,330 29. Candle, we break higher above a short term high that's formed the short term hind it's there, it's 15 colon 26. That minute candle, it rips through it, and
504 01:36:27,330 --> 01:36:39,390 trades and we go watch that afternoon session live stream. I said I want to see trade above the fair value gap that is on the 315 Candle are represented by a
505 01:36:39,390 --> 01:36:49,080 time on trading view at 15 colon 15. I want to see it go above that and come back down and act as support. Wouldn't you know it? It trades all the way back
506 01:36:49,080 --> 01:37:03,960 down to the lowest point of the fair value gap on the 15 Colon 34 candle? Or 34 minutes after three? Where does that occur? It's inside. What about the midpoint
507 01:37:03,990 --> 01:37:19,050 of that last hour macro? Remember 315 to 345 it's going to create a price run on liquidity that has not been purged. Where's that? There's relative equal highs.
508 01:37:20,430 --> 01:37:32,310 Your attention was taken to those relative equal highs anyway. So now we're looking at a very specific, quote unquote, scientific event. There's an
509 01:37:32,310 --> 01:37:47,820 imbalance at fair value gap that's on the 14 Minute candle after three in arts 15 colon 14 for time. That little middle rectangle that's basically at the 4092
510 01:37:47,820 --> 01:38:06,930 level. The low end of that fair value gap. Price is 409 3.50. And it goes exactly to that price and stops. stops dead in its tracks. No fucking zoo
511 01:38:06,930 --> 01:38:20,490 patterns, no animal patterns, Elliott wasn't ride no wave here. No supply and demand. No trendline horseshit, it's very specific price point. Very specific
512 01:38:21,390 --> 01:38:33,330 technical science and Anton Anton Creel. They do technical science around here we use technical science and nothing fucking comes close to this. There is a
513 01:38:33,330 --> 01:38:45,990 motherfucker out there it's key to teaching anything that's like this. Nothing like this. Nothing else is closer than perfect. This person every fucking day
514 01:38:45,990 --> 01:38:55,860 come on. Seriously. You don't have to like me but you got to fucking love this. Okay, this is the market. You want to be trading you want to be precise. You
515 01:38:55,860 --> 01:39:04,320 This is the stuff you want to be using. And it trades right in their fair value gap and we want to see what we want to see it advanced higher. Does it show
516 01:39:04,320 --> 01:39:21,660 willingness to go higher, it does trades higher and breaks above the last up close candle before it dropped down into that lower fair value gap on the candle
517 01:39:21,690 --> 01:39:33,090 at 11 minutes after three so 15 colon 11 The applause candle in the middle of that candle is mean threshold. I mentioned in the live stream all this stuff was
518 01:39:33,570 --> 01:39:46,950 called out loud live in front of like 12,000 people were in there. So I want to see dig through that. That is that little pink level that's anchored to 409 5.25
519 01:39:46,950 --> 01:40:01,020 on the chart I told you as a visual aid. I wanted to see it rip through that not just dance around it. We had what it created a volume imbalance at the 37 minute
520 01:40:01,080 --> 01:40:13,470 after 315 colon 37 minute marker, that candle opens higher trades down to the pink line that I have annotated, which is the mean threshold of that bearish
521 01:40:13,470 --> 01:40:24,600 order block. market rallies away from that, and then comes back down on the candle at 42 minutes after three, so 15 colon 42 we overshoot the volume
522 01:40:24,600 --> 01:40:33,960 imbalance, that's fine. Volume imbalances can be traded through, very forgiving. And I mentioned this also, before, I don't know exactly where we're at in that
523 01:40:33,960 --> 01:40:44,310 live session, but volume imbalances, they can trade through them multiple times. But if you know your bias, where it's likely to draw to, at a later time, you
524 01:40:44,310 --> 01:40:51,300 can come right back up and go back to respecting the very specific levels, which is the low consequence management midpoint, and the higher the the volume
525 01:40:51,300 --> 01:41:02,970 imbalance. So that's that signature I'm looking for, does it respect it? Does it allow for continuation going higher? Well look closer, that low at 42 minutes
526 01:41:02,970 --> 01:41:15,720 after three, so 15 colon 42. We go through the volume and balance that's formed between the candles of 15, colon 36 and 1537. So that little volume imbalance,
527 01:41:15,900 --> 01:41:26,460 where there's no bodies touching or overlapping, it's just a separation from the bodies alone. That's the volume of balance, it wicks down through it on the
528 01:41:26,460 --> 01:41:42,030 candle at 1542. Then we advanced higher, but the next candle we open, where we trade down to the volume imbalance Hi, which is the opening price on candle 15
529 01:41:42,030 --> 01:42:00,450 colon 37. The opening price is 409 5.50. The low of the candle on 15 colon 43 or 43 minutes after three year clinical time. That low comes in at 409 5.50. What's
530 01:42:00,450 --> 01:42:13,320 the similar? Relate? What is there a relationship between that and the opening price on 15 colon 37. It's the same fucking tick. It's the same value. So what
531 01:42:13,320 --> 01:42:25,440 happens, it wycked Through the volume and balance opened, traded down to the volume and bounce and then what happens after the races, it rips through the
532 01:42:25,440 --> 01:42:40,380 fair value gap. It rips through the relative equal high at 1539 candle and 15 colon zero to candle. So there's relatively equal highs there, there's by side.
533 01:42:40,650 --> 01:42:52,170 So if it's going to go through that, what's it going to do, it's going to really ramp up to run into the relative equal highs at 1020 and 125 which was the real
534 01:42:52,170 --> 01:43:02,220 draw on liquidity the whole day. So we see it tear into it comes back down hits the fair value gap formed on the candle at
535 01:43:04,320 --> 01:43:14,040 120. Or, for this trading view chart it would be 13 colon 28. The longest blue rectangle drawn out that's the fair value gap I'm actually drawing your
536 01:43:14,040 --> 01:43:29,490 attention to now. The low of that fair value gap is the high on 129 candle or 13 Cohen 29 Time candle that one minute candle high. The high comes in at 409 6.50.
537 01:43:30,840 --> 01:43:48,210 The low of the candle that retraces after bumping above the relative equal highs is on candle 15 colon 51 the low of that candle comes in at 409 6.50 What's the
538 01:43:48,210 --> 01:44:04,890 relationship there? It's the same fucking tick of the low the fair value gap formed. 120 And then what does it do? runs right on up to 41 Zero 4.25. Now,
539 01:44:05,340 --> 01:44:24,600 listen, folks, listen. Listen, listen. When you have spent 26 fucking years of your life and you look at the market like this every day and you tolerate these
540 01:44:24,600 --> 01:44:35,220 fucking imbeciles all over the world. They try to troll and they try to fucking make a name for themselves and talk shit. Okay, don't ever bring anything.
541 01:44:35,730 --> 01:44:44,850 Nothing equivalent to this not even close. We're not even the same fucking neighborhood. You are learning the highest fucking form of financial information
542 01:44:44,970 --> 01:44:59,190 as a part of speculation. Nothing else is better. Nothing else is more superior than this. Okay? This is the shit. This is the shit. That Enigma really fucking
543 01:44:59,190 --> 01:45:09,510 implements. And you wonder, and you honestly fucking wonder how am I? How am I so accurate? How am I? So? How does he fucking know? I'm using all of this
544 01:45:09,510 --> 01:45:21,210 technical fucking science you're seeing it live. I'm calling it I'm telling you what's going to happen now mentor puking telling you every individual candle.
545 01:45:22,770 --> 01:45:35,790 Really, you still can't fucking believe me. At this point, I don't give a fuck if you believe me. I don't care. I'm having fun. And I know a lot of you today,
546 01:45:36,150 --> 01:45:44,670 because you've walked through this exercise, you literally are jacked the fuck up right now. You're jacked up, you're probably vibrating right now, you're
547 01:45:44,670 --> 01:45:55,260 excited, because there's nothing random in these markets. There's nothing fucking random in these markets, not one fucking bit of randomness. Nothing is
548 01:45:55,260 --> 01:46:05,430 random. Even when there's manual intervention, win rate announcement or some Mickey Mouse shit that comes out of nowhere. They rip the markets really, really
549 01:46:05,430 --> 01:46:13,020 far. But you're gonna look real close and see it's just to a volume imbalance. It's just to a fair value gap. It's just the bump rate below a low or high
550 01:46:14,370 --> 01:46:27,540 everything I teach you, but I can't humanly predict how far a manual intervention or when a manual intervention can come in. Black Swan event, some
551 01:46:27,540 --> 01:46:36,990 kind of unannounced bullshit. That's the inherent risk of trading that's always there. Sometimes, you'll get hurt from it. That's the risk that every one of us
552 01:46:37,290 --> 01:46:54,330 assumes, when we speculate. So why are you not teaching with a live account? Because I'm teaching in the most responsible manner I can. I know, I know. You
553 01:46:54,330 --> 01:47:03,120 want me to put you in live trades. I know, you want to do this right away and make money because you you'll feel stronger, you'll feel more confident you'll
554 01:47:03,120 --> 01:47:12,600 feel more energized and more plugged in and you'll be more motivated to study more because then you'll be making money. Whereas right now with a demo, I'm not
555 01:47:12,600 --> 01:47:21,120 inspired. If this kind of lesson in this precision, doesn't inspire you get the fuck out of here. Seriously, get out of here. And you can think that's
556 01:47:21,120 --> 01:47:29,280 disrespectful, all you want. You're disrespectful to me as a student, because you're coming here half assed expecting me to pour everything into you give you
557 01:47:29,280 --> 01:47:37,620 signals, and I'm gonna ask because I won't do that. No, I'm not going to give you signals. I'm going to teach you I'm going to pour my fucking time and energy
558 01:47:37,620 --> 01:47:53,250 and effort into making you what you want to be independent. Not needing me. Not needing anybody. That's why you're here. There's no fucking ad revenue right
559 01:47:53,250 --> 01:48:07,110 now. Okay, nothing. I'm doing it because I fucking love it. I love this. This is my whole fucking life. And you're not entitled to fucking learn this. None of
560 01:48:07,110 --> 01:48:19,800 this. I'm obligated to teach any of you. My charter members that paid me have never fucking seen this lesson before. They've never seen this before. And that
561 01:48:19,800 --> 01:48:27,150 attitude that you motherfuckers come here and it disrespectful to me and say, Oh, you don't do enough? Aren't you doing this, I want you to do that. And
562 01:48:27,150 --> 01:48:38,100 listen, you need to sit down, shut the fuck up and just take notes, you're going to learn everything and more. It's going to be on my timeline, how I want to
563 01:48:38,100 --> 01:48:50,070 deliver it. And at the end of the year, you're going to be transformed. You will be a different person, you're going to be a fucking savage. But you just simply
564 01:48:50,070 --> 01:49:03,270 have to listen. Just listen. Take notes, observe, record the things I'm taking I'm teaching because they fucking repeat. The logic repeats over and over and
565 01:49:03,270 --> 01:49:14,520 over again. But you won't appreciate it until you do this kind of work, where you dig into the charts and you take the information I'm teaching you to go into
566 01:49:14,520 --> 01:49:23,760 okay, I'm looking for this. Does it do this? Oh shit, it does. That's exciting, especially when you find it. And I didn't tell you to look there. That's what
567 01:49:23,760 --> 01:49:33,150 the students that experience that epiphany, that aha moment where they don't need to have any more further convincing about a particular concept that may or
568 01:49:33,150 --> 01:49:41,730 may not be acceptable to them. And initially when they first come here, once they start seeing it's like Oh, wow. Yeah, it's really there. What else can I
569 01:49:41,730 --> 01:50:00,570 learn about it? That's the right mindset. That's the right mindset. So I think it's time for ice cream. I do believe that those individual As they have gone
570 01:50:00,570 --> 01:50:06,780 through this, and if you didn't go through it live, obviously you can listen to the recording, I'm almost certain that someone's going to be making a video,
571 01:50:07,620 --> 01:50:15,330 doing the very things over a chart. And that's fine, that's cool. But it would be better for you to try to do in your own chart. And then maybe look at the
572 01:50:15,330 --> 01:50:23,820 folks that do this on their YouTube channel. Using this is an exercise when they show it to the viewers of their channel, what it looks like on the chart live,
573 01:50:24,720 --> 01:50:34,650 don't rush or, or wait for that guy or that gal to do that on their YouTube channel. You're missing the learning experience by doing the audible version of
574 01:50:34,650 --> 01:50:45,960 this, walk into the charts, listening to me. And then have everything mapped out on your chart as you just go, go right through a blank canvas of data. And
575 01:50:45,960 --> 01:50:58,710 second, on that second. Confirm that you have the right fair value, guess what the visual aid I gave you on Twitter. If I would have had an experience like
576 01:50:58,710 --> 01:51:13,950 this when I was 20 years old, there's no telling where I would have went. Because I would have all that time to use this information. For a long time,
577 01:51:13,950 --> 01:51:25,860 I've been afraid to share a lot of this stuff because the algorithms, doing things at these specific times that I can't teach you that part. But I can't be
578 01:51:25,860 --> 01:51:41,850 faulted or held accountable or punished for teaching you like this. It was very hard and a lot of prayer and guidance from a voice that you may not believe
579 01:51:41,850 --> 01:51:49,620 exists, but it was guiding me telling me what to focus on. And how to bridge that gap because I prayed and prayed and prayed How can I bridge what the
580 01:51:49,620 --> 01:52:08,370 algorithm does into a language that way I can communicate it to others. Look here, look here. And I took you there today I did to you how it was done to me.
581 01:52:10,080 --> 01:52:13,290 I just cost a lot. That voice didn't.
582 01:52:22,170 --> 01:52:34,770 The effort and time and energy that was invested in trying to make a language and seeing things that were repeated, the algorithm does a whole lot more than
583 01:52:34,770 --> 01:52:46,860 what I show. I know most of what it's doing. But there's some things that I can't communicate or was ever successful in bridging where I can teach very,
584 01:52:46,860 --> 01:52:58,170 very close to what this thing does, at the times that it does it. So things that I have been very successful in doing it. And I believe it's transferable
585 01:52:58,200 --> 01:53:14,160 knowledge that you can see repeats, it's there. That's what my mentorship is. And there's nothing that you can argue about. You can say, you know, I'm a
586 01:53:14,160 --> 01:53:25,680 nutjob because I'm thinking I'm hearing voices. Okay? I don't care. I'm glad that you say those things because I will I will be rewarded for that. But you
587 01:53:25,680 --> 01:53:37,380 can't say it doesn't work. You can't say it's renamed retail stuff. Because it's not just because I'm using a Fibonacci to take your attention to a level. Nobody
588 01:53:37,380 --> 01:53:44,400 uses a fucking Fibonacci like me. In fact, I've been trolled. Nobody does a Fibonacci like that you're stuck in right? Nobody else does that. You're right
589 01:53:44,400 --> 01:54:08,520 they don't very specific ranges when they're multiplied within a specific sequence reaching to what? Liquidity it's not limited to just buy some liquidity
590 01:54:08,580 --> 01:54:19,020 and sell side liquidity. It's reaching up to an imbalance that you may be targeting as well. Now I'll leave that part for you to study on your own. But
591 01:54:19,020 --> 01:54:29,850 the first lesson I teach all my students is the look for the draw on liquidity. That's where the markets going. Why? Because there's real orders there. Above
592 01:54:29,850 --> 01:54:38,070 the highs and below the lows. Yeah, of course everybody knows your stuff, but nobody's fucking trading like that until I started teaching it. Everybody's
593 01:54:38,070 --> 01:54:46,650 using those double bottoms the buy. Everybody's using the double tops to sell none of these fucking books was talking about going up there and attacking it. I
594 01:54:46,650 --> 01:54:58,170 have no books ever written, ever disclosing. That's what you're attacking. You're going to do that. They're all teaching the same regurgitated horseshit.
595 01:55:00,000 --> 01:55:11,730 Buy double bottoms the fuck out of here, I would never buy a double bottom. I would never fucking do that. Never, I would never do that. Despite going back in
596 01:55:11,730 --> 01:55:17,040 history and saying, Look, here was a double bottom, and I know there's gonna be some hassles. We're gonna start here. We're gonna start here at and trade it,
597 01:55:17,220 --> 01:55:23,040 but they're gonna show you examples we're gonna double down on it moved, it moved here it moves here Yeah, sorry. And I'm going to be looking at the trade
598 01:55:23,040 --> 01:55:39,840 that formed later on that ran through that motherfucker. I can't trade retail, I can't tolerate it, I can't do it. I can't. Those theories hurt me. They fucking
599 01:55:39,840 --> 01:55:53,610 took money from me. I'm not going to fall victim to that horseshit no more. And I'm trying to do my best passionately. And not as eloquent as I probably could
600 01:55:53,610 --> 01:56:04,110 if I was a more balanced individual, but I can't stay balanced. If I'm in a live session like this, invariably, I'm going to swing back and forth. And I
601 01:56:04,110 --> 01:56:12,810 apologize for that for the folks that don't like that. And I'm not a family friendly, friendly. Mentor, when I'm in a live capacity like this, I'll lose
602 01:56:12,810 --> 01:56:19,200 control my tongue. And that's the only thing I regret ever. Once I'm ending these things, and I asked for forgiveness. And I'm asking for forgiveness in
603 01:56:19,200 --> 01:56:32,160 front of you right now as the listener. I don't want to talk this way. I don't like that part of me. But I can't control it. I wish I could. But I can't do you
604 01:56:32,160 --> 01:56:41,370 have to take that with a with a good filter I want you to do well I want you to learn
605 01:56:57,390 --> 01:57:08,040 whether you believe or not, the best thing you can do for me is to pray for me to be able to get through this year to be effective in teaching what it is I
606 01:57:08,040 --> 01:57:19,860 want to teach you because I'm teaching you life. And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't ashamed of how sometimes I can't control myself
607 01:57:27,150 --> 01:57:34,620 don't feel like a good advocate. Because I can't control how I see things. But what I'm saying is the fucking truth
608 01:57:42,570 --> 01:57:55,290 and I would hate for any of you to listen, my delivery method, the approach that I'm using and the friendliness of my humanity and my inability to control myself
609 01:57:57,240 --> 01:58:12,450 I would hate for that to be a hindrance in your learning. And that's the reason why I teach with recorded I've tried to keep that from being a hindrance. But I
610 01:58:12,450 --> 01:58:30,360 know this fucking shit. Can I can do this. You are seeing it live. And I don't want to be anything but a conduit where you are improved as a speculator as a
611 01:58:30,360 --> 01:58:43,980 trader and not at all hindered by anything I've done, taught failed to be able to do effectively. So pray for me to be able to do this more balanced. I already
612 01:58:43,980 --> 01:58:58,050 know it but I need to be balanced as I'm doing it. I'm a human being and I have a lot of mental baggage that I carry. And I wish I didn't have it's very hard
613 01:59:02,610 --> 01:59:10,350 but they're gonna motherfucker walk and this guy is much passionate and willingness to teach you that I do. And I just want you to appreciate that
614 01:59:10,710 --> 01:59:12,810 because it's wrestling with me all the time.
615 01:59:19,110 --> 01:59:19,560 That's it