Changes for page Forex

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2022-12-23 09:28

From version 17.2
edited by Drunk Monkey
on 2020-11-13 06:28
Change comment: There is no comment for this version
To version 18.1
edited by Drunk Monkey
on 2022-05-05 14:26
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



Page properties
... ... @@ -16,6 +16,10 @@
16 16  
17 17  == Reference Links ==
18 18  
19 +
20 +* [[https:~~/~~/>>]] - news
21 +* [[https:~~/~~/>>]] - keep track of stats
22 +* [[https:~~/~~/>>]] - seasonal trends and interest
19 19  * [[Google spreadsheet>>]] for calculating lot size based on SL pips
20 20  \\One problem with many of the risk calculators is that it assumes you know want to know how many pips to set your on your trade.  However, if you're following signals, then the trader has already given you the SL and you want to want to work backwards to figure out what your lot sizes should be.
21 21  \\Copy this spreadsheet to your own google drive account and fill in the entries.  Do not use it for Oil or Gold as uses different contract sizes
... ... @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
79 79  >##LSwH  - last swing high##
80 80  >##LSwL  - last swing low##
81 81  
82 -=== fibb settings for OTE areas of interest ===
86 +=== fibb settings for {{glossaryReference glossaryId="Glossary" entryId="OTE"}}OTE{{/glossaryReference}} areas of interest ===
83 83  
84 84  FIBBS setting (mt4)
85 85  
... ... @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
87 87  >## 0 First Profit - Scaling##
88 88  >## 0.50 50% Equilibrium##
89 89  >## 0.618 %$-62%##
90 ->## 0.705 %$-OTE##
94 +>## 0.705 %$-{{glossaryReference glossaryId="Glossary" entryId="OTE"}}OTE{{/glossaryReference}}##
91 91  >## 0.79 %$-79%##
92 92  >## 1 100.0##
93 93  >##-0.62 Target 2##
... ... @@ -153,3 +153,21 @@
153 153  **Stage Four – Conscious Competence**
154 154  
155 155  You are making trades whenever your system tells you to. You take losses just as easily as you take wins. You now let your winners run to their conclusion fully accepting the risk and knowing that your system makes more money than it loses and when you’re on a loser you close it swiftly with little pain to your account. You are now at a point where at a minimum you break even – day in day out. You will have weeks where you make big money and other weeks where you lose big money – but overall you are breaking even and not losing money anymore. You are now conscious of the fact that you are making calls that are generally good and you are getting respect from other traders as you chat the day away. You still have to work at it and think about your trades but as this continues you begin to make more money than you lose consistently. You’ll start the day on a big win, take a big loss and have no feelings that you’ve given those profits back because you know that it will come back again. You will slowly begin to make consistent profits week in and week out.
160 +
161 +**Stage Five – Unconscious Competence**
162 +
163 +Now we’re cooking – just like driving a car, every day you get in your seat and trade. You do everything now on an unconscious level. You are running on autopilot. You start to pick the really big trades and getting big profits in a day doesn’t make you any more excited that getting none. You see the newbies in the forum shouting ‘go market go’ as if they are urging on a horse to win in the grand national and you see yourself – but many years ago now. This is trading utopia – you have mastered your emotions and you are now a trader with a rapidly growing account.
164 +
165 +You’re a star in the trading chat room and people listen to what you say. You recognize yourself in their questions from about two years ago. You pass on your advice but you know most of it is futile because they’re teenagers – some of them will get to where you are – some will do it fast and others will be slower – literally dozens and dozens will never get past stage two, but a few will.
166 +
167 +Trading is no longer exciting – in fact it’s probably boring you to pieces – like everything in life when you get good at it or do it for your job – it gets boring – you’re doing your job and that’s that. Finally you grow out of the chat rooms and find a few choice people who you converse with about the markets without being influenced at all. All the time you are honing your methods to extract the maximum profit from the market without increasing risk. Your method of trading doesn’t change – it just gets better – you now have what women call ‘intuition.’ You can now say with your head held high “I’m a trader” but to be honest you don’t even bother telling anyone – it’s a job like any other.
168 +
169 +I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this journey into a traders mind and that hopefully you’ve identified with some points in here. Remember that only 5% will actually make it – but the reason for that isn’t ability, its staying power and the ability to change your perceptions and paradigms as new information comes available. The losers are those who wanted to ‘get rich quick’ but approached the market and within 6 months put on a pair of blinkers so they couldn’t see the obvious – a kind of “this is the way I see it and that’s that” scenario – refusing to assimilate new information that changes that perception.
170 +
171 +I’m happy to tell you that the reason I started trading was because of the ‘get rich quick’ mindset. Just that now I see it as ‘get rich slow.’ If you’re thinking about giving up I have one piece of advice for you:
172 +
173 +Ask yourself the question “How many years would you go to college if you knew for a fact that there was a million dollars a year job at the end of it?”
174 +
175 +While traders who have mentors from beginning may have different journey
176 +
177 +Akash (@Fxaakash) [[https:~~/~~/>>]]