Changes for page Video Capture of Computer Screens
Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2024-10-09 05:32
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on 2022-02-07 08:30
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edited by Drunk Monkey
on 2022-07-18 04:45
on 2022-07-18 04:45
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... ... @@ -120,7 +120,8 @@ 120 120 121 121 Open a terminal window and run the following commands: 122 122 123 ->(% style="font-size:14px" %)cd ~~/Desktopffmpeg -f avfoundation -t 6 -pixel_format 0rgb -capture_cursor 1 -capture_mouse_clicks 1 -framerate 60 -i "1:" -filter:v "format=yuv444p" -c:v libx265 -crf 0 -preset ultrafast screenCapture.mkv 123 +>(% style="font-size:14px" %)cd ~~/Desktop 124 +>(% style="font-size:14px" %)ffmpeg -f avfoundation -t 6 -pixel_format 0rgb -capture_cursor 1 -capture_mouse_clicks 1 -framerate 60 -i "1:" -filter:v "format=yuv444p" -c:v libx265 -crf 0 -preset ultrafast screenCapture.mkv 124 124 125 125 (% style="font-size:14px" %)This will create a video file called "screenCapture.mkv" on your Desktop that you can replay using VLC Media Player. 126 126 ... ... @@ -133,7 +133,11 @@ 133 133 |-pixel_format 0rgb|get the data as RGB colors instead of some bizzzare color model 134 134 |-capture_cursor 1|capture the mouse pointer 135 135 |-capture_mouse_clicks 1|and capture the clicks with an onscreen visual notification 136 -|-i "1:"|capture the first screen. Not really important unless you have multiple screens and you are not capturing the primary screen 137 +|-i "1:" 138 +\\\\-i title="window title"|((( 139 +capture the first screen. Not really important unless you have multiple screens and you are not capturing the primary screen 140 +\\to capture a particular window 141 +))) 137 137 |-filter:v "format=yuv444p"|transform the input colors into this color format, which is fairly quick when converting from RGB and without too much color shifting 138 138 (I'm still looking to improve upon this - the windows encoding has an exact RGB color modelling which means no color shift) 139 139 |-c:v libx265|encode the video using H.265 compression. It makes for smaller videos without consuming too much processing time ... ... @@ -144,8 +144,15 @@ 144 144 ))) 145 145 ))) 146 146 147 -== References152 +== Audio Capture == 148 148 154 +=== Windows === 155 + 156 +=== Mac OSX === 157 + 158 + 159 +== References == 160 + 149 149 FFmpeg documentation: 150 150 151 151 * [[https:~~/~~/>>]] ... ... @@ -156,4 +156,16 @@ 156 156 * [[https:~~/~~/>>]] 157 157 * [[https:~~/~~/>>]] 158 158 171 +Video editing programs 172 + 173 +* black magic davinci resolve 174 +* kdenlive 175 +* shotcut 176 + 177 +== Tips == 178 + 179 +Screen capture portion of a screen 180 + 181 +>(% style="font-size:14px" %)ffmpeg -y -f avfoundation -t 6 -pixel_format 0rgb -capture_cursor 1 -capture_mouse_clicks 1 -framerate 60 -i "1:" -filter:v "format=yuv444p" -filter:v "crop=1920:1080:320:180" -c:v libx265 -crf 0 -preset ultrafast screenCapture.mkv 182 + 159 159