Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2024-10-09 05:32

From version 28.1
edited by Drunk Monkey
on 2022-01-27 18:08
Change comment: There is no comment for this version
To version 23.1
edited by Drunk Monkey
on 2022-01-27 16:12
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



Page properties
... ... @@ -22,16 +22,14 @@
22 22  === Windows ===
23 23  
24 24  1. Run the VLC installer
25 -
26 26  1. Install 7-zip
27 -
28 -1. Extract the contents of the FFmpeg zip file into a suitable directory.  I going to use C:\Local\ffmpeg\ as my FFmpeg installation location for this example.  You should see something similar to this:
29 -[[image:image-20220127221835-1.png]]
30 -\\The contents of the ffmpeg filder should look like this:
26 +1. Extract the contents of the FFmpeg zip file into a suitable directory.  I going to use C:\Local\ffmpeg\ as my FFmpeg installation location for this example.  You should see something similar to this:[[image:image-20220127221835-1.png]](((
27 +The contents of the ffmpeg filder should look like this:
31 31  [[image:image-20220127225738-2.png]]
32 32  \\Select all the files and move them into the installation directory.  That is C:\Local\ffmpeg\ in this example.
33 33  [[image:image-20220127225847-3.png]]
34 34  
32 +)))
35 35  1. Next, add the location of the ffmpeg\bin directory to the system path.  This is necessary so you can run the command from the command line from a command shell.
36 36  \\Go to the file explorer, and look in the left hand folder list for "This PC" or "My PC" or whatever it is called on your system. 
37 37  [[image:image-20220127230601-5.png]]
... ... @@ -68,25 +68,15 @@
68 68  === Mac OSX ===
69 69  
70 70  1. Install VLC
71 -
72 72  1. Install Keka
73 -
74 -1. Install FFmpeg through the use of [[HomeBrew>>]] (recommended because of all the other useful things you can install if you like this kind of stuff) or install the statically linked binary version of the [[FFmpeg binaries>>]] from [[https:~~/~~/>>]].  This file will need to be placed into a directory that's on your path (not yet described how to do)
75 -\\The statically linked installation is going to be faster and easier to do than the homebrew version.
76 76  )))
77 77  )))
78 78  
79 -----
80 -
81 -== Video Capture ==
82 -
83 -----
84 -
85 85  (% class="row" %)
86 86  (((
87 87  (% class="col-xs-12 col-xs-6" style="border-right:black solid 1px;" %)
88 88  (((
89 -=== Windows Video Capture ===
77 +== Windows Video Capture ==
90 90  
91 91  Open a command window, and run the following commands:
92 92  
... ... @@ -95,52 +95,20 @@
95 95  
96 96  (% style="font-size:14px" %)This will create a video file called "screenCapture.mkv" on your desktop that you can replay using VLC Media Player.
97 97  
98 -(% style="font-size:14px" %)The parameters to the ffmpeg command have the following meanings
86 +(% style="font-size:14px" %)The parameters to the ffmpeg command have the following meaning
99 99  
100 100  (% class="min" %)
101 101  |-f gdigrab|gdigrab is the windows framebuffer, where the screen is stored
102 102  |-t 6|capture 6 seconds of video and exit.  3600 = 1 hour, 14400 = 4 hours
103 -|(% style="font-size:14px" %)-framerate 60|if you want to see the candles paint second by second, you should have a framerate of at least 60.  Technically speaking, you actually need 120, but let's not get too crazy.
104 104  |-draw_mouse 1|capture the mouse pointer
105 105  |-i desktop|capture the entire desktop -  remember to maximize your window
106 106  |-c:v libx264rgb|this video encoder will preserve the rgb color values losslessly
107 107  |-crf 0|lossless compression
108 108  |-preset ultrafast|save the data as quickly as possible, don't waste too much time compressing the data
109 -
110 -If you want to save the for long term storage, you can losslessly compress the file even further with the following command
111 -
112 ->(% style="font-size:14px" %)fmpeg -i screenCapture.mkv -c:v libx264rgb -crf 0 -preset veryslow screenCaptureS.mkv
113 -
114 -It'll take a while, but it will create a video file that should be less than half the size of the original.
115 115  )))
116 116  
117 117  (% class="col-xs-12 col-xs-6" %)
118 118  (((
119 -=== Mac Video Capture ===
100 +== Mac Video Capture ==
120 120  
121 -Open a terminal window and run the following commands:
122 -
123 ->(% style="font-size:14px" %)cd ~~/Desktopffmpeg -f avfoundation -t 6 -pixel_format 0rgb -capture_cursor 1 -capture_mouse_clicks 1 -framerate 60 -i "1:" -filter:v "format=yuv444p" -c:v libx265 -crf 0 -preset ultrafast screenCapture.mkv
124 -
125 -(% style="font-size:14px" %)This will create a video file called "screenCapture.mkv" on your Desktop that you can replay using VLC Media Player.
126 -
127 -(% style="font-size:14px" %)The parameters to the ffmpeg command have the following meanings
128 -
129 -
130 -(% class="min" %)
131 -|-f avfoundation|gdigrab is the windows framebuffer, where the screen is stored
132 -|-t 6|capture 6 seconds of video and exit.  3600 = 1 hour, 14400 = 4 hours
133 -|(% style="font-size:14px" %)-framerate 60|if you want to see the candles paint second by second, you should have a framerate of at least 60.  Technically speaking, you actually need 120, but let's not get too crazy.
134 -|-pixel_format 0rgb|get the data as RGB colors instead of some bizzzare color model
135 -|-capture_cursor 1|capture the mouse pointer
136 -|-capture_mouse_clicks 1|and capture the clicks with an onscreen visual notification
137 -|-i "1:"|capture the first screen.  Not really important unless you have multiple screens and you are not capturing the primary screen
138 -|-filter:v "format=yuv444p"|transform the input colors into this color format, which is fairly quick when converting from RGB and without too much color shifting
139 -(I'm still looking to improve upon this - the windows encoding has an exact RGB color modelling which means no color shift)
140 -|-c:v libx265|encode the video using H.265 compression.  It makes for smaller videos without consuming too much processing time
141 -|-crf 0|lossless compression
142 -|-preset ultrafast|save the data as quickly as possible, don't waste too much time compressing the data.
143 -
144 -There is no point in trying to compress this video any further with these parameters.  Further compression will require a lot of time and cpu power to see any further gain.
145 -)))
146 -)))
102 +----