ICT Youtube 2022-02 Notes

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2022-03-31 12:32

2022-02-02 - ICT Mentorship 2022 - Episode 5

2022-02-02 - Homework

Study this morning's Price Action in the chart image below.  Using what you know so far, what do you see and what would you anticipate in Price at that moment?

Do NOT clink the link below - UNTIL you studied the image below without my annotations.

[ insert answer here ]

Answer: https://www.tradingview.com/x/I8AVOgLS/


  • 2022-02-04
    Hello Constant Reader...

    I do hope you enjoyed your time with me this week.  I trust you learned something new & useful.

    For many of you studying your hearts out with this content... that is what it takes to obtain useful experience.

    You get what you put into it.

    Right now you are probably excited and anxious to use the newly discovered ideas I have shared here.  This is normal reaction. 

    Take your time and allow the sugar rush to burn off and learn to view these ideas on the basis of boring routine... as they are.

    Boring means you are not surprised by them repeating so precisely; day after day.  Isn't that what you'd expect from a Professional Trading Model, after all?

    Every Week, Every Day... & It Won't Stop.
  • 2022-02-08 - Long lecture tonight...

    I cover:
    Intermarket Relationships
    Advanced Timing Concepts
    Daily Bias
    What I do in consolidations
    Trade Psychology vs. Developing Trader Psychology

    This one is dense and will require a couple viewings.

    Talk with you at 10pm EST

  • 2022-02-09 - Premarket open, at 9:30 am EST, stock indices have been elevated overnight.

    Rule of thumb:  Street Money opens the market, Smart Money closes it.

    Don't chase it... 

    NQ 14820 is interesting to me.

  • 2022-02-09 - To answer inquires...

    Yes the model I taught in this YouTube Mentorship works on Forex and Stocks.

    I do not have experience or data on Indian Markets... you are welcome to test it and report your findings.

    Now focus... Market is opening in 10m.


  • 2022-02-09 - 14946 High swept... let's see if we get displacement lower

  • 2022-02-09 - Notice how NQ is filling in on the 1 minute candles?  Leaving no opportunity to form a FVG on the leg lower?

    This is probably going to run without a setup.

    Note 14853 Sellside

  • 2022-02-09 - Watch NQ 5min. 

    Possible FVG in place there.

    Study that... possible run into 14855 if it returns for short.

    Not trade advice... just a case study live Folks.

  • 2022-02-09 - If it runs out 14855-14853 Sellside... let is pass.

  • 2022-02-09 - Now when it closes in the full FVG, it should quickly lose ground.

    You do not want to see it hang around in it.

    If you had a Stop above the 14931.50 you'd want to guard it if it tries to run higher.

    Now watch the 1 min chart from here...

  • 2022-02-09 - That is not what you want to see.  Now or never...

  • 2022-02-09 - How many of you strutting around like peacocks right now cuz you took it live? Lmao

  • 2022-02-09 - Scamming in reverse...

  • 2022-02-09 - For those that do not know what a FVG looks like and where and when it formed today... I have noted it for you in the chart below.

    The market filled it, never went to the stop location... and went to the 14855 14853 sellside liquidity.

    5min chart as I outlined as it formed today.  Stop listening to losers lol

  • 2022-02-11 - Folks, sending me comments about how I speak on matters I wish to speak on, and you not "liking it"... gets your blocked.

    I won't waste my time with negativity or entitlement.  This is free and of my personal time... be grateful.

    If you want shortcuts and left in ignorance... there is plenty of that on YouTube.

    I laid the Keys to the vault in your hands... who else is making it this easy for you?

    If you do not like how I am teaching, move along.  I don't care about entitlement.  emoticon_smile

    For your study... another execution and perfect delivery...

  • 2022-02-11 - I do not have experience or data on Indian Markets.

    You are encouraged to study for yourself if my concepts work there.

  • 2022-02-11 - I have taught a lot about Price and some of you think it is a one trick pony for forex.

    It is not.

    Things specific to Forex I state in the lessons.  Things that are generic to most, if not all, asset classes; should be assumed by the student.

    Price is Price and it tends to book in similar manner across all markets.

  • 2022-02-16 - Study... 

    Yes I mispelled Buyside in my haste to setup an example for you.  emoticon_smile


    2022-02-16 - Not sure why my chart was set to an odd timezone... obviously view it in New York time as I explain it in the lectures.

    Drop a horizontal line on ESH22 or ESH2022 for Tradingview users, at 4450.

    See how clean that level is in the past several hours?  What resides just under that level?

  • 2022-02-16 - I shorted 4467 covered for 21 points or 84 "ticks" for those who like to measure in that manner.

    Thumbs up if you watched it unfold live in your charts this morning.

    Talk with you Thursday night...

  • 2022-02-18 (p1, p2)- Evening Folks...

    This is a rant I will spare the video from:

    Tonight's lecture will hopefully accomplish a few things.

    1)  I want you to visually see Power Of 3 Theory in action.
    2)  How it assists me and my students in trusting a specific "Bias".
    3)  How Economic Calendar Events affect the Open & setups.

    Additionally I was asked to run a hypothetical 10k account with "Discount Broker Margins".

    The interest I assume is to provide my response to those who claim to trade live with 16 contracts of NQ mini futures and while I believe it is done in NinjaTrader market replay function and their results are not in a live account... I spent the past two weeks working with a 10k Tradingview account and only traded Futures in "Paper Trading".

    Now for those of you that love to flip your wig when I teach or showcase examples in a Paper Trading account, let me remind you that this is my response to a number of viewers who see trolls pretend to trade well and say all kinds of nonsense about me and other educators or Traders on YouTube... which is largely false & clout chasing with extreme effort.

    I do not, I repeat... I DO NOT believe or hold the opinion that any of you should use a Discount Broker that allows a NQ Mini Contract to be traded with 1000 or 2000 or anything less than 10k.


    The volatility is so high in these indices right now, you can get smoked fast and easy... despite what your system or method is.  If you believe these people are trading live funds and showing trade results in discord channels and can not log into their live accounts like I shown myself doing, you are allowing yourself to be deceived.

    What I show tonight is my casual effort, not even that much time invested in the project... but using what these pretenders claim to be doing with market replay in NinjaTrader and acting like it is real money made and that they actually assumed real RISK... is a farce.

    I have always been honest with you about the use of Demo and or Paper Trading accounts while I was teaching, I was never ashamed of it, as it shows a) honesty, b) absence of ego and last but not least... c) it affords me protection as I am not licensed to give investment advice.

    So what you will see is just my results, again, not pushing it maximum effort... just enough to slap aside the nonsense you see these jokers out here trying to fool the ignorant or gullible with.  Just because I prove over 528% in two weeks, using "Discount Broker Margins", is not in any way my invitation for any of you to think you can pull that off with real money.

    Ask those who are pretending to be "Competing" with me, to log into their hypothetical live account and show their 20k profit days... unredacted... just like I did.  It won't happen Folks... because it would be fraud... and they know it.

    One contract versus one contract, I bank hundreds of points intraday... versus a supposed Quant Algorithm that is nothing more than retail ideas and multiple strikes of a Hot Button, which every Broker has and is not limited to NinjaTrader.  So there is not a limitation for users who use that platform and they can not use another platform to enter the trades with.

    Consider the number of screens they use.  What prevents them from trading on another platform, one like EVERY Broker platform allows and provides its users with... the same Hot Buttons.  Buy Or Sell buttons, be it Limit or Market.  The excuses and lies that get slung around for clicks on videos about me, is ridiculous.

    Every year apart from 2020, 2021 there was always some clown that challenged me to trading in a contest.  

    They would say they would join the Robbins World Cup, but never really do it.  I would register with Robbins Trading and wait to see the challenger make their way to the number one spot... and then I would fund the account that would be idle and waiting for money to be deposited by me.  Ironically, I never had to fund it, as they never made it to the number one seat on the leader board... so why would I bother?

    This was done by me in 2018, 2019, not in 2020 and not in 2021.  There was never a live funded account with me in Robbins in 2018 or 2019... the challengers never actually stepped up.  So when you seen me publicly post images of emails from Robbins Trading that confirmed I was ready to fund the account, and was already registered as a potential contender... not actually there yet... I never really had money on the line.

    Trolls like to say I blew out multiple accounts in Robbins and this is not true at all.  In fact, I am going to contact Robbins in March and clear these lies about me up, once and for all.  You can not blow an unfunded account... it is impossible.  However, trolls like to give you pieces of what I used to do as entertainment on social media & make fake narratives to draw a crowd for their failed attempts to grow organically on their own steam.

    In 2017 I did join the Robbins World Cup, I was asked to link it to MyFxBook which shares the real time stats.  The second day I was linked to it, I was told by multiple sources that they would link a trade copier service to the account I was trading... naturally this pissed me off.  So I purposely tanked the account.  For those of you that doubt this, you can still find my page on MyFxBook, the comments I left were directed to those who were going to profit from selling performance that they did not earn or was given permission to by me.

    I was threatened for a long time by people as a result.  Why?  Because I sank their accounts apparently by default... which was my intended goal for doing such an professional thing.  Do I regret it?  Nope.  Was it fun?  Intensely!

    Some of you might think, this is made up... no way.  Remember in 2010, I had the only Babypip threads with 1.2 million views.  I was the new face of Forex and where I was, everyone wanted to be there too.  They seen I was teaching something new and I was showing trades, yes hindsight, but trades nonetheless and it was something that crowd hadn't seen before.

    In short, I was a new hot commodity... and like you see today, unfortunately my name is used, my logo, my videos, my concepts... everything is peddled for a dime.  I get it... I understand.  This breeds jealousy and envy.  I can not help it if people hate me and just as much so... I can not help it if people love me and share their adoration for the time I invest in them.

    They have said things like I threatened people's lives, or children and these are horrible untruths and I am not the only one they made these false claims against... Adam Webb, personally was accused by the same liar.  Who would make up lies and use their own children to promote a false narrative just to smear another person?  It is shocking.  Where is the proof I threatened anyone?  Where is the proof I am a fraud?  Is it found in the live examples I am banking with TD Ameritrade now?  Is if found in the lessons that already are showing huge progress in viewers to this channel?  The ONLY proof, like I said it would be in 2021, is me proving everything is exactly like I said it is.

    I am not going to jail.  I am not a car salesman, I have a full head of natural hair and no I did not have reconstructive facial surgery lol.  I am not 300 pounds, I am 205  and 5"10 in height and I do not pay people to harm, threaten or defraud others.  I was not imprisoned in California for Student Loan Fraud.  I have proof for three decades and should anyone come calling for it formally, I will sort them like I sort everyone else and correct any shortcomings in their views about me.

    I live a simple introverted life.  I see many of you comment in Telegram channels that you want to visit me and have a meet up.  I would like to do it, but not at my homes.  I shared an actual residence I own to prove to you that I am honest.  To show you that I have nothing to fear or hide.  I showed you some of my cars to answer a troll who claimed I didn't own two Corvettes... only to see new lies spewed about me through envy.

    I will never fully answer a troll or hater.  They will create something new or some Olympic feat I must accomplish or share more of my personal life or I live in a cardboard box and use McDonald's wifi for video uploads.  I am turning 50 this coming August and while I loved to smack talk and cut up when I was younger, I don't have the interest in it anymore.

    Why?  Namely due to a troll asking their local police to ask my local police to visit me and ask about ongoing harassment of this troll in Texas.  The police were not there for me... they did not arrest me.  I was not warned I would be arrested.  They laughed at the entire thing and said the guy is unstable and is pathetic.  There was not a formal case.  There was not crime.  I did nothing wrong prior to that and I still have not done anything illegal.

    I did visit the local commissioners office and filed harassment charges against this troll.  I intend to serve him with a defamation lawsuit unless he removes the videos that lie and say I threatened his family and or him.  This is not true and it is not who I am.

    My silence about most of it has been due to my Wife asking me to remain quiet about it.  Tonight, I wanted to clear the air and tell you the facts and tell you what the truth is and you can decide for yourself who is who.  I will not entertain any further trolls, no clout chasers... none of it.

    So this is my response to those Folks who asked me to show how I would use Discount Margins and how I trade & what I teach you.  Naturally, I do not load up 16 contracts to make 10, 15 or 25 ticks.  I take down huge point hauls intraday and contract for contract... that literally smokes the "Quant's" results.

    I am always ready to prove it in Robbins but they for some reason don't want to go into that realm and I think now they see me in a live account and the actual proof I can trade makes them even more scared to enter it... because they know my setups are yielding many times over theirs - one for one.

    For the rest of you... you are seeing proof, you see me logging into a live account and I do not use MT4 accounts.

    You are learning how I trade and you will grow in your understanding if you remain undistracted and put the time in.

  • 2021-02-21 - Handsomely now...


    2022-02-28 - Market opening may see extreme gaps.  Russia has been removed from SWIFT and this can be the Black Swan event for a major move in price.

    Respect the risk.  
    Cowboys stay seated.

    Be safe...

  • 2022-02-28 - To my Tradingview followers and "James" specifically, who requested I record an example from start to completion... I present to you this morning's action.
  • 2022-02-28 - That completes my uploads for the 2022 Mentorship series, UNTIL April 01, 2022.

    I will be on holiday with my family and want to enjoy their company.  The past 6 years have
    taken a lot out of me and I need to recharge.  I have a exciting second half of 2022 planned
    and this will aid in my focus and energy.

    Study the month of March 2022 in my absence... I will upload the next video on April 01, 2022.

    Until then, be safe!

  • 2022-03-12 - Good Morning Constant Reader,

    Markets have been wild haven't they?  I trust you are being careful.

    This week was another restful one.  However, I have to admit, I felt strong impulses to produce videos... but forced myself to stay on holiday.

    Human traits like habit and routine are very formidable characteristics that we as Traders must manage.

    For instance, things like overtrading.  Or forcing an opinion on a market and foolishly calling it a "bias".

    When is an opinion a false bias?

    When you are feeling an overwhelming urge to enter a trade on it... and you enter without the actual setup you stalk in price.

    In many ways, it tends to be when you enter on the "anticipation" of the actual setup forming and being present in Price action... versus actually seeing it marked to market and printed in the fractal.

    Smirking right now are you?  Felt like I was in the room with you this week and or scrolling through your trade history tab huh?  emoticon_smile

    Every developing student does this mistake and struggling breakeven Traders repeat it habitually too.

    The new students have the excuse, although valid, of inexperience.

    The experienced Traders who struggle with forcing an opinion and mislabeled it as "bias", are victims of impatient, undisciplined "gut trading".

    Try to avoid this tendency over your career.  A "gut feel" or impulse idea acted on is nothing more than a gamble.

    We do not gamble.  We execute on a solid setups.  One in which we expected to see it form, at a time it will likely form and under the premise we had the day before the date our executions are made.

    Our setups are plentiful and repeat frequently.  We need not execute before they are actually in Price.  We know, we understand & trust their characteristics and repeating phenomenon.

    Nothing we do is "chasing" or a guess.  It will always be founded on algorithmic principles I teach you and this is what repeats.  This is what yields consistency.

    I hope you and yours are safe and well.

    * As a reminder, videos resume April 1, 2022

    As you were...

    [March 12, 2022]

  • 2022-03-19

    Good Morning Constant Reader,

    I have to tell you, despite the rust these long periods away from teaching bring on... they birth new lecture ideas in me.

    I have some new lectures planned that will no doubt supercharge your learning in April.

    On the otherhand, I made the mistake of opening my email inbox to only be greeted by an enormous backlog of emails I will never get caught up on.

    While this might appear on the surface as boasting, let me state emphatically it is not, it saddens me in many ways.

    The larger I get, the harder it is for me to be accessible to the average student.  This, I'm sure, is noticed by a great number of you.

    I try my best, to do what I can, to present my life's work comprehensively and rich in details to hopefully reduce the impulse to email me.

    I realize that some of you may just want to get an email reply for personal reasons... and I get that, as strange as it is to think like that about a simple guy... like I am.

    Naturally, I will not be able to get to every email eventually and I do so enjoy reading them, if I am being completely honest with you.

    So to lessen the burden on my inbox and to prevent the possibility of making you feel overlooked or unappreciated... drop a comment or suggestion in the video comment sections.

    Ideally, post to a video I cover a topic or make a remark that might raise a question or doubt on a subject.

    I read all video comments as they are typically the length of a text message... and this is optimal.  Not something like this post lol.

    I might not reply directly, I might not interact with your comment individually... but I am measuring you, my student base, by the level of questions and what you raise as sticking points in your understanding.

    This makes me a better Mentor for you as a community and uses everyone's time more efficiently.

    About two more weeks and we will resume your learning in my 2022 Mentorship series here on YouTube.

    Refresh your understanding with what has been shared so far... so the new lectures will feel more connected - beginning April 01, 2022.

    Until then... be safe!

    [March 19, 2022]

  • 2022-03-25 - Good Morning Constant Reader...

    As some of you know, in 2021, I made a few promises for 2022.

    Firstly, I would do Mentorship for free on YouTube.  I am and you see this and we will resume next weekend... so everybody calm down.  emoticon_smile

    Secondly, that I would prove my concepts with live funds... in a widely accepted nonMT4 broker/platform.  I chose TD Ameritrade for this, as I was called to the dance floor in 2021 by a heckler on YouTube.  Let's see if she ponies up the 75k in December, shall we?

    Thirdly, I was going to expose every fake and fraud who claimed they knew my concepts, incorrectly teach my concepts, renamed them or lie and say they make real money but do not, that can't trade and cause 95% of the doubts & confusion that arise with the topic I Authored... namely "Smart Money Concepts" or SMC for short.

    The trolls have had their shots at me over the years... and pathetically they fail.  Why?

    So many of you actually took my challenge and tested, back tested and put the effort in.  The effort that is required to do what I teach. Look around, my students are proving executions and outside of MT4 nonsense.  This makes me extremely proud as a Mentor.

    It was recently said my concepts result in 90% drawdown in 90 days... guaranteed!  Well I sat down and in my best pantomime of what a new student would likely encounter with a live account transistion from demo would possibly endure... I pushed the button.

    I used hurdles like:

    1) Impatience
    2) Forcing Opinion or "false bias"
    3) Overtrading
    4) Anticipation Entries 
    5) Revenge Trading
    6) Effects of Commisions 
    7) Drawdown & How To Correct It
    8) How to find your rhythm & model
    9) How making 100% is not hard in 90 days.
    10)  When to stop trading.

    I actually have broker shenanigans I will expose as well!  I am going to do a review of this with a separate three video series when I return to active content production.

    I am going to open the entire trade history, print the monthly statements, full transparency and record myself posting it all to my community tab for public record.  I do not understand why educators avoid this, as it would provide the iron clad proof they are in a position to teach what they claim they can do in real money.  Maybe I am biased... who knows?

    Unlike 99% of these fraudulent educators who only play in simulators, market replay or "rented servers on MT4"... I can trade.  I can draw an account down then raise it without any emotional trauma.  I can run accounts to soaring heights and I can make a descent living with a single contract if I wanted to... and it is my opinion that you can too!

    I say all this as a matter of fact, not to boast.  I could do many things that would communicate everything that I do not believe in... namely materialistic pomp and "image".  


    Image, founded on what I have or what I spend too much for, in the hopes that others would look up to me for doing those things is frankly... moronic.  Why would I do that?

    I have always kept it about the markets and skillset.  No frills, no bikini clad women, no rented sports cars or borrowed whips to pretend to floss and shine.  Nope... just the cold blooded murder of Price Action... in and out no fluff.  That is ICT... that is me.

    Now ask yourself this question...

    Does this post really communicate ego or is it simply me reminding you who I am and how I conduct myself and how I could but choose not to.

    I think you will find the next series enlightening and informative... and 100% unredacted.

    Enjoy your weekend, I will not talk again until April 01,  2022 at 10pm EST.

    Be safe.

    [March 25, 2022]

  • 2022-03-25 - March 25, 2022 Homework Review

    If you have not watched the short homework video clip from today... go watch it first: https://youtu.be/vtpycWzupjQ

    Otherwise, it will not be as beneficial. 

    Copy and paste the following links for your review:

    https://www.tradingview.com/x/PadKjkIw/   The Naked Chart 15 min

    https://www.tradingview.com/x/0jEauAPl/   The Framework & Annotations 15 min

    https://www.tradingview.com/x/5UkOOzXD/  The Naked Chart 1 min

    https://www.tradingview.com/x/YKw9e8xx/   The Framework & 15 min Transposed Annotations 1 min

    What?  I said I would not talk until April 01, 2022... I can post charts and community posts.  emoticon_smile


2022-02-04 - ICT Mentorship 2022 - Episode 6

insert notes here
