ICT YT - 2022-10-10 - Bridge Builder - ICT Concepts Overview.srt

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2022-10-11 07:00


00:07 - What bridges the gaps in neophyte traders.

03:43 - An analogy of a bridge and the market.

10:19 - The idea of being able to see or envision the trade setup is going to be hinging directly on how much time you go into old price moves

14:04 - What is a liquidity void?

20:18 - What does it mean when the market goes back to the old inefficiency?

25:46 - Swing High, Swing Low and Volume Imbalance.

29:02 - What does that mean from this high to that low?

36:01 - What is an order block and how does it work?

41:54 - What is depth of market and why is it polarizing?

43:57 - What’s happening in the market.

49:34 - How do you know when you’re taking a swing high?

56:23 - Non-Farm Payroll Friday -.

59:37 - Building a bridge from market price to terminus.

01:05:36 - The importance of finding your own way to find profits.

01:10:26 - What is a fair value gap? -.

01:13:17 - The most important thing you need to be understanding is where price is going to go.

01:18:30 - How do you know when certain fair value gaps are going to close?

01:23:56 - Measurement gaps tend to stay open just like a burglary gap does.

01:25:56 - Short after non-farm payrolls -.

01:32:21 - The easiest way to know if you’re ready for live trading.



00:00:07,230 --> 00:00:23,910 ICT: Hello, folks, welcome back. This lecture is going to be titled bridge builders. And it's kind of built on the premise that what bridges the gaps in
00:00:24,900 --> 00:00:36,180 neophyte traders, new students that are coming to this channel that are familiar with typical analysis, that's retail, but what makes it different here? Like
00:00:36,180 --> 00:00:48,480 what is it that you should be trying to aspire to understand? Now, obviously, a lecture like this isn't intended to obviously do a compendium, like it's not
00:00:48,480 --> 00:01:01,200 going to be the be all end all panacea. But if it's a conversation that you would have with me, if we just met somewhere, perhaps in a cafe, we introduced
00:01:01,200 --> 00:01:14,730 ourselves and through casual conversation, the idea of, you know, what do you do for a living. And, obviously, I've had that happen over the course of my life.
00:01:15,120 --> 00:01:28,440 Many times, you'd be surprised how many people really don't understand what it is that we do. And this is kind of like a discussion for the very brand new
00:01:28,740 --> 00:01:36,270 students that come to this channel. Now, some of you aren't going to learn a whole lot from this, the ones that have been here for a long time, this is going
00:01:36,270 --> 00:01:48,450 to be kind of like what you already know. Now, don't let that discourage you, because you might get something in this teaching that you weren't expecting. I
00:01:48,450 --> 00:02:02,610 was going to do this in three sessions or three volumes, but after doing some outlining, and such kind of streamline into this presentation here. So bridge
10 00:02:02,610 --> 00:02:17,910 builders, is kind of like the topic of what is it that you're going to be trying to do? As a trader, as a student, as a technician? What is it that you're aiming
11 00:02:17,910 --> 00:02:19,800 to do in the marketplace?
12 00:02:25,680 --> 00:02:38,130 Now, the overview of this presentation is the theme of a bridge and the building of that bridge. Now, that's an analogy, obviously, but applying it to this
13 00:02:38,130 --> 00:02:46,740 presentation. And the first stage would be design, where you envision trade setups, like what does it look like? Because there's a lot of people coming to
14 00:02:46,740 --> 00:02:59,730 the channel all the time, over 350,000 followers on the channel now, which I'm absolutely humbled by Thank you very much. What did the setup look like? And
15 00:03:00,030 --> 00:03:10,680 what's the inception? And what's the terminus? Where does it begin? Where does it end? And loosely, that is the trade idea. So what is it you go into the
16 00:03:10,680 --> 00:03:23,670 charts looking for and hunting? That idea of a bridge will make more sense as we get further along into the discussion here. But the second stage of this
17 00:03:23,670 --> 00:03:41,070 presentation is framework. How do we frame trade setups? How can you frame a trade setup, and the understanding of redelivery and rebounds the price? So how
18 00:03:41,100 --> 00:03:53,100 do trades unfold? We'll talk a little bit about that as well. And the final phase of this presentation will be building. So the trade setups themselves,
19 00:03:53,790 --> 00:04:07,410 timeframes and sessions, and where trades form. Alright, so I want you to take a look at this depiction of a bridge. It's just simply a profile picture of a
20 00:04:07,410 --> 00:04:14,820 bridge. To be quite honest with you, I don't know what bridge this would be representing. It may not be a real bridge, it may very well be a bridge, I don't
21 00:04:14,820 --> 00:04:27,180 know, I just grabbed one off the internet to illustrate this analogy. So if we were to assume that you and I had just met, and I'm trying to convey the idea
22 00:04:27,180 --> 00:04:40,650 that what we're looking for as a technician as a trader, a price action trader, we're looking for an opportunity where price is right now at the market and
23 00:04:40,650 --> 00:04:52,680 where it will likely be at a later time. Now that later time is not imperative to know at the moment right now because this is a casual conversation. But the
24 00:04:52,680 --> 00:05:03,420 idea is that we think that price is going to be from where it is right now to a another price higher or lower. Our now in terms of discussing this with the
25 00:05:03,420 --> 00:05:09,600 analogy of a bridge, obviously, you would come to the conclusion that if you were on the left hand side of the bridge, and you were wanting to go to the
26 00:05:09,660 --> 00:05:20,370 right hand side of the bridge, from this perspective, the beginning of the move the origin, or wherever the market price is right now, that is the inception of
27 00:05:20,550 --> 00:05:27,600 the move. And where you're trying to get to the other side of that bridge, or where price is likely to go to in the future, based on your assumptions and your
28 00:05:27,600 --> 00:05:42,600 analysis, bias. That's terminus, where that ends. Now in between both sides of this bridge, moving from left to right, there's a lot of things that take place
29 00:05:42,630 --> 00:05:53,040 on that bridge, or vice versa. If you want the right hand side of the bridge, and you're trying to go to the left hand side, the right hand side would be the
30 00:05:53,040 --> 00:06:03,900 origin of where the market is right now, or the inception of the price move that you're trying to capitalize on. And moving to the left side of the bridge, that
31 00:06:03,900 --> 00:06:11,310 would be where Terminus resides, or the end of the move. Now, obviously, much like this bridge would represent here, if you were on either side and got to the
32 00:06:11,310 --> 00:06:19,380 other side of that bridge. It doesn't mean it's the end, obviously, the road would continue into another direction, and maybe branch off in other directions,
33 00:06:19,380 --> 00:06:31,110 much like the market would as well. But we're only looking for a snapshot and price action right now moment. Something to capitalize on where we can frame it
34 00:06:31,110 --> 00:06:46,950 with this logic in mind. Now, perhaps you've had the pleasure of sitting in traffic on a bridge, I have had the unfortunate experience of sitting in New
35 00:06:46,950 --> 00:07:02,190 York. Traffic on the George Washington Bridge on the Verrazano Bridge, and it's a little unnerving. And it was usually when they were doing construction. When
36 00:07:02,190 --> 00:07:09,750 you're on these bridges, and I know some of you're like get to the point, if you're that type of student, or that kind of viewer, I suggest you don't even
37 00:07:09,750 --> 00:07:15,450 follow this channel, because I like to go into detail. And they are needed details. Because
38 00:07:16,740 --> 00:07:28,650 the world today is thinking that everything should be done in 144 characters, okay, or in 20 seconds. And you can't learn this in that little bit of time. So
39 00:07:28,680 --> 00:07:36,420 do yourself a favor, go watch somebody else that thinks they can condense all this stuff in five minutes, you're not going to learn that all there, you'll be
40 00:07:36,420 --> 00:07:46,020 back here, but just know that you can't learn it quickly. But if you want to bridge like this, and you're going through a construction zone, there's a lot of
41 00:07:46,020 --> 00:07:58,710 activity going on. And you may have to change lanes, you may have to move into one single lane, where it would usually be two lanes, those detours those
42 00:07:58,710 --> 00:08:06,600 deviations from what you would expect, or what would otherwise be a very smooth transition from one side of the bridge to the next. That's what a reasonable
43 00:08:06,660 --> 00:08:23,070 assumption would be. But traffic, much like market volatility, presents its own deviations, detours and delays. So it's a matter of understanding that where we
44 00:08:23,070 --> 00:08:32,820 are on the marketplace, relative to the timeframe you're looking at. That might be a daily chart, it might be an hourly chart, it might be a 15 minute time
45 00:08:32,820 --> 00:08:46,650 frame, it could be a second chart 15 Second 32nd chart, one minute chart. Whatever that timeframe is, you're looking for that bridge from where price is
46 00:08:46,650 --> 00:08:57,660 right now and where it's likely to go to next. You're not trying to hold on to a 10 year move. You're not investing, okay, I don't teach investing. I think that
47 00:08:57,660 --> 00:09:08,040 velocity is the answer. And you can take a small mound of equity, and parlay that up with velocity means getting in getting out getting in getting out now
48 00:09:08,040 --> 00:09:19,500 you have higher transaction costs with that, admittedly, I wouldn't argue that. But in the hands of someone that is versed with sound logic and price action
49 00:09:19,500 --> 00:09:32,910 concepts that I'm sharing, the potential is there for you to outpace the costs of commissions and fees that would be associated with your trading. Not everyone
50 00:09:33,060 --> 00:09:45,690 is going to have that result. There's a lot of growing that has to take place. And I am always doing my utmost to prevent myself from presenting it as a sugar
51 00:09:45,690 --> 00:09:55,050 coated approach to going out and making quote unquote money. But the skill set of understanding where the price is right now, and where it's likely to go to
52 00:09:55,860 --> 00:10:09,090 that framework is how you're designing your underlying Dancing that repeats over and over in price charts and studying price, these phenomenon repeat. How many
53 00:10:09,090 --> 00:10:19,860 times have you seen a bridge that looks exactly like the last few that you've seen, if you're on a road trip, they don't really look alike. But they do the
54 00:10:19,860 --> 00:10:32,880 same thing. They bridge one point to the other. They look similar in some ways, but they're not identical. Just like every time you get into a trade, it's going
55 00:10:32,880 --> 00:10:41,790 to look familiar, this is where price is, it's probably going to reach that pool of liquidity above an old high or below an old low. So you can envision that
56 00:10:41,790 --> 00:10:52,170 idea, that trade idea, you can visualize it by looking at price, you only understand that by going through old price data. So we study price data, we look
57 00:10:52,170 --> 00:11:01,710 at charts, and because of history repeating itself, and the fractal nature of price action, creating these similar patterns that repeat on all timeframes.
58 00:11:02,910 --> 00:11:13,860 That's the premise that we go into old chart data, hindsight moves. So it teaches us what the the framework is likely to be after we understand how the
59 00:11:13,860 --> 00:11:21,810 trade itself is envisioned. So if we're looking for something that's bullish, we're naturally going to be assuming that the market is going to be moving from
60 00:11:21,810 --> 00:11:35,100 where the market is right now, market price to a higher level, or higher price. The idea of being able to see or envision the trade setup is going to be hinging
61 00:11:35,130 --> 00:11:45,240 directly on how much time you go into old price moves and study them in detail, not just casually looking at move this much money, or this many pips or this
62 00:11:45,240 --> 00:11:58,560 many points or handles in the index futures market. You want to know all the details, what date took place, what time of day, what month? How many points did
63 00:11:58,560 --> 00:12:02,850 it move, how much drawdown to have? And what's the characteristics of that type
64 00:12:02,850 --> 00:12:16,650 of move, and was there a high impact or medium impact news driver that come out, around or just after or before that move began and where it ended. So that data
65 00:12:16,650 --> 00:12:30,720 that you're collecting, that provide you a foundation, a pseudo experience, you didn't take those trades, you can't go back in time, but it allows us to digest
66 00:12:30,720 --> 00:12:40,350 that material and place it in our understanding. So that way, we can start watching price right now going forward with a forward testing.
67 00:12:45,960 --> 00:12:57,270 Now, when we're looking at price data, there are things in price that you've learned from me here that are inefficient. Now, inefficiencies if we're going to
68 00:12:57,270 --> 00:13:08,700 be using the analogy with a bridge, a bridge is not built from both sides at the same time without the same plan. Otherwise, you'll get results like this, where
69 00:13:08,760 --> 00:13:25,200 they won't meet in the middle. But the market many times creates this very situation just like this. This, to me, very closely represents a gap, a volume
70 00:13:25,200 --> 00:13:39,480 imbalance, or a fair value gap. Those three things, I can see that in this quote unquote, analogy in a improperly built bridge. Now they both have a origin or
71 00:13:39,600 --> 00:13:48,870 inception of the move, whether it be the right hand or the left hand side of the bridge. And the opposite would be Terminus where the move that you think would
72 00:13:48,870 --> 00:14:00,030 be likely completed the target or draw on liquidity. Now, you might not understand inefficiency in price. I'm going to cover a lot about that very thing
73 00:14:00,030 --> 00:14:09,330 tonight. But it's still only scratching the surface. There's it's a very deep subject. And I promise you it goes much further than what would be understood as
74 00:14:09,330 --> 00:14:20,250 a commonly referred to as liquidity void. Okay, that that's tossed around rather loosely, without really understanding deeply what it is that that entails.
75 00:14:26,400 --> 00:14:41,280 Now, sometimes, when there's a gap in price, the market itself, the algorithm will return back to those areas and revisit them. Now that might be a fair value
76 00:14:41,280 --> 00:14:51,480 gap. It might be an actual gap where there's a session ending in a session opening. For instance, were trading the index futures market. They close at 5pm
77 00:14:51,930 --> 00:15:00,630 in the evening time in New York time, and then they reopened at six o'clock. So there's an hour lag where there's no trading that creates opening out sometimes.
78 00:15:00,660 --> 00:15:19,140 So that's a real gap. Sometimes intraday, you may get a gap because of news or some unannounced geopolitical event. And that creates a real void. In liquidity,
79 00:15:19,140 --> 00:15:30,360 that means there is an absence of any trading. Okay, the word void when it's associated with liquidity implies that there's absolutely no trading there at
80 00:15:30,360 --> 00:15:43,050 all. When we have a fair value gap, or volume imbalance, there's a specific void of a specific type of liquidity. And I'll touch on that when we get further in
81 00:15:43,050 --> 00:15:52,230 the lesson. But when we have a actual gap, when there is no trading, that's usually seen with session opening and closing, or weekly openings, where there's
82 00:15:52,230 --> 00:16:02,820 a gap between were closed on Friday. And we're opens on Sunday. So that we can gap or we commonly refer to as a Sunday gap opening. Many times that is formed
83 00:16:02,910 --> 00:16:15,900 because there's a imbalance created at that opening. That imbalance or inefficiency creates an actual gap where there is a real liquidity void. There's
84 00:16:15,900 --> 00:16:25,680 an absence of both buy side and sell side, no, no trading took place at all. So the market likes to draw back into those areas, and use them as a means of
85 00:16:26,070 --> 00:16:38,340 recapitalizing and finding fair value. And then it can continue on in the direction it gapped or it can trade beyond the gap and come back and treat it as
86 00:16:38,340 --> 00:16:49,170 a support or resistance. So we have efficiencies in price, when the market returns back to these inefficient price points. That being the gap the fair
87 00:16:49,170 --> 00:16:59,040 value gap or the volume imbalance. So when I'm looking at price, the first thing I'm looking for is where is it likely to go? What's the draw on liquidity?
88 00:16:59,550 --> 00:17:09,000 Because if I can understand that, then I know I have framework for a trade idea I can build a bridge from where market prices right now to that draw on
89 00:17:09,000 --> 00:17:21,060 liquidity. Now here's the wonderful thing. And this is what many of the new students that come to my fold. find themselves stuck in they think that the
90 00:17:21,060 --> 00:17:35,940 drawl and liquidity must be traded too. Or it's a failure. So it's all in, in collect everything at the target or failure. Because you've listened to other
91 00:17:35,940 --> 00:17:45,630 people claiming to be a mentor claiming to be a profitable trader claiming to be 20 years in the business or whatever it is that they say. And they give terrible
92 00:17:45,630 --> 00:17:59,550 advice about how you cannot do well by opening yourself up to a measure of risk. And then as the trade moves in your favor, take partials along the way. Because
93 00:17:59,970 --> 00:18:11,160 the assumption is that your trade is a losing trade. So therefore, you're going to get the maximum loss, I have lessons on how we can mitigate some of that not
94 00:18:11,160 --> 00:18:19,170 all the time. I mean, there's times where I get a full stop out and it happens, folks, it's going to happen you too. But the things I teach in terms of
95 00:18:19,170 --> 00:18:29,370 characteristics and price action, those things will many times tip you off, before the market really does the majority of the damage that would be available
96 00:18:29,370 --> 00:18:38,610 to that stop loss being hit. In other words, if you open up a trade, wherever that maximum stop loss is at the time of entry, we don't keep it there.
97 00:18:40,050 --> 00:18:49,020 And it's not going to stay the same measure of risk through the life of the trade, especially if it starts moving in a direction where it allows us to take
98 00:18:49,020 --> 00:18:59,160 partials because every time you take partials, you're building your bottom line and you're reducing the open risk in that specific trade. So when new traders
99 00:18:59,160 --> 00:19:15,060 come to me, many times their mindset is fixated on how much they can make. When I want you to focus on how much risk is there, how to control that risk, manage
100 00:19:15,090 --> 00:19:27,510 the risk. And if you can do that, well. Money can deposit into your account as a default. Now, it doesn't mean it happens by magic, you have to understand how to
101 00:19:27,570 --> 00:19:35,250 manage a trade to get to and be able to pick the right direction. You have to be able to time, the trade. All those factors come in and I teach all that on this
102 00:19:35,250 --> 00:19:45,900 channel for free. But new students come to me and they come in with really bad habits or expectations and grossly unrealistic expectations. They want to they
103 00:19:45,900 --> 00:19:55,590 will take $100 account and turn it into 5000 in a month. I'm not promising you're gonna be able to do that in the first month learning here. Okay, so I
104 00:19:55,590 --> 00:20:06,720 think that's it's not likely to happen here. Now Can you do something like that, with years of experience based on the things I'm teaching, I believe yes. But
105 00:20:07,110 --> 00:20:17,100 it's going to take a lot of work. I don't want to give those types of expectations out. But I want to remind you and ground you right away, especially
106 00:20:17,100 --> 00:20:26,130 if you're new. These types of ideas, like I mentioned in the title that this is a bridge builder. This helps you understand what it is that you're trying to do
107 00:20:26,580 --> 00:20:38,640 with the information I teach on this channel. So when we see price return back into these gaps into these volume imbalances and or fair value gap. That creates
108 00:20:38,670 --> 00:20:51,570 efficiency in the delivery of price, then, the market is more free to move in a direction it was going in prior to returning to the inefficiency. So the markets
109 00:20:51,570 --> 00:21:05,760 always going to seek fair value efficiency in yield. Think about what I just said now. It's always going to seek efficiency. That means it's going to go back
110 00:21:05,760 --> 00:21:16,530 and re deliver. What does that mean? Price will go back up to an area where there is an inefficiency. That is a redelivery that is not price being
111 00:21:16,530 --> 00:21:27,000 rebalanced. That's a misnomer. And this is not a knock against Mr. Chris Laurie, but I've never liked his definition of that being rebalanced. That's not
112 00:21:27,000 --> 00:21:38,160 rebalanced. That's redelivery, and I'll show you exactly what rebalancing in price is. When there is a gap in the form of a fair value gap, or volume
113 00:21:38,160 --> 00:21:47,430 imbalance, when price goes back up into that or down into that difference to when it's bullish. It returns back to that area and re prices to it. And it
114 00:21:47,430 --> 00:21:53,820 allows inefficiency in market price delivery.
115 00:21:55,530 --> 00:22:08,940 Now, once that happens, that may or may not be a trade, it may be a reason for you to trust the trade you're in should move in your direction. Now. I in many
116 00:22:08,940 --> 00:22:21,360 times use it as a way of pyramiding. So I went in but say eight contracts on the s&p, I'll go in and add four more at a period of where the market goes back to
117 00:22:22,050 --> 00:22:31,140 an old inefficiency. And then when it does that and reprice is to it, and now it becomes efficient, then the market is allowed to be delivered in the direction
118 00:22:31,140 --> 00:22:40,050 hopefully in my trade. So if I see that as an opportunity, I can pyramid and build my position larger. And every time it does these types of things, I can
119 00:22:40,050 --> 00:22:48,300 build a larger position and therefore make more money in trade. Now, if I'm wrong, it just means that I'm assuming more risk, and I have to manage it a
120 00:22:48,300 --> 00:22:59,640 little bit differently. But larger positions, obviously bring with it larger risk. And that obviously requires more experience. And if you're new, you don't
121 00:22:59,640 --> 00:23:08,310 have that yet. And just because you watch my videos, it does not mean that you can do it too, you have to do a lot of studying, a lot of practicing. And it's a
122 00:23:08,310 --> 00:23:19,440 skill set that is derived from doing a lot of things that are going to feel counterproductive. But it's like anything else that's worth doing. If you want
123 00:23:19,440 --> 00:23:31,470 to be a doctor, you want to be a fighter jet pilot, you want to be an airplane pilot. You know, these things require a great deal of study, and practice and
124 00:23:31,470 --> 00:23:43,860 case studies and just honing that craft. And this is extremely technical. And you have the problem of your personality and your impatience, standing in your
125 00:23:43,860 --> 00:23:56,070 way. But when you have these specific things in price, looking at it over time, you'll be able to push those bad habits, those character flaws that is is
126 00:23:56,070 --> 00:24:06,240 existing and every one of us. I have character flaws, I'm bipolar, and all these things, and I'm a perfectionist on top of it. So I have a lot of things that go
127 00:24:06,240 --> 00:24:15,000 against me that I have to wrestle with, you're going to have your own things too. And you don't many times know what they are until you start trading. And
128 00:24:15,000 --> 00:24:22,110 until you observe and journal what it is that you're feeling emotionally psychologically, what were you stressing about? What did you feel overconfident
129 00:24:22,110 --> 00:24:32,730 about when you entered a trade? What did you see? And the reactions after the trade either comes to fruition in the profit or stop out. You have to record all
130 00:24:32,730 --> 00:24:43,440 those things, and you have to do it for as long as you're a trader. I still do those things. And I'm about to be in the business 30 years, and I still do this.
131 00:24:44,070 --> 00:24:55,230 It keeps you dialed in it keeps you focusing on the right things and not deviating from things that you've grown to understand and trust as a technical
132 00:24:55,230 --> 00:25:06,450 trader. Alright, so with all the boring preamble, the way and some of you will just scroll through the video until you see a chart. And that's where you'll
133 00:25:06,450 --> 00:25:15,180 stop. But you won't learn what it is you should be learning here if you do all that stuff. And that's why I also delete people that make a comment. And I don't
134 00:25:15,180 --> 00:25:21,240 really let comments anymore because you can see it's been a sugar fest, since I've been doing it. But I don't like when people say the video begins at this
135 00:25:21,240 --> 00:25:31,200 minute mark, you're cheating people from understanding what the premise of the video is. There's a monologue there, yes, but it's that get your expectations in
136 00:25:31,200 --> 00:25:42,690 alignment for what it is I'm trying to teach. Here we have the December contract s&p for 2020. And I want you to take a look at price and I want you to find what
137 00:25:42,690 --> 00:25:48,330 you think is the dealing range for this particular timeframe. Now, don't be upset if you get it wrong.
138 00:25:54,270 --> 00:26:10,110 Okay, you see that high right there, my mapic in that high, we had a low that was broken, we came back up into balance this low to this high. That is a fair
139 00:26:10,110 --> 00:26:24,090 value gap. This is the volume imbalance. There's two of them here. Price trades up into that, then it's allowed to go lower. I'm using this candle here because
140 00:26:24,090 --> 00:26:31,230 the high between this candle is high in this candle is high. So it's a swing high. Three candles, you don't need five if you're waiting for five kills,
141 00:26:31,230 --> 00:26:41,700 you're gonna miss the move. Okay, so we don't use Williams fractals. swing highs and swing lows are simply just three candles, okay? One Candle middle, lower
142 00:26:41,700 --> 00:26:48,840 high to the left, lower high to the right, that's a swing high, a candle in the middle with a higher low to the left and higher low to the right, as a swing
143 00:26:48,840 --> 00:27:02,850 low, very simple. Now, the dealing range low is down here. Now why? Because we had the market trade multiple times lower. And we went into a higher Time Frame
144 00:27:02,880 --> 00:27:10,680 area where we mentioned that it was likely to have a bounce and I'm going to throw you back into Twitter. And around this time, you'll know that we were
145 00:27:10,680 --> 00:27:22,350 expecting some bit of a bounce. Eventually, the market on this particular day had a up close. And we were likely to see this high taken out drawl and
146 00:27:22,350 --> 00:27:32,580 liquidity is the here. And should it trade higher to at least equilibrium to this high in that low. And the way you find that is to simply put a Fibonacci
147 00:27:33,720 --> 00:27:44,940 retracement from here to here and post it with the 50% level. So we want to see price try to gravitate back to 50% which is equilibrium and or preferably
148 00:27:44,970 --> 00:27:56,250 higher. That will take us into this volume imbalance written here. Okay, so the volume imbalance is where there's a body in one candle and a wick that closes or
149 00:27:56,250 --> 00:28:04,110 bridges the gap that would otherwise be there. If this wick didn't exist in this wick didn't exist. And they just had this candles body in his candles body,
150 00:28:04,320 --> 00:28:15,360 they'd be a gap there. Well, because there's a wick here and here, this is a volume amounts, that's inefficiency. So the market will go back algorithmically
151 00:28:15,630 --> 00:28:30,990 back to this area. So we note that here, and that is a premium array. from high to low half That move was about right here. And it's above 50%. So this is
152 00:28:30,990 --> 00:28:40,740 definitely a premium level. So it's going to be a draw on liquidity. So the next day, you would be expecting price to likely trade at least to this high and
153 00:28:40,740 --> 00:28:48,630 throw it and if it continues the very next day or the next day or along the course of the week, you would try to see if it's going to trade up into this
154 00:28:48,630 --> 00:29:02,190 area here. And then maybe reach into this fair value gap there. Between this candles low on this candle is high. So what this is noting is internal range
155 00:29:02,190 --> 00:29:14,340 liquidity. What does that mean? From this high to that low, I don't need this to trade above this high to find a trade. So if it's going to draw back up into
156 00:29:14,340 --> 00:29:27,000 this area here, this is internal range liquidity, it's going to run up into this area. And that's going to act as the terminus from the move from here that I
157 00:29:27,000 --> 00:29:35,640 don't necessarily have to be a part of but at this candle is close. Before six o'clock when the next trading day when it opens up again. I know that I'm likely
158 00:29:35,640 --> 00:29:45,900 to do what draw at least to this level here that's near term. And then here is going to reprice back to that level. Why? Because we've already seen multiple
159 00:29:45,900 --> 00:29:55,530 times go lower and this candle has really shown a willingness to want to reverse. We don't know that yet. We want to see how it opens next day. So from
160 00:29:55,530 --> 00:30:08,310 this low to here, this is how we're building a bridge from this low Want to hear that is a bridge. Thinking of it like a, an analogy, this is where the market
161 00:30:08,340 --> 00:30:19,680 is. And where it opens, it's going to move to this level here. Now it may take more than one candle or more than one day. But that's the logic. So here is the
162 00:30:19,680 --> 00:30:29,250 inception of the move. And Terminus would be here while it's bullish. But when it gets this level, then I'm going to look for evidence that is likely to do
163 00:30:29,250 --> 00:30:37,770 what? Reverse why, because the markets bearish, there's nothing bullish about stocks right now. Okay. So all this is going to be as a small little bounce,
164 00:30:37,770 --> 00:30:44,700 which is kind of like what I was building up as you're dropping down is likely to build a bounce in the marketplace. That doesn't mean creating a low or a
165 00:30:44,700 --> 00:30:52,500 bottom, it just means it's going to reverse short term, run some stops, returned to fair value.
166 00:30:53,880 --> 00:31:00,870 Not that this is a fair value gap. But this is fair value, if it goes back up into here, and it's inside the range from this high to that low, I do not need
167 00:31:00,870 --> 00:31:10,830 to see this high taken out to find a trade or frame a trade. And when it gets here, I'm already expecting the likelihood of maybe trading up to here. But then
168 00:31:10,830 --> 00:31:19,050 I want to see the long term trend resume, because seasonally speaking, the tendency is for the market still to continue lower. And nothing right now is
169 00:31:19,050 --> 00:31:28,110 bullish in stocks. It's it's horrendous right now. So the likelihood of lower prices is favorable. But But I have to submit myself to the likelihood that the
170 00:31:28,110 --> 00:31:40,170 market can go up to this area here, that's an orange. Because this imbalance here in the form of a volume imbalance. There was trading, you can see it with
171 00:31:40,170 --> 00:31:49,350 the wick here in the wick here. But the bodies of the candles, I like to see them overlapping. Like this body here, and here, it overlapped a little bit
172 00:31:50,130 --> 00:32:00,300 small little volume and balance in here between the separation of that candle close and that candles opening see that that's the volume of balance. And this
173 00:32:00,300 --> 00:32:09,120 is pretty much flush, I wouldn't look at that as volume imbalance. But you see how this overlaps a little bit like that. And that meets it. Also here. So
174 00:32:09,300 --> 00:32:21,480 there's there's an understanding and how price is delivered. When you look at price like this not look at Steve Nielsen's textbook of suppose candlestick
175 00:32:21,480 --> 00:32:30,570 patterns. You know, I have no faith in that. And I'm not trying to be disrespectful. But the market doesn't work like that, folks. Okay, it doesn't it
176 00:32:30,570 --> 00:32:41,340 doesn't do that. It's doing what I'm showing you here. It's going to these areas of inefficiency and fair value, and it's seeking liquidity, period. Okay. So if
177 00:32:41,340 --> 00:32:52,170 we know that this is likely to occur, we submit ourselves to the idea. So what does that mean, the next day's bias would be bullish. Once it gets to this
178 00:32:52,170 --> 00:33:00,390 level, I'm thinking longer term that it should trade below this low, make a lower low. And this will be external range liquidity that's outside the scope
179 00:33:00,390 --> 00:33:08,850 here, I want you to understand that we can work inside dealing ranges and never see those ranges broken and still find profitability. So what am I saying here?
180 00:33:09,600 --> 00:33:17,160 Once it gets to this area here, I can build another bridge, theoretically, in my mind that once price gets to this level here, market price would be in this
181 00:33:17,160 --> 00:33:27,360 range, right? Assuming that once it gets there, then I could frame the logic that we could see it trade lower, we could trade down to this bullish order
182 00:33:27,360 --> 00:33:39,420 block. And that would be a trade in itself. So from here, this would be what the inception of the move to Terminus and it doesn't need to take out that low. This
183 00:33:39,420 --> 00:33:48,660 is very powerful folks if you really put some thought behind it. Because 90% of retail traders are doing some kind of breakout strategy. This is not breakout,
184 00:33:48,900 --> 00:34:01,170 this is working inside of a dealing range. Navigating an old range of data not needing it to go out to new highs or lower lows. It's just working inside of the
185 00:34:01,200 --> 00:34:12,270 old range the old range being this low and then high so you can see once we got up here the very next day and it's bullshit open traded down returned back to
186 00:34:12,270 --> 00:34:20,520 that candles body or close created what a volume imbalance. We'll leave that outside of the discussion for now because I've already mentioned it in Twitter
187 00:34:20,730 --> 00:34:32,070 this morning or I can't remember I did it. It was either yesterday or this morning. I can't recall. But the market rallied went into the volume imbalance.
188 00:34:32,340 --> 00:34:43,380 Look at the bodies of the candles. Yeah, it's respecting this area here. This is redelivery. Okay, then the market trades down works into these last two down
189 00:34:43,380 --> 00:34:51,570 close candles that is a bullish order block it does that and then I want to see at that time I want to see if it was willing to go above this high here get into
190 00:34:51,570 --> 00:35:02,760 this fair Vega. It was unable to do so. That's fine. I was long I took some profits. It was done in a lot. Have account it shared on Twitter, you can go
191 00:35:02,760 --> 00:35:03,360 look over there,
192 00:35:04,770 --> 00:35:15,330 then the market did what it repriced lower away from the government balance. Once it does this, it's pretty obvious what it wants to do, it's going to do
193 00:35:15,330 --> 00:35:28,230 what it's going to draw back into this low to high. So this low to high, this is an another new dealing range, I don't need it to trade below this low. But on
194 00:35:28,230 --> 00:35:38,280 this candle here before this candle starts trading, it opens, returns back into this candles close the volume of Valence, we are looking for price to go lower,
195 00:35:38,310 --> 00:35:49,260 the longer term trend or bias is bearish. So while I do submit that I believe that this low will be taken out. We don't need it to do that, just for the sake
196 00:35:49,260 --> 00:36:02,310 of bias or building a bridge in price action, theoretically. So from here, the inception of the move, we'll be here to hear the order block. Okay, you may not
197 00:36:02,310 --> 00:36:12,630 know what an order block is, and that's fine. But this is a foundational study. So it kind of like gives you a framework to go in and expect these types of
198 00:36:12,630 --> 00:36:22,440 trades, these types of frameworks, not buy, sell, buy sell, like you see me do intraday like that that's 30 years experience. I'm not saying that you're gonna
199 00:36:22,440 --> 00:36:33,240 have that watching just YouTube videos, okay, but these types of setups, I am confident that you can learn to do these. And they repeat a lot. And notice that
200 00:36:33,240 --> 00:36:41,040 we haven't even gone into the lower timeframe in today's we're not on a one minute chart where you see me thriving, and on a five minute 15 minute chart.
201 00:36:41,040 --> 00:36:51,510 Now even on an hourly, not even a four hour chart, we're still just on the daily chart, you can trade on this alone. You don't need to be in front of the charts
202 00:36:51,510 --> 00:36:58,290 or having to worry about your smartphone, you know, keeping up with the marketplace, you're running your business, going to school or working your job.
203 00:36:58,710 --> 00:37:08,190 You don't need to trade that way. And a lot of people come to me thinking, Oh, I only learn how to do scalping at ICT and I can't I can't do scalping. So
204 00:37:08,190 --> 00:37:18,720 therefore his stuff doesn't work. That's not true. I teach literally every facet of trading every way, every way. I just prefer intraday because I can take a
205 00:37:18,720 --> 00:37:27,090 small amount of money and parlay that up really fast, because I can find lots of setups that allows me to use compound interest and pyramiding. Whereas if I'm
206 00:37:27,090 --> 00:37:35,940 trading on a daily chart, the setups are far and few between. It doesn't mean they're not good for you if this is what you have to do to find setups because
207 00:37:35,940 --> 00:37:44,550 of your life, your circumstances don't permit you to trade with intraday. So don't view that as a weakness. There's always something to do, or even on a
208 00:37:44,550 --> 00:37:54,180 daily chart, weekly chart if you're really just long term, and it takes a whole lot of things for you to change your mind, you can trade off a weekly chart. I
209 00:37:54,180 --> 00:38:03,210 personally would drive myself crazy even trying to do that. But I have models that teach you to do that. It's simple. You apply everything you're trying to do
210 00:38:03,210 --> 00:38:11,820 in a lower timeframe. On that weekly chart, it's the same premise, everything's there. In that weekly chart the same way it's going to be in an intraday chart.
211 00:38:12,930 --> 00:38:23,280 This is moving faster on a relative basis, because you're looking at smaller timeframes and putting large positions on. Whereas on a higher timeframe chart,
212 00:38:23,310 --> 00:38:32,190 you're doing very small positions, trying to capture big moves. So it's all relative, it's scalable, but you can't try to do more than you're comfortable
213 00:38:32,190 --> 00:38:40,410 doing. Because you will fail no matter what it is you're trying to use in trading, it may not be me, that's the best mentor for you. Okay, you may not
214 00:38:40,650 --> 00:38:54,720 appreciate the things I'm teaching, you may find something else out there that's more appropriate for your particular personality. And even that could still be a
215 00:38:54,720 --> 00:38:59,400 failure in your hands, if you're not lining yourself up with what is realistic.
216 00:39:03,360 --> 00:39:13,890 So hourly chart, here we go. Here's that volume of bounce on a daily chart. And we have a bicep liquidity pool. What is buyside liquidity is BizStats basically
217 00:39:13,890 --> 00:39:22,140 pending orders that you don't necessarily have to see, okay, I see all these guys out there saying, you know, you gotta use the DOM. Okay, depth of market,
218 00:39:22,170 --> 00:39:29,550 you got to look at the ladders and and see what that looks like. And look, folks, all that stuff can be spoofed, I can put orders in there and pull them
219 00:39:29,550 --> 00:39:38,160 before it gets there. And that's what's going on a lot of times, okay, so don't think that you're getting any special treatment, okay, from the marketplace,
220 00:39:38,160 --> 00:39:47,760 because you have that, to me, it's a distraction. All I have to do is look at a price chart. And my students and I we know where the stops are. We don't need
221 00:39:47,760 --> 00:39:56,610 any kind of technical gimmick, okay, depth of market or whatever. We don't need that stuff. Just like we don't need market profile. And I know I'm sounding like
222 00:39:56,640 --> 00:40:06,360 I'm like talking down to those individuals that you Then you might use it, you might be making money. But I'm not looking at those things, I don't need it. The
223 00:40:06,360 --> 00:40:18,660 things that you're looking for outside of price. The market has absolutely no respect at that stuff. It doesn't care. It's not even aware of it. The algorithm
224 00:40:18,660 --> 00:40:34,290 has no idea that your market profile, high volume, low volume nodes are even, it's it's not a thing. That's not a thing. Okay. Now, volume. When you're using
225 00:40:34,290 --> 00:40:47,280 volume profile, if you're looking for areas where it's very, very low volume, and you have a fair value gap, or a volume imbalance, that my friends, here's
226 00:40:47,280 --> 00:40:59,400 that little gem, I said, if you think you know, everything might not be able to do for you. That right there. That is a unicorn. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Don't you
227 00:40:59,400 --> 00:41:09,900 charge to start looking at that. And then suddenly, your volume profile will be a much more consistent animal for you. But strip it away, I could care less
228 00:41:09,900 --> 00:41:20,790 about your point of control. I don't care about that. I don't care about delta. Okay, I don't care about any of that stuff. Price is going to tell you
229 00:41:20,820 --> 00:41:33,990 everything you need to know, as long as you understand the time, because time is the first measure in algorithmic principles and theory, when is it happening? Or
230 00:41:33,990 --> 00:41:42,420 when is it likely to happen? If you don't know that doesn't matter what you think you see in the charts, it isn't going to work, period. I don't care who
231 00:41:42,420 --> 00:41:55,110 wrote a book, who did workshops, who does the teaching circuits, who goes to the trading Summit. I don't care if they like me or support me, I'm telling you. It
232 00:41:55,110 --> 00:42:03,000 is what it is. And I know that's what makes me polarizing and it doesn't make me popular with a lot of folks. And it doesn't make a difference than me. I can
233 00:42:03,000 --> 00:42:11,850 make money doing what I'm doing here. My students are making money with this. They're consistently finding setups. That make sense, because it repeats and it
234 00:42:11,850 --> 00:42:22,890 doesn't require any outside gimmick. It doesn't require any retail logic. And yes, depth of market is retail gimmicks, market profile, retail gimmick, but
235 00:42:22,890 --> 00:42:36,540 they wrap it up in a perspective that it's it's what the big guys use. It's what these guys on wall street use. There's a lot of people that use those things.
236 00:42:36,750 --> 00:42:49,260 Okay. And a lot of guys on Wall Street still use moving averages. Okay, another another problem proponent for them either. But I'm showing you how price creates
237 00:42:49,260 --> 00:43:00,540 these opportunities where you can bridge where market price is now, and where it's likely to get where should it go? See, dumb depth of market is not going to
238 00:43:00,540 --> 00:43:10,410 tell you where it's going to go with a high degree of probability. Because if that was the case, everybody using it on YouTube, I'm watching these fellows.
239 00:43:10,950 --> 00:43:17,940 They have no idea what's going on. They're asking each other they're in rooms or in chat rooms or in telegram rooms. What do you think's gonna happen? What do
240 00:43:17,940 --> 00:43:26,340 you think about that price here? Oh, it's a lot of orders coming in at this price here means absolutely nothing means nothing. And they say oh, you need to
241 00:43:26,340 --> 00:43:39,540 read the tape. And that's only done with depth of market. No, it's not reading price, or reading the tape that's defined in mifold as simply just watching Real
242 00:43:39,540 --> 00:43:50,100 Time price book with no intention of putting a trade on. So you're studying the ebb and flow what price is doing on the candle. As each candle is forming
243 00:43:50,100 --> 00:43:58,800 whatever time frame you're studying, you're getting experience watching that happen, moving from one level to the next. I'll outline here for you now.
244 00:43:59,280 --> 00:44:07,410 So we had a pool of liquidity taken here when price ran above it there. So we moved just a little bit outside of that volume and balance on the daily chart.
245 00:44:07,410 --> 00:44:16,740 Remember that orange shaded area. We went just a little bit above that and then broke lower. If you look real closely, you'll see there's a little swing low
246 00:44:16,740 --> 00:44:32,160 right there. Now, the model I taught on the YouTube channel is where we see a pool of liquidity rated once that liquidity is engaged, if we break down why
247 00:44:32,160 --> 00:44:41,700 would we expect that we went to a premium. In other words, it's an overbought market without an indicator. That's where this orange shaded areas. That's what
248 00:44:41,700 --> 00:44:49,620 represents overbought to me. I don't need an indicator to tell me that because I knew how to read the dealing ranges. Remember the dealing range that I mentioned
249 00:44:49,650 --> 00:45:02,910 on the daily chart before we went down this hourly chart, that range where we would trade above 50%? That's in my definition, a premium market. It's
250 00:45:02,940 --> 00:45:15,060 overbought, it doesn't mean it can't go a little bit higher, it just means that by definition, it's overbought. But if we can frame it with time and price, we
251 00:45:15,060 --> 00:45:24,990 can expect the algorithm to start doing certain things. The market trades below that low here. So we have a shift in market structure here after buyside,
252 00:45:24,990 --> 00:45:35,460 liquidity has been attacked. Now, it's dropping. Well, wait a minute, why is it doing that, because everybody has a buy order that's trying to be a breakout
253 00:45:35,460 --> 00:45:44,670 artist they want to buy that they think is once it goes up there, it's going to keep going higher. That's not what we're expecting. And the market trades lower.
254 00:45:44,730 --> 00:45:55,860 And there's a shift in market structure here. Now, everything technically is in line for lower prices. So your mindset should be any rally higher is a suspect
255 00:45:55,860 --> 00:46:08,250 rally. And if it can go into a logical level, where we can expect to see it returned back into will, what would be the most logical price point going up to
256 00:46:08,250 --> 00:46:15,450 here, right, because that's what retail resistance is. So look how nice and smooth that is. So the market should go right up there and touch that again,
257 00:46:15,450 --> 00:46:25,890 because that's what the textbooks say, that's not what happens. And we've already had a stock run on this high here. They shifted lower shift, the market
258 00:46:25,890 --> 00:46:33,480 structures seemed that swing low, that's right out of the model, I taught for mentorship 2020 on this channel, the 41 videos, watch that this is what's
259 00:46:33,510 --> 00:46:52,440 occurring right there. There is your fair value gap. It runs up into it here in here at nine o'clock in the morning, and then breaks lower. Sell side, liquidity
260 00:46:52,440 --> 00:47:02,310 resides below here, that sell stops. Anyone that's been going long, they try their stop loss rate below that low. So this move from here to here. That's one
261 00:47:02,310 --> 00:47:14,730 bridge. That's one framework. Okay, or your first partial. If you're getting short here, you're looking to take first partial here. But then now what you're
262 00:47:14,730 --> 00:47:22,140 looking for is the what's the real setup, though, if you're seeing this failed to go higher, and it broke lower, it's a shift in market structure, and want a
263 00:47:22,140 --> 00:47:30,570 real premium market really overbought relative to the daily timeframe and that daily range. We can go back to this old low Cami, I personally believe we're
264 00:47:30,570 --> 00:47:43,860 gonna take that low out, yes. But again, with his teaching, I'm teaching you how to build a bridge and not need breakouts 50 percents about in here, and then
265 00:47:43,890 --> 00:47:57,060 below 50%, it would be right in this area here. You see that. That is a fair value gap by side and balance sell side of inefficiency. Now you'll hear folks
266 00:47:57,090 --> 00:48:10,740 like Chris Laurie, and folks that are familiar with him. They'll say that this is a liquidity void. It is. But what is it void of sell side there's an
267 00:48:10,740 --> 00:48:22,500 imbalance by side imbalance. It's all one sided bullishness between this candle is high, and that candle is low. It's lacking sell side. So there's an
268 00:48:22,530 --> 00:48:31,440 inefficiency in sell side, there is no returning back down into touch this candles high. That would be efficient. But it doesn't do that at all. It just
269 00:48:31,440 --> 00:48:41,190 keeps going higher. Just like it does here. This is a fair value gap in the form of bytes out of balance, sell selling efficiency as well. Busy bi Si. That's
270 00:48:41,190 --> 00:48:45,360 what I name it. That's what the algorithm sees. That's what it's doing. Okay.
271 00:48:47,220 --> 00:48:58,230 How this gets returned to is it acts like a big magnet. So this candle is what color green, that means it's an up close candle. So the market will be while
272 00:48:58,230 --> 00:49:08,700 it's here, likely to draw back down into this candle. But do so as a down closed candle. In other words, price will be offered inside the range of 10. This
273 00:49:08,700 --> 00:49:19,440 candle is high in this candle is low in the form of down delivery sellside delivery. You can see it here. But let's go back into all of this a little bit
274 00:49:19,440 --> 00:49:31,050 and bridge another framework between what we saw here in this area here not needing this load to be taken out. So we have a range between this low and this
275 00:49:31,050 --> 00:49:41,340 high. This rung right here is a stoplight. It's taking up the backside here. So this move here we can use that to do standard deviations. What does that mean?
276 00:49:41,850 --> 00:49:50,880 They're measured moves. That's all it is. Very classic phenomenon. The measured move. I didn't create it. I just know where to find the right ones. Okay, and
277 00:49:50,880 --> 00:50:00,720 then that's many times you'll see folks in the comment section of the videos that do have open or you'll hear people say things in videos that are commenting
278 00:50:00,720 --> 00:50:08,940 about me or doing reviews about what I do and or they'll say things in my Twitter feed about how to, you know, pick that swing high when you were taking
279 00:50:08,940 --> 00:50:17,880 that live trade, and how do you know that it was going to not do this. And first of all, it's experience, doing this a long time, but also sticking to rules. And
280 00:50:17,880 --> 00:50:29,160 also, here's the thing, sometimes, I know it's hard to believe, but sometimes I do get it wrong. And I learned from those mistakes over the last three decades.
281 00:50:29,430 --> 00:50:41,490 So it provides a lot of callus. I've learned and developed a lot of callus in doing what it is I'm doing here in price action, I know where I usually get
282 00:50:41,490 --> 00:50:49,860 hurt, and the things that would otherwise hurt other traders. I'm callous to it. So I hold a trade when it looks scary to other people I'll buy when it's
283 00:50:49,860 --> 00:51:00,300 dropping. I'll sell short when it's rallying up. Many of you won't even do that, because it feels scary. See a big candle raging up, you're not going to sell
284 00:51:00,300 --> 00:51:08,010 shorten that. But I am. Because I know what I'm looking for. You don't know what you're looking for yet. But you will learn that if you study this channel, but
285 00:51:08,010 --> 00:51:20,310 this swing from this low to this high here, that run right there. That can be used as a swing projection. If we take that range LOW to HIGH duplicate that
286 00:51:20,310 --> 00:51:36,960 range, from this low down. That's what this is here. That's a measured move swing projection. All this this low to that high that range, multiplied, doubled
287 00:51:36,960 --> 00:51:45,750 up basically in projectable at that low. So everything you see here and upside, if you took that and anchored it to that low and rejected it down. That's what
288 00:51:45,750 --> 00:51:58,860 I'm doing here and in without any other tools. Look where it's lining up with the fair value gap. That's a confluence. Okay, right away, I have enough to
289 00:51:58,860 --> 00:52:09,060 frame that bridge, that if we go above here and fail below that swing low, I'm expecting something like this before it even happens. I'm looking for those
290 00:52:09,060 --> 00:52:16,170 things. I know some of you don't like to believe that. But look at the examples I put on my Twitter, there live account traits, folks, I'm selling short, the
291 00:52:16,170 --> 00:52:24,990 very high candle, and I'm buying the low candles. It's a real count. It's happening with a real count. It's not always in a demo. So I've done that this
292 00:52:24,990 --> 00:52:35,790 year, I've shown you that I can do that stuff. You're seeing 10,000 or 13,000, our real hauls in profits, we're not talking about 25, our wins here, okay, it's
293 00:52:35,820 --> 00:52:46,230 significant amounts of money. And showing you the logic. So we have a confluence of discount or raise, we have a swing projection that sends us down into this
294 00:52:46,230 --> 00:52:55,800 area here. And then it just happens to line up perfectly with the fair value gap. And it's below 50% of the run from the high to low. Well, the high to low
295 00:52:55,800 --> 00:53:05,940 here, rather 50% is about right here and below, it would be here that's in a discount market. So we have a premium market. If we're going short, we're gonna
296 00:53:05,940 --> 00:53:15,240 be aiming for something at a discount. The way we define that is what range are we in, we're in this low to that high. So split that in half. And then we look
297 00:53:15,240 --> 00:53:26,910 for something at that level or below it to aim for. We're using basic market structure theory here and in and aligns with the theory yet. So we have that.
298 00:53:27,570 --> 00:53:38,130 This again, is once more a internal range liquidity. Reaching them here not requiring that load to be taken out, even though I personally believe it will.
299 00:53:42,210 --> 00:53:51,060 So we have that fair value gap here. And you can see how it handsomely trades down into that. So we can look at 3645 We'll call that our level. Okay.
300 00:53:52,350 --> 00:54:01,650 I'm ballparking it might be a little off. But just for the sake of discussion. 3645 is the draw on liquidity best case scenario, we don't need that level to be
301 00:54:01,650 --> 00:54:13,140 traded to but that's the best case scenario because that would probably be the high here. Okay. So that's a nice Confluence. So we're bridging this high to
302 00:54:13,140 --> 00:54:24,240 this area down here. So we have a beginning point and an ending point. So we're anticipating that I know you have the benefit and luxury of seeing this in the
303 00:54:24,240 --> 00:54:31,830 chart, but I'm putting in this way so that you can walk towards this understanding with everything in front of you. Because it's exactly what you're
304 00:54:31,830 --> 00:54:38,580 going to be looking at when you're studying old data. Anyway, in hindsight, the charts are already going to be there. So don't be discouraged because I'm
305 00:54:38,580 --> 00:54:45,840 showing you and teaching you with hindsight, because you can go to my Twitter and watch me do it with Live account. I'm doing it with live accounts is
306 00:54:45,840 --> 00:54:54,930 precision there. I've got scores and scores of demo trades, okay. The logic repeats, folks, it's it's there for your learning. If you struggle with me not
307 00:54:54,930 --> 00:55:02,790 sitting in front of you with a live stream and telling you when to get in get out which I'm never going to do that. Never gonna do it. Okay, I don't owe that
308 00:55:02,790 --> 00:55:10,980 to you. And I have students that are doing signal services. So if I'm doing that for you, they can't do anything, why would they want to go and promote
309 00:55:10,980 --> 00:55:22,140 themselves and try to get a business started as my student doing those things. And then here I am, as the teacher doing it for free, I will be undercutting
310 00:55:22,140 --> 00:55:29,100 them. And I'm not trying to do that for them. And plus, I are told you, I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to spoon feed. I've given enough on this
311 00:55:29,100 --> 00:55:39,900 channel, where all of you can quit your job if you just put the time into it. And yes, I said that. Alright, so take a closer look into that little fair value
312 00:55:39,900 --> 00:55:50,040 gap right there. between the high and the low here, is going to draw back up into the area of inefficiency. So there's only one little candle from this
313 00:55:50,040 --> 00:56:01,230 candles low and this candles high one candle range. That's what's shaded. In pink I guess. It goes right up into that see out does that repricing that's
314 00:56:01,230 --> 00:56:13,170 repricing that is not rebalanced. That's just a repricing back to an area of inefficiency. That does not bounce, that price moves lower, we're expecting it
315 00:56:13,170 --> 00:56:23,280 to move lower. If it takes out that low here. That's the first partial, you get that right here. Then we have another opportunity where price rallies again. Now
316 00:56:23,280 --> 00:56:31,470 this is Non Farm Payroll Friday. And I understand that this might not feel comfortable learning. But just take that out of the equation because there's
317 00:56:31,470 --> 00:56:39,510 other big moves that take place. Without Non Farm Payroll, this is a really nice directional play. This is classic delivery, where if we weren't looking at Non
318 00:56:39,510 --> 00:56:46,890 Farm Payroll, and it was just a nice good medium impact or high impact news driver for that day, it would look like this anyway. So take non farm payrolls
319 00:56:46,920 --> 00:56:57,600 out of the equation, even though it is for disclosure, that's what this particular day is. All these signatures are there on regular days. So we have
320 00:56:57,600 --> 00:57:06,060 the inception of the MOU, or the beginning or origin of the MOU. And we have the terminus based on everything on this outline. It takes more time for me to
321 00:57:06,060 --> 00:57:17,400 explain it, then you to spot it. If you do this work, studying old data, mark them up like this, okay, try to figure out what it's doing. In all the old
322 00:57:17,400 --> 00:57:26,460 hindsight moves, pick up markets, you're gonna trade. It may not be s&p and may be NASDAQ. It may be dow it might be gold, it might be a crypto, it might be
323 00:57:26,460 --> 00:57:35,490 whatever, okay, take crypto asset and said I don't I don't have faith in crypto, but I just say that whatever it is that you're trying to trade, you know that
324 00:57:35,490 --> 00:57:44,910 one vehicle that instrument, go back and start doing back testing, start looking at old moves and study them in great detail like this, do that it takes a lot of
325 00:57:44,910 --> 00:57:52,200 time. Yes, it does. And lazy people will not be successful. I don't care if you're going to learn from it or not. Whatever you try to learn, you're going to
326 00:57:52,200 --> 00:57:59,670 have to do back testing, whatever system that you're going to be learning or any kind of method out there. If it's spitting out signals for you, which is
327 00:57:59,670 --> 00:58:08,070 stupidity. If you do that, if you're trading something blindly just taking somebody's you know, system that just tells you when the buy and sell. That's
328 00:58:08,160 --> 00:58:18,000 ludicrous to me. You have no idea what the logic is behind that. How can you trust that? How can you trust it? What's What's the rationale behind that? To
329 00:58:18,000 --> 00:58:24,360 me, it's never made any sense. Okay, but I'm certain there's people out there that will claim this profitable and you know, God bless you, if that's what you
330 00:58:24,360 --> 00:58:26,400 feel. If you believe that it's good.
331 00:58:27,900 --> 00:58:36,090 That works for you, and you don't work for me. And my students wouldn't most likely subscribe to that either out there seeing what it is I teach, but go
332 00:58:36,090 --> 00:58:46,260 through the process of annotating your charts like this, breaking them down. And again, we are on an hourly chart, folks, this is not scalping. This is a nice
333 00:58:46,260 --> 00:58:57,360 intraday swing. It's actually a short term trade, trading here on Thursday, and then maybe even adding more on the next day but it's not on payroll Friday and
334 00:58:57,480 --> 00:59:04,890 the Thursday going to Non Farm Payroll Friday. So I teach my students don't trade them but you can study them. But these are typical types of moves that you
335 00:59:04,890 --> 00:59:13,200 would see when a medium or high impact news driver day. And what does that mean, medium or high impact news drivers that you find on economic calendars like
336 00:59:13,230 --> 00:59:21,480 economy day, or Forex factory dot coms calendar, I like using that one too. It's real easy and as follows. knew all the things that I would be looking for for
337 00:59:21,480 --> 00:59:30,420 forex or something to that effect. Yes, everything I'm teaching here works in forex, it works in commodities, it works in everything out there, okay, the only
338 00:59:30,420 --> 00:59:37,590 thing I don't want to cosign with is crypto. My students like to say it does. I have never traded crypto, so I'm not going to cosign and say it works there.
339 00:59:37,770 --> 00:59:52,590 Okay, so there's that. So let's take a closer look and think about how that move. Right here is the inception. And we are envisioning the trade. How do we
340 00:59:52,590 --> 01:00:01,380 do that what I just marked up and this is where it's going to draw down to and this is Terminus. I don't care you don't care if it goes below that low Who
341 01:00:01,380 --> 01:00:13,470 cares, you have to find a way to be able to frame the logic and build a bridge in the unknown. That hard right edge where the market is not yet trading in a
342 01:00:13,470 --> 01:00:20,340 new candle or traded in a pattern, it's in hindsight. Now, you have to look at the count. Like right now, if you're looking at the chart, like right there.
343 01:00:21,480 --> 01:00:28,740 What's it going to do next? Well, at this moment here, the only thing I would subscribe to is is going to go lower and work towards this low here. That's what
344 01:00:28,740 --> 01:00:39,900 I would submit to because that's what I personally believe in believed last week. But this is done like that setup is done. So if even if you were holding
345 01:00:39,900 --> 01:00:50,970 out for something like this low being taken out, in my personal way of trading, 80% of the trade will be off. So that way, if I had to weather any of this type
346 01:00:50,970 --> 01:01:04,650 of movement up here to reprice, that this area here, you know, I'm not sitting with 80%, stolen, and having all that type of drawdown that on a trade, it's
347 01:01:04,650 --> 01:01:15,090 becoming a loser, but giving up open profits, and having that open profit draw down to a lower open profit, that could potentially I could be wrong, folks,
348 01:01:15,240 --> 01:01:24,030 this thing could, they could go out tomorrow and say, they figured out the answer to cancer. And, you know, all the things of war, the weapons of war were
349 01:01:24,030 --> 01:01:35,430 put away. And they found, you know, a reason for everyone to be living in peace and harmony in the market, the straight up and anything can happen. Now, I'm
350 01:01:35,430 --> 01:01:47,460 not, I'm not surprised at anything anymore since 2020. But the framework or the way that we envision a price move, okay, or build a bridge, from market price to
351 01:01:47,460 --> 01:01:57,420 where we think it's going to go or terminus, which is the draw on liquidity, where should price reach to, that's the main thing. If you can't do that you
352 01:01:57,420 --> 01:02:08,010 can't trade I don't care what tells you when the buy and sell, unless you know where it's going to go. Where it's at reaching for where is the end game, that
353 01:02:08,010 --> 01:02:16,410 Terminus that is logical. It's not, you're not trying to pick the very high and the very low, you're just trying to take out these surgical strikes that make
354 01:02:16,410 --> 01:02:27,180 perfect sense. And by having that you frame that little section like this here, this is your bridge, from here to here. Now, I'm not saying it's gonna happen
355 01:02:27,210 --> 01:02:39,900 inside these lines on the same from price the price from 30 100 to 3650, we'll call it that's your bridge. Now, how do you engage it? How do you get in? Well,
356 01:02:39,900 --> 01:02:53,670 this is one of them here. That's the inception. And here's another alternative entry here. Now, what's going on on this candle here? Let's go through that. You
357 01:02:53,670 --> 01:03:02,100 have a fair value gap. And it looks very, very small. But I promise you it's valid. It's only it only looks really little, because I have everything on this
358 01:03:02,100 --> 01:03:13,020 chart showing you this low here to here. But that is a fair Vega with a bearish order block last up close candle prior to this move lower and a fair value gap.
359 01:03:13,170 --> 01:03:24,900 So the market trades up into that goes up one quarter point into that high. I know that because I watched it live trades up into it and then sends it lower
360 01:03:27,990 --> 01:03:28,620 into
361 01:03:30,180 --> 01:03:41,250 or if you're a get. So that's one setup you can use. That's one opportunity to trade with, that might not be your model. What happens if this isn't your model?
362 01:03:41,820 --> 01:03:57,900 Well, now we have the breaker. High, Low, higher high. If it takes out this low, it does over here. trades up into this down close candle that's the breaker it
363 01:03:57,900 --> 01:04:06,750 can go as far as that candle is high. Sometimes it can be a little bit more that's not for payroll folks. It's doing what nonfarm payroll does its coloring
364 01:04:06,750 --> 01:04:17,190 outside the lines, trades up into the breaker once more and then it displaces and goes into here. So you might be using this as the backdrop as okay, this is
365 01:04:17,190 --> 01:04:26,190 the inception of the move, but we broke below this low and then we traded to the high end of that bearish breaker. I'll take that with these stops being taken.
366 01:04:26,940 --> 01:04:37,380 And that's your model. But what if that's not your model? Okay. Here is a turtle suit. We have by side liquidity about this high in the side relatively equal
367 01:04:37,380 --> 01:04:48,150 highs in a bearish market market rallies above prior to Non Farm Payroll and then rejects and trades down into that area here. So again, we're using this as
368 01:04:48,150 --> 01:05:00,420 the backdrop we may not have taken an entry here. But all of these setups these potential setups are all taught on this channel for free. That's not your cup of
369 01:05:00,420 --> 01:05:12,060 tea, this is maybe last up close candles prior to the rejection here, these last upclose candles is your bearish order block extended out in time with the fair
370 01:05:12,060 --> 01:05:25,290 Vega trade into it there, that might be your setup as well. Now, I didn't do this one for the chart slides, but you can take this swing high to swing low
371 01:05:25,620 --> 01:05:33,870 optimal trade entry. That's the flagship pattern on this YouTube channel. I guess really, that's actually taking the backseat now to the fair value gap
372 01:05:33,870 --> 01:05:45,690 model hasn't been the optimal trade entry. The ote was a long standing flagship pattern on this channel. But obviously everyone's getting funded and able to
373 01:05:45,690 --> 01:05:55,050 find continuity and consistency and profitability with the model that's shared this year on 2002 mentorship, which I'm loving the debt, I love that that's my
374 01:05:55,050 --> 01:06:03,870 daughter's model that she can't use because she's not able to trade, she can't do it. And I mentioned this before, sometimes you're gonna find that you can't
375 01:06:03,870 --> 01:06:12,300 do this. And even if you don't learn from me how to do it, you may try to do other ways and other mentors and other approaches and still not find success.
376 01:06:12,600 --> 01:06:25,170 Folks. If that's you, the best thing you could do is identify that early and just stop. Because trading is not for everyone. It is not for everyone. And
377 01:06:25,770 --> 01:06:36,180 there'll be a terrible disservice to you as a listener and potential student. For me to sit here and tell you, I can turn all of you into a profitable trader,
378 01:06:36,690 --> 01:06:45,240 because I know I can't I know the limitations of humanity. I know my own limitations, I'm not the best mentor. I believe I'm the best trader,
379 01:06:45,240 --> 01:06:53,940 technically, I don't believe I'm the best mentor, I had the best concepts. And I have the best approach because when I teach is the market. This is exactly what
380 01:06:53,940 --> 01:07:05,970 the algorithms they want. This stuff repeats every day, every week. But I know that limitations of me as a mentor, it may not be teaching it well. You may not
381 01:07:05,970 --> 01:07:15,360 be getting anything from this lesson here. You may not be getting anything from any of the videos you've ever heard me teach on. And that's just the barrier
382 01:07:15,360 --> 01:07:23,310 that, unfortunately, I'm probably never going to be able to bridge for you. Because if you haven't found your way of finding profits on what I've taught
383 01:07:23,310 --> 01:07:32,520 this year, I don't have anything for you. And that's honestly, like, I'm not going to tell you to waste any more time. Because if you can't do it with what I
384 01:07:32,520 --> 01:07:41,910 taught in the 2022 mentorship model, and there's 41 videos, if you don't have the time to put in the back, test that and put the work into doing that if you
385 01:07:41,910 --> 01:07:52,110 can't find consistency, you know, in nine months or so tradings probably not for you. Because that's the easiest thing you're ever going to find, technically,
386 01:07:52,200 --> 01:08:01,830 unless something's spitting out, buy here, sell here, and who knows what the logic is behind all that. Now, we've dropped down finally into a five minute
387 01:08:01,830 --> 01:08:11,460 chart on Non Farm Payroll Friday, here is what the lower timeframe with time of day, everything comes together. Relative equal highs, this is the same thing you
388 01:08:11,460 --> 01:08:18,420 would expect to see on a medium or high impact news driver day doesn't have to be Non Farm Payroll, but I'm going to teach you something really cool with
389 01:08:18,420 --> 01:08:18,930 price. Now
390 01:08:20,190 --> 01:08:32,880 Beisa liquidity is rated there, then it trades lower, which is what we expect anyway. It's also trading into that series of all kinds of bearish patterns that
391 01:08:32,880 --> 01:08:42,450 this went through. On the previous slide before it drops down here, I went through five different patterns. So you don't have to have one pattern with me,
392 01:08:42,930 --> 01:08:51,630 understanding where price is likely to turn, where's the inception of the move, and where is Terminus. So you're building that bridge in price action, that
393 01:08:51,630 --> 01:09:02,340 hasn't even started yet, you're anticipating that that's what this whole presentation is, learning how to anticipate how these setups form. And as you
394 01:09:02,340 --> 01:09:11,160 can see, there's a multitude of different approaches that I teach on this channel that you can use to get into the trade. That's the easy part,
395 01:09:11,550 --> 01:09:19,680 understanding where it's going. That's the hard part for students. They don't know that. And they think they should watch a video. And therefore I know how to
396 01:09:19,680 --> 01:09:29,100 do it now because I watched ICTs videos on daily bias and I watched it on liquidity pools and, you know, the liquidity matrix and I understand the PV
397 01:09:29,100 --> 01:09:38,190 arrays and, you know, I should know how to do this by now. No, you shouldn't, it takes time. It takes time. All of you are going to get here a different time.
398 01:09:38,580 --> 01:09:47,490 But you're going to get here right on time, right on time for you. Because everyone's walking this path at a different pace with different baggage. You
399 01:09:47,490 --> 01:09:56,550 have all kinds of stresses in the world, your job, your family, your friends, your work, or lack thereof. You know, all those things are gonna contribute to
400 01:09:56,550 --> 01:10:05,550 this. And they may be a plus or a minus in The whole development process, that learning curve is going to be affected you positively and negatively by other
401 01:10:05,550 --> 01:10:16,170 things outside of you. And all of us have that going on. And I can't give you a timeframe that it's reasonable, or what would be a cookie cutter response for
402 01:10:16,170 --> 01:10:26,100 everyone, because you're all gonna get it differently. So well, non farm payrolls Friday, market runs up, this is a juice swing, it's a fake rally, okay?
403 01:10:26,820 --> 01:10:40,140 Then it rejects. Now, this here, that would look like a fair value, get to the first casual viewer of my channel, looking at the 2022 mentorship model, oh,
404 01:10:40,140 --> 01:10:46,710 this, I'm gonna expect it to trade over here, I'm gonna show you why you wouldn't. Okay, this is one of those really good lessons. The market shares
405 01:10:46,710 --> 01:10:58,530 displacement aggressively and trades down into this area right in here, right below this low. What's below that low sell stops, so sell side liquidity. So it
406 01:10:58,530 --> 01:11:10,920 digs down into that on the 830 News driver, Non Farm Payroll, then the next candle opens here, trades up to here, and then starts to work lower here, the
407 01:11:10,920 --> 01:11:18,900 next candle trades lower here. And then the next candle opens and trades down below that low key information. I'll come back to it in a minute. Then the
408 01:11:18,900 --> 01:11:27,360 market comes back up into this little gap. This is a fair value gap. Well, wait a minute. Why does it say it's a breakaway gap? And why is this a fair value
409 01:11:27,360 --> 01:11:39,360 gap? I'm going to teach you the market trades lower this fairway gap that would otherwise be mislabeled by someone else on YouTube. This is actually a measuring
410 01:11:39,360 --> 01:11:52,320 gap. I'll explain why that is. So as well, and then drops down into our 3645 level in here between 50 and 45. That's the fair value gap on the hourly chart.
411 01:11:52,320 --> 01:12:02,040 Remember, I told you 3645. It goes into that level and it's a little bit more well, how do we know when it can go down below the targets? How far can it go
412 01:12:02,040 --> 01:12:12,960 ICT? I'm going to show you that just slow your roll. Okay, slow your roll. Get to the point I think seeing oh, let's do it now. From this high to this candles
413 01:12:12,960 --> 01:12:25,740 love why this candle is low ICT. Why not this one? Why not that one, why not this one. Because this one here creates a gap. After a run below initial run on
414 01:12:26,250 --> 01:12:36,150 the news, we have what is a balanced price range, I'll show you that and explain to you in a minute. But then we have a fair pay gap. It trades lower, takes out
415 01:12:36,180 --> 01:12:47,130 another low creates an imbalance. Now we're expecting price to get down to that 3645. Right. And here's a gap right here on the heels of a fair value gap that
416 01:12:47,130 --> 01:12:59,640 was traded up into when we have another lower gap right after our fair pay gap has already formed. And it's approximately halfway to where we are thinking
417 01:12:59,640 --> 01:13:10,230 price is going to drop to 3645. Look at this gap here between this candles low and this candles high. Look at this here, up to this high.
418 01:13:11,400 --> 01:13:18,270 If you take that range from this high, down to the top of the gap, which is going to be represented by this candles low right here. And I know this is
419 01:13:18,270 --> 01:13:26,640 probably going way over your heads if you're new. But I promise you study the video a couple times, come back to this one after a couple of months of doing
420 01:13:26,640 --> 01:13:36,240 all the other videos. Okay? It will mean much more to you. And it'll make much more sense to you. But right now, I'm jamming a lot of things inside of one
421 01:13:36,240 --> 01:13:43,740 teaching. But this is what I do when I sit down with somebody. And they're really intrigued with what I've been saying and they've gotten this far. And
422 01:13:43,740 --> 01:13:50,490 you're still asking me more questions. Because I can talk about this stuff for hours and hours and hours and never get tired. I won't even need to use the
423 01:13:50,490 --> 01:13:59,430 bathroom. I'll just simply go on go and go. And I'm the mentor with a mouth. I can keep talking and talking and talking. But if they're talking to me and
424 01:13:59,430 --> 01:14:08,460 asking more questions, I go into levels of detail like this, to show them signal. I'm not teaching them obviously, I'm teaching you, but I'm showing them
425 01:14:08,460 --> 01:14:15,690 these are things that I see in price action. And of course, they're looking at me like how do you know that? And I'm sure many times I've talked to them, and
426 01:14:15,750 --> 01:14:23,100 they thought that I was talking about something that's already happened. Therefore, it couldn't be real until I showed them a trade that's basically
427 01:14:23,130 --> 01:14:34,080 their annual salary. That type of response really gets them you ever worked up into like me, I want to learn what you do. Suddenly, they want to quit your job.
428 01:14:34,110 --> 01:14:39,870 They want to go and tell their boss I'm done. I'm gonna do what this guy does. And I have to tell them what I've been telling you this entire video and other
429 01:14:39,870 --> 01:14:52,170 videos that you have to slow down and give yourself a real chance. But I'm deviating I know that low is the top of the gap. So for measuring a high to a
430 01:14:52,170 --> 01:15:01,860 get that would be potentially a measuring gap. How do we know it's a measuring gap is because it's forming right after a fair value gap. right in here, and it
431 01:15:01,860 --> 01:15:12,690 reacted to it and sold off. This one here is at the midpoint of where we're looking for price to go to, which is back to square one. Everybody wants to
432 01:15:12,690 --> 01:15:22,290 teach how to get into a trade, precision sniper. I think I'm the one that did majority of the work with precision sniper entry techniques given that
433 01:15:24,180 --> 01:15:35,340 illustrious name of Sniper precision. Now everybody just wants to do sniper entries. Look, there's all kinds of Sniper entries. Every candle is giving you a
434 01:15:35,340 --> 01:15:44,970 sniper entry. But what's it going to? Where's the draw liquidity? Where's Terminus? Where do you pull the plug on? This is how far I thought I was gonna
435 01:15:44,970 --> 01:15:55,410 go for right now. And I'm done. That's what you need to be understanding is the most important thing. Why should price go to wherever it is you think it should
436 01:15:55,410 --> 01:16:09,390 go? Period? What's the draw on liquidity? Where should price be going to wherever it is? Right now that's market price. We all see that real time when
437 01:16:09,390 --> 01:16:21,000 we're looking at the charts. Only seasoned traders, profitable traders, people that are versed in understanding what price is doing, will know where price is
438 01:16:21,000 --> 01:16:33,090 likely to go to next. It won't always be a straight line. But where's it gravitating to? Above or below market price? That's bias. That's as simple as it
439 01:16:33,090 --> 01:16:44,220 gets. Now, on my Twitter feed, I always point to where my attention is. And if it's above market price at the time, I'm tweeting, guess what that means that my
440 01:16:44,220 --> 01:16:54,150 bias is bullish until it changes. Sometimes I'll change it sometimes I'll say okay, with this new, I don't like that. Or I'll put your attention on another
441 01:16:54,150 --> 01:17:04,920 level. Because that means I'm potentially transitioning from a existing bias to something else that may have changed. Or I'm either taking a trade or I've
442 01:17:04,920 --> 01:17:14,280 closed the trade that you don't know about, I'm recording. And then I'm going the other direction. And then a new later on, you see what I've done. So I'm
443 01:17:14,490 --> 01:17:23,250 pulling your attention to a specific level, I'm taking your attention to draw on liquidity that I believe is right now salient. Because that's the skill set that
444 01:17:23,280 --> 01:17:34,530 all of my students need to learn first. Well, the first lesson is patience. But nobody learns that right away. The drawing liquidity where price should go to
445 01:17:34,530 --> 01:17:47,400 next. That is the most paramount fundamental lesson that every student mind needs to grab a hold off. Because if you learn how to determine that, if you do
446 01:17:47,400 --> 01:17:59,580 that, bias is easy. And you'll be able to submit to these trades panning out. Because if you don't know what it's going to reach for, and
447 01:18:01,200 --> 01:18:13,080 you don't have the confidence to hold on to it. You might be in a trade, that's beautiful. You have nailed down a perfect entry next to zero drawdown. And then
448 01:18:13,080 --> 01:18:20,460 because you don't have any trust in what it is you're expecting it to be a draw on liquidity, which is why all of you want me to do these live sessions and
449 01:18:20,460 --> 01:18:28,440 streams. Because you already know that if I'm pointing to a specific level and you see me get into a trade, it's gonna be real easy for you to hold a trade
450 01:18:28,440 --> 01:18:41,070 that way then. And you're all smiling, saying yeah, let's get it. No, no, we're not doing that. Because the do that makes you codependent with me. And I want to
451 01:18:41,100 --> 01:18:50,310 cultivate independent thinking that well, you're doing everything independent on your own. You're not requiring me to do anything for you. And there's no way to
452 01:18:50,310 --> 01:18:59,790 shortcut that. Yes, you can all be piggybacking on me and making money. That's not how you learn. That that would piss me off to be quite honest with you. I
453 01:18:59,790 --> 01:19:06,870 don't want to do those things. I want you to learn how to do this and that and say you know what? ICT I appreciate everything done. I don't need this anymore.
454 01:19:06,870 --> 01:19:15,780 I don't need you home anymore. I don't even need to watch any more videos anymore. Thank you, brother. I'm off. Boom, blaze a trail. Keep up. You know,
455 01:19:15,810 --> 01:19:23,250 let me know how you're doing. That's that's the relationship I'm trying to cultivate? Well, yeah. I'm not trying to create marriages with all of us student
456 01:19:23,250 --> 01:19:38,190 and teacher and I don't want that. So if we can measure the high to the low of that candle, which is the top of the measuring gap, project that down. You see
457 01:19:38,190 --> 01:19:49,200 this level here? That's one standard deviation from the high to the top of that gap right there. That candles low right there. Because this candle here that
458 01:19:49,200 --> 01:20:03,600 makes the fair baguette typically like it did here. But we don't want to see that close. What do you say? Yeah, How do you know when certain fair value gaps
459 01:20:03,600 --> 01:20:15,540 are going to close completely? And when are some of them going to be staying open? Hello. Toda, it's not made up, it's not contrived folks, it's a lot to
460 01:20:15,540 --> 01:20:27,270 behind all this stuff. Everything is engineered with a purpose. And all these Yahoo's out there, trying to run off to Amazon and take all my mentorship stuff,
461 01:20:27,510 --> 01:20:41,310 and make books out of it, and not credit me or mentioned me at all. That's the poor man's approach. You don't know what you're doing. You don't have any logic
462 01:20:41,310 --> 01:20:55,320 behind it. And anything I've ever said. If you repeat that in a book that you type up and plagiarize, that doesn't mean you can do it. And you're stealing
463 01:20:55,320 --> 01:21:07,590 credit that you didn't earn. And that's why I'm in teaching for free this year. A lot of young men and women have gone out there and tried to pretend that they
464 01:21:07,590 --> 01:21:21,900 created this themselves. Or that it's Wycoff. This is not like off. Nothing. Here's why golf Wycoff can't get this precise. Sorry to break your heart. But we
465 01:21:21,900 --> 01:21:30,900 have that level right there pointing to where the bodies are the closes on this candle, and the open on this candle. Beautiful delivery. So yes, it went past
466 01:21:30,930 --> 01:21:39,900 3645 That's fine. But how far can it go? It can go down here. But I would be getting out around 3650 Just below that. And that's fine. Why not ICT if you're
467 01:21:39,900 --> 01:21:50,460 so precise, because sometimes I've had limit orders simply just not get filled. That happens, folks. I have trades where I'm in open profit, and I can't close
468 01:21:50,460 --> 01:22:00,540 them. Okay, they wouldn't let me close no matter what I was doing. Period, and I had enough leverage, I had enough equity, I had enough everything, I've done
469 01:22:00,540 --> 01:22:09,300 larger positions in the broker just simply wouldn't close the trade, it happens. So I want to get the low hanging fruit, low hanging fruit will be 3650. For me,
470 01:22:09,510 --> 01:22:17,970 it's a nice 50 level done. I don't need to go down here to this level here. And feel good. I'm feeling good. Once it gets down 3650 I'm done. See you later.
471 01:22:18,120 --> 01:22:27,450 Have a nice day, you can hold to get out of here and get out there. I'm not trying to be that precise. I'll take the glory of saying I think it's gonna go
472 01:22:27,450 --> 01:22:36,810 to that level. But I do that a lot on Twitter. And I'm exiting early. And I've been very candid with everyone. My weakest part of my trading is my exes.
473 01:22:36,810 --> 01:22:48,000 Because I want precision and perfection all the time. But I know my humanity prevents that. I know it does. So I've created the low hanging fruit approach
474 01:22:48,000 --> 01:22:55,200 where what's the highest probability exit that's very close to where I think it's gonna go and the strategy that is going to be employed to do that over and
475 01:22:55,200 --> 01:22:55,560 again,
476 01:22:57,030 --> 01:23:08,580 and not have it caused me to overthink it. And that's what I teach my students. Period. I'm sure if the Lord Grace's me with enough life in me, I believe that
477 01:23:08,610 --> 01:23:19,950 my private membership group students, one of them will come up with a phenomenal exit strategy on the things I've taught. And I'm not opposed to taking that and
478 01:23:19,950 --> 01:23:28,500 learning from that. I'm flexible in that regard, because that is my only weakness. But that's the only thing I would look to improve with someone else's
479 01:23:28,500 --> 01:23:38,400 help. But it would come from my students, not somebody else. The logic the things that I do. That's, that's where I operate. I don't care what anybody else
480 01:23:38,400 --> 01:23:47,400 is doing. I don't care how much money they make, I don't care what they say what they believe what who do train them, what bank supposedly they worked for. I got
481 01:23:47,400 --> 01:23:55,050 bank traders or in law students, okay, so I don't want to hear about all that. Okay, that type of stuff. That's outside of what I teach. I'm not interested in
482 01:23:55,050 --> 01:24:07,800 that. But these things repeat, and there's a logic to it. But now while we're on the subject of gaps in why this doesn't get traded back up into it, because it's
483 01:24:07,800 --> 01:24:16,950 a measuring gap measuring gaps tend to stay open, just like a breakaway gap does. Why is this a burglary gap because we went to a level of bias and
484 01:24:16,950 --> 01:24:31,470 liquidity and then it took off went lower. And this is going to stay open. When this low when this low is taken out with this candle here, and then we close
485 01:24:31,560 --> 01:24:46,560 there and we open, rally up a little bit and create that gap. Once price trades down to this low here. When that candle, now we have another shift lower in
486 01:24:46,560 --> 01:24:57,810 price. So because we went below this low here and we went below this low here, high impact news driver, this gap stays open and we anticipate that staying
487 01:24:57,810 --> 01:25:06,600 open. We're looking for it to stay open It's going to act as a breakaway gap. Why? Because the likelihood of us trading down to 3645 is where we were
488 01:25:06,600 --> 01:25:18,420 anticipating price base on an hourly chart. So if we see this remain open, that's stage one, we have a lot of things in our favor. If this stays open, then
489 01:25:18,420 --> 01:25:26,220 when the market creates this, we have a gap here after this low is taken out, if it trades back up in here, we can take that as a short, because this low, that
490 01:25:26,220 --> 01:25:39,420 high, that's a bounced price range that's balanced, why market traded down, then back up, then left that range with that low right there taken out there. So it
491 01:25:39,420 --> 01:25:52,230 moved both directions, and then left it, it went down with this big candle here. It went up here, and then down again. So it doesn't need to go above this fair
492 01:25:52,230 --> 01:26:03,150 value gap at all, let alone get up in this area. So this is your short after Non Farm Payroll, you can't get in here, I don't care what anybody else says. Unless
493 01:26:03,150 --> 01:26:18,660 you entered before 823 825 The chances of you really getting a good fill is slim to none. Can you have done that? Sure. The likelihood of all you getting filled
494 01:26:18,660 --> 01:26:29,730 now. Because the brokers they, they pull all the liquidity, they just don't let you get filled period. There'll be mentors that that say, oh, there's a there's
495 01:26:29,730 --> 01:26:38,520 an absence of buyers and sellers. Now there's a whole lot of one wanting to buy and sell, the broker is just simply not going to let you that's the dirty little
496 01:26:38,520 --> 01:26:46,260 secret. That's the thing that everybody knows is going on. But they all just want to stay within the herd and sound like everybody else and not be the
497 01:26:46,260 --> 01:26:53,280 outlier. Okay, the person on the outside that really knows what's going on and speaks their mind, that's what I'm doing. They're not going to let you fail
498 01:26:53,310 --> 01:27:02,850 period. You think that everybody out here in the retail universe as far as trading goes, they see these big moves in non farm payrolls, you don't think
499 01:27:02,850 --> 01:27:12,270 they are willing buyers and sellers, they all want to do something. And there's a lack of what liquidity that's bull it's the brokers keeping you from getting
500 01:27:12,270 --> 01:27:22,770 filled on these big news. They don't want to be on the other end of who they place trades against because they might lose a broken clocks twice. Alright,
501 01:27:22,980 --> 01:27:38,490 each day. And likelihood of Paladins potentially being right. When an over leveraged position, and they are be booking them, it's much easier for them to
502 01:27:38,490 --> 01:27:50,610 simply this pull all of the ability for you to put a trade on at all. You can't get out. You can't get in, you can't add. You can't adjust your stop, it just
503 01:27:50,790 --> 01:27:51,450 ain't gonna happen.
504 01:27:53,310 --> 01:28:01,680 That's typical Non Farm Payroll, that's typical with FOMC rate announcements, okay. And that's the reason why I tell you don't try to trade on folks. You're
505 01:28:01,680 --> 01:28:14,310 trying to do something that's next to impossible even for me. So if I had 30 years in this, and I feel like I know what I'm doing. If I can't get a fill. Why
506 01:28:14,310 --> 01:28:25,440 the hell would you think you're getting filled and filled favorably? Okay, see these guys out here they put a buy order and a sell order. Whichever one gets
507 01:28:25,440 --> 01:28:38,910 filled, go with that. That's nuts. Okay, because literally not from payroll. It's classic delivery is whipsaw, so it knows that traders bracket above and
508 01:28:38,910 --> 01:28:54,240 below. And traditionally, the first move is fake. Like you see here, that little gap swing right up there. So we have a gap opening here with a fair value gap.
509 01:28:55,050 --> 01:29:05,970 But it's not a fair Vega. It is a breakaway gap. It's breaking away from this liquidity run. Taking out that low here. And then we have price trade down to
510 01:29:05,970 --> 01:29:17,880 that low then it closes here. So what has it done, it's traded down and then back up. See that? Then the next candle we open, rally up a little bit more and
511 01:29:17,880 --> 01:29:31,530 then we go right back over top of that candles range. So soon as we take out that candles low right there. That makes this low to that high. Balanced. That's
512 01:29:31,590 --> 01:29:41,490 a bounce price range. This is not rebalanced when it goes back up into here that is not a rebalance. That's not rebounds, folks that's repriced, it's just simply
513 01:29:41,490 --> 01:29:50,610 repricing back to this area where it's lacking. Buy side delivery. Sell side is what you see here. It's from this candle is low and that candle is high. That is
514 01:29:50,610 --> 01:30:02,160 sellside delivery and it's lacking by side. It's delivered by side here. Then it leaves it. Now this range LOW to HIGH Once it trades down below this low here,
515 01:30:03,960 --> 01:30:15,510 it's balanced. Why? Because look what it's done, it went to this low, rallied, went back down, and then back and forth in here, then left it, this is a bounce
516 01:30:15,510 --> 01:30:23,790 price range is no need for it to come back up above here to pick up stocks because it's a bounced price range, and it's went to fair value. And nobody
517 01:30:23,790 --> 01:30:33,120 could have moved any stops in this movement here. So no one got short. So there's no reason for the think, okay, it's going to run up here and knock their
518 01:30:33,120 --> 01:30:45,000 stops out, see the logic there. So think about that bridge analogy. If you're building a bridge, and you're trying to cross the bridge, as the bridge is being
519 01:30:45,000 --> 01:30:55,140 built, okay, there's two types of things are gonna occur. One, they're gonna build part of the bridge and leave a hole that they got to come back and fill,
520 01:30:55,200 --> 01:31:06,090 which is a fair value. Or they're going to work until they run out of material, get as far as they can, and then come back to the other side of the bridge, to
521 01:31:06,090 --> 01:31:15,060 get more material to go and start building more of the bridge. What would that represent? That's a stop hunt. You don't need them to start the bridge building
522 01:31:15,060 --> 01:31:25,470 here, then come back, fill in the fair value gap start to move lower, and the end of the bridge or the other opposing side would be down here. You're not
523 01:31:25,470 --> 01:31:36,720 going to expect them to come all the way back up to knockout stops to get more material to make that bridge efficiently delivered to 3645. Because this here,
524 01:31:36,930 --> 01:31:45,300 was moving too fast for anyone to get short anyway. So there is no short holders here. That's the whole reason why I did what it did. Nobody was allowed to get
525 01:31:45,300 --> 01:32:00,180 in it. So there's no necessity for anyone to assume that this has now trailed stop losses. Because all of this work here was so sudden and harsh. That really
526 01:32:00,180 --> 01:32:08,580 there's no liquidity above that high. It was just returning to fair value gap there, then short sellers came in the marketplace that are considered smart
527 01:32:08,580 --> 01:32:20,820 money, then it drops. Why is it that certain highs don't get right now, I just told you, you have to have a premise behind why it should or shouldn't happen.
528 01:32:21,480 --> 01:32:34,860 That's narrative. Everything you see here, nobody got shortened that they couldn't, in less than one minute, folks, the s&p moved to 40 handles plus. And
529 01:32:34,860 --> 01:32:44,910 you want to trade Non Farm Payroll with very little experience. You're just playing Russian roulette, you can lose more money than you have in your account.
530 01:32:45,750 --> 01:32:48,480 Why even risk that? So
531 01:32:50,310 --> 01:33:00,960 I could talk and talk and talk and build so much more on this whole thing here. But the whole premise to this teaching, I have, in my opinion, delivered.
532 01:33:02,790 --> 01:33:14,100 Looking at price, trying to determine where price should draw to next. That's how you build a bridge. Okay, when you build the blueprint for a bridge, they
533 01:33:14,100 --> 01:33:22,830 have a design based on an area they've already done a survey on. What's the survey doing? They're looking through transits. They're getting measurements and
534 01:33:22,830 --> 01:33:35,190 distances and such and heights. But they're looking at a specific location, point A to point B, not point a point c, point D, something else? Well, if we
535 01:33:35,190 --> 01:33:41,790 don't like this movement, here, we'll build a bridge over here a little bit different angle. That's not how that works, folks, when I'm trading is the same
536 01:33:41,790 --> 01:33:52,530 way I'm looking at a particular draw on liquidity. I'm not looking for plan a plan B, I'm looking for a draw on liquidity. I am aiming with a directional
537 01:33:52,530 --> 01:34:02,850 mindset, I have a bias are not wishy washy about it's going to go up or go down. It's going to a specific location. And I'm going to submit that until I'm proven
538 01:34:02,880 --> 01:34:13,110 on wrong. That's what you have to trust. And you only do that because you've done back testing, then you've done forward testing. And you did tape reading
539 01:34:13,110 --> 01:34:21,690 and you studied without putting any trades on not even demo. And then you grow accustomed to seeing these things form over and over and over again. And you
540 01:34:21,690 --> 01:34:30,900 lose that desire that impulsive nature to go in with live money because you just want to get real money out of it. If you feel like you got a rush to live
541 01:34:30,900 --> 01:34:39,990 trading, I guarantee you folks, this is the easiest rule now. If you feel like you gotta have a live to account to trade right now. Wherever you are in your
542 01:34:39,990 --> 01:34:51,510 development, if you are just impatiently can't wait for that live account to open up. I swear to you, you are not ready. You're not the easiest way of
543 01:34:51,510 --> 01:35:02,160 knowing that you're ready for live trading is when you are so bored. Doing this over and over and over again. And it doesn't work. matter to you if it pans out.
544 01:35:02,610 --> 01:35:10,530 But you're consistently finding the right side, and you're managing your demo, and you're managing your expectations. And you don't feel excited when it goes
545 01:35:10,530 --> 01:35:18,480 there and you don't feel fear when it's not moving right away for you. Or if it stopped you out, you don't feel it's failing. If you're indifferent about doing
546 01:35:18,480 --> 01:35:25,500 it with a live account, but you notice this in the next step, that's when you're ready for live count trading, anything less, I guarantee, I don't care who tells
547 01:35:25,500 --> 01:35:34,320 you otherwise, you're going to open up a live account and you're gonna blow the account, period. And the story guaranteed, I promise you, that's what's going to
548 01:35:34,320 --> 01:35:45,870 happen. I understand being excited, I understand. Being enthusiastic and optimistic and feeling like you, you got it together. But if there's any shred
549 01:35:45,870 --> 01:35:57,060 of emotion about rushing into debt, I promise you, you will remember what I just said. And you're gonna be thinking, man, he was right, again. And I don't want
550 01:35:57,060 --> 01:36:04,410 you to do that, at least not that instance. Every other time I like it. But I don't like it when it's like this, because I'm trying to spare you that. You
551 01:36:04,410 --> 01:36:14,610 want it to be boring. You want it to be really dull and boring. You don't want it to be a fanfare, you know, an excitement or party fever, because you're going
552 01:36:14,610 --> 01:36:24,150 into a lot of count. Because if you're bringing emotion into it, I promise you, that's going to weigh heavily. Once you push the button for real, and I don't
553 01:36:24,150 --> 01:36:34,350 care what leverage you use, it's going to feel like a million dollars is on the line. And you can't trade like that scared money will not make money. You're not
554 01:36:34,350 --> 01:36:41,190 going to be consistent, you're not going to follow the rules. And why do it if you're not going to do what you're supposed to be doing. If you can't follow the
555 01:36:41,190 --> 01:36:51,510 rules and you can't be disciplined? How are you going to measure your results meaningfully? And how can you really accept profitability when you're doing it
556 01:36:51,510 --> 01:37:01,710 like that? If you're not following the rules, and you're just, you know, willy nilly just go with your gut. That's not what you trained yourself to do for
557 01:37:01,710 --> 01:37:12,900 months. And you have to submit yourself to that same approach. And if you do that, bringing emotions in, you're cheating yourself. And I don't want you to do
558 01:37:12,900 --> 01:37:22,950 that. I want you to do very, very well. And you can do exceedingly well much more than you think you can right now. But you have to give yourself the chance.
559 01:37:24,060 --> 01:37:34,200 And I promise you if you do it the way I'm teaching you, you stand a far better chance of success than having never done anything I've taught. Hope you found
560 01:37:34,200 --> 01:37:37,590 this one insightful. Until next time, be safe