ICT YT - 2022-07-23 - ICT Mentorship Market Review - July 22 2022.srt

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2022-07-23 11:41

00:00:04,380 --> 00:00:18,990 ICT: Folks, welcome back. So when we're doing a market review here we have the dollar index, trading back down into a range dimension that we would likely
00:00:18,990 --> 00:00:29,670 trade down into this area here. We got down into it at a little bit of a consolidation one Thursday, Wednesday, and Tuesday was the only nice big down
00:00:29,670 --> 00:00:41,580 day that made sense going into a level just ahead of this imbalance here. So we're gonna drop down to the lower timeframe. Alright, so you can see we had
00:00:41,610 --> 00:00:52,980 Friday, Thursday, Wednesday, Tuesday, Monday's trading, keyed off of our old 107 61 level Fairbury got their optimal trade entry sells off, find some support
00:00:52,980 --> 00:01:04,200 at the old 106 42 level. If you're unaware what those levels are, put the line on your chart and go back into your old data. And you'll see what that is
00:01:05,850 --> 00:01:18,570 relative equal lows, and here, we swept down after taking by side out here. So all the sell side has been attacked. We've rebounded this imbalance in here, we
00:01:18,570 --> 00:01:26,790 also returned back to the bearish order block. So we'll see if they want to get a little bit further down into the one to sixes maybe even touch the one oh
00:01:26,790 --> 00:01:41,190 fives, one, five ed on 585. That would spell a short term relief rally on Euro dollar and cable. Alright, John them real tight on the daily chart for euro
00:01:41,190 --> 00:01:50,310 dollar. The fair value gap in here I drew your attention to we did in fact get up into it, have yet to go back above it and find some support at it so that
10 00:01:50,310 --> 00:02:02,580 it's not happened, we just had a consolidation week pretty much for the entire week of trading. Nothing here I like in terms of the daily chart, if this would
11 00:02:02,580 --> 00:02:12,210 have came down into this small little gap, that would have been better. But it looks like we could still pop up and return back to that 1.0 314 level. And that
12 00:02:12,210 --> 00:02:20,880 is also in line with the likelihood that the dollar could slip a little bit further on its daily chart into its imbalance. So that will give us a little bit
13 00:02:20,880 --> 00:02:33,570 of a lift to trade up above this short term high, maybe revisit that 1.0 340 level. If we break lower, I'm monitoring this gap below that gap, then we're
14 00:02:33,690 --> 00:02:42,780 going to challenge that low. But for now, I'm still thinking that's like a view on Monday, the likelihood we could trade up into here, but just watch this gap
15 00:02:42,780 --> 00:02:54,000 because that gap might be influential going in. But it's not that much of a range between where we're at here. And that level, so it could do it on one day.
16 00:02:55,110 --> 00:03:05,160 But I'm still thinking it's likely to give us a little bit push higher. Let's go on to the hourly chart for it. Alright, hourly fiber or your USD. You see we had
17 00:03:05,160 --> 00:03:15,390 sellside here attacked after biocide has been taken. So it's been range bound, we're gonna want to show you on the hourly chart for dollar. It's very similar
18 00:03:15,510 --> 00:03:27,990 to what we're seeing here. So it's consolidating, it's setting up the likelihood of a large range event next week. So consolidation now, large ranges next week.
19 00:03:28,230 --> 00:03:38,730 Okay, so that's what we're expecting. Cell sides taken, we're going above and balances rebounds. And we'll see if it wants to get above a trade into the 1.0
20 00:03:38,730 --> 00:03:54,480 threes go to cable, alright, British Pound versus US dollar or cable daily chart, almost completely rebounds all of this. Here. Look at this, the wait for
21 00:03:54,480 --> 00:04:10,740 you will extend this out in time. That's the range that we tried to draw back up into we ran by side. So high, high relative equal highs rid of that and came
22 00:04:10,740 --> 00:04:19,860 back into the range. That to me is sloppy. So this one here's a little bit better versus the euro dollar. We did come back down into that imbalance where
23 00:04:19,890 --> 00:04:32,910 Euro didn't do that. So in my mind, I'm I'm thinking you know, it should have easily closed in that gap, but it didn't do it. So I don't like this pair,
24 00:04:33,270 --> 00:04:44,160 because it's been very fickle. And I don't like trading markets that are doing these types of things. It has to be one sided to define high probability is to
25 00:04:44,160 --> 00:04:53,490 look at it one sided. So it has to be easy to see one side of the marketplace potentially deliver going higher in next to impossible
26 00:04:54,930 --> 00:05:02,250 to frame it as a short. That is my definition of high probability it may not meet the criteria It makes high probability for you because you might use
27 00:05:02,250 --> 00:05:10,080 indicators or some other method. But for me, using just time and price, I'm looking for elements that supports the idea that one sidedness is high
28 00:05:10,080 --> 00:05:20,850 probability, I might be wrong as the analyst. And that has happened. I'm not infallible. But largely, my results are hinged on framing the market in that
29 00:05:20,850 --> 00:05:29,760 capacity, I'm looking for one sidedness. That means I'm looking for the obvious low hanging fruit direction that's going to go to a specific level. There's
30 00:05:29,760 --> 00:05:37,230 nothing ambiguous about it. There's nothing wishy washy about the analysis, and I'm not leaning on anything that would give two sides of the same coin. I'm
31 00:05:37,230 --> 00:05:49,470 looking for one side of this. Okay, let's look at the hourly chart. Again, this week has been consolidated again, much like we saw on the dollar index. So we'll
32 00:05:49,470 --> 00:06:02,190 expect some volatility next week, because we've been range bound for this entire week. Let's look at the gold market. Right, here's gold, I mentioned that we
33 00:06:02,190 --> 00:06:09,960 would run for these lows. And then this low, we got both of them. I mentioned this was likely to be the next drop in liquidity. You look at the low on that
34 00:06:09,960 --> 00:06:32,010 candle comes in at 16 77.9. Basically 1670. And the low of trading on Thursday, came in at 16 90.4. So it was off a half a point, or 50 bucks. So that's that's
35 00:06:32,010 --> 00:06:42,870 pretty close, but it didn't quite get below it. Do I think that it's going to run that low out? I don't know. Like I said this, this is a market, I don't like
36 00:06:42,870 --> 00:06:50,820 to trade a lot because event driven. And if we have a little bit more weakness on the dollar, which is kind of like I'm expecting that going into next week.
37 00:06:51,360 --> 00:07:00,630 That means that we could potentially see gold pop up and go into this area here and attack the buy side as well. So revisit these relative equal lows. Not that
38 00:07:00,630 --> 00:07:09,960 I'm playing support resistance, but I'm really I bone, that little gap right there. Okay. And I'm not going to go on the lower timeframes. Well, yeah, well,
39 00:07:11,460 --> 00:07:25,830 indecisive ICT. Alright, so here is the business on this week, we had the market open up here, consolidate drop down after a phire gap there rolls down and just
40 00:07:25,830 --> 00:07:35,070 fall short of the old low see that said, that's where the old low is on the daily chart, and it just fell short of it there and then vaulted higher, to
41 00:07:35,070 --> 00:07:45,960 attack the buy side here. And what do we have here, relative equal highs, if it's going to go there, it's probably going to sweep that as well. So 1750 1755
42 00:07:45,990 --> 00:07:55,830 ish, that might be doable. I like how we came back into this old high with a fear of a gap trading into it there. So if we get any kind of movement on our
43 00:07:55,830 --> 00:08:07,980 side, weakness on $1 1750 1785 is probably likely to be seen this week coming up. So you see me fail. I didn't get the objective down there, but we got two of
44 00:08:07,980 --> 00:08:23,790 them. So you know, not infallible. Alright, so let's take a look at Yes, right here is the daily chart for E Mini s&p September contract or 2022. And as I
45 00:08:23,790 --> 00:08:33,300 mentioned, earlier in the week, I mentioned that we would see the buy side here, here and here because we already worked the sell side there. So buy side resides
46 00:08:33,750 --> 00:08:44,280 here, here in here, as I mentioned in the previous discussion about Emini, s&p, in the market did in fact drive up and get that liquidity. And ultimately, my
47 00:08:44,280 --> 00:08:52,650 private group knew about this as well. We would reach up into this rebounds this, that low comes in at 4016. Even that's this price level right here, folks,
48 00:08:52,650 --> 00:09:08,970 this look at that right there. And ran up to that today. And when one quarter point above it, look at the high on Friday, 4016 and a quarter. Pretty close. So
49 00:09:09,570 --> 00:09:20,610 obviously, it's just been one direction driving higher for the buy side and rebalancing all of this here. Next week, do we get a pop up continuation
50 00:09:21,990 --> 00:09:32,070 into this area here. That's what I'm watching. So we'll see if we get that just be mindful of this candle here as well. This is the bearish order block. Not
51 00:09:32,070 --> 00:09:43,380 this one, not this one, this one. Okay, this one here. Why, why this one? It's the highest up close candle and it's got a nice body to it. So even though it
52 00:09:43,380 --> 00:09:51,270 has an up close candle here and here, this is the one I would use because this one's higher than that one, the closing basis. And this one's inside that range.
53 00:09:51,330 --> 00:09:59,820 So this is not the bearish short block, okay. So it's dropped down to a lower timeframe. Alright, here's the hourly chart on E Mini s&p. And you can see we
54 00:09:59,820 --> 00:10:13,680 have In a nice run, on Tuesday, ran the objectives outlined in advance. So had this run up, found some support at the level that we were looking for as well as
55 00:10:13,680 --> 00:10:29,220 for buyside. It ran up to the next level, which is 3967, quarter, pull back down in, rally back up, swept the 4000 level inland rate to the 4016 and a quarter
56 00:10:29,220 --> 00:10:41,490 level, that candle right there. You see the high right there. Alright, and you're probably wondering what these levels are. So let me scrunch it up for
57 00:10:41,490 --> 00:11:01,380 you. This imbalance here. That's the level I'm showing you. And here's that daily imbalance being completed with that orange level. So we have a little bit
58 00:11:01,380 --> 00:11:07,890 of an imbalance with some relative equal highs here. Be mindful that going into next week, we could be just going one more time I've been through it. Now what
59 00:11:07,890 --> 00:11:23,070 changed is that what goes in play for sellside. While we do have a fair value got here. Okay, we have a shift in market structure on the hourly chart. And
60 00:11:23,100 --> 00:11:30,060 should it trade back up to here and fail on the hourly, we can use smaller timeframe like five one minute charts, something like that, to look for a
61 00:11:30,060 --> 00:11:38,370 fractal form of this very pattern that I taught you on this YouTube channel. So if it goes up here sells off on the alley, you can go immediately into the one
62 00:11:38,370 --> 00:11:46,320 or five minute chart or something of that effect. And look for a similar pattern where there's a shift in market structure after biocides been taken and then use
63 00:11:46,320 --> 00:11:59,610 that to frame a potential run into this low this low and this low. Okay, because he had 1234 times and we've closed that daily and balance. And so if it respects
64 00:11:59,610 --> 00:12:09,960 this fair value gap, which I don't know yet. Now, you're probably saying okay, ICT we just watched you murdered the market this week. Yeah. But on Sundays, I
65 00:12:09,960 --> 00:12:17,760 don't know where they're at open it in my private group knows this as well. I say it all the time. My Friday analysis going into the weekend is always an
66 00:12:17,760 --> 00:12:25,110 uncertainty, because where they're going to open it, I don't know, anything can happen, folks. Anything can happen over the weekend, something completely
67 00:12:25,110 --> 00:12:34,620 unexpected. I'm saying that with tongue in cheek event across the pond around the other side of the world, or right here in good ol USA, something could
68 00:12:34,620 --> 00:12:46,800 happen, which creates tidal waves in the marketplace. And they will utilize that sentiment and have extreme gap openings and completely lay waste to mine or
69 00:12:46,800 --> 00:12:55,890 anyone else's analysis over the weekend. So we have to watch and see how they open up on Sunday. That's always the understanding exactly how my students
70 00:12:55,890 --> 00:13:04,230 expected. And I teach it that way. Because that's the reality of things. I don't have a crystal ball that tells me where they're gonna open the market on Sunday,
71 00:13:04,320 --> 00:13:11,100 I just have some things that helped me read where they're going to take the market throughout the week, where the likely high and low is for the week, how
72 00:13:11,100 --> 00:13:20,100 the daily high and low is likely to form, what prices where it's going daily bias the whole business. Those things are only useful to me after Sunday's
73 00:13:20,100 --> 00:13:31,110 opening, and then I want Sunday's trading in the Monday. Usually by wanting close on Monday, I have a pretty good feel for what the weeklies gonna do. But
74 00:13:31,200 --> 00:13:41,820 not all the time, but most of the time, yeah. Alright, so let's take a look at the 15 minute timeframe. Alright, I have a little
75 00:13:41,820 --> 00:13:49,260 bit of business on here and you'll see it better on a five minute chart because these are actually bleeding into the 15 minute time frame, which they shouldn't
76 00:13:49,260 --> 00:14:00,480 be showing. But we ran above that 4,007.75 level, which is the imbalance level. Again, if you put these levels on your chart in cycle through the hourly chart,
77 00:14:00,510 --> 00:14:12,630 you'll see exactly where they're anchored to. Okay. But we weren't above it. It was shifting market structure, short term low there, we come back up to an
78 00:14:12,630 --> 00:14:21,000 imbalance which we'll see obviously on a lower timeframe trading into it here that's a cell this is another one you'll see trades into and breaks lower hits
79 00:14:21,000 --> 00:14:31,620 the lower level and bounce and then trade lower breaks into the afternoon session and then consolidates off the low into the closed today
80 00:14:37,920 --> 00:14:50,160 okay, here's the five minute chart for today. Alright, so we had market run up, just go one quarter point above the daily and balance, closing it in. Right runs
81 00:14:50,160 --> 00:14:58,200 up, trades into again, an imbalance you'll see on the lower timeframe on this showing you where it's working from 15 minute five minute and then we'll drop
82 00:14:58,200 --> 00:15:12,240 down 4321 imbalance here trades up into that sells off consolidates 3967, and a quarter level work that as well and broke down, reaching for a deeper discount,
83 00:15:13,860 --> 00:15:32,700 four minute chart Okay, you'll see it when we get the lower timeframe. imbalance works to those levels again, three minute chart you can't see it yet for this
84 00:15:32,730 --> 00:15:46,590 training into their imbalance their cells off same levels, two minute chart. And now it's redundant. Okay, almost there, you have one here on the two minute
85 00:15:46,590 --> 00:16:02,160 chart or trades up into it, but it's the one minute chart you actually see it. And finally, or one minute chart. And I'll explain a little bit more detail. So
86 00:16:02,160 --> 00:16:13,350 here's the fair Vega. What's significant about that, retreating about 4007 and three quarters, and we close on the daily and balance. I'm off by a quarter
87 00:16:13,350 --> 00:16:23,550 point, okay, I'm not perfect, but it goes there, then does what it breaks down shift in market structure here. And then we have double confirmation where
88 00:16:23,550 --> 00:16:33,870 another low was taken out there as well. So if you take this high to that low, let's run our fib on it. What's so special about fit, he trades with fibs. Now
89 00:16:33,870 --> 00:16:43,470 I'm using it for the purpose of measuring my range. So here's equilibrium, if I want to be short, it has to be a pdra in this case of fairway gap, above
90 00:16:43,500 --> 00:16:54,090 equilibrium, there it is. So we have here, here trades up into here, what time is that? 1054 it trades into it. Alright, so it runs up into that and it was
91 00:16:54,090 --> 00:17:05,190 smaller fair, but he got their trades into it as well. Breaks lower trades down into the 3967 and a quarter level, the old imbalance low and then sweeps the
92 00:17:05,190 --> 00:17:19,170 sell side below here. That's a really nice area to take profits going into the lunch. Relative equal lows again, breaks lower, look at this high, the low here,
93 00:17:19,800 --> 00:17:33,570 high to low for Vega trades into it here then rolls over. So you're watching you're not training it, you're watching it in lunch, and you go into the 130
94 00:17:33,570 --> 00:17:48,240 hour or interval 130 here so you start watching to see what we're going to get for the remainder of the pm session. Trades below the lows here now we're
95 00:17:48,240 --> 00:18:04,380 getting long in the tooth for the week daily is completely rebalanced. On Friday, we broke down a lot. And now we started range bound trading. That
96 00:18:04,380 --> 00:18:17,100 consolidation takes us into a retracement where they attack the world of equal highs and dig into this range here. They have just the consolidation into the
97 00:18:17,100 --> 00:18:29,940 clothes. Alright, here's the NASDAQ daily chart. And I haven't been really interested in this market than focusing primarily on the E Mini s&p. But we had
98 00:18:29,940 --> 00:18:39,960 a fair value gap in here. Vi sides and cleared and he dug into that completely rebalancing that. So this one here and looks a little bit more likely to trade
99 00:18:39,960 --> 00:18:49,980 back into this area here. So a small little gap there. I'm looking at that potentially at the beginning of the week going into Monday and that could be
100 00:18:49,980 --> 00:19:05,850 revisited on indoor Tuesday. If it fails get down there. We'll be aiming for the buy side resting above here. On the hourly buy side here, the run it you'll see
101 00:19:05,850 --> 00:19:22,140 the setup and we'll break the lower timeframes down but what's this here in here? Relative equal lows? What's here by side taken attacks outside Okay, so
102 00:19:22,140 --> 00:19:35,580 we're gonna change this level to blue. So those are the only two levels on the chart. Alright, and I just wanna make sure these show on the 15th
103 00:19:43,890 --> 00:19:58,860 Right, and then obviously this is the buy side. This is the sell side right reach for driving 15 tinkering cakes. Yeah, we ran up, swept it. You'll see the
104 00:19:58,890 --> 00:20:09,270 sell off here with them all. I'll trade down into the sell side here. So one quick, easy ways you want to be doing your daily recaps and screenshots is like
105 00:20:09,270 --> 00:20:17,820 the hourly and 15 minute timeframe what liquidity pools they run for, and how they work with them are in balance here, they're not supply and demand zones,
106 00:20:17,820 --> 00:20:27,780 folks, just a reminder. But I like to use rectangles on the 50 minute time frame and draw little trend lines on anything less than a 50 minute time frame. But
107 00:20:27,810 --> 00:20:37,050 this, in this case, it's a five minute chart. So we're gonna use that and work with that in lower timeframe, one minute chart, but that's the drop down in
108 00:20:37,050 --> 00:20:50,310 here. And we're going to fine tune this level going down to the four minute chart. Okay, so we have our imbalanced there, it's a little low. That is that
109 00:20:50,310 --> 00:21:05,910 also, why did you trade the Spoos in the nest? Look at the market here. The fair value gap is more obvious in a premium in the s&p than that of the NASDAQ. It
110 00:21:05,910 --> 00:21:13,530 doesn't mean NASDAQ can't trade because it's obviously trading into a breaker. Okay, so you have the down close candle here. So this is what you'd be framing
111 00:21:13,530 --> 00:21:28,170 with my concept of breaker. Trades below that low here, inside this range. Anytime in here. Is a good time to be short, based on time, but What price are
112 00:21:28,170 --> 00:21:37,050 you gonna look for? What price would you utilize? We're not seeing anything in here yet. Unless you want to run the buy side above that high. It does that
113 00:21:37,050 --> 00:21:49,170 there. But let's go through and to the two minute chart. Now we have a fair value gap here. That's a little rich. In other words, it could get up here. But
114 00:21:49,170 --> 00:21:59,970 what's the earliest one after tricks, new trades below this low, small little one in there. And nothing else that is noteworthy a smaller one there. That's
115 00:21:59,970 --> 00:22:09,090 nice. But you have to frame the likelihood of the trade up into that one. I didn't like that. So compare and contrast what I'm showing here nothing versus
116 00:22:09,180 --> 00:22:25,440 the s&p, the better tree was an s&p. And here is the one minute chart really sloppy have a gap here. You have a gap here. And you have one in here and it's
117 00:22:25,440 --> 00:22:42,570 too low. So it doesn't really get up into a premium does it? Does it? No. So which one would you trade? s&p or the NASDAQ? s&p clearly Okay. Makes it very
118 00:22:42,570 --> 00:22:54,030 easy, doesn't it? Alright, so yeah, that's the business on that one. Which I think is another market I want to cover with you.
119 00:22:59,819 --> 00:23:17,999 And for the life of me, I can't think of any off the top my head let's do Bitcoin. I'm never going to talk about Bitcoin. Alright, I mentioned in one of
120 00:23:17,999 --> 00:23:27,029 the, I don't recall, which one of the Twitter spaces I did, where it's like a podcast and I'm talking to you live. I'll have one of them tomorrow. By the way.
121 00:23:27,779 --> 00:23:37,139 I don't know what time I'll do it. But it'll be before noon. But we have our fear of a gap here. And somewhere in here. I was doing a live Twitter space, I
122 00:23:37,139 --> 00:23:47,519 said we're gonna trade up into the Faraday gap. So we got that there. I think it might look like something like this did here. Like we had this drop,
123 00:23:47,519 --> 00:23:58,409 consolidate, then drop moments more? Well, that's, that's what I'm thinking it might need to dig a little bit deeper once more into it. But I don't trade this,
124 00:23:58,409 --> 00:24:05,099 folks. Okay, I don't have any faith in crypto. And I've already said this before, I think there are going to zero. And I knew you don't like to hear me
125 00:24:05,099 --> 00:24:17,009 say that. But that's my belief. And I'm probably wrong. Okay, I'll conceive it rockets up and doesn't ever go to zero. But just be willing to accept the fact
126 00:24:17,009 --> 00:24:26,399 that if it does go to zero, I'll say I told you so. But guess what, I'm not gonna make any money on it. So I'm objective about it. I don't have any interest
127 00:24:26,399 --> 00:24:39,239 in it. I think these are going to go down just like anything else would go down. And the faith in this asset class, to me is in question. There's a lot of fraud.
128 00:24:39,299 --> 00:24:49,019 There's a lot of things going wrong with it. It needs a lot more regulation. So I think those that are involved in it are going to try to make a run with the
129 00:24:49,019 --> 00:24:58,499 bag. And they can go down quickly. Like real quick. So again, I don't have any faith in it. I don't have any trust in it. I don't have any investment in it.
130 00:24:59,489 --> 00:25:08,759 I'm not sure We're not trying to create fear and uncertainty. I'm not trying to talk it lower. I have absolutely no horse in the race. So you can't ask for
131 00:25:08,759 --> 00:25:17,159 anything better in terms of objectivity. I think it's a reason why the bigger moves have been accurate with picking this stuff. But I still won't trade it. I
132 00:25:17,159 --> 00:25:26,219 still won't do. So that's my opinion, I think we're just consolidating might get a little bit of a bump much more. But ultimately, I think we're gonna go below
133 00:25:26,219 --> 00:25:40,469 that low. And let's take a stab at what we're likely to see. I see. I think 14,000 You're probably asking, so why 14,000 words you just pull that from? keep
134 00:25:40,469 --> 00:25:54,119 it PG folks. Alright, so 14,002 50, we'll call that. Okay. So it's a standard deviation between this high and low? Should this low take out? That that low?
135 00:25:54,119 --> 00:26:04,499 What should that low be taken out? Rather, we'll look for 14,002 50. And I really think 10,000 is likely. So this might be an objective, but I think it'll
136 00:26:04,499 --> 00:26:20,579 be aggressive and gone through it. Should it trades softer. I really like sub 8000. So on a wild spike down that level, then here. Okay, what changes that we
137 00:26:20,579 --> 00:26:28,529 trade above those highs? As long as we're below these highs here. I'm thinking down here. Again, I have no horse in the race. I don't care if I'm right. I
138 00:26:28,529 --> 00:26:43,919 don't care if I'm wrong. There it is. I felt inspired to talk about it. So there it is. And I know you folks like XR P I see these talking crypto. Oh my gosh, oh
139 00:26:43,919 --> 00:26:52,739 my gosh. Okay, look at this, folks. Seriously, I know you guys like to truly this thing up? Like it's going up, it's going up, I touched dead money. It's
140 00:26:52,739 --> 00:27:03,569 dead money. And this literally has done nothing. Like I know, if you treat like a penny stock. And you're buying it down here and does all this stuff. Oh,
141 00:27:03,569 --> 00:27:13,829 that's great. I don't look at that. Okay, if it's $1 There's a reason it's $1. It's dollar menu trading. I don't trade dollar menu trading, this ain't even $1.
142 00:27:13,859 --> 00:27:28,049 Look, it's it's below 50 cents. Like I know, it's like you want poor man's Bitcoin. But when these things are valued at these levels, there's a reason for
143 00:27:28,049 --> 00:27:39,689 that folks, just like Penny Stocks are valued at those levels. They're not big, noteworthy, good invest in type companies. Some of them grow out of that, but
144 00:27:39,689 --> 00:27:46,859 not most of them. So that's how I look at this, though, I look at it as really, really high risk.
145 00:27:50,460 --> 00:28:01,140 More aggressive forms of penny stocks, which, to me is stupid. You know, I don't, I don't think it's something that anyone should be doing. But I
146 00:28:01,140 --> 00:28:10,290 understand everybody wants to be a maverick and, and a cowboy. They want to go out there and trailblaze and do something that no one's ever done before. My
147 00:28:10,290 --> 00:28:27,060 question is, where's XR? P 10x 20x? You know, why is it below $1? Again, you know, if it's the future, and all these things that always gets talked about?
148 00:28:28,560 --> 00:28:36,180 Why isn't it performing? Why isn't it doing it? So that's again, and I'm not trying to kick dirt in your face? I'm just saying these are the reasons why I
149 00:28:36,180 --> 00:28:46,050 will never touch this stuff. You know, it's, it's there's something not moving, compare and contrast that with the index markets, s&p NASDAQ, you know, they're
150 00:28:46,050 --> 00:28:56,940 moving, they have value, okay, can they crash, your, they're not going to zero? Not like Kryptos can. I'm not interested in that kind of movement, that's
151 00:28:56,940 --> 00:29:09,000 gambling in you're just trying to find a nice way to say this, you're dreaming. You're dreaming. If you think these things are gonna go on $1,000 It's not
152 00:29:09,000 --> 00:29:20,760 happening. You're not gonna see that here. It's a reason for it being where it is. So I remember when I first started, and it's it's a little bit of a rabbit
153 00:29:20,760 --> 00:29:27,510 trail, and it will close the video. But I remember getting into trading. And it was a time where I thought, You know what, I'm gonna do penny stocks because I
154 00:29:27,510 --> 00:29:36,420 could buy a whole lot of it, because I had a lot of money. And if it moves, you $20 I can be really, really rich, because I'll be so over leveraged to be great.
155 00:29:37,530 --> 00:29:49,680 And then I started looking at them, and it quickly showed me that I wasn't cut forward. Like I couldn't do it, because they're just too nuts. There's no rhyme
156 00:29:49,680 --> 00:29:59,340 or reason as to why they're going to go up. Whereas you look at a market that's highly traded by professionals. Algorithms are attached to them like s&p and
157 00:29:59,340 --> 00:30:09,450 forex. those markets are better. I hate to break your bubble. And I know some of you are avid fans of crypto and you really want me to come over to the dark
158 00:30:09,450 --> 00:30:20,940 side, I'm never going to do it. I'm sorry, I can't do it. Because there are elements that are not in play in that asset class. Now, I said before, if they
159 00:30:20,940 --> 00:30:30,060 ever adopt that, then I might change my mind about it. And then I'll probably be the biggest crypto person on the planet then, because I'll be out here doing
160 00:30:30,060 --> 00:30:39,720 what you see me do and the s&p and the forex market, and nobody would be able to keep up with me. Because I know there's a lot of people interested in this,
161 00:30:39,900 --> 00:30:49,950 because they've watched things and storylines and the meteoric rise of Bitcoin in the media or decline. So there's a lot of attention. But that attention isn't
162 00:30:49,950 --> 00:31:05,850 the love that was in there in 2017. Now, it's like, you burned me your life to a date that I went on, had relationship, started a relationship and then fell in
163 00:31:05,850 --> 00:31:18,630 love, and then you cheated on me, then you cheated on me again. And then again, it's hard to feel interested in that person. So I personify crypto in the same
164 00:31:18,630 --> 00:31:33,390 way. It's a cruel lover, much more cruel than futures, much more cruel than Forex. Because this stuff can act up without any real reason. And it can stay
165 00:31:33,390 --> 00:31:42,660 fickle in in consolidations longer than anything I've ever seen before, which is, in my opinion, not something that I would be want to trade. So if we're
166 00:31:42,660 --> 00:31:53,100 looking at short term traders or day traders, we want momentum. And we want things that are moving, that are one sided. This doesn't, in my opinion, doesn't
167 00:31:53,130 --> 00:32:04,140 qualify for that. It's too cheap. Cheap is not a reason for me to trade it cheap by by the valuation of what it is. I mean, we're not even. It's not even 50
168 00:32:04,140 --> 00:32:16,170 cents, man. That's why I'm not interested. And like, there has to be a real reason. If investors collectively in the retail universe, people on Reddit,
169 00:32:16,200 --> 00:32:26,400 Facebook, Twitter, if those individuals are wanting to trade these types of markets, I don't want to trade them. But if I see large banks and institutions
170 00:32:26,430 --> 00:32:39,060 that are trying to trade Forex, currency pairs, or index futures, or commodities, or stocks, those are real professional markets. These are highly
171 00:32:39,060 --> 00:32:49,170 speculative gambling asset classes. This is like casino time. Can you make a lot of money? I'm certain you can some people have? Am I certain I can do it? No.
172 00:32:50,519 --> 00:33:02,819 No, that's why I'm not trading it. You don't see amp live and hooked up to crypto. You see it with futures. Okay, so that's all I'm doing with AMP. I'm
173 00:33:02,819 --> 00:33:13,919 trading just the s&p just the Nasdaq futures. That's it. I'm not trying to do anything else. It's a one trick pony account. Broker it's all interested in and
174 00:33:14,009 --> 00:33:24,419 I'm looking for things that make sense. And if it doesn't make sense, I'm not trading in crypto to me, makes no sense for me to be trading it when I can see
175 00:33:24,419 --> 00:33:36,119 things much clearer. And I think this week, I've demonstrated that in a definitive manner. Very precise, the narrative, the bias, the draw on liquidity,
176 00:33:36,479 --> 00:33:47,339 every aspect was laid in your lap. And I'm sorry, if that comes across as arrogant, it's not meant to be arrogant. I'm just telling you. There are times
177 00:33:47,339 --> 00:33:56,279 when I know what these algorithms going to do. And I challenge you to find anybody to be able to do what you watched me do this week. You You're not gonna
178 00:33:56,279 --> 00:34:06,899 find it. Larry Williams can't do that. Chris Laurie can't do that. All your Twitter heroes can't do that. And none of my students can do what I did this
179 00:34:06,899 --> 00:34:16,019 week. That's not a knock against them. But there's a lot of them out there that are trying to go out and blaze a trail saying, you know, I'm going to teach you
180 00:34:16,019 --> 00:34:27,479 ICT and I can do what ICT can do or I can do it better. I can do 10 times what ICT does, well ask them to do what you want me to do. If they can do it, they'll
181 00:34:27,479 --> 00:34:37,739 do it gladly. And be consistent about it. And be precise about it. Don't be wishy washy, don't give me a line with oh, here's what I did today. my trading
182 00:34:37,739 --> 00:34:49,229 account. Here's my empty four statements. There faked my interest that you can't fake calling the market with infinite detail consistently over and over again
183 00:34:49,229 --> 00:34:58,049 and then burn down the barn. You can't fake what I did this week, folks. You can't. It was before the fact I gave it to you free in YouTube on exactly what
184 00:34:58,049 --> 00:35:09,749 it was going to do. There's one Here's the opening, gap opening on Sunday trade down from s&p By the way, and once it traded down into it, it rallied to the
185 00:35:09,809 --> 00:35:19,469 objectives I showed you, and you saw executed on it. Hello. My private group knew that remaining balance on a daily chart was going to be the likely
186 00:35:19,469 --> 00:35:30,029 candidate for anything on the upside. And it was only off by quarter point. I said he can't pick weekly lows and weekly highs He didn't create. He sure ain't
187 00:35:30,029 --> 00:35:40,379 trading it right. While you watched me do it this week. I laid it in your in your lap. Now. Can you do that every single week? No, you aren't going to be
188 00:35:40,379 --> 00:35:48,899 able to do that every single week. There are some weeks where I might have the idea in mind that it might do a certain thing. And I'm wrong and have to adjust.
189 00:35:49,169 --> 00:35:56,429 And then I don't get the weekly high and the weekly low. I'll get a big piece in the middle. And I'm okay with that. And that's how I teach you. I teach you to
190 00:35:56,429 --> 00:36:05,609 think about trading like that. But when I feel like it's necessary to show everyone who's talking to them, then I do what I did this week, because there's
191 00:36:05,639 --> 00:36:14,039 jokers out there that are claiming they can do 10 times what I can do, and that what I'm teaching is rubbish. And order blocks are retail. It's not retail,
192 00:36:14,219 --> 00:36:23,399 okay? None of you even know what an order block even is. Okay? And the same jokers on Facebook and on Twitter. They're not showing you precision. They're
193 00:36:23,399 --> 00:36:36,779 not even showing you anything except for, oh, I took a trade and I did 90 trades getting two pips each. And I made 6% on my account today. If you're taking 90
194 00:36:36,779 --> 00:36:47,999 trades, and you're trying to get two pips, and you're just getting 6%. You don't have a trade. Your broker loves you. They're making more money than you are. But
195 00:36:48,389 --> 00:36:57,569 these are the people out there beating your chest. I'm here, in my own lane, doing what I've been doing all year long, living up to everything I've promised.
196 00:36:59,099 --> 00:37:06,719 Are you seeing the proof? Are you seeing reasons why you should learn what it is? I'm giving away for free? Come on, folks. I mean, you're seeing it with a
197 00:37:06,719 --> 00:37:20,249 live account to that's the uniform. Nobody's seen the ICT tree with a live account? I've done it. The question is, the other people that's out there that
198 00:37:20,249 --> 00:37:29,039 want you to not learn what it is I'm teaching you, they all have something to sell. Isn't that interesting? And they're also the same people that will not
199 00:37:29,039 --> 00:37:38,129 tell you in advance before whatever is going to happen in their system or their way of doing it. Why can't they explain to you tell me what it's going to happen
200 00:37:38,129 --> 00:37:47,459 tomorrow? Tell them what it's going to do next week. How are you going to trade next week? Where do your setups form? Because my I tell you when they're gonna
201 00:37:47,459 --> 00:37:51,989 form, you know what time they're gonna form. Period.
202 00:37:54,600 --> 00:38:05,370 Was I wishy washy about what I expected this week? No, I told you exactly what I was looking for. And that's the things that my private group has been wanting
203 00:38:05,370 --> 00:38:07,440 for six plus years.
204 00:38:13,770 --> 00:38:24,000 Do you feel scammed? Do you feel cheated? You feel like these things don't work? How many people have you seen that are now funded? And their crediting their
205 00:38:24,000 --> 00:38:31,770 time invested in what it is I've been teaching? Who else is getting that? Yeah, there's a lot of guys out there that are teaching my concepts with different
206 00:38:31,770 --> 00:38:42,150 names, like institutional candles, which don't exist. What are blocks have nothing to do with a candle. So let me just ruin that for everybody too.
207 00:38:47,190 --> 00:38:58,200 There's a lot of folks out there that just want the credit. And they have an issue with me demanding it be nine. And I don't care if it hurts your feelings.
208 00:38:58,260 --> 00:39:10,620 I don't care if you write books, because I'll leave review saying all it's mine. And then they'll look and see that you are fraud. You saw courses that are my
209 00:39:10,620 --> 00:39:19,230 stuff, renamed. B, we're going to call you out on it. And you can block and block and block but apparently, you know, people are going to still see the
210 00:39:19,230 --> 00:39:29,370 tweets, the Facebook posts, the YouTube videos, it gets around folks, and you don't want to do that you actually get more real clout by this being respectful
211 00:39:29,370 --> 00:39:38,190 and so you know what, my appreciate what ICT did? I took it I made it my own. And this is how I'm carving out my own path. Is there anything wrong with that?
212 00:39:38,190 --> 00:39:55,740 Nope. Nope, not at all. That's what a real man would do. Someone would character not start for clown. There's no series ends. What is that all about? Oh, in the
213 00:39:56,040 --> 00:40:05,400 States, we have an expression where we're trying to make ends meet. What's that mean? Do you have only so much money coming in for income and you have so much
214 00:40:05,400 --> 00:40:15,690 money expected to go out in bills or expenses? They're called ends? And how do you make those ends meet your income and your bills. Sometimes they don't meet,
215 00:40:15,840 --> 00:40:25,500 sometimes they have to roll over into the next month. And the continuously get paid late. There was a time when as a young man, that's how it was. You know,
216 00:40:25,530 --> 00:40:36,090 sometimes delivering pizza. You know, I didn't get what I was expecting. And I overspent because I was irresponsible. So everybody out here has courses that
217 00:40:36,090 --> 00:40:49,380 have influencer approaches to trading and trying to get you the join multilevel marketing garbage, or doing marketing for some educator to do their stuff, use
218 00:40:49,380 --> 00:40:59,190 their service, their product, their course material. They're all trying to sell and trying to make Commission's and they're trying to influence you. It's a real
219 00:40:59,190 --> 00:41:08,460 easy thing to get people to follow you in this industry. It's so easy. Know how to trade and then demonstrate that you know how to trade. Because if you do
220 00:41:08,460 --> 00:41:18,600 that, and you're consistent, and you're honest about everything you're doing, and I do that, folks, I left millions and millions and millions and millions of
221 00:41:18,600 --> 00:41:31,620 dollars of real money getting paid to me to teach what you're learning for free. Who does that? Because these Yahoo's aren't going to do it. They're selling hard
222 00:41:31,620 --> 00:41:42,000 because they're now already rich. They'll give you the we want seven streams of income No, you need to eat. Because PB and J ain't enough for you. Dollar Menu
223 00:41:42,030 --> 00:41:57,930 at McDonald's ain't enough for you. So you're selling? Because you need to? I stopped by my choice. What source of information? Are you going to trust the guy
224 00:41:57,930 --> 00:42:08,640 that's sitting here talking to you that's laying down his ability to fleece, the retail community that would gladly throw money at me. And I'm saying you don't
225 00:42:08,640 --> 00:42:20,880 need to just work on the things I'm showing you for free. The guy that's proving it to you with precision that is unrivaled. It doesn't exist anywhere else,
226 00:42:20,880 --> 00:42:37,590 folks. Because if it did, you would show up. In a shown up. I've invited them. They won't show up. That's not arrogance. I'm open for discussion. Show me what
227 00:42:37,590 --> 00:42:46,800 it is I'm doing it's fake. Show me what I'm doing is wrong. Show me that. This isn't how markets work. Or how markets are made, or how markets are booked.
228 00:42:47,760 --> 00:43:01,110 Because I'm proving this out is and nobody else is showing you this. Nobody else. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't fun. But that's not why I'm here. I'm not
229 00:43:01,110 --> 00:43:15,810 here to flex and do all these egomaniac spurts? I had one this week. I'm human. I see these goobers things they say, in other mediums. Just come on over
230 00:43:15,810 --> 00:43:24,360 Twitter, show me what you can do better? Show me how I'm doing it wrong. Show me how I'm faking it when I'm calling it before it happens. See, these are all the
231 00:43:24,360 --> 00:43:32,880 things that people have learned by other people parroting liars? Because they don't want to believe it's real. But how do you deal with what you saw this
232 00:43:32,880 --> 00:43:43,950 week? And for the entire year so far? How do you reconcile that? If it's not the truth? What is it? And how can it be faked? I'm not time traveling.
233 00:43:45,870 --> 00:43:53,370 And these are the things that you're going to have to contend with. And some of you are so eager to get out here and do these things in front of everybody. And
234 00:43:53,370 --> 00:43:59,040 you're going to be met with the same stuff, they're not going to believe you. They're not going to care, they're going to be jealous, you're not going to get
235 00:43:59,040 --> 00:44:11,190 the RE action that you're looking for. You're not so don't let that be your motivation. What should your motivation be? Learning how to do this so that way
236 00:44:11,190 --> 00:44:27,030 you can make ends meet, not make your lease payment for your Lamborghini. Yeah, I said that most of you are listening to me like everybody else on YouTube,
237 00:44:27,360 --> 00:44:39,660 probably have a hard time making your bills every month. Or if you make them you got very little money at the end. Your ends don't meet. So I'm going to sit down
238 00:44:39,660 --> 00:44:50,430 with you tomorrow, sometime before noon, and I'm going to have a little bit of a woodshed moment, or I talk to you and I have my son's in mind when I'm talking.
239 00:44:51,390 --> 00:44:58,560 So that way you understand who my audience is, but it's going to feel like I'm talking to you because it's going to resonate with you and the things you're
240 00:44:58,560 --> 00:45:09,930 probably thinking about or thought about out. And I'm hopefully going to align your expectations with reality. If you do that, if I'm successful in that, then
241 00:45:09,930 --> 00:45:23,940 you'll have the best chance of using this new series, to your benefit. It's meant to go after your most expensive, Bill. That's how you should start. That
242 00:45:23,940 --> 00:45:37,320 should be your goal. Now you don't start there. But that should be your first goal is to meet every single month, that highest expense each month. And once I
243 00:45:37,320 --> 00:45:42,870 go through the mindset part of it tomorrow, which won't be on YouTube, because it'll be boring, like this part here is boring. Most of the young guys have
244 00:45:42,870 --> 00:45:52,290 priority, turn the video off. That's fine. But you won't get the results you're looking for. Because you're lazy. You're not putting in the work. You're not
245 00:45:52,290 --> 00:45:59,220 listening to the things that matter most because you think you know how to do it, because you've watched a couple of videos. You think there's other people
246 00:45:59,220 --> 00:46:10,020 that are teaching this better? Because they show you hindsight. They don't show you what I showed you this week, and all this entire year. Crickets, if you get
247 00:46:10,020 --> 00:46:19,440 that at all. And I know because I'm doing this kind of style. Even the people that were quietly supporting me because they're selling my course they're
248 00:46:19,440 --> 00:46:28,770 selling my material. And they're trying to make money off of that by repping me quietly in their accounts. Oh, he is he's this he's that. He's the bee's knees,
249 00:46:28,770 --> 00:46:40,980 man. He's, he's daddy. They want that fever. Because then they can sell videos that you don't need is already here. I'm teaching you exactly how to do it.
250 00:46:41,550 --> 00:46:52,470 Right here on on the mentorship on YouTube for free. All you gotta do is show up. But they're saying people are getting sour to me now. Because I'm taking
251 00:46:52,470 --> 00:47:06,720 their money away. That's why I'm here. That's why I'm on Twitter. That's why I'm teaching. Because thieves don't deserve what they're getting in hell, they're
252 00:47:06,720 --> 00:47:23,730 getting it. A lot of people are not making their core sales that they were because of what I'm doing. Do I feel bad about it? No. Nope. This spinning Rock
253 00:47:23,730 --> 00:47:38,490 has a whole lot of suckers on it. They're going to be the worst sucker. If they buy anything for trading, and not at least give everything I'm teaching and
254 00:47:38,490 --> 00:47:48,000 giving away for free, a test drive. You have people out there saying complicating things this is not complicated, folks is easy, is real easy. What's
255 00:47:48,030 --> 00:47:59,340 complicated about following the rules. If you're not going to follow the rules, if you're not going to be disciplined, anything you get involved in is going to
256 00:47:59,340 --> 00:48:11,460 be complicated. Because you are wrestling with the lack of discipline. Most young men are going to have that problem. I had it, I have no shame in telling
257 00:48:11,460 --> 00:48:20,160 you. I had it. And I wrestled with it. I have an issue with authority. I don't like being told what I can do when I can't do. I have been told not to teach.
258 00:48:20,700 --> 00:48:33,630 And I still find ways to do it. Not without repercussions that we won't go into here. But the bottom line is if I'm told not to do something, I'm looking for 12
259 00:48:33,630 --> 00:48:34,770 different ways where I can.
260 00:48:37,260 --> 00:48:46,830 But you as a student, learning how to do this, you have to be disciplined. You have to follow the rules, because you have no framework otherwise. Now those
261 00:48:46,830 --> 00:48:52,410 rules may evolve into something entirely different later on once you have more experience but in the beginning without experience, you have to learn from
262 00:48:52,410 --> 00:49:03,180 somebody who can do it and I think I'm demonstrating I can do it and I can probably do it better than anybody else you're ever going to meet. And if they
263 00:49:03,180 --> 00:49:16,140 can do it as well as I do, chances are they're not going to do it for free. So again, I question you're gonna listen to if you're in a courtroom and you're in
264 00:49:16,140 --> 00:49:33,750 a jury who are you going to determine has the better evidence, ICT or anyone else? I'll leave you with that. Until next time, be safe.