ICT YT - 2022-07-20 - ICT Mentorship Index Market Review - July 19 2022.srt

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2022-07-23 11:41

00:00:02,370 --> 00:00:15,840 ICT: Hello, folks, welcome back. So it's gonna be a real quick review. And I will not be doing any additional markets, it'll just be the s&p 500. But before
00:00:15,870 --> 00:00:26,100 you watch this video, it's very important that you go back and watch the video prior to this one. So we're on July 19 2022, there is a video dated July
00:00:26,130 --> 00:00:38,100 18 2022. So Mark review. I cover certain aspects about other things. But I want you to go back and listen to the s&p 500 analysis. So that way everything is
00:00:38,580 --> 00:00:49,020 more meaningful to you. And otherwise, it's going to be very lackluster. In terms of what you get here. It will seem too much like hindsight. I want to
00:00:49,020 --> 00:00:59,910 state this in advance that way everyone knows before. The video concludes, and I'll remind you at the end, usually I don't want any kind of praise. And that's
00:00:59,910 --> 00:01:09,660 not what I'm asking for here, folks. But in this particular video, I would appreciate if you were among the students that watched the video from yesterday
00:01:09,660 --> 00:01:23,730 or last night about today's analysis and delivery of price and the s&p 500. If you watched it last night, and you watched real time, my tweets and analysis on
00:01:23,730 --> 00:01:32,940 Twitter, if you watched that this morning, live and followed throughout the day, everything I've analyzed and drew a special attention to what levels I was
00:01:32,940 --> 00:01:41,370 calling where it should reach for next and such. If you watch that and saw it live, I would appreciate if you could just comment that in the comments below.
10 00:01:41,850 --> 00:01:52,500 And the reason why I'm asking is it's many times people say look, you know, why is he always trying to prove why is he trying to prove all the time. There's a
11 00:01:52,500 --> 00:02:05,340 specific young lady that is watching the videos here. And she doesn't have the ability to have Twitter and live updates. She can't can't see that. So she was
12 00:02:05,340 --> 00:02:16,110 told by people that don't like me or want to try to discredit me that I delete my tweets and I hide missed calls and things that I get wrong. I have never
13 00:02:16,140 --> 00:02:26,790 deleted a tweet. All my tweets are there. And anyone that is following along. If you've ever seen a tweet, come up showing something or saying something that was
14 00:02:26,790 --> 00:02:37,110 incorrect or didn't happen and I swept it under the rug something to that effect. Please say so down below. Okay. But if you watched it live, everything
15 00:02:37,110 --> 00:02:45,720 as I'm going to explain here, I would greatly appreciate it if you just said you were there you saw is as you saw in the video here. Okay, I appreciate it. Sorry
16 00:02:45,720 --> 00:02:56,790 for the long, drawn out thing. But I want the young lady to feel encouraged. That's all. I say here's our daily chart for the s&p. And I mentioned last night
17 00:02:56,790 --> 00:03:08,670 that we had these lows here swept in the market pulled back up and then we had a retracement here and I got it wrong initially on Monday. And I said I was going
18 00:03:08,670 --> 00:03:19,980 to be interested in the liquidity at yesterday's high, this high in this high. There's what the buy side liquidity pools were. And I felt that it was more
19 00:03:19,980 --> 00:03:31,800 likely to go there for the purposes of bias, because we've already taken salsa out here, and we pull back into the range. So it's likely to trade here in here.
20 00:03:32,430 --> 00:03:44,460 Okay, so with that backdrop, let's continue. Here's the hourly chart. And we dropped down into a discount relative to the low and high. No imbalance in here.
21 00:03:44,700 --> 00:03:51,210 I was watching to see if we make an attempt to go down below these relative equal lows. We didn't need to do that. That's fine. I mentioned that we will
22 00:03:51,210 --> 00:04:02,070 look for liquidity here, here and here. One sided or do not look for lower prices. I didn't call it lower. I was taking your attention to higher going to
23 00:04:02,070 --> 00:04:11,580 buy side I gave it the very specific levels to reach for and where price would like to reprice to, as you can see, the market has traded up into the highest
24 00:04:11,580 --> 00:04:26,670 139 50 the second 139 22 and 39 09 and a half, which was this one here. Okay. We're going to dig into this a little bit more 15 that timeframe where the
25 00:04:26,670 --> 00:04:35,340 market dropped down yesterday it consolidated create relative equal lows. When we crossed midnight last night in New York local time. We had a low that was
26 00:04:35,340 --> 00:04:44,220 relatively equal with this one small little rally up we don't chase that. We want to see a drop down. That creates a Judas swing. Does it take out the
27 00:04:44,220 --> 00:04:45,660 relative equal lows? Yes.
28 00:04:45,930 --> 00:04:55,320 Does it move meaningfully with a lot of energy north from that? Yes, it goes higher. We have a shift in market structure here. So now we have the backdrop on
29 00:04:55,320 --> 00:05:10,050 the daily range. I called your attention to the boss liquidity pool Here, here in here relative to the daily chart. So we had a market structure shift on a 15
30 00:05:10,050 --> 00:05:18,600 minute time frame here. And I drew your attention to last night. And it was an amplification of a lesson I've given recently on this YouTube channel about how
31 00:05:18,600 --> 00:05:29,670 to use the weekly opening. This weekly opening that gap. I said extend that out in time, I'd be interested in seeing it trading above it. And I said this last
32 00:05:29,670 --> 00:05:41,640 night before this price movement here even occurred. But I want to see it trade above and come back down in and find some support in that gap. Okay, I don't
33 00:05:41,640 --> 00:05:52,110 teach supply and demand. I don't teach like Chris Laurie, where you fill in a liquidity void, and then it's done. No, we look through candles, we look for
34 00:05:52,740 --> 00:06:03,840 logical levels that the algorithm is going to look for and refer back to. So the market read prices back down into the old low of the gap made on Sunday, it
35 00:06:03,840 --> 00:06:14,820 traded down into it here. Then reprice is higher, there's a fair value gap in here, that's a partial market runs up into a second fear of a gap here, that's
36 00:06:14,820 --> 00:06:25,590 another partial, then we had the Buy Sell liquidity pool here, that's a partial, and a partial above 3922 and a partial at 3950. Okay, obviously, you may not
37 00:06:25,590 --> 00:06:36,120 have enough in the cookie jar, they keep coming back for another one or a partial. So you can manage your stop loss if you only have like one contract. So
38 00:06:36,120 --> 00:06:45,570 you don't have enough leverage or equity to be able to hold more than one position or contract, then you have to manage everything with your stop loss. So
39 00:06:45,570 --> 00:06:56,730 you have to be a little bit more nimble with protecting the only contracts that you have. And there really isn't a whole lot that I can say here except for
40 00:06:56,730 --> 00:07:06,840 experience will dictate that. And given enough experience. With this information, you should get to the point where you can trade more than one. So
41 00:07:06,870 --> 00:07:15,240 shouldn't be a long term problem. It should be a short term issue that you quickly overcome, doing the right things. And eventually your equity will allow
42 00:07:15,240 --> 00:07:28,590 you to do more than one position, or one contract in your position. Alright, zoom in here a little bit fits in that timeframe. The shift in market structure
43 00:07:28,590 --> 00:07:40,140 occurs here, we run up into the gap repelled down in this imbalance. And here, I'm gonna draw it out because it's going to be more meaningful and more specific
44 00:07:40,170 --> 00:07:47,820 with the five minute chart, which is exactly what I showed on Twitter today. But it drops down into that fair value gap here after a shift in market structure.
45 00:07:47,820 --> 00:08:03,570 So do we have displacement? Yes. So we could be a buyer here at 830. And then at 930, when we get into this area here. Now when we drop down into that weekly gap
46 00:08:03,570 --> 00:08:14,370 opening, we find support at the low. But I was watching on Twitter in this area here. The students that were following along on twitter were some of them were
47 00:08:14,370 --> 00:08:23,250 saying it's too sloppy. It's it's messy in here. And it's because they're looking at one minute charts or five minute charts. And in that 15 minute time
48 00:08:23,250 --> 00:08:34,890 window of price being delivered back and forth in here. I gave them a cue to go up to the 15 minute timeframe. And you'll see what this is showing here. Or they
49 00:08:34,890 --> 00:08:43,920 would have seen what's been shown here, a lot more clear price action. It's only just dropping down into the level I mentioned last night, how it would deliver,
50 00:08:44,520 --> 00:08:55,260 traded down until the algorithm then starts the spool and reprice higher, forcing traders to either cut short their short positions, stop them out or
51 00:08:55,290 --> 00:09:06,450 induce buying. So when they had this quick run up like this, what happens it will induce buyers to do what Chase price. And that feeds itself until it
52 00:09:06,450 --> 00:09:15,900 continuously goes to a Buy Sell liquidity pool as I mentioned last night, and it clearly delivered to and today. In the five minute chart,
53 00:09:17,130 --> 00:09:23,760 here we can see the fair value gap. This is the actual fair value gap. I mentioned. I was watching this is the one that was going to be key for this
54 00:09:23,760 --> 00:09:32,940 morning. It drops down look at the bodies of the candles respecting that that's beautiful folks, it's absolutely pristine delivery. Yes, there's a small little
55 00:09:32,940 --> 00:09:42,360 tail here and here but the bulk of that volume is inside those candles. And it's referring back to that imbalance that I teach you that fear of a gap. does it
56 00:09:42,360 --> 00:09:52,950 send price higher? Yes. Where's it go to the old weekly gap opening trades up into the fair value gap here? Drops down in this right here, folks this that is
57 00:09:52,950 --> 00:10:04,920 what I outlined last night I said it was going to unfold just like that, and then deliver to this level. This level in this level, okay? One sidedness not
58 00:10:04,920 --> 00:10:15,960 Plan B, not Plan C, not if it goes here, I'll come back and say, look how smart I am. This is what it's like to know what the algorithm is likely to do, okay?
59 00:10:16,140 --> 00:10:22,740 Has nothing to do with supply and demand factors has nothing to a buying and selling pressures. It's absolutely artificial intelligence running these
60 00:10:22,740 --> 00:10:34,650 markets, in either you're in alignment with them, or you're gonna get slice and dice by them. So let's zoom in here on a five minute chart. And again, you can
61 00:10:34,680 --> 00:10:42,570 really see how we worked up into that fear Vega drop down here is where students that were following along on twitter, were saying it's choppy, it's really
62 00:10:42,570 --> 00:10:49,500 messy. And here, it's not folks, it's not, it's doing exactly what I outlined last night. And by taking your attention back up to the 50 minute time frame, it
63 00:10:49,530 --> 00:10:57,360 clears up all that uncertainty, and it removes the blur, as I mentioned in the tweet, incidentally, you might want to open up a trading view chart with the
64 00:10:57,360 --> 00:11:07,680 s&p. And even for folks that don't have live real time data, you can copy the link directly that was tweeted by me and the link, just paste it right on the
65 00:11:07,680 --> 00:11:14,820 trading view chart. And you'll see exactly when I was saying what I was saying, and then you can map out the entire day I was going to do it. But something
66 00:11:14,820 --> 00:11:23,400 that, you know, isn't that big of a deal, in my opinion. But for those that want to do it, you can do it. And I don't need to do that work for you. But we have
67 00:11:23,430 --> 00:11:32,760 830 in the morning till 11 o'clock in the morning, this is our New York am session for index trading, we dropped down into that gap makes the low, then we
68 00:11:32,760 --> 00:11:42,990 send price higher. Now some of you might look at this and say, Well, you know, this fair value got or not varying up this this opening gap. You know, I
69 00:11:42,990 --> 00:11:49,290 wouldn't want to trade with that. Why don't know why you wouldn't because I was outlining it last night and gave it to logic as to why it would do it. And I
70 00:11:49,290 --> 00:11:59,070 taught you a week or so or maybe even two weeks ago about how to use the opening gap and extending it through the entire weekly range or throughout the each
71 00:11:59,070 --> 00:12:06,300 individual daily candles. So when you're in lower timeframes, you'll be able to see these levels because it'll refer back to it, the algorithm will in fact
72 00:12:06,300 --> 00:12:14,310 refer back to these old levels. So it's a real form of support and resistance, if we're going to use those terms. This is what the algorithm is going to refer
73 00:12:14,310 --> 00:12:27,690 back to. But I like this low here to that high. And by seeing that dealing range there, you'll get going into a discount. So you can go back and look at that.
74 00:12:29,070 --> 00:12:38,160 And see that for yourself. But I want to show you what your model on this YouTube channel, also made available to you. If we strip everything I gave by
75 00:12:38,160 --> 00:12:50,670 way of the analysis that I shared on Twitter, and went through, painstakingly throughout the day, this is what you're used to seeing. sellside taken rallies,
76 00:12:50,700 --> 00:13:02,340 yes, we have displacement, we drop down one more time. And we enter the 930 opening. Okay, the market does what drops down takes sellside out, then it does
77 00:13:02,340 --> 00:13:13,260 what takes out the short term. Hi, is there displacement? Yes. So there's a shift in market structure. What does it create here? For Vega, this is your buy
78 00:13:14,100 --> 00:13:22,770 that right there is your model entry based on what I teach you on this YouTube channel with the 2020 lights up mentorship, free mentorship. So that fair Vega
79 00:13:22,800 --> 00:13:34,500 is your entry there. And off to the races. It goes. Alright, and here's the 15 minute time frame, you can see all the business here. You can see this down
80 00:13:34,500 --> 00:13:46,350 close candle right here, extend the high up here, there's the candle touching the order block. Here is the drop down into the low of the gap. There's a long
81 00:13:46,350 --> 00:14:02,070 there and partial partial on this run above the fairway gap and above short term high. Then we have the 39 09 and three quarters level. I mentioned that right
82 00:14:02,070 --> 00:14:13,290 there was my next objective, there is hitting that level and here is the 3922 level runs about that. And then
83 00:14:14,309 --> 00:14:33,569 we have 3950 level nailed handsomely. So when you see things like this, and you get to experience it before the fact it's my goal, it's my aim to obviously to
84 00:14:33,569 --> 00:14:42,059 encourage you to also to remind you that these things are not contrived and not made up. They're not ambiguous. They're not me picking multiple things and
85 00:14:42,059 --> 00:14:50,069 coming back like a multiple choice. And whichever one unfolds, I can say see how smart we are. Okay. It's very specific, the things that I'm teaching you and
86 00:14:50,069 --> 00:15:00,179 it's very specific, the things that the algorithm repeats and uses. Okay, so while it's not important for you to see this every single day, it's not point of
87 00:15:00,179 --> 00:15:06,239 view to expect that every single day, but this is what you're supposed to be doing when you're watching price action, you want to see where the drawl and
88 00:15:06,239 --> 00:15:15,989 liquidity is, stick to that bias. Okay, and yesterday, you watch me get it wrong, I had to compensate for that and reverse and that's fine. But these are
89 00:15:15,989 --> 00:15:24,659 the type of trade setups that you're looking for. And when you get them, you're done. You don't go back in the rest of the week. And that's very hard for some
90 00:15:24,659 --> 00:15:32,939 of you to understand, or even want to try to do because you're thinking, Okay, I'm gonna go and do the same thing again. Or if I even if I just do half of or a
91 00:15:32,939 --> 00:15:44,219 quarter off, or 1/10 of what I did in a day like this, I'm just gonna feel so much better. Why? Why do you need to do that? Be content with enough. That's all
92 00:15:44,219 --> 00:15:54,959 I'm suggesting here. I have lots of work to do for this new series I'm gonna be doing which is titled ends. And the first episode I want to have done and own
93 00:15:55,199 --> 00:16:05,339 the YouTube channel this Friday at 10pm Eastern time. So that's gonna be it for this one. I will obviously chit chat with you on Twitter. And if there's
94 00:16:05,339 --> 00:16:12,989 anything I can comment on tomorrow, in a short little review, I'll try to do that as well. But that's gonna be it for this one. And hopefully you found this
95 00:16:12,989 --> 00:16:20,939 one insightful, if you would, please if you've been a witness of last night's analysis before the fact of today's trading and you watch me outline it step by
96 00:16:20,939 --> 00:16:28,679 step throughout the day on Twitter, or appreciate a comment down below just saying you saw it happened as I explained it here. And that'll be very much
97 00:16:28,679 --> 00:16:31,199 appreciated. And until next time, be safe.