ICT YT - 2022-07-09 - 2022 ICT Mentorship Market Review - July 08 2022

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2022-07-09 07:15

00:00:04,589 --> 00:00:15,449 ICT: Alright, folks. So we are looking at the weekly chart of the dollar index. And the question has been, where are these levels coming from that were salient
00:00:15,449 --> 00:00:30,179 to the dollar index. We go back to 2002. For the dollar index, on trading view, the symbol is d x, y, and you want to be looking for the one that has TV See,
00:00:30,419 --> 00:00:40,859 okay. You'll see that there is a small little gap right here, this candle is low, this candle is high, that's what I'm framing it on. So that's where I was
00:00:40,859 --> 00:00:52,139 looking for price to drop into, okay, so that we know where we're at. On a daily chart, you can see market did in fact, trade up to what we were looking for. Not
00:00:52,139 --> 00:01:03,359 surprising, because it's a higher timeframe. Order Flow. We have been seeing price moved from a fair value gap here rallied took out a high retrace back down
00:01:03,389 --> 00:01:16,979 into the imbalance here. hills that in consolidates Grayson s&c versions between this market and the Eurodollar. As I mentioned in I think it was Wednesday,
00:01:17,459 --> 00:01:27,419 Wednesday's video, you also seen the SMT divergence between the dollar the dollar should have made a lower low here. This is basically drawing your
00:01:27,419 --> 00:01:38,039 attention to and you saw this on the Wednesday video. The s&p divergence is because the dollar failed to make a lower low than this low while the Euro
00:01:38,039 --> 00:01:47,939 dollar made a higher high comparably. Okay, so if you compare these two specific dates, dollar did not make a lower low. So that's how we can measure
10 00:01:48,179 --> 00:01:57,899 institutional accumulation of long positions. It's not indicator based, it's based on price only. That's how you want to be looking for accumulation. You're
11 00:01:57,899 --> 00:02:07,979 not looking for it with an indicator like well, I can give you a laundry list of things that people claimed it teaches or shows and illustrates accumulation and
12 00:02:07,979 --> 00:02:15,899 distribution. But there's no better way than price itself. So when we look for s&p divergence, we're looking for a market that's already predisposed to go in
13 00:02:15,899 --> 00:02:26,819 one direction or the other. So I'm not looking at the relationship between highs and lows in correlated or inverted correlations. That in itself makes the s&p
14 00:02:26,819 --> 00:02:38,279 divergence No, I'm looking for markets that are expected to go higher, then I'm watching price trade in areas where I'm expecting things to occur anyway, the
15 00:02:38,279 --> 00:02:47,729 imbalance or an order block which there is an order block in here. So the imbalance that changed down into that fails to make a lower low when Eurodollar
16 00:02:48,179 --> 00:02:55,829 makes a higher high. That is a cracking correlation. That is my s&p divergence, Smart Money technique or Smart Money tool. Like I said, I've never really
17 00:02:55,829 --> 00:03:07,289 settled on what the T stands for. It's been interchangeably used for tool or technique. But I guess it really could be smart money timing, you know, I guess
18 00:03:07,289 --> 00:03:18,059 you can add a third thing there to really confuse you. Oh, I see T so diabolical, but you settle on whatever you want it to mean. But whenever I say
19 00:03:18,059 --> 00:03:26,879 SMT, I'm looking at the relationships between important highs and lows in correlated markets. So if we're expecting the dollar to go higher, as we all
20 00:03:26,879 --> 00:03:38,009 know, I was expecting to see it go higher, then that is a expectation on foreign currencies like Euro dollar australian dollar cable POUND DOLLAR, to go lower.
21 00:03:38,039 --> 00:03:48,389 So we will be comparing the relationships between those foreign currencies highs versus the lows formed in dollar. And if we see things like this, and it shows
22 00:03:48,389 --> 00:03:59,789 and illustrates that the dollar is under heavy accumulation of long's this is extremely bullish. And because of the higher timeframe analysis, we need to know
23 00:03:59,789 --> 00:04:08,909 where price is going to reach to. Now I'm quite confident that none of you probably were expecting price to draw up into these specific levels had not
24 00:04:08,909 --> 00:04:18,779 drawn your attention to them. You would have been looking for something else I'm sure but not specifically these levels. And bottom line is, it's not important
25 00:04:18,779 --> 00:04:28,919 for you to know everything. It's not important for you to expect that you're going to know everything. Sometimes the market goes way beyond where I'm
26 00:04:28,919 --> 00:04:37,349 expecting, in fact, you can see does go a little bit above where I was looking for it to go to. I don't care about that. As I mentioned on the Wednesday video,
27 00:04:37,889 --> 00:04:51,539 once it trades to one zero 7.61 We are done for the week. That means the market is going to cap it's going to create its weekly range expansion extreme or
28 00:04:51,539 --> 00:04:56,909 basically what we're saying is going to be the high on dollar and the low on foreign currencies.
29 00:05:01,079 --> 00:05:07,799 Here's the hourly chart on the dollar index, you can see how we had a nice little run up into that level a little bit of a blow off move not much. But to
30 00:05:07,799 --> 00:05:15,299 go above it two times, then broke down had a little bit of a fair value got here overshot that it's not that it's as short because we don't be trading short
31 00:05:15,299 --> 00:05:31,709 against this, the market breaks down. I like the idea of sticking to higher timeframe bias, and avoiding trying to pick tops, or picking bottoms. I know
32 00:05:31,709 --> 00:05:40,529 that feels sexy, because some books and maybe some authors out there have done things in the past where they've illustrated how an indicator or particular
33 00:05:40,529 --> 00:05:49,379 method has called the very high or the very low a particular market, I'm not going to stand here in front of you and say that, that's possible that I could
34 00:05:49,379 --> 00:05:58,829 do it. Because every time I've tried to do that, historically, I've paid the price and basically lost money. So if you haven't, by now notice that I'm
35 00:05:58,829 --> 00:06:07,109 teaching you how to work within a framework that doesn't require you to be picking tops and bottoms, you're looking for that meat in the middle, it's a lot
36 00:06:07,109 --> 00:06:16,379 of meat on the bone. And you don't need to be grabbing the last piece of meat for the first bite all that meat in the middle of bone, there's plenty for
37 00:06:16,379 --> 00:06:26,909 everyone to eat there. So it's important for you to be so precise, focus on being precise in the middle of the big moves. That's where you should feel
38 00:06:26,909 --> 00:06:36,989 satisfied. When you're getting really close, tight precision, small stops, not that you need really small started, I'm not sure promote that. But as you
39 00:06:36,989 --> 00:06:49,889 graduate towards you, excellence in your pursuit of consistency and profitable, those things are not important the beginning. Those things being precision,
40 00:06:50,189 --> 00:06:58,679 because you have to determine where the mark is going to draw to. And obviously, by having these levels shown to you, it's pretty obvious now, where reached to.
41 00:06:58,919 --> 00:07:09,209 And I've had a lot of feedback, you know, in the comment sections of the videos on YouTube and the feedback on Twitter that it's resonating with you, you got a
42 00:07:09,209 --> 00:07:18,629 taste of what it feels like to know what the jaw and liquidity can do for you how it works with the market overall for inter market relationships, and all
43 00:07:18,629 --> 00:07:27,629 these supporting ideas, not just in one asset class. Which brings me to the discussion I want to talk a little bit about tonight is since the dollar has
44 00:07:27,629 --> 00:07:41,729 gone higher, let's go back up. Since the dollar has been going higher, that is a risk off scenario. If the dollar is going higher risk off means that foreign
45 00:07:41,729 --> 00:07:56,129 currencies and assets other than the dollar, or more likely to go lower or have a difficulty rally higher if there ever is a asset class that is rallying
46 00:07:57,449 --> 00:08:13,949 against this higher dollar. Is that setting up a sell scenario for the asset class? No, what it's doing is it's signaling in the purest, most strongest
47 00:08:14,369 --> 00:08:27,539 manner possible that it is not going down. It is not bearish because it's fading. It's resisting, it's being relentless about it not going down with a
48 00:08:27,539 --> 00:08:40,319 higher dollar. So what can we use that with in terms of bias? I'll bring that up again, when we get to the s&p index futures part, which will be the end of the
49 00:08:40,319 --> 00:08:52,169 video. But just remind yourself that this is the risk off scenario because the dollar has been going higher. That is going to be the further amplification of
50 00:08:52,199 --> 00:09:04,379 using bias and why I was able to operate the way I didn't y'all watch that this week. While I was looking for specific things in the index markets and the
51 00:09:04,379 --> 00:09:16,859 pertinent timeframe on the dollar index. You can see we had a nice little Judas swing here at the London Open, trades down and then rallies up runs into the
52 00:09:16,859 --> 00:09:28,559 liquidity at 107 61. And then we had a nice little break down here. Short term little low here. Small little tiny little gap here. Oh, ICT can't be can't be
53 00:09:28,559 --> 00:09:36,959 there it is. There it is and it starts to drop down. And your liquidity is right there runs into that. Alright, and you can see how small little fear of a gap
54 00:09:36,959 --> 00:09:47,519 here I have low rallies up, breaks that low. We don't need to close rallies back up into the fear of a gap and breaks lower attacking the relative equal lows
55 00:09:47,519 --> 00:09:58,829 here. So that's going to be fuel for a interleague rally on foreign currencies and then going into the close. So we have relative equal lows here. There's your
56 00:09:58,829 --> 00:10:01,739 sell side and buy side I wouldn't be here
57 00:10:04,500 --> 00:10:14,610 Eurodollar daily chart here is that high higher high higher high, that was shown to be the opposite of what was being shown in the daily chart for the dollar
58 00:10:14,610 --> 00:10:25,290 index. Because at the time in here, the dollar was not making a low, a lower low and a lower low. wasn't doing that it was diverging with the relationships of
59 00:10:25,530 --> 00:10:35,640 Eurodollar. So what this was doing is it kept stopping shorts out until completely closed in the imbalance here. Then it broke lower. We have an up
60 00:10:35,640 --> 00:10:44,520 close candle here on what is this Friday, Thursday, Wednesday, Tuesday, we opened right up into the bearish order block and then aggressively ran for the
61 00:10:44,520 --> 00:10:55,800 sell side liquidity here and then dug in deep and we have a nice little reversal intraday on Friday with profit taking and the weekly grains bean cap as I
62 00:10:55,800 --> 00:11:08,640 mentioned when we got to 107 level on the dollar index hourly chart for euro dollar. Okay, you see we've been trading off of imbalance here, all this in
63 00:11:08,640 --> 00:11:19,950 here. retracement, and an overnight we had a run back up into the fear of a gap here on the hourly chart which will be used and dropped on the lower timeframe,
64 00:11:20,190 --> 00:11:32,760 then we finally get the capitulation into Friday's trading making the low of the week. Alright, and here is that midnight time window up teaching you to look at
65 00:11:33,480 --> 00:11:45,270 the opening price here extend out in time, notice what we've had prior to midnight, we rallied up, then we broke down. So we have a shift in market
66 00:11:45,270 --> 00:11:57,420 structure here. So from here to hear the OSHA dealing range 50% or equilibriums. Here, we have the gap on the hourly chart, that's what's been shaded here. Okay,
67 00:11:57,450 --> 00:12:07,320 before I dropped down into this 15 minute timeframe, the shaded area on the hourly that's what this little box is. Now also, from the high to the low that
68 00:12:07,320 --> 00:12:16,800 dealing range after the shift in market structure here we have displacement, measure the range, equilibrium, so we want to see a trade above that, ideally
69 00:12:16,800 --> 00:12:30,540 for what a premium. Notice what's occurring here. It does go above equilibrium. It does so during London Open look at the time of day. And look real close what
70 00:12:30,540 --> 00:12:42,510 is that small little fear of a gap inside of the hourly fair value gap. So we're looking at things fractal, we're breaking it down into more detail, more
71 00:12:42,510 --> 00:12:54,000 refinement. So you can see the trade up into that smaller 15 minute timeframe for Vega. But it's in side larger hourly fair value gap. And we have the
72 00:12:54,000 --> 00:13:07,800 relatively close here. So what they're asking below that sell side and they run ggressive with speed taking us into the sell side liquidity here. Now, if you
73 00:13:07,800 --> 00:13:21,900 look at the Fibonacci late on this high to that low, you'll get targets and if you take it from here to here you you'll get a projection for this level than
74 00:13:21,900 --> 00:13:34,140 here. I'll leave that for you for homework, but we reached down below the big figure 1.01 big figure hammered that and it was time when the dollar index was
75 00:13:34,290 --> 00:13:51,060 posting its bearishness started to go lower and then we had this nice rally up on your dollar right here Emini, s&p daily chart and this is the levels that I
76 00:13:51,060 --> 00:13:59,190 tweeted this morning. Right before one minute before, why don't you wait to the last minute ICT because there's a lot of people out there like to take what I
77 00:13:59,190 --> 00:14:08,400 take in shear, and they'll use it for themselves and try to get credit like they did it themselves. So I'd like to wait to the last very minute for that very
78 00:14:08,400 --> 00:14:17,340 purpose. So that way it was so little time that no one can really do anything with it except for retweet it. And there it is. Some of you might not think that
79 00:14:17,340 --> 00:14:32,370 that's a big deal. But to me, it's a big deal. So this candles high right here on your daily chart s&p and the symbol for this is e s u 202. To one trading
80 00:14:32,370 --> 00:14:43,890 view that candle here for Wednesday's high and then Thursday's high. So between these two levels here, that was the dealing range I was working with. And I
81 00:14:43,890 --> 00:14:52,050 teach this I taught this when I was on baby pips when I first came out started teaching publicly when that forum not because that's when I started teaching but
82 00:14:52,050 --> 00:15:00,150 I started teaching in the 90s as well but daily highs and lows are one of the first things I brought everyone's attention to, and it's because they There's
83 00:15:00,150 --> 00:15:01,770 real order flow around these
84 00:15:03,210 --> 00:15:12,150 price levels, previous day's highs, previous day's lows and highs and lows in the last three days. That was the one of the first lessons I taught when baby
85 00:15:12,150 --> 00:15:20,550 pips with Forex. Well, this is not Forex, right? Because when I'm teaching works in everything, so we have the high here, and the low here, that's these levels
86 00:15:20,550 --> 00:15:31,470 here. So when we go into the lower timeframe charts, you'll see white levels. That's this here, okay? This part of the video is going to be very, very easy
87 00:15:31,470 --> 00:15:42,750 for you to get lost in the discussion. And sometimes, because you're watching the video with two times the speed, and asylum we faster than I ever talk in my
88 00:15:42,780 --> 00:15:55,920 real life. Okay. very methodical about what I'm about to say. I like to think about what it is, I'm going to say because I'm anticipating what I'm saying and
89 00:15:55,920 --> 00:16:06,930 what questions are gonna arise in your mind. So because you're watching the video, at a fast rate of speed, two times that normal playback, invariably,
90 00:16:06,930 --> 00:16:14,670 you're going to miss certain things. And proof of that is, if you look at some of the comments in the videos that I've been posting in this mentorship, and in
91 00:16:14,670 --> 00:16:26,550 these reviews now, questions that are obviously answered in the very video that students that are viewers, casual viewers, they're asking the very things I'm
92 00:16:26,550 --> 00:16:36,360 talking about in the commentary for that particular video. So this is one that you're going to really want to stop this speed up, you know, version of
93 00:16:36,360 --> 00:16:45,420 listening to me this, go through it the right way, okay, because if you don't pay attention, on the higher timeframe, charts on where I'm putting these levels
94 00:16:45,420 --> 00:16:54,390 at, when we dropped down the lower timeframe, it's going to look really busy to you. Now my chart is not like this, I'm trading naked. The only time you see me
95 00:16:54,390 --> 00:17:03,840 putting anything on the chart, which is what I refer to as lipstick, that is for your benefit. I don't see this on my chart, when I'm trading, I know what I'm
96 00:17:03,840 --> 00:17:11,490 looking for. I usually have a pad with notes with specific levels I'm looking for, and I'm writing down specific times of the day, I'm looking for those
97 00:17:11,490 --> 00:17:23,460 levels that the utilized morning session, pm session, not during lunch, that type of thing. So I'm really sensitive to certain price levels. And I'm watching
98 00:17:23,460 --> 00:17:35,460 price gyrate to away above and below these types of levels. But I have a bias in mind. Now I started this week, obviously with the expectation that we're going
99 00:17:35,460 --> 00:17:46,800 to try to gravitate up into this imbalance from here to here. So all the movement here, this is not too much selling. This is not the sellers head
100 00:17:46,800 --> 00:17:56,160 control in selling pressure calls this. Okay, this is repriced, this is all repricing, the algorithm keeps offering lower prices, no matter how many buyers
101 00:17:56,160 --> 00:18:06,390 coming in, it does not matter. The market keeps offering it lower. What does that do? It causes people to be more reluctant to hold on to their lungs. So
102 00:18:06,390 --> 00:18:15,480 what they're going to do, they're going to start selling their lungs. Okay, and that selling allows smart money to accumulate all of that because they buy
103 00:18:15,480 --> 00:18:29,040 early, and they sell early. Now, it's not my point to go over market making in here because that in itself is another topic that can be mined for hundreds of
104 00:18:29,040 --> 00:18:40,020 videos and not really scratched the surface. But just know that we were looking for this movement in here to rebalance this. Now. Why? Why would I expect that?
105 00:18:40,470 --> 00:18:50,580 Well, we had the inability to get down. Here's Friday, Thursday, Wednesday, Tuesday, Monday's trading. Okay, Monday, we were unable to get below previous
106 00:18:50,580 --> 00:19:05,100 week's trading day here on Friday, week before, couldn't get below it. And look at the reaction there. We took out Friday's high of the previous week. So
107 00:19:05,760 --> 00:19:18,240 shouldn't this market be trying to go lower? Well, with the dollar going higher, really hard. That's risk off. Is s&p showing it's wanting to bend that knee to
108 00:19:18,240 --> 00:19:29,550 it? No. We have this imbalance. So this is signaling that it's not wanting to go whoa. The next day, what happens if we open we trade down?
109 00:19:30,930 --> 00:19:42,210 What's doing coming off the lows? It's under what heavy accumulation of Long's. So what is this market signaling? Is it going in line with risk off risk on
110 00:19:42,210 --> 00:19:54,120 scenario? No. It's doing something different. It's showing a willingness to want to go higher when other asset classes should be having difficulty going higher,
111 00:19:54,660 --> 00:20:08,550 more likely to go lower. So is it showing bearishness? Absolutely not it. So we're looking for higher prices. So this is how bias can be a little bit more
112 00:20:08,550 --> 00:20:18,900 complicated. But obviously, you have to consider other factors, inter market relationships. That's why it's so frustrating for most of you to sit down with
113 00:20:18,900 --> 00:20:31,680 me and you want me to give you a 123 ABC formula that makes bias flawless, bulletproof, you can't lose, it's always going to be the right one. It requires
114 00:20:31,680 --> 00:20:40,140 more things to support it. What was that? The fact that we had the s&p divergence on the dollar, the fact that Eurodollar went higher. I'm gonna forex
115 00:20:40,140 --> 00:20:49,410 trader Michael, you're talking about forex. I'm only interested in index futures. Now. You've now convinced me that Forex is lame, I want to be in index
116 00:20:49,410 --> 00:21:01,710 futures. Don't talk about forex, I'm focused on this. I'm focused on the markets, I am focused on the markets entirely. Just because you see me executing
117 00:21:01,710 --> 00:21:12,810 in forex pairs, or if you've been recently watching me execute index futures with Live account, those things are leaning on the same logic that I use with
118 00:21:12,810 --> 00:21:23,670 Forex. And the same thing I was using when I was trading commodities back in the 1990s. So there's things that you're going to need, they're their pillars of
119 00:21:23,670 --> 00:21:34,440 understanding. And they have to be understood over lessons and experiences that we understand what it is I'm doing. That's the reason why I tell everybody need
120 00:21:34,440 --> 00:21:42,810 to learn with me properly, you got to at least spend a year because you'll see a full calendar year, you'll see the seasonal influences in the beginning of the
121 00:21:42,810 --> 00:21:50,730 year, the summer, and in the end of the year, you'll see holidays, you'll see unexpected movements, you'll think, Oh, well, you know, everything's going to be
122 00:21:50,730 --> 00:21:58,770 easy. And all of a sudden you get a curveball like this. And unless you're sitting with me and watching it unfold, and I'm outlining and explain to you why
123 00:21:58,770 --> 00:22:08,550 it should do what it's doing. You won't get it. You'll just look at this as Oh, the market just did something screwy there. Or the market makers got me. I fell
124 00:22:08,550 --> 00:22:17,190 victim to the harmonic theory pattern. It's something silly, when it's just sound logic that you're lacking that I'm obviously laying down for you right
125 00:22:17,190 --> 00:22:35,190 now. So s&p was bullish this week, because we've seen on Monday and Tuesday are reluctancy to go lower. So yes, forex pairs are going to go where? Lower? I'm
126 00:22:35,190 --> 00:22:43,890 not interested in trading Forex right now, my focus is an index futures. I mean that very plain to everyone. So if I'm gonna be trading index futures, am I
127 00:22:43,890 --> 00:22:55,410 going to be selling short? In a risk off scenario? No, I'm gonna be looking for the relative strength leader between NASDAQ and E Mini s&p, because it's going
128 00:22:55,410 --> 00:23:06,630 to go higher. See what I've done there. I've taken intermarket relationships. I've looked at other asset classes, I've used the risk off risk on scenario to
129 00:23:06,630 --> 00:23:17,880 frame risk and also to build but the bias the framework, and I've narrowed my focus down to okay, I want to be long. So I want to be in markets that are going
130 00:23:17,880 --> 00:23:27,570 to be reluctant to go lower than create s&p divergence, I want to buy the market that makes the higher low. Even though the one that makes the lower low might go
131 00:23:27,570 --> 00:23:37,590 up in sympathy, I want to be in the market that does what shows its unwillingness even on the lower timeframes to go lower. Because what I'm doing
132 00:23:37,590 --> 00:23:52,080 is I'm getting the cream of the crop, I'm getting the best of the best of the best. Understand. So let's drop down and lower. With more levels here. This is
133 00:23:52,080 --> 00:24:03,390 the gap we've talked about. Well, I think I've talked about it. I got two communities here. So I'm getting a little confused, but I'm quite certain. I
134 00:24:03,390 --> 00:24:17,040 mentioned this in passing, at least in the mentorship videos and all discussions since I began in January. But this June gap, I have this level here. This is
135 00:24:17,040 --> 00:24:25,140 gonna be like a purple. Okay? It's a dashed line here. And it's the high of this candle here. So it's the low of this candle and the high of this candle, that
136 00:24:25,140 --> 00:24:32,220 dashed line, it's in purple. That's these levels here. So this is where you're gonna get confused. If you're not paying attention. You have to turn the TV off.
137 00:24:33,480 --> 00:24:43,410 That just mean you in this chart for the next half an hour or so. If you don't pay attention, you're going to get lost in all these lines and it's not going to
138 00:24:43,410 --> 00:24:57,600 be helpful to you. What I'm showing you is real support and resistance. Okay. Everything you've ever learned about Support Resistance, throw it away. Throw it
139 00:24:57,600 --> 00:25:07,740 away, because you're going to Look for things that are not going to be consistent. The things I'm going to show you here are consistent. Okay? You see
140 00:25:07,770 --> 00:25:17,550 folks on my Twitter feed, am I share a trade or I do an execution, and they're like, I don't understand how he just did that. Well put your thinking cap on,
141 00:25:18,000 --> 00:25:25,320 get your notepad ready, write down the minute marker. So the video because you're going to want to go back into those moments where I said something, and
142 00:25:25,320 --> 00:25:34,200 you want to revisit it again. Okay, this is that kind of video. If you're just lazily this going through casual listening and watching this video, you're not
143 00:25:34,200 --> 00:25:44,400 going to get as much as you would have, if you really chew on it, really dig into this one, because this is some of the best stuff you're ever going to get
144 00:25:44,400 --> 00:25:57,030 from me. And this is how I trade this is what I'm looking for. This is the logic that's in the trades, that it's not in your charts. You're not seeing this in my
145 00:25:57,090 --> 00:26:04,470 other students that you know, don't want to say that they're my students, they're trying to pretend that they then have this stuff on their own, they have
146 00:26:04,470 --> 00:26:17,310 not. This here is the logic, we have a gap. That's a real gap. Now, supply and demand man, which I don't trade with, I think the logic is infantile. In the
147 00:26:17,310 --> 00:26:27,480 beginning, it's, in my opinion, better than support and resistance, but still infinitely less than what I'm teaching. That's not a knock against them. It's
148 00:26:27,480 --> 00:26:36,660 not against anyone that uses supply and demand. I'm just thinking the facts. What I'm teaching you here is the real precision, because this is what the
149 00:26:36,660 --> 00:26:44,820 algorithms doing. I don't expect you to believe because I say this, you're going to see it, you're going to see it right in this chart, you're gonna see why I
150 00:26:44,820 --> 00:26:56,670 did what I did trading this week. They were real executions. They were not hindsight referred to in a market replay. They were a button pushed, managed
151 00:26:56,730 --> 00:27:09,270 with a stop loss targets being hit partials taken along at logical levels. There's real sound logic here. And if you cheat yourself, and not pay attention
152 00:27:09,270 --> 00:27:25,020 to it, you know, to score these types of gaps. They will be revisited in future market delivery. What does that mean? Well, because I don't trade with supply
153 00:27:25,020 --> 00:27:37,290 and demand. And I think this is one of the facets about supply and demand. That is absolutely incorrect. Supply and demand. And its proponents they like to say
154 00:27:38,400 --> 00:27:48,210 that they want a fresh zone. First of all, I don't deal with zones, I'm looking at specific price levels. I'm looking at a specific price level, not a range,
155 00:27:48,360 --> 00:27:56,730 where who knows what price level is going to be the one in there. I know exactly the level I'm looking for. My students know exactly what level they're looking
156 00:27:56,730 --> 00:28:06,450 for. It's not some ambiguous range that who knows where they're going to key off? And what to buy. What the short one? How's that useful? You still aren't,
157 00:28:06,480 --> 00:28:14,670 you're playing a guessing game. I don't want to guess about what level I think is a key level. That's what I'm showing you here. That gap, you want to have the
158 00:28:14,670 --> 00:28:26,250 high and the low that gap and extend that in the future? How long until it moves away from it? What Yeah, see, supply and demand, and its creator will tell you,
159 00:28:27,090 --> 00:28:35,640 you can't cut through candles. That is a farce. And I'm gonna show you why that's a joke. Okay, you have to know this, you have to know this because the
160 00:28:35,640 --> 00:28:45,750 markets are run by an algorithm, they are not looking at ranges that are ambiguous supply or demand. That's not what's going on. Because the markets are
161 00:28:45,750 --> 00:28:55,350 not being controlled by buying and selling pressure. They're being controlled by algorithms. And it doesn't matter how much buying and selling are going on. The
162 00:28:55,500 --> 00:29:05,190 price of the asset is being repriced and booked on its own delivery, not because so many people bought or so many people sold short.
163 00:29:07,020 --> 00:29:16,380 And that's a very hard thing for people, especially people that have been trading for a long time. That's why I'm able to see things that don't look like
164 00:29:16,380 --> 00:29:23,640 they should make any sense. And why this trade working like this. Why is this so precise? Why am I getting in? And why is it turning? And why is it going where I
165 00:29:23,640 --> 00:29:33,630 think it's gonna go because I'm on alignment with the algorithm. I know what the algorithm is trying to rebook to, when these ones turn at these like special
166 00:29:33,630 --> 00:29:44,310 little areas that I'm looking at on my chart. I'm not all the time making that attention to detail in the trade because I'm trading. I don't have time to do
167 00:29:44,310 --> 00:29:52,290 every little detail. But the logic I'm seeing in price, this is what I'm showing you here today. This is what I was looking at the entire week. Why I was mapping
168 00:29:52,290 --> 00:29:59,310 out all my expectations while I was looking for certain things wire was going to gravitate to when it gets above a certain level. How would I expect to use that
169 00:29:59,310 --> 00:30:06,540 information? So I want you to get that from tonight, okay? That doesn't mean you're gonna learn it all and understand it and go out and do it next week. But
170 00:30:06,540 --> 00:30:15,030 this is how you build a foundation. I'm putting down 10 temples, okay, I'm building a foundation, I'm pitching a tent, okay, you're gonna have to spend
171 00:30:15,030 --> 00:30:24,630 some time with this stuff. And that's the wonderful thing about doing reviews, you'll see these types of things repeat. And by repetition, and taking it in
172 00:30:24,660 --> 00:30:33,510 each time, getting a little bit more understanding. And over time, what will happen is, you'll have a better understanding of the tapestry that price creates
173 00:30:33,600 --> 00:30:43,710 day by day, week, by week, minute by minute. So we don't believe in not cutting through candles, you're going to get the real narrative by cutting through
174 00:30:43,710 --> 00:30:53,700 candles, one of the best things you can do is look for these real gaps like this. Okay. Also, in trading view, there's a setting where you can do the
175 00:30:54,780 --> 00:31:04,680 electronic trading in the I forgot what they call it. But there's two settings you can do for charting. And you want to have both of them toggle back and
176 00:31:04,680 --> 00:31:13,110 forth. And wherever you see gaps like this, there's lots of them when you're using non electronic trading hours. Those gaps you want to have on your chart.
177 00:31:13,110 --> 00:31:21,930 And guess what, my private group just learned something because I've never taught that anywhere. Okay, I've taught it in early early lessons when I was
178 00:31:21,930 --> 00:31:31,020 talking about s&p trading on baby pips, but I've taken that video down. And to be honest, it's too it's not good enough to be put back up on YouTube, I'm
179 00:31:31,020 --> 00:31:39,630 actually doing a better job of teaching it here. But real gaps like this, you want to extend those in time. Okay, same thing with a weekly opening gap.
180 00:31:39,750 --> 00:31:50,310 Whenever you see a weekly opening gap, the gaps lower than the previous week's Friday close. Or if it gaps, you know, gap up or gap down away from Friday's
181 00:31:50,310 --> 00:31:58,410 close that gap, you want to have that and you want to market and extend it through the entire week, because it will be used as Support Resistance. Once you
182 00:31:58,410 --> 00:32:07,770 do this a few times you're going to laugh at the whole idea of supply and demand logic, if you want to call it that, of not cutting through candles, gaps are a
183 00:32:07,770 --> 00:32:17,910 real thing. And just because the the market goes up here and overlaps that gap here and you would assume that that's rebounds, right? It's not. That's not
184 00:32:17,910 --> 00:32:28,740 rebounds, because it went up here. Okay. This is not a knock against Chris Laurie, but he teaches that once this thing here would go up. That's rebounds.
185 00:32:28,770 --> 00:32:44,940 That's not rebounds. Okay? That's this redelivery. It's being offered for the first time here. It's not rebalanced until this candle. What? Watch what
186 00:32:44,940 --> 00:32:54,450 happens. There's no data here. No trading took place from this candle alone as candles high. There's absolutely zero. So if you're looking for liquidity,
187 00:32:54,480 --> 00:33:04,380 quote, unquote, void, that is what that is. There's a void of liquidity because there's no trading, this is not a liquidity void. This is not a liquidity void.
188 00:33:04,410 --> 00:33:06,240 This is not a liquidity wound. Okay.
189 00:33:07,800 --> 00:33:18,000 This is a real gap, no trading. So you have to define that gap and extend it through the week, or even as long as we're close to that gaps high and low. It's
190 00:33:18,000 --> 00:33:24,690 going to be in my mind, oh, my analysis. Now if we get above this high here starts going higher. I'm not interested in that guy. Because it's too far away.
191 00:33:24,690 --> 00:33:34,110 It's not it's not salient anymore. But because we're close to it. On Wednesday, and Thursday, and Friday is trading, I need to reference these levels, because
192 00:33:34,110 --> 00:33:44,460 they're going to be pertinent to what the algorithm is going to refer back to the algorithm is not looking at these imbalances here. Solely. It's looking at
193 00:33:44,460 --> 00:33:55,890 this because this is the most paramount because this was a void. There was no trading going on there, zero. So how does the market efficiently offer price
194 00:33:56,040 --> 00:34:06,540 between these two price points here? It has the trade there. What does that here, right, so job's finished right packet in it's over? No, it offers by side,
195 00:34:07,530 --> 00:34:19,320 passing through the low in the high range. Once it does that, the only thing it's done there is offered by side. To balance it and rebalance that range
196 00:34:19,350 --> 00:34:27,660 between that low and a high, it must trade back down through. So it's a pass up to Tim's it goes up through it, and then down through it. That range here is
197 00:34:27,660 --> 00:34:39,270 balanced when this candle passes down through it. So you're getting both sides of the coin, buy side and sell side. That is a market truism that nobody teaches
198 00:34:39,270 --> 00:34:45,900 that I'm the only one that teaches that because I'm the only one that's going to divulge this stuff to you. And that's the way it is. You're gonna hear echoes
199 00:34:45,930 --> 00:34:52,290 from people that listen to me learn from me, and they're gonna go out there and rename everything. But I promise you, none of this stuff existed anywhere else
200 00:34:52,290 --> 00:35:04,020 before me. You're not supposed to learn this stuff. It's not for you to know. But this is what the algorithm does. us. How do we use that information? Well,
201 00:35:04,860 --> 00:35:14,400 the market breaks back down and goes below this gap. Okay, once we go below that it's trading back down into this area here. So all of this here is now getting
202 00:35:14,430 --> 00:35:25,260 rebounds, because this range up needs to have what to be balanced, it has to trade back down. So a green candle up needs to be met with a wall my case, the
203 00:35:25,260 --> 00:35:33,120 down candles are black. So when it trades back down into this range here, this becomes balanced. Now look closely. We have Friday, Thursday, Wednesday,
204 00:35:33,120 --> 00:35:42,630 Tuesday, Monday, Monday's trading, doesn't want to go lower. During a risk off scenario, Tuesday, goes low, but then comes back off and says nope, I'm not
205 00:35:42,630 --> 00:35:52,890 going lower. So where's that take our attention, this imbalance from here to here, all this sell side now becomes the present dealing range. And it wants to
206 00:35:52,890 --> 00:36:04,560 gravitate up there, if we can get above this gap low. Okay, the high of this candle, which is below the gap that's here in here. If we get above that, then
207 00:36:04,560 --> 00:36:16,830 we're likely to do what make a run for this. It doesn't have to happen this week. But I'm gonna see this this gaps low offer support. And also remember the
208 00:36:16,830 --> 00:36:23,220 levels I started with when we were discussing the s&p In the beginning the white levels, I don't have them here because it would be too many lines. But in the
209 00:36:23,220 --> 00:36:33,510 lower timeframe charts, you'll see the white lines. It's this high, Wednesday's high and Thursdays high. So on Friday, we open what are we expecting on Friday,
210 00:36:33,720 --> 00:36:42,360 Non Farm Payroll. Now, I don't advocate trading with live funds if you're developing student because you have no idea what you're doing, the volatility
211 00:36:42,360 --> 00:36:48,090 that can come into the marketplace, if you're trading with live money, and you're rushing in there thinking you're gonna get a big move, and you're gonna
212 00:36:48,090 --> 00:36:56,670 get lucky, you are not going to get lucky, you're going to get your clock cleaned. Okay. And that's the reason why I tell people don't trade non farm
213 00:36:56,670 --> 00:37:04,650 payrolls. Because honestly, if you're listening to me, you're probably a developing trader, I have a lot of people that are well versed those individuals
214 00:37:04,650 --> 00:37:12,840 know how to navigate, they can participate in non farm payrolls. They're not listening to me, because they've been doing it long enough to know when to work
215 00:37:12,840 --> 00:37:21,900 with it. But it's not beneficial. And I'd be doing a terrible disservice to any students that come by my way to say go out there and trade Non Farm Payroll,
216 00:37:23,100 --> 00:37:34,500 because there's volatility, that's stupid. That's a poor mentor. That's stupid. Okay, that would be so ignorant, and irresponsible, as a mentor for me to
217 00:37:34,500 --> 00:37:38,370 encourage anyone learning how to trade to trade on those days,
218 00:37:39,630 --> 00:37:50,940 those being Thursday before Non Farm Payroll, and the very day of Non Farm Payroll, because it can be very chaotic. And you don't have the understanding
219 00:37:50,970 --> 00:38:02,850 that Well, someone with more experience than have traded but why funds and traded Non Farm Payroll for decades, would be able to navigate web. So don't
220 00:38:02,850 --> 00:38:12,360 listen to talking heads on the internet about me, okay, that want to try to derail you and sell you ICT, he, he can't trade because he doesn't want to trade
221 00:38:12,360 --> 00:38:18,570 on Non Farm Payroll because you don't know how to trade. Now I know how to trade. I've obviously proven it again today. But I don't want to be guilty of
222 00:38:18,570 --> 00:38:27,300 giving the message or conveying the idea that you should because I can remember when I teach these things on YouTube, and I taught you that model just recently
223 00:38:27,300 --> 00:38:37,950 in this mentorship, that's not all I know. But you don't need to know everything I know, just model alone that you've been given is wonderful. It's simple. And
224 00:38:37,950 --> 00:38:46,980 you don't need to make it more complicated than that. But I love teaching. And I also want to do market reviews because I want to put the people out of business
225 00:38:46,980 --> 00:38:54,180 that are selling videos. So you don't need to buy those things. You're getting it right here right from the horse's mouth. So we're going to drop down the
226 00:38:54,180 --> 00:39:05,280 lower timeframes, and there's other levels, I want you to see, this dotted line here is black, okay, it probably won't be so clear on the lower timeframes in
227 00:39:05,280 --> 00:39:15,060 terms of what color it is, just know that that down close candle, the opening price that's at that line is black, and you have a heavier thick green line
228 00:39:15,060 --> 00:39:27,240 here. That's this imbalance low. Okay, so it's this candles high to this candles low. That's this imbalance here. Okay. So we have the dotted line is the order
229 00:39:27,240 --> 00:39:38,460 block. The dark green line is the low of this imbalance, which will be useful in Thursday's trading. And then we have this red line here, which is the top of the
230 00:39:38,460 --> 00:39:48,420 imbalance. And the two purple lines are the old gap. Okay, anything white is going to be this candle is high in this candle is hot here. So you can see why I
231 00:39:48,420 --> 00:39:58,440 was telling you pay attention. Okay, it might even be beneficial for you to have a screenshot of this chart where you can look at it if you have multiple
232 00:39:58,440 --> 00:40:05,040 monitors or something to that effect. It will take a picture with your cell phone so that we can see what these levels are when we're in the lower
233 00:40:05,040 --> 00:40:11,400 timeframes. It'll, it'll help you navigate them. So you can pause the video when we're in the lower timeframe and see where you're at in the orientation of all
234 00:40:11,400 --> 00:40:21,420 these levels, because these are key levels. And I'll explain why as we go. Alright, so here's the hourly chart. And this is the sell side and bounce I
235 00:40:21,420 --> 00:40:30,690 mentioned on Wednesday. And some of you were like, What is this when the market only offers on the downside? It's not selling pressure. It's the repricing
236 00:40:30,690 --> 00:40:39,480 lower, and it's inefficiently done. So the market is going to do what if it's bullish, it has a tendency to want to come back up into that and rebalance. Is
237 00:40:39,480 --> 00:40:48,510 it rebounds when it does this? If you heard Chris Laurie teach, he'll tell you that's balanced. Now. It's not balanced. This is just redelivered. This is
238 00:40:48,510 --> 00:40:58,500 rebalanced. See what happened here, this high of this candle. And we can't see here because I don't have it on my chart. But over here, it's anchored to
239 00:40:58,500 --> 00:41:13,170 another low, but you can use this one as well. When the market trades up into that when it trades up there, it's redelivered. So we have a sell side. It runs
240 00:41:13,170 --> 00:41:26,940 up, read delivers for buy side, but it is not balanced until it goes back down again, to that same level. Now it's balanced, because it's done what sell side
241 00:41:26,940 --> 00:41:35,940 creates the imbalance. So what's it doing? It offers the buy side there, then it offers the sell side in a much more uniform efficient manner. This becomes a
242 00:41:35,940 --> 00:41:46,890 support level now. What level that level right there. That's how you find real support resistance. Okay. I don't care who wrote a book. I don't care how many
243 00:41:46,890 --> 00:41:57,120 things that they get accolades for poor having the best education talking about things in hindsight, okay. I have a lot of useless books that talk about support
244 00:41:57,120 --> 00:42:07,410 and resistance, and they're nonsense. They're all a fallacy. They're comic strips, okay? They if I didn't spend the money and have so much time invested in
245 00:42:07,410 --> 00:42:18,330 energy and belief placed on them, I keep all of my books, because they have sentimental value. I conquered all that crap. I can see through all this
246 00:42:18,780 --> 00:42:28,110 garbage, okay, all these Renko Bars and all the iconography and Ichimoku. And we'll name it.
247 00:42:28,440 --> 00:42:36,000 Okay. It's all garbage. That's real garbage. Okay, everyone wants to see what I'm doing. Now, you just don't know what you're doing. You haven't you don't
248 00:42:36,000 --> 00:42:47,130 know enough yet. But nothing comes close to this, folks. Because what I'm showing you is exactly what the algorithms doing. The algorithm is not organic.
249 00:42:48,060 --> 00:42:59,070 Okay. It's only doing what it's programmed to do. It's referring back to these levels over here. Because now think about this. If this imbalance exists, we've
250 00:42:59,070 --> 00:43:09,030 known about it, the markets bullish. It's going to follow what the logic that everything that would be otherwise bullish, does the market keep supporting
251 00:43:09,030 --> 00:43:20,130 price higher? Okay, well, let's go back to we have that dotted line. That's the order block, right? Does the market find support at the order block? You can see
252 00:43:20,130 --> 00:43:33,360 the candles are kind of building up support won't go any lower than it rallies up, then it comes down into what? That old imbalance low. This is why I said
253 00:43:33,360 --> 00:43:44,760 take a picture or have a chart of it in another monitor or look at your cell phone. We're in that low end of the daily imbalance. It's finding support there.
254 00:43:45,630 --> 00:43:56,610 Look right here. What do you see there? And we'll get to that. Does the market rally from there? Yes. Does it trade up into the imbalance and reprice to this
255 00:43:56,640 --> 00:44:09,210 high end or here? offered this sell side? A buy side? Yes. So for the down close candle here that pass through. Now we're seeing a green candle go up there.
256 00:44:09,870 --> 00:44:23,400 That's part. That's the first thing we're looking for. But then it does what it goes down in that same level again, during Non Farm Payroll release. What's it
257 00:44:23,400 --> 00:44:33,270 going to do then reprice higher, where's it going to go? We have remaining balance here and they're shorter block lasts up close candle before the shift
258 00:44:33,270 --> 00:44:46,590 lower. There's where you see a price gone. Now, some of you're like Oh, come on now. This is all made up. Folks. I have an army of people that watch me do this
259 00:44:46,620 --> 00:44:56,040 every single day every single week for years. I understand it may seem high and lofty to you if this is your first time you've been introduced to this but I
260 00:44:56,040 --> 00:45:03,360 promise you the things that you're going to see in these reviews are going to start laying a foundation, the first time you see it, it's going to feel like
261 00:45:03,570 --> 00:45:11,460 come on. I don't really get what he's saying, because you're just being introduced to it. And that's normal, anything highly technical, the first time
262 00:45:11,460 --> 00:45:20,640 you get introduced to it, it's going to feel very difficult and complex. And it's going to be very easy for some of you that are very lazy to say, I'm taking
263 00:45:20,640 --> 00:45:28,650 a chance, check it, I'm out here, goodbye. The folks that really want to know what they're doing and how to read decipher price action, and not require any
264 00:45:28,650 --> 00:45:40,980 hand holding no indicators, naked chart only. I see this with nothing on my chart. Because my eyes go right to that area there, that area there. And I know
265 00:45:40,980 --> 00:45:49,680 where the order block is because I have it on my pad. The price level, I'm working off of a notepad with levels written down. And right next to those
266 00:45:49,680 --> 00:45:57,810 levels, I have a specific time that I'm looking for that price level to be traded to that part is not going to be taught to you, you don't need it. That's
267 00:45:57,810 --> 00:46:06,120 the thing I hold back. You don't need that, because you can see it in your chart. And if you just submit it what time. That's why I tell you submit to
268 00:46:06,120 --> 00:46:16,710 time. If you wait for the kill zones, wait for the price that traded these levels. Does it give you the set up with the bias bullish? Where's it going?
269 00:46:17,280 --> 00:46:32,400 Here, the rebounds. And then over here, that last little portion. That's to get in here. The purple levels or gap? Look at the bodies of the candles here.
270 00:46:33,360 --> 00:46:41,280 That's the low end of that gap. Look at the bodies here. That's the high end of that gap on the daily chart where there was no trading. That's the real
271 00:46:41,280 --> 00:46:50,400 liquidity void. That's what's being shown here. See all prices gravitating around that. Look at that low and that candle right there. That's Support
272 00:46:50,400 --> 00:47:05,490 Resistance, folks. That's the real thing. That's the real McCoy. Don't tell anybody. Alright, so here is a zoomed in portion of the hourly chart for s&p.
273 00:47:06,630 --> 00:47:15,960 Over that gap. I said we go back into a little bit more detail. Here you go. The market rallies above shift in market structure fair a gap drops down in Look at
274 00:47:15,960 --> 00:47:26,130 that. That's the low end of that imbalance on the daily chart. The Murtaza deep green level, look at the body's boom, run away from it. See that
275 00:47:27,810 --> 00:47:39,570 rallies up into the imbalance. the sell side imbalance reprice is there stretches, it swings up into the higher Vega into that bearish order block. And
276 00:47:39,570 --> 00:47:49,560 the levels I have here in white. They are the levels that I was sharing on Twitter this morning at 829. One minute before 830 in the Non Farm Payroll
277 00:47:49,560 --> 00:48:00,150 release. This is where I said that the liquidity levels are the one I'm monitoring and watching. the sell side is here. And the buy side is here. If I'm
278 00:48:00,150 --> 00:48:14,340 bullish, what am I looking for? Sell side? Then go buy side. But what if it's trading here? And we haven't got down to the sell side yet? What can I do with
279 00:48:14,340 --> 00:48:22,500 that? Well, I showed you today, I shorted it. And I'll give you some more detail as we go along because I know some of your like in the video, he says the fair
280 00:48:22,500 --> 00:48:32,340 value gap is not a buy. And then he sold short in it. Because I knew some of you are looking at that. Just like the Yahoo's on Instagram and on Facebook and on
281 00:48:32,340 --> 00:48:38,580 YouTube that take my stuff and they try to pretend they know how to do it and teach people and sell for money. But they cannot trade the information. That's
282 00:48:38,580 --> 00:48:49,590 why I'm telling you have them prove if they can do it. If they can make money with real counts. I'm telling you folks, they will gladly shove that proof down
283 00:48:49,590 --> 00:49:02,790 your throat. And you don't see that do you about the other mentors out there? They got all things to say about me, but they're not proving they're doing it.
284 00:49:04,950 --> 00:49:14,880 Then I explain it beforehand. You're doing a lot of losing trades, and then getting lucky with over leveraging. I'm going in picking my shots, one trade,
285 00:49:15,000 --> 00:49:26,370 smashing any overleveraged results precision over and over and over and over and over again. That's what you're trying to learn. And that's why I'm pouring
286 00:49:26,370 --> 00:49:38,220 myself into this because you're going to learn how to beat the shit out of all this other stuff out there that permeates the industry. Yeah, I'm here to make
287 00:49:38,220 --> 00:49:48,300 you a monster. All you have to do is show up. These things I'm showing here. This is just a little bit more complex than you probably are expecting. But I
288 00:49:48,300 --> 00:49:58,740 promise you, you have to dig into this. Study it do it with your own charts. See the things I'm sharing? Then go into your charts and put them in your own
289 00:49:58,740 --> 00:50:08,910 charts. Studying, you'll see a lot more things than I'm actually talking about. But when I'm saying is obviously the most salient thing, we're going to look at
290 00:50:08,910 --> 00:50:21,450 the setup that was for Non Farm Payroll today. Here is the 15 minute timeframe. And we have midnight opening price, we don't have it drawn out because I have
291 00:50:21,450 --> 00:50:30,570 enough lines on any way that you would be watching and monitoring that here. And the market does what it drops down after going into the imbalance here. After
292 00:50:30,570 --> 00:50:43,980 taking by side liquidity here, we break down come back up rebalance here. And then we sell off ahead of 830. Going into the 30 window, Non Farm Payroll is
293 00:50:43,980 --> 00:50:56,700 here. I did not capture anything up here move too quick. In fact, you can watch the video that I have a link to I'll put it in the comment section, I'll try to
294 00:50:56,700 --> 00:51:08,310 put the the link and pin it like I did the other day with the other one. But the video shows me waiting for it to create a fair value gap. And then I want to see
295 00:51:08,310 --> 00:51:19,380 it rebalance. What does that mean? What I've already just taught you hear, then I go short. And I'm targeting that level here. It's trading down into a fair
296 00:51:19,380 --> 00:51:31,530 Vega. But I don't want to be shorting I want to target that up here down into that. Then, in the video, you actually seen I'm going to buy the fair value get
297 00:51:31,530 --> 00:51:41,220 the forms or sub subsequent fair got it fair value got rather, that forms. Once we take out that well. I thought about it, I was like you know what, I'm not
298 00:51:41,220 --> 00:51:47,340 going to do that. Because if I do all that, it's going to just make the case that you should be in here trading Non Farm Payroll. So I just showed one
299 00:51:47,340 --> 00:51:57,030 example. And that's enough. But you can clearly see in the comments and annotations of the video. This was a buy in a fair way get that later on forums
300 00:51:57,030 --> 00:52:05,220 that I shared on the chart could have very easily been a run up into the buy side liquidity I gave far in advance reference to before we even started moving
301 00:52:05,220 --> 00:52:16,650 down. Okay, I know some of this isn't going to scratch every itch for some of you, it's probably going to create more questions just hanging out, you're going
302 00:52:16,650 --> 00:52:25,710 to see a lot of things that you never thought existed in trading and precision and consistency. But you have to be here, get the show up. And you have to roll
303 00:52:25,710 --> 00:52:26,910 your sleeves up and put the work in.
304 00:52:29,730 --> 00:52:40,410 Purple Line here, that's the low end of that gap on the daily chart where there was no trading that liquidity void. There's your bodies of the candles here even
305 00:52:40,440 --> 00:52:51,030 on the 15 minute timeframe. And it trades up through the high end of the gap comes back down through it and then BAM hits it there and rallies through goes
306 00:52:51,030 --> 00:53:02,190 back to where the liquidity was above that white line and almost completely fills in the gap on the hourly chart, and then into the close. Let's go a little
307 00:53:02,190 --> 00:53:17,370 bit more in terms of detail. Here's a five minute chart. Here's a fair value get trades up into that ahead of 830 Non Farm Payroll breaks down your sell side
308 00:53:17,370 --> 00:53:30,030 below here. And then we have the imbalance down here. And the liquidity at Wednesday's high. This is Thursday's high. That's what these white lines are.
309 00:53:30,060 --> 00:53:41,460 Okay. Wednesday's high. Thursday's high. Oh to do is teaching a ceiling broken becomes a floor and a floor broken becomes a ceiling. No, I'm not seeking that
310 00:53:41,460 --> 00:53:50,790 at all. I'm teaching you what the algorithms don't watch. Trust me Just trust me. I don't I'm taking you somewhere. Did it stop at that white line? Which was
311 00:53:50,790 --> 00:54:04,260 Wednesday's high and turn around? No. Did it stop here? In turnout? Where did that auto on Wednesday? No. It went to where I teach into the imbalance into the
312 00:54:04,260 --> 00:54:18,600 top of the imbalance on the hourly chart at 37 150 level. Go back and look at it hits it here and then rallies. Small little gap here. There's your entry here.
313 00:54:18,600 --> 00:54:28,560 You can be a buyer there rallied up into Buy Sell liquidity. That's a five minute chart. Okay, we're gonna go a little bit better than that. We're gonna
314 00:54:28,560 --> 00:54:40,470 zoom in, and we're gonna incorporate SMP. So if we're bullish, we're looking for higher prices. Why? Because the index markets are shunning the risk off
315 00:54:40,770 --> 00:54:51,660 condition. They keep wanting to go higher. Okay. Non Farm Payroll comes in it's manipulation. Here, trades down to a level what the imbalance low on the hourly
316 00:54:51,660 --> 00:55:04,890 chart. Rallies drops back down in look at the low here compared to that low Seattle. lower. Now I'm plotting the NASDAQ in this line has been plotted with
317 00:55:04,890 --> 00:55:18,300 the NASDAQ low, because I'm comparing lows. NASDAQ doesn't wanna make a lower low there when the s&p does, but the s&p is trading at a level, that makes sense
318 00:55:18,300 --> 00:55:28,650 to me. So if I was going to be a buyer, I could trade this one here or trade this one. But I like this one, because it's at a level that's already important.
319 00:55:28,740 --> 00:55:37,530 This is the low of that imbalance on an hourly chart inside of a fair Vega. Also, you want to get into the lower timeframe, one minute chart, you'll see
320 00:55:37,530 --> 00:55:47,190 there's another fair value gap here it goes right into, with that little drop there, right to the pivots, beautiful, then it rallies off. So we have s&p
321 00:55:47,190 --> 00:56:01,680 Divergence there. And here's the one minute chart, market dropping down after the initial drop here at 830, Non Farm Payroll, then it trades back up to this
322 00:56:01,680 --> 00:56:09,780 level here completely random level, which I don't have in the chart, because you're not seeing it. But I'm showing you what I was seeing, in my mind, with
323 00:56:09,780 --> 00:56:18,000 the data that I have written down on a piece of paper while I'm trading. My charts were naked. This is way too much stuff on the chart, but I have to have
324 00:56:18,000 --> 00:56:27,690 it on the chart for you to understand the logic. What's the things that's going on in my head, I can't sit down with a naked chart and say this what I'm doing
325 00:56:27,750 --> 00:56:36,210 and tell you just raw numbers, you won't be able to learn it that way. So when I put these rectangles on here, invariably people think it's supply and demand
326 00:56:36,210 --> 00:56:45,060 because that's what you see, typically as supply and demand zones. Notice I'm showing you areas where it's going to gravitate to but in those areas, I have
327 00:56:45,060 --> 00:56:52,410 very specific price levels. It's not ambiguous, it's not some well, you know, try to figure it out hopefully get the right one. No, I know what I'm looking
328 00:56:52,410 --> 00:57:01,620 for. In my students that are under me know what they're looking for. We'll come back to this with a trade setup that actually executed on but I want you to
329 00:57:01,830 --> 00:57:10,470 follow along with the logic here. We dropped down look at the body. Respecting that imbalance runs away at least a fair pay gap, we'll come back to that.
330 00:57:11,100 --> 00:57:19,800 Rallies comes back up to the top end of what this is the high of that gap. Remember the gap on the daily chart, look at consolidated around the level the
331 00:57:19,800 --> 00:57:29,700 gap consolidates, accumulates more Long's and runs away, creates what fear that you get drops down into it there, that's a by show me so set aside 18 years
332 00:57:29,700 --> 00:57:30,360 longer there.
333 00:57:30,840 --> 00:57:38,130 You can be a buyer right there, we're gonna hold it for a while you can take a partial here at the top end of the hourly imbalance. Notice that I'm showing you
334 00:57:38,130 --> 00:57:46,410 that my partials are not just some willy nilly knee jerk reaction because the market moved. This is levels where I would be taking a partial. And when it gets
335 00:57:46,410 --> 00:57:54,810 to this level here, I take a partial there to see the difference between understanding what I'm teaching you deeper dive behind the logic. My partials
336 00:57:54,810 --> 00:58:04,950 are not random. I'm looking for these types of things. But because it's not imperative that I lay everything down in a chart, because frankly, I don't have
337 00:58:04,950 --> 00:58:14,550 the time. I mean, I'm in these lower timeframe charts, and I'm executing on things that are highly precise. And I don't have the benefit of time to lay it
338 00:58:14,550 --> 00:58:25,650 all out. I can do that after the fact. And you can see with crystal clarity as to why I will be doing the things I'm doing. But it's important for you to go
339 00:58:25,650 --> 00:58:35,220 into charts and see what these things are doing. And you'll see what I'm teaching here repeats every day, every week, every month, every quarter every
340 00:58:35,220 --> 00:58:45,030 single year. But you have to have some kind of framework, what's that framework? Are you trying to build the case that you want to be a buyer or seller? That's
341 00:58:45,030 --> 00:58:57,360 not bias? So you're trying to determine what you should be doing? Is the risk off scenario with the dollar is that bias? No, that's framework bias is finding
342 00:58:57,360 --> 00:59:07,590 the market that's in alignment with that idea, and indices have not shown us. And it wants to be a part of that risk off scenario. So it's been bucking that
343 00:59:07,590 --> 00:59:15,450 trend that would be otherwise associated with lower prices in foreign currencies and equities and such, it seemed that I'm gonna set this one out, I'm going
344 00:59:15,450 --> 00:59:27,870 higher. So it's really strong. It's the stronger of the strong, because it won't go down. So I'm focusing on doing what being a buyer. Well, wait a minute, ICTD.
345 00:59:27,870 --> 00:59:36,300 To short, it's short, sold short with it, right? Because I sat down from the charts, I wanted to give you an ideal scenario of reading price and studying
346 00:59:36,300 --> 00:59:45,750 liquidity on Non Farm Payroll, I think, which is what I did today with a demo account. I did a demo trade. I'm following the logic and the rules I gave
347 00:59:45,750 --> 00:59:54,960 everybody you should not be trading with live money. Well, non farm payrolls Thursday or Friday, don't do it. But practice studying liquidity because these
348 00:59:54,960 --> 01:00:02,550 are hard conditions. So if you are able to do it in these conditions when you have just read regular bread and butter under conditions that are not FOMC, or
349 01:00:02,550 --> 01:00:12,180 Non Farm Payroll related, it's a lot easier to navigate the marketplace because you have worked in harder market environments. So anyway, the market has a fair
350 01:00:12,180 --> 01:00:20,370 value gap here rolls up into the high in the gap on a daily chart, the one that has no data, that's this level here at meritoriously. Purple levels here, and
351 01:00:20,370 --> 01:00:31,440 this is the low end of it, it rolls to here and drops back down in look at how much time it touches the low level of that gap. This is a stale level, folks.
352 01:00:31,920 --> 01:00:41,220 Sam would have been like, no, it's way past its expiration. But look at the sensitivity. The algorithm is reading all this right here. This is all price
353 01:00:41,220 --> 01:00:56,880 delivery around a level that is highly, highly crucial for algorithmic principles. Look at that. Look at the bodies hovering around and stopping. Right
354 01:00:56,880 --> 01:01:07,440 at that level. That's the low part of that gap on a daily chart, where there's no data at all. It accumulates here, what's it doing? It's trading, buying, buy,
355 01:01:07,440 --> 01:01:16,770 buy, fill in this little gap here and drop down into what this fear of a gap. You don't think this is important. I have a student right now on Twitter that
356 01:01:16,770 --> 01:01:24,390 shared that he was short. And this is what he was aiming for. And I don't usually like people that are showing me their traits. And you all know this.
357 01:01:24,600 --> 01:01:31,440 People that post things to me. Hey, what do you think this is a good trait? I don't ignore it. Well, I do ignore it. Actually, I don't put a heart on it. I
358 01:01:31,440 --> 01:01:40,350 don't like it. Because that's me, cosigning, your trait. And that's what you're really asking for. You want the Oracle in me to speak up and give you the okay
359 01:01:40,350 --> 01:01:48,060 sign as it goes trade. Now, I'm not going to do that, because you're not going to learn anything by that. But because I knew that this was going to be a
360 01:01:48,060 --> 01:02:00,690 turning point. The gentleman on Twitter knows that I liked his post. He like I liked it way before it even traded there. That was my way of being able to come
361 01:02:00,690 --> 01:02:10,380 back here and say, this is an area that even my students seeing that as a target. But this is what if it's bullish, and it creates this low, lower low,
362 01:02:10,590 --> 01:02:12,210 not seen in NASDAQ.
363 01:02:13,500 --> 01:02:22,920 Look at all the ingredients that are coming together here. Fear of a gap, a larger fair pay gap. We're at the low end of the actual gap on a daily chart
364 01:02:22,920 --> 01:02:33,450 where there was no data. And we have s&p. It's accumulating what long's this was a stop hunt, relative equal lows, boom to imbalance. That's it, look where it
365 01:02:33,450 --> 01:02:46,590 stop. Right to the right to the point. Rallies above, what's it doing here? Shift the market structure. What's this fair Vega accumulation of what Long's
366 01:02:46,650 --> 01:02:55,950 why we're at the low end of that gap, there is no data on the daily chart and the fair value gap. And we have SMC divergence. And we're at a discount. High
367 01:02:56,190 --> 01:03:09,390 Low. First partial here, hi, oh, the imbalance on this level here than the high the gap with no data on the daily chart, that's another partial right there.
368 01:03:09,780 --> 01:03:20,760 Here's another partial here. And then when the shaded area, there's a partial. And then she was the run above here. That's it, we ran the buy side out and then
369 01:03:20,790 --> 01:03:27,960 had the smallest portion on the CD and get that imbalance that's on an hourly chart that last little owl, little Faraday got what the bear shoulder block. And
370 01:03:27,960 --> 01:03:35,850 you see a little bit of an overrun here, but not much, then right back down in sweeping back above that oh level, which is Thursday's high.
371 01:03:40,680 --> 01:03:51,240 Alright, so here's the execution, using the liquidity and the fair value gap. And understanding the logic as to what's going on and deciphering what price is
372 01:03:51,270 --> 01:04:03,210 actually trying to do. The market moved away too quickly. For me to actually do anything in here. The market trades back up to the old level, again, look at
373 01:04:03,210 --> 01:04:10,860 this level here and go back to that chart where I said take a picture of it and you'll see what these levels are. It's returning back to that level. So that to
374 01:04:10,860 --> 01:04:20,730 me is important. I want to see this price move away from it. It does this imbalance here. I knew before we dropped down into that I knew some of you were
375 01:04:20,730 --> 01:04:30,810 going to look at that and say okay, it's rebalancing this fair value gap and that will be a buy. No, I'm going to wait for it to do what look what happens.
376 01:04:30,810 --> 01:04:42,810 Okay. We have the imbalance created here. So the fair value gap exists. The market drops down, it closes this range in from the low or high of this candle
377 01:04:42,810 --> 01:04:55,950 to the low of that candle. All this movement up is bounced out right there, right. No, no, no, no, no. All that has done is just repriced, to this level.
378 01:04:56,520 --> 01:05:08,130 It's rebalanced in now balance when it goes backed up to that level there. Because of that, and because I'm expecting price to get down here, remember that
379 01:05:08,130 --> 01:05:17,940 liquidity level at 3875 and a quarter or whatever it was tweeted this morning, wherever this white line is, again, you can go and look at the tweet. I don't
380 01:05:18,030 --> 01:05:29,460 unfortunately, I have it in this presentation. I wish I would edit it now. But it's on Twitter, it's 8:29am, New York time. It trades overtop of this here. It
381 01:05:29,460 --> 01:05:41,640 re prices to that low of here. So all this movement up is rebounds. That point No, it's just repriced, to it. So offered by side sell side and then goes one
382 01:05:41,640 --> 01:05:55,890 more time back up to this level here. Now. It's rebalanced. So now, at that moment, when the institutional trader that is in alignment with when I say
383 01:05:55,890 --> 01:06:04,230 institutional trade on that talking about Goldman Sachs, that Citi, different kind of reader person, okay? They're not out there to draw attention to
384 01:06:04,230 --> 01:06:13,170 themselves. But they're looking for these types of scenarios to unfold in price. And then they engage. They're looking for price to be down here. And like I
385 01:06:13,170 --> 01:06:24,060 outlined beforehand, this morning on Twitter, that's where the sell side is. Okay, so markets up here. And I can see where the market is going to rebalance
386 01:06:24,060 --> 01:06:35,910 to. It gives me the opportunity here to see it. Wait for it to come down. And then it goes up. I'm selling short. What you see everybody else out there on
387 01:06:35,910 --> 01:06:45,090 Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, because I've taught fair value get they think everything in the chart is a fair value get you have to know narrative.
388 01:06:46,380 --> 01:06:57,150 That's why people would mind pirated videos are constantly emailing me saying, Can you teach me because they have not been properly trained. The videos by
389 01:06:57,150 --> 01:07:08,010 themselves don't do anything. You got to walk through this stuff real time with me daily, weekly, monthly over time. It's not easy. But I have to be the person
390 01:07:08,010 --> 01:07:16,980 that navigates it with you. And then you will learn it. The people that are trying to mimic me, they can't do it. And that's why they cannot have profitable
391 01:07:16,980 --> 01:07:24,090 students. The only thing they're seeing if they have any people reporting they're making money is because the simplest things I've even taught on his
392 01:07:24,090 --> 01:07:36,180 YouTube channel have been parented. So really, they're not teaching anybody. I'm teaching them indirectly. You're welcome. So the rebalance here. When that
393 01:07:36,180 --> 01:07:46,650 happens, I'm going short, and I'm trusting the fact that now look at this, we'll come back to that minute. Okay, because that did a stop loss. With this logic in
394 01:07:46,650 --> 01:07:57,870 mind. I can trade with ultra small stop losses. But again, the responsible mentor in me, I'm not trying to sell the idea that my students when they're
395 01:07:57,870 --> 01:08:06,660 first learning how to trade should be going in there trying to trade with two pips stop losses on forex, okay, or two and a half point or three point handle
396 01:08:06,720 --> 01:08:13,950 stop losses in the index futures. I don't think that's practical. I don't think that's practical at all, especially with the level of volatility we've been
397 01:08:13,950 --> 01:08:19,110 seeing the last two years, that would be unreasonable of a mentor. Now,
398 01:08:19,379 --> 01:08:26,999 I'm not a 20 year old hotshot that's trying to make everybody love me because the image. In fact, I'm probably one of those boring person on the planet to
399 01:08:26,999 --> 01:08:35,459 learn from. And that's what you want. You want that, because I'm going to take you into the chart and show you the fun stuff. And I don't have to have all the
400 01:08:35,459 --> 01:08:47,549 fanfare around it. If you start seeing these things in price action, I promise you, I promise you, you will never regret putting the time in these videos.
401 01:08:48,059 --> 01:08:57,899 Because I'm showing you what really goes on that nobody else knows. Because if they knew it, they'd be out here teaching it, they would have shown it to you a
402 01:08:57,899 --> 01:09:11,279 long time ago. It's not meant for you. So if you haven't set up that opportunity to see it go down to a level of liquidity. Why not short it? That's what I did.
403 01:09:11,939 --> 01:09:22,199 I use the logic of this range being repriced, then now it's balanced. I can be a short seller there. And I can put my stop loss above this candles high or ethnic
404 01:09:22,199 --> 01:09:29,819 candles high, knowing that we already had this imbalance. And this fair value gap. I'll just use this candle here. I don't think it's going to go up to that
405 01:09:29,819 --> 01:09:42,239 level. Because the logic of what I'm explaining here, because I know the algorithm. Think folks if these markets weren't rigged, how could I have done
406 01:09:42,239 --> 01:09:55,139 that? You know, the levels I was looking at beforehand, and then I executed and I showed you it was the same account. There is no out for people that want to
407 01:09:55,139 --> 01:10:04,319 doubt. You either have to dig into this and put in the work to learn it. or to say, you know, there's something about that guy, I just don't trust him, but I
408 01:10:04,319 --> 01:10:11,159 can't do it. So I'm gonna move on good do that. There's a lot of good people out there that are doing all kinds of wonderful things to entertain you. I'm not
409 01:10:11,159 --> 01:10:21,149 trying to entertain you, I'm trying to teach you. And it's going to be hard sometimes. But this is next level kind of stuff. And it's not in your books,
410 01:10:21,149 --> 01:10:34,649 it's non retail stuff. So the in short here, reaching down below, what's this level, that gap, that's where I'm taking partial. It's hanging around, I'm
411 01:10:34,649 --> 01:10:43,949 thinking, okay, it might run up a little bit, in bumped this OtterBox. I don't want to sit in that. So I took another partial. So half that position off,
412 01:10:43,949 --> 01:10:51,959 because when an eight took four off on the pastor here, and then one more here in the event, they want to run out to the order block, because it's Non Farm
413 01:10:51,959 --> 01:10:59,669 Payroll, I could get it wrong, it might get squirrely and run up in here and rebalance the this area here, not the entire thing. But it's bumped this, I
414 01:10:59,669 --> 01:11:09,419 don't like that. I don't want to be in that much of a retracement. So four of the eight, two of the remaining four. And then the limit order you watch that
415 01:11:09,419 --> 01:11:26,609 happen as the recording unfolded. And then that final to filled out at 3875 and a quarter went down below 3030 7150, which is the old high on the hourly chart
416 01:11:26,609 --> 01:11:33,179 that creates the imbalance or the sell side imbalance. And I know this is going to be hard for you to follow along. But I promise you, if you did what I told
417 01:11:33,179 --> 01:11:39,239 you to do, when you begin the video, it's gonna be easy. But you'll have to go back through this video a couple times and really pull out the diamonds I'm
418 01:11:39,239 --> 01:11:48,419 laying down here, then it rallies up creates that little gap that will come back to you later on. And one more time here for your bag up there. That's that one
419 01:11:48,419 --> 01:11:58,109 lie, I told you, it would be a setup that wouldn't otherwise be drawn attention to I would use this for pyramid thing. So I would have went long here. Maybe
420 01:11:58,109 --> 01:12:04,949 even added one here. And then this definitely would have been a pyramid position. So let's reverse the logic and say, Okay, I was using eight to get in
421 01:12:04,949 --> 01:12:16,679 down here eight long. For more, two more. And I would let it run up into here and maybe get into the upper end of the gap on the daily chart where it has no
422 01:12:16,769 --> 01:12:30,479 data that void of trading where there's no data at all, the purple level, which is not shown here. All right. And here is with the fair value gap and the SMT
423 01:12:30,479 --> 01:12:41,699 divergence. Fair value gap trade ended out again, really nice one minute chart, look at the Reaction Response around that old gap level. This is the low of that
424 01:12:41,699 --> 01:12:52,139 gap where there's no date on a daily chart. Look at the candles. See that that's real accumulation. Yes, we have little tails on each candle. But this is showing
425 01:12:52,139 --> 01:13:01,049 you that the markets doing what it's accumulating long positions after a shift in market structure this ha hear that right there is the easiest bicycle you'll
426 01:13:01,079 --> 01:13:10,349 ever have. By sight aim there. Partial here, partial here, here, here. And there.
427 01:13:11,760 --> 01:13:22,050 What do we don't have that many things that take partials off low hanging fruit folks, which is the easiest one to get to. What's your threshold for holding
428 01:13:22,050 --> 01:13:29,400 onto a trade in the beginning, you're not going to be patient. And there's nothing wrong with having your entire position off here. And then watching this.
429 01:13:29,400 --> 01:13:39,030 If it gets up here in the beginning, that's normal progression. But it's gonna be hard for you to be a buyer down here are here and then hold on for the full
430 01:13:39,030 --> 01:13:47,700 position, no partials, that's that's enduring way too much. That's a stage you go through after you've been doing partials for a while. And then so you want to
431 01:13:47,700 --> 01:13:54,990 get to the point where you don't take any partials. And you endure the entire trade until it either stopped you out, hopefully, if He trailed it properly. And
432 01:13:54,990 --> 01:14:08,580 I'll give you rules for that episode 41. I'll give you the rules about managing your staff. So again, folks, this is not the easy stuff. But this is the
433 01:14:08,580 --> 01:14:17,250 business. This is the really real, this is what goes on. This is how the algorithm refers back to price and it has nothing to do with your harmonic
434 01:14:17,250 --> 01:14:30,030 patterns. It has nothing to do with Elliott Wave has nothing to do with Gann. No Wycoff. No supply and demand, no buying and selling pressure. The markets are
435 01:14:30,030 --> 01:14:41,790 ran by AI and they're referring back to these levels. Think about it. The evidence is running. It's in the chart every day, every week on teaching you to
436 01:14:41,790 --> 01:14:51,510 do is go and look for the clues the signatures. That's right, calm signatures. What does that mean? These are things that repeat over and over again that
437 01:14:51,510 --> 01:15:03,000 they're not framed on retail logic. They're framed on algorithmic principles in theory and if they're As an algorithm, you should see evidence like this in the
438 01:15:03,000 --> 01:15:13,230 marketplace. And that's why I'm precise when I'm showing you my examples. That's why my analysis is dead on. How many things have you seen me call not come to
439 01:15:13,230 --> 01:15:23,010 pass? Think about it. How is that possible? Because that is not because I'm doing things retail. I'm not trading Support Resistance, I'm showing you how to
440 01:15:23,010 --> 01:15:32,130 find real support resistance. And if not even conventional is that's the reason why you get stopped out. And you don't even know why the market moved. Because
441 01:15:32,130 --> 01:15:41,940 it's going when I'm teaching. It's running its macro, short little list of things that the algorithm is designed to do based on time and day of the week,
442 01:15:42,810 --> 01:15:56,970 and seasonality in the liquidity that's in play. You don't have to subscribe to my view. But it's hard to understand how to learn this without having that
443 01:15:57,450 --> 01:16:08,640 mindset. That's why I had to have you endure a lot of things that are gonna be very challenging. It's going to be challenging to your perception of price,
444 01:16:08,640 --> 01:16:20,460 because he's taught that we have a free market. Well, and it's free for anybody that has the money to get into it. But it's not a free market where it's not
445 01:16:21,600 --> 01:16:31,380 rigged, because it is and you can get mad, you can get upset and say, Oh, this isn't fair. Or you can say you know what, this is advantageous, because if it's
446 01:16:31,380 --> 01:16:39,420 rigged, it must follow some kind of a method. Or Guess who's talking to you? The engineer