ICT YT - 2022-04-01 - Real Money Real Results - First Year Trading Expectations - Part 3 of 3.srt

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2022-04-03 19:47

00:00:01,170 --> 00:00:08,880 ICT: All right, once more, please take a look at the risk disclaimer here. And again, this is my opinion, this is what I believe that a student that trades
00:00:08,880 --> 00:00:15,690 under me could do. And I think this is realistic, not over the top, nothing Lamborghini lifestyle at all.
00:00:21,690 --> 00:00:36,330 Alright, leaving off where we were, for February, we'll now take a look at March 2022. And I was taking a break from producing any videos and kind of vacationing
00:00:36,780 --> 00:00:46,020 from teaching mentoring and such. So this month's gonna be a little bit lighter Plus, I'm going to try to hit my objective and make 20% or so and call it a
00:00:46,020 --> 00:01:00,480 month. So I'm printing the statement here, once like you saw on the previous two videos in the series and we'll get back into that boring process of going
00:01:00,480 --> 00:01:12,090 through each individual trading day. Alright, so all of this is going to be translated to a PDF file. And again, the link will be in the description below
00:01:12,090 --> 00:01:21,450 in this video. You're welcome to go through that and scour through and you will see all these days here These are days that I did not trade like I said
00:01:26,730 --> 00:01:32,040 Alright, so now we're gonna take a look at all of this through the PDF file.
00:01:40,950 --> 00:01:51,690 Okay, so there is that and here's the time and the printing of the file. You can see the time is right there not much disparity between the two, just the time to
10 00:01:51,690 --> 00:02:03,030 print and process it and make its way to my Windows. So I could pull it up and show it to you here. I'm only scrolling through this. Because I want you to be
11 00:02:03,030 --> 00:02:15,270 able to verify that the very file I'm making public to you all in the link. It's below this video's description. When you open that video, I'm sorry, when you
12 00:02:15,270 --> 00:02:24,840 open up that PDF file, you'll see this file is exactly the very file that you watched me produce here in this recording. Nothing's needed. Nothing's changed.
13 00:02:24,840 --> 00:02:35,520 Nothing is edited. I'm not hiding anything from you. Okay. This is to me, in my opinion, this is like the best way to see somebody be able to work with the
14 00:02:35,520 --> 00:02:48,210 marketplace, engage it, okay. There's a day right here where the broker actually was, in my mind messing with me. And I saw he goes, Oh, you're not you're you're
15 00:02:48,210 --> 00:02:56,940 lying. So I'm going to take you into the actual event. As you can see, the reporting that they had is that we definitely had an issue with our line to the
16 00:02:56,940 --> 00:03:07,620 CME apologies for that. Not sure if it was on our end or theirs. But regardless, I'm reviewing your previous orders now if any rejected orders were marketable at
17 00:03:07,620 --> 00:03:12,210 a better price, I'll submit a request to honor that price. Yeah
18 00:03:17,610 --> 00:03:35,310 Just a heads up folks. So yeah, if they would have kept me in it, they will end up becoming a losing trade. Interesting, isn't it, but I record my trades, and I
19 00:03:35,310 --> 00:03:44,250 made it known to them. And since then, I haven't had any problems but I haven't had a lot of trading days where I engaged after that day either. Because
20 00:03:44,280 --> 00:03:56,820 majority of this month I've been flattened vacationing I say vacation I never said I was going to Puerto Rico books. I just need to sit still let my mind rest
21 00:03:57,090 --> 00:04:06,660 in going for a number of years already. Right. So all of this here we're gonna translate that into a day by day perspective. So when look at the first day of
22 00:04:06,750 --> 00:04:28,230 March Okay, so there is our equity base, and the changing of that. Lots and lots of executions again. And back to following the model, less trades, pick your
23 00:04:28,230 --> 00:04:40,080 shots. Don't over extend yourself. Can found a model. Find your setup, get in get out and be done.
24 00:04:48,360 --> 00:04:59,850 A small little one there. It all adds up folks. You want to treat it like a business you want to get in. Take your pound of flesh and leave. Same thing here
25 00:04:59,850 --> 00:05:11,760 for Next day, that gets boring, okay, and a new trader doesn't like that they want excitement. So naturally, you know what eventually comes, it's casino time,
26 00:05:13,170 --> 00:05:20,700 you get it and you start doing more and more and more, because it becomes addictive, you'd like that feeling of meaning. So you end up building air and
27 00:05:20,700 --> 00:05:33,720 you start taking multiple trades and building up a large list of commission costs in terms of the average new trader, they're gonna do about 30% of your
28 00:05:33,720 --> 00:05:40,800 account, the first year of trading, because you're going to do a lot of over trading. And you want to be mindful that bottom line, when it comes to
29 00:05:40,800 --> 00:05:58,230 commissions, you'll see that mine was about 10%, since the beginning of the year, total on all trades versus the equity theme. Alright, and another day,
30 00:05:58,230 --> 00:06:05,730 that was a little busier than I think you should have. But here's the transactions for that as well.
31 00:06:15,120 --> 00:06:26,280 Not a bad little day there. Now, how many trades should you have? I think that two trades in the morning session, or two trades in the afternoon session, or
32 00:06:26,280 --> 00:06:35,790 for trade total, that's like the maximum I think, and you have another day where you just go in and go nuts. When you have that, you got to pull that back, go
33 00:06:35,790 --> 00:06:43,590 back to the process of sticking to your model not having locked to trade like this, how you correct it, reduce the trade frequency?
34 00:07:01,440 --> 00:07:12,360 It is here to shed ready, okay, now back to the model. Again, controlled execution, not doing lots of transactions, everything back as it should be, you
35 00:07:12,360 --> 00:07:19,260 correct yourself, you're the only one in control of you folks, okay, the broker is not going to say, Hey, you're giving us too much money commission you need to
36 00:07:19,260 --> 00:07:29,310 stop, they're gonna let you do it. So you have to have some kind of way of referring back to what you've been doing, not beating yourself up. But you got
37 00:07:29,310 --> 00:07:38,700 to be able to be mindful and responsible about what you're doing. So don't take a lot of trades. Again, the easiest way to do is tell yourself, you cannot take
38 00:07:38,700 --> 00:07:47,400 more than x number of trades. And I'm just giving you my opinion is and I guess the best way of doing if you're new, is trying to just get one good setup. If
39 00:07:47,400 --> 00:07:56,670 you can get a good winning trade stop. Let that be a discipline exercise for you. And then believe me, it sounds easy. But for a new trader, you won't be
40 00:07:56,670 --> 00:08:03,900 able to do it, you'll feel that itch that wants to go in and take more transactions. And there's the end of the month where nothing was being done
41 00:08:03,960 --> 00:08:18,600 there. All these were new trades were taken. So we're gonna take a look at the ending balance for the month of February. And look at the difference between the
42 00:08:18,600 --> 00:08:32,070 ending balance here at $50,091. Minus the ending balance in February 2022. There's the net gain here at 10,051. Divide that by the ending balance of
43 00:08:32,070 --> 00:08:41,400 February, and that will give you your rate of return which is 25 plus percent for the month of March. So there's your results, and there's your live trading
44 00:08:41,400 --> 00:08:58,140 results in mind. Alright, so we had looked at three months of live trading one contract basis, and there has been no signs of account getting blown out. But
45 00:08:58,290 --> 00:09:08,730 the account did double. I took the account down two times in two periods of drawdown. I entered to my private students inquiry about what would it look
46 00:09:08,730 --> 00:09:21,960 like? How would it look? What do you do to fix those types of things? And I literally made that response in promised to her public with you. So you're not
47 00:09:21,960 --> 00:09:33,090 entitled to this. You weren't entitled to see me trade a Live account. You weren't entitled to me to spend my days proving something that majority of you
48 00:09:33,090 --> 00:09:43,080 already believe. But I understand. Okay, it's reasonable to be skeptical. Okay. Some of you will say, well, this doesn't prove anything. If someone could get
49 00:09:43,080 --> 00:09:55,140 lucky this many times and granted, I would say yeah, but I did lots of transactions, lots of transactions to prove that number one, one contract. I can
50 00:09:55,140 --> 00:10:07,860 pull this account out of any drawdown and I can do it quickly, and I don't need to do 15 contracts with a discount broker, I don't need to do any of those types
51 00:10:07,860 --> 00:10:21,240 of, in my opinion over leveraging. So I showed examples of what it looks like if you over trade, you can see the costs associated with that. And also you can see
52 00:10:21,450 --> 00:10:31,020 when the trader gets their mindset corrected, and they go back to why they're doing what they're doing. They're not in the business to take lots of
53 00:10:31,290 --> 00:10:42,210 executions. That's not what this is about. This is about taking things that make sense. Now, the logic behind every one of these setups is not important. Now,
54 00:10:42,210 --> 00:10:54,870 some of you like what, it's not important. No, it's not important. Because the first hurdle you're going to have when you're trading with live money, is money
55 00:10:54,870 --> 00:11:07,890 management. You're going to have to learn to respect the equity in your account. The only way that you're going to determine whether or not you respect it is how
56 00:11:07,920 --> 00:11:20,790 do you handle drawdown? drawdown is when you have losses mounting, and the equity starts to reduce. Now that could be a sudden drawdown reduction. Or it
57 00:11:20,790 --> 00:11:35,880 could be a gradual reduction on the equity. Either one is painful. The sharp, quick sudden drawdown that tends to be horrific in the eyes of a new trader, the
58 00:11:35,880 --> 00:11:52,410 gradual erosion of equity over time, while very uncomfortable, it's better from the perspective of a new student or new trader, seeing that versus a 30% 40%
59 00:11:52,410 --> 00:11:52,860 drawdown.
60 00:11:53,940 --> 00:12:04,710 Now, I took the account, I found that mistake, you can go take a look at the the account on the 14th of February, the equity I believe dropped down about 20% or
61 00:12:04,710 --> 00:12:24,210 so. And then I took the account upside almost 60% from there. So if you look at it from a profitable stance, is the ability for me to take the account using
62 00:12:24,210 --> 00:12:38,610 what I teach you all here for free? Can those concepts pull the account up from drawdown into a position of profitability? I have now shown proof of that. I've
63 00:12:38,610 --> 00:12:53,220 shown that the account can be taken into drawdown multiple times and pulled out and still not pulled out the account in 90 days. I did not over trade with
64 00:12:53,700 --> 00:13:06,720 leverage, that would be unreasonable. Because I'm using the margin that TD Ameritrade forced on me, I can only do one contract. So one contract with in my
65 00:13:06,720 --> 00:13:23,010 opinion against this is all I'm trying to address. Okay. What is reasonable for a new student that goes from demo to live trading, in my opinion. And I've said
66 00:13:23,010 --> 00:13:32,580 this before, I've said it many times throughout my videos, both in mentorship, greed, or public YouTube. And when I was on baby pips, and I did it in text
67 00:13:32,730 --> 00:13:45,900 posting on their forum, I said this multiple times, what I believe is reasonable and realistic. I just showed you, I pushed the button. Okay. This is money, I'm
68 00:13:45,900 --> 00:13:56,370 going to have to pay taxes on obviously, I paid commission costs. It's not hindsight, this statement you have now in your hot little hands, okay. So,
69 00:13:57,330 --> 00:14:14,010 understand that, just because I can do these types of things. I'm not obligated to. But I'm willing to, if it helps one person overcome their concern concerned
70 00:14:14,010 --> 00:14:23,640 about the lies and things that are said about me. If that's what I have accomplished by doing this, like I posted on my community tab this morning, then
71 00:14:24,030 --> 00:14:35,610 it's worth it. It'll be worth it. Because you will eventually get to where you want to be at. And then you'll reach out to me an email and say, Thank you very
72 00:14:35,610 --> 00:14:44,220 much for doing what you did. And then I'll be appreciative and I'll say congratulations, and that'll be it. You're not sending me money. I'm not trying
73 00:14:44,220 --> 00:14:54,720 to sell you a program to use. I'm not promising you a ball and chain that you have to use this. You have to pay for it. You have to you stay in contact with
74 00:14:54,720 --> 00:15:09,570 me or it won't work anymore. I'm giving you independence. I'm giving you financial literacy. And I just want to see what all of you do. Like, I'm
75 00:15:09,600 --> 00:15:23,910 genuinely interested in that. I want to see what all of you can accomplish with it. It's fascinating to me. So here we are, we're at that crossroads. Again,
76 00:15:24,150 --> 00:15:39,810 that 2022 crossroads, where there's more evidence and more proof, supplied by good old ICT dispelling the rumors and myths and lies with hard facts. I use the
77 00:15:39,810 --> 00:15:49,080 broker that the young lady from talking options, push the button, you got to push the button baby? Well, I'll tell you, I've been pushing the button. And
78 00:15:49,080 --> 00:15:58,620 I'll be pushing the button the rest of this year, I'm gonna be visiting you at Christmas. Now, I already know you're not going to pay up to $75,000. But I just
79 00:15:58,620 --> 00:16:09,000 want to make good on my promise to you that you said you want to see 12 months of live trading statements. Okay, well, here's three of them. The next will be
80 00:16:09,000 --> 00:16:22,440 coming. As we go through each month, there'll be documented and we get to Christmas is going to be December to remember, not just for her. But for us
81 00:16:22,470 --> 00:16:38,190 special individual, I got something reserved real, real nice. It's almost like a birthday present to. So when you see things like this, understand I'm not
82 00:16:38,190 --> 00:16:47,070 beating my chest. Because this is nothing. Nothing. In eight weeks,
83 00:16:48,570 --> 00:16:56,610 with doing all kinds of things, answering questions that are given to me by my students. Can you show how to do this? And can you show how to do that. It's not
84 00:16:56,610 --> 00:17:07,440 important for all of those things to be shown here. I only promised you that I would show you live results. Now I can sit down and say okay, this is what the
85 00:17:07,440 --> 00:17:15,300 model suggests I should do. And this is what I should do in the morning. This is going to be my routine. And I'm going to be looking for this and I'm going to
86 00:17:15,300 --> 00:17:22,620 execute on that idea. And I'm going to manage the position and I'm going to take a trade and it's either going to pay out or it's not. And if it doesn't pay out,
87 00:17:22,620 --> 00:17:38,190 then I'll have to mitigate that loss. I will do that with this account. And it will be shown on this YouTube channel. But I want you to take what I'm supplying
88 00:17:38,190 --> 00:17:56,070 this year. And give me the comfort of going back to teaching openly in demo and not have any qualms about that. Okay. The things I can do in a demo I can do
89 00:17:56,130 --> 00:18:14,640 here. Period. Okay. Does it make you more money? Did you get a deposit into your trading account? By me showing you what I did with a lot of account here? No.
90 00:18:15,930 --> 00:18:30,600 Did it improve your trading? No. Did it prove that I don't blow the account out in 90 days guaranteed with 95% drawdown? No. It doesn't prove that though. I've
91 00:18:30,600 --> 00:18:40,680 dispelled that here. Like I promised I would. It's the same account. It's with a reputable broker. And yes, there's some tomfoolery going on. But you have to
92 00:18:40,680 --> 00:18:56,910 record your trades. And honestly, during the the drawdown periods, they really didn't mess with me at all. But in March, that day where they were rejecting my
93 00:18:56,910 --> 00:19:12,450 orders, I literally tried to log in with my cell phone, another laptop and a tablet, all of which they were saying it was invalid account and or invalid
94 00:19:12,450 --> 00:19:21,780 symbol and I was trading directly from the chart in TD Ameritrade in the ThinkOrSwim platform. So it can't be invalid symbol. It can't be an invalid
95 00:19:21,780 --> 00:19:33,660 account because I'm literally executing right off the chart. Then that particular day the buy at market and sell at market hot buttons. Once I saw the
96 00:19:33,660 --> 00:19:45,510 setup forming, I pressed the button to try to get into the trade going in that market 90 999 9% of the executions that you watched here all market orders all
97 00:19:45,510 --> 00:19:59,340 market okay market and market now. Only a few of them were limit exits in such that particular day in March, where they were rejecting my orders. Once I got in
98 00:19:59,640 --> 00:20:11,070 a trade It was not the best position for me to get in. But I took it and said, Okay, I'm not going to complain about that. The trade dropped in my favor. And
99 00:20:11,070 --> 00:20:20,880 then I wanted to put a limit order and he wouldn't let me do it. And I said, Okay, well, I'm not sure what's going on here. Let me just exit it out right now
100 00:20:20,910 --> 00:20:31,560 and just buy into the market and cover. No, it was rejecting, rejecting, rejecting, I'm like, okay, something's wrong here. I knew that news was coming
101 00:20:31,560 --> 00:20:39,150 out. And I didn't want to get caught in that Backdraft and come back against me, and give up the 900 and something dollars, or whatever it was, I was in in
102 00:20:39,150 --> 00:20:50,580 profit. So I'm trying to close it just underneath 1000 Watch Game. It won't let me do it. So now go to myself, I'm logging in there. It's rejecting it there,
103 00:20:50,580 --> 00:21:01,170 too. I'm like, oh, here we go. When I said I was doing a litmus test, I was constantly putting in orders, orders orders. It's one contract. Okay? What I'm
104 00:21:01,200 --> 00:21:14,340 judging is the length of time before that broker B books me. And then once your be booked, you'll have things where there's a delay, from execution from when
105 00:21:14,340 --> 00:21:26,910 you put in the trade and there's a lag, before you actually get in, or when you're trying to get out, it lags. And then you get those problems. Because they
106 00:21:26,910 --> 00:21:36,330 know that you're not going to be around much longer. So they're just gonna take you to your grade quicker. That's my opinion. Okay. But
107 00:21:38,040 --> 00:21:48,060 here I am, I'm trying to get that trade. And then what they want, let me so I'm trying to put a stop loss in so that way, if the market goes up there to a point
108 00:21:48,180 --> 00:21:56,310 at which I'm willing to accept the fact that it's not going to let me get out where I want to get out at but if it goes to this level, least I'm walking out
109 00:21:56,310 --> 00:22:09,780 with something. Nope, won't we do that either. So I go to press the flatten button, just click that and it kills everything. It's grayed out. Now, when I
110 00:22:09,780 --> 00:22:18,270 say grayed out, usually when you're looking at the hot buttons, they're vibrant. They're right there, click on them. The flatten button is grayed out. It's
111 00:22:18,270 --> 00:22:27,480 there. But I can't execute on it. I can't click it. It's non clickable. So I'm thinking, Okay, let me go into my other laptop. And this is all happening in
112 00:22:27,480 --> 00:22:37,650 like minutes, like one to three minutes. Now I'm thinking oh, no, because something's going to come out. Maybe they dropped the bomb somewhere. You know,
113 00:22:37,650 --> 00:22:49,560 all this Ukraine stuff hadn't taken you. I'm going to get caught in a riptide and it's going to rip my face off. Finally, I said no, I'm going to use this
114 00:22:49,560 --> 00:22:58,050 support tab. And I clicked on that and say, hey, you know, why is my trades not executing? I just want you know, and you see it in portion of this video. I'm
115 00:22:58,050 --> 00:23:06,990 actually communicating with them saying I record my trades. And I'm, I got all of this documented. So whatever happens, you're gonna make good on this is what
116 00:23:06,990 --> 00:23:15,930 I'm basically saying. But the representative was very cordial. There was another transaction of exchanges between us that was not recorded in here because I
117 00:23:15,930 --> 00:23:25,410 didn't record it. I was satisfied with what he told me at that point. But basically, he was assuring me that there was some disconnection between the
118 00:23:25,410 --> 00:23:35,070 broker, their broker, and the CME. Now, my only issue with that is I know a lot of people. And I know a lot of people that were in TD Ameritrade and a lot of
119 00:23:35,070 --> 00:23:46,890 people that trade other brokers that trade these instruments, the index features, and no one else had connected issues that I know of. So my question to
120 00:23:46,890 --> 00:23:59,190 you is in the comment section, when that particular day, did you have any problems having connection issues trading that time deck? Just curious. Now, am
121 00:23:59,190 --> 00:24:12,360 I beating up on TD Ameritrade? No, this is what's going to happen eventually if you do it long enough. Okay. There are horror stories I had with FX cm, and I
122 00:24:12,360 --> 00:24:22,620 would never recommend trading with them. But as far as TD Ameritrade if you want to score card, which is going to sound like when you just said all those things
123 00:24:22,620 --> 00:24:34,020 about they made good on their issue. And they were willing to work with me in regards to giving me a better exit fill. But I actually got a better exit fill
124 00:24:34,020 --> 00:24:41,430 as soon as they allow the orders to go through once I was pushing that support tab and I told him I was recording my trades. Surprisingly, when I hit the
125 00:24:41,460 --> 00:24:52,200 cover, in the buy it back, it went right through. And they were saying they were having connection issues. So apart from that, and in one instance where the hot
126 00:24:52,200 --> 00:25:00,450 buttons were not working, okay, in other words, the buy at market sell at market and flattened buttons. They were predominantly what I was using when I was Doing
127 00:25:00,480 --> 00:25:08,640 all these transactions, I didn't want to put a lot of thought into it because I'm not trying to run up a Robins cup. I'm not trying to do a competition. I'm
128 00:25:08,640 --> 00:25:18,000 just showing lots of transactions. I'm showing short term periods of drawdown and in correction of that, using just one contract. Okay, showing proof of
129 00:25:18,000 --> 00:25:29,190 profitability. Showing that you, I don't know where all of you are, from a financial stance. I don't know. How many of you are millionaires, I don't know
130 00:25:29,190 --> 00:25:38,790 how many of you are poor, it don't even have the money to put into these offshore Forex accounts, they'll take 50 bucks from you, which I don't think you
131 00:25:38,790 --> 00:25:48,810 should do, by the way. But the point is, I don't know what where you all are financially. But it's my opinion, okay. It's my opinion that in eight weeks, if
132 00:25:48,810 --> 00:26:02,970 you make $25,000, that's pretty good. You're on track to do a six figure year. That is, in my opinion, what I believe me personally, if a student listens to
133 00:26:02,970 --> 00:26:14,850 the things I tell them to do practices, exactly how I talk, and teach and present in all these drills, in the back testing, and the journaling, all those
134 00:26:14,850 --> 00:26:25,620 things, if you do all of those things, I firmly believe I believe this with all of my being that you can potentially earn six figures in your first trading
135 00:26:25,620 --> 00:26:29,670 year, will the majority of you do that? Absolutely not.
136 00:26:31,410 --> 00:26:40,080 How's that for an oxymoron? That you just said, right? I believe it's possible. But you are going to be the problem, you're not going to listen, you're going to
137 00:26:40,080 --> 00:26:48,270 do a lot of the things I was showing here, you're going to do days where you do lots and lots of trades, sometimes they'll work in your favor, sometimes you'll
138 00:26:48,270 --> 00:27:00,060 be able to eke out the ability to get back your loss. And then other days, it just gets worse. So avoid those things. Don't do lots of trades, don't think you
139 00:27:00,060 --> 00:27:12,900 have to have lots of accounts, or not that not accounts, but like contracts rather than words, the flavor of the present right now is, you know, you're not
140 00:27:12,900 --> 00:27:22,170 a hot shot, unless you're treated with a deep discount broker. Unless you're trading in queue, with few $1,000 margin, you will you just not a hot shot.
141 00:27:22,710 --> 00:27:36,270 Well, the surest way out of this party and blowing your account is over leveraging. And you have to respect the level of equity that's in your account.
142 00:27:36,510 --> 00:27:44,910 If you have no regard for the amount of money you have in your account, you're gonna, you're gonna blow it, you're going to lose it. And you're going to do it
143 00:27:44,940 --> 00:27:58,380 in stunning fashion. So the way you protect that from occurring, is you trade with one contract until you develop rigid self control. I mean, you got to be
144 00:27:58,380 --> 00:28:11,610 going in there saying, Okay, I got one contract. Because listen, folks, $1,000 a day, I'm quite certain that the majority of you are not earning that at your
145 00:28:11,610 --> 00:28:21,810 job. You're not. Now there's something you probably earn more than that. I have a lot of fluent students. But the majority of you and I'm not talking down to
146 00:28:21,810 --> 00:28:36,000 you, because I came from jobs that were menial. But to make $1,000 a day, and you get that and you stop. That's a good living folks. That's a real, real good
147 00:28:36,000 --> 00:28:56,430 living. And what's coming just in the offing right now, just over the horizon is ugly, hard times. And I'm here to help all of you, hopefully, weather that. Am I
148 00:28:56,430 --> 00:29:06,810 going to help every single one, you know, it's my goal to believe me, I'm trying to do everything I can to make it possible for you to have this skill set. I'm
149 00:29:06,810 --> 00:29:15,690 trying to convince you that look, this is real money. I'm not doing a demo account here. Now, there's a couple of trades in here. As I shared with my
150 00:29:15,690 --> 00:29:23,880 mentorship group, there was one other bond trade, or I could have literally made $10,000 overnight. But I didn't hold the trade. But I just did it there for a
151 00:29:23,880 --> 00:29:35,250 reference point saying I could do this. But I said, I'm going to stick to just trading index futures. did make a mistake in here. I was looking at a triple Q
152 00:29:35,250 --> 00:29:44,790 chart. And I had the chart up on TD Ameritrade. And I went back, I was looking at TradeStation because I'm looking at that and work with that platform. And
153 00:29:44,790 --> 00:29:54,630 then I came back to the chart. And I saw something setting up on the triple Q but I thought the chart was set for NASDAQ. So I went in taking a trade with in
154 00:29:54,630 --> 00:30:02,670 my mind what I thought was NASDAQ, but it was a triple Q. Since I got in the trade I realized oh no I'm actually in this Talk. So I mean the guy that so you
155 00:30:02,670 --> 00:30:16,170 can see that actually occur in the statements as well. So that was actually a trader error there. But it's it's been fun, obviously. But I want to get to the
156 00:30:16,170 --> 00:30:31,950 point where I can sit on YouTube and discuss tape reading. Okay, now I know right away. Some of you are getting excited. Oh, yeah, we're at that stage worth
157 00:30:31,950 --> 00:30:43,650 it live session part. I want you to know that I'm not going to sit down on YouTube. Okay. And I know, too many of you, this is going to be deflating.
158 00:30:44,430 --> 00:30:59,550 Because I know a lot of you want to piggyback everything you see me do. Now look at this account. I did this this way. So that way when I go into live sessions,
159 00:31:00,180 --> 00:31:13,200 and I'm sitting here on YouTube, okay. And I'm commenting on what I think I see in price action, I want you to remember all the transactions I showed here. You
160 00:31:13,200 --> 00:31:16,470 don't know what I'm going to be showing that particular day.
161 00:31:17,670 --> 00:31:28,440 You don't know what I'm illustrating? You don't know if I'm setting up the situation where it could be. I'm teaching you drawdown and mitigation. I don't
162 00:31:28,440 --> 00:31:37,110 want any of you to piggyback on me. I don't want you thinking that that is reasonable. I don't think that any trader should be out there trying to copy
163 00:31:37,110 --> 00:31:48,300 someone else. Because you have no idea. The problems psychologically that creates, internally, it creates a dependency that I am absolutely against, I
164 00:31:48,300 --> 00:31:58,920 don't want any of you to be codependent on me. My lessons are meant to make you absolutely independent. There's no tethering to me, nothing. You learn from me,
165 00:31:58,980 --> 00:32:08,370 I make you an independent, free thinker, that you can engage in price action, and you can go about your merry way. There is no software program that connects
166 00:32:08,370 --> 00:32:18,540 you to me, there's no continuous you pay me or you're no longer in a position where you can make money. No, no, no, you learn, you adopt this skill, you find
167 00:32:18,540 --> 00:32:27,030 your model in that, and then you blossom bloom where you're planted. But when I start doing these live sessions, and now you're probably gonna ask, you know,
168 00:32:27,030 --> 00:32:41,520 what's keeping you honest. I'm trying to get OBS to sync with my YouTube channel. And I obviously don't know what the hell I'm doing. So if any of you
169 00:32:42,180 --> 00:32:53,310 would be so kind to help me, I could really use that assistance, because I know, it's probably something very simple. And I used to do live sessions on YouTube.
170 00:32:53,940 --> 00:33:04,320 But for whatever reason, I cannot get my youtube channel to connect to OBS. I've followed all this oriels did all the you know the, the videos that they have on
171 00:33:04,320 --> 00:33:13,500 YouTube that walk you through the whole process, but it won't let me do it. So I don't know. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. So I'm asking you as a community
172 00:33:13,560 --> 00:33:22,200 that if you're a live stream, or whatever, if you could give me some pointers or kind of like, say, hey, look in the comment section, did you try this or check
173 00:33:22,200 --> 00:33:28,770 this, I would really appreciate your assistance in that regard. Because I do want to get out here and talk about what I think's going to happen in price
174 00:33:28,770 --> 00:33:36,870 action before it happens. I'm not going to be pushing a button, folks. I'm not going to do that in front of you. But I want you to understand what it takes to
175 00:33:36,870 --> 00:33:48,240 read the tape. Okay, knowing what a bias should look like how to engage and practice live tape reading in these environments. So that way you can start to
176 00:33:48,870 --> 00:33:58,500 get a better feel for where the markets likely to draw to when it stalls before it starts to make its run. And you start learning that too many of my students
177 00:33:58,500 --> 00:34:10,110 over the years have jumped over that step. And just went into demo trading. You know, I read the instructions. I read the ICT manual about this or that, and I
178 00:34:10,110 --> 00:34:18,090 think I understand it. So they go right out there and you start trading on a demo account and they blow up and they did not put the time and work in writing
179 00:34:18,090 --> 00:34:28,650 10 pages in a notebook. That is not the work. You scribbled. That's you've been doodling? Okay, you're doodlebops I'm not raising an army of doodlebops. I'm
180 00:34:28,650 --> 00:34:44,340 raising an army of assassins. Okay, market assassins. You don't go in with just some willy nilly approach. We go in with absolute ruthless focus. We know what
181 00:34:44,340 --> 00:34:56,550 we're looking for. And if it's in there, we're going to spot it and then we take it down. But you can't skip the parts that I tell you that are the most
182 00:34:56,550 --> 00:35:06,930 important and learning how to read the tape. What does that mean? That means seeing price action, getting in sync with it and getting a read on what it's
183 00:35:06,930 --> 00:35:15,330 likely to do right now. What's it going to go for next? Is it going to run higher? Is it going to reach to our specific level higher than the market prices
184 00:35:15,330 --> 00:35:25,470 right now? Or is it going to reach lower? And if you have a bias that is bullish, and if it starts to run lower? What makes that bias? Nolan Boyd now,
185 00:35:25,980 --> 00:35:35,760 when can you change gears and expect things to go the opposite direction. That's a skill set that you have to acquire by reading price. And that means no pushing
186 00:35:35,760 --> 00:35:46,020 of any buttons. That means to studying and looking at price, and yes, in the beginning, it feels aimless. It feels pointless, it feels like you're wasting
187 00:35:46,020 --> 00:35:54,960 your time. But once I get all this stuff set up, you're going to see how consistently, we can observe where price is likely to go. Once you understand
188 00:35:54,960 --> 00:36:05,070 that, the folks that in this community, there's a few of them that still struggle with it in my private mentorship to that being bias. They haven't done
189 00:36:05,070 --> 00:36:15,450 this part. Okay, so because I'm going to be doing it publicly, you all will have the benefit of being part of it. But they also will be here too. And I'm hoping
190 00:36:15,450 --> 00:36:16,020 that I had
191 00:36:17,970 --> 00:36:28,170 drove them to a point where this is all we're going to do. This is what we're looking at, we're looking at bias we're looking at kind of like a general
192 00:36:28,800 --> 00:36:41,070 expectation for that trading day, here's a level I think is a good level it may be responsive to or may draw to. And then you study that. Now, some of you that
193 00:36:41,070 --> 00:36:52,290 are brand new, absolutely brand new, you hear these types of things and say, I'm unsubscribing, good, goodbye, have a good day. Because you are never going to
194 00:36:52,290 --> 00:37:02,670 learn how to do this, if that's your mindset. Sitting down with someone that knows how to read price action, and be able to decipher what it is it's trying
195 00:37:02,670 --> 00:37:15,810 to do in terms of engineer a narrative, or a collective opinion in the marketplace, or what is commonly referred to as sentiment. So if you have an
196 00:37:15,810 --> 00:37:26,910 idea of reading, when price is likely to do that, then you can anticipate what manipulation once that manipulation happens, that's your invitation to engage
197 00:37:26,910 --> 00:37:37,170 price. But there's this huge chasm that exists that many of you because you don't understand it even exists. You think that? Well, there's no real
198 00:37:37,350 --> 00:37:45,720 separation between looking at a video to ICT produces and teaching. And he shows an example once or twice, so therefore I understand what he did there, I can see
199 00:37:45,720 --> 00:37:51,960 that water block, I can see that candles up and red candles down, or I can see a fair amount you got, I got this licked, I'm gonna go out here and do this and do
200 00:37:51,960 --> 00:38:01,470 that. And then you struggle. And you wonder why you're not getting where you want to be. Because you have completely omitted one of the most important
201 00:38:01,470 --> 00:38:11,970 factors to development, which is understanding the tape, you have to know what this price action is likely to do. And you can't get that from a Trading Book,
202 00:38:11,970 --> 00:38:22,320 folks, you're only getting static little images. So you have to learn from someone that showing you organic price action, where it's literally living and
203 00:38:22,320 --> 00:38:31,650 breathing on the chart right there in front of all of you at the same time. And you observe these things live. That's how you learn how to do this most
204 00:38:31,680 --> 00:38:42,630 efficiently. Now, I don't have a timeline when this is going to occur, but I want to do it within the next month or so and then do one or two of them a week.
205 00:38:43,620 --> 00:38:52,410 What days will I be choosing it'll be days to have like a medium or high impact news event driver in the morning session. Or if it's like an FOMC event in the
206 00:38:52,410 --> 00:39:02,700 afternoon, we can sit down and we can observe that that is not an invitation to trade FOMC. But I want you to understand how the market works with the existing
207 00:39:02,700 --> 00:39:15,450 liquidity, how engineers liquidity and how it delivers as a result of these high impact news drivers to come in. Okay. So hopefully, this has done at least a
208 00:39:15,450 --> 00:39:23,940 little bit of help in terms of those that are out there wondering, I see. Can you really trade with a live account? Can he double an account? Can he take
209 00:39:23,940 --> 00:39:36,180 account from drawdown up? Can you do it with just one contract? Yes, yes. And yes. So I'm going to obviously work with this account the rest of the year with
210 00:39:36,180 --> 00:39:49,350 the expectation that this is what I truly believe in my heart that a diligent student first year in, you know, freshmen in live trading, what they would
211 00:39:49,350 --> 00:39:59,010 expect or should expect as a high end now, that's what I'm showing you. I'm showing a high end. This is the highest I would expect. Now does that mean if
212 00:39:59,010 --> 00:40:02,610 you did half of this That's a failure, I would hope you wouldn't think that.
213 00:40:04,110 --> 00:40:13,020 And if, let's say the first three months, or the first six months of your life trading, you are struggling breakeven trader, is that a failure? No, that's
214 00:40:13,020 --> 00:40:21,270 actually a very good thing. Because if you're unable to blow out, but you just can't find your groove yet, when all works, what it looks like is you end up
215 00:40:21,270 --> 00:40:29,160 making a little bit of money. And then you erode a little bit, and then you make a little bit money again, and erodes again, go back down to breakeven, or maybe
216 00:40:29,160 --> 00:40:36,210 just below where you started, and you have another run up and create a new equity high, you feel like you've turned the corner, and then you lose that,
217 00:40:36,210 --> 00:40:45,300 again, it goes back down to where you started. That's actually a very good foundation, I've had very good results for students that came to me with that
218 00:40:45,300 --> 00:40:56,370 type of background, the struggling breakeven trader, they have been, in my opinion, in the last six years through mentorship, they have been the best. Now
219 00:40:56,400 --> 00:41:03,450 before I started doing paid mentorship, which I'm not doing anymore, folks, I'm doing mentorship right now, in case you haven't noticed, I'm teaching cost you
220 00:41:03,450 --> 00:41:14,730 nothing, right? So when I first started doing paid mentorship, my opinion and all the students that went through the mentorship group, they know that I stated
221 00:41:14,730 --> 00:41:22,980 that the best students I believe are ones that come to me without having any retail understanding. And about halfway through the last six and a half years or
222 00:41:22,980 --> 00:41:35,520 so, that changed my opinion, too, I think it's better to have someone that has completely ruined themselves financially, using retail logic, because then you
223 00:41:35,520 --> 00:41:47,880 can understand how you fell victim to it. But now, my opinion as a mentor looking back, my better students are the ones that have come to me with a break,
224 00:41:47,910 --> 00:41:56,070 even when they aren't necessarily blowing out something kept them from just completely go nuts and blowing their account out. They reserve themselves to a
225 00:41:56,070 --> 00:42:04,440 point where you didn't overtrain and keep pushing, pushing, pushing until the account was completely dusted. So they have established some measure of self
226 00:42:04,440 --> 00:42:12,480 control, which is absolutely essential, you need to have that. If you don't have a way of controlling yourself non words, let me say it like this, if you're a
227 00:42:12,480 --> 00:42:26,280 hothead, and you blow up real quick. And it's like a tornado has been released, when you lose control, you're probably going to be a trader that has a really
228 00:42:26,280 --> 00:42:34,410 hard time holding on to equity when you make it and you end up blowing up and you probably blow your accounts, if you're someone that's more even toned, or,
229 00:42:35,820 --> 00:42:46,920 well, mild mannered. Much like most of the women that I've trained, they had that built in tendency where there's a steady Eddy, they just they go with it,
230 00:42:47,130 --> 00:42:53,520 it didn't work this time, but I'm gonna stick to the process. And there it is, and they won't blow their account. That doesn't mean that I don't have students
231 00:42:53,520 --> 00:43:03,900 where they get in there and they make money and then they end up getting it all back and a little bit more that occurs, obviously, but your personality is going
232 00:43:03,900 --> 00:43:19,530 to translate into the end result of your trading. So it's important that your trading style is joined at that same level of expectation. So are you a real
233 00:43:19,530 --> 00:43:30,510 quick, sudden, short term, short fuse kind of person, then day trading, scalping, you are going to flourish in that. But if you are someone that doesn't
234 00:43:30,540 --> 00:43:39,870 like to be making that many decisions real quickly, you live it more to make your mind about something, you're probably going to be a day trader, I'm sorry,
235 00:43:39,870 --> 00:43:50,550 now, he but you're probably gonna be a position trader that uses a daily chart. So I don't know what all of you are. In that regard. You have to determine what
236 00:43:50,550 --> 00:43:59,910 that is. But if you can take all these things that I'm laying in front of you, okay, these are all hardline questions that you're gonna have to ask yourself,
237 00:43:59,940 --> 00:44:11,070 because if you are at the stage where you've been doing demo, and you feel consistently able to go in and find setups for the demo account, don't fall into
238 00:44:11,070 --> 00:44:19,620 the expectation that well, all I'm going to do is put money into a live account. And it's going to be just that easy, because it's not, it's not going to happen
239 00:44:19,620 --> 00:44:32,070 like that. Because your interest in seeing that end result have $1 sign. And an increase in the equity is going to be a feeling if you've never felt that yet.
240 00:44:32,760 --> 00:44:43,380 It is a weird feeling. It's even worse when you put the first trade on, and the trade starts moving against you. Because now you're thinking, I don't want my
241 00:44:43,380 --> 00:44:53,940 first trade to be a losing trade. Who cares? If you do that type of thinking, you're going to hold that trade longer than you should. And that's toxic
242 00:44:53,940 --> 00:45:01,950 thinking. You're wasting mental capital, what is mental capital, you're holding on to something that you no longer want Leaving. So why are you in the trade
243 00:45:01,950 --> 00:45:06,390 still? Think folks,
244 00:45:06,600 --> 00:45:15,360 if you've ever traded with live funds, and you felt that you're in something, and now you're hoping it's become religious, now, you're in a, you're in prayer,
245 00:45:15,900 --> 00:45:25,590 you're talking to God, you want somebody up above you to fix the problem you put yourself in. That's religious trading, we don't religiously trade. We don't do
246 00:45:25,590 --> 00:45:38,160 that. So as soon as you lose confidence in why you're in the trade, and it becomes I hope it doesn't run for my stuff. As soon as that happens, you have my
247 00:45:38,160 --> 00:45:51,570 permission, and instruction, kill a tree. Because you're no longer in control of yourself. You don't have a disconnect, you're not indifferent to the trade.
248 00:45:52,200 --> 00:46:03,750 You're absolutely emotionally attached to the trade. You got to remove that. And the only way you do that is pruning. Okay? You got to cut these trades off.
249 00:46:04,140 --> 00:46:17,640 Don't let these little foxes spoil the vine. Do not let a little transaction and not have lots of those in this example, last three months trading, go through
250 00:46:17,640 --> 00:46:28,230 that. And imagine this was your account. Sometimes on some of those days, it would look like death by 1000 cuts. Think about that trading account being
251 00:46:28,230 --> 00:46:36,960 yours? How would you weather that? You're going to make a big deal about those things? Are you gonna look at that as well, you know, that's the same as me
252 00:46:36,960 --> 00:46:42,900 going to work one day and getting a flat tire and I lost some hours of wages, because I got there late and had to pay for a tire. So there's a little bit of
253 00:46:42,900 --> 00:46:50,760 money to spend on my pocket. So I really didn't make any money this day, and probably for next two days. Because I had to pay for all these things to get it
254 00:46:50,760 --> 00:47:02,490 fixed. Should you just quit your job? Because you got a flat tire? Of course not. Should you blow up and take it on your spouse when you get home? Well,
255 00:47:02,490 --> 00:47:15,600 depends. I'm just kidding. I was wondering if you're all paying heads, I'm probably boring most of you. So if if you take a look at these transactions, and
256 00:47:15,600 --> 00:47:27,450 you feel uncomfortable, if they make you feel uncomfortable, if this was your account, that shows you your infancy, that shows you that you are worried about
257 00:47:27,450 --> 00:47:39,810 the money versus the process. Because if you follow the process that's already established itself as effective, the end result should be gaining equity. Not
258 00:47:39,810 --> 00:47:54,060 every day profitability. I didn't trade every single day. In fact, I proved by limiting your exposure, using this as a teaching approach. How do you go in and
259 00:47:54,060 --> 00:48:05,820 make yourself likely to be consistently profit for the first year, or going forward into wherever your career takes you? Have goals have realistic goals?
260 00:48:06,330 --> 00:48:17,040 When you reach them? Stop, let the month close. Just because there's two other weeks or three weeks left of the month, and you may 25%. And your goal is 20%.
261 00:48:18,090 --> 00:48:28,800 Why? Pray tell? Do you want to go in and risk losing what you've already nailed down that month? You want to have a consistency. When you look back and say
262 00:48:28,800 --> 00:48:44,700 okay, in January, what was my rate of return? 20%. Great. In February, what was my rate of return? 31%? March, what was my reader turn 25% rate every day,
263 00:48:45,150 --> 00:48:56,100 you're working towards that monthly go. When you get it, you stop? It's not? Well, I got it really easy and really quick. So that means I'm probably going to
264 00:48:56,100 --> 00:49:11,760 roll let me keep pushing. No, don't do that. Don't do that. That's how everybody blows out. Because they allow these momentary periods where it feels like you
265 00:49:11,760 --> 00:49:22,650 have dialed in. You got a direct line to Jesus. Jesus is on the main line. He's giving you guidance and you got every possible wing trade ahead of you and all
266 00:49:22,650 --> 00:49:36,000 you got to do is push the button. And then something happens. You have a losing trade, and you lose your mind. Pushing the button for no real reason. You're
267 00:49:36,000 --> 00:49:45,600 just hoping something better happens than the last five things you just did. Are you in control when that occurs? No. Is your broker going to help you and stop
268 00:49:45,600 --> 00:49:55,200 you from doing it? No. Is your spouse Probably not because you're not going to tell them you're now down 567 different trades, losing money, you're not going
269 00:49:55,200 --> 00:50:05,400 to do that. So what do you do? You own it, you take responsibility in saying,
270 00:50:06,899 --> 00:50:17,039 this is the limit. I gotta stop today. So you have to limits when you are losing money. And you also have to have limits when you're making money. Do not listen
271 00:50:17,039 --> 00:50:27,419 to these people out there and say, oh, when you're on a hot roll, when you're in a real good period, push it. Push your edge. I'm telling you, folks, I'm telling
272 00:50:27,419 --> 00:50:37,859 you, I would put millions of dollars on this. I've seen so many people on Twitter, pretend to know what they're talking about. Okay? And say, You got to
273 00:50:37,859 --> 00:50:46,649 push your edge. When you're when you're making money, you keep pushing it? No, you don't. When you have a goal, and it's realistic, and you reach it, you stop.
274 00:50:48,659 --> 00:51:00,479 Period. That's the secret to consistency. And longevity folks. We're not talking about competition trading. See some of you think about what you've seen me doing
275 00:51:00,479 --> 00:51:11,969 demo accounts. And you're thinking, Well, you do that with this? Well, is that something that's responsible as an educator, teaching someone showing for the
276 00:51:11,969 --> 00:51:26,039 first time in all of my teaching publicly on YouTube since 2010, when I came out as the quote unquote, forex guru, none of you saw me trading a Live account. So
277 00:51:26,039 --> 00:51:34,709 if I'm going to do it, I want to do it properly, I want you to go into it with the right mindset. I don't want you thinking the wrong things, trying to do
278 00:51:35,549 --> 00:51:47,489 foolish things. I want you to have all the advantages, know what's likely to occur, what problems might may arise? And then how to correct that. How do you
279 00:51:47,879 --> 00:52:01,139 navigate these feelings and emotions and psychological polls? That's going to be yanking on you. When you're in a live account, you're going to see getting in a
280 00:52:01,139 --> 00:52:11,549 trade. Now, there's real money in there. And it's coming in and out of your account. If you've never seen that occur, because you've been in demo account,
281 00:52:11,909 --> 00:52:25,529 is no connection. There's no There's no affinity, towards the end result really, when it's a losing trade and demo, because it was your impervious to that pain.
282 00:52:26,909 --> 00:52:42,149 doesn't take anything from you. But strangely enough, the winning trade makes you feel superhuman. In live trading, it's a double edged sword. You feel Yes,
283 00:52:42,179 --> 00:52:51,239 excited that you're in a trade and fearful at the same time. But if you start feeling anxiety, while you're in the trade, you have to remind yourself that
284 00:52:51,389 --> 00:53:01,949 you're following a system? And is this market still going forward? With the expectation you had when you first put the trade on? It isn't. And now you're
285 00:53:01,949 --> 00:53:13,469 feeling anxiety? Why are you in it? Get out of it? What happens if I get out of it ICT and it runs to my profit objective, you learn something from that. But
286 00:53:13,469 --> 00:53:24,989 you don't fill your brain up with toxic memories of going through that pain and suffering. You gradually work into that now, do you do this forever? No, at some
287 00:53:24,989 --> 00:53:31,529 point, you're gonna have to press into that. How do you know how to press into that and just stay with the trade? Because you've done so many examples and
288 00:53:31,559 --> 00:53:41,729 executions of getting into trade, overcoming fear of executing and entering, once that execution is done? Close it, just get out of it. So that way it trains
289 00:53:41,729 --> 00:53:48,989 you Yes, you push the button. And now you can see, had you held that trade? This is what you would have seen come from it? Did it follow all the logic behind the
290 00:53:48,989 --> 00:53:58,169 trade that you thought you were going to anticipate seeing come to fruition? It does or it doesn't? That's the best thing. That's the best you can do, folks,
291 00:53:58,589 --> 00:54:08,279 you either do or you don't. And you gradually press into that experience. And when you do it over time, how much time will it take? I don't know. All of you
292 00:54:08,279 --> 00:54:16,379 are different. Some of you think you're ready when you watch one video, and others think you need to watch me do 15 videos, and you still have to do you
293 00:54:16,379 --> 00:54:27,479 know, six months thesis on one topic, because you're afraid you don't want to go out there and start engaging price because if you don't see it the way you think
294 00:54:27,479 --> 00:54:37,799 you should, you're going to feel like you failed or wasted your time. That's the furthest extreme as well. So you have to get in this mindset that you have to
295 00:54:37,799 --> 00:54:50,309 engage. You can do it gradually. You can do it where you just ease your toe in the water. Okay, then up to your heel and up to your ankle and then Michonne and
296 00:54:50,309 --> 00:54:58,979 then all of a sudden you're knee deep in it. You can do it that way. Some of you may require that where you say okay,
297 00:54:59,040 --> 00:55:06,420 I'm gonna get baptized by I fire, I'm going to get in and just do the entry. And whatever happens happens, I'm not going to be nuts about it, I'm not going to go
298 00:55:06,420 --> 00:55:13,740 in revenge trade, if I get it wrong, not gonna overleveraged to get it back right away. These are all things that you and your unique personality have to
299 00:55:13,740 --> 00:55:25,320 determine. And there's so many variables there, I cannot have a one structured approach that answers all of that. And that's why I've stated here, and it's
300 00:55:25,320 --> 00:55:34,860 really at the end of the video. When you go into your live trading, you're going to learn a lot about yourself that you did not want to recognize when you were
301 00:55:35,070 --> 00:55:46,380 in demo. And it's going to be ugly characteristics that you'd like to pretend never existed. It's going to prove to you are you organized? Are you patient?
302 00:55:47,430 --> 00:56:02,490 Are you responsible about your own actions? Are you following the rules. Most of those characteristics are not attributes that are associated with a new trader,
303 00:56:02,700 --> 00:56:15,720 therefore, they're developed over time, they don't just exist in a new trader, because they never well hold them. Because their skills, they have to be
304 00:56:15,720 --> 00:56:31,890 acquired through rigid approaches to following rules, and feeling the pain and suffering when you don't follow the rules. So hopefully, like I said, I've done
305 00:56:32,070 --> 00:56:43,200 a service to you all by doing this little task here. Does it answer everything that's ever going to arise about ICT and me as the developer of all these
306 00:56:43,200 --> 00:57:01,590 content? No. It wasn't meant to. I am confident that somebody needed to see this, and now feels empowered because of it. Because they see that even with one
307 00:57:01,590 --> 00:57:17,010 contract, even with imperfection, even with periods of drawdown, doubling the account in eight weeks. That's pretty good. That's, that's a really good,
308 00:57:17,820 --> 00:57:29,610 objective to strive for. Do you go out trying to do that? No. But this is, in my opinion, first year, right out in the live account world in trading with live
309 00:57:29,610 --> 00:57:44,520 funds. This is what I think is the highest that anybody should expect. Now, where you fall in this spectrum, from either breakeven to this, that's your
310 00:57:44,550 --> 00:57:56,070 place. And you'll grow from that. Don't let me Don't let anything I may say in a video, don't let anyone else judge you. Or make you feel like that's not
311 00:57:56,070 --> 00:58:10,380 significant enough. Because your first three months of trading, that's going to give you a foundation, and show you where your problem areas are. Where do you
312 00:58:10,380 --> 00:58:22,710 need to work on? Is it your entries? Is it executing? When you see the setup? Are you are you waiting around? are you delaying? Because of fear? What is that
313 00:58:22,710 --> 00:58:32,550 deeper to fear? What are you afraid of? If you're afraid of executions, then you just got to get in here and start executing. You just pressing the button, when
314 00:58:32,550 --> 00:58:39,750 you think it's likely to go higher on a one minute chart, try to trade all the short term swing lows on a one minute chart. And yes, it costs money. Yes, you
315 00:58:39,750 --> 00:58:47,010 might take losing trades, but you're pressing the button to completely desensitize yourself, you don't care what the outcomes going to be. You get in,
316 00:58:47,190 --> 00:58:56,490 you hold it for 30 seconds, and then you get out and you wait to the next hour, and you wait for a one minute swing low and you buy it again. It's not teaching
317 00:58:56,520 --> 00:59:05,010 you anything except for getting over the anxiety of getting in the trade and not worrying about what the outcome is going to be. That's how I did it, folks.
318 00:59:05,160 --> 00:59:19,080 That's how I did this. I was fearful 1992 in 1993. I had so much anxiety about getting in initially until I did these types of things. And then I didn't care.
319 00:59:19,200 --> 00:59:29,520 I was not afraid at all getting it. But I was afraid I was going to miss the best exit. And truth be told, I've been very honest with all of you publicly and
320 00:59:29,520 --> 00:59:39,090 even in my private mentorship. My weak point is the exits. I can get really good exits, but I'm not satisfied because I want perfection and that's going to be a
321 00:59:39,090 --> 00:59:47,820 pursuit for the rest of my life. I'm probably never going to hit that mark, but at least I'm aiming for it right. So you're going to have to find your own
322 00:59:48,600 --> 00:59:50,430 foundation in the first three months.
323 00:59:52,080 --> 01:00:05,400 You have to do everything you can to weather the first three months because statistics are pretty Apparently that majority of new traders rush to get into
324 01:00:05,400 --> 01:00:12,720 like trading, they don't really have a plan, they don't have a model that they're really following. They have no self control, they have no rules in
325 01:00:12,720 --> 01:00:25,200 place, no processes that get you through periods of adverse results, you know, when you're when you're not able to find your footing and you're getting in
326 01:00:25,200 --> 01:00:32,760 taking losing trades or your your trades are coming back and not knocking you out before they go to profit. All those things start to weigh on you over time.
327 01:00:33,840 --> 01:00:43,920 And unless you have a way to have an answer for that, personally, uniquely for you, and the only way you get that is by being in the trenches, pressing the
328 01:00:43,920 --> 01:00:52,470 button, you got to do that part. And that's why you don't want to be trading with a lot of money, you don't go out and start with $25,000. Okay, you start
329 01:00:52,470 --> 01:01:03,720 with a very small account, okay. And you work with a market that allows you to trade it with less equity, these markets. And let's say this in the video
330 01:01:03,750 --> 01:01:14,250 promises is gonna be the last thing I say, in the last 30 years of my life, there's been years that were hard, they were yours, they were absolutely easy to
331 01:01:14,250 --> 01:01:27,240 read, really, really easy. The last year and a half or so 1819 months have been the hardest for me personally, because I see all the things that's going on
332 01:01:27,240 --> 01:01:36,270 around the world and all the stuff that they want us to put in our arms, the things they want to put us through and where on our face, the places we couldn't
333 01:01:36,270 --> 01:01:46,470 go, you know, the way the economy has been affected by all these things. And believe me, you know, what I'm talking about all these things, had a great
334 01:01:46,470 --> 01:01:54,960 impact psychologically on me, because none of us have ever been where we are right now. The markets, the participants in the marketplace, every trader out
335 01:01:54,960 --> 01:02:10,230 there, we have never seen markets like this right now. They're doing things that are very reactive to news, or they're anticipating some news, okay. And I want
336 01:02:10,230 --> 01:02:20,520 you to understand that if you've had trouble in the last 19 months or so, we'll just call it two years. Okay. You're in good company. I have been very reserved
337 01:02:20,850 --> 01:02:28,050 for the last two years. And I see a lot of people out here on the internet, claiming that, you know, they're killing it this and killing it that. And I
338 01:02:28,050 --> 01:02:38,070 would love for them to do what I just did here, sit down and show what you've been doing in detail. You're not obligated, obviously. But if you're out there
339 01:02:38,070 --> 01:02:53,730 saying you've killed it. My question is, why don't you show it? You went so far to say you do kill it. So show it. Otherwise, don't even bring it up? Will it
340 01:02:53,730 --> 01:03:04,260 get better? Technically, I'm hoping it will. But if it doesn't, I still can do what you see here. And this isn't me really trying. Okay, and here comes where
341 01:03:04,290 --> 01:03:17,430 Oh, he's gonna jump your ego stuff. I'm not using my best models. In this account. I'm literally just doing things that I've taught on this YouTube
342 01:03:17,430 --> 01:03:27,660 channel. And I'm doing lots of things that my students have asked me to do, and use situations and conditions that they find themselves in, and how to how to
343 01:03:27,660 --> 01:03:41,550 navigate that. And with all of those things, still showing that those out there that dis have a disdain for me. They have some level of hatred, and envy and
344 01:03:41,550 --> 01:03:53,880 jealousy. And I get it before 2016 I get it because I invited that kind of stuff. But in 2016, I started teaching and tried to be a little bit more
345 01:03:53,880 --> 01:04:05,340 responsible. And as an educator, I tried to put aside a lot of those things that I used to do is tomfoolery in all my public stance on YouTube and Twitter and
346 01:04:05,340 --> 01:04:16,050 things of that nature. But that's the direction I'm trying to take. I want to be that kind of mentor, I want to be that kind of educator. And I know I'm not
347 01:04:16,050 --> 01:04:24,660 going to scratch the itch for everybody I know I'm going to not be the solution for everyone. But you're never going to be able to say
348 01:04:26,250 --> 01:04:34,590 that I can't trade. I can trade. You're never gonna be able to say now you've never seen live trade results, because now you have. You have my statements in
349 01:04:34,590 --> 01:04:45,750 your hot little hands now. And I'm trading with a regulated broker. I showed 100% transparency. I showed you what it looks like with the little negative
350 01:04:45,750 --> 01:04:57,390 symbol next to a lot of the transactions, you'd look under there. Does that keep this account from doubling? No, absolutely not. And it won't stop yours either.
351 01:04:57,390 --> 01:05:04,020 If you're in control of yourself So hopefully this has been insightful and I'll talk to you next time be safe