ICT YT - 2022-03-01 - ICT Mentorship 2022 Episode 14.srt

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2022-03-06 11:26

00:00:01,709 --> 00:00:11,189 ICT: Alright, so I'm going to do a execution I got requested to show how I use this model. Fair I got very we had a market structure shift to the upside and
00:00:11,189 --> 00:00:31,229 looking for a gap fill from Friday's close. So I'm going to go long here 12 micros and Emini, NASDAQ, or I'm sorry, micro Nasdaq futures contract. So look
00:00:31,229 --> 00:00:46,229 for price to drop down into that fair value gap and look for a run above 14,001 60. Right now have my initial interest at 14,001 80. I'm thinking 14,000
00:00:46,259 --> 00:00:50,399 to 20 is possible today, there's my limit entry.
00:00:55,439 --> 00:01:10,289 Okay, now show you where we're at. So there's the closure of the fair value gap. Now I'm watching price I want to see it start expanding on the upside. I'm not
00:01:10,289 --> 00:01:19,709 watching the number underneath that profit. Okay, that's not what I'm watching. I'm watching the candles is it constantly going towards that small little fair
00:01:19,709 --> 00:01:37,079 value gap around 14,001 20 to 14,001 38 or so I want to see it go through that. Now I can start to consolidate in that area. And we accumulate for new Long's
00:01:37,319 --> 00:01:49,139 kind of like a pausing maybe like think like a bull flag that's kind of like what I anticipate forming between 14 120 14 140 in that area, similar to what we
00:01:49,139 --> 00:02:02,489 just watched right there. So if our expansion the upside solid looks good. I'm thinking I might take the limit order up to 14,000 to 20. But we'll see how we
10 00:02:02,489 --> 00:02:16,799 trade above the short term high made prior to 10 o'clock in the morning. Nice little run above new equity high. Nice placement on the entry, it's probably
11 00:02:16,799 --> 00:02:29,189 random. Alright, by side sitting right around that 4001 60 level that's in the crosshairs right now. Typically, you'll see it usually consolidate around here
12 00:02:29,189 --> 00:02:39,149 maybe small little retracement gets there by thinking it's time to sell short. Remember, resistance ideas from retail are gonna see that 116 sec, I'm gonna get
13 00:02:39,149 --> 00:02:47,549 short because it went down from there last time so I'm not thinking that I'm thinking it's gonna like SWAT bus through the door and run up into net 14,001 80
14 00:02:47,969 --> 00:03:02,939 Am I adjust that here. Okay, so that's kind of like my best case scenario. And this is what I'm going to try to take six contracts off above here. So I'm
15 00:03:02,939 --> 00:03:15,539 thinking if it runs there, I'll take six off the fund the position, roll the stops to even and then see if I can get that limit order it 14,002 20 So a
16 00:03:15,539 --> 00:03:19,019 little consolidation around that fear of a gap level as I mentioned before
17 00:03:26,190 --> 00:03:36,810 reaching into an order block now looking at Emini s&p Micro just to get a feel most like it wants to run as high as well. So it kind of like gives me fuel or
18 00:03:36,810 --> 00:03:42,060 confidence that this is going to run up into that level. So I'm gonna take my six contracts off
19 00:03:49,770 --> 00:04:02,670 and I'm gonna change my mind and close it here because it's getting real close to closure that gap. I might be wrong, but just for general principles 14,000 to
20 00:04:02,670 --> 00:04:21,780 20, I think is fillable. Right, there's the business limit order filled. Again, I'll hover over top the entry so you can see it. Right there is your entry. And
21 00:04:21,780 --> 00:04:32,610 it's not that it's the low candle. That's what I like to show you guys. There's the limit order exiting there. So hopefully found this insightful. James.
22 00:04:33,390 --> 00:04:36,390 There's your example. Until next time, be safe.