
Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2023-07-11 12:01


01:11 - Do you have any questions about the market?

- Hyperbolas doing well. Two boxers.
- Kirlian apologizes for the tardiness.
- His son is trying to overcome the things he was trying to prevent.
- Risk management and self control.

04:45 - You want it to beboring.

- The number one concern is being afraid to get into trading.
- Embrace the uncertainty.
- How to trade, make money and not lose.
- How to never take a loss.

08:41 - Spend the money you earn.

- The number one reason why most people abuse college.
- How cameron makes his kids work.
- How cameron is going about this.
- The proper way of doing it.
- Don't use a lot of stop loss.
- Expectations for the stock market.

17:09 - How to overcome the fear of entering the market?

- How to overcome fear of entering the market.
- How to desensitize yourself.

19:54 - How to deal with the pressure to succeed.

- Gambling, not trying to make it work.
- Mentally fatigued, waiting for the moment.
- Every kid wants to have that moment with their dad.
- Everyone has their own triggers.

23:26 - Proving to others that it’s worth it.

- Trading as a video game.
- Trading in a fortune 500 company.
- The two simple rules of trading.
- The first trade is the best thing.
- Don't let these things be crippling or a source of anxiety.
- One and a half percent risk.

31:41 - One day per week is better than all week.

- How to make $500 in one day.
- How he got hooked on bond trading.

34:44 - How to get into trading.

- The fear of trading in the 90s.
- Trading until fatigued, then pushing the button.
- Overwhelming thoughts that forced him to take on risk.
- How to identify these thoughts.
- The importance of self-control and responsibility in this industry.
- How to be profitable in the industry.

42:39 - You're scared shitless but you're still contemplating it.

- You're scared shitless, but still contemplating it.
- You shouldn't fear their response.
- Trading a video game vs trading real money.
- One and a half percent.

46:16 - The gladiator mentality of being a gladiator.

- Compounding the difficulty of being in a heckler's circle.
- Youtubers are like gladiators.
- Working in a place where he doesn't want to be.
- Taste it, mom.

50:10 - Dealing with stress and not defering.

- Homeschooling is not a thing for you.
- Humble beginning is not an embarrassment.
- Stop inviting social media fuckwads into your career.
- There is no herd mentality.
- Being able to write the check every week.
- Mental scar tissue, mental scar tissue.

56:46 - Start with a low hanging fruit objective.

- All of us have frailties and issues with us.
- Start with a small low-hanging fruit objective.

59:41 - You’re trying to present an outcome that may not be applicable for you.

- Going back to a simple approach.
- Larry williams and his approach to trading.
- Unrealistic expectations and the fear of being acted upon.
- One year minimum is ideal.
- Consistently profitable is not enough.
- The right amount of gain is not necessary.

01:07:13 - How to get out of a losing trade?

- Everyone that ever blows in account is in that state of mind.
- Trading too many trades.
- The one and a half percent maximum.
- High frequency trading. Algorithm.

01:10:56 - Knowing where the market is headed.

- Chop, chop, chop and chop all day long.
- Every trade is a profitable opportunity.

01:13:37 - Don’t put yourself through the pain of failure.

- Finding a needle in the haystack.
- Making money is the end result.
- Cleaning the wounds of ict.
- The wisdom of a student who wants to learn.

01:19:46 - How to get over the fear of trading.

- Five handles is a realistic target in the beginning.
- How to desensitize yourself to trading.
- Think about what you are doing with your demo account right now.
- Have a vision beyond that.

01:22:58 - There was no magic because he came from the fruit of my loins.

- Mental baggage from early mistakes.
- Discipline is not taught. It is forged through pain.
- Taking on more risk and taking on more contracts.
- Trading one contract at a time.

01:28:37 - How to be the best trader you can be.

- How to be the best trader that you can be.
- Unprofitable, unfunded challenges.

01:31:55 - Unrealistic expectations and unrealistic expectations.

- Unrealistic expectations, performance anxiety, rushing and not being organized.
- Slow and steady approach.

01:34:50 - You have to deal with the realities of trading wrong.

- Dealing with the realities of trading wrong.
- How to quit your job in 90 days.
- Why impatience and lack of discipline kill people.
- The importance of discipline and self-control.

01:40:54 - How many contracts should you be trading?

- Trading 3 handles a day instead of 5.
- Trading 50,000 a year.

01:43:40 - Don’t beat yourself up for losing money.

- Don't be beating yourself up if you lose money.
- Everyone has room to make change.
- The importance of having a realistic perspective.
- The three and a half years of trading.
- Trading in London, new york and asian markets.
- Making changes in life.

01:51:28 - Speed bumps are just speed bumps.

- Speed bumps are just speed bumps.
- Remember, no sugarcoating, no problem.
- You are the thing that will make it or break it.
- Your mentality needs to be.

01:54:53 - It’s your skill set for life.

- Your skill set for life and where you want to go.
- Nothing limits you.
- Letting go of fearful thoughts and excuses.
- Get out there and start working towards it.

01:58:50 - How to flip the what if mindset.

- What if is the worst thing you could ever do.
- How to overcome fear.
- Icyp wishes he would have started sooner.
- Nobody makes money in this industry.
- Going back in old moves and forex and futures.
- How to find your model.

02:06:20 - Manage your emotions and be passionate.

- On the fourth time it failed to work.
- The goat is a piece of shit.
- Doing the wrong things online and making it emotional.
- How social media is like a crucible.

02:09:55 - You have to invite emotion into your business.

- How to be a formidable force in the charts first.
- How to guard your mind.
- Why partials are stupid and counterintuitive.
- The importance of rewarding yourself along the way.


00:01:11,370 --> 00:01:14,460 ICT: Well do folks hyperbolas doing well
00:01:19,920 --> 00:01:34,620 send the girls out and have two boxers. They ask my wife to help me because Bailey will try to make her way up the steps. Try to get in this room with me.
00:01:37,530 --> 00:01:51,630 And he'd be sniffing, or she'd be sniffing around the door rather, trying to get in here with me, and Kirlian pologize for the minute or so, tardiness. But
00:01:51,630 --> 00:02:07,560 anyway, I don't think this is gonna go too long. But I was going to do a thread on Twitter was again, just like talking, set pretty much in one place all day to
00:02:07,560 --> 00:02:20,790 day working with my son to coach him along, encourage him and try to help him get beyond the concerns that he has. But if you're new to follow me if you're
00:02:20,790 --> 00:02:35,340 new to what it is I do and how I teach and what I'm presently working with, I have a son that just graduated homeschool. He's 18, freshly minted as a young
00:02:35,340 --> 00:02:52,590 man. And he is trying very hard to overcome the things I was trying to prevent him from forming, when it's many of the things I tell you all, in a very boring
00:02:52,590 --> 00:03:02,310 parts of the videos, or the majority of the Twitter spaces, it's like mindset and psychology and things that you don't realize you're going to be impactful.
00:03:02,730 --> 00:03:15,570 The things that are going to be detrimental, there's going to be the things that make it or break it for you. And many times we like to think that the the
10 00:03:15,570 --> 00:03:26,190 markets will yield its bounty to us simply because you know, we have a specific indicator or approach to looking at the markets and or we follow somebody that's
11 00:03:26,190 --> 00:03:39,210 really hot at the moment. And then when you step out there, and you're in that arena, and you don't have any real protection except for risk management, and
12 00:03:39,210 --> 00:03:59,010 your self control. My son tried very hard to do what he thought was very equivalent to a video game. Shot again they're trying to do. I found my counters
13 00:03:59,010 --> 00:04:14,610 Correct. Based on what he was using. He tried seven times to pass a top step combine. And he wasn't trying to adhere to any of the things I outlined for him.
14 00:04:15,900 --> 00:04:26,460 What's very frustrating, but yeah, I guess you're gonna you're gonna do these things, especially as young men, you're gonna rush into it, and he wants to be
15 00:04:26,460 --> 00:04:40,080 able to show me that I can do it that much. I'll do it my way in his way didn't work. So we sat down over the weekend. And I told him I said, Listen, are you
16 00:04:40,080 --> 00:04:54,570 ready to really sit down and do this the right way? It's going to be boring. And you want it to be boring. is number one concern was is he's afraid now to push
17 00:04:54,840 --> 00:05:03,480 the button to get in. And I said Well, you're in good company because that's exactly how it was for me. I was very, very scared to get into it. And beginning
18 00:05:03,630 --> 00:05:17,760 in 1992, I had no idea what the hell I was doing. But I was really inspired to learn, but the approaches to learning how to trade and how to time and entry, if
19 00:05:17,760 --> 00:05:25,710 you really look at all the books and manuscripts and things that were taught back then they really just glossed over it. It was very vague. I mean, they
20 00:05:25,710 --> 00:05:35,520 might show you things in a book. But this is, this is what it looks like. But that's the benefit of hindsight, it's very difficult to try to communicate that
21 00:05:37,860 --> 00:05:52,080 in a static picture. And that's why it's important for you, as a student to tape read, and watch pricing and get a, get a feel for what it's doing. When you feel
22 00:05:52,080 --> 00:05:59,490 this function and knew that it's going to move higher, it's gonna move lower, and then you watch it sit still for another 20 minutes before, it does the
23 00:05:59,490 --> 00:06:09,780 opposite what you expected. That's a learning experience, it's easy to think that you've learned something from me or someone else, or use some kind of
24 00:06:10,920 --> 00:06:25,290 automated, you know, I don't know what you would call it, something that would be non discretionary. And it still doesn't take away that hard right edge, that
25 00:06:25,290 --> 00:06:39,360 void, that abyss that we look into, on the right side of the chart that hasn't printed yet. See what divides the success stories from the failures is the
26 00:06:39,360 --> 00:06:55,260 comfort of embracing the uncertainty. And in the beginning, I was trying very hard to know everything, and always know when I avoid taking a loss. So I know
27 00:06:55,260 --> 00:07:07,770 what it's like for you, as my students to want to ask me in a lot of different varying ways, but really, the blunt question you want to know is how can I trade
28 00:07:07,800 --> 00:07:17,640 make money and not lose? And as most as you may want to argue and say, No, that's not how I think, or that's not what I'm asking, you are asking that.
29 00:07:18,060 --> 00:07:27,690 That's exactly what everybody wants that I would be lying if I said I didn't want it. So don't, don't lie to me, okay, don't lie to me, because I know, I
30 00:07:27,690 --> 00:07:40,680 would love to know how to never take a loss, I would love that know that. But you have to be comfortable with choosing these conditions that are more apt to
31 00:07:40,680 --> 00:07:50,610 be correct for your model, and your personal approach to trading. And that means you're going to have to submit to the idea that your model with those parameters
32 00:07:50,610 --> 00:07:59,130 and filters in place, may not, or may not present the opportunity for you today or that trading session. And it doesn't mean it's a bad model doesn't mean
33 00:07:59,130 --> 00:08:08,760 you're a bad trader doesn't mean anything, except for your waiting for your model. And all the things and circumstances that go around trusting that setup
34 00:08:08,790 --> 00:08:22,470 with that model with you as the driver, the operator in that system. So naturally, as a young man, you know, he, I thought he was paying for these top
35 00:08:22,470 --> 00:08:32,340 step funded account challenges on his own, but he wasn't it was actually his older brother Caleb, that was allowing him to purchase them, but he was the one
36 00:08:32,340 --> 00:08:46,020 that was doing it. So that's how I said you're gonna do in the future, anything that you do, you do it on your own. In your you have a job. And that money that
37 00:08:46,020 --> 00:08:57,540 you earn, you spend that because then you're going to care more about it. If you don't, if you don't put anything into it, you're not going to have that same
38 00:08:57,540 --> 00:09:07,620 level of concern about whether or not you're going to succeed or not. And I think that's the number one reason why most people that go to college in their
39 00:09:07,620 --> 00:09:17,460 parents pay for their college for them. They abuse it, they don't really take full advantage of what's been given to him. Because it's, you know, it's a
40 00:09:17,460 --> 00:09:26,850 silver spoon gift. And I have friends I grew up with that were like that. And they never amounted to anything that they went to school for, and they don't
41 00:09:26,850 --> 00:09:35,580 live well. So I'm not saying that's the the end result of that circumstance for those individuals that have that, but I'm not surprised when it ends up that
42 00:09:35,580 --> 00:09:49,050 way. So I make my children work, because I want them to know what it's like to have a master. Someone that tells them you can and can't. This is how much
43 00:09:49,050 --> 00:09:54,420 you'll get. If you do what I tell you to do. If you don't do what I tell you to do, you will be reprimanded. You want to take a vacation, it'll have to be
44 00:09:54,420 --> 00:10:04,830 approved first and work with people that they don't like and and develop these tendencies to want to impress them, even though they don't like them. It's
45 00:10:04,830 --> 00:10:17,010 really crucial to have that because once you do it, and you grow a disdain for it, it will be the motivating factor to keep your ass in the charts. So that way
46 00:10:17,010 --> 00:10:26,730 you don't stay there. And be very easy for me to say here, Cameron, here's a million dollars, here, I'm gonna go out here and get you a house, you already
47 00:10:26,730 --> 00:10:36,450 got a car, I'm gonna give you some money in an account to live off offset, we don't feel a rush to get in here and trade. But he's not equipped. He's not
48 00:10:36,450 --> 00:10:37,470 equipped to do anything with that.
49 00:10:39,420 --> 00:10:51,990 I've tried to do those things early on, with my older kids, and it doesn't work. It doesn't work. It's the equivalent of here, honey, I'm Daddy, I'm gonna pay
50 00:10:51,990 --> 00:11:02,370 for your college, impress daddy. Now, they're going to be kids, they're going to be reckless. And they're going to do things half assed, and they're not going to
51 00:11:02,370 --> 00:11:11,610 care because they know Daddy's gonna take care of them. So the only way I could kind of like, cancel that whole mindset. And I'm probably not going to be
52 00:11:11,610 --> 00:11:22,290 successful on all my kids with this. Okay, but that at least, is what I'm trying to do. And because I don't have a book, or someone that's come before me in this
53 00:11:22,290 --> 00:11:33,180 way, and it works for them or didn't work for him. It's just, it was a brainchild that I came up with. And this is what it is. But making them work is
54 00:11:33,180 --> 00:11:41,850 not a bad thing. It's something good all of us had to do, I had to do it. I had to work, you know, multiple jobs. Some of you might have multiple jobs right
55 00:11:41,850 --> 00:11:48,840 now, too. And you're trying to learn how to do this. And it's hard. It's really, really hard. It's hard to stay motivated. Because you're in debt, and you're
56 00:11:48,990 --> 00:11:58,320 trying to keep up with the bills that you're accumulating, and everything's more expensive. See, he's protecting it in a way that maybe you as an adult with
57 00:11:58,350 --> 00:12:08,940 maybe siblings, and siblings with children did you have to take care of, maybe you have a one income, family, and you're supporting all that stuff. And they
58 00:12:08,940 --> 00:12:18,120 expect you when you come home from work to give them your undivided attention. But here you are listening to me and watching videos by me and you're trying to
59 00:12:18,120 --> 00:12:29,220 look at charts and stuff. And they're looking at you like, you know, why are you doing this? I get it, I had to do the whole thing too. But it's hard to keep the
60 00:12:29,220 --> 00:12:42,840 real life from pressing in and overtaking your pursuits. It's easy for it to be trampled down. If you allow other people, your loved ones, your family members,
61 00:12:43,350 --> 00:12:52,800 to prevent you from putting in the time that's necessary to do this just makes it harder than it has to be. So I don't have all the answers for all that stuff.
62 00:12:52,830 --> 00:13:08,550 So I want to talk to you today about how my son Cameron is going about going through this, my mind the proper way of doing it. I am met with these teenage
63 00:13:09,300 --> 00:13:21,930 antics still, you know, he wants he wants to know the easiest short path to it. And I told him, I said no, what you're really feeling now is because you tried
64 00:13:21,930 --> 00:13:30,510 to do this on your own without using anything I taught. You weren't willing to sit down and watch the videos, you weren't willing to do this practice of this
65 00:13:30,510 --> 00:13:38,460 looking at pricing don't do anything, you were in a hurry to push the button. So this is exactly what I teach all of you. Don't be in a hurry to go out there and
66 00:13:38,460 --> 00:13:45,990 try to make money because you're gonna be doing so by pushing the button with ignorance, you're not going to know what you're doing. So what you're going to
67 00:13:45,990 --> 00:13:53,790 be teaching yourself and conditioning yourself is that because you know nothing, and you have no experience to lean on. When you're pressing the button, you're
68 00:13:53,820 --> 00:14:02,730 you're the equivalent of going to casinos and gambling, where there's no way of knowing the outcome. There's no probability, there's no statistical edge there.
69 00:14:02,910 --> 00:14:16,380 It's pure gambling. And you're hoping for some kind of a lottery win, to inspire you to do it the right way, when that wouldn't happen anyway. Because if you
70 00:14:16,380 --> 00:14:24,240 were to make money doing something on a whim, you're gonna think that you're just lucky. So why bother going through all those videos and go into the process
71 00:14:24,240 --> 00:14:33,090 of back testing and journaling? Who needs all that stuff, all I got to do is get lucky once in a while. overleveraged don't use a lot of stop loss. And that's
72 00:14:33,090 --> 00:14:43,050 what he did. And he would blow it and go right in there and reset it again, reset it again, reset it again. Seven times. And then finally, he got to the
73 00:14:43,050 --> 00:14:54,900 point where he just didn't want to do it anymore. And quietness walking around the house not trying to say anything to me. At all, like I said, I'm not going
74 00:14:54,900 --> 00:15:06,450 to bring him up. But I want to see how long it'll go without saying anything about it. It wasn't until his girlfriend mentioned it. And I was like, okay, the
75 00:15:06,450 --> 00:15:16,260 ice is broken. Now, what are we going to do with this, because clearly, where you're working, that isn't going to cut it, I don't think it's appropriate for
76 00:15:16,260 --> 00:15:25,230 you to have that type of mindset where what you're doing is normal for a teenager, while you're in school, he was homeschooled, you know, you go to a
77 00:15:25,230 --> 00:15:34,770 coffee shop, and you're working there, you're making 400 hours a week, wonderful 14 hours a week for, you know, a 17 year old, you know, spending money, I make
78 00:15:34,770 --> 00:15:43,410 him pay the car insurance for his car, and he buys his own gas. If he goes out entertains his girlfriend, he must do that out of his own pocket. Everything
79 00:15:43,410 --> 00:15:55,620 else, I closed them, I make sure everything that he needs as a member of our family, he has his disposal. But I make him work for the things that he has to
80 00:15:55,620 --> 00:16:05,010 spend for. So I'm not going to put money in his pocket to be a sugar daddy to his girlfriend. So all these things are meant to inspire him to be independent,
81 00:16:05,460 --> 00:16:17,220 you know that, that necessity for him to he has to make it on his own? Well, he sat down with me today, and we were looking at the markets. And I explained to
82 00:16:17,220 --> 00:16:24,600 my son, you were on the heels of the holiday. So the expectation is going to be rather light don't don't expect a whole lot of things that make a lot of sense.
83 00:16:25,590 --> 00:16:36,570 And he's like, Well, I don't know, really what I'm looking for anyway, I said, Well, we're watching price. And I want you to tell me when you think it's gonna
84 00:16:36,570 --> 00:16:48,480 go higher? Or do you think is gonna go lower? And I want you to push the button right in front of me. I don't want you to second guess it. I want you to hit in
85 00:16:48,480 --> 00:16:57,030 your mind know what it is that you think you expect, not that you believe it's going to happen, you're not going to be right or wrong. It's what you feel the
86 00:16:57,030 --> 00:17:07,560 impulsiveness inside you what, what is telling you, it's gonna go higher, or what's gonna go lower. Soon as you push the button, and you put a stoploss in
87 00:17:07,560 --> 00:17:17,610 there, I want to know where you think it's going. And explain to me why you just did that. And we did this this morning, all throughout the lunch hour and into
88 00:17:17,610 --> 00:17:28,770 the afternoon. And a couple of the things that he did, you know, obviously were way off, they there was no reason for him to have done it. But I'm teaching him
89 00:17:29,010 --> 00:17:39,810 how to overcome fear of entering because he's afraid to do that. Now sitting next to me. With me next to him, you know, he didn't seem to have all that much
90 00:17:40,470 --> 00:17:47,880 of a uncertainty. He just, you know, he was looking at it, like it's a video game, like I'm watching him play video game because he could just re up his
91 00:17:47,880 --> 00:17:58,320 mind. That's the mentality he had, you know, I got dad next to me. If anything happens, I can do whatever I got to do to fix it. And I did it twice today. But
92 00:17:58,320 --> 00:18:15,570 his first trade, he got out and he went in he went long. And he got $244 in the equivalent of you know, the movement. Assets. And I said I think about this. If
93 00:18:17,430 --> 00:18:31,590 you make 400 hours a week average after taxes, work in your job. That's not a lot of money. But you just did $244 in one trade in less than five minutes. But
94 00:18:31,590 --> 00:18:44,970 you have to work all week and then wait till the following pay period to get that same 400 Our net pay. Which one makes sense? Because one way I could do
95 00:18:44,970 --> 00:18:57,900 this just once a day. I said that's the right mindset. Now, did you get five points in that move? No. Did you go into that move with? I had to get a big
96 00:18:57,900 --> 00:19:10,020 gigantic run for the whole day. No. You went in and you were looking for movement. You're expecting volatility. So the way you overcome the fear of
97 00:19:10,020 --> 00:19:19,530 getting into the marketplace is you have to number one, desensitize yourself. That's the only thing I had to do for myself was I had to go in and press the
98 00:19:19,530 --> 00:19:28,140 button. I simply had to do it. And I did it with live money, which is the worst thing in the world to do because I didn't know if I was gonna be right or wrong.
99 00:19:28,170 --> 00:19:39,270 And I was gambling with money. I didn't I couldn't afford it. Like I was borrowing against a credit card. Yeah, my bad. So I was a cowboy when I first
100 00:19:39,270 --> 00:19:54,660 started undercapitalized goober that had no idea what I was dealing and trading with cash advances on credit cards. So that's the epitome of a noob. So trust
101 00:19:54,660 --> 00:20:02,310 me, I've been there. I know. I know what some of the silly stuff you guys have done. Taking cheap isn't trying to do what you got to do to make it work. But
102 00:20:02,310 --> 00:20:14,670 then when you look back, you really didn't do all the best in terms of trying to make it work, you were simply gambling. So I told him, I said, I don't want you
103 00:20:15,930 --> 00:20:21,000 to walk away from the charts. I want you to be here until fatigue sets in.
104 00:20:22,770 --> 00:20:32,880 I want you to feel that, I want you to be uncomfortable. And I still want you to tell me why you're pushing the button. Why do you think it's going up? Why do
105 00:20:32,880 --> 00:20:42,330 you think it's going to go down? He had the classic scenario where he tried to buy it several different times a day. And there was no fair value got there.
106 00:20:43,080 --> 00:20:54,630 There was no no reason for it to go up there. And he still would just push the button. And then we got into the lunch hour. And I could tell he was mentally
107 00:20:54,630 --> 00:21:04,290 fatigued. He's like, I don't know what to expect out. So I'm just going to push the button and see what happens. I said, that's what I've been waiting for. That
108 00:21:04,290 --> 00:21:16,680 moment, that moment right there. That's what blew every single combine that you tried to do. That moment, I want you to know what that feels like. Because what
109 00:21:16,680 --> 00:21:29,460 you're trying to do, right before you do that execution, that's your root problem. That's the thing that's going to keep popping up in your head, that's
110 00:21:29,460 --> 00:21:43,830 going to cause you do that same impulsive tendency to push a button to find out. I want to do it right. And then you say, good job. Okay. That's normal. Every
111 00:21:43,830 --> 00:21:55,350 kid wants to have that, that moment with their dad. But really, what are you trying to do? Because I want to be right, because I did a terrible job of trying
112 00:21:55,350 --> 00:22:03,990 to do it before. And now you're watching me, like you're sitting right next to me where I didn't do that last time that I was doing in my privacy, my own
113 00:22:03,990 --> 00:22:14,490 bedroom, I'm pushing the button, and nobody's watching it. So it didn't feel embarrassing, I was mad. Okay, that's normal. That's absolutely normal. But you
114 00:22:14,490 --> 00:22:25,800 have to understand that these things that you're feeling are going to be very influential in terms of what you do going forward. Because let's say we get you
115 00:22:25,800 --> 00:22:38,550 to the point where you can trade and that doesn't mean next to you. What are you going to do to unravel yourself, it's going to be these things. So you have to
116 00:22:38,580 --> 00:22:57,090 view them as well snares the traps, okay. And there's no shame in identifying what they are, and what they're triggering. But, you know, bases, or foundations
117 00:22:57,090 --> 00:23:09,060 are rooted on. That's the thing that you need to be aware of. Everybody has them. Every everyone has them. Some of you listening right now, it might be the
118 00:23:09,060 --> 00:23:17,790 fact that you don't have a partner or spouse that's supportive of what you're doing. And you simply just want to make money that prove it and shove it down
119 00:23:17,790 --> 00:23:24,060 their throat and say, See, this is the reason why I got a look at all these charts and listen to goober go on and on and listen to his rants, because this
120 00:23:24,270 --> 00:23:34,020 will work. If I did submit to it. That's why you're doing it. You're you're trying to prove to them in an expedient manner, that it's worth your time doing
121 00:23:34,020 --> 00:23:40,440 it, when they don't think it's worth their time waiting around for you to figure out whether or not you can do it or not, when they've already had it in their
122 00:23:40,440 --> 00:23:53,040 mind that you're going to be successful at it. So I understand have a balance, all that stuff is very difficult. But he does my son. He's got youth on his
123 00:23:53,040 --> 00:24:02,970 side, he has time on the side. But because of video game playing, and the tendency to play these games, and when you get killed in the game, oh, well,
124 00:24:02,970 --> 00:24:10,770 there's no time and no, no real loss, and we just respond and there it is, or I gotta wait the time limit for the time for the game to conclude in a new game of
125 00:24:10,770 --> 00:24:19,740 startup. So that's the mindset that he has. And that, to me is why I think viewing trading as a video game is the stupidest fucking idea anybody could ever
126 00:24:20,010 --> 00:24:30,000 employ. Because it tricks you into thinking, Well, you know, I'll get those respond. You can do that when you're doing Market Replay. You can do that when
127 00:24:30,000 --> 00:24:38,040 you're demonstrating. But when you're trying to do something like a combine if it's a funded account approach that you're going, or if you're trying to trade
128 00:24:38,040 --> 00:24:48,330 with real money, whether it be a lot of money or a little bit of money. Those rules don't apply. You have to treat this like a business when you go to work.
129 00:24:49,560 --> 00:24:57,270 Okay, when you go to work today, let the employees that you work among do whatever the hell they want to do. Now maybe at McDonald's, they might do that
130 00:24:57,270 --> 00:25:06,210 shit, but being doing it generally and In a fortune 500 company, and there's some structure that there's some limits and imbalances as to how far you can
131 00:25:06,300 --> 00:25:18,330 misbehave or, or waste time or be inefficient. And you are the boss, you're the CEO, you are the human resource manager, you're in charge of everything have you
132 00:25:18,330 --> 00:25:30,360 incorporated. So you have to have all of these hats. As a trader, you're the analyst, you're the trader, and you are the person that is in charge of where
133 00:25:30,360 --> 00:25:45,630 you're going. You're, you're it, you're at the helm, you're the captain, and you either sink or sail based on what you and your decisions result in. So if you go
134 00:25:45,630 --> 00:25:54,150 into with a Mickey Mouse approach that, hey, you know, let's see what happens. You know, they say F around and find out, the longer you f around, you're gonna
135 00:25:54,150 --> 00:26:04,200 eventually find out. And he found out rather quickly, that he couldn't do what he thought it was, Oh, it's a video game. It's just, it's a video game. It's
136 00:26:04,200 --> 00:26:11,250 just like, oh, it's like that game that sneaking. Because I used the analogy before Slither. Io, I think it's what it is, or something like that, or snake
137 00:26:11,250 --> 00:26:20,790 IO. Where there's little sneaky start out with you go around and get these little dots, some dots are bigger, some are smaller. And as you eat these things
138 00:26:20,820 --> 00:26:30,930 on the game, your your body is a snake grows larger, and you're not allowed to touch another snake. Or you can't touch their body, but you can make them run
139 00:26:30,930 --> 00:26:39,900 into yours, and then they disintegrate and you can eat them. Or you can't run into a wall or you die. So there's two simple rules there. The larger you get,
140 00:26:40,950 --> 00:26:49,560 the harder it gets. That's the same thing with trading, the things that you can do with a very small account, you can be very nimble with a very small count
141 00:26:49,770 --> 00:26:59,760 less than 50,000, less than 100,000, you can do a whole lot of stuff, when an account like that. When you start trading with $50 million in higher, you just
142 00:26:59,760 --> 00:27:09,720 can't do those types of things, you got to be a lot more reserved in what you're trying to do. And you got to be more aware of what you're trying to protect. In
143 00:27:09,720 --> 00:27:20,940 the beginning. It's a little bit of money. It's Oh, well, you know, 2% Ain't that much. It's not that much. So I sat down with him today, I said, Listen, one
144 00:27:20,940 --> 00:27:30,360 of the best things you can do is appreciate the fact that your first trade, whether you were right or wrong about the reason why I didn't I don't care about
145 00:27:30,360 --> 00:27:43,020 that. The fact that you saw and you identify that $244 is more than half of your net, bring home pay per week at your job. So I want you to think about that when
146 00:27:43,020 --> 00:27:55,860 you go to work. And you're looking around at the people that irritate you, the people that aren't doing as much as you are. You choose to be there because you
147 00:27:55,860 --> 00:28:04,770 haven't done the work. And I reminded him all the times when he was younger, I said, Those videos are there. You watch them. And when you have questions, I
148 00:28:04,770 --> 00:28:15,450 will sit down with you. Nope, video games is the only thing is interested in sports. So I waited around. When he became age of age where he can work, I'm
149 00:28:15,450 --> 00:28:26,190 making a meeting, get a job. He's had a job since he was legally allowed to do so. And now, because he has a girlfriend, because she's going away to college,
150 00:28:26,730 --> 00:28:41,010 she won't be here after August. So he'll have to wait for her to come home. She wants to be a veterinarian. And here he is working the typical teenager job and
151 00:28:41,010 --> 00:28:50,280 he feels even more pressure on what he did not do correctly. So he has all those things swirling in his head. What happens when she comes home, and he hasn't
152 00:28:50,280 --> 00:29:00,780 made any progress. I said, That's good that you think that but don't let these things be crippling, or a source of anxiety. because that in itself will cause
153 00:29:00,780 --> 00:29:11,280 you to do things impulsively. If you don't spend the right amount of time, while she's going away, to pursue her professional career. Whether or not she makes it
154 00:29:11,280 --> 00:29:19,080 or not is irrelevant. She may get out there and decide doing the right profession for her. Or she may get up and say The hell with this, I ain't doing
155 00:29:19,080 --> 00:29:28,500 it. I'll just work a regular job. That's her decision. But you can't allow those things just like you listening can't allow the pressures and stresses of your
156 00:29:28,500 --> 00:29:39,420 job. Or maybe you got fired. Maybe you've been made redundant and you don't have a job right now and you're between gainful employment. And that's stressful. In
157 00:29:39,420 --> 00:29:48,930 that event. You shouldn't be trying to trade. Just practice because you're not going to do the right things in that in that state of mind. Because you're gonna
158 00:29:48,930 --> 00:29:57,510 try to do anything you can to make yourself feel better about the situation you're in and just feel like oh, man, I worry about all this I can make $1,000
159 00:29:57,510 --> 00:30:05,550 in one day trading over leveraging when our stop loss and just Get Lucky gambling. You won't say it that way. But that will be the reality of it if
160 00:30:05,550 --> 00:30:09,540 you're right, if you're correct about trading in those conditions.
161 00:30:11,009 --> 00:30:20,489 So when I sat down with him today and told him, I said, Listen, we're going to think about how a $50,000 account, I know you said, you were going for that
162 00:30:20,519 --> 00:30:28,679 $150,000 account. Okay, and you were trying to prove the dad and you were gonna go on the internet and piss all over my trolls. And like, you have to defend me
163 00:30:28,679 --> 00:30:39,629 which you don't. I want you to think about a $50,000 account. And I want you to think about one and a half percent risk of that that's the highest you can ever
164 00:30:39,629 --> 00:30:52,829 go. You can never go above one and a half percent. Now, if you go out, look at these funded accounts. It's they allow you more than that. Not by much. I think
165 00:30:52,829 --> 00:31:02,129 it's like 2%. But I told him, You are not allowed to go over one and a half percent. Because if you go over one and a half percent, you failed. In my eyes
166 00:31:02,129 --> 00:31:14,009 on your dad, I'm telling you, you fucking failed, not just a messed up, you fucking failed. You took that one, you did it yourself. You chose to fail. It
167 00:31:14,009 --> 00:31:24,329 didn't happen to you. You chose it. The reason why he was blowing it, trying to do the 150,000 because he was trying to trade with the maximum amount of
168 00:31:24,329 --> 00:31:37,769 contracts. Just because they're offering it to you, doesn't mean you should do it. So I sat with him today. And I said, Look, I want you to think about what 1%
169 00:31:37,949 --> 00:31:53,429 looks like on a $50,000 account. That's still more than you make all week long. What happens if you sit down and you make that in one day? How would that make
170 00:31:53,429 --> 00:32:04,859 you feel? Just one day? Yeah, one day, I said one day, what does that make you feel like? He's Oh, I would want more than that. I said why? You're not making
171 00:32:04,859 --> 00:32:18,929 that right now. You work all week long. Around these in so insufferable people that come to the location where he works at and where I work where I live at.
172 00:32:20,969 --> 00:32:31,889 There's this snootiness, okay. They everybody thinks they're better than everybody up here. It's believe me. It's ridiculous. Like it's nonsensical the
173 00:32:31,889 --> 00:32:43,739 way they all act up here. And if you go into a place of service, and a person's waiting on you, if you're going in there to and you're patronizing a place like
174 00:32:43,829 --> 00:32:54,689 where my son works at, he works at a coffee shop, it's a Starbucks. And it's unbelievable hearing some of the stories he comes home, if you're going to have
175 00:32:54,689 --> 00:33:10,829 his dinner, it's crazy here, these entitlement minded people, and they come in, they talk to you like you know, you're less than human. That $500 If you can
176 00:33:10,829 --> 00:33:24,629 make that one day per week, you've replaced the whole need to go to that place, and you're not even pushing it hard. You're not even pushing it hard. You're not
177 00:33:24,629 --> 00:33:38,399 pushing hard to break the account. You're not pushing hard to feel like you got to keep up with some level of measurement. Somebody on the internet's doing this
178 00:33:38,399 --> 00:33:48,749 much, I got to do that. You don't have to look at my videos, when I'm trading all those news contracts and building up a large position. You didn't get to do
179 00:33:48,749 --> 00:34:02,549 $12,000. You can do 16 and 20,000 30,000. Our days, you don't need to do those. You can get to those. But you have to grow into making 200 hours. Insane, okay.
180 00:34:02,909 --> 00:34:15,629 200 bucks. That's your whole week in half right there with one transaction. That's how I got hooked on this. In the 90s. I got hooked on that. Because my
181 00:34:15,629 --> 00:34:32,309 pay was less than 300 hours a week, bring home. And I was thinking myself, man. If I could just do one bond trade per week, and just get half of a point. If I
182 00:34:32,309 --> 00:34:45,689 could just get lucky enough to find 16 ticks 16 ticks on one contract in the bond market. That's 500 bucks. That's better than going to work. And once I do
183 00:34:45,689 --> 00:34:53,819 it, I don't have to do it again because I'm scared to trade. Right. Well, that was my that was my whole approach going in easing into it. And I sat down with
184 00:34:53,819 --> 00:35:06,419 him I explain this whole thing to him today. I said I was afraid to get into it when I was in the 90s I mean, it was exciting, but still scary. Like, I don't
185 00:35:06,419 --> 00:35:14,129 ride roller coasters, I think they're thrilling to watch other people go nuts and throw their guts up and scream, and you probably blow out a, an intestine
186 00:35:14,879 --> 00:35:24,119 gutturals new changes that go down the deepest part of that decline. But I would never get on these things, I don't like them, I have to be in control, I have to
187 00:35:24,119 --> 00:35:34,499 be in control of me, the environment that I'm in. And that is not something I would do. And I don't want to treat my trading like that. So I have to be very
188 00:35:34,499 --> 00:35:43,889 methodical about what it is I'm looking for. And when I teach you as my students, I teach that same approach. We're not gambling. We're not inviting
189 00:35:44,039 --> 00:35:57,689 happenstance. Okay, so I told my son, you're gonna trade until you get fatigued. And then as soon as you are like, you just don't know why you're doing it, you
190 00:35:57,689 --> 00:36:05,579 just push the button to find out. Okay, what happens? That moment, you know, that's what I was waiting for. And I explained to him, I said, that's where
191 00:36:05,579 --> 00:36:17,429 everybody blows it. Everybody blows at that moment. It's because you have either hurt your account, someone has hurt your feelings, or made you angry, or you're
192 00:36:17,429 --> 00:36:29,999 sick, or something cost you money that was unexpected. You are using that moment to replace some kind of negative thing that you're going through, or maybe not
193 00:36:30,029 --> 00:36:38,009 even experiencing it yet. But you're afraid of it. You're afraid if something happens, it's looming in the offing. You know, what happens if my girlfriend
194 00:36:38,039 --> 00:36:48,359 what happens if my wife what happens if my husband leaves me? Well, I won't feel so bad. If I can make $1,000 Today, when really, you'll still hurt because you
195 00:36:48,389 --> 00:36:58,589 have emotional commitment to that. Whatever that thing might be, it might make my name be a relationship, it might be some kind of a I don't even know it could
196 00:36:58,589 --> 00:37:08,069 be a number of things. But a word of thinking scenario of something negative, something harmful, that may happen to you could be a very triggering thing for
197 00:37:08,069 --> 00:37:18,389 you to get into a trade that has no real sound reason to be in it. And you're looking at it with the expectation if it pays out. This is a better use of my
198 00:37:18,389 --> 00:37:26,699 time than sitting around worrying about something that may or may not even happen. And I have done that. And I have blown accounts, and a 20 year old
199 00:37:26,699 --> 00:37:38,999 mindset. I was fearful of a lot of things that never fucking happened. I had so many unrealistic fears. What if this happens? What if that happens? What if this
200 00:37:38,999 --> 00:37:51,479 happens, and none of it ever happened? It never happened. But they were so overwhelming to me at the time, that it forced me to take on trades and take on
201 00:37:51,479 --> 00:38:02,219 risk hoping that if I got paid out correctly on the other side of that trade, at least, it was better than me sitting there twiddling my thumbs in fear of what
202 00:38:02,219 --> 00:38:14,519 may not or may come. The uncertainty of what I'm thinking is paralyzing. But when it's not paralyzing, it's the instigation that take you into gambling
203 00:38:14,519 --> 00:38:25,409 environment. Think about it. I promise you, if you do some serious soul searching, you go back to those times where you blew your accounts, where you've
204 00:38:25,409 --> 00:38:36,809 done serious damage and drawdown in your accounts. You've probably many times been been in that same circumstance, and not even realized it. And the only way
205 00:38:36,809 --> 00:38:48,929 I identified it is because I was journaling it. And these same circumstances kept coming up when I blew the account. These things were there. So they may at
206 00:38:48,929 --> 00:38:59,039 the time, they don't feel like they're all that impactful. They're not the real problem. When they are you're just trying to push them to the side. You're
207 00:38:59,039 --> 00:39:07,889 you're letting them be the guy. You know, when you're out there, your friends and stuff like hey, yeah, and someone looks at you funny. And your drunk friend
208 00:39:07,889 --> 00:39:16,829 says, oh, yo, this guy's giving you the arm and you don't let him do that. It's nothing. It's no big deal. And you look over it and he's just, you know,
209 00:39:16,829 --> 00:39:24,689 whatever. And then your buddy says, Hey, keep that shit up. My balls gonna beat your ass. Well, what does this happen? You weren't trying to do nothing. You're
210 00:39:24,689 --> 00:39:32,249 just out there having a good time. But you're drunk, buddy Carl, fucking open his mouth up. Now you're in a fight. You got to defend yourself when there was
211 00:39:32,249 --> 00:39:40,259 really nothing there. There's no real static there. That's what these types of thoughts will do for you. They'll put you in circumstances that you really
212 00:39:40,499 --> 00:39:43,589 aren't comfortable in. But because
213 00:39:44,910 --> 00:39:55,440 I don't hand you push the button. Because sitting still not doing something when you're not disciplined. When you have self control, which is something that you
214 00:39:55,440 --> 00:40:05,010 have to wrestle and form and forge over time nobody will walks out in this industry and has self confidence, self control, and responsibility in the
215 00:40:05,010 --> 00:40:13,890 beginning is there those tears characteristics and these traits are developed over time, losing money, making money, losing money, making money, learning what
216 00:40:13,890 --> 00:40:25,830 you're doing wrong. Trimming all that stuff that is problematic that this is not a hard business to be profitable in. But it's a hard business to be organized,
217 00:40:26,100 --> 00:40:35,880 and disciplined in. Because there's so many things that could take you right out of consistently profitable and Reki right away. Because it's you as a person,
218 00:40:35,880 --> 00:40:44,490 you're a human being you have emotions, you have psychological weights placed on you because of relationships inside this industry and outside this industry. And
219 00:40:44,490 --> 00:40:55,260 the more people you allow, in your circle of influence, be it social media, your family members, your co workers, the more you allow that in, the more likely
220 00:40:55,260 --> 00:41:10,110 you're going to be placed in pressured circumstances to perform when there's no need to. There's no need to. But when you step out there in social media, and
221 00:41:10,110 --> 00:41:19,080 you have other people telling you what you should and shouldn't do, you get these people that have no real control over your life. If you do it wrong,
222 00:41:19,110 --> 00:41:29,040 they're not going to pay you to make your ends meet because they wanted you to do something like it's a UFC fight, or it's a sporting event you perform for me,
223 00:41:29,700 --> 00:41:39,660 fuck you go watch somebody else do that shit. You don't need to do those things for those people. You're running a business. There's a seat, there's a CEO of
224 00:41:39,660 --> 00:41:49,980 Netflix, go out and go on and talk to me, Hey, what should I do today? They're not doing that. Believe me, trust me, look at what they've done. They don't do
225 00:41:49,980 --> 00:41:58,230 that. Okay, they make their own policies and right or wrong, they're going with it. But they're not, they're not letting even their customer base, tell them how
226 00:41:58,230 --> 00:42:11,700 they should do things. When they should. You as a trader, you're you incorporated. You have to be in control of everything, at all times. And you
227 00:42:11,700 --> 00:42:28,380 can't let these opportunities that will cause you to do reckless things. To invite you to do the most ill advised things while risking money. That's like,
228 00:42:29,430 --> 00:42:39,030 he would never jump out of a perfectly working airplane. But hey, the girl that you love, says she wants to do it. And she wants to have a moment in life with
229 00:42:39,030 --> 00:42:47,010 you. Now you're, you're contemplating it. You're scared shitless. But you're still contemplating it now, man, if I don't do it, what did you gonna think of
230 00:42:47,010 --> 00:42:59,760 me when they should have been? Honey, that is extremely brave of you. And I hope you respect the fact that I don't have wings. And I don't want to be up there.
231 00:43:00,150 --> 00:43:13,230 Challenging the outcome of me opening that parachute and opening carry me down seated around. I will watch in the safety of how you do that. And I will applaud
232 00:43:13,230 --> 00:43:26,550 you when you land safely. But I'm not doing that. And you shouldn't fear their response. They shouldn't push you into that. But what's really going to happen?
233 00:43:27,630 --> 00:43:33,570 You're going to be worrying about whether or not you do this or don't do this and how they're going to think especially if you're dating them brand new in the
234 00:43:33,570 --> 00:43:41,100 relationship. You'll do anything you'll fight a guy you know, damn well you probably get your SP by him. But you can't look like a weakling in front of her.
235 00:43:42,840 --> 00:43:49,320 Get some beard muscles, some liquid muscles go to they'll get to the bar, you get you know, I'm going to have to deal with this guy later on night for the bar
236 00:43:49,320 --> 00:43:58,350 closes. So let me get some liquid courage in me. And that way if I look at my SP at least I'm numbed up. You can't have that mindset in trading. You can't do
237 00:43:58,350 --> 00:44:06,570 that. Now my son didn't go to those extremes, but I'm just talking because I want to have something more interactive than just simply saying my son who has a
238 00:44:06,570 --> 00:44:18,390 video game fetish that he thought he was gonna be able to segue right down into this and treat it the same way. When you're not making a living. You're not
239 00:44:18,390 --> 00:44:32,400 building wealth, playing a video game. And you're not losing your home. Your livelihood. Your life savings. When you lose a game, when you lose a video game.
240 00:44:33,390 --> 00:44:48,810 Tournament. Okay, you're good to go. And it's pride. It's it. But in this, you could lose more than you have put in. Things can go wrong real quick, especially
241 00:44:48,810 --> 00:44:58,260 in today's climate. All the things there's going around the world and it could cause real quick sudden market movements and your stop loss. didn't do a good
242 00:44:58,260 --> 00:45:09,360 enough job. And now Now we're gonna get that money from. If you're trading real money live funds, it can take more than you have. If you present the
243 00:45:09,360 --> 00:45:23,280 opportunities for it to do so. A perfect storms happen all the time. So that's almost answer, listen, think about one and a half percent. Because if you can
244 00:45:24,270 --> 00:45:37,110 grow in understanding that one and a half percent is what you can lose, that's the most you can lose. What should you do going forward? Find a way to chew into
245 00:45:37,110 --> 00:45:47,340 that one and a half percent. Now, does that mean you go out tomorrow? And try to make one and a half percent? Where do you have to do it today? No. But think
246 00:45:47,340 --> 00:45:56,910 about how that fits in your life cycle. As a employee of a working company right now you're gainfully employed. You're only making four hours a week as a
247 00:45:56,910 --> 00:46:07,860 teenager, you want to grow, you want to be able to move away from necessity of having that and make your own money. Half of that with one trade, and it didn't
248 00:46:07,860 --> 00:46:18,060 even go to where you thought was gonna go. Just a small little move. Do you see how that's rewarding? He's like, I never really thought about like that. Because
249 00:46:18,060 --> 00:46:26,580 I had to solve it. It was not enough. I was expecting you to say, Okay, we want you to make this much. I said no. Did I tell you that today? No. But in your
250 00:46:26,580 --> 00:46:34,110 mind, you were thinking that it's going to be to see this much in return. And this that and all those things were in your mind while you were doing each one
251 00:46:34,110 --> 00:46:43,140 of these executions. They weren't that easy. Yep. And that's exactly what everybody does. That's what makes it hard. That's what happens with these guys
252 00:46:43,140 --> 00:46:50,490 on YouTube. Some of them are honest, and saying, you know, this is not easy, I gotta get out here and worry about this and worry about that. Right? You're
253 00:46:50,490 --> 00:47:00,930 making it harder. I love watching them. It's like a gladiator. You getting out there and you're doing something as backwards. There's no war, but you're gonna
254 00:47:00,930 --> 00:47:09,210 go out there and take on a fight. You want to be able to show the world that you can be a gladiator would everybody else having the benefit of being in a heckler
255 00:47:10,170 --> 00:47:19,020 talk shit to you. And that's in your head. And anybody that says it's not in their head is full of shit. So that that to me, you're inviting more difficulty.
256 00:47:19,860 --> 00:47:26,100 I promise you, every one of these YouTubers out there that are live streaming that can that can be profitable, they will be so much better if they weren't
257 00:47:26,100 --> 00:47:36,990 lifting. And and I'm not saying they shouldn't do what they're doing. I'm saying that there's a way that we as individuals, as humans, we compound the
258 00:47:37,020 --> 00:47:47,730 difficulty. I know I did. When I was a younger man, I tried to do a whole lot more than was necessary. But my son was successful today in identifying that to
259 00:47:47,730 --> 00:48:01,590 earn 44 hours. When he makes 400, after taxes for a whole week of income. Working in a place that he doesn't want to be around people that are conceited,
260 00:48:02,220 --> 00:48:10,110 self centered, entitlement minded. They look at him, they don't know that he's my son. They don't know how we live and what we have in our bank accounts and
261 00:48:10,110 --> 00:48:17,850 how we can live and do whatever the fuck we want to do. They don't know that about him. They see him as just some teenager, the equivalent of somebody that
262 00:48:17,850 --> 00:48:33,570 would be in a McDonald's and give me my shit. So he's, he's felt that now. He's felt it. He knows what it feels like, and he doesn't like it. And that's exactly
263 00:48:33,840 --> 00:48:44,460 what I wanted him to feel. Because now he doesn't have a college mindset. Have you ever had, he doesn't have a working man's career mindset. There's nothing
264 00:48:44,460 --> 00:48:58,200 wrong with that. But I didn't want my children having that. Because when you have that you are owned, you are absolutely owned. You are not independent. You
265 00:48:58,200 --> 00:49:13,080 have to be given permission. And you're scheduled to show up here, perform this job, better do it to my expectations, or I'm getting rid of you. That's not what
266 00:49:13,080 --> 00:49:23,010 I want for my kids. And that's not what you should want for yourself or your children. But the only way for them to appreciate the necessity that needs to be
267 00:49:24,930 --> 00:49:35,340 really enforced with work ethic and studying is let them taste that shit. They have to taste it saying you don't want to have a job for your progress your
268 00:49:35,340 --> 00:49:39,660 life. You don't want that. You don't want to do that. Trust me. You don't want that son.
269 00:49:41,460 --> 00:49:51,000 It's just going in one ear out the other because they have no real experience doing it. But when they see it, and they live it and they can't be with their
270 00:49:51,000 --> 00:49:59,970 girlfriends, they can't go on a road trip with that mom, they can't do those things because they have a schedule to maintain. The truth be told God's honest
271 00:50:00,000 --> 00:50:07,530 There has been many times where I just wanted to tell this boy, go in there and tell them, you're done. I'm not working today, I'll be back from my check when
272 00:50:07,560 --> 00:50:21,810 whenever it supposed to be. But if I did that, I'm not helping him. I'm not helping him prepare himself to be able to deal with stress, conflict resolution,
273 00:50:22,110 --> 00:50:34,110 work past something, and also defer what he wants to have and what he can have and much more than what he's aware of now, to defer that because he has to learn
274 00:50:34,110 --> 00:50:48,180 a skill set. That impatience factor as a teenager, is still very, very heavy in him. And because we've homeschooled him, he has a different sense of freedom,
275 00:50:49,830 --> 00:50:58,620 where his girlfriend and many of his friends, were stuck in that go to school at this time. And when you get out of school, you got to do homework or go to your
276 00:50:58,620 --> 00:51:14,250 job. And he's had pretty much freedom. Now, maybe homeschooling isn't a thing for you, maybe you can't do it. But if you can, you should be there, everybody
277 00:51:14,250 --> 00:51:24,120 has to have an employment, some kind, whether you're self employed or working for someone else. And today, he understood that a partial, that's more than 50%
278 00:51:24,120 --> 00:51:37,020 of what he's earning right now, with no real effort. No real effort was really needed to do more than half of what he makes. And I told him, I said, I'm not
279 00:51:37,110 --> 00:51:47,250 saying that that is good or bad. I'm just saying, what do you feel about it? And when he didn't answer, like, I want him to I tell him, I said, Do you not see
280 00:51:47,250 --> 00:51:59,310 that, that that's beneficial for you to not have to work so much in terms of time. And you'd have to deal with anybody. And you got that? What happens? If
281 00:51:59,310 --> 00:52:10,260 you just did two of those per week? And it didn't go to your full target? You didn't take the full position off. But you had something like that happened two
282 00:52:10,260 --> 00:52:23,220 times. Is that not better than your full week income? Yes. So why is that not something to start with? Because I was listening to you. And I thought, no, no,
283 00:52:23,220 --> 00:52:32,130 no. Why is it not enough? It is because I want to make a lot of money, right? Everybody does. Everybody listening to me right now wants to make a lot of
284 00:52:32,130 --> 00:52:42,180 money. Some of you have made a lot of money, and you want to learn how to make a lot more. But you have to start somewhere. And you have to have some kind of
285 00:52:42,180 --> 00:52:51,930 humble beginning and humble beginning is not an embarrassment. It's nothing to be embarrassed about. And this is the reason why I tell you stop inviting social
286 00:52:51,930 --> 00:53:01,560 media fuck wads into your career. You're at the early stages. Why would you invite someone to tell you what you should or should not do when they brought
287 00:53:01,560 --> 00:53:12,090 nothing to the table as a alternative with proof that what they're telling you to do is going to work. But it's human nature. It's like the watercooler in the
288 00:53:12,090 --> 00:53:18,510 morning when you get to work. You want to get there early not because you love your employer. You want to get there so you can bullshit with your co workers
289 00:53:18,510 --> 00:53:26,370 and listen to the shit that they're going to talk about. You want to hear them bitch about how their wife didn't let them go to the game. You want to hear them
290 00:53:26,370 --> 00:53:33,660 bitch about how they had to do yard work. And that way it reminds you Hey, I'm not the only guy that has to go through that stuff. Somebody all the guys that
291 00:53:33,660 --> 00:53:41,340 are living, you know, another household know that neighborhood work in the same place I am. They're going through the same stuff like me. So I'm part of the
292 00:53:41,340 --> 00:53:55,200 herd? No, there is no herd mentality. You are an apex predator. You're outside the herd. You're picking these motherfuckers off. You don't want to be a part of
293 00:53:55,200 --> 00:54:10,110 the herd. You have to think differently. You have to behave differently. Everything in a herd gets consumed their food. Now, if you want to walk around
294 00:54:10,110 --> 00:54:19,650 like a sheep, like cattle, and waiting for your time to get picked off, and you're welcome to do that. And I told my son I said, What are you? What are you?
295 00:54:21,570 --> 00:54:34,710 Are you a sheep? Are you a wolf? What's it going to be? Because you can exist for a long time in this life. As a sheep going to work, letting someone tell you
296 00:54:34,770 --> 00:54:42,480 it's time to go over here. It's time to go over there. And you'll look at them as though they're a good shepherd to me. They provide a good life. They give me
297 00:54:42,480 --> 00:54:53,130 a good job. I got a good job. Fuck your good job. I don't want your job. There is no job out there that I want and none of them is good enough for my son. None
298 00:54:53,130 --> 00:55:03,780 of them are good enough for any of my sons. I don't want them working for anyone. I want them to be able to write the check that they want every week,
299 00:55:04,770 --> 00:55:14,790 based on their own efforts or own steam, and managing the risks, and knowing that they may not get the wind that they wanted, it may not pan out, they may
300 00:55:14,790 --> 00:55:25,470 have a loss, but it ain't gonna cause them to go on tilt, and just completely wreck themselves. But you don't know what it's like to think about those things.
301 00:55:25,470 --> 00:55:34,950 In the beginning, the only thing here is thinking is all the upside. And the ones that are conscious about the risk that keeps them from wanting to do
302 00:55:34,950 --> 00:55:47,370 anything, because they're afraid. And that's where he's at right now. Because he put money in out of his own pocket to do these resets. And he felt like that
303 00:55:47,370 --> 00:55:56,430 that was recklessness. And it was. And he doesn't want to do that whole thing all over again. And be reminded of, it didn't work for him, it didn't work for
304 00:55:56,430 --> 00:56:05,400 me. So I said, there's a way to do this. And it's going to be a lot harder now for you because you have this mental scar tissue, which is exactly why I was
305 00:56:05,400 --> 00:56:11,490 trying to teach you the way I was teaching you. So that way, you wouldn't have these things just like when you are listening to me now on these Twitter spaces.
306 00:56:12,210 --> 00:56:18,780 Just when you're watching those videos on YouTube, and I'm talking about the things that are outside the chart that you're gonna have to deal with whether
307 00:56:18,780 --> 00:56:28,080 you like it or not, they're conversations that you need to have. Preferably, before you get to that situation that I'm talking about. Because many times
308 00:56:28,080 --> 00:56:37,080 you're not going to have the skill sets or the coping mechanisms to get you through it unscathed. You're going to hurt yourself, and you're going to go back
309 00:56:37,080 --> 00:56:44,160 and listen to it. I wish I would have watched that video, I wish I would have heard that you heard it. You're just in denial. You didn't listen to it, because
310 00:56:44,280 --> 00:56:53,910 you thought you were going to be the exception to the rule. And you're not all of us are human. All of us have frailties, and issues with us. Mine, a lot more
311 00:56:53,910 --> 00:57:05,250 than some of you. But all of this can be managed. But you got to start with a very small, low hanging fruit objective, and be content with a little bit in the
312 00:57:05,250 --> 00:57:18,690 beginning. Because here's the thing. What happens if you could only just make $250 per trade? Think about it. What happens if that's the best you could arrive
313 00:57:18,690 --> 00:57:28,530 at? Every trade that you take? The best you could get is 250 bucks, is that a failure? Now some of you, especially the young man be like, Come on, man, I
314 00:57:28,530 --> 00:57:46,530 ain't doing trading, it's that much. That's exactly how I thought about to in 1992, that Christmas, I'm sitting there thinking, Man, I gotta at least I gotta
315 00:57:46,530 --> 00:58:00,060 at least make $500 per trade. And I would not accept anything less. If it was a foreign Arwin or I got stopped out and it was $375. I looked at that as a loss.
316 00:58:00,750 --> 00:58:13,710 In my mind, I treated that as a losing trade. And I was programming myself to expect and demand. My full pour in anything less was a failure. Now who was out
317 00:58:13,710 --> 00:58:25,710 to do that? A dumbshit somebody that had no idea what he was doing. And I was brainwashing myself into thinking that profitability at any measure was
318 00:58:25,710 --> 00:58:38,070 counterproductive. wasteful, insignificant. And that's what you're doing probably with a lot of things in trading. It wasn't until I started
319 00:58:38,070 --> 00:58:48,390 understanding high frequency trading algorithms. That whole their whole function. Their whole function was to go in and take very small bites of the
320 00:58:48,390 --> 00:59:02,970 market frequently, all day long. Now, when the developers of an algorithm sit down, and they contemplate how they want to go in and engage market they're not
321 00:59:02,970 --> 00:59:17,760 in there saying the trade has to be 500 out and they're not doing it. They are looking for small little snippets in price delivery, that they know absolutely.
322 00:59:18,300 --> 00:59:32,010 They can get dozens not one time a day, dozens per time, I'm sorry, dozens per day. Think about that. Now think about what you're trying to do. Think about
323 00:59:32,010 --> 00:59:37,650 what you go into my content, trying to squeeze out and say this is what I have to do.
324 00:59:39,690 --> 00:59:51,840 That's not my problem. That's your problem. You're trying to present a feat some outcome that may not be applicable for you and your understanding or your your
325 00:59:51,840 --> 01:00:07,650 present the ability so go back to a simple approach. thinking, Okay, if I could get 250 bucks 250 bucks, you want to here's the here's the fallacy in this
326 01:00:07,650 --> 01:00:18,630 because when I first started understanding this, Larry Williams talked about this a lot in a lot of his systems at the time, and in the 90s, he was wanting a
327 01:00:18,630 --> 01:00:32,160 trade, or a model, or system, if you will, to be able to pay at least $350 per trade. Wait a minute, did you just say Mr. Larry Williams, Mr. 10,000, the $1.2
328 01:00:32,160 --> 01:00:42,930 million in the Robins cup in 1987. That guy said he wants to make at least $300 per trade, or he's, he's not really interested. That means he's not even getting
329 01:00:42,930 --> 01:00:56,820 a full handle in the s&p back then. Because it was 500 hours per handle. But because I was listening to that stuff, and it was a lot of number crunching. And
330 01:00:56,820 --> 01:01:09,480 it was very simplistic roles. That made no sense to me. And many of them, I still don't have any affinity for. But he had an approach that he wanted to take
331 01:01:09,480 --> 01:01:23,190 on. And they had to have this much in terms of that testing, saying it results in yields this much in terms of profit per trade. If you can find a setup that
332 01:01:23,190 --> 01:01:37,860 yields $250, that $200 can be scaled to whatever the fuck you want it to be. What's to honor for the hours, it's five handles, what happens if you get five
333 01:01:37,860 --> 01:01:49,860 handles over the course of a week. And that's all you got? Is that a bad week? Now some of you jokers out there, but this guy's talking about making sure to
334 01:01:49,860 --> 01:02:00,390 document right, but you're the same person that's blown your shitty s count live on live stream. And we all want to do it. Two or three hours more than you had
335 01:02:00,390 --> 01:02:11,190 the beginning of the week is still turning with the hours. If you were broke, and had someone hands you $20, you'd be appreciated, right? If you just did
336 01:02:11,190 --> 01:02:20,490 that, in the beginning, I'm not saying your whole career is this. But in the beginning, if you started with that mindset, and all you were able to scrape out
337 01:02:20,520 --> 01:02:30,300 over the course of the entire week, because you did not push real hard. Because you know that you're not ready to do that. You might want to win a lot every
338 01:02:30,300 --> 01:02:39,750 day. You want to be able to train every single day. But that's not realistic, because you don't have the skill set to do that. And I'm reminding my son that
339 01:02:39,750 --> 01:02:48,840 he doesn't have to do this every day. He needs to taper eat, he needs to execute in front of me because he needs to be conditioned and desensitized from the fear
340 01:02:48,840 --> 01:03:00,300 he has placed on himself because of unrealistic expectations being act upon. He tried to do it his own way. Well, it was everybody in retail does that.
341 01:03:02,010 --> 01:03:11,730 Everybody does. They read a book, they think they are going to go in and apply that stuff. Because they don't mind it is to watch this video on waterblocks. I
342 01:03:11,730 --> 01:03:17,970 watched his video on optimal trade entry. You know, I watched the Super Bowl, I'm going out there and trading silver bullet and then read their tweets to me.
343 01:03:18,780 --> 01:03:28,560 Why is this failing? Again? Well, first of all, you're doing it wrong. Everybody wants to be in a hurry to go out and do something to make money. When you have
344 01:03:28,560 --> 01:03:39,870 to figure out what it is you're going to do to mess yourself up. And that's why one year minimum is ideal. That's not what you want to hear. I know. But that's
345 01:03:39,870 --> 01:03:50,250 exactly what you need to hear. He can't figure this stuff out on a unique personal level. fast tracking and trying to do it real quick. You cannot it's
346 01:03:50,250 --> 01:04:00,570 impossible. Nobody's going to do this for you. Nobody, nobody's going to shorten it for you. Nobody's gonna make it easier for you. Because you are bringing the
347 01:04:00,570 --> 01:04:13,290 same bullshit that everybody else is brought into it. It's mental baggage. And social media brings more of that. Trying to stand out trying to make a you got
348 01:04:13,290 --> 01:04:19,170 to defend my mentor, I got to make myself look profitable. I got to be able to keep up with the people that are renting cars I all this stuff. It's all
349 01:04:19,170 --> 01:04:29,400 bullshit. And if I did not stop on the throat of Cameron, to tell him that that's not the right way of doing it. Now. That's the direction he would go.
350 01:04:30,390 --> 01:04:40,020 Because you know what started all this stuff is he wants to go out there and troll the trolls. And it's almost a you're already doing it wrong. You can do
351 01:04:40,020 --> 01:04:50,970 that. But that can't be the reason why you're doing it. That can't be the reason why. Because if that's the reason why you're going to rush you're going to rush
352 01:04:50,970 --> 01:05:05,370 to do something that is not needed. It's not needed. You need the bells We'll set because once I move on, if you want to live beyond what are able to live
353 01:05:05,370 --> 01:05:17,940 like, now, you want to earn a lot of money. This skill set can do that for you. But you have to grow over time. And you had to figure out what you think as a
354 01:05:17,940 --> 01:05:28,380 human being. What greed is going to feel like when you start feeling it when you are profitable. When you're consistently profitable. That doesn't mean no
355 01:05:28,380 --> 01:05:39,630 losses, it means you close the week, you close the month, you're in gain, you're in profit. It doesn't have to be a lot. You're just not losing. There's nothing
356 01:05:39,630 --> 01:05:51,750 wrong with that. And I told him that acid, I want you to see what it feels like to be at breakeven, majority of the day. So when he wasn't getting it correct,
357 01:05:52,020 --> 01:06:03,450 I'd say okay. Bye here. And as soon as it gets above that love right there, I want you to close it, do not use a limit order. I want you to feel it, I want
358 01:06:03,450 --> 01:06:12,480 you to feel it while you're in it. And as soon as I tell you go, you buy it. And when it gets to that level, you sell it. Sometimes he would sell it before he
359 01:06:12,480 --> 01:06:24,870 got to the level. I said, Why did you do that? Because I was afraid. Why did you not listen to me? You're not listening. 30 years of experience against yours. If
360 01:06:24,870 --> 01:06:34,050 you're not going to listen, you're not going to learn. And other times he'd hold past the level. And it would fall back on a little bit. So Casey, what you said
361 01:06:34,050 --> 01:06:43,290 there? You had you had the right amount of gain. But you held on too long. Why do you do that? Because I thought if I keep going, I didn't tell you to do that.
362 01:06:46,080 --> 01:06:56,160 And he would get frustrated and start getting antsy. I said, why? What do you what are you feeling right now? I'm just I'm done. I'm done dead? I'm done. I
363 01:06:56,160 --> 01:07:08,880 said no, no, this is exactly where you need to be at. This is where you will do what you did. By failing at this multiple combines that frustration, that
364 01:07:08,880 --> 01:07:20,280 feeling of I need to do something to replace this feeling. That's where it all comes from. Everybody that ever blows in account is in that state of mind. And
365 01:07:20,280 --> 01:07:27,330 if they don't start there, when they're in a trade that they know damn well has gone tits up and he got to pay out. They know they should get out and he don't.
366 01:07:28,470 --> 01:07:37,020 Men, they're in that moment. They're in that mindset then. But they can't bring themselves to get out of the trade and close it. And I put him in those today.
367 01:07:40,260 --> 01:07:50,880 Lots of executions, lots of them. And we hung around breakeven. And I told him, I said, What's it feel like he goes, Well, we were up a lot, we were down a lot.
368 01:07:50,880 --> 01:07:58,350 And then I said, What's a lot a couple $100 here a couple 100 hours here, I said, you're saying a lot because that's in relationship to what you earn on a
369 01:07:58,350 --> 01:08:11,130 weekly say, weekly payroll. But the most you lost them was down was like 500 bucks. And you only went there one time. But every time you went up, you'd come
370 01:08:11,130 --> 01:08:19,920 back, download it. And every time you go back back up, you make a new equity high. And you come right back down the middle, hanging around breakeven, go back
371 01:08:19,920 --> 01:08:27,900 down, breakeven go up a little bit more. And then I said, Now think about what you're doing all these transactions Do you want your trading to be this many
372 01:08:27,900 --> 01:08:37,980 trades, because there's a lot of people out on social media that will show you at the end of the day, this is what I made. Look, I was able to profit today.
373 01:08:39,150 --> 01:08:52,770 But they don't show you the 50 transactions they took there's nothing wrong with working your ass off to get out of something. If you're if you're really gung ho
374 01:08:52,770 --> 01:09:01,050 about trying to make a profit on the day, sometimes you're gonna get into a market environment where you have to work a lot to get it to come out or if you
375 01:09:01,050 --> 01:09:10,470 go into drawing and do it wrong. You're human, you do it incorrectly, and you go into a losing trade and try to get it back into another losing trade. You have
376 01:09:10,470 --> 01:09:22,020 to stop or know that you can come out of it. And that's why I tell them one and a half percent your maximum because that one half percent. You should now know
377 01:09:22,590 --> 01:09:35,100 you've made $544 today. Think about that. Now. You if you can make that. That means you can risk that.
378 01:09:37,260 --> 01:09:49,020 You got to be able to go out there and find like algorithm and high frequency trading developers. They go out there and they look for a trade. It may be 100
379 01:09:49,020 --> 01:10:01,500 bucks may not be 250 bucks. But what they're doing is they're looking for something that they specialize in that that algorithm will go in and monetize a
380 01:10:01,500 --> 01:10:14,820 fluctuation based on this repeating phenomenon that happens all day long. And that same little tiny little piece, one little bite of price action, throughout
381 01:10:14,820 --> 01:10:30,060 the day, done hundreds of times 1000s of transactions a day, they're pulling out money you can't even fathom. Because they're taking something with a cookie
382 01:10:30,060 --> 01:10:39,510 cutter approach, something that they can repeat over and over and over again, every single one that PDE arrays that I've taught you are just like that. That's
383 01:10:39,510 --> 01:10:49,200 what high frequency trading algorithms that people have learned from me, they have used these things now. They can go out and find them any timeframe. That's
384 01:10:49,200 --> 01:11:00,750 why I went down into the sub one minute charts to tell you that this stuff is in there all day long. All day long. Oh, this is a shitty market, it doesn't, it's
385 01:11:00,750 --> 01:11:09,270 not moving around, it shouldn't chop, we're in some real chop the chops real man, the charts real no slicing and dicing, on a sudden, one minute chart,
386 01:11:09,810 --> 01:11:17,880 they're still breakers and all that chart, there's still institutional order flows. In all that chop on a sub one minute chart, you have to know where it's
387 01:11:17,880 --> 01:11:28,530 gonna go even in a small little choppy range, if you want to call it that, you can anticipate what pool of liquidity is going to go in. In that one hour. I can
388 01:11:28,530 --> 01:11:41,640 trade in an individual 60 minute range in beat everybody's assets on social media. And I said that, yes. That's not arrogance, that's just the facts.
389 01:11:42,150 --> 01:11:53,160 Because I understand what price is going to do. I understand how I can mess it up. And I can wait for those perfect instances where everything makes perfect
390 01:11:53,160 --> 01:12:02,310 sense to engage right then and there. And I know the times that hurt me, I know when it could look like there's an opportunity. And it's really not their
391 01:12:03,990 --> 01:12:12,750 experience is going to dictate that. And I told him today that there's going to be a lot of lessons that you're going to learn that are not going to be in my
392 01:12:12,750 --> 01:12:20,910 video, they're not going to be in our discussions, it's going to be what you have discovered about yourself. And you're going to find that you're going to
393 01:12:20,910 --> 01:12:31,170 excel in certain instances, something just really revs you up, you see this opportunity, it makes so much sense to you. And you're not demanding it pays
394 01:12:31,170 --> 01:12:41,070 more than it would any other time. It's a profitable opportunity. And you may not have the equity to do 100 contracts at a time, when you start doing it.
395 01:12:41,550 --> 01:12:50,430 Start with one and you build up. And when you make enough equity to be able to do too comfortably and not go over one and a half percent risk, then and only
396 01:12:50,430 --> 01:13:04,860 then do you do it. But every single trade that you make and put one it's never, it's never to be taken where you can at least get that same trade paid out to
397 01:13:04,860 --> 01:13:12,900 you at least two or three times in the same day. And I'll say that, again, in layman's terms for the folks that don't really understand or appreciate what it
398 01:13:12,900 --> 01:13:30,540 is said. One and a half percent of your equity. If you can't find a trade two or three times intraday with that yield on individual basis, two or three times.
399 01:13:31,950 --> 01:13:45,180 You have no business taking that risk on. Think about it. Because what you're doing is you're demanding that you find a needle in the haystack, in your
400 01:13:45,180 --> 01:13:58,620 limited understanding of the marketplace, and your limited experience doing it. In the most difficult market conditions I have ever been in you. You you're
401 01:13:58,620 --> 01:14:07,200 going to be the person that can just go out here and walk out there and do that. I'm sorry, but you won't, you won't be. So don't put yourself through it and
402 01:14:07,200 --> 01:14:15,960 discourage yourself through failure. make allowances for yourself to spend a little bit more time learning how to do it. Do it the right way. So that way you
403 01:14:15,960 --> 01:14:28,230 enjoy the process. It should not be a draining effort for you to want to do this. And some of you it the way you talk in your tweets. It seems like
404 01:14:28,380 --> 01:14:40,680 somebody's twisting your arm and it ain't me. If you're not having fun doing this, it's not for you, but you're grossly doing it incorrectly. Making money is
405 01:14:40,680 --> 01:14:50,730 the the end result of you doing things, learning how to do it and having fun having done it but not being on an emotional high that you have to have a win
406 01:14:50,760 --> 01:15:02,910 all the time, or that you're chasing it like a high and the only way you feel that or understand and appreciate it is when you lose Real money. The people
407 01:15:02,910 --> 01:15:10,110 that lose real money, know exactly what I've just said, and it resonates with them. But if you've only been in demo, you don't even you haven't even came to
408 01:15:10,110 --> 01:15:23,970 the dance yet. You just you're a spectator, not a speculator. As soon as you put risk on the line, it all changes. So you have to have some measure of experience
409 01:15:23,970 --> 01:15:33,990 that you didn't just get last week, Washington, five minute trainer, the cliffnotes of something that took 30 years to be placed in your hands now.
410 01:15:35,700 --> 01:15:42,780 There's a lot of things that you're gonna learn about yourself. And you're gonna laugh. When you look back at how you thought you were ready to trade when you
411 01:15:42,780 --> 01:15:53,250 were not. You were not. I know I wasn't. There's no shame in it. There's no shame in it. But right now, you would never do that. Because it sounds like
412 01:15:53,760 --> 01:16:02,010 you're not smart enough. That would be like admitting weakness. And that's exactly what my son's struggling with right now. See, he's at the peak of his
413 01:16:02,010 --> 01:16:15,810 testosterone. He's, he's at the height of his strength, his muscularity, he's he's in his mind, his present age, he's at the peak. And young men, you know
414 01:16:15,810 --> 01:16:22,020 what I was like, when you were a teenager, you thought you could jump over buildings and nobody could kick your ass. You were the best looking person on
415 01:16:22,020 --> 01:16:34,530 the world. Everyone wants to be with you. Unrealistic viewpoints of yourself. And see he did damage to himself. He did damage. And he bragged to his friends.
416 01:16:34,920 --> 01:16:45,810 He bragged to his girlfriend, that he was going to do this and he was going to do that. And he couldn't do it. Now he has that. He's wrestling with that. And
417 01:16:45,810 --> 01:16:58,500 now because he didn't do it successfully, like he walked out and thought he was gonna want to do it. He's doubting and doubt, in a hurt bruised pride in a man.
418 01:16:59,430 --> 01:17:14,640 It's dangerous. They'll it'll make you do stupid shit. It'll make you do dumb stuff. So most of today, it was me just cleaning those wounds, reminding him
419 01:17:14,640 --> 01:17:28,830 that it's normal. Dad went through that I did all that stuff. I did all that stuff and worse. And Nevers, nobody here, telling me this, I fix it. So I was
420 01:17:28,830 --> 01:17:38,400 trying to find my way through it all. And making it longer than has to be and it's painful. So when I talk to you, and I make these conversations available to
421 01:17:38,400 --> 01:17:48,810 you, it's for your edification and so that you don't go through it, like I did. Set where you can avoid it and appreciate it. You know what, I don't want to
422 01:17:48,810 --> 01:17:55,710 make those mistakes. I'm glad ICT went through it. I'm sorry, he went through it. But I'm glad he went through it. And he's telling me how I don't have to go
423 01:17:55,710 --> 01:18:07,110 through that. That's the that's the wisdom. In a student that's listening to me, not this guy talks and he likes to hear himself talk. Now, I don't give a fuck
424 01:18:07,110 --> 01:18:13,680 that. That's how you think Get the fuck out of here. You're not somebody that wants to learn, you're a clown, you will be broke, you work in the rest of your
425 01:18:13,680 --> 01:18:23,430 fucking life, you will not be able to be profitable as a trader. So just get the fucking step and the people that really want to be here and make themselves a
426 01:18:23,430 --> 01:18:32,670 profitable student that trades and earns their own money. They want to know how they're possibly going to mess it up. And I'm not going to talk to you always in
427 01:18:32,670 --> 01:18:41,700 a refined manner. I'm live I don't have a filter right now. So I'm going to feel the impulses and the emotional charge that I remember going through. It's all
428 01:18:41,700 --> 01:18:49,680 real stuff for me. I went through this stuff and it was painful. And it's painful to remember what it was like for me and I know that some of you are
429 01:18:49,680 --> 01:19:02,310 going through it right now. And it's normal. And you can get through it. You can grow out of it. Use it like rocket fuel. It'll be the deterrence to never doing
430 01:19:02,310 --> 01:19:13,830 those same things again, because you know what it's done to you. You don't want to relive that. You have now a reason to appreciate the rattlesnake that those
431 01:19:13,830 --> 01:19:23,850 circumstances provide, you know, walking into that situation again, it's like a rattlesnakes tail just shaken. You don't need to go back in there again. You
432 01:19:23,850 --> 01:19:34,290 know what it's like so avoid it don't try to push and make money in those situations. Just relax take the day off take the session off don't do it. That
433 01:19:34,290 --> 01:19:38,400 ICT I'm just be an everyday trader and who the hell said that? Wasn't me
434 01:19:42,630 --> 01:19:56,010 so having a very, very low expectation of yourself. Yes. Five handles is a wonderful target. realistic target in the beginning, if you're absolutely scared
435 01:19:56,010 --> 01:20:06,510 to death, if you're scared to death of take swing trades, and you don't want to get into a trade because you're just afraid to do it. Feel what it's like to
436 01:20:06,510 --> 01:20:16,560 desensitize yourself to go in and execute and put a limit order on one handle, put put a trade on, if it runs up one handle, it will close the trade out. And
437 01:20:16,560 --> 01:20:27,210 that's one handle. It's $50 is not a lot of money. And if you do this over and over and over again, with a demo account, you will get over the fear of
438 01:20:27,480 --> 01:20:40,560 entering, then you add one more handle to it. Put on an entry, reach for two. And you'll see even with static price action, if you know where the markets
439 01:20:40,560 --> 01:20:48,180 likely to go, doesn't mean you're right. This means that this is the next draw on liquidity. This is where the obvious equal highs are, this is where they
440 01:20:48,180 --> 01:20:58,200 haven't been all day. Let's aim in that direction. And then put a trade on and try to go for one handle. And do that all day long. Working with a one minute
441 01:20:58,200 --> 01:21:07,770 chart. It's not about how much drawdown you have. Don't worry about that. Because if you're trying to measure that, you need to get into the pushing of
442 01:21:07,770 --> 01:21:20,400 the button. And just looking for a small transaction. That's it. Over time, by gradually working into one more handle one more up to five, you'll completely
443 01:21:20,400 --> 01:21:28,650 desensitize yourself to the outcome, it won't matter to you. Because you've done it so many times you're bored by it, you don't care. But think about what you're
444 01:21:28,650 --> 01:21:36,630 doing with your demo account right now, think about what you're doing with your combine challenges. You're gambling, you're literally gambling, the whole time
445 01:21:36,630 --> 01:21:44,250 you're dealing you're scared. You're anxious, you're hoping and praying you can get that certificate says you're funded, because you can't wait to go on social
446 01:21:44,250 --> 01:21:54,750 and show it that you're never gonna show anything after that. Cuz chances are you probably will blow it. When you get to the funding level. Nobody will see
447 01:21:54,750 --> 01:22:05,730 your payouts, certificates or confirmations. But you did something you showed the world that you got funded, you pass the combine. I don't want any of my
448 01:22:05,730 --> 01:22:19,770 students thinking that's a success story that says that's not that's just okay, you showed up to the dance now dance. All these certificates, they're wonderful
449 01:22:19,770 --> 01:22:26,310 little hurdles for you to get across in the beginning. I'm not trying to minimize that if you've never done it. Wonderful. That's where you're gonna go.
450 01:22:27,990 --> 01:22:37,740 But you have to have some kind of vision beyond that. What are you going to do once you are funded? Because chances are you're not really responsible. You're
451 01:22:37,740 --> 01:22:47,910 not organized. Unless you're thinking like I'm trying to suggest to you in my teachings and lectures in here tonight. You have to have some measure of
452 01:22:47,910 --> 01:22:59,160 controlling yourself and thinking about things correctly. Don't just go in impulsively trying to execute my son my own DNA, flesh and blood. There was no
453 01:22:59,160 --> 01:23:10,170 magic because he came from the fruit of my loins, okay. It was no mystical, magical powers transferred to him. He did like anybody else would do the wrong
454 01:23:10,170 --> 01:23:21,960 shit. Well, here's your results. impossibly tried to do something he wasn't ready to do. And now he has the mental baggage from it, that I told him and I
455 01:23:21,960 --> 01:23:35,790 tell all of you how you can avoid all that. So now he has to wrestle through all of that pride that bruised ego and concerned about what if he doesn't really
456 01:23:35,820 --> 01:23:49,620 still learn how to do it. You have no idea the impact that has on a person, especially a male, we are performance oriented. From sexuality, to physical
457 01:23:49,620 --> 01:24:01,590 appearance to workplace sports, we are all about measuring. It's all it is it's measuring. And ladies don't think that way. And that's why they're better
458 01:24:01,590 --> 01:24:13,620 traders. So if you cause the damage in your, in your psyche early on, you will carry that the rest of your career. You might become better at coping with it,
459 01:24:13,830 --> 01:24:27,240 but it never goes away. It will always be that little that little limp. That little kick in your back that little bum knee sensation you get when it rains.
460 01:24:28,170 --> 01:24:35,700 It will always be there. When you do certain trades. It'll it'll jog your memory of it. And then while you're in a trade, you'll be thinking about how was it
461 01:24:35,700 --> 01:24:41,370 done trade? Is this going to be like one of those again? Are you are you focusing on that trade? Are you worried about and reliving and having a
462 01:24:41,370 --> 01:24:55,050 flashback moment? Having PTSD episode? As soon as you lose sight of your trade in the beginning, not 30 years later, the beginning soon as you lose focus and
463 01:24:55,050 --> 01:25:05,880 you start having your attention somewhere else. Close the trade. You've lost the plot Oh, this guy just said clothes, you need to reward yourself for being
464 01:25:05,880 --> 01:25:15,930 disciplined. Discipline is not taught, you can't buy it in a course, you can't read it in a book and acquire it. You can't have a five minute trainer or
465 01:25:15,930 --> 01:25:36,090 cliffnotes edition of anything myself or anyone elses and get discipline. It's forged through pain, struggle. And finding the outcome that is favorable, that
466 01:25:36,090 --> 01:25:45,780 you couldn't identify or see at the time. And the cause over time you do these types of things. And you know what it was like to be going through it painfully
467 01:25:45,960 --> 01:25:53,070 doing things that you shouldn't do, taking on more risk, taking on more contracts, because I know what you're thinking is the same thing that I just
468 01:25:53,070 --> 01:26:06,420 talked about, and my son lived it, they will tell you that you can trade up to 15 contracts with us 150,000 Our account? Sure, sure, you can do that. And
469 01:26:06,420 --> 01:26:16,440 you're thinking, well, it's worth the risk. It's like a lottery scratch off, it only cost the whatever it was, I don't even know what they cost to get the
470 01:26:16,440 --> 01:26:23,700 Combine started. But what happens if it works, man, so like a big shortcut, because if I can get the funded, something magical is gonna happen, I'll learn
471 01:26:23,700 --> 01:26:32,730 how to trade then. It sounds funny, and probably something of your life that you that's exactly what you were thinking to, you know, as long as I got to find a
472 01:26:32,730 --> 01:26:42,150 park, then I'll know what I'm gonna do, I'll pick the right trades, then I'm just, I want to hurry, I just want to get through that first stage. And these
473 01:26:42,150 --> 01:26:57,870 funding companies are loving that, to make lots of money with reset these. You can do this. But you have to change how you think. You have to lower your
474 01:26:57,930 --> 01:27:08,070 expectations. And that's not a bad thing. Trade with one contract, trade with one contract. And I promise you, this is what you're going to have happen.
475 01:27:08,520 --> 01:27:13,800 You're going to use one contract, you're still going to trade impulsively, you're still going to get in here because you want to have something good to
476 01:27:13,800 --> 01:27:29,850 happen. And then you're going to go into drawdown. And at one contract, you'll have three handles, become seven handles drawdown stop, you can afford to trade
477 01:27:29,850 --> 01:27:45,030 more because the max loss day, whatever it may be, you're not there yet. Still stop, can you stop 99% of you won't. That's a problem. That is a problem.
478 01:27:46,470 --> 01:27:56,250 Because if you can't control yourself and say, You know what? I can stop right now. And I'll come back tomorrow, even if this does move where I thought was
479 01:27:56,250 --> 01:28:03,990 gonna go today. Or if it moves even way beyond that, it doesn't matter because you weren't in that trade. So you can't regret it. You weren't in that trade, so
480 01:28:03,990 --> 01:28:18,240 you can't regret it. You have to start somewhere. Forging discipline, being self responsible. And that way you know, that you can control yourself in the future.
481 01:28:18,480 --> 01:28:27,480 And you can trust yourself because what you're doing and you don't realize it you're pushing the button in these instances with a demo account or in a combine
482 01:28:27,480 --> 01:28:37,980 because you know that you wouldn't be losing that money. If it's wrong, that's money that money is not coming out of your bank account. It's not coming out of
483 01:28:37,980 --> 01:28:48,960 your live equity. So it gives you this sense of false sense of security and it's also it feels like you have all upside no downside but you still have to pay for
484 01:28:48,960 --> 01:28:56,220 a reset and you're paying in time you're wasting time instead of just doing it the right way
485 01:29:01,740 --> 01:29:13,620 every one of these combines every single one of them all of you could do it in a month all of you could do it in a month but all of you want to do it in the
486 01:29:13,620 --> 01:29:28,110 minimum time all of you want to do it in some guys challenge on YouTube. Do it in this amount of time. How about make $5 million after taxes let's let's talk
487 01:29:28,110 --> 01:29:38,280 real money. Okay stop with the Mickey Mouse shit all these challenges do this and do that no, no, no, no, no, no. I'm teaching you how to be the best trader
488 01:29:38,280 --> 01:29:52,110 that you can be. And if you want to listen to other people tell you shit. You're welcome to do that. But that combine whatever company you're using every single
489 01:29:52,200 --> 01:30:06,030 one of them or Mickey Mouse level, easy. Day collectively understand that you are going to do what I've been talking about in this entire Twitter space
490 01:30:06,030 --> 01:30:17,760 tonight. You're going to be reckless, you're going to be impatient. You want to just get through that first step, that unprofitable, unfunded challenge that
491 01:30:17,760 --> 01:30:33,990 contest who you compete against you. You are you are competing with yourself. And when you blow it, who do you lose to? You, too? Doesn't it make sense to
492 01:30:33,990 --> 01:30:42,720 figure out what the fuck you're doing wrong? And that's why I talk like this. That's why I talk about the things outside of the concept and a video that you
493 01:30:42,720 --> 01:30:54,870 think I'm talking about dumb shit, I saw a guy on one of the dudes that take my Twitter spaces, and it'll it'll be in YouTube, he does the comment section of
494 01:30:54,870 --> 01:31:01,050 some goober, if you want to make money, or if you want to have more people watch your videos, you can cut the bullshit out and just get to the trading parts.
495 01:31:01,890 --> 01:31:11,640 Dude, you're listening to this, you are absolutely fucking doomed. You're never gonna make any money. The fact that you don't want to listen to someone that has
496 01:31:11,640 --> 01:31:20,250 gone through it, figured out how to fix it, and has taught other people how to do it. And they're making fortunes because they have adjusted and did these
497 01:31:20,250 --> 01:31:32,160 things in their own trading. There is no shortcut. There's no, there's no way around these things, whether you are met with it right now. Or in the future,
498 01:31:32,370 --> 01:31:42,600 every single one of you, you will come across this bridge in the road. And either you stop trading, because these things are going to be in front of you
499 01:31:42,930 --> 01:31:53,700 these problems that every trader has. Or you learn how to deal with it on an individual basis that you are going to wrestle with things that the next person
500 01:31:53,700 --> 01:32:11,850 isn't. But it's all the same things. Uncertainty, performance, anxiety, rushing, not being organized. And the top of the list, unrealistic expectations. My son
501 01:32:11,850 --> 01:32:20,910 went into it thinking I'm ICT son is going to be easy, like video games are going to tell my dad this is what I did Bada bing, bada boom, it's done. Yeah, a
502 01:32:20,910 --> 01:32:32,940 lot of bing bada boom, you got your it's done. It's over. Now you got to fix it. But now you have a harder because you have to fix all of that negative thinking.
503 01:32:34,170 --> 01:32:46,350 You got to cope with that now, which makes everything exponentially harder, but not impossible. But much, much harder. And when I talk to you this way, and most
504 01:32:46,350 --> 01:32:58,050 of this stuff is designed for my kids. I'm telling them how to avoid all these things. And two of my boys now have tasted this shit. Cody thought he's gonna
505 01:32:58,050 --> 01:33:14,190 whip Kryptos ass and it whipped as as I told him to stay away from it didn't listen. Okay. He's not trying to treat the sour by it doesn't want to talk about
506 01:33:14,190 --> 01:33:24,600 it. Doesn't care. Okay, I get it. He wants to be the owner of his stepfather's business and he thinks he's going to be passed on to him. I don't think that's
507 01:33:24,600 --> 01:33:42,240 going to happen. But he's an adult that didn't do what he wants to do. Cameron, tried to do it the the video game approach. All right. Caleb, slow and steady.
508 01:33:42,660 --> 01:33:54,540 Not trying to be big, not trying to worry about you getting out of his job real quick, just real slow and steady, real slow and steady. And he'll get there. I'm
509 01:33:54,540 --> 01:34:08,250 confident. I'm confident he will have all the traits that I want. All of my, all of my kids and all of you as my students to have. He's not in a hurry to go in
510 01:34:08,250 --> 01:34:18,570 and tell his boss, I don't need to be here anymore. And because of that, he has the right mindset and it'll carry him. He has no girlfriend. No social life.
511 01:34:18,630 --> 01:34:36,720 It's work study markets. That might not be for you. Okay. I already said I'm not for everyone. The markets are not for everyone. But there is no sugar coated
512 01:34:37,350 --> 01:34:48,630 cookie cutter approach, that you're gonna be able to walk out there. Start making money, have no problems, no issues mentally no baggage, no drawdown that
513 01:34:48,630 --> 01:35:01,620 cause you to think recklessly. There's nobody teaching this stuff. They're all trying to entice you to buy courses, buy memberships buy products. Follow me
514 01:35:01,710 --> 01:35:13,590 copy me trading you have to deal with the realities of you're going to do it wrong. What are you going to do when you do it wrong? How are you going to cope
515 01:35:13,590 --> 01:35:26,610 with it? How are you going to get past it? I've been there. I've been there lots of times. And I thought I had it figured out way faster than I really needed to
516 01:35:26,610 --> 01:35:40,500 invest more time. But I had to discover this stuff, going through it, patching myself up, stopping the bleeding, and working extra jobs, when I didn't have a
517 01:35:40,500 --> 01:35:48,780 whole lot of free time as it was just to get a little bit of money to start doing all over again, and making the same mistakes, thinking that I was gonna
518 01:35:48,780 --> 01:36:00,030 get a different result. And many of you're doing that, even with my concepts, you're trying to force something that's not in the chart. You're trying to see
519 01:36:00,030 --> 01:36:08,790 of a breaker, you're trying to see a fair value gap, but a silver bullet, because you want to be there, you're impatient and waiting for it to form. You
520 01:36:08,790 --> 01:36:18,540 want to be there. So you're going to look for it and dammit, you're going to see it. They're like inkblots, the Rorschach. They're, they're projecting what you
521 01:36:18,540 --> 01:36:30,570 want to see. And you're fooling yourself. Instead of understanding how to read price for real. And you can't do that quickly. I've never said that you could do
522 01:36:30,570 --> 01:36:44,820 it quickly. But once you understand how to read price. And you understand how to determine where the draw and liquidity is. 90 Fucking days, you apply that
523 01:36:44,820 --> 01:36:52,680 silver bullet, you don't need a job. That is not 90 days, you can quit your job. There's people out there taking my you know my comments and making YouTube
524 01:36:52,710 --> 01:37:01,710 channel videos, saying I'm going out there and telling you how to quit your job in 90 days. Now, you have to at least know what price is doing. Apart from the
525 01:37:01,710 --> 01:37:10,950 silver bullet, silver bullets, just a multiplier. It's a model that lets you go in and act on what you should already understand about the marketplace. You're
526 01:37:10,950 --> 01:37:23,070 not doing that in 90 Fucking days. Okay, you're not? You will not okay, so we were understanding ourselves. But if you spent a year back testing and tape
527 01:37:23,070 --> 01:37:34,440 reading, and you get a really good feel for what markets are doing and how they work from one liquidity to the next, look at the video I put up once for life. I
528 01:37:34,440 --> 01:37:44,400 literally tell you how to go on air and use the previous sessions liquidity. And for the folks that are asking me, Can you teach the london session just look at
529 01:37:44,400 --> 01:37:55,380 the previous day's Afternoon pm session on why you're making it hard. That's what you do. That's all you do. Apply that in between the two o'clock and five
530 01:37:55,380 --> 01:38:03,990 o'clock in the morning. My nothing kills them. Whether it's Forex or futures, it doesn't fucking matter. It's the same stuff that you are all complicating
531 01:38:03,990 --> 01:38:15,930 something I've made very simple. Because you're bringing something that you think is a mountain issue. And it's not, it's insignificant, but because of your
532 01:38:15,930 --> 01:38:25,380 impatience, because the lack of discipline and self control over yourself, you're making it something bigger. And it's the perfect excuse to say, I don't
533 01:38:25,380 --> 01:38:33,570 have to do it. And it's not working for me it's not profitable, because it is not teaching me this and that I've already told it that you don't want to put
534 01:38:33,570 --> 01:38:48,270 the work into it just like my own son didn't want to. And he saw how that worked. And today he had a taste of it for real. And he's drained.
535 01:38:50,130 --> 01:39:03,090 Yeah, this is what it's like. It's like fucking bootcamp. Six weeks, you go in there, fluffy for fucking ding dongs and bonbons and they whip your ass in the
536 01:39:03,090 --> 01:39:12,690 shade and six weeks. You're salty shit, you want to get there and chew somebody's liver from their abdomen? Well, some people need to go through that.
537 01:39:13,800 --> 01:39:22,440 They discover that they're their biggest adversary, they're their biggest problem. And most people will be quick to point the finger outside of
538 01:39:22,440 --> 01:39:33,090 themselves. Oh, that guy, that guy that thing was not profitable. Because this and that. You just didn't do what was required. You have to step into that
539 01:39:33,540 --> 01:39:45,840 uncomfortable area of development. Just like weight training, dieting, anything worth having and maintaining is going to require effort and you're trying to
540 01:39:45,840 --> 01:39:57,180 learn the highest form of financial education on the planet. Think about what you're expecting. You think that you're just going to roller skate into this
541 01:39:57,180 --> 01:40:11,670 shit with $500 See on our account, and all of a sudden, now you're fucking rich. This is not Instagram, okay? That's all bullshit over there, it's going to take
542 01:40:11,670 --> 01:40:20,250 you a lot more time, a lot more effort and a whole lot more money than you're willing to put into it. And now there's other avenues where these funding
543 01:40:20,250 --> 01:40:33,120 companies are making it available to you. That resource while it's available, it might be worth it, I'm not saying you should, it might be worth it for you to do
544 01:40:33,120 --> 01:40:46,380 it. But you won't beat it. Unless you're disciplined, you won't beat it unless you're organized, you won't beat it. You won't beat that combine. If you do not
545 01:40:46,590 --> 01:41:00,990 have the right mindset, and have control over yourself and say, Okay, this is all I'm doing. Is all I'm doing. To you think 10 handle runs 20 handle runs when
546 01:41:00,990 --> 01:41:08,880 I'm doing I'm like, Man, I wish I could do that. You know what you should be doing? You should be saying I want to be good at getting consistently three
547 01:41:08,880 --> 01:41:22,950 handles, not even five. Start there. If five too much. Start with three. Once a day, if you can do it, then start aiming for one in the morning, one an
548 01:41:22,950 --> 01:41:36,450 afternoon, that's six candles a day. In 10 days, you could work to share that combine if you did that, with one contract. You don't need it use their high end
549 01:41:36,480 --> 01:41:48,690 versus how many contracts you can trade. It's you don't need it. One contract, you can replace what you earn at majority of what your present income is not
550 01:41:48,690 --> 01:41:58,290 another saw your six figure people that have careers and such and God bless you for it. But the majority of folks in America don't make six figures. majority of
551 01:41:58,290 --> 01:42:13,380 them don't even make 50,000 a year. It's sad. But you can make $50,000 Easy as fuck. Even with that little $50,000 Low rung from that account. So I told him, I
552 01:42:13,380 --> 01:42:23,220 said, think about like that 50,000. That's all you got. You can't get the 100,000 you can't get the 150,000 You got to make it work with the 50,000. If
553 01:42:23,220 --> 01:42:33,720 you don't trade more than one contract, and you can replace your jobs income, is that a failure? He's now the awesome, right. So why didn't you think about that
554 01:42:33,720 --> 01:42:51,300 when you were doing the other shit? Well, because I want because you want that's the problem. You want wanting is a problem. You need to slow the fuck down. You
555 01:42:51,300 --> 01:43:03,510 have to slow down. All of that and more is available to the people that understand themselves, the markets and the timing aspect. All of you know, all
556 01:43:03,510 --> 01:43:17,010 of you now in the United States, at least, what took place yesterday in our country. for July, it's a holiday. So the protocol is expectations low. Now, we
557 01:43:17,010 --> 01:43:26,040 moved a lot in the morning. uncharacteristic uncharacteristically, that's fine. But what do we have in the afternoon? FOMC minutes. Now, typically, that's not a
558 01:43:26,040 --> 01:43:39,390 big mover, but it causes a little flurry of action. So was today a easy day? Not if you're brand new? No, it's not. So if you felt overwhelmed, it's normal. It's
559 01:43:39,390 --> 01:43:49,830 absolutely normal. And you shouldn't be beating yourself up. If you lost money, trying to do something today. Learn from it, but don't beat yourself up. But
560 01:43:49,830 --> 01:43:59,880 it's easy to try to tell yourself, why bother, I'm going to fail. I'm never going to do this. I've lost money, blah, blah. I was the guy out talking to last
561 01:43:59,880 --> 01:44:11,190 week. I think it was last week or over the weekend, saying you know, thanks for everything I see. But I was too much money. I gotta stop. Right away. I knew
562 01:44:11,190 --> 01:44:21,900 that the guy was trading before he should have. And I didn't want to Twitter beat him up. But you knew who you are. You rushed into that. Because you are
563 01:44:21,990 --> 01:44:32,340 probably overwhelmed in debt. You're probably overwhelmed with the pressures of the world and your personal life and you need to make a change. Everybody has
564 01:44:32,760 --> 01:44:44,610 room to make change. But in this industry, you can't speed it up. Just because you need it because you want it is it going to make it manifest itself. Okay. I
565 01:44:44,610 --> 01:44:53,730 am not a believer of manifest and it's going to appear now. Because if that happened, it would have happened for me because I was doing all that stuff in
566 01:44:53,730 --> 01:45:02,010 the beginning and it never worked. And working really hard doing the wrong shit isn't going to make it happen either. You have to know what you're doing. And
567 01:45:02,010 --> 01:45:11,220 you have to know yourself intimately. That means all the ugly parts, the things that you'd never want to share with anybody else. That shit is the problem. And
568 01:45:11,220 --> 01:45:21,870 every one of us, every single one of us have those flaws, those triggering mechanisms that cause us to lash out in our personal relationships, we start
569 01:45:21,870 --> 01:45:33,900 fights and arguments we don't realize it but we're doing it. We're causing drama at work. One line if you go to bars or whatever, something happens in your brain
570 01:45:33,900 --> 01:45:41,520 before you got an F fistfight either got your ass kicked or beat the other guy. Now you're in jail. You drive down the road to my desktop, you get out you
571 01:45:41,520 --> 01:45:54,930 kicked and stopped a car and now you're getting fucking sued. All of us have frailties, character flaws, and nobody talks about the things that's gonna wreck
572 01:45:54,930 --> 01:46:07,920 your ass in trading because it's not pleasant. Nobody wants to be reminded that we're all human, that we all have to wipe our ass. Yeah. That's the reality,
573 01:46:07,920 --> 01:46:17,100 folks. There's no sugarcoating it here. And if you don't have these realistic perspective going into this, it's easy to fall into Instagram fanciful,
574 01:46:17,100 --> 01:46:23,940 believing it's fairy tales, and it's all gonna happen for me magically all I gotta do is buy this guy's bullshit, sign up to his discord go into his
575 01:46:23,940 --> 01:46:38,160 horseshit. Nope. It's gonna take a lot of effort. But I promise you, I promise you, if you do what's required. There'll be a whole lot less time that you're
576 01:46:38,160 --> 01:46:46,800 fearful it will require. So you're thinking it's going to take 30 years? No, you're gonna, you're thinking it's going to take six years ICT said it took him
577 01:46:46,800 --> 01:46:56,310 six years to figure this shit out. Now, I had to figure myself out. In those six years, I figured out everything I needed to know about the trading part in a
578 01:46:56,370 --> 01:47:03,360 little less than three and a half years. But we'll call it three and a half this call three half, but it's just just a tad underneath. Three and a half years, I
579 01:47:03,360 --> 01:47:14,850 had everything in my head technically, that needed to be applied for me to find everything I needed to find, for setups, endless setups. But I wasn't satisfied,
580 01:47:14,970 --> 01:47:23,670 I wanted to supercharge it even more. And I was pursuing perfection. And I created a lot more performance anxiety issues in myself, but trying to improve
581 01:47:23,670 --> 01:47:34,920 upon what you now know and what I'm sharing here. So it won't, it won't take you. When you when you get there. You arrive at your consistently profitable,
582 01:47:35,040 --> 01:47:40,290 comfortable zone where you don't need to do anything else you didn't you don't need to tinker with it. You don't need to change anything. You need to watch
583 01:47:40,290 --> 01:47:49,980 anybody else's videos mine included. You got to watch anybody else's courses, books, none that shit. You know exactly what you're doing tomorrow, the next
584 01:47:49,980 --> 01:48:01,860 day, five years from now it's gonna be same show. Boring. You go in, you make your money, you stop, you go live your life. That's what real traders do. That's
585 01:48:01,860 --> 01:48:10,680 what real traders do. They are not in here all day long chained to these fucking computers. They're not doing that. They're not doing that, folks. The people
586 01:48:10,680 --> 01:48:19,770 that make money, they go in to get their shit. They get done and they go live their life. How many of you are looking at trading like that? Chances are you're
587 01:48:19,770 --> 01:48:26,910 not. You want to trade the london session, then you want to trade the New York session, then you want to treat the pm session. And then I hope there's gonna be
588 01:48:26,910 --> 01:48:43,110 a move in the Asian session because fuck it I got time. No, no. Which time of day? Works for You. London. Morning am in New York, or pm session.
589 01:48:43,350 --> 01:48:53,550 Forget Asia. You can't trade in Asia. There's not enough moves. Can it? Does it sometimes yes. But not, in my opinion not to find consistency and find yourself
590 01:48:53,550 --> 01:49:05,070 out of your job? No, no, the volatility is too low right now. When it mocked them when the markets were really wild. And we had these really 300 Pip handle
591 01:49:05,400 --> 01:49:18,180 not handled with 300 Pip ranges every day. It's years ago, AGC really nice. But it's it's consolidated and it's a whole lot more quiet in that period of time.
592 01:49:18,300 --> 01:49:28,740 Even the yen pairs, palsy pairs and New Zealand Dollar. They're usually the markets that are prone to be more active then. And they're just simply not
593 01:49:28,740 --> 01:49:36,180 enticing enough to do it. So what happens What do you got to do ICT if it's the only thing I can tell you right now it's in Asia, then you need to make changes
594 01:49:36,180 --> 01:49:47,820 in your life. If you want this bad enough, you'll make the changes and the efforts that you do and your back testing will give you the courage to make
595 01:49:47,820 --> 01:49:57,720 those changes. Don't just do it blindly. Show yourself with evidence that the things that I'm teaching you are in the charts, not because you did it for a
596 01:49:57,720 --> 01:50:08,400 week or a month really I really go in there and be highly critical. Do the things I tell you show up in price action, when I tell you, they're going to
597 01:50:08,400 --> 01:50:17,820 show up how I teach you that they're going to appear in price. You're not manifesting shit, the market is gonna design it's designed, it's coded to
598 01:50:17,820 --> 01:50:29,070 deliver like this. If these things are in price action beforehand, and that time of day, you expect this thing to unfold. And then you wait for it to happen. And
599 01:50:29,070 --> 01:50:38,340 you do that week after week until you have months of experience doing it, nobody's gonna be able to convince you that what you have observed isn't the
600 01:50:38,340 --> 01:50:48,330 facts and reality. And you will do whatever you need to do to make the changes in your life. That means change your career, change your location, move, step
601 01:50:48,330 --> 01:50:56,370 down from how you live, right now, if you're single, you don't have kids, it's real easy to do that. But if you have a family, and that's challenging, I'm not
602 01:50:56,370 --> 01:51:05,970 saying it isn't. But are you willing, if you discover that, you know, you can do this, but you have to make some changes that require you to go down in your
603 01:51:05,970 --> 01:51:16,020 living, you might live in a nice single family house, what happens if you go down to an apartment, because of the requirements for money, or moving to a
604 01:51:16,020 --> 01:51:28,890 different time zone? All of you are gonna have different things, these different kinds of barriers. But they're not mountains that can't be passed. They're just
605 01:51:28,890 --> 01:51:36,540 speed bumps. And I'm trying to minimize it, because I know some of you are going to have but you ICT, you don't know it's easy for you to say no, I'm not saying
606 01:51:36,540 --> 01:51:48,150 it's easy. I'm saying that. I don't have a way of fixing everything for all of you. Remember, no sugarcoating. And you can't fault me because you live in a
607 01:51:48,150 --> 01:51:56,340 time zone and work a career, and you have a family and you have a spouse, that is not supportive. That's not my fucking problem, I didn't create that problem
608 01:51:56,340 --> 01:52:04,860 for you. And some of you sent me emails pitching to me, like I caused that for you. I didn't do that. I didn't know you. But that's the level of mentality,
609 01:52:04,860 --> 01:52:13,740 some people will apply to me as a mentor, and think that, you know, I'm somehow supposed to post something on my ass that fix that I don't have a solution for
610 01:52:13,740 --> 01:52:26,550 those things, you're gonna have to make those changes. So there's a lot of difficulty when you step into this industry. And it's intimidating. And if you
611 01:52:26,550 --> 01:52:36,060 start off on the wrong foot, even worse, when you're told not to do those things, and you do it. And now you have fear behind every execution, you have
612 01:52:36,150 --> 01:52:49,440 concern about whether you're never going to be profitable or not. It's easy to talk yourself out of it. It's real easy to talk yourself out of this. And I'm
613 01:52:49,440 --> 01:53:05,430 just reminding, don't don't, I'm not making any money talking to you right now. There's no ads here. I want you to be successful, I want you to know what you're
614 01:53:05,430 --> 01:53:16,140 walking into is going to be very difficult, because you're going to make it almost impossible. You are, you are the thing that's going to make it or break
615 01:53:16,140 --> 01:53:25,920 it. That's it, that's the way it works. You're not going to shorten the learning curve by anything. Nothing, I don't care what they put in their titles or their
616 01:53:25,920 --> 01:53:40,080 fucking videos, nothing is going to shorten that learning curve, it is not going to happen. Whatever that you on an individual basis require is what's going to
617 01:53:40,110 --> 01:53:50,580 require and you don't know how long it's going to take. But you have to show up with the expectation that I'm here for the duration. This lifestyle, this
618 01:53:50,580 --> 01:54:00,900 income, opportunity is worth it. I don't give a shit how many months I gotta back testing. I don't give a shit how long I got to take bring in the future. My
619 01:54:00,900 --> 01:54:08,490 outcome, my end result is I'm going to make whatever the fuck I want to make it nobody's telling me how much it can be. Nobody's gonna put a lid on it. They're
620 01:54:08,490 --> 01:54:19,020 gonna tell me I can't go on a vacation, go here and go here. Nobody's gonna tell me I can't afford this. Nobody's doing that. Nobody is doing that. And I don't
621 01:54:19,020 --> 01:54:26,700 need to put a fucking resume together anymore. Because I'm not trying to get hired by any money. Nobody can employ me there's not a fucking job out there can
622 01:54:26,700 --> 01:54:36,990 pay what earnings marketplace that's what your mentality needs to be. Maybe not so much with the customers but that's how it has to be folks. That's how it has
623 01:54:36,990 --> 01:54:47,490 to be you have to resolve and yourself say You know what, this is going to be hard. But everything that you do that leads you to that once you get here once
624 01:54:47,490 --> 01:54:57,150 you know exactly what you're doing and it never changes once you once you learn how to ride this bicycle. It's your skill set for life. And where you want to
625 01:54:57,150 --> 01:55:11,220 pedal that fucking bike, how far and how high is Up to you. Nothing limits that nothing limits that look around, look around. These folks out there did not even
626 01:55:11,220 --> 01:55:19,350 use their own money. And he went into these other companies did their processes past their combine beat the shit out of the stuff they laid in front of them was
627 01:55:19,350 --> 01:55:27,810 a challenge. And they're taking down six figure plus half million dollars now. And the companies themselves are interviewing them. Where's the fucking reason
628 01:55:27,810 --> 01:55:41,400 to doubt it? What's the excuse that you can't do it now? Once, what is the excuse that says you, you can't do this? The ones that you're making up in your
629 01:55:41,400 --> 01:55:54,420 mind. The ones that you're saying, I just wish it was easier. I wish I could just do it faster. The folks that are doing it, I promise you, their fears,
630 01:55:54,480 --> 01:56:04,170 their biggest fear of how long it might take is a joke to them now, because they are there. Now they can do it. They know exactly what they're doing. They know
631 01:56:04,170 --> 01:56:12,330 tomorrow, next year, they're gonna be able to do the same shit. And they think about the things that they worried about while they are going up. When they were
632 01:56:12,330 --> 01:56:19,770 working their ass off going through this stuff. They were thinking about all the things you're putting in your brain right now as a reason this is what, why
633 01:56:19,770 --> 01:56:33,570 bother? I promise you, if you're listening, if you are listening, and you've made money, using the shit I've taught, and you felt this overwhelming fear, or
634 01:56:33,630 --> 01:56:45,150 I want to quit, or it's going to take me forever. Once you got there, isn't it silly? How you thought and clung to those fearful things and held them close to
635 01:56:45,150 --> 01:56:54,960 you like their best friends, you don't want to let go of them. Those fearful thoughts are perfect excuses for you to stop. There are excuses as to why you
636 01:56:54,960 --> 01:57:00,810 didn't succeed instead of saying it's normal for me to feel this way. And when you get there and you make your money and you're consistently properly, you're
637 01:57:00,810 --> 01:57:09,660 gonna look back at that and see how silly that was. You're gonna laugh literally out loud thinking, why the fuck that I think like that. But it's normal. But
638 01:57:09,660 --> 01:57:19,080 once you're there, and you look back, it's like, that was dumb. Like that was wasted fear and energy worrying about something that wasn't even that big of a
639 01:57:19,080 --> 01:57:28,650 factor. I just showed up every day do what I was supposed to do. And I'm here now. I can't I can't pull it back for them say, Oh, I don't like you. Let me let
640 01:57:28,650 --> 01:57:39,900 me take that information from you. Your your abilities are now being revoked. Like a license agreement? No. You learn that skill. You fucking earned it. You
641 01:57:39,900 --> 01:57:48,570 worked for it. It's yours now. Run with it. I'm just asking to share it and share with me in private what you're doing. I would love to I would love to keep
642 01:57:48,570 --> 01:57:59,880 up with all of you. And the folks that do well, they do that. Some of them have stepped out there in the public's eye and they see it. You see it they want to
643 01:57:59,880 --> 01:58:08,280 be bigger giants and titans in the industry. God bless them. I'm not trying to pull any of them down. I'm pointing to him. Look, look at they did look like
644 01:58:08,280 --> 01:58:18,570 they did. I didn't tell them those trades. They got to know on their own. They pushed their accounts up there on their own. That's fucking awesome. And every
645 01:58:18,570 --> 01:58:28,350 single one of you have the ability to do this and more. But you're sitting around worrying about oh, what if the market starts work? Who don't? Fuck knows
646 01:58:28,350 --> 01:58:35,670 if it's gonna stop tomorrow? Who cares? Why are you worried about all these people are learning your shit? I see. Nothing's gonna change.
647 01:58:35,700 --> 01:58:46,890 I'm not changing shit is not changing. Why are you wasting time making excuses for your shit? Get out there and start working towards it. You must just roll
648 01:58:46,890 --> 01:58:54,120 over and fucking die if that's are you thinking about it? Like, oh, well, you know, what's it? What's the point? You know, I'm out with this work. This shit
649 01:58:54,120 --> 01:59:05,040 job is mundane existence, you know? Because they might change everything. What if is the worst thing you could ever do? If it's holding you back, if a What If
650 01:59:05,040 --> 01:59:16,980 thought is holding you back? You need to flip that shit upside down and say, what if it doesn't stop? What if I get out there and I do it and I fucking make
651 01:59:17,310 --> 01:59:28,470 way more money than I fucking never thought I could. What happens if I do it in half the fucking time that I've been fearful it's gonna require do that. Because
652 01:59:28,470 --> 01:59:38,940 that's the shit I had to do. I had all those fearful thoughts. I had all that shit. And I said, You know what? There's nobody here encouraging me. So I'm
653 01:59:38,940 --> 01:59:47,940 gonna look at this. Like I'm a fucking underdog. The world says I can't do it. My friends and family says I can't do it. My wife left me I'm fucking broke. I'm
654 01:59:47,940 --> 01:59:58,530 going to change shit. Now. I'm going to fucking do this. They said I can't do it. I'm going to find 81 but in ways to do it 81 I pair a motherfucker out there
655 01:59:58,530 --> 02:00:05,460 to say they got more fucking entry techniques. There's a fucking person want to can do that I will tap dance every fucking day on leads fucking markets and do
656 02:00:05,460 --> 02:00:13,110 whatever I fuck I want to walk out the fucking door profitable Dana fucking thing I can't do in these markets and when you know how to do this shit you'll
657 02:00:13,110 --> 02:00:23,040 feel just like that and if they want to say you're arrogant then they're broke. They're fucking working they don't give a fuck about anything that's successful
658 02:00:23,040 --> 02:00:29,280 because they can't fucking do it. They want to drag you down. I'm telling you I'm grabbing you by your fucking hair. I'm getting your fucking ass up here with
659 02:00:29,280 --> 02:00:41,160 me talk here. Come up here you're laying around these low vibration fucking morons you're listening to people that are fucking broke their plant and you're
660 02:00:41,160 --> 02:00:51,840 taking this bullshit and you're listening to it and you're taking it, you're subscribing to it and you're holding yourself back from what? Or what? You're
661 02:00:51,840 --> 02:01:00,300 afraid someone's gonna say something bad about your mind. Fuck these fucking broke motherfuckers the people are talking about us they're fucking broke. They
662 02:01:00,300 --> 02:01:11,250 can't come here and cancel shit. Look at this fucking army we are like how many motherfuckers are coming up? This crop ain't done growing. We were climbing.
663 02:01:11,460 --> 02:01:20,100 Okay, everything that you're seeing around here this Jimmy even when I'm fucking slowing the fuck down. It's still gonna grow. Everybody's gonna be doing this
664 02:01:20,100 --> 02:01:27,150 shit in the future. And I'm gonna say You know what? This shit is the real fucking thing. This is the real shit. I wish I'd never would have done this this
665 02:01:27,150 --> 02:01:35,010 this this I wish I would have started sooner. Every person that's made fucking half $1,000,000.20 $1,000 We're talking is they've always said the same thing. I
666 02:01:35,010 --> 02:01:42,030 wish I wouldn't listen to the bullshit that people say about ICP and his fucking concepts. I wish I would have started fucking sooner. I'm gonna try to block out
667 02:01:42,030 --> 02:01:50,430 all the bullshit because this is it. This is exactly what I was looking for. And I wish I would have started sooner. Everybody fucking says that. Everybody says
668 02:01:50,430 --> 02:01:58,920 that nobody that put their efforts into this then fucking started making money said I regretted doing this. Fuck this. I don't like all this fucking money. I
669 02:01:58,920 --> 02:02:07,830 don't like this fucking success. I don't like this fucking continuity. I hate being this fucking calm going into marketplace. I can't stand not fucking being
670 02:02:07,830 --> 02:02:14,820 able to be a consistent loser. I want to fucking just stay in bed because it's just the same thing every day. I go out and I know what I'm looking for it and
671 02:02:14,820 --> 02:02:21,900 happens. Does that happen here? No. Everybody's calm folks. I'm the only one that gets fucking nuts
672 02:02:27,060 --> 02:02:39,660 Yes, this is the first time it's unfiltered here. I'm not supposed to be listened to with your kids next to you. But there's a whole lot of bullshit in
673 02:02:39,660 --> 02:02:47,160 this industry. from people that don't make no motherfucking money they can't produce a fucking millionaire student ain't got no profitable fucking students.
674 02:02:47,190 --> 02:02:59,160 They got a lot of chitchat. Not a shit talking. ain't done shit. Ain't no receipts ain't done shit. And you're letting them these low vibration. Fucking
675 02:02:59,160 --> 02:03:10,770 cretins. These little fucking waste of fucking breath mutants, they're sucking bringing you down. They're bringing you down. You want to be with them, you want
676 02:03:10,770 --> 02:03:20,880 to hang with them. The adult I don't roll like that. I don't roll with fucking people that says I can't do something because I'm going to believe them. I'm
677 02:03:20,880 --> 02:03:28,470 going to agree with them. And I'm moving. I'm not staying there. I'm not pitching a tent around people that says it can't be done. Something I can't do
678 02:03:28,470 --> 02:03:34,560 it. I'm gonna find multiple ways to come back in your fucking face and say, here's this way I did it. This is the way I did it over here. This is the way I
679 02:03:34,560 --> 02:03:46,590 did it here. This this this you got to motivate yourself. You got to stay motivated. It's not going to be easy. It's going to take a lot of effort, a lot
680 02:03:46,590 --> 02:03:58,860 of real effort, not just watching my fucking videos. It's I say all the time. Watching them is not learning. It might inspire you. It may give you reasons to
681 02:03:58,860 --> 02:04:10,500 stay at it. But that is not to replace you going into your own charts. Studying them go into old moves. At the times I tell you when these specific models
682 02:04:10,680 --> 02:04:23,580 present themselves go back in old moves. Forex futures commodities I don't give a fuck what it is. You go out there and you prove to yourself there's never been
683 02:04:23,610 --> 02:04:32,790 ever there has never ever been a motherfucker ever came back and said I went through all this stuff and I tried to look for it to fail. And it's always
684 02:04:32,790 --> 02:04:41,160 there. It's never fucking happened. No one's ever came out and said it shit doesn't work with facts. It's never happened. Now you got some Tom Dick and
685 02:04:41,160 --> 02:04:48,510 Harry that wants to fucking try to get ad revenue on a fucking YouTube channel ain't got shit going on in his life, Misery. He'll say all kinds of shit and
686 02:04:48,510 --> 02:04:54,960 people like him will say all that kind of shit, but there's no actual fucking evidence. What do you do when you have all these people around the world,
687 02:04:54,960 --> 02:05:03,360 different walks of life and they're coming forward and they're making real money and not one time. Pretty. Every fucking fund the company has ICT profitable
688 02:05:03,360 --> 02:05:11,970 students Hello? Where are the fuckers their students making money? Where are they making money? It ain't fair. But you're listening to this bullshit, you're
689 02:05:11,970 --> 02:05:27,360 listening, you're entertaining that you have to block out everything, everything, keep the focus on you. If you do that, I fucking guarantee you will
690 02:05:27,360 --> 02:05:39,870 find your model. And when you do, don't tinker with it, no add more to it. No matter what I teach in the future, don't do anything else. Except the fact that
691 02:05:39,900 --> 02:05:47,700 sometimes you're going to do it wrong, except the fact that it might not deliver on the day that you tried to trust it. It doesn't mean it's broken, it doesn't
692 02:05:47,700 --> 02:05:56,850 mean that you can't be profit doesn't mean you're a terrible trader, it just means that you messed it up. You did own it, come back the next day. The next
693 02:05:56,850 --> 02:06:07,650 opportunity, if you do that, you will be lightyears ahead of everyone else because everybody else will want to change. Oh, I tried this PDE array, I tried
694 02:06:07,650 --> 02:06:15,630 this fair value gap. It didn't work for me tries breaker now. I tried to break it didn't work, I'm gonna go into institutional order flow to go back to ote
695 02:06:15,630 --> 02:06:21,960 didn't work for me. Then when I tried it three times, I tried to call it experience and back testing. On the fourth time, it failed to me. So we're gonna
696 02:06:21,960 --> 02:06:29,910 see oh, he's got he's got something that's gonna teach. I mean, let me look at that one, too. That's not somebody that's really making a conscious effort. You
697 02:06:29,910 --> 02:06:42,540 need to be very diligent about doing these things and be very passionate about why you're doing it. If you're not in this, if you're not in this to make a
698 02:06:42,540 --> 02:06:53,520 shitload of fucking money, then you're here for the wrong reasons. That's it. That should be the motivating factor. Lots of fucking money, because that's
699 02:06:53,520 --> 02:07:04,140 what's available. If you can control yourself and you know what you're doing. If you can't do those things, manage yourself your emotions. Start with a low
700 02:07:04,140 --> 02:07:13,500 hanging fruit approach and build up slowly blocking out all the bullshit. And that means people that want to suck your own ass off to get on social media and
701 02:07:13,500 --> 02:07:23,190 people like oh, they love you, they pander to your destiny and you don't realize how much of a impediment that is? Because once you start listening to that, and
702 02:07:23,190 --> 02:07:30,060 this is exactly what happened to be on America Online. That's why I don't like it. I can't fucking stand you. When you say I'm the goat the greatest of all
703 02:07:30,060 --> 02:07:39,300 time. I see that as your a piece of shit ICT because I think everybody that calls themselves a goat is a fucking piece of shit. Poser motherfucker. Can't do
704 02:07:39,300 --> 02:07:51,930 shit. There is no goats. Okay, there's no goats. There's no greatest of all time and trading. I'm not a fucking King and a new fucking other king out there. Stop
705 02:07:52,110 --> 02:08:00,300 pandering to people like that. Stop worshipping them. Don't worship me. No, I don't need it in that kind of fucking attention. Just say thanks. That's enough.
706 02:08:00,330 --> 02:08:10,350 That's all it is. But when you when you allow that stuff in, or you start being a part of it, and you're in your glad handing with other people online, whether
707 02:08:10,350 --> 02:08:21,180 it be me or anyone else. You're literally doing all the wrong things, you're making it emotional. There's no reason for that stuff. I'm here, I'm a conduit.
708 02:08:21,390 --> 02:08:30,990 Whether you tell me you love me or you don't love me, I'm still gonna be doing that shit. So it's not required. I'm going to be doing, I'm still going to post
709 02:08:30,990 --> 02:08:37,590 videos, I'm still going to post the shit we got until November, none of this is going to slow down because I don't have enough people call me. I don't want to
710 02:08:37,590 --> 02:08:47,520 be caught together. With this, it's it's important that none of you fall into that trap. Whether you're dealing with me or someone else, or that you seek it
711 02:08:47,520 --> 02:08:59,160 yourself. Because as soon as you do that, you've now invited emotion dopamine hits, it's not about that. All of that is going to be impactful to your decision
712 02:08:59,160 --> 02:09:10,380 making your trading because whatever you did, I'll paint this picture for you and I'm gonna close this. Whatever you did that causes that social media
713 02:09:10,380 --> 02:09:22,170 response. You know, you're the goat or that was amazing. Or you're a beast mode or whatever. You're gonna want to do something again. When something creeps into
714 02:09:22,170 --> 02:09:28,560 your life, something bad sometimes uncomfortable, you don't feel good. You woke up with a bad stiff neck and you're just miserable because you can't get
715 02:09:28,560 --> 02:09:36,600 comfortable. I just need to I need to feel good about something. Let me get somebody to call me the goat online. Give me some reason to say I'm awesome
716 02:09:36,600 --> 02:09:43,140 fucking trader. So you're gonna go out there and you're gonna try to create something in your account. Why? Because the trades there No, because you want to
717 02:09:43,140 --> 02:09:52,920 do something out side and external to why your model would be telling you to take a trade. It sounds simplistic. It sounds like when they say this is
718 02:09:52,920 --> 02:10:00,630 nonsense. No, this is exactly what people do. And they blow their fucking asses out. Their accounts are gone. They're wrecked and they ruin themselves. It all
719 02:10:00,630 --> 02:10:12,750 stems from something simple like this because you've invited emotion into it. And that's exactly what my son did. He wanted to come out and prove to the world
720 02:10:13,440 --> 02:10:25,620 that ICT Jr is now born. And here it is, he wants to go out and run around on social media, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube MBMs. He still might be, but he's got
721 02:10:25,620 --> 02:10:35,130 to learn how to be a menace in the charts. First, he's got to be formidable in the charts. He can have all the and to want to do it right now. But without the
722 02:10:35,130 --> 02:10:49,050 skill set that can be acquired with time and effort and a whole lot more effort now. They won't happen otherwise. Just because I'm Daddy ICT just because he's
723 02:10:49,080 --> 02:10:59,370 my son does not give him that built in advantage. There's no broken and then there's no advantage at all. And with me sitting next to me, with all the things
724 02:10:59,370 --> 02:11:09,660 is going on in his mind, I have to now arm wrestle him and make him conform in the things that he doesn't see as the right way. Now, just like some of you
725 02:11:09,660 --> 02:11:15,930 probably already turned this sort of space off. Because doesn't you think it doesn't apply to you? I guarantee you haven't made money. If you did, the folks
726 02:11:15,930 --> 02:11:23,880 that turn this off, are the ones that think that they can go out there and watch a five minute trainer video, watch some kind of horseshit, go in and watch my
727 02:11:23,880 --> 02:11:30,510 video. And they should be able to walk out and be profitable and pass upon that account challenge the first time and start making $20,000 a month and payouts
728 02:11:31,140 --> 02:11:38,790 that's the people that turn off these parts of the video or these don't they don't listen to these discussions. Because they're they have their they have
729 02:11:38,790 --> 02:11:47,220 their own head up their own ass, they can't see where they're at. They don't know the lay of the land. They've never been there before. And they believe the
730 02:11:47,220 --> 02:12:01,950 bullshit that's online. So, yes, it's difficult. Yes, it's intimidating in the beginning. But you have to have this approach that you're not going to stop.
731 02:12:03,240 --> 02:12:12,480 Nothing is going to deter you nothing's going to talk you out of it, you or someone else. And you have to guard your mind. Every single one of my profitable
732 02:12:12,480 --> 02:12:21,930 students will tell you the same thing. They have to at least canceled the influence of other people that says they can't do it, whether it's their friends
733 02:12:21,930 --> 02:12:29,520 or family or co workers or people online that know him. Four, they completely cut it all off.
734 02:12:32,550 --> 02:12:44,580 That's not a cult. That's someone that's secluding themselves for intimate study. If you ever went to college, and you're studying for your final exams,
735 02:12:45,630 --> 02:12:56,580 did you go and just study in a public space where there's a lot of noise, and people can talk to you and do that at work? No, it would be unprofitable. It
736 02:12:56,580 --> 02:13:09,930 meant something to you, you had to put a lot of effort into that. Well, this is much worse than that. Because it's you, you are in the way what you think you
737 02:13:09,930 --> 02:13:17,940 should be able to do what you're afraid of what's going to happen to you what happens if this happens, what happens, you're worried about things that aren't
738 02:13:17,940 --> 02:13:27,270 there yet. And if you do the things I'm telling you to do, and you develop a good work ethic, and journaling. When you encounter the things you're afraid of.
739 02:13:27,990 --> 02:13:35,730 And by hearing what I'm telling you to do, and how to cope with all those things, they won't be so terrifying and scary. And the first thing you'll do is
740 02:13:35,730 --> 02:13:45,540 stop. It's not an invitation to go press a button. If you're uncertain if you're scared. There's no There's no shame in that. Stop. Now, there's going to be
741 02:13:45,540 --> 02:13:51,810 people out there on Twitter that will say partials are fucking stupid, and you trade like a policy. And they don't ever show you them executing. And they're
742 02:13:51,810 --> 02:13:59,610 gonna give you every reason why everything I just said in this lecture tonight is counterproductive and counterintuitive. But I'm going to tell you that you
743 02:13:59,610 --> 02:14:12,480 have to reward yourself along the way you have to do it. That means when you feel staying in a move and you're brand new, get out. It's so much better to do
744 02:14:12,480 --> 02:14:22,020 that. And then see if it pans out in your favor. It's okay, I wasn't comfortable there. I got out. It allowed me to have a clearer perspective of what the Mark
745 02:14:22,020 --> 02:14:28,530 was done because now I'm not influenced by the profit and loss of it. And then I'm now encouraged because if I just stay with it, it I'll remember this trade
746 02:14:28,530 --> 02:14:38,550 next time. And then I'll try to stay with a little bit longer. And you gradually grow into that. Nobody walks out there and does a full pool from entry stop loss
747 02:14:38,700 --> 02:14:45,720 and full target no partials. It just goes right to the thing and they just did it first time and that's how their trades are all the rest of their career. It
748 02:14:45,720 --> 02:14:55,260 doesn't work like that, folks, it does not work like that. If it did, they'd be on there showing you executions and so on so we can do and then they're not
749 02:14:55,260 --> 02:15:07,200 doing so anyway I got that off my chest today because it was a little it was a little much for me to sit there all day and go through a whole lot of stuff that
750 02:15:07,230 --> 02:15:16,890 could have been easily avoided if you would have listened to me but we're on the right path. And you are to discuss stay with it. Hopefully you got something out
751 02:15:16,890 --> 02:15:25,440 of this tonight that was helpful. Give you some encouragement. If anything. I made you laugh and you had some entertainment value out of it. That's that's a
752 02:15:25,440 --> 02:15:34,290 win too. Okay, so I'm going to close this one and wish you all very pleasant evening, pleasant day and I'll talk to you next time. Be safe.