
Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2023-07-05 06:44


00:31 - How taboo topics can take away from your passion?

- The connection issue and disruption of talking about taboo topics.
- The best conversations.
- The destination of excellence, being publicly accepted as successful.
- The comments in the comment section.

04:15 - How did you figure it all out?

- Older students have a connection with him.
- The origin story of the twitter space.
- Being open about what he said in the past.
- Bible-based ideas in trading.

09:49 - There is one 00:20 - Weekly Dollar Index Review.

- Weekly inefficiency on the dollar index.
- Daily and weekly charts.

03:10 - Weekly chart of the euro.

- Wicks as a gap, like the algorithm does.
- Hourly chart on euro.
- Time distortion and time frame.
- Nasdaq closes at new york.

09:09 - Daily chart of inefficiency and inefficiency.

- Inefficiency and price action on the daily chart.
- Weekly volume imbalance and inversion.
- Bullish breaker, bullish breaker and conservative trader.
- Weekly draw on liquidity and short cut.

15:01 - The high of the fair value gap.

- Finding support at the high end of the fair value gap.
- Weekly volume imbalance.

17:22 - Looking at the current low in nasdaq and es.

- Nasdaq and ETSI trading on a lower low.
- S&P and Nasdaq divergence.
- Nasdaq wants to go higher, but is unwilling to make a lower low.
- Smt analysis.

22:20 - Higher low lower lower low.

- Higher, low, lower, high and low.
- Weekly volume imbalance, blue shaded area.
- How to use large range gaps in the market.
- The five minute chart on es

29:11 - A look at today’s price action.

- Stop run on sell side, price goes higher, efficiency goes back down.
- Lunch hour macro.
- Weekly volume imbalance and old high on june 16, 2023.
- First partial price rise.
- Two ways to use the breaker, bearish and bearish.
- The two stages of liquidity.

35:35 - Using the price leg from high to low.

- Two different approaches to using the breaker pattern.
- A to b price leg.

38:27 - How to avoid a losing trade?

- The fear of losing a trade.
- The 30 years of trading experience.
- Best breakers and how to use them.
- How to use the model 2022.

43:48 - How to use a break and retest to your advantage.

- Using a break and retest trader.
- How to use a breaker to trade.
- How to use the breaker in the current market.
- How the breaker works.

49:29 - How to use relative equal high’s as a breaker.

- Relative equal highs and relative equal highs.
- How to use this information for trading.
- A/B in this run higher.
- The low and the high in the chart.

53:04 - How to use the breaker.

- Two standard deviations inside the inefficiency inside of the breaker.
- The one minute chart.
- Using the upper portion of the breaker in a one minute chart.
- The ice breaker.

57:39 - How to identify reorders in the market.

- How to identify reorder flow and price reprice.
- How to find the reference points.
- Using the short-term leg as a breaker.
- Understanding the 1150 to 1210 macro.

01:03:02 - How to take the levels for standard deviation.

- How to take the levels for standard deviation.
- Expectation of liquidity above the high.
- Understanding time first, time of day and liquidity.
- Real-time executions, not market replay.
god who really does exist.

- There is one god, jesus christ, the father.
- A still, quiet voice.
- Pulling the door in front of the kid.
- Bucketshot hits the wall.

15:33 - How did you get your name?

- Huddleston is the first of his name.
- His biological father is a contract murderer.
- He's turned his life over to christ for 15 years.
- The voice in his head.
- Growing up in foster care in fosterland, maryland.
- Puberty, testosterone and imbalance.

22:39 - Why churches should be taxed?

- Churches should be taxed, not treated like businesses.
- Churches are bringing in billions of dollars.
- How Michael first got into trading.
- The seeds of trading were planted.

29:06 - When successful people feel successful.

- Becoming reckless and a womanizer.
- The definition of success and public acceptance.

31:31 - Accepting the fact that his life was not meant for him.

- How initial trigger was born.
- The pursuit of needing to be more than a brian
- Heavy is the head that wears the crown.
- Success is the go out and rub their eyes.

37:43 - Mentorship and how to get started.

- The importance of a minimum of one year.
- Lessons learned from past mistakes.
- People want to be the next thing.
- Paul has been known as Paul since he jumped in.
- Trinity is only one god, jesus christ was the embodiment of that god.
- Always be ready for a reason.

45:31 - How is it that I knew these things when I was young?

- Building the uber as a community-making image.
- Losing money, wife, grandfather and feeling lost.
- Being invited to go off the edge of Cambridge.
- Feeling empty, worthless and empty.
- Passing out before hitting the road that day.
- Laptops and cherry picking.

52:12 - The start of his trading career.

- Traders library in columbia, maryland.
- Weekly service for financials and agricultural markets.
- Looking at the charts for the first time.
- Looking at rallies and rallies.

58:51 - Why I’m not monetizing this.

- Not monetizing or preaching, but not ashamed of it.
- Nascar and asking god for help.
- The only thing that makes sense to him.
- The weight of his son cameron

01:02:16 - Venezuela’s current political climate.

- The early stages of venezuela, the early stages.
- The value of rebranding.
- The signs that Jesus is coming back.
- The beginning of the birth pains.

01:07:48 - Put god first and love your neighbor as yourself.

- Putting god first and loving him above all.
- The world is turning upside down.
- Being in the spotlight and not being distracted.
- Being a better mentor.

01:14:05 - Two topics that keep me focused.

- The only two topics that keep him focused.
- How the world is turning upside down.
- Blessed to be a man that is extremely blessed.
- No credit given to him.

01:19:52 - You're not mocking me. God will not be mocked.

- God will not be mocked.
- A heart positive event in the greek language.
- Not promoting the image of industrial traitor.
- Winning the robins cup is easy.

01:24:44 - Prove to everyone that it’s real.

- Proving to everyone that it's real.
- Letting go of being the person that drags people from comfort zone.

01:28:05 - Being comfortable in your own skin and being consistent.

- The importance of being comfortable in one's own skin.
- Being mindful of the market.
- The old testament and elijah the prophet.
- The false god in the old testament.

01:33:35 - Laying a sacrifice on the altar.

- Laying a sacrifice on the tabernacle.
- A chariot of fire catches elijah.
- Enoch in old testament genesis.
- A metaphor for the tribulation of the seven year period.

01:39:33 - Build an ark before the flood.

- The story of Noah and the ark of Noah.
- Tribulation in russia and Iran.
- Jerusalem has to be the capital of Israel.
- Everything has been turned upside down.

01:45:04 - A genealogy from Adam to noah.

- Genesis chapter 5, genealogy from Adam to Noah.
- James chapter 6, sons of god.
- Revelation is a choice to receive a mark.
- The second coming is not the rapture.

01:50:37 - Letting the father die.

- Lazarus was hungry, mad and felt emotions.
- The shortest verse in the bible.
- All flesh must pray to god in the flesh.
- Lazarus all wrapped up like a mummy.

01:54:14 - The parable of the rich man and lazarus.

- Sometimes the answer is no.
- The rich man and lazarus parable.
- God's son came in the flesh.
- Abraham and his son isaac sacrifice.

01:59:54 - Where's the offering? Where's the lamb?

- Where is the offering and where is the lamb.
- Revelation teaches the seventh legend.
- He's not sending a son. He's the almighty.
- The gospel of John.
- Peter is in control of everything.
- The fullness of god was in Peter.

02:06:25 - There’s no rapture.

- There's no rapture. There's no magical event.
- There are books inspired by holy spirit.
- The 100 that went away and came back.
- The fiery chariot that got Elijah.
- The tree of life is a metaphor for god.
- The book of enoch.

02:13:27 - Adam and the garden of Eden.

- Adam is the chief of all the angels.
- Adam is seduced by lucifer.
- Lucifer is jealous of Adam and Eve.
- The garden of thorns.

02:19:52 - The bride and the bridesmaid by.

- A parable of the five bridesmaids in the new testament.
- The rapture in metaphor.

02:22:44 - Proving that you need a savior.

- Jesus christ is the only god in all.
- Trinity views on Jesus christ.
- There is no rapture. There is an event coming.
- Christ is your lord and savior.
- You don't get saved by going to church.
- A second coming and a heart posture.

02:30:24 - I'm ready to go by.

- A fallible man with problems, but a redeemer lives.
- Marriage is not about marriage.
- Showering in cold water with no hot water.
- Weighing the weight of the baby.
- First prenatal visit, sonogram and c-section.
- Wife lost an end to cancer.

02:37:36 - Why are you doing this again?

- Talking for 90 minutes without knowing what he was talking about.
- The phone died.
- You are a defeated foe. Your time is up.
- Send a tweet.

02:56:57 - Why would you do this to me?

- 12% left on the battery, no new issues.
- Miscarriage, cramps and grief.
- How to reach his wife after losing her aunt.
- Judge 13:5.
- Fast forward one week to the next event.
- First prenatal care visit.

03:04:04 - Vaccines are weapons.

- The enemy still came when the baby came out.
- How christ-centered christian is.
- How christ is the lord and you can change it.
- Trolls listening to christ's testimony.
- You now have saving faith, but to obey the gospel.
- The old testament level.


00:00:31,890 --> 00:00:42,600 ICT: So anyway, I was talking all the way until I just tweeted to see if you guys could still hear me. So apparently, they didn't like me talking about what
00:00:42,600 --> 00:00:53,070 I was talking about. So I know people are reporting this important that, okay, it is what it is, but it's uncanny how every time I start talking about the
00:00:53,070 --> 00:01:05,280 taboo topics, there's always a connection issue, there's always some kind of a disruption. And I literally had one of the best conversations. And it's not
00:01:05,280 --> 00:01:17,580 recorded because it killed the whole thing. I talked about my upbringing, I talked about what led me to be where I am and why I'm who I am, in my faith, and
00:01:17,580 --> 00:01:30,600 also where we're going. So I got emotional, I got that off my chest was feels really, really good. I felt clean now. But
00:01:36,240 --> 00:01:50,790 it's always very uncomfortable. Whenever I do this, it kind of takes the momentum, the fever, or passion from it, because I've already disconnected from
00:01:50,790 --> 00:02:01,560 the need to do it. Because I've already said it. I've already spoken. It's out of me. So I'm content now. But I kind of like want to talk a little bit about
00:02:01,980 --> 00:02:17,700 the things that I'm sure they won't this, they disrupt me now then. It is what it is. But I talked about your excellence for somebody you think excellence is
00:02:17,820 --> 00:02:30,960 for you to get funded, and paid out. And that that would be the that's the defining moment for you being successful, or the destination of excellence. And
10 00:02:31,500 --> 00:02:42,600 what happens many times is I'm sure if you're being honest with me, if we work together in a room where no one else can hear you or see you the destination
11 00:02:42,600 --> 00:02:58,560 that you have in mind is really being publicly accepted as successful. Because I tearfully recounted the events of me losing my grandfather, and my first wife,
12 00:02:58,560 --> 00:03:09,030 and while trading was very difficult for me to beginning, and I lost more money than most of you will ever make. And I talked about the difficulties of, you
13 00:03:09,030 --> 00:03:20,880 know, blown accounts and thinking I had it figured out and and changing and tweaking it, and then regretting having done all those things. And many of you
14 00:03:20,880 --> 00:03:36,720 have asked by email, you have mentioned in the comment section of my videos that I can see that because many of them are very heartfelt. You know, respect given
15 00:03:36,720 --> 00:03:48,690 to me, there for me, okay, those messages are are for me. And yes, the comment section is open. But I have it for review. So I see all of your comments. I see
16 00:03:48,690 --> 00:03:57,030 some of your comments that are always have some kind of question at the beginning of it. And then there's some kind of appreciation saying thank you so
17 00:03:57,030 --> 00:04:07,650 much for what you do. And a lot of those posts just like when I use my private mentorship group, like I don't make videos for them. And anybody that's online
18 00:04:07,650 --> 00:04:19,320 saying I'm doing a telegram, mentorship, or I'm teaching this and making videos or I'm giving signals out. That's all fake. It's not me. My older students have
19 00:04:19,320 --> 00:04:29,910 a connection with me, where they can ask me questions, many times, the lectures and the discussions and the points that I was making in the Twitter space that
20 00:04:29,910 --> 00:04:40,440 just got disconnected a little bit earlier. Yes, again, I talked the entire time. I'm not tired. I'm content. But it's not going to have the same energy,
21 00:04:40,500 --> 00:04:51,810 but I'll try my best to try to pull out the salient points. But I use my private students, because I'm obligated to them the questions that they ask many times
22 00:04:51,810 --> 00:05:01,800 when I talk or teach or refer to things on YouTube. I'm addressing their concerns. By default, may Need your questions that you wish you would ask?
23 00:05:02,310 --> 00:05:15,000 You'll find the answers to them if you just simply go through the content. So one of the questions that pop up a lot is, you know, how did I figure all this
24 00:05:15,000 --> 00:05:29,790 stuff out? You know, where did the ICT come from? What is the origin story. And in the 90s, there was a, there was many times where I thought I had figured it
25 00:05:29,790 --> 00:05:44,640 all out. And three years, maybe almost three and a half years, I had. And then I started making really serious new changes to certain things, thinking how to
26 00:05:44,640 --> 00:05:52,380 improve what I've already arrived that and it was, wasn't able to hold up. And when I was pushed the accounts real hard to try to make them generate a lot
27 00:05:52,380 --> 00:06:02,760 more, they would crash and burn. So I had to go back to what I had already found was what you all knew now is all my emails, these are all my Smart Money
28 00:06:02,760 --> 00:06:17,730 concepts, these things that I divulge, today, and since 2016, I never really released them to anybody. It was just guarded. I did teach trading, I did teach
29 00:06:17,760 --> 00:06:28,050 setups and things and how to trade with retail concepts. But I was trying to build up the courage to share more things along the way that I didn't feel
30 00:06:28,050 --> 00:06:44,970 comfortable sharing. So I'm not sure where you are in your time with me and what experiences you had in terms of when I talk about how I started. And you know
31 00:06:44,970 --> 00:06:57,450 how I got to understanding all this stuff. And I really wish the Lord would have let this part of the previous Twitter space make its way out. But apparently it
32 00:06:57,450 --> 00:07:10,770 didn't. So I'm a little disheartened, because I felt so good. being open about what I said. And I was wanting to do a roll call to see how many of you were
33 00:07:10,800 --> 00:07:21,120 there. Because I did talk about the Bible. They talk about the Scripture, they talk about the end times they talk about a rapture, I talked about how I turned
34 00:07:22,350 --> 00:07:35,250 to my faith in God that guided me here. And I talked about hearing the voice of God and differentiating that from your conscience. Because there is a internal
35 00:07:35,250 --> 00:07:41,280 voice all of us have, and that's your conscience. And it's usually the same voice that you hear right before you press the button to get into a trade.
36 00:07:42,960 --> 00:07:49,500 That's usually when you're hearing your conscience talk to you, you know, this isn't the right thing to do right now, you shouldn't be trading with that many
37 00:07:49,500 --> 00:07:57,540 contracts, you know that your trading ahead of the signal, or the setup is not really there. So you shouldn't be doing this, but you still go ahead and
38 00:07:57,570 --> 00:08:10,830 recklessly plunge ahead right. There that that voice. We're not gonna talk about that voice. We're gonna talk about something else. That I'm going to talk again,
39 00:08:10,830 --> 00:08:17,490 I'm going to attempt to and if you just connect me, then it is what it is, you'll just have to see it in the book, because I'll include it there too. Oh,
40 00:08:17,490 --> 00:08:27,090 here he is. pitching a book. No. There are some things that, you know, if they're gonna keep me from saying, I'm not going to keep trying to do it, I'll
41 00:08:27,090 --> 00:08:42,840 just put it in a book. And if you're willing to read it, then that's, that's fine. But when I was a teenager, my best friend who I have known since pre K,
42 00:08:43,620 --> 00:08:58,950 even for kindergarten, he married his wife, who had a uncle, who was a pastor of a church. And I'm not the poster boy of Christianity. And I promise you, while
43 00:09:00,090 --> 00:09:08,850 faith based ideas and the Bible and how that relates to trading, from my perspective, and how I became who I am, that might not be a topic that you're
44 00:09:08,850 --> 00:09:19,170 comfortable listening to. If that's the case, it's probably something that you might want to not listen to. And that preaching to you to try to make you feel
45 00:09:19,350 --> 00:09:28,770 like going to church because I don't go to church. But I'm going to probably say some things here. It's going to be offensive to some of you. And I'm doing it
46 00:09:28,770 --> 00:09:37,710 unapologetically. It's not to be disrespectful. It's not to upset any of you. It's not to challenge any of you. I'm addressing something that many of you have
47 00:09:37,710 --> 00:09:55,950 asked me to do. And I said before November I would talk about it. Without God, I would not be where I am. There is one God. He really does exist. He does not
48 00:09:55,950 --> 00:10:12,810 exist in a Trinity there is For one God, God manifests Himself in the flesh, and that is Jesus Christ. He is the father, when he provided a body to indwell, and
49 00:10:12,810 --> 00:10:30,030 manifest himself among men, to be the sacrifice for us that makes that roll that manifestation, that office, in relationship to mankind, that is the Son of God.
50 00:10:31,050 --> 00:10:47,550 No man produced that body. And Mary's egg didn't produce it either. She was just a womb. And in that body was a very holy spirit. So just like, I am Michael, I
51 00:10:47,550 --> 00:11:06,600 am ICT. I am the husband of my wife. I'm the father of my children. I am the best friend of Shawn, as I mentioned moments ago. I'm one person. And God made
52 00:11:06,600 --> 00:11:19,440 us in His image. You are a student of mine, you are also a spouse, a friend, a sibling. You're all those things. But how many does it take to do that? Just you
53 00:11:20,220 --> 00:11:27,870 and God is just that he is the Father. And the Bible talks about a still quiet voice.
54 00:11:29,850 --> 00:11:40,530 And I heard this voice many times in my life. And I recounted the story in the last sort of space for was interrupted. I was young man, and I was at a friend's
55 00:11:40,530 --> 00:11:49,530 house who now has since passed away. His name is Randy Randy Humphries. He lived on Middle River Road, which was right across the street and two doors down from
56 00:11:49,530 --> 00:12:01,680 my grandmother's house that doesn't exist anymore. She used to live at one Victoria Road. And he got his dad's muzzleloader out. classic scenario where
57 00:12:01,680 --> 00:12:14,460 were two kids are playing one gets their father's gun out. He pointed at my face and long story short. He backs me up against his living room wall. And I hear
58 00:12:14,460 --> 00:12:25,590 voice over the rights like my right shoulder, audibly. It was not my conscience talking. It was not my inside voice. Like it wasn't a TV wasn't a radio. It was
59 00:12:25,590 --> 00:12:39,090 absolutely a male voice. But it wasn't a voice where it was thunderous. Like a deep baritone. It was very comfortable hearing it. I trusted it immediately. And
60 00:12:39,150 --> 00:12:51,750 what I heard was pulled the door in front of you. Meaning that when my friend who was playing with his dad's muzzle loader gun, was walking around, pointing
61 00:12:51,750 --> 00:13:00,120 at me wasn't saying anything to me. But the look in his eyes. I knew something was wrong. And when he backed me up against the living room door, oh, I'm sorry,
62 00:13:00,120 --> 00:13:09,750 the wall. It was near his front door, which was open, and the only thing separating the outside. And where we were was the storm door glass. But because
63 00:13:09,750 --> 00:13:23,250 I was walked up and put against the wall with my back, the door was semi ajar, like halfway open, halfway closed. So I was in a position where if I reached and
64 00:13:23,250 --> 00:13:33,750 grabbed a doorknob, I could do with that voice said pull the door in front of you. I was no hesitation as soon as I heard it. I did it and as soon as my right
65 00:13:33,750 --> 00:13:47,040 toe or my tennis shoe, connected with the door swinging in front of me. The gun went off. As soon as the gun went off in the blast hit the door. The door
66 00:13:47,040 --> 00:13:58,920 bounced off my right tennis shoe and started to open up and I saw his face. His eyes were white, like like he saw ghost. Uh, my legs turned to jelly. I couldn't
67 00:13:58,920 --> 00:14:12,960 breathe. I was crying. I was scared to death. I thought I had been blown away. And paint chips hit me in the face by paint chips all over my shirt. And all the
68 00:14:12,960 --> 00:14:24,570 buckshot that came through the door was on my side of the door. I didn't know this yet, because I walked as quickly as I could want to his parents count and
69 00:14:24,570 --> 00:14:32,250 he fell back on his chair. I must apologize I'm sorry Michael. I'm sorry. Like I didn't know it was loaded the classic you know, it's a scenario to me if you
70 00:14:32,250 --> 00:14:43,410 have guns you should have putting them in a position where if you have kids, they can't get a hold of them and mess around with them. But the other side of
71 00:14:43,410 --> 00:14:54,060 the door look pretty bad. And once I compose myself, I walk over to the door pull the door away from the law, and I saw paint chips on the floor which match
72 00:14:54,060 --> 00:15:06,030 the same paint chips are all with my shirt. Not one buckshot made it's way to the wall. But when I looked at the side of the door I was on all the buckshot
73 00:15:06,030 --> 00:15:18,420 was right there. And when I put my fingertip to it, not a fingernail to scratch it off, no. Just touching it with my finger. The buckshot would fall out of the
74 00:15:18,420 --> 00:15:20,490 door on the ground in his living room.
75 00:15:25,590 --> 00:15:35,880 What do you do with that? Do you write that off as luck? Do you write that off as his hearing voices? Some of you think that this is contrived, it's made up of
76 00:15:35,880 --> 00:15:47,310 I swear to God Almighty, it happened. And frankly, I'm gonna be honest, I don't care if you believe it. These are events that took place in my life. And I know
77 00:15:47,310 --> 00:16:02,280 there are markers I know when God dealt with me. And I believe he preserved me then dislike used my father in a very threatening manner. He, he forced my wife,
78 00:16:02,310 --> 00:16:13,530 not my not my wife, but my mother, who was planning to abort me. I wasn't supposed to be born. And my father who was a contract murderer. Yes, he's real.
79 00:16:13,530 --> 00:16:22,590 His name was Michael Joe Harrington. That was my birth name at birth. But my mom got mad at him and changed it to Huddleston and my name Huddleston shouldn't
80 00:16:22,590 --> 00:16:31,860 need to be Huddleston it should be either Huntington which is what it was at birth, or fried, which is spelled like fried. But because my grandparents had my
81 00:16:31,860 --> 00:16:42,120 mom and my uncle. Before they were married, the laws were back then whatever the mother's names, last name was that's what the child had on their birth
82 00:16:42,120 --> 00:16:52,860 certificate. Later on, my grandfather married my grandmother, and the three children after them. I'll have the last name freed. The Huddleston name was a
83 00:16:52,860 --> 00:17:02,910 previous husband that my grandmother had who committed suicide. And she got with my grandfather when they were in the Navy. And then hooking up, got pregnant
84 00:17:02,910 --> 00:17:14,880 twice and couple of miscarriages and finally he married her. So made honest moment over. To my handsome, one passed away uncle was like a big brother to me.
85 00:17:15,090 --> 00:17:25,230 They had his name freed. So I'm the first of my name. So I don't have any lineage. And hillside is a member of our community reached out to me with his
86 00:17:25,230 --> 00:17:33,330 last name. Huddleston saying that our name is this and our name is that I'm not a Huddleston. Like, I had no legacy to that name. I'm the first of my name, I'm
87 00:17:33,330 --> 00:17:43,080 the first of my time. And I shouldn't be that. I wish I would have had the last name freed. I would be honored to have my grandfather's name. But it's so
88 00:17:43,080 --> 00:17:53,310 happens I don't. I'm not proud of my biological father, because he's a murderer. He's turned his life over to Christ for just about 15 years now, maybe 1215
89 00:17:53,310 --> 00:17:55,680 years. But
90 00:18:01,559 --> 00:18:13,079 it's not coming out the same way it did the first time, folks, I'm just thinking how I'm really nice. It would have had to have that recorded. But I talked about
91 00:18:13,079 --> 00:18:23,459 how, because people asked me, you know, what's your testimony? What was it like? And what is your faith? So this is the part where I'm probably going to be very
92 00:18:23,459 --> 00:18:32,249 divisive. And it's not meant to be divisive. But I have to be prepared to give the testimony and reason why I believe what I believe you're asking me, if you
93 00:18:32,249 --> 00:18:39,389 aren't that person that's asked for these types of discussions, this conversation is not for you. Okay, because I really don't want to block you for
94 00:18:39,389 --> 00:18:48,059 having some kind of comments to me, in response to me doing this, because it's clearly not for you to hear then. But for the folks that want to know, I'm going
95 00:18:48,059 --> 00:19:00,809 to talk about. But that same voice that I heard that day when I was a teenager, I never really gave it much thought, because I was a kid. And it was other
96 00:19:00,809 --> 00:19:14,129 instances in times where I had heard that same voice in times where I almost got hurt, and instructed me to do certain things to prevent it. It was the same
97 00:19:14,129 --> 00:19:24,929 voice. It was it was it was a male voice. That was not like anybody else I can say it sounds like. Now if you think about that same conscience that you have
98 00:19:25,829 --> 00:19:36,599 the thing that talks to you, like you better not do this, or you know you shouldn't say that, or you shouldn't do these things or don't worry about this.
99 00:19:36,599 --> 00:19:45,599 You're overreacting. That's your conscience. And it's usually your own voice in your own head. That's a normal thing. God uses that to talk to us. And when you
100 00:19:45,629 --> 00:19:55,589 keep sinning and you keep doing things that are against what he would have you do. That conscience can be seared and you no longer can hear it. I was a young
101 00:19:55,589 --> 00:20:11,759 man that was very influenced by people We're doing better than me. My father's mother, my biological father. He did really well. lived up where I'm living now
102 00:20:11,759 --> 00:20:23,879 in foster Maryland. They were like a fluent, but not rich, but they were fluent, certainly better than anybody else in my family. So I didn't come from rich. But
103 00:20:23,939 --> 00:20:36,959 that inspired me to do well, I wanted to live like them and better. And throughout the years, you know, I thought about things I shouldn't have thought
104 00:20:36,959 --> 00:20:49,499 about. And I talked about how I grew up as a child that didn't have my father. And I didn't have a mom that had any kind of real interest in me, she liked
105 00:20:49,499 --> 00:21:00,809 hearing that I was a good boy, when people would see me in public with her, which was very sparingly. But the idea of having a relationship with my parents
106 00:21:00,809 --> 00:21:16,349 that was not there. So I was left to whatever the movies would instill in me in terms of pursuits in life and what the world should be viewed like. And I didn't
107 00:21:16,349 --> 00:21:23,999 want to live a life that felt like I did, as a kid, I was a good boy, you know, I didn't try to get in any kind of trouble. But that all changed. When I turned
108 00:21:23,999 --> 00:21:41,399 13. Puberty started becoming a factor. And I was wrestling with levels of testosterone and imbalance, like I'm, it's very hard for me to stay on one
109 00:21:41,399 --> 00:21:52,979 topic. And the only two topics that I can stay on, and do well with, I think, is if I'm watching live price action with you, and I'm talking about price, I
110 00:21:52,979 --> 00:22:04,499 usually can stay on task with that, because he holds my attention. Or if I talk things about like with faith. So if I invite God in the conversation, he usually
111 00:22:04,499 --> 00:22:14,219 takes control and my tongue is bridled. And I don't usually say that things, even if I have a tendency to want to get off kilter and go on tilt, and use
112 00:22:14,249 --> 00:22:27,389 language that I'm not terribly proud of. I generally don't have that problem, when he's the topic. So that, to me, it's a sign that the Holy Spirit takes
113 00:22:27,689 --> 00:22:43,199 control that I don't think that you should listen to what I'm going to say and viewed as preaching to you. I'm not doing that. I'm not trying to tell you to
114 00:22:43,199 --> 00:23:00,629 join a church because I don't go to a church. I used to go to a church, I used to pay 10%, plus 5% and offerings every single week of my gross income. I feel,
115 00:23:01,829 --> 00:23:13,439 I feel that churches should be taxed. Because they they're treated like businesses. And these pastors are pretending to be celebrities. And if you're
116 00:23:13,439 --> 00:23:23,489 going to be a pastor, you should be the meekest one in your community. And you don't see that you see mega churches, these people dressing in suits that cost
117 00:23:23,489 --> 00:23:33,329 more than some used cars. Well, maybe not. Now, because these cars are really expensive. They got their security team in front of them. Like they're
118 00:23:33,329 --> 00:23:45,209 celebrities, like their presidents or world leaders. And they're hiding buku money walls of their church that used to be stadiums for sporting events. And
119 00:23:45,209 --> 00:23:56,969 you're not, you're not hearing anything from them, that addresses sin, how they should conduct themselves. None of that none of these things are ever a factor,
120 00:23:56,999 --> 00:24:04,229 but they're bringing in billions of dollars. And I don't have a problem with people making millions of dollars, but when you peddle the Word of God and you
121 00:24:04,229 --> 00:24:12,989 profit off of that. That's that's not what it was designed to do. And you're also trying to be a celebrity, and you're making lots of money and you're not
122 00:24:12,989 --> 00:24:22,589 being taxed. So a 501 C should not be permitted for any church. And that's my that's my view on it. I don't have a thing against churches. I have a thing
123 00:24:22,589 --> 00:24:38,009 against false prophets and false teachers and that's what you're seeing right now. So I talked about in the last Twitter space that when people asked me how I
124 00:24:39,839 --> 00:24:46,499 came to know all this stuff I guess you could say it was like a visit
125 00:24:52,829 --> 00:25:08,159 this is gonna be really hard for some of you to accept it, but it is what it is. I had several instances where I should have died and didn't. In some of those
126 00:25:08,159 --> 00:25:23,039 instances, I have distinct memories of that same voice. reassuring me. And it's not my conscience talking. So for some of you, usually it's used as a foreign
127 00:25:23,039 --> 00:25:32,759 folks that the barrier of our language sometimes doesn't communicate it well. And, and they're very critical. And that's the people I usually mute. I don't
128 00:25:32,759 --> 00:25:40,499 block you, but I'll mute you. So I don't need to see anything from you ever again. But you'll still hear me or see me if I tweet. So just know that after we
129 00:25:40,499 --> 00:25:47,309 have this Twitter space, if you feel like you want to say something that's going to be offensive to me, because I'm sharing something that you're not entitled to
130 00:25:47,309 --> 00:26:01,079 hear. But because I know some of you really want to hear it, I'm going to talk about it is the real secret to why I'm able to do what I'm able to do. When I
131 00:26:01,079 --> 00:26:15,929 was younger, and I first got into trading, it was a rushed effort, because I wanted to become significant. My grandfather had passed away recently, and I was
132 00:26:15,929 --> 00:26:26,969 lost. Like my father figure was going I lost this big, barrel chested, strong Navy man be consumed by cancer. And I thought he could with anything in this
133 00:26:26,969 --> 00:26:38,579 invisible thing that I couldn't defeat, and he couldn't defeat and the doctors couldn't defeat eat him alive. And while he wasn't mine, I was so he my father
134 00:26:43,740 --> 00:26:44,610 too, he was.
135 00:27:04,650 --> 00:27:19,740 My wife, I left my wife left me but real shortly after that, and I was pursuing computer science, I wanted to be a systems analyst hadn't really started any
136 00:27:19,740 --> 00:27:31,500 pursuit and trading. I'm Uncle was constantly hammering on me, uncle Stan. From age 14, going on 15 He was telling me all the time, richest people in the world
137 00:27:31,500 --> 00:27:41,520 trade futures and options, Michael, get a good job and do that do that. And I can look back now and hear how God was placing that on me at a young age then.
138 00:27:42,090 --> 00:27:54,210 That was the seeds been laid. I wasn't ready for it. And when I went to work for a Jewish family in Owings Mills, I was working for him as a vendor, I used to
139 00:27:54,210 --> 00:28:02,670 fill up certain machines and K machines and service to coffee machines and coffee machines. I didn't make very much money doing it. I love doing it. And it
140 00:28:02,670 --> 00:28:10,230 made me want to do that as a business. So I wanted to become an entrepreneur. When I was a young man as a martial arts instructor. That's where I thought it
141 00:28:10,230 --> 00:28:16,980 was gonna go. And then I started lifting weights. As a young teenager, I got as big as I could without steroids. And this before I started contemplating taking
142 00:28:16,980 --> 00:28:28,590 steroids, I wanted to join the WSJ. F. I had a relationship start with my then first wife. And then once I got married, I just lost the pursuit of exercising
143 00:28:28,590 --> 00:28:41,430 and lifting weight and getting bigger. And it just became a pursuit of going to school. And I wanted to be a systems analyst and do that. And in the process,
144 00:28:42,420 --> 00:28:51,990 you know, I'm working as a vendor. So I had too many things going on, and I didn't get my first wife, the attention that she needed. So I was always at
145 00:28:51,990 --> 00:29:01,620 school, I was always at work. And I was like a hospice nurse when I was home to very little sleep. So my grandfather wasted away and and once he passed, once he
146 00:29:01,620 --> 00:29:08,460 passed away, my wife basically said, you know, I want to get out of this situation, I want to start living my life. So I helped her pack and we got to
147 00:29:08,460 --> 00:29:22,440 the worst. So those years after that, I became very reckless. I was a womanizer, I felt like I had to do those things to feel like a man because I was hurting.
148 00:29:23,190 --> 00:29:35,310 And when I when you young men, or even young ladies that are listening, when you see what you're learning from me, and you see the people succeeding, you are
149 00:29:35,700 --> 00:29:54,690 identifying with success as being seen as successful on social media. When successful people feel successful, not being on social media. It's not really
150 00:29:54,690 --> 00:30:02,730 the best way of saying, it's like this. When you're content and you're comfortable in your own skin. You know, you're successful and you are living a
151 00:30:02,730 --> 00:30:13,830 life that is abundant through excellence, doing the right things for you. Some of the things and the encouragement that I give, or the approaches to trading
152 00:30:13,830 --> 00:30:27,150 may not be suitable for everyone. It may not be something that is designed just for you. So you had to go through a discovery of things that I'm teaching, it
153 00:30:27,150 --> 00:30:39,180 may not be day trading, and maybe short term trading. But I think if you were honest, and we were in a room where nobody else could see your response. If I
154 00:30:39,180 --> 00:30:48,690 asked you what, what the definition of success would be, we'd be able to show you getting paid out for profiting with live money, and then showing that to the
155 00:30:48,690 --> 00:31:01,800 world. And then the response of the collective community online, saying that, Wow, you are successful, or I want to be like you, the amount of money that
156 00:31:01,800 --> 00:31:13,020 you're withdrawing is insignificant. The payout you're really looking for is public acceptance. And that's as a young man, what I was pursuing. I wasn't
157 00:31:13,020 --> 00:31:23,730 motivated by the money because I had 20 year planning and I wanted to retire when I was 40. So at 20 years old, when I first sat down, November 5 1992,
158 00:31:24,210 --> 00:31:35,970 Thursday evening, 9pm, and my aunt and uncle's house, I read my first Trading Book. That's when initial trigger was born. I had, in my mind, I accepted the
159 00:31:35,970 --> 00:31:43,560 fact that my uncle has been trying to tell me about it, it went full circle. Now here, I'm working for a guy in Owings Mills, he had Entrepreneur Magazine, and I
160 00:31:43,560 --> 00:31:51,720 responded to a classified ad, it had nothing to do with trading. And it turns out, it's a guy selling a course, on how to trade commodities. So it's time for
161 00:31:51,720 --> 00:32:05,760 God, I don't know what it is. So I just accepted it, that, that that's what my life was going to be. And I stopped pursuing anything with computer science, I
162 00:32:06,090 --> 00:32:18,870 stopped trying to get jobs in the field. Nobody was even responding to my resumes anyway. Like, not once, not one interview, ever. And I had a high GPA,
163 00:32:19,080 --> 00:32:28,560 like I knew how to do this stuff, and I couldn't secure even in an interview. So it wasn't meant for me. At the time, I was frustrated. Like, I was so
164 00:32:28,560 --> 00:32:40,080 frustrated, and tears, like, work so hard, even from sixth grade, where I was writing my own code. I was making video games when I was in seventh grade. Not
165 00:32:40,770 --> 00:32:52,770 new Playstation lab, obviously, when I was writing code for small, simple little plus some little play time games, that I coded myself, hang man, you know,
166 00:32:53,910 --> 00:33:03,450 simple things you could do with like basic language. And for a seventh grader, all learned self taught through books. To me, I thought that was cool. And it's
167 00:33:03,450 --> 00:33:13,440 all it's all I ever did. Most of my childhood was me writing codes, and writing programs and things and you pretending I was writing passwords and getting into
168 00:33:13,740 --> 00:33:24,090 databases that I created for my own stuff, which was really simply a collection of 45 records and LPs, which really were mostly my mom and uncle's LPs. So
169 00:33:24,690 --> 00:33:37,920 everything I did, was just around numbers all the time. But we the pursuit of needing to be more than fritch came from not having parents that cared for me.
170 00:33:38,550 --> 00:33:48,060 And feeling lost once I lost my grandfather. And then my, my first wife left me so I felt damaged. So I needed to feel like I was significant. Like I needed to
171 00:33:48,060 --> 00:33:59,310 feel worthy. Because my only memories at that time was I was not supposed to be boring, like mother had to be threatened by my dad with a fatality if he gave
172 00:33:59,910 --> 00:34:10,740 over gave me over to abortion. So God stepped in there. Remember, this is the same guy that made bail homes as talk. So he can do that, you know, he can do
173 00:34:10,740 --> 00:34:20,370 anything. He wants to make something happen. You can say it's terrible that my mother was threatened by your life, by my father's not to have an abortion. And
174 00:34:20,430 --> 00:34:30,750 you can claim woman's body rights and keep your laws off my body. That's all fine and good. But we're talking about something entirely different here. My dad
175 00:34:31,110 --> 00:34:43,170 did not want me aborted. But my dad didn't want to be a dad. So figure that out. It was something else pushing it. So I was definitely supposed to be here. I had
176 00:34:43,170 --> 00:34:53,670 a purpose. I think you're all part of it. I think you're seeing it. I've never been more passionate about anything else in the world than the markets and
177 00:34:54,120 --> 00:35:11,790 sharing what it is I've been blessed with. When I hear People talk about storylines made up things. They talk stuff about me, they make videos about me
178 00:35:11,790 --> 00:35:22,860 that are untrue. I get it. Okay. I mean, heavy is the head that wears the crown. And right now, I'm the the guy that everybody wants to talk about or be a part
179 00:35:22,860 --> 00:35:31,200 of. After November, that will diminish, okay. And it's good that it does that somebody else will come up and there'll be popular and then the same thing will
180 00:35:31,200 --> 00:35:39,930 happen for them too. But when I talked to you, and I tried to give you advice about how you should conduct yourself as a person, how you should think about
181 00:35:39,930 --> 00:35:51,660 things, I learned those lessons the hard way. When I was younger, I pursued materialism, because I thought fast cars, wasted money, doing things with a lot
182 00:35:51,660 --> 00:36:01,350 of money wastefully would make me stand apart. And it did. It made me look like an idiot. I'm embarrassed to think about the things I used to do. But at that
183 00:36:01,350 --> 00:36:11,460 time, I felt like a baller. And my friends wanted to be around me. But in reality, they hated who I was. But they wanted to get what they could get from
184 00:36:11,460 --> 00:36:18,510 me at the time. And that's what many of you are not understanding. You think by taking yourself out on the social media. When you get successful, and you start
185 00:36:18,510 --> 00:36:26,520 getting the payoffs. You're not satisfied. Some of you already in your mind haven't even been successful yet. But in your mind, you know that that's not
186 00:36:26,520 --> 00:36:34,860 going to be the success, because success is the go out and rubbing their eyes face. Rather than everybody face. Look at you. They they counted me out, they
187 00:36:34,860 --> 00:36:45,090 told me I would never become this, I will never become that. And you want to be able to be this comeback kid this storybook success story. And while I admire
188 00:36:45,090 --> 00:36:57,270 that I love an underdog story. I love that I lived it. Think gun all those things I can tell you as a 50 year old man get returned 51
189 00:36:58,560 --> 00:37:08,730 I don't look like I'm 50 I certainly don't act like a 50 year old. I act like a young man, I have a young man's heart. I have fun. I live life like an adventure
190 00:37:08,760 --> 00:37:15,930 i i try to deposit into all of your lives and other people that would be willing to listen to me a way of thinking so that way you can number one, count the
191 00:37:15,930 --> 00:37:25,020 number of your days and be aware that you're not here forever. And the things that you do and things that you say they all have consequences. And there's an
192 00:37:25,020 --> 00:37:37,110 expiration date on everything. But you cannot time your success. I gave myself 20 years. When I first started, I gave myself 20 years, I said I'm gonna retire
193 00:37:37,230 --> 00:37:50,070 doing this, I'm gonna retire the markets will retire me when I'm 40. That was my plan. Now imagine me trying to sell you a mentorship. Okay, think about people
194 00:37:50,070 --> 00:37:58,830 laughs it oh ICTs Gods you want as long periods, it's the long con, now I'm realistic, you don't know what you're going to be settled in as a trader in one
195 00:37:58,830 --> 00:38:09,750 year, you sure as heck ain't gonna be able to figure it out in four months, you're not going to figure it out in a workshop that can last a month or a week.
196 00:38:11,280 --> 00:38:20,220 I tell you, you need to see a minimum of one year, because then you'll see a full calendar year, you'll see the ebb and flow of the seasonal tendencies that
197 00:38:20,220 --> 00:38:31,920 come in the marketplace and when they don't form, how that's impactful. So it gives you an opportunity to find yourself within a year without trading with
198 00:38:31,920 --> 00:38:44,250 real money. It allows you to settle in on one style, one approach that makes sense to you. And I can tell you, I made the biggest mistake by going out and
199 00:38:44,250 --> 00:38:54,870 trying to force profitability before I knew how to trade. I blew dozens of accounts. In the 90s. When I first started, I had no business going in here and
200 00:38:54,870 --> 00:39:05,790 opened up an account. No business at all. And I learned from that. And the students that had done really well with me are the ones that learn not to do
201 00:39:05,790 --> 00:39:15,780 those same mistakes. Are you willing to listen to me? Are you going to be the guy that feels like orgueil it feels like you're the exception to the rule.
202 00:39:19,800 --> 00:39:28,380 You're not going to be the exception to the rule. So don't waste time doing that. Invest in learning, invest in doing the right things and allow yourself
203 00:39:28,740 --> 00:39:38,310 the comfort and the enjoyment of discovering who you are as a trader, you may not be a day trader. But you can use my day trading entry models inside of short
204 00:39:38,310 --> 00:39:51,030 term trading or swing trading. I take you into the lower timeframes to prove number one that it's not noise to authorship. Three that you can keep risk
205 00:39:51,570 --> 00:40:02,490 managed. You're going to lose I lose. But you're not going to find who you are as a trader that you finally settle in Okay, I promise you, anybody out there
206 00:40:02,490 --> 00:40:11,490 that would be either a supporter of me or talk smack about me. They did not learn how to do this in a year. They didn't do it in less than a year. I promise
207 00:40:11,490 --> 00:40:23,250 you, I don't care who's telling you what storyline, I don't care. I don't care. Okay? They did not discover who they are, and settled in on that. Because if
208 00:40:23,250 --> 00:40:31,020 they did, they wouldn't be looking at my stuff. They wouldn't even care about anybody else. They would be just doing their own thing. And they would have
209 00:40:31,020 --> 00:40:39,030 receipts proving all that stuff. And they don't have known that stuff. Because everybody wants to be the next thing when it goes away in November. I'm no
210 00:40:39,030 --> 00:40:48,060 longer on social media. I'm replying back to my personal life. So everybody's going to be in a hurry to get up here and try to be the next thing. That's
211 00:40:48,060 --> 00:41:01,080 normal. My hope is that the people that are trying to do that or aspiring to do that. Don't waste too much time with them. Don't waste too much time trying to
212 00:41:02,100 --> 00:41:12,720 have the payout of social media cloud. Because if you're not satisfied with being profitable, and comfortable in your own skin that's a problem.
213 00:41:18,360 --> 00:41:34,110 Online to feel comfortable events sticking up here to breeze probably this muffled up on the phone. I apologize if that happened. tager. Bailey, I think
214 00:41:34,110 --> 00:41:44,400 she just ate a bug. But the unwrinkled up, man, I've been known as Paul since I jumped in on the first live Twitter space, sitting here on the step and join it.
215 00:41:44,640 --> 00:41:53,700 It's 92 degrees in this pool. It feels like a bathtub. Oh, you're bragging on ICT? No, no, I'm just trying to paint a picture for you. But anyway, some of you
216 00:41:53,700 --> 00:42:11,640 wanted to know, my testimony and how I am where I am and how I got here. So when I was a young man, I was like, I don't know. That's somewhere between 1416 years
217 00:42:11,640 --> 00:42:22,500 old. I don't know what date it was. But my my best friend, who I've known since pre K. We were laying on his parents picnic table in the backyard, we were
218 00:42:22,500 --> 00:42:35,760 looking up at the stars. And he was dating a girl who was married to now. And he was part of her uncle's church. And they were a Trinitarian church. And he was
219 00:42:35,760 --> 00:42:47,640 wrestling with this idea of a trinity. And I've never subscribed to a trinity is only one God. And I believe Jesus Christ was the embodiment of that God. And
220 00:42:47,640 --> 00:42:56,670 just like I was mentioning earlier, I'm a father to my children. I'm a husband to my wife, and I'm a son to my mother, that doesn't require three Michaels.
221 00:42:56,700 --> 00:43:07,920 It's one person, one entity, that is me. And I have relationships or roles in the office that I fulfill. So if I was to write a check to you, I wouldn't sign
222 00:43:07,920 --> 00:43:18,660 an ICT, I wouldn't sign it the husband of my wife, or the father of Caleb, okay, it would be my name, the authority is in my name in Christ Kane and revealed
223 00:43:18,660 --> 00:43:29,310 that authority in Acts chapter 412 says there's no more than a moment where by we must be saved. So I understand there's going to be people that are Muslim,
224 00:43:29,310 --> 00:43:34,830 they're listening to this, I understand that it's gonna be people that are Hindu, there's gonna be people that are atheists, and you're going to hear me
225 00:43:34,830 --> 00:43:41,250 say this, and it's gonna be very divisive for you, and you're gonna want to hate me because I said these things. I'm answering the question that people have
226 00:43:41,250 --> 00:43:49,410 asked, okay, I'm not trying to convert you because I can't. When I was younger, I tried. I tried really, really hard to do those types of things. And the only
227 00:43:49,410 --> 00:44:01,290 thing I'm doing now is doing what the Word says, always be ready to give a reason for your testimony and why you believe what you believe. So I told my
228 00:44:01,290 --> 00:44:13,050 friend Sean, I said, Listen, you know, we're like, brothers. We've known each other since pre K. I'm not saying don't have a relationship with God. But I
229 00:44:13,050 --> 00:44:25,530 don't believe what you are stating that God is is biblical. He wrestled with that. He's no longer you know, Trinitarian, but he is still obviously a believer
230 00:44:25,530 --> 00:44:37,950 in Christ. And he believes that God manifests Himself in the flesh, and that flesh was not fathered by any man and no egg from Mary created either. So he
231 00:44:37,950 --> 00:44:45,930 created it, he prepared that body. And in that body was a holy spirit. It's the same one. And just like when the apostles of Christ Himself, they said, If you
232 00:44:45,930 --> 00:44:53,700 keep talking about the father, show us the Father and it'll satisfy us, because we don't know who that is. And Jesus immediately turned around to him and said,
233 00:44:53,700 --> 00:45:01,380 Listen, have I been with you so long that you don't know who I am? If you see me, you see the Father. So how can you The athlete shows the father when it's
234 00:45:01,380 --> 00:45:14,010 the father talking to you. See, can't say that the flesh is the father. That's not the father. That's the part that we refer to as the son. That's the Son of
235 00:45:14,010 --> 00:45:23,670 God, that flesh that was the son ship, that part of the Godhead. It's one god that manifests itself in flesh. There's one mediator between God and me. And
236 00:45:23,670 --> 00:45:33,840 that's Christ. Only there is no other God, that is it. So when you want to ask me, how is it that I learned all this? How is it that I knew these things? When
237 00:45:33,840 --> 00:45:51,930 I was young, and I wanted to end myself, and I didn't have the courage to do it. I came home from work one evening, and one of the routes that I did. I was going
238 00:45:51,930 --> 00:46:03,120 across the Key Bridge, and build the Uber, as a community making image the skit about intrusive thoughts. And while sometimes it is funny, admittedly, it's
239 00:46:03,120 --> 00:46:13,110 really not appropriate to laugh at stuff like that, because I've had instances where I literally felt like I wanted to drive off that Key Bridge. And one day,
240 00:46:13,110 --> 00:46:26,730 I made every intention of doing it. I had lost money. I had lost my wife. I lost my grandfather. I felt lost. And I hated doing what I was doing. I was making
241 00:46:27,480 --> 00:46:39,570 less than $250 a week bring him but I was spending six days a week doing it. Working on a Saturday, servicing one convalescent home down on Fayette Street in
242 00:46:39,600 --> 00:46:54,630 downtown Baltimore, but Monday through Friday, 13 and a half hours. Would you do that? No, most most people wouldn't. But I was initially thinking, if I can
243 00:46:54,630 --> 00:47:03,120 learn everything about this business, make money, I'll buy my own machines, and vending machines. And I'll know everything about this business that I'm looking
244 00:47:03,120 --> 00:47:17,550 at. So I'm paying tuition. Just like I guess it would be considered like a intern where you're not really getting paid, you're just there to get the
245 00:47:17,550 --> 00:47:30,780 experience, which is very expensive, by the way. But I felt defeated. I felt like I was at my wit's end. And I just, I had lots of books, I had lots of
246 00:47:30,780 --> 00:47:39,570 things in my head, but I couldn't make that stuff in retail stuff work. It just, every time I got into a trade, either I would be scared because I lost money
247 00:47:39,570 --> 00:47:57,450 before I lost an account or I would be nearly stopped out. And it was very, very discouraging. And while I didn't have a gun, I probably probably would have hurt
248 00:47:57,450 --> 00:48:06,720 myself. If I had one day. I felt like I was being invited many times driving with at Cambridge, like I just want to whip the wheel over there and just go off
249 00:48:06,720 --> 00:48:21,960 the edge of it. Well, today I was in the stop right before going across to Cambridge. And I would go to telco which was a stop that didn't make a whole lot
250 00:48:21,960 --> 00:48:34,410 of money. But he did go into it. I figured well, once I service that one, I'll be going to the Key Bridge and then I'm going to do it today. I'll probably pass
251 00:48:34,410 --> 00:48:49,830 out on my way down. I probably won't feel anything, but nobody's gonna miss me. And that's the depth of where I was. Nobody could reach me. There was no cell
252 00:48:49,830 --> 00:48:56,190 phone, no text messages that encouraged me not to do it. And I didn't tell anybody I was going to do it. Because listen, folks, if you're going to do it,
253 00:48:56,310 --> 00:49:05,790 you're going to do it. People that talk about they own it. They just want someone that say I love you don't do that. They don't want to really hurt
254 00:49:05,790 --> 00:49:22,740 themselves. But that day I did I felt empty, worthless. I looked at my history. My own parents didn't want anything to do with me. And the only person that
255 00:49:22,740 --> 00:49:36,450 looked at me like a son was my grandfather he was gone and had no direction in life. And yes, I believed in God but that wasn't enough at the time. And I
256 00:49:36,450 --> 00:49:46,110 needed to feel sometimes some kind of purpose some some reason to be here because there was no reason for me to want to be here
257 00:49:51,540 --> 00:50:11,550 got on the Key Bridge. Got on the right lane. Got to the top stopped I put my hazards on. I said, it would be terrible for me to take this truck and hurt this
258 00:50:11,580 --> 00:50:20,310 company, they'd have to pay for that damage. I'm just gonna go off of it. It only takes me a second to get up here. I'm just gonna step off and sit. Once I'm
259 00:50:20,310 --> 00:50:23,970 over, it's over. I can't stop it. And again, I'll probably pass out before I hit
260 00:50:29,970 --> 00:50:46,410 and I don't know. I don't know why that day. What was the like, I didn't wake up that morning and think it. It was while I was working. While I was working and
261 00:50:46,410 --> 00:51:00,840 thinking about what I was doing, and how I felt trapped, doing that. And I didn't, I didn't see an out. I never drank alcohol. I never did drugs
262 00:51:06,660 --> 00:51:09,000 but I was not in the right state of mind that day.
263 00:51:15,390 --> 00:51:23,850 Some said, go home. And don't think about it.
264 00:51:29,160 --> 00:51:42,090 Sit near, people are beeping their horn at me, give me the finger going buy you a yo what's my rent, you know, whatever typical mom wants. So I started the
265 00:51:42,090 --> 00:51:54,570 trucking game, went to the stops, finished my route didn't hang out like I usually did with my employer drove home numb. No radio, didn't lift weights that
266 00:51:54,570 --> 00:52:03,390 day, went and got a shower didn't eat. And I sat and stared at my computer. And I'm gonna toss this out there because when I did a corbs interview, I
267 00:52:03,390 --> 00:52:13,410 facetiously said, Yeah, my laptop died. There was a snub against the people that talk about how I have multiple laptops and pick cherry picking. It was a
268 00:52:13,440 --> 00:52:25,170 desktop. That's what I was that was no longer working for me at Hewlett Packard and it was very slow.
269 00:52:32,340 --> 00:52:46,290 But I sat there, looked at all the books I bought and remembered all the hoops ahead and waiting for the new arrive. And all the trips that I drove out to
270 00:52:46,740 --> 00:52:57,870 Columbia, Maryland to the traders library, which was a I'm not even sure if it's even a place anymore. Even exists. Now that I'm thinking about when I'm done
271 00:52:57,870 --> 00:53:07,230 here, I'm gonna have to Google and see if the traders library still exists. I used to go out there every week, and I buy something I paid $50 a week, room and
272 00:53:07,230 --> 00:53:17,010 board at my uncle's house. st uncle did inspire me to get into trading when I was 1415 years old. But it wasn't interest because I was in the martial arts and
273 00:53:17,790 --> 00:53:26,130 that's all I care about them. Just like anybody else. Like like kids, you know. They ain't gonna listen to you. Even though you have the right instructions and
274 00:53:26,130 --> 00:53:33,000 guidance. You don't want to listen. And just like many of you, you're like my children. Some of you are probably older than me, but you still act like a
275 00:53:33,000 --> 00:53:43,830 child. You don't listen to good advice. And some of you act like that. I had no adversities. Like it was just easy for me. It was unfair, everything worked out
276 00:53:43,830 --> 00:53:56,040 for me, you have no idea the darkest corners of where I was where I came from. I didn't have the courage to do what I said I was going to do when I got on that
277 00:53:56,040 --> 00:54:09,750 bridge. But something inspired me to go home and start thinking about that. And when I got home that evening, I pulled out the price charts, which was a weekly
278 00:54:10,680 --> 00:54:21,900 service that was a I got it for the financials and the agricultural markets. And it was ran by Nick van nice. He is the he's the guy that you know, as he hidden
279 00:54:21,900 --> 00:54:32,220 divergence or trend following divergence in stochastics. He's the guy that codified that George Lane didn't do that. And nobody else ever did either. And
280 00:54:32,430 --> 00:54:42,090 me and Larry Williams are the only ones that ever give that guy credit for that. But he has service that as a commodity trader, we updated our charts by hand.
281 00:54:45,120 --> 00:54:59,970 And I pulled out the charts, I was looking at them and it just looked like Greek to me. Like I was disconnecting. Like I wasn't I wasn't interested in anymore.
282 00:55:00,810 --> 00:55:14,970 For the first time, I looked at these things and said, I don't know what I'm doing. Like I can't see what it is that I'm supposed to see. And I just
283 00:55:14,970 --> 00:55:36,000 basically at my wit's end, I said, you know, God, I've never really invited you into this. But I feel broken. I feel like I haven't been worth. And I don't want
284 00:55:36,000 --> 00:55:36,600 to be here
285 00:55:44,640 --> 00:55:57,690 was never more interested in anything else in my life, prior to that day than I was in the markets. And then that day, I was ready to disconnect. Entire
286 00:55:57,690 --> 00:55:58,230 everything.
287 00:56:03,990 --> 00:56:18,930 And I just leave it on the line. I said, I know you exist. I know you've been with me. And I knew I'm here because of you. But why? Like, what do I have to
288 00:56:18,930 --> 00:56:24,060 show for it? Like, I work so hard at this, I can't get it to work.
289 00:56:39,690 --> 00:56:56,910 So I said, I'm gonna ask you something. And he knew my heart right now. And I mean, if you open my eyes, in my understanding, I swear I'll spend the rest of
290 00:56:56,910 --> 00:56:58,200 my life helping other people do it.
291 00:57:07,980 --> 00:57:22,140 I close the charts. Late there. I cried until I went to sleep. It wasn't till that weekend. Okay, the charts again, I started looking through them
292 00:57:28,470 --> 00:57:45,960 I just literally looking at them having no understanding what it was, I was gonna look for nothing. And I thought about what I had to ask. And I hear, look.
293 00:57:50,970 --> 00:58:03,870 I'm looking around the room. Now I'm crazy. Because now I'm imagining things, because that's what I wanted to happen. I'm looking at the market looking at the
294 00:58:03,870 --> 00:58:17,550 chart. I don't know what I'm looking at. Like, why? Why would it go up from there? Wrong you. I'm only looking at Long's I was afraid of going short. I
295 00:58:17,550 --> 00:58:27,150 didn't understand selling something that don't have. And I'm looking at these rallies and these points of inception where the market starts to go up. And it's
296 00:58:28,350 --> 00:58:39,660 like, it's like reading a foreign language you've never learned before. It's like what am I looking at? What do I know? By looking at that? Look at that. My
297 00:58:39,660 --> 00:58:52,050 attention would go to somewhere else on the chart. And I already know there's some of you are thinking this isn't happening. I don't care. I'm not monetizing
298 00:58:52,050 --> 00:59:07,020 this. I'm not preaching to you. That's how you want to know. I'm not ashamed of it. I'm undeserving. I think the only reason why he let me see these things is
299 00:59:07,020 --> 00:59:26,700 because I asked, I would be gifted that way I can service I serve with this information. Because to be honest with you, listen. Prior to that day if it
300 00:59:26,700 --> 00:59:39,960 would have been given to me, I would have selfishly kept it. Never would have learned any of this. And I would be a negative egotistical maniac living a life
301 00:59:40,710 --> 00:59:52,140 that would just be about me. And I believe because he knew my heart I was broken. And that's what he has to do sometimes. He lets people get to that
302 00:59:52,140 --> 01:00:01,500 point, because nobody reaches out to him until they're hurting. Think about it. If you've ever asked God at anything you did NASCAR did anything because you
303 01:00:01,500 --> 01:00:14,190 were at the height of anything that you found success in? And how often do you invite a man to thank you for allowing you to get there? If God exists, he
304 01:00:14,190 --> 01:00:27,240 wouldn't allow suffering. He has to do it because we're stubborn. I was. He put this in me as a young man. And then when I tried to do it my way, I couldn't do
305 01:00:27,240 --> 01:00:40,470 it. And when I changed my perspective into I want to be rich. By the time I'm 42, I want to learn how to do this well, if you give me but I will spend my life
306 01:00:40,620 --> 01:00:41,580 serving others with it.
307 01:00:46,800 --> 01:00:59,130 And I think that's the kind of prayer he likes to answer. I'm not claiming to know how he thinks. But that's the only thing that makes sense to me. And then
308 01:00:59,130 --> 01:01:16,020 when I would study, I would be by myself. No, radio, no television, nobody coming in. to disturb me. That's still quiet voice. Look here. Look here, I
309 01:01:16,020 --> 01:01:26,580 would ask questions that would rise up in me without even saying it vocally. And it would be my I would go here in the same voice would be look here. It's the
310 01:01:26,580 --> 01:01:34,500 same voice that said pull the door in front of you. It's the same voice that told me the weight of my son Cameron before he came out and we videotaped it.
311 01:01:40,650 --> 01:01:55,980 I could sit here and tell you dozens of things were outside of trading outside of money. He's intervened. Everything I told everyone in 2016 that we all
312 01:01:55,980 --> 01:02:13,290 watched and endured. Like at a time when I was saying I didn't know where it was coming from. But I spoke it. And it happened. I said Trump would be used as a
313 01:02:13,290 --> 01:02:22,650 whole guy in the world economies would be affected by it. And America would be Venezuela to point out and we are seeing the early stages of that. I'm not gonna
314 01:02:22,650 --> 01:02:24,540 go any more than that, because they turned me off again but
315 01:02:32,880 --> 01:02:50,400 you might call it visit. might call it as world many of you're gonna think it's made up and that's fine. But I've already said I got $5 million. It says none of
316 01:02:50,400 --> 01:03:03,270 you can find what I've been teaching exists in print, audio format or video format before 1996. And nobody ever says I've rebranded anything can come with
317 01:03:03,270 --> 01:03:20,430 receipts. In social media, this gives us this ability to feel like we can say anything we want. And there's a large people, populace of communion people use
318 01:03:20,430 --> 01:03:31,710 your media will believe anything that said, without doing any investigation on you can't time the markets and I'm showing you every week. I'm showing you
319 01:03:31,710 --> 01:03:38,040 things that have always been in price. But there's never been shown to you
320 01:03:46,980 --> 01:04:02,580 this is not God's algorithm. By the way, Dave. Just let you know that the people that put this together don't have any affinity for him. I turned away from that
321 01:04:05,640 --> 01:04:23,490 they make all kinds of promises that this they'll do that for you. Luxury and pop and you'll be part of the crew. It comes with a cost and that will make that
322 01:04:24,630 --> 01:04:42,930 I'm living somewhere. When I leave this body, I will exist forever. You will to and in the last workspace I talked about how you were at that period of time
323 01:04:42,930 --> 01:04:51,690 where when I was a kid, but my best friend we were laying on the table look up the star was beautiful. Like usually where we live that it was metal River.
324 01:04:52,050 --> 01:05:03,720 Marijuana in the community doesn't exist anymore. We tore it down and put up single family homes and outhouses there now. He lived right behind the fire
325 01:05:03,720 --> 01:05:17,340 station on conference road. And we're laying there on his parents basement to look up and stuff. And I tell him, I say, Listen, if the Bible is real, and what
326 01:05:17,340 --> 01:05:26,070 the Bible says about generations and the length of a generation and how Christ said, What do you see the signs? Okay, well, listen, when I was younger, before
327 01:05:26,070 --> 01:05:36,600 I really had a strong faith in God, and Christ is we've always had people say, oh, Jesus is coming back. Jesus is doing this, and Jesus doing that. And they've
328 01:05:36,600 --> 01:05:42,270 said that they heard their parents saying the same thing. And even the Scripture says, you know, there's going to be scoffers in the last day saying that, you
329 01:05:42,270 --> 01:05:49,170 know, where's the sign of that? You're coming? You know, even our fathers who are asleep now said, this is that that was gonna happen, and nothing happened.
330 01:05:49,800 --> 01:06:03,330 Well, some things had to happen first. And God uses Israel as a timepiece. And when Israel was gathered as a nation, and in Jerusalem became its capital, that
331 01:06:03,330 --> 01:06:12,360 starts the clock. Now, I already know some of you are Bible buffs, and you're gonna kind of tell me this and somebody that doesn't I'm not here to be you. I'm
332 01:06:12,360 --> 01:06:23,010 not saying you're right or wrong. Okay. I'm giving you my testimony. I'm telling you the reasons why I said all the things I said in 2016, and why I believe we
333 01:06:23,010 --> 01:06:33,600 watched all come to pass. The reasons why I told everybody on Twitter, in 2019, in July of 2019, before I left Twitter, because they were censoring me, no one
334 01:06:33,600 --> 01:06:47,070 ran me off of Twitter. They were censoring me. That's why I left it in July of 2019. I have a score of witnesses that saw me talk. I said all these things. I
335 01:06:47,070 --> 01:06:58,200 said something really bad was common, worse than 911. September 11 2000, more. And I said in October, I said it's gonna be bad. Nobody was making fun of me,
336 01:06:58,320 --> 01:07:17,340 Chicken Little. And then we had COVID. I believe that we have started the beginning birth pains that the Bible talks about, you know, the look at the way
337 01:07:17,340 --> 01:07:29,520 our churches are. They're all money, money hungry. egotistical. egomaniacs that are want to be celebrities that are supposing lead pastors, when a pastor
338 01:07:29,520 --> 01:07:39,300 supposed to be the most meek. And they act like they're celebrities, superstars, making millions and millions of dollars. And the people that go in with need,
339 01:07:39,360 --> 01:07:49,710 they leave in Black still. Right, write a letter to any one of these televangelists and say, I'm in hardship. Help me, you'll never hear from him.
340 01:07:51,930 --> 01:08:04,020 That's not godly. That's not what the Bible says. That's not what Christ said. There's two commandments, you all hear about 10. It's to put God first and love
341 01:08:04,020 --> 01:08:20,790 Him above all. And love your neighbor as yourself. That's what that's what those 10 commandments are really teaching. And I try to do my best to honestly love
342 01:08:20,790 --> 01:08:29,040 God more than anything else. I love him more than my wife. I love him more than my children. I love him more than trading and I want to spend more time with
343 01:08:29,040 --> 01:08:39,060 him. Because I know where we're at. In the timeline. We're there. When I was 14, Enriching, 1416 year old, we were laying on that picnic table, my friend and I
344 01:08:39,480 --> 01:08:51,150 said, if the Bible is real, the world should turn upside down between 2018 and 2023. I asked you a question, do you feel like the world's turned upside down? I
345 01:08:51,150 --> 01:09:06,690 do. It's gonna get harder. And your faith in humanity, and your loved ones and yourself is going to be tested. And I don't want to get distracted with social
346 01:09:06,690 --> 01:09:15,930 media, and people that are chasing clout or my name, or trying to distract you from things that matter most. Because if you're watching my videos, you're not
347 01:09:15,930 --> 01:09:28,080 going to be paying attention to what needs to be done in your life to that's why I'm leaving in November. No one's scaring me away. No one's twisting my arm. My
348 01:09:28,080 --> 01:09:45,120 family needs me. I need to be closer to God. And when I'm out here many times even though I don't aim for it becomes about me. Whether something I say can be
349 01:09:45,120 --> 01:09:55,320 contrived as, oh, he's egotistical. Or it's about me. It's not about me. Because without Christ, I could not do these things.
350 01:10:04,020 --> 01:10:30,540 I've been approached by people. And I meant to will say to that had a great impact on me. And we're somewhat scary. And when I've done things like I wanted
351 01:10:30,540 --> 01:10:46,800 to do in the beginning, I've been left alone. And when I take a different course, and I go too far with certain things, I get yanked. So I've done the
352 01:10:46,800 --> 01:11:04,650 best I could, up to now. And when I'm finished in November, I'm satisfied with what I will have released. I'm confident that I have lived up to my end of it. I
353 01:11:04,650 --> 01:11:20,790 don't want to be in this spotlight, I don't want to be here. I'm uncomfortable. I know, like how it feels. Even when I'm not trying to be adversarial, people
354 01:11:20,790 --> 01:11:30,660 look at me as adversarial because they want to make a name for themselves. And that's not what I wanted to be. It was a time when I was. But I don't believe
355 01:11:30,660 --> 01:11:44,790 that that's profitable for any of us. There's bigger things about to happen. Really big things. And I want to make sure that I am not distracted by anything,
356 01:11:44,910 --> 01:11:57,720 whether it be students, trolls, the markets, online events, distraction, airy, drama, I don't want to have any of that stuff going on. Because I need to be
357 01:11:57,720 --> 01:12:06,870 available for my family, I need to be available. If the Lord speaks to me, I want to make sure that I'm attentive, I'm not being diluted with my intention
358 01:12:07,080 --> 01:12:19,770 elsewhere. Something might happen between November where you know, the the events of the world speed up. And it forces me and every one of us not to be
359 01:12:19,770 --> 01:12:31,440 able to meet like this. I mean, that's always a possibility. I mean, November's not guaranteed to anybody. And then tomorrow, I mean, today I can be gonna be
360 01:12:31,770 --> 01:12:35,730 taken right now. Nothing nothing's promised to us.
361 01:12:42,569 --> 01:12:54,089 So I'm sure I last time I mentioned in Twitter space, that Jesus is the only God manifested in the flesh. He is the father, incarnation, redemption, and Holy
362 01:12:54,089 --> 01:13:05,699 Spirit regeneration. I had a lot of Muslim students reach out, and I love you. Trust me, when I tell you this, I love you for your sincerity and your genuine
363 01:13:05,699 --> 01:13:20,249 concern for me, I love you. But nothing you're going to say to me is going to change my view. I'm not forcing mine on you. So please, if you love me as your
364 01:13:20,249 --> 01:13:30,119 mentor, if you have respect for me, as a man, I understand with your faith, you are told to do this and do that I understand. But that's not gonna work with me.
365 01:13:30,989 --> 01:13:41,669 I'm not gonna fault you because you believe outside of Christ. And I'm not trying to suggest it, you, I'm going to be convincing to you, because nothing I
366 01:13:41,669 --> 01:13:58,559 can do is going to be able to convert any of you. That's not my point. That's not my purpose. But I made a deal. And I have lived up to the best of my
367 01:13:58,559 --> 01:14:10,499 ability. And that's why I've always prayed and I've asked you all to pray for me to be a better mentor. Because I'm flawed with things I can't fix. And I wrestle
368 01:14:10,499 --> 01:14:27,149 with it and I can't there's only two topics, two topics that keep me focused and I don't reach for language that is unsavory. Obviously, when God's in the
369 01:14:27,149 --> 01:14:41,279 conversation, if I'm live, looking at charts, watching price action, my attention is on one thing. But left outside of those two topics. It's hard for
370 01:14:41,279 --> 01:14:55,529 me to focus. Like I can't describe it. It's very hard for me to focus. It feels like there's something broken in me. And I've asked him to fix it. And it's just
371 01:14:56,339 --> 01:15:14,849 it remains unless those instances are awesome. circumstance. When I was younger, the enemy had me. I was a broken limb, I wanted to feel significant. And all the
372 01:15:14,849 --> 01:15:22,229 trolls that troll me and other people, they're in the same position I was in, they'll deny it and say any through, but that's exactly what it is. Because if
373 01:15:22,229 --> 01:15:34,349 you're comfortable in your own skin, you're not going to spend time talking about anybody else. In drama for the sake of being significant based on that,
374 01:15:34,799 --> 01:15:38,819 instead of just being a good person trying to help other people
375 01:15:45,300 --> 01:16:00,570 just the world's getting ugly. And I don't have, I don't have the disposition to be like, I need to be in this timeline, where we're at how things are turning
376 01:16:00,570 --> 01:16:13,230 upside down, people come in. There's just a ton of violence. The world's becoming violent, social media is toxic. You try to do the right thing and, and
377 01:16:13,230 --> 01:16:22,470 help other people and invest in them with time and resources. Like I can be doing other things. Like I don't need to be doing these things. And when I
378 01:16:22,470 --> 01:16:30,990 teach, I got people coming at me with entitlement, saying you're not doing enough and I don't like the way you do this. And I don't get okay. You didn't
379 01:16:30,990 --> 01:16:41,670 pay for it. And I'm not. I'm not the answer for everyone. So why are you complaining? There's no complaint department here. There's no refunds, it's
380 01:16:41,670 --> 01:16:53,130 free. Nobody's gonna have to do a chargeback. It's it's all a gift. And I'm telling you who it came from. That's why when I asked people to credit me, they
381 01:16:53,130 --> 01:17:04,530 will hear these discussions, they will see it in my books, they will see it in my videos. I am just a man. I'm just a man that is extremely blessed. I didn't
382 01:17:04,530 --> 01:17:15,570 deserve this information. I didn't deserve all the interventions that I've had in my life. I've never been a substance abuser. I've never drank alcohol and
383 01:17:15,570 --> 01:17:26,340 never smoked drugs, taken needles never popped the pills. Okay, I've never done any of those things. I do have a mental illness. I am bipolar. I am obsessively
384 01:17:26,340 --> 01:17:48,060 compulsive. And I'm not perfect. But God has used this frail man that has very humble beginnings very very humble beginnings and used me to impact so many of
385 01:17:48,060 --> 01:17:48,390 you
386 01:17:55,170 --> 01:17:56,280 are so blessed
387 01:18:08,699 --> 01:18:27,269 being wealthy is insignificant. My wealth is knowing that I've had the privilege to be able to share this with you into impact many of your lives and the things
388 01:18:27,269 --> 01:18:44,909 that you're doing it's wonderful. I do feel like a proud father. I do. But I don't want to take any of the credit. I don't want any of the credit. He's
389 01:18:44,909 --> 01:19:02,489 picked me up like a pin and I've submitted myself to him and the things that you've learned came from him that's the truth that's it whether you choose to
390 01:19:02,489 --> 01:19:15,479 believe it or not, it matters not to me if it was somewhere else I got the information from I promise you I'd say I got it from there. I got it from that
391 01:19:15,479 --> 01:19:22,949 person. I learned from there I got this book over here came right from him
392 01:19:33,330 --> 01:19:52,170 I've been ridiculed troubled. I gave a testimony and more in my private mentorship and people with less could share shared it and tried to make a
393 01:19:52,170 --> 01:20:04,260 mockery of it. But what you don't realize is you're not mocking me. I'm sitting back waiting to see what happens to you because God will not be mocked. He will
394 01:20:04,260 --> 01:20:16,770 not be mocked and I'm not to Forex God I'm not a futures god. I'm not a demigod Mary's new day, there's no demigod to hear so many people talk the way you talk
395 01:20:16,770 --> 01:20:21,210 is horrifying plasmas
396 01:20:29,609 --> 01:20:42,929 so yeah, there's a still quiet voice. And yes, I heard it. And it's spoke to me a lot in my life. I want to make myself available, so I can hear it more often.
397 01:20:46,889 --> 01:21:05,609 Because I have a tendency to be chemically imbalanced. Because I have a tendency to go on tilt. Social media provides an avenue on stage for that to happen. So I
398 01:21:05,609 --> 01:21:14,429 have dialed back that opportunity. And in November, I'm removing it entirely.
399 01:21:21,270 --> 01:21:37,080 There's a there's an event of some Christians Now Christians, some don't believe it. And I believe the ones who don't believe it, don't know their scripture. But
400 01:21:38,190 --> 01:21:49,860 there's an event called a heart positive. You're not going to see it in your your Bible. But in the Greek, it's there in the original language. The whole
401 01:21:49,860 --> 01:22:00,810 idea of escape. It's taught in the Old Testament and New. Jesus said, pray always that you're kind of worthy to escape these things coming upon the earth.
402 01:22:02,550 --> 01:22:15,300 Every day, I pray for all of you. I pray for you to be able to have a means to take care of yourself and your family and your loved ones. I pray to God
403 01:22:15,300 --> 01:22:31,860 multiplies where he used the gift to you. And never look at it as me. That's what I'm putting down the name of ICT, I'm not carrying it forward, my videos
404 01:22:31,860 --> 01:22:47,070 will stay up my Twitter, my Twitter account will stay up. But I'm not promoting this image of industrial traitor after November. I have to put that down. So he
405 01:22:47,070 --> 01:22:59,850 increases further in my personal life. And I'm going to be satisfied. I have no regrets in it. And I hid things from you.
406 01:23:04,949 --> 01:23:18,059 I've given you enough to make money and I had made millionaires you're watching a new breed of millionaires in front of you all. They're showing themselves on
407 01:23:18,059 --> 01:23:30,149 social media. They've been very respectful to me. They've been true to what it is that I've taught. And I'm very proud of them
408 01:23:36,120 --> 01:23:54,480 as a student this sent me email. Alex, this is your reply. He's made a half a million dollars now. And he wants to go on to the Robins cup next year and when
409 01:23:54,480 --> 01:24:08,700 it and his intention is to prove to everybody it's real. Alex I've, I've set this morning before I did this Twitter space and the one this one before. with
410 01:24:08,700 --> 01:24:19,710 you in mind. Going out winning the Robins cup is easy. It's very, very easy. I would have done it just this month and you've seen everything that I've
411 01:24:19,710 --> 01:24:37,290 outlined. It's easy. The person that's in the leader spot right now is less than 200%. That's nothing. That's literally nothing. What you've been able to do in
412 01:24:37,290 --> 01:24:49,620 your own trading and Prop funds have proven the payouts and they've cosign it, you've made the money. You don't do a fraction of that to beat the Robins but
413 01:24:49,920 --> 01:25:01,140 your email to me saying the reason why you want to do it is to prove to everyone that it's real. That's exactly what you're not supposed to do. You're making it
414 01:25:01,140 --> 01:25:11,430 about image, you're making it about superficial things. There's gonna be people that believe and not believe in everything. I mean, look at Jesus Christ,
415 01:25:11,760 --> 01:25:23,100 historical facts, the guy really was here. He did miracles, even in China, there's records of him. And yet there was people, still they watched Him, bring
416 01:25:23,100 --> 01:25:36,030 people from the dead, healed the blind, oh, show us a sign. Come on. I don't care and you should not care if my students you should not care. Who doesn't
417 01:25:36,030 --> 01:25:46,290 believe? Who cares? Let them stay in their unbelief. It's their right to stay there. Who is it that you believe you have to be the person that drags them from
418 01:25:46,290 --> 01:26:00,030 their comfort zone? You're here to improve yourself to make it better for you and your loved ones. And let everybody else have their own opinion. They don't
419 01:26:00,030 --> 01:26:10,020 have to like me. They don't have to believe me. You believe that? You have used the information. And now you're a half a million dollars rich for it. Who needs
420 01:26:10,020 --> 01:26:22,200 to tell you that didn't happen? Are you going to feel challenged, you've done more than most people have ever done in trading. And you're trying to defend me
421 01:26:22,230 --> 01:26:30,600 or you don't need to defend me. You don't need to defend me. The people that are paying attention, they know exactly what's going on. They know the score here.
422 01:26:33,510 --> 01:26:42,450 So all that extra stuff. If you want to go at winter Robins cup next year, man, I would love to see you do it. But do it for the reasons that you want to do it
423 01:26:42,450 --> 01:26:53,160 for your own reasons not you want to defend me. Or that you want to prove. Listen, people are being interviewed by companies that are paying them out
424 01:26:53,160 --> 01:27:11,010 money. And they're saying How'd you do it? By using ICTs concepts? Wonderful. And still, they're saying it doesn't work. So let's let him let them nonsense at
425 01:27:11,010 --> 01:27:20,910 this point. It's nonsense. The people that have the loudest voice in the room about whether me or my students are the abilities of them. Being able to be
426 01:27:20,910 --> 01:27:39,210 profitable. They always have something they're selling. It's drama marketing, so just let it go. Because they can do anything. And that's it mentorship. I mean,
427 01:27:39,960 --> 01:27:57,120 there's nothing for me to promote. There's nothing for me to keep going. I'm ending it like we're in the final chapter of a whole lifetime of me living
428 01:27:57,120 --> 01:28:10,530 through these charts I want to experience life outside of these candlesticks folks. I think I earned that right. ordinaries My family has
429 01:28:18,239 --> 01:28:28,979 excellence is you being comfortable in your own skin, knowing what you're going to do. And being consistent with when it doesn't work out in your failure. And
430 01:28:28,979 --> 01:28:39,149 it doesn't completely offset the entirety of their method, your system or your approach in how you conduct yourself as a human in life. Because you can like I
431 01:28:39,149 --> 01:28:49,739 did make a mistake in letting these markets consume your life being successful. Hiding your eyes to the fact that you're not doing well. And you're before the
432 01:28:49,739 --> 01:29:02,519 markets have consumed you're keeping up with the Joneses online that's not healthy. It feels right at the moment because you have to react to something you
433 01:29:02,519 --> 01:29:09,479 have to size up to the next guy you got to be the person that exposes on when your lands be exposed
434 01:29:21,870 --> 01:29:43,500 I will miss talking to you. Somebody had mentioned not looking forward to departure November but I'm excited for you. I'm excited for you to define
435 01:29:43,500 --> 01:29:52,950 yourself and maybe the same still quiet voice will start talking to you too. That's the real ghost and machine. The Holy Ghost
436 01:30:00,000 --> 01:30:16,230 I want you to be mindful, be mindful of where we are in the world, the things that are happening, the complications that are coming that you probably don't
437 01:30:16,230 --> 01:30:34,230 recognize right now. When you make your money, when you are profiting, it's really important that you don't go into Lambo lifestyle. And you procure on your
438 01:30:34,290 --> 01:30:52,950 own self sufficiency, if you can grow your own food, find ways to provide for yourself outside of normal. Normal means these are all things, I'm learning
439 01:30:52,950 --> 01:31:04,590 myself. And I need to have more time doing that. I don't have enough time to do it. So after November, that's where most of my time will be, like I'm wanting to
440 01:31:04,590 --> 01:31:14,730 do those types of things. Some of you probably think that there's nothing to worry about getting my pay out, let me get on social media. And I can sell my
441 01:31:14,730 --> 01:31:23,670 course my mentorship and God bless you if that's what you're going to do. And I hope you don't hurt anybody in the process. And I hope you're successful. But
442 01:31:23,670 --> 01:31:35,490 it's my goal for you to at least hear me out and tell you that way. Once you heard it. My hands are coming from it. I've been talking about since 2016, and
443 01:31:35,490 --> 01:31:50,190 2019, and my private mentorship students, they've known about it. But I think we're at that point where we're going to see something so science fiction level.
444 01:31:53,010 --> 01:32:06,210 Anyway, let me paint a picture like this. In Old Testament, there was a prophet named Elijah and I have been inspired by him many times on social media. In my
445 01:32:06,210 --> 01:32:23,760 mind, he's got to troll when he was on Mount Carmel, and the false gods that the Old Testament talks about some pagan believers were worshipping veil and, and
446 01:32:23,760 --> 01:32:24,180 such.
447 01:32:29,970 --> 01:32:42,510 Elijah was sitting over there on the side of the mountain. And the the believers, the worshipers of Baal, wherever they are on the other side of the
448 01:32:42,510 --> 01:32:54,420 mountain, and they're not out there, dancing, worshipping, taking the clothes off, cutting themselves having orgies going crazy. Okay? And here's Elijah over
449 01:32:54,420 --> 01:33:05,250 there. I'm going somewhere with this, by the way. He's over there says, Look, listen. Maybe he's hard of hearing. Maybe he's deaf, cry out to Him louder. It's
450 01:33:05,250 --> 01:33:15,090 been on for a while. And he's like, Look, maybe he's, maybe he's on a vacation. Maybe he's maybe he's pursuing. Maybe he's taking a leak. That's what the Hebrew
451 01:33:15,090 --> 01:33:25,590 actually means and one of the passages. So you can see he's over there trolling him. Because he knows that there is no god that they're going to see come down
452 01:33:25,590 --> 01:33:32,370 and consume their offering. So he's had enough he walks over to him says, Listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, I've been watching this all day long,
453 01:33:32,460 --> 01:33:43,320 nothing's happening. So let's do this. I'm gonna make an author, okay? But I want you to lay a sacrifice up on yours. And you call out to your God. And if he
454 01:33:43,320 --> 01:33:54,180 consumed your offering, then he's delivered. And if yours don't, I'll do mine and then we'll see who's Lord is the real God. So they went about their business
455 01:33:54,180 --> 01:34:06,420 and of course you know, he's like, nothing happened. And Elijah says, Okay, let's make an altar but to sacrifice on it and and pour water all over dig a
456 01:34:06,420 --> 01:34:16,560 moat around the altar to fill that up with water. And basically says our Lord, You know, it is what it is. I already know you're going to do it. There it is.
457 01:34:16,590 --> 01:34:30,300 And then a pillar fire comes down, consumes everything, everything, the water stones to sacrifice everything. And he turns to them says, Okay. Who's God in
458 01:34:30,300 --> 01:34:49,260 order to all be destroyed. Funny thing about Elijah. He had a prodigy, Elijah. Elijah did what everybody understands is eight miracles. I think he probably did
459 01:34:49,260 --> 01:35:01,800 more than that. But that's what we recorded in our Old Testament. And Elijah, falling around, wanting to be mentored by him and There's a strange passage in
460 01:35:01,800 --> 01:35:18,510 the Bible, where Elijah is pouting. Basically, he's he's upset. It's like, look, you know, I'm really depressed here. And the elders around and said, Look, what
461 01:35:18,510 --> 01:35:31,320 is wrong with you? You know that tomorrow Elijah is going up. You should be happy that he is. What does that mean? Well, later on, we find out that a
462 01:35:31,320 --> 01:35:42,930 chariot of fire comes down, snatches up Elijah. And as he's going up into the heavens, Alicia prays and calls out to Elijah and asks him for his mantle
463 01:35:42,930 --> 01:35:54,420 because he wants a double portion of his blessing. And Elijah throws down his mantle. And we hear that Elijah does 16 miracles, but double potion. What has
464 01:35:54,420 --> 01:36:02,940 always struck me as interesting is that, that is a model of the heart Pozzo. Now, harpaz o is not a word that you're gonna see in your Bible. But if you go
465 01:36:02,940 --> 01:36:17,820 into the Greek, where it says, We shall be all change transformed in a moment or a moment, instant. In a twinkling of an eye, we shall be transformed and caught
466 01:36:17,820 --> 01:36:33,840 up in the air to meet the Lord near we shall forever be the context as we shall not all die. did Elijah de nuit caught up, they knew the day he was going up.
467 01:36:35,070 --> 01:36:55,770 Think about that. Enoch, in Old testament Genesis, talks about Enoch is a man that walked with God. And God took him took him where? Yeah, that's a hard
468 01:36:55,770 --> 01:37:07,680 puzzle. Or Pozzo is a snatching up a seizing, like you would do to seize an offspring out of the way of a predator taken. So it's a quickly snatched out of
469 01:37:07,680 --> 01:37:21,960 harm's way. That's what that is. Now, in Old Testament, we learned that there is these models, these metaphors, just like Noah, The world goes through this daily
470 01:37:21,960 --> 01:37:32,880 just flood, okay, that's a model are a metaphor for the tribulation. That's the seven year period of horrible things that we're about to see. There is a group
471 01:37:32,880 --> 01:37:45,240 of people that perish in that. And there's a group of people that are preserved in it. And there's a person that gets taken out of the world before it even
472 01:37:45,240 --> 01:38:04,200 comes. Enoch, this son, Methuselah, that name comes from two root words Muth and chalok. Meaning his death shall bring. So he was told by God, apparently, that
473 01:38:04,200 --> 01:38:15,570 when his son dies, the judgments coming because God saw Enoch walking with him. That means, in the days of that time, there was violence in the world everywhere
474 01:38:15,570 --> 01:38:25,770 in the Scripture, say in Genesis, chapter six. They said, In those days, men became began to profane the name of the Lord. Some of your Passages actually say
475 01:38:25,950 --> 01:38:34,560 they should call upon the name of Lord. No. It's saying that they profaned the name of the Lord. What do you think's happening right now around the world right
476 01:38:34,560 --> 01:38:53,460 now? Christianity, Christ, he's the only one that gets all this hate. Buddha doesn't. Mohammed doesn't. Allah doesn't. Nobody else but Christ. He's hated
477 01:38:53,460 --> 01:39:05,370 most. Well, in Genesis chapter six, it says that in the world at that time, the world was full of violence. And men, mankind began to profane the name of the
478 01:39:05,370 --> 01:39:17,280 Lord. And Enoch walked with God, that means he was not doing those things. And then God took a very short passage goes right over your head when you first read
479 01:39:17,280 --> 01:39:26,250 it like okay, well, why even bring that up? Because it's a little fingerprint of the Holy Spirit puts in there as a metaphor for the rapture. That is what that
480 01:39:26,280 --> 01:39:44,760 word comes from posit. There's several hard pauses in the scriptures. So here we have Jonah. I'm sorry, not Jonah. Noah will get a job in a second. Noah is told
481 01:39:44,850 --> 01:39:59,730 build an ark. That's interesting. build an ark. Why? Because it's gonna rain. It's never rained before the dew would come up out of the earth and water
482 01:39:59,730 --> 01:40:05,940 everything. If there was no necessity that our atmosphere was completely different between that so many things had been done study wise that there was a
483 01:40:05,940 --> 01:40:14,610 de luz there was a global flood. They found fish fossils and things up in mountains that wouldn't make make any sense for it to be up there. So for people
484 01:40:14,610 --> 01:40:22,800 to say all the Bible's fake, it's not real, it's their tails. These people are uneducated. And they're welcome to have their lack of faith. There's nothing
485 01:40:22,800 --> 01:40:35,100 wrong with you know, having your own opinion about things. Just know that it comes with a cost. So, before the flood comes, which is a model of tribulation,
486 01:40:36,960 --> 01:40:48,570 somebody to take taken out, it's the people that walk with God. That's Enoch is doing his name means teacher or teaching. Interesting, isn't it? His son's name
487 01:40:48,570 --> 01:40:58,860 was Methuselah, his death shall bring Muth and chalok are the root words that in Hebrew, put them together, you get Methuselah, he's the longest living person in
488 01:40:58,860 --> 01:41:13,740 history. But when he died, the flood came. Noah and his family, eight people were preserved. That's the remnant, that's the 144,000. In times that's
489 01:41:13,740 --> 01:41:31,320 preserved. They go up, above all the problems, they're preserved. And they come back down, and there's a new creation. If you do a study on when the Ark of Noah
490 01:41:32,070 --> 01:41:45,960 breasted, that is the very date in the future, where Christ was crucified. Everything in these stories are a way of proving that God is who He is. And he
491 01:41:45,960 --> 01:42:04,740 knows the end from the beginning. Everything that we're seeing in our world today, they're all scripts. They're all things that have been preordained. All
492 01:42:04,740 --> 01:42:15,390 the things and in times, we're watching it happen. Your dog and dog that's Russia. They have never been allies with Iran, Persia before ever in history,
493 01:42:15,390 --> 01:42:24,270 Baylor knew those things have to be there before the end times either. Israel has to become a nation Jerusalem has to be as capital we all have. We see it, we
494 01:42:24,270 --> 01:42:24,510 have it.
495 01:42:27,779 --> 01:42:35,879 It's interesting how all that starts. Look at when diseases went through the roof. It was after Israel became a nation and Jerusalem became this capital.
496 01:42:37,199 --> 01:42:49,739 There'll be rumors of wars, diseases, pestilence, disease, famine. since Israel became a nation, and Jerusalem became his capital, there's statistical evidence
497 01:42:49,739 --> 01:43:01,439 that shows that everything went parabolic. And none of its good. Everything godly, everything wholesome has been turned upside down. They've confused
498 01:43:01,439 --> 01:43:10,439 people, they've confused children. They don't know what they are. They've taken God in prayer, even the Pledge of Allegiance out of assembly in schools. That's
499 01:43:10,439 --> 01:43:17,249 why I've taken my kids out of public schools. If you have your children in public schools, you are doing so much damage and they're probably going to kill
500 01:43:17,249 --> 01:43:31,679 the stream. But it is what it is you can't kill truth. You were fearfully and wonderfully made by a Creator that absolutely adores you, you were not a
501 01:43:31,679 --> 01:43:44,939 mistake. And I was not a mistake. You don't need to change anything about who you are except how you act. You have to love yourself, enough to know that
502 01:43:44,939 --> 01:43:53,489 you're worth being here. You have to love God who created you and provides for you everything. Every good thing comes from the Father above. Nothing that you
503 01:43:53,489 --> 01:44:09,629 receive, didn't first come from his hand. And he gender is always been referred to as male. There's no goddesses. He's not non binary. Yes, I went there. And
504 01:44:09,629 --> 01:44:24,899 you can not subscribe. I don't care. All of these things is an attack of the enemy. And you don't see it for what it is because you don't have any exposure
505 01:44:24,899 --> 01:44:32,069 to Scripture. You have no body showing you that these things were already preordained that they were warning signs that these were all going to come and
506 01:44:32,099 --> 01:44:43,979 that to Alicia, if they knew the day he was going to go up. Isn't it interesting as the 66 books that we call our canon or a Bible? There's Bible books in there
507 01:44:43,979 --> 01:44:58,679 to talk about Bible books that aren't in our Scripture. The Book of Jasher what? Yeah. So why aren't they there? And what other books they leave out? Has it
508 01:44:58,679 --> 01:45:14,999 changed for them? I alluded to matches that there's a creator. No. Just in the Genesis chapter five. Genesis chapter is a genealogy from Adam to Noah. And if
509 01:45:14,999 --> 01:45:31,409 you break down those 10 names, Adam means man who's offering of Adam? Evil, right? But he died. So you have Cain, right? Nope. That was not his son. And
510 01:45:31,409 --> 01:45:46,079 that's why you don't hear the real message of what took place in the garden. in Sunday school. Angels left their first habitation. And they saw Lucifer do
511 01:45:46,079 --> 01:45:55,769 something with Eve. And with his tail, he drew 1/3 of the other angels. That means they saw him sin. They saw what he was able to get away with because God
512 01:45:55,769 --> 01:46:05,519 didn't destroy him. He will. He didn't destroy my way. So 130 angels did the same thing. What did they do and James chapter six, we learned that the sons of
513 01:46:05,519 --> 01:46:16,049 God and they're not this, that's not the set heights that's not live set. Can no matter how you want to slice it, Seth, the Son of God, the second son of God.
514 01:46:17,849 --> 01:46:32,759 When he was born, Eve said, I am blessed for God has appointed me a replacement for Abel. So Seth's name means appointed. So you have Adam means man, self
515 01:46:33,029 --> 01:46:42,689 appointed. And you do this throughout the other eight names in that genealogy. It's a rather boring genealogies like why is it in there, but when you take
516 01:46:42,689 --> 01:46:53,819 those team names and you transliterate them into what they mean? It means this Adam min min is appointed mortal sorrow but the blessing God shall come down.
517 01:46:54,599 --> 01:47:06,809 They'll bring the spirit comfort arrest, Noah means rest or Duff. inox name means teacher teaching Methuselah, his death shall bring. Don't take my word for
518 01:47:06,809 --> 01:47:16,709 it. Look it up, study, that that's the gospel of Jesus Christ in Genesis chapter five, Chapter alone. Now explain to me how Jews who don't accept Christ, why
519 01:47:16,709 --> 01:47:30,659 they would even let that be in their Torah. That's the gospel of Christ right there. Everything is there by the inspirational Holy Spirit, everything. All of
520 01:47:30,659 --> 01:47:39,149 these things that you're seeing in the world, they're going to intensify. They're gonna become more frequent, more intense, more violent, and more
521 01:47:39,149 --> 01:47:48,209 intrusive. And there will be a time like when revelation, not revelations, it irks me, when I hear people say revelations, it's one revelations, the
522 01:47:48,209 --> 01:47:50,969 revelation of Jesus Christ, who God gave unto him
523 01:47:57,810 --> 01:48:08,370 there's a time Revelation Chapter 13, speaks of where everyone will be forced to receive, that means it's a choice to receive a mark. And without that mark, you
524 01:48:08,370 --> 01:48:23,640 cannot buy or sell. That means trading to folks. I like trading, I put myself in a situation where I don't ever have to do it again. That's what I'm teaching
525 01:48:23,640 --> 01:48:31,290 you. Where is destination excellence for you? Where is it that you no longer need to do anything, it doesn't need to be millions of dollars, if it needs to
526 01:48:31,290 --> 01:48:41,460 be in a position where you're comfortable. You can make your ends and you have it already. Because of a central bank, digital currency is coming in that has an
527 01:48:41,460 --> 01:48:50,250 expiration, that means the money that you don't spend will expire. So they force you to spend it, you will not be allowed to accumulate wealth. If you can't see,
528 01:48:50,250 --> 01:49:00,030 that's the mark. If you can't see that, that is the structure in which it's used. You're sleeping, and you need to wake up. Because it's coming faster than
529 01:49:00,030 --> 01:49:11,700 you realize. Last summer, I talked to you I told you 18 months we had were 12 months into it now, next six months is extremely pivotal. You're gonna see a lot
530 01:49:11,700 --> 01:49:20,820 of weird stuff. Weird stuff. And as a Christian, I'm not the poster boy for it. I don't go to church, but I have a relationship with Christ. I probably have a
531 01:49:20,820 --> 01:49:29,790 closer relationship than most of the people go to churches. And yes, I sometimes use foul language. I'm a sinner. I asked them repent for all the time ask for
532 01:49:29,790 --> 01:49:42,270 forgiveness. And I always apologize to you and hope that you pray for me. But there is a event that's coming, that I believe that they know it's coming. Just
533 01:49:42,270 --> 01:49:51,240 like everybody knew at the time when Elijah was alive. They knew the day he was getting caught up. And you hear the people say, Oh, well, he just said Noumea
534 01:49:51,240 --> 01:49:58,140 news hour or the day. Not even Son of Man. Only the Father knows that's talking about the Second Coming. The Second Coming is not the rapture. That's not the
535 01:49:58,140 --> 01:50:13,950 harpaz They're two separate, distinct Since you don't know your scripture, sorry. I believe when Christ was speaking, because he was walking in flesh, he
536 01:50:13,950 --> 01:50:26,640 was living a sinless life being what? What was he being tempted, but he seemed not. He had had every manner of temptation that we had, otherwise we would not
537 01:50:26,640 --> 01:50:40,680 be what? Seeing him as a acceptable offering for sin. He has to be in a position where he could have sinned. He could have it the Holy Spirit wasn't in the flesh
538 01:50:40,680 --> 01:50:52,530 could have, he was hungry. I thirst. He was on the cross, I thirst. He was mad. He felt emotions. He wept. When he left. He who the father when the father left,
539 01:50:53,340 --> 01:51:03,150 Lazarus die. He let him die. That's horrible. Why would he do that? Because he was teaching the Jews and everybody else that he was the resurrection. He's the
540 01:51:03,150 --> 01:51:10,140 life he's the resurrection. And the Jews had a common practice that you can't touch a dead body after four days or there'll be a clean. So he let him die and
541 01:51:10,140 --> 01:51:23,970 lay in tomb rotting to the fourth day. His sister that her sister says, Hey, your friend, Lazarus, he's dying. You come? Okay, I will. Then he goes, three
542 01:51:23,970 --> 01:51:37,800 days, the opposite direction. Is that love? Short is the father knows he's gonna call him up. COMMBUYS name. And here we go. Four days later, Jesus shows up.
543 01:51:41,670 --> 01:51:51,120 They'll come out crying, weeping. If you just would have been here, if you just would have been here, he wouldn't have died. And he says the shortest verse in
544 01:51:51,120 --> 01:52:02,520 the Bible says and Jesus wept. Why is he crying? Because he died? No. He's crying because they don't believe he is the resurrection. So in his flesh,
545 01:52:02,760 --> 01:52:10,170 because the all flesh, I know some of you that are Muslim are gonna be like, Okay, if Jesus is God, and why did he pray, because I will say all flesh must
546 01:52:10,260 --> 01:52:25,290 pray to God in the flesh, that flesh was in the process of being tempted. It wasn't glorified yet. So he felt the emotion that the Holy Spirit was grieved.
547 01:52:27,180 --> 01:52:38,700 They didn't believe it's impossible, believe God without faith. That's what the Bible says. And they showed no faith in it, physically hurt him. And he cried.
548 01:52:39,990 --> 01:52:48,900 He cried in a garden, because so many, so much so that he bled through his pores. That's a real thing. That's real anxiety there. But he's got he shouldn't
549 01:52:48,900 --> 01:52:59,850 be scared, his flesh was weak, but the spirit is willing. That means he was being tempted and scared beyond all measure. But still what that mind will be,
550 01:52:59,880 --> 01:53:06,690 let thy will be done that mind will, if the cut can be passed in front of me, so don't have to go through this, but it happened. But if it's your will, for it to
551 01:53:06,690 --> 01:53:19,740 happen, let it be done that way. So he put his flesh in this. So here's great Lazarus, all wrapped up like a mummy, stinking and rotten. That's us. By the
552 01:53:19,740 --> 01:53:34,410 way. Our loved ones Don't touch him. Dr. Jesus, don't go to that guy. Don't listen to him. You failed us, Jesus. If Jesus was so good, I wouldn't be broke,
553 01:53:34,410 --> 01:53:41,700 I wouldn't be poor, I wouldn't have lost my house, I wouldn't have got sick. God lets these things happen. So you call out to him. He doesn't care about your
554 01:53:41,700 --> 01:53:52,110 flesh here. He doesn't care about your your dismemberment. He doesn't care about those things. He cares about your soul. And they bruised him, they hurt him
555 01:53:52,260 --> 01:54:00,660 because of their lack of faith. They didn't understand it. He was a resurrection. So what did he do? He says, Okay, take me to him. No, no, no, you
556 01:54:00,660 --> 01:54:11,760 can't go there, Lord. Well, now he's Lord again. Now. What? He's Lord all the time. He's got a genie in a bottle, and I pick him up and rub the lamp and let
557 01:54:11,760 --> 01:54:19,620 me win this trade or God doesn't love me and he isn't real. And some of you treat God like that. Sometimes the answer is no. And you got to be accepting of
558 01:54:19,620 --> 01:54:28,500 that. Because you failed a trade, because you may fail at a challenge. Trying to get your account passed doesn't mean that God doesn't have something stored up
559 01:54:28,500 --> 01:54:37,530 for you. You have to prepare yourself. And that preparation that that necessity that's required to be able to do this is going to be painful in the beginning.
560 01:54:37,830 --> 01:54:43,560 And you think you're going to skirt your way around it like there's some secret weapon that I'm going to show you or somebody else is going to sell you a
561 01:54:43,560 --> 01:54:56,190 shorter cut where you don't lose money. It doesn't exist, folks. So Jesus is sitting out there, says roll away the stone. They roll with God in the flesh
562 01:54:56,190 --> 01:55:09,210 himself says Lazarus. Come here Now he had to say last week, because if he would have said, Come here, everybody did would have got up. And what happens? A man
563 01:55:09,210 --> 01:55:22,020 wrapped up in gray pose, stumbles to the opening. And he says, loosen. Give him something. That's interesting. Because we're talking purchase that parables.
564 01:55:22,170 --> 01:55:31,890 People don't have any names. And there's a parable, the rich man and Lazarus. See, that's God showing you what's going on when Lazarus was dead. Sea parables,
565 01:55:31,890 --> 01:55:45,420 nobody has any. Right? But that wasn't a parable. Why doesn't the rich man have a name because he's sinful. And just like you and I, if we are not in a
566 01:55:45,420 --> 01:55:53,850 relationship with Christ, and he's not our Redeemer, our Savior, and the only mediator between God and man. Unless that's true in your life, when you leave
567 01:55:53,850 --> 01:56:10,080 that body that you're living in right now, once that happens, the outcome is done. And you will stand before Him. And you will see him as the only God only
568 01:56:10,080 --> 01:56:22,890 Savior, the only creator that ever was and ever will be the judge. And if you don't have that relationship, right with him, he's gonna say, Depart from each
569 01:56:22,890 --> 01:56:36,300 out of iniquity. For I never knew you, you have no name. That's why the rich man has no name. He's in torment, waiting for hell. Hell is empty right now. Hell is
570 01:56:36,300 --> 01:56:52,590 empty. Its portion is enlarging every day, with new centers and new people that don't have a faith in Christ. But there is a place of torment. There's a place
571 01:56:52,590 --> 01:57:01,650 of torment, once you leave that body. If you're not right with God, and you're right with God, by having your faith in Christ, he is the only sacrificial lamb
572 01:57:02,100 --> 01:57:11,730 that die for every one of our sins. And there is no other way around it. God himself came, he didn't send his son came in the flesh he did.
573 01:57:17,760 --> 01:57:26,670 Genesis 22, they call that the AKI doll. It's very venerated portion of the Torah with the Jews. It's really interesting. When you look at the models that
574 01:57:26,670 --> 01:57:37,830 are an old person says that Abraham and his son, Isaac, God tells him Listen, I need you to take your son Isaac, your only son whom you love. Wait a minute.
575 01:57:39,570 --> 01:57:51,060 Then you have another song. Yeah. But he's saying something metaphorically. Who's Jesus, the Son of God? The only Son of God. The only time God put on
576 01:57:51,060 --> 01:58:03,540 flesh? Does Abraham go to Mount they're looking in distance every year, which we later find out is Golgotha, where Christ was crucified. I want you to take your
577 01:58:03,540 --> 01:58:18,030 son, your only son who you love, and I want you to sacrifice it to me. What did you just say? You just said that you want me to kill my son in worship to you?
578 01:58:19,980 --> 01:58:34,800 Well, guess what? Abraham packed a couple meals up to friends with no names. We'll get to that in a minute. And he set off to go to that same place. God is
579 01:58:34,800 --> 01:58:45,540 not called Golgotha. At the time that we let it find out historically, that's where it is. Get there and he tells the two unnamed servants. Listen, I am the
580 01:58:45,540 --> 01:58:52,560 lead. Now the word lead. You think of like I did when I was listening to it in Sunday school. You think oh, that's like a five year old eight year old kid? He
581 01:58:52,560 --> 01:59:03,000 could easily overpower him. No, no, no. The term that he's using for lad there implies that he's about oh, late 20s, maybe mid 30s. So he's a little bit of an
582 01:59:03,060 --> 01:59:12,840 adult male that could easily probably overpower older Abraham. So he tells them on the service loosen. I know that you're going to go worship, and we will
583 01:59:12,840 --> 01:59:21,120 return on to you. Wait a minute, he understands he's got to go up there and sacrifice his son. But he's telling you through faith, it's not my problem. I'm
584 01:59:21,120 --> 01:59:29,310 going to tell God told me to do this. It's not my problem. Either God's going to stop me or he's going to resurrect him. Either way. It's God's plan. It's God's
585 01:59:29,310 --> 01:59:42,330 will let it be done. Sounds like Jesus, right? Well, here's Abraham acting in the role of the father. Hmm. He's going up there with the son, which is Isaac,
586 01:59:42,330 --> 01:59:55,800 that's the Son of God or Christ, the Son of the Living Lamb of God. And he start walking up beside the mountain. I just has dad Behold, look. We had fire. We had
587 01:59:55,800 --> 02:00:05,850 a knife. But where's the offering? And either Little Man back look at me. Interesting. What did Christ do? He carried his cross the particular on the
588 02:00:05,850 --> 02:00:27,690 cross member of the cross. And a black man helped him carry it. Do you think it's racist? No. God took offense to Moses wife, who was Ethiopian, a black
589 02:00:27,720 --> 02:00:42,360 woman. And Aaron Mariam made really accusations against Moses because he was marrying a black woman. And he rebuked his brother and sister and struggled with
590 02:00:42,360 --> 02:00:58,110 leprosy. Does that sound like a guy that's racist? Or has a problem with mixed marriages? Nope. In fact, he punishes that view. If you have an issue with any
591 02:00:58,110 --> 02:01:07,080 you people don't have any idea what their Scripture say. You listen to preachers with an agenda, hateful message. Satan's in the churches, folks. So what
592 02:01:07,080 --> 02:01:15,150 Revelation teaches the seventh legend, seven letters and seven churches were in it. It gives you the timeline where we are in the church age, and we are to come
593 02:01:15,150 --> 02:01:28,650 out of them. Because there's a different, different gospel being taught. So here's Isaac carrying a wood on his back. Abraham, I hit the fire, I got the
594 02:01:28,650 --> 02:01:44,880 knife, I got the wood on my back, we hold? Where is the offering? Where's the lamb? Interesting response, Abraham says, Don't worry. God himself will provide
595 02:01:44,880 --> 02:01:58,710 the lamb. I'm sorry, folks, but that is Christ. And who is it? Him himself, he's not sending a son. I wouldn't serve a God that sends his son, he himself king.
596 02:01:59,760 --> 02:02:14,100 He himself king, the king of kings, the Lord of lords, the Almighty himself. He did that. He did that for you. He did it for me. We could spend eternity
597 02:02:14,580 --> 02:02:29,160 thanking him and still would not be enough. We get up there top of the mountain. Isaac is bound. What he said submitting himself to his father with a man and you
598 02:02:29,160 --> 02:02:39,870 think he realized that he's getting tied up and secured to that altar is a sacrifice. Remember, lad in the Hebrew at that time, in that passes means that
599 02:02:39,870 --> 02:02:54,630 he's about a 30 year old man easily to overcome Abraham, but he submitted Himself. Just like Jesus, silent and submit himself when Pontius Pilate had him
600 02:02:54,630 --> 02:03:04,500 in front of him, said Don't you understand I got the authority to save you or destroy you and crucify you. You know, you're 30 you got comes from above. Once
601 02:03:04,500 --> 02:03:16,230 you understand, I could call 10,000 legions of angels come down here and wipe you out. Yeah, that's God. When he came to the garden because seminary they
602 02:03:16,230 --> 02:03:29,370 arrest him. He arrested them. Everybody asked me what's my favorite book read gospel John. That tells you who is God. Oh, Jesus never claimed to be God. He is
603 02:03:29,370 --> 02:03:46,170 saying all through the Gospel of John. The Jews understood plainly and clearly he was saying he was God. They show up. He walked out to them. Roman soldiers,
604 02:03:46,500 --> 02:03:59,640 the centurions, armed with spears, shields and swords. box that says, hey, looking for we're looking for Jesus of Nazareth. I am thrown to the ground.
605 02:03:59,670 --> 02:04:14,850 Every single one of them pin they couldn't get up if they tried. He asked him again. I say to you again. Who are you looking for? Jesus? He says to them, let
606 02:04:14,850 --> 02:04:29,970 them go. And I'll come with you. Who was arresting who? He's the master of ceremony. Right? They are Jack. He's in control of everything. Peter, typical
607 02:04:29,970 --> 02:04:44,430 ICT I don't like what you're saying bow. I'm gonna go here and fix it real quick, Bob. Hex off his ear. He says no, put it away Simon. Foot Mouth Disease.
608 02:04:46,380 --> 02:04:53,790 open his mouth, put his foot right in it. So here's Jesus. That's a death sentence for Peter right now. He just attacked a Burlington Syrian Army. Cut his
609 02:04:53,820 --> 02:05:07,380 ear off. Jesus says I'm gonna go back and pick this era here. Put it On your head and restored him so that way there was no punishment for Peter now. All
610 02:05:07,380 --> 02:05:27,120 power, all power, everything that was God was in Christ, the fullness of the Godhead, was in him. Think about the power, in that. It had to be a miracle to
611 02:05:27,120 --> 02:05:39,030 house every bit of what God was in flesh. We can't stand in front of God, God's a consuming fire. That's my new flesh will make its way into heaven. Because it
612 02:05:39,030 --> 02:05:54,540 will burn. As much as a fire may not want to burn up a dry leaf. You get too close to its nature will do what it does. And you asked for God to come down and
613 02:05:54,720 --> 02:06:08,310 speak to you in your bedroom. Come in here and show me Do you exist? You're asking him to kill you. But he'll talk to you. He'll speak to you. Just he'll
614 02:06:08,310 --> 02:06:20,040 speak to you through prayer. And when you really trust them and you love him, and you make him first and everything he'll set your paths straight. He'll be a
615 02:06:20,040 --> 02:06:32,730 lamp unto your footsteps and he will preserve you. But it's interesting people say there is no there's no Rapture. It's a preposterous idea. Oh, I see a lot of
616 02:06:32,790 --> 02:06:44,910 areas a lot of YouTubers that are homesteaders that are down south. I love their channel. I love them. I love them. God knows I love them. But I hate when they
617 02:06:44,910 --> 02:06:56,970 say Oh, I'm you Christian, do you think that there's going to be this magical event we're all gonna fly away I believe that I believe that Absolutely. We're
618 02:06:56,970 --> 02:07:07,680 gonna do not go where to lie should go and not don't believe that they're the two witnesses by the way. I believe that there's somebody else. Some people will
619 02:07:07,680 --> 02:07:15,090 say it's Moses and Elijah. I've had that thought for a while. Other people will say it's a lighter and an Enoch because there's two didn't die. Moses did die
620 02:07:15,090 --> 02:07:15,840 because God buried them
621 02:07:20,520 --> 02:07:24,240 I don't know who this is for but I'm having so much fun. So much fun
622 02:07:31,080 --> 02:07:47,250 not sure I'm still connected to you. That the I believe that there are books that were inspired by Holy Spirit. When the disciples asked you, what is the
623 02:07:47,250 --> 02:07:55,260 size of your coming? Now notice that there what is the size of your coming? They already know that he's gonna return. That's not the rapture. They didn't
624 02:07:55,260 --> 02:08:04,500 understand that yet. Paul revealed that later on. Jesus gave him that revelation. He opened his eyes to everything that was in the Old Testament that
625 02:08:04,620 --> 02:08:14,220 linked to a harpaz which is a great snatching up isn't it interesting? Okay, isn't it this this lad told everybody a couple years ago I said they're gonna
626 02:08:14,220 --> 02:08:24,390 start talking about UFO is being real and I had members literally quit my membership when I did that. Is it you're a quack Okay. Listen to Jack they're
627 02:08:24,390 --> 02:08:34,710 literally all over the news now. Showing you videos are saying they got people from air alien craft are saying that there are craft shifts. I'm sorry, crashed
628 02:08:34,890 --> 02:08:43,590 ships that they reverse engineered and he had working ones and nonworking ones. And then just a couple of weeks ago in Las Vegas, the first week of May. Okay,
629 02:08:43,620 --> 02:08:53,220 they're saying that they land and they walk around their backyard. That's about to happen. No. But they're presenting a perfect excuse why? A lot of people are
630 02:08:53,220 --> 02:09:01,770 gonna go vanishing. Thinking about the movie after movie, but the show manifests. A plane disappears. What about the 100 that went away, and they come
631 02:09:01,770 --> 02:09:11,100 back. They don't know where they were? Think about it. They're priming you. They're priming your mind to anticipate some event in the future that you're
632 02:09:11,100 --> 02:09:17,130 going to jump to immediate Oh, yeah, it's that stuff with the government say what's the news on the TV say I supposed to believe this? They're gonna say it's
633 02:09:17,130 --> 02:09:24,690 gonna be alien abduction. It's perfect. It's perfect excuses of why it's gonna happen. But that's not what's going on. And you're gonna be terrified you are
634 02:09:24,690 --> 02:09:37,530 not going to leave your house then are you don't go outside flying saucers have been seen in your area there's some funny stuff in it. But that's really think
635 02:09:37,530 --> 02:09:49,170 about it. It's so easily understood when you see where we are in timeline. What was the fiery chariot that came down and got Elijah? What's the wheel within a
636 02:09:49,170 --> 02:10:01,080 wheel spinning that Ezekiel song sky? Sounds like those foo fighters to me. Yeah, I don't think any of you will record like Jesus said, He came in your
637 02:10:01,080 --> 02:10:06,570 house. Certainly when we recognize in any churches today, they will reject him and send him on his way.
638 02:10:13,859 --> 02:10:20,849 I'm afraid to look at how many people listening. And to be honest, I don't even know how to tell. He always told me afterwards that I probably lost a large
639 02:10:20,849 --> 02:10:31,709 nominee today, and probably so many on subscriptions and whatever, I don't care. I'm here for Jesus. And that is it. I told you, I'm working my way out the door.
640 02:10:33,659 --> 02:10:42,929 And some of you need to wake up, because we are in that time, because if Elijah was going to be raptured, and that's exactly what that was. And Enoch was
641 02:10:42,929 --> 02:10:50,159 raptured, what were they doing, they both walked with God, they, they both had faith. And they were doing things that were opposite to what the world was
642 02:10:50,159 --> 02:10:58,679 doing. They were not looking for one world religion. They were not looking for confusion between genders. They were not looking for controlling their brother
643 02:10:58,679 --> 02:11:12,119 and sister treasonous things. They weren't messing with the DNA. Exactly what the angels were doing. They came down in a procreated. That's exactly what
644 02:11:12,119 --> 02:11:25,889 Genesis chapter six says. And you cannot wrestle around it. It's a way it is a book of Enoch, that you never read that. It's funny, because it's mentioned in
645 02:11:25,889 --> 02:11:36,779 our Scripture. When you read that, you hear the real story. What when there was no Apple, in the Garden of Eden. The Tree of Life is a metaphor for God in the
646 02:11:36,779 --> 02:11:51,209 form of Jesus, and tree of knowledge, and knowledge of what good and evil. That's Lucifer. He was in the garden, because he was already cast down. There is
647 02:11:51,209 --> 02:12:05,279 no future war in heaven that already took place up there. You don't know your Scripture. He was cast down to the earth. What was he doing down here? He's
648 02:12:05,279 --> 02:12:18,719 pretending that his he thought he was cast out it was given to him. No. He stole it. How do you steal it? Well, here's all Lucifer Oh, Louis himself. Watching
649 02:12:18,719 --> 02:12:30,569 God meet Adam. So that's pretty interesting. I've never seen one name before, where you call that man? That's interesting. God sees that he's alone. And it's
650 02:12:30,569 --> 02:12:43,649 not good for anyone to be alone. So he does what he puts him to sleep with anesthesia that wasn't invented until 1000s of years later, cuts his side open,
651 02:12:43,649 --> 02:12:57,569 takes out a rib and does DNA cloning, which didn't exist until recent years. And when he wakes up after his surgery, he has a full grown woman. And why did God
652 02:12:57,569 --> 02:13:07,199 take a rib and not a bone from his foot? Because some of you mentally I think you are supposed to lord over your women under your feet be subjected to me
653 02:13:07,289 --> 02:13:18,239 wrong. God took a rib because underneath is protective. When his arm you're supposed to love your wife. You're supposed to love your spouse protection,
654 02:13:18,479 --> 02:13:36,359 closest thing to your heart, the rib. You don't hear that in Sunday school. And what is Luisi? Oh, Lucifer sees them walking naked. No shame. And I'm sure he
655 02:13:36,389 --> 02:13:51,839 was a beautiful mom. And she's everybody's mom, by the way. And Adam had the privilege to be able to lay with her as a as a husband. Now, what do you think
656 02:13:51,899 --> 02:14:03,899 Louie was thinking? Here I am the Chief of Hmong all chaired all the angels. When I spoke, they all came they collected themselves because I called them
657 02:14:03,899 --> 02:14:20,249 together. That was a sin. You want to know how Lucifer did what he did? Now I got where you got. ZICO 28. Isaiah chapter 14. That tells you the whole story.
658 02:14:21,239 --> 02:14:31,679 But the Book of Enoch gives you the the details that are left out because the King James is being polite to you in Genesis. The amplification is that Lucifer
659 02:14:32,039 --> 02:14:47,459 laid down the that's why Cain ain't Adams kid. It's super fertilization. It's a real thing. Folks, look it up. Adam laid down with Eve. And then he beguiled he
660 02:14:47,459 --> 02:15:02,819 beguiled that means completely solely seduced. Eve. Remember, even still today, Lucifer can present himself as a ministering spirit of law. ate. And he was
661 02:15:02,819 --> 02:15:19,829 created perfect, beautiful. But pride was found in him. And he felt when the angels came when he, when he called for them to all worship God. They are told
662 02:15:19,829 --> 02:15:30,059 him, he said, Look, we know God exists, but we can't see him because he's in the light that we can't even approach. But we see you and you're majestic. You're
663 02:15:30,059 --> 02:15:41,699 beautiful. His voice can create any instrument. He was the smartest of all, any beings apart from God. And he was the anointed cherub. That means the anointed
664 02:15:41,879 --> 02:16:00,389 air angel that was above all of them. So you had a lot of authority. And in here, these angels, saying, You are glorious. You are beautiful. You call us and
665 02:16:00,389 --> 02:16:14,729 we listen. You have the authority? Why don't you elevate your throne to be like the Most High and here's where he sins I will exalt my throne, I will be like
666 02:16:14,729 --> 02:16:32,399 the most Hi, I will, I will, I will. Really Archangel Michael enters a check. Status right there. That means God immediately gave him more authority.
667 02:16:32,819 --> 02:16:39,419 Otherwise he wouldn't have any strength over Lucifer. Because he was the anointed cherub that covers that means he's above all of them. That moment, he
668 02:16:39,419 --> 02:16:58,619 was stripped of that authority, and was cast down by Michael to Earth. And here is the garden. You chapter three. Lucifer is jealous. Ain't no one spot anymore.
669 02:16:58,769 --> 02:17:09,539 Adam is God walked with Him in a cold breeze every day. Every day he's walking with Him counseling and talking with him. And now he gives them a woman. And he
670 02:17:09,539 --> 02:17:19,709 watches them. Because that's what the Bible says. The angels are watchers. Read the Book of Enoch. And they're really referred to as that. Right now. They're
671 02:17:19,709 --> 02:17:20,729 watching me and you right now.
672 02:17:26,699 --> 02:17:36,869 Think Lucifer was jealous of the pleasure that he was able to have with his wife, and the love and the bond that they had together, he had no body. So he
673 02:17:36,869 --> 02:17:49,439 beguiled Eve seduced her. But you think that there is an apple that they ate, and they were not allowed to eat an apple? No. Read the Book of Solomon. And
674 02:17:49,439 --> 02:18:02,249 you'll, you'll see that the most beautiful poetic way of describing sexuality between a man and his woman is referred to as her body, below her belt, as a
675 02:18:02,249 --> 02:18:13,409 garden, that he gets to eat from that garden. He honored to be in that position, and he loves her and he cherishes her. That's a beautiful love story. And it's
676 02:18:13,409 --> 02:18:20,579 very erotic when you understand what he's talking about. The Bible has nothing against pleasure of sex, but it should be between a man and a woman that are
677 02:18:20,579 --> 02:18:31,379 married. That's it. That's the way it is. You can argue about all you want, but it's doesn't change the fact that that's what it is. And Lucifer himself became
678 02:18:31,379 --> 02:18:46,289 jealous. So, he stole because he has three up, he has three operations, he always does steal, kill, destroy. He stole the earth, because it was given to
679 02:18:46,289 --> 02:19:03,689 Adam and Eve. Nobody, even Jesus didn't rebuke anyone. The idea of Lucifer or the devil himself, Satan. He's the god of this world. You're really seeing him
680 02:19:03,689 --> 02:19:11,969 now. He knows he's got a short period of time. That's why everything's ramping up everything evil is becoming becoming good. And anything good because evil.
681 02:19:14,399 --> 02:19:25,529 And you'll see a greater increase of ferocity, the fierceness of anything that's godly, anything that's good. And Muslims, I'm afraid that you realize that even
682 02:19:25,529 --> 02:19:36,779 though you're not getting kicked around right now, you're going to be because Satan doesn't want anything. When he takes over a person, this man of sin is
683 02:19:36,779 --> 02:19:45,119 going to be here a man of perdition as the Antichrist. Once he takes that body over whoever that is, and we're not going to know until the heart positive
684 02:19:45,119 --> 02:19:52,709 happens then that man of sin will be revealed because that which hinders, that means the Holy Spirit in the body of Christ right now. There's so many people
685 02:19:52,709 --> 02:20:05,369 out there thinking, oh, yeah, we gotta get beaten to death. Really. Christ calls us the bride with Man, what husband would want would allow his wife to be
686 02:20:06,239 --> 02:20:17,399 abused. You don't know your scripture. You don't know your scripture. But you better start learning it. You better start learning because here's the deal. You
687 02:20:17,399 --> 02:20:25,859 might believe in Christ, you might. But Jesus said, there's gonna be a lot of people that said, I did this in your name, Lord, I did that and your name. And
688 02:20:25,859 --> 02:20:41,879 he's gonna say, Depart from me child of iniquity for I never knew you. There's a parable of the bridesmaid. Five of them have on their lamps, five of them don't.
689 02:20:42,869 --> 02:20:51,779 Five of them made their selves ready. Their clothes are freshly pressed, they're ready to go. They're ready for the the assembly of the marriage. The Father
690 02:20:51,779 --> 02:21:04,499 sends the son go get him, Go get your bride. That's the rapture, in metaphor. In the New Testament. The five of them aren't ready. Their garments are not made
691 02:21:04,499 --> 02:21:15,449 ready. And they have no oil, no Holy Spirit. Why weren't they made ready because they didn't expect or want him to come back. My friend Sean I mentioned earlier.
692 02:21:16,529 --> 02:21:24,449 We talked about Antoine he says I don't want Christ to come back yet. I don't believe he's going to go on the rapture. Because the distinguishing factor is
693 02:21:24,869 --> 02:21:38,549 yeah, all of those bridesmaid know there's a bride coming to meet the husband. And they're gonna accompany them. But five of them didn't expect them or didn't
694 02:21:38,549 --> 02:21:46,409 want him to show up yet because they had other things to take care of. So what did he do? He tried to get in, they said you can't come in your garments. Not
695 02:21:46,409 --> 02:21:55,679 right. And you don't have an oil lamp. So they went in, they tried to buy oil, they tried to sell anything we you know, it's too late. That's what happens when
696 02:21:55,679 --> 02:22:03,659 this Rapture happens. That's what happens when this event happens. When it's great snatching where there's a lot of people that go missing sounds like
697 02:22:03,659 --> 02:22:16,949 science fiction knowing it's gonna happen, folks is gonna happen. And you got yourself ready. You gotta want it to happen. I pray everyday that happens. Come
698 02:22:16,979 --> 02:22:35,039 quickly, Lord Jesus. Come quickly. Because I am tired of being in this body. It's given unto sin all the time. Just like a dog can't stop being a dog. You
699 02:22:35,039 --> 02:22:44,729 can have the best relationship, but you're sitting still. That people if they I don't think I don't cuss like ICT. Yeah, you're judging me. You just blew it.
700 02:22:47,069 --> 02:22:53,459 That's why these commandments are there to prove that you need a savior. Every single one of us has fallen short of the glory of God, and we are in need of a
701 02:22:53,459 --> 02:23:01,679 savior in Arizona only one and that's Jesus Christ. He's the only god he's the only creator, the only one that died on a cross, the only one that resurrected
702 02:23:01,679 --> 02:23:09,959 his body, and the only one we're going to see in heaven when we leave this body. There is no greater authority than him. He is God Almighty.
703 02:23:16,980 --> 02:23:29,910 Unto us, a child is given unto us unto us a son is born. And what does this mean going to be? Everlasting Father, oh, wait a minute. We're putting down some
704 02:23:29,910 --> 02:23:46,290 Trinity views right there real quick. Comforter. John, we understand that. Jesus, I will not leave you fatherless. I will come to you. He's telling you,
705 02:23:46,290 --> 02:23:55,110 he's the father, but he has to go away in a glorified body. And then he will return. Then when you see him in a glorified body, that is God. All in all, he's
706 02:23:55,110 --> 02:24:06,450 now 100% In one, run one roll. He is the Holy Spirit embodied in that glorified flesh. That will always be scarred. That's the only thing in heaven. It's
707 02:24:06,450 --> 02:24:17,820 manmade scars that we can put on him and his crucifixion. And that's why I believe in the first 30 minutes and Revelation says, And when we get to heaven,
708 02:24:18,360 --> 02:24:28,560 there'll be 30 minutes of silence. Because we're gonna have our drawls dropped. We're gonna see what he was willing to go through. So y'all think he's his blue
709 02:24:28,560 --> 02:24:39,900 eyed, Caucasian hippie guy? Pretty boy. No. I don't believe that's what we're gonna see it all. We're gonna see the land that was slain before the foundations
710 02:24:39,900 --> 02:24:53,700 of the earth. All that scar tissue and the weight of that it's going to hit us and we're not going to be able to talk. We're gonna hit our knees because every
711 02:24:53,700 --> 02:25:10,230 knee shall bow. Every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord He is Lord. I can see that on here and brag all day long and it wouldn't be enough
712 02:25:15,660 --> 02:25:30,960 I so richly hope that you get yourself right with Him. Because the people that go for the ones that want to go that earnestly seek Him, pray that you're
713 02:25:30,960 --> 02:25:38,760 counted worthy. Just keep these things coming. Come on here. People that say there's no rapture, what is he talking about? What is he talking about? Because
714 02:25:38,970 --> 02:25:50,130 if you understand Revelation, it says that a whole lot of people are going to die. Very bad ways. And you're trying to assume that that's the Bride of Christ,
715 02:25:50,130 --> 02:25:57,720 who he loves and died for, you can earn your way into heaven. That's what you're saying. When there is no concept of that at all. You add anything to the
716 02:25:57,720 --> 02:26:05,850 crucifixion, you made it void. Sorry, if that hurts, I'm sorry to upset your traditions of men.
717 02:26:14,940 --> 02:26:28,260 There is an event coming. And they are priming everybody for UFOs Aliens, and you're gonna start seeing abductions, you're gonna see storylines where one or
718 02:26:28,260 --> 02:26:34,800 two people are going to be abducted, and it's going to be some kind of a weird event, some lightning Scott crap, you're gonna hear all that stuff. I'm telling
719 02:26:34,800 --> 02:26:42,990 you, it's coming. I'm telling you, it's coming in, it's going to be on your news, you're gonna see it. And then the real thing happens. In a moment, in the
720 02:26:42,990 --> 02:26:52,830 twinkling of an eye. We're snapped up out of here, man, everybody that has a walk with Christ. And how do you know you have a walk with Christ. He's your
721 02:26:52,830 --> 02:27:03,030 Lord and Savior, there is no other God. He's died for your sins. You admit that you're a sinner. And you believe that he came in the flesh. He died on a cross,
722 02:27:03,480 --> 02:27:14,580 three days spent in the belly of the earth. And then he resurrected that body. He sprinkled his blood on the mercy seat. That's the gospel, folks. If you don't
723 02:27:14,580 --> 02:27:26,400 believe that, if that is not tattooed, engraved on your heart, and in your soul, you are doomed. It doesn't matter how much money you make here. It doesn't
724 02:27:26,400 --> 02:27:36,990 matter what success you have. That's the destination you need to be having. There's no vibrations in the universe. Okay. It's Christ. That's it. All roads
725 02:27:36,990 --> 02:27:46,800 lead back to him. And you don't want to find out on the other side, leaving this body. Because the essence of the body is to be present with the Lord. And how
726 02:27:46,800 --> 02:27:58,650 long you spend there is determined by how you have the relationship with him here. And it's so easy. It's so easy to be saved. You don't get saved by going
727 02:27:58,650 --> 02:28:08,130 to church, folks. That's not That's not. That's not how it works. I'm going home because I'm going to church. Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. That's not how
728 02:28:08,130 --> 02:28:20,550 it is. Now, Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God. But the author of your faith is Christ. And the finisher, is Christ. What you believe how you
729 02:28:20,550 --> 02:28:33,300 believe and how you live your life. They're all contributing factors, but the defining thing that separates you from hell, for salvation, is the gospel. You
730 02:28:33,300 --> 02:28:43,500 have to believe that there is a God and that God was manifest in the flesh. No other God did that. Jesus did. He, he explained who he was. He showed his
731 02:28:43,500 --> 02:28:56,670 character. He warned that he's going to come back and judge. But there's two events, a second coming. And a heart posture, there is a terrible thing come in.
732 02:28:59,790 --> 02:29:12,660 Terrible judgments are coming. The whole world is going to become much more corrupt than it is. Violence is going to be all over the place. If you have
733 02:29:12,660 --> 02:29:23,160 children, I feel for you. I understand perfectly when Jesus said Woe unto those who give suck in those days. Because not only are you worried about yourself,
734 02:29:23,160 --> 02:29:37,500 but you have a baby. Think about when the COVID pandemic scan Demak was going on. All of a sudden, baby formula because you couldn't find it. What if you're a
735 02:29:37,500 --> 02:29:45,360 breastfeeding mother that loses the ability to do that and then you have to go to formula. But you never were a breastfeeding mother. And you only use formula
736 02:29:45,360 --> 02:29:56,610 and then comes again where we can't get formula because they stop it or you have to have a mark or you can't do it. What are you going to do? Like think about
737 02:29:56,610 --> 02:30:07,980 that? So that that's so concerning to me. Some of you will be going, I'm gonna go through this stuff, I'm just gonna take the mark, it'll be easier. You have
738 02:30:07,980 --> 02:30:20,040 no idea what you just did. Because once you do that you you can't be saved. You can't be saved, you're lost. It's not about going into church. It's not going
739 02:30:20,250 --> 02:30:35,970 about like, oh, well, you know, I'm holier than thou. Listen, folks. Listen. I am a fallible man. I have problems. Moses was a murderer. Paul was the chief
740 02:30:35,970 --> 02:30:50,190 murderer of the church. God use these men. God used prostitutes. He used the broken of all. And I have a problem. I have a mental illness. And I'm not
741 02:30:50,190 --> 02:31:02,910 perfect. But I know my redeemer lives. I know who saved me. I knew who I'm going to stand with. I'm on Jesus team. There you go. I said no years ago, to the
742 02:31:02,910 --> 02:31:16,140 other side. And I'm here saying I'm ready. I'm ready. I got my back. I'm ready to go. I'm clearing my schedule. I'm ready to go. Come quickly, Lord, I'm ready
743 02:31:16,140 --> 02:31:26,970 to get out of here. I want my new body. I want to be in your presence, because I have been baptized in the Holy Spirit. I have spoken tongues. I have heard him
744 02:31:26,970 --> 02:31:40,350 talk to me. And I'm telling you what when he says become everything melts. No anxiety, joy, love that's unspeakable. There is no words that I can tell you
745 02:31:40,560 --> 02:31:54,090 that literally capsulate that moment of peace. And my wife that I'm here to right now watch that happen. I thought I had lymphoma. When we first got
746 02:31:54,090 --> 02:32:03,870 together. I had a large mass swelling up in my right side of my neck. And it woke me up. She was spending a night with me and we were dating. I had every
747 02:32:03,870 --> 02:32:10,530 intention to marry her. I didn't want spring or too quick, because that would have been viewed as too soon for her. I had already settled my heart that I'm
748 02:32:10,530 --> 02:32:20,250 going to marry this woman. So I wasn't living in sin. And I don't view marriage with a marriage certificate as marriage. God says when you lay down with a
749 02:32:20,250 --> 02:32:27,060 woman, you're married to her. That's the way it is. There's no marriage certificate. Okay? That's why when you're betroth, you don't come together.
750 02:32:27,600 --> 02:32:45,780 Because then you're married. You know the scripture. But I thought I had lymphoma and woke me up out of my sleep. It was around in January of 1998. And I
751 02:32:48,060 --> 02:33:01,230 was terrified. I thought I was going to die. I thought, you know, it was very scary. I was in a shower, trying to calm myself down and I had all cold water,
752 02:33:01,230 --> 02:33:13,830 no hot water and I couldn't even feel the temperature. Couldn't you feel the temperature of the water? And my girlfriend now my wife. She gets up out of bed.
753 02:33:13,830 --> 02:33:21,360 She's walking and she's Are you okay? And I said no, I'm not. I can't like I'm dying. It's I can't breathe. I feel scared and I don't know what's going on. And
754 02:33:21,360 --> 02:33:29,520 this lump on my neck has gotten bigger. So I wrapped myself up in a towel. I go sit on my couch. And she's sitting down on the floor and she's got her head
755 02:33:29,520 --> 02:33:38,130 laying on my thigh and like she don't know what to do to comfort me and I'm just weeping right? And the height of it. I hear of my right shoulder. That seems
756 02:33:38,130 --> 02:33:49,410 still quiet voice. Same one I heard said pull the door funny. Same one that later on told me the weight of our child. Six pounds, 14 ounces. rate on video.
757 02:33:50,220 --> 02:33:59,130 The nurse asked my wife Are you ready to have his baby? Yeah, I'm ready to get him out of me. Because we think he weighs I don't know, I just want to, I just
758 02:33:59,130 --> 02:34:08,100 want to get him out. I said, right shoulder I hear the same voice. Six pounds, 14 ounces. I say he's wearing six pounds, 14 ounces. And when he came out, I
759 02:34:08,100 --> 02:34:14,340 took the video camera over to the weighing table as the lady now six pounds, 14 ounces. And I already know what some of you are gonna say. That's the average
760 02:34:14,340 --> 02:34:22,770 weight of a baby, whatever. Okay, you want to believe that? That's your business but get a kit this. I told her I want to get pregnant. I was hoping I want to
761 02:34:22,770 --> 02:34:33,000 have another baby. I feel like I have a daughter coming. I'm so glad God's with them. He didn't give me a daughter. I had one that's brought into the marriage
762 02:34:33,000 --> 02:34:42,840 by my wife and I brought him my oldest son Cody and our marriage but we didn't have a daughter by biological means with my wife now, though I tried. I tried
763 02:34:42,840 --> 02:34:58,140 two times and God said no, that boy will be it. So Cameron and Caden were born when Caden was conceived. There was a lot of complications that the enemy tried
764 02:34:58,140 --> 02:35:06,510 to pretend it was going to be there. We had our first sonogram done. And actually, I skipped ahead of something but nothing finishes part because
765 02:35:06,510 --> 02:35:16,050 otherwise it'd be a little disjointed, even if it's on but our first prenatal visit and they were doing sonogram thing, you can see the little, little peanut
766 02:35:16,230 --> 02:35:26,670 inside of the womb and stuff. Just wanna let you know that your placenta is covering your cervix. So you're gonna have to have a C section, I said, that's a
767 02:35:26,670 --> 02:35:35,100 lie from Bill nurseryman looked at me like I was crazy. And I was like, what? Like I said, nope, nope, nope, nope. The devil is a lie. And don't believe
768 02:35:35,100 --> 02:35:43,170 anything. This baby was promised to me. He would not have my wife mutilated through this. Okay, that ain't happening. I hear it ain't happening. So you
769 02:35:43,170 --> 02:35:52,710 might want to stop talking about that. Because, well, I'm just trying to, you're just trying to lie. You're stealing this, okay? You're not stealing this satan
770 02:35:52,710 --> 02:36:02,580 get out of here. She looks crazy. I don't care. You gotta rise up. And you got to speak to him just like that. They I rebuke you. You have no authority here.
771 02:36:02,759 --> 02:36:10,049 This ain't true. It ain't happening. I said, you watch and see that the center will be exactly where it supposed to be when she gives birth, you will see that
772 02:36:10,049 --> 02:36:19,109 that will not happen. You are not birthing my child. Because we didn't have as a boy or girl at the time. You were not birthing my child. Through a C section,
773 02:36:19,109 --> 02:36:25,979 you are not cutting my wife open, this baby's gonna come into this room unhealthy. It's going to come in naturally. You ain't got any authority to say
774 02:36:25,979 --> 02:36:37,109 otherwise. It's promised to me. You have no authority start speaking right now. And she did. Now my wife one of the crawl under that bed, but I don't care. What
775 02:36:37,109 --> 02:36:53,189 that woman didn't know, was months before. Well, my wife lost an end to cancer. And I told her I said it's sad that that that took place. And she was pregnant.
776 02:36:54,089 --> 02:37:06,119 She had gotten pregnant before Caden. And I was in New York. I was coming back from a trip and she called me and told me that she had passed a rather large
777 02:37:06,119 --> 02:37:19,289 blood clots. And I said, just go lay down, don't do anything. And she goes, my stomach's really hurt. And I'm scared. I was like, just go just go lay down
778 02:37:19,289 --> 02:37:34,229 please. So I gotta do that. And I'm off the phone. And I'm driving. I'm on 95 South driving through New Jersey. And I'm angry. And I'm like, God, why are you
779 02:37:34,229 --> 02:37:41,939 doing this? Why are you doing this? Oh
780 02:38:00,420 --> 02:38:01,950 got the Job
781 02:40:39,630 --> 02:40:40,080 This is
782 02:41:11,460 --> 02:41:24,180 so I'm out here talking about the stories that God has done in my life and they killed the dream so I didn't know I talked for like for 90 minutes without
783 02:41:24,180 --> 02:41:38,370 knowing so I was like no no I'm gonna go and do it again so I did it so I start talking and I get to the part where Kate my phone died and a big old tree just
784 02:41:38,370 --> 02:41:38,970 fell down and
785 02:41:48,480 --> 02:41:57,090 no matter what happened nothing you can do to change it. You are a defeated foe.
786 02:42:48,570 --> 02:42:53,310 Your time is up
787 02:48:19,230 --> 02:48:19,950 Yeah
788 02:56:15,690 --> 02:56:17,520 Hear me, send me a tweet
789 02:56:24,270 --> 02:56:24,750 tweet
790 02:56:52,470 --> 02:57:10,260 I'm finishing this okay, what happened? Okay, you can hear me. Alright, so I'll say this. I got 12% left on the battery. So there should be no new issues
791 02:57:10,260 --> 02:57:24,330 finishing it now. So I was driving back from New York, I was in Jersey, and had just hung up on the phone with my wife and told her lay down. As she told me she
792 02:57:24,330 --> 02:57:34,770 had up, she passed that large blood clot in her stomach was hurting her. So I was mad at God, I was kind of like saying, Why would you do this? You know, I
793 02:57:34,770 --> 02:57:46,140 knew what that was. And anybody understands that that's a miscarriage. And, you know, I was upset and I was crying. And I told him, I said, if you do this,
794 02:57:46,950 --> 02:57:57,690 she's gonna be hurt, because she just lost her aunt, and she's mad at you for that. And if you take our child, this is gonna hurt me too, like not just her,
795 02:57:58,050 --> 02:58:09,750 and how can I win her because she wasn't a believer in him. And I just basically was at a loss, trying to figure out how I could convince God not to let that
796 02:58:09,750 --> 02:58:32,910 happen. And she had cramps the whole evening. And the next day, we went to have a checked and they said there was there was nothing. So the era DNC and we
797 02:58:32,910 --> 02:58:48,810 grieved. And then, at the time, I did go to a church. And I was all messed up from that. And I'm sure the pastor at the time was doing something wonderful in
798 02:58:48,810 --> 02:59:03,870 terms of a message, but I couldn't tell you to save my life, anything that he said. I was there, but it wasn't present. Ah, it's very hard to go back through
799 02:59:04,170 --> 02:59:16,860 these painful moments. But during that sermon that he was given, again, I wish it was something I can remember to tell you what he was talking about. But I
800 02:59:16,860 --> 02:59:31,050 wasn't there. emotionally. I was a wreck by myself. My wife wouldn't go. And I said, God, I don't know why you did this, but how can I reach my wife now? Like,
801 02:59:31,050 --> 02:59:45,420 how can how can I witness to her when this happened to us? And I don't know why you would do this to me. Like I believe in you like I have the utmost faith like
802 02:59:45,420 --> 03:00:01,620 I had an Old Testament level faith. Why would you do this same voice. Right shoulder. I was in the last few. There was nobody behind me. judges 13 Five,
803 03:00:01,620 --> 03:00:12,360 Michael, judges 13 Five. I'll let you look that up. But I wrestled with it for a couple minutes thinking, I'm gonna grab my Bible that was sitting to my left.
804 03:00:13,230 --> 03:00:23,070 I'm gonna grab it, I'm gonna open up and it's gonna say something that has absolutely no relevance to anything I'm going through. And finally, I just
805 03:00:23,280 --> 03:00:34,890 couldn't stand it. I grabbed the Bible, turn to Judges chapter 13 Verse five, and when I read it, I started crying. I put the Bible down, and I was like,
806 03:00:34,890 --> 03:00:41,940 There's no way that this happened. There's no way that this happened. I grabbed that again, I read the entire chapter, and it's about a woman who can't get
807 03:00:41,940 --> 03:01:02,580 pregnant. And net versus behold, you shall conceive a son. That son is Caden. We did not have a relationship in the physical form for a couple of weeks after
808 03:01:02,580 --> 03:01:23,220 her. Her aunt passed away. And we had one come together type moment. And then that happened. So of course, I couldn't wait to go home to my wife. I said,
809 03:01:23,220 --> 03:01:28,350 Listen, the Lord spoke to me. You know, we're gonna have a baby and it's going to be a boy. She's nowhere I have any more babies. I don't wanna hear about God.
810 03:01:29,700 --> 03:01:40,080 And she left me thinking that knew if I say any more, we're gonna argue. So I'm just like, you know, I know you're upset right now. I know you're mad at him.
811 03:01:40,140 --> 03:01:47,610 But it doesn't change the fact that he's still on the throne. And he just said, This is what's coming. So get ready because we're having a son. Jesus taught me
812 03:01:47,610 --> 03:02:03,690 a dirty look, and I got out there. Fast Forward one week. I'm sitting on the couch. The light from the dining room is in my eyes. And I'm watching a report
813 03:02:04,650 --> 03:02:18,690 on CNBC. Am My wife calls to me? She says, Michael, can you come here? I said, I'm eating the moment right now. And it's not to sound like I'm a jerk. But if I
814 03:02:18,690 --> 03:02:27,540 hear something that's upsetting to me, I won't be able to eat. So there her tone was immediate, like, Okay, let me just let me finish what I'm doing. Because if
815 03:02:27,540 --> 03:02:38,310 it's an emergency, she'll come down. Well, she came down. And she's holding something in her hand. And she's holding it for me to take it from her. So my
816 03:02:38,310 --> 03:02:47,400 eyes are adjusting from the light shining in my eyes, from the dining room, into the dark area of the stairway where she had just come down from the upstairs.
817 03:02:50,160 --> 03:02:57,330 And I see she's got something I don't know what it is right away. But I'm thinking it's a toothbrush, like, like an electric toothbrush. That's the first
818 03:02:57,330 --> 03:03:09,000 thought that came to mind. And I'm like, in my mind, I'm thinking I didn't ask for this. But she was here. And she's crying. And I took it from her. And as I
819 03:03:09,030 --> 03:03:18,150 brought it closer to me, I realized it was the pregnancy test. So in my mind, I'm thinking she's doing laundry. She's folding the clothes. And she found the
820 03:03:18,150 --> 03:03:27,720 pregnancy test that told us that she was pregnant before she and I lost the baby. And I was like, I'm so sorry. If I would have known it was laying around,
821 03:03:27,720 --> 03:03:39,090 I would have got rid of like, I just like I thought I had done something. And she goes, No, I just took it. And I said, You're pregnant. And I leapt off that
822 03:03:39,090 --> 03:03:50,700 couch jumping around. I was like, Are you serious? And she's like, She's crying. She's I don't know what to say. I'm like, Well, I told you, though, I told you
823 03:03:50,700 --> 03:03:59,880 so. So the next event was willing to her first prenatal care visit. It's when a nurse was saying that she's gonna need a C section and she did not need a C
824 03:03:59,880 --> 03:04:14,220 section. Her placenta was exactly where it needed to be. He came out. But the enemy still came. Because as soon as he came out, for no reason at all. I've
825 03:04:14,220 --> 03:04:23,400 never seen any of the babies that were born, had this happen to them, but he came out. He was crying. He was healthy. And they immediately grabbed him. And
826 03:04:23,400 --> 03:04:36,060 they gave him a shot. That crashed his blood pressure. And he was the turn blue. All kinds of all kinds of things happen now today that I'm not going to talk
827 03:04:36,060 --> 03:04:48,780 about here. But suffice it to say that you vaccinations are weapons, and I will give a crap. what anybody says otherwise, I have family members that have been
828 03:04:48,810 --> 03:04:56,280 harmed and killed by them. I've had friends that are no longer here because they've taken it and you can believe what you want to believe. You're never
829 03:04:56,280 --> 03:05:04,140 convincing me otherwise. I would never put that stuff in my body. My family will never have that stuff put in your body. And whatever they want to say they have
830 03:05:04,140 --> 03:05:13,950 to take later on to do whatever I got to do, guess what? I'll fish. This dog can hunt, okay? I'll eat squirrels. I'll eat whatever, I gotta, I gotta go to a
831 03:05:13,950 --> 03:05:22,860 restaurant, I ain't got to go to a grocery store, I gotta do any of that stuff. I don't drink soda. I don't drink coffee. I'm not a Starbucks slave. I don't do
832 03:05:22,860 --> 03:05:35,280 any of that kind of stuff. So I'm not married to this world. And if I lost everything, I don't care. Because I have Christ, I have everything in him. And
833 03:05:35,280 --> 03:05:50,970 everything I have has come from him. And I hope I hope that I can't get over how that just happened. Like I was literally pointing my finger like, you know, I
834 03:05:50,970 --> 03:06:02,550 was in that moment with that nurse, but I knew who I was talking to. And we have a lot of really big tall trees behind our home. And this thing started crashing.
835 03:06:03,390 --> 03:06:11,250 Like, it happened a couple of weeks ago, when I was out here in the pool. And I was just praising God knows, thanking him for everything. And another large tree
836 03:06:11,250 --> 03:06:19,260 got thrown to the ground. As I appraised anymore. It's like, yeah, I don't care. You're, you're a liar. You are liar, you're a defeated foe, you're going to hell
837 03:06:19,260 --> 03:06:29,400 and nothing you can do to change it. And God is in control. It's Christ is the Lord. And you can do change it. So I'm not sure if you heard it. I don't, I
838 03:06:29,400 --> 03:06:38,520 don't know if if this thing was broadcasting at the time, but I went over to my wife. As I was walking up to the back of the house, I said, now that they're
839 03:06:39,060 --> 03:06:45,150 telling them the story of what Caden? And I mean, you don't want to say miscarriage because I don't want to trigger. But
840 03:06:46,650 --> 03:06:56,370 I said, Yeah, I'm out there. And all of a sudden, this tree just like crashes down. Like, like, I know who that was. I mean, he's angry, because he doesn't
841 03:06:56,370 --> 03:07:04,350 want you hearing these things. Because it's going to increase your faith, hearing it. And that's why God gives these, these situations for us, when we go
842 03:07:04,350 --> 03:07:11,670 through trials and tribulations and problems. And he carries us through and we have a different perspective on the other side of it. That's a testimony. And
843 03:07:11,670 --> 03:07:19,890 these testimonies are faith building. And the enemy does not like that. He doesn't like that when people grow in their faith. He wants to try to steal your
844 03:07:19,890 --> 03:07:26,910 testimony. He wants to have people come up and say, Oh, he's a liar. He doesn't hear the Word, the Word of God or the voice of God, he didn't have these
845 03:07:26,910 --> 03:07:32,580 problems. He didn't have a miscarriage, his wife didn't ever get pregnant. They don't do this. They didn't do that. You're gonna hear all kinds of stuff,
846 03:07:32,640 --> 03:07:39,720 because that's exactly what happened when trolls listened to my testimony the first time, and they have money, YouTube channels, monetizing them. So the
847 03:07:39,720 --> 03:07:50,610 bottom line is, I could have all that stuff pulled down. I could, I don't want it. I want everybody that finds it, to hear it. I'm not ashamed of it. I am not
848 03:07:50,640 --> 03:07:59,370 ashamed of Christ. I'm not afraid of people knowing that I worship and love him. And I adore Him above everything in all things. There's nobody higher in
849 03:08:00,090 --> 03:08:14,520 authority in my life than him. And that relationship is not defined by going to a church, you can be right where you are. And having faith in the he's God in
850 03:08:14,520 --> 03:08:29,580 the flesh, because greatest mystery of godliness that God was manifest in the flesh. Okay? Buddha never did that. Sorry, Christ did when you believe that you
851 03:08:29,580 --> 03:08:38,310 have now accepted the gospel, but then you now have to obey the gospel because the Bible says, You have to obey the gospel. And that means that you now have
852 03:08:38,340 --> 03:08:48,210 saving faith, but to obey the gospel is now you go through Acts 238. When they rose up, and they asked Peter, you know, what should we do to be saved? He goes,
853 03:08:48,210 --> 03:08:58,560 repent, believe on Lord Jesus Christ, and be baptized in Jesus name for the remission of sins. So then you go to someone that has equal faith is you and
854 03:08:58,560 --> 03:09:05,130 they baptize you in Jesus name, not in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. What is that name? It's Jesus. Jesus isn't the name of the Father. Jesus
855 03:09:05,130 --> 03:09:14,250 is the name of the Son, Jesus's name the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the Holy Spirit. That's what he said in John who I will return on to you. I will not leave you
856 03:09:14,250 --> 03:09:27,690 fatherless. Who's coming back? The Holy Spirit. What's his name? Jesus. When you read the Gospel of John, that is the greatest revelation of who he was. And it's
857 03:09:27,690 --> 03:09:36,120 undeniable. There's people out there other religions, well, meaning people that will say the Bible never says that Jesus said he was gonna eat all the time
858 03:09:36,120 --> 03:09:49,830 saying he's got in the Gospel. John drives it home continuously. With no argument, none. So anyway, I have so many other stories I could tell you about.
859 03:09:49,830 --> 03:09:56,550 I don't have enough battery life if you'd like this kind of stuff. You know, if you want to hear more about it, just let me know. I'll do another one before we
860 03:09:56,550 --> 03:10:08,550 get to November, but I've done enough talking Today, enough, I feel good. I feel clean. I feel like I've encouraged some of you, I probably offended a lot more
861 03:10:08,550 --> 03:10:17,850 of you. But I don't apologize for it. And I hope you know that when I'm telling you these things, I'm telling you with love. And if you have a different opinion
862 03:10:17,850 --> 03:10:26,880 about what it is that I believe in, keep it to yourself, okay? Because I'm not interested, you're never going to convince me otherwise, that you're never going
863 03:10:26,880 --> 03:10:36,270 to convince me otherwise. So like I said, you know, I got some really cool stories I can share with you. That arena, the Old Testament level kind of stuff.
864 03:10:36,300 --> 03:10:43,530 I mean, you if you heard it, I'm not sure if you heard it, but that tree got literally thrown out. He was angry. He's angry because I was reliving that
865 03:10:43,530 --> 03:10:55,680 rebuke of him. He didn't like that. He does not like that. That's all right. It don't matter what he likes. Jesus is Lord. So until next time, you see