
Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2023-07-05 06:43


00:32 - Excellence doesn’t require all the right entry points.

- Excellence is not enough to be correct about a trade.
- Excellence doesn't require all the tools.
- The one-on-one meeting with Michael.
- The excellence in this industry is not from the tools.

06:39 - You didn’t listen to my advice.

- Rushed into trading before learning how to do what he's teaching.
- Being impatient.
- In one full year, you will have a full baseline.
- Exercises for learning.

12:15 - What is the difference between arrogance and arrogance?

- Arrogance in the beginning of trading.
- The first few notes of any song.
- Human nature is to fleece the impatient trader.
- The importance of having a voice.

18:08 - What do you think about this?

- Michael is not an authority on everything.
- The yankees and the superiority complex.
- What to expect from the new experience over three years.
- How to become an expert.

23:23 - The importance of reading price action.

- Why studying is a waste of time and energy.
- Painful lessons learned in trading.
- Why journaling is a stupid waste of time.
- The importance of a realistic timeline.

28:35 - The problem with collecting new gadgets.

- Addiction to new gadgets and methods.
- The importance of being practical and practical.
- Why Frank can't take losing or missing a move.
- Bull flags and bull markets.
- Growing pains in business and personal life.
- Excellence costs a lot more than expected.

36:57 - The difference between excellence and perfection.

- The difference between being right and being perfection.
- The two different destinations of perfection.
- What to do in markets that are trading at all-time highs.
- Stock index futures

41:48 - Reading the markets is like reading sheet music.

- Reading the markets is like looking at sheet music.
- Being in a live stream.
- The importance of spending at least two to three months on a model.
- Bots attached to tweets.
- Make a playlist of all the good videos.
- Watch everything and learn correctly.

48:43 - This is all made up bullshit.

- Time the market to 20 minute intervals.
- New market replay bullshit.
- Motherfucker. Motherfucker, motherfucking motherfucker for two fucking years.
- Now is the time.

53:15 - You have no idea who to listen to.

- You have no idea who is talking to you right now.
- Excellence is knowing you can.
- Your greatest lesson being a student is independence.
- Remember last year. 18 months.

56:41 - How to prepare for climatelockdowns.

- Climate lockdowns and home invasions.
- The second amendment and digital currencies.
- Central bank digital currency has an expiration date.
- Trump is going to be elected.


00:00:32,130 --> 00:00:50,070 ICT: It is a good morning. So I'm gonna probably get some complaints that there's noise in the background and the audios and all that good. That's gonna
00:00:50,070 --> 00:01:05,430 have to deal with it because it's Saturday morning. And I'm just chilling. You hear the rain in the background falls in my pool. And you're probably gonna hear
00:01:05,430 --> 00:01:13,590 the hummingbirds still buzzing by I was surprised even though it's like near raining, they're still cruising around out there, coming in getting a drink.
00:01:14,970 --> 00:01:30,840 Here that's been chatting as they go back as they compete to be into the features that we have hanging around. So today I want to talk about excellence,
00:01:32,640 --> 00:01:51,900 destination excellence. It's not enough for me to be correct about a trade, it's not enough for me to feel like I got one way of beating the market. One way to
00:01:52,410 --> 00:02:03,750 work in a specific range, whether it be a small range or a large range day. It's not enough for me to know how to trade just one asset class, or what time of
00:02:03,750 --> 00:02:19,680 day. And I've mentioned it when, when corbs did my first face to face interview, he asked, you know, how many things have I created? Like I have a lot of things
00:02:19,680 --> 00:02:32,160 that the industry now uses. And I'm honored and very privileged to be in that position. So don't don't think that I don't appreciate it because I do. But he
00:02:32,160 --> 00:02:44,310 asked, you know, how many things do I have that I've created? And I said, Well, you know, I have at one specific PD arrays that I utilized over the years to
10 00:02:44,340 --> 00:03:04,140 frame a entry. Excuse me. Feared when I first started, I feared entering I feared not having the right entry point. And as a new trader as a new student of
11 00:03:04,140 --> 00:03:17,070 the markets in the early 90s. I was intimidated by the complexities that this industry brings with it. And for the folks that come to me wanting to learn how
12 00:03:17,070 --> 00:03:32,010 to trade and read price action and study it. I'm certain that it feels like overkill. And it was designed to be overkill, because I needed to overcome fear
13 00:03:32,010 --> 00:03:44,130 when I first started. So that's the reason why I have so many weapons, so many tools in my arsenal. But excellence doesn't require all the excellence doesn't
14 00:03:44,280 --> 00:03:59,520 require anyone entry methods. And there's a tide that's shifting. When it comes to me as a topic or subject matter on social media. The idea that you may be one
15 00:03:59,520 --> 00:04:10,320 of these individuals. You use my concepts, you use my my ideas, and maybe you've gained a little bit of a following and whatnot. Maybe you've created mentorships
16 00:04:10,320 --> 00:04:23,880 or some kind of community and their impatience, waiting for November to come for me to depart from all of you. On this one, though, one on one as close as it can
17 00:04:23,880 --> 00:04:35,460 be type of experience. When I set sail in the second week of November, they're they're in a hurry to get out there and start panhandling because there's going
18 00:04:35,460 --> 00:04:46,500 to be a void of me doing things like this and a number of them out there and they they've masqueraded as really good supporters. But you can see them in
19 00:04:46,500 --> 00:04:55,440 their posts. You can see how they talk in the titles of their videos and you this chomping at the bit I can't wait to seething because once I stopped doing
20 00:04:55,440 --> 00:05:07,410 this, there's going to be a thirst for more of it. And I want you to understand that obviously, if it was something that was part of me that wanted to have
21 00:05:07,410 --> 00:05:18,000 this, I would stay here and do it. I don't want to be the center of attention. But I do want to deposit the information into your hands. So that way you can go
22 00:05:18,000 --> 00:05:28,650 about your business, the rest of your life, the rest of your trading career, and feel confident that I have given you more than enough, more than enough. But
23 00:05:28,650 --> 00:05:46,560 they many times will lead you to new discoveries. Not about trading, but about yourself. And the Excellence in this industry is not from the tools. It's not
24 00:05:46,560 --> 00:06:01,380 from the process. It's not the things that you use to get in and out of a trade. It's how you, as the operator, you the trader, handle yourself and engage the
25 00:06:01,380 --> 00:06:09,330 market. Well, wait a minute, Michael, you're you're saying that it's not the tools, it's not the things that you use to trade. But how you engage the market,
26 00:06:09,330 --> 00:06:24,090 right? How you think how you think about the market, how you think about you, as a trader. Think about it like this. If you were to start all over again, but had
27 00:06:24,090 --> 00:06:34,500 the benefit of knowing everything you knew at this point, even though if you're not consistently profitable, you know, the things that you wasted time on, you
28 00:06:34,500 --> 00:06:41,610 know, the things you did incorrectly and some of you probably have studied incorrectly with me. You didn't listen to the things I've told you to do. You
29 00:06:41,610 --> 00:06:49,980 tried to rush into trading. I did a poll the other day, it'll expire later tonight. I asked everyone that were willing to participate in it on Twitter had
30 00:06:49,980 --> 00:07:02,760 Have you rushed into trading before you learn how to do what it is I'm teaching. And yesterday about an hour after the the post of that poll. It was
31 00:07:02,760 --> 00:07:13,980 predominantly Yes, everyone has done exactly what I said not to do. And now you know, as an individual that maybe didn't take that vote, or are afraid like
32 00:07:13,980 --> 00:07:23,010 somehow I can see or other people can see that you made that vote. You're you're afraid or intimidated, you're embarrassed, you don't want to admit that you did
33 00:07:23,010 --> 00:07:32,970 something incorrectly. And that's one of the things that, you know, when I sit down and talk to you. I'm reminding my children. And I'm reminding you as the
34 00:07:32,970 --> 00:07:42,270 audience members that are privy to this conversations I have with them, that I made terrible mistakes in the beginning trying to do things that I was not ready
35 00:07:42,270 --> 00:07:56,430 for. I took on the challenge of trading with real money with just a month's worth of book reading. That's it. That's it. I did a couple little things. I
36 00:07:56,430 --> 00:08:04,860 looked into charts. And I figured well, this is easy to see 123 tops, 123 bottoms, you know, bull flags and things like that. That seems easy enough, I
37 00:08:04,860 --> 00:08:16,500 can go on and do that. And then I got smacked around my first real soiree in the marketplace and 50% of my account was taken overnight tray an option in orange
38 00:08:16,500 --> 00:08:33,030 juice. So I know what it feels like to rush in and do things ahead of time, ahead of schedule. But I was hungry. To get out of the rat race, I was hungry,
39 00:08:33,390 --> 00:08:47,160 to become more than just the average, everyday existence, go to work, come home tired and feel like that. Maybe, you know, I'll be able to retire eventually. So
40 00:08:47,160 --> 00:08:55,080 I was impatient just like every one of you are. And if you're saying you're patient now and you're not. That's just you trying to convince yourself or
41 00:08:55,080 --> 00:09:04,560 everyone else that would see your social media posts, but you're patient. I'm not patient. I may come across as someone that has the patience of a saint, but
42 00:09:04,560 --> 00:09:15,780 I can tell you this, I am absolutely impatient. I wrestle with that every single day. And I get impatient with people that come in, they want to get to the point
43 00:09:15,780 --> 00:09:25,260 ICT. The point is, is it's going to take a lot of fucking work to learn how to do this appropriately and correctly. And I don't sugarcoat it. I don't I don't
44 00:09:25,260 --> 00:09:35,010 do those types of things where I'm going to convince you that in a week's workshop, or a month or a couple months, or even one year, you're going to be
45 00:09:35,010 --> 00:09:46,260 consistently profitable. But in one full year, you will have a full baseline. You have some measure of understanding what the normalcy is over the entire
46 00:09:46,260 --> 00:09:56,670 calendar year for the marketplace. There season 10 tendencies that come in, they shift in and shift out. And you have to have that because you can't just take a
47 00:09:56,670 --> 00:10:07,680 small sample set of time observing price action, regardless of who teaches you, whether it's me or someone else, it doesn't matter. You can't take a very small,
48 00:10:07,980 --> 00:10:19,740 tiny little snapshot of time and engagement, and think that you have it figured out. I still don't exercise here, okay, interactive. If you're driving, don't do
49 00:10:19,740 --> 00:10:27,540 this. If you're operating heavy machinery, don't do this. Man, the girls are
50 00:10:29,880 --> 00:10:37,050 seeing the hummingbirds like 12 hummingbirds flying around me right now, you'll hear me in a second, I'm gonna get close enough. When the girl the girls, and
51 00:10:37,050 --> 00:10:47,880 when I say girls, I'm talking about two boxers at two dogs. And Bella is doing great, by the way. But the the exercise I want you to do is take both of your
52 00:10:47,880 --> 00:10:57,330 hands and hold them in front of you out, stretch your arms in front of you, right in front of your face as far as your arms can reach you in touch your two
53 00:10:57,330 --> 00:11:07,440 thumbs together and your two index fingers. And it should closely resemble a triangle. Okay? Now take that triangle that you're holding with your hands, and
54 00:11:07,440 --> 00:11:19,200 pan around to any portion of something in front of you, whatever the landscape is, if you're in a room, do that, okay. And I want you to think about that small
55 00:11:19,200 --> 00:11:33,270 little triangle area. That small little triangle area is the perspective that one year gives you. Now look around all around the room with your head panning
56 00:11:33,270 --> 00:11:46,950 around now. That's what your career will look like. It's dynamic. But when you're learning, when you first step into this industry, or any skill set, you
57 00:11:46,950 --> 00:11:56,670 have to go in with a very small sample size. So that way, you can condition yourself to look for something that repeats. There's something in the
58 00:11:56,670 --> 00:12:06,210 marketplace every single day, every single day, I have a model, I have an application, I have a PDE array, I have a style, I have an approach that I can
59 00:12:06,210 --> 00:12:14,760 actually go in here and smack the shit out of this marketplace and take something home every single day, every single trading session. Now, I didn't
60 00:12:14,760 --> 00:12:25,860 have that. I'll call it arrogance, because that was arrogance. But that's just the fucking truth. In the beginning, though, I was timid, I was afraid. I was
61 00:12:25,890 --> 00:12:41,520 afraid to do anything, because I was clueless to what was available. Now I could understand, you can put your hands down by the way. That small little triangle,
62 00:12:42,990 --> 00:12:55,440 that perspective, that's what I had. When I read Ken Roberts book, which was, you know, at the risk of sounding disrespectful, it was a piece of shit book,
63 00:12:55,650 --> 00:13:06,300 okay. But it did get me excited about the idea of trading. It really did. It got me interested in trading. It turned me on to a movie called Trading Spaces. And
64 00:13:06,660 --> 00:13:14,280 I just fell in love with the idea I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be a trader, I'm going to devote my life to the marketplace. That's what I'm going to do for the rest
65 00:13:14,280 --> 00:13:23,490 of my life. I can't imagine doing anything else. I fell out of love with martial arts, I was going to run the martial arts dojo. And I said, you know, I'm just
66 00:13:23,520 --> 00:13:39,210 this is misses me, like I feel drawn to this. But that small little perspective of understanding a few things. But your impatience drives you into thinking that
67 00:13:39,210 --> 00:13:49,680 small little perspective is enough, and it's not. That's just the invitation to the party. That's, that's the invitation to the dance floor. It's just the first
68 00:13:50,190 --> 00:14:04,800 chords of the song that you're going to dance to as a career as a trader. That's not the entire song. That's just the first few notes. And rarely, rarely do you
69 00:14:04,800 --> 00:14:12,300 ever hear the first few notes of any song and think that this is gonna be a banger? Because sometimes, I've heard something that sounds like it's gonna be
70 00:14:12,300 --> 00:14:22,800 great. And it's not good. And other times I have songs and maybe a play playlist that you guys keep asking for. I just play what comes to mind that I don't have
71 00:14:23,310 --> 00:14:31,890 a playlist per se. But some of my songs probably aren't interesting to you. Maybe it might not be the genre that you like, maybe you're offended when I say
72 00:14:31,890 --> 00:14:47,010 country music sucks. It just depresses me. I don't like it. But I have to live with a wife that listens to that perspective, whatever it is, is limited. And
73 00:14:47,010 --> 00:14:54,990 you can't take that small little perspective, whether it be training with somebody that has an idea that they're going to turn you into a master trader in
74 00:14:54,990 --> 00:15:08,010 a short span of time. I don't believe that's possible. Not because I didn't do it. But because I understand human nature, human nature is I want to right now I
75 00:15:08,010 --> 00:15:18,960 want it fast. And that side of the marketplace in every industry is always going to be able to fleece, the impatient, the impatient watching see in November, how
76 00:15:18,960 --> 00:15:30,180 this balloons up into short cut ICT turned it around in five minutes and all this, it's going to be ridiculous. And I want to have something in, in recording
77 00:15:30,180 --> 00:15:37,920 where you can hear my voice referring to it in advance, because that's not the right way of doing it, it's going to make them money, I have a whole lot more
78 00:15:37,920 --> 00:15:46,320 millionaires, that they can thank me that, you know, I gave them a voice. But that's not going to turn anybody into long term consistently profitable traders,
79 00:15:46,620 --> 00:15:54,630 it's going to make them money, with their courses, their mentorships, their, whatever it is that you're trying to do. And I'm not trying to kick you down. If
80 00:15:54,630 --> 00:16:02,550 you're one of those individuals, I'm not trying to say that you, you shouldn't be successful. I'm just being realistic and reminding you that that's not
81 00:16:02,790 --> 00:16:13,170 excellence. Like, you're the equivalent of a ticket scalper outside of a major event, trying to sell a ticket to three times over what was really paid. And all
82 00:16:13,170 --> 00:16:27,030 its fine actors, I understand that, but you will not have the character that's respected by doing what you did, or will do. And you don't care because you want
83 00:16:27,030 --> 00:16:33,330 to make money. And that's all that matters. That's, that's fine. I look, I appreciate that hustle. Because I was willing to do a whole lot of shit when I
84 00:16:33,330 --> 00:16:44,250 was younger to and do things that would have otherwise made me cringe today. When you're hungry, and you want to leave the rat race when you want to get out
85 00:16:45,150 --> 00:17:00,270 of the mundane and being typical, the average bear. I wasn't made to be like that. I had a lot of shit that I had to prove. Because I have parents that
86 00:17:00,270 --> 00:17:13,140 didn't do anything with me. I had a very sheltered childhood. And the few things that I did involve myself in that was the most my entire world. So when I saw
87 00:17:13,140 --> 00:17:24,990 the opportunity to bloom and really experience the world experience life by having success, and this would be my, my vehicle. This would be my my pathway,
88 00:17:24,990 --> 00:17:37,560 my highway to pursue that destination of excellence. It's funny, if you could please permit me to talk casually. And it's not this isn't meant to sound
89 00:17:37,560 --> 00:17:50,190 arrogant. But I've met a lot of people in this industry outside this industry. And those individuals that know me. It's really strange. And you're going to
90 00:17:50,190 --> 00:18:06,960 experience this to the fact that I can do these things and are able to explain it before it happens. The opinion of other folks expands beyond the scope of
91 00:18:06,960 --> 00:18:16,830 trading. And they'll think that you're an authority on everything. So what do you think about this and what you think about that? In many times, my response
92 00:18:16,830 --> 00:18:25,200 is, I don't know anything about that. I don't talk about I never mentioned that. It could be some off the wall topic, even sports for instance, it's because they
93 00:18:25,200 --> 00:18:36,480 see I usually wear a Yankee cap. And I'm not really a big sports fan. I just like the logo. And I catch a lot of shit for it and Maryland. Because they don't
94 00:18:36,480 --> 00:18:48,660 like the Yankees up here. And I just love that shit. I love it. So, manipulation 101. AMD, I use my hat to see which one is the weakest in character. The people
95 00:18:48,660 --> 00:18:56,400 that talk to me about the Yankees, they have a superiority complex, just like the people online that troll me. Okay, they're, they're the people that are not
96 00:18:56,400 --> 00:19:06,000 happy in their own skin. They have not found excellence. They're not residing excellence. The people that are residing in excellence the students in mind to
97 00:19:06,000 --> 00:19:17,940 have discovered their model. They don't even follow me on Twitter. They don't watch my videos anymore. They found their model. They're living their life. And
98 00:19:17,940 --> 00:19:26,880 they're doing exceedingly well. And I'm very proud and I don't need them to constantly give me any feedback or report cards. They said, Look, this is this
99 00:19:26,880 --> 00:19:35,610 is where I'm at now. Thank you so much. I just can't imagine where my life's gonna take me but I'm excited. And they're done. They're not working anymore.
100 00:19:36,630 --> 00:19:46,350 They're making fortunes of real not demo dollars, maybe not demo and they're not trading funded accounts. I'm talking real cash real money. And they don't give a
101 00:19:46,350 --> 00:19:56,940 shit about what I'm doing on Twitter anymore. And I don't feel bad about that. I don't feel like me anymore. You don't worship me. You don't you don't raise
102 00:19:56,940 --> 00:20:05,280 flags and make a ticker parade about me. That's not what this is. About never been about that. I want you to get to the point where you can say, You know
103 00:20:05,280 --> 00:20:15,420 what, Michael, I listen to all your shit, okay? And to go through all our shit to figure out what it is I should be trading. And I got it now. Thank you so
104 00:20:15,420 --> 00:20:18,900 much. It's been real, but I gotta go see it.
105 00:20:20,250 --> 00:20:30,390 That's exactly what I want all of you to do. I don't want you to feel tethered to me or need to feel tethered, I read people commenting and tweet saying, you
106 00:20:30,390 --> 00:20:39,840 know, they they're depressed or anxious or they're upset, and they're lonely, and they, they're gonna miss me already. I don't want you to feel that way. I've
107 00:20:39,840 --> 00:20:47,760 given you enough, right now, if I stopped, you have plenty, but I have more. I'm going to share, I'm going to teach you very specific things. And once you
108 00:20:47,760 --> 00:20:58,980 understand them, that's where you take your attention. That's where you take your devotions each day. You study and you make whatever you describe as
109 00:20:58,980 --> 00:21:09,240 excellence, whatever that destination is for you. It may be leaving your job and just matching what you make at your job. And that is excellence. Because now
110 00:21:09,240 --> 00:21:21,090 you're not relying on someone else to pay you to feed you and your family to tell you when you can and can't. That to me is excellence. And then you get to
111 00:21:21,090 --> 00:21:31,710 that point. And you think yourself well. I've only had to do this much to get to this point. What happens when I now apply the new experience over three years
112 00:21:31,710 --> 00:21:47,100 now dealing it, I'm going to apply a new measure of commitment to it. And I'm going to start broadening my efforts. And doing a little bit more than I'm used
113 00:21:47,100 --> 00:22:00,510 to not overnight trying to make a million dollars. But just slowly growing into your new self. Remember, before that, ugly as Caterpillar turning that
114 00:22:00,510 --> 00:22:14,760 butterfly, it had to die as a caterpillar. And it was very ceremonial. It wraps itself up in its silicon web cocoon itself. And then it dies as a caterpillar it
115 00:22:14,760 --> 00:22:23,700 closes itself off the world. That's exactly what you're supposed to be doing. Right now you're all bookworms, you're caterpillars, you can't fly but you want
116 00:22:23,700 --> 00:22:35,820 to, and you want to be beautiful in the your site and everyone else's site. But you have to seclude yourself. Once you get the information, whatever that
117 00:22:35,820 --> 00:22:44,580 information is that you want to focus on, specialize in that I'm teaching you, it may not be day trading may be short term trading. They may be crypto stuff,
118 00:22:44,670 --> 00:22:57,240 even though I don't like it. It might be that's where you're gonna be, you're, you may be the next legend in that asset class. Learning from me doing the
119 00:22:57,240 --> 00:23:10,230 things I'm teaching, you may become the most widely respected and looked up to individual in the industry. Who says that you aren't or couldn't be you, you're
120 00:23:10,230 --> 00:23:18,420 the one that's going to stop you. And you're the one that's going to feel that but you have to be able to segregate yourself from the influence of social media
121 00:23:19,140 --> 00:23:30,180 and negativity and things that are really just a waste of time. A waste of time and energy and effort. When you're devotional to studying, putting yourself in
122 00:23:30,180 --> 00:23:43,140 front of the charts, reading price action, whether it be live or in hindsight. You have to continuously make that investment and it will yield limitless
123 00:23:43,140 --> 00:23:56,940 fruits. Even the smallest of experience, whether good or bad in the proper learning environment. Yield so much in the future that you can't understand or
124 00:23:56,940 --> 00:24:10,590 appreciate right now. The things I've learned the painful lessons I've learned many times come up in trade like for instance, the trade I did yesterday when I
125 00:24:10,590 --> 00:24:21,300 was in that trade reaching for that four to 493 and three quarters. I wanted to see it trade up in the weekly volume and bounce out that's really what I'm
126 00:24:21,330 --> 00:24:34,500 trying to reach for but I knew everybody would see right away the 16th of June 2023 is high for ES and obviously the pub Oh time that the liquidity by side
127 00:24:34,500 --> 00:24:47,940 liquidity. But while I was in that trade over three hours long or so my mind reverted back to either painful experiences I've endured because I've seen so
128 00:24:47,940 --> 00:25:01,620 much price action. So many different markets, so many different timeframes, so many opportunities, so many stellar executions just really phenomenal entries in
129 00:25:01,620 --> 00:25:16,470 just managing the positions. I've seen many of that over three decades. But in between all that there's a laced layer of failures, losing blown accounts,
130 00:25:17,250 --> 00:25:28,260 depression, regret, all those things. And I remember all that stuff, while I'm watching watching price action. And it's sometimes it can be a distraction.
131 00:25:28,620 --> 00:25:38,310 Sometimes, it can be an encouragement, where I'll watch something in price action, and it'll remind me of something I did before. Now I don't go out
132 00:25:38,310 --> 00:25:47,700 thinking about oh, remember that time I was trading copper, and it did this, I don't physically go into the vault in my memory and say, Let me dig that out.
133 00:25:48,000 --> 00:25:57,690 It's just when I see something in price action, it makes me remember that event, because it was impactful. It was either a win, or it was a debilitating loss.
134 00:25:59,220 --> 00:26:07,350 And you're going to, you're going to have a whole memory bank of that, as you go forward in your career, you're going to have that same thing happen. And for
135 00:26:07,350 --> 00:26:14,520 people that say you shouldn't journal, it's a stupid waste of time. You know, it's dumb to do that. I'm an alpha, I don't do that shit. I'm out here to make
136 00:26:14,520 --> 00:26:27,090 money and look at me. I promise you, those individuals are not. They're not as organized as they pretend to be. You're not seeing all their trades. They're a
137 00:26:27,090 --> 00:26:36,750 wreck emotionally while they're in a trade. And here's, here's the tell tale sign. Look at the average length of trade. If they make that available to you,
138 00:26:37,380 --> 00:26:45,510 most of them won't, especially now. Now, and I'm talking about like this, you'll never see them on a share that if you're comfortable, and this is what you want
139 00:26:45,510 --> 00:27:00,510 to be when you at your destination of excellence, you're not in a hurry. You're not in a hurry. Once you mature to a point in study, that it's just a matter of
140 00:27:00,510 --> 00:27:09,570 time, you're gonna get what you're looking for. You want to leave your job, it's going to fucking happen. You can't set a date for it, though. That's the
141 00:27:09,570 --> 00:27:19,590 mistake. That's the mistake I tried to do. I tried to say, Okay, I want to be done working at this time. But now it was 20 years in advance. That far out. I
142 00:27:19,590 --> 00:27:29,250 20 years, that was my retirement at 40. I want to retire, I don't want to be working anymore. At 40 years old. I was 20 year old thinking that and a time and
143 00:27:29,250 --> 00:27:43,020 looking back now, I still think that as a realistic objective. That six weeks or so maybe about seven weeks or so no time, I can't think August 8, I'll turn 51
144 00:27:43,020 --> 00:27:57,750 years old. And I can tell you as a 51 year old thinking about how I thought as a 20 year old, the timeline that I first started with, that was realistic. And
145 00:27:57,750 --> 00:28:03,420 that's not to say that you learning for me, it's gonna take you 20 years, because a lot of people like to troll that bullshit, but their students don't
146 00:28:03,780 --> 00:28:13,950 bring their fruits. You don't see anybody making half million dollars. Okay, you don't see these other people out there making millions of dollars, you don't see
147 00:28:13,950 --> 00:28:24,540 it. So when you waste your time listening to that stuff, what you're doing is you're looking for perfect excuses, why you shouldn't study why you shouldn't
148 00:28:24,540 --> 00:28:39,690 put in the time. One of the best gifts I'm going to give you is to walk away in November. Because many of you just simply want to collect. You want to collect
149 00:28:39,690 --> 00:28:54,180 new gadgets, new, new methods. And that isn't itself a deterrent from you growing. You have enough, you have more than enough. But because you're
150 00:28:54,180 --> 00:29:04,980 constantly addicted to the new doodoo that I'm releasing. Everybody wants to be on the bandwagon when a new thing pops off. And they want to have a conversation
151 00:29:04,980 --> 00:29:19,680 about it. That's great. I mean, I'm going to lie and say I'm not thrilled to see people's interest in it. But it becomes it takes on this. It's a distraction.
152 00:29:20,280 --> 00:29:30,330 And I created it and I can tell you honestly, the way people take the things I release. They make it like, I don't I don't even know the word I'm looking for
153 00:29:30,330 --> 00:29:40,440 escapes me but I guess it would be called like, it's called like, Yeah, I'm just gonna be honest. That's what it is. Whenever I drop something new whenever I
154 00:29:40,440 --> 00:29:52,140 teach something new, there's a large portion of our community that just goes berserk. And initially it's funny yeah, but I can be honest and practical and
155 00:29:52,140 --> 00:29:54,000 tell you that as a teacher as a mentor.
156 00:29:56,190 --> 00:30:07,140 I have so many more things if I stayed around and kept really acing stuff. Many of you would never settle in on just what you have. And work with that. Because
157 00:30:07,140 --> 00:30:14,760 you think that there's something else out there. Look at me, he released a silver bullet Look at that. It's, it's perfect. It's time I know when it's gonna
158 00:30:14,760 --> 00:30:24,330 form. And for many, that was a big, big concern. Like, when does it form when do these order blocks? What's the right order block? Because really, what you're
159 00:30:24,330 --> 00:30:34,440 asking is, what is the setup, that's never going to take a loss, and I can trust, it's going to move in the right direction that bias is indicating? Well,
160 00:30:34,440 --> 00:30:48,150 here's the thing. I only have things that go into 90%. But there's 10% likelihood, I'm going to fail at it, that the trade won't go exactly where I
161 00:30:48,150 --> 00:31:02,130 want it to it might go in an imposition, or a trade movement that will allow me to take profit. But it doesn't go always do my best case, target. Now, best case
162 00:31:02,130 --> 00:31:16,860 target is just that it's best case. But I have conditioned myself over 30 years to take enough and be content with that. And then leave something there in the
163 00:31:16,860 --> 00:31:27,420 event that my ego and pride needs to have its self massaged. If it goes there, great. If it doesn't, I can cope with the fact that it can go there. That's a
164 00:31:27,420 --> 00:31:34,860 skill set that I had to condition myself with. And I teach it that way to you. Because I know a lot of you, especially the men, and many, many of them will
165 00:31:34,860 --> 00:31:46,110 admit to this. But they can't take losing. They can't take missing a move. They can't take getting stopped out. If I get stopped out in a trade still valid.
166 00:31:46,140 --> 00:31:54,030 You've watched me do this. You've seen me do it. If I get stopped out, okay, no problem. I'm going right back in again, I got 81 ways to get into it. And I
167 00:31:54,030 --> 00:32:06,510 ain't worried about it. I don't need my favorite song to dance. All I'm looking for is a reason to justify a trade still being valid. And that's all you're
168 00:32:06,510 --> 00:32:16,470 doing. But what is it that you're complicating it with? You're trying to bring everything you're trying to bring everything that I've ever talked about, and
169 00:32:16,470 --> 00:32:23,850 probably some of the stupid shit that you bring in, like I tried to bring in when I first started. I really like Bowflex. I really like bull flags, I want to
170 00:32:23,850 --> 00:32:40,470 put this in. No. I lost money trading bull flags, even in bull markets, wherever that leaves in that when it would trade down into a busy look at them. Many
171 00:32:40,470 --> 00:32:49,530 times they look just like that. And I thought that they were bull flags. No. And when I would get stopped out, I'd be afraid to get back in because I thought it
172 00:32:49,530 --> 00:32:58,620 was a collapsed bull flag, it means it's bearish. No, the only thing it did was trade down into its inefficiency into an order block. shot past what would
173 00:32:58,620 --> 00:33:09,210 otherwise be viewed as initially a bull flag and then ran real quick. Well, at that point, you know, I'm demoralized. What's going on here, I'm doing something
174 00:33:09,210 --> 00:33:15,210 wrong. I'm doing something wrong. They're teaching me the incorrect stuff. And I'm, I'm trying to do this and I can't win, I can't win. And then I would
175 00:33:15,390 --> 00:33:27,030 project that in my personal life. And my relationship with my girlfriend in relationships with the places that I would be employed, trying to wrestle myself
176 00:33:27,030 --> 00:33:39,960 away from it. When I was doing the vending job while I was trading, I would speed and drive recklessly just to get to a payphone turn like Superman on it.
177 00:33:41,460 --> 00:33:50,910 Back then that's the way it was we didn't have cell phones. So when the market was showing me on my code track, this is this is where price is at. This was
178 00:33:50,910 --> 00:34:01,920 Frank is trading here, you better, you better get in there and do what you got to do. Well, there's cars in front of me, just like it is when you get up late
179 00:34:01,920 --> 00:34:10,560 for work. And there's more traffic than you expected or anticipated. And you know, you're gonna be late. Or you can't get there in time to stand in front of
180 00:34:10,560 --> 00:34:20,580 the watercooler that talk the bullshit you saw on TV last night or the sports event that somebody did something stupid. That pressure to be where you want to
181 00:34:20,580 --> 00:34:36,600 be, but you're being hindered. I did all that stuff, too. I did all that stuff. And I used all of the things that I endured that were problematic. Painful and
182 00:34:36,600 --> 00:34:50,730 growing pains really what they were but I would take that and project it into my personal life. And I was not a pleasant person to be around. I was not. And I
183 00:34:50,730 --> 00:35:06,480 realized that I had to cocoon myself. I had to cut myself away from everybody. No relationships. No friends No weekend life nothing but the part the price
184 00:35:06,480 --> 00:35:24,480 charts in the markets. The market is a cruel lover, she demands all of your attention. And she wants you to love her for abusing you. And it's a very
185 00:35:24,480 --> 00:35:42,870 difficult thing to accept that, yes. When she's in the right mood, she'll get everything you want, and more. But sometimes, sometimes she's gonna abuse you.
186 00:35:44,670 --> 00:35:59,760 And if you love her, you'll still be there for you endure. Even though it many times feels like a toxic relationship, for better or worse. You're there. And
187 00:35:59,760 --> 00:36:15,390 that's what I basically did when I was a young man. And it was hard for my, my wife now to accept that my children grew up in that. But excellence costs, it
188 00:36:15,390 --> 00:36:23,940 costs a lot more than you think it's gonna. And when you come into this industry, then you learn from me or someone else. And they know what they're
189 00:36:23,940 --> 00:36:39,750 doing. And you and your ignorance, you demand like that young man and Jade masters parable. He went through that master, thinking he knows how to be
190 00:36:39,750 --> 00:36:53,370 trained. When he had no idea what he's doing, that's arrogance. That's pride. It's ego. And it's really dangerous when you're stupid. And I was like that I
191 00:36:53,370 --> 00:37:04,770 expected to be able to walk out there. Because I've read books and books and books, so many fucking books. And every time I've read one, every time I saw
192 00:37:04,770 --> 00:37:16,740 something new. That was it. That was the thing. That's the thing I've been waiting for. That's the one thing. Now, that's just the next thing I'm going to
193 00:37:16,740 --> 00:37:26,970 spend more time and attention on, instead of worrying about me. Every time I've blown it, every time I've learned an account, every time I've wrecked a really
194 00:37:26,970 --> 00:37:34,560 good winning trade. Otherwise, if I want to just took partials manage it correctly, even though it didn't get to a target level I was looking for,
195 00:37:34,590 --> 00:37:51,150 because that's where I wanted. I wanted to be right. And you can't equate being correct or right. As excellence. I'm gonna say it again. Being right. Having a
196 00:37:51,180 --> 00:38:03,930 bill exactly how you want to go. That is not excellence. That's perfection. There's a difference. There are two different destinations. Okay, heaven is
197 00:38:03,930 --> 00:38:20,550 perfection. And if you're hearing me right now, you ain't there. Excellence is doing that which should be done preserving what you have. And not demanding more
198 00:38:20,550 --> 00:38:33,240 than what will be required to define it as contentment. You have to be comfortable with getting enough. And whenever you sit down with your model, you
199 00:38:33,240 --> 00:38:43,860 have to get to the point where okay, even if I think it's going to this level of liquidity, or if I think it's going to trade to this inefficiency, because
200 00:38:43,860 --> 00:38:53,040 that's all we're doing as traders. It's all price is going to do. So I'm gonna toss this thing because I see it a couple times in my video comments. And yes, I
201 00:38:53,040 --> 00:39:04,140 can see all of your video comments. There's lots of them. And still pretty much sickeningly sweet, new sugar fests loving me. And I love that I thank you for
202 00:39:04,140 --> 00:39:13,080 that. But it's not something that everybody wants to see. And I feel uncomfortable. Just having a comment section up with majority of that. There are
203 00:39:13,080 --> 00:39:20,220 just a few of you that are commenting, and ask I've seen it on Twitter a few times to what do I do in markets that are trading at all time highs? How do we
204 00:39:20,220 --> 00:39:29,580 know how far it's going to go? You don't? And I don't you just do Fibonacci extensions from old market structures. And that's, that's all I do. There's
205 00:39:29,580 --> 00:39:42,720 nothing there's no way of knowing when or not where the market will go. When it's at all time highs. That's a market that's in discovery. That's real
206 00:39:42,720 --> 00:39:50,490 discovery for the people that trade market profile at the real market. Discovery is when you're trading all time highs and expanding higher.
207 00:39:52,020 --> 00:40:01,380 You don't know how far they're gonna let it go. You don't know that? I don't know that. There's no way of knowing that. So it's a matter Have you if you're
208 00:40:01,410 --> 00:40:12,240 if you're long, you just wrap your arms around it, squeeze onto it real tight, close your eyes. And just to see where it goes. There's no science behind that.
209 00:40:13,230 --> 00:40:26,820 But as long as you're inside of a range, you use the technical science that I'm teaching you. So to help you arrive at destination excellence, I've taken your
210 00:40:26,820 --> 00:40:38,430 attention to stock index futures. I can see how many of you that were kicking and screaming when I first did that, oh, but I'm a forex trader ICT, you gotta
211 00:40:38,430 --> 00:40:49,590 bend my will. I'm not gonna watch your videos, because you're not doing Forex anymore. Okay. There's plenty people out there talking about forex. But if you
212 00:40:49,590 --> 00:41:01,620 want to learn how to read price action that's across all asset classes. When I'm talking about a market that's applicable, unless I say this specific element is
213 00:41:01,620 --> 00:41:15,690 only for forex or for futures. You should assume that it's generic for all asset classes. There's only a few things that I've said, that are very specific for
214 00:41:15,690 --> 00:41:30,120 futures or specific for forex. And largely everything I'm teaching you is uniquely flexible. It allows you to go out in any asset class and just own it,
215 00:41:30,990 --> 00:41:44,700 fleece it, harvested, beat the shit out of it. Whatever you want to do, whatever it is that you want to view it as if you want to view it as a ballet dancer gone
216 00:41:44,700 --> 00:41:53,970 across, or someone that reads sheet music like Linda Raschke. Her analogy was when she reads the markets, it's like looking at sheet music. And that made me
217 00:41:54,000 --> 00:42:03,330 terrified in 1995 when I was reading her book, I was like, shit, man, this is gonna be hard. And I thought because I still can't read sheet music. I tried me
218 00:42:03,330 --> 00:42:14,400 and I tried, I have tried and tried and tried. I can't. Now, I can play a little piano. But I have what is referred to as intonation I like if I hear something,
219 00:42:14,400 --> 00:42:22,560 I can play it. But to read it in sheet music, I can't. I don't have describe it. It's just this is the way it is. I wish I could read sheet music and I wish I
220 00:42:22,560 --> 00:42:33,180 could play the guitar. And I've tried for many years to do it. And I can't. I'm not giving up on it. But as of yet, I've not been successful. Now you would
221 00:42:33,180 --> 00:42:40,830 think hey, man, this is ICT, he shuts fucking fireballs on his ass and lightning from his eyeballs, he can do anything. He just said he can't play the guitar.
222 00:42:40,830 --> 00:42:51,690 Yeah, it's the thing that I struggle with, I don't know, I can't get myself to do it. And that's how it's gonna be for you and your trading, you might think
223 00:42:51,690 --> 00:43:00,750 that you want to trade the silver bullet, you might want to trade, you know, some new thing I teach between now and November, because it comes out and it
224 00:43:00,750 --> 00:43:10,710 seems awesome. And that's the thing that you want to pour all your your interest in, and efforts into. And I don't think that that's the right way of doing it.
225 00:43:10,860 --> 00:43:19,770 And that's another benefit of me leaving in November, because I'm going to stop providing you new things. So it's going to force those individuals that are here
226 00:43:19,770 --> 00:43:30,630 to learn how to. I'm not sure if you can hear that. That's a hummingbird, literally 14 to 18 inches away from my face hovering. I'm not going to take your
227 00:43:30,660 --> 00:43:41,520 feet or from your relax. Having this idea, I can just hear it all the people that like dude, like you're all over the place. So it's like being in my mind.
228 00:43:42,180 --> 00:43:49,350 That's exactly what it's like being in my mind. Now imagine I'm in a live stream, where 10s 1000s of you can sit there and comment to me or ask me a
229 00:43:49,350 --> 00:43:57,180 question, I'm gonna want to read your comments. And I can't look at price. If I'm doing that, to the mind, you 1000 Different things that jumping in front of
230 00:43:57,180 --> 00:44:08,460 you. That's what makes me not the best mentor. I wish I could more shortcut rather be able to stay focused. I don't have the ability to do that. But if you
231 00:44:08,460 --> 00:44:22,710 go in you find it an approach or a method or a model that I've inspired you to, to consider. You should at least spend at least two to three months with it.
232 00:44:23,790 --> 00:44:34,620 Because you're not going to see the ebb and flow of when it really shines. And when it looks like it might be there. But it's not. I read a tweet. The other
233 00:44:34,620 --> 00:44:45,030 day was yesterday actually. Guy says to me, and he says same type of people that are very, very sour. They're very, very sour. They're very, very critical. And
234 00:44:45,060 --> 00:44:53,400 the problem is number one that that's because the expectation is unrealistic. And then there's an impatience there but the the person's post was something to
235 00:44:53,400 --> 00:45:04,500 this effect. Oh, here's another failed displacement in the silver bullet. You know why? Is this failing? Something that in fact, I'm paraphrasing. And I
236 00:45:04,500 --> 00:45:14,100 didn't see a silver bullet and what was being shown. And many times and this is exactly what was going on in my 2016 First mentorship group. And by the way, let
237 00:45:14,100 --> 00:45:26,040 me just toss this out there too. There are people that have accounts, things like these bots that are attached to my account. And apparently, whenever I make
238 00:45:26,040 --> 00:45:39,780 a post, like this dude on Twitter trades, SMC and he he's got like all these bots attached to my tweets, saying all trade with this guy trade with Alex or
239 00:45:39,780 --> 00:45:45,930 trade we're on I don't know what it is. I mean, if it's not Alex, or if it's somebody named Alex, that that's hearing this and I'm incorrect by saying I
240 00:45:45,930 --> 00:45:57,780 apologize, but it's something that affects some dude sitting in front of his computer, whatever. If you see that, by the way, you reply with fake that way I
241 00:45:57,780 --> 00:46:07,320 can block it because they blocked me so I can't see that they're doing it. So there's no way for me I see there's responses and replies, but I want to broom
242 00:46:07,320 --> 00:46:15,630 that stuff like I don't want that shit it gets it gets on my nerves. So I have OCD and that type of shit gets on there. I don't like it. But if you have a
243 00:46:16,020 --> 00:46:25,380 model that you have been interested in, and you have not done at least two to three months of study with it. That means really digging into it not looking at
244 00:46:25,380 --> 00:46:32,100 anything else I'm talking about new but putting aside everything else and say okay, I'm going to spend some time with this and really make an effort to
245 00:46:32,100 --> 00:46:41,430 understand it. It's not wasted even if you get to the point where you don't feel that that this is this is the model for you. Because everything this is another
246 00:46:41,580 --> 00:46:51,960 response I get to another person the other day on Twitter he says or she I don't know if it's guy or girl but they say you got too many videos man and why don't
247 00:46:51,960 --> 00:47:02,100 you make a playlist of all the good videos and then we'll have what we need and I asked you Why don't you just simply want to watch it all and learn it
248 00:47:02,100 --> 00:47:11,790 correctly. Because the right mindset is if you're going to learn from me you're gonna watch everything you're not going to watch it once you're gonna watch it
249 00:47:11,790 --> 00:47:17,940 multiple times and not for the ad revenue I don't give a fuck if you watch my videos download them and watch them on your phone computer. I don't give a fuck.
250 00:47:18,210 --> 00:47:28,500 Okay, I'm already loaded I don't need new fucking ad revenue. My daughter needs that fucking money I'm tired of giving her money so I've made an income stream
251 00:47:29,730 --> 00:47:37,890 where I've done the work now I have passive income and whenever she needs something it comes from the areas it's done. It helps me deal with the fact that
252 00:47:37,890 --> 00:47:53,400 I have a dog that just doesn't want to listen. I have been it does. Children right now they're gonna go in and listen to your one on 1am I getting more of
253 00:47:53,400 --> 00:48:05,670 them yeah five children. I've lost two of them. I'll see them in heaven. But the five I have they all have their character flaws. There's like you just like me
254 00:48:07,740 --> 00:48:14,340 but you need to watch these videos in entirety and you don't need to support go YCT or his daughter by watching fucking videos for ad revenue I don't give a
255 00:48:14,340 --> 00:48:24,240 fuck if you ever watch anything ever again. I don't care I don't care if that's what your mindset is don't watch my shit. But if you don't want to watch it all
256 00:48:24,660 --> 00:48:34,380 you will never have the full panoramic view that I've made available to all of you so you think it's so routes fair value gaps optimal trade entries in order
257 00:48:34,380 --> 00:48:41,550 blocks that don't exist? Order blocks absolutely fucking existence just like the macros that I've been talking about these jokers out there saying all these
258 00:48:41,550 --> 00:48:50,760 fucking macros don't exist. This is all made up bullshit. Dude, I'm literally proving that every Joker out there that ever said you can't time the market. I
259 00:48:50,760 --> 00:49:00,120 got it down to a 20 minute fucking interval where you can just sit your ass still in wait 20 fucking minutes. That's what I'm available to show you right
260 00:49:00,120 --> 00:49:09,570 now. I can show in a minute. I know exactly when these fucking markets will turn in a minute. So go fuck yourselves. Okay, if you fucking think this is all
261 00:49:09,570 --> 00:49:16,650 contrived. You go out and do it. You go out and do that you fucking do it. I don't give a fuck if it's pre recorded or not use live data on TradingView.
262 00:49:16,740 --> 00:49:23,550 Everybody. Oh, no. It's why New Market Replay bullshit. I don't give a fuck. It's sufficient evidence to me. But everybody that sits out there and tries to
263 00:49:23,550 --> 00:49:33,810 discourage you and say, Oh, it's this. It's that. Do it. If it's so fucking easy. Do it. Because I'm running a clinic every week. Every week I'm proving
264 00:49:33,810 --> 00:49:44,430 this shit and there ain't nobody else out there doing it like me. Nobody. And I'm making everybody look fucking stupid. And not even trying. But guess what?
265 00:49:44,460 --> 00:49:51,900 It's a new fucking month. It's fucking July, Vinnie. Why the fuck? Not in that Robin's cup.
266 00:49:52,290 --> 00:50:01,860 You said you put 50,000 hours in there. And you showed all this fucking bullshit. This photoshopped blacked out redacted horseshit. motherfucker get in
267 00:50:01,860 --> 00:50:16,620 there for real. I am going to blaze your fucking ass. Please, please, please please please bring your fucking ass Sam. Please really join it motherfucker
268 00:50:16,710 --> 00:50:26,670 because I told you if I don't do 10 fucking times told me I fucking time I will delete fucking channel period Why the fuck are you waiting around for this? I
269 00:50:26,670 --> 00:50:37,200 told you it's a deadline it November I'm done and if you don't come to the fucking dance you push the fuck out you cussed THE FUCK OUT you bent the fucking
270 00:50:37,200 --> 00:50:55,230 knee you gave up without even fucking trying why? Why? Why would you not want to do it? I'll tell you why motherfucker because you see exactly what I have said
271 00:50:55,260 --> 00:51:07,290 all this time even my fuck that even showed you the tech that lets me can sit on my fucking ass and make your fucking yearly salary and 20 fucking minutes you
272 00:51:07,560 --> 00:51:27,360 bitch please humor me indulge us all be my victim motherfucker I want to break your fucking ass in front of the world you clown for two fucking years you got
273 00:51:27,360 --> 00:51:39,270 to put them all see bits you have no idea what I got for you you know you are not a fucking multimillionaire not made millions of dollars you've done nothing
274 00:51:40,080 --> 00:51:55,920 you little bitch you said yes. The last part of this year to me a little bit different right? told you I'm done in November. You sat on your ass? Maybe
275 00:51:55,920 --> 00:52:12,480 you're quiet. Maybe you fantasize you suck puppeted talk shit. Oh you listened you that? Now's the time. Now is the thing because when I turn and say farewell
276 00:52:14,100 --> 00:52:22,770 I'm done. I'm not coming back on Twitter. It's been deleted my YouTube videos will never be deleted because they're gonna motherfucker out there I can't even
277 00:52:22,770 --> 00:52:29,550 come close to me. Nobody not one of you motherfuckers not one of you could even get close to me
278 00:52:37,500 --> 00:52:48,060 look what I did with ES yesterday look where I entered what pdra Do you see there
279 00:52:55,350 --> 00:53:13,710 look I look how close I was to the low with the spread I knew that minute January 1 January 1 in 2001 I knew that that that was going to be the low so go
280 00:53:13,710 --> 00:53:25,380 fuck yourself. Okay. You have no idea you have no idea who to flex talking to you right now. You have no idea please
281 00:53:34,920 --> 00:53:56,520 excellence is knowing you can but you don't have to excellence do whatever you want to do. Or in the pool it might be two degrees in this bucket over the
282 00:53:56,520 --> 00:53:57,090 bathtub
283 00:54:03,270 --> 00:54:17,250 don't think it's a cool drink. Cool drink you guys are gonna miss me
284 00:54:27,060 --> 00:54:48,090 when you get to a point where you get no real thrill. No real concern for doing it, right? Because it's just it's the same Oh shit. You're bored by it. I have
285 00:54:48,090 --> 00:55:07,020 allowed all of your development to inspire me to encourage me to share more And I just think that your greatest lesson, being a student of mine
286 00:55:12,900 --> 00:55:24,870 is independence. And next Tuesday, we will have in our states in the United States are a yearly celebration of independence. And I think this is probably
287 00:55:24,870 --> 00:55:32,640 the last one that we can view like that, because they really think they're bringing some shit that look at France
288 00:55:37,650 --> 00:55:51,930 you live in France, if you're a follower in France, on Twitter, tell me what you see. That kind of stuff, it's gonna be everywhere. It's gonna be everywhere.
289 00:55:51,960 --> 00:56:03,600 Remember, last year, this time, last year, I was talking about how we had 18 months. And you better start putting your time into learning how to do other
290 00:56:03,600 --> 00:56:21,750 things, other skill sets. Because the world's gonna be changing drastically. Well, we're now 12 months in, or the 18 month of next six months. Me it's gonna
291 00:56:21,750 --> 00:56:40,170 be hard. Real hard. And some of you that didn't listen to me, that didn't put the time in and investing in yourself, you're gonna have a sense of panic come
292 00:56:40,170 --> 00:56:48,210 over you. And that's going to be debilitating, it's going to paralyze you, it's going to keep you from doing what it is that's necessary. And it's going to
293 00:56:48,210 --> 00:57:00,750 bring on that a measure of stress you've never really had before. So if that's you, then you need to just buckle down and start studying. Just you're going to
294 00:57:00,750 --> 00:57:12,120 be changing a lot of shit. I told you last year, they're going to be bringing in these things called Climate lock downs is interesting. I'm always six months to
295 00:57:12,120 --> 00:57:13,560 12 months ahead of everybody else.
296 00:57:19,409 --> 00:57:26,309 perspective, I'm not looking to that little triangle. illustration I gave you earlier, my heads on a swivel.
297 00:57:32,909 --> 00:57:48,239 And if you can't see what's coming, and what they're trying to do, you are going to be so ill prepared when it breaks. Because society's not going to be able to
298 00:57:48,239 --> 00:58:02,429 take it well. And you want to be able to make your money from your home. Because it won't be safe. And that won't protect you either. I mean, it's gonna be home
299 00:58:02,429 --> 00:58:18,719 invasions and shit. That's why I support the Second Amendment. dozens of times, big house in, there's a second amendment knickknack in every one of my areas of
300 00:58:18,719 --> 00:58:26,159 my home. If you don't have one of those things, might want to get one.
301 00:58:33,510 --> 00:58:48,480 Fed now launched today. So it'll be interesting to see what we see going forward. Everybody's in pursuit of having their own central bank digital
302 00:58:48,480 --> 00:59:03,870 currencies. And what you don't realize is there's gonna be people this elbow, we have a digital currency now. You're right. You're right. But you're not
303 00:59:03,870 --> 00:59:12,630 understanding what a central bank digital currency will allow them to do. It will remove the ability for you to spend, how and when you want to spend it.
304 00:59:17,250 --> 00:59:31,500 Does the cash that you have in hand have an expiration date? How about your bank account? The balance does it have an expiration date. If you don't spend the
305 00:59:31,500 --> 00:59:43,800 amount of money that you had on hand, whether it be in cash or whether it be in your deposit of your checking account. Right now, it still sits there in
306 00:59:43,800 --> 00:59:56,520 perpetuity just stays there. Because you have this amount of money. Central Bank digital currency is going to have an expiration. You must spend it by this time
307 00:59:57,000 --> 01:00:14,580 or you lose it sounds like science fiction doesn't that's where you're being ushered into. That's what you don't see coming in, you're gonna sugarcoat it.
308 01:00:15,960 --> 01:00:24,030 You're gonna lace it up with all the conveniences. You're never gonna have any hacks. You're never gonna have any problems with somebody stealing your money
309 01:00:27,780 --> 01:00:38,880 all the benefits of illegal crimes that are done on the table with cash and illegal employment can't happen anymore because you have to use our central bank
310 01:00:38,880 --> 01:00:52,950 digital currency. And once they have everybody on it they own you don't like what you said online. That's why I'm leaving in November. By the way I've
311 01:00:52,950 --> 01:01:02,430 already have enough shit out there and like this one here talking. I'm sure they'll reach back in the archives and hit me with some kind of bullshit file
312 01:01:02,430 --> 01:01:13,500 and take away some credits. Oh, you said this in 2022 And you said this in 2016 You said Trump was going to be elected and you're going to use them as a fall
313 01:01:13,500 --> 01:01:16,110 guy to fuck the economy. Yep, I said all that look
314 01:01:22,110 --> 01:01:27,210 it's not a time machine folks. It's just different conference
315 01:01:34,530 --> 01:01:42,780 may 7 worst we've ever had for it and you think you're outside of us and you think oh my god that's not gonna bother me. I don't live in France right now. I
316 01:01:42,780 --> 01:01:47,670 think you only gotta worry about that. It's just coming everywhere
317 01:01:54,120 --> 01:02:11,640 climate lock downs so this comes that is what is coming you will not be able to drive your car like I do. Probably in finance because I'm fucking driving. I'm
318 01:02:11,640 --> 01:02:13,440 not getting rid my ex only fucking that's