
Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2023-06-09 08:42


00:25 - Intro to the twitter space. 

- Good morning and welcome to the show.
- Memorializing those who have died in the military.

03:09 - It’s easy to be lazy and not put the time. 

- Being the last person he tried to listen to.
- Toxic mindset of not being available.
- The importance of taking 100% personal responsibility.
- The first few years of trading.

06:51 - The question of whether or not it’s worthwhile. 

- The first year of college.
- The haunting desire to be something different.
- Social media has provided a wonderful stage for the enemy.
- Everybody wants the attention.

09:58 - The importance of having a demo account. 

- Being the bad boy in the financial sector of Twitter.
- The flavor of the month.
- Using a demo account to trade candlesticks.
- The best growth comes from organic
- Not interested in meet and greet type of things.
- The world is becoming toxic.

17:30 - Mentorship and learning from mentors. 

- Everyone in trading has picked up a book.
- The problem with the first few years.

20:10 - Why do you want to be successful? 

- Proving something to the world and feeling good about yourself.
- Trading aggressively to make money.
- Finding a purpose in life and finding his purpose.
- Finding his purpose in trading.

24:38 - The desire to be identified and recognized. 

- The desire to be number one.
- Why he's putting down inner circle trader in November.
- The whole purpose of putting out there.
- The million dollar bounty.

28:07 - Drama marketing doesn’t work. 

- The things that derail a trader are always internal.
- Drama marketing does not work.
- Seasonal tendencies, sell off or weakness in the month of May.
- Seasonality and markets.
- How steve moore revolutionized the viewpoint of seasonality.
- Seasonal tendency charts.

36:12 - The importance of knowing how to trade. 

- The 90% losing statistic in trading.
- The first step to becoming profitable.

39:00 - What do you want to do with your life? 

- What he wanted to do with his job.
- How he became a buyer.
- Looking at a 9 and 18-day exponential moving average on a daily chart.
- 50-day sloping up.

42:44 - The importance of sleep and how to get it. 

- Why eight hours of sleep is a waste of time.
- The fear of moving to Mehta.
- How to use indicators to make money.
- How to avoid the rat-race.

47:00 - How did you get into the trading of bonds? 

- Bonds are a great trend, but gaps are scary.
- The 50-day moving average.
- Looking for 60-minute or one hour oversold conditions.
- Buying limits vs buying strength.
- Showing the world that you're pissed off.
- How to deal with a losing trade.

54:07 - Moving away from bonds to index futures. 

- The ict model and trading the bond market.
- Trading the stock market and bonds.

56:35 - Blaming yourself and blaming everything else. 

- Blaming yourself and blaming yourself for losing.
- Naked action and rate of change.
- The first thing to do is take everything off the charts.
- The difference between apples and oranges.

01:00:06 - Setting a clock to the economic calendar. 

- Setting the tone for the new week.
- Using the june contract vs the continuous contract.
- Opportunities show the inefficiencies in thinly traded contract months.
- Mentoring and mentorship.

01:04:11 - The difference between macro perspective and micro perspective. 

- Understanding short-term expectations in the context of higher-timeframe action.
- Fake bull flags in trading.
- The pain of losing $6,000 per contract.
- Lessons learned from the gapping feature.

01:09:24 - Commitment traders and how they trade. 

- Understanding of commitment traders was not what it is today.
- Losses suck. All losses suck.
- One small mistake doesn't make the model inefficient.
- Every trader loses money.

01:13:27 - Swing trading in higher timeframe charts. 

- Understanding what makes book work the way it does.
- The epiphany that changed everything.
- The first objective is to look for low-hanging fruit.
- The 60 minute low.

01:16:45 - How to trade a market that wants to move lower. 

- The best seasonal tendencies are the ones that fail.
- How long it takes to write down the 4111 and a half level.

01:20:00 - What about the seasonal tendency to go lower? 

- All tenancies are not the panacea.
- The seasonal tendency to go lower.
- Look at the weekly chart again.
- Look at who can be hurt the most.
- Nasdaq is a strong market to trade in.
- Narrowing focus to one or two markets.
- Listen to yourself as a trader or developing student.
- What's going to happen now.

01:28:59 - How to play the market in real time. 

- Teaching practically based on real-time charts.
- The hate wagon on youtube.

01:32:06 - The silver bullet that never misses. 

- The journey of becoming a professional trader.
- The psychological warfare of trading.
- Putting the time in to do the right things.
- The silver bullet.

01:35:32 - The importance of using the right timeframes. 

- High timeframe trading on intraday.
- How to use the information to make money.
- When he was younger, he did the same stupid shit.
- Being right vs being wrong.

01:39:06 - How to see the draw on liquidity? 

- How to fix back testing.
- How to see the draw on liquidity.
- Private mentorship and private mentorship for charter members.
- Never teaching to anyone outside his family.
- Getting comfortable with the period of time between trades.
- Blaming in victories.

01:46:27 - Stick to the model and take time off. 

- Set up a tent and live there for a little while.
- Stick to the model.

01:49:17 - The charts tell the story of the market. 

- Charts tell the story, not the media.
- How to determine what it means in intraday charts.
- Look at the technicals and ask yourself this question.
- The pdr-matrix.

01:53:28 - What are you doing with your charts? 

- Three opportunities per day, three trading sessions per day.
- Most muscle growth comes from failure.
- You're victimizing the unlearned and the neophyte.
- Nothing can beat this. Nothing can beat you.

01:57:42 - Do you know the people that are losing money? 

- You can lose and lose more than you have in this market.
- The ictemus trade, never loses, and how to fix it.
- Not following the rules and not getting the results.
- Being accountable to yourself.
- Consistency and profitability is a learning process.
- The dream-like state of profitability.

02:06:58 - Learning how to trade properly. 

- Learning how to control yourself in a losing trade.
- Mental capital vs physical capital.
- Being content with enough is enough.
- Mental capital needs to be increased.

02:11:28 - Having the right mindset and skills. 

- The missing piece of the puzzle.
- Trading with a demo vs real money.
- No emotional commitment that holds him back from using a demo.
- Quality over quantity.

02:15:52 - The importance of being a good mentor. 

- Bridging the gap and not being the best mentor.
- 20 year old michael.
- The minimum is a year to be profitable.
- The basics of trading.

02:20:23 - How to look for patterns? 

- Looking for a pattern in the market.
- Who stands the game in this market.
- Look for inefficiencies or buy stops above the marketplace.
- What to focus on this week.
- Being content with enough in the first year.
- Minding someone else's business.

02:28:14 - Do the work of testing yourself. 

- Testing and conditioning yourself throughout the year.
- What success means to james.
- A million dollars is not a lot of money.
- Expectations of what success is.

02:31:32 - Being a good steward of time with family. 

- Being a good steward with his time with his family.
- Balancing time and money.
- The 1440 series, from the heart.
- The importance of doing simple things.

02:36:25 - The money doesn’t compensate for the pain. 

- Losing the money doesn't compensate for the loss.
- Being devoured by his kids.
- The biggest point of his career as a mentor and teacher.
- Mentor, mentor and educator.

02:40:20 - I didn’t set out to be an entrepreneur. 

- How larry williams helped him get to where he is today.
- Being uncomfortable with attention.
- I don't want to be ict the rest of my life.
- No more ict in November.
- The importance of community, industry and industry.
- How to connect with inner circle.

02:49:01 - Looking at the weekly chart for liquidity. 

- What a weekly chart means to bullish and bearish traders.
- Daily bias.
- The weekly chart gives us a macro perspective.
- The daily chart focuses on the economic calendar.

02:53:18 - How to time the market. 

- The silver bullet time frame for one hour trading.
- How to use the 2020 model.
- High frequency trading entry mechanism on the second chart.
- Consistency in finding setups.

02:56:15 - How to look for quality over quantity. 

- Looking for quality over quantity on thursday.
- The silver bullet setup for consistent profitability.
- Waiting for the time when manipulation occurs.
- How to know when to re-enter the market.

03:00:12 - The importance of experience in trading and learning. 

- Experience is the key to trading.
- Nobody wants to hear this.
- Be patient and disciplined with time.
- Learn from experience and learn from pain.
- Everybody can go out there with hindsight and talk about what's already happened.
- Record your executions.

03:07:58 - Be real and don’t try to tear other people down. 

- Patrick, be real and don't tear other people down.
- Patrick's strengths when he's real.
- Taking yourself away from the charts.
- Predicting the future, not reacting to anything.

03:11:04 - What does it feel like to be right following logic? 

- Get out there for a couple of months.
- The truth is the facts.
- Bringing in his own baggage.
- Mental baggage and how to get rid of it.

03:14:54 - Freedom to trade every day. 

- Freedom to trade every day.
- One night stands with a one night stand.
- Encouragement to be open and honest in trading.
- Be honest with your trading.

03:18:22 - How to overcome fear of losing. 

- Fear of losing and not getting out at the right time.
- Never satisfied with his exits.
- Youtubers, do a video this week.
- How to make money in one month.
- Mental baggage coming in to the market.
- Boredom and impulsiveness in trading.

03:26:46 - How to deal with bad experiences. 

- Trading with scar tissue and mental baggage.
- How to deal with trading with bad experiences.
- The problem with trading with a demo account.
- Edibles have added alcoholism to trading.

03:30:17 - How to be the person that proves me wrong. 

- Women are codependent on a male breadwinner.
- Some relationships are not healthy for women.
- How to know if a man really loves you.
- How to identify a codependent relationship.

03:33:46 - I have a good wife and a deadline. 

- A good wife wants more of it.
- The 1440 video series is not a filler.
- Lisa is an introverted person, and is uncomfortable in public.
- Memorial day wishes.


00:00:25,410 --> 00:00:39,030 ICT: Well, good morning, good morning, the morning. hope everybody's doing well. It's been a little bit since we had our last ICT shotgun, Twitter space,
00:00:39,060 --> 00:00:51,120 whatever you want. It's not Saturday, like I usually do it. But it's going to be one of those. I don't know how long it's going to be sessions, it depends on
00:00:52,050 --> 00:01:06,570 wherever my impulses take me is your first time listening to one of my live Twitter spaces, it's probably better if you don't listen to it with children
00:01:06,570 --> 00:01:18,150 around because I have a tendency to go off. And sometimes use colorful language that may not be suitable for children. I'm gonna do my best. Obviously, he's got
00:01:18,180 --> 00:01:28,080 to go through that as much as some of you like to hear. I don't like that part about me. But for those of you who are veterans, or active in the armed forces,
00:01:28,080 --> 00:01:39,270 thank you very much for your service. Today, we're memorializing those that are gone. I was never in the military, by the way, I was raised by military folks.
00:01:40,080 --> 00:01:56,610 And they pretty much talked me out of it, I was going to do the Navy, but what total allies. I want to talk a little bit about navigating the markets and high
00:01:56,610 --> 00:02:07,110 probability trading. And I'm going to kind of like, revisit some ideas as I go along, that we've either touched on or taught in great detail on my YouTube
00:02:07,110 --> 00:02:22,530 channel. And kind of like recalibrate you. Because sometimes, it's easy for us to get distracted with the everyday chores of running a family. If you're alone
10 00:02:22,530 --> 00:02:30,870 or solo, it's still enough for you to be distracted with your own personal endeavors and work and school and whatever it is you may be having that draws
11 00:02:30,870 --> 00:02:39,600 your attention or energy, suck the life out of you, you know, want to study, you don't want to look at the chart, you want something really easy, something 123
12 00:02:39,630 --> 00:02:51,060 Get me in, and I'm done. I don't want to think too much about the marketplace. I've tried to do the best I could this year to try to adopt some kind of a
13 00:02:51,060 --> 00:03:04,530 teaching approach for the folks that are met with that type of challenge. And I understand that, you know, the more advanced things I'm making available to
14 00:03:04,590 --> 00:03:15,480 everyone can feel a little overwhelming. And it's easy for someone that doesn't have a lot of time, or is lazy and I'm going to be honest, it's most of the
15 00:03:15,480 --> 00:03:23,730 time, it's that. And sometimes readers or listeners see that from me. And it offends them. They think you know, who's this guy? I'm not listening to me
16 00:03:23,730 --> 00:03:32,250 talking. He's talking down to me. No, I'm, I'm telling you the facts. I mean, most of most of the students that come through my fold, whether it be private
17 00:03:32,250 --> 00:03:43,500 mentorship, or public now that I'm teaching for free. The ones that don't make it, they swear up and down, that they put the time and they swear up and down. I
18 00:03:43,500 --> 00:03:49,350 saw a guy the other day on Twitter, I'm sick and tired of hearing I haven't studied long enough or haven't put the time. And when I see that I mute you.
19 00:03:49,980 --> 00:04:02,070 I'll let you see my stuff, but I'm gonna mute you. Because that's just the toxic mindset. You know, took me six years. Six years, with no encouragement, no one's
20 00:04:02,070 --> 00:04:15,960 sitting here, pouring their insights and encouragement into me. Yeah, I had the Lord. I shouldn't say that. In terms of educators or teachers or people I bought
21 00:04:16,740 --> 00:04:29,310 books and courses and stuff from none of them, made themselves available like I tried to do for you. And I went through a lot of emotional turmoil,
22 00:04:29,670 --> 00:04:39,600 psychological carnage, and it was all self induced. But at the time, if you were asked me, I would have swore up and down it was the last person I tried to
23 00:04:39,600 --> 00:04:50,070 listen to. And that's a bitter pill to swallow when you're brand new, or if you know you're impulsive, or lazy. It's easy to say, oh, it's that guy's fault.
24 00:04:50,070 --> 00:05:00,750 It's that person's course that messed me up. When it's just you trying to relinquish all responsibility. And in this industry, you have chosen Whether you
25 00:05:00,750 --> 00:05:12,900 realize it or not, to take on one of the most challenging things, and it requires the utmost focus, and 100% personal responsibility, there's nobody's
26 00:05:14,730 --> 00:05:30,540 fault. There's no bodies. Ma blame for anything you do with your money, but you, I don't put some kind of hypnotism on you, and make you buy or sell anything.
27 00:05:30,750 --> 00:05:40,680 And no other educator does that either. If they, if they have aware for a product, and you use that as a catalyst to get into a trade, and it loses whose
28 00:05:40,680 --> 00:05:54,060 responsibility is that? Yours, absolutely yours. And it's easy to feel like you're a victim, when you're unorganized. And it's convenient for people to, to
29 00:05:54,060 --> 00:06:03,060 reach for that as an excuse. Well, you know, this guy really is not teaching everything, he's holding something back or, you know, the free trial worked, it
30 00:06:03,180 --> 00:06:12,450 sucked me into it. And then when I tried to use it, you know, paying for it, you know, the black box system failed me, you know, that's somebody that is really
31 00:06:12,450 --> 00:06:21,660 not equipped to be a trader, I'm gonna be blunt and tell you that's exactly what that is. And if you're trying to be a trader, you have to understand in the
32 00:06:21,660 --> 00:06:30,960 first few years, it's going to be a lot of uphill. And it's going to be a lot of hit and miss, where you think you have it. And then you fall back a few steps.
33 00:06:31,200 --> 00:06:40,380 And it's easy. If you're lazy. It's easy. If you're not committed enough passionate about wanting to do this, to talk yourself right out of it. That's
34 00:06:40,380 --> 00:06:49,590 why a lot of college dropouts drop out. There, you're told by friends and family, or influenced by someone that they like, and they say, Well, I'm going
35 00:06:49,590 --> 00:07:00,750 to follow that person's footsteps. And they start their pursuit of the college degree. And then their first year, they're thinking, Is this too much? And many
36 00:07:00,750 --> 00:07:09,630 times, just the prerequisite the question, the question of whether or not it's worthwhile for them comes up more frequently, because they don't like what
37 00:07:09,630 --> 00:07:24,930 they're doing. They're not passionate about it. And when I was a working man, in my 20s, I was plagued with this haunting desire to just be out of the normal. I
38 00:07:24,930 --> 00:07:33,930 wanted to be something different. I don't want to be caught in this mundane existence that everybody in my family thought that they were successful because
39 00:07:33,930 --> 00:07:44,010 they had a 30 year mortgage on a house and paying 11% interest on their mortgage. And it's your your mitching. Right now, the interest rates are high
40 00:07:44,010 --> 00:07:51,540 for mortgages, but I've watched my uncles and aunts, you know, buy homes for 80,000 or 90,000, which were at the time, they're pretty decent houses. They're
41 00:07:51,540 --> 00:08:04,200 not upscale, obviously. But, you know, one of my aunts and uncle, they owe more three times more than their house was sold to them at that purchase price.
42 00:08:04,680 --> 00:08:14,820 Because they have not been good stewards of their money and finances, and they made poor decisions. I didn't want to follow anyone's footsteps. When I was
43 00:08:14,820 --> 00:08:27,480 coming up, I just wanted to be different, I wanted to trailblaze and everybody around me, did their best to try to discourage me. And that's typically how the
44 00:08:27,480 --> 00:08:37,710 enemy works. He'll slip in and enter the mouth of your loved one, your friend, your co worker, and social media has provided a wonderful stage for the enemy
45 00:08:37,710 --> 00:08:48,390 because he can slip into DMS, he can slip into a tweet or a response or apply our comment section on a YouTube video and steal your joy steal your pursuit of
46 00:08:48,720 --> 00:09:00,810 excellence and your passion. And it's really important when you're navigating these markets that you really do your best to tried not to have so much
47 00:09:01,140 --> 00:09:14,970 influencers around you. Because influencers well, let's just put it bluntly, everybody wants the attention because the attention equates to clicks and clicks
48 00:09:14,970 --> 00:09:27,570 equates to monetize monetized, YouTube videos or eventually a sale in the future. Okay. Many of the things that have been said about me over the years
49 00:09:28,770 --> 00:09:39,330 I've been doing very detailed approaches, but still being in my own lane to try to dismiss all that stuff for the people that have been here for a long time.
50 00:09:40,050 --> 00:09:46,980 They don't need to worry about those things because they see the fruits and the evidence that all the things that I've been teaching saying are in fact the
51 00:09:46,980 --> 00:10:01,230 truth but influencers they do what I did, and kind of like pioneered it with social media, at least in fin to it. You know when in The financial sector of
52 00:10:01,320 --> 00:10:08,910 Twitter, you know, I was the bad boy, when I came out there I was in everybody's face and challenging them to do this and share that. And the ones that would
53 00:10:08,910 --> 00:10:12,600 talk a lot usually clammed up and you knew they were the ones that were able to do anything.
54 00:10:13,889 --> 00:10:25,889 And I learned that the ones that talk the most shit, they usually were having the easiest crowds to gather. So I went upscale on that, like I went full bore
55 00:10:25,919 --> 00:10:42,029 in everybody's face and was like a troll. And I knew that the initial crowd would create like a chatterbox. And that chatterbox, is viral. Because if they
56 00:10:42,029 --> 00:10:47,939 can create an atmosphere, and I promise you, I'm going to get to some trading stuff. But it's important for me to set the foundation for this and why I'm even
57 00:10:47,969 --> 00:10:59,339 talking to you today. But I had went out there and, and poked, the people that everybody looked up to as heroes, and they just got real quiet. They weren't
58 00:10:59,339 --> 00:11:07,979 able to show anything, they weren't able to call anything advanced. Nothing wouldn't show any executions. But they would give you these stories over their
59 00:11:07,979 --> 00:11:20,669 20 year career. And, you know, the bottom line is, I understand that, that seems like the easy approach and a lot of folks on YouTube, or Instagram or Twitter,
60 00:11:21,389 --> 00:11:28,829 they'd like to come in like tik, tik, they're potshots at me, hoping that they'll get a rise out of me, because if I engage them, that gives them an
61 00:11:28,829 --> 00:11:39,269 audience, you're gonna have to earn your own audience, folks. I mean, when you get a crowd, I can bark. I can bark and like a carnival barker and bring people
62 00:11:39,419 --> 00:11:47,129 used to look at a train wreck scene, okay, something that everybody wants to come and take a look at. And you may not really be interested in what I'm
63 00:11:47,429 --> 00:11:59,579 teaching. But I have a lot of students that came to me by way of drama, and moreso by everyone else's drama about me. And that's like, the that's the thing
64 00:11:59,579 --> 00:12:08,489 right now, the flavor of the month is what can we say about ICT and how we can make his stuff easier, faster, or why it doesn't work when everybody else is
65 00:12:08,489 --> 00:12:23,219 making money with it. And I'm here to remind the folks that are influencers, I promise you come November, your circle of influence will grow. Right now I'm the
66 00:12:23,219 --> 00:12:34,049 interest. But I'm stepping away from it not because anyone pushed me away. But I want my personal life back. And I knew when I drew a crowd with drama, I had
67 00:12:34,049 --> 00:12:44,489 something that would make them stay. You can't just garner a crowd in your influence, or your your circle of influence on social media. And assume that
68 00:12:44,489 --> 00:12:55,199 that's going to equate to you having a meteoric rise, or more people interested in you have to have something of substance. And even at the height of my drama
69 00:12:55,199 --> 00:13:02,879 on Twitter, when I would go and poke Everybody say, can you do this? And I'm doing this with a demo account, folks, I hope he's done this with a demo. And
70 00:13:02,879 --> 00:13:11,069 I've disarmed all of them, because they want to come and say, you know, you're using a demo? Yes, I'm absolutely using the demo, because I'm teaching. And I'm
71 00:13:11,069 --> 00:13:19,409 outside the scope of any legality. By doing that, because I'm not acting as a financial adviser. We're talking about candlesticks, and where they're gonna go
72 00:13:19,409 --> 00:13:28,919 next. You can't lose money on that. And you can't make money on that. But the people that read between the lines, they say, wait a minute, now this guy is
73 00:13:28,919 --> 00:13:41,219 doing it with a demo account. And I learned what he's doing. What could I do with that? Exactly, exactly. But the the folks out there that try to compete
74 00:13:41,219 --> 00:13:50,999 against me. They'll make all kinds of nonsense. They'll talk about me underlines live streams talk about how I only trade in a demo. That's not true. I teach in
75 00:13:50,999 --> 00:14:00,449 a demo. I teach a lot in a demo. Because if I'm going to be your educator, and I am not influenced or deterred by anyone, and social media that says you're
76 00:14:00,449 --> 00:14:13,319 teaching or trading a demo account, bro, really? Look at what I've done with a demo. I don't do any advertising. Everything that has grown in our community is
77 00:14:13,319 --> 00:14:27,629 organic. You know what the best growth has come by me not being dramatic. There's a lesson in that folks. The internet is huge. Okay, and for those that
78 00:14:27,629 --> 00:14:36,959 are trying to get their own little thing going on or had been doing it and haven't really got their footing yet. There's such a huge audience. I'm not
79 00:14:36,959 --> 00:14:46,109 taking your audience from you. I'm not preventing your audience from seeing you either. I've done nothing except for just stayed in my own lane. And people that
80 00:14:46,109 --> 00:14:53,099 come here, they want to learn how to read price action and eventually become their own trader. They're finding that they're finding me as a resource of
81 00:14:53,099 --> 00:15:04,619 conduit. I don't want to be a celebrity and that trades by man I saw your tweet. I'm not are interested in having like a show up and meet and greet type type of
82 00:15:04,619 --> 00:15:12,719 thing like that it's nothing against you, I get that literally every other day, either I get hit by an email, or companies will reach out to me brokerage firms
83 00:15:12,719 --> 00:15:23,369 will reach out to me, prop trading firms have reached out to me like that. I don't want to be a celebrity. And if I do those types of things, it would
84 00:15:23,369 --> 00:15:32,489 appear. That's not the case, that in fact, I'd be wanting more attention. When I don't want the attention, I want you to learn, I want you to learn how to read
85 00:15:32,489 --> 00:15:41,309 price action. So I'm not interested in anyone come into my home and having a meet and greet. And I'm not interested in going to your home, or wherever you'd
86 00:15:41,309 --> 00:15:50,489 be, and have a meet and greet and have an interview. I'm not interested in it. I'm really not that interesting. I know. There's a lot of mystique around me and
87 00:15:50,489 --> 00:16:05,339 all that. But I'm just a plain old guy, like I try to live a regular life. I'm blessed. The Lord has richly blessed me. And I just want to enjoy the latter
88 00:16:05,339 --> 00:16:14,219 portion of my life. And I don't want to be primarily driven by what these markets are doing, or who wants to learn this or that from me, which is the
89 00:16:14,219 --> 00:16:21,479 reason why I'm like writing the books. So whatever I write in these books, that's my final word on the matter, there isn't going to be like future
90 00:16:21,479 --> 00:16:32,579 mentorships or future one on ones or anything like that. I'm not interested in that. Like I'm, I'm tired. Okay, I'm tired of it. Because the world's becoming
91 00:16:32,579 --> 00:16:41,429 much more toxic. And whenever you find someone that has something that works really, really well nobody else can compete with it. In terms of precision, the
92 00:16:41,429 --> 00:16:53,459 level of detail that is predictable, you can anticipate not react, you can anticipate these things in price. It makes you feel inferior, and that
93 00:16:53,459 --> 00:17:05,129 inferiority complex. You can see it in other YouTubers, other social media entities. If I could have a field day with a younger ICT like 10 years ago, um,
94 00:17:05,159 --> 00:17:17,849 goodness, I would be absolutely loving this right now. But I don't I don't want to do it. I don't want to do it. I've either it might mean I've grown older, and
95 00:17:17,849 --> 00:17:31,889 I'm getting into those really fuddy duddy ages or I just lost my interest in the fun in sport and is no longer there. So now when I talk to you, even the folks
96 00:17:31,889 --> 00:17:38,909 that say they never watched my videos, but they always come out with something that I've said, it's almost like they pick up my vernacular. But they'll swear
97 00:17:38,909 --> 00:17:48,089 up and down. I don't ever watch it DVDs. I've never read a book on day trading. I don't know why people say that stuff. When it's not true. It's obvious that
98 00:17:48,089 --> 00:17:56,969 that's not true. Okay. Everybody in trading has picked up a book, I've read lots of books, I bought lots of courses, I bought courses from other mentors, people
99 00:17:56,969 --> 00:18:05,249 that you probably know, maybe some people you haven't never known before. And the thing that comes up a lot through the people that either have a search
100 00:18:05,279 --> 00:18:14,969 service or a source of mentorship of some kind or something in trading, they're trying to market or whatever. They'll say I've taken things and rebranded it,
101 00:18:15,209 --> 00:18:22,319 and the folks that have sat down and did the work on this stuff. And even from the people from those specific areas of study, for instance, like supply and
102 00:18:22,319 --> 00:18:31,859 demand. Everybody insists that order block is supply and demand. And it's not. It's absolutely not. And the fact that there's a change in the state of delivery
103 00:18:31,979 --> 00:18:43,529 of price completely removes the idea of any supply and demand factors. Because what you're stating is the price is going up because there's buying pressure and
104 00:18:43,529 --> 00:18:52,589 prices going lower because they're selling pressure. And that's not true. It's absolutely not true. But that's what these individuals even in the financial
105 00:18:52,589 --> 00:19:02,879 sector, they have jobs, okay, they worked for financial institutions, they have learned the parent those same things. And if they don't talk that way, there'll
106 00:19:02,879 --> 00:19:12,989 be slagged in the industry, and they can't afford that. I don't care if people agree or don't agree with me, I don't care. It doesn't change the fact this is
107 00:19:12,989 --> 00:19:27,119 the truth is the way it is. When you come into this industry, you're met with all kinds of enticement, quit your job, get rich, drive these cars, go to these
108 00:19:27,119 --> 00:19:42,329 fancy places, getting finer looking women get a better man, all those types of things. And I found out early on, they were not my initial motivators. But when
109 00:19:42,329 --> 00:19:53,219 I had a taste of money, the very first few times where I had winning trades, and I felt like I had it figured out when I didn't. And that's the problem with
110 00:19:53,219 --> 00:20:02,789 having the first few years of your trading, you're going to be convinced that you figured it out. Even if you're having short term, immediate reward by doing
111 00:20:02,789 --> 00:20:09,539 something, you may not understand what it is that you did, but you're looking at the fact that you made that money.
112 00:20:10,889 --> 00:20:18,749 And because you want to feel good about yourself and people like myself, where I felt like I had to prove something to the world, because my parents didn't want
113 00:20:18,899 --> 00:20:29,099 anything to do with me. My own parents didn't want that. And I was, I was scheduled to be aborted. I wasn't even supposed to be here. But God said
114 00:20:29,099 --> 00:20:43,709 otherwise. And because of that, I had a chip on my shoulder that still do. And the first person that gave me fatherly love and attention was my grandfather.
115 00:20:44,429 --> 00:20:58,019 And everything I do in my life, everything I do, I wish, many times that I could get his approval. And I can't get it right. So it constantly is like a fire
116 00:20:58,019 --> 00:21:12,869 under me that just keeps on burning. When I started making money, my position about what it is that motivated me, helped me navigate through all these ups and
117 00:21:12,869 --> 00:21:25,739 downs was that, well, wait a minute, if I can make that much money. If I did this many contracts with that type of a move, then I could make $20,000 a month.
118 00:21:27,419 --> 00:21:34,709 If I did 20,000 hours a month, that's like a quarter of a million dollars a year almost. So that's what I'm gonna, I'm gonna try to trade more aggressively. I
119 00:21:34,709 --> 00:21:42,959 want to make more money, because I like how I feel. And if I could start flashing that, showing it to other people, then I would get that itch scratched.
120 00:21:43,559 --> 00:21:54,989 And I did I did all those types of things. And you know what? It didn't work. It was it was like a mosquito bite. Yeah, you felt it bite you. And it's porn. You
121 00:21:54,989 --> 00:22:02,699 the little thing, it sucks and you suck the blood out you then you either smack or you start scratching it was you need to scratch it. That's it, the histamine
122 00:22:02,699 --> 00:22:12,029 in your skin is gonna go crazy. And it's going to start itching even more. So what I thought was going to satisfy that itch. This to make me feel significant
123 00:22:12,209 --> 00:22:28,979 to make me feel like I've arrived or worth being here. Like I didn't, I didn't find a purpose in life. Until I found trading. This, this was my whole purpose
124 00:22:29,129 --> 00:22:39,989 for being here. I'm convinced of it now more. So as a 51 year old in August, I'm convinced that's why I was here. I was meant to be here. And it's not arrogance.
125 00:22:40,469 --> 00:22:48,269 Because I was resisting that for a long time. Like, how did all these things happen where my mother just recently had an abortion right before she got
126 00:22:48,269 --> 00:22:59,459 pregnant with me. And it was only a threat by my father to take her life. Literally. That's the reason why she gave birth to me. So imagine you come into
127 00:22:59,459 --> 00:23:09,359 the world. And your parents, your father's locked up in prison for contract murder, doing two consecutive life sentences plus 20 years, plus pick up more
128 00:23:09,359 --> 00:23:23,759 time for trying to escape in the early 80s. He's never getting out. He's gonna die in there. And my mother didn't want anything to do with me. So I know what
129 00:23:23,759 --> 00:23:34,169 it's like for all of you, okay, that are trying to find your way out here. That you want to feel like you're somebody special, that you really matter, that you
130 00:23:34,169 --> 00:23:47,249 have a purpose. And you end up having like these. These montage moments, that's how it was for me when I was a young man, like, I would play music and in my
131 00:23:47,249 --> 00:23:57,089 mind, while I was driving, doing my job. I'm like, I'm listening to this music while I'm driving around. It's gonna be like this. When I get successful, it's
132 00:23:57,089 --> 00:24:06,089 gonna be like that. When I get successful and I do this, I'm going to show that person, you know, and you might be laughed at yourself. You think Can I do that
133 00:24:06,089 --> 00:24:16,319 shit too. I would never tell anybody. But that's, that's what it was for me. And when I taught on baby pips, a lot of the things I taught with my lectures and
134 00:24:16,319 --> 00:24:32,609 such, I painted it in a light that it was like an action movie. It was like, some kind of Tom, Tom Clancy, you type thing, Sniper. And it picked up. It got
135 00:24:32,609 --> 00:24:38,609 to an audience and then an audience learned. And they learned how to trade and other people would ask them how do you learn or learn from this guy? Oh, baby
136 00:24:38,609 --> 00:24:50,999 pips. And more people grew, and it just kept growing, growing, growing, and I don't know where you are. In your walk. I don't know where you are in your
137 00:24:50,999 --> 00:25:06,809 learning. I don't know where you are in the world. I don't know your state of mind. But I've always had this deep rooted desire To be number one identified,
138 00:25:08,489 --> 00:25:15,179 recognized. Now you're probably thinking yourself, Wait a minute, you just opened this up by saying you don't want to be a celebrity, I don't want to be a
139 00:25:15,179 --> 00:25:29,129 celebrity. I don't like I don't like just a little bit of notoriety I've received. Like, it's, it's extremely intrusive. And so many people are clamoring
140 00:25:29,129 --> 00:25:40,469 to get your attention and wanting to do things with you. And I don't feel like my life is mine anymore. Which is the reason why I'm putting down inner circle
141 00:25:40,469 --> 00:25:50,879 trader in November, I'm doing that no one else did that. I'm doing it. I told you the time it's going to happen. And I will be satisfied how I leave you. And
142 00:25:50,879 --> 00:26:04,319 that way, I won't have this. It's delicate, keep scratching. Unless I'm gonna probably upset you. Because you'd like the things that I put out and maybe like
143 00:26:04,319 --> 00:26:12,989 these Twitter spaces, and no, I'm not going to do them. Once more, we're done in November. But the videos on YouTube channel, I'm not taking them down, a lot of
144 00:26:12,989 --> 00:26:18,749 people are freaking out saying he's gonna take his videos down. That's the whole purpose of putting out there was so you don't have to buy him from these people
145 00:26:18,749 --> 00:26:27,809 that are out there trying to trick you and say that I taught a Nygma in my mentorship when I never did. I never, I never will teach that. I didn't teach 90
146 00:26:27,809 --> 00:26:37,889 minute, or 92nd or 90 minute cycles. Okay, there's people out there literally lying to you, using my name, claiming that I taught this in the forum. And this
147 00:26:37,889 --> 00:26:48,779 and that. And it's not true. It's absolutely not true. And I put those core content lessons up on my YouTube channel for the express purpose to gift it to
148 00:26:48,779 --> 00:26:59,669 the community number one, to the prove that everybody else out there that doesn't want to just simply give recognition. Like it's, it's it's extremely
149 00:26:59,669 --> 00:27:08,339 offensive to see people pretend like they found this on their own. There's nothing. Listen, folks. Okay, so this is for the people that like to go in the
150 00:27:08,339 --> 00:27:17,939 comment section in other people's videos. And say I rebranded there's a million dollars. That's a bounty I have a million dollars that I will pay. If you sit
151 00:27:17,939 --> 00:27:28,079 down, go through my core content, go through all my PD arrays. Okay, go through all that stuff and show us all where I rebranded any that bullshit. Any Hammond?
152 00:27:28,319 --> 00:27:39,839 Okay, all that that stuff that people talk about? It's just the steal your pursuit. And social media has a huge influence over people huge. Like I could be
153 00:27:39,839 --> 00:27:53,699 way bigger than I am. If I wanted to be bigger, I don't want to be there. Like I'm uncomfortable, some of you that might want to be where I am right now. As a
154 00:27:53,699 --> 00:28:04,889 20 year old, I didn't start that way. But that four years into it. This is exactly where I wanted to be at. And I knew I had something if I made it
155 00:28:04,889 --> 00:28:15,749 available to other people. You would all eat it up. Because it's the market. It is the market. But in those early years, I was fleshing out the things that I
156 00:28:15,749 --> 00:28:23,849 had to overcome as a person. It was me that was doing all the damage. It wasn't the tools. It wasn't the concepts. It was me trying to force it when it wasn't
157 00:28:23,849 --> 00:28:32,099 there. And you don't realize that you could become a really good trader and learning from me. You can become a really good trader learning from anybody
158 00:28:32,099 --> 00:28:50,219 else. If they're if they have something that works. The things that derail you are always internal. They're always internal. There's a there's a guy out there
159 00:28:51,599 --> 00:29:02,369 that I thought I was doing something nice, you know, I was trying to promote him and push him and and I don't know what causing the flake out or whatever. But
160 00:29:04,859 --> 00:29:14,249 I'll just tell you this, Pat. Yes. Patrick Whelan. I know you listen to these, and I know you watch my videos, okay. And I see you on your live streams
161 00:29:14,249 --> 00:29:23,189 bitching and complaining about how you're the number one guru on Twitter trades in demo, you're trading in a demo. When you trade news funded accounts, you're
162 00:29:23,189 --> 00:29:36,509 trading in a demo. You are trading in a demo. That's just the facts, okay. And what you're trying to do, actually is hurting your brand. Like, don't get on
163 00:29:36,509 --> 00:29:47,009 Aaron dramatize about me. Just do what you're doing. And it's what I was trying to push you to do. Focus on what it is that you do. If you're good at trading,
164 00:29:47,219 --> 00:29:54,569 and you have a vault you trust and you can do it. There's going to be somebody out there that it fits for them. Not everybody. Everything I teach doesn't fit
165 00:29:54,569 --> 00:30:04,079 everybody. But understanding and reading price that fits everybody's model. Now what you do, the way I teach and show you where price is going to gravitate to,
166 00:30:04,409 --> 00:30:10,949 if you plug that into anything that already makes money, it supercharges it. Honestly, I
167 00:30:10,950 --> 00:30:20,790 can't talk about how you bought a Bronco and it wants to be a jeep. Okay, I'll talk about all that stuff. Stop doing those sites, because drama marketing does
168 00:30:20,790 --> 00:30:32,520 not work. It's it's short term, it gets a little bit of a buzz a talk of a crowd. But unless you have the, the ability to hold that crowd and give them
169 00:30:32,520 --> 00:30:43,200 something of substance, you fizzle out and ends up hurting you hurt your brand. Just keep doing what you're doing, I'm watching you still. But when you do that,
170 00:30:43,200 --> 00:30:52,830 and you rage quit and your live streams like that, it's not good. It doesn't do well for your, your brand, it doesn't do anything for your image. And if you're
171 00:30:52,830 --> 00:31:02,520 trying to grow, you're someone else, okay, someone else that wants to do what it is, I'm talking about drama, marketing doesn't work. It doesn't work, it just
172 00:31:02,520 --> 00:31:14,610 makes you look like you're insecure. It makes you feel like you have a superiority complex. And you feel inferior. That's why these, these other
173 00:31:14,610 --> 00:31:23,640 influencers talk about me because I'm beating the shit out of them. And I'm not even trying to, I'm still right now I'm trying to be gentlemanly, and tell you
174 00:31:24,120 --> 00:31:33,960 don't do that. This is how you help your own brand. Who would do that nobody else would do that. I want all of you to succeed, I want all of you to do well,
175 00:31:33,990 --> 00:31:40,260 I want you all to make money. Because you're all going to be having a harder time in next few years, it's going to get stupid.
176 00:31:47,280 --> 00:31:59,070 So you probably have been looking at the way the markets behaved. And early on in the beginning of May, I told you one of the seasonal tendencies I like to
177 00:31:59,070 --> 00:32:12,750 have is a sell off or weakness in the month of May, going down into the month of June for stock indices. And if you have gone through the core content, you'll
178 00:32:12,750 --> 00:32:28,710 hear me talk about seasonal tendencies. And I'll give you very specific seasonal tendencies. And I got them from Steve Moore. Okay. And I've already shared his
179 00:32:28,710 --> 00:32:37,710 website and such, but he doesn't know me. And maybe he does now because I probably put a lot of people on to him. But I don't get any kind of kickbacks.
180 00:32:37,710 --> 00:32:49,560 And Steve, if you're listening, I don't want one. I think he has the Superior Comp, the commodity and well, the markets really he covers all of them. But his
181 00:32:49,560 --> 00:32:58,680 seasonal tendencies are absolutely the pinnacle like that is if you're going to do anything with seasonality and markets. He is the person to go to like he is
182 00:32:58,680 --> 00:33:11,040 the man. He's the guy that has the data, because the way he does it. It's not form fitted. You know, I had Larry Williams shorting commodity trading book.
183 00:33:11,550 --> 00:33:21,300 Okay. And to me, when I first read it, it was like, wow, this is revolutionary. You know, this is the thing, and he was kind of like the first guy to get up
184 00:33:21,300 --> 00:33:27,660 there and really put something into print about and you got guys like when I was coming up, it was like Jake Bernstein, you know, he made a big thing about
185 00:33:27,780 --> 00:33:47,070 seasonal tendencies. It wasn't until Steve Moore did his product of having like, a 15 year, a five year, you know, comparing, showing the relationships of how it
186 00:33:47,070 --> 00:33:55,170 performed over the like the seasonal tendency, like for instance, when eggs used to be a futures contract, and they don't trade them anymore. But when do you
187 00:33:55,170 --> 00:34:04,770 think egg prices would go up? Right before Easter, everybody would be buying eggs to dye them. And it was just like, every, every year everybody knew when to
188 00:34:04,770 --> 00:34:13,650 buy eggs. And that was a trade that's never failed? Well, that same thing existed in pork bellies. And if you eat bacon, that's where you get bacon from
189 00:34:13,650 --> 00:34:21,630 the pork belly. And well, they don't trade pork bellies anymore either. So but these thin markets, they were really wonderful markets that had high degree of
190 00:34:21,750 --> 00:34:34,470 accuracy with their seasonality. To see more brought in a perspective that if he hadn't done it, I wouldn't have even considered it. So I think he revolutionized
191 00:34:34,470 --> 00:34:46,410 the whole viewpoint of seasonality by looking at the the relationship to any seasonal tendency, over the basis of a short period of time using the data how
192 00:34:46,410 --> 00:34:54,990 did the seasonality or seasonal tendency perform over the last five years? And then how did it perform over the last 15 years? And then how did it perform over
193 00:34:54,990 --> 00:35:09,240 the last 25 years or 30 years? And if you have a C seasonal tendency that delivers a specific direction, or in any given market, that all three of them
194 00:35:09,540 --> 00:35:19,410 are in agreement with that to me, and I'm sure if he was talking to he would say the same thing. That's a very strong seasonal tendency, very, very strong
195 00:35:19,410 --> 00:35:30,450 seasonal tendency. And that was what I did in my core content where I use his, his seasonal tendency charts. And I said, these are my favorite seasonal
196 00:35:30,450 --> 00:35:39,690 tendencies, because I see them as strong. And I go into detail as to why I believe that, and I show you visually using his product, and I think that if you
197 00:35:39,690 --> 00:35:52,290 are going to trade with seasonal tendencies, you should support him as a content creator, I get nothing for it. It's a matter of insight that you really can't
198 00:35:52,290 --> 00:36:02,100 get as a lot of people and websites out there that have seasonal tendency, graphs and such. To me, they're all They're substandard. They're there. They're
199 00:36:02,100 --> 00:36:12,570 not, they're nowhere near the degree of Steve Moore, and what he does with seasonal tendencies. And, frankly, if I was him, I would charge more money. And
200 00:36:12,570 --> 00:36:19,830 you're probably cussing me right now. I'm thinking, What are you doing that for ICT? Because his product is in the hands of someone that knows how to trade.
201 00:36:20,730 --> 00:36:31,980 It's literally like a roadmap. Like it literally like I can look at these graphs and say, okay, in the fall, this specific month, I know I want to be a short
202 00:36:31,980 --> 00:36:40,740 seller, I want to be a long trader on this month of that particular market. And it sounds like that can't be as a new trader, when you first come into this.
203 00:36:41,160 --> 00:36:48,120 Everything is TOLD YOU by books and educators that it's random. Everything in these markets are random, and you can't time the market and you have to react to
204 00:36:48,120 --> 00:36:59,850 price. And that's absolute bullshit. That's bullshit. You cannot listen to that drivel. Okay, and become and adhere that logic and become a independent
205 00:36:59,850 --> 00:37:08,340 thinking. consistently profitable trader, I'm convinced of it, because I did my utmost best to try to do that, and everybody else that does the same bullshit.
206 00:37:08,820 --> 00:37:19,050 That's why the 90% Losing statistic exists. But we should not realize this, folks, listen. As I've said this many times and other resources, whether it be
207 00:37:19,050 --> 00:37:30,960 on YouTube or in other Twitter spaces, but yes, I absolutely believe this, that the statistics with trading that 90% Blow out really early, and you never become
208 00:37:30,960 --> 00:37:45,960 profitable 90%. But what you fail to realize is, there's another party on the other side of their trades. It's a net sum Zero game, for every winner, there's
209 00:37:45,960 --> 00:37:58,770 a buyer. So the paradigm shift that I had, was, okay, when I first started, I was absolutely residing in that 90% Losing crowd, I was I was there, and I was
210 00:37:58,770 --> 00:38:06,870 buying books thinking that that shit was going to help me it was going to change my direction, it's going to create me and put a path in front of me that was
211 00:38:06,870 --> 00:38:19,950 going to be the right one. Now, what I fail to understand is if I'm buying that same book, then it's been out there for sale for years before I even started.
212 00:38:22,920 --> 00:38:31,230 Why isn't the everybody else hasn't figured out what I was going to do, which is follow the rules. And when I stopped buying books, that's when I started
213 00:38:31,230 --> 00:38:44,940 learning. When I stopped system hopping, and changing my hand of who wants to teach me now who wants to be the mentor of Michael, when that when that stopped?
214 00:38:46,140 --> 00:39:02,040 And I put my ass in front of the charts and said, Okay, I don't know anything. I'm nobody. And I'm at the first step, I'm at zero. What do I want to do?
215 00:39:03,750 --> 00:39:15,090 Where's my focus? Where do I right now looking at these markets in the opportunity to the present? Where do I want to go in this? What can I do with
216 00:39:15,090 --> 00:39:25,740 the job that I have? I had a job that was working. I had to be out in Owings Mills real early in the morning. And the whole workday was really about 12 and a
217 00:39:25,740 --> 00:39:36,570 half 13 hours. So I couldn't be in front of charts trade live. Because I would be all over Baltimore City and Baltimore County filling up vending machines,
218 00:39:37,230 --> 00:39:46,380 fixing coffee machines. And even on the way home, I would probably have to be stopping and fixing a machine that someone would call and say hey, art,
219 00:39:46,470 --> 00:39:57,030 something didn't work. And my boss at the time Glenn would say, This is what I need you to do this. And that's it. I can't go home and do what I want to do
220 00:39:57,030 --> 00:40:06,420 when I'm off. I'm stopping and doing a service call So I had to come up with a way of determining what the hell it is I'm going to do, which was very difficult
221 00:40:06,420 --> 00:40:15,780 for me, because I felt like, if I could sit in front of the charts and look at one hour charts, real time, I would be able to do very, very well. But I
222 00:40:15,780 --> 00:40:25,770 couldn't have real time charts while I was driving around and stepping in. So the next best thing for me was to get some kind of quick device. So that way, I
223 00:40:25,770 --> 00:40:33,210 had to come up with a way of determining where I want to be a buyer. Because I wasn't a short seller in the beginning, I didn't understand short selling, I was
224 00:40:33,210 --> 00:40:42,210 afraid of it. And didn't make any sense. How can you sell something? You don't only make money, right? Like, what the hell is that? So I wanted to be a buyer
225 00:40:42,210 --> 00:40:56,910 only. So my motto was buy model only. And what was the driving force behind the decisions that made me a buyer. I was looking at a nine and 18 exponential
226 00:40:56,910 --> 00:41:05,340 moving average on a daily chart. If the nine day moving average, now don't do this now, folks. So don't take this as the gospel. Okay, but I'm just telling
227 00:41:05,340 --> 00:41:17,790 you how we have changed. Okay, we've definitely evolved. But when I first started, it was a nine EMA, exponential. And a 18 day, exponential moving
228 00:41:17,790 --> 00:41:31,260 average on a daily chart. And I had a 50 day moving average. That was just the simple, not even exponential. So what I wanted to see was that 50 Day sloping
229 00:41:31,320 --> 00:41:38,430 up, I don't care how you if it was a gradual slope, if it was higher than it was 20 days ago.
230 00:41:39,690 --> 00:41:49,080 To me, I'm looking for Long's, but that doesn't give me the bar yet. I wanted to see the nine day being above the EMA, I'm sorry, the nine EMA above the 80 day
231 00:41:49,140 --> 00:42:01,830 EMA. But it can't, can't just cross it. I can't do that. I have to wait for the cross, then it has to spend at least three days above the 18 day. So that in my
232 00:42:01,830 --> 00:42:12,600 mind, momentum is absolutely going along. Now. I did not get the best entries. I didn't catch the lows. I was afraid of trying to do that. Because Larry Williams
233 00:42:12,600 --> 00:42:21,420 said don't go in trying to catch falling daggers, but he was my mentor. So I said fuck that. I ain't going and doing that. I'm gonna wait for it to be moving
234 00:42:21,420 --> 00:42:31,950 in now get in sync with it, then how did I do that? What was my my entry mechanism. In the evening time, when I finally found my way home, did my
235 00:42:31,950 --> 00:42:42,570 exercising, and then ate and then showered. I would spend all night long sometimes going to work during that same schedule. With less than three hours
236 00:42:42,570 --> 00:42:51,960 sleep sometimes. Oh, come on. I'm telling you, you think I'm going to insomniac. Now, I don't require a lot of sleep. I don't know why people think they gotta be
237 00:42:51,960 --> 00:42:59,100 sleeping their whole fucking life away, but eight hours sleep to me. You're wasting it, you're wasting it, you would probably do so much better if you get
238 00:42:59,100 --> 00:43:09,810 to a point where you can not have to have a job. Do small sessions and sleep like I do two, four hour sessions. They're broken up. And then I can't nap in
239 00:43:09,810 --> 00:43:19,650 between when I when I can. I get so much done. That's why some of you like do you ever sleep, Guy sleep, I scheduled sleep. But I don't have the same peers of
240 00:43:19,650 --> 00:43:26,730 the world like you do. But you worry about losing your job, you worry about making sure your kids have your college funds, you worry about how you're gonna
241 00:43:26,730 --> 00:43:35,370 put food on your table because your job may not require you anymore and make you redundant. So I don't I don't have those fears. And when you don't have those
242 00:43:35,370 --> 00:43:44,670 fears, you're energized. Because that's shits like a vampire. It sucks the life out of you. And it's difficult. It's so hard in the beginning doing this because
243 00:43:44,670 --> 00:43:55,440 you have all those real world cares of the world. They're they're real. You're not exaggerating. And believe me, I experienced all that stuff. But for me, the
244 00:43:55,500 --> 00:44:09,930 desire to get the fuck out of that shit was more than any of the fear. I had to do this. Because I couldn't exist. Living a mundane existence. I can't I can't
245 00:44:09,930 --> 00:44:21,000 do that. I'm not wired for that. So I had to go in and look at one hour charts in the evening on end of data and update data. That means this wasn't even real
246 00:44:21,000 --> 00:44:30,870 time. I was downloading my data using meta stock that that was the platform I use for my charting. Mehta stock was a charting package. Kind of like
247 00:44:30,870 --> 00:44:41,400 TradeStation or super charts supercharged isn't a thing anymore. I'm thinking and TradeStation is still around. They've evolved into a broker ship broker, but
248 00:44:41,580 --> 00:44:52,710 Mehta stock was That was my joint that was my that was my weapon. And I thought I had everything figured out with that shit. And in the beginning I had every
249 00:44:52,770 --> 00:44:58,830 nickel you could put on the chart and you couldn't see my candles, or I didn't have candlesticks and again it was open high, low and close. But you couldn't
250 00:44:58,830 --> 00:45:05,310 even see price. I didn't get Shit, because the indicators, I thought that they were the trick that was the thing. Don't look at trade, don't look at price.
251 00:45:05,310 --> 00:45:12,900 That's the distraction, right? When in fact, it's the indicator, that's the distraction. Okay. And that's why I found my nose at that shit because I fell
252 00:45:12,900 --> 00:45:21,540 victim to all that stuff. And yes, there is absolutely a way to use indicators and use my content and make money. absolutely you can. But the problem is, is
253 00:45:21,540 --> 00:45:29,640 you ended up falling into this trap. And yes, I'm getting to the point about what I was looking for an hourly chart settled to hell down. But you get caught
254 00:45:29,640 --> 00:45:38,790 up in this rat race of finding out what indicators you want to have, what their settings are supposed to be, and which ones are better at doing what. So there's
255 00:45:38,790 --> 00:45:46,530 all kinds of books written about. And if you buy 12 different books about indicators, rarely will they agree on the settings, rarely would they agree and
256 00:45:46,530 --> 00:45:53,940 how to use them and when they apply them. But they have an ability to go back in time and find the cherry picked examples where the ship worked perfectly. But
257 00:45:53,940 --> 00:46:04,020 then when you go out there and you try to do it, you're wrecked. I went through that shit for years, condensing myself every sing every, every single time that
258 00:46:04,020 --> 00:46:11,700 I failed at doing it. It was just okay. It's the right indicator. But this guy doesn't have the right settings, I'm gonna buy another book or another course
259 00:46:11,700 --> 00:46:21,240 another DVD, okay, that talks about it. And they will give me the part that this guy left out. And it never worked like that it never fucking worked. So I was
260 00:46:21,240 --> 00:46:29,490 like, you know, there's so many holes in this industry. So many opportunity for people that would know how to do something. Why don't they come out here and
261 00:46:29,490 --> 00:46:41,850 simply this produce something that works? Like it removes all the bullshit, cut straight down to the bone and says, okay, no fluff, no indicator, this is what
262 00:46:41,850 --> 00:46:48,300 price is going to do. And I don't give a shit if you believe it or not, because this is how it's going to be. And I said, I can't find it. I'm looking at all I
263 00:46:48,300 --> 00:46:55,950 can't find anybody who will do that. So I'm going to be that. That was my passion. I'm going to fill all the potholes in this industry, where the shit
264 00:46:55,950 --> 00:47:05,700 doesn't work. I'm going to fill that in, I'm gonna give you something that works. Not just it works. Okay. It is absolutely precise. Down to when you can
265 00:47:05,700 --> 00:47:17,910 expect it to form, what days, what month, what markets, what direction? What time. All that shit was my passion. But it started with a very simple little
266 00:47:18,210 --> 00:47:31,530 bullish divergence when the market was oversold on a 60 minute chart. What markers it was at the bond market. The bond market I segwayed from currency
267 00:47:31,530 --> 00:47:42,180 futures into bonds, like my second year, and I was like I like bonds, a trend real easy. Like they're nice. Like they, when they start moving, they just tend
268 00:47:42,180 --> 00:47:53,490 to move for a good period of time. And I wanted to be part of momentum and currency trends. They were great. But the problem was is their gaps were scary.
269 00:47:53,520 --> 00:48:03,330 Like they were I wasn't able to hold anything overnight. Because I was not aware of how Globex traded. I wasn't aware of, you know, overseas, how that time
270 00:48:03,360 --> 00:48:11,970 difference, and what markets are behaving like at that time. You know, I was brand new did all that stuff. So I was afraid to touch that. So if I did any
271 00:48:11,970 --> 00:48:23,430 kind of trading and not index, but currency futures, I would do it as a day trade only. And I would get out many times, way before the market would close
272 00:48:23,430 --> 00:48:35,370 because I was afraid I was Stone Cold afraid of doing it wrong. Because if you were in a market, and if you look at a currency futures contract back in the
273 00:48:35,370 --> 00:48:46,380 90s, sometimes it would get a lot. And if you were holding on to something, you could wake up and be completely decimated. So that scared me. So I said, Well,
274 00:48:46,380 --> 00:49:00,090 I'm going to be focusing and specializing in bonds. So I want to look at that market. So my model really began on the back of 30 year treasury bond. And I
275 00:49:00,090 --> 00:49:09,930 will use a 60 minute chart. Now mind you remember the daily settings will be this the 50 day moving average, which is a simple moving average. It needs to be
276 00:49:09,930 --> 00:49:20,850 sloping up, okay. That's all it needs to be. The nine Exponential Moving Average needs to be above the 18 day exponential moving average, but it has to be there
277 00:49:20,850 --> 00:49:28,830 at least three days above it. You can't just cross it. We're not cheating, like a Moving Average crossover or golden cross or not cheating, anything like that.
278 00:49:29,550 --> 00:49:43,740 It's really moved. And then what I did was I was looking for 60 minute or one hour oversold conditions that presented a bullish divergence a typical standard
279 00:49:43,770 --> 00:49:53,670 bullish divergence where the chart would create a lower low in price. But the stochastic I was using which was a 14, smooth by three, three, that was my
280 00:49:53,670 --> 00:50:05,310 settings. And if it if it created a bullish divergence I would be Looking for the opening price that open, which is the reason why I had the quote track. I'm
281 00:50:05,370 --> 00:50:17,070 watching that. And I get the opening price, and our wait for to trade just a little bit below the opening price. And if it did that, I would buy five ticks
282 00:50:17,070 --> 00:50:25,860 above the opening price. Thinking on buying strength, where do I get that from? I got it from Larry Williams, he by strength, he was buying one stops. And that
283 00:50:25,860 --> 00:50:34,290 was my model. I didn't understand buying limits, because I didn't know where I could place my limit order. Because I was afraid if I put a limit order in and
284 00:50:34,290 --> 00:50:45,510 it filled me in with further down. I didn't know how to place a stoploss yet. It was all brand new to this, right? So when I call a runner, man, it was great. It
285 00:50:45,510 --> 00:50:56,340 was amazing. But when I put the order in the stop loss because you got to put in order canceled order. Okay, so it's pairing contingent, meaning you call your
286 00:50:56,340 --> 00:51:07,170 broker, this is what we did back then you call your broker and you say, Okay, I want to buy Christmas bonds, which is December contract of 30 year treasury
287 00:51:07,170 --> 00:51:19,500 bond. And at this price. Where's your stop? You want to use it though? Do you want to use a stop? Yes. You tell them how many ticks away, it was okay. And I
288 00:51:19,500 --> 00:51:31,170 would use a 10 Tick stop. So it's about 300 some dollars per contract and the beginning of this one contract I was trading. So I would have no target.
289 00:51:32,400 --> 00:51:39,930 I would just wait, I want to see how price behaved. Sometimes it would fill me and then stop me out. And that would wreck my whole fucking day I would be
290 00:51:39,990 --> 00:51:49,200 paying for gas filled machines because I was mad, I'm mad. So I'm just like you, okay? I'm just like, even when the ship doesn't go, right, you want to, you want
291 00:51:49,200 --> 00:51:55,890 to blow up, you want to show the world that you're pissed off. Don't you don't want them to ask you what you did wrong. But you want them to understand you're
292 00:51:55,890 --> 00:52:02,340 pissed off, I'm having a bad book, and they don't talk to me. So I would be driving around all through Baltimore City and Baltimore County, filling up
293 00:52:02,340 --> 00:52:11,250 vending machines pissed off that I couldn't see what it did. And then I would go home that evening, go through the process of doing my normal thing. Work out,
294 00:52:11,280 --> 00:52:19,410 get all the stress out of me take a shower, I've already ate. Now I'm looking at charts and I can see these things start happening. Like, if I would have saw
295 00:52:19,410 --> 00:52:26,310 that on a chart, I could see how I wouldn't have bought there yet, I would have done this, I would did that. And that sounds like oh, it's hindsight. 2020. But
296 00:52:26,310 --> 00:52:34,110 you know how I trade now, I can tell you, honestly, when if I would have done something, I've done it this year, I did it last year to tell you, if I would
297 00:52:34,110 --> 00:52:40,890 have been trading I would have I would have got stopped out there. If I would have done that trade. It's not a lot. But in the beginning, it was a lot. I did
298 00:52:40,890 --> 00:52:49,710 it wrong a lot with no encouragement like I'm giving it to you. So it's normal for you to feel like you're spinning your wheels in the beginning, it's going to
299 00:52:49,710 --> 00:52:58,470 be like that with whatever you do in training, because you're competing with yourself, you have an expectation of yourself, whether you want to admit it or
300 00:52:58,470 --> 00:53:08,370 not. You want to see yourself somewhere in the future, whatever that timeline is, you're presenting this as a goal for yourself. And you're manifesting that
301 00:53:08,370 --> 00:53:19,290 as your, your destination. When that destination is going to evolve so many fucking times over the next several years, what you think you're gonna be
302 00:53:19,440 --> 00:53:28,290 satisfied with is going to change a lot, especially when you start finding consistency and profitability. That shits going out the window, forget about it,
303 00:53:28,320 --> 00:53:36,810 you're going to completely change how you think about yourself, how you're gonna live, what you're going to do with money, how you're going to spend it, like,
304 00:53:37,050 --> 00:53:43,200 it's all going to change. If you don't know what it's like to make six figures, you don't know what that feels like. You don't know what it feels like that
305 00:53:43,200 --> 00:53:51,000 makes seven figures. You don't have that you don't know what that feels like. But you also don't know what it feels like to lose seven figures. For some of
306 00:53:51,000 --> 00:53:57,750 you, that's the end of the fucking world. That's it. I'm never touching this market again, never going to do it again. But that says a lesson you're gonna
307 00:53:57,750 --> 00:54:07,710 have to go through, you're gonna have to go through the ups and downs of what you think you understand and what you really learned from going through it. That
308 00:54:07,710 --> 00:54:19,830 was that was the ICT model. That's what I was doing. And then I realized that there were some trades that were forming, that would escape my observation, I
309 00:54:19,830 --> 00:54:30,630 wouldn't be able to anticipate them. And the things that led to me understanding more about that was comparing the five year the 10 year and a 30 year bonds,
310 00:54:31,560 --> 00:54:44,670 comparing them while they're trending lower, I'm looking for an opportunity to get along. Well, I noticed that one of those yields would diverge. I think
311 00:54:44,670 --> 00:54:54,870 myself every single time that this thing happens, there's some measure of intermediate term price run that forms. It gives me an opportunity to find a
312 00:54:54,870 --> 00:55:07,080 move. So I want to be able to study this and go back in time, and does it exist a lot. And I found out that that's in fact, what was occurring. And now you
313 00:55:07,110 --> 00:55:21,720 know, through core content, that's my bond. The Triad the divergence, SMT, divergence for the bonds. Like, I, if, for instance, say the stock market goes
314 00:55:21,720 --> 00:55:33,060 to shit, okay, or it stayed in a really choppy garbage range, I would just go over to bonds, like I can go back to where I started, that's my home. Okay, I
315 00:55:33,060 --> 00:55:47,640 moved from bonds to trading s&p, because I liked the volatility that s&p would get intraday bonds were a lot smoother, a little bit more. Anyway.
316 00:55:53,940 --> 00:56:04,530 I mean, the Highlander is shut off, because I've been sitting here, I think they're gonna slow to warming. But I moved from the bond market and started
317 00:56:04,740 --> 00:56:17,610 exploring the opportunities that the index futures were offering. And I would trade the the stock market the same way I was doing the bonds. If I was bullish,
318 00:56:18,000 --> 00:56:25,650 I would allow for the opening price and get that opening price. And I'm already bullish, so I want to see it try to trade down below the opening price. So even
319 00:56:25,650 --> 00:56:36,150 if it's going down a little bit, I don't care, five ticks above the opening price on buying strength. And then if it was good, it would just run off. And if
320 00:56:36,150 --> 00:56:44,820 it was bad, it would stop me. And I'd be like anybody else losing their friggin mind about blaming myself and blaming everything else, you know, I should have
321 00:56:44,820 --> 00:56:52,920 did this, I should have done that. And I hurt myself by doing all those things. This is reason why I teach all of you. And when you're journaling, or if you're
322 00:56:52,920 --> 00:57:06,030 talking on social media, about what you do and what you've done. You don't want to be negative. Because you're reinforcing this whole idea about trying to be
323 00:57:06,030 --> 00:57:13,140 perfect, and perfect doesn't exist. I may exist in Christ, but you're not going to be here. And you can't do that in trading, you're going to lose.
324 00:57:18,690 --> 00:57:26,760 Sorry for the folks that have headphones on. Gotta move away. This dude just pulled up next. And he's just like, steady staring at me. And I'll do autographs
325 00:57:26,760 --> 00:57:29,910 bro. Get away. So
326 00:57:36,060 --> 00:57:48,450 while I had a heavy, required indicator based strategy in the beginning, I obviously evolved away from all that stuff. And there's a way of using
327 00:57:48,450 --> 00:57:59,010 indicators. Yes. But I don't think that a new trader should go there, they should learn primarily naked price action. And you'll develop your own tools,
328 00:57:59,640 --> 00:58:07,560 which is what I've done over the years. And things that you can apply to price but not necessarily manipulate price. Like I don't have anything that like
329 00:58:07,560 --> 00:58:16,620 measures rate of change. Like I don't use any kind of CCI, I don't use any kind of oversold no stochastic, no RSI none of these things. They're measuring rate
330 00:58:16,620 --> 00:58:28,350 of change. And whatever you're doing with those indicators and whatever input you're using, for instance, like I was using a 14 day at some point it moved
331 00:58:28,350 --> 00:58:37,500 from 14 period to 10 period. And then nine periods moved by three three on a Slow Stochastic that's what I that's what I had. And then I would use a nine
332 00:58:37,500 --> 00:58:47,220 period wanes percent R. And I started noticing that sometimes the Williams percent R would give me the oversold condition I was looking for it but the
333 00:58:47,790 --> 00:58:55,530 stochastic wouldn't put it would start running off and I'm like, What the hell just happened here? Like it shouldn't have done that. It's supposed to listen to
334 00:58:55,530 --> 00:59:04,560 this indicator for fuck sake. Why is this doing that? They wasted years doing them arguing why the market wasn't listening to this indicator. And that's what
335 00:59:04,560 --> 00:59:10,470 people do when they get in these interviews. They get pissed off and you see them on their YouTubers, their livestream and just watch it read their face.
336 00:59:10,920 --> 00:59:20,310 They're disgusted. That's the trade that they got in they didn't tell you about. Okay, that's it. That's the one that's burning them. Okay, but then they'll say,
337 00:59:20,310 --> 00:59:28,410 oh, yeah, I took a trade here. I got long here. You didn't say you got along then. You didn't do that. You did not do that. Okay, there's a difference. I'm
338 00:59:28,410 --> 00:59:36,090 calling ship beforehand. I'm telling you where it's gonna go. So don't be comparing me apples and oranges bullshit, okay. But you're gonna get wrapped up
339 00:59:36,120 --> 00:59:47,100 in all this indicator pursuit and waste so much time. So much time doing that. When I first teach students under my wing, the first thing you're doing is take
340 00:59:47,100 --> 00:59:58,020 everything off your charts. Take everything off your charts, completely naked, Open, High, Low, Close or candlestick. That's it. Then you're gonna study price
341 00:59:58,860 --> 01:00:11,010 in relationship to time When do intraday moves occur? When do intra week moves occur? Is there an influence that you can set a clock to? Which is the economic
342 01:00:11,010 --> 01:00:20,910 calendar? All of that built into what you anticipate is going to happen on that weekly chart? Is the weekly chart most likely going to expand higher? Or is it
343 01:00:20,910 --> 01:00:29,850 more likely to expand lower that right there sets the tone for what you want to focus on going forward? And new week? Do you think that the market is really
344 01:00:29,850 --> 01:00:41,700 close to a target that you've been watching? If that's the case, that it might go up and expand to a premium level or higher timeframe? resistance point, okay,
345 01:00:41,700 --> 01:00:52,350 something like that. For folks that are brand new and don't know my terminology, then you would anticipate some measure of potential intra week reversal. But
346 01:00:52,530 --> 01:01:03,600 sticking with the narrative that it's not advised to try to pick tops, I don't try to pick tops, but it allows me to formulate a game plan that if I'm bullish
347 01:01:03,600 --> 01:01:14,070 for, for instance, we were we were bullish on NASDAQ. And I took your attention to a very specific gap on the weekly chart. And hopefully, I've dispelled all
348 01:01:14,070 --> 01:01:27,060 the confusion. because invariably, people in my comment section, you can't see the comments in the new videos, but I've it's still a sugar coma. It's all love,
349 01:01:27,060 --> 01:01:39,810 basically. But the few people that are questioning, they're saying like, you know, why am I using the June contract and not the continuous contract. If
350 01:01:39,810 --> 01:01:46,650 you're looking for volume imbalances, you need to be using the contract month. Okay, that's a characteristic for that specific PD rate, which is the reason why
351 01:01:46,650 --> 01:01:53,550 I get pissed off when people try to pretend they understand and go out and try to make courses with it. You don't know what the fuck you're doing. So stop. The
352 01:01:53,550 --> 01:02:04,980 continuous contract is to smooth and it's not going to offer. The opportunities show the inefficiencies that exist in thinly traded contract months. What I mean
353 01:02:04,980 --> 01:02:15,210 by that, well, right now we're trading the June contract of E Mini s&p. In a couple of weeks, it will rollover, and as traders we will roll over and start
354 01:02:15,210 --> 01:02:26,940 following the September contract. The whole time, December is being treated too thinly traded but it's being traded. The inefficiencies in price action on those
355 01:02:27,180 --> 01:02:38,580 months in the future delivery, why we're trading the front month front month right now for ES is the June contract. The next month out is September. So you
356 01:02:38,580 --> 01:02:50,190 would be having a study of e s, you you as the symbol for contract delivery month, September, and then to zero to three on TradingView. for December, it
357 01:02:50,190 --> 01:03:00,180 would be E S Z as in Zipper 2023. And that will be your symbol for December contract for s&p, they're not going to mark to market perfectly the same.
358 01:03:01,200 --> 01:03:13,230 They're not. And when they first start becoming available and traded, there's going to be this really gappy inefficient price delivery. When you blend that
359 01:03:13,410 --> 01:03:19,740 with the present day narrative, which is essential and understanding where price is going to go, and that's what I teach, and that's something needs to be
360 01:03:19,740 --> 01:03:29,460 mentored. You can't I can't write a book, okay? And tell you in a paragraph or a chapter, this is this is the be all end all, this is how you do it. There are so
361 01:03:29,460 --> 01:03:37,800 many supporting things that you have to learn, which is the reason why this is expensive. It takes a lot of time to learn. It's not just by me, anyone, anyone
362 01:03:37,800 --> 01:03:43,950 that goes into this industry and wants to learn how to trade and they think they can do this shit. Learn how to be consistent in a couple months or one week
363 01:03:43,950 --> 01:03:51,510 workshop. I have so many people reached out to me, Hey, can we do a workshop? You know, we'll find it we'll put the put the whole thing together. Yeah, it'd
364 01:03:51,510 --> 01:03:59,310 be a 6040 split, I get 60 they get 40. And all I gotta do is teach. They do all the venue management. All I got to do is be there at the time and do it.
365 01:03:59,910 --> 01:04:07,350 Everything, all that shit marketing, all that sits done. That is them. I'm not interested, folks. But if I want to make more money, all I got to do is put a
366 01:04:07,350 --> 01:04:18,120 price tag on something there it is done. I don't want to do that anymore. I don't want to do it. Okay. But if you understand that if you're taking our short
367 01:04:18,120 --> 01:04:30,660 term, expectation on price, placing that in the context of what higher timeframe price action is doing. All the things that you're wrestling with right now. It
368 01:04:30,660 --> 01:04:41,700 diminishes not entirely but it diminishes greatly. Because you're looking for higher timeframe perspective to unfold. That's a macro perspective, not macro in
369 01:04:41,700 --> 01:04:50,370 the sense of the short little algorithmic things I'm talking about macro perspective. And micro perspective. Macro would be weekly, monthly. intermediate
370 01:04:50,370 --> 01:05:03,090 term would be daily four hour, and in short term is one hour less. And obviously micro is we're in the five minutes in less So here's a there's an heirarchy in
371 01:05:03,090 --> 01:05:18,990 price delivery. And what you might see in one timeframe, as bullish may just be a future retracement into a longer term sell model. In 1995, I had my ass handed
372 01:05:18,990 --> 01:05:31,710 to me on Swiss franc. I was looking at a weekly chart. And I was expecting this to be some kind of like a bull flag. And this is how the fake bull flags became
373 01:05:31,710 --> 01:05:42,720 a thing. As time goes along, and Swiss franc X actually told some of my friends look, I'm going along and Swiss franc was gonna do I think it's gonna go up this
374 01:05:42,720 --> 01:05:54,000 much. And what I did not understand is that it was simply going up into a small inefficiency that I understand and teach you now. It was going to go lower, and
375 01:05:54,000 --> 01:06:04,590 a lot lower. And that was one trade that I wrestled. I was convinced it was going to move for me and I kept opening up my stock kept opening up my stock cup
376 01:06:04,590 --> 01:06:15,870 and among my friends, they got stopped out. I was holding on to because why why? Why did Michael? rookie sensation ICT? Why did he think that it was a smart move
377 01:06:15,870 --> 01:06:25,620 to keep opening the stock? That means I was widening. Okay, wherever I had my initial stop loss, protected initial entry long. I was like, Okay, I know I'm
378 01:06:25,620 --> 01:06:33,720 right. But I'm probably wrong, where I'm placing my stop. So I have to just sit through a little bit more, open it up more and more, a little bit more, a bit
379 01:06:33,720 --> 01:06:44,220 more. And I was like, Okay, now this thing's looking like it really wants to go down. To go right to my stop. I'm going to just take the stop off. Well, that's
380 01:06:44,220 --> 01:06:56,640 my fucking tanked. Okay, and I experience $6,000 per contract. That's not fun. That's not fucking fun. Okay, especially when you're not in front of the chart,
381 01:06:56,640 --> 01:07:11,490 seeing it. It's just changing numbers. It's changing numbers on the screen. So I was like, Okay, this is bullshit. I gotta, this is painful. Well, that lessen
382 01:07:11,580 --> 01:07:25,680 that pain. That uncomfortable state would have taken many of you out of this and say, I'm never doing it again. Was I embarrassed cuz my friends saw me lose big.
383 01:07:25,950 --> 01:07:33,090 Absolutely. I was fucking totally demoralized. But I turned it around. I said, Okay, that's never gonna happen again.
384 01:07:34,170 --> 01:07:46,950 I knew I was wrong, but I arm wrestled it. I knew I was fucking wrong. I was under the pressure of the markets thumb. And it was giving me all the time in
385 01:07:46,950 --> 01:07:57,150 the world to save my own neck and I wouldn't listen. I came in with my preconceived notions that this is what the markets gonna do. I married the vein,
386 01:07:58,110 --> 01:08:13,500 I sold my soul to that trade, I was not going to let go of it. In it punished me. It tore my ass up. And that's that that gapping feature that I tell you
387 01:08:13,500 --> 01:08:21,540 about that was afraid of. That's where I learned that lesson from, because this was ranked is kept going lower. And then the next session, I'm holding over.
388 01:08:21,990 --> 01:08:33,480 It's just gaps further against me. I'm like, Look, clearly, it's got to be done now. Nope. Four days later, I'm still in here, no stop. No stop. And account
389 01:08:33,600 --> 01:08:51,810 gone. So back to saving money. Working on the weekend, delivering pizza, getting some scratch capital raised up again. And had to go back in and do it all over
390 01:08:51,810 --> 01:09:02,250 again. And the only lesson I learned from that at the time was don't hold overnight on for futures and currencies. Because the Gacha too much. That was
391 01:09:02,250 --> 01:09:10,200 the only lesson at the time that I learned but now knowing that what I know now, there's so many things that I understand about price action that I would never
392 01:09:10,200 --> 01:09:18,930 have gone long now. As the trader I am right now, and it's not because I'm hindsight 2020. And everybody could be saying the same thing. I know things that
393 01:09:18,930 --> 01:09:30,780 I was falling victim to, and I was not paying attention to it because I was unaware. I was unaware. My understanding of commitment traders was not what it
394 01:09:30,780 --> 01:09:45,180 is today, just simply because the commitment traders were showing long positions by the commercials. That was weeks before weeks before they had switched to
395 01:09:45,450 --> 01:09:57,690 being bearish net short position. That means if you're looking to commercial traders on a net trader chart they had more contracts net short than they
396 01:09:57,690 --> 01:10:10,320 weren't net long. So that means that They were shorting where I was buying. And I was that retail Rick, that got his ass handed to him. And I learned years
397 01:10:10,320 --> 01:10:21,030 later to look back at that and say, Oh, shit. This is one of those millionaire mega traits. And I didn't even see it or recognize it. So understand this is the
398 01:10:21,030 --> 01:10:29,250 guy that you're learning from. Okay, this is the guy that has more understanding today, that in the beginning, at that time, I didn't know what the hell I was
399 01:10:29,250 --> 01:10:39,600 doing. I was learning all this stuff, right then in there, I was learning it. You're having that same right now that experience right now. But I'm giving you
400 01:10:39,600 --> 01:10:47,760 insight that isn't taught anywhere else until they learned it from me. But you can't get it watered down, you have to understand there's a lot more detail to
401 01:10:47,760 --> 01:10:54,900 all the things I'm teaching. And just because you're introduced to the idea, don't fall victim to thinking you're ready and go out there and risk money
402 01:10:54,900 --> 01:11:05,430 because you're going to hurt yourself. And that small little hurt, that small, little loss incurred. And all losses suck, they do they absolutely suck. But in
403 01:11:05,430 --> 01:11:16,140 the beginning, every loss isn't a paper cut, it's like having your arm cut off, you're losing an appendage. And you make it like that, you increase it to that
404 01:11:16,170 --> 01:11:25,140 level of influence, impact. When it's nowhere near the degree that you really think it is, when you have experienced look back in that shift, that was
405 01:11:25,140 --> 01:11:34,380 nothing, you're gonna have a whole lot of paper cuts, sometimes a little bit of gas here, gosh, they're gonna stitch in stable and shut the fuck up and keep
406 01:11:34,380 --> 01:11:40,530 going do the same thing you've been doing because you just did one small mistake doesn't change the model doesn't make the model inefficient doesn't make it
407 01:11:40,770 --> 01:11:51,450 ineffective. It just means that you mess it up as the operator, own it, move on. Don't dwell on it, move on. But if you have flawed logic, right, from Jump
408 01:11:51,450 --> 01:11:59,610 Street, you're going to lose your ass. And you're going to be miserable at the end. Because you're going to remember all the times that you subconsciously knew
409 01:11:59,610 --> 01:12:07,590 that you should not have been doing what you're doing. But you didn't listen, you couldn't bring the the the amount of strength and discipline that's required
410 01:12:07,590 --> 01:12:13,530 to simply say, I'm getting out of this, this is wrong. I'll worry about making the money back at a later time. But right now I got to stop the bleeding.
411 01:12:13,770 --> 01:12:22,410 Because that's the first rule you got to do. Learn how to stop yourself from losing your ass. You're gonna lose money, folks, that's a guarantee, you're
412 01:12:22,410 --> 01:12:40,470 going to lose money, every trader, every trader loses. They do. I have learned where I lose the most. And I try not to trade in those instances. In April, I
413 01:12:40,470 --> 01:12:48,570 took road trips. I said, Fuck this, I'm not I'm not doing this. I'm not gonna get out here and call something that I know the probabilities are so low for me
414 01:12:48,570 --> 01:12:56,640 to be accurate. Why? Why feed the trolls I'm not going to do that. I'm going to practice what I preach. If I don't see some reason for me to be in front of
415 01:12:56,640 --> 01:13:08,880 charts, I'm getting the fuck out of dodge. See, I'm out of here. I had a lot of fun, relaxing, spent my time with my family. It was great. And then I got back
416 01:13:08,880 --> 01:13:18,510 home when I felt things were changing. You were told in advance where we were expecting the NASDAQ. You were told where we were expecting the euro. The
417 01:13:18,510 --> 01:13:29,820 dollar, they behaved exactly as I outlined them. You can't change that you can't discount it. You can't say it wasn't real. It's not hindsight. And it's not
418 01:13:29,820 --> 01:13:40,950 cherry picked. It's 100% understanding and to answer some of the folks that were crowing to me. Can you teach swing trading? Can you talk about higher
419 01:13:40,950 --> 01:13:47,910 timeframes, I don't want to look at a one minute chart. It's just I'm never gonna trade a one minute chart. Okay, that's you. But that same idea of
420 01:13:47,910 --> 01:13:58,050 understanding what price does and how it delivers? What makes price book the way it does. You can study hundreds of examples over the course of a few months in
421 01:13:58,050 --> 01:14:08,130 one minute data. And that same logic being applied to a daily or weekly or monthly chart, it's the same, it's still the same thing. It doesn't feel like
422 01:14:08,130 --> 01:14:19,410 that could be true, but it's exactly what it is. Because price. Here's here's the major discovery that I had was a major epiphany. I thought that the market
423 01:14:19,410 --> 01:14:31,740 was independently doing things randomly all the time. When that when it's not. It's not doing that at all. It's working from higher timeframe charts, down to
424 01:14:31,740 --> 01:14:43,110 lower timeframe charts, it's trading to where liquidity is resting, obvious, below old low, below old equal lows or above old high or above relative equal
425 01:14:43,110 --> 01:14:55,770 highs. That's liquidity. Okay. If you have already ran that liquidity, and you for instance, make the argument that you're bearish, okay. You're bearish on the
426 01:14:55,770 --> 01:15:04,050 market and you want to get short and go into pricing Get a look at a weekly chart that supports the idea, you think it's gonna go lower daily chart looks
427 01:15:04,050 --> 01:15:12,870 like it wants to go lower, you can clearly see where it would like to likely draw down to some old low or relatively equal low. You want to look and see has
428 01:15:12,870 --> 01:15:22,620 it gone into buyside recently, on a daily chart, weekly chart, or four hour chart, if it has, and it's sharply moved away and started going lower, you are
429 01:15:22,620 --> 01:15:35,400 in right now, a sell model. That means it's already started its movement. So someone that we're going to deem as smart money, someone's short, their interest
430 01:15:35,400 --> 01:15:46,410 in this is for it to go to an opposing pool of liquidity, which is what sellside. So your first objective is to look for low hanging fruit, you want to
431 01:15:46,410 --> 01:15:55,650 go to a weekly, I'm sorry, you want to go to a 60 minute chart to find some relatively equal low or single low that has not been traded to recently, there
432 01:15:55,650 --> 01:16:04,260 are sell stops resting below that. That's the market one on one, you don't need to read books and know that it's simple logic. If it moved up from there,
433 01:16:04,500 --> 01:16:13,590 chances are someone's holding a long position and their stop losses rate below that low. So the markets want to gravitate to that. If there's a large fair
434 01:16:13,590 --> 01:16:24,000 value gap, some kind of a bias on amounts on an efficiency that's below that, then you can view that as I'm taking a partial at that short term, 60 minute
435 01:16:24,000 --> 01:16:32,040 low. And I'm gonna try to get into the high of that by Sanibel sauce on an efficient the highest point, which would be like institutional or for entry
436 01:16:32,040 --> 01:16:39,420 drill. If you're long or bullish, we're not doing that here, the example would be making the argument that we're looking for lower prices, you would look at
437 01:16:39,450 --> 01:16:47,400 the highest point of that buy set on balance sells on an efficiency and then the equilibrium price point. That's how I would treat it. And then I would wait to
438 01:16:47,400 --> 01:16:56,130 see does it want to move lower, I would use the consequent encroachment of that Bisi to trade short, if it was supporting it wants to move lower, I would not be
439 01:16:56,130 --> 01:17:04,770 trying to trade the full closure of that bison unbalances on efficiency that separates me from the people that think they understand that, oh, it's gonna go
440 01:17:04,770 --> 01:17:13,170 there, because gaps have to be filled. They don't have to do anything. Those gaps can stay there for a long time. And they can stay there longer than your
441 01:17:13,170 --> 01:17:21,300 fucking equity can stay in your account, trying to trade to get that gap fill. So there's rules this, okay, there's levels that are understanding, and
442 01:17:21,300 --> 01:17:31,320 engagement has to be defined, and you have to be disciplined, but you have to know what you're looking for. And it has to be in writing. Like when I before I
443 01:17:31,320 --> 01:17:31,920 do a trade,
444 01:17:33,510 --> 01:17:43,560 I have an expectation of where I want to see it go to it's written down. Same thing I'm having right now. A small little notepad. And these are levels I'm
445 01:17:43,560 --> 01:17:52,530 looking for. It won't mean anything to you. I know some of you are, can you show me when you do that? Can you it's literally just me writing down a price. That's
446 01:17:52,530 --> 01:18:02,100 it? In my mind, I know why I wrote it. If someone picks it up on the street, and so this is ICT secret instructions. It's not it's just these are areas that I
447 01:18:02,160 --> 01:18:10,290 believe that the mark is gonna draw to. In my head, I have the narrative in mind as to why it would do that. I'm not I don't have time, dude. I'm trading on a
448 01:18:10,290 --> 01:18:20,700 one minute chart, sometimes less than that. Yeah. How long does it take you to write down? I believe that 4111 and a half is sell side liquidity. And fuck that
449 01:18:20,700 --> 01:18:27,180 if the markets already gone, it's left. It's already left the station Elvis has left the fucking building, it's gone. You can't do that kind of stuff. If you're
450 01:18:27,180 --> 01:18:37,920 Jay Turing, you can't, you can't journal as you go. You journal after the fact. But when you're studying and tape reading, you just marked down what you think
451 01:18:37,950 --> 01:18:47,520 is likely to draw to you and you do that on your chart. You do that on your charts that way it's there. And then you study what you have seen that it really
452 01:18:47,520 --> 01:18:58,980 do that? How did it behave when it did it? How long did it take to do it? Did it go there and just fall short of it in reverse. All these things are worthwhile
453 01:18:58,980 --> 01:19:13,470 studies. But some of the best seasonal tendencies are the ones that fail. I mentioned that in core content when I talked about seasonal tendencies. And that
454 01:19:13,470 --> 01:19:21,390 was an observation I really found on my own. I'm not trying to take credit for it or try to make a big deal. Now don't be dogmatic about it. But when I
455 01:19:21,390 --> 01:19:30,480 expected certain seasonal tendencies behave a certain way in certain markets. When they failed on me, they did it in stunning fashion. Like it was really
456 01:19:30,480 --> 01:19:40,590 something to be doing the opposite of and that was a major help to me. When I would lose money trying to go along with what I believed were seasonal
457 01:19:40,590 --> 01:19:52,830 tendencies. When I got my ass handed to me. I grew to trust the fact that I can be a short seller because of that pain. When I was taking a loss and a series of
458 01:19:52,830 --> 01:20:01,440 losing trades, trying to force my will on a seasonal tendency that I thought like don't look at the season. All tenancies are the panacea, they're not the be
459 01:20:01,440 --> 01:20:12,750 all end all. So I'm not going to be cast in stone where it always works. They don't always work. And while I wanted to see the indices present that
460 01:20:12,750 --> 01:20:19,920 opportunity, when I was going through social media, everybody was expecting it to go lower. Even the news was talking about, oh, stock market's gonna go down.
461 01:20:20,340 --> 01:20:29,160 This is not Mark's gonna do this. No, I'm aware that the debt ceiling was an issue. I was aware of all that stuff. We talked about it. But the technicals the
462 01:20:29,160 --> 01:20:39,270 price action was showing us that it wasn't willing to do so. It was an unfinished business on the upside. So because of that, we've been maintaining
463 01:20:39,270 --> 01:20:46,260 our focus on going long. And for the folks that don't pay attention, you see them they're the same individual that tweet like, but what about the seasonal
464 01:20:46,260 --> 01:21:01,230 tendency, though? I thought we're supposed to go lower, though. Okay. There's a there's a measure of common sense that you're going to have to use when you're
465 01:21:01,230 --> 01:21:08,580 learning this, especially with me, because I don't have patience for stupidity. If you are not paying attention to the fact that I'm looking at these markets
466 01:21:08,580 --> 01:21:16,530 and calling higher prices, I'm pointing your attention to this particular level I'm looking at right there, it does this is gonna come down and treats this fair
467 01:21:16,530 --> 01:21:23,250 value gap as a new version fair value got, I think it's gonna go up to just buyside liquidity, it's going to go up to this premium volume imbalance. Does
468 01:21:23,250 --> 01:21:33,300 that sound bearish to you? If it does, you missed the plot, go back and start from square one, because I wasn't trying to get you in shorts. I was taking your
469 01:21:33,300 --> 01:21:41,640 attention point is weekly imbalances. Why? Because that's the macro perspective, that macro perspective, sets the tone for the market is willing to do the
470 01:21:41,640 --> 01:21:51,720 opposite of what I wanted to see. Well, I wanted to see the fair, the sorry, the seasonal tendency I wanted, it didn't materialize. But because it was stagnant.
471 01:21:52,020 --> 01:22:05,940 It was chopping around in April while I was down there, so you're on the beach. And they were talking about what it would be just like them to not send it
472 01:22:05,940 --> 01:22:15,990 lower. So where would I want to look for? If price wants to go up? I need to take a look at that weekly chart again. And then that's what I shared with you
473 01:22:15,990 --> 01:22:24,000 all. None of my tweets, get delete, delete, they never get deleted. I don't edit them when I mess up and fuck up something or misspell something. It is the way
474 01:22:24,000 --> 01:22:33,570 it is. Okay. Go back and listen to the the Twitter spaces. Okay? People take them and they put them on their YouTube videos or channel and the monetize them.
475 01:22:33,570 --> 01:22:40,890 I don't give a shit make money. I don't care. Don't take my videos and folks, Travis Forex, I'm letting you know your channels GOT TO GET THE FUCK pulled down
476 01:22:40,890 --> 01:22:48,780 on YouTube. I did not give you permission to translate my shit into Spanish and cannot take my fucking videos and translate them. Okay, I don't get permission
477 01:22:48,780 --> 01:23:03,780 to none of that shit. So your whole fucking channels coming down? It's done. So when I took you through those mindsets of looking for some tendencies, I was not
478 01:23:03,780 --> 01:23:11,970 forcing my which is what I would have done as a 20 year old or a 20 year old. I would have been like, yeah, this season, who's gonna work I'm gonna I'm gonna do
479 01:23:11,970 --> 01:23:23,700 it. And I would have went into what the media and the news had been saying, Oh, the debt ceilings not going to be raised. Or we're going to default. Personally,
480 01:23:23,700 --> 01:23:32,010 I'm going to be honest with you. I wish we would fucking default. Because that's what it needs this whole system. Okay, just needs a fucking enema. It needs an
481 01:23:32,010 --> 01:23:41,430 enema. It's the stock market should not be where it's at right now. Okay, it absolutely should not be here that it isn't. It's not sustainable. But you can't
482 01:23:41,460 --> 01:23:54,480 look at that from common sense perspective and apply it to charts. You got to look at who can we hurt the most. And since the public wanted to sell short. One
483 01:23:54,480 --> 01:24:00,750 of the ladies that follow me she's one of my students. She was like, Is it time for the season set seasonal tendency to come in and we're lower prices now said
484 01:24:00,750 --> 01:24:11,910 now I think we need some more altitude first and reclined. And then when I told you that they created an immediate rebalance on the daily chart that really is
485 01:24:11,910 --> 01:24:21,270 like a supercharging to it's going to really ramp up their ass and look what they did. Where we opened up on Sunday, huge, big exhaustive gap, NASDAQ went
486 01:24:21,300 --> 01:24:31,830 way up into that real liquidity void that gap within that weekly charts volume and balance. That little sweet spot. And the whole time Dow has been sleeping.
487 01:24:32,850 --> 01:24:43,920 It's you know, I got I got better things to do. I'm catnap and I'm not interested in s&p has moved up but you're told that NASDAQ was a strong well ICT
488 01:24:43,920 --> 01:24:51,660 if that was the case, why was he trading NASDAQ? Because I'm taking you into one market and that way, you're you're gonna specialize in one whether you like it
489 01:24:51,660 --> 01:24:59,190 or not, you're gonna eventually gravitate to one or two markets. You're probably telling me right now, but we'll sit watch this I'm gonna trade 28 pairs I'm
490 01:24:59,190 --> 01:25:09,810 gonna be doing this The Ghost in the Forex you're gonna get your ass ghosted. You got to narrow your focus folks, there's not it's not a, it's not a
491 01:25:09,870 --> 01:25:17,640 disadvantage to do that it's advantageous for you to do it, your attention cannot be diluted, especially if you're going to trade the way I'm teaching
492 01:25:17,640 --> 01:25:28,740 because your attention needs to be 100% adhered to one instrument or a very closely correlated instrument. Because if you look at multiple things, a lot of
493 01:25:28,830 --> 01:25:38,640 like, Hey, can you talk about gold? Can you talk about crude oil? Can you talk about Bitcoin? Can you talk about this? I mean, I don't have the attention span
494 01:25:38,670 --> 01:25:48,480 to be able to do all those things. I can't, like my mind is racing 1000 miles an hour. And there's so many thoughts it's trying to get in front. And so many
495 01:25:48,480 --> 01:25:56,430 things I want to say to you so many things I want to teach to you. And things I want to do. I'm wrestling with that. So if I have more markets to talk about, I
496 01:25:56,430 --> 01:26:04,740 won't be effective as a teacher. That's how it was when I was doing mentorship. Everybody want to add more to can you talk about this pair? Can you just fucking
497 01:26:04,740 --> 01:26:13,290 listen to what I'm talking about with this one. Because when I'm teaching, and this one works in all of them, it works in all of them. So just slow your roll,
498 01:26:13,770 --> 01:26:21,810 roll your sleeves out and say, okay, he's given me what works. I'm not getting the flavor that I want. But it still will fill my belly. And I'll learn how to
499 01:26:21,810 --> 01:26:28,710 do this on my own market of choice after I learn how to do it, what he's teaching, that's the proper mindset with me, is not having your way mentorship
500 01:26:28,710 --> 01:26:39,360 here. Okay, we're not doing too let's, let's take requests. That's not how this works. Okay? To be effective, I have to do what it is that I know and not be
501 01:26:39,690 --> 01:26:49,530 distracted by it. Because I'm easily distracted, I'm very easily distracted. And maybe some of you have experienced that, you know, try and learn this, it's easy
502 01:26:49,530 --> 01:26:59,130 for you to want to be doing something else, you know. And that's why the Caesar sleeps, like sometimes, you know, put down the game controller put down the
503 01:26:59,130 --> 01:27:06,300 bonbons, but then the potato chips, I need you to really pay attention I'm about to say because if you don't listen, and adhere it to yourself as a trader or
504 01:27:06,300 --> 01:27:20,070 developing students, you're gonna be hurt by it later on. And it's avoidable. So in that time period of being away and taking a road trips and such. I thought to
505 01:27:20,070 --> 01:27:30,660 myself, you know, what, if I really wanted to fuck people over, I would go after this idea of selling mango away.
506 01:27:32,040 --> 01:27:38,790 And I would really flood the market with uncertainty, the debt ceilings not getting raised, we're going to default. Oh, man, the stock man's gonna get
507 01:27:38,790 --> 01:27:49,380 decimated every every doom and gloom prepper trader fucking channel out there was telling everybody the stocks were gonna crash. Nope, they didn't crash
508 01:27:49,380 --> 01:27:58,740 today, They rammed right up into a level I told you that we're gonna go to. So what made that price action going higher energetic like that. The fact that it
509 01:27:58,740 --> 01:28:08,430 was opposing the expected result, the expected result would be stocks should go lower and Sell in May and go away. Now that's not to say that we can't sell off
510 01:28:08,610 --> 01:28:18,090 right here or tomorrow. And that begins the whole typical may seasonality is just, it wasn't in the cards technically to go lower. And I'm not trying to pick
511 01:28:18,090 --> 01:28:29,190 the top but I'm satisfied with where the NASDAQ is. So when I say things like that immediately the infant's in learning how to do this will come up and say
512 01:28:29,190 --> 01:28:37,350 and I say that not to be mean but you're an infant. When you want to go okay, well, now what? Look at the guys and gals in the comment section or replies to
513 01:28:37,350 --> 01:28:45,480 my tweaking such and I see it all the time in my comment section. The same five or six people Okay, now what now? What's going to happen now what's going to
514 01:28:45,480 --> 01:28:54,030 happen? Like dude, what the fuck? It just moved over 1000 points over 1000 talking points that not one youtuber talked about not one of them. And I
515 01:28:54,030 --> 01:29:00,120 guarantee you secretly some of them have been failing me hoping they can come back and say he said it was going to do this. But guess what? You got your
516 01:29:00,120 --> 01:29:14,340 answer been? Your answers stretched out now. I'm trying to help all of you. But I'm teaching you practically based on what we're seeing in the chart real time.
517 01:29:15,690 --> 01:29:25,410 where's it gonna go next? I could do that all day long in one minute charts, all day long. All day long. Every every major fluctuation intraday, I can be a part
518 01:29:25,410 --> 01:29:39,540 of that up and down. I get losses. From that. I will incur losing trades by doing that. But I can play that all day long. Making 19,000 $20,000 over the
519 01:29:39,540 --> 01:29:50,880 whole week using multiple contacts or accounts for demo. I can do that. 19,000 hours in fucking one session. I don't need your bullshit. So when you look at
520 01:29:50,880 --> 01:30:01,170 these other folks out there, they're going to try to distract you from learning this because this is going to help you and it's going to miss minimize what
521 01:30:01,170 --> 01:30:12,780 they're doing. their strengths are going to be reduced by your ability to do this without any indicator, no crutch, not one fucking thing needs to be applied
522 01:30:12,780 --> 01:30:23,160 to your chart except for your own notes and annotations. And that flies in the face of the majority of everybody on YouTube. More people is going to join the
523 01:30:23,160 --> 01:30:32,850 hate wagon. Okay, they're going to, because they think that's going to be a way for them to overcome. This monster is Frankenstein iced tea is I'm just an
524 01:30:32,850 --> 01:30:39,930 average dude, man. That's it. I'm trying to help all of you. I'm not victimizing any of you. I'm not coming after your YouTube channel and trying to talk shit
525 01:30:39,930 --> 01:30:57,300 about anybody. And when you do that kind of stuff, it makes you the wrong kind of influence. Like our community here. Everyone that sounds a service, they'll
526 01:30:57,300 --> 01:31:05,940 say our community sucks. Well, they say that because they call bullshit when they see it from their YouTube channel. And they say that price is being bought
527 01:31:05,940 --> 01:31:12,540 up and buying pressure cents price higher when you know differently now. But they don't like that because it goes against their narrative, their, their
528 01:31:12,540 --> 01:31:21,150 selling points are those things, those features that appear in books. So it goes without saying, of course, they're gonna say our community's toxic. Because
529 01:31:21,150 --> 01:31:29,940 we're calling them bullshit. They're not doing the right things with the markets. Even if they're making money. They're attributing their happenstance
530 01:31:30,480 --> 01:31:36,570 being right, and I've had lots of that in the beginning. And these folks are 20 years old, they're fresh out of high school, most of them and they're teaching
531 01:31:37,020 --> 01:31:41,190 the fuck are you teaching? What not to do? That's what they're teaching. Don't do those things.
532 01:31:52,020 --> 01:32:04,440 I'm still here, I'm just looking at is what the hell is that? That's got to be a drum. Hang on. I'm not sure if I can do this while I'm talking to you in the
533 01:32:04,440 --> 01:32:19,320 chat. Oh, yeah, it's definitely a drone. So I find a drone. Um, I was like, Oh, shit, I got my UFO. What came out of nowhere, I chickened out anytime. But
534 01:32:19,320 --> 01:32:33,180 anyway, the this, this journey of yours, okay, this journey that you're going through, you're gonna have peaks of mountains, that you're gonna, you're gonna
535 01:32:33,210 --> 01:32:41,280 reach the top of it, I feel like you've conquered everything. And then you're gonna keep going forward, what if you're at the top of the mountain, what's
536 01:32:41,280 --> 01:32:48,570 gonna happen, you're gonna have to go down. Keep going forward. I mean, you're going down. But you're going to view that going down period as the end of your
537 01:32:48,570 --> 01:32:59,040 career. And you start pushing too hard on your trades and forcing things forcing, forcing things that aren't in the chart. So when I did was I use the
538 01:32:59,190 --> 01:33:11,730 information that I gleaned from pain, blown accounts, real psychological warfare that I put myself through. No troll can say anything. To me. That would be more
539 01:33:11,730 --> 01:33:19,320 painful than I've already done to myself in my career as a 20 year old. Nobody could do anything to me. Nobody can do anything, say anything about me. That
540 01:33:19,320 --> 01:33:27,240 makes me fucking lose sleep. I don't give a shit. Okay. But you as a new student, whether you're learning from me or anybody else, you're highly
541 01:33:27,240 --> 01:33:36,630 influenced. It's so easy to manipulate and you're malleable. Like you're you can be manipulated to the point where bad news about anything that you're trying to
542 01:33:36,630 --> 01:33:43,560 do will convince you quickly and you'll use that as a perfect excuse to say, Okay, it's too much effort. Yeah, it's definitely a fraud. It's definitely a
543 01:33:43,560 --> 01:33:53,370 scam. It's this this this doesn't work. It doesn't. This isn't work. When does you just simply haven't put the time in doing the right things. Okay. There's
544 01:33:53,370 --> 01:34:02,370 people out there spent a lot of time doing stupid shit. Watching videos only. You got to be in this looking at the price action studying it. Going through the
545 01:34:02,370 --> 01:34:14,130 process of measuring how much drawdown the trades occur? How often does these fair value gaps form? I've literally removed all of the fucking guesswork and
546 01:34:14,130 --> 01:34:23,550 reduced it down to a 60 minute time window. Okay, 60 minute time window, gave it a cool last name the silver bullet because that's what you're looking for a
547 01:34:23,550 --> 01:34:32,790 fucking silver bullet that never misses. Okay? If you understand narrative, you know, where the next drop in liquidity is? You had a 90% likelihood of making
548 01:34:32,790 --> 01:34:40,860 fucking money if you knew how to trade and use that model. There's nobody else out there can say that shit. Because their indicators they don't know when their
549 01:34:40,860 --> 01:34:48,270 indicators are gonna change and say it's overbought, oversold, or it's a divergence. They don't know. They're a victim of that shit. They're waiting for
550 01:34:48,270 --> 01:34:56,250 that train wreck to happen. They're waiting for it. I am telling you where this shit is going to explode. I'm telling you where it's gonna go to. I'm telling
551 01:34:56,250 --> 01:35:09,630 you what time it's going to form. What guessing games you Need to make now? What guessing game between 10 o'clock and 11 o'clock every fucking day, there is a
552 01:35:09,720 --> 01:35:17,250 gap that can be found from a five minute. If it's not on a five minute Where do you look okay? dropped down to a four minute. But I don't see a gap there yet.
553 01:35:17,280 --> 01:35:24,600 Let me drop down to what, three minutes you've learned that in a 2022 model. Somebody you're pretending like you've never even watched that stuff. Even you
554 01:35:24,600 --> 01:35:34,440 didn't figure that out yet. You have to go down you're doing a top down analysis on intraday chart or micro market analysis. Five minutes. That's your high
555 01:35:34,440 --> 01:35:45,570 timeframe on intraday when you're little timeframes. You know, five minutes is like a fucking weekly chart on a 15 second chart. I don't want to trade that
556 01:35:45,570 --> 01:35:55,140 way, then don't fucking trade that way. But use the information when the higher timeframes. You guys bellyache the belt and get food. The people that do belly
557 01:35:55,140 --> 01:36:01,560 ache, your belly aching about things that I've already addressed. If you just simply watch the videos and kept good notes, I've already talked about those
558 01:36:01,560 --> 01:36:08,220 things. But you're fucking lazy. You don't you want me to take you to the video at the minute marker and save you all the time and effort of going through it
559 01:36:08,220 --> 01:36:15,990 properly. And you learn more going through it the normal way. You think that one thing you're wrestling with now is going to be the thing that makes it better
560 01:36:15,990 --> 01:36:23,370 for you to start making money. That's not how it works. Because when you learn something new 20 More fucking questions pop up. You don't that none of that's
561 01:36:23,370 --> 01:36:33,690 called, it's fucking progress. Okay, that's progress. And you're afraid of it. Because you're stepping into the unknown, you're stepping into a field that is
562 01:36:33,690 --> 01:36:47,310 extremely technical. And all the results are contribute to your decision making your execution, you're pushing the button, you're not or placing of a stoploss
563 01:36:48,390 --> 01:36:56,190 the amount of leverage that you're applying to that trade, that's all your fucking fault. It's yours. You need to own it. I never sugarcoat that stuff. And
564 01:36:56,250 --> 01:37:01,890 the people that bellyache the most are the ones that are doing all the wrong things. And they're thinking that there's something new I'm going to teach that
565 01:37:01,890 --> 01:37:12,780 fixes that. When it's you. You are It wasn't me when I was younger, I did all that same stupid shit. I was the reason why I was blown as accounts. It wasn't
566 01:37:12,780 --> 01:37:22,260 the market. It was me. I knew what I was doing most of the time was wrong, right before it would stop me. And I still wouldn't get out. Because I was
567 01:37:22,320 --> 01:37:32,550 armwrestling it. Well, I had a perfect opportunity to perfect stage set for me right now. Just recently, in the last six weeks or so. I introduced what I like
568 01:37:32,550 --> 01:37:40,530 I would like to see the seasonal tendency pan out. I would like I said that I said it in Twitter spaces. I said it in a YouTube video. I audibly made myself
569 01:37:40,530 --> 01:37:52,980 and talked about it in tweets. But if the market in itself is showing us, it's not going to do that. I'm not that same 20 year old neophyte. I'm not the guy
570 01:37:52,980 --> 01:38:02,910 that's wrestling with his emotions about being right. I don't need to be fucking right. It's actually better. It's better when I'm not right. I can teach you
571 01:38:02,910 --> 01:38:12,750 when I'm messing it up. I'm a human being if I make a mistake, how are you going to deal with that? But how does it deal with it when he does it wrong? Look at
572 01:38:12,750 --> 01:38:23,040 what I did on Friday. Like 11,000, something, whatever it is, in terms of trading up now I'm down. And I force myself to take shorts that I know that
573 01:38:23,040 --> 01:38:33,240 could potentially pay out. But the bias was what reaching that weekly volume and bounce I even type it out. This is not a short. You're all gonna see it. So I'm
574 01:38:33,270 --> 01:38:43,080 communicating that, yes, there's a short there. But it's not the short that I would really want. I want to be long. And I showed you the history, every little
575 01:38:43,080 --> 01:38:53,340 trade every little thing that went through. And I think it was like 975, our losing trade there. But on the grand scheme of things is nothing on that day.
576 01:38:55,110 --> 01:39:03,390 You wouldn't even feel that if every one of those trades were made by you. You would you be worried about 935 hours, that would have been a loss. For some of
577 01:39:03,390 --> 01:39:09,780 you. It's like the end of the fucking world. It's the rock in your shoe. You can't go any further. I can't I can't do this anymore. It's hurts too much.
578 01:39:10,740 --> 01:39:23,880 You're not ready. So how do you fix that? Go back into back testing. For the guy that sent me a tweet this morning. And said, What do I do if I'm able to see the
579 01:39:23,880 --> 01:39:31,290 draw on liquidity? Well, first of all, you gotta understand, are you able to do that? Are you using mine? Because if I'm calling the market direction, and
580 01:39:31,290 --> 01:39:40,890 you're falsely attributing it, that you can do that because many times students come to me in their early stages. They think I'm ready because I'm lending you
581 01:39:40,890 --> 01:39:50,850 my experience. I'm giving you my 30 years of experience reading these markets. That way, you can decide on where you think tomorrow is gonna go. You can ignore
582 01:39:50,850 --> 01:39:57,900 me. You can fade me at your peril. But I'm telling you where I believe that Mark is gonna go next and look at it. We've been doing it for a couple years now
583 01:39:57,900 --> 01:40:07,350 publicly. And you decide is it Is it accurate? Is it accurate or not? If it is, that's what keeps you here. That's what keeps the community growing. Because if
584 01:40:07,350 --> 01:40:15,810 I didn't know what I was doing, I would be canceled already, like this guy gonna talk he's talking about. You see it, you see the evidence of it. But are you
585 01:40:15,810 --> 01:40:25,890 really able to see the next year on liquidity? If you are? What model are you using? What's the multiplier use? What PD array are you using to get into a
586 01:40:25,890 --> 01:40:37,170 trade, it's always changing. As a mentor, I discovered it, many of my students wanted to force a specific PD array, and it's usually the beginning, it's the
587 01:40:37,170 --> 01:40:47,610 order block, the least thought thing that I've done, that's the thing that they want. Because everybody doesn't know what the fuck they're doing with it. And
588 01:40:47,610 --> 01:40:56,220 I've already said this, that will not be released until it's in a book, because it's been already been abused poorly from other people, you don't know what an
589 01:40:56,220 --> 01:41:03,210 order block is, okay? It has nothing to do with level two data has nothing to do with the size of orders resting in the market has nothing to do with that. It's
590 01:41:03,210 --> 01:41:10,890 a change in the state of delivery, where the market turns from a bimodal to a sell model from a sell model to a buy model. I have not taught that to anybody.
591 01:41:10,890 --> 01:41:19,110 My charter members don't know that. They did not learn that, okay, they had been introduced to an idea, they were all in the room right now. And I said, Okay,
592 01:41:20,040 --> 01:41:27,210 raise your hand is private mentorship student, you're all charter members, raise your hand, if I taught that, nobody would raise my hand up.
593 01:41:28,470 --> 01:41:35,190 Raise your hand, if I said, you just been introduced to it, there's more lectures coming on that they would all raise your hand to stop believing these
594 01:41:35,190 --> 01:41:42,690 fucking people trying to sell you shit, I got the secret from ICTs forum, he taught this He taught him I'm never teaching fucking them, it's not going to be
595 01:41:42,690 --> 01:41:50,490 taught to anybody outside my fucking family, my children are going to decide whether or not he ever gets taught. Maybe one or more sell out there. So make it
596 01:41:50,490 --> 01:41:56,220 a book or make it a course or whatever, I don't give a fuck, you know, it's there. It's their decision, I'm not doing it. I'm not doing it
597 01:42:04,410 --> 01:42:15,450 I'm going on a really long rabbit trail. Gotta take my notes here making sure I'm on the right path. So he talked about that and talked about the model, and
598 01:42:18,900 --> 01:42:30,840 the contents of our released I hope you guys can appreciate me just talking to you like you. We've known each other for a long time. Because this is how I talk
599 01:42:30,840 --> 01:42:41,340 to you. If you were right next to me. If you were doing one on one with me, this is how I talk to you. I wouldn't sugarcoat anything, I would be honest, I will
600 01:42:41,340 --> 01:42:48,630 tell you where I made mistakes, I will tell you what I learned from those mistakes. And I wouldn't hide from it. Because that's that's where the real
601 01:42:48,630 --> 01:43:01,170 learning occurs. But so many of you are perpetual ICT students, and you don't realize it. And I understand that you like what I do, and you like, how I do it.
602 01:43:01,170 --> 01:43:10,440 And it's great concepts. But don't lose sight of why you are learning. You're all waiting for the next thing to be taught. Just like the folks that always
603 01:43:10,440 --> 01:43:19,350 say, when it delivers to where I think it's gonna go. The market goes to whatever level at mine publicly, and it does that they're the first four or five
604 01:43:19,350 --> 01:43:28,410 people that show up in my comment section, or reply to a tweet and say, Okay, what's next? Now, here's one, that's either one or the other. It's somebody
605 01:43:28,410 --> 01:43:36,900 that's waiting for me to get it wrong. And they're gonna champion that all over the internet. He said it was gonna do it and did that, okay, or they're just
606 01:43:36,900 --> 01:43:48,360 somebody that wants to always be in the marketplace. And there is a period of time between trades, that you have to get real comfortable with that period
607 01:43:48,360 --> 01:43:56,370 between not engaging when the market delivers something that you have anticipated, but we we just watch it unfold. In the indices. We watched it
608 01:43:56,370 --> 01:44:09,870 unfold in Euro dollar dollar index. Okay. So I did things in forex, for the crowd that loves Forex. And then we mostly grew from that. And I stay true to E
609 01:44:09,870 --> 01:44:19,200 Mini s&p. I said I was going to focus on E Mini s&p. But before we even started this whole parade, I told you, NASDAQ was the one and if you're trading NASDAQ,
610 01:44:19,200 --> 01:44:33,180 keep your focus up on that weekly gap inside that volume of ELLs, and we gapped up into it today. Beautifully. I'm satisfied. Now what does that mean? That we
611 01:44:33,180 --> 01:44:44,190 understand you put in your notes. That means I am literally neutral. I hold no bias right now. What do you mean you don't hold bias commodity to your home? But
612 01:44:44,190 --> 01:44:59,160 no, I enjoy the period of time when I expected the market to perform a specific way. I submitted myself to that whole time. I didn't arm wrestle it. I bask in
613 01:44:59,160 --> 01:45:11,190 it. I peacock around in front of my wife about a time you think I'm being funny I am. I'm fucking really doing it because I want her to see what I do that she
614 01:45:11,190 --> 01:45:19,050 thinks is a video game like this is hard. It's hard isn't a fucking video game is something that takes a lot of skill, a lot of attention, a lot of effort,
615 01:45:19,380 --> 01:45:30,120 focus, and you're wrestling with yourself. And on social media, I have all kinds of assholes constantly coming over here, trying to promote some idea that would
616 01:45:30,120 --> 01:45:38,760 be opposing to whatever I'm saying, hoping that they're right. And most of them are falling in their face. And I just let them talk. I'll mute him. But you
617 01:45:38,760 --> 01:45:48,450 don't ever hear from him again. They stopped talking to shit. Now go check and see what they're doing. They block me. But I do this the rub my wife, I'm like,
618 01:45:48,450 --> 01:45:57,630 hey, look, you know, I said, this is what's gonna happen and this is what it is. And she's like, unimpressed because he thinks it's fucking PlayStation. Like
619 01:45:57,630 --> 01:46:13,320 it's it's some kind of Xbox One game. So when you learn how to do this, and you get your victories, learn to bask in them. That's not ego. You're gonna need
620 01:46:13,320 --> 01:46:22,350 those moments to lean on when you go into periods of drawdown. You gotta be able to remind yourself man, it felt really good to get this right to do everything
621 01:46:22,380 --> 01:46:34,440 in the analysis as I was taught, and it performed exactly as I was expecting. This feels good. You need to set up a tent in live there for a little while. Not
622 01:46:34,440 --> 01:46:48,480 just Okay, next trade. That's where you get your ass Hannity. Every Listen folks, listen real real fucking close. Because this is the truth. Every single
623 01:46:48,480 --> 01:47:02,100 time. Every single time I blew an account came immediately on the heels of something like we just experienced where I did something right. It performed the
624 01:47:02,100 --> 01:47:11,550 way I was expecting and went to Target. And that that sugar high were off and they were off fucking quick. You think? Oh you call 1000 point move. Does this
625 01:47:11,550 --> 01:47:19,350 does that does this you know all these wonderful feelings. You get the butterflies. You share it with your friends. You show your co worker you show
626 01:47:19,350 --> 01:47:26,430 your bosses what I made that way you knows that you're fucking pitons of a money. paycheck you give me it's nothing to me. It's literally fucking less than
627 01:47:26,430 --> 01:47:41,520 one handle on the s&p for me Go fuck yourself. That wears off fast. That wears off real real fast. So what do you want to do? You want to get another hit. We
628 01:47:41,520 --> 01:47:55,920 didn't want to drag on that joint we call the market Smokings bad for you don't do that. Smoke the markets. It's healthier. too. Don't rush. Don't rush to get
629 01:47:55,920 --> 01:48:04,590 back in there and do something right away. Because what you're feeling is withdrawal. You're all hopped up on goofballs you did something right, which is
630 01:48:04,590 --> 01:48:15,360 a great champion that that lived there for a little while. take a week off, you just did something amazing. But most people fail at you adhere to one rule,
631 01:48:15,720 --> 01:48:27,120 which is stick to the model. Don't get caught up with the media and media saying, Oh, the markets gonna crash. I would like to see it happen. I would like
632 01:48:27,120 --> 01:48:38,250 to see us default. It would be painful as shit, it would be a wreck. Carnage every fucking way. But that's exactly what should take place. In a real free
633 01:48:38,250 --> 01:48:52,680 market. That's what should be happening. It's not. So you got to keep taking your buy signals. If the market saying I'm not going down, then the best pain
634 01:48:52,680 --> 01:49:02,940 threshold will be met by going higher. Now here's narrative. This is where we transition from just market macro perspective talking in generalized commentary
635 01:49:02,940 --> 01:49:14,130 to now specifics where we have a seasonal tendency that even the general populace news that, you know, if you're a trader in stocks, usually it's the
636 01:49:14,430 --> 01:49:25,380 seven main go away. I would like to see that form. But what is the chart telling me there's a weekly volume imbalance, everything I've taken you to into the
637 01:49:25,380 --> 01:49:33,540 charts too, because the charts tell the story. Fuck the media, fuck all the reports. I don't even know what those data points say. Like when CPI comes out,
638 01:49:33,570 --> 01:49:41,790 I couldn't tell you to see my own ass with any of that information was or what the what the data was. I could never tell you. I don't care. I don't care to
639 01:49:41,790 --> 01:49:51,750 know because it's all bullshit. It's all fake. It's all manipulation. They use that as a way like a magician. Okay, if I was standing in front of you. I'm
640 01:49:51,750 --> 01:49:58,230 pretty good sleight of hand I could take something placed it in this hand and you'd swear up and down that I placed it here and it would be in my other hand.
641 01:49:58,590 --> 01:50:07,110 And while you're looking at their hand I'm dropping into my pocket, or switching into something else. And then the reveal would be like, how do you just do that?
642 01:50:08,010 --> 01:50:14,730 Well, that misdirection. That's what these reports are, folks. So if you've never really gotten the gist of why I've talked about the economic calendar,
643 01:50:15,060 --> 01:50:22,770 it's not because I'm a fundamental trader, because fundamentally, I think it's flawed to think about it fundamentally. I'm a technically minded trader, I
644 01:50:22,770 --> 01:50:31,740 believe that the charts are telling you in advance how they're gonna hurt the people that believe the bullshit. So if you're a person that likes to trade with
645 01:50:31,740 --> 01:50:44,100 fundamentals, that will wreck your ass on these intraday charts, because they're gonna do something. And the easiest thing to do is to study, go over to Forex
646 01:50:44,100 --> 01:50:54,870 factory, okay? Go to Forex factory, and click on any one of the news drivers that are high impact or medium impact. Okay, and when you do that, click on the
647 01:50:54,870 --> 01:51:03,570 information that tells you how to determine what it means. If this report comes out, in the hot if a number is higher, it's good for the currency, or it's good
648 01:51:03,570 --> 01:51:15,030 for, you know, whatever, or it's not good for it. It's negative expected to be lower in prices, because of how many times to do that. It's 5050. Don't take my
649 01:51:15,030 --> 01:51:23,460 word for it, go back to the data and see it for yourself. So if it's 5050, what fucking use is anyone to even worry about what it is? So you got to look at the
650 01:51:23,460 --> 01:51:33,600 technicals. And you got to ask yourself this question, which is what I teach, who can be hurt the easiest? Where's the shortest line to pain? Where profit can
651 01:51:33,600 --> 01:51:38,550 be made? When I look at charts, I'm looking at victims.
652 01:51:40,140 --> 01:51:51,030 That's what I see. Okay, I see stop loss orders that are easy to take. I see inefficiencies that needs to be revisited to and still keep the context or
653 01:51:51,030 --> 01:52:00,840 narrative underway that's in price action that normal retail traders would not expect it to be because they're looking at charts with patterns, or they're
654 01:52:00,840 --> 01:52:08,700 doing things harmonically. They're looking for Fibonacci ratios to only match at this point, you're looking at animal patterns, and all these other things. It's
655 01:52:09,210 --> 01:52:19,620 believing it as a religion. And all of those things I factor in Yes, I understand harmonic trading. Yes, I understand all that other bullshit, Elliott
656 01:52:19,620 --> 01:52:28,800 Wave, I understand all that stuff. And when I look at charts, I can see how they're wrong. And when Smart Money will roll on them. So without needing to
657 01:52:28,800 --> 01:52:41,550 teach you all the bullshit, Elliot waves find a man harmonic patterns, all that dumb shit. I take you right to the narrative, that pdra matrix, it saves me so
658 01:52:41,550 --> 01:52:50,010 much time, not going through this shit that's going to bog you down. Because right, I'm getting right to the point you don't realize I've gotten to the point
659 01:52:50,040 --> 01:52:58,680 every time I talk to you, it's right to the point. But the problem is, is where I take you, it's uncomfortable. You want it to be easy. You want to be right now
660 01:52:58,680 --> 01:53:10,530 real quick understanding. And it's not like that. But the people that put the work behind it, and they say okay, I'm looking for one model. I'm looking for
661 01:53:10,530 --> 01:53:20,730 this type of trade. And I'm going to simplify it by only looking for this thing right here. What does that could be the breaker could be the model and 2022
662 01:53:20,730 --> 01:53:28,980 could be that. That's it. It could be the silver bullet, which now is removed the whole idea of when does it form? When do you look for it in this? It's
663 01:53:28,980 --> 01:53:37,260 offered to you in london session. It's offered to you in the New York session in the morning. And it's offered to you in an afternoon in New York afternoon.
664 01:53:38,100 --> 01:53:49,110 There's three fucking opportunities per day. What are you doing with it? What are you doing? Have you gone back through your own charts, and studied it the
665 01:53:49,110 --> 01:53:58,710 same way I've been teaching it to you forever. It's the Fair Pay Gap forms. Though, if it doesn't form either on the five minute chart, you drop down to the
666 01:53:58,710 --> 01:54:04,770 four minute chart. If it's not on the four minute chart, you dropped down to the three minute chart, if it's not on a three minute you drop down to two, because
667 01:54:04,770 --> 01:54:13,830 not they're gonna to drop down to the one. If it's not there on the one you dropped down to a 32nd or 15. Second, whether you trade it or not. You study it
668 01:54:14,430 --> 01:54:23,070 because you're teaching your mind your your brain what you're not realizing. When you're looking at price. You're not selling yourself okay, this is a 60
669 01:54:23,070 --> 01:54:29,760 minute chart. And it only works on a six minute chart. Your brain is looking at these candlesticks and you're running through this rush of emotions. It's going
670 01:54:29,760 --> 01:54:36,570 up it's going down you want to go down but every time it goes up you're thinking it's probably gonna fail. It's probably one losing trade. I got a stupid fucking
671 01:54:36,570 --> 01:54:43,200 demonstrate on it's going to be fucking loser. I'm wasting my time with this shit. You're not doing it right. You might be doing a lot of that and saying
672 01:54:43,260 --> 01:54:51,360 I've been studying a lot fuck you ICT and I've been putting enough time and you've gotten tired of hearing it. I'm tired of ups and moaning. How about that?
673 01:54:52,230 --> 01:55:01,980 How about that? I'm tired of listening to the same couple people bitching about how they don't like being told you're not working the right way, you got to work
674 01:55:01,980 --> 01:55:07,290 the right way. You got to follow the fucking rules. If you don't want to follow the rules, of course, you're not going to get the results. Of course you're not.
675 01:55:07,680 --> 01:55:14,400 You can join a gym. If you never take your fucking ass there, you're never gonna get fit. Just because you show up and listen to me talk. You're not listening to
676 01:55:14,400 --> 01:55:22,050 fucking weights, you're not pushing, you're not putting the effort in, you're not doing the repetitions to the degree of failure. Most muscle growth comes by
677 01:55:22,050 --> 01:55:29,130 fail, you got to take that point where you can't do any more when it's failure, then you've caused damage. The muscle says Okay, fuck this, I gotta get
678 01:55:29,130 --> 01:55:40,170 stronger, build more muscle. Well, your brain is the muscle with this. You have to build it up and eat you have to go through that really boring shit. You gotta
679 01:55:40,170 --> 01:55:47,520 listen to lectures like this, where it sounds like I'm chewing your ass out. And I don't want you to see when I do want you to succeed. It's, it's your
680 01:55:47,520 --> 01:55:57,960 perspective. If you want to come into this as a victim, you're gonna see everything and you're a victim to it. The way I teach, you're victimizing the
681 01:55:57,960 --> 01:56:09,690 unlearned, you're victimizing the neophyte, they don't know how to fucking trade they put their stop loss in the wrong place. We're running on them we're not
682 01:56:09,690 --> 01:56:19,770 running in a pack. Like a wild animals. Okay, trying to find whatever thing whatever it moves next that's reacting to price fuck that. We are cheetah we
683 01:56:19,770 --> 01:56:26,970 know we can run any fucking thing down we can run anything down put whatever fuck you want to put in front of us. Whatever method out there. We will run
684 01:56:26,970 --> 01:56:37,950 circles around that shit. Nothing can fucking beat what I'm telling you. Um, nothing, nothing. Nothing can beat this. Nothing. If it could it would a cane.
685 01:56:37,980 --> 01:56:54,870 It's never come. You are a cheetah stalking in the high grass. And there's a herd out there. They think they're safe because they're close. They're all doing
686 01:56:54,870 --> 01:57:06,030 the same thing. eating the grass. They're hanging around. Same people doing the same shit. Harmonic retail Elliott Wave shit. here that you that you're sitting
687 01:57:06,030 --> 01:57:16,980 out there in a long grass. You're just waiting. You're just waiting and waiting and waiting. And you see that one? Is l just takes a step too far out and puts
688 01:57:16,980 --> 01:57:30,930 his stop loss right there. Easy for the taking the herd. He's going to move away. But that one animal that doesn't know what it's doing. It doesn't shift
689 01:57:31,080 --> 01:57:46,470 when it should. Now there's a fair bit I get in 72 miles an hour in seconds. Your asses they're counting on it. That's what I'm envisioning in price. Do I
690 01:57:46,470 --> 01:57:57,180 know that person that's losing money? No. Do I know the person that has all their hopes and expectations of making money? On that trade? Do I know them? Do
691 01:57:57,180 --> 01:58:09,690 I? Am I going to see them? No. Am I worried about them? No. Do I feel bad that they lost money? No. I have to eat. You have to eat. Everybody signs the same
692 01:58:09,690 --> 01:58:18,120 risk disclosures when it comes to this market. Everybody understands that you can lose and lose more than you have. I have no qualms about it, period. It's
693 01:58:18,150 --> 01:58:33,390 way it is it's a jungle out here. You either are prey, or you're a predator. I don't walk around or teach my students to be the lamb. This is the way it is
694 01:58:33,390 --> 01:58:43,200 folks. You have to have teeth and you have to have claws. And you need to know when to use them and how to use them. You want to come in here and play the nice
695 01:58:43,200 --> 01:58:51,540 guy role and everybody you know, he's gonna love you and you never say anything wrong or never off color, whatever the bottom line is. That's not what this is.
696 01:58:51,540 --> 01:59:02,730 This is fucking war. We're talking about money, real money. Lots of it. And major entities out there that do not want you to be doing this successfully.
697 01:59:04,020 --> 01:59:13,620 They're gonna roll on that. And I'm teaching you how to beat the fuck out of that. Okay, consistently, you'll be able to disconsolate walk in there every
698 01:59:13,650 --> 01:59:22,560 every single week. You go to work? Do you have to learn your job every week? Every new every new week that you go there? Do you have to relearn your job? No.
699 01:59:23,310 --> 01:59:29,910 You know what you're doing? You're fucking bored. You can't stand being there. It's the same thing for trading. You need to get your trading to be just like
700 01:59:29,910 --> 01:59:40,800 that. For the folks that are struggling, you can see the draw. I'm going to play devil's advocate for a moment. Let's say for a moment that you can determine the
701 01:59:40,800 --> 01:59:50,010 next draw on liquidity. You can do it all by yourself without me. Wonderful. I'm proud of you. That's that's the number one thing is if you can do that, you will
702 01:59:50,010 --> 02:00:05,280 always find setups. But if you can do that, and you can see how trades for arm, but you can't execute on them. How do you fix that? Well, you don't have a
703 02:00:05,280 --> 02:00:15,150 model. You just have a familiarity. Okay, the market should be turning here. Will What do you do? Well, what is it telling you? Is there an order block? Is
704 02:00:15,150 --> 02:00:26,070 there a fair value gap? Is there a breaker? Is it institutional order flow entry drill there? Is it? Good grief? Is it optimal trade entry? Any number of things?
705 02:00:28,410 --> 02:00:39,840 Is it an Artemus pattern? Oh, my not to my charter members. Oh, shit. And here comes a whole new wave of videos by everybody on YouTube, the ICT Artemus.
706 02:00:39,840 --> 02:00:48,060 Trade, he never loses. That's bullshit. The guys that are out there saying you never lose doing Silver Bullet trace, you shouldn't do that. That's false
707 02:00:48,060 --> 02:00:56,580 advertising. Okay, you're gonna have a losing trade. I don't, I never said you're never gonna have a losing trade. But you're gonna find consistency using
708 02:00:56,580 --> 02:01:04,050 silver bullet because it's time based. And it's always going to form every single day it's there. The problem is you want the form on your favorite
709 02:01:04,050 --> 02:01:12,240 timeframe. You want it to fit your already established expectation or preconceived notions about what price should do. And you're not following the
710 02:01:12,240 --> 02:01:22,500 rules. So yes, you're doing shit wrong, and you're not getting the results. And that's expected, right? If I give you a recipe, and say this is the ingredients,
711 02:01:22,530 --> 02:01:32,220 this is the order you do it. And this is what you should expect as a result. And you substitute something, okay? You leave a key ingredient out and replace it
712 02:01:32,220 --> 02:01:35,850 with what you think is better suited for that, you're not going to get the same result.
713 02:01:37,350 --> 02:01:45,000 And don't complain that you didn't get the result that was promoted by me that you shouldn't be getting, if you're doing something outside the scope of the
714 02:01:45,000 --> 02:01:52,440 instructions and parameters I've given. If you come to me as an educator, as a mentor, you're trusting me enough to give me your attention initially. So why
715 02:01:52,440 --> 02:02:01,170 don't you fucking following the rules I've placed in front of you. You're failing, you are failing not me. You are. So you have to change that shit. And
716 02:02:01,170 --> 02:02:10,710 so it's always going to be you. When I mess up. I failed nobody's fault, but mine. That's accountability. You have to be accountable to yourself. And some
717 02:02:10,710 --> 02:02:16,470 people just don't want to be accountable. They want to have the luxury of being able to blame somebody else because they fucked up. They didn't do something
718 02:02:16,470 --> 02:02:25,110 right. And in this industry, guess what, Jack? You don't get that luxury. It's always you. Because I don't run a fucking signal service. If you make money.
719 02:02:25,170 --> 02:02:34,920 Congratulations. You did it. Right. Well done. I'm proud of you. If you lose money, eat that shit. Because you did it on your own. What do you mean, eat that
720 02:02:34,920 --> 02:02:43,920 shit, learn from it. It's hard medicine, it's a bitter pill to swallow, it's going to make you better. It will make you better, it's going to make you to
721 02:02:43,920 --> 02:02:52,050 trade and you want to you think that it's always going to be the sugar highs that makes you the best trader that you're ever going to be? Give me the stuff
722 02:02:52,050 --> 02:03:05,700 that works. I say fuck all the bullshit. You're going to learn from all the cuts, the abrasions, the bruises, the losses, that's what I learned from. And
723 02:03:05,700 --> 02:03:13,650 you're going to learn from it too. But you have to allow that to happen. You can't tiptoe around thinking, I'm going to avoid losing trades, you're not.
724 02:03:13,920 --> 02:03:25,500 Because the more you try to do that, it's going to land right in your lap. But every single time I blew out an account, it was on the heels of a good run. And
725 02:03:25,500 --> 02:03:35,070 I wanted to feel good again. Because it was wearing off too fast. The same fucking hour walking around looking ship. I mean more money than I make a whole
726 02:03:35,070 --> 02:03:47,190 month, the whole month of work in this bullshit job. I made more money than that in this one fucking trade, man. Like, if I just did that once a month. I don't
727 02:03:47,190 --> 02:03:56,070 even have a job. Yeah, it's great. It's wearing off, I'm gonna do it again. And you think that you can just go into market and find something that again,
728 02:03:57,060 --> 02:04:07,110 forgetting the fact that it just took you two and a half, three weeks for that price Run to continue to complete and go to its target. Your you get tore up by
729 02:04:07,110 --> 02:04:14,070 the chemical imbalances in your brain when you win. And you don't even know what that feels like yet, because you haven't done it yet. You haven't won, you
730 02:04:14,070 --> 02:04:26,520 haven't found consistency. And when that achievement is reached, you have a whole new level of learning to go through. It's something folks it's a learning
731 02:04:26,520 --> 02:04:37,170 process to grow accustomed to being profitable. It sounds like it's something there's no way everybody should have no problem adjusting it. No, it's weird. I
732 02:04:37,170 --> 02:04:44,070 don't know how to. I don't know how to articulate it. Where it would make sense. I've wrestled with this topic for a long time to be able to teach it to
733 02:04:44,070 --> 02:04:51,510 students. And that's if I say you'll know when you go through it, you'll know exactly what I mean. Because there's no way for me to articulate in words to
734 02:04:51,600 --> 02:05:01,980 make you understand that it is extremely stressful making money in the beginning. When you when you find consent distances and you find profitability.
735 02:05:02,310 --> 02:05:11,760 It's stressful because first of all, you want to do more of it when you do it. And you will have to wrestle with that. Do I? Am I overtrading? Am I? Am I
736 02:05:11,760 --> 02:05:21,210 pushing too much? Am I trying to push the edge too far? Am I overstaying my welcome, you're gonna have a whole new learning experience that you haven't ever
737 02:05:21,210 --> 02:05:32,820 even considered yet. Because you're not even profitable. I promise you, if you ask anybody do it. Ask anybody that's found profitability that this isn't true.
738 02:05:33,870 --> 02:05:41,910 It's a weird, it's a weird state of mind. Because it's like, it's too good to be true. That's why it's like a dream light state. It's like a, it's really the,
739 02:05:42,270 --> 02:05:51,330 one of the topics and the title of my one of my books, the chapter, that dreamlike state where I do my best. And I do No, because what I have an outline
740 02:05:51,600 --> 02:05:59,700 isn't going to be satisfying. But it's enough to introduce you to the idea, which is what I'm doing here. When you find consistency and profitability, it's
741 02:05:59,700 --> 02:06:09,090 going to feel like at anytime it's going to start working. And some of you already had that mindset that comes to me all the time, aren't you afraid that
742 02:06:09,120 --> 02:06:18,540 you're teaching this in the market is going to adjust to that? What fucky mean is going to adjust to it. This is the market. This is the market, this is
743 02:06:18,540 --> 02:06:29,940 exactly what the market does. So the market is not going to try to do something it doesn't do. This is what it does. I mean, you're you're who you are. You're
744 02:06:29,970 --> 02:06:38,640 who you are. And that's just the way it is. You can't be a dog, you might try to say you identify as a fucking dog, but you're a fucking human being you are a
745 02:06:38,640 --> 02:06:46,680 person, this is how you are, you can't be something that you aren't, the market isn't going to stop being this way. So I tell you all the time, on a quarterly,
746 02:06:46,680 --> 02:06:57,240 there's no way there's no fucking way that this is going to ever change. It's never going to change, never, it's never going to change. You doing it wrong.
747 02:06:58,620 --> 02:07:07,560 That's gonna happen. You losing money doing something incorrectly, that's going to happen. But if you know how to trade and you learn how to control yourself, a
748 02:07:07,560 --> 02:07:16,590 losing trade, or two or three, okay? Stop, recalibrate, let me get my bearings again, and then go back to doing what you're supposed to be doing. But you have
749 02:07:16,590 --> 02:07:26,520 to learn how to pause, pause when you're losing money, and pause when you made money. It's not like you want to go out there and get a hit and get high want
750 02:07:26,520 --> 02:07:38,190 success. The people that succeed that are long term consistently profitable, they know when to sit still. And that's a very hard thing to teach. It's hard.
751 02:07:38,220 --> 02:07:47,880 It's hard to teach that. So I just come up with general rules when you have a really good, nice run, stop, be content, live there for a little while, a whole
752 02:07:47,880 --> 02:07:57,660 week. But there's so many other choices. Yes, there is the markets always moving. But you're insisting upon doing something because the availability is
753 02:07:57,660 --> 02:08:09,990 there, versus building a foundation of mental capital. That's the that's the point. You can have whatever you want to have in your funded accounts or your
754 02:08:09,990 --> 02:08:19,320 real accounts. But you really aren't trading with that you're trading with what you're willing to lose in your head. That's real. That's the that's the
755 02:08:19,320 --> 02:08:29,310 threshold that you don't want to ever cross. What does that mean? So you have a 10,000 IRA account, you have $10,000 in your trading account, and you're using
756 02:08:29,310 --> 02:08:40,350 it to 2%, you can take that, well, if you're new 2% is too high. Way too high. But let's assume that that's what it is. In reality, you're uncomfortable to get
757 02:08:40,350 --> 02:08:48,810 to 1%. So you might initially put your stop loss there at what would be considered 2%. As soon as it starts approaching at 1%, threshold and drawdown
758 02:08:48,840 --> 02:09:01,020 while you're in the trade. That's what causes you to collapse the trade. So what's your mental capital? 1%? That's your real capital? Have you considered
759 02:09:01,020 --> 02:09:10,710 that when you're doing your, your trades? Most of you probably haven't. That's a secret that unlocks performance that you've never even dreamed of. Because when
760 02:09:10,710 --> 02:09:18,210 you excel in knowing where your threshold is, and you say, Okay, I'm content with that. That's why I've always said, Be content with enough was enough. It's
761 02:09:18,210 --> 02:09:26,340 going to be uniquely different for all of you. $15,000 winning trade may not be significant for some of you. For other people, that's a whole year for them. I'm
762 02:09:26,340 --> 02:09:37,050 done. I gotta do shit now. So it's a matter of personal preference and where you are, what your expectations what your skill set for provides for. But your
763 02:09:37,050 --> 02:09:47,280 mental capital, the way you build that up, is when you have the victory like this, it's it's done well, and you may have never taken a trade on this. But
764 02:09:47,280 --> 02:09:54,300 remember, in your journaling, you're going to be recording it like you saw it coming in you did. You're tricking your brain with pseudo experience. So you're
765 02:09:54,300 --> 02:10:02,250 always constantly laying down foundation psychologically, because this is where all this battle is won. It's not enough Shark, it's in your head. Because you
766 02:10:02,250 --> 02:10:11,970 can talk yourself out of a winning trade easily. And you can talk yourself out of a short term drawdown that will eventually pay out if you just stuck to the
767 02:10:11,970 --> 02:10:18,480 model and what you're trying to trade. But your mental capital needs to be increased. How do you increase your mental health because you can't deposit
768 02:10:18,600 --> 02:10:28,260 mental money. It's experience. That experience factor is something that goes largely untouched in terms of teaching. Mark Douglas didn't talk about it
769 02:10:28,260 --> 02:10:41,640 enough, you didn't really get to grasp of, you have to fortify yourself between trades when you've done something correctly. Sit still feel what it feels like
770 02:10:41,880 --> 02:10:50,130 to be content? Not needing to go to that next trade? How do you know you're ready to go in and trade with live funds? How do you know when you're ready to
771 02:10:50,130 --> 02:10:59,850 do a funded account challenge? When you're not driven by the passion to get into a niche, new trade? If you're the person or persons that always tweet to me when
772 02:10:59,850 --> 02:11:07,350 I'm calling something and delivers? You're the first person in the line? It says, what's next? What's going to do next? You're not ready, bro. You are
773 02:11:07,350 --> 02:11:15,930 fucking not ready. You're a fiend. You're literally cracked out, you're equipped to have a crack pipe in your fucking mouth, and you're literally out of rocks,
774 02:11:16,020 --> 02:11:20,160 and you want to get the next one. You're steaming, you're not ready,
775 02:11:20,250 --> 02:11:29,280 you are absolutely not ready. The people that are like, Yeah, I'm gonna take this week off. But the markets gonna go, yeah, sorry. That's someone that's got
776 02:11:29,280 --> 02:11:36,750 the right mindset. If they're already consistent in terms of what they can see, and forecast and price action, and they can take themselves away from the
777 02:11:36,750 --> 02:11:48,450 market, even when they know there's something coming. That's maturity. That is a skill set that if you can forge that before you press into real money, that
778 02:11:48,750 --> 02:12:02,100 factor of well, discipline, it will serve you so well. But you all think it's just the stuff in the chart that says what you need the new ICT gimmick, the
779 02:12:02,100 --> 02:12:12,660 new, something set up or model, whatever. And it's not, I've given you shit, I've given you so many things already. But you are that missing final piece of
780 02:12:12,660 --> 02:12:22,650 the puzzle. And you don't want to believe me? Because it's painful. I'm going to constantly remind you, every time I talk on Twitter space, I'm reminding you
781 02:12:22,680 --> 02:12:35,430 sometimes gently, but in this one, it probably hurts a little bit. It probably feels off putting don't have to don't hate the messenger, okay? I'm Dr. ICT,
782 02:12:35,490 --> 02:12:45,390 okay, I'm telling you, this is the medicine that you need. It doesn't taste good. But it helps you. It makes you better. And it's important for you to grow
783 02:12:45,780 --> 02:12:53,820 and understand how to do this correctly and not hurt yourself. That's why I teach in a demo. Because if I teach it in demo, and I go out there and I show
784 02:12:53,820 --> 02:13:03,120 you what I'm doing, because the misnomer is this. If I'm the number one guru on Twitter, right, Patrick, and I'm trading with a demo, don't trade with like
785 02:13:03,120 --> 02:13:10,650 money, I'm already loaded. I don't need to prove people, I have made money in the marketplace. I don't need to do that. I'm calling it. My students are making
786 02:13:10,650 --> 02:13:19,950 money. This stuff happens. That's all that needs to be known. That's the only thing I promise that you're going to learn how to read price action, I did not
787 02:13:19,950 --> 02:13:31,200 promise you profitability. That's something that you individually, you individually control. But if I, if I'm out here in public, and in the mood of
788 02:13:31,200 --> 02:13:45,840 the educator, and I have no emotional commitment that holds me back about using a demo, then you should have no problem practicing in one. If your mentor is
789 02:13:45,900 --> 02:13:53,430 operating and teaching through the medium of a demo, I don't listen to these jokers out there to have something to sell. Oh, wow, he does this and he does
790 02:13:53,430 --> 02:14:02,850 that. And they're not even doing anything close to what we do. Their whole month, I can do that one fucking day, one day, from beginning to end show the
791 02:14:02,850 --> 02:14:14,820 whole fucking history done. I don't need to do that. I don't have a little debt complex. Okay, I'm completely content with who I am, how I am. And my own
792 02:14:14,820 --> 02:14:25,800 length. I don't need to worry about anything else. So when you're looking at this, don't view what you're doing as a demo is not significant enough because
793 02:14:25,800 --> 02:14:34,140 it is significant. Because you're reading price the same price action is unfolding in that demo is happening for people that are trading real money. The
794 02:14:34,140 --> 02:14:40,380 real money people that did everything opposite to what you're doing are expecting in price action and lost their ass believe me they know for fucking
795 02:14:40,380 --> 02:14:50,670 certain that that shit just happened to them. I'm teaching you so that way you have no emotional connection to this. You have no connection to it emotionally
796 02:14:50,790 --> 02:15:01,500 so you can't be swayed in the periods where it will do it damage. You can't get all you know egotistical. because you're not, you're not making any money,
797 02:15:01,500 --> 02:15:10,020 you're not getting taxed. You can't go out and spend those demo dollars. But you're getting that experience. And you're allowing yourself to learn what I'm
798 02:15:10,020 --> 02:15:21,300 teaching you, when you get it right, pause, feel what it feels like to get it right. Give your journal time between entries, where you executed and your next
799 02:15:21,300 --> 02:15:29,670 trade. I'm not convincing you or trying to talk to you into taking trade after trade after trade after trade. To fill your journal, that's not what this is all
800 02:15:29,670 --> 02:15:44,220 about. It's quality, over quantity. And just because I'm teaching you the skill set through the medium of day trading, it's not every day trading. There's
801 02:15:45,090 --> 02:15:56,310 recklessness out there. And people gravitate to wild cowboy type shit. And I've done that stuff. And I fell victim to it. When I was coming up, I saw people
802 02:15:56,310 --> 02:16:05,610 doing some crazy stuff on America Online, I was like, I want to do that too. And I got hurt. And I tried to force myself to learn what it is they're doing. And I
803 02:16:05,610 --> 02:16:15,720 couldn't do it. So I just stopped. If I'm not able to bridge the gap for you, I'm not the best mentor, okay, I've said this many times before, I'm not the
804 02:16:15,720 --> 02:16:25,320 best mentor, I'm sure in years to come, someone's going to properly learn what I'm teaching, and they're going to do a better job of coaching other people,
805 02:16:25,920 --> 02:16:40,200 okay? until I'm done, that can't happen. But November we're done. I may not be able to fulfill that need, that one of you are individually some of you that are
806 02:16:40,200 --> 02:16:50,760 listening, I might not be the person that can deliver it. It might be one of my children later in life, if they decided to go that route. I don't know. I'm
807 02:16:50,760 --> 02:17:04,620 doing the best I can I have limitations as a person I have. Things I wrestle with. And I'm a real person. So I'm practical, I know that I'm not going to
808 02:17:04,800 --> 02:17:13,140 reach all of you. And it hurts me. Because I try very hard, very, very hard to try to do whatever I can to allow you to understand what it is that you need to
809 02:17:13,140 --> 02:17:22,500 know and to eliminate the things you're worrying about. And it frustrates me, when I see people not listening to the sound advice that I wish I would have. I
810 02:17:22,500 --> 02:17:34,290 would have paid whatever I had to learn how I'm teaching you. Like I'm trying to be because I know what it was like I lived it. I mean, I know 20 year old
811 02:17:34,290 --> 02:17:43,650 Michael, I mean, I'm that guy. And if I would have had this, it would have done so much for me, it would have encouraged me when I needed it, it would have kept
812 02:17:43,650 --> 02:17:51,810 me aligned properly. And it would allow me to control myself when I didn't have any control. When I would when I'd want to go back home right away. When I lost,
813 02:17:51,810 --> 02:18:01,020 I want to be right back in like, I was not fearful. Once I've learned certain methods of getting in, I was looking for it all the time, not understanding that
814 02:18:01,020 --> 02:18:10,380 the market is going to have an ebb and flow. There's a time delivery to all this shit. And unless you understand that, just the liquidity alone is not enough.
815 02:18:11,310 --> 02:18:22,890 It's essential, but it's not enough. You have to know how how they use time. And that takes time to teach. Which is why I tell everyone the minimum is a year.
816 02:18:23,370 --> 02:18:33,180 And that's just really scratching the surface. Your best learning is going to be in your year two through four. But you can be profitable all through that. So
817 02:18:33,180 --> 02:18:40,740 don't let that be a deterrent. Don't let it be like oh, you're saying I can't make money? No, you can fucking make money just watching the YouTube playlist
818 02:18:40,740 --> 02:18:49,530 from 2022. If you have a general foundation of understanding what price action usually does, if you're familiar with trading, and you go into that model, you
819 02:18:49,530 --> 02:18:57,840 can go right out the gate boom and start finding profitability. I'm convinced of that. But the problem is, is I have a lot of people that come to me that are
820 02:18:57,990 --> 02:19:09,540 greenhorns. They're brand new, they're just right out of the womb. Here it makes me a trader. I don't have a walk yet, but make me a trader. So it's almost an
821 02:19:09,570 --> 02:19:20,130 impossibility for some of you to learn from me because I'm not the I'm not the beginning step. And that's like I've wrestled over the weekend with Do I even
822 02:19:20,130 --> 02:19:29,310 want to waste time with creating like a baby step, ICT version like okay, the basics of the basics. I just don't have the patience for that shit. Like I don't
823 02:19:29,340 --> 02:19:36,360 I don't have the patience for it. And throughout the years, I've thought about dealing I thought about doing it. I just don't have it in me to do it. Like I
824 02:19:36,360 --> 02:19:47,790 don't have it in me to do that. So I'm not the beginning step. Like it's actually better for you to try to get out there and mess up, learn from doing
825 02:19:47,790 --> 02:19:56,970 something stupid, some other kind of approach. And then that way you have some experience to measure it against. So that way you can see oh yeah, I would have
826 02:19:56,970 --> 02:20:02,400 placed my stop loss there or I would have saw the market going lower or higher. There are like I was admitting to you when I was 20, some years old and I
827 02:20:02,400 --> 02:20:11,610 thought the Swiss franc was gonna go up because I thought the weekly chart had a bullish bull flag, when all it was doing was setting up a model that I teach now
828 02:20:11,610 --> 02:20:22,170 today is a mega trade. And I couldn't, I couldn't see it. My infancy as, as a trader, you hid it from me, I didn't have the understanding. I didn't, I didn't
829 02:20:22,170 --> 02:20:31,470 have the experience. But I saw a pattern. And because I was looking for Long's only, you're gonna look what you're, you're gonna find what you're looking for.
830 02:20:31,470 --> 02:20:39,570 If you look hard enough, if you torture the data and the numbers enough, they'll they'll submit, in the middle of anything you want to do. And that's the problem
831 02:20:39,570 --> 02:20:50,250 with this. That's why indicators look wonderful, because given enough time, and sample set, and any indicator can be made to show profitability. But when you
832 02:20:50,250 --> 02:21:01,440 walk forward with it doesn't really work. So I'm teaching you elements of time. Price delivery, algorithmic price delivery, macros, things that generalize,
833 02:21:02,070 --> 02:21:10,320 delivery and price. When should they form? How do they form? What does it look like? Why should it take place? Who's getting hurt from from that unfolding in
834 02:21:10,320 --> 02:21:18,780 price? And who stands to gain? That's that these are questions that you need to ask yourself. If I was asked to present eight. That's a good wheelie, man, this
835 02:21:18,810 --> 02:21:19,830 guy's took all that away.
836 02:21:22,320 --> 02:21:34,560 The that really wasn't good wheeling that you have to ask yourself questions like a checklist. Okay. Those are the type of questions if you miss it, just
837 02:21:34,560 --> 02:21:46,680 rewind it when it gets on YouTube from somebody else that puts it up. Or listen to the recording here. The the idea who who stands the game, like you have to
838 02:21:46,860 --> 02:22:02,580 personify the market with this person, okay. It's not one person. It's a collective entity. The I dub is smart money. They don't make courses. You don't
839 02:22:02,580 --> 02:22:14,010 know them, you don't know none of their names their way of a George Soros, okay. And they're employed by folks that you aren't going to meet. And they're in
840 02:22:14,010 --> 02:22:24,030 there. Taking the other side. That's, that's a segment of the market that no one's talked about. They hinted at something like if they are somebody, I could
841 02:22:24,030 --> 02:22:39,360 do this all the time, this puppeteer composite man that exists, but not in the scope that is promoted. If you can personify the market like that, where this
842 02:22:41,130 --> 02:22:51,870 unforeseen entity that you never have an opportunity to meet them. If they're cannibalizing market participants, what you're looking at in price right now,
843 02:22:52,110 --> 02:23:00,900 where would they be long? And it's easy to study it real time, because you can see where has it, where's the price action move that's unfolding right now?
844 02:23:00,900 --> 02:23:07,890 Where did it originate recently? Did it take stops when it started there, because if it didn't, it's probably unfinished and probably needs to go lower.
845 02:23:09,990 --> 02:23:19,890 If it has taken stops, then look for inefficiencies or buy stops above the marketplace. Because that's where it's gonna go. Anytime frame. That's what I
846 02:23:19,890 --> 02:23:28,560 look at when I'm looking at price. I'm not looking at Fibonacci ratios and fucking patterns. And I'm not looking at that's, that's the distraction. That's
847 02:23:28,560 --> 02:23:38,850 the misdirection. You're looking at the left hand when the right hand is doing the work. They'll paint these these charts, whether it be candlesticks, or
848 02:23:38,880 --> 02:23:47,340 Heiken, Ashi, wherever, fuck, you're looking at Renko Bars, pointing figure, point in the chart and try to figure out what the fucking means. All that stuff
849 02:23:47,610 --> 02:23:58,770 is distractions. They're all distractions. And if you can find a way to simply saying, Alright, sure, it sounds Tom Clancy sorts. It's conspiracy theory.
850 02:23:58,770 --> 02:24:10,860 Listen, some of the shit I'm saying. But it works. It works. Because this is the market. And if you look at the performance of other students that are doing
851 02:24:10,860 --> 02:24:23,160 really, really well. Well, what are they doing? They're going in with a model that they have simplified, using the concepts I've taught. You only need a
852 02:24:23,160 --> 02:24:31,050 reason to be bullish or bearish. I mean, it was a stripped down to the Chromebooks. Okay. You're going into the marketplace. Alright. What I want to be
853 02:24:31,080 --> 02:24:41,550 focusing on this week, I want to be a bull or I want to be there. So what constitutes some reason for you to feel confident about that? Go to the weekly
854 02:24:41,550 --> 02:24:51,930 chart. Is there a reason for it to expand higher what what would it need to go up to to go higher on the weekly chart? If it's going to make a case to be going
855 02:24:51,930 --> 02:25:01,800 higher on the weekly chart? It stands to reason that you're probably going to get one good bullish day using daily timeframe and it You do it. Around the time
856 02:25:01,800 --> 02:25:11,250 when there's a medium or high impact news driver that just happened to come out that day, during that session, chances are, you probably narrowed down your
857 02:25:11,250 --> 02:25:23,160 focus to eight opportunity in the marketplace. That's not an everyday occasion. And you need to warm up the idea that I don't need to be in here every day, I
858 02:25:23,160 --> 02:25:32,190 can me inner circle trader ICT, I am the fucking man with this information. This is my shit. But I don't need to be here every single day. And if I'm the creator
859 02:25:32,190 --> 02:25:39,990 of this stuff, and I'm not here every day doing it, what makes you feel like you have to live up to the expectation you've, you've presented this as a challenge
860 02:25:39,990 --> 02:25:52,230 to yourself, when nobody offered it as a challenge. You did that you're placing a olympic size challenges in front of you with next to no experience. And you're
861 02:25:52,230 --> 02:26:02,820 starting off on the wrong foot by doing that. Less is more being content with enough. If you're only making $1,000 a week. That's all you can amount to in the
862 02:26:02,820 --> 02:26:13,680 first year or two. Is that fucking failure? Do you? I don't see that. I don't see it as failure. If you start measuring yourself up to everybody else, whoa,
863 02:26:13,680 --> 02:26:22,560 this guy, he said he made 5000 hours on this guy. Look, he's got a certificate that says he you got five accounts past oh, this person got a pay offer for
864 02:26:22,710 --> 02:26:34,260 20,000 hours, this person's got 3000 hours paid out every single day this week. What are you doing? You're minding someone else's business. And if you're mining
865 02:26:34,260 --> 02:26:42,960 someone else's business, who is minding yours, no wonder you're getting the results you're looking for no one you're stressing. Because you're not minding
866 02:26:42,960 --> 02:26:51,990 your own fucking business. This is your business. This is your workshop, this is your storefront. This is your incorporation you incorporated. If you aren't
867 02:26:52,020 --> 02:27:00,600 worrying about you, and what it is that you're doing or not doing and when to do it. Nobody else is gonna do it for you. I'm educating you, and I can't do it for
868 02:27:00,600 --> 02:27:13,110 you. I can't push you into a trade, I can't put you out of a tree. You're doing all that. But you got to get real comfortable in your skin. Without me. Because
869 02:27:13,110 --> 02:27:21,870 warming up to the idea of okay, I see T cells need to draw, instead of just listening to where I think it's gonna go go into the charts and explain to
870 02:27:21,870 --> 02:27:30,390 yourself and your journal, why I said those things because I'm giving you all those details. They're, they're on YouTube, they're in my Twitter spaces,
871 02:27:30,390 --> 02:27:39,840 they're in my tweets. I didn't hide it from you. And you have to condition yourself to see those things in old moves. Because it's not it didn't just work
872 02:27:39,840 --> 02:27:50,580 on that one instance, my concepts didn't just start working, you know, because this, this just unfolded just recently, we've been doing this for years. years
873 02:27:50,580 --> 02:28:02,280 and years and years, people watch me do this every single day, behind a paywall every single day, I'm expected to call it no signal services are not it still
874 02:28:02,310 --> 02:28:12,780 requires understanding and skill. And you're being exposed to it. And you didn't take advantage of it while I'm here. Because November, you're left with what the
875 02:28:12,810 --> 02:28:23,970 what ever I've taught. That's it. And if you haven't done the work of testing yourself and conditioning yourself throughout this year, looking for what it is
876 02:28:23,970 --> 02:28:31,560 I'm teaching at that time and go back and look at old moves, and see if those same things don't occur and exist. And if it does, that's that's the epiphany.
877 02:28:31,560 --> 02:28:39,780 That's the aha moment like, oh, wow, it really is there. These gaps really do exist. And I can go in and trade them every single time when it presents the
878 02:28:39,780 --> 02:28:51,510 opportunity to do so. And I can do as little as five handles and do well. Here. So why are you putting all this expectation yourself these mountains of of goals
879 02:28:52,380 --> 02:29:04,140 that nobody realistically could be meeting in the beginning stages of this because you don't even know who you are as a trader you all have the capability
880 02:29:04,380 --> 02:29:13,980 to exceed way beyond your expectations way, whatever you think is profitable. And this is where you succeed. Like what what defines that? Can I ask you that
881 02:29:13,980 --> 02:29:26,010 and reply to this post that this Twitter space has been launched from? You can reply to it. What is what is success to you when you get this amount of money?
882 02:29:27,900 --> 02:29:36,150 What would you call that as success? Like you have met your goal right now when you first started training? What was that? It may have changed but what was it
883 02:29:36,150 --> 02:29:42,870 from the beginning? For those that are brand new? What is that goal? Some of you it's 100,000 or some of you it's a million dollars. I can tell you a million
884 02:29:42,870 --> 02:29:55,500 dollars is not a lot of money. Like it's not a lot of money. I spent literally $3.7 million in the last 11 months. It goes quick. It goes real quick. What used
885 02:29:55,500 --> 02:30:06,150 to be a million dollars is nothing. A million dollars is like the new 50,000 years ago, it was a lot of money, but it's nothing now. But whatever that is,
886 02:30:06,180 --> 02:30:14,280 don't and don't let me discourage you if it was a million dollars, say, that's what your goal was that say, Okay, if I made a million dollars that success, if
887 02:30:14,280 --> 02:30:21,180 it's $100,000, don't let me say whatever I said diminished, like, oh, well, I'm embarrassed to say that because this is a lot of money to me, but it wouldn't be
888 02:30:21,180 --> 02:30:29,280 a lot of money that I just want, I want to know, just for the sake of knowing the listeners expectations of what they view as success, like, what's the mile
889 02:30:29,280 --> 02:30:40,530 marker for you that says, I've made money? Because I can tell you, there's people all around the world are gonna have a way, you know, separation between
890 02:30:40,710 --> 02:30:51,210 what some may view as success and others not. And invariably, there's gonna be people that are gonna say $100 million. Some crazy number. That's, that's,
891 02:30:51,270 --> 02:30:58,560 that's a pipe dream. I'm not saying you can't make it. But we're talking about when people come into trading, they're not expecting to make $100 million. I'm
892 02:30:58,560 --> 02:31:05,670 saying when you first got into this, what was your goal? What was the threshold that you said, if I could do this, that's, that's success. If every moments
893 02:31:05,700 --> 02:31:17,280 honest, you'd be able to see. There's a lot of humble thresholds that if you understand what I'm teaching you, you can really get those levels. But what
894 02:31:17,280 --> 02:31:23,280 happens when you get there? You're not gonna be satisfied, were you gonna stop trading? Because you got that? Oh, I'm
895 02:31:23,280 --> 02:31:34,770 done. I made my million dollars. And you know, you're gonna want to do more, especially if you're young. I'm old. Okay. I'm not an old man. But I've been
896 02:31:34,770 --> 02:31:44,790 doing this my entire adult life. Like, I'm, I'm counting down, like, how many more years do I have? I don't know. Because Tomorrow is not promised a new man.
897 02:31:45,900 --> 02:31:54,900 But I had that I've not been a good steward with my time with my family. So that's why I'm doing what I'm doing. I'm going to unplug. Like, I'm not
898 02:31:54,900 --> 02:32:07,170 interested. Like, if I've done enough, I'm content with what I've done. I'm satisfied. I don't need to feel like I gotta do something else in trading. To
899 02:32:07,170 --> 02:32:16,980 feel like I've done something. I've done that. And I need to feel good about being the husband, I should be the father that I should have been and haven't
900 02:32:16,980 --> 02:32:30,060 been. Because I've allowed these markets to be a vampire and suck my life force, my attention, my time, my efforts and energy and not allow me to be what I'm
901 02:32:30,120 --> 02:32:43,800 more toward escapes me, I should have been doing that. More so than than just this. Can I offer a better life for my family? Because I've done all Yeah. But
902 02:32:43,800 --> 02:32:58,710 it came at a cost. And I don't want any of you to repeat this. Like you can, you can allow these markets to be a wonderful appendage to what it is that you do in
903 02:32:58,710 --> 02:33:23,040 your life. That's balance. I didn't balance it correctly. I learned balancing time later, mid 40s. I had no concern of the outcome of how my family would look
904 02:33:23,040 --> 02:33:30,300 because I was thinking oh, they're gonna be happy, because I'm making a lot of money, I'm presenting a lifestyle for them. And if they need something that's
905 02:33:30,300 --> 02:33:39,900 got it, you know, that was my rationale for doing it. But that's not good. Because I wasn't there for the dad moments I should have been. And if you're a
906 02:33:39,900 --> 02:33:47,190 young person without children, and you plan on having children who are not necessarily don't have to be a young person with you that haven't had children
907 02:33:47,190 --> 02:34:01,470 yet, you're about to do so and you're embarking on this journey. Do follow what I put out in that 1440 series is you will hear from my heart. And the series I
908 02:34:01,470 --> 02:34:14,670 did if I go back and tell my younger self, what I know now, I literally expose my heart to all of you. And I can be honest and tell you I was afraid to put it
909 02:34:14,670 --> 02:34:26,940 on YouTube. Because it's it's raw. And I speak right from my heart and I'm telling you things that probably most men probably wouldn't admit to. Because we
910 02:34:26,940 --> 02:34:35,220 want to walk around like we have toilet caulk and any woman can get with us because we want them and that's the way it is. And we're Mr. Everything a Chad.
911 02:34:35,520 --> 02:34:46,710 And in reality, you know, when you have children your life isn't yours. And I did not do the right things. I did not do the right things. I I spent too much
912 02:34:46,710 --> 02:35:03,480 time pursuing this and not being the dad. And it's it's it's unfortunate, but I have time hopefully See that I can now pursue things and make memories with
913 02:35:03,480 --> 02:35:15,840 them. So you can have a whole lot of money. You could be, you know, a person of influence in, in this industry, and be a fucking failure as a family person. And
914 02:35:15,840 --> 02:35:29,910 I was a failure. I was not doing the things I should have been doing, I spent way too much time doing all this stuff. But it's, it's my passion. And I it's
915 02:35:29,910 --> 02:35:41,760 the word. They're just not reaching far enough for me to feel satisfied. And explaining, all I know is you can think that you're successful because you make
916 02:35:41,790 --> 02:35:58,650 a lot of money. And you can have a lot of nice things and afford things and not worry about the cost of living, and still not be happy. Not satisfied, and
917 02:35:58,680 --> 02:36:09,210 regretful, if you do things that I did wrong, you'll have that same discomfort that I feel like I know some of you sit around thinking, I see you must be
918 02:36:09,210 --> 02:36:18,240 really happy right now he's kicking back, I have a lot of regret. I wish I would have done things that were simple that didn't cost anything, just my time and
919 02:36:18,240 --> 02:36:28,260 attention towards my kids and my wife. If I would have done those things more, I wouldn't feel the guilt that I feel. I've lost the money. But that doesn't
920 02:36:28,260 --> 02:36:37,800 compensate for them. Knowing that we have that money doesn't compensate for it. You're here my kids tell me this this weekend. So this is awesome dad to be able
921 02:36:37,800 --> 02:36:46,350 to spend time with you like this as we never had it before. And I broke down breaking the restaurant. I'm appreciative that they recognize it. But it's just
922 02:36:46,350 --> 02:36:57,060 like, I don't want to tell them don't say that. Because then they should tell me. They're entitled to them. They need to tell me that stuff. And I need to
923 02:36:57,060 --> 02:37:06,930 hear it. But you don't want to be like I am right now hearing it. Where you could just plan your life better. success can be had and you don't need to be a
924 02:37:06,930 --> 02:37:15,900 monster in it. Like I was trying to be devoured my entire life. And for the folks that are constantly always reaching out to me trying to tell me please
925 02:37:15,900 --> 02:37:25,590 don't you stop doing what you're doing November, you need to really understand why I need to stop. Like, if you respect me, you will respect the fact that why
926 02:37:25,590 --> 02:37:34,830 I'm doing it. Because the money I can make lots of money, I can make mentorships I can make books, I can make courses, I can blow that fucking YouTube channel up
927 02:37:34,890 --> 02:37:45,180 and advertise every fucking year and be the biggest name in this industry. I don't want it. I don't want it. It didn't do anything. For me as a family man.
928 02:37:45,660 --> 02:37:55,110 At the end of the day, I had to look my children in the face, I have to look at my wife. And yes, they might smile and say, I love you dad. But behind that they
929 02:37:55,110 --> 02:38:06,660 have so many open voids of time where I was not there. And I was in the house with them. Do you want to hear that from your children? Do you want to look at
930 02:38:06,660 --> 02:38:17,430 your wife when she says I love you. And you know, she's reaching to just say you are the man I love. You're the person I married. You're the father of our
931 02:38:17,430 --> 02:38:23,850 children. And I'm appreciating the time with you right now. But I have to appreciate it so much more. Because I don't know if you're gonna go right back
932 02:38:23,850 --> 02:38:32,640 into doing what you've been doing for all these years in your entire adult life. You don't want to feel that trust thing when I tell you, you don't want to feel
933 02:38:32,640 --> 02:38:44,910 that fast cars, big bank accounts doesn't compensate for it. And a lot of people that write books, they won't ever tell you that shit because they didn't get
934 02:38:44,910 --> 02:38:54,480 rich. They're making money off of book sales. They're selling books because they have to sell that book. I'm walking away from it. At the biggest point of my
935 02:38:54,480 --> 02:39:06,810 career as a mentor, as a teacher, whatever, all the hype and stuff that's around me right now. I'm uncomfortable by it. Like I'm genuinely uncomfortable. I had a
936 02:39:06,810 --> 02:39:20,130 lot of people asking me to talk publicly. I'm not going to drop names. But I'm just I'm shy. I don't want to be like that. I can talk like this and pour my
937 02:39:20,130 --> 02:39:28,440 heart out to you because you're not sitting next to me. If you were being training one on one, one on one, I wouldn't talk about the things I talked
938 02:39:28,440 --> 02:39:37,410 about. I would talk about the markets and how they would be difficulty. But I'm not going to tell you where I messed up as a husband, as a dad, as the real
939 02:39:37,410 --> 02:39:39,630 human being. I failed miserably.
940 02:39:45,060 --> 02:39:55,080 I would want to know that from a mentor. I want to know where they made major mistakes. And every book and author and every educator out there. They've never
941 02:39:55,080 --> 02:40:02,370 really scratched that surface. They talk about things outwardly. This person that we're here as a case Studying, but strangely, they don't ever have any
942 02:40:02,370 --> 02:40:14,250 problems in their own fucking life. Like, they don't have any errors that they made. And I have, and I wish I wouldn't have done it. And since I went through
943 02:40:14,250 --> 02:40:23,970 pain, the Bible says, you know, we go through these trials and tribulations and things that hurt us. So that way we can give a testimony. I didn't lose sight
944 02:40:23,970 --> 02:40:37,140 and hope of, you know, who was in control of me when I didn't have control of myself. And ultimately, he he steered me where I am today. Even though I thought
945 02:40:37,140 --> 02:40:46,320 I was dialed in, I was lost. I had no idea where I was going, I had no idea I was gonna end up where I'm at right now. I didn't set out to be inner circle
946 02:40:46,320 --> 02:40:56,970 trader, you Mr. Smart Money, concepts, and all this bullshit that people build up around my name. Like, I literally did a search on YouTube, do it just to
947 02:40:56,970 --> 02:41:09,450 inner circle trader ICT on YouTube. And it's weird to see all these people with my logo. And like putting all that stuff like it's, it's not like what I thought
948 02:41:09,450 --> 02:41:16,500 it was going to be like, when I was 20 years old, I could be really good at this. And I can be popular. I wanted to be Larry Williams to point out, but
949 02:41:16,500 --> 02:41:27,600 better. And I'm gonna be all over the place. I'm gonna teach and do circuit teachings and go to Australia and go to UK and all that shit. And I'm not I'm
950 02:41:27,600 --> 02:41:42,810 not into that. Like, I don't want to do it. Like just a little bit of notoriety, which it's, I'm still small. I just can't imagine being some behemoth with all
951 02:41:42,810 --> 02:41:52,470 this attention on me. But I wouldn't do well with it. It makes me uncomfortable. It makes me feel makes you feel anxious. Not that I'm afraid of anything. I just
952 02:41:52,500 --> 02:42:04,110 I'm uncomfortable. Like uncomfortable when when people walk up and we had a guy we were out in the 2021 day and we were up on Belair Road, we're going down
953 02:42:04,140 --> 02:42:14,430 towards the beltway. And this guy gets out of his car and he starts taking pictures of us. Like what the fuck again, man. And he's like, beautiful car.
954 02:42:14,430 --> 02:42:21,810 Beautiful car. Can I get another picture on the other side? I'm like, What the fuck? Am I gonna do you stop you. It's just like, it's weird. Now I'm certain
955 02:42:21,810 --> 02:42:29,760 that that person has no idea that inner circle trader, but I was weirded out by the whole experience. The guy that knew some of you young guys were like, I
956 02:42:29,760 --> 02:42:37,830 would love that. And we fucking amazing. I don't like that. Like it. I love the car for me. I don't give a fuck about my house likes it or doesn't like it. I
957 02:42:37,830 --> 02:42:49,800 like it, I bought it because I want it. And I don't use my image as ICT publicly, like, I don't do that. Like I don't have inner circle trader tags,
958 02:42:49,830 --> 02:42:57,720 like on my car. Like you'd probably expect ICT one ICT to you know, for every car I have. I don't have that I don't want to draw any kind of attention to
959 02:42:57,720 --> 02:43:10,110 myself for that shit. And I'm really looking forward to post November, just being back to this. boring me. Like I missed that about me. Like I want to have
960 02:43:11,130 --> 02:43:22,530 just my own personal space, my own time. And in fact, it just being content like that. I said, the other day on Twitter, I said, when I wake up in the morning,
961 02:43:22,590 --> 02:43:34,980 all of you, my personal students, and all of you are my first thought. Now I have five kids, and I'm married. Is that normal? No. There's something wrong
962 02:43:34,980 --> 02:43:46,020 there. It's imbalanced. I have to balance that. And as long as I keep making myself available like this, it will remain unbalanced. This will always take
963 02:43:46,020 --> 02:44:02,370 more of my time. Well, I mean, we're gonna three hours. And it's not monetized. I live this and I want you to succeed. But I also have a family. And they want
964 02:44:02,370 --> 02:44:15,150 me in their life and they want me making memories with them. And I have to make myself available for that. And that's the reason why in November I'm stopping. I
965 02:44:15,150 --> 02:44:25,710 want my holiday season to be joyful, away from markets away from Twitter, away from YouTube, all that stuff. And it's not because I don't love doing this. I
966 02:44:25,710 --> 02:44:39,630 absolutely love it. I love it. But I have to take myself away from it. Because I can't control myself to not keep doing it. It's just It's who I am. And I need
967 02:44:39,630 --> 02:44:49,830 to change that. I don't want to stay in our circle trader I don't want to be ICT the rest of my life. I mean, obviously I am but I don't want to be living my
968 02:44:49,830 --> 02:45:04,500 life as inner circle trader. I just want to be me and I hope you can appreciate that. It means I've seen fun like, oh, man, this sucks. But all my videos are
969 02:45:04,500 --> 02:45:14,880 staying up. I mean, once in a while, a couple times a month, I'm not promising it, to talk about a market share an opinion about something. But I'm not
970 02:45:14,880 --> 02:45:27,900 promising that. And I want you to understand it that, that's where I want to go. And if I do do that, that still in itself will reduce. I don't need YouTube, I
971 02:45:27,900 --> 02:45:39,390 don't need ad revenue, I don't need mentorship, and I don't need book sales. But I do want to make my final point about all this and be done with it. And
972 02:45:39,390 --> 02:45:46,380 whatever you guys do collectively, as a community, as the industry, whatever you do with the information that helps you improve, you know, God bless you in like,
973 02:45:46,380 --> 02:45:59,520 that's the whole reason why I did it. That's why I did it. If it was anything other than that, I'd still be pushing and trying to build up all the things
974 02:45:59,520 --> 02:46:10,500 right now, to make it bigger, I don't want it to be bigger, I'm uncomfortable. So you might be surprised if you find success, and you find notoriety, you know,
975 02:46:10,860 --> 02:46:20,850 it might be the same for you, or other people that thrive in that. You want to be a celebrity and you become one and you excel in it, I just don't feel
976 02:46:20,850 --> 02:46:33,960 comfortable with it. Like I just, I'm just a regular person, it was a blessing. And I asked that a prayer that if he would let me understand it, put it in front
977 02:46:33,960 --> 02:46:45,390 of me where I can understand it, I would spend the rest of my life teaching it. And once I've said everything, I will say publicly, there's nothing less,
978 02:46:45,540 --> 02:46:58,530 there's nothing left for me to teach. Like I've empty myself out. And anything that's kept is not for you. And I don't feel obligated. That wasn't part of the
979 02:46:58,530 --> 02:47:11,460 arrangement. Because I taught how to trade I taught how to read the markets, the way I see it, and understand how it's delivered. I'll be content. That's my goal
980 02:47:11,460 --> 02:47:22,740 was that I have an itinerary, like I said, what I want to talk about when I want to talk about how I want to talk about it. And more we're done, we're done. And
981 02:47:22,740 --> 02:47:34,740 being upset about it. It's it's a waste of energy and time, pour yourself into the content, study it, make it yours. And then don't forget me, shoot me an
982 02:47:34,740 --> 02:47:43,020 email at inner circle trader@gmail.com. And I will love to see your testimony, I would love to see what you're doing. I get so many of them every single week.
983 02:47:43,410 --> 02:47:50,760 There's so many people around the world that reach out to me and say, This is what I'm able to do. This is what I'm doing with it, you know, paying for
984 02:47:51,810 --> 02:48:01,680 communities in impoverished nations to be fed, you know, putting wells in places where they don't have drinking water. That's the stuff I'm talking about. Not I
985 02:48:01,680 --> 02:48:10,290 bought this Lamborghini, I bought this McLaren. You know, I bought this house here. I live in in a new place of the world because of you. Thank you. Yeah,
986 02:48:10,290 --> 02:48:20,700 it's great. God bless you for that. But I want to know what you do with it to help other people. That's what I want. I want to see you doing that. contributed
987 02:48:20,700 --> 02:48:30,810 and people that don't have it. Not repackage my stuff and make mentorships Okay, that's the other thing. I don't I don't want that guy, email me say Hey, can I
988 02:48:30,810 --> 02:48:39,150 have your permission to take your mentorship and turn it into a book? I promise I'm gonna do word for birds that we've had it right. That's plagiarism. Okay,
989 02:48:39,240 --> 02:48:52,890 several people already did that on Amazon and already reached out to Amazon. But, you know, anyway, make sure I've covered everything I want to talk about.
990 02:48:57,240 --> 02:49:04,800 So, you want to strip everything down and up top and make a simple model out of it. You need something to justify why you're bullish or bearish. You derive that
991 02:49:04,800 --> 02:49:13,740 from the weekly chart. And then you look on the daily chart for liquidity or inefficiencies, where's it gone to reach for within that weekly chart expansion
992 02:49:13,740 --> 02:49:21,510 either higher or lower? If you can find something that can agree on what your expectations are on the weekly chart, what does that mean? If you're bullish, it
993 02:49:21,510 --> 02:49:30,210 means you think that the weekly chart the candlestick that's forming for this week to come or the present week that hasn't completed yet. It's going to reach
994 02:49:30,240 --> 02:49:37,530 up to some kind of inefficiency, like a fair value gap above the marketplace on the weekly chart now. Or it's going to go above a weekly high whereby stocks
995 02:49:37,530 --> 02:49:47,580 will be which one is more likely to occur to go up for either one of those scenarios or to go down for either one of those scenarios. But in the reverse in
996 02:49:47,580 --> 02:49:56,670 other words, looking for an old low if you're bearish or an off eBay get below market price on the on the candlestick that's on the weekly chart. It sounds
997 02:49:56,670 --> 02:50:04,230 like an oversimplification because you're you You're ignorant to what it is you're looking for, because you're too new. But for people that have been
998 02:50:04,260 --> 02:50:11,340 studying price action, it's easy to discern, which is more likely is it likely to go up for either one of those two reasons or go down for either one or two
999 02:50:11,340 --> 02:50:20,730 reasons. And whichever one is more likely to go with, that's your bias going in from a macro perspective, that is not your daily bias, your daily bias has to be
1000 02:50:20,760 --> 02:50:30,540 derived from your daily chart. So for instance, if we had a really big move lower, right on Monday, and we're expecting it to expand up the upside, then
1001 02:50:30,540 --> 02:50:39,180 we're expecting what on Tuesday or Wednesday, we want to see something to reverse and go higher, but not change our bias because of it. Everybody looking
1002 02:50:39,180 --> 02:50:47,550 at one to one candlestick on a daily chart would follow that logic that, okay, that big move on the one candlestick on a Monday, that's going to be the
1003 02:50:47,550 --> 02:50:55,980 beginning of the move for the rest of the week. And that's generally not what happens, especially when the instances that we're expecting as a specific thing
1004 02:50:56,040 --> 02:51:04,080 in the weekly chart to either occur or expanding higher or lower. So the weekly chart gives us our macro perspective, the higher timeframe perspective, then we
1005 02:51:04,080 --> 02:51:14,430 use our daily chart to zero in with the economic calendar, a medium or high impact news driver. In that time of day, that's when the manipulation starts.
1006 02:51:15,090 --> 02:51:28,530 And after initial manipulation, we wait for a imbalance to form, there's gonna be some displacement. The fair value Apple form, What time will it form 10 to
1007 02:51:28,530 --> 02:51:42,060 11, four to the three o'clock in the afternoon. If it's in London, there you go. Your three times his three times in a day, every single day, one of them forms
1008 02:51:42,060 --> 02:51:56,070 it in every market, every market one of those timeframes, or kill zones, if you want to call it it will form the fucking drone has been sitting here in front of
1009 02:51:56,070 --> 02:51:57,750 me, I'm gonna take a picture, I gotta do it
1010 02:52:11,250 --> 02:52:18,270 still having a closed Twitter app. So if it closes on the I apologize, you probably hear me now that happened.
1011 02:52:28,170 --> 02:52:40,050 I got a few pictures of it. So this from the time I noticed that it's it's been sitting here the whole time, ain't moving around and doing anything just hanging
1012 02:52:40,050 --> 02:52:49,980 out. So you can kind of distract me from what I was saying. The weekly chart we use for our bias or macro perspective, are we bullish or bearish? I mean, these
1013 02:52:49,980 --> 02:53:00,270 are daily chart in conjunction with the economic calendar. So if there's an economic calendar, it has to send, for instance, a Tuesday or Wednesday it has a
1014 02:53:00,270 --> 02:53:11,010 medium or high impact news driver, then we know that there's going to be manipulation on that specific day. And around that time, we go in with a
1015 02:53:11,010 --> 02:53:20,280 narrative in mind that they're going to use that initial manipulation to trick people with the wrong direction. So it's like a Judas swing, okay, you want to
1016 02:53:20,280 --> 02:53:30,720 strip down to the bare Chrome. One easy model, that's I'm just giving teachers like this. This is not the only way to do it. But we need to muffler the lower
1017 02:53:30,720 --> 02:53:41,160 timeframes for our one hour. Okay, you're just basically looking at market structure, then you're looking for specific key levels to measure to see swing
1018 02:53:41,160 --> 02:53:52,680 projections to get low hanging fruit objectives. And when you time to market, we're using like the silver bullet as a model of choice, it could be as easy as
1019 02:53:52,680 --> 02:54:07,290 the optimal trade entry, it could be as easy as using the 2020 model. Any one of those can form in these silver bullet time windows, this 60 minute intervals,
1020 02:54:07,770 --> 02:54:21,330 where your your focus is literally reduced down to one single hour. Now, if you know that there's going to be medium or high impact news driver, you know, those
1021 02:54:21,330 --> 02:54:29,550 days are going to be really easy for a silver bullet to form. What time does the silver bullet fall on, you start looking at it from a five minute chart, you
1022 02:54:29,550 --> 02:54:35,250 look from a five minute if it's not there, you go down to a four minute chart, if it's not there, you go down to a three, then down to a two down to a one. If
1023 02:54:35,250 --> 02:54:43,950 it doesn't exist on a one minute chart, you have to either let it go if you don't want to go into the second chart, or go into the 32nd or 15 second chart.
1024 02:54:45,090 --> 02:54:55,230 Don't go any lower than 15 Second, but that's how that's where it's gonna form. It's a it's a high frequency trading entry mechanism you're using on the second
1025 02:54:55,230 --> 02:55:03,270 chart, but you're using a criteria that's been formed from a weekly to a daily specifically aiming on a data has been your high impact news driver, and you're
1026 02:55:03,270 --> 02:55:13,110 waiting for that initial displacement and manipulation. And you only trade between 10 o'clock and 11 o'clock, the entry must be taken there. If it isn't,
1027 02:55:13,230 --> 02:55:23,070 you wait to the next session, you missed the move, or it's going to be in the afternoon session. For an already formed in london session. There's your rules.
1028 02:55:23,310 --> 02:55:31,620 It's simple, but you won't stick to it. If you're in, if you're undisciplined. If you're undisciplined, you're gonna, like, oh, I can't do that I can't fall
1029 02:55:31,620 --> 02:55:41,490 out. But if you found it, it's going to give you money. It's gonna, you're gonna take losses when it comes. But it makes money. He gives you consistency in terms
1030 02:55:41,490 --> 02:55:51,810 of finding setups, it's a logic, you can time it, the economic calendar, you can see in advance what's the economic economy for next month, in June, they're
1031 02:55:51,810 --> 02:56:06,420 already there. They're already telling you when these reports are going to come out. So you know, okay, there's going to be opportunity on that day. Mustang, I
1032 02:56:06,420 --> 02:56:18,540 blow the doors off you boy. But the idea of not knowing what the setups form that's all, it's all been canceled. I'd say exactly. Now, where, when and why
1033 02:56:19,800 --> 02:56:28,500 the logic gone. Now, what about all the other moves that take place around the other days and intraday, that's opposed to that weekly objective, or where we
1034 02:56:28,500 --> 02:56:40,650 think it's gonna go to you ignore it, you filter it out. That's what I was really getting to on Friday, every long, was pretty much good. There were some
1035 02:56:40,680 --> 02:56:50,190 long's that I should have taken more partials off, or close to trade on and then not gone short. But I was showing you both both directions, up, down, up, down,
1036 02:56:50,610 --> 02:56:58,710 the lungs were better. Why? Because the weekly volume imbalance was the real draw on liquidity. Now, if you want to be real nimble, and you get your five
1037 02:56:58,710 --> 02:57:10,350 handles when itself available to you, like I could have done that up, down, up down up there all day long on Thursday. But your focus is to look for quality
1038 02:57:10,350 --> 02:57:19,230 over quantity, your goal should not be I can take 12 trades intraday in the same day and have them be profitable. That's not something you should strive for. You
1039 02:57:19,230 --> 02:57:27,810 want to be able to be consistently profitable, and content with looking for the best, the choice is the cream of the crop best setups, so that way you can trust
1040 02:57:27,810 --> 02:57:36,180 it. And when you're able to do that, number one, you're exhibiting discipline, you're exhibiting self control that most traders don't have. They don't have
1041 02:57:36,180 --> 02:57:47,430 that the way you arrive at it is having a model that's well defined, what are you looking for? What does it look like? When does it occur? Consistently? See,
1042 02:57:47,580 --> 02:57:58,770 if the markets were random, I'm gonna say this and close it. If the markets were indeed random, how the fuck is a silver bullet setup possible, and why it's so
1043 02:57:58,770 --> 02:58:09,390 consistent. Because the markets are not random. They're controlled, they're coded. And they're ran by an algorithm. And because it's coded, and it's ran by
1044 02:58:09,390 --> 02:58:21,390 an algorithm, it has to do certain things. And we are waiting for the time when manipulation would occur, whether it be automated with in the part that is
1045 02:58:21,480 --> 02:58:31,200 algorithmic or if it's manual intervention, we're waiting for that displacement. And we will fall victim to trades that are manually intervened. Sometimes,
1046 02:58:31,350 --> 02:58:43,920 there'll be a trade that sets up, you'll get in it, you're following all the rules, and then all of a sudden, one second, and to turn the car back on. You'll
1047 02:58:43,920 --> 02:58:56,700 take a trade and it'll be stopped down. But nothing has changed. All it was was a run on the liquidity one more time. Your stock was in too early. You entered
1048 02:58:56,700 --> 02:59:08,610 too early. And then you gotta reenter the market. How do you know that experience? Studying old moves? Not seeing the other side of the marketplace?
1049 02:59:08,670 --> 02:59:18,270 Because you get stopped out? If I get stopped out and I'm like, Okay, I got stopped out. Did it really change anything? No, it just ran for my stop. No
1050 02:59:18,270 --> 02:59:28,200 problem. I'm going back in. Okay. That's that's what happens. Sometimes you're going to do it wrong as a human being. But you have to have the experience to be
1051 02:59:28,200 --> 02:59:38,520 able to identify the market still has the opportunity to do what I expected in the beginning even though I took a loss there's gonna be times where you see the
1052 02:59:38,520 --> 02:59:51,030 market change and morph into if you're bullish, something extremely bullish. You watch me do that on Friday to market went down. I was already long, several
1053 02:59:51,090 --> 02:59:59,790 several contracts. And one more time down into a level that I felt that was returning just for reclaimed pdra And I went I knew it was that was the one that
1054 02:59:59,790 --> 03:00:10,770 was the When I was waiting for, there's no doubt about it, and added another larger position in terms of the trade size. And it turned right there and ran
1055 03:00:10,770 --> 03:00:21,510 away. That's experience, you can't get that from a book. Even if I wrote it, you can't get that from a video, whether I do a five minute video of it, or someone
1056 03:00:21,510 --> 03:00:31,500 else tries to reduce it down to a five minute video. Or if I do a whole week long lecture on it, it needs to be experienced individually. And that's the part
1057 03:00:31,500 --> 03:00:39,660 that nobody wants to hear. Nobody wants to hear that. They think that there's going to be a teacher out there, that's going to be able to tell them real short
1058 03:00:39,660 --> 03:00:47,370 and easy. This is what you need to know. And now you heard me say it, or I showed it to you, as an example. Now you know how to do it. That's That's
1059 03:00:47,370 --> 03:00:58,170 bullshit. Believe me, that's bullshit. The folks that use my name on their YouTube channels, and they say I've done all the work so that way you don't have
1060 03:00:58,170 --> 03:01:08,520 to, or learn this easier and faster. ICT did this, this, this and I can make it faster for you. That's bullshit. That's bullshit. Because you can't compress
1061 03:01:08,850 --> 03:01:19,800 what needs to be learned on an individual basis. You can't. That is a bandwidth that's uniquely experienced, you can't do anything to change it, you can't
1062 03:01:19,980 --> 03:01:28,650 augment it, you can't speed it up. You can't elongated. It is what it is. And that's what makes this expensive as an industry, not because you can lose money,
1063 03:01:28,680 --> 03:01:38,850 but because it takes a lot of fucking effort in time. And you bring all your baggage to it. All your, your character flaws, the things that you don't like
1064 03:01:38,850 --> 03:01:51,210 about yourself. And if you are really forced to look at it, make you unsettled. And some people don't like who they discover who they are in a manifest that in
1065 03:01:51,210 --> 03:01:58,410 losing because they don't want to they don't want to whether going through it, the grow through that. They don't want to they just want to turn their cheek and
1066 03:01:58,410 --> 03:02:06,330 say, Oh, this guy is a fraud. This stuff doesn't work. Nobody makes money trading, and narratives that allows them to live the existence where they
1067 03:02:06,360 --> 03:02:16,080 haven't corrected their problems. Their impatience, their impulsiveness, their greed, they're lazy fucking this guy just coined the term, lazy fucking this.
1068 03:02:17,730 --> 03:02:18,180 Whatever.
1069 03:02:20,280 --> 03:02:30,120 Lazy doesn't work here, folks. Lazy doesn't work. And impatience doesn't allow you to stay in this game long enough to learn. So you have to be patient, you
1070 03:02:30,120 --> 03:02:39,870 have to be really, really disciplined. With your time, if you're listening to someone, like for instance, someone new, someone new that comes to this
1071 03:02:39,990 --> 03:02:47,580 industry, maybe this is the first time you listened to me. And I probably talked about things that may nothing mean nothing to you, and you probably are going to
1072 03:02:47,580 --> 03:02:57,630 close this in a couple minutes, when I end it. If you're even gonna stay that long. You probably already turned off anyway, just be honest with the folks that
1073 03:02:58,620 --> 03:03:09,960 see or, or listen to things like this. And come away with this expectation or, or opinion that this was a waste of time. You haven't traded with your money.
1074 03:03:10,890 --> 03:03:20,400 You haven't found consistency yet. Because you believe that there's something out there someone has, it's going to be easy 123 You're going to understand it
1075 03:03:20,400 --> 03:03:26,760 real quick. You're never gonna make mistakes, you don't have to fix any character flaws in yourself, and you're gonna make money and you'll never have a
1076 03:03:26,760 --> 03:03:34,110 losing trade. Believe me, I felt that same should have existed to when I first started. You may not admit it publicly on social media, but that's deep down
1077 03:03:34,110 --> 03:03:40,050 inside. That's what you're really looking for. Because you really believe it's out there. And I'm probably the closest thing to it. And if I found if I had
1078 03:03:40,050 --> 03:03:48,030 this, there's got to be somebody else out there that has this much better, and shortened it up. Make it real easy for you. And I'm being honest with you the
1079 03:03:48,030 --> 03:03:57,990 things I'm telling you that I can't teach you. No one's gonna be able to teach you. You learn it from experience, you lose. You learn from that? How can I
1080 03:03:57,990 --> 03:04:08,160 teach you adequately? How to Fix a $25,000 drawdown with real money? How can how can I? How can I tell you in a book in a video in a video series? How can I even
1081 03:04:08,160 --> 03:04:16,620 if I didn't live, I went into a live account purposely lost $25,000. And so now here's how I'm going to fix it. You don't you can't. You can't bring yourself to
1082 03:04:16,620 --> 03:04:27,060 the same perspective. If it was your two, if it was your 25,000 hours. You can't you got to experience that. So there's a whole lot of learning curve to this
1083 03:04:27,060 --> 03:04:36,840 that everybody's simply just tapped whose tiptoes around it. And tap dances like it's all going to be good. It's not and you have to learn there. The most
1084 03:04:36,840 --> 03:04:48,210 valuable lessons are from the pain, the losing. I love when I hear people, whether it be using mind content, even folks that are outside of what I teach,
1085 03:04:49,020 --> 03:04:59,010 when they are candid with their audience and they say I'm really having a hard time with this, this this and I lost this and this is what I did wrong. Man. I
1086 03:04:59,010 --> 03:05:07,440 have the utmost fun can respect for somebody like that, because that's the reality. Everybody can go out there with hindsight fucking Harry mentorship
1087 03:05:07,440 --> 03:05:15,060 level shit, and talk about what's already happened. And it sounds educated, the sound like oh, well, he should be able or she should be able to do that live,
1088 03:05:15,630 --> 03:05:24,570 but they'll never do it. They'll never fucking do that, they will all call it, they won't trade it, they won't even record your executions. And they're
1089 03:05:24,570 --> 03:05:32,040 building their name on fucking horseshit just for clout, the folks that are out there that are really out there in the trenches, and they're sharing whether
1090 03:05:32,040 --> 03:05:42,330 they're teaching or just make an experience known to everyone else on YouTube. That's what I like about carbs, okay? And carbs. If you're listening, dude,
1091 03:05:42,360 --> 03:05:52,920 seriously, your fucking channel would grow. If you recorded your executions, and then went in with the same idea that you do afterwards, like when you go and you
1092 03:05:52,920 --> 03:05:59,520 meet everybody at noon, you probably aren't talking live right now. If you're in his live stream, if he's doing one right now, tell him I'm mentioning him right
1093 03:05:59,520 --> 03:06:09,510 now. But I told him once before I said, just record your executions. I mean, you're going so far as this show what your executions were up and down, you
1094 03:06:09,510 --> 03:06:20,250 know, getting in after the fact. So just just record them. Just record them. And afterwards, whether it's good or bad, go in and tell everybody what your what
1095 03:06:20,250 --> 03:06:30,090 you're feeling and what you felt at the time. That is that's valuable. I would love to fucking see it. Because you're being honest. When you say you're not
1096 03:06:30,090 --> 03:06:41,340 doing something right or you're struggling. That to me is refreshing. That's refreshing. Because take this take a look at what is promoted in this industry.
1097 03:06:41,370 --> 03:06:51,390 Whether it's Forex or futures or trading crypto, whatever the fuck it is. Everybody believes that it's the fucking rich lifestyle. This is all they got to
1098 03:06:51,390 --> 03:07:00,480 show. They don't show anything else. If I lose, I'm going to show you how I can lose if I get it wrong. I'm not going to sugarcoat it, tap dance around and like
1099 03:07:00,480 --> 03:07:08,850 Okay, I did that wrong. Boom, boom, boom, this is what I'm doing now. How often am I doing it incorrectly? I'm telling you what's going to happen and it does.
1100 03:07:09,570 --> 03:07:28,620 But you saw on Friday, I took a 975 hour hit didn't do shit to me bringing the element of humanity into it will grow your channel. Drama is not going to sell
1101 03:07:28,620 --> 03:07:43,290 your shit. You just have a little weak person with little dick complex. Okay. Trolling is stupid. Everybody out there can be trolled. I can be trolled.
1102 03:07:43,320 --> 03:07:54,720 Everybody can be trolled. This community this industry would be better if every person out there and this is a challenge to everybody that has a YouTube
1103 03:07:54,720 --> 03:08:10,110 channel, okay. I like that guy Kimmel. I'm subscribed to him. I like listening to him. I like Hannah. And there's a couple other people I watch I'm not
1104 03:08:10,110 --> 03:08:23,730 subscribed to. But I'm, I'm a little leery to talk about other people because Patrick Whelan put a dick move. I all I did was give him good, good shit and
1105 03:08:23,820 --> 03:08:33,690 uncompromised, and you want to act like an asshole, so. But his channel will not grow with that kind of stuff, they won't, they won't grow. He's still sitting
1106 03:08:33,690 --> 03:08:44,190 underneath 20,000 He might grow a little bit over time, but he would have exponential growth if he wasn't so fucking toxic. Be real. And don't try to tear
1107 03:08:44,190 --> 03:08:52,470 other people down. Now I can tear down other approaches to trading, because it's all shit. And I can tell you why it should have to show you where its weaknesses
1108 03:08:52,470 --> 03:09:02,310 are and where I use my content to smash the shit out of anybody who uses that logic. That's not me going after any one particular YouTube operator. But the
1109 03:09:02,310 --> 03:09:08,250 people that use that methodology will take offense to that and say, well, he's talking about me. No, no, if I'm going to talk about you, I'm going to drop your
1110 03:09:08,250 --> 03:09:21,150 fucking name like I just did. Start talking about me for clout, just not talking about me. Just focus on you. But be real. Patrick's strengths are when he's
1111 03:09:21,180 --> 03:09:31,290 real. And he puts down his ego. And he says what he's doing wrong. That is growth. He'll learn from his own shit. And he'll also tell us audience that this
1112 03:09:31,290 --> 03:09:41,160 is normal. Everybody experiences I went through it. I went through it. I physically had to take myself away from the charts. Because I know the tendency
1113 03:09:41,160 --> 03:09:51,150 for me. I like to think I'm better than my algorithm. And if I'm given an opportunity or states to do so, why the fuck should I go out here and do
1114 03:09:51,150 --> 03:10:00,960 something I know deep down inside. I'm not going to be in my best performance I'm not. So I took myself away from it. And then I put myself in front of
1115 03:10:00,960 --> 03:10:10,890 charts, when it was presented itself, and then boom, like gangbusters exactly how we saw our charts, your chart looks like mine. I predicted the future, using
1116 03:10:10,890 --> 03:10:20,220 what I teach you. We didn't react to shit. We don't react to anything. We predict the future, we predict where price is going to go, we wait for certain
1117 03:10:20,220 --> 03:10:30,960 things to occur, we go in and attack it like that cheetah, an algorithm, an algorithm, an algorithm at this point in time, and an analogy, okay. So when
1118 03:10:30,960 --> 03:10:41,040 we're looking at price, we're anticipating certain performance in price and then go after it. We're not, you know, if it does this, I'm going to react to it by
1119 03:10:41,040 --> 03:10:51,990 doing that. No, I know, my students know it's going to do this. When it does my limit orders waiting for it. I'm waiting for it to do but I already know it's
1120 03:10:51,990 --> 03:11:05,610 likely to do and when it does, I'm all over that shit. And I'm gonna milk it and look for low hanging fruit objectives. easy targets? We'll try to get out of it.
1121 03:11:05,610 --> 03:11:14,550 Okay, well, don't argue don't argue with that. Where's five handles? Get out there. Do that for a couple of months get accustomed to build up some mental
1122 03:11:14,550 --> 03:11:21,900 capital? What does it feel like to be right? Following this logic, what does it feel like? Because you don't know what that feels like. That's why you're
1123 03:11:21,900 --> 03:11:27,870 uncertain. That's why you're afraid to put any time into because you're afraid. Too many people are learning ICT, it's gonna start working, they're gonna change
1124 03:11:27,870 --> 03:11:34,980 the markets. What the fuck, you're arguing that there is no algorithm, but then you're saying the same people are saying, but if all these people start doing
1125 03:11:35,010 --> 03:11:43,950 the market's going to start going against it? What the fuck? You just admitted that there's an algorithm for Come on. I mean, these people are stupid. They're
1126 03:11:43,950 --> 03:11:52,620 fucking stupid. They're wasting all this time worrying about shit, that isn't going to happen. What if thinking, what if if you put your ass down from the
1127 03:11:52,620 --> 03:12:00,300 chart and studied like I told you? What if you did all that, and it worked out and you made fucking money? What if it changed your whole fucking family tree?
1128 03:12:01,230 --> 03:12:06,270 And you don't live in lack anymore? What if you can make your ends fucking meet? If you just listened?
1129 03:12:08,430 --> 03:12:18,270 Think about that. You're bringing your bullshit, your myopic perspective into this. That's a problem. That is a fucking problem. You need to change it, you
1130 03:12:18,270 --> 03:12:25,380 need to recalibrate. You're bringing negativity in something that you're intrigued enough to say, well, let me take a look at this guy's video or anybody
1131 03:12:25,380 --> 03:12:34,560 else's shit. But you're too critical over it. And yourself. You're already you've already defeated yourself before you even started. You have defeated
1132 03:12:34,560 --> 03:12:43,890 yourself you convinced yourself that there's no point in trying. It's a losing cause why bother? So why the fuck are you get on social media posting that kind
1133 03:12:43,890 --> 03:12:52,650 of shit? Because you're negative. There's something wrong in you. There's a disconnection. You need to identify what that is. There's a triggering that's
1134 03:12:52,650 --> 03:12:59,070 going on. It's not ICT that does it. Like people would like to say, Oh, I hate that button guy. Fuck you. I don't care if you'd like me or not. The point is,
1135 03:12:59,100 --> 03:13:11,010 this is the truth is the facts. I brought in my own baggage. I needed to feel significant because my own fucking parents didn't want me that you can't get any
1136 03:13:11,010 --> 03:13:24,180 bigger than that. And I had a wife that left me. Hello. What do you got? What the fuck your hold up? What's your problem? Where's your baggage? Like? There's
1137 03:13:24,180 --> 03:13:34,080 a two biggest fucking things. The people that birthed me in the fucking moment. I'm supposed to spend the rest of my life with both of them walked out. What the
1138 03:13:34,080 --> 03:13:46,800 fuck do you have? It's worse than that. It's just mental baggage. Leave it at the fucking door. Come on, in. Warm up. We brought cookies. We got refreshments
1139 03:13:46,830 --> 03:13:53,070 hanging out for a little while because you're gonna leave a different person. You're gonna know. I ain't gotta be like that person and leave the fucking
1140 03:13:53,070 --> 03:14:01,200 baggage. We'll get rid of it on our own. We'll toss it out. We'll throw it in the bin for you. But leave that shit don't come into this learning experience
1141 03:14:01,380 --> 03:14:09,060 with all this negativity bullshit. And what if thinking and what if it does this and what if it does that? What happens if you just follow the rules? And you do
1142 03:14:09,060 --> 03:14:16,530 what other people around the fucking world are doing independent of me? I'm telling them what they're trading for. Don't on their own. making fortunes.
1143 03:14:17,730 --> 03:14:28,350 fortunes. Have you made 100 Fucking $1,000 last year? How about this? Are you gonna make $100,000 I got people making that in the same fucking month in the
1144 03:14:28,350 --> 03:14:39,510 same week. What are you complaining about? It doesn't cost you anything to pull up a fucking video. It takes time. Yes. I told you that. I didn't hide that from
1145 03:14:39,510 --> 03:14:52,530 you. But you're, you're missing this opportunity for you to change everything. Not just your ability to make it pay for shit. But your whole life changes.
1146 03:14:54,150 --> 03:15:06,690 Freedom. Fucking freedom. You don't have to listen to you Your fucking boss. You don't have to ask when your fucking vacations allowed to be had. You do what the
1147 03:15:06,690 --> 03:15:15,660 fuck you want to do. And some of you are coming in here with a car mindset you got to trade every day because that's what fucking a good car will do stock Carl
1148 03:15:15,870 --> 03:15:25,380 thought can fuck his mentality fuck his approach to life. We don't need the brown nose to market to keep it in love with us. We know when we can have our
1149 03:15:25,380 --> 03:15:33,810 one night stands with this and it's nothing wrong with it. We can still be married and nobody's divorcing us. Trust me, your fucking wife's gonna love you
1150 03:15:33,810 --> 03:15:43,320 for having a one night stand with a fucking Yes, okay, you're getting in there. No STDs, the only STDs we got in standard deviation. Financially were the fact
1151 03:15:43,320 --> 03:15:57,960 that came from this came off the hit. But anyway, I got my second one, you ready for another three hours. I'm just kidding. I'm not a water. And I haven't eaten
1152 03:15:57,960 --> 03:16:10,200 today yet. So I gotta go get something to eat. Hang out with my little guy. So I don't I'm sure if you've got anything from this one or not. I didn't really
1153 03:16:10,200 --> 03:16:21,690 stick to my attention. Because I allowed the rabbit trails dictate my pace and direction. But everything I said I meant it. And it's all meant in the light of
1154 03:16:21,690 --> 03:16:31,050 you improving. If you have a mentor, if you have somebody on on YouTube that you'd like to watch, encourage them respectfully not, don't go there and troll,
1155 03:16:31,380 --> 03:16:38,940 don't go out and say shit, like you knew you. We've never seen a payout from you before this one, that kind of shit, that's it's a thing. It's ignorant. I
1156 03:16:38,940 --> 03:16:50,520 observed the same thing, I'm not going to beat this person up. But encourage them, encourage them to be more open with what they find difficult. And you're
1157 03:16:50,520 --> 03:16:57,690 gonna find that if you're that type of person, that you're out there trying to share what you do or trying to teach. And you're open, and you're honest with
1158 03:16:57,720 --> 03:17:05,520 what you have found difficult in your trading. And this is back to my challenges for everybody who has a YouTube channel that's listening to me. I would love and
1159 03:17:05,520 --> 03:17:15,690 I will literally look at all your videos. If you tweet it to me, I'll watch your video. Okay, if you're doing this, I want you to be honest and talk about what
1160 03:17:15,690 --> 03:17:27,330 you have struggled with. In your trading. Like what what was the biggest boulder? What was the barrier, the roadblock in your understanding that you may
1161 03:17:27,330 --> 03:17:35,790 still be underneath of in terms of feeling the pressure from or what you overcome. Preferably, I'd love to hear the ones that have overcome it and what
1162 03:17:35,790 --> 03:17:47,700 they did to to do that, because you're gonna see, everybody's dealing with unique shit. And what was the reasons for them to feel this problem. And if
1163 03:17:47,700 --> 03:17:57,630 they're honest, and I don't expect, honestly, the level of honesty that I would like to see, but I'm encouraging you all, like I opened myself up. When I do
1164 03:17:57,630 --> 03:18:07,470 these, and I've done certain YouTube video series, where have you heard me cry, I'm a fucking man. And I'm a human being, I have a heart. And when I think about
1165 03:18:07,470 --> 03:18:17,940 the things I've done, and I caused my family to miss me, when I was right in the same room with them in the same house, and like a ghost, I would pass by them
1166 03:18:18,210 --> 03:18:31,770 and get right back to my charts. I caused that pain, I did that. And I regret it. I can't fix it. So the only thing I can do is spend more time with them. It
1167 03:18:31,770 --> 03:18:41,040 might be for you fear, fear of losing. And what did you do to overcome that? It might be fear of getting into a trade, fear of not getting out at the right
1168 03:18:41,040 --> 03:18:48,480 price. Whatever I'm just giving you suggestions. I'm not saying let me use that make a video and be honest thing cuz people are gonna be tough because genuinely
1169 03:18:48,480 --> 03:18:59,370 not. If you've got the balls to do it, and go out there and be honest and say, This is what I have dealt with for this much time, or still encountering. And
1170 03:18:59,400 --> 03:19:09,060 even though I can make money. This is what I keep coming up against. I keep coming up against that. I promise you, your fucking community will love you for
1171 03:19:09,060 --> 03:19:21,930 that. They will love you for it because you're not trying to be superstar Rockstar celebrity trader that knows everything. I don't do that. And I met I am
1172 03:19:21,930 --> 03:19:30,690 that and I don't present myself like that. I'm real. When I fuck up things, I will tell you I fucked that up. I didn't do that. Right. This is what I had to
1173 03:19:30,690 --> 03:19:40,260 learn from that. That's real mentoring. That's somebody that went through some real shit. Learn from it, and this is how to avoid it, and why you shouldn't do
1174 03:19:40,260 --> 03:19:45,750 these types of things. Because you're not going to be the exception. You're not gonna be the person that you can walk around and say, well, it didn't happen to
1175 03:19:45,750 --> 03:19:57,780 me. And so many young guys do the same shit that I say not to do. So yeah, I'm just like ICT like it's a fucking brotherhood. I don't. We don't we don't want
1176 03:19:57,780 --> 03:20:06,000 you to do that. I don't want you to I could have that pain, I know it scar tissue, it's going to limit you. If you didn't think that tell you to do and
1177 03:20:06,000 --> 03:20:16,770 avoided things I tell you to avoid, you can be better than I am. Even just trading one model that I created, you can be better than I am. How does that
1178 03:20:16,770 --> 03:20:28,800 even possible? Well, number one, I'm never satisfied with my exits. I'm never ever, ever satisfied with my exits. Never. I'm never fucking satisfied with
1179 03:20:28,800 --> 03:20:36,240 them. I don't care how much money I can make them. I'm never satisfied with them. My entries, unless I say otherwise, I'm pretty much getting in where I
1180 03:20:36,240 --> 03:20:45,120 want to get in. But my weakness is my exits. I'm not content, I want more precision on my exits. And you probably look at what I'm doing and thinking what
1181 03:20:45,120 --> 03:20:54,720 the fuck dude, if I could have just 25% down great, but I'm not. So that's what I'm telling you I have, I have an issue with that. I wrestle with it every day.
1182 03:20:54,900 --> 03:21:01,440 And when markets are not trading, and I'm contemplating what I can do to change things or what ideas I want to pursue and what I want to tweak. And it's always
1183 03:21:01,440 --> 03:21:10,830 on the exit strategies. That's it. Because entries I have had that unlock it's given, I've no fucking fear of getting in anything. I said, I got 81 different
1184 03:21:10,830 --> 03:21:18,690 ways to get into something I'm getting in that bits, trust me, it's a vault I'm getting in it, I'm taking something out of there, it may not be the all of it,
1185 03:21:18,720 --> 03:21:28,320 I'm gonna take something out of it. But I'm encouraging all of you that are YouTubers to do a video sometime this week doesn't have to be today. It's not a
1186 03:21:28,320 --> 03:21:42,030 race to get the first one out either, but put some time into it and really consider the level of honesty that was required. And give the audience what they
1187 03:21:42,030 --> 03:21:54,480 don't know about you. Tell them what, what struggles you have what? What causes you apprehension with taking a trade? What do you feel when
1188 03:21:55,860 --> 03:22:03,270 you're in the trade? What type of things you wrestle with? You know, what are you thinking, what are you feeling, and your audience is going to be able to
1189 03:22:03,270 --> 03:22:13,260 draw a connection with you that you haven't made with them yet. See, the folks that hate me, it can't stand me because I literally had been teaching with a
1190 03:22:13,260 --> 03:22:22,590 demo. And I'm blowing up with a demo that I've shown live trading, I made 20 some $25,000 in one month, flipping a quarter. Okay, flipping a fucking quarter
1191 03:22:22,710 --> 03:22:30,390 and doing a few things for students in my private mentorship to ask me questions. Because you do this, how do I fix this? And how did I did that. And I
1192 03:22:30,390 --> 03:22:38,820 made $25,000. None of that shit, go through all those straight executions. And you won't see any of the models of teams that have taught you it's not there.
1193 03:22:39,810 --> 03:22:50,610 That's just managing money. And if you're not to make money, you can fucking flip a coin and make money. That's the proof. If I was in a fucking courtroom,
1194 03:22:50,700 --> 03:23:00,930 I'd say here's what I did this thing I flipped here. It was heads that day by it was this tails itself. And I had to force myself to do that. That's it. That's
1195 03:23:00,930 --> 03:23:12,900 all still in there. What do you think's going to happen when you apply sound money management, sound money management, good risk reward. And you're choosing
1196 03:23:12,900 --> 03:23:21,270 your setups based on the logic I'm teaching, your results are almost fucking guaranteed the closest thing you can get to a guarantee of finding success over
1197 03:23:21,270 --> 03:23:33,120 a large sample set, not every individual trade is going to be a win. But over a large sample set, you can reasonably expect a positive outcome. Now, a person
1198 03:23:33,120 --> 03:23:40,770 that has mental baggage coming in, can't expect that because they're going to do everything, whether they realize it or not, subconsciously, in birtley, or
1199 03:23:40,770 --> 03:23:48,270 directly derail themselves, you're angry at your wife, you're angry at your husband, you don't feel like you're getting enough attention from them, you're
1200 03:23:48,270 --> 03:23:57,300 going to act out. They said something to you to piss you off at work. You didn't get recognized at work, you got fired. Somebody did something to your child at
1201 03:23:57,300 --> 03:24:04,290 school, you want to go out there and talk and make the news, all that kind of stuff, that that's real world shit. And if you're in a market if you're in a
1202 03:24:04,290 --> 03:24:12,240 trade, or if you go into a trade to kind of compensate for that, to give you a different vibe to feel better about the situation you're in. Because if I can
1203 03:24:12,240 --> 03:24:18,810 make 500 bucks Hey, man, it's better than wanting to go out there and kill this man fucker to head his kid come and hit my kid or do something inappropriate.
1204 03:24:19,170 --> 03:24:29,220 Whatever it is, whatever it is that real world brought to you that causes you discomfort or just boredom. If you allow boredom to come in, invite you into
1205 03:24:29,220 --> 03:24:39,060 taking a train, do anything in the market right now. Depend on looking forward. We just call him by and see what happens. And you Buck around and find out. Do
1206 03:24:39,060 --> 03:24:48,240 you fall into that impulsiveness all the time? Do you do it frequently? Yeah, those types of things. It's silly. They may sound some of you're probably not
1207 03:24:48,240 --> 03:25:01,200 going to do that shit. What the hell? That is. What it's like to be human. When you're human. These intrusive thoughts they come in And if you allow these
1208 03:25:01,200 --> 03:25:12,690 intrusive thoughts to dictate the direction or execution, where there's money behind it at risk, are you really trading? Are you doing a science experiment?
1209 03:25:16,440 --> 03:25:27,840 It's like taking chlorine and mixing it with brake fluid. Now, the average person, oh, the folks that are going to do, you don't want to do that. It will
1210 03:25:28,500 --> 03:25:36,600 catch fire. Those two ingredients coming together, there ensnaring you don't want to do that. And but that's what you're doing. You're thinking, Okay, I got
1211 03:25:36,600 --> 03:25:44,640 something good and clean. Okay, I got something good and clean. I'm gonna try to make something about myself and trading. That's the chlorine. That's the element
1212 03:25:44,640 --> 03:25:51,000 we're talking about here. Okay, you're doing the right thing trying to improve your life. But you bring in a new brake, brake fluid, you're, you're stopping
1213 03:25:51,000 --> 03:26:02,220 yourself, you're stopping yourself from doing something that the rules say you shouldn't do, or you should do. And that brake fluid being introduced to the
1214 03:26:02,220 --> 03:26:12,180 chlorine, the good aspect of when you're trying to make a good thing and you're like, clean up your act. It actually catches on fire violently on fire and some
1215 03:26:12,180 --> 03:26:18,990 of you out there, I'm gonna go do that. I gotta pull and get some chlorine, get some big sure if you hurt yourself or bring your fucking shit down. Don't Don't
1216 03:26:19,020 --> 03:26:29,850 blame me. Okay, but that's the average person that knew that. And ignorance doesn't exonerate you from the damages that it would you would cause by fucking
1217 03:26:29,850 --> 03:26:37,170 around finding out. So when you're doing these things, and allowing intrusive thoughts in your personal life that's causing you pain, discomfort, boredom,
1218 03:26:37,410 --> 03:26:47,340 rage, anger, insignificance, not getting the attention from your significant other, oh, I find aren't getting it from him. If I'm not getting it from her,
1219 03:26:47,580 --> 03:26:53,910 I'm gonna go out there making some money. Because it'll remind me that I don't need them, I can give you my own shit and find someone else I'd better better
1220 03:26:53,910 --> 03:27:05,070 life can be had with, which leads to a whole new discussion, we won't hear now. But all those things, human beings have a tendency to do. And I've been open
1221 03:27:05,130 --> 03:27:16,290 with what I've done in the past where I hurt myself. I've caused monetary loss in scar tissue and mental baggage that I still wrestle with today. There are
1222 03:27:16,290 --> 03:27:22,560 certain times when I get in the marketplace, I remind myself of not because I want to remember but just reminds me because I've done so many different trades
1223 03:27:22,560 --> 03:27:32,670 that this is the time there's a time I did this type of trade before and I didn't know this and that in my mind shifts that bad moment, and I lose my
1224 03:27:32,670 --> 03:27:39,450 concentration about what it is I'm looking for. That's some things that I wrestled with that scar tissue, you start worrying about, like that piece of
1225 03:27:39,450 --> 03:27:45,600 meat, okay, you eat a steak, you get a piece of meat between your teeth, what happens if you don't have floss to get it out, your tongue keeps going right
1226 03:27:45,600 --> 03:27:52,830 back to it. You can't, you can't really listen to somebody talking to you. And you're nodding your head. And yeah, I hear what you're saying. But you're just
1227 03:27:52,830 --> 03:28:01,110 trying to get that little piece of fucking meat between your teeth out. That's what scar tissue is like, when you're trading with bad experiences, you will go
1228 03:28:01,110 --> 03:28:10,230 back to those things where it hurt you before. And you won't be able to focus clearly, without any confusion, or any kind of distraction about the very trade
1229 03:28:10,230 --> 03:28:19,440 you're in. That's why I teach you the way I teach you, I don't want you and you don't want you don't realize you don't have that problem. If you have the
1230 03:28:19,440 --> 03:28:24,660 problem. You're nodding your head right now, like I know exactly what the fuck you're talking about. I know exactly what you're talking about. And wish I would
1231 03:28:24,660 --> 03:28:32,100 have known this beforehand. But once you have it, you can't do anything but live with it. It makes it harder to be a traitor like that. It's difficult to do
1232 03:28:32,100 --> 03:28:44,910 that. In the way I teach and how I teach it with a demo account. You can't get that problem. It's impossible for you to get that problem. Why fucking people
1233 03:28:44,910 --> 03:28:52,140 have an issue with this shit, whether it's a demo or not. Because literally, it's the same fucking thing. The people that are following my shit went on
1234 03:28:52,140 --> 03:28:58,410 Twitter and saying I'm gonna go here and they buy it and they make money. You think they get a fuck about whether I talked about in a demo or not? They made
1235 03:28:58,410 --> 03:29:05,940 money on it. They watched it unfold. They don't give a fuck. They're also aware to every fund account out there. It's a fucking demo. Just off talking about
1236 03:29:05,940 --> 03:29:12,990 fucking demos. Like it's a fucking problem. People are making money and learning from me and studying in their own demo account when you get comfortable with
1237 03:29:13,020 --> 03:29:21,960 what they're looking at. And they wrestle through all their bullshit and find out where their character flaws are. And you're honest with that they make
1238 03:29:22,740 --> 03:29:30,660 either a coping skill to work around it or correct it it might be a substance abuse could be alcoholism it could be you know smoking weed if you're smoking
1239 03:29:30,660 --> 03:29:39,330 weed and you're trading you're fucking stupid. Okay, you're fucking stupid. You're literally darling. Your fucking senses and you're fucking making it
1240 03:29:39,330 --> 03:29:47,880 harder. Okay, you want to do that? Do that on a weekend? No markets no none that shit. Okay, you're gonna get high get fucking lit. get baked. Weird fucking
1241 03:29:47,880 --> 03:29:54,540 wanna call it on a weekend where you can't do anything to hurt yourself in the marketplace. You shouldn't smoke is going to tear your fucking lungs up. I don't
1242 03:29:54,540 --> 03:30:05,790 care what anybody says. It's hurting your lungs. edibles have added alcoholism, you don't want to be drinking, you don't have anywhere near you while you're
1243 03:30:05,790 --> 03:30:16,800 trading. I don't drink I've never drank alcohol or got drunk, but I've seen the effects of it. And nobody, in my opinion is going to effectively trade well.
1244 03:30:17,670 --> 03:30:29,610 Intoxicated, okay, this is this is not. And to try to be the person that proves me wrong Larry's stupid. So it might be as extreme as something like that, that
1245 03:30:29,610 --> 03:30:39,000 you're wrestling with, or something as simple as you know, you just want to feel significant, and you're impatient about it, and you want to do something right
1246 03:30:39,000 --> 03:30:42,180 away, because a win will make you feel significant.
1247 03:30:43,290 --> 03:30:52,170 And most of the time, it's that it's that that very thing for men. For women, they just want to feel confident that they don't have to rely on a secondary
1248 03:30:52,170 --> 03:31:02,340 income, which will allow them to live their relationship with their significant other more honestly, because unfortunately, women sometimes are codependent on a
1249 03:31:02,340 --> 03:31:12,630 male, because they're the breadwinner. And if they help the household, you stay afloat. And they don't have enough to contribute to support it. Without them.
1250 03:31:13,050 --> 03:31:21,210 They stay in relationships they otherwise wouldn't be in. And I'm not trying to force the idea of divorces or separations. But some instances, certain
1251 03:31:21,210 --> 03:31:28,890 relationships are not healthy for them to be in, it could be physically abusive, it could be mentally abusive, and they're trapped. In this skill set, when they
1252 03:31:28,890 --> 03:31:34,860 learn how to do it will allow them to weigh out whether or not this is a really healthy relationship. And honestly, if you want to know if a man who really
1253 03:31:34,860 --> 03:31:43,590 loves you, if you can make the money that supports the household, and you still give him respect as the man, he's going to love you like a queen like you've
1254 03:31:43,590 --> 03:31:53,010 never been before. Because he's going to know, she don't need to be with me. Like she, she makes real bread. And she chooses to be with me. And she's
1255 03:31:53,010 --> 03:32:01,890 monogamous with me. And I'm content and I love this woman because she could be somewhere else and she's choosing me. How's that for a life lesson? You have to
1256 03:32:02,190 --> 03:32:10,710 think about young men, because a lot of times you're thinking about your dick. Okay, and women aren't thinking about their dick. They're not thinking about
1257 03:32:10,710 --> 03:32:18,780 your dick, they will manipulate you with your dick. And maybe you never thought I'd go to here. But this is this is the reality of it, folks. People are human.
1258 03:32:19,650 --> 03:32:30,060 And relationships are manipulated. And sometimes we pretend we're in love, just to cope. But when you start really making real money, it might open your eyes
1259 03:32:30,060 --> 03:32:40,830 up. Do you really love the person you're with? Or are you just codependent? And are they really loving you like you should be loved. Because if you're not
1260 03:32:40,830 --> 03:32:49,860 really bringing anything to the table, I can tell you most men, most men don't view women as equal in a relationship. They just think that they should be
1261 03:32:49,860 --> 03:33:02,430 subordinate all the time. And that's unfortunate, because that causes the relationship to be lopsided. And subservient women, almost to a fault will stay
1262 03:33:02,430 --> 03:33:13,260 in that codependent relationship. And if you have the ability to make this kind of money independent of your spouse, it will force them to rise to the occasion
1263 03:33:13,260 --> 03:33:23,970 and be a better man. For you can escort them out the door and say, I really don't need you. Because you're holding this family unit back. You're welcome to
1264 03:33:23,970 --> 03:33:32,040 be a part of this family. And I want you to be a part of this family. But if you're doing you're going to be toxic, or if you're not going to be wholesome.
1265 03:33:33,180 --> 03:33:42,510 We don't need you. We don't need your paycheck. And a real man would see that and identify that and say, You know what, this, this is a queen, this is a woman
1266 03:33:42,510 --> 03:33:50,070 that I want to be with. This is someone that would love they would treasure this woman. I have her right now. And I have not been giving her like that. That's
1267 03:33:50,070 --> 03:34:03,120 how I feel. I'm talking right out of my heart right now. I have a good wife. I have a good wife. And I would hate. I mean, I don't think I've been a terrible
1268 03:34:03,120 --> 03:34:14,010 husband. And I've done what a husband should do, obviously. And we share time together, but she wants more of it. And it's not wrong for her to want more of
1269 03:34:14,010 --> 03:34:24,900 it. And it's not selfish for her to want more of it. And I'm making myself available. She's been very forgiving and allowing me to spend time with all of
1270 03:34:24,900 --> 03:34:34,530 you and doing the things that I do with you. But she knows there's a there's a deadline. So she's comfortable with that. And I've never given her a deadline
1271 03:34:34,530 --> 03:34:46,440 where I said I'm going to be done. It is done in November, the second week of November. We're done in 2023 ICT is done. I will not be doing these types of
1272 03:34:46,440 --> 03:34:54,990 things anymore. And I want you to know that I will be happy not doing these things. Because I will be doing the things I should have been doing more of with
1273 03:34:54,990 --> 03:35:05,490 my wife and my children. And I want you to learn that from me. Don't repeat Good, don't do that. Don't discover how painful it is for me. For yourself
1274 03:35:05,490 --> 03:35:15,570 having done the same things, don't do that. Do a better job of balancing your personal life. That's the whole reason why I put that 1440 video series up is
1275 03:35:15,570 --> 03:35:24,720 not a filler, but that that's valuable information, I wish I would have learned that in my 20s I would have been much more effective, much more fluent,
1276 03:35:26,190 --> 03:35:40,080 successful, and more at peace and wouldn't had all the anxiety I have created myself with all this shit. Success is easy to get. It's hard to manage. If
1277 03:35:40,080 --> 03:35:53,250 you're not prepared for it mentally, it's very, very hard. And if you're a person that is I'm trying to say this, I don't want to sound bigger than I am.
1278 03:35:53,250 --> 03:36:09,210 Because I'm really not that big of a deal. But I'm cognizant of the fact that the level of recognition I am getting now, I'm uncomfortable with it. And you
1279 03:36:09,210 --> 03:36:20,850 have to make allowances for that. Because if it's your pursuit to become, you know, somebody in this industry, be prepared to not want it when it's being
1280 03:36:20,850 --> 03:36:27,810 introduced to you. Because it's it's something that I have discovered, you know, when I was younger, I would have never imagined feeling the way I feel about it
1281 03:36:27,810 --> 03:36:41,970 now. But I feel adamant. I don't want to be someone like that. And I mean to the average person walk around out here, if I went into a store, they're not going
1282 03:36:41,970 --> 03:36:52,320 to say, oh, yeah, that's that guy and service trader. But someone that's in trading, like Forex, and whatever. They may recognize me, they say, Hey, look,
1283 03:36:52,590 --> 03:37:02,760 there's aren't you ICT or if they hear me talking and say and whatever. That hasn't happened, thankfully. But I don't want it to happen. Because I would
1284 03:37:02,790 --> 03:37:14,250 really be uncomfortable. And the one student that I have, that is a student of mine. I asked, he asked rather if he could meet me and I met him in the parking
1285 03:37:14,250 --> 03:37:25,050 lot of my high school. And if he was honest, and he was here, he would tell you, you could clearly see I was uncomfortable. But there was an ulterior reasons for
1286 03:37:25,050 --> 03:37:34,440 me to have that meeting too. But putting that aside, I am very introverted. I may not sound like I'm an introverted when I get on these spaces, because I'd
1287 03:37:34,440 --> 03:37:45,780 let myself just tear up and go. But in public, I'm wrestling with myself all the time. And that's what causes me to be introverted, because my mind is racing
1288 03:37:45,780 --> 03:37:57,750 1000 miles an hour. And there's 1000 intrusive thoughts going in my head all the time. So imagine, you are approached by someone that just simply wants to say hi
1289 03:37:57,750 --> 03:38:08,160 to you, or meet you, or just say thank you very much, it would be unsettling for me. Because I personally don't know who you are, to the way the world is today.
1290 03:38:08,220 --> 03:38:16,110 You could use that just to get close enough to me and hurt me or my family. And you're gonna die. If you did that, get just letting you know that you will, you
1291 03:38:16,110 --> 03:38:28,650 will be validated. Okay, don't don't do that type of thing. Because I don't know what your intentions are. And I don't want that I'm not having an open
1292 03:38:28,650 --> 03:38:38,370 invitation for people to come in and want to shake my hand and meet me. And I'm not comfortable with that. Not because I wouldn't appreciate it nor for I'm
1293 03:38:38,370 --> 03:38:44,460 against you having that experience. I just don't feel comfortable. And I think if you really put some thought behind, you would appreciate what I'm saying and
1294 03:38:44,460 --> 03:38:52,950 why I'm saying it. Because it's just you know, I'm a person with a family. And I don't want to lie close to my family that could potentially hurt them. And
1295 03:38:52,950 --> 03:39:04,620 anybody would be like that. So anyway, I'm done. So hopefully you got something from it. If not, Lisa, helps you get through your day a little bit. If you are
1296 03:39:04,620 --> 03:39:13,980 doing some yard work or whatnot, give me something listen to maybe give you some things to think about. For those that are YouTube channel operation, I gave you
1297 03:39:13,980 --> 03:39:24,660 a task if you choose to accept it. And I've covered some things that hopefully will align you with what it is you have to wrestle with as a trader. It's a lot
1298 03:39:24,660 --> 03:39:33,750 more than just what you see in the chart, and what you expect to see in price action. So with that, I friends, I will wish you a very, very pleasant Memorial
1299 03:39:33,840 --> 03:39:42,660 Day. If you're celebrating it, you'll be safe. Don't drink and drive. And I will touch base with you tomorrow, Lord willing. Until then, be safe.