
Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2023-01-01 13:53


01:30 - Last Twitter Space of 2022.

03:51 - It was something that made a whole lot of sense for me.

07:05 - Why you don’t need a “private” version of events.

10:38 - You’re learning things from hindsight.

17:57 - It’s going to be fun, but it’ll be specific.

22:04 - It's not the teacher, it's the person trying to learn this -.

26:26 - How do I know that the market will do something that I didn’t expect?

29:56 - What happens if you put a trade on until you hit the bye bye? What do you do?

38:36 - Tradingview follows me on Twitter.

42:10 - I’d gladly do it if you let me.

46:44 - Don’t ever delete a tweet ever.

50:26 - Why don’t I trade down? -.

57:34 - Why you have to have the tenacity to stick with it -.

01:00:46 - You have to find a way to fix your lazy ass if you’re going to make money in this industry.

01:05:25 - It’s hard to come back from a trade that you don’t even know why.

01:09:10 - When you’re one of those types of people, is it going to matter who doesn’t like what you do?

01:16:31 - How do you rate in your social media equity curve amongst your friends and family on Twitter and Facebook?

01:19:20 - Spreadsheets and charts -.

01:23:10 - Five handles is enough to make lots of money.

01:27:44 - If you can’t find it if you’re not skilled, find it.

01:34:11 - When you’re wrong, it’s normal.

01:38:40 - Don’t add to what’s already been given.

01:42:13 - If you’re not in tune with the things that will lure you into dumb shit gambling, you won’t be successful.

01:45:56 - Don’t call me “the goat”.

01:52:38 - Why is the last trading day of the year going to be an inside day?

01:56:12 - Why did you leave the pits to go to forex?

02:00:33 - Make sure you note that 3864 is where the markets are going -.

02:04:39 - When you have a gap opening, you want to see it stay open.

02:12:19 - Why you have to have a catalyst for why you’re going into the market.

02:15:56 - How do you know when it’s going to go down?

02:18:48 - Underneath the wooden roulette wheel, there are paddles for red, green and black.

02:22:57 - There’s no random market -.

02:30:25 - The scope of depreciation and paying for things.

02:35:42 - Working within the scope of where you’re placed.

02:40:35 - When you know how to trade, you have the inside edge -.

02:44:37 - The importance of having multiple facets in the equation in trading.

02:51:48 - They hate their life and they can’t do this.

02:55:47 - You don’t have to trade against institutional order flow -.

02:58:49 - How much of an increase in pay are you expecting to get from your boss or your company next year?

03:03:21 - Mentorship is the proper way to learn.

03:11:36 - The day I was dating my son’s mother.

03:15:16 - When you’re young, you think having lots of money, you are going to run around and be promiscuous.

03:19:13 - You have to pay for it and you're paying for it.

03:22:36 - You don’t have to be around toxic people.

03:28:29 - You want to do everything to make your family happy.

03:31:53 - It’s not just a video game, it is a game.

03:35:54 - I love having a face associated with a student that put the time and effort in.


00:01:30,600 --> 00:01:48,690 ICT: Well, good morning. Good morning. Good morning uppermost on well. Everybody should be hearing me. And I do have it recording. So last ICT Twitter space of
00:01:49,260 --> 00:02:05,460 2022 I'm sure it's probably going to be a boring one. So I like to just do a brief review of the year, and kind of like go through a bullet point, checklist
00:02:05,460 --> 00:02:20,700 of things. I promise I won't take too long with it. But last year, I mentioned that I was going to no longer do paid memberships and mentorships and bringing
00:02:20,700 --> 00:02:33,510 people into a private community and I would move to a public forum. And I would be teaching on YouTube. And I would return back to Twitter. I have done those
00:02:33,510 --> 00:02:51,000 things. And I also went one step further to quell the the pursuits of people simply blindly taking my premium content, core lessons, and videos and selling
00:02:51,000 --> 00:03:05,400 them to other people for personal profit. I put them up on my YouTube channel. So all of the core content one through 12 that is on my Youtube. You're welcome
00:03:05,400 --> 00:03:15,120 to go through that and studied at your own pace and leisure. And also mentioned that I would go on I was gonna go out and teach a model that was, in my opinion,
00:03:15,270 --> 00:03:25,320 very simple. agreed that if you're a complete neophyte, and you don't know what you're doing at all, even the 2022 model, this online YouTube channel can be a
00:03:25,320 --> 00:03:45,510 little intimidating. But for those that have plundered through in May there their way through copious amounts of videos and lectures and boring drawings by
10 00:03:45,660 --> 00:03:56,820 girl ICT that one struck paydirt didn't it? It was something that made a whole lot of sense. It doesn't have a lot of moving parts. And you also saw me use it
11 00:03:57,060 --> 00:04:09,360 in live streams. You saw me do it in live trades. You saw me do it in demo trade. You saw me outline it beforehand. You saw me outline it in commentary,
12 00:04:09,360 --> 00:04:22,170 you heard me talk about it setting up in Twitter spaces. Okay, so it's undeniable. You also saw many people all around the world, step forward and
13 00:04:22,320 --> 00:04:33,690 place themselves behind the screens and do the work. And they have been funded. They have made money, they've withdrawn prophets. They've made their way to the
14 00:04:33,690 --> 00:04:44,310 heights of the leaderboards of some of these funded account challenges. Okay, and that's undeniable proof. That's a transferable skill set. It's not something
15 00:04:44,310 --> 00:05:02,400 that's limited to me. So that should be inspiring to you. I've also stated that I was going to make it more accessible for you going into 2023 Okay, And 2023 is
16 00:05:02,400 --> 00:05:22,350 kind of like my victory lap. Okay, the last year for me to be pouring myself out. As a younger man, I had a lot of energy and I had a lot of well, fire,
17 00:05:22,380 --> 00:05:31,230 let's put it that way. And there's changes occurring in my body that I can feel that I've been feeling for the last five years. And they're just it's slowing me
18 00:05:31,230 --> 00:05:40,020 down. And I can't deny it. I mean, I tried to pretend it wasn't like that. But it certainly is, no, I'm not sick. It's just, I've had a lot of car accidents
19 00:05:40,020 --> 00:05:49,410 and, you know, working out hurt myself motorcycle accident, it's all kinds of things that have compounded over the years and that just want to start taking a
20 00:05:49,410 --> 00:06:04,290 little bit easier on myself and my family. More or less want to see me a little bit. And my wife wants me in her entirety, like I want to provide myself to her
21 00:06:05,040 --> 00:06:15,870 more often than not I have. So we made an arrangement that the 2023 would be my last year doing all this stuff. And it doesn't mean I won't make videos going
22 00:06:15,870 --> 00:06:23,580 forward beyond that. But like I mentioned in the last stream, it's probably not going to be anywhere near the pace that you're used to. And that's actually a
23 00:06:23,580 --> 00:06:33,180 good thing. Because you want to see that you have grown to a point of independence, not needing me to hold your hand. And that's kind of like the
24 00:06:33,180 --> 00:06:47,550 goal. That's my only goal for 2023. I want to make zero excuses for anyone that has put the work in, studied, back tested for retested tape reading the whole
25 00:06:47,550 --> 00:07:00,630 business. And there'll be no excuse because if you follow me when I do the mentoring and 2023, which will all be Twitter based and YouTube based, okay, so
26 00:07:00,870 --> 00:07:10,710 there won't be any kind of private membership signing into this and that. You don't need that. Okay? So when you see people saying, Hey, you join ICTs private
27 00:07:10,710 --> 00:07:22,980 this, that's a lie, because that's not happening. Everything's public. Okay, all my examples are public. I do that for a particular reason. That way, everybody
28 00:07:23,010 --> 00:07:32,940 sees the examples, all the examples are the same. There's no, this crowd gets a bye version, this crowd gets the cell version. I've cancelled all that stuff for
29 00:07:32,940 --> 00:07:40,860 years. There's people out there that say that stuff all the time, because they can't do what we do. They got to make up excuses why there's no way humanly
30 00:07:40,860 --> 00:07:52,110 possible, someone can be as precise as the examples I show. And that's not me beating my chest. Okay, that's just facts, okay. And unless I make them public
31 00:07:52,110 --> 00:08:01,290 like that, and everybody sees the same thing. It leaves room for people to make those arguments and years down the road, when they see things take out of
32 00:08:01,290 --> 00:08:11,700 context. They take pieces of social media, and they string along a narrative that is nowhere near to what actually happened. New people, clueless
33 00:08:11,700 --> 00:08:20,220 individuals, in neophytes, or new subscribers, or viewers would see that and think, wow, you know, there's probably something to that, maybe there's a reason
34 00:08:20,220 --> 00:08:30,090 for caution. And then go to ITT comes out there, like I did on Friday, and rip everybody out of their chairs and say, Look, this is what really goes on. And
35 00:08:30,090 --> 00:08:39,150 we're gonna cover a little bit about that today. And I know some of you are dying to know, how did I do back to back two days, leaving the fair value gap
36 00:08:39,150 --> 00:08:47,940 open and telling you in advance before it happened? You're gonna get that, but it's the, towards the latter part of the space here. Trust me, I got a little
37 00:08:49,290 --> 00:09:03,300 itinerary. So I won't forget, and I promise. But in 2022, you know, I showed, and there's talking heads out there to show you screenshots of I suppose it back
38 00:09:03,870 --> 00:09:15,780 background of the results of you five years ago. This is what I did five years ago with a screenshot. And that's because that's supposed to be a history, a
39 00:09:15,780 --> 00:09:25,380 tracker to track history. And I don't delete anything I'm putting out. And when I make a mistake, I leave a typo. And I'll say, Okay, this is what it is, or one
40 00:09:25,380 --> 00:09:32,910 of my students will come behind me and type them what I meant, and Everybody pretty much knows what it is, but I don't delete anything. And any analysis that
41 00:09:32,910 --> 00:09:46,560 if I said something, if it's wrong, you see it, and if it's right, it's plain as day. And I went out there and I showed through the lens of a TD Ameritrade
42 00:09:46,560 --> 00:09:58,350 account, which is I believe it's a commonly accepted. Realistic, verified, there's no way to game it.
43 00:09:59,580 --> 00:10:07,740 None of them Any business that empty for and and I believe MT five still can be messed around with anything MetaTrader you know, I'm probably gonna get a lot of
44 00:10:07,740 --> 00:10:15,390 flack for this. But you know, that's the reason why I walked away from it. Because once it was revealed that and I kind of suspected a lot of these guys
45 00:10:15,390 --> 00:10:23,490 that were doing it saying that they make this much money in the only show that the history you don't talk about they show you a little this is the results of
46 00:10:23,490 --> 00:10:29,520 my trades. Here's my week, bro. Here's what I've done. This is nobody can keep up with me that type of stuff. But you don't see them actually getting in a
47 00:10:29,520 --> 00:10:37,560 trade managing placing a stop. And that's what I have always done. When I was on baby pips, I showed examples of that. And they were always after the fact Yes.
48 00:10:38,010 --> 00:10:46,200 Because you're learning things from hindsight, just like a book. Whenever you sit down and you go to college, you're unless you're doing a lab, or having a
49 00:10:46,200 --> 00:10:55,950 laboratory event, which is basically what 2023 is gonna be, you're gonna be in the laboratory with me monsters Incorporated. Okay, I'm gonna build monsters,
50 00:10:56,610 --> 00:11:09,000 all you have to do is put down all your preconceived ideas and opinions about what it is you think you know about me, or what it is I do. And I promise you, I
51 00:11:09,030 --> 00:11:19,380 Guaran damn tee you, you are going to have the proof that you've always looked for, you're going to have the track record, you're going to have the history,
52 00:11:19,530 --> 00:11:28,380 you're going to have the results, and you're going to see the fucking money. Okay? All you have to do is come along for the ride free, I don't have to pay,
53 00:11:28,410 --> 00:11:34,590 you don't have to pay for nothing, you ain't gotta buy nothing from me. There's no upsell, there's no service down the road, I'm now going to do another
54 00:11:34,590 --> 00:11:45,930 mentorship. All you have to do is take a ride with me. That's it 2023 I'm putting the nail in the coffin. It's done. anybody's ever had an opinion about
55 00:11:45,930 --> 00:11:54,330 me? That's off base or off centered. They're gonna get corrected this year. If you had doubts about whether or not you can do this, I'm going to remove that
56 00:11:54,330 --> 00:12:05,430 for you. All you have to do is listen. Just show up, take notes, and pay attention. That's all. Don't ask me questions about something else that I'm not
57 00:12:05,430 --> 00:12:13,590 talking about at the time, you may think it's a pressing matter for you to learn what you think you're needing to learn. Like right now. The hot button is I need
58 00:12:13,590 --> 00:12:21,930 to now in every guru out there that's been ripping me off and renaming my stuff. They're all waiting today for me to talk about how I know when fair value gaps
59 00:12:21,930 --> 00:12:30,840 they open because he is what separates me from Chris Laurie's group. Okay, and I've always said this. And I'm not shitting on Chris Laurie. I'm just calling it
60 00:12:30,840 --> 00:12:37,860 what it is. Because there's a lot of people that say I learned how to trade from Chris Laurie, Chris Laurie did not teach me how to trade period. Okay, that's
61 00:12:37,860 --> 00:12:48,450 the end of the story there. I have always stated that if someone wants to go and learn from somebody else, I have never ever ever repped anybody else as an
62 00:12:48,450 --> 00:12:58,380 educator, but that guy? Now? Are you going to see him going in there and executing trades? Probably unless he's changed. I didn't see him doing that. I
63 00:12:58,380 --> 00:13:12,390 didn't see that. But you also didn't see him teaching when I'm teaching. Okay, so this whole idea of illiquidity void. Okay, that is, oh, it was always a
64 00:13:12,390 --> 00:13:22,380 sticking point for me, because I didn't see it that way. But just to be, well, polite, and I never wanted to correct him, even on our private conversations and
65 00:13:22,380 --> 00:13:31,890 emails and such. I always, like tried to ask him what he meant about this or not. And one of the questions I kept asking him all the time is, when you refer
66 00:13:31,890 --> 00:13:39,450 to a fractal and price, what is it that you mean by that? Like, what are you referring to specifically? Not that I don't know what a fractal is, I wanted to
67 00:13:39,450 --> 00:13:50,730 know what it is that he specifically taught. And I never was able to nail him down to a clear cut response. This is what I refer to here, as a fractal. So in
68 00:13:50,730 --> 00:13:59,430 a lot of ways, I can see how anybody that's an educator can fall short and missed the mark. And I've been doing it a lot longer, I believe, than Chris
69 00:13:59,430 --> 00:14:09,690 Laurie. And I know a little bit about the market and know a little bit how technical analysis works. And I still couldn't glean what it is that he was
70 00:14:10,980 --> 00:14:18,570 trying to deliver, when he would refer to a fractal. Okay, maybe someone else, maybe you're in the audience here, and then you're a student of his and maybe
71 00:14:18,570 --> 00:14:27,660 he's even listening to you. And I'm not trying to be disrespectful to either one. But I just simply couldn't get it from him what he meant, and maybe you
72 00:14:27,660 --> 00:14:36,480 did, and that's great. That's, that's wonderful. That's why some students of mine, they really resonate with me and that's great. But there's other people's
73 00:14:36,480 --> 00:14:45,600 going to come here with a sincere desire to learn. And they may even put the work in, but maybe my personality or the way I talk and maybe sometimes I drop F
74 00:14:45,600 --> 00:14:56,370 bombs too much and whatever. Maybe it sounds like I'm bragging when I'm just talking to facts because I coded this I altered its mind. And I'm proving it no
75 00:14:56,370 --> 00:15:07,890 one else can prove it like this. It's It's not meant to be a divisive thing, but unfortunately, sometimes the truth is very decisive, decisive and divisive.
76 00:15:08,010 --> 00:15:18,540 Okay. So I used to get affected by that. I would wear my heart on my sleeve and on baby pips, I would be offended if someone would say, you know, I don't like
77 00:15:18,840 --> 00:15:28,770 how you teach, and it would bother me, like, it would really bother me. Like, it would do damage to me, where I felt like I said, Okay, I gotta fix this one
78 00:15:28,770 --> 00:15:39,270 person. And I would go overboard and put more and more and more into the videos and more into the instructions. And sometimes I slightly deviated from the whole
79 00:15:39,270 --> 00:15:47,850 process and plan I outlined that one evening sitting in my living room where I was reading all these people, but this nonsense they would put up and say, This
80 00:15:47,850 --> 00:15:56,250 is what makes the market go up. But this is what makes the market go down. And they would show you these things they would add on top of their, their charts.
81 00:15:56,370 --> 00:16:12,030 Okay. And it was just, it angered me, because that's a lie. That's a lie. See? Even if you're in the audience right now. And you don't like inner circle
82 00:16:12,030 --> 00:16:21,030 trader, you don't like Omar, you don't like Michael Huddleston. You don't like? ICT? Okay. You think he's a dick? You think he's a braggadocious arrogant prick
83 00:16:21,060 --> 00:16:31,530 that doesn't deserve the attention he gets. Okay. But that aside, just for a moment, okay. Take your ass over to Twitter, and pull up what I did yesterday.
84 00:16:32,670 --> 00:16:43,170 Okay, you don't see any of these people out here, none of them. Not one of them. Not a Larry Williams. Not Oliver Velez, which I actually I got a story about him
85 00:16:43,170 --> 00:16:58,080 a little bit. None of these guys. Nobody has ever done that took you from a daily chart, all the way down to a five minute chart gave you the very specific
86 00:16:58,080 --> 00:17:07,980 levels that the algorithm is going to work with for that particular day. And then I left you with 3864. Note that when I left you that was the morning
87 00:17:07,980 --> 00:17:21,510 session. So what's the next time you're going to trade? The pm session? Don't worry. We'll get back to those charts on Friday. But just go back and go through
88 00:17:21,510 --> 00:17:29,520 that thread. When you're done listening to this space today. If you didn't see it, go back and look at it and choke on it. Okay, because there's undeniable
89 00:17:29,520 --> 00:17:39,750 proof that there's an algorithm, it's undeniable proof that I'm privy to it. And I got my fingerprints all over it, and you can't do anything to change it. And
90 00:17:39,750 --> 00:17:49,830 guess what? Yes, I can stand on the court and do that. Yes, I can demonstrate it. And yes, I can bring receipts. And I want to take you all along for a ride
91 00:17:49,830 --> 00:18:01,320 and 2023 I want to take you on an experience that you would have never had ever. It's going to be fun. It's going to be interactive, it's not going to be
92 00:18:01,320 --> 00:18:09,540 inundating, I'm not going to give you a whole lot of videos to do to bog you down, it's going to be very specific, it's going to be right now in the market
93 00:18:09,540 --> 00:18:18,330 right now in the charts before it happens. You're going to fucking see it, you're going to know what's going to happen before it happens. And after a
94 00:18:18,330 --> 00:18:26,250 couple of months goes by in the middle ear, you might think to yourself, Wow, I have been complicating this the whole time. He's taught this. But I have brought
95 00:18:26,250 --> 00:18:35,250 things to this learning process and slowed myself down. Yes, every one of my profitable students come to that realization always. They tried to bring
96 00:18:35,280 --> 00:18:46,800 everything to the table when he tried to find a setup. You don't need that. Look at the 2022 model. I clearly reduced that down to the the minimalist approach to
97 00:18:46,800 --> 00:18:57,180 doing it. And it's beautiful. It's poetic and price action. It's not going to work every single time on every single timeframe. Every single minute of the
98 00:18:57,180 --> 00:19:04,050 day, you have to wait for certain characteristics and signatures to materialize and price on Once that occurs. And you know what some of your thinking, what are
99 00:19:04,050 --> 00:19:16,710 the ICT go through the lessons in that 2020 mentorship, it's there. You're asking for something else because you're looking for that void in your
100 00:19:16,710 --> 00:19:31,050 experience doing it seeing charts print real time studying back data, hindsight movement. So you're trying to fill in a simple response from me that will never
101 00:19:31,770 --> 00:19:41,340 adequately fill in the necessity for you as the student and trader in development to go into the charts yourself. See, that's the part that all of the
102 00:19:41,340 --> 00:19:53,490 lazy people, every single one of my intakes 2017 I'm sorry, 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 and 21. Every single group that came into my private
103 00:19:53,490 --> 00:19:59,640 mentorship had a group of lazy ass people. And yes, that sounds disrespectful. But folks, it's
104 00:19:59,640 --> 00:20:06,570 what it is. is, that's the defining thing, oh, I looked at your videos, I watched your videos, and I wrote five pages of notes, how you gonna call me
105 00:20:06,570 --> 00:20:14,550 lazy, you didn't do the work, what's the work, you got to put your ass in front of the charts, you have to study what it's done. Look for the things that I've
106 00:20:14,550 --> 00:20:26,010 taught you have copious amounts of notes, going back for months. And then you do that each day to annotating every single time and you study them on the weekend,
107 00:20:26,040 --> 00:20:34,200 when the markets aren't trading, you have to pour yourself into this, folks, it's not going to be easy for you, it ain't gonna be just watching a video. And
108 00:20:34,200 --> 00:20:45,450 some of you unfortunately, have this expectation that I'm going to somehow make it so easy that you're going to watch a couple live streams with me. And you're
109 00:20:45,450 --> 00:20:53,280 going to figure it out right then and there. I'm telling you, some of you young men are going to do this, and you're making a mistake. You need to spend the
110 00:20:53,280 --> 00:21:02,730 entirety of 2023. With me, you'd have no idea what you're stepping into, you have no idea what you're getting ready to get involved in and learn. And what's
111 00:21:02,730 --> 00:21:13,650 going to be expected of you personally. You can't you come to me wanting to learn. And I'm prepared to teach all of you. But you have to be really prepared
112 00:21:13,650 --> 00:21:24,600 to learn. Some of my students that have come to me over the years weren't ready. They had to come figure it out that it wasn't something they wanted to do or be
113 00:21:24,600 --> 00:21:32,550 a part of, and he would leave and go do other things and hurt themselves and come back and say you know what, I didn't feel that that person understood what
114 00:21:32,550 --> 00:21:41,580 they were doing. But let me give this ICT one more chance. And I had people do that I had one guy, come in 2016 quit after the first month, then came in on the
115 00:21:41,580 --> 00:21:51,660 2017 group went halfway through and quit. And then came back in 2019. And I had made him pay every single month all over again. That was the terms. That was the
116 00:21:51,660 --> 00:22:03,300 way it was, you know what? He's happy he did it now doesn't need any hand holding from me. So does that tell you he was the problem, you are always going
117 00:22:03,300 --> 00:22:13,200 to be the problem. It's not the teacher. It's the person trying to learn this because this is something entirely different from anything else. It's not a
118 00:22:13,200 --> 00:22:22,980 sport. It's not an exercise regime where, you know, everybody is going to follow the same procedure. It's not like peloton, you're not we're not going to be
119 00:22:22,980 --> 00:22:31,260 sitting wrasses in front of a computer screen each. Each time we do it and we're all gonna have the same results. We're all going to have different results. Even
120 00:22:31,260 --> 00:22:38,160 if I were to sit in front of you and press the button and go into the market and trade go long. Here's my style. Here's my target. I'm gonna take my partials
121 00:22:38,160 --> 00:22:46,200 here, you're all going to do it differently. You're going to sit and wait, let me see if it really is starting to move in the favor he's talking about. Okay,
122 00:22:46,200 --> 00:22:55,230 now I'll chase I trust that now he's probably right. You're smiling. At me, he's got me. That's exactly what I would do. Right? This isn't my first rodeo. I've
123 00:22:55,230 --> 00:23:08,370 done this for a long, long time, folks. I've trained a lot of people. And I have a lot of students that came in failed, failed. Not because this stuff doesn't
124 00:23:08,370 --> 00:23:20,580 work. Because they are broken. They have never fixed themselves. They've never been responsible, personally responsible, and so easy for them to point and find
125 00:23:20,580 --> 00:23:30,060 a fault outside of themselves. And you're going to have to do very, very hard things in 2023 to keep yourself from feeling that way. Because you're going to
126 00:23:30,060 --> 00:23:37,380 do something wrong. You're going to get things incorrect when you're trying to learn your observations when I prompt you, what do you think's going to do right
127 00:23:37,380 --> 00:23:44,910 here? Do you think it's going to go to this level? Do you think it's going to go to this level? It's interactive, it will be interactive. And if you get it
128 00:23:44,910 --> 00:23:56,070 wrong, do not look at that as undefeated, I'm never going to learn this. The moment you don't do it right. Or if you get it wrong. That's zeroing in on an
129 00:23:56,070 --> 00:24:06,210 opportunity for you to improve on. And when I periodically ask everyone, as a community, where do you see yourself having a sticking point, it will help me as
130 00:24:06,210 --> 00:24:13,890 the educator dial in on the areas collectively where people are having an issue. But if you don't show up every single day, you won't be caught up with the
131 00:24:13,890 --> 00:24:26,520 group. That's it's as simple as that. You have to show up. Time will do all the heavy lifting. I know exactly what I'm going to do with y'all. I know exactly
132 00:24:26,520 --> 00:24:35,100 what's going to happen. But you have to do the work. You have to show up. You have to stop looking outside of the markets that I'm talking about. Because I'm
133 00:24:35,100 --> 00:24:46,260 not I don't give a shit about Bitcoin and crypto. Stop asking me they're going to zero. I've already told you that. Don't ask me about forex. Unless I'm
134 00:24:46,260 --> 00:24:57,600 talking about in my analysis. It's done. I'm going to talk about on a daily chart. That's it. You'll have my view. You'll have my bias. You can work with
135 00:24:57,600 --> 00:25:06,360 that. Okay, I'm making that available. Monday through Friday, unless my personal schedule or a holiday comes up, I will have a short little concise video talking
136 00:25:06,360 --> 00:25:14,520 about where I think the markets likely to go. Is that not enough? It should be. I've already taught you how to trade have I taught your model? If I'm telling
137 00:25:14,520 --> 00:25:23,850 you the bias where I think it's going to go, there it is. situation from the charts and study and practice with that. You will get the results you're looking
138 00:25:23,850 --> 00:25:37,020 for, but they can't be given to you. You must earn them independently, period and a story. There's no shortcuts I wish there was. Because I could have been
139 00:25:37,020 --> 00:25:48,240 done the first year doing this on baby pips. So there it is, it's done. And just so you check in and see what's going on once in a while. But it's not that it's
140 00:25:48,240 --> 00:25:57,540 not that easy, folks, it's hard. Because each one of us has mental baggage. You have stuff that's wrong with you, but you don't want to call it something wrong.
141 00:25:57,870 --> 00:26:13,980 You want to find the reasons that justify your shortcomings, your issues, your character flaws, and see profitable, consistent, long term successfully. Trade
142 00:26:13,980 --> 00:26:23,790 trading in the marketplace requires you to master yourself. You're never mastering the markets, it's never going to happen. That is never going to
143 00:26:23,790 --> 00:26:36,780 happen. How do I know that? Well, I know like the back of my hand, and I still can be humbled. It'll do something that I didn't I didn't expect. And you saw
144 00:26:36,780 --> 00:26:47,220 two examples that was CPI, which is exactly why I don't trade ahead of it. I know my limitations, I know where I shouldn't step or the market will remove my
145 00:26:47,220 --> 00:27:01,140 head cleanly, efficiently. So when I talk about those things, and how to avoid it, those, unfortunately, are the topics and lessons that nobody really wants to
146 00:27:01,140 --> 00:27:08,100 pay attention to because they think if you just learn how to pick the right order block or the fair value gap that stays open. Now, you see how that
147 00:27:08,100 --> 00:27:22,050 changes. That's always been an interesting study for me as a teacher, whenever I reveal something, and this is the only thing that my trolls have correct.
148 00:27:22,410 --> 00:27:34,710 Everything else, they're full of shit. But every, every single time I've either revealed something new or deeper. Everybody collectively that is not really
149 00:27:34,710 --> 00:27:43,470 versed in what it is they should be doing or have settled in on a particular model of their own. They clamor to that thing. It was order blocks it was it was
150 00:27:43,470 --> 00:27:52,260 that Oh, and it was breakers and mitigation blocked and then everybody calls everything mitigation. Mitigation. You know, when I when the market was
151 00:27:52,260 --> 00:28:04,110 apparent, mitigates, it drives me nuts. You're You're that's your only when you're talking about it. That's nonsense. It's nonsense. The markets not
152 00:28:04,110 --> 00:28:15,750 mitigating. Okay, the trader that's offside mitigates. Okay, so you can tell who has learned from who the knock off courses, like when they say, oh, you know,
153 00:28:16,020 --> 00:28:30,180 I'm looking for liquidity grab. What the hell is that? Like institutional candle, they don't exist, either. So you're gonna have to slowly press into
154 00:28:30,180 --> 00:28:40,410 uncomfortable places in your learning next year. Because the trolls were right and are right when they say, every time ICT releases something little buzzword
155 00:28:40,410 --> 00:28:49,920 or something like that. Everybody flocks to it, like it's the only thing that works in the marketplace. And they're right. Some of you a lot of you do that.
156 00:28:50,790 --> 00:29:03,690 And you don't need to do that. I mean, it's, it's interesting to see your passion and pursuit to learn more about it. But I'm not stupid. Like, I know
157 00:29:04,080 --> 00:29:13,380 that everybody's gonna chase the new buzz thing, because Smart Money concepts is kind of like the leader of the pack now in all the analysis venues on all social
158 00:29:13,380 --> 00:29:26,250 media. And yes, it's viewed from a it's a love it or hate it. There's no middle ground in it. And that's fine. That's good. There's liquidity. And that that has
159 00:29:26,250 --> 00:29:34,320 to happen. I don't expect I never anticipated everybody would love the things that I'm teaching or even me. And that's why I've always said don't worship me,
160 00:29:34,320 --> 00:29:44,580 I'm not your hero. I have always been the antihero. I've championed demo accounts, to call myself the demo baller forever. And this year, you saw a Live
161 00:29:44,580 --> 00:29:56,220 account just in five weeks, over 100% return, even teaching drawdown resolution problem areas doing things incorrectly. You know, I
162 00:29:56,220 --> 00:30:02,520 had students ask me all the time. Hey, what happens if you put a trade on until you hit the bye bye You want to really want to do the sell button? What do you
163 00:30:02,520 --> 00:30:10,860 do in that instance? I've done that. I've done that several times throughout my career. And if anybody says they didn't do it, or is a liar, I mean, it's simple
164 00:30:10,860 --> 00:30:19,350 as that. I mean, I've done it, you're gonna do it too. Oh, I mean, excessive using those hot buttons up in Upper, upper left hand corner on TradingView. In
165 00:30:19,350 --> 00:30:26,730 fact, I almost did it this week, I was literally hovering over the wrong one. I'm like, Whoa, what the hell am I doing? That's not what I wanted to do. So I
166 00:30:26,730 --> 00:30:35,490 kind of tell myself constantly, because usually I'm having my son next to me. Try not to get in the conversation or talk, when I'm getting ready to engage
167 00:30:35,490 --> 00:30:45,510 those entries are taking off partials because I actually did that. Last month, I ended up trying to take up a partial off on a long, instead of taking in
168 00:30:45,510 --> 00:30:55,290 selling, I ended up buying one more, when it should have been a partial to come off. So what are you doing it in sense, you correct it immediately. You don't
169 00:30:55,290 --> 00:31:02,730 even think about it, you just correct it immediately. So if you're looking to go in the marketplace long, this is an extra thing. Is it a rabbit trail, so you
170 00:31:02,730 --> 00:31:11,910 get these in these live things with me. But if you're looking to go long, and you make a mistake, and you hit this sell short, you're entering in the wrong
171 00:31:12,030 --> 00:31:19,680 direction immediately. As soon as you realize you do that. Don't look at the profit and loss and try to wiggle your way out of it. Oh, maybe no, don't do
172 00:31:19,680 --> 00:31:28,680 that. Don't do that, especially if you're learning from me. Because if you're learning how to trade with my concepts, you probably won't get the opportunity
173 00:31:28,680 --> 00:31:36,240 because I'm teaching you where to get in, right when the markets going to have an explosive move. So why the hell would you mean messing around waiting to see
174 00:31:36,240 --> 00:31:45,300 if it's going to come back and cover you're dealing spread, okay, or allow you to cover for cost of commissions and fees. Fuck that. As soon as you make the
175 00:31:45,300 --> 00:31:55,980 mistake, get out the zeroed out done. And maybe maybe in most instances, especially if you're new. Just watch the move that you were getting ready to
176 00:31:55,980 --> 00:32:04,740 participate in. Because when I was younger, I did that kind of stuff. Because I was in a rush, you know, I was in a rush to, to get an air and and once we had
177 00:32:04,740 --> 00:32:14,790 activity that could be placed, you know, with a discount broker when I was trading wetland, waldock. $30 around turn, which was great, because I came from
178 00:32:14,820 --> 00:32:25,140 Fox investments, which was, you know, $100 Round tournament. And that's that was robbery. But that's what it cost to do one trade one contract that was $100. Now
179 00:32:25,140 --> 00:32:36,480 imagine trying to do your 16 contracts full position or something like that. You ain't billing the brother. So you had to constantly shop around. And there was
180 00:32:36,510 --> 00:32:49,020 either Epstein and or Epstein or whatever it is. And then you had Lindwall dock, and then you had, there's one more on the top I know, I can't remember. And
181 00:32:49,020 --> 00:32:58,230 there was a third one that was really like the competitor. But anyway, Lindwall Buck becoming like the best one nearby would flock to, and a great service. You
182 00:32:58,230 --> 00:33:08,610 know, I never had an issue with them. And I don't know where I'm going with this one. So rental, real a back end. But the point is, is if you make a mistake and
183 00:33:08,610 --> 00:33:17,730 get in your wrong side of the marketplace, just get out right away, there's no reason to be worrying about you taking a small little hit. But wait, if you're
184 00:33:17,730 --> 00:33:28,230 new, you haven't got the experience and says where I was going. Sometimes when I was a younger guy, I would get in. And I was thinking okay, what's moving a
185 00:33:28,230 --> 00:33:36,450 little bit against what I would have been doing? And if it's moving in my favor a little bit, maybe I was wrong, right? Maybe I was wrong. And let me just see
186 00:33:36,450 --> 00:33:46,050 what happens with this. And then also it goes where my initial analysis was, but my stupidity in pressing the wrong button getting in foolishly hitting the wrong
187 00:33:46,050 --> 00:34:00,120 key getting in human error. And then trying to oh, maybe it was a good mistake. Maybe it was the universe helping guiding me to do it the other way. And then I
188 00:34:00,120 --> 00:34:12,570 asked, it's got torn up from it. So I've learned if you make a mistake and you enter on something that was not predetermined as far as the logic is why you
189 00:34:12,600 --> 00:34:23,430 went and did it, just pull out of it, get out of it. Don't worry about just take whatever that little cost that paper cut, get get it and just be done with it.
190 00:34:23,700 --> 00:34:34,440 Because you can see something turn violently against you. And it would just be more demoralizing. It's simple. You mistake you get in you did something wrong,
191 00:34:34,470 --> 00:34:42,240 get out who cares? I'm not going to beat myself up about something like that. But I did beat myself up about trying to stay with it. On the instances where I
192 00:34:42,240 --> 00:34:51,630 tried to work out a way of covering the cost of commission because let's be honest, when I when I first started, I didn't have a lot of money. You know, I
193 00:34:51,630 --> 00:35:03,270 didn't come from riches. I didn't come from wealth. One half of my family had money, but it was my father's side in I had no access to that. You know, it was
194 00:35:04,140 --> 00:35:12,120 a grandfather that wasn't biologically mine, it wasn't my father's father. So he wasn't entitled to anything. In fact, nobody got anything from him when they
195 00:35:12,120 --> 00:35:28,440 died. You know, everything went into their children, his biological children. So I didn't have any advantages in that regard. So when I had losing positions, or
196 00:35:28,440 --> 00:35:40,350 if I had a loss of any kind, they were monumental, like they did major psychological damage to me. But because I'm obsessively compulsive, and I have a
197 00:35:40,350 --> 00:35:51,120 lot of other issues in my hardwiring, that doesn't make me the perfect person, it would cause me to do things, to be more aggressive about trying to get it
198 00:35:51,120 --> 00:36:01,680 back faster, and inspire me to never quit. Sometimes I would be beaten down, and my account would be dusted and blown. Like seriously, like, that was very hard
199 00:36:01,680 --> 00:36:11,250 for me to say about mine to get that account started again. And then in a matter of two days, maybe three days of doing, do you full of shit, chasing the grain
200 00:36:11,250 --> 00:36:22,860 markets, trying to think that just because the market was showing me a reversal of the normal carrying charge market where I teach in the nearby contract should
201 00:36:22,860 --> 00:36:32,130 be cheaper than the next one out. And going further. Well, every time I saw that inversion, because I learned this from Larry Williams, indigo, I watched it in a
202 00:36:32,130 --> 00:36:40,980 video I thought I understood it. Okay. And I looked and saw the commercials were above the zero line on a net trader position chart. So naturally, what does that
203 00:36:40,980 --> 00:36:49,770 mean? Every time that the Williams percent R was in oversold condition that was when you buy it, that's what I was thinking that was all I had to do. And I
204 00:36:49,770 --> 00:36:58,980 would be buying it expecting to go into limit moves. And it would keep going down and stay oversold on the wings for sonar, and keep going down and keep
205 00:36:58,980 --> 00:37:06,330 going down. And I'd buy more and and be able to keep going down. And then I would trade now without a stop loss. Because you know, I know I'm right, just
206 00:37:06,360 --> 00:37:13,710 don't wanna get stopped out, and his keeps going down and all sudden the accounts gone. I did that shit when I was younger, okay, I did all that dumb
207 00:37:13,710 --> 00:37:21,690 shit. Because I didn't know how to trade. I didn't know how the markets book, I didn't know what the market is going to do. After those conditions present
208 00:37:21,690 --> 00:37:29,670 themselves, you still have to get in there and wait for structure to change to support that bullish idea. See, I didn't know any of that stuff. I just figured,
209 00:37:29,880 --> 00:37:38,490 well, the indicator says this, the market showing that we're in a commercial bull market based on what Larry Williams taught, and I got money in my account.
210 00:37:38,490 --> 00:37:52,290 So fuck it, it's casino time. And I was looking at an account statement saying zero or just a couple of dollars in the account. And it would suck. Like it
211 00:37:52,290 --> 00:38:00,660 would suck because I was thinking myself, you know, I know I can do this is I gotta find a way to get in alignment with the market. I gotta find a way how
212 00:38:00,660 --> 00:38:13,980 does the market give me clues. indications that this is in fact the time to be doing something. And I watched that video I put up yesterday, that wasn't like a
213 00:38:13,980 --> 00:38:26,670 two minute something. And I had people commenting to me on TradingView. And in, in the YouTube comments section. I wish I could see the video, you know, a
214 00:38:26,670 --> 00:38:37,170 slower pace. And I had a lot of new robots and bots and sock puppeting from my favorite fan in Texas, saying it was cherry picked. But you know, it's like
215 00:38:37,170 --> 00:38:44,880 this, folks. TradingView follows me on on Twitter, which I'm honored. Thank you so much if you're listening bar chart follows me on Twitter, too. Thank you.
216 00:38:45,120 --> 00:38:52,350 Thank you guys, I appreciate that as well. Both of those services, I actually use them. I feel that they're great. They're not paying me there's not a
217 00:38:52,350 --> 00:39:02,970 commercial for them. But if I was doing something in TradingView, that isn't available to everyone else. And if it wasn't real time, I would expect
218 00:39:02,970 --> 00:39:11,880 TradingView to step forward and say inner circle trader. That isn't a live thing. In fact, I might even invite them after this in a tweet and say, Hey, is
219 00:39:11,880 --> 00:39:21,240 this what real time looks like on your platform? Because there's people that say that that's Market Replay. And you can't do as far as I can see, I've not been
220 00:39:21,240 --> 00:39:30,990 able to find any way to do a trade when you're looking at Market Replay. And Market Replay screen looks different once a month you engage it's different. But
221 00:39:31,470 --> 00:39:50,610 putting all that aside. I know that when you as a student, see me do those trades. And you think wow, man, if I could just get like that. Okay, then life's
222 00:39:50,610 --> 00:39:56,700 gonna change for me. Well, I want to explain something to you. When I first started I didn't think what I'm able to do now was even possible.
223 00:39:58,260 --> 00:40:06,660 I'm gonna say that one more time, and it's not bragging, I want you to really listen to what I'm saying here. When I first started, even when I figured out
224 00:40:06,660 --> 00:40:20,040 what it is that I wanted to focus in on, I did not believe that I would be able to do what you're able to see me do now. It took a lot of time to get to this
225 00:40:20,040 --> 00:40:31,590 point. And when you see people like Michael Jordan, or Tiger Woods, which are real goats, okay, these men are they're the epitome there. That's the upper
226 00:40:31,590 --> 00:40:42,720 echelon. Like you can't get better than them. That's it. That's that they are it. They didn't get to that skill level, right from John Street, didn't just
227 00:40:42,720 --> 00:40:52,980 walk out there and say, Yeah, you know, I'm going to do this and I'm going to be this great at it. I wasn't like that. Like, I failed a lot. I blew lots of
228 00:40:52,980 --> 00:41:01,380 accounts. I tried changing stuff around, I tried taking things out of what I felt was working, maybe that would make you an example of improvement that would
229 00:41:01,380 --> 00:41:11,190 be notable. And like I said, I figured it out like two and a half three years into it. I knew what I had, but I was tinkering around with it. We knew three
230 00:41:11,190 --> 00:41:18,750 more years of bullshit, you back testing and in theory, testing and putting money in accounts and in I would run money up and then crash and burn Romani up
231 00:41:18,750 --> 00:41:29,160 and crash and burn because I'm trying to figure out the optimal settings for everything. And I'm also doing things automated with easy language TradeStation
232 00:41:31,380 --> 00:41:45,450 the all these things? These these cuts, you know, death by 1000 cuts. Well, those 1000 cuts didn't kill me. They make me a fucking animal today. Okay, I
233 00:41:45,450 --> 00:41:57,930 have scar tissue so thick. It's like bulletproof and wrecking ball proof to pitch. Okay, I can literally walk into any setting any venue, whether it be in
234 00:41:57,930 --> 00:42:13,590 front of the CFTC sec, FTA. Courts, public opinion, whatever the fuck you want to bring. I can prove this stuff. And I would gladly do it. would gladly do it.
235 00:42:13,770 --> 00:42:23,190 I would go on CNBC and do that shit live in front of everybody. Give me the opportunity. My ass will be in a car driving up the road. And you'll see me on
236 00:42:23,190 --> 00:42:35,880 there with a T shirt. alcoholic? Think I won't test me see I won't do it. There'll be higher me. There's our new anchor ICE T on CNBC. Join us every
237 00:42:35,880 --> 00:42:46,140 morning and ICTs anyway, I'm just talking with you. But I would do it. Die. I'm not lying. I'm telling you give me opportunity. I will make a show of it openly.
238 00:42:48,000 --> 00:43:01,680 Just to thumb, my nose at all the doubters, I would love it. And when new friends but anyway, the the folks that are looking forward to next year thinking
239 00:43:01,680 --> 00:43:09,600 that's going to be a magical transformation for you. You're still gonna have to work your ass off. Okay, the only thing I'm lending you is the 30 years
240 00:43:09,630 --> 00:43:17,100 perception and experience. That's it. That's it, you're still going to be complaining that I didn't tell you what to buy. You're still gonna complain? I
241 00:43:17,100 --> 00:43:23,640 didn't tell you where to put a stop loss, you're still going to be complaining where the best partials would be and what amount of partial see all those things
242 00:43:23,640 --> 00:43:34,350 have to be a unique decision. I didn't understand that either. Okay, it doesn't sound like that's how it should work. It sounds like well, it should, it
243 00:43:34,350 --> 00:43:43,410 shouldn't be the same way for everyone. How the fuck is that even possible? If it's the same for everyone? If everybody's doing the same fucking thing? How can
244 00:43:43,410 --> 00:43:50,190 there be liquidity on the other side of it? You see what I'm saying? That's also the argument that I'm going to pose to you in a little while when we start
245 00:43:50,190 --> 00:44:02,310 talking about that one tick stop loss. Yeah, we're going there. But I want you to think about how you're going to wreck yourself next year in the learning
246 00:44:02,310 --> 00:44:10,530 process, because you're going to try to put more than I'm willing to put on you. As your educator, as your mentor, I'm going to tell you where you should be
247 00:44:10,530 --> 00:44:21,060 focusing. And when I tell you that it doesn't mean okay. Well, I have extra time and extra energy. I'm going to take on this on top of what, don't do that. And
248 00:44:21,060 --> 00:44:28,620 I'm telling you, I've seen this with every group that I've ever had, even before when I was doing one on one. I had some students would come in, they would
249 00:44:28,620 --> 00:44:38,130 listen, do exactly what I said. And he'd do well. And then I'd have these guys coming in. And one lady who was like unconvinced, she was a gambler, like
250 00:44:38,130 --> 00:44:44,670 straight up gambler. But they would come in and I'd say okay, this is what you should be focusing on. And he only had one week with me. This is what you're
251 00:44:44,670 --> 00:44:51,570 focusing on. Are you going to do and I would sit there and they would have to do it in front of me. And then we'll start doing other shit. You mess around here,
252 00:44:51,570 --> 00:44:59,220 mess around there. Open your BlackBerry up scrolling through and looking at our emails. I'm like, do you see what the markets doing right now? You're not even
253 00:44:59,220 --> 00:45:05,610 looking at it. You're Looking at your Blackberry, what the fuck are you doing? Why are you here? You want to learn how to do this BlackBerry is not going to
254 00:45:05,610 --> 00:45:11,610 tell you to fucking buy. Why are you looking at that? Put that shit down and look at the chart. That chart is going to tell you when when you're supposed to
255 00:45:11,610 --> 00:45:19,800 be doing something. Oh, yeah, okay, you're right. Yeah, you're right. I know I'm right. You're here to learn from me. Why are you not listening to me? So it's
256 00:45:19,800 --> 00:45:26,520 very frustrating, very, very frustrating. Trust me, some of you wouldn't have been able to deal with me on a one on one day, and you all want it, but you
257 00:45:26,520 --> 00:45:36,990 wouldn't want it. Trust me, once you sat in the seat next to me. Kids don't fucking want to deal with it. Yeah, the way it is grown up ICT. So. So we've had
258 00:45:36,990 --> 00:45:46,410 a wonderful year of learning, I've had so much fun. And I promised you that you would see precision, I promised you that I would show you and I waited to the
259 00:45:46,410 --> 00:45:57,120 last day of the year. And it's typical of me and I walk you through a top down approach. And you're all encouraged to go and look at the longer rendition of
260 00:45:57,180 --> 00:46:08,820 that little short video from yesterday when I recorded the pm session. If you go into that what is the the description box under the YouTube video, if you click
261 00:46:08,820 --> 00:46:17,880 on that, it'll, it'll maximize and show you a whole new dialogue there. And I gave you the actual link that begins the thread on my Twitter feed. If you click
262 00:46:17,880 --> 00:46:27,990 on that, it'll take you step by step from the very first tweet, all the way through all the charts, I go from the daily chart for our 60 minute chart, 15
263 00:46:27,990 --> 00:46:40,650 minute chart and a five minute chart. Okay, and I state very plainly that those are the levels that I'm going to work with for today. Now, the backdrop behind
264 00:46:40,650 --> 00:46:50,280 that was and this is also included in those tweets, nothing was deleted. I don't ever delete a tweet ever. I make mistakes, I'll either admit something or type
265 00:46:50,280 --> 00:47:00,000 something wrong. And I'll add it in in an additional tweet, but I'm not deleting anything. Nothing is hidden. I'm not hiding anything, no double one direction,
266 00:47:00,000 --> 00:47:10,650 no sway one direction. That way, I'm not giving you two sides of you know an outcome. And I said, Okay, we're looking at very specific levels. Okay, and
267 00:47:10,680 --> 00:47:17,370 while it was important for you not to engage, because if you are engaging and pressing the button, you're gonna be worrying about your stop loss getting hit
268 00:47:17,370 --> 00:47:26,190 or moving around instead of watching price, which is what I was guiding you through in the beginning before the 930 opening. So we're looking for that draw
269 00:47:26,190 --> 00:47:36,240 on liquidity, and I'm not going to steal the thunder from you go and look at it and hit it beautifully. I engaged the very thing that I teach you, in my lessons
270 00:47:37,470 --> 00:47:47,820 in real mentorship, okay, I drew your attention to a very specific thing in the charts. And you'll see it when you go through it. I engage doing it. And then I
271 00:47:47,820 --> 00:48:00,420 aimed for the liquidity and that draw on liquidity level that you saw in your charts. And it was perfect. Perfect. You couldn't ask for anything better than
272 00:48:00,420 --> 00:48:10,410 that, until the pm session. Because I know and I knew when I was teaching on Friday, I said, Look, you know, you got to, you have to have some kind of a
273 00:48:11,430 --> 00:48:22,920 beginning point. See you all that are young. And you're really just wanting to be like my examples. You want to be able to do that. Because I already know if I
274 00:48:22,920 --> 00:48:31,350 create monsters that can do what you asked me to do on Friday, I'm going to tell you this right now, none of you are going to do that next year. Okay, that's not
275 00:48:31,350 --> 00:48:42,390 going to happen. And that's not a knock against anybody's aptitude or intelligence. I'm just telling you, from a realistic perspective, it took me
276 00:48:42,390 --> 00:48:52,740 decades to get this way. It didn't happen overnight. I didn't have it in my eighth year, I didn't have my 10th year didn't happen. Your 10 1215. Okay, round
277 00:48:52,740 --> 00:48:56,940 20 ish, then it started like I was finding my groove. But
278 00:48:58,380 --> 00:49:08,070 you won't be able to trade like that in forex. And that's why I said many times when I see these folks out there about two pips stop losses, okay. You're not
279 00:49:08,070 --> 00:49:18,360 going to trade with a one tick stop loss in forex, you're not. Okay. And if you start trading size, what size Oh, it's relative. But if you start trading with
280 00:49:18,360 --> 00:49:26,010 size, and you're thinking that you're going to do consistently a use of a two pip stop loss or one pip stop loss, and your broker is not going to open the
281 00:49:26,130 --> 00:49:33,330 spread to grab you. Yeah, you're full of shit. That's exactly what they're going to do. And there's nothing you can do about it. That's why if you look across
282 00:49:33,330 --> 00:49:39,750 the spectrum of all those Forex brokers, everybody's highs different. Everybody's low is different because you're trading in their pool of liquidity,
283 00:49:40,410 --> 00:49:49,620 FX cm, you know, forex.com, all of them have their own little servers. And every one of those servers have a different high different low, that you're not seeing
284 00:49:49,620 --> 00:49:57,780 it because you're not looking at it comparatively. But open up two accounts in the same brokerage firm and see if you're not in two different servers, they're
285 00:49:57,780 --> 00:50:05,700 going to be slightly different. Have you signed on knowing that you can't bitch about it? When you sign up and you sign all these papers that you never fucking
286 00:50:05,700 --> 00:50:11,790 read, just like when you buy a house and you buy a car, you open up a bank account, you're giving the money to the bank, you don't realize it yet, but you
287 00:50:11,790 --> 00:50:20,880 are and you're there promising that if we got opportunity to give your money back to you, we will, but they might not be a chance for that sometimes. And if
288 00:50:20,880 --> 00:50:34,020 you if we can't, then we're going to call your money in investment in the bank and we'll call it a good day. Thanks for your investment. Celia futures bonds.
289 00:50:35,490 --> 00:50:48,660 s&p, NASDAQ I'll go so far as to say down but not as clean as ES and NASDAQ. Why don't I trade down? Because I can't fucking stand it. I look at it like the
290 00:50:48,660 --> 00:50:56,850 dollar. It's just a barometer. It helps me confirm something against the other averages. I don't look at Russell. Okay, I think it's garbage. You don't need
291 00:50:56,850 --> 00:51:10,500 it. The Dow, the NASDAQ and ES. That's it. You need one triad. Three markets that are closely correlated. That's it. So when we look at precision elements in
292 00:51:10,500 --> 00:51:21,690 price action, you're not going to find anything cleaner than stock indices and bonds. There's nothing cleaner. There's no other market out there just cleaner.
293 00:51:22,020 --> 00:51:28,950 That's also the reason why I can't stay in crypto because crypto is a full of shit market like it's it's got Look how long bitcoins is hanging around that
294 00:51:29,040 --> 00:51:40,380 Narrow Sideways Channel? How many of you losing your mind over that shit? That would drive me nuts. Like that. That kind of shit. Oh, that reminds me of
295 00:51:40,380 --> 00:51:49,410 silver. You decades ago, silver would just do that. And then everybody right making courses and books and shit. Silver is going to have a historical
296 00:51:49,410 --> 00:51:57,810 breakout. It's been a long, narrow Sideways Channel. Well, it's all the bullshit I learned from CAD Roberts and Roberts rather, and lost my ass. First trade
297 00:51:57,810 --> 00:52:07,110 pitchers on going this shit don't work. Okay, that's like gambling. It's like scratch offs, lottery tickets. The Powerball even notice how the Powerball since
298 00:52:07,110 --> 00:52:16,950 they did that scam job. And they said somebody won the $2 billion. First of all, they didn't do a drawing. And it's like, slowly creeping because they might want
299 00:52:16,950 --> 00:52:25,590 to buy a ticket or pissed off, they'll buy the mega million, but they're not doing Powerball. You see how easy it is for me to get distracted? And you want
300 00:52:25,590 --> 00:52:32,100 me to do a live stream and answer questions and watch the market to fuck that I can't do it. You're gonna have to just watch what I'm doing. I'll talk about it
301 00:52:32,100 --> 00:52:40,530 before it happens. And there it is. But I can't I can't answer questions while I'm doing live streams. But you're gonna have an invitation to be a part of a
302 00:52:41,520 --> 00:52:56,190 interactive learning process, I'm gonna do my best to try to make it. So that way you have to see it yourself and listening to my dialogue when it's salient.
303 00:52:56,670 --> 00:53:08,100 So when you're watching the price charts with me live on YouTube. I'll prompt your attention to certain things. And then I'll tell you screenshot this, if you
304 00:53:08,100 --> 00:53:19,470 can't be there live, when you're watching the replays. At that moment, pause the video and screenshot it. Okay, if you don't do those types of things, you're not
305 00:53:19,470 --> 00:53:26,040 going to get the results that you're probably hoping for at least not the results that I'm aiming for. If you do what I'm telling you to do, you will
306 00:53:26,040 --> 00:53:35,070 learn amazing things next year, you'll have a better understanding about what what I do in the mornings, in the afternoons. How do I how do I get my bias? How
307 00:53:35,070 --> 00:53:44,310 do I know what I'm looking for? How do I know if I should be trading today or not? What happens if I feel like I think this is a day I'm going to trade and
308 00:53:44,310 --> 00:53:53,040 then things change that takes my willingness to want to trade away and then I don't want to do anything. See that's mentoring. That's the real ship that books
309 00:53:53,040 --> 00:54:04,320 can't do a one week workshop can't do. You have to be with someone that knows how to do it. That's done it more than just in the last year I got funded
310 00:54:04,320 --> 00:54:11,190 account. I'm gonna start doing a mentorship, fuck Get the hell out of here. You're teaching ICT stuff. So this stuff save everybody's time and money, give
311 00:54:11,190 --> 00:54:25,980 them their link to my channel and it's done. It's easier. They'll respect you more in the end. But Friday, I went through the top down approach. I went
312 00:54:25,980 --> 00:54:35,940 through the daily chart with you and I mentioned in the narrative of everything. Think about what yesterday was okay, I prompted us in a tweet I said think about
313 00:54:35,940 --> 00:54:48,150 what has been going on who's been making money recently. The shorts. The markets been bearish. It's gone down. Yes, we had a rally off the lows on a daily chart,
314 00:54:48,270 --> 00:54:57,210 but year end squaring of positions, that means folks that are holding positions that you know for taxable income and things of that nature if they're holding
315 00:54:57,210 --> 00:55:08,730 positions. What positions are they like? lead to be squaring up towards the close of the day. Well, if you're short or predominantly short, when people are
316 00:55:08,730 --> 00:55:18,870 closing positions on a short, they have to do what they have to buy. So that's already a built in advantage. So now think about why I said 3864. Note that
317 00:55:19,230 --> 00:55:29,370 relatively equal high note that and I left you in the morning session. What did I teach you in the 2022 mentorship? When it starts to trade in the afternoon
318 00:55:29,370 --> 00:55:40,980 session, you use the lunchtime liquidity? Where are the stops? If it's been going down? Where are the stop losses in by side above that lunch hour, tomorrow
319 00:55:40,980 --> 00:55:48,900 is gonna gravitate towards that. Unless it's a strong one directional trending day, which isn't always the case, you have to be a trader working in markets
320 00:55:48,900 --> 00:55:58,410 that are not like that. But if it's one direction, there's a big tear off right from the beginning, type day in, either gotta be in it from the beginning, or
321 00:55:58,530 --> 00:56:05,790 you're done. Just leave, let it go. But if it doesn't, then kind of like real retracements of any kind. That's what I'm referring to those types of days.
322 00:56:05,820 --> 00:56:12,840 Unless you're in at the beginning of the move. It's better just as this, turn it off, come back the next day or whatever. But that's not what it feels like you
323 00:56:12,840 --> 00:56:20,670 should do at the time. You want to chase it. Or you'll spend all day waiting for a retracement that never comes. It just keeps melting or keeps barreling higher.
324 00:56:21,270 --> 00:56:30,960 Those days cause people to blow their accounts. Because they chase and they chase and they chase and even knowing that they shouldn't do it, they put on a
325 00:56:30,960 --> 00:56:39,780 bigger position to make up for the fact that he didn't get in at the earlier point. And in any little retracement of of any single candle or two, which is
326 00:56:39,780 --> 00:56:48,180 insignificant in the grand scheme of that move the collapse tree because it can't handle it. And it still keeps pressing on. You've been there before,
327 00:56:48,180 --> 00:56:58,410 haven't you? I know what that feels like I did that shit and oats, oats, thin shitty as market in commodities, I did that. And it was in a mood that just kept
328 00:56:58,410 --> 00:57:05,400 moving and moving and moving. And because I was trying to make up for the fact that it didn't get down when I knew I should have put in a bigger position that
329 00:57:05,400 --> 00:57:14,130 I should have. In every one cent move is 50 bucks, kinda like a ES. And when you're carrying 15 contracts, and you can't really carry that much in terms of
330 00:57:14,130 --> 00:57:22,830 margin. It doesn't take long to scare you out of the trade. And four cents five cents. It was enough for me I had had to bail and it would still keep going in
331 00:57:22,830 --> 00:57:31,590 the direction if I just want to hold on to it. Never went to what I would have used as a stoploss but I couldn't whether that pain 20 year old man 20 year old,
332 00:57:32,160 --> 00:57:40,920 no clue what real money was. You wet behind the ears in life. You freshly divorced, I had chip on my shoulder, I had all the things that you kind of
333 00:57:40,920 --> 00:57:47,010 complain to me about if we were just sitting at the bar, okay? You want to give him the reasons why you're not successful. Your father hated you, your mother
334 00:57:47,010 --> 00:57:55,440 disown you, your wife cheated on you. Everybody's you hated you and showing your entire life dude, I had to I had all that stuff. Okay, I got all that shit. And
335 00:57:55,440 --> 00:58:04,620 that's none of that. None of it's an excuse for you not to be able to be successful at this. None. I was homeless. Okay, trust me, I'm telling you,
336 00:58:04,650 --> 00:58:11,940 there's nothing you're going to be able to bring this conversation that says that this is a verifiable reason why you can't make it work. Because that's
337 00:58:11,940 --> 00:58:19,320 bullshit. You have to have the tenacity to say I'm going to deal with it and stick with it. And understand that like what I did on Friday, walking you
338 00:58:19,320 --> 00:58:31,050 through the daily chart. And I outlined the fact that we are in what the last day of the year. Now, the narrative I gave you. And the reasons for it was this
339 00:58:31,260 --> 00:58:39,210 last trading day of the year, there were not expecting a lot of volatility. But let's note it the previous day's high and the previous day's low.
340 00:58:40,770 --> 00:58:49,200 Which ones likely to get hit? Well, if you consider the fact that we're in our last trading day, it's a Friday, there isn't going to be new positions barreling
341 00:58:49,200 --> 00:58:55,260 in there, there isn't going to be this big rush to kind of get in here, there's going to be a big move, not on the last trading day of the year, they're not
342 00:58:55,260 --> 00:59:05,490 going to have that. So that means what we're likely to have an Inside Day. How do I how did I know that? I'm sure you're probably asking like, I hope he has
343 00:59:05,550 --> 00:59:14,580 answers what how do you know is going to be inside day? Well, what I've already said and what I've explained thus far, but we also opened below previous day's
344 00:59:14,580 --> 00:59:27,360 low. I'm sorry, below previous day's high and above previous day's low. So at 830 when we start looking for something, and at 930 Those two time periods are
345 00:59:27,360 --> 00:59:37,530 important. There's two hours of the morning session that you have to be in front of your charts between 830 in the morning and 930 in the morning, all up to like
346 00:59:37,530 --> 00:59:51,810 10 like 1030 I guess technically what that's yes, it's two hours. That's your morning session. Now, if you haven't found a setup by then don't There you go.
347 00:59:51,840 --> 01:00:01,500 There's 80% of your losing trades now been removed. If you chase something outside of that two hour window if you haven't found anything yet Don't wait for
348 01:00:01,500 --> 01:00:15,270 the pm session. How do I knew that? Dozens of blown accounts? When I stopped doing that shit, I stopped wrecking myself. It's chasing things. That's all
349 01:00:15,270 --> 01:00:25,110 you're doing. It's FOMO fear of missing out. I gotta get in something. I've been here two fucking hours. So, what's two hours in the whole career lifetime of you
350 01:00:25,110 --> 01:00:33,240 trading? It's shit. It's nothing. Movies are longer than that for fuck sake, and you're trying to make a big deal about two hours of sitting in front of charts
351 01:00:33,240 --> 01:00:44,100 and did nothing. You got chart time. You gotta experience stop looking at that is, I didn't get anything out of it. See, that's the right now. Work crowd
352 01:00:44,100 --> 01:00:52,860 perspective, and I'll shut up, I stepped in some shit right there. I don't care. This generation is too fucking lazy. And you're gonna have to find a way to fix
353 01:00:52,860 --> 01:01:03,510 that lazy ass. If you're gonna make money in this because even ICT can't fix lazy ass. That lazy eye syndrome. If you bring that into this industry, you're
354 01:01:03,510 --> 01:01:14,190 done. You're done. There's no way you're gonna be able to cope with the wrestling match that this is going to put on you. And when you lose, you're
355 01:01:14,190 --> 01:01:23,220 gonna feel like it's something that was done to you. undeservedly when it was you that invited it. Because you're doing something in a hurry. ill equipped,
356 01:01:23,520 --> 01:01:33,540 you don't know what you're doing, you're rushing. And you expect it to be easy for you. Let me tell you something, it's not easy. It's not easy. Once you learn
357 01:01:33,540 --> 01:01:40,620 your model, and you know what it feels like to get your ass burned. And you know, the consequences of doing stupid shit. You know, boundaries, kind of like
358 01:01:40,620 --> 01:01:48,270 that yellow double line in the road, Don't Cross That son of a bitch. Because if you do, you know, it's gonna happen. Bad stuff. And you might not be here long
359 01:01:48,270 --> 01:02:05,010 after doing it. You're gonna have to be personally responsible. And making decisions where financial success or ruin is all on you. All on you, a lot of
360 01:02:05,010 --> 01:02:18,690 you that are young don't like to weigh that out and say, You know what? It really is all on me. Yeah. And that's a terrifying feeling. And me being in a
361 01:02:18,690 --> 01:02:26,910 live session with you next year, is not going to remove that. In fact, for those that are gonna make the mistake of trying to take a live trade based on what I'm
362 01:02:26,910 --> 01:02:34,500 saying, live, you're really going to be shitting yourself. Because once you put trade on, and I'm not saying the things you want to be talking want me to be
363 01:02:34,500 --> 01:02:44,670 talking about, you're gonna see the same prints pan picture for you say I'm calling the market to a specific type above market price. And I'm saying, I
364 01:02:44,670 --> 01:02:54,750 believe the market sentiment right now is prime for a run on buyside liquidity. And I had this level here, let's study this right away some of you going like,
365 01:02:54,780 --> 01:03:05,880 Oh, shit. That's, that's it. That just gave me the invitation I'm going in, how much margin can I afford? Right there, you don't talk about number one, you're
366 01:03:05,880 --> 01:03:16,350 trying to press a button instead of watching price. And learning to read each individual candle, not. I just bought it. I don't even know where I should have
367 01:03:16,350 --> 01:03:24,060 bought it. But I heard him say it's going up. And I got time and I need to get back to work. I'm on my smoke break. If my boss sees me fucking with this phone,
368 01:03:24,330 --> 01:03:30,990 I'm gonna get fired. I can't afford to get fired yet until I learn how to make this money. Because this year, I'm going to overleveraged my funded account. And
369 01:03:30,990 --> 01:03:41,610 I'm going to be independently wealthy, and I'm going to be worried about this shit. But I'm gonna, I'm going all in you're laughing right now. But you knew
370 01:03:41,610 --> 01:03:47,520 damn well, that's what you thought you were going to do. And you shouldn't don't do that. You're not going to understand how to read price if you do that.
371 01:03:47,730 --> 01:03:58,140 Because if you go in, and let's say you foolishly press the button, and you get an even a small position. The smallest levers you can afford to put on or the
372 01:03:58,140 --> 01:04:07,440 broker will allow you and then you're in there. You're gonna be watching the profit and loss going up and down not reading the individual candles like I want
373 01:04:07,440 --> 01:04:25,740 you to do. See, you got to get yourself in sync with how these markets book, minute by minute. Second by second interval by interval. You cannot be a divided
374 01:04:25,740 --> 01:04:37,920 mind. You can't have your attention elsewhere and learn properly. If you're watching that p&l tab on your open position while I'm doing a live stream,
375 01:04:38,580 --> 01:04:49,980 you're fucking doing it wrong. And you are going to fail even if that trade makes profit. Because once I pack it in, and the close of 2023 comes in, you
376 01:04:49,980 --> 01:04:57,690 have to do this all by yourself. It's going to feel like the weight of the world it's crushing on you. You're going to be scared shitless when you have to make
377 01:04:57,690 --> 01:05:08,070 the decision on your own because you've wasted your time trying to catch what you're thinking is easy money. Instead of taking the opportunity I'm placing in
378 01:05:08,070 --> 01:05:21,390 all of your hands, to learn how to do this in an environment that is safe, you can't hurt yourself. You can't hurt yourself. Now it might bruise your ego for
379 01:05:21,390 --> 01:05:28,710 some of you that thought you knew how to trade. And when you see the things I'm going to teach you, that's fine. You can come back from that. But it's real hard
380 01:05:28,710 --> 01:05:36,750 to come back from putting money behind a trade that you don't even know why it's likely to move. You're just trusting me, don't trust me. Not almost none on the
381 01:05:36,750 --> 01:05:47,670 face value, you want to go onto the charts and do it. See it, earn your own personal trust in these concepts. And that's why I've always openly challenged,
382 01:05:48,030 --> 01:06:00,390 don't take my word for it, go in there and try to debunk it. Notice how no one's ever been able to successfully do that. Yeah, because you can't. I am the
383 01:06:00,390 --> 01:06:12,210 algorithm. I am the author. It's mine. And I know it. And I am welcoming you all to join me and I will share it. I will show you all these little pieces that
384 01:06:12,210 --> 01:06:21,930 come together. And you'll find one good opportunity per week. That's your career. Everything else. That's all on you. But you want to find a way to
385 01:06:21,960 --> 01:06:33,090 outpace inflation. You don't have to pay me for that. I'm going to teach you how to use what I've already given you. Where's there better downtown? Where is
386 01:06:33,090 --> 01:06:46,800 there anyone else out there? Making it this accessible? With proof that it has precision that's on rivaled? You see, I've waited for this entire year to finish
387 01:06:46,800 --> 01:06:57,120 because I couldn't wait to latest on you. Because I know some of you have woke up to mount this, this this ship? Is it like this is the real thing. Yeah, it
388 01:06:57,120 --> 01:07:05,760 really is an unreal thing. And I've always been the real thing. I didn't have to go out there and dance, and perform and show everything that I can afford to
389 01:07:05,760 --> 01:07:18,270 own. And I didn't have to show you any live accounts, but I did. I showed you precision, I went to a live stream, I think twice this year, and called the very
390 01:07:18,270 --> 01:07:29,010 fair value gap and where it's gonna go, I did it. Oh, that's just a cherry pick. Now it's not cherry picked. It's right then in there. You all have probably seen
391 01:07:29,010 --> 01:07:38,100 leaked videos of my mentorship where I was giving analysis. And I've received lots of emails over the years saying, I want to join, I've seen leaked comments
392 01:07:38,130 --> 01:07:49,290 of your commentaries. And I looked at the charts, and it did exactly what you said, please let me join No. No, you don't need to. I'm gonna be on YouTube. I
393 01:07:49,290 --> 01:07:59,340 don't do analysis for my private group anymore. So stop fucking asking me you can't join that. It's just them enjoying each other's company and their
394 01:07:59,340 --> 01:08:10,500 community. They earn that spot. That's where it is. But there's no, there's no secret analysis. I'm making it public. I'm literally laying it in your hands.
395 01:08:11,580 --> 01:08:20,100 What are you going to do with it this year? Are you going to sit around and try to take potshots at it and find fault with it? Or are you just going to really
396 01:08:20,160 --> 01:08:24,180 say You know what? I'm going to take this guy at his word and he's going to
397 01:08:25,500 --> 01:08:32,100 make it available. I'm going to see if there's any validity to it. I'm going to do everything he says and let's see what happens. That's all I'm asking you to
398 01:08:32,100 --> 01:08:49,410 do. No PayPal, no credit card, no coupon codes, nothing. Because I already know. I already know I'm gonna have a legion of new believers that are able to do this
399 01:08:49,440 --> 01:08:57,480 on their own. And my wife and my family night will be reading all the success stories like I've been reading this entire fall all the way through. I'm getting
400 01:08:57,480 --> 01:09:08,430 letters I'm getting these are real people folks, bringing up that hey, look, this is what I've done. And I have nothing else to thank except for the stuff
401 01:09:08,430 --> 01:09:15,450 I've watched on YouTube channel this year. This is amazing. I've been doing this for 15 years and I've never made money now with watching what you've put on
402 01:09:15,450 --> 01:09:28,440 YouTube. I'm making money I'm funded I got 4000 hours in funded accounts and I'm taking withdrawals how do you how do you argue against that? And when you're one
403 01:09:28,440 --> 01:09:38,010 of those types of people is it gonna matter? Who doesn't like ICT or what you do or think it's fake? I've got to give a flying fuck what anybody thinks you're
404 01:09:38,010 --> 01:09:49,290 making bread and you're breaking bread it's not gonna make any difference what anybody thinks. They're not spending your money you're spending it and you're
405 01:09:49,290 --> 01:10:00,030 able to do what? ICT that's what I want. I don't want glad handing I don't want people holding on to me saying you know I need you to do this. No, you don't I
406 01:10:00,660 --> 01:10:11,790 don't, I don't run a service where you got to keep paying me. Because I think that's unethical. I don't charge people anymore. I could, I can make a fucking
407 01:10:11,820 --> 01:10:24,570 ton of money right now. I have money. I want to live the latter stages of my life principle oriented and have a clean conscience that the things that I've
408 01:10:24,570 --> 01:10:38,340 known for years that I was told not to share with anybody else. I had to create a language. In that language, I have it wasn't easy. Let's, let's be honest, it
409 01:10:38,340 --> 01:10:52,590 wasn't easy for me to try to bridge what it was that goes on? Versus what could be talked about and not get me in trouble? Or what you mean by that? You're not
410 01:10:52,590 --> 01:11:12,030 supposed to know this stuff. So if I make up? Well, terms and usages of theories, that would be very, very close. Very, very, very close, okay, to what
411 01:11:12,030 --> 01:11:24,420 the actual algorithms do in the marketplace. Now, when I say algorithms, there's two of them that dance together. The engine that runs price, that is the
412 01:11:24,420 --> 01:11:39,090 algorithm. How does that work with Smart Money algorithms that engage price engines? Where do they enter their orders? Where do they adjust their orders?
413 01:11:39,360 --> 01:11:49,710 Where they close their orders? See, that's that synergy between both of them? That had to create a language to be able to communicate how that happens, and
414 01:11:49,710 --> 01:11:58,050 not divulge what has been given to me that you are never going to learn. Oh, here we go. This Tom Clancy Shit, I don't give a fuck if you believe it or not.
415 01:11:58,440 --> 01:12:07,470 You explain how I can do what I can do. And find it anywhere else in any other fucking theory or retail horseshit, or some super power engine, new blackbox
416 01:12:07,470 --> 01:12:21,990 horseshit doesn't work. I know it sounds arrogant. But it annoys me that people see the obvious and they still still can't see it. I'm going to literally sit
417 01:12:21,990 --> 01:12:34,440 down with you and map out every one minute and five minute candle real time. Two times a week. You're gonna see it. You're gonna walk it with me. Every fucking
418 01:12:34,740 --> 01:12:47,880 candle. Nobody does that. But me. And I'm looking forward to it. Because I know Joel is gonna be hitting the floor. People will be shitting and fall back in it.
419 01:12:48,600 --> 01:12:58,680 Because we're gonna be like, Damn this, this guy is exactly exactly what he said he was Yep. And I never had to be more than what you saw. And here's the here's
420 01:12:58,680 --> 01:13:08,520 the kicker. Even after this, there's still going to be people out there. And they're going to say, Yeah, but he didn't do this. He didn't trade in front of
421 01:13:08,520 --> 01:13:20,070 you. He didn't do this. And that. See, these are the same people that have sorry, asked when records, their stats suck, they can only over leverage in
422 01:13:20,070 --> 01:13:33,630 gamble. And they call that skill. That's not skill. I'm not a 5050 trader. Notice that I don't want to have a 5050 strike rate. I don't want to operate or
423 01:13:33,630 --> 01:13:46,920 engage in an environment in bytes only that as a possible outcome. I want to be in there when the stage is set for me to obviously get everything I could
424 01:13:46,920 --> 01:13:59,580 possibly garner as an odds in my favor. And you not knowing those things right now is, is a cause for you to feel anxious, like I'm hiding something from you.
425 01:13:59,610 --> 01:14:10,830 I'm promising you all the things that I'm never going to divulge past what I've already done. I never ever have to teach those things. I have simplified things
426 01:14:10,950 --> 01:14:19,950 like there. There are simple macros in the marketplace that run every single day. And you can find them and make money. That's what I was talking about. With
427 01:14:19,950 --> 01:14:27,630 that five handle move. You can find a five handle move every single fucking day. I don't give a shit. If it's seeking destroy. I don't care if it's a trending
428 01:14:27,630 --> 01:14:37,950 day. If it's a consolidation day, if it's a classic biday classic sell day. It doesn't matter. I can go in and you can too. After 2023 You'll be able to find
429 01:14:38,040 --> 01:14:51,360 find a five handle move. It's 20 ticks in the s&p. You can make a career out of that. What if you parlayed that up and use money management to build it up,
430 01:14:51,360 --> 01:15:00,600 build it up build as you make more money, it allows you in a 4g to do what carry more contracts and not increased the percentage of risk. It's the is the same.
431 01:15:02,340 --> 01:15:10,560 What does that mean? Well, let's say you start with a hypothetical funded account of 10,000 hours. Okay? Oh, and you can't make a lot of money with
432 01:15:10,560 --> 01:15:26,010 $10,000 Larry Williams did in one year. You can't make what you don't think you can make 10 fold on that over a course of a year? I think you can. I believe
433 01:15:26,010 --> 01:15:37,890 it's possible. So stop listening these fucking people that say you have to have $300,000 of funded account to make money bullshit. Last time we talked, I said,
434 01:15:37,890 --> 01:15:50,100 What if you get that fund that account for 100,000. And us make one and a half percent a week? That 6% per month, compounded over the year. That's 100%. It
435 01:15:50,100 --> 01:15:58,500 means you made six figures on $1,000. Tax it you probably got about anywhere, depending on where you're at in in the United States. And I'm only can only talk
436 01:15:58,500 --> 01:16:07,770 from the United States perspective. And barring any kind of, you know, special tax treatment, the likelihood of you getting trader status in the first year of
437 01:16:07,770 --> 01:16:19,500 trading is not likely you have to have a track record. So you have what 100,000 taxes, you probably got anywhere between 68,070 $2,000 That's a good living,
438 01:16:19,500 --> 01:16:34,260 folks. That's a good living. Now, if you just did that every every year, and you did nothing more than that, are you failing? Did you miss the mark? How do you
439 01:16:34,260 --> 01:16:43,560 rate in your social media equity curve amongst your friends and family on Twitter and Facebook and Instagram? You feel like you're not up to snuff with
440 01:16:43,560 --> 01:16:54,750 them. Stop worrying about them on the fuckers. 90% These people don't even make money 90% on can't fucking trade. And if they are with a little bit of money,
441 01:16:54,870 --> 01:17:04,800 they've made their money selling shit. And I've been very open and honest with you. I have made more money selling education than I did my live trading. It's
442 01:17:04,800 --> 01:17:16,260 easy. People pile in, they want to learn, they'll pay they'll pay they'll pay trades you have to wait for you have to wrestle through, you have to wait, lose,
443 01:17:16,260 --> 01:17:25,920 come back lose. It's a lot. And when you learn how to trade and do well guess what? If you want to use that as an income source, I don't think there's any,
444 01:17:25,950 --> 01:17:33,480 it's just because I stopped doing it. Just to prove a point to everybody because oh yeah, he makes his money doing this, okay, I'll stop doing that. But the same
445 01:17:33,480 --> 01:17:45,210 fuckers are out there trying to sell new shit. With 12 year old furniture in your house does the shit. So you have all kinds of potential income streams laid
446 01:17:45,210 --> 01:17:55,140 at your feet. Once you know how to do this. You can be in fund management, you can be in Prop firm, you can educate, you can do signal services, you can do
447 01:17:55,140 --> 01:18:06,090 YouTube channels. I mean, there's nothing limiting you once you learn how to do this the right way. And you can manage yourself efficiently, effectively, and
448 01:18:06,090 --> 01:18:15,960 manage risk properly. There isn't a living soul on this planet that wouldn't be at least interested in see what you're doing. They don't have to subscribe to
449 01:18:15,960 --> 01:18:23,910 your views of it. For people that don't look at this way, for people that couldn't afford my mentorship, they still watch my videos on YouTube.
450 01:18:26,190 --> 01:18:31,440 For people that don't want to watch my YouTube videos, they still read my tweets
451 01:18:37,350 --> 01:18:49,650 doesn't matter. You have an audience, I have an audience. So there's a way for you to monetize this skill set in so many ways. And it not hinge on you making
452 01:18:49,650 --> 01:18:57,840 your trading income support you initially. That's the major thing that I want you to understand. Because see, you're all trying to get rich, real real quick,
453 01:18:57,870 --> 01:19:14,130 and I'm not promising you that. I've never done that. I've always thought have modest expectations, back on baby pips. Try to get 25 pips a week. Yeah 25 pips
454 01:19:14,130 --> 01:19:22,890 a week and if you're risking 2% each trade, it builds up nicely. I shared a spreadsheet it did all the math for you. Oh, here we go. Spreadsheets. Okay, go
455 01:19:22,890 --> 01:19:35,880 back to Friday and show you what, see what I did. I outlined it in detail where the levels we're going to be where it's going to go. Inside Day why happened?
456 01:19:36,390 --> 01:19:45,360 You thought I forgot about that. The likelihood of the market not going above Thursday's high and below Thursday's low on the last trading day is highly
457 01:19:45,360 --> 01:19:53,340 likely to stay inside the range. So it's going to stay inside the range is going to be what an Inside Day. No new positions we're gonna be pushing the range
458 01:19:53,340 --> 01:20:02,790 beyond Thursday's high or below Thursday's low. So right away we have adjusted our mindset to that We are not looking for a big breakout move, because it's not
459 01:20:02,790 --> 01:20:10,770 likely to occur. Why? Because it's the last trading day of the year, it's Friday. And we're in the middle of a small consolidation on the daily chart
460 01:20:10,800 --> 01:20:26,520 Anyway, go look at your chart, you're looking at charts I shared, you'll see that. Now that idea of looking for an Inside Day forces us to do what trade with
461 01:20:26,550 --> 01:20:36,690 internal range liquidity. So that means we have to work within the previous day's high in the low. And then anytime we take a trade, and we trade outside of
462 01:20:36,690 --> 01:20:47,280 a new range, what does that mean? All the levels that I gave you going through the daily, the four hour, the 60 Minute, the 15 minute and five minute charts, I
463 01:20:47,280 --> 01:21:00,600 gave you all the fair value gaps, the discount low and the premium high each one and I took you top down into the smallest five minutes for your beta. Now your
464 01:21:00,600 --> 01:21:10,110 charts probably don't have it extended through to the pm session. Take those ranges, extend them all the way into the three o'clock into four o'clock. And
465 01:21:10,110 --> 01:21:23,940 then look at where I was buying. Look at where my stop loss was one tick stop loss. I was not worried about that coming down and hitting my stop loss. Why?
466 01:21:24,630 --> 01:21:31,410 Why was I not worried about and why did I go in and buy more when it went down to the bottom of that fair value gap on the five minute I'm sorry, on the one
467 01:21:31,410 --> 01:21:40,380 minute chart, because everything was sitting on that 60 minute discount low the fair value gap look at look at the range on the 60 minute chart. And where I
468 01:21:40,380 --> 01:21:50,340 drew out on those charts that I shared on Twitter. The discount low that fair value can extend that through into three o'clock and four o'clock hour. And then
469 01:21:51,840 --> 01:22:00,840 at that minute hearing, I want to say anything incorrectly. If you look at the 11 minutes after three, everything your charge should be on New York time. Okay?
470 01:22:01,410 --> 01:22:09,540 So if you see me doing premeditated all these conversations I showed that I click on New York showing you this isn't New York time make sure your charts
471 01:22:09,540 --> 01:22:19,020 look like this. Because our conversation I'm having right now, which I had planned all this stuff. Look at the 11 minutes after three. Okay, and it fits on
472 01:22:19,020 --> 01:22:35,460 New York time, it's going to be 1511 to 1513. That's your one minute fee right. Now, if you look at the low on a one minute chart at 1525 1527 and 1530,
473 01:22:35,940 --> 01:22:44,250 respectively, and local New York time, that would be three o'clock, 25 minutes after three o'clock, 27 minutes after three o'clock, 30 minutes after those
474 01:22:44,250 --> 01:22:57,300 three lows went exactly to the low of that one minute fair I got it did not need to go beyond that. Because we've already rested on the 60 Minute discount, lower
475 01:22:57,300 --> 01:23:11,340 the fair value cap on our HR. We consolidated in that larger fair value gap in that 15 minute timeframe. And I layered all those fair value gaps. So in
476 01:23:11,340 --> 01:23:22,920 layman's terms, this is what was going on. The market dove deep after my trade in the morning, getting the five handles knowing full well by doing that, it
477 01:23:22,920 --> 01:23:31,500 would set the stage for trolls to say five handles hahaha they're not getting five panels consistently. But this is continuing our conversation. Five panels
478 01:23:31,500 --> 01:23:38,760 is enough for you to make lots of money. Lots and lots and lots of money you can make all kinds of all the money you ever need or want can be made on five
479 01:23:38,760 --> 01:23:51,900 handles. So don't be discouraged by me or other people showing beyond five handles. You have to have something that you can reach for that's realistic. So
480 01:23:51,900 --> 01:23:58,860 what happens if you get five handles? Trust me, I know I'm going to continue on with the whole, why not get stopped out. But I have to make this point here.
481 01:23:59,130 --> 01:24:09,870 Like I said, I've got notes, folks, I'm not going to leave anything untouched. Five handles can be done. One time a day easily. You can really do it every
482 01:24:09,870 --> 01:24:20,040 session. Morning, afternoon. Morning, afternoon. Morning, afternoon. Morning, afternoon. morning afternoon. That's 10 trading opportunities per week. If you
483 01:24:20,040 --> 01:24:31,620 can nail down five handles, how many handles is that over the week? 50. Now, what if you aim for 50 But you just average around 25 Because you're learning
484 01:24:31,620 --> 01:24:44,250 and you're and your strike rate not my your strike rate is 5050 Are you failing? No. No, your goal your model is to aim for that. I have a model that I'm looking
485 01:24:44,250 --> 01:24:56,850 for. When I was well not trading actively Forex now but I was looking for 50 to 75 pips every single week. I could do lots more clearly, but it was easy for me
486 01:24:56,850 --> 01:25:02,970 to do it and doesn't put pressure on me. And I have lots of ways to get it. I can get For one setup, I can do one shot one kill. If I don't get the one shot
487 01:25:02,970 --> 01:25:09,510 one kill me because I was either not on the charts or I didn't do it right or I just missed the opportunity, whatever, then I had to break that up over the
488 01:25:09,510 --> 01:25:18,480 course of one other trading day or multiple trading days or trading sessions, and not forcing myself to go in there and try to squeeze an unrealistic
489 01:25:18,480 --> 01:25:27,360 expectation of 50 to 75 handles from a day that isn't likely to move that much, which is the point of what Friday's discussion was in the morning. last trading
490 01:25:27,360 --> 01:25:40,350 day of the year, E Mini s&p, it's going to be inside day, it proved to be an Inside Day. Now, if you can get those five handles one time a day, and you trade
491 01:25:40,350 --> 01:25:49,560 Monday through Friday, and you don't get caught up in trying to keep up with everybody else on YouTube, or whatever other medium out there that's gonna lull
492 01:25:49,560 --> 01:25:57,150 you into thinking that you need to be doing more because they're still doing something, oh, this guy already caught 1010 handles over here, I gotta get in
493 01:25:57,150 --> 01:26:08,070 and do some work because it's really moving today. Stop, stop. This, the banks are open, from nine o'clock to five o'clock, Monday through Friday, unless it's
494 01:26:08,070 --> 01:26:14,340 a bank holiday. And it's money going in those fucking bank accounts all the time, people are gonna make a deposit and they're doing withdrawals. Just
495 01:26:14,340 --> 01:26:21,780 because that's all gonna do, you gotta run to the bank, you got more money to put in the bank, you got more money to pull out of the bank just because
496 01:26:21,780 --> 01:26:29,700 everybody else is doing it, stop trying to do things because you see business as usual everywhere else. That's them doing their thing. You're running your
497 01:26:29,700 --> 01:26:41,910 business, your business has business hours. What is it 830 to 1030. If you stay inside those two hours, I promise you, all the bullshit you're struggling with
498 01:26:42,030 --> 01:26:53,250 will go away. And if you just wait to the last hour, three o'clock to four. That's it. There's your three hour work week, do one scanning and one particular
499 01:26:53,250 --> 01:27:02,820 day, a medium impact news event or a high impact news event? You look 830 to 1030 in the morning, if you can't find their way to the afternoon, especially if
500 01:27:02,850 --> 01:27:11,760 the morning is shit, you're probably gonna have a really good pm session, something will happen real easy, because it likes to give the smart money but
501 01:27:11,760 --> 01:27:18,690 cookie, it being the algorithm. So I'm dropping all kinds of diamonds in here, folks. And if you're not taking notes, man, you're really wasting the
502 01:27:18,690 --> 01:27:25,830 opportunity. It's been recorded in case you can't be here the whole time. But just, you know, just know that this is some really good shit, I would have paid
503 01:27:25,830 --> 01:27:33,660 money for this stuff coming up. I actually did lots of it and lost lots of money in accounts learning this shit. So but five handles, if you do that every single
504 01:27:33,660 --> 01:27:37,680 day, that's 25 handles a week. So you can do
505 01:27:39,000 --> 01:27:47,820 the approach of looking for a trade a swing trade of 25 handles to aim for it. And if you can't find it, if you're not skilled to be able to find that move
506 01:27:47,820 --> 01:27:59,760 like that on an hourly chart or four hour chart, no problem. Break it up. What happens if you get to 12 and a half handle news. There's nothing wrong with
507 01:27:59,760 --> 01:28:07,650 that. You can find that on a 15 minute chart. But what happens if you don't have that much skill to do it like that either. And you're you're really trying to do
508 01:28:07,650 --> 01:28:13,980 that one minute chart, because you don't like to be in there too long. You want to get in there to your surgical strikes, and get out because you're scared and
509 01:28:13,980 --> 01:28:23,700 you haven't built up enough confidence and I understand no problem. Go for five. Personally, I go five and a quarter Caleb, that's his model. He does five and a
510 01:28:23,700 --> 01:28:30,420 quarter. So once he gets five a quarter, he's done. He's not looking at the charts anymore. He's done. And I can't I can't get him to sit with me anymore
511 01:28:30,420 --> 01:28:37,890 after that. Once he's done. He's done. Like, no, my sister, Dad, I'm done. I'm like, but I want to show him some more shit. He's like that you told me I'm
512 01:28:37,890 --> 01:28:52,410 like, I know. But I just love this shit. I want to see this. But I get I get really passionate about it. And even though he's still growing in his
513 01:28:52,410 --> 01:29:02,100 understanding, I want him to be sick, like a monster. Like I want to take what I have in my head and put it in him and with his youth. And he has a lot of the
514 01:29:02,100 --> 01:29:11,880 things that I have to like, you tell him no, he's gonna find a way to do it. You tell him you can't. He can't he's gonna find to always he can't. So that I know
515 01:29:11,880 --> 01:29:26,340 if I can instill what I know. In Him. He will make me look like a neophyte because he has the time doing more of what I already know. It just it's very
516 01:29:26,340 --> 01:29:36,060 hard for me to manage it because I don't want to push too hard and drive him nuts but also don't want to be so hands off that he limits himself you know what
517 01:29:36,060 --> 01:29:47,400 I mean? So it's like an ICT and dad competing to be the better of the each you know, I want to be the best dad. I can by not forcing it on him. And I want to
518 01:29:47,400 --> 01:29:56,520 be typical me ICT where I want to cram it down your throat and it's over and over and over and over again too much and you know you're choking on it. And
519 01:29:56,520 --> 01:30:08,880 you're gonna have my way, you know, so it It's very hard for me to manage that. So. But as a five handle trader, that's a realistic expectation for you to have.
520 01:30:09,300 --> 01:30:18,570 And if you're really, really new by doing tape reading, you can grow in your confidence and say, Okay, I see a setup that might yield five handles. But what
521 01:30:18,570 --> 01:30:27,420 happens if I don't win and I get into, and I get out with two in three quarters, and I just get out, and I watch it, go to five. And then I do the same thing in
522 01:30:27,420 --> 01:30:35,670 the afternoon. Guess what that is? It's five handles, and you don't have that much time in the marketplace. It lets you get in, get out it reward you. And you
523 01:30:35,670 --> 01:30:46,740 grow in your confidence. Is there something wrong with that? No, not if you are so new, as a trader, that your experience level doesn't permit you the
524 01:30:46,740 --> 01:30:58,200 confidence or comfort, let's say it that way to be in the risk that's associated with being in the market live. So you, you put your toe in the water, you feel
525 01:30:58,200 --> 01:31:08,730 if it's too hot, if it's too hot, it's moving around real quick. You go in, get your two and three quarters move, and then bail out and watch to see if it goes
526 01:31:08,790 --> 01:31:17,220 to five handles. If it does, you grow in your confidence, okay, if I just would have held on to it, it would have done that. Not thinking, Oh, I wish I would
527 01:31:17,220 --> 01:31:26,370 have held on to it. Why did I do that? No. See, it's how you log in journal, you retain the positives, and you don't record in the negative stuff. Because when
528 01:31:26,370 --> 01:31:36,720 you record it in your journal negative, your subconscious retains that and you anchor a toxic event around something you're trying to grow as a positive
529 01:31:37,080 --> 01:31:46,020 investment for your life. So you're shooting yourself in the foot, basically, you're trying to turn something you been motivated to do for a positive thing,
530 01:31:46,050 --> 01:31:56,100 you're turning it toxic without realizing it. So that's why you're, you're sugarcoating all of your journal experiences. You want it to be a love story to
531 01:31:56,100 --> 01:32:06,000 yourself, you're writing a love note to yourself every trading day. And you're doing it through charts, you're showing charts, and you're putting little I love
532 01:32:06,030 --> 01:32:15,570 what I'm doing. This is great that I can see this, and you're retaining that your brain loves that kind of stuff. Your brain loves it, it releases chemicals
533 01:32:15,570 --> 01:32:27,780 into your body that remembers it better than just the static memory of it alone. Think about it. When you went to a movie, maybe you've already seen this movie,
534 01:32:27,810 --> 01:32:40,890 okay. And you went there, and you saw it with your friends. He saw is alright. Okay, and you're meeting this girl, or significant other? And he said, Hey,
535 01:32:40,890 --> 01:32:47,610 look, you know, I really would like to see this movie, you're thinking, Oh, fuck, I've already seen this movie. All right, well, they want to go, I don't
536 01:32:47,610 --> 01:32:55,740 want to be a jerk. Let's just go with them. And you go to the movie, and you have a great time. They're holding their hand. And they're the experience there.
537 01:32:55,770 --> 01:33:06,210 And now all of a sudden, that movie has a positive attachment to your memory. Versus so it was alright. Now, you got something, it's nice to you that smells
538 01:33:06,210 --> 01:33:18,540 next to you. It's like beautiful. It just it's a totally different experience. And now you add to it, what? All the embellishments of what happens after the
539 01:33:18,540 --> 01:33:27,510 movie. Without being crude. It doesn't necessarily mean the bedroom either going to a dinner, taking a walk and saying that was a great movie. I love having time
540 01:33:27,510 --> 01:33:36,480 with you. All those things are positive things that you're remembering when you break up with people is painful as it is to think about the things that caused
541 01:33:36,480 --> 01:33:46,050 that breakup. When you're not with them. And they come to mind, what do you think of, I miss them when I used to do this with them. And you miss that you
542 01:33:46,050 --> 01:33:56,760 ache because you need what a positive memory about that moment with that person. And when every time you think about that song when it comes on. That's why it
543 01:33:56,760 --> 01:34:06,390 hurts. Because you can't plug into that good feeling anymore. You've been cut off. So you don't ever want to invite that shit in your journaling. Journaling
544 01:34:06,390 --> 01:34:14,550 is always positive. You never ever, ever say anything negative in your journaling, ever. Even if you did something wrong. You say okay, this was an
545 01:34:14,550 --> 01:34:24,180 amazing opportunity for me to get the insights for when the market does this. You see what I just did there? I discharged in this armed any possible chance
546 01:34:24,180 --> 01:34:34,170 for me to look at that losing trade, or an idea that I felt would have panned out in the marketplace. That was perfect example CPI. You saw two instances
547 01:34:34,170 --> 01:34:41,610 where I cosign I didn't have to do it, but I wanted to prove to you this is what I would expect right now. And it didn't do it. It just went right up the other
548 01:34:41,610 --> 01:34:51,210 way. Or other way, though, you know, going down. There was another time earlier in the summer, where I did it where Caleb was right next to me. And literally
549 01:34:51,990 --> 01:35:06,300 literally was like wow, so quick. But that same instance, I was right about it but wouldn't touch it. So that speed of movement and price action on those types
550 01:35:06,300 --> 01:35:15,420 of events, if you're wrong, the way you disarm that is okay. This is why we don't trade ahead of the CPI number because it's too violent, it's too one
551 01:35:15,420 --> 01:35:25,500 sided, and it's unforgiving. You can't trade your way out of it. You can't fix it. When the damage is done. It's like a neutron bomb, just boom, it's gone. All
552 01:35:25,500 --> 01:35:35,220 living organisms are decorated. Everything else looks the same, except for any living organism has gone. So you don't want to you don't want to thank What's
553 01:35:35,220 --> 01:35:45,330 your your trading career on one training event like a CPI number. And you don't also want to stifle your development by recording highly emotional negativity in
554 01:35:45,330 --> 01:35:55,980 your journal entries. And it's easy to do you feel like you want to do it. Don't Don't go on social media and complain either. Stupid selling so far, I made a
555 01:35:55,980 --> 01:36:06,840 stupid mistake, I fucked up doing this doing that. When you do that, you release it. And it comes out of you. You think you let go of it. But your subconscious
556 01:36:06,840 --> 01:36:15,930 has got a lifeline to that. And it's anchored to your subconscious and you will not cut it off. And the next time you get in the marketplace, what's going to
557 01:36:15,930 --> 01:36:25,620 happen is alright, I'm getting in a trade Oh shit, you know, this feels like that last time it did this and this and this, and I took a bigger hit than I was
558 01:36:25,620 --> 01:36:33,270 supposed to. I'm scared. Now you're worried about having a repeat of that same toxic event. That's normal with trading, you're gonna have a losing trade,
559 01:36:33,840 --> 01:36:41,370 you're gonna do something wrong. It's normal. Okay, every one of us is doing it wrong. Okay, every single one of us is going to have that. It doesn't mean you
560 01:36:41,370 --> 01:36:49,200 can't trade it doesn't mean you're not profitable doesn't mean you have a good system or not a good system. It just means that you're human. But when you get
561 01:36:49,200 --> 01:36:59,400 in that trade, and now you're starting to think about that other time when that when I was at bandcamp. And, you know, I mean, that whole bad experience. No,
562 01:36:59,400 --> 01:37:09,990 I'm not trying to make anybody that went to banking. But no, I didn't go to pen camp. But if you look at the logic of referring back to another trade, while
563 01:37:09,990 --> 01:37:20,070 you're in that trade, are you managing that trade? No, you're managing fear about another trade that you can't make more on or lose more on. So your mind is
564 01:37:20,070 --> 01:37:30,900 divided. So the way you avoid all that shit, is not to give it any energy in your journal, II take every experience, positive or negative, profitable or
565 01:37:31,020 --> 01:37:39,810 negative loss, and you make it an instructive, positive installment in your development. When does your development stop? When you're dead?
566 01:37:41,250 --> 01:37:49,290 I'm improving myself. Day by day, week by week, I'm a better mentor today than I was when I first started teaching as a young man before I should have been
567 01:37:49,290 --> 01:37:59,130 teaching. I'm not the best. And in fact, I know I'm not the best mentor, I'm not. My trading is the best and my ability to read prices the best, but I'm not
568 01:37:59,130 --> 01:38:07,470 the best teacher. I wish I was better than I am. And I'm trying to be better than I am. But, you know, I guess we'll find out if this is an improvement in
569 01:38:07,470 --> 01:38:21,300 2023 or not, but that five handles is plenty. And you can split it up and make your whole 25 handle career, or multiple trades or one individual trade in the
570 01:38:21,300 --> 01:38:29,700 morning, that gets five candles, you're done for the whole day. That releases you from all of the expectations of being in front of these charts longer than
571 01:38:29,700 --> 01:38:40,290 it's necessary, which is good, you want to limit that. So if you get your trade or five handles when you're first starting out, turn the charts off. Look at
572 01:38:40,290 --> 01:38:50,850 everything afterwards. In hindsight, don't be lured into doing more. Because something moves around quick. You don't want to add to what's already been given
573 01:38:50,850 --> 01:39:01,230 to you. And that's your goal. Stop. That's what profitable trading is having a goal, a business model, okay. We call it a trading model, but it's a business
574 01:39:01,230 --> 01:39:09,810 model. You know, footlocker don't go out there and say, You know what we're doing so well. selling shoes. We need to get into the fucking pizza business.
575 01:39:09,840 --> 01:39:19,590 Let's start selling pizzas and burritos. Because who wouldn't want to fucking footlocker burrito, right? That shit don't work. Okay, you're not going to upset
576 01:39:19,590 --> 01:39:28,320 the model that works for them. Okay, and vice versa, you have a model, you sit down, you've done all the work. You built yourself up you learning this and now
577 01:39:28,440 --> 01:39:36,090 you settled in, you're gonna look for five handles in the E Mini s&p or the NASDAQ. One or the other. I'm preferring ES and I think you should do that too.
578 01:39:36,570 --> 01:39:45,060 If you want to go into MQ later on, when you have more mobility, that's fine. But when it moves fast, it can be wild and it can hurt you. It's a little bit
579 01:39:45,060 --> 01:39:53,370 more chaotic. So just be mindful that don't be afraid of it. But in the beginning, respect it because if you don't know you're doing it can sting you.
580 01:39:56,130 --> 01:40:05,910 But you want to have that that business model of Knowing when are you going to stop? So you're not going to live streamers all the time, I'll ask him, I say,
581 01:40:05,910 --> 01:40:15,180 hey, look, I asked this of trades by Matt, I asked it by chords, I asked it by two other YouTubers. And they ignored me and extended why they don't want to,
582 01:40:15,420 --> 01:40:21,600 they don't want to talk to because they think I'm in there, you try to make fun of them. I'm not I respect anybody that's done on live stream, I would never go
583 01:40:21,600 --> 01:40:29,580 in there and try to be disruptive about anything like that. Because the more it takes a lot of focus, and it's a dick move and to I can fucking respect the fact
584 01:40:29,580 --> 01:40:38,580 that they're doing it. Because there isn't a lot of people that are willing to get out there and literally live stream. So that's that is ballsy in anybody
585 01:40:38,580 --> 01:40:47,520 that does it, yeah, that they get my respect. Even if they blow up all the time, and blow their accounts and go to maximum loss multiple times that same week,
586 01:40:47,610 --> 01:40:59,430 it's still respectful that they do it. I want to ask them questions like, hey, you know, when do you stop? What draws the line in the sand? Say, Okay, I'm not
587 01:40:59,430 --> 01:41:10,380 trading anymore. Today, I've done enough, either because of the loss or the win? Like, how, how do you get to the point of contentment, where you no longer feel
588 01:41:10,380 --> 01:41:17,610 that it's needed for you to be in from the charts? Have you been considered that? In your development in your, in your building of your trading plan?
589 01:41:19,200 --> 01:41:30,900 Because it's easy to see, oh, it's early. I've already got my 10 handles for today. That's two days work. That's two days of work. You What do you think
590 01:41:30,900 --> 01:41:38,280 you're gonna go in here again, because that's exactly what you're gonna do. You're gonna think the markets on fire, you're gonna push your edge until it's
591 01:41:38,280 --> 01:41:48,090 dull, and he lost what you make, and more. Plus commissions. Don't you feel smart. Twitter can get you hurt by people that don't want to talk you're talking
592 01:41:48,090 --> 01:42:02,310 about your business model is only profitable when you follow it. Your trading plan is only profitable when you follow it. Your wife, your husband, your
593 01:42:02,310 --> 01:42:09,990 significant other, your children, your dependents, your best friends, your co workers, your boss, and ICT, we're not going to be there to help you press the
594 01:42:09,990 --> 01:42:19,350 button and manage it until you want to stop. That's personal responsibility. And all of that rests on your shoulders. And if you're not in tune with the things
595 01:42:19,350 --> 01:42:30,450 that will lure you into dumb shit. Gambling, going in there one more time. You got a good day, you made $1,000 You didn't try to make 1000 hours it just just
596 01:42:30,450 --> 01:42:39,180 happened. Celebrate your hands. Don't look at that as Oh shit. I'm way better than I thought it was fuck. I've been thinking about this all this time thinking
597 01:42:39,180 --> 01:42:47,460 I wasn't that great. Look how good I am. I'm gonna go through and do this five more times. Because shit at $6,000 He doesn't want to 6000 hours a day. And then
598 01:42:47,460 --> 01:42:59,940 all of a sudden you're looking at your account, it's gone. I've done it. I've done it. Okay, so you have to know when you're gonna pull the plug. And we're
599 01:42:59,940 --> 01:43:12,870 gonna talk about that real time and 2023 What changes the the landscape, if you will, of the chart that says you know what? It might move a little bit more, but
600 01:43:12,900 --> 01:43:20,220 I am not interested anymore. I'm done. And that's going to piss people off. Right? What Why did you and then you'll see them they'll come in afterwards. Oh,
601 01:43:20,220 --> 01:43:30,630 but look at this smooth here. You didn't take a not took this trade, good for you. Well done. Good for you. I'm not going to shoot that down. But Don't come
602 01:43:30,630 --> 01:43:37,740 at me because you found something that outside while I'm willing to take a trade on. That doesn't mean shit. It just means that you found the setup. And you
603 01:43:37,740 --> 01:43:44,910 engaged it well done. That's exactly what traders are supposed to do find an independent setup that they took on their selves. And they manage the risk and
604 01:43:44,910 --> 01:43:56,100 if it was profitable, great. The point is, I'm teaching people that don't know what the fuck they're doing. How do you go into this and do it right? How do you
605 01:43:56,100 --> 01:44:06,780 avoid all the likely pitfalls and snares that always trip up in the fight noose? new startups. You don't even know what you're likely to fall in a victim to?
606 01:44:07,290 --> 01:44:15,180 Because you're too new. You have no idea how you're going to hurt yourself. Because you've never done it before. You got to learn from somebody that's done
607 01:44:15,180 --> 01:44:24,930 those things to themselves and learn from them. Not. Yeah, just learn how to trade I'm funded. Let me show you how to fuck that. No way. No, no, no, no, no,
608 01:44:24,930 --> 01:44:40,080 no, no, no way. I don't want a new surgeon cutting on me. Okay, gotta get this guy's grace. He was the he was the highest in our class. The graduating class.
609 01:44:40,080 --> 01:44:48,360 You said he got the highest grades. This is his first operation of fuck it is now we're meeting. Goodbye. I'm out of there. See you later. Give me some old
610 01:44:48,360 --> 01:44:55,230 guy. Okay. Or old lady that's been doing it for a long time. I don't give a shit. Okay. She can they can shake their hands a little bit even. Okay, I'd
611 01:44:55,230 --> 01:45:04,620 rather have that and instead the person just came into school. No, thank you. You don't You don't have it yet, and that you cut me up. So, you when you're
612 01:45:04,620 --> 01:45:16,650 listening to someone that's teaching you, you don't want new experience teaching you. New experience is something to observe. You can appreciate it from afar,
613 01:45:16,830 --> 01:45:29,280 where it can't hurt you. But you do not allow that. To control any of your finances or to decisions they're off. Okay? Because as good as any mine, anyone
614 01:45:29,280 --> 01:45:36,720 might be, because when I first came out, you know, once I hit the ground running and, and got over the initial shock and awe of not knowing what the hell I was
615 01:45:36,720 --> 01:45:46,680 doing, I got a good look in the marketplace. And outwardly looking in, you would have thought I had everything figured out. And to be honest with you. I thought
616 01:45:46,680 --> 01:45:55,380 I did too, because the market has kept going on. And as a 20 year old, man, that's the worst thing you can ever happen is because now you think you, you
617 01:45:55,380 --> 01:46:06,210 figure it out. Let me be honest with you. I hate I load. I can't fucking stand when people call me the goat or the king. Okay? And please don't ever refer to
618 01:46:06,210 --> 01:46:14,550 me as a god. I'm not pisses me off. If I see it. I'm gonna delete you and ban your account. Okay, I don't think it's funny. I don't think it's cute. It pisses
619 01:46:14,550 --> 01:46:27,570 me the fuck off. So why? Why do I have this? disdain for that? Number one, everybody else wants to be called that and undeservedly. I believed I was when I
620 01:46:27,570 --> 01:46:52,560 was 20 I believed I was in a nine months of luck. Gone instantly. Reality check, you know, in 1983 Was that year? Yeah, it sucked on a lot of ways because it
621 01:46:52,560 --> 01:47:03,510 bursted a bubble in me that I thought was ballooning up. In the reality of in weight of everything came crashing down on me, when I realized that I could not
622 01:47:03,840 --> 01:47:18,030 trade as well as I thought I could have. And I struggled with my online persona. Because, you know, here I was an inner circle trader in the making. But then I
623 01:47:18,030 --> 01:47:31,050 was ox. Oh, X. Okay, that's it. That was my moniker on on America Online. And as a young man with a chip on his shoulder, that neither one of my parents were
624 01:47:31,050 --> 01:47:32,940 able to show an interest in me.
625 01:47:34,830 --> 01:47:42,570 I felt like I had to prove, constantly prove prove true. And I know a lot of you get pissed off, like, do YT prove trying to prove prove, prove? Listen, as much
626 01:47:42,570 --> 01:47:50,460 as you might be meaning to be nice about that. And some of you also are being dicks about it. Because, like, do we get it? You're not going to fix me? Okay,
627 01:47:50,490 --> 01:47:58,380 so stop trying to Mother me. Don't tell me that. You stop trying to prove okay, because I'm gonna tell you fuck you. Okay, because it's built into me. It's a
628 01:47:58,380 --> 01:48:10,020 scar. I can't fix it. I know, I'm never going to satisfy it. But I can't stop being this way. Because it's an assault. It's obsessive. And I wrestle with it.
629 01:48:10,050 --> 01:48:16,020 See, the people that casually come into my Twitter and they see this kind of stuff, whether it be hate radio, listen to these tweets, or not tweets, but
630 01:48:16,020 --> 01:48:22,500 these sort of spaces, and they want to do a psychological evaluation on me. Okay, fuck your psychological evaluation. Okay, I don't give a fuck about your
631 01:48:22,500 --> 01:48:29,640 assessment on me. Okay, you're not gonna fix me. You're not going to change me. I don't give a fuck if you want to follow I don't care. I'm here to share what I
632 01:48:29,640 --> 01:48:37,320 know. If you don't like what the fuck I'm saying get up the fucking road. I'm not charging you. But don't try to give me your psycho evaluation babble
633 01:48:37,320 --> 01:48:48,240 bullshit, because none of that is going to do anything except for pissed me off. And then I'm going to new cut you off and take an opportunity for you to become
634 01:48:48,240 --> 01:48:56,670 better at something and I'd remove it from you. Now you could start another account, that's fine. But what generally happens is they get pissed off saying
635 01:48:56,670 --> 01:49:02,610 this guy's an asshole and arrogant piece of shit. I don't give a fuck about him and, and then they join the bandwagon of other people and other channels. And
636 01:49:02,610 --> 01:49:12,330 he's like, yeah, he's an asshole. Okay, whatever. You I'm still sleeping this way. And you ain't changing it. But when I was 20, I felt like I was the
637 01:49:12,360 --> 01:49:23,340 greatest of all time, the goat. That was stupidity. It's dumb. There is no fucking goat in trading, okay, there is no goat. There is no kings. Everybody in
638 01:49:23,340 --> 01:49:32,910 here makes and loses money. But nobody is as precise as me. And that does not make me the greatest of all time. It just makes me blessed. I know where it came
639 01:49:32,910 --> 01:49:50,010 from. I know whose hand it is. And I don't deserve it. So we'll, we'll leave it at that and that turned into a Bible study. But when you go beyond the scope of
640 01:49:50,010 --> 01:50:00,540 five handle model, and you open yourself up to letting the trades run, what you'll find is you'll take half off at five handles and let it run Do a higher
641 01:50:00,540 --> 01:50:08,190 timeframe objective for what would that be like? Well, yesterday, we got I knew the detractors out there, that would take what I say, and say, Okay, five
642 01:50:08,190 --> 01:50:20,850 handles five handles, you know, that's all you can do. I'm trading hundreds of handles, my examples are hundreds of handles. Okay, so that's 400 ticks, not 20
643 01:50:20,850 --> 01:50:28,950 and 30. Ticks and content superiority, it's not, it's a growth period, you don't have to go through, nobody's gonna walk out there watching a YouTube video from
644 01:50:28,950 --> 01:50:37,020 ICT or anybody else, and know how to consistently find 100 Plus handle moves in the indices, you didn't, you're not, you're not going to be able to do it,
645 01:50:37,020 --> 01:50:46,110 you're gonna be scared. And that's normal. And you see a lot of educators because I know I see him, they talk a lot, a big game about knowing this and
646 01:50:46,110 --> 01:50:56,310 knowing that they can do this, they can do that. But when you watch them, do the live streams, their stop placements are all erratic if they use any of them. And
647 01:50:56,400 --> 01:51:05,070 many times their stock is opening ourselves up to bigger risks. And they're trying to get like two handles, or three handles, to me that communicates what
648 01:51:05,190 --> 01:51:15,660 they have no idea what the fuck they're doing. So they have no business teaching anyone. So the logic is flawed, it's lacking. So you have to choose your source
649 01:51:15,840 --> 01:51:27,810 very carefully. If they can't show that if they can't collectively bring together a logic and only frame the trade ideas in that logic, and use a stop
650 01:51:27,810 --> 01:51:37,590 loss and manage a stop loss the same way each and every time. Then they don't know how to do what follow a model. They're not disciplined. And they're not
651 01:51:37,590 --> 01:51:51,090 aiming for something like look at the examples I'm showing you. Four to 110 to 112, the one you can afford to get those losing trades when you're aiming for
652 01:51:51,090 --> 01:51:58,590 things like that. But you can't go out there looking for those setups right away, because you have to grow into your understanding about what it is the
653 01:51:58,590 --> 01:52:13,290 markets are doing. How do you know that the the fair value gap wasn't going to close ICT? The fact that when you're looking for the 3864 level had prompted you
654 01:52:13,290 --> 01:52:26,340 on in the morning session yesterday, we had already drove deep from the opening at 938 ran up, return to the top of the fairway gap premium high. And you'll
655 01:52:26,340 --> 01:52:34,800 know what I mean by looking at your charts if you draw them up like I showed you in Twitter thread from yesterday's morning session. You didn't went down and
656 01:52:34,800 --> 01:52:44,400 dove down made a little the morning. Remember, it's gonna be an Inside Day? Was the Thursday low likely be taken out? No. Why is the last trading day of the
657 01:52:44,400 --> 01:52:52,380 year new money's gonna be pushing anything in the markets already been going down so no new shorts are entering. So it's setting up the likelihood of what a
658 01:52:52,380 --> 01:53:03,120 pm session reversal and short covering and the algorithm will reprice aggressively causing more what? More short covering everything I outline and
659 01:53:03,120 --> 01:53:13,950 typed out in that trading view text. So what's going to aim for the level I showed you in the chart I put a little trendline on. I said make your chart look
660 01:53:13,950 --> 01:53:25,680 like this. Go back and look at the tweet. I can't delete it. I can't edit it, I can do anything. 10s of 1000s of people watched it happen. Right? When I did it
661 01:53:26,010 --> 01:53:36,780 more later on in the day. Extend that lie on the time into three o'clock hour? Where does it go? regress that was gonna fucking go 36 Before by side liquidity.
662 01:53:37,650 --> 01:53:51,240 When do you expect it to set up Michael, the last hour of trading pm session. Why that last hour, the algorithm is going to run a series of macros macros are
663 01:53:51,240 --> 01:54:05,280 a short list of commands and orders that it produces fluctuations in price. Market on close orders are going to be a major driver. And one of those macros
664 01:54:05,280 --> 01:54:19,170 are just that it's the last 20 to 25 minutes, specifically 15 minutes, that it'll kick in. And it's going to run for a pool of liquidity. above or below the
665 01:54:19,170 --> 01:54:26,670 marketplace. All you have to do is do the work and figuring out why it should go to one or the other based on narrative narrative is what I outlined yesterday,
666 01:54:26,940 --> 01:54:35,730 the fact that it was going to be an inside day before it was an inside day before the market even opened up. Knowing that when I left you in the morning
667 01:54:35,730 --> 01:54:47,670 session, I said note the relative equal highs on your hourly chart. 3864 because somebody asked later on. Did you mean this? And I corrected everybody by putting
668 01:54:47,670 --> 01:54:56,550 it right on the same tweet when I said note those relative equal highs on your 60 minute chart. In that tweet I replied to my own tweet and said 3864 dot dot
669 01:54:56,550 --> 01:55:08,490 dot. That way there was no miscommunication what's So ever even though you had it drawn out in your chart in the morning session before the market even started
670 01:55:08,490 --> 01:55:17,760 trading. So all those levels in the sphere bank gaps extended through in to the three o'clock to four o'clock hour because the algorithm is doing the same
671 01:55:17,760 --> 01:55:26,430 thing. It's referring back to those levels, not your old lows and your old highs and classic support and resistance and bullshit trend lines. That does not work.
672 01:55:27,510 --> 01:55:38,640 Okay, you're not going to be able to hold a trade with a one tick stop with a diagonal trendline you will never see Forex trade like that, where you can hold
673 01:55:38,640 --> 01:55:46,620 up stock like that. That's why I laugh at all these young guys out there saying, I always use a one pip stop loss, I can do it, I can do it. You can do it on a
674 01:55:46,620 --> 01:55:59,220 fucking demo. You can do that. But do it with size in a real account. And I guarantee you consistently you'll never do it. But in futures, that is possible
675 01:55:59,220 --> 01:56:11,400 because these markets are much more refined. There isn't all of these different servers, everybody has the same high and low. So as some of you are thinking,
676 01:56:11,400 --> 01:56:17,040 Well, why the hell do you ever stop leaving? Why'd you leave that to go to Forex? Because for us was moving around a lot and that volatility really like
677 01:56:17,040 --> 01:56:28,440 man going over there I because I cannot I can cowboy up in that. But futures has always been highly precise way and probably now you just discovered how much
678 01:56:28,890 --> 01:56:39,810 precision really exists in it. And even I have people that used to trade on the floor at the CME and the cov CBOT their students here. And they have
679 01:56:39,840 --> 01:56:50,940 communicated that they have no idea how the fuck I'm doing this. Now, these are the four boys, these were the guys, these are the kings of the pit. And you
680 01:56:50,940 --> 01:57:05,610 don't think that that type of remark doesn't resonate with me. I know. I know that they have filmed they feel like they have hit the lottery here. Because
681 01:57:05,610 --> 01:57:14,610 they have real world experience trading down in there in all the fucking chaos. All the fucking chaos, screaming and hollering big days, shitty days, big
682 01:57:14,610 --> 01:57:28,860 updates, big down days crashes, they were in there, they were dealing with it literally in that transition from open outcry in the pits to go into electronic
683 01:57:28,860 --> 01:57:30,300 and they gotta now use a fucking chart.
684 01:57:31,590 --> 01:57:39,390 A lot of them couldn't do it. In fact, I got one floor trader that said I could not make money when we come off the floor. And now I'm able to do it now.
685 01:57:39,540 --> 01:57:48,750 Because of what you're teaching. It makes so much fucking sense. Yeah, these are the floor fucking traders, okay. You know, they do the pivot numbers and stuff.
686 01:57:48,750 --> 01:57:57,960 And that was their, that was their numbers. And then they watched everything else around the volume flow that would come in no charts in their hands. They're
687 01:57:57,960 --> 01:58:11,370 working with the number I came out of that era with them. I wasn't on the floor with them. But I was open outcry. That's the way things worked. Everything was
688 01:58:11,370 --> 01:58:22,500 slow. Now it's a push of the button. Instant gratification instant fill instant confirmation. Everything's instantaneous. We didn't have that shit, man. You had
689 01:58:22,500 --> 01:58:28,590 to call up and wait. Sometimes if you got a busy stock and signal you're flipping the fuck out because the markets running to your stop and you want to
690 01:58:28,590 --> 01:58:35,520 get the hell out of it. Or you're stupid. Like I was a couple times and didn't have a fucking stop. And I'm like, fuck, I'm gonna get my ass handed to me. And
691 01:58:35,610 --> 01:58:44,430 they won't answer the phone. What's going on here? Or I call them flipping out and they say okay, you know, Lou mall Doc, you can take your call each desk.
692 01:58:44,430 --> 01:58:51,150 Okay, one second. Ah, desk. How can I help you? account number? Okay, what's your pin and you give him the wrong pin. It's not the right font right now. It's
693 01:58:51,150 --> 01:58:58,590 not the right pin, and you're giving them the fucking price you're trying to get out at in soybeans. Yeah, it's all fucking manage. It can be like, it's crazy.
694 01:58:59,010 --> 01:59:08,310 Like in the whole time, the markets not waiting for you. It's not waiting for you. It's moving, it's moving. And then you gotta wait for them to confirm what
695 01:59:08,310 --> 01:59:15,210 you just told them. Because they got to repeat it because everything's being recorded. And then once you say yes, that's correct. They say you want to have
696 01:59:15,210 --> 01:59:24,030 your confirmation? Yes. Okay. The net sound of silence. And I'm looking at my quote track and I'm watching the fucking price. This keep on steamrolling
697 01:59:24,030 --> 01:59:36,870 towards where it's painful for me. That is the longest time interval that you're ever going to experience. And you don't have that now. You never experienced
698 01:59:36,870 --> 01:59:51,000 that. You young folks have no idea what that was like. None of you do. If you're if you're less than honestly, if you're less than maybe 4043 44 You don't know
699 01:59:51,000 --> 02:00:00,240 what that feels like. Because you probably came up in the beginnings of electronic trading and the way of the dinosaur open outcry and things like That
700 02:00:00,240 --> 02:00:16,650 that was falling away fast. But the reason why that fair value gap stayed open, I want you to think about your into the race car is funny cars, that real long
701 02:00:16,650 --> 02:00:25,470 skinny nose cars, and they raised them real quick, the lights need to go from like, yellow, yellow, yellow. I don't know if that's the right color, but then
702 02:00:25,470 --> 02:00:32,430 they go to green and they take off, they start running real quick. And they have to use parachutes in the back to stop them. Okay, think about a market like
703 02:00:32,430 --> 02:00:41,670 that. Okay. Think about what I've outlined yesterday on the morning session, and I left you with 3864. That was make sure you note that because that's where the
704 02:00:41,670 --> 02:00:52,230 markets gonna go. We go into the last part of the day pm session. And if you did, what I told you to do, make your charts look like what I had on mine. And
705 02:00:52,230 --> 02:01:01,350 extend them like I teach you in mentorship, extend them, we are not supply and demand. Okay, we're not Online Trading Academy, we're not SameSite. And we don't
706 02:01:01,680 --> 02:01:11,520 have an issue with cutting through candles because the algorithm looks through candles. Sorry, this is the way it is. So when you have an inefficiency, just
707 02:01:11,520 --> 02:01:23,820 because it closes that inefficiency in that's not balanced. It's not a balanced, void. Okay, it's just repriced, to the inefficiency, those levels of the high
708 02:01:23,820 --> 02:01:33,600 and low that makes it inefficiency will still be referred to by the algorithm. You see proof of it just by extending it through into the last hour of trading
709 02:01:34,380 --> 02:01:51,900 now at 311 to 312 to 313, New York local time, which would be 511 512 and 513. On New York time on trading view chart, one minute, there's a fair value gap
710 02:01:51,900 --> 02:01:59,280 there. And you see me drawing that in a little light blue, I took all the other fair value gas because they would have been too much. But I know it's gonna put
711 02:01:59,430 --> 02:02:06,480 a watermark on it. Because I know any type of trade like that, everybody's gonna put that on their Instagram and say join my signal service look, I can do that
712 02:02:06,480 --> 02:02:14,430 they're fucking assholes. So I hate the fact that I gotta do this, because I don't like seeing clutter up the chart. But if I don't do it, everybody takes my
713 02:02:14,430 --> 02:02:23,820 shit and pretends it's theirs. Because nobody is pushing buttons and having as much precision. So if you take that one minute fair value guy, notice how it
714 02:02:23,820 --> 02:02:35,790 just bangs the bottom of it, it does not need to come outside of that one minute per Vega. Because we've already touched the low end of the 15 and 60 minute,
715 02:02:36,510 --> 02:02:50,100 Vega. Once you're practicing what the hell they have to do with the funny cars and the racing, right? If you know the markets likely to go 30 to 64. And you
716 02:02:50,100 --> 02:02:57,570 know that likelihood is everybody's going to be squeezed out of their short positions, because the algorithms gonna start repricing higher, higher, higher
717 02:02:57,600 --> 02:03:08,970 spooling towards those Beisa liquidity pools that I've outlined on the chart at 54 If my memory serves incorrect, and then up at 64, okay, so the initial bias
718 02:03:08,970 --> 02:03:18,450 and liquidity that was the first draw, and what I'm waiting for, is I want to see speed, you'll see me say in there, I type it out, it's okay, you're gonna
719 02:03:18,450 --> 02:03:25,290 start seeing large range candles in the speed study the speed, you're gonna hear me talk about this and the live streams, you're looking for that that is a
720 02:03:25,290 --> 02:03:32,670 signature. What does that mean? It's something that you should be seeing in price. If it's not doing that, you're probably offside or it's going to
721 02:03:32,670 --> 02:03:40,650 consolidate longer and depend upon the time of day. If you're going into lunch, you want to cut bait, don't trade. But ICT we watched you trade in New York.
722 02:03:40,650 --> 02:03:49,260 That's me. I'm trading outside of what I've already been willing to share to you. I have other tricks and shit, I got all kinds of stuff. I got weapon gene
723 02:03:49,260 --> 02:03:56,550 never seen before. And I'm not going to share them all. I'm sorry. You can't have all my tech. I'm sorry. It's not You're not entitled to it. I'm not
724 02:03:56,550 --> 02:04:09,570 teaching everything I know. But what I am teaching what I've already taught is plenty. So if you're expecting speed in the direction of that 3864 level what
725 02:04:09,570 --> 02:04:18,180 would you want to see? A real quick sudden move up just like that right now, for gentleman out here to have. And maybe some of you ladies too, that are hot
726 02:04:18,180 --> 02:04:28,800 rodders. If you have a fast car, and maybe you just got your license recently, and you took your dad's car out and you want to burn some rubber, knowing damn
727 02:04:28,800 --> 02:04:36,600 well you shouldn't be doing it. But when you sit there and you neutral, drop your car. I'm not saying it's a good thing, but some people do it. You burn out
728 02:04:37,170 --> 02:04:49,500 and you make a skid mark as a car takes off real quick. Okay. You want to see that? In price, that burnout that sudden run ProCharged Mopar knows exactly what
729 02:04:49,500 --> 02:04:59,340 I'm talking about right now. He's already smiling, because he's now getting it. That that runaway real quick move when you're expecting speed to come into the
730 02:04:59,340 --> 02:05:12,450 marketplace. So that displacement, you want to see it stay open, you do not want to see it come back down in, when you see that, that is a breakaway gap when we
731 02:05:12,450 --> 02:05:25,800 had markets that were not 24 hours, okay, like for excess 24 hours. And stock indices are not 24 hours, but there's a small window of time where one hour,
732 02:05:25,800 --> 02:05:39,450 it's not trading. But you have a gap opening, that gap opening sometimes is useful. But when we didn't have electronic trading, there was always gap
733 02:05:39,450 --> 02:05:45,960 openings, you had overnight gap risk is what it was gap risk is always an issue, you didn't know where your currency futures were gonna open up, you didn't know
734 02:05:46,410 --> 02:05:54,120 where to ship was going to open up unless you were monitoring overnight, you know, on the Globex, what was going on. And Globex is like the overnight
735 02:05:54,210 --> 02:06:06,660 session. So I'm trying to teach you to anticipate when you're expecting a market move to go one direction, higher or lower based on your bias. The narrative was
736 02:06:06,660 --> 02:06:18,690 I left you in the morning session 3864. Note that relatively quiet because that's where we're heading. Three o'clock hour starts, we are finding real
737 02:06:18,690 --> 02:06:29,910 support at fair value, got this count logs. And we create a fair value gap on the one minute chart 11 minutes, 12 minutes and 30 minutes, respectively on a
738 02:06:29,910 --> 02:06:40,860 one minute chart on es that fair value gap is drawn out for you in the recording. It's a little light blue when I moved my stop up just below the low
739 02:06:40,890 --> 02:06:56,610 of the 311 to 313. Fair value gap. I'm just below that one tick. And the whole time I'm recording this. I'm thinking to myself, they're gonna ship themselves I
740 02:06:56,610 --> 02:07:05,730 see this and approve it. I went and bought it again when it went down and touch the bottom of the fairway again. Why didn't go outside of that? That's it.
741 02:07:05,730 --> 02:07:18,060 You're wondering, right? Why didn't it go outside that because it had already tapped? The low of the fair value gap on the hourly? The 15. In the five. I'm
742 02:07:18,060 --> 02:07:27,420 sorry, though, the women at fair value gap. It had already touched it twice, perfectly. And we were running short on time.
743 02:07:29,069 --> 02:07:37,079 We were running down the clock until four o'clock. Yes, it trades a little bit past that. That's not my point. That the volume that's going to come in on
744 02:07:37,079 --> 02:07:53,819 market on closed orders is 340 to four o'clock. That little window right there. Okay. Days that close. With liquidity pools that have not been breached, or
745 02:07:53,819 --> 02:08:06,809 engaged yet, you'll find that that little segment of time is a sweet spot for a model all in its of itself. Who wouldn't want 20 handles? I pull it out like it
746 02:08:06,809 --> 02:08:23,849 was nothing yesterday. 22 handles for the people that made fun of just five handles. It's at seven ticks per contract. So how do I know it's gonna stay
747 02:08:23,849 --> 02:08:33,809 open? Just like a burnout. Okay, think about that funny card at that stop card. It's real fast. And when that green light go, it takes off. It's gone off the
748 02:08:33,809 --> 02:08:43,349 road, it's gone. You don't want to see it. Go back to the starting point. You don't want to see it do that. You want to see it? What's this keep on hold as.
749 02:08:44,699 --> 02:08:53,849 So when you're expecting price to deliver and run towards a goal, and you have a limited time? What would that look like? Well, if you're trading in the 10,
750 02:08:53,849 --> 02:09:07,439 o'clock hour 10 o'clock to 1030. Remember 11 to noon is when things start creating the consolidation for lunch. Not that it will. But my expectation is if
751 02:09:07,439 --> 02:09:14,309 things start to slow down going into lunch and then lunch usually has a retracement goes for the liquidity during that hour or prior to it. And then
752 02:09:14,309 --> 02:09:23,039 need to they're going to continue or reverse or stay consolidation. And that's a discussion entirely for 2023 because we will talk about that. But when I look at
753 02:09:23,039 --> 02:09:36,899 the market and I'm expecting fair value, get this day open. I'm anticipating more volatility in velocity in the direction of that run. And see the things
754 02:09:36,899 --> 02:09:45,059 that I saw with Chris Laurie stuff he never had never talked about that nobody else has ever talked about it either. I wish there was other books or authors
755 02:09:45,059 --> 02:09:50,879 and things that would talk about these things because I could save myself a lot of aggravation cuz I know it's going to take lecture and lecture and lecture
756 02:09:51,179 --> 02:10:00,329 doing this and I'll show it to you live. I have no problem doing that. But most of you that keep asking the same questions, even when I give you what I believe
757 02:10:00,329 --> 02:10:09,899 is the best I can articulate. It's frustrating for me because you're, you're not going to connect with it because you haven't done other things. And for folks
758 02:10:09,899 --> 02:10:19,319 that have been with me for a while, then analogy of a burnout. Okay, when the car, you takes offense skids its wheels as it's going real fast forward, that
759 02:10:19,319 --> 02:10:30,929 run up that creates that big candle one way that's like that, like that it's a car, it's finally been allowed to go quick. It peels off real quick. Those
760 02:10:30,929 --> 02:10:38,879 instances when you're expecting the market to run hard, you want to see that stay open. Now, the question is going to be is okay, well, ICT? Have you ever
761 02:10:38,879 --> 02:10:48,719 had that instance where you felt it was likely to do that, and it went back into it? Yes, if it does, I'm going to buy it. In fact, if you watch the video, I'm
762 02:10:48,719 --> 02:10:54,779 waiting because there was one time where I thought it was going to dip in there. And then that would have been institutional order flow entry drill doesn't
763 02:10:54,779 --> 02:11:01,769 change the bias, it doesn't change the fact that it's not going to go higher, it's going to go higher, it's just given me an opportunity to buy at a slightly
764 02:11:01,799 --> 02:11:14,009 lower discount. But in my logic is, it will stay open, they will not completely close. It might go down just below the top of the fair Vega, that's
765 02:11:14,009 --> 02:11:22,169 institutional order flow into drill. It's a technique for high frequency trading algorithms use that as a entry model, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, firing in
766 02:11:22,169 --> 02:11:30,209 there real quick. That's the other algorithm. The algorithm that is the price engine that makes price go where it's going to go and no buying and selling
767 02:11:30,209 --> 02:11:44,459 pressure is doing anything about it. Nothing. How much? How many contracts cause the s&p to move five handles? How many contracts does it take to do that? Think
768 02:11:44,459 --> 02:11:56,189 about that logic for a second. How many contracts? How much volume does it take to move the s&p five handles? Oh, should never thought about things like that,
769 02:11:56,189 --> 02:12:05,609 did you? But the books don't talk about either. So it's never come up in? In question, right? You only need one contract, to book price, one contract, one
770 02:12:05,609 --> 02:12:14,309 contract, one contract, it does not matter. That's why when you see charts that used to track volume, when we were a futures trader, marquee going up, the
771 02:12:14,309 --> 02:12:25,109 volume bars keep going down. What the hell's going on volume in it, folks. That's not how you use volume. That's not how you use volume. You use volume in
772 02:12:25,109 --> 02:12:38,549 the sense that, hey, border flow is going to increase the velocity of orders coming in and traders wanting to do something you can time that you can time at
773 02:12:38,549 --> 02:12:46,049 certain times a day, it's like, well, you know, at the opening, there's a lot of volatility, right. And that last 20 minute period of the last hour trading, you
774 02:12:46,049 --> 02:12:55,109 can plan on and again. So if you have untapped liquidity pools, that are just so obvious, you're sitting right there, you know, that last 20 minutes of trading,
775 02:12:55,229 --> 02:13:02,249 that's how you do it, you aim for that. Now, what happens if you get it wrong, if it doesn't move in your favor and stops you out or doesn't move? That's
776 02:13:02,249 --> 02:13:09,419 trading folks, that's just the way it is, you have to have a catalyst for why you're gonna go into marketplace and do whatever it is you're trying to do. If
777 02:13:09,419 --> 02:13:17,339 you're gonna be a buyer, what makes that or constitutes a reason for you to be a buyer, there has to be some kind of logic that you're falling behind. You're
778 02:13:18,239 --> 02:13:26,939 exercising, inviting risk. You can't just when I feel like doing something like that time, there has to be a lodge against them while you're expecting him to do
779 02:13:26,939 --> 02:13:39,299 it. So in short answer. When I'm anticipating gaps to stay open, I have already framed out the logic that it should be a market that should be doing quick. And
780 02:13:39,299 --> 02:13:47,579 if I see that, then I know I can do what I can trust that my liquidity or inefficiency I'm aiming for will be traded to. That's why you see the confidence
781 02:13:47,579 --> 02:13:56,159 in my texts that people think it's cherry picked or that I'm adding it after the video has been done. There's no way you can explain all that shit. Okay, it's
782 02:13:56,159 --> 02:14:06,479 being typed through TradingView real time. And when I type this stuff, if it was something added on after the fact like a, like a, because I can take annotations
783 02:14:06,509 --> 02:14:17,699 and type it in to a video on Camtasia. But when I add it to like for instance, look at my watermark inner circle trader.com. Okay, that stays in one place.
784 02:14:17,879 --> 02:14:27,389 That's how you know it's Camtasia that's added after the fact that's an after recording annotation in trading view. Do this and test it for yourself on
785 02:14:27,509 --> 02:14:37,559 Tuesday when the markets are open again, go in there and type out something with TradingView on a one minute chart, and then watch it the annotations tick to the
786 02:14:37,559 --> 02:14:46,019 left when there's a new candle opening up. You're telling me that I had that much editing ability that I can go in here and I can fucking make 20 different
787 02:14:46,379 --> 02:14:54,719 things on my annotations all move in synchronicity. The fuck out of here, man, and you're giving me way too much fucking credit for shit today impossible. Just
788 02:14:54,719 --> 02:15:02,189 accept the fact that I can do this and you're gonna see me do it anyway, you're gonna be able to learn how to do this. Okay? Ain't stop making excuses for
789 02:15:02,759 --> 02:15:09,149 holding on to dumb shit, that doesn't work well for you. Okay? Or maybe you're struggling or you got to worship your hero or he's gonna kick you out of your
790 02:15:09,149 --> 02:15:17,639 service or whatever fucking you could get away from those type of people. If somebody's telling you, you better rep me, in my community, are you getting
791 02:15:17,639 --> 02:15:26,999 kicked out of here? Get the fuck away from that person. That's not a mentor. That's a nut job. Okay? You don't have to pay anything to be here. I have people
792 02:15:26,999 --> 02:15:38,639 in my mentorship that don't like my personality. I'm not kicking them out. They don't have to like me. I don't give a shit. You don't have to like me. I'm not
793 02:15:38,639 --> 02:15:46,199 here for friends. I'm not here for friends. I'm not inviting any of you over to my house. I'm not gonna have dinner with you. Okay, no, that's just gonna
794 02:15:46,199 --> 02:16:00,569 happen. But I love turning average people into dynamos. I've done it before. And in 2023, I'm gonna do a whole lot more of it. All these things. All these things
795 02:16:00,569 --> 02:16:11,879 repeat in the marketplace. They repeat at specific times, under specific conditions and circumstances. The job that you have is understanding which one
796 02:16:11,879 --> 02:16:22,139 of these things resonates with you. Some of you might look at the opening at once at 930. In the morning, when equities open up. You know, when the bell
797 02:16:22,139 --> 02:16:30,629 stock market Ding ding ding opens that volatility might scare you might be real terrifying for some of you, and I get it, that's fine. It's kind of like London
798 02:16:30,629 --> 02:16:42,779 open on a high high impact news driver. On Forex. Scary. How do you sell short known? How do you know when it's gonna go? You put a stop loss in the event that
799 02:16:42,779 --> 02:16:51,779 you're wrong. You have to trust the logic that you're working with. See, when you read folks, they're sending me tweets, and you probably see it with other
800 02:16:51,779 --> 02:17:03,569 people too. They'll say, yeah, how do you know? To put your stop loss there? How do you know when to buy that when it's going down? How do you how do you know
801 02:17:03,569 --> 02:17:13,289 it's not going to keep going lower? Well, if I knew for a surety that it wasn't likely to go beyond my actual entry point. I would never use a stoploss what I
802 02:17:14,429 --> 02:17:22,079 but because listen to this, folks, this is the this is the cream of the crop type of advice. This is the shit that you need to write down and make sure you
803 02:17:22,079 --> 02:17:22,709 understand it.
804 02:17:24,479 --> 02:17:31,889 I knew the playbooks I knew the algorithm. I know the macros, I know what it's going to do. I knew when it's likely to do it. But here's what happens
805 02:17:31,889 --> 02:17:50,069 sometimes. Oh, Mr. Disney, a particular person says, Well, you know what, we want to put a little bit more in this move. And or it would be more advantageous
806 02:17:50,069 --> 02:17:58,229 for us if it went well beyond the scope of the average daily range that everybody would expect in the opposite direction. And that's manual
807 02:17:58,229 --> 02:18:09,569 intervention. So when manual intervention occurs, it's much like CPI, or FOMC shit, this comes out of nowhere, you can get wrecked by it. And sometimes it
808 02:18:09,569 --> 02:18:22,709 just keeps on going and going and going. And you can physically be harmed beyond repair in those types of moves if you're trading size. So it's like the roulette
809 02:18:22,709 --> 02:18:29,849 table in the casino. Everybody thinks well, you know, you can go up there and you can bet on red or you can bet on black. I got this pick red or black. Wrong.
810 02:18:30,659 --> 02:18:41,129 Wrong, because there's a green. Green is the fuck you color. Okay, you might have odds that red is gonna come up and you might have odds that blacks gonna
811 02:18:41,129 --> 02:18:53,939 come up. But that table in a casino is rigged. Just like the old riverboat casinos. Okay. A lot of people don't know this. But there's riverboat, casinos,
812 02:18:54,089 --> 02:19:04,079 there roulette tables, they were they just discovered underneath the wooden roulette wheel, there was these little metal paddles, okay, and the operator of
813 02:19:04,079 --> 02:19:14,429 the table would have a paddle for red, a paddle for green and a paddle for Black. Okay. And people get in any debt, their favorite number, their birthday,
814 02:19:14,429 --> 02:19:21,719 the day they got married the day they had their kid, you know, whatever it is, they think that there's something special that there's a red 17 It's a black 17
815 02:19:21,719 --> 02:19:31,649 Whatever it is. They don't give a fuck about the number. They can't control the number. The number is not ever going to be controlled. That never ever happens.
816 02:19:32,729 --> 02:19:43,559 The color is it. What happens is they say okay, No more bets. Anyways is hanging out there while he doing it, because he needs time to get an assessment on where
817 02:19:43,559 --> 02:19:53,069 the money is mostly. Is it more on read more on black? And if you can't decipher right away what it is. He's pushing the green paddle. What does that mean?
818 02:19:53,579 --> 02:20:02,399 Underneath the wooden wheel underneath one every single one of those little squares is either colored 17 or 12 or whatever it is. It's red, black, or green
819 02:20:02,399 --> 02:20:14,579 comes up, okay? The casinos in business take money in, but they have to pay out. But they have to do it on a ratio basis. So when the money is being brought in,
820 02:20:15,119 --> 02:20:24,839 there has to be the majority for them coming in and they pay out the minimum payout, minimum intake is larger, over the course of a day, a month a year, they
821 02:20:24,839 --> 02:20:34,379 profit and people still make money. So, the theory is this. If you were going back in time and you were on his riverboat, you could sit there and watch the
822 02:20:34,379 --> 02:20:44,999 guy say, Okay, no more bets. Look at the stacks of chips on what color fucked in numbers and numbers are the red herring. That's the magician's misdirection. You
823 02:20:44,999 --> 02:20:55,379 watch the color, wherever the bulk of that color is being bet on. That's the fucking color that's not coming up. Now, underneath the wheel, the paddles would
824 02:20:55,379 --> 02:21:07,169 come up with magnets inside that little white ball. That ball is a magnet. It's polarized. So if that ball is bouncing around like it does, it's only going to
825 02:21:07,169 --> 02:21:20,129 settle on a square that will allow it to fall in. Think about how magnets opposite attract. Same repel. So if the operator doesn't want that ball to fall
826 02:21:20,129 --> 02:21:32,369 in a red, then it's going to be the same polarity as the ball. So when it falls in there, it'll fall and bounce out and then fall into the nearest black. Who
827 02:21:32,369 --> 02:21:44,969 gives a fuck? What number it is. It's falling in black. So red loses. So the table collects the payout to them is income with all the bets on Red and Black
828 02:21:45,119 --> 02:21:56,039 wins. Who gives a shit? The payouts larger for the table? Coming in on red than the payout on black? The black? Yeah, we want. Everybody's like, fuck yeah, this
829 02:21:56,039 --> 02:22:03,839 guy is hot. I'm putting my money behind him. So now the table is gonna watch everybody's bet face on this dude. And if he doesn't have enough time to assess
830 02:22:03,839 --> 02:22:15,749 how much money is in there, which is better greens coming up. And they all lose. It's all rigged, folks. It's all rigged and Okay, and this is the way it is. So
831 02:22:15,779 --> 02:22:25,529 there's one Arden bandits. There's slot machines couldn't remember what they were a couple spaces back. I don't go to casinos. But they're the same way.
832 02:22:26,339 --> 02:22:34,619 They're only going to pay out once they take in so much money. That's it. That's why everybody goes around, they walk around the machines and they say, Okay, I'm
833 02:22:34,619 --> 02:22:42,269 watching this person, he's been around for hours, okay, any hit for a while, if they get up and get on that machine. Not because you are lucky, they know what
834 02:22:42,359 --> 02:22:56,549 it's going to pay out, it's due to pay out. Now, take that same logic and apply it to time of day, day of week. Report days, medium impact, high impact.
835 02:22:57,389 --> 02:23:10,289 liquidity. It all makes sense. There's controllers and everything that we do. You got to work, you got a boss. You got to put your money in the marketplace.
836 02:23:10,829 --> 02:23:24,089 There's a boss, that boss has a job manipulate the money from your hands into there's Oh, now you're going back on saying the brokers are trading against the
837 02:23:24,119 --> 02:23:35,279 the client. I'm not even talking about the broker. I'm talking about an entirely different entity way above them. That's that collective entity that is smart
838 02:23:35,279 --> 02:23:48,179 money. That's who's working in all these things. This opportunity, this whole facade, thinking that you have a free and random market. When that is not the
839 02:23:48,179 --> 02:24:04,859 case at all? How the fuck can I do what I'm doing? If it's random? How can it be that precise? If it's random? If there's no algorithm, how can I display teach
840 02:24:05,489 --> 02:24:19,889 and repeat over and over and over again? Here's my challenge to the naysayers. I want you to outline a market like I did on Friday. One sided, very specific
841 02:24:19,889 --> 02:24:32,939 level, and then record precision entries. Markup the annotations everything recorded. I don't need you to do it live record it through trading view because
842 02:24:32,939 --> 02:24:42,029 I knew that can't happen through Market Replay. And then you post that and say this is how ICT is dealing. It's cherry picked. You can't because if you're
843 02:24:42,029 --> 02:24:52,199 managing a one minute chart, how many one minute charts can you can you manage another one minute chart going the opposite direction when you're managing that
844 02:24:52,199 --> 02:24:59,819 woman chart annotating and constantly moving. I mean, look man, it's some bullshit okay, it's some bullshit and take away is this it was already talked
845 02:24:59,819 --> 02:25:14,819 about hours before in the morning session. There's no way you can argue against it. And I can do it live in any setting. Hello. So there probably isn't going to
846 02:25:14,819 --> 02:25:23,339 ever be another mentor like me. I'm a little unstable and probably Olympic friends and most of your minds and that's fine. That gets me. It makes me a
847 02:25:23,339 --> 02:25:34,379 little more interesting than the average person. But I use that, like a carnival barker. Just like I use the demo. The demo baller. Oh, Mrs. C is clown. What the
848 02:25:34,379 --> 02:25:44,039 hell? This guy keeps calling it right. Yeah. Yep. And I'm hiding in plain sight. Who's going to take a demo baller serious, nobody. But anybody's ever came to my
849 02:25:44,039 --> 02:25:53,129 mentorship, they only saw demo trades, they only saw me executing just like this shit, all the time. There was no any other imitation except for seeing what
850 02:25:53,129 --> 02:26:04,919 you've been watching me do. And now you're all gonna get a taste, learning just how to do it for free. And real time. It's exciting, isn't it, if you're not
851 02:26:04,919 --> 02:26:12,539 excited, if you're not at all amped up about you broaden your understanding about price action, and I don't want to tell you, because it's going to be fun.
852 02:26:13,259 --> 02:26:30,419 It's gonna be real fun. I'm trying to make sure I've covered all of my faces here. And I think I have so in 2023, outside of a guest the stuff I'm gonna be
853 02:26:30,419 --> 02:26:46,529 droning on in live streams, the the invitation for you to be part of my personal life, a lot of a lot of you asked me to do a little bit more of that. I guess I
854 02:26:46,529 --> 02:26:48,449 can do a little bit more.
855 02:26:50,940 --> 02:27:02,040 I'm probably going to be recording a video today. Put them out there on YouTube, just to show you the mobile command center, the ICT mobile command center, we
856 02:27:02,040 --> 02:27:11,400 have a class A RV that you've probably heard me sometimes the audio doesn't sound great. You got to get yourself a new mic, you are listening to me in an
857 02:27:11,400 --> 02:27:23,850 RV. Okay, that's the acoustics in the RV is, is not the same as being in a room that has better acoustics. But I'm going to be traveling a lot this year, and
858 02:27:23,850 --> 02:27:35,340 I'm practically coming down to your neck of the woods. And I'd be interested to do like meet and greets, you know, in different states and such. I have to
859 02:27:35,490 --> 02:27:43,980 figure out how I'm going to do that because my wife and my two dogs will be with me. So I obviously you can't come on board with us because my dogs are probably
860 02:27:43,980 --> 02:27:52,350 want to shoot your ass up my wife, I wouldn't feel comfortable that. But it's something I want to entertain. We want to see more of the country and get out
861 02:27:52,350 --> 02:28:05,700 there and use this thing. And the fact that I'll be doing a video or two a week from it will allow me to depreciate it also. So $300,000 gets wrote off over the
862 02:28:05,700 --> 02:28:19,050 course of seven years. So that's how you do things. No lease required. But it's a mobile home basically. I mean, it's, it's got for leather, massaging heated
863 02:28:19,500 --> 02:28:29,580 recliners. It's got a fireplace, flat screen TVs on two, three of them one on the outside, one of the living room area and one in the master bedroom. It's got
864 02:28:29,610 --> 02:28:41,250 a crow's nest above the drivers area. And the dinette turns into a sleeping area. He's got a shower, it's got washer and dryer. It's really nice. It's
865 02:28:41,250 --> 02:28:51,540 really, really nice. And we went out with it a few times this year. And there's a couple of states that I want to go to Utah, I'm gonna go to Wyoming. And I
866 02:28:51,540 --> 02:29:03,090 want to go to Montana. Those are some of the mean maybe some of those states you're not in or whatever. They're the main ones I want to go to. They're just
867 02:29:03,090 --> 02:29:09,900 beautiful out there. And Montana is another state that I'm thinking about getting property in so there's a really, really bigger than the house I have
868 02:29:09,900 --> 02:29:20,550 now. I'm really wanting to go see it. The seller is holding it like he's not playing on the market for me or anyone else to buy right now. Because he knows
869 02:29:20,550 --> 02:29:29,340 I'm I'm playing a trip in springtime. But if I like it, you will see it. Trust me. You'll see it's gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous three times actually bigger
870 02:29:29,340 --> 02:29:41,040 than this on here. And it's beautiful. It's got a grotto and a huge, huge hardscaping and just, it's got tennis court basketball court. It's got a go kart
871 02:29:41,040 --> 02:29:52,470 track on it. It's just gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous big old view of just loveliness all around it. And that's one of the things I'm looking forward to in
872 02:29:52,470 --> 02:30:03,510 spring. So I'm not a person that likes to fly. I don't want to be in the air. So RV does it for us in Lhasa. to go around and and travel and the old fuddy duddy
873 02:30:03,510 --> 02:30:15,480 ICTs motor scooter around in classic RV. So, but anyway, when I, when I post that video, just know that it's not because I'm bragging, I have to make sure
874 02:30:15,480 --> 02:30:25,320 that everyone knows that it's anchored to the channel and then the digital nomad will be a playlist that will allow me to legally depreciate the $300,000.
875 02:30:25,650 --> 02:30:36,840 motorhome. So that's how you do things through the scope of depreciation and paying for things, basically, you know, is that I didn't get it for free,
876 02:30:36,840 --> 02:30:47,310 obviously. But you pay for it. And then you can write it off over the course of the years and you make money, you just write that down. So it allows me to get
877 02:30:47,310 --> 02:30:57,630 better use of it, instead of just buying it like anyone else. If you when you buy your car. It's it, you're done. But when I buy a car, and I show it in, I
878 02:30:57,630 --> 02:31:04,980 own all my cars, okay, don't listen, these fucking people out there saying I lease my vehicles, I showed you lease vehicles, but I own all my cars, I own all
879 02:31:04,980 --> 02:31:17,940 of them. I have a car note with my son to get his credit, but we're about to pay that off. But you have to depreciate the vehicle then. And you get your
880 02:31:17,940 --> 02:31:24,930 accountant to help you with that shit. But you can make big purchases, but you have to have a real use for it. So if I just bought an RV, and I don't use
881 02:31:24,930 --> 02:31:35,880 anything like, like the YouTube channel, that venue allows me to say, Okay, well, I'm running a corporation, through YouTube, I get ad revenue, I get, I get
882 02:31:35,880 --> 02:31:42,930 sponsors all the time. And I could probably do about $30,000 a month just in sponsors, but I turned all of them down, I don't want to be that kind of
883 02:31:42,930 --> 02:31:52,830 YouTuber. So if you've received denials from me, we're ignoring your request, okay? It's not personal, I just don't want to do it. Because I don't want to, I
884 02:31:52,830 --> 02:31:59,250 don't want that kind of stigma attached to my YouTube channel. There's other people out there can do it, I'm sure I'll have students that will be willing to
885 02:31:59,250 --> 02:32:06,360 do it for you. And they can make money like that, too. And I'm encouraging all of you to do it and get good at what I'm teaching you. And there it is. And you
886 02:32:06,360 --> 02:32:16,080 here's the thing, folks, you don't ever, you don't ever need to show a Live account. You don't. Because if you can sit down live and call the market before
887 02:32:16,080 --> 02:32:29,280 it happens sitting on TradingView. Doing it live, because I got here that 426,000 Almost subscribers on YouTube, I've never advertised, I never ran ads.
888 02:32:29,700 --> 02:32:39,000 And I just simply recorded myself doing trades with logic that I taught. And there it is. So don't listen to anybody tell you that you have to do that. And
889 02:32:39,000 --> 02:32:46,470 if you're going to do signal service, you better damn well have a track record. That's absolutely guaranteed, you need to have that. But if you're going to run
890 02:32:46,470 --> 02:32:55,530 a service where you're going to call the market live, I don't call that signal service. Okay. But there's a lot of people out there I haven't I have people in
891 02:32:55,530 --> 02:33:04,260 my mentorship that are asking, is there students in their user group that are doing signatures because they want to do it, because they can't do it
892 02:33:04,260 --> 02:33:11,790 themselves. So think about it, there's always different walks of life. There's all different types of individuals in this industry, that some of them that just
893 02:33:11,790 --> 02:33:18,360 simply can't do it no matter who trains on how long they've been doing it, you know, what works, what doesn't work. Some people simply won't do it, but they
894 02:33:18,360 --> 02:33:26,040 can't let go of it. So they want to be a part of it the only way they can, which is by hand holding with someone that can do it well. And listen, folks,
895 02:33:26,760 --> 02:33:37,920 1516 $18,000 a month, you know, ad revenue. I think anybody can live pretty comfortable on that. And you don't need a need to do a live account ever. You're
896 02:33:37,920 --> 02:33:44,370 not obligated to do that. Because if you're out there explaining what your opinion is on the marketplace, and unfolds, just like you said, who's gonna
897 02:33:44,370 --> 02:33:51,870 argue against that? People, they're trying to sell something else, fuck them, okay, they're broke. They can't build their audience. And if you're wholesome,
898 02:33:51,870 --> 02:34:00,210 and you're honest, and you tell people exactly what's going to happen, and it happens, your community will grow organically. And there's a lot of people that
899 02:34:00,210 --> 02:34:08,220 don't like me. And that's fine. I get it. Everybody's entitled their own opinion. But you can't say my cell phone work. Because that's bullshit is it
900 02:34:08,220 --> 02:34:16,230 works. It works in my hands. It works in everybody else's hands, that puts the work into it. And you're all encouraged to do the same thing. There's nothing
901 02:34:16,230 --> 02:34:24,750 I'm not going to try to shoot you down, talk bad about there's a lot of people out there that are doing what I teach. I love it. I'm thankful that the Lord has
902 02:34:24,750 --> 02:34:33,840 allowed me to be impactful in that regard. I'm not running around saying Look at me, everybody's trying to be like me. They're all trying to do their own thing.
903 02:34:33,870 --> 02:34:41,910 And I was just a catalyst that conduit to help them get there. They give me a high five. Thank you appreciate everything you've done. Ron. Ron, man, I want to
904 02:34:41,910 --> 02:34:51,480 see you do it. i That's the whole reason why I did this. Think about it when I stepped out on baby because if you knew me back then it was a social experiment.
905 02:34:51,480 --> 02:35:02,520 I wanted to see who could do it and what they're gonna do with it, how they're going to make an impact on the world, too. Me, you know, that's interesting. I
906 02:35:02,520 --> 02:35:15,030 mean, I have a very biased opinion about what it is I know and what I can do. But I also have limitations on what I'm allowed to do. And I'm not going to
907 02:35:15,030 --> 02:35:29,910 divulge any more than that. But if I can bring other people very, very close to what I can do, and I can live vicariously through them. That to me, is like
908 02:35:29,910 --> 02:35:44,940 winning, because, unfortunately, I have handlers. And I can't do certain things. So I have to do within the scope of what I'm allowed to do. This is it. But I'm
909 02:35:44,940 --> 02:36:00,720 going to push that boundary as far as I can, in 2023. And I'm going to try to bring as many of you up as I can. And the only thing I asked you to do is very,
910 02:36:00,720 --> 02:36:10,440 very diligently work within the scope of where I'm placing your attention. And only there and don't do anything more, don't try to stretch beyond that, because
911 02:36:10,440 --> 02:36:19,350 you have extra time or you feel like it's not enough, don't, don't dilute your focus from whatever it is I'm trying to bring your attention to. If you went and
912 02:36:19,350 --> 02:36:28,140 just looked at yesterday's price action, and you tried to look for things that are taught on my YouTube channel, outside the scope of what I was doing, you
913 02:36:28,140 --> 02:36:37,530 would be very frustrated, which is the reason why I walked everybody through the top down approach on a daily, four hour 60 minute 15 minute five minute chart, I
914 02:36:37,530 --> 02:36:44,610 gave you the very levels that I'm going to have on my chart. And what I'm looking at those levels are going to be
915 02:36:46,020 --> 02:36:52,950 influential and what price is going to do. And what's it going to do. It's going to gyrate around inside of Thursday's range. It's not going to go above
916 02:36:52,950 --> 02:37:06,390 Thursday's high, it's not going to go below Thursday's low. And it's going to attack that 3864. And like gangbusters, delivered beautifully. And good YCT was
917 02:37:06,390 --> 02:37:17,280 right there to scoop up on it. Because it it showed you the whole logic and how to trust. When you're in I get this question all the time. How can you trust
918 02:37:17,490 --> 02:37:25,530 holding on to your trade? Well apply what I just went through with Friday's trading. You know, 3864 was a hard level that was something that I brought
919 02:37:25,530 --> 02:37:35,670 everyone's attention to. And it's drawn on the chart. Well, before any real reference to it, it's there. Those are the levels. Anytime I have a level of my
920 02:37:35,670 --> 02:37:48,780 chart, we are extending them in time, extend them in time to win the next trading session. We were we were together in the morning, in the afternoon is
921 02:37:48,780 --> 02:37:58,410 going to be trading right? We still had trading hours, I just said close your charts, enjoy the rest of the day, knowing damn well, that most of you aren't
922 02:37:58,410 --> 02:38:07,770 going to do anything with what I've already said in the charts. And I'd come right back in and show you this is what you missed those levels, if you extend
923 02:38:07,770 --> 02:38:17,160 them into the three o'clock hour, you'll see that they're right, they're lining up as what you would expect real support to act as. So that was one of the
924 02:38:17,160 --> 02:38:27,180 problems I had as a developing students. You know, John Murphy's book, technical analysis of the financial markets, that is a retail traders Bible. If you do not
925 02:38:27,180 --> 02:38:37,470 have that book, you need to get it and read it. And everything in that book, turn it upside down. And you will be a 90% bracket success story. It's just that
926 02:38:37,470 --> 02:38:48,330 simple. Everything in that book is horseshit. It's wonderful, because it's programming everybody to do the dumbest shit in the world. Look at charts this
927 02:38:48,330 --> 02:38:59,400 way. And when you do you shit yourself. Your accounts blown, you have loss after loss after loss. It doesn't make any damn sense. When I said to myself, I am not
928 02:38:59,850 --> 02:39:09,090 looking at this shit like this no more. I'm gonna, I'm gonna feed this. And what gave me the idea was there's a pattern of the head and shoulders pattern. It's a
929 02:39:09,090 --> 02:39:16,590 topping formation. And I mean, when I was trying to learn how to be a short seller, and that was one of the things I was afraid of, I didn't understand how
930 02:39:16,590 --> 02:39:24,120 can you sell short, something you don't have How you gonna sell something you don't own. So it was a real struggling point for me. Because, like I said, I'm
931 02:39:24,120 --> 02:39:32,250 not a mental giant, but the long and short of it is when I first started dabbling in it, the pattern that I was trusting to be the reason why I'm going
932 02:39:32,250 --> 02:39:41,370 to sell short was the head and shoulders where you have a swing high, a higher swing high and a lower swing high. And it's like three swing highs with one
933 02:39:41,370 --> 02:39:51,330 higher in the middle. And then you connect the lows that run beneath the left shoulder in the right shoulder of that price action. And it should project lower
934 02:39:51,630 --> 02:40:00,630 the same amount or real close proximity to the range from the trendline connecting the two swing highs lows to the highest high and And trust me, if you
935 02:40:00,630 --> 02:40:06,180 don't want to talk me out, because I'm just listening to myself now it sounds like a bunch of shit. It is. But if you go to Google and look up Head Shoulders
936 02:40:06,180 --> 02:40:14,130 price pattern, you'll see what exactly I'm talking about. Well, that was the pattern I was trying to train myself to trust as a short seller. Me and I got my
937 02:40:14,130 --> 02:40:24,390 ass handed to me over and over and over again. And when I looked back at my journals, it's the times when I'm fucking trying to do like the Friday pm
938 02:40:24,390 --> 02:40:32,310 session, where I'm buying right there. I was looking at that as some kind of a of a topping pattern. Not that that was a head and shoulders pattern, but I
939 02:40:32,310 --> 02:40:39,780 would have been looking at that as Okay, it's done. Now, let's just start going down. Why? I don't know, it just felt like I should expect it to go down here.
940 02:40:39,810 --> 02:40:48,600 And that's exactly how I treated as a 20 year old, it just it probably should, probably should, probably should. That's not a that's not a model, that's
941 02:40:48,600 --> 02:41:01,440 guessing. So a lot of the shit that's in that book, by John Murphy is wonderful when you know how to trade like I'm teaching you, if you see those retail
942 02:41:01,440 --> 02:41:10,170 patterns in the market, in the price action, while my logic that I'm teaching you, and how the markets are algorithmic, if there's a wrestling match between
943 02:41:10,170 --> 02:41:19,470 what's in those fucking book pages, and what I've taught on my YouTube channel, that books losing. There's your inside edge right there. If you can combine the
944 02:41:19,470 --> 02:41:28,470 times when algorithmically and the things I'm teaching are likely to pan out. And you can see a retail fucking pattern that's in that book or any other
945 02:41:28,470 --> 02:41:38,790 YouTube channel that teaches that horseshit that's losing, and I'm winning. My logic is the market that shit is just pictures and candlesticks and bars. That's
946 02:41:38,790 --> 02:41:48,000 it. Animal patterns Don't fucking exist. That's all contrived. It's all bullshit. You're making excuses for something that was completely in your favor,
947 02:41:48,060 --> 02:41:57,000 not because of logic. It just was happenstance. And that's why they're their hit rate sucks. And they have to do heavy leverage trades to get themselves out of
948 02:41:57,390 --> 02:42:10,050 drawdown. I don't have new fucking stupid as you know, 50% 60% Strike rates, fuck that shit. Okay, if I gotta work with a net? To me, that's gambling. That's
949 02:42:10,050 --> 02:42:19,770 gambling. If I can't know, with a great deal of assured you that I'm on the right side of the marketplace. Number one. How do you get like that? You use a
950 02:42:19,770 --> 02:42:25,800 top down approach, look at the weekly candle. Is it likely that the weekly candle is going to expand higher or lower? You're not trying to predict the
951 02:42:25,800 --> 02:42:33,660 close? Is it likely to expand higher low right away? That's 80% of your whole bias problem. A lot of you don't even look at the weekly chart, you're looking
952 02:42:33,660 --> 02:42:39,780 at the one in five minutes, because you see me trading there. And you think I'm deriving everything from that timeframe. I'm not, I'm starting all the way on
953 02:42:39,780 --> 02:42:46,080 the weekend. Tonight, I'm going to look at a weekly chart, not because I'm trading, but it's just because it's pattern. That's what I do. It's my routine.
954 02:42:47,040 --> 02:42:55,710 And I'm gonna get a feel for what's likely to be reaching for on the weekly chart. And that's my number one bias. I try to formulate every pattern with the
955 02:42:55,710 --> 02:43:05,010 most leverage and maximum risk management behind those trades in that direction. Right away, that removes the bullshit that most of you are going to blow your
956 02:43:05,010 --> 02:43:15,870 account on. If you trade like that, it's gonna be very difficult for you to blow your account. If you have discipline. You still can, but it's more likely that
957 02:43:15,870 --> 02:43:23,610 you won't, because you'll be trading mostly in the right direction. Now, how do I know which one is going to everything that you see me teaching and price
958 02:43:23,610 --> 02:43:32,520 action you apply to a weekly chart? Is it going towards a fair value gap above the market price? Is it going towards an old low below market price? It's either
959 02:43:32,520 --> 02:43:40,530 going into an efficient inefficiency rather above the market or below the market, or it's going to a high above the marketplace or below a low below the
960 02:43:40,530 --> 02:43:52,920 market price. That's it. That is it. You have your four conditions, divided into two premise. It's going up to do one of two things go in and revisit an
961 02:43:52,920 --> 02:44:01,200 inefficiency affair that you got. Or it's going above an old high for by some liquidity. Two things to worry about folks. That's it. It's only two conditions.
962 02:44:01,200 --> 02:44:10,440 That's it two conditions. If it's not likely to go up, it's gonna go down. So what's it going to reach for the nearest inefficiency fear that you got for the
963 02:44:10,440 --> 02:44:19,920 nearest short term low and the nearest return lower inefficiency. If it's being bearish, you determine where you are in the market price. During the times of
964 02:44:19,920 --> 02:44:27,420 the day, when you're going to be engaging in trading. Is there enough of a range to allow for you to profit if there isn't, you just don't do anything you sit
965 02:44:27,420 --> 02:44:37,620 still wait for a new opportunity. How hard is that? For some of you? It's impossible. Because you don't have discipline, you're not willing to wait. And
966 02:44:37,620 --> 02:44:48,780 you have to wait for these things to come together. There has to be an agreement of multiple facets in timeframes, logic, time of day, economic calendar, all
967 02:44:48,780 --> 02:44:58,290 those things have to come in into the equation. Otherwise the results you're gonna get a random like it was for me and when I got good positive results as a
968 02:44:58,290 --> 02:45:06,480 20 year old, not even trading it Maybe this year because I didn't know these things. I was using stupid books. And I'm talking dumb books. And I didn't have
969 02:45:06,480 --> 02:45:14,730 a real good head start until I got Alexander elders trading for a living book. And the only thing good about that book is multiple timeframes, three
970 02:45:14,730 --> 02:45:23,790 timeframes. Okay? Not just making your trade decision on one, but the beginning of the book, where it talks about how you have to deal with the mental things.
971 02:45:23,790 --> 02:45:30,780 And they talked a lot about alcoholism, not that I've ever drank alcohol, because I've never drank alcohol, but I was raised in an environment that had
972 02:45:30,780 --> 02:45:41,460 alcoholics in it. And they were dysfunctional. And I had an uncle that introduced me to trading, who was a functioning alcoholic. So all all those
973 02:45:41,460 --> 02:45:48,330 things that he mentioned, the being of that book, which I think is absolutely essential reading. And again, I'll say the name of the book, trading for a
974 02:45:48,330 --> 02:45:57,090 living by Alexander elder, have other his other books, fuck them, they're not as good. The beginning of that book before he even gets into technical stuff. The
975 02:45:57,090 --> 02:46:06,600 beginning of that book is the gym. Understanding things from a psychological standpoint, in my opinion, that part of that book is way better, way better than
976 02:46:06,600 --> 02:46:17,280 trading in the zone. training zone sugarcoated bullshit, okay, no disrespect to the man. It's a good book, but Alexandria elders portion of the book where it's
977 02:46:17,280 --> 02:46:28,860 all talking about in the wrestling match that we have to deal with. And it made sense to me, because I watched how all those things impacted my family members
978 02:46:28,860 --> 02:46:38,370 who were drunks and how they couldn't succeed, and how they blamed everything outside of themselves. And that same shit happens in trading.
979 02:46:39,810 --> 02:46:48,930 Just because it's not alcohol, doesn't mean you're not fucking drunk. You can get drunk in these markets, and not even been profitable, but still drunk in the
980 02:46:48,930 --> 02:46:57,930 sense that you can't stop doing it. And you keep doing it knowing it's hurting you. And I did that in the beginning as a trader. And when I read his book, it
981 02:46:57,930 --> 02:47:07,290 made so much sense to me, because I was like, Wow, I'm, I'm fucking up, and I can't see I'm causing it myself. And I'm repeating the same things that are
982 02:47:07,290 --> 02:47:16,380 problematic. And even though I'm not a drinker, and I've never drank drank alcohol, I could see very easily how I would be a terrible person, as a drunk,
983 02:47:16,800 --> 02:47:25,890 or a drinker of alcohol. And this is why I've never done it. And quite, it's not entirely why my six year old uncle passed away from a drunk driver hitting him.
984 02:47:26,550 --> 02:47:34,290 And he was drinking while riding. He's no more. So he was like a big brother to me. So that was a major thing in my life, why I'd never became a alcohol
985 02:47:34,290 --> 02:47:44,160 drinker, and a cigarette smoker and a drug user. So I've never done any illustrate error when it comes to that. But that book had a lasting impression
986 02:47:44,190 --> 02:47:56,400 on me as a developing trader. And I don't think I would be where I am today had I not read it, because it gave me a perspective on how humans interpret
987 02:47:56,430 --> 02:48:06,900 adversity. How we interact with adversity and how we deflect the personal invitations that we place into our environment. And then when it comes home to
988 02:48:06,900 --> 02:48:16,230 roost, and we have to deal with the consequences of that shit. We don't want to own it, it's somebody else's fault. And you can't do that in trading. But you
989 02:48:16,230 --> 02:48:26,340 cannot have that characteristic in trading, you own it. And if you suck as a trader, you have to admit that you suck, either stop trading, or find someone
990 02:48:26,340 --> 02:48:32,610 that can teach you how to do the right things. And then give yourself a lot more time than you think it's going to require. If you can't do that, just Don't
991 02:48:32,610 --> 02:48:42,420 fucking touch these markets. Honestly mean this, don't even trade. Because if you can't wrestle yourself into submission over things, like I'm talking about
992 02:48:42,420 --> 02:48:51,960 now, it won't matter how many times I sit with a live stream, I could literally push the button and you trade right behind me. And when I stop, you're going to
993 02:48:51,960 --> 02:49:00,540 fail. Because you haven't wrestled those demons that are, you know, they're beneath the surface, you know, you deal with them every day, they cause you to
994 02:49:00,540 --> 02:49:11,280 cause you to have anxious moments for no real reason. Or to be angry and bitter, when you're really no reason to be jealous. All these things are character
995 02:49:11,280 --> 02:49:20,940 flaws, you have real issues going on inside of you. And if you have those things going on your personal life, I'm telling you, the only thing that these markets
996 02:49:20,940 --> 02:49:28,650 are going to do is put a spotlight on those things, and they're going to amplify it if you're a fucking drunk, and you can't Can you can't handle yourself with
997 02:49:28,650 --> 02:49:39,000 alcohol, or who do recreational drugs and to you you lose your mind and shit. These markets are going to cause you to do more of that shit. And it's going to
998 02:49:39,000 --> 02:49:48,960 be the callous that does your ass and you won't be able to look at on making money. It's going to keep me from doing this like no, it's going to cause you to
999 02:49:48,960 --> 02:49:59,370 do more of those things. Because when you get in these markets, the wrestling match internally. You can't make that candle go up. On Friday I was Two and a
1000 02:49:59,370 --> 02:50:09,300 Half Men It's late on when I thought that target was gonna hit as a band The guy on on my YouTube channel talk, Oh, nobody can do that dude, I do it a lot that
1001 02:50:09,300 --> 02:50:18,720 just happened to be two and a half minutes late on that one. But I'm usually within a three minute window just like Forex, I'm usually three to five pips
1002 02:50:18,720 --> 02:50:26,070 away from the highest high and the lowest low, that's the, that's the range of variance, I'm allowing myself for precision. I'm usually exiting before that,
1003 02:50:26,730 --> 02:50:33,540 why I want to be exiting and I've learned this from lottery winners, I want to be exiting as it's sliding into where I think it's going to go. Because even if
1004 02:50:33,570 --> 02:50:43,530 I am profitable and the trade, I may not be able to get that last bit off because of spread because of it just simply not going where I thought was gonna
1005 02:50:43,530 --> 02:50:52,890 go. Because I mentioned earlier Forex, every broker is gonna have a different high and a different low. And that's an inherent problem in that asset class. If
1006 02:50:52,890 --> 02:51:02,310 you're demanding precision, you're going to have to have a lot of compensation with highs and lows and targets. So the way I compensated for it was, I would
1007 02:51:02,310 --> 02:51:11,640 get out 15 pips, sometimes 20 pips before it would go to where I thought it was ultimately reaching, which was in many of your eyes, probably, you know, an
1008 02:51:11,670 --> 02:51:24,300 over, you know, an over kill for it. But, you know, I gotta live with myself, right? So to be comfortable with what I was doing, that's how I did it. And I
1009 02:51:24,300 --> 02:51:31,020 allowed the analysis to reward me so yeah, it got to where I thought it was gonna go. And because it's my results, and nobody needs to see what I'm doing. I
1010 02:51:31,020 --> 02:51:36,900 don't have to say, Oh, well, fuck, you know, even though I thought it was gonna go this level and didn't go there. I don't have to listen to the bullshit.
1011 02:51:37,500 --> 02:51:45,510 Because even though if I do what I do, and did on Friday, if I did it every single day of the week, next year, I'd still have assholes and assets in here
1012 02:51:45,510 --> 02:51:55,080 trying to talk some shit. Because they're miserable pieces of shit. They suck. They hate their life. And they can't do this. So they outwardly manifest what
1013 02:51:55,080 --> 02:52:02,730 they're feeling about themselves. And that's what this that's what goes on in this industry. All the shit talkers, all these jealousy in these people that
1014 02:52:02,730 --> 02:52:13,110 simply can't shut their fucking mouth or step up for real. Those types of people are plagued, they're plagued with real, real problems. And that's what's holding
1015 02:52:13,110 --> 02:52:19,680 them back. Because if they weren't being held back, you would see all kinds of proof of being able to do what, like you saw me do yesterday. That's real
1016 02:52:19,680 --> 02:52:29,100 precision. That's real algorithmic delivery. Okay? Not retail shit, okay. None of that stuff that's being used and tossed around as a Nygma. Nobody knows it.
1017 02:52:29,100 --> 02:52:36,000 Nigma I've never taught it to anybody outside my family members, and they're never going to know it. Okay, I don't give a fuck, you can drag my essence in
1018 02:52:36,000 --> 02:52:42,150 front of a court CFTC will not pull it out of my ass either. I am not going to teach it you want to see me demonstrate? I absolutely fucking can't because it
1019 02:52:42,150 --> 02:52:57,510 looks just like yesterday. Now I am ready. I'm ready to teach you way beyond you thought you'd ever be able to become good at. But if your head isn't in the game
1020 02:52:57,510 --> 02:53:07,860 the right way. If you're in here to try to debunk. Do that, before I start in February, because you can do it, you can go through some videos, and you'll come
1021 02:53:08,010 --> 02:53:18,780 to a quick conclusion that you can't debunk it. So put that to bed. Show up in February, on the seventh of February. I will read I will resume mentoring. I
1022 02:53:18,780 --> 02:53:28,470 will be live streaming on February 7, on YouTube. And we'll all come together and we'll start outlining what our expectations should be. And I'll start
1023 02:53:28,470 --> 02:53:40,320 teaching you over to chart real time. And I promise you, you will learn over time. They won't be Oh, I watched that one live stream now. No, no. You need to
1024 02:53:40,320 --> 02:53:49,140 make sure that you understand that this takes time seeing things repeat the things that I'm going to talk about. They won't feel like they make that much of
1025 02:53:49,350 --> 02:53:57,810 an impact. Like I didn't I didn't learn anything because you're all looking for entry patterns and indicators, the flash across your screen and your ship moving
1026 02:53:57,810 --> 02:54:07,800 around on your chart that hides price action. Fuck all that. That's nonsense. Okay. The algorithm is not looking at triangles and patterns and new emojis
1027 02:54:07,800 --> 02:54:16,620 swinging around on a chart. Okay, that's all nonsense that's attracting like a like a carnival. You know, we're going as a kid walking through a carnival. And
1028 02:54:16,620 --> 02:54:22,110 you got the carnival barkers Hey, come on over here. $1 gets three chance let's go you can do it get to pretty girl here she can do it. But I knew that I come
1029 02:54:22,110 --> 02:54:30,900 on jealousy causes the guy. The Satan you want Yeah, so I want to go there. I'm gonna win. And then he's spending his money losing and his girlfriend's
1030 02:54:30,900 --> 02:54:43,800 embarrassed. In the carnival barkers made money and put coins in his pocket. You can't fall victim to shit like that. You can't be induced into doing dumb shit
1031 02:54:43,800 --> 02:54:52,050 because a chart looks flashy, or it looks more technical because it has more lines and indicators and shit all over like these heatmap trader guys. He's a
1032 02:54:52,050 --> 02:55:00,480 guy I'm watching on on Livestream now I don't know what the fuck this guy's got going on this chart. It looks ridiculous. It's like a bubble magnify is on the
1033 02:55:00,480 --> 02:55:08,250 chart? What do you what the fuck is that supposed to do for you to do? Just tell me what timeframe you're in. Okay, I'm going to tell you the liquidity or the
1034 02:55:08,250 --> 02:55:14,610 inefficiency is going to run to Okay. And then we're going to stick with just that. I don't need a trendline. I don't know indicators. All I gotta do is look
1035 02:55:14,610 --> 02:55:24,210 for those types of things it's for, it's for things that determine first is going up or down? How do you know that? Where did it just trade from that? Did
1036 02:55:24,210 --> 02:55:31,950 it take liquidity? Or has it reacted from an imbalance? And how's that fit inside of the weekly expansion? Because you got to go right back to that root of
1037 02:55:31,950 --> 02:55:42,000 the weekly chart, because that's where the algorithm is. Oh, shit. And you see these guys out here at the live streaming? Yep, I'm going long here. I've got
1038 02:55:42,000 --> 02:55:49,110 this little thing swinging around telling me I should be a buyer. I'm gonna go short now. And I'll shit I got stopped out. Mark doesn't like me today. No, you
1039 02:55:49,110 --> 02:55:57,390 don't have to fucking trade. Okay, you're trading against real institutional order flow and real algorithmic price delivery. And you're drawing down in front
1040 02:55:57,390 --> 02:56:07,740 of everybody. If you just would have simply held on to the trade that was going along, and let it rip. If you really knew what the hell was going on, you would
1041 02:56:07,740 --> 02:56:23,430 have done well, you would have done 15 $12,000 on a Friday 2pm session. But you didn't. You didn't. Because the logic is unknown to everyone else. The people
1042 02:56:23,430 --> 02:56:34,110 that dig into my course, in all of my lessons and in listen to these long winded shit here. Okay, there's, there's three people that come into this, this Twitter
1043 02:56:34,110 --> 02:56:39,660 space here, one, people hear me say something that sounds arrogant off of this guy. Goodbye. See you later.
1044 02:56:39,810 --> 02:56:52,590 I don't want you here anyway. Because you can't be taught. It's confidence, not arrogance, it's authorship, not pride. Then you have the other crowd that is
1045 02:56:52,620 --> 02:57:01,710 ready to listen, they can see and hear that I went through this shit. I hurt myself doing this and they don't want to repeat that same shit, they're smart
1046 02:57:01,710 --> 02:57:07,980 enough to know, this guy is going to tell me how I can avoid majority of the pain. I want to learn that and still get me to the end result He's aiming for as
1047 02:57:07,980 --> 02:57:17,160 a teacher. And then you have another person that comes in here and says, This is bullshit. Everything about this is bullshit. Despite the proof and everything
1048 02:57:17,160 --> 02:57:27,750 it's been shown. So I know. I know that that's always going to be the case. It's always been the case when I was on America Online too. But because of social
1049 02:57:27,750 --> 02:57:38,130 media, and the ease of people feeling like they can say anything they want in the safety of their cell phone and forints universe, knowing that they're so far
1050 02:57:38,130 --> 02:57:48,570 away from the person they're talking to shit about, they would never do that in front of them. And the anonymity hides them. And they're living mundane little
1051 02:57:48,570 --> 02:57:55,290 lives that don't do shit. They are nobodies. And because they're miserable, they're going to say things to you, when you step out there if you have a
1052 02:57:55,290 --> 02:58:05,370 YouTube channel, or if you do a service, and they're going to claim that you are a scammer, or fraud, despite being able to do what nobody else can do. Because
1053 02:58:05,400 --> 02:58:17,370 they feel like they have to do it because they can't stomach it, they can't do it. And you have to sit back and let them roast in it. Stew in that. Because you
1054 02:58:17,370 --> 02:58:26,730 can't fix them, despite ever trying to you can't I tried it, you can't reach you can't reach these people. They think that they're going to take you down,
1055 02:58:26,730 --> 02:58:33,900 they're going to hurt you, they're not going to do shit, they're going to still be right where they're at. And you're going to elevate more and more and more
1056 02:58:34,080 --> 02:58:40,500 and more, and they're not going to hold you back. Your friends aren't going to hold you back unless you let them. Your job isn't gonna hold you back unless you
1057 02:58:40,500 --> 02:58:50,400 let it your job isn't going to be the reason why you can't be successful. It's going to be the reason why you're fucking going to be successful. Because right
1058 02:58:50,400 --> 02:59:01,410 now where you're at that money, that's it. How much you anticipate getting a raise next year? Think about how much of an increase in pay are you expecting to
1059 02:59:01,410 --> 02:59:11,460 get from your boss or your company? How about this? Are you sure you're going to be still employed next year? If the economic downturn increases into next year?
1060 02:59:11,820 --> 02:59:22,230 It might? If it does, how would that impact you and your household? You gotta get right. You gotta get ready. You gotta make your house ready. You got to find
1061 02:59:22,230 --> 02:59:31,620 a way to get income. Learn how to do this skill, trade get funded, if that's what you want to do if you don't have the funds to do it. multiple streams of
1062 02:59:31,620 --> 02:59:39,450 income YouTube, Showing your prowess. There's nothing wrong with that. I don't think it's bragging. I don't think it's showing off. I think it's you doing you
1063 02:59:40,530 --> 02:59:48,210 and that people have a problem that they are jealous fuck them. Fuck them. Because if they could do it, they would do it too. And he wouldn't give a fuck
1064 02:59:48,210 --> 02:59:54,510 that shit and other people can do it. I don't care to other people are doing it. There's lots of other YouTube. Listen, I've already said it in this video. I
1065 02:59:54,510 --> 03:00:02,520 won't have to. But this space and other spaces. I got every bit of respect for even assholes that don't Like me, if they get out there in a live stream, fumble
1066 03:00:02,520 --> 03:00:10,170 around in my, you know, the market replay and in fake demo accounts and calling it live accounts do it. If you're pushing a button in front of other people go
1067 03:00:10,230 --> 03:00:19,380 ahead, you're in funded accounts, and you're out there and you're pushing a button, you think it's gonna happen. Look, man, all the respect to you great. So
1068 03:00:19,380 --> 03:00:27,390 it's not my cup of tea, I don't need to do that. I've never had to do it, I ain't gonna do it. But I'm gonna be out there next year. And I'm going to be
1069 03:00:27,390 --> 03:00:33,750 outlining where I think the markets gonna go. And I Guaran damn tee everyone, these live streamers are gonna be listening to my shit. They may not like it.
1070 03:00:33,960 --> 03:00:42,810 And when I get it wrong, you're gonna hear that they watched it. But you won't hear it when the 90% Club is, this is what happened initially, that panned out.
1071 03:00:42,930 --> 03:00:49,620 And see that was the main takeaway for this year. I want you to know this. In closing, because we're closing this this space. I know it's been a long one, but
1072 03:00:51,420 --> 03:01:02,460 it's the last one, right? So when we spend time together next year. And we go through the process of looking at what the markets are doing and how it's likely
1073 03:01:02,460 --> 03:01:15,330 to draw towards one pool of liquidity or inefficiency above or below the marketplace. Over the course of the week, you need to be able to take stock on
1074 03:01:15,390 --> 03:01:26,100 what it is that transpired. How many times was it right? versus how many times it was wrong. By dealing that what that's going to help answer for a lot of you
1075 03:01:26,130 --> 03:01:40,770 is that scared feeling of my trainees wrong. Or what if I do it wrong. If you're afraid to do it wrong, and that's an impediment for you beginning they I can see
1076 03:01:40,770 --> 03:01:50,760 how that would be paralyzing. But we're going into this with no buttons being pushed the whole year. You're telling me I shouldn't train I'm telling you. If
1077 03:01:50,760 --> 03:01:56,880 you don't know what the fuck you're doing, you shouldn't be in there doing that. No, you shouldn't be in there trying to get funded accounts. You should be
1078 03:01:56,880 --> 03:02:06,300 learning how to reprice. I promise if you do that for this coming year, you will have no difficulty getting a funded account. And then once you get that funded
1079 03:02:06,300 --> 03:02:15,000 account, you're gonna know based on what I teach you next year, how to manage that funded account so you don't lose it. And you can take from it and harvest
1080 03:02:15,120 --> 03:02:26,940 income in you need to do it soon. Because I believe that those funded accounts aren't going to be so accessible soon. It's just a gut hunch, I might be
1081 03:02:26,940 --> 03:02:35,340 completely wrong. But while it's available, you need to be taking advantage of it. But don't think it's going to be closing out next month. Couple years it
1082 03:02:35,340 --> 03:02:47,220 might not be there. And it'd be best if you could just harvest what you could from it while you can get your scratch raised up your money, your bankroll the
1083 03:02:47,220 --> 03:02:59,910 way you can and get your side hustles on YouTube. You account service. Not account service was like analysis communities where, you know, I have no
1084 03:02:59,910 --> 03:03:10,470 problem. No problem, someone coming under my wing learning from me, and then going out there in monetizing their skill set. I'm not gonna look at it, oh, you
1085 03:03:10,470 --> 03:03:17,280 asshole, you copied off me, I trained you. That was the whole intent. I'm telling you to go out there and make fucking money. That's the reason why I did
1086 03:03:17,280 --> 03:03:26,340 this. I didn't make this. So I can be followed the most on YouTube. And that's it. I want people fucking making money. I want to know, when I lay my head down,
1087 03:03:26,910 --> 03:03:35,910 I can think back and say you know what I've impacted people's lives for the better. And now nobody can find fault in me. I'm not charging you. I'm not
1088 03:03:35,910 --> 03:03:44,160 taking anything from you. But I'm, I'm Tom promising you, you are absolutely going to see shit on a different perspective. Next year, you're gonna see it,
1089 03:03:44,160 --> 03:03:52,170 you're not understand it. You may not be able to execute like you see me doing because that's not realistic, right? But finding one good setup, and knowing
1090 03:03:52,170 --> 03:04:01,860 that that's enough and stopping until you grow in your own personal mobility. That's the proper way of learning. That's a real mentorship right there. That's
1091 03:04:01,860 --> 03:04:09,870 it. That's being taken under the wing by someone that knows how to do it. You don't have any animosity because you're not being asked to pay for something you
1092 03:04:09,870 --> 03:04:19,230 could barely afford. And then you're worrying about is it really worth the amount of money I paid? No, no amount of money. No amount of money could be paid
1093 03:04:19,230 --> 03:04:29,220 to me to justify what I'm gonna do next year. You couldn't pay me. It's because I want to do it. I want to do it. I want to help you. I want to see you succeed.
1094 03:04:29,250 --> 03:04:39,330 And I want to have a small part in that. Not because I want you to worship me once you get there. Hey, man, appreciate it. Thank you so much. That's enough.
1095 03:04:40,110 --> 03:04:49,050 You don't have to have a memorial to me on your fucking YouTube. Okay. You don't need to have a license tag. You know, it got me here. Fuck. That's worship. I
1096 03:04:49,050 --> 03:04:58,650 don't want that. Just acknowledged give me thanks. And that's it. That's all. That's all I asked for. Isn't that reasonable? That's reasonable, isn't it? I'm
1097 03:04:58,650 --> 03:05:09,480 not going to ask you to do something. beyond just working towards it, the effort and I want to share that moment with you a small moment of it's all yours, it's
1098 03:05:09,480 --> 03:05:18,900 all your credit. But I just want to have that moment where I can look at you and say, I told you, if you just gave yourself a chance, look where you're at now,
1099 03:05:19,530 --> 03:05:29,580 look what you were able to accomplish. Look at where you're at right now. And what you can do that feeling of accomplishment, did you grind it through all the
1100 03:05:29,580 --> 03:05:39,150 bullshit, all the horseshit? Everybody doubt in you, your fucking friends, your fucking spouse, your fucking anybody that anybody online ever said anything
1101 03:05:39,150 --> 03:05:46,950 about, you know what it feels like they said something to you, you got a you got a chip on your shoulder. That shit falls off and smooths out real quick, when
1102 03:05:46,950 --> 03:06:02,400 you start making 30,000 a month. real fucking smooth. You're gonna problems then I want to see and hear your testimonies. I don't want to see it in the text. I
1103 03:06:02,400 --> 03:06:15,870 want to see people's faces. This time next year, I want to see them say this totally transformed everything. And this is what I'm going to do with it. I have
1104 03:06:15,870 --> 03:06:24,420 had so many personal testimonials sent to me like that with video. And my wife and I, my kids, I'm I'm moved
1105 03:06:32,129 --> 03:06:41,099 cuz I know what it was like, for me. It was very, very hard. And I didn't have any of this support structure you guys have. And this is my entire life. I pour
1106 03:06:41,129 --> 03:06:51,029 everything into my students. Because I want them to succeed. I don't want them to have any of the hardships. But if you fight me, and you arm wrestle me, and
1107 03:06:51,029 --> 03:06:56,159 you want to do it your own way. And I know it's not the right way, and you don't know that it's not the right way.
1108 03:07:03,150 --> 03:07:19,950 Everything in your life is about to change. You don't understand how much yet. And I'm trying to do the best I can to make it a little bit easier. And for some
1109 03:07:19,950 --> 03:07:29,730 of you, you're gonna take this skill and do amazing shit with it. You're gonna live a totally different lifestyle. And I don't want you to be selfish with it.
1110 03:07:31,560 --> 03:07:43,470 When you see somebody in need, help them not when they ask you for it either. I'm not talking about I'm going to help them by teaching them that's not what
1111 03:07:43,470 --> 03:07:59,430 the fuck I said. Help them. They need something, provide it, do it anonymously. is he somebody in a grocery store, they're pushing a cart around, you can read
1112 03:07:59,430 --> 03:08:02,700 their face. You can see they're broke,
1113 03:08:02,940 --> 03:08:20,940 they come behind them and tell the cashier I got them. I do that every time I go to the grocery store. When I first got with my wife, she was like, What are you
1114 03:08:20,940 --> 03:08:38,760 doing that for? She didn't understand it. I said never tell me that again. Don't ever speak to me about it. Don't ever ask me to justify why I'm doing it. You
1115 03:08:38,760 --> 03:08:50,610 want to touch somebody's heart you do that. And when they turn to you. And they say you just let me have enough money for the rest of the week. The rest of the
1116 03:08:50,610 --> 03:09:01,590 month I don't have my rent money. But I can feed my kids now because of that. It cost you nothing man to do stuff like that. cost you nothing. And think about
1117 03:09:01,590 --> 03:09:08,640 how many times you know you were standing right next to somebody that could have us a hand like that. And you didn't do a fucking thing. Because it felt
1118 03:09:08,670 --> 03:09:16,230 uncomfortable. When you live your life like this, and you want to do it for people, and I've had people say no, I don't want you to do that. Someone may
1119 03:09:16,230 --> 03:09:20,970 actually cussed me out and ask you for a handout. It's going to happen sometimes.
1120 03:09:26,100 --> 03:09:37,530 But you want to leave an impression, a good one. And when you start doing things like that for other people, it's contagious. And you want to do it more. And it
1121 03:09:37,530 --> 03:09:47,550 changes you because as a 20 year old, I was a real arrogant prick and I was so sad it was all about me. I never would have helped anybody else in the store. I
1122 03:09:47,550 --> 03:09:52,590 never would have gave them anything. I never would have bought them a car. I never would have gave them a house. I never would have done any of those things
1123 03:09:52,590 --> 03:09:59,460 I never would have paid for their children to get through school. I never would have gave their kids clothes, school supplies the entire time they had their
1124 03:09:59,460 --> 03:10:01,860 whole schooling I never would have done those things
1125 03:10:06,959 --> 03:10:19,439 I was all about me, I had to make me feel good. And the more I did for me, the shittier, I felt about everything I was doing. I felt like a vacuum. I couldn't
1126 03:10:19,439 --> 03:10:35,279 fill it. Everything I tried to do that was all about me, looking good driving this live in like this spending that. The more I poured into it, the more empty
1127 03:10:35,279 --> 03:10:48,839 I was. The more money I made, the less I felt I had any I didn't have any substance, none. She had to have a plan direction, what you're going to do when
1128 03:10:48,839 --> 03:10:59,729 you have this money coming in? What do you plan to do with it? I see a lot of people, I'm going to do this, I'm going to do this, I'm going to do that. I'm
1129 03:10:59,729 --> 03:11:16,319 going to be this and this. It all changes when it's all about them. Because when I was 20, I was the same way. And don't don't think that that won't help you be
1130 03:11:16,319 --> 03:11:25,799 a better person when you start doing because it will. And then when you start trading larger, you start thinking yourself, you know what? I'm not taking this
1131 03:11:25,799 --> 03:11:38,159 trade to do something new for me financially, which drives people in the dumb decisions. Like it did with me when I was 20. I can remember the day I was
1132 03:11:38,429 --> 03:12:00,359 dating my. And I know we were supposed to close this face, but I got some shit get off my chest. So do 9095 I was was Dayton, my oldest son's mother. And I had
1133 03:12:00,359 --> 03:12:14,639 already found out that she was a married woman she was pregnant, do get give birth in October. And she threatened that she was going to raise the kid, which
1134 03:12:15,359 --> 03:12:24,479 I didn't know if it was a boy or girl yet with her husband at the time, and then he would call me out and threatened me saying that he was going to let the child
1135 03:12:24,479 --> 03:12:36,089 hurt itself and he wasn't gonna do anything about it. And you can only take so much that kind of shit before you start doing things that you normally wouldn't
1136 03:12:36,089 --> 03:12:46,979 do. And to make this woman feel like she had a chance with me so that way I could see him born and my name on the birth certificate, which would make
1137 03:12:47,369 --> 03:12:57,359 custody issues a lot easier for me. I asked I said what would you like to do? Because she didn't want she didn't believe that I wanted to be with her, which I
1138 03:12:57,359 --> 03:13:14,009 did. So she goes let's go to Hawaii. He's got us minus go to Hawaii. Us. Okay. So I said, try to find a flight and hotel and we'll go and I meant it. So she
1139 03:13:14,009 --> 03:13:21,059 says there's nothing until next week I said, Well, we can wait till next week now. And that's good. I want to go this weekend. So well sent me something else
1140 03:13:21,359 --> 03:13:32,429 says go to Bermuda. Alright, find something in Bermuda. So she found it was called senesce Beach Hotel. It was the largest hotel on the south tip of
1141 03:13:32,429 --> 03:13:41,969 Bermuda. And gorgeous. It's not there anymore. Hurricanes tore it off, but you can Google it and see it was there. But I had three five star restaurants in it.
1142 03:13:42,419 --> 03:14:00,599 And just just amazing. But um we flew out there. And whole time I was there. The majority of the time that we were on that island. I was in the room. We went out
1143 03:14:00,599 --> 03:14:09,929 to eat. I didn't want to be with her in public. I didn't want to do anything with it. We took one scooter ride. I felt my son kicking me in the back. But
1144 03:14:10,169 --> 03:14:20,579 apart from that, it was miserable. And what was I doing? I was spending money on something that was not wholesome. It was just to let her believe that I wanted
1145 03:14:20,579 --> 03:14:32,429 to be with her and her husband. You know, back then we had pagers, we didn't we didn't have like the ease of everything we have right now. Like I'm talking to
1146 03:14:32,429 --> 03:14:40,499 you in this cell phone. And you're listening to me everywhere around the world. That whole business of communication wasn't available to us yet. So we did
1147 03:14:40,499 --> 03:14:50,009 everything through pagers, and we would send messages through the numbers. So because he was always constantly sending me voicemails in the unitime saying,
1148 03:14:50,039 --> 03:14:59,399 You know what he was going to do and how he's going to take me to the bank and people don't do this and do that. Which I understand he's mad. I didn't know his
1149 03:14:59,399 --> 03:15:09,749 wife was married to him. I didn't think she was married. But I end up getting her pregnant. And I was stuck. I had figured out the best way to manage it. And
1150 03:15:09,779 --> 03:15:20,129 I had anybody could tell me the best advice, obviously, because who gets in those types of environments, right? And I was young, I was stupid. And with
1151 03:15:20,129 --> 03:15:31,769 money, and no real guidance of any kind. And here we are, we're in Bermuda. And I had to just let this motherfucker know. I said, we're in Bermuda motherfucker,
1152 03:15:32,219 --> 03:15:48,089 typed it out in the code of noon to me when you look at an old push button phone. One is ABC, two. So on, it's three letters, each button, whatever. And
1153 03:15:48,149 --> 03:15:55,229 you would have to sit down and write the numbers out and then figure it out. That's how we did the ship. Young. Young folks are like, What the hell if you're
1154 03:15:55,229 --> 03:16:05,429 older folks, you know exactly what I'm talking about. You're laughing Yeah, we used to do that shit. But I wanted him to know that I did that. And I flew his
1155 03:16:05,429 --> 03:16:19,439 wife to Bermuda. And she lied and said she was doing something with her girlfriends on a pool league in Vegas. And I want him to know that you're a
1156 03:16:19,439 --> 03:16:25,199 piece of shit for doing what you're doing. I'm an asshole for sleeping with your wife. But I didn't know I was sleeping with your wife. I thought I was sleeping
1157 03:16:25,199 --> 03:16:33,989 with a single woman that didn't have a kid. And obviously, when she got pregnant, she laid out on me. It's my responsibility. It's mine. It is what it
1158 03:16:33,989 --> 03:16:48,569 is. But when you have money, and you do things like that, or he get caught up in situations like that, and young men listen to me. You think having lots of
1159 03:16:48,569 --> 03:16:57,299 money, you're gonna run around and be promiscuous. A lot of women different women all the time. You know, everybody's in this Andrew teach shit. But a piece
1160 03:16:57,299 --> 03:17:05,519 of shit. That guy is okay. I don't want to hear anything about that fucking guy. He's not a top G he's a piece of shit. It is what it is his views on women
1161 03:17:05,549 --> 03:17:20,789 stupid. And bottom line is this. If you think that that's what looks sexy, or handsome or put together for a woman. Nobody's thinking that guy's put together.
1162 03:17:21,119 --> 03:17:29,939 He's a clown. He's an entertainment piece. And that's it. Okay, made lots of money doing stupid shit. And, you know, whatever. That's one thing. He's young.
1163 03:17:30,119 --> 03:17:39,839 And I guarantee if he lives long enough, he'll come out and say I did. I'm sure. We all do. But when you're young, like I was young, I wanted to live a certain
1164 03:17:39,839 --> 03:17:48,599 life. I wanted the Ric Flair lifestyle. You know, I grew up listening and watching this guy carrying one. And long and short of it is, you know, when I
1165 03:17:48,599 --> 03:17:57,539 got the money, you know, I started doing that shit, rent limousines, going to new, really fancy restaurants, taking all my friends out there and just trying
1166 03:17:57,539 --> 03:18:07,889 to live it up. Because I wanted that public appreciation that, hey, look at that person right there. Because remember, I grew up modest 350 hours a week was a
1167 03:18:07,889 --> 03:18:16,619 lot of money. That was my grandfather's earnings at Essex, lumberyard. And we lived in what was called cardboard city, as it doesn't exist anymore, but it was
1168 03:18:16,619 --> 03:18:27,839 Villa gardens, okay, and that is white trash as you can get. That's where we come up from Middle River. And when you get a taste of having money, and you
1169 03:18:27,839 --> 03:18:35,939 heard other people in other neighborhoods and other areas in the state and local area where you grown up, and other schools that are better than their kids and
1170 03:18:35,939 --> 03:18:44,759 shit, and you're fucking their asses up in fights, but they're beaten you in all the opportunities in life because they are in a better position. Because they
1171 03:18:44,759 --> 03:18:55,469 can afford to go to better schools, they have a family that has both the father and the mother. And there, they have advantages that you don't have. I had all
1172 03:18:55,469 --> 03:19:05,069 that stuff growing up. And when I had a taste of real money, I wanted the exact revenge on everybody. Like it was like a fucking movie, new dialogue in my head
1173 03:19:05,069 --> 03:19:14,009 all the time. Like I wanted to show the world, you know, all the back in Terminator bullshit, you know, in the more I did that kind of stuff. And my
1174 03:19:14,009 --> 03:19:20,369 friends would be like, Man, this is awesome. What they're saying is, it's awesome. I gotta pay for it and you're paying for it. That's what they're
1175 03:19:20,369 --> 03:19:27,839 saying. And that's exactly what your friends are gonna say to you. But you're gonna interpret that as your awesome, you're gonna hear that your subconscious
1176 03:19:27,839 --> 03:19:41,069 is gonna hear you're awesome. Now you're a sucker. Just like I was being a sucker. Okay, I got wrapped up into a married woman issue. Because my friends
1177 03:19:41,069 --> 03:19:52,409 told her, I had money. She saw I had money, but she didn't know to what degree and I didn't know she knew that. So when she invites me into a situation where I
1178 03:19:52,409 --> 03:20:04,409 thought we're going to be friendly. We got friendly, but it costs me a lot. It cost me 21 years. So I had to live a life a different way, hide things from her.
1179 03:20:04,889 --> 03:20:07,169 And now I wasn't a deadbeat dad, I
1180 03:20:07,170 --> 03:20:17,250 had joint custody. But I beat her in child support, the courts came to the conclusion that, you know, I only had to pay $14 A month towards health
1181 03:20:17,250 --> 03:20:30,810 insurance. And they said, because it's only $14, they just waived it, and I carried health insurance on him. So winning is a thing for me. Okay, I tried to
1182 03:20:30,810 --> 03:20:40,620 make sure that I stay ahead of everything as much as I can. And I had to learn that from hardships doing dumb shit. school of hard knocks, getting into
1183 03:20:41,010 --> 03:20:50,400 situations that money put me into, and not knowing how to handle myself. So if you're thinking you're gonna take this stuff and run around and be an Andrew
1184 03:20:50,400 --> 03:21:03,690 Tate type fucking clown. A year. Look what just happened to him. Look, just look what happened to him. Okay, if you tried to be the hardest nail, somebody's
1185 03:21:03,690 --> 03:21:11,670 going to act like the fucking hammer and nail your ass, okay? And it could be somebody from fucking Texas, it's going to be somebody from, you know, some
1186 03:21:11,670 --> 03:21:19,530 authority, some have figured that it's going to come down and squeeze your ass, okay, and let you know that you're, you're insignificant, you can be touched.
1187 03:21:22,200 --> 03:21:33,900 But your friends and your family are going to paint a picture for you. That isn't going to be what you're expecting. On on either spectrum. You're they're
1188 03:21:33,900 --> 03:21:45,030 either going to be jealous of you, like my family was. They literally were so jealous. And then they wanted things given to them for free. My aunt uncle who I
1189 03:21:45,030 --> 03:21:53,640 pay room and board to my uncle, not so much, but my hand really took advantage of, you know, when I was earning under her roof, but if she would have said, pay
1190 03:21:53,640 --> 03:22:03,540 me more per week, I would have done that. Not Can you pay for a new pool liner? Can you pay for a new roof on our house? Can you pay for new furniture? Or can
1191 03:22:03,540 --> 03:22:12,000 you pay for our vacation to Florida when we can't afford to do it, and we want to go with your aunt that does have money and we don't want to be embarrassed by
1192 03:22:12,000 --> 03:22:23,130 that. And we don't have money to pay for this, that nothing and all those guilt trips that you don't realize that you're experiencing, that your friends and
1193 03:22:23,130 --> 03:22:33,630 family will put on you. Those things crop up, like easy. When you have money. You might not see it, or you might see it and it makes you turn it off and say
1194 03:22:33,630 --> 03:22:43,770 you know what, I'm gonna deal with money, which is eventually what happened. And I spent 10 years away from most of my family. My own children, not what I'm
1195 03:22:43,770 --> 03:22:54,120 referring to there, but I'm talking about cousins and aunts and uncles and things. I distance myself from all of them, because they didn't like I was able
1196 03:22:54,120 --> 03:23:03,450 to find success. And they work their whole life and oh still money on their homes, that they had to re mortgage and refinance and get equity out and live
1197 03:23:03,450 --> 03:23:14,280 their lifestyle and owe three times what their house cost back in the 80s. And you can't sell it for what they got wrapped up in debt. So they're miserable
1198 03:23:14,280 --> 03:23:28,260 people. And they are the product of what Alexander elder talks about, in his first portion of his book, trading for a living. The children of alcoholics are
1199 03:23:28,320 --> 03:23:43,560 absolutely victimized, and they grow up with mindsets that are so warped. Even if they never touched a drop of alcohol. They're still fucked up. And my aunts,
1200 03:23:43,950 --> 03:23:54,870 and my uncle and my mother are living testimony to that shit. And they never really amounted to anything. But they're miserable. Like I couldn't be around
1201 03:23:54,870 --> 03:24:01,920 them in the holidays, because all they talk about is everybody else in how so and so's this and someone says that and I'm listening to them. I'm like, You got
1202 03:24:01,920 --> 03:24:11,790 nothing. You're all broke. You're miserable. You're in debt up to your eyeballs. And you got the audacity to talk about other people. And that's why I can't be
1203 03:24:11,790 --> 03:24:20,160 around you in the holidays. It's a drain like vampires suck the life out of me. And for 10 years, my whole existence around the holidays ism and much better
1204 03:24:20,160 --> 03:24:30,960 experience. Keeping non toxic people out of your life. And in the beginning, when you start finding success, you're gonna wrestle with that once you realize
1205 03:24:30,960 --> 03:24:38,250 that they're toxic, and if you can't talk them into understanding they're being toxic, and it's not going to be probably successful if you tried to do it
1206 03:24:38,250 --> 03:24:47,040 anyway. The sooner you get away from that shit, the better because it will mess with you. You'll feel guilty about not being around them. Like you're like
1207 03:24:47,040 --> 03:24:55,080 you're being arrogant. You're being a jerk. You're being pompous. You're not you're living your fucking life. Hey, no shame in that. One says you have to be
1208 03:24:55,080 --> 03:25:06,720 around toxic people who says that you have to be around people that is constant li drama ridden, ate up with drama. If that's what your life is right now, the
1209 03:25:06,720 --> 03:25:15,600 only thing that's going to happen is you're going to make more of it because you have money. That's what's going to happen. You want to see somebody that is
1210 03:25:15,600 --> 03:25:25,320 successful, that has their shit together, how much drama they got going on around them? How much are they providing in terms of drama? How much are they
1211 03:25:25,320 --> 03:25:34,560 producing of that drama? That's how you tell whether somebody is successful or not. Because if they can find themselves in a position where they can just
1212 03:25:34,980 --> 03:25:44,340 remove themselves from drama, and not give a fuck what anybody says, Who cares, whether it be friends or family, who cares? that's successful, because they know
1213 03:25:44,340 --> 03:25:52,650 that they can't change that. You're not going to change especially if you're a young person, you're not equipped to you don't have the, the worldly experience
1214 03:25:52,650 --> 03:26:01,110 that unfortunately, like everybody else tells you right now. And that was I was told the same thing. You understand you get older? Well, at 50 I hope I know a
1215 03:26:01,110 --> 03:26:10,470 whole lot more than I did when I was 20. And the ass backwards way of thinking about money and relationships and people are totally different. Now, it's
1216 03:26:10,470 --> 03:26:22,620 diametrically opposed to what I felt and experienced as a young man, and coming up and making lots of money. That experience is, well, if you're not equipped,
1217 03:26:22,980 --> 03:26:35,910 mentally to handle it, you'll you'll self destruct. And while I wasn't a drinker, I didn't use drugs. My advice was pride and arrogance. Do you think I'm
1218 03:26:35,910 --> 03:26:50,640 arrogant? Now? I'm not. I was absolutely disgusting. Not like the Andrew Tate where it's oozing. Disgusting, okay. But it was close to it. And because I had a
1219 03:26:50,640 --> 03:27:02,130 chip on my shoulder, because my first wife leaving me for our man, and she was young, wasn't even 18 yet. And whole neighborhood knew about it. So the whole
1220 03:27:02,130 --> 03:27:12,210 neighborhood, shut his business down, ran up a bill and a tab for groceries and never paid it. And that was their way of getting back at what he did it to me
1221 03:27:12,210 --> 03:27:24,600 and my family. I didn't ask any of them to do that. Think about that. That's Instant Karma. And she's living a life with some guy, you know, honestly, 20
1222 03:27:24,600 --> 03:27:34,980 minutes from where I live right now. And she's in no better position than she was when she left. And I'm living a totally different life. And I have been
1223 03:27:36,210 --> 03:27:48,060 often wondering, you know, what she would think if she knew, and you're gonna do that young men, you're gonna end young women for the ones that find success in
1224 03:27:48,060 --> 03:27:57,360 this and maybe some men have cashed it to the side. Because in, they didn't want to do with it or do anything with anymore, they found something better in their
1225 03:27:57,360 --> 03:28:08,490 eyes and chase something else. And as a man, you know, there comes a time when the term chasing tail, or chasing someone for another knock on your bedpost,
1226 03:28:08,940 --> 03:28:17,220 that's no longer a pursuit. You want to have a meaningful relationship, you want to be able to sit down and have a conversation with your best friend, who you're
1227 03:28:17,220 --> 03:28:26,310 also intimate with, in the race children with and you can confide in, and you can trust your finances with, that's a life partner. That's someone that your
1228 03:28:26,310 --> 03:28:39,570 whole life revolves around. And you want to do everything to make them happy. I am at that point where my wife is asking that of me. She has been very patient
1229 03:28:39,570 --> 03:28:53,160 with me, and allowed me to divulge a lot of my insights and experience and time with all of you. And I think that's reasonable. And I know it's going to be met
1230 03:28:53,160 --> 03:29:00,600 with some people saying, You're a jerk because you don't do this anymore. And blah, blah, blah. Just know that I know that some of you are going to say those
1231 03:29:00,600 --> 03:29:10,980 types of things. And I know that you probably don't really mean it in a way it's going to come out. But I don't give a fuck. Okay. I have a wife that I want to
1232 03:29:10,980 --> 03:29:21,780 maintain happiness with. I have a family. I'm a 50 year old man that can still boot scootin boogie. No, not a country van. But I want to be able to do that.
1233 03:29:22,170 --> 03:29:31,770 While I have time. And things might be getting harder, as I've been talking about. And I want to try to jump on that opportunity while I can. But I also
1234 03:29:31,770 --> 03:29:45,180 want to go out with a clear conscience knowing that I did everything I could except for trade your account for you. So if that isn't enough after next year,
1235 03:29:46,080 --> 03:29:54,420 I'm going to apologize and say I'm sorry I couldn't live up to your false expectations and unrealistic expectations because none of that shit was promised
1236 03:29:54,420 --> 03:30:06,210 to any of you anyway, but I know the result will be testimonial Like I've already received from all around the world anyway. And I think that even if I
1237 03:30:06,210 --> 03:30:06,960 just got one,
1238 03:30:08,639 --> 03:30:20,759 the young man from Germany, they sent me the card and a little keychain, those shamrock and how it stayed in the envelope, I don't know, because the literally
1239 03:30:20,759 --> 03:30:29,219 the The envelope was split on the right side. And all I had to do was pick the envelope up and turn it to its side, and then the keychain came out. I'm like
1240 03:30:29,249 --> 03:30:37,799 how the hell does come all the way from Germany and not fall out. So he sends me this link to a YouTube channel where he leaves me a message and my wife and I
1241 03:30:37,799 --> 03:30:45,449 were watching it. And he was struggling to try to wish us a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. And it shows appreciation for what he's learning and such. And
1242 03:30:45,449 --> 03:30:54,719 it was emotional to watch that because he didn't have to do that. Like he didn't have to do those things at all. And it didn't cost much, I'm sure in terms of
1243 03:30:54,719 --> 03:31:05,759 money. But the aspect of him taking the time out to say, hey, look, I appreciate what you've done. And thank you. And he let me see his face, he let me hear his
1244 03:31:05,759 --> 03:31:15,839 own tongue, his own, you know, his own voice say that. I've had so many of those things. And they're touching, they're moving to me. And I have a face. To put
1245 03:31:15,839 --> 03:31:25,469 you I have a lot of screen names. I have a lot of student IDs, and all these people with names, I don't know how to associate anything with them. Some of
1246 03:31:25,469 --> 03:31:36,869 you, I know you by your profile picture, that ain't even you. It's something not even a human. It's some kind of icon. But the majority of you, I don't know your
1247 03:31:36,869 --> 03:31:45,149 voice. I don't know what your face looks like. But I have a lot of them that have shared that with me. And I want that so much. Because that mute and I
1248 03:31:45,149 --> 03:31:51,419 haven't shared them that like I haven't never put them out there probably I would never do that. They're for me. They're for me and my family, my my life
1249 03:31:51,419 --> 03:31:55,619 sees these. Number one, she gets to see how it impacts me.
1250 03:32:05,640 --> 03:32:23,010 And she moved by because it makes it more palatable for her. She understands. Now, when she sees it's not just a video going up on YouTube about a video game.
1251 03:32:24,420 --> 03:32:31,260 It's like, in her eyes, it's like these folks that make these video game. YouTube channels are playing video games, and they're talking shit at once, you
1252 03:32:31,260 --> 03:32:40,650 know, talking smack and I'm playing you, I'm beating you that. That's her. That's what she's always viewed it as. Like she's like, it's a video game. And
1253 03:32:40,650 --> 03:32:50,940 I'm just talking other people I'm competing against not realizing that I'm pouring myself out into all of your lives, in your understanding. So that way
1254 03:32:50,940 --> 03:33:07,860 you can be better. And when she hears it, and she sees it I'm thankful for that. Because clearly my talking about it wasn't enough articulation for her to really
1255 03:33:07,860 --> 03:33:28,380 get what it is that drives me. All of you. Every single one of you. I felt just like you feel or felt when you first started. And it was scary. It was
1256 03:33:28,380 --> 03:33:34,050 stressful. I felt like I was never going to get it. I felt like I was never going to figure this stuff out.
1257 03:33:39,330 --> 03:33:54,900 It just feels good to be in a position where I know that I know. And I can share it with you. I'm so thankful that the Lord has given me time to do it. energy to
1258 03:33:54,900 --> 03:34:07,320 do it. The resources to do it. And the desire because as a young man, I never would have done this. I wouldn't have cared. I liked being the only one that
1259 03:34:07,320 --> 03:34:23,220 could do it. I got off on that. And that's how you tell maturity. It it's slowly happened by looking at people struggling on baby pips and seeing their shit that
1260 03:34:23,520 --> 03:34:34,050 they tried this and losing money and they're getting frustrated. Now sit back here quietly unbeknownst to all of you. I have all the answers. And I felt
1261 03:34:34,050 --> 03:34:52,890 guilty like man I don't want to be the center of attention as much as some of you people think I do. I don't and I had to find a way where I could be
1262 03:34:54,900 --> 03:35:20,340 influential. Be under the radar and still make an impact. So the approach I use is what you seen. And I'm just I'm impressed that it caught fire like it did. No
1263 03:35:20,340 --> 03:35:32,970 advertising, in all, only people dabbling in it, seeing it work for themselves and spreading the words, and this is what I'm doing. And it's neat, it's really
1264 03:35:32,970 --> 03:35:46,500 neat to see it, because it's not about me, it has nothing to do with me. It's the whole experience of it all. And all of you have unique experiences. And when
1265 03:35:46,500 --> 03:36:00,090 I get to see you explain what it's done for you. It's amazing, it really is amazing. And I love it. Like I absolutely love having a face associated with a
1266 03:36:00,090 --> 03:36:21,270 student that put the time and effort in and listening to them weep. And sharing that with me can't put a price tag on it. It stays with you.
1267 03:36:41,040 --> 03:36:45,960 I'm just very thankful that I've been given an opportunity to be someone like this
1268 03:36:53,730 --> 03:37:08,250 I hope that I'm helpful to all of you in the coming year, and I hope that you learn more from me, and you become a better person, not just as a trader. But
1269 03:37:08,250 --> 03:37:10,170 you're inspired to do more for other people.
1270 03:37:15,360 --> 03:37:30,360 I think if you measure everything in that, you're gonna find a much more purpose driven life, not about money, and things. And you're certainly to be much more
1271 03:37:30,360 --> 03:37:44,880 interesting to other people. I learned that the hard way, I thought, the bigger wallet, the bigger toys and things. But Garner that only for so much. And then
1272 03:37:44,880 --> 03:37:56,190 when they get around you, they find out who you are, and you're not an ugly person inside. Doesn't matter how much money you have, then nobody really wants
1273 03:37:56,190 --> 03:38:07,680 to entertain you. And they finally get to the point where you might pay for dinner and you might pay for all the fun stuff. But I have other plans tonight.
1274 03:38:11,070 --> 03:38:26,460 That's what what happened to you. And that's exactly what happened to me as a young man. So anyway, I think that's going to be enough for this. I wanted to
1275 03:38:26,460 --> 03:38:38,430 have an opportunity to thank you all for spending your time with me this year, helping me grow our community. I'm very appreciative of that. Think our
1276 03:38:38,430 --> 03:38:49,650 community is a unique one. For the most part, we all encourage one another and I'm thankful for that. I'm thankful that you all appreciate the fact that this
1277 03:38:49,650 --> 03:39:05,190 doesn't really have a place of deserving or that you're entitled to receive it. And you all understand that it's a gift. And I'm thankful that for the most
1278 03:39:05,190 --> 03:39:20,730 part. You've all been respectful of me and I'm thankful for that my wife is thankful hoping that you all appreciate what I'm going to do next year. And it's
1279 03:39:20,730 --> 03:39:25,440 my prayer in Jesus name that I'm able to reach more of you.
1280 03:39:34,500 --> 03:39:46,260 I'm just excited to see where you all go with it. So later tonight, when you're ringing in the new year, just know I'm going to be smiling and thinking about
1281 03:39:46,260 --> 03:40:01,410 all of you. I don't know all your faces. I don't know all of your names. But all of you are in my thoughts. You're in my prayers and you're all my goal. In 2023
1282 03:40:03,000 --> 03:40:14,100 Have a happy and safe New Year tonight. And I will speak to you again probably on Tuesday. Until then, be safe