
Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2023-05-26 16:57


01:00 - Is that your P&L or your agenda? 

- Welcome back to the show.
- Why james is here and what he does.

04:14 - What have you done with it so far? 

- Finding a niche in a growing community.
- Finding the last piece of the ict puzzle.
- Being distracted by work and at home.
- The first time coming to someone to learn.
- Not a good mentor, but a good teacher.
- English is the best medium.

11:22 - The seven-pound universe that is in between your ears. 

- The seven pound universe of the seven-pound universe.
- The five minutes of fame.
- Partial profits, but still a loss.
- Mentorship and mentorship as income streams.

15:50 - Preparing your mind with your mindset -. 

- Be mindful of what you are doing every day.
- The power of the tongue.
- One small degree off early on in the journey.
- The importance of studying.

21:33 - The importance of having the ability to adapt and learn. 

- None of his charter members are complete.
- Flexibility and ability to adapt are required.
- The spirit of expectation and the right mindset.
- The number of entry models.
- Empowering and empowering his students in November.
- Being a realist and not mean-spirited.

28:26 - Why are you doing this? 

- How to stay motivated to do this.
- The biggest growth is from the biggest success.
- Watching a video at two times the speed.
- Time-based goals vs flexible goals.

33:23 - How do you overcome when you don’t do it right? 

- How to keep pressing forward when losing money.
- Having 27 jobs as a young man.
- How to be the best manager in the world.
- The importance of being personable.

36:30 - It took me six years to get to where I am today. 

- How michael huddleston learned to trade the markets.
- How to feel empowered in trading.
- Nobody cares about what you do to earn a paycheck.
- Influencer factor.

41:37 - My daughter’s fear of failure. 

- My daughter is a constant drain on my bank account.
- College is like a cruise ship.
- His wife is the perfect excuse for him to fail.
- The trap of constantly learning.

47:08 - Don’t be afraid to sit down with one model, stick to the rules. 

- The importance of having a baseline.
- How to get started with a model.
- Hoping from one approach to another.
- The final puzzle piece is always you.

51:57 - If you don’t have a baseline, you’re not going to have the silver bullet. 

- The importance of having a baseline.
- Trading forex past one o'clock in new york
- Having a secondary income to mitigate the loss of a job.
- Florida and texas.

57:11 - What’s going on in the world of social media is going to get worse. 

- How Twitter is going to get worse.
- The ministry of truth is coming to twitter.
- How much things are costing right now.
- How to trade when it gets hard.

01:02:35 - When you have price action, that’s when you engage, when you attack. 

- The importance of taking action and being a specialist.
- The ict mentorship mindset.
- Create a baseline and a small sampling of models.
- Teach properly first.


00:01:00,540 --> 00:01:16,320 ICT: Is that your p&l? Or are you just happy to see me? Good morning, folks. Welcome back. Welcome back. It is Saturday, ICT shut on Saturday. And I'm a
00:01:16,320 --> 00:01:32,010 little bit out of practice here. Usually I come in firing on all cylinders, and whatnot. And I have a, either a chip on my shoulder or an agenda to get through.
00:01:32,460 --> 00:01:42,030 So Admittedly, I have a lot of things going on this weekend. And next weekend that has my mind preoccupied. But I'll tell you about that, as we get through
00:01:42,030 --> 00:01:50,430 those. Those weeks, it's nothing bad. It's all good stuff with our family oriented. But that was another reason why I was a little late here. I was
00:01:50,430 --> 00:02:01,230 supposed to be at 830 I was tardy by the looks of things. I was about nine minutes or so late. But as you get sometimes, right, when it's free, you got to
00:02:01,230 --> 00:02:15,420 be a little bit more flexible. So I have some, some bullet points I want to cover today. And I want to start off with you know, why are you here? Like why
00:02:15,420 --> 00:02:24,240 do you come to my Twitter page? Why do you come to my YouTube page? Why do you listen to my lectures? Is it out of just morbid curiosity? Because you've seen
00:02:24,240 --> 00:02:32,010 other people talk about me? You want to see okay, is it really the train wreck the car crashed, everybody wants to slop and rubberneck and see hey, look, you
00:02:32,010 --> 00:02:44,610 know what's going on? Are there any carnage any kind of blood loss? Chances are, you probably found your way here on those premises in and found out that there's
10 00:02:44,610 --> 00:02:56,010 a little bit more going on than what other people like to say. Or maybe it's because you want to be a part of a community. A like minded hive mentality.
11 00:02:57,240 --> 00:03:09,570 That's kind of like what I'm trying to foster. With this community. I want everyone to come like think, independently and unique within the realm of their
12 00:03:09,570 --> 00:03:18,480 own personal model, and the discovery of that model was found in the mentoring and the lecturing. But these discussions, these things that I do on Twitter
13 00:03:18,480 --> 00:03:29,610 spaces where I'm not monetized, there are no ads playing. You're getting right from the heart rate from the trenches, real world experience into things that
14 00:03:29,640 --> 00:03:41,580 you're going to battle with most. And it's my endeavor to try to pull your attention away from what you think is most paramount, which is the buy and sell,
15 00:03:41,670 --> 00:03:53,970 get me in, get me out. Where do I put my stop loss? What's fair value got values? What order block do I use? Those things are secondary. And it sounds
16 00:03:55,290 --> 00:04:09,810 like that it can't be true, but it is. And I want you to think about how many things I've taught new concepts, new approaches to things that would otherwise
17 00:04:09,810 --> 00:04:26,220 be a hindrance to an average trader. And then thinking about what have you done with it? So there's this, this growing community within this community that
18 00:04:26,220 --> 00:04:37,530 usually breaks off and creates this little smaller factions of little sub communities in your collection of like minded individuals, and I don't have
19 00:04:37,530 --> 00:04:49,080 anything against that. Like I mean, for me to say that would be in opposition to growth and finding your own niche in your own way in this industry. I'm just a
20 00:04:49,080 --> 00:05:02,310 conduit. Okay, if I was a cult leader, in the sense that most people like to say I am. I wouldn't want anybody else to take your attention. Way, and try to teach
21 00:05:02,310 --> 00:05:10,320 you something better. Because if there was something better, I would point to it. But I'm teaching you what I created, these are my concepts, and no one else
22 00:05:10,320 --> 00:05:17,010 is gonna teach it to you better. And when I'm done in November, you're welcome to go and do whatever you want to do. And if you want to start your own little
23 00:05:17,010 --> 00:05:31,650 communities, by all means have at it, I'm certainly not going to try to stand in your way, with the folks that are here to try to learn. What have you done with
24 00:05:31,650 --> 00:05:43,380 it so far? For some of you, it's like the guy you see on the beach with a little metal detector and headphones, he's waving that thing across the beach of sandy
25 00:05:43,380 --> 00:05:51,510 beaches, I watched a couple of these guys doing well, in fact, one of them was actually in the water than Clearwater, Florida, when we were down there. And by
26 00:05:51,510 --> 00:06:01,320 the way, it feels awfully cold in Maryland. Now, after being down there, coming back up here, I love the cold. But today is feels unseasonally cold, which kind
27 00:06:01,320 --> 00:06:13,050 of feels weird this close to June. But some of you feel like you're out there with this metal detector trying to find the last piece of the ICT puzzle. And
28 00:06:13,050 --> 00:06:27,570 we'll talk more about that later in this presentation. But I just want to be a little gentle reminder that what you're here for? What was the original reason
29 00:06:27,570 --> 00:06:40,920 for you to come? To me seeking whatever it is that you saw? What was that driving passion that brought you here? And how have you been distracted? Is it
30 00:06:40,920 --> 00:06:52,500 things at work? Is it things at home, I've read some tweets from individuals saying that their spouse, were not in support of what they're doing. And it
31 00:06:52,560 --> 00:07:00,570 won't matter. If I were to talk to them individually, say, hey, look, I promise you, I'm going to I'm going to get your husband or your wife, your significant
32 00:07:00,570 --> 00:07:12,330 other your partner on the path of profitability scouts on our promise that they won't believe it. And this is kind of like what I was tweeting yesterday. A
33 00:07:12,330 --> 00:07:22,230 couple of the fellows that are out there that are, in my opinion, doing something really cool. I like what they're doing. And I joined their their live
34 00:07:22,230 --> 00:07:33,600 stream on YouTube not share the link prompted me to talk about certain things that I wanted to more or less segue into this weekend somehow, and just be part
35 00:07:33,600 --> 00:07:44,490 of the presentation. But I think it's going to be predominantly 90% of it. And when you first come to someone to learn a skill, whether it be trading, whether
36 00:07:44,490 --> 00:07:55,770 it be a sports event, or something like a golfer wanting to learn how to drive a golf ball better, putt better, or a shooter, okay, you want to learn how to
37 00:07:55,860 --> 00:08:09,450 shoot better. And you come there to that teacher that that person that wants to offer their experience to you. And you come to them many times with these
38 00:08:09,450 --> 00:08:22,260 preconceived notions that you know how you should be taught. So you already have in your mind what it is that this educator should or should not do. And then if
39 00:08:22,260 --> 00:08:34,620 it doesn't meet that expectation that you have, admittedly, you'd have to admit that you're coming to that person, in a state of ignorance. You have no idea
40 00:08:34,620 --> 00:08:44,550 what you're supposed to be doing. But you're holding on to this idea that, you know, you know, how you should be taught. When you don't know the subject
41 00:08:44,550 --> 00:08:53,220 matter. You're the student, you're not even the student, you're just coming there with a spirit of expectation. And some of you come with a spirit of
42 00:08:53,220 --> 00:09:03,030 entitlement, thinking that it's owed to you faster, like somehow that you're supposed to be ushered to the front of the line ahead of everyone else that's
43 00:09:03,030 --> 00:09:12,960 been working very hard diligently to try to learn this skill set. And sometimes because of either cultural barriers or language barriers, I may not be able to
44 00:09:14,010 --> 00:09:22,530 properly articulate what it is that is necessary for you to understand something in that regard. That's what makes me not a good mentor. Okay, and that's why I
45 00:09:22,530 --> 00:09:35,820 say I'm not the best mentor. But the things I'm teaching, I often pray that I find a way to get that message I'm trying to talk about to and through all of
46 00:09:35,820 --> 00:09:44,940 you. And this is probably the best medium to do it. Because you're only going to hear me in my native tongue which is English and sometimes it's not that good.
47 00:09:45,360 --> 00:09:56,880 Sometimes I talk in words that aren't all that refined then sometimes I use colorful words that I'm not proud of, but I'm trying to do my best. Most times,
48 00:09:57,150 --> 00:10:12,150 like I am today I'm trying to be very Balanced, because this is a topic that in my mind, needs to be reminded constantly throughout your progress. And because
49 00:10:12,150 --> 00:10:19,590 there's a new influx of new students coming to me all the time, it's important for you to come in with the right mindset, and not lose sight of what you came
50 00:10:19,590 --> 00:10:35,070 here for. You should be here for one reason only to learn how to make money, that's it. If a secondary supporting reason is that you want to be amongst other
51 00:10:35,070 --> 00:10:42,000 people that are doing what you're doing, and see their growth, see their concerns, see the
52 00:10:43,830 --> 00:10:50,910 the barriers, the speed bumps that they have to go through. So that way remind you that it's not just you that's going through it, it's everyone goes through
53 00:10:50,910 --> 00:11:02,010 the same, I went through it. And most like everything else I've ever taught you, there's going to be this point in which when you're listening to me, or watching
54 00:11:02,010 --> 00:11:10,860 me do executions, or talking about what the markets going to do, you'll have selective hearing, because you're coming to me with your preconceived notions
55 00:11:10,860 --> 00:11:20,730 about what it is that you need. So you think you need to know this or that and then you'll be understanding better when you're sitting down in front of the
56 00:11:20,730 --> 00:11:33,030 charts live. And that is an illusion. I felt that way, as a young man, I felt that, you know, all I had to do is read a few books. And I'd had I'd figured out
57 00:11:34,230 --> 00:11:45,570 not knowing that I was going to be a huge barrier, like you are. And like everybody else that does this, that seven pound universe that's in between your
58 00:11:45,570 --> 00:12:03,660 ears, that brain has a wonderful, I guess, ability to present distractions or reasons not to do certain things or follow rules. And I talked about a mindset
59 00:12:04,260 --> 00:12:14,130 that many people have, but won't admit to it. And the ones that try to resist it, while learning how to trade. They're not going to be successful. And that
60 00:12:14,130 --> 00:12:28,800 trait is needing to be right. I don't open my comments section up in newer videos on my YouTube channel, because it's mostly a sugar fest. Okay. And
61 00:12:28,890 --> 00:12:41,370 honestly, from the outside, if I was looking at my channel, I would swear up and down that those comments, most of them would be fabricated, like created from an
62 00:12:41,370 --> 00:12:50,940 outside third party source that will be making me look like I'm just loved. And while I appreciate that you can you're welcome to do that on Twitter. I mean,
63 00:12:51,000 --> 00:12:59,790 I'm not going to high five, every one of them but with it's meaningful to me and it touches me hearted, but invariably, I'll get the stragglers that come through
64 00:12:59,790 --> 00:13:09,480 my comment section when came through the other day. And his comment was, listen closely, because this is your your five minutes of fame. He says to me, I'm
65 00:13:09,480 --> 00:13:22,320 assuming it's a guy I don't know. He says, I hate your videos. They seem to be only you making yourself sound, right? Well, it's not about being right. But if
66 00:13:22,320 --> 00:13:30,180 I call the market and happens what else you call that? That's accurate, right? And I'm trying the whole premise behind that YouTube channel. And me talking to
67 00:13:30,180 --> 00:13:40,230 you right now is for you to learn how to do this correctly. But your goal is not to be right. Your goal is to be profitable, because you can be incorrect. I've
68 00:13:40,230 --> 00:13:51,630 been incorrect. You watched me do two trades this week. And while they were partial profits taken, the balance was stopped out in the black it means they
69 00:13:51,630 --> 00:14:00,630 didn't get stopped out with a loss. But they were still stopped out. And unless Was I right? No. was the outcome favorable? Yes. In some people's eyes would say
70 00:14:00,630 --> 00:14:08,760 no, you fail because you thought that there was going to go there. But if they would have had that account, and that money transaction was deposit in their
71 00:14:08,760 --> 00:14:19,230 account, they wouldn't look at that as a incorrect execution. They would think that I did something right. Look, I made money. And that's the mindset you need
72 00:14:19,230 --> 00:14:35,400 to be here with. Because in November 2023 I'm gonna turn you loose. And you'll be left to what you have collected in terms of experience, notes, what routine
73 00:14:35,400 --> 00:14:54,690 you've adopted. And you need to be really focusing on how to incur more income. Secondary strain third streams income folks. We are in deep waters, not just in
74 00:14:54,690 --> 00:15:10,140 America, everywhere, so in your heart so Do your due diligence is required in this. And I saw another comment, this guy says, You always talk down to your
75 00:15:10,140 --> 00:15:18,030 students. No, I'm correcting those individuals are out there trying to promote their understanding, which is lacking and trying to create mentorships with
76 00:15:18,030 --> 00:15:30,420 something I just introduced. I just introduced something, and they're out there, whipping up mentorships. That's not the income stream that I was referring to. I
77 00:15:30,420 --> 00:15:40,260 understand that. You know, I'm like the hot topic right now. I will fizzle out. When I stopped putting videos up, and I'm not on Twitter anymore. In November,
78 00:15:40,800 --> 00:15:50,670 it will happen, somebody else will get real hot. And everybody will clamor and follow them. And that's okay. I'm not here for the lifelong worshipping. I don't
79 00:15:50,670 --> 00:16:01,650 want any of that. But I want you to be mindful that when you are training yourself, every day before you sit down and watch a video of mine, or sit down
80 00:16:01,650 --> 00:16:13,830 and listen to these types of discussions, which are all psychological it's the prepare your mind. Okay, it's the prepare you with your mindset about what it is
81 00:16:13,830 --> 00:16:22,800 you're doing. recalibrating yourself, you're not here to make me a celebrity, I don't want to be a celebrity, I don't want to be looked up to in high regard,
82 00:16:22,800 --> 00:16:34,740 like some of you want me to be, I don't want that. You're here to learn how to make money. I have that ability to share with you how to find multiple ways of
83 00:16:34,740 --> 00:16:48,090 doing it in the marketplace. But most of you are trying to do that metal detector guy on the beach, he's looking for someone that lost some coins? Or
84 00:16:48,090 --> 00:16:57,540 maybe they lost their wedding band. And how many times is he really fine, something like that? Probably not all that often. But he knows that what if he
85 00:16:57,540 --> 00:17:06,630 does, it pays for all the times he was out there, plundering around through the sand. But in his mind, he's out there getting some sun, he loves what he's
86 00:17:06,630 --> 00:17:19,080 doing. He has submitted Himself to the process. And if it happens that he finds something, well, that's all the better, but he enjoys doing what he's doing. Do
87 00:17:19,080 --> 00:17:32,940 you enjoy doing this, I saw a tweet this morning from a person saying I hate this by doing this. And I don't know how she quit. The fact that you sat down
88 00:17:32,940 --> 00:17:49,920 and tweeted that you have branded that on your soul. Your very spirit now has that very thing attached to it. And you have no idea is difficulty that you're
89 00:17:49,920 --> 00:18:03,030 going to have to work beyond that. When you vocalize okay because in a tongue, there's power, okay, it's the power of getting life and taking life. Life and
90 00:18:03,030 --> 00:18:15,210 death is in the power of your tongue. I can say to you, you are one of my best students. You are so good at what you've done. You've done so well training and
91 00:18:15,210 --> 00:18:24,450 listening and following all the rules. And if I was to say that to you, you would feel empowered us awesome. I cpwd said that about maintenance is great. I
92 00:18:24,450 --> 00:18:36,360 feel so good. At the war, if I sat down with one of you and said, Look at you, you are a waste of a student. You've done nothing correctly, you've literally
93 00:18:36,360 --> 00:18:45,780 wasted your time. And you don't do anything right. It's all your fault. So be miserable. Stay in that state of mind. I don't, I don't want to waste my time on
94 00:18:45,780 --> 00:18:57,990 you. Wow, nobody wants to hear that. Nobody wants to hear that. I don't talk to my students like that. What I do is I show them what they're doing incorrectly.
95 00:18:58,140 --> 00:19:10,200 So that way they can correct themselves. If you were off course in a ship, one small little degree off early on in your development or your course of
96 00:19:10,530 --> 00:19:21,480 departure, you're leaving your port of departure heading towards some destination. If that ship is off one degree, just one degree over the course of
97 00:19:21,480 --> 00:19:31,230 your entire journey. You will not arrive on time. You might be able to calibrate later on in the middle of the journey when you discover that you're on the wrong
98 00:19:31,230 --> 00:19:43,560 path. But why would you want to do that? Keep your bearings know exactly where you're here, what you're here for why you're here. It's to learn how to make
99 00:19:43,560 --> 00:19:56,130 money. How to read these charts, get that skill set. If you don't focus on that and let that be your number one driving reason for being here. You'll get
100 00:19:56,130 --> 00:20:10,110 distracted with other things. You won't be that diligent without your study, you let the drama, the pain, the discomfort of the process that everybody has to go
101 00:20:10,110 --> 00:20:19,470 through. You want it to be faster. And the more you want it to be faster, quicker for you to understand it, the longer it's going to be. Because you're
102 00:20:19,470 --> 00:20:27,570 wasting time and energy and effort, worrying about how to speed it along, instead of just going through the normal, everyday approach to going through it,
103 00:20:28,650 --> 00:20:33,120 there's only way to go through it is to go forward. That's it.
104 00:20:33,660 --> 00:20:41,220 There's no around shortcut, there's no faster way there's nobody is going to be condensed this so that we understand it correctly, no one thing we can talk
105 00:20:41,220 --> 00:20:49,260 about, that could be an echo, take a small little sampling of something I've said. And it sounds amazing to the first time listener and listener, they'll,
106 00:20:49,440 --> 00:20:56,730 oh, this is awesome. This is great. But I understand that I created it. But it's going to be short in their understanding. And they won't know when the best time
107 00:20:56,730 --> 00:21:10,020 to use that specific tool that approach that mindset. And they leave it to the audience to come with their own result. And they'll pony show that. And they'll
108 00:21:10,020 --> 00:21:19,020 say, look what I'm doing, I'm teaching, I'm making all my students profitable, when the only thing you've done is echoed. And you've done it in an incomplete
109 00:21:19,020 --> 00:21:27,090 manner. That's how I'm talking to my students that are quickly trying to go out there and create a name for themselves as a teacher. If that's what you want to
110 00:21:27,090 --> 00:21:38,190 do, get the experience, learn it properly. You aren't you aren't done learning it. Everything I've taught, I still have things to talk about. None of my
111 00:21:38,190 --> 00:21:52,260 charter members are complete. They may have a model, they may have profitability, they may have no real need to come to me anymore. But if you're
112 00:21:52,260 --> 00:22:00,870 going to weigh out in the balances, do they know everything that I know, or was willing to teach or that I already taught? No, none of them do. Not one of them
113 00:22:00,870 --> 00:22:11,010 do that. Because the ones that are profitable, they found what they were looking for, while going through the process. And none of them have came back to me and
114 00:22:11,010 --> 00:22:19,500 said, what I came to you looking for and had in mind what I was gonna learn. I learned exactly, and it was exactly what I was expecting. They all said, I
115 00:22:19,500 --> 00:22:29,760 didn't even see this coming. And now this is what I trade and I'm completely comfortable. Are you willing to be flexible like that? Because that's what's
116 00:22:29,760 --> 00:22:40,770 required. You have to have that, that flexibility, that ability to adapt. Because again, when you come to someone as a student, or you're not even a
117 00:22:40,770 --> 00:22:48,960 student, yet you come here with the expectation, you're gonna learn how to make money. That's great. Hold on to that. Hold on to that. Because if you don't have
118 00:22:48,960 --> 00:23:03,120 that, you'll quit. Because if you're here to just feel good, like it's some kind of club some kind of a community that just keeps everybody hopped up on
119 00:23:03,120 --> 00:23:13,830 goofballs. Feeling good. And I try to do that, when it's appropriate. When we're expecting certain market mood to happen or a certain level get hit. Now I'll put
120 00:23:13,830 --> 00:23:27,510 some kind of a little bit of a spin on it, whether it be a mean, or some kind of backhanded remark, just to create some emotional response, because that way it
121 00:23:27,510 --> 00:23:34,140 anchors it to you. You'll remember it because of that. Whereas if I just say it's gonna go here, it goes there and I never talk about anymore, just go with
122 00:23:34,440 --> 00:23:48,630 it, you won't see that as something that is a milestone. Which is important to see, marked, logged recorded in a journal. Because you will encounter times when
123 00:23:48,630 --> 00:24:03,300 it feels like you can't do it. It feels like it won't make sense. You can come to me with this spirit of expectation and have the right mindset say okay, I
124 00:24:03,300 --> 00:24:13,380 know nothing, I'm ready to learn. And then what happens is, because I have so many things to teach, I have so many approaches to going into the marketplace
125 00:24:13,380 --> 00:24:26,790 and finding setups. That was my weakness. I was afraid to enter the trades, because I had no real understanding in 1992 what I was doing. So the entirety of
126 00:24:26,790 --> 00:24:40,140 1993 94. I developed entry models, because that's what I was fearful of. And I believed that I needed to be in every price when every time something happened
127 00:24:40,140 --> 00:24:49,470 the marketplace. I had to know why it did that. And because I'm obsessively compulsive. I poured all my energy and time into an understanding what causes
128 00:24:49,470 --> 00:25:02,610 all these types of movements. And that's how I have 81 entry models. Do you need 81 of them? No. I didn't set out to have At one, I didn't set out to have a
129 00:25:02,610 --> 00:25:11,220 specific number I just, this was the outcome. When I had to interview with corbs. You know, he's like you've authored and create a lot of different
130 00:25:11,250 --> 00:25:20,100 approaches and things in the industry that now people are using. How many of you have and I wish, I wish I wouldn't have said the number. Because now what
131 00:25:20,100 --> 00:25:26,730 happens is, everybody assumes that I'm going to teach all 81 of them, I'm not. And if you're thinking, I'm going to put them into books, and that's a reason
132 00:25:26,730 --> 00:25:34,800 why I'm going to buy the books, don't buy the books. Okay, I don't want you thinking that I'm going to talk all that stuff. And in three books, I'm not.
133 00:25:35,700 --> 00:25:48,960 I'll talk about a few ones that have even taught my private mentorship group. Because I want to leave an impression. I want my fingerprints known. So that
134 00:25:48,960 --> 00:26:00,450 way, you'll look back through history. And you'll see more of that. I haven't just been inner circle trader. That's just the longest running name I've used on
135 00:26:00,450 --> 00:26:16,950 internet. Admittedly, it's the most well recognized. But I want to put it down in November, I don't want to be ICT anymore. I just want to be Michael. And when
136 00:26:16,950 --> 00:26:28,710 I leave in November, I want you to feel empowered, not feel like I'm disconnected. And I want you to know that everything I've taught thus far is
137 00:26:28,710 --> 00:26:40,230 more than enough. What have you done with it? See, when you when you come to me, and you want to learn, and you're in the right mindset, and you start learning
138 00:26:40,230 --> 00:26:50,700 new things, and new concepts and approaches and things that help fortify your understanding of price action. You get addicted to that. And I do my best to
139 00:26:50,700 --> 00:27:00,810 make it sticky. So that way, you want to come back, because it's easy to talk yourself out of it in the beginning. It's easy, it's easy to say is this too
140 00:27:00,810 --> 00:27:09,330 hard. It's really too hard, too much effort. You know, why bother? Let me find someone that gives out signals instead of the gentleman that tweeted to me, do I
141 00:27:09,960 --> 00:27:18,690 get that signals, I wasn't making fun of you, I was just retweeting your tweet. Because I knew the community would come along and say, there's no better signal
142 00:27:18,690 --> 00:27:25,800 than the one that you're gonna find on your own. And I'm teaching how to do that. So when I do that, folks, it's not the tweet of shame. I'm not trying to
143 00:27:26,100 --> 00:27:35,190 that throw somebody out there. And in the fields that we there, Wolf packed and torn to shreds. So if you are mean spirited, don't do that. That's not what I'm
144 00:27:35,190 --> 00:27:44,160 doing it for. It's just to encourage them. So that way, they can see that when they're part of this community with the proper mindset. You won't need signals.
145 00:27:45,240 --> 00:27:54,480 But I'm aware, as a mentor, I'm a realist, there's going to be people that come to me with all the right intentions, even with the proper mindset, I will fail
146 00:27:54,480 --> 00:28:07,140 them as a mentor because of something I can't do. And I'm a human, I can't meet every expectation of every student that comes to me. I understand that. And I
147 00:28:07,140 --> 00:28:21,210 wish that I could get that reach, to be able to get that person that I can't fully communicate, they understand that they're lacking. But I'm, I'm a realist,
148 00:28:21,210 --> 00:28:36,000 I know that I'm going to fail. Some of you. In that regard. I will. But it doesn't canceled the responsibility you have. You have to make a real conscious
149 00:28:36,000 --> 00:28:49,170 effort to do this. And stay motivated. And the way you stay motivated is, why are you doing it? Why are you here? Are you here? Because you've seen no
150 00:28:49,170 --> 00:28:58,320 evidence that these things work. Or you've seen evidence that other people have you use the content and they're making real money. Chances are, that's probably
151 00:28:58,320 --> 00:29:06,570 what's happening. I think I'm seeing the biggest growth because of that very thing. People are making money. They're attributing it to what they learned from
152 00:29:06,570 --> 00:29:14,340 me, and I'm so thankful, appreciative that it's all they're asked for. Because when they come here and they hear me, they can you hear me say these words, I
153 00:29:14,340 --> 00:29:27,090 have been blessed. Whether you choose to believe in God or not. I know he exists. And you learned what he gave me. And I'm a firm believer, because I'm
154 00:29:27,090 --> 00:29:37,110 cheerfully giving it to you. He continuously blesses me, not only in this, but he blesses my life and other things as well. You don't have to go to church
155 00:29:37,110 --> 00:29:47,130 because you came to me as a student. I'm not saying that at all. But I want the opportunity for him to receive all the glory, all the praise, all the attention.
156 00:29:47,160 --> 00:29:57,090 I don't want that. If I wanted it, I'd stay around. I'm at the height. Folks. If you think this is all about beating my chest and bragging This is not bragging.
157 00:29:57,270 --> 00:30:10,560 Think listen to what I'm about to say. I'm in The biggest I've ever been. And I'm sure I'll probably have more following come November, and I'm leaving. I'm
158 00:30:10,560 --> 00:30:20,130 canceling everything everybody's ever said about me. I'm not what everyone that doesn't like me or wants to tear me down. I'm not like that. I've never been
159 00:30:20,130 --> 00:30:28,650 that way. I actively do things even in my personal time, when I first wake up in the morning, all of you are my first thoughts.
160 00:30:30,210 --> 00:30:41,340 Every single one of you, whether you're my private students, or my public students, you're my first thought, even before my own children. My passion is in
161 00:30:41,340 --> 00:30:50,820 helping other people, my children are in my head in my care, they're in my hands. I'm not worrying about them. But I'm worried about you, the person that
162 00:30:50,820 --> 00:30:57,510 watches a video and thinks you understand everything, because you watch the video at two times the speed, without even taking notes and ticking, I'm gonna
163 00:30:57,510 --> 00:31:08,400 go out there and do it with my Live account. I don't want you to do that. I want you to learn it properly, I want you to be absolutely bored to death, that you
164 00:31:08,400 --> 00:31:16,950 know exactly what you're doing. That's how you know you're ready to trade. That's how you know, it's good for you to go out there and try to get those
165 00:31:16,950 --> 00:31:28,560 funded accounts, it's good for you to then consider trading with real money, because you know, that you're not all hopped up. You're not excited about making
166 00:31:28,560 --> 00:31:41,970 the money. You're just while I'm ready. I'm not scared. I'm not terribly excited. I'm gonna be overconfident, I just this is the rule based idea I'm
167 00:31:41,970 --> 00:31:50,130 following. It seems to work a lot. It fails sometimes, but I'm able to come back from that. It doesn't knock the legs out from underneath me. It just means I
168 00:31:50,130 --> 00:31:59,280 took a loss. And then I have to keep doing what I'm supposed to be doing. Keep the losses minimized. And let money management and trade management in the model
169 00:31:59,280 --> 00:32:12,960 I follow dictate the outcome. And don't put time limits on your success. I have to be this by that. No, you don't trust me, that date on the calendar that time
170 00:32:13,140 --> 00:32:24,780 will come and you'll still be here breathing, the things around, you will still be the way they are. Even if you don't get there because that was a goal you
171 00:32:24,780 --> 00:32:41,550 set. goals have to be flexible. They're time based, yes. But they're not in stone. They're just coordinates. I'm aiming for this destination. Well, your
172 00:32:41,550 --> 00:32:52,590 destination should be excellence. That's it. You should always be aiming for excellence. And you're gonna find that you don't have to calibrate yourself
173 00:32:52,770 --> 00:33:02,580 throughout the progress and process of getting to that destination, you're not going to get there overnight. Nobody Believe me, man. If there was somebody on
174 00:33:02,580 --> 00:33:12,270 this planet that was going to be able to do it overnight, I swear to God, I believe I was going to be it. Look at the level of accuracy that my skill set
175 00:33:12,540 --> 00:33:22,410 and concepts have given to other people and what I'm able to showcase before it happens I explained to you what's gonna happen. And I still still can't be what
176 00:33:22,410 --> 00:33:34,680 I thought I was going to be. When I first started. When I first started to really understand what I had in my hands because me as a human being, I wrestle
177 00:33:34,680 --> 00:33:45,720 with this, I was gonna reply this phone. This not none of us a guy or girl now, think about it. But one of the guys follow me on Twitter. They mentioned like,
178 00:33:45,720 --> 00:33:58,950 you know, how do you overcome when you don't do it, right. If you lose money, like how do you keep pressing forward? Well, it gets back to what you're doing.
179 00:34:00,090 --> 00:34:14,070 While you're doing it. See, I've worked a lot of stupid jobs. And while you're driving down to Florida, ask my wife I said, when you were younger, you how many
180 00:34:14,070 --> 00:34:26,610 jobs have you had? And she's like, I don't know. And we've sat there and thought about thought about and her list was really, really short. I had like 27 jobs.
181 00:34:28,470 --> 00:34:40,050 27 jobs as a young man. I've bounced around like now, some of them are like one or two days. But I was there right. I was there. I did the job. And I said The
182 00:34:40,050 --> 00:34:51,840 hell with this. I ain't doing this. As soon as I got under the pressure of someone I knew was an idiot that did not know what they're doing. I couldn't be
183 00:34:51,840 --> 00:34:58,590 under them. I was like, you know, I can't this this person has no idea what they're doing. They don't know how to manage people they don't even know their
184 00:34:58,590 --> 00:35:06,480 own job and If you're going to sign on to a job, and they're not going to properly train you, what does that mean? You're gonna be stressed out. And
185 00:35:06,480 --> 00:35:14,070 chances are, they're probably going to get rid of you anyway because you aren't able to do the job that they can't train you to do properly anyway. So, see you.
186 00:35:15,420 --> 00:35:29,340 Well, in this endeavor, I tried to be the best manager. If you were to come to me, as a student, I look at you as a college student, I'm the college itself and
187 00:35:29,340 --> 00:35:40,620 the college professor. I'm the teacher. Okay, so I'm trying to fill all those seats, wear all those hats, and I'm trying to be as personable as I possibly
188 00:35:40,620 --> 00:35:49,620 can. I am giving you more time than any other person out there, whether they charge money or do it for free. Nobody is investing more into you than I am.
189 00:35:50,550 --> 00:36:03,240 Nobody is. I'm doing it more than you are. I believe in you more than you do. I know what you're doing incorrectly. And I know how to overcome that. But whether
190 00:36:03,240 --> 00:36:11,520 you're willing to listen to that good advice or not, remains to be seen. And I have students that don't want to listen. And they stay exactly where they
191 00:36:11,520 --> 00:36:22,950 started when he first came here. And some of them get bent out of shape. And they blame their failure on me. And it's not accurate. You're just doing things
192 00:36:22,950 --> 00:36:40,950 incorrectly or not doing the things I'm told you to do. Or doing it long enough. It took me six years. Six years, folks, what if I would have said, Alright,
193 00:36:40,950 --> 00:36:48,780 guys, my name is Michael Huddleston. I know how to trade these markets. I'm going to show you what to do. I'm going to prove it beforehand. And I'll show
194 00:36:48,780 --> 00:36:54,810 you what is going to do Bada bing, bada boom. And as I said, at the end of 30 days of calling every single day correctly, and it did exactly what I was
195 00:36:54,810 --> 00:37:06,900 selected to do. Say, Okay, now who wants to sign up? To learn how to do this, it's going to take you six years. Right away, I got things to do. I got sorry,
196 00:37:06,900 --> 00:37:20,550 there's a guy over on YouTube is doing something in discord for 30 hours a month, I'm gonna go there. Now. So the way I teach, is I lay bread crumbs down,
197 00:37:21,360 --> 00:37:30,420 I gave you what I think is going to happen in the future. So I, I predict the future, using tools and concepts that I've already taught. So that way, you can
198 00:37:30,420 --> 00:37:42,360 see, does this resonate with you? Do you like the feeling of seeing us as a community, look for the market to do a specific thing. And then when it comes to
199 00:37:42,360 --> 00:37:57,690 pass? How do you feel? Do you feel empowered? Do you feel like it's just luck? Do you feel like it is just another day at the job? It should be that just
200 00:37:57,690 --> 00:38:10,260 another day at the job. When you go to work this coming week for those of you have jobs do you feel like you need to go home and tell your friends and co
201 00:38:10,260 --> 00:38:22,770 workers that you meet outside the workplace? Or go online and say I had the most amazing day at work. You have no idea I processed so many accounts. today. I was
202 00:38:22,890 --> 00:38:30,960 ahead of everybody else looking at look how many accounts I processed today. And I only lost one customer but I got it back because I picked up a new customer
203 00:38:30,960 --> 00:38:40,230 over here. That's the same thing what everybody wants to do in trading. They want to go do their trades. Go on social media and say Look Look at this trade I
204 00:38:40,230 --> 00:38:48,330 did over here. I mean this many pips I made this many handles this many points. Yeah, I got I got stopped out over here but I got it back. Have you correct him
205 00:38:48,330 --> 00:39:00,210 on drawdown? Look at this. That's not the right mindset. You don't do your job. Why? Because nobody gives a fuck. Nobody cares. Nobody cares what you did to
206 00:39:00,210 --> 00:39:11,790 earn your paycheck. They don't care. They only care what you drive where you sleep, how you spend your money, what you dress like because they want the
207 00:39:11,850 --> 00:39:20,700 content where they are in the skin they're in right now. They want to live a different life. So that's what everybody is pursuing. So that's the influence.
208 00:39:21,210 --> 00:39:34,680 Okay, the influencer that that factor. I have influencer factor within my name my brand who I am. I'm not promoting fast cars, fast life, everything else. I
209 00:39:34,680 --> 00:39:42,870 have lots of nice things. I have lots of money. I have lots of everything. I have freedom, all that business. I'm teaching you not to look at that stuff.
210 00:39:43,170 --> 00:40:05,040 Don't care about that stuff. Because that is you short term gratification. That's it short term gratification. That stuff doesn't make me happy. Doing this
211 00:40:05,310 --> 00:40:19,770 helping all of you. I love that I have 100,000 on our cars that sit most of the time. Most of you say, Well, if I had a car like that I'd be driving I would
212 00:40:20,850 --> 00:40:31,530 not, if you were doing what we're doing, you're gonna be doing this, you're gonna be looking for new, new things to explore new experiences, not collecting
213 00:40:31,530 --> 00:40:46,380 things, collecting things, is a waste. It's more things to worry about. Think about it. Having a nice car. I don't ever like getting out of it and leaving it
214 00:40:46,380 --> 00:41:00,420 anywhere. Because people are just jerks. I've had my cars keyed up. And I was parked away from everybody else. So you can't have nice things and not worry
215 00:41:00,420 --> 00:41:08,760 about them. And just because you can afford to replace them doesn't change the fact that you just don't want tore up. So when you come here, you shouldn't be
216 00:41:08,760 --> 00:41:16,860 looking at me as a conduit to get you to that lifestyle. So you can go out there and influence like that, because that's the most repulsive thing. I can't stand
217 00:41:16,860 --> 00:41:25,170 it. I've never been like that. Look at my cars, look at my house, look around going on vacation. Look what I'm wearing, look how much money I've wasted on
218 00:41:25,170 --> 00:41:37,710 watches for going into a Rolex store, then buying a knockoff. And saying, here's, here's a Rolex I thought you didn't buy real Rolex. And by the way,
219 00:41:37,710 --> 00:41:55,410 Rolex sucks. Sorry, for your feelings, but they are garbage. Patek Phillipe, that's a patch. But I digress. When you come as a student, you fall sometimes
220 00:41:55,410 --> 00:42:10,980 into a trap of ever learning but never coming to your own model. And you're much like my daughter, my daughter, God bless her. She is a constant drain from my
221 00:42:10,980 --> 00:42:20,610 bank account. And I understand that, yeah, take care your kids, I understand that, okay, but she's coming up on 30 years old. And she's the oldest of all my
222 00:42:20,610 --> 00:42:43,890 children. She's not biologically mine. But she has. I'm convinced this fear of failing what she set out to do. And to combat that, she has become an there's a
223 00:42:43,890 --> 00:42:54,750 point. And that's it. Don't don't lose sight or get bored by this because it's pertains to you. But because she's afraid to lose and fail. The things that she
224 00:42:54,750 --> 00:43:05,100 went to college for originally, she no longer pursued, it was always a constant changing in her major. So the only thing she's really obtained in all the years
225 00:43:05,100 --> 00:43:16,200 since high school is new, new classes and credits that are no longer going towards her original goal, which was to be a teacher. That's what she wanted to
226 00:43:16,200 --> 00:43:29,760 do. And we were all behind her again, it's great to do it. And when she got into college, against my advice, I told her not to do it. And some of the things that
227 00:43:29,760 --> 00:43:40,830 I saw in her as a child and an early teen, I was corrected, she's very indecisive, and she doesn't want to fail. Well, that's kind of like everybody
228 00:43:40,830 --> 00:43:50,160 when you're a teenager. But many of you probably still have those traits right now as a fledgling student in learning how to trade. And what will happen is, is
229 00:43:50,160 --> 00:44:02,850 what she's found herself in, she's constantly learning something new. Now, from her perspective, if you listen to her, she'll say, I'm doing this because I feel
230 00:44:02,850 --> 00:44:09,810 like this is where I should go, I should do this. But it's always changing every every three months. He's changing course and changing direction. Now imagine if
231 00:44:09,810 --> 00:44:17,340 you got on a cruise ship, and you're supposed to go from the coast of California, to Hawaii, like I'm hoping to do in the spring of next year. But
232 00:44:17,340 --> 00:44:25,980 there's always this change, of course, and you never really get there. You know, you're gonna be happy about that. No. You want to get to a specific destination,
233 00:44:26,310 --> 00:44:35,340 and our expectations and her as parents. We're scratching our head thinking like What the hell's going on here. But you've been in college college college costs,
234 00:44:35,340 --> 00:44:44,460 and you haven't even got your four year degree yet. You got an Associate's, but then you keep changing your major. And this is my opinion. And I've only made
235 00:44:44,460 --> 00:44:53,010 this known to you now at this time, and my wife knows about it, but I wouldn't sit down with her and tell her this because the times I tried to do it, it just
236 00:44:53,010 --> 00:45:00,960 she clammed up and got mad and resentful towards me and that just don't want to be a discouragement to her. So it's her life. You know, let her a little bit
237 00:45:00,960 --> 00:45:12,810 longer she wants to live it, but from an outside perspective and also being her father, I'm thinking that she is providing a perfect excuse why she never has to
238 00:45:14,160 --> 00:45:27,480 experience potential failure. I think she knows her heart of hearts. She's not equipped to be a teacher, I don't believe she is. She doesn't want children. So
239 00:45:27,480 --> 00:45:36,240 how can you possibly be a good teacher? If you are opposed to having children, but you will never have children? We will never be grandparents because of her.
240 00:45:37,560 --> 00:45:46,110 So how does that relate to you as a trader? And what does that even mean to you why you listen to this? When you come to me, and you see all these videos, and
241 00:45:46,110 --> 00:45:54,600 always something new coming from ICT, the people that don't like me or have a competitive mindset, or they have something they're selling themselves? See, I'm
242 00:45:54,600 --> 00:46:03,570 constantly giving out fresh, new ideas. They have one trick pony stuff, usually retail garbage, okay. And this is the stuff when I start talking like this, it
243 00:46:03,570 --> 00:46:09,690 gets them all pissed off, and you want to make videos about me talk about me, do tweets, take things and they go on podcasts and interviews and he talks about
244 00:46:09,690 --> 00:46:20,100 me. I'm not talking about these Yahoo's these losers, okay, but they're all they all have my name and their mail. They're only doing that because I'm crushing
245 00:46:20,100 --> 00:46:30,210 them. I'm literally beating the fuck out of their sales. Because when people come here, they realize why am I wasting my money buying this stuff? And why am
246 00:46:30,210 --> 00:46:35,850 I worried about trying to get their opinion on this guy, but here's calling it before it happens and doing it on Twitter, right here before and here it is,
247 00:46:35,880 --> 00:46:43,950 it's on YouTube, he's doing videos the same as that where it's going to go, it's going, Who are you going to spend money on. When you see somebody doing that,
248 00:46:44,190 --> 00:46:50,820 and then teaches you how to do that, of course, they're gonna be mad, you're gonna hate me, they're gonna hate my acid and make up champagne and true about
249 00:46:50,820 --> 00:47:04,200 me, because they want you to not spend a time here. Because if you spend time with me, you're going to learn how to do this. But some of you, some of you will
250 00:47:04,200 --> 00:47:19,080 get caught up in this trap of constantly learning. Because you're afraid to sit down with one model. One model, follow the rules, stick to that process, and let
251 00:47:19,080 --> 00:47:29,640 it yield, whatever experience is intended for you. And then you have a baseline. That's why I could literally give out a model every single day. And some of you
252 00:47:29,640 --> 00:47:38,070 want me to do that. But the only thing that's going to do is, is click a dog and a meat market, you ain't gonna know what to do, you're gonna run around, just
253 00:47:38,130 --> 00:47:48,630 chase everything. Instead, simply sit down. So you know what, I'll just have a full length, thank you. And I've done that with the 2020 model. I've done that
254 00:47:48,660 --> 00:47:58,770 just recently with the silver bullet model. You don't have to have anything, I have lots more coming. But you don't have to have anything else. The optimal
255 00:47:58,770 --> 00:48:14,130 trade entry was enough ote pattern, the flagship that was on my YouTube channel. That's enough. The 21 Two model. That's enough. You can use it in every session,
256 00:48:14,340 --> 00:48:24,600 London, New York. pm session in New York. You can use it in London clothes, you can trade it in forex, you can trade it in futures, you can trade it in crypto,
257 00:48:24,600 --> 00:48:35,520 you can trade it and whatever the fuck you want to trade it in, it works. There's no excuse, you have zero excuse not to have some baseline by now. You
258 00:48:35,520 --> 00:48:42,480 should have some kind of experience we have. So you know what this shit works. And I have to work on refining it. But I know it works. Because I've seen it in
259 00:48:42,480 --> 00:48:48,780 back testing, looking at where it has done this in the past, I tell you what time to look for these things to form. That way, you're not just going around
260 00:48:48,780 --> 00:48:57,900 and looking at charts blindly go right to the specific times of the day. That's where it's going to form. For those people that go back in their old data and
261 00:48:57,900 --> 00:49:06,840 their old charts, and they study that they see it. They don't need me to do 50 examples of that they don't even see me do it live 50 times a week. They are
262 00:49:06,870 --> 00:49:17,370 they're sold on the idea, okay, there's something here. It's it merits more investigation. Because I see the evidence of this thing occurring. It's not
263 00:49:17,370 --> 00:49:27,180 contrived. It's not conjecture. It's not made up. It's not fabricated. It's really happening every day. And once you see that, you don't need to have
264 00:49:27,180 --> 00:49:36,330 anybody else to cheerlead for you you know, okay, there's something here, I'm gonna mind that. So I give you just a few models. So that way you go in and you
265 00:49:36,330 --> 00:49:46,440 now start working on the skill sets that are required. Not veering off course. You hopping from one PD array, one approach Fairbury get inversion berry
266 00:49:47,100 --> 00:50:01,110 breakers, you know, market maker models buy sell. There's 1000 things out there that I teach. Every individual one of them is a model Every single one of them
267 00:50:01,260 --> 00:50:14,100 isn't an individual model. But I give you like, is, this is the best way to learn. I'm allowing you to pick your weapon. I've opened my arsenal doors. So
268 00:50:14,100 --> 00:50:19,530 here it is. Look what I have here. Pick your weapon.
269 00:50:21,060 --> 00:50:31,890 But nothing changes when it comes to time. Time of day, these things occur at specific times, certain days of the week, certain weeks of the month, certain
270 00:50:31,890 --> 00:50:48,840 months of the year. I'm allowing you to bring your personality, your personal influence, because you're the You're the problem. And you're the last puzzle
271 00:50:48,840 --> 00:50:56,340 piece. See some of you're sitting around here, you're writing diligent notes, you're doing this, you're doing that. And it's wonderful. But you're all waiting
272 00:50:56,340 --> 00:51:09,810 for that last penny to drop. The last ICT puzzle piece, and then it's all kind of come together. It's all going to be crystal clear once he tells me this one
273 00:51:09,810 --> 00:51:27,240 beat the 81 PD earase that that the AB one final last one. That's That's it. That's it. That's the Holy Grail? No, it's not. If you walked over to your
274 00:51:27,240 --> 00:51:38,700 mirror, right now, if you're driving, look in your rearview mirror, just look at yourself real quick, not too long you're driving. That's the final puzzle piece.
275 00:51:40,380 --> 00:51:51,420 It's always been you. You're the reason why you succeed. And you're the reason why you haven't succeeded yet. And ultimately, you and you will under the only
276 00:51:51,420 --> 00:52:02,820 reason why you're going to fail. That's not me talking down to you. That's me telling you the way it is. That's just the way it is. If you don't have a
277 00:52:02,820 --> 00:52:12,780 baseline, which is what the 2022 model will give you that silver bullet and the optimal trade entry, if you don't have a baseline experience, going through the
278 00:52:12,780 --> 00:52:21,300 motions of okay, this is the time of day that markets should do these specific things. Well, what's that mean? One creates usually the high or low today. New
279 00:52:21,300 --> 00:52:29,670 York is usually a continuation unless London was a consolidation didn't do much. Then the reversal or higher though that they will form in New York. Oh, there
280 00:52:29,670 --> 00:52:35,640 you go. There's one of the little things that always tuck in when people are usually getting tired and bored and turn the video off and turn a presentation
281 00:52:35,640 --> 00:52:50,040 on. They don't get that. But that is the way it works. linen clothes are the end of the session is usually for forex, the higher low of the day. The opposing
282 00:52:50,040 --> 00:53:01,350 higher load. That's why I'm a fan of trading Forex past one o'clock in New York local time. Does that mean no trading after that? No, it just means focus on NX
283 00:53:01,350 --> 00:53:14,790 features. But like my daughter, she is a professional student because she feels safe. As a professional student. Are you a professional ICT student? Because if
284 00:53:14,790 --> 00:53:29,940 you are you're not going to succeed I'll say it again. Are you coming to me for a constant dose of something new but have done nothing with what I've already
285 00:53:29,940 --> 00:53:43,590 given you? Then you're a professional student, and they don't pay professional students, you always have to pay out of pocket. Are you a professional
286 00:53:43,590 --> 00:53:53,310 procrastinator, because that's the equivalent, you keep procrastinating you have to put the sleeves up. You have to sit down, turn off all the distractions,
287 00:53:53,640 --> 00:54:05,640 social media, sports, weekend living all that stuff. There's plenty of time to do that later. And you can be at affording it better than right now. You don't
288 00:54:05,640 --> 00:54:14,400 have time for that. You can't afford it. You have to be putting all your effort and attention into this because what's coming folks is a shitstorm that nobody's
289 00:54:14,400 --> 00:54:28,590 ever seen before. It's gonna ramp up real fast. And things that you have grown accustomed to and things are always gonna be like this. It won't be and things
290 00:54:28,590 --> 00:54:43,920 are gonna get really expensive, harder to get. So you want to be able to have a secondary income, a third income, a means of mitigating any potential loss of
291 00:54:43,920 --> 00:54:54,270 job if stops didn't Sweden they just lost their job. They were either made redundant or just knew the company said that you're done. Imagine that. The
292 00:54:54,270 --> 00:55:10,290 children in a mortgage right now. What a shrinking job market That's scary. I'm not, I'm not too well off and not understanding and respect the fact that if I
293 00:55:10,290 --> 00:55:20,280 was in that situation, I would be scared. And I tell my wife all the time, I'm like, I don't know how average people are affording things right now. Like, it's
294 00:55:20,280 --> 00:55:37,470 expensive. We spent like 3700 hours, just for three days down in Clearwater. We stayed at the Hyatt Regency. And, you know, was it worth all that? No, she had
295 00:55:37,470 --> 00:55:51,660 fun, I preferred Panama City Beach, they have better beaches. But the amount of money I spent, like I could have paid for a whole year's worth of groceries, non
296 00:55:51,690 --> 00:56:03,030 perishable food. And driving back to what I said, it feels like a waste. Like, it felt like there was a complete waste. Being there, you know, I wish the
297 00:56:03,030 --> 00:56:16,470 witness did as much time there. And for the folks in Florida, as dropped us in here to the tinfoil. I told you last year that and for the folks have been
298 00:56:16,470 --> 00:56:25,230 around me longer, you're gonna see stuff taken off in Florida and Texas, because they're going to punish those states. They don't want people going down there.
299 00:56:26,070 --> 00:56:33,480 Everybody thought, we're going to run away from all the things that's going on, we're gonna go down to Texas, or go down to Florida, Mariah escape all those
300 00:56:33,720 --> 00:56:50,040 demonic demons that we call Democrats, you just ran right into the fire jumped out of the frying pan right into fire. So where's all your construction workers
301 00:56:50,040 --> 00:56:59,760 right now, in Florida. Look at those housing communities that are being developed, who's putting them together right now? Probably real quiet near right
302 00:56:59,760 --> 00:57:14,130 now. Disney's leaving all that stuff that was happening in Texas. And you couldn't give me a house down there. No way. It could be extravagant, I wouldn't
303 00:57:14,130 --> 00:57:27,120 live there. And it's going to get worse down here. And they're going to allow more of it. The people that are in power are placed there. Even when the ones
304 00:57:27,120 --> 00:57:39,810 you think you can trust, they're all part of it. And it's gonna get worse. And because I'm vocalizing my thoughts about this stuff, this is why it doesn't
305 00:57:39,810 --> 00:57:50,550 appear on my YouTube channel. Because they would take the channel down. I do it here. And I know, people take it and put it up on their YouTube channel. But
306 00:57:50,580 --> 00:57:59,730 understand, these are the parts, these parts, you'll probably lose your monetization because you're monetizing these Twitter spaces. And I never said
307 00:57:59,730 --> 00:58:07,920 you couldn't do it. I don't care if you're doing it, I don't care. I don't care if there's no movie doing it. But just be mindful, because of the things I'm
308 00:58:07,920 --> 00:58:16,470 talking about when I'm talking about like this, you could possibly lose the monetization because I have friends that run channels that are outside the scope
309 00:58:16,500 --> 00:58:25,260 of trading. So they're not like, they're not traitors, there's people that do certain things. And when YouTube and they talked about this stuff, and they lost
310 00:58:25,260 --> 00:58:33,060 your channel. And that's the reason why I don't do the tinfoil hat discussions on my YouTube channel. It's not it's not the purpose of that channel, do that.
311 00:58:33,900 --> 00:58:42,660 But over here, I don't care if they turn off Twitter, click here to close this account. I don't care if they take my SoundCloud, I don't care. But if I lose
312 00:58:42,660 --> 00:58:53,610 the voice I have in the trading community by having this type of discussion in my YouTube videos or the place in one of those videos that will get under my
313 00:58:53,610 --> 00:59:03,390 skin. Because I have put a lot of work and effort and time in those videos. And I did it with the kindness of my heart to say, look, this is my my gift to the
314 00:59:03,390 --> 00:59:15,210 community as a trader and mentor, human. I want it to be received and appreciated. And that's the reason why not do those discussions over there.
315 00:59:15,210 --> 00:59:26,130 Because you trust me, trust me when I tell you, okay, there are lots of channels out there, that's going to get wasted here shown real real soon. The Ministry of
316 00:59:26,130 --> 00:59:35,580 Truth is going to be established here just like it is in other places. And don't take my word for it. Just sit back and watch what happens. And that's going to
317 00:59:35,580 --> 00:59:45,540 cause stress and anxiety. The fact that things are gonna be so hard to afford. There's going to be stress and anxiety for everyone. I got lots of money. I'm
318 00:59:45,540 --> 00:59:59,880 still bitching about how much things cost because it's astronomical right now. It's ridiculous what things are costing if you don't have a sound, baseline and
319 00:59:59,880 --> 01:00:11,190 I'm model that you've grown to trust? How do you think you're going to be able to trade when it gets hard? What have you done the last six weeks? I've been on
320 01:00:11,190 --> 01:00:13,290 vacation because I knew the market was gonna perform for me.
321 01:00:15,360 --> 01:00:24,990 This is what I teach my students and charter members, you're listening? Did I not talk about this? In our daily discussions? If it ain't right? Leroy, do
322 01:00:24,990 --> 01:00:38,490 something else unplug? So I did. I took myself away. Because invariably, if I stay on social media, I'll see somebody say something. It'll spark my engines.
323 01:00:39,450 --> 01:00:46,950 See someone talk about this is the best way to trade. And it's nonsense. And I'll feel like I have to say something in regards to that. And I'll go in doing
324 01:00:46,950 --> 01:00:58,170 something that I'm teaching the opposite. So because I've told you that risks were high, the Mark was likely to consolidate, sit back and wait. And I had
325 01:00:58,200 --> 01:01:07,890 another guy. On my comment section, I can see every comment is made on the videos, but I'm not authorizing any of them because too much to babysit had a
326 01:01:07,890 --> 01:01:16,140 lot of people spamming and goobers that they're trying to draw attention to their stupid as YouTube channels that don't even teach it. But the Joker
327 01:01:18,270 --> 01:01:27,690 constantly puts these little I made so much money following this moment in Bitcoin. I can't block that person and not they're always coming up. So but
328 01:01:27,690 --> 01:01:40,590 there's a comment that came in. Guy says, stop trading as nobody likes it anymore. Trade something else like gold? No, you simply wait. See, that mindset
329 01:01:40,590 --> 01:01:47,610 says, that's a person that wants to be trading all the time. And that's a person that's going to lose their money, that's a person that's going to lose, and
330 01:01:47,610 --> 01:02:04,380 fail. So you don't want to do those types of things. You want to find a mindset, and all the things I'm teaching you find your path your way and grow there. Look
331 01:02:04,380 --> 01:02:13,440 what happened as last six weeks, you should have been back testing, not trying to trade not trying to get your funded account past that was telling you low
332 01:02:13,440 --> 01:02:23,280 probability, low probability, was able to take trades. Yeah. But were they frequently and, and having a lot now that I told you in YouTube, this is what I
333 01:02:23,280 --> 01:02:30,210 think is gonna happen. Isn't it funny how it came out and gave you that analysis report, everything started moving around again. I know what I'm looking for. I'm
334 01:02:30,210 --> 01:02:38,220 teaching you how to do the things I'm teaching you to study and look for when those things occur. And price action. That's when you that's when you engage,
335 01:02:38,220 --> 01:02:47,580 that's when you attack it. But if it's not there, you do nothing. And you don't worry and wiggling and drive in your skin and think missing out. No, you don't
336 01:02:47,610 --> 01:02:57,210 jump to another market. You become a specialist and you wait like a sniper you wait, because that price will walk its way into your crosshairs. And when it
337 01:02:57,210 --> 01:03:17,490 does. Boom. Another one bites the dust. You're here to grow your p&l. That's it. p&l profit and loss statement. Are you profitable? Are you profitable in your
338 01:03:17,490 --> 01:03:26,730 learning? And now that you're trading? Should you become more extreme with real money? Are you profitable? That's the reason why you're here. Your goal is that
339 01:03:26,760 --> 01:03:36,390 not Let's just hang out and be friends with ICT. Let's get ICT there respond to my tweet, you know, I'm not a celebrity, please don't expect a celebrity type
340 01:03:36,390 --> 01:03:44,910 response. I don't want that. to Don't treat me like one. I'm just one of the guys. Okay, I have something I want to share. I'm trying to be as down to earth
341 01:03:44,940 --> 01:03:58,380 and practical and just approachable. And some of you just keep trying to push me up. I don't want to be higher than I am. The views fine where I'm at. But you're
342 01:03:58,380 --> 01:04:08,790 here to learn a skill set. It's going to require you to work very hard. Silver Bullet time based you can use in every session. What do you what are you doing
343 01:04:08,790 --> 01:04:20,700 with it? Are you back testing it? Do you have a college mindset? Are you coming to me on a scholarship basis where you feel like you can fuck off a little bit
344 01:04:20,700 --> 01:04:28,620 because you didn't come out your pocket? That's not the right mindset. If you were paying for college and again of your own pocket, you'll be doing it
345 01:04:28,650 --> 01:04:37,530 differently. Wouldn't you be showing up on time taking due diligence and notes and practicing and studying and canceling all the weekend? You wouldn't be doing
346 01:04:37,530 --> 01:04:46,140 any of those things. Most of you come to me with a grade school mindset where you feel like you can fuck off. I got plenty of time and as I watch this video
347 01:04:46,140 --> 01:04:52,410 and we want to get around to it. I'll take notes when it's something important. This guy talks a lot of bullshit Okay, I'll get that. Let's get to the point
348 01:04:52,410 --> 01:05:05,220 ICT. I'll write down when it's impactful to me. That's a great school Mensa mindset you feel like you can pick and choose But you should know. The ICT
349 01:05:05,220 --> 01:05:13,050 mentorship mindset is independent thinker. You, you understand that what you're learning is going to earn you an income, and you write your own checks. And you
350 01:05:13,050 --> 01:05:27,750 don't have a mindset that is framed on Gob the job. So you have to create this baseline. And I've only done this small sampling of models because it's very
351 01:05:27,750 --> 01:05:40,440 small list to choose from. So that we it promotes discipline on your part, and allows you to produce your own experience that I can't give you. You can't buy
352 01:05:40,440 --> 01:05:50,370 it from somebody else's course. They can't teach it to you, your experiences, which you garnered from the time and studied in the effort you put behind
353 01:05:50,580 --> 01:06:02,010 everything that you've done. So it gives you a realistic expectation. And I give you the realistic chance to, to make it in this because I'm allowing you to get
354 01:06:02,010 --> 01:06:08,130 out of your own damn way. If you don't get out of your way, you're going to be the impediment, you're the problem, you're the barrier. You're the thing, the
355 01:06:08,130 --> 01:06:18,240 last piece of the puzzle. You have already been taught everything that's necessary to make lots of fucking money consistently. And I've also taught you
356 01:06:18,360 --> 01:06:31,290 when not to do something sit still. And it's okay. Hundreds of handles have been made hundreds of handles, you see that? I explained where it's going to go, why
357 01:06:31,290 --> 01:06:40,320 it's going to behave the way it is. And I'm teaching a new concept, the sixth Sr. and I just introduced a silver bullet. Stop making tutorial videos, folks,
358 01:06:40,500 --> 01:06:49,080 because you're not ready to be teaching it. That's not me talking down to my students. That's me telling you the truth. You're trying to promote incomplete
359 01:06:49,140 --> 01:07:00,630 information. I promise you, you'll have all kinds of candy to spread around on your YouTube channel come November. But let me teach it properly first. Okay.
360 01:07:01,530 --> 01:07:07,470 That's all I'm asking. Because you're making it harder for me as a mentor while you're doing that, people are coming to me, this guy or this gal says this, this
361 01:07:07,470 --> 01:07:14,460 this and they're doing this, they're doing that the 90 minute cycles, they said this and do that. Not You just wait. It takes time to get through this
362 01:07:14,460 --> 01:07:23,160 information. But I'm also doing things real time. I could sit down and do everything from hindsight perspective. And be complete theory. But there's gonna
363 01:07:23,160 --> 01:07:28,680 be a lot of you saying, This is bullshit, because if it worked, you have been doing it. I'm doing it. Then explain how I did it. And it's something you're
364 01:07:28,680 --> 01:07:35,100 discovering. Oh, shit, that isn't that core content. Oh, it's already on his YouTube channel. How about that? Yeah, I'm not reinventing the wheel. I've
365 01:07:35,100 --> 01:07:44,220 already created the wheel. It's on my YouTube channel, use it, study it. What are you doing with it? It's great to be part of a community and I'm trying to
366 01:07:44,220 --> 01:07:57,090 cultivate a very supportive community. But don't get stuck in that mindset. You came here to learn how to make money. Don't fucking forget that. Enjoy the rest
367 01:07:57,090 --> 01:08:00,300 of the weekend. Until next time, be safe.