
Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2022-12-29 08:31


00:19 - What we’re going to be doing in 2023.

03:36 - You don’t want to be emotional in your trading -.

07:10 - Live streaming is a fascinating study of human psychology.

11:48 - Building your confidence in yourself -.

16:36 - The words I’m going to be using are very very important.

24:50 - You’re going to find longevity by looking for one thing to repeat.

28:20 - You don’t need me to push a button -.

30:53 - You have to have a spirit of expectation.

34:52 - What it’s like to be mentored by someone who knows how to do it -.

42:31 - Get to the point where you’re ready to learn.

46:20 - When you get to high school, you have to go into the real world and continue your education.

49:40 - Why you don’t want your trading to be like the Olympics -.

51:17 - The young crowd and influencers -.

58:06 - You can’t be divided in your mind -.

01:00:30 - Why you should never use certapro painters.

01:04:25 - What’s going to happen to the market.

01:07:48 - You don’t need to be trading any one particular market over another. There’s a big move every year.

01:10:36 - Why you don’t need to be a long-term trend follower.

01:17:42 - When you don’t listen to what the market tells you, you’re full of shit.

01:21:18 - Why did you get into the S&P?

01:23:50 - Don’t look at what I’m showing as a trade result, let the management be the driver.

01:28:09 - Tradingview has a lightning bolt at the bottom of the chart.

01:35:20 - The gambler, the analyst, the trader, and the gambler -.

01:39:34 - Live streamers and how they trade in their markets.

01:42:54 - How to tell if a magician or performer is lying.

01:46:25 - What’s the most important thing?

01:55:46 - You need to feel like you’re doing the right thing with your life.

01:59:31 - You already know that you’re going to be that person -.

02:02:09 - Why I love my students because they will record their shit from beginning to end.

02:06:13 - The mindset of knowing how to manage the risk.



00:00:19,050 --> 00:00:30,000 ICT: Well, hello folks, hope everybody's doing well. Hope your Christmases were wonderful like mine, I had a really warm and memorable Christmas, the only thing
00:00:30,000 --> 00:00:40,770 I didn't get to see is my daughter, unfortunately, her career path is preventing her from coming home for the holidays. So we'll have to make a road trip down
00:00:40,770 --> 00:00:56,100 there in mid January. Alright, so here's where we're at today, I can't tell you how long this was going to be because I don't know what has gone off the cuff. I
00:00:56,100 --> 00:01:05,190 want to talk a little bit about where we're heading, what we're gonna be doing in 2023, so that we kind of get a feel for what we're doing as far as a
00:01:05,190 --> 00:01:16,140 community and as a mentorship. So, obviously, I mentioned that I would be doing my analysis that will be public. So I will be doing that on YouTube channel.
00:01:16,140 --> 00:01:27,060 That will be a real short little, probably a Monday through Friday thing. And it'll be a quick review of what took place. Any set up so that you'll see that
00:01:27,480 --> 00:01:38,910 and what I think the next day will bring. So that way, you all get the walk forward, like my private group got to walk with me for six years. And you'll
00:01:38,910 --> 00:01:50,040 have a little bit of experience in your corner, lending well for bias and such. So you also get the chance to see what it's like to go through an economic
00:01:50,040 --> 00:02:05,100 calendar, how to plan the week, when to keep gunpowder dry. And when the most likely candidates for opportunity will materialize for the week. So that we will
10 00:02:05,100 --> 00:02:11,700 see every day trading is not what we're trying to do. Even though I can come out here and show you examples of that. That's not what I'm trying to inspire. I'm
11 00:02:11,700 --> 00:02:19,200 not trying to cultivate that mentality in my students, because it's not good for you. If you don't have the experience, because you've tried to too many times in
12 00:02:20,490 --> 00:02:30,270 unless you're learning obviously, if you're trying to practice and read price and get a feel for that way. That's wonderful. But when you have your model,
13 00:02:30,990 --> 00:02:43,650 your model shouldn't be pushed every single day. Especially if the experience factor in your trading is still on the increase hours. If you're a neophyte, you
14 00:02:43,710 --> 00:02:52,770 only been doing it for a month or so less than a year. Everyday trading should not be your goal. Okay? It should be a long term goal. If you're going to be a
15 00:02:52,800 --> 00:03:02,460 intraday trader, you know, what's a long term goal for something like that, I'd say about a minimum one year and a half and two years, something like that, to
16 00:03:02,460 --> 00:03:14,610 be pushing it every single day and trying to operate with a high frequency model. Now, can some of you do it sooner than Absolutely. But as a mentor, I'm
17 00:03:14,610 --> 00:03:21,720 trying to give you a broad brush, general rule of thumbs that we're not preparing yourself for unrealistic expectations. But unfortunately, this
18 00:03:21,720 --> 00:03:33,300 industry builds up. And I have been guilty in the past as a young man, you know, in America Online, trying to captivate the Youngs young Indian, the old ones,
19 00:03:33,630 --> 00:03:44,100 anybody was willing to listen to me on America Online. I was trying to garner that mindset. And, you know, seize upon the, the crowd that was watching me,
20 00:03:44,100 --> 00:03:54,870 then obviously, you can hear me now I'm not monotone, you know, humdrum, you know, fuddy duddy. And that's really what you want to be aspiring to, because
21 00:03:54,870 --> 00:04:05,190 you don't want to be emotional in your trading. And as I walk through each market week with you, and we do our recap and analysis for the next coming day,
22 00:04:05,940 --> 00:04:16,680 you'll have what it is that you should be focusing on. So that way, if you are one that likes to fight the underlying bias and like I had a lot of folks in my
23 00:04:16,950 --> 00:04:25,770 private group, they would resist what I was trying to anticipate in the marketplace. And then they would send me emails frustration and saying they
24 00:04:25,770 --> 00:04:33,660 can't make it work, when come to find out everything they were doing was completely opposite to what I was trying to showcase and share in my real time
25 00:04:33,660 --> 00:04:46,710 analysis, the entire community would see it. But these individuals and they were a few, I mean, maybe eight or 10 of them, and they would habitually, you fade,
26 00:04:46,740 --> 00:04:57,360 what I was anticipating in the marketplace with the track record, you know, in front of 10s of 1000s. You know, you can't do that type of thing. And then
27 00:04:57,360 --> 00:05:09,180 question why you're having adversities If something's working, if the logic that I'm using, as you'll see, don't resist doing it. Okay, follow along with that
28 00:05:09,180 --> 00:05:20,880 mindset, even if your model may be opposed to what I'm outlining, because that way, it'll teach you number one, submission to higher timeframe, narrative and
29 00:05:20,880 --> 00:05:24,570 bias, which is one of the advantages to having someone that's a mentor,
30 00:05:25,830 --> 00:05:34,800 you know, 30 years doing it, you have made a lot of mistakes. And my goal is to try to keep you from having those experiences. I mean, sir, some of you simply
31 00:05:34,800 --> 00:05:44,340 want them like their new tattoos, like new join the army, semper fi, ICT approved, you know, I blew out accounts just like he did, you know, you don't
32 00:05:44,340 --> 00:05:52,740 want to have stuff like that, you know, it's not necessary. So, now, obviously, some of you are going to still do it. And you may not want to go in to it with
33 00:05:52,740 --> 00:06:05,610 that mindset, but lack of control, not being able to resist the temptation, and having discipline, you're gonna probably still make those types of mistakes. And
34 00:06:06,750 --> 00:06:15,990 it's important that you know, that, if that's your character flaw, if you are impulsive, okay, if you simply gotta go on here one more time, for social media
35 00:06:16,170 --> 00:06:26,010 approval, or your character is weak, that you need to feel that attaboy had a girl type thing, that you did something, right, even if you did something wrong
36 00:06:26,010 --> 00:06:33,420 early on in the day, and you just can't go home with a losing trade, you're gonna actually gonna see me get it wrong a couple times this year, I'm certain
37 00:06:33,420 --> 00:06:43,290 of it, I'm certain of it. And I want you to come away with the idea that even with 30 years experience, sometimes I just simply don't know, the markets not
38 00:06:43,290 --> 00:06:52,920 giving me enough information, or Intel, to make a high probability decision. Like, we are looking for those types of conditions and in the marketplace to
39 00:06:52,920 --> 00:07:05,370 engage. So it's not beneficial for us, any of us, me or you, or even a skilled, versed veteran in the marketplace, it's not imperative that just because you
40 00:07:05,370 --> 00:07:13,800 have time to be in front of marketplace, or in front of the charts, that you force yourself into a trade. That's, to me unfortunate. And I watch a lot of
41 00:07:13,800 --> 00:07:22,020 folks on YouTube, and this is one of the Fascinations I have with people that live stream, you can almost see that they're trying to just simply impressed the
42 00:07:22,020 --> 00:07:32,520 viewership. And that's unfortunate, because if you're going to be doing this, eventually, as a YouTuber, and you'll be live streaming, that's awesome. I hope
43 00:07:32,520 --> 00:07:40,200 that happens, because I'll be watching, I'm in several people's live streams, I'm watching all the time. Because I'm fascinated with their decision making. I
44 00:07:40,200 --> 00:07:53,460 like watching how individuals manage the risk, and the the uncertainty of the crowd, if they make a mistake in front of the how they handle that. And, to me,
45 00:07:53,460 --> 00:08:02,910 I think it's an amazing study of human psychology. And also, you know, bravado, it takes a lot of guts to do that. And unfortunately, a lot of people that are
46 00:08:02,910 --> 00:08:14,160 not really versed with trading with real money, and ever done a live stream before, it takes a lot of focus to do that. Because you're, you're going to be
47 00:08:14,160 --> 00:08:25,500 worrying about what people think, what are they going to think about this decision? And what happens if I take my trade off sooner than my target? I'm
48 00:08:25,500 --> 00:08:35,040 gonna have 1000 questions about that. You as an live streamer, those types of things, you have no idea what that's like. And when you do it, it causes many
49 00:08:35,040 --> 00:08:44,940 times chaos, it causes distractions, and any little distraction, like I'm a dog that chases cars, okay, if you give me an opportunity to chase something, I'm
50 00:08:44,940 --> 00:08:52,830 gonna do it. So, for me, I want you to understand there's two fold reason why I'm going to be doing the livestream sessions the way I'm going to be doing it.
51 00:08:53,520 --> 00:09:01,650 Number one, I'm not going to put you into a trade. Okay, I'm not going to do that. Because number one, you're all gonna see that I'm gonna be watching it.
52 00:09:02,460 --> 00:09:10,860 Live real time data, and you'll hear me talk about it. And where I think the markets gonna go, so it's gonna be one sidedness. Okay, I'm not going to be
53 00:09:10,860 --> 00:09:18,240 doing what you see these folks on Twitter and Facebook and Instagram, they draw their little diagrams where it could go up like this, or it could go down like
54 00:09:18,240 --> 00:09:27,720 that. To me, it's a waste of time. And I'm not here to beat up on any of those individual that do that you know who they are in the community. I think it would
55 00:09:27,720 --> 00:09:34,950 be beneficial if you're going to take the time to do it. This cosine is to say, this is a side I think it's going to do a run to buy cider is going to run to
56 00:09:34,950 --> 00:09:43,860 the sell side. And if you're wrong, so what, who cares? It's okay, you're going to do it wrong. You're going to do it wrong. You're going to have transactions
57 00:09:43,860 --> 00:09:50,850 that don't pan out that are profitable. And it doesn't mean you can't trade. It doesn't mean that your system is flawed. That doesn't mean that you won't
58 00:09:50,880 --> 00:10:00,000 eventually become long term consistent. It just means that individual decision didn't pan out for you and that's okay. That's one of the main takeaways I want
59 00:10:00,000 --> 00:10:07,770 You understand when we sit down together, and I'm only going to do two a week. So I'm going to try to find something that's medium impact and high impact. And
60 00:10:07,770 --> 00:10:18,750 we're going to work with those drivers. Okay? The entirety of 2023, I don't want to be living on YouTube, I don't want to be living in the charts in front of
61 00:10:18,750 --> 00:10:28,830 everybody. And I don't want to be living on Twitter. And I don't want to be, you know, living in any kind of form or social media capacity. Okay, I want to be
62 00:10:30,390 --> 00:10:39,630 free spirited. And I want you to understand that when I sit down with you all, it's for your edification is for you to understand what we're doing. The other
63 00:10:39,630 --> 00:10:46,890 reason why I won't be entering the trades in front of you, but you're going to know exactly what I'm expecting. I'm going to read it as it's happening. Now,
64 00:10:46,890 --> 00:10:57,900 what does that mean? Before I go any further, if you look at what I did today, on the email, E, Mini s&p, okay, I did several trades throughout the day. And
65 00:10:59,310 --> 00:11:10,530 within equivalent of about 9500 hours, and there was no losing trades, there was hardly any drawdown. And you're welcome to see that. I'll share you a tweet on
66 00:11:10,530 --> 00:11:22,680 it. let you see what the whole day look like. But you watch this morning, and then you seen me outline what it was I was doing, I was typing it all out. I was
67 00:11:22,710 --> 00:11:30,480 mapping it out on a one minute chart. Now, for some of you that are new, okay, send me this is the first time you've ever listened to a Twitter space by me.
68 00:11:31,140 --> 00:11:39,270 And I'm not as animated as I normally am. Today, I just want to make sure I have your attention so that we we know what we're doing what we're getting involved
69 00:11:39,270 --> 00:11:47,850 in in 2023. And trust me, there's gonna be a whole lot of excitement and hype. Because when you start seeing what I'm gonna do, it's gonna, it's gonna be hard
70 00:11:47,850 --> 00:11:56,340 for you not to be excited. And that's fine. It's going to be fun, my whole interactive, work with you next year, is going to help you learn is going to
71 00:11:56,340 --> 00:12:03,870 build your confidence in yourself. Because you're going to have me in the corner, I'm going to be team captain. Even though this isn't a team sport, I'm
72 00:12:03,870 --> 00:12:14,700 gonna be team captain playing quarterback, okay, and I'm going to tell you what the play is. Now, that play isn't going to jive with some of you, because some
73 00:12:14,700 --> 00:12:23,460 of you aren't going to be looking for the type of setup that I might be talking about at that moment. That's not the importance. Okay, the importance is to see,
74 00:12:23,940 --> 00:12:30,720 like, for instance, if you haven't watched the video I've uploaded on YouTube, today, it's less than three minutes. Or nowadays, it's not that it's like three
75 00:12:30,720 --> 00:12:40,380 minutes and 15 seconds or 18 seconds, it's less than four minutes, put it that way. I'm trying to cater to the Give it to me right now crowd. You're gonna see,
76 00:12:40,380 --> 00:12:50,190 by having that type of teaching, it doesn't do it for you. You want to be entertained. But that's fine. But I want to educate people, I want you to really
77 00:12:50,190 --> 00:13:00,330 understand by the end of next year, my goal is for all of you that are here right now listening going into it. My goal was for you not to need ICT, you're
78 00:13:00,330 --> 00:13:06,720 not going to need me to talk about what the markets going to do, you're not going to need me to know how to go in and find the right market, you're not
79 00:13:06,720 --> 00:13:14,220 going to need me to tell you which currency pair to be trading right now, you're not going to need me to tell you what the bias is, you're not going to need to
80 00:13:14,370 --> 00:13:22,350 learn what the narrative is, you're going to walk the entire year, just like I do with every single private mentorship group I've ever taken in, you're going
81 00:13:22,350 --> 00:13:34,770 to have that experience every single week, except for Easter. And I think, well the normal holiday schedule, you know, but you're going to have a whole year
82 00:13:34,770 --> 00:13:43,230 experience that we will see the quarterly shifts, you'll see the ebbs and flow, you'll know when the high probability conditions are there. And you'll also hear
83 00:13:43,380 --> 00:13:50,820 right from the horse's mouth when the probabilities are extremely low. And why I need to wait for more information. So that way, you're not going to see an
84 00:13:50,820 --> 00:13:57,480 impulsive mentor that just simply has to get out there and perform because I have spectators watching so I'd have to entertain them. I don't care about
85 00:13:57,480 --> 00:14:09,870 entertaining you. I want to make sure that you're learning how to do this independently. And guess what this is going to cost you. time, effort. You don't
86 00:14:09,870 --> 00:14:19,140 need a credit card, you don't need a Pay Pal. You don't need to have any kind of coupons, nothing. There's none of that stuff. I don't have to do discounts. I
87 00:14:19,140 --> 00:14:28,290 don't have to take anything off. Because the price is your time and how much you put into it. That's going to dictate how much of a result you're going to get.
88 00:14:28,950 --> 00:14:36,690 And at the end of next year, I'm going to do an open forum where everybody can say, hey, this is what you're able to do with what you learned this year. And I
89 00:14:36,690 --> 00:14:46,560 know some of you are going to be in there pushing a button based on the things I'm saying. If you do that, I promise you you will not learn you will not learn
90 00:14:46,620 --> 00:14:55,020 the way that you should be learning without any money attached to it. So let me go back and refer back to what I was doing this morning on YouTube.
91 00:14:56,520 --> 00:15:06,810 Take the actual executions out of it. In everything I was saying, that's what I'm gonna be doing when the markets printing price. I'm gonna give you one
92 00:15:06,810 --> 00:15:17,580 minute candle five minute candle, play by play, what I like what I think it should do everything. If someone can't do that, then guess what they don't know
93 00:15:17,580 --> 00:15:26,010 they're doing right. So I'm gonna kill this whole cherry picking narrative that these people out here that have an issue with me because they can't do what I
94 00:15:26,010 --> 00:15:32,910 do. And they can't grow their own audience and they can't share the Robins cup account number and prove that they're in there because I'm waiting for you
95 00:15:32,910 --> 00:15:41,940 Vinnie. That whole show is gonna go to the wayside this year, it's absolutely gonna get smashed. I'm going to show you how you can do this. And you don't need
96 00:15:41,940 --> 00:15:49,350 to sign up for anybody service, nobody's mentorship, not even mine, you won't even have to come to my YouTube channel. You won't ever have to come in there,
97 00:15:49,560 --> 00:16:02,250 after next year, you won't have to do it. Because in 2024, I don't want to be doing videos, folks. So in 2023, elevating all of you, I'm going to do my utmost
98 00:16:02,280 --> 00:16:11,670 best. But you have to listen, you have to follow the rules. And you have to do exactly what I say, if you don't do that, you will not have the results you're
99 00:16:11,670 --> 00:16:23,460 probably looking for. So I know some of your heart impressed and you're in dire straits, and you just simply want to push a button because you know that what
100 00:16:23,460 --> 00:16:31,530 I'm teaching works. And if I'm going to be sitting out here calling the market live, minute by minute, this is where it's going to go to this is what it should
101 00:16:31,530 --> 00:16:41,340 not do this is what it should be a good place for a reaction here. Okay? The words I'm gonna be using are very, very important, because I'm not going to get
102 00:16:41,340 --> 00:16:50,040 out here and call the market and sit in an account, whether you would see it or wouldn't be seeing it, I'm not going to front run any of my orders, because I
103 00:16:50,040 --> 00:17:00,360 know my community is large. And in the beginning, there may not be a whole lot of people on the live streams. But when word gets around, what I'm doing there
104 00:17:00,390 --> 00:17:11,310 is going to be big. So I don't want to ever be accused of oh, look what he's doing. He's calling a big move in the s&p, and he's putting his order in before
105 00:17:11,310 --> 00:17:19,500 he tells us about it. And then when everybody pumps it up, he's gonna sell it make money. I am absolutely not doing that. That's the reason why I'm not
106 00:17:19,500 --> 00:17:27,510 pushing a button. That's the number one reason why I'm not doing that. You're not going to get me in a situation where I'm going to be accused of or have to
107 00:17:27,510 --> 00:17:36,390 answer for in that crap, okay? I don't need that, okay, I don't need to do that. I don't need all of you to push the market for me, I'll push the market. Okay, I
108 00:17:36,390 --> 00:17:45,810 don't need any of you to help me do that. And you'll see it, you'll understand what I'm doing. But the whole important is is for you to learn without the
109 00:17:45,810 --> 00:18:01,080 impulsiveness of whether or not the market's going to provide you a win, or help you not have such a large losing position. So you're taking that need to be
110 00:18:01,080 --> 00:18:13,410 right out of it. That has to be there, folks, if you don't do this the right way, which is just simply observing, annotating, okay, I'm gonna prompt you to
111 00:18:13,410 --> 00:18:22,350 take screenshots. Periodically, when I'm doing a live sessions, I'm gonna say, okay, screenshot this right now. Now, if you can't watch it live, it's okay.
112 00:18:22,770 --> 00:18:31,710 Because you're gonna be watching Real Time Data on one of my templates, as it's being shown real time on my end, so you're gonna get it better than Market
113 00:18:31,710 --> 00:18:43,620 Replay. Market Replay has its place, but it's not going to be as beneficial as seeing something live. And understanding why that candlestick should perform a
114 00:18:43,620 --> 00:18:54,870 specific way. Why shouldn't this area be revisited? Why should price gravitate now with speed and magnitude to another level of liquidity? I'm going to outline
115 00:18:54,870 --> 00:19:06,630 that life in front of the entire world. Okay, I'm going to prove that these markets are absolutely controlled. And it's through an algorithm. And you're
116 00:19:06,630 --> 00:19:16,590 also going to see who knows what. And that's all I'm going to say. You're just simply going to be a spectator with note taking, and focus and ready to hit the
117 00:19:16,590 --> 00:19:22,590 screenshot. Now ain't gonna be like real quick, you're not gonna be prepared for I'm gonna tell you get ready because I'm gonna tell you when to take a
118 00:19:22,590 --> 00:19:32,910 screenshot of something, because I want you to be able to capture that that second for a moment when it happens. Because those moments exactly when I say
119 00:19:32,940 --> 00:19:40,680 that you're going to be doing it. You want to have those in your journal. Because that's where those setups are in the marketplace. That's what it looks
120 00:19:40,680 --> 00:19:52,080 like. Everybody comes to me when I was taking mentorship students and no not doing it. Okay, as you can hear, I'm giving you my all in 2023 with the
121 00:19:52,080 --> 00:20:00,600 anticipation that I don't have to do this anymore. I don't have to make videos for anybody. I don't need to do any kind of courses for anybody. I I got four
122 00:20:00,600 --> 00:20:11,310 books, four books in the making one's a fiction. It's about a traitor, that it's fictional. And I have three instruction instructional books that will answer
123 00:20:11,310 --> 00:20:20,850 order block theory, it's going to cover everything. So that way, everybody understands that it's mine. Okay? That's my gift to the community. Once I'm done
124 00:20:20,850 --> 00:20:32,250 with that, I'm done. I'm gonna go back to being a recluse, and just doing what I intended to do as a 50 year old man, just chill, fish trade, do whatever I want
125 00:20:32,250 --> 00:20:42,390 to do. And I don't think that I'm going to be needed, once I deliver what I'm going to deliver in 2023. Okay, I think it's going to be fun, I think is going
126 00:20:42,390 --> 00:20:52,710 to be beneficial to a lot of you. But if you go in with expectations, that ICTs want someone to buy and when to sell, you're going to be frustrated. And you
127 00:20:52,710 --> 00:21:00,450 want to learn how to do this without me. You don't want to rely on me, you don't want to rely on anybody. You don't want to be out there looking for some other
128 00:21:00,450 --> 00:21:09,210 system, because I'm going to show you the market. I'm going to pull back the veil. I'm going to show you the real market maker. I'm going to show you the
129 00:21:09,210 --> 00:21:18,420 real algorithm. I'm going to show you how you can read this tape better than anything else out there. Period, bar none. I don't care who they are, how long
130 00:21:18,420 --> 00:21:25,800 you've been doing it, what they've been able to do in the past, whatever, I don't care. I'm going to be my own lane. And I'm gonna be showing you what you
131 00:21:25,830 --> 00:21:39,480 don't know. And the anticipation of seeing the setups knowing what we're looking for. What should it do? Every week, you're gonna be looking for one good setup.
132 00:21:40,590 --> 00:21:51,300 One good setup, I'm gonna be using the economic calendar to help frame that condition. So that way, much like when I was on baby pips, I was really
133 00:21:51,300 --> 00:21:59,880 promoting the idea that you don't really need a whole lot and when I came out my very first thread what every new and aspiring forex trader wants to know, that
134 00:22:00,120 --> 00:22:08,580 read the first post, I was really just building the idea that you see these folks out there, they have their Guppy system that was the big thing. VSA you
135 00:22:08,580 --> 00:22:17,160 know, all that stuff was real popular on baby pips, nobody was really making any money with any of that stuff. But it made people want to watch and read the
136 00:22:17,160 --> 00:22:25,680 threads that were being produced about it. But nobody was really showing any kind of executions. Nobody could do anything with any event. But you know, much
137 00:22:25,680 --> 00:22:32,220 like everything else, there's going to be a flavor of the month, flavor of the year, whatever. I'm right now, and you can see on YouTube that, you know, smart
138 00:22:32,220 --> 00:22:45,270 mind concepts, my whole life's work ICT stuff, it's pretty popular. And I want to kind of go out in 2023. With that, when I produce what I'm going to produce
139 00:22:45,270 --> 00:22:57,360 for you and sit with you, as your real mentor. Walking through these charts with you live, not recorded, not going to be using Market Replay. The data will be
140 00:22:57,360 --> 00:23:09,510 real. If you subscribe the trading unit I do not get anything for this. Okay, I'm not getting any kind of kickback nothing. Okay. But if you want to verify
141 00:23:09,540 --> 00:23:21,180 everything I'm doing, which is what you should be doing. You should have a live stream through trading view for the E minis. E Mini s&p E Mini s&p, Emini, s&p e
142 00:23:21,180 --> 00:23:30,450 mini NASDAQ. Those two markets is what I'm going to focus on the entirety of the year. Okay, I'm not going to be focusing on trading currencies, because I told
143 00:23:30,450 --> 00:23:40,290 you, I've pulled away from that I will include Forex in my analysis. So I know some of you're like, Man, can you just go back to force, please? I'll talk about
144 00:23:40,290 --> 00:23:47,100 forex. I'll tell you what I think my opinion is about where they're gonna go. And what the draw on liquidity is. And you simply use the model that I've
145 00:23:47,100 --> 00:23:55,110 already provided this year for free, and you'll be fine. You'll be fine. I promise you, if you just stick to that. And you'll see that there's a whole lot
146 00:23:55,110 --> 00:24:03,750 of stuff that I teach. There's a lot of concepts, a lot of tools, a lot of processes. And it can be overwhelming. It can make you feel like, what am I
147 00:24:03,750 --> 00:24:09,090 supposed to do all this stuff, right? You had a taste of what it was like to be in private mentorship.
148 00:24:10,410 --> 00:24:21,480 It was designed to teach everything I was willing to teach. But then also, you had the obligation to put it together for a specific model. And I gave more or
149 00:24:21,480 --> 00:24:30,930 less foundational models to build off of. And then I may want some real short and sweet for the community at large, which was really for my daughter. And
150 00:24:30,930 --> 00:24:42,150 that's what was the 2022 model. I'm going to be focusing on the 2022 model. So that way, everybody can see that, oh, I'm not going to be just doing other
151 00:24:42,150 --> 00:24:49,740 things to find a setup that works right now and ignore what I've taught. I'm going to show you how to use what you learned this year. You don't need anything
152 00:24:49,740 --> 00:25:00,540 else. My private group, we're going to see the benefit of that too. And you're going to find consistency. You're going to find longevity by looking for One
153 00:25:00,540 --> 00:25:09,900 thing to repeat, it's an easy process, once you let go of all of these things that you have in your mind that you think consistent trading is, some of you
154 00:25:09,900 --> 00:25:21,390 want to try to do what I do trade on every possible pdra I only do that to broaden the, the intention to not just limiting yourself to that 2022 model,
155 00:25:21,390 --> 00:25:34,740 because I mean, I'm the author of this stuff. Much like when I have my 2019 Corvette out, I love I love the the attention I get from that car. Even though I
156 00:25:34,740 --> 00:25:42,750 have a 2021 Corvette, the 2021 quarterback gets a whole lot more attention. Because it's a you know, it's a poor man's Ferrari, let's call it what it is,
157 00:25:43,260 --> 00:25:55,650 until I get to 06. And then we're gonna smash them for ours. The 10 on a VA, it's getting smoked. But nonetheless, because I've made this content, and I've
158 00:25:55,650 --> 00:26:07,410 spent my entire whole life doing it, when I see other people dislike one particular pattern, my ego, and my pride doesn't let me let them just see that.
159 00:26:07,680 --> 00:26:17,280 So I like to over deliver, I like to show other things. And I'll demonstrate that kind of stuff in live market trades with real money so that we understand
160 00:26:17,280 --> 00:26:26,340 something. When I say live executions, that's with real data. That's not Market Replay type thing. But if I'm saying I'm trading with real money, you're going
161 00:26:26,340 --> 00:26:35,910 to see it, you're going to see the real money, okay. But when we're doing live sessions, no more than two a week, they're going to be planned, you're going to
162 00:26:35,910 --> 00:26:42,600 know what we're looking for, you're going to know what I'm looking for the night before, because we're going to be doing analysis. So that way you understand how
163 00:26:42,600 --> 00:26:51,630 to go into it. You don't feel like, Oh, I gotta get up and trade London because it might do this. Who cares? Who cares? We're going to be operating around the
164 00:26:51,630 --> 00:27:01,440 morning session, we'll close up shop around 11 o'clock in the morning. And there it is, we'll have anywhere between two hours or 90 minute sessions twice a week.
165 00:27:02,100 --> 00:27:10,860 That's palatable. Anybody can do that. Okay, anybody can be, you know, around their cell phone. Okay, we're, um, I'm talking in your ear, you get one of your
166 00:27:10,860 --> 00:27:16,980 little ear buds, you know, and you're gonna do, you're gonna have one your ear buds in at your job, and you're gonna be attending, you're working, but you're
167 00:27:16,980 --> 00:27:22,200 gonna be listening to me and your ear. Okay, and then you'll be looking over your phone, seeing what the markets doing right then and there. And that's how
168 00:27:22,200 --> 00:27:33,390 it's gonna be majority of the morning is going to be me waiting for the next reason to talk about what it's going to do. Now, obviously, I'm a motormouth, I
169 00:27:33,390 --> 00:27:41,310 can talk and talk and talk and talk. I don't want to be doing that during the live session, I only want to be talking when it's salient to what the markets
170 00:27:41,310 --> 00:27:54,660 doing right now. Now, I'm going to lead in anticipation what the markets likely to do. So that way, you can borrow my anticipatory skills and experience. So
171 00:27:54,660 --> 00:28:02,310 that way, you'll see, this is what it should be doing, or waiting for this to happen. If this happens, we would expect the market to go up to this candle
172 00:28:02,310 --> 00:28:12,930 here, or at this fair value gap, or this liquidity. And then it should deliver this way. And I'll take your attention to the next area where it's gonna go. If
173 00:28:12,930 --> 00:28:23,400 there is no algorithm, I won't be able to do that. If I don't know what I'm doing, I won't be able to do that. You don't need me to push a button. Okay. If
174 00:28:23,400 --> 00:28:32,940 you go through the process of watching the tape with me, you're gonna see how easy it is to find one good setup a week. One good setup a week. Listen, folks,
175 00:28:33,420 --> 00:28:46,530 listen. You don't need anything more than that. You don't need 16 trades, okay? You don't need 40 contracts over leveraging in a discount broker and Market
176 00:28:46,530 --> 00:28:59,190 Replay. Not really making money. You don't need to do those things. Don't pursue that. Do one contract? Do one contract and get 25 handles for the week. You
177 00:28:59,190 --> 00:29:13,020 don't think that can change your entire life? It can. What happens if you just make go? I don't know, $1,000 a week? Just one contract after costs and
178 00:29:13,020 --> 00:29:25,980 commissions. And maybe you had a couple of losing trades throughout the week? What if he just net $1,000? Right now, if that's what you were able to do four
179 00:29:25,980 --> 00:29:36,900 weeks out of a month? would you rate now because of what you see me do? And maybe other students or maybe other educators, other people and influencers?
180 00:29:37,320 --> 00:29:49,530 are? Are you going to be in allowing those individuals and myself to influence you to want to do more? I want you to think about that before we start in 2023
181 00:29:49,830 --> 00:29:59,970 you need to fix those things. Because that's not something good. That's going to be a hindrance. Because if I'm influencing you, if my students influenced you or
182 00:30:00,210 --> 00:30:15,840 Other traders or educators or would be mentors, or trolls are influencing you to make you do something beyond what is easy. What's easy, 1000 hours a week. That
183 00:30:15,840 --> 00:30:29,670 is easy. That is easy, easy with one contract. And folks that can change anybody's life. Anyone. And it might be too high for some of you, you might be
184 00:30:29,850 --> 00:30:38,910 thinking, well, you know, if I could just do 500 hours a week, if I could just do $1,000 a month, man, the changes in my life, what would that really bring?
185 00:30:38,910 --> 00:30:52,200 For me, it's peace. And stress of all these things is piling up on me, it could diminish if I could just do that, right. That's all I'm saying. Don't, don't go
186 00:30:52,200 --> 00:31:03,570 into 2023. Thinking, I'm going to flip my HTML account. If you do that, I guarantee you, you will be pissing and moaning in my comment section. In the
187 00:31:03,570 --> 00:31:13,800 video section comments, you're gonna be on Twitter, crying blues, because I wish I would have listened to that podcast or that stream you did. On the 28th of
188 00:31:13,800 --> 00:31:23,280 December, you even told me what was going to happen and I still did, I don't want to hear or see any of that stuff, it's easy to avoid, it's real easy to
189 00:31:23,280 --> 00:31:35,850 avoid. You have to have a routine, you have to have a spirit of expectation that this is what you are trying to do. When you get that you stop. You don't try to
190 00:31:35,850 --> 00:31:46,290 do more, you don't care what everybody else is doing what I'm doing. This is what you're trying to carve out for your family and have to be met. pride and
191 00:31:46,320 --> 00:31:54,780 ego and image has nothing to do with that has absolutely nothing to do with it. You're starting a brand new year, you had the opportunity to sit down with
192 00:31:54,780 --> 00:32:03,900 someone who's been doing this for three decades, I promise you, you are going to learn. You're going to learn how to do this, how to navigate. And you're also
193 00:32:03,900 --> 00:32:10,830 going to feel comfortable, when you don't need to be doing something, you're gonna see that okay, I don't see anything here. There may be a day where we set
194 00:32:10,830 --> 00:32:18,870 up the opportunity to sit in front of the trucks together. And the market does something that changes my entire outlook. I'm going to explain why it did that.
195 00:32:19,170 --> 00:32:28,440 And then we may not do anything. And we close the session. This is what's going to happen. The folks that have no interest in learning how to be independent and
196 00:32:28,560 --> 00:32:37,800 independent thinker. They're going to be the ones that pitch. They're going to be the ones that cry blues. Oh, well, if he was so good, get up the row with
197 00:32:37,800 --> 00:32:47,970 that. Okay, I'm not in here. Trying to take guesses. I'm not here, I'm not a gambler. I'm not a good gambler. Okay, I want the things that I look forward to
198 00:32:47,970 --> 00:32:58,590 be in my favor. aggressively in my favor? Not well, if it's 5050 elements, I'm gonna see how good I can be. I'm guessing I don't want that. And you shouldn't
199 00:32:58,590 --> 00:33:05,670 want that either. Think about when you push that button, when you get to the point where if you ever decide to trade with lifelines, and I'm never going to
200 00:33:05,670 --> 00:33:18,240 tell you to do that. But if you make that decision to do it, when you push that button, or when you're about to push that button, do you have a spouse? Do you
201 00:33:18,240 --> 00:33:32,430 have a girlfriend or boyfriend, a child a dependent I want you to think about them right before you push that button. Because what you're doing is going to
202 00:33:32,430 --> 00:33:47,520 have a direct impact on them. You're either going to defer a lifestyle where you're going to invite stress and ruin. Think about that. How many times have
203 00:33:47,520 --> 00:33:55,410 you ever considered doing that right now, or maybe in the past year, and the time that you push the button known damn well, you shouldn't be messing around
204 00:33:55,410 --> 00:34:00,840 with it. I'm gonna talk about those things. In retrospect and real time.
205 00:34:02,280 --> 00:34:10,020 I don't want to be talking about war time stories about I did this, I did that because if I do that, I won't be watching the price and I won't be able to read
206 00:34:10,020 --> 00:34:20,130 it. So for the most part, it's going to be a very boring session until there's something to be focusing on. That's how real trading is not in here playing
207 00:34:20,130 --> 00:34:30,180 light shows and neon flashing lights and all kinds of stupid stuff. Okay. I'm not trying to entertain you. It's not a rave, okay? I'm taking you into the
208 00:34:30,180 --> 00:34:39,990 markets. I'm leading you into this jungle. And the expectation is you're going to come out knowing better how to navigate it. And you're going to spend months
209 00:34:39,990 --> 00:34:49,530 with me throughout the year. And you're going to grow in your understanding. You're going to see things that you didn't think was a big deal. They are and
210 00:34:49,530 --> 00:34:58,080 you're going to be thinking about the things that you thought was a big deal. They aren't. That's what it's like to be mentored, walking hand in hand with
211 00:34:58,080 --> 00:35:06,780 somebody that knows how to do it. I'm not going to be having something pop up on my screen, where you don't even know why it's popping up alerts and things like
212 00:35:06,780 --> 00:35:17,490 that, I'm going to tell you, in the logic, why this market should do this or that before it happens. And then when it paints in your chart, you'll be a
213 00:35:17,490 --> 00:35:29,070 witness. Okay? There's been so many different styles of trading debt when I first started as a 20 year old, I delve into all of it. There hasn't been
214 00:35:29,070 --> 00:35:44,400 anything out there that have not done. And I'm going to tell you something. The model for the system is not the answer. That's not the secret, okay? If someone
215 00:35:44,430 --> 00:35:53,730 learned how to control themselves, and the decision making process was just flipping a quarter, and heads would be buying and tails will be going short. As
216 00:35:53,730 --> 00:36:08,910 long as you manage the money, impeccably, and you were aggressive about making sure your losses never grew. And you let your winners run. That's a that's a
217 00:36:08,910 --> 00:36:20,850 winning system. Now, no one's gonna buy the book or the course for that. But if you take the logic that I'm going to show you each week, when to pick the market
218 00:36:21,120 --> 00:36:28,830 to do this, when the pick up the market to go this way, where it's bias narrative, why should it do this? Why should it be using this economic news
219 00:36:28,830 --> 00:36:35,190 driver to be doing whatever I anticipate is going to do. And here's the other thing, here's the advantages of being with someone that's been doing for a long
220 00:36:35,190 --> 00:36:43,320 time. I'm gonna go in, and you've seen this twice, now with CPI this year. And this is exactly the reason why I don't trade or teach my students to trade ahead
221 00:36:43,320 --> 00:36:54,000 of the CPI number because it's absolutely an avalanche. Okay, it'll blow up in your face, or bury you. It's one sided, it's immediate. And it's unforgiving.
222 00:36:54,630 --> 00:37:06,960 So, I've never, I have never been able to decipher a high probability before CPI comes out. It's like FOMC, you just, you don't want to do it. Okay, if you don't
223 00:37:06,960 --> 00:37:15,540 want to do it, because you don't know what they're going to do with manual intervention, they could have some kind of news event, or release, it says the
224 00:37:15,540 --> 00:37:23,190 market should be doing this. And the common consensus would be okay, this should drive the market lower and all sudden CPI or something to the effect like that.
225 00:37:23,520 --> 00:37:34,050 It goes vertical 100 and some handles. How do you prepare for that? You can't say how do you prevent it, you just don't touch it, you wait for the market to
226 00:37:34,050 --> 00:37:43,500 do that. And then you look for your opportunities, okay. So there may be opportunities where we sit down, and my pre market analysis and the things I'm
227 00:37:43,500 --> 00:37:53,040 expecting to see, doesn't pan out or something changes, right, then there, you'll be able to see at that moment, what changes my mind about the new
228 00:37:53,040 --> 00:38:02,910 opportunity, or the lack thereof. And admittedly, I may not be able to divulge that, because we're gonna be looking at five and one minute charts, that whole
229 00:38:02,910 --> 00:38:12,720 experience has to be known words, it's going to evolve through that whole transition of okay, what I see in the, in the chart what I expect, and then what
230 00:38:12,720 --> 00:38:23,370 changes that once I get a feel for it, then I'll say, Okay, our bias has now shifted to this. And in my I'll take your attention to with a little eyeball
231 00:38:23,370 --> 00:38:32,550 icon, I usually show on my charts in my videos, where this is the drawn liquidity, your your focus is there. So when I apply that on the chart, what
232 00:38:32,550 --> 00:38:44,430 you're training yourself to do is read every single individual candle. After I do that, and trust that these candles will continuously paint in that direction.
233 00:38:44,910 --> 00:38:52,830 And every time it goes up into a premium and right if it's bearish, it will react a specific way. And right now it's going to feel like what does that mean?
234 00:38:52,950 --> 00:39:01,110 You're going to see it, you're going to see it, you're going to see it, you're going to experience it and you're going to be able to glean the very things that
235 00:39:01,110 --> 00:39:08,010 you don't understand right now. Because you haven't had this experience. You haven't had someone sit down and explain to you why the markets going to do
236 00:39:08,010 --> 00:39:16,560 exactly what you watched me do with it this morning. You're going to have that experience. I can't wait to share it. That's why I mentioned today on Twitter on
237 00:39:17,160 --> 00:39:32,490 February is taking too long. But you know, this whole experience is my last gift to all of you in this community. Okay, everything will stay on YouTube. I'm not
238 00:39:32,490 --> 00:39:40,470 taking anything down. But I really don't want to be doing videos and 2024 as much fun as it is to be hanging out with all of you and, and doing all these
239 00:39:40,470 --> 00:39:53,640 things. I'm 50 Okay, I'm trying to do things in the fall of my life. And before I get to the winter, where I can't do much at all. I want to be doing a lot of
240 00:39:53,640 --> 00:40:06,210 things this year and then into 2024 and it's going to require time That means no time for making videos, that means no time for Twitter spaces. That means
241 00:40:06,570 --> 00:40:18,690 focusing on my wife and I and our children that are about to leave the nest. We're literally just a couple of years away from empty nesters. And as much is I
242 00:40:18,690 --> 00:40:29,790 am excited to see my children succeed. I'm a little anxious, I don't know how I'm gonna take that. So we have a lot of things planned to try to keep our mind
243 00:40:29,790 --> 00:40:42,960 off of that type of stuff. But I think that the folks that are here in this community that have built with all of your help, there's been no advertising.
244 00:40:44,070 --> 00:40:53,880 There's been no advertising campaigns, no, Facebook ads, no YouTube ads. It's all been organic. And I think that's amazing. That's a testimony to us as a
245 00:40:53,880 --> 00:41:03,450 community. And it's also a testimony to the concepts themselves. And for that, I'm absolutely ecstatic. I'm so appreciative that you have lent me your time,
246 00:41:03,450 --> 00:41:14,040 your ear, your, your heart, to try to pursue something that I believe is second to none. And when you have this skill set, and you will have this skill set,
247 00:41:16,590 --> 00:41:25,380 you'll understand what it feels like to not worry about your job, you won't have to worry about you things going up inflation, things are gonna keep going up
248 00:41:25,380 --> 00:41:32,790 folks, you know, my grandparents complained about things going on, it's gonna keep going up, your kids are gonna complain about things going up to us, this is
249 00:41:32,790 --> 00:41:44,910 the way it is. Things don't stay cheap. But you're gonna have a skill set, that if you do the right things, and you control yourself, you have the unique
250 00:41:44,910 --> 00:41:57,210 opportunity to outpace inflation. That should be comforting, it should be motivational for you to not try to do things on a shortcut basis. There's a lot
251 00:41:57,210 --> 00:42:06,510 of folks out there that take my lectures and my things on my YouTube channel, and they try to condense it down to learn ICTs mentorship and five minutes,
252 00:42:06,600 --> 00:42:15,840 okay, let me see 10 People that have made money with your five minute trainer version of what I've taught, they can't, you might have one hit wonders, like
253 00:42:15,840 --> 00:42:24,600 anything else, like a book, you watch a video, or you read a book, and you think okay, I figured it out. And that was the trap I experience, you know, one out
254 00:42:24,600 --> 00:42:33,030 there about this Cooper's book, Ken Roberts, and I thought it understood it. It's trend lines, vans, 123, tops and bottoms. It's easy to do this. And I lost
255 00:42:33,030 --> 00:42:45,990 half my money in first trade overnight. And that was it. I pulled out and then restart in 1993. That experience of trying to cater to the right now, crowd,
256 00:42:46,530 --> 00:42:56,190 okay, if you're part of that crowd that says Get to the point. I'm going to say something right now. It will be better for you not to even listen to me. Don't
257 00:42:56,190 --> 00:43:04,380 even listen to me, go run off and chase the people that are going to try to tell you they're going to teach it to you sooner quicker and faster. Simpler, as easy
258 00:43:04,470 --> 00:43:11,250 as that's the new twist on ICT Smart Money concepts taught to you in a five minute trainer. I'm going to teach you this it's going to be easy. I'm going to
259 00:43:11,250 --> 00:43:18,870 do this in the go stop listening to me go watch their stuff, spend time with them, lose your money, and then come back and you'll be better equipped to learn
260 00:43:18,870 --> 00:43:28,710 from me. Because if you are the right now can you see me right now crowd get to the point ICT if you are any of those individuals in this audience members,
261 00:43:30,180 --> 00:43:41,280 you aren't ready. I promise you, you are not ready. You need to suffer. Even has some pain. And he has something put on your ass. So that way you know that this
262 00:43:41,280 --> 00:43:47,970 was not the right way to do it. Let me go back to the source. And then you'll be able to listen to my lectures and you'll understand Oh yeah, if I just want to
263 00:43:47,970 --> 00:43:56,820 listen to this guy. Exactly. But some of you need to learn the hard lessons the hard way. And that's fine. I had to do the same thing. I was stubborn, I was
264 00:43:56,820 --> 00:44:07,680 stupid and 20 year old, I'm going to be the exception. And then I wasn't. The only thing was as I did more stylish, okay. When I lost money, it was
265 00:44:07,680 --> 00:44:18,120 impressive. The the idea of of trying to do this without damaging yourself, that should be encouraging for you. That should be a goal. You don't want to be doing
266 00:44:18,120 --> 00:44:25,830 the things that I did and people like me years ago when we didn't have mentorships we didn't have people that could sit down and spend time and hours
267 00:44:25,830 --> 00:44:35,160 of their life giving it to you and undeserving individual, all of you. All of you are undeserving not just of my time, but anybody out there that's willing to
268 00:44:35,160 --> 00:44:45,270 sit down and teach and divulge what they have gone through. Whether they're a good person or they're a bad person. You're not entitled to any of this. That's
269 00:44:45,270 --> 00:44:57,720 the thing that drives me nuts because young folks, and my daughter is one of them. Okay. She thinks that she should have it easier because you know, she just
270 00:44:57,720 --> 00:45:04,830 had an easier no she shouldn't and she does Unlike that been told to her. And some of you don't like that, when I remind you, it's the data and made it's
271 00:45:04,830 --> 00:45:12,810 coming out and telling you, you shouldn't expect it to be easy. You should expect it to be hard. And you should be thankful that it is hard because you're
272 00:45:12,810 --> 00:45:20,160 going to be an exceptional, exceptional individual. Once you learn how to do this, you're not going to be cut from the same cloth. You're gonna be able to do
273 00:45:20,160 --> 00:45:30,570 things that the average person can't do, and where everybody else is relying on hope they keep me employed. I hope they don't find me redundant next week. You
274 00:45:30,570 --> 00:45:43,020 get your pink slip, you can now pay your bills. When everything's extremely expensive right now, that to me is terrifying. If I had to work, like I had to
275 00:45:43,020 --> 00:45:53,790 deal with a young man, doing menial jobs, running a Domino's delivering pizzas for Domino's, you know, doing all those types of things, working at sub shops. I
276 00:45:53,790 --> 00:46:02,910 did all these types of things. teenager working at Popeyes chicken, Taco Bell, I did all that stuff. It didn't work at McDonald's. And I didn't work at New
277 00:46:02,910 --> 00:46:15,030 Burger King, sorry. But I did all those things. And I know what it's like to go through that kind of low point. What this is all you can do, going through
278 00:46:15,030 --> 00:46:26,340 school trying to get some skills. But this is all I could do. Because of scheduling and school classes, yeah, it is. You when you get to high school, and
279 00:46:26,340 --> 00:46:37,530 you got to go into the real world, and you still continue your education, it's hard, it is really hard. And then you add to it, you have a child, or maybe
280 00:46:37,530 --> 00:46:46,650 more, then you have to balance a relationship to it that's going on. You're gonna have to sit down with your spouse, your significant other and sit down and
281 00:46:46,650 --> 00:46:55,290 really scheduled time. That's the other reason why I'm only doing two days. Because I can burn you out real quick. Real quick, it's gonna be easy for a lot
282 00:46:55,290 --> 00:47:04,290 of you to tap out, even when two days. I expect it. I had a lot of people come into my mentorships and tap out. Because they were like, wow, this is a whole
283 00:47:04,290 --> 00:47:15,990 lot more involved than I thought. And I thought it's gonna be easy. No, no. Because you have to come Pete, against yourself, who's constantly going to be
284 00:47:15,990 --> 00:47:24,150 reminding yourself that this probably isn't going to be for you. What if this doesn't work for me? What if I can't do it, you're gonna entertain those
285 00:47:24,150 --> 00:47:32,190 thoughts. And some of you that are weak minded are going to listen to that. And you're going to tap out, and you're gonna walk away, and you're gonna prolong
286 00:47:32,190 --> 00:47:38,490 this whole endeavor, because you're gonna go out there and mess around stuff that doesn't work, you're gonna get caught up in doing something, you're gonna
287 00:47:38,490 --> 00:47:45,120 chase funded accounts, you're gonna blow them, you're not even gonna get them. I'm gonna tell you something right now. You want to pass a funded account
288 00:47:45,120 --> 00:47:52,080 challenge. You want the surest way that you're going to pass a funded account challenge. You walk the entire year with me next year, I Guaran. Damn tee you,
289 00:47:52,080 --> 00:48:03,150 you're going to walk out there and get whatever size account you want. That's my guarantee. You have to listen though. You want to $500,000 350,000 hours,
290 00:48:03,150 --> 00:48:13,950 150,000 hours, whatever. It doesn't matter. It's just a number. It's just a number. But I'm going to show you what to do with it once you get it. Because
291 00:48:13,950 --> 00:48:24,690 some of you guys out there and gals, you find your way into Vegas City trading. Okay, you're doing the new boardwalk shuffle with your trades, rolling the dice,
292 00:48:25,080 --> 00:48:33,570 just trying to get through that little bit of a process of getting to the funded part. And then you think, Well, you know, I got to do these high roller trades.
293 00:48:34,470 --> 00:48:44,700 Because, you know, everybody else is doing it to our students making $70,000 Getting into number two spot on HTML. I gotta do that. Or I'm not winning. No,
294 00:48:44,700 --> 00:48:58,410 you don't. Who said you have to do that? Listen, let me let me paint a picture for you for a second. Okay, slow your roll. Let's say you get a funded 100,000
295 00:49:00,060 --> 00:49:08,790 You don't have 100,000. But you have the ability to work with a prop firm. I'm not telling you which one because I'm not doing any deals and they're still
296 00:49:08,790 --> 00:49:16,350 reaching out to me saying can you do a deal with us? And can you put an ad on our on your immediate? No, don't ask me again. I don't rep brokers and adult rep
297 00:49:16,530 --> 00:49:29,850 funded account prop firms I don't do that. But if that's the route, you're gonna go, let's just say you have 100,000 hours you fund it with what's wrong with
298 00:49:29,850 --> 00:49:42,690 just aiming for one and a half percent for the week and making $100,000 over the course of the year and not even working hard to do it. See, y'all do funny money
299 00:49:42,690 --> 00:49:53,190 math. Like you didn't go to school. You're all trying to do olympic size feats. Like you're all trying to win the Robins cup with these HTML accounts. When you
300 00:49:53,190 --> 00:50:02,820 look at the Robins account, Tracker taking Larry Williams and a handful of other folks out there, the average returns around 200 Some percent, anywhere between
301 00:50:02,820 --> 00:50:14,850 175 to 225%. That's amazing returns. I mean, it's great returns in this industry. That's phenomenal. Now, a competitive trader would look at that and
302 00:50:15,870 --> 00:50:30,210 20%. That's nothing. That's true. But we're talking about making ends meet. We're talking about building longevity, not running an Olympic feat. How many
303 00:50:30,210 --> 00:50:40,530 times do the same Olympic winners compete and win year after year after year? You don't see it. They come out here, they work their ass off. They do
304 00:50:40,530 --> 00:50:53,490 exceptionally well, they may even break a record. But that's it. You have Michael Phelps, I mean, he's probably the exception to this rule, maybe. But
305 00:50:53,490 --> 00:51:05,010 even him, he's not feeling you know, after when he did his multiple gold medal. That was it. So you don't want your trading to be like the Olympics. You want
306 00:51:05,130 --> 00:51:15,120 easy, consistent, no pressure, title trading. It's about making money. It's not about influencing and making friends, okay, on social media, because that's what
307 00:51:15,120 --> 00:51:24,870 everybody thinks trading is today. It's the young crowd and the, the influencers, and I'm in this group, I'm not trying to say I don't because I knew
308 00:51:24,870 --> 00:51:32,310 I had, I know how to bark, I can build a crowd easy. I don't need to advertise. I don't need to do any of that stuff. I don't have to threaten my students to
309 00:51:32,640 --> 00:51:43,050 rep me. Or I'm going to cancel their subscription. I'm just saying, Look, if you're able to do it, wonderful. I don't go out there and say go out there and
310 00:51:43,050 --> 00:51:55,050 prove to the world and say I, you know, I tell you know, my students show themselves because they know how to do it. And they're proud. But you want to be
311 00:51:55,050 --> 00:52:05,640 able to go into this with their proper mindset, not building up some unrealistic expectation yourself, because all you're doing when you do that, and you make it
312 00:52:05,640 --> 00:52:18,870 social media equity curve, the my FX books, I gotta get on this ft mo leaderboard, who gives a shit about that. If you're literally sitting down
313 00:52:18,870 --> 00:52:27,840 listening to me, and you're thinking, Okay, I'm gonna go through the ICT mentorship in 2023. And I'm gonna get my son to count. And I'm going to totally
314 00:52:27,840 --> 00:52:40,110 smash the FDNY leaderboard, I'm going to be the highest payout in history in FTM. Now, you're doing it wrong. You're doing it wrong. Because if you aren't
315 00:52:40,110 --> 00:52:50,340 able to do that right now, that's sure as hell isn't going to be the end result of you being with me in 2023. And I'm going to tell you why you're doing it for
316 00:52:50,340 --> 00:52:58,800 the wrong reasons. You're going to push, when you don't even have your edge. You're going to push when you don't have the experience, you're going to push
317 00:52:58,920 --> 00:53:11,700 when you don't have the mindset to allow for imperfection change, you go into one trade losing. You go into a tailspin, and it's gonna become two trades
318 00:53:11,700 --> 00:53:17,550 that's lost. And you're gonna feel like, oh, no, I gotta get it back. And you gotta push and push and push, push, and then all sudden, you're gonna blow that
319 00:53:17,550 --> 00:53:20,100 FTMs account, you're gonna blow that
320 00:53:21,750 --> 00:53:30,540 whatever FTM is coming to the forefront of my mind. I don't know why. But I know there's other companies out there. And I'm not saying FEMA is good. Because I
321 00:53:30,540 --> 00:53:37,560 don't know. I don't have any experience with any of them. I have no interest in doing them. I have people that would say, Hey, Nick, what's going to really
322 00:53:37,560 --> 00:53:46,260 prove to the world you know what you're doing? Get up on the leaderboard and HTML? Why? What does that mean? How about I just run a Live account and then
323 00:53:46,320 --> 00:53:53,970 show you? How does that work for your life? How does that work? Okay, is that better? Because to me, that's, that's better. Because I can get lucky like
324 00:53:53,970 --> 00:54:07,440 anybody else in find her way up on a leaderboard. Call every single individual candle, the entire session, map out the entire narrative of the morning session.
325 00:54:08,910 --> 00:54:20,430 That's understanding that's prowess. And that's what I'm gonna lend to you this year. But when I'm done this, I'm done teaching. I'm done. Okay. I'm not saying
326 00:54:20,430 --> 00:54:28,530 I won't make videos, I just won't be doing them at the pace that you're used to seeing. Because I'll have other things in my personal life I want to do. But if
327 00:54:28,530 --> 00:54:36,720 you have that funded account, or the 100,000 hours, and you're aiming for one and a half percent for the week on one good setup, that one setup that makes so
328 00:54:36,750 --> 00:54:44,910 much sense that all other setups for the week, you're not interested in, you're not interested in any other day. This is the day it should be doing this
329 00:54:44,910 --> 00:54:53,370 particular thing with particular thing. You're going to understand that they've been with me throughout the year on 2023. Oh, if you know what you're talking
330 00:54:53,370 --> 00:54:59,160 about, you should be able to explain it right now. I can but you're not going to understand what I mean by it. It's going to be a low resistance that could be
331 00:54:59,160 --> 00:55:07,920 run What is that? Oh, it's in the mentorship already caught up on YouTube channel. But you don't have the experience of sitting there with someone who's
332 00:55:07,920 --> 00:55:18,480 going to outline what it looks like why should do it and then calling it before it happens live that's the only way you learn it by having your nose in a chart
333 00:55:18,510 --> 00:55:32,730 watching Real Time Data print. That's tape reading, no entries, no demo, nothing. No pushing of any kind of button. You need to log that real time market
334 00:55:32,730 --> 00:55:41,700 price delivery. And this is the part to every single one of my unsuccessful students. Just like every other teacher out there they have they have students
335 00:55:42,090 --> 00:55:54,090 virtually is amazing as he was, every one of his students didn't become a Jackie Chan. Okay, they didn't become, you know, some wildly profitable, profitable
336 00:55:54,150 --> 00:56:08,670 movie star or excellent tactician in martial arts. I'm no exception to that rule. Humans are human. I'm the same person today. That was this goober 20 year
337 00:56:08,670 --> 00:56:16,860 old that thought he's going to figure it out just by watching or reading a book that had no real insight about what the market was doing and why it would do it.
338 00:56:17,220 --> 00:56:26,760 I trusted squiggly lines. That's all I did. And I trusted that these people lived and said they made so much money that they were a flash in the pan wins.
339 00:56:27,450 --> 00:56:36,150 That's why there was only 12 people on the cassette tape that I heard as case study results. It was the same cassette tape that he would keep pushing out.
340 00:56:36,390 --> 00:56:46,470 Year after year. Where's the new where's the new people that made money? It's like the Tim Sykes, you know, how many millionaires did he make? Think he's only
341 00:56:46,470 --> 00:56:54,960 made two that I know of. And I don't know their names. And I might be wrong. But I know he's only got one millionaire student. And he never made more money than
342 00:56:54,960 --> 00:57:03,720 he's ever claimed from his bar mitzvah money. So, you know, how's that a sales pitch? Sale, sales pitch for a penny stocks shouldn't exist, because that's
343 00:57:03,720 --> 00:57:14,220 garbage. You shouldn't be trading in that stuff. So many rabbit trails I can cut down right now. Anyway, alright. 1000, you're trying to aim for one good set up
344 00:57:14,460 --> 00:57:24,270 one and a half percent for the week. That's an easy low hanging fruit. What would it look like for some of you that have been here long enough to know what
345 00:57:24,270 --> 00:57:34,290 a low resistance liquidity run signature will look like in price? Well, this morning, if you look at the E Mini s&p setup, that was a low resistance
346 00:57:34,290 --> 00:57:45,930 liquidity run signature that running into that fair value gap and bullish breaker. That was a no brainer into that sell side that was so easy to see. So
347 00:57:45,930 --> 00:57:56,280 easy. And it worked like gangbusters. Not trying to be pro pride, prideful and boastful. But let's call it what it is, folks. Everything in that market that I
348 00:57:56,280 --> 00:58:07,080 recorded and mapped out and was being typed out. Try to do that with another market going the opposite direction, all that annotation real time. Nobody can
349 00:58:07,080 --> 00:58:17,490 do that. Okay, you can't be divided in your mind. I couldn't. I couldn't personally because I can't focus like that. I have to have extreme focus, where
350 00:58:17,490 --> 00:58:26,460 nobody can talk to me when I'm doing it. And that's why I do so well in recorded because I'm not having any distraction. If someone's like, eat my son, like when
351 00:58:26,460 --> 00:58:35,430 we're sitting together, and I'm explaining things. Sometimes he'll say, Dad was in right then and there, my concentration is completely broken. And I'm looking
352 00:58:35,430 --> 00:58:45,150 at him. And he's like, I'm sorry, it takes me minutes, if not the rest of the morning to get back in sync. Because I'm yoked about a gear, and I can't
353 00:58:45,150 --> 00:58:57,750 concentrate. So it's very difficult for me to do that. I look like I'm infallible, because I'm providing myself the proper environment. I know where my
354 00:58:57,750 --> 00:59:09,060 problems are. I know where my pitfalls are. Okay, so if I invite people to ask me, Why am I'm doing this? Yeah, all of that can be answered later on. Let me
355 00:59:09,060 --> 00:59:15,510 dazzle you with the precision, okay. And we can answer all those questions out there. Because you're gonna see this, it's already in the teachings on my
356 00:59:15,510 --> 00:59:22,950 YouTube channel. I'm not gonna have to create something new. And like, oh, well, you didn't teach that? No, I thought it. And it's using the very logic that
357 00:59:22,950 --> 00:59:30,630 you've learned. It's not morphing into something totally new. It's something that repeats over and over again, as you would expect if there is an algorithm,
358 00:59:31,560 --> 00:59:44,850 not algorithms. It's one algorithm. One, it delivers price. And there's certain times of the day certain days of the week and certain instances where the
359 00:59:44,850 --> 00:59:54,450 signatures are so overwhelmingly obvious what they're doing. It's not obvious to the lay people that are dabbling in trading. You know, the guy that painted my
360 00:59:54,450 --> 01:00:07,740 house or as to say, this way, the contractor that hired the subcontractors that painted my Hell's $39,000 $39,000 that paint, you know, a little bit over 8000
361 01:00:07,740 --> 01:00:13,500 square foot home. And I didn't have everything painted like the, the classes didn't need to be painted, you're probably saying what the hell is he talking
362 01:00:13,500 --> 01:00:21,030 about now, but the guy overcharged, okay. And apparently I'm not the only one that was facing something like that. I've looked at several other people, my
363 01:00:21,030 --> 01:00:29,550 wife has a tick tock account and people are complaining and bitching how you painters are saying one room is 8000 hours, and this that nothing and it's
364 01:00:29,550 --> 01:00:37,680 extremely expensive. So I can imagine for people that don't do well, and they just have their new rate of nine to five job or whatever. And you have a family
365 01:00:37,680 --> 01:00:44,970 and all these things have increased. I can't imagine how the average person is doing this anymore today. Like I don't know. But my point in bringing all that
366 01:00:45,000 --> 01:00:52,230 up is it sound like I was bragging, right? But I wasn't I was complaining that even with all the money, I have $40,000 almost just the paint the house and
367 01:00:52,350 --> 01:00:59,850 inside and not the entirety of the house, just the main surface walls, that things that have a lot of high traffic and such. That's a lot of money even for
368 01:00:59,850 --> 01:01:08,910 me. The guy that I hired, which was CertaPro Painters, let me just say this right now, don't ever use them. Because I could have offered these people to
369 01:01:08,910 --> 01:01:18,030 come in is what I should have done. Had will come in and paint one of the rooms, one of the bedrooms. Okay, and soon as its uptime, subcontractors come in, I
370 01:01:18,030 --> 01:01:24,720 love them. They were great. They were good workers, very honest people. And I should have said, some look, give me your business card, because this is what I
371 01:01:24,720 --> 01:01:33,120 did. I got hooked on the whole contract that needed to do a little house and stuff. But I should have done this, as in the command penguin room. If I like
372 01:01:33,120 --> 01:01:38,550 what you did with that one room, I'll let you do the rest of the house. But really, that would have been an invitation to come in and say, Okay, I want to
373 01:01:38,550 --> 01:01:46,350 see how you do and then I'm going to hire you. And I'll be the contractor to sign that sign. Do you want us to subcontract with you my house and not have to
374 01:01:46,350 --> 01:01:54,870 pay the exorbitant of I was under the impression that CertaPro had its own painters, and they do, but most of their work is subbed out. So trust me,
375 01:01:54,870 --> 01:02:03,420 there's a point on this. But it is a life lesson for some of you. I could have hired these individuals and probably paid less than half. And he would have done
376 01:02:03,420 --> 01:02:11,760 the same amount of work, the same level of workmanship. And they would have been much more appreciative because I would have gave them the job and they wouldn't
377 01:02:11,760 --> 01:02:22,890 have to rely on this other guy. And this other guy literally walked in my house with his shoes on. And I fucking flipped out. I was like, Dude, you don't come
378 01:02:22,890 --> 01:02:33,510 in my house with shoes on. I'm sorry. Take your fucking shoes off, not just apologize, take your fucking shoes often get on my house. So he takes his shoes
379 01:02:33,510 --> 01:02:45,900 off. He's walking around prices, the job and such. And he says, What do you do? I said, I'm in the markets. And how you how long is this job going to take? He
380 01:02:45,900 --> 01:02:54,810 will answer a question and come back to you. What do you do in the markets? Like Well, I've I've traded stock stock options. I've traded stock index futures.
381 01:02:54,810 --> 01:03:04,320 I've traded commodities. I've traded bonds, I've traded Forex, I traded index, and that index currency futures. I've done all of it. Except for crypto. He
382 01:03:04,320 --> 01:03:13,440 said, gotcha. I wanted to ask you that. I kind of figured you on these crypto guys. No, trust me, dude. I'm not that guy. And I'm the anti crypto guy. Okay,
383 01:03:13,470 --> 01:03:17,010 trust me. I'm not I'm not the guy to listen to you with that shit. So
384 01:03:19,440 --> 01:03:27,780 anyway, he goes on about how he got hurt. He was trying to listen to these people doing what? Take a guess. Can you take a guess what he was trading? Not
385 01:03:27,780 --> 01:03:40,230 crypto. He was getting ready to go into crypto because he moved out of taking heavy losses in meme stocks. What do you think about GameStop? What do you think
386 01:03:40,230 --> 01:03:49,020 about AMC? They're going to shit. Just like I told all of you. This whole year, I said, Watch. They're gonna become penny stocks. And look where they're trading
387 01:03:49,020 --> 01:03:59,550 now. You gotta listen to go to YCT. I'm here to help you folks. And it's not costing you anything. Did you have to give me your PayPal? No. Did you have to
388 01:03:59,550 --> 01:04:11,010 swipe a credit card? Now? Just listen to me, I promise you're gonna get things that you would have to pay a lot of money for elsewhere, or not even learn. So,
389 01:04:11,310 --> 01:04:23,670 this goober says, you know, I would really like to learn how to do this and do that because I lost my ass in Gamestop and AMC movie theater. And I was like,
390 01:04:23,940 --> 01:04:35,400 Were you in the Reddit forums? Yep. Yeah, well, he's one of the guys I told you about over the spring and summer. I said these people sit around. And they talk
391 01:04:35,430 --> 01:04:46,140 about how they're going to bust up the market. They're gonna go after these billionaires, okay, these fund managers in the market makers see that and they
392 01:04:46,140 --> 01:04:54,480 give it to them. They let it run a little bit closer. They're they're already buying in the market runs up. And as it's going up, they know that the Reddit
393 01:04:54,480 --> 01:05:01,650 crowd and all the forums are gonna be hopping in. Yeah, it's great. We're all gonna get rich. We're gonna we're gonna bang grabbed all the hedge funds. That's
394 01:05:01,650 --> 01:05:10,890 what what they were. That's exactly what they were saying. And you heard me tell you all, this is not going to happen. This is what they've done. They have built
395 01:05:10,890 --> 01:05:19,830 in a premium. And at the highest point, everything seems great, kind of like Bitcoin when it was just suddenly $20,000 Initially, per Bitcoin. And my wife
396 01:05:19,830 --> 01:05:28,920 was like, Hey, do you trade Bitcoin and I put out the APB. That's it, that coin is not going to 20,000 it's going to 6000. And it happened. That says, gonna go
397 01:05:28,920 --> 01:05:36,720 to 3000. And I was off by 200. Okay, and I told you, when I was gonna go to 20,000, and it happened, I told you, I was gonna go to 30,000 and a half, I told
398 01:05:36,720 --> 01:05:45,660 you what's going to be 5060. And I told you the highest monthly be 70 lb on a worst case scenario, if I'm totally wrong. And it basically shit the bed since
399 01:05:45,660 --> 01:05:54,720 then, this whole year, it's been bad. Well, this is an individual that I talked about with you all. He's in my house, and I'm paying him 40,000 hours to paint
400 01:05:54,720 --> 01:06:04,170 my house. Now he's not keeping all that money mine, he's got to give it to the subcontractors too. But he's profiting on nothing. But he's bitching to me how
401 01:06:04,170 --> 01:06:16,050 he lost his ass in these memes, stocks, doing what chasing public perception about what the public thinks the markets going to do. That's the, that's the
402 01:06:16,050 --> 01:06:25,050 epitome of retail, thinking that support resistance supply and demand zones, Elliott Wave, all these harmonic patterns, zoo patterns, is going to make the
403 01:06:25,050 --> 01:06:36,150 market do something, it's going to bend to the will of those animal patterns. And that's where he was in, he was in those rooms listening to that stuff. And
404 01:06:36,150 --> 01:06:45,960 they were only thinking I was going to go to the moon. And they couldn't understand that there was a entity out there, that literally gave them the rope
405 01:06:45,960 --> 01:06:53,460 to hang themselves with it. And that's exactly what I explained to you. They'll run it up, they'll make money, you know, building up a large position, then
406 01:06:53,460 --> 01:07:00,870 delivering it up, and then selling it off to the public. Who's going to buy I think it's gonna go to the moon. And they're all laughing. They're all over the
407 01:07:00,870 --> 01:07:09,840 internet laughing Oh, we made so much money. And so and so they're all broke now. Because they held on and bought more. And then when it dropped a bit more,
408 01:07:10,740 --> 01:07:26,430 buy the dip, the old crypto adage, buy the dip. hold on for dear life. Well, that kind of stuff leads to destruction. And this dude literally was one of
409 01:07:26,430 --> 01:07:36,600 those people that were in those rooms on Reddit, who fell victim to all that stuff. And at the end of next year, you're not going to have those problems,
410 01:07:36,660 --> 01:07:57,030 you're not going to be caught up in that mania. The whole I gotta get in, I'm gonna miss the move. Yeah. Every year, folks, person every single year, doesn't
411 01:07:57,030 --> 01:08:08,340 make a move. Okay, they are the moves that you can make fortunes with. You don't need to be trading crypto, you don't need to be trading any one particular
412 01:08:08,340 --> 01:08:20,700 market over another asset class. If you stick to just one, there's a big move every year in something, you can be a specialist and do exceedingly well. I have
413 01:08:20,700 --> 01:08:31,620 a lot of folks that came to me by way of forex. And they're really, you know, tore up about the idea that I don't touch FX anymore. And I don't know why that
414 01:08:31,620 --> 01:08:40,170 should be a problem. Because if you are my students, you should know how to take a trade in that. You don't need me to do it. I don't need to talk about it.
415 01:08:41,970 --> 01:08:52,710 Though pointless for you to be independent. But the same logic that I use to trade names, FX patterns and pairs. Works in everything. Now, let me use this
416 01:08:52,710 --> 01:09:00,420 opportunity to talk about the nifty because I have a lot of Indian traders that reach out to me and say there's your stuff working in the nifty. I don't know,
417 01:09:00,810 --> 01:09:07,200 to be honest with you. I don't have any experience with it. And I don't have any experience with synthetic indices. Okay, so there's two things I wanted to have
418 01:09:07,620 --> 01:09:14,700 on my notepad here scratched off. I have no experience with those. I don't know if it works, but I'd love to hear your feedback if it works for you. So there
419 01:09:14,700 --> 01:09:26,670 you go. must like me and crypto. I don't trade I've never traded crypto outside of a paper trade. And that really doesn't mean shit does it? So one is my
420 01:09:26,670 --> 01:09:36,570 students cosign for it working there. Okay, and I'm comfortable with that. I have no interest in trading it but you don't need to be trading or jumping
421 01:09:36,570 --> 01:09:48,270 around. You see these folks out there they got like 29 Different forex pairs they're following. Why? Like, more is a distraction. Okay, and here here's a
422 01:09:49,170 --> 01:09:57,600 here's a testimony to your maturity as a trader, okay. And I really want you to listen to this folks because it has nothing to do with pride has nothing to do
423 01:09:57,600 --> 01:10:06,420 with ego. This is where the rubber meets the road. because when I first started, I thought I had to track every single fucking commodity there is. And it drove
424 01:10:06,420 --> 01:10:18,480 me nuts, I had to make my own individual charts, I had to put a.on A bar, and to put a.on A little graph paper, okay, and they were all dots, I had a little
425 01:10:18,510 --> 01:10:27,780 rough eyeball where that high and low would be on a paper chart, printed one time a week and delivered to my house. Okay, commodity price charts is what this
426 01:10:27,780 --> 01:10:38,340 was, I had to draw my open high, low and close for every fucking commodity that I was worried about. Every single day. That's how I did it. Okay, that's what we
427 01:10:38,340 --> 01:10:46,680 had to do. You guys are all spoiled. And you think because you have all that luxury of click a button, you have everything pop up on your chart, you think
428 01:10:46,680 --> 01:10:54,960 that's an advantage. It's not, that's not an advantage, it's actually a distraction. The people that do exceptionally well, unless you are a long term
429 01:10:54,960 --> 01:11:05,970 trend follower, there's really no need to be falling 20 Some markets, you don't need to do that. That stupid, you will be better suited to being a specialist to
430 01:11:05,970 --> 01:11:15,360 one or two markets is exactly how I teach it. When I was teaching FX, it was the pound, the Euro coupled with the dollar. So that was our triad. Okay, three
431 01:11:15,360 --> 01:11:24,570 markets that are closely correlated. Dollars gonna do one thing. Pound and the euro would do the opposite. And you look for that little crack and correlation.
432 01:11:24,870 --> 01:11:37,200 Okay? When it creates that and you have a bias and narrative, it's easy. If you don't have that you do nothing. Well, if you feel like you have to have a lot of
433 01:11:37,200 --> 01:11:49,620 markets to be tracking, to the adages, more monitors, more markets to follow means you're professionally minded. That's horseshit. That's horseshit. And that
434 01:11:49,620 --> 01:11:57,780 is all image stuff, okay? The people that make the fucking money are the people that have a specialty in one or two markets. And that's it, they don't give a
435 01:11:57,780 --> 01:12:04,440 flying, fuck, what's going on in the dealer market, they don't care about that stuff. They don't care about who thinks they're other markets that they're
436 01:12:04,440 --> 01:12:12,030 trading are not as good as that they care, they don't care. They're making money. And when you make money, you're not going to give a flying, flip what
437 01:12:12,030 --> 01:12:19,470 anybody else thinks about what market you should be trading to, then you're gonna understand why I was telling everybody in 2012, all the way through 2017.
438 01:12:19,470 --> 01:12:28,740 And yes, I knew the market was gonna go up to 20,000. I told you when it was going to happen, and no, I didn't trade it. And no, it'll have a regret. I can
439 01:12:28,740 --> 01:12:39,540 find big moves every single year, as you're gonna learn in 2023. You're not going to be subservient to anyone. Least of all me. If I'm not teaching you to
440 01:12:39,540 --> 01:12:50,100 be independent, I'm not a good mentor. I'm not trying to be glad handed to all of you. I have my own life. My wife wants to spend time with me. Okay. I know,
441 01:12:50,100 --> 01:12:59,790 it sounds hard to believe. But I'm unlikable kind of guy, okay, in real world, my wife wants to be with me, okay, and I'm trying to do my best to make that
442 01:13:00,060 --> 01:13:07,530 easy. So that way, I don't feel tugged back to all of you. Because there's a lot of you that are struggling. And I know, it's mostly the people outside my
443 01:13:07,530 --> 01:13:13,500 private group. So I'm giving you a gift. Okay, I'm giving you a gift of my entire year.
444 01:13:14,760 --> 01:13:25,590 My focus, and I'm giving it to you for absolutely for free. And I want you all to succeed. But I want you to go in with the right mindset of knowing that
445 01:13:25,590 --> 01:13:34,320 you're learning how to read price, how to find setups, and then you're going to find what market you like, and you're not going to give a shit about which one
446 01:13:34,320 --> 01:13:42,120 on trading. You may learn by using the ES and the Nasdaq this year with me and you say you know what, I'm going to take what I learned, and I'll be right back
447 01:13:42,120 --> 01:13:49,290 to the euro dollar. No, God bless you. If that's what you're going to do. That's fine. Don't let me tell you otherwise. I personally don't want to touch Forex.
448 01:13:49,620 --> 01:13:59,370 And I've touched on the reasons why the entirety of this year. But if you feel comfortable taking on that risk. Don't let anybody change your mind about it.
449 01:14:00,120 --> 01:14:08,550 Don't feel any kind of adversity or second guessing nothing. None of that should have any influence on your decision making what market you're going to trade.
450 01:14:09,600 --> 01:14:17,730 Because I'm telling you the richest people in these markets are the ones that have one or two markets at best. The biggest guys out there to trade just
451 01:14:17,730 --> 01:14:25,980 stocks. They only have a handful of stocks. So when I say handle two, three, maybe four at most, but they know those fucking stocks like the back of their
452 01:14:25,980 --> 01:14:36,510 hands. They knew the highs and the lows of yesterday, three days ago. They know those markets, they know him, they live and breed them. You want to be a
453 01:14:36,510 --> 01:14:50,100 specialist. That lesson one of the folks that have blessed me this holiday season is there's so many of you, and I'm just gonna add this in here. I've
454 01:14:50,190 --> 01:14:59,670 received a lot of cards, letters. I've received gifts some of them are very, very nice too much really for me. I was very surprised to see some of the stuff
455 01:14:59,670 --> 01:15:13,500 that you guys sent to me. One of the individuals sent me a DVD version of Larry Williams. Course, I told you about new coming up out of the H S. Four tape thing
456 01:15:13,500 --> 01:15:25,350 from him. And I'd love to sit down with Caleb, in our theater and I played it. The transfer from VHS to what they did when they dubbed it, it's really it's not
457 01:15:25,380 --> 01:15:36,870 as clear, as I remember the VHS thing is what it is right? But watching it. And I could say verbatim what he was gonna say beforehand. And Kayla was like, man,
458 01:15:37,080 --> 01:15:47,970 when's the last time you watched this? I said, Honestly, shit, like 18 years, maybe 19 years. That's a long time to know, still verbatim what the man is gonna
459 01:15:47,970 --> 01:15:57,360 say. That's how many times I watched it. So when he talked about the section in there to be a specialist, I turned to my son Caleb, I said, Can you see where I
460 01:15:57,360 --> 01:16:08,460 got that from? Now, when I first heard him say this in 1995, that's when I bought that VHS course, he made the video course, in August of 1994, in a little
461 01:16:08,460 --> 01:16:20,310 workshop that he filmed with trade winds. And then there was put on the market. Because I bought this Yahoo's course, that caused me to lose my money, not
462 01:16:20,310 --> 01:16:31,740 knowing what the hell I was doing, taking stupid gambling, and an orange juice option. By buying that guy's course, the mailing list that he was building,
463 01:16:32,700 --> 01:16:41,100 Larry Williams was a purchaser of it. And then I ended up getting Larry Williams shipped sent to me and Yale, I was like, Well, shit, I'm gonna buy his stuff, he
464 01:16:41,100 --> 01:16:51,930 made $10,000 turn to $1.2 million in a year. Hey, you know, I want to learn from that guy. And then when I listened to him, say this particular thing in 1995.
465 01:16:52,170 --> 01:17:05,220 Now, mind you, this is the third year of my trading coming up. And the things that that course and the subsequent interest in buying every book that he put
466 01:17:05,220 --> 01:17:16,650 out that particular moment where he says in that course, the VHS that was listen to him, and my son, and I were listening to it just a week ago. He says, You
467 01:17:16,650 --> 01:17:26,790 want to be a specialist. When I first heard it in 1995, it went in one ear out the other. Because in my mind, what I took away from his course and his
468 01:17:26,790 --> 01:17:38,040 materials, was right, what Larry's telling me as a fledgling student, is I need to be in here trading, everyone needs fucking markets, and I'm going to catch
469 01:17:38,070 --> 01:17:43,680 all the big news, I'm gonna give me I'm gonna be in every one on the coffee's gonna go up, I'm gonna be in that one. If sugar is gonna be, I'm going to be an
470 01:17:43,680 --> 01:17:53,340 all of them. But I didn't have the margin to be in any of those, you know, I had to be out of certain markets because I didn't have enough money in my account to
471 01:17:53,370 --> 01:18:04,560 even meet the initial margin to trade them. When I first started trading, I didn't have enough margin to even touch an s&p contract. Think about that. And
472 01:18:04,560 --> 01:18:16,200 here I was 27 years old thinking, I gotta watch all these markets. And I literally was updating the charts for palladium and platinum pork bellies. What?
473 01:18:17,160 --> 01:18:25,980 But that's how I was, I was going hard. I wanted to make sure I was coming. Nobody was gonna question me and my tenacity and my desire to be good at this.
474 01:18:27,330 --> 01:18:40,920 And I didn't listen. I did not listen to what that man said in that frickin video that made the best impact in my learning curve. When I reduced all the
475 01:18:40,920 --> 01:18:50,250 bullshit down to one or two markets, which were the what were they, the s&p in the bond market? Once I started doing that, and I didn't give a fuck all what
476 01:18:50,280 --> 01:18:59,070 the grain markets did. I didn't care what the meats were doing in live cattle, lean hogs and things like that. They're great markets. And there's nothing wrong
477 01:18:59,070 --> 01:19:08,460 with them per se. But there's better markets to trade, especially if you're in you're looking for short term setups. And because of my infancy as a trader, and
478 01:19:08,460 --> 01:19:19,440 just a total neophyte goober, by all definitions of the word, I had no idea what the fuck I was doing. I couldn't appreciate the good logic that he was sharing.
479 01:19:19,980 --> 01:19:26,940 Much like some of you, when you listen to me, you think I'm full of shit about certain things. You go off and you try other stuff or you try doing it sooner,
480 01:19:27,030 --> 01:19:34,020 you hurt yourself. Then you come back remorseful thinking, Okay, I've been humbled. Let me listen to the man. And now all of a sudden now you'll learn.
481 01:19:34,320 --> 01:19:41,280 Okay, well, that's what had to happen to me. But when I'm talking to you like this, I don't want you to feel like you have to go through the same shit that I
482 01:19:41,280 --> 01:19:48,390 went through and other people that like that same mindset thinking they're going to be the exception. So I turned to my son Caleb, I smile to him. I said, you
483 01:19:48,390 --> 01:20:01,050 can see where I got that from. That moment right there. I had to come back after my fifth account. Fifth account as a 20 year old thought I knew what the hell I
484 01:20:01,050 --> 01:20:11,970 was doing. And when I was doing it the right way, I wasn't satisfied. I wanted to do more, and pushed and pushed and pushed, and I blew the account. And I was
485 01:20:11,970 --> 01:20:22,320 trying to do too many other things. I wanted to be in the metals. And instead of just picking the one metal to be in, I was trying to be in platinum, palladium
486 01:20:22,320 --> 01:20:31,410 and high grade copper. For what? That's dumb, you're gonna be a metal shader trade, silver or gold done. If you want something that's gonna be a make a
487 01:20:31,410 --> 01:20:40,020 trade, if high grade copper goes into a premium. And what I mean by that is, the nearby contracts sell for more now than you do in the future. That's a backward
488 01:20:40,020 --> 01:20:48,630 causation. It's a reversal of a carrying charge market. That whole premise and I'll talk about this in the core content, which I learned specifically, directly
489 01:20:48,630 --> 01:20:57,090 right from Larry Williams. It still works today. If anybody tells you it doesn't work. They're full of shit. That stuff is that's that's the brass tacks. Okay,
490 01:20:57,090 --> 01:21:05,880 if you're going to be commodities trader, you don't know about that, then you don't know how to do it. But one is. I told my son Caleb, I said, you know, that
491 01:21:06,420 --> 01:21:16,620 moment of losing multiple accounts and realizing that I'm doing too much, I was successful here and there and had sense of progress, and equity increase, and
492 01:21:16,620 --> 01:21:27,480 then all of a sudden, I was trying to do more. Why? Because I saw some asshole on America Online. He had his little stupid s web page. It was Don't you think
493 01:21:27,480 --> 01:21:39,870 my web page is generic and stupid. This guy was even worse. He had a picture of a hammock. Okay, like a cartoon hammock. And Dean, Caribbean trader. That was
494 01:21:39,870 --> 01:21:48,600 his thing, okay. And you click on a shit and you read his newsletter, and that's what we did back then was newsletters. And I was like, He's saying he made
495 01:21:48,600 --> 01:21:59,640 $15,000 trading the s&p yesterday? No, I didn't see this man. Take this trade. He's not even showing a fucking chart. Like he's not doing anything. He just
496 01:21:59,640 --> 01:22:12,060 said he did it. So here I am gullible Huddleston. I'm thinking okay, well, this guy. I got to do this, too. So I'm now going to go into the s&p. Now you I've
497 01:22:12,060 --> 01:22:23,130 been initially trained by Larry Williams, Mr. s&p himself, you know, that wasn't enough of an influence. I had to see this goober. Okay, that just said he made
498 01:22:23,130 --> 01:22:36,000 15,012 1000 8000 When you had losses, it was only like 150 bucks or 200 bucks, something like that. This guy knows something. That shit was me trying to run up
499 01:22:36,450 --> 01:22:44,910 with somebody else on social media. Now, that was the beginning infant stages of social media. Okay, miracle man, that was we the whole dollar and you know,
500 01:22:44,910 --> 01:22:50,700 modem, you know, hence, the handshaking that modems used to do a lot stuff, charging you by the minute type shit.
501 01:22:51,960 --> 01:23:01,830 That kind of experience. You know, we were we were cowboys. Mavericks in, in the internet, like everybody now like little kids and like our nieces. You know,
502 01:23:01,830 --> 01:23:09,960 they're small. They have cell phones, they have the iPhone and shit, you know, and to me, I think they're too young to have it. But hey, you know, they're not
503 01:23:09,960 --> 01:23:18,810 my kid. It's not my business, but I could talk to you because I'm not around them and their mother, you know, whatever, is what it is, right? Like everyone's
504 01:23:18,810 --> 01:23:30,540 got their own opinion. But back in the 90s, you know, that's when the internet was born, right? And the whole influence of social media because I was young, I
505 01:23:30,540 --> 01:23:40,920 was very impressionable. Because I've had this chip on my shoulder, I had to prove myself, I had to prove myself. So when I saw this guy out, here's all he
506 01:23:40,920 --> 01:23:51,690 was doing was typing that he did this never showed a chart just did the whole thing. And I'm thinking myself, that's what I want to do. Like, I want to do
507 01:23:51,690 --> 01:24:01,890 that. And if I'm having an impact on you wanting to be like me, like when I shared that trade today, anytime I share a trade, I want you to think about the
508 01:24:01,890 --> 01:24:13,950 logic that I'm doing. Don't look at what I'm showing as a trade result. Don't let that be the driver. Let the management the placement of my entry in the
509 01:24:13,950 --> 01:24:24,240 stock management. And where I take partials, let that be the driver for what you want to try to be like me with, take the money out of it. Okay? The whole the
510 01:24:24,240 --> 01:24:33,270 whole business of having that money there. That is the little hook that I use. Now, I don't advertise, okay, but when I was on Twitter years ago, I would
511 01:24:33,270 --> 01:24:41,010 literally do this over and over and over again show example after example. And these other people that have a whole lot more subscribers than me, that would
512 01:24:41,010 --> 01:24:51,240 claim to be brilliant tacticians and traders that you trade this and trade that you would never see them execute on anything. But they had the biggest mouth. So
513 01:24:51,270 --> 01:25:00,900 I challenged them all the time. I'd stand regularly and say look on the wrecking ball. I'm here. I'm the wrecking ball. Okay, not some guy down in Texas. I am,
514 01:25:01,200 --> 01:25:09,300 am I stood in front of every one of them, they either blocked me, or just made fun of the fact that was demo, it can be demo, I'm going to show you what the
515 01:25:09,300 --> 01:25:18,630 markets gonna do you show me what you're doing. I will stand out here and be the clown and show you with a demo that you can't even come close to what I'm doing.
516 01:25:19,110 --> 01:25:32,280 And you can use your Live account results. And it never panned out. They never would do it. So I use that whole need as a young man as my marketing tool.
517 01:25:33,300 --> 01:25:41,580 Because I know, that's what, when I was a younger boy, I was fascinated with wrestling, right? Who wasn't as a young man. I want to be a Hulk Hogan. I want
518 01:25:41,580 --> 01:25:49,980 to be an ultimate warrior. I want to be Jimmy Superfly Snuka. You know, all these Titans. The young men used to look up to Okay, little boys, I want to be
519 01:25:49,980 --> 01:26:08,070 like him. Well, I took that I guess it's a built in thing for for young guys. I guess, you know, you feel like you gotta have a hero. Okay, so I developed this
520 01:26:08,100 --> 01:26:19,980 anti hero. No, and nobody is going to want to be like me, because I'm just a demo baller. But I can do things very efficiently in that because number one,
521 01:26:20,280 --> 01:26:29,520 nobody can fault me when they lose money because I'm talking about a demo. And nobody can really take offense to it. Because even if you were a real good
522 01:26:29,520 --> 01:26:38,010 trader, and you were able to size up with me, which that didn't happen back then. They had real results they could have been bringing against me and they
523 01:26:38,010 --> 01:26:48,150 still wouldn't do it. Like, that's the facade and all this stuff. Like if you know you're doing just do it, right. So I fell victim to that same shit on
524 01:26:48,150 --> 01:26:59,400 America Online. And this guy, Dean, the Caribbean traitor. His newsletter was the major influence on me wrecking myself, trying to do shit trying to keep up
525 01:26:59,400 --> 01:27:09,120 with somebody that I guarantee this fucking clown wasn't even making any money. I'm convinced that it now. I'm convinced that this guy never made money. I think
526 01:27:09,120 --> 01:27:19,200 he just wrote shit. But because I was young, and I believed everything on the internet. Because think about it, it was just coming up. Nobody thought that
527 01:27:19,440 --> 01:27:26,700 scamming was a thing. Okay, because we were all enamored by the whole experience of being on there talking to people all around the world. Hey, I'm from China.
528 01:27:26,730 --> 01:27:35,970 Hi, I'm from Russia. Um, you know what? You can, you're talking to me right now I can, I can see that right now. Like, I don't have to wait for a letter to come
529 01:27:35,970 --> 01:27:44,100 in the mail. And with a stamp and all that stuff. Like it was, it was crazy. Like, we were totally taken aback by it. And I know I was I'm not gonna sit here
530 01:27:44,100 --> 01:27:55,050 and bullshit you I'm gonna tell you straight up, like I was in there running up a bill all the time with America Online. I loved it. But it hurt me. It made me
531 01:27:55,050 --> 01:28:03,240 chase shit, that I should have no business messing around with and believing people that had no reason to be believed. So when I teach, and I show my
532 01:28:03,240 --> 01:28:11,160 examples, this is why I shared it publicly. Because if I didn't know what the fuck I was doing, I couldn't replicate this stuff. On TradingView. They just
533 01:28:11,160 --> 01:28:16,380 added this little feature where it has like that little lightning bolt at the bottom showing it that's real time data. You can't fake that it's right there.
534 01:28:16,650 --> 01:28:29,280 Okay. It has no delay, and you can't do trades with Market Replay. I'm sneaking a little, little drink in get my second wind. You should have brought some
535 01:28:29,280 --> 01:28:39,240 snacks motherfuckers. So if you know that that's a character flaw on you, and mostly for the men. You got to be careful even with me, okay? Because when I'm
536 01:28:39,240 --> 01:28:49,380 showing examples, yes, I'm showing you precision. Yes, I'm showing you logic that I've already taught you to inspire you to work towards that. I'm throwing
537 01:28:49,380 --> 01:28:58,590 the number of what the results would be in the faces of all these people out there to talk shit, okay, and they try to do 50 different trades over
538 01:28:58,590 --> 01:29:07,020 leveraging, then that's supposed to convince you that they're a good trader, that's gambling. And if you're blowing your account going maximum loss several
539 01:29:07,020 --> 01:29:15,810 times in the same week, and you're deleting those live streams. That communicates fraud. So when I sit down and I go through the logic of really
540 01:29:15,810 --> 01:29:25,440 watching Real Time Data, and I'm live execution, these are being pushed real time. There's no way of faking that. There's no way for me to hide the fact that
541 01:29:25,440 --> 01:29:36,150 I'm annotating the chart, I'm typing it out those things proof, prove rather proof of concept in theory. And if these things weren't, so you all would see
542 01:29:36,150 --> 01:29:45,900 that period, and the story. So you don't want to be falling victim to any of the bullshit that's online. And you don't want to take the wrong message from what
543 01:29:45,900 --> 01:29:53,760 I'm teaching, or from my examples. Look at the precision elements, the things that repeat, even if you don't understand why I'm doing the trade. I guarantee
544 01:29:53,760 --> 01:30:02,610 if you go through, look at your chart and see where I was going in it and study what you've learned the thus far on my YouTube channel, you're going to see the
545 01:30:02,610 --> 01:30:17,340 breakers. Okay, when that went up into that, my second entry, the very second entry where I did a partial. That is the model 22. I'm sorry, 2022 entry, but
546 01:30:17,340 --> 01:30:27,030 it's also a bearish breaker. There are so many things in Confluence right there for me to trust that. And some of you in my private group have said, looking at
547 01:30:27,030 --> 01:30:35,130 Wow, you were like using a one point stop loss. I wasn't worried about it being a one point stop loss, I was just using the logic that I teach my stop loss
548 01:30:35,130 --> 01:30:43,560 above consequent encroachment of what you know, was a student of mine. And it had already went up into the fair value cap. It's just returning back to the
549 01:30:43,560 --> 01:30:52,980 bottom of the the highest up close candle, which is a bearish order block, but it's also inside the range of a bearish breaker. All those things are in that
550 01:30:52,980 --> 01:31:00,780 one minute chart, go back and look at it, it's there. And when it's that strong, and that's when it's so overwhelming, it's easy to take those types of setups.
551 01:31:01,860 --> 01:31:10,920 But now, if you compare that with saying, Okay, this looks like it might be a shift in market structure, I'm not really certain. And there's two fair value
552 01:31:10,920 --> 01:31:18,510 gaps in here. So I'm I don't know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna just take one of them, I'm gonna take the first one. And I'll use what ICT said it might go up
553 01:31:18,510 --> 01:31:24,000 here and trade into other one, and I'll just put my stop loss above that, and then it goes up and hits it knocks it out, and you're gonna come away with what
554 01:31:24,540 --> 01:31:31,980 this shit don't work? No, it will work. But you have to have more than one reason to do it.
555 01:31:33,630 --> 01:31:44,910 We have to have statistical probability in our favor. What is that? It's not contrived. It's multiple factors that algorithmically lend well to a low
556 01:31:44,910 --> 01:31:54,300 resistance liquidity run. It's a whole lot of mumbo jumbo now. But basically, it means this, the market goes to liquidity, whether it be by stock, or sell side
557 01:31:54,300 --> 01:32:06,120 liquidity, or it goes back up to an inefficiency, one or the other. That's all it's going to do. That is the initial stages of a market setup, you have to have
558 01:32:06,120 --> 01:32:14,910 one of those things. If you don't have either one of them, you have no fucking trade. It's that simple. You have to have one or the other, it's not going to do
559 01:32:14,910 --> 01:32:20,640 something different. It's gonna pull, it's not gonna pull a hat trick out and say, you know, watch this shit, I'm gonna do something new for you. No, it's one
560 01:32:20,640 --> 01:32:30,810 of those two things. And your model best suits you to pick one or the other. Are you going to trade fair Vega? Or in balance? Or are you going to trade runs on
561 01:32:30,810 --> 01:32:43,380 liquidity? Turtle Soup type ideas? Okay? Where you might have a hybrid, you require the stock run, like the 2022 model, it does that first, then a shift in
562 01:32:43,380 --> 01:32:51,090 market structure, then you go to the imbalance. It makes it easy, doesn't it? Oh, it makes sense. When you say it like that, I see. No fucking shit. That's
563 01:32:51,090 --> 01:33:00,630 what I said there on the whole lessons and 41 videos spread out across a whole lot of rants, that you bitch about. It's always there, you just don't pay
564 01:33:00,630 --> 01:33:10,320 attention to it. Because you're coming into the lessons or the lectures, listening for your choice. Delivery, your little thing that you want to have
565 01:33:10,320 --> 01:33:21,540 your itch scratched on. No, you're not going to do well in 2023. Like that, you got to come in with an open notebook. Clear your mind have no expectations
566 01:33:21,540 --> 01:33:31,140 except to learn. If you do that, you won't fall victim to the bullshit, you will be able to glean from the Dean of price action. And I'm telling you, you will be
567 01:33:31,140 --> 01:33:40,950 better this time next year, you will have skill sets that you'd never thought you were going to have. But it has to be built upon like working out. And nobody
568 01:33:40,950 --> 01:33:46,950 likes that first workout sucks, you get sore. And then you don't want to do it the next day you supposed to work out because that's when you're supposed to do
569 01:33:46,950 --> 01:33:56,790 it. That's how you you got to tear shit up. Okay, what does that you're gonna be breaking up your preconceived notions about what you think trading is, and how
570 01:33:56,790 --> 01:34:05,010 you're going to do it. Because every single Monday, you're going to come in here. Invariably, with the expectation of this is the way you're going to do it.
571 01:34:05,490 --> 01:34:16,620 Like it's habit your way mentorships and I have had so many entitlement minded individuals come to me and kick their asses out. Either by pressuring them
572 01:34:16,620 --> 01:34:26,700 through the same process that everybody else goes through and they can't take it. Or I literally one on one, tell them this is where you're fucking up. You
573 01:34:26,700 --> 01:34:33,330 keep doing the same things and you have to attack that. That's your root problem. And when they fix that, suddenly they're a good student, they can
574 01:34:33,330 --> 01:34:44,430 learn. Oh, you just don't want to take responsibility for not being a good teacher. No, I know where my limitations are. But I also know and I can identify
575 01:34:44,460 --> 01:34:54,210 someone that's not prepared to learn. And if you go into 2023 with these ideas, that you know, this is the only thing you need. You're gonna figure it out
576 01:34:54,210 --> 01:35:03,540 bullshit. That's bullshit right there. There's so many things you don't even discover about yourself yet, there's going to be an impediment. You don't know
577 01:35:03,540 --> 01:35:15,690 you yet. That's the, that's the defining moment for every trader, knowing where the fuckup resides inside of you, because all of us have it, I have it, you have
578 01:35:15,690 --> 01:35:25,590 it, you may not want to agree, or even identify it yet, but it's there. That's the gambler. There's three people in us, okay? The analyst, the person, that's
579 01:35:25,590 --> 01:35:33,120 the person, that's your conscience, really, okay. In the average daily life, it's your conscious, you know, damn, well, you shouldn't be doing certain
580 01:35:33,120 --> 01:35:40,530 things. And when you hear that internal voice, say, Don't do that, you know, if you do that, this is going to come back and bite your neck. But you don't listen
581 01:35:40,530 --> 01:35:49,500 to it, and you just do it right? Then what happens? You got repercussions, you have consequences. So you want to listen to the conscience. Now, what's the
582 01:35:49,500 --> 01:35:58,680 conscience in a trader? That's the analyst, that's the person that has sound logic, these are the rules, you have to stick to them. Okay. The trader is the
583 01:35:58,680 --> 01:36:08,250 individual inside you that trusts the analyst, that the analyst logic is the right way of doing it. And then what are the rules, I only engage on these
584 01:36:08,250 --> 01:36:21,750 timeframes on this logic, using the insight from the analysts because I trust the analyst. And then you have Rodney Dangerfield, the gambler and all of us,
585 01:36:22,200 --> 01:36:30,600 the person that just says, You know what, I haven't been respected enough today. I gotta go out here and lose some fucking money. I gotta, I gotta be recognized.
586 01:36:31,020 --> 01:36:40,470 I gotta go out here and do something today, to put myself on the map. I gotta go out here and do max daily loss in my doorman account, okay, you got to be a
587 01:36:40,470 --> 01:36:54,510 gambler. That gambler, shit doesn't make a career, it ends them. It differs, real growth and learning. And it causes mental anguish that literally can bend
588 01:36:54,540 --> 01:37:09,900 and warp you, in, in the weakest of minds, can cause you to make poor choices about being on this spinning rock. Yes, it can happen. I know people that aren't
589 01:37:09,900 --> 01:37:18,720 here anymore. And you don't want to have these markets have that much control and empowerment over you. You're here to master yourself. You're not mastering
590 01:37:18,720 --> 01:37:28,680 the markets. I'm not a master of the markets. I'm not a king. I'm not a goat. Okay, I'm not the greatest of all times, I am ICT on the inner circle trader.
591 01:37:28,680 --> 01:37:42,330 And I know what I know. That's it. That's it. That's all I claim. I claim that I understand the market delivery better than any other medium, or approach to
592 01:37:42,360 --> 01:37:52,680 trading or analysis concepts. And I think if anybody spends enough time with me, that's pretty much given. You don't have to like me as the person. And I promise
593 01:37:52,680 --> 01:37:59,910 you, you only got to spend one more year with me. If you don't know what you're doing yet. You don't like me as a person, you don't like my disposition or
594 01:37:59,910 --> 01:38:08,070 whatever, that's fine. I'm not here to be your friend. I'm not here for friends. I'm here to have a clean conscience and know that I have done everything I
595 01:38:08,070 --> 01:38:17,730 promised I would do. If I was gifted with this, and I have been gifted. I've been in places, rubbed shoulders with people you'll never meet and look at when
596 01:38:17,730 --> 01:38:26,640 I'm able to do. That's a testimony to that. You have to believe that now, when you start doing it yourself, and then you have to start thinking, Where the hell
597 01:38:26,640 --> 01:38:34,980 did this really come from? Yeah, that's when it gets really interesting. Yep, you'll be talking to yourself in the car, having conversations about shit that
598 01:38:35,100 --> 01:38:46,170 you didn't think about right now. Yep. It's gonna happen. Trust me, it's gonna happen. You probably you probably already do like, yeah. But this year coming,
599 01:38:46,710 --> 01:38:56,670 is going to be a big growth spurt for some of you. And guess what it's like when you have a growth spurt. It's painful. It's going to challenge a lot of your
600 01:38:58,440 --> 01:39:05,460 views about who you are as a person, you're going to realize that you have certain weaknesses that you're going to have to contend with. And there's no
601 01:39:05,460 --> 01:39:19,290 reason to be fearful that that's necessary. That's all necessary learning. And that's the stuff that's not in books even. Mark Douglass's book, that's kind of
602 01:39:19,290 --> 01:39:28,530 like the considered the Bible, of trade psychology. It's not it's a good book. I'm not beating it down. But there's certain topics that only people that have
603 01:39:28,530 --> 01:39:35,730 been doing this for a long time, are really equipped to be talking about. I'm not saying he wasn't equipped to do it. I just think he's sort of coastal and
604 01:39:35,730 --> 01:39:46,080 bullshit. You know, and I like the fact that, you know, when I listened to live streamers, and they go through experiences, and they're drilling through
605 01:39:46,080 --> 01:39:55,020 drawdown and such, and I think that that's the real meat because I don't give a shit how they go in their markets and how they trade at that doesn't impress me.
606 01:39:55,020 --> 01:40:02,910 I'm not interested because as far as I'm concerned, everybody else is flawed. I'm interested in how They engage as a traitor because I'm watching their
607 01:40:02,910 --> 01:40:11,460 internal dialogue, whether they realize they're projecting it or not. They are. And you can tell a bullshitter too when you watch these live streamers,
608 01:40:12,570 --> 01:40:26,730 especially new one, I just started watching. And he's, he's a talker. But he's a funded trader. And my, my opinion still loosely held right now, I think that
609 01:40:28,950 --> 01:40:44,580 I'll reserve my opinion until later on. But right now, I noticed that I'll give me a second here. When I was younger man, I was an avid student of magic. And
610 01:40:45,600 --> 01:40:55,050 over the holidays, I usually share like car tricks and sleight of hand stuff, you know, with my nephews and nieces and things because who doesn't like that
611 01:40:55,050 --> 01:41:07,110 kind of shit raise a kid. So I guess I'm that way. I guess I am a Market Wizards. Like, see how this worked. I didn't hear the, the idea of points of
612 01:41:07,110 --> 01:41:18,510 indication, I learned this whole premise around point of indication from a magician by the name of Jeff McBride. He is one of my favorite car manipulators.
613 01:41:18,720 --> 01:41:28,530 Okay, and you can look him up on YouTube. And he does some really cool ship, but he's older now. But long time ago, I purchased everything I could from him and
614 01:41:28,530 --> 01:41:35,190 learn how to do carbon regulations and card vanishes and shit. No, no, that doesn't even mean anything to most of you here. But he talked about
615 01:41:36,540 --> 01:41:51,870 the point at which when a performer, a teacher, a lecturer, an artist, when they reveal themselves to you, okay, and he taught on this idea is called a point of
616 01:41:51,870 --> 01:42:04,140 indication. And what does that mean? When a magician is doing a sleight of hand, okay. You as a magician, another magician. You're watching the performer. We
617 01:42:04,140 --> 01:42:11,670 already know the sleight of hand, we know that you're going to do fast transfer, we know you're gonna do a French dropper lead starter kit in for those there.
618 01:42:12,630 --> 01:42:22,200 The French persuasion, those things? Okay, we know that that's the slight we know what's happening. Okay, but as the performer, we're studying whether you're
619 01:42:22,200 --> 01:42:30,240 going to give us the towel. See, a magician can watch it on the magician. And we know when you're doing the shit even though no matter how good you are, if you
620 01:42:30,240 --> 01:42:38,280 do a card pass, okay, card passes. And real quick. It's when you have a deck of cards, you handed the deck card, somebody take a card out, and you split the
621 01:42:38,280 --> 01:42:45,450 deck and you often put the card back in the middle. And so did you put the two halves together, you have pass it. So it forces the card what would be otherwise
622 01:42:45,450 --> 01:42:53,760 in the middle of deck now and neatly on the top of the deck. No matter how good you are, you can hear I can hear someone do a half pass across the room. I can
623 01:42:53,760 --> 01:43:03,600 hear it. I know what it sounds like. Because I've been in my magic since I was a teenager. There has never been a magician ever. That has done a half past I
624 01:43:03,600 --> 01:43:10,560 can't hear him doing it. So I know when someone's healing it deck out, I know the look for the half past and that that's not the only thing they can do. But
625 01:43:10,560 --> 01:43:22,410 the point is this when the magician or performer or lecturer or teacher is lying. Or in the case of magicians, when they're trying to block out that moment
626 01:43:22,410 --> 01:43:35,940 when they know their skill set is not up to par during their banter during their talking part of the trick. They close their eyes because they can't stand to see
627 01:43:35,940 --> 01:43:42,750 the bullshit coming out of their face. That's exactly what a lot of these YouTubers do. You can hear them talking, they'll say all this stuff. They're
628 01:43:42,750 --> 01:43:50,070 talking all this shit. And then they'll say, you know, and I'm making money and the closer eyes. Yeah, I made this much money and they close your eyes right
629 01:43:50,070 --> 01:44:01,320 then and there. That's a point of indication. Okay. Do it as a personal study when you watch and look at these live streamers. Okay? And I noticed kid trades
630 01:44:01,320 --> 01:44:10,590 by Matt kisses a lot of shit from a lot of people. Okay. And I don't get it. Because he doesn't go out there and claim to be anything except for a guy trying
631 01:44:10,590 --> 01:44:19,830 to find his way doing it. And he's got the balls to get out there and fuck up in front of everybody and do it. Sometimes he does. Okay, and sometimes he does not
632 01:44:20,040 --> 01:44:31,350 do very well at all. I'm not here to do anything except for the fact that I know when I watch him. He is not lying about anything. Much like that guy. corbs.
633 01:44:32,160 --> 01:44:39,000 Yeah, these people are not saying anything. braggadocious they get out there. They present themselves. They show what they did. Sometimes it's good. Sometimes
634 01:44:39,000 --> 01:44:48,210 it's bad. It is what it is. Right. And that to me is refreshing. Like, I liked that. I liked that. That's what this industry needs needs people like that. And
635 01:44:48,210 --> 01:44:57,630 it needs to be supported by other people. But the problem is, most of you listen to these individuals that get out there. They're riding on surfboards and
636 01:44:57,630 --> 01:45:04,920 they're pretending to be the next fitness people in the world. I'm okay. And they say, I've made this. And I've made that and I'm doing this, I'm killing it.
637 01:45:05,100 --> 01:45:13,980 And I'm this or not. But as soon as they talk about the money, or they're doing something successful, or they did something, right, their eyes closed. That is
638 01:45:13,980 --> 01:45:23,790 the point of indication, that is where they are hiding their perception of their fucking lie. They're lying to themselves, and they're lying to their audience
639 01:45:23,790 --> 01:45:34,320 members. So one of the things that's why I do most of my study on certain live streams, and I follow about seven of them, none of more, not all of them are
640 01:45:34,320 --> 01:45:43,650 consistent, like they don't live stream all the time. But the ones that I like, I've been very vocal about. And the reason why is because they try not to be
641 01:45:43,680 --> 01:45:50,580 something they're not. And I think that's good. Because if you're gonna go out there, and you're going to livestream, you're not going to brag about something
642 01:45:50,790 --> 01:45:57,540 that you can't do. And then you get yourself in front of everybody and blow your account, blow your doorman account and maximum loss, and then you delete
643 01:45:57,540 --> 01:46:11,280 everything. I've never seen either Matt, trades by Matt or corpse, delete anything that I've already watched them do live. That's a testimony. That means
644 01:46:12,090 --> 01:46:21,240 that they're worth listening to whether you like them as a traitor or their style is irrelevant. I think it's an amazing study of human psychology that,
645 01:46:21,540 --> 01:46:27,630 number one, they're willing to do what they're doing. Because it takes a certain Moxie to do it. I don't have that Moxie to do it. And I got no problem telling
646 01:46:27,630 --> 01:46:39,480 you I don't I have character flaws within me that caused me to overanalyze and kind of like predict the questions that my viewers would have. And it will cause
647 01:46:39,480 --> 01:46:50,100 me to defer my attention away from what is most important thing is what's the market doing? Look how easy it is for me to dive in. Just veer off of a topic,
648 01:46:50,430 --> 01:46:55,890 and you think I'm gonna go ahead and do a live stream and buy and sell in front of you and and be able to explain everything, and have everybody ask me
649 01:46:55,890 --> 01:47:07,590 questions. I tried. I tried that in 2016. With my first mentorship, I tried, and I tried really hard, I couldn't focus. I couldn't do it. And that was a big,
650 01:47:07,680 --> 01:47:16,560 big, bitter pill for me, because at the time, I was thinking, Should I got this? I can, this is nothing for me. I'm ICT for Fox Akemon. Watch this. Yeah, watch
651 01:47:16,560 --> 01:47:27,030 it. I was struggling. I couldn't, I couldn't focus. I couldn't do it. And even with my own son next to me, I can't focus if he's talking to me, like I got to
652 01:47:27,150 --> 01:47:34,200 have complete and utter silence, I can't have a I'll explain it after I'd done something. And once I know what I'm looking for, and what I've done, and I've
653 01:47:34,410 --> 01:47:46,650 set the stop, I know what I'm looking for from a first partial, I have time to work within some measure of dialogue. You don't know if you have that weakness
654 01:47:46,650 --> 01:47:57,750 yet. You don't know if you have a weakness at all. Some of you might be exceptionally very versed in handling all these things and risk. And you might
655 01:47:57,750 --> 01:48:08,190 be the very superstar that something you think I am. But if you don't go in with the right mindset and manage all of your expectations, and the outside bullshit
656 01:48:08,190 --> 01:48:17,100 that's going to come will you've been dealing with ICT stuff since you've been messing around with it? What's your My FX book look like? Show me your
657 01:48:17,100 --> 01:48:27,510 statements. Show me your full transparency community card membership. You're doing all the wrong things. You haven't even learned how to trade it. You're
658 01:48:27,510 --> 01:48:35,580 worrying about all the dumb shit. Trust me, you learn how to trade and you do well. You can plug yourself into all that stuff and you will stand out because
659 01:48:35,580 --> 01:48:47,940 there's no standouts right now there's nobody exceptionally well, standing out there being full transparent, killing it extremely precise. And mild mannered
660 01:48:47,940 --> 01:48:55,950 and not egotistical. At least I haven't seen that. If you know somebody just let me know. I'd like to see him I'd like to watch them. I like that. I support
661 01:48:55,950 --> 01:49:08,100 people like that. Because that's what this industry should see more of. But some of you're gonna probably do all the wrong things and you're gonna go in wanting
662 01:49:08,100 --> 01:49:21,780 to do that but you're gonna get caught up in all the bullshit the image the pump the real quick money of stardom and fame and celebrity I don't want that. Like
663 01:49:21,810 --> 01:49:37,980 intimidates me now knowing that 424,000 People know my name let alone Listen to me. The leave me like I tried this, this whole Twitter space here and I started
664 01:49:37,980 --> 01:49:45,510 off pretty good didn't know F bombs and in control. You know, I didn't lose control of my tongue. But as soon as I start talking about all these goobers, it
665 01:49:45,510 --> 01:49:54,210 just comes out. I can't help it. But you know, that's a character flaw. I'm not proud of that. Some of you think it's like I'm beating my chest thick and I'm
666 01:49:54,210 --> 01:50:04,800 cool because I sometimes use colorful language I wish I didn't. I wish I didn't ugly language. It It shows, it shows my inability to be able to control my
667 01:50:04,830 --> 01:50:21,120 speech in a way where I can speak eloquently, and not need to go there. But because I'm blue collar, true and true, I don't have the control sometimes to be
668 01:50:21,120 --> 01:50:30,000 able to see that I'm going to go off the rails. And sometimes I just want to say, because I feel like you get my intensity by saying it the way I say it, at
669 01:50:30,000 --> 01:50:39,330 least I feel like I've conveyed it that way. And after the fact, when I made the mistake of listening to some of my Twitter spaces, it's cringy. It's cringy
670 01:50:39,330 --> 01:50:50,070 shit, because like, this is this is ratchet ass ICT like this guy, who would want to have ICT mentorship like that, or a mentor like that. But that's the
671 01:50:50,070 --> 01:50:58,260 reality. I'm a human being, you know, I have flaws, like all of you do, all of you, and I have to wrestle with all these things. When I'm doing everything
672 01:50:58,260 --> 01:51:05,850 you've seen me do like that trade this morning, I'm wrestling with my wife, because he's in there saying, Hey, you said he wasn't gone. And I know, I said,
673 01:51:05,850 --> 01:51:14,130 just give me a second. Just give me a second. My wife, God bless her. Okay, I put her through some shit all the time. Because I always tell her look, I'm
674 01:51:14,130 --> 01:51:22,020 done. I'm not going to do this, I'm going to do and for the most part, I'm being honest. But if she gives me an opportunity, where I can see something forming,
675 01:51:22,230 --> 01:51:27,090 and she's tied up with doing dumbshit FaceTime with people that I don't know, I don't care about.
676 01:51:28,350 --> 01:51:38,640 I'm gonna try to squeeze it in. That's what I did today. So it is what it is. It's all for your edification. And I love doing it's fun. But this year, I don't
677 01:51:38,640 --> 01:51:47,040 want to waste anyone's time. And I'm certainly not gonna be trying to waste my own time. And I want you all to know that there is a right way of doing this.
678 01:51:47,040 --> 01:51:55,920 And there's certainly a lot of ways you're going to do it wrong. And I think if you've listened thus far, you know that you're either going to be those types of
679 01:51:55,920 --> 01:52:04,110 people that are going to make the best of this. Or you're probably going to blow up. Because you're going to try to do something you're not equipped to do.
680 01:52:04,500 --> 01:52:14,550 You're going to try to make trades with the logic I'm teaching. And you're thinking, this is exactly what I'm talking about. Listen to this real quick. Not
681 01:52:14,550 --> 01:52:25,530 me taking a swig of water, but you're thinking some of you are thinking, okay, ICTs really doubt in this Cat's got it figured out. He's cracked the matrix.
682 01:52:25,860 --> 01:52:33,690 He's programmed the algorithm. He is the algorithm. He's mastered everything. He's Mr. Wonderful and trading, okay, he's the market himself. He's literally
683 01:52:33,690 --> 01:52:39,960 promising. He's gonna call the markets minute by minute, one candle at a time. He's gonna say what the markets gonna go. And he's gonna say exactly why it
684 01:52:39,960 --> 01:52:50,910 shouldn't do certain things. Well, guess what that means. I'm gonna hook up with ICTs brainwaves, and I'm gonna push the button on my Live account, or my funded
685 01:52:50,910 --> 01:52:57,780 account, regardless of which one it is. And you're going to be encouraged because you're gonna make money. And that's going to be the ticket to making
686 01:52:57,780 --> 01:53:05,010 your spouse understand why the fuck you're doing what you're doing. It's going to encourage you to keep going to that menial job that you can't fucking stand
687 01:53:05,190 --> 01:53:15,390 working around people, you can't stand to be around. I'm here to give you a sober reminder. That's not the right way to look at this. Because as good as
688 01:53:15,390 --> 01:53:27,810 that might sound right now. You don't have the experience that I have. You're gonna make the mistake of getting in something that I'm talking about. And I'm
689 01:53:27,810 --> 01:53:36,210 going to be comfortable with letting it go. And just move. You're not going to be comfortable because I'm going to be silent. You're going to be begging for
690 01:53:36,210 --> 01:53:44,610 me, they'd be talking. What about that killer theory? Oh, shit. That's a doji. This is gonna reverse. But ICTs probably going off and looking at refrigerators
691 01:53:44,610 --> 01:53:53,190 probably eaten something right now. He's probably walking his dog. You don't give a shit about us. He's not talking. I'm early in this trade book, ICT,
692 01:53:53,190 --> 01:54:03,600 please, I wish I had his phone number. Let me call him up. You can be texting me on Twitter. freaking out because you did something you're not supposed to be in.
693 01:54:03,750 --> 01:54:14,160 And some of you already know, that's what you're gonna do. If you know that is the case. Listen, please listen to me. Don't do that. The only thing you're
694 01:54:14,160 --> 01:54:26,220 going to learn is fear and anxious. trading with fear and anxiety is not the way to do this. The whole point that I'm extending myself for this coming year, is
695 01:54:26,220 --> 01:54:34,260 for you to trust that we're here together as a community. I'm lending in my experience. I'm going to show you what I think is going to happen in the
696 01:54:34,260 --> 01:54:43,470 marketplace and we're going to watch it live. That's tape reading. You're not expected to push a button. You're not going to be graded. It's not a failure.
697 01:54:43,560 --> 01:54:53,730 It's not a success. It's observing and retaining logic. Understanding why price should perform a specific way. If you don't know what it's going to do. And you
698 01:54:53,730 --> 01:55:03,060 don't know what I'm going to say about it. Why the hell would you want to put money at risk? Why would you want to do that? At regardless of what pain
699 01:55:03,060 --> 01:55:10,800 threshold you're feeling right now, because times being hard and not being able to make ends meet, and maybe you're feeling an identity crisis, you know, maybe
700 01:55:10,800 --> 01:55:18,510 trading isn't for you, maybe you're struggling with letting go of it. This isn't going to be the fix for pushing a button based on what I'm saying you don't want
701 01:55:18,510 --> 01:55:30,870 to do that. Some of the greatest lessons you're going to learn is, if I happen to get it wrong, you're going to see it, you're gonna understand why you got it
702 01:55:30,870 --> 01:55:40,080 wrong, why I got it wrong. And you're going to see that it's going to be far and few between, and it's nothing to worry about. All of you have to stop trying to
703 01:55:40,080 --> 01:55:50,610 encapsulate your entire career on one week's worth of trading or one trade. And I know what that feels like I've done that. I've done it, I know exactly what it
704 01:55:50,610 --> 01:55:59,880 feels like to do that. Because you need to feel significant. You need to feel confirmed that you're at the right place, doing the right thing with your life.
705 01:56:00,840 --> 01:56:14,670 And dammit, nobody is going to stop you. But you will. You are formidable. And you are absolutely strong enough to deny yourself of any of this success. You
706 01:56:14,670 --> 01:56:25,200 can absolutely enjoy yourself before you even get a chance to really make an honest attempt at it. And I've watched hundreds of 1000s of people do that.
707 01:56:27,750 --> 01:56:38,700 Think about that. There's a lot of people that subscribed to that 2022 mentorship in the beginning, look at the first couple of videos. Man, it's like
708 01:56:38,730 --> 01:56:48,840 way up here and the views, right? And then watch what happens after the fourth, the fifth to views drop off. What took place. Some of them said, Well, I figured
709 01:56:48,840 --> 01:56:57,180 it out. I watched up to third video. Now it's all there. Those same individuals that say that on Twitter, oh, you'll need to watch the first couple of videos, I
710 01:56:57,180 --> 01:57:08,790 would put a million dollars, that they're not profitable. To talking shit. They're pretending they're fantasy football traders on Twitter, Facebook and
711 01:57:08,790 --> 01:57:18,300 Instagram. And I'm not trying to be mean to you, if you are one of them. I'm just reminding you, I'm yoking your ass up right now and saying, Listen, son,
712 01:57:19,170 --> 01:57:30,270 you're doing it wrong. Stop pretending do it the right way, learn how to do it. So that way you can walk like a man. Instead of trying to talk like one. But
713 01:57:30,270 --> 01:57:41,010 like a great school person on social media. It's not important for people to look up to you. Because even when you're making millions of dollars, nobody's
714 01:57:41,010 --> 01:57:50,730 really gonna look up to you anyway. To not someone you think that that's going to be the that's it that's going to put me on the pedestal and people are gonna
715 01:57:50,730 --> 01:57:59,400 really finally appreciate me, they're going to not give a fuck what you have. They don't care. They don't care. Your friends and family aren't going to care
716 01:57:59,400 --> 01:58:08,190 that much about you, in fact, that much like my own family. And friends. They were like, dude, like, why don't you just give me shit for free? You can afford
717 01:58:08,190 --> 01:58:17,160 it? Well, no, no, because I tried to tell them come up with me. And they didn't want to go. But then they want to have a free ride after I struggled for all
718 01:58:17,160 --> 01:58:26,040 those years coming up. No, you don't get that. And I lost a lot of friends that way. And I don't hang around certain family members because they view me like
719 01:58:26,040 --> 01:58:33,930 that. They didn't encourage me. And then when I got it, they're like, Well, you know, why don't you do something for me? Because all that kind of money? Fuck
720 01:58:33,930 --> 01:58:43,770 you. Why didn't you support me when I was needing some kind of support, there was no support structure around me. None. So I tried to be the best I can for my
721 01:58:43,770 --> 01:58:53,910 students. And I'm not always going to come off high polished. But I'm just the right kind of guy at the right kind of moment. When you're honest with yourself.
722 01:58:56,040 --> 01:59:07,080 Some of you like to refer to me as like the dad figure. That makes sense because I'm talking to in my mind, my sons and they need to be talked to sometimes like
723 01:59:07,080 --> 01:59:22,830 this. Like dads sometimes do. I needed to hear these things. I didn't get it. I didn't have it. So I tried to manifest myself in your learning. The way I would
724 01:59:22,830 --> 01:59:35,040 have loved to have had a mentor. Talk to me. Encourage me, remind me fucking up as part of it. And it doesn't end you. Okay? Belonging an account does not end
725 01:59:35,040 --> 01:59:46,590 you. You already know in your mind that even if you start off in this mentorship this year, be honest. Now. Some of you already figured out that you are going to
726 01:59:46,590 --> 01:59:53,490 be that person. You're gonna go in here and you're gonna try think live trades. But you've already said fuck it. If I do. I'm just going to restart another
727 01:59:53,490 --> 02:00:06,720 challenge. So it's worth the risk. You know that you right? You're awesome. I think damn damn He knows me, he knows what, it's about 35 to 40% of you. Don't
728 02:00:06,720 --> 02:00:14,610 do that. Why would you because you're going to retain all that anxiety and fear when you finally learn how to do it, you're going to have those scary moments
729 02:00:14,610 --> 02:00:21,960 that you did something that you know you shouldn't have done. And your conscious is going to tell you what, the last time you did this shit, you lost money. When
730 02:00:21,960 --> 02:00:32,490 you don't invite your conscience into the conversation by not having anything on the market in terms of monetary loss, or winning, while your tape reading,
731 02:00:32,550 --> 02:00:42,030 you're just observing price, you're getting used to watching it do what it does. You get familiar with it. And there's no grading, there's no right or wrong.
732 02:00:42,390 --> 02:00:50,070 It's just understanding what the markets likely to do. And then you get that experience. And then you understand what you're supposed to be doing on your own
733 02:00:50,070 --> 02:00:58,260 independent study, not the days that we're together, the days that, you know, when we don't have sessions, live over charts, you'll be doing these things that
734 02:00:58,260 --> 02:01:08,670 I'm not going to walk you through. And you just do that either live or you do it through Market Replay. And if you can't appreciate Market Replay, and I don't
735 02:01:08,670 --> 02:01:16,050 really appreciate Market Replay, I think it's you know, it's next to a static chart really mean it's better than a static chart. If you're coming home after
736 02:01:16,050 --> 02:01:24,540 work or school or whatever running a business. And you have no way of looking at real time data. What should you do to make an investment a couple $100 by some
737 02:01:24,540 --> 02:01:27,570 kind of screen recording application and record live data.
738 02:01:28,979 --> 02:01:38,399 I'm telling you that is worth its weight in gold, because being able to watch it, who cares, it's fucking old data. Who cares? Who cares, some of you are
739 02:01:38,399 --> 02:01:47,069 watching my videos anyway. And they're old shit. It's old, ancient stuff, but it's still worth its weight in gold. Because the logic and the principles being
740 02:01:47,069 --> 02:01:58,859 used in those videos are beautiful. It's wisdom. And you will get the skill set by watching Real Time price action, you cannot learn it looking at stale,
741 02:01:58,859 --> 02:02:08,609 stagnant price charts, going on Twitter and looking at a chart that me or someone else posted. Big deal, you know, that note that is mostly its trophies.
742 02:02:09,629 --> 02:02:17,579 Here's what I got, right, and I'm going to share this. That's why I love my students because they will go out there and they'll record their shit from
743 02:02:17,579 --> 02:02:27,989 beginning to end, put their stop loss and manage it. That's what I'm proud of. I don't like seeing still stagnant pictures of where they talked about they did
744 02:02:27,989 --> 02:02:37,499 this move. If you notice, even those people that send that stuff to me on Twitter, they're rarely ever even acknowledged by me. And I'm doing that and I'm
745 02:02:37,499 --> 02:02:44,969 reminding you right now in case you're doing anything, I'm looking over top of you, I am I'm not going to high five, some healthcare shit, the people that are
746 02:02:44,969 --> 02:02:53,669 really putting the work in, they're going to show it If you had the initiative to want to post a chart to me, and what a high five, go through the extra effort
747 02:02:53,759 --> 02:03:03,899 and record your whole shit. Or put your trade entries and exits on the chart where it has little arrow. Some of you are faking those fucking arrows and I can
748 02:03:03,899 --> 02:03:13,439 see it and you think I can't see it. If I can see I know all of the other subscribers to my accounts on Twitter or on YouTube, they can see it too. That's
749 02:03:13,439 --> 02:03:20,549 why I'm not going to heart that's not I'm going to hifi the I'm not going to rip you. So if you're going to have the initiative to go out and put something out
750 02:03:20,549 --> 02:03:27,569 there, it's like you've done something, do it for real, show it on TradingView where your entries are show the entry prices. There's nothing wrong with that.
751 02:03:28,559 --> 02:03:36,779 That's exactly what you should be doing. If you feel like you got to do that. But you shouldn't be wanting to do that. And you shouldn't be looking for a
752 02:03:36,809 --> 02:03:46,499 confirmation for me. That's a testimony of maturity is you know that you don't need me to say you know what, that was a good trade. When you know you did the
753 02:03:46,499 --> 02:03:56,219 right things. And it panned out just like you were taught who gives a fuck what I think who cares what ICT thinks? You need me to cosign something to you know
754 02:03:56,219 --> 02:04:06,449 by logic is the right thing. That's maturity. And that's what I'm trying to force all of you into that stage and 2023 I want you all to say fuck you ICT I
755 02:04:06,449 --> 02:04:13,709 don't need you anymore. But I love you brother. You did amazing things for me. Thank you so much, but I don't need to now. That's what I want. That's exactly
756 02:04:13,709 --> 02:04:25,649 what I want. And some of you're going to fight and kick and claw and try to hold my hand after 2023 And there's no reason to you should be looking forward to
757 02:04:25,649 --> 02:04:33,329 getting out there spreading your wings and doing it independently and feeling good you know I can do this. It was worth the struggle was worth all the time
758 02:04:33,329 --> 02:04:45,239 stuck in study and listen as boring bastard. I figured it out now. Thank you. I don't want worship. I want independent thinking students that have now carved
759 02:04:45,239 --> 02:04:57,509 out their own way. That's what I'm proud of. I'm proud of that. That's what I want on all of you. And that's what you should be wanting not codependency fuck
760 02:04:57,509 --> 02:05:11,129 that. That's why I don't sell a service. So I don't have a platform a plug in, indicator, fuck that shit, that's, that ties you to me. I want independent
761 02:05:11,129 --> 02:05:19,139 thought process and all my students. So you know what I can see this pattern, I can see this logic, and I'm going to use this is and this is where I'm gonna do
762 02:05:19,139 --> 02:05:25,289 it. That's my, that's my niche and I'm gonna work with that. And I don't give a shit how many students he has doing this that Nilla thing, this is what I'm good
763 02:05:25,289 --> 02:05:32,819 at is what makes sense to me, I'm comfortable with this, I can see this setup, I can't see those fucking breakers, I can't see a mitigation block, I don't know
764 02:05:32,819 --> 02:05:42,599 what the hell it is fair value gap is, I just know that I can trust an optimal trade entry. Great. Don't change for nobody. And on top of that list
765 02:05:47,760 --> 02:05:56,580 you don't expect a mentor to talk to you like this Do you want to hear all that? Stay close to me love me worshiping, I don't want that should. I don't want that
766 02:05:56,580 --> 02:06:11,250 at all. Anybody worth their salt should encourage individuals that they are training to be unique and independent, and relying only on their own steam.
767 02:06:12,120 --> 02:06:21,780 That's commendable. That's respectful. I got every measure of respect for anybody out there that doesn't give a shit they trade support and resistance and
768 02:06:21,780 --> 02:06:29,520 whatever the hell, they want to attribute to why they're getting into a trade. Remember I said earlier, that if it's the heads or tails, equation to get you
769 02:06:29,520 --> 02:06:41,070 into a trade, that's a trigger has absolutely nothing to do with anything. The mindset of knowing how to manage the risk, limiting the risk. And then knowing
770 02:06:41,070 --> 02:06:53,100 when to stop. That's the real secrets to this shit. It's not precision elements. That's what I've shown today. Like, if you look at what I was showing three
771 02:06:53,100 --> 02:07:00,030 other trades I could have done, I could have went and if I wasn't in front of the charts, I wasn't from the charts. But when it ran the buy side, I could have
772 02:07:00,030 --> 02:07:08,670 sold short right there on a high candle and have many examples of that on my YouTube channel. It's already there. I could have sold short there. And I could
773 02:07:08,670 --> 02:07:16,770 have sold short it the first time I went to the fair value gap. And I would have a little bit of drawdown immediately. And then you saw the rest of the examples.
774 02:07:17,250 --> 02:07:27,810 So I was giving you close proximity entry techniques, every single time you see me do a trade execution. And it's a partial like where I'm dealing scaling in of
775 02:07:27,810 --> 02:07:37,860 a larger position up here meeting the position up, usually half of the trade entry that I did prior. So usually I start with six contracts that go six, the
776 02:07:37,860 --> 02:07:48,540 next partial was three, the next contract entry, if I do a partial pair meeting, it'd be one. If that happens, you know, just understand that every single one of
777 02:07:48,540 --> 02:07:59,520 those partial entries for pyramiding. That could be one of your own patterns, that's your that's your model. You don't need to have that best case entry like
778 02:07:59,700 --> 02:08:08,490 running out the buy side, I missed that I wasn't in there. But guess what, I found a whole shit ton of other things that could have done it and see, if you
779 02:08:08,490 --> 02:08:17,220 listen to me, and you only grew accustomed to being all I want to be precise, like ICT, I want to get in there and get in and trade the high candles like him
780 02:08:17,220 --> 02:08:23,130 and trade a low candles like him. And that precision is awesome. And that's cool, I can appreciate that. And my ego and pride loves that. And I'm going to
781 02:08:23,130 --> 02:08:34,500 lie to you. Okay. I don't want you feel like that's the only way you can find success though. So when I teach my students how to do these things, one of the
782 02:08:34,500 --> 02:08:45,390 main reasons why I'm doing pyramiding, because I want you to understand there's more than just what you've been taught to get into a market move. And you need
783 02:08:45,390 --> 02:08:55,230 not fear getting in after the main entry with the highest probability entry. There's so many other ways to get involved in that move, if you understand what,
784 02:08:55,890 --> 02:09:07,080 where it's going. Where is it going? Where's the next draw on liquidity? If you know that with a great deal of confidence and experience, how do you get that
785 02:09:07,080 --> 02:09:16,740 you're going to walk with me next year, you're going to see it. And knowing this is what it's likely to do and how many things formed between where we identify
786 02:09:16,740 --> 02:09:25,290 where it's likely to go next. And when it finally gets there, how many opportunities because you get in there and do that. And by seeing it live, or
787 02:09:25,290 --> 02:09:36,060 watching the recording of me doing it live, it's the same thing that will help you carve out what you're trying to be as a trader, the pattern, the entry
788 02:09:36,060 --> 02:09:44,490 strategy that I'm going to show you, that's going to be the thing that you all uniquely desire independently. I'm not going to force you into any of that
789 02:09:44,490 --> 02:09:52,200 stuff. It's going to make more sense once you see it, and you'll know what I mean by this. Because you've watched it happen so many times you're like I see
790 02:09:52,200 --> 02:10:00,930 that and before I talk about it, you're gonna see it. And then when I say like, damn, I know it. I know he was gonna say that, you know That means that's your
791 02:10:00,930 --> 02:10:11,160 entry pattern. That's your that's your framework for getting in the experience aspect of knowing where the markets gonna go next, the draw on liquidity. That's
792 02:10:11,160 --> 02:10:19,440 the learning curve that everybody has to go through. And there's no way to make that easy. No five minute ICT condensed course yet, that doesn't work. Okay.
793 02:10:19,800 --> 02:10:26,970 There's no shortcut to back testing and forward testing with tape reading. There's no fucking shortcut. Don't let anybody out there tell you that there is
794 02:10:26,970 --> 02:10:37,020 no way absolutely no fucking way. You can short shorten can't, you can't? Period. That's it. There's no other way around it. That's the end of the
795 02:10:37,020 --> 02:10:40,980 discussion. Nobody can shorten that learning curve, it cannot happen.
796 02:10:46,410 --> 02:10:56,220 In case you didn't listen to me, there's no fucking shortcuts. Okay. So I think we've probably covered most of what I wanted to build up in terms of
797 02:10:56,220 --> 02:11:07,200 expectations, and, I guess, prepare you for what it is that we're going to be doing. How often we're going to be doing it two times a week, medium or high
798 02:11:07,200 --> 02:11:14,490 impact news driver. It'll be framed on something I've given you in terms of analysis. So when we look at a daily chart, and it's all we're gonna be looking
799 02:11:14,490 --> 02:11:21,870 at, folks, because I don't wanna be delaneys, long winded analysis videos, something short and sweet, great to the point. That way, you ain't gotta worry
800 02:11:21,870 --> 02:11:28,380 about downloading videos, you can watch them at your job. Real quick, you can do it during a smoke break a bathroom trip, when you take your phone, at a
801 02:11:28,830 --> 02:11:40,170 laboratory at the, at the workplace. All those opportunities, you'll be able to digest the video. So it'll be small, short, easy, and not time consuming. But
802 02:11:40,170 --> 02:11:49,050 when we get into live sessions, obviously noon, they're going to be very long periods of me not saying anything, okay. And I'm only going to talk when it's
803 02:11:49,080 --> 02:11:59,100 salient to what the markets likely to do next, or what my opinion is. And apart from that, that's pretty much it. So hopefully, you've had a really nice holiday
804 02:11:59,100 --> 02:12:14,760 season. And hopefully you all be greeted and kissed sweetly in a new healthy new year and 2023. Hope your celebrations are not too wild that you get yourself in
805 02:12:14,760 --> 02:12:26,010 trouble. Don't start off the new year on the wrong foot. And I think that will be it for this one. I spend enough time here tonight with y'all. So hopefully
806 02:12:26,010 --> 02:12:34,080 you got something out of this. Hopefully, it's been inspiring to you. Hopefully it's encouraged you to at least prepare properly, at least from my own
807 02:12:34,080 --> 02:12:45,870 perspective how you could prepare for what's coming next year. And then I think that'll be a wrap on this one. I don't foresee myself doing another one. I may
808 02:12:45,870 --> 02:12:56,190 just simply give you a tweet and wish you all happy new year and safe one. But we're gonna resume back to the regularly scheduled return on February 7 2023.
809 02:12:57,030 --> 02:12:59,430 And I'll talk to you next time. Be safe