
Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2022-12-29 08:31


00:00 - The end must be near.

02:49 - What’s your morning routine?

06:24 - What economic calendar do you use?

14:01 - What does it mean when you say large institutional flows are big funds?

17:06 - Where has it been on the weekly chart?

24:09 - What is your bellwether? What are you waiting for?

27:05 - Reviewing what you thought was going to happen on the weekly candle.

31:12 - What to look for in a bimodal.

39:51 - What you’re doing is determining if you are bullish or bearish -.

43:44 - What are you looking for in a bullish candle?

52:07 - If you doubt what I just gave you, go back and look at every move in the last six months.

57:23 - How do you build it back systematically soberly?

01:00:48 - The hardest time to be a trader is when you’re profitable.

01:06:24 - Daily bias can present opportunities that may or may not be there.

01:09:27 - Why can’t you just do this? You need all these moving averages?

01:16:05 - Is it okay for us to continue studying forex? Should we study index futures?

01:19:42 - What’s going on with the Twitter space?

01:23:51 - If you want to trade index futures, use a US 100 or US 500 futures.

01:28:15 - What is the best routine for us traders to use with a 30 day mandate for our personal accounts?

01:31:19 - Can we consider 9:30am as a medium or high impact news event or indices?

01:36:37 - When should you consider taking a trade? -.

01:39:50 - Is it good or bad to be a high frequency trader?

01:43:40 - Can you share an example of a failed setup?

01:50:37 - You have to learn how to make money -.

01:53:58 - The surest sign that you’re psychologically equipped to do the right thing.

02:00:55 - Matt’s morning routine and how he goes into a morning routine.

02:03:58 - When he falls on his face, he owns it -.

02:08:00 - What would you do if you didn’t know how to find daily bias or setup timing?

02:16:13 - What is an algo bar and how does it work?

02:19:56 - Daily bias filter.



00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:19,320 ICT: Oh my goodness to two tighter spaces in the same weekend. The end is near. It's the only that's the only explanation. The end must be near. Oh, good
00:00:19,320 --> 00:00:34,800 morning. Good morning, everyone. So you're probably asking yourself, How on earth did he find a way back on the airways? Well my wife decided to go with her
00:00:35,190 --> 00:00:44,160 family members to go to the outlets for shopping. So that's, that's what's given me the opportunity. I asked. I said, Well, you're getting to do what you want to
00:00:44,160 --> 00:01:00,150 do. Can I can I get on there and ramble. ramble on ICT so Ramblers, let's get rambling. So we're looking at a topic that many times I've been asked either in
00:01:00,150 --> 00:01:11,040 my private mentorship, or people in Twitter, or people in the comment section on my videos, when I open up the comment section. They'll ask me, you know, what's
00:01:11,040 --> 00:01:23,670 my routine. And I've shared my routine on Twitter, I said, pretty much what I do, what I eat, how I eat my meal plans. And what I do throughout the day, that
00:01:23,670 --> 00:01:33,600 has been thrown into disarray with this whole house move here. There's been things that have challenged that schedule, so I've had to augment and change
00:01:33,600 --> 00:01:43,650 things, but the painters are done. And we are waiting on the final pieces of furniture, which will be months away from now. But for the time being, we have
00:01:43,980 --> 00:01:53,850 pretty much everything that's going to be here, at least in the holidays. So it's allowing a little bit of normalcy, I have to put everything together in my
10 00:01:54,240 --> 00:02:06,960 trading room, which is all sitting in the middle of the room under a sheet. So once that gets put together this week, I'll give you a tour. So the routine in
11 00:02:06,960 --> 00:02:13,620 the morning, I think really what everyone's asking because they really didn't care about, you know, the calories and the meals I eat and how I exercise and
12 00:02:13,620 --> 00:02:22,860 what stretching routines I do and all those types of things. That's that's the boring thing. Nobody's interested in that. But I did share it on Twitter. But I
13 00:02:22,860 --> 00:02:31,350 think what they're asking for is what's my trading? Morning Routine? Like what do I do in the morning? Like when I'm, before I sit down the charts, like what
14 00:02:31,380 --> 00:02:45,600 is going through my mind? What do I consider? What are things that are important to me, as an analyst? What do I look for, as a supportive? structure? A
15 00:02:45,600 --> 00:02:54,690 resource, what resources do I use those types of things. And I kind of like want to talk a little bit about that today. And I know I like to be facetious and
16 00:02:54,690 --> 00:03:02,400 say, you know, I'm going to have a short one here. I don't know how long this one's going to go. So it might be brief. But I'll open up at the end, I'll take
17 00:03:02,940 --> 00:03:16,080 five questions, because I know a lot of you want to have a question answered, I'd like to know what your routine is. So if you send that in a tweet reply to
18 00:03:16,080 --> 00:03:29,580 this, try to try to be brief or whatever, it'd be cool for the community and plus, being inquisitive about it as well. But when I wake up, if I'm napping in
19 00:03:29,580 --> 00:03:40,080 the afternoon, because I do generally try to take a nap in the afternoon before the pm session. In s&p, I will again hydrate but if I'm waking up for the
20 00:03:40,080 --> 00:03:48,210 morning session, the first thing I do is hydrate, drink 20 ounces of spring water. And then that's important because you have to have number one, you have
21 00:03:48,210 --> 00:03:59,430 to have liquid, you have to have it, your brain will function better, your muscles will be hydrated, you'll get less muscle cramps, and generally I have a
22 00:03:59,430 --> 00:04:12,960 half a banana. And now give me potassium because standing in one spot. And or if you sit, I don't like to sit because I'm back won't let me do it. But if you do
23 00:04:12,960 --> 00:04:20,700 that for a long period of time, you'll get cramping. And I'm not sure if he ever stood or sat in front of charts for a long period of time and you start getting
24 00:04:20,700 --> 00:04:30,030 that cramp Enos in your lower back or somewhere in your body or you get a muscle cramp somewhere. You can't focus on the chart, you're worried about that damn
25 00:04:30,060 --> 00:04:38,610 cramp that's going off. So one of the best things you can do is start your day with hydration. And then I stretch. I go through a routine of stretching and
26 00:04:38,610 --> 00:04:47,070 that's about all I'm going to do for this discussion here because everything else is obviously shown in that tweet months ago. But what I do is I refer to
27 00:04:47,070 --> 00:04:54,240 the economic calendar again because when you wake up from a nap or if you've slept overnight, and you're getting ready to do your morning, session and
28 00:04:54,240 --> 00:05:05,790 trading it's very easy to lose your bearings ever wake up and I'm 50 years old I've had episodes in the last 30 years, where I woke up and literally felt like
29 00:05:05,790 --> 00:05:16,980 I was late for school. I haven't been in school for a long, long time. But it's weird how our minds are so powerful when we're sleeping. And when you wake up,
30 00:05:17,190 --> 00:05:26,790 you are in a altered state, like you're not really awake yet. Your eyes might be open. Someone may be talking to you, and you're looking in the direction they're
31 00:05:26,790 --> 00:05:38,970 talking. But you're not really there. So you have to obviously, refer back to what it is you're going to be doing, because you could remember something about
32 00:05:38,970 --> 00:05:49,410 an economic calendar event. And I've done this, okay, so I've thought that there was going to be a report due, and it wasn't due. And I'm expecting something in
33 00:05:49,410 --> 00:05:57,300 the marketplace and then realize, Oh, what am I doing? I'm in the marketplace trying to do something. And that's not even do out today. Or if I'm waiting for
34 00:05:57,300 --> 00:06:07,260 a 30 Morning, news embargo to lift and there's no news coming out. So I had to make a decision. Do I hold on to this trade idea? You put in drawdown and try to
35 00:06:07,260 --> 00:06:14,970 get out with close to even if I can squeak out a win from it? Or do I just cut bait and just take the small loss because I did something correct. These are all
36 00:06:14,970 --> 00:06:22,590 things I have done coming up. Okay, so if you've ever had that happen, just know that you're in good company because I'm not ashamed, ashamed to say that I did
37 00:06:22,590 --> 00:06:31,290 those things too, coming up. So you have to definitely review the economic calendar. Now what economic calendar do I use? Well, I used to use the
38 00:06:31,290 --> 00:06:41,940 candidate. And now I mentioned that when I was on baby pips, and when I went to teaching predominantly Forex, I grew to appreciate and like Forex factory dot
39 00:06:41,940 --> 00:06:53,550 coms. Calendar, I think it's easy. It's easy to manage and filter, I don't like looking at the yellow low impact events, I only looked at the pairs that were of
40 00:06:53,550 --> 00:07:05,310 interest to me, but always the dollar. And when I was trading Forex, it would be the Euro dollar, the POUND DOLLAR, and the US dollar. And only medium impact and
41 00:07:05,310 --> 00:07:15,780 high impact news drivers. And I would toggle the little gray box because it will tell you bank holidays and things like that. But other than that, that's pretty
42 00:07:15,780 --> 00:07:29,160 much what I would use for an economic calendar, the review of what I thought would come the previous days and hours, whatever I thought my analysis would see
43 00:07:29,190 --> 00:07:41,580 in price delivery. For instance, what did I think was going to happen in euro dollar? Okay, or what did I expect to see in Emini, s&p, before I laid down,
44 00:07:42,360 --> 00:07:52,680 okay, I have to revisit that because while I was sleeping, you know, bombs could be dropping somewhere, you know, a new virus gets released, some kind of
45 00:07:52,680 --> 00:08:01,800 boogeyman narrative gets put in motion, or just simply, you know, a collapse of some kind or something that I didn't expect, and I was wrong in my analysis. The
46 00:08:01,800 --> 00:08:09,540 market has done something I didn't expect, and I was wrong. So I have to recalibrate myself and say, Okay, what did I expect before I took the net, or
47 00:08:09,540 --> 00:08:22,410 before I went to bed, and then when I go into the economic calendar, I have that reminded, because if I expect something to come into the marketplace in terms of
48 00:08:22,410 --> 00:08:31,770 volatility, that's what the high impact and medium news drivers are for. We want to know when it's likely to increase in volatility, okay, it's one thing to be
49 00:08:31,770 --> 00:08:45,480 like an earnings season. Okay, an earnings season, you know, futures, they get wild many times after the close, okay. And we also know that in forex, we don't
50 00:08:45,480 --> 00:08:54,420 really have earnings season, but we do have economic drivers that come out. And they're set to a specific day in time, much like a TV Guide. Okay, I'm a child
51 00:08:54,420 --> 00:09:04,980 of the 70s. I was born 1972. And when we grew up, all young guys and gals out there are used to having the TV Guide or the the guide on your road, you push
52 00:09:04,980 --> 00:09:12,360 your button and tells you what's on TV right now and what channel and you can scroll ahead in time and see what what's on. We only had that luxury with a
53 00:09:12,360 --> 00:09:20,910 little magazine. And it was a TV guy who was published every week. Well, these he's made these events or topic or not topics, but these events and or
54 00:09:20,910 --> 00:09:34,200 opportunities in trading are basically scheduled. Like, like TV programs. Okay, your high impact immediate impact news drivers are scheduled well in advance,
55 00:09:34,230 --> 00:09:44,490 like you can see two, three weeks from now when these things are coming. So you're not surprised by or you shouldn't be. Okay. So by having that understood,
56 00:09:44,490 --> 00:09:49,620 and what days of the week are likely to create these increases in volatility, so you know what?
57 00:09:51,210 --> 00:09:59,790 That volatility is going to bring with it the strong likelihood of manipulation and that's one of the key factors or ingredients to what we're looking for for
58 00:09:59,790 --> 00:10:08,490 smart Money, we want to see some type of manipulation. And I'll get to what that manipulation should look like in a moment. But I'm referring to the economic
59 00:10:08,490 --> 00:10:17,790 calendar, make sure I'm making sure rather that I'm in front of the charts for the right reasons. And I'm following the right market. So if you're a forex
60 00:10:17,790 --> 00:10:26,970 trader, you want to be looking for your pairs, that had the currency news driver that has a higher height or medium impact news driver coming out around it,
61 00:10:27,150 --> 00:10:36,600 it'll tell you the time. And most the time, it's 830. Morning. Or if it's us base that may be something like 930, or 10, or 1030, like crude oil inventories,
62 00:10:36,630 --> 00:10:49,770 and you can trade Canadian dollar just on that report alone. But referring to your previous session, where before you went to sleeps analysis, is that still
63 00:10:49,770 --> 00:11:00,780 hold true? Or does it hold true? Or has something changed? While you were away from the charts? If it hasn't changed? Then you go through the process of of
64 00:11:00,780 --> 00:11:12,000 trusting it? And what type of analysis would that be? Well, number one, you're I start everything on Saturday. And I look at what I think that weekly charts
65 00:11:12,000 --> 00:11:21,090 trying to go to? Is it going higher? Or is it going lower, and not trying to predict Friday's closing price? I don't teach my students to try to predict a
66 00:11:21,090 --> 00:11:31,410 Friday closing price. Okay. So many folks have listened to me taking things out of context and spread so much misinformation about what it is I do as a trader,
67 00:11:31,410 --> 00:11:39,060 what how I teach as a mentor, and what my students are focusing on or should be focusing on. They have made so much more confusion. And this is why another
68 00:11:39,060 --> 00:11:46,620 reason why I hate when people try to teach my stuff because you don't know what you're doing. Watching a video or listen to a video series you don't know. And
69 00:11:46,620 --> 00:11:51,690 just repeating what I'm saying. You don't know how to answer a question when someone gives it to you. How do I know because those same people that are
70 00:11:51,690 --> 00:12:03,300 running mentorships are asking me the questions in my form, so they can answer their customers. Ya know? So if we know that the weekly chart is likely to go
71 00:12:03,300 --> 00:12:13,170 higher. Now when I say if we know, how do we know? Well, we don't know what's 100% assurity that it's going to go up or down? Or analysis never guarantee.
72 00:12:13,170 --> 00:12:22,830 That's why I've stopped loss. But I want you to think about how when you watch me trade these intraday movements. And I'm going to one minute candle. Okay,
73 00:12:22,830 --> 00:12:34,470 number one, I'm cancelling out all the arguments from the Goldman Sachs boys that say that's just noise, there's no pattern, okay? There's no consistency or
74 00:12:34,470 --> 00:12:42,600 continuity found in lower timeframes. These are people that don't know what they're talking about. And you've seen now, students and me do this consistently
75 00:12:42,780 --> 00:12:53,370 with precision. But what I'm showing you is where I think the markets going to go to the draw. Okay, that's the first question you need to address on Saturday,
76 00:12:53,490 --> 00:13:01,710 or if you do your analysis on Sunday. So you're probably listening to this after church, that's fine. But whatever that day is on the weekend, Saturday or
77 00:13:01,710 --> 00:13:14,790 Sunday, that that is the day you're focusing on. Where do you think that next candle when we start trading on Sunday evening, and the markets open up? Is the
78 00:13:14,790 --> 00:13:25,170 market going to expand? Not close, high or low? Is he going to expand is the largest portion of expansion in that weekly candle? And what do I mean by that?
79 00:13:26,220 --> 00:13:40,830 If you were to measure the highest high and the lowest low after the week closes? Okay. Was there more expansion? upward or downward? That's the question
80 00:13:40,860 --> 00:13:52,170 that I teach my students to aim for entering on the weekend, you're looking for that. Okay. That gives you the absolute strongest bias filter you'll ever
81 00:13:52,350 --> 00:14:04,620 fucking find. Okay? Because what you're doing is you're patterning it off of large institutional flows. Oh, what does that mean? Well, large institutional
82 00:14:04,620 --> 00:14:16,620 flows are big funds, big hedge funds, big, deep pocket entities, okay. And they are not trading on one minute charts. Okay, they're not they're not they can't
83 00:14:16,620 --> 00:14:26,760 they can't put their size into the marketplace on a one minute candle. So they require weekly and daily levels. And that order flow that comes through through
84 00:14:26,760 --> 00:14:37,320 that timeframe. That's the elephant. That's the trail of elephant footprints that you were looking for. And smart money is a big elephant. It's lumbering,
85 00:14:37,590 --> 00:14:51,240 okay. It has to take a long time to work in its orders to get into a position. Not the start of a position obviously, any any position entry. That constitutes
86 00:14:51,240 --> 00:14:59,460 their participation, obviously, right? But they can't put all of the size that they want on just in one trade like you go in and put in your, your 10 lots or
87 00:14:59,460 --> 00:15:07,680 your five or whatever and it's done in one clip, boom, it's done. They don't even break the order up. But large entities and large hedge funds, they have to
88 00:15:07,680 --> 00:15:23,490 break their orders up. And they scale them in. So they're requiring a longer term pricing. And we derive that from the weekly chart. So the weekly chart, the
89 00:15:23,490 --> 00:15:35,190 only thing we're trying to do is capitalize on focusing on the next expansion on that weekly candle, removing the importance of knowing how it's going to close,
90 00:15:35,190 --> 00:15:45,870 we don't care. We just know that if that one minute can that I show you example, after example, after example of how the market moves from a order block or runs
91 00:15:45,870 --> 00:15:55,380 out liquidity and runs for myself liquidity, whether it be a single high or a relative equal high, that drawn liquidity is the focus of where I think price is
92 00:15:55,380 --> 00:16:05,970 gonna go, I'm holding that trade until I'm stopped out or it reaches that target the draw on liquidity. So for the sake of argument, and understanding, let's
93 00:16:05,970 --> 00:16:18,360 just say that we believe that that one minute candle that we are trading in, is bullish, and there's Beisa liquidity above relative equal highs. When a trade is
94 00:16:18,360 --> 00:16:25,980 entered, or for instance, when I have entered a trade, and you watch these videos, pan out where the market just keeps going up and up and up, and it might
95 00:16:25,980 --> 00:16:37,080 have small little retraces, but it ends up going to where I'm aiming for. And my limit order gets hit every individual one minute candle, think about that same
96 00:16:37,080 --> 00:16:51,840 one minute candle as a weekly candle. And apply the same logic that I outlined in my one minute setups, apply that to that weekly chart. It just takes a whole
97 00:16:51,840 --> 00:17:02,460 lot more time to submit to it. So when we're looking at a weekly chart, we're not just trying to guess on the next candle without any kind of logic or
98 00:17:03,960 --> 00:17:14,520 rationale behind why it should go up or down. We're looking at where has it been? Did it just take sell side hasn't taken sell side and has yet to trade up
99 00:17:14,550 --> 00:17:27,480 into a sell side and balanced by side and efficiency? Or has it taken a level by side on the weekly chart yet? If it hasn't, guess what it's likely to continue
100 00:17:27,480 --> 00:17:38,190 going up. So that's how easy it is for me to say, I expect this week to have a expansion on the upside on the weekly chart. So if that's the case, that makes
101 00:17:38,190 --> 00:17:50,250 me trust initially going in, I want to be in a bimodal. So my weekly analysis is framed on, I predominantly want to put my larger positions, if I'm going to be
102 00:17:50,250 --> 00:18:01,230 trading intraday, I want to be focusing on being a buyer, and I'll do for maximum leverage if the trade is viable. That doesn't mean I won't sell short,
103 00:18:01,260 --> 00:18:12,570 it just means that if I do sell short, I have to do half or less than what my full position would be on. If there was a long in a bimodal. I'm gonna say that
104 00:18:12,570 --> 00:18:18,120 again, because you probably just didn't even listen to it and doesn't mean anything to you because you want to hear something else. But what I just gave
105 00:18:18,120 --> 00:18:31,050 you was gold. If my bias for the week is bullish, my largest leverage pyramiding building up using the largest positions I can put on initially, and keep adding
106 00:18:31,050 --> 00:18:43,980 as equity allows me to do so I will do that in long positions. If I'm going to go short, anytime during that week, I must be at 50% or less of the largest
107 00:18:43,980 --> 00:18:55,830 leverage I would use as a trade that week, because I'm going against what I'm going against the order flow on the weekly chart. So I'm already building in and
108 00:18:55,830 --> 00:19:06,510 tamping down the likelihood of a big drawdown. Because I'm not opening myself up to potential losing trades with maximum leverage. Just because I'm good and
109 00:19:06,510 --> 00:19:15,870 nimble, intraday, I'm cognizant that I can be wrong. So I build in these safeguards as best as I can, and still be able to engage a short position if I'm
110 00:19:15,870 --> 00:19:26,820 in a bimodal. But I'm not going to hold on to those shorts very long. And then pick the easiest short, direct run to a target and be done with it. And it might
111 00:19:26,820 --> 00:19:35,100 go many times farther than where I get out. And I don't care, because I'm gonna go right back into looking for the next run on the buy side.
112 00:19:36,870 --> 00:19:46,920 You see what I'm saying? I'm filtering out the best of the best but if I want to participate in a bullish market, but sell short. I'm building in all of these
113 00:19:46,920 --> 00:19:56,940 ideas that would limit my exposure but still allow me participation. But also reminding myself I'm selling short in a market that I know is more likely to go
114 00:19:56,940 --> 00:20:06,510 higher. So I don't want to overstay my welcome And what does that mean? Holding on to a trade too long or turning it into a swing trade, or, Oh, I was wrong
115 00:20:06,510 --> 00:20:17,190 about my weekly analysis. So now I'm going to hold on to this longer and look for even bigger objectives and move my limit orders down farther. And then have
116 00:20:17,190 --> 00:20:23,580 it turned against me and stopped me out. Even if I've taken partials. I don't like that feeling. I like being out when I want to get out. And I don't mind
117 00:20:23,580 --> 00:20:32,820 leaving some meat on the plate. Everybody's got to eat right? So you're referring to that weekly chart. In defining whether or not you're going to be in
118 00:20:32,820 --> 00:20:44,490 a bind, model or sell model, and that, again, is defined by Do you believe the largest expansion from the open is going to be up or down. You're not trying to
119 00:20:44,490 --> 00:20:54,360 predict that weekly close. That's very liberating when you when you come to terms with that. It's not complicated. All you're doing is you're subscribing to
120 00:20:54,660 --> 00:21:03,810 the same things that we look for in these intraday charts. When the markets still drawing towards old high or relatively equal high, or if you're bearish,
121 00:21:03,840 --> 00:21:12,480 let's just say the weekly candle, you're expecting it to go down the larger expansion going down because it has recently in recent weeks, or in months, it
122 00:21:12,480 --> 00:21:21,570 has taken by side and it's been dropping, and you can see clearly it's reaching for an old low. Or it's about to reach into an imbalance, a biocide imbalance,
123 00:21:21,570 --> 00:21:31,920 so it's on an efficiency. If it hasn't reached into it yet, then that means what I'm going to side with the likelihood of the next weekly candle or the ones
124 00:21:31,920 --> 00:21:39,270 about to open up tonight. And I'm not saying this is the case for this particular week come this give me the routine. So if this topic is, then in
125 00:21:39,270 --> 00:21:48,600 those instances, I would be in a sell model, that means I would be doing the largest position and leverage on my shorts. If I'm selling short, I'm going to
126 00:21:48,750 --> 00:22:00,450 be willing to use the largest leverage that's available to me. But if I go long, anytime during that week, I have to be at 50% or less, whatever my largest
127 00:22:00,450 --> 00:22:11,370 maximum leverage would be if I was going short in a bearish week. Okay, very, very important, very, very important. Those things helped me a lot. In my sixth
128 00:22:11,400 --> 00:22:27,780 and seventh year. Once I figured out what I was trying to do, that kind of kept me from wrecking myself because it would be harmful for me to just, I guess not
129 00:22:27,810 --> 00:22:38,010 know, to, to eliminate the the idea of getting drunk with the volatility of buying and selling, buying and selling because I can do both just about any
130 00:22:38,010 --> 00:22:46,320 market condition. Unless it's a one way street rip break from like a CPI type of thing. You're not You're not going to, you're not doing both directions in that.
131 00:22:48,660 --> 00:22:58,080 With those instances, put aside, you know, I can buy and sell in a market condition pretty much intraday, I can do both sides. But just because I can does
132 00:22:58,080 --> 00:23:07,530 it mean that I should just do it because I can No, I want to maximize when it's on the right side. When it's in in line with that weekly expansion, because I'm
133 00:23:07,530 --> 00:23:18,870 in line with the large flow, large institutional order flow on the weekly chart. If it's bullish, or if I'm anticipating it to be bullish, I want all of my my
134 00:23:19,410 --> 00:23:28,650 emphasis on being long, and the leverage behind those trades to be at the maximum there, I don't want to be maximizing my risk, and use the largest
135 00:23:28,920 --> 00:23:38,010 leverage in a time when no in my mouse is likely to go higher based on the weekly analysis, I don't want to be going short with the largest leverage,
136 00:23:38,310 --> 00:23:48,930 because what I'm doing is I'm inviting the market to whip my ass. And to do it the best way I can with the maximum effect. So I don't I want maximum effort on
137 00:23:48,960 --> 00:23:57,900 my side, I don't want maximum effort on the risk side where it could punish me, you know, much more than I would want to suffer. So there's that's the reason
138 00:23:57,900 --> 00:24:05,010 why I do that. But when I go through the economic calendar, and I remind myself of what I'm looking for, and when the volatility should come into the
139 00:24:05,040 --> 00:24:16,380 marketplace, when does those high impact or medium impact news drivers come in? And then I'm waiting for that to occur. If my weekly analysis is aiming for or
140 00:24:16,380 --> 00:24:28,470 indicates to me through my own interpretation that it's bullish, and I'm going to buy model I prefer to see some kind of bearish drop at that medium or high
141 00:24:28,470 --> 00:24:40,200 impact news driver preferably into some kind of bias out of balance outside of deficiency or below relative equal lows or a single 15 minute candle low. Now 15
142 00:24:40,200 --> 00:24:51,720 minute is my Bellwether like I could trade everything in every model that I know I can use as a 15 minute candlestick chart and do everything I can do. Period. I
143 00:24:51,720 --> 00:24:59,790 don't need to drop lower and I don't need to go any higher. I can just simply just trade off that. That is not an invitation for you to say okay ICT said that
144 00:24:59,790 --> 00:25:10,860 so now I'm gonna do your Bellwether might be an hourly chart, it might be a five minute chart, it might be the daily chart, it might be a four hour chart. Don't
145 00:25:10,860 --> 00:25:20,910 let me as your mentor influenced you and you copycat every single thing I say I do, that's the worst thing you can do as a mentee with anyone. You have to bring
146 00:25:20,910 --> 00:25:33,840 your own personality, your own influence, the things that are meaningful to you, your your, your signature, your fingerprints, they have to be all over this, you
147 00:25:33,840 --> 00:25:42,960 can't just say, I took ICTs 100%, everything he said verbatim, and now it's mine, it might it might be for some of you. But I don't want that I don't I'm
148 00:25:42,960 --> 00:25:55,230 not trying to create copycats of me, I'm interested, very, very interested to see how all of you adopt this idea. And formulate your own approach using the
149 00:25:55,230 --> 00:26:03,720 tools and concepts. Because it's all going to be slightly different. And you're all going to get an unique result. And you can all be positive, you can all be
150 00:26:04,200 --> 00:26:12,090 making money on the same day doing different things. And that's the beauty of this. It sounds like it can't possibly be like that, but it's exactly how it
151 00:26:12,090 --> 00:26:20,400 works. And vice versa. Sometimes you'll have winning trades and other students that will be doing this the very same thing you're trying to do, they'll have
152 00:26:20,430 --> 00:26:30,510 opposite results. Because they're bringing in their problems, like I mentioned yesterday. So back to the routine. See how easily I could have went down some
153 00:26:30,510 --> 00:26:40,770 rabbit trails there, I'm trying to I actually listened here that I have a bullet list here I'm going through so talking me on pulling. It's funny, I when I have
154 00:26:40,770 --> 00:26:48,930 a deadline, like yesterday, my wife said, you got to do this, you gotta be real quick. And, you know, I just went on and went on without having anything written
155 00:26:48,930 --> 00:26:57,990 down. Today, I have the run of everything she's not here. And she probably won't be home till tonight. And I made a bullet point list of things I wanted to
156 00:26:57,990 --> 00:27:11,430 cover. And I should have did this yesterday, probably, but whatever. So you want to review what you thought was going to happen on the weekly candle go revisit
157 00:27:11,430 --> 00:27:20,040 that. And here's something else you you want to do. You need to have a pen or pencil some kind of writing instrument and a pad next to you while you're
158 00:27:20,040 --> 00:27:30,930 trading. Because on that piece of paper or that pad, you have your weekly analysis what you think it's likely to draw to, because here's the benefit of
159 00:27:30,930 --> 00:27:44,370 doing that. If you do not have the expectation of where that weekly chart may be reaching for, you might get completely out of a position that's running right
160 00:27:44,370 --> 00:27:59,010 for that. And leave 3040 handles if you're an s&p, or 80 pips in some instances on a Forex trade, because you just felt like it was time for you to get out. And
161 00:27:59,010 --> 00:28:09,630 you abandon where you thought that that weekly candle may be reaching for. When I was a younger man, I learned a very hard lesson. Doing that month after month
162 00:28:09,630 --> 00:28:21,780 after month of knowing where it's likely to go. But growing in my trust, to get to the point where I can say, Okay, I'm gonna leave something on. And how you do
163 00:28:21,780 --> 00:28:29,880 that take as much as you can off and leave the smallest portion you can leave on a tray open until it hits it or stop you out. That's the way you get to that.
164 00:28:30,060 --> 00:28:39,240 That trusting factor. How do you get through learning how to hold on to these trades, get to these targets ICT, because if I was up a little bit here, my mind
165 00:28:39,240 --> 00:28:45,300 would say to me, let me get out of this because it's uncomfortable, I'm scared, it's gonna turn into a losing trade. How do you get through that you get through
166 00:28:45,300 --> 00:28:55,110 it by holding on to it, you put yourself in a position where you prep, you know, preferably it doesn't get up above your entry. And that can always be a risk
167 00:28:55,410 --> 00:29:03,960 that every one of these markets can do that. So in that regard, stop losses won't work. But barring those instances, your stop loss moved into a position
168 00:29:03,960 --> 00:29:12,900 where if it moves up to you, and before you entered, or better than where you entered. In other words, if you were short, your stop loss is below your entry.
169 00:29:14,190 --> 00:29:20,550 You are sitting in that position there and you have the smallest position open and you hold for to hit your target and you don't track your stop loss anymore.
170 00:29:20,820 --> 00:29:30,150 You just let it go. And you grow in confidence over months and years. Folks, it takes years. These Yahoo's out there trying to tell you you can learn this stuff
171 00:29:30,150 --> 00:29:37,260 in a couple of months or a couple of weeks or one week Boot Camps are full of shit. Okay, you can't you cannot teach somebody how to get a 200 to one fucking
172 00:29:37,260 --> 00:29:45,030 trade, okay in a one week fucking boot camp. And they're teaching you trading and they're only showing nanobots in their fucking live accounts, get the fuck
173 00:29:45,030 --> 00:29:56,310 out of here, but you're reviewing that weekly candle analysis and referring to that economic calendar so that way you know the stages said and you're looking
174 00:29:56,310 --> 00:30:08,940 for something opposite to what you anticipate in terms With directional bias on that weekly chart, so in an example say you are looking at the POUND DOLLAR for
175 00:30:08,940 --> 00:30:18,360 forex traders, okay. Oh, he's talking about forex. Oh, I've been tired of hearing about this s&p Shit. Come on ICT come on back home to Forex. Actually,
176 00:30:18,360 --> 00:30:28,110 I'm home with commodities. But no, I'm let's say you're interested in POUND DOLLAR. And you think that the weekly candle is going to expand higher. Based on
177 00:30:28,110 --> 00:30:35,280 your analysis on the weekend before the markets even open up, you think that there's reason for that weekly candle to go higher, because it's been going
178 00:30:35,280 --> 00:30:46,500 higher, and it's likely to up to a specific old high or trade into an imbalance? passivity or fair value, get that to both price. And I don't differentiate
179 00:30:46,500 --> 00:30:53,610 between Sydney and vicine. Before I close this kind of if some of you are probably chomping at the bit to dial in and ICT on the on the wire here and ask
180 00:30:53,610 --> 00:31:01,380 me what's the difference in the fair value got busy and zippy? And could you tell us the difference? I will just give me a second. Maybe maybe longer in a
181 00:31:01,380 --> 00:31:13,500 second. But once you have that weekly in analysis and calendar lined up, you now have a stage set for British Pound likely to go higher. So you're in a bimodal.
182 00:31:14,430 --> 00:31:27,960 And then there's a report coming out in the morning for pound as a currency. What you want to see is, is there a low on the 15 Minute candle? Where sell side
183 00:31:27,960 --> 00:31:37,530 liquidity be resting? Or if that low is really far away from market price? What is that? Well, it's relative to what your understanding about prices is, there
184 00:31:37,530 --> 00:31:53,310 is no way for me to say it can only be this many pips that's that's that gray area, that experience is going to dictate. But if it's within 40 pips, anything
185 00:31:53,310 --> 00:32:03,210 more than 30 pips, I think is a much more meaningful move. And it's probably not a run for liquidity, it's probably going to just keep on going, but don't use as
186 00:32:03,270 --> 00:32:15,930 a hard rule all the time. It's just a general rule or general principle that you can go by. And what I use that if you studied my concepts with the Judas swing,
187 00:32:16,470 --> 00:32:27,330 in London, where the london session usually creates the higher low of the day as the 70% likelihood of creating the high low day, if you are in a sell model. And
188 00:32:27,330 --> 00:32:36,720 if you are in a seasonal tendency that's bearish. And it's an obvious draw on liquidity for sell side, all those factors being equal, then you do have a 70%
189 00:32:36,720 --> 00:32:44,430 likelihood, see all these guys out there trying to run reports and statistics, etc, etc. And it's really not I can see it's here that there's things that you
190 00:32:44,430 --> 00:32:57,270 didn't include on this game to you right now. So go crunch your numbers. But those factors of looking for about 40 pips maximum is based on several things.
191 00:32:57,270 --> 00:33:03,000 And this is where you should be writing things down, folks, because if you're just driving down the road, chillin in your bubble gum and corn chips and shit,
192 00:33:03,450 --> 00:33:11,250 that ain't going to be good. You're gonna have to come back and listen to this and write down some notes. Generally, from the open at midnight, to the high of
193 00:33:11,250 --> 00:33:23,430 the day. It's usually within 30 pips that it makes a high that day. Sometimes in some weird instances, it'll go as much as 40 pips, why 40 Because sometimes
194 00:33:23,460 --> 00:33:36,000 you'll cross and breach a big figure number for instance, 00 level, okay. And if that's the case, the algorithm can many times spool or spread beyond a
195 00:33:36,000 --> 00:33:46,170 particular level run past that, in other words, as much as 40 points or 40 pips so that's why I use 40 pips as a general rule, then if it goes beyond 40 pips,
196 00:33:46,170 --> 00:33:54,150 then it's probably not going to be a sell off, it's probably gonna keep going higher, or it means I need to sit on my hands to do shit, nothing, nothing, just
197 00:33:54,150 --> 00:34:03,060 go back to bed, and I'll trade the New York session. Okay, so I just tossed it in there, no surcharge, but using our example for POUND DOLLAR in the New York
198 00:34:03,060 --> 00:34:11,610 session, if we are expecting something bullish or weekly analysis in the case that we're gonna buy model there's a high impact or medium impact news driver
199 00:34:11,610 --> 00:34:19,950 coming out at 830 or so in the New York session all New York local time. Everything is always New York local time. Stop trying to take your shit in your
200 00:34:19,950 --> 00:34:27,330 chart and lineup to your local time because it makes sense to you. Everything in these markets are always going to be on Eastern time. Don't give a fuck who
201 00:34:27,330 --> 00:34:34,800 tells you different? I don't care how long they sit. They've been trading I don't give a fuck. Okay, that's all bullshit. Everything all these algorithm is
202 00:34:34,800 --> 00:34:46,290 doing is running on New York time. Midnight New York. That's the beginning of your fucking day. It's not Wellington. It's not it's not Asia. Okay. It's New
203 00:34:46,290 --> 00:34:54,420 York midnight. That's the that's the opening. Okay, I don't give a fuck anybody tells you different that's the way it is. And you bring them if you're here
204 00:34:54,420 --> 00:35:01,080 listening, you bring your shit and I will run right with you and I will run fucking circles around you and show you exact actly what these fucking markets
205 00:35:01,080 --> 00:35:09,510 do, but you're gonna fucking be schooled. So don't talk your shit in your little private little circles. Okay in real fucking webinars talking all your bullshit
206 00:35:09,510 --> 00:35:22,350 Canadian, the balls come here directly. You do it right here and I will run circles around your mother fucking Mickey Mouse s. Clam. UK boy. So once you
207 00:35:22,350 --> 00:35:33,810 have that you're waiting for price either drop down, no more than 40 pips down to a low. But if it runs down below and low that's lower than 40 pips, you don't
208 00:35:33,810 --> 00:35:45,480 do anything you leave it alone you wait, just let that go. But if there's a low that say it's at 40 pips lower than the market price before that news driver
209 00:35:45,480 --> 00:35:56,940 comes out at 830. You look inside that low to where the market price is now there should be a price leg that has moved up. Is there a fair value gap in
210 00:35:56,940 --> 00:36:08,730 that? If there is then then you're anticipating now that the market drops down into that fair value gap and not below the low? Now here's the here is that
211 00:36:08,730 --> 00:36:18,330 point of contention that every student of mine has even private mentorship students. They want the silver bullet answer that says Okay, here we are. We're
212 00:36:18,330 --> 00:36:28,770 at the brass tacks. This is where the rubber meets the road. I see T laying on the baby. Is it your that? That's excitement in your voice? You're talking to
213 00:36:28,770 --> 00:36:38,580 yourself and I'm not in the room with you? How do I know ICT? That I can buy that fair value gap and it won't go below? Well? Are you ready for this one?
214 00:36:38,700 --> 00:36:53,640 Ready? Get your pen and paper? Write down this? I don't fucking know. You don't know. That's why you put a stop loss there. Are you fucking kidding me? Yeah,
215 00:36:53,670 --> 00:37:01,650 that's it. But what happens if it goes down there and I get stopped out what you do is you wait for it to create a short term high. And then if it goes back
216 00:37:01,680 --> 00:37:11,010 below that short term high, that's a shift in market structure. Wait for another fair value guy, then you bind that one with half the risk that you lost on the
217 00:37:11,010 --> 00:37:21,240 first trade. If you lose on that one, you're done for the day Done, done. How's that fucking complicated, it's liberating. You don't have to know. But if it
218 00:37:21,240 --> 00:37:29,910 does happen to you adversely, you know what you're going to do. If it happens again, as adverse effect and you lose, you're done. You're fucking turning the
219 00:37:29,910 --> 00:37:37,560 charts off, you're done. That's your morning routine, you're done. You did your two trades you've lost on both of them you're done. Or the second one wins, and
220 00:37:37,560 --> 00:37:48,090 you recuperate some of the drawdown if not all of it, and maybe go into profit. That's the part that's going to separate all of you from the people that stick
221 00:37:48,090 --> 00:37:54,900 with this. Because if you can't accept the fact that you're probably going to lose, and it won't change anything, it just takes a little bit away from you.
222 00:37:55,290 --> 00:38:03,120 Just like it takes away from your fucking gas tank when you drive your fucking slave job. Okay, it cost you money to go to work. But you don't ever look at it
223 00:38:03,120 --> 00:38:11,460 like that. It costs you total money to get the work but you don't look at it like that. That's a fucking loss. Okay, your stop loss is getting hit every
224 00:38:11,460 --> 00:38:18,840 fucking day. As soon as you start that car and you drive down the fucking Road, your stops are getting hit. It's costing you fucking money. You got to replace a
225 00:38:18,840 --> 00:38:26,340 fucking tire. You gotta replace your tires, you gotta change your fucking oil. Guess what, that's drawdown baby. It's all about perception. You run around with
226 00:38:26,340 --> 00:38:39,900 blinders on, you can't do this and not lose money, you're gonna lose money. But you have to manage, effectively how you lose it and come back from it. So,
227 00:38:40,590 --> 00:38:47,250 you're going to do one of those two things, you're gonna look for a swing low. Now if it's less than preferably 30 pips
228 00:38:48,600 --> 00:38:58,740 that swing low on a hypothetical example of POUND DOLLAR. I would even if it had a fair value gap, I would give it the likelihood or the opportunity to trade
229 00:38:58,740 --> 00:39:11,040 below that low, especially if it's a high impact news driver, I would look for it to potentially run that low. But if if we trade down to the fair value gap in
230 00:39:11,040 --> 00:39:19,830 that low if it's less than 30 pips, I sacrificed that entry that would have been at the fair value gap because I'm waiting to see if it wants to take the low
231 00:39:19,830 --> 00:39:31,740 out. If it takes no interest in going below that low and it reacts at the fair value got then what I'll do is I'll buy the next down close candle as an order
232 00:39:31,740 --> 00:39:41,250 block. That's it. Isn't that straight to the fucking point, folks. Okay, young guys get to the fucking point. You can't get any more to the fucking point that
233 00:39:41,250 --> 00:39:54,660 I'm doing right now. I'm literally giving you a step by fucking step and you're still gonna fucking complain. Whatever. So what you're doing is you're
234 00:39:54,660 --> 00:40:04,680 determining if you're bullish and a bimodal, expanding higher on the week. The candle, you're waiting for opposing price direction at the time of the news
235 00:40:04,680 --> 00:40:16,710 driver being released, okay, so whatever, you know, like an employment number or economic number that comes out, you're expecting the algorithm to reprice lower,
236 00:40:16,920 --> 00:40:25,560 and that's going to get all the retail traders wanting to go short. That's exactly what you want. That is the green light go you're looking for, you want
237 00:40:25,560 --> 00:40:33,450 to see something opposed to what you think the weekly candle is going to do. At that time of that report, that's manipulation. That's the trick. That's the
238 00:40:33,450 --> 00:40:41,250 broken wing trick that the robin does to protect its little fledgling that's trying to teach how to fly. You're seeing that a rabbit on the ground, and you
239 00:40:41,250 --> 00:40:48,330 see it, it sees you before you see it, and it starts chirping real loud. And it starts putting its wings out to the side like it's broke. And it because it
240 00:40:48,330 --> 00:40:55,890 wants you to chase it. And once you get close to it, it fucking wings perfect. It flies away and it's laughing at you. But you don't see the baby it's
241 00:40:56,040 --> 00:41:03,240 distracted you from? Well, the market does that same kind of thing. That's a Judas swing, it leads you down the primrose lane, it makes you think you're
242 00:41:03,240 --> 00:41:12,510 seeing something that's valid, but it's not. And it catches people that are off side because they're ignorant. They have no idea what the fuck they're doing.
243 00:41:12,810 --> 00:41:21,720 And they're chasing excitement. Just like a predator. They want to chase the thing that's running. Well, when the market runs. You think about what that's
244 00:41:21,720 --> 00:41:30,210 done. You have all these people that are neophytes or traders that have no idea what you're doing. And they're just anticipating doing something next, but they
245 00:41:30,210 --> 00:41:39,510 don't know what it is to do. Because they're looking at these candles forming. And they have no idea. But when there's an excitement, it moves really, really
246 00:41:39,510 --> 00:41:48,120 fast, low, real quick, sudden, what does that make? Oh, man, I'm missing it. FOMO kicks in fear of missing out on the move. It's already jumped 20 points,
247 00:41:48,270 --> 00:41:59,760 man, it could go 100 points today, or 100 ticks a day. And I don't care if I missed the first 30. Let me just get in there right now down 32 ticks. So you
248 00:41:59,760 --> 00:42:10,590 shorten or they're shortened rather into that move. When you're looking to go long. That's smart money. That's what institutional mindset is. Okay, you're
249 00:42:10,590 --> 00:42:21,360 looking for the opposing view of what you're trying to do. That's that market efficiency paradigm. Remember, month one, in the core content. That's what
250 00:42:21,360 --> 00:42:31,320 you're doing. Smart Money is a small little circle of entity that uses the greater community against themselves. But they have to have that smaller
251 00:42:31,320 --> 00:42:44,820 community to act as a Counterparty. So they use enticement, they in Deus the excitement of seeing these big movements. And it trips them up. And they are
252 00:42:44,820 --> 00:42:58,260 rushing into the marketplace with liquidity. Where are they doing? That big drop that occurs? Let me let me say this, this might not occur in price and if it
253 00:42:58,260 --> 00:43:06,900 doesn't, you do nothing. But if the market does drop in all things being equal that I've outlined here, these are the things that would do to get into a trade
254 00:43:09,510 --> 00:43:18,180 but that rush for retail or Street Money, traders and people that don't know they're doing they're doing what they're selling at the market, sell, sell,
255 00:43:18,180 --> 00:43:31,080 sell, sell, sell, sell, sell. So what is actually occurring? They're drawing in, in engineering, sell side liquidity. Why would they do that? Because they want
256 00:43:31,080 --> 00:43:44,820 to buy it. They have to have sellers at a lower price. Oh shit the tumblers returning aren't they? You get 19 Now you're learning some shit. Never expect
257 00:43:44,820 --> 00:43:52,050 that on a Sunday. Something you're listening to me your headphones written on you're wondering if the person next to you as a church pew sync and this year
258 00:43:52,050 --> 00:44:03,240 ICT this one whistle they're probably listening to don't worry about it. So you're looking for sell side liquidity when you're bullish on a buy model in a
259 00:44:03,240 --> 00:44:15,330 Judas swing that's going lower into high impact or medium impact news driver or you're looking for a busy bison imbalance sells on inefficiency, where it's like
260 00:44:15,330 --> 00:44:27,000 a fair value gap where the candle that we'd be focusing on would be a bullish candle. Okay. So fair value gaps are the classification. Okay, that's the
261 00:44:27,000 --> 00:44:37,890 imbalance. And the set this record straight is not in in any Georgia gel books. There's a fucking clown out there trying to say that this is taught in Georgia
262 00:44:37,890 --> 00:44:46,380 in jail in fact, I'll fucking prove it to you. I'll thumb through real quick and show you there is no fucking reference to a fair value gap in winning in the
263 00:44:46,380 --> 00:44:55,260 futures market by Georgia and Joe. Okay, I have the book. You can look at it to its own fucking line. It's not in there. $500,000 find my shit anywhere before
264 00:44:55,260 --> 00:45:04,410 1996 in print or in Video Anywhere you won't fucking find it. Go fuck yourselves. So If you're looking for one or two things, if you're bullish,
265 00:45:04,410 --> 00:45:17,010 you're looking for sell stuff to be rated or engaged. Or if you're looking for a fair value gap, preferably if you're trading Forex, it's preferably less than 40
266 00:45:17,130 --> 00:45:30,060 pips below the market price. Now it's the market price being great before the news event comes out. Four, preferably below 30 pips. Okay, so that factor
267 00:45:30,390 --> 00:45:38,880 further increases. Let's assume if you're bullish and say London, we're bringing London to because this is what makes New York better in my opinion, you have the
268 00:45:38,880 --> 00:45:49,620 added benefit of knowing what London has done, let's now say that we had a previous late session low in POUND DOLLAR day before before New York men like
269 00:45:49,710 --> 00:45:59,610 for today's hypothetical trading day. And overnight in London, we traded down below that and then we had a nice reaction higher, and we drifted back down and
270 00:45:59,610 --> 00:46:10,020 say that drifting back down is inside the leg that was created from the London low to the market price. Prior to the news report coming out at 830. In our
271 00:46:10,020 --> 00:46:20,640 hypothetical example where where we potentially be bullish on POUND DOLLAR, these things are further amplified in terms of odds in your favor, because now
272 00:46:20,640 --> 00:46:28,860 you have that likelihood of the London low of the day is in place. And now you're not going to see much of a retracement lower in that leg. Because they
273 00:46:28,860 --> 00:46:39,060 don't want to get close to that low. It's already locked in. So they're going to be reaching for a higher timeframe. By sight liquidity pool, or where that
274 00:46:39,060 --> 00:46:49,140 weekly charts reaching for it may not reach for it and arrive at that particular trading day. It may require another day later in the week, because we're looking
275 00:46:49,140 --> 00:46:58,500 at a weekly expansion. The weekly candle is generated over what the course of the week, but doesn't mean that it can't happen, where the largest expansion
276 00:46:58,500 --> 00:47:05,790 occurred on that one single day, whether it be Monday or Tuesday or whatever one particular day could have been. All the movement can be done with a report day.
277 00:47:06,720 --> 00:47:13,740 And then to be quiet, you know, before or after that particular event. So you have to have all that factored in and watch it, which is why it's important to
278 00:47:13,740 --> 00:47:23,670 only be focusing on Medium or High Impact news drivers because you won't, you will be less likely to miss the moves. If you do that. Now, it doesn't mean you
279 00:47:23,670 --> 00:47:32,190 can't trade on days without high impact on me impact news drivers, it just means that all things being equal and whatever is in motion will tend to be in motion
280 00:47:32,220 --> 00:47:43,650 until we get to the report day. Or in layman's terms, if it's been bullish, and a buyside liquidity pool hasn't been reached yet. With if there's an absence of
281 00:47:43,650 --> 00:47:48,180 a medium or high impact news driver, what happens on a train day, I'll still trade long.
282 00:47:49,560 --> 00:47:59,190 And that's fine. I just won't push my maximum leverage. I won't pyramid a lot in that in that particular type of day, because it might not create a lot of
283 00:47:59,190 --> 00:48:07,680 movements. So why should I build my positions large, I want to do that. And once I've seen the manipulation, it's given me It showed me its pin, like a poker
284 00:48:07,680 --> 00:48:16,680 table. Okay, I've seen my players in. So now I'm going to play mine strong. I'm gonna go all in and what build and build and build because I'm on side, I'm on
285 00:48:16,680 --> 00:48:25,170 the right direction because of my weekly analysis indicates to me that the enticed the street money to come in going short, at a time when I'm looking to
286 00:48:25,170 --> 00:48:32,940 go long. And one of two factors I'm looking for I'm looking for sell side to be taken if it's too far away to reach for it reasonably, then I'm looking for a
287 00:48:32,940 --> 00:48:39,360 fair value gap. If it doesn't have a fair value gap, here's the third. Okay, because just like on roulette, it's not red and black, it's red, black and
288 00:48:39,360 --> 00:48:48,240 green, and green can fuck the whole show up. Green is there isn't a fair value gap and low is too far away to consider. It's beyond 30 or 40 pips below the
289 00:48:48,240 --> 00:48:59,190 market price. So what do we do, then? You wait, you wait for the market to create another run higher, short term high, it trades back down. And once it
290 00:48:59,190 --> 00:49:08,040 breaks that short term high. Now we have a shift in market structure. Follow the narrative, do everything on this outline before look for a fair value gap or a
291 00:49:08,040 --> 00:49:19,770 run below low and submit to it. You might have to do a secondary trade with less less leverage if you get burned on a fair value gap entry. But that's my two
292 00:49:19,770 --> 00:49:32,100 trade rule on it. And if I lose on both, I'm done. I have to wait for the pm session or just simply stop for the day. It is that complicated folks. Now for
293 00:49:32,100 --> 00:49:41,670 someone that's new. Now I'm not going to be unreasonable here for someone that's new. The terms I'm tossing out here and so the logic I'm saying if you've been
294 00:49:41,670 --> 00:49:51,060 around me for a while and this this might seem like wow, this is this is really complicated. Just give me a fucking moving average pal. Give me a moving average
295 00:49:51,060 --> 00:50:01,980 and a stochastic man and call it a day. This is too much PhD shit piled higher and deeper. No, this is algorithmic print. Suppose being articulated in a
296 00:50:01,980 --> 00:50:12,660 straightforward manner, right? To the fucking point, you asked for this shit. Now you have it, we're gonna do with it. That's what I'm interested in. And then
297 00:50:12,690 --> 00:50:22,200 best obviously, you're going to submit to the draw on liquidity based on that weekly chart. Now, there are smaller draws on liquidity in the intraday charts.
298 00:50:22,200 --> 00:50:28,890 And you see me referencing them all the time. Why don't I do that? And why don't I do that with a weekly chart? Because that's the work you're supposed to be
299 00:50:28,890 --> 00:50:36,000 doing. How many trades? Have you seen me share? How many things have articulated before I put the trade on? I say, Okay, here's the direction I'm looking for.
300 00:50:36,210 --> 00:50:45,360 Because I'm looking at a particular price level, I'll say notice on your chart. So if it's above the market price, when I'm tweeting that, is that bearish? Fuck
301 00:50:45,360 --> 00:50:52,020 no, it's not bearish. And there's people still out there thinking, Well, why don't you get along? Aren't you bearish? What the fuck would I be looking to go
302 00:50:52,020 --> 00:51:02,700 short for if I'm pointed something 30 Fucking handles above the market price. How is that fucking bearish? It's an unrealized objective. It's below where the
303 00:51:02,700 --> 00:51:10,890 market price is, that means I'm fucking bullish. I'm looking for a reason to go long. It may not be there yet. But I'm looking to get up there. Vice versa. If I
304 00:51:10,890 --> 00:51:19,590 say here, note this on your chart. It's below the market price. That means what I'm bearish, I'm gonna be looking for something looking for what some of this
305 00:51:19,590 --> 00:51:30,780 should have this outline here. Not limited to, but that's predominately what I'm trying to do. Looking for a way to on ramp and get a ride to that, okay, or
306 00:51:30,780 --> 00:51:47,010 build a bridge to it. And that's what I do in the morning. Now, it took more time for me to outline and explain it give you different Well, instances where
307 00:51:47,010 --> 00:51:56,190 you might have to contend with certain things and certain factors and weigh out whether or not you want to do something. But by far and large, it cuts right to
308 00:51:56,310 --> 00:52:09,660 the meat trims all the fat off all the bullshit. It goes right to What are you trying to do? And folks, let me let me explain this to you. Okay. If you doubt
309 00:52:10,560 --> 00:52:21,570 what I just gave you is not fucking platinum go back and look at every fucking move in the last six months. And you're gonna see one of those two instances and
310 00:52:21,930 --> 00:52:34,140 for the assholes to say Oh, but it didn't work here. Use the alternative things I've told you and you'll get it period if you lose on a day, you must consider
311 00:52:34,170 --> 00:52:43,140 using half of what you risked in your next trading day whatever that trading day would be if it's the next trading session if it's the next trading day if you
312 00:52:43,140 --> 00:52:53,040 use if normative say you are trading 10 contracts in the s&p and you lost okay on your first trade then you dropped down to five contracts on the second trade
313 00:52:53,130 --> 00:52:59,430 if you lose on that you're done for the day you cannot take another country I don't give a fuck about five trade fucking Larry down in fucking Texas. Okay,
314 00:53:00,420 --> 00:53:11,850 you stop you don't have the control factors that is required to stay solvent right now you're learning so don't be doing this. I need to do this because this
315 00:53:11,850 --> 00:53:19,380 guy does five fucking trades. He's got Trump coins. He's flipping fucking quarters. Fuck that shit. You have to limit your exposure. You have to do that
316 00:53:19,380 --> 00:53:25,410 now in the beginning because if you don't you're gonna develop bad habits or you're just gonna blow your fucking account and you're gonna discourage yourself
317 00:53:25,410 --> 00:53:38,370 before you can give your chances give yourself a real chance to do this and succeed but if you take two trades and they both lose you took one at 10 lots
318 00:53:38,520 --> 00:53:47,550 you lose take one of five lots that's half of what you leveraged on your first trade and lost the next trade you're taking five lots if you lose on that one
319 00:53:47,550 --> 00:53:56,430 you're done for the day. If you win on that second trade regardless of what the win is, you're done for the fucking day. You do not trade in the pm session done
320 00:53:58,590 --> 00:54:11,610 but Michael but shit. You don't fucking trade again. You one leave it there. There's other trading opportunities Stop fucking thinking that one trade idea
321 00:54:11,610 --> 00:54:19,170 that one particular trading session is the be all end all it's your fucking career. You're trying to encapsulate your entire fucking lifetime career in that
322 00:54:19,170 --> 00:54:28,710 one trading day. The fuck is wrong with you? Stop thinking like that. That's what every neophyte retail losing fucking prick does. I'm telling you because I
323 00:54:28,710 --> 00:54:37,350 did that same shit when I was 20 years old. Stop. You have to expand your expectations beyond that right now moment. How was the decision you're about to
324 00:54:37,350 --> 00:54:45,000 make right now? Going to impact your career? Is it going to fucking end you? Are you going to invite the ending of your career in that one trading session that
325 00:54:45,000 --> 00:54:53,310 one trading day? Because that's what you're really fucking doing when you break these rules. So when you break them Don't fucking cry to me. Don't you dare send
326 00:54:53,310 --> 00:55:02,160 me a fucking tweet saying didn't listen, because I don't want to see it. Because I've given you reasons now. How to avoid it. I've given you the logical how to
327 00:55:02,160 --> 00:55:09,060 avoid it. But if you take in one trade at 10, and you lose, you take another trade at five contracts and you lose, you stop trading, whenever you trade
328 00:55:09,060 --> 00:55:19,410 again, whether it may be the next trading day, or next week, say it happens to be on Friday, okay? My best advice is, if you had a winning week, don't trade on
329 00:55:19,410 --> 00:55:28,110 Fridays, because you'll regret it. If you lose, you're gonna want to get back to what you had as equity high for the week, in such a short little period of time.
330 00:55:28,350 --> 00:55:37,170 And market channeling generally tends to get real quiet towards the end of the Friday week, close. And you'll think you see shit in the charts and they won't
331 00:55:37,170 --> 00:55:47,130 be there. And you'll lose more. And you'll go on to the weekend, hating it. Because either you gave back the weekly Game, or a large portion of it, and you
332 00:55:47,130 --> 00:55:54,420 could have been feeling good about it on the weekend saying, You know what? I didn't trade on Friday. I had a good week. Why push it? Why? Why the fuck do you
333 00:55:54,420 --> 00:56:04,740 need that? Because you're trying to increase your social media equity curve. And that's a fucking losers game. Don't do that. It's about making fucking money and
334 00:56:04,740 --> 00:56:13,380 consistently keeping it. Fuck their opinion about you or me? Who gives a fuck? Do you think any of this shit that leads people focusing about when he's
335 00:56:13,380 --> 00:56:23,910 changing anything? It hasn't. So don't worry about it. Don't factor any of those fucking things in, keep your results. That's the focus and follow the fucking
336 00:56:23,910 --> 00:56:33,600 rules. But whatever that next trading day is, whether it be the next trading day or the next week or like on a Monday, if it's been Friday, you did this two day,
337 00:56:33,930 --> 00:56:46,530 or two losing trades in one single day. What would you trade with if you lost 10 And five, we can't do two and a half. So let's do two contracts. And you have to
338 00:56:46,530 --> 00:56:56,160 trade that two contracts until you make 50% of what you lost when you lost on the five contract losing trade. Once you get back to 50% of that. Now this is
339 00:56:56,160 --> 00:57:07,740 the highest form of what I do. You shouldn't in the beginning, you shouldn't do this, you should recoup the full loss that you took at the five contract loss.
340 00:57:08,070 --> 00:57:16,050 And then at that point, then you can go back to trading five contracts. And when can you get back to 10 When you make with that losing trade was when you lost on
341 00:57:16,050 --> 00:57:24,390 10 contracts. You have to be organized you have to be diligent about keeping records of what you did how you lost the money. And how do you build it back
342 00:57:24,660 --> 00:57:33,690 systematically, soberly. You're not trying to get out there and just roll the fucking dice is not fucking Las Vegas, folks. You got to go in here with a
343 00:57:33,690 --> 00:57:37,380 principle mindset knowing that you can lose your fucking ass.
344 00:57:38,700 --> 00:57:48,840 Don't take stupid risks, don't guess. If it's not obviously in the chart, and if the conditions aren't right before the the production of a result that is
345 00:57:49,230 --> 00:58:02,130 favorable isn't likely and more in your favor than not. It will fucking trade. You don't do that. You simply observe if you don't know when that is, you
346 00:58:02,130 --> 00:58:09,210 haven't been studying and back testing and tape reading long enough. Because you're gonna know when it's obvious for you to get in. Right now. You're all
347 00:58:09,210 --> 00:58:19,170 just itching to get that feeling of winning the fucking lottery like it's a scratch off. That's dumb. That's a losers mindset. You don't do that, folks. You
348 00:58:19,170 --> 00:58:29,190 don't do traders that make money consistently. They don't fucking guess. They don't guess we know exactly what we're fucking looking for. We're waiting for
349 00:58:29,190 --> 00:58:39,540 it. It doesn't materialize. We sit still. And we don't give a fuck about Tom, Dick and fucking Harry on social media and what they're claiming they did. That
350 00:58:39,540 --> 00:58:50,550 make sense. Has anything I've outlined here seems overly complicated, except for the folks that don't know my terminology. Or if you're too green and have never
351 00:58:50,550 --> 00:58:58,500 really looked at the chart, and understood the references of the weekly chart versus an intraday chart, I understand it would go over your head. But if you
352 00:58:58,500 --> 00:59:09,000 spend time with the content that I've put on my YouTube channel, you come back to this video, or come back to this discussion I was recording. And everything I
353 00:59:09,000 --> 00:59:20,190 just outlined for you is a fucking pathway through the fucking bank. It's consistent folks, what I just outlined here today, you'll get this at least two
354 00:59:20,190 --> 00:59:34,740 times a week. And you only need one. You only need one to have a career, one winning trading day. And if you stopped, that's a career. See some of you see
355 00:59:34,740 --> 00:59:42,750 what I do against these people that talk shit about me. I'll put example out just everyday boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. And you think that's what it wants
356 00:59:42,750 --> 00:59:50,730 me to do? No, it's not what I want you to do. I don't want you to do that. What I want you to do is find your unique model that fits you that fits your risk
357 00:59:50,730 --> 01:00:02,940 appetite, how you are comfortable with trading, your frequency of trading and live there. bloom where you're planted. See, there's a lot of things I'm never
358 01:00:02,940 --> 01:00:11,130 gonna fucking teach you folks, okay? I'm not, I'm not going to do it, because what I've taught already has been abused. And there was other things that was
359 01:00:11,130 --> 01:00:17,670 never gonna teach you anyway, because I'm not permitted to teach it to you. But you don't need to know those things. But I will absolutely showcase that shit in
360 01:00:17,670 --> 01:00:30,060 2023. You got no idea what I'm about to fucking show. But you don't need to try to keep up with that. Just because you're my student. You don't need to do that.
361 01:00:30,930 --> 01:00:43,950 My interest, my whole fucking reason for doing this is I want to see you all succeed and see beyond your paychecks. I want you to have that feeling of
362 01:00:43,950 --> 01:00:58,170 knowing that you have something extra. Because that little bit of a help each month goes a long fucking way. When I was a young man, I'm gonna I'm gonna give
363 01:00:58,170 --> 01:01:03,660 you a little bit of a rant here. And then I'll open up for five questions. And please don't get me wrong. I got three questions real quick. No, you got one
364 01:01:03,660 --> 01:01:15,900 question. And now moving on. When I was young man, and I moved out on my uncle's house. I was paying room and board with them 50 bucks a week. And they more or
365 01:01:15,900 --> 01:01:24,900 less were like, Hey, we were trying to give you a helping hand. Not that you sit here and get rich. And yeah, I was like, Okay, well, that wasn't the result of
366 01:01:24,900 --> 01:01:33,000 our conversation. And where I was thinking we were gonna go with this, but I felt uncomfortable. So obviously, I didn't move out. And I didn't know a lot
367 01:01:33,030 --> 01:01:46,560 about life. In general, I had a very sheltered childhood. I didn't, I didn't know much about many things at all, really. And when I was living by myself, the
368 01:01:46,560 --> 01:01:59,010 rent wasn't all that expensive. I think it was like 416 bucks a month for a two bedroom apartment. And buying furniture and buying things for the house and
369 01:01:59,010 --> 01:02:10,590 stuff. It was it was awkward for me, because I didn't know. I didn't know how to pitch it, you know. And I was single at a time. And I was afraid if I bought the
370 01:02:10,590 --> 01:02:17,550 wrong furniture. And if I started dating someone, they wouldn't like the furniture. And it was because I'm an obsessive compulsive. It was very, very
371 01:02:17,550 --> 01:02:28,890 difficult for me. And all these little decisions, these little things that had to contend with who would be a factor in my trading? Like these things? Like I
372 01:02:28,890 --> 01:02:37,890 would be thinking, am I buying the right fucking color couch? Am I am I is that rug in the kitchen by the sink? Is that the right fucking color? Because if I
373 01:02:37,890 --> 01:02:45,030 meet this girl I'm trying to meet. And she comes over here. And she sees this fucking rogue and she says anything bad at this point. I'm burning this
374 01:02:45,030 --> 01:02:55,500 motherfucking room. Okay, the whole time. I'm watching crude oil. Okay, the whole time I'm watching gold futures markets. Okay, I'm doing all those things.
375 01:02:55,680 --> 01:03:05,250 And I'm worried about this stupid shit. So I know if I had to come back up through this stuff. It the climate that we have right now, where things are
376 01:03:05,250 --> 01:03:23,190 hard, folks. These markets right now. These are the hardest market conditions I have ever, ever traded in 30 years have been around the shell. In the last three
377 01:03:23,190 --> 01:03:36,180 decades, this is the hardest time to be a trader. If you are profitable, and you're consistently profitable, you know what my hats are off to you tap on and
378 01:03:36,660 --> 01:03:47,580 I'm telling you right now, this is this is where you're separated. Like this is the division if you can find profitability in these types of markets right now.
379 01:03:48,120 --> 01:03:57,330 You're a fucking amazing trader, you control yourself, you mastered yourself. And all of you regardless of whatever style you use, I mean, don't get fucked.
380 01:03:57,330 --> 01:04:05,490 It's something that outside of what I do, I'm not the only one that can make money, obviously. But my opinion about how you should learn how to read the
381 01:04:05,490 --> 01:04:13,590 market. I'm biased in that regard. And everybody has their own opinion, everybody that has a course everybody has a service program, they're all going
382 01:04:13,590 --> 01:04:24,240 to say they're the best. Okay? I get it. But anybody that's able to find profitability right now in the last two years. And you're consistently able to
383 01:04:24,240 --> 01:04:40,680 do so you should be very proud of yourself. Because I I'm telling you I've never seen a market environment like this where something so trivial that can come out
384 01:04:40,680 --> 01:04:52,200 right at any time in the market goes to shit unravels completely everything that you think you see in the marketplace. And you have to be very, very nimble. And
385 01:04:52,200 --> 01:05:02,730 one of the concerns I have going forward, it's like one of the things I'm observing and studying proficiently. For not proficiently proofread, proofread
386 01:05:03,660 --> 01:05:13,080 proficiently profusely, profusely, I think it's the term I'm looking for profusely, obsessively. As I say, that way, I'm looking to see, do we
387 01:05:13,080 --> 01:05:21,540 deteriorate even more. And my obsessive compulsive disorder is flaring right now. Because this is where I would be putting, putting the control, Emin, and
388 01:05:21,540 --> 01:05:33,510 going back and editing it, and then now saying it the way I wanted to say it, but I want to see, do we deteriorate more going forward? Does it get harder to
389 01:05:33,510 --> 01:05:43,350 trade? Or are we working ourselves out of those kinks in the marketplace, where it's been very, very challenging, very, very difficult. Now, when I say that,
390 01:05:43,350 --> 01:06:00,030 obviously, you can see that I can find setups and their precision is still there. But not to the degree that it was prior to 2019. And that type of
391 01:06:00,030 --> 01:06:14,730 climate, I want to see it come back. Because if I can get that in 2023, you're gonna see world history. But you can still see world history with this climate
392 01:06:14,730 --> 01:06:25,470 too, as I want to see a little bit more participation from the group that I have created. It's in terms of students, because it's tricky. It can it can present
393 01:06:25,470 --> 01:06:36,180 opportunities in the charts that may or may not be there. And it's very difficult for us as an educator, I know what it's like to see potentially a
394 01:06:36,180 --> 01:06:47,940 setup. But if you have ignored what I've outlined here, and talked about at the beginning of the space, where I refer to the weekly chart, if you look at that
395 01:06:47,940 --> 01:06:58,230 weekly chart, and you ask yourself, Okay, forget that it's a weekly chart, where's it look like it's reaching for, it's going to keep moving up or keep
396 01:06:58,230 --> 01:07:06,810 moving down until it gets to a specific level? What is that level? If it's going up, it's going to go to an old high, because there's, by sign above, the who's
397 01:07:06,810 --> 01:07:17,370 buy stopped are up there. Large funds, there's a reason for it to go up there. Okay, it's not buying pressure that's leading it there, the algorithm is drawing
398 01:07:17,370 --> 01:07:18,000 up to that.
399 01:07:20,190 --> 01:07:31,440 When it gets there, it doesn't know that traders have paired themselves with those orders, it doesn't have that understanding. It just knows that that's
400 01:07:31,440 --> 01:07:40,440 where they are going to be residing. The algorithm doesn't know where your stop is and doesn't know where my stop is, it knows where every pool of liquidity
401 01:07:40,590 --> 01:07:53,730 would be, which is common sense. It's above old highs and below lows, and whatever has happened recently. cell sites been taken, okay. Make it real simple
402 01:07:53,730 --> 01:08:02,100 ICT what's it going to do? It's going to go for an imbalance above market price, which would be a SEBI and I haven't forgotten, I told you I differentiate that
403 01:08:03,180 --> 01:08:14,970 sort of reach up into that. Or if it continues through that, that will be your first objective to get into that city. But then trade to old weekly high to tap
404 01:08:14,970 --> 01:08:26,130 into buyside above that weekly high. Then we sit still. We wait. Because what are we waiting for? We don't know if it's gonna reverse there. And we don't need
405 01:08:26,130 --> 01:08:34,020 to fucking know. He is wait and see if it does. If it doesn't, and it starts to continue more fine. No problem. You continue with the by signing continue,
406 01:08:34,260 --> 01:08:43,140 consider and continue looking for what's the next draw on liquidity on that weekly chart. That's the number one principle for knowing what daily bias is.
407 01:08:43,440 --> 01:08:51,540 Why should that weekly chart be going anywhere? What's it reaching for and reverse everything I just said for when it's bearish if we have recently traded
408 01:08:51,540 --> 01:09:05,340 into a Sibi and move lower from it. And we haven't taken out a short term low or trade into It's nearby by Sanibel. So some inefficiency, the fair value got that
409 01:09:05,340 --> 01:09:13,680 would have a green candle or bullish candle between the two candles that would frame a fair value gap that hasn't traded down into that yet. That's your draw
410 01:09:13,680 --> 01:09:24,210 and liquidity. So until it does that, I'm thinking I'm going to sell model until it get there. Isn't that fucking easy? Isn't that easy? You need fucking
411 01:09:24,210 --> 01:09:33,090 harmonic fucking patterns on your fucking chart to trade? Why can't you just do this? You need all these moving averages and fucking indicators and shit on air.
412 01:09:34,410 --> 01:09:47,220 Now the things I do are not complicated. Understanding the language. So that way I can communicate what it is that I'm looking for in terms of a myriad of
413 01:09:47,220 --> 01:09:56,760 opportunities. I have lots of approaches. I have lots of tools and concepts. Because here's guess what, there's lots of fucking opportunities out there. And
414 01:09:56,760 --> 01:10:03,360 they're not always cookie cutter. So you get these 20 or So Oh, it is too complicated. You have too many concepts. He's got too many tools you got to me.
415 01:10:03,990 --> 01:10:11,190 Because I'm a fucking well rounded trader. I've been around for a long time I got a lot of fucking weapons in my arsenal. And the longer you do this, you'll
416 01:10:11,190 --> 01:10:21,030 do it too. You'll have one choice setup one weapon of choice that you'd love using your fucking bazooka. Okay. Mine's a 50 caliber barrel. Okay, that's my
417 01:10:21,030 --> 01:10:27,990 one shot one kill. I look for that each week if I don't have it, no problem of what my fucking nine millimeter and plink fucking shit, that's no problem, I can
418 01:10:28,620 --> 01:10:40,860 still take shit down with that. But I go in looking through my scope, all my 50 caliber with what I just outlined right here. I don't need to fucking video to
419 01:10:40,860 --> 01:10:48,030 do this, I can explain it to you. And when you're listening to me, and you're, you're considering how you do your routine and what you've not been doing and
420 01:10:48,030 --> 01:10:59,040 versus something like this, and how simple it is. It takes me longer to talk about it, even condensing it in the beginning, then it does the do it. And you
421 01:10:59,040 --> 01:11:08,280 make that a pattern a routine that you do every single week. And in the beginning, you don't go in trying to predict it. Because right now you now have
422 01:11:08,280 --> 01:11:17,190 it. And the worst thing you can do tonight is okay, the markets gonna open up, fuck it, I'm going all in, I'm gonna get funded, or I got a funded account, I'm
423 01:11:17,190 --> 01:11:25,230 risking all he's just told us the secrets, he spilled the fucking beans, I'm gonna go out there and I'm gonna get it, you're gonna get it i You're gonna get
424 01:11:25,230 --> 01:11:37,020 fucking creamed. Because you're trying to do something you don't know how to do yet. So now, since I've shared this with this community, and everyone listening,
425 01:11:37,050 --> 01:11:52,050 I want you to go forward until February. Do no trades with this. Don't do any trades at all. I want you to use what I've just outlined in this space, study
426 01:11:52,050 --> 01:12:03,720 it. And then you determine whether or not there's any validity to what I just taught you. Don't take my word for this. Don't believe any fucking thing I've
427 01:12:03,780 --> 01:12:13,440 said to you here or anytime other anywhere. Because everything I've said has always been an invitation for you to see what I've said is the truth. You'll see
428 01:12:13,440 --> 01:12:22,050 it in your own charts and your own results, you will see it and it won't matter what anybody else says about what you're learning, because you'll know it's
429 01:12:22,050 --> 01:12:31,650 real. And nobody can take that away from you. And the feeling of knowing what it's likely to do and it fucking paints in your own chart real time and you
430 01:12:31,650 --> 01:12:44,130 watch it come to pass. That's a feeling like, fuck. That's like low. It's like knowing the winning lottery numbers. Every fucking week. Speaking of that, and
431 01:12:44,130 --> 01:12:52,350 have you noticed the Powerball. I'm not I'm not a big lottery fan, but I did like the idea of that going up to $2 billion. And I told him I said, we're gonna
432 01:12:52,350 --> 01:13:01,140 pull some fucking shenanigans. And today did they fucking did. They didn't even do a drawing. They said there was a there was an issue. Oh, there was something
433 01:13:01,140 --> 01:13:11,670 wrong with the fucking the accounts, they had to do another account some state or whatever. And we'll get back to you. Your tickets are stamped for that
434 01:13:11,730 --> 01:13:20,910 drawing that day. Okay. And then they don't even do a drawing. They said here was the winning numbers. We did some other drawing but it wasn't televised. And
435 01:13:20,910 --> 01:13:29,400 we have no record of it. And here it is. And somebody wanted in California. That would happen some motherfucker in California got that $2 billion. But guess
436 01:13:29,400 --> 01:13:37,620 what, it's been weeks since then. And the Powerball still at 40 million. You think people are waking up to that saying fuck you Powerball. It's rigged. It's
437 01:13:37,620 --> 01:13:44,970 all fucking rigged. But the Mega Millions like 300 million. Because they're boycotting Powerball, because it's all fake. But here's the thing. They're all
438 01:13:44,970 --> 01:13:53,430 the same. They're all fucking rigged. They're fucking fake. They're not going to fucking pay $2 billion to somebody in the fucking world and Kane, own some
439 01:13:53,430 --> 01:14:07,020 Mickey Mouse FUCKING SHIT $2 billion. Get out of here. The fuck out of here. Me. Anyway. Fine for the five questions. Let's see who's on the list here. Now I'm
440 01:14:07,020 --> 01:14:17,370 going buying new the person that's the top and when I look at this stuff, he'll say here. Here's the question or whatever. Or the person asking the question.
441 01:14:19,020 --> 01:14:25,560 Oops, see? See if I did it wrong here. So I've got 19 requests to speak now 20
442 01:14:30,780 --> 01:14:36,480 Don't Recall how to his arm same as everybody
443 01:14:47,460 --> 01:14:48,210 give me a second.
444 01:15:16,470 --> 01:15:27,780 didn't say 20 But now on the page it says request and says zero request to speak and I know that's not true because of the soul. Okay? The first person here is
445 01:15:27,810 --> 01:15:39,390 panache, gram. And I'm not about to pronounce that last name, so I'll do it wrong. So you got one question? Hear me
446 01:15:46,320 --> 01:15:51,240 Can you hear me? Hello, you're on here.
447 01:15:52,590 --> 01:16:03,420 Unknown: My name is panache ecoregional from Zimbabwe. My question goes to my question is containing Forex? Starting on your mentorship, I see 2022 and
448 01:16:03,810 --> 01:16:16,080 content. So I want to ask, you seem to be a bit off with Forex. Is it okay for us to continue studying? Like studying the decoding that you're offering us on
449 01:16:16,080 --> 01:16:23,220 forex? Oh, we should continue. We should study. You future indices.
450 01:16:25,230 --> 01:16:33,810 ICT: Okay, so as I understand your question correctly, you want to know, because I'm not trading Forex anymore? I have no active interest in return you? Should
451 01:16:33,840 --> 01:16:39,750 you as my opinion, yes. Yes. Should you not be doing forex and only trade index futures? That's your question, no
452 01:16:39,750 --> 01:16:46,050 Unknown: leg should you study? Should we study using index indices, index futures or Forex?
453 01:16:49,110 --> 01:17:00,930 ICT: I'll say this. If you are interested in forex, still, you can do that. But you should be studying index futures. Because the things that I'm teaching in
454 01:17:00,930 --> 01:17:09,150 real time market conditions and the things I'm teaching with my examples and such, you're able to see and study live right now with me, like for instance, if
455 01:17:09,150 --> 01:17:17,850 you go back and try to look at a one minute or a five minute chart on trading view, like six months from now, or in the past, you can't really pull that data
456 01:17:17,850 --> 01:17:27,480 up. So it's important for you to study what I'm showing you in E Mini s&p or Nasdaq futures, because the same thing applies in forex. the only the only thing
457 01:17:27,480 --> 01:17:38,400 that's different between forex and index futures is there's a slight beginning time difference in forex can start earlier. And index futures is 830. That's,
458 01:17:38,430 --> 01:17:48,540 you know, they both can be used at 830. But I can take a trade in both but using the model using index futures. If you study that, and just simply apply those
459 01:17:48,540 --> 01:18:00,930 ideas to the time windows for forex, they still work the same. But for real time trading and real time learning. You should be studying the US 500 and the ES, or
460 01:18:00,930 --> 01:18:13,350 the MQ, or the US 100. If you're going to be using like Forex brokerage firms studying that actively, you will learn you'll grow. And I'm not trying to funnel
461 01:18:13,350 --> 01:18:21,660 everybody into futures because it's all going to be a personal choice and my convictions that are personal, about forex, their mind I'm not trying to I'm not
462 01:18:21,660 --> 01:18:28,620 trying to make anybody not want to trade Forex. I just disclosed why I'm not willing to do it. Does that answer your question?
463 01:18:29,280 --> 01:18:37,170 Unknown: But early? So you mean the patterns are the same? We should if you're trading Forex, be continued studying with work and everything? Yes,
464 01:18:37,200 --> 01:18:48,330 ICT: they're the same mechanics, the same entry strategy, the same trailing of a stoploss the same partial? The model itself works in every asset class. Every
465 01:18:48,330 --> 01:18:57,480 asset class, whether it be Forex, whether it be commodities, bonds, currency futures, index futures, you know, and I have a lot of students that swear by in
466 01:18:57,480 --> 01:19:10,680 crypto, I don't I don't cosign that myself, but they say it works there too. Okay, yeah. Thank you. You're welcome. Thank you, sir. Have a good day. Thank
467 01:19:10,680 --> 01:19:10,830 you
468 01:19:18,450 --> 01:19:23,550 Okay, I don't see another person asking but I'll wait a second or two.
469 01:19:30,960 --> 01:19:43,650 This is very cumbersome. You got a question? Request. If you have a request, are you open to talk, I guess, toggle it off and toggle it again. It might be a way
470 01:19:43,650 --> 01:19:45,540 for me to see because the other guy just popped up.
471 01:20:13,320 --> 01:20:15,090 I'm not sure why it's not shown
472 01:20:48,330 --> 01:20:58,680 Okay, now see on one thing it says that I have 107 people requesting to talk but when I click on that it just shows me everybody that's here and I don't know how
473 01:20:58,680 --> 01:21:11,910 to differentiate from the first person in the list or if there isn't an analyst release this shows everybody that's listening I'm unfortunately not doing well
474 01:21:11,910 --> 01:21:13,110 here in this okay
475 01:21:41,640 --> 01:21:43,860 yeah see I don't know why it won't let me
476 01:22:04,410 --> 01:22:14,340 I don't know how that last person requested because it popped up on the screen where I said I have guests open on Twitter space and it says on the host this as
477 01:22:14,340 --> 01:22:27,000 co host zero but two spots open and speakers zero with 10 open spots and then below that says requests to speak zero requests and I don't know how to get all
478 01:22:27,000 --> 01:22:38,310 of you that are asking asking me a question I don't know how to get that to happen because it says I have 129 requests to speak
479 01:22:45,630 --> 01:22:46,590 this is frustrating
480 01:22:55,020 --> 01:23:15,360 Alright, let me do it this way the first four people that tweet to me I'll try to find you and get you to ask your question I just don't know how to do it
481 01:23:15,360 --> 01:23:15,930 otherwise.
482 01:23:51,930 --> 01:24:16,140 per charge move or watch a video Alright, so here Alter Ego trader and I'm gonna get that for you. Oh, I see a request. So I'm not sure how you guys do how
483 01:24:16,140 --> 01:24:35,700 you're doing it. I don't know how to pronounce this name. And I apologize. Because Sharla you're on the air can you hear me?
484 01:24:41,910 --> 01:24:44,100 Lou, can you hear me? Yes, I
485 01:24:44,100 --> 01:24:54,120 Unknown: can hear you. Hello, hello. Yeah, I hear you. Hello.
486 01:24:55,710 --> 01:24:56,610 ICT: What's your question?
487 01:24:56,760 --> 01:25:11,160 Unknown: Okay. I'm from Tanzania. Hi, my name is Scott Shala. And I have a question to ask about the monetary issue concerning with my account and
488 01:25:11,820 --> 01:25:29,610 something which I want to trade. I wanted to change imminent s&p 500 futures. But I only have like $50 account. And I wish I would trade s&p. So as you
489 01:25:29,640 --> 01:25:44,640 mentor, I would like to ask if it would be good to get trade Forex to it and be by found 100. I would like I would like to get your advice, according to my
490 01:25:44,640 --> 01:25:45,090 account.
491 01:25:48,030 --> 01:26:09,240 ICT: I don't it's hard. It's hard to focus. Hello. Yeah, can you take me off the speaker? Oh. Because you should be able to hear me your earpiece if you take it
492 01:26:09,240 --> 01:26:22,320 off speaker. So my understanding of your question, if I heard it correctly, is you have a limited amount of funds. And but you want to trade the s&p but I
493 01:26:22,320 --> 01:26:33,570 think because you see me doing it, that's making you want to chase what I'm doing. And if you are interested in forex, should you not do that and only trade
494 01:26:34,380 --> 01:26:43,470 index futures. My advice, it sounds like you're outside of the US anyway. And CFDs would probably be permitted where you are, they're not permitted, legally
495 01:26:43,470 --> 01:26:57,450 here in the US that we have to trade a futures contract. But if that's the case, my advice would be just simply trade through the demo of a US 100 or us 500.
496 01:26:57,750 --> 01:27:09,930 CFD. And use that as your instrument. Because while they don't mark to market exactly, like the US futures in ES or no, if you do, you can still learn and
497 01:27:09,930 --> 01:27:18,540 still practice it and get proficient with it. So it's not a matter again, of trying to lure people out of forex, and into index futures because it's
498 01:27:18,570 --> 01:27:29,520 ultimately going to be a choice that you make as the student. And if you're not comfortable with either or whether it be Forex, or whether it be futures, it's
499 01:27:29,520 --> 01:27:38,010 important for you to listen to that discomfort because it's, it's not going to be fruitful for you to force yourself into something that you're uncomfortable
500 01:27:38,010 --> 01:27:47,880 with. No matter how good I can make it look with my own examples. If it ain't right for you ain't right. So you have to do what you can afford, you can do
501 01:27:47,910 --> 01:27:57,360 where you're located in the world, and you may not be permitted and there may be barriers to you being able to trade certain instruments. And there's
502 01:27:57,750 --> 01:28:07,110 unfortunately there's nothing I can do or anyone else can do to overcome that. So I hope that answered your question but that was my understanding.
503 01:28:10,380 --> 01:28:15,990 Unknown: Thank you very much for for helping me out. I meant Thank you sir. Thanks.
504 01:28:16,500 --> 01:28:16,950 ICT: Have a good day.
505 01:28:17,190 --> 01:28:19,140 Unknown: Have a good day you're welcome to our country
506 01:28:24,150 --> 01:28:33,360 ICT: already again, I don't know how they're ending I got zero requests right now I know some of you probably might think I'm being less than honest on the
507 01:28:33,360 --> 01:28:37,260 screen capture this shipped to you
508 01:28:51,360 --> 01:29:09,270 this is what I see okay, so you know I I know there's people that want to talk, but I'm not able to see because it says Request to speak to zero when I go to
509 01:29:09,270 --> 01:29:10,500 the All tab
510 01:29:18,120 --> 01:29:27,690 don't see anybody requesting now. I got three more spots open. I'll give you 10 more minutes of my time and then another close it whether you ask or not
511 01:30:03,990 --> 01:30:19,170 8.88 Only fans. I have a question I have ever uncertainty about asking you to join me. If you're an only fans account on Twitter. I'm not going to be the one
512 01:30:19,170 --> 01:30:29,520 and only fans account. Sorry. All right, I'll read the questions out because I'm going back to what I asked you guys earlier, the first ones that would call in
513 01:30:29,520 --> 01:30:37,950 or whatever, add into your question. So the next three I read here are in the order that I received them as tweets to six minutes ago life without something.
514 01:30:39,720 --> 01:30:54,210 So with that being said, if I am a 30 day trade, I'm sorry. So with that being said, if I am on a 30 day trade mandate, what is the best routine for US traders
515 01:30:54,330 --> 01:31:06,090 to use your concept with a 30 day mandate for our personal accounts? Thank you, sir. I'm not quite sure what you mean by you're under a 30 day trade mandate. So
516 01:31:06,360 --> 01:31:18,240 I don't want to address your your question. But if you rephrase it, I'll answer it on Twitter, directly on our Titans. I apologize. I don't understand your
517 01:31:18,240 --> 01:31:33,720 question. One above that one is ped RAM. Can we consider 9:30am as a medium or high impact news or indices? You're not considering 930 as a medium or high
518 01:31:33,720 --> 01:31:41,400 impact news event you're looking at as the opening. So that's the equities opening in New York session. It doesn't mean they haven't been trading, they
519 01:31:41,400 --> 01:31:50,550 have been obviously, but for the New York Stock Exchange to officially open. It's 930. So we don't really were classified as a medium or high impact news
520 01:31:50,550 --> 01:31:57,630 event. It's just that's the opening price, or the opening of the session. And?
521 01:32:11,520 --> 01:32:22,800 I'm seeing you're saying you have a question, but you didn't ask the question. So I'm scrolling through till I get to a question. Trading US dollar for the
522 01:32:22,800 --> 01:32:35,550 past two months till now, I noticed a Faraday gap doesn't I guess get filled on the lower timeframe? It takes about a week or two. Phil, is that supposed to be
523 01:32:35,550 --> 01:32:46,890 so? Or is there an explanation to that? Number one gold is highly highly manipulated. It's an event driven market. And that means that your unless you're
524 01:32:46,890 --> 01:32:57,420 trading a news driver, with very low hanging fruit objectives, that market will tend to frustrate you. Yes, there are precision elements that can be utilized in
525 01:32:57,420 --> 01:33:08,190 that market. But I tend to only consider that market when there is a significant driver that makes it so obvious that what it wants to do a particular thing.
526 01:33:09,090 --> 01:33:23,610 Because of that, it's not as precise. It's not so reliable, like an index future. Okay, or how we like to structure our trades. I mean, you seen recently
527 01:33:23,610 --> 01:33:33,720 where I was looking for a particular load to be taken out. And it got real close to it, but denied it. And it tends to do that much like like dollar Swissy.
528 01:33:34,110 --> 01:33:44,700 Okay, like Swiss franc is a pair that I think is very, very tricky. It's highly manipulated. It's, it tends to be very choppy, and sometimes it'll come back
529 01:33:44,700 --> 01:33:57,870 again, for stops more than any other any other pair. And Yen is a pair that I can't stand because it's extremely manipulative, they are always tinkering
530 01:33:57,870 --> 01:34:10,830 around with their currency, and they can ruin you, literally. So gold has a tendency to be fickle. And only really, in my opinion, this is just my personal
531 01:34:10,830 --> 01:34:17,880 opinion. Gold shouldn't be treated as a consistent vehicle, because there's better markets to trade in my opinion.
532 01:34:23,460 --> 01:34:31,380 don't see anything else except for people saying they have. Okay. Do you think it's good to be a high high frequency trader? Oops, I'm sorry. I skipped
533 01:34:31,380 --> 01:34:48,090 everyone's grace. A there's oops us. More Reply button here. If we work in a job with a 30 day buy and hold restrictions, what is the best way to trade quarterly
534 01:34:48,090 --> 01:35:00,450 shifts in today's markets? The way I taught it, and that's the best way. I mean, there's this there I haven't amplified any of my teachings. They are as they
535 01:35:00,450 --> 01:35:15,480 are. They haven't fallen out of style. And they haven't fallen into a state of inefficiency. Sir how to trade indices which are not open for day and always
536 01:35:15,570 --> 01:35:28,080 open gap up and get them. Mike, under understanding is you're probably asking about the Indian markets. And I get asked a lot about this. Do I trade the
537 01:35:28,080 --> 01:35:37,050 nifty? Do I trade the Indian markets at all? Does my concepts work in Indian markets? I personally have no experience much like I don't have experience
538 01:35:37,050 --> 01:35:49,710 trading the synthetic. Synthetic something I'm always asked about instrument has something synthetic in the name? No, I don't know anything about it. No, I've
539 01:35:49,710 --> 01:35:58,200 never traded it. No, I don't know if my concepts working. Okay, so I don't I don't know. I don't know how to answer any questions about the Indian markets?
540 01:35:58,200 --> 01:36:09,600 Because I know yes, they get a lot. And to me, I had no experience trading it, I wouldn't be able to trade it. And I just don't have an answer for you. So I've
541 01:36:09,600 --> 01:36:20,520 always answered the same response to those individuals that in India, if they would supply their intel about whether or not things I teach work in their in
542 01:36:20,520 --> 01:36:33,390 their mark, because I don't personally have any experience with it. I mean, my funded challenge, and I, I'm working in a normal job, when is the best time to
543 01:36:33,420 --> 01:36:46,980 leave my job? Well, I've always stated that if you have two years living expenses, whatever your living expenses are, for one full year, you should have
544 01:36:46,980 --> 01:36:58,650 at least two of that. And a minimum of $100,000 equity to trade. And you've been consistently profitable for two years. So there's your definitive in my opinion,
545 01:36:58,650 --> 01:37:06,060 that's, that's when you should even consider prior to any of that you shouldn't consider it. Because you need to have at least two years cushion behind us that
546 01:37:06,060 --> 01:37:14,280 way. You're not feeling pressured to take a trade to live author. That's the that's the that's the conundrum. Most people think they think they can go and
547 01:37:14,280 --> 01:37:24,000 get a funded account. And you may be funded up to 500,000, or even a million dollars in multiple accounts. And think on pat it out, you're not. Because if
548 01:37:24,000 --> 01:37:32,160 you do things wrong, you could lose the access to those funded accounts. And funded accounts could just stop being a thing. And you don't really have
549 01:37:32,190 --> 01:37:41,970 $100,000 or a million dollars, you have to have money to live on. In the times when you don't take trades. Or when you are in drawdown, you don't want to be in
550 01:37:41,970 --> 01:37:50,250 a position where you're trying to make money in the marketplace, because you need to pay bills. So if you are behind that eight ball, if you will,
551 01:37:50,430 --> 01:37:59,610 proverbially speaking, that creates a tendency for traders to be impulsive about doing things in the marketplace, when there really isn't a opportunity to low
552 01:37:59,610 --> 01:38:08,820 risk. So two years living expense 100,000 owner's equity, and you have two years behind you and consistent profitability. That's That's it. If you do anything
553 01:38:08,820 --> 01:38:17,400 beyond that, or less, in my opinion, you're really trying to make it harder than it has to be. And yes, it takes some time. And yes, it's going to take time to
554 01:38:17,400 --> 01:38:24,540 get up there. But if you are trading right now, while you're working your job, and you can get to the point where you're, you're using a funded account, or if
555 01:38:24,540 --> 01:38:32,340 you're trading your own money, and you build it up while you're working. Number one, you have that ends being met with your job. So you're not having to tap
556 01:38:32,340 --> 01:38:42,510 into your profits, you're letting your profits grow, building that nest egg up of $100,000. Okay, and then building up two years living expenses, you probably
557 01:38:42,510 --> 01:38:49,320 don't have an expense, and I'm taking great liberty, great deal there with you. We are saying this, and please don't be offended if it's not true. But you
558 01:38:49,320 --> 01:39:00,270 probably don't live on $100,000 income. So what is your two year living expense? If you're living on, I don't know, maybe 50,000 55,000, the average median
559 01:39:00,270 --> 01:39:11,640 income in the US. That's about 110,000 $125,000. So that's two years living expense that you can tap into if you need to pay bills, and not have to have a
560 01:39:11,640 --> 01:39:19,980 trade to pay him any of your 100,000 hours equity. But you have to have that two years behind you and experience because if you're doing it before that you have
561 01:39:19,980 --> 01:39:31,350 no idea what you're doing, and you're going to be swayed by all the pressures and anxiety created by doing it like that. I am based outside us in Asia, and I
562 01:39:31,350 --> 01:39:43,050 trade CFDs it's near impossible to trade FX without burning my account till recently. I switched to trading DAX, and us 30 Do you have any current view on
563 01:39:43,260 --> 01:39:54,240 these two indices? I don't have a bias on the US equity markets right now. I think we've pulled back inside the range that we recently just had on a daily
564 01:39:54,240 --> 01:40:04,890 chart that long run down low. What we do from here, it might be static choppiness that just keeps us in narrow consolidation into the close of the year
565 01:40:05,130 --> 01:40:16,560 until proven otherwise. That's all I'm expecting, Dax, I never really have an opinion. Do you think it's good to be a high frequency trader, I don't think
566 01:40:16,560 --> 01:40:27,030 it's a advantage to being a high frequency trader just for me, because I know what I'm looking for. And I'm short attention span. And I can make decisions on
567 01:40:27,030 --> 01:40:37,290 the fly and change my mind a lot real quick. And I have no problem being in and out in fluid with new second charts in a 15 second five second charts. If I know
568 01:40:37,290 --> 01:40:44,970 what I'm looking for, I can do that. But just because I say I can do it. And because I do it, that's not something that you should say, well, I should do
569 01:40:44,970 --> 01:40:56,670 that too, because ICT does that all of my trading isn't based on high frequency. My examples are utilizing high frequency trading concepts, because it allows me
570 01:40:56,670 --> 01:41:04,980 as a mentor to give you a plethora of examples of how this stuff works. Versus legs. For instance, if I was trying to teach you all this, and I'm only using a
571 01:41:04,980 --> 01:41:13,560 daily chart, how many examples am I going to be able to show you it's going to be a very, you think I'm boring. Now, I'd be really boring. If I was just
572 01:41:13,560 --> 01:41:23,490 showing you daily chart examples. It'd be, you know, one every six or seven weeks, if I can get it that frequently. So I use these very, very low timeframes
573 01:41:23,490 --> 01:41:30,690 to again, thumb, my nose against all the people that say that you can't time to market there is no precision, there is no elements, and these intraday charts
574 01:41:30,690 --> 01:41:42,180 that are based on anything that's sustainable. And it can be very, very frustrating for someone that would want me to teach them on a higher timeframe.
575 01:41:43,320 --> 01:41:51,900 And I'm only doing this in these lower timeframes. So it gives the impression that I'm pushing high frequency trading, when I'm not, I'm just showing you how
576 01:41:51,900 --> 01:42:03,000 this can work. On other timeframes. You just have to expand your, your patience, beyond the scope of whatever an intraday chart would demand, which obviously,
577 01:42:03,000 --> 01:42:13,560 you know, a one minute chart, we can take about 12, the 15 new setups in a day, if we were using a one minute chart and second intervals, there's lots of setups
578 01:42:13,560 --> 01:42:22,110 in here, you're not getting 20 pips, or 20 handle runs on every single one of them. But you can get three to four multiple times. And that can parlay up into
579 01:42:22,110 --> 01:42:34,380 an enormous return over months in over a year. Now, does that equate to being good as a high frequency trader, for someone as a student? No, that shouldn't be
580 01:42:34,380 --> 01:42:42,630 the reason why. Because you can use my concepts on any time interval, or any approach to trading, whether it be scalping or swing trading, or position
581 01:42:42,630 --> 01:42:50,820 trading. They're all potentially profitable, and they all have incurred risks, just like every other model does, too. So you can lose money on all of them, you
582 01:42:50,820 --> 01:42:59,160 can make money on all of them. So it's a matter of you determining as a student, where your comfort level is, what is your personality? Are you nervous when
583 01:42:59,160 --> 01:43:06,510 you're looking at these lower timeframes, a lot of people can't make decisions on these really short term timeframes. It's scary, like they can't commit, they
584 01:43:06,510 --> 01:43:14,550 get shaken out really easy. And if that's the case for you, then you're on your, you're too small, the timeframe. And that's how you that's how you evaluate it.
585 01:43:14,820 --> 01:43:22,350 If you're anxious at the timeframe that you're looking at, when you're paper trading and studying price, that timeframe is too fast for you, you got to go up
586 01:43:22,410 --> 01:43:29,970 to a higher timeframe until you find the one that works for you. It might be an hourly chart, it might it might be the daily chart for you, okay, or anyone else
587 01:43:29,970 --> 01:43:36,630 listening to No, don't let that be a hindrance because it's about making money and you can make money, lots of it with just the daily chart, it just takes a
588 01:43:36,630 --> 01:43:41,460 lot more time for those things to develop. This is the last one.
589 01:43:46,230 --> 01:43:57,450 Grant me to speak. I said one question you give me two questions. One, can you make example on forex? I have already outlined one in our discussion today. And
590 01:43:57,450 --> 01:44:05,640 you can go back to the old data, and you'll see many times what it is outlined. That's the part you chose to do. That's the work. And can you share those failed
591 01:44:05,640 --> 01:44:16,500 setup example and how to avoid them again, you'll see that also in back testing. That's the benefit of you doing the work. Number one, it removes laziness. And
592 01:44:16,500 --> 01:44:26,400 I've done more than that. A typical mentor would do. I'm showing you where to go to find the answers. I'm showing you what it would look like or explaining what
593 01:44:26,400 --> 01:44:37,380 it would look like and how you would navigate it should it fail. What procedures and protocols would you follow? And you study and you see, is there any validity
594 01:44:37,380 --> 01:44:49,530 to what I just said in this in this Twitter space? Is there anything valid, that constitutes a reason for you to mine or study it further? And or the study going
595 01:44:49,530 --> 01:45:02,400 forward as a forward walk forward test? And that approach is what every student is required to do? That don't make little are, you know, let me go on the chart
596 01:45:02,400 --> 01:45:11,400 to find one for you. In the beginning, I tried to do that. And that to me, it wore me out. Because if you have just a dozen students, and they're always
597 01:45:11,400 --> 01:45:19,170 asking you, Hey, can you show me an example of this? And can you show me? How about you show me an example? Were you having a problem with understanding about
598 01:45:19,170 --> 01:45:29,520 it? Okay, that's the problem I have with today's society and my student base, because there's a lot of laziness in it. And I think if you look at every, every
599 01:45:29,520 --> 01:45:39,540 medium of education, there's always going to be this group of students that just simply, they want it easy. They want it right now, and I'm not beating up on
600 01:45:39,540 --> 01:45:48,240 you, I'm just telling you, this is how you learn it. Okay, so you go through the process, like everybody else does. And you submit to it. And you will find the
601 01:45:48,240 --> 01:45:59,760 answers to the questions you're asking, or removing the doubts and the concern about whether things are valid or not. And it's beneficial for you to see when
602 01:45:59,760 --> 01:46:07,890 you think you might see the chart, and it doesn't pan out, how does that make you react? Does it make you come unglued? Do you lose your mind about it all and
603 01:46:07,890 --> 01:46:15,780 feel like you're gonna quit. Because if that's the case, I'm gonna tell you right now, then you are not going to be a trader, because you want it black and
604 01:46:15,780 --> 01:46:26,250 white, you want it to win, win, win, don't ever lose it as much as you are going to probably if we were talking live and where we were in the room together, you
605 01:46:26,250 --> 01:46:32,190 would probably shake your head say no, no, that's not what I'm saying. I'm telling you, yes, that's what you're saying. But you're trying to deny it, you
606 01:46:32,190 --> 01:46:42,090 want to avoid the pain of doing it wrong, when everybody does it wrong. Every mentor every profitable student, every profitable mentor, every profitable
607 01:46:42,090 --> 01:46:51,630 trader does it eventually wrong, and it will incur a loss, you will lose money money will be debited from your account when you do those things. That is the
608 01:46:51,630 --> 01:47:00,720 reality of this industry, there's absolutely nothing I have that will absolutely be 100% removed the likelihood of that occurrence, it will happen, you can
609 01:47:00,720 --> 01:47:09,990 guarantee it's going to happen, you can bank on the fact that you're going to have a losing trade, and it should not deter you. That's the difference. The
610 01:47:09,990 --> 01:47:21,000 differences is knowing that these things repeat more favorably over time, then they will fail you, you will fail yourself more frequently than these concepts
611 01:47:21,000 --> 01:47:29,130 will fail in general. Because you're going to interpret it wrong. You got to see things in the chart, because you're manifesting it, you're seeing something
612 01:47:29,130 --> 01:47:37,560 because you want to do something to distract yourself. So there's plenty of examples where you if you simply pick any market and go back over the last six
613 01:47:37,560 --> 01:47:46,650 months, and you'll see where there was potentially a setup there, and it would have failed and what you would have done. And if it doesn't pan out again, you
614 01:47:46,650 --> 01:47:55,710 know, the procedures and protocols outlined here. It's trade management, it's mitigation of the drawdown. And how do you restore the drawdown? I covered all
615 01:47:55,710 --> 01:48:03,480 of that in this space here. So there's no reason for you to ask me, for anyone else to show you examples of this that failing, you can see on there already
616 01:48:03,480 --> 01:48:16,770 happened. And you can see many of them were the pain down. And using the logic, the weekly charts are already there. You can look at what you last whole year of
617 01:48:16,770 --> 01:48:25,830 each individual weekly candle was there more expensive than the upside or the downside? Gold that go into those back studies. Okay, and for instance, let's
618 01:48:25,830 --> 01:48:34,320 look at this way. Let's say the N q is your study and I'm gonna, I'm gonna say this, I'm going to close the space because I need to get off here. I've been
619 01:48:34,320 --> 01:48:46,110 doing it too long. Let's just say you want to use the N q, okay, Nasdaq futures and you pull up your weekly chart. And you look at say, I'm gonna randomly pull
620 01:48:46,110 --> 01:48:55,740 a number out. Let's look at the weekly candle. I'm not doing it. I'm saying you do it seven weeks ago. Okay sevens is a number just jumped on my hair. There's
621 01:48:55,740 --> 01:49:03,420 no reason why I have no idea, what seven weeks ago, what price did in queue? I don't I don't recall. I don't remember. It's too far back for me to remember key
622 01:49:03,420 --> 01:49:12,330 levels from that timeframe. If it was last week, I would but seven weeks ago, I don't know. But what was the week prior to seven weeks ago. In other words,
623 01:49:12,330 --> 01:49:24,480 right now we have not opened up on this particular trading. And today's date is November 27. It's 10:20am. New York local time. On a Sunday, so the markets are
624 01:49:24,480 --> 01:49:34,650 closed right now. If you go back seven weeks ago, or seven candles on the weekly chart ago, the eighth week from today, you will be looking at that particular
625 01:49:34,650 --> 01:49:43,590 week expecting or anticipating what the following week would look like which would be seven weeks from today. Looking back, whatever that weekly candle did
626 01:49:43,590 --> 01:49:55,290 on the seventh week, you should pretend right now this is what your pseudo experience does where you you pretend that you had it right. In your your bias.
627 01:49:55,470 --> 01:50:04,080 In other words, if there was an up candle that expanded higher or if it was a downhill that expand In the lower, you're assuming that you had that part
628 01:50:04,320 --> 01:50:13,530 determined beforehand, then what you do is you go into those particular days of that week, and you look at it from a hourly standpoint, you break it down from
629 01:50:13,560 --> 01:50:24,570 hourly from Monday to Friday, put your daily dividers on, outline the times when the session starts that we'd like to trade like a third in the morning till nine
630 01:50:24,570 --> 01:50:32,100 o'clock in the morning, what setups formed, how did they form? Did it reach for liquidity? Or did it go back into an imbalance before it created the setup that
631 01:50:32,100 --> 01:50:40,590 was in line with that weekly expansion, whether it be bullish or bearish. And then you do that individual day on a 15 minute candle, and you do the same
632 01:50:40,590 --> 01:50:47,820 markups in more detail. And you do the same thing with the five minute chart, the four minute chart, three minute chart, two minute chart, and the one minute
633 01:50:47,820 --> 01:50:55,950 chart. Oh, fuck ICT, this is too much well get up the road, if that's the way you think about it. Because you want to learn how to make fucking money, money
634 01:50:55,980 --> 01:51:03,360 making a fucking easy, you got to learn how to do this shit. And that means you got to roll your sleeves up and do this stuff. If you don't want to do that, you
635 01:51:03,360 --> 01:51:13,290 will not learn this. You will not learn it any other way. That's the that's what separates the men from the boys, the soldiers from the cannon fodder. You have
636 01:51:13,290 --> 01:51:21,570 to do these things. And you have to be diligent about doing it. And you continuously do it and you study and you study and you study. And you go through
637 01:51:21,630 --> 01:51:32,280 all the timeframes. Just like that. And you collect every new week of data, even if you had losing trades, you record it in your journal as if you knew that was
638 01:51:32,280 --> 01:51:40,680 going to happen. And you record it in your annotations. And what happens is, you're retaining the pattern recognition, aspects of seeing the examples seen
639 01:51:40,710 --> 01:51:50,520 over and over and over again, and you're recording your own annotations. Now in truth, you're lying in the annotation is about having seen it, but you're
640 01:51:50,520 --> 01:52:02,280 rewarding yourself, visually. And through annotation. So your subconscious retains it as this is a good experience. I saw this coming. And I'm happy that I
641 01:52:02,280 --> 01:52:11,730 saw this pattern fulfill as I learned it. Now, that's not the same as lying in saying, I took this trade, like you see everybody on Twitter, I took this trade,
642 01:52:12,000 --> 01:52:20,700 I took the same trade as you did ICT and they don't have their executions. That's why I don't like to those kinds of posts, you need to go through your
643 01:52:20,700 --> 01:52:30,810 annotation, say, I'm thankful that I see the model unfolding in this example, exactly how it should have. So your brain sees that you remember it because you
644 01:52:30,810 --> 01:52:43,080 wrote it. So it's tricking your brain and providing pseudo experience. It's self talk. Okay, it's a way of replacing anxiety and nervousness about not ever
645 01:52:43,080 --> 01:52:52,440 learning how to do this with positive reinforcement. And you're collecting examples that you're going to refer to continuously. In your study, Jeremy and
646 01:52:52,440 --> 01:53:00,090 Keith, go back looking, okay, here's this is what that week look like. And it's a wonderful resource. Because after, you know, there's gonna be times and you
647 01:53:00,090 --> 01:53:07,590 look back at old moves. And you think, Man, I wish I looked at a one minute chart on that day, you'll have it. And that's why it's important for you to be a
648 01:53:07,590 --> 01:53:19,440 specialist. You see these guys out there? Yeah, if I was 27 pairs, that makes me professional. No, that makes you a fucking junkie. And you're not a
649 01:53:19,440 --> 01:53:28,830 professional, you need to specialize on one market. Maybe two, but one, one market. And here's how you know there's a professional if they can tell you what
650 01:53:28,830 --> 01:53:38,310 the 15 Minute highs and lows, and the five minute highs and lows in the New York session and the one in session. They're professional. So ask yourself right now,
651 01:53:38,820 --> 01:53:45,780 could you say what the 15 Minute high low was? In the five minute high and low was in any particular?
652 01:53:47,430 --> 01:54:01,200 Market? You probably can't. And the same people on Twitter, and YouTube in discord, Instagram and Facebook. They're all full of shit. Okay, I know what I'm
653 01:54:01,200 --> 01:54:07,230 looking for. I know it levels on market, but I can't remember it seven weeks ago. Okay. And I just reached seven because that's the number just jumped on my
654 01:54:07,230 --> 01:54:17,550 head. Mathematically Yes, the number I recommend reach for between 10 and one anyway, but I got a lot of stuff. Today, I went through something that would
655 01:54:17,550 --> 01:54:26,820 have otherwise only been taught if we were one on one with me. Like it was in the 90s. Okay, I covered a lot of things that were black and white. Binary, do
656 01:54:26,820 --> 01:54:35,940 this. Don't do that. Do this if this happens, okay. I've walked through something that would have otherwise been given to charter members in my private
657 01:54:35,940 --> 01:54:47,040 mentorship. You have something now that's real, it's tangible. It's something that you can work with and go forward and study back testing and also want to
658 01:54:47,040 --> 01:54:56,250 back test it in burnt enough hours. In logging example, how many is that? How long do I have to do this before? I should know I know how to do this. You'll
659 01:54:56,250 --> 01:55:05,940 know when you're bored about what you're about to anticipate in the marketplace and it happens when I say you need to be bored, you need to be fucking bored.
660 01:55:07,020 --> 01:55:20,370 That that, that is the surest sign, okay? If you're looking for that, you know that that sign or that, you know, way of knowing that this is what you should
661 01:55:20,370 --> 01:55:29,700 do, when you can call the marketplace, know that you can push it in a demo or paper trading account, you don't care what the end result is going to be. But
662 01:55:29,700 --> 01:55:41,070 it's always the same thing, it's going to target more times than it's not. And you don't care. You don't care if it's money made in real terms, or if it's
663 01:55:41,070 --> 01:55:51,690 demo, you've gotten so comfortable with the outcome being not necessarily known beforehand. But you know that you've been doing it long enough that this is the
664 01:55:51,690 --> 01:56:03,690 reasonable expectation as an outcome. When you feel that way, about your trades, in demo or on paper, that is the surest sign that you are psychologically
665 01:56:04,200 --> 01:56:17,640 equipped to then consider not, I'm giving you to go and do it. But that's right about the time when you can start entertaining the idea of maybe maybe doing it
666 01:56:17,640 --> 01:56:28,110 with lifelines, or a funded account. And I know I just broke a lot of hearts by saying that. But don't you want to learn the right way? Don't you want to be
667 01:56:28,110 --> 01:56:38,010 equipped to do it the right way. And I know, it feels like the world is crumbling all around all of us. Okay, but you can't speed this stuff up. You
668 01:56:38,010 --> 01:56:46,680 can't make it faster. You can't skip it, you can't cut corners. You can't have it your way mentorship results and get new Blue Ribbon results. You can't do it
669 01:56:46,680 --> 01:56:58,230 that way. I promise you, it doesn't work like that. I've seen so many people, hundreds of 1000s of students come through. And predominantly, every single one
670 01:56:58,230 --> 01:57:06,990 of them that rushed it fell right on their fucking face. And then when they slowed down, and they removed all of the Olympic expectations, they were trying
671 01:57:06,990 --> 01:57:16,050 to place on themselves and stopped worrying about social media influence, and acceptance. Then it worked. It worked for them because it took all the pressure
672 01:57:16,050 --> 01:57:31,890 off of it. It took all the anxiety, the performance anxiety, the the need to do well in other people's eyes, that that's all something that will be a stumbling
673 01:57:31,890 --> 01:57:39,600 block for you. Trading competitions, if you're developing and you're all rushing to get goods, you can go into trading competitions, that quiet people to talk
674 01:57:39,600 --> 01:57:51,990 shit, you're doing it wrong. You're doing it wrong. So you want to be bored, you want to be like your job. You hate your fucking job. You can't stay in your
675 01:57:51,990 --> 01:57:58,980 fucking job, you can't stand the community can't stand coming home, you're tired, but you know, your fucking job, you don't get aroused. Because you're at
676 01:57:58,980 --> 01:58:06,570 work, you don't get excited, cuz you're going to work. You're like, I gotta do this again. Okay, it's, it's what you got to do. That's what you have to do
677 01:58:06,570 --> 01:58:14,880 about your trading model. It's, this is what you got to do. You got to do these things. And you know that, hey, getting up tomorrow morning to go to work, you
678 01:58:14,880 --> 01:58:21,780 don't know, if you're gonna get a flat tire. You don't know, if you're gonna get sacked. You don't know if you're, if you're still employed, you might get
679 01:58:21,780 --> 01:58:29,730 sacked, you may be made, redundant and removed. And you're gonna see a lot of that coming forward in the next six months, a lot of people gonna be losing
680 01:58:29,730 --> 01:58:41,400 their jobs. And that's gonna also make you feel like you got to rush. Don't, don't, you'll undermine months of development. If you invite fear and anxiety,
681 01:58:41,400 --> 01:58:54,450 don't do that. Keep the focus on the right direction, and be consistent. Doing these things in back testing, and collecting all these experiences and logging
682 01:58:54,450 --> 01:59:05,280 them in learn to love doing that. Yeah, see, I watched Hannah's video the other day. She goes, I hate back testing. Girl, you better straighten your shit up.
683 01:59:05,730 --> 01:59:14,550 You better fall in love with that part. Because that's what's going to make you better. You have to love that you have to fall in love with that. If you can't
684 01:59:14,580 --> 01:59:26,280 find a way to enjoy, it's almost like meditation for me. And I'm good. I still like doing it. Because I'm so impressed with the level of precision that the
685 01:59:26,280 --> 01:59:38,670 algorithm is consistently delivering. It's not random. This is so beautiful to see how it does what I teach you, it does. And it's it's almost like poetry. I
686 01:59:38,670 --> 01:59:50,310 mean, obviously I'm biased. I mean, fingerprints are all over this fucking thing. But the point is, I literally love seeing it perform. And you have to
687 01:59:50,730 --> 02:00:02,310 admire it. Even if you can't take that trade, even when you lose in a trade. When I take a losing trade. I look at it I'm still like I still see what I did
688 02:00:02,310 --> 02:00:13,290 wrong. I see what I did wrong, and it's still doing what it's supposed to do. And you can't be mad about having to do the work. That's reasonable. You want a
689 02:00:13,290 --> 02:00:21,000 fit body, you want a beach body, and you're not going to get eaten fucking donuts. You got to lift some weights, you got to cut some calories. You got to
690 02:00:21,000 --> 02:00:31,980 exercise, right? Well, that's effort. Nobody fucking likes to go to gym. In the beginning, they hate it to get to that first growth, spurt of pain and soreness.
691 02:00:32,130 --> 02:00:39,000 But when you get rid of the sugar, you find that you don't, you don't have that much pain anymore. You're going to be sore and stiff, but not to the same degree
692 02:00:39,330 --> 02:00:49,440 that you were in the first three months, the first six weeks, the first two weeks, where you're getting rid of all that shit in your blood. Now, that sugary
693 02:00:49,440 --> 02:01:00,660 stuff, all that extra sugar in your coffees that you shouldn't be fucking drinking anyway. Anyway, I had fun today. I've enjoyed spending time with you.
694 02:01:01,110 --> 02:01:08,670 And hopefully you got something out of this one. I'm gonna have to find something to get into. Or my wife's not here. She's out there spending probably
695 02:01:08,670 --> 02:01:19,980 more money than she should. These outlets they Hey, you can save so much money. She can save more money by not going, how's that work for you? She'll find an
696 02:01:19,980 --> 02:01:29,280 excuse. Look at this. I got this for 50% off. Yeah. And all of our fucking kids have closets stuffed. Okay, you can't put another fucking thing in there. Not
697 02:01:29,280 --> 02:01:37,890 another fucking hanger can fit in our closets, literally. But she'll be out there buying shit. I don't get it. But I guess it's a woman thing. But
698 02:01:37,890 --> 02:01:50,310 nonetheless, I believe that I've given you some useful insight today I've given you some tangible rules and procedures and processes, and logic. And how you go
699 02:01:50,310 --> 02:02:00,450 into a morning routine. This is my morning routine. It's been this way for decades, like I haven't changed it, I haven't made any kind of adjustments. I've
700 02:02:00,450 --> 02:02:10,770 never felt the inclination to make an adjustment. The only thing I didn't mention on how I'm looking at my notes. I skipped over the point number four.
701 02:02:10,770 --> 02:02:20,910 And I don't know why I did that. But I go on social media. And I go on to YouTube channels, people that do live streams. I like I love watching people
702 02:02:20,910 --> 02:02:32,700 live stream, because that is the greatest feedback for market sentiment than you could ever have. Because they are in a position of rah rah, the attention span
703 02:02:32,730 --> 02:02:41,460 on what they believe at the time. And if they push a button, number one, I have every bit of respect for anyone that does that. Whether it's somebody that hates
704 02:02:41,460 --> 02:02:51,660 me, or doesn't know me, or is there, are there a fan or supporter would I do? Anybody that has the fucking balls to get out there in front of the world? And
705 02:02:51,690 --> 02:02:57,690 either fall on our face or shine? Yeah, that is, to me, that's something personally,
706 02:02:59,100 --> 02:03:10,200 I that's a limitation, I can't do it. I can't, I cannot be in a position where I can have 100 people or so or even one that doesn't really, if someone's
707 02:03:10,200 --> 02:03:19,530 constantly asking questions, my mind is gonna say, Okay, I gotta at least see what they're asking. And that's going to distract me. And I can't focus my
708 02:03:19,530 --> 02:03:26,070 attention span is I mean, you can just listen to me in these Twitter spaces. I'm not even looking at a fucking chart. I'm all over the place. And I'm going to
709 02:03:26,070 --> 02:03:33,990 add to it, I gotta watch one minute charts, and make a decision and decide whether or not whether I'm doing the right thing in time. And I got a guarantee,
710 02:03:33,990 --> 02:03:40,230 if I do live streams in February, you're gonna see it's not going to be 200 people, there's gonna be a lot of people there. And they're all going to want a
711 02:03:40,230 --> 02:03:46,650 question answered, they're all going to have some point that they want to make. And I have to ignore all that. I can't look at that. Otherwise, I'm going to be
712 02:03:46,650 --> 02:03:53,970 distracted. But for people to get out there and trade, and push a button, whether they're doing it in a funded account where they're doing challenges,
713 02:03:53,970 --> 02:04:03,720 like trades by Matt, you know, I have respect for that guy. I know he catches a lot of shit from Trolls and such. But, you know, he's out there doing it. And
714 02:04:03,720 --> 02:04:13,050 when he falls on his face, he owns it. And he does well, and he likes it. He has fun. But I think he's having fun regardless of whatever he's doing. That's cool.
715 02:04:13,080 --> 02:04:22,620 I really respect that. I watched Vinny the other day. He drew down on his account. And it was significant like $13,000. And I just said, yeah, it was it
716 02:04:22,620 --> 02:04:32,100 was a hard day for me too. And he kind of out of that. And I watched him do one of the trades. I didn't catch the whole thing had to come back, like late no
717 02:04:32,100 --> 02:04:41,550 next morning and looked at his results. He came back out of it. But he pulled out of it. And that skill. You don't do those things randomly. That's stuff that
718 02:04:41,550 --> 02:04:52,110 doesn't happen because of guesswork. And I've actually recently commended him because when we were talking earlier, like years ago on Twitter, and he was
719 02:04:52,110 --> 02:04:59,220 trying to you know, show me his algo box stuff in the early stages and say, hey, look, you know, take a look at this. I think you would like it blah, blah blah.
720 02:04:59,250 --> 02:05:07,410 I saw Other overlays and things. And without being a dick, you know, I told him I said, but I can't, I can't look at stuff like that, because it's a
721 02:05:07,410 --> 02:05:17,400 distraction. I said to him back then I said, if you remove all of that stuff, and you create something that tells a person, when it's a buy, when it's a sell,
722 02:05:17,430 --> 02:05:29,010 remove all those overlays, because to bloated, you know, if you make it clean, simple chart, when it's going to be a buy, when it's gonna be a sell, that is
723 02:05:29,010 --> 02:05:35,580 going to be the ticket. That's if you're going to do something algorithmic make it simple like that, because you don't want to give them all these things that
724 02:05:35,580 --> 02:05:42,390 look at, if you're trying to give them something that's automated or something that's going to help them you make it easy, make it easy to see what you're
725 02:05:42,390 --> 02:05:49,590 trying to do. And I guess, well, you know, the shit that he's been trying to sling at me and stuff, I still been talking to him. I told him, I said, Look,
726 02:05:50,370 --> 02:05:59,820 you know, you did what I said, that direction is where you should go. And I told him, I said, what you're doing right now is the right thing. You're building
727 02:05:59,820 --> 02:06:08,550 something that is, in my opinion, if you work out all your kinks, you have something that people will absolutely fall all over themselves to do. Because if
728 02:06:08,760 --> 02:06:15,810 they can find something that triggers a buy or a sell, and right now he's doing like a yin and yang type thing, which I thought was cool. It's it's a nice
729 02:06:15,810 --> 02:06:24,450 touch. He calls it a Nigma. That's like a rub against me. But whatever. It's marketing, I get it. But what he's doing, he's going in the right direction, if
730 02:06:24,450 --> 02:06:31,410 he would have fucking listened to my suggestions, and I'm not saying this is my credit, okay, I'm just saying, I know how to market. I know what traders want. I
731 02:06:31,410 --> 02:06:42,390 know what they're looking for. And if he has something that's automated, if he strips all that bloatedness that stuff on his charts, and streamlines it to this
732 02:06:42,390 --> 02:06:51,840 is when it's going to go down. This is when it's gonna go up, and it tells you that that is exactly what lazy neophyte traders are looking for. And that's not
733 02:06:51,840 --> 02:07:00,660 a knock against them. Every one of us started that way. I started that way. And if you can't do discretionary trading, and I have lots of students like that,
734 02:07:01,320 --> 02:07:11,190 and I told Vinnie, I said, Listen, why don't you just simply fucking code, the 2022 mentorship? The rules are simple. Put it in NinjaTrader. And there it is,
735 02:07:11,250 --> 02:07:18,900 and if you show the results are good, I'll even fucking cosign say look, if you can't do what I do. Discretionary, use this guy shit. And I don't want no
736 02:07:18,900 --> 02:07:26,430 fucking kickback. I don't want any royalty. I don't know what the fuck this guy's problem is. I mean, I got 400,000 subscribers. All he has to do is clean
737 02:07:26,430 --> 02:07:36,420 up his fucking act. Stop being a jerk. If you got something that works, if I see it works, and I saw that you had a fucking trade a solid. But if you automate
738 02:07:36,420 --> 02:07:48,300 that, and it's streamlined when it's a sell when it's a by me and that's that's a blockbuster. That's an easy fucking moneymaker. Now, is it worth $4,000? I
739 02:07:48,300 --> 02:07:56,340 don't know. That's a pretty, that's a pretty steep price ticket. The I didn't even sell my mentorship for that much. But everybody has their own price tag.
740 02:07:57,000 --> 02:08:04,860 And it might be something that he generates into something that's colossal. And I'm all for it. I'd love to see that. You know, I ain't got anything personal
741 02:08:04,860 --> 02:08:11,310 against anybody. And even though he said a lot of shedding true about me, you know, I know what he's doing. He's trying to draw a crowd. But I told him, I
742 02:08:11,310 --> 02:08:20,850 said, if you if you just listen, just listen, I'm not your mentor. I'm not teaching, I'm not your teacher. But I do know what works. I knew I knew how to
743 02:08:20,850 --> 02:08:31,800 sell. I'm not a polished salesman. But I know exactly what traders are looking for. And I have lots of students, lots of them, that can't sit down and decide
744 02:08:31,800 --> 02:08:40,440 what to do. They don't know how to be disciplined. And if you have something that's automated, and it's consistently calling, turning points in the
745 02:08:40,440 --> 02:08:53,070 marketplace, that is a foundation that they will they'll they'll dogpile on that and that that's an easy selling thing. I said it'll sell itself but literally it
746 02:08:53,070 --> 02:09:01,110 would sell itself. I mean, think about forget me for a moment take me out of the equation, forget what you're learning with me forget put all that aside for a
747 02:09:01,110 --> 02:09:14,190 second. If you did not know how to find daily bias or setup timing, what new fucking like to see something like that. And if it was consistently able to find
748 02:09:14,190 --> 02:09:22,140 setups like that, wouldn't that be something that you would entertain at least looking into? If you say no, you're a fucking liar. Because I've been doing this
749 02:09:22,140 --> 02:09:32,640 for 30 years and I'm still interest. I'm watching what he's doing. And I think by him taking all that stuff off his chart. He's finally fucking listened. And
750 02:09:32,640 --> 02:09:43,920 he'll see if he just focuses on selling his product and not drama. He will get what he's trying to get. And he'll do it the right way. He'll polishes image up,
751 02:09:43,920 --> 02:09:53,280 he'll clean his up his trademark is algo box will will grow with reputation, not all this muddy shit. Because there was nobody threatened his fucking family. I'd
752 02:09:53,280 --> 02:10:01,680 never did that. I'm not doing any of that stuff. And I knew you and I knew we knew how to trade back on on Twitter and I knew if Adam Webb got into a real
753 02:10:01,680 --> 02:10:09,060 competition with him, he mopped the floor with him and Adam with faked all this bullshit. Didn't even try to fucking trade. He's in fucking clown. He's even
754 02:10:09,060 --> 02:10:19,920 blocked me on fucking Twitter and I haven't said anything about him until this recently, but he blocked me to like get on Twitter. fucking douche. But if you
755 02:10:19,920 --> 02:10:26,550 haven't been watching what Vinnie has been doing, he's got a channel, it's algo box trading, you know, he's I know he's got his drama bullshit channel where he
756 02:10:26,550 --> 02:10:35,790 likes to control me and talk shit about me on his other one. But he has algo box trading. And he's, he's got my logo up here. And I know why because it's drawing
757 02:10:35,790 --> 02:10:45,600 attention. I don't give a fuck that he's using it. I don't care. But what he's doing with his Enigma, okay, he's trying to create this marketing thing around
758 02:10:45,630 --> 02:10:55,710 what he's dealing with his is an enigma, automated algorithm thing. And I told him, I said if you work out the kinks, okay, first of all, I'm gonna say if you
759 02:10:55,710 --> 02:11:03,840 are going to hit me with a lawsuit for fucking horseshit, you will find out in court, everything you said is wrong. Okay to once you find that out, and you
760 02:11:03,840 --> 02:11:10,980 know that you've been wrong about it, I will gladly send people to you, if you work out the kinks. And when you say your shits final, because he's out there,
761 02:11:11,280 --> 02:11:23,220 testing it live, I would have never done that live, I would have waited for it to be up to spec, then then I would have said, take a look at this. But he's
762 02:11:23,220 --> 02:11:31,710 chomping at the bit to get ahead of everything. And I get it, I understand. But I've watched what he's been doing in the few laughs and I haven't been able to
763 02:11:31,710 --> 02:11:39,810 sit there the whole time. Because they go for hours and hours and hours. And I have things I gotta do. And we've been moving around whatever. But I did watch
764 02:11:40,980 --> 02:11:48,690 where he drew down that morning. It was one day last week. And he thought I was trolling us. I'm not here to troll you do. I mean, I had, I had difficulty
765 02:11:48,690 --> 02:12:00,420 waiting for my setups to. But he kind of out of that. Now the average trader would not be able to do that. So I believe he knows how to use his tools. I know
766 02:12:00,420 --> 02:12:13,530 how people like to throw shit at each other. But I've never said he couldn't trade. But I think what he's doing right now, right now, he's finally coming
767 02:12:13,530 --> 02:12:22,980 into what I've really suggested to him back in the early Twitter days when he was reaching out to me. If we were going to do the live stream like we were
768 02:12:22,980 --> 02:12:28,380 going to do, I told him I said, Listen, I'm gonna bring my audience to your live stream. Okay?
769 02:12:30,000 --> 02:12:37,650 You talk through what you do with your algorithm, because I'm, I'm interested in anybody, anybody that's trading and pushing buttons, I'll sit and watch. I'm in
770 02:12:37,650 --> 02:12:45,180 the audience I'm watching. There's a lot of people that are smaller that I still sit in and listen to. Because I love the fact that they're willing to do it. And
771 02:12:45,870 --> 02:12:57,090 to me, I envy that I envy that. Because I can't focus doing that. And I wish I could, but I can't. So when you see me doing my live streams, I'm not going to
772 02:12:57,090 --> 02:13:03,570 be answering questions. I'm not going to give a fuck what anybody saying in that comment section. You'll be busy over there. But I'm going to be doing my own
773 02:13:03,570 --> 02:13:13,770 thing in the chart. So, but when I was talking to Vinnie on Twitter years ago, lately, lately back, I thought I said, I'm gonna, I'll bring my audience and I
774 02:13:13,770 --> 02:13:20,910 had about 30,000 people following me then I said, I'm going to say I'm going to your live stream, and I'm gonna watch what you do and just outline it, you know,
775 02:13:20,910 --> 02:13:30,480 just talk about what it is you're doing, why you're doing what you're doing. And there it is, and I don't want any kickback. And if he's honest, for once, he'll
776 02:13:30,480 --> 02:13:36,930 tell you, that was the truth. I did not want anything for it. I did not want any kind of kickback. I don't want to kind of partnerships. I don't want any kind of
777 02:13:37,140 --> 02:13:45,300 royalties, none that bullshit. I don't need it. I don't give a fuck. You do your own thing. I don't care. I'm not losing anything. But the very next day, this
778 02:13:45,300 --> 02:13:55,320 guy went out there and started fucking blast and Adam led and he got dirty. And I was like, What the fuck? How can I like, like, even now, I'm doing something
779 02:13:55,320 --> 02:14:08,610 that I have voided on Twitter before. Like he says some system terrible sick shit about me. Okay. And I know, I know. He knows that done that shits true. He
780 02:14:08,610 --> 02:14:15,210 knows. But he wants the canceled culture to come down on me because it'll draw attention to him, then he you don't need that. I will bring them to your
781 02:14:15,210 --> 02:14:26,430 channel. Right now with all the drama still, with all the bullshit and all the lies. All I'm asking you to do is do a live session and walk through an outline
782 02:14:26,460 --> 02:14:34,770 talk about what it is that it should be doing and why it should be doing it. Keep the focus on that. I would love to sit there and watch that. I would love
783 02:14:34,770 --> 02:14:44,880 it. And I think anybody that is a trader would respect that as well. So I have this lawn care if it's Sunday, next week or the following week, or even the next
784 02:14:44,880 --> 02:14:57,870 year. I don't care. I said I'm a man my word. I would sit in the audience. This guy was the other day. I was respectful. I wasn't there to troll. And I listened
785 02:14:57,870 --> 02:15:06,270 to him read all kinds of horseshit that you said and and people in the room said, I've rebutted with none of it. I'm there for that. I'm not trying to harm
786 02:15:06,270 --> 02:15:13,140 you. I didn't want to harm you. I didn't fucking threaten your family. I didn't threaten your children. I didn't pay anybody to do those things. And I didn't do
787 02:15:13,140 --> 02:15:25,080 any of this shit that you say. And I'm not worried about what you say. But I know, if you are bent up and you think this shit, maybe you do think that I had
788 02:15:25,080 --> 02:15:33,930 something to do with somebody, you know, threatening you. I heard the person threatening you. But that wasn't me. That wasn't a result of me. Look at me. Do
789 02:15:33,930 --> 02:15:43,590 I seem like I'm worried? I'm still talking about you. That's proof. I've had no ill will toward you. I'm still with all your horseshit. I'm still right now
790 02:15:43,590 --> 02:15:54,450 telling everybody that listens to me. I will sit in your algo box trading live streams. And watch you outline what you're doing. And I've already seen enough
791 02:15:54,450 --> 02:16:02,550 to know you're going in the right direction. And you've admitted honestly, openly that, hey, you got some kinks to work out. And I told you in a personal
792 02:16:02,550 --> 02:16:14,310 tweet, no, not tweet text. I said, I like what you're doing right now. What you did before, I wasn't a fan of, I'm not a fan of the algo bars. Anyone know what
793 02:16:14,310 --> 02:16:28,740 the fuck an algo bar is to be honest with you, maybe you can explain that. But there are people, even in my group, that if you streamline something, because
794 02:16:28,740 --> 02:16:38,430 they can't do what I'm doing, they've they've they've struggled, they couldn't do it. It doesn't mean that the people and myself that use it, effectively, it
795 02:16:38,430 --> 02:16:48,450 works. And it's precise for us. It doesn't mean it doesn't work. It just means that they can't do it. And they need something else, they may need something
796 02:16:48,450 --> 02:16:58,980 that's completely outside of me, for whatever I teach. And I'm completely aware of that. There's people that go to other disciplines, and they come back and
797 02:16:58,980 --> 02:17:08,280 say, Okay, I added this, and it helped me understand this better, I still know that there are people in my groups that still are struggling, because they can't
798 02:17:08,280 --> 02:17:16,950 be discretionary. They just don't have it in them, they can't do it. And they would probably do well with something automated. And it might not be something
799 02:17:16,950 --> 02:17:29,190 that is based on whatever I do. That's fine. There's lots of ways to make money. And I'm completely open to allowing my own audience that go over there, and I'll
800 02:17:29,190 --> 02:17:37,650 even direct them, go right over there and see what you're doing. Because I personally saw what you did recently. And when you took all those harmonic
801 02:17:37,650 --> 02:17:47,160 pattern, like the triangles and shit, I mean, that's just too much stuff on a chart for me, I can't, I can't, I'm too distracted by that. Now, I might be
802 02:17:47,280 --> 02:17:58,200 alone in that opinion. But I know there's a lot of people that like to have a naked chart, what you're doing right now, man, if you if you work that shit out,
803 02:17:58,710 --> 02:18:05,160 and you clean up all the kinks in the things that you're saying that there's confliction between different timeframes and such and why it's doing this and
804 02:18:05,160 --> 02:18:11,580 doing that. And I'm not asking for the logic, I don't think you should vote to the logic either either. Like I think you should just say, Hey, this is what
805 02:18:11,580 --> 02:18:19,620 it's doing. It should be reading this until it gets to this and that. And how, what's the advantage? What's the advantage of not having all those overlays on
806 02:18:19,620 --> 02:18:28,890 the chart, and how you can trust it on what you're doing now, with your enigma. That to me would be interesting, I would like to sit in and listen to that, I
807 02:18:28,890 --> 02:18:38,580 think viewers would listen to that. And it would be helpful. And it would probably do more for selling your product, or at least building the audience.
808 02:18:38,580 --> 02:18:48,390 That way they can track your development with it. And once you get to the point where you're is it, I'm confident now it's doing what I aim for all the building
809 02:18:48,630 --> 02:18:58,890 plans for it all the expectations for it. These are the things that I had hoped for. And it's able to deliver it. And this is this is where it's at. And now
810 02:18:58,890 --> 02:19:07,470 it's ready for public consumption. That would be cool. Because it's like, it's kind of like, like a Kickstarter without having the money being poured into it
811 02:19:07,470 --> 02:19:15,570 like you're building it. And you're just kind of keep the public up to date with what it is you're dealing with and where you are in progress. Because I see
812 02:19:16,080 --> 02:19:27,600 major potential, move away more than algo box in its original format. I have never been a subscriber to the things that you do. But I know that you never use
813 02:19:27,600 --> 02:19:35,550 your own tools. But what you're now working on is exactly what I was trying to tell you to work in terms of if you're going to give something to the public.
814 02:19:36,840 --> 02:19:48,690 You need to make it very easy to understand and short and sweet. And the direction you go on now is perfect. That's perfect. That's exactly what those
815 02:19:48,690 --> 02:19:56,040 individuals that are looking for help with determining when to buy and sell. If you have something that's consistent, it's obviously it's not going to be
816 02:19:56,040 --> 02:20:11,190 perfect. Nothing nothing's fucking perfect. But when I asked you if There was a filter for daily bias. Okay? I have no opposition to you, even considering what
817 02:20:11,190 --> 02:20:18,930 I just outlined in here, and you don't have to ever say you did it. Okay. But something like I was outlining here for like the weekly bias, like, if you
818 02:20:18,930 --> 02:20:27,420 factor something like that in, and I don't know what makes your bias for when you like I know, you said that there's a setting where you can choose buys and
819 02:20:27,420 --> 02:20:36,600 sells or both directions. I'm not a fan of have a new student, or a new trader doing both directions. Okay, and we might, we might disagree in that regard. But
820 02:20:36,600 --> 02:20:46,080 I think that it's better for a student to understand one side of the marketplace, predominantly over another based on the current climate. So if
821 02:20:46,080 --> 02:20:54,210 that's the case, and if you can either build that in or if it's already built in, I just haven't watched enough of it to know what you've done. I think that
822 02:20:54,210 --> 02:21:05,400 would be advantageous for your product. And for those that would might use it. And if you did that, I think it would increase the level of the results that you
823 02:21:05,400 --> 02:21:13,440 probably get out of it. But that's just my opinion, and you can discount it or, you know, whatever the fuck you want to do with it. I don't really care. But I'm
824 02:21:13,440 --> 02:21:23,820 just thinking out loud, because I wish you would have did that approach with your algo box back then on Twitter, because that would have been much more
825 02:21:24,540 --> 02:21:38,370 appealing to the Twitter base. And you wouldn't have had to really rely or hope to rely on a larger public figure like me or other people that you knew try to
826 02:21:38,370 --> 02:21:53,190 tap on the shoulder of. I'm in I am in the the worst place for someone to expect someone to send somebody to. For an audience. You talk shit about me all the
827 02:21:53,190 --> 02:22:06,780 time. I'm not affected by it. It didn't slow me down. But I've told you, like I told you back then. This is who I am. My character is who I am. And if I said I
828 02:22:06,780 --> 02:22:12,300 would send people to look at you and watch your product and in bring an audience I said I meant it.
829 02:22:13,830 --> 02:22:21,570 And I wasn't trying to be involved in all the drama that you and Adam were the only one. Adam Webb was trying to dox me he did not want to do a trading
830 02:22:21,570 --> 02:22:29,250 competition with me. That's all that shit was. Him and Dante were back and forth. And I gave each one of them pieces of information to see if they would
831 02:22:29,250 --> 02:22:40,980 talk and they both knew what the other person knew. That means they were in cahoots. Don't give a fuck about Tom Dante, he's a piece of shit. You You have
832 02:22:40,980 --> 02:22:54,810 said things. I don't agree with it. And they aren't they aren't true. With that said, if you believe the nonsense that you say, I'm here to help you cancel all
833 02:22:54,810 --> 02:23:04,530 that stuff. I'm not the person you made me out to be. I've never been like that. I've never been like that at all. And if you're joining the Robins cup in 2023,
834 02:23:04,950 --> 02:23:15,480 I swear to God Almighty, I'm going to be in there with you. And I will do my utmost best to make sure you don't beat me. But if you join it, you know what
835 02:23:15,480 --> 02:23:24,540 that means. That means that you did something that no other fucking clown talker ever did. You actually joined it.
836 02:23:29,550 --> 02:23:40,050 Now, do I sound like I'm afraid? Do I sound like I'm scared? Do I feel like I'm gonna fall victim to anything that you're now fucking feel any of that stuff.
837 02:23:41,460 --> 02:23:51,960 I'm proving I'm exactly who I've always been. And everything that you've painted me as is not true. If I was afraid of any of the shit, you say, I certainly
838 02:23:51,960 --> 02:24:01,680 wouldn't be inviting people to go to your fucking YouTube channel. But I think what you're doing right now, that's the right direction for your product. And
839 02:24:01,680 --> 02:24:11,040 for people that need something automated man. That is it. That's the ticket. That's the thing. That's the very thing that would help people that cannot trade
840 02:24:11,040 --> 02:24:21,810 discretionary. And it's hard. It's hard to trade discretionary. Because there's so many things that you have to filter out in. If you have something that's
841 02:24:21,810 --> 02:24:31,800 objective, where it's only a buy now, it's only a sell now, okay? That means they're gonna subscribe to that. But they have to still subscribe. They have to
842 02:24:32,010 --> 02:24:42,360 have to commit to it. And I'm sure you'll work out the kinks. I mean, you seem diligent about things. But when you're ready, and you know that it's met all
843 02:24:42,360 --> 02:24:53,970 your specs, like I told you in that text. When you say that, when you know it's ready. You know, I'll draw attention to it. Say hey, look, I watched this. I saw
844 02:24:53,970 --> 02:25:00,570 him do it. And there it is. I don't need anything back for it. And I ain't worried about no fucking lawsuits. I ain't trying to talk You out of it. If you
845 02:25:00,570 --> 02:25:08,280 think you want to go to a court session with me, come, I'm ready. I got all the fucking receipts I'm ready. But I'm not that person you're making me out to be.
846 02:25:09,030 --> 02:25:25,170 I'm not. So anyway, I checked off all the boxes on my on my list here. And I apologize for those individuals that were maybe trying to get on here with me to
847 02:25:25,170 --> 02:25:33,960 ask a question, but I'm not sure how to do it and ended up a few people that popped up. How they did it? I don't know. But I did see there was a time 27 Oh,
848 02:25:33,960 --> 02:25:43,320 you requested to talk but I couldn't. For whatever reason, I couldn't get you to pop up on a list where I can toggle you. So hopefully you guys can help me in
849 02:25:43,320 --> 02:25:53,640 that regard. If I did something incorrectly. I think that's gonna be it. I'm gonna cut me something that drink. Give me an apple and I'm gonna get busy in
850 02:25:53,640 --> 02:26:05,880 this something else. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Going forward this week. Be careful. I have no bias. I have no directional bias. And if my wife presents
851 02:26:05,880 --> 02:26:13,740 opportunities like this between now and February where she's out of the house, and it's not going to conflict with anything, I'll join you again and something
852 02:26:13,740 --> 02:26:21,990 like this. But don't expect it to be a daily or weekly type thing because it probably won't be enjoy your holiday. Be safe.