
Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2023-05-05 09:26



01:35 - What a chore to get this thing connected.

- Good morning and welcome to the show.
- Taking a leave of absence from trading.

04:08 - Keeping up with the Joneses and the pressure to prove yourself.

- Keeping up with the Joneses in america.
- The joys of doing live streaming.
- Taking his mind away from the market.
- Why it feels so much harder now.

10:03 - When you’re new to trading, it’s going to move a little bit.

- Fluctuations during the times of the day.
- The importance of being re-centered and recalibrated.
- Trading less than four handles a day.
- The importance of knowing where to hurt yourself.

15:31 - I don't like being told what to do and when I know my personal limitations.

- I don't like being told what to do.
- A gas station in south carolina.
- The look in his face was like, what?
- The car that drove up.

21:37 - What happens if you don’t agree with the second amendment?

- Knock on the RV and let the occupants know it's time to go.
- North carolina.
- What would have happened if it was you.
- What happens in ladies.
- The fuel that kept him going on the trip.
- The worst could have happened.
28:25 - When things start getting nuts, you need to be aware.

- Being aware of equity concerns.
- Deuteronomy, equity concerns when your heavens are brass.
- What to do when the market says no.
- The importance of having a model.

33:45 - The first ingredient to high probability is time -.

- Time is the first ingredient to high probability trading.
- The importance of being nimble.

36:24 - If I am left to my own devices, I have to prove myself.

- Being left to his own devices with mental illness.
- Being a sinner and repenting.
- Proud of what he's done, but not proud of some things.
- Low strike rate, low performance.
- I'm not obligated to you, but I love doing it.
- The line gets blurred.

44:12 - What happens when you get in a condition where you didn’t foresee the difficulty in price and now you’re in it.

- The danger of overnight trading.
- Praying god, please let this trade stop.
- Lessons can't be taught in a short amount of time.
- What happens after breaking up.

49:48 - You just know something's wrong, but you won’t admit it.

- Losing his first wife and feeling pressure to change.
- The importance of following rules.
- Faster, easier, faster, faster way to trade.
- The largest upheaval in the financial markets.

55:13 - Why you have to be aware of your own flaws -.

- Trading every week and not every day.
- The seven pound universe of gray matter.
- No one is exempt from this problem.
- Larry williams and one secret to short-term trading.

01:01:03 - What you want to avoid you are.

- Avoid the person who thinks this is a waste of time.
- The current market environment.
- Fear of paralysis, impulsive decisions and impulsive trading.
- Identifying weaknesses.
- John wick vs john wayne.
- The damage done in the last two weeks.

01:08:17 - When you come to grips with your failures, it’s liberating because then you start fixing them.

- The reason why most traders fail.
- The importance of journaling and journaling.

01:11:26 - You don’t have to fix your drawdown every day.

- Why trading every day is not the answer.
- Giving yourself permission to not trade.
- You don't have to fix your drawdown right now.
- Your conscience is telling you.

01:17:06 - Men don’t like losing money, women like losing it.

- The difference between men and women in trading.
- The five-handle rule.
- His first trade was impulsively in a market that he was never interested in.
- The first trade.

01:22:49 - Don’t learn how to trade with a demo account. Learn the broker with the demo and then go in with real money.

- Don't learn how to trade with a demo account.
- 81 ways to get into a trade.
- The best way to learn is in a closed-circuit environment.
- Stop listening to money millionaire mentors.
- 30 years of doing the same thing all the time.
- No shortcuts.

01:29:48 - Why I’m never charging ever again for education.

- Never charging for education anymore.
- The importance of unplugging from work and family.
- You can be wildly successful and be an utter failure.
- You need to learn lessons about money.

01:35:12 - You can’t hurry it up any faster.

- Laying down a legacy of safe, controlled trading.
- The importance of being patient.
- Everyone in the family is under the influence of alcohol and drugs.
- Trading with live money.

01:40:57 - If you don’t know yourself, you have no baseline.

- Knowing yourself is more important than knowing the market.
- Live money is not for everyone.
- Discovering who you are and what makes you impulsive.
- Finding coping mechanisms in trading.
01:45:00 - How to escape the pressure of wanting to do something you're not going to be able to do.

- Getting drunk in the markets.
- The new day opening gap trade.
- Weekly chart, volume and bounce on the weekly chart.
- Seasonal tendency to sell off in may.
01:50:52 - Fear of missing a trade -.

- Forecasting the quarterly shift in the chart.
- How to get back into the market.
- Learning to be rule-based.
- How many trading days next week and six months.

01:55:20 - What to do if you don’t want to be in this trade.

- The importance of sound logic in trading.
- Being comfortable with not knowing all the answers in beginning.
- Find your own unique approach to trading.
- Nothing better than precise, timely, precise precision.
- Listen, follow the rules and let time do its work.
- Get out of your comfort zone.

02:01:44 - Why are you stressing about stuff that has no real bearing on the success or failure of your future trading endeavor?

- The importance of being content with enough.
- The five-handles rule.
- Rebecca shares what keeps her motivated.
- Rebecca talks about the value of honesty.

02:07:32 - Be careful in the market -.

- A day before trade with the bond markets.
- Be careful in public now.
- Don't force it to take a week off.
- Knowing what to expect.
- The entry criteria for trading new week opening gaps.
- Seasonal tendency in trading.


00:01:35,970 --> 00:01:47,610 ICT: Greece what a what a chore to get this thing connected this morning. hope everybody's doing well. Good morning. Good morning, good morning, a little bit
00:01:47,760 --> 00:01:57,660 of a delay here, between my boxers letting me know they had to go to the bathroom before I started with this. And it's better for me to spend extra
00:01:57,660 --> 00:02:09,630 couple of minutes with them so that we can hopefully get through this without them. distracting me taking my attention away from my missed this morning. In
00:02:09,630 --> 00:02:24,150 case you were wondering where I've been not been paying attention as to where I've been and what I've done, took a road trip and took two of my sons on the
00:02:24,150 --> 00:02:36,810 road with me. We have an RV. And two weeks ago, I thought to myself looking at price action, I said, you know, I really can't connect with it right now. So to
00:02:36,810 --> 00:02:46,590 control the impulsiveness that I would have, if I were given the opportunity to sit here and try to look at certain things when I knew that probabilities were
00:02:46,590 --> 00:03:04,800 low. The tendency I have as a obsessively compulsive person. I wrestle with a lot of impulsiveness. And it may sound like I am a saint with patience or not.
00:03:05,790 --> 00:03:18,090 It takes a great deal of discipline for me to do what you see me do, and to manage my own internal dialogue. It's like arguing with 1000 different people,
00:03:18,090 --> 00:03:30,180 and all of them have their own opinion. And they all think they're right. And it's very hard to articulate it. But a mental illness is very hard to live with.
10 00:03:30,180 --> 00:03:41,550 It's hard for people to live with you. And it's very difficult to operate in an industry like this, where it requires you to be extremely focused and have no
11 00:03:41,550 --> 00:03:55,770 distractions. So to stave off that impulsiveness, I took a leave of absence and channeled that energy that would otherwise be utilized in markets that I knew,
12 00:03:56,100 --> 00:04:04,680 by experience, and by the rules that I teach you was going to be highly unfavorable. Now, does that mean that the market stayed sideways and didn't move
13 00:04:04,680 --> 00:04:15,450 at all? There was no fluctuations at all? No, of course not. But I think you all know. Now looking back at it, it was a little bit more trickier than it has been
14 00:04:15,480 --> 00:04:27,690 in recent months. And it's unfortunate, for some of you that have pushed the envelope too much, trying to get your funded accounts and or make more money or
15 00:04:27,690 --> 00:04:35,850 try to keep up with the Joneses. This expression says meaning in America, if you're not familiar with that term, it's kind of like keeping up with everybody
16 00:04:35,850 --> 00:04:44,040 else that's doing better or pretending to be doing better. So if someone gets a car, you try to get a car that's like theirs or better than you that type of
17 00:04:44,040 --> 00:04:57,900 thing. As a individual with a internal chip on my shoulder where I feel like I have to prove something all the time. And that's rooted in my childhood. I can't
18 00:04:57,900 --> 00:05:14,550 get my grandfather's approval. As he basically raised me, I do a lot of things impulsively, and I'm trying to garner something I can't obtain. So it's very
19 00:05:14,550 --> 00:05:24,870 difficult for me to have that impulsiveness in a market environment where I'm not obligated to sit in front of you. I'd like to remind you all that, like, I'm
20 00:05:24,870 --> 00:05:34,050 not obligated to spend my time with you. And I don't mean that to be condescending. What I'm saying is, I don't have any obligation to any of you.
21 00:05:34,530 --> 00:05:46,290 But I enjoy doing it. And because I don't run a signal service, and I facetiously made a comment to my older students, in private, stating that I'm so
22 00:05:46,290 --> 00:05:58,050 thankful that I'm not running a signal service in an environment like this where you're expected, you're, you're held to this standard of you have to do this,
23 00:05:58,710 --> 00:06:11,160 you know, we've come to you for these signals, and you're not doing it. So you're not meeting your end of the bargain, so to speak. Because it's very
24 00:06:11,160 --> 00:06:22,650 difficult right now. And that's also another reason why I'm glad I don't have a ironclad schedule for live streaming. That's Bella letting me know, she was back
25 00:06:22,650 --> 00:06:30,720 in Hold on one second, the joys of doing these things live, these are all things that would actually happen when I'm doing recordings. But you don't get the
26 00:06:33,210 --> 00:06:42,630 inside track because I'm editing them out. And you're probably saying, Well, what about that woman? You're married to ICT? Why don't you get her doing that?
27 00:06:42,870 --> 00:06:56,520 While she's out. She's doing her thing. So it's me and the girls here. So that's where I've been. And in case you haven't already picked up on where I've
28 00:06:57,180 --> 00:07:07,590 mentioned I was, we have an RV. So my sons two of them. I said, Let's go on a trip, let's hang out, have a little bit of a men's retreat, and just connect.
29 00:07:08,040 --> 00:07:15,120 That way I can take my mind away from the market take my mind away from all of you. Because it's good for us to be a part for some time. It's good, because
30 00:07:15,120 --> 00:07:25,140 absence makes the heart grow fonder. And you probably missed me, you know, as much as much as I missed you. And truth be told, I was really wanting to do a
31 00:07:25,140 --> 00:07:38,820 lot of these when I was over the road. And I thought to myself, it's actually better. It's better for you to endure this without me. Because it's kind of like
32 00:07:39,450 --> 00:07:50,340 a reminder that after November, it's going to be like that. And it's not to be afraid or not for you to be afraid of or grow anxious about. It's something to
33 00:07:50,340 --> 00:07:57,900 be excited about. Because you're going to venture into this all by yourself. And Eric, now you may not feel like you're equipped for it. It's okay, you will be.
34 00:07:58,920 --> 00:08:10,050 But I see T we lost a lot of April, it's okay. It's okay, you've learned a valuable lesson because I practiced what I preached. I did exactly what I teach,
35 00:08:10,290 --> 00:08:19,410 and taught you in these lessons in those lectures and those core content lessons that are on my mentorship videos on my YouTube channel. My long term, older
36 00:08:19,410 --> 00:08:32,760 students know that these times can be wearing that can wear you down and grind you down into bits. And if you're a new trader or a developing trader, these
37 00:08:32,760 --> 00:08:46,890 things can be major barriers to development or even willingness to stay with it. So I, I allowed for that to happen. Because I could have very easily been
38 00:08:47,340 --> 00:08:59,760 speaking to you through my Bose headset while I was driving hands free, completely legal in every state. But I went to South Carolina, and I spent a day
39 00:08:59,760 --> 00:09:12,000 and a half. And I thought to myself, This is good in Florida. And while I was diving down to Florida, I got to thinking I'm quite certain that many of you not
40 00:09:12,060 --> 00:09:22,950 all on you, but many of you are probably thinking to yourself, why is it feels so much harder right now? Like why is it feel like I can't find a setup that
41 00:09:22,950 --> 00:09:32,250 makes sense? Or why is the setups that I'm trying to get into? Why are they not performing for me? What's different about this environment? Or what's what's
42 00:09:32,250 --> 00:09:43,800 different about the algorithm? Did it change that something happened did too many people learn it now? Know the air sometimes the market will go into periods
43 00:09:43,800 --> 00:09:57,330 where it just simply has to stay put as the space basically sideways. And when it does that when it's a no immediate hurry to get anywhere. It's just gonna
44 00:09:57,330 --> 00:10:08,280 grind sideways. Now it's not gonna Draw a horizontal line. It's going to move and gyrate a little bit here a little bit there. You'll see fluctuations during
45 00:10:08,580 --> 00:10:21,240 the times of the day that we look for. But they just won't be as clean, they won't be so trustworthy. I think that's the word I'm looking for. Now, there's
46 00:10:21,240 --> 00:10:33,150 times where I can see setups in this sloppiness and still ferret out a move here and there. They won't be the 25 handle 30 handle 50 handle runs that you've seen
47 00:10:33,150 --> 00:10:46,710 me do, and they won't be always a 20 handle run. In fact, recently, even 10, handle runs have been not as frequent. Now, right away on there, some of you
48 00:10:46,710 --> 00:10:54,120 that are trading, you'll bring out your report card that you've been doing while it's gone, say but look at this ICT, you're being too hard on yourself, the
49 00:10:54,120 --> 00:11:01,860 model speaks the algorithm still working, and I did this, I did that, that's fine. That's your trade. That's your setup. I'm speaking to the individuals that
50 00:11:01,860 --> 00:11:08,160 didn't do it, that need the encouragement that this needs to be re centered and recalibrated. Because
51 00:11:09,570 --> 00:11:19,530 one or two days of not being able to find your footing. That's reasonable for a new trader, they think that's something that's within the realm of permissible,
52 00:11:20,520 --> 00:11:31,470 but a new trader, a new developing trader, they can't come to terms with the idea that a trading model or an approach to trading or a mindset about price
53 00:11:31,470 --> 00:11:45,120 action should not be two weeks, if not longer, there should be trades taken. Someone must be pushing a button somewhere. And they want to be in that group.
54 00:11:45,570 --> 00:11:57,600 That mindset, that approach of always being in something. And that's an unfortunate thing, because there is a time to sow and a time to reap. There's
55 00:11:57,600 --> 00:12:05,940 going to be times when you get into the marketplace. And you may not be able to foresee it like I was able to show you after two days sitting on Twitter and
56 00:12:05,940 --> 00:12:19,200 pointing out points of reference where I felt that were noteworthy two weeks ago or so. And right away, I knew that I was out of sync. And I wasn't able to
57 00:12:19,200 --> 00:12:27,570 connect. And that was number one. I kind of anticipated it because I told everybody we were in a scalpers market anyway. But even if we're in a scalpers
58 00:12:27,570 --> 00:12:36,630 market, I'm proficient enough, I can get in there and slice and dice into these small little type of price action moves. But you're not going to be impressed
59 00:12:36,630 --> 00:12:46,260 with 234 handles or less, a couple times a day. Now some of you might lie to yourself and say, Well, no, no, no ICT that's right up my alley. So exactly what
60 00:12:46,260 --> 00:12:53,880 I want to do, if you don't trust me, you don't want to do that. You don't want to do that. And the reason why you don't want to do that, and I can speak so
61 00:12:53,880 --> 00:13:02,910 confident about it. Because you'll start doing the math and think to yourself, Well wait a minute, now I can do two handles three handles less than four
62 00:13:02,910 --> 00:13:15,120 handles 2030 times a day, because look at it, look, it's moving like that all the time. And then you'll think more is better. Whereas Less is more, less is
63 00:13:15,120 --> 00:13:26,130 optimal, less trade frequency. When you're new, you do not want to be placing yourself in conditions and in opportunities. And I say that term opportunities
64 00:13:26,130 --> 00:13:37,470 loosely. And I'm doing quotes in the air with my fingers right now. You want to limit that in the beginning. It doesn't sound productive to do that. Because
65 00:13:37,470 --> 00:13:49,590 it's going to feel like you want to be doing this. Well, day trading must be everyday trading. And it's not not high probability then now you can get in here
66 00:13:49,590 --> 00:13:58,950 and get lucky and attributed to as a skillful trader navigating the treacherous waters of these markets. That's fine. Everybody's entitled their own
67 00:13:58,950 --> 00:14:12,450 imagination. But I'm trying to be practical and responsible as an educator to you the listener that doesn't know that yourself yet. You came into this
68 00:14:12,450 --> 00:14:23,220 industry, this ventured listening to me drone on about things that probably should have been said less words. But the more words, the better. Because I'm
69 00:14:23,220 --> 00:14:32,040 hammering down these principles, and for the people that are really prepared to want to learn. They're willing to sit through it and listen. Those that have
70 00:14:32,040 --> 00:14:42,390 done that. You see them doing exceedingly well. The industry has recognized them and now they're, they're making themselves known because of their results.
71 00:14:42,420 --> 00:14:53,550 They're not they're bragging. But some of you want to be just a fraction of what they're finding in terms of success. Even that fraction requires a great deal
72 00:14:53,550 --> 00:15:03,180 discipline. And you have to know yourself you have to know where you're likely to do damage to yourself. Where are you going to hurt yourself in the beginning,
73 00:15:03,690 --> 00:15:16,260 everything. Everything has thorns and sharp edges. Every single thing out there is too hot to touch. So you have to wear protection. And the protection that I'm
74 00:15:16,260 --> 00:15:26,520 offering you is experience. And sometimes that experience isn't always fully appreciated by the masses, because they want me to do certain things. They want
75 00:15:26,550 --> 00:15:38,010 me to perform tricks, they want me to do things that I'm obligated to do. And I don't like being told what to do. And when I know my personal limitations, as a
76 00:15:38,070 --> 00:15:51,630 man, as a person that suffers with mental illness, I know where I can get myself into trouble doing things as a 20 year old, trying to prove something. And I
77 00:15:51,630 --> 00:16:02,940 have very, very good tools, some that you aren't privy to, and won't be privy to, and others I'm teaching you throughout this year, I could still go in there
78 00:16:02,940 --> 00:16:16,800 navigate, but it would be completely diametrically opposed to the model I've introduced. I saw a statement the other day, I said for you. Okay, you you wait
79 00:16:16,800 --> 00:16:31,080 for the silver bullet. That means you wait for a setup between 10 and 11. Eastern Time, New York local time. That doesn't mean I have to. And I did a 20
80 00:16:31,080 --> 00:16:43,140 hour run from Florida in an RV with only four stops. And they were just bathroom trips for my dog, and gas. And I'm just going to break this up real quick and
81 00:16:43,140 --> 00:16:56,340 throw this in here. We stopped in a gas station in South Carolina on the way back. And it was real close to the North Carolina border. And I have to look at
82 00:16:56,340 --> 00:17:11,430 my receipt to see exactly where it was. But I pulled off 95 North. And it was one of those things ran out of a movie like I pulled in. And there was only two
83 00:17:11,430 --> 00:17:20,730 gas stations one across the street from the other. And there was like these low rundown look in motels or hotels or whatever you want to call it. And it just
84 00:17:20,730 --> 00:17:34,080 looked like I was in a really bad area. But I need to guess. So. I pulled in an ocean and I got there. This car swoops in what's up at the gas pump and started
85 00:17:34,080 --> 00:17:42,300 pumping it and doing a walk around in my RV and look at making sure everything the tires are good news, nothing happened on the trip that far from where I left
86 00:17:42,330 --> 00:17:53,610 from Florida. And I'm thinking to myself, This guy's coming here really fast. Sure enough, he pulls up real quick to me. And it looks like two meth heads.
87 00:17:53,790 --> 00:18:04,320 Okay, I'm not trying to be funny. This is not trying to be like a comedy bit here. I could smell their body odor with the windows down and the guy that was
88 00:18:04,320 --> 00:18:11,790 in the passenger seat looked like he was dead. And the guy that was driving was Toothless. They look like they haven't been bathed in weeks. And guy says, hey,
89 00:18:11,790 --> 00:18:23,550 hey, buddy, I saw that. Your tag says you're from Maryland. And I really need some money for a hotel room. Can you help me out? Now? I don't carry cash. And I
90 00:18:23,550 --> 00:18:35,250 said to him, I said, I'm not sure how I could help you. I said, but I don't have any money. It's if I had cash, I would obviously I'll give it to you. But I
91 00:18:35,250 --> 00:18:43,620 don't have it. And the look in his face was like what and he looked over my shoulder and saw the RV. So naturally, you know you're looking at this 3000 our
92 00:18:44,010 --> 00:18:55,500 RV. And I'm telling him I don't have anything to give him. So as I'm looking at him, I see movement on my right your eye in the corner. And this guy is walking
93 00:18:55,500 --> 00:19:05,130 up real real suspicious. He got a cell phone to his ear. And he's looking around both directions as he's walking towards where we are. Now my sons are an RV.
94 00:19:05,700 --> 00:19:14,790 They're not aware of this. Okay, one of them is sleeping the older one and the youngest. He's He's not gonna be at any help of anything. And he's distracted
95 00:19:14,790 --> 00:19:26,940 because all handheld games. Something myself I am in a situation here. And usually, I have a friend shoots freedom seeds all over the place. And I don't
96 00:19:26,940 --> 00:19:38,370 have that with me here. I'm looking around. I'm thinking myself. Okay. My pump is in the RV. It's pumping. I don't even have $20 I'm sure pumped into the RV.
97 00:19:40,620 --> 00:19:51,870 I'm looking around this guy's looking for someone else. You just know you know you're in a situation. The car that drove up to me was the distraction. The guy
98 00:19:51,870 --> 00:20:02,160 that was coming to my right. He was on the side of the I guess the the store part of where the gas station is I didn't notice him when I pulled in, I wasn't
99 00:20:02,160 --> 00:20:10,290 thinking about that. I was thinking, I gotta get my RV in here without hitting anybody else's car, move my RV up, I have to take up two spots. It's so long and
100 00:20:11,100 --> 00:20:20,790 not hurt anything in the general area. But he came from generally the side of that building. Now, was he around the corner? Or was he leaned against the wall?
101 00:20:20,790 --> 00:20:26,610 I don't know that much. But the point is this, and you're practicing what the hell does this have to do with anything? I gotta get off my chest, because it's
102 00:20:26,610 --> 00:20:33,570 been around me. And I just say it in a tweet wouldn't be sufficient enough for me. So it's like, Ah, I gotta scratch. So
103 00:20:35,160 --> 00:20:43,380 the guy saying, Look, are you sure you can't do anything for me, man, I see you're from Maryland. And I understand my tag says Maryland. But I've also
104 00:20:43,380 --> 00:20:51,510 explained to you but I'm talking to him without looking at him now. So I'm painting over his roof of his car. And there's a car coming down. And there's
105 00:20:51,510 --> 00:21:03,960 not a lot of traffic in this area. Me the RV is older gentleman in a pickup truck. And what looked like young kids were leaving the gas station in their
106 00:21:03,960 --> 00:21:15,540 car. That was it. Just me is older guy that's two rows down. He can't see what's going on. He wouldn't be much help. And you might have something broke out. But
107 00:21:15,540 --> 00:21:24,120 his car comes cruising down the road. And I see that the attention of the gentleman that's coming from the right side, his eyes are fixed on that car. So
108 00:21:24,120 --> 00:21:34,380 I know right away, they're in connection. He comes flying in, pulls it right behind my RV. And he's looking at me doesn't say anything. He's looking at me.
109 00:21:34,980 --> 00:21:44,820 So I have my hand. And I put it underneath my hoodie. Like I have something. And I knock on the RV back up against RV and knock on it. Like I'm letting the
110 00:21:44,940 --> 00:21:52,350 occupants in my RV know that it's it's time to go. Like it's time to get what you got. Bring your heaters and let's go because we're lighting this area up.
111 00:21:53,160 --> 00:22:03,450 Now that's all pantomine I have nothing on me. I have nothing in my RV. Because I don't want to get caught in a state where, you know, anything happened today.
112 00:22:03,630 --> 00:22:15,150 And I'm not trying to go answer for something that we're licensed by the Constitution to do anyway. But some states like the blue Jana if this offends
113 00:22:15,150 --> 00:22:24,570 you, if you don't agree with the Second Amendment, and you cannot follow me because I don't care. But the point is this. As soon as I knocked on the RV, the
114 00:22:24,570 --> 00:22:34,500 Joker in a car rolled out immediately the other guy changed directions and walked into the store and the two guys in the car peeled off. Now, what's the
115 00:22:34,500 --> 00:22:48,540 chances? What's the chances of all that happening? And they're all not in concert with one another? They're not together? Dude, listen, it's getting wild
116 00:22:48,540 --> 00:23:01,860 out there. And if you are looking like you have something to take, if you have money on you, or potentially something to steal, I thought to myself as because
117 00:23:01,860 --> 00:23:09,720 I stopped the pump there. I had $37. I said, I'm not staying here, I gotta get out of this here. I'll go up into North Carolina and pull off into one of the
118 00:23:10,350 --> 00:23:21,750 bigger well known trucking stops and where I can be seen by other people. When I got rolling again, I start to take myself that could have been bad. Like I could
119 00:23:21,750 --> 00:23:30,720 have been held up there. Not that it could have got anything from me. I mean, but what happens if they would have that gunpoint, told me to give the RV to
120 00:23:30,720 --> 00:23:39,420 them. And maybe they didn't let me take my kids out of the RV. You know that that was that was what was going through my mind. And I was troubled and like I
121 00:23:39,420 --> 00:23:53,130 was really thinking in another instance someone else in that same predicament. What would have happened? Like didn't you know, but nobody's going to convince
122 00:23:53,130 --> 00:24:10,020 me that wasn't set up. there waiting for people to come in to this gas station. It's low traffic. It's in a seedy area. And it's a getaway right there. They can
123 00:24:10,020 --> 00:24:30,990 jump on the exit ramp to 95 south or 95 North and be gone. And when they peeled out they had no tag no tag a gray Saturn that had all kinds of body damage. What
124 00:24:30,990 --> 00:24:45,270 would you have done in that situation? I'm thankful that I had to auction the thing. Let me back up to the RV and knock on it. And as soon as I did that, it
125 00:24:45,270 --> 00:24:56,910 was just like that was the cue for them. Okay, it's time to go. Like it was all of them. All of them at one time did exactly the same thing. Cut Let's go. What
126 00:24:56,910 --> 00:25:08,100 happens in ladies, listen, I understand there's this i idea about what gender is and what gender ain't. But imagine it was you. Man, imagine if it was you and
127 00:25:08,100 --> 00:25:16,050 your pocketbook was sitting in the front seat of your car, where many times my wife does that very thing in a yacht or all the time, and you can get upset with
128 00:25:16,050 --> 00:25:25,830 me all about that is as much as you want. But she does these stupid things that offers off opportunity. Sometimes she leaves her pocketbook on the floorboard of
129 00:25:25,830 --> 00:25:35,010 the passenger seat, enticing what the when to get broken to get a pocketbook. Right now, today, you need to start thinking about those things. So now I'm
130 00:25:35,010 --> 00:25:48,390 really thinking about how even some of the things that I do open up an opportunity. People are getting desperate. People are getting unhinged. And
131 00:25:48,780 --> 00:26:00,630 crime is becoming organized in a way that it's a little unsettling. You see all these people running around going and tearing up places and stealing stuff that
132 00:26:00,630 --> 00:26:08,610 you never thought about getting robbed at a gas station, did you? I know, I never, it never even crossed my mind. Never one time, during the entire trip, I
133 00:26:08,610 --> 00:26:21,330 was enjoying everything. Until that moment, in the rest of the trip, was like, it's not gonna happen. And that was the fuel. That kept me going. Because
134 00:26:21,330 --> 00:26:31,710 otherwise I was gonna stop a little bit above midpoint in North Carolina and bed down there. But I couldn't rest. I was thinking myself how bad that could have
135 00:26:31,710 --> 00:26:42,030 turned out. So I just tossed it in there as a public announcement, it's kind of like, keep your head on a swivel. Look around. Be aware, don't be a zombie
136 00:26:42,030 --> 00:26:50,940 staring at your cell phone, walking in public or, or open up our opportunity because things could have turned out differently. And I may not have been able
137 00:26:50,940 --> 00:27:00,180 to sit with you imagine like the worst could have happened in that environment. And some of you, you're being new and dramatic. Listen, you weren't there. And
138 00:27:00,180 --> 00:27:09,990 exactly what I described is exactly how it unfolded. What's the chances are there's four people all doing the same thing just because I backed up against
139 00:27:09,990 --> 00:27:20,850 the RV and knocked on it real hard. Guess what that means? That's a big SRV. They don't know how many people were in there. And they don't know what we have.
140 00:27:21,960 --> 00:27:41,910 But it was a bluff. I had nothing in a tire Thumper that I did not have on me. I was in flip flops. And literally in the most ill prepared situation ever. But I
141 00:27:41,910 --> 00:27:55,770 pantomime like I had something. And he bought it. And I'm thankful and thankful. Because if anything would have happened, I'm not confident that I could have
142 00:27:55,770 --> 00:28:09,540 done very much with four people. Not in not in the position I was in no. Sorry. I mean, you just wouldn't be able to do anything with that situation. One was a
143 00:28:09,540 --> 00:28:23,730 lookout. One was a distraction. And they knew that I couldn't move my RV with that car behind me. Because I literally had to back out, swing around to get
144 00:28:23,730 --> 00:28:35,610 myself out of there. It's 30 feet long. So it's not it's like an airplane without wings on the ground. It's pretty big. But just be aware. Okay, so a nod
145 00:28:35,610 --> 00:28:43,320 probably spent more time on NIST and you want to hear about it. But when you're young, you think you're invincible and all this is something that women and old
146 00:28:43,320 --> 00:28:51,240 people have to worry about. No, you need to be aware of it now because things are getting nuts. So it's not just about making money, it's about making sure
147 00:28:51,240 --> 00:28:58,140 you're staying healthy and, and safe. I mean, I saw a hand ended all the time. Now when things start getting nuts. That's our end. It used to be good luck,
148 00:28:58,140 --> 00:29:09,810 good trading, I always say be safe. I want you to be safe now and know that there's a more impactful message behind it because I could have ended up in a
149 00:29:09,810 --> 00:29:22,170 potluck that could have changed everything in over something stupid. You know, I picked the wrong place to get gas, you know. But anyway, that's the topic of
150 00:29:22,170 --> 00:29:33,870 this one here with that long monologue out of the way. If you stay through it gratulations you did well, but the title is equity concerns when your heavens
151 00:29:33,870 --> 00:29:42,360 are like brass. What does that even mean? Well, there's a passage in Deuteronomy and no, I'm not gonna be preaching to you today. In case you're wondering
152 00:29:42,360 --> 00:30:02,370 atheists, the passes is about how through either disobedience or not adhering to the instructions or living a life that is unpleasing When you ask for help, and
153 00:30:02,370 --> 00:30:09,810 you send that prayer, it doesn't sound like it's getting answered. Okay, so it feels like your heavens are like brass, your your, your prayer can't get
154 00:30:09,810 --> 00:30:22,860 through. And your field or the ground that you're on is like iron. So you can't plant or harvest anything. So you're stuck. You're stuck right there, when it
155 00:30:22,860 --> 00:30:34,890 feels like you can't do anything you don't know what to do. And as a trader, what are we doing, we're trying to increase that equity curve, trying to prevent
156 00:30:34,890 --> 00:30:36,000 it from declining.
157 00:30:37,380 --> 00:30:45,330 And for Newt students trying to never have a losing trade. And that's never gonna happen, you're gonna have a losing trade, the harder you work towards not
158 00:30:45,330 --> 00:30:55,590 getting a losing trade, the easier you're gonna find one. Think about that. Because that's the truth. The more things you tried to hunt, and research and
159 00:30:55,590 --> 00:31:04,740 try to find, or try to trade in a way where you think you're never going to take a loss, they will come to you far easier if you were just to trade and accept
160 00:31:04,740 --> 00:31:15,870 the responsibilities of the risk and controlling that only staying within your models rules. So how does this equate to anything? What do we do with this
161 00:31:15,870 --> 00:31:25,350 message here? Well, your equity concern is you want to try to make money, you want to make the equity curve go up, and you want to go higher, you want to go
162 00:31:25,350 --> 00:31:32,730 higher on a leaderboard in the competition. You want to get a funded account challenge past you want to be able to get a certain payout. You want to be able
163 00:31:32,730 --> 00:31:44,460 to reach a equity high mile marker to be able to tell yourself that you can do this show the universe on social media, that you aren't a demo baller, you know,
164 00:31:44,460 --> 00:32:01,200 all these things are contributing factors for you to make that equity curve go up. But what happens when the market says no? What are you going to do? What are
165 00:32:01,200 --> 00:32:13,680 you going to do when the market is not showing you that it's a time for you to plant in IT risk. Because trading is planting in risk. You don't know just like
166 00:32:13,680 --> 00:32:24,330 a farmer doesn't know if that crop is going to yield anything. Think about it. They don't know. They're just doing the same thing they do all the time. They
167 00:32:24,330 --> 00:32:37,260 have a routine they have a model. Their model is at this time of year. Right away. What does that talk about? Are they planted their corn or wheat, their
168 00:32:37,260 --> 00:32:54,990 soybean, their oats, their okra that potatoes or potato in deference the folks that want to say that way. Did a plant that in December do the planet when it's
169 00:32:54,990 --> 00:33:14,910 likely to frost and freeze now. Their model begins with time. While there's a time to do everything, but not everything on that time. So a farmer knows as a
170 00:33:14,910 --> 00:33:27,270 certain time, his model as a farmer. He's supposed to do something. And outside that time it he is not to do anything. And he is not upset about that because he
171 00:33:27,270 --> 00:33:43,110 is following his model or her model. You don't want to have this impulsiveness as a farmer to try to get ahead and plant before you're supposed to and you
172 00:33:43,110 --> 00:33:55,830 don't want to be late. So the first emphasis was on time. That's exactly how I teach you how to read price action. The first ingredient to high probability is
173 00:33:55,830 --> 00:34:06,720 time. Is it time to do anything? Now I mentioned to that daily chart that we were in that range. And until we left it, we were in a scalpers market. And that
174 00:34:06,720 --> 00:34:16,470 means that you have to be very, very nimble on a one or five minute chart. And try not to have these expectations to hold for the full daily range. There's a
175 00:34:16,470 --> 00:34:28,710 time for that. We weren't in it. And that's why you saw this stagnant little choppy ranges where we would see a flutter here and there. Sometimes 10 handles
176 00:34:28,710 --> 00:34:42,900 maybe, maybe 15. But it was an erratic price delivery. And as a new student, I know that you don't have that skill set. You want it so badly. You want to be
177 00:34:42,900 --> 00:34:52,080 able to do it right now. And it's already a year late. That's the most that's the mentality and the motivation that you have as a new student. I understand
178 00:34:52,080 --> 00:35:05,730 that that's exactly how I was. I wanted to figure it all out faster than I did. But you can't speed it up. And when I gave you the insight that we're in this
179 00:35:05,760 --> 00:35:19,950 range, it's not high probability. So you have to be careful. And then I showed, not because of anything more, except for me wanting to tell you on that Monday
180 00:35:19,950 --> 00:35:29,640 or Tuesday, two weeks ago, on Twitter, what levels I was looking for. The market was not interested in the things that I wanted to see on the high end, and on
181 00:35:29,640 --> 00:35:40,140 the low end it was not interested in. So that told me immediately, unless something changes overnight, Tuesday of two weeks ago, in the Wednesday morning,
182 00:35:42,420 --> 00:35:57,000 I'm not touching it. So I had set plans in motion that if I have no interest in it, what am I going to do, because I already know the impulsiveness, the human
183 00:35:57,390 --> 00:36:14,340 aspect to me, the frailty of emotions, the psychological effects of wanting to show you will still be there. Which is why I said, I have the best tools in
184 00:36:14,340 --> 00:36:22,350 trading, I have the best models in trading. And if I'm trading in the optimal time, there is nobody that's going to trade better than me. That's not ego,
185 00:36:22,380 --> 00:36:34,650 that's the facts. You will experience that too. But if I am left to my own devices as a human being with mental illness, where I always feel like I have to
186 00:36:34,920 --> 00:36:47,160 prove myself, and people like to play counselor to me, why do you do this? Don't ask me. I don't know why. But I have to, I'm a dog chasing cars, and you're not
187 00:36:47,160 --> 00:36:58,290 going to fix me, a lot of people have tried good hearted attempts. But that won't work with me. It doesn't work. In fact, it in frankly, pisses me off, and
188 00:36:58,290 --> 00:37:06,960 I'm gonna be honest with you. I don't like when someone tries to Mother me. Now, I know a lot of you guys like to see me as a father figure. That's cool. But I'm
189 00:37:06,960 --> 00:37:20,580 just trying to be a voice of reason. And if I don't follow my own rules, I can blow it just as easily as someone brand new. It takes a great deal of effort on
190 00:37:20,580 --> 00:37:32,940 my part, to stay disciplined. I always want to moonwalk on the grass that says, Don't walk on it. I always want to do that. When someone says don't do
191 00:37:32,940 --> 00:37:48,030 something, I already have a dozen ways I'm going to do it. Now we kind of define that, as a Christian as a sinner. I am a sinner. And I have to repent every
192 00:37:48,030 --> 00:37:58,740 single day multiple times. Because the things that I want to do the things I think about wanting to do. It's not something that I would be proud of. And you
193 00:37:58,740 --> 00:38:11,550 probably wouldn't ever hear that from a mentor anywhere else. But I'm real practical, even though sometimes I seem impractical to most people. So I have to
194 00:38:11,550 --> 00:38:22,740 remove myself from that enticement. Because if I don't do that, I'm left to my own devices. And then I wouldn't be in a position where I knew I would be in a
195 00:38:22,740 --> 00:38:32,340 trade where I shouldn't have done it. I shouldn't be in that market. I shouldn't be in the market. You knew better ICT. Why are you doing this? Well, because I
196 00:38:32,340 --> 00:38:44,700 have something to prove. To who whoever will listen. That's the humanity of me that I wrestle with all the time. And for some of you younger folks, generally,
197 00:38:44,700 --> 00:38:52,830 the young men, you have this same thing inside you. And you want to get really, really good at this. So that way you can go out there and stick your thumb in
198 00:38:52,830 --> 00:39:03,720 everybody's eye that didn't have a problem with you. You'll create that audience. Because you feel like you have to do it. It's something inside of you
199 00:39:03,720 --> 00:39:19,110 that you can't cope with. And your coping mechanism is you want to do that. Because then you will feel like you are glad to hear that's not why I do what I
200 00:39:19,110 --> 00:39:31,710 do. I do it because I want to hear my grandfather telling me. You done well. I'm proud of you. And there's a lot of things I've done over the years as an
201 00:39:32,040 --> 00:39:41,250 educator and a teacher that I'm not proud of. And I know that if he was able to see me and had seen what I've done, or said some of the things I've said through
202 00:39:41,250 --> 00:39:54,240 ego, he would tell me that wasn't something that I would be proud of, or he would be proud of which would scar me but left my own devices over the last two
203 00:39:54,240 --> 00:40:09,960 weeks. I would have easily had an extremely low strike rate. And I'm, I talked to Tom who guard in private here and there. And I told him, I said, I would have
204 00:40:09,960 --> 00:40:22,830 had about 12% strike rate. If we were being honest, and we were sitting at a pub, not that I go to anything like that, but we were just hanging out here. And
205 00:40:22,830 --> 00:40:35,310 I. I told myself, I think, honestly, knowing myself, I would had about a 12% strike rate, which would have been abysmal. Hard.
206 00:40:37,980 --> 00:40:52,350 But me Knowing me, knowing my tendencies, knowing how I'm going to interpret the climate, the environment, the ideas that I know, we're going to jump up in my
207 00:40:52,350 --> 00:41:03,420 head and say, Okay, here's where you want to shine ICT, this is where you want to go out there and show everybody else that they can't get on your level. When
208 00:41:03,420 --> 00:41:20,310 this thing's doing this, you do it. I know that about me. I've done it for years, decades, I've done it. But there's something different about this now. We
209 00:41:20,310 --> 00:41:33,750 have so many things looming in the horizon, that can wreck these markets instantaneously. And I know that's coming. I know it is. And most of you even
210 00:41:33,750 --> 00:41:41,880 without me saying so you know it too. But it's not a deterrent enough for you to say, Oh, I'm not going to taking and not, I'm not gonna not take a trade right
211 00:41:41,880 --> 00:41:52,500 now. Because I see everybody else doing it. So I gotta do it. I'm 50 years old, I don't, don't look at everyone else and say, I want to do that because they're
212 00:41:52,500 --> 00:42:07,590 doing it. I look at my history. The human in me, the things I've always wrestled with. And I know that every single time I've hurt myself, it's because I wanted
213 00:42:07,590 --> 00:42:22,710 to do something that was not asked of me in times, where I should have done nothing, and I knew better. And now because not because I'm ominous how to open
214 00:42:22,710 --> 00:42:32,640 this up. In the beginning of this. Twitter space, I said that, you know, I'm not obligated to you. As a reminder, I'm not saying it to be condescending, but I'm
215 00:42:32,640 --> 00:42:45,510 not obligate you. And I'm telling you that because I'm reminding myself, I'm reminding myself that I don't have to do anything for you. But I love doing it.
216 00:42:47,100 --> 00:42:55,140 And there's a line that gets blurred sometimes because I listen to people that you all tell me not to listen to, but I want to help them because they don't
217 00:42:55,590 --> 00:43:04,380 believe either what I'm doing or what I teach, despite people making fortunes with it, in crediting their success to the things that they learned from me,
218 00:43:04,380 --> 00:43:14,430 which I'm so thankful for. And I've converted a lot of people to the school of thought not because they like me, because there's people out there that are
219 00:43:14,430 --> 00:43:22,020 making money using my stuff, but they don't want to say money. They don't want to give any kind of credit to it. They like to say it's always been there, but
220 00:43:22,020 --> 00:43:31,470 they're still using my vernacular, my terminology and my concepts. That's the thing that gets under my skin. That's what frankly, pisses me off and causes me
221 00:43:31,470 --> 00:43:47,850 to be the abrasive ICT. And I don't like being that person. I don't like being a drag. For the students are here to try to learn, but I'm sharing this because I
222 00:43:47,850 --> 00:44:01,290 want you to know that you're gonna go through this not me ICT, I'm not like you. I don't have to start making money. Start making money. And start noticing
223 00:44:01,290 --> 00:44:11,100 people out there doing things that are nonsensical. Like things that make no sense at all. And they're in there saying that they're this and they're that
224 00:44:12,060 --> 00:44:24,600 they can do this. And they can do that when you know better. And you're quietly doing it on your own, and you're doing things that they would never believe then
225 00:44:24,600 --> 00:44:38,460 you'll think differently. But what happens when you get in a condition where maybe you didn't foresee the difficulty in price, and now you're in it. And you
226 00:44:38,460 --> 00:44:47,550 just know that that trade that that trade that you're in just simply will not move but it hasn't gone your stop loss, but it won't move it you know, it's
227 00:44:47,550 --> 00:44:57,270 giving you every indication it's not going to go for you. Not in the manner that you want in terms of profits, it's probably gonna go for your stop. But what do
228 00:44:57,270 --> 00:45:07,620 you do in that situation? Well I can tell you as a young man, I was many times praying God, please let this trade not stop me. And please let this tray go to
229 00:45:07,620 --> 00:45:21,210 my prophet. And I promise I will stop trading this day. But I wasn't saying about overnight, trading Globex. I didn't say anything about that. So
230 00:45:21,210 --> 00:45:33,360 technically, I was being asked to some degree. But as soon as we crossed midnight, I'm gonna go right back out. And again, if he gets me out of it. In
231 00:45:33,360 --> 00:45:50,100 many times, that prayer went unanswered. And it got stopped out. And I knew, I knew I should have gotten out of the trade. But I wouldn't take it off. What's
232 00:45:50,100 --> 00:45:58,980 the problem with that? And hope you can appreciate me using my own examples and not talking about things, hypothetically, where you can feel victimized because
233 00:45:58,980 --> 00:46:08,280 you know, you've gone through this yourself. But I want you to reflect on how you've endured this. And what you were doing and what you were thinking what you
234 00:46:08,280 --> 00:46:22,350 were dismissing as. Now now, now, that's just me not being patient for the trade. That's not me. Falling model. So I gotta stick to my plan, my trading
235 00:46:22,350 --> 00:46:35,820 plan, gotta push my edge. See, when I was in those environments, and in those trades. I didn't want to get out because I was afraid if I got out, I'd be
236 00:46:35,820 --> 00:46:50,370 wrong. And you probably hear YouTubers, or see people type it out in their discord rooms, their telegram channels. I can't think of anything else off top
237 00:46:50,370 --> 00:47:00,000 my head, whatever medium Neil would use, but or maybe Twitter space like this. And you hear them or read them say, I know as soon as I get out of this, it's
238 00:47:00,000 --> 00:47:13,680 going to move. When they say those things, they're channeling ignorance. They're manifesting. They're basically showing you their cards, that they don't know
239 00:47:13,680 --> 00:47:24,510 what they're doing. Because if they didn't know what they were doing, it wouldn't matter if they got on it moved. When I was a younger man, and I fell
240 00:47:24,510 --> 00:47:35,370 victim to this, I was afraid to get out of the trades, even though I knew they were against me. The probabilities have shifted. Are you aware of it? While
241 00:47:35,370 --> 00:47:47,310 you're in trade? That's what I'm teaching you. Those lessons can't be taught through a paragraph, or a tweet with 130 characters or less. I can't do one
242 00:47:47,310 --> 00:47:55,350 single video and say Here it is. It's condensed in a nice little neat, easy ICT Real Fast Five Minute trainer, the easiest way to do it never have to worry
243 00:47:55,350 --> 00:48:07,320 about it again. That's the new flavor right now. You're not going to get it that way. You can't get it that way. It's something that has to be endured. Certain
244 00:48:07,320 --> 00:48:17,040 lessons have to be walked. And you have to feel it. You have to have that uncertainty. You have to know what it feels like to be in that environment. And
245 00:48:17,040 --> 00:48:27,840 how you react to it reactant. Some of you won't have these instances where you feel powerless to get out of it. You'll think, Okay, this isn't work anymore.
246 00:48:27,840 --> 00:48:39,990 Let me just kill the trade. That That right there. That is excellence. I wish I had that when I was younger. I didn't. I did not have that. I had no one telling
247 00:48:39,990 --> 00:48:49,020 me like I'm telling you right now listening. That's what you want to do. Believe me when I tell you, that is the answer. That's the solution. That's the thing
248 00:48:49,020 --> 00:49:05,400 you're supposed to do. And you're also indifferent to what happens after you get out. It's a bad relationship. What makes people go through all the turmoil after
249 00:49:05,400 --> 00:49:15,390 they break up with someone when it's a bad relationship, and you break up the person or persons spend all that time afterwards when you're no longer together
250 00:49:15,390 --> 00:49:26,520 and you're thinking you would what could have been if we stayed together? If we just would have if he just would have stayed in our bed and not ventured out and
251 00:49:26,520 --> 00:49:38,700 did something else if she would just understand me you're doing something that isn't going to result in anything except for misery. So why did the same thing
252 00:49:38,700 --> 00:49:49,320 you're trading that's what you're doing. You're not You're you're recognizing whether you realize it or not, even if you're new. You just know something's
253 00:49:49,320 --> 00:50:07,320 wrong. You are but you won't admit it. Just like I couldn't admit it. My grandfather recently passed away at the time when I started. So I get all of
254 00:50:07,320 --> 00:50:26,910 this pressure placed on me, as a young man, lost my father figure lost my first wife. And I had something to prove. So I had all the most amazing disadvantages
255 00:50:26,910 --> 00:50:31,470 going into this class I hated where I was in life.
256 00:50:37,110 --> 00:50:45,510 So I know what it's like to feel pressure to change the way you are and where you are and how you live. I know. I know what it's like to grow up and not have
257 00:50:45,510 --> 00:51:04,170 that family element supporting you. I know, I know. Even being successful, like I have known for decades, my mother didn't care. At some point, it doesn't
258 00:51:04,170 --> 00:51:14,100 matter. I don't worry about my mom, I don't worry about my father who's in prison on never to spend time with. They weren't supposed to have children. I
259 00:51:14,100 --> 00:51:27,180 wasn't supposed to be here. I was, I was supposed to be aborted. But because a threat by my biological father, my mother gave birth to me and never raised me.
260 00:51:30,990 --> 00:51:41,880 You can have all of your disadvantages, all the excuses of why you think you won't be able to do this. And it's all a lie. That's something for you to reach
261 00:51:41,880 --> 00:51:56,490 for. Because you don't follow the rules. Because when I don't follow rules, I fail. I can feel just like the newest person that starts in this, if I don't
262 00:51:56,910 --> 00:52:06,990 submit myself to the rules, and engage when I'm supposed to engage and not engage, and I'm not supposed to engage. Because I know me, this is why you
263 00:52:06,990 --> 00:52:15,060 cannot learn this in a workshop over a week, you can't learn this in a month, you can't learn in 120 days, you can't learn in six months, you can't learn in
264 00:52:15,060 --> 00:52:28,740 one year, but at one year, you get a good foundation. And that's when the real learning starts. And I have never one time, sugar coated that. And so many
265 00:52:28,740 --> 00:52:35,760 people out there are trying to take what I've taught and still actively teaching. And you're trying to condense it down to something to market it to
266 00:52:35,760 --> 00:52:44,640 people. For the real fast approach. I swear to God Almighty, if there was an easier, faster way I would do it, it would come right out of my lips and it
267 00:52:44,640 --> 00:52:59,430 would be done. I wasted time in the beginning doing that. Just like those environments where if you get in a market environment where it's not conducive
268 00:52:59,430 --> 00:53:07,170 for low resistance liquidity run where it just runs real easy, like a hot knife through butter just slices right through it, no problem at all going right to
269 00:53:07,170 --> 00:53:16,620 where you knew was gonna go. And doing it faster than you were hoping it would do it. That's what I'm teaching you to look for. But they're not every day like
270 00:53:16,620 --> 00:53:26,460 that. Those exist sporadically in the right times and the right settings. And because of all the uncertainty that we're seeing seeing in the world right now,
271 00:53:27,780 --> 00:53:38,970 believe me, folks, we are witnessing the largest upheaval in the financial markets and financial systems, plural. Globally, there has never been we're out
272 00:53:38,970 --> 00:53:55,470 the door. So you have to be careful. And I'm trying to be much more careful because of that. But if you get yourself in a situation, you may not believe in
273 00:53:55,470 --> 00:54:14,700 God, but somehow those three letters will come out of your mouth. Oh god. Oh, Jesus. It's funny. I've listened to Muslims doing live streams. And they'll
274 00:54:14,730 --> 00:54:29,430 alter his name, which is interesting. What are you doing? You're looking outside yourself. And you're resisting. You're resisting the very thing that your
275 00:54:29,430 --> 00:54:46,620 conscience is telling you to do. Get the hell out of that trade. You know, what's coming. Regret, loss, pain, but you want to arm wrestle it. You don't
276 00:54:46,620 --> 00:54:58,830 want to seem weak. I'm going down on they're going to carry me out on my shield. Well done. You blew your account. Maybe not on that trade. But the six or seven
277 00:54:58,830 --> 00:55:12,030 trades out of that one. That's what's coming. Why? Because you arm wrestled in an environment that you can't win. See, my tools in the right setting are
278 00:55:12,030 --> 00:55:24,660 flawless. That's why I can beat to the tick. But have you noticed that it's not every single day? That's like that? I like, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,
279 00:55:24,690 --> 00:55:41,400 wait, wait, stop right there. Your model is every week, every day, and it won't stop you, right. But the market you're trading that particular market won't be
280 00:55:41,400 --> 00:55:53,880 every week, every day. This is always occurring every day, and every week, somewhere. Oh, there's you're out there saying of course. I didn't say anything
281 00:55:53,880 --> 00:56:04,500 other than that. That's how it's always been. When I was teaching Forex, and primarily focusing on forex, I had two pairs. Euro might not go to the tick, but
282 00:56:04,740 --> 00:56:16,290 cable did. And vice versa. And there were some times where both those two pairs that I worked with, with my group, sometimes Ozzy dollar did something perfect.
283 00:56:19,650 --> 00:56:29,130 You can't have an every day, day trading expectation of precision, you can't, you're just starting. Okay, you can't do that. In the beginning, you have so
284 00:56:29,130 --> 00:56:41,670 many obstacles in front of you, you have no idea the difficulty in this. And it starts between your ears. And it remains between your ears. That seven pound
285 00:56:41,670 --> 00:56:58,740 universe, that gray matter that we call our brain has a wonderful, wonderful capability of telling you things at the wrong time. And sometimes it tells you
286 00:56:58,770 --> 00:57:13,200 exactly what you need to hear. And then you ignore it. So if you're in market environments, where by rules, the ones I've taught you nagging told you and it
287 00:57:13,200 --> 00:57:25,620 breaks my heart to see these people tweeting to me. I lost this much money, I'm not trading. Why did you do it? You know, your own reasons. And that's the thing
288 00:57:25,620 --> 00:57:31,830 that everybody has to learn about themselves. But you want to pretend it you're not going to be that person, you're not going to be one of those statistics that
289 00:57:31,830 --> 00:57:42,750 have all these other flaws inside them. Some of you may have mental illnesses that are beyond the scope of mine. And you'll have to wrestle harder and do
290 00:57:42,750 --> 00:57:49,740 things much more. While
291 00:57:57,600 --> 00:58:11,880 the word escapes me, it'll be harder for you. But you won't know that. You won't know that until you go through it. And buying courses and watching my videos or
292 00:58:11,880 --> 00:58:21,360 watching anybody else's videos or using this application they've created or filing signals from somebody else that will not make you exempt. No one's exempt
293 00:58:21,360 --> 00:58:41,760 from this. People fail because they don't incorporate their own flesh. Because that's what's going to do you in how many people do you know that educate,
294 00:58:42,330 --> 00:59:00,420 pretend to be a mentor will sit out here and tell you their own flaws. They will never do that. Because number one that will put a damper on sales will make you
295 00:59:00,420 --> 00:59:11,070 question oh maybe isn't the person I need to learn from? I would counsel you anyone in any industry in any kind of endeavor whatsoever. If they're willing to
296 00:59:11,070 --> 00:59:26,940 show you where their weaknesses are and if they can identify them, and then navigate with them. That's someone you can learn from. I'm telling you, I wish
297 00:59:26,940 --> 00:59:39,030 to God I had someone like I'm trying to be for you. When I was coming up there was no one I had four VCR tapes with Larry Williams. And one secret to short
298 00:59:39,030 --> 00:59:49,020 term trading. He did like a I don't know if he was a keynote speaker. I'm Africa exactly what it was. It was he was a keynote speaker from some event. And those
299 00:59:49,020 --> 00:59:58,920 are the tapes I had I had a course by Don fish back 90% options trading, which is trash. Don if you're listening I don't mean to be disrespectful but it really
300 00:59:58,920 --> 01:00:13,170 was garbage and In the books that are wasted. And I've said it many times before, why do I keep them because they have sentimental value, not because
301 01:00:13,170 --> 01:00:22,290 there's any value between the covers of those books. But I spent a lot of money, I worked hard to make the money to buy these books over the years collecting
302 01:00:22,290 --> 01:00:34,050 them. And I just can't bring it to throw them away. And they're not valuable enough to get anybody. So here, I don't want to have this anymore. Here you
303 01:00:34,050 --> 01:00:52,200 learn from this. This is all trash. It's all garbage. You want to hear how to do something, let the story start with it. Here's not, here's what not to do. And
304 01:00:52,200 --> 01:01:01,500 if you want to find out real quick, if you're ready, or someone else is ready to learn it their attention span will not permit them to listen to someone tell you
305 01:01:02,070 --> 01:01:16,470 or others. This is what you want to avoid. You that person listening, that feels that way you are the waste of time. You are. Because the point I'd gotten to
306 01:01:16,500 --> 01:01:26,640 from the beginning of this discussion, it's going to be far harder than you think it's ever going to be. And I've told everyone that's ever listened to me
307 01:01:26,640 --> 01:01:41,970 in the last three years. This is extremely hard. 30 years I've been doing this, these candlesticks are not new to me. But the way the markets are behaving is an
308 01:01:41,970 --> 01:01:54,090 anybody that's been trading for a longer period and two years, three years, some of you just now started, you have no idea what you're walking into, and how much
309 01:01:54,090 --> 01:02:07,950 harder it is. Anyone that has been trading for a long period of time. And I'm saying five years or more, I think that's a fair amount of time. You're not new.
310 01:02:08,940 --> 01:02:18,510 And you have seen market environments that are not like this. You know what I'm talking about, you know exactly what I'm referring to. And it's not some kind of
311 01:02:18,510 --> 01:02:36,090 cryptic message. This market is behaving differently. It is going to be hard for you to learn in this environment. But learning in this environment will make you
312 01:02:36,150 --> 01:02:48,660 so much better. So much better than it was for me. And we had well, by definition in terms of what we've seen in recent years in terms of volatility.
313 01:02:49,410 --> 01:02:59,220 It was like a snail's crawl. Where if you got three handles on the day, you did well. That was a good move in the morning, three handles, three handles,
314 01:02:59,700 --> 01:03:12,420 people's stop losses are bigger than that now. But that's where it was back then. But the volatility you have today, needs to be respected. Because he can
315 01:03:12,420 --> 01:03:22,890 do wild stuff in a short span of time. And you'll be in that situation, praying to a god you never believed in. But now you're reaching for him now. In Your
316 01:03:22,890 --> 01:03:33,420 heavens, there'll be like brass, and sometimes it'll be for people that are believers in the same fate that I had. And you want to get that situation. Oh,
317 01:03:33,420 --> 01:03:42,060 God, please, please, please let this trade pan out for me. Please, please just let me not get stopped out on this one. I will trade the rest of the week if I
318 01:03:42,060 --> 01:03:57,810 can just get this one flying. In that prayer gets answered. Because your heavens are like brass. What happens then you look down. And a new idea comes to mind.
319 01:03:57,990 --> 01:04:09,180 You're going to plant the seed again in that risk. But now the grounds like iron, you can't turn the soil over. You can't cultivate it. You can't put a new
320 01:04:09,180 --> 01:04:22,740 trade on because why? Fear paralysis? What do you do in that situation? See, as a new trader, a new developing student, you don't know what to do. So what are
321 01:04:22,740 --> 01:04:33,780 you going to be left to do impulsive decisions while the missus gone here and figured out. Now find my way through it. Yeah. Right on through another blown
322 01:04:33,780 --> 01:04:47,670 account. Well done. How many times do you have to do that before you would learn a lesson? I've watched people tweeting to others and me talking about doing that
323 01:04:47,670 --> 01:04:58,440 same thing in environments that I've openly said. We're in low probability. They're trying to pyramid to try and treat with larger leverage. They're trying
324 01:04:58,440 --> 01:05:06,390 to treat every session every day. I try to trade every macro ICT said we can between this time it's time there's gonna be when I'm getting in, I'm doing
325 01:05:06,930 --> 01:05:17,820 okay, you have to have some kind of premise to be acting on. You don't want you don't know what to expect. You're new, you have no idea what you're doing,
326 01:05:18,720 --> 01:05:32,070 trying to engage in an environment that I'm not willing to touch myself. So what does that teaching you about yourself? You're reckless, you're reckless and
327 01:05:32,070 --> 01:05:41,370 you're impulsive? Are you willing to observe that and identify it? If that's who you are, and it's listening to me? Are you willing to let yourself identify that
328 01:05:41,370 --> 01:05:59,490 weakness in you? Trust me, it's okay. To identify weaknesses, you want to do that? In the comfort of a demo. That's why I teach like this, folks. You have no
329 01:05:59,490 --> 01:06:13,260 idea who you are. You're gonna get in these markets and think you're asking me say John Wayne, but that really dates me now that you think you're John Wick,
330 01:06:13,260 --> 01:06:26,370 here you go, you think you're John Wick, you're gonna go out there and get your ass kicked. And you're frustrated. I'll just reset my account, doin $100 or so.
331 01:06:26,670 --> 01:06:34,020 And I was going to do the same thing I just did. Because all I did was entered too early or too late. Or I put my stop loss in the wrong position. Wrong.
332 01:06:34,140 --> 01:06:40,590 You're trading in an environment that's not conducive for high probability. But you can't see that you can't recognize that because you're not listening. When
333 01:06:40,590 --> 01:06:54,630 the guy that's talking to you is telling you these things in advance. He's taken a road trip 1100 miles away. Not touching the market, but you're in near blowing
334 01:06:54,630 --> 01:07:09,360 your funded account. Where's the logic in that? But I see you're not the only one I can find profitable trades, right? But why are you trying to push with my
335 01:07:09,360 --> 01:07:21,630 concepts in an environment? I'm not trying to touch every set if you win, it's coincidence. And it's painful for some of you to hear that. Like there's no way
336 01:07:21,630 --> 01:07:34,410 it's not coincidence skill. I'm a monster. I'm I'm being I'm being made into a monster. Sure. Like you said you said I was gonna be a monster. Yeah, okay. But
337 01:07:34,440 --> 01:07:45,060 you don't want to wreak havoc on your own account. Like Godzilla, stomping around and Tokyo destroying everything. That's your equity curve. He's just
338 01:07:45,060 --> 01:07:51,330 this, this totally dismantled it. In a short span of time in the last two weeks, how much damage have you done?
339 01:07:53,760 --> 01:08:07,770 Not me. Not your broker? Not the method or the concepts. How much damage did you do? Oh, that's a roll call for responsibility that nobody wants to take
340 01:08:08,010 --> 01:08:20,040 initiative and stand up say, Yeah, I did it. But the ones that are ready to do that they're ready to learn. I ignored it too. I tried to find some kind of
341 01:08:20,040 --> 01:08:31,260 external reasons why I was failing as a young man. And I promise you knowing what I know. Now looking back, it was always me. There was no other contributing
342 01:08:31,260 --> 01:08:46,680 factor. It was me. And when you come to grips with that, and you accept it, it's liberating. Because then and only then can you start fixing the issues. But you
343 01:08:46,680 --> 01:08:55,980 have to be able to identify them and stop ignoring them, or pretending they're not there. That's the reason why you're not finding success. You're armrests,
344 01:08:55,980 --> 01:09:09,360 wrestling things that need to be dealt with in you the person. Every single one of my failed students are failures because they themselves won't listen. Because
345 01:09:09,360 --> 01:09:16,500 if what I teach is flawed logic, it wouldn't be the fastest thing spread and all over the industry in terms of trading, people would not be passing all these
346 01:09:16,500 --> 01:09:30,600 funded accounts, getting on leaderboards, taking wild withdrawals from their efforts doing it. They would all be failing. What are they? What are they doing
347 01:09:30,600 --> 01:09:40,470 differently? They're taking it serious. They're treating it like a business. They're not in your gambling. They're not in there thinking Well, all I gotta do
348 01:09:40,470 --> 01:09:53,760 is reset the account. All I gotta do is pay the 100 bucks reset. If I get an affiliate program, I can do it and I don't have to pay for the resets. Think
349 01:09:56,550 --> 01:10:10,890 where are you and all that you have to yourself and I can't do it for you. No mentor can, no teacher can do that. You have to allow yourself the time to find
350 01:10:10,890 --> 01:10:23,790 out who you are, how you're going to derail yourself. And you will. And you'll know right when it's about to happen. And that's why you're supposed to journal.
351 01:10:25,350 --> 01:10:36,030 And for the folks that don't want to journal, I don't have time for journaling and money make me get time to journal and write books. I guarantee you these
352 01:10:36,030 --> 01:10:54,210 people don't make money consistently. I promise you, they don't make money. Every high tech position in the world, all of them keep that on their
353 01:10:54,210 --> 01:11:12,630 performance. KPIs every industry every, every food producer, every commodity manufacturer or producer, any kind of company. They all have performance stats,
354 01:11:13,560 --> 01:11:23,730 that means they're doing what they journaling. Now, for the folks that don't want to journal, in their trades in their development, doesn't that make you
355 01:11:23,730 --> 01:11:37,020 feel stupid? Like you're gonna walk through this? No real effort is just going to fall in your lap. It's gonna be easy. Why do that I got to spend time writing
356 01:11:37,020 --> 01:11:45,000 in journals. I can't make money on those old movies anyway, why? Like, why would you want to do that? You're going to continuously work the rest of your life.
357 01:11:46,410 --> 01:11:58,020 And you're gonna be even more miserable because you won't find success in this. And you won't be successful in your job. And you'll be miserable. The rest of
358 01:11:58,020 --> 01:12:08,250 your life, you've been relegated to the shared desk with Carl. Matt net. The last thing you see before retirement is him smiling, saying I told you never get
359 01:12:08,250 --> 01:12:08,580 out of here.
360 01:12:14,700 --> 01:12:24,180 There's gonna be times when your heavens are like brass. In the ground, you stand? Well, it's gonna be like iron. What do you do? You take a road trip,
361 01:12:24,180 --> 01:12:32,160 maybe you take a road trip, you go on a fishing trip, you go into your hobbies that are outside the marketplace. Pour your time and attention into your family
362 01:12:32,160 --> 01:12:45,810 or your friends, apart from the market, it's good. It's good to do it. It allows you to recalibrate and reset your mindset. And you give yourself permission to
363 01:12:45,810 --> 01:13:01,080 forgive yourself for not doing it sooner. I'm not obligated to do any of this for you. Just like you're not obligated to trade every day. Have you ever given
364 01:13:01,080 --> 01:13:11,310 yourself permission so I'm giving it to you right now. You have my permission as your mentor to not trade every day. In fact, that should be a goal for you. When
365 01:13:11,310 --> 01:13:24,630 you make money, and you're new stop. Let the week close and profit. That's a skill set. It's teaching patience. It's teaching enough to be content with
366 01:13:24,630 --> 01:13:40,890 enough that ICT it was only $1,100 I could have made right but did you make 1100 hours at your job after taxes? No. So why are you going to risk it? You're not
367 01:13:40,890 --> 01:13:53,220 skilled yet. You're finding yourself. You have to continuously instill this cheerleading mindset as you're going up in who you are eventually gonna begin as
368 01:13:53,220 --> 01:14:05,370 a trader, you have to cheerlead yourself. You have to do that through journaling. Spend time looking at when you got it right. You're going to need
369 01:14:05,370 --> 01:14:18,000 those times. You're going to doubt yourself, you're going to doubt your future performance. If you try to trade every single day and you start going into
370 01:14:18,000 --> 01:14:31,050 drawdown here's no permission. You don't have to fix your drawdown right now. What Yeah, you don't have to who says you had to do it right now? Who says you
371 01:14:31,050 --> 01:14:41,460 had to fix the drawdown and bring it completely back this week or this month? Who said that? You did? Or the people you hear other on social media CRO on
372 01:14:41,460 --> 01:14:56,370 about oh, this and that. Who's running your business? them? Are you think because if you're letting other people on social media impact your decisions
373 01:14:56,370 --> 01:15:00,810 about when how you're going to trade you're not run In your business
374 01:15:05,819 --> 01:15:18,269 if you're not running your business, who is the people that don't care about it? If they don't care about your business, believe me, they only care enough to see
375 01:15:18,269 --> 01:15:32,159 it fail. It would be nothing more pleasurable for them to see you fail and go on social media and complain and bellyache digital into myself. And they feel great
376 01:15:32,159 --> 01:15:34,169 about themselves because they're failing in privacy.
377 01:15:40,229 --> 01:15:51,089 So when your heavens are like brass, and you can't find your way out of the position you're in, in terms of profit close to trade. As soon as you recognize
378 01:15:51,689 --> 01:15:59,429 that you feel like you got to pray for the outcome of that trade to be different than what you think is already going to happen. Because you know, you're looking
379 01:15:59,429 --> 01:16:11,909 at the charts, you see it, something in the underpinnings of the marketplace have shifted. You recognize that. And now your conscience is telling you, it's
380 01:16:11,909 --> 01:16:28,139 time to hit the exit ramp. Just don't take the exit in South Carolina did. You have to stop, remove yourself from the risk and walk away from it. And it
381 01:16:28,139 --> 01:16:38,969 doesn't mean immediately look for another payer and other market to trade. And try to plant yourself in risk again, because the ground you're standing on is
382 01:16:39,119 --> 01:16:53,129 now iron. You can't turn the soil over and place good money in terms of seed for risk. And expect to get the results that you didn't make up in the first trade.
383 01:16:54,509 --> 01:17:09,089 Why why why not do that? Because your mindset is now distorted because you feel performance anxiety. You put on a trade, it didn't work for you. So now as a
384 01:17:09,089 --> 01:17:19,589 young man, especially, I noticed the ladies that are students of mine, they generally don't have this characteristic. And then like they they're willing to
385 01:17:19,589 --> 01:17:29,309 accept the wrong. They don't like when they lose money. That's the thing they don't like, where men, they don't like losing, but they don't mind taking on big
386 01:17:29,309 --> 01:17:42,179 losses. They don't like the aspect of it being wrong. So there's this, we may be arguing semantics. And I guess some of you could present that as an argument,
387 01:17:42,179 --> 01:17:57,149 but I don't see it that way. I see it as the men they have this. They want to be they want to be right. Women's not so much. They don't care. They don't care
388 01:17:57,149 --> 01:18:02,999 about being right. They don't want to lose money. Where men they don't care about losing money, they could lose money and as long as they ended the day
389 01:18:02,999 --> 01:18:17,939 being right. They can go down and severe drawdown and come back. Yeah, look what I was able to do. I was down 38% in intraday took 16 trades. But the last two, I
390 01:18:17,939 --> 01:18:36,779 got it all back baby, Allah and the ladies in my fold. Do not ever want to go through major drawdown like that and they don't care if they're wrong. So where
391 01:18:36,779 --> 01:18:56,309 are you in that spectrum? Where are you in that mindset? Some of you don't know, you haven't been doing it long enough. And that's why it takes a lot longer to
392 01:18:56,309 --> 01:19:10,739 learn this than everybody else promotes it to be. You can be so successful live the life of your dreams. It's Lambo lifestyle. But none of them are telling you
393 01:19:11,549 --> 01:19:25,679 the adversities that you're gonna go through. They're not going to tell you how to deal with it. What's permissible, what's realistic, five handles, not 200 to
394 01:19:25,679 --> 01:19:44,369 one are multiple setups. Everything I teach you is meant to meet the practical expectations of meeting ends. Meeting one bill a month. Whatever the lowest bill
395 01:19:44,369 --> 01:19:57,389 is, that's what you aim for first. But something happens, something happens in your mind when you when you first start dealing with these charts and you're
396 01:19:57,389 --> 01:20:11,249 demoing or your rushing through that part by never doing the demoing, which is to teach you, you, you're learning who you are in demo. That's why I can't stand
397 01:20:11,249 --> 01:20:18,419 these neophytes out there pretend to be mentors telling people, you can't learn how to trade with a demo, you got to put some money, you got to put some skin in
398 01:20:18,419 --> 01:20:33,029 the race. Okay, I've done that. And it fails miserably. And it gives you all of these anxiety inducing things that you would never have had, if you wouldn't did
399 01:20:33,029 --> 01:20:45,149 that. I didn't know the mistakes I had in me, and the capability of me screwing it up. Because I never risked real money before. As a younger man, I jumped in
400 01:20:45,629 --> 01:20:57,839 way sooner than I should have. I literally did like two, three weeks of just back testing paper trades. That's it. And I did one walk forward, I think a week
401 01:20:57,839 --> 01:21:08,489 or maybe we can have it most not even two weeks. And I convinced myself I was ready to put money into a live account $2,600 on a nation's Bank, which doesn't
402 01:21:08,489 --> 01:21:23,519 exist anymore, nation's bank credit card. Now tell me the sense of net zero. And it's no surprise, my first trade was impulsively in a market that I was never
403 01:21:23,519 --> 01:21:33,149 really interested in orange juice. It's too thin. It wasn't even seasonally. Looking back at seasonally, it was not even in a position where to do anything.
404 01:21:36,569 --> 01:21:48,599 And I traded in a vehicle I had no experience in options. But I had to do it, I got the account open, it's been two days, I better take a trade. And overnight
405 01:21:48,599 --> 01:22:01,109 20% of the headcount gone. Not the account. But the options premium. I paid $50 for Orange Juice option, which is extremely expensive. So I bought an overvalued
406 01:22:01,139 --> 01:22:17,699 option. I didn't know it. And overnight, lost 750 hours of that option premium. And then close the account that day. Wonderful lesson, perfect illustration of
407 01:22:17,699 --> 01:22:18,509 what not to do.
408 01:22:24,149 --> 01:22:33,809 I wish we had demos back then, we had to do everything on paper, write it down on a notebook. That's how we did it. Make our own charts, we had draw the high
409 01:22:33,809 --> 01:22:46,199 load open and close ticks on every single chart. If we traded it or want monitored it, that's how we did it. You have no idea the advantages that you
410 01:22:46,199 --> 01:22:57,479 have today, but you won't use them. You're trying to rush through still. Don't learn how to trade with a demo account, learn the broker with the demo, and then
411 01:22:57,479 --> 01:23:02,999 go in with real money. Even if it's a little bit of money. That's someone that is absolutely not making money consistently. They don't know how to trade and
412 01:23:02,999 --> 01:23:08,999 you should not be listening to them. And I don't care who they are, how many people follow them, and how much they're like right now. I don't care. And you
413 01:23:08,999 --> 01:23:24,959 can hate me. I don't care. That's real. Because that's someone that doesn't even know what they're talking about. You have so many things going on in your mind
414 01:23:25,889 --> 01:23:39,509 that you're going to bring to this that are going to derail you and you have to know what they are and you cannot discover that with out pain and loss or
415 01:23:39,509 --> 01:23:54,689 building in fear anxiety inducing concerns for your equity. With live money, you do that you're going to be scared money in the beginning, my second account I
416 01:23:54,689 --> 01:24:09,119 opened up I was terrified. Yeah, yeah, I work two jobs. Pizza delivery, everything I could picked up cans, tournament and redeem them for money. I did
417 01:24:09,119 --> 01:24:19,499 all that stuff, folks. I did all of that. Walked down the streets picking up soda cans, beer cans, all that stuff. I did that just to get whatever I could
418 01:24:19,499 --> 01:24:29,939 scraped up so don't talk to me about you don't know what it's like ICT. You don't know what it's like. You don't know what I did. You don't know what I went
419 01:24:29,939 --> 01:24:44,219 through. But their second account. I was terrified. Terrified. I was afraid of every possible entry. And you're wondering why the hell does ICT have all these
420 01:24:44,219 --> 01:24:56,219 concepts? Because I had to cope with it. I wanted to have an arsenal. My weakness was fear of knowing when to get in. Bro. Let me tell you something. I
421 01:24:56,219 --> 01:25:05,099 got 81 ways to get into a trade AB One. And that's why these jokers on the internet will say, Oh, he's got something to always explain why the market it
422 01:25:05,099 --> 01:25:16,709 You're damn right I do. I know it like the back of my hand. But I also know when it's likely to slap me around on that plane. No, thank you. I've been there
423 01:25:16,709 --> 01:25:26,279 before you haven't. You're too new. You don't even know what it looks like. But I'm sharing that experience with you. I'm allowing you to find yourself in a
424 01:25:26,279 --> 01:25:35,189 closed circuit environment where you are not incurring monetary risk. That's why I teach what a demo. That's why it's the best way to learn. That's where you
425 01:25:35,189 --> 01:25:44,879 need to learn in a laboratory experiments setting where you can not lose money and build anxiety inducing mindsets. That's going to be a prevention to you
426 01:25:44,879 --> 01:25:57,869 finding success. How much plainer? Do I have to make it folks stop listening to these kids pretending to be money millionaire mentors, okay. They literally just
427 01:25:57,869 --> 01:26:04,919 graduated school, they probably dropped out of college, they have no idea what you're talking about. The only money they got in their accounts is from whatever
428 01:26:04,919 --> 01:26:15,479 they sold. Whatever their affiliate programs are, their multi level marketing garbage. They're not trading, they cannot train, they will not show you what the
429 01:26:15,479 --> 01:26:28,679 markets gonna do. They cannot do it. So why the hell you listening to their advice? Because you see them pretending with their pump. They're rented cars. I
430 01:26:28,679 --> 01:26:40,109 own my cars. I own my home. There's no note on my cars. There's no note on my homes. And I show you where it's gonna go. I execute on it. And I use the logic.
431 01:26:41,129 --> 01:26:56,909 And I'm telling you, when it's not right for me by example, I stopped a walked away. Think Who do you want to learn from? Somebody that can walk the walk and
432 01:26:56,909 --> 01:27:11,789 talk to talk and press stop? And know why and have no concerns for? Oh, I might miss something. I don't have any fear of missing out. You never hear me say,
433 01:27:11,909 --> 01:27:29,129 Whoa, why did that happen? Why did that slap in the end just happen? No, I'm not surprised by that. But I can go into a week where I'm expecting certain things
434 01:27:29,129 --> 01:27:43,739 to happen. And they don't manifest. Okay, I'm not surprised by that I'm just not interested. See the difference there. That's experience. That's 30 years baby of
435 01:27:43,739 --> 01:27:54,179 doing the same stuff all the time, expecting the expected results at the end of it. But if it's going to show me signatures that are not supporting what I'm
436 01:27:54,179 --> 01:28:06,449 teaching you. That's an invitation for you to find a new way of doing it. All these new guys and gals out there trying to reinvent the wheel have already gave
437 01:28:06,449 --> 01:28:25,679 you the wheel. You have to build the car on top of it. And some of you don't want a Lamborghini. Some of you are just okay with a pickup truck. A Volkswagen
438 01:28:26,759 --> 01:28:41,909 a jeep? Or even Why won't go there. Is he going to save? Or was he going to say I speak please tell me what you're gonna say no, I'm not going to do that. But
439 01:28:41,909 --> 01:28:58,289 there's a learning curve to this that nobody really expects to exist until they step into it. And they don't like it. It's a reminder to them that everything
440 01:28:58,289 --> 01:29:07,169 worth doing requires a lot more effort than you thought was gonna take. There's no shortcuts to this, folks. I am the shortcut. I promise you even though it
441 01:29:07,169 --> 01:29:20,879 seems like it's long winded all the time. This is the shortcut. You cannot make it simpler than this. You're waiting for the market to go up to run stops or
442 01:29:20,969 --> 01:29:31,619 reprice to an inefficiency. It's going to drop to run stops or repriced to inefficiency or it's going to go sideways. And guess what? When the markets
443 01:29:31,619 --> 01:29:49,529 gonna go sideways ICT is doing something else. Now imagine for a second imagine that you paid me money for your month of April. I would have to do something
444 01:29:49,529 --> 01:30:00,539 right. I would have to perform. I would have to sit down and give you my opinion. Guess what? That doesn't have to happen anymore. I don't do that
445 01:30:00,539 --> 01:30:12,569 anymore. That's why I'm never charging ever for education. When I'm done in November, I'm done. I'm done. I have so much enjoyed the last two weeks to just
446 01:30:12,569 --> 01:30:25,049 simply saying, that's my life. That's what I want to get back to. I didn't ask you for my work for your permission to do what I did. I don't need to ask for
447 01:30:25,049 --> 01:30:37,439 it. But I did what I had to do, from a psychological point of view, where I'm reminding myself that I'm in control of me. And since 2016, I have not felt in
448 01:30:37,439 --> 01:30:49,259 control of my own life. I've allowed people all around the world to conduct my life for me, tell me when I had to be somewhere what I had to do, answer emails,
449 01:30:49,259 --> 01:31:03,059 and I can't even keep up with the emails. It's too many of you. And it just feels so good for me as a man to be able to unplug, I needed it. Like I needed
450 01:31:03,059 --> 01:31:16,679 it. It was so good to be out there with my kids and just having conversations with them. And I broke down, we were in a restaurant. And one of my sons said to
451 01:31:16,679 --> 01:31:26,279 me, he goes, Dad, I've never seen this with you before. And I said, what he was like you're sitting down, you're talking to us. And you're not even talking
452 01:31:26,279 --> 01:31:32,129 about the market, you're not talking about your students. It's just like you're talking to us. And I lost it.
453 01:31:47,819 --> 01:32:04,889 So as much as I love doing this with you all. I love doing that with them more. And I'd be honest in by saying that I sometimes feel guilty about that. And I
454 01:32:04,889 --> 01:32:26,489 shouldn't my kids. But I have built this life, all around trading. Since I was 20 years old. And I was not the best father, I was not the best husband. I've
455 01:32:26,489 --> 01:32:34,619 never done anything outside of my relationship. And I've always provided for my kids, but I was not there in the house with them, but I was not there.
456 01:32:40,080 --> 01:32:50,640 So it's not always about money that you need to learn lessons about, because you can be wildly successful. Be a pillar in the community of the industry that
457 01:32:50,640 --> 01:33:09,000 you're in and be an utter failure as a father, a husband, a wife, and no amount of money. None of that can wipe it away.
458 01:33:18,060 --> 01:33:28,410 You have no idea how hard this industry is. Because you don't know how hard you're going to make it on yourself. That's the variable. And nobody ever writes
459 01:33:28,410 --> 01:33:43,440 that in their books about every one of them. They're never going to place that clarity on it. Because they have something else to sell later on. And the
460 01:33:43,440 --> 01:33:52,080 reality is, if you were told this in the beginning, and you're not going to be willing to make the sacrifices is when it really would this. You have to
461 01:33:52,080 --> 01:34:01,980 sacrifice your wants. Because you call them needs. Now I need to do this ICT you don't understand now I understand. But you need to understand too, simply
462 01:34:01,980 --> 01:34:14,490 because you want it and you call it needing it. And that's already a problem. Because when you say the word need need, it's going to be I need to take a
463 01:34:14,490 --> 01:34:27,450 trade. I need to get that drawdown back right now. I need to go and reset my account. I need to do this I need to do you don't need to do anything except for
464 01:34:27,450 --> 01:34:39,690 learn. You need to listen to me. I'm not giving you bad advice. I'm not trying to prolong your success. I'm not trying to steer you away from something else
465 01:34:39,690 --> 01:34:46,440 that might be better because if you can find it, go do it. If you find something better than I got, tell me about it. I'll look at it and I'll stop what I'm
466 01:34:46,440 --> 01:34:56,190 doing and do that. I swear to God, that's what I'll do that I've already been down that road before folks. I've already been down that road dozens of times
467 01:34:56,310 --> 01:35:07,380 before I left my 20s and I'll be 51 In August, this dog is set in his ways, and I'm changing this industry, and you're all part of it, you're on the ride with
468 01:35:07,380 --> 01:35:20,370 me. We're blazing a trail together. And that's friggin awesome. That's awesome. We're laying down a legacy where people are literally doing things in a
469 01:35:20,370 --> 01:35:33,540 controlled manner. Learning how to do this in a safe setting, and then you're watching students walk out there in the real world, and put it the task. And
470 01:35:33,540 --> 01:35:45,690 they're changing their lives with it, independent of whatever I think is going to be in the marketplace. That's awesome. Your success story is waiting. But you
471 01:35:45,690 --> 01:35:56,520 can't hurry it up. You can't, you can't assure it any faster, and it's going to be and the speed at which you receive it or get to it is unique to you. And be
472 01:35:56,520 --> 01:36:07,410 comfortable with that. The harder you push to make it sooner, you're just pushing it further down the line. I swear it's the way it is. You start to enjoy
473 01:36:07,410 --> 01:36:15,330 the process, go through it. And one day, you'll know you're reading, you won't feel impulsive about anything, you're comfortable, you'll be able to navigate,
474 01:36:15,330 --> 01:36:25,590 you'll notice the market and condition right now you don't want to touch it. And you don't care who else is making money. Who cares? Well done. Good job that you
475 01:36:25,590 --> 01:36:36,210 made money doesn't mean I have to do anything and doesn't mean I'm less of a trader? What, that's not what you see on social media. I don't want you to think
476 01:36:36,210 --> 01:36:49,560 that way. I don't promote that idea. Your results are yours. I can't sleep in your bed and wrestle with falling asleep because the drawdown you've taken on.
477 01:36:50,790 --> 01:36:58,860 And I can't relish in the successes of the profits that you made in your trades, because I didn't incur the risk. So why are you trying to do that with other
478 01:36:58,860 --> 01:37:10,890 people's results? You're minding their business, they're mine and theirs. You mine yours. Some of you won't, you certainly won't ever be in business because
479 01:37:10,890 --> 01:37:18,600 you're doing stupid stuff like that. You're trying to keep up with the Joneses. You're rushing too soon. And then when you find yourself in a situation that you
480 01:37:18,690 --> 01:37:26,700 know in your heart that you're rushing, you shouldn't be there risking real money or trying to get a funded account passed. You don't know you're doing it.
481 01:37:27,960 --> 01:37:36,360 Why even bother with that until you know exactly what you're doing. How you're going to mess yourself up. You have to learn who you are.
482 01:37:42,930 --> 01:37:55,920 The last time we talked. I was in Florida. And I said to you that Alexander elders book trading for a living. And the first portion of that book, in my
483 01:37:55,920 --> 01:38:07,440 opinion is the that's the gym. In talks about alcoholism and the effects of it and the way it affects people, families, relationships on a business. I've never
484 01:38:07,440 --> 01:38:22,590 been drunk in my life. But I've watched everybody in my family be under the influence of either drugs or alcohol. And you'd be surprised to see how some of
485 01:38:22,590 --> 01:38:33,300 them were totally different people when they are drunk. Absolutely, you would never recognize that's the same person. Totally nasty drunks, but crazy, violent
486 01:38:33,300 --> 01:38:41,670 drunk. And they would say, oh, what's the whiskey talking? No, that's not that's not whiskey talking. Whiskey, just numb them enough to let them have no
487 01:38:41,670 --> 01:38:55,050 inhibitions, without inhibitions. The real person manifest themselves. And that's what happens when you get with trading with live money. You're drunk.
488 01:38:55,950 --> 01:39:09,300 You're driving drunk right now, with a live account. With no experience. You're under the influence of what? Trying to make money and nobody's there, they can
489 01:39:09,300 --> 01:39:21,510 take the keys from you. So you have to know these things before you do it. Because you don't want to find out that you are a nasty, violent drunk, that
490 01:39:21,510 --> 01:39:33,690 crashes when you get with live money, that's why you have to do this in demo. You're going to find your character flaws. That causes those same individuals to
491 01:39:33,690 --> 01:39:48,000 go to alcohol to self medicate. They know what's going on, but they won't share it with anybody to help get themselves through it. They'll relationship midlife
492 01:39:48,000 --> 01:40:01,380 crisis, anxiety, generalized anxiety, I'm sure is a major contributing factor. But all those things in other things it's the list is too long. You've been
493 01:40:01,380 --> 01:40:09,690 hurt, you've been scarred a bad relationship, you broke up, you're lonely, whatever that is, leads them to alcohol or substance abuse and trading is in
494 01:40:09,690 --> 01:40:24,930 that too. It is the same thing, folks. It's the same thing. I have never been drunk with alcohol. Now, I guess you can say, then, I guess, high from CBD oil.
495 01:40:25,620 --> 01:40:33,960 They had THC in it, and I needed it for my back, it was very much crazy. I haven't done it in two years or more now. But I can tell you this, if I have
496 01:40:33,960 --> 01:40:42,600 another episode where I was going through it like I did, then I would gladly do it. And I was opposed to anything marijuana. I don't smoke it. I've never
497 01:40:42,600 --> 01:40:50,970 smoked. I've never smoked anything like that. But I am not against it. I don't think you should be trading under the influence of it. Because I was really
498 01:40:50,970 --> 01:41:03,630 relaxed. But the point is trading with live money. If you don't know yourself, you don't know your model. And you don't know the way the market is behaving.
499 01:41:03,870 --> 01:41:12,360 And you haven't seen at least four quarters or a four year of what seasonality looks like, you have no baseline, you have no idea. So that's equivalent to you
500 01:41:12,360 --> 01:41:26,400 flying into a city you've never been heartbroken. Angry, because if someone else left you, you got fired. You got a cancer diagnosis six months to live. And now
501 01:41:26,430 --> 01:41:43,020 you're in a hotel where there is a high end bar right across the street. What are you going to do? To go there and medicate yourself? But how are you going to
502 01:41:43,020 --> 01:41:54,150 conduct yourself after that? You don't know. So why would you do that with live money. You don't know what you're going to do to yourself, and you don't know
503 01:41:54,360 --> 01:42:05,520 the consequences that you're going to do to yourself as a result of whatever it is you do while you're drunk. trading with live money losing that, that pain
504 01:42:05,520 --> 01:42:16,980 that that's going to bring one because you weren't ready. And you're going to know that you weren't ready when you were ignoring that you knew beforehand. And
505 01:42:16,980 --> 01:42:29,670 that's gonna present all kinds of scar tissue that's gonna promote you to do what make bad decisions. And now you have fear when teaching my students to
506 01:42:29,730 --> 01:42:41,190 operate and learn about themselves in a demo, that's what the demos therefore. But they tell you here, learn our platform, learn how to trade, the patterns
507 01:42:41,190 --> 01:42:51,060 that you do with the demo. Well, you think you watch the video by me or someone else or read a book? So that's what I did. I know what that looks like a 123?
508 01:42:51,060 --> 01:43:01,110 Top Oh, yes, a descending wedge. And that's a hidden show. I'm ready. You're not? I wasn't? Yeah, it's just the way it is, folks. But the demo is there for
509 01:43:01,110 --> 01:43:15,060 you to discover who you are. What makes you tick? Where are you impulsive? See, that's what it takes to do this. And anybody who tells you otherwise, is full of
510 01:43:15,060 --> 01:43:28,650 shit. And this is the way it is. They have some kind of ulterior motive. They have something to sell you. They want to derail you. But I'm telling you, you
511 01:43:28,650 --> 01:43:40,230 can do this. But you're gonna have to submit to a lot more time than you want to. But once you learn how to do it, and you know, what sets you off? What makes
512 01:43:40,230 --> 01:43:51,570 you feel impulsive? What are the triggering mechanisms in your personal life? In your thinking? Are you wrestling with a mental illness that makes you do certain
513 01:43:51,570 --> 01:44:05,130 things that are not supportive for a successful endeavor and trading that you have to now find coping mechanisms? Are you a drunk? Are you a drug user? If you
514 01:44:05,130 --> 01:44:15,000 are you need to tackle that because trading will not work with that. Are you in a toxic relationship? If it is that you're in a toxic relationship, you either
515 01:44:15,210 --> 01:44:30,210 fix the relationship or leave it and if you've been removed against your joists from a relationship because they left you, or you had to leave because it was a
516 01:44:30,210 --> 01:44:40,140 toxic relationship, you have to let that go and forgive them and forgive yourself and move on. Because if you're feeling all those things, those
517 01:44:40,140 --> 01:44:48,930 pressures and regrets and what if thinking if we stayed together? What if I would have left sooner would have been so much better? You got to stop because
518 01:44:48,930 --> 01:45:04,170 all those things are going to trigger you to want to feel better. And to feel better, you escape that's what I did. I've gotten an RV. And I escaped the
519 01:45:04,170 --> 01:45:13,890 pressure of me wanting to do something I know my rules say, I'm not gonna be able to do. So I take myself away from it. I've never been drunk before. But I
520 01:45:13,890 --> 01:45:26,010 get drunk in these markets. Because I get a bloodlust. I know what I can do in here. But I also know that you're not going to like just well, just yesterday I
521 01:45:26,010 --> 01:45:36,060 recorded the trade, I told you where I was gonna go for ES tired, I could not really focus I was tired, really, really tired. When I was driving home, the
522 01:45:36,060 --> 01:45:45,390 yellow line was literally vanishing. And I had to keep blinking and modeling. Okay, I'm talking about the yellow line on the left side of the lane. So I was
523 01:45:45,510 --> 01:45:59,070 passing semi trucks to get get around them. Average speed, 76 miles an hour. Not safe. But I wanted, I wanted to get home. Like I wanted to get home and in bed
524 01:45:59,070 --> 01:46:10,470 down here. And I just I just lost my train of thought. That's what, really, but
525 01:46:17,340 --> 01:46:27,390 before I mentioned when I said I'm gonna need you to help me out here on Twitter, what was the thing I said before? What was I saying? Once you tweeted
526 01:46:27,390 --> 01:46:28,530 to me, I know exactly where I was.
527 01:46:58,020 --> 01:47:06,060 Folks, leave me out here hanging. Now I was saying right before driving home. I was tired. But
528 01:47:17,310 --> 01:47:25,560 yeah, I know that the trade that I did yesterday, that's what it was. Nobody really mentioned it here. But that's just remember what I was talking about. I
529 01:47:25,920 --> 01:47:35,370 told you what the ES was going to do. In tweets I said, I'd like to see the new day opening gap, which is the difference between where Fridays and on Friday,
530 01:47:35,370 --> 01:47:47,820 but where 5pm closing prices, and then the restart at 6pm. Eastern time. That's New Day opening gap. Friday, we didn't completely close that in and we traded
531 01:47:47,820 --> 01:48:03,390 lower. And we traded down into the gap. of time a fair value gap on the five minute chart was set the stage for a rally up into the new date opening gap and
532 01:48:03,390 --> 01:48:14,100 then that bisect liquidity pool. And there's a volume and bounce on the weekly chart. And I think I mentioned in the live session or Twitter space I did in
533 01:48:14,100 --> 01:48:25,410 Florida. I know I said it audibly. I'm wondering now if I said it to my older students. But I did talk about the the volume imbalance on the weekly chart. So
534 01:48:25,410 --> 01:48:37,020 for the sake of those individuals that don't know referring to, if you pull up the ES chart on TradingView, that symbol is ESM 2023. Click it to timeframe of
535 01:48:37,020 --> 01:48:50,880 weekly. And then you'll see on the weekly chart Monday, August 15 of 2022. It's a down close weekly candle. And then the next candle is down with Monday, August
536 01:48:50,880 --> 01:49:01,860 22. Okay, there's a wick that doesn't come all the way back up to the previous week's low, there's a little bit of a gap there. That's a real gap. That's a
537 01:49:01,860 --> 01:49:12,030 liquidity void. That's a real liquidity. And the fact that those two bodies of those respective candles don't connect, you want to have that entire range
538 01:49:12,030 --> 01:49:22,470 highlighted on es because that's where we're likely to go. And if you look at the fair value gap that's on the march 27 of 2023 on that same weekly chart, the
539 01:49:22,470 --> 01:49:31,830 only thing we did was we trade down into that and then that's why you see it going higher. Now also stated that we're going into may end during the month of
540 01:49:31,830 --> 01:49:45,660 May going into June. Traditionally, that's a seasonal tendency for it to sell off and move lower. I'm thinking that we might pump up into the high on es for
541 01:49:45,660 --> 01:49:56,430 January 30. That high or that wick on the weekly chart that consequent encouragement. We've gone through it to subsequent weeks after that on the
542 01:49:56,430 --> 01:50:07,440 upside. So because of that I'm favoring more The January 30, high and then the volume and bounce that this gave you on the weekly chart. So that range, that
543 01:50:07,440 --> 01:50:21,240 small, little actual gap between August 15, weekly, low and the August 22, weekly high, that small little gap up there. We could go up to that and how we
544 01:50:21,240 --> 01:50:32,340 trade there, you know, that's gonna be watching. But if we do have the seasonal tendency for May going into June, if you look at the relative equal lows on es,
545 01:50:32,790 --> 01:50:45,630 those being December 19 of 2022 and the low on March 13 of 2023. There sell Cibolo that, so if we do have a weakness in ES in the season impact or seasonal
546 01:50:45,630 --> 01:50:55,260 tendency does materialize going into the month of May into the second week of June. That's where it would draw to. So I'm kind of like forecasting the
547 01:50:55,410 --> 01:51:04,080 quarterly shift before it's in the chart. So I'm not saying it is going to happen, but that's what I'm anticipating. So therefore, I would like to see
548 01:51:04,080 --> 01:51:13,080 things get in alignment with that. But obviously, I can trade against that, because it hasn't really, it hasn't manifested itself yet. So what I was going
549 01:51:13,080 --> 01:51:21,870 to say, and I lost my train of thought moments ago was yesterday, I gave you an outline on Twitter, where I was going to go near the opening gap and in there
550 01:51:21,870 --> 01:51:35,310 the Buy Sell liquidity pool. And because of my fatigue, the entry, I moved my stop up too soon. And it came down and stopped me out. But the conditions were
551 01:51:35,310 --> 01:51:43,170 still there. So I simply just reentered and I saw focusing on you what was it? What was the entry criteria? Why you how'd you get back into it. And you know,
552 01:51:43,200 --> 01:51:51,690 whatever the idea of what I outlined, that was going to be the draw on liquidity. And we had already traded to an old new weak opening gap high,
553 01:51:51,960 --> 01:52:00,960 multiple times. And we had three times that it traded lower on a one to five minute chart. So sell side was wiped out. So the inefficiency is want to be on
554 01:52:00,960 --> 01:52:12,210 the buy side. So reaching higher, how high can it go to old new week opening gap to the new day opening gap and too old by Selichot. report higher and higher.
555 01:52:12,840 --> 01:52:23,250 That's basically what I tweeted. So I recorded that and showed that example. And here it is. So I have ways of trading getting into a setup that aren't going to
556 01:52:23,250 --> 01:52:34,680 be always explained to you. But the models that I teach, if you stay with that I told you, as a student, I told you to wait until the silver bullet forms. The
557 01:52:34,680 --> 01:52:45,270 silver bullet is highlighted in that Faraday got it. When I'm usually doing fair a gap for like from bullishness, it'll either be like a light blue, or sometimes
558 01:52:45,270 --> 01:52:54,270 if I'm not using blue to be green. If I'm looking for something that's bearish, it's just going to be some hue or color, that's red. Okay. But I highlighted
559 01:52:54,270 --> 01:53:02,880 that fair value gap in the recording. That's the one that was going to be used for silver bullet. And you can see it does in fact, deliver it on that basis, it
560 01:53:02,880 --> 01:53:15,570 goes and runs up and goes higher. You're learning to be rule based, I have lots of rules, I have lots of models, I have lots of approaches to trading, I'm not
561 01:53:15,570 --> 01:53:26,430 limited to that. And because I've been away from the marketplace, I have to get myself back in alignment. So if I see something I'm going to, I'm going to get
562 01:53:26,430 --> 01:53:37,050 it because I have 81 ways to get into a trade. So I don't have a fear of missing a trade. I never ever, ever have a fear of missing a trade. You may not have on
563 01:53:37,080 --> 01:53:49,320 any one of my entry mechanisms, you have a number of them. But you won't have fear of missing out because I'm giving you time based setups between 10 o'clock
564 01:53:49,320 --> 01:53:58,380 in the morning and 11 o'clock in the morning, there is a fair value gap that will reach for inefficiencies or liquidity that happens every day, every single
565 01:53:58,380 --> 01:54:10,560 day that will form between two o'clock and three o'clock every single day. Every single trading day. There will be the same type of setup today as your Pm silver
566 01:54:10,560 --> 01:54:21,420 bullet through the form. We stuck them in real deep in these lectures because the weak ones won't listen. They'll watch the people that want to make the five
567 01:54:21,420 --> 01:54:33,210 minute trainers and they'll miss all the stuff that goes around that supports it. But the idea of fearing a missed the move, there's no reason to fear that
568 01:54:33,990 --> 01:54:48,660 how many here here's a question for you folks. Listen. Put the pork rinds down. Okay, listen. How many trading days next week? Six months from now, how many
569 01:54:48,660 --> 01:54:58,470 trading days are going to have a 10 o'clock to 11 o'clock in how many of them are going to have a two o'clock to three o'clock window of opportunity? And
570 01:54:58,470 --> 01:55:10,950 that's a trick question but Sit down, you're gonna have to prepare yourself for this. But every single one of them every single one of them have that. So why,
571 01:55:10,950 --> 01:55:22,320 pray tell? Would you ever fear missing a move? That's a that's what a neophyte does. That's what's, that's a hallmark. For someone that says, I don't want to
572 01:55:22,320 --> 01:55:32,430 be in this trade. I know, I know, if I, if I, if I stay with you, I'm going to be a loss. But I know also, if I get out, it's going to move, what? That's what
573 01:55:32,430 --> 01:55:40,590 they're talking to you with. They're telling you those things. They're literally telling you in no uncertain terms, they have no idea what they're doing. Why
574 01:55:40,590 --> 01:55:55,080 listen, their results are not rooted in sound logic. It's just happenstance. And I had nine months, nine months of happenstance, initially, I had that and
575 01:55:55,080 --> 01:56:05,490 evaporated. So you want to have logic, you want to sound logic as to why you're taking a trade, and you want to be doing it with a rule based idea that you've
576 01:56:05,490 --> 01:56:16,050 worked with, for months that you have grown accustomed to when it doesn't work for you, because you're floundering in the beginning, you have no idea what
577 01:56:16,050 --> 01:56:22,260 you're doing. But you're not beating yourself up, because you're not losing money, you're not wasting the mortgage money, your spouse is going to be upset
578 01:56:22,260 --> 01:56:31,230 with you, because you've wasted some money that should have been used for some other things around the home. If you just listen to me, I'm going to keep you
579 01:56:31,230 --> 01:56:41,010 out of trouble. Your spouse can't be upset with you, because you didn't waste any money. I'm not charging you any money. I'm teaching you a life skill that is
580 01:56:41,010 --> 01:56:53,280 absolutely going to benefit you in more ways than you realize. But you can't do things outside of what I'm telling you to do and what not to do. If you do your
581 01:56:53,280 --> 01:57:04,500 teaching yourself. The results are yours. And when you fail, don't describe that to me. The folks that listen to me to do everything I tell you to do and what
582 01:57:04,500 --> 01:57:13,500 not to do, and how to progress in practice and study and learn in a demo account. Stop listening to people complain about I'm teaching you in a demo
583 01:57:13,500 --> 01:57:17,640 account, why doesn't this guy trade with a live account? Why can't you be as accurate as I am?
584 01:57:19,410 --> 01:57:26,940 How's that? How about that? Okay, let's start there, how come you can't be as accurate as I can. Because until you get that fixed, I don't need to do anything
585 01:57:26,940 --> 01:57:44,850 else. So be comfortable with discovering who you are. Be comfortable with not knowing all the answers in beginning. Because you'll learn them, you'll find
586 01:57:44,850 --> 01:57:54,900 your own unique approach to doing this with everything that everyone else has been exposed to with my content. You might not want to trade at 2022 model, you
587 01:57:54,900 --> 01:58:05,130 might use an optimal trade entry, you might just simply do a bullish breaker. Bearish breaker, it's enough for you during 10 o'clock to 11 o'clock. If a
588 01:58:05,130 --> 01:58:16,650 breaker forms, okay, there's nothing wrong with that you just won't get the better fill that the fair baguette would give you. So it's a matter of letting
589 01:58:16,650 --> 01:58:26,250 your own personal tastes and your own personality dictate what you're going to do. That way you don't feel pressed into a mold and have the same feelings I
590 01:58:26,250 --> 01:58:38,310 had, where I can only trade with this guy said this book. And if it didn't make sense to me, I wasted all those times forcing something that wasn't fitting me.
591 01:58:38,610 --> 01:58:51,360 It didn't fit me. And that's why I'm I'm practical. I know. I'm not the best mentor out there. I'm not I have always maintained that. That's something I wish
592 01:58:51,360 --> 01:59:05,760 I was better at. But nothing out there is better than what my concepts do. There's nothing better than precise, timely, precise, precision, sound logic,
593 01:59:06,060 --> 01:59:18,870 understanding liquidity, understanding the algorithmic macros that really starts these moves. They're predictable. And you can, you can rest assured that there's
594 01:59:18,870 --> 01:59:28,290 much more coming this year. And what I've already given you is more than you'll ever find in any other medium. No other teacher, no other resource. No other
595 01:59:28,290 --> 01:59:38,040 approach is going to get this much detail that removes all the things you're worrying about. You're worried about what happens if this and what happens if
596 01:59:38,040 --> 01:59:49,110 that How about what if you just listen? Follow the rules and let time do its work. Let's do that. Hear me, okay. spend this year doing what I'm telling you
597 01:59:49,110 --> 01:59:56,970 to do and avoid the things I'm telling you to avoid. And then come at me with your questions. Because I promise you you're going to see results that you can't
598 01:59:57,000 --> 02:00:04,530 appreciate now because you don't know what's common. You don't Know where your discoveries are going to be in yourself in that many of them might be painful,
599 02:00:05,040 --> 02:00:13,800 but don't run from them. Don't hide from them. You don't want to be in a situation where you're trying to pray your way out of a situation that you put
600 02:00:13,800 --> 02:00:23,580 yourself into. And your conscious is telling you get out of it, just simply get out. If you have the thought process of, if I get out of this, or when I get out
601 02:00:23,580 --> 02:00:40,830 of this, I know it's gonna move. You don't know what you're doing. You're not content with the model. So you're greedy. You're being greedy. I know if I did
602 02:00:40,830 --> 02:00:53,610 have this trade, I'm in profit right now. But I know as soon as I close this trade, it's going to run. If you vocalize that, outwardly, if you type that into
603 02:00:53,610 --> 02:01:07,710 any kind of social media, that is the surest testimony that you don't know what you're doing. You have work to do. refine that? Why is it that you feel that
604 02:01:07,710 --> 02:01:18,930 way? What are you lacking? Targeting? Time of Day? Day of Week.
605 02:01:23,970 --> 02:01:33,240 Simple that you can't appreciate that until you wrestle with it. And then when you come to terms with it, and you understand, oh, well, I don't have to be
606 02:01:33,360 --> 02:01:43,740 concerned about if I get out of it. And it runs, because the setups that I use, they're time based. And they form every day, within a 60 minute window. What am
607 02:01:43,740 --> 02:01:49,740 I worried about? Like you're never going to have another 10 o'clock till 11 o'clock period ever in trading. Like there's never going to be another trading
608 02:01:49,740 --> 02:02:03,660 day that never has that time window aspect. Even on holiday schedules, there's a 10 to 11 because they shut that down at noon. Silver Bullet that's why it's
609 02:02:03,660 --> 02:02:16,650 named. Thank you have a full trading day. You have one again between two o'clock and three o'clock. That can be your entire model. Why are you stressing? You're
610 02:02:16,650 --> 02:02:30,570 worried about stuff that has no real bearing on the success or failure of your future trading endeavor? You're making mountains out of molehills worrying about
611 02:02:30,570 --> 02:02:35,580 stuff. It's eating up energy, time and concern.
612 02:02:40,950 --> 02:02:53,220 When in doubt, stay out. When in doubt, get out. There's so many statistically provable, go back in time, don't just take my word for this. Go back and look at
613 02:02:53,220 --> 02:03:05,070 it. It's always there. Be content with enough what's enough ICT five handles in the beginning that I did not say stop at five panels and never get any more than
614 02:03:05,070 --> 02:03:15,060 that. My audience members are people that don't know what they're doing. And they've never done this before. But you can do exceedingly well with five
615 02:03:15,060 --> 02:03:26,100 handles. Imagine if you just did five handles in the morning in five panels in the afternoon. And you did that twice a week. What kind of impact would that
616 02:03:26,100 --> 02:03:37,590 have was just with one mini contract. We're not talking about five contracts or 15 contracts because the funded account says you can trade that money what would
617 02:03:37,590 --> 02:03:49,290 it do for you? A lot? What would it do if you just got one of them a week? And you had to discipline to stop and you were consistent with doing that? How's
618 02:03:49,290 --> 02:03:59,880 that failure? Busy in your mind already saying that's not enough? Because you see me and other students doing way more than that. That's incorrect. That's
619 02:03:59,910 --> 02:04:08,760 toxic logic. You can't think like that in the beginning. That's what gets everybody in trouble. And you're gonna find yourself in that situation where
620 02:04:08,760 --> 02:04:17,100 your heavens are like brass and you're gonna be praying please fix this please help me get better at this please please please even atheists find a way to find
621 02:04:17,100 --> 02:04:18,480 a way to start talking to Jesus then.
622 02:04:24,540 --> 02:04:40,740 completely avoidable. completely avoidable if you feel that way. If you feel completely disconnected from the from the market, you just can't focus stop it's
623 02:04:40,740 --> 02:04:51,900 going to be there. I promise you. I was on a road trip came back. Boom felt confident. Look what I was looking for. There you go to script and I had a
624 02:04:51,900 --> 02:05:00,120 losing trade. He saw me bleed because Okay, well Rebecca near patched up the I
625 02:05:05,790 --> 02:05:16,620 had a guy read somebody else's YouTube channel comments. The video wasn't even about me, but someone mentioned me. And they'll go, yeah, he doesn't do this and
626 02:05:16,620 --> 02:05:28,500 do that when he's trading. And he's examples. He doesn't even have the candle countdown thing. That's definitely a delay data. What are the things that people
627 02:05:28,500 --> 02:05:38,130 come up with as an excuse to simply not learn what it is I'm teaching for free, is ridiculous. It's ridiculous. But that's human, right? People are human,
628 02:05:38,160 --> 02:05:49,350 you're human, I'm human. We all have our things, our quirky little things you have to deal with. Mine is wrestling with proving, proving proving proving,
629 02:05:50,250 --> 02:06:00,420 every single time I go out and do anything, in my mind, I'm expecting to hear my grandpa say, that was good. But I'm never going to get it. So that's what keeps
630 02:06:00,420 --> 02:06:12,600 me going. All the accolades, all the handshaking the the high fives, and the way to go ICT keep going, you know, that you all do for me. It's appreciated, but
631 02:06:12,600 --> 02:06:23,490 it's never gonna scratch the itch that I'm looking for. Okay, so that's, that's not the motivation. You aren't the motivation. But when you find success, and
632 02:06:23,490 --> 02:06:34,650 you overcome your barriers, man, that's rocket fuel for me. When when you're honest with me, and I can track because I don't know all of you. But I have
633 02:06:34,650 --> 02:06:46,290 about a dozen of you on Twitter that are pretty consistent with posting things to me or whatever. Some of you, not among these dozen, but some of you always
634 02:06:46,290 --> 02:06:56,010 simply post where you did it right. And you've never said anything about how it was hard for you about that particular day. When I even I've said this day was
635 02:06:56,010 --> 02:07:10,020 hard. That to me indicates that you're sugarcoating. And you're looking for outward. Well, approval, that's not what you want to be doing either. You're
636 02:07:10,020 --> 02:07:20,010 inviting something that helps you feel like you're wearing a BandAid on a blister on the back of your heel. Because in the privacy, you're really doing
637 02:07:20,010 --> 02:07:27,090 damage to yourself. And when you get something that worked, you're coming out and showing, basically what they accuse me of the people that don't like me will
638 02:07:27,090 --> 02:07:35,310 say, Oh, he's cherry picking as I won yesterday, what the yes was going to do and it delivered it. So I only agreed in what you saw. And I showed you a day
639 02:07:35,310 --> 02:07:46,860 before trade. With the bond markets, that way you can use the same account wasn't just the reset type thing. So anyway, saw a lot of you asked him about
640 02:07:46,860 --> 02:07:58,290 bonds. I'll talk about bonds in the in the fall right before we get to November. But one markets enough? And the answer folks are asking about crypto does my
641 02:07:58,290 --> 02:08:05,550 stuff working crypto? I don't know. I have students that swear by it. I've never traded crypto in my life, I have no intention to ever trade in crypto. So
642 02:08:05,880 --> 02:08:12,840 there's that. Certainly, I changed that for you that if you've been waiting this long to hear it I should have said at the beginning, but I wanted to get to that
643 02:08:12,840 --> 02:08:27,090 story about almost getting held up at the in South Carolina. You imagine? Can you imagine like, I don't know. Like that was a it was a wild, wild event. But
644 02:08:28,440 --> 02:08:36,720 be careful. Be careful when what you're doing in the market. But really be careful in public now. Don't walk around watching your phone. And don't be
645 02:08:36,720 --> 02:08:47,580 flashing money or doing things and don't go shopping by yourself. Ladies. If you're going out and you're spending money, or you're buying stuff, you don't
646 02:08:47,580 --> 02:08:55,200 know, if you're being watched, followed back to your home, you know, it's it really has opened my eyes up to the potential for things that happen to people
647 02:08:55,440 --> 02:09:04,770 that are not being prepared. And we're going to just get more and more that over the summer. I think it's going to get wild. So what's the point of working so
648 02:09:04,770 --> 02:09:14,280 hard doing this and finding an extra stream of income if you can find it, and then just fall victim to someone else? Because you weren't paying attention. You
649 02:09:14,280 --> 02:09:20,910 have to be responsible. Respect the level of risk that's in the world right now. Just because we're in the United States doesn't mean bad stuff can happen to
650 02:09:20,910 --> 02:09:34,830 where you live in your neighborhood, right. So anyway, got that off my chest. I feel better now feel clean. Hopefully I didn't bore you too much. But you have
651 02:09:34,830 --> 02:09:47,220 to you have to know when to stop and be comfortable with it. And if you feel like you're not able to find your way. Everything you're trying to do doesn't
652 02:09:47,400 --> 02:09:59,070 seem to be working. Don't force it. take a week off. Simply just unplug. Don't even watch my videos. Don't watch my Twitter space or Twitter was called Twitter
653 02:09:59,460 --> 02:10:11,340 feed Ever don't even look at my tweets. Okay, deactivate notifications. That way, you can't be enticed to look at what's going on and take a week off, the
654 02:10:11,340 --> 02:10:19,890 markets are not going to change the algorithms stop working, it's not going to stop working. Rather, it's going to be there when you come back. But what's
655 02:10:19,890 --> 02:10:34,020 different is he's gonna come back with a fresh perspective. You come in, it's like a car after being washed. It just looks good. Feels good to be in it. And
656 02:10:34,020 --> 02:10:43,470 yesterday, I knew what I was looking for. I knew what to expect. I saw it. And there was, notice the difference between that and two weeks ago on that Monday
657 02:10:43,470 --> 02:10:51,720 and Tuesday, I was giving you levels I wanted to see price gravitate towards. Versus yesterday, where I mapped that out showed your chart is that that's this
658 02:10:51,750 --> 02:11:01,650 that's different. That's different, that's knowing what you want to see happen in price because everything is indicating it's likely to do that. Versus, okay,
659 02:11:01,680 --> 02:11:09,360 we're looking for a draw on the liquidity right now. That's tape reading, it's an understanding of getting a feel for where we're at building a narrative,
660 02:11:09,960 --> 02:11:16,230 versus knowing what the narrative is and saying, Here's what it's going to do. And this is what I want to see happen. That means if I get what I need in terms
661 02:11:16,230 --> 02:11:27,780 of an entry I'm in, I got in it fatigued, wanted to get through it faster, because I was tired, I regretted actually putting the trade on. If I think
662 02:11:27,780 --> 02:11:38,850 myself, do I just let my limit order go and go to sleep. Because that's about that's what I wanted to do. And I was thinking myself, I mean, just stay with
663 02:11:38,850 --> 02:11:47,460 it. But I don't want to, I don't have any more risk than I have right now. And I put the stop loss up to too soon. And it came hit me. But nothing changed the
664 02:11:47,460 --> 02:11:55,440 trade is just I put it up too soon. So that's okay, what I'm just gonna read back in. So the entry criteria for those that are wondering was me simply just
665 02:11:55,440 --> 02:12:04,950 getting back in because the original idea that I used, which was trading old new week opening gap, and the fact that we had three sweeps below and the market
666 02:12:04,950 --> 02:12:14,550 likely to go higher, because we traded down into that weekly fairway cup I mentioned a while ago. And the likelihood of trading up into that volume and
667 02:12:14,550 --> 02:12:25,410 bounce on the weekly chart and running out the swing high. I look at my chart to make sure I get the the right day here, January 30. So January 30, as high, I
668 02:12:25,410 --> 02:12:40,320 think that going forward is the next draw. And then how we work within the volume imbalance between August 22 2022 and August 15 2020, twos weekly candles
669 02:12:40,740 --> 02:12:54,690 on ES. So again, you'd find out on es M 2023 on trading view. I think that's it. So I've missed you are I've missed talking to you. I have a lot of really good
670 02:12:54,690 --> 02:13:07,770 ideas I want to incorporate into the lectures and teachings this week, after do some video work that we guys can catch up, fill in the blanks for spaces that we
671 02:13:07,770 --> 02:13:21,510 had for around April. So give me some more content and some lecture points. And we're opening up a new month in May. So seasonally, you want to be studying does
672 02:13:21,510 --> 02:13:30,990 the market provide and I'll share the the seasonal tendency that I'm talking about. I'll give you the actual chart. You already have it anyway, it's in the
673 02:13:30,990 --> 02:13:39,630 core content on my YouTube channel. But I'm going to show you why I'm referring to what I'm referring to and we can watch it real time and see if it pans out
674 02:13:39,900 --> 02:13:51,270 which will be interesting. Until I talk to you next time. I've enjoyed spending time with you today. I'll be quiet until we get into Monday morning. Enjoy your
675 02:13:51,270 --> 02:13:53,130 weekend. Be safe