
Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2022-12-29 08:31


00:20 - Good morning, everyone.

03:03 - Why you need to come up with a mission statement -.

09:20 - Why you need to be able to remind yourself while you're studying what you’re studying.

14:40 - Mentorship is a recurring theme in smart money concepts.

17:45 - The importance of having a unique experience for your students.

23:29 - How do you wrestle with the struggles of doing this?

29:35 - When you do it right, you’ll have it done.

33:14 - Go slow and keep your risk light. Live trading is different.

38:31 - Why you’re not obligated to share your experiences with others.

44:48 - You need to be realistic and practical with yourself.

47:47 - Don’t invite these types of things into your life.

53:42 - The fear of being around other people is a sign that you’re not prepared for success.

01:00:18 - What’s your first and anybody says anything else is a liar.

01:04:05 - How to replace a bad moment with a good moment.

01:09:48 - The importance of having a daily and weekly chart -.

01:16:48 - You can’t have these self-worth driven purposes in trading.

01:20:07 - You have to wrestle with these issues in your development.

01:25:53 - If you don’t go into the content with a clear mindset, you’re not going in there with the right mindset.



00:00:20,760 --> 00:00:35,430 ICT: Good morning, folks. Good morning. We've made it through the holiday or Thanksgiving. And it keeps bringing gifts, gifts after the gift of the slow
00:00:35,580 --> 00:00:47,520 exit. I'm the master of the long game, even with saying goodbye. No, but this really honestly, this is going to be my last discussion space for the year. And
00:00:47,520 --> 00:00:59,040 I wanted to kind of close things out with perspective, give you all a opportunity to go into a new year of studying, prepare yourself for new
00:00:59,040 --> 00:01:14,580 experiences with me and live charting on my YouTube channel. So we'll be looking at some pretty neat times ahead and 2023 We'll be rolling out some new concepts
00:01:14,580 --> 00:01:26,070 for the public and even for my private mentorship that have never been taught. And you'll see some results that you have never seen before as well. And I do so
00:01:26,070 --> 00:01:35,880 hope that that people that have been talking all this year and last year that we're going to step they're really gonna step because I'm waiting for it. So the
00:01:35,880 --> 00:01:47,700 topic of this space. While it will absolutely be brief, it must be brief, because I'm under a time limit. My wife has absolutely ensured that I will be
00:01:48,600 --> 00:02:07,080 shortened to the point today. I wanted to cover how to properly study ICT. So my content obviously, is enormous. It's a huge library of things that could easily
00:02:07,470 --> 00:02:21,810 intimidate the new startup. And while that's not my intention, it's not meant to keep you bogged down and continuous study the 2022. This is the proper order.
10 00:02:21,840 --> 00:02:35,970 Okay. This is the definitive order that ends all requests for it. Okay. I will include it in my very first presentation in 2023, as well in video format, but
11 00:02:36,630 --> 00:02:49,230 basically, I'm gonna say it here in short. Well, right to the point terms, if you have never really studied or if you are a casual viewer of my YouTube
12 00:02:49,230 --> 00:03:01,830 channel, and you kind of like picked, cherry picked moves and to certain video series or grab the video off of a suggested timeline from the YouTube algorithm.
13 00:03:03,030 --> 00:03:14,280 That's the worst way to do it. Okay, that's the absolute worst way to do it. You need to sit down, number one and come up with a mission statement. Why would you
14 00:03:14,280 --> 00:03:27,060 even want to look at me or anyone else? Why would you want to study? What brought you to me? Okay. There's a lot of things that people can say about me as
15 00:03:27,060 --> 00:03:40,860 a person. And that person is flawed. I'm a human just like the rest of you. But my content is me being distilled into the essence of a trader, an analyst, an
16 00:03:40,860 --> 00:03:54,720 educator, a mentor. So your mission statement needs to be written out and a study journal. Now do this with whoever you go. And you become a mentee under.
17 00:03:54,930 --> 00:04:02,130 Okay, if you choose someone else, as a mentor, you need to do the same thing. Okay. But you need to come up with a mission statement, the why you're even
18 00:04:02,160 --> 00:04:14,790 investing your time and energy in any any individual. What brings value? Where's the value? Where's the source of interest? Where's the proof that there's
19 00:04:14,790 --> 00:04:29,550 someone that is worth listening to? Okay, so there was a long time where folks to something because I would deny them? I would do I would deny them live
20 00:04:29,550 --> 00:04:39,240 trading, I would deny that. And I did that for a very particular reason. Number one United States I, I have the luxury of being protected by demo account
21 00:04:39,240 --> 00:04:51,120 education. And the folks that would learn under me that can see through that and say, Okay, if I can see in a demo account, and that's price, then it should work
22 00:04:51,120 --> 00:05:01,020 in a live account. And that invitation for you to test it was built in. So I don't want any of you to believe me. I want you to test is what I said and
23 00:05:01,020 --> 00:05:11,460 teach. So that's what your mission statement should be for any mentor. Okay? You've seen enough to be inspired or inquisitive enough to go in to see what it
24 00:05:11,460 --> 00:05:22,680 is that makes that person worthy. Okay, so obviously, this year, you've seen lots of people step forward, all around the world, different walks of life.
25 00:05:22,740 --> 00:05:29,880 They're doing it. They're proving they're getting funded. They're proving they're taking money out of the marketplace, and they're crediting what they
26 00:05:29,880 --> 00:05:39,480 learned from me, and I'm very thankful and appreciative. That's all I've ever asked for. And that mission statement needs to be spelled out for you. Why are
27 00:05:39,480 --> 00:05:54,600 you trying to learn from me or anyone else? You want a mission statement look like? What would an example be? My goal is to harvest all of the insights that
28 00:05:55,050 --> 00:06:08,490 Michael J. Huddleston is divulging to the public, in his YouTube videos, in hopes that it will help me form a unique model for trading the market. Not
29 00:06:08,520 --> 00:06:19,140 markets, a very specific market. Okay, this is the problem that I have with my students. Even in paid mentorship group. They want to treat everything based on
30 00:06:19,140 --> 00:06:29,130 the next move, or whatever just popped up, you need to be very specific. All of you have witnessed how I transitioned away from Forex. And I give you multiple
31 00:06:29,130 --> 00:06:39,510 reasons why I'm not trading Forex anymore. I have no interest in going back into Forex, none. Okay, back to where I started in commodities. So I'm trading index
32 00:06:39,510 --> 00:06:51,960 futures. And you can see the things that I use and implemented in forex works equally well in index futures. But it's better because of the volatility
33 00:06:52,080 --> 00:07:02,250 presently. Now, there were times when Forex was better than index futures. But index futures has always been steady, Eddy, it's always been a good move, moving
34 00:07:02,250 --> 00:07:10,620 market. But when there's a wild excitement in the marketplace in currencies, that's, you know, that was a fun time to be in it. But right now, there's high
35 00:07:10,620 --> 00:07:20,790 elevated risk. So you need to be able to determine what market what singular market are you going to specialize in? Okay. The wonderful thing is my concepts
36 00:07:20,790 --> 00:07:32,970 are universal. So you can pick a particular market of interest. Maybe you had someone that was a catalyst for introducing me or you to me. And they were
37 00:07:32,970 --> 00:07:42,180 trading Euro dollar, or they were trading, maybe a crypto, I don't trade crypto, I have no faith in crypto, but I have a lot of students that use my concept in
38 00:07:42,180 --> 00:07:50,880 it. Maybe that was the vehicle that you want to trade, or instrument you want to trade. But in your mission statement that is in the first page of your study
39 00:07:50,880 --> 00:07:59,370 journal, you don't have a study journal, you need to start one, you need to get one because this is where you're going to pour all of your questions and
40 00:07:59,370 --> 00:08:11,100 concerns and your fears and your victories. These milestones, because it's not the same as this simply tweeting to me or other people in your circle that you
41 00:08:11,100 --> 00:08:22,440 did this trade look, it panned out, and you're not sharing the 50 that you did it wrong. Okay, the you have selective sharing. And this is the reason why you
42 00:08:22,440 --> 00:08:29,370 hit the mission statement and beginning of your study journal. What is it you're focusing on? What type of trading Are you gonna be doing? Are you gonna be a
43 00:08:29,370 --> 00:08:36,330 scalper intraday? Are you gonna be trading daily range, intraday swings? Are you going to short term trading? Are you trading overnight? Maybe a few days hold
44 00:08:36,330 --> 00:08:44,130 time? Are you doing swing trading? Are you trading for about two weeks or so? Are you positioned trading, where you're longer than two weeks into several
45 00:08:44,130 --> 00:08:54,300 months or even longer? You need to be very specific about what it is you're doing. And every single time it's going to be monotonous. It's going to feel
46 00:08:54,300 --> 00:09:02,970 silly, it's gonna feel I don't need to do this. But every single time you open up that study journal, you read that mission statement. Every single time you
47 00:09:02,970 --> 00:09:10,230 sit down with your demo account, the practice and study, you read that mission statement, because it's so easy to get caught up in social media, the
48 00:09:10,230 --> 00:09:18,540 competitive nature of who's teaching what and who's better than this and who, you gotta remind yourself what you're doing. Because so easy to get caught up in
49 00:09:18,540 --> 00:09:29,820 all the drama of your own development. And other people like myself. I'm very polarizing. There isn't a you know, why collective group that just simply loved
50 00:09:29,820 --> 00:09:40,590 me in a small little, small little group that has opposition to what I do. I have a lot of competition with people that sell courses and wares and things.
51 00:09:40,920 --> 00:09:48,660 They don't like what I'm doing, because I've laid it in your hands for free. Even my own paid membership groups, members are pissed off because I gave out
52 00:09:48,660 --> 00:09:54,180 the core content, but they've learned they didn't do anything, didn't change anything. It didn't take away from their experience.
53 00:09:55,500 --> 00:10:04,560 So you need to be able to remind yourself while you're studying what You're studying, and what the purpose and the end result is, what is that? You're
54 00:10:04,560 --> 00:10:18,420 trying to learn how to be consistent, consistently profitable, in one endeavor, not everything. Okay? You're not here to master everything ICT. That's a number
55 00:10:18,420 --> 00:10:29,460 one root cause of failure in my private mentorship group, because they were given all kinds of highly specific details about how algorithmic trading is
56 00:10:29,490 --> 00:10:43,950 built, done, and utilized in the marketplace. And it's an invitation for them to decide where they want to focus. Now, everybody wants the 2022 mentorship, you
57 00:10:43,950 --> 00:10:54,870 saw how simple that model is, it's very, very simple. Every single model can be made that simple, using my content, and the content could be replacing simply
58 00:10:54,870 --> 00:11:06,240 the fair value get with an order block, or a breaker, institutional order flow entry drill, okay, whatever, bar turtle suit, my version, it's not street smarts
59 00:11:06,240 --> 00:11:16,260 version, where it's 20 days, high, or 20 days low, or 20 plus one turtle suit, I don't need to look at the last 20 days, I can just look at where's the last one.
60 00:11:17,040 --> 00:11:26,190 And if I'm bearish, I'm looking for that move that run above to engage that buys out liquidity, and then I'll look for a shift in market structure. Or I can if
61 00:11:26,190 --> 00:11:33,450 I'm real ballsy about it, I'm confident I'll just sell those buy stops when it hits it. And then look for an additional pyramid entry for a shift in market
62 00:11:33,450 --> 00:11:48,030 structure much like what that 2022 model teaches inventorship on YouTube channel. So you want to spell out exactly what you're trying to form in terms of
63 00:11:48,060 --> 00:11:56,190 your model. Now, if you have never seen this 120 mentorship, you don't know what a model is, you don't know what an example of a model is. Okay. And that's the
64 00:11:56,190 --> 00:12:09,270 number one first choice for anyone coming into my fold, to study. Or if you were very lazy, okay, and I mean that not in a mean way. But if you you've come and
65 00:12:09,270 --> 00:12:16,830 go and and you've been here, you've left and you taste the other stuff and tradeshow things easy coming back, you keep coming back, because you know, this
66 00:12:16,830 --> 00:12:24,690 stuff works, you just can't find a way to make it work for you. And I understand, I have students, like I said, even from 2016 that are still
67 00:12:24,690 --> 00:12:34,860 struggling. But I have students from each group that are doing well. It's a personal hindrance that you're bringing into this. So you had to be organized,
68 00:12:34,860 --> 00:12:48,360 and we're gonna go into a new year, go through the 2020 mentorship videos once more. And only watch one per, per day. One per day, that's it, treat it just
69 00:12:48,360 --> 00:12:57,570 like that. When you were going to college, you didn't go to that class all day long. Okay, you went in for that time. And you were just missed. And then you
70 00:12:57,570 --> 00:13:07,170 had to consider what it is you learned. So 2020 mentorship, that's the absolute very first one because it gives you a example of what it is. If you've studied
71 00:13:07,170 --> 00:13:18,420 everything on my channel, you can come to that type of model. Very, very streamlined, you're not bringing everything into the equation. And that's the
72 00:13:18,420 --> 00:13:26,850 problem that paid membership. Students sometimes do because they see I have a lot of tools they think foolishly and I've said this many times, and I'm
73 00:13:26,850 --> 00:13:36,930 repeating it again, for those that have ever doubted it. I do not include every possible analysis tool or concept, every single time I sit down from the charts,
74 00:13:37,410 --> 00:13:46,830 I would never get a trade on because they will be in opposition with one another. There will never be a confluence of all of my tools agreeing with one
75 00:13:47,070 --> 00:13:58,680 idea. And I'm not looking at Commitment of Traders for every single trade it for intraday I don't even need it. I'm not looking for every facet or component that
76 00:13:58,680 --> 00:14:10,830 I teach to be in agreement for a trade idea. And the folks that have learned under me or watched a couple videos and they say okay, and then I was reinforced
77 00:14:10,830 --> 00:14:23,310 with this perception, perception of how my students digest this content. One of the folks I just tweeted a link to he did a review on I guess the 2002
78 00:14:23,340 --> 00:14:30,990 mentorship group or whatever and me as a as a mentor, and I thought that it was the best review and I shared it on Twitter. You guys can go look at it, Scott.
79 00:14:31,320 --> 00:14:42,030 The guy's channel is Kimmel trading. I don't know him. It was the first time I watched this video. And I thought he did a really good job. It was balanced. And
80 00:14:43,770 --> 00:14:56,820 you listen and you hear how he's an individual that mentioned now he's struggle with certain things. And that is a recurring thing. It reoccurring thing in
81 00:14:56,820 --> 00:15:05,490 Smart Money concepts because these people take my concepts and they diluted and make their own little mentorships. And they leave out real critical pieces of
82 00:15:05,730 --> 00:15:14,580 understanding. And they're trying to streamline it so much that because they want to, they want to satisfy that itch for the Give it to me right now crowd,
83 00:15:15,210 --> 00:15:24,150 give it to me right now, get right to the point crowd, and there is no get right to the point shorter and more direct than that 2020 mentorship, I swear to God
84 00:15:24,150 --> 00:15:35,520 Almighty, if there was an easier way for me to have made it easier, more simple, more right to the point I would have absolutely would have done it. But there is
85 00:15:35,520 --> 00:15:42,300 no because there's so many things that you have yet to understand that you're going to encounter, because you can just watch this first couple of videos and
86 00:15:42,300 --> 00:15:54,840 get the gist of it. But what happens is, is when you start implementing it. And a suggestion would be using 2020 mentorship model as your mission statement, you
87 00:15:54,840 --> 00:16:06,330 want to use that one, you may not settle in on that as your own final resting place for a model of choice or your career. It may evolve into using breakers
88 00:16:06,360 --> 00:16:16,740 instead of the fair value. But fair, Vega is the easiest visual representation of the pdra that I teach algorithmically. It's something that repeats on all
89 00:16:16,740 --> 00:16:26,880 timeframes. And I'm confident my daughter could see it. But she's uninterested. And I'm thankful for some people around the world that are absolutely killing it
90 00:16:26,880 --> 00:16:36,810 now, and I love it. But if you go through the 2020 mentorship, and use that as your beginning point, once you go through that, and you submitted to what I've
91 00:16:36,810 --> 00:16:45,630 outlined in every one of those videos, you're going to see that it requires much more than just simply watching the first couple of videos. And I watched another
92 00:16:45,630 --> 00:16:56,880 guy that was suggested or mentioned in Kimmo trainings videos I've watched about me, he mentioned that gentleman by the name of Michael bamboo bramber Michael
93 00:16:56,880 --> 00:17:07,320 Bamber, another person I've ever known about. I watched one of his videos while he shifted his strategies into smart money, concepts ICT, whatever. Just for the
94 00:17:07,320 --> 00:17:16,320 record, when you say SMC, you're really saying ICT, okay, it's it's my content. And I introduced a smart money concept. But they want to keep my name out of it,
95 00:17:16,320 --> 00:17:26,550 because it allows them to sound unique. But I love the fact that these people are waking up to it. And they're realizing it came from me. And I'll push your
96 00:17:26,550 --> 00:17:33,810 channel, like I have no problem saying, hey, look, you're doing it right now. And you don't have to worship me. I don't want that just give credit where it's
97 00:17:33,810 --> 00:17:43,680 due. But he mentioned in his video, like this guy, Michael Bamber that he watched a couple videos in the mentorship. And because he had experience
98 00:17:43,680 --> 00:17:51,060 already, he's like, why don't we go out there and just try to test that right now. That's a mistake. And so many people, not just with my concepts, but
99 00:17:51,060 --> 00:17:59,760 everything. And I did the same thing as a new guy. When I was 20 years old, I was buying books and courses and such. And real quick, let me plug this. One of
100 00:17:59,760 --> 00:18:08,910 the students sent me a DVD version of Larry Williams confidential trading course. When I told you that VHS I'll play it so many times it wore out. And I
101 00:18:08,910 --> 00:18:15,990 wish I had been able to I can tell you verbatim what he's gonna say, because I've watched it so many times. But it's such a
102 00:18:17,610 --> 00:18:27,660 nostalgic piece of mind coming up, is this, I wish I would have had it. Well, this gentleman purchased it for me and sent it to me. I'm so thankful. I haven't
103 00:18:27,660 --> 00:18:37,230 watched it yet. But I bought everything. Okay, I bought every single thing out there. And every book that was supposedly hot and teaching this and teaching
104 00:18:37,230 --> 00:18:44,100 that. And as soon as I read a chapter, and I thought I saw something in there, I was like, I'm going in here, I'm going to do it today, I would turn my Mehta
105 00:18:44,100 --> 00:18:53,460 stock program on, pull up the chart, and I'd go in here and I start putting orders in and then I would fail. Because I'm interested in getting what instant
106 00:18:53,460 --> 00:19:04,020 gratification. And unfortunately, social media has adopted this mindset, where that's a normal thing. And you should pursue that. No, no, no, no investing and
107 00:19:04,020 --> 00:19:12,240 trading. There's such a high degree of risk. And this is the we this is the reason why I teach the way I teach that you shouldn't be in here trying to
108 00:19:12,270 --> 00:19:20,760 double your account are having astronomical monthly returns or weekly returns a daily returns are too hard to one, I never preach that. You can do very, very
109 00:19:20,760 --> 00:19:29,910 well, with one to one, two to one and three, one. But I personally try to teach my students aim for five to one, will they always get it? No. Will I always get
110 00:19:29,910 --> 00:19:41,010 it No. So to build that mindset, our expectation into students is foolish as a mentor, and I never do that. So I talked about how you're going to lose all the
111 00:19:41,010 --> 00:19:48,240 time, you're going to lose money, you learn with me, you're going to lose money. You're going to make money if you do the right things, but that right thing has
112 00:19:48,240 --> 00:19:57,480 to be a unique experience for you. You might not like that fair value gap. You may not be able to see it because you see all kinds of gaps and you think, Okay,
113 00:19:57,480 --> 00:20:05,040 well actually if you mentioned a breakaway gap, a measuring gap up an exhaustion gap and a common gap, which fair value gap is that one? Well, that comes with
114 00:20:05,040 --> 00:20:13,470 experience and knowing what these price swings looked like from all higher timeframe down the lower timeframe. So, back to this guy, Michael Bamber, he
115 00:20:13,470 --> 00:20:22,260 rushed in. And I'm only going by what he said in this video. Okay, so it might have been a unique experience. At that time, he's probably done better since
116 00:20:22,260 --> 00:20:30,840 then I have not watched anything except for that one video. But it struck me as this is something that even my private mentorship, students knew when they were
117 00:20:30,870 --> 00:20:40,110 getting new content each month, they would go out and rush right into trying to use it. And then send me an email or post in the forum, when he became a charter
118 00:20:40,110 --> 00:20:46,800 member, I tried to use this and this was a struggling point for me, or it didn't work for me. And other people would come behind. Well, I'm using it. And here's
119 00:20:46,800 --> 00:20:58,170 my examples of it. So again, that kind of cancels out that they fail as concepts, it goes back to the very painful reality that it's you. When I lose
120 00:20:58,170 --> 00:21:10,350 money, it's my fault. When you lose money, it's your fault. When I make money, it's my victory. When you make money, it's your victory. It's not a high five
121 00:21:10,350 --> 00:21:18,960 moment for thanks, ICT, high five, I didn't do that for you took the risk on when you took a lot of trade. That's why I tell you, you will to determine when
122 00:21:18,960 --> 00:21:27,150 you want to transition from a demo account, or paper trading into Live account trading, I never ever tell any of my students to do that. It's a personal moment
123 00:21:27,150 --> 00:21:36,210 where you know where it's going to happen. But you need to defer that. And the problem with this, right now getting hit quick, you know, steady approach where
124 00:21:36,750 --> 00:21:46,410 I get it. Everybody wants to stop me. Everybody wants to live a fast life. But let me tell you something. I've made so much more money teaching than I did
125 00:21:46,410 --> 00:22:00,720 trading. I can tell you honestly, that's what 99.999999999% of everybody on social media, on YouTube, on Twitter, on Instagram, all of them, all of them,
126 00:22:01,710 --> 00:22:12,510 made majority, if not all of their money from teaching. And I'm honest, I'm telling you that that's that's the reality of it all. But I'm also the same guy
127 00:22:12,510 --> 00:22:21,600 that said, but I don't need to do that. I'm done. I showed you I can walk away from it. So you can trust me as a mentor. I'm not trying to fleece you. I want
128 00:22:21,600 --> 00:22:30,930 to see you succeed, I want to see you do well. But you have to listen to the boring stuff. You have to get through those monotonous rants where it feels like
129 00:22:30,960 --> 00:22:38,790 get to the point. The point is, you're going to you're going to endure moments where it's going to feel like it doesn't work, or you're going to have questions
130 00:22:38,790 --> 00:22:49,500 by why doesn't this concept work in this instance, if you realize what I'm talking about when I'm doing these discussions, I'm fortifying you mentally to
131 00:22:49,500 --> 00:22:59,490 be able to endure that because that's where everybody quits. Those moments, that's where everybody, everybody, everybody loves it. They're walking around
132 00:22:59,490 --> 00:23:07,200 with perpetual erections in the male category, my students, when they're making money, they're walking in, I'm gonna tell you something, when they do the right
133 00:23:07,200 --> 00:23:16,320 things with ICT content, that is Viagra, okay? Guaranteed girlfriends and wives are satisfied. Okay, they're getting everything they hoped for for the weekend
134 00:23:16,320 --> 00:23:28,410 or that evening. But when they don't listen to sound logic, okay? This dysfunction, it's this function, and it takes the wind out of your sails
135 00:23:28,410 --> 00:23:35,400 completely. And for those of you that are male, you know exactly what I'm talking about. You could be going to the gym working out, you could be fit as a
136 00:23:35,400 --> 00:23:44,580 fiddle, you could be having to write duds, you can be dressed out and backed out with all the nice whips and cars, and you're doing well. But when you lose, and
137 00:23:44,580 --> 00:23:54,780 you know, you did it to yourself. It sucks. You don't want to be looked at by anybody else. You don't want to be judged by anybody else. You don't even want
138 00:23:54,780 --> 00:24:05,130 to talk about charting, you only talk about trading, you want to ignore it. Well, those moments, unless you rein that in properly, that will lead into a
139 00:24:05,130 --> 00:24:15,240 tailspin because you're going to want to fix that. That bad feeling. That toxic feeling of in, you know, a small little segment of failure. That's not the end
140 00:24:15,240 --> 00:24:26,400 of your career. But if you have not been properly mentored and spoken to with mindset, how do you how do you wrestle with the struggles of doing this? Because
141 00:24:27,300 --> 00:24:34,710 it's one thing to talk about. This is what works in this instance, in the marketplace. But what happens when you do it wrong, understandably, in the
142 00:24:34,710 --> 00:24:42,450 beginning, because you're learning, you're getting an experience. Every time every time you sit down and you study a market. If you're using that 2020
143 00:24:42,450 --> 00:24:53,520 mentorship model, you have a specific expectation in the marketplace, and every transaction and time invested. You're getting experience from it. It may not be
144 00:24:53,520 --> 00:25:04,890 a positive one where you come out where Oh, I would have made money if I would have did this. If you go into this initially expecting that as a constant, or
145 00:25:04,920 --> 00:25:17,250 majority of the results, you're going to be discouraged. Why doesn't this stuff work? Michael? Yes, it does. But it works well in the hands of an act pupil,
146 00:25:17,880 --> 00:25:28,140 someone that's been doing all the things, taking notes, studying, using all the supportive lessons beyond the first five or so videos in that mentorship series.
147 00:25:28,500 --> 00:25:34,950 I saw a young man tweet to me, they said, Yeah, I watched the first couple of videos, and I figured it out. From that point on, I'm doing great. I don't like
148 00:25:34,950 --> 00:25:42,930 those comments. And I'm not going to highfive that because you don't know what you're doing. And I have no problem telling you that it's my content, you don't
149 00:25:42,930 --> 00:25:50,400 know what you're doing. Okay, if I just if I thought it was just the first few videos that were necessary, that's all I would have done. But you need
150 00:25:50,400 --> 00:26:02,250 supportive understanding, and things that you're going to encounter, when does a fair value get likely fail? When do you classify it as something other than a
151 00:26:02,250 --> 00:26:11,400 trade entry or target, these are all going to be problems for you, when you start pushing a button, whether it be demo paper trading, or foolishly entering
152 00:26:11,400 --> 00:26:21,360 into live trading too soon. You want to go in with your mission statement read every single time before you watch a video. So that way, you remind yourself,
153 00:26:21,360 --> 00:26:30,630 okay, I can talk about a lot of things. And you will be able to filter out the things where I'm talking about other people, because I gotta get it off my
154 00:26:30,630 --> 00:26:39,330 chest, and reminding everyone that this is really where you're supposed to be finding it from. Not watered down versions of it. But then you'll go into
155 00:26:39,450 --> 00:26:46,470 harvesting and pulling out the things that the meat, you'll get to what it is the point everybody's saying get to the point. The point is, you're getting the
156 00:26:46,470 --> 00:26:54,510 stuff that makes you better as a trader, because I've already taught you how to trade. I've taught everybody how to do that. But how do you become a
157 00:26:54,510 --> 00:27:10,230 consistently profitable trader? Well, you get that by listening to someone that's endured lots of losing, and the things that I did to stem that and keep
158 00:27:10,230 --> 00:27:24,480 it at bay, and also in, in many ways, understand the pitfalls that lead to that. And that stuff, when you're young as a developing student, and this is for
159 00:27:24,510 --> 00:27:34,590 females to not just the males are not beating up on you guys, only this culture that we have today is give it to me right now.
160 00:27:36,210 --> 00:27:43,650 And if you can't give to me right now, I'm unsubscribing. Good, unsubscribe. Because the way I teach I do it in such a way where I'm filtering people out.
161 00:27:44,700 --> 00:27:51,720 And that pisses people off. And I want them to lose their mind initially. Because if you're gonna lose your mind about me and how I teach, because I know
162 00:27:51,720 --> 00:28:01,110 how this is learned. I know how it's taught properly. But I also know there's going to be problem personalities that are going to be problem traders. And
163 00:28:01,110 --> 00:28:09,360 problem traders are going to be the ones that complain and say, Oh, you're a fraud. Oh, your shit doesn't work. Oh, you never do this. No, you never do that.
164 00:28:09,360 --> 00:28:18,900 But 2022 I came out with all the receipts. And now people all around the world are doing it too. So there's no way absolutely fucking No way. Anybody can stand
165 00:28:18,900 --> 00:28:27,510 anywhere and I'm ready for it. I'll trade in fucking court. Okay, I will do it. I will bring my fucking shit. And I will show everybody, everybody and they'll
166 00:28:27,510 --> 00:28:36,870 be fucking watching my YouTube channel, the judge will be fucking subscribe the fucking YouTube, I'm gonna give a fuck, let's go. But there are people that are
167 00:28:36,870 --> 00:28:47,670 not mentally prepared to suffer in their own hands. And that's what you're going to do as a trader. And nobody says it like that. But that's exactly what it is.
168 00:28:48,120 --> 00:29:04,170 You put yourself I put myself we all put ourselves in situations where it absolutely is painful. And loss will be the result. There is not ever been a
169 00:29:04,170 --> 00:29:14,910 trader that has ever gone out there and done it 100% I lose. I lose. Okay, I get it wrong sometimes. Okay. Bottom line is is it doesn't kill me to the point
170 00:29:14,910 --> 00:29:27,300 where I'm gonna give up or toss out the concept. You know, that model that 2020 model. It can look like it's really in the chart and your analysis lineup. Like
171 00:29:27,300 --> 00:29:39,180 Amy, I'm gonna do this trait and you put the trade on whether it's paper demo or live, and it will fail sometimes. It didn't fail. You did. When I do it wrong. I
172 00:29:39,180 --> 00:29:49,290 do it wrong. And I record it that way in my journal. You need to record it in your journal that way too. If you do that, number one, it teaches and fortifies
173 00:29:49,320 --> 00:30:00,570 personal responsibility. And when you're basically inputting that in your journal every single time you do it, you're going to have also increments where
174 00:30:01,530 --> 00:30:11,490 you'll have it done right. And now that that's the key, that's the, that's the, the superpower juice, if you want to call it, that keeps you going. Because I
175 00:30:11,490 --> 00:30:23,550 can tell you anything in these rants in these discussions that you might find encouraging, you might find that that little nudge that you need to keep going,
176 00:30:24,300 --> 00:30:38,070 no problem. But even me talking to you, and encouraging, you won't take away every bit of that. It just distracts you from what you were thinking and
177 00:30:38,070 --> 00:30:46,410 feeling. And when you stop listening to these things, you'll remember that you did major damage to yourself you ever traded, you did more trades than you
178 00:30:46,410 --> 00:30:58,500 should have. You listened to somebody else on social media that influenced you. And you recognize that that's painful. It sucks. And is the reason why I say
179 00:30:58,830 --> 00:31:08,490 don't go and try to keep up a equity curve on social media, equity curves on social media is toxic. You're trying to keep up with everybody else. And 99%
180 00:31:08,490 --> 00:31:16,920 These fuckers are out here are fake. They're pretend they can't, they can't. They're running reports, making $100,000 in hypothetical results, but they ain't
181 00:31:16,920 --> 00:31:29,310 fucking doing it. So I want to see that in 2023. I want to see all that real shit. Not I'm running, you know, Market Replay shit. If it can be done, you'll
182 00:31:29,310 --> 00:31:41,730 do it in real, real money. And I'm waiting for it. But you have to have an approach to doing this with a sober mindset. And coming in. Starting right away
183 00:31:42,000 --> 00:31:49,590 with the model 2022. It gives you the nuts and bolts. This is what it looks like. This is what a model looks like. This is what trading looks like this is
184 00:31:49,590 --> 00:32:00,480 how you go in you decipher what market bias will look like. Where do you place your stop loss? How do you take partials? When do you stop? When do you trade in
185 00:32:00,480 --> 00:32:09,150 the day? Do you sit down and trade all day long? 24 hours a day? Fuck no, you don't do that nobody should be doing as a new student. Nobody. Any fucking Ansel
186 00:32:09,150 --> 00:32:20,730 going out there saying that they should do that. They're fucking clowns. There's advantages to trading the times I've told you, period. Now, but I see T you
187 00:32:20,730 --> 00:32:29,850 treated as Yes, I do that the thumb my nose. Everybody says I have only certain times of the day where I trade and I can do I do anything. Anything I want, I
188 00:32:29,850 --> 00:32:36,720 can step in there and do it. But because I can do it doesn't mean it's an invitation for you to try to replicate what I do. Because you don't have the
189 00:32:36,720 --> 00:32:42,840 experience. You don't have the tools, you don't have all the resources I had that allow me to do those types of things. But I've given you a specific model
190 00:32:42,840 --> 00:32:52,590 that will allow you to have a foundation that puts you right in the charts. And that's where you should begin. Now, what should you do? If you've gone through
191 00:32:52,590 --> 00:33:02,850 the 2020 mentorship, and you're consistently finding setups, not 100% accurate, but you're consistently finding setups, and you're consistent in your paper
192 00:33:02,850 --> 00:33:12,300 trading? The question is going to be how will you know when to go into live trading, you'll know that when you know it, nobody will be convinced you
193 00:33:12,300 --> 00:33:21,570 otherwise. That's how you know. I never tell any of my students go and start trading live. That never happens. Never happened. I've never had a paid members
194 00:33:22,170 --> 00:33:33,150 talk to me in an email or in the form. And never, ever have I ever done publicly said, go into live trading. Know, if they've said I'm going into live trading, I
195 00:33:33,150 --> 00:33:45,660 immediately go in with go slow. Don't trade a lot and keep your risk altar light. It's all public. Because I know what happens. And they're gonna find out
196 00:33:45,660 --> 00:33:56,700 too. And just like you will if you ever go from paper and demo to live trading, some little magical experience takes place where suddenly doubt, fear,
197 00:33:56,910 --> 00:34:10,440 trepidation goes off the charts. You abandon everything you learned, and you become more interested in protecting your first trade. So it's actually better
198 00:34:10,440 --> 00:34:20,160 for you. This is a flip of fucking coin, buy or sell based on heads or tails. Okay, just get that shit out of the way. The first trade, you're all gonna worry
199 00:34:20,160 --> 00:34:29,160 about whether if it's a winning trade or a losing trade, just put it in the hands of risk. I'm sorry, but the risk and in the hands of chance. Put it
200 00:34:29,160 --> 00:34:36,930 smallest amount of leverage you could possibly have on the trade. And if you think you want to take a trade and you're worried about whether or not you can
201 00:34:36,930 --> 00:34:44,310 be right or wrong, just flip a coin. If it's heads, you buy it. If it's tails, you sell it. And then whatever happens you got to have the way it's done. It's
202 00:34:44,310 --> 00:34:58,830 one transaction. You've lost your virginity in terms of live trading. That fear is gone now. So now there's work going forward. I remember the first my first
203 00:34:58,830 --> 00:35:10,710 trade with Fox investments, where I bought that orange juice option lost 50% Every night, very frustrated. I was scared shitless I was like, Man, do I do
204 00:35:10,710 --> 00:35:19,260 this? Do I do this? Do I do this, and I just couldn't stand anymore. I was afraid to miss it. And I was afraid to do it. So I just said, Fuck it. I'm just
205 00:35:19,260 --> 00:35:32,220 doing it over and it's done. And then next day I woke up, I lost 50% amount of money I put into the option, no idea what I was doing. But that relief of having
206 00:35:32,220 --> 00:35:43,440 done it, and got it out of the way that fear and trepidation was going even though I lost 50% of the option premium paid for in my very first trade. Now
207 00:35:43,440 --> 00:35:49,920 think about this, go back to the mission statement was talking about when I first sat down to learn how to trade I was going to be a commodity trader and I
208 00:35:49,920 --> 00:36:04,140 was going to trade position trading. But my first trade wasn't based on it, it was based on three days using an option. The fuck was I doing that for? I was in
209 00:36:04,140 --> 00:36:12,570 a hurry to be doing something. And that's what a lot of you are doing. You watch a couple of videos, whether it be mine or someone else's. And you think you saw
210 00:36:12,570 --> 00:36:22,920 this before. And you go into the chart, and you're looking for something that resembles what you think you've learned in one or two videos. And then you push
211 00:36:22,920 --> 00:36:38,130 a button. And then you're shocked at the results not being what you expected. That's doing it wrong. My children have messed around and paper trading and demo
212 00:36:38,130 --> 00:36:49,140 accounts doing the same thing. It's normal, it's normal, you want it to be able to sit down, watch a video or two. And then go in there and be able to find
213 00:36:49,140 --> 00:37:02,460 something that banks, investment firms, big huge trading entities are in here, running roughshod over everybody with and you think you're gonna watch a couple
214 00:37:02,460 --> 00:37:10,260 ICD videos or anybody else's bullshit, and walk out there and push a couple of buttons. And all of a sudden, all this starts falling in your hands and you're
215 00:37:10,260 --> 00:37:10,830 rich now.
216 00:37:12,480 --> 00:37:22,950 Man, I've never taught that I've never taught that at all. I have been the largest opponent to that shit than anybody else on YouTube. That's what makes me
217 00:37:22,950 --> 00:37:32,310 boring. Because I'm not out there being that flashy person and telling you do this do that. I'm telling you be fucking boring. be boring, get 25 pips a week
218 00:37:33,060 --> 00:37:40,230 25 pips a week, if you can do that, you can make a lot of money. If you're consistent. You can make that whatever you want it to be. But you can still lose
219 00:37:40,230 --> 00:37:46,980 your ass aiming for that 25 pips a week, if you are not diligent, if you don't know what you're doing, if you're reckless, if you're gambler at heart, you'll
220 00:37:46,980 --> 00:38:00,570 do that. But if you go through that 2020 mentorship properly once more. And you find consistency. And maybe you get funded. And now you're taking withdrawals
221 00:38:00,690 --> 00:38:08,070 from that funded account, and you're getting paid. I have students all around the world that are reporting that they're bringing their receipts, they're
222 00:38:08,070 --> 00:38:19,350 showing you on their own social media accounts and sending it to me on my Twitter. Young man went to number two spot on the FMO leaderboard. 70 grand, you
223 00:38:19,350 --> 00:38:31,560 know that that's results, folks. You know, that's not contrived. That's not paper trading. And, to me, that's awesome. I'm, I'm thoroughly impressed. Okay.
224 00:38:31,980 --> 00:38:41,490 But there's a lot of other folks that get these smaller little victories that just want to stay quiet and private. And they're not obligated to share their
225 00:38:41,490 --> 00:38:52,200 fucking experiences with you. Just like, I'm not obligated to do shit for you either. But I love doing it. I love it. But I'm not obligated to any of you. And
226 00:38:52,200 --> 00:39:00,000 when you start making money, and you see these people trolling, what you've learned, you're not fucking obligated to share anything with these people. These
227 00:39:00,000 --> 00:39:06,870 people are miserable, they're miserable, or they're competitors. And they're just getting their asses kicked by what I'm doing, which is both entertaining.
228 00:39:08,610 --> 00:39:18,180 But if you go through that 2020 mentorship, and you're consistent and you want to increase your understanding. What's the next logical step in learning? Go
229 00:39:18,180 --> 00:39:30,360 through the core content. It's a lot, it is a lot. But because you have that model to work with, you'll be able to respect and understand better where are
230 00:39:30,360 --> 00:39:39,690 those concepts could be plugged in and where others may not even be of any interest to you. You do not let me underscore this and preface it before we go
231 00:39:39,690 --> 00:39:54,180 any further. You do not need core content lessons. That model I have made now more private mentorship students consistent and profitable by sharing that
232 00:39:54,180 --> 00:40:03,810 publicly. And they went through several years of mentorship with me because they were trying to do everything. They're trying to place all these tools in the
233 00:40:03,810 --> 00:40:14,700 proper sequence. There isn't a sequence where you put all these things in the right place. Now there's a way of leaning on certain approaches to like, for
234 00:40:14,700 --> 00:40:26,460 instance, commandment traitors. Okay, that's as a long term tool. For me it term trading. It's useful in that regard. Could you use it as a backup or Confluence
235 00:40:26,460 --> 00:40:37,140 for your day trades? And you're trading only in that direction? Sure. There's nothing wrong with that? Do I need it? Fuck no, you don't need either. SMT. I
236 00:40:37,140 --> 00:40:46,950 tried to look for that in every single trade. But I don't demand that if it doesn't exist in the trade, I'm not going to be afraid to tilt still take, I'm
237 00:40:46,950 --> 00:40:53,100 going to still take the trade, if I see that there's a reason for it to go to a specific point of liquidity. If I knew where the draw liquidity is, and I'm in
238 00:40:53,100 --> 00:41:01,650 there the right time of the day. And I know everything's on my side, and they've already worked the opposite end of liquidity. And they've taken by side, and I
239 00:41:01,650 --> 00:41:13,110 know they're going to be reaching for and CO going, going counterparty with the sell side. Then I'm going to take the trade, if I see a bearish breaker if I see
240 00:41:13,110 --> 00:41:24,150 a traditional Oracle entry drill, which is a partial tap into a fair value gap. You're all wanting to know when is the fair value gap close? And when is it left
241 00:41:24,150 --> 00:41:30,150 open? That's what charter members learned. You're not entitled to that. So that's the reason why I don't answer a lot of your questions from core content.
242 00:41:30,150 --> 00:41:37,020 That's the reason why core content videos have the comment section turned off. Because I don't owe you those answers. Okay, but I did share those videos that
243 00:41:37,020 --> 00:41:45,870 keep people from wanting to buy from other people scamming and frauding. But they are useful to you, if you have an understanding about what it is you're
244 00:41:45,870 --> 00:41:55,620 trying to do in that 2020 mentorship model is the nuts and bolts of going out there and making ends meet. Can you turn into a millionaire with it? I
245 00:41:55,620 --> 00:42:04,680 personally believe you can. Can you blow your account lose money? Yep. If you break every rule, I've shown that yes, you will. If you follow every rule in
246 00:42:04,680 --> 00:42:15,060 there, but you do poor risk management money managing, you will still blow your account. Let me say that again. Because you probably didn't hear me. You can do
247 00:42:15,090 --> 00:42:26,790 everything right in terms of charting an entry and everything. But if you over leverage, risk too much, or you're not properly managing your trades, you can
248 00:42:26,790 --> 00:42:36,660 still blow your account. How could that happen? By not knowing how to handle yourself when you lose? You'll go in there and you'll push a button. Okay, you
249 00:42:36,660 --> 00:42:47,520 do something wrong. No problem. The average student or trader will say okay, let me reevaluate. Is the trade still valid or not? Oh, no, no, no, no, I'm right.
250 00:42:47,580 --> 00:43:00,960 Let me go in there and do this again. Well, that's imposing your will. You can't do that in the marketplace, you your will, is insignificant compared to the
251 00:43:00,960 --> 00:43:09,600 market, the market can do whatever the fuck it wants to do. And the people that run it, they make the rules, they change everything. If they want to reprice it
252 00:43:09,600 --> 00:43:16,860 to wherever they want to reprice it you can't change it by your buying and selling pressure, horseshit, your harmonic patterns, your Elliott Wave, all that
253 00:43:16,860 --> 00:43:30,210 stuff, your order blocks, I'll throw my shit in the hat too. When there's manual intervention, nothing fucking works. You are all wrecked. Okay, and we're in
254 00:43:30,210 --> 00:43:42,720 that category to where you would fall victim in those instances, and there's no way to prevent that. So there's always risk always. But what happens if you go
255 00:43:42,720 --> 00:43:51,450 through core content? And there's other videos? What should you go into next? Personally, I think that you should go through the market maker primer course.
256 00:43:52,110 --> 00:44:04,020 So the the best case scenario, looking back and mentoring, again publicly, and all the questions and things that I saw come up as inquiries, I think the proper
257 00:44:04,020 --> 00:44:11,880 order would be 2020 mentorship. Study that first because that gives you right into the charts and gives you something that gives you context, what is it
258 00:44:11,880 --> 00:44:19,800 you're gonna be doing? If you'd learn everything from my YouTube channel? What's it look like, when it works? What's it look like? This is one interpretation of
259 00:44:19,800 --> 00:44:30,090 it. Okay, it's easy, it's straight to the point. And you also see people all around the world making money with it. So there's proof. The second thing is to
260 00:44:30,090 --> 00:44:39,780 build understanding and fortify opportunities that can be used in other timeframes not just intraday by using the core content. So go through all 12
261 00:44:39,780 --> 00:44:48,810 months core content, study that and whatever resonates with you, you pull out everything that doesn't resonate with you just ignore it. And why right makes a
262 00:44:48,810 --> 00:44:55,050 big deal about this. But there are things that are just not going to be pertinent to you as a trader and the style that you're trying to trade. And I
263 00:44:55,050 --> 00:45:03,570 don't take any offense to that. I'm practical, but you need to be practical with yourself. As a developing student, you got to be realistic and practical with
264 00:45:03,570 --> 00:45:11,370 yourself. You're not gonna be able to learn this real quick. You're not going to be getting rich real quick. You're not going to be to tell your boss fuck off. I
265 00:45:11,400 --> 00:45:21,570 just watched this video series, you're done, you're fired. Because that's not what you should be. Okay? And it makes me think about a video suggestion I saw
266 00:45:21,570 --> 00:45:31,470 this morning. Look up, I was on Twitter. I mean, not Twitter, YouTube, I saw there was a video said how to add a day trade, working full time and not get
267 00:45:31,470 --> 00:45:43,050 fired. I don't know. I don't know who did it. But I just thought that was funny. But I mean, that's the series I should do. But once you get to 2022, go to core
268 00:45:43,050 --> 00:45:55,620 content and then go through the market maker primer course. Okay, if you do that, I think honestly, that is real good for the technical side. But anywhere
269 00:45:55,620 --> 00:46:05,760 in between them, wherever you feel like you need it, you should go through the like the ends series, where it kind of like reminds you of what it is you're
270 00:46:05,760 --> 00:46:15,540 doing. That is a mission statement type teaching. It grounds you into thinking, Okay, I'm not out here trying to promote millionaire mindset, you go out here
271 00:46:15,540 --> 00:46:24,360 and you want to living the Instagram life. I'm out here trying to help people find a way to get a second income. That's it. And it works out that you make 200
272 00:46:24,360 --> 00:46:34,830 hours a week, or 25 hours a week. And it's an extra $1,000 a month. You know what folks that in these times, it's helpful that I have a lot of money. And it
273 00:46:34,830 --> 00:46:42,600 costs me a lot of money when I'm out to the grocery store. And I always think to my wife all the time, like, how are people doing this? It's hard. Like it's
274 00:46:42,600 --> 00:46:46,800 really hard now, and I overpaid a lot for cars this year. And
275 00:46:48,119 --> 00:46:57,059 this house app purchase, I knew I was paying an inflated rate, I don't care, I don't have I have the funds to be able to do it and it doesn't hurt me. But the
276 00:46:57,059 --> 00:47:07,169 average person out there, you're maybe being priced out of the house, you may be priced out with the interest rates, okay. And if you can make an extra $1,000 a
277 00:47:07,169 --> 00:47:16,709 month, and not promising that everybody is going to do that. But I firmly believe that it's within the realm of possible for the majority of you that do
278 00:47:16,889 --> 00:47:31,289 work diligently towards mastering yourself and controlling risk. And you'll see that these things, they statistically have an edge. But you skew that edge as a
279 00:47:31,289 --> 00:47:38,009 traitor that the individual that comes into this. So you're going to need to listen to some things to remind you what it is, it's going to cause you
280 00:47:38,009 --> 00:47:44,489 problems. And you might want to listen to the series I did. Where if I could go back and tell myself what I knew now at 20 years old, because I live two
281 00:47:44,489 --> 00:47:52,349 different lives hiding from a gold digger. And I don't have any shame in saying that. And some of you ladies out there may think, Oh, your deadbeat asshole. You
282 00:47:52,349 --> 00:48:00,719 didn't take care of kids, my kids were taking care of my kid, my my oldest son, he was taken care of we had joint custody. But I had to hide a lot of things,
283 00:48:01,259 --> 00:48:10,949 and live a certain way to keep my gold digging affair, which I was not aware of that she was married. When I slept with her and I own it. It's mine. I did it,
284 00:48:11,249 --> 00:48:23,339 you know. But these things. Were a result of me trying to do what you see these Instagrammers do today. He's living fast kind of people. And I invited that kind
285 00:48:23,339 --> 00:48:33,539 of stuff into my life and not knowing I was naive, and this woman knew that I had something and she wanted it. And I found myself in a situation where I had
286 00:48:33,539 --> 00:48:42,119 brought up a person in the world that we didn't sit down and say, Hey, let's have a child together. She had a relationship that she was married in a son that
287 00:48:42,119 --> 00:48:53,789 I didn't know about. And I fell victim to that situation. And I talked to you through that. And I encourage my own children, I'm actually talking to my son's
288 00:48:53,819 --> 00:49:02,879 in all have these videos on YouTube, I'm talking to them. And because I'm pouring my heart out, I'm talking to them with my vision of their faces in my
289 00:49:02,879 --> 00:49:12,749 mind as I'm talking to them. It makes it feel like I'm talking to you. Because it's sincere number one, too. It's real. It's, it's real. And if you don't
290 00:49:12,749 --> 00:49:20,459 listen to those types of lessons, and you do the same things I've done, when I was younger, you're going to invite those types of things into your life, and it
291 00:49:20,459 --> 00:49:31,769 will wreck all kinds of progress. Like I think that myself all the time, like I knew how these markets work, and also know how I work. I know how I self
292 00:49:31,769 --> 00:49:42,179 sabotage. I know how I get a case of the asker I think nobody's better than me. And I know all of these character flaws. I have all these character flaws like
293 00:49:42,209 --> 00:49:52,289 everybody else but also have greater disadvantages because I have a mental disorder where I have a chemical imbalance that just will not relent sometimes.
294 00:49:52,469 --> 00:50:01,919 And you you experienced that obviously, several times, listen to these Twitter spaces, where I'm going to do The mercy of whatever I'm feeling at the moment.
295 00:50:03,179 --> 00:50:14,819 And some of you have reported that you have these same things. And it's hard, isn't it? But if you don't have a way to connect with the mentor that's teaching
296 00:50:14,819 --> 00:50:27,929 you and know that that's something that yes, in some many, many ways, it can be viewed as a hindrance or an obstacle. But there's a way through that too. And
297 00:50:28,259 --> 00:50:39,119 it's not going to be easy. And for folks that don't have that, if you're not bipolar, and you're just a normal person, you know, I envy that. Because I don't
298 00:50:39,119 --> 00:50:51,539 know what that feels like. But you have an advantage over someone like me. And when I first started teaching on baby pips in 2009 2010, that that social
299 00:50:51,539 --> 00:51:02,339 experiment that I introduced, I wanted to see, could I get the same result of other people coming up, like, like I did, and I presented the content and the
300 00:51:02,339 --> 00:51:12,449 lessons in the order that I went through discovery. And unfortunately, it's not a matter of me failing, it's just, I didn't get, I didn't get that test to
301 00:51:12,449 --> 00:51:24,149 result, where someone came out, like me. And obviously, I went down a dozen different rabbit trails. And the whole idea was how you going to study ICT and
302 00:51:24,149 --> 00:51:32,789 content, but you want to have a study journal, you want to go in with a mindset that you're doing that for a particular reason, you're not going to be
303 00:51:32,789 --> 00:51:40,169 distracted. You're not going to spend your time chasing social media entities and worshiping other people, and I'm on top of that list. Okay, showing
304 00:51:40,169 --> 00:51:49,439 appreciation. That's a respectful thing. Yes. But you don't need to constantly lavish me with love and all that other stuff. You focus on you. And every time
305 00:51:49,439 --> 00:51:57,749 you watch a video, and every time you study in the charts, you read your mission statement, what is it? What is it you're doing? Why are you doing it? And what
306 00:51:57,749 --> 00:52:08,189 is that goal, end result? Everything you do, should be aiming in that direction. If everything you're doing right now is opposed or slight deviation from that
307 00:52:08,189 --> 00:52:23,549 direction, you're wasting your fucking time. You're wasting your time. Because you have to have a course of direction. You have to know where your bearings
308 00:52:23,549 --> 00:52:32,069 are. Gotta constantly work in that direction. You're going to make mistakes, you're going to you're going to fall to the wayside because you've done
309 00:52:32,069 --> 00:52:40,649 something too soon. rushing to get in here and start pushing buttons and making money. Everybody right now everybody wants to go out, go out and get funded.
310 00:52:41,939 --> 00:52:51,869 Because he folks tweeting to me, Hey, I'm finding now pay I'm getting a payout now. Well, what does that create in weak minded individuals and folks, when I
311 00:52:51,869 --> 00:53:03,779 say weak minded, I'm not trying to say you're stupid. I'm not saying you're daft. I'm not saying you're a dense person, or a dunce. I'm saying that it's
312 00:53:03,779 --> 00:53:10,079 normal for you to want to rush into that. You want to do what everybody else is doing. And if they're doing something that's making money, guess what everybody
313 00:53:10,079 --> 00:53:20,279 was wanting to do that. But I'm unfortunately, that kind of guy is going to tell you, you're gonna have to work. Before you get there. You're gonna have to study
314 00:53:20,309 --> 00:53:30,239 a lot. And you're gonna have to defer weekend things that you usually do. You're gonna have to change your lifestyle, and save money, change your spending
315 00:53:30,239 --> 00:53:42,539 habits, remove, maybe even remove certain types of friends, and possibly family members, from your influence, are removing their influence from you. And I had
316 00:53:42,539 --> 00:53:54,449 to do that. And it didn't feel right. It didn't feel normal. It felt like I was being well, I felt like I was isolating myself with through depression. But
317 00:53:55,229 --> 00:54:02,909 these were conscious decisions I made it wasn't like, I reduced my circle of influence, because of anxiety. Because I had that experience too. When 2001
318 00:54:02,909 --> 00:54:12,629 happened, I end up having generalized anxiety and develop agoraphobia, which is the fear of being around other people. And it was all based on September 11. And
319 00:54:12,629 --> 00:54:21,359 those buildings in such in New York happened. And everything was a source of fear for me. But I don't have any kind of fear, like nothing like I walk out
320 00:54:21,359 --> 00:54:31,739 there in a burning building. I don't give two shits, I ain't worried about nothing now. But that generalized anxiety, that fear that will creep into you in
321 00:54:31,739 --> 00:54:43,889 this trading, Endeavor faster. And when you're not prepared for it, and it'll completely derail you. They'll take you completely out of their focus. You won't
322 00:54:43,889 --> 00:54:53,099 know what it is you're doing and you'll lose sight of why you're doing it. There's so many folks out there that have started doing this. And because they
323 00:54:53,099 --> 00:55:03,269 were not able to master themselves and wrestle their internal demons, these things that are going to manifest stem cells, you know, these things that you do
324 00:55:03,269 --> 00:55:17,249 all the time? Let me ask you a question like, think about like this. Have your personal relationships have they been healthy? Now, for many young guys, it's
325 00:55:17,249 --> 00:55:30,959 probably gonna be no, I'm going to tip you off on something right now. If your personal relationships, you long term relationships, or the ability to hold on
326 00:55:30,959 --> 00:55:40,169 to a long term relationship, if that is a struggling point, I'm gonna tell you something, right? Now, you're gonna fucking suck as a trader, you're gonna suck.
327 00:55:41,609 --> 00:55:53,579 Because you are not going to commit to what's required to learn this. That's the reason why my students, the better students are the women. Because they're
328 00:55:53,669 --> 00:56:06,209 usually more committed to whatever endeavor they invest in. Think about when they get with you as a male. And they're usually the one that's hurt most
329 00:56:06,209 --> 00:56:16,199 because they poured everything into it, they've signed on, they've, they're committed, and it's easier for a guy to walk away. So if you have those
330 00:56:16,199 --> 00:56:23,639 character flaws in your personal relationships, that's a warning sign that you have things that you're gonna have to wrestle with. And you're going to try to
331 00:56:23,639 --> 00:56:30,209 put blinders on. And right now you're trying to ignore what I'm saying you don't want here, this is supposed to be about trading. No, this is about succeeding.
332 00:56:30,239 --> 00:56:32,969 And in training yourself properly studying.
333 00:56:35,880 --> 00:56:44,490 I don't give a fuck about cars, and houses and bank account statements and who to fucking win competitions. I care about successful students, that's what I
334 00:56:44,490 --> 00:56:54,660 want. And I know what causes that success to be deferred or denied. And these are the factors that are going to come up and people don't write about it in
335 00:56:54,660 --> 00:57:01,440 books, they don't talk about on their YouTube channels, because it's going to immediately cause their audience to do what take inventory, and it's not going
336 00:57:01,440 --> 00:57:06,210 to make them feel good about themselves, and they're not going to want to come back and Monster next fucking video, because the last time they were there, they
337 00:57:06,210 --> 00:57:20,700 got a dose of reality. And that reminded them that, hey, they're a fuckup. So it's better for you to hear someone that had that same fucking problem. And then
338 00:57:20,700 --> 00:57:30,930 how I fixed it, I owned it, it was the responsibility of mine. I made those mistakes, I had problems. I had commitment issues, because my first wife left me
339 00:57:30,960 --> 00:57:39,600 all these things I had, I had issues at chip on my shoulder. So I wanted to go out and prove to the world and her and her family members, and my own family
340 00:57:39,600 --> 00:57:48,510 members and my friends, that I could fucking do better than all of them. So when I went out there, and I pushed that first trade that option in orange juice
341 00:57:48,510 --> 00:57:58,320 futures. As a major, I think you can trade orange juice, yeah. Used to be able to trade bacon, pork bellies, but they don't trade them anymore. But I wanted to
342 00:57:58,320 --> 00:58:07,830 go out and prove myself. Because I needed to fix that pain. When what I was doing was, I'm using that pain as a reason to do something that the chart didn't
343 00:58:07,830 --> 00:58:20,430 tell me to do. And people still come to my content with those character flaws, those internal demons, and they're going to see an optimal trade entry in the
344 00:58:20,430 --> 00:58:33,030 chart, they're going to see a fair value model 2022. In the Chart, they're going to see a breaker in the chart. They're going to see everything they want to see.
345 00:58:36,180 --> 00:58:45,390 But really, what they want is an escape from that painful thing that they're feeling right now. They want to be distracted. And the worst thing you can do is
346 00:58:45,390 --> 00:58:57,900 use my videos as a distraction. To those problems. It's a new great now. You have to wrestle with them, you have to fix them. You have to take ownership and
347 00:58:57,900 --> 00:59:06,750 responsibility. If you cause those problems in your personal relationships, then you need to address the root causes of them. Change it because I'm gonna tell
348 00:59:06,750 --> 00:59:20,940 you something. I could not find consistency when I was painfully hurtin because my first wife left me because everything I was doing was just a reason to take
349 00:59:20,940 --> 00:59:32,850 away that pain. Much like a person that would use drugs, much like a person that would drink alcohol. I was self medicating, distracting myself from the real
350 00:59:32,850 --> 00:59:44,880 problems, because I felt like I wasn't worth it. She left me I was in school, learning computer science. And I was telling her look, I'm going to do well not
351 00:59:44,880 --> 00:59:52,620 I wasn't a trader yet. I wasn't sure I wasn't going to be a trade. I didn't know anything about trading it for me as a career. I learned about minus 15 and 16
352 00:59:52,620 --> 01:00:06,360 from my uncle, but I just didn't want to do it but I was hurt. I wanted to do something to change that pain, and make myself be viewed by everyone around me.
353 01:00:06,840 --> 01:00:18,840 As, wow, you're successful. And if I heard other people say that it would replace that painful inner voice of me saying, I fucking sucked as a husband. I
354 01:00:18,840 --> 01:00:27,810 didn't spend enough time with her. But I couldn't do that, because I was going to school and working. And we were married when she was 16. I'm 18. I had to get
355 01:00:27,810 --> 01:00:39,510 her parents signature to approve the marriage. That was doomed. But I love her. And truth be told, I still love her. And I and my wife knows that and I wouldn't
356 01:00:39,510 --> 01:00:47,460 leave my wife for her. But you know what? It's like, what's your first and anybody says anything? Otherwise, this is a fucking liar. But that scarred me.
357 01:00:47,760 --> 01:00:58,650 And I wanted to fix that so bad. I always want to do anything in any kind of monetary loss. Hey, folks, I just lost my wife for how much more could I lose
358 01:00:58,830 --> 01:01:13,950 money and it's replaceable, I can't get my wife back. So for my first six years, I wrestled with that stuff. I couldn't, I couldn't fix it. I couldn't get
359 01:01:13,950 --> 01:01:27,210 through it. No book worked for me, no course worked for me. Everybody fucking failed me in my eyes as a mentor. Now, once I was able to fix those character
360 01:01:27,210 --> 01:01:42,000 flaws, then I was teachable. Think about that? Because this is a really hard question. And a lot of you know this is true, and you've ignored it, and you
361 01:01:42,000 --> 01:01:53,160 tried to pretend it wasn't real for you. But are you really at this moment right now? Are you in a position to be taught? Effectively? Or do you have something
362 01:01:53,160 --> 01:02:05,610 in you that's broken, that's going to prevent you from really being diligent and suffer the normalcy of the ebbs and flows of winning and losing while you're
363 01:02:05,610 --> 01:02:14,520 learning how to do this? Because I'm going to be honest with you, I think the majority of you are not. And that's the why that's the reason why I talk to you
364 01:02:14,520 --> 01:02:22,080 the way I talk to you because I had to endure it too. And I have a lot of students, and they, they're very honest with me, and they wrestle with these
365 01:02:22,080 --> 01:02:33,900 things, too. And when they finally get through that, they forgive themselves. They forgive the people that hurt them. Like I forgive my wife, my wife. When I
366 01:02:33,900 --> 01:02:42,150 say my wife, my first wife, I often think and I had conversation with my wife several times when we have drives together, I'm like, she's, what do you think?
367 01:02:42,150 --> 01:02:52,020 And right now, I said, if I can be honest with you, and you not get angry, I'm thinking right now. I wish my wife could see me right now. Because when she
368 01:02:52,020 --> 01:03:06,120 left, she didn't believe that anything I was going to ever do, was going to be successful. Because she was a kid, just like I was. And she heard my same uncles
369 01:03:06,120 --> 01:03:15,000 and aunts and, you know, such talk down to us will talk down to me saying, Oh, it's a pipe dream, you're going to be working just like the rest of us. So if
370 01:03:15,000 --> 01:03:23,820 you doubt it, and in the person, you're married to his own family members tell you in the witness of your own attention, that that person you're married to
371 01:03:23,820 --> 01:03:32,880 isn't going to be successful to. You're young and impressionable. So all of that weighed on her heavily. And she was sexually abused since she was eight years
372 01:03:32,880 --> 01:03:42,090 old. All of those things, she had a lot of mental baggage and it was easy for her to do what just escaped, cut her losses short. And I just want her to see
373 01:03:44,340 --> 01:03:46,080 you were wrong. But I don't want
374 01:03:51,630 --> 01:04:05,820 going through that at the moment, then. That was hard. Like, I didn't want to do anything. I don't wanna hang around my friends. I didn't want to do shit. I
375 01:04:05,820 --> 01:04:17,430 stopped working out. And it was just depression. And the only thing that motivated me was you know, what? If fuck computer science, fuck that. My uncle
376 01:04:17,460 --> 01:04:25,110 talks about this trading shit. And that book that threw away into the corner because I bought this guy's course Ken Roberts. I'm gonna go read that again.
377 01:04:26,010 --> 01:04:34,080 And I'm gonna go into this and I'm gonna, I'm gonna do that. Because if I can make money doing that, everybody's gonna find that successful because, you know,
378 01:04:34,110 --> 01:04:45,510 there was a movie out there called trading places it had Dan Aykroyd and Eddie Murphy and it really funny movie even it's dated, but it's still funny. I
379 01:04:45,510 --> 01:04:54,180 watched that and I think myself you know what, I'm going to be a comeback kid. fucking do that. Okay, I'm going to be successful in trading commodities. That's
380 01:04:54,210 --> 01:05:05,880 that was going to be my my Avenue. Now I didn't have what you have available to you I'm not saying just me as a mentor. There's so many resources, it's for free
381 01:05:05,880 --> 01:05:15,060 right now that you can tap into for information. Now, I'm not talking courses, this is a lot of bullshit doesn't work. But resources at your fingertips. The
382 01:05:15,060 --> 01:05:23,070 thing I'm holding in my head right now talking into this stupid is fucking cell phone can't stand carrying around. It has more information in it. And the
383 01:05:23,070 --> 01:05:33,690 ability to do things that 25 years ago, our own President couldn't have this much control and power over. And he was the president. So it's amazing what
384 01:05:33,690 --> 01:05:51,690 technology has developed in recent years and decades. But I needed to feel good about myself. So I went from really trying to replace a painful feeling of loss,
385 01:05:51,690 --> 01:06:06,450 depression and self worth being next to none, too. I got to stop thinking like that, and focus on the target. What am I trying to do here? Because if I'm just
386 01:06:06,450 --> 01:06:14,520 trying to replace a bad moment, or feeling right now, maybe you're in a failed relationship. I have several women in my mentorship that have some of them
387 01:06:14,520 --> 01:06:23,160 started the mentorship together with their male Counterparty. And they separated. Soon as they started seeing success. The male said, I'm out of here.
388 01:06:24,450 --> 01:06:37,200 And now they're dealing with, yes, they know how to trade. But they can't trade now because they're hurt. And they're asking me, you know how to fix that. The
389 01:06:37,200 --> 01:06:46,500 only way I could do it was number one, I turn to Christ to I focused on the task. What is it that I was trying to do? I was replacing a negative feeling. So
390 01:06:46,500 --> 01:06:59,580 that way, I can have a feel good moment, replacing a bad moment. Okay. So how do you do that? Well, your mind can only focus on one thing. And being bipolar and
391 01:06:59,580 --> 01:07:10,350 obsessive. My mind races 1000 miles an hour. And there's dozens of thoughts that are wrestling to try to be the one in front of the line. And it's very difficult
392 01:07:10,350 --> 01:07:17,010 for me to focus like that. And you've probably seen that in this discussion, too, because I'm all over the place. But hopefully, you get what I'm saying
393 01:07:17,010 --> 01:07:26,010 here. And in the grand scheme of things, you have to focus on that mission statement. Why you're Why are you doing this? Why are you listening to me? What
394 01:07:26,010 --> 01:07:34,680 do you hope to gain from that? Have you seen something in the things that I've taught, or my students that make you want to do that too, that's what you that's
395 01:07:34,680 --> 01:07:43,680 what you latch on to, you do not look at it as I'm gonna go in here every day, because I'm pissed off about where I work at, I didn't get that raise, you know?
396 01:07:46,980 --> 01:08:02,700 Hang on I thought she was talking to me. You know, fucking Carl, he's got employee of the week he's parking in the front, you're pissed off about that.
397 01:08:03,540 --> 01:08:12,960 Everybody is giving you some sort of written off. So now you have resentment. You want to go in and you want to have a feel good moment, you want to hit a
398 01:08:12,960 --> 01:08:23,220 lottery. So you're you're wanting to go in and trade on that reason alone. It may not be something simple and trivial is what I'm trying to be here. But
399 01:08:23,370 --> 01:08:32,550 there's something in your head at the moment, right now, that's motivating you to want to make money right now, not just the necessity of making money.
400 01:08:33,000 --> 01:08:46,320 Everybody has that? Even me, I have bills. But there's something driving you that's causing the rush, the not the rush of feel good. But the impatience
401 01:08:46,320 --> 01:08:55,560 factor, that impatience factor is what is going to undermine you. And that's why I tell her right, don't rush through my videos. That's the worst thing you can
402 01:08:55,560 --> 01:09:02,730 do. Because what you're doing is you're proving you're not going to be disciplined to do this. If you're not sorry, if you hurt my stomach. I haven't
403 01:09:02,850 --> 01:09:11,850 eaten anything yet. I haven't even drank any water yet. But I have so many folks that have gone through mentorship on YouTube, mentorship, and private
404 01:09:11,850 --> 01:09:23,400 mentorship, and their complaint will be but I watched all the videos. Okay, watching them. That's the minimum expectation. You've done the least well done,
405 01:09:23,430 --> 01:09:33,720 you got to participation award. But you have to fucking do the work. That means you have to sit down. And you have to look at what the market did today after it
406 01:09:33,720 --> 01:09:43,410 happened. And then how's that work inside of what we've done for the week? What's the range? What did today's work in price delivery, where its highest
407 01:09:43,410 --> 01:09:51,360 high and its lowest low? Where the trade formations that you can identify based on that 2020 model? Where did they form? And how does that relate to what the
408 01:09:51,360 --> 01:10:02,610 weekly range has been for this present week and how we have worked with previous week. And where is it drawing to on that daily and weekly chart. You do that
409 01:10:02,610 --> 01:10:13,590 every single day, you will not understand what it is that you're supposed to see the first couple of weeks doing it. But because you'll be doing that, and you're
410 01:10:13,590 --> 01:10:20,250 logging your charts, and you're recording your observations and your questions and your concerns and your doubts, and you put that in your journal, you do not
411 01:10:20,250 --> 01:10:32,130 fucking send that to me, and then text or tweet, or post it on a form, you put it into a study journal. And when that moment happens, and if you're diligent
412 01:10:32,130 --> 01:10:39,600 about it, you'll find it it happens within the first year, oh, here we go back to that year, again, I got time for a year, then you can't be a student of mine.
413 01:10:43,290 --> 01:10:56,820 here that you can't, you can't be a student of mine. You're coming here with an expectation of, I need to learn it the way I want to learn it. And that means
414 01:10:56,820 --> 01:11:05,880 you know it, you know what it is you need to know, when you don't know what it is that you need to know. See, that's the arrogance and the impatience of this
415 01:11:05,880 --> 01:11:19,770 culture today. And that's what I get. I lose my impatience with the folks today. And that's the reason why I built in a lot of shit that makes you have to work
416 01:11:19,770 --> 01:11:30,690 for it. Because I don't have time for people that are lazy. Because I know I can't fix your laziness. I can't fix that. But I can make people profitable. I
417 01:11:30,690 --> 01:11:40,020 can make them consistent, I can do that. I can lay the resources in their hands, the right way, the right approach. And if they do that, after they fix
418 01:11:40,020 --> 01:11:49,710 themselves, they have every advantage in the world of being consistently profitable. Will they lose money? Yes, every trader loses money. But those
419 01:11:49,710 --> 01:11:57,720 losses won't incur to a degree where they lose their mind because they understand how they wreck themselves. Because, oh, I'm doing more trades now
420 01:11:57,720 --> 01:12:05,310 show because I'm worrying about that bad feeling like I have a losing trade. I have a losing trade. So what your spouse is going to ask you did you make money
421 01:12:05,310 --> 01:12:13,380 today? Now I did something wrong. It didn't pan out, okay. Don't worry about honey, you will get there tomorrow, or you'll get it back. That's encouraging
422 01:12:13,380 --> 01:12:20,190 spouse. If you know that about your spouse, that they're not going to be equipped to be like that, then you don't fucking talk about trading with your
423 01:12:20,190 --> 01:12:30,780 spouse. See how that works? You you sit down with your spouse and say, Look, how are you going to approach this if I lose money? Because if you lose your shit
424 01:12:30,780 --> 01:12:40,050 about it, we need to come to great agreement right now, before I go any further. This is what I'm willing to risk. This is what I'm willing to invest in time and
425 01:12:40,050 --> 01:12:52,920 money. Are you in agreement with that? That has to be sorted out. Because if you go in selfishly saying, Look, woman, this is the way it is. And if you don't
426 01:12:52,920 --> 01:13:01,590 like it, there's a door don't I hate Jeunesse because I'm gonna tell you something. She might do that. And you're going to see how impossible it is to
427 01:13:01,590 --> 01:13:09,900 fucking trade profitably. Because your heart is going to walk out the door with her. Oh, no, no, it will. It fucking will. And if you don't think so wait to see
428 01:13:09,900 --> 01:13:20,640 what somebody else you're trading will turn to shit real quick. So you have to worry about all those things that people don't write about in books, these young
429 01:13:20,640 --> 01:13:29,460 20 year olds, they don't even have relationships. They're not married. Okay, they're out there trying to tastes chase tail all the time. They're not going to
430 01:13:29,460 --> 01:13:40,410 talk to you about these things. They're going to be heavyweights. In your, in your continuity. But as a 50 year old man, two marriages, five kids, two
431 01:13:40,410 --> 01:13:51,660 miscarriages. I have endured some things. And I know how those things impacted me. And I'm not ashamed to tell you how they impacted me because it's raw and
432 01:13:51,660 --> 01:14:03,180 it's real. And I know that there are people out there like me and have got it worse. See, I didn't have to pay child support when I got with that gold digger
433 01:14:03,480 --> 01:14:21,300 because I took extreme measures. But we had joint custody. So I did half she did here. And that was it. But some of you out here made poor choices didn't manage
434 01:14:21,300 --> 01:14:29,760 your relationships well, and you created children that you were not really responsible for. And now you have to pay a whole lot of money and Southport. Own
435 01:14:29,760 --> 01:14:43,320 it. Be a fucking man and own it. And this is one way you can do that. And guess what, you could also become a positive role model for your child. That
436 01:14:43,320 --> 01:14:56,700 relationship failed, okay. But don't fail as a parent. But if you have those things wrestling with, you know, all these failures in life. They're going to
437 01:14:56,700 --> 01:15:06,450 weigh on your decision making they're going to weigh on your day. Well, um, as a student and to ignore them, or pretend to, that's not true, you're lying to
438 01:15:06,450 --> 01:15:18,270 yourself. And you're wasting your fucking time because I'm telling you, every person, every person has regrets every single one of us do. And if you've not
439 01:15:18,270 --> 01:15:29,130 wrestled with that and sorted it out and forgiven yourself, and that other person, you're going to be motivated by all the wrong things. And my videos, my
440 01:15:29,130 --> 01:15:36,030 teachings, my mentorship and even sit down with me live pointing out shit before it happens in a chart next year, is still going to fucking cause you to lose
441 01:15:36,030 --> 01:15:48,390 money. And because you are weak minded, you're gonna say, these things don't work, despite all the evidence saying otherwise. Because you need to say those
442 01:15:48,390 --> 01:16:00,570 things to exist. Because you can't take ownership that you are the problem. Much like I was the problem. When I first started, I was the problem. When I was 20
443 01:16:00,570 --> 01:16:10,140 years old, everything. Larry Williams honestly could have sat down with me, okay, and said, Hey, this is what you do do this, do that. And I could have made
444 01:16:10,140 --> 01:16:22,680 money and I still would have fucked it up. Think about that, that's your fucking mentor telling you this. Michael Joe Huddleston. ICT himself, Larry Williams
445 01:16:23,250 --> 01:16:33,300 could have invited me to his fucking home and spent months there, teaching me in one on one. And I could have made money with him helping me right there. And I
446 01:16:33,300 --> 01:16:40,890 would have went home and guess what would happen, I would have won, I would have blown my fucking account. Still, I would have lost money still. And I would have
447 01:16:40,890 --> 01:16:53,700 fucking vilified him, then. Why? Because I didn't have my shit together. My head wasn't right. I was going into trading for all the wrong reasons I wanted to
448 01:16:53,700 --> 01:17:06,900 prove my self worth to my ex wife. I wanted the winter back. That's what I was doing it for. And you can't do that, folks, you can't have these self worth
449 01:17:07,050 --> 01:17:18,360 driven purposes in trading, you can now that's a byproduct of being consistently profitable. That happens as a natural order of things. But that shouldn't be, it
450 01:17:18,360 --> 01:17:32,070 should not be ever, the reason why you're pushing the button. Now it can be encouraging factors that keep you studying. But anytime you ever sit down, take
451 01:17:32,070 --> 01:17:45,420 a trade or push a trade button, whether it be demo, paper or live. If the last thought you had in your mind was painful, hurtful, or envious, or wanting to
452 01:17:45,420 --> 01:17:53,370 prove something to somebody else, I promise you that trade is going to be toxic. It's going to be poison.
453 01:17:55,170 --> 01:18:05,340 And you don't get that in books. You don't get that from 20 year old mentors on YouTube, Instagram, you don't get it from people that haven't really gone
454 01:18:05,340 --> 01:18:20,280 through some shit. It doesn't get more real than this. So to study with me properly, that's the shit you got to sort out. It might be something as trivial
455 01:18:20,280 --> 01:18:32,670 as you know. Maybe in COVID, you gain weight. Maybe it's bothering you, maybe it's plaguing you, maybe it's a health disorder that you developed. And it's
456 01:18:32,670 --> 01:18:46,500 taken the steam out of you. Maybe it's an injury. It doesn't have to be something on a life relationship side of things, but something has beaten you
457 01:18:46,500 --> 01:18:57,450 down to where you feel like your self worth is, has been reduced to, to such a degree that you're now trying to do things to distract you from that instead of
458 01:18:57,450 --> 01:19:06,840 the saying, You know what just happened? Just like it happened to me. I was a young man. 18 years old, got married to a 16 year old girl that I lost my
459 01:19:06,840 --> 01:19:25,860 virginity to. I loved her. She looked like Alicia Silverstone. And she was my heart. And when she left a year and a half after marriage, it fucked me up. Like
460 01:19:25,860 --> 01:19:41,730 it fucked me all up. And that's when I was really trying to be something I couldn't be before I was ready. I wanted to be what you hear me now. Like I know
461 01:19:41,730 --> 01:19:52,560 what I'm doing now. I know what I shouldn't be worrying about. I know what I should focus on. I know what I'm capable of. But I was in a rush to get that in
462 01:19:52,560 --> 01:20:08,430 a month. I wanted to be able to make $100,000 a week then That was impossible for me. But back then, oh, it was going to be possible. Because I had to move
463 01:20:08,430 --> 01:20:23,490 mountains. I'm gonna do it. Like every 20 year old, they think they can blow Heartland when. But these things are going to be real issues in your in your
464 01:20:23,490 --> 01:20:36,330 development. And it's a it's not easy. And I don't have fixes for everything. But I do know root causes and they were root causes in mind. And a lot of folks
465 01:20:36,330 --> 01:20:47,910 that talk about psychology and trading and talk about mindset things, they don't really touch on these topics, because again, it forces the audience to take
466 01:20:47,910 --> 01:20:57,720 personal inventory in their dark corners in everybody's life. They don't want to revisit these things. They don't want to have to say, You know what, you're
467 01:20:57,720 --> 01:21:08,370 right. I'm not as perfect as everybody else thinks I am. They don't, they don't know these things about me. And I don't want to make it known. You don't have to
468 01:21:08,370 --> 01:21:19,440 make it known publicly. But you have to wrestle with them personally, and fix them. Because they will creep into your trading your development, and they will
469 01:21:19,440 --> 01:21:31,710 hinder you. And in many cases in the extreme, they will deny you success. And it's not because the concepts or the method doesn't work. It's because you're
470 01:21:31,710 --> 01:21:42,030 trying to do something that's impossible, right from Jump Street. And you're being motivated to make decisions financially. Because you're emotionally
471 01:21:42,060 --> 01:21:53,220 charged. You're trying to feel good. Versus Am I trading the model? Am I controlling and managing my personal risk? Am I following the rules when taking
472 01:21:53,220 --> 01:22:00,600 potential profits and getting those profits in parcels when it's made available to me? Or am I too worried about being perfect so that we can brag about that to
473 01:22:00,600 --> 01:22:11,370 my friends and co workers that I made the weekly salary of the highest paid person in your department? Karl? Stock Karl, fuck him. Fuck him in his parking
474 01:22:11,370 --> 01:22:18,930 spot. Fuck him in his fucking brown nosing fuck them. Okay, there's always going to be a fucking Karl. There's gonna be Karl on social media, which may correlate
475 01:22:18,930 --> 01:22:27,900 your fucking jobs. There's gonna be car what your fucking Lodge is gonna be in your pool, fucking League, your bowling league, your fucking soccer team,
476 01:22:27,900 --> 01:22:38,970 there's always gonna be a fucking car. There's always a fucking car all these people should not be an influence to you what they're doing, that's third walk.
477 01:22:38,970 --> 01:22:51,630 That's their life. That's their thing. You're here to learn how to make fucking money. That's it. You're not here to look fucking cute. You're not here to be
478 01:22:51,630 --> 01:23:02,430 Billy badass. You're not here for a fucking image. You're here to make money. dinero. Okay, that's what you're here for. If you're not here to get the
479 01:23:02,430 --> 01:23:14,310 scratch, don't come over here. Because the way I do things isn't going to be sugar coated. I'm not going to present this in a well packets program where
480 01:23:14,310 --> 01:23:28,680 everybody can subscribe. I'm really glad that this this rant came place. I can't make you feel good all the time. And you develop sometimes you need to have a
481 01:23:28,680 --> 01:23:39,390 woodshed moment. And most of you. And unfortunately, it's the males. Most of you are walking around with blinders on, you want to. Here's the technical entries.
482 01:23:39,570 --> 01:23:52,200 Here's the mumbo jumbo the fucking lingo ICP talks about and I'm doing trades like him. But you're not sharing all the other times you're doing it wrong. And
483 01:23:52,200 --> 01:24:02,100 you know, that's the truth. There's a lot of you that are very, very busy, very busy sharing your examples with me. And I can tell who you are because of the
484 01:24:02,100 --> 01:24:12,300 level of examples you're sharing. And you're only sharing the ones you're winning. And you know, that's the truth. Stop. You're doing that because you
485 01:24:12,300 --> 01:24:20,970 want a like or heart by me. And that's going to scratch that little itch that emotional nerves that you need. That's distracting you from what the ones you
486 01:24:20,970 --> 01:24:37,620 did wrong. He wasn't ready for that were you? See, when I taught people one on one. They didn't have that luxury of hiding what they were failing. They showed
487 01:24:37,620 --> 01:24:46,260 the every everything. And that's the best way to learn. Be honest, if you've done something wrong, share that and say this is what I did wrong. And this is
488 01:24:46,260 --> 01:24:57,720 what I've taken away from that experience. How many of my students are doing that on Twitter? If there's five it's more than I thought. But everybody's
489 01:24:57,720 --> 01:25:09,660 showing you what the Positive, I'm encouraging you all, to start sharing where you did it wrong, what you thought you saw on the chart, and what you gleaned
490 01:25:09,660 --> 01:25:23,760 from that error. Because that will be a huge encouragement to the community. And also, it'll encourage me as the mentor because I lose too. I do it wrong,
491 01:25:23,760 --> 01:25:36,000 sometimes. There's no shame in that. But you have to number one, know, in the heart of hearts, every facet in your being, when you go in, you start pushing
492 01:25:36,000 --> 01:25:47,460 that button, you're doing it because you know, you're following that model, you're not trying to replace a bad feeling, a bad thought, or a sense of self
493 01:25:47,460 --> 01:25:47,880 worth.
494 01:25:53,010 --> 01:26:04,620 So that's how you should go and study nicety content. If you don't go into the content with a clear mindset, you're not going in there, hindered, with shit
495 01:26:04,620 --> 01:26:12,180 that's bogging you down emotionally and psychologically, your boyfriend left you, your girlfriend left you, he just got fired, you know, all that shit, you
496 01:26:12,180 --> 01:26:21,810 know, you got to come to terms with all that stuff. And I'm not equipped to know all the answers or solutions to all those things. I don't claim to know those
497 01:26:21,810 --> 01:26:32,880 things. But I can tell you, your mentor, the guy talking to you right now, I had that kind of stuff, too. I was not exempt from that. In it made it harder for me
498 01:26:32,910 --> 01:26:43,680 it did. And when I had initial success when I had it, I had it earlier than six years. But I wanted to be better. So I changed a lot of things and went to a
499 01:26:43,680 --> 01:26:54,930 shit show. Because I wanted to be really superhuman, perfect. I go back to the drawing board. I really had it like three years, just really technically like
500 01:26:54,930 --> 01:27:08,070 two, two and three quarters years. But then I spent three years plus fucking around tinkering with it. Which takes you also to another point. If you find
501 01:27:08,280 --> 01:27:21,600 your successful model, in the 2020 mentorship, don't go any further. When you're telling people not to watch your videos, but don't you get ad revenue, yeah, get
502 01:27:21,600 --> 01:27:35,460 ad revenue. But I'm also more inclined to seeing you succeed. Because I get my rocks off when people are finding consistency. And they learned because I get my
503 01:27:35,460 --> 01:27:46,110 rocks off when people are finding consistency. And they learned how to do this properly. And they don't need to hold my hand. That that's how I teach. I never
504 01:27:46,110 --> 01:27:54,900 invite the opportunity for you to be holding my hand or I'm holding your seat on your bicycle while you're pedaling. Whether you realize it or not, you feel like
505 01:27:54,900 --> 01:28:05,670 I've been holding the seat for you. Because you have all these videos where I'm talking. But I wasn't there when you push those buttons. I am not there. When
506 01:28:05,670 --> 01:28:17,190 you finally get to that point of success. I'm not there. You just remember hearing me. But you did it. Just like your dad is running along that bicycle.
507 01:28:17,670 --> 01:28:37,620 Okay, I gotcha. I gotcha in his hand is at his side. Not that bicycle seat. But you feel confident because you're trusting the process. So I'm not sure get
508 01:28:37,620 --> 01:28:50,910 anything out of this one. But I want you to go into 2023 with that mindset, how you should go into your teachings, studying and more specifically taking
509 01:28:50,940 --> 01:28:59,280 personal ownership of your character flaws and the things that are going to be motivating you. And if it's not the right things, it's motivating you go
510 01:28:59,280 --> 01:29:09,900 exercise, go work out, go do something to get that negative energy burnt off, and then go and do your studies. Don't go in mad. If you're hurt someone hurt
511 01:29:09,900 --> 01:29:19,170 your feelings. Or if you're feeling sick, don't study, you have to have an optimal mindset when you sit down you studying in either the videos or in
512 01:29:19,260 --> 01:29:32,970 charting because you're you're preventing optimal learning. So after the other courses in series on my YouTube channel, you pick them into them from whatever
513 01:29:32,970 --> 01:29:40,830 you want to go on next. But I think that what I just gave you here is plenty, you know, and the easiest way is to support all of them. But you should all
514 01:29:40,830 --> 01:29:49,500 start with 2020 mentorship, because that goes right to the ground running. This is what it looks like in trading. This is a model this is a approach. This is a
515 01:29:49,770 --> 01:29:59,130 system and it repeats and you can find it on all timeframes and it can be adjusted and scaled to any timeframe. It doesn't have to be an intraday model.
516 01:30:00,960 --> 01:30:11,760 So this is going to be the close and I will wish you all a very very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I will probably send you a tweet saying so but
517 01:30:11,760 --> 01:30:21,510 that will be the last time i i post until February so I know I've been being funny and teasing y'all going out the door but I am absolutely closed. Today we
518 01:30:21,510 --> 01:30:33,510 got through the last week of what I like to see in terms of the holidays schedule, coming to a close and now I will be in full holiday swing. And for
519 01:30:33,510 --> 01:30:46,110 everyone that's sending me cards and letters and gifts and things. Thank you so very much. It's very touching. And I'll talk to you on February 7 2023. Be safe