
Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2022-12-29 08:30


00:19 - Good afternoon and welcome back to the show.

02:14 - The perfect storm is brewing in the world.

08:46 - Forex is going to die -.

15:05 - What’s going on in the world of crypto currencies.

20:58 - You can't make money if you’re starving -.

27:19 - What’s the dollar backed by what?

31:53 - Don’t try to sugarcoat it, be wrong.

35:59 - The parable of the talents and the one who buried it.

41:53 - Social media is going to take one more way of information exchange away from us all.

47:47 - The worst decision he could have made.

53:30 - Don’t hold on to something that’s going to go down.

59:28 - Tom Brady went back to playing football after losing money in crypto.

01:05:33 - Short-term corrections are designed to engineer sentiment shifts to engineer short-term rallies.

01:08:18 - What’s going on in the markets right now.

01:13:54 - What’s going to happen with the CFTC? -.

01:20:30 - You have to have means to protect yourself -.

01:24:39 - The last week of ICT Week.

01:30:57 - How FOMC is two stages -.

01:37:39 - The importance of knowing what to expect from the market.

01:43:14 - What would be your advice when it comes to specialising in pairs?



00:00:19,680 --> 00:00:31,410 ICT: Okay, good afternoon. Welcome back to another Saturday shut down with ICT. This one probably won't be that long, a little uncomfortable today. But you'll
00:00:31,410 --> 00:00:49,440 probably hear all kinds of banging about above. But it is what it is. Things can't get done without breaking some eggs, I guess. So yesterday morning, I told
00:00:49,440 --> 00:00:59,460 myself all week Don't lift anything, they'll do anything. You let them do everything. Nope, I had to be helpful. And help them throw my back out. So I'm
00:00:59,460 --> 00:01:12,450 in a little bit of discomfort today. So try not to do too many things. Even sitting in one place is painful standings, hurtin it's a mess. But anyway, I'll
00:01:12,450 --> 00:01:28,530 talk to you about this past week, and what might be on the horizon. And now that might affect the markets going into the close of the year. So we've seen the
00:01:28,530 --> 00:01:39,450 dollar index, it's dropped off a lot. And I mentioned, I'm not sure if it was the last Twitter space or the one before, it was within the last two that I did.
00:01:39,480 --> 00:01:58,980 I mentioned how Saudi Arabia was lining up with the BRICS nation, new coalition, if you want to call it that, where they're basically telling us pounds, and
00:02:00,060 --> 00:02:11,460 everybody's gotta gotta get a good price. But ICT mean, nice, deep America, they're not getting a good deal on fuel or oil, when we don't really need their
00:02:11,460 --> 00:02:19,710 oil anyway, you know, we have plenty of oil here. And we could tell everyone, you know, see you later. And we can actually go into the export business and do
10 00:02:19,710 --> 00:02:32,550 very well as well. But it just goes to show you how corrupt everything is. But because our dollar is a precious is a petro dollar. It is backed by nothing. And
11 00:02:32,580 --> 00:02:42,270 years ago, our nation went to Saudi Arabia and say, hey, look, we're going to protect you. Nobody was threatening with time, we're gonna, we're going to
12 00:02:42,270 --> 00:02:51,960 protect you from threats are going to sell your oil in dollars. So if anybody wants to buy your oil, they must convert it to the US dollar. So when we were
13 00:02:51,960 --> 00:03:05,190 taken off the gold standard, our currency was worthless, like it was literally nothing. And then now it was backed by the oil market through Saudi Arabia. A
14 00:03:05,190 --> 00:03:17,370 lot of people don't realize that or understand that. But now we are in a position where the perfect storm is brewing. And my private mentorship has known
15 00:03:17,370 --> 00:03:28,950 about this for a while I've talked about it publicly as well, in the last year. They have obviously weaponized food, and the production of food. And if you
16 00:03:28,950 --> 00:03:38,580 don't know what I'm talking about just a little research and homework, and a lot of people denied me. The stage talking about early on, when nobody else was
17 00:03:38,580 --> 00:03:46,800 talking about it, they thought it was lunacy, just because you see it in your grocery store shelf doesn't mean that it's not occurring. There's a lag, okay,
18 00:03:46,860 --> 00:03:58,110 everything you buy in the store and canned goods, vegetables and things like that. That was last year's crop, and the production for all of 2023. That's
19 00:03:58,110 --> 00:04:10,140 going to be significantly less. So that's going to create a shortage, basically. And the cost of those types of foods are going to go up, which is kind of what I
20 00:04:10,140 --> 00:04:17,580 want to talk about today. And you may be thinking, Well, what's this got to do with anything? How does this affect the s&p? How does this affect crypto? How
21 00:04:17,580 --> 00:04:28,740 does this affect my day to day life? Well, it means things are gonna get really expensive, probably hard to get. And if they are not producing much of it, that
22 00:04:28,740 --> 00:04:40,560 means the commodity market is going to be extremely bullish in the grains, corn, soybean wheat, those types of commodities, will probably see historical rallies
23 00:04:41,130 --> 00:04:53,640 in 2023 because of engineered famine. The folks that were in my private group, you know, we're fearful they missed us that this is not it that the initial run
24 00:04:53,640 --> 00:05:07,560 up that was just based on this year. The dollar has rallied and commodity megatrade type scenarios for commodities go up vertically, like in the 70s in
25 00:05:07,560 --> 00:05:15,450 the grain markets and stuff like that. Go back and look at old historical news. And you'll see that it had really amazing run ups. And then we had some more
26 00:05:15,450 --> 00:05:31,140 90s, which was fun. But we're gonna see something that we've never seen before. Like, parabolic like, it'll make bitcoins rally look like a Judas swing. Yeah.
27 00:05:32,040 --> 00:05:42,030 Because it's the whole world, the whole world is going to feel that pain of not being able to have enough food. And all these rich cats out there buying up all
28 00:05:42,030 --> 00:05:55,290 this farmland makes you wonder, why would they want to do that? Everyone else tell him if you're in my private group, when we saw them talking about the
29 00:05:55,530 --> 00:06:07,830 creation of water futures, in other words, there's a commodity contract that trades water. So I told them, I said, you're gonna have a problem with that.
30 00:06:08,280 --> 00:06:19,920 Because if they're trying to make water tradable? Well, you know, that means they're going to start manipulating, like they do everything else. So water is
31 00:06:19,920 --> 00:06:33,420 an issue, that's become an issue for farmers. And all of these things, go under the radar of the average person, you go up to your that at night, and you fall
32 00:06:33,420 --> 00:06:41,460 asleep, thinking about how you don't want to go to work tomorrow, or next week. Because Friday night, when you go to bed, you're thinking, Oh, my God, two days,
33 00:06:41,820 --> 00:06:51,990 I start all over again, how's this ever going to make its way to your attention? It won't, because the news isn't going to tell you prepare for that kind of
34 00:06:51,990 --> 00:07:06,900 stuff. So as a trader, as a speculator, there's some of the sharpest people in the world are commodity traders. The folks that are long term horizon type
35 00:07:07,020 --> 00:07:18,090 individuals where they see, like crop reports, and I'm not claiming I understand all that, because I don't. But I see all these little things that are coming
36 00:07:18,090 --> 00:07:29,850 together perfectly. Okay. And I've been bullish on dollar for a while, and I try not to pick tops in any market, really, and went out and said that we could
37 00:07:29,850 --> 00:07:44,100 probably see dollar at 120. Now in recent market action this week, and with the recent discussions because of Saudi Arabia, saying, you know, we're gonna go in
38 00:07:44,100 --> 00:07:54,750 the direction with Russia and China and Brazil, and India, and they're all forming this anti dollar movement. And that's one way of taking the dollar down.
39 00:07:55,800 --> 00:08:06,000 Because if they get Saudi Arabia, the sign on, you able to Saudi Arabia need our protection for they feel like they got the bear and the dragon behind them. And
40 00:08:07,380 --> 00:08:19,050 that type of thing makes me think about the book of Daniel. That fourth and dreadful, terrible beast, it's starting to look like that bricks nation, you
41 00:08:19,050 --> 00:08:37,500 know, is it. But that's another discussion for another day, that was gonna start preaching the dollar, maybe showing initial signs of, well, if Saudi Arabia is
42 00:08:37,500 --> 00:08:51,900 doing what it appears to be doing, our dollar really has no value as none. So that sets the stage for we need the replacement. We need to have something to
43 00:08:51,900 --> 00:09:03,540 replace it. Okay? The central bank, digital currencies, they're going to become thing, and every nation is going to have their little thing. And that will also
44 00:09:03,540 --> 00:09:16,200 fail. And the one fix the solution will be the one currency, whatever currency that will be in the future, I don't know. But I am telling you, and Roger,
45 00:09:16,290 --> 00:09:28,680 listen, you can crack jokes all you want, but Forex is going away. Mazal get used to trading other markets because Forex foreign exchange is going to die.
46 00:09:29,070 --> 00:09:43,380 Just like open outcry pit trading in commodities. It's doesn't exist anymore. Forex is going to go away. It's not going to be accessible to you. You're not
47 00:09:43,380 --> 00:09:56,520 going to do it. So if you'd like to sit around pretend that that can't happen. It's going to be an abrupt shock to you when it's done. Now, will it be done and
48 00:09:56,790 --> 00:10:11,190 in the scope of banning it Don't know. But we will not be able to do it. Okay, so you need to be thinking about alternative ways of speculating and trading.
49 00:10:12,840 --> 00:10:19,830 So there always be companies out there. These companies that make money, selling goods to people, because there's going to be people that are going to be
50 00:10:19,830 --> 00:10:32,850 consumers, they're going to need services, those types of things. My attention is shifted back to my roots. I'm in futures trading. Again. I don't want to
51 00:10:32,850 --> 00:10:45,570 touch Forex. I don't ever want to be back in forex ever again. index futures easy when there's a mega trade something significant than on trade those markets
52 00:10:45,570 --> 00:10:53,730 like the grains I'm talking about, and beginning this conversation. So if we can look at the whole macro perspective for a moment, okay. And this might be a
53 00:10:53,730 --> 00:11:06,330 little bit boring for some of you, but just understand word. Man, that did not sound good upstairs. I'm trying to figure out where I'm at, and what that sound
54 00:11:06,330 --> 00:11:21,060 could have been. Give me a second here. That will be a table sliding on a floor that better not be leaving work. Hank, that's going to be in my head. No, the
55 00:11:21,060 --> 00:11:32,190 whole time we're talking. So the dollar if this is correcting, okay, that's good for us to say. Let's say the dollar has topped I'll play devil's advocate for a
56 00:11:32,190 --> 00:11:40,230 moment, I don't know for certain that it has because I try to avoid picking tops and bottoms and long term moves. But let's just say that the dollar has seen its
57 00:11:40,230 --> 00:11:54,990 high for the next 12 months. Okay. I'm not stating that I believe that, let's just say that it is that would set the groundwork for lower dollar. Commodity
58 00:11:54,990 --> 00:12:06,060 prices are allowed to go higher than because when dollar goes down, grains, meats, oils, all those types of things, it's really easy for it to rally because
59 00:12:06,060 --> 00:12:14,280 there's an inverse relationship. So if dollars been going up, it's real hard to have mega trades where these currencies are not currency rather than these
60 00:12:14,280 --> 00:12:21,810 grains, like corn, soybeans, wheat, the things that people use to make the food anything you eat, you go to your pantry, you go to your cabinet and go to your
61 00:12:21,810 --> 00:12:31,740 refrigerator, open it up. Those things that are in there, unless they're main staple items like eggs, milk, sugar, salt, flour, you if you're buying something
62 00:12:31,740 --> 00:12:45,660 that's processed, all those foods have multiple things in inside of them. And it's been gathered from the world's grocery store, mainly, like United States
63 00:12:45,660 --> 00:12:55,680 were a big breadbasket of Russia, and they have a Grain Export as well. And you see, these big countries are saying no, we're not doing it. We're not exporting.
64 00:12:55,770 --> 00:13:04,680 We're keeping ours. And I've been telling my private group this for almost two years, and they think it's going to happen right away. Like it's something that
65 00:13:04,680 --> 00:13:15,150 it's okay. You know, you're not going to have food in the grocery store this weekend. No, it's you need to prepare, get ready for it. Get a two year at least
66 00:13:15,240 --> 00:13:27,270 at least a six month stock of non perishable foods and go through them, use them and replace what you use. Because in 2023, we are going to see crazy famine
67 00:13:27,330 --> 00:13:40,950 level Nuttery, it's going to be nuts, because grains will not be coming to yield like they normally would because fertilizer costs quadruple almost. Okay. Yeah,
68 00:13:41,040 --> 00:13:50,550 if you tell a farmer, you can't use this much water now. And this is how much fertilizer costs and now you got too much carbon. So you can't plant that much.
69 00:13:51,750 --> 00:14:04,170 You see where all this is going. This is the next big thing. So you're all waiting for crypto to come back alive. That's dying. Okay. Forex is dying.
70 00:14:06,450 --> 00:14:09,570 Food. Food
71 00:14:11,430 --> 00:14:20,610 that's going to be the market that people will absolutely be buying up because you need it. You don't need a crypto. You don't need a Forex. You don't need it.
72 00:14:21,960 --> 00:14:36,270 You don't need it. But everybody needs to eat. Everybody, that's the feed themselves or their young ones. Now what are you willing to do to keep from
73 00:14:36,270 --> 00:14:52,500 starving? Now contrast that with what you're willing to do. If you miss a crypto trade or Forex trade, it's annoying. But what happens if your children are
74 00:14:52,500 --> 00:15:01,200 hungry? And you don't have anything in the pantry to feed them? You're gonna start thinking about things that you didn't necessarily what we think about
75 00:15:01,200 --> 00:15:11,580 right now. And what you do want to do, and I'm gonna be honest with you. I'm a God fearing man. But I know I will be doing things that would probably be very
76 00:15:11,580 --> 00:15:28,230 unsavory to make sure my family eats. If you have extra, I'm going to ask politely the first time. And that's just being real. Imagine the whole world
77 00:15:28,230 --> 00:15:41,880 like that. That's going to make food prices go through the roof. And it's all being engineered, not in one country everywhere. So we're seeing that potential
78 00:15:42,000 --> 00:15:58,560 turning of the tide, where dollar has been rallying aggressively, really, really hard, aggressive? Why? It's been flexing on all the other currencies. But Saudi
79 00:15:58,560 --> 00:16:10,080 Arabia is that little Cornerstone I've mentioned, watch that one. I told my students keep your eye on the Middle East. When the shoe drops, you'll know. And
80 00:16:10,080 --> 00:16:21,060 it seems like that formation of the bricks nation that whole you know, anti dollar movement, and their currency is going to be backed by gold. Hello. That's
81 00:16:21,060 --> 00:16:34,410 real money. That's not crypto. And that's not dollars. That's real money. That's a real currency. That's a real currency that has a backing of what is considered
82 00:16:34,410 --> 00:16:49,680 biblical money. Gold. You go into any country. Gold's recognized, you start flashing, you know, Confederate dollars in there. What is that? That's Monopoly
83 00:16:49,680 --> 00:17:02,610 money? No, I don't care about that. But reach inside of a case and pull out a bar of gold. And you'll be lucky if you live. So they're holding up all the
84 00:17:02,610 --> 00:17:12,030 gold. If you've been watching the last 12 months or so there's been huge withdrawals from physical gold depositories, where they're holding on the gold,
85 00:17:12,180 --> 00:17:24,570 there's been huge withdrawals of gold. Why? What is going on that everybody wants to get their hands on their gold? Because something really big is coming.
86 00:17:26,670 --> 00:17:37,530 They already told you what it is, is the great reset. It's a great shafting is what it is. And a lot of people are gonna be caught off guard, they're gonna be
87 00:17:37,530 --> 00:17:47,130 starving. They're gonna be doing without because they think it's too science fiction to prepare for it. But I had to look at the markets and they're telling
88 00:17:47,130 --> 00:18:00,990 you remember, remember how crypto was supposed to be this is the Robin Hood the Savior of all fiat currency victims go out into the world and transfer your
89 00:18:00,990 --> 00:18:03,600 currencies into bitcoin
90 00:18:10,319 --> 00:18:19,319 seems to be a lot of celebrities and such even YouTubers and got themselves tangled up in a web of supporting these ideas and these schemes and scams and
91 00:18:19,319 --> 00:18:34,709 frauds. And now, people are left without their money. Even my own son I told Cody I said do not invest that money in that crap. Don't do it. Oh dad, you
92 00:18:34,709 --> 00:18:43,619 don't know. You're so old and fuddy duddy and you're set in your ways and just watch this young generation. I'm gonna watch this young generation do exactly
93 00:18:43,709 --> 00:18:58,349 what the fuck the.com Bubble did? I said, Don't do it. Okay. See, you only get to be an old dinosaur in this business, if you do the right things. And there's
94 00:18:58,379 --> 00:19:10,799 always these young guys that come out and they think they know something better than the old heads. I'm sorry. Wisdom comes with age. And I might be all wrapped
95 00:19:10,799 --> 00:19:18,179 up here with a bag that's thrown out, I'm gonna tell you something. My net worth is bigger than yours. And my understanding of the markets is bigger than yours.
96 00:19:19,169 --> 00:19:27,089 If I'm telling you this stuff, I'm helping you to arm wrestle me, it's not a competition, I'm trying to help you. You can number one, prevent yourself from
97 00:19:27,119 --> 00:19:45,269 potentially going hungry, or maybe even profit from it. How? Well if the dollar is, in fact top down? And I'm not saying that, specifically here, I'm looking
98 00:19:45,269 --> 00:19:53,939 for further evidence of that, because it's about this time where it should be doing anyway because that sets up the moves that go into next year for grains.
99 00:19:54,509 --> 00:20:04,079 So I'm looking at the correlation between lower prices on dollar and if ever anybody around the world saying, we're not going to be able to produce as much
100 00:20:04,109 --> 00:20:17,759 wheat, corn, soybeans, oats, rice, if you don't have rice in your house, bags of it, you should start getting it. Because it's probably gonna be 10 times more
101 00:20:17,759 --> 00:20:31,979 expensive next year. Oh, I don't eat rice, you'll eat rice if you're hungry. And you do a lot of things with rice. But all those grains, if everything is what
102 00:20:32,429 --> 00:20:47,549 all these signs and indications are pointing to less water being allowed to be used by farmers. They can't get as much fertilizer, because it's too expensive.
103 00:20:48,179 --> 00:21:02,339 And their countries are saying you can't produce this much because of the carbon footprint. You have too much nitrogen. Come on, man. Like all you have to take a
104 00:21:02,339 --> 00:21:10,919 step back and look at it. Do you not see that that's being engineered. It's in your face right now. And I'm talking to the three guys that are in my private
105 00:21:10,919 --> 00:21:23,039 group that literally cussed me out in the email. I'm pissed off at you, because you didn't listen to me. And now it's obvious it's in your face. And when we get
106 00:21:23,039 --> 00:21:39,359 into 2023 If you didn't listen, you're gonna so regret it. You can't make money if you're starving, you're not going to think clearly. And it's easy right now
107 00:21:39,359 --> 00:21:54,479 and go to the grocery store. Oh, it's there. It is full of shit. You have a three day stock. That's what you have to grocery store is shit breaks out, say a
108 00:21:54,479 --> 00:22:08,669 bo MB. fall somewhere in the United States. We don't need to say who it was that did it. But every grocery store out there will empty immediately. Who's going to
109 00:22:08,669 --> 00:22:15,059 come to fill it back up? Nobody. You got what you got? Good luck.
110 00:22:20,130 --> 00:22:31,860 Everybody is three meals away from starvation. You don't realize it. But that's really what it is. So you have to prepare. It's all part of being prepared as a
111 00:22:31,890 --> 00:22:43,260 investor having a clear mind to be able to decide what it is you're going to be doing. Because you cannot trade scared money. Scared money will not make you any
112 00:22:43,260 --> 00:22:54,570 money. And if you don't have these things sorted out beforehand. I have food stocks, I have water filters, I have water, I have means to medicate myself over
113 00:22:54,570 --> 00:23:03,510 the counter medications that would normally be a hindrance on being sick or whatever. I'm not worried about COVID You're not worry about RSB trying to scare
114 00:23:03,510 --> 00:23:14,340 the hell out of you again, people get sick folks. It's part of life. If you're gonna die, you're gonna die and not worry about you can't stop it. But you have
115 00:23:14,340 --> 00:23:25,230 to make preparations for these things even harder. And a lot of you young folks out there, just think you're invincible. And I'm so thankful that this wasn't
116 00:23:25,230 --> 00:23:35,940 happening when I was 20. Because I would have dismissed all of it. I would not be listening to me right now. I would have turned this off. And I would have
117 00:23:35,940 --> 00:23:50,880 done it. I'm thankful I've been able to be in this world long enough to know and how it operates. And where we're heading is not pleasant. And all the people out
118 00:23:50,880 --> 00:24:05,430 there that are run around thinking that you're going to have Forex forever, man. You just simply don't know. You don't know. So if the dollar is coming down that
119 00:24:05,880 --> 00:24:20,220 gateway to have mega trades, that means these big extrapolated, violent one way direction moves. That's a real bull market. That's a real commodity that has
120 00:24:20,220 --> 00:24:29,700 real supply and demand factors still because people need to eat. You don't need your British pounds. You don't need to buy British pounds in the US you don't
121 00:24:29,700 --> 00:24:40,740 need to do that. You don't need to do. You don't need to buy IBM shares or Amazon shares or Tesla shares. You don't need to do that. But you do need to
122 00:24:40,740 --> 00:24:54,150 fill your pantry up. You do need to put eggs bread and milk and those main staples in your house. Those things are real. That stuff is going to be hard to
123 00:24:54,150 --> 00:25:05,160 get your hands on going in and 2023 If you can, it's going to be so expensive. It's going to be stuck as well. So you need to be able to mitigate that as early
124 00:25:05,160 --> 00:25:15,570 as you possibly can start making preparations for that. And also preparing yourself for opportunities in marketplace because crypto, ain't it, folks. It's
125 00:25:15,570 --> 00:25:30,990 not it. The commodity markets, the old we corn, soybean, those types of moves that we saw years ago, in the 90s. They're going to be trumped by enormous
126 00:25:30,990 --> 00:25:41,010 rallies. Coffee. I don't like coffee. I love the way it smells. I love the way it smells except for the ones that my wife likes. It's think I don't know why
127 00:25:41,010 --> 00:25:48,720 she even drinks that garbage. But hey, yeah, she says she loves the way it tastes. I think it sounds like shit. But you know, it is what it is. But
128 00:25:48,720 --> 00:26:00,840 Starbucks or you go into the coffee aisle in the grocery store. I love that. I love that smell. I have a collection of Kelowna two fragrances that smell like a
129 00:26:01,410 --> 00:26:11,340 coffeehouse. And probably like what it smells gorgeous smell. It's a Gorman fragrance. It's beautiful. It smells amazing. I get so many compliments. But
130 00:26:11,790 --> 00:26:18,840 coffee itself, I can't drink it and you're watching what the hell's going on about coffee for coffee is a commodity. Coffee, you can make a lot of money in
131 00:26:18,840 --> 00:26:30,750 coffee trading. And when it moves, it moves fast. There were $300 a cent and you're looking at a move that could potentially go violently straight up. If
132 00:26:30,750 --> 00:26:45,420 people can't get what if they can't get their caffeine through coffee. What happens though, they're nuts, right? I can't function without my coffee. I'm
133 00:26:45,420 --> 00:26:56,640 glad I've never been a victim to that. But I can see I'm being married to a woman that needs that stuff. She's addicted to it. But that's going to be a
134 00:26:56,730 --> 00:27:09,900 commodity that is affected by what's coming to sugar. Sugar right now. Unless you're a diabetic or something like that, you should be getting it. Cocoa, real
135 00:27:09,900 --> 00:27:19,530 quiet market right now. But all those things are going to be expensive going into the next year because you're not going to get your hands on. But the main
136 00:27:19,530 --> 00:27:31,140 ones are grains to me this one on launching. And we saw this big run up and we corrected in everybody's forgot about Alright, now. Nobody's talking about corn,
137 00:27:31,140 --> 00:27:46,320 soybeans and wheat, oats. They're not talking about in $1 slipping in the fundamentals are Saudi Arabia saying it's been nice to see Biden they found new
138 00:27:46,320 --> 00:27:59,310 friends new mafia protectors being worried about getting shaken down anymore. So what's the dollar backed by?
139 00:28:04,890 --> 00:28:06,240 What's the British pound backed by?
140 00:28:12,180 --> 00:28:29,370 The Euro. Yeah. It's an illusion. Thank you have these nations coming together saying we're going to put it into western rule. Just replace that with dollar
141 00:28:29,370 --> 00:28:41,220 based. You know, that's, that's really what they're saying. And it was going to happen. I mean, we played bully for years and decades. We tried to be the cops,
142 00:28:41,220 --> 00:28:50,070 but we're also the people that are doing the biggest crimes against humanity and other nations. We don't like your president. We're gonna do you a favor, and
143 00:28:50,070 --> 00:29:05,430 we're gonna put one in that we'd like. What? How long can you do that before other countries say hey, this ain't the right guy to be backing. And we're
144 00:29:05,430 --> 00:29:19,620 seeing that, that formation, this collaboration between other nations that are literally turning their back on the dollar and the average person doesn't see
145 00:29:19,620 --> 00:29:32,490 it. My kids are in public schools. I guarantee they're not teaching it in schools either. It's gonna be one of those things where something happened. Who
146 00:29:32,490 --> 00:29:47,430 could have seen that coming? All of you now all of you. And you have two choices. Obviously, you can listen to this and dismiss it. Skye's tinfoil hat
147 00:29:47,430 --> 00:30:02,070 shit. Okay. Before you can listen to and say okay, this is opportunity. Opportunity is now here. Whereas First group would be looking at it and
148 00:30:02,070 --> 00:30:14,460 listening and thinking there's no opportunity here. Opportunities nowhere. And for those that are still listening, you see it is opportunity is now here. But
149 00:30:14,460 --> 00:30:29,880 all those letters together, they look the same, but the perception is different. See, as a speculator, as a commodity trader, I look at war. I look at pestilence
150 00:30:29,880 --> 00:30:38,490 and famine, disease and terrible incidents in the world and say, That's horrible. I couldn't do anything personally to stop that. My heart goes out to
151 00:30:38,490 --> 00:30:48,990 those people. But there's opportunity, or there's there's opportunity in that. And it sounds horrible to someone that hasn't been a speculator or trader. But
152 00:30:49,770 --> 00:31:03,750 why wouldn't you take that event that you didn't? Cause? You didn't create it? You can't stop it, you can't remedy it? Is it a moral dilemma? For you to profit
153 00:31:03,750 --> 00:31:13,500 off of it? I don't believe it is. Now I'll leave it for you and the audience members to wrestle at that, oh, I couldn't do that. You're doing every time you
154 00:31:13,500 --> 00:31:23,460 take a trade folks. Because on the other side of that trade, there's someone that's taking the same risk this dealing oppositely you his own word,
155 00:31:23,460 --> 00:31:34,470 oppositely. It isn't just coined it. You're, you're victimizing someone on the other side of your trade. If you're writing you made money, they were a victim
156 00:31:35,010 --> 00:31:44,310 of that speculation. So don't preach to me, I'm not gonna look into the Twitter yet. But I'm sure somebody's like, Ah, it's a terrible outlook. It's the reality
157 00:31:44,310 --> 00:31:56,490 of it all. When I go in, and I put a trade on, I'm hoping the person will end that trade is dead wrong. I'm not lying to you. I'm not trying to sugarcoat it.
158 00:31:56,880 --> 00:32:05,670 I want these motherfuckers to be wrong. I want their money. That's why I'm doing it. I'm not trading to be Mr. Rogers friendly, you know, hey, I'm owning this
159 00:32:05,670 --> 00:32:12,210 business to go on here and lose everybody else. Because I feel like giving my money away. And you know, what else? Is there better to do, I'm just gonna go
160 00:32:12,210 --> 00:32:21,450 here and pick losing trades, that way, the other guys out there can start making money. That means I'm a good person. Fuck that. I'm in this business to make
161 00:32:21,450 --> 00:32:33,930 money. And that's the only reason why you should be here. So you shouldn't be wrestling with any kind of moral dilemma about finding opportunity in terrible
162 00:32:33,960 --> 00:32:43,260 events that you didn't cause? They are those victims were already victims, okay, you're not taking anything from them. You're not preventing them from getting
163 00:32:43,290 --> 00:32:55,950 aid. You're just looking at the cause and effect, how that's going to be viewed in the marketplace. And that sentiment shift, you're participating in that? That
164 00:32:55,950 --> 00:33:09,120 speculation? If you're wrestling with that, because I had students come to me Christian. Do you think that trading is gambling? And does God look at what we
165 00:33:09,120 --> 00:33:29,520 do? As gambling? Well, the law is in the hands of the Lord. So if you believe that, and you ask of him to grace you with a blessing, and he allows you to have
166 00:33:29,520 --> 00:33:38,190 it? Does that sound like God saying, No, this is something you shouldn't be doing? I don't think I'm gonna say this statement, I'm going to get off his top
167 00:33:38,190 --> 00:33:47,850 because I could go on this for a long time. I know there's people here don't want to hear this. But I wanted to touch on this because it cannot be discussed
168 00:33:48,060 --> 00:33:55,470 in that not be an issue because there's some of you are listening and thinking, okay, but this is something that my church members would frown on this, you
169 00:33:55,470 --> 00:34:02,940 know, maybe we were trying to get a club together and money from this guy, now he's here, or they're listening to this podcast, or whatever it is I'm doing
170 00:34:02,940 --> 00:34:13,230 here, and I'm cussing and saying you should be profiting off of people dying in a war, and it doesn't sound like something they would want to participate in.
171 00:34:14,760 --> 00:34:23,370 I'm not saying that's what we do. I'm saying that that's where sometimes unfortunately, great opportunity is there. And here's what you can do with that.
172 00:34:24,660 --> 00:34:40,050 You can take that windfall victory, and turn around and bless other people with it. That's all you got to do. If I profit and I see someone in need, I don't
173 00:34:40,050 --> 00:34:52,140 broadcast it and say, I go out here and I did this today. Give me my attaboy publicly. I don't virtue signal for that crap. Okay. I have shared in years gone
174 00:34:52,140 --> 00:35:04,590 by. That when I'm in a grocery store, I like to pick somebody out that I wouldn't necessarily expect it, and I go behind them with my cart. And then I
175 00:35:04,590 --> 00:35:16,050 tell the person, go ahead, I got you. Now, I'm not saying that to, to lose my reward for doing it. I'm not trying to sound better than the average person. But
176 00:35:16,050 --> 00:35:27,900 that's how I live my life. So I don't just go out here and try to make money off of incidents that people were victim of new earthquakes and wars and the
177 00:35:28,020 --> 00:35:37,110 terrible things that took place. A currency collapse is something that near death effect, that's going to cause reverberations in the marketplace. That's an
178 00:35:37,110 --> 00:35:47,460 opportunity. And if I can profit from that, how I feel good about doing it is I go out, and I'll find someone that's in need of something. And I'll do some
179 00:35:48,720 --> 00:36:00,240 provide something for them. render a service to them. And that's it. No, no reward beyond that. Just feeling good doing it. That's how I coped with it.
180 00:36:00,240 --> 00:36:12,480 Because early on, I had that wrestling match. And am I really doing the right thing? Like, am I doing the right thing? And I look at this way. There's a
181 00:36:12,480 --> 00:36:24,480 pattern, there's a parable of the talents, okay. And the one that was given the opportunity to multiply the talent, he went and buried it. He said, Well, look,
182 00:36:24,480 --> 00:36:34,530 the sky, he shrewd. He, if I lose this, he's gonna be really upset with me. So I'm just gonna go bury it. When he comes back, I'll get right back to him. And
183 00:36:34,530 --> 00:36:46,290 he was chastised because he did not at least put it in the bank. So you can do what? get interest on it. That's investing folks that's speculating. So I don't
184 00:36:46,320 --> 00:36:59,490 think that God has an issue with trading or speculating, he has an issue with money changers, clearly bashing the whip, and out of a group, and drove him out,
185 00:37:00,090 --> 00:37:10,620 turn over the tables released all the doves. So if you're expecting that blue eyed, loving hippie Jesus coming back, I don't think that's what you're going to
186 00:37:10,620 --> 00:37:21,240 be getting. But again, I'm not going to preach, I'm not going to preach. But there's so many things in that book, that you could literally draw so many
187 00:37:21,240 --> 00:37:32,400 parallels into how you should live your life as a trader. You don't have to be a bible thumper. Okay, you don't I don't go to a church, I don't go to a religious
188 00:37:32,430 --> 00:37:47,010 building for people. Not having issue with people to do that. But I don't do that I don't participate in organized religion must support those churches that
189 00:37:47,580 --> 00:38:03,390 operate like businesses. I don't think that's the model that was given to us an x. So when I talk to you, folks, I know sometimes the topics, they don't feel
190 00:38:03,390 --> 00:38:11,610 like they're germane to you at the moment. But given enough time, you'll start thinking he talked about that.
191 00:38:13,200 --> 00:38:23,340 And the 20 year olds that are in my audience, maybe even the early 30 year olds, you're, you're trying to find some way to connect with what I'm telling you
192 00:38:23,340 --> 00:38:33,960 today. Because it sounds like gloom and doom? Well, if you want to look at it from a perspective of not being prepared, not seeing opportunity, and not being
193 00:38:33,960 --> 00:38:45,000 able to speculate on it, then yeah, I can see how easily that would be very depressing, scary. But I don't, I don't fear those things. Okay, I don't worry
194 00:38:45,000 --> 00:38:55,920 about those things. Because if there is a system still in operation, okay. And this is why I always tell everyone, the algorithm is not going to stop working,
195 00:38:56,160 --> 00:39:04,320 they're going to implement to continuously, the markets themselves will be removed, then it won't work because there's no market. But as long as there's a
196 00:39:04,320 --> 00:39:12,450 market, that's what they're employing, period. Don't worry about that. You have other things to worry about, besides whether or not the algorithm is gonna get
197 00:39:12,450 --> 00:39:25,410 changed or replaced with something else. It's efficient, folks. It's efficient, it's perfect. And when they needed to be something outside of itself, they will
198 00:39:25,440 --> 00:39:42,330 manually intervene. There it is. So there's no reason to be worrying about all those things. But in all this mess, this is what is astonishing to me. You see
199 00:39:42,330 --> 00:39:54,810 all these folks out there and I'm not listen folks. I'm not trying to stir you up. Cannot use crypto people are like fanatics like you like your What did you
200 00:39:54,810 --> 00:40:03,690 say about my mother? That's what it feels like sometimes, and I'm just giving you my opinion. In, in my opinion should be welcomed. You don't have to agree
201 00:40:03,690 --> 00:40:14,430 with it. But in speculation, there has to be somebody that has the other opinion that's different from yours. And that should be welcomed. I look, most of my
202 00:40:14,430 --> 00:40:23,640 time in the morning before the markets really present the kill zone times I'm trading, I'm in forums, I'm on websites, I'm in people's Twitter's, I'm on
203 00:40:23,640 --> 00:40:37,380 people's YouTube comment sections and trying to feel what the sentiment is. I'm interested in the other opinion, I'm not taking their trades, I'm going to trade
204 00:40:37,380 --> 00:40:47,460 against that sentiment. Now, I'm not saying you should feed what I'm saying here today. You're welcome to try that. But just know that if you do that, this could
205 00:40:47,460 --> 00:41:01,530 be very, very expensive, and a different kind of expense, where you may be ill prepared for your household to sustain itself. Nobody, nobody sees how crypto
206 00:41:02,490 --> 00:41:19,410 was not the savior. In all this pandemic. That was the time for it to shine. And I sat back and wait to be wrong. Oh, so tell me if it's if this is really what
207 00:41:19,410 --> 00:41:36,450 it's pretending to be, then it should be shooting straight on up and Nope. XRP future in future, zero. All these things are there to get you thinking outside
208 00:41:36,450 --> 00:41:51,660 of the normal money in his benefactor. But I couldn't trust having my money parked in any of those things right now. Look how much fraud has been going on.
209 00:41:53,340 --> 00:42:05,280 Think about it. My son's got 20,000 Plus locked up, he can't do anything with it. He can't pull it out. I can't do nothing. But that's frustrating for me
210 00:42:05,280 --> 00:42:17,310 because he didn't listen. My own flesh and blood, my firstborn did not listen to me, and it fucking pisses me off. I want to throttle him. But he won't learn.
211 00:42:18,330 --> 00:42:31,080 The only thing he'll remember is dad basically blasted me and he didn't care that I went through it. When I do care that he went through it. Every single
212 00:42:31,080 --> 00:42:41,250 time. I see someone asked me about Bitcoin, or I see a Bitcoin thing that's trending or any kind of crypto thing. It blows me up, man, I'm pissed off
213 00:42:41,250 --> 00:42:52,770 because he bought into that horseshit. Always just the new way of doing things is the new breed of trading is is going to be able to smoke everything out there
214 00:42:52,800 --> 00:43:06,180 Wrong. Wrong. That's hype. And when social media first of all Bitcoin would have never been able to do what it's done, if social media was not even available,
215 00:43:07,200 --> 00:43:20,610 whenever whatever happened. Social media is the instrument that is weaving all of your thoughts and dreams together. And you don't even see it as engineering
216 00:43:20,610 --> 00:43:34,200 the direction in your life, how you should think about things. And they will not be letting us have social media much longer. Not in the capacity, you're used to
217 00:43:34,200 --> 00:43:47,970 using it. $44 billion, and he brought the kitchen sink in. Because he's going down the fucking drain. That was money laundering, folks. You just don't see it.
218 00:43:51,360 --> 00:43:58,710 Oh, let's get it all tied up in bankruptcies not outside of the discussion next year for Twitter.
219 00:44:04,410 --> 00:44:13,290 I might be wrong here, folks. But just think about this for a second. What happens if Twitter dis folds and it's not there and it's not sold or bought by
220 00:44:13,290 --> 00:44:24,690 someone else to keep it going. That's just one big venue where people can communicate and share real time what's going on where they're at. So you can
221 00:44:24,990 --> 00:44:33,930 text your friends and family. A bunch of things that's going on, if shit starts going down where you're at, in your country in your neck of the woods. It's real
222 00:44:33,930 --> 00:44:44,910 easy for us to get on Twitter did it? There it is, is what's going on share video clip. And it's out there people have it viral. What I see is the
223 00:44:44,910 --> 00:44:56,610 beginnings of them having the perfect excuse why? You can't do it. It doesn't feel like Big Brother taking it from you. It just feels like some rich guy did
224 00:44:56,610 --> 00:45:09,990 something stupid. And now Twitter doesn't exist because that. I don't see that at all. I see $44 billion transferring hands in a money laundering scheme. And
225 00:45:09,990 --> 00:45:25,860 they're going to take one more way of taking information exchange from us. All of us collectively. It just goes away. Just like I think people they think, you
226 00:45:25,860 --> 00:45:36,420 know, oh, hey, Pals is trying to be this and that. You're gonna charge somebody $2,500 And you're gonna police whether something they say is truthful or not.
227 00:45:36,780 --> 00:45:48,600 I've already closed my PayPal account. I'm done. Going. When they put that shit right back in there again. I was it that that morning? I called. I said, You're
228 00:45:48,600 --> 00:45:56,130 not letting me close the PayPal account? I have no interest in doing business with PayPal anymore. I'm done. Close the account right now. Are you sure sir?
229 00:45:56,130 --> 00:46:13,290 Because we I said I'm absolutely sure. Close my fucking account right now. Okay, it's done. All right, this off. What are they doing? They're removing another
230 00:46:13,290 --> 00:46:23,670 opportunity for currency exchange, doing business. Everything is slowly but surely like a noose around everyone's neck. The circle is being tightened
231 00:46:24,360 --> 00:46:29,220 smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller, and nobody sees it.
232 00:46:34,710 --> 00:46:46,860 Eventually, you're going to have this is the only way you can buy and sell. You gotta use this means of currency, that central bank digital currency. where
233 00:46:46,860 --> 00:46:56,940 everything's tracked. It's on the blockchain, because blockchain is not going away. Just your favorite coins and Kryptos are going to go away. They're going
234 00:46:56,940 --> 00:47:06,000 to be banned. Only the central bank digital currency is going to be allowed. I told you if they made a futures contract on Bitcoin, that's the beginning of the
235 00:47:06,000 --> 00:47:06,300 end.
236 00:47:11,640 --> 00:47:31,470 That ICT is bullshit. Well, I can afford to be wrong. I haven't been. But can you afford to be wrong? Coders hold on for dear life, hoping and praying that
237 00:47:31,470 --> 00:47:34,710 things are going to be wrong. And she can come back and say, this didn't age well.
238 00:47:43,110 --> 00:47:55,710 I was preaching to my son. He wouldn't listen. And you all took it personal like I'm talking to you. And he's in the situation I tried to prevent. And as a dad
239 00:47:55,740 --> 00:48:13,830 as ICT. You it feels like failure. I feel like I I don't know how else I could have done it. You know, I don't know how else I could have shown him. What he
240 00:48:13,830 --> 00:48:25,980 was doing was the worst decision he could have done. Like, I don't know. I don't know what. Looking back, I could have done anything different. To make it even
241 00:48:25,980 --> 00:48:39,000 more impactful for him to not do it. He has me in him. And I remember how it was and you heard it in all my rants and such and sprinkled through my youtube
242 00:48:39,000 --> 00:48:47,280 channel videos where my friends and family said this is the stupidest thing in the world. And I can see how it would have been like him saying looked at I love
243 00:48:47,280 --> 00:48:56,670 you and all but fuck off. I'm gonna prove you wrong. He's got that me on he's got me and him in that sense that DNA that's in me that go fuck yourself. You
244 00:48:56,700 --> 00:49:03,270 just told me I can't do it. I'm gonna find 12 Fucking ways where you're wrong. And I've done it better than anybody else. That's my outlook on life. Tell me I
245 00:49:03,270 --> 00:49:05,040 can't and I'll do it better than anybody else.
246 00:49:10,410 --> 00:49:21,360 Yeah, I think that's what he was trying to do. And he failed. Just like I went out there and traded with live money before I should have and found out that it
247 00:49:21,390 --> 00:49:27,480 required a lot more. You didn't just simply watching or not watching but reading a book that had absolutely no fucking understanding about the markets
248 00:49:27,480 --> 00:49:38,460 whatsoever. But I got all built up in the Hype. Hype was at the little cassette tape that came with it and listen to these people talk about what they did. And
249 00:49:38,460 --> 00:49:48,450 it was interesting that one of those interviews said I lost money. I thought I heard some of those other than like, maybe not yet. I mean, do some thinking
250 00:49:48,450 --> 00:49:57,630 that but he only put in the interviews where people use what he taught and that stupid is among us a course. And I'm referring to Ken Roberts in case you're
251 00:49:57,630 --> 00:50:10,680 wondering what I'm talking about, but Back in the 80s and early 90s This guy was like the largest influencer for commodity trading and simple stupid shit that
252 00:50:10,680 --> 00:50:23,310 people nonsense but like anything else if someone wins at a casino they make a big to do about it right the bells come on the lights flashing the girls come
253 00:50:23,310 --> 00:50:30,360 out dancing around bringing their ship to them look at this this person's significant Don't you want to be like them look at them they just got 50 fucking
254 00:50:30,360 --> 00:50:42,630 dollars for that because you know little One Armed Bandit when it comes I don't know what I can remember daily I don't go to casinos the shutdown streaming
255 00:50:42,630 --> 00:50:43,680 that's what is that thing called
256 00:50:55,050 --> 00:51:01,710 I don't know what's out there. You pull the arm down and it spins the things around. If it matches you get a jackpot whatever it is, I don't know what
257 00:51:01,710 --> 00:51:14,430 they're called. But whenever there's a winner, they make a big deal about it. Because they know let me go let me get more money on my ATM card. Because I want
258 00:51:14,430 --> 00:51:27,060 to have that experience to while my son got caught up and all that stuff watching social media on Facebook and people talk about Yeah, I did this with
259 00:51:27,420 --> 00:51:32,760 Bitcoin. I did this with the theory I did this with new coin Dogecoin all this other horseshit.
260 00:51:40,410 --> 00:51:49,950 I told him I said how can you? How can you feel safe doing that? How can you feel comfortable trading in that shit when there's so many people ripping people
261 00:51:49,950 --> 00:51:58,440 off with it? They can't get their money out of the fucking exchange there with exchanges are shutting down running away. Coins are just new scams, they they
262 00:51:58,440 --> 00:52:07,560 stop doing whatever they're supposed to be doing. And they're they're running off with people's money. That's fucking scam. That's fraud. You don't see
263 00:52:07,560 --> 00:52:22,980 futures contracts doing that shit. You don't see that. Now, we don't trade pork bellies anymore. We don't trade egg futures anymore. So if if the volume doesn't
264 00:52:22,980 --> 00:52:30,540 permit it, then they'll just do away with the contract. But they don't fuck everybody while they're in the contract. Like they say, Okay, this is gonna stop
265 00:52:30,540 --> 00:52:38,670 trading. There it is. That's how you that's how you run an efficient, honest business. Even though they are screwing people that don't have a trade. It's
266 00:52:38,670 --> 00:52:50,340 still an opportunity. If you know what you're doing. You can make money. But he wouldn't listen. He couldn't see it. He was blinded by it.
267 00:52:55,410 --> 00:53:07,890 He wanted a stupid fucking Volkswagen. Not a knock against Volkswagen. But I mean, really, that's the car you wanted. Whatever. It's paid off. It's his.
268 00:53:08,010 --> 00:53:30,690 Okay, he owns it. He sells his fucking car and pours all that money into the crypto. And he gets a credit card and borrows against that in the crypto. And
269 00:53:30,690 --> 00:53:44,130 then I didn't hear from him for like seven months I knew is down. I begged them. When right when I was at the highs on ADA. I said, Son, listen to me. If you
270 00:53:44,130 --> 00:53:53,580 never listened to that about anything else, please just listen to me right now. Please, please, please just take half out right now. But he is on the sidelines
271 00:53:53,730 --> 00:54:07,200 that way, even if it does go down and it hurt you a little bit. You have something you can go back into later on. But don't risk at all. No doubt I got
272 00:54:07,200 --> 00:54:22,170 this, by by this by this and like he's trying to sell me on. I'm like, wow. Like he's, he's really like committed to that 100% And I've watched all of you out
273 00:54:22,170 --> 00:54:29,490 there over the years that have been championing it, like pushing it really hard and not get it. I mean, maybe he made a lot of money. It's great. I just don't
274 00:54:29,490 --> 00:54:43,410 have any faith in Him personally. And there's so many things that I have against it. I would never invest in it. I would never do it. And what it's done to my
275 00:54:43,410 --> 00:54:53,370 son, he's just left a really bad taste in my mouth about it. I don't want to ever touch crypto. And I wish he would have listened to me it's okay if out
276 00:54:53,370 --> 00:55:05,550 because it wouldn't have been that painful then. But he's caught up in some Shit, we're near the coin base horseshit that's going on, you can't do anything
277 00:55:05,550 --> 00:55:17,340 with it. Over 20, some 1000 hours, which is insignificant. It's like it's, that's nothing money. That's literally shit money. The fact that he didn't
278 00:55:17,340 --> 00:55:29,160 listen, the fact that he's hurt by it, and he still thinks it's going to turn around, like, son, what the hell? Like, at some point, you got to know that this
279 00:55:29,160 --> 00:55:44,310 was a bad decision. Don't hold on to it thinking it's gonna resurrect itself. It's not. So that's why that's why I've been adamant about crypto, just give me
280 00:55:44,310 --> 00:55:56,160 an inside track of what's going on. And what I was trying to avoid happened. You know, he fell victim to it. And most of all YouTube, too. I mean, you're, you
281 00:55:56,160 --> 00:56:11,040 had faith in something going to the moon, go on to the moon baby. Maybe the moon's rotating on different axis now. It's above and below us now. And if it's
282 00:56:11,040 --> 00:56:27,510 below us, then it will make sense it's going to demand. But that's not how things are. So I used to get people coming at me in Twitter, like shut up ICT,
283 00:56:27,510 --> 00:56:35,970 you're just trying to influence other people. No, I'm literally talking to my son. Just like I'm talking to my kids in the videos that you listen to on
284 00:56:35,970 --> 00:56:47,160 YouTube. That's why it feels like I'm talking to you. Because I have someone in mind as I'm talking. Somebody that I love, that I care about. And that resonates
285 00:56:47,160 --> 00:56:55,920 with you. Because you want someone that knows what they're talking about. They can prove it, and is talking common sense. So that's that connection you're
286 00:56:55,920 --> 00:57:10,470 feeling with me. But I'm talking to my flesh and blood. I'm talking to them. And I'm trying to reach them with the words I'm giving publicly. They have them
287 00:57:10,470 --> 00:57:24,330 forever. If something happens to me, they can always always listen to that. But this is one time when I really wanted my son to listen to me and didn't. And I
288 00:57:24,330 --> 00:57:35,340 think he's a little bit ashamed. He's embarrassed. He's expecting that typical ICT fuckin told you so that he sees me do that with the public, when people try
289 00:57:35,340 --> 00:57:46,290 to say this and that no thing. I would never do that to him. I would never do that to him, it would be would be more painful to do that than what he's already
290 00:57:46,290 --> 00:57:58,560 experienced. So I'm trying to give it time. And trying to gently guide him away from that shit and say, Okay, you tasted what it was like to make a little bit
291 00:57:58,560 --> 00:58:09,150 of money. But then you got hurt. That's no problem. I've blown accounts in the 1990s. And it did not deter me. I'm still talking to you here, you still see up
292 00:58:09,150 --> 00:58:20,490 push buttons, and the bottom line is in the markets, listen. So it's not failure in the final sense of the word, or you can't ever do anything with this. But he
293 00:58:20,490 --> 00:58:35,970 needs to come out of that crypto mindset and go to a real market. Now, crypto is a real market. Not in my eyes, it isn't something that is predictable. That is
294 00:58:36,000 --> 00:58:50,970 not going to have the tomfoolery that it hasn't. Okay, the exchange is going to just take your money and screw you over. The CME is the CME sort of our trade is
295 00:58:50,970 --> 00:59:03,420 same thing, these exchanges aren't going to pull the shenanigans that these crypto shitbags are doing. And you can take offense to that, you know, whatever.
296 00:59:04,140 --> 00:59:13,830 But that's the reality of it all. If you look at all these old guys that's been around for a long time. I've always been interested in their opinion about
297 00:59:14,280 --> 00:59:28,320 crypto and such and the ones that got wrapped up in it. I've seen over time how they were like, you know, I just sort of stuck to the things that I knew. Does
298 00:59:28,320 --> 00:59:41,100 that sound like someone that made a good decision now? I saw I'm not a football fan. Like I don't really watch football. And I think the guy's name is Tom
299 00:59:41,100 --> 00:59:52,860 Brady. I think that's what the guy said. I saw short on YouTube when I'm going through this stuff and listening to people I like listening to getting their
300 00:59:52,920 --> 01:00:03,510 opinions about shit. For sentiment reasons, I'm not following anybody for what they're going to do but this Oh, this fellow I've never seen before. He
301 01:00:03,510 --> 01:00:14,820 mentioned that apparently, Tom Brady and his wife separated from divorce or whatever. And he went back to playing football because he lost money in crypto.
302 01:00:15,240 --> 01:00:22,560 Now, I don't know if that's true. If it is, you know, give me a heads up or give me a link to something about that. Because while I'm not a football fan, I would
303 01:00:22,560 --> 01:00:30,750 find it interesting to read up on what it is he did and how he fell victim to it. But there's a lot of celebrities that got themselves in trouble. You know,
304 01:00:30,750 --> 01:00:47,490 by repping knew these crypto things and people really got hurt. That's, that's unfortunate. And that's why I wasn't touching none of that shit. Okay. If if you
305 01:00:47,490 --> 01:00:58,350 have to have a celebrity tell you. This is something good. Matt Damon, Kim Kardashian. Okay. If those people are saying, This is what you should do for
306 01:00:58,350 --> 01:01:10,560 your financial future. It's smart. It's investing in your future. These people are not going to do that for free. Okay, they're being paid to do that. To say
307 01:01:10,560 --> 01:01:19,980 those words, because they're being paid to influence you. Don't give a fine, fuck what Matt Damon says about anything. I mean, by nothing that that man would
308 01:01:19,980 --> 01:01:28,290 ever say and anybody else, okay? If you haven't made money doing it, and aren't showing me that you did it, then you made money with it. I don't give a fuck
309 01:01:28,290 --> 01:01:39,990 about your opinion about any of that shit. That's all dumb shit. That's, that's the basis of why I talk the way I talk. Because that's how this operates is
310 01:01:39,990 --> 01:01:51,900 whole worlds just like that. It's all fuckery it's always find the victim and maximize how much you can police from him. And it's bullshit. You can make money
311 01:01:51,900 --> 01:02:02,850 and still help people. You don't have to be crooked about it. You don't have to be fucking a fraud. Okay? If something's good, prove that's good. And then say,
312 01:02:02,850 --> 01:02:12,270 Okay, this is what I did with it. And here, you see what you do with it. I mean, I got all the respect in the world for something like that. But if a celebrity
313 01:02:12,270 --> 01:02:21,210 or someone that's an influencer, and they're repping, a company or a coin, or crypto or any kind of horseshit like that, man, that's, that's the easiest one
314 01:02:21,210 --> 01:02:34,200 to want to run away from. Was that one, like I said, I'm not a crypto person. But I remember there was a, an infomercial that was coming up on YouTube all the
315 01:02:34,200 --> 01:02:44,520 time, where Matt Damon's walking by and he's looking at like, it's like in outer space or some shit like that. Like, what the hell like that right there that
316 01:02:44,550 --> 01:02:52,710 screams failure like that right there is going to fail. And if I'm not mistaken, I think that's one that just recently did fail. I don't know what the name of it
317 01:02:52,710 --> 01:02:54,000 is. But
318 01:02:56,580 --> 01:03:07,500 you're gonna see a lot of shit like that in 2023. About your cryptocurrency things, there are going to be shifts this completely done away with. And what is
319 01:03:07,500 --> 01:03:20,820 that going to do to the public's perception about crypto? Hell, no, I'm not touching that stuff. And then what's going to happen? Here's the solution.
320 01:03:22,410 --> 01:03:32,040 Here's the solution because the dollar sucks now, because it's not backed by the oil market anymore. Can't go to crypto. So what are you gonna do? You can't just
321 01:03:32,040 --> 01:03:47,490 go and start using the ruble or one that can't be accepted in America. So the central bank digital currency Here you go the Savior and get everybody on the
322 01:03:47,490 --> 01:04:01,680 blockchain. And once that's done, it's all going to unified on the one. There's no way that's where we're going. You just don't see it yet. That's a little ways
323 01:04:01,680 --> 01:04:17,910 down the road. But they first got to get you off a cache. And that's gonna be easy next year. Real quick, real sudden. You're not stopping it. I can't stop
324 01:04:17,910 --> 01:04:31,320 it. I don't even lose sleep over it. I'm not worried about it. But all these things translate into huge opportunities in the commodity markets next year,
325 01:04:31,560 --> 01:04:38,970 because if grains can't be produced at the level they're supposed to be, and they don't meet their yield, how much they're able to harvest. That means
326 01:04:38,970 --> 01:04:50,730 there's gonna be less food going into the grocery store. That means what the supply the real supply will be small, very, very low. What's that going to do
327 01:04:50,730 --> 01:05:06,900 for prices? hyper inflation through the roof. Strike demand So if that's happening or likely to happen, will it be interesting for you to start studying
328 01:05:06,900 --> 01:05:19,710 what those grain markets are doing over the next six to nine months? Because I believe that we're gonna see enormous bull markets in the grain markets in 2023.
329 01:05:20,970 --> 01:05:30,600 Like, straight up, never been seen before type of moves. And they've laid the groundwork for it, because they know everybody's looking for crypto bull
330 01:05:30,600 --> 01:05:48,630 markets. Everybody wants the stock market to turn around. Oh, look at this. We have a nice little bounce on stocks. It doesn't go on the straight line, folks.
331 01:05:49,620 --> 01:06:02,130 You have to get people wanting to do what you have to get them to buy it. downtrends whether they're parabolic, or stair stepping? Okay. Every time
332 01:06:02,130 --> 01:06:14,100 there's a short term of a low there, there is an enormous hope that comes in thinking that's the low. That's the bottom. Let's buy it. But just in case it
333 01:06:14,100 --> 01:06:29,220 isn't, let me put my stop loss rate below that low. That's why you have these little corrections. It's not because buyers came in and there was a low in the
334 01:06:29,220 --> 01:06:40,770 sellers. That's the horseshit that they tell you it's not that folks. It's not that once it gets to an objective, then they start repricing higher, any market
335 01:06:40,800 --> 01:06:47,940 orders that come in, they get filled at that market price. And it just keep booking higher, higher, higher, higher. And if you're short, you get squeezed
336 01:06:47,940 --> 01:06:56,760 out of it, which causes it to do what? You buy more. So you're exiting at a higher price that they keep offering to the marketplace, you're forced to trade
337 01:06:56,760 --> 01:07:11,760 there if you're in the trade, or you're suffering to the loss. So my point in saying this is they create these short term little rallies to engineer sentiment
338 01:07:11,760 --> 01:07:20,250 shifts where it's the low, but maybe it's bullish for the stock market now, there ain't a fucking thing bullish about the stock market right now. It's
339 01:07:20,250 --> 01:07:33,090 absolutely nothing bullish about the stock market, nothing. There's no optimism that makes any bit of sense. And all you're seeing is reasons for people to do
340 01:07:33,090 --> 01:07:48,030 what buy into hope. See, normally we create the low the the year and it starts trading higher right about now. And I'm expecting this one to fail, because
341 01:07:48,030 --> 01:08:00,720 that's the normal seasonal thing. I teach my students this tween as early as September into the half of November. In this week's we look for an s&p
342 01:08:00,720 --> 01:08:10,860 divergence, Dow Jones goes lower, NASDAQ goes lower, s&p doesn't make that lower low or one of them. And that's enough to start looking for a run up into
343 01:08:10,860 --> 01:08:22,920 February. Real easy move, real easy thing that repeats most years. This is a typical kind of year. Like it's there's a whole lot of things going on man, we
344 01:08:22,920 --> 01:08:33,210 got war, we got corruption everywhere. And I'm gonna go the laundry list of things that you know I've talked about in the past, but nothing's normal and
345 01:08:33,210 --> 01:08:45,210 normal and coming back. And normalcy in markets for sentiment is usually there's a low that's formed in the fall. And you can work with that going into February
346 01:08:45,270 --> 01:09:00,960 of the following year. Sometimes, you know, as long as February but usually to the first half of January. So you have a tradable fall rally. And then how we
347 01:09:00,960 --> 01:09:11,640 work into springtime where it creates a short term high and then intermediate term highs and trades down through the summer making and the fall lows. I am of
348 01:09:11,640 --> 01:09:23,790 the opinion that that is not going to happen this year. They're going to give you what we're seeing right now. That little short term turn it looks like it's
349 01:09:23,790 --> 01:09:35,760 made of bottom and it looks like that. That we're done we've seen capitulation we have not seen capitulation. No. Huh. Think about it folks. This been going on
350 01:09:35,880 --> 01:09:48,810 for a while. So they have to get people to do what buy in to bring in new sellers below the lows. Because if you're short from the highs, you have to have
351 01:09:48,810 --> 01:10:00,510 someone to do what sell to you buying the cover your short. That's why these market creates toward these markets rather create the short term low was in bear
352 01:10:00,510 --> 01:10:10,500 markets. It's not an absence of sellers and an overtaking of the buyers. That's the biggest load of bullshit. That's bullshit. And you all believe it. Because
353 01:10:10,830 --> 01:10:22,440 1000s of books keep repeating the same horseshit. And it's all lies. It's fucking lies, man. Just take a step back and think this is this is what drives
354 01:10:22,440 --> 01:10:32,460 me nuts, man. There is no algorithm to fuck anything. There is good. There absolutely is. There is no smart money out there. It's it's buying and selling
355 01:10:32,460 --> 01:10:40,830 pressure. It's supply and demand. Man, shut the fuck up. Do you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about? You still work a fucking job. And you're
356 01:10:40,830 --> 01:10:52,410 going to talk to me about what you fucking believe the markets are doing? Go fuck yourself. The hell out of here, man. These markets are absolutely gonna
357 01:10:52,410 --> 01:11:06,090 percent rigged period all the time. Every minute that they're open, they're rigged. Your pursuit should be? How are they rigged? And who do they victimize.
358 01:11:06,840 --> 01:11:19,320 And don't be a part of that group. That's what my youtube channel does. That keeps you from falling into that category of ill informed speculator, you have
359 01:11:19,320 --> 01:11:27,300 no excuse. Now, once you go through those videos, what videos all of them what the issue is start with whatever one you want to start with. But watch all of
360 01:11:27,300 --> 01:11:37,020 them. You want to have something goes right into finding a pattern and you can start studying right away. That's the 2022 mentorship. There you go. 41 videos,
361 01:11:37,050 --> 01:11:46,380 boom, done. It'll whet your appetite, trust me, but you're able to make money there too. You'll know what you're looking for. It simplifies brings everything
362 01:11:46,380 --> 01:11:59,430 in one. Easily wrapped up packets were here it is, you know, you got 41 videos to watch. And I covered more things that I intended to teach in that. And it's
363 01:11:59,430 --> 01:12:07,410 good, it's really good. I'm gonna be honest with you, it's better than my private mentorship teachings were because I didn't sit down and give them a
364 01:12:07,410 --> 01:12:18,210 straight to the point, easy, fast off the cuff model where you can go in and trade every single day to that people near ripping me off. So the counter that I
365 01:12:18,210 --> 01:12:30,390 did it for free out there. Now they know how to make that model. None of them sat down and did it though. They can make all kinds of models. They've been
366 01:12:30,390 --> 01:12:36,360 trained as charter members, they know how to do things. But human things
367 01:12:37,949 --> 01:12:48,989 creep in. And they just want me to do it for him. And I understand. But it can't be your model. If I give it completely to you. That model as good as it is, is
368 01:12:48,989 --> 01:12:57,209 going to inspire most of you out there to think oh, yeah, I can see how I can use these other things he talked about in the market maker primer course, I can
369 01:12:57,209 --> 01:13:06,599 implement that. And me and that's great. And that's your unique model. You don't need to it's a complete, full approach. You just bring your money management
370 01:13:07,319 --> 01:13:16,979 matches you how much you're willing to risk to apply to the 2020 mentorship series, there's 41 videos, you will never ever, ever listen to me, folks. You
371 01:13:16,979 --> 01:13:25,739 will never ever, ever, ever, ever need to watch another ICD video again. You never need to buy another fucking course from anybody. You don't need to
372 01:13:25,739 --> 01:13:32,189 subscribe to any other youtubers you need. You don't need to watch anybody else that they're pretending they're smart money concepts. These fucking guys. Every
373 01:13:32,189 --> 01:13:40,349 time I go on YouTube, I see. Are you using these patterns here? Well, this is all garbage. This is all my stuff. That's my, that's my pattern. That's my bands
374 01:13:40,349 --> 01:13:50,339 are these. That's my stick. Okay. And they're out there doing mentioning though. And they're out there selling this is what we teach our members. If you can't
375 01:13:50,339 --> 01:13:58,409 make money with this, you don't have to pay guaranteed. Well, let me tell you what's gonna happen with that kind of guy. The CFTC is gonna be like, Oh, you
376 01:13:58,409 --> 01:14:09,719 said guarantee that you will we can guarantee your ass is going to be looked into. So I know you're listening Easy Forex, you might want to change your shit.
377 01:14:11,159 --> 01:14:28,799 So the 2023 year is fraught with opportunity. But it's also going to come at a cost. It's going to be dangerous. It's going to be probably scary for most
378 01:14:28,799 --> 01:14:39,959 people. But the main thing is for you not to be afraid by being prepared. Get yourself some non perishable food. So that way, when you're trading, you're not
379 01:14:39,959 --> 01:14:50,069 worrying about, oh, I can't trade because I can't afford to buy the food that's going to be too expensive now. You haven't taken care of and that way you're not
380 01:14:50,069 --> 01:15:01,829 panicking and worrying about things. It's going to be an external influence on your decision making processes. That psychology element no educator. Listen to
381 01:15:01,829 --> 01:15:11,999 me, folks. I'm gonna sound like a crack to my stomach, I'm hungry, I haven't eaten anything all day and I'm starving. I'll Fijian relax. No other educators
382 01:15:11,999 --> 01:15:21,179 out there, whatever step out here and talk the shit I'm talking to you because they have an image, they want you to buy their bullshit, their course their
383 01:15:21,179 --> 01:15:36,509 signal service their nonsense I can sit here and be honest and objective with you because I know what's coming. I know I can't stop it. But I'm telling you
384 01:15:36,509 --> 01:15:46,739 how I'm navigating it, there is no secret other process that I'm doing, I don't have a place where I can store my money that's going to be protecting it from
385 01:15:46,739 --> 01:15:56,159 all the bullshit that's potentially coming, there ain't nothing that anybody's gonna be would do to stop this kind of shit. If the banks say, you know, your
386 01:15:56,159 --> 01:16:04,889 money is ours, there's nothing I can do. Just like the ain't gonna be will be stopped on your end, whatever you have in your checking account. If they say
387 01:16:04,889 --> 01:16:14,039 that's it, this is the way it is. That's it. And they're going to remove the opportunity for people that say, I'm just gonna take all my money at the bank
388 01:16:14,369 --> 01:16:25,769 and store it in mason jars in the back of my yard. And between the mattresses and behind the drywall in my home. When cash is no longer allowed, you can't do
389 01:16:25,769 --> 01:16:33,539 anything with that stuff. And then what happens when you go into putting it back in the market or not the market to the bank, when they say you had this much
390 01:16:33,539 --> 01:16:50,459 time to bring your cash on deposit? Or it's worthless? Don't think it can happen? Watch. Watch. What do you think's gonna happen with all the cartels,
391 01:16:50,849 --> 01:17:03,869 when that shit hits the fan? You're gonna see all kinds of wars, people gonna be real pissed off. Like, this is a perfect storm. Like, there's so many things
392 01:17:03,869 --> 01:17:17,099 converging right now. And it's dangerous. It's dangerous. And the last thing you should be worried about is who's the better trader? No, no, no, you better get
393 01:17:17,099 --> 01:17:33,239 your house in order. Because there's all kinds of shit coming for all of us. So what are you going to do? Don't ask me what I'm doing. I've already told you.
394 01:17:33,959 --> 01:17:44,099 What are you going to do? Are you going to pretend like all this is this? Well, I don't bind as bullshit. It was entertaining listen to this crackpot. But I'm
395 01:17:44,099 --> 01:17:54,479 gonna go to work next week, the same way and I'm gonna trade the same way and next year is gonna be the same thing and nothing's gonna happen and Okay. I want
396 01:17:54,479 --> 01:18:04,499 to be wrong. I want to be wrong. I do. I absolutely want all of you to be laugh at me and say, man, how's it feel to know that all that precaution that you were
397 01:18:04,499 --> 01:18:17,909 putting out there was not needed. And none of this happened. I'm glad. I want to say I'm glad and it's a good laugh. But I don't think that punch line is coming.
398 01:18:21,749 --> 01:18:32,459 I've been 10 years ahead of everything. Closer to 11 years. I thought I had a little bit more time when I stepped down on baby pips. But things started
399 01:18:32,459 --> 01:18:44,999 ramping up quick. And now it's like, you're gonna see I mentioned that when we were doing the summer Twitter spaces. I was sitting in a parking lot in the
400 01:18:44,999 --> 01:18:52,919 pickup truck and I was talking to you. And I was mentioning how the central bank digital currencies were going to be coming and what that meant for people and I
401 01:18:52,919 --> 01:19:10,199 was trying to get you ready for it that that moment, right after that space, things started getting really aggressive and they sped up everything and they
402 01:19:10,199 --> 01:19:22,919 even announced that they're going to try to speed up things that they had a agenda for 2030 now they want to do it sooner and these things are going to
403 01:19:22,919 --> 01:19:32,969 speed up more aggressively. And everybody's expecting that red wave to save them in the elections. I told you don't wait for that because that's not going to be
404 01:19:32,969 --> 01:19:50,339 there. Then you go see you placing your hope and trust in man. Nope. is nice as you probably think I am and I'm trying to be very cordial to all of you and help
405 01:19:50,339 --> 01:20:03,089 you. Push come to serve. If it was a matter of my family eating for you. My family's eaten I'm Not gonna lie to you not gonna blow smoke up your ass. That's
406 01:20:03,089 --> 01:20:11,339 just the reality of it. Okay, I don't give a fuck about my personal image out here on the public, I'm telling you, this is the way it is. And you should be
407 01:20:11,339 --> 01:20:23,549 thinking the same way. Whatever you can obtain, to make sure your house is ready, you should be doing that worst thing in the world for you to do start
408 01:20:23,549 --> 01:20:30,719 going to Intel and all your friends and family, that's what you're doing. Because they're gonna give you 50 Fucking reasons why that's stupid. And either
409 01:20:30,749 --> 01:20:43,169 you won't do it. Or they're gonna try to take from you. So you got to make sure you have means protecting yourself and you know exactly what I'm talking about.
410 01:20:45,029 --> 01:20:57,419 Open, I don't support that. We don't care what you support. Personally, I support it. Friends, dress them, bras are good friends to have. They run real
411 01:20:57,419 --> 01:21:10,409 fast. And when you need them, it's good to have them. If you need them, and you don't have them, I think fun. And we're going into a world where you're going to
412 01:21:10,409 --> 01:21:28,049 wish you have that type of resource. So food has been weaponized. Food and water features, grains and water features. I'm watching the water futures contracts
413 01:21:28,049 --> 01:21:37,229 that whole business of water you see how many bodies of water have been drying up over the last 24 months?
414 01:21:43,890 --> 01:22:03,060 Have you paid any attention to it? Probably not. Where's all the water gone? Think think you just don't want to believe it? Science fiction level shit. Come
415 01:22:03,060 --> 01:22:14,580 on, folks, whether you're ready for it or not. That that's uh, that that science fiction level stuff is going to produce the most amazing opportunities. And I'm
416 01:22:14,580 --> 01:22:24,690 occupying while I can. I'm not going to sit around, huddled up in a fetal position. We're gonna at the end of the world. No, I'm going to be staying
417 01:22:24,690 --> 01:22:35,280 active and doing what I can to prepare for it with my family. And I'm being open with you. I'm telling you how I'm doing it. I'm not saying that I have the
418 01:22:35,280 --> 01:22:46,470 answer to it. I'm just saying instead of worrying about it and being anxious and scared, and maybe some of you are had somebody sent me a message on Twitter, not
419 01:22:46,500 --> 01:22:54,600 direct message, direct message anybody and nobody can direct message me. But they replied to one of my Twitter spaces in the last few that I did. They said I
420 01:22:54,600 --> 01:23:09,150 couldn't watch that turn off. It was it was scaring me. I'm not trying to scare you. I'm not trying to create some kind of fear porn thing. If I had a friend
421 01:23:10,410 --> 01:23:27,360 that knew something terrible was about to happen. And that friend didn't tell me. I couldn't consider them Brent. I had been open about this the entire time.
422 01:23:29,040 --> 01:23:36,120 I've warned about certain things and you've watched it come to pass. have warned about this, what they're going to do next and it's come to pass. I'm not a
423 01:23:36,120 --> 01:23:48,150 prophet. I'm not trying to say I have clairvoyance or ESP. I'm just telling you look around. Connect the dots, folks. They're keeping everybody distracted. So
424 01:23:48,150 --> 01:23:59,700 they don't do the same thing. Common sense would do. That's all you're going to be required to use here is common sense. Keeping you distracted with all kinds
425 01:23:59,700 --> 01:24:12,600 of dumb shit. Instead of paying attention to the right things, which is what I'm talking about getting your house ready. universal basic income that will be a
426 01:24:12,600 --> 01:24:25,830 thing. Do you want to be a subscriber to that? I don't. I don't want my family members to have to be on the government tip. Because you have to do everything
427 01:24:25,830 --> 01:24:47,340 they tell you then you got to have this vaccine or you can't get your monthly benefits. No thanks. Thanks. Yes, I went there. So that was what I had on my
428 01:24:47,340 --> 01:24:58,830 mind today. And in closing, I want to talk a little bit about CPI and that event the other day and that way we can go into next week with the last week of ICT
429 01:24:59,790 --> 01:25:09,750 week For he goes into hibernation until February. Does that mean I won't tweet out tweet on the actively trading? No, I'm not doing anything in the
430 01:25:09,750 --> 01:25:18,240 marketplace. And I'll probably just annoy you with tweets I'm putting out, they're not going to be educational, probably there's going to be something you
431 01:25:19,320 --> 01:25:32,040 you're not gonna, you're not going to be edified by basically, this is gonna mean me entertaining myself. But the past. So I guess the last five years, I've
432 01:25:32,070 --> 01:25:43,710 not really done what I've done prior to doing mentorship, which would be the week before Thanksgiving week, close all charts and all the time, we'd be
433 01:25:43,710 --> 01:25:53,550 focused on my family and the holidays and friends and I love the ambiance of it. I love the whole I just this I live for this time of year. Like I love it. I'm
434 01:25:53,550 --> 01:26:03,510 so happy around this time of year, I love sharing with people and, and doing things for other people. And I just love it. I love the season I love it's cool.
435 01:26:03,810 --> 01:26:12,510 Outside, I hate the summer, I can't stand the summer, I hate the heat. And I love the fact that, you know friends and family and just everybody's spirits
436 01:26:12,510 --> 01:26:22,680 changes around this time of year. It just I love it. And I've not been able to enjoy it. Because I've been inundated with running this mentorship and so many
437 01:26:22,680 --> 01:26:33,150 different people all around the world in multiple intakes, I'm so glad I'm not doing it anymore. And I'm just looking forward to having that time where I can
438 01:26:33,150 --> 01:26:48,840 just be me and not ICT for a couple of months. Do you need to do that? I don't know. I just know I missed doing it. And putting such a workload roaming,
439 01:26:49,740 --> 01:27:01,590 bringing in new students. And it's just a lot to think a lot of things to manage and people's personalities are, you know, they're hard to work with. And you can
440 01:27:01,590 --> 01:27:10,260 do everything in a World Forum. And I could sit down and put you in profitable trades. And some of these people would still pitch. But you didn't give me this,
441 01:27:10,290 --> 01:27:19,740 you didn't tell me I could have done this. I could have done five contracts instead of four. And they'll pitch about something. So that's one of the things
442 01:27:19,740 --> 01:27:30,150 I'm glad I'm not doing mentorship for because I have had literally I've had students making money and complain that they wish it was more do really you just
443 01:27:30,150 --> 01:27:42,900 started. He's just started. And now you're making money. And then you're gonna complain, like what the hell? But you know, people were weird like that. So CPI
444 01:27:42,900 --> 01:27:52,500 number came out the other day, and obviously, I did my best to warn you before did I told you this is not something we trade. We don't expect to trade. We're
445 01:27:52,500 --> 01:28:01,590 not bracketing the market with a buy limit above or, or a stop above and sell. Stop below and let the market trigger you in because that's lunacy. That's
446 01:28:01,590 --> 01:28:13,260 absolute lunacy. Here, break it off on my ass. Don't use any lube. Hardened deep, let's go. That's what you're asking for. And that's exactly. That's
447 01:28:13,260 --> 01:28:26,730 exactly what people out there that don't know what they're doing, or promoting other people to do. That's stupid. That's not smart. Okay. That is dumb. You
448 01:28:26,730 --> 01:28:36,240 have to understand there's risk. And that kind of risk with the CPI number I told you walking into I said, Listen, this is what I'm going to subscribe to.
449 01:28:36,270 --> 01:28:46,080 This is what I'd like to see. I'm not trading it. But I want to see this unfold. If it does, it's great. It's a great observation. But this CPI number generally
450 01:28:46,110 --> 01:28:58,830 is a straight line, right from 830. To where it's going. And it doesn't give you a chance. It doesn't give you a chance, folks. So if you're welcoming, you have
451 01:28:58,830 --> 01:29:10,890 the opportunity to be slipped on. What 20 Some handles 30 some handles in the s&p, who knows what you're getting slipped in other markets? Like that's nuts.
452 01:29:11,850 --> 01:29:26,760 That's Russian roulette. Seriously, like, with three bullets? Come on. Y'all have impossibility trading for 500. And, I mean, I mean, try to do this every
453 01:29:26,760 --> 01:29:34,710 single time. No, no, no, no, no, you can't, you can't do that unexpected. Live long in this industry. You got to have a reason to be doing what you're doing.
454 01:29:35,040 --> 01:29:45,630 You have to expect it, see it and then understand where the risk is. So on a CPI number. I went out and I said, Look, this is what I think could happen. I'd like
455 01:29:45,630 --> 01:29:54,480 to see this unfold, but it's not tradable. So don't do it. And most likely wrong. It's going to be a straight line right on up and they won't even respect
456 01:29:54,480 --> 01:30:03,240 that fair value gap. So there's no trade mentioned there. I just want to observe with you real time and also really built the case that I wanted you to push a
457 01:30:03,240 --> 01:30:11,190 button on your paper trading account, I want you to push it so we can see these people are fake the say that they get in and they trade it. Okay, the biggest
458 01:30:11,190 --> 01:30:22,440 mouth right now, the biggest mouth doesn't have any trade on CBI. So go fuck yourself. So listening to these people these clowns, okay, telling you to walk
459 01:30:22,440 --> 01:30:39,450 into that danger not respecting it not even observing the level of damage that you could inflict on yourself. That is the epitome of irresponsibility. So what
460 01:30:39,450 --> 01:30:48,600 I teach is let that report or one's like it, like even if I'm say, Oh, I see this in trade FOMC. I don't trade the FOMC rate before it releases. No, I don't,
461 01:30:48,840 --> 01:30:58,920 I don't do that. But I can trade it and my students just seen it after it releases. But you have to wait for that to stage delivery. Because FOMC is two
462 01:30:58,920 --> 01:31:11,130 stages. It's manipulation. And then the real move comes like a tidal wave. Like A Hurricane actually, where a hurricane out and see it draws all the water away
463 01:31:11,130 --> 01:31:11,760 from the shore.
464 01:31:13,229 --> 01:31:22,949 New people that moved down to Florida, because they're trying to run from the Democratic states. I'm hiding in a democratic state. Okay, I Okay, this way. I'm
465 01:31:22,949 --> 01:31:32,789 going to neighborhood where we're not going to have crackheads you know, on a corner of our house, or in an area here, okay. Most democratic states are
466 01:31:32,789 --> 01:31:40,859 pouring rain. And I'm sure you can list Republican states are the same way. But all this stuff's gonna fall in every state. And they're going to target Florida
467 01:31:40,919 --> 01:31:49,229 and Texas, I'm gonna remind you of all that stuff. So you didn't run anywhere, except to where the prompts are gonna be really directed at. But in recently, we
468 01:31:49,229 --> 01:31:58,739 just saw a hurricane down in Florida, and a new members of Florida, that just moved down there, they were making videos saying learn all the water go. This is
469 01:31:58,739 --> 01:32:07,109 weird, not realizing that people that have lived down here for a long time know that when there's a hurricane, it draws the water out to it. And then when it
470 01:32:07,109 --> 01:32:19,739 comes to shore, it's bringing all that water in more. Well, that's what FMC is, like, you see that initial pool and in makes these big movement, that's not the
471 01:32:19,739 --> 01:32:28,109 real move. That's not the real move, the real move is when the ice storm comes back in, and all that move gets erased and goes the other direction. That's how
472 01:32:28,109 --> 01:32:39,539 you trade FOMC there's your cookie for being this long here. I love doing that. And I love tucking it in, where everybody else is gonna tap out. I can't listen
473 01:32:39,539 --> 01:32:50,849 to shit, this guy's talking about grocery stores run out of food and trying to make money man. Try to make money starving, because you won't. But CBI, its
474 01:32:50,849 --> 01:33:07,109 characteristic is a straight line. rate from a 30. Boom. I'm sorry, I'm not perfect. I can't do that. I can't, I can't trade that. And know with absolute
475 01:33:07,139 --> 01:33:15,299 assurity that I'm going to be correct. I don't know how they're gonna manipulate that because they can go in manually and do something completely unexpected. And
476 01:33:15,299 --> 01:33:26,219 send the market 1% more threes rather, from where I expected to go. So since I know that's a likelihood, that's why I said don't trade this. You wait, you
477 01:33:26,219 --> 01:33:32,699 wait, and this is what we're gonna do, we're gonna look and see. And I was reading the market real time with you. There was no trades in there talked about
478 01:33:32,699 --> 01:33:40,829 until we talked about that fair value gap that was at the old high. And we were gonna draw up into that volume imbalance. And then I executed it and you saw it
479 01:33:40,829 --> 01:33:50,999 in all the partials. I shared the screenshot, and there it is. So you can't escape that I watched every single one minute candle with you told you what I
480 01:33:50,999 --> 01:33:59,729 was looking for what I would like to see unfold. And since it couldn't go down take that sells out liquidity and then left that volume imbalance on a daily
481 01:33:59,729 --> 01:34:08,189 chart. I told you that was gonna be the draw on liquidity. There's that shift. Some of you are sending a tweet saying What made you change your mind about
482 01:34:08,759 --> 01:34:17,279 looking forward to go up? Well, that's what I just said here. I even talked about the fair value gap how I see the fair value gap. And you can see it too,
483 01:34:17,309 --> 01:34:26,789 but I would not short that because the volume imbalance had not been traded to ahead of the 930 or at 930. In equities opening if it traded up into that, then
484 01:34:26,789 --> 01:34:36,509 it went lower down. I'd feel confident being bearish. But because the left that there, I can't trade that fair value gap as a short. It could not be wrong in
485 01:34:36,509 --> 01:34:44,009 that regard. But I'm not taking that as a trade. I'm gonna look for it to run out the high and then we'll see if it gives us another opportunity. And you
486 01:34:44,009 --> 01:34:55,229 can't look at this as buying in a premium because that's all this also. So basically we're saying is you can bind a premium. What we just watched was the
487 01:34:55,229 --> 01:35:05,879 market didn't deliver that volume and bounce. you retrieve the backup Do it at 930 it, left it there and then corrected right from the opening that your Judas
488 01:35:05,879 --> 01:35:13,289 swing. So if it didn't go where I was wanting to see it go, which was that volume imbalance on a daily chart, that little pink shaded area on the chart I
489 01:35:13,469 --> 01:35:22,349 tweeted after CPI that's going to be the draw on liquidity. If we can't get that sell side liquidity that I mentioned, or the lower fair value got it couldn't
490 01:35:22,349 --> 01:35:29,549 trade down there. And I mentioned I said, I want to see it trade down below that. And then if it acts as resistance, I would be comfortable trading that.
491 01:35:30,299 --> 01:35:39,839 Listen to everything I said in the CPI, Vinny taking it out of context. You want me to be as poor like you fucking pretend I am. I'm absolutely dialed in
492 01:35:40,019 --> 01:35:48,989 enjoying 2023 Motherfucker, because I will smoke your mother fucking candy ass in the Robins cup with one account. You better bring a ship for real because
493 01:35:48,989 --> 01:35:56,669 this is it. You will never be able to talk about me ever again. If you don't do this one I gave you this whole year you didn't do shit. You thought I was gonna
494 01:35:56,669 --> 01:36:05,549 go through this entire fucking space and not bring up your Mickey Mouse as absolutely Bring it. Bring it back. I'm so ready. I've been sitting here on
495 01:36:05,549 --> 01:36:12,239 Twitter all year long. You're on Twitter, but you ain't talking to me. You create that little handle. You did a Twitter space with you motherfucking
496 01:36:12,239 --> 01:36:23,279 coward. Talk to me directly. I'm here. Nobody can block shit. Nobody can block shit. I'm right here, motherfucker. Bring everything I want all that smoke. It's
497 01:36:23,279 --> 01:36:38,999 mine. Give it all to me. Okay, I'm here, I cleared my whole fucking schedule for your clown ass. And you did nothing. But make memes in bullshit. Yeah, see how I
498 01:36:38,999 --> 01:36:48,359 can change gears just like in the marketplace. Different direction, one execution winner
499 01:36:56,520 --> 01:37:06,960 that volume imbalance on the daily chart, if they would have been hit it 930 treated their first that would have satisfied me as that was enough to go
500 01:37:06,960 --> 01:37:15,870 higher, because they were building up, pumping out pumping up pumping up. If they were to hit that, that would have exhausted it for me. And then any
501 01:37:15,870 --> 01:37:23,760 breakdown in or shift in market structure going lower than I would have felt comfortable going back into that actual liquidity void. I was mapping out on
502 01:37:23,760 --> 01:37:33,870 that second chart, or 15 second chart of Pfizer, I can't remember what it was. But it was less than one minute. But I tweeted somebody out there that was
503 01:37:33,870 --> 01:37:42,120 actually walking through it live and marking up their chart doing exactly what I wanted all of you to do. So I shared that. And I don't know if it's a gentleman
504 01:37:42,120 --> 01:37:52,020 or lady, forgive me for that. I don't know. But you did a wonderful job keeping up with it and annotating exactly what I was talking about at the time.
505 01:37:53,400 --> 01:38:05,160 Initially, I thought you're off but then you found yourself and that's good. But you can literally see me mapping out the individual one minute candles, saying
506 01:38:05,160 --> 01:38:13,380 okay, this is what I want to see here. I'm not calling shorts here, I'm saying I want to see price deliver a certain way. If it doesn't do that, if it doesn't,
507 01:38:13,440 --> 01:38:22,410 if it can't go to a discount array like say, as a liquidity pool below the marketplace like sell side, if it can't take sellside when you're expecting it
508 01:38:22,410 --> 01:38:35,340 to. And it has yet to trade to a premium array like the daily volume and balance was. If it fails to go to the lower discount, it's going to go for what the
509 01:38:35,340 --> 01:38:44,640 premium. And it can only be seen after CPI has hit the market. You can't stand in front of that just like you can't stand in front of FOMC rate announcements,
510 01:38:44,640 --> 01:38:52,950 you can't do that folks, you can't you have no idea what they're going to do, I don't know what they're going to do. So you have to let them go in there like a
511 01:38:54,660 --> 01:39:07,650 bulldozer, basically plowing through. And once that occurs, then the market will return back to a normal delivery. Where you can trust the things I'm used to
512 01:39:07,650 --> 01:39:18,990 seeing. But I can't trust anything going into them. Because it's it's 5050 They can go up or down. But the chances of you failing are better than 50. Because
513 01:39:20,220 --> 01:39:30,120 that's just the way it is. Whatever you're likely to do before CPI comes out, you're probably going to be wrong. Go into that report every time with that
514 01:39:30,120 --> 01:39:43,440 mindset. And just wait and see what they run for. And what they leave. If they don't go to a specific premium array or discount array. That's a clue. So they
515 01:39:43,440 --> 01:39:53,310 can't take it down to take sellside there's no need for it. They're gonna go pressing higher to a premium. And that was that daily volume imbalance. They
516 01:39:53,310 --> 01:40:00,570 went to the low end of it. Hit that I said Okay, now we watch the middle of it, hit that and then we look for the high of it. Boom and hit that And then it
517 01:40:00,570 --> 01:40:10,830 corrected and walked down to the lower end of it, folks, that's precision. And you cannot argue that that's beautiful. But it can only occur after the CPI
518 01:40:10,830 --> 01:40:20,760 number hits the marketplace, and that initial shock wave where all that manipulation is done, then they take their hands off of it and let the algorithm
519 01:40:20,760 --> 01:40:30,900 go back and control. And that's how I was able to see what I was seeing. But I know when they're likely to manipulate, where my algorithm isn't going to be
520 01:40:30,900 --> 01:40:43,200 able to communicate to me, it's simply going to be violence, violence, so I know that's likely to occur. And the characteristic for CPI is what straight line
521 01:40:43,200 --> 01:40:57,990 damage FOMC two directions first moves fake. Second one is a real move. So you just learned today how to trade those two huge high impact news drivers. Now,
522 01:40:57,990 --> 01:41:08,490 there's a lot more things you got to appreciate incorporate to that. But by far and large, that's beyond anything you find in any book. You're welcome. So
523 01:41:08,490 --> 01:41:20,760 anyway, Danny, I hope you fucking do. Please join us. You're saying to the public that you joined the Robins got bountiful Can you can't join the 2023
524 01:41:20,760 --> 01:41:32,400 Robbins cup yet. They don't have it in place yet. That is not how it works. 2023 has to come before you can join us in 2022 is closing in a couple of weeks. So
525 01:41:32,610 --> 01:41:43,290 full of shit. So the fact that you got to get on the leaderboard first, okay, let's we're starting the same time. I don't need you to get on the leaderboard.
526 01:41:43,740 --> 01:41:51,840 You just need to start. Get in there. And I'll be in there too. And and we'll see who fought wins. Again, damn t you, you won't even get on the leaderboard.
527 01:41:51,990 --> 01:41:57,120 You won't even appear Plessy
528 01:42:03,660 --> 01:42:20,280 so not sure how many people are listening and looking here. I'm gonna take three questions. I'm gonna do a live. Okay, and then we're close it. I'm not sure how
529 01:42:20,280 --> 01:42:26,400 you guys asked to talk to me. But the first three I see. I'll give you a couple of minutes with me
530 01:42:35,250 --> 01:42:40,350 trying to see how you would I guess. Request the ask me a question or talk to me
531 01:42:55,470 --> 01:43:07,170 you go, man, you command as you can you hear me? Hello, can you hear me?
532 01:43:12,720 --> 01:43:14,070 Argument argument?
533 01:43:14,129 --> 01:43:16,649 Unknown: Oh, yes, I'm hearing me. Yeah, I can hear you.
534 01:43:18,000 --> 01:43:21,000 ICT: You're on the radio with ICT. Hello, what's up?
535 01:43:21,090 --> 01:43:32,940 Unknown: Yeah, I'm good. I'm calling you from East Africa. So I just have a question. What would be your what would be your advice? When it comes to special
536 01:43:34,620 --> 01:43:35,520 Khademi.
537 01:43:37,979 --> 01:43:41,069 ICT: Heard you up to what would be your advice for special?
538 01:43:41,310 --> 01:43:52,200 Unknown: Yeah, what would be your advice if I wanted to specialize? Especially on the pairs that I trade? Say for example, I trade two pairs and maybe gold or
539 01:43:52,230 --> 01:44:02,490 oil? What would be your advice to avoid, you know, like going through so many pairs? Would that actually helped me improve and also be able to learn a lot,
540 01:44:02,790 --> 01:44:05,280 especially in the behavior of the market?
541 01:44:07,739 --> 01:44:15,629 ICT: My opinion is that the best advice I would give anybody is pick one market. Now you can take your trading to you. So you mentioned two pairs, what pairs do
542 01:44:15,629 --> 01:44:15,989 you trade?
543 01:44:16,739 --> 01:44:23,699 I trade GBP USD, and I also do Euro USD.
544 01:44:25,230 --> 01:44:33,750 Okay, so that's right out of the book of ICT. So you can trade one, but use both of them for correlated pair SMT studies. In other words, you're going to look at
545 01:44:33,750 --> 01:44:42,660 the relationships between both of them. But you're only going to trade one and avoid who cares what gold's doing, who cares what oil is doing? Because they're
546 01:44:42,660 --> 01:44:48,780 going to dilute your attention. And all the money you'd ever want to make can be found in one market.
547 01:44:50,460 --> 01:45:00,600 Fantastic. Thank you very much, and regards from Uganda. I really, really love what you do. I've been your student on YouTube and it's been Amazing.
548 01:45:01,979 --> 01:45:02,939 Awesome. Thank you, brother.
549 01:45:08,639 --> 01:45:25,649 All right, second one here is trst en. I don't know if that's an abbreviation or something, but you're up can you hear me?
550 01:45:27,029 --> 01:45:41,579 Unknown: Hello? Hello? Oh, yeah. Awesome. Thank you very much for bringing me up. So I am actually studying economics in college, and your series, I've
551 01:45:41,609 --> 01:45:55,829 probably watched over 300 hours of loss of the things that you've posted. And I'm currently writing a paper. And I have two questions. One of them is Have you
552 01:45:55,859 --> 01:46:12,209 found any relationship between market mechanics and lectores, actor network theory where the market is based among three different factors. There's an act
553 01:46:12,209 --> 01:46:24,989 and there's a network. And then there's the connection, the network could be considered the stock or the ticker. The accident could be considered liquidity.
554 01:46:25,349 --> 01:46:30,599 And the players and the connections could be considered cycles.
555 01:46:34,140 --> 01:46:45,840 ICT: I will say this, that is a very fruitful area to mine. If you're seeing if you're seeing things there, you're on the right track.
556 01:46:48,630 --> 01:46:54,240 Unknown: Would you be interested in reading this paper? Once I'm finished?
557 01:46:55,949 --> 01:46:57,029 ICT: You broke up say it again.
558 01:46:57,810 --> 01:47:02,040 Unknown: Would you be interested in reading this paper? Whenever I'm finished to give your thoughts?
559 01:47:02,340 --> 01:47:04,110 ICT: I would absolutely love to see that.
560 01:47:05,430 --> 01:47:19,650 Unknown: Awesome. Thank you very much. And then I have one more question. Um, you've talked about enigma. Now, is your you say that Enigma is not based on any
561 01:47:19,650 --> 01:47:31,650 technicals? It's not based on any charting. It is based purely on your concepts. My question is, does it have anything to do with quadrate theory?
562 01:47:32,790 --> 01:47:39,120 ICT: Go back to where you said. It has nothing to do with charts, everything after that was all I could understand what you said?
563 01:47:40,380 --> 01:47:46,440 Unknown: Does Enigma have anything to do with quadrant theory?
564 01:47:47,920 --> 01:47:48,670 ICT: No, it does not.
565 01:47:49,210 --> 01:47:50,380 Unknown: Okay. Okay. Thank
566 01:47:50,380 --> 01:47:58,390 you. Those were the only two questions I had. I think your work is brilliant. And I'd love to send you that paper. If I could get some type of address to send
567 01:47:58,390 --> 01:48:00,640 it to you or something like that.
568 01:48:01,360 --> 01:48:07,270 ICT: Just tweet to me repeatedly if I don't if I don't see it, obviously with you spamming, and then I'll reply with the way you can get it to me.
569 01:48:07,810 --> 01:48:10,330 Unknown: Awesome. Awesome. Thank you very much. Thank you brother.
570 01:48:21,400 --> 01:48:31,600 ICT: Alright, the third and last one is H O V. And again, that means a name or what? Can you hear me?
571 01:48:38,950 --> 01:48:46,240 Hello, can you hear me? If I turn the mic on, I think
572 01:48:53,770 --> 01:49:05,290 Unknown: I'm from Nigeria. I watch your YouTube videos a lot. I want to ask a question concerning strategy changing those. Those like, especially as you
573 01:49:05,290 --> 01:49:13,660 change over time. That was like something that really bothered me like, for example, if you are triggered, especially before, let's say we Yeah. Does it
574 01:49:13,660 --> 01:49:18,460 change over time? Like have you reduced when you're rich or something
575 01:49:18,460 --> 01:49:18,760 like that?
576 01:49:22,600 --> 01:49:28,600 ICT: I'm having a hard time understanding what you're saying. But do me a favor, turn turn your volume down because I can hear me talking.
577 01:49:30,370 --> 01:49:49,690 Unknown: Right behind me now. Okay, my question was, of course. Like yesterday, let's see an example for you. And the following year, you have reduced me which
578 01:49:49,690 --> 01:49:58,090 doesn't mean you're stressing changes, that you're smashing change over time, not be lost basically your own life. For example, I have a trading model
579 01:49:58,090 --> 01:50:05,440 actually. Then I think No, at the end of the year, I have reduced the weight to use.
580 01:50:08,650 --> 01:50:22,390 ICT: Okay, I think I think I know what you're asking me. You're asking if? Or will mine? Or does my strategies change over time? Is that correct? Okay, that
581 01:50:22,540 --> 01:50:34,900 does not happen. But what does happen is the market conditions. So that's the reason why I have so many different strategies because I have a strategy. Do me
582 01:50:34,900 --> 01:50:48,310 a favor, turn your volume down. So I have strategies for different profiles and characteristics of the marketplace, like I can trade in reversal scenarios. I
583 01:50:48,310 --> 01:50:59,080 can trade in trending markets, I can trade in consolidation markets, I can trade in just about any market opportunity that the market will present us, I have my
584 01:50:59,110 --> 01:51:08,200 preferred ways of trading. So while I have strategies that I if I had to sit down and trade, I could, but I like super specific things that I like to see
585 01:51:08,590 --> 01:51:19,960 that are easy for me not time demanding. It's, I'm getting, get it done and leave for the day. So no, my strategies for proof that my, my strategies do not
586 01:51:19,960 --> 01:51:30,820 change over time, what you're experiencing is, you're trying to see one strategy that will be utilized in one particular characteristic or profile to market. And
587 01:51:30,820 --> 01:51:40,960 you're trying to squeeze it into that current market condition, and it doesn't fit. So you have to use other strategies that my youtube channel even covers. So
588 01:51:40,960 --> 01:51:49,120 if it's a reversal market profile, where it's likely to go up and drop, there are strategies that will help you do that. But you can't look at like trend
589 01:51:49,120 --> 01:51:57,880 continuation strategies in that environment, because they would obviously fail. And for someone that was new, it would feel like the strategies are changing
590 01:51:57,880 --> 01:52:05,260 over time versus simply not aligning themselves with the current market condition and the proper strategy for that market condition. Does that make
591 01:52:05,260 --> 01:52:05,650 sense?
592 01:52:08,380 --> 01:52:09,280 Unknown: Thank you so much.
593 01:52:10,360 --> 01:52:11,260 ICT: You're very welcome, sir.
594 01:52:11,260 --> 01:52:11,740 Thank you, Brian.
595 01:52:20,410 --> 01:52:30,430 All right. I picked the first three. And please don't be offended if I don't. Because I'll see if more people asking, but I'll do this each time I do a live
596 01:52:30,430 --> 01:52:42,670 stream now. I'll take three people. Just do me a favor, connect with you. Turn your volume down when you're asking the question because it's going to it's
597 01:52:42,670 --> 01:52:52,060 gonna give me feedback. Or vice versa. If I'm talking I'm giving you the answer. Turn your volume down. Because I'm competing with my own voice. Which pisses me
598 01:52:52,060 --> 01:53:02,260 off. Recommend country, I'm trying to hear what the guy's talking about and it's me. But anyway, that's gonna be it for today. I think I've consumed enough of
599 01:53:02,260 --> 01:53:09,190 your time. And if this was entertaining for you, let me know if you learned anything, let me know. And if you didn't learn anything, let me know that too.
600 01:53:09,340 --> 01:53:13,000 And I'll use it as constructive criticism. Until next time, be safe.