
Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2022-12-29 08:30


00:32 - Good morning, everyone!

06:04 - Why you have to understand the economic calendar and the effects of liquidity -.

13:17 - What’s on the hourly chart?

20:23 - Playing devil's advocate for a moment.

27:45 - US 500 charts not doing anything for me.

32:25 - If you’re wrong, it ends you.

38:05 - What are you looking for in the US 500?

43:53 - Do we go higher and start working towards a higher close on the day? Or do we work back lower?

49:14 - Why you need to be comfortable with missing moves -.

56:25 - If the fair value gap fails, we will revisit and reprice the candle.

01:01:37 - What is the fair value gap?

01:05:33 - Buy side imbalance vs. sell side inefficiency.

01:11:53 - How do you get past fear of missing out or how do you engage beyond getting something wrong?

01:20:09 - Daily chart of candles.

01:24:14 - What’s the fair value? -.

01:29:37 - What’s a fair value gap? How long does it last?

01:37:22 - The candle at 935 should be an up-close candle.

01:42:07 - What is the technical debt?

01:46:58 - The One Minute Chart -.

01:52:33 - Looking at the high end of the current high.

01:57:23 - Give yourself permission to pay the bills with something.

02:01:49 - The importance of following price action -.

02:08:32 - What’s going to happen if this doesn’t pan out.

02:15:44 - What’s the difference between proof of concept and authorship?

02:21:43 - The six o’clock news.

02:29:04 - How do you know if the daily high or low is going to be this?



00:00:32,070 --> 00:00:40,530 ICT: Good morning. Good morning. So I had a little bit of difficulty here loading up trading view, not sure what was going on, but it was saying something
00:00:40,530 --> 00:00:50,430 somewhere, somehow isn't working right. And they said, keep hitting the homepage now doing it, but it wouldn't, it wouldn't change. But it appears to be running,
00:00:50,430 --> 00:01:00,960 but it's extremely slow. So if you bear with me, I'm opening up charts. All fresh, I haven't done anything in advance. That way, it's kind of like
00:01:02,460 --> 00:01:03,270 on the fly,
00:01:04,830 --> 00:01:09,870 he would be so kind as to let me know, you can hear me, I'm going to check my Twitter feed
00:01:11,220 --> 00:01:13,320 on my laptop that's sitting in front of me here.
00:01:16,050 --> 00:01:19,590 You can give me a five by five. That way I can move on.
00:01:22,860 --> 00:02:02,190 Begin my boring, job learning session. Thank you, Patrick. And Peyton. Thank you. Alright, so I'm gonna
00:02:05,790 --> 00:02:17,100 talk about what I'm doing. That way you're doing it on your own charts. Now, some of you some is the volume, okay? Because I have it sitting on an ottoman in
10 00:02:17,100 --> 00:02:20,550 front of me, the phone sitting in front of me? Is the volume loud enough for you?
11 00:02:26,010 --> 00:02:35,370 Awesome, thank you, Chris. So they kind of like walk you through what I'm doing here. And you're probably maybe some of your pissing and moaning thing thinking,
12 00:02:35,400 --> 00:02:45,300 why don't you just go on YouTube and do a live stream. I don't want to do that. And my charts are not necessarily going to be in agreement with yours. So what I
13 00:02:45,300 --> 00:02:56,910 mean by that, I don't look at us 500 I don't look at us 30. I don't look at us 100 CFDs. But I know there's a lot of you that look at those markets. And you
14 00:02:56,910 --> 00:03:07,830 may or may not have access to E Mini s&p live data, which in my opinion, is an inexpensive cost. If you're going to be even considering doing it, you should be
15 00:03:07,830 --> 00:03:19,140 doing it. You're paying for it. It's a I guess it's a tuition cost to learn how to do this. And to me, I think that you know, it's a good market. It's really
16 00:03:19,200 --> 00:03:32,670 strong. It's technically sound has lots of volatility and such but I know some of you are looking at the US 500 us one R Us 30 CFDs. And I'm going to try to
17 00:03:32,670 --> 00:03:47,700 kind of give my observations about that in concert with the EMA ES. So what I'm doing is on my trading view, I'm creating a split screen so on the left hand
18 00:03:47,700 --> 00:04:01,530 side is going to be us 500 And the currency Colm ops options, so if you go up to your trading view, this is going to be free real time for anyone that pulls this
19 00:04:01,530 --> 00:04:14,760 up. But on a symbol search window, upper left hand corner trading view you're gonna put in U S 500. And when you pull that up, it's going to give you two
20 00:04:14,760 --> 00:04:27,690 options currency.com and capital CLM. My Chart is going to be on currency.com Okay, so that we were looking at the same thing and it is presently looking at
21 00:04:27,690 --> 00:04:28,740 the hourly chart.
22 00:04:29,490 --> 00:04:30,240 Okay, so
23 00:04:33,780 --> 00:04:45,240 that's done for now. And on the right hand side for those that have the ability to have both es real time and want to watch us 500 CPI numbers hit the market
24 00:04:45,240 --> 00:05:02,550 real time. You're welcome to do that on the right hand side chart on pulling up es letters zipper zipper 2022 That pulls up to the summer contract for ES And
25 00:05:02,580 --> 00:05:06,390 I'm going to, again plot that on an hourly chart.
26 00:05:08,250 --> 00:05:25,200 I'll get into why I'm using that timeframe in a moment. So there's something while you're looking at it. And let's see, to
27 00:05:30,360 --> 00:05:39,870 all my annotations going, naked chart. Skinny Dip and what I see T on CPI.
28 00:05:43,770 --> 00:05:44,730 And
29 00:05:46,350 --> 00:05:57,480 I will not be looking at NASDAQ. And I'm not looking at gold or anything like that, want to note it too, because you only need to watch one market today to
30 00:05:57,480 --> 00:06:15,240 understand the dangers of not knowing what you're doing. And how you can get hurt really bad. Alright, so now if you look at the hour hourly chart on es on
31 00:06:15,240 --> 00:06:23,010 the right hand side, for those that are able to split the screen, you may not have that ability, because I think it's a feature you have to pay for. I don't
32 00:06:23,010 --> 00:06:31,830 hold Don't hold me that I don't know for certain if that's true or not because I can't remember. But the trading view option if you can split your screen, that's
33 00:06:31,830 --> 00:06:43,170 fine. If not, I think maybe you can open up two windows and put them side by side. But either way, on my right hand start I have an hourly ES. And if you
34 00:06:43,170 --> 00:07:01,170 look at where we're at, at the moment, the market price for ES is 3765 and a half. And on the left hand side, my chart for us 500. That's basically tracking
35 00:07:02,190 --> 00:07:10,350 the equivalent through a CFD, which we can't trade in the US legally you get to trade a futures market. And then there's offshore brokers, I don't deal with any
36 00:07:10,350 --> 00:07:20,940 of that stuff. But I know some of you are outside the states and this is what you're you're reduced to you have to do simply this. That price for the hourly,
37 00:07:21,180 --> 00:07:36,720 US 500. Again, using currency Colm bead on TradingView, its price right now is 37 56.4. Point 7.9 so that we can get a feel for where we're at. So the
38 00:07:36,720 --> 00:07:49,440 differences between es live futures markets es 3764 and a half versus 3757. or there abouts, there's a little bit of discrepancy. So they're never really
39 00:07:49,440 --> 00:08:02,250 marked to market live immediately the same for both markets the same time, which, you know, that might be a sticking point. And in the past where I've
40 00:08:02,250 --> 00:08:12,600 talked about markets like this, I made reference to a price level one of the markets when I was referring to earlier, so I got disoriented, doing it. So if
41 00:08:12,600 --> 00:08:25,710 you're going to be doing anything with this in trading the index futures or trading us 500, there really isn't any advantage of having both of them up,
42 00:08:25,740 --> 00:08:37,950 you're going to trade one, pick one and that's the way you deal with it. There is no need for the daily chart today. Because everything we're going to be
43 00:08:37,950 --> 00:08:46,560 utilizing for our study and liquidity and before I get into this, okay, this is the part where you have to be really paying attention because it's easy to think
44 00:08:46,560 --> 00:08:56,370 okay, ICTs given our signals today, no. Okay, this is not what this is. This is really just to illustrate why you have to understand the economic calendar and
45 00:08:56,400 --> 00:09:09,390 the effects of liquidity and how the markets will, abruptly repriced, to a specific liquidity area. If you look at your hourly chart, we're going to do the
46 00:09:09,390 --> 00:09:21,120 US 501st Because I want to get that out of the way. And then my focus is going to be on Yes. Okay. So that way, we can look at the reference points as closely
47 00:09:21,120 --> 00:09:31,260 as we can in terms of agreement. So we know the liquidity points, I'm looking at what I think might unfold today, and I might be wrong. Okay, but here's what I
48 00:09:31,260 --> 00:09:44,970 want you to do. I want you to be in a paper trading account. I want you to push a button. Okay. On a paper trading account, that means it's not a Live account.
49 00:09:46,290 --> 00:09:56,460 I want you to feel what it feels like to be in there trying to push the button and TradingView probably isn't gonna let you enter not even on a demo. Okay, and
50 00:09:56,730 --> 00:10:12,420 your live broker will be equivalent. They always, they always mess with the ability to get in a market move like this. It's so aggressive, and highly
51 00:10:12,420 --> 00:10:21,780 manipulated. If you go into these types of days, thinking, unless you're going in minutes, you know, you're right before the reports released, and you're
52 00:10:21,780 --> 00:10:31,500 gambling, and that is reckless, it's not advised that's really stupid to do that. If you push a button that, in this market move this morning, with a live
53 00:10:31,500 --> 00:10:42,510 account, I'm telling you, you're going to regret it. Don't do it, okay, what we're doing is we're doing an interactive study, looking at how prices right
54 00:10:42,510 --> 00:10:51,390 now, where the liquidity pools are, I'm gonna go over in a moment. And then what they go for and how fast it gets there. And what it does, once it goes to them,
55 00:10:51,450 --> 00:11:03,090 okay, I do not have an interest in pushing a button in my live accounts, I have no interest in doing that I will not be doing. So if I'm not doing it, please,
56 00:11:03,630 --> 00:11:14,820 please listen to me, do not use this as an invitation to go in and push a Live account button and hurt yourself. Okay? If what we outlined today, pans out and
57 00:11:14,820 --> 00:11:24,270 it's, you know, precise or whatever, it's just an experience for you to log in your journal. And you observe that lie that's experienced that you, you want to
58 00:11:24,270 --> 00:11:30,810 be doing this every time there's a high impact or medium pack news driver, you want to do what I'm going to do today, okay. And if you do it every single day,
59 00:11:31,140 --> 00:11:40,320 studying how the market does these types of things, that experience is going to build over time, and you'll start seeing things that my lessons and my videos
60 00:11:40,710 --> 00:11:51,870 won't fully put you into style of trading that you can't really understand yet. And what I mean by that is, you're not going to know what it is you're doing as
61 00:11:51,870 --> 00:12:00,030 a trader until you discover seeing it over and over again in the charts. And you're probably thinking, Well, why don't we all see the same thing. You're all
62 00:12:00,030 --> 00:12:12,780 looking at different timeframes, different markets, and your opinion and your personality is gonna vary across all different cultures and demographics, you're
63 00:12:12,780 --> 00:12:19,410 all going to be wanting to do something different. And that's the wonderful thing about the tools I've given you, you can carve out your own niche and be
64 00:12:19,410 --> 00:12:28,290 unique. And still use my concepts and feel good that it's yours. It's your model, you built it yourself. That way you can feel confident about going
65 00:12:28,290 --> 00:12:36,540 forward and not leaning on me through codependence, you don't want to do that you don't want to deal with any mentor, you don't want to have any chain to
66 00:12:36,540 --> 00:12:43,530 their product. You don't want to have any chain to their signal service, you don't want to have any kind of tethering at all for their advice or their
67 00:12:43,530 --> 00:12:53,130 opinion. You want to be an independent mind going in making your own decisions. And if they're good, you take all the glory for that. If it's bad, you eat that.
68 00:12:54,150 --> 00:13:03,210 That's the way it is okay? If you don't have that mindset, or if you can't cultivate that trading is not going to work out for you. So with all that risk
69 00:13:03,210 --> 00:13:11,220 disclaimer such out of the way, and I apologize if the board does socks off of you. But I have to make sure that the folks that are coming in here aren't going
70 00:13:11,220 --> 00:13:22,350 to think that hey, is casino time. Let's get in there and risk at all. No, please don't do that. Okay. All right. So now, us 500 On the hourly chart. If
71 00:13:22,350 --> 00:13:38,400 you have as much as seen, what's the date on that? You go back and look at the 28th of October. Okay, you'll see about the 1600. Now my time is UTC negative
72 00:13:38,400 --> 00:13:53,430 five. Okay, so that way, you know when I'm looking at timelines, and the candle I'm looking at are us 500 On the hourly chart at the 1600 hour on Friday,
73 00:13:53,730 --> 00:14:08,160 October 2820 22. That high and then just to the right of it a few candles over on November 1 at eight o'clock in the morning. That highest slightly higher than
74 00:14:08,160 --> 00:14:21,750 that one prior to it. Okay, so we have relative equal highs there. We broke down took out the low on the 10 o'clock hour on October 31. Now, if you're
75 00:14:21,750 --> 00:14:28,530 complaining about distance, I wish he would just show a chart. This is how you're going to do it. If you can't navigate based on what I'm talking about,
76 00:14:28,770 --> 00:14:37,560 well to time, the timeframe you're not going to do well trading anyway. So this helps you feel confident that you're doing it with your own charts, your own
77 00:14:37,560 --> 00:14:51,930 scheme of colors, your your layout, everything but it should be a naked chart. I want you to notice how that rally up on Wednesday, November 2 2020 to 1400
78 00:14:52,110 --> 00:15:05,730 Candle round all the way up to trade into that small little Faraday gap that made the higher high On November 1, we create an optimal trade entry and it
79 00:15:05,730 --> 00:15:26,160 broke down aggressively took out the low, formed on October 22. That Thursday at 1600 hours, we traded down on November 3 made that low and then we failed to go
80 00:15:26,160 --> 00:15:39,480 any lower. And so we tried 123 times to make a lower low. And there's lots of sell side liquidity resting rate below that November 3, low. So I want you to
81 00:15:39,480 --> 00:15:45,150 take a horizontal line and drop that on that low.
82 00:15:49,110 --> 00:16:00,270 So that way we know going forward, what am I expecting this morning, I'm of the opinion that we're going below that low. Now, I'm not pushing a button. I'm not
83 00:16:00,270 --> 00:16:09,330 risking money. I'm not taking a trade. I'm sharing my opinion as to why in a moment, but that's, that's where I usually put that little eyeball icon that
84 00:16:09,360 --> 00:16:19,770 trading View offers. I'm placing it right now returning to my chart. There's lows. Okay, so I believe that we're likely to see a trade down here in the same
85 00:16:19,800 --> 00:16:36,660 hourly chart. From that low that was formed on November 3, we traded up to the high formed on November 8, of 2022 to 10 o'clock in the morning, our made that
86 00:16:36,660 --> 00:16:50,430 Hi there. And then we've had a shift in market structure that took out the low. On November 8, of 2022, at three o'clock in the morning, that low was taken out
87 00:16:50,490 --> 00:17:04,770 on the candle of November 8, at 1400 hour, then we traded back up into that city I talked about yesterday, and we broke down. Now we have a small little bear
88 00:17:04,770 --> 00:17:13,680 flag. Okay, this is what retail seeing right now. There's a bear flag where the market has dropped. And went below the lows I talked about yesterday and the low
89 00:17:13,680 --> 00:17:26,910 specifically is November 7, at three o'clock in the morning, that low. We swept below that and we've consolidated. Now if you look at the 3780 and again, we're
90 00:17:26,910 --> 00:17:41,610 looking at the US 500 hourly chart. If you look at the low when the candle of 1100. On November 9, Wednesday's trading, okay, that low and the high of the
91 00:17:41,610 --> 00:17:48,390 candle. At 1400, you'll see that there's a fair value gap right there. I want you to note that.
92 00:17:51,990 --> 00:17:53,370 Okay, so there's going to be
93 00:17:55,140 --> 00:18:07,200 a small little fair value gap. That's approximately and I'll share my chart after we've done this, this is kind of like a test where you, your charts should
94 00:18:07,200 --> 00:18:17,550 look real close to mine. Do not share them. Don't post them. Don't try to be the first one. Just let me say this right now. It's irritating to me when people in
95 00:18:17,550 --> 00:18:27,060 the comment section or they reply first. That's annoying to me. Don't try to be the first to share your charts. Okay, right now it's interactive. We haven't
96 00:18:27,060 --> 00:18:35,970 even completely covered everything yet. But when we're done, and I close the session, share your chart, because I'm going to share mine at noon. That way you
97 00:18:35,970 --> 00:18:43,770 can compare and contrast what you've done listening to me and observing price. That way, if you're wrong, you'll learn from it. If you're right, it just feels
98 00:18:43,770 --> 00:18:44,280 good doing it.
99 00:18:45,780 --> 00:18:46,800 It feels good to do it.
100 00:18:47,280 --> 00:19:02,040 So we have a smaller fair value gap. And look at that low on the ninth of November, at 10 o'clock in the morning, at that low. That's essentially just
101 00:19:02,040 --> 00:19:12,780 about midpoint of that fair value gap. So it might want to revisit that. If it spikes up there. I'm thinking this is what I'm expecting. I'm expecting price to
102 00:19:12,990 --> 00:19:32,670 jump up into that fair value gap, touch the very minimum of 37 75.3. That should be your candle high on November 9 at 1400. And as much as but it could color
103 00:19:32,670 --> 00:19:42,510 outside the lines here. This is why I don't like to trade this before happens but the low of 3786 on the candle at noon, November 9. Okay, so that's your fair
104 00:19:42,510 --> 00:19:56,790 value gap. I'm thinking that we could run up into that. Then it drops down for the sell side liquidity below 3694. Overnight was 36 94.7. Okay. So that's what
105 00:19:56,790 --> 00:20:06,600 I'm expecting. That's what I'm anticipating. I think that is a probable profile for today for the CPI number. The problem with this is, and you probably have
106 00:20:06,600 --> 00:20:19,680 been seeing this, if you've been studying the CPI number, new this year, the CPI number just comes out and it's just like a straight line. It's like, okay, we
107 00:20:19,680 --> 00:20:30,330 were here, and now we're way down here. That's how fast it can happen. That's why it's very, very dangerous. So let's play devil's advocate for a moment.
108 00:20:30,510 --> 00:20:38,610 Okay, let's just say I'm right. And I'm not suggesting I'm going to because I don't believe that anybody should be taking this advice. We're studying this,
109 00:20:38,640 --> 00:20:47,970 okay? If I firmly believed that I was going to make money doing this, and I could enter it. I'd be doing a trade, I'm not, I'm not even pushing a demo. I'm
110 00:20:47,970 --> 00:20:58,230 not doing that, I want you to do that. Okay, I want you to feel what it feels like to be in this in an after you push the button, I want you to think about it
111 00:20:58,230 --> 00:21:11,280 being real. Think about what it would feel like, the anxiety or the exhilaration of whatever happens in the marketplace. Okay? I want you to feel that. But also
112 00:21:11,280 --> 00:21:20,160 soon as the number comes out, and you see your market chart, move around, I want you to try to press a button and see how long it takes for you ever get a
113 00:21:20,160 --> 00:21:30,600 confirmed fill on your paper trading account. Because you see all these folks out there, they'll show you that they got in on the very one minute candle near
114 00:21:30,600 --> 00:21:42,600 the high. Wait for the CPI number drops. That's bullshit. Okay, that's not happening. It ain't happening. Okay, you're not getting filled. So in a perfect
115 00:21:42,600 --> 00:21:50,130 world, say it wasn't a number that comes to market like CPI, I would take this trade on any other medium or high impact news driver, I would wait for it to
116 00:21:50,130 --> 00:21:59,460 trade up in that fair value gap. I'd use that as a shorting opportunity. And then I would look for it to run down to 3694 50. That's what I would look for.
117 00:21:59,730 --> 00:22:09,900 Okay. If I'm wrong, and it completely blows out that fair value gap, then I'm, I'm wrong. And there you go. And you know why I don't want to trade these
118 00:22:09,900 --> 00:22:16,980 markets. But if I'm right, it's not me, patting myself on the back, I'm not going to champion it. I'm not going to be doing any kind of peacocking. But I
119 00:22:16,980 --> 00:22:25,440 want you to understand how fast this market will move. And I only got like six minutes to get the rest of this off. But I'm showing you where I think it's
120 00:22:25,440 --> 00:22:34,500 going to go. I'm cosigned there's there's no side B to this. There's no scribble line, that's going to give me a bullish scenario. I think it only goes up to
121 00:22:34,500 --> 00:22:43,890 skidding that fair baguette if at all. I mean, I didn't do that. But if it does, I would think that it would aggressively reprice down below that 3694 50 level.
122 00:22:44,010 --> 00:22:55,710 Okay. And now, the easy part for ES The only thing you're going to be doing is looking at the US 500 Everything I just outlined your chart, while the prices
123 00:22:55,710 --> 00:23:02,370 don't agree exactly. The relative equal lows that were formed on the third of November and the
124 00:23:04,230 --> 00:23:06,030 what is that? This
125 00:23:06,780 --> 00:23:18,630 fourth of november eight o'clock in the morning, those relative equal lows. So that liquidity pool is the same on ES. And the fair value gap exists the same on
126 00:23:18,840 --> 00:23:29,970 the ES one hour chart. Okay, so I'm thinking slightly higher, if it can run up into the fair value gap and then crash down for the sell side. Once it gets that
127 00:23:29,970 --> 00:23:39,420 sell side? I'm interested in seeing what it does that at that moment. So I'm not suggesting that I knew what it's going to do. Beyond that. The only thing we're
128 00:23:39,420 --> 00:23:48,390 observing, and this is how I frame a trade. I'm not trying to go in and try to do like with my examples, you'll see me do a session where I'll say, Okay, this
129 00:23:48,390 --> 00:23:56,520 is this is where I think the market would go. And I'll point to us and you know, this level, what I'm saying is, that's my bias, because if it's above the market
130 00:23:56,520 --> 00:24:05,850 price, that means I'm bullish for that session. Okay, that New York session or a pm session, whatever it is that I'm referring to the next session that we're in
131 00:24:05,850 --> 00:24:12,750 are about to begin, that's the next one I'm looking for. Right now, I just did it real time with the Italian you where I believe the markets going to draw to,
132 00:24:14,040 --> 00:24:24,450 but also preface it by saying do not push it with a lot of count, because I might be wrong. And these numbers are dangerous, like they will manipulate the
133 00:24:24,450 --> 00:24:36,180 market incredibly, and they can hurt you very, very bad. Quickly. So don't do that. The only thing we're doing is studying how we see a trade setup. Is it
134 00:24:36,750 --> 00:24:46,980 likely to pan out if it's good, just use it as experience if it's wrong, be thankful that you didn't push it in a live account. And I'll tell you, this is
135 00:24:46,980 --> 00:25:00,480 the reason why I don't do it. Okay. Now, later in the afternoon. Well, I really shouldn't say afternoon, let's say 945 That way there's 50 Min. Saturday,
136 00:25:00,750 --> 00:25:11,820 equities open at 930 Let them digest what the open does to then at that point at 945 on CPI number days, then you can go in and trade the normal market
137 00:25:11,820 --> 00:25:22,200 conditions. But until, like 830 to 945 Man, you're in dangerous waters, especially if you don't know I'm talking about or what you're doing in the
138 00:25:22,200 --> 00:25:27,210 marketplace. And there's a lot of you that are like that, and it's who I'm talking to. I know there's a lot of people out here I've experienced and they
139 00:25:27,210 --> 00:25:35,700 take offense to what I'm saying, like I'm talking to them, if you're profitable, and you're, you know, you've been doing you've been around the block for a while
140 00:25:35,730 --> 00:25:45,900 I'm talking to you, making sure people that don't know what they're doing are aren't going to hurt themselves. Okay. So that's what we're looking for, we're
141 00:25:45,900 --> 00:25:55,230 gonna sit here and watch in less than two minutes or so the fireworks will happen. And if it runs out in the fairway get, we're gonna observe if it rolls
142 00:25:55,230 --> 00:26:04,560 right through it and doesn't respect it and goes higher, which, whatever. But if it goes in the fear of a cat and then sells off, then you'll have something to
143 00:26:04,590 --> 00:26:17,340 observe, study, log it. And if you have the ability to record now use TechSmith Camtasia Studio, it costs a little bit of money but for study purposes, man it's
144 00:26:17,340 --> 00:26:25,170 it's it's nice to be able to record live data even if you're not in front of the charts if you have a business or if you're working or if you're in school, and
145 00:26:25,170 --> 00:26:33,120 you can't be in front of the charts real time to set it to record you know, a one to five and 30 minute chart layout and then come back and it's totally
146 00:26:33,120 --> 00:26:43,980 different from watching like a market replay on trading view market replays kind of like stilted it's not as fluid as you would expect to see real time data. So
147 00:26:44,010 --> 00:26:48,510 to me I think it's one of the best resources in addition to a journal
148 00:26:50,190 --> 00:27:15,510 Alright, so I think that is enough talking we're going to see what pans out now all the clicking is mean just adding the things I added
149 00:27:16,800 --> 00:27:22,110 in commentary to my es chart because only thing I marked up really was on us 500 chart.
150 00:27:23,520 --> 00:27:35,910 So now what we have a we have an outline of my opinion what I think the market will likely do and why should it do it. I believe that that imbalance around on
151 00:27:35,940 --> 00:27:50,460 es between 37 8250 or there abouts. If it goes up into there, that's fair value. And if they want to think it lower, they can take it to that point and then down
152 00:27:50,460 --> 00:28:03,540 below 3704 Or just a straight dump rate to 37 and four there's the two outcomes I see. Otherwise I'm dead in the water wrong and it just blows right through the
153 00:28:03,540 --> 00:28:04,470 fair value gap and
154 00:28:06,540 --> 00:28:29,550 that'll be the end of it all right less than 15 seconds Showtime
155 00:28:45,630 --> 00:28:53,460 and that is why you don't want to do it yes is ripped all to 3860 right now and
156 00:28:55,980 --> 00:28:57,180 the US 500 charts
157 00:28:57,180 --> 00:28:58,950 not doing anything for me you're here
158 00:29:06,990 --> 00:29:13,050 check on Twitter real quick. Can you see if do you have anything moving on your US 500 chart
159 00:29:21,630 --> 00:29:32,430 there it is it just finally updated and this is one big jump up there. So us 500 just ripped all the way up into 3040 or above
160 00:29:46,380 --> 00:30:02,910 it's now there's no one. There's no one entering on that candle with any measure of precision or nimbleness. Okay, there's no Anytime you see anybody sharing a
161 00:30:02,910 --> 00:30:12,390 chart, like always after the fact, here's my injury. And here it is, here's why I got in it. That's fake. Okay, because you can't, you can't even do it with the
162 00:30:12,390 --> 00:30:23,340 demo. Like it's not going to fill you. So it's It's nonsensical for these folks to come out here on a day like these news market reports, it's no way absolutely
163 00:30:23,340 --> 00:30:36,510 not going to happen. Now, if you look at the lows, right on the hourly, now I'm specifically looking at es because I'm not concerned about us 500. Now,
164 00:30:38,400 --> 00:30:40,560 I'm not sure why there was such a big delay there, but
165 00:30:42,060 --> 00:30:47,250 as very close movement to the ES
166 00:30:47,940 --> 00:30:48,780 maximize this.
167 00:30:52,350 --> 00:31:04,830 Alright, so now we have relative equal lows. On this morning, by sides resting rate at on your hourly chart, we have not had not changed my timeframe, the high
168 00:31:04,860 --> 00:31:18,870 of 3867, there's buyside, resting just above that. Now, if we can run above that, that will be a candidate to see if they want to take that and then reject
169 00:31:18,870 --> 00:31:24,900 it, and then come back for the sell side resting below 3750.
170 00:31:33,690 --> 00:31:42,000 Don't personally see them coming all the way up to 30 920-520-3928.
171 00:31:42,000 --> 00:31:44,610 If you look at the high on the first of November,
172 00:31:46,350 --> 00:31:56,130 I'm not interested in seeing that. But I would like to see it go above the high at November 8 at 11 o'clock in the morning. They can bump that. And then if he
173 00:31:56,130 --> 00:31:59,820 rejects, then he can come back and clean up the sell side below
174 00:32:01,650 --> 00:32:02,670 3750.
175 00:32:03,720 --> 00:32:15,030 And if they can salary below that, then back into that 37 No 530 704 area. That's a scenario that I'd like to see pan out after like the 9:45am I was
176 00:32:15,060 --> 00:32:29,040 referring to earlier let the equities market open up. This here is this absolute gambling. And it looks incredible. Like it feels like man if I could have just
177 00:32:29,040 --> 00:32:41,850 been in 100 handle move to happen. Like, like, if you're wrong, folks, I'm telling you if you're wrong, it ends you. So it's not a matter of oh, well, you
178 00:32:41,850 --> 00:32:50,100 should know better. Now I know that this is going to hurt you. It can hurt me. Like I gave you my honest opinion about what I felt is a likely scenario this
179 00:32:50,100 --> 00:32:58,110 morning. Why don't you trade it ICT because this is what can happen. If I pushed it with a live account, this would have crushed it like it would have been bad.
180 00:33:00,030 --> 00:33:10,950 So again, this gets back to I was referring to I think it was last week or the weekend, I'm not sure when I was doing the last stream or space where I was
181 00:33:10,950 --> 00:33:23,250 saying social media equity curves, you know, being popular based on, you know, showing stuff with like a math textbook or whatever. That puts you in a position
182 00:33:23,250 --> 00:33:32,310 where you have to constantly perform like you have to do it. And I'm not trying to teach that in any of my students and I don't I don't do that. I want to be in
183 00:33:32,310 --> 00:33:41,610 a market where it's really easy to see what it's likely to do. Where is it likely to go? Why should it go there. And if I don't have that one sidedness.
184 00:33:42,360 --> 00:33:49,380 Now, I don't have the one sidedness today because CPI numbers, you know, rocket fuel, whatever they're going to do with the marketplace, they're gonna do it
185 00:33:49,770 --> 00:33:58,080 regardless of what my opinion is what your opinion is, whatever is it's going to just take off and you can see it's moved a lot in just a short span of time if
186 00:33:58,080 --> 00:34:00,870 you drop down now go into a 15 minute timeframe.
187 00:34:02,550 --> 00:34:04,800 You can follow along on your US 500 chart Do
188 00:34:07,020 --> 00:34:11,820 you want to have a horizontal line on the high
189 00:34:16,380 --> 00:34:17,100 draw mind as
190 00:34:22,020 --> 00:34:37,830 we just ran through that high of 3067 Now you want to watch what it does here because everyone that was short their stock would be all above those relative
191 00:34:37,830 --> 00:34:57,870 equal highs on your 15 minute timeframe. Yes chart for those that are following along. Make sure it looks like that one. Now
192 00:35:04,830 --> 00:35:14,670 that bear flag idea. Remember I was talking about earlier, retail would fall along with that and go short. What I look for is it has to go up into a at least
193 00:35:14,670 --> 00:35:24,720 a short term premium, which is why the fair value that was even mentioned in the first place, because it has to come up out of that to be even considered. Before
194 00:35:24,720 --> 00:35:33,090 we even began seeing the CPI number come in, I outlined why you shouldn't be pushing it with a live account, don't even don't even try to make with real
195 00:35:33,090 --> 00:35:43,080 money because it's going to hurt you. You wouldn't be able to get filled. That's the characteristic with this market report. Okay, you're not getting filled. If
196 00:35:43,080 --> 00:35:52,800 you're going to get a fill, you're going to be filled so far away. If they even allow it to be filled, it'll be so slipped. And slippage is where you're trying
197 00:35:52,800 --> 00:36:04,800 to get in at and where you're actually filled. On a day like today. You don't want to be slipped 50 handles, okay, that's not that's not fun. Because then
198 00:36:04,830 --> 00:36:14,490 you're going to be stuck trying to decide, is it something you want to hold on to so if you made the mistake of getting in, and I'm anxious to see if any of
199 00:36:14,490 --> 00:36:29,220 you were able to get your demo account or paper trading account to fill you on TradingView? Go down into a five minute chart. Okay, and again, that is over 100
200 00:36:29,220 --> 00:36:29,790 handles
201 00:36:32,760 --> 00:36:34,080 in less than 10 minutes.
202 00:36:38,099 --> 00:36:52,229 Can you afford to be wrong on a day like this? That's what I'm trying to make you understand. Seeing big moves like this. It's intoxicating, after you see
203 00:36:52,229 --> 00:37:00,329 them move, like if you aren't watching it live, or you're so brand new to this industry. And you think that you can actually get in here and push the button
204 00:37:00,329 --> 00:37:12,629 and get in on these moves right as the app and it's not happening. That doesn't happen. Okay. So knowing that that is what this market report does, it's
205 00:37:13,439 --> 00:37:25,109 important for you to know what the economic calendar says. And when these numbers like this coming out FOMC rate announcements and CPI numbers, they are
206 00:37:25,619 --> 00:37:41,669 dangerous. Like you can have your clock cleaned. expediently gone, thanks for playing ICT included. I did not do this to be incorrect. On purpose, I genuinely
207 00:37:41,669 --> 00:37:52,439 gave you what I felt is a likely scenario, what I would like to see pan out. And if I would have done it on a live account, this would have hurt me. So knowing
208 00:37:52,469 --> 00:38:00,929 when not to do something and why you're not doing it. Okay, that gives you peace of mind. It's not, it's never going to bring me a fear of missing out. Like I
209 00:38:00,929 --> 00:38:10,319 don't look at this move and say, Oh, but I wish I would have done. I don't, I don't do that. I don't think that way. We've already swept that 3867 level on es
210 00:38:10,679 --> 00:38:24,839 the relative equal highs. If you're falling on the US 500 We've swept there. So now we want to watch and see does it give us a shorter timeframe. Post 930 Is
211 00:38:24,839 --> 00:38:35,399 what you're looking for. Now, it could just tear off and keep going higher. But we have a really huge imbalance now from the CPI number to where we are right
212 00:38:35,399 --> 00:38:46,019 now. So I think that we have a little bit of range to explore. Note that 3850 On es down into
213 00:38:48,840 --> 00:38:50,430 3815.
214 00:38:51,630 --> 00:38:53,970 So 3850 to 3015.
215 00:38:56,670 --> 00:39:09,840 That might be something we explore going into the equities open at 930. I'm just highlighting that range because I set it here. I'm gonna make sure it shows up
216 00:39:09,840 --> 00:39:10,650 on my chart later on.
217 00:39:34,079 --> 00:39:45,809 And I didn't see this, but I'm certain if I go through my tweet someone's going to ask you what's the data? And how do you read the data? I don't ever care to
218 00:39:45,809 --> 00:39:59,999 know what the data is. I just anticipate a lot of volatility on certain market events like this and I studied I'm never going in and trading seat I've been
219 00:39:59,999 --> 00:40:09,869 Never, ever, ever told any of my students to go in there and say, Alright, you're gonna treat a CPI number, you're gonna get an arrowhead at the CPI number
220 00:40:09,869 --> 00:40:23,069 and there it is. No, we treat it just like FOMC, we want to see it hit the market, watch and observe what liquidity they take where they aim for. And if
221 00:40:23,069 --> 00:40:46,409 you look at the five minute chart now, looking back as far as yesterday, candles 1545 on November 9, when Wednesday, November 9 of November, look at the 1545
222 00:40:46,409 --> 00:40:58,079 candle. That low, if you're following along on us 500, it should be basically same thing. So it's walked sideways ahead of this report coming out. I outlined
223 00:40:58,079 --> 00:41:10,019 how retail would see that as a bear flag. And we I wanted to see it go up into some short term premium. It did. So now if I was wrong, then it would go up. And
224 00:41:10,409 --> 00:41:21,359 obviously we're not that previous high. We've done so now it's just hanging around, we have some time, it's only 842. So we're really an hour away before
225 00:41:21,419 --> 00:41:37,979 any trade would be taken by me. I'm not against taking trades on CPI number of days, I just don't want you thinking that it's advised or smart to be taking a
226 00:41:37,979 --> 00:41:49,979 trade of a hit of CPI number. I don't care how long you've been doing it or what you think your tools are doing. I got it wrong right in front of you. And that
227 00:41:49,979 --> 00:41:59,879 was a genuine opinion about what I felt was likely to happen. And that's what these reports will do. They will crush you. And you need to do this a dozen
228 00:41:59,879 --> 00:42:09,959 times in a year to realize, hey, this is probably not something smart or safe for me to do. Let me wait and see what the market does after that explosion of
229 00:42:09,959 --> 00:42:17,189 volatility comes in the marketplace. Because there's trades that will be taken later on in the day. That's fine. But I don't want you feeling like you have to
230 00:42:17,189 --> 00:42:27,899 know what this is going to do. Because I don't know what it's going to do. CPI number is a highly manipulated data release. Just like FOMC you don't know what
231 00:42:27,899 --> 00:42:35,129 the Fed is going to do. You don't know what they're going to do and repricing the currencies because they can come out dovish, or hawkish. And that might mean
232 00:42:35,129 --> 00:42:43,589 something to somebody else in the analysis. But the market repricing starts going in the opposite direction you've been in that situation before it's
233 00:42:43,589 --> 00:42:52,109 supposed to be good for the currency or is it good for the market? But it goes the other way? aggressively? And then they'll say, Well, it was it was the
234 00:42:52,109 --> 00:42:55,859 market discounted that it was already priced in? Why didn't you say that before the news came out.
235 00:42:57,360 --> 00:42:58,170 Because it's all bullshit.
236 00:42:59,730 --> 00:43:11,070 We have to wait for this explosion to happen. And then once the dust settles, then we can go in and pick our shots and see what happens after. Like right now.
237 00:43:11,730 --> 00:43:21,810 Everybody that went in this today, or was short, just got taken out. Imagine you were short yesterday, holding on thinking that bear flag that I outlined was
238 00:43:21,810 --> 00:43:34,020 going to continue going lower, breaking lower and keep going lower. They just got removed from the game quickly. Now what I like to see is I like to see
239 00:43:34,020 --> 00:43:48,570 things like that. And then look to see if that narrative can be utilized later in the day. They use, in my opinion, the CPI number as a vehicle to justify in
240 00:43:48,570 --> 00:43:59,880 the public's eye why the market went up to this level where we're at now above 3867. There was liquidity there. So that liquidity now has been engaged. Do we
241 00:43:59,880 --> 00:44:11,820 go higher and start working towards a higher close on the day? Or do we work back lower in that range that was just created with that big two or three up
242 00:44:11,820 --> 00:44:25,140 candles on a five minute chart. And then work towards that sell side below 3750. That's that's what I'm looking for. I don't have a setup right now. But now
243 00:44:25,140 --> 00:44:34,560 because we were so quick to get up there and take out yesterday's buyside liquidity. They did it on this high impact news driver. They did it where people
244 00:44:34,560 --> 00:44:44,820 are going to see that going into the 930 in the morning equities open. So it's going to create what if you if you sat down on your charts you woke up now, you
245 00:44:44,820 --> 00:44:53,130 look at this. This looks extremely bullish, does it not? I mean, if you just looked at this five minute chart, you don't have anything else considered at
246 00:44:53,130 --> 00:45:05,130 all. This communicates a fevered pitch for markets that want to go higher. That's So that's a basic perception that anybody would come away with looking at
247 00:45:05,130 --> 00:45:18,690 that. The contrary in me is thinking, okay, they use this, they got to that by side, can I use that and turn it on its head, and then look for something that
248 00:45:18,690 --> 00:45:29,040 would justify why we can go back down into that range, what I outlined, which, if you look at the low of the candle, this is on ES. So we're, if you're looking
249 00:45:29,040 --> 00:45:38,700 at a five minute chart, you're gonna go back, not counting the candle we're in right now, you're gonna go back to candles. So that low on ES is that 3033 and a
250 00:45:38,700 --> 00:45:59,760 half. I have that noted down to 3815. So I'm looking for something in that range. Post 930 opening. Now, the worst case scenario would be is it just keeps
251 00:45:59,760 --> 00:46:09,810 on going higher, and I have no setup. Okay, that's the worst, because I'm not trying to get in anything. It can trade down into that range, and then resume
252 00:46:09,810 --> 00:46:20,670 going higher, and then I'm wrong there. But I'll be wrong. And if I can take a trade, so that it's a different kind of being wrong like this, I'm fine with,
253 00:46:20,880 --> 00:46:28,920 because I'm illustrating why I don't trade these market reports. And why it's dangerous for you to to try to do it. Because you don't know no one knows what
254 00:46:28,920 --> 00:46:39,510 they're going to do. Okay. And because there's manual intervention, you're opening yourself up to unlimited damage. Like it's unlimited how how far and
255 00:46:39,510 --> 00:46:51,420 fast they can take these markets and reprice them, look at how much it's moved already. So I'm thinking that range is too exposed, it's all one sided, it
256 00:46:51,450 --> 00:47:05,100 happened too fast, and go down into a one minute chart on ES. Now, if you highlighted the range that I mentioned moments ago,
257 00:47:09,540 --> 00:47:11,250 that range being below
258 00:47:14,730 --> 00:47:32,400 3853 and a half vs 3853 and a half, down to 3815. Now on a one minute chart, you should see a fair value get rate at one minute chart, you should see a fair
259 00:47:32,400 --> 00:47:55,410 value get rate at one on one minute chart on es at 3050, even and the low 138 53 and a half. So there's a smaller period yet with a down close candle at the 832
260 00:47:55,860 --> 00:48:07,260 minute marker. Yes. So if we drop down into that, say it drops down to that and then it takes out the high again, whatever I would form prior to it dropping
261 00:48:07,260 --> 00:48:18,150 down there. That to me, I'd had to concede and say okay, this is probably going to go into a firmer close for today. But I'd like to see, here's what is
262 00:48:18,180 --> 00:48:30,150 important, that fair value, get that as outlined if we can get below that. And then it can act as a resistance and a failure to engage prices and higher. If
263 00:48:30,150 --> 00:48:38,790 there is no accumulation that takes place at that down close came on one minute chart with that fair value gap. And it goes below it and comes back up and
264 00:48:38,790 --> 00:48:51,570 starts acting as resistance. I'll take every fair value gap that forms after that, when with the anticipation that we're likely to trade down into that 3015
265 00:48:51,570 --> 00:49:07,920 level. But as a time filter applied to it, because I want to see the equities open, and we still have 40 minutes before 930 and a safe time for you as a
266 00:49:07,920 --> 00:49:18,660 developing student would be waiting till 945 You're gonna probably miss trades. That's okay. If you're learning how to do something, it's important for you to
267 00:49:18,660 --> 00:49:29,490 be comfortable with missing moves. And not knowing why you missed it. Because it's harmless. versus getting into something not knowing what you're doing.
268 00:49:30,000 --> 00:49:40,020 being harmed by and not understanding why hurt you. It will it'll become toxic to you trading feel toxic, you'll develop fear and anxiety, which is the hardest
269 00:49:40,020 --> 00:49:49,350 thing to get over. Fear Of Missing Out that's easily fixed. Because once you have a model, you don't sweat these types of moves, you know that there's other
270 00:49:49,350 --> 00:49:58,260 moves that you're going to be able to be able to capture and it'll make sense for you to be engaging it but fear and anxiety of losing money. That's a really
271 00:49:58,260 --> 00:50:09,720 hard one to fix because It's easy to talk yourself into thinking, wow, you know, I just had a losing trade or I had a series of losing trades. What happens if I
272 00:50:09,720 --> 00:50:21,870 take the next 10 trades and they're losers too, your mind gets overactive. So all those things come into the equation when you start looking at real time
273 00:50:21,870 --> 00:50:27,480 data. And considering pushing the button, if you've done the exercise this morning
274 00:50:33,210 --> 00:50:36,840 if if you push the button
275 00:50:43,949 --> 00:50:45,329 so many people tweeting to me
276 00:50:46,619 --> 00:50:49,649 not tweeting to me texting, please don't do that, because it's a distraction.
277 00:50:51,630 --> 00:50:53,880 A lot of my students know my cell phone number and they
278 00:50:54,989 --> 00:51:08,759 abuse I don't rarely ever reply to all of them. But if you push the button, and you can show me your execution errors, do that tweet that to me now. If you
279 00:51:08,759 --> 00:51:33,479 couldn't get a fill, or if it rejected your order, say so. Here we go. Armando. Order rejected. Welcome to the real world see that. But you'll never see that.
280 00:51:34,889 --> 00:51:36,479 And that was one demo Armando says.
281 00:51:36,630 --> 00:51:37,110 So
282 00:51:40,170 --> 00:51:46,440 that's what I'm trying to explain to you. There's people out there, they're gonna pretend that they did something stellar. And you'll probably see it, they
283 00:51:46,440 --> 00:51:58,350 probably will show the vault the love. Okay, although use the arrow on a on a candle like that one, it formed at 830. And because it doesn't show you the
284 00:51:58,350 --> 00:52:07,260 actual price, I think it would be better for trading view to actually have the arrow, populate the chart at the price you got filled out, you'd see a whole lot
285 00:52:07,260 --> 00:52:16,380 less tomfoolery in terms of what was being shared by people in line. Because if he showed you the chart, and has the arrow at the low of the candle, at first
286 00:52:16,380 --> 00:52:24,300 glance, it was like wow, you bought the very low, when you could be near the high of the candle as an entry. You know, if the trades are closed, that's why
287 00:52:24,300 --> 00:52:30,390 it's important. That's why I go through and show you my entries show you my execution actual price points. If I'm not recording it live, when I'm getting in
288 00:52:30,390 --> 00:52:40,620 there, I go in I show you where the actual fields were. Alright, so looking at the Yes, right now. And again, we're only seeing one minute timeframe, we have
289 00:52:40,620 --> 00:52:55,650 had one drive, fall short of that 3867 level, should down a little bit. And then we went above that 3867 back down below 3867. And a little bit into a fair value
290 00:52:55,650 --> 00:53:10,080 gap that was formed on the campus of the one minute chart on es at 3859 and a quarter to the low of 3866. And three quarters that fair value gap was engaged
291 00:53:10,110 --> 00:53:25,380 at the 839 candle on es then we were in at the short term high that was formed. The only interest I have, because you don't know if they're gonna keep tearing
292 00:53:25,380 --> 00:53:31,650 off higher. And it can do that. I want to see that fair Vega outlined earlier.
293 00:53:35,849 --> 00:53:41,069 Just below 3053 and a half
294 00:53:43,020 --> 00:53:52,290 and get a one minute chart you should see it trades down into a order a lot of it does that as long as it keeps going higher, there's nothing to do. You don't
295 00:53:52,290 --> 00:53:59,220 want to keep buying it. You don't want to chase it, you don't do anything with this right now. What I'm looking for is I want to see that fair value get there
296 00:53:59,220 --> 00:54:06,720 would otherwise be something that would go long on. If we didn't have this big run up like this. I know words, I'm not looking for that fair value got to go
297 00:54:06,720 --> 00:54:14,520 down into it to buy long, I don't want to do that. What I want to see it do is I want to see a trade down into it. Initially, it might want to give the
298 00:54:14,520 --> 00:54:23,400 impression and wants to go higher. But I want to see that fail. That's the setup I'm looking for I want to see that fail, go below the fair value gap once price
299 00:54:23,400 --> 00:54:31,350 goes below the fit and it may not do this, but if it does, this was this is what I'm looking for, to actually push a button today. I want to see that fail and
300 00:54:31,350 --> 00:54:42,150 why why would I want that? Because the buyside liquidity at 3867 has been taken it's been engaged now. And it was done so on the CPI number when there's nothing
301 00:54:42,180 --> 00:54:55,800 constructive about the consumer right now like it's it's bad. So I don't need to know what the report says. Like all of this here is just I'm utilizing for
302 00:54:55,800 --> 00:55:07,620 liquidity only. I knew and expected and you know now also that there's a lot of volatility on the CPI numbers. We observed and went above PSI from yesterday.
303 00:55:08,520 --> 00:55:19,110 And now is it running higher still? No, it's just hanging around. There is no setup for a long in here that I would take, I would not want to take a long at
304 00:55:19,110 --> 00:55:32,160 that fair value got that outlined, framed on the only down close candle that you see right at a 32. That down close candle and a woman it's wrong. Yes. That's a
305 00:55:32,160 --> 00:55:42,240 bullish order block. And it's coupled with a fair value gap that's formed immediately after that damn close candle. If that does not send price higher, if
306 00:55:42,240 --> 00:55:52,830 it trades down to it, that's my broken, little wing. That's like, hey, you know, this should have sent price higher. If it goes down and starts to rally, that's
307 00:55:52,830 --> 00:56:02,670 good. Because then if it does go below that fair value gap, I'll feel confident that I can take a trade down into 3015. And maybe even retest that 3795.
308 00:56:04,170 --> 00:56:06,930 Price, nine to 3792.
309 00:56:07,739 --> 00:56:16,709 But that's the only thing I would do, like I would let this market do if it just tears off and goes all the way up to 3900. I don't care. I don't fear missing
310 00:56:16,709 --> 00:56:26,729 it. I don't have any anxiety about you know, not having been in it. Because I know what I'm looking for. You might have something else in mind that you want
311 00:56:26,729 --> 00:56:36,089 to do. What I just outlined is something that I would be willing to engage. And if that fair value gap fails, that to me would indicate that we're likely to
312 00:56:36,089 --> 00:56:47,819 revisit and reprice to at the very minimum, that 3015 level now you're probably asking yourself, why that 3015 low 3015 Let's go back up to the hourly chart.
313 00:57:10,320 --> 00:57:17,190 realize his loud folks in here falling on us 500 chart and probably get very frustrating for you. I apologize.
314 00:57:20,850 --> 00:57:30,810 Alright, so 3015, if you look at all the the wicks on an hourly chart for ES, the candle at nine o'clock on Wednesday,
315 00:57:32,400 --> 00:57:36,930 at 10 o'clock, and at 11 o'clock,
316 00:57:38,070 --> 00:57:48,510 there was multiple times it traded up into that area and moved away. Big because it has done that what was actually occurring on those three hours, the market
317 00:57:48,510 --> 00:57:59,400 has traded up, and then back down, traded up, then back down, traded back up, and then back down. That creates a balanced price range. So it can trade down
318 00:57:59,430 --> 00:58:10,200 into that area. Now you start at 15 because it's about the near the low end, because of a big report day like this. There's a lot of animation in price. It
319 00:58:10,200 --> 00:58:20,220 can color outside the lines basically and do a little bit more than you would reasonably expect. That's why I chose the 3015. Do you use 3015 for yourself, if
320 00:58:20,220 --> 00:58:28,980 it starts to outline when I mentioned earlier, that's up for you to determine. You can use 3020 That's a nice number as well for it to want to trade back down
321 00:58:29,010 --> 00:58:38,550 in if it's going to do any of that at all. But that all stems on the willingness or likelihood that that fair pay gap that I outlined earlier is even ever
322 00:58:38,550 --> 00:58:49,020 engaged because this could just keep grinding higher in that trade never forms Do I regret not buying it? Does that know? Because buying it right now after
323 00:58:49,020 --> 00:59:01,860 it's done what it's done here makes absolutely no sense to me. I'm buying in an extremely huge premium with a correction that will take us into even a small
324 00:59:01,920 --> 00:59:11,370 move to like 3040 or 3036
325 00:59:12,060 --> 00:59:21,960 and that's too much of arrange for me to to concede with being wrong. I need to know what I'm looking for. I need to know what shots I'm trying to go after. And
326 00:59:21,960 --> 00:59:31,770 right now we got relatively speaking with three drives high power three drives hire pattern
327 00:59:34,290 --> 00:59:37,830 I just don't like how smooth the one we're in that right now is over like to see the candle we
328 00:59:37,829 --> 00:59:51,479 just closed actually come lower. Pop up one more time. If you look at your one minute chart, yes, we just dropped down into that Faraday gap that was formed on
329 00:59:51,479 --> 01:00:03,689 the a 56 candle to the 858 candle. So there's three candles that Faraday got we dropped down into it I'd like to see that one failed to send price higher, I'd
330 01:00:03,689 --> 01:00:13,589 like to see that and see if we can get below the low formed at the 850 minute marker. That would be interesting to see that happen, then we can start to see
331 01:00:13,589 --> 01:00:21,419 if it wants to gravitate towards that fair value gap I mentioned earlier around that 3050 level. But there's no buttons being pushed right now, this is tape
332 01:00:21,419 --> 01:00:29,759 reading. This is tape reading, as I teach it, you see other people say, Oh, this isn't tape reading, you need to dammed up the market needle. You don't need
333 01:00:29,759 --> 01:00:40,379 that. You need to know what you're looking for. And then once you understand what it is you're looking for, you wait. If it doesn't form, what does that
334 01:00:40,379 --> 01:00:56,129 mean? Nothing. You didn't push a button, you didn't risk anything. And yes, you placed time in front of a chart. And it was an investment, it's experience. Most
335 01:00:56,129 --> 01:01:06,119 of your time is going to be doing nothing between trades. That that's the part that wears people down. And that's the time when you discover what it is you're
336 01:01:06,119 --> 01:01:14,789 trying to do as a trader, because if you don't have a model, if you don't have a method, or an approach to, to want to push a button, you're just in here trying
337 01:01:14,789 --> 01:01:22,199 to impulsively react to oh, it looks like it's gonna keep moving up or it's gonna keep moving down. That's gambling. And then you shouldn't be surprised
338 01:01:22,199 --> 01:01:23,219 when you record yourself.
339 01:01:29,040 --> 01:01:32,370 I'm sure there's about 50 people out there right now saying ICT got it wrong.
340 01:01:33,659 --> 01:01:51,599 But they didn't buy it. That's the difference. Okay, there's a difference here. Alright, so we're at the low under the Fair Pay Gap, it would have to go up here
341 01:01:51,599 --> 01:01:52,889 or it fails.
342 01:01:58,889 --> 01:02:01,469 I just hit a train back down below that 3867.
343 01:02:08,099 --> 01:02:10,229 If my son Caleb was here, he could
344 01:02:12,780 --> 01:02:14,250 provide me a means of
345 01:02:17,310 --> 01:02:25,320 a sounding board, I can bounce some things off of him asking you what do you see here? What do you what would you anticipate here? So I'm right now I'm at a
346 01:02:26,400 --> 01:02:34,080 point where I'm trying to anticipate what some of you are thinking. Which you're probably asking, like, why didn't you talk about this morning talk about that.
347 01:02:34,500 --> 01:02:45,480 And I didn't talk about it's not important to me. Which gets back to your model is going to be your model. And the things that I'm trading off of, you may not
348 01:02:45,480 --> 01:02:51,930 be considering may not even be a factor at all for your trade. Maybe a market you're not going to touch our timeframe
349 01:02:59,790 --> 01:03:11,760 Okay, so now notice how we have moved up into the range between 3860 to 3080. After taking out the high from yesterday at 3867 Has there been a lot of
350 01:03:11,760 --> 01:03:27,210 animation to the upside after taking it we had one shallow run above it dropped down below it, made a higher high again, consolidated made a higher high and now
351 01:03:27,210 --> 01:03:33,660 we're about to trade below 3867 Looks like it's relatively equal lows sitting right around.
352 01:03:36,030 --> 01:03:37,560 You look at your one minute chart, the
353 01:03:37,560 --> 01:03:40,380 850 to 853
354 01:03:41,880 --> 01:04:00,930 small little poll liquidity in there we're here to show his charts.
355 01:04:02,910 --> 01:04:08,130 You can't trade off my charts you got to trade off your charts. Alright, so we're trading back into that fair value gap.
356 01:04:08,160 --> 01:04:09,780 The gap is
357 01:04:11,699 --> 01:04:24,449 formed from the high on candle 856. I'm talking about time to the low on candle 858. So we went below it. Now we're trading back up into it. We're seeing does
358 01:04:24,449 --> 01:04:29,309 it have reasons to repel price and keep it from going any higher?
359 01:05:07,139 --> 01:05:26,699 So if you're looking at from a one minute chart, if you have the will say 3836 level, from 3836. Drop the horizontal line there and drop one at the high of
360 01:05:29,609 --> 01:05:47,879 37 70.75. Okay, that range that is a buy side imbalance, sell side inefficiency. That means that the imbalance is to the buy side, it's all delivery on the
361 01:05:47,879 --> 01:05:58,139 upside, it is not buying pressure. Okay, because you saw how fast that candle traded all those prices between those two levels, I was told you did not get
362 01:05:58,139 --> 01:06:12,719 traded. So there's a buy side imbalance. And it's inefficient. In sell side, no one had an opportunity to sell as counterparty to anybody that would see this
363 01:06:12,719 --> 01:06:19,199 candle, it was like, oh, all these prices in here were trading. No, they weren't. That is a huge gap.
364 01:06:21,480 --> 01:06:28,170 And I know most of you don't have the way of seeing it. But if you have a five second chart
365 01:06:36,270 --> 01:06:51,390 on a five second chart, now you want to put this in your chart with a different kind of color. You want to note the low one, the 830. Candle, okay, but at 15
366 01:06:51,390 --> 01:06:57,030 seconds after a 30. Below is at 3815 and a quarter.
367 01:06:59,310 --> 01:07:20,790 So you know why I'm talking about 3030. Now the for makeup, bigger color when use arch. And then you want to have another horizontal line at the high
368 01:07:22,590 --> 01:07:36,180 of 3770 and three quarters. So what I just gave you was a real honest to God, liquidity void, that is a liquidity board. It is not what you think of as an
369 01:07:36,180 --> 01:07:45,600 imbalance that's not liquidity. Liquidity void was where there's absolutely no trading taking place at all that gap where it moved from 3770 and three
370 01:07:45,600 --> 01:07:58,890 quarters, up to 3815 and a quarter. That was two transaction times. One, two, that's it. What What about the trading took place between 3015 and a quarter to
371 01:07:58,920 --> 01:08:11,790 3770 and three quarters, there was no trading there. So we have a big ol open chasm with price action, where neither buy side or sell side was offered. Now I
372 01:08:11,790 --> 01:08:21,690 just recently taught this about a month ago. Or at least in the last month, I told you what a real liquidity void is. That's what we're going to study going
373 01:08:21,690 --> 01:08:34,680 forward that area down there. That will be revisited. And what I'm trying to see is do we have reason to expect that in today's trading session today, it might
374 01:08:34,680 --> 01:08:35,550 not provide it
375 01:08:37,110 --> 01:08:38,970 to an insurance.
376 01:08:54,000 --> 01:09:05,970 So it's a matter of looking for something to justify why the market should move. More to a draw on liquidity. I like the idea of trading back down into that
377 01:09:05,970 --> 01:09:17,850 range I gave you earlier. But the one that has my most interest is the one identified at 3770 and three quarters to 3015 and a quarter because that is a
378 01:09:17,880 --> 01:09:28,410 absolute liquidity void there, the market will want to go down here. Now, will it go down air to just about halfway and then create some kind of buying
379 01:09:28,410 --> 01:09:38,280 opportunity. It could. But gravitating towards that. That's what I'm looking for. For the rest of today. I'm not interested in going long. I do not would not
380 01:09:38,640 --> 01:09:47,880 consider buying this at all. I don't care even in the pm session I would not buy would not be trying to buy it because we've already built in a huge premium.
381 01:09:48,450 --> 01:10:03,240 It's one sided. And it might take until next week before that 3770 level is repriced, to it doesn't have to happen today. But I'm going in looking for that
382 01:10:03,240 --> 01:10:11,130 today. So now if I have that expectation, and that's my trade model, I'm going to be implementing, implementing and employing for this market for this
383 01:10:11,130 --> 01:10:21,210 particular trading day, if I don't have the setup pan out, or if I have no framework that would logically provide a movement to trade down into those
384 01:10:21,210 --> 01:10:33,870 areas. I'm not going to feel anxious about missing anything. I'm not going to be impatient about pushing the buttons. Because I need to have things in proper
385 01:10:33,870 --> 01:10:48,960 context before I go in and do anything. So hopefully, you're understanding what it is that I look for, not mapped it out. You saw firsthand experience, why I do
386 01:10:48,960 --> 01:10:58,800 not trade ahead of CPI, because I can get it wrong. And if you're wrong on these types of days, it is like a tractor trailer running you over need the first set
387 01:10:58,800 --> 01:11:07,290 of wheels hit you. Yeah, that hurts. But you got 16 More just gonna run right back over top, you still it just keeps running over top of you running over
388 01:11:07,290 --> 01:11:15,780 target. So you don't want to be wrong on a day like this. So just giving yourself the opportunity to observe, study, see what's likely to do and then
389 01:11:15,810 --> 01:11:27,240 revisit it at 945? Does it give us any reason to anticipate market wanting to trade down into those levels I outlined. If it doesn't, then do nothing. Don't
390 01:11:27,240 --> 01:11:38,220 buy it and chase it don't do that. There's plenty other days out there where you can be a buyer and it makes sense. Whereas right now, it's so overly built in as
391 01:11:38,220 --> 01:11:48,300 a premium. The public's going to want to buy this at 930, they're going to want to buy it. And that's also going to build in I'm sorry, building more premium.
392 01:11:49,260 --> 01:12:01,290 And in my opinion, more likely to trade down until it ranges outlined. There's no reason to chase it. But to hopefully demystify the whole, how do you get past
393 01:12:01,680 --> 01:12:12,480 fear of missing out? Or how do you engage? Beyond getting something wrong? How do you know when to avoid the trade? I did all that today with you. Number one,
394 01:12:12,510 --> 01:12:25,410 I'm respecting the risk. Because these types of moves are unforgiving. Like you don't get a second chance to fix it. Like you can't look into it say, Oh, I took
395 01:12:25,410 --> 01:12:37,560 a small loss, let me reverse and go the other way. No, you don't have that luxury. It moves add 100 handles and real quick. So it provides no opportunity
396 01:12:37,560 --> 01:12:49,890 for nimbleness at all, either you're dead right? Before the report comes out. Or you're dead wrong. Okay. And since it's so 5050, like that, and there's no room
397 01:12:49,890 --> 01:13:03,930 for me to mitigate a loss. Like if I if I see that 100 100 handle pan out over the course of the am and pm session, I could get one or two trades wrong
398 01:13:04,020 --> 01:13:13,680 legitimately and navigate and fix that mitigated in a move like that in the morning on a CPI number or FOMC in the afternoon, when they used to come out two
399 01:13:13,680 --> 01:13:26,640 o'clock 230. Doing those types of trades, like you have to be absolutely perfect. You have to know exactly how far it would move against you. To know
400 01:13:26,880 --> 01:13:38,250 that it's something you can weather by entering before the report comes out, which is stupid. Like that's the epitome of gambling. And I don't teach that I
401 01:13:38,250 --> 01:13:49,920 don't do that. I don't teach it. But by having the understanding of what it is that I'm looking for. And understand that elevates the risk involved. I don't
402 01:13:49,920 --> 01:13:57,660 fear of missing these moves. I don't feel like I missed anything. And I don't feel like I'm bleeding out in front of you. Because I already explained to you
403 01:13:57,660 --> 01:14:10,470 that this is a market move that I'm prone to be incorrect about. So I feel I fear nothing. I don't feel like I've missed something. I don't feel like I've
404 01:14:10,800 --> 01:14:22,500 failed. I don't feel like I've hurt myself. I didn't take a losing trade. I didn't lose any money. I had no negative engagement whatsoever. None. That's how
405 01:14:22,500 --> 01:14:33,900 you have to study. You have to keep your trading, studying like that no emotion. I've outlined what I would like to see for the rest of today and or going
406 01:14:33,900 --> 01:14:44,130 forward. I want to see that liquidity void. That's a draw now, and we have to look for the market to indicate that it's done. So no words. Done. So I didn't
407 01:14:44,130 --> 01:14:53,700 say when I was supposed to say right. It's got to have a shift in market structure where it looks like okay, we've done enough pressing hire. So wait for
408 01:14:53,700 --> 01:15:07,140 a shift in market structure. But time first, will Adam is that it's going to be the 930 opening They're holding this into a premium. So at 930, average Joe, and
409 01:15:07,140 --> 01:15:16,800 gi Jane, new cheese has got her trading terminal opened up. So you ready to go out there and start shooting things. They're going to see this as a premium. Not
410 01:15:16,800 --> 01:15:27,480 in the sense that we see it, they see it as you know, that right actually, they see this as a indication that wants to go higher. Whereas we see as a premium,
411 01:15:27,810 --> 01:15:40,860 it's too expensive right now. So it's better for us to anticipate a correction lower into a discount. Versus Buying at these elevated prices, when it's likely
412 01:15:40,920 --> 01:15:51,450 to reprice to a discount, and then anybody that would be going in and buying it right on the opening at 930. They suffer, you know, drawdown or maybe you can
413 01:15:51,450 --> 01:15:58,830 get stopped out or call off site. Try to hang around here
414 01:15:59,730 --> 01:16:00,810 until 945.
415 01:16:02,910 --> 01:16:18,270 We'll see what we get if I can find a way to push a button though. So I'm going to do it ICTs, gambling, high roller but I took you through the process of no I
416 01:16:18,630 --> 01:16:31,230 don't trade on these days he's study them. And hopefully it's convinced you that it's a day that you you really can't trade it. I mean, it's to be honest, you
417 01:16:31,230 --> 01:16:41,430 can't, this is not a trading day, you can observe it. I mean, it's it's really good study. And it gives you a lot of feedback in terms of what you think the
418 01:16:41,430 --> 01:16:52,110 markets likely to do and where it's gonna go. And I'm only interested in seeing it, trade into these areas that I've mentioned thus far. So I'm gonna take that
419 01:16:52,140 --> 01:17:06,450 first Fair Pay Gap off my charts. And I'm gonna take the survey get not the pay rate, get the range I gave you from 3853
420 01:17:06,450 --> 01:17:06,840 and a half,
421 01:17:07,920 --> 01:17:22,200 to 313. I'm gonna take that off. So the only levels I have now is yesterday's Basa liquidity pool high at 3867. Even. And I have now 3815 and a quarter, and
422 01:17:22,200 --> 01:17:33,780 37 70.75. Okay, those, those three levels, that's the only levels I have on my chart, there's nothing else on it at all. And I'm watching to see what we get in
423 01:17:33,780 --> 01:17:48,780 regards to the opening at 930. Just think just keep grinding, like a little higher each time inside we small little correction grind slowly higher. That's
424 01:17:48,810 --> 01:18:00,840 that's the worst case scenario. And when I was a younger man, I got hurt a lot trying to do that with bonds. I had less than six months experience. And I
425 01:18:00,840 --> 01:18:10,740 always sold like bearish divergences on this stochastic and I was using an hourly chart to do it. And every time I saw a bearish divergence, I was trying
426 01:18:10,740 --> 01:18:20,190 to sell short cuz I was like, okay, it went up to give me a bearish divergence. That's, that's what I was viewing as not realizing that the profile could
427 01:18:20,310 --> 01:18:30,210 potentially just keep grinding higher and you buying it didn't make any sense. And trying to short it made better sense. But I ended up getting smashed,
428 01:18:30,480 --> 01:18:39,930 because I would do you 1520 different trades going short and each one being worse than the previous one. So that's always a problem on a day like this. So
429 01:18:39,930 --> 01:18:46,080 that's why I outlined that liquidity void and outline it mapped it out for you so that you know what you're looking for. Even if you don't have the 15 second
430 01:18:46,080 --> 01:19:00,840 chart, I can tweak that when we're done. You can actually see the liquidity what I'm referring to. But those pockets in price action, there's porous weeks, okay,
431 01:19:00,900 --> 01:19:12,510 where there's no trading at all. They are some of the best draws on liquidity. But you unfortunately have to sit in you have to wait for the market to keep
432 01:19:12,510 --> 01:19:24,210 putting enough people in as counterparty like every single one of these highs on your one minute chart. Someone has tried to fade that and go short. Now, I'm
433 01:19:24,210 --> 01:19:35,130 telling you, I'm interested in being short. But there's been no setup. Every framework that I've given to say, Okay, let's see if it does this. It just keeps
434 01:19:35,130 --> 01:19:45,330 grinding higher, but it's not grinding a lot higher. Notice that it's just a nuisance, you're going higher. So there's nothing that excites me about buying
435 01:19:45,330 --> 01:19:59,550 it. And as much as I want to see something that gravitate towards that 3015 and quarter level. Nothing is in play yet. There's no setup. So I can see how when I
436 01:19:59,550 --> 01:20:08,970 was 20 rolled, how I would have really hurt myself multiple times in here trying to do something with an indicator versus just waiting for price to show its
437 01:20:08,970 --> 01:20:23,280 hand. It's not done that yet. So we're above 3867 Still, we've had 1234 times we've moved into a higher high but very shallow it hasn't even been 20 handles
438 01:20:23,310 --> 01:20:30,630 above yesterday's 3867 by some liquidity pool. That's it can't go higher on the scene it hasn't done so yet.
439 01:20:40,350 --> 01:20:41,160 Dangerous
440 01:20:42,450 --> 01:21:28,740 daily travel All right, so let's take a look at the deal that was drawn to
441 01:21:34,860 --> 01:21:37,710 Alright, so if you go up to your daily chart on es,
442 01:21:39,210 --> 01:21:41,340 if you're falling on us 500.
443 01:21:44,100 --> 01:22:00,000 I'm not sure if it's going to line up the same way. The candle on September 15 2022 is a Thursday, the closing price at 3919 and a quarter to the opening
444 01:22:00,000 --> 01:22:20,070 price of candle. September 16 2020, as of Friday, the opening price at 39 04. So again, the closing price on candle, September 15 2022. That is 3919 and a
445 01:22:20,070 --> 01:22:35,460 quarter and the opening price at 39 04. On candle September 16. That is a fair Vega. And while I don't subscribe to the idea that going above 3928 PI on
446 01:22:35,970 --> 01:22:47,970 November 1, they could still push this into that retest the fair value gap that I just outlined. So you want to have that on your chart too. So that might be
447 01:22:47,970 --> 01:22:55,080 just a little bit more reflects going into the open and maybe you can see some kind of an attempt to get down into
448 01:22:57,900 --> 01:23:01,800 yesterday's highs 30 For the three quarters.
449 01:23:12,900 --> 01:23:24,990 If you look at the candle, so on a daily timeframe, by the way, if you look at the November 1 high and compare that with the high on October 28. November 1 is
450 01:23:24,990 --> 01:23:34,680 slightly higher. That's the reason why I'm not a fan even though if you go all the way back over to the 20th of September, you could argue and say that's
451 01:23:34,680 --> 01:23:45,150 relatively equal highs in it, you Yeah, I guess you could, I mean, it can do that. And I'd be wrong. But I don't, I don't subscribe to that at this moment.
452 01:23:45,180 --> 01:23:54,120 Actually, if we go above that, I don't see that as going above those relative equal highs and then fading going lower, I would think there was if it was gonna
453 01:23:54,120 --> 01:24:06,900 go there, it's going to go above 3981. So that that's why I'm saying I don't like the idea or subscribe to the idea that the first of November is high is the
454 01:24:06,900 --> 01:24:21,600 draw I could be wrong. I'm dropping back down to a 15 minute timeframe. Now with that fair value got on chart and you can see how it looks like it wants to reach
455 01:24:21,600 --> 01:24:22,800 up and below that one
456 01:24:29,160 --> 01:24:33,600 just above 30 939 02
457 01:24:43,920 --> 01:24:52,980 If I was booking and making market for ETS, I would I would hit 3902 and then sync it below 3867
458 01:24:54,690 --> 01:25:01,800 Right at the opening 930 Like I would right there and then collapse it to go back below 3867 So
459 01:25:03,330 --> 01:25:13,830 39 to hit it maybe 35 Flex into that favor I got one more time and then reject that sent down the 3067 that's how I would make the market for ES I was dealing
460 01:25:15,990 --> 01:25:18,210 because everybody's gonna look on one side of the street
461 01:26:15,900 --> 01:26:17,190 can you guys hear me still?
462 01:26:18,210 --> 01:26:22,890 I'm not sure if it disconnected me because I close the second my texture my wife
463 01:26:26,700 --> 01:26:32,400 put my phone screen asleep. I'm not sure if you can still hear me. Can you hear me?
464 01:26:35,760 --> 01:26:37,050 Can you hear me I'm waiting for a tweet.
465 01:26:39,120 --> 01:26:40,680 Dreaming of electric thank you
466 01:26:48,930 --> 01:26:53,730 you may hear the painters upstairs stomping around. Apologize if that's the case.
467 01:26:54,329 --> 01:27:04,919 I promise you I'm not conducting long dancing instructions. I don't know where it comes from folks.
468 01:27:05,789 --> 01:27:22,289 Right off the cuff. All right, a minute and a half the open at 930. I promise in 2023 We'll have days where you'll see me calling the markets and moving right
469 01:27:22,289 --> 01:27:31,619 now today is an opportunity for you see why we do not do CPI number. And treat this the same way. I don't need to do this again for FOMC. I've already done
470 01:27:31,619 --> 01:27:39,899 that in the past too. But these two types of reports, hands off, wait until they hit the market wait for the market to open up and then let that opening range
471 01:27:39,899 --> 01:27:50,129 happen that first 15 or 30 minutes, let that happen. Then, then you can trust your technicals right now. It's all about making it attractive, they're putting
472 01:27:50,129 --> 01:27:51,059 lipstick on a pig
473 01:27:53,280 --> 01:27:54,510 nothing against pigs
474 01:28:19,410 --> 01:28:30,450 every time they dropped something upstairs, or if I'm in another room, I'm freaking out. We had Canadian hardwood floors. In this house, it was purchased
475 01:28:30,480 --> 01:28:41,370 the builders, they had it done custom here. And it's a really really nice hardwood floor and not so long to mess it up. Alright, 930 opening here we go.
476 01:28:41,430 --> 01:28:51,630 What's the fair value gap? Run at 392 395 level. See if we get any kind of reaction off of that. I'm on a five minute chart right now.
477 01:28:58,590 --> 01:29:06,840 All one sided disc pushed right from the CPI number 833 to 100
478 01:29:07,650 --> 01:29:10,200 and psychological level.
479 01:29:11,910 --> 01:29:22,920 That's a level there's a lot of liquidity, sitting there live large funds and such and have their stops above that thinking it's safe. That's the only reason
480 01:29:22,920 --> 01:29:34,200 why I put your attention on that fair value gap again, but we've already traded their ICT. Yeah. And I don't teach to find the man where it's one and done or we
481 01:29:34,200 --> 01:29:42,780 demand fresh zones. We don't trade zones. There's always going to be three levels. If it's a range of like a fair value gap. It's gonna be below the
482 01:29:42,780 --> 01:29:51,780 midpoint or the high okay and based on where you are in the grand scheme of market structure and your market profile, not market profile in the sense that
483 01:29:51,780 --> 01:30:03,870 like the use of those horizontal vertical, sorry, horizontal volume bars. I don't have any faith in that But profiles like a like a roadmap if you will of
484 01:30:03,870 --> 01:30:18,690 the day or week see like that that crashing sound like that it makes me to go up here and start spraying like like don't mess my half that mean
485 01:30:32,340 --> 01:30:41,820 okay so on the five minute chart we have near term sellside liquidity resting at around 3870 3869
486 01:30:48,090 --> 01:30:51,450 You can really see the three drives higher on the five minute chart nice
487 01:30:53,460 --> 01:31:04,200 if we can get a lower high on the next five minute candle in that clean and that candle closes, then we would have essentially three swing highs break now we
488 01:31:04,200 --> 01:31:12,060 don't have it but it's likely to pan out I would like to have seen it trade up into that fair value gap then create that swing high on the five minute chart
489 01:31:12,630 --> 01:31:20,340 that would be a good context to see if we start seeing a move lower into that 3869 level where sell signs resting
490 01:31:34,800 --> 01:31:36,000 storm warrior
491 01:31:36,930 --> 01:31:49,200 I always record these Twitter spaces but I don't put them on my YouTube because sometimes I lose control of my tongue and talking language I don't really want
492 01:31:49,200 --> 01:31:57,840 to have on the YouTube channel but the playback is available on Twitter just find that link and click on I'm not sure if they expired that I know there's a
493 01:31:57,840 --> 01:32:03,030 couple guys that are taking my stuff and put them on other places I don't know what they're doing with it but
494 01:32:16,530 --> 01:32:38,670 so let's go down to a four minute chart not three minutes after their 211 minute
495 01:32:38,670 --> 01:32:51,330 chart you have a fair value gap on the 930 candle to 930 to candle see that this will be an aggressive really really aggressive one
496 01:32:53,340 --> 01:32:57,960 that's relatively small in terms of risk
497 01:33:02,370 --> 01:33:05,400 only a range not in the race that they wouldn't go higher
498 01:33:26,160 --> 01:33:29,250 yeah just a couple of people tweeting where you can get my
499 01:33:30,840 --> 01:33:33,630 archives of the Twitter spaces I have
500 01:33:33,630 --> 01:33:38,430 no interest in managing that that's okay I don't care to was the one who said I said
501 01:33:39,270 --> 01:33:40,020 it just rains
502 01:33:44,340 --> 01:33:51,090 Alright, so on a one minute chart. You want to have your chart kind of like stretched out vertically.
503 01:33:52,740 --> 01:33:53,730 Really really good
504 01:33:57,990 --> 01:34:22,290 they've been loud the last few days but today they're really being loud. Look at your candle at 932 Okay, so it should be a up close candle draw draw a either a
505 01:34:22,290 --> 01:34:37,170 trendline or a rectangle if you will, from that candles high and the low of candle 930. Okay, this small little gap in their small little short term shift
506 01:34:37,170 --> 01:34:50,820 and structure at the 927 low the only thing stands in its way is it didn't hit that area you got I thought it hit that fair value gap and traded up into that
507 01:34:50,820 --> 01:35:03,120 nine I'm sorry 3902 level or 39 A one and three quarters. If it were to hit that if it trades to me line 32 I will be short that I'm just putting it out there
508 01:35:03,120 --> 01:35:11,760 right now. It's just a study for right now. I'm not pushing a button on it. So if you were comparing contrasting like, what would make me want to take a trade,
509 01:35:12,210 --> 01:35:18,360 you know, why would I be hesitant about taking a trade? So I get questions all the time. How do you know when to pick this and when to pick that I liked that
510 01:35:18,360 --> 01:35:29,340 fair value gap up there comes I'm sorry, I was saying for you to get the volume imbalance at 39. Two I liked that level. If it would have hit that first. We
511 01:35:29,340 --> 01:35:30,030 haven't seen that
512 01:35:51,420 --> 01:35:53,850 looks like it wants to take out that 3867.
513 01:36:15,510 --> 01:36:28,200 On your one minute chart, you should be able to see how there's relative equal lows on the candle at 850 and the candle at 853.
514 01:36:31,590 --> 01:36:32,880 So sell Cibolo there
515 01:36:34,590 --> 01:36:35,940 and he had the gap down
516 01:36:41,490 --> 01:36:55,380 3052 Not 3032 3850. And those are prices 3050 even to a low of 3853 and a half
517 01:36:56,640 --> 01:37:01,950 so that fair value cap that's a discount
518 01:37:02,190 --> 01:37:15,390 array I know there's gonna be complaints about this this would have been so much better if you would just let us see your charts but this is to me much more
519 01:37:15,390 --> 01:37:20,520 engaging because it's allowing you to do the work on your part.
520 01:37:22,020 --> 01:37:26,940 But it's harder Yes. It's supposed to be supposed to be
521 01:37:28,230 --> 01:37:29,010 it was easy everybody
522 01:37:46,410 --> 01:38:02,640 the candle at 935 should be an up close candle. I don't want to see it go above the midpoint of that body I want to see it's near stay heavy like man alive I'm
523 01:38:02,640 --> 01:38:16,050 here to go up here and start swinging shit I've had to leave you several times in the last week or so because it's just too much for me to take like I
524 01:38:16,050 --> 01:38:17,970 understand they're working on that but good grief
525 01:38:45,870 --> 01:39:02,640 Okay, so if you take that candle, I mentioned at the 935 Good grief. The 935 If you put a Fibonacci on that one. And you you're measuring what you're doing is
526 01:39:02,640 --> 01:39:15,900 you're measuring that candles high to low in that 50% level, that's midpoint. Okay. That's called mean threshold. That's the halfway point of that candle. We
527 01:39:15,900 --> 01:39:25,170 don't want to see it go above that. Now. It's just momentarily went just like a half a point or something about that. And now we're we're reacting nicely off
528 01:39:25,170 --> 01:39:33,990 that that's what we want to see. Now. We want to see that continuing and heaviness remain into 3867. Maybe accelerate down in 3050 to
529 01:39:36,780 --> 01:39:37,980 nothing so it makes sense.
530 01:39:40,620 --> 01:39:47,010 Going back above the mean threshold, we'll just call it 3885. Anything above 3085 is a no touch.
531 01:39:47,040 --> 01:40:44,640 It would be no interest at all for me. And I'd have to wait until probably 1030 actually feels weird without him not being here. Usually I'm talking to him
532 01:40:46,770 --> 01:40:56,730 he's asking what do you what about this? What about that and then I'm usually asking him don't say nothing right now I'm thinking growing up under ICT it's
533 01:40:56,730 --> 01:40:57,180 naive to
534 01:41:05,880 --> 01:41:10,020 think these painters or pistol throw up or stomp it around again pay good money they just calm down
535 01:41:22,170 --> 01:41:33,870 Okay, same thing this outlined moments ago with the candle on 935 on one minute candle, we want to see the candle at 939 we don't want to see the half of that
536 01:41:33,870 --> 01:41:39,900 candle give up its ghost either we don't want we don't want to see it just roll your topic because then it would mean that we're going to go up into that fair
537 01:41:39,900 --> 01:41:44,340 value gap at 3091 ish or thereabouts.
538 01:42:07,170 --> 01:42:15,660 This is not a good technical debt. So if you're looking at Technically, there isn't a lot of cleanness to it, it's a lot of just pushing higher pushing higher
539 01:42:15,660 --> 01:42:20,910 pushing higher and just really sloppy static price delivery.
540 01:43:19,560 --> 01:43:37,710 Now look at the range between the high formed at. Again, everything's one on one and chart now. Look at your high on 930 to the low formed at 942. The only
541 01:43:37,710 --> 01:43:51,240 imbalance that exists in that range is between the high on 932 scandal and the low at 930. Scandal. So that little tiny little Faraday gap right there. It's
542 01:43:51,270 --> 01:44:03,180 relatively smooth, if you look at the candles at 932 to 936. To that might be beat really just traded up to that's all saying if we go through the midpoint of
543 01:44:03,180 --> 01:44:11,670 the candle at nine or nine that would send the algorithm up into that area there and revisit that now do we trade to that level, you roll over top of it make a
544 01:44:11,670 --> 01:44:21,150 higher high good because that fair value can get on the call to fair value get the volume imbalance up at that 39 Or two. I would have favored that being hit
545 01:44:21,150 --> 01:44:30,540 first at the 930 opening but we dropped down so that may have been what we've done. They dropped it down getting people on chase it put your stop above the
546 01:44:30,540 --> 01:44:40,380 high at 930 and then you run into that volume imbalance at 930 highs take out three nine or two three no three maybe 395
547 01:44:46,770 --> 01:44:58,950 Look at your candle right now in one minute how it's coming back down into the candle at 944 That right there. I like to see that and now like to see it move
548 01:44:58,950 --> 01:45:03,030 continuously higher up into that fear Vega and maybe even into that 3902.
549 01:45:55,560 --> 01:46:13,800 Thank you smooth highs at the 932 level I'm sorry not 32 Candle rather they have been repriced, to There you go. Back up here Vega between the 930 candle and the
550 01:46:13,800 --> 01:46:23,100 930 to candidate very vague as well referring to there that was the we got through the candles midpoint on that 939 One that candle graphic back there for
551 01:46:23,100 --> 01:46:23,760 your breakout, which
552 01:46:23,850 --> 01:46:24,570 we've seen here
553 01:46:28,380 --> 01:46:41,310 because we did not trade it and then events if they're new injury, a 1.5 ahead of the 930 opening or right after 930 I'm suspecting that that will likely try
554 01:46:41,310 --> 01:46:51,360 to gravitate towards it can respect this fair value gap here. But because we didn't trade to the volume and balance it during the 101 3902 area, I would be
555 01:46:51,390 --> 01:47:01,770 leery taking that short here if I didn't have the volume imbalance to contend with. I would sell short here, but I'm not doing it because I want to give it a
556 01:47:01,770 --> 01:47:13,890 chance to see if it means anything today. And nothing in this price action so far is terribly exciting, like I like it's nothing. It's nothing to be worrying
557 01:47:13,890 --> 01:47:14,520 about missing.
558 01:47:17,460 --> 01:47:28,200 It's small little movements so far, with really just nothing terribly exciting. All right.
559 01:47:28,410 --> 01:47:38,370 Finally, fair pay gap. Now they have been talking about for the one minute chart that has now been repriced to not rebalanced. It's been completely repriced, to
560 01:47:38,370 --> 01:47:48,870 the low of the candle at 930. And we want to see if it wants to run for the buy side, it's resting on anyone that went short today at 930. Trading up into that
561 01:47:48,870 --> 01:47:53,160 volume and bounce it you know 39 to 35 in that vicinity.
562 01:47:58,350 --> 01:48:08,400 Earlier when I was talking to how you see that Mickey and the treatment names of the high of the candle at 944. That is my immediate rebounds. So it trades down
563 01:48:08,460 --> 01:48:18,540 and overlaps the previous candle when you're bullish. That's a buy. So it acts like a fair value gap. So you can go long in there and use the stop loss will be
564 01:48:18,540 --> 01:48:29,280 great below the candle that you're looking to overlap on that it's a really nice high frequency entry. It happens a lot every time frame multiple times. When you
565 01:48:29,280 --> 01:48:32,280 watch me run off the couch real quick many times I'm using that
566 01:48:37,050 --> 01:48:43,650 in his day, opening range high that comes in at
567 01:48:46,290 --> 01:48:59,460 3899 and a half. So we're gonna be looking for 3900 to be traded To and Through. Same thing here, candidate for immediate rebounding that's on the one minute
568 01:48:59,460 --> 01:49:12,840 candle look at your candle at 948 The high you're gonna see it like doesn't have to be the fact that we've been trained to get into the range of the 949 candle.
569 01:49:13,320 --> 01:49:21,300 I like that because it's ahead of myself recording being likely being taken. This is like an ultra ultra short term scalping.
570 01:49:23,970 --> 01:49:25,530 It should be priced at 3900
571 01:49:27,120 --> 01:49:38,670 There you go and give it to us give it to us you go. Goodness Look at that. In three days, trust me bringing in a lot of fun.
572 01:49:40,320 --> 01:49:46,020 Let me see if we get a chance to get up into that
573 01:49:49,620 --> 01:49:57,510 or not Nana to maybe because my obsessive compulsive is flaring.
574 01:50:10,740 --> 01:50:35,100 JD say my volume. It's nothing wrong with the volume. You guys not hear me well. You hear me Hello. Can you hear me okay, cool. Thank you. Alright, so we've
575 01:50:35,100 --> 01:50:50,670 taken by side on the opening range high at 930 We hit the volume imbalance, look at the reaction so far and that nice now it's not trade it's not give me an
576 01:50:50,670 --> 01:51:01,770 entry it's observing why price is going to go where it's gonna go and what it should do want to get to there it gives us something to frame where should
577 01:51:01,980 --> 01:51:15,120 formations or reactions occur. Okay, I've done lessons on that and it's important to understand Okay, now we're gonna reverse that immediate rebalance
578 01:51:15,180 --> 01:51:25,740 Okay, we have not had a shift in market structure but now look at the candles low on 951 at one minute candle we traded back up inside the range of the 951
579 01:51:25,740 --> 01:51:34,110 Candle went up to it immediate rebalance we want to see if it wants to deliver down towards the sell side at 3870.
580 01:52:25,050 --> 01:52:37,290 Hire hire this point it like kind of two or higher not not interesting to me at all. So I wouldn't want to see that at all. If it does that it's probably going
581 01:52:37,290 --> 01:52:41,820 to keep on pressing up into and I'll be wrong in regards to that
582 01:52:44,700 --> 01:52:49,080 old high which I said it wasn't interested in and call it price
583 01:52:58,080 --> 01:53:11,340 39 The highs at November 1. If we go into 39 threes, then I would expect it to try to at least run the high on
584 01:53:12,930 --> 01:53:13,890 November 2.
585 01:53:16,500 --> 01:53:17,820 Right now I'm giving it the
586 01:53:24,720 --> 01:53:30,180 opportunity to see if he wants to keep the high end place it just took out for nine days high
587 01:53:36,540 --> 01:53:42,720 it looks like it wants a 100 and 3900s dig in here
588 01:53:51,870 --> 01:54:00,780 so now revisiting that volume imbalance because we mentioned that that was a likely drop on the upside. We would now look for the midpoint of that. That will
589 01:54:00,780 --> 01:54:08,970 be the next objective on the upside and or its high end that would be barking. Like
590 01:54:10,470 --> 01:54:56,880 say 3910 Three 911 ish thereabouts. Hold on a minute and 3920. Hold on a second.
591 01:55:21,030 --> 01:55:32,640 Alright, so had an opportunity to reject because we've taken out 930 is high now twice so I would favor midpoint 3910 to 3919
592 01:55:56,970 --> 01:55:58,920 Okay down close candle at
593 01:56:00,750 --> 01:56:17,400 951 potential bullish order block fair value gap that would be repriced on candle 955 So if it starts to rally up here look for 3911 and 3919 failure to go
594 01:56:17,400 --> 01:56:26,760 higher and going below 3897 and a quarter I'm sorry three quarters would nullify that idea
595 01:56:44,340 --> 01:56:54,060 whole lot more involved when the markets not clean which is the reason why I teach low resistance liquidity runs if it isn't obvious isn't one sided you're
596 01:56:54,060 --> 01:56:57,750 gonna have to contend with this back and forth constant reading constant reading
597 01:57:04,470 --> 01:57:11,730 if you don't have the experience obviously you can see how quickly you could hurt yourself because so many people are in a hurry to get to that live account
598 01:57:11,760 --> 01:57:19,200 give me a funded account so I can get real money and then when you find out that you can't do it well because you're impulsive or you don't really understand the
599 01:57:19,200 --> 01:57:25,110 concepts it's because you watch the videos it's very frustrating. So you had to give yourself permission
600 01:57:42,060 --> 01:57:54,960 here we go something to pay the bills with
601 01:58:20,580 --> 01:58:32,910 alright so if you pay for treated that fair value gap as outlined in using the order blocks, you should already be parceled out leaving something to see if you
602 01:58:32,910 --> 01:58:33,210 can get
603 01:58:33,300 --> 01:58:34,890 3018.
604 01:58:57,360 --> 01:59:04,830 If you don't have that volume imbalance that had on the chart I mentioned at the beginning of the lesson that really wasn't at the beginning that it was near the
605 01:59:04,830 --> 01:59:12,690 beginning of you won't fully appreciate where you're at right now in the context of where prices and why it's gravitating.
606 01:59:37,140 --> 01:59:47,760 Thank you Mike the destroyer is a super helpful if you do YouTube, I think I'd prefer no chart much more engaging. That's that was my thought process. Come
607 01:59:47,760 --> 02:00:00,180 with a Squawk Box it makes you think and see it fine on your chart. Holding your hand and walking you through a chart. It's not the same as really learning It
608 02:00:00,180 --> 02:00:08,700 forces you to understand what I'm saying in the chart. I'm saying it like I can't edit this you're all making copies of it so it either pans out or it
609 02:00:08,700 --> 02:00:09,060 doesn't
610 02:00:18,300 --> 02:00:24,420 and then he's mad one more off here
611 02:00:48,690 --> 02:00:50,730 here's your 97 get the 20 print
612 02:01:10,830 --> 02:01:13,260 you should be parceled here
613 02:01:37,590 --> 02:01:46,320 now see that in supply and demand Elliot still looking for a week.
614 02:01:49,350 --> 02:01:52,140 So I think that's going to be it for this morning
615 02:01:57,450 --> 02:01:58,890 we've done enough for government work.
616 02:02:03,210 --> 02:02:14,760 So, let me recap this and make a little bit of sense out of it. Some of you are gonna be lost. Everyone here live, that you are here live, you heard me outline
617 02:02:14,760 --> 02:02:27,570 everything. Everything in proper context, everything you point to before the fact that explaining why in the best way I can and still follow price action.
618 02:02:27,570 --> 02:02:39,750 Now obviously, the idea of knowing when to avoid a trade, what market drivers to avoid, and then wait for the market to give you clues as to what it wants to do.
619 02:02:40,440 --> 02:02:47,550 Using higher timeframe, PV arrays, nothing that's in retail. Okay, I've seen a couple guys I've already blocked on and I'm telling you a reason why I blocked
620 02:02:47,580 --> 02:02:53,610 because they're gonna tell you I blocked them because they're calling me for on them hiding from the No, I'm tired of seeing people say the stuff that I teach
621 02:02:53,640 --> 02:03:04,470 is renamed retail logic. They're liars. Okay, and I have a $500,000 bounty out there for someone to break down in detail where I started before 1996 and
622 02:03:04,470 --> 02:03:20,220 writing in video anywhere it's not. So walking you through life price action like this. Okay. Essentially, this is the best way of mentoring. Because if the
623 02:03:20,220 --> 02:03:35,820 person you're learning from can identify where there's problems where precision will be muddled, muddled. Less likely to be obtained. That means that they have
624 02:03:36,300 --> 02:03:47,040 clarity, you have the vision to see, okay, there's potential for problems, okay, for things to be obvious. So as a developing student, you want to have a
625 02:03:47,040 --> 02:03:56,100 educator and mentor someone that's going to be able to know what that's like. And you have to be around the block for a long time, lose lots of money, and
626 02:03:56,100 --> 02:04:05,280 make lots of money. Knowing this is what I did when I lost money. And this is what I did when I made money. And this is where I found the greatest increases
627 02:04:05,280 --> 02:04:20,160 and my understanding. Having that that prowess, that experience that is such a short commodity in this industry, because there are people out there that are
628 02:04:20,880 --> 02:04:28,350 extremely profitable, but they're not in the business of giving you their time like this. They're not interested, they don't care. It's not that doesn't make
629 02:04:28,350 --> 02:04:36,960 them a bad person. It just means that they just don't care enough to sit down and give their time because their time is too valuable. They don't have that
630 02:04:36,960 --> 02:04:44,220 mindset to want to be able to share. They go in here to kill it. And they do their thing. They run your life and there it is. Does that make them a bad
631 02:04:44,220 --> 02:04:56,070 person because they will share it with you. Okay. I am a person that I have a promise I gotta keep. So I do this. I love doing it. But it's important for you
632 02:04:56,070 --> 02:05:07,350 to contrast what it is that I do versus what everybody says I do or don't do. If I can't see it, if I can't outline it, before it happens real time, then these
633 02:05:07,350 --> 02:05:20,550 concepts work. I think everybody can agree with that, right? If I can outline where it's going to go, and why it's likely to go there, when it should happen,
634 02:05:20,880 --> 02:05:32,190 then that means what that means there's an algorithm, that means I've had my fingerprints all over it. Okay, knowing why price should go to these levels,
635 02:05:32,520 --> 02:05:45,630 that are not in retail books, is an advantage. It's an unfair advantage against retail traders. And yes, the Goldman Sachs alumni, they have no idea about this
636 02:05:45,630 --> 02:05:56,220 stuff. They have no idea that there's things that I've shown in previous discussions and lectures and live sessions. You know, you're not looking at my
637 02:05:56,220 --> 02:06:11,250 chart. But I walked you through this morning showed you where the problem areas or where the difficulties would be, what it should do what it shouldn't do. And,
638 02:06:11,310 --> 02:06:24,090 honestly, this is a difficult, difficult trading day today. So if you had a hard time looking at it, and understanding number one, it's, it's good, that means
639 02:06:24,090 --> 02:06:33,360 you're going to dig into your chart, you're going to listen to this recording again, and look and observe. But only the people that were here live, that were
640 02:06:33,360 --> 02:06:40,440 hearing me talk about the one minute candles before they painted, why it should do this, where it should go, why should it draw to this level, why it shouldn't
641 02:06:40,440 --> 02:06:51,870 be doing this? If it does, this is problematic, and then it's gonna go here, all those facets, they string together to give you a reason to not fear missing a
642 02:06:51,870 --> 02:07:02,340 move, because new moves are gonna. And I don't feel regret if I don't take something because I knew I have other opportunities and other tools that allow
643 02:07:02,340 --> 02:07:14,070 me to participate and build a bridge. The bridge was this morning, once we went through the 930, high we traded down, we wanted to see it want to go towards
644 02:07:14,070 --> 02:07:23,400 sell side, it failed, it wouldn't have been able to do that. Once we ran out the high again, to do that, again, indicated what we would be pressing into that
645 02:07:23,850 --> 02:07:33,090 volume imbalance from the daily chart that 3902 through nine to five Aries, I was saying there's gonna likely go up into that we traded up into it, and then
646 02:07:33,090 --> 02:07:40,080 came back down into a bullish order block, which I outlined, go back and listen to the recording, and there's a small little bit of a gap. It trades down into
647 02:07:40,080 --> 02:07:51,750 that. And the opportunity is to reach into the constant encouragement of that volume imbalance. And what that means is constant encouragement is the midpoint
648 02:07:52,440 --> 02:08:07,350 of any kind of gap. A candle? The midpoint of that is mean threshold. It's always basically 50%. Okay, it's a it's a halfway point. But those levels with
649 02:08:07,350 --> 02:08:15,900 the low of the gap. And the high the gap. It's three levels very specific. I'm not trading and supply demand zones where it's ambiguous. Hope you find the
650 02:08:15,900 --> 02:08:27,630 right price. No, I teach my students and I showcase where these levels are specifically. And I walked you through it this morning. Highly distracted with
651 02:08:27,630 --> 02:08:36,630 these people have in my first floor stomping and banging dropping shows. I'm flipping out right now. I'm kind of proud of myself that I didn't lose my shit
652 02:08:36,630 --> 02:08:47,610 earlier. But I'm focusing on these candles. So I'm trying to keep that that focus there. But the run from the low of volume imbalance in that fair value gap
653 02:08:47,640 --> 02:08:58,440 to the high daily volume imbalance. And I'll show you a chart. And you can see my executions too. You'll see where I got in based on what I explained to you.
654 02:08:59,370 --> 02:09:10,860 And you'll see where I took parcels. And it'll make sense to you. But if you watch this on me that watch isn't the best choice of words here. Listening to it
655 02:09:12,510 --> 02:09:23,250 isn't going to be the same as the experience for those of you that were here live. So you had the opportunity to listen to me. Squawk, talk about where there
656 02:09:23,250 --> 02:09:32,700 is likely this scenario to unfold, pan out. If it doesn't do this, this is what's going to draw to next. There's no setup here. There's nothing here. We're
657 02:09:32,700 --> 02:09:39,900 looking for this we're looking for that it's just meandering around. It's an ugly day so far. And then finally, what does it do? It gives us the clue we're
658 02:09:39,900 --> 02:09:48,300 looking for I wanted to see a trade off and that daily volume imbalance if it wasn't going to give me the setup that I wanted to see for a short into that
659 02:09:48,510 --> 02:09:59,370 liquidity void, which will be used at a later time now. There's no there was no short for me. But the fair value got long, going into that daily volume and
660 02:09:59,370 --> 02:10:10,650 balance That was the one that we had to basically submit to, because he was not willing to give us a selling opportunity didn't give us a breakdown. He didn't
661 02:10:10,650 --> 02:10:19,920 give us a fair value got to sell short into. And I mentioned the fair value gap earlier, after the 930 opening. While it was drawing liquidity, I said that
662 02:10:19,920 --> 02:10:30,420 that's not something that I see as a shorting opportunity. Go back and listen, you can't edit it, I can't edit it, it's all live. Okay. I'm suggesting that
663 02:10:30,420 --> 02:10:40,410 that would be something that's not a short for me. If we didn't have the daily volume, imbalance, I would have shorted it. That was my words, were very close
664 02:10:40,410 --> 02:10:48,870 to it. But because we had that daily volume imbalance, and it didn't trade to it at 930. That's where market profiling and narrative comes in market making.
665 02:10:49,140 --> 02:11:00,900 Okay. So because it didn't trade up into that daily volume imbalance. I can't feel confident to sell at the fair value gap. But I mentioned if it did, I
666 02:11:00,900 --> 02:11:12,000 wouldn't care about it. I can't take that trade deal. Why? Because the narrative I outlined just now and then that it didn't take out the 930 high into that
667 02:11:12,030 --> 02:11:25,320 daily volume imbalance at 3901 and three quarters to 3920. Because that was unfinished business. That was the reason why I was unwilling to sell short at
668 02:11:25,320 --> 02:11:32,130 that fair date. Yeah. How do you know when the sell short, a fair value gap or by fear of a gap and when to ignore them? I've walked you through it live today.
669 02:11:34,350 --> 02:11:42,000 There's a lot to it, folks. That's why I'm saying like my private mentorship flipped out. When I told him I was gonna put the core content lessons on
670 02:11:42,360 --> 02:11:46,020 YouTube. You gave it away? No, I didn't, I gave away my language.
671 02:11:47,580 --> 02:11:56,730 But you have to study your ass off. And you gotta be under my wing like this. This is what they had. They had this. The first year, me sitting down and
672 02:11:56,730 --> 02:12:05,040 explaining but I had 865 people trying to text me and talk to me and ask me a question while I'm doing it. And you can hear how distracted I am because I have
673 02:12:05,040 --> 02:12:15,720 painters in the house. And believe me, my concentration has been broken multiple times. So it's hard to articulate this on live charts, I don't care how good you
674 02:12:15,720 --> 02:12:26,100 are. It's hard to keep your focus. But then have your focus be this precise. To see that that's that's the deciding factor, I want you to compare and contrast.
675 02:12:26,610 --> 02:12:33,210 These folks you see out there that are trying to tell you that you can trade like banks, and they they knew my concepts, but they call it by different names.
676 02:12:33,570 --> 02:12:39,840 If they really know how to do it, they'll they'll walk you through it, they'll gladly do it, they'll enjoy doing it. And they'll do it for free just to make
677 02:12:39,840 --> 02:12:49,020 sure you understand that you can trust them. That's all I'm doing here. I've shown you how not to hurt yourself today. I believe I have, if I've been
678 02:12:49,020 --> 02:12:58,290 successful, at least in that give me a number one tweet to me. And number one, that means that at least you understand how painful this can be for you. If you
679 02:12:58,290 --> 02:13:13,710 don't listen, if you go in there and gamble on a CPI number, he it'll beat the brakes off of you. But if you've learned how I personally and how you can
680 02:13:13,740 --> 02:13:21,660 eventually grow into this understanding to over time, how I pick and choose my patterns of what I want to take and what would keep me from taking an entry
681 02:13:21,660 --> 02:13:32,490 pattern. What process do I go through my head says okay, I see that there. And in other circumstances where if we didn't have that daily volume imbalance, I
682 02:13:32,490 --> 02:13:41,970 would have taken a short fairway gas was formed right after 930 opening on a one minute chart. But because we had unfinished business, and just look at your one
683 02:13:41,970 --> 02:13:50,700 minute chart now in that beautiful in that beautiful how it went right to the top of that volume imbalance from the daily chart I outlined gave it to you for
684 02:13:50,700 --> 02:14:03,030 free real time before it happened. And now here we are, we trade to the top of it. And we're now 94% of it to the low. That alone folks that by itself teaches
685 02:14:03,030 --> 02:14:13,650 that there's an algorithm, because that principle is not taught by anybody else. They are teaching it now. Thanks to go ICT. But the point is this, teaching it
686 02:14:13,650 --> 02:14:25,830 in a hindsight chart is not the same thing as watching the algorithm book price before it happens. Okay? If they know the algorithm, if they handled the
687 02:14:25,830 --> 02:14:35,310 algorithm, they would know this. But because I'm the only person out here doing it, and the only one that's gonna do it because I had to create a language that
688 02:14:35,310 --> 02:14:43,710 you're not supposed to know about. I know that gets under people's skin and you don't like it because you want to be able to turn that around and say it's
689 02:14:43,710 --> 02:14:52,470 something else you've learned or that you found that out. And I see people say that they I figured this out on my own. And this is confirming what I thought I
690 02:14:52,470 --> 02:15:00,180 saw in the marketplace. No, you didn't stop lying. Okay, you didn't see this because you'd be doing it. You'd have example after example or you can start
691 02:15:00,180 --> 02:15:09,360 doing it right now. So I need people when I see that, that kind of stuff, I don't take that as complimentary. I take that as great a bullshit, period.
692 02:15:11,400 --> 02:15:22,740 Folks, I made this, whether you'd like to believe it or not, it's mine. And if you don't like it, if it gets under your skin, you move along, you can conduct
693 02:15:22,740 --> 02:15:30,240 your business and sell all your horseshit. Get all your subscribers buying and all your stuff. And you never have to cross paths with me. But if you cross
694 02:15:30,240 --> 02:15:39,330 paths with me, I'm gonna call everything you're doing horseshit. And by compare and contrast, show you that it's Mickey Mouse. There's nothing like what you're
695 02:15:39,330 --> 02:15:47,160 seeing here, nothing like this. You know when to do something, when not to do something, you know when to avoid it. You know why it should reverse? If it does
696 02:15:47,160 --> 02:15:59,490 this, it's going to go somewhere else. That's not plan a plan B. That's depth of understanding. That's proof of concept and its authorship. Think about it. I've
697 02:15:59,490 --> 02:16:08,640 used this analogy before. Simple game like Pac Man. Okay, I got a Pac Man game in my house America that I'm looking at right now. My wife wanted to miss Pac
698 02:16:08,640 --> 02:16:23,850 Man, but we couldn't get it because all the supply chain crap. I wanted. Killer combat. Right. Killer. Found again, you get the right name for it. Right. Mortal
699 02:16:23,850 --> 02:16:33,000 Kombat killer comic, what the hell am I talking about? I wanted Mortal Kombat. And I couldn't get my hands on that one either. But those games when they make
700 02:16:33,000 --> 02:16:43,050 them and design them, the board that the Pac Man, little thing that goes around eating up the dots? How does it stay inside of its border? Why doesn't it just
701 02:16:43,050 --> 02:16:53,280 go off screen and do whatever it wants to do? Why can't it move diagonally? You can only go up down sideways. That's it. They can stand still ignore left and
702 02:16:53,310 --> 02:17:07,560 right and go up and down. But it can't go diagonal. Why? Because it's never been coded to be allowed to do that. Your market price that the last price right now,
703 02:17:07,860 --> 02:17:21,690 wherever it's trading right now. Okay, that's Pac Man. It's going to go up, it's going to go down. It can consolidate and states sideways and go nowhere. Okay?
704 02:17:22,500 --> 02:17:38,430 It can't go backwards. It can only go forward. Because it's all it's allowed to do, it's coded to do that. So when a designer makes a game like Pac Man, okay, a
705 02:17:38,430 --> 02:17:49,770 coder that knows all the logic that goes into that machine, that program, they can sit down and play the Pac Man game better than anybody else. Because they
706 02:17:49,770 --> 02:18:00,270 know what profile that the ghosts of chasing the Pac Man are going to do. If they do this, then it's going to do that. And all I'm doing is illustrating
707 02:18:00,300 --> 02:18:10,200 proof of that here. And I know some of you get mad, like you're punching the air right now. Because dammit, he just proved it again. And why am I gonna have that
708 02:18:10,200 --> 02:18:21,780 I can cancel this out, man. Well, how about just stopping that. And just warming up to the idea. I love doing this. And if you're already profitable, I can make
709 02:18:21,780 --> 02:18:33,450 you wildly more profitable. If you just put down your bullshit. I'm not trying to work against anybody. I'm 50 years old. I'm set in my ways. And I like doing
710 02:18:33,450 --> 02:18:44,310 what I'm doing. Take advantage of that. I want you to just pull up a chair, show up every day. And take notes. I promise you'll leave better than you arrived.
711 02:18:45,630 --> 02:18:53,700 It's always going to be that way. But if you're lazy, and you're just trying to get in here and give me an easy this and easy that I've already done that for
712 02:18:53,700 --> 02:19:02,700 you. It's already on the YouTube channel. But if you want to know why these markets do what they do, why they book the way they book, you're not going to
713 02:19:02,700 --> 02:19:13,020 learn it from somebody else. You're not and these five minute new condensing of you want to learn ICT is built on bias in five minutes made it easy. This one it
714 02:19:13,020 --> 02:19:19,650 doesn't work, go watch them. And you'll see that you didn't learn anything more. You didn't learn faster, you didn't learn it better, because you have to go
715 02:19:19,650 --> 02:19:30,780 through what I just walked you through today. Every day for months. You will not get this type of understanding just reading a book or watching my videos. You
716 02:19:30,780 --> 02:19:41,820 have to sit with me. It has to be something like over the shoulder. And then you get it. But you don't need this level of understanding to be profitable. You can
717 02:19:41,820 --> 02:19:50,880 use everything I have on that YouTube channel and it's just fine. There's nothing missing. There's nothing needed beyond that. It's perfect for someone
718 02:19:50,880 --> 02:20:01,710 that wants to hit the ground running. Go. But for freaks of nature, people that just simply want to know that they know or be in Inside the clique, the inner
719 02:20:01,710 --> 02:20:13,890 circle, if you will, I do things like this, because I know the intrigue with it all that I saw, you don't really want to believe there's an algorithm that does
720 02:20:13,890 --> 02:20:23,730 all this stuff. And it's all buying and selling pressure. And you just give me the latitude, the talk the stuff I talk and you cherry pick what you want to
721 02:20:23,730 --> 02:20:31,770 take from when I say, so. Okay, I had a lot of them in my mentorship, there's still some of them, that will still tell you. I don't really believe there's an
722 02:20:31,770 --> 02:20:39,870 algorithm, but it knows some stuff about pricing. Okay, cool. Whatever. There's no argument, that's all I'm trying to do is I've cancelled all the arguments.
723 02:20:40,980 --> 02:20:48,360 There's no reason to argue about it. If you're already profitable, who cares if there's an algorithm that you believe or don't believe, if I'm shown proof of
724 02:20:48,360 --> 02:20:58,020 it. And there's nothing lean on in terms of other retail logic. And it repeats every week, every week, every day, and it's highly precise. And I'm pushing a
725 02:20:58,020 --> 02:21:08,850 button, you're seeing executions? You're hearing the thought process, the internal dialogue? Why is Pac Man, why is price going? where it's going? And why
726 02:21:08,850 --> 02:21:18,450 should it stop there? Why should it react and go the other way? Why is Pac Man hitting the wall and have a choice, he can only go left? He can go up? Or he can
727 02:21:18,450 --> 02:21:30,060 go down? There's choices. Because there's a ghost behind them chasing as as that that's logic, and you don't get that in a book. You don't get that experience
728 02:21:30,060 --> 02:21:37,770 this watching my videos or anybody's videos. Like you have to have someone that literally knows how to see these things before they happen. Why should they even
729 02:21:37,770 --> 02:21:38,400 exist?
730 02:21:40,110 --> 02:21:51,210 Because Wycoff doesn't make sense. Okay, it that stuff is always explaining hindsight. That's, that's the six o'clock news. Okay, that's what you're seeing
731 02:21:51,210 --> 02:22:06,420 you're that's explaining something in very simple terms, so the public can digest it and imbibe that narrative I'm giving you by the second of what price
732 02:22:06,420 --> 02:22:16,650 should be going, where it should go watch it happen. The same folks that are in these investment banks, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, these people, they don't know
733 02:22:16,650 --> 02:22:26,550 what you're learning. I'm telling you, they don't. They've tapped me on the shoulder. There's your proof. You want to call bullshit bullshit, we'll call it
734 02:22:26,580 --> 02:22:42,030 okay. Those individuals don't know this stuff. But you're learning it. We would like to see you come nope, not interested. Go watch my YouTube channel. But we
735 02:22:42,180 --> 02:22:50,460 but but shit, I don't need your money. I'm not interested in that kind of stuff. I don't want partnerships. I don't want to be obligated to nobody. I don't want
736 02:22:50,460 --> 02:23:01,620 none of that stuff. It makes it a job, which felt like the last six years it's draining man. It's so draining. I love teaching. But I don't want to do it in a
737 02:23:02,760 --> 02:23:15,180 in a formal setting because it takes all the excitement. I mean, isn't isn't something like today, hearing it talk about what price should do and then you're
738 02:23:15,180 --> 02:23:23,070 watching on your chart. You're not distracted by going from screen to screen looking at my chart and find the on your chart. Whereas I'm just explaining it
739 02:23:23,070 --> 02:23:31,770 by the candle, not the time, the price. I'm telling you what timeframe I'm on. And you're marking your own chart up. Now, if you felt that was a little
740 02:23:31,770 --> 02:23:40,530 confusing, that's okay. Don't Don't worry. We'll have more examples of this. But for those who that could navigate you've been doing it for a little while. You
741 02:23:40,530 --> 02:23:52,320 can't deny it's been interesting, isn't it? Like you can see it like wow, like I'm calling your chart. Before it paints. I was explaining how your chart on
742 02:23:52,320 --> 02:23:59,130 your platform through your brokerage firm whatever the hell it is that you're looking at. I know some of you are looking at your life platform. You're not
743 02:23:59,130 --> 02:24:15,270 looking at trading view. And you watched it unfold today. Isn't it fun? Like that's fun? Not here's what I did with my mentorship money. I bought a
744 02:24:15,270 --> 02:24:26,460 Lamborghini and I got a lease payment on an Alfa Mario, you know, like, whatever, Italian cars that people are gonna chase all that stuff dumb. I like
745 02:24:26,460 --> 02:24:38,370 this. This is the fun stuff. For me. It's entertainment. It's educational. And it's interactive. Like it's really interactive. So if you'd like this kind of
746 02:24:38,370 --> 02:24:49,140 stuff, this is kind of like what I wanted to do going into 2023. It's not a signal service. Okay. It helps you map out real time price action. My students
747 02:24:49,140 --> 02:25:03,240 that are doing signal services. Okay. You can't argue that this is not going to step on your toes. guy did not Don't take anybody into any specific setups. This
748 02:25:03,240 --> 02:25:08,880 is what I think this is where I think it's gonna draw to. And there's a fair amount of depth here and you want to see it do this, this, you want to do that.
749 02:25:09,360 --> 02:25:18,750 That's not me say buy, that's not me, here's your stop, that's not me here, take your profits, I did mention because I'm I was in a trade, you'll see that, that
750 02:25:18,750 --> 02:25:27,900 whole process of stepping on your toes and canceling out the necessity for anyone to want to go to you, as a signal provider, you can't be upset with me,
751 02:25:28,440 --> 02:25:36,120 because I'm not doing what you're doing. And if anything, this is actually going to build your market up for you. Because here's what's going to happen. So you
752 02:25:36,120 --> 02:25:46,770 can calm down, if you're worried up, you've worked up and worried about it. People are going to see what it's going to be requiring them to do this. Now a
753 02:25:46,770 --> 02:25:56,820 lot of people know that what I'm doing, other people are doing and they see me do it. So it works. They may not be able to do it, there's your market. And I
754 02:25:56,820 --> 02:26:06,210 have no problem with that. And you should have a means of having another income, if you able to be honest. And you're consistent, you're able to use the
755 02:26:06,210 --> 02:26:18,180 concepts, well, there's a market out there, people will pay for you to sit down and tell them buy here, sell here, all that the risks are yours. But that market
756 02:26:18,180 --> 02:26:26,730 is going to grow. When they see what's involved in this. A lot of people that see watching videos and think okay, well, it's just simply matter looking for
757 02:26:26,730 --> 02:26:35,520 this little thing he talks about it's very idea. And they think every time it does that it's a buy or sell you saw today isn't like that at all. That's
758 02:26:35,520 --> 02:26:46,560 narrative. That's the stuff that mentoring gets, okay, that my private group they were getting those experiences, you're not obligated to I'm not obligated
759 02:26:46,560 --> 02:26:55,440 rather to give that to you. Okay, that was an experience for them. There's a couple chapters in my books that are coming on. I know you guys keep asking
760 02:26:55,440 --> 02:27:05,220 what's gonna, when they're gonna drop, when you're gonna drop. Every time I think I got what I want for the third one done, another topic comes up. So the
761 02:27:05,220 --> 02:27:15,690 third volume is really, really big. Like it's a longer one. And I'll talk a little bit more about narrative and the things I did today. Because that stuff
762 02:27:15,690 --> 02:27:20,100 is what separates me from the rest of the smart money concept clones out there, okay.
763 02:27:26,370 --> 02:27:36,930 There's, there's things that offend me. And there's things that would probably flattered all of you. I'm not flattered by the things that I see when people
764 02:27:36,930 --> 02:27:47,520 take my stuff, okay, and they don't even teach you right. And it gives it a bad name. And this year, you know, I set out to do a lot of things to kind of, like,
765 02:27:47,520 --> 02:27:57,780 cancel the argument for most of these claims. And I think for the for the majority of everything I attempted to do this year, are successful. And I'll
766 02:27:57,780 --> 02:28:09,630 leave that up to public opinion without what there wasn't. But in 2023, like, I want to leave all the bullshit, like all the sizing up, and you can't do this
767 02:28:09,660 --> 02:28:18,660 better than me all that stuff. I just want to, I want to pick a lane. And this is kind of like what I want to do like this, this is what I want to do in the
768 02:28:18,660 --> 02:28:25,260 morning sessions, just a couple times a week, you'll know when I'm going to do it. If there's something that comes up, my wife says, you know, I want to do
769 02:28:25,260 --> 02:28:32,790 this, and it makes me unavailable for that time or that day, I'll just send you a tweet and say, hey, look, you know, I can't make it today, we'll do this, or
770 02:28:32,790 --> 02:28:44,400 we won't have one, you know, until this day. And I think that's fair, I'm not obligated to anything. But I promise you'll see things that you would have never
771 02:28:44,400 --> 02:28:53,550 seen, without me doing it for you. You'll see things in price that you never would have discovered just simply by watching my videos. And you'll see that
772 02:28:53,550 --> 02:29:01,560 there's absolutely 100% control over these marketplaces. And they're not random. They're not just doing whatever they want to do. There are times when you went
773 02:29:01,560 --> 02:29:11,310 the other way because it will be manually intervened. And we saw that today. And I'm always going to be wrong in those instances. That's why I don't trade them.
774 02:29:12,000 --> 02:29:22,920 I know where they're gonna say well, you know, let's do this. And reprice it here. And anything that I have won't work because it's them pricing to a
775 02:29:22,920 --> 02:29:33,210 specific price level immediately. And there's nothing I can do to be nimble to fix it if I do something wrong. So it has to be a binary no black or white,
776 02:29:33,390 --> 02:29:46,230 right or wrong. Do I get in beforehand? No. Because if I'm wrong, it could crushed me. And I regret it knowing that I should have done it. versus waiting,
777 02:29:46,740 --> 02:29:58,590 letting them tip their hand looking see what's premium array or PDA array at once? Or discount array earlier and wait for the clear, easy low resistance the
778 02:29:58,590 --> 02:30:10,650 quantity quantity around A signature that I outlined this morning, and you'll see the volume and balance was the very thing that kind of like made the, the
779 02:30:10,650 --> 02:30:20,100 narrative easy for me today. It may not have been easy to follow. But I needed something I was waiting for a breakdown and a shift in market structure. And I
780 02:30:20,100 --> 02:30:30,840 wanted that fear that you get to act as resistance. The first one, we couldn't get down to it. So what do I what I do? Nothing until something else presents
781 02:30:30,840 --> 02:30:38,280 itself? Well, something else presented itself. I said, Okay, well, it's not likely to go down there. So what is it doing, it's not going to consolidate
782 02:30:38,280 --> 02:30:47,820 here, the public's gonna want to buy it. So we'll watch and see if it wants to drop down, it drops down, and then rallies back up of creating higher highs. So
783 02:30:47,820 --> 02:31:01,620 we broke outside of the 930 high and then created a fair value gap with a bullish order block, go back and listen to the recording. And that February gap
784 02:31:01,620 --> 02:31:14,370 that long to the top of the daily volume imbalance. And that's where your price high is today. At this time of the discussion at the moment. How do you know if
785 02:31:14,370 --> 02:31:23,880 the daily high or low is going to be this? It's a lot of what you just saw me do today? Understanding the narrative, the weekly profile, the daily profile, and
786 02:31:23,880 --> 02:31:33,150 time of day? All those things have to be blended. And yes, it's complicated. Yes, there's going to be always people out there trying to make simplifications
787 02:31:33,150 --> 02:31:41,850 of what I'm doing. You can't simplify any of this. It all has to be incorporated to get those types of results consistently. Once in a while you might get near
788 02:31:41,850 --> 02:31:50,490 high or low. Okay, good. You might be able to call the high but you're not trading it. You might be to see the low likely that you didn't get out there.
789 02:31:51,150 --> 02:32:00,150 Okay, and be content with that's enough. That's enough. That's a trophy. But you don't need to be buying the low and selling high. Just to be profitable. You can
790 02:32:00,150 --> 02:32:09,150 get that meat in the middle of that bone. And just take the easy stuff to grab and run with it. Once you get it stop. Like I have no interest in trading the
791 02:32:09,150 --> 02:32:24,750 afternoon. No, no, I've zero interest, absolutely none. Do you if you feel that impulsiveness in your wanting to get in there and again, resist that. Find ways
792 02:32:24,750 --> 02:32:34,740 say okay, I don't need to do this, and then come back later on. Regardless if it moves good or not get comfortable with saying, I don't need to do that. Because
793 02:32:34,770 --> 02:32:45,510 social media equity curves are plaguing everybody. This guy is better than this one. This method is better than that when this one is copying this guy who gives
794 02:32:45,510 --> 02:32:57,570 us shit. And who cares. There's a lot of other shit going on in the world right now. That's Mickey Mouse topics. That's not even that big of a deal. Pick the
795 02:32:57,570 --> 02:33:06,450 person that you want to follow demand that they can prove they can do it. If they can do it. Hey, that's all you need. If you'd like their personality and
796 02:33:06,450 --> 02:33:17,520 our minds not that great, because personality disorder, I don't hide it from you I've ever tried to hide it. I'm not the best teacher. But what I teach is the
797 02:33:17,520 --> 02:33:35,580 market. And the real, the real market makers. They employ these ideas against everybody else. And you're not supposed to know. So a little bit more proof.
798 02:33:36,420 --> 02:33:49,350 Andy? Oh, all real time. Look at that one minute chart right now. Look where it's hanging in side of those boundaries. But that daily volume imbalance that
799 02:33:49,350 --> 02:33:52,650 does not exist anywhere else.
800 02:33:53,700 --> 02:33:55,050 But it's always been in your charts.
801 02:33:56,100 --> 02:34:01,890 It's always been there. Nobody's ever talked about it. Nobody's ever mentioned it.
802 02:34:05,910 --> 02:34:07,470 But this whippersnapper
803 02:34:09,060 --> 02:34:22,290 back in the 90s thought his shit didn't stink, discovered things like this and felt like he had to
804 02:34:23,940 --> 02:34:27,000 prove in subtle time to validate himself.
805 02:34:28,260 --> 02:34:35,580 I don't need to validate anything anymore. That's why I don't live a fast life in front of everybody. And so I don't do all those things. And I make it all
806 02:34:35,580 --> 02:34:44,670 about the boring stuff like this. And if you're not entertained by this, and reading price, you're in the wrong industry. Like if you don't have a passion
807 02:34:44,670 --> 02:34:57,120 about knowing what these simple little candles are going to do next. I guarantee you, you will not be a trader. It's got to be in you or you're not gonna be a
808 02:34:57,120 --> 02:35:08,940 part of it. Like you have to absolutely love it. If you don't love it, and not loving money, you love the process. You love the engagement of it, the whole art
809 02:35:09,120 --> 02:35:20,100 of it. It's a lifestyle. It's not a hobby. It's not a choice. It's a lifestyle. Business owners, entrepreneurs, they're not doing a hobby.
810 02:35:21,660 --> 02:35:22,470 They're passionate.
811 02:35:23,670 --> 02:35:30,720 They're passionate about what they're doing. And you have to be absolutely passionate about your development as a trader, you have to be passionate about
812 02:35:30,750 --> 02:35:41,670 why, why even do this? You can make lots of money with it. Nobody's arguing that. But are you doing this to compensate for something else? Because if that's
813 02:35:41,670 --> 02:35:47,790 the case, you're not going to do well here. You're going to be impulsively doing things that you shouldn't be doing, hoping that you're gonna get a lottery win.
814 02:35:52,050 --> 02:35:54,000 Don't fight the urge to talk about Powerball.
815 02:35:55,470 --> 02:36:05,370 I gotta get off here. My wife's already gave me the evil. I'm like you said 15 on Yes, yes, I'm closing it and closing it. I promise I'm closing. Give me three
816 02:36:05,370 --> 02:36:06,210 minutes. I'm closing it.
817 02:36:08,790 --> 02:36:09,660 I have a boss folks.
818 02:36:11,970 --> 02:36:23,160 Anyway, my intentions are once we come back from our holiday break, you might not be breaking that I'm breaking the first Tuesday of February, I would very,
819 02:36:23,160 --> 02:36:35,070 very much like to do live streams like this. And yes, my chart will be available. Yes, you'll see it. Okay. But I want you to know that there's going
820 02:36:35,070 --> 02:36:43,020 to be timed charts that I'm going to refer to because I'm only going to have one timeframe on my live stream. Whatever chart that is, that's the one I'm going to
821 02:36:43,020 --> 02:36:51,150 stay with the entire time. I'm not going to transition and go through. But I will refer to like you heard me talk about in today's Twitter space, I'll refer
822 02:36:51,180 --> 02:37:04,260 or cite a specific price or series of candles that my attention is on. And you might say, well, you're holding back ICT, I want to do what I want to do. Okay,
823 02:37:04,530 --> 02:37:12,480 can I do that? I think I earned that. Right? I mean, it's my prerogative, I don't want anybody trying to tell me how to do it. Because it pisses me off. I'm
824 02:37:12,480 --> 02:37:18,720 a control freak, I don't like someone trying to tell me what to do. You can't do better than me. So don't suggest how I'm going to do it. You have no idea what
825 02:37:18,720 --> 02:37:26,820 I'm talking about, you have no idea what price is going to do. So please don't suggest to me how you want to be handheld. I want to do this and entertain
826 02:37:26,850 --> 02:37:36,600 myself. And hopefully along the pathway, bring your understanding about price action up to speed. And if you don't like it, if you don't like that way of
827 02:37:36,600 --> 02:37:44,700 doing it, you don't have to watch the live stream. You don't have to do that. You don't need that. It's already on my YouTube channel how to trade and buff
828 02:37:44,730 --> 02:37:53,880 and profitably and do it with precision and know what you're looking for. I'm not trying to have the biggest live streams, I don't care if only 200 People
829 02:37:53,880 --> 02:38:04,170 show I don't care. Okay, I just know that there's an audience in my group. Both private mentorship, and collectively, you all want to see this type of stuff.
830 02:38:04,890 --> 02:38:13,650 And I have no problem doing it. But I just wanted to make sure that you don't understand it. It has nothing to do with ego has nothing to do with proving that
831 02:38:13,650 --> 02:38:25,770 I'm this on that. I'm just wanting to engage you all as an audience, and I want to have fun together. And I can create a carnival like atmosphere, make it fun.
832 02:38:27,030 --> 02:38:36,180 When there's a better market today, it was kind of like lackluster interest. But even there, I can find something. But why would you want to waste all your day?
833 02:38:36,870 --> 02:38:50,070 In your morning when you could have been out to breakfast with your wife encouraging one I know I know. I'm sorry. I promise I'm closing. I'm going to
834 02:38:50,070 --> 02:39:00,270 close this now books. The boss has given me the final Eli and I will catch up with you when I catch up with you. I'm not going to share the chart right away
835 02:39:00,870 --> 02:39:10,530 simply because I'm getting ran off here now. But obviously you've been here you know what's going on. If you enjoyed today, give me a thumbs up emoji in a
836 02:39:10,530 --> 02:39:18,060 tweet. If you didn't learn anything. You know, keep your pain to yourself because I really don't care. I'll talk to you next time. You say