
Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2022-12-29 08:29


00:43 - What if it's almost planned anyway?

02:18 - What’s your deepest passion? What is your goal?

09:56 - If you’re fearful of the next trade, you will get it wrong.

13:47 - How do we endure the hardships of trading?

20:35 - Holding on to a losing trade too long is the number one characteristic of a losing trader.

23:54 - Why it’s so difficult trading.

31:25 - When the market isn’t moving, start giving yourself a timestamp.

34:30 - Holding on to dogs -.

41:11 - You’re trying to trade your public image.

43:43 - What happens if you tripled your account over a year?

49:20 - Why you have to have the moxie to try it.

54:52 - The root of all evil is money -.

58:17 - If you’re lazy, the results won’t yield themselves to you.

01:04:45 - If you lose your mind, you go bonkers and you start overtrading.

01:07:28 - If you have deadwood in your trade, get rid of it.

01:14:02 - What are you looking for in a man?

01:17:56 - If you can’t do those types of things these markets will literally take you out.

01:24:26 - My Kryptonite is my attention span -.

01:26:39 - When you have frailties you have to embrace them.

01:32:19 - When you’ve done all the right things, you should feel good.

01:40:07 - When you start making lots of money, your family and friends don’t like it.

01:44:04 - What’s my deep- rooted driven passion?

01:51:15 - When I moved out of my family’s apartment, it was a scary feeling.

01:54:41 - The feeling of isolation, loneliness, anxiety, and fear.

02:01:18 - What would you be doing if you weren’t in this industry?

02:04:22 - Don’t let people that are not successful tell you how to live.

02:09:48 - How do you know when it’s time to buy a fair value gap and how long does it stay open?

02:13:45 - Don’t try to tinker with it -.

02:20:49 - The way this world works is diametrically opposed to what the books say.



00:00:43,920 --> 00:00:58,830 ICT: thought about waiting till nine o'clock that way it's really 30 years technically not being honest here. So if you can hear me text me or tweet me and
00:00:58,830 --> 00:00:59,910 say we hear you ICT
00:01:12,420 --> 00:01:21,240 This will also give me a thank you Lex mutable effects. Thank you so much
00:01:26,850 --> 00:01:39,330 already. Alright, so let's see how things run with Elon at the helm. Usually I get all kinds of cut ins and fade outs. And usually when I'm talking about the
00:01:39,870 --> 00:01:54,270 tinfoil hat topics, somehow those broadcasts tend to get the most interruptions. What if it's almost planned? Anyway. So I've been thinking about this entire
00:01:54,270 --> 00:02:14,790 day, how the last three decades how things started, how things could have ended several times, and how stress has stresses, anxiety, fear of failure, not
00:02:14,790 --> 00:02:27,780 getting fast enough. impatience. All those things, I know that all of you are obviously enduring, some of you wanting to tap out. And that's normal. That's
00:02:27,780 --> 00:02:37,410 normal. That's a that's a, an occurrence that happens with every one of us. And most people do tap out and they ring the bell, and they never come back. But
00:02:38,130 --> 00:02:49,740 hopefully, this year, I've been able to show you a great deal of consistency that is found in the way I teach my students price action, the way the market
10 00:02:49,740 --> 00:03:03,210 itself books price, and I'm inspired as a mentor, by seeing all of the feedback and all the adoration and inspiration that you guys give me as students. It's,
11 00:03:03,720 --> 00:03:19,710 it's like jet fuel for me. And I appreciate that. So I posted a question. If you were to ask me. One question if we were to talk on spaces, and he had the
12 00:03:19,710 --> 00:03:30,870 opportunity to ask me, most of the responses were along the lines of between three topics, obviously, my personal testimony as a believer, which I won't do
13 00:03:30,870 --> 00:03:39,780 that tonight, not because I'm ashamed of it, but I'm just it's not I'm not in the right mindset to share that. I have no problem sharing it. But tonight, that
14 00:03:39,780 --> 00:03:51,180 won't be it. Maybe Christmas week, I'll do that. Maybe I'll do a Christmas week space. join you guys for the festive holiday season. We'll talk about that. That
15 00:03:51,180 --> 00:04:02,880 way you guys will know if you're atheists or have another persuasion. You can tune out not listen to that, or whatever. The other ones were along the lines of
16 00:04:02,880 --> 00:04:15,210 how did I endure the hardships I've talked about that a lot. And it's in a lot of my videos too. So it's really not something that by my opinion needs to be
17 00:04:15,330 --> 00:04:27,300 rehashed up pretty much job about that most every video somehow it finds its way in there as it's finding its way in here now. The other one was what is my
18 00:04:28,260 --> 00:04:41,790 what's my deepest passion go? Where do I see myself in the future? Like what's what's the future for ICT? Like what? Where am I heading? What's my goal? What's
19 00:04:41,790 --> 00:04:56,190 my I guess, next objective. And for the life of me, I've been distracted with this new home and the pains and the things that's going on in it and I haven't
20 00:04:56,880 --> 00:05:07,680 really had a whole lot of time to think about that. has been enjoying the fact that my workload that I've placed on myself all the time as a teacher is far
21 00:05:07,680 --> 00:05:19,050 less than it has been in the last six years. I'm very grateful for that, because it's been a whirlwind. But I kind of want to talk a little bit about what I
22 00:05:19,050 --> 00:05:28,290 would like to do. And you guys can be instrumental in this. Because if it's something you want to see happen, if it's something that doesn't live up to your
23 00:05:28,290 --> 00:05:39,360 expectations, or whatever, be honest and saying, Yeah, I don't think that's a good idea. And that's okay. Constructive criticism. But in 2023, you know, when
24 00:05:39,360 --> 00:05:49,590 I come back after the holiday break, usually it's the first Tuesday of February. So that doesn't mean I won't, obviously, dragging you nuts on Twitter throughout
25 00:05:49,590 --> 00:05:59,820 the holiday. It's easy to do that, but to sit down and like make videos and or lectures and things of that nature. I don't foresee myself doing much of that.
26 00:06:01,350 --> 00:06:13,680 But what I would like to do, and what has my interest, because I have a lot of students, obviously, that I've trained, and they're either running one right now
27 00:06:13,710 --> 00:06:23,820 for about to start one, a signal service, using what they learned. And I'm all for it, you know, and Kurt, I've encouraged all my students, if you've learned
28 00:06:23,820 --> 00:06:30,780 how to trade under me, and you've done very well, and you're consistent, not that I want you teaching my content, because there's a lot of people on Amazon
29 00:06:30,780 --> 00:06:42,060 and YouTube and Instagram and all over the place. Okay, they're all mimicking me. That's not what I want. I didn't want to create clones. But I'm all for
30 00:06:42,060 --> 00:06:49,920 someone that wants to provide a business for themselves and also a Avenue. Because there's people and I know, some of you are probably listening to this,
31 00:06:49,920 --> 00:06:57,210 as much as you don't want to admit it. There's probably some of you that just know in the heart of hearts, that you're probably not going to be able to do
32 00:06:57,210 --> 00:07:15,060 this. And it hurts. I know, I know. I have students from each one of my entire mentorship groups that came in the each intake they have failed, basically. And
33 00:07:15,240 --> 00:07:26,610 that's a horrible feeling. And I don't know how to bridge that for those individuals that just really have shown that they have done what it is they need
34 00:07:26,610 --> 00:07:42,300 to do. They put years into it. And they didn't over leverage. They didn't over trade. They just simply can't do it. And that's a really hard topic. And I guess
35 00:07:42,300 --> 00:07:52,680 in a lot of ways, you know, it would be foolish for me and anyone else to pretend that if you're teaching something, to not have the expectation that some
36 00:07:52,680 --> 00:08:02,940 are just simply going to fall to the wayside and not be able to do it. Me personally, as a, as a man as a person with obsessive compulsive disorder. I
37 00:08:02,940 --> 00:08:16,560 don't like when I see someone tried to do what it is I teach, and then fail. I don't I don't like that at all. I take it personal. And when I get those
38 00:08:16,590 --> 00:08:27,780 responses from individuals, and it's not many of them, but I do get them. It's really hard for me to take it. Like I don't like take it personal. Not that I
39 00:08:27,780 --> 00:08:37,530 feel like they're trying to be vindictive, because many of them are very heartfelt, almost apologetic. Like saying I'm sorry, I've done everything he
40 00:08:37,530 --> 00:08:45,390 asked me to do here in may share what they've been doing. They even went so far as to say this is what I expect in the marketplace. And this, this, this, this,
41 00:08:45,600 --> 00:08:54,510 and they can see the setups, potentially there. But they're afraid to pull the trigger. Something inside of them just simply won't let them do it. And then it
42 00:08:54,510 --> 00:09:06,810 moves. And it just can't get past that. And I don't know how to make it plainer than, hey, you got to practice. Get to the point of doing it so many times in
43 00:09:06,810 --> 00:09:16,590 demo. It's not even a thought process behind it. You see it, boom, there it is. And many, many times when you see me show my examples like the other day when I
44 00:09:16,590 --> 00:09:24,450 was going through Twitter and I saw a couple people rambling on about me. And I was like okay, let me see what's in the market right now. And literally in
45 00:09:24,450 --> 00:09:35,070 seconds turning the chart on I saw that SMP trade. And I recorded it, I engaged to the whole thing. And there it is. So on Non Farm Payroll, that type of setup,
46 00:09:35,130 --> 00:09:46,170 you know, being able to do this for as long as I've done and having students learn this approach, you'll get to that point, not all of you, but most of you
47 00:09:46,170 --> 00:09:57,630 will, but it takes time. But individuals that don't submit to the process of accepting the fact that you're going to get it wrong. Sometimes you're just
48 00:09:57,630 --> 00:10:09,750 simply going to get it wrong. And if you're gonna be fearful of the next trade that you take being wrong. And you're placing too much emphasis on the outcome.
49 00:10:10,830 --> 00:10:21,420 And the outcome of an individual trade, or even an individual trading week. And I'll go so far as to say is a trading month. If you're trying to squeeze in, and
50 00:10:21,420 --> 00:10:28,980 I mentioned this the other day on net effect, I think it was today, I was answering some questions from a private group. And now you can't join that. And
51 00:10:28,980 --> 00:10:35,820 I'm not trying to rub it in your face. But every time I mentioned it, obviously, it's people like, Oh, can I join your mentorship program? No, I'm trying to
52 00:10:35,820 --> 00:10:43,380 bring it to a close. And they all know this is the truth. And I don't want to operate that form anymore. And if anything going forward, I want to be public.
53 00:10:43,800 --> 00:10:56,190 Because exclusivity makes something easily abused. And it's been abused. But I've had students asking, basically, like, you know, how to get past this, and
54 00:10:56,190 --> 00:11:03,420 how to get past that, you know, where they're looking for a particular thing in the marketplace, that they feel is a barrier.
55 00:11:05,130 --> 00:11:18,630 And most of it is simply understanding where the market is likely to go. And that draw on liquidity. That is a statistical opinion. We have statistics behind
56 00:11:18,630 --> 00:11:31,230 the saying that these things repeat this many times in the past, our belief, okay, our belief, not that is an absolute truth. Not that it's infallible, it's
57 00:11:31,230 --> 00:11:43,680 our belief that we have statistical evidence to support the idea that it's probable, more than 5050, that the markets gonna go to a particular level, that
58 00:11:43,680 --> 00:11:52,680 I dub a draw on liquidity. So you have to have some kind of reason to expect the market to go higher or lower. And some of my students have had barriers with
59 00:11:52,680 --> 00:12:05,250 looking at other things, that if they just focused on that particular thing, it answers a lot of problems and hangups, for them as a student or a trader. If you
60 00:12:05,250 --> 00:12:17,550 look at how, even in my private mentorship group, the folks that are struggling, their number one thing is bias. Because they're trying to put too much of a
61 00:12:17,550 --> 00:12:34,680 emphasis on being perfect. I'm drinking water deerpark it's not that good, actually. But the the the emphasis that students placed not just my own
62 00:12:34,710 --> 00:12:44,100 students, but I'm sure everybody else out there that's trying to learn how to trade when you place so much emphasis on the outcome being perfect, or trying to
63 00:12:44,100 --> 00:12:56,160 avoid that negative experience a losing trade, okay, or worse, that you get into a trade, it starts moving for you and you do nothing with it, you take no
64 00:12:56,160 --> 00:13:07,650 partial, you don't roll your stop to a point where it takes next to nothing, if at all, anything. And it turns around. And you don't want that transaction.
65 00:13:07,830 --> 00:13:19,350 Because even though it might not be that much in terms of money being taken from you even demo, it's the mark against your pride, your ego, or your opinion of
66 00:13:19,350 --> 00:13:29,790 yourself. And many times, it's the young men that come into this business and frankly, it's the men this to say that way. We don't like to have a negative
67 00:13:30,120 --> 00:13:43,500 knock against us, you know, we want to be apex predators, we want to be the, the upper echelon of male you dominance. And that's why you see a lot of this
68 00:13:43,500 --> 00:13:53,850 competition you tune in, in trading. It's like, I'm better than you. And I toy with these guys, because it's it's entertainment. I mean, I'm better than this,
69 00:13:53,850 --> 00:14:03,960 be honest. But look, it's entertainment. But if you ask them, or if you study them all, predominantly, they are motivated by that they define themselves with
70 00:14:03,960 --> 00:14:17,280 that whole, you know, scorecard mentality. And I guarantee you these individuals are so unprofitable. And they either doing something with your fraudulent
71 00:14:17,490 --> 00:14:29,040 results, or they're simply never trading with real money, because they have literally so much behind the emotional aspect of their image. That's what you
72 00:14:29,040 --> 00:14:38,790 get. That's the outcome of a student learning how to do this business not again, not this is not just knocking my own developing students, but any student in
73 00:14:38,790 --> 00:14:55,440 trading. If you have so much built up behind your result, or your weeks result, or a month's result numbers, can you take a month that's negative? Can you take
74 00:14:55,440 --> 00:15:08,400 a month that you lost say, Oh, I don't know. Eight to 10% Could you take that? Now? If you're new? If you've never really lost that kind of money? Then you
75 00:15:08,400 --> 00:15:22,800 could probably say, Well, you know, I think I could. Okay, let's go and say you have a $250,000 account. And you lost $25,000? Could you stomach that? Would it
76 00:15:22,800 --> 00:15:33,780 be something that you would feel paralyzed by? Or would you feel like I gotta get that back? I cannot have my month close. Negative $25,000. I can't live with
77 00:15:33,780 --> 00:15:36,540 myself, my spouse will ask me, my significant other.
78 00:15:38,940 --> 00:15:47,550 What would I say then? How will they think of me? First of all, let's get one thing straight. It doesn't fucking matter what anybody else thinks about you as
79 00:15:47,550 --> 00:15:57,720 a trader, because you're the person in the driver's seat. You're it. So your results are yours. In stuff fucking Sharon, I'm with other people stop trying to
80 00:15:57,720 --> 00:16:06,570 do all this stuff with my FX book. Okay, my effects book unless you're doing signals, okay, unless you're trading and giving out signals, there's absolutely
81 00:16:06,570 --> 00:16:15,660 no reason for my FX book. There's zero, None. None. And as a young man out there, and I'm not gonna say his name, because I'm not trying to kick sand in
82 00:16:15,660 --> 00:16:33,570 his face. I could, if I was that type of guy. I'm not. But they're floundering. And I've watched him move from his verify results. To now it's a high risk
83 00:16:34,260 --> 00:16:45,360 account, justifying why there was drawdown, that's a young man that's doing the very thing as I'm talking about right now. Because he's trying to live up to a
84 00:16:45,360 --> 00:16:57,510 public image of himself. everybody's opinion of him, because he barked, he drew a crowd, and now he can't handle the pressure. Why would you want to make
85 00:16:57,510 --> 00:17:07,770 trading harder for yourself? It's already hard. It's so hard. If you look at the posts I made on my Twitter. It's great for doing this stream, or space, wherever
86 00:17:07,770 --> 00:17:17,100 it is. I asked her, Why don't you What would you like to ask? And there was a few ladies that asked, Hey, I'm assuming they were ladies, apologize if the name
87 00:17:17,130 --> 00:17:31,020 made me think that you were female? And you really aren't. But the question came up, like, how do we endure the hardships? Basically? How do you get past all
88 00:17:31,020 --> 00:17:41,640 that psychological barrier? And how do you keep going when it feels hard? Well, first of all, you gotta give yourself permission. Like I've told my private
89 00:17:41,640 --> 00:17:50,850 students, like, you have to give yourself permission to do it wrong once in a while. Like, you have to do it. Because if you think you're gonna walk out
90 00:17:50,850 --> 00:18:02,040 there, open up an account. Even if you trade with such small, insignificant amounts of money in terms of risk, you think that that's gonna be the solution
91 00:18:02,040 --> 00:18:14,430 to why you're going to never have a losing trade? That's nonsense. Like, you're gonna lose money, it's gonna happen. You need to plan for it, you need to make
92 00:18:14,430 --> 00:18:26,670 yourself ready for it psychologically, you know, preparing yourself, okay, I'm going to lose money. What happens if I do lose money? Most of you want to just,
93 00:18:27,180 --> 00:18:34,260 you know, teach me how to buy and sell. How do I know when bias is bullish or bearish? Because if I can just have that all I gotta do is take a fair value, go
94 00:18:34,260 --> 00:18:43,770 and see now, we went from if ICT could just get to a point already, and tell us how to determine bias, which I've already done. I've done multiple lessons on
95 00:18:43,770 --> 00:18:54,480 that. But the problem is you want every day bias. And again, you're taking a sound principle, or teaching or lecture point, that if you just simply use the
96 00:18:54,480 --> 00:19:02,490 way I teach it, wait for these choice setups. You'll know the bias when it matters most. But the problem is, you're impatient because you want it to be
97 00:19:02,520 --> 00:19:10,050 everyday bias. You want day trading to be everyday trading, and an everyday trading, you want every session trading in every session trading because you
98 00:19:10,050 --> 00:19:19,530 said ICT you can trade the hourly candle and treat like a like the daily ranks. Yes, I can. But I can do that. It's not the same thing for you to expect you are
99 00:19:19,530 --> 00:19:35,820 able to do it. You see what's happening. You're placing so much of an Olympic expectation on yourself. If you've taken the normal threshold of difficulty,
100 00:19:35,820 --> 00:19:46,440 which comes to everyone in this industry, and I was not exempted that I mean, I went through a lot. Six years of thinking I had it Nope. You have to draw on
101 00:19:46,440 --> 00:19:55,920 board thinking ahead. Nope. Went back to the drawing board. I technically had it three and a half years in but I abandon something and chase other things. And
102 00:19:55,920 --> 00:20:06,300 then went back to where I started seeing results and then boom there it was. but you're gonna have hardships, you're gonna have issues where, you know, you're
103 00:20:06,300 --> 00:20:15,210 gonna feel like you got to figure it out, you'll have a week or two, maybe even a month where you just did everything right. And this is where you get in
104 00:20:15,210 --> 00:20:24,960 trouble young men, you think that you've got it all figured out. And then you have a losing trade. And it might not even be a significant loss, it might be
105 00:20:24,960 --> 00:20:34,980 something so small, half a percent or whatever, you save the stock from getting hit full on, like you had a 1% risk or 2% risk. And you say that from getting
106 00:20:35,220 --> 00:20:36,960 knocked out. But still, it's a loss.
107 00:20:38,220 --> 00:20:47,580 Now, you're not looking at the fact that you were able to mitigate the total one or 2% hit to your account, because you protected the stop loss, you saw it was
108 00:20:47,580 --> 00:20:57,780 going to turn on you, you close it before it went to your stop. That's commendable. And that's a skill set, not to promote the idea of paranoia. But if
109 00:20:57,780 --> 00:21:07,110 you're beginning to trade live funds, if you do that, initially, and you are aggressive about cutting your losses, that alone would probably keep you live
110 00:21:07,110 --> 00:21:17,730 long enough to find a way to grind through the adversities. Because when you get a real good winning trade, it doesn't wait around, it just takes off. It just
111 00:21:17,730 --> 00:21:30,570 runs. But the problem with this business is you want to second guess yourself so much because you're trying to avoid losing. This is the number one
112 00:21:30,570 --> 00:21:41,940 characteristic of a losing trader, you're willing to hold on to a losing or questionable trade. Come hell or high water, you'll hold that it isn't moving
113 00:21:41,940 --> 00:21:50,910 like you want it to. But dammit, you're not letting go of it. Because what happens if you close it and it runs in your favor? What happens if you're
114 00:21:50,910 --> 00:22:02,910 fucking wrong, and you've held on to it too long, that's what usually happens. See, if your trade is right, it's going to show you right away. If it's you
115 00:22:02,910 --> 00:22:13,320 know, hanging around and just beating around the bush is not trying to run off and move into profit for you. It that's a warning sign. Either you entered too
116 00:22:13,320 --> 00:22:31,050 early, or you have a dog. Okay, and unfortunately, holding on to a questionable position. sucks because you're spending mental capital. Whereas if you flip that
117 00:22:31,050 --> 00:22:42,420 coin, because you're placing so much emphasis on not doing it wrong, when you do get a quick runner and it starts moving. You abandon where you think it's gonna
118 00:22:42,420 --> 00:22:57,390 go. And you close the trade quickly. That paradigm shift that's necessary to fix that. That's something that has to happen over time. And it's a conditional
119 00:22:57,390 --> 00:23:09,990 thing that you forge, through coping skills, going through the process, as I've taught in great detail on my YouTube channel. But the problem is, you're one of
120 00:23:09,990 --> 00:23:19,650 those individuals that want ICT to get right to the point. The point is, you don't listen. That's the point. The point is you don't fucking listen. You're
121 00:23:19,650 --> 00:23:27,240 not trying to take good advice and you just want to do it your way you want Burger King fucking mentorship, okay, have it your way. Well Have it your way
122 00:23:27,240 --> 00:23:39,360 mentorships don't make millionaires. That's the way that works. Okay. It creates emotionally charged traders that hold on to losing trades too long. And then
123 00:23:39,360 --> 00:23:47,550 when they fail and blow up in your face, that creates that loser cycle where you want to try to try to get it back right away. You know, that means you're gonna
124 00:23:47,550 --> 00:23:56,430 lose more fucking money and it just keeps repeating and repeating and then finally you blow your account. And then what happens? You beat yourself up
125 00:23:56,790 --> 00:24:04,050 because you're gonna look at the trades and say why the hell did I even do that? There was nothing in the market. Why did I buy that? There wasn't a fair value.
126 00:24:04,050 --> 00:24:12,540 Yeah, there was no order block it didn't even take sell side liquidity. What the fuck was I doing? You're chasing emotional charges that you put behind that
127 00:24:12,540 --> 00:24:25,200 decision. You completely abandon all reasoning and why you even are trading. You're not the only one has done that. Everybody does that. Everybody does it.
128 00:24:25,680 --> 00:24:36,990 Why? Why is it so hard? Because you're competing with yourself. You have to live with yourself. You have to wake up in your own skin tomorrow and the day after.
129 00:24:37,500 --> 00:24:49,950 And the decisions that you make today and yesterday in which will make tomorrow come with consequences. As he you want consequences to be sugar coated, almost
130 00:24:49,950 --> 00:25:05,010 orgasmic in trading you want them to be happy endings. Not to sound crude, but that's what you really want. You want a chance meeting with a stranger. And a
131 00:25:05,010 --> 00:25:16,530 knock on your bedpost. That's what you want. You want every night to be a one night stand, and it's all good, feel good moments, I'm sorry. Sometimes, you're
132 00:25:16,530 --> 00:25:25,260 gonna wake up next to a hand grenade. And that's just the way it is. And you are going to hurt yourself. But you gotta say, Look, you know what? I got PIP drunk.
133 00:25:26,460 --> 00:25:30,030 I made some poor decisions. Thankfully, I'm not married to this person.
134 00:25:31,650 --> 00:25:39,600 And the slip out before they wake up, and just live on you continue to trade and try not to do that same thing again. This goes for both the ladies and the men,
135 00:25:39,600 --> 00:25:50,820 you know, I'm talking about somebody just whispered. I just did that last week. And as you know, I'm watching I got my eyes on you. But the reason why it's so
136 00:25:51,030 --> 00:26:02,250 it's so difficult trading is because you're competing against a fucking Savage in the making you You are such a formidable adversary, that you alone are the
137 00:26:02,250 --> 00:26:10,080 one that's holding yourself back. Nobody else is holding you back. These Yahoo's on the internet that say what you're trying to learn doesn't work. And that's it
138 00:26:10,080 --> 00:26:17,190 didn't stop you. people commenting saying oh, well, you know, you're doing this and you're doing that this is the real way of doing it. That doesn't motivate
139 00:26:17,190 --> 00:26:27,570 you to go chase that stuff. You're sticking to this. But you, you're the adversary, you're the one that's making it hard for yourself, because you're
140 00:26:27,570 --> 00:26:34,800 trying to make an Olympic feats out of something that's not necessary. You want every transaction to be perfect. And I mentioned this to my private group, I
141 00:26:34,800 --> 00:26:46,590 said, unfortunately, my approach to trading and when I show my examples, and I show my examples are very consistent, yet people out there say, Well, you know,
142 00:26:46,590 --> 00:26:53,400 he's, he's only cherry picking, when I show you the four count. And I show you that there's no other trade executions. And this is the only thing there is, and
143 00:26:53,400 --> 00:27:02,190 I call the only moves I trade on, I call the levels, it's never going to be enough. So I don't care when I go to 2023. I'm not trying to prove anything, I
144 00:27:02,190 --> 00:27:13,920 want to just enjoy teaching. But my students unfortunately see this in me. And they think that that is something that they can obtain right away, right from
145 00:27:13,920 --> 00:27:24,330 Jump Street. Like they think, okay, I can do what I see T is saying in the charts. When he points to it, I can see it's really easy. But when he doesn't
146 00:27:24,330 --> 00:27:33,480 talk about it, I can't see it. And I try to do on my own and it blows up my face. Okay, well, you're trying to force an issue. Number one, you're trying to
147 00:27:33,480 --> 00:27:45,660 force, something that's not practical, you're trying to be someone that you can't be right now. And that means highly precise, detail oriented, and results
148 00:27:45,690 --> 00:27:54,870 driven. So you're trying to be results driven. Without the two factors I just mentioned. Like you have to build discipline. That means you got to go through
149 00:27:54,930 --> 00:28:05,700 trial and error, feel that pain that you're trying to avoid? So you're trying to hide from that, like, No, I don't, I don't want to get a paper cut. I don't want
150 00:28:05,700 --> 00:28:11,790 to get a scratch. You know, somebody's gonna ask me what I did today. And it's gonna be a losing trade, or they're gonna ask me, why did you do that? There was
151 00:28:11,790 --> 00:28:18,360 no reason because everybody wants to be an armchair quarterback. Everybody wants to tell somebody how they do better. But they ain't trying to tell you what they
152 00:28:18,360 --> 00:28:29,940 did. Okay, so that's the problem with this industry. It's so ego driven, it's so image driven. You got to remove all that stuff, remove all of it, your
153 00:28:29,940 --> 00:28:45,510 expectation should be low. Low, very, very low objectives, low hanging fruit attire t shirt. And if you're comfortable in your own skin with that, even if
154 00:28:45,510 --> 00:28:54,630 you get it wrong, those little bruises, as little nicks as paper cuts, when they occur. It's not that big of a deal. It might be a nuisance, you might look at it
155 00:28:54,630 --> 00:29:04,050 later and say, Oh, well, I really didn't see what I thought I saw at the time. But you know, what? From a monetary stance, it really didn't do too much damage
156 00:29:04,050 --> 00:29:13,500 to me. And, you know, I'm still learning. What did what did you just do by doing that? Number one, you acknowledge that you made a mistake? There's nothing wrong
157 00:29:13,500 --> 00:29:20,340 with making mistakes, mistakes are opportunities for you to learn. But why the fuck do you want to blow your account to learn? You're not learning anything
158 00:29:20,340 --> 00:29:32,160 from that. Okay, you're learning to gamble. That's what you're doing. You're learning how to gamble. And honestly, there's very few gamblers that make it in
159 00:29:32,160 --> 00:29:41,100 this industry long term. They just don't exist. Now, I'm not saying that you can't gamble make money. But the problem is, is the gamblers don't generally
160 00:29:41,100 --> 00:29:49,830 know when to get up away and walk away from the table. They think well, you know, I had a flash in the pan who knew when and crypto you know, I bought it it
161 00:29:49,830 --> 00:29:59,100 ran out really good. You know, it's gonna keep doing it. They found out that doesn't work that way. Okay, and everybody that goes into these crypto markets
162 00:29:59,100 --> 00:30:09,090 think that they're gonna see that stellar bull run again. And they discovered just like every other market, that's not what they do. Because they have
163 00:30:09,120 --> 00:30:20,280 unrealistic expectations, they have a Olympic expectations on a market. They don't always care about we move. And if you have a trade, and you put a trade on
164 00:30:23,250 --> 00:30:28,410 if it doesn't give you immediate feedback that you're doing the right thing or holding a potential winner,
165 00:30:30,000 --> 00:30:40,950 you have my permission to kill the trade. And feel no reason why you should feel any regret about it, even if it takes off in your favor. Because if you do this
166 00:30:40,950 --> 00:30:52,950 as general practice, you're gonna find that you will get out of dog trait. Buying dogs make no money. Okay, they gotta get up and run. If they ain't
167 00:30:52,950 --> 00:30:59,430 running, they're not going to get to your draw and liquidity, that means they're not going to get to your profit, you're not gonna be able to partials you're not
168 00:30:59,430 --> 00:31:09,480 going to pay yourself, you can't get paid. And it's gonna be frustrating. So why the hell are you in it? Why are you in that trade? You're trying to make a
169 00:31:09,480 --> 00:31:19,800 diamond out of a turd. You can polish it all the hell you want. He's gonna get shitty hands. It's all this ever gonna happen. You're gonna have a mess. Trying
170 00:31:19,800 --> 00:31:30,510 to turn something that really a bunch of shit. It's never gonna get any better. Why? Because in your brain and your, in your mind, you're telling yourself if I
171 00:31:30,510 --> 00:31:40,500 get out of this, even though I know Oh, my God, this isn't moving right now. But if I close it, if I close it, it's going to run. And I'm going to feel like shit
172 00:31:40,500 --> 00:31:52,470 about that. But you don't do that. When you start thinking, you know, this isn't moving for me. Let me start giving myself a timestamp. Oh, what is that?
173 00:31:52,650 --> 00:32:01,590 Something I do? If I see something like if I buy a fair value go. Okay, for instance, look at the last year I just did on the s&p. I shared it on Non Farm
174 00:32:01,590 --> 00:32:15,810 Payroll on the app a little bit after non farm payrolls first hour. So I went long, and I traded up into a sign of balance bison efficiency city. Let's say I
175 00:32:15,810 --> 00:32:24,900 bought that fair value gap. And it just hung around for I don't know. I mean, I can't recall what timeframe when I was on when I was looking at but let's just
176 00:32:24,900 --> 00:32:39,390 say it stayed inside the fair value gap. For if it was a five minute chart, say there was five candles that it was constantly dipping into it. Okay, I don't
177 00:32:39,390 --> 00:32:52,320 mind a PV array being revisited and reprice to, and that's fine. But if it's hanging around like that, and hasn't ran for the buy side, I start giving myself
178 00:32:52,320 --> 00:33:04,620 a timestamp. So I'll give it usually 30 seconds to a minute. If I as soon as I recognize this, and I start feeling that 30 seconds to 60 seconds. I'm counting
179 00:33:04,620 --> 00:33:12,870 down. I'm literally looking at the time in the lower right hand corner of my charts, I'm saying okay, if I don't see positive movement in my favor, I need
180 00:33:12,870 --> 00:33:24,270 speed and distance. Okay, if you're watching my recordings from do executions, or whatever, sometimes you'll see me typing. So I want to see speed, and
181 00:33:24,300 --> 00:33:32,010 movement. I want to see how how fast I can run away from where it's at. I'm doing that countdown in my head when I whenever I type that out, the internal
182 00:33:32,010 --> 00:33:40,980 dialogue that you're not aware of, I'm telling you right now, is I'm placing a timestamp on it. Yes, I have a stoploss on it. So I think there's against me,
183 00:33:41,370 --> 00:33:51,120 it'll stop me out and take me out the trade at a loss that I'm willing to accept. But I also at these points where the market starts to, like, hang around
184 00:33:51,120 --> 00:33:59,010 and isn't really running for me yet. But it hasn't really scared me to the point where my stop loss is in jeopardy. It just isn't moving around. It's just like
185 00:33:59,010 --> 00:34:09,900 dead. It's a dog. It's a line dog. It hasn't got up and started running it. Soon as I start feeling that I say okay, look at the time. It's got up to a minute to
186 00:34:09,900 --> 00:34:20,880 start moving for me now some of you might well, good grief, Michael 30 seconds, a minute in. That's not enough time, maybe for you. But I know that there have
187 00:34:20,880 --> 00:34:32,880 been so many times in my career where if I just simply would have done that. I would have avoided lots of losing trades. Not to losing traits. By simply
188 00:34:33,180 --> 00:34:46,200 limiting the amount of time I hold on to dogs. You got to let your runners show themselves and if they don't want to join the race. Move on to the next one. And
189 00:34:46,230 --> 00:34:56,790 yes, that means commission costs are spent and you didn't take anything out. So what that doesn't feel bad when you do that. Because if it doesn't run, which
190 00:34:56,970 --> 00:35:08,640 that's going to be the majority of the time, but you brain this telling you, it's going to run and it's going to do 500 handles. Now it's not stop thinking
191 00:35:08,640 --> 00:35:20,220 like that. You have no idea how every trader that's unprofitable thinks the same way. It's almost like they read from the same books. I'm saying that with my
192 00:35:20,220 --> 00:35:20,910 tongue in cheek.
193 00:35:23,160 --> 00:35:33,510 That's what you've been conditioned to believe to accept and want in trading. You want to hold on to a trade, you got to trade your plan and plan your trade,
194 00:35:33,510 --> 00:35:42,660 right? So what does that mean? Well, you gotta get into the trade and come hell or high water, your stop loss gets hit, or it moves in your favor. That's
195 00:35:42,660 --> 00:35:54,180 bullshit. That's why people lose money. That's, that's the reason why people lose money, you have to kill it. If it's not working for you, fire that
196 00:35:54,180 --> 00:36:05,340 position, get rid of it, hire another one. And when you get the right candidate, it will work for you. But you cannot be fucking around with these lackluster
197 00:36:05,340 --> 00:36:15,540 moves that aren't delivering for you if they're not running for you. As soon as you start feeling that unction you know what just, I wish this thing would move.
198 00:36:15,660 --> 00:36:24,900 As soon as you just thought that or said it out loud. That's the time to start the timer. Okay, you got 30 seconds to 60 seconds. If it's don't if it doesn't
199 00:36:24,900 --> 00:36:35,670 start moving in my favor. This is a dog, and I'm killing it. And I don't give a fuck what it does. I guarantee you if you do this, you will protect yourself
200 00:36:35,670 --> 00:36:46,170 more than you'll find these big runoff moves that you think you're gonna lose if you get out of the trade. Let me ask you a question. How many times do you see
201 00:36:46,260 --> 00:36:57,510 big runoff moves? Now you see him all the time in hindsight. But how many times in your own personal analysis? Have you seen big runoff moves, you're not seeing
202 00:36:57,510 --> 00:37:07,890 them every five minutes, folks come on, be realistic. And it gets back to why trading is so hard. Your imagination is running wild, you don't have experience,
203 00:37:07,890 --> 00:37:18,900 you're just now begun the learn how these markets work. And you think that every setup is going to be these mega trades. Doesn't work that way. Bread and butter
204 00:37:18,900 --> 00:37:29,250 setups happen every single day. Which is the reason why I beat that drum all the time. That's an Olympic feat, simple little things, the little things repeat
205 00:37:29,280 --> 00:37:40,530 every day. And you can make fortunes with little movements that are highly consistent. But you can't over leverage them and hold on to them and demand that
206 00:37:40,530 --> 00:37:51,840 they pay out bigger yields, and they're really warranted. So you have to be reasonable with yourself first. Because do you have the skill set that you're
207 00:37:51,840 --> 00:38:09,600 trying to imagine that you do? Going into the marketplace expecting no drawdown, no losing trades? See, when I share my analysis, when I share my expectation on
208 00:38:09,600 --> 00:38:22,020 where I think the markets gonna go, you only see what I show you. Now, that comes with people that can't stand me, they'll say he's cherry picking. That's
209 00:38:22,020 --> 00:38:32,040 the only thing I said. So those results do what for people that are in support of me. They think I'm infallible. So you're learning from someone that shows
210 00:38:32,040 --> 00:38:44,370 high degree of consistency, and precision. So therefore, you should expect what high degree of consistency and precision right over time. See, you have
211 00:38:44,370 --> 00:38:52,650 selective hearing. Just like I'm telling you now, you will learn those skill sets. And you will achieve that. But you will not achieve that in your first
212 00:38:52,650 --> 00:39:05,850 year. It won't happen. It's going to be a lot of discovery, personal discovery, the psychological and emotional things that you got to conquer in your first
213 00:39:05,850 --> 00:39:16,500 year and a half are so significant. And not enough said about it. It's it's one thing for someone to say hey, look, ICD, get to the point give me something I
214 00:39:16,500 --> 00:39:26,760 can work with. Okay, I did that. 2020 mentorship, it's as easy as you're gonna get it. There is nothing else easier out there, Roger. Yeah, he went there. The
215 00:39:26,760 --> 00:39:37,290 bottom line is this. You can make it complicated. And majority of that's occurring between your ears. What you're thinking what you're afraid of all
216 00:39:37,290 --> 00:39:49,500 those things if you stop, and you simply journal, all those concerns, those euphoric feelings, oh, it's going to really start moving beyond my target. How
217 00:39:49,500 --> 00:40:00,450 many times you get into a trade like that? You get into a trade. It moves for you immediately. So okay, great. You got to run her now. But then it is running
218 00:40:00,450 --> 00:40:12,930 quickly to your objective? So now you start thinking yourself, okay, well, I had 15 handles as an objective. One spoon, I'm trading es, and I want to 15 handles,
219 00:40:13,170 --> 00:40:21,870 it's already cleared 10 And it doesn't show any sign of wanting to slow down. This could be one of those 50 handled days.
220 00:40:23,220 --> 00:40:35,490 Okay? Well, if you haven't taken off 80% of your trade at your target, you're messing, you're making a mistake. Now, there's nothing wrong with you saying,
221 00:40:35,490 --> 00:40:44,850 Okay, I'm going to try to hold for 50 Because it's showing signatures that it wants to really run. But you got to take 75 to 80% of your trade off, where you
222 00:40:44,850 --> 00:40:55,920 wanted to get down at where all your stop till point which where you make 25% of what your total range would have been. And just let it go and see what happens.
223 00:40:56,280 --> 00:41:08,550 If it comes back and takes you out at your stop loss. So what you had a chance to see what it was going to do. But you don't say, Okay, I'm gonna ignore where
224 00:41:08,550 --> 00:41:18,360 I thought the Mark was gonna go take new partials, I'm staying with it. 100% Because, you know, I put the initial risk on. So I need to hire are multiple
225 00:41:18,360 --> 00:41:27,150 returns that way I can go on social media, again, you're trying to do something that's stupid. That's stupid. You're trying to trade public image of yourself.
226 00:41:28,020 --> 00:41:38,760 And then you wonder why you're in drawdown. Everybody on Instagram that's doing that. All these marketers that show themselves live in the fast life, supposedly
227 00:41:38,760 --> 00:41:49,920 making money all the time, flying on planes and going to places that they really can't afford, unless they have mentorship people paying them, okay, I'm telling
228 00:41:49,920 --> 00:42:09,870 you, they are trading their public image. That's what they're doing that equity of their opinion from others. They're there. The perception of others about
229 00:42:09,870 --> 00:42:18,570 them. That's what they that's what they're trying to have new equity highs in that. And that's the, that's the problem. When you go out and you start
230 00:42:18,570 --> 00:42:28,950 challenging people, especially people that has been doing a long time, and you can't bring those results that will rattle you, especially if you're a male, a
231 00:42:28,950 --> 00:42:41,820 male takes that personal. Again, it's like you're saying that they aren't that large, downstairs. That's how they'll take it. That's, that's what it feels like
232 00:42:41,820 --> 00:42:50,640 for a man in trading, if they are sizing up with someone else, or someone else's calling them or tapping them on the shoulder. That feeling of I gotta live up to
233 00:42:50,640 --> 00:42:58,470 that. Because what if everyone else thinks that I can't do this and can't do that. And then what they do is they start doing things that they can't really
234 00:42:58,470 --> 00:43:13,530 do. And they are regretting in my effects books, announcing they're going to do funded challenges, all that kind of stuff. Don't do those things. If you don't
235 00:43:13,530 --> 00:43:24,840 do those things, I guarantee you, your results will be phenomenal. Because you're placing no image in the results, you have no expectations held of
236 00:43:24,840 --> 00:43:37,440 yourself. You're not saying I have to hit 20% I gotta do 10% A week, I gotta do 100% In a month and a half or two months. All those types of goals are stupid.
237 00:43:38,070 --> 00:43:46,020 If you haven't been trading for at least three years, and you're trying to do some stuff like that. You're really making it more difficult than it needs to
238 00:43:46,020 --> 00:43:59,400 be. Versus what happens if you just try to make 2% a week? Would you be happy if you had a funded account with, I don't know 100,000 hours and you tripled it
239 00:44:00,930 --> 00:44:12,240 over the course of a year? I mean, how many of you would be like, Fuck you I don't want to earn $1,000 in crazy. Two or 1000 hours? What the hell would I
240 00:44:12,240 --> 00:44:19,830 want to have to earn 1000 hours for that's insulting ICT. Why would you even asked me that? That's what some of you you're basically saying without saying
241 00:44:19,830 --> 00:44:34,710 those words. Because you want to double your account every month. What would you want $1,000 A year do for someone like yourself? Would it change your comfort?
242 00:44:35,430 --> 00:44:46,170 Would it make things a little easier? How about get yourself out of debt? Well, you don't have to work very hard to get that kind of result. It's very small
243 00:44:46,170 --> 00:44:54,570 little micro moves that you have to do but when you make them for the week, you have to stop. Don't place any more Olympic feats on top of you don't try to live
244 00:44:54,570 --> 00:45:07,830 up to everyone's expectations of hey, you know you're an ICT students you should be out there killing it like I see Freestyle, no, no one good trade a week. Do
245 00:45:07,830 --> 00:45:19,470 it and be done. It's about making money. It's about making money, folks. Okay? It doesn't matter how many little hearts you get behind your Twitter posts are
246 00:45:19,470 --> 00:45:23,550 how many fanfare you get from all these other I don't even know how Instagram works.
247 00:45:25,020 --> 00:45:38,700 Whatever that stuff is that would fluff a person up. Those things don't matter. Making fucking money does paying your bills does being able to eat taking care
248 00:45:38,730 --> 00:45:52,500 of your family, paying your mortgage off? How about getting a house without a mortgage? Paying your car note off so that way you don't make any payments. new
249 00:45:52,500 --> 00:46:08,250 set of duds close down doing something for someone that wouldn't expect it. Those types of things. That, that right there, that is a real motivator. But
250 00:46:08,250 --> 00:46:19,500 that doesn't make sense to most people they want to hear 200 are multiple trades. But you're going to learn from the secret market maker guy that used to
251 00:46:19,500 --> 00:46:32,640 work for XYZ bank. And here's the proof he's trading with Nana and lots tough buck. Are you serious? And that's what's going on. That's what that's the proof
252 00:46:32,640 --> 00:46:46,230 they're shown. And they're still in the new lots teaching. So I told myself, I was gonna do this space, don't go off the rails. Just people might enjoy, you
253 00:46:46,230 --> 00:46:57,390 know, be nice. I'm trying to be nice. But when you really look at all this bullshit that's out there. It's like, really, man, really, like all the things
254 00:46:57,390 --> 00:47:07,050 that could be done. These are the, these are the shitheads that go out here and do this stuff. And they make it about image that things that you can't pay your
255 00:47:07,050 --> 00:47:19,140 rent with. You can't put groceries in your refrigerator in your freezer with worshipping these clowns. That's why I don't want any of you worshiping Me. I'm
256 00:47:19,140 --> 00:47:30,000 just trying to be a voice of reason. Okay. I don't like team mentality. But if you're here to learn, you know, I have no problem in trying to be team captain
257 00:47:30,000 --> 00:47:39,180 in that regard. But I'm not trying to create codependence, I want people to think about things. So really, I want them to understand that these are the
258 00:47:39,180 --> 00:47:46,620 things that matter most. Don't get caught up in all the other bullshit, because that doesn't make you money. And if it ain't putting bread in your pocket, what
259 00:47:46,620 --> 00:47:55,350 the fuck difference does it make? Who cares? Who likes who what is better? Who gives a shit. If you want to go out there and trade bollinger bands. And it
260 00:47:55,350 --> 00:48:07,350 makes you money, man. Go for it. I'm glad. I'm happy for you. I want all of you making money. That's, that's why I do this. I want you all making money. I get
261 00:48:07,350 --> 00:48:15,510 my rocks off when I see other people coming to me studying. And they're proving they're making money. And you're seeing it all year long. People come on up here
262 00:48:15,510 --> 00:48:23,400 with their receipts. And here you go. Just what I'm doing. Thank you very much. That's awesome. That's awesome, man. No worship necessary. Yeah, hi, Fi boom,
263 00:48:23,550 --> 00:48:35,940 good. Well done next. And then we encourage everyone. That's amazing. There's no sales pitch. There's no new coupon codes. No Black Friday specials, you gotta
264 00:48:35,940 --> 00:48:49,800 get in and buy my subscription before this to noon, the price changes. Fuck all that. Fuck that. But that's why it's hard. Because everybody wants to find their
265 00:48:49,800 --> 00:49:06,000 place. And see the problem is, you're letting everybody else tell you where your fucking places never thought about like this. Young man, you gotta be on the F
266 00:49:06,000 --> 00:49:18,270 TMO. leaderboard, young man, you got to win the Robins cup. And if I'm guilty of that, I apologize. But I do that with people that talk shit. Because if the
267 00:49:18,300 --> 00:49:26,820 people can do it, they'll go in there. But they won't. Because it's audited. And their name will be up here and they can't hide. Only one account will be seen.
268 00:49:27,990 --> 00:49:39,180 That's why they don't do it. I would love I got several students. I have several students saying that they're going to join in 2023. Me and I can't wait. I can't
269 00:49:39,180 --> 00:49:51,390 wait. I will love to see that. Even if they fail. The fact that you're willing to try to do it. That to me, it's awesome. Because they got the Moxie to try it.
270 00:49:52,350 --> 00:50:03,240 Because it's hard. It's really hard. Because everything I've described and talked about in this Twitter space tonight It's like on steroids, you're gonna
271 00:50:03,480 --> 00:50:12,780 second guess every fucking thing you're doing, you're gonna be looking at every little thing you're doing. And you're a second guessed every bit of it. Because
272 00:50:12,780 --> 00:50:22,950 why? This is the Super Bowl. This is it, everybody's gonna see me crash, and burn or rise to glory.
273 00:50:24,390 --> 00:50:34,830 And we're going to be thinking, everything asked backwards. That's why I tell everybody to do it. Because in your little tiny little circle of your rented
274 00:50:34,830 --> 00:50:36,420 empty for servers or your
275 00:50:42,510 --> 00:50:53,610 market replay reports, that shit is nothing when you're going to go into a competition, and you're placing yourself in front of everybody, and real
276 00:50:53,610 --> 00:51:01,170 traders, and some of these people look up here. Some of these guys names repeat a show in the last few years, they keep climbing up in there. It's like the same
277 00:51:01,290 --> 00:51:11,520 several people you see when you see the World Series in poker. They make it to these last tables, not, not all of them make it to the last table. But these
278 00:51:11,520 --> 00:51:19,650 same faces keep showing up. I have a lot of respect for those individuals, even if they blow out and they fall off the leaderboard. They make it there several
279 00:51:19,650 --> 00:51:32,970 times a year. That's better than any Twitter bullshitter. Any Instagram horseshit artists, they're out there doing it. And you see these guys say, Oh
280 00:51:32,970 --> 00:51:44,130 man, look at these. Look at these returns. 200% Fuck 200% And these people aren't showing you shit. I have a lot of respect for every person that ever
281 00:51:44,130 --> 00:51:54,810 joined that competition, because your names up there. And you're walking it. And I have students saying they're gonna go on here and you're trying it. And I'm so
282 00:51:54,810 --> 00:52:04,170 proud to hear them even think about it. Do I think they're all going to do well, I'm hoping they will. Like I said, if they just show up and make them name
283 00:52:04,200 --> 00:52:11,070 appear on the leaderboard. That's to me, it's amazing. It's good. It's not important for him to win. If one of them wins, you know, damn, well, I'm gonna
284 00:52:11,070 --> 00:52:19,830 peacock like a bitch. Like I'm gonna flip out all over the place. Because I already got one guy up there. Steve Garner, he wants to start division in 2001.
285 00:52:20,250 --> 00:52:33,810 That's gate trader. He was one of my original students when I was in America Online. And while that percent might not be so impressive today, I think it's
286 00:52:33,810 --> 00:52:45,000 21%. If I'm wrong, I apologize. I'll be ashamed of myself. But you know, that type of return in a year back then. That's respectable. Yeah, there's nothing
287 00:52:45,000 --> 00:52:58,980 wrong with that. But again, it gets back to who's setting the table for you? Are you letting all these people these fucking nobodies? These clowns, these
288 00:52:58,980 --> 00:53:12,120 miserable pieces of fucking shit, human excrement, these hateful fucking people on social media, you're letting them tell you how you are to be successful if
289 00:53:12,120 --> 00:53:22,050 you don't live up to their expectations of success. And you failed. These fucking people work menial jobs if they're employed at all. They're not trading
290 00:53:22,050 --> 00:53:43,380 profitably. But you're letting them set the table for you. Really? Why? Why does anybody's expectation about you or your trading matter? Everything about that.
291 00:53:45,900 --> 00:53:58,560 of my students. Have you ever seen me question any of my students say, Hey, what did you make? What do you do this week? And then critique it. I've never done
292 00:53:58,560 --> 00:54:16,650 that. I've never done that. And any mentor that does that is setting them up for failure. Because what you're doing is you're creating this ladder, that they're
293 00:54:16,650 --> 00:54:26,190 gonna feel like they got to climb higher. Next rungs got to be better. And if he doesn't happen if they don't do well, at least better than the last month. And
294 00:54:26,190 --> 00:54:34,110 they could still be profitable this month versus last month. But if they didn't do better than last month, how is that student going to feel about themselves?
295 00:54:35,550 --> 00:54:44,820 Well, on teachers not going to think I did well enough or they're not going to like my post, or they're going to think that I'm not doing enough. Or other
296 00:54:44,820 --> 00:54:54,240 people will say, Oh, look, you didn't do something right that month. But again, that's the problem with this industry. You're competing against yourself. See,
297 00:54:55,110 --> 00:55:09,750 you're allowing all this outside bullshit to influence you Now, I guess in a lot of ways, I am an influencer. But I'm trying to influence the best way I can call
298 00:55:09,750 --> 00:55:21,360 him bullshit when I see it. But majority time, I'm telling you how you should be thinking, and avoiding all the dumb shit. Focusing on what matters most avoiding
299 00:55:21,360 --> 00:55:30,660 the things that's going to be a pitfall for you. And just sticking true to the reasons why you're here, you're here to make fucking money. You know what?
300 00:55:32,070 --> 00:55:42,750 You can come here and have religious views about money and say, well, the root of all evil is money. No, it's not. It's the love of money, the love of money, I
301 00:55:42,750 --> 00:55:57,270 don't love money. I don't love money. I love doing what I do. I'm passionate, you all know that I'm still fucking talking to you. The bottom line is this, you
302 00:55:57,270 --> 00:56:03,120 are here because you want to make money, you want more money in your bank account than you have right now. And you had last year and any year in your
303 00:56:03,120 --> 00:56:14,280 life. And there's nothing wrong with that. That's not greed. That's not greed. It's fruitful. Okay, that's fruitful. When we are created, the first
304 00:56:14,280 --> 00:56:29,640 instructions were given, Be fruitful and multiply. That wasn't just procreation. That means bring forth fruit. And everything be fruitful. You judge a tree by
305 00:56:29,640 --> 00:56:46,200 what? Its fruits. So you're not here to look pretty. You're not here to be adored by other people, I'm not here to have that. I'm here, bearing fruit. And
306 00:56:46,200 --> 00:56:54,840 for some of you, it's bitter, it's sour. You don't like the way it tastes. Other people will say it doesn't taste good. Don't Don't eat it. And the people that
307 00:56:54,870 --> 00:57:08,580 have worked hard to reach out and grab it and take it. They know it's sweet. They pay their bills with it. They buy cars with it. They're getting homes with
308 00:57:08,580 --> 00:57:20,640 it. They quit their jobs with it, to building wealth with it. Okay, so you're not going to have anybody tell you, if you've tasted it, now, no one's going to
309 00:57:20,670 --> 00:57:33,300 convince you that you've wasted your time. Who's going to tell you that? Nobody, you're not going to give them time of day. So you have to do everything in this
310 00:57:33,300 --> 00:57:46,740 industry, with removing and pruning all these bad things that are going to suck your attention and draw your passion away from being just principle oriented,
311 00:57:47,280 --> 00:57:55,530 result driven. And then consistency will be the derivative of that. That's what's going to come from those things. But you can't expect it to happen right
312 00:57:55,530 --> 00:58:04,290 away. And that's unfortunate, but that's the truth. And I don't hide from it. I don't sugarcoat it, you have to earn it. And there's no shortcut to it, there's
313 00:58:04,290 --> 00:58:15,540 no get to the point ICT, the point has already been made. The process is what you have to get to get to the process. I already went through the point you get
314 00:58:15,540 --> 00:58:30,600 to the process and stick to it. Because the results will yield themselves to you. But if you're lazy, if you have a olympic size expectations. And you
315 00:58:30,600 --> 00:58:43,860 haven't been trading for several years, consistently. That's a pipe dream. That is absolute fantasy. And it's guaranteed to be disappointing. If you're holding
316 00:58:43,860 --> 00:58:51,150 that to I'm going to do this, I'm going to prove my friends and family wrong. I'm going to go out there and I'm going to make a million dollars. I'm going to
317 00:58:51,150 --> 00:59:03,120 make $300,000 My first year trading, and I'm going to do it with about an hour count. Now you're not I'm telling you as your mentor, you are not doing that. So
318 00:59:03,810 --> 00:59:17,460 don't even try to set yourself up for what's wrong with I'm going to try to make one to 2% a week. That's my initial goal. I'm going to build up from that. But
319 00:59:17,460 --> 00:59:27,450 let's just see if I can hit that. How do I do? pushing myself into a disciplinary approach to trading just that and stopping? Can you do it? Because
320 00:59:27,450 --> 00:59:37,170 I'm gonna tell you something. I put my private mentorship group through that several times each year. And it was surprising to see how they couldn't do it.
321 00:59:38,340 --> 00:59:52,260 Some of them could, but the majority of them couldn't do it. They wanted to do something else. It wasn't it wasn't engaging enough. Really. What if you have a
322 00:59:52,260 --> 01:00:06,540 half million dollar account and you're doing 2% A week with that? Who's not impressed by that. I mean, I have money, it's still good money to me. But you
323 01:00:06,540 --> 01:00:22,860 all want some things to be superhuman, like, out of the stratosphere type results, like that stuff is attainable easily. It's not. It's not for someone
324 01:00:22,860 --> 01:00:29,070 that's new. So why would you believe anybody that says they can do it, I don't tell you, you can do it.
325 01:00:30,690 --> 01:00:41,700 I couldn't do it. In my first six years, I had to flounder around blue, lots of accounts. Nobody sat down with me and told you what I'm telling you, and I wish
326 01:00:41,700 --> 01:00:51,660 they would have it would have been so much better for me psychologically, to just hear someone tell me, you're doing it wrong. Stop doing it that way and do
327 01:00:51,660 --> 01:01:03,000 it this way. Even though it doesn't feel like it's productive. And it's not sexy. It's not the fast track to riches. I would have loved I would welcome to
328 01:01:03,000 --> 01:01:15,000 hear that. Like, I've been very appreciative to hear that a message like this, I would have loved to hurt it. But, you know, times are different now. So social
329 01:01:15,000 --> 01:01:29,790 media has changed everybody's perception of reality, truth. What matters most. And if you're not doing this, to improve yourself, your family, your well being,
330 01:01:31,740 --> 01:01:43,230 you're doing it for the wrong reasons. Because if you're doing it for any other reasons than those three, you're doing it for reasons that's about image, which
331 01:01:43,230 --> 01:01:53,400 means you're going to be emotionally charged about every trade you take, which is rule number one, you can't be emotionally attached to trades. You can't have
332 01:01:53,790 --> 01:02:03,240 a feeling of failure, if it doesn't work for you. The trade that transaction wasn't profitable, there's nothing wrong with that. This is an unprofitable
333 01:02:03,240 --> 01:02:12,840 trade. It's not failure, it just means that transaction failed to yield you a profit. That's it. That's not your failure. That's not your inability to be
334 01:02:12,840 --> 01:02:23,460 profitable. Beyond that trade, it doesn't mean that that's what most of you are doing to yourself, you're telling yourself that this is what this means. This is
335 01:02:23,460 --> 01:02:34,440 the line that I see. And this means I can't be profitable. I have to have consistently winning trades. I'm not giving myself permission to have a losing
336 01:02:34,440 --> 01:02:47,970 trade, or a losing week or losing month. So I'm gonna ask the question again. If you lost 10% 15% drawdown in one month, do you give yourself permission to have
337 01:02:47,970 --> 01:02:59,310 that? Chances are, you're thinking yourself, man, I don't I don't think that's good. I don't think that's something I should be doing. No profitable trader or
338 01:02:59,310 --> 01:03:08,790 student of Smart Money concepts would have something like that. When I have students that have gone through my mentorship, and some of them have had months
339 01:03:08,790 --> 01:03:22,200 like that, and they still close a year out of 304, and percent for the year. To me, that's healthy. There's nothing wrong with that. That's not a bad thing. But
340 01:03:22,200 --> 01:03:35,190 some of you would look at that and say, Look, this, this this person's failing, I couldn't do that. I wouldn't I couldn't stomach that. Well, if you can't lose
341 01:03:35,190 --> 01:03:48,180 money, then you won't be a profitable trader, because profitable traders are professional losers, we manage risk, we manage losing, and we turn every trade
342 01:03:48,180 --> 01:03:56,700 that starts as a losing trade into winning trades over time. That's a consistently profitable trader. And think about it, because it's the truth. You
343 01:03:56,700 --> 01:04:05,520 got to get past the spread. And the commission costs before you do anything, before that market moves in your favor, you got to come over those costs first.
344 01:04:06,900 --> 01:04:18,630 So everybody opens a trade up in a losing position immediately. How you close that trade, defines your ability to be profitable or not, for that one
345 01:04:18,630 --> 01:04:29,460 transaction, but that one transaction profitable, or not profitable does not make or break your career. But your perception as a new student or someone
346 01:04:29,460 --> 01:04:45,330 that's becoming, you know, I guess interest in market you're just now dabbling in. You think that that is the beginning of the end. Well, that's true. If you
347 01:04:45,330 --> 01:04:54,540 lose your mind. You go bonkers and you start overtrading feeling you gotta get it back right away. Oh, I'm gonna lose my fund account. I gotta get this back
348 01:04:54,540 --> 01:05:06,570 right away. Why? Who says you have to get it back right now? Who said If you did, why, because social media has influence over you some joker on the
349 01:05:06,570 --> 01:05:14,970 internet, who probably has never proven themselves profitable, being able to call market for it happens, trade it, execute it, manage it, none of it. They
350 01:05:14,970 --> 01:05:28,350 sit around, they talk crap all the time and bring nothing to the table of usefulness. You've allowed them to set the mindset for you. Why are you so
351 01:05:28,350 --> 01:05:29,790 easily influenced by these people?
352 01:05:31,080 --> 01:05:43,830 Why are you letting other people give you these problematic viewpoints? Stop that. Remove all that stuff. There's nothing wrong with having a mind. That's
353 01:05:43,860 --> 01:05:52,920 hive and like, okay, Hive like mindset when you're around successful people, they're doing successful things and are trying to do things with a process
354 01:05:53,040 --> 01:06:10,260 that's similar. That's not a cult. That's a hive mentality. And hive mentality is what you see ultra successful people join. Think about back in the 80s. And
355 01:06:10,260 --> 01:06:21,330 there was these clubs, these social clubs, you know, Club Med, okay. I'm joining this club and you had to be accepted into it. That was a social status. Okay?
356 01:06:21,690 --> 01:06:30,990 Well, successful people only want successful people around them. They don't tolerate poorly lived lives around them because they're going to be a drain.
357 01:06:31,980 --> 01:06:41,100 Now, that's not something that sounds like arrogance. It's not arrogance, okay. Success breeds success. And I've said this before in some of my other lectures,
358 01:06:41,610 --> 01:06:52,140 the best thing in my life was when I cut deadweight at a my friendships, and got rid of toxic relationships. But you want to hold on to these abusive
359 01:06:52,140 --> 01:07:01,350 relationships, because you feel like, I'll be a terrible person. If I cut this relationship off, if I stopped hanging with these people, if I stopped going out
360 01:07:01,380 --> 01:07:09,780 on the weekends and wasting my fucking money, that I've worked my ass off for, to buy drinks that are overpriced to be around people, I can't fucking stand.
361 01:07:11,640 --> 01:07:15,660 Dress up, spend money on clothes to impress people you don't even fucking like
362 01:07:21,900 --> 01:07:33,090 these these mentalities that people subscribed to, that's the wrong way of doing it. You got to cut that dead shit out of your life. And that same approach, you
363 01:07:33,090 --> 01:07:46,350 need to do that with your trades. If you have Deadwood in your trade, cut it out, get rid of it. You want something that's going to float, you want something
364 01:07:46,350 --> 01:07:59,340 that's going to sail on its own, take off and have no problem. But if you got to toe the weight of a market that's not trying to move, and you want to see your
365 01:07:59,340 --> 01:08:09,720 will come to fruition, you want to see your pride and ego gets stoked, because you held on to something that you knew in your heart of hearts that that thing
366 01:08:09,720 --> 01:08:16,860 was wrong, it wasn't moving anywhere. But just because you held on to it. It just happened to have a static little move in your favor. And it ran up and hit
367 01:08:16,860 --> 01:08:27,750 your little short term, five handles six handle move. And you're gonna champion that like it's something great. It's not you broke every rule. You put yourself
368 01:08:27,750 --> 01:08:39,690 through an abusive relationship, that trade was abusive, you coddled that you held on to it. You enabled it, to do those things to you. You allowed it to
369 01:08:39,690 --> 01:08:51,570 abuse you mentally and psychologically, and you risked monetary loss, because you didn't want to cut it out of your career. As a trader. It's a failed
370 01:08:51,570 --> 01:09:00,570 relationship. There's nothing wrong with it when you identify it early. It's nothing wrong with cutting that out. You want to be around success. Success
371 01:09:00,570 --> 01:09:15,390 breeds success. It's not privilege. It's mindset. And if you have a defeated mindset, and you have bombs, busters, jokers, clowns hanging around you moochin
372 01:09:15,690 --> 01:09:23,700 A man got any cigarettes Got a cigarette? Me? I don't smoke. But that's one of the ugliest things I've ever seen. You're broke. You can't afford it. And you're
373 01:09:23,700 --> 01:09:32,130 asking somebody else for another cigarette. Hey, man, on those short this week, you got me like me? I want to I want to go out and get some drinks. You got me?
374 01:09:32,850 --> 01:09:43,740 No, I'm talking about you stayed at home. And I spent my money on you. Okay, if you can't afford it, they don't go out. These people are draining you. They're
375 01:09:43,740 --> 01:09:52,650 draining your energy. They're draining your wallets. And what are they bringing to you? You might feel like oh yeah, I'm helping them out. Fuck them. They're
376 01:09:52,650 --> 01:10:05,850 losers. They're losers. There's there's they're creating a stagnant and environment for you. Any energy you direct towards them, enabling them to be a
377 01:10:05,850 --> 01:10:15,900 drain on everyone, you included. You're stealing that opportunity for you to give yourself an increase that will benefit you, your family and your circle.
378 01:10:17,730 --> 01:10:28,740 That's not greed. That's not selfishness. That's success. Okay? That's how you stay afloat. You don't let dead weight drag you down and drown you. And I did
379 01:10:28,740 --> 01:10:40,800 that with my personal relationships with my friends that I went to high school with, I'm telling you. I got one out of all of them. And I went to school with
380 01:10:40,800 --> 01:10:53,520 him since preschool, preschool. So long ago, the school has even stand on the ground anymore. It burned down and never rebuilt it. And honestly, he doesn't do
381 01:10:53,520 --> 01:11:07,110 well with money. He doesn't listen to me. But I love him like a brother. He's like, he's my oldest friend. And in bumps, the bottom line is is you are making
382 01:11:07,110 --> 01:11:20,790 decisions in these markets, that are going to be manifesting the very way you conduct your personal life. And if your personal life is a fucking mess, why are
383 01:11:20,790 --> 01:11:36,270 you surprised that your trades are the same way? That hurts, doesn't it? It's meant to. Because that was the personal realization I had when I was going
384 01:11:36,270 --> 01:11:47,040 through the development stage. And I'm looking around, I'm like, Why the hell is this happening to me, like, I can make money. And all of a sudden, you know, I
385 01:11:47,040 --> 01:11:54,600 feel like I got a case of as I gotta prove something that somebody who's looking at me, I'm not sharing my statements to anyone. Nobody was aware of what I was
386 01:11:54,600 --> 01:12:07,650 doing initially. I didn't want to show anybody because I was afraid I would jinx it. People don't probably know that today's young guys, Jinx. person, I guess
387 01:12:07,650 --> 01:12:20,730 it's something we used to say. But the point is I would manifest these things that I would do in my relationships, my friendships, I would enable toxic
388 01:12:20,730 --> 01:12:23,970 behavior in my friends and relationships with women.
389 01:12:25,710 --> 01:12:33,450 I had a warning sign sign that's shining me right in the face, like a big red flashing light saying, hey, look, there's a problem with this lady that you're
390 01:12:33,450 --> 01:12:44,340 dating. This guy is a bum. He's not really your friend. He's just wanting to mooch off of you. But I didn't want to be a jerk. I didn't want to be rude. I
391 01:12:44,340 --> 01:12:45,810 didn't want to seem
392 01:12:47,070 --> 01:13:00,360 well. Ignorant. Well, in trading, you got to be rude. You got to be ruthless. You got to be ignorant. With trades that don't fucking work. Get rid of them.
393 01:13:01,440 --> 01:13:09,060 Who gives a shit? Close it. So what the broker made more money than you did in that transaction, who gives a shit, you're not letting your stop loss get hit,
394 01:13:09,060 --> 01:13:16,800 and you're not wasting fucking time worrying about something that's probably not going to pan out. And then when it doesn't pan out, you aren't going to regret
395 01:13:17,130 --> 01:13:26,250 doing all that shit to yourself. If you're in a toxic relationship, if you ever had a toxic relationship, and then tweet to me, say, I know exactly what the
396 01:13:26,250 --> 01:13:33,540 hell you're talking about. And it makes perfect sense. That's exactly what you're doing to yourself. If you get into a trade and you know, in your heart of
397 01:13:33,540 --> 01:13:42,120 hearts that this son of a bitch is not going to move. It ain't gonna move. But you want to hold on to it anyway, because you want to be a nice person. Fuck
398 01:13:42,120 --> 01:13:53,700 that, these markets will rip your heart out. It will take everything. It'll take your ego, your pride, your money. And if you let it your sanity, the money is
399 01:13:53,700 --> 01:14:05,880 the least of your concern. I've known people that are not here anymore, because they lost money. Some of them lots of money. And some of them ended themselves
400 01:14:05,880 --> 01:14:15,330 for very insignificant amounts of money. It's just It's mind boggling that they just couldn't they couldn't tolerate it. And they ask themselves. Can you
401 01:14:15,330 --> 01:14:29,880 imagine? Can you imagine getting to the point where you lose less than $50,000? Less than 50,000. And that's it. You can't hear you can you got to check out
402 01:14:34,140 --> 01:14:46,920 that's horrible. But that's what this will do to people unless you get control. You have to you have to have control of your decision making processes. You have
403 01:14:46,920 --> 01:14:56,910 to have a rule based idea and you got to cut the bullshit out. Remove it. If it isn't making you money, get the fuck out of here. If it's not helping you keep
404 01:14:56,910 --> 01:15:06,420 your money. Get the fuck out of here. combatant ladies, what are you looking for in a man? You want to breadwinner. And there's nothing wrong with that. There's
405 01:15:06,420 --> 01:15:17,580 nothing wrong with that. But you want stability. Nothing wrong with that either. You want someone that's going to be monogamous. They're going to stay with you.
406 01:15:18,210 --> 01:15:28,170 And they appreciate that you do have flaws, but they want to, you know, contribute to the relationship and be thankful for what you bring to it. Guys
407 01:15:28,170 --> 01:15:35,610 the same, like, what do you want? You want a woman that's going to what? treat you like a king? Right? Of course, ladies, you want to be treated like a queen?
408 01:15:35,700 --> 01:15:48,810 It's expected. Men want to be appreciated. They want to be told you didn't have to do this, but I'm so thankful that you did. Okay, that's a simple recipe for
409 01:15:48,810 --> 01:15:57,300 happiness. Both of you monogamous. Both you've given each other. You the encouragement to this is what I like in my relationship. This is what I don't
410 01:15:57,300 --> 01:16:06,810 like in my relationship. And being fair and honest. Man, add, add sexual attraction to it. Good grief. That's marriage material there? Well, you have to
411 01:16:06,810 --> 01:16:17,820 have that same process in your trades. Is the trade giving you those good vibes? Is it something that you want to hold on to? Or is it giving you warning signs?
412 01:16:18,510 --> 01:16:30,180 You got divorce it quick. Because you do not want to go to court and divorce with a stop loss over and over again, with bad trades, okay, it's, it's not good
413 01:16:30,180 --> 01:16:43,830 for you. It's not good at all. But that same broken perspective on relationships manifests itself in trading. And you're probably saying, How the hell did you
414 01:16:43,830 --> 01:16:51,480 get on this topic, and this is a good one. Well, it's because I mentor, and I have people that are going through divorces, I have people that are going
415 01:16:51,480 --> 01:17:03,420 through breakups. And I'm having people that can't find themselves in relationships, despite them being in my opinion, I can say this on both sides of
416 01:17:03,420 --> 01:17:13,890 the male and female, I can appreciate a good looking guy. And I can appreciate a good looking woman. And some of these folks that I have students, they literally
417 01:17:13,920 --> 01:17:22,080 have nothing wrong with them. Physically, they look by all new standards, they are attractive. They're successful people, they're doing well in their careers,
418 01:17:22,080 --> 01:17:32,940 and they're doing well in trading. But they're being plagued by not being balanced by having a significant other. And then because of that loneliness,
419 01:17:33,240 --> 01:17:42,240 they go into the marketplace and they push the button to do what to feel good. They're allowing their personal life to manifest itself in trading, you cannot
420 01:17:42,240 --> 01:17:52,410 look for a feel good experience in trading. If you treat it like a massage parlor and looking for a happy ending, don't be surprised if you end up with
421 01:17:52,410 --> 01:17:52,950 STD.
422 01:17:54,300 --> 01:18:06,840 It's it's as simple as that. You can't do those types of things. These markets will literally take you out. They'll make you second guess everything. Remove
423 01:18:06,840 --> 01:18:17,010 all sound logic, and you'll lose control. Like a drunken, promiscuous affair on the weekend that your spouse doesn't know about, you'll be in there doing stuff
424 01:18:17,040 --> 01:18:31,020 you shouldn't be doing. To wind light. Why live your life like that? To allow manifestations of those types of things in your trading? Folks, this is your
425 01:18:31,020 --> 01:18:43,020 business. This isn't a game. This isn't a hobby. If it is you're doing it fucking wrong. You're doing it wrong. Unless this is your business. And you're
426 01:18:43,020 --> 01:18:57,570 minding your fucking business. You're gonna fail because you are competing against yourself. And if you haven't removed all the toxic things in your life,
427 01:18:57,870 --> 01:19:15,360 and found coping skills to allow yourself to be fruitful, balanced, productive, disciplined. Do this Don't do that. If you can't do those things in your
428 01:19:15,360 --> 01:19:29,760 personal life, you sure as hell aren't going to do it in trading. who's managing you? Who's your boss? Who's gonna reprimand you for losing money? Guys, you now
429 01:19:29,760 --> 01:19:41,010 you hide that money from your wife? She doesn't know you're losing that much. And ladies, you're smart enough to know not even bringing up Yes, I know all
430 01:19:41,010 --> 01:19:57,270 that stuff. So you have to it takes a lot to do this business. And unfortunately, there isn't a lot said about this and I wish that there were
431 01:19:57,300 --> 01:20:09,150 books written about it because those are the books I would promote non technical buy and sell here. You risk management books, fuck all that. Okay? The things I
432 01:20:09,150 --> 01:20:19,620 talked about tonight, that's where the rubber meets the road. That's the that's the brass tacks of it all. Because 90% of this game is psychological war with
433 01:20:19,620 --> 01:20:29,220 yourself. But we lie to ourselves and say, Oh, I'm competing against the smartest people in the world. No, you're not. None of those motherfuckers told
434 01:20:29,220 --> 01:20:39,990 you to press that button. None of them told you to do the leverage that you used, and nobody told you not to use a fucking stop loss. You did it on your
435 01:20:39,990 --> 01:20:53,580 own. Congratulations, well done. But you have to live with yourself. You have to wake up in your own skin tomorrow, and the next day, and live with yourself. Now
436 01:20:53,610 --> 01:21:05,400 the question is, in closing is are you doing things that we talked about tonight? Are you allowing your personal life to be loose like that? You're
437 01:21:05,400 --> 01:21:23,790 allowing other people to just weigh you down. And they set the tone for your success or lack thereof? Is their opinion of your decisions? Making your future
438 01:21:23,790 --> 01:21:40,110 decisions for you? This is not a team sport. It does not matter who likes what you've done. Who thinks that you didn't do enough of it? Everybody, if you give
439 01:21:40,110 --> 01:21:53,160 them a chance, everybody will have an opinion about your results? Why does it fucking matter? You're never I'm telling you right now. Even my biggest trades.
440 01:21:55,050 --> 01:22:11,610 If I sat down with myself, I can beat them up. To Why would I invite it to anybody else? None of your opinions about my results mattered to me. And that's
441 01:22:11,610 --> 01:22:24,090 the mindset you should have. A What is your average? Fuck you don't ask me to design your fucking business? How does that work for you? Mind your fucking
442 01:22:24,090 --> 01:22:32,160 business. How about you talk about what you've done? Well, you know, I was just curious, fuck you don't ask me. You want to talk shit about somebody. That's why
443 01:22:32,160 --> 01:22:42,570 you're asking. Don't even invite that stuff. Don't invite it in your personal life. And don't invite it in your trading. And you won't have that problem, that
444 01:22:42,570 --> 01:22:52,470 social media equity curve that you're trying to maintain. I'm telling you, if you just simply look around and look at all these guys out here, trying to prove
445 01:22:52,470 --> 01:22:53,430 themselves.
446 01:22:56,250 --> 01:23:05,580 They put so much pressure on themselves. And they would probably be doing 10 times better. If they weren't doing. I'll give you an example. And then I
447 01:23:05,580 --> 01:23:22,950 promise I'll close. Maybe that guy corbs I love He's so charming. I really hope he finds the success he's aiming for. If you look at what he's been showing,
448 01:23:23,430 --> 01:23:32,910 obviously, you know, his results are improved with him not doing a live streaming. He's promising he's going to come back to life training. And I'm only
449 01:23:32,910 --> 01:23:41,010 curious and I'm not wishing anything bad on him. So Aaron, if you're listening, just know that what I'm saying I'm saying this with love and respect. But I'm
450 01:23:41,010 --> 01:23:51,750 curious to see if his good results go back to the lackluster ones when he's in front of everybody again. Because that's what I've been talking about tonight.
451 01:23:53,040 --> 01:24:06,240 That who's my audience? I'm talking to corbs tonight. That's who I'm talking to? You think I'm talking to you? Maybe I am. But that type of social media equity
452 01:24:06,240 --> 01:24:15,930 curve here that the outward opinions of others? And what will they think of me if I do this wrong? And what will they think of me if I don't treat it this way?
453 01:24:16,140 --> 01:24:25,200 And what if I do this? And if I use this entry strategy, they're gonna question Why did that? If you're doing all that? Are you really focusing on your trade?
454 01:24:26,730 --> 01:24:45,540 Think about that for a second. Now, you have now increased the difficulty level to next to impossible. That's very, very hard to do. And I'm not ashamed to tell
455 01:24:45,540 --> 01:24:57,150 you, I'm not that good to be able to sit out there in front of the world and let people question and ask and suggest and do other things. Okay, while I'm making
456 01:24:57,150 --> 01:25:09,210 decisions, but it's already hard for me to focus It's hard for me to focus. And there's no shame in that. But if I'm able to sit down and shut the world off,
457 01:25:09,750 --> 01:25:21,750 and put myself in front of an account, no one's coming close to mine. But I do have kryptonite. Kryptonite is my attention span I'm easily I am a dog that
458 01:25:21,750 --> 01:25:32,340 chases cars, folks and just look at how I operate on Twitter. African male, I'm gonna fucking hammer you. Okay. But I do have a weakness. And I've already shown
459 01:25:32,340 --> 01:25:44,790 that I've said it, I can't I physically cannot do in my first mentorship seen that. Right? I went in with good intention, but I can't stay focused. And I want
460 01:25:44,790 --> 01:25:55,890 everyone to feel like they got the best engagement with me. And it's impossible, you know, 1000s of people, you know, everybody wants an email response from me,
461 01:25:55,920 --> 01:26:08,310 everybody wants to get a response on Twitter. I can't be everywhere at one time. So I'm practical with myself. As much as I don't like that. I would love to be
462 01:26:08,310 --> 01:26:16,740 able to do all those things for one, but I can't. So I try to be as upfront and practical as I possibly can in my delivery. And the way I deal with all of you.
463 01:26:17,490 --> 01:26:26,400 I am honest about where my limitations are. And I have no bones about saying this is where my weaknesses, my weakness in my trading is always my exits, I'm
464 01:26:26,400 --> 01:26:38,490 never satisfied with them. That make me poor as a trader. No, it means honest, it means that I do have weaknesses, I just don't know how to make them better
465 01:26:38,490 --> 01:26:50,790 than they are. And when you have frailties, you have to embrace them. Don't try to hide from them. Because the fact that you're trying to hide from them, it's
466 01:26:50,790 --> 01:26:59,070 the same thing that causes everyone to have drawdown blown accounts, because you're trying to do what you're trying to avoid that losing trade. That one
467 01:26:59,070 --> 01:27:08,520 singular event where it's now taking something from you, you're trying to avoid that, in the fact you're trying to avoid that singular transaction turns into a
468 01:27:08,520 --> 01:27:20,760 series and chain of them than your accounts blown. Because you've ramped up your motional and psychological impact, you've done that to yourself that singular
469 01:27:20,760 --> 01:27:33,330 trade, that was a losing trade, you made it now more significant. That trade cheated on you. That trade went outside of the relationships and the boundaries
470 01:27:33,330 --> 01:27:45,000 you set for it. And now you feel betrayed. So what do you want to do? You want revenge, you want to go find that motherfucker that cheated on you. And you go
471 01:27:45,000 --> 01:27:52,680 out there and you go in their marketplace looking for him. And you don't find them, you find somebody else.
472 01:27:54,330 --> 01:28:03,660 And they take again from you. And they take again and again and again. And you're hurt more each time. And it revs up that emotional and psychological
473 01:28:03,870 --> 01:28:11,190 impact. And you want it to go away. You want to feel a victory, you want to feel like you've done the right thing. Because if you win, you've done the right
474 01:28:11,190 --> 01:28:17,790 thing in your mind that you're just going to tell yourself if you get the money back. You've done the right thing and you didn't learn anything from that. When
475 01:28:17,790 --> 01:28:28,440 you should have said stop and this hurt me. I'm going to take a step back and heal. I'm not going to be in a rush to get into a new relationship, a new trade
476 01:28:33,000 --> 01:28:36,240 but it's uncomfortable waiting around for Mr. Right or miss right.
477 01:28:41,250 --> 01:28:58,470 My sister, she just got married couple years ago. I love her to death. Different Fathers say mom, she before she met the guy she's with now. She would be such a
478 01:28:58,470 --> 01:29:13,170 drain. Like me, I can't even put it in words where it sounds reasonable. Because I don't want to sound rude because i She's my sister. I love her. But she would
479 01:29:13,170 --> 01:29:25,530 say Oh, God hates me. God doesn't want me to be with anybody. And I'm like, listen, girl. You're not even looking for people. You're always working. And you
480 01:29:25,530 --> 01:29:33,750 then you stay in the house. You don't even make yourself friendly or available to anybody like you don't go out. You don't meet anyone. So how could you
481 01:29:33,750 --> 01:29:41,820 possibly meet anyone? You work around the same five people and they're all women. So why are you complaining? Like you got to make yourself friendly and
482 01:29:41,820 --> 01:29:52,500 then you can find friends? Well, she's a pray for me. So I said, Yeah, I'll pray for you. But you got to do something. You know, you have to make an effort. You
483 01:29:52,500 --> 01:30:03,390 got to do these types of things. But she lived for years in this self defeated mindset. Like I don't deserve I have to be happy, I'm being punished, I'm always
484 01:30:03,390 --> 01:30:13,590 going to be lonely. I said, you're saying the very thing that's creating that you're you're creating that environment, that toxic view of everything. And
485 01:30:14,010 --> 01:30:25,170 that's why journaling is important. When you're trading, you want to take that feeling of that fear. In the early stages, you want to write those fears out in,
486 01:30:25,230 --> 01:30:34,350 in plain terms, what you're fearful of. Nobody else is going to read the journal, you shouldn't be letting anybody else read it. So that way, you can be
487 01:30:34,350 --> 01:30:41,940 honest with yourself, you're talking to yourself, you're being honest with yourself, you're saying, This is what I'm afraid of. Tomorrow when I trade, I'm
488 01:30:41,940 --> 01:30:54,840 afraid I'm going to do this. When you're in the trade, what did you find fearful? Were you vocalizing your aggression or fear, anxiety? Oh, who's gonna
489 01:30:54,840 --> 01:31:02,490 stop me. I mean, if I get stopped out, I'm gonna be a mess. Oh, if this goes happen, I'm not going to be will have enough money. I can't, I can't afford to
490 01:31:02,490 --> 01:31:14,100 do another funded account challenge or whatever it would be whoever you're fearful of. And then over time, you replace that with positive self talk. And
491 01:31:14,100 --> 01:31:23,310 you remove all negative. In the beginning, it's important for you to tackle where your root problems are the way you think about things. toxically. And you
492 01:31:23,310 --> 01:31:31,410 don't realize you're doing it until you see it in your own handwriting. And you go back months and years later and say, Wow, what a fucking train wreck. Because
493 01:31:31,440 --> 01:31:38,790 that's what it feels like when I read my early journals. I'm like, What the hell, I know some of you because it's hard to track somebody with bipolar, and
494 01:31:38,790 --> 01:31:46,830 I'm all over the place. But I promise you, every one of these conversations I'm starting, I'm coming back to Okay, I'm going off down these little rabbit
495 01:31:46,830 --> 01:31:59,130 trails, I'm coming back to them. I see that in my early journals. And I'm like, What the hell? Like, no wonder I wasn't doing well. Like I wasn't even staying
496 01:31:59,130 --> 01:32:08,880 focused on one principle or idea. Like I was trying to make different things and not giving it a chance. Well, back to my sister. I told her I said, You got to
497 01:32:08,880 --> 01:32:21,360 make yourself available. And all of a sudden, one of the guys that grew up in our neighborhood, young, decent young man. He started working with her. That was
498 01:32:21,360 --> 01:32:29,340 an answer to prayer. Nice Guy, nicest guy in a rural he knows how to break his fucking head. Have you ever tried to do anything to hurt my sister, He's a nice
499 01:32:29,340 --> 01:32:46,350 person you'd ever meet. But she and him started dating. And they hit it off. swimmingly? Like, it's amazing how they just clicked. And now she doesn't talk
500 01:32:46,350 --> 01:32:56,550 like, oh, woe is me. She's so thankful that she has him as her husband. And he loves her. Like he adores her. Because he knows fucking better. Now, I'm just
501 01:32:56,550 --> 01:33:06,990 kidding, I'm gonna be funny in that regard. He loves her. He really, really loves her. And that, to me is a match made in heaven. So she doesn't have that
502 01:33:06,990 --> 01:33:17,190 self defeated mindset. She doesn't charge herself emotionally, psychologically about relationships, because she's thankful for what she has to apply that to
503 01:33:17,190 --> 01:33:17,760 your trades.
504 01:33:19,229 --> 01:33:28,679 When you do the right thing, follow your plan, follow your process. What are you trying to do? Did you move your stop loss correctly? Did you use a stop loss?
505 01:33:28,829 --> 01:33:37,919 Did you take partials at logical levels? And did you stay with the trade even though you were probably a little nervous, as long as it was moving in your
506 01:33:37,919 --> 01:33:46,139 favor? Did you stay with it and let it deliver to your target? If you've done all those correct things, then you should feel good. You should feel good, not
507 01:33:46,169 --> 01:33:56,189 not arrogant, not walking around like Mick Jagger like I do all the time. But it's the positive things that you want to constantly give yourself a pat of
508 01:33:56,249 --> 01:34:04,649 attaboy atta girl type thing in your journal and say, I feel good that I was able to do this. And that way you're replacing what you have to go through the
509 01:34:05,039 --> 01:34:15,809 early stages of ugliness journaling, in the beginning, you want to get that out, find out where your toxic roots and original thought processes that start all
510 01:34:15,809 --> 01:34:21,449 these problems. And unless you're honest, in the beginning, you're not going to find them, you're going to pretend they don't exist. And you're only going to
511 01:34:21,449 --> 01:34:30,029 talk like you've got everything figured out. You don't want to fake it in the beginning. Okay, be brutally honest in your journal. That way you can grow from
512 01:34:30,029 --> 01:34:39,419 it and find out where these things are stemming from. It may be insecurities that are happening in your personal life, that even there you're trying to
513 01:34:39,419 --> 01:34:46,559 avoid, that are making problems for your personal life that are going to do what manifests themselves in your trades. You're going to be trying to do something
514 01:34:46,559 --> 01:34:56,429 to feel good. My sister would call me up before she got married to her husband before he met him. She would call me up for me to tell her encouragement. You're
515 01:34:56,429 --> 01:35:07,799 gonna do fine. You're gonna meet someone, I promise. Let's pray together. She needed that. But she was doing nothing on her part to improve her situation. So,
516 01:35:08,459 --> 01:35:15,269 outwardly, objectively, here I am, I can see what she's doing wrong. And I'm telling her what she needs to do, she won't listen. Much like some of my
517 01:35:15,269 --> 01:35:21,149 students, they don't want to listen. Like the things I'm telling you now somebody you're listening to the same What the hell's going on skies all over
518 01:35:21,149 --> 01:35:30,599 the place. And you completely missed the point, the plot, you've missed it. I'm telling you how to manage your personal life and how to keep that from screwing
519 01:35:30,599 --> 01:35:40,469 up your trading. Because your personal life will fuck up. The best signal service the best fucking guy hand holding and telling you to trade I could sit
520 01:35:40,469 --> 01:35:47,879 down and tell you when I'm buying do it right there in live stream, do it's still right in front of you. Some of you that have these problems will still
521 01:35:47,879 --> 01:35:59,459 fuck it up. My, you'll say okay, I got a funded account for 10,000 hours. I'm going full max on this, boom, I'm in there, I'm in there, I don't give a shit.
522 01:35:59,609 --> 01:36:12,569 I'm going all in because I need this to grow quick. If ICT is taking that trade, then it's good enough for me. Full leverage, no stop, let's go. And some of your
523 01:36:12,569 --> 01:36:24,479 life and not be me right now. Why? Because you need something fixed in your personal life. And you're going to take that problem, bring it to the market. So
524 01:36:24,479 --> 01:36:37,319 that way the market can solve it for you. It doesn't work like that. All it does is takes your problem magnifies it and then presents you with more. Yet more
525 01:36:37,319 --> 01:36:37,859 problems now.
526 01:36:43,560 --> 01:36:56,760 Never thought about trading like this heavy. But that's exactly the reality of it all. And teaching people, here's what gave me this perspective on it. I only
527 01:36:56,760 --> 01:37:07,770 had this limited perspective from me over the last 30 years, and thought in some instances, I thought it was just unique to me. But then when I started training
528 01:37:07,800 --> 01:37:20,070 other people and listening to them and having some of their repeating problems materialize, those things are not unique to me. And the things that you're
529 01:37:20,070 --> 01:37:30,660 experiencing are not unique to you, your human being just like I am. We have emotions, our feelings can get hurt, we can be angry, we can feel insecure, we
530 01:37:30,660 --> 01:37:40,650 can feel like our shit doesn't stink and walk around like we own the world. We're all prone to have those experiences and these emotions. But unfortunately,
531 01:37:40,680 --> 01:37:55,740 nobody's really mastered the whole psychological approach enough to write a useful book. And that's the book that needs to be written. That's the one. And I
532 01:37:55,740 --> 01:38:07,260 basically just gave you a chapter out of the book that I'm writing, just with these topics in mind. Because I think that these, these are the real nuts and
533 01:38:07,260 --> 01:38:15,360 bolts to figuring out why people can't become profitable. It's not that you can't find a profitable entry strategy, because there's millions of them out
534 01:38:15,360 --> 01:38:26,370 there. There's not that you can't find a strategy that doesn't find setups, because there's millions of those out there too. The problem is, is you just
535 01:38:26,370 --> 01:38:35,670 like it was me in the beginning of my own career. And nobody likes to hear that. And no one certainly wants to admit it. And some my students that have failed,
536 01:38:36,270 --> 01:38:47,340 they hate. That's what I say, oh, it's wrong. You're just a terrible teacher. Well, I'm not a perfect teacher. I don't think I'm the best teacher. But I don't
537 01:38:47,340 --> 01:39:02,700 lie to you. I tell you the truth. I tell you how to fix it, in my best opinion, the most heartfelt well intended instructions. That's what I tried to give.
538 01:39:03,240 --> 01:39:14,580 Because it would be horrible for me to pretend that everybody could walk into this and do well and not have any hardships. And I've never painted that picture
539 01:39:14,580 --> 01:39:32,010 for anyone. It's hard as shit. It is so hard. Only because you are a formidable adversary. Now, if you take all that toxic shit out of your personal life, the
540 01:39:32,010 --> 01:39:42,780 way you think about things and people or relationships and how everybody else is supposed to see you. Take all that shit and throw it out. Don't give a shit
541 01:39:42,780 --> 01:40:01,290 about none of that stuff. But I'm not wearing the latest threads who gives a fuck? Who cares? But I'm not driving. Who gives a shit I can't afford to go eat,
542 01:40:01,470 --> 01:40:13,350 who gives a shit. That's all stupid stuff. That ain't put money in your pocket. That's not putting bread in the bank. That's not helping your family that's not
543 01:40:13,770 --> 01:40:26,730 providing legacy wealth. That's a right now bullshit worry. If you take the energy that you place in worrying about stupid shit, and people that don't
544 01:40:26,730 --> 01:40:36,990 matter, and you apply it to yourself, and how you can build yourself up so that way you could be useful to yourself, and your friends and family that are worth
545 01:40:37,050 --> 01:40:45,330 being around. Yes, I said that, because they are family members that you shouldn't have in your, in your small circle. And when I cut those out of my
546 01:40:45,330 --> 01:40:57,360 life to men, happiness, happiness, be gonna tell you something. When you start making lots of money, your fucking family does not like that. They don't like
547 01:40:57,360 --> 01:41:07,650 that. They're gonna look at you and say, You know what? This motherfucker here. You know, I never noticed this bitch has an ego problem. Look at him. He's
548 01:41:07,650 --> 01:41:18,030 buying these cars. Now. I didn't drive my car to their house. I didn't say this is how much I pay for my car. They just found that I bought these cars. This
549 01:41:18,030 --> 01:41:31,080 motherfucker Look at him. Now these are my family. I'm a young guy I'm trying to do what makes me happy as a young man. And I have family members literally get a
550 01:41:31,080 --> 01:41:38,670 case of the ask because I was enjoying what I was able to do. Your friends.
551 01:41:39,990 --> 01:41:47,490 Don't be surprised if they don't like the fact that you're successful. And they're going to be spiteful, because they are too fucking lazy to do the same
552 01:41:47,490 --> 01:41:57,120 things that you're willing to give yourself a chance to work and grind through. Success is not something that falls in your lap. You got to work for it. And
553 01:41:57,120 --> 01:42:06,570 that means that you got to take your attention away from stupid silly shit, and stupid, silly people. And apply it to hard work. And be diligent about it and
554 01:42:06,570 --> 01:42:17,580 show up every day. And when you do that, results will come. And you're going to find out who your real friends and family are. Because the ones that really love
555 01:42:17,580 --> 01:42:26,880 you. They're going to say, You know what? If anybody was going to do it, it was going to be you. And I'm so proud. Look what you've been able to accomplish.
556 01:42:27,000 --> 01:42:37,380 That's amazing. Can you show me what you did? Not look at you, motherfucker. You can you think you're better than me? Hey, you know, if you go all that money,
557 01:42:37,380 --> 01:42:53,880 why don't you give me some? I heard more of the ladder than the first. To be honest with you. I'm gonna tell you something. Not one person. Not one family
558 01:42:53,880 --> 01:43:08,010 member ever. Not one family member ever said. Congratulations. You deserve it. You worked hard for this. It was not given to you. You did all the things to get
559 01:43:08,010 --> 01:43:20,880 to this point. Well done. I'm proud of you. Not one of my family members did that. Not one of them. And I handed out and I bought pool liners and put new
560 01:43:20,880 --> 01:43:30,870 roofs on their fucking house paid for their fucking vacations paid for their fucking kids clothes, and fucking shoes, pay their utility bills, put food in
561 01:43:30,870 --> 01:43:42,870 their fucking house. He never said anything positive. So why would you expect any of your friends and family to do the same for you? If they do wonderful,
562 01:43:42,990 --> 01:43:56,970 they're good humans. But don't go into this expecting everybody else to say you know what? Look at what you've done. You should be proud of yourself. I'm proud
563 01:43:56,970 --> 01:44:06,510 of you. Fuck that. I didn't need that. And people that are successful, they don't fucking need it. They don't need that. You may say something I wanted. And
564 01:44:06,510 --> 01:44:13,680 I would give anything to hear my grandparents telling me that but because I can't do that. The answer your question, the lady that was saying what's my deep
565 01:44:13,740 --> 01:44:27,840 rooted driven passion? I've always done things with the expectation that I could one day hear my grandfather and my grandmother tell me, I'm proud of you. Those
566 01:44:27,840 --> 01:44:39,720 two people were my real mother and father. And I miss them dearly. And I wish they could see who I am today. I wish they could see who
567 01:44:44,940 --> 01:44:57,210 well, I try to be I'm not perfect. I make a lot of mistakes. And I'm not eloquent. In the way I talk. Sometimes I use a little too much blue collar
568 01:44:57,300 --> 01:45:04,860 language and it's not something I sit down and script obviously This is off the cuff. Every time I'm live like this app, there's no script you there's no
569 01:45:04,860 --> 01:45:13,350 stuttering, there's no pausing. And that missing my lines, okay, I'm talking right from the heart. Sometimes it's going to be bitter. Sometimes it'd be funny
570 01:45:13,350 --> 01:45:28,650 and sweet. And sometimes it'll be good medicine. But I wish I could hear them tell me, but I can't. But everything that I do in my life, I do with that,
571 01:45:29,250 --> 01:45:44,670 generally, is the first thing. Now, everything in my life I try to do that would be pleasing to God. And I fail miserably a lot with that. And that's life,
572 01:45:44,670 --> 01:45:57,990 folks. I mean, we're all we're all messing up every day. I ask for forgiveness. And I try to do the best I can to keep pressing on. But if you take toxic things
573 01:45:58,020 --> 01:46:11,430 in your personal life, or hurtful things that other people do, or if they don't give you your accolades and say, hey, look, look how well you did this. Some of
574 01:46:11,430 --> 01:46:21,150 you might take that, like I did as a younger man, because, well, my uncle sat down with me and I was living with him pain room board. And I was building up
575 01:46:21,150 --> 01:46:34,530 money in my account. I was excited. And I said, look, look what I've done here with Stan. He was like, Is this real? I was like, Yeah. And I showed him broker
576 01:46:34,530 --> 01:46:44,580 statement after broker statement at the broker statement. He was like, how much to sit back in a sofa? And I'm waiting, like, I'm waiting, Marco. Stan is gonna
577 01:46:44,580 --> 01:46:55,650 tell me. Good job. No, no, no, no, that's not what this month like I said, No, that's not what he said at all. This is what he says. When we let you move in,
578 01:46:56,160 --> 01:47:09,120 the idea was for you to get on your feet. So you can get out and get your own place. Not sit around and get fucking rich. What? Like, that's the moment where
579 01:47:09,120 --> 01:47:17,820 you hear that record scratch where it's like, nice music's playing. Like, what the fuck just happened here. That was that moment. And honestly, like, I wanted
580 01:47:17,820 --> 01:47:28,350 to frickin cry. I'm like, what? Like, I'm waiting for the moment. You know, I'm waiting my opinion. My grandparents are gone. They're, they're passed away. And
581 01:47:28,350 --> 01:47:36,390 I'm looking to this man. It's like a father figure. And he's gracious enough to let me stay in his home and I'm showing him like, Look, you told me about this
582 01:47:36,390 --> 01:47:45,300 shit. When I was 1516 years old. I didn't want to do anything with it. Now here I am. I'm fucking making money. And you tell me that. That's the fucking shit.
583 01:47:45,300 --> 01:47:55,380 That's the fucking first thing that you reach for out of your fucking mind. That's the thing that you want to tell me. Oh, man, I had such a range of mixed
584 01:47:55,380 --> 01:48:10,440 emotions from rage to like, like, it was everywhere. And I watched him and now older as a man of 50 years old, I can tell you really what he was experiencing
585 01:48:10,440 --> 01:48:26,100 was envy. I saw right into his soul that night. This is the same man in 1983 made money and sugar bottoms off condominium in Goshen city and not that that's
586 01:48:26,100 --> 01:48:34,530 a big deal back then it was. But then he never was able to make money out of that. And he refused to learn from me. If I sat down with him, he would try to
587 01:48:34,530 --> 01:48:41,340 do the opposite. Whatever the hell I was that night. Monday, I said to myself, because if I tell you I'm buying soybeans tomorrow, why the fuck are you trying
588 01:48:41,340 --> 01:48:49,350 to short it? But I'm trying to do everything on my own. That's not on your own. You're trying to be contrarian. And I had students in my first year 2016 group
589 01:48:49,620 --> 01:48:57,480 that literally came in doing that shit, and then complained to me six months, eight months, a year later, I saw whatever was going on, it doesn't work. What
590 01:48:57,480 --> 01:49:07,230 are you doing? Well, I'm doing this and doing this. I said, Okay, well, that's everything opposite to what I'm doing. What are you thinking? Like, that's
591 01:49:07,260 --> 01:49:18,330 insanity. You're trying to get a different result, doing the same shit over and over again? Well, my uncle that night, says to me, you're not supposed to be
592 01:49:18,330 --> 01:49:29,640 getting rich here. And I'm just like, Uncle Stan. I wasn't expecting you to say that to me. Here. What the hell do you expect me to say? Like, what did you
593 01:49:29,640 --> 01:49:30,900 think I was going to say? I was like,
594 01:49:32,310 --> 01:49:42,300 good job. Like, like, Wow, can you show me how you did it? But like, that's what I'm here to do. Like I'm sitting down showing you like, you're, you're fucking
595 01:49:42,300 --> 01:49:50,700 around trying to be a stockbroker. And you're not making any fucking money. JW again, that's the bullshit he was doing. They were trying to push this fucking
596 01:49:50,700 --> 01:50:00,120 stupid istok it was a boiler room bullshit. Okay, I mean, Owens mills. He's fucking trying to do something. He's not a salesman. And I love him. But I'm Be
597 01:50:00,120 --> 01:50:09,240 honest because I'm like I said, I don't I don't sugarcoat shit. He literally was the worst fucking salesman in the world because he can't sell anything. He
598 01:50:09,240 --> 01:50:18,750 doesn't believe in anything. You got to believe in it. But you have to believe it. If you can't believe it, if it's not real to you, how the hell you gonna
599 01:50:18,750 --> 01:50:30,660 sell to anybody else? My life, my creations, these concepts. I'm not tired. I gotta check my battery and see if I still got from talking life here because I'm
600 01:50:30,660 --> 01:50:38,280 ready to still talk. Because I'm passionate, because this is my whole life. I know this shit works. And other people around the world now know it works. They
601 01:50:38,280 --> 01:50:55,770 believe in under bullshit. But my uncle, my fucking uncle says to me You ain't supposed to be doing what you're doing basically? How dare you? How dare you do
602 01:50:55,770 --> 01:51:05,070 this in my house. Like I was fucking growing fucking weed. And, you know, processing cocaine in this fucking house. Like, that's how I felt like I was
603 01:51:05,070 --> 01:51:15,240 doing something illegal, you know. So I said to myself, you know, this is not what I wanted to talk to you about like this, like I wanted to show you what I
604 01:51:15,240 --> 01:51:26,610 was doing. So that way you can do it too. And the only thing he was interested in is when I was moving out joking around and got myself an apartment moved out
605 01:51:26,610 --> 01:51:37,740 over to Kara Island, which was a scary feeling for me because I've never lived on my own prior to that. And it just the isolation initially was too much. And I
606 01:51:37,740 --> 01:51:50,370 started losing money. Because I didn't like the feeling of being by myself. Like I felt anxiety, anxious and anxiety would kick in. And there was no reason for
607 01:51:50,370 --> 01:52:04,560 me to be afraid of anything. Just, I was thrust into living like an adult. When I was basically a student, and a hospice nurse for my grandmother, like that,
608 01:52:04,560 --> 01:52:18,930 that was my whole life. So it was a weird adjustment. And I took that feeling of fearing being alone and being isolated, because I had always been around my
609 01:52:18,930 --> 01:52:27,360 family. But I would always isolate myself like they would all be in another room. And I wouldn't be in a different room. Because I wasn't in sports. I
610 01:52:27,360 --> 01:52:32,970 wasn't in all the bullshit. I didn't like them smoking, I would try to hide from the cigarette smoke. I'd be on the floor sitting down with my shirt over my
611 01:52:32,970 --> 01:52:45,750 nose, trying to keep myself from breathing. Secondhand smoke. That's what it was like growing up, child like ICT but we didn't come from money. I didn't come
612 01:52:45,750 --> 01:52:59,850 from anything silver spoon on that shit. And my uncle, same way. And he basically manifested and the jealousy and fucking rage. And it was so
613 01:53:00,420 --> 01:53:08,010 overwhelming for him. I don't think he understood the gravity of how he presented it to me. Like in his in his mind, he probably was thinking to
614 01:53:08,010 --> 01:53:18,990 himself, now it came out of his mouth. And he sat back and like he was just like, like he lost everything he owned at the casino table on one roulette spin.
615 01:53:19,980 --> 01:53:30,180 That's that was what it looked like. That's what it sounded like when he sighed and all the oxygen left his body in his chest heaved up and then emptied himself
616 01:53:31,200 --> 01:53:40,530 by mercy and looking to the right. Like this motherfuckers in my house doing this, and I can't do it. I wasn't successful. That's how I know what it was now.
617 01:53:41,160 --> 01:53:49,320 Because we talked later on. Years later he told me he was when you told me that and showed me those burgers statements. I was jealous. Like why couldn't I do
618 01:53:49,320 --> 01:54:08,790 that? I did that younger I introduced you to it. Why? Here at aliens must be meaning I'm in Dundalk again. I had to take the knife and twist it once more
619 01:54:09,780 --> 01:54:19,200 number loving number love. But here he is. He's He's shitting on my parade here. Okay. And I'm, I'm feeling generous. Like I'm going to try to teach him how to
620 01:54:19,200 --> 01:54:30,960 do this stuff. No, no, no, he has any parts of that. He wants to tell me that this is absolutely the worst thing I could have ever done. And that weighed on
621 01:54:30,960 --> 01:54:34,020 me. Psychologically when I moved out three weeks later
622 01:54:36,600 --> 01:54:50,460 in my apartment by myself waiting for the rest of my furniture. I only had one couch. Now what knew the couch was a loveseat I'm thinking to myself, man. Like
623 01:54:50,460 --> 01:55:00,660 I felt like I was kicked out of my parents house because they caught me doing something illegal in their home and they disowned me and because I felt that
624 01:55:00,660 --> 01:55:11,730 way. I went into the marketplace and started doing what everything I've talked about tonight. I wanted that feeling of isolation, loneliness, anxiety to go
625 01:55:11,730 --> 01:55:20,460 away and be replaced with what? That spirit of invincibility like, Fuck you, motherfucker, who the fuck do I need, I don't need you. That's what I wanted.
626 01:55:21,090 --> 01:55:29,850 But because I was doing it with the inspiration of trying to escape a bad feeling, not taking a sound logical trade. That's not what I was doing. That
627 01:55:29,850 --> 01:55:40,140 wasn't even in the equation. It was, I'm just gonna go in here and push this button, do 10 contracts of checkerboard traded wheat, and we'll see what
628 01:55:40,140 --> 01:55:50,880 happens. Well, we saw what happened. We lost a lot of money. Okay, so we lost. And I felt worse. And they would do more the same things I talked about and
629 01:55:50,880 --> 01:56:01,050 described tonight. I needed that feeling to go away. So I would trade bigger. And this time, no stop loss. Because I need to be right in I'm not going to have
630 01:56:01,110 --> 01:56:10,440 anything tell me I'm not right. Because I'm so confident I'm right, I'm not even gonna use a stop loss. Because therefore, if I was even thinking, less than
631 01:56:10,440 --> 01:56:22,950 100%, that I'm gonna be correct, then I would need to stop. But because I know, I'm going to beat the share this market, I'm not gonna use stop loss. Because
632 01:56:23,160 --> 01:56:32,310 then I know, I'm a barbarian, I went out there and I conquered. And then I can basically dismiss this negative feeling I'm putting myself through. Instead of
633 01:56:32,310 --> 01:56:43,470 just saying, You know what? My head's not right. Close the charts. Let me go get out of the house and do something other than this. That's how you fix it. But I
634 01:56:43,470 --> 01:56:50,850 didn't do that I stayed in isolation. I didn't let anybody come over and visit, I didn't want anybody to come over and visit because I was afraid they would
635 01:56:50,850 --> 01:57:05,910 read me and see what I've done to my account. Sound familiar? Yeah. These are those things that real mentors, real traders that live this shit, they're never
636 01:57:05,910 --> 01:57:13,680 going to talk about it. Because they're gonna be afraid you're gonna look down on them. They're gonna lose their superhero and superhuman superhero
637 01:57:14,010 --> 01:57:25,770 characteristics that you think that they deserve. They don't, I don't deserve it. I'm a human being. I'm not AI. I have done some stupid shit. Coming up as a
638 01:57:25,770 --> 01:57:36,600 trader. And you're doing the same silly shit. Everybody does it. Unfortunately, most people don't learn to stop it, and replace it with the correct things.
639 01:57:38,070 --> 01:57:46,830 Sometimes they don't even realize what they're doing is the root cause? Because they are learning from people that are not genuine. They've never found success.
640 01:57:47,100 --> 01:57:58,470 So how can you be successful? If you're learning from somebody that's not successful? It's you can't, it cannot be trained how to succeed in something. If
641 01:57:58,470 --> 01:58:10,320 the person you're learning from doesn't understand or have the ability to be proficient in identifying what success is, how's it obtainable? What do you have
642 01:58:10,320 --> 01:58:24,900 to do? And what do you have to make sure you don't do refrain from this, do this. You have to have somebody that knows what they're doing. And I would love
643 01:58:25,590 --> 01:58:34,620 to sit down and listen to anybody in any field that has put themselves through the level of pain and suffering that I've done myself in trading, because that's
644 01:58:34,620 --> 01:58:43,320 somebody that knows what's going on. They know all the angles of how you're going to wreck yourself. They know how to deal with it, they know it's normal.
645 01:58:44,610 --> 01:58:54,390 And they know there's a way through it. So if you felt any of those things, and maybe you've wrecked yourself in recent weeks, or maybe even last week, blow
646 01:58:54,390 --> 01:59:06,030 your account last year found that account, whatever. Last week would have been a good week for a lot of volatility, a lot of big news. That's what to design do
647 01:59:06,750 --> 01:59:20,340 blow your account. They know you're gonna get crazy and chase these big price swings. And they hand it to you. Your ass, that's what they're handed. But you
648 01:59:20,340 --> 01:59:32,520 can't do these things and expect to be long term and successful. You won't be around long enough. And hopefully, you know when I have these discussions with
649 01:59:32,520 --> 01:59:36,660 you and I try to talk about things that I've endured and how I've overcome it.
650 01:59:38,490 --> 01:59:47,460 Maybe they're useful to you. Hopefully they're useful to you. Hopefully they've at the very least been entertaining to you. Because I can tell you looking back
651 01:59:47,460 --> 01:59:57,210 now is uncomfortable it is to know what it felt like going through it. Sometimes it is a little funny to think about what I put myself through. I made those
652 01:59:57,210 --> 02:00:07,170 choices. No one forced them on Me, I did to myself. But I could tell you at the time, if you would have had me explain, like, held me by my lapels and say, Hey,
653 02:00:08,910 --> 02:00:18,990 who's doing this to you, I could give you a laundry list of things and outward stimuli that would have been blamed for it. But it was me. I did it every single
654 02:00:18,990 --> 02:00:28,290 time to myself, it was a matter of me trying to feel better about something that I was feeling. You know, whether it be, you know, a failed relationship.
655 02:00:30,120 --> 02:00:40,500 Loneliness, insignificance was a big one, it's always that insignificant has been a real big one of my life because of family members I've lost before I
656 02:00:40,500 --> 02:00:47,850 could become an adult like I was, they knew I was going to school, they knew I was going to be a computer science major, they knew I had aspirations to be
657 02:00:47,850 --> 02:00:55,860 computer science major, specializing in information systems, and I wanted to be a systems analyst. That was my intended goal. That was what I want to do. from
658 02:00:55,860 --> 02:01:09,900 sixth grade, I knew exactly what I wanted to do. And neither of them live long enough to watch me achieve it. And I never got the job. Just by having a good
659 02:01:09,900 --> 02:01:21,090 grade point average and the ability to do it. I guess, you know, Lord said, No, this is what I was supposed to be doing. And I'm thankful. And I thought about
660 02:01:21,090 --> 02:01:32,910 this today. You know, what the hell would I be doing? Like, what would I be doing? I'm 50 years old. Like, I know, I wouldn't be going to work like getting
661 02:01:32,910 --> 02:01:44,130 in a car driving in through rush hour to fuck that. In no way I'd be doing that. No way. No way. I'd have a business on my own. I like to believe like, as
662 02:01:44,130 --> 02:01:51,540 tweeted earlier, it would be a martial art school. And I probably wouldn't be making much money. But you know what, man, I'd be happy to pick and ship.
663 02:01:52,320 --> 02:02:00,930 Because it's something I'm passionate about. I love it. And that's what you want to do. You want to turn this into passion. You want to love what you're doing
664 02:02:00,960 --> 02:02:09,510 not, I hate this shit. It makes me feel insignificant. And I can't be successful on it. And I keep putting myself through the wringer. And I'm doing all these
665 02:02:09,510 --> 02:02:19,620 terrible things to myself. And I feel like a miserable failure. Welcome to the club. That's how everybody starts. That's how everybody comes into this
666 02:02:19,620 --> 02:02:29,730 industry. Nobody comes in, hits the ground running in, they're perfect. But social media people and influencers give you the impression that that's likely
667 02:02:29,790 --> 02:02:40,710 to happen to you, like, you're going to be the exception to the rule. I'm telling you, you're not even with my best shit, you're not. So just relax. It's
668 02:02:40,710 --> 02:02:49,320 a process. It's a journey, just enjoy it. And learn from all these learning experiences. And because it's going to build character in you, you're going to
669 02:02:49,320 --> 02:02:57,840 be appreciative once you obtain consistently profitable, and then you're wealthy. You're going to look back at all these things that you're making a big
670 02:02:57,840 --> 02:03:07,350 deal of right now. And they're going to seem so insignificant, minuscule and laughable that you made such a big deal, sudden, something so insignificant, so
671 02:03:07,350 --> 02:03:16,320 meaningless, that you're putting such a huge emphasis on right now that this is the thing that's holding you back right now, these little things, these little
672 02:03:16,320 --> 02:03:27,660 foxes that are spoiling the vine, this little problem that you've magnified into a mountain. It's insignificant, but you just don't have the perspective of it
673 02:03:27,660 --> 02:03:35,640 right now. Because you're in it. You're in the trenches, knee deep and shit. You're in debt. You hate your job, you hate your life where you're at right now,
674 02:03:35,640 --> 02:03:48,240 because you need to change right now. But that can't be changed overnight. You can start the process overnight. You can start it right now. But the changes
675 02:03:48,600 --> 02:04:02,490 will not be dramatic overnight. It's small little incremental moves forward. And you cannot inlet You can't let or allow anyone outside what this industry has as
676 02:04:02,490 --> 02:04:13,740 far as participants, like as a trader, I know you. I know what you're feeling because everybody's going through, I've gone through it. But anybody outside of
677 02:04:13,740 --> 02:04:20,730 this industry, you try to explain to them how you feel what you're doing this for why you're putting up with all the pain and suffering. You're not profitable
678 02:04:20,730 --> 02:04:29,640 yet, but you're not putting it down. This doesn't make sense to them. So why the fuck are you even inviting them in the conversations keep that shit out of them
679 02:04:29,640 --> 02:04:37,170 that they're not important to this topic. Leave them out. What kind of advice they're gonna give you
680 02:04:38,520 --> 02:04:48,840 the wrong one. They're gonna tell you stop doing it. It's a pipe dream. That's what every single one of my family members told me. Every single one of them and
681 02:04:48,840 --> 02:04:57,810 they all worked until retirement or they're working right now. As benefactors on one of them still working. All of them are on retirement, and they're all
682 02:04:57,810 --> 02:05:13,170 fucking broke. One of them. There was more money on their home than it cost when it was first built in the late 80s 80,000 Our house and they owe over $200,000
683 02:05:13,170 --> 02:05:21,240 in refinancings over and over and over again. Every time there was equity in the marketplace, let's pull it out. Do a home equity line of credit, and this spend
684 02:05:21,240 --> 02:05:21,570 money
685 02:05:27,390 --> 02:05:41,580 does that make any fucking sense? No. And they have nothing but debt. They don't even own home. I have had multiple homes. And my homes are paid for cash. I
686 02:05:41,580 --> 02:05:50,070 don't have mortgages. I'm not bragging. But why the fuck are you gonna let people that are not successful tell you how to live your life and give you
687 02:05:50,070 --> 02:06:02,340 advice? Or if they tell you something, why are you allowing that to drain you? Or make you doubt what you're doing this for? If they're not better than you are
688 02:06:02,340 --> 02:06:10,350 in success, have more than you earn more than you and able to do what you're doing right now. I'm better than you. They're fucking opinion doesn't matter.
689 02:06:12,150 --> 02:06:20,670 Love them from a distance? That's what I did. I didn't disown them. I just simply did not invite them into the conversation of my personal life, how I
690 02:06:20,670 --> 02:06:28,770 should live it. And what I should do with my personal wealth, period. You didn't help me you didn't encourage me to make this fucking money? You sure as fuck are
691 02:06:28,770 --> 02:06:42,840 not entitled to tell me how to spend. Now, out of context, that would sound like, damn, this guy's arrogant. No. I'm being real. If you were in my
692 02:06:42,840 --> 02:06:57,510 situation, that's how you would think about it to whose business is being ran here? Mine. Nobody runs my business. You didn't build it. You didn't take the
693 02:06:57,510 --> 02:07:07,410 risks to grow it. You weren't there to console me. When I was low on my accounts. You weren't there to encourage me to say, Hey, keep going. None of
694 02:07:07,410 --> 02:07:16,860 that was seen by my family members. None of my friends did that either. And you're going to experience the same fucking thing. And guess what? Relish in it?
695 02:07:17,310 --> 02:07:27,000 Because when you get it, and you arrive here, you got there on your own. None of your fucking friends and in your fucking family members can say we did this for
696 02:07:27,000 --> 02:07:40,020 you. We helped you. No, you didn't. You did not do any of that shit. I had to persevere. Just like you are. And let me tell you something. You can call this
697 02:07:40,020 --> 02:07:50,190 arrogance. You can call this ego you can call it pride, whatever fuck you want to call it. Okay. I call it conquering demons. Because I had every night
698 02:07:50,610 --> 02:07:59,430 whispers and doubts coming in my head all the time? What if I really can't do this? What if I can't? What if I fail? What if I have to work the rest of my
699 02:07:59,430 --> 02:08:10,560 fucking life, I had to go to bed thinking about that shit. You know, I go to bed thinking about now. Man, I didn't have to do this today. Man, I didn't have to
700 02:08:10,560 --> 02:08:23,610 do that today. I look around, I see everybody else flipping out and drive around losing their fucking mind. Traffic. I don't have to go through that. I don't
701 02:08:23,610 --> 02:08:38,280 have to go through that. I'm 50 years old. I don't have those cares in the world. And I want all of you to have that. I want you to have that. That's not
702 02:08:38,280 --> 02:08:55,140 privilege. We play something. I had to work my fucking ass off. For this. I had to work. I had to work to make this work for me. It's normal. That part is
703 02:08:55,140 --> 02:09:08,670 normal. But I'm so thankful that the Lord was gracious enough to give me the strength to go through it. And the open my understanding to see it to take the
704 02:09:08,790 --> 02:09:23,160 information I saw that was beyond what everybody else is aware of, and then make a language with it. And now you're privy to it. And it took a lot of effort. And
705 02:09:23,160 --> 02:09:35,460 none of it was easy. None of it. When I felt like I was on the right track, I would still second guess it and doubt it. Man, let me let me check something
706 02:09:35,460 --> 02:09:54,840 else out. And I would prolong it being too analytical, which was the reason why my uncle was a failure to analytical. So you can be binary yes or no on or off.
707 02:09:56,460 --> 02:10:05,790 But at some point, you got to accept the fact that you're gonna be trading in the gray so Sometimes and that means, you know, it doesn't look exactly like
708 02:10:05,790 --> 02:10:17,400 that last trade, I had the fair value gap in, it looks real close to one I did one time. But it doesn't look like the all the other ones I've taken in the last
709 02:10:18,000 --> 02:10:25,620 60 days. You got to be comfortable in that gray area, where it's just, it's familiar.
710 02:10:27,660 --> 02:10:38,340 Otherwise, if you demand it always looks like this. How do you know when the time to buy a fair value gap? And how do you know what's going to stay open?
711 02:10:38,520 --> 02:10:45,510 These are all questions that my private group were asking about. And they were asking questions like that in a month. So I know you guys are listening to
712 02:10:46,140 --> 02:10:56,460 you're asking questions in month one, content that has nothing to do with month one content. So that's why I'm deleting your questions. You have to wait until
713 02:10:56,460 --> 02:11:04,650 we get to these other months where we talk about those types of things. Because I want to topic to be on the very topic I'm trying to answer questions about not
714 02:11:04,830 --> 02:11:11,850 well, it's me jumped to the front line asking my questions. I'm not going to do that. But I know you're probably like, What the hell are you talking about, but
715 02:11:11,850 --> 02:11:22,350 my private group knows what I'm talking about. But I know what it's like for some of you, you want that perfect all the time silver bullet, it always looks
716 02:11:22,350 --> 02:11:31,770 exactly the same way. And you're not going to have that here. Not in trading, those charts are going to look very similar in a lot of ways, but they're never
717 02:11:31,770 --> 02:11:42,900 going to be identical. That's a fractal. It looks very, very similar to something else and a higher timeframe and a lower timeframe. But they're never
718 02:11:42,900 --> 02:11:56,370 going to be perfectly identical. But you'll recognize it. There'll be like a doppelganger. Good and look better. The point is this, you are going to make a
719 02:11:56,370 --> 02:12:06,540 lot of mistakes, and you're going to want to quit, you're going to want to fail. And I quit. If I'm going to use the terms I was using at the time when I was
720 02:12:06,540 --> 02:12:17,700 younger man, I quit dozens of times. But in reality what that was was a break. I needed to stop, go back to the real world of okay, I'm working I'm getting
721 02:12:17,700 --> 02:12:26,880 paychecks I can't stand I'm doing too much work too little time to myself. I'm not satisfied with this Fuck this. I'm gonna go back and re up my account and
722 02:12:26,940 --> 02:12:37,020 I'm gonna go back in again. So I didn't quit even though I told myself I was quitting dozens of times as young man I took breaks. So when I see your
723 02:12:37,020 --> 02:12:45,870 frustrations I saw two of them today and one of them yesterday blew my account I'm thinking I'm gonna quit No, you're not tell you right now you're not you
724 02:12:45,870 --> 02:12:53,670 might stop for a little while but you're not quitting you're gonna find your way into some other account later one and you're probably not going to be prepared
725 02:12:53,880 --> 02:13:05,550 because you're gonna go in with a lottery mentality gambling trying to do something that is probably never going to happen for you. Instead of just simply
726 02:13:05,550 --> 02:13:13,590 sitting down with soft sand okay, you know what, this is confirmed what I should have already realized and should have embraced it this is going to be hard, but
727 02:13:13,590 --> 02:13:27,480 it's worth it and then do everything that I've taught you and just stick to it show up every day glean the experiences and build on it and over time how much
728 02:13:27,480 --> 02:13:35,610 time it's going to be different from all of you all of you are going to have a different amount of time it takes to get it that aha moment that epiphany that
729 02:13:36,930 --> 02:13:48,120 Oh, there I see that I No no no no I'm looking for once you have that that's your model. That's the thing you try to work within and you don't ever try to
730 02:13:48,120 --> 02:13:58,050 tinker with it. Don't try to build it up don't try to add more ICT shit to it. That's the only thing you need. That's it. If you do that and apply sound money
731 02:13:58,050 --> 02:14:09,390 management to it, you will be consistent and then consistency develops into what profitability and profitability turns into what long term consistency well if
732 02:14:09,390 --> 02:14:20,910 you can be long term consistent and profitable what does that generate wealth II replace your job II replace all the cares of this world and fear about
733 02:14:21,510 --> 02:14:33,870 inflation. Listen, I went out and bought let me see and County's cars here. Truck keep I want to Corvettes
734 02:14:37,080 --> 02:14:45,540 Okay, out of the five vehicles. I have it at this home here. They're all eight cylinders. Four of them. Does that sound like somebody that's worried about the
735 02:14:45,540 --> 02:14:53,760 fucking price of gas? No. I don't give a fuck if it's $20 a gallon. As long as there's gas in them fucking pumps. I'm pumping my cars up. I wonder if I can
736 02:14:53,760 --> 02:15:00,570 drive around and don't give a shit. It'd probably be a better drive because nobody be riding on the button grew with me. Okay, I don't care about that
737 02:15:00,570 --> 02:15:08,400 stuff. I don't give a fuck about how high turkeys are going to cross it Thanksgiving because I got three of them already. I got one for Christmas. I got
738 02:15:08,400 --> 02:15:19,500 one for Thanksgiving and I got one for New Year's. So I plan ahead. I'm a prepper okay, I do those things, because I, I will not worry about the cost of
739 02:15:19,500 --> 02:15:28,410 things. Inflation is not I've never worried about inflation. I don't give a fuck about inflation. Okay, because I know I have a skill set that I will outpace any
740 02:15:28,410 --> 02:15:37,260 fucking inflation it could be hyperinflation. I don't give a fuck. As long as it's in the store. I'll have enough money to buy. I'm not worried about as long
741 02:15:37,260 --> 02:15:44,820 as there's gas in these fucking pumps at these gas stations. I'm pumping my fucking eight cylinder trucks these biggest gas guzzlers that some of my guys
742 02:15:44,850 --> 02:15:51,810 complained about. Oh, that's all we need another gas guzzler on the road. And listen, you drive your fucking Ford Pinto. If you want to fucking drive around
743 02:15:51,810 --> 02:15:59,280 Arby's electric cars, it costs more money to replace the entire battery in the car costs. Once it goes up, and you can't fucking bury it anywhere and fucks up
744 02:15:59,280 --> 02:16:07,320 everything. It's not this Green Deal. Bullshit. It's the biggest illusion horseshit that's ever been created. See, I've got five different topics, I can
745 02:16:07,320 --> 02:16:19,560 go down and just ramble on for four more hours, and bore to show you, but there's no this, you're learning a skill set that will allow you to either be
746 02:16:20,940 --> 02:16:32,340 Well, like I am right now, which I'm not proud of, but I don't give a fuck about inflation. I don't give a fuck about none of it. I don't care. I can fish. If
747 02:16:32,340 --> 02:16:42,810 they run out of food, the grocery stores I can eat. I can still find my fucking food. I ain't worried about it. Most people can't do that. They're all eaten
748 02:16:42,810 --> 02:16:51,990 fast food shit. You know, McDonald's, toxic bullshit poisoned stuff. There's gonna be a day where you can't do that. What if it doesn't work? You don't have
749 02:16:52,080 --> 02:17:02,160 access to that stuff? Are you going to worry about it? Right now you probably are. But if you work towards developing this skill set, this is answering the
750 02:17:02,160 --> 02:17:14,520 questions saw before I did this stream? Do we have time to learn this before the whole world goes upside down and collapses? Okay, I'll kill two birds with one
751 02:17:14,520 --> 02:17:21,360 stone here. Number one to answer your question, do I think that the algorithm is ever going to stop working? I've said this many, many times. But here's how you
752 02:17:21,360 --> 02:17:32,910 know it's going to stop working. When the entire global economies collapse. When they're all officially collapsed, the algorithm will stop working until they
753 02:17:32,910 --> 02:17:48,660 reopen the markets, then it'll be back in business again. Okay, there's your answer. Do I have a plan? Should the dollar collapse? No. That's why I prepped
754 02:17:49,980 --> 02:18:01,980 by a food. I have things I own physical assets. And whatever currency they go into. If I need money, I'll sell it using the currencies they create. So there
755 02:18:01,980 --> 02:18:07,590 you go. That's why I've done it. A lot of people are saying oh, I'm going to sell my property right now because the prices are high. Fuck that. I'm buying
756 02:18:07,590 --> 02:18:17,400 properties. Because I'm gonna have something I don't give a fuck if the housing market collapses. If you have money in the bank that's not protected. That can
757 02:18:17,400 --> 02:18:27,780 be devalued. I'd rather have a house lose 50% of its value then have a currency that means nothing. I'm staying in the game. The only way I know how that's
758 02:18:27,780 --> 02:18:35,130 that's the best I can do. I don't have any other silver bullet. I don't have another way of doing it. There's no other solution that I know of. I'm telling
759 02:18:35,130 --> 02:18:44,970 you. That's That's it. And if it all goes to shit, then whatever I got fishing lines and poles and I had to cook worried about it. I don't I'm not living my
760 02:18:44,970 --> 02:18:55,950 life in total fear. I'm concerned for people that aren't prepared. And I have family members or friends that are like that. But I know my limitations if all
761 02:18:55,950 --> 02:19:07,980 of our money is made useless and worthless. Yeah. Why worry about we're all on the same fucking boat then. There's no status on that. Richard, isn't you you're
762 02:19:07,980 --> 02:19:14,670 not poor to me. Everybody's saying. Erica, there's equality. We're all on the same financial plane.
763 02:19:16,380 --> 02:19:28,230 Okay, started another system and I'll fucking get rich again. I'm not worried. I know how these systems will run. Because it's going to be done on fear and
764 02:19:28,230 --> 02:19:39,810 greed. And fear and greed are the pillars of every financial market period and a story that's the way it works. And they want to sugarcoat it and books and write
765 02:19:39,810 --> 02:19:49,500 fucking textbooks for college courses talking about economics and supplying to me in fact, fuck all that it's all bullshit. That's all bullshit misinformation.
766 02:19:49,800 --> 02:19:58,530 They make you spend these high dollar tuitions so therefore you have to believe it was? No it's got to be a truth. Look at all that money paid for that piece of
767 02:19:58,530 --> 02:20:09,480 shit degree You pay all that money, like I did, who's gonna sit around and say, you know, I wasted my money. Most people aren't gonna want to do that, I got no
768 02:20:09,480 --> 02:20:20,430 problem telling you always want more for your money. None of that shit. None of that shit. Put any bread in my pocket. It took it out of my pocket.
769 02:20:25,470 --> 02:20:36,240 But they're going to tell you. This is what the reality is Harvard, Yale, Ivy League, fucking administrations and an education
770 02:20:41,430 --> 02:20:54,840 anti bullshit. It's all lies. It's told to us that way you swallow it. Hook, line and sinker. And that's why a majority the billionaires around the world,
771 02:20:55,290 --> 02:21:00,360 majority of them are college dropouts, because they were not indoctrinated in asked backwards theology.
772 02:21:05,730 --> 02:21:15,720 The way this world works, is diametrically opposed to what the textbooks say. That's why I tell you, if you're gonna buy a book, and you want to know what
773 02:21:15,720 --> 02:21:26,010 retails thinking, you have to you have to know what retails thinking. And one of the best ways to do that is to buy that John Murphy book. Technically out of the
774 02:21:26,010 --> 02:21:35,040 financial markets, it may have changed its title, but that was the title I had when I bought it. That's the Bible for retail logic and thinking. And if you do
775 02:21:35,040 --> 02:21:49,200 everything I teach you, it's diametrically opposed to the shit that's in that book. 90% accuracy. It's a challenge. So as much as I would love to sit here and
776 02:21:49,200 --> 02:21:58,800 talk and talk and talk, and talk and talk, I just realized I made a promise to my son that I would play video games with him. And I'm going to be 20 minutes
777 02:21:58,800 --> 02:22:10,320 late, because I don't get off here now. I'm going to drive back and he'll be upset with me. So that's where we're going to close it. So if you found
778 02:22:10,320 --> 02:22:24,930 tonight's jawboning session, rant, ramble, if you will, entertaining or helpful or inspiring, or therapeutic in any way, I'd appreciate a shout out to me.
779 02:22:25,950 --> 02:22:36,150 Tweet, let me know what you got from it. It was a waste of time, let me know that too. That's okay. I'll be sure to block you. I'm just kidding. As long as
780 02:22:36,180 --> 02:22:47,040 as long as you're being honest, that's what I want. I'll use it as constructive criticism. So I am trying to see what is in front of me.
781 02:22:55,920 --> 02:23:11,940 The next time I do us, I guess at Twitter space, I don't know. And I don't know how we will talk with one another over the holiday breaks, the time I give you
782 02:23:11,940 --> 02:23:22,590 the week prior to Thanksgiving. And then the first Tuesday of February of 2023. I don't, I don't have a schedule there. Now this pop in whenever I want to pop
783 02:23:22,590 --> 02:23:29,190 in. Don't expect me to use or anything like that. But I wanted to leave you with this. This is what I wanted to ask you. And I knew probably some of you are
784 02:23:29,190 --> 02:23:37,680 losing your mind right now. And you said you was going to talk about something bla bla bla, and you never went back to it. This is my question to you. And you
785 02:23:37,680 --> 02:23:47,460 give me the feedback. In 2023, when I come back, I gotta be real careful, because I have a lot of people that are learning how to run their own signal
786 02:23:47,460 --> 02:23:57,810 service. See, I told you, I knew where I was going. Guys don't trust me. And I don't want to do signals, obviously. And I'm not going to push a button in front
787 02:23:57,810 --> 02:24:07,230 of you live because that's the same as doing a signal service. I have people that have trained under me that are running and or about to start running a
788 02:24:07,230 --> 02:24:15,930 signal service for people that don't want to do this or can't do it. And I think that's okay, that's good. It's a business, that's easy. If you're consistent,
789 02:24:15,930 --> 02:24:24,690 you can do very well with that very quickly. Make lots and lots of money. As long as you're honest with your patrons and you're, you're delivering what
790 02:24:24,690 --> 02:24:36,330 you're promising them. I think it's a win win. But I have to be careful with this because I don't want to undermine or undercut them because if I go on
791 02:24:36,450 --> 02:24:47,460 YouTube, and this is an idea I'm tossing around, I'm considering price action Chronicles so the inner circle trader that would be a New York session, live
792 02:24:47,460 --> 02:25:04,290 stream for I guess Monday and Tuesday and maybe one other day like Thursday, not Friday and not a Wednesday but Monday and Tuesday. And I would basically sit
793 02:25:04,290 --> 02:25:14,580 down and chit chat with you and point to things on the chart that would, in my opinion, inspire your thought processes about what's going on in the
794 02:25:14,580 --> 02:25:24,150 marketplace. And I don't have to say, by yourself, I'm just going to say, you know, what do you think about this right here, I'm not going to do the plan B,
795 02:25:24,180 --> 02:25:32,340 plan a plan B, you're going to know that it's one side, but I'm not telling you where to buy. I'm not telling you where to sell. I'm not telling you where a
796 02:25:32,340 --> 02:25:43,680 stop loss would be. But I want you to have an experience where watching someone be able to navigate the marketplace, and not have to do a whole lot of jumping
797 02:25:43,680 --> 02:25:54,900 around and like I want to be able to talk because I can do that and still point to where the market is likely to draw to next. And then it allows you to see
798 02:25:54,900 --> 02:26:03,150 what's going on. Now, if you are distracted by me talking, then you just turn the sound off. And it's okay. He said, watch where it's likely to reach to hear,
799 02:26:03,390 --> 02:26:11,820 then turn the sound off. And then you study price action, and you listen to your own internal dialogue. Or if you're not distracted by that, and you just want to
800 02:26:11,820 --> 02:26:22,740 listen to me drone on about this bullshit I'm going to be talking about while prices moving around, then great, then have at it. But the point of it would be
801 02:26:22,740 --> 02:26:35,040 this to let you see how price moves from the low and the high and how it reaches for liquidity, the main liquidity for that session. I'm not saying there isn't
802 02:26:35,040 --> 02:26:42,360 other setups, because obviously I can get in here and do 32nd 15 Second trades both directions up, down, up, down, down. And that's not the point of this. The
803 02:26:42,360 --> 02:26:54,360 point is is for you to look for one good set up in that morning session, without map without me hurting the individuals that are going to market themselves as a
804 02:26:54,360 --> 02:27:03,900 signal service. And those of you in my mentorship. Be honest, do it publicly. Don't go into the forum and pitch me out. Do it here publicly and say, I don't
805 02:27:03,900 --> 02:27:12,750 think this is good for us. You say Be honest, because not that I'm going to say no I'm not going to do this I will just do something to make sure that you're
806 02:27:12,750 --> 02:27:22,260 comfortable with me doing this and not feel like I'm undercutting you. I know what you're thinking like you know, why would they want to subscribe to me if
807 02:27:22,260 --> 02:27:30,090 you're on air calling the market doing this and doing that no signal service is going to be profitable if I start doing that. And that's just the way it is.
808 02:27:30,090 --> 02:27:40,080 I'll be I'll be the most watched live session there is because I can have Forex in front of me and stock index. I can do all of it. I can put a quad on my on my
809 02:27:40,080 --> 02:27:51,030 chart. And I can have gold. You want to see some I trade gold. I'll shut that fucking show down. Immediately. Keep pushing. I will make you irrelevant.
810 02:27:51,030 --> 02:27:52,920 Motherfuckers gold.
811 02:27:53,610 --> 02:28:04,530 I'll put fucking bonds up there. And I'll do ES and I'll do a forex pair. And we'll do that every fucking live session. Okay? You want to keep fucking around
812 02:28:04,530 --> 02:28:13,080 with me. I will make your asses ie irrelevant. I'll erase you. Nobody will show up to your live streams. Nobody will do shit with you. Okay, you want to see
813 02:28:13,080 --> 02:28:23,940 who's quick on the draw of a fucker. Bring your shit. I will shut your shit down. So if you want to see that, let me know in response on Twitter. I'll be
814 02:28:23,940 --> 02:28:27,060 reading. Until next time. Be safe.