
Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2022-12-29 08:29


00:47 - How do you do it? -.

07:20 - How to overcome self-defeating language.

14:26 - What is liquidity right now?

20:14 - You can’t trade in a market like that.

27:11 - How to manage your personal life.

33:15 - If you push the bar, the bar is yours.

39:11 - Sometimes painful lessons have to be learned painfully.

45:55 - Trump as the fall guy.

52:27 - The Democrats are all in the play.

58:59 - What it was like in 2001 when the towers collapsed.

01:05:03 - Digital currency is not programmable, but it is accessible.

01:09:52 - What’s the science behind this whole green energy thing?

01:15:03 - Why is it that morticians are finding big clumps of things that wouldn’t be naturally in human bodies in the body.

01:19:51 - Time misdirection is a principle in magic.

01:24:55 - Every government is doing it. They have stolen wealth.

01:29:10 - What’s going to happen if we don’t have martial law?

01:35:21 - The world is on edge and we need something scarier than nuclear bombs.

01:41:06 - What is the problem with things you watch now?

01:48:21 - What does a central bank digital currency mean for you?

01:52:54 - How fast things have changed in the last two years.

01:58:10 - How long could you go right now if you ran out of food?

02:03:38 - Get your house ready for the worst.

02:10:45 - Fertilizer costs are too expensive now -.



00:00:47,760 --> 00:01:02,070 ICT: How do folks how do I hope everyone's doing well. So, just want to hang out with you a little while tonight, had some things on my mind and kind of like,
00:01:02,100 --> 00:01:15,000 want to think out loud. And I warned everyone on the Twitter that this discussion would really be on topics that aren't really popular. But before I
00:01:15,000 --> 00:01:27,360 get into it, I know some of you click on anything I put up on posts. So this morning, it will be the only specific market stuff apart from just general
00:01:27,360 --> 00:01:41,910 commentary about the effects of what may be coming in the weeks and months, and maybe even days. But this morning, I was working with my youngest son, and I
00:01:41,910 --> 00:01:54,570 give him pretty much the mouse. And I say, based on what you think you see right now, which is very limited, folks. It's very limited. I tell them, I say okay,
00:01:54,570 --> 00:02:02,850 what do you think it's going to do? And if you think it's gonna go up, you click the buy, if you think it's gonna go down, and you click to sell. And then I want
00:02:02,850 --> 00:02:11,460 you to explain to me why you still think it's gonna keep going in the direction. And then when you think it's wrong, you click the opposite, whatever you did by
00:02:11,460 --> 00:02:24,450 yourself, because I want him to be paying attention to it. And one of the things I've learned by teaching him he's very young, he's 15. And he's the definition
00:02:24,450 --> 00:02:38,070 of innocence, like he is the most innocent 15 year old boy, you'd ever come across CSIS. Not your typical, you know, he's in the video games, he has his own
10 00:02:38,070 --> 00:02:49,890 little YouTube channel. But he doesn't have like the cares of the world like everybody else does. And I want to be very careful how I nurture him, and bring
11 00:02:49,890 --> 00:03:03,180 him up in this because my older ones, I'm like, here, it's about making money. Let's go. Let's go after this one here. He's not really interested in the money.
12 00:03:04,110 --> 00:03:15,480 He just wants to be able to do it good. Like he, he wants to be like daddy. And I think that's cool. So I'm trying not to be the, you know, the inner circle
13 00:03:15,480 --> 00:03:26,820 trader, you're that guy trying to be dad knows how to do something. And let's try to be tender about doing it and not try to stoke any kind of ego because he
14 00:03:26,820 --> 00:03:38,790 has no ego. You have no characteristic at all. Like I have two sides of me. And Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde. And I know some of you all used to be honest, everybody
15 00:03:38,790 --> 00:03:49,590 expects Dr. Jekyll to be put aside here and Mr. Hyde usually shows up on the live streams. I don't think he's gonna appear tonight. Because it's it's a
16 00:03:49,590 --> 00:04:00,570 discussion that you know, well, you'll see when we get to it, but this morning, my youngest son, we were working with the E Mini s&p and back and forth with the
17 00:04:00,690 --> 00:04:13,650 NASDAQ. And I explained to him I said, Listen, just watch what that does right here. I want to stay up. And I wanted to see it take out the 30 level. And it
18 00:04:13,650 --> 00:04:24,300 didn't quite get down there. You saw that fail this morning. And I was explained to him much like I was showing you that that the high resistance liquidity run.
19 00:04:25,320 --> 00:04:41,460 Meaning that if you look at the daily chart on E Mini s&p, you'll notice that it was primed to go higher, it's really likely to present that run above the
20 00:04:41,460 --> 00:04:49,770 previous high, that type of scenario. And all I was trying to do is to capture just a small little run below the lows because I felt that that was warranted it
21 00:04:49,770 --> 00:05:02,610 could have done it. And also I wanted to show him how hard it is to do a trade and trusted versus a low resistance liquidity Iran. So a high resistance liquid
22 00:05:02,610 --> 00:05:13,710 Iran signature is where you have a market that has a balanced price range that it has to work through. Now, bounced price range is generally a formidable
23 00:05:14,190 --> 00:05:26,130 barrier to price getting to liquidity. So now it's not impossible to navigate, obviously, I mean, you can find first profit sometimes a second partial, before
24 00:05:26,130 --> 00:05:32,790 getting through a balanced price range, that would constitute a high resistance liquidity run.
25 00:05:34,260 --> 00:05:42,270 Don't let me throw you off by saying resistance liquidity around thinking that it's only a buy, like it can't get through an old resistance level. When I say
26 00:05:42,450 --> 00:05:54,660 high resistance, it's both a market that's trying to go higher, but fails to get into a pool of liquidity above old highs, or a market being low. It's having
27 00:05:54,660 --> 00:06:06,480 difficulty breaking below to get into a sell side liquidity pool. Okay, so the way I taught the mentorship, and also what you've learned in the YouTube model,
28 00:06:06,720 --> 00:06:17,940 is that it is a low resistance liquidity run that you're hunting. Okay, so I was showing a distinction between that this morning. And as I mentioned this
29 00:06:17,940 --> 00:06:28,560 morning, or later on this afternoon, I said that my younger son, he just he wants to click, like he wants to do something and and look at me like and get
30 00:06:28,560 --> 00:06:39,150 the nod that does a good job site and you did good. But he's really not putting any real thought behind it. Because he's too new. You know, he's just, he's
31 00:06:39,150 --> 00:06:51,300 very, very new. And I'm talking like last weekend. But he wants to see what it looks like to be in the move, click something and see the effects of it. So to
32 00:06:51,300 --> 00:07:01,680 try to cultivate that, but not also inspire him to worry about the demo money, that type of thing. I don't want him to focus on that. I want him to focus on
33 00:07:01,680 --> 00:07:11,820 the delivery of price. And is it something that he can acquire a skill for reading? Where is it likely to go? Where it's a draw? Is it likely to continue?
34 00:07:12,270 --> 00:07:22,230 So this morning, I was working with him, I was trying to explain to him how it's not important for you to be right right now. Okay, and this is a lesson for some
35 00:07:22,230 --> 00:07:32,940 of you. Also, if you're really new, many of you are very hard on yourself. And you beat yourself up saying that, hey, you know, I should have done better than
36 00:07:32,940 --> 00:07:44,490 this, you know, I'm really disappointed myself in you. You speak with very self defeating language about yourself. And it's a real hard thing to get through. If
37 00:07:44,490 --> 00:07:52,620 you continuously do that, and it's not reasonable or realistic for any of you to feel that way about yourself in any endeavor, not especially this because it's
38 00:07:52,620 --> 00:08:02,430 very hard. Because you're competing with the world's highest intellect. The market itself is algorithmic. And then you have yourself your personality
39 00:08:02,430 --> 00:08:15,090 characteristics and flaws. All of us have them. Well, you don't want to have that self defeating mentality, you know, being cultivated in your language and
40 00:08:15,090 --> 00:08:29,430 self talk about yourself. So I see that as a potential barrier for my youngest son, like, he wants to see it work, like a video game. Like if you go to a video
41 00:08:29,430 --> 00:08:39,090 game, like for instance, Call of Duty, okay, there are certain maps that he knows really, really well. And he can work in that really fluid. Just like the
42 00:08:39,090 --> 00:08:53,280 other game he likes. fortnight, okay. So he gets a nice certain he does well, because he's familiar with it. He wants that familiarity to be there immediately
43 00:08:53,910 --> 00:09:09,390 in the charts. Said, the analogy I'm using is just that with him. So where I'm usually talking about, like a sniper, when I'm teaching adults, or I'll talk
44 00:09:09,390 --> 00:09:24,510 about programming, and languages and how algorithms are seen in the world like a recipe. If you want to build the perfect Blue Ribbon chocolate cake, you need to
45 00:09:24,510 --> 00:09:33,240 have a list of ingredients. If you have a blue ribbon, list of ingredients and a procedure to take this ingredient, mix the dry ingredients then with wet
46 00:09:33,240 --> 00:09:43,260 ingredients and then put the oven on this temperature put it in this pan this way and you should get a reasonable outcome that is predictable. It should be
47 00:09:43,290 --> 00:09:54,150 reasonable. The pennant you're stealing it should be very close to the recipe calls for as the end result is a chocolate cake. Okay, and that's an algorithm.
48 00:09:54,360 --> 00:10:09,600 Okay? And when we try to teach as meant Horse, we try to find ways to bridge that gap between the unknown and the learned. And with him my youngest son, I'm
49 00:10:09,600 --> 00:10:22,560 trying to speak in a language that, admittedly, video games are not really my thing. I'm a ps4 kind of guy. I'm a Call of Duty gun guy. Battlefield I play
50 00:10:22,560 --> 00:10:26,010 that too. But I like a lot of
51 00:10:27,690 --> 00:10:37,440 games like Splinter Cell. Okay, I love Splinter Cell, and I love the Resident Evil series. And those pretty much are it. You know, I don't do a sports game,
52 00:10:37,440 --> 00:10:47,880 but it's like that, but I don't play fortnight. And that's like his thing. And he's, like Dead by Daylight. And so this is like, completely not important to
53 00:10:47,880 --> 00:11:01,170 most of you, you're probably already bored. But I already warn you coming in. So I'm trying to find a way to stay engaging to him, where he eventually treats
54 00:11:01,170 --> 00:11:17,310 this like, a video game that he's grown accustomed to. So price delivery. If he continuously does this exercise with me every day, I'm make him do it. Right in
55 00:11:17,310 --> 00:11:28,170 front of me, he has to make a decision right now. And he doesn't have me expecting and lording over him, you get it? Right. I want him to just engage.
56 00:11:28,890 --> 00:11:38,820 Because if he pushes the button, and then he watches what it does. I want him to be thinking, as the chart is printing, as that candlesticks going up and down. I
57 00:11:38,820 --> 00:11:50,700 want him to be receiving the information. And drawing an opinion on that. Does it feel like it's likely to continue? Now, between you and I, you are a neophyte
58 00:11:50,700 --> 00:12:02,160 with me, you probably looked at charts more than he has. It's pretty evident. He's only started with me last weekend. But I need him to understand looking at
59 00:12:02,160 --> 00:12:12,510 prices, how you get good at this, not watch a video or listen to Dad explained something. And now I'm ready to go out there and press buttons and get money. So
60 00:12:12,810 --> 00:12:23,460 that's, that's not realistic, either. So some of you do that with yourself. You I watched the entire 2022 mentorship Michael, I watched it, I'm excited, I'm
61 00:12:23,460 --> 00:12:32,760 gonna go out there. And I'm gonna try trading it with a live account now, skipping the entire process of back testing it. And then tape reading, where
62 00:12:32,760 --> 00:12:46,140 you're just watching without pressing the button. And then for testing it with a demo, and then waiting for six months consistency with that. So it's a graduated
63 00:12:46,650 --> 00:12:56,430 progression to you eventually getting to the point where you would ever consider putting live money at risk. And unfortunately, it's not a popular thing. And I'm
64 00:12:56,790 --> 00:13:11,160 knowing all those facts and procedures with him. Because if I can keep him fixated on becoming compulsive, about reading, where price is gonna go, where's
65 00:13:11,160 --> 00:13:19,920 it drawing to everything else will be easy, which is exactly what I've taught you, you have to be looking for where we're marketing likely go to next. Because
66 00:13:19,920 --> 00:13:29,160 if you know that, that gives you what, that gives you a near term bias and doesn't necessarily have to be the daily bias. A daily bias is where the bulk of
67 00:13:29,160 --> 00:13:38,850 your leverage should be in line alignment with and what do I mean by that? If you're bullish, okay, if you think the markets gonna go higher, that's not
68 00:13:38,850 --> 00:13:51,690 something that would keep me from taking a short, like, I can go shorten that I can be nimble, to a degree. But if you're really trying to focus on having your
69 00:13:53,760 --> 00:14:03,360 maximum, not that I'm trying to inspire or instigate you to go out there and try to over leverage, but I think that if you're going to be doing that, like for
70 00:14:03,360 --> 00:14:20,850 instance, competition level trading, okay, you're using your maximum level of leverage, and you're trying to get the most return you're taking high end of
71 00:14:20,850 --> 00:14:33,300 lowers. That should be coming with your end bias. Now, if you're looking at drawing liquidity right now for this session, you know, there's a session before
72 00:14:33,300 --> 00:14:45,450 New York session. There is that is one of the indices for night in London. Okay, there's plenty as perhaps the place between like five o'clock in the morning.
73 00:14:46,830 --> 00:14:54,450 You don't have to trade just in the New York session. I lean heavily on the New York session because there's a lot of information that you can draw from that's
74 00:14:54,870 --> 00:14:58,980 seen by studying what London has done overnight. But
75 00:15:00,570 --> 00:15:15,000 In this environment right now, the market is so volatile. Like, there's a lot of movement. Now, it doesn't necessarily mean that it is something that you or even
76 00:15:15,000 --> 00:15:23,190 my younger son would expect. And sometimes I'm surprised at the level of volatility that comes into the marketplace. Because like I said, we are in
77 00:15:23,190 --> 00:15:34,290 unprecedented times, and the market is going to do exaggerated things. And we saw that today, where it was just kept pushing and pushing and took out
78 00:15:34,320 --> 00:15:44,910 yesterday's high. And then it went 20 handles or so rate above yesterday's high, and then gave up the ghost and collapse, it went back down to where it was prior
79 00:15:44,910 --> 00:16:01,710 to running up. So yes, ProCharged on par, I was right today. The idea of No, that's likely to be a seek and destroy is a neck thing. It's an experience
80 00:16:01,710 --> 00:16:13,170 thing. But I do give you rules to anticipate that. And it's mentioned in core content, you have exposure to that now. But there is no clear cut, easy silver
81 00:16:13,170 --> 00:16:23,640 bullet, this is the way it works every single time. It just means that you have to have time doing this. And you might look at today's profile, say on a five or
82 00:16:23,640 --> 00:16:32,970 15 minute chart from the beginning of the morning to where it closed, and say, Well, I don't see that as a seek and destroy I do. I see it as seeking,
83 00:16:32,970 --> 00:16:43,410 destroying, it's going way outside the boundaries to get liquidity and then coming right back into the middle of the range. And we saw that happen in
84 00:16:43,410 --> 00:16:55,080 previous days. Hi. Now this last part of the technical stuff for trading, and we're gonna go into tinfoil hat discussion stuff. So you're welcome to excuse
85 00:16:55,080 --> 00:17:02,490 yourself, if it's not your cup of tea. And it's not offended by I just, it's not that I just want to talk about and get it off my chest, because I'm probably not
86 00:17:02,490 --> 00:17:13,980 going to talk about any more because, as I'll refer to it in that portion of the discussion, but today I have to wet my whistle. And for those that are asking,
87 00:17:14,490 --> 00:17:30,180 or thinking, I'm drinking Evian water from the French Alps, it's not a paid advertisement. So this morning, I wanted to obviously engage and show my son
88 00:17:30,390 --> 00:17:43,020 what he could look to trade, like in the future. And I said to him, I said, Dad thinks it's going to run towards yesterday's high, but I'm not sure. But I have
89 00:17:43,020 --> 00:17:51,750 things that take care of for this house that is purchased. And my attention is going to be elsewhere. So I told him, I said we'll study what it does after the
90 00:17:51,750 --> 00:17:59,730 fact. And we'll go in and look at it and see what what it did. So we went through the charts this evening, before I came here and started talking to you.
91 00:17:59,730 --> 00:18:08,190 And I explained to him that this is what it did. This is what it looks like. And he goes, I want to move like that dad. He's just like all of you. I want to I
92 00:18:08,190 --> 00:18:24,030 want to buy 36 and right all the way up to 90. I want to do that kind of trade Dad, how do I get that kind of trade? So that lower to be in the big moves. That
93 00:18:24,030 --> 00:18:35,250 comes obviously by looking at it and getting excited and fearing missing the move. Okay. And some of you might look at today and say, okay, yeah, he was able
94 00:18:35,250 --> 00:18:43,530 to engage. And he did something on the downside, but he didn't get the upside. Okay, I'm not interested in being in front of the charts, or worrying about any
95 00:18:43,530 --> 00:18:52,710 trades, if I'm doing things it's going to have my attention elsewhere. So just like I explained to him when he does his homeschooling I said, you know, I don't
96 00:18:52,710 --> 00:19:01,620 want you looking at the charts if you're in class. So if you're doing work for homeschooling, you cannot be looking looking at charts. Okay, so I'm not trying
97 00:19:01,620 --> 00:19:11,400 to teach you to be a workaholic, or you're, you're dividing your attention from homeschooling, and then looking at charts because you're too young, to be
98 00:19:11,400 --> 00:19:19,290 worrying about trying to impress that you got plenty of life ahead of you to do that. As an adult right now you focus on your school. And then after that, you
99 00:19:19,290 --> 00:19:31,110 do these exercises to hone your skill. But don't get a rush to practice that because it takes time. I already am giving him permission to that way he kind of
100 00:19:31,110 --> 00:19:40,950 like lowers his expectation on himself. Because the worst thing I could do as a dad and or a mentor, which you know, it's very, very hard to be
101 00:19:42,480 --> 00:19:56,580 both in this type of thing like teaching trading, teaching self control, especially as someone that he has lived under my roof like he's watched me swing
102 00:19:56,580 --> 00:20:09,360 from both spectrums unexpectedly and sometimes triggered by things. So I have to be careful, because he doesn't have any of those traits in him. Like he, he's
103 00:20:09,360 --> 00:20:19,980 innocent, like he doesn't have any kind of issues that would cause an imbalance whatsoever. But I am, I have that. And when I tell him that he has to exercise
104 00:20:19,980 --> 00:20:27,900 control, like this morning we looked at he's like, when you say control, like, What do you mean by that I said, Well, you can't lose your cool. Like, when you
105 00:20:27,900 --> 00:20:35,790 see that get angry about something, you don't even know why I got angry, and I start going off, and I have to walk away from everybody and excuse myself from
106 00:20:35,790 --> 00:20:49,560 everyone, you have to be able to know that you can't trade in a market like that, then, with that mindset, also, you can't be trading and risking money, if
107 00:20:49,560 --> 00:20:56,250 you're going to be doing things that are going to be stressful, like if you're doing something that's going to divide your attention. And you're in a market
108 00:20:56,250 --> 00:21:10,980 that's really required to be babysat, you're looking at something that may draw your attention away from it, or make you uncomfortable. Okay, if you have, like
109 00:21:10,980 --> 00:21:19,980 we have, we have painters coming in to this house, and I'm having the whole house painted on the inside. And I had a company come out. And they're working
110 00:21:19,980 --> 00:21:30,720 up a proposal, which I'll look at, they've already emailed it. So when I'm done talking to you here, I'll look at and see what they've worked up for me. I don't
111 00:21:30,720 --> 00:21:39,150 want to go with the first offer. But also want to make sure I get everything done in the time that I want to have everything done. So that way we can get
112 00:21:39,150 --> 00:21:48,780 things delivered to the house that's going to be ready and other things, we have months down the road because it has to be built. So all those things because I
113 00:21:48,780 --> 00:22:03,720 am a control freak, like I have to have my way. And if I'm trading, even if I have a bias, even if I have an interest in the market doing something, what will
114 00:22:03,720 --> 00:22:14,580 happen is, I will invariably ask, either my wife, if I don't bring my phone, which is usually what I try to do, I don't want to carry my phone around a lot
115 00:22:14,580 --> 00:22:24,870 anyway. But if I don't have my phone, I'll ask my wife, hey, look, can you pull up, es on TradingView. Now she's got delay on her phone. So she's not logging
116 00:22:24,870 --> 00:22:35,310 into my stuff. But I kind of get that because I can pull up the cap on it gives me real close idea where it's at. I don't want to be doing that if I'm doing
117 00:22:35,310 --> 00:22:46,320 something that has my attention elsewhere. Like I'm doing something with a business partner, or if I'm doing something where I'm purchasing something, or
118 00:22:46,320 --> 00:22:55,590 I'm doing some kind of transaction, that's expense, whatever, where it's gonna be stressful to me. Like if I'm going to take a car to get serviced. You know
119 00:22:55,590 --> 00:23:01,200 what it's like, Guys, you take your car there, you're expecting it to be a simple little thing and say, Oh, well, we think it needs this and that, and then
120 00:23:01,200 --> 00:23:10,890 you got to argue with them why it doesn't need to be done. Okay. So that triggers me, I don't like that kind of stuff. So I don't want to have an opinion
121 00:23:11,250 --> 00:23:19,560 about a marketplace. Because if I have an opinion, especially if I share it with you, okay, if I share it with you, then I'm going to be babysitting that idea.
122 00:23:20,730 --> 00:23:31,950 So because I was taken outside of my frame focus that would be required. And when I was in deburring, and today, I said no bias, I have nothing. So what that
123 00:23:31,950 --> 00:23:44,160 did was it just charged me from having any interest in babysitting what the mark is gonna do, because you see how it is for me, if I say I'm done for today, you
124 00:23:44,160 --> 00:23:54,990 can probably guarantee you're gonna get at least a half a dozen more tweets. I'm always giving you a little bit more. But it gave me the ability to walk away and
125 00:23:54,990 --> 00:24:03,630 have no obligation from the attention side, or the marketplace, or I don't have to look at it. It freed me up emotionally, psychologically, I have nothing
126 00:24:03,660 --> 00:24:06,090 vested in where the markets gonna go.
127 00:24:07,890 --> 00:24:16,710 You're gonna have to learn that skill set. When you have to manage your life as well. Like if you're going to be doing something like for instance, you may be
128 00:24:17,250 --> 00:24:27,150 getting sick, or house or get sick, you know, in those environments that you should not be trying to trade and make money. Because what it's going to do is
129 00:24:27,150 --> 00:24:36,480 it's going to invite what you need a distraction, that the thing that makes you feel good. You need to feel good moment. So you're stressed out because you
130 00:24:36,480 --> 00:24:46,290 can't make your spouse feel better. Or if you're like me, like I'm a big baby when I'm sick. Like my wife, she could be coughing up a lung. Okay, I'm not
131 00:24:46,290 --> 00:24:58,410 going to head cold the whole world knows that you know, oh, look at ICT. He's sick. Look at baby poop baby. Now everyone else in the house when they get sick,
132 00:24:58,410 --> 00:25:08,250 it's like you know, whatever they shake it off. But I guess it's a matter of me just wanting to feel loved. You care about me, I'm sick, right? You better care
133 00:25:08,250 --> 00:25:20,460 about me, I butter your bread. But when you have these instances in your life where you have personal tug of wars, on your attention, your emotions, and you
134 00:25:20,460 --> 00:25:30,510 can't do anything to improve or change it like a spouse or a child being sick, or yourself being sick, or there's a family loss, like someone passes away,
135 00:25:31,470 --> 00:25:43,320 those types of things are going to be mentally emotionally draining on you. And they're going to be the perfect invitations for you to do what? Distract
136 00:25:43,320 --> 00:25:53,370 yourself from that. By doing what trading push a button. Man, if I could just make $2,500 a day that will make you feel a whole lot better. The aunt Jackie's
137 00:25:53,370 --> 00:26:07,980 passed away on a good day. It may feel great when you're sick, and you're coughing up along. But I can tell you feels better if you were making money. But
138 00:26:07,980 --> 00:26:19,590 the probabilities of that happening. Are you going to be on your A game? If you're sick, distracted, depressed. You trying to play nurse to your spouse or
139 00:26:19,590 --> 00:26:30,660 your child. And if you have a little one, like if I hear a baby crying now. Like I want to crawl out of my skin. And it's not that I don't love children. I do
140 00:26:30,660 --> 00:26:42,150 love kids. Obviously, I had lots of them. But like if we're out in public and I hear a screaming baby like I'm like, or a little toddler screaming Oh, man, like
141 00:26:42,150 --> 00:26:49,050 I gotta get out of there. Like I can't, I can't tolerate I haven't I have an intolerance to it now. And that probably sounds terrible coming from me. But I
142 00:26:49,050 --> 00:26:58,560 think if all of you were honest, you this is the same way I got kids. I see I know what you're talking about. But you can't feel that way about your own kids.
143 00:26:59,400 --> 00:27:08,010 But you also know you don't want to be in a situation. So the worst thing you could do is have an opinion and expectation of the marketplace. So you have to
144 00:27:08,010 --> 00:27:16,890 do what discharged yourself have any responsibility. Say okay, that's it, I'm done. Turn the charts off. There it is walk away. So that's how I manage my
145 00:27:16,890 --> 00:27:26,190 personal life today. And also mentored my sons, and this is what I did. And this is why I'm doing the day is turning off the computer. I'm not interested. And I
146 00:27:26,190 --> 00:27:37,110 was listening to traits by Matt, you know, while I was driving? And yes, I was at a red light when I was typing in the two times I posted in his chat room. But
147 00:27:37,110 --> 00:27:48,210 it's noise, it's noise. It's talking about the marketplace. I like hearing it. And it's just yeah, 90% of time I had that young man playing in the background
148 00:27:48,210 --> 00:28:01,920 anyway, not because I want to hear him win or lose. It's just Well, right now if you'd listened, listen, anything. No. So there's two other YouTubers I listened
149 00:28:01,920 --> 00:28:14,340 to, but they aren't, they're not one at a time. And there it is. But I got distracted there for a second, I have no idea. We'll call it that. Give me a
150 00:28:14,340 --> 00:28:15,570 second here, up there, you're down.
151 00:28:20,760 --> 00:28:31,050 Anyway, you have to be able to manage that in your own personal life too. Otherwise, you will do what I did when I was 20 years old. Going to that
152 00:28:31,560 --> 00:28:41,640 uncomfortable thing that you can't escape, and then push a button and wish he didn't do it like you're on or push a button, wish he didn't do it and then try
153 00:28:41,640 --> 00:28:52,800 to correct it and make it worse and compound it. Now I saw a few of the Twitter followers say they lost their account. And I'm assuming that meant that you lost
154 00:28:52,800 --> 00:29:04,830 your funded account. Assume assuming that's what it was. I don't know what the reasons why that would have been the case. But you're gonna have those things.
155 00:29:06,870 --> 00:29:16,470 You don't wrestle with yourself and get control of yourself, manage yourself and be disciplined, you're going to be reckless, you're going to lose the account,
156 00:29:16,470 --> 00:29:24,870 you're gonna blow your account, you're going to have strings of losses that are going to create drawdown that is very painful. And you have to give yourself the
157 00:29:24,870 --> 00:29:34,380 freedom to say okay, I'm not on my game and I lost money. And I believe there was one person that sent the last 2% and actually replied to him, I said, keep
158 00:29:34,380 --> 00:29:46,320 it at 2% Go home with that and just be able to come back as two percents easy to come back from I mean, it's easy, but that 2% given in the right instance in the
159 00:29:46,320 --> 00:30:01,680 right hands. It can become 30% Negative, okay 50% negative or blown account. So that type of thing is avoidable. But it doesn't feel like it's avoidable. It
160 00:30:01,680 --> 00:30:14,130 feels like that can't happen, I need to get it back right now. So all that comes from, like episodes today where, in my personal life, I know I was going to be
161 00:30:14,130 --> 00:30:22,350 distracted, I would not be able to look at the charts, I would not be able to be on time when the chart would be doing whatever I'd be looking for. And to
162 00:30:22,350 --> 00:30:32,430 dismiss myself from any responsibility also to encourage it to you. Because if I said, What I felt was gonna happen. And I wasn't around to change gears if there
163 00:30:32,430 --> 00:30:42,180 was something there. I feel terrible, because deconstruct I meant what I said, just stay out of it. Now some of you might look at that to me, I missed the
164 00:30:42,180 --> 00:30:53,370 move. It kept me from wanting to do this. And I listened to him and didn't make any money. Well, guess what? That's still experience. Like you're you're showing
165 00:30:53,400 --> 00:31:11,100 if you and be honest, that you felt that like, my tweet. So if you felt that you are exhibiting the very characteristics, teaching you not that, that means you
166 00:31:11,100 --> 00:31:28,620 have the entire career balance, once you can say, oh, no, it's not. No, I relieved myself on your ability. And I said, you probably didn't turn your
167 00:31:28,620 --> 00:31:38,280 charge off. Now, if you lose your model, I mean, experience you're not going to listen to me.
168 00:31:49,980 --> 00:32:06,030 Your should not be on taste about being able to be profitable, and do something about magic.
169 00:32:11,160 --> 00:32:31,230 Everything can tie short, or this didn't see that. And they just wanted to be short anyway. And the boss did things. Leslie needed it, we did it with a live
170 00:32:31,230 --> 00:32:37,620 account. And then it ran up 55 handles against them for
171 00:32:39,060 --> 00:32:51,210 an amount that's what I try to avoid today. Sometimes with my because I know you're very very new. And
172 00:32:53,640 --> 00:33:24,240 I just want to fault the guy. It's it's, it's my fault. But you make it proud of myself. Man, be consistent. If you push the bar and glory is yours. The only
173 00:33:24,240 --> 00:33:37,170 thing that kids for his show anyway. So get the credit for you doing trade push. That's why my point. There's a certain point today. But when I point to
174 00:33:37,170 --> 00:33:48,390 something, like the fair value gap, it was earlier in the week and went through beautifully. That's be inviting you to engage with what you know. But if I'm not
175 00:33:48,390 --> 00:33:59,250 pointing and I say I'm getting away, I'm not looking at the chart. That means what if you're new, you better not touch it. You better not touch it, or you
176 00:33:59,250 --> 00:34:09,480 will regret it. Because what's going to happen is you're going to get into something thinking you know, better than you really do. And you're not going to
177 00:34:09,480 --> 00:34:18,930 see any tweeting about anything in the market might rip one direction or the other. And you're just waiting. Okay, he's gonna say something. And it's radio
178 00:34:18,930 --> 00:34:32,610 silence. And that's going to create what panic what I try to avoid for you. There's a reason why I do everything, folks. It's not impulsive. It's not just
179 00:34:32,640 --> 00:34:44,970 Well, yeah, they pull something out of thin air. It's experience having done this myself, having hurt myself as a younger man and learning from that. And
180 00:34:45,090 --> 00:34:56,460 also teaching people how to be comfortable and mean what works. And there's certain generic things that are just common sense. If I say I'm not touching,
181 00:34:57,300 --> 00:35:05,520 and you're new and you don't have experience and you don't even know What your model is, because there's other people out there that will say, ICT was he's not
182 00:35:05,520 --> 00:35:13,290 trying to trade this or he's not doing this. And I took this trade today. And he did a show. That's amazing. That's awesome. I love that. That encourages me to
183 00:35:13,290 --> 00:35:20,430 mentor. I don't look at that say, Oh, I didn't have a partner. I didn't call that. Why didn't why didn't they do the thing I pointed out, this is what I
184 00:35:20,430 --> 00:35:30,930 mentioned before many times, and a lot of my students will close a trade where I'm entering, and I'll close a trade whether entering and there's, we're both
185 00:35:30,930 --> 00:35:47,730 profitable. Because we're working inside that pdra matrix. We're not falling victim, like the retail crowd is we're navigating the order flow. But not yet.
186 00:35:48,690 --> 00:35:57,570 And all I'm trying to do is give you most likely chance, I can't guarantee it talks, nobody can guarantee profitability, I can't promise that you're gonna
187 00:35:57,570 --> 00:36:11,430 learn this new well. I'm trying to do everything I can humanly possible, to give you all the advantageous nudges and hints and guidance that I can to at least
188 00:36:11,430 --> 00:36:22,230 leave you in the game long enough for your own experience to take form. And once you have that experience, no one can take it from you. I can't strip it from
189 00:36:22,230 --> 00:36:31,170 you, your spouse can't strip it from you, nobody can take it from me. Now you can ignore it. And the things you've learned, you can ignore that and say, Well,
190 00:36:31,170 --> 00:36:40,050 you know, last time I did this, I got hurt, and I lost money. And then I checked right away and I blew the count. It's gonna be different this time. Well, as
191 00:36:40,050 --> 00:36:47,460 soon as you think that, that's when you turn the charts off and get out of there. Don't touch it. Because what you're doing is you're wrestling with
192 00:36:47,460 --> 00:37:00,030 yourself. And as soon as you feel it, and it's hard to identify it, especially early on. But as soon as you feel your hunch is better than your models rules.
193 00:37:00,900 --> 00:37:08,580 As soon as you feel that I'm telling I don't care who says otherwise. I'm telling you, these same people that say these types of things, they are not
194 00:37:08,580 --> 00:37:22,800 consistently profitable, because if they were, they will be shoving it not making stupid jokes on Twitter. You have to have a rigid list of rules,
195 00:37:23,040 --> 00:37:33,540 practices, protocols, the follow up. And as soon as you start making excuses or giving yourself freedom to break or deviate from those rules, because you think
196 00:37:33,540 --> 00:37:42,420 it's going to be a different outcome this time. Trust me. If you just started trading, or learning from what I put out this year, you don't have that
197 00:37:42,420 --> 00:37:52,710 experience. And trust me when I tell you, it's not talking down to you. You don't have that. I wish I would have had someone rejected me that when I was 20,
198 00:37:53,430 --> 00:37:58,650 because I thought I was the exception to every rule. And I wasn't
199 00:38:00,150 --> 00:38:14,760 was not the exception. I lost in stunning fashion. It was glorious. It was absolutely fabulous. How fast I could roast an account. But what I learned from
200 00:38:14,760 --> 00:38:21,930 it, a lot of people don't learn from it. A lot of people would say, Okay, well, you know, I'm done and dusted, I gotta go. That's fine. Something else to do
201 00:38:21,930 --> 00:38:32,940 with my time in life, and I wasn't letting go of it. I try to be encouragement from not to want to quit, because if you blown your account this week, or last
202 00:38:32,940 --> 00:38:43,380 week, or whatever it is that you've hurt yourself. Just know that that is what everybody everybody that's been successful in trading. They have done, there has
203 00:38:43,380 --> 00:38:52,200 never been a consistently profitable trader. And I'm telling you, there's going to be someone who's going to creep out there on YouTube and say, I have never
204 00:38:52,200 --> 00:39:03,330 blown an account before and now I'm profitable on this and I'm that they're a liar. They're a liar. Everybody, every single person out there that's making
205 00:39:03,330 --> 00:39:15,660 money consistently, they have cremated more than one, maybe even a handful of accounts. And it doesn't make them a poor traitor. Because sometimes painful
206 00:39:15,660 --> 00:39:27,270 lessons have to be learned painfully. You have to do it in a way where it has to scar you as the main you and I have tried to do my very best, at least without
207 00:39:27,270 --> 00:39:39,450 being egotistical. try my best to be sober minded, down the earth realistic. Never trying to you're gonna make a million dollars. I've never really teaches
208 00:39:39,450 --> 00:39:49,080 from that style. And the end series is kind of like a little cherry on the top. That's my approach. You know, I started on baby pips teaching, you try to get 25
209 00:39:49,080 --> 00:40:05,190 pips a week. That's laughable now it's laughable. Nobody would try to promote that kind of stuff today. It's all about 200 Our The other. And you can still do
210 00:40:05,190 --> 00:40:17,010 very well with 25 pips a week. But you have to know how to manage your money. So those are the types of things I'm trying to cultivate my youngest son, I'm
211 00:40:17,010 --> 00:40:30,030 trying to go slow with him. I'm trying to be inspirational, but not talk about money. So and this morning, I made the mistake of having the account show the
212 00:40:30,030 --> 00:40:40,260 money, where I wanted to show like the points, the amount of points from entry to target or the stop loss. And it's because a creature habit, I'm not really
213 00:40:40,260 --> 00:40:49,290 interested, I usually don't even show that. Like if I'm trading. And I'm not trying to teach any of you, that doesn't even appear on my chart, like I keep my
214 00:40:49,290 --> 00:40:57,690 chart completely naked, there's nothing on it, there's no lines. Anytime I do any kind of annotation, it's either because I'm planning to teach that or show
215 00:40:57,690 --> 00:41:06,540 that example to all of you. Or I have my son next to me, one of them saying this. Now this is what you're looking for you look at this, or here is such a
216 00:41:06,540 --> 00:41:16,500 distraction to me. Because in plus the time, the time, the type out, everything I'm doing sometimes I'm worried about whether it's going to be a typo or not. Or
217 00:41:16,500 --> 00:41:29,610 if I omit a word, or I'm like in mentorship before I was doing recorded sessions and such. And I would refer to a pdra incorrectly, because I'm looking at a one
218 00:41:29,610 --> 00:41:39,630 minute chart. And I'm watching price fluctuate up and down. And I'm managing an idea of managing a position in a total one minute chart. So I have to keep my
219 00:41:39,660 --> 00:41:48,780 focus on what it's doing. Maintain that thought process, while I'm trying to think about how I can articulate in a way where it's useful to you as a student,
220 00:41:49,170 --> 00:41:59,280 to be able to pull the maximum information out of that moment right then and there. And then be prepared to do it again, when something else is forming. Like
221 00:41:59,280 --> 00:42:07,740 it's a lot. That's why I say all the time. If people watch that kind of stuff and say, Oh, anybody can do that, well, only my students are doing it. Only my
222 00:42:07,740 --> 00:42:15,630 students do that. And I'm so proud of you that do that they record your executions, you're not using Market Replay, you're literally pressing a button
223 00:42:15,630 --> 00:42:25,740 and you're managing the idea throughout the trading process, you will get amazing precision by doing that. Don't look at it, as you're proving to me and
224 00:42:25,740 --> 00:42:34,590 the community that you're doing well, you're actually creating such a level of precision and anticipatory price skills that is unmatched. You can't get that
225 00:42:34,590 --> 00:42:45,480 anywhere you can get it from a book, you can get it from a course, I can't give it to you hope you hone that with your own activity. That's how it's obtained.
226 00:42:45,510 --> 00:42:54,630 There's no There's no free lunch for that and you do that kind of stuff, you're gonna get really, really impressive results and precision. That's, you know,
227 00:42:55,560 --> 00:42:59,880 it's amazing. It will amaze you, and it will amaze anyone you share it with. But
228 00:43:02,130 --> 00:43:13,740 that was the technical side of stuff today in this discussion. If you're not into tinfoil hat kind of stuff or world events. And, you know, I don't want to
229 00:43:13,740 --> 00:43:23,820 say political because I'm not political. But just think of it the kind of like that if you're not worrying about oh, you know, global wars, and upheaval and
230 00:43:23,880 --> 00:43:41,910 social unrest, then it's time for you to turn this one off. Anyway, so last couple of days, I have been monitoring some things I have, a lot of folks are
231 00:43:41,910 --> 00:43:59,310 all around the world. And I'm so blessed to have such a network of people on the entire globe. A lot of the things that I talked about in 2016. I'm going to
232 00:43:59,310 --> 00:44:12,180 briefly list this year because I've heard I've said many times every time I talk about this topics before I even did mentorship in 2016 in the spring of 2016. So
233 00:44:13,320 --> 00:44:22,710 that would put Trump in office and no, I did not vote for him. I'm not a registered voter, and I'm not voting in this one either. Okay, so I'm not trying
234 00:44:22,710 --> 00:44:33,990 to tell you who to vote for because they're both wrong. Okay. So that way we know I'm completely objective. I'm outside of the hug alien duck, worrying about
235 00:44:34,290 --> 00:44:46,680 right or left. I'm just talking outside looking at it. Okay. And I just want you to think not take my view that and adopt it. But that's the worst thing you
236 00:44:46,680 --> 00:45:06,510 could ever do. Don't ever do that. Not with me, but with any one reason about yourself. Consider the The ramifications and consequences of your subscribing to
237 00:45:06,510 --> 00:45:21,240 view that I'm suggesting here, okay? So it's important for you to subscribe to the same ideas that I'm showing that I have. And think that that finds good
238 00:45:21,240 --> 00:45:29,610 grace in my eyes as a student. That is absolutely This has nothing to do with trading in that light. Okay, if you are absolutely diametrically opposed
239 00:45:29,610 --> 00:45:36,510 everything I'm going to say here, that's fine. I'm not opening this up for debate, because none of you are going to convince me otherwise, because I'm
240 00:45:36,510 --> 00:45:46,350 ahead of the curve. I'm not trying to convince any of you to think this way, okay, but I'm just posing it because it's eaten at me, like, I gotta get it off
241 00:45:46,350 --> 00:46:03,930 my chest. So I'll bet because it's just, it's just to come across a male. But in 2016, and a spring, spring, I was on Twitter. And I was talking about how Trump
242 00:46:03,930 --> 00:46:17,010 would be elected, and that they would use him to stimulate the economic front, make it better. And he ran a business, which is what we are in America, our
243 00:46:17,010 --> 00:46:26,250 country is a corporation. Like it or not, that's just the way it is. So anyone that's going to run it, like a corporation, or intent of running as a profitable
244 00:46:26,250 --> 00:46:38,730 Corporation, they're going to get the best results. And there's a lot of things I don't like about Trump. Like, I don't like him as a person. I don't like I
245 00:46:38,730 --> 00:46:49,740 don't like him. You guys don't like him. Now. It's not meant to be hateful. And I know some of you probably love him. Okay, maybe you go to his rallies, and you
246 00:46:49,740 --> 00:46:57,840 support him. And maybe you have things on your lawn saying, you make America great, and all that stuff. You know, God bless you for that idea about making
247 00:46:57,840 --> 00:47:10,650 America great. That's great. Okay, but I don't gonna be great anymore. And in 2016, I said that they would use some of the fall guy. Now, some of you that
248 00:47:10,650 --> 00:47:31,380 were here. Maybe recall that and probably thought that Trump? No, I said it back then. I'm not a Trump wasn't voting for anyone. But I said that they would use
249 00:47:31,380 --> 00:47:49,890 him as a full guide. So what does that mean? Well, think about playing. Okay, think about a movie script. Okay, or wrestling. You have to have a good guy. And
250 00:47:49,890 --> 00:47:56,190 you have to have a bad guy. Now, prior to Trump's election,
251 00:47:57,630 --> 00:48:08,520 the economy was kind of like, it was flat. Obama wasn't miserable failure. never did anything. Right. Just, you know, he's rich now. But he didn't do anything at
252 00:48:08,520 --> 00:48:23,550 all, as our president. Okay. The economy was nothing was lackluster, and I knew everybody that might support that. Government. You're going to come and say, but
253 00:48:23,550 --> 00:48:31,560 he did this, please don't do that. Don't even send because I'm not even look at it. In fact, I'll just mute you. Because all you're doing is you're giving
254 00:48:31,560 --> 00:48:42,690 talking points. For your side. When you're when your side has misinformation, just like the Republicans do. They both are misguided. And you're all running
255 00:48:42,690 --> 00:48:52,680 around with information that was shoveled into your head. And you've never done the research on your own. So I'm just reminding you, and trying to debate
256 00:48:52,680 --> 00:49:03,840 anyway, all this is is are you to think going forward. I'm not trying to change your political stance. I'm not trying to persuade you not to vote either. Go
257 00:49:03,840 --> 00:49:15,090 out. I just don't subscribe to it. So I said that he would be used as a fall guy. And that meant that he was going to do what, which is what I said he would
258 00:49:15,630 --> 00:49:27,540 supercharge the economy by running a business. Now, what does that do? It brings this sense of patriotic America first, we're, you know, we're the leaders that
259 00:49:28,020 --> 00:49:36,000 punish everybody want to be like us, we're going to the strongest economy. We're going to do this and that it's going to get everybody passionate about being
260 00:49:36,000 --> 00:49:53,820 what commercially driven spenders inhabit. The economy was great. The market was great. Gas was cheap, groceries were cheap. Everything was affordable. Except
261 00:49:53,820 --> 00:50:09,090 for health insurance. Funny how that Affordable Act wasn't ever really affordable. But discussion. And all of a sudden, what happens? They create the
262 00:50:09,090 --> 00:50:24,240 villain. Plot twist. Okay, Russia, oh, we're gonna do this and we're going to do that he's going to put us in war, he's going to do that. Now, I don't know where
263 00:50:24,240 --> 00:50:34,590 all you were. But when I was listening to the radio, because I don't watch TV and news, stuff like that, but I will listen to the radio. And they would play
264 00:50:34,590 --> 00:50:47,760 this little soundbite saying that, you know, we're gonna be in war with Russia. And we're gonna be at war with this one. And that one if Trump does do that. Now
265 00:50:47,760 --> 00:50:56,520 the Democrats have control of everything, and how they got that that's another discussion because I don't think it was on a level. Okay. There's no way anybody
266 00:50:56,550 --> 00:51:08,910 anybody's gonna convince me that Joe Biden got 80 million votes? No way. Absolutely not. We'll touch on that in a minute. If we had this booming economy,
267 00:51:09,270 --> 00:51:26,130 everybody's passionate, everybody's energized. They created this what cult of personality. They created this fever is Hulk Hogan of the politics and love him
268 00:51:26,130 --> 00:51:38,730 or hate him. And I'm not a fan of them. He was very successful in whipping up a crowd, getting people passionate about our country, and getting our Republicans
269 00:51:39,000 --> 00:51:51,120 energized to get out there and motivate other Republicans. And it became a cult. Like it or not, it's what it is. That's why we get accused that often. And there
270 00:51:51,120 --> 00:52:05,010 are many times that my students crack. And sometimes it's funny, I'll be honest, I don't take it serious. But sometimes when you guys get really nuts, and you're
271 00:52:05,010 --> 00:52:17,700 gonna go after other people and bash them over the head, yeah, but ICT, we're not going down that path. They created that storm. In that clash of
272 00:52:17,700 --> 00:52:30,960 personalities, if you don't like Trump, well, you don't love America. Now, I love America. I don't like Trump. And I can't stand the viewpoints of Democrats.
273 00:52:32,130 --> 00:52:43,860 My uncle who first introduced me to trading has always been a Democrat. And he's not wanting to be a Democrat anymore. He's like, I don't even recognize the
274 00:52:43,860 --> 00:52:55,080 party anymore. So he was a product of his mother because his mother was a Democrat and everything she believed in he believed in. So that's certainly not
275 00:52:55,080 --> 00:52:55,740 saying much now.
276 00:52:58,260 --> 00:53:09,780 But yet this fall guy scenario, well, the fall waterfall, means you have to take it out. First, you got to come from a place of prominence. high and lofty place.
277 00:53:10,560 --> 00:53:25,860 And Trump grew in popularity, meteoric rise in popularity, and then it's all his fault that we are in a situation right now. None of this is that guy's fault.
278 00:53:26,760 --> 00:53:41,760 But his role was necessary. Because they're all in this theater, this act this play. And that's the hard thing for people, especially hardline Democrats, and
279 00:53:41,760 --> 00:53:57,240 many Republicans but mostly Democrats. They can't see it for what it really is. It's all theater. It's all pretend they're all working together. It can't be the
280 00:53:57,240 --> 00:54:12,270 can't be that they are that they absolutely are. And they only seen strong handed on their political supporters views when it's election time. But soon as
281 00:54:12,270 --> 00:54:26,880 they get reelected, they go back in there start glad handing and nothing gets done. Because they're on the payroll. So we had Trump play his role as the good
282 00:54:26,880 --> 00:54:39,090 guy, he's the face and then they came in and he tore him down. And you're all expecting some rocky comeback scenario. Any habit is not happening, folks.
283 00:54:39,240 --> 00:54:54,360 That's not going to happen. There is no Republican coming to save the day. And there is no Democrat that's gonna fix it either. So right away, you already
284 00:54:54,360 --> 00:55:05,100 understand this is not one of those feel good discussions. So what we've been talking about here Well, you're in a business or trying to learn this money. And
285 00:55:05,610 --> 00:55:15,810 one of the rules of making money is knowing how to preserve it. In trading, the first rule of being profitable was keep the money you got. And if you're going
286 00:55:15,810 --> 00:55:26,220 to lose, lose a little bit, and then stop, wait for your opportunity present itself. Maybe the same day, maybe the next week, but you have to know what that
287 00:55:26,220 --> 00:55:34,680 is for you. And a lot of people are walking around, and they're just looking at their cell phones, like zombies walking around, looking in their little four to
288 00:55:34,680 --> 00:55:49,260 six inch little universe. Trying to call cars and intersections like I've seen people do. literally walk into me into my car, walk into my wife's car, not
289 00:55:49,260 --> 00:55:57,000 paying attention, because they're looking at their phone. Now I'm holding this phone, cuz I gotta do this Twitter space with you don't have to do to Twitter
290 00:55:57,000 --> 00:56:06,330 space, but I'm choosing to do I wish there's a way for me to do this at my desk, maybe there is if there is then tell me that you can tweet to me not to this.
291 00:56:09,540 --> 00:56:30,180 But just to assume it is then it is what it is. But we are obviously at the precipice of something none of us really know. And I talked about this in 2016,
292 00:56:30,570 --> 00:56:45,660 I said that we're gonna see this collapse. And it'll be ushered in as like a Venezuela 2.0. And I had so many people that were like, man, you're crazy.
293 00:56:45,690 --> 00:56:57,000 You're crazy. You're crazy. And at the time, getting it from like, I didn't, nobody else out there was talking about this kind of stuff. And I didn't really
294 00:56:57,000 --> 00:57:09,660 watch you crackpots and people that would even be opposed to it, the main line that was going on. So when I think about all the things I've said in the past
295 00:57:09,660 --> 00:57:30,180 about these events, and how it came to pass, like it's weird for me to think about it like that. And then in 2019, July 2019, okay, dysfunction, like this
296 00:57:30,210 --> 00:57:41,610 really heaviness on me. And I shared it, much like I do most everything else, you know, I'll let you know if it comes. If it's like a close ally space like
297 00:57:41,610 --> 00:57:49,830 this, as you're getting it right out of my mind, there's no filter. And you're probably saying, where's the F bombs, being said effort one time,
298 00:57:51,090 --> 00:58:02,730 I don't feel that that's necessary, because I want you to pay attention. And I'm trying very hard to stay focused, and balanced. Because if I start going off the
299 00:58:02,730 --> 00:58:14,550 rails, that's not going to listen to me, I want you to listen to me. Because this really is something you need to be aware of. Because if you are nervous or
300 00:58:14,550 --> 00:58:24,120 anxious about what's going on, there's a real reason for you to feel that. And you have to do things that hopefully will prepare you for it, and we'll talk
301 00:58:24,120 --> 00:58:32,700 about that. But in July 2019, I said something really wickets coming. And of course, they all were like Oh, Chicken Little Chicken Little what's it going to
302 00:58:32,700 --> 00:58:43,800 be and I couldn't, I couldn't really put my finger on exactly what it was. Because again, I didn't understand why I was feeling the need to say it. And I
303 00:58:43,800 --> 00:58:56,160 just had this I don't want to say feeling I don't want to say like a hunch or anything like that. It was definitely consuming everything. Like everything was
304 00:58:56,190 --> 00:59:17,010 like, my attention was always going to that. And I couldn't figure out what it was. In October I tweeted again, I said you know, Eric, flashbacks of what it
305 00:59:17,010 --> 00:59:28,860 was like in 2001. Now, some of you young people gonna know this because you're not old enough. But when we had this September 11 thing take place when the
306 00:59:29,340 --> 00:59:45,600 tower towers collapsed, demolition, that event was the real Kickstart to everything that you're seeing right now. All of that stuff was the beginning of
307 00:59:45,600 --> 01:00:02,340 what we're all experiencing right now. Now that happened in New York, and in Philadelphia and DC. Head Injury now Every country is being affected by the same
308 01:00:02,460 --> 01:00:05,430 thing that was at work that day.
309 01:00:15,420 --> 01:00:16,290 To idea
310 01:00:22,019 --> 01:00:26,609 engineer, but I believe it is and
311 01:00:35,309 --> 01:00:55,949 television the day before. solution for that as to where all the transaction was where that $2 trillion would go to billing to towers fall in building number 10.
312 01:00:56,159 --> 01:01:11,009 False, it wasn't hit. And then building number seven was said, Oh, ABC was on new saying a building seven has collapsed, and the BBC anchor Lee, the reporter
313 01:01:11,009 --> 01:01:25,709 was thinking in front of building their seven and about a half an hour later, then it falls. They messed up a lot. NASA big endeavor. And don't take my word
314 01:01:25,709 --> 01:01:40,379 for what I just said. Because some research because you can still find that stuff. They started doing something then what was it control. You got to break
315 01:01:40,379 --> 01:01:45,269 the system to rebuild a system
316 01:01:50,309 --> 01:02:03,029 everything. When you get up to go to work, you're going to do what to make your money so you can make what your ends meet. That money is about to change in a
317 01:02:03,029 --> 01:02:15,209 way that none of us are prepared for. That's how you folks out there to champion the cryptocurrency stuff, crypto, crypto, crypto, I'm gonna be honest with you.
318 01:02:16,379 --> 01:02:30,779 Back in 2012, where everybody was pushing me and I was I like a podcast if we didn't refer to it as a podcast back then. But he was like, hey, you know, wants
319 01:02:30,779 --> 01:02:42,929 to come on talk to us as a guest. And they were trying to convince me to invest in Bitcoin, I said, I'm gonna interested. The truth is, I didn't want to be on
320 01:02:42,929 --> 01:02:52,169 any blockchain stuff. Because we're all going to be thrown on it. And it's going to control every aspect of what we do in our life. Every transaction can be
321 01:02:52,169 --> 01:03:01,019 recorded. And I wanted to avoid now I'm going to be honest with you. It might not be one of those topics you want to hear about, like not religion, because
322 01:03:01,019 --> 01:03:11,729 I'm not religious. I don't go to church. I don't go to you know, your typical church, where do you make a Pastor Rich, because the Bible doesn't teach that.
323 01:03:12,539 --> 01:03:19,199 But they run these churches like businesses. And if that offends you, in the audience, then that's something that you're gonna have to sort out. But that's
324 01:03:19,199 --> 01:03:33,929 the truth. And my greatest growth, as a believer in Christ was when I absolutely left organized religion. So I have a relationship with Christ. And I felt in my
325 01:03:33,929 --> 01:03:43,259 spirit not to touch that stuff. And because back in 2012, I didn't want to touch on those topics, because, you know, nobody wants to hear and I was talking to a
326 01:03:43,259 --> 01:03:53,039 young group of guys. It just never mentioned that. It was because I was shamed. I just didn't feel that it was going to be needed to be explained. But that's
327 01:03:53,069 --> 01:04:04,139 the reason why I will not trade crypto, I'm not interested in it. Okay. And the interesting because I believe that the very mark, that everybody will be placed
328 01:04:04,169 --> 01:04:14,429 under, to be able to buy or sell will be driven by that very system. So I don't want to be in it. I don't want to profit from it. I want to be protected at all.
329 01:04:15,479 --> 01:04:26,159 And it might be to tinfoil hat for some of you. That's fine. Again, just a reminder, I'm just talking and thinking out loud to me. This is not meant to
330 01:04:26,459 --> 01:04:34,919 indoctrinate any of you. I'm not trying to win you over to Jesus because guess what? Jesus has to draw you first. I can't make you believing what I believe in
331 01:04:34,919 --> 01:04:52,109 and I'm not saying you should because I'm saying he'll call you if you want you. But crypto and whole blockchain being that was all whipped up into a frame so
332 01:04:52,109 --> 01:05:04,679 that way about it would feel comfortable going on it now the central bank digital currencies So you're like, it's gonna be great. So I'm, you're like, Oh,
333 01:05:04,679 --> 01:05:14,549 we already got digital currency, or money's already digitized. And it's not really. You go on your bank account, yeah, you'll see digits there. But those
334 01:05:14,549 --> 01:05:25,109 digits, you can go out there and you can buy a car, you can go out to the gun store gun store, buy yourself an AR 15, you might not be a fan of firearms, but
335 01:05:25,109 --> 01:05:33,929 right now, we'll go out and bear arms, we can go out on a credit card and buy firearms. Now, credit cards are gonna report that as a firearm purchase or
336 01:05:33,929 --> 01:05:39,599 ammunition. But you can still go and buy it with cash.
337 01:05:44,730 --> 01:05:59,970 So your currency right now is not programmable. It's, for the most part, accessible. But once we go on this central bank, digital currency, your
338 01:05:59,970 --> 01:06:16,170 currencies now. What does that mean? Okay, let's say, like, right now this conversation I'm having this conversation is probably going to be something that
339 01:06:16,770 --> 01:06:29,970 causes me an issue later on. And this is where those efforts would usually come out. I don't really give a flying Hoot, so
340 01:06:36,960 --> 01:06:48,450 programmable currency, meaning that they care ability to spend money. That's what it's designed to do. That's what's coming. That's what it is all about.
341 01:06:49,230 --> 01:07:11,010 Because if you can control a populations, money and their food, you control them. last 2425 years, schools have been indoctrinating people. And my daughter
342 01:07:12,030 --> 01:07:23,970 is a victim of it. She thinks like a socialist. She, like one. And it's very hard to deal with her in conversations because she sees things as a socialist
343 01:07:23,970 --> 01:07:36,540 because in college, and in her last few years in high school socialists taught her and he educated her. Now, they didn't say, this is socialism. They framed it
344 01:07:36,540 --> 01:07:44,760 and this is what's fair, this is what's better. I'm gonna be honest with you, this is probably gonna take a lot of you off that think this way. But it's
345 01:07:44,760 --> 01:07:52,590 because I make a lot of money or my students make a lot of money or you make a lot of money, doesn't entitle someone else to get your money because they didn't
346 01:07:52,590 --> 01:08:02,220 work there. We're not to get it either. I don't know any of you anything. You weren't there when I was going through the hard times and get this all the time,
347 01:08:02,250 --> 01:08:11,760 I blew accounts, all the times that I had losing trades, every relationship that I lost as a result of pouring everything into this. If I'm profitable, and
348 01:08:11,760 --> 01:08:21,240 you're profitable. That doesn't mean everybody else in your neighborhood should be getting something for free from you. Or don't you should be paying more taxes
349 01:08:21,240 --> 01:08:35,460 because it's not fair for them. Because guess what? This information is now public knowledge. Laziness does not get in touch. And that's why I'm offended by
350 01:08:35,460 --> 01:08:43,470 it. I've always been offended by it. But I hate it today. Like it's it's prevalent in every, every country, every country, these people, people walk
351 01:08:43,470 --> 01:08:54,300 around thinking, you owe me something. And if you're successful, you really owe me more. No, we don't. There's no reason why you can't be successful too. As he
352 01:08:54,300 --> 01:09:10,170 went to Africa, they're being very profitable now. I think everybody would collectively agree that impoverished nations in Africa that is a box checked off
353 01:09:10,170 --> 01:09:23,520 that that's a society that would be viewed as well. They're underprivileged. But yet, they still can do it. What's different some of them are there aren't lazy.
354 01:09:25,590 --> 01:09:37,110 Laziness is what's been trained and taught and is expected to be given to you because that will do what make it such an easy slide right on into Universal
355 01:09:37,110 --> 01:09:58,740 Basic Income. There is drawing class. You don't see this, but I'm gonna tell you what's happening right now. This whole green energy thing, okay. They're telling
356 01:09:58,740 --> 01:10:11,040 farmers You got too much nitrogen in your soil, your cows are avartan We can't have that you gotta kill your cows is too much methane. First of all, you need
357 01:10:11,040 --> 01:10:26,940 nitrogen. When you have lightning strikes, the great and wonderful Lord Almighty, in his infinite wisdom. It this whole system is running itself. And
358 01:10:26,940 --> 01:10:37,140 every time there's a lightning strike, that's where we get the nitrogen and our soil. Nitrogen comes down through lightning strikes into the soil. And it
359 01:10:37,140 --> 01:10:49,140 charges the soil with nitrogen. And it makes it what more fertile for for things to grow in it. Over in Europe, they're saying, You got too much nitrogen in your
360 01:10:49,710 --> 01:11:07,320 soil. You can't you can't plant you can't do this. You can't do that. What? What's the science behind that? If a Cow dies, the cow's body releases methane
361 01:11:07,410 --> 01:11:22,200 naturally. That's a naturally occurring thing. But your governments are saying to you that this is a problem. We can't let you grow livestock and garden. You
362 01:11:22,200 --> 01:11:36,900 can't create crops. In America, they're saying you can't have enough water to do this because we're running low on water. We can't grow crops then. Green was you
363 01:11:36,900 --> 01:11:37,110 can
364 01:11:37,110 --> 01:11:56,880 use fossil fuels. Colin was told hey, you gotta close to your command. And now you're all screaming. We're not going to go to heater homes. You're giving money
365 01:11:56,880 --> 01:12:09,840 away to Ukraine. Where's the science? I get an office shuts down the pipeline.
366 01:12:15,240 --> 01:12:28,110 Energy prices go up. Midterms are coming up. Let's start pumping out and using our reserves to make prices a little bit more palatable at the pump. So we can
367 01:12:28,110 --> 01:12:41,100 slide into the midterms say we lowered energy prices. But you don't realize that we got about 20 Some days left of diesel fuel. Did you get groceries anytime in
368 01:12:41,100 --> 01:12:55,140 the last 30 days? Did you go to the store and get milk bread eggs? Did you go and do that last 30 days chances are you probably did. Do you think that stuff
369 01:12:55,140 --> 01:13:10,650 got to the store? In the United States, most of its by tractor trailer semis and they mostly run on diesel. Now some of them are on natural gas, but mostly
370 01:13:10,830 --> 01:13:37,470 diesel. What do you think's gonna happen if something doesn't significantly change and say oh no 23 to 25 trucks aren't moving if trucks aren't moving food
371 01:13:37,470 --> 01:13:51,930 ain't being delivered. And if it's not in the stores you're going hungry all these green deals are the mask for global famine that they are engineering
372 01:13:58,350 --> 01:14:10,410 I've been saying it and people just don't want to listen. It's since two sensations and two crackpot and the same guy that's been talking to you about
373 01:14:10,410 --> 01:14:13,200 the markets and calling the markets and explaining how you all work
374 01:14:19,380 --> 01:14:28,290 and be honest with you if you don't see it That's shocking.
375 01:14:38,310 --> 01:14:50,730 private business was shut down and all this COVID Big corporations were that stupid. Plexiglas was put up between you and the cashier at the grocery store.
376 01:14:51,060 --> 01:15:10,380 But they pulled over everything as they put it in your bag. That's science. A girlfriend of mine was growing up. Very, very healthy girl. She was an aerobic
377 01:15:10,740 --> 01:15:26,730 aficionado like she was fit, like, fit fit. Worked at John Hopkins. And I told her you got to get the vaccination, or you can't be here. No problem. I believe
378 01:15:26,730 --> 01:15:38,910 in it. She goes and gets the shot. Four days later, she's dead. Her brain swelled up, heart swelled up dead.
379 01:15:46,020 --> 01:15:57,000 People all around the world, reporting me. Some of them are doctors in my mentorship. They did not like me talking. I would love to hear those doctors now
380 01:15:57,000 --> 01:16:07,620 today, and I'm not trying to be disrespectful. But you were only going by the resource that was being provided to you at the time. But the deaths of 24 year
381 01:16:07,620 --> 01:16:15,240 olds the 40 year olds are off the charts right now. Sudden, death, all heart.
382 01:16:17,880 --> 01:16:33,060 Why? Why is it that morticians are finding big clumps of things that wouldn't be naturally in human bodies, clogging up the arteries and blood vessels in the
383 01:16:33,060 --> 01:16:45,540 hearts of young people. Athletes are dying. These are these are our champions. These are our Titans. These people are our fifth soccer players running around
384 01:16:45,540 --> 01:17:02,400 the field collapsing basketball players standard one minute fall on their face. And they're putting out PSA announcements. On average things that everybody
385 01:17:02,400 --> 01:17:06,990 looks at as normal stuff can cause heart disease and heart attack snakes
386 01:17:12,630 --> 01:17:24,870 are buying agent that was with us doing this purchase with the home on this purchase. She was telling us the day that we settled Chico's one of my best
387 01:17:24,870 --> 01:17:34,770 friends I grew up with her best friend and talking about she was always going back and forth. Saying that, you know, this lady that was our real estate agent
388 01:17:35,100 --> 01:17:48,960 should get the shot and she's like, I'm not getting that shot. Well, the other lady, let her cry or get the shot. Now she has pots, which is a heart disease.
389 01:17:49,650 --> 01:17:58,650 And she's only 16 years old. Never had a problem ever no history of it in their family in a week. Now she's got heart issues
390 01:18:04,320 --> 01:18:16,830 now I say all this stuff with a great deal of heaviness because my daughter took two doses of that Pfizer crap. And I know people that died from Pfizer's crap
391 01:18:23,819 --> 01:18:40,859 there's a lot of things that are going to happen that are going to be well, let's be honest answer is going to be scary. And none of us can do anything
392 01:18:40,859 --> 01:18:55,889 about it. The only thing you can do is occupy yourself. Otherwise, because you'll just sit there and you'll be a mess. So listen to my lectures. And so I'm
393 01:18:56,039 --> 01:19:07,439 like, well, what's the point of learning how to do this? Well, I believe there's going to be a market. What kind of market I don't know. It might evolve into
394 01:19:07,439 --> 01:19:22,439 something that we don't even recognize anymore. But I do believe that Forex is gonna die. Forex is not going to be what you are used to seeing. And the first
395 01:19:22,439 --> 01:19:32,249 step to doing that destruction of global currencies and unification of one currency is they go to a digital currency because there's going to be one
396 01:19:32,279 --> 01:19:47,909 there's gonna be resistance. So how do you quell individually as countries? How do you quell that? Resistance? How do you stay that often say, you're going to
397 01:19:47,909 --> 01:20:04,379 listen and keep yourself calm? Turn your money off. There's truckers that were up in Canada, you know, Trudeau He who loves the way China runs their country.
398 01:20:09,420 --> 01:20:15,090 He literally, first of all, but Michael, they were doing this in that
399 01:20:21,210 --> 01:20:34,650 all that was was the warming up to the idea, just like the Patriot Act was when the Bush administration introduced, introduced that these murderous terrorists
400 01:20:37,350 --> 01:20:51,840 need to have the Patriot Act placed on them. And they won't have a right to an attorney. This label you a terrorist. And then you're gone. And I was like,
401 01:20:51,840 --> 01:21:01,860 yeah, that's how it should be. Because I was scared to death when those planes hit those buildings. That was when I had the highest form of anxiety I've ever
402 01:21:01,860 --> 01:21:20,820 had. September 2001, for like, two years, I had so much generalized anxiety. Like I was afraid of everything. When they started doing that. What was that
403 01:21:20,820 --> 01:21:22,050 stuff they were mailing around
404 01:21:30,000 --> 01:21:38,760 it's like a poison. I don't remember what it was. i It will come to me later on. But it's like a like a white powder stuff. And I was thinking myself, I told my
405 01:21:38,760 --> 01:21:46,980 wife was it don't bring any of the male in the house. Lead a male out there. Well, I mean, come on, it's not practical. But I would literally go out there
406 01:21:46,980 --> 01:21:56,820 and get these face masks on and use rubber gloves. And I literally opened up a mail outside, and then through all the envelopes in the trash can. And I was
407 01:21:56,820 --> 01:22:10,500 thinking myself, like, this is madness. Like, I can't look like this. But that's exactly what they wanted. Anthrax, that's what it was anthrax. Anthrax was being
408 01:22:11,100 --> 01:22:19,980 sent around in envelopes, and they wanted people to be afraid of the mail. They created all these boogeyman these problems, the scary things. And COVID they
409 01:22:19,980 --> 01:22:33,180 created that it's funny how all this stuff. You know, all the businesses that were shut down, people lost their jobs. And I understand in New York, they this
410 01:22:33,210 --> 01:22:41,850 judges can't say everybody's allowed to go back to their job, they gotta be rehired. Okay, sounds great. But there's going to be a lot of people that aren't
411 01:22:41,850 --> 01:22:43,680 going to be hired back.
412 01:22:52,140 --> 01:23:08,520 So this economic collapse that we're watching, that was created and engineered, nobody's really remembering how it all really took place. See, and magic,
413 01:23:08,520 --> 01:23:21,150 there's a principle called time misdirection. I think it's something to you and banter and patter of. And I'm performing. And I'm showing you something, I'm
414 01:23:21,150 --> 01:23:30,480 telling you something that may have something to do with the effect. But I'm also showing my hands a certain way, and gesturing a certain way. So your
415 01:23:30,480 --> 01:23:40,290 attention, your focus is where I don't want it to be where I'm doing the trick, or the sleight of hand. I want it to be at the neutral hand where it looks
416 01:23:40,290 --> 01:23:49,650 dirty, like I'm doing something, but really, it's clean. There's a terms in magic. When I'm doing a sleight of hand, that's my really that's, that's 13. But
417 01:23:49,650 --> 01:24:02,820 I presented a clean. And I build this rapport with the audience members. And then all of a sudden, the sleight of hands done. Then I reveal the effect to you
418 01:24:02,850 --> 01:24:15,180 at my leisure. And then the audience. Oh, wow. How did you that? That illusion of choice presentation I have on my cell cloud. If you listen to it more than
419 01:24:15,180 --> 01:24:31,110 one time, you'll hear priming. It's only leading you to two choices. And the math presents the choice that already know what you're doing. And the answer in
420 01:24:31,110 --> 01:24:43,350 both senses of the outcome. But because you lose track of all the banter you don't think oh, well, yeah, that would have led me right to that very choice.
421 01:24:45,270 --> 01:24:56,400 But because of that time misdirection. You don't see that you're being duped. The government's been doing that with us. All around the world. Every government
422 01:24:56,400 --> 01:25:13,830 is doing it. See they have literally stolen Wealth and crash the economy of its own moves slow motion, you don't see it. But think about it, folks. Two years,
423 01:25:14,730 --> 01:25:30,420 we're counting on two years. Doesn't feel like to you it doesn't. Since all this COVID stuff, because they have mentally worn you out, keeping you distracted
424 01:25:30,420 --> 01:25:38,040 with this, oh, the Trump's gonna be this, and we're going to put this person in jail. And we're going to do this and this person is going to fix all the
425 01:25:38,040 --> 01:25:52,590 problems, Biden, in that comedies they have as a government, these people are there to make you sick. They're there for you to hate them. They are not there
426 01:25:52,590 --> 01:26:15,420 to be effective. They are there to mock you, to make you feel. What's the use? When you see it for what it really is, it's shocking. These people are there to
427 01:26:15,420 --> 01:26:34,350 let you feel no sense of hope, a dash your hope, despair, you will gladly take the solution they're going to bring in and you don't realize that you're walking
428 01:26:34,350 --> 01:26:53,730 in to slavery. And you're gonna greet it with open arms. And you don't even recognize it. If they institute Institut de central bank digital currencies, and
429 01:26:53,730 --> 01:27:09,450 they do away with cash. All eyes will never ever be the same. They're not. And it's not going to be an improvement. The only improvement is going to be is
430 01:27:09,450 --> 01:27:20,790 their ability to control us. Now, don't think for a moment that I have an answer to this because I don't. I personally believe it's biblical. I believe that we
431 01:27:20,790 --> 01:27:37,560 are looking at that moment that transitions into the worst seven years of human history. Does it start right now? Or is it about to start? I don't know. But
432 01:27:37,560 --> 01:27:52,890 we're real right there. When Has there ever been a time like this? Think about why has Iran and Russia ever been an ally? Historically?
433 01:27:54,060 --> 01:28:14,010 Never. But Persia and Magog and GOG Guess what? They're buddies right now. Euphrates River. Keep your eye on it. It seems like it's a little low. Just like
434 01:28:14,010 --> 01:28:26,070 our Mississippi River is. That's interesting, isn't it? What's the big deal about that? Well, in the United States that Mississippi River is a major artery
435 01:28:26,820 --> 01:28:41,580 for barges and deliveries of goods and barges and vessels are getting stuck there because they can't traverse down the Mississippi River. We're about to
436 01:28:41,580 --> 01:28:47,970 arrive at diesel fuel. Railroad unions about to go on strike
437 01:28:54,090 --> 01:29:07,500 we got midterms coming up. And regardless of the outcome, I don't trust it. I don't have any faith in it, zero. Now my saying this is a call to arms was to
438 01:29:07,500 --> 01:29:23,790 have a 1776 moment now. That's stupid. But that's what they want. That's exactly what they want. They want people so ticked off that they lose their mind. And
439 01:29:23,790 --> 01:29:39,390 they go out there and they start trying to take the law in their own hands. And then what's gonna happen? Martial law the last little shred of the Constitution
440 01:29:39,390 --> 01:29:40,890 that we're all enjoying right now
441 01:29:49,380 --> 01:29:50,610 you don't have any rights then.
442 01:29:56,520 --> 01:30:03,450 That's what they want. They're poking and prodding and poking and prodding. because they want you to go off
443 01:30:08,580 --> 01:30:19,170 because if they get people on the streets, acting a fool, going each other's throats. That's the problem that they're going to present and orchestrate an
444 01:30:19,170 --> 01:30:36,390 engineer. And then they're going to bring the solution. And that's going to be well, not pleasant. Anytime our liberties and freedoms have taken away from us,
445 01:30:37,080 --> 01:30:38,610 never been given back.
446 01:30:44,609 --> 01:30:54,359 When I came out on the scene in 2010, I thought I had a little bit more time than where we're at. But things started really escalating, getting faster and
447 01:30:54,359 --> 01:31:11,789 faster and faster. And I kind of feel that now. It's like, the feeling I had in 2019, when I was telling you on Twitter net account, then it's 50 times like,
448 01:31:13,559 --> 01:31:26,609 me. I'm not huddled up in my house afraid in the house and anxious, I'm not anxious at all. I'm greatly concerned for people in my family that don't see
449 01:31:26,609 --> 01:31:38,159 this, despite me sitting down with them, and you're saying, Look at this, do you not see this? No one will see that. What is wrong with you? And some of you do
450 01:31:38,159 --> 01:31:49,979 not need it right now, this graphic, and none of this has convinced me of anything. And not to wonder, are you saying that's fine, that's a fair thing.
451 01:31:50,699 --> 01:32:06,059 Not trying to be just using it as a topic for you to take a look at, just take a look at it. And see if you can see these things, leading us down. Famine, that
452 01:32:06,059 --> 01:32:21,869 means control of food, and everything that you eat right now is being affected by everything I'm talking about. Your ability to get that food in time to be
453 01:32:21,869 --> 01:32:37,859 able to get it is dwindling quickly. Need to get yourself that's walls, meats, tuna, chicken, beef, anything that's canned, you need to be getting that. And
454 01:32:38,249 --> 01:32:48,539 don't have any reason to be feeling upset about going in there and buying 10 or 15 cans at a time. If you can afford it, buy it. It's on the shelf to be bought.
455 01:32:49,079 --> 01:33:00,689 If you have the money in the means to buy it, buy it. Because when it comes time to feed your little ones, and yourself, leave me nobody else is going to be
456 01:33:00,689 --> 01:33:12,119 thinking about you. We may gotta go and get further. And I'm not teaching selfishness. But you right now. The Bible says, If you don't take care of your
457 01:33:12,119 --> 01:33:24,569 family, you're worse than an unbeliever. And I look at you all as my family. And it would be on my hands if I say nothing about this. And when I feel it, like
458 01:33:24,569 --> 01:33:33,689 I'm feeling pressed to tell you these things. And I don't care what any of your opinions about me as a person is after I've told you this, if you want to look
459 01:33:33,689 --> 01:33:42,449 at me as a crackpot, if you want to look at me as what bottom line is, I don't care. I have been ahead of the curve. The curve, and I don't want to understand
460 01:33:42,449 --> 01:33:54,389 how it happened. But every time I feel like I got to talk about it, I do. But I don't talk about it a lot. But this conversation I really really want you
461 01:33:54,389 --> 01:34:05,699 because are some of you that are my students. And you just simply don't want to listen to these types of things and you think it's not going to happen. But look
462 01:34:05,699 --> 01:34:18,569 over there in Europe. Keep your eye on the UK because I'm telling you, the UK is going to be treated very very special over the next coming months. You are going
463 01:34:18,569 --> 01:34:28,679 to feel it in the EU as a whole is going to get ran through the wringer. And I personally believe that you're going to see
464 01:34:33,570 --> 01:34:48,570 well, they've been talking about a dirty bomb. But I have said for years that they're going to use a weapon in the United States here. And once that happens,
465 01:34:48,600 --> 01:35:03,780 martial law and they're never going to turn it off Hey, prepare for that. I don't know as you hoping near me. But if it is instant death and instant glory,
466 01:35:04,620 --> 01:35:19,530 I'm not worried about it. But while I'm here, if I can, I want to try to encourage everyone to, to make preparations as best as you can. Now, what's the
467 01:35:19,530 --> 01:35:31,140 point of all this is to scare you? No. I'm not trying to scare you at all. Remember that discussion at the beginning, I relieved myself of any
468 01:35:31,140 --> 01:35:41,370 responsibility in place, because because I would be stressed, dealing with what I was dealing with about spending money, and getting quotes and bids to paint my
469 01:35:41,370 --> 01:35:50,430 home. And knowing that they're all going to sugar, and butter me all up saying, well, we'll take care of you doing this and doing this, and we're gonna charge
470 01:35:50,430 --> 01:36:00,450 you this. I'm a businessman, and I look for the best deal. But I also want it done correctly. And I'm not going to be able to focus on the marketplace, if my
471 01:36:00,450 --> 01:36:12,300 mind is divided in a stressful environment. So place yourself in a situation here, and to do what I'm training you to do. Trade these markets, and there may
472 01:36:12,300 --> 01:36:22,440 be a period and I'm thinking quite certain that there's going to be a period where we will not be able to trade how long I don't know. Maybe a week, could be
473 01:36:22,440 --> 01:36:34,950 longer, maybe just a day. But something's going to happen shortly. Just look at the the whole world is on edge. We're talking about nuclear bombs, okay, nuclear
474 01:36:34,950 --> 01:36:50,910 devices. I said this, they need something scarier than COVID. Now. They need something. And I'm gonna tell you something. Growing up as a child in the 70s
475 01:36:50,910 --> 01:37:01,560 and 80s. We had to do the drills in school, where they would send off that air raid siren. It was always at one at one o'clock. You didn't know what day of the
476 01:37:01,560 --> 01:37:14,580 week it was going to happen. Okay, but it happened. And they also had that meant, okay. Look, the teacher said, Okay, climb onto your desk. Put your hands
477 01:37:14,580 --> 01:37:27,570 on your head. What was it going to do for us? I was one of the kids that looked at everybody, like, why are we doing this? Like, what is this going to do for
478 01:37:27,570 --> 01:37:39,360 us? We're dead. And there was a movie called damnation alley, had Georgia part in it. And guy was on a team TV show from the 80s when I watched that, that
479 01:37:39,360 --> 01:37:48,300 scared the living hell out of me. I was like, that's what nuclear bombs you're gonna do turn scorpions into dinosaurs level, things in the sky would be all
480 01:37:48,870 --> 01:37:59,670 radioactive and just nothing that barren wasteland, said they were feeding us this apocalyptic view of the world as a result of their bombs. So we were being
481 01:37:59,670 --> 01:38:10,140 conditioned, trained to be fearful of that. And it worked for me as a kid that I grew up on. Like, I ain't worried about this. I'm not worried about any of it.
482 01:38:11,670 --> 01:38:22,200 Well, now, when we had the September 11 thing happened, they were teaching us to be fearful of terrorists. If you see a box on the street, it's probably a bomb.
483 01:38:23,280 --> 01:38:32,760 Report it if you see your fellow citizen walking around, and he looks suspicious, report them, because they're probably going to be taking down
484 01:38:32,760 --> 01:38:42,360 somebody else's building next to the man scaring people and dividing people and putting them against each other. And now what they did with COVID You're
485 01:38:42,360 --> 01:38:55,080 unvaccinated? You're causing all this to happen. No, we're not. I'm not vaccinated, and I'm never getting vaccinated. Ever. Nothing. Because they're
486 01:38:55,080 --> 01:38:57,030 gonna slip that Mickey in everything they can now
487 01:39:04,859 --> 01:39:17,909 they the virus, the white and the black. Rodney King, I grew up went through echo show two. They always use that one. Why? Because black folks are animated
488 01:39:17,909 --> 01:39:28,619 when they're pissed off. When they knew they're right, and they had a reason. And B will mount up and posse up everywhere. And they will bring a ruckus.
489 01:39:28,739 --> 01:39:39,479 That's why they use that all the time. Even now, it's not that strong. So they created what the unvaccinated and the vaccinated the clean and the unclean.
490 01:39:44,580 --> 01:39:55,380 And now, you have that division. Work being divided against one another all the time. Because if we're constantly being divided, we cannot see our own
491 01:39:55,380 --> 01:40:05,910 governments doing these very things to us. And we won't remember it when it comes to voting time. And why are these people come from you or think about
492 01:40:05,910 --> 01:40:16,440 that, like, in your country where you're at? How did you end up with just those candidates? Surely we could have had somebody better than what we just had, in
493 01:40:16,440 --> 01:40:30,540 our own election. Come on. Really, the whole process. You might be thinking, Come on, at, it ain't read. I've already told you the markets are rigged. And
494 01:40:30,540 --> 01:40:49,320 you don't think these political get rich in two and four year terms aren't rigged. Please. Don't be so naive. That's what they hope you are. They don't
495 01:40:49,320 --> 01:40:57,000 want independent thinkers. They don't want people to think outside the box that they create, and you hang on your wall. And I got nine of them. They're called
496 01:40:57,000 --> 01:41:13,470 televisions. They tell the vision, the vision is what they want you to believe and see. Problem with things you watch. Now I have a lot of TVs, but I don't
497 01:41:13,470 --> 01:41:31,470 watch TV, or watch old movies, old shows. That may not be interesting to you, but I go down memory lane with it. So houses affect you as a trader? A lot. But
498 01:41:31,470 --> 01:41:44,970 some of you young folks don't want to see it that way. Or this doesn't affect me, it will place yourself in that situation where you might have, you might
499 01:41:44,970 --> 01:41:57,810 have that digital currency. But you've done something online, he said something, like maybe some of the things I've said no outer space. And like in China, they
500 01:41:57,810 --> 01:42:08,220 have a social credit score. And if you don't do what they want you to do, and if you act and align, well, certain permissions are not granted to you. Your buying
501 01:42:08,220 --> 01:42:22,770 abilities been altered? Limited. You can't do this. You can't go there. You can't pay for this. And you can't buy or acquire procure set items. What are
502 01:42:22,770 --> 01:42:37,230 those items? I don't know. But now you're gonna have a currency that is well, has parental locks on it. Now, younger folks are in their 20s. Think about
503 01:42:37,230 --> 01:42:45,630 what's like when you were growing up in your parents house, and you couldn't wait to turn 18 Like you're gonna move out. I'm having a breakdown with my son
504 01:42:45,630 --> 01:42:57,690 Cameron. I gave him access to a car. Now he's like, No, I can't wait to turn 18. And I'm gonna go out and do my own thing. Okay, that's gonna be interesting to
505 01:42:57,690 --> 01:43:09,330 see, because you don't have a trade. You're only doing a menial job right now, with no real skills. So it's the typical 18 year old boy mentality, I'm going to
506 01:43:09,330 --> 01:43:15,480 get out of this house, and I'm going to do my own thing. And I want to I want to be able to live where I want to go. Yeah, okay, great. I want to see you do it.
507 01:43:17,070 --> 01:43:26,250 But you notice, like, you don't like to have the parental rules. He has a curfew, he can't drive certain places. And he's not allowed having money in his
508 01:43:26,250 --> 01:43:37,500 car. Okay, that's reasonable, right? But he doesn't think that's reasonable. So he wants to act now. Now imagine you're gonna be in addition, where you know,
509 01:43:37,500 --> 01:43:50,580 you have money in the bank. But you've done something online. And now your social credit score has been affected. And you're being told you can't do what
510 01:43:50,580 --> 01:44:02,820 you want to do with your money. Sounds science fiction, doesn't it? And yet, it's not. That's why a central bank digital currency is being implemented
511 01:44:03,690 --> 01:44:19,980 everywhere. So you're gonna be stressed, like, I don't know, prepare to not, you're going to be challenged, you're going to be stressed, you're going to have
512 01:44:19,980 --> 01:44:31,650 these things plaguing you, and beating up on your emotions and your psychology up about what you perceive all around you. And you're listening to me because
513 01:44:31,650 --> 01:44:40,410 you're a trader or a trader in development. How's that gonna impact your ability to do analysis?
514 01:44:43,290 --> 01:45:00,000 Yeah, exactly. It's gonna be harder. It might be so you had to prepare yourself now. That's the only reason why I'm telling you to do it. Now. I don't have all
515 01:45:00,000 --> 01:45:13,380 right answers, folks, I don't I wish I did. I don't know where to put money that would be outside of this. And they're going to take away cash for taking that
516 01:45:15,150 --> 01:45:31,170 resource, that ability to trade for goods and services, and they're making it illegal. Oh, they're not, they are going to do that very thing. There's a lot of
517 01:45:31,170 --> 01:45:40,020 businesses already that are saying, no cash. Starbucks, which I can't stand that company.
518 01:45:45,660 --> 01:45:58,590 It's common, whether you like it or not, whether you're ready for it, it's common. None of us can stop it. And Trump is all part of it. Putin is all part
519 01:45:58,590 --> 01:46:09,600 of it. Every one of these people are all playing their role. And you're given the illusion that there's a chance that things are gonna get turned around. If
520 01:46:09,600 --> 01:46:20,700 we just get this person elected. It's never happening, folks. wake up and realize what's really going on, you're just being prodded down the road until
521 01:46:20,700 --> 01:46:35,100 they get everything in place. Don't worry. They spring, it will be our world's going to be drastically different and progressively worse every month after.
522 01:46:40,319 --> 01:46:51,359 So what's the point it teeth and you know what, why bother? Well, if you still can trade, and you keep your nose above the water, and you don't get out here
523 01:46:51,359 --> 01:47:05,609 and try to stir up things, the agreement. That's why I'm telling you I'm going back to being private. I only have a couple more weeks here on Twitter. I'm not
524 01:47:05,609 --> 01:47:20,429 deleting the channel, or the account, I'm just not going to be active. I'm a very divisive person. And the things I talk about, I'm quite certain are going
525 01:47:20,429 --> 01:47:34,349 to be all those checkboxes, okay, that I don't want that kind of drama. I know what's coming. I know what's coming in. Yeah, I have a following. It's not huge,
526 01:47:34,349 --> 01:47:46,439 but I have a following. So that means I have an influence. And they will make an example of influencers. Look around, and you'll know what I mean. So I'm to
527 01:47:46,649 --> 01:48:01,169 avoid all that going forward. So I'm talking to you in just a fireside chat amongst friends. Not telling you what to do. And just telling me what you think
528 01:48:01,169 --> 01:48:17,309 about it, right now may not be how you're going to feel about it once it hits. And it's going to hit and a lot of you are going to be very shocked and quite
529 01:48:17,339 --> 01:48:31,979 honestly scared. I trust the Lord. Okay. I believe God has always had my back. But if I'm to be here through all that, number one, that's something I wasn't
530 01:48:31,979 --> 01:48:45,269 expecting to. I have a lot of friends and family members that are not believers in the way that I believe in. You don't see what's going on either. They're
531 01:48:45,269 --> 01:48:56,909 completely closed minded. But yet I love them. They're my family and my friends. And simply because they don't agree with the things that I believe as a fate or
532 01:48:56,909 --> 01:49:06,689 the way I interpret the world. I don't shun them. I've loved them from a distance. But my heart is heavy for them because I know they're going to need
533 01:49:06,689 --> 01:49:19,289 help. And just because I have a lot of money. There may be things in a way that prevents me from to do things for them. What does that mean? Well, a central
534 01:49:19,289 --> 01:49:31,739 bank digital currency may make it only accessible for you yourself. When we had the real Id become implemented in the United States. Why was it in the moment?
535 01:49:31,739 --> 01:49:43,559 Why do we need that means driver's license is good enough right? Down in Jamaica they're discovering the wonderful benefits of having a virtual good now. They
536 01:49:43,559 --> 01:49:52,469 never had that before. Shout out to my Jamaican friends. Give me a heads up in the Twitter feed you know what's been going on down there because that's
537 01:49:52,469 --> 01:50:09,059 something that you all just it's your first exposure to and that's how the onion because Once they have papers on you, you're a cog in the machine. See, folks,
538 01:50:09,059 --> 01:50:22,829 we are on a spinning rock, hurtling through space. And every one of us has an innate number of Rothley slaves. Some others just have a little bit more money
539 01:50:22,829 --> 01:50:34,529 and more status. But we're all slaves. In any time, our governments can say, you have no rights, you have no status, you have no cloud, you have no wealth, you
540 01:50:34,529 --> 01:50:50,699 have no identity, you are gone. To power. And that's what they're ushering in. If we had a constitution and truest form that was created, we would not have 100
541 01:50:50,699 --> 01:51:04,079 mile new constitution zones in the United States. But that's exactly what we have now. And land security can go in and Buster your door. No warrants needed.
542 01:51:05,399 --> 01:51:21,479 If you're in 100 mile radius, on the edge of our beaches and shores, don't take my word for it. It's reality. Supreme Court did something severely wrong here.
543 01:51:23,519 --> 01:51:35,729 And the way I see it, their conditioning ourselves are not there. They are conditioning us as Americans and citizens of this country, to disregard the
544 01:51:37,229 --> 01:51:47,249 hallmarks of our nation and the Constitution in the Bill of Rights. It's being trampled. In mercy, young folks don't even know it because you weren't even
545 01:51:47,249 --> 01:52:00,329 taught real history. Civics isn't being taught anymore. Like we were taught to, to love our country, to have faith in our governments in the way we did
546 01:52:00,599 --> 01:52:21,749 everything. Now, our systems broken, dysfunctional privilege, this one doesn't. It's all meant to disrupt and take away a patriotic support of our nation's way.
547 01:52:21,749 --> 01:52:32,759 It's easy to say here, here's something better to replace it with. Slavery, it's control.
548 01:52:44,490 --> 01:53:00,690 It's just I've been on this planet now. A century. And I look at myself in the mirror, and I don't look like a two year old means myself. It might be a little
549 01:53:00,690 --> 01:53:11,190 bit of arrogance and pride on my part. That'll feel generally, like I'm a 50 year old man. There's some days are better than others. But generally, I don't
550 01:53:11,190 --> 01:53:19,800 feel that I don't think I sound like a 50 year old man. I certainly don't have the heart of a 30 year old man, the heart of the young man, I'm very passionate
551 01:53:19,800 --> 01:53:29,640 about life. I'm passionate about friends and family and things I do. But I never really thought I would ever see the way the world is right now and how fast
552 01:53:29,640 --> 01:53:44,220 things changed. Look how fast things have changed just in the last two years. Okay, how things have changed on a social level, help people interact, even in
553 01:53:44,220 --> 01:53:54,390 your own family. Maybe in your family, you'd have folks that maybe had vaccinations done on themselves and their family members, and you probably
554 01:53:54,390 --> 01:54:03,870 didn't. And maybe that's caused division. And maybe you're not friends with people had that done to them. willingly give it to themselves, because you won't
555 01:54:03,870 --> 01:54:18,570 do that. Then you can't be around us because you're not going to affect my family. You see what that's done. It's almost like the unvaccinated are the new
556 01:54:18,570 --> 01:54:37,020 Jews. During all the Nazi regime, pull them out. Don't hide on any of them. Don't hide the fact that I'm unvaccinated. I champion it. And I don't care who
557 01:54:37,020 --> 01:54:53,730 it offends. I knew that that was something that was being rushed. And many physicians are now thinking maybe we did all the best information. When reality
558 01:54:53,730 --> 01:55:02,700 is they didn't have the best information that was thrown at them in just a few months. How you don't know Now they're coming out saying there was no human
559 01:55:03,240 --> 01:55:14,880 trials on some case rushed it through after showing that the animals were killing. It was having an effect on the animals rather. One of the gentlemen
560 01:55:14,880 --> 01:55:31,590 that was having a radon fan installed in my house yesterday, says, Yeah, I got vaccinated. And my buddy, I grew up with a pharmacist. And he's the one giving
561 01:55:31,590 --> 01:55:42,840 the vaccine and he gave it to his kids and give it to his wife and himself and the whole thing. Long story short, he said, he says, But now he's saying, He's
562 01:55:42,840 --> 01:55:56,040 second guessing it. And he's wondering if that was the right thing to do. Now, I don't know about you. But how does that leave you as the friend that the
563 01:55:56,040 --> 01:56:09,810 pharmacist talked into? You getting that shot? And then saying they view their children and his wife and himself the shot? How do you walk away from that
564 01:56:09,810 --> 01:56:20,460 conversation and feel good? And it was, like, you could see the guy was all tore up about like, he was not right. And I'm like, Okay, well, I didn't take it. And
565 01:56:20,460 --> 01:56:29,550 I don't want any of my kids to take it. But my daughter did. She took two doses of Pfizer stuff. She had issues with nosebleeds, and this weird rash that was
566 01:56:29,550 --> 01:56:45,960 popping up all over her skin. But praise God, she hasn't had any other episodes. But but it seems like there's been like this 18 month ish time, though. And a
567 01:56:45,960 --> 01:56:56,610 lot of people are now having issues where they're no longer here. Let's just put it that way. And always generally assigned to something with their heart.
568 01:56:58,080 --> 01:57:16,590 Quickly, suddenly. And or, you know, heart defect now is as a result. And I'd be lying. If I said, I'm not concerned. But I'm, I'm always in prayer for my
569 01:57:16,590 --> 01:57:31,920 daughter. For those of you that are in the faith, or in your own way, is and sentiments that were positive towards my daughter, I would really appreciate
570 01:57:31,920 --> 01:57:42,210 that. Because that's the only source of stress in my life anymore. Like, I don't have any stresses. Nothing bothers me. Nothing worries me. But that does. And
571 01:57:42,210 --> 01:57:44,430 I've seen people that were
572 01:57:45,660 --> 01:57:55,170 gloating. Oh, I got the shot. Like I see these people. They are voting and voting and learning we should have that and you should have gotten I'm fine.
573 01:57:55,890 --> 01:58:12,870 They're dead. Dead folks. And I'm hoping that my daughter is not walking around with a time bomb in her. Because I'll be honest, you're not going to do very
574 01:58:12,870 --> 01:58:13,200 well.
575 01:58:31,560 --> 01:58:41,130 The main point of this discussion was to get you thinking, making fortify your own herself in your own home. Because if you're like me, you have children, you
576 01:58:41,130 --> 01:58:58,410 have a spouse into soil boxers. They all depend on me. And I try to do what I can to inform them but not scare them. And I'm sure this conversation if you've
577 01:58:58,410 --> 01:59:15,660 been here this long. You're in one of two camps. This was disturbing and if any of it or maybe you're a little alarmed. Take that energy and convert it into
578 01:59:16,200 --> 01:59:28,470 checking into what you have in your pantry. How long could you go right now? When I say this, I'm gonna close this space. How long could you go right now if
579 01:59:28,470 --> 01:59:31,590 you didn't buy anything else before you ran out of food
580 01:59:36,600 --> 01:59:49,350 if it's anything less than 12 months, you're not ready. The worst thing you can do is go out there and buy those in a box or in a bucket. survival foods. Don't
581 01:59:49,350 --> 02:00:02,700 do that. None of it's good. You will be better suited to go out and buy canned goods. And you were See those in the United States we have a company called Nora
582 02:00:03,570 --> 02:00:14,460 k n o r r i believe it is. It's like flavored the season rice little things and oatmeal. Like can you be eaten go to like these big box stores I'm gonna get
583 02:00:15,150 --> 02:00:37,620 things of oatmeal. Honey, that's a natural sweetener. It never expires it never goes bad. sugar, flour, and salt means stable rice pasta and keep them in cool,
584 02:00:38,130 --> 02:00:52,620 dry locations and pantry in your house. water and water filters. We use a zero water filter here. And in my experience, and there's a lot of people out there
585 02:00:52,620 --> 02:00:59,610 that like the Berkey Water Filter. I don't like it. I didn't like it. They actually recently found themselves in some some, some kind of trouble with their
586 02:01:00,480 --> 02:01:15,480 filtration system. Look into it. That's all couple headlines about it. You can do with it. But I have been a fan of zero water filters for about seven years.
587 02:01:16,410 --> 02:01:27,600 Around about seven years. It comes out really clean. And our water here in Harford County. If you do the little measurement instrument they give you you
588 02:01:27,600 --> 02:01:41,700 put your metal and particulate meter inside. It'll tell you how much sediment is in your water. Up here in Harford County. It's like 286. So, you know, what does
589 02:01:41,700 --> 02:01:54,090 that mean? That sounds good to dress but it's so when you run it through this filter, it literally takes it down to zero particulates and you can taste the
590 02:01:54,090 --> 02:02:07,380 difference. Like it tastes like you would imagine clean water tasting, wet, clean, crisp no chlorination tastes and tastes. No funkiness just really good,
591 02:02:07,410 --> 02:02:17,880 doesn't have any odor to it. It's just It cleans the water really good. And I stored up about 300 of these filters. They last about three weeks in our house.
592 02:02:18,840 --> 02:02:30,420 And we were always running water through them. And I have a half a dozen of camera countertop water distillers. So we I can literally every one of the homes
593 02:02:30,420 --> 02:02:43,920 I've purchased every single home I've ever purchased is always buy some kind of Lake stream, some kind of freshwater supply. The homes in I have up here in
594 02:02:43,920 --> 02:02:53,520 Harford County are right next to Gunpowder Falls, I strategically picked these locations, they had to have that resource next to them. Because I could
595 02:02:53,520 --> 02:03:03,690 literally walk get water in a bucket. And then I could distill that water for drinking water. Even if the electricity and the grid goes down. I have ways to
596 02:03:03,690 --> 02:03:18,300 run these distillers. I have an old moonshiners distiller too, not that I drink alcohol, but I could distill water with that, too. So I've always lived my life
597 02:03:18,390 --> 02:03:32,070 with this preparedness mindset, simply because of the things I saw coming. And when I was younger and mental shutdown, good things and when I met women and
598 02:03:32,070 --> 02:03:41,010 data down, they'd say, you know why you have all that food? And why do you have to just shot for the month. That was my excuse for him. It was way more than a
599 02:03:41,010 --> 02:03:49,530 month worth of food and supplies. But it was just I didn't I didn't think they would understand. And naturally years ago, you know, 20 years ago, they wouldn't
600 02:03:49,530 --> 02:03:58,680 have enough never imagined what we're seeing right now. And I had a lot of students, and yes, I'm closing it out. But I had a lot of students get really
601 02:03:58,680 --> 02:04:16,050 offended with me, by me, encouraging people to to get their homes prepared like this. Because in my mind it's just good living. I don't need the grocery store.
602 02:04:16,680 --> 02:04:31,350 I don't need the every one of my homes have at least a year and a half worth of food. But Whole Foods, it's foods that are not like in those emergency food
603 02:04:31,350 --> 02:04:31,950 buckets.
604 02:04:31,980 --> 02:04:41,790 You know where it's like heavy, heavy, salty, garbage, it's not good for you, you're gonna get sick if you live on that stuff for months. Any processed foods,
605 02:04:41,820 --> 02:04:55,950 it's going to be like that. But I guess if it's all you had, that's all you have, but no matter what you can do, and if you're making money, like if you are
606 02:04:55,950 --> 02:05:05,670 now profitable and you're making money, the worst thing you can do is Be squandering it and wasting it right now. Going out there buying stuff for image,
607 02:05:06,450 --> 02:05:06,750 you know
608 02:05:12,599 --> 02:05:25,589 if you believe anything that comes out of my mouth ever, and you want to latch on to that, and this is the most important thing, it's this. Get your house.
609 02:05:26,039 --> 02:05:39,299 Ready, sincerely get your house ready, because something really, really bad is coming. And I don't know to the degree and how far it'll take us and how long we
610 02:05:39,299 --> 02:05:50,969 got to endure it and what it's going to do. And ultimately, but wouldn't it give you more peace of mind, knowing that you have at least your house is full of
611 02:05:50,969 --> 02:05:59,339 food that you're going to be able to eat, it won't perish because in canned goods, it's dry goods, things that you can prepare with water, and a way to
612 02:05:59,339 --> 02:06:10,079 filter water. And if you have medications, ask your doctor if they gave you an extra supply of it and did not want to do much of it. Since all this plant annex
613 02:06:10,469 --> 02:06:23,939 happened. But you have to do what you got to do. And that way, by having this out of the way, and then as you use it, replace it. Yes, that means you have to
614 02:06:23,939 --> 02:06:31,919 be organized. You have to know how many cans of green beans? How many cans of tuna you have, how many cans of chicken you have? And what's the expiration date
615 02:06:31,919 --> 02:06:42,059 on it. Let me tell you something, I've eaten things all my life over two years old. And in goods they don't expire, unless that can is bloated. And misshapen.
616 02:06:42,509 --> 02:06:54,419 If it's got a dent, I don't care if the expiration is like two years from now I just bought it if I find a dentist can I throw it away. But botulism isn't gonna
617 02:06:54,419 --> 02:07:05,129 get you. Okay, just because it's two years past expiration, that that's that food is sealed up to keep in a cool, dark location. That food will last years.
618 02:07:05,939 --> 02:07:17,579 And rice and sugar. Those things, dried beans, they can last 20 years. If you vacuum sample non starter you own a vacuum seal that, like with a oxygen
619 02:07:17,579 --> 02:07:28,049 absorber you don't do that. But like salt, you want to have things to season your food and all kinds of fishing tackle on things because when I was younger,
620 02:07:28,049 --> 02:07:40,229 I used to do a lot of fishing. And I said you know what, I'm just gonna accumulate more of this stuff. And now I'm in an area where by the bay, I
621 02:07:40,229 --> 02:07:51,599 there's plenty ways for me to get crab fish. You know, everybody up here is thinking I'm going on my 30 Odd six and I'm gonna go get me a deer and I'll be
622 02:07:51,599 --> 02:08:03,959 able to eat the year. Everybody's going to be doing that. And there won't be any deer. And there won't be any rabbits. There won't be any squirrels. That's the
623 02:08:03,959 --> 02:08:16,769 first step that's going to go What's the food source? That's going to be the most abundant fish you gotta be able to catch them. Can you swim faster and
624 02:08:16,769 --> 02:08:38,879 fish? So you gotta get some tackled on you. Right? So that's my Robinson Caruso podcast where you tonight. Little bit of 1984 mixed in there with some pottery.
625 02:08:41,369 --> 02:08:57,899 It was meant sincerely to get you thinking about what's coming. Not wrong. I don't know the exact day. But I absolutely know between now and May. We are in
626 02:08:57,899 --> 02:09:12,179 for some craziness. It may be even sooner than that. But that's the window. You need to have your house prepared over the counter medicines, a way to stay warm.
627 02:09:12,719 --> 02:09:27,419 The weight of light your house when the power goes because it's going out. Europe if you're in Europe, you're in the eurozone and UK. You're going to feel
628 02:09:27,419 --> 02:09:44,219 it you're going to feel it and you should be finding ways that extra blankets, candles means of lighting your home. Should the power go out and staying warm
629 02:09:45,149 --> 02:09:54,839 that you can stay warm. If the power goes out, how do you stay warm? In the States, you can procure yourself a wood burning stove, you can click on that and
630 02:09:54,839 --> 02:10:13,379 Plus it'll heat your house to think about all of this is important, and it has its place in a investors mindset, because what you're doing is you're hedging.
631 02:10:15,839 --> 02:10:38,879 Food prices are going way up the cam chickens that I bought cases in cases in cases that are about double now just seven they're telling all of the folks that
632 02:10:38,969 --> 02:10:52,079 raise Cattle and Crops, you can't, you can't do as much as you could before. fertilizer costs are too expensive now. So what does that mean, the yield on all
633 02:10:52,079 --> 02:11:04,859 of these things, livestock and crop next year is opportunity for us in the marketplace. But it's also opportunity for you to starve. What good is it if you
634 02:11:04,859 --> 02:11:17,639 have all that money, and you can't buy it, because it's not on the shelf? Thank folks, I know, it probably doesn't seem practical, or likely that it's gonna
635 02:11:17,639 --> 02:11:29,729 happen. It's coming. It is absolutely coming. And if you don't make your house ready, you will be starving, you will be stressed out, you will not be able to
636 02:11:29,729 --> 02:11:45,449 focus on the markets with a clear mindset, and you will be a mess. So, yes, I'm hoping that you'll listen to me and make your house ready, because it'll help
637 02:11:45,449 --> 02:11:55,469 you stay focused as a trader, I don't care about the trading part. I don't want to see you starving. I don't want to see you going through hardships. Because
638 02:11:55,469 --> 02:12:08,159 that's what everybody else is gonna feel. Even some of my friends, they're gonna come to me and say, Michael, you have a lot of money. Can you help us? I can't
639 02:12:08,159 --> 02:12:19,709 if it's not in the store. I can't put gas in your vehicle to help you get to where you got to get to it, the pumps don't have it.
640 02:12:24,630 --> 02:12:38,280 much do you have to see did not understand that all of this is engineered every aspect of it. It's meant for a complete and utter collapse. They don't want us
641 02:12:38,280 --> 02:12:49,590 to be able to move around operating businesses and also getting food and goods delivered. Why would they want to do that they'd be losing so much money. They
642 02:12:49,590 --> 02:13:02,850 already own all the money, folks. Anybody that says that that's that's a myopic perspective. These people print money ever thinner. They don't need you to spend
643 02:13:02,850 --> 02:13:19,770 the thing they create. There's too many of us. This is the culling the thinning of the herd. There's too many of us. And some of us just don't want to comply no
644 02:13:19,770 --> 02:13:43,620 matter what. And they want to kind of like phase that part of us out or starve it out. We're injected out. Or maybe, maybe microwave it out. I don't know how
645 02:13:43,620 --> 02:13:57,360 much SPF you need for a bomb. But I'm not living my life worrying about a bomb. I'm expecting it. If it lands in Harford County weather you're about to see that
646 02:13:57,360 --> 02:14:09,480 somewhere. Because it has to be scarier than COVID. And it has to be scary to terrorists hitting the plane into a building. It has to be scarier than some
647 02:14:09,510 --> 02:14:22,170 unseen anthrax stuff, some biological thing. Nobody's worrying about that anymore. So what's a terrible fearful thing that could be created? nuclear
648 02:14:22,170 --> 02:14:27,390 fallout. You can't smell it. Can't see it. Shelter in Place
649 02:14:33,660 --> 02:14:51,840 so if you have to shelter in place, how long can you go before you start? Or die of thirst? You have bottled water in your house. Maybe time to get some kind of
650 02:14:51,840 --> 02:15:05,370 pain medicine. Stress from all this possibly going on. headache is just a nuisance but a headache. When you can't think and can't leave your house, now it
651 02:15:05,370 --> 02:15:19,830 becomes debilitating. You got to think folks, things that you use everyday right now. Do you have a supply of that stuff? Advil, Tylenol, the proxim over the
652 02:15:19,830 --> 02:15:31,890 counter pain medicines. If you have any doubts about your prescriptions for like your eyes and things, go get updated. Just haven't got backups of all my
653 02:15:31,890 --> 02:15:47,910 glasses. That way I have nine pairs of glasses. I'm certain I'm going to break up here. It won't, it won't ruin me. I'll be able to see. Lots of cars. They're
654 02:15:47,910 --> 02:16:04,440 always topped off. But eventually, if what I'm seeing coming, I'll run out of gas. And then I'll have garage keepers. It'll be sitting in the garage and not
655 02:16:04,440 --> 02:16:21,870 moving. We're gonna we're about to see that will be Mad Max Thunderdome level. I don't know. I am trying to convey the idea to you. That if you're trying to be
656 02:16:22,110 --> 02:16:38,640 an investor, and you're trying to build a life that is comfortable, better than the average life that you've lived. If you do not do these types of things may
657 02:16:38,640 --> 02:16:50,550 not be a year. Maybe you can't afford a year's worth of non perishable food I understand. Try to do the best you can. That's all I'm saying. Just do that. And
658 02:16:50,550 --> 02:17:03,780 as you use it, replace it. It'll just it'll give you peace of mind. And best case scenario, nothing happens. And you don't have to go grocery shopping for a
659 02:17:03,780 --> 02:17:18,300 couple months. That's an insurance policy that yields dividends that if you don't do it, you're going to regret it. Which I leave the conversation on a good
660 02:17:18,300 --> 02:17:37,020 note. But how do you leave a position like this? That's why I was putting it off for as long as I have because what I wanted to say, and I knew what I wanted to
661 02:17:37,020 --> 02:17:55,080 cover the outro I don't know. I don't know a effective and socially acceptable closure to it. So I'll just say hope you found it insightful. It wasn't meant to
662 02:17:55,080 --> 02:17:59,940 scare you. And until next time. Be safe