
Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2022-12-29 08:29


00:00 - When I saw many times individuals from the middle east saying they have a “mis understanding”, I’m not the best mentor

05:21 - Mentorship is not a trade -.

12:12 - You can think that you know how to do this, but find out later on you’re really not able to.

16:57 - The secret entrance to the Batman Secret.

24:46 - The great room and view.

30:32 - Everything is custom like everything is custom.

35:54 - What’s in the basement.

40:55 - Theater in your house -.

47:16 - Why you have to live where you want to live -.

53:04 - All this stuff is not necessary, it’s not needed.

58:28 - How do you constitute a shift in market structure or a stop run?

01:04:03 - My videos are not coming down and you don’t need to pay for them.

01:13:00 - If you hang around those types of people, that’s what you’re going to be.

01:19:15 - How to turn the lights off in your house.

01:24:32 - How much money can you make? There's no limit.

01:29:50 - Tom Clancy’s fork in the road –.



00:00:00,960 --> 00:00:14,190 ICT: When I saw many times, individuals from like Turkey, Middle East, something like that, they they post many times, sir, I have a doubt. Now in America, if
00:00:14,190 --> 00:00:28,050 someone says I doubt, that's like, Bitch, you're a liar. That's how I take it. So I've obviously learned since then that that's not the case. They're saying
00:00:28,050 --> 00:00:38,400 that they have a mis understanding, and they want me to clarify, to help them get to a better understanding about it. So like I said, I'm not the best mentor,
00:00:38,430 --> 00:00:44,010 like, I'm not the best mentor. And I've learned how to do it better, obviously, you know, over the years.
00:00:57,120 --> 00:01:03,960 I've already said, I'm not going to sit in front of all of you, and do the trades and for you, because it's just going to be someone copying it. And I
00:01:03,960 --> 00:01:10,890 don't want that it would be in my head. And what makes me get in the trade, you're not going to fully understand. And I'm going to be worrying about that.
00:01:11,910 --> 00:01:21,510 Versus reading price. Because it's very sound like a dog that chase cars easily. And that's why trolls fuck with me because they get entertained by it. And I
00:01:21,510 --> 00:01:32,280 generally I like it too. But this year, I just wanted to call you bullshit on everybody else's stuff that they have said about me. And I'm not going to do
00:01:32,280 --> 00:01:40,560 this type of shit going on. Forever. I just want to do this one time, just to let you know that this entire year, everything that's been said about me, I've
10 00:01:40,560 --> 00:01:51,300 cancelled all that. I cleared my entire schedule showed you exactly how I teach and how my mentorship is seen for six years plus, consistently calling.
11 00:01:59,190 --> 00:02:09,180 The market consistently outline it before it happens. I've given you a taste of all that this year. Okay, and I am so thankful and appreciative of all of you
12 00:02:09,180 --> 00:02:18,330 that have given me feedback and your appreciation for the time invested in all of you on not removing the videos, okay, those videos I'm putting on my YouTube
13 00:02:18,330 --> 00:02:28,950 channel, they are there to stay that I'm doing that I'm nailing them to my channel that way, no one can go out there and scam any of any of the people out
14 00:02:28,950 --> 00:02:39,420 there like Hey, I think the mentorship videos here want to buy him because they're trying to make ends meet. I've given you enough already this year, where
15 00:02:40,650 --> 00:02:49,050 Tom, Dick and Harry you know, all around the world doesn't need to sell me, I'm gonna I'm sorry to sell you my videos. And besides, you've already tasted
16 00:02:49,380 --> 00:03:04,410 there's a lot of stuff in this core content videos. But they're just concepts from a narrow perspective about what it is, but you're not necessarily being
17 00:03:04,410 --> 00:03:13,740 taught where they go. They're just the introduction of the individual cogs. Now people all around the world you know when you get sold on the idea that hey,
18 00:03:13,740 --> 00:03:22,230 this is what's going to do for you. That's why I told everybody when I was going through mentorship you the first year 2016 which started in August, and then we
19 00:03:22,230 --> 00:03:31,530 rolled into the final month on August of 2017 that was the end of the core content lessons being given to them and then the rest of it was this me sitting
20 00:03:31,530 --> 00:03:39,060 down with them every single day telling them what the markets going to do and why to expect this and like to expect that anybody would watch it I'm 90%
21 00:03:39,270 --> 00:03:47,880 accurate with that. So the point was mentoring was me pointing to where they should focus their attention on a given set of markets like the Euro dollar
22 00:03:47,910 --> 00:04:03,390 British Pound and the dollar now much like when I first did live streams with GoToWebinar in the first group you know I tried to sit down there was 865 or 164
23 00:04:03,390 --> 00:04:09,720 people that join my first intake and just no advertising just one little tweet and so here you
24 00:04:15,990 --> 00:04:26,670 got this just deadline you gotta do about him like this thing and here it is. So I tried to sit down with everybody and like I can't look at the live stream
25 00:04:26,700 --> 00:04:43,020 comments that you guys are doing I mean nothing actually connect right where I'm at because it's a bad area and trees but I broke up that and now I'm seeing all
26 00:04:43,500 --> 00:04:46,560 the comments pop up but religion treat
27 00:04:53,550 --> 00:05:03,840 I tried to sit down with the students. And, and much like right now you're all in the lab. chat, part of the YouTube and you're you're talking you're you're
28 00:05:03,840 --> 00:05:15,570 posting stuff, I can't see it because I'm obviously driving. But at the time in 2016, I got 800 plus people in a Go To Webinar. And I'm trying to sit down and
29 00:05:15,570 --> 00:05:26,310 focus to explain what they should be trying to see in price. Not that it's a trade not we're not trying to do trades, but I want to teach them kind of like
30 00:05:26,310 --> 00:05:33,930 what you've experienced this year, right? I'd say, look, look at the mark right here. What do you see? Okay, that's where that was birth. It was in the first
31 00:05:33,960 --> 00:05:42,870 year mentorship core. First group, what do you see? What do you see in the chart right now? Now, the problem with that is, is there's individuals that came into
32 00:05:42,870 --> 00:05:57,240 the fold, and ongoing when someone comes to me on Twitter, okay, or they find my videos on YouTube, they've never really studied what it is or my for teaching,
33 00:05:57,240 --> 00:06:04,980 or even looked at the evidence I provided, number one, I can make money and my students can make money. It's work, it's it works, it's highly consistent. They,
34 00:06:05,040 --> 00:06:15,300 they look at one video, or they look at one experience they have with me or one lecture that may not be the best one for them to be introduced to me. And they
35 00:06:15,330 --> 00:06:21,210 quickly think, Okay, well, this guy, you know, as soon as they see demo, they're like, Oh, this guy's full of shit, ain't worth watching this, because if he was
36 00:06:21,210 --> 00:06:29,580 a really good trader, he would be showing me his account number, show me his trades here, give me his trading history, his tax ID number is 10 years of
37 00:06:29,610 --> 00:06:39,270 income, you know, reporting to the Feds and, you know, social security number, credit card, you know, receipt, Thanksgiving, David want all that stuff, like
38 00:06:39,300 --> 00:06:48,090 that's something that's reasonable, it's not Reasonable. Reasonable is what I've done, where if I don't know what I'm talking about, I cannot do this going
39 00:06:48,090 --> 00:06:56,220 forward, I point to things and trade things after I talk to you about it. And it's one sided. And that's what I was trying to do with the first group, but I
40 00:06:56,220 --> 00:07:06,780 wanted to ease into the live sessions where they would get a taste of what it is that keeps them from wanting to just simply go in and trade with real money. I
41 00:07:06,780 --> 00:07:19,800 think I see a lag here on one second. It seems like it's lagging. But the first year in my mentorship. When I was doing live sessions, I was trying to teach
42 00:07:19,800 --> 00:07:22,950 them to be patient about what it is they're looking for.
43 00:07:30,570 --> 00:07:38,940 And a lot of the folks that came in that year, were just wanting to be spoon fed. They wanted to be spoon fed signals. And that's just not my bag. I don't I
44 00:07:38,940 --> 00:07:54,210 don't do that. So I set out this year to kind of like, cancel everybody's argument against me. That had a genuine, sincere doubt not that they were like
45 00:07:54,210 --> 00:08:00,060 you see if you know, there's a small little sector on the internet that just simply doesn't like me, and that's fine. And you know, I don't really care about
46 00:08:00,060 --> 00:08:10,500 that. But there are folks out there that I think they genuinely know I can do everything I've shown you this year and more. But because they don't like the
47 00:08:10,500 --> 00:08:18,690 fact that I am the way I am and I say everything else is bullshit and doesn't work as well as this. That right there immediately divides the the audience
48 00:08:18,780 --> 00:08:29,910 either you're on my side of the story. I don't want to say team because I don't need a team. Either you see things the way I see it or done this guy is an
49 00:08:29,910 --> 00:08:39,450 asshole. You know, he's he's arrogant. He's a narcissist. And you know, all those things are true. But it doesn't change the fact that the things that I'm
50 00:08:39,510 --> 00:08:49,470 teaching you and trade with are the market. And I want folks to test it themselves. It may not resonate with you, you might like bollinger bands and you
51 00:08:49,470 --> 00:08:57,000 might like all those things that you learned in textbooks and they might be working for you if you have a good money money management approach. But you're
52 00:08:57,000 --> 00:09:04,830 not going to get as precise as what I'm doing. Like nobody's nobody's touching that. And I wanted to step out here on Twitter this year. And cancel everything
53 00:09:04,830 --> 00:09:14,460 that Mr. Binney E Mini okay put out there saying about me that was all lies. It's all bullshit. Okay. Now I could have done a very terrible thing this entire
54 00:09:14,460 --> 00:09:26,880 year, and basically victimize him like he's tried to make me out to me. I'm, I'm bipolar, but no one's life was threatened. And I I know why he did it. He's
55 00:09:26,880 --> 00:09:39,870 trying to draw a crowd. And some most of everything he said really, was all exaggerations and bullshit. So I came out and showed you exactly what my
56 00:09:40,440 --> 00:09:49,440 mentorship group have seen every single year, not two sided when I give an analysis, the only time I'll do that is when I'm admitting before I even talk
57 00:09:49,470 --> 00:09:58,140 that Okay, right now, I don't have an opinion or a bias. I'll say, hey, look, you know, this is a time when there's low probability. And then I'll outline
58 00:09:58,170 --> 00:10:07,350 both sides of the marketplace now. I'm Telling them at the same conversation that I am not saying this so they can come back say, see, I'm right. I've never
59 00:10:07,350 --> 00:10:17,280 done that. That's not my interest there. But when I tell you look at what you see here in the chart right now and this level, okay, I'm basically tipping my
60 00:10:17,280 --> 00:10:26,760 hand to you, I'm showing you my cards. That's my right now current bias, and I'm looking for something, it doesn't necessarily mean that that trade idea is in
61 00:10:26,790 --> 00:10:36,330 formation, right? Then it just means that I'm looking for something that will lead to a bridge between the current market price right now. And when I'm
62 00:10:36,360 --> 00:10:44,010 pointing to a specific level, if it's above the market price, that means what I'm expecting something bullish, that's not a trade signal, I'm not giving you
63 00:10:44,010 --> 00:10:54,960 trade advice, it's just me tipping my hand showing you my cards, that in my own real account, I'm looking to put something on. And you now know, a setup a
64 00:10:54,960 --> 00:11:07,590 formation with that 2022 mentorship model, that is a absolute ATM machine is the easiest fucking thing you're ever gonna find in trading that is so highly
65 00:11:07,590 --> 00:11:16,110 precise. It's a complete system, there's no anything needed to it, you don't need to have all this other horseshit Wycoff added to it. Okay, because that's
66 00:11:16,110 --> 00:11:22,350 all bullshit. You don't need to change my knees and call it supply and demand because that has nothing to do with it. You don't have to do anything. Elliott
67 00:11:22,350 --> 00:11:33,150 Wave, you don't have to have anything harmonic, it is a complete, perfect, perfect system completely perfect. The only thing that's lacking is your
68 00:11:33,150 --> 00:11:42,660 specific risk parameters that makes up your money management model. Are you willing to risk like a quarter percent of your account per trade or 1%? Or 2%?
69 00:11:42,660 --> 00:11:53,130 Which is the industry standard? I don't think anybody that's had less than two years trading experience should be risking 2%. And that's the that's the truth.
70 00:11:53,310 --> 00:12:06,780 Because you can be tricked into like when I first started trading, after my first Soiree. Hang on, it looks like I'm lagging here. In my first year of
71 00:12:06,810 --> 00:12:21,990 finding profitability, it was all hinging on random luck. So you can think that you know how to do this. But find out later on, you're really not able to really
72 00:12:21,990 --> 00:12:27,780 do it as well as you think he did. And I was humbled like that in 1993, I
73 00:12:27,780 --> 00:12:40,440 thought I had it figured out. But the only thing I was doing was buying in bullish markets. We're almost at the property, by the way. But the the questions
74 00:12:40,440 --> 00:12:51,750 that come up about me all the time are, you know, if this guy was really this, or he would do this, if he did that, now, that's your opinion about me, you
75 00:12:51,750 --> 00:13:00,300 don't even know who I am, like, you don't know nothing about me. None of you really do. And it's never really been about me, once, I guess, in a way by me
76 00:13:00,330 --> 00:13:10,650 doing the approach I used, it causes intrigue, and interest, and everybody wanted to be the person to the show more about who I was. Well, you know, if
77 00:13:10,650 --> 00:13:18,660 you're gonna do that, and be honest, I don't have a problem with that. But when you make up stuff and say, I'm poor, that my children live in trailer parks,
78 00:13:18,690 --> 00:13:29,340 they don't live in trailer parks, Caleb lives at 677 Iron Gate, the house I just drove from, okay, that's where he lives. That's Caleb's house. Okay? So I
79 00:13:29,340 --> 00:13:45,240 downsize to get them all adjusted to that home, to teach them how to operate and be young, the effective adults use don't turn $700,000 house over to a 20 year
80 00:13:45,240 --> 00:13:56,790 old that's never had a home before. They gotta learn how to do those things to take care of it. And that's what they've been doing. So now the time has come
81 00:13:57,570 --> 00:14:14,400 for us to move away from them. And Kate will be without me in the house. He has been a socially awkward person his entire life. Okay, and I can say that because
82 00:14:14,400 --> 00:14:26,220 I was dead. So I had to be hands on with him and show him how to take care of a property. Okay. It's not like you go rent an apartment. And if something goes
83 00:14:26,220 --> 00:14:35,220 wrong, well, hey, rental office, go fix this for me and your fucking problem. You got to deal with it yourself. And I don't want him doing things in his house
84 00:14:35,250 --> 00:14:42,780 that would obviously tear it up and then say, Hey, Dad, what do I do with this? I don't want to be burdened by that. Okay? Because I'm not a handyman. I'm the
85 00:14:42,780 --> 00:14:50,700 checkbook guy. You know if something needs fixed, or repaired or whatever, I'm looking for someone who knows how to do it. I've never been a handyman. Which by
86 00:14:50,700 --> 00:15:01,890 the way, this guy that I bought this house from. He's a chemical engineer used to be in the professional industry and actually was working in Oil Futures which
87 00:15:01,890 --> 00:15:12,720 was very fascinating. I wish I'd had had more time to talk to him but very, very smart guy. And he put so many like control systems in this house that are
88 00:15:12,870 --> 00:15:23,580 amazing. Like I'm really fascinated with how he did everything but I'm not on that level like he is like he was high VC very, very smart and knows the
89 00:15:23,580 --> 00:15:33,480 intricacies of everything and he tried to explain the pool because it's a pretty intricate system and I honestly I grew up living in my aunt and uncle's house
90 00:15:33,480 --> 00:15:42,570 and it was a simple little chlorine pool. Okay, check the pH throw some shocking news, you skim it run the filter here in there and that's it that's it pretty
91 00:15:42,570 --> 00:15:44,910 much it's a simple thing this pool.
92 00:16:57,779 --> 00:17:11,159 That at the block it out when I went to the Batman secret entrance. So it was a real thick area of trees that minutes don't have a connection really well with
93 00:17:11,159 --> 00:17:15,659 it when we drive through. But anyway, give me one more second here
94 00:17:27,329 --> 00:17:32,999 I wasn't talking a couple seconds ago because it looked like I broke up lost a connection.
95 00:17:41,880 --> 00:17:53,940 So before I obviously go in here, I just want to remind you again, this, it's not finished, because we just literally received the property in our hands and
96 00:17:54,000 --> 00:18:05,730 the transfer of ownership was done at three o'clock yesterday. The folks that purchase it from the very old couple. They're they're moving to Florida. And
97 00:18:06,540 --> 00:18:18,990 they used to Snowbird, from here in Florida. And for house they built in 2018. They were barely ever in it. And it was barely used. But they had a lot of
98 00:18:18,990 --> 00:18:27,060 furniture and stuff in it. And because they're going down in size, they can't take all the furniture. So they left some pieces he asked if I would let them do
99 00:18:27,060 --> 00:18:33,840 that. And I was like, Yeah, that's fine. I really wish I would have had their movers take the stuff out and let's put it in like the garage because this stuff
100 00:18:33,840 --> 00:18:43,680 is huge. Like it's really heavy stuff. And I'm just, you know, I wish I would have really thought about what I was giving them an agreement to they could have
101 00:18:43,710 --> 00:18:55,230 taken out of the upstairs. But nonetheless I'm not doing this to show off. Okay, but I just want to kind of like put this little bullet point here. Just because
102 00:18:55,920 --> 00:19:10,920 someone says ICT lives in a cookie cutter neighborhood. Just because ICT doesn't show you how ICT has lived. Okay? None of this is you're not you're not entitled
103 00:19:10,920 --> 00:19:17,580 to any of this. Okay? Now, most of my audience doesn't really give a shit about this stuff. They don't really care if they dislike the idea that I'm teaching.
104 00:19:17,910 --> 00:19:28,440 And they see it in the charts. And that's how it's really I guess really what it's supposed to be all about. And, you know, how I live where I sleep, what I
105 00:19:28,440 --> 00:19:36,390 drive, how much money I have in the bank account what I made, trading what I made selling mentorship, you know, frankly, that's none of your damn business.
106 00:19:36,450 --> 00:19:44,070 Okay? It's none of your business. It's nobody's business and know how much anybody else has none of it. None of you know my net worth. Okay. I've never
107 00:19:44,070 --> 00:19:51,210 claimed to have a $750 million net worth that I've never said that. But
108 00:19:56,760 --> 00:20:09,000 just to put a little nail in the coffin of Mr. Ayer have any mini I said that I would come out this year and prove everything he said was bullshit. And I've
109 00:20:09,000 --> 00:20:14,010 warned him I told him I said, what you're doing is actually doing more harm to your own image
110 00:20:26,310 --> 00:20:38,130 told the linear said, Listen, what you're doing is causing more harm to your own image. And you're gonna end up breaking yourself trying to say these things
111 00:20:38,130 --> 00:20:56,250 about me now, I could have done a defamation lawsuit and I still can. But frankly, I don't really care. I mean, if he wants to continuously make more
112 00:20:56,250 --> 00:21:10,200 videos, I mean, whatever I guess if that's what entertains him is viewers. It's fine. I guess. Trying to get my wires here in my pocket
113 00:21:25,050 --> 00:21:26,610 Can you see me? Is it live?
114 00:21:36,270 --> 00:21:52,650 I'm asking because I see. It looks like I'm lagging. Okay, good. All right. So, this is my 2021 Corvette that they tell you that I flipped Corvettes. I like
115 00:21:52,650 --> 00:22:06,870 white. Because I like like, Okay, if it's cool enough for the Pope. It's cool enough for me. No, not Catholic. So I'm probably going to treat this one in 406
116 00:22:06,870 --> 00:22:16,710 in Colorado, a convertible if I can get it. Until then this is mine. That's the only way I'm gonna separate with this car. I like it. I love it. But anyway,
117 00:22:17,970 --> 00:22:33,300 this door folks, me a second here. Get the key here to this vacant house that Mr. Roger banks says wasn't my house. This thing is like a tank. Like this door
118 00:22:33,300 --> 00:22:43,410 swings on ball bearings. It's all steel construction. It literally feels like I'm opening up a vault door. Like it looks like I don't know. I mean, it's like
119 00:22:43,410 --> 00:23:02,700 a it feels like a vault door to Bank. Bank of ICT. Okay, so there's the old whip. Alright, so this is this is the stairway which is really pretty in my
120 00:23:02,700 --> 00:23:18,480 mind, I think is very, very done. The whole house was done center line. So while I've never really had a fascination or an affinity for doors that had open glass
121 00:23:18,480 --> 00:23:30,600 where you can see into the property like I don't I don't like that. But because the way they design this house here they can look in my house, but they can't
122 00:23:30,600 --> 00:23:41,520 see us in the house. They can see all the architectural loveliness about everything. But it can't really see what's going on. So I'm going to make this
123 00:23:41,520 --> 00:23:49,140 kind of quick because it's really boring. There's really no give me a second go whistle
124 00:23:54,359 --> 00:24:03,539 I guess we'll do the upstairs last but over here this is the shack guest bathroom.
125 00:24:06,990 --> 00:24:26,550 Okay nice little simply. CHANDELIER bear. I've had nicer things than this, folks. I'm gonna be honest with you. But my wife and I saw this and she fell in
126 00:24:26,550 --> 00:24:40,020 love with this house. Like she fell in love with this thing. And see like that heartrate there. Man that is like it's so heavy. Like I can't that Hutch is so
127 00:24:40,050 --> 00:24:51,630 heavy. I can't imagine moving that. Like I don't I don't know what I'm gonna do with it. But anyway, here is the living room here. I guess you'd call it they
128 00:24:51,630 --> 00:25:02,430 call it the the great room. Up there is where the real magic is when we happen. Don't worry, I'll show you in a second. But this is Looking out back here
129 00:25:10,530 --> 00:25:12,030 so there's the morning room area
130 00:25:22,470 --> 00:25:33,510 all that property all back here, and I have about four acres of all this wooded area back there, too. I own all that. It's all mine. So they can't build the
131 00:25:33,510 --> 00:25:45,300 house behind me. Again, I guess maybe two and a half acres, going that direction through the woods. There's another community over there. So they have a house
132 00:25:45,300 --> 00:25:54,210 back there. They're nice homes too, but nothing like this neighborhood. But this is all the French doors, that's my bedroom over there. For all you stalkers
133 00:25:54,540 --> 00:26:09,540 Trust me, I got press events, you know, we'll be coming over here and visiting on on announced in a second. So there's a fire pit here. There, we asked the
134 00:26:09,540 --> 00:26:21,360 keep all this furniture simply because I don't know how I'm gonna pick out stuff that I'm gonna like, but it just gives us something flop on out here and we have
135 00:26:21,360 --> 00:26:32,490 friends or whatever, can we have something to sit on. Just let them keep that here, they didn't take it. This is the port covered up for a noun, all this
136 00:26:32,490 --> 00:26:40,590 stuff is going to be changed, this pool house is going to get knocked down. And I'm having a bigger one. So about six times this size pool house, I'm building
137 00:26:40,590 --> 00:26:49,950 that it's going to have like the grill, the whole the whole shebang. This is I mean, it's quite, it's nice, it works for what they have here. But like all this
138 00:26:50,010 --> 00:27:01,440 is all gonna be done hardscaped I'm gonna have a waterfall here, some fire pits and such. And this is going to actually go out a little bit more. But it's a
139 00:27:01,440 --> 00:27:13,410 fireplace right there too. But that's the that's the view I hear. I came in here last night to make sure everything was locked up and such. And there was deer.
140 00:27:14,130 --> 00:27:23,550 All right up in here. All right in here. And I love doing like like seeing that. And at the other house, I would tell you like on Saturday, I'll type out so
141 00:27:23,550 --> 00:27:32,910 they'll say I'm sitting here and I'm watching the deer come down the hill, whatever. Here, you know, they're they're literally out here in my backyard. So
142 00:27:33,180 --> 00:27:47,520 that's the, that's the property are here. And let's go back inside, I'll show you all the stuff, I'm probably going to break up. If it looks like I'm lagging
143 00:27:47,520 --> 00:27:57,480 or whatever. I'll pause for a moment or two. But I know I can't read your your comments that you're putting in the chat. But if you would just keep doing that,
144 00:27:57,480 --> 00:28:07,830 because if I can see that you should be able to hear me. You even if you want to call me a fraud, I'm just looking to see if the scrolling messages are gonna
145 00:28:07,830 --> 00:28:17,220 continue. That's just the line to the pump. When the water builds up, I gotta get all these leaves off air though, they'll not be able to stop that water off
146 00:28:17,220 --> 00:28:32,070 the top. So there's 1234 sets of French doors. And then I have two sets of French doors and the master bed for a little shack in Maryland. So they
147 00:28:32,070 --> 00:28:42,000 originally wanted to list the house for almost 2.3 million. And because of the change in the market, their listing agent said look you know you're gonna have
148 00:28:42,000 --> 00:28:54,930 to get down to like to 2 million mark. So they listed it for 1,999,000 and I went in trying to do a lowball see how fast they want to sell it. They didn't
149 00:28:54,930 --> 00:29:10,410 take 1.8 Then I came up to 1.9 to five. And he said come up 50,000 more and get yours. So without all the other bullshit to the story. They accepted the 1.92
150 00:29:10,890 --> 00:29:24,600 I'm sorry 1.975. And you can see that's the price on Zillow now. It's it was sold yesterday three o'clock to me. Nice morning room. Really nice. What's the
151 00:29:24,600 --> 00:29:35,940 outside in here's the kitchen. Here's the MTV cribs, refrigerator. These things are nice. I had one little bit bigger than this before. What's in his
152 00:29:35,940 --> 00:29:46,980 refrigerator, sailboat fuel and Klondike bars. They have grandkids. So they left them I guess they left them and they left marshmallows and graham crackers and
153 00:29:46,980 --> 00:30:06,810 chocolate bars and said enjoy your fireplace. So make some s'mores. And here's the The I guess what would you call this? What do you what do you guys call this
154 00:30:06,810 --> 00:30:18,000 in your neck of the woods? You call this the counter? You call this your? Like, what would you call that to you? My other property,
155 00:30:18,690 --> 00:30:29,790 we got distracted, drove from Caleb's house. I have 11 and a half foot long, quartz top countertop, in Ireland. There you go. I just want to get out and
156 00:30:29,790 --> 00:30:37,740 serve. All you guys call it the same thing. I like all the archways in here, it's really nice. Everything in here is custom, like everything's custom.
157 00:30:38,880 --> 00:31:00,750 Nothing has a cookie cutter. Here's the butler's pantry. They left us two little cookie jars refrigerator down there. And over here is the laundry room. Now I'm
158 00:31:02,310 --> 00:31:14,400 I'm gonna type a guy that this here, these washer and dryers, you know, I could never use someone else's washer and dryer. So these are going, but I'm getting
159 00:31:14,400 --> 00:31:22,530 new ones installed. So that these are all types of things I have to do and I'm having a whole house painted inside. I'm not sure if you can see it, but they
160 00:31:22,530 --> 00:31:33,570 left her dryer sheets here but you see that like little discoloration there. If I see just one of these circles in any room, the whole house has to be paint. So
161 00:31:33,630 --> 00:31:52,650 it's it's a sickness. Over here, this is the main garage. So in this one, and I'm sure the videos I'm gonna give you the real feel for it. But I can put four
162 00:31:52,650 --> 00:32:05,910 cars in this garage. One, two, this way. Here is where my big trucks gonna be that I paid for I'm not leasing. Actually, I have no leases right now no leases
163 00:32:05,910 --> 00:32:18,600 whatsoever. And I have this nice so 1234 cars can fit in this garage. And
164 00:32:24,540 --> 00:32:40,950 the doorway goes out to work. Okay, it's one of those demo bits. So over here, come down this way. We'll make sure to turn the lights off as I go. That is a
165 00:32:41,760 --> 00:32:48,150 library, then type thing. So you can see that
166 00:32:53,339 --> 00:33:02,879 the fireplace that's a gas one. I ran it last night. They've never used it. And whenever you have a gas fireplace eternal in the first time, it puts off this
167 00:33:02,909 --> 00:33:12,419 weird odor. But once you burn it off a few times, then it's fine. But this desk here, some of you probably don't care. But when I first came in, I saw the
168 00:33:12,419 --> 00:33:23,069 property. We were the first couple to see it. I fell in love with this desk. This desk is over 100 years old $8,000 That's what it's worth. He bought it from
169 00:33:23,069 --> 00:33:33,239 antique here. And he did not want to he did not want to leave it here and I just said Listen, you're gonna sell the house you leave the desk. And he pushed a
170 00:33:33,239 --> 00:33:52,319 couple times I said no, I want the desk so I got the desk the these are Canadian floors. Real not laminated. Like it's like I feel like I'm walking around on
171 00:33:52,319 --> 00:34:06,269 concrete like it's this is built really really well. Another gas fireplace is master and I'm going to tell you for as big as this house is this is the
172 00:34:06,269 --> 00:34:17,699 smallest master bedroom I've ever had in my homes. Apart from what I used to live in an apartment place the picture do you see with Cody where he's sitting
173 00:34:17,699 --> 00:34:21,779 into that glass table? Your second here
174 00:34:29,310 --> 00:34:46,380 here's one of my closets. No, I say that because I have more clothes than my wife. So in my own house that we just left from this Caleb's Heath is my wife's
175 00:34:47,490 --> 00:35:04,830 closet, no chandelier and all that business. This is what she gets. So she'll have some room still. In this one mainly it's her shoes leave me a comment in
176 00:35:04,830 --> 00:35:18,480 the live chat if it's like at your house and your wife have 250 pairs of shoes because my wife's got lots and lots of shoes so here is the shower whereas ICT
177 00:35:18,480 --> 00:35:19,230 take a shower
178 00:35:24,810 --> 00:35:47,730 and or am I asked over here this is coming out of the master. I asked the keep those birds on the wall. I think it gives a character. My wife hates that. She
179 00:35:47,730 --> 00:35:57,030 hates these friggin birds. I love them. I think it gives the feeling like like they were in the pool. And they got startled and they flew away. That's the
180 00:35:57,060 --> 00:36:08,070 That's the impression I get when I look here, but it's got coffered ceiling in the dining room here you see that everything Alright, so let's go downstairs.
181 00:36:10,080 --> 00:36:24,780 I'm probably going to break up see here is the stairs going down the steps
182 00:36:30,210 --> 00:36:30,960 to the basement
183 00:36:36,300 --> 00:36:48,480 now I turned all the lights off to this wine holder because we don't do wine. We're going to store ginger ale and not ginger ale What's that sir called apple
184 00:36:48,480 --> 00:36:57,330 cider at noon is big bottles of apple cider. Do you see them advertised in the in the grocery stores around the holidays for for people that don't drink
185 00:36:57,330 --> 00:37:10,170 alcohol at the my kids they've been raised on drinking apple cider from those bottles since they were little. So I give them like a little flutes, little wine
186 00:37:10,170 --> 00:37:19,080 glasses and a port and sparkles like champagne. So we'll put a bunch of them in here for my younger son he's he's the only one is gonna be living here with us.
187 00:37:19,560 --> 00:37:26,340 The older ones are going to be living in the house you just saw me leave from old iron gate. So a little chiller down there
188 00:37:35,460 --> 00:37:38,280 this area right here
189 00:37:43,980 --> 00:37:45,630 so that's that room
190 00:37:55,860 --> 00:38:17,370 off this was nice. I wish I would have had this on the house I had when I was raising the kids because it would have been nice for them to have this for them.
191 00:38:18,360 --> 00:38:19,470 And their friends that come over
192 00:38:27,510 --> 00:38:41,670 I'm wearing a hang on one second. I'm wearing a apparatus that wraps around my torso. And it stimulates my back. So it's like shocking me. Sometimes it hits me
193 00:38:41,670 --> 00:38:52,890 really really hard. And it feels like 1000 BS things. So if I sound like I'm my voice is breaking up. I'm not getting emotional about anything. It's just It
194 00:38:52,890 --> 00:39:11,280 hurts but it's a good pain. I have to use this thing to sometimes just move around. Motorcycle Accident destroyed my back. Now here you see here can't see
195 00:39:11,280 --> 00:39:14,820 the light search
196 00:39:20,040 --> 00:39:30,660 that's looking down at the theater. Um, I got a four person sauna. That's gonna go here. So that's really good. I don't know if you ever use a sauna before but
197 00:39:31,410 --> 00:39:41,730 yeah, but you have a bad back or not. It's just really, really good. So he has a work area. He was always doing projects and stuff and this is not me. This is
198 00:39:41,730 --> 00:39:54,030 all gonna get turned into a library. So this is all going to be from this here, here. Here all this is gonna be walled in. I don't have bookshelves in here
199 00:39:54,930 --> 00:40:08,400 because I have shit tons of books. water softener Oh storage area all the other crap that you see in the houses I know most of you don't care about this stuff
200 00:40:08,400 --> 00:40:19,770 but I know there's some people that just simply want to know what's going on. And they want to see what it looks like so I'm showing you right and I didn't go
201 00:40:19,770 --> 00:40:21,750 inside the theater yet so let's do that
202 00:40:29,160 --> 00:40:36,960 this right here when I first saw it, I was like, Okay that's one of my favorite childhood memories scene
203 00:40:43,650 --> 00:40:56,490 okay so there's the Twilight setting for the theater. Can you see the lights
204 00:41:08,040 --> 00:41:17,850 give me a second. Okay, thank you all right
205 00:41:41,370 --> 00:41:52,920 here's the theater. Okay, so if you're gonna have a theater in your house, and projector, you don't keep old furniture in it. And treat it like your trading
206 00:41:52,920 --> 00:41:55,230 office. Have another room in your house and do that?
207 00:42:12,720 --> 00:42:29,190 Got the movie. Maybe doors and such, he did a really good job. With everything in this house. It's nice. They had a lot of grandkids. So they set up a lot of
208 00:42:29,190 --> 00:42:47,070 stuff for the house for them. And being 50 years old and five kids. I'm bound to be grandfather someday, right? So I was like, You know what? This one works. We
209 00:42:47,070 --> 00:43:01,920 were not going to go back up to a big house. But I got fired by an asshole this year to deal with just the spite. So I didn't pay 900,000 hours for my house and
210 00:43:01,920 --> 00:43:12,780 claim it's a $1.5 million house. I spent $2,013,000 for this house. It's not mortgaged. You're welcome to go out there and do a turn or title search if you
211 00:43:12,780 --> 00:43:28,590 don't believe me. And if you find out differently, say I'm a fraud and prove it. But you know, claiming that I can't do this claim and I can't do that. That kind
212 00:43:28,590 --> 00:43:47,730 of stuff. My grandfather was like a a Navy man. He said boy if someone ever tells you you can't do something, you find five ways to do it. And shove it up
213 00:43:47,730 --> 00:44:07,200 their ass. So that's what 2020 has been about. Anyone this thing is like laying in my back who you're probably asking, barely talking about me show you real
214 00:44:07,200 --> 00:44:27,600 quick is a it's like a like a girdle thing that wraps around my body. And it has a control like that. So it stimulates my back and sends in like really really
215 00:44:27,600 --> 00:44:42,330 strong shocks to my spine and all the nerves around it. So it allows me to sometimes be able to walk like it's very very difficult for me to lift anything
216 00:44:42,330 --> 00:44:58,200 heavy you just with just with my arms or whatever, because I can't I can't support the the weight because if you lift something with your arms, your backs
217 00:44:58,200 --> 00:45:13,440 involved And I had about four vertebrae they got pretty much smashed. I've done everything I could to avoid surgery because I just didn't want to do it. Okay,
218 00:45:13,440 --> 00:45:34,710 so this stuff here this is where my trading office is going to be. Now this furniture I don't want so I got to figure out where I'm gonna go with it. But
219 00:45:36,060 --> 00:45:53,760 once everything's done I'll show you what it looks like but I warned you that it's underwhelming because there's nothing in here stick see so there's a
220 00:45:53,760 --> 00:45:54,630 bathroom for that one
221 00:46:02,370 --> 00:46:10,710 so this is the only room on the upper side on this wing of the home this is looking out over
222 00:46:20,100 --> 00:46:21,900 okay and then coming down
223 00:46:36,600 --> 00:46:41,490 this is the only bedroom that'll be occupied by my youngest son
224 00:46:50,250 --> 00:46:52,560 more furniture that I gotta get home for
225 00:47:14,190 --> 00:47:24,990 nice little tub. Never here. This is the bunk room all custom
226 00:47:51,390 --> 00:48:05,040 this house has five zooms in it for heating and air conditioning. So as big as it is the guests not your bill here is $200 a month. Which is not because at my
227 00:48:05,040 --> 00:48:21,690 house right now. I spent about $479 a month because it's not zoned. It's a simple little Ryan House. Which is, you know, let's be honest, folks. If you're
228 00:48:21,720 --> 00:48:36,420 in your 20s and you get a house like that, you're gonna bitch. No. He has more room than he needs. And he doesn't stand now. He doesn't look like this house
229 00:48:36,420 --> 00:48:55,560 does here. And that's fine. That's really cool. But this is what 2 million buys in Maryland, in harbor County. And I don't know how they build shacks in your
230 00:48:55,560 --> 00:49:12,570 area. But this isn't cookie cutter. Isn't that 900,000 There's nothing like this house anywhere here. And I like it. My wife loves it. I could have bought the
231 00:49:12,570 --> 00:49:26,880 home all the way down the end of this road here. There's a 11,000 Don't quote me on the second part of it but it's like, like 11,400 square feet. They went just
232 00:49:26,880 --> 00:49:37,920 under $2 million for that to just came up for sale Friday. If this deal would have fell through and I couldn't have bought this one. I had it already lined up
233 00:49:37,920 --> 00:49:47,130 that I was gonna buy that one down there. But the only problem is it has just three car garage. So it had to build an external garage like this one was here
234 00:49:52,469 --> 00:50:01,229 I mean, it's this good size. I mean, this is plenty of room for us. Three people. I'm not going to bump into my wife a lot. My youngest son will have
235 00:50:01,499 --> 00:50:13,979 pretty much reign of the house. And, you know, like I said, we're not stepping on each other's toes. Probably more than I need in many of your eyes. But you
236 00:50:13,979 --> 00:50:24,659 know, I don't live like everyone else and you don't live like me. And it doesn't make a difference, but anybody's opinion is you have to live where you want to
237 00:50:24,659 --> 00:50:39,029 live, right? So I, I could have left things alone and let you all think, whatever you want to think. But I'm not wired that way. So Uber 100. Some videos
238 00:50:39,029 --> 00:50:52,829 were put out about me that I'm broke. I live in a slum. My kids live in trailer parks, they don't live in trailer parks. And I spent more money this year than
239 00:50:52,859 --> 00:51:05,939 the guy down in Texas has. I don't have a mortgage on my properties. I don't have any leases on any of my vehicles. Not one right now. When I found the GPS
240 00:51:05,939 --> 00:51:15,479 trackers on my cars, I just turned them in and got new ones and pay cash flow. Like that one right there. That's not at least
241 00:51:20,820 --> 00:51:45,870 now this is the part that you need to be paying attention to. By me showing you any of this. Okay, by me showing you cars, live trades. Real accounts, homes. I
242 00:51:45,870 --> 00:51:53,880 walked you through I told you I was buying this house before it went under contract. And then I told you exactly what I paid for it. And then settled out
243 00:51:53,880 --> 00:52:04,830 yesterday for the same amount of money. I'm in this house. They don't give you a key by yourself to go look at houses. Okay, it's mine. I didn't do any lending.
244 00:52:05,070 --> 00:52:21,000 I'm not bragging. But I'm just I'm grabbing you by your lapels and shaking you Listen. Stop believing bullshit artists, liars, cloud chasers, okay. I'm not
245 00:52:21,000 --> 00:52:34,770 renting the house to look like I have money. I'm not showing you this house, to say I'm a profitable trader, I'm not doing this to have more love given to me,
246 00:52:34,800 --> 00:52:45,030 I'm showing you so that way you can now think about what I've done up to now. None of this helps you become a better student to me. It doesn't make you a
247 00:52:45,030 --> 00:52:56,400 better trader. It's not going to make your trades more profitable. It's not going to give you a better perspective on trading. It doesn't make you my best
248 00:52:56,400 --> 00:53:10,920 friend. We're not any closer. I'm not going to go to the bar and hang out with you. You get what I'm saying here. All this stuff is not necessary. It's not
249 00:53:10,920 --> 00:53:23,880 necessary. But because I've had so many people believe these jokers out there that will say this shit that have mortgages on their home tax liens against
250 00:53:23,880 --> 00:53:37,020 their properties busted as 12 year old trucks. I literally did everything this year to show you that that guy is a fucking liar. Okay? And yes, I can hit you
251 00:53:37,020 --> 00:53:50,070 with a defamation lawsuit and I can get your ass. But this was better. This was better. Because not only did I prove everything I've ever said. I've made more
252 00:53:50,070 --> 00:54:02,280 profitable people around the world. I've proved that none of this stuff is needed. I don't need to do this. I've never needed to do this. But I wanted to
253 00:54:02,280 --> 00:54:18,180 do it this time because there was an intended purpose there's a lot of people that saw this goobers videos and said, I'm not going to learn that stuff. And
254 00:54:18,180 --> 00:54:31,740 they basically gave themselves no chance. I put it for free folks for free. Look at this, go out there and study it. There's no sales pitch here. I'm not showing
255 00:54:31,740 --> 00:54:37,110 you this stuff and doing some smart money concept rip off for 799 Because I need money
256 00:54:42,239 --> 00:54:51,419 I don't have a big plastic plant behind me in a blanket on my window for a cover of a curtain and that showing you read
257 00:55:09,210 --> 00:55:22,800 didn t for stuff. I'm genuine. I'm as real as anybody could expect someone to be. And if you have not seen that this year, you're blind. That means you choose
258 00:55:23,640 --> 00:55:34,470 to remain ignorant. You choose to stay in that mindset. And I don't have any interest in people like you. People that want to come, they want to experience
259 00:55:34,470 --> 00:55:51,540 something that's unrivaled. They're welcome to do it. Enjoy themselves, be part of our community that is absolutely free. And I can't tell you how wonderful it
260 00:55:51,540 --> 00:56:02,640 has felt this entire year. Like I feel unshackled. Like, I feel like I've been in prison for last six years being held hostage by not all of my students, but
261 00:56:02,640 --> 00:56:15,780 some of them are just unruly, intended to be, you know, bothersome their entire existence. This, you can't make them happy with anything. Nothing you do is
262 00:56:15,780 --> 00:56:33,720 going to make certain individuals happy. And they wearing they wear me out. So this year, even though I've done a lot in terms of providing a connection to a
263 00:56:33,720 --> 00:56:53,190 lot of you. It's just a way for me to find a new outlet to plug into and be inspired. Because my private mentorship, they watch their same videos as he
264 00:56:53,190 --> 00:57:11,820 watched me put up on YouTube, the entirety of the 12 month content will be done by this coming Sunday. That will all be on the YouTube channel. Now, when I said
265 00:57:11,820 --> 00:57:20,190 to you all those years that were people saying Can I please join your mentorship when I'm close it, I'd be like you don't need it. You don't need it. You don't
266 00:57:20,190 --> 00:57:31,890 need it. The YouTube channel teaches it. Some of you were like I need some more specific, which videos do I watch all of them to sit down and pick up a series
267 00:57:32,370 --> 00:57:46,620 and just go through it. They all overlap. But you're not going to learn this with one five minute video. Now I mentioned I don't know what day it was. I
268 00:57:46,620 --> 00:57:58,290 mentioned on Twitter that I had an email there was a was a Twitter space, which there won't be one now because this is kind of like picking the place for it. I
269 00:57:58,290 --> 00:58:14,040 mentioned how that there are people out there doing YouTube channel video saying learn it through mentorship in five minutes. I mean this when I say you're not
270 00:58:14,040 --> 00:58:25,230 going to learn this with a five minute trainer video, you're not believe me, there is no other way except for what was shown to you in that mentorship video
271 00:58:25,230 --> 00:58:36,840 series, the first five or six videos. That's That's it. Now, if you see some I say okay, if you look at this fair value gap here, after a shift in market
272 00:58:36,840 --> 00:58:50,400 structure where it makes a shift in market structure, how do you constitute trusting what is in your chart, a shift in market structure or a stop run?
273 00:58:50,790 --> 00:59:00,900 That's going to continue going the other direction once it comes back down in that is answered in all the supplement of the supplementary lectures and
274 00:59:00,900 --> 00:59:04,620 teachings you know the stuff that nobody wants to listen to
275 00:59:11,370 --> 00:59:24,120 all of it's there for your edification and in your in your learning. If you choose to be lazy, okay, and I had people pay me $2,000 and still stay fucking
276 00:59:24,120 --> 00:59:36,660 lazy. Give me something easier than this. Or you're a fraud. Okay, I'll do you one better. I'm gonna prove it. I'm gonna make people all around the world
277 00:59:36,660 --> 00:59:50,340 profitable. And they don't have to do a year. They don't have to do 12 months. And that's what the 2023 mentorship was for. And as more questions came in, I
278 00:59:50,340 --> 01:00:01,260 added things that wasn't really intended to be taught, like, index trading. The pm session in the afternoon session. I wasn't going to touch on any of that, but
279 01:00:01,260 --> 01:00:13,020 people are like, Hey, can you add this to the afternoon? Give me a way to do that? Sure. Sure, I'll do that. Because I don't need your fucking money. Okay, I
280 01:00:13,020 --> 01:00:27,810 don't need any more clout. I'm not trying to be, you know, bigger than I already am. Because frankly, it's a little intimidating for me to be like this recognize
281 01:00:27,810 --> 01:00:43,050 now. And some of y'all, you're putting your address on the internet. Let me explain to you. I did this. For that very reason. I wanted everyone to see that
282 01:00:43,050 --> 01:00:54,090 I don't live in squalor, that I can do so much more. But you're not entitled to see that. Then you were never entitled to see this. But by contrast, I wanted to
283 01:00:54,090 --> 01:01:07,710 show you, you're a liar. Everything you've said for a year is a lie. Everything I've shown this year is 100%, certified Grade A truth and proof and I prove it
284 01:01:07,710 --> 01:01:16,920 every fucking week, over and over and over again. And I have students that did not paying me that are proving that it works. And now they're making money.
285 01:01:16,950 --> 01:01:30,300 They're making ends meet, and we tell you something. That's results that scream. You're never going to convince me of you. Once you start making money. No one's
286 01:01:30,300 --> 01:01:43,140 gonna tell you it's bullshit. Nobody's gonna convince you or tell you what you are doing right now and learn from me. Didn't even pay for it. Now you're
287 01:01:43,140 --> 01:02:00,870 walking a walk that nobody could do for you. And somebody's gonna tell you that what you've learned is fraud. It's flawed logic. Fake. No, you tell these people
288 01:02:00,900 --> 01:02:13,140 fuck you and go pound sand dude, chase your cloud somewhere else. So I had all kinds of money and I had evil intentions last fall. It didn't sound like it when
289 01:02:13,140 --> 01:02:24,780 I was addressing it. I said to sit back and watch what I do next year. You just sit back and watch what good ol ICT does. And I did it. Everything I fucking
290 01:02:24,780 --> 01:02:37,230 promised you. I've done. prove to you I ain't broke. Prove that I can trade real accounts. Prove that I can teach it for free and not ask for more money. What
291 01:02:37,230 --> 01:02:47,730 mentors doing that? What educated right now would ever say, You know what, I don't want millions of dollars per month just to release the same videos I
292 01:02:47,730 --> 01:03:02,160 already made six years ago. Because it's autopilot. All I gotta do is do what I've been doing YouTube. Upload, upload, upload, no works necessary. I can be
293 01:03:02,160 --> 01:03:10,620 collecting millions of dollars by letting people come into another round of mentorship. But listen to me folks that keep asking for this. Why the fuck? Are
294 01:03:10,620 --> 01:03:22,140 you asking to do that? Why the fuck you asked me, please let me pay you money. To learn what you just fucking gave away for free on your YouTube channel.
295 01:03:22,290 --> 01:03:40,230 Please let me pay you to be in that group. Does that make any sense? I mean, you're learning how to manage money, how to make money to be profitable. Doing
296 01:03:40,230 --> 01:03:52,410 something that you can do for free and wanting to pay more than $2,000 for it doesn't make any fucking sense. So stop asking. I've already gifted the entire
297 01:03:52,410 --> 01:04:05,400 industry. The very thing that's been ripped off more than anything existing. Since 2016. My shit has been ripped off more than anybody else's stuff. And I'm
298 01:04:05,400 --> 01:04:08,580 flattered. Yes, I'll take that as a compliment.
299 01:04:10,710 --> 01:04:21,630 But my videos are not coming down. And you don't need to pay for them. In that group that paid me. I'm returning back to them. So that way I can finish out any
300 01:04:22,140 --> 01:04:32,430 misunderstandings that they have. Because for a lot of them, what I've done on YouTube, aligned all of those little tumblers for them. They figured out what it
301 01:04:32,430 --> 01:04:42,600 is they're looking for how to take that content, put it together in something simple. I can't make it extremely complicated. In fact, the charter members know
302 01:04:42,600 --> 01:04:52,410 that those 12 models, I complicated them with everything that's taught. I purposely did that. Listen, folks, you're gonna be asking me, Hey, can I have
303 01:04:52,410 --> 01:05:00,990 the charter models? You don't fucking need those charter models? Because you're not going to be patient enough to wait for those specific setups. they work,
304 01:05:01,050 --> 01:05:11,250 they can make money, lots of fucking money. But they're so specific, that I knew that people would want to sell my shit. So I'm gonna give them something hard
305 01:05:11,250 --> 01:05:21,810 initially, and I'm going to find those people that were selling, and I got a lot of them, I threw them out. I had fun doing it. But I have a whole lot, I'm still
306 01:05:21,810 --> 01:05:34,950 in there. So what I've created is an opportunity for those individuals to ask me questions to make sure they understand every single thing from each one of those
307 01:05:34,950 --> 01:05:51,060 core content months when the questions evaporate, and I have no more than that forum is done. That's done. I don't need to do that anymore. I'm obligated to
308 01:05:51,060 --> 01:06:02,400 that group of individuals, not I'm not against you. Okay. I'm not obligated to YouTube community. I'm not obligated Twitter community. But I am obligated them.
309 01:06:06,150 --> 01:06:18,600 And once I finished that, I would like to ask you all, what's your thoughts on? I don't have a telegram channel active right now. I don't I don't have that.
310 01:06:18,630 --> 01:06:32,850 Okay. But this forum that I have, I knew I have people in it that's already sharing, like my posts. So that's why I'm trying to finish up with that forum. I
311 01:06:32,850 --> 01:06:41,670 want their questions asked so that way I can answer them. And once that I have all those questions answered. I'm killing the forum. There won't be any private
312 01:06:41,670 --> 01:06:55,050 mentorship forum, because those people will have graduated. Now. If you're in that group, don't freak out. You don't need to freak out. My interest is to take
313 01:06:57,210 --> 01:07:05,190 and find it may not be Telegram, because honestly, I think the government's gonna shut down for telegram soon. But something to the equivalent. Now I don't
314 01:07:05,190 --> 01:07:18,780 like discord because it seems to I don't know, it seems too quirky to me. But I'd like to be able to have a area where everybody can come in and have access
315 01:07:19,020 --> 01:07:28,380 to me, Sharon charts like it's kinda like a Twitter. I mean, I like Twitter for the simple fact that it's immediate. Like it's right then right now. It's like a
316 01:07:28,380 --> 01:07:40,740 text message that you received right from me. But it's limited because I can only do like two minutes and 20 seconds. So you know me, I can keep going, going
317 01:07:40,770 --> 01:07:50,400 going. And sometimes that really good details require me to talk a little bit about why I'm even bringing it up. Now, the lazy asses, they don't like those
318 01:07:50,400 --> 01:08:00,330 types of things. And I'm glad because that means they don't watch my shit anymore. And don't waste your time and I won't be wasting money. But I think
319 01:08:00,330 --> 01:08:14,070 this year you've seen without a shadow of a doubt, a level of precision that has never been demonstrated before ever, by anyone. And that's not arrogance, that's
320 01:08:14,070 --> 01:08:27,780 just the facts. But to remove the fucking assholes that are in my forum that have found a new way of selling mentorship. Getting the inside track of ICTs
321 01:08:27,780 --> 01:08:38,880 forum, I will share every post that ICT does if you just pay the $50 a month. Here's my PayPal link, pay through friends and family so that we can't do a
322 01:08:38,880 --> 01:08:39,570 chargeback on.
323 01:08:43,650 --> 01:08:55,290 So I'm doing the best I can to come up with a way where I'm absolutely 100% free. Nobody does anything in this community where they can take it and sell it.
324 01:08:56,100 --> 01:09:06,750 It's all free. That's what I want. I only went to paid in 2016 Cuz I got to ask because all these people they were taking my free videos, my old stuff, and they
325 01:09:06,750 --> 01:09:13,890 were selling it. Like you Who the fuck you think you are doing that? Like dude, I get it for free. Why would you take something for free and sell it to people?
326 01:09:14,340 --> 01:09:29,970 I was pissed off man. I was raging. And of course a lot of you were right. When you said What an asshole. Yeah, he he started charging money. He was great until
327 01:09:29,970 --> 01:09:42,090 he started charging money. So I want to return back to that. That's the legacy I want to leave. I don't want to leave with just one year of okay, here's free
328 01:09:42,150 --> 01:09:58,350 teaching here this like I just can't I can't stop teaching. Like I can't stop doing this. And I love it. I enjoy it. And I think I earned I think I fucking
329 01:09:58,380 --> 01:10:11,940 earned The level of respect that my life work commands. Because nobody else out there would have done this. Nobody would have given this away for free. And I'm
330 01:10:11,940 --> 01:10:24,030 going to be real honest with you. If you knew what I know. You wouldn't even fucking teach it ever. You would just be out there doing it. Maybe selling
331 01:10:24,030 --> 01:10:25,590 signals but never teaching it.
332 01:10:31,110 --> 01:10:46,140 But I have a I have a promise to keep and a passion to the answer. Every single day I wake up and have new things I want to teach and touch on. When I was
333 01:10:46,140 --> 01:10:58,740 sitting in the settlement yesterday, purchasing this house. I was thinking maybe I could teach on this topic on Monday. My wife's looking at me like, what's
334 01:10:58,740 --> 01:11:06,660 wrong? Are you mad about us? Uh, no, I just got a really good idea. I don't have anything to write on to write down my idea. Like, I had to borrow her phone to
335 01:11:06,660 --> 01:11:15,090 send myself a text message to remind myself, this is what I was thinking of. Here I am getting my spend $2 million for a house and not my focus is really on
336 01:11:15,090 --> 01:11:28,530 doing shit for all of you. That's just the way I'm wired. Man. I love it like I absolutely because here's the thing that is infectious to me. When I see folks
337 01:11:29,730 --> 01:11:41,190 learn how to do this, and they see it in their charts, and they see it apps actually unfolding in their charts without me saying anything to it. It's like,
338 01:11:41,250 --> 01:12:01,710 man, that that feedback that that connection between a mentor and a student is its birth, like no one can take that from you. No one can take that from me. And
339 01:12:01,710 --> 01:12:10,770 it's an intimate relationship. At that point, it becomes a connection. And while I've never really shaken any of your hands, I've never met you face to face
340 01:12:10,770 --> 01:12:25,560 except for one, one of my students, internet students. I've had lots of students prior to you known me on the internet, but I know that that resignation of
341 01:12:26,490 --> 01:12:36,720 feeling connected to me. I feel that with a lot of you, when you give me feedback saying I see this, I see this unfolding I see it working. I see it
342 01:12:36,750 --> 01:12:46,140 happening now. And that excitement, that energy that fucking gets me high shit. I love that. I love it. I remember what it was like for me. But I'm looking
343 01:12:46,140 --> 01:12:56,520 around at my friends back when I was younger, 20 years old. And these guys were fucking bombs, like fucking bombs, losers. They didn't want to go to work. They
344 01:12:56,520 --> 01:13:06,180 didn't want to save any fucking money. They didn't have their own fucking cars. You think about it. You know, if you hang around those types of people. That's
345 01:13:06,180 --> 01:13:14,700 what you're going to be. That's what you're going to fucking be you're going to be a bum. You're gonna be a fucking low life that ain't trying to do anything in
346 01:13:14,700 --> 01:13:21,000 life. You're not going to reach for the stars. You're not going to try to do better. You're just gonna be like, Well, why should I do anything more my
347 01:13:21,000 --> 01:13:31,470 friends except me the way I am. Fuck that. I tried to level them all up. And I saw they were lazy. So I cut them the fuck out of my life. And some of you guys
348 01:13:31,530 --> 01:13:41,850 oh, that sounds harsh. Let me tell you something. If I didn't do that, I would not be where I am today. And that's just the simple fucking facts. That sounds
349 01:13:42,120 --> 01:13:51,120 Oh, it sounds inconsiderate. You're an asshole. No, I'm not. I'm a realist. Do you want dead weight hanging on your ass all the time saying hey, man, I'm
350 01:13:51,120 --> 01:13:59,820 hitting rough times. I can't I can't make my I can't make my credit card payment over extending myself about some stupid shit. I shouldn't have bought. Can you
351 01:13:59,820 --> 01:14:08,610 bail me out? Yeah, sure, man. Everybody fucks up once in a while here. Take this. Here's something extra do something else with it. Two months later the
352 01:14:08,610 --> 01:14:17,010 same shit. Same person. Hey, man, I fucked up again. You know can you help me out? Yeah, man, but you got to stop doing this. Okay, yeah, you're right man. I
353 01:14:17,010 --> 01:14:27,960 fucked up. Four months later same shit and stuff. Do you get the hell out of here? You're a bum. You're fucking bum. I'm not an ATM machine for bones. Okay.
354 01:14:29,100 --> 01:14:35,970 This is the way it is. And that's my mentality of why I'll come out and start teaching this for free. Because I get a lot of fucking intel from other people
355 01:14:35,970 --> 01:14:47,130 saying a lot of you fucking bums out there. Taking my shit selling it because you can't do it. Look around man. Stop being so fucking lazy. Start putting some
356 01:14:47,130 --> 01:14:58,230 effort into it and you make more money than you can selling it. It's too hard to sell it when I'm doing this for free. When they see inner circle trader.com in
357 01:14:58,230 --> 01:15:08,760 the watermarks are Okay, y'all paid for us. Let me see more about this guy and they fucking see the shit for free. That's a hard sell, man. That's a hard sell.
358 01:15:09,900 --> 01:15:19,590 That's why I did it. And yes, it gives me a fucking hard on every time somebody finds out about it says, You know what? This guy, isn't it? Yeah, he's a piece
359 01:15:19,590 --> 01:15:28,350 of shit. He's taking your stuff. And he's selling it. He's pretending to be you. And no, I'm not on telegram right now. I'm not on telegram. No, I'm not on
360 01:15:28,350 --> 01:15:33,870 Discord. Like I said,
361 01:15:36,780 --> 01:15:45,660 I can be your best friend and I can be your best friend. I'm not here to be a dick. I'm not trying to be someone else's competition. Because to be honest with
362 01:15:45,660 --> 01:15:53,280 you, none of the motherfuckers are competition for me. None of you are not one of you educated one of the trader motherfuckers or even close to me, okay,
363 01:15:53,340 --> 01:16:02,640 that's the reality. So don't bring my fucking meme up, and I won't come to your fucking shit and record. That's the simple facts. Don't do anything, bringing up
364 01:16:02,640 --> 01:16:12,960 my fucking name. Because the only thing you're gonna do is destroy your own image. Your own image gets destroyed. If you act like a fucking male, I'm gonna
365 01:16:12,960 --> 01:16:29,280 hammer you. But if you want to be civil, and cordial, that's the way I want to roll me in. Like I want to be, I want to be the good guy. I want to be the nice
366 01:16:29,280 --> 01:16:43,080 person. I don't like being the Ansel because once it starts, it just revs up. And then it becomes all consuming. And while some of you probably liked that
367 01:16:43,080 --> 01:16:45,330 part of me, I don't like that part of me.
368 01:16:51,900 --> 01:17:04,170 Like there's birds. And I love them more than my wife hates them. Is that mean? Ladies, if you're in here is that mean of me to love it more because she hates
369 01:17:04,170 --> 01:17:11,040 it. That's what brings spice to our relationship. I gotta get my victories when we can.
370 01:17:16,680 --> 01:17:32,100 But anyway, I could sit here and waste your whole afternoon talking about stupid shit. That doesn't really mean anything. But hopefully, this experiment on
371 01:17:32,100 --> 01:17:45,960 social media has shown you that every time that someone has asked me in the past, hey, can you show us your cars? Can you show us where you live? Can you
372 01:17:45,960 --> 01:18:01,980 show us your face? Can you show us a Live account? Can you show trading entry stop loss target managing a trade outside of a demo account. When I said to you
373 01:18:01,980 --> 01:18:13,020 by all of you, you don't need that. If you need that. That means that you are doubting yourself because you didn't put the time and energy into testing it. If
374 01:18:13,020 --> 01:18:21,420 you back test it, I promise you, you're gonna see all the evidence that's necessary. What's lacking is your experience. And that comes by simply doing
375 01:18:21,930 --> 01:18:29,880 showing up every single day. When you don't want to do it. You fucking tired because you got the last two days wrong. And you're like, Man, I feel this is
376 01:18:29,880 --> 01:18:38,370 probably never gonna happen for me. That's the time you dig in and say I'm going in and I'm studying. You don't take anybody else's bullshit. You don't listen
377 01:18:38,370 --> 01:18:54,450 somebody else's fucking opinion about me about the concepts about trading? Or you and us dig in. You dig the fuck in. And you study right when you feel like
378 01:18:54,450 --> 01:19:03,990 you don't want to do more of it. That's exactly when you fucking study more. Because that's laziness creeping in laziness fucking kills success. That kills
379 01:19:03,990 --> 01:19:18,060 it. I experienced it when I was a younger man. I let depression robbed me of success that I mean I could have had it sooner. I could have it sooner. But hey,
380 01:19:18,750 --> 01:19:30,960 trying to figure out how to turn these fucking lights off I hear about too many switches in the house. It's the fans as another set of lights and that's not
381 01:19:30,960 --> 01:19:37,500 turning shut off either turn them lights off
382 01:19:47,910 --> 01:19:59,610 one of my sons were like, you know we should have done that. We should have done a YouTube sitcom growing up ICT like what's it like growing up under me as a
383 01:19:59,610 --> 01:20:12,750 dad? Ma'am, I think it would have been picked up and syndicated immediately. Because just the interactions between me and my wife that would have been enough
384 01:20:12,780 --> 01:20:26,040 that would that would sell the show and only only talked about trading. But yet so hopefully been, hopefully in my mind, it's been a success for you all to see
385 01:20:26,610 --> 01:20:39,330 that none of this stuff's been necessary. And I'm gonna close it in two minutes in the chat window, or what's in the live chat of YouTube?
386 01:20:44,760 --> 01:21:05,940 has me has me has it helped you become more certain about what it is I teach? And show examples of has any of these personal things I've shared with you?
387 01:21:06,930 --> 01:21:14,370 helped you understand what I teach? hasn't been any clearer or improved upon by me sharing this stuff, be honest?
388 01:21:25,710 --> 01:21:41,220 That's not the answer. I fucking wanted to see. You're all saying yes. What the fuck? Fuck crude oil and furiously. point was, you should be saying no. In
389 01:21:41,220 --> 01:21:50,400 reality, no, that just didn't make me a better student and doesn't make me a better trader, because I saw you spend $2 million buying cars and houses and
390 01:21:50,730 --> 01:22:01,050 doing shit that's outside of the charts. None of this stuff matters. You can't live in this house with me. You don't ride it around the car with me. So why the
391 01:22:01,050 --> 01:22:12,000 fuck that either matter? It doesn't matter. That's why I've never done these things. Because it doesn't do anything to your learning. It does nothing to help
392 01:22:12,000 --> 01:22:23,760 you. But it does. It inspires you to want to buy courses and join signal services. That's what it does. Give me a number one in chat room or the chat
393 01:22:23,760 --> 01:22:35,130 window. If you understand that showing image stuff like this flashing money purchasing shit show number one if you understand now that it's only going to
394 01:22:35,130 --> 01:22:38,790 benefit people that sell courses, or sell signals.
395 01:23:00,750 --> 01:23:13,830 Now compare and contrast, this kind of stuff, which I am absolutely 100% opposed to, I hate this kind of shit. Because if you're going to be willing to show what
396 01:23:13,830 --> 01:23:24,060 you bought as a car, what you drive around where you sleep, then guess what you should be able to do even easier. You should be able to sit the fuck down.
397 01:23:24,150 --> 01:23:34,530 Explain what you do as a trader, explain the logic then outline the market before it happens, which is what I do on Twitter and then go into a live account
398 01:23:34,530 --> 01:23:42,390 and trade that motherfucker so precisely that nobody can argue against it. Now put a number to it. That's the better proof or evidence that you know what the
399 01:23:42,390 --> 01:23:42,990 fuck you're doing
400 01:23:51,360 --> 01:23:56,730 is random that a fucking chandelier? blooper
401 01:24:02,580 --> 01:24:12,510 There you go. That's all I wanted to cultivate in the beginning by not showing you what my personal life looks like. Because all that's going to do is elevate
402 01:24:12,510 --> 01:24:20,460 you to unrealistic expectations. When you first start, you can't go out and buy $2 million fucking houses just because you watched my fucking videos. I'm not
403 01:24:20,460 --> 01:24:32,490 saying that. I'm not saying that at all. I'm saying that you're gonna learn how to read the price action and find profitability if you work towards it. How much
404 01:24:32,490 --> 01:24:48,780 money can you make? You tell me because there ain't no fucking limit. There's no limit to it. But some of you want unrealistic expectations fulfilled on
405 01:24:48,780 --> 01:24:59,670 laziness. Give me a couple minute video. Get to the point. You could have made that video in five minutes ICT You talk too much. Get the fuck out here you
406 01:24:59,670 --> 01:25:10,710 fucking bomb okay, that bomb mentality bomb mentality is give me it right now it's already two days fucking late and once you do it, it still won't be good
407 01:25:10,710 --> 01:25:11,130 enough
408 01:25:18,960 --> 01:25:34,380 bombs are in education. bums are on Instagram bums are on Twitter. bums are making courses at other people's shit namely mine I never need the trade ever
409 01:25:34,380 --> 01:25:45,600 again ever. I don't need to ever do it again. Not one fucking trade do I need to make I don't need to teach anything more. I have a lot of stuff that want to
410 01:25:45,600 --> 01:25:56,880 teach and share. But I've done everything that anybody with common sense would expect from someone that knows how to do it. I've shared that for free now
411 01:26:04,110 --> 01:26:12,990 tell ICT that get in Robins motherfucker you get in Robins with me. That's why I'm here. I'm barking and nobody else wants to do shit. I walked in everybody
412 01:26:12,990 --> 01:26:22,140 else's livestream raised my leg and pissed all over their shit and said Now talk your shit. Nobody's there. Nobody's talking there come on some Mickey Mouse.
413 01:26:24,840 --> 01:26:35,310 Fucking rip off my my name of Smart Money concepts. Smart Raja concepts. Motherfucker. Take your shit in the Robins it takes MT for it. Let's go. Let's
414 01:26:35,310 --> 01:26:46,290 fucking go. It's live stream. Come on in. Play in my motherfucking playground. It's because I'm in real accounts for real. I ain't doing some fake ass burger
415 01:26:46,290 --> 01:26:46,890 bullshit
416 01:26:54,930 --> 01:27:03,360 I came out on Twitter like I said Tom Dante, motherfucker. You ain't escaping this shit either. talking all that bullshit. Oh yeah, as up and coming back to
417 01:27:03,360 --> 01:27:11,340 Twitter. He'd be ran off in a fucking week. It's the longest fucking week you've ever seen in about the past is fuckin asked on Twitter.
418 01:27:17,280 --> 01:27:28,620 You guys, I know you secretly love me you bitches. are you hating motherfuckers I'll give you a purpose. That's cool. You don't have to learn from me. If I
419 01:27:28,620 --> 01:27:33,270 motivate you then take the world more in your own existence. Maybe that'll change over time
420 01:27:41,729 --> 01:27:55,259 anyway it's fun as this has been. And satisfying. Maybe not so much satisfying to you, but very satisfying for me because I told you all last year, I said you
421 01:27:55,259 --> 01:28:06,569 just sit back. I'm bringing receipts. I'm bringing fucking receipts. Okay? None of your little mentors out there are going to do what I did this year. They're
422 01:28:06,569 --> 01:28:15,659 not going to stop charging. They're not going to teach something that's so fucking perfect. In understanding and delivery and price that other people can't
423 01:28:15,659 --> 01:28:25,949 quickly go out and learn how to do it. Not waste a lot of time get right to the point ICT that's the point of the 2020 mentorship. It's 41 Fucking videos and if
424 01:28:25,949 --> 01:28:33,539 that's not fucking short enough for you go fuck yourself. Okay, go fuck yourself. You're a lazy fucking bum. You're never gonna make any fucking money.
425 01:28:33,629 --> 01:28:41,309 And that's the real me talking to you when I'm 20 years old. That's what it was like, go fuck yourself. Okay, you don't like the fucking work for it. Go fuck
426 01:28:41,309 --> 01:28:51,239 yourself. I don't know you shit. nobody owes you shit. nobody owes you a motherfucking thing. You fucking clowns. Look around all these people, all
427 01:28:51,239 --> 01:29:01,979 different walks of life. Different ages, men, women, young guys, old guys fits all over the world. They're doing it. It cost them nothing. But the time and
428 01:29:01,979 --> 01:29:19,079 energy they put into it. And they're proving it works. And then they had to do a damn thing. Just 41 videos but the first six is enough in all these
429 01:29:19,079 --> 01:29:28,649 motherfuckers you I told you just sit around you watch who is asking for money at the end of 2022 We're gonna tell you something. And this is the fucking
430 01:29:28,649 --> 01:29:41,219 bottom line. If a motherfucker says here's my PayPal link, if a motherfucker says here's what you have to send me to learn or be a part of my shit. You are a
431 01:29:41,219 --> 01:29:51,839 fucking broke bitch. That can't make fucking money. You cannot fucking trade profitably because you're asking nothing in panhandling. I walked the walk. I
432 01:29:51,839 --> 01:30:01,949 made millions of motherfucking dollars every fucking month. And I said I can stop and go back to who I really am. to prove to you I don't need to do that
433 01:30:01,949 --> 01:30:13,139 shit. How else could I possibly prove it any better than doing it and then saying I'm stopping then do it for fucking free and bring the receipts proven
434 01:30:13,139 --> 01:30:22,619 other people were fucking making money with it. There is not another fucking mentor out there that's done that ever, ever but he doesn't show it with a live
435 01:30:22,619 --> 01:30:38,579 account motherfucker I did in two different brokerage firms You ain't seen empty for in years I was fucking delicious, man. This is so fucking delicious. I don't
436 01:30:38,579 --> 01:30:46,229 want it to end. I don't want this to end I'll be honest with you. I'm fucking loving this. But it has to.
437 01:30:51,240 --> 01:31:06,780 So here's your fork in the road. You fucking mentor bums? Walk straight, be honest. And don't be ripping motherfuckers off. Because if you weren't doing
438 01:31:06,780 --> 01:31:18,870 anything with my content, renamed it. Everybody knows, I certainly know my shit. I know when you're talking with my stuff, but change the name of it. I'll put a
439 01:31:18,870 --> 01:31:29,610 bull's eye on you socially. And everybody will call you out as the fucking fraud that you are. And that goes out to everyone to you. But I see you're putting
440 01:31:29,610 --> 01:31:46,770 your address out there. You gotta be careful motherfucker, run up and get done up. Simple as that. I don't live my life. Fearful. I don't do that. I've given
441 01:31:46,770 --> 01:32:01,560 all of you a gift. I give you a gift. And some of you motherfuckers want to kick me in the fucking face. And forget where you got it from. And the only thing I
442 01:32:01,560 --> 01:32:15,660 ever asked, this is the only thing I ever asked and I don't think it's asking too much. You acknowledge it came from me. That's it. Because here's the reason
443 01:32:15,660 --> 01:32:37,890 why it's not about me. It's not about me. It's never been about me. Now I can be an instrument of menace to accomplish a method and to answer bullshit. I don't
444 01:32:37,890 --> 01:32:47,310 like to do that. I don't like to be that kind of guy. And when I'm done talking, I'm driving back to the other house. I'm going to be thinking about the things I
445 01:32:47,310 --> 01:32:58,680 said here. And some of the things I wish I could have retracted and pull back because I went too far too far into it. But sometimes things need to be said
446 01:33:03,270 --> 01:33:20,040 you're never going to understand what it was like to be among people that you're not certain you're going to be able to leave the same way you came in. I used to
447 01:33:20,040 --> 01:33:35,490 live my life like that. Are they coming to my door? Again? Are they going to call me to meet with them one more time? I'm not afraid of that shit no more.
448 01:33:37,020 --> 01:33:54,480 I'm not afraid of that. You'd like to think it's all conspiracy and Tom Clancy bullshit. You have no fucking idea. You have no idea. If I'm meant to checkout
449 01:33:54,480 --> 01:34:13,170 early Guess what? instant death instant glory. I live in life through fear. I'm not worried about that. I'm not worried about none of that stuff but
450 01:34:18,510 --> 01:34:28,110 you also wouldn't understand what it's like to be in a room breaking down emotionally and psychologically. Because you can't understand something that you
451 01:34:28,110 --> 01:34:35,850 know you're just right on the cusp of understanding. And us still quiet voice says look at this
452 01:34:40,920 --> 01:34:56,430 what do you see? Where do you think that came from folks? Where do you think it came from? The income from book the income from another author. That still quiet
453 01:34:56,430 --> 01:35:13,110 voice. I learned to trust it It took my attention to things that I would have never seen or recognized. Now some of you that may sound like schizophrenia,
454 01:35:13,740 --> 01:35:28,500 mental illness, and yes, I do have mental illness. But bipolar doesn't give you voices in your head. It just you get revved up or seriously depressed and you
455 01:35:28,500 --> 01:35:30,210 rarely are balanced in between.
456 01:35:43,620 --> 01:36:01,110 But the same voice I knew who it is. Some of you would say it's Allah. Some of you would say, it's ESP and the universe speaking to you, but I know who it is.
457 01:36:04,080 --> 01:36:21,090 His name is Jesus Christ. He is the King of kings. He is the Lord of Lords. He is the absolute caretaker of my whole being in the holder of soul and that's why
458 01:36:21,090 --> 01:36:27,840 I want you to give me credit because it's all his it's his