
Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2023-03-16 11:17


00:31 - When do you set aside a time when you're not trying to be as active or not even trade at all?

06:11 - What’s going to happen if you don’t have the money to take care of things.

12:20 - As long as there’s a market, you’ll find a way to eat -.

18:11 - You have to put the work in to get this.

24:20 - If you lose your job, it will be one of the best things for you -.

30:47 - Why these fluctuations in price are not random, they go to levels that make perfect sense.

35:19 - Selling short in the fear of a gap.

41:46 - Don’t be a student of the market.

48:37 - Why it’s important to guard your mind.

54:42 - Why won’t these order blocks work? -.

59:43 - It’s so easy to psych yourself out unconvinced.

01:04:46 - Preparing yourself mentally for the worst.

01:10:26 - You have to know what you’re doing.

01:16:35 - You will never learn how to trade unless you master yourself -.

01:22:35 - You might win, but here’s what’s going to happen after 10 minutes.

01:28:37 - You’re doing your job.

01:33:55 - When the markets are moving around with the intent to take you out, why would you want to trade?

01:39:29 - What does it feel like when you see what you’ve been expecting?

01:45:25 - What’s going to happen in the market this summer.

01:51:50 - Central bank digital currencies coming.

01:58:23 - What are the buzzwords you’re going to hear?

02:03:40 - What is the currency of the interviews?

02:10:33 - What it’s like to see so many people’s lives being impacted and changed for the better because of this.

02:17:39 - The fear of missing out in crypto.


00:00:31,980 --> 00:00:46,200 ICT: Good evening, folks. Welcome back. So usually I do these things on Saturday, but my younger son and my wife asked for my weekend. So I'll be doing
00:00:46,200 --> 00:01:01,860 this tonight. And then we'll all enjoy our weekends, hopefully, and rejoin ourselves to the market on Monday. So we've had a pretty eventful week, this
00:01:01,860 --> 00:01:16,980 week, we had a Non Farm Payroll protocol. And much like I've warned, every time I talk about, like, I asked a question about when do you set aside a time when
00:01:16,980 --> 00:01:27,120 you're not trying to be as active or not even trade at all. And one of those weeks for me is non farm payrolls. I don't like to trade on Thursday, and I
00:01:27,120 --> 00:01:39,090 don't like to trade on the Friday and you watch me do Thursday and Friday executions. There are times when it's going to move. And it's not most of the
00:01:39,090 --> 00:01:46,830 time, it's sometimes. And there's a lot of things going on right now that are causing fluctuations in the marketplace.
00:01:54,269 --> 00:02:08,519 Perhaps you noticed today that there was a major bank, discard garnered a lot of attention. Because it's been shut down by the authorities. And to be honest with
00:02:08,519 --> 00:02:20,429 you, I don't know the details. So I'm not gonna talk too much about it. But imagine for a moment that you had money in that bank right now. In fact, what if
00:02:20,429 --> 00:02:33,179 it was the only bank account that you had your money in? There's a lot of people lining up in front of that bank right now. Trying to get their money, hoping
10 00:02:33,179 --> 00:02:53,279 they can get their money. We're told that the FDIC is there to save Rs, just in case up to 250,000 hours per bank per account. Well, what if I told you there
11 00:02:53,279 --> 00:03:06,089 isn't enough money to cover everything? And what if I told you that the FDIC terms state that they could pay up to 100 years before they give you your money
12 00:03:06,089 --> 00:03:21,569 back? So that's the fine print folks. So there's, there's a calling about the beginning. And it's probably already beginning on I mentioned this many times,
13 00:03:21,989 --> 00:03:34,499 in the past, where you, why are you learning how to do this trading thing, to prepare yourself to live a better life. Some of you want to get rich. And some
14 00:03:34,499 --> 00:03:42,809 of you just want to make ends meet. And some of you just want to have a secondary income to do whatever it is that you want to do. All of those things
15 00:03:42,809 --> 00:03:58,679 are fine. There's nothing wrong with that. But take a moment and think for a second. What if you are blocked from having access to your money? If you
16 00:03:58,679 --> 00:04:13,499 couldn't get into the account to get it, the bank doors were closed. The website wouldn't let you in. Would you be prepared to handle something like that? What
17 00:04:13,499 --> 00:04:29,609 if there was a delay of two weeks, or a month or more before you had access to your house ready for something like that? Now, I'm not trying to scare you. This
18 00:04:29,609 --> 00:04:40,049 is actually a good message. But I want you to kind of think about something like that. Because just because we have FDIC insurance, supposedly protecting our
19 00:04:40,079 --> 00:04:55,439 bank accounts and the deposits. I personally I don't have a lot of faith in that. In fact, I don't have an answer as an alternative either. There's some of
20 00:04:55,439 --> 00:05:05,099 you raise your hand say let's that's cryptos job. That's why we have Bitcoin and we have all these All coins, we won't have that problem. There'll be another
21 00:05:05,099 --> 00:05:25,739 discussion later in this month. But hopefully seen this week, there's a way to potentially harvest a potential secondary income. And that secondary income can
22 00:05:25,739 --> 00:05:47,609 be modest. It can be above average, it could replace a job, it could many times replace a salary several times over. It matters not what your specific goal is.
23 00:05:48,719 --> 00:06:03,119 Because your goal was yours, mine are mine and everyone else listening to this. They all have their own goals. But you have to prepare while you make money.
24 00:06:03,809 --> 00:06:15,809 When you make money, you have to prepare for times that are coming very hard. Everything's expensive now, yes, I know. They're gonna get more expensive,
25 00:06:16,439 --> 00:06:34,619 harder to get. Back in 2008, and 2009, we had the Lehman Brothers in potential financial meltdown that was averted by the good old taxpayers of the United
26 00:06:34,619 --> 00:06:52,499 States. We came in and bailed them out. There's already talk about bailing out this particular bank. Whether that happens or not, I don't know. But if you
27 00:06:52,499 --> 00:07:03,329 studied the history around 2008 2009, they would lead you to believe that that was potentially financial Armageddon, everything was going to melt down unless
28 00:07:03,329 --> 00:07:17,909 we bailed them out. So I want you to be aware that there are things that unfortunately, are uncomfortable to talk about. They're not fun, they're not
29 00:07:17,909 --> 00:07:36,989 sexy. You're not in vogue. But we're fastly approaching a time. When if you aren't prepared to have the money that you're earning from your trading, to be
30 00:07:36,989 --> 00:07:50,009 able to take care of things. Like how much cash do you have on hand? Most of us have just a debit card or credit card. And we have money in the bank. But what
31 00:07:50,009 --> 00:08:06,599 happens if you can't access it? How would you be able to function? Could you get gas in your car? Could you get groceries, diapers, formula, medicines and
32 00:08:06,599 --> 00:08:16,679 prescriptions? See, we've grown accustomed to thinking that it's always available to us have it right now at our fingertips, push a button, it's ours.
33 00:08:16,679 --> 00:08:26,669 It's right there. And there's a lot of families right now that are scared because of what's going on with the bank that they have money in some of these
34 00:08:26,669 --> 00:08:42,749 companies that actually have employees, they may not be getting paid. Imagine that. Imagine that. They have mortgages, families defeat car notes to pay
35 00:08:43,679 --> 00:08:54,569 insurance payments, everything like you and I and we're all sitting back chillin right now, on a Friday evening listening to some goober talk about stuff that
36 00:08:54,569 --> 00:09:07,559 you probably weren't wanting to talk about. But they are not thinking that sit back and chill. They're very uncomfortable right now. And rightfully so. But my
37 00:09:07,979 --> 00:09:18,899 concern is I'm not panicking. I'm not going to lose sleep over this. But it's the here's my concern. Over the years, whenever I've talked about, quote
38 00:09:18,899 --> 00:09:35,069 unquote, tinfoil hat discussions, the the reminder has always been for me to you as the listener is they will pull something on a Friday, going into a weekend.
39 00:09:37,439 --> 00:09:51,509 That's the MO that's the way they operate. That's just the way it is. And true to form. Here we have a bank failing on a Friday and that's going to be the
40 00:09:52,349 --> 00:10:04,319 excuse. Why the market went down. We were already looking for the lower prices in s&p. That's not The reason why it went down, but it's a perfect excuse for
41 00:10:04,319 --> 00:10:20,519 why it does. These markets are going to be changing here over the coming months and maybe two years. But more specifically, as we go into the latter portion of
42 00:10:20,519 --> 00:10:35,399 this year, in the beginning of next year, and you have to do what you can do, to be diligent about learning how to do this now. Because the stresses that are
43 00:10:35,399 --> 00:10:47,519 coming, are going to plague those individuals out there that don't have a game plan. They don't know how to trade. They don't know how to invest, they don't
44 00:10:47,519 --> 00:10:56,939 have control of themselves, they don't know what you're looking for in the charts. And you have been witnessing exactly what we look for, and how wonderful
45 00:10:56,939 --> 00:11:12,959 it is to be informed. So you may not be trading with live funds yet. But you are informed money. You're just not putting it the task yet. That you are informed,
46 00:11:13,319 --> 00:11:24,689 you're seeing things that 99.9% of the people in the world that speculate in trade, are unaware of. They're looking at things that have no bearing on price,
47 00:11:25,649 --> 00:11:40,739 and attributing a religion to it that this is what makes price go up. In the same types of speculators, these same types of traders are going to be called
48 00:11:41,219 --> 00:11:55,199 soon what is called me a reduction a collection a gathering with the purposes of removal
49 00:12:02,760 --> 00:12:15,360 I'm not gonna be able to spare all of you obviously, you're all gonna have your own demons to wrestle with and your own character flaws and that's normal. But
50 00:12:15,360 --> 00:12:25,740 for those that are here this year to put the time and effort into it. You're learning a skill set. As long as there's a market and we have access to it
51 00:12:28,920 --> 00:12:47,910 you'll probably find a way to eat you'll probably find a way to make ends meet I promise you this over the next 24 months everybody's expectations about pursuing
52 00:12:47,910 --> 00:12:57,360 the good life that's going to be diluted it's going to be I'm glad I can make ends meet
53 00:13:02,370 --> 00:13:13,560 so your job is once you hate it right now you should be thankful for your habit. Because that's one income stream stream that you have as long as you show up.
54 00:13:14,340 --> 00:13:30,420 You get the participation award within the week paycheck or every two weeks but you're building a business on the side the goal is to either duplicate or
55 00:13:30,420 --> 00:13:46,470 replace entirely that jobs income where everybody else in speculation and trading they want to Lamborghini they want to Ferrari they want to they don't
56 00:13:46,470 --> 00:13:57,030 want to Bugatti do they Nobody wants a Bugatti. I'm so tempted to get one. Can you imagine it's it up on my banner on my YouTube channel. Look at this guy do
57 00:13:57,030 --> 00:14:12,030 gaudy. It's a demo. Everybody else has got that mindset right now they still want to pursue you know that Luxe Life ain't nothing wrong with it. But they're
58 00:14:12,030 --> 00:14:22,710 going to find that it's going to be much more challenging in the coming weeks and months in a year. And a lot of things are going to change and it's going to
59 00:14:22,980 --> 00:14:46,080 change will come up abruptly just like it did for some that have their money in that bank, Silicon Valley Bank. The CEO knew he sold a $4 million dollars worth
60 00:14:46,080 --> 00:15:07,950 of stock about two weeks ago. You don't have to answer for that I'm sure but this calling that's coming is going to remove a whole lot of ignorant unknowing
61 00:15:08,640 --> 00:15:24,270 Street money in the markets, it's going to be a bloodbath. They're not going to know what to do, they're going to panic. And they're going to heavily bet, just
62 00:15:24,270 --> 00:15:38,940 to get themselves out of something is going to parlay something worse, and they're going to lose their money. You're learning how not to do that. You're
63 00:15:38,940 --> 00:15:51,510 learning a market, it's very difficult right now. But guess what? It still works. It still works. It works both directions. You can be a buyer and a seller
64 00:15:51,510 --> 00:16:10,920 on the same day, you can trade without a bias, you can trade with Tobias. You're learning very succinct principles. Concepts, times of the day, when these things
65 00:16:10,920 --> 00:16:24,810 should occur. And you're also seeing evidence to know when it's not there. Well, get out of the trade. Before it turns on you. Stuff that books don't talk about
66 00:16:25,830 --> 00:16:39,360 things that aren't taught in courses. Because the average bear doesn't know what they plow ahead, looking for that next set of that next fill. Give me the bag,
67 00:16:39,360 --> 00:16:53,850 give me this, give me the start. Give me the target. Don't worry me. With all this boring discussion, is psychology stuff. When those candlesticks is a study
68 00:16:53,850 --> 00:17:12,690 of psychology, your personal and everyone else trading. You're reading the minds of everybody out there. And you're projecting your hopes and fears into those
69 00:17:12,690 --> 00:17:24,450 candlesticks when you're a trader. As a new trader, you're projecting every fear and anxiety. It's no demand. It's the end of the world. When you look at these
70 00:17:24,450 --> 00:17:37,110 candlesticks and you're in a lot of trade, you have no trust, no baseline to feel confident about what it is you're doing. And as a seasoned trader, someone
71 00:17:37,110 --> 00:17:46,470 that knows what to look for has been here before, they're not experiencing their first rodeo. They're familiar with a bowl that bucks around and wants to throw
72 00:17:46,470 --> 00:17:59,760 them off. That's normal. But the first time bull rider doesn't feel that way. They're regretting him. They should have kept the rear end on the couch, where
73 00:17:59,760 --> 00:18:03,150 it was safe to watch it. Not bucked around.
74 00:18:11,250 --> 00:18:28,080 But you're learning. And some of you I'm pleased to notice that you have been aware, just in the first month, how much you have been learning and encouraged
75 00:18:28,080 --> 00:18:39,180 as a mentor, because sometimes I wonder, are you really putting the work in? Are you just watching tweets and waiting for me to the point something and that's
76 00:18:39,180 --> 00:18:48,390 the extent of it, that's your participation. That's the level of interaction, it's going to be there. And it won't go any further than that. And that's
77 00:18:48,390 --> 00:18:58,080 unfortunate. That's what you are right now. My encouragement is for you to get more involved because we only have a few more months left. Think about how fast
78 00:18:58,110 --> 00:19:15,630 January 1 came and went. And we're starting the middle of March already next week. Time flies, folks, it's not gonna wait for you. And yes, I know there's a
79 00:19:15,630 --> 00:19:28,140 lot of other things you could probably want to do. Instead of looking at charts and back testing, staring at recordings that you've recorded a live price data
80 00:19:28,140 --> 00:19:38,970 while you are at work or at school, or sleeping. But that feeling of I wish I could do something else right now. That's easier to satisfy once you have this
81 00:19:38,970 --> 00:19:52,380 skill set. Once you have this skill set, your schedule becomes flexible. Where is not flexible right now. You're trying to cram in everything that makes your
82 00:19:52,380 --> 00:20:08,700 life feel pleasant, fun, rewarding because you need it as a distraction. right now. And I'm reminding you that you need to keep your focus on this task this
83 00:20:08,700 --> 00:20:20,430 year. It will serve you well, going forward. But you have to work for it, you have to show up every day you have to put the work in and do the things that are
84 00:20:20,430 --> 00:20:40,980 uncomfortable right now. Differ weekend living. Differ all the little perks, the things that take your attention, money, energy, pour all that into this. You're
85 00:20:40,980 --> 00:20:54,060 making an investment in yourself. And this investment, you can't even imagine how much better it'll be for you. Once you have it, and you're implementing it
86 00:20:54,450 --> 00:21:09,960 when everybody else. When everybody else is getting sacked, made redundant at their job, because that's coming. That's part of the calling as well. This whole
87 00:21:09,960 --> 00:21:21,060 thing with COVID, the last few years, I told everybody that was in the earshot of me, you're not going to see the real problems that shutting down everything
88 00:21:21,090 --> 00:21:39,690 as long as we did. It's all coming home to roost. It just hasn't made its way to your household yet. Some of you it has. For many of you it hasn't yet. And the
89 00:21:39,690 --> 00:21:52,140 best thing you can be doing right now is what you're doing right at this moment. taking in information, taking in information that you can take translate that
90 00:21:52,140 --> 00:21:57,750 into a skill and that skill translate into a another income stream.
91 00:22:03,869 --> 00:22:16,169 That's insurance. It's insurance that pays you not that you pay it. And as long as you don't have to use it should be thankful. This is insurance that it's
92 00:22:16,169 --> 00:22:35,999 going to pay you pay your children, your spouse, significant other your family tree. And when everyone else next year, is freaking out, panicking, not having
93 00:22:35,999 --> 00:22:59,219 enough. You're going to be in a position to have more because you have this skill set. Remember, one contract, one mini contract put the task five handles a
94 00:22:59,219 --> 00:23:09,569 day. And you can see how easy that is. Don't be discouraged if you're new and you think that that was a statement that makes you feel inferior. Oh, that just
95 00:23:09,569 --> 00:23:17,729 makes me feel bad because you say it's easy. And it's I don't think it's easy yet. It'll be easy by the end of the year. You have to keep showing up.
96 00:23:18,389 --> 00:23:32,909 Remember, you didn't swipe a credit card here. There's no PayPal. No Vimeo, no cash app, nothing. The only thing you're doing is letting me help you by just
97 00:23:32,909 --> 00:23:45,959 showing up taking the information. There's no ads here. I'm spending my Friday night investing in you. And the worst thing to do is just listen and view it as
98 00:23:45,959 --> 00:24:09,629 entertainment. But everybody else next year they're going to be feeling things that are going to be hardship and you you right now are investing you are
99 00:24:09,629 --> 00:24:21,689 storing up experience that you can put the work next year when everybody else is feeling like the world's caving in on them. They can't afford things they can't
100 00:24:21,689 --> 00:24:23,129 do things they lost her job
101 00:24:29,460 --> 00:24:38,970 you're going to be in position where you don't have to feel that way. And if you do lose your job that's probably going to be one of the best things for you
102 00:24:38,970 --> 00:24:57,030 because then you're free to do what trade more so your mindsets, transforming right now. Some of you faster than others. Before understanding how to do this,
103 00:24:57,090 --> 00:25:07,260 it will be terrifying for you to lose your job for Some of you know already this audio. What would I do if I lost my job? What would I do? What would my family
104 00:25:07,320 --> 00:25:21,420 do? How would we make it? We live paycheck to paycheck, I can't afford it. You're learning a skill set, and you've done the math already. Just a little
105 00:25:21,420 --> 00:25:36,120 bit. Just a little bit of effort. Over the span of one trading day, replaces your job.
106 00:25:42,450 --> 00:25:52,290 The reason why it doesn't feel like that's possible for you is because you've magnified all of your problems. You've elevated every obstacle that you may or
107 00:25:52,290 --> 00:26:02,160 may not actually have. Because what if thinking, what if this happens? But what if that happens? What if I fail? What if I don't really learn how to make money
108 00:26:02,370 --> 00:26:17,910 before November nicey? T stops, and I don't know how to do it. You'll have everything at your fingertips. Don't worry. Worrying about how you're going to
109 00:26:17,910 --> 00:26:30,690 be in November is irrelevant right now. What happens if you learn how to do it? before November? You've worried about nothing that was worth worrying about.
110 00:26:33,780 --> 00:26:50,730 Your way of thinking should be? How exciting is it going to be? How exciting is it going to be? For me as a new developed speculator with a skill set that I now
111 00:26:50,730 --> 00:27:06,840 am armed with. And whatever this world throws at me. I'm not limited to whatever my paycheck tells me I'm worth. That's how you should be thinking. Not what if I
112 00:27:06,840 --> 00:27:19,470 don't learn this in time? What if what if I, I start I lose money, you're going to lose money the rest of your career. So every trader does. Losing is part of
113 00:27:19,470 --> 00:27:30,990 it. And you're worrying about it, like it's going to go away like you couldn't avoid it. You watch me have losing trades this week. Did it have any effect. If
114 00:27:30,990 --> 00:27:47,460 you watch that last video, you can see it didn't affect the results. But your skill set that's in development right now. It's like a superpower that you
115 00:27:47,460 --> 00:28:00,120 haven't discovered you have yet somebody who's gonna give you overconfidence and almost stroke your ego to the point where you think you're better than anyone
116 00:28:00,120 --> 00:28:17,730 and everyone. You'll be humbled. And for those that are more balanced, prepared for the responsibilities of having this new superpower what's the superpower by
117 00:28:17,730 --> 00:28:36,750 the way, what is a superpower the ability to write your own checks to go on your own steam to be able to tell Carl to pound sand, enjoy work and Carl places to
118 00:28:36,750 --> 00:28:41,370 be in people to see and you want to.
119 00:28:48,510 --> 00:29:00,120 So you're going to have a whole lot of things to be thankful for next year. You just don't realize it yet. Your friends and your family right now. Probably the
120 00:29:00,120 --> 00:29:14,100 ones that told you you're wasting your time. They're gonna be very uncomfortable next year. And they may remember that you were doing this, and they may notice
121 00:29:14,100 --> 00:29:29,850 that you aren't really living in lack. And they may want to do what you're doing. And you'll probably be you'll probably be in a better position mentally
122 00:29:30,930 --> 00:29:40,560 to sit down and help them because you're prepared. Whereas if you are trying to learn how to do it, when everything around us is falling apart. When the stress
123 00:29:40,560 --> 00:29:56,550 is extremely high. It's very difficult to learn anything. So you're all becoming these potential support structures to your friends and family. Once you
124 00:29:56,550 --> 00:30:06,450 understand what it is you're supposed to do You're a resource that you can choose to live your life, not wanting to help anybody else. And that's your
125 00:30:06,450 --> 00:30:16,350 prerogative, you can do that. It's not my hope and aim for that for all of you, it's obviously for you to be empowered to not only take care of yourself and
126 00:30:16,350 --> 00:30:26,430 your family. But to help anyone else out there, if you can raise your hand help, you're gonna see a whole lot of that opportunity next year, probably before the
127 00:30:26,430 --> 00:30:27,120 end of this year.
128 00:30:33,990 --> 00:30:47,970 Seeing what you've witnessed with just this new concept of a new week opening gap, and seeing how that draws price to a much like a black hole. These
129 00:30:48,150 --> 00:30:59,130 fluctuations in price, they're not random folks. They go to levels that make perfect sense. If you understand what that level is about. What's the purpose of
130 00:30:59,130 --> 00:31:02,730 it? Why should it go there?
131 00:31:08,430 --> 00:31:21,750 It's been very satisfying over the last two and a half weeks reading the comments where all of you are in your charts. And observing how price is
132 00:31:21,750 --> 00:31:39,480 reacting to these levels, and gyrating to them, drawing into them like a magnet and how consistently they behave. It's been in your charts all this time. In
133 00:31:39,480 --> 00:31:55,230 fact, people talk about them. There's gaps. Of course, there's gaps. Of course. I said he didn't invent a gap. But ICT taught us it's not just gaps like the
134 00:31:55,230 --> 00:32:12,630 field. Now it's filled. Right next. Can't wait till tomorrow. Who cares? Another gap? No. I'm using yesterday's gap. Last week's gap two weeks ago is gap. so
135 00:32:12,630 --> 00:32:34,020 forth. And if you're bearish, you're really looking for these to draw pricing. If you start looking at how they nest over the course of weeks and months, you
136 00:32:34,020 --> 00:32:42,360 can actually start to see the market structure that's been there the whole time. But it's eluded you and everybody else that doesn't know how to do this year.
137 00:32:46,560 --> 00:33:06,330 You heard what I said? Go on your charts and you'll see how the market works from short term low intermediate term low, long term low. Vice versa. The market
138 00:33:06,330 --> 00:33:27,360 is not random folks. Yes, yes, indeed. There is an algorithm and you're seeing it and it's delivering. Exactly. Now it's could there's fluctuations in price
139 00:33:27,360 --> 00:33:41,070 action on Non Farm Payroll weeks that are a little squirrely. You see me have to navigate. And one of my trades didn't pan out to full profit. It gave me my
140 00:33:41,070 --> 00:33:57,900 first target 3087, which is what I tweeted. When we're in the 4000s it dropped down here, and then gave me an indication that was going to go that direction.
141 00:33:58,560 --> 00:34:11,640 And you watched me on a fly, just like that reverse. I remember the first time one of my older students and mentorship, they watched me reverse right on the
142 00:34:11,640 --> 00:34:26,370 dime, just boom, spit theorists gone other direction. And they were like, that was crazy to see that. And he wants that today that comes with experience that
143 00:34:26,370 --> 00:34:33,990 comes with understanding what you're looking for. But also know this if it wasn't Non Farm Payroll, my target would have been hit today. That little box of
144 00:34:33,990 --> 00:34:44,610 said was time stopper. It would have been right up here. That's why I don't like trading Thursday and Friday of Non Farm Payroll because there's too much
145 00:34:44,640 --> 00:34:59,310 intervention there's too much hand in the cookie jar moving things around. I know what the algorithm is going to do. But I don't know when the human is going
146 00:34:59,310 --> 00:35:16,590 to go in there. and disrupted. So you have to be extremely nimble to navigate it, if you're gonna play it at all because that is what typically takes place.
147 00:35:19,830 --> 00:35:36,360 It's not a erratic amount of buying and selling pressure. It's not what it is at the start of the morning, you saw the fairway ghupat, wind went real. And that
148 00:35:36,360 --> 00:35:36,990 was high the day
149 00:35:43,290 --> 00:35:54,120 I made allowance for maybe running for another attempt higher. I showed you another chart where it runs above that that would be in if I was being honest
150 00:35:54,120 --> 00:36:05,730 100% If it had gone to that one, I would have called that as the daily high. But it just so happened that the first rake up I outlined that was the high the day
151 00:36:06,840 --> 00:36:24,270 in the market started going lower. Sorry, the lower saw a comment. When I was doing the afternoon session trade dropped down to a fear of a gap that I changed
152 00:36:24,270 --> 00:36:35,490 the color to obviously to whenever I have a fear of a gap that's like a hue of red or pink or something to affect. That's usually my view of it being bearish.
153 00:36:36,210 --> 00:36:48,240 If it's green or blue, that affect I'm viewing it as something bullish. If it's not either one of them, then I'm just waiting for more information. It's It's
154 00:36:48,270 --> 00:37:02,460 um, observing. Like Sun ASEAN, it was there any reason why my colors are use. And I said, Well, I guess subconsciously, that's how I internalize it. But I
155 00:37:02,460 --> 00:37:11,550 never really actively said anything about it. I think maybe some of you that were more aware in looking at things more critically, probably observed that.
156 00:37:13,710 --> 00:37:25,350 But I saw the tweet sent to me after I shared the the afternoon trades. Where I sold short as it was inside of a fair value gap, that price was above it traded
157 00:37:25,350 --> 00:37:38,970 down into it. And I went short right there. Because you're in an area of inefficiency, my expectation was price is going to go lower. So the price is
158 00:37:38,970 --> 00:37:53,700 going to go lower, you can trade short, in the fear of a gap anywhere as soon as it enters it, it's okay. It's the equivalent of selling short on a sell stop.
159 00:37:54,240 --> 00:38:05,280 That's how I internalize it. But I'm trading within a range of that fair value got I'm trying to get, preferably consequent crushing the midpoint. Because
160 00:38:05,280 --> 00:38:17,520 that's like, the perfect little area where I don't need to be at the high end of it to be short. And it's not the lowest of the range that makes that fair value
161 00:38:17,520 --> 00:38:30,540 gap. So I'm trying to get in there anything better than the low what the fair value gap. When I'm bearish. And you saw how that performed, it moved outside
162 00:38:30,540 --> 00:38:41,910 the fair value gap went down below came back up. And then I added more as it bumped the bottom of the fair Vega. See, that's what real support resistance
163 00:38:42,000 --> 00:38:51,480 should perform like in price. The problem is, you aren't ever going to know which line to draw. That's correct, because it's always going to go through it
164 00:38:51,690 --> 00:39:05,220 not respected. And that's why it look if it was just as simple as Support Resistance. Those books would be constantly on the best sellers list. They're
165 00:39:05,220 --> 00:39:20,130 not because it's subjective. Whereas if you understand the first 30 minutes of trading 930 to 10 o'clock. I've been intrigued and notice that not one of you.
166 00:39:21,090 --> 00:39:34,230 Not one of you has yet noticed this, but it should go in your journal right now. In the first 30 minutes, the fair value gap that I mentioned every time that's
167 00:39:34,230 --> 00:39:44,160 the one that's critical throughout the rest of the day. Have you noticed that? Oh no, I gotta go through that. Now. I gotta go through all my charts and go
168 00:39:44,160 --> 00:39:46,110 back and look at those tweets. Yeah, it's there.
169 00:39:51,660 --> 00:40:02,310 You'll learn about that this year. What's the significance in that? You'll learn it just one step at a time. I can give you every thing in a big gigantic blob of
170 00:40:02,310 --> 00:40:19,470 information. But is it going to help you, you have to have pieces of it shown to you one piece at a time. And you'll know perfect illustration of that is my
171 00:40:19,470 --> 00:40:33,900 mentorship students that paid me and I crammed a decade or so worth of information inside of one year, which is that core content that's up on my
172 00:40:33,900 --> 00:40:44,100 YouTube channel right now. And people that went through it tapped out early, they couldn't handle it. Because it takes a lot more a lot more effort than they
173 00:40:44,100 --> 00:40:50,040 wanted to put in. A lot more things to remember a lot more things to sort out
174 00:40:56,610 --> 00:41:10,890 those things are going to take you time to learn. And which ones are you going to use for you. That's what this whole year is about. I'm showing you not the
175 00:41:10,890 --> 00:41:22,380 same thing all the time, I'm showing you different approaches to using the things that's already on my YouTube channel, allowing you as the viewer, the
176 00:41:22,380 --> 00:41:34,230 trader in the making, to decide, wow, that makes perfect sense to me. I'm going to use that predominantly. And I'm aware of this and most of everyone else's,
177 00:41:35,520 --> 00:41:47,310 too, when it comes to me teaching something new. It's like that's it. That's the thing. That's the thing I was needing all this time. And for some of you that
178 00:41:47,310 --> 00:41:55,710 might be true. That might be true for some of you. But there are students in mind that I see. And I recognize them all the time that no matter what it is I
179 00:41:55,710 --> 00:42:06,330 teach if it's something new, they will invariably say this is it. This is the panacea. This is the be all end all this is the silver bullet. And it's just
180 00:42:06,330 --> 00:42:13,500 their excitement about learning something new. See there? They are perpetual students, like my daughter, my daughter wants to be a college student the rest
181 00:42:13,500 --> 00:42:25,830 of her life. Like, I understand that, but you shouldn't have that mindset. Especially as a student of mine. Yes, I guess it is fascinating, because I
182 00:42:25,830 --> 00:42:39,210 think, you know, it's my life's work and is great. But your job is not to just love everything because ICT talked about it. And I am thankful that some of you
183 00:42:39,240 --> 00:42:47,430 just feel that way. But let's face it, not everybody is going to trade a breaker. Not everybody is going to trade a institutional order flow entry drill,
184 00:42:48,300 --> 00:42:55,200 it just isn't going to resonate with them. It doesn't mean it sucks. It doesn't mean that one thing is better than the other. And I get a lot of questions sent
185 00:42:55,200 --> 00:43:07,080 to me through TradingView and Twitter, which pdra is better. In the new one I just saw the other day. It may have been today. It's a bit of a blur in time.
186 00:43:07,080 --> 00:43:20,970 But the tweet was what's more powerful and more and more significant. A divergence between the NASDAQ and ES or ES in the dollar. To which I responded,
187 00:43:20,970 --> 00:43:32,490 they're equally efficient. Like there's there's no advantage. One of them is enough. If there's both $1 and index divergence between the three averages, the
188 00:43:32,490 --> 00:43:46,140 Dow the NASDAQ, and yes, if one of those failed to confirm lower lows or higher highs, that's enough. It doesn't matter if one is the Dow that diverges, or if
189 00:43:46,140 --> 00:43:57,780 it's the NASDAQ or if it's the ES, as long as one of them diverges. And you have a narrative already in mind. Then the SMP, it means something. But just because
190 00:43:57,810 --> 00:44:09,720 SMT is forming. If you don't know what you're doing, if you don't know where you are in market structure, where you are in time of day, what liquidity is yet to
191 00:44:09,720 --> 00:44:18,780 be taken and engaged, or what inefficiency it's aiming for. You can trick yourself just by looking at SMT. But it's funny how when I'm talking about SMT
192 00:44:18,780 --> 00:44:30,960 it's there. Why? Because I'm bringing you the narrative. That's the part I'm lending to you that experience watching price through my eyes. Those old 50 year
193 00:44:30,960 --> 00:44:45,810 old, tired eyes you're learning how to do this incrementally. It's the only way you can learn it. And for some of you it's not happening fast enough in your
194 00:44:45,810 --> 00:44:57,210 vocalizing. Well, no vocalizing sharing your frustrations through tweets. And I must say it's unfortunate because I've asked many times for you not to do that
195 00:44:57,210 --> 00:45:07,050 because, number one, the only thing you're doing is reading forcing subconsciously, that you're probably going to be unsuccessful. Because you're
196 00:45:07,050 --> 00:45:19,800 focusing on, you're elevating, you're placing all the emphasis on your shortcomings. And you're doing it in a negative light, like you're bringing all
197 00:45:19,800 --> 00:45:28,590 the energy in highlight and spotlight on the fact that you can't do it. I saw a student or a viewer, I'm not sure what it is, it could be somebody just
198 00:45:28,590 --> 00:45:37,470 trolling. But they said, I hate myself because I can't learn this. Well, that's the worst thing. Apparently, you're not listening. Because if you really feel
199 00:45:37,470 --> 00:45:53,340 that way, and you felt compelled to type that out, and just toss that out there in the abyss, into the ether, what's going to happen? You kept some of that.
200 00:45:54,930 --> 00:46:06,600 Internally, you kept it, you didn't throw it away by just typing into the internet, sending it into Twitter. You signed it to your soul that you'd
201 00:46:06,600 --> 00:46:24,330 literally tattooed the pain, the regret of that tweet that that emotional stimuli that you've elevated it to, you have retained that internally. And you
202 00:46:24,330 --> 00:46:41,550 now have to work through that. And every time you do it, you're building up more callus. More callous, that makes it harder for you to get down to the flexible
203 00:46:41,550 --> 00:46:54,360 skin that you have to be as a trader, when you build up all these calluses, which is all emotional, psychologically done to yourself, you lose the
204 00:46:54,360 --> 00:47:03,870 elasticity of having healthy skin as a trader. That's why it's important for you to listen to me. So that way you don't get the scar tissue. The scar tissue is
205 00:47:03,870 --> 00:47:16,110 not so elastic, it limits you. I've been stabbed in my thigh as a younger man to try to take my car off me. And every now and then, if I'm doing certain
206 00:47:16,140 --> 00:47:28,320 stretches or whatever, I can still feel that tugging in my thigh, because there's scar tissue there. So the same thing applies with you. While you're
207 00:47:28,320 --> 00:47:45,540 learning how to do this, you don't want to encapsulate a negative feeling about your shortcomings don't encapsulate that moment of regret, or despair or doubt.
208 00:47:47,820 --> 00:47:58,590 Instead, whenever you had that impulse to do that, you need to change the vocabulary. Instead of saying, I hate myself, because I can't learn this shit.
209 00:47:58,950 --> 00:48:13,710 That was the tweet. Instead of typing that out and sending it into the ether on Twitter, say something like this. I'm not there yet, but I'm excited that I'm
210 00:48:13,710 --> 00:48:27,180 going to absolutely kill it. And I will know exactly how to do this before I ever thought I could. Now, you may not wholeheartedly believe everything you
211 00:48:27,180 --> 00:48:41,250 just typed. But your subconscious retained it. You're programming yourself with positive self talk. It's important, folks. It's absolutely crucial. Because this
212 00:48:41,250 --> 00:48:54,210 game is won between the ears. It's not one with the clicking of your mouse. Because long before you press that button on your mouse, there's a war going on
213 00:48:54,360 --> 00:49:07,320 between those two temples of yours. That gray matter that seven pound universe that's inside your skull. It's wrestling. And the only thing it's wrestling with
214 00:49:07,470 --> 00:49:18,210 is the only thing you gave it. The worrisome thoughts that would have thinking, what if I fail? What if people ever weather my last at me? What if they asked me
215 00:49:18,210 --> 00:49:29,070 for my results and I can't show it? What if my spouse asked me? Did you lose any money today? So that's what you're feeding yourself. You're feeding yourself
216 00:49:29,070 --> 00:49:44,790 that constant diet of negativity. Is it any wonder or surprise when it comes time to doing a trade? You're scared. Of course it doesn't make any sense for
217 00:49:44,790 --> 00:49:59,430 you not to be scared because you've conditioned yourself and then you feel like you shouldn't be scared to press the button or worried about the outcome or if
218 00:49:59,430 --> 00:50:08,760 you take a loss It's monumental now. Because you've told yourself dozens of times, before you even walk to your computer, before you even check the charts,
219 00:50:08,820 --> 00:50:17,070 you've already convinced yourself that you're probably gonna lose mine today, I'm probably gonna lose money today, it's gonna be one of those days, where I'm
220 00:50:17,070 --> 00:50:33,330 gonna get negative or what. And then you go on to social media, like it's your therapist, like someone's going to be coddling you, and saying, honey, it's
221 00:50:33,330 --> 00:50:45,570 okay, this chin up, keep doing exactly what you're doing. And you'll get there. I'm not going to tell you that. If you take those things into Twitter, and my
222 00:50:45,570 --> 00:50:56,100 handles attached to it, you're never going to hear me or see me say, keep doing what you're doing, buddy. That's the right way of doing it.
223 00:50:57,030 --> 00:51:10,950 That's the wrong way of doing it. You're in COURAGING, negative thinking, toxic thinking more specifically. And you have to guard yourself from doing they're in
224 00:51:10,950 --> 00:51:22,770 the middle, it's hard, especially when you're new, it just feels normal for you to vent. Believe me, I know all about that. But when you're new, and you're
225 00:51:22,770 --> 00:51:39,330 learning, it's crucial that you guard your mind. And you don't allow your mind to run around like a child and emotionally charged every experience in light of
226 00:51:39,630 --> 00:51:55,470 its negative implications on you as a trader or as a person. It's important for you to understand that that is a counterproductive trait that many people do.
227 00:51:56,550 --> 00:52:14,400 And unfortunately, it does them in. It prevents them from ever finding success. It prevents them from reaching their highest performance. Where they don't have
228 00:52:14,400 --> 00:52:31,500 to worry about the outcome. Do you think that major league athletes like baseball players, football players, even golfers? Do you think they're out there
229 00:52:31,500 --> 00:52:39,510 thinking themselves right before they swing the bat? Before they wait for the quarterback to snatch the ball and send it to whoever is going to be expected to
230 00:52:39,510 --> 00:52:51,630 catch it? Or when they're out there? Give me swing that putter? Do you think they're telling themselves? They're about to blow it here. This is going to be
231 00:52:51,630 --> 00:53:04,140 the worst thing I've ever done in my entire career. And I'm being televised. You think you're doing that? Chances are they're probably not. What are you probably
232 00:53:04,140 --> 00:53:15,090 doing at a time? They're focusing on what their conditioning and training has brought them to that very moment. What am I supposed to be focused on? This is
233 00:53:15,090 --> 00:53:26,070 the play we're about to do this play. The Playbook says the coach said, This is what we're doing. It doesn't matter what just happened. Two plays ago or last
234 00:53:26,070 --> 00:53:39,840 inning last quarter, whatever what whole. We're here right now. What's the process? I'm supposed to do this because this is what's happening. So therefore,
235 00:53:40,020 --> 00:53:51,810 this is what's been given to me. I have to make a decision. What's my process? What's my experience? Tell me? I'm leaning on that not would have thinking. If
236 00:53:51,810 --> 00:54:03,720 the quarterback takes the ball, snatches it is starts thinking, what if I throw the ball to the wrong player, then they don't have time to ever thinking about
237 00:54:03,720 --> 00:54:14,430 that stuff. Major League Baseball players with high batting averages, they're not stepping up to the plate and thinking themselves well, you know, I instruct
238 00:54:14,430 --> 00:54:23,310 out in a while, it's probably a good time to start doing it. That's not what they do. That's not what they do. But some of you, all of us really in the
239 00:54:23,310 --> 00:54:34,080 beginning. As traders when we're new, we're out there saying, suck. Me I'm never gonna get this stuff. This is really hard. This is way harder than I thought it
240 00:54:34,080 --> 00:54:50,880 was. This is BS. I'm never going to make it. Why am I failing at this? Why won't these order blocks work? Because you're frustrated, and it's normal. But you
241 00:54:50,880 --> 00:55:02,610 have to replace that with positive self talk. You are your best cheerleader. You're the only cheerleader that's going to have an impact on you. Yes, that's
242 00:55:02,610 --> 00:55:10,650 true. Because yes, you can go out there and lie on social media and pretend to be something you're not. Or you can share something you got lucky with and wait
243 00:55:10,650 --> 00:55:21,510 for other people to like the comment, comment on and say, Well, you're the goat. And the only thing that's doing is what it stroking your ego, when you know,
244 00:55:22,200 --> 00:55:32,820 you're not gonna be able to replicate that, again. It's just an aberration right now, just, it just happened. And you know it, but you want to feel good. So you
245 00:55:32,820 --> 00:55:44,670 toss it up to do this, in the ether, on Twitter, on Instagram. So that way, someone will see you. And they'll pat you on the back. And that's a false sense
246 00:55:44,670 --> 00:55:59,940 of security. That's a false sense of security. That's a false sense of accomplishment. So it goes both ways. You shouldn't talk to yourself in a
247 00:55:59,940 --> 00:56:15,930 negative light, when you don't do well. Because your subconscious is so powerful, it's absolutely crucial that you feed it the right things. If you
248 00:56:15,930 --> 00:56:28,620 constantly give it negativity, it's going to show up. And it's going to present what you fed it. You're going to get in, you're going to get out of it, what you
249 00:56:28,620 --> 00:56:39,630 put into it. If you constantly feed yourself negativity, highly critical of yourself doubting yourself. When it comes time to do something, in trading in
250 00:56:39,630 --> 00:56:52,290 anything, you're going to second guess you're going to doubt you're going to procrastinate. And even when you do make a move, you won't be doing it with
251 00:56:52,290 --> 00:57:03,090 confidence. Because you're going to expect what what your subconscious already told you is going to happen, you're going to fail. And here you are doing it
252 00:57:03,090 --> 00:57:11,310 over and over again, expecting something different to happen. That must be the epiphany ICT is talking about, I'm looking for this thing to happen. You're
253 00:57:11,310 --> 00:57:23,070 never going to have it happen. When you're doing that. You're going to be consistent at failing. Instead of aligning yourself with consistently developing
254 00:57:23,100 --> 00:57:35,280 into profitability. He can't reach profitability. If you're constantly feeding yourself negative self doubting thoughts, or highly critical thoughts of
255 00:57:35,280 --> 00:57:46,920 yourself, lacing it with you know, I'm such a screw up. I really blew it this time. I'm never going to get this. This is hard. And I thought this is too hard.
256 00:57:47,190 --> 00:57:57,780 Those types of things. Your brain is extremely powerful. It does so many computations all day long. You have no idea. But the average person, listen,
257 00:57:57,780 --> 00:58:13,110 folks, the average person every single day has at least 300 Negative thoughts. Don't believe me? Tomorrow when you wake up. Every time you think of something
258 00:58:13,110 --> 00:58:30,900 negative. Put a little checkmark on a piece of paper or send yourself a text message 1234 Pizza count like that. You'll be astonished how fast how fast you
259 00:58:30,900 --> 00:58:39,720 start mounting up having negative thoughts. I didn't believe it either. When I first heard it, and I learned it from Lucinda Bassett. She was one of the
260 00:58:40,170 --> 00:58:50,010 authors I read when I was dealing with high anxiety and agoraphobia, which is a fear of being around other people, which is all stemming from 911 garbage,
261 00:58:50,310 --> 00:59:04,740 listening to television. So I don't have a television that I watch. But these negative thoughts 300 of them a day. And you wonder why these antidepressant
262 00:59:04,740 --> 00:59:19,140 drugs are in style right now. Because you've not learned how to deal with everyday stress. You've not learned correctly how to learn to do things that are
263 00:59:19,500 --> 00:59:30,660 very demanding of us as humans. And you're doing something that is extremely difficult. No matter where you come from whatever walk of life, whatever
264 00:59:30,660 --> 00:59:44,430 culture, whatever race whatever sex you are doesn't matter. This is one of the hardest things that you as a human being will ever endeavor to do. Because it's
265 00:59:44,430 --> 01:00:02,190 so easy to psych yourself out. unconvinced that 80% of people that fail. They talk themselves into failure either subconsciously or blatantly.
266 01:00:07,620 --> 01:00:17,670 Think about what you've done to yourself as a trader, if you've traded with live funds, and you've blown that account or accounts, you can go right back to the
267 01:00:17,670 --> 01:00:30,420 moment where you knew you knew at that moment, right before you did it when you still had money in the account. The day that you did, like 2530, trades, over
268 01:00:30,420 --> 01:00:41,760 leveraging, trying to fix something, trying to just do whatever. At some point, it became like, you just wanted to end it all, because it was too painful. Just
269 01:00:41,760 --> 01:00:49,500 click until I don't have any more money left, I don't have the discipline to do it, right. I've already convinced myself that I'm never going to do this. So
270 01:00:49,500 --> 01:01:00,570 let's just blow the account be done with it. So subconsciously, what your mind tells your hand, there's something to do push the button. But the chart saying
271 01:01:00,570 --> 01:01:12,120 nothing about dealing anything at all. You're never going to see a book written like that. But that's the stuff that goes on for real. That's the very thing
272 01:01:12,120 --> 01:01:25,680 that's going on in the mind of someone that's blowing your account. Going into severe drawdown, their subconscious is manifesting themselves through that
273 01:01:25,800 --> 01:01:34,680 transaction or series of transactions, the subconscious already knows that you're failing. So it's doing what it's doing what you trained it to do,
274 01:01:35,040 --> 01:01:38,160 manifest what you've programmed it to expect from you.
275 01:01:43,320 --> 01:02:00,390 But when the money's gone, in the accounts blown. You have this sudden feeling of regret that you didn't have before you were pressing the button. You didn't
276 01:02:00,390 --> 01:02:10,740 have any regrets. You're going right in here, pressing and pressing and pressing and pressing because you had a task, you had a goal. And you hit it. Well done.
277 01:02:12,960 --> 01:02:24,060 What would have happened, if you would have conditioned yourself properly, encouraged yourself with positive self talk, constantly filtering out every
278 01:02:24,060 --> 01:02:31,710 negative thought and replacing it with something positive. Oh, I took a loss. It's okay, that one loss is going to hurt me. I'm going to stop trading today.
279 01:02:31,710 --> 01:02:43,980 Because I don't want to have any reason to compound that pain, and make it harder for me to come out of this drawdown, which is easy for right now. It's
280 01:02:43,980 --> 01:02:54,150 takes a lot to have that discipline to remind yourself, Oh, yes, something bad has happened? Well, you know what, I'm going to stop here. And before I lose
281 01:02:54,150 --> 01:03:07,650 control of myself, I'm going to exercise discipline, I'm going to do the right thing, which is follow the principles. convince myself that this is not the end
282 01:03:07,650 --> 01:03:16,290 of the world. And do it in a light that's positive. And and what's going to happen is the next time you go from the charts, you're not going to be fearful
283 01:03:16,320 --> 01:03:26,070 because that last trade that you just took a loss on, it wasn't that big of a deal. You start trading because you know that your discipline is required. And
284 01:03:26,070 --> 01:03:35,100 you did the right thing. You didn't make it worse, and you're not impatient. So you're not trying to rush to get it right back because you'd lost the trade. And
285 01:03:35,100 --> 01:03:44,370 that way, when you go into the next trade, what are you feeding off of the positive things that you've reinforced your subconscious with? None of that
286 01:03:44,370 --> 01:03:54,480 fear. None of that regret is manifesting in the next trade. You're going right back to why you're Why are you doing this. You want to make money. You want to
287 01:03:54,480 --> 01:04:07,050 live a better life, you want to have a secondary income, that income doesn't happen doesn't just fall in your lap. Because you told yourself you suck. That
288 01:04:07,050 --> 01:04:21,480 income isn't coming, because you told yourself you deserve more. And it's it's harder than you thought it's going to be though. How's that productive? But
289 01:04:21,480 --> 01:04:35,910 that's what you have to be aware of. Every day you're feeding your subconscious. the very reasons why you're either succeeding or you're failing. And it takes a
290 01:04:35,910 --> 01:04:47,670 lot of effort to constantly keep your mind focused on the positive things. In recent years, it's very hard to stay positive about anything. It's depressing
291 01:04:47,670 --> 01:04:55,470 when you look around and see what has been going on. But you have to you still have to grind in, prepare yourself mentally for this
292 01:05:01,380 --> 01:05:10,080 No one's gonna do it for you. No one's gonna sit down and tell you to do these things. I mean, I'm doing it now. Every time I have a Twitter space, I'm
293 01:05:10,080 --> 01:05:23,670 basically doing that. But it's a bit annoying. When I see students in Twitter, tweeting to me, or copying me in a tweet, where they're complaining with a
294 01:05:23,670 --> 01:05:34,650 negative tone, about their inability to do something by now, I should have been learning how to do this x months ago, but I'm still losing in my trades when
295 01:05:34,650 --> 01:05:43,440 you're not supposed to be trading. Don't get it, you know, listening. It's not going to magically happen for you, because you're pressing a button with a live
296 01:05:43,440 --> 01:05:54,090 candle when you don't have to trade. I mean, that's like one on one. Trading doesn't magically happen. Just because you're using real money. You have to be
297 01:05:54,090 --> 01:06:09,810 able to do this consistently. By reading the tape with no trades, put on on a demo from once, then do it consistently with paper trades or demo? Consistently,
298 01:06:10,380 --> 01:06:23,070 then, then you have a decision to make? Are you prepared? How will I know when I'm ready to go into life on ICT? How will I know? When you're bored to death?
299 01:06:25,050 --> 01:06:40,710 You go in every single day, and you can get your five handles, and it's easy for you to do it. Then, then you can entertain that thought. But not before if you
300 01:06:40,710 --> 01:06:50,910 are nervous, or have any anxiety, or do you get angry when you have a losing trade in a demo. If you're angry over that transaction, you're not ready to
301 01:06:50,910 --> 01:07:02,520 trade with iPhones, believe me, you're not. If you're overzealous about getting into a trade, even in a demo, like you're like you're so excited to push the
302 01:07:02,520 --> 01:07:15,660 button cuz you want to see it deliver like you want it to deliver. You're not ready to trade with iPhones. Because you have created a environment that is
303 01:07:15,690 --> 01:07:28,110 charged emotionally. It's either euphoria, or it's doom and gloom, it's the best or the worst. When it needs to be indifferent. You need to be able to look at
304 01:07:28,110 --> 01:07:39,000 these trades like a psychopath. There's no emotion. Like you're a serial killer. You're literally looking at these candles, knowing that the other side of that
305 01:07:39,000 --> 01:07:57,480 trade, someone's bleeding. And you don't care matters not to you. That's the reality of it. But what happens is, you have conditioned yourself to be a lamb.
306 01:08:00,030 --> 01:08:13,110 And you walk out there, all by yourself scared to death. And you press the button, you walk into the slaughterhouse and you're counting the seconds down
307 01:08:13,140 --> 01:08:30,360 until a lion devours you. And when it does, in your last moments of life in that trade before it stopped out, and you're in a loss you're squealing why this
308 01:08:30,360 --> 01:08:46,980 happened to me? Why am I being devoured? This shouldn't be happening to me. When you as the Lamb walking out there ill prepared. You have no defense. You have no
309 01:08:46,980 --> 01:08:49,020 defense against a lion.
310 01:08:55,020 --> 01:09:08,310 And you're wondering why that happens in your trading. Because you're ill equipped. You're going into a slaughterhouse every single time you enter these
311 01:09:08,310 --> 01:09:21,780 markets. I'm going in, you're going in and we're all going in it. But some of us are walking out of there the same way we went in, but we're taking a pound of
312 01:09:21,780 --> 01:09:40,380 flesh with us. We're not leaving a pound of flesh or more in there. We know our way in in our way out. We know when the lions are on the prowl and wanting to
313 01:09:40,380 --> 01:09:55,230 eat. We don't want to go in. But that's exactly what the retail traders want to do. Non Farm Payroll. It's got a lot of movement. That's where all the
314 01:09:55,230 --> 01:10:07,050 volatility is. That's what we got to do. And I'm really really well Working hard not to go off the rails. Twice nail always went there, give me go on the Crazy
315 01:10:07,050 --> 01:10:11,040 Train. Oh, the boats
316 01:10:16,440 --> 01:10:28,530 retail thinks about these high impact news drivers. And some of them are good. But some of them aren't. But this is where you want to treat and ICT says don't
317 01:10:28,530 --> 01:10:33,360 trade here, look at this trade. Look at my trades this week
318 01:10:41,010 --> 01:10:53,700 you have to know what you're doing, you have to know how to think. And you have to guard your mind. You can't just walk out there and expect whatever happens is
319 01:10:53,700 --> 01:11:02,610 going to be detrimental to me. And it's going to end me and you know, that's just, this is the way you guys just get your experience, I can just get beat up.
320 01:11:02,970 --> 01:11:13,470 Now that's not, that's not how it is. If you listen to me, you will have experiences where it doesn't pan out for you, that's fine, that's normal. But
321 01:11:13,470 --> 01:11:22,440 you'll have more experiences where it does pan out in your favor, which allows you to do what spend more time doing it without being frustrated to the point
322 01:11:22,440 --> 01:11:34,650 where you give up, which is what 90% of people do. That's what I tried to do as a mentor, placing your attention in the charts, at the moments that the things
323 01:11:34,650 --> 01:11:44,790 that I like personally, and I believe it's going to pan out. It allows you to see it there. Whereas you may not have noticed that are expected to happening.
324 01:11:44,850 --> 01:11:52,530 And it looks like oh, look at that move here. That would have been cool for me to see that coming. Well, now you have someone telling you when those things are
325 01:11:52,530 --> 01:12:04,050 happening. So that way you can go in, study it, observe it and see what it's doing when it does it. While you're doing that you are talking to yourself, like
326 01:12:04,050 --> 01:12:15,240 you saw that coming. So you're borrowing my experience, you're watching Real Time price action moves that are happening consistently day by day. And then
327 01:12:15,240 --> 01:12:26,400 you're telling yourself through your journal, in your own words. This is what I expected. You're talking to your subconscious by doing that. It feels weird.
328 01:12:26,580 --> 01:12:41,460 When you first start doing it. It feels like what am I doing? Just do it. I promise you just do it. If any of you ever meditated one of the things and
329 01:12:41,460 --> 01:12:52,350 functions that you do with your mind while you're meditating, is you're constantly giving yourself positive reassurance. There is no emergency. I'm home
330 01:12:52,350 --> 01:13:04,140 right now in my own body where I'm at right now, I'm in need of doing nothing and I'm in need of nothing. There is no emergency. I am comfortable. In my body
331 01:13:04,140 --> 01:13:17,490 right now I'm comfortable. In my present state right now my mind is at ease. I'm anxious for nothing. My body is strong, my body is healthy, my body is at rest.
332 01:13:17,970 --> 01:13:28,860 And this is peaceful to me. You go through a period in your day a couple times like that just go to a quiet place and maybe a place in your home, it work you
333 01:13:28,860 --> 01:13:40,920 may need to go to your car, we have breaks do that. It makes things a whole lot better. Instead of going out there and smoking your cigarettes, conditioning
334 01:13:40,920 --> 01:13:50,250 yourself mentally like that, and manage everything, you manage your blood sugar, your cortisol, your adrenaline, all those things, it's many times probably
335 01:13:50,250 --> 01:14:01,200 causing you to want to go out there and get a smoke break. And your health will improve your ability to maintain focus and manage the stress that everybody has
336 01:14:01,200 --> 01:14:13,890 every day. And some of you have never really felt stress yet until you start trading with live money. And it may not even be a lot of money. But the fact
337 01:14:13,890 --> 01:14:28,950 that you have money at risk. It's going to feel a lot more significant than it really is. I mean, let's let's be fair. If you lose two or 50 bucks, you're not
338 01:14:28,950 --> 01:14:38,340 going to end your life over 250 bucks. The world's not going to stop turning over 250 bucks, but it's 250 bucks. You know I have a lot of money if you know
339 01:14:38,460 --> 01:14:49,350 if I lost you on for the hours that fell out of my pocket, but man, I wish that didn't happen. I'm not going to starve over losing that 250 bucks. But I'm not
340 01:14:49,350 --> 01:14:56,970 going to sit there for a week and complain about I wish I wouldn't have put that money in that pocket because I want to reach in and grab something else out like
341 01:14:56,970 --> 01:15:05,070 my car keys and boom, the money fell out. I can Are you aware I probably dropped it. I'm not gonna spend two weeks complaining about it, and saying, Oh, I was
342 01:15:05,070 --> 01:15:14,790 stupid because of that. But that's what many of you are doing. In the beginning while trying to learn how to trade. You're taking everything that you're doing.
343 01:15:16,020 --> 01:15:25,650 And it's a scorecard. And you're never, ever being honest with yourself. Think about it, you're never giving yourself positive feedback about anything that
344 01:15:25,650 --> 01:15:37,860 you've done correctly, the only thing you're doing is honing in on what the thing you did wrong. And if you constantly keep telling yourself, try it with
345 01:15:37,860 --> 01:15:47,700 your spouse, gentleman, your wife comes through the door, ain't seen her for a little while she's going out with her friends or whatever. Tell her what she's
346 01:15:47,700 --> 01:15:58,560 wearing doesn't look good on her. Make sure you have your blanket in your pillow. Because you're sleeping on the couch tonight. But then tell her the nail
347 01:15:58,560 --> 01:16:06,630 polish she has on her hands, you don't like that either. How much of that is you're going to tolerate before she tells you about yourself? Probably what a
348 01:16:06,630 --> 01:16:19,380 rolling pin upside your head. It's like anything else, if you constantly feed negativity. And this is what you want to do also with who you're around who
349 01:16:19,410 --> 01:16:31,440 who's influencing you? Is it constant negative drama, that stuff is draining. It's draining for the people that do it. Who may think it's entertaining for
350 01:16:31,440 --> 01:16:43,170 them. But it's just, it's a lot of effort to do that kind of stuff. It's toxic. And if that's what you're around, and if that's how you operate as a human
351 01:16:43,170 --> 01:16:54,870 being, unless you have different coping mechanisms and skill sets, which is what I'm trying to coach you to do, using self talk that's positive. You're being
352 01:16:54,870 --> 01:17:04,320 your best cheerleader, you're guarding your mind. You'll be better equipped to do the things that's required as a trainer that way. In fact, you can use these
353 01:17:04,320 --> 01:17:14,280 skills in your average everyday life. Managing the stresses of work, managing the stresses of a marriage, or relationship, children parenting, if you're a
354 01:17:14,280 --> 01:17:24,420 single parent, which I was for a little while with my oldest son. It was the best time and it was the worst time I worried about whether I was ever going to
355 01:17:24,450 --> 01:17:33,540 find someone because I was a single parent. It's easy for a woman to find any some of the women out here might think, no, no, no, it's hard to find a good man
356 01:17:33,570 --> 01:17:46,350 when you're a single mom, that's not true. I've wanted to find a single mom, and I married one. And I'm happy. Now every man out there is a douche. But if you go
357 01:17:46,350 --> 01:17:53,640 into everyday life, thinking you're never gonna find the good man. You're guarding yourself from ever having the opportunity to fall into the reality and
358 01:17:53,640 --> 01:18:03,360 then you meet someone because you'll push them away because you're expecting everybody to be like that negative thing that you create in your mind. So we do
359 01:18:03,360 --> 01:18:18,330 these things every day as humans, but you can't do these things in trading in succeed. And not enough is talked about how to cope with it. In every
360 01:18:18,330 --> 01:18:29,400 psychological book out there, fall short on this. It doesn't really get to the heart of the matter. And while there are some good books out there, Mark
361 01:18:29,400 --> 01:18:39,630 Douglas, I think it's overrated, but it's good. The first few chapters of Alexander's book, trading for a living, in my opinion is better than Mark
362 01:18:39,630 --> 01:18:51,030 Douglass's book. Because it makes it practical. It takes you right in there, and shows you this is what it is. Versus someone that writes a book about trading
363 01:18:51,270 --> 01:19:01,380 psychology. The problem and reason why those psychology books never make an impression on the people that buy them is because it's talking about something
364 01:19:01,380 --> 01:19:11,670 they haven't learned how to do yet anyway, trading. I'm telling you, there's a step before that. You will never learn how to trade unless you master yourself.
365 01:19:11,790 --> 01:19:24,660 How do you give yourself a chance. You have to give yourself a chance. You have to be willing to put yourself through a process of removing negativity,
366 01:19:24,690 --> 01:19:34,080 filtering negativity, and rewarding yourself in with finding everything that you've ever done in your development, finding that silver lining in it because
367 01:19:34,080 --> 01:19:49,560 you have to cheerlead yourself. This is hard, it's very difficult. And the folks that master themselves keep these negative distractions from creeping in and
368 01:19:49,560 --> 01:20:00,270 derailing their progress. All it takes is one bad day. One bad day where you let your guard down. You're wrestling with something with your your relations. Ship,
369 01:20:00,630 --> 01:20:14,850 you're wrestling with something about your job, your finances. And then you go into trading. Thinking it's Rocky theme playing. There's a montage going on
370 01:20:14,850 --> 01:20:28,290 right now. You're playing in your your earbuds, every comeback song ever came across the the TV movies or whatever it is, and you're in it. You're the main
371 01:20:28,290 --> 01:20:40,410 character now. And you're going into the market to prove something. It's a vendetta. You're gonna go out there, and you're going to exact revenge on Carl.
372 01:20:42,360 --> 01:20:54,810 Carl's not on the other side of your trade. Carl's still at the desk at work, trying to get an employee at the month again. But you're in there trying to do
373 01:20:54,810 --> 01:21:13,020 something fantasizing. ill prepared going in with the wrong mindset. Expecting an experience to replace something that's going on in your personal life. Drama,
374 01:21:13,800 --> 01:21:34,920 heartache, loneliness, I broke this. And I'm promising you this. I'm promising you. If you trade like that, where you have to have a transaction that replaces
375 01:21:35,070 --> 01:21:49,530 anger, resentment. Someone broke up with you. A job fired you. Your children are doing things, you know, unruly, and they're making bad decisions and you can't
376 01:21:49,890 --> 01:22:07,920 do it because they're young adults. I've been there going through a divorce, you lost a loved one. Midlife, midlife crisis, I had one about a motorcycle and
377 01:22:07,920 --> 01:22:23,580 regretted it, I still regret it. But those things. I promise you, if you go in to any trade, in the real root cause for you pushing that button is any one of
378 01:22:23,580 --> 01:22:45,000 those things. You're doomed. You're doomed. You might get lucky. And you might win. But here's what's going to happen. As soon as you win 10 minutes, maybe 20.
379 01:22:45,180 --> 01:22:56,310 If it even last that long. It's not going to satisfy you, you're still going to have that heart ache that that woman that walked out on you that now you feel
380 01:22:56,310 --> 01:23:05,310 like you got to do like ICT thought he was going to do when he was 20 year old. I'm gonna win it back, I'm gonna make a lot of money. I'm gonna win her back
381 01:23:05,310 --> 01:23:22,650 with a lot of money. It doesn't work like that. I'll show my boss, I don't need him. I'm gonna go over leverage this account. Because I feel good. And if you
382 01:23:22,650 --> 01:23:31,830 win, as soon as you do it in the trade closes and profit, you're going to peacock around like I was doing today to my wife. When I say that I'm just
383 01:23:31,860 --> 01:23:43,830 walking around and gluten. She doesn't care. But today when you see these movements in the marketplace, that's not typical of non farm payrolls, I want to
384 01:23:43,830 --> 01:23:56,010 make sure you have that your notes. But when you have these moments where you go into the marketplace, yourself, and you win, under the context that you went in
385 01:23:56,070 --> 01:24:09,330 needing stimuli to make you feel significant to make you feel better to coddle you emotionally, to replace this emptiness, that the real world outside those
386 01:24:09,330 --> 01:24:18,540 candlesticks is putting on you to everybody else indoors too. But you're at a breaking point and you just need a release. You need to be able to feel good
387 01:24:18,540 --> 01:24:33,990 about something. And if it happens, and it works in your favor. That is going to be the shortest lived satisfaction ever. Because it can't compete with the
388 01:24:33,990 --> 01:24:43,560 things you're bringing into trading. How are you going to? How are you going to take that that winning trade that you overleveraged and I don't care if you make
389 01:24:43,560 --> 01:25:00,630 $20,000 that win is only going to feel good for so much time. And when it really hits you that you lost your life, you lost your husband and you're lonely If you
390 01:25:00,630 --> 01:25:17,100 lost a child, maybe it passed away. Maybe you had a miscarriage, we win there. We know that pain, it sucks. But that when it won't counter that level of ache
391 01:25:18,420 --> 01:25:35,400 so don't go into trading with that. You can't fix those things with joint your trades, winning trades don't fix those things. A process a model, sound risk
392 01:25:35,400 --> 01:25:51,600 management, impeccable money management. Those things deliver wins. And those wins need to be collected without any emotion. Okay. I mean, another $1,000
393 01:25:51,600 --> 01:26:08,580 Today, okay. I mean, not 500 hours this trade, okay. I mean, 20,000 hours this month, okay. You're not getting excited. It is just simply your job. I mean,
394 01:26:08,580 --> 01:26:17,850 when you get your paycheck, maybe some of you got paid today. Did you open up the envelope? On the stuff that you got said your direct deposit says, this is a
395 01:26:17,850 --> 01:26:28,410 mess. money you got? Did you think that honey, look at that? Did you go around parading around your wife or husband? High five, your kids? Look at this. I got
396 01:26:28,410 --> 01:26:37,230 another one of those things I got last week. Look at this. Look at that right there. See what they gave me. I went there for 40 hours. They gave me that. Like
397 01:26:37,230 --> 01:26:47,250 it's something different. You're not parading around with that. It's not an accomplishment. It's just what you expect to do when you go to work. It's a
398 01:26:47,250 --> 01:26:57,870 participation award, right? Well, every one of your trades, you win needs to be simply that it's a participation award. You it was expected this is what you
399 01:26:57,870 --> 01:27:11,610 expect to happen. You're not surprised. It's just the way it is. Okay, you don't want to emotionally charged it. It's not a big deal. It's nothing to be afraid
400 01:27:11,610 --> 01:27:22,050 of. It's nothing to really celebrate. You celebrate at the end of the year. You celebrate at the end of the year. This is how much I get to have to pay taxes
401 01:27:22,050 --> 01:27:38,070 on. I love it. That's it, that's the way it works. You do not champion a winning trade. And you don't regret and just go into depression over a losing trade.
402 01:27:40,980 --> 01:27:52,620 You're indifferent. It it's just business. It's the holidays, it's just business. You showing up to your job at your regularly scheduled time. For the
403 01:27:52,620 --> 01:28:01,110 time you're supposed to punch in to the time you go home and punch out. It's just business. That's the relationship you have. The ball says you show up at
404 01:28:01,110 --> 01:28:13,740 this time, be here this time and go home at this time. If you do that, you get a monetary reward at the end of the week. Okay, same process with trading. The
405 01:28:13,740 --> 01:28:23,820 process is I have to do this I have to show up in front of my charts. I got to do the process of looking through these charts, looking for the thing I'm
406 01:28:23,820 --> 01:28:37,920 supposed to be doing as the trader then when the time has come, I'm expected to do something with that opportunity. And I have to do what manage risk. You're
407 01:28:37,920 --> 01:28:44,490 doing your job. You're managing your personal risk when you drive there, because you don't know if you're gonna get there safely or not. But you're doing
408 01:28:44,490 --> 01:28:55,620 everything you can hopefully not looking at your phone, texting and whatnot. But once you're at your job, then you're managing the risk of what your employer you
409 01:28:55,620 --> 01:29:09,600 don't want to waste supplies. You don't want to waste time watching ICT videos on the clock. Liar. Everything you're doing is managing risk. Are you a good
410 01:29:09,600 --> 01:29:22,560 risk manager? Do you speed to work? Are you driving without your seatbelt on? Are you texting speeding without your seatbelt on? That's not a good manager of
411 01:29:22,560 --> 01:29:40,830 risk. You're going to blow your account these are all things that you need to be aware of. Because that's exactly what you're bringing to trading that's exactly
412 01:29:40,950 --> 01:29:58,470 what next year when everybody's having a hard time and that calling of the ill informed Street Money traders they're gonna be cast out like lepers. This market
413 01:29:58,470 --> 01:30:10,080 is going to be harsh to them. But it's not going to be harsh to you. Because you're learning, you're being forged in the fires of difficult trading
414 01:30:10,110 --> 01:30:26,760 environments right now, these are hard markets, and you're being forged in these fires. You're being prepared. Your steel is being forged in this. You're being
415 01:30:26,790 --> 01:30:32,010 battle ready, you're being battle prepared.
416 01:30:34,410 --> 01:30:43,590 You're getting all of your armor right now. And you're learning how to use your weapons. In a safe environment where nothing can happen to you right now,
417 01:30:43,620 --> 01:30:59,220 nothing can hurt you. It's all upside, it's all advantageous. It's not any weaknesses. This is proper training. This is the right way to do it. And when it
418 01:30:59,220 --> 01:31:09,180 comes time for you to be involved in actual trading, whether it be through a funded account, or live trading, you will be at the highest point of readiness,
419 01:31:10,020 --> 01:31:23,970 any trader would be reasonably expected to have. Because it all changes when there's real money involved. That's the part that I can't, I can't take you to
420 01:31:23,970 --> 01:31:32,100 that, everybody's going to experience that on a different level. That might be extremely stressful for you, and others to be like this is way easier than I
421 01:31:32,100 --> 01:31:47,670 thought it wasn't as fun. But some of you will be thinking, I'm terrified, I can't afford to lose. And you'll have new learning to go through. But you'll at
422 01:31:47,670 --> 01:31:56,940 least be trained properly, before you get to that point, which is important. books and courses don't take you there. Because it takes time. And they don't
423 01:31:57,390 --> 01:32:03,090 want to lose the subscription fees. The membership fees.
424 01:32:08,580 --> 01:32:15,330 I told you coming in this year, you're gonna have to work, it's going to take longer than you thought, you're going to do a lot of things that you don't feel
425 01:32:15,330 --> 01:32:23,280 comfortable doing. But you're going to be doing that the rest of your life as a trader anyway. So you might as well warm up to the idea that testing studying
426 01:32:23,280 --> 01:32:36,420 charts, looking at charts, before a trade conform, what are you doing, looking at charts you have to look at them, right? You have to see, you must get used to
427 01:32:36,420 --> 01:32:47,730 the idea of doing it and enjoying it. And that's what tape reading is doing for some of you, it's wonderful to see the comments that somebody's like, I love
428 01:32:47,730 --> 01:32:56,400 this, like this makes so much more sense to me. Now, I didn't know what I was looking for. And now I don't have any fear of losing. And I'm learning. I don't
429 01:32:56,400 --> 01:33:05,700 get all excited about having to make a winning trade. I'm just studying price, and I'm learning so much. Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus, because that's exactly
430 01:33:05,700 --> 01:33:16,140 what you're supposed to be feeling right now. You're replacing that desire to make money right now when you're not prepared to make money. So it's unrealistic
431 01:33:16,140 --> 01:33:26,220 for you to try to make money when you don't know how to make money. I'm sparing you all that frustration in allowing your mind and understanding to develop
432 01:33:26,220 --> 01:33:40,350 properly with the proper amount of time. And you'll be much more appreciated next year when I'm not doing this anymore, and you'll have all this experience
433 01:33:40,350 --> 01:33:52,560 the leaner and everybody that's never went through this type of conditioning, trading in the environments that we're going to go into 2024. Yeah, it's going
434 01:33:52,560 --> 01:34:02,370 to be a nightmare for them. But you're going to already be prepared. You're desensitized by then you know that there's opportunities every day, every week,
435 01:34:03,090 --> 01:34:10,410 you know, when it's likely to hurt you, when everybody else is being told to rush in there and trade. This is when the markets are moving around. Yeah,
436 01:34:10,410 --> 01:34:20,070 they're moving around with the intent to take you out. So why would why would you want to go in there. There's other days where you can trade with probability
437 01:34:20,070 --> 01:34:35,850 is more in line with you as a trader succeeding in it not? Well, it's casino time. I got time to do it. Let's go push the button. And I'm so pleased to see
438 01:34:36,570 --> 01:34:47,370 this paradigm shift that's happened just in the first month. I was concerned that I wouldn't see enough of it. I mean, obviously it's not all the same. But
439 01:34:48,750 --> 01:35:01,320 as we get further into it, in this year, you'll see that there's a lot of progress that you don't understand that you have gained In this week, I've
440 01:35:01,620 --> 01:35:15,150 provided you a homework assignment. I purposely told you to draw your account down. And then come back up before the close of this week, in a week, that is
441 01:35:15,180 --> 01:35:23,280 already hard. Now, admittedly, we had some really good price runs on Thursday and Friday, which were too good for me to pass. And that's why I showed you
442 01:35:23,340 --> 01:35:30,450 examples with it. And I hope I'm not encouraging you to want to trade those days, because it's like that this week. It's not like that every time there's
443 01:35:30,450 --> 01:35:38,610 non farm payrolls, sometimes it's just ugly, it just goes nowhere chops around and doesn't do anything. So if you have that in your mind, as that's the usual
444 01:35:39,480 --> 01:35:49,650 menu, or Non Farm Payroll, then you won't be until enticed to trade it and hurt yourself. Because you can do damage. And then think about it's at the beginning
445 01:35:49,650 --> 01:35:56,700 of the month. So now what are you gonna do, you're gonna start the month in drawdown. Now, you got to spend the first week and a half, getting out of
446 01:35:56,700 --> 01:36:05,460 drawdown. And then you're really worried about going back into drawdown in the third week of trading, which is going to be bringing you what mental baggage.
447 01:36:06,810 --> 01:36:16,560 What if thinking, that could have always been avoided by simply not trading on for over a week, on Thursday and Friday, it's simple. It's simple. But you want
448 01:36:16,560 --> 01:36:26,280 to do something that everybody is saying that they should be doing, getting in on the days that moves around? Well, there's a lot of movement on FOMC Are you
449 01:36:26,280 --> 01:36:36,480 able to get in before the rate announcement come out about the CPI number. There's a lot of movement there, too. It's funny that ideas don't apply to them.
450 01:36:38,250 --> 01:36:52,710 But it's the same thing with Non Farm Payroll. It's not worth it's not for professionals. NFP, not for professionals. But you witnessed this week, a level
451 01:36:52,740 --> 01:37:09,900 of precision, continuity, consistency, visibility, all during a time when the market is predominantly unfavorable on Thursdays and Fridays have nonfarm prayer
452 01:37:09,900 --> 01:37:27,840 week. And that should be an encouragement to you. For a new student, it's probably hard to appreciate where you're at and what you're learning. Because
453 01:37:27,840 --> 01:37:40,650 you don't have a reference point to say, this is the other alternative. And for someone that has gone through other styles of trading, maybe tried different
454 01:37:40,650 --> 01:37:51,420 approaches to trading. And now they're doing this. It's rewarding to me as a mentor reading their comments and saying, I've been doing this, I've been doing
455 01:37:51,420 --> 01:38:01,770 this, none of this ever worked or made sense. To me, this makes perfect sense. That's exactly what I'm aiming for. That's exactly what I'm aiming for. Because
456 01:38:01,770 --> 01:38:10,680 there are different ways to skin a cat and make money trading, yes. But those disciplines don't get to the root cause of why price is going, where it's going,
457 01:38:10,680 --> 01:38:22,740 when it's going to go there and why it should. That's, that's what I try to deliver as an educator. When I'm looking at price, I'm internalizing a whole lot
458 01:38:22,740 --> 01:38:31,860 of things that create a narrative. Why is he going to go up there? Why should that candle not be broken in the process of going up there? We should be
459 01:38:31,860 --> 01:38:42,180 reasonable in terms of retracements, but no further than this? See, that's logic. That stuff you don't you don't have that in their traditional analysis.
460 01:38:42,780 --> 01:38:59,940 Trust me, I would tell you if it was, would save me a lot of time talking to here, you just do this and be done. But it's been one month. And we have been
461 01:39:00,210 --> 01:39:10,230 watching live price action. I've called out specific things that I haven't taught before. And you watch them deliver in price real time with a one minute
462 01:39:10,230 --> 01:39:25,200 chart. Precisely. I'm not in edge. You can hear me when I'm talking about it live when it's happening. I'm not surprised. I'm not hopeful. Scared. It's this
463 01:39:25,200 --> 01:39:36,420 is what I'm looking for. This is what an algorithm should be doing at this time. Right now I'm doing this. My focus is on the expectation of what I know is being
464 01:39:36,420 --> 01:39:49,470 driven by code. I'm not worrying about wrong or right. I'm telling you, at this moment in this instance right now with what the chart has shown right here. This
465 01:39:49,470 --> 01:40:02,220 is what we expect to see in May and is it satisfying to see people say what, that just happened. Exactly, exactly. That's, that's where my satisfaction comes
466 01:40:02,220 --> 01:40:13,350 from. I'm not looking at the charts and saying, Wow, it still works. That doesn't happen. What I get my high off of is you all experiencing because I
467 01:40:13,350 --> 01:40:24,570 remember exactly what it felt like. And I live vicariously through all of my students, new discoveries, seeing something that I've grown bored of seeing
468 01:40:26,730 --> 01:40:39,210 in that moment of astonishment where the veils pulled back, and you finally see what this market really is, and you all watch it in your charts, real time, I
469 01:40:39,240 --> 01:40:49,020 often many times think to myself, that's when I'm usually putting a little smiley face, tweet out, because I know you're looking at the chart, probably
470 01:40:49,020 --> 01:40:59,310 with your corners of your mouth turned up to and a smirk or a smile, because, dammit, it happened again. There it is, it just happened again, it's not random,
471 01:40:59,340 --> 01:41:08,610 right? And that's exactly like I'm in the room with you. Like, I'm watching that chart, just like you are in the same thing that you're experiencing. And you're
472 01:41:08,610 --> 01:41:20,910 smiling, ticking. Man, this is not random. This is predictable things that I can see. He's he taught this, he pointed this very thing out, and it's going right
473 01:41:20,910 --> 01:41:33,030 there. And as soon as it does already have a well written tweet, with a, an image that's already pre selected. All I'm doing is waiting for time in price to
474 01:41:33,030 --> 01:41:42,930 meet. I don't have the time to type all that stuff out. Right when it hits there. I'm doing it in advance. Because I know what's about to happen. It's what
475 01:41:42,930 --> 01:41:52,170 I've told you, it's gonna happen. And then as soon as it happens, this week hits. And I do that because I want you to read that. And some of you read it as
476 01:41:52,380 --> 01:42:03,360 bragging or arrogance. No, I'm telling you, for the students, that that is a monumental experience for you to remember. It makes it meaningful. Otherwise, it
477 01:42:03,360 --> 01:42:14,100 just looks like so what? Yeah, the market went to that level there. And you didn't notice the tweet outline why it should? I'm not interested that in that
478 01:42:14,100 --> 01:42:24,390 person. That's not my audience. My audience is the folks that are looking at my tweets actively engaging their own charts, going to that specific candle and
479 01:42:24,390 --> 01:42:31,470 saying, okay, he said, this moment, now I'm watching it, how does it behave? And then what is he saying we're looking for buy side or sell side that gives you
480 01:42:31,470 --> 01:42:46,080 what bias. So when it starts gravitating towards it, I'm typing up a tweet, this is 387, booked, in some kind of emoji didn't make everybody laugh or smile or
481 01:42:46,080 --> 01:43:00,210 whatever. And it's just my way of just putting a bullet point, a little pin, in your memory about that was an experience that you watched, unfold live, you knew
482 01:43:00,210 --> 01:43:09,630 it was happening beforehand, you watched it deliver in now you have a memory of it, it's meaningful, it's impactful. And then you're going to be more inclined
483 01:43:09,630 --> 01:43:19,890 to do what journalists and then you put it in your own words, whereas you watch me outline it, I can tell you in the tweet to say, okay, screenshot your chart
484 01:43:19,890 --> 01:43:31,800 right here, label it with whatever. How many of you are dealing it, I would venture to say it's probably a good number of you that aren't dealing and you're
485 01:43:31,830 --> 01:43:42,900 missing the opportunity to grow, to learn how to do this independently, because you're going to basically be mimicking what I do. That's the only copycat stuff
486 01:43:42,900 --> 01:43:56,520 that I think is worthwhile, not copy every model that I try to trade with. I'm gonna country with all of them, but I have ones that I favor over others. This
487 01:43:56,520 --> 01:44:05,130 is my personal preference. It doesn't mean that the other ones are not as good. It just means I like these specific ones. And what is that it's a second stage
488 01:44:05,130 --> 01:44:16,950 distribution in a cell model, and its second stage accumulation, or re accumulation in a bimodal. There, my unicorn setups are just my eye is
489 01:44:16,950 --> 01:44:29,010 constantly seeking that. But if you put me in front of a chart, give me at least five minutes and I'll find my setup. It may require me to be on a second chart,
490 01:44:29,580 --> 01:44:41,970 but I'll find a setup. That's what I was doing this week. I was going to be doing lots of trades, doing everything up and down. And you shouldn't feel like
491 01:44:41,970 --> 01:44:52,710 that's something that you need to do to be good. Being good is not what you're doing here. You're being consistent, eventually working towards profitability
492 01:44:52,710 --> 01:45:04,350 that's consistently profitable. That's your goal here. And your first rung objective is five handles. Five handles in the ES. We've already narrowed your
493 01:45:04,350 --> 01:45:15,090 focus down to one market, even if you're kicking and screaming, saying I don't want to do ES. I don't want to trade that. I want to trade euro dollar. Okay,
494 01:45:15,660 --> 01:45:28,950 what did Euro dollar do today? Took a long time before I got started, didn't it? That's why I'm not there. Yes, forex pairs are moving around. But not like the
495 01:45:28,950 --> 01:45:41,160 US is not like the NASDAQ is. And it's gonna stay moving around. I think this summer, we're going to have a very busy summer. Whereas usually it's lethargic
496 01:45:41,160 --> 01:45:52,350 and just doldrums. I don't think we're going to have that this year, I think we're going to have a wild, wild price action summer. And I'm here for it. And
497 01:45:52,350 --> 01:46:02,100 I'm hoping that when we do our second baseline, which was what I gave me this week here trying to recoup the drawdown, if you failed to get back to 150,000 on
498 01:46:02,100 --> 01:46:11,970 your paper trading account. Don't be discouraged by that you now have a baseline. This is what you understood. Right now, this week, this is what you
499 01:46:11,970 --> 01:46:22,470 were able to do in this week. months from now, about halfway through between when we started in February and November, I'll tell you, we're going to do
500 01:46:22,470 --> 01:46:30,420 another week of that it's a second baseline, I'm going to tell you drop your account name down $3,000 and then spend the rest of the week trying to get it
501 01:46:30,420 --> 01:46:40,500 back, you're going to see even if you fail the second time, it's still going to be a lot easier than it was this time. And then when I do in November, you're
502 01:46:40,590 --> 01:46:50,160 you're gonna probably ace it. And then that's a wonderful skill set to have. Because you're gonna lose, you're going to have losing trades, your your account
503 01:46:50,160 --> 01:47:00,390 is going to experience drawdown, it happens to the best of us. You can't avoid that. Okay, you can't, if you're pressing the button and you're trading, it's
504 01:47:00,390 --> 01:47:10,650 going to come how you deal with that as a losing trader, in that one transaction or series of transactions. That determines how you're going to spend your
505 01:47:10,650 --> 01:47:24,090 career, whether it be in longevity, or it's going to be short and abrupt. And for whatever reason. Most traders are not interested in these topics. But this
506 01:47:24,090 --> 01:47:35,370 is the stuff that you need to know. Because you can't survive in this industry without knowing it. You have to have your mindset correctly aligned with what it
507 01:47:35,370 --> 01:47:47,550 is you're doing. And avoiding things that are going to invite your failure and it comes with boring discussions and uncomfortable discussions. This would be
508 01:47:47,550 --> 01:48:03,930 better spent. If you told us how to pick the right Vega tell me how to use the event horizon pdra some of your talking like you know what it is already? You
509 01:48:03,930 --> 01:48:16,890 don't even know what it is. I appreciate and love your enthusiasm, but you need to dial it back. You have no idea what you're doing. Nobody knows what an event
510 01:48:16,890 --> 01:48:25,920 horizon pdra is. Nobody does. I haven't taught it. Okay. Nobody knows what it is. Nobody in my private mentorship knows what it is they're all waiting just
511 01:48:25,920 --> 01:48:38,250 like you are. Withdrawal after posting Charlson like you've like you see it don't do that. Be genuine if you don't know what it is, he had no business
512 01:48:38,250 --> 01:48:56,910 referring to it in your chart. It's disingenuous when you don't think I know it, you don't know. I haven't done it yet. So anyway, I had a lot of fun this week.
513 01:48:57,270 --> 01:49:09,570 I had a lot of fun. I thought that we had a very productive week. And it looks like things are heating up in the markets are really moving really good. So
514 01:49:12,240 --> 01:49:26,460 usually in the springtime April in May, the market tends to create some type of a topping formation and it starts to drift down into the summer months and then
515 01:49:26,460 --> 01:49:45,960 to a low of the fall. This recent dropped this week. Once we went up into that daily chart Sibi for ES this was a little bit more energetic. I think the words
516 01:49:45,990 --> 01:50:07,410 appropriate for that here. And we're in March. So we might be in store for well It could be a lot of things. But based on what I'm seeing in the charts right
517 01:50:07,410 --> 01:50:20,490 now, so a lot of folks out there, a lot of the old dinosaurs, older than me, that do some really archaic, retail stuff in their analysis and whatnot. Some of
518 01:50:20,490 --> 01:50:25,320 them are saying that we're just going to go sideways for a long, long time.
519 01:50:27,450 --> 01:50:37,830 And I don't see that. Like, I don't see that at all. I think that's an easy cop out for just not knowing where it's gonna go. So this is saying it's gonna go
520 01:50:37,830 --> 01:50:47,850 sideways. And no matter what it does, as long as it's not crashing, or going parabolic to the upside, they can keep drawing the range, it's just wider and
521 01:50:47,850 --> 01:50:58,230 say, look, it's in consolidation. I'm gonna tell you what I think, okay, and I'm gonna tell you the reasons why. And then I'm gonna close this and go have my two
522 01:50:58,230 --> 01:51:15,930 scoops of ice cream, Haagen Dazs. And then the cowboy. So obviously, there's a lot of things going on in the world with Taiwan, China, going on with Ukraine,
523 01:51:17,130 --> 01:51:30,720 and a lot of just saber rattling. There's, you know, a major financial institution that just got shut down today. happened on Friday, like I said,
524 01:51:30,720 --> 01:51:41,460 it's, that's the motive. You know, that they fall all the time. They just, that's just the way they do things. I believe that we're going to see a lot of
525 01:51:41,490 --> 01:51:52,170 turmoil. Globally, not just in one contracting is going to happen everywhere. And that's going to accelerate things. We have central bank, digital currencies
526 01:51:52,170 --> 01:52:05,940 coming. And my opinion, and I've said this to you last summer, when I was doing Twitter spaces that needed to prepare, because in the next 18 months, and you
527 01:52:05,940 --> 01:52:26,160 know, we're halfway there. There's going to be a upheaval, some kind of jarring event, some kind of thing that's extremely uncomfortable for everyone. Me too.
528 01:52:26,460 --> 01:52:36,090 Just because I have money doesn't make me exempt. It's going to be unsettling for all of us. I don't know what that is, folks are like, I don't know, if I
529 01:52:36,090 --> 01:52:51,420 knew I swear to God, I'd tell you, I would tell you, I just know it's coming. And that abrupt catalyst that forces us to just almost beg for a central bank
530 01:52:51,420 --> 01:53:04,410 digital currency, because nobody really wants it. Everybody that understands really what it is, they don't want it. You won't have any privacy. You'll have
531 01:53:04,410 --> 01:53:18,240 control placed on you with how you spend your money. Your freedom is gone with your finances. And then once they have that they have absolutely control every
532 01:53:18,300 --> 01:53:30,510 bit of control over us as a society, which is the intent, I'm not going to do this or that, oh, you aren't. Here, you push a button. You can't touch your
533 01:53:30,510 --> 01:53:47,760 money, your direct deposit will go in that you can't spend any more than this much. capital controls, that's what's coming. You can't live a free life when
534 01:53:47,760 --> 01:54:08,070 you're under that kind of oppression. And nobody really wants it. So the way you get everybody wanting it is create a reason that this is the only solution. That
535 01:54:08,070 --> 01:54:18,780 makes sense. So and people will be begging for it. cheering for it. Yeah, give it to us, you know, bail us out, give it give it this, this is the way to fix
536 01:54:18,780 --> 01:54:18,960 it.
537 01:54:24,450 --> 01:54:39,450 And once it happens the way we do business, the way we bank. The way we spend money or have the ability to spend money will forever change. And I understand
538 01:54:39,480 --> 01:54:54,660 you could argue and say well it's already digital. Not like this. Like I can go out and take a wad of cash and buy groceries right now. I can go buy clothing, I
539 01:54:54,660 --> 01:55:07,200 can buy medicine. I can buy a firearm. I can buy ammunition I could buy car parts can go by car cashed with real bills, instead of writing checks like I do,
540 01:55:07,950 --> 01:55:19,470 it still spends the same right now, but it won't eventually. And those things you don't think about it right now, because it's not something you need to
541 01:55:19,470 --> 01:55:40,800 concern yourself with in your mind. But everything is speeding very, very fast to every Central Bank, putting in place, their digital currency. I think
542 01:55:40,800 --> 01:55:55,350 personally, there's going to be an event in the banks, it's going to be some kind of glitch, some kind of hack, some kind of Mo, they've already got
543 01:55:55,350 --> 01:56:11,970 something started today, a major bank failing, being taken over by the FDIC or whatever. And now, bank runs are in discussion, a bank runs where depositors,
544 01:56:12,210 --> 01:56:25,740 people like your nine to have a bank account with that bank. All are trying to get our money out of the bank. They don't like that. They don't want that. There
545 01:56:25,740 --> 01:56:39,000 isn't enough money in the banks. If we all went there to ask for it. Go to the bank and ask them for $35,000. I mean, you have to have it. Obviously, you
546 01:56:39,000 --> 01:56:48,510 can't. It's like bank robbery. You mean $35,000? You haven't no deposit? No, I just want 35,000. Okay, hold on real quick. There's a cop coming. But if you
547 01:56:48,510 --> 01:57:04,410 have $35,000 in the bank, go into a bank and ask for it. Look at them squirm in start looking around, like you just asked for something they don't have. Because
548 01:57:04,410 --> 01:57:16,590 they don't. You have to order that. It can take up to a week for that money to come there. Now that they have money, because they have cash on hand for people
549 01:57:16,590 --> 01:57:27,330 to do business with cash still, and some people still have their checks cashed or whatever, but they don't have that kind of cash. And I have had many
550 01:57:27,360 --> 01:57:43,590 instances where I've gone in and asked for cash. And they literally said, we can't do it. We can give you 5000? No, I asked for $25,000. We don't have it on
551 01:57:43,590 --> 01:57:52,920 hand. What are you talking about? You don't have 20, but you're a bank, you should have 25,000. Now we don't maybe if I call around that the other branches,
552 01:57:53,220 --> 01:58:02,910 you can probably go around and pick up a couple 1000 Here. What did Jesus say to me? They literally tried to do that. And that opened my eyes. And I was thinking
553 01:58:02,910 --> 01:58:15,720 myself Wow. This is kind of unnerving, really to think about it. Like it's not even a lot of money. And they don't want that kind of money being withdrawn.
554 01:58:17,670 --> 01:58:32,490 They want your money in their hands. capital controls. That's what's coming. Trust me, that's going to be circulating around. Those are the words those
555 01:58:32,490 --> 01:58:43,800 buzzwords, you're gonna be hearing that. You can't take any more money than this out. Have you noticed your bank withdrawal at the Tim's have been reduced?
556 01:58:43,800 --> 01:59:00,930 Because mine were and I never authorized it. I used to take out $1,500 Every bank account I have I could take out $1,500 Now 700 bucks. On other accounts
557 01:59:01,740 --> 01:59:19,500 500. Nope, this ATM won't let you get more than $500. What? It's my money. Well, you can always go in there and ask the teller for if it's reasonable. It's my
558 01:59:19,500 --> 01:59:36,420 money. They don't want you to get the cash out. And right now, watch over the weekend. I might not be correct in this. But you're going to hear the terms bank
559 01:59:36,420 --> 01:59:48,000 run capital controls, those words are going to start buzzing. And people are going to get real nervous and they're gonna be thinking oh, now I gotta get to
560 01:59:48,000 --> 01:59:58,440 the bank. And this is the reason why they do it on a Friday because you have a half a banking business day on Saturday. That's it. Not everybody can go to the
561 01:59:58,440 --> 02:00:08,580 bank. And a lot of people are just gonna be like, Oh, I'm watching the news. It's party time. It's Friday night, girl night money. And Saturday, they're
562 02:00:08,610 --> 02:00:22,770 hungover. They're sleeping in until noon, when the banks will close. And when they wake up, it's too late for him to go to the bank and get anything. But it's
563 02:00:22,800 --> 02:00:36,060 always on the weekend, they always do things on the weekend. They set up things that get people all twisted up and divided. So we're fighting each other on the
564 02:00:36,060 --> 02:00:44,610 weekend, because you have time to be out there causing all kinds of drama. And whenever you mess around with the financial stuff, it's the same way on Friday.
565 02:00:47,280 --> 02:00:57,420 The bank doors are closed. And then anytime they want to say it's a bank holiday, it's done. We're not opening back up, we're on holiday, meaning you're
566 02:00:57,420 --> 02:01:11,490 Sol. capital controls. Ask anybody that lived in Greece, they'll tell you all about it. They had money in the bank. But they couldn't take any more than this
567 02:01:11,490 --> 02:01:35,550 number of euros out per day. That's what's coming. That is what's coming. It's very convenient that we have all these proxy wars, going on. Talks about war. So
568 02:01:35,550 --> 02:01:49,440 we have all these perfect scenarios to justify how the glitch, the hack that takes place, the banks collapse because there was a glitch or a hack. Well, the
569 02:01:49,440 --> 02:02:01,170 only way we can protect everybody now is we got to put everybody on a central bank digital currency. And so many people will eat that up they can it make
570 02:02:01,170 --> 02:02:17,160 sense. It's a digital currency. Right now, all of my money that's not in cash is in the digital format. It's a number in banks.
571 02:02:22,830 --> 02:02:40,470 But they're going to tell you, it's better for it to be in the central bank digital currency. It's safer. Well, thank you for looking out for me. Tell
572 02:02:43,470 --> 02:02:56,970 something to be watchful for. You can't stop it. There's no sense of worrying about it. But it's going to change everything. There's going to be folks that
573 02:02:57,420 --> 02:03:17,340 say, oh, it's not gonna do anything, it's not gonna be bad. Watch, watch and see. But you'll have a skill set, as long as we have access to these markets. To
574 02:03:17,340 --> 02:03:33,570 make another stream of income. In the income can be wherever your skill set takes it. For something new, it's just a little bit more a month. In for others.
575 02:03:33,600 --> 02:03:48,480 It's Lux lifestyle. No matter what decision you make and what direction you go in, I'm actually very interested to see what your story is, if you're willing to
576 02:03:48,480 --> 02:04:01,020 share it with me, which is the currency here. I did our first interview tonight, but Poulton. I enjoy talking to him. And I have another gentleman that I'm gonna
577 02:04:01,020 --> 02:04:15,240 be interviewing on Tuesday. So I'll have another one on Tuesday night. So we might do. We might do two week if I can find a way to get in there. But at least
578 02:04:15,240 --> 02:04:24,450 one per week. I have so many of them. If you email me just know if I haven't responded to you or anything. I have a lot of you. And I'm doing it in the order
579 02:04:24,450 --> 02:04:32,100 I received on the so that way. I'm not cherry picking anybody I've literally, Paladin was the first one. And the gentleman I'm going to be talking to on
580 02:04:32,100 --> 02:04:41,730 Tuesday. He's a second one. And the folks that are right behind him. They'll get an email just like they did. And it's just basically saying, This is the day I'd
581 02:04:41,730 --> 02:04:53,040 like to do it. If it doesn't work, let me know. And I give them the list of questions I intend to ask them. And can you see it? Real people real faces real
582 02:04:53,040 --> 02:05:04,260 money. The companies themselves have interviewed them. The payouts are are verified. You can see it it's there. So it's to me, it's a source of
583 02:05:04,290 --> 02:05:14,280 inspiration. And I use the title real money real people, because that's how I started. Ken Roberts, that garbage book that I bought that I thought was going
584 02:05:14,280 --> 02:05:23,040 to change the world for me is little cassette tape that he sold me on the idea with was titled real money, real people. And it was interviews with people that
585 02:05:23,040 --> 02:05:37,200 were using commodities to make money. So I'm full circle going right back into how I started, what was my inspiration. So I know, seeing individuals seeing
586 02:05:37,200 --> 02:05:50,190 their face, reading their emotions, from their discussion, how they're talking to you how they're talking with me. The way they share their experience, it's
587 02:05:50,190 --> 02:06:00,000 genuine. It's not like if I was talking to someone right here on this, which is, I've contemplated doing, like I contemplated having like the interviews over
588 02:06:00,000 --> 02:06:08,550 Twitter, but I don't manage my own Twitter spaces. Once I don't, I'm done. And other people upload them and whatever, and you can do whatever you want with
589 02:06:08,550 --> 02:06:20,970 them, I don't care. But I just wanted to see their face. Like, to me, it's an emotional thing. Like I'm, when I was doing that tonight, I had to fight back in
590 02:06:21,000 --> 02:06:31,710 the emotion that I was feeling. And when I watched the playback, I'm looking like, I'm a substitute teacher. And I'm watching a class that I don't have any
591 02:06:31,710 --> 02:06:41,190 affinity for. When in reality, I was very emotional. Like, I was very emotional. And I was trying to keep my composure, because I'm so appreciative of him.
592 02:06:41,220 --> 02:06:51,330 Number one, sharing his experience with me and allowing it to be seen by everyone pays obviously done interviews with other folks before too, but it to
593 02:06:51,330 --> 02:07:01,890 me, it's meaningful, because he's saying that he uses what he's learned from me. And that, to me is wonderful. And I'm thankful that the Lord has allowed me to
594 02:07:01,890 --> 02:07:11,100 have that impact on his life and other folks that are in my inbox waiting to have a conversation with me, and share their experience with you as well. And
595 02:07:11,370 --> 02:07:21,540 more of them came in today. So I mean, as obviously, as we go forward throughout this year, folks that are more versed in trading, that are already trading with
596 02:07:21,540 --> 02:07:29,130 live funds and can find profitability, they're going to, um, certain have a testimony of their own. And they're probably reached out to me, and I'm anxious
597 02:07:29,130 --> 02:07:37,920 to have a conversation with them as well. This is a lot of them. And I'm not going out of the order that they came to me, not all of them are going to be
598 02:07:37,920 --> 02:07:51,150 250,000 $300,000. In not all of them are like that some of them were 20,000. Some of them are 10,000 Isn't that in my opinion, that's still noteworthy, like
599 02:07:51,150 --> 02:08:02,400 you're not demo trading, and to see the response, and hear their appreciation for having this skill set taught to them, they can now do it. In that's
600 02:08:02,430 --> 02:08:13,440 meaningful to me, it may not be as a mean as meaningful to you, because you can't do it yet. But you're learning how to do it. And I'm excited to talk to
601 02:08:13,440 --> 02:08:25,230 you to, like I want to, I want to see more of all of you. And I've had a lot of individuals through my mentorship over the years, people reach out to me send
602 02:08:25,230 --> 02:08:40,410 private links to videos on YouTube, or send me things, you know, through other mediums. And my family and I had the wonderful prep privilege and pleasure to
603 02:08:41,250 --> 02:08:55,110 see and hear them show their appreciation. And it's just a wonderful, wonderful repayment for everything I'm poured into this. This is one thing to say, you
604 02:08:55,110 --> 02:09:05,880 know, thanks ICT in a tweet, and you know, there it is as cool. But when someone spends time, and they show you their face, and they talk from their heart and
605 02:09:05,880 --> 02:09:17,100 show you the appreciation, the fact that you know, I didn't have to do this. I mean, I could have went back on my promise that if I was taught how to do this,
606 02:09:17,100 --> 02:09:26,670 and I could do it, I would teach the rest of my life and teach other people how to do it. I could went back on that. But I didn't want to do that. Sometimes I
607 02:09:26,670 --> 02:09:36,630 do because it's hard to manage all your personalities and your demands on me and I have to balance a lot of other things and on top of what I'm doing here. But
608 02:09:36,630 --> 02:09:49,890 when I see folks really give a heartfelt thank you and I can see them my wife's it's to me. When my wife saw this young man tonight, it's just one more of what
609 02:09:49,890 --> 02:10:01,590 she's already seen many of and that's what I got her to tell me one time we were taking a ride and I think I've said this to you before But for her to say, you
610 02:10:01,590 --> 02:10:12,660 know, I, I can understand now why you do it. And I didn't understand it before. Like, because she always thought that all of you were stealing her time. Because
611 02:10:12,660 --> 02:10:28,200 I spend more time with all of you than I spend with her. And it's been like that our entire marriage it's she's a, she's a different kind of woman. There's not a
612 02:10:28,200 --> 02:10:42,780 lot of women out there that would want to allow something like this. But she understands that this is who I am. This is who I was when she met me. And she's
613 02:10:42,780 --> 02:10:55,920 never said that being who you are. And I wouldn't. I'm incapable of it. But for her to say, because you've seen so many people's lives being impacted, and
614 02:10:55,920 --> 02:11:11,010 changed for the better. To see them emotionally break down and say, This is what I'm able to do now. And something took me out of my work. Some accident,
615 02:11:11,010 --> 02:11:24,390 something, you know, health wise, I can't, I can't do this anymore. But now, because of this, I'm able to do that. You know, and when you see that, and they
616 02:11:24,390 --> 02:11:40,590 are heartfelt, and you're tearful, and it just so emotionally, to me committed to now doing this, because they've seen it work for them. And us as a family,
617 02:11:41,250 --> 02:11:54,660 like I let my, I let my kids see it. Because it's to me, it's like, I want them to see, this is why I do it. This is why I do it. These people all around the
618 02:11:54,660 --> 02:12:08,250 world are thinking and praying for me. Because I help them. And now they have the ability to do something they otherwise never would have.
619 02:12:09,720 --> 02:12:19,050 And the fear, the anxiety that they had before with not having a skill set like this. And it was only their job, that maybe they were made redundant and they
620 02:12:19,050 --> 02:12:32,340 got sacked, they're fired, lost it COVID took a lot of people out of the job. And they've not been able to resurrect themselves from that. But my students
621 02:12:32,610 --> 02:12:49,290 have been able to do what, find another way. Some of them had businesses that were ended. And they are now finding their way with this. And it just feels
622 02:12:52,200 --> 02:13:08,880 really rewarding, not only because I'm appreciative of the feedback that I'm getting, but it allows my wife who I know, I know. She doesn't fully understand
623 02:13:09,660 --> 02:13:24,780 what it is that we do. Like she doesn't get it. But when she sees folks provide a testimony and say, look with this has enabled me and my family to now partake
624 02:13:24,780 --> 02:13:40,530 in. Look at the blessing that now I am able to go in and do this. That that enrichment to my life. I'm thankful for this. And my wife sacrifice by allowing
625 02:13:40,530 --> 02:13:56,640 me to do what it is I'm doing with you all right now, every single day, every week. And for years I've been doing it she can see it and understand enough to
626 02:13:56,640 --> 02:14:08,070 allow it. Which I'm thankful for. Because it would be very difficult for me if he was to sit down one day and say, Michael, I love you. I've dealt with this
627 02:14:08,070 --> 02:14:24,600 for a long, long time. But I can't do it anymore. Oh, wow, that would be that'd be rough, like deadly, that will be rough. And I feel like that's where we're at
628 02:14:24,600 --> 02:14:40,530 because we're older. I'm 50 Chain 50. But at some point, she's gonna want all my time. So that's another major contributing factor to why I want to not take in
629 02:14:40,830 --> 02:14:51,960 new mentorship groups because nobody shut me down. I wanted to wind this down. And this year, I have all of you on a timetable because of what I know is
630 02:14:51,960 --> 02:15:06,210 coming. And I'm doing my best every day to put on enough of a clip Nik to try to teach you on real time data, using the things that's on my YouTube channel and
631 02:15:06,210 --> 02:15:20,880 the things I'm teaching you this year. And I'm hoping that I'm going to have more of all of you telling me next year, if not sooner, that I'm so thankful
632 02:15:20,880 --> 02:15:34,230 that, you know, I poured myself into what you were sharing in the look at the results I have. And you can pass that on to your children. And leave a legacy,
633 02:15:35,370 --> 02:15:50,280 which I'm so honored and privileged to be a small, small little piece of that. Like, I feel special because of that. It's not arrogance, I'm so thankful and
634 02:15:50,310 --> 02:16:05,280 honored to be number one, you're listening to me right now. The fact that you're willing to listen to what I've spent my entire life doing. I don't take that for
635 02:16:05,280 --> 02:16:16,800 granted. And when I talk to you, I talk to you from my heart. And I want you don't understand that I appreciate everything, all of you share in terms of your
636 02:16:17,130 --> 02:16:34,410 attention to details that I'm sharing the the rate of appreciation that our community has, I love that. I love it. I love when a new member joins our fold
637 02:16:34,410 --> 02:16:46,620 here. And they say, this is the best community I've ever been a part of. I love that I'm proud of that. I'm proud of all of you that welcome other new students
638 02:16:46,620 --> 02:16:58,890 in because I'm gonna tell you something, every time I brought a new group in my private mentorship, I was hearing about it, I was hearing about it. We don't
639 02:16:58,890 --> 02:17:15,990 want nobody else in here. I thought was, so I just want to let you know that I appreciate that. And it encourages me, it makes me do more. Like it keeps me
640 02:17:15,990 --> 02:17:26,400 motivated. And I don't feel like a 50 year old man. I don't think I look like a 50 year old man either. But I certainly don't feel like I imagine if it's your
641 02:17:26,400 --> 02:17:37,950 old man would feel when I was younger. Like I don't get tired of this. Clearly, that had gone on or not. If I went and lost my voice when I was sick, I still
642 02:17:37,950 --> 02:17:51,510 would have been teaching. I just couldn't talk so made things difficult. But I think that's going to be it for tonight is I want to just more or less start
643 02:17:51,510 --> 02:18:03,060 rambling about things. You probably don't have a whole lot of bearing on you as a trader. But as a student, you know, I want you to know from your mentors lips
644 02:18:03,060 --> 02:18:21,060 that I am absolutely honored that you number one chose me as your mentor. And that you continuously show up each day. Because I know where I'm taking you. You
645 02:18:21,060 --> 02:18:33,840 may not see it entirely that I do. I've been here before I've taken other people there. I know my way around, even in the dark. And while you might not know
646 02:18:33,840 --> 02:18:43,710 where you're heading, all you got to do show up each day, I promise, I'll take you by the hand. And we'll walk into this jungle every day. And you'll come out
647 02:18:43,710 --> 02:18:57,090 in one piece, but you'll be coming out with spoils. You'll come out with more than you went in with. And each time you do it, you'll have more experience. You
648 02:18:57,090 --> 02:19:05,190 have more understanding about yourself and the markets. And when it comes time for you to decide whether you want to take the plunge and trade with a funded
649 02:19:05,190 --> 02:19:15,540 account or trade with your own money. You won't have any doubts of what it is you're going to do and when you'll know you'll absolute absolutely now there'll
650 02:19:15,540 --> 02:19:23,310 be no doubt about it. And it won't because you're rushing to make money is because you're going to know that you know exactly what you're doing. And that
651 02:19:23,310 --> 02:19:32,130 peace of mind of not worrying about missing something because you don't know when it's going to come up. Because that's really what fear of missing out is
652 02:19:32,370 --> 02:19:44,040 you don't know what you're doing. You don't know what you're doing or what to expect in price. So therefore you're fearful of missing something. Which is what
653 02:19:44,490 --> 02:19:56,130 we've watched crypto traders for years, experienced that fear of missing out. They think that there's always going to be that next 50,000 new point run in the
654 02:19:56,130 --> 02:20:07,320 cryptocurrency every little fluctuation is going to be 100,000 and Bitcoin, every little movement, because they don't know how to trade. I'm not knocking
655 02:20:07,320 --> 02:20:20,310 any crypto traders specifically, I'm just saying that asset class recently has drawn in nobodies as far as traders, they've never traded before anything. It's
656 02:20:20,310 --> 02:20:31,140 like a circus that community of, of speculation. It's like the I love it because it's a freak show. Like I love the names on Twitter. I saw one of them, chart
657 02:20:31,140 --> 02:20:43,260 Simpson. I love the names that mean something you folks came up with. They're really really ingenious. I love them. Some of them a little bit too crude. But
658 02:20:44,340 --> 02:20:55,290 for the most part, they're very funny, very interesting selections of almost like a meaning. It's neat. But the traders themselves that came in with that big
659 02:20:55,290 --> 02:21:08,790 boom up in Bitcoin brought average people with no previous trading experience. So it's easy for them to do what get whipped up into a frenzy. And they fear
660 02:21:08,790 --> 02:21:19,620 they're going to miss every little movement is going to be the next Bitcoin 100,000 Run. Because he don't know how to trade. I'm teaching you how to trade.
661 02:21:19,980 --> 02:21:34,170 I'm teaching you how to read price. So that way, you're never going to have fear of missing out. There's no FOMO in ICT, None. None. I'm bored. I'm boring
662 02:21:34,170 --> 02:21:48,210 listening to his live streams. It's like, I've seen this before. And it's exactly how it's going to be for you. No emotion. I gotta bring in the dad jokes
663 02:21:48,210 --> 02:21:58,080 all the time to break up the monotony of this boredom. It's boredom. It's the same stuff all the time. And that's how it's gonna be for you.
664 02:21:59,760 --> 02:22:11,250 And you want it to be like that. You don't want it to be some kind of rave. Okay, not some kind of techno jam party in nothing over the top in terms of
665 02:22:11,280 --> 02:22:26,580 exhilaration. You want it to be absolutely boring. You've been here before you knew how it ends. You won't get emotionally attached to the trade. You're not
666 02:22:26,580 --> 02:22:34,080 going to be beating yourself up if you lose. And you're not going to think of yourself as the goat because you had one winning trade. That's how you'd been as
667 02:22:34,080 --> 02:22:48,960 he beat this business. That's how you do it. And you're getting there. So hopefully this is going to be enough for this weekend. Like I said, I usually do
668 02:22:48,960 --> 02:23:02,220 them on Saturday. But I don't have an opportunity to do that this weekend. So we did tonight. And I hopefully have deposited something useful and helpful to you
669 02:23:02,220 --> 02:23:13,830 tonight. If nine I apologize for wasting your time. But if you keep showing up, I promise it won't always be like that you'll get something and we'll be back up
670 02:23:13,830 --> 02:23:24,750 again Lord willing on Monday. So this weekend, try to get some rest still to this day, not too too much. And I'll have some new lectures for you this coming
671 02:23:24,750 --> 02:23:28,560 week. And until I'll talk to you then be safe