
Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2022-12-29 08:29


00:35 - You can’t fire me, but I do know that you can't fire me.

03:37 - Liquidity void -.

08:51 - How I got into some shit with Vignoble and emails.

15:04 - If someone taught me something, I’ve always given it 100% credit.

17:53 - If I’m lying, you tell me.

23:38 - The one element and time that Chris didn’t learn from his student.

29:46 - Where does this fit in the grand scheme of things? Where does it even make sense?

32:06 - How a time-based chart has the advantage in showcasing things in price action that you otherwise wouldn’t know.

37:51 - What is a liquidity void? -.

41:58 - You don’t think you can make money with that? -.

44:44 - What are the people on Twitter that block you?

50:37 - Don’t talk negative about what you teach.

55:55 - The level of fraud you can do if you don’t know your vocabulary.

58:35 - You can’t take that kind of stuff once you learn how to do it.

01:05:01 - The ict mentorship culture is on steroids.

01:10:17 - If you’re not part of this community, who gives a rat’s ass?



00:00:35,790 --> 00:00:52,890 ICT: Howdy folks. Sorry for my tardiness. But I do know that you can't fire me so ICT does well ICT does. So anyway, this is also the reason why I didn't do
00:00:52,890 --> 00:01:03,030 well work I'm one of the people because having a boss to tell me how to show up at a specific time I can go home at a specific time. I can have off a particular
00:01:03,030 --> 00:01:21,810 week for vacation. Competing with Carl What's this guy talking about? Carl, who's Carl to somebody at this point out of thin air. being facetious and now
00:01:21,810 --> 00:01:35,160 here I am. As another dear Good grief. See that Santa Claus. You can't be Santa Claus without reindeer. Okay. Any chocolate chip cookies and milk? And we're,
00:01:35,550 --> 00:01:49,680 we're set then saying, Well, why was I late? I'm sure Inquiring minds want to know. Well, the boss who I introduced you to this morning, last minute, said we
00:01:49,680 --> 00:02:01,110 had to take our boxers for a ride. So I could not object. It was the way it was. And I thought I had my cell phone with me to tell you I was as well I'll let
00:02:01,110 --> 00:02:12,570 them know. I'll send out a tweet. And I don't know I'll be a little bit late. But you're the boss said let's go. So I believe. And I left my phone on the
00:02:12,570 --> 00:02:27,870 Ottoman at home. So we got back a little bit ago when I got on Twitter. And now here I am. So yes, my dogs are very spoiled. We take them out in the back of the
00:02:27,870 --> 00:02:39,360 pickup truck. And we just drive around with them and let them look at the cows and scenery they love it. So I wanted to talk a little bit about what you saw
10 00:02:39,360 --> 00:02:52,560 this past week and what we're probably going to see over the next coming weeks. So I'm sitting here thinking about what some of you probably didn't understand
11 00:02:53,610 --> 00:03:07,260 in regards to the quote unquote liquidity void. I kind of like want to clear some rumors up a little bit in this conversation as well. And when you're
12 00:03:07,260 --> 00:03:23,220 probably gonna hear name length here in a second let me know. It's always drama on these things when I'm going live road rage, reindeer come out of nowhere. So
13 00:03:24,120 --> 00:03:39,630 the liquidity void that I drew your attention to on the ES when we had that real big, sharp, displacement lower the other day. That is an actual liquidity void.
14 00:03:39,960 --> 00:03:55,890 Okay. Over the years, because I've made mention of liquidity void. It was a term that people brought up when I was only one baby pips. And baby pips members over
15 00:03:55,890 --> 00:04:08,820 there mentioned that that's a term that Chris Laurie uses. So back then, because I was teaching, I understood what they were trying to draw attention to. But I
16 00:04:08,820 --> 00:04:19,020 had every intention of talking about it, like you recently saw this week. And, in fact, what you don't realize is is that actually was taught for the very
17 00:04:19,020 --> 00:04:31,950 first time to even my private members, like they don't really understand the imbalance to the degree like that lesson was shown. I mean, they know there's
18 00:04:31,980 --> 00:04:42,210 sell side delivery by side delivery and imbalance a city busy. But what is actually going on inside that that you don't see, without having a very, very
19 00:04:42,210 --> 00:04:53,430 short timeframe, like a second chart or a 15 second chart or something to that effect. You won't really see those gaps because a one minute chart, and a one
20 00:04:53,430 --> 00:05:03,450 minute candle will smooth all that out. So it looks to simply like well just a down candle An up candle. And you have probably looked at these things for a
21 00:05:03,450 --> 00:05:13,530 long time and never really seen any kind of relevance to the insight behind it. And just beneath the surface, there's the very things that's been hidden from
22 00:05:13,530 --> 00:05:17,010 you. So when you hear these folks out there talk about
23 00:05:18,990 --> 00:05:29,430 time charts are useless. Well, if you're going to try to use time charts in your particular model that doesn't use time charts, then that would probably be a
24 00:05:29,430 --> 00:05:42,030 true statement. But time charts, time based charts are very influential in terms of teaching what it is I teach that is algorithmic because the first principle
25 00:05:42,030 --> 00:05:55,230 with price delivery is what time then price. So everything has to work around the element of time, certain times of the day, certain timeframes time of the
26 00:05:55,230 --> 00:06:07,980 month, time of the year. In all those time influences have a major impact on what price is doing. And it has absolutely nothing to do with fundamentals,
27 00:06:08,610 --> 00:06:21,150 because we're talking about price delivery on a very short term timeframe. So short term timeframes are not noise. Absolutely not. And one of the things that
28 00:06:21,150 --> 00:06:36,420 I kind of like want to clear up is back when I was on baby pips, okay. I kind of got nudged, didn't basically do this whole discussion when I did the video. I'm
29 00:06:36,420 --> 00:06:49,320 not sure which one I did. When I did my little vignettes. And I'm trading. I put Chris doll trees, renegade song, which was my old opener, when I was on baby
30 00:06:49,320 --> 00:07:00,930 pips when I did our quote unquote, pro traders club over there. That whole liquidity void thing, instead of trying to go into a new vernacular over there,
31 00:07:00,930 --> 00:07:08,430 I basically just use what people were saying they were familiar with, they said, Well, yeah, we're from Chris Laurie, everybody over there, obviously, when we
32 00:07:08,430 --> 00:07:14,190 looked at some of Chris Laurie stuff, and he calls that like, what do you call it? I said, welcome. We'll use that. And they're like, Well, why don't you do a
33 00:07:14,190 --> 00:07:25,500 pro traders club here for us? So that's why I did what I did. So naturally, people were saying, hey, look, me and Chris Laurie, this Chris Laurie that so I
34 00:07:25,500 --> 00:07:35,580 looked into his stuff early on when he was on forex mentor.com. And I mentioned many times, that I felt that he was the one that was standing apart from
35 00:07:35,580 --> 00:07:48,330 everyone over there, because he was looking at things a little differently, even though he was heavy, heavy, heavy, like Fibonacci. And he put a moving average
36 00:07:48,330 --> 00:07:56,580 on his chart and stuff, which irritated me, but I'm not trying to beat the guy up. Because I still think that if you don't like me, as an educator, I think
37 00:07:56,580 --> 00:08:06,330 that you could find useful information from what he teaches. And I have a lot of students that came from him. But a lot of those students quickly realized what I
38 00:08:06,330 --> 00:08:15,600 do and what I teach and how I trade is lightyears beyond what he's ever taught. And that's not, I'm not trying to talk down. Okay, but I just want to clear the
39 00:08:15,600 --> 00:08:25,680 air about this, because there's people out there saying that, he's saying he taught me how to trade. And if that's the case, then I gotta call bullshit.
40 00:08:26,520 --> 00:08:40,860 Because that did not happen. Now, early on, I stated that I looked at his information. In fact, when Forex mentor first became a website, and they were
41 00:08:40,860 --> 00:08:48,930 pumping out all their stuff. I bought everybody's courses back then. I bought every there wasn't a course out there that I didn't already have everything on
42 00:08:48,930 --> 00:09:01,230 forex mentor, I had it vignoble stuff. Actually, I got into some shit with vignoble and emails, I say, Look, no. My order block stuff was starting to creep
43 00:09:01,230 --> 00:09:11,490 on to your website. And I'm not, I'm not co signing that. Because while I looked in the back office, and I noticed that you're in a lot of our courses, I said,
44 00:09:11,490 --> 00:09:22,770 Yes, I buy a lot of shit. And if you look at what I'm doing it none of this Mickey Mouse shirt you guys do on this website? None of it. But because of all
45 00:09:22,770 --> 00:09:26,730 that, and because I gave a nod to Chris Laurie saying, Hey, look over there.
46 00:09:28,110 --> 00:09:37,800 We had worked out an agreement where we were going to do potentially some webinars and I was willing to give him a boost because even then I had more of a
47 00:09:37,800 --> 00:09:48,540 draw than he did. So if you see how my character is, if I liked somebody, I'm not trying to lord over them. I'm not trying to be the cool kid on the block
48 00:09:48,540 --> 00:09:58,920 that doesn't let anybody else come up. I want to see people that are genuine come up. That's why I tap people like Hannah. And I tap people like corbs and
49 00:09:59,310 --> 00:10:08,970 the guy Matt those trades by Matt. None of these folks with the exception of Hannah, obviously, none of these folks subscribe to what I do. They don't know
50 00:10:08,970 --> 00:10:16,710 anything about it. They don't know anything about order blocks. They just think, well, this YouTubers got more following than me. And he's being kind to me. And
51 00:10:16,710 --> 00:10:23,880 he's you're trying to give me some publicity and some push. That's all I'm trying to do. Because I think they're genuine people. And I think Chris Laurie
52 00:10:23,880 --> 00:10:36,000 genuinely, is genuine. But we had an issue. A couple of years back where a lot of people were writing to him because we were going to do webinars and such. And
53 00:10:36,000 --> 00:10:46,020 I was going to show up in the form of one of his workshops, like I was going to be there. And a lot of my students were coming, admittedly, because I was going
54 00:10:46,020 --> 00:10:53,670 there. And I told Chris, I don't want any money. He said, We can you know, what kind of compensation Do you want? And I was like, I don't want anything. I don't
55 00:10:53,670 --> 00:11:01,980 want anything. Like, I don't want you to increase any kind of money for it. And this is the God's honest truth. And if he's honest, he'll tell you this. And if
56 00:11:01,980 --> 00:11:13,200 he doesn't, I got emails to show you. This is exactly what took place. But a couple people back then got a case of Yes. Okay. And it was the people on baby
57 00:11:13,200 --> 00:11:23,520 pips. Okay, the people like Pete Fader, okay, that was hating the fact that I was growing, and getting an audience and, you know, literally would piss and
58 00:11:23,520 --> 00:11:32,490 moan about how nobody pays attention to me. I'm out here doing this, and I'm down here doing that. But it because nobody gave a shit. Like, dude, you're dry.
59 00:11:33,420 --> 00:11:40,890 You might not like my voice, you might not like the the things I was doing. And all the in the video stuff that I was trying to make it entertaining, I was
60 00:11:40,890 --> 00:11:50,340 drawing an audience. I'm good at that. But once the audience came, they realized that I was given out something that has value. And I didn't have to pay for
61 00:11:50,340 --> 00:12:02,370 advertising, I knew how to manipulate everybody's attention long enough to see, hey, this guy's got something different. That's all I was doing. But because of
62 00:12:02,370 --> 00:12:19,110 that, all that jealousy and envy. Somebody asked assholes sat down and wrote emails to Chris Laurie and said, I'm not coming to your webinar, or workshop, if
63 00:12:19,110 --> 00:12:30,660 inner circle trader is going, and because Chris is, you know, tries to be a straight arrow, and he wants to, you know, have that type of image or whatever,
64 00:12:30,660 --> 00:12:43,050 he sent me an email back then he says, like, I'm gonna take a pause on that whole partnering up. So, a lot of my students were upset because they were
65 00:12:43,050 --> 00:12:51,240 really wanting to go because I was coming. And I wasn't coming now. So I explained to my son, you know, he, he doesn't like the drama that I, you know,
66 00:12:51,240 --> 00:13:03,990 have worked up. And, okay, that's fine. I get it. You know, some people find some of the tactics I've used in the past to get a crowd. That's probably not
67 00:13:03,990 --> 00:13:14,400 the best business model for them. That's okay. But that's reason why they're where they're at with an audience are not afraid to be controversial. Okay, like
68 00:13:14,400 --> 00:13:26,640 this guy. Trader Nick. He does a lot of reaction videos now. If I'm gonna be real honest, and I really want to be honest all the time. But I really want to
69 00:13:26,640 --> 00:13:39,150 be honest. But I'm gonna say this carefully. Okay, because sometimes when I say things like this, it sounds like I'm giving you a an order. Okay, subliminally
70 00:13:39,150 --> 00:13:48,060 like, go over and harass these people. I don't want you harassing anybody don't send any kind of text messages on their channel and, and leave comments and you
71 00:13:48,480 --> 00:13:59,010 being assholes. Okay, that's not what I'm doing this for. But I get a lot of emails saying, hey, what about this? And what about that? And Chris Laurie said,
72 00:13:59,070 --> 00:14:09,120 he's not going to do webinars with you in the past? And because what took place because he thinks you're a fraud? Well, it was because these individuals were
73 00:14:09,120 --> 00:14:14,640 sending an email to them saying, we're not going to come and I'll cancel my
74 00:14:17,040 --> 00:14:27,690 interest in going there if I see T is going to be there. So he people back based on a number I don't know how many but a number of people said, hey, look, you
75 00:14:27,690 --> 00:14:38,520 know, we're not coming, but I guarantee you, I Guaran damn tee you that I have put millions in his hands? Because I gave him a nod because I've made millions
76 00:14:38,550 --> 00:14:47,850 every single year, millions and millions and millions of dollars. Okay, just doing what I'm doing. And he's the only person I've ever gave a nod to and I'm
77 00:14:47,850 --> 00:14:56,130 not trying to kick him in the face now. But I got an email from one of my students that said, Hey, look. I asked Chris Laurie, if you were one of his
78 00:14:56,130 --> 00:15:06,720 students, and he said yes. So let me be very are very clear. And I'm gonna spell this out in the finest detail. So that way you all understand what's going on.
79 00:15:09,000 --> 00:15:22,740 If someone taught me something, I have always absolutely 100% given credit, I've never been afraid or ashamed to say that. I knew how to trade before Chris
80 00:15:22,740 --> 00:15:33,870 Laurie stepped out as an educator. Okay, I've been trading longer than Chris Laurie. I show you that I can trade. I've ran up accounts. I've shown you
81 00:15:33,870 --> 00:15:47,550 statements, I've done all that stuff. And I can do a lot more. And I'm willing to do more. But when I looked at everything on forex.com, or Forex mentor.com,
82 00:15:47,790 --> 00:15:58,140 early on in the early 2000s, I bought everything because I want to see what nonsense was being taught and pretty much it was the same regurgitated crap. But
83 00:15:58,620 --> 00:16:09,030 Chris, his style was a little bit different. And I reached out to him, I said, Listen, I looked at your pro traders club, and he'll confirm this, I was only in
84 00:16:09,030 --> 00:16:24,900 there one month. That was it one month. Now, most of what he had at the time, was a lot of the Fibonacci stuff. And, you know, he looked at liquidity voids,
85 00:16:24,900 --> 00:16:33,060 he called it a liquidity void. And immediately I had an issue with that, because it's really not a void in the sense that it's, like I just explained to you,
86 00:16:33,300 --> 00:16:44,220 okay, so I got a wild hair at my ass the other day when students sent me an email saying that he said, I'm his student. So here's the real thing. I
87 00:16:44,220 --> 00:16:53,010 subscribed to his pro traders club to get a feel for what he was doing. And at the time, he would do, I don't know, sometimes two videos, sometimes an average
88 00:16:53,010 --> 00:17:01,920 of three videos a week. You never really seen him ticket trade. He would put a line like a little line segment on the chart, if he was going to do like a live
89 00:17:02,250 --> 00:17:09,030 interaction with price action. You put a little line say, Okay, we're gonna hypothetically say we're going long here, and the stop would be below here and
90 00:17:09,030 --> 00:17:17,130 we would watch what we're doing. And sometimes it would move, you know, 10 pips, you know, sometimes it wouldn't. And it's okay, this is over this. Now you. This
91 00:17:17,130 --> 00:17:27,090 is the example we're going to work with today. And that's it. And I don't know, I just didn't, I felt that there could have been more to it. But I never
92 00:17:27,090 --> 00:17:36,210 badmouth him. I never said anything bad about him and the ideas of looking at price without indicators. I felt that he was on the right path. And I said, you
93 00:17:36,210 --> 00:17:46,620 know, if anybody that you're gonna look at, you know, studying just price, you know, he's, he's close, he's not nowhere near where you are now, indoctrinated
94 00:17:46,620 --> 00:17:57,840 in the whole mentorship core content, beyond well beyond his pro traders club stuff. Way beyond that. There is no similarities to that. And honestly, if I'm
95 00:17:57,840 --> 00:18:07,350 lying, Amy Chris Laurie student that is in both of our camps. You tell me I'm lying. And you tell me how I'm lying in that reply to that post I just did for
96 00:18:07,350 --> 00:18:16,590 this live session here to the Twitter space. Okay, because they all know that I've never badmouth Chris. And I'm not bad mouthing him here. But if this is
97 00:18:16,590 --> 00:18:29,880 true, I'm setting the record straight right now. The only thing the only thing that I picked up was his term of a liquidity boy because it was asked of me on
98 00:18:29,880 --> 00:18:40,920 baby pips, and I used that term, so that he could pretty much understand where I was going to take the lessons. I was going to expound on it. Like you just
99 00:18:40,920 --> 00:18:50,910 recently saw, but a lot of drama took place on baby pips, and they accused me of fucking horseshit over there that I didn't do. And I left them and I took all
100 00:18:50,910 --> 00:18:58,470 the videos down off the YouTube, even though they kept the links up on their thing. They thought by lock in the account that I couldn't go in and remove all
101 00:18:58,470 --> 00:19:09,150 the shit. That's why I did everything on video links, because I had control of everything. But the term liquidity void. I use that to the members that were
102 00:19:09,150 --> 00:19:13,980 familiar with him on baby pips, which, generally outside of people that were not trading
103 00:19:15,510 --> 00:19:27,420 VSA crap. And or the Guppy system. That was the two two main things that were big in baby pips, like, that's everybody was you falling or if they are engaging
104 00:19:27,420 --> 00:19:34,530 at all on that forum. Those were the most popular things at the time. So when I came here, and I was teaching this stuff, it was like, Well, shit, this is
105 00:19:34,530 --> 00:19:43,230 something totally new. And everybody that had a thread over there, or you know, small audience, they were jealous. Like, they were fucking hating me. They hated
106 00:19:43,230 --> 00:19:54,570 my guts, which I loved it. Every time I showed up in the chat room they had over there, we'd break it. Like it wouldn't work. It'd be too many people in here.
107 00:19:55,170 --> 00:20:07,950 And again, I'm not talking about my ass. This is real. It took place so If you know that I said that I was going to teach for free on baby pips like I was, and
108 00:20:07,950 --> 00:20:16,920 I was I was putting out videos daily, every evening, every single night, I'm putting a video up some kind of market review some kind of teaching. If I wasn't
109 00:20:16,920 --> 00:20:26,520 doing that I was doing something long winded post on the forum. And a lot of the members were like, Hey, let's do our own version of pro traders club because
110 00:20:26,550 --> 00:20:33,690 they said they couldn't afford to stay with his thing. Okay, that sounds cool. There it is. That's why my old videos say in a certain traders, pro traders
111 00:20:33,690 --> 00:20:42,450 club. It was me just giving them something for free. That's all it was. And if anybody at that time was asking me, and I'm still saying it right now, if you
112 00:20:42,450 --> 00:20:50,940 don't like me, go check out Chris Laurie. That's I mean, how hard is that to understand, I'm not getting a knob that anybody else. Now I'm not actively out
113 00:20:50,940 --> 00:21:01,650 there looking for somebody else to be comparable, the alternative to me or even what he does, but we do not trade the same. We don't teach the same. My concepts
114 00:21:01,650 --> 00:21:15,810 are absolutely specific. One of the things that I told him when we would chat, and we were talking about going into that, I felt that he has an audience out
115 00:21:15,810 --> 00:21:24,960 there. He just doesn't do a good job at marketing for it. But he doesn't know how to tap into that. He doesn't use a social media correct. It's really dry.
116 00:21:25,500 --> 00:21:34,950 And I told him, I said, Look, if you let me, I will make you viral like I will, I will build you up. I don't want anything for it. I don't want nothing and he
117 00:21:34,950 --> 00:21:42,270 will confirm all this shit. I've never asked him for anything, nothing. In fact, I was willing to give him more I even told him said, Look, you're welcome to
118 00:21:42,270 --> 00:21:49,950 come here, stay in one of my homes, we can hang out, we'll get to know each other. And we'll build a business model together and will start doing workshops
119 00:21:49,950 --> 00:22:01,050 will go around do seminars and shit. And I don't want to be paid, he'll tell you that. I just love teaching. And my whole point was I was going to build him up.
120 00:22:01,590 --> 00:22:16,140 None of this shit is fake. None of this is a lie. None of this is contrived. It's all exactly what it was. But there is one thing that I picked up, which was
121 00:22:16,140 --> 00:22:25,110 his mention of an Asian range. Now, I'm going to tell you basically how he does it. And his students will confirm this. And you can find it in any video he
122 00:22:25,110 --> 00:22:36,270 talks about on YouTube. Because it's there to the Asian range, I don't even define it by the same time he does. Secondly, one end of the Asian range usually
123 00:22:36,270 --> 00:22:45,210 gets hit. And if that happens, it'll work the other side of the Asian range. That's pretty much what he teaches. That's it. There's so much more to that. And
124 00:22:45,210 --> 00:22:54,990 when I looked at his referencing of it, I was like, well, here's what I see there. And then now look at everything I talked about with an Asian range. I do
125 00:22:55,140 --> 00:23:06,780 standard deviations with that the Asian range on Friday can be used for Monday's trading. You don't ever hear crystal are talking about that. Nobody talks about
126 00:23:06,780 --> 00:23:19,410 that. Okay. That's the only thing that I picked up was that little segment of price action in that time, but nothing, absolutely nothing has any correlation
127 00:23:19,410 --> 00:23:28,710 to how he uses it. And again, any students in both of our camps, you tell me, you reply to this post and you say I'm a fucking liar. And here's where it says
128 00:23:28,710 --> 00:23:36,390 this, and this is where he does that. You do that? I'm inviting you to do that. Because I'm telling you right now, I don't. I don't trade like Chris Laurie
129 00:23:36,390 --> 00:23:44,910 teaches I didn't learn from Chris Laurie. Okay. And there's one little element and time that his student I'm gonna probably butcher her name here. I want to
130 00:23:44,910 --> 00:24:01,320 say her name is Mary. Maria. Maria. I think it's Maria. I believe I'm almost certain I put 90% It's Maria. It's probably not but I think it's her. It's like
131 00:24:01,710 --> 00:24:06,240 she she's done. You know, well with him, apparently. And
132 00:24:08,880 --> 00:24:23,700 she likes to trade this specific time. London lunch. And I studied that little area near and us like, it's a small little period of quietness. That's it. That
133 00:24:23,700 --> 00:24:35,100 is that something you trade with? No. I don't have anything that really gives you any kind of play or trade that goes in there. So when I was in his pro
134 00:24:35,100 --> 00:24:48,780 traders club for one month, I didn't learn anything. And the only thing I pulled out was he talks about a liquidity void. And it talks about gaps when sometimes
135 00:24:48,780 --> 00:24:59,490 they really aren't gaps. I didn't agree entirely with his description of a gap. But generally, everything else was price action oriented and it's good. It's a
136 00:24:59,490 --> 00:25:09,300 very good foundation for anyone far better than going over to baby pips and learning their horseshit that they have no lessons. Because I think that is a
137 00:25:09,300 --> 00:25:16,320 lot of nonsense, you could strip that down into two lessons, take all the garbage of indicators, I'll take all of the shit that they talk about,
138 00:25:16,500 --> 00:25:25,050 completely out of it, teach somebody had a look at a chart, understand what the time axis and the price axis is really showing you. And the relationship between
139 00:25:25,050 --> 00:25:33,840 timeframes. Then what a one minute chart looks like in relationship to a five minute and then a 15 minute, 30 minute, hourly work your way all that too. And
140 00:25:33,840 --> 00:25:43,080 monthly chart, if someone understands what that looks like, and how prices fractal within those transitions of timeframe, up and down, you lower timeframe
141 00:25:43,080 --> 00:25:53,070 to higher timeframe or high timeframe to the lower timeframe. If you spend time with that, you don't need anything else from me because because it's just for
142 00:25:53,070 --> 00:26:00,750 you to spend more time on there. So you can get ad revenue, more pages they put on there. When you click on them, the more ads they get. And I brought all kinds
143 00:26:00,750 --> 00:26:09,480 of traffic to their website, which I didn't care to tie, I don't care. And I never asked to be on their payroll, I said I'd be willing to do contributions.
144 00:26:09,870 --> 00:26:20,370 Okay, if you want to make a special area where nobody really talks, you know, that's fine. But I've never been on their payroll. I've never worked for them.
145 00:26:23,340 --> 00:26:33,720 And I think if we're honest with one another, I think they probably wish I was still over there. Because that traffic was a lot. But that's the that's the
146 00:26:33,720 --> 00:26:41,610 skinny on Mr. Chris Laurie, and our history together. And I don't have anything against the guy. But if he is going around you telling everybody that I'm his
147 00:26:41,610 --> 00:26:50,280 student, I'm gonna say that's not true. Okay. Now, it is true that I paid for one month in his perpetrators club, I looked around, I looked at some of these
148 00:26:50,280 --> 00:26:59,970 things. And obviously, in one month, you couldn't watch everything he had back then because he had like a, an archive of everything. And I was honest, I told
149 00:26:59,970 --> 00:27:11,520 him, I said, Listen, I I ripped all of your videos off your server within that month, much like anybody else would if they had the ability to do so. And is
150 00:27:11,520 --> 00:27:21,000 that bad? No, because I paid for the access for one month. And if I can go in there, and use tools that allow me to get all those videos downloaded, then
151 00:27:21,000 --> 00:27:28,590 that's fine. You know, I have a service where I had made everything available at one time. I couldn't be mad if someone did that. That's the reason why I did my
152 00:27:28,590 --> 00:27:37,500 month by month by month. So that way, other people wouldn't do that. And I told him, I said, You got to change the way you did your shit. And he reached out to
153 00:27:37,500 --> 00:27:49,200 me say, hey, look, can you This was years later, he says, Can you take a look at what I got now. And tell me what you think. I said, like your website and stuff,
154 00:27:49,230 --> 00:27:52,230 like how you're doing it. And I told him, I said, Listen,
155 00:27:53,970 --> 00:28:07,230 you would be bigger, you have a stronger audience. More retention, probably, if you were more specific about how you teach, because what I saw was a whole lot
156 00:28:07,230 --> 00:28:18,330 of scattered little pieces. And you know, it's hard to put those pieces together. Whereas, like what you just saw with the 2022 mentorship, where I took
157 00:28:18,330 --> 00:28:27,570 pieces that everybody's seen parts of I put those parts together each cog together. And it makes a beautiful machine that spits out money into an ATM
158 00:28:27,570 --> 00:28:36,690 machine. You don't really have that. Now, let me rephrase that, because I don't know right now, he may have changed it. Beyond what you know what I saw. But a
159 00:28:36,690 --> 00:28:47,430 few years back. He had he he took my advice I told him, I said, Take what you teach at your workshop. I know you don't want to do this because you feel like
160 00:28:47,430 --> 00:28:55,710 you're giving it all away. But that's this is how you grow as an educator. And what's the difference? If you're gonna give this shit at a workshop, if
161 00:28:55,710 --> 00:29:01,410 someone's going to rip your shirt off, they're going to take it from the workshop and go do what they're going to do with it. So he was like, I have a
162 00:29:01,410 --> 00:29:09,990 book with like 300 pages of notes and such. And I don't like that to be in other people's hands. I was like, Well, if you're teaching, it's got to be in their
163 00:29:09,990 --> 00:29:18,870 hands. So I told him, I said, let me let me take a look at what you're showing me. And I'll give you my advice. And in my opinion about what you should do. And
164 00:29:20,070 --> 00:29:29,970 I want one more time back into his Protrader club. It was free access. He gave me a username and password, I did not pay for it. And I told him I said you need
165 00:29:29,970 --> 00:29:38,250 to start teaching it differently. And you need to be more specific about how you do things. Some of your lessons, you can take those old lessons and let's put
166 00:29:38,250 --> 00:29:45,840 them in places that make sense in the right order. But you also had to clean up a lot of stuff in here because you have a lot of videos in there with things
167 00:29:45,840 --> 00:29:53,880 that don't make any sense. And they're time wasters. Like there's no real format to what it is you're doing. And you got to be very specific about what you're
168 00:29:53,880 --> 00:30:02,730 doing with this concept. Where does it fit in the grand scheme of things where does that even make sense? Why should you and study this, what part of this in
169 00:30:02,730 --> 00:30:10,500 your approach to trading? Where's it go? What uses what use is it? Okay? It's one thing for me to talk about a breaker. But if you don't understand why
170 00:30:10,500 --> 00:30:18,810 liquidity is gonna be taken above and on higher below, no low the breaker is going to be what's a breaker, you follow what I'm saying. So I'm kind of like
171 00:30:18,840 --> 00:30:28,350 using my vocabulary and concepts to kind of explain cuz, obviously, I'm not gonna sit here and tell you what he does, because that will be rude. And if you
172 00:30:28,350 --> 00:30:39,870 want to see what he does, then go ahead and do it. I'm not getting any kickback for it. But he, he listened to my advice, and then he did some streamlining. And
173 00:30:39,870 --> 00:30:48,720 then once he had that done, he gave me access to look at it. And I said, this is way way better than it was, he removed several years of his other stuff, where
174 00:30:48,750 --> 00:30:57,120 it wasn't really all that great. It was very, more or less what you see, you know, thrown around on telegram channels, his old, quote unquote, and we used to
175 00:30:57,120 --> 00:31:08,100 both laugh together, his quote unquote, pro traders trading course, when nothing in that thing was anything professional. Like, it wasn't even anything remotely
176 00:31:08,100 --> 00:31:17,100 close to anything would be considered professional was retail stuff. It was all retail stuff. divergences and you know, Fibonacci stuff. And, you know, it was
177 00:31:17,100 --> 00:31:27,510 this basic support and resistance main thing, he was a real big and still is a real big proponent of just classic Support Resistance. And I've always had a
178 00:31:27,510 --> 00:31:37,350 problem with people that do that. And in this regard, he's not exempt. Because just saying Support Resistance, you know, what support and what resistance,
179 00:31:37,380 --> 00:31:45,090 which which level, you're going to call support resistance. And that's the reason why that approach is so hit and miss, and why retail traders can't find
180 00:31:45,390 --> 00:31:54,360 consistency and continuity, because if it was just simply picking a support or resistance level, that everybody would have a far better chance of being profit
181 00:31:54,360 --> 00:32:11,670 versus 90% losing their money in the first 90 days or less. So he cleaned up his presentation. Thank me for my time. And that was it. I have not asked them to do
182 00:32:11,670 --> 00:32:20,370 any partnership stuff. Again, I don't have any interest in it. I still send people when they email me all the time, say, hey, is there anybody else that you
183 00:32:20,370 --> 00:32:28,920 think that I could learn from? And I said, depending on where you are, if you have gone through everything that's on my YouTube channel.
184 00:32:30,780 --> 00:32:38,700 Please. And, Chris, if you're hearing this, it's not meant to be disrespectful. There's really no need to go to Chris Laurie stuff. Now, if you haven't spent a
185 00:32:38,700 --> 00:32:48,480 lot of time with my concepts. Go to Chris Laurie first. Because you might find him as a better educated than me. I'm not claiming to be the best mentor. I'm
186 00:32:48,480 --> 00:32:57,090 just claiming to be the best trader. And I know my stuff works. I've proven it works. People all around the world now are dealing it. But don't let that also
187 00:32:57,090 --> 00:33:05,700 be a selling point that says no, I'm not going to look at Laurie because ICTs got receipts now and he's got people saying they're profitable. Because I know,
188 00:33:06,330 --> 00:33:14,670 Chris Lord has profitable students. They're in my group, too. They were making money. They this were interested because we were going to do workshops together.
189 00:33:15,390 --> 00:33:25,080 But because of all the drama that sometimes work up to draw a crowd, okay? Listen, you want to get somebody to check out what you're doing. Let let there
190 00:33:25,080 --> 00:33:34,500 be smoke. Because where there's smoke, there's a fire, and I'm always bringing fire. And that's always operate. I've always done that. A little bit of drama, a
191 00:33:34,500 --> 00:33:41,730 little bit of controversy. You can't have it without me. You can't have it without me. And once you come out, you spend some time with me, you don't have
192 00:33:41,730 --> 00:33:52,080 to like me as a person. I'm not here for friends. I'm not here for that. I'm here for students that want to learn. Because that to me, is that's fuel. I love
193 00:33:52,080 --> 00:34:02,940 it. That keeps me It keeps me young. I love it. When I have a new wave of people that come to me they want to learn I feel young I feel my heart's racing because
194 00:34:02,940 --> 00:34:15,900 I want to I love teaching. Because this is so fun. It fucking works like a Swiss timepiece. There's nothing like this. Nothing like this. But no, Mr. Chris
195 00:34:15,900 --> 00:34:26,580 Laurie did not teach ICT how to trade? Yes. Yes, I saw his stuff. Yes, I think it's a great foundation for someone that has not really spent any time
196 00:34:26,850 --> 00:34:35,220 technically as a trader. If you're using a lot of indicators and stuff, and you don't like the way I'm teaching or don't like you if you can't just find your
197 00:34:35,220 --> 00:34:44,790 way with me. Check him out. I don't look at anybody else in the industry and say that they're worth listening to. And again, you can take that and dismiss it as
198 00:34:44,790 --> 00:34:56,520 well. And think that your opinion doesn't really matter ICT but I'm just being mean I'm being asked. So I wanted to clear that up. Okay. So back to this
199 00:34:56,850 --> 00:35:08,490 liquidity void that I was teaching you on There are things in price action that a time based chart has the advantage in showcasing that you otherwise wouldn't
200 00:35:08,490 --> 00:35:18,750 know. When you have a imbalance where the price moves sharply lower, you know, this real big candle depending upon, you know, whatever timeframe you're looking
201 00:35:18,750 --> 00:35:29,160 at doesn't make a difference. If you have a very large elongated candle, and you have a candle prior to it, and candle after that, that creates that imbalance
202 00:35:29,160 --> 00:35:40,230 that we look at as a city city as a sell side imbalance by side inefficiency, that means it's going to be a big down candle. Inside that candle, you're going
203 00:35:40,230 --> 00:35:53,550 to be looking for what I just showed you small little gaps, and you have the benefit of finding them. If you're using very, very small timeframes, like a one
204 00:35:53,550 --> 00:36:04,080 minute for I'm sorry, one second five second or 15 second chart. Now I get asked all the time, like when I'm scalping, intraday, what timeframes do I use, I use
205 00:36:04,080 --> 00:36:13,890 a one minute or less. That's what I'm using. That's also the reason why I don't care what type of trade I'm doing, I can still enter whatever timeframe or style
206 00:36:13,890 --> 00:36:21,990 of trading setup that might be, say, say short term trade, like I'm going to hold it for a couple days, which has been very, very rare. I'm holding one
207 00:36:21,990 --> 00:36:33,210 contract over the weekend, you saw that with the ES. But rarely, rarely Am I holding you beyond the session, when the New York session closes, I'm usually
208 00:36:33,210 --> 00:36:41,520 square on the day, and I hope nothing, I'm flat. So it's only because of the volatility, all the crap that's going on. If we ever get through this shit, then
209 00:36:41,520 --> 00:36:48,180 I'll go back to doing short term trading, because there's lots of money in that. And there's not a whole lot of babysitting, you know, I can still pyramid and
210 00:36:48,180 --> 00:36:56,370 let them roll and get a couple 100 points or pips in the market. I'd like to go back to Forex. But you know, I thought about that, I don't want to go in that
211 00:36:56,370 --> 00:37:06,300 and mix up this conversation with that either. But when you have that imbalance city, you're looking at a big candle that's down, and you go through that city.
212 00:37:06,660 --> 00:37:15,750 And you'll look for those little tiny little breaks in the lower ultra short term timeframe. And you're only going to see that with a time chart that shows
213 00:37:15,750 --> 00:37:23,400 one second five second 15 second, why does ICT use trading view because I can teach you how to do what I do
214 00:37:24,930 --> 00:37:34,530 in that platform, because they give you the access to those altra short term timeframes. Because it's giving you a greater detail beneath the surface that
215 00:37:34,530 --> 00:37:45,810 nobody else is aware of. Because you're locked into your platform NinjaTrader you're locked into your platform, you know see trader or SierraCharts or
216 00:37:45,840 --> 00:37:54,630 supercharge or TradeStation or whatever the fuck you're using, you know, it doesn't make a difference. I'm giving you an approach that way. I'm not jumping
217 00:37:54,630 --> 00:38:05,430 around doing every other fucking possible platform out there. I look. I have people from all these companies reach out to me all the time. Hey, you want to
218 00:38:05,430 --> 00:38:12,750 start doing a partnership? We will give you this if you get this many people. Fuck all that. I'm not an introducing broker. I'm not going to ever sign up with
219 00:38:12,750 --> 00:38:20,040 that shit. Okay, I'm not going to rep your funded account. Company. I don't want to fucking deal with your brokerage bullshit. I don't give a fuck about your
220 00:38:20,040 --> 00:38:27,780 money. I make more fucking money. I'm never gonna fucking need. I don't need partnerships. Okay, so when I tell you about something, like when I mentioned
221 00:38:27,780 --> 00:38:35,850 amp, I said they fucked with me. And I have got I brought the receipts. Okay? I'm not here telling you to go to any broker. I'm not here telling you to go and
222 00:38:35,850 --> 00:38:45,720 eat one particular funded account. I'm not in bed with any of these motherfuckers I'm the straightest arrow you're going to get I have no incentive
223 00:38:46,380 --> 00:38:55,140 to butter you all up to go into business with any of these people. That's why I tell you all the time. A brokerage firm is off limits discussion for me. I'm not
224 00:38:55,140 --> 00:39:03,000 an introducing broker. I'm not getting tied up and all that bullshit. And they're all assholes, as far as I'm concerned. Okay, there you go. But if they
225 00:39:03,000 --> 00:39:10,950 really fuck up something, and it's in my bag, I'm going to tell you about it. And I don't give a fuck what they do. Worst thing they're gonna do is close my
226 00:39:10,950 --> 00:39:18,840 account. Fuck off. Believe me. There's other fucking people out there I can open up with I don't give two shits about your fucking brokerage firm. But they made
227 00:39:18,840 --> 00:39:29,220 right so I retracted it on my YouTube channel. So there's a history on that as well. Long story short, these one second charts, these five second charts these
228 00:39:29,220 --> 00:39:40,620 15 Second charts, they're going to show you poorest price action, poorest price actions where there's little tiny actual gaps between one candle before and the
229 00:39:40,620 --> 00:39:51,900 next candle that forms that little gap. That is a real liquidity void. No liquidity void. Set when we go forward. We're not talking about Chris Lori's
230 00:39:51,900 --> 00:40:04,830 definition of a of a liquidity void. It is the absence of any liquidity at all. No buy side or sell side, there's an actual gap in the chart. My students know
231 00:40:04,830 --> 00:40:16,050 that that is always what we refer to as a real liquidity void where there's a real actual gap. There's no price data at all. That absolutely is a void. In
232 00:40:16,050 --> 00:40:28,590 liquidity, it's void of any trading. That's a definition that should make sense to everyone. So inside of any buy side imbalance, or sell side imbalance, busy
233 00:40:28,590 --> 00:40:42,870 or city you're looking for those small little micro fractures in price where there isn't a smooth connection between all candles. Time charts are the only
234 00:40:42,870 --> 00:40:51,150 way you're going to see that folks fuck all these other clowns that tell you, Oh, time based charts, you gotta have the high kanashii the Renko the fucking
235 00:40:51,150 --> 00:41:00,630 range bars, fuck that Mickey Mouse shit. None of that fucking matters, none of it. None of that shit. An algorithm is not looking at fucking Renko it's not
236 00:41:00,630 --> 00:41:09,090 looking at Ichimoku you'll come on What a fuck. You know, whatever the fuck you want to make up? It's all bullshit. Okay, it's open, high, low and close. And
237 00:41:09,090 --> 00:41:22,380 time. That's it. That's all it is. That is it. You need to know where price is going. That's, that's the mystery that you need to figure out. And you don't
238 00:41:22,380 --> 00:41:29,250 need to know bias to know that. Because you can see where the draw on liquidity is intraday. On a one minute chart, there's several places it's going to reach
239 00:41:29,250 --> 00:41:37,320 for now, depending upon the range for where the market price is now and where it's likely to go for a run on stops or rebalance. Hey, guess what? That's an
240 00:41:37,320 --> 00:41:49,860 opportunity. But ICT it's only three and a half handles? Well guess what? Three and a half handles, that happens at least half a dozen times intraday all day
241 00:41:49,860 --> 00:41:59,100 long. Throughout the course of the day, you can find very, very low risk three and a half four points in the s&p easily. And you don't think you can make money
242 00:41:59,100 --> 00:42:11,520 with that? You don't think I just took $6,000.40 $4,000 in two and a half weeks just doing that. Real Money, folks? Not a demo. Boom.
243 00:42:13,860 --> 00:42:22,860 So you get wrapped up in all these things that are not really controversies. You know, it has to be a big trade of 50 to one because these quote unquote, SMC
244 00:42:22,860 --> 00:42:32,880 traders. They're all doing 50 212 101 And they're all still trading on micro lots. It's been three years now. Three years. And these cats are still on micro
245 00:42:32,880 --> 00:42:49,710 lots why? You can't make money to hell wrong with you. Because if that's what SMC is, then apps and then obviously SMC their way is full of shit. And then I
246 00:42:49,710 --> 00:42:57,990 understand why everybody thinks what I've been doing and what I've authored and created and made available to everybody. When I say it's smart money concepts,
247 00:42:57,990 --> 00:43:05,580 which is what I've dubbed, okay, it's I love that. That's me. That's what I've been teaching. That's what I that's what I was calling it on fucking baby pets
248 00:43:05,580 --> 00:43:16,260 and I was doing all my teachings then. What is this? It's smart money concepts. This is what the smart money does. Well, naturally, now you have all these
249 00:43:16,260 --> 00:43:25,860 YouTubers and trader Nick, I'm gonna come back to you. I didn't forget you. While you spoke that you're talking about SMC traders. Yes. Yes. Largely.
250 00:43:26,100 --> 00:43:33,810 They're a bunch of assholes that have no idea what you're talking about. But you can't lump me into that. That was a whole point of me coming out here this year,
251 00:43:34,200 --> 00:43:44,790 bringing receipts showing you what really you don't know. And introducing the real me showing you who I am. Who I am with character. Like who who is the guy
252 00:43:44,790 --> 00:43:54,750 behind this bullshit. It's me, I'm talking to you. I'm a genuine person. I love my students. I absolutely want to teach people and help them find their way. And
253 00:43:54,750 --> 00:44:06,810 listen, what I've shown you this year, my audience is as big as it's ever been. I'm gonna be honest with you. I could have taken in another $50 million, just
254 00:44:06,810 --> 00:44:14,970 this year, instead of doing it for free. Now you find a motherfucker walking this planet is gonna say no, fuck you. I don't want your $50 million. Fuck you.
255 00:44:14,970 --> 00:44:25,410 I don't want your money. $50 million. That's a lot of money. And I could have been doing exactly what I've been doing this entire year. Instead of just making
256 00:44:25,410 --> 00:44:36,180 multiple copies of the videos and put them in different user groups. I did it for free. I spent time on Twitter. I'm pointing to things before it happens.
257 00:44:36,870 --> 00:44:45,720 Just like I did for years in my mentorship. When everybody outside of it was saying he calls both sides in the marketplace. He does a wishy washy you don't
258 00:44:45,720 --> 00:44:55,650 know what he's gonna do. You've never seen that with me. And I understand because these people on Twitter, they draw their little lines. This is where
259 00:44:55,650 --> 00:45:04,650 could go if it's gonna go up. This is where it's gonna go if it's going down, or fuck anybody do that shit. My 15 year old son can do that. And he didn't even
260 00:45:04,650 --> 00:45:15,930 know what the hell chart looks like he's not interested at all. Okay, there you go. If that's what you're gonna take as SMC or someone that's let me tell you
261 00:45:15,930 --> 00:45:27,960 something. There there are people on Twitter. Okay, that had blocked me. I had never even mentioned their fucking name before. Like, I've never even mentioned
262 00:45:27,960 --> 00:45:39,000 these people. I don't even know who they are. Chart champions. Who the fuck is that? I literally I was looking at SAP here's a recommended thing. And my main
263 00:45:39,000 --> 00:45:46,590 got linked into that and I was like, Okay, let's see what this guy's been blocked. With the fact that I do these people. I don't even know who they are.
264 00:45:47,640 --> 00:45:54,450 FUCK IS THAT? I don't know. Probably somebody fucking took my shit repackage it. I don't know, I'm taking a guess if not, I apologize. But it's probably what it
265 00:45:54,450 --> 00:46:04,710 is. Because I don't remember ever talking about that, that that man or person or whatever it is. You may be a gal. But long story short. If you're if the
266 00:46:04,710 --> 00:46:15,090 collective opinion in the community at large, is the SMC is a bunch of douche bags and fakes and blah, blah, blah, based on what I've seen, then, yeah, that
267 00:46:15,120 --> 00:46:28,860 that is a true measurement. Because I've seen the same thing. I've seen that. That does not mean that I'm that. Now I can be a prick. Because, you know, if
268 00:46:28,860 --> 00:46:40,320 I'm not being a nice Mr. Rogers, mentor, I am a dick. I am a prick. And I am an asshole. And I got no problem being that when it's warranted. I don't like being
269 00:46:40,320 --> 00:46:45,840 that. I mean, nobody really likes to do that. But I'm not what they are.
270 00:46:47,130 --> 00:46:55,080 And I have no problem bringing receipts and proving and saying beforehand and giving you a level of detail and precision that is absolutely unrivaled. And I
271 00:46:55,080 --> 00:47:05,190 hope that anyone that's paid any bit of attention this year, you have seen that. Now you all are a collection of witnesses, they're outside my mentorship. So you
272 00:47:05,190 --> 00:47:15,960 know me, you know who I am, you know, what motivates me. And you know, I really care you care what other people think now, about me? If you do, then you haven't
273 00:47:15,960 --> 00:47:26,520 been paying attention. Now let's go back to Trader Nick. It's young guy, you know, I didn't know anything about him. You know, I never said anything about
274 00:47:26,520 --> 00:47:38,340 him bad. And he put up a video that I didn't even know about. But somebody else came up and did a video kind of reacting to his view on smart money concept
275 00:47:38,340 --> 00:47:51,720 traders. And I was like, I got into the video, it wasn't even probably three minutes. It was less than fit, like five minutes or less. The guy was like,
276 00:47:51,720 --> 00:48:02,580 listen, Nick, you, you don't know what you're talking about blah, blah. And I'm like, okay, soon as you say Smart Money concepts. Immediately, I'm gonna, I'm
277 00:48:02,580 --> 00:48:11,400 gonna fit. Because you're talking about my life. That's my whole life's work there. That's me. So naturally, you might be leaving me out of it, the
278 00:48:11,400 --> 00:48:18,990 conversation, but you can't leave me out of the conversation because it's mine. That's, that's my, it's my creation. It's my work. It's my whole life. Three
279 00:48:18,990 --> 00:48:29,340 decades of this shit is been wrapped around all that development. Now, naturally, I go over to I didn't comment on the reaction video, this guy of
280 00:48:29,400 --> 00:48:41,370 trader Nick's channel, I went right to Trader Nick's video. And I watched the whole thing. And I felt that it was balanced. You know, it wasn't a sales pitch
281 00:48:41,370 --> 00:48:56,430 for my concepts. It was, you know, he didn't appreciate the way the community at large acts. But that also put a big bullseye on him. And the people that are
282 00:48:56,430 --> 00:49:09,210 very passionate about what it is they learn from me, they come in like a hoard. I never, ever, ever, ever tell people to go over and troll anybody I have in the
283 00:49:09,210 --> 00:49:17,790 past said, Go encourage them to join Robins. That's the only time I've ever done that. But that's not going over here and saying, hey, you know, let's traumatize
284 00:49:17,790 --> 00:49:27,390 this guy or go in. It's just to get them to, hey, look, you know, we're all watching. Why don't you go do that? And stop talking disco dance. And that's all
285 00:49:27,390 --> 00:49:37,380 I've ever done. And now I didn't do that with trader Nick. And I don't think it's warranted but if he wants to go, let's go. But I listened to his video. And
286 00:49:39,330 --> 00:49:49,620 I got this impression like the, the younger me would have stirred up a whole bunch of shit. I could have had a lot of fun with that situation. But I said,
287 00:49:49,620 --> 00:49:56,430 You know what, what he said was balanced. I can see what he was saying. I don't agree with his trading style. I don't think what he's doing makes any bit of
288 00:49:56,430 --> 00:50:02,460 sense. You know, maybe he makes a little bit of money. He'd make a whole lot more money, people watch my videos and study, he says he watched a few of them.
289 00:50:02,730 --> 00:50:09,900 But I think if you really put some time into it, he'd really become profitable. And his equity curve wouldn't look like it does. And he would be more smooth.
290 00:50:10,110 --> 00:50:19,410 And it'd be more dramatic to the upside. But that's just me, it's a biased opinion. But I basically kind of to say, I thought it was a well balanced video.
291 00:50:19,680 --> 00:50:31,920 And he took it down, because a lot of people were coming at him, which that's one of the things I don't like, like, I don't like anybody that has taken my
292 00:50:31,920 --> 00:50:40,500 concepts and want to go around with it like a sharp stick, and poke people in the eyelid. Like, that's not, that's not why I taught this stuff. You know, I
293 00:50:40,500 --> 00:50:50,760 didn't spend my entire life to create some kind of weapon to go out there and troll and bully and look down on everybody else. You know, when I have people in
294 00:50:50,760 --> 00:50:59,250 my community that are, you know, struggling, or they say, Hey, look, I'm having a hard time doing this. I feel like I'm a failure. If you watch how I respond to
295 00:50:59,250 --> 00:51:07,710 them, I always correct them and say, Look, you don't talk negative about it. It's not because I'm trying to sweep, you know, a bad experience with a student
296 00:51:08,640 --> 00:51:18,300 under the rug, because I knew they exist. I have members in all of my enrollment years. There are some students in each one of them that can't do what I'm
297 00:51:18,330 --> 00:51:18,990 teaching you.
298 00:51:21,960 --> 00:51:28,950 And they still can't do it, even though I've taught the 2022 model. But yet, you're seeing everybody coming out. They're proving they're getting funded,
299 00:51:28,950 --> 00:51:37,350 proven. They're getting withdrawals. They're taking money out of the marketplace using when I taught for free. So the argument about it doesn't work. You scammed
300 00:51:37,350 --> 00:51:44,520 me these things aren't profitable. I've already kicked that shit down the road, bring whatever fucking lawsuit you want to bring, because I got all kinds of
301 00:51:44,520 --> 00:51:51,480 fucking money. I got all kinds of fucking proof. I got all kinds of fucking testimony all around the fucking world. They're all using it. So what's the
302 00:51:51,480 --> 00:52:05,820 problem? You You aren't doing something, right? That's it. That's all it is. But you can't take that toxicity. And go around and say in a blanket statement that
303 00:52:05,820 --> 00:52:16,050 it's all done doesn't work. In the same scope. flip that coin. You can't learn from me and find profitability. And now think that your shit doesn't stink. He
304 00:52:16,050 --> 00:52:24,360 could walk around and look down on everybody else. Because number one, I did that shit when I was 20. I know why you guys are doing it. Because you feel like
305 00:52:24,360 --> 00:52:34,080 you arrived. Like you know, I'm I'm a big shot now. I'm fucking Billy badass. Big bollocks. Okay, no, no, no, no, no, you're the same person that just
306 00:52:34,080 --> 00:52:44,250 discovered something. Okay? And you're naive in that season didn't yet. Okay. So you're still a baby in this. But you want to walk the strut, like you're the
307 00:52:44,250 --> 00:52:53,100 cock of the walk. And everybody should respect you. And you're, you're never going to get the respect that way. You're never going to get it. Never gonna get
308 00:52:53,100 --> 00:53:03,270 it. The only reason why I got the level of respect I got is because I literally proved my shit. I didn't prove that I could afford to pay for I proved I know
309 00:53:03,270 --> 00:53:13,380 what I'm talking about, for years, undeniably, and I had a lot of fun. Blurring that line, getting people to think one way or the other. But when it came time
310 00:53:13,380 --> 00:53:24,930 to bring him to the stage and showing you, here's what it looks like. And I've enjoyed it. In a lot of ways. I don't want this year to end. But it will. And I
311 00:53:24,930 --> 00:53:33,420 have to go back to doing what I had promised my private group, but I told them, I have to take care of this. I gotta clean this bullshit up. And I hear this.
312 00:53:34,230 --> 00:53:44,670 You're seeing it, you're tasting it. But I don't want any of you to take what I've taught to get weaponized by and go around to other people. Because there's
313 00:53:44,670 --> 00:53:52,860 people out there that make money, they don't do anything with an order block. They don't do anything with a fair value yet. And what happens by that toxic
314 00:53:52,860 --> 00:54:02,130 approach to confronting everybody else, because I'm gonna tell you something, okay? If you have learned from me, and you've been doing that kind of shit,
315 00:54:03,960 --> 00:54:17,130 you're gonna come across somebody one day, they're gonna know exactly how to fucking deal with you. And you might be just now finding profitability. And
316 00:54:17,130 --> 00:54:26,040 they've been doing something that's outside the way I trade. Because I have associates in this industry that make millions of dollars. And they don't trade
317 00:54:26,070 --> 00:54:37,110 anything like I teach. But you're gonna get embarrassed one day, because you're gonna tap the wrong fella. The Wrong person is going to give you a fucking wake
318 00:54:37,110 --> 00:54:48,240 up call. And that's going to be very, very painful for you. You're gonna feel like you want to crawl under a rock. So you're gonna get humbled one day, just
319 00:54:48,240 --> 00:54:54,210 like I humble a lot of these guys you've seen over the years. They think they're this they think they're that oh, you know ever seen what a lot of accountant
320 00:54:54,210 --> 00:55:07,860 boom, I'm doing a lot of count, and I'm making more money than they make in four months. Get real quiet. I don't want to be that guy. I don't want to be that
321 00:55:07,860 --> 00:55:19,380 kind of person because it looks like what a show off. I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy doing it, because my flesh loves that. But I don't want to be that
322 00:55:19,380 --> 00:55:37,140 20 year old me. I like being this boring. fuddy duddy kind of mentor. I like that. Because I'm not obligated to you. I don't owe you another magic trick or
323 00:55:37,140 --> 00:55:44,880 another Olympic feat. I don't need to do those things. And it frees me up to feel the real inspiration to show you when I feel like doing something, then
324 00:55:44,880 --> 00:55:59,160 I'll do it. When I was younger, I wanted to do the very things that these young SMC guys, okay. They parade around. And they show I guarantee you, they probably
325 00:55:59,160 --> 00:56:08,820 have 15 Different demo accounts. And they probably even have those rented empty for servers. Just think about this, look, think about the level of fraud that
326 00:56:08,820 --> 00:56:15,450 one could do. If you know my vocabulary, and you know what can be explained in the way I'd trade live?
327 00:56:17,130 --> 00:56:26,730 If you had that vocabulary, and I rented MT four server, what does it rent in it and the source server, it's where they take MT four. And they're using a white
328 00:56:26,730 --> 00:56:34,950 label broker, which is a broker that's not really a live broker. So you can go in here and type in trades like you got in at that price. And where you got out
329 00:56:34,950 --> 00:56:46,170 at another price. And it'll show like it says it's real. Now I don't know this because I've done it. But Adam Webb did a wonderful expose a on that back on
330 00:56:46,170 --> 00:56:56,280 Twitter a number of years ago. And everybody caught wind of that. So naturally, because you were if you were in timeframe, you watched me run up all those
331 00:56:56,280 --> 00:57:08,370 accounts, you know, $5,000 account up the new million and 100,000 hour count up to several million. They were dead without demo. And I did not use an empty,
332 00:57:08,430 --> 00:57:17,670 rented empty for server. It was simply me doing what you just watched me do with trading view. I'm doing trades. I'm pure emitting. I'm trading both directions,
333 00:57:17,670 --> 00:57:30,060 intraday. I'm running it up risking four to a maximum of 5% per trade. That's a lot. That's a lot of risk. The average person can't do that consistently. They
334 00:57:30,060 --> 00:57:42,090 don't have they don't have a reprice. Okay. But the the expectation was, you know, if ICT ran out up, he had to have been cheating, but didn't cheat shit. I
335 00:57:42,090 --> 00:57:53,610 did a lot of trades. I sat there over and over again, building up building up building up building up doing what you see me showing you examples of I'm in amp
336 00:57:54,870 --> 00:58:05,430 with a live account brokerage firm. Here's the deal. Okay? There's a lot of talk about ICT can't do this and ICT can't do that ICT only talks about Robins cup.
337 00:58:05,430 --> 00:58:19,590 Well guess what? No Robins cup necessary. I'm sitting here, and I'm proving it every single day. Win, win, win, win win. I don't need to fake a statement. I
338 00:58:19,590 --> 00:58:29,100 don't need to have to do any Photoshop. Trading view links it directly. All I got to do is drag that thing up. And you can see there's money being made. And
339 00:58:29,100 --> 00:58:41,130 it shows you exactly where my entries are. You can't fake it. That's why I did it this way. Told you this year, I was going to show you that you can't take
340 00:58:41,130 --> 00:58:50,640 that kind of stuff. Once you learn how to do it. Well, I guess you can because people are doing it. But you should not be going around telling people hey,
341 00:58:50,640 --> 00:59:06,030 look, you you suck because you're using indicators. Or you suck because you're not doing things precise. You're chasing price. What you're doing is the same
342 00:59:06,030 --> 00:59:16,590 thing I did when I was 20 years old. I wanted to be validated, I wanted to feel significant. And because there's so many of you some of you don't get the
343 00:59:16,590 --> 00:59:24,300 attention from me that you thought you should get. And if I don't respond to your email because I get lots of them it's easy for you to go out there and try
344 00:59:24,300 --> 00:59:32,640 to find your significance by doing what you think I do. Go around there and bullying people I'm not boring anybody I will bully a motherfucker if he thinks
345 00:59:32,640 --> 00:59:40,890 he's gonna call me and talk shit to me or hide in their little circle. Talk about me but not really call my name now. Call my motherfucking name I'll come
346 00:59:40,890 --> 00:59:52,140 to your house. You're doing live streams I'll show up in your live stream. Nobody's talking once I show up in your life fucking stream doing it. Don't like
347 00:59:52,140 --> 01:00:02,220 doing that kind of shit. Okay, but some of you young shots. They're just you'd like that. And then That's one of the things I wish I could go back in time. And
348 01:00:02,220 --> 01:00:14,340 I wish I could control myself. So I didn't do those things. Because I am a terrible influence. I'm a terrible influence to young men, and some older men
349 01:00:15,870 --> 01:00:28,770 that like to live vicariously through me. Because I am not a strong mentor, when I do things that would otherwise give the impression that going out in trash
350 01:00:28,770 --> 01:00:40,890 talking someone or saying their shit don't work. That's, that's one of the things I wish I could undo. I just wish I could do it. But I can't. And
351 01:00:40,920 --> 01:00:48,960 honestly, you know, when the next guy because it's gonna happen. Somebody else is gonna try to talk some shit and and try to make a name for themselves, you
352 01:00:48,960 --> 01:00:54,720 know, present 24% on my effects book and then shit the bed. No, you know, show 13%
353 01:00:55,980 --> 01:01:05,730 All that talking stuff, okay, will make me bite back. And then they won't do shit. And we'll be back at square one. It's always the same thing. I chase cars.
354 01:01:06,030 --> 01:01:15,900 Okay, I do. I wish I could reel it in. But if I don't respond to these assets, like they've done in the past, oh, he ran away. I'm not running away from
355 01:01:15,900 --> 01:01:23,070 anybody. And then the younger I see this stuff, and I'm like, Yeah, this is how I'm gonna be. I'm gonna learn how to do this. And I'm gonna go out there and
356 01:01:23,070 --> 01:01:30,030 fuck everybody up. I'm gonna tell everybody, they're full of shit. I'm gonna go to their YouTube channel, I'm gonna go to their Twitter feed, I'm gonna go to
357 01:01:30,030 --> 01:01:43,770 their Instagram comment sections, I'm going to do this and I'm gonna terrorize them, I'm going to be a menace. I was like that. But go to the root cause of why
358 01:01:43,770 --> 01:01:55,440 you're doing it. You want to feel significant? Here's the easiest way to be significant. Fucking trade, trade, make millions of dollars. Live your life?
359 01:01:55,440 --> 01:02:08,880 Well, people are going to notice, I guarantee you, they will notice that that significance is much more significant than simply trying to get online clout.
360 01:02:09,360 --> 01:02:24,120 Because honestly, I love all my students. And I believe that you see a sincerity in me as an educator. And I want you to know that something is much adoration I
361 01:02:24,120 --> 01:02:33,900 have towards all of you as my students. I could absolutely live the rest of my life never ever communicating with any of you ever again. I don't need this.
362 01:02:34,200 --> 01:02:47,970 Okay. I love doing it. I don't need the interaction. But I love doing it. When you're young, like I was on America Online when I was new money, and I was doing
363 01:02:47,970 --> 01:02:59,520 things that felt like I was skillful buying in perpetual bull markets. It gave me the false sense of knowing what I was doing. But beneath the surface, I had
364 01:02:59,520 --> 01:03:12,900 no clue what the fuck I was doing. None. I had no idea. I was using a bullish divergence on a one hour stochastics if the moving average on a daily chart was
365 01:03:13,080 --> 01:03:26,070 pointing up. That's right out of Larry Williams telling me to million dollar trading commodities last year, that book, that 1970 year old book. It works if
366 01:03:26,070 --> 01:03:36,000 you're in a strong bull market, that stuff will work for you. If you buy a bullish divergence on stochastics on an hourly chart, when institutional order
367 01:03:36,000 --> 01:03:43,980 flow is bullish on a daily and weekly, and you're trading down into a fair value gap, or you run a short term low, and that divergence occurs on the indicator,
368 01:03:44,760 --> 01:03:55,980 your retail ship will work then I didn't know that. When I first started doing it. That's what I discovered. When I was going through my my charts and seeing
369 01:03:56,400 --> 01:04:07,500 why did my trades win? Like why were they winning? The things that I have in my core content? Then I realized that Fuck, I don't need these indicators. All I
370 01:04:07,500 --> 01:04:17,310 gotta do is look where where are the liquidity points above the marketplace and below? where they were? Is there an imbalance? Okay, now where's price going to?
371 01:04:18,750 --> 01:04:32,880 Because think about what the root solutions and all of my winning trades were. I was right on my direction. Not bias, that direction. All my trades that one had
372 01:04:32,880 --> 01:04:51,000 a centralized common denominator. I knew where it was likely to go to. Above, above what some old high in my chart. I was always exiting way before a quote
373 01:04:51,000 --> 01:05:00,870 unquote resistance level. I never wanted to wait until it got to an old high. I wanted to get out early because I was impatient. I was a young man And I want it
374 01:05:00,870 --> 01:05:04,050 right now. And just like this culture, but today, it's like on steroids.
375 01:05:05,850 --> 01:05:14,490 I mean, look at these folks. There's so many people popping up on YouTube channels, learn ICTs method, ICT mentorship in five minutes. That's a joke.
376 01:05:14,850 --> 01:05:22,440 That's click baby is shit, there's, they're gonna get a lot of views. But no one's learning how to do what I do. In these five minute trainers, it ain't
377 01:05:22,440 --> 01:05:31,530 gonna happen. Trust me when I tell you. It's all bullshit. But I get it. And I don't mind. It's this. It's like publicity. It's all kinds of ICT stuff on
378 01:05:31,530 --> 01:05:41,880 YouTube. Most of which is not even worth watching. But I gave everybody permission to go out and use my stuff to get you get their video clips and make
379 01:05:41,880 --> 01:05:51,870 their money. Because we're going into hard times. And if if I can carry that and help you make your money, I got strong back. I can carry all that. Because all
380 01:05:51,870 --> 01:05:58,260 you're gonna do is basically come back to Okay, well, what did ICT say on the matter? And you'll have to go through a long lecture, but you'll know what I'm
381 01:05:58,260 --> 01:06:07,320 talking about and what you should be focusing on. If you're really here to learn. But going around as a 20 year old, sharp sticking in, I have everyone
382 01:06:07,320 --> 01:06:16,560 else saying everybody else's methods sucks and stupid. You know, these people are making money. They don't have to fucking subscribe to what we do. And
383 01:06:16,590 --> 01:06:27,120 honestly, this is what I said about my students when you start making money. You learned what it is that I do. You see it works. And you're making money. Why do
384 01:06:27,120 --> 01:06:35,430 you give a fuck, but these other people say about me? Or they say you're a fraud. But you've been with me for years, and you see me doing what you all have
385 01:06:35,430 --> 01:06:46,620 witnessed this year, every single day, every single week before the fact where's it going one direction? And then you see me executing in it. Okay, so what do
386 01:06:46,620 --> 01:06:57,120 you do with that? You can't dismiss it. You can't say, oh, he's using cherry pick the direction and where it's going, that's already in stone. It's in those
387 01:06:57,120 --> 01:07:13,560 144 characters or less, and no tweet ever gets deleted. I've removed all of the bullshit, you have no excuse why you can't trust me. I've walked the walk and
388 01:07:13,560 --> 01:07:32,610 talk the talk. But other people, other people out there have been making money before ICT ever opened his mouth. I'm cognizant of that. All I'm saying is even
389 01:07:32,610 --> 01:07:43,920 if you are profitable, just take a look at what I talked about. I guarantee you it will improve what you already do. That's all. And you don't have to thank me,
390 01:07:44,280 --> 01:07:52,350 you don't have to leave a comment. You don't have to thumb up my video, just take a look. Take a look at what it is that I teach. And I promise you, it will
391 01:07:52,350 --> 01:08:04,110 have a lasting impression on you as a trader, how you think about price, and it'll increase the likelihood of your trades being profitable. And you'll
392 01:08:04,110 --> 01:08:14,010 probably learn how to hold the trades longer. Because you'll understand why it's going where it's going. But I know there's missing in this industry. There's
393 01:08:14,010 --> 01:08:28,320 never been an industry like this one where ego and pride has such deep claws in hooks in people. And I know what that feels like. Because when I was 20 I felt
394 01:08:28,320 --> 01:08:42,330 though that when I saw how Larry Williams you know, back in the 90s it was he was a big deal. Today, you all look at it as like okay, well, he did something
395 01:08:42,330 --> 01:08:57,840 one time in 1987, which nobody's repeated. But he had also very, very low margins. And low margins will help you do a lot. I'm convinced that he would
396 01:08:57,840 --> 01:09:06,810 never absolutely ever be able to repeat that right now with these elevated margins, couldn't do it. No way he couldn't do it. And if you listen, and Larry
397 01:09:06,810 --> 01:09:21,270 has a personal challenge, you might be over. But if you still can trade you can do it. But the major issues that I have as a mentor, is I wish the people would
398 01:09:21,270 --> 01:09:34,740 not take what I've taught and use them as a reason for conflict. Because ultimately, I'm going to be the receiver of all that bullshit. And it was
399 01:09:34,770 --> 01:09:47,460 unjustified because if you look at any time I've ever acted up, it's only because some Yahoo came to me and talk some shit. And then they walk away doing
400 01:09:47,460 --> 01:10:00,810 nothing when I'm ready to dance. And that's it's, it's grown tiresome. Like I'm worn out with it. I'm bored with it. And there's always going to be in When it's
401 01:10:01,110 --> 01:10:07,740 time for me to just sit down and not be engaging any of this anymore, or if I'm going in the Lord takes me
402 01:10:09,179 --> 01:10:15,929 there's going to be somebody else that comes up, that's hot. You know, and there's always going to be people that want to take shots at that person because
403 01:10:15,989 --> 01:10:25,439 they're the hot person. They're the one that you build clouds on. And I don't want any of my students going around doing those types of things. I don't cosign
404 01:10:25,439 --> 01:10:35,579 for that. I don't like that kind of shit. It's needless, and like I said, with my students, if you're making money, you learned how to do this. You know, I'm
405 01:10:35,579 --> 01:10:42,089 not a fraud. You know, I'm not a fucking scammer. Who gives a fuck? If they think that if they're not here, if they're not part of this community think that
406 01:10:42,089 --> 01:10:49,529 who gives a rat's ass? Do you honestly think that my life is going to fucking change because somebody thinks I'm a fucking fraud, just because that's their
407 01:10:49,529 --> 01:10:56,519 opinion, who gives a fuck, I'm going to sleep the same way I'm sleeping, eat with the fuck I'm going to eat. Everything's gonna be the same way tomorrow next
408 01:10:56,519 --> 01:11:06,419 week until the Lord says it's different. Period. It doesn't matter what everybody else's opinion about me is my only opinions of what my students think.
409 01:11:06,719 --> 01:11:16,919 And that's why I pour myself into teaching I make myself as plain as I possibly can. And maybe that isn't always the best delivery in terms of the teaching,
410 01:11:16,919 --> 01:11:26,219 sometimes it can, I can go off track a little bit. But you'd be surprised if you knew how many times I plan all of these deviations because I know there's people
411 01:11:26,219 --> 01:11:37,109 that are listening that are lazy as fuck. They're lazy as shit. And I don't want to lay down gold for lazy I don't like that. Because I had to work my ass off to
412 01:11:37,109 --> 01:11:47,519 get this. And I'm not going to put it in neatly little wrapped up gift wrapped box for you. You're going to work for it. And you're not going to get it from
413 01:11:47,519 --> 01:11:59,429 these other Yahoo's they want to do five minute trainer videos. Learn ICTs model in five seconds, learn the daily bias perfectly the ICT method in 10 minutes.
414 01:11:59,969 --> 01:12:06,959 Okay, now go tell me for a month straight what the daily bias is. Because if that's what you're going to do on a title on your video, and this is what I'm
415 01:12:06,959 --> 01:12:15,509 doing next week, by the way, I'm gonna go that guy's video and say I want you to show me the next 30 trading days. That's That's not fair. Right? Next 20 trading
416 01:12:15,509 --> 01:12:23,669 days there's only 20 trading days in a month on average. You tell me what the daily bias is. Tomorrow before it happens is the clothes gonna be above the open
417 01:12:23,909 --> 01:12:32,639 or below the opening? You tell me because you're telling me and everybody else watching that you know how to do the daily bias and you simplified what I do.
418 01:12:34,109 --> 01:12:41,969 I'll get deleted that comment. He's probably going into the settings right now. Okay, I mean put review comments because an ICT shows up I cannot have that
419 01:12:41,969 --> 01:12:50,789 showing up on my fucking timeline. Okay, I'll ask one of my sons to put a comment on there. And you don't know their fucking color the other channel to
420 01:12:50,789 --> 01:13:03,689 comment from that type of stuff irritates me because it gets under my skin. But do you think these other people out there they are making money you need to give
421 01:13:03,689 --> 01:13:12,509 a fuck because you're coming to them and saying put ICT does this but ICT knows this and that ICT can fucking shit fire out his ass and fucking blow sparks from
422 01:13:12,509 --> 01:13:22,049 his eyeballs. All that shit doesn't mean anything to these people. If they're making money, they're gonna look at you as you are acting a clown. My students
423 01:13:22,049 --> 01:13:29,939 shouldn't be acting like that at all. You should be you know, what? Are you profitable? Wow. Are you willing to divulge what it is that you do? If they're
424 01:13:29,939 --> 01:13:41,159 not? It's not your fucking business? Period. It's none of your business. You don't have any right asking anybody go out there and do it live. Unless they say
425 01:13:41,849 --> 01:13:50,609 they're the best, they can do this, they can do that, then you better prove it. You got to come up with sheets with that because that kind of stuff. You're
426 01:13:50,609 --> 01:13:59,969 begging for someone to call bullshit. And that's why I came out this year in dividends. So don't act like an asshole. Don't go around clowning people because
427 01:14:00,479 --> 01:14:11,429 number one, all that does is bring shade on me. And I didn't deserve that. I don't deserve it. I honestly believe I am the hardest working fucking educator
428 01:14:11,489 --> 01:14:24,509 in this industry. And that's an honest truth. It's not an exaggeration at all. I pour more into this than any body else. I got 1000s of hours of videos that
429 01:14:24,509 --> 01:14:34,409 people can just click on and it's right there. It's there. And many times in those videos I'm calling very long term perspectives on the market and look
430 01:14:34,409 --> 01:14:46,169 around they're there. And yes, Bitcoin is going down below 10,000 Just gotta get a time. Eventually it's going to be gone. I'll be wrong about the 100 hours.
431 01:14:46,289 --> 01:14:57,239 It's going to be less than 100 hours. Oh man, so many crypto people like shut the fuck up ICT you're gonna kill me with this. I've been buying all these
432 01:14:57,239 --> 01:15:02,039 people out there thinking this stuff's gonna go up man. Okay, I hope I'm wrong.
433 01:15:04,080 --> 01:15:14,610 But I wanted to chit chat with you today a little bit about some things that were causing a little chip on my shoulder. And you got the real skinny on the
434 01:15:14,610 --> 01:15:33,720 whole business about liquidity voids. The Chris Laurie origin, the whole thing about that. And I believe I made it very clear about my opinion about how any of
435 01:15:33,720 --> 01:15:41,340 you in this community, or anyone else has learned my concepts from a third party. There's a lot of people out there teaching my shit and claiming they put
436 01:15:41,340 --> 01:15:50,640 people in, oh, I taught this person to be a fun to trade. Now, you echoed my lessons, I taught them to be a funded trader. Okay. If I take Larry Williams
437 01:15:50,640 --> 01:15:59,940 book and read verbatim from the book, and someone does well with that, I did not teach them. I'm an echo. Okay, so young guys going around here claiming some
438 01:15:59,940 --> 01:16:09,000 bullshit like that. You need to stop that stop. Because it's a matter of time before I get to your channel and call bullshit. Okay, and you can block me, but
439 01:16:09,000 --> 01:16:17,520 I'll just make it. I'll just make a video about you. And my reach is a little bit more than yours. So, again, you have a small little window to clean your
440 01:16:17,520 --> 01:16:27,120 shit up. If you're SMC trader, clean your ACT UP. Stop all this bullshit. Because Daddy's home. Until next time,
441 01:16:27,990 --> 01:16:28,350 Unknown: you say