
Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2022-12-29 08:29


00:59 - What the hell is going on in the market?

02:15 - Fighting the urge to cowboy up in this environment.

07:28 - This volatility has never been seen before -.

13:25 - Volatility can sweet talk you like a siren.

16:13 - The jerk that put a list of pendants against the property.

22:34 - Why he doesn’t sugarcoat anything.

28:51 - When you have a period of drawdown and you get into a trade, the first impulse is to get your money back.

32:14 - How to use a razor to get your edge back.

39:47 - What happens when you’re trying to do something you are not equipped for.

46:22 - Mark’s current mindset and how it drives him.

53:08 - What’s going on in the market today -.

55:51 - Why I’m going to be wrong until proven wrong.

01:02:06 - How to align yourself with what the marketplaces are doing.

01:07:58 - Sometimes I cuss like a sailor.

01:11:46 - Are these instances going to creep into your own life?

01:18:41 - The worst thing that can happen is you’re going to go in there and start clicking buttons and pushing buttons.

01:21:51 - Caveman has this desire to do his live streams, but he’s unable to do so.

01:25:20 - What is the psychology of a trader?

01:30:24 - Don’t treat the market like the market is the lottery.

01:36:37 - Every day it’s an everyday instance -.



00:00:59,850 --> 00:01:14,370 ICT: Well, well, well. Finally. Finally, I think teams coming back to ICT cities, Twitter spaces. They were trying to keep me from signing on with the
00:01:14,370 --> 00:01:23,880 fine folks tonight. This is the third time. The third fucking time, man, it takes three times. They don't want me talking to you. They don't want me
00:01:23,880 --> 00:01:38,310 tickling your ears with all this goodness, I see the goodness. Anyway, what the hell is going on in the market? That is amazing. That's amazing volatility
00:01:38,310 --> 00:01:51,840 today. And let me just tell you, I mentioned earlier in the year, I said that we would see some pretty insane volatility. And when you look at a daily chart of
00:01:51,840 --> 00:02:11,370 the E Mini s&p, you really can't appreciate how much insanity took place today. Okay, 30 years, folks, 30 years I've been doing this. And I have never seen such
00:02:12,360 --> 00:02:26,580 monstrous volatility. Now I would be lying to you, if I said, I'm not trying to cowboy you up in this environment, because I am absolutely. I'm absolutely
00:02:26,580 --> 00:02:39,330 fighting that urge. Like today I was trying to do things that would otherwise be frowned upon by me as a mentor, obviously, I'm kind of glad in a lot of ways
00:02:39,330 --> 00:02:49,740 that I wasn't able to pull it off. Because if I would have done it, and pull down a pretty big win, it would probably inspired some of you young guys in here
00:02:49,740 --> 00:02:59,940 to try to do something like that too. And that would be the worst thing I could have done. So just know that because I felt those impulses. And don't worry, I'm
10 00:02:59,940 --> 00:03:11,280 going to send us a screenshot and short little recording. You can see I didn't do any other additional trades. People on the interwebs saying that I hid the
11 00:03:11,280 --> 00:03:22,590 rest of my trading day, and I probably blew out. You guys never never end. Just keep doing stupid stuff. But anyway, I didn't do anything more than 2075 that
12 00:03:22,590 --> 00:03:30,930 you saw today. And I'm so thankful. And I mentioned this in the short little vignette I did. I'm so thankful that the Lord allowed me to get out. Because
13 00:03:31,590 --> 00:03:40,710 what you don't know is I was sitting with Caleb, and I explained him, I said, Listen, you know, I'm going to go long here. And I want to see these buy stops
14 00:03:40,740 --> 00:03:57,000 taken out. And I had my limit order at 45 and a quarter initially, and something was nudging on me saying, you know, just just wait, bring it down, take about
15 00:03:57,000 --> 00:04:08,730 $1,000 out of it, actually try to get out before the highs taken out that I was showing you. And then to see if you can nail the the short. And I was like no,
16 00:04:08,730 --> 00:04:24,810 I'm not gonna do that. But this time I rolled the limit back up. And I literally just just by a little bit went below the previous time. So I was below 45. I
17 00:04:24,810 --> 00:04:35,400 don't think I would have gotten out. Now. I don't think personally, that I would have been able to hold on to the point where it was too late because it did give
18 00:04:35,400 --> 00:04:49,020 me a few, you know, a minute or so before this monstrous gap where there was a real liquidity void where I showed you today. But that would have been painful.
19 00:04:49,560 --> 00:04:59,550 You know that? That much money. I mean, money is money but it would have been a bruise to my ego because my son was sitting next to me and I was literally
20 00:04:59,550 --> 00:05:06,360 telling him Watch, this is what's gonna happen, it's gonna go up here, I'm gonna buy it. I'm gonna sell short. And I'm gonna write it down to the 3570. I talked
21 00:05:06,360 --> 00:05:20,820 about on Monday. Okay, so that was our objective for the week. That was what we were looking for. And it hit it and went through it a lot. And that's fine. So,
22 00:05:22,080 --> 00:05:32,430 again, we had the bias, right for the week, we had the drawl on liquidity, we wanted that lower low on the daily, it ripped its throat out, shook it until
23 00:05:32,430 --> 00:05:34,560 there was nothing left in terms of life.
24 00:05:36,060 --> 00:05:44,700 The fair value got the surgeon, the weekly chart was just brilliant in terms of offering a discount array. Now, which brings me to the million dollar question,
25 00:05:44,700 --> 00:05:56,880 which is what everybody wants to know. Is this the bottom? This is the low ICT I don't personally believe so. Now, the reason why is because we had relative
26 00:05:56,880 --> 00:06:09,150 equal lows on the daily chart. Those relative equal lows needed, it needed to be taken out. Now it doesn't mean it's going to run through them and just keep on
27 00:06:09,150 --> 00:06:18,690 going lower. See, these are perfect little traps. These are opportunities for these market makers that are sitting in here right now that are absolutely in
28 00:06:18,690 --> 00:06:32,130 there manually intervening, because there's lots of money right now. Lots of money for the taking. Emotions are high, gamblers are literally hopped up on
29 00:06:32,130 --> 00:06:47,430 goofballs because they see all this movement during their trading 6070 times. Chasing every single fluctuation, thinking never going to catch something like
30 00:06:47,430 --> 00:07:05,850 we saw today. A breakneck volatility. Roman's simply going after balls to the wall, all in Texas Hold'em style. Just that I'm telling you, we are going to see
31 00:07:05,850 --> 00:07:16,740 more traders lose their ass this fall, going into the closer this year than probably historically we've ever seen. Now, your friends and family that you
32 00:07:16,740 --> 00:07:24,930 know are trading, they're going to hide that from you. They'll charge their credit card up and reboot their trading account. But behind the scenes, you're
33 00:07:24,930 --> 00:07:38,820 not going to know that they are waxing themselves. And it's unfortunate. So today, I felt that that was a gentle little reminder. ICT Yes, you know, a
34 00:07:38,820 --> 00:07:49,170 little bit more than the average bear. But this type of volatility. This is all new territory to me. Like I feel like I'm riding along with Shatner, on the
35 00:07:49,170 --> 00:08:01,410 enterprise. You know voyaging into the unknown. Okay, we're, we're, we're doing things that we've never done before. And anybody that's out there saying, Oh,
36 00:08:01,410 --> 00:08:09,540 we've done this before, you know, he's, he's not gonna ask again. No, we've never seen these types of moves before. We've never seen this volatility before.
37 00:08:10,260 --> 00:08:23,700 And while it's extremely exciting, and I am fighting my ego, my ego wants to get out here and do Olympic style trading. And just literally shut everybody down
38 00:08:23,730 --> 00:08:31,410 and just say, Look, this is the way it is. Okay, and there's no way to keep up with me. Today, was this a little bit of a reminder saying, You know what, you
39 00:08:31,410 --> 00:08:41,610 might be good cowboy. But keep fucking around. You're gonna get the bull's horns right up your ass. And that's kind of like what I went with the rest of the day.
40 00:08:41,610 --> 00:08:53,310 I was like, Okay, this. This is a day where I know myself my younger self was trying to show himself because my son was there. And I wish I was recording just
41 00:08:53,310 --> 00:09:02,310 the expression on my son's face when he watched the limit order get filled. And we turned each other bumped filled like yeah, now watch this. This is going to
42 00:09:02,310 --> 00:09:13,770 collapse. I'm gonna go in here and go short and then going. Elvis left the building like it was like, gone. Go, go go. It was history. I mean, we watched
43 00:09:13,770 --> 00:09:26,010 it tick down like Okay, I'm getting I'm changing that little box in upper left hand corner, from four to a two. It's it's gone. It's gone. It is left. And
44 00:09:26,010 --> 00:09:39,510 there is no way. There's no way I could chase that. And then that's sorta that short little pause. And all of a sudden, boom, like 40 some handles was like 41
45 00:09:39,510 --> 00:09:55,440 handles. it gapped, intraday Welcome to understanding what a real liquidity void is. Price Action traders. How'd that grab you? Pretty exciting, isn't it? Well,
46 00:09:56,460 --> 00:10:07,380 I was hoping. I was hoping because if it Looking back up into what I was showing you today, I would have went in with eight contracts. Now, you might think
47 00:10:07,380 --> 00:10:10,890 yourself eight contracts, that's not that big of a deal ICT, but eight contracts
48 00:10:12,179 --> 00:10:23,399 with a potential of maybe 100 handles. That's pretty respectable. That's pretty respectable. And I was, man, I was trying, I was trying, but it just simply
49 00:10:23,399 --> 00:10:33,359 wouldn't give it to me. And soon, it's just kept breaking more and more and more lower, aggressively. And I was like, Okay, I have to be done. Because if I stay
50 00:10:33,359 --> 00:10:44,939 with this today, I'm going to do probably more than I should have. And I don't want to do that. And my mind is racing saying, you can beat to share this ICT.
51 00:10:44,969 --> 00:10:52,919 You know, you can do this, you know, do, you can do it just because it's moving a whole lot more historically, never been done before. It's never been here.
52 00:10:53,099 --> 00:11:00,479 It's never done these types of volatility moves ever, ever. Larry Williams never seen this in his life. He's been trading longer to me. And I'm sure he's
53 00:11:00,479 --> 00:11:12,869 scratching his as thinking, What the hell is going on? Why is this happening? Right, exactly. It's fun. Isn't it interesting. Seeing everybody that's supposed
54 00:11:12,869 --> 00:11:26,009 to be in the industry, they're always putting up their explanations as to why things take place after it happens. That remember, on Monday morning, we were
55 00:11:26,009 --> 00:11:37,679 looking for 3570. We were looking for it. And I was telling you also, I don't give a shit. Who you know, who says what? How many times you've seen them be
56 00:11:37,679 --> 00:11:50,189 right before, if they said we're not going lower, they're full of great a bullshit. were taken out 3570. Well, Santa came through again. And 3570 was
57 00:11:50,189 --> 00:12:01,619 delivered. But it came with extras this year. Okay, it came with a whole lot more. And went all the way down to the weekly fare Vega, which essentially is
58 00:12:01,709 --> 00:12:11,969 the main draw on that 3400. And you're probably looking at that today and taking women that's it's not even at 3400. Well, 3400 is a big figure. And I still
59 00:12:11,969 --> 00:12:22,229 think that is in contention for the next wave lower if we can sell out not tomorrow, we have two economic drivers. We have 830 in the morning, and we have
60 00:12:22,229 --> 00:12:34,799 10 o'clock in the morning. So it's Friday, I'm not holding out for any one particular direction over the other. We did a lot of movement today. I
61 00:12:34,799 --> 00:12:43,979 personally am done. Like I'm not trying to do anything else. I'm not 34,000 for the month, I'm not trying to do anything more and not taken a great deal of size
62 00:12:43,979 --> 00:12:55,529 on any of the positions. So that the largest position I had on was I believe it was 12 contracts, doesn't dismiss not even an entire month. It's only what the
63 00:12:55,529 --> 00:13:08,789 13th. So you take the weekends out, and it's not been much at all. So we are in that territory, I mentioned that we would be seeing crazy volatility. And we are
64 00:13:08,789 --> 00:13:18,719 off the charts. And it's exciting to be seeing it. I'm glad to be alive during this time and being able to participate in it. But now since I got a taste of it
65 00:13:18,719 --> 00:13:31,049 today. Yeah, the 2530 contracts pyramiding up that type of thing. I just don't I just don't have it me, folks. You know, I gotta be honest with you. These
66 00:13:31,049 --> 00:13:48,749 markets are moving at a pace that are admittedly very intimidating. Even for me. Like I I know, if I make one error one miss judgment one in these types of
67 00:13:48,749 --> 00:14:01,049 moves, man. No, I just can't allow that. I can't allow myself to go through that. So I have to lean back on the tools and rules that I gave you. And
68 00:14:01,109 --> 00:14:11,279 trusting that it'll serve me well and you know, I'll be fine by the end of the year. I'll obviously be fine. I'll get my roses and such but the point is this
69 00:14:11,279 --> 00:14:28,109 volatility can sweet talk, you serenade you like a siren. Okay. These mythical creatures that inhabit the rocks that jagged rocks out in the sea. They were
70 00:14:28,109 --> 00:14:37,979 written about many times in folklore and books. They're supposed to be beautiful. And they say an A to you and they look lovely. And sailors will try
71 00:14:37,979 --> 00:14:47,549 to sell their vessels closer to them to get to them. And then they crashed her ship on the rocks and sink and drown. That's what this volatility is acting
72 00:14:47,549 --> 00:15:00,659 like. Okay. And I fell very close to being a victim today to that I wanted to do more like I wanted to do it. I said, No, no, no, no, I know. Would everybody
73 00:15:00,659 --> 00:15:09,509 else is dealing right now. They're all trying to be a part of the next little move in here. That's going to be the next big 3050 handle move. And I was like,
74 00:15:10,679 --> 00:15:25,469 No, I dodged the bullet today. So, yeah, I don't need to feel, you know, a 50 caliber between the eyes to know that I shouldn't have done it. So all kinds of
75 00:15:25,499 --> 00:15:34,409 bad experiences when I was 20 years old, came flooding back and I told my son, I said, I'm going to sit still. And literally turning the charts off. I'm walking
76 00:15:34,409 --> 00:15:47,489 away, and I just chilled out. I watched YouTube videos, I did some reading, took a nap, which I didn't need. But I had to do whatever I could to stay away from
77 00:15:47,489 --> 00:15:58,289 the charts because I know Mr. Hyde in me, because you're listening to Dr. Jekyll on YouTube. Here, you get a little taste of Mr. Hyde, where I'm off the rails,
78 00:15:58,319 --> 00:16:11,099 there's no filter, there's no editing, there's no retracting the, the bipolarism the swings, and I have been feeling that for weeks, and just the cut in real
79 00:16:11,099 --> 00:16:22,589 quick. The jerk that put a list penance against the property, who was trying to shake us down for money to I told the seller two nights ago, I said, Listen, I'm
80 00:16:22,589 --> 00:16:33,989 gonna be honest with you, I'm not waiting two years. So my suggestion is to you go in with the difference between offers. I offered him 1,975,000 for his house,
81 00:16:34,139 --> 00:16:44,849 he listed for 19999. And the other offer that was coming in but was invalid because they had all kinds of the date was wrong. They had requested certain
82 00:16:44,849 --> 00:16:53,579 parts of their furniture. And I didn't know if this matters, but once you understand the my, my mindset going into this week. I told the seller said
83 00:16:53,579 --> 00:17:02,759 listen to sell, sell the house to me, but pay the guy off with the difference between our offers. Because I don't think he wants the house because I don't
84 00:17:02,759 --> 00:17:12,059 think he can afford the house. Personally, that's what I think. But he was working on this property, the wait until somebody came on the contract. And then
85 00:17:12,059 --> 00:17:20,849 he falsely said that, you know, I had an I had a deal. Knowing full well someone wants to do $2 million in property. They don't want to wait around this
86 00:17:21,119 --> 00:17:28,199 environment because they know that property values as the buyer, you know, I want to get it now. As the seller he's thinking you know, I gotta get it while
87 00:17:28,199 --> 00:17:39,359 the markets hot because I don't want to see it drop down and valuation. So he went out and asked them through his lawyer said, you know, what do you want? Do
88 00:17:39,359 --> 00:17:48,269 you want it? Do you want to buy the house? He goes, No, give me 48,200 hours, which was a weird number. And I did some research found out the his 30,000 hours
89 00:17:48,269 --> 00:17:59,069 on another property. And his lawyer fees is 12,200 hours is the fee that they used to put the list pendants and so lawyer made 12,000 And he's getting 30,000
90 00:17:59,069 --> 00:18:10,229 which is his deposit he put down on another property. So yeah, I can do my own sleuth work too, but he countered and said, No, I'm gonna give you 30,000 And
91 00:18:10,589 --> 00:18:19,979 they said no, fuck you. That was exactly what he told his lawyer said fuck you. It's okay. 35,000 or fuck you. We'll see you in court. Were going to lose the
92 00:18:19,979 --> 00:18:29,489 sale on Monday to Huddleston and that brings me damages and you're fucked. We go to court, you're fucked because you falsely clouded the title. And they said
93 00:18:29,489 --> 00:18:44,069 we'll take it. So Friday, their lawyer sleazebag. Saul is doing the paperwork to release the property and clear the list pendants. And then I will be handing
94 00:18:44,069 --> 00:18:55,199 over the difference between $100,000 good faith deposit. And I'll have the keys and I'll be I guess, I guess I'll walk through it next weekend with you let you
95 00:18:55,199 --> 00:19:03,659 see it. It's not going to be furnished yet because I have furniture. You know, certain rooms haven't picked out yet. Anyway, that's the point. Because of all
96 00:19:03,659 --> 00:19:19,109 that bullshit. I have been swinging from maniac to just really borderline depressed because my wife is upset about this. Now imagine I got it. I have to
97 00:19:19,109 --> 00:19:32,639 trade decisions around making money or talk to all of you fine, folks. And you know how I am I'm wired a little differently. So I have had to pull myself back.
98 00:19:33,749 --> 00:19:42,479 And you saw a couple of years ago. What's ready to take everybody on YouTube? That's what happens with me. Okay, I'm bipolar. i Oh, hide it. And it's, you
99 00:19:42,479 --> 00:19:55,649 know, it is what it is. But I'm just happy to have all that shit done. And come Friday. I'm pretty certain I'll be more balanced. I've been in at least the last
100 00:19:55,649 --> 00:20:03,149 few months. But that was also on My mind today too, I was like I because I can't throttle this guy.
101 00:20:04,680 --> 00:20:15,270 I wanted to do that in the marketplace. Like I wanted to put a major whoop ass on the s&p today. And yes, I was gonna peacock all over social media. In fact,
102 00:20:15,270 --> 00:20:24,420 you probably would have had a cameo, where I would have been twerking. You imagine that to work in ICT, right? That was what I went into with it this
103 00:20:24,420 --> 00:20:32,610 morning. And as soon as I got that little nudge, but you know, don't do that. And here, I want to spare you because you're probably gonna hurt yourself today.
104 00:20:33,540 --> 00:20:40,320 I said, You know what, I'm going to take that as a little bit of grace and say, This is not the right thing for me to do. And I know what's motivating it.
105 00:20:40,770 --> 00:20:53,400 Because I'm angry inside that I've had to wait now, obviously, a week longer. But this buying experience has caused me a great deal of anger, rage, like pent
106 00:20:53,400 --> 00:21:03,300 up hostility, because this piece of shit is garbage. He's trashed 68 lawsuits against them. And I'm convinced they do this. This is what they're all about,
107 00:21:03,360 --> 00:21:18,240 like their trash. And it being so local. I don't want to see this motherfucker. And in public, because he's gonna find out that this kind of shit. This kind of
108 00:21:18,240 --> 00:21:28,410 fucking shit doesn't make friends. And you read between the fucking lines on that one. But it worked out in my favor. My wife's happy, I'm happy. The sellers
109 00:21:28,410 --> 00:21:37,800 are happy because they're old. This is an older couple of very nice people. And the guy's health is failing him. He's 74 years old nit, they don't need all this
110 00:21:37,800 --> 00:21:46,530 kind of fucking drama. Nobody does. So I told him, I was gonna step away from the property. And if these other people want to buy it, to be it, then that to
111 00:21:46,530 --> 00:21:57,870 me, I think that will be, you know, if I got to submit to that God's will. And there it is. It wasn't meant for me to have it. But when I said that, that was
112 00:21:58,290 --> 00:22:05,910 like that little nudge for them to say, well, we're gonna, we're gonna do what you said, we're going to offer them a buyout. And they did it for less than I
113 00:22:05,910 --> 00:22:13,590 even encouraged them to do it. So they took it for 35 instead of 50. Because they know they want to sell it to that buyer, they would have sold it for
114 00:22:13,620 --> 00:22:22,020 1,925,000. So what's the difference, if they give them the 50,000 difference between my offer and that offer, and I get to buy the house, it's the same
115 00:22:22,020 --> 00:22:28,710 outcome, they get to move on with the rest of their few years of their life doing whatever they want to do, I get the property and now the piece of shits
116 00:22:28,710 --> 00:22:43,680 gone. So it is what it is. But I'm so relieved. Like I'm relieved. But I didn't want to be talking to you. Or doing very much at all. Because nothing was going
117 00:22:43,680 --> 00:22:53,040 to come out where I would have been satisfied like I would, I would have been all over the place. And they would have been mostly bitching and wanting to talk
118 00:22:53,040 --> 00:23:02,010 about things that wouldn't really benefit or edify anyone but because I'm a realist, and I'm, I don't sugarcoat anything, I'm being honest and telling you,
119 00:23:02,010 --> 00:23:10,110 that's what I've been contending with. And it's a real world thing. Like anybody else in you, you're gonna have stressors in your life and having lots of money,
120 00:23:10,500 --> 00:23:21,390 doesn't remove stress, it doesn't remove these types of things. And I don't have a way of shielding myself from things that will jerk me into gear. And once I'm
121 00:23:21,390 --> 00:23:32,130 at a gear, it's just time. Like, once the chemicals in me wear down, and they burn off. That's the only thing that settles me down. Like my wife can't calm me
122 00:23:32,130 --> 00:23:47,970 down. Nobody can talk me out of it. Like if someone tries to talk like so I tell you all it this is a this is a weakness in my personality and my makeup where I
123 00:23:47,970 --> 00:23:59,010 lose control of myself and my faculties and focus. So if I'm going to be risking money that is that someone that's making sound decisions? Absolutely not. And
124 00:23:59,010 --> 00:24:05,970 that's what I fell victim to as a 20 year old. I would get angry at the market. I would get angry at the book, the author, whatever the fuck it was going on in
125 00:24:05,970 --> 00:24:16,020 my head. If I stubbed my toe, you know, anything. That would have been an excuse for me say that shit was the reason why, where it's me. You know, it's me
126 00:24:16,020 --> 00:24:29,730 that's, that's not able to focus. And that's what I felt today. I felt like I wanted to exact revenge. Poor little s&p ain't done shit ICT. You know, it's
127 00:24:29,730 --> 00:24:37,380 been nice to me all year long. And here I am trying to victimize this son of a bitch. He didn't do anything to me. Didn't do nothing to me. And I'm sitting
128 00:24:37,380 --> 00:24:47,430 here trying to rough him up, pull roughshod on him. So I took a little bit of flesh off of him today and I let him go. So
129 00:24:48,870 --> 00:24:59,850 that was the inner dialogue, if you will, of what my morning was like, and the only way I could protect myself was simply just turn the charts off because in
130 00:24:59,850 --> 00:25:13,530 my Mind, I had every montage scenario going through, like, I was like, I was going to do some serious shit today. But thankfully, it ran off without me. And
131 00:25:13,530 --> 00:25:25,500 because they probably would have handed my pain to me my ass, okay. And that's the, that's the real, real thing, I guess the real talk most most gurus,
132 00:25:25,500 --> 00:25:33,720 mentors, you know, want to be traders and YouTubers, whatever, they're not going to talk like that. Okay. And that's why I push that guy corbs. I like what he
133 00:25:33,720 --> 00:25:46,470 does. I liked what he does, because he shares his emotion, he shares his struggles, he does not hide the things he's having an issue with. And that is
134 00:25:46,470 --> 00:25:55,320 very refreshing. And I hope you understand that. That's why I'm pushing him on you. And I'd like to see his channel grow, because I think there's an audience
135 00:25:55,320 --> 00:26:09,390 for that. Now, notice that when he was doing his live streaming, it was very difficult for him to find consistency. And you probably watched him go off the
136 00:26:09,390 --> 00:26:19,050 rails and which was kind of entertaining, because it made me feel like I was looking at a visual of how I am sometimes in my head. But losing this shit,
137 00:26:19,110 --> 00:26:28,020 throwing pens and glasses and ship flying around. That's Entertainment. And that's exactly probably, you know, what you all would expect from me, but most
138 00:26:28,020 --> 00:26:37,770 of my trading is nothing like that. But today, today, if I would have been live, being watched, and was able to engage, like, you probably would have seen some
139 00:26:37,770 --> 00:26:50,880 fucking crazy shit today. Because I came in wanting. I wanted a war, like I wanted it. And I believe I was spared. So I took that again, as Grace and I
140 00:26:50,880 --> 00:27:01,200 said, I'm belly out, I'm not going to do it the rest of the day. The corpse he saw. He's, he comes across as a very honest guy. He's not out there trying to
141 00:27:01,200 --> 00:27:10,170 sell himself, you know, as Mr. Profit, Mr. I know everything. He shows on a screen where he gets in and gets out. And if you look at it, and corbs, if
142 00:27:10,170 --> 00:27:17,100 you're listening, this is not a knock against you. There's nothing fantastic about his entries. Like you could probably look at what I've been teaching,
143 00:27:17,100 --> 00:27:26,730 you're like, why is he doing that? But you can make money outside of my stuff. Like, my things are not the only people who can make money. My things, in my
144 00:27:26,730 --> 00:27:35,940 opinion, make it a little bit easier in terms of clarity, and understanding why you're doing something and why the market should be doing it. But he's honest,
145 00:27:36,030 --> 00:27:42,600 he shows you where he did something wrong, you can see where his trades didn't work out. I think he over trades a little bit. That's my personal opinion. But
146 00:27:42,600 --> 00:27:50,730 that's outside the scope of the conversation. But I liked the last two conversations he had in his videos today and yesterday's video where he talked
147 00:27:50,730 --> 00:28:03,450 about his inability to when he's in drawdown, when he takes another trade, and it's profitable. And he knows in his gut, he should like, I should take
148 00:28:03,450 --> 00:28:15,870 something and and lock that in and or take something off of it and pay myself. But because of the pain and the pressure of ego as a male. I'm not saying he's
149 00:28:15,870 --> 00:28:26,100 egotistical, but I know as a man, as a male, and ladies, you probably can't understand this. I know you don't understand it. Because I live with a wife that
150 00:28:26,100 --> 00:28:32,880 simply just doesn't understand it. She's a fucking video game. Michael, well, you make it a big deal about a four. I said, Look around, look how you live
151 00:28:32,880 --> 00:28:48,360 woman. Look how you live. And you call that a video game? Come on now. So he knows that if he does take a loss, like anybody else, and I've experienced this
152 00:28:48,360 --> 00:28:56,460 too, I'm not talking like I don't have this experience. Everybody that's ever traded has had this experience. But when you have a period of drawdown, or you
153 00:28:56,460 --> 00:29:06,930 get into a trade or two, and you're in drawdown on the day, the first impulse is motherfucker. I want my money back and I'm coming with interest bitch, you
154 00:29:06,930 --> 00:29:16,380 better give me my motherfucking money. Where the fuck is my money? Where is my shit? Where's it at right now give it to me. It's already late. Give
155 00:29:16,380 --> 00:29:25,260 it to me now. That's what you want. That's a mindset. And then all of a sudden, you get into trades and say you're down 500 bucks. So you down set 150 bucks,
156 00:29:25,260 --> 00:29:35,340 some 800 bucks, okay, and you get into another trade. You're pissed off. You can't find your groove. But it just so happens that you're in now a trade and
157 00:29:35,340 --> 00:29:44,220 you're up 400 bucks. And you're thinking, All I gotta do is see another one of those. And I'm even and if it gets to that, I'll just see if it wants to give me
158 00:29:44,220 --> 00:29:53,040 a little bit more because I need to cover commissions and gotta come home with something. First of all, you don't need to go home with anything. You gotta
159 00:29:53,040 --> 00:30:03,060 leave with your ass. You can't go into the marketplace and leave your ass out there. You can't do that. So this is what I teach how to mitigate losing
160 00:30:03,060 --> 00:30:15,990 streaks, how to take drawdown and bring it back. Realistically, that means you're not trying to get everything back on one clip. Now, there has been times
161 00:30:15,990 --> 00:30:26,760 where I've done that revenge style, okay, but it's never served me well as a method of doing it again and again. And again. I learned the hard way that if I
162 00:30:26,760 --> 00:30:37,080 learned if I lose 1000, and I get into another trade with half the leverage, and I'm up $500. I'm done. I'm closing that trade. Now what that does, it frees me
163 00:30:37,080 --> 00:30:47,010 up to go back to the original amount of leverage that I took on the previous trade that was a losing trade. So put it in perspective. Okay, say I was risking
164 00:30:47,010 --> 00:31:01,860 1% And I lost 1%. Whatever that dollar amount is, for 1% of the equity. The next take the next trade rather that I take, I'm taking it with one half of 1% risk.
165 00:31:02,940 --> 00:31:14,430 But if I make half of that previous losing trade back, as soon as my trade gets that point, I'm killing it. I don't give a flying fuck. How much it might keep
166 00:31:14,430 --> 00:31:22,710 going. I don't care. Because I have to reset myself mentally. And maybe you think that you're better than me mentally. Maybe you think you're more dialed
167 00:31:22,710 --> 00:31:29,340 in. Maybe you think you're the person that's going to be doing everything better than everybody else and you're perfect. Okay, believe me? You're 20 years old.
168 00:31:29,340 --> 00:31:35,070 You probably think that I did the same thing. And I'm telling you right now you don't fucking know anything. You have no idea. You've been around here yet long
169 00:31:35,070 --> 00:31:42,960 enough. You're gonna find out just like I found out. I fucked around and I found out that I wasn't the shit that I thought it was when I was 20 I am today I'm
170 00:31:42,960 --> 00:31:52,170 gonna lie to you. Okay, I am today. It is what it is. But here's the deal. When you get that opportunity to get half of the losing trades, you just took your
171 00:31:52,170 --> 00:32:03,780 ass out there and got whacked upside your head. Soon as you get here for that losing trade back, and you're doing it with half the leverage. You close that
172 00:32:03,780 --> 00:32:13,860 trade and you don't give a fuck what anybody else is going to say about it. First of all, you shouldn't tell anybody about to you tell yourself good job.
173 00:32:14,040 --> 00:32:23,850 That's what you supposed to do. You're supposed to do not Oh, I'm gonna hold and push my edge. My edge says I should do this. Fuck your edge. Fuck your edge.
174 00:32:24,180 --> 00:32:33,600 Gentlemen, listen. When you get that brand new razor Gillette, you bought that fucking razor just like I did. Okay, there's commercials that make it seem like
175 00:32:33,600 --> 00:32:41,940 it's the greatest fucking thing in the world. Your wife's gonna come around the corner. She looks like a fucking celebrity model. You everybody's chiseled out
176 00:32:41,940 --> 00:32:49,950 fucking face. Everybody's looking perfect. And because you want that razor, and that razor gets on your skin the very first time and it cuts through your beard
177 00:32:49,950 --> 00:33:00,660 and your stubble like a fucking knife through butter. Just beautiful. Just kicks it right on off. Right? Okay, keep using that same motherfucking razor six
178 00:33:00,660 --> 00:33:10,200 months. What's it gonna do? It's gonna tear your ass up. It's gonna tear your ass up. I don't give a shit. How much lubricant? How much shit you lather all
179 00:33:10,200 --> 00:33:23,010 over your face. That razor, you keep pushing it, it's gonna lose its edge. It's gonna tear your face up. Okay, well, you're in that same scenario. You just took
180 00:33:23,010 --> 00:33:30,660 a loss. Now you're you're forced to drop down your leverage half the leverage you took on your previous trade it was a losing trade. But now you got the
181 00:33:30,660 --> 00:33:45,990 opportunity to get here for your ass back. And he did it with half the leverage. That's phenomenal. Now, it's not phenomenal for the SMC guys have to to 200 to
182 00:33:45,990 --> 00:33:52,410 one fucking traders that do it every single fucking week. But they're still trading with point 01 leverage on your fucking trades when they're empty for
183 00:33:52,410 --> 00:34:00,570 screenshots. That's not it's not good enough for them. I'm not talking to them. I'm talking to really real traders, the people that are here to learn how to
184 00:34:00,570 --> 00:34:08,310 make money and conduct themselves like professionals in the marketplace, you have to work within statistical probabilities. And the probabilities of you
185 00:34:08,310 --> 00:34:13,320 being dialed in after losing trade, especially if you're new next to zero.
186 00:34:14,640 --> 00:34:25,980 And that's a normal thing. So how do you combat that? You got to reduce your risk soon as you get here for that losing trade back in equity in the trade that
187 00:34:25,980 --> 00:34:35,220 you're now in after that losing trade. So now 1% You took as a loss now you're going to take another trade not right away when you're when your system when
188 00:34:35,220 --> 00:34:42,870 you're in pattern when your model says so time and price has to still agree. It's got to make fucking sense. You just can't just pull one out of your ass and
189 00:34:42,870 --> 00:34:49,740 say, Well, you know, I don't feel good, this hurt. And I need to get this back right away because my friends on social media we're going to be meeting together
190 00:34:49,740 --> 00:34:56,910 my Discord channel, and they're all going to ask me what the fuck I did today and I cannot talk about this losing trade because guess what? I'm going to lose
191 00:34:56,910 --> 00:35:09,600 my man card. You see how silly it is when you get in these little groups, these cliques? truck that shit. These guys sit around like a bunch of nerds, okay?
192 00:35:09,600 --> 00:35:17,370 Like they're trading Pokeyman fucking cards. This is money. We're talking about money. I'm not here for friends, I don't give a fuck if you'd like my trades, I
193 00:35:17,370 --> 00:35:26,370 don't care if you'd love my trades. I'm here to make money. I'm here to teach you how I make money. If you don't like that, then go somewhere else play
194 00:35:26,370 --> 00:35:35,610 fucking Pokemon, and this court don't give a shit. But here, if you're trading with a losing trade, the next trade your half the leverage, make half that
195 00:35:35,610 --> 00:35:47,730 losing trade that you took 1% loss on, make that back. Soon as you do that, that's a reset. Now you can go back to trading with 1% risk again. But wait a
196 00:35:47,730 --> 00:35:58,290 minute, Michael, I'm in drawdown still a half percent, right? Yep. That's, that's what I do. That's what I do. Now what happens if you lose again, you drop
197 00:35:58,290 --> 00:36:08,670 your risk in half again. And you trade until you get half of that losing trade back and then you close the trade that frees you up to go back to what 1% or a
198 00:36:08,670 --> 00:36:20,880 half percent. Once you get down to a quarter percentage, in my opinion, it's worth taking. But what that does, it causes your drawdowns, to be less and less
199 00:36:21,180 --> 00:36:31,050 and less allows you to reset emotionally and psychologically because it takes the sting away. If you're wrong. If your impulse if you rush back in to try to
200 00:36:31,050 --> 00:36:42,990 do something, it is a fail switch to keep you from blowing the fuck out. Because you will if you don't do these things, you will if you just go in there and say
201 00:36:42,990 --> 00:36:53,250 okay, I don't care. And you get that gambler numbness. Anybody that's ever played cards or went to a casino? You're up, you made money. You've had an
202 00:36:53,250 --> 00:37:02,760 experience like that. You go home, they send you comps, come on back, we love you. You took money from us, we love you, as a customer come back here and stay
203 00:37:02,760 --> 00:37:09,720 in one of our really luxurious suites. And fuck, we'll give you a steak dinner. And here's two tickets to a show. Come on back, have the whole weekend to
204 00:37:09,720 --> 00:37:19,680 yourself, because you are a customer that we love. And your dumb ass believes that so you fly out there. You go out there, and then you lose everything you
205 00:37:19,680 --> 00:37:30,180 fucking won the last time and then more. What happened? You're sitting at the table, you know, damn well, you should have came back out there to you shouldn't
206 00:37:30,180 --> 00:37:41,130 have stayed as long as you did. And you knew right when you should have stopped, but you don't. And you'd lose. And he lose again. And then you lose again. And
207 00:37:41,130 --> 00:37:49,950 all of a sudden you think to yourself, Well fuck it. I got $1,000 Still in chips here. I'm just going to play into our fucking lose, I don't care. That's
208 00:37:49,950 --> 00:38:01,830 gambling on this. That's what trading sometimes does. Or occurs to people that just cannot stay focused. And what happens is you're just waiting for that
209 00:38:01,830 --> 00:38:11,670 chance turn around. And when it does, few and far between. There's an instance where that occurs. But when that happens, what that does is it gives you that
210 00:38:11,670 --> 00:38:26,400 little bit of dopamine, boom, all of a sudden, oh shit. Look, Melanie's Polish shit. Look who just stepped in. It's money, man. It's Mr. Maven, it's fucking
211 00:38:26,430 --> 00:38:37,290 Mr. Market Maker ICTs nobody compared to you now. You got it all figured out. Because that chemical imbalances kicks in. And everybody has this. You don't
212 00:38:37,290 --> 00:38:49,980 have to be bipolar to experience this. That feeling of I'm on now I'm on. But it doesn't happen. But if it does happen, that's when you start betting bigger
213 00:38:49,980 --> 00:39:00,660 because you think you've turned the tide. And now the the gods of the odds have now shine their light on you and giving you their favor. And the only thing
214 00:39:00,660 --> 00:39:11,640 they've given you is a shift in your perspective, to see what you think is good. Is this really their boot gun up your ass? You have no idea what's about that
215 00:39:11,640 --> 00:39:13,800 and to and then boom, your $1,000 is gone.
216 00:39:15,750 --> 00:39:26,130 And on the flight home from the casino, and you've lost more than you brought because you couldn't take that you had to go and get more money out of your ATM
217 00:39:27,330 --> 00:39:34,080 and more money out of your ATM. Because hey, it's still Saturday night and you got another night to sleep up there for free right
218 00:39:39,480 --> 00:39:50,880 and you fly home with less money than you had before you went out there and won by luck. See all these things these take place all the time every single day and
219 00:39:50,880 --> 00:40:06,750 it took place a lot I guarantee on so many people's minds today. If they have somehow dodged that drop in the morning. They were in there playing around there
220 00:40:06,750 --> 00:40:16,320 and they're trying to do something they're not equipped to do. And they can't manage themselves, they can't imagine their emotions, they can't manage their
221 00:40:16,710 --> 00:40:28,290 psychology. And I know enough about myself to know that I would have done more than I should have today. And it probably wouldn't have been as good as I would
222 00:40:28,290 --> 00:40:38,220 have wanted it to be. Because I went in with the wrong expectations. I'm going to come in there, Mr. Market Maven. And net volunteer today said, sit the fuck
223 00:40:38,220 --> 00:40:45,270 down, boy, you ain't ready, you ain't ready for to sit down, just shut your fucking mouth. You just sit right there and use watch. And be thankful you're
224 00:40:45,270 --> 00:40:56,550 not in here. And guess what? I knew better. I turn the charts off. I walked away from that. And I came back later on. And I saw that he completely went right
225 00:40:56,550 --> 00:41:06,240 back up close in the gap, liquidity void, use that support, as I mentioned, and then vaulted above the high and then just kept digging and digging and digging
226 00:41:06,240 --> 00:41:24,660 in higher. So to me, I think that anyone listening to what corbs shares with his I know he's been trading for a while he I think he's mentioned, he's been doing
227 00:41:24,660 --> 00:41:34,500 it for a few years. But I think he's really at a stage where he's really now taking it serious in terms of his development, because I asked him, I said, you
228 00:41:34,500 --> 00:41:46,920 know, what's your goal, and he wants to be a seven figure trader. And the things he's enduring right now are many times the barrier that prevents that very
229 00:41:46,920 --> 00:41:58,020 thing. And most people can't get through it and they can't press through it. And what I talked about in this two letter space here in terms of managing your
230 00:41:58,050 --> 00:42:10,230 risk, dropping it down and make half of the previous loss back, then reset to what the previous loss leverage was. That gives you that little bit of a cookie,
231 00:42:10,350 --> 00:42:20,340 which is what we need. Okay. As humans, we need that little reward, that little nudge that we're doing it, right. That cookie, that attaboy, that pat on the
232 00:42:20,340 --> 00:42:30,720 shoulder, okay. And like in karate, and martial arts, okay. Yeah, all these fucking belt colors and shit. Why? Because they gotta keep you paying, they
233 00:42:30,720 --> 00:42:38,430 gotta keep you feeling like you're rewarded. Okay? And most real martial arts didn't have all that shit. That's American eyes thing, they bastardize the
234 00:42:38,430 --> 00:42:51,000 entire martial arts. By having these belt systems and in trading, you have to have that Miyagi experience. Okay? You have to have that, where you're working
235 00:42:51,000 --> 00:42:58,350 your ass off, you're out there, you're sanding the fence and you're painting the fence your wax in the cars ICTs talking to you and putting you through all this
236 00:42:58,350 --> 00:43:05,550 bullshit discussions. It doesn't mean anything to me. Tell me how to buy and sell. Tell me when to get in when to get out how to fructify Now to do this,
237 00:43:05,730 --> 00:43:13,830 you're talking all this bullshit on my house I can't live in. That sucks that's got to do with anything. has anything to do with it? So you don't think you're
238 00:43:13,830 --> 00:43:21,030 learning anything right now? But when you put yourself in that situation. Now because I'm talking to you like this, you're gonna say You know what? This is
239 00:43:21,030 --> 00:43:30,270 exactly like that motherfucker said that, oh, my fucker. 50 years old had a clue. He didn't know what he was talking about. He knew exactly what he taught
240 00:43:30,270 --> 00:43:38,370 me because I'm feeling that shit right now. I feel like I need to get out there and break somebody's fucking head in this market. Because I have something to
241 00:43:38,370 --> 00:43:48,930 prove. I got a chip on my server. I have a reason to be violent in these marketplaces, and bringing violence to the market. Well, he was asking for your
242 00:43:48,930 --> 00:43:58,530 Escott beat because believe me, the gang in the market is always going to outnumber you. It's always gonna outnumber you. When you go in like a vigilante.
243 00:43:58,650 --> 00:44:05,640 You go in there with that vigilante mindset. And you're gonna be the Punisher. You're gonna go home and fucking ambulance. Okay, that's the way it's gonna
244 00:44:05,640 --> 00:44:13,620 happen. You're gonna lose your ass going in there like that, because you're trying to do something with an outcome in mind. That's not guaranteed. And
245 00:44:13,620 --> 00:44:26,430 you're blinded by your rage, or your fit. Okay, you're all pent up like I was I have been shot quite up in recently on Twitter. Thanks to mine the other day
246 00:44:26,430 --> 00:44:32,820 said you know your your music selection. With the fox contest. I played that beautiful song that
247 00:44:34,080 --> 00:44:44,190 it's a female artist. And I it's a very moving song to me. I loved it. And I was in my fields that day. I was saying myself, you know? What if I don't get this
248 00:44:44,190 --> 00:44:54,990 house? And what if I don't get this house number one. My wife's gonna be upset because she she loves this house. Now, don't get me wrong. I love the house. I
249 00:44:54,990 --> 00:45:13,950 think it's a beautiful home. It's Yeah, there's certain things I wanted. And there isn't that in this property. But my wife, when we went through it, she was
250 00:45:13,950 --> 00:45:25,230 like, Michael, please, please, can I have this? I was like, Guys, what do you do in that situation? You can't win that. You can't fucking win that. So it's like,
251 00:45:25,230 --> 00:45:35,880 okay, well, let's see if we can work it out. So I offered them 1.8 million. Of course, they rejected that. And I came up to 1925, which is what they allowed
252 00:45:35,880 --> 00:45:43,980 for the other offer, but didn't give them a contract. Like, they didn't sign a contract. But they were going to accept his 1925 If they provided a contract or
253 00:45:44,040 --> 00:45:56,700 an offer written offer, but they didn't do it. But I came in with 1975, because I asked them, I said, Listen, I'm all cash, no contingencies. Like I will buy
254 00:45:56,700 --> 00:46:08,370 this house. No waiting, like, I own real estate, I don't need to sell shit. I'm buying outright. You tell me what your lowest that you're taking right now. And
255 00:46:08,370 --> 00:46:20,040 nobody else can take any of your attention away. Like, I'm gonna be the one. They said 1975 and the house will be yours. So it's okay. And now we're we had
256 00:46:20,040 --> 00:46:35,910 the offer in their hands. And they signed it. Okay, and then this asshole comes and does all that. So since, like the first week of September, I have been very
257 00:46:35,910 --> 00:46:47,010 difficult to be around in my personal life have been very, very hard to deal with. Personally, if you around me, have been very short, a wife has been
258 00:46:47,940 --> 00:46:57,750 careful to be around me, my children have been very careful around me. And I have not had any kind of real interactions with anyone else. And that kind of
259 00:46:57,750 --> 00:47:10,590 mindset. Partially, partially, is what motivates me do what you've seen recently, where you saw me doing like 13,000, our trades, new 12,000 10,000 our
260 00:47:10,590 --> 00:47:19,260 trades? That was me, and they're doing a little bit more than I usually did. Because obviously, I've been teaching you to do these models that are trying to
261 00:47:19,260 --> 00:47:26,880 get five handles and be fine. You're all asking like, can you just show the model? Can you do that? I just feel like I gotta do more. And that's why I was
262 00:47:26,880 --> 00:47:38,700 doing that. But today, I was really going in there with kind of like a gladiator mindset. And because I'm imbalanced, over all the bullshit, I wanted to release.
263 00:47:39,810 --> 00:47:50,670 Okay, I wanted to release, I wanted to be able to discharge, I haven't been able to talk to anybody, because it would have been, it wouldn't have been as
264 00:47:50,670 --> 00:48:01,890 therapeutic as this one feels for me. And I understand some of you that haven't been training long enough. None of this probably makes any sense to you. And
265 00:48:01,890 --> 00:48:13,890 maybe they've probably turned to the Twitter space off. But I promise you, okay, Mark Douglas doesn't touch anything like this in his book. Okay. It's it's not a
266 00:48:13,890 --> 00:48:33,150 popular way of discussing human frailty. And I'm a human. And I have a lot of frailty, because I'm imbalanced. And I feel well, I can feel elated. One second.
267 00:48:33,780 --> 00:48:46,860 And then I can feel rage within 30 seconds. And sometimes I can feel myself swinging chemically, back and forth, all within a five minute period,
268 00:48:48,150 --> 00:48:58,440 in that volatile state of mind where I wish I could articulate what that feels like. It's a miserable experience. And that's what my life has been, like I have
269 00:48:58,740 --> 00:49:12,540 lived with this. And it's very, very hard to deal with. And sometimes I foolishly went into the marketplace, in my manic episodes. And sometimes I've
270 00:49:12,540 --> 00:49:28,800 gone into the marketplace trading where I was euphoric. And both of those times, I have had dismal results, because I'm reacting to the stimuli of being in that
271 00:49:28,800 --> 00:49:40,170 market experience. Whereas if I am trying to like, that's why I meditate. Okay, I meditate. I exercise, I lift weights, I do stretching, I do all those things.
272 00:49:40,530 --> 00:49:49,740 Because if you look at the schedule, I tweeted, the things I do and how I eat and all that stuff. I have to adhere to that schedule. If I don't adhere to that
273 00:49:49,740 --> 00:50:01,170 schedule. I cannot do well in the marketplace because if I'm in a trade, I'm going to think about how I did not do this part of my routine Something took me
274 00:50:01,170 --> 00:50:10,380 out of my routine. And because that happens many times, that will be the reason or catalyst for me not to take any trades in the morning session, or in the
275 00:50:10,380 --> 00:50:20,940 afternoon session. Not because I don't see a trade, not because my methods don't have something that would give me something to work with. Okay, I could sit down
276 00:50:20,970 --> 00:50:34,050 in front of any market day, any market day and do something like for instance, Wednesday, you know, that was a range bound day. I sat there, and I literally,
277 00:50:35,190 --> 00:50:44,100 in a demo, I didn't do anything in life. I proved I wasn't I didn't do anything with my Live account, nothing. But in a demo, I ran up $17,000 On a demo just
278 00:50:44,100 --> 00:50:53,250 using for contracts, banging around inside that range, and had two trades, it stopped out where it was, like, a little bit above what would be I guess,
279 00:50:53,250 --> 00:51:07,500 commission costs. But that's it. Now, I know I can do these things. But I here's the thing. as nimble as you see me doing what I show you on days when I can't
280 00:51:07,500 --> 00:51:21,090 control myself. The man part of me the physical person me, not the traitor ICT, the Michael, the imbalanced Michael, okay, the guy that I have to be very
281 00:51:21,090 --> 00:51:31,110 careful with, because if I let this motherfucker do what he wants to do, I'm gonna wreck myself and ruin my entire livelihood. Everything would be ruined,
282 00:51:31,140 --> 00:51:44,700 because a day like today would cause me to do something that I would punish myself. I would punish myself for years, knowing damn well, I should have never
283 00:51:44,700 --> 00:51:56,190 done it. But I started today. With that in mind. And with grace, I saw that you know what? Yeah, it's enough. I don't need another reminder. Thank you, Lord,
284 00:51:56,190 --> 00:52:07,050 I'm done. I know, because of experience. When I tell you, somebody asked me today, do you think I should put a short order in at 3570? If it comes back up
285 00:52:07,050 --> 00:52:23,220 to that? I said, No. I wouldn't touch it today. Because immediately, when I looked at that tweet, my mindset was okay. They're asking me that. And please,
286 00:52:23,220 --> 00:52:31,230 if you're the person that tweeted this, what I'm about to say, don't take this personal. I'm not trying to be rude. I'm not trying to be anything. I'm just
287 00:52:31,230 --> 00:52:42,360 being honest. When I read that tweet, I said, Okay, I'm going in, I'm looking for a fair value gap. I'm gonna buy a pullback towards 3570. I'm gonna go in,
288 00:52:42,360 --> 00:52:54,660 I'm gonna go long. But I didn't have the charts open. I just saw the tweet. I said, No, I wouldn't touch it. Wait till tomorrow. I was telling the person to
289 00:52:54,660 --> 00:53:04,530 don't do anything. But really what I was doing was telling Michael, stay the fuck out of this. Stay the fuck out of there. Don't do nothing with this. That's
290 00:53:04,530 --> 00:53:13,740 why I had to walk it because it was almost like, Okay, someone said this. So therefore, I'm gonna go on and do the opposite. And when I was a younger man,
291 00:53:15,060 --> 00:53:27,000 and we were on America Online, we had message boards, which was obviously like, the social media, Twitter space type thing back then. And whenever I would
292 00:53:29,580 --> 00:53:37,920 see other people's opinion, because let's be honest, everybody out there pretty much doesn't know shit about trading. And just look at today as an example.
293 00:53:37,980 --> 00:53:46,890 Like, they're trying. They're all trying to figure out what's going on. You. We all were expecting the daily load to be taken out. We wanted 3570. Okay, we knew
294 00:53:46,890 --> 00:53:53,850 that was coming. Well, everyone that was listening in our community, we were expecting that we were not trying to buy anything, we didn't look for any kind
295 00:53:53,850 --> 00:54:07,290 of reversal type thing, prior to 3570 3570. That's where it's going to draw to. We got that today. You also know, before the big drops to take out that
296 00:54:07,320 --> 00:54:14,610 objective, chances are it's going to do what's going to go for liquidity. What kind of liquidity if 35 cent is below the market. That means we're going to take
297 00:54:14,610 --> 00:54:23,700 our buyside first. Well, I showed you what I was looking for. I actually showed the example where I was in I took the long I took the exit and I have students
298 00:54:23,700 --> 00:54:30,690 that actually marked it up. Before I even shared all that stuff. They have it marked out saying this is what I think's going to happen. Boom, boom, and they
299 00:54:31,200 --> 00:54:38,640 it they see it, they know what they're looking for. So that means they understand what I've taught them. But then we see all these other people out
300 00:54:38,640 --> 00:54:49,950 there that supposedly are market professionals. You're talking heads. They're on CNBC and all these other people. Oh, you know what's going on? They're talking
301 00:54:49,950 --> 00:55:03,270 about how this was one of the greatest days for the s&p. What look, okay. I understand they have to sell the stuff to keep people wanting to invest because
302 00:55:03,270 --> 00:55:14,520 it's a buyers market. Okay. I understand that. But we don't look at things like that. Like I don't, I don't want to go out and try to pick a bottom. Okay, I'm
303 00:55:14,520 --> 00:55:23,760 not gonna go out there and say you had the bottoms in. I'm not convinced that just because we had this happen today Oh, I see is the market go up into a daily
304 00:55:23,760 --> 00:55:34,200 fair value gap. All I see is normal business model were relatively close on a daily chart after the markets been going down for a long time. We've we've gone
305 00:55:34,200 --> 00:55:45,990 down about 50% of the previous Bull Run has been 50%. It's reasonable to see something like this happen. And it's also reasonable for them to come back and
306 00:55:45,990 --> 00:55:58,050 rail against anybody that's been short. Because I believe until I'm proven wrong, and I'm happy to be proven wrong, I don't care. I really want you to
307 00:55:58,050 --> 00:56:05,820 think about this, okay. And my students that were in my private mentorship know what I'm going to say here, because they were hearing about this back before all
308 00:56:05,820 --> 00:56:22,530 the shit really started happening. All the things that are about to take place. I've mentioned to you in previous Twitter spaces. And some of you are unnerved,
309 00:56:22,530 --> 00:56:33,840 and you're scared. Okay. I want you to understand when I talk to you about this, it's not to scare you. I'm not sensationalizing anything. Okay, I want you to
310 00:56:33,840 --> 00:56:48,960 understand that the general media isn't going to communicate these things to you until it's already too late. In America, our news is filtered greatly. And
311 00:56:48,960 --> 00:57:00,000 you're not going to get the perspective that's really going on and ground zero in these other countries where things are happening. And I've been about nine to
312 00:57:00,000 --> 00:57:11,820 12 months ahead of everybody in everything. And that's not bragging. I need to be ahead of everyone else. Because I don't want to fall victim to these types of
313 00:57:11,820 --> 00:57:22,470 things. And I had students literally tell me go fuck myself that I was insane. Okay, I'm not, and they wanted a refund, just on the basis of the things I told
314 00:57:22,470 --> 00:57:34,260 you that you're seeing happen, right? Fuck now. I said, first of all, you're not going to get a refund. You just sit back and you watch what's going to happen.
315 00:57:34,590 --> 00:57:43,860 Okay, in the meantime, I'm gonna go over on Twitter. And I'm gonna show the whole world that are outside here. What you've been experiencing, but you get
316 00:57:43,860 --> 00:57:51,900 caught up in me talking about things are outside the marketplace, because it hasn't happened in your neck of the woods yet. You you're, you're, you're this
317 00:57:51,900 --> 00:58:03,690 and you're that no man. Just take a look around. I would love to be wrong. I want to be wrong. For the sake of my own family and friends, the stress this is
318 00:58:03,690 --> 00:58:12,720 going to bring on them. I hope I am wrong. But look around me. Things are gonna get really, really hard. I sat down
319 00:58:14,130 --> 00:58:20,490 and I sat down at the Lord. And okay, and I know some of you don't believe in this. Okay, some of you believe in Allah. Some of you believe in other things
320 00:58:20,490 --> 00:58:27,120 that and other religions, okay? I'm not going to knock your religion. I'm not gonna say anything about you. I'm not going to tweet to you and say, You don't
321 00:58:27,120 --> 00:58:33,060 know the real Lord or you don't know the real creator. So please don't do that to me, okay? Because I'm not going to listen to you and what's going to happen?
322 00:58:33,090 --> 00:58:39,840 I'm going to mute you. I won't delete you. I'm going to meet you because that's offensive to me. And I'm not trying to be offensive to anyone else. But this is
323 00:58:39,840 --> 00:59:02,430 what I did. Okay. I sat down. I said, Lord, how can I be used to be as much help as I possibly can to other people? Because I know what I know what's coming. I
324 00:59:02,430 --> 00:59:19,620 knew I knew in 2010 I when I stepped down on baby pips, I wanted to let the cat out of the bag then. But I was afraid to talk about it. And I am ashamed to tell
325 00:59:19,620 --> 00:59:28,770 you that I was afraid to talk about it. Not because people would laugh at me because you can see I don't care about that shit. But I was afraid if I talked
326 00:59:28,770 --> 00:59:42,690 about it. You know, what might happen? And I have old friends that like to visit once in a while and they talk to me and tell me there's certain things I
327 00:59:42,690 --> 00:59:57,390 shouldn't talk about. And I don't, but I tried to be a little bit cryptic and people that have been watching me over the years they they have been really
328 00:59:57,390 --> 01:00:09,570 close many times to where I was pointing until we got to around the 2016 election. At that point, it was like it was, like I needed to talk about. And I
329 01:00:09,570 --> 01:00:19,110 said everything I said Trump would be elected. Everybody laughed. I said, they're gonna use him as a fall guy. It's happening. And he's part of it all
330 01:00:19,110 --> 01:00:25,890 too. So I know that probably throws you into a different category, because some of you like yeah, he's a Trump. I'm not a Trumper but didn't vote for anybody.
331 01:00:26,490 --> 01:00:37,410 And it's just they're all part of the same thing. It's all theater. Okay, but the things that are coming, I talked about all the central bank digital
332 01:00:37,410 --> 01:00:51,630 currencies, okay? And they have to create this reason for it. Okay, because most people don't even understand what that is. Number one, and that's the reason why
333 01:00:51,660 --> 01:00:58,680 the whole crypto thing was invented. They let you all champion the idea of oh, we're going to be fiat currency
334 01:01:04,080 --> 01:01:11,220 Bitcoin is now the equivalent of Fiat and I know this blew your fucking minds and you're gonna kill me and pitchforks and shits gonna be on Twitter for you
335 01:01:11,220 --> 01:01:24,030 because of it, to settle down and listen to me, okay? The whole blockchain was started for the very purpose of central bank digital currencies. Not for Bitcoin
336 01:01:24,030 --> 01:01:35,280 champions, not for heroes that are trying to be Mavericks out there and beat Fiat. Listen, folks, remember Qaddafi. Remember how he wanted to start his own
337 01:01:35,280 --> 01:01:52,440 currency, he wanted to do his own thing that was gold back? What happened to him and they didn't hide it. They televise that these banks, you cannot beat them.
338 01:01:53,670 --> 01:02:04,290 Okay. Everybody out there with the militia mindset, oh, we need a 1776 and we're gonna do this, we're gonna do that you're not doing shit. You're not doing shit.
339 01:02:05,190 --> 01:02:20,580 You can't beat it. Okay. So the only thing you can do is try to align yourself with what they're doing. Now, that poses a great deal of a moral dilemma. For
340 01:02:20,580 --> 01:02:38,460 those folks out there that have a sense of humanity. Yes, the very concept of what central banking is, is very, very evil. But when I was a younger man, and I
341 01:02:38,460 --> 01:02:50,070 was introduced to all this, I wasn't wanting to be a part of it at all, like I wanted to stop trading altogether. Because once I discovered what is really
342 01:02:50,070 --> 01:03:06,090 going on behind the scenes, I did not want to be part of that at all. Lots of money offered lots of doing this, and lots of doing that. And now it's a club
343 01:03:06,090 --> 01:03:22,650 that you don't really want to be a part of. And a lot of young guys and gals would have signed up immediately. I'm only on this rock, spinning through space
344 01:03:22,650 --> 01:03:37,740 for a few decades or so. If I'm lucky, if I'm going to be 100. I don't think I will be but I don't think this is all there is. And in this world. When I was a
345 01:03:37,740 --> 01:03:46,950 younger man, I did things that I wasn't proud of. And still not proud of. I can't change that. The only thing I could do was apologize and ask for
346 01:03:46,950 --> 01:04:05,070 forgiveness. And I believe my faith gives me that. But I asked him, I said, You know what, what can I do? To be an instrument to be used that way? Number one,
347 01:04:05,520 --> 01:04:12,960 people can see the real me. Because a lot of things out there that are said about me. They're all done from a competitive standpoint, because if you don't
348 01:04:12,960 --> 01:04:22,740 watch me, then you won't stay long enough to find out what really works in these marketplaces. And if you don't see that, you'll fall victim to whatever they're
349 01:04:22,740 --> 01:04:33,060 trying to sell or get your attention and get your money. I made millions of dollars selling my material, my teaching my mentorship, okay, and I have a group
350 01:04:33,060 --> 01:04:41,040 of people that are in a private group that are waiting for me to return when I'm done doing this core content, and I am coming back home. I'm going back to
351 01:04:41,040 --> 01:04:53,190 private when I'm done. I will not be tickling your Twitter. I'm going back to my private forum. And that's where I'm going to be now do videos on YouTube. But I
352 01:04:53,190 --> 01:05:08,730 asked in prayer I said yeah, how can I? How can I do this and He gave me basically the inspiration to do what I've done all this year. Now, there's a few
353 01:05:08,730 --> 01:05:21,960 times I was wanting to do things from the man, the Michael, the humanity in me, the guy that gets mad, the guy that gets angry, the guy that wants a little pair
354 01:05:21,960 --> 01:05:37,950 the dog to beat him. And I was just told this keep doing what you're doing. So I just stuck to what I was doing. I have shown you something that even my private
355 01:05:37,950 --> 01:05:49,650 mentorship wasn't given. And I showed you from my heart. Because it was exactly what I designed for my daughter. Many of you are seeing people all around the
356 01:05:49,650 --> 01:05:52,290 world, making real money with that.
357 01:05:54,180 --> 01:06:01,680 So if there's ever been a doubt whether what I teach or what I know, Am I really that accurate? Can I really talk about where the markets going to be going
358 01:06:01,680 --> 01:06:13,050 forward? Am I doing both sides of the marketplace up or down and picking the right you're seeing it now you all tasted it. So I believe that I have done what
359 01:06:13,050 --> 01:06:23,010 I set out to do. Last year, I told you just sit back and watch what I do. I'm gonna give you a means of making money, it won't cost you anything, I'll make it
360 01:06:23,010 --> 01:06:33,720 as easy as I humanly possibly can do it there, there really is no other way simpler. If you're gonna be using, if you're gonna be using anything
361 01:06:33,720 --> 01:06:43,380 algorithmic, you're gonna be doing anything with how these markets book, that 2022 mentorship model is it there isn't going to be somebody out there to saying
362 01:06:43,380 --> 01:06:50,640 here, here's a five minute version of the ICT fuck all that, okay, there's a couple guys out there trying to run their channels like this, okay, and I get
363 01:06:50,640 --> 01:06:58,110 it, there's an audience, they want that Facebook, they want that fast. Give me a real quick, short, little five minute trainer, fuck all that you're never going
364 01:06:58,110 --> 01:07:06,630 to do that. You're never going to understand what you're doing. So you're getting your clicks, and you're getting a little ad revenue on that shit. But
365 01:07:06,630 --> 01:07:15,390 they're gonna tell you later on, this shit didn't work. I'm going over here where I get the real juice. And I'm not taking the videos off the YouTube.
366 01:07:15,930 --> 01:07:26,070 They're there. So that way people that try to sell my shit or rename it or whatever. They're gonna say, Oh, this is where it really came from. And my last
367 01:07:26,460 --> 01:07:41,520 video for mentorship will be a sit down face to face, you'll see me and I'm gonna explain why I did it. I'm gonna explain why I insist on having credit
368 01:07:41,520 --> 01:07:54,270 because it's not about ego. And you'll hear right from my own mouth, right from my own face, and there is no filters, you're going to understand why I live my
369 01:07:54,270 --> 01:08:10,080 life the way I do. I'm human. And sometimes I cuss like a sailor. And I wish I could change that about myself. I wish I could do that. 24/7 You know, when I'm,
370 01:08:10,740 --> 01:08:20,640 when I'm praising the Lord, it's interesting how I don't reach for those words. He tamed the tongue in those moments. But when I'm not talking about him, it's
371 01:08:20,640 --> 01:08:33,060 very easy for me to reach for the colorful language. So I'm not preaching to you, I'm not trying to bring you to church or anything, but I'm just pulling the
372 01:08:33,060 --> 01:08:43,830 veil back on that, you know, there's a lot of things that go on, that you don't really fully understand that I contend with. And I'm many times convicted. Every
373 01:08:43,830 --> 01:08:54,480 single time I do one of these, where I'm talking to you live, I'm immediately convicted. I'm immediately asking for forgiveness, because I'm not being a good
374 01:08:54,480 --> 01:09:08,400 role model for you. But I use these instances, to discharge. It's a it's a confessional. It's a way for me to vent. And I gotta be honest with you. Some of
375 01:09:08,400 --> 01:09:18,600 these are not liked by a lot of you, because you don't find any real value and most the time, you know, it's just entertainment for the other folks like I love
376 01:09:18,720 --> 01:09:30,300 wretched ICT. It's not I don't want to be that I don't want to be. But it's unfortunate that I have to manage these feelings, these emotions, these
377 01:09:30,900 --> 01:09:45,510 chemicals, and I let them burn off. And once it happens, it gives me the ability to be around my family and to be around myself and not have 1000 Things rushing
378 01:09:45,510 --> 01:09:54,870 to the front of my mind and it feels like that it feels like there's 1000 things that needs my attention right now and all of them are life. Like threatening.
379 01:09:54,900 --> 01:10:03,000 They're all emergencies when they're not. Not one of them is an emergency but that's what it feels like living with This. And it's hard to articulate that
380 01:10:03,030 --> 01:10:17,250 it's hard to make it understandable for someone that doesn't have it. And I know when I see someone else living with it and I deal with them differently, I deal
381 01:10:17,250 --> 01:10:29,160 with them differently because I know they can't control it. Once I rev up, whether it be the good side or the bad side, nobody's talking me down. And
382 01:10:29,160 --> 01:10:36,960 that's why I get offended when someone says in tweets, like, hey, look me and take it easy, don't worry about them. When you start mothering me, okay are
383 01:10:36,960 --> 01:10:45,840 playing my father, I get offended by that. And that just makes it worse. So those individual using mute,
384 01:10:47,190 --> 01:10:55,890 you don't know if I've done that. You keep seeing all my tweets, but I don't want them to do that, again, because I'll respond to them. I'll remember their
385 01:10:55,890 --> 01:11:03,690 name, I'll say, looking at Hey, and I've done this already before, and not broomed people off my Twitter, and who cares, right big deal, ICT got caught up
386 01:11:03,690 --> 01:11:14,190 in his fields, and he blocked me. If I don't do that, I'm going to say things that aren't going to be really edifying as a mentor to that person where I could
387 01:11:14,520 --> 01:11:21,750 just simply say, hey, look, you know, if I was more balanced, at that moment, I could say, hey, you know, maybe you should look at it like this, or do something
388 01:11:21,750 --> 01:11:33,600 like that. But most of the time, sometimes I get triggered. And once it starts rubbing up, I can't, I can't be the right kind of mentor for anyone. And for the
389 01:11:33,600 --> 01:11:41,880 last two weeks, that's how it's been, like, it's been really, really hard for me to keep things in check. Because of all the things is going on, and I'm thankful
390 01:11:42,390 --> 01:11:51,840 that my wife's gonna be able to get this house and that way. Well, Happy wife happy life. But these are, these instances are going to creep into your own
391 01:11:51,840 --> 01:12:03,150 trading to maybe you don't have bipolarism, maybe you don't have that issue. But everybody has a bad day, once in a while. I don't care how healthy you are, your
392 01:12:03,150 --> 01:12:12,090 job, you may love it, you may be making, you know, a high salary, they give you great benefits, and you're interested in never really leaving it because you
393 01:12:12,090 --> 01:12:19,200 love your job. It's your profession, you know, I got students that are like that they have no interest, I don't care how much they make, I think that'll change
394 01:12:19,200 --> 01:12:28,290 when they get really up here and in returns. But they say that I don't want to leave my job, I'm going to stay with this and I'm happy with what I'm doing.
395 01:12:29,760 --> 01:12:38,040 Those individuals still have bad days, if you're married, or if you have a relationship, let me tell you something, you're gonna have a bad day, your other
396 01:12:38,490 --> 01:12:51,120 partner is going to see to it. That's, that's just a fact of life is going to happen like that. And when it happens, you need to make a real careful decision
397 01:12:51,150 --> 01:12:59,070 on whether you're going to be entering the marketplace on that day or not. I'm going to humbly submit to you that you probably should take the day off, I don't
398 01:12:59,070 --> 01:13:10,500 care how good the chart looks. If you're in a situation that you feel a lot of stress, a lot of anxiety. Or if you just pent up hostility, like I have that I
399 01:13:10,500 --> 01:13:19,950 feel a lot better now that I've talked about it, because it's different. You know, it's different. Talking to someone outside of my wife, who is my partner,
400 01:13:19,980 --> 01:13:30,450 she's part of this corporation, that's our marriage, okay, you know, we have a relationship, that we have to build each other up and strengthen each other and
401 01:13:30,480 --> 01:13:44,160 be there for each other. And we have had a division in our relationship since this started because I'm doing everything I can to acquire this property for
402 01:13:44,160 --> 01:13:54,690 her. And she is trying to do everything she can not to pester me about every little thing she's feeling every single day. So imagine that, like, it's very
403 01:13:54,690 --> 01:14:05,730 hard to manage all these things. And you're gonna have that same problem. It's gonna creep in. And when you have that instance, where you're at, you're out of
404 01:14:05,730 --> 01:14:14,730 sorts. Okay, you're, you're not dialed in, because you have something going on. It may be something is, you know, like, you have a child and they're sick, or
405 01:14:14,880 --> 01:14:24,720 they're getting in trouble. You know, maybe they're entering a troublesome time and they're developing as a child and they're trying to find themselves. That's
406 01:14:24,720 --> 01:14:35,340 stressful. You know, and maybe you're going through an illness, maybe you've discovered something about yourself and your health it is now scary. You know,
407 01:14:35,340 --> 01:14:51,720 I've I've often thought about all of you and what types of circumstances that would creep into your life. And there's a whole slew of things that could come
408 01:14:51,720 --> 01:15:04,260 up, and what might not be a big deal to you may be something earth shattering to someone else. But if you're On that precipice where you're, you know, all it
409 01:15:04,260 --> 01:15:13,890 takes is a small little nudge by somebody, and you're going to lose your shit, you're going to lose your mind, you're gonna go off, and you're not gonna be
410 01:15:13,890 --> 01:15:25,560 able to control contain your emotions. If you feel that way, like if you feel that the worst thing you can do is going to the marketplace. It never turns out
411 01:15:25,560 --> 01:15:36,600 well, it never never turns out well. And I went in this morning with that mindset, like I wanted somebody's ass, like, I wanted to tear up something bad.
412 01:15:37,740 --> 01:15:47,130 And then I was going to pee kocot all over social media. Because I wanted a war. I wanted it, it was an outlet. So
413 01:15:48,810 --> 01:16:01,170 now because there's closure to this, I feel much more balanced, because I've talked to you, because you're all part of the family here, you're a part of the
414 01:16:02,130 --> 01:16:16,410 this ICT clique, and the cult of winning, You are the closest individuals, there's going to understand what I'm saying about this than anyone else see, you
415 01:16:16,410 --> 01:16:27,210 know what it feels like to be inspired or lowered into the marketplace based on these little lines on this chart? Do you know what that feels like? The field
416 01:16:27,210 --> 01:16:34,320 like it's telling you to get in there and do something. And you know what it feels like when you're right. And you know what it feels like when you're wrong.
417 01:16:34,860 --> 01:16:48,330 My wife doesn't know that. She doesn't understand that at all. So she's happy now. And I'm happy because I've been able to explain what I've been wrestling
418 01:16:48,330 --> 01:16:56,820 with the last two weeks. It's been since really the first week of September. And it just progressively got worse, because we were supposed to close on next
419 01:16:56,820 --> 01:17:08,070 Monday for the house. And while that could really I guess still happen, the sellers were not able to move their things out. Because of all this other stuff.
420 01:17:08,400 --> 01:17:16,830 Then they couldn't they couldn't sell the house on the on the Monday that's coming. Because they Liz pendants was on the house still. So I gave them an
421 01:17:16,830 --> 01:17:26,610 extension on next Friday, and let them get their last bit of things out. And then it's done. Because I know that's happening. And because I know where's
422 01:17:26,610 --> 01:17:41,820 closure, I'm able to, I guess, talk to you all, I guess the way I'm doing it now. And maybe it's maybe it's not interesting to you, I really don't care.
423 01:17:42,510 --> 01:17:51,870 These types of things are very therapeutic for me. And maybe it's something that's helpful to some of you, maybe you maybe you get something out of this,
424 01:17:51,870 --> 01:18:01,740 maybe you feel like you can connect with me as your mentor better, because you may be experienced these types of things, maybe not to the degree, like I
425 01:18:01,740 --> 01:18:12,300 explain. Maybe, maybe it's a little bit less in terms of intensity. But all of us are human, we're all going to have these problems. We're all going to have
426 01:18:12,810 --> 01:18:23,940 these issues that creep in. And you're gonna have to make a decision, do you really want to bring yourself misery if you do it wrong, so you're not going to
427 01:18:23,940 --> 01:18:39,360 see it like that? At the time, and it's going to take a great deal of self control. To say no, you're not going to be able to do it many times, you're
428 01:18:39,360 --> 01:18:47,520 gonna just fall victim to yourself. You're gonna go in there start clicking buttons and pushing buttons. And the worst thing that can happen is
429 01:18:52,650 --> 01:19:06,990 well, I guess now it just dawned on me. That guy corbs is over there. Across the pond. Okay, he's glad he's globe trotting, bouncing around over there. And I
430 01:19:06,990 --> 01:19:22,380 don't know where he's at, to be honest with you. Where he's at his internet service sucks. But I think what he's feeling is there is a disconnect between
431 01:19:22,380 --> 01:19:35,100 him and his audience. And because he's working very hard to try to grow his channel and his community. I think that he feels that separation anxiety.
432 01:19:35,760 --> 01:19:46,200 Knowing that, you know, he's used to having that live interaction. That continuity has now been disrupted. For for reasons outside of his control. Now,
433 01:19:46,590 --> 01:19:58,200 put yourself in his shoes for a moment. Okay, and understand and think about what he's been very honest about the last two videos. He says I'm having a hard
434 01:19:58,200 --> 01:20:07,770 time doing this and having a hard time You're gonna, and I know I should be taking something on these trades when I'm down, but I won't. So what I think
435 01:20:07,770 --> 01:20:20,430 he's doing is he's trying to feel good about something else he's able to conquer. So he wants to be able to find a connection to do his live streams. But
436 01:20:20,430 --> 01:20:32,340 because he's been prevented the mail in him, the caveman bows a deer, right by my truck. I'm in a parking lot at the hospital rip the street from where my home
437 01:20:32,340 --> 01:20:53,130 is. And there is a bagel dough and the hunter guys, but she's literally right walking right next to the truck. Wow. Look at you, girl. She's looking at me
438 01:20:53,130 --> 01:20:53,340 now.
439 01:20:58,380 --> 01:21:01,290 I'm wondering if I can take a picture while we're
440 01:21:03,060 --> 01:21:34,710 talking? Should I go Should I take up pictures I shared? Oh, there's another one. What the hell is going on. That's a second deer coming in here. We're in a
441 01:21:34,710 --> 01:21:55,950 parking lot of a hospital and it does roll around. Anyway, get back to this court things enclose this circus act. So corpse has this desire to do his live
442 01:21:55,950 --> 01:22:06,450 streams, but he's unable to do so. So now he can't fix that. He can't do it. He wants to do. But he can't. It's outside his control is outside of his hands. But
443 01:22:08,130 --> 01:22:20,370 the man in the calendar caveman is saying to himself, let's go out there with our club and bonk the market over the head and take a victory and feel good
444 01:22:20,370 --> 01:22:31,440 about that. Because I can't do live streams. I'm gonna go out there and feel good because I've conquered the market. And I'll compensate for myself that way.
445 01:22:33,720 --> 01:22:41,430 That's what I personally believe he's experiencing. And if he's listening, it'd be interesting for him to either say Nah, it's not happening ICT or if it is
446 01:22:41,700 --> 01:22:51,930 like, Yes, that's it. Or maybe he didn't know now he's able to think about like this. But I'm quite certain if I was in his situation, those are the very things
447 01:22:51,930 --> 01:23:02,580 I'd be trying to do. Because I can't make that man take that list pendants off, he had to be paid for, or had to be bought out by the seller to do that. That
448 01:23:02,580 --> 01:23:09,000 was the whole reason why I did it. Nothing was going to tell him to take it off until he got to court and then lose and then paying damages. And he wasn't gonna
449 01:23:09,000 --> 01:23:22,110 do that either. But he knew us waiting. As long as it may take to get to that point. You know that it's, we're gonna make a move before that in $2 million in
450 01:23:22,110 --> 01:23:34,050 property in a high of the market like it is that the seller is going to make a move, and he did. So corbs is probably doing very much like what I'm outlining
451 01:23:34,050 --> 01:23:45,720 here. He's doing things impulsively. And then that takes him out of his focus. Instead of saying, This is what I do. This is what I'm supposed to do. And this
452 01:23:45,720 --> 01:23:55,590 is the methodology I should be following. He even reported that in his discussion about himself. He knew in the trades, I should be doing this. But he
453 01:23:55,620 --> 01:24:07,470 won't do it. Why? Because he is being denied something that he wants to do with his community. He wants to be able to do something that he's been doing daily
454 01:24:07,860 --> 01:24:20,550 ish, as he says, except for Fridays. But he can't do it. Not because he can't do it. He can't do it, because he's been denied from an outside source, which is
455 01:24:20,550 --> 01:24:32,490 the internet provider where he's at. So that sense of what frustration, that denial of something that would be reasonable to expect and something he's used
456 01:24:32,490 --> 01:24:42,870 to doing. He can't do it. So what is it doing? It's taking him out of his mental focus, his role based idea of what he should be doing, how to keep himself
457 01:24:43,230 --> 01:24:52,890 disciplined, and what is he should be doing when he's in a trade. That's what I find fascinating about him because he's a he's like a test tube for everybody to
458 01:24:52,890 --> 01:25:03,330 see. And it's beneficial for you. Who cares if he doesn't trade like us? That's not the point. Have I ever looked at him and said, Look what he's doing wrong
459 01:25:03,330 --> 01:25:14,610 there. I haven't done that. And I don't want to do that I have no intention of doing that. I'm not trying to press on him to learn to be like us, I saw so many
460 01:25:14,610 --> 01:25:26,310 of you, commenting you learn from ICT, don't do that, please, you're going to embarrass me. That's not what I'm doing. Okay. I believe he is a great resource
461 01:25:26,580 --> 01:25:37,590 for studying the psychology of a trader. It matters not to me if he makes money or not, the fact that he's willing to spend the time that he does, and then
462 01:25:37,680 --> 01:25:51,210 expressing this, his experiences, He's not holding it back. And I think that is a breath of fresh air for people that are learning how to do this. If you watch
463 01:25:51,300 --> 01:25:59,850 and listen to what he's saying, you're going to resonate with that, especially if you're trading before you're supposed to. Okay, I think that you will
464 01:25:59,850 --> 01:26:12,690 resonate with what he explains that he feels as a mental barrier, and some of the things that he feels good about what he does. But mostly the struggles of
465 01:26:12,840 --> 01:26:22,500 finding yourself, especially in this type of volatility, because the volatility will make you fall in love with the potential
466 01:26:23,909 --> 01:26:34,919 the potential of making a lot of money. Yeah, it's there. It's there every day. But this volatility is creating romances in many people's minds. And they're
467 01:26:34,919 --> 01:26:49,349 thinking, Man, I'm gonna and I fell victim to it almost today. ICT almost got wrapped up in some love triangle shit. Okay. Michael, missy, and the s&p, and I
468 01:26:49,349 --> 01:27:01,739 got news for you guys. My wife ain't sharing our relationship. Okay, there's no Manassa trois. With my wife, it's not gonna happen. But that type of thing.
469 01:27:02,999 --> 01:27:11,969 Where men get wrapped up with their routine, if they get taken out of it, it takes us completely off our focus. And I think that's really what's going on
470 01:27:11,969 --> 01:27:23,729 with with corpse. And maybe that makes sense to you. Now, maybe it makes sense to what happens in your own trading and your own analysis. How do you feel when
471 01:27:23,729 --> 01:27:39,629 your normal routine is disrupted? Okay. Do you have unexpected guests? Okay, I have a student that, you know, opened their home up to a inlaw. Okay, and he
472 01:27:39,629 --> 01:27:52,529 admittedly did not want them, staying with them. But trying to be the good spouse, trying to be the one that, you know, I guess, tries to do whatever to
473 01:27:52,529 --> 01:28:06,659 keep peace in the house. Said, Okay, they can stay here. And it's caused a nightmare for his routine, as a husband, a father, an employee at the place
474 01:28:06,659 --> 01:28:13,919 where he works, and then come home, and he's had to learn how to trade and then he has to find time to trade. And this individual in the house, they're leaving
475 01:28:13,919 --> 01:28:21,959 things out, when normally that doesn't go on in their house, these types of things. He's completely taking him out of focus. And he goes, does this sound
476 01:28:21,959 --> 01:28:32,789 like I'm being overbearing or frivolous? It's like, No, first of all, I wouldn't let him I live with me. Okay. Number two, yes, I will be out of my mind. Like,
477 01:28:32,819 --> 01:28:41,489 I'm a person that everything has to have its own place. And if it's out of place, I'm going to know. And if it's disruptive, needs sit down and say, hey,
478 01:28:41,489 --> 01:28:49,379 look, you know, this is the way I need you to conduct yourself here. Because not only is it disruptive to me in my thought process, but once I'm out of whack,
479 01:28:49,619 --> 01:28:59,129 okay, and unable to focus, and I'm risking money, and I can't have any messing with my fucking money. Okay, so this is where you got to get your permission
480 01:28:59,129 --> 01:29:10,019 from me that you can say that word, but you got to find your own solutions. And you got to find your own rhyme and reason is that you know, how you find
481 01:29:10,439 --> 01:29:19,079 continuity in your life. Because if you don't have continuity, if you don't have the means of adjusting and adapting to what's going on, it's going to take you
482 01:29:19,079 --> 01:29:28,739 out of your, your focus. And you'll have the same types of things that corbs has been talking about in the last few videos. And I think that's such a great
483 01:29:28,739 --> 01:29:45,359 teaching tool. It's such a great well, foundation to Trader psychology, because that's rarely tapped into. Rarely is that ever really brought up as a means of
484 01:29:45,419 --> 01:29:59,519 undoing oneself in the marketplace. Because I had done that to myself when I was in my 20s I did not understand the impact of something as simple as I'm not able
485 01:29:59,519 --> 01:30:10,949 to do what I'm I'm supposed to do normally. So what am I going to do? I'm going to look for a feel good victory. I want a rocky moment. Well, if you remember in
486 01:30:10,949 --> 01:30:25,799 rocky one Apollo fucked him up. He didn't when he got bucked up. So yeah, he survived. But he didn't get new championship, he got his ass whooped. So, just
487 01:30:25,799 --> 01:30:32,789 remember, that's where it's gonna most likely feel like you're gonna get it. And you might do a good job of slugging it out. But you're going home fucked up. So
488 01:30:32,939 --> 01:30:41,129 you got to stay focused, you got to stay focused, understand why you're doing it and don't get taken out of focus. And if your routine it's all out of whack,
489 01:30:42,029 --> 01:30:52,169 something's bringing, you know, inconsistency and disrupting your continuity and your everyday life. That right there is a warning sign do not go in if you feel
490 01:30:52,169 --> 01:31:01,679 like you want to get revenge, or you want to feel good moment, you want to feel like an animal or add a gal, you did something great. Don't look to the market
491 01:31:01,679 --> 01:31:10,199 for that feel good moment. Don't ever look to the market like that. Now, if you do something and you feel good, there's nothing wrong about that. But don't use
492 01:31:10,199 --> 01:31:15,869 that as your inspiration for going in and trading. Because if you do that, what's going to happen is and I'm closing on this point,
493 01:31:17,310 --> 01:31:26,670 you're going to trade more times than you're supposed to? Or should do, you're going to use more leverage. And chances are, you're not going to use a stop loss
494 01:31:26,700 --> 01:31:36,120 effectively or at all. Because you're going in with a one sided perspective that it's only going to work out in your favor. Because you need it to
495 01:31:36,120 --> 01:31:51,030 psychologically and emotionally. You need that victory. And you cannot envision anything but that. Now, what did you just do? You created the invitation, VIP
496 01:31:51,030 --> 01:32:04,590 invitation to that brokerage firm, sending your ass home with a blown account. Because that's exactly what that recipe brings you. In stunning fashion. I've
497 01:32:04,590 --> 01:32:16,590 done that when I was 20 years old. Everything. Everything that I did in those instances resulted in a losing trade. And it would be a bigger trade with more
498 01:32:16,590 --> 01:32:33,210 leverage, and no stop loss. And soybeans close me out. That was it. Wrapped up. Run up and done. And that's what's gonna happen to any of you if you don't
499 01:32:33,210 --> 01:32:43,020 listen. Because you're not thinking clearly. And you're doing all the wrong things, but it's not going to feel like that. Because in your mind, all I need
500 01:32:43,020 --> 01:32:51,510 is this feel good move. No, no, no, no, no, stop. Stop that. That's, that's bullshit. You know, you're bullshitting yourself. Nobody's there to tell you
501 01:32:51,510 --> 01:32:59,250 this, I'm telling you right now, you're full of shit. Because if you get away with it, then you're going to do it again. And then what's going to happen, it's
502 01:32:59,250 --> 01:33:06,690 going to bring your ass at a later time. So the worst thing you can happen is if you win, if you make money in that instance, that's the worst toxic thing you
503 01:33:06,690 --> 01:33:16,110 could have done yourself. Because you'll make that mistake again. You don't want to make that mistake. So I'm telling you don't look at the market like that.
504 01:33:16,920 --> 01:33:24,840 Don't come home pissed off because your boss maybe leaned on you. Okay, or denied a vacation or gave it promotion somebody else and you've been working
505 01:33:24,840 --> 01:33:33,840 hard and you deserve it. Okay, or you just don't like where you're at, you're pissed off. You came home in traffic, somebody bumped in your car, you had an
506 01:33:33,930 --> 01:33:47,100 accident or something. Now you need to do what you need to feel rewarded for putting up with all the bullshit of everyday life. And you're going to treat the
507 01:33:47,100 --> 01:34:00,270 market like the lottery. Because you deserve to win today. Well, you don't deserve to win. Nobody deserves that when you earn that. Okay, there's no
508 01:34:00,270 --> 01:34:12,360 deserving shit. Okay, you earn it. But you cannot earn it consistently. If you're doing dumb shit. And dumb shit is going to be a result of you going in
509 01:34:12,720 --> 01:34:22,800 looking for a feel good moment, while your personal life is in disarray. And it may not even be that big of a deal, but in our minds, you know, your spouse did
510 01:34:22,800 --> 01:34:34,500 something stupid. Now I'm gonna tell you, this is one thing that's going to be looked at by you all, like, really? That's a big fucking deal this guy. I have a
511 01:34:34,500 --> 01:34:47,010 lot of books. And my books, sometimes. If I'm reading them, I'll place them down. And I'll walk away from and they have to be exactly how I left them. If
512 01:34:47,010 --> 01:34:56,250 someone's moved in, my mind is going to be thinking okay, they open them up. And the page I have with a monochrome is then been moved because my youngest son,
513 01:34:56,250 --> 01:35:06,330 he's a touchy feely kind of guy. He's wanting to touch everything, move things. He's around look at shit. You know, I love him to death. But I just I can't, my
514 01:35:06,330 --> 01:35:22,740 mind won't let me do that. So that one little thing if that happens before I get into the pm session, because I homeschool that's going to be in my mind like,
515 01:35:23,310 --> 01:35:33,870 shit, he moved my placeholder, and I gotta go through and find like, that's, that's all it takes for me. That's all it takes for me. So it's a real hard
516 01:35:33,870 --> 01:35:44,670 thing living with ICT living with ICT would be a crazy asset calm, like it would be nuts, you really understand how hard it is for me to manage like you're
517 01:35:44,670 --> 01:35:55,140 seeing Howie Mandel, he does a really good job of hiding his mental illness. But when he's open about what he lives with, like, it brings me to tears all the
518 01:35:55,140 --> 01:36:08,520 time, because I know what that feels like, I know what it feels like to live with this. And to be able to, to sit down and separate everything else that's
519 01:36:08,520 --> 01:36:17,580 going on in the world in my own personal life. And the only thing that matters is these candlesticks. What is priced dealing right now in this time interval?
520 01:36:17,910 --> 01:36:30,600 Where is price at? How can I implement what I know? What's the algorithm going to do next. And I have no correlation to why I'm doing something as a reason for
521 01:36:30,600 --> 01:36:45,840 feeling good about what's happened in my life. That's a that's a wrestling match all the time. And it's every day. It's an everyday instance. So when I'm done,
522 01:36:46,380 --> 01:36:56,760 and I've been given a really well, I guess, positive outcome, I'm thankful to the Lord, I always give thanks to Him. And even when I lose, I'm thankful.
523 01:36:56,760 --> 01:37:07,230 That's all I lost. Okay, I do lose once in a while and you'll see it, I'll show it to you. But when it happens, I'm thankful that I don't lose as much as I
524 01:37:07,230 --> 01:37:20,850 could have on days like today. Like today, I could have been in there doing a lot of things the run up the account. But let's just say that trade that I was
525 01:37:20,850 --> 01:37:29,640 long in, that I left that limit order in and I would have never been filled. And I second guessed that just for a second because I was talking to my son because
526 01:37:29,820 --> 01:37:38,670 many times I have to tell Caleb, listen, don't talk, just listen to dad, I'm gonna give you the dialogue. Because if you ask me any questions, right, at this
527 01:37:38,670 --> 01:37:47,970 moment, it's gonna distract me and I won't be able to focus. And if I lose money, then I'm going to be angry. So that way, you know, I won't have any
528 01:37:47,970 --> 01:37:58,170 reason for feeling angry at you, or the instance of you asking a question, I want you to know what your questions going to be asking, like, I want that
529 01:37:58,170 --> 01:38:07,440 answer given to you. But just let that do what he's doing. And let me finish what I'm doing. And then I'll give you the time to any questions. Anything you
530 01:38:07,440 --> 01:38:17,280 want to ask me then yes. But if you asked me a question when the markets moving, that's going to completely take me out of focus. And that's one of the things
531 01:38:17,280 --> 01:38:27,120 that was very hard for a lot of my students when I was doing the first year mentorship, and I was trying to sit down with them in price. And outlining what
532 01:38:27,120 --> 01:38:34,890 it's going to be like for them to sit in front of price and what they're going to be feeling what this looks like and kind of like pantomiming the students
533 01:38:34,890 --> 01:38:44,190 sitting down in front of charts, and this is what you should expect. This is what you're gonna be feeling. Then I got 865 people asking me, you know, what
534 01:38:44,190 --> 01:38:52,140 about this? And why do you let this happen? You didn't buy here? Why did this happen? Is this an order block? What's this? And I felt like I needed to answer
535 01:38:52,140 --> 01:39:01,920 every single one on but I couldn't. And it was just like, I'm like a deer in headlights. And I'm caring more about their questions that I can't answer versus
536 01:39:01,950 --> 01:39:12,810 watching price. And it was a nightmare. I will I will never open myself up to that again. Because it's just, I can't focus. I cannot focus. Contrast that with
537 01:39:12,810 --> 01:39:19,770 what you see me doing with a live account. You just see my entries. You can see how I'm managing the position like Clearly. Clearly these things work. I know
538 01:39:19,770 --> 01:39:28,080 how to trade, but I cannot trade. If I have someone in my ear constantly. Hey, what about this? What about that? Why didn't you do this? Can this be looked at
539 01:39:28,080 --> 01:39:39,000 can you trade this? What about gold? I'm looking at the s&p or I'm looking at Forex. And these folks come up to me all the time. What about gold? Or what
540 01:39:39,000 --> 01:39:46,860 about DOLLAR YEN? Man don't talk to me about the fucking in. I don't want to hear about yen I can't fucking stand yen. Okay, it's so heavily mentally. I
541 01:39:46,860 --> 01:40:04,530 don't like it. I can't stand it. So you're gonna find all these little things in your development that set you off these little quirky yes Shit that just takes
542 01:40:04,530 --> 01:40:12,750 you completely out of your focus. And you'll probably have those experiences that corpse explaining as dialogues, saying, hey, look, this is the way it is.
543 01:40:13,620 --> 01:40:23,580 I'm having a struggle with this. And the best thing you can do is be honest, I can be honest with yourself. And, you know, I'm going to ask him in his
544 01:40:23,580 --> 01:40:32,100 comments, probably tonight for I go to bed. I'll go to his channel and post a comment on this most recent one. And ask him if he journals I don't? I don't
545 01:40:32,100 --> 01:40:41,130 think he's been asked that he has. I don't know if he's answered if he does or doesn't. But I think it'll be interesting to see if he journals and if he
546 01:40:41,130 --> 01:40:55,320 journals does he record what it is that he feels and how he reacts to all those things. But, you know, we'll see, we'll see what happens with
547 01:41:00,359 --> 01:41:07,139 what he does with himself with a journal, whether it uses a journal or not the interesting thing now.
548 01:41:15,510 --> 01:41:29,160 But I think this is going to close this one, kind of talk myself to a point where I'm ready to go home and stretch out grab a shower. I spent probably a
549 01:41:29,160 --> 01:41:38,970 little bit more time talking than I should have done. I got a lot of things off my chest, maybe. Maybe this was entertaining it. Maybe you found something
550 01:41:38,970 --> 01:41:50,190 insightful from the discussion. If not, you know, I apologize. I didn't mean to waste any of your time. But I think that if you found something in this, I think
551 01:41:50,190 --> 01:42:05,670 it'll be helpful to you going forward. And I'm sure I'll be tickling your Twitter tomorrow. Big news tomorrow, and 830 and 10 o'clock so just be mindful
552 01:42:05,670 --> 01:42:14,910 that volatility. Think that is going to be it for this one tonight. So until I talk to you next time, be safe.