
Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2023-02-24 09:41


00:44 - What happened to the audio of my live stream.

03:51 - Daily low of the day vs. daily high.

10:11 - S&P divergence -.

13:20 - What’s on my chart?

20:15 - How I share my view on my live stream.

23:19 - What is the fair value gap?

31:19 - Don't question me if I'm telling you to do something.

35:15 - What are we expecting? -.

43:37 - Don't do these things because this is what you don’t want to do.

51:32 - Algorithms are causing all the problems.

54:17 - I'm telling you where price is going to go -.

01:01:35 - There’s no algorithm, there’s no algorithm.

01:05:03 - It’s doing what it’s told to do -.

01:11:11 - The first time you’re introduced to this, you’re intimidated by it.

01:14:04 - It won’t happen overnight and it won’t happen overnight.

01:21:07 - It’s scary what you believed before -.

01:24:42 - What happens when you call out in advance and show your executions.

01:34:05 - The advantages and proof that none of this shit was ever going to work.

01:40:51 - Don’t listen to the bad advice from people that aren’t doing anything.

01:44:50 - When you’re chemically imbalanced, you have unrealistic expectations.

01:53:21 - You have rushed into trading with live money -.

01:56:45 - Why you need to be fearful of real money trading.

02:02:39 - Trading on one contract -.

02:06:29 - What are you going to do with it? How long are you going to hold onto it?

02:13:44 - There is no supply and demand unless you’re talking about commodities.

02:17:14 - How do you know what’s going to help you see how fast this compounds?

02:24:39 - Algorithms are like the middleman for your trades -.

02:29:54 - Central bank digital currencies and crypto traders think they have it all figured out.

02:32:34 - They’re owned by the leaders.

02:37:59 - There’s no difference between giving him a heroin addiction and enabling it.

02:40:49 - My wife asks me if I’m trading bitcoin.

02:46:54 - You asked for this and they created the environment.

02:49:36 - How the US government created Bitcoin.

02:55:03 - We’re the big swinging dicks of the world.

02:58:17 - What’s your biggest problem right now? You have no idea what is coming.

03:05:44 - Your perception of the world and everything around you is shaped and molded by these things.

03:12:26 - Why he is the way he is and what he does.

03:16:01 - Conspiracy theory is fact.

03:22:48 - The man who gave the polio virus to Africa is a plague.

03:26:11 - What’s going to happen to the people who have taken the vaccine.

03:34:10 - If it was transferable, why didn’t they get it?

03:37:56 - Why I’m doing this.

03:44:35 - I don’t have any energy.


00:00:44,130 --> 00:01:04,440 ICT: It's one of these moments where a person feels extremely fragile, and the very expensive shit that's around them looks very, very inviting to break. So
00:01:04,470 --> 00:01:17,280 obviously, I just gave one of the best live streams I've ever had ever done. And I talked about things that were on the fly, typical me. And even I was in all
00:01:17,310 --> 00:01:27,330 some of the shit that came into my mouth tonight. But unfortunately, something happened with the audio. And I don't know what it was, it wasn't the headset, it
00:01:27,330 --> 00:01:38,970 was something of the OBS. And I don't know what it is that I did wrong, the only thing I was doing was changing. And transitioning from one chart to the next. So
00:01:40,050 --> 00:01:55,380 what I gathered by what everyone's saying in the tweets is apparently when I went to the Eurodollar, the audio was lost. So that's pretty much the majority
00:01:55,380 --> 00:02:13,950 of what I was talking about. So that kind of bytes. So I'm going to go to the Euro dollar chart. And I guess you can just use the live stream, scrub over to
00:02:13,950 --> 00:02:26,730 the the portion where it shows the Euro dollar chart, the five minute chart. And I guess for most of you that had been with me for a long time, you really didn't
00:02:26,730 --> 00:02:39,570 need me to say anything. When I was pointing at the chart, and showing you the dollar index at the bottom of it. You already knew what I was saying. So
00:02:39,570 --> 00:02:49,590 unfortunately, I had some really good one liners that come to me naturally on the fly. And I didn't have the recording. Like sometimes I'll do the recording
10 00:02:49,590 --> 00:03:02,160 with the OBS. I was rushed to get everything put together more specifically with all the annotations on the Eurodollar chart before I started the stream, so I
11 00:03:02,160 --> 00:03:14,580 forgot to push it. So it's what it is sorry. But because I'm not doing anything tomorrow, and I want to make sure you have something in the close out this week
12 00:03:14,580 --> 00:03:25,590 together and not just pay a facet, because it's not my nature. To do that. I want you to look at the Euro dollar five minute chart. And what I was going over
13 00:03:25,590 --> 00:03:48,090 is how that Judas swing that starts with the bearish breaker in the euro in the European Zone, your Euro kills him for London that run up the purge the buyside
14 00:03:48,090 --> 00:03:58,170 liquidity. If you add that fit, like I showed in the video, it gives you a standard deviation of negative three, which essentially is the low of the day
15 00:03:58,980 --> 00:04:14,130 that's forming. When we're looking at Forex, and this is what I was talking about when I had to chart out in ES the daily low or the daily high isn't framed
16 00:04:15,810 --> 00:04:29,310 easily like it is with Forex, like usually Forex will pretty much cap the entire daily range by noon, New York local time. And I mentioned I'm not sure if it
17 00:04:29,310 --> 00:04:41,550 made its way into the live streams audio. But I changed my time setting at the bottom of the charts that way it shows real 12 hour time that 24 hour and but
18 00:04:41,550 --> 00:04:55,800 it's still local New York, New York local time. So that way when I'm talking about very specific times it will be easier to see it based on the lecture notes
19 00:04:55,860 --> 00:05:05,820 that everyone sees on my YouTube channel because I've been very I'm often confused with talking to students all around the world in different time zones.
20 00:05:06,960 --> 00:05:17,100 And when they asked me about certain things, I get lost in the conversation because they're trying to use their local time. And it's very difficult and
21 00:05:17,100 --> 00:05:26,130 confusing for me to try to articulate certain things that occur. So I force everyone to have this perspective. So I made a change, which is going to be, I'm
22 00:05:26,130 --> 00:05:35,940 sure problematic for everyone that's been utilizing the tweets, or if they come to them after the fact, because I'm talking about 24 hour time, which is easily
23 00:05:35,940 --> 00:05:43,800 converted. But you'd be surprised how a lot of people don't know that. And it's going to be another source of confusion. But this way, hopefully, going forward,
24 00:05:44,610 --> 00:05:51,270 you know, it'll be a lot easier, at least for me. So it has to be easier for me to do this. And as long as I'm not confused about who I'm talking to about what
25 00:05:51,270 --> 00:06:04,500 I'm talking about, everybody else should be able to catch up over time. But on forex, the range typically is kept by London close, and that's 10 o'clock in the
26 00:06:04,500 --> 00:06:15,570 morning to Denon, I'm sure some of you will be sending me a message on trading view asking me what the indicator is that's plotting the New York open London
27 00:06:15,570 --> 00:06:26,580 close in London Open kill zone areas on that Euro dollar chart. And I draw my things out manually is I like doing it. So I don't like having indicators
28 00:06:26,580 --> 00:06:35,370 plotting shit for me. Fair Value gaps, I know which ones work. So I don't want an indicator that's going to plot every single one of them because that's not
29 00:06:35,370 --> 00:06:43,470 going to be beneficial. In fact, it'll draw your attention to things in the chart that are not really pertinent to what the markets doing right then in
30 00:06:43,470 --> 00:06:50,910 there. So I'm not a fan of this No disrespect on there's a few of them out there that have respect for me, but are creating indicators that are being shared on
31 00:06:50,910 --> 00:07:01,380 trading view. And I'm not of the opinion that that's a good thing. So I'm making that known. I'm not trying to say don't do this, because I'm providing the
32 00:07:01,380 --> 00:07:09,000 information. I don't care if you're getting grocery money with it, I don't care. Okay. I'm just saying I don't believe that that's the right way to do it.
33 00:07:09,240 --> 00:07:18,690 Because you're going to be plotting every single separation between three, three candles with one in the middle and calling that a fair value gap. And it's not.
34 00:07:20,100 --> 00:07:31,380 That that's not that's not valid. Okay, so you'll learn more about it as we go throughout this year, but in ES or stock index futures, the the range can go
35 00:07:31,380 --> 00:07:47,400 beyond what Forex can do in London close, it can encapsulate the daily range for forex. But stock index futures can go beyond that. So where Euro dollar and
36 00:07:47,400 --> 00:07:58,530 POUND DOLLAR and other foreign currencies, they may be done for the day, they made their daily range, stock index futures can go beyond London close, which is
37 00:07:58,530 --> 00:08:11,820 why we have a pm session. And usually the pm session in forex is this meat, it doesn't do much at all. Whereas in stock index futures, you'll have a whole lot
38 00:08:11,820 --> 00:08:24,510 more movement many times. So for forex, the daily range is encapsulated by the Europeans kill zone or London Open Cree and a higher low of the day. And then 10
39 00:08:24,510 --> 00:08:31,740 o'clock to noon, New York local time, that creates the opposite end of the rain. So if you look at that Euro dollar chart, I was talking about how it created the
40 00:08:31,740 --> 00:08:39,240 high and low the day as I teach it in my content, the algorithm and I had some really good discussion, he would say because it's gonna piss you off even more,
41 00:08:39,480 --> 00:08:56,340 it's pissing me off now because I had some really good points. And I had a really nice out. Not everyone had a nice I'm fatigued. I'm fatigued right now.
42 00:08:56,340 --> 00:09:07,170 So I'm trying to make good on not being able to deliver the audio at a really good analogy that as I was saying, I was like this is this is really good. This
43 00:09:07,170 --> 00:09:16,080 is gonna be one of those top tier live streams where it was very educational. So I'm gonna, when I'm done doing this, which is going to be nowhere near the level
44 00:09:16,080 --> 00:09:27,540 of delivery I did in that livestream, but you couldn't hear it. I will do a shot on Saturday with most of the things I talked about that I can recall, so that we
45 00:09:27,720 --> 00:09:44,790 can like recant all that stuff. But the Euro dollar chart shows that bearish breaker and the divergence at that at that third time it touched the bearish
46 00:09:44,790 --> 00:10:03,390 breaker. And you see that occurring at the 9:50am during the New York open kill zone it's touching the Low, oh, that bearish breaker, that pink rectangle as a
47 00:10:03,390 --> 00:10:14,490 hit that that lower high in Euro was met with a lower low in dollar which is not symmetrical. So that's s&p divergence. And what I was stating at the time of
48 00:10:14,490 --> 00:10:26,700 that recording that you didn't hear was the fact that we've been looking for dollar index to go higher. And with it going higher on the daily chart, wanting
49 00:10:26,700 --> 00:10:38,010 it to go higher, we're expecting the Eurodollar to be in a cell program. So all of its premium arrays would be what utilized for going short. And we can ferret
50 00:10:38,010 --> 00:10:41,730 out the better ones when there's real distribution in Euro
51 00:10:43,110 --> 00:10:55,800 when we see the dollar index, not confirming, so in a perfect world, that dollar index should have made a higher low when the lower high was being formed on Euro
52 00:10:55,800 --> 00:11:07,800 dollar rate, at the last time it touched that bearish breaker and then went lower, attacking the sell side below the lows formed at the six o'clock time in
53 00:11:07,800 --> 00:11:16,260 New York local time. And then the standard deviation for the Judas swing that starts in the bearish breaker up to the high where it says it's purged that by
54 00:11:16,260 --> 00:11:29,610 set liquidity, the standard deviation of negative three gives you the low of the day during the London closed kill zone. So it's the fact that we're forming the
55 00:11:29,610 --> 00:11:44,550 expected low based on that standard deviation. But the time it hits it, which is the London Open kill, I'm sorry, the London close that time meeting price, which
56 00:11:44,550 --> 00:11:56,370 is the standard deviation. When these two come together, then it's a complete picture, then that's your that's your daily range, you're done, you can walk
57 00:11:56,370 --> 00:12:03,330 away feeling confident that you have the lion's portion of the daily range behind you. And if it does move a little bit, it's probably gonna be very small,
58 00:12:03,990 --> 00:12:15,510 miniscule movement. And then who cares about that, you can leave a little bit of meat on the plate that the retail traders go after that break themselves going
59 00:12:15,510 --> 00:12:34,410 forward. The E Mini s&p When I was showing the newest opening gap chart, I was talking about how these imbalances on on the fair value gap theory. But applied
60 00:12:34,410 --> 00:12:43,230 to the gap that's created from Friday's closing price and Sunday's new opening price. In the midpoint of that was the consequent encroachment, how they act as
61 00:12:43,620 --> 00:12:56,040 magnets for fair value that the algorithm will sweep up to and down to old new week opening gaps and you're placing the minimum of the week you're trading
62 00:12:56,250 --> 00:13:05,880 right now. last Friday's closing price in Sunday's opening price. They have to be there and then four weeks going back. So there's five of them constantly on
63 00:13:05,880 --> 00:13:17,310 your chart, you're welcome to have as many as you can keep on your chart and not lose sight of the candlesticks. But I keep personally I keep five, the week I'm
64 00:13:17,310 --> 00:13:28,170 in right now. And looking back for more. So that's what's on my chart. Okay, the new day opening gap, I have that every single day. I have a template that shows
65 00:13:28,170 --> 00:13:39,720 every single new day opening gap. So you want to integrate into you want to create those templates, and I think is a limit to how many you can create on
66 00:13:39,720 --> 00:13:49,740 different tiers of subscription level. I don't know what those are. And I know some of you aren't willing to pay. And I'm not saying you should I don't get a
67 00:13:49,740 --> 00:13:58,200 kickback for it. I'm just saying I'm using this medium. Some of you are always complaining about your trading view this and why don't you use this amount to
68 00:13:58,200 --> 00:14:08,130 use that I used to use MetaTrader when I was just teaching Forex alone. And then when it was shown to the world that it's manipulated, and you can fake it. I
69 00:14:08,130 --> 00:14:16,200 didn't want to be a part of that. So I asked the community, which platform should I use collectively and majority of them said trading view. That's the
70 00:14:16,200 --> 00:14:23,670 only reason why I went to trading view I didn't look at trading music. Oh, wow. The I use what everybody in the community said that's a majority. So that's why
71 00:14:23,670 --> 00:14:33,720 we're here. So all I'm trying to do is find a medium that allows everyone to see the same thing. And that way if I'm doing something if if they ask a question
72 00:14:33,720 --> 00:14:43,290 about what it is that I'm doing with my chart, since I'm using TradingView and I'm asking my students while learning with me, at least this year, you follow
73 00:14:43,290 --> 00:14:51,420 along on TradingView. Once you learn how you're supposed to do this, then you can go trade whatever you want to use NinjaTrader you want to use trader they
74 00:14:51,450 --> 00:14:59,550 you want to whatever it is that you want to use. It still works because we're looking at the open high, low and close and there's nothing in trading view that
75 00:14:59,550 --> 00:15:08,910 you can't see somewhere else, it just makes it easier for me as an educator, when I'm teaching that we all have the same laboratory instruments. So
76 00:15:08,910 --> 00:15:18,480 everything is the same your you see everything the same way I show it. That's the only reason why I'm doing this training view legs. Okay, and this is what I
77 00:15:18,480 --> 00:15:25,830 was talking about during the live session too. There's, there's things that you're going to have to contend with just like I contend with it. And when I
78 00:15:25,830 --> 00:15:34,290 can't get out of a trade, even though it's paper, that ideal scenario of me getting out right, then when it's supposed to happen, sometimes trading you
79 00:15:34,320 --> 00:15:43,830 prevent that because it lags. And just won't let me do what it is that I'm trying to teach you to do, because there's a lag. And I don't know what causes
80 00:15:43,830 --> 00:15:54,930 it. And I'm sure they've been told by other people, but even with those Gremlins that creep into this. Okay, you can see that there's a rhyme and reason as to
81 00:15:54,930 --> 00:16:03,300 what price is dealing. And it's repeating. And I talked about the new week opening gap, since I mentioned it and just open to discussion about it last two
82 00:16:03,300 --> 00:16:16,800 weeks. There's a lot of attention around it, interest, and the new day opening gap and the consequent curtailment of those two respective imbalances. And now I
83 00:16:16,800 --> 00:16:31,500 taught the implied fair value gap. And yes, there's other things and I thought about trying to release one new thing each week. And it, it kind of hit me
84 00:16:31,500 --> 00:16:40,260 earlier this afternoon, I was taking a drive with my wife. And she asked me what I was in deep thought about because I was quiet she was Are you okay, I'm fine.
85 00:16:40,290 --> 00:16:49,920 I'm just thinking about what I want to do next week. And I started talking to her about it. And she said, Don't you think this is a lot of stuff like this is
86 00:16:49,920 --> 00:16:58,680 a lot of stuff. And if even there people that have been with you the longest time, if they don't know this stuff, the new students that are coming to you
87 00:16:58,680 --> 00:17:12,240 right now, I'm going to inundate you with stuff that's going to constantly have you spinning your wheels, and you won't learn how to use it effectively. So I
88 00:17:12,240 --> 00:17:22,830 think we have, I think I might do two more, two more concepts that are brand new. But what we have now, with the core content, last year's model, and the
89 00:17:22,830 --> 00:17:34,650 introduction of the weak opening gap, New Day opening gap, and the implied fair value gaps, that we have enough weapons to make you a savage, we can do that. I
90 00:17:34,650 --> 00:17:43,890 didn't need to do what I've done in the last few weeks, just using what's already on the YouTube channel, I can make you into a consistently disciplined
91 00:17:43,950 --> 00:17:50,940 speculator, I can do that. That doesn't mean that you're gonna be profitable, because that has to happen with a live account. And I'm not telling you to do
92 00:17:50,940 --> 00:18:02,610 that with live money ever. You have to make that decision. So when we look at these new week opening gaps, I spoke on the topic of how it goes back to
93 00:18:02,670 --> 00:18:16,140 constantly referring to them as a dynamic, fair value. So the concept still is fair value. It's going back to these levels because it is utilized to inspire
94 00:18:17,220 --> 00:18:31,110 large fund sentiment, not retail stop me out. It's to inspire fair value for large institutional investors that bring money into the marketplace. Because it
95 00:18:31,110 --> 00:18:47,400 comes back to these levels knowing that typically, they use the analysis of the previous week. And if the market has moved away from those levels, the algorithm
96 00:18:47,400 --> 00:18:57,750 prices in and it's coded to allow it to reprice back to those levels to offer opportunity for large flows to enter the marketplace. Not that large flows
97 00:18:57,750 --> 00:19:08,160 pushed price to these levels. It's going to go to those levels regardless how much buying and selling is going on. But when it happens, it's designing the
98 00:19:08,160 --> 00:19:20,970 very stage for participants to come into the marketplace, have real orders right then in there. And then the counterparty dance between smart money and the less
99 00:19:20,970 --> 00:19:39,000 informed trader begins. So I've talked about how if we go to the E Mini s&p template that I use when I'm trading it's the one that has the hourly chart in
100 00:19:39,000 --> 00:19:46,770 the upper left hand corner, the 15 minute chart in the lower left hand corner and in the one minute chart. So if you go to the video on the live stream, I'll
101 00:19:46,770 --> 00:19:55,590 give you a moment to scrub over to the One Minute we're expanded it large. This can be event so you can do that real quick.
102 00:20:08,700 --> 00:20:18,540 Alright, so one minute E Mini s&p futures contract chart, and I have all my annotations on it. I was talking to how this morning on the live stream that I
103 00:20:18,540 --> 00:20:34,320 was sharing my coaching session with Cameron. I outlined and I banned two people blocked two people on my Twitter account that sent me a tweet saying that I was
104 00:20:34,320 --> 00:20:46,770 talking about the direction both ways. And then I came back, I said, must be random. If you don't listen to the live stream, intently in understanding what
105 00:20:46,770 --> 00:20:56,700 I'm outlining, I'm giving you a narrative, what I really want to see, every time I talked about where the market was likely to do this, or do that, I would say,
106 00:20:56,730 --> 00:21:08,820 but I don't want to see that I want to see a run up into that fair value gap on the hourly chart, I kept going back to that, that is me telling you. Like when I
107 00:21:08,820 --> 00:21:19,920 say, on Twitter, I'll say gun to my head. Or if I'm in my commentaries, when I was dealing with commentaries for my students, if I have a period of time, where
108 00:21:20,370 --> 00:21:30,540 if I happen to be in front of them, I'm doing analysis, which was every day. If there's a time when I know, I'm between analysis points, where there's nothing I
109 00:21:30,540 --> 00:21:37,470 can do right now, because I'm waiting for more information. It just means I have to wait, I have to exercise patience. There is no setup right now, where I don't
110 00:21:37,470 --> 00:21:46,560 have a clear bias as to what I want to do at that very moment. Just because the time says it's time for another video, the markets, sometimes saying there's
111 00:21:46,560 --> 00:21:56,700 time to be doing nothing right now. So therefore, instead of being in my opinion, rude as an educator, because I can always find something to teach and
112 00:21:56,700 --> 00:22:05,490 talk about. I didn't want to just say there's no trade, just be be patient. The only time I ever did that is when I wasn't, well, when I was sick, and I lost my
113 00:22:05,490 --> 00:22:15,150 voice or just didn't feel well. That's the way it was. It was just you know, there is no session, but because I was always doing commentary. If it was
114 00:22:15,150 --> 00:22:24,720 between time when the market was suggesting to me there was something obvious to do, then I would say, Okay, this is what would happen if it's going to go
115 00:22:24,720 --> 00:22:37,590 higher. This is what it's likely to do. Otherwise, it might do this, and I don't know which one is going to do. So we're what we're in low probability. But even
116 00:22:37,590 --> 00:22:47,460 in those instances, I would say, gun to my head, that means I have to cosign right now, even though I wouldn't commit with a trade going into this. If I had
117 00:22:47,460 --> 00:22:56,730 to say right now based on what the charts are saying, at the very moment, and me talking about it over the charts and analysis, I always share my view. I was
118 00:22:56,730 --> 00:23:04,410 doing that live on the one minute chart with the ES this morning, I kept outlining the case, if it does this, then it would negate the idea or interest
119 00:23:04,410 --> 00:23:13,860 for me to go up into that fair value got if it trades down here to that bison imbalance. So it's on an efficiency, which is there's two, there's two dark blue
120 00:23:13,860 --> 00:23:25,410 lines, that center at 4005 and 400 1.5. That's that 15 minute fair value got. It's a buy side and sell side inefficiency. And I was talking about how if it
121 00:23:25,410 --> 00:23:38,880 went down there and traded below 41 11.75. Before 930 it completely negates the whole idea that I would expect that 60 minute fair value go. Now, for someone
122 00:23:39,180 --> 00:23:50,520 that's looking for trades, that's looking for the deciphering of how can I take a trade based on what you say right now. Or for someone that's listening and not
123 00:23:50,520 --> 00:24:03,990 really trying to learn? They're looking for something to evaluate from a transactional basis only. They hear two sides of the same coin. And it's 5050.
124 00:24:03,990 --> 00:24:15,030 And whatever happens, ICT is gonna come back on Twitter narratives. No, man, no. Okay. I literally said that, that I am telling my son I said I want it to go
125 00:24:15,030 --> 00:24:28,260 above 4025 trade up and that a 4030s because of that 60 minute fair value got that's my trade. That's what I wanted. I outlined every potential scenario that
126 00:24:28,260 --> 00:24:38,010 could have unfolded this morning. And I negated every single one of them saying I don't want that. I want the run up into the buy side and into that fair value
127 00:24:38,010 --> 00:24:48,360 gap. That's my trade. That's what I'm looking for. And I kept telling Cameron, we don't want to see this. But I said, that sellside liquidity pool that was
128 00:24:48,360 --> 00:24:58,380 formed in the lows between 530 and six o'clock if you have that one minute chart up that I was sharing in the live stream. I mentioned in this in the live stream
129 00:24:58,380 --> 00:25:04,620 this morning can go back and listen to it. I said I'm interested in seeing do they take it down, they're just below it by a little bit, run those stops and
130 00:25:04,620 --> 00:25:15,900 then reverse it, and take it back up and keep it inside the range. And then wait for 930 before they go into their fair value go. I want to see that. And then I
131 00:25:15,900 --> 00:25:29,400 said in that livestream at 930, the initial move at 930 is the fake move. That's the Judas swing. Go back and listen to it. I can't edit it. It's live streamed.
132 00:25:29,400 --> 00:25:40,560 It's not. It's not uploaded, recorded video. It's time and date stamped. It says it's been live streamed. It was only one Michael, in one time window between 815
133 00:25:40,560 --> 00:25:49,500 and 904. This morning, I can't be in more than one place at one time. Okay, I'm not on the present. So I can only be there live talking about whatever it is I
134 00:25:49,500 --> 00:25:58,140 was thinking about. There was no extra chart somewhere else and other laptops supposedly recording another outcome. I was literally taking you into the mind
135 00:25:58,710 --> 00:26:04,410 of inner circle trader saying, This is what I'm looking at right now. I'm reading every single one these candles I'm telling my son, this is what we're
136 00:26:04,410 --> 00:26:15,570 looking for. This is what I want to see. And at 930. If that fair value gap at Red fair value gap that was on the 60 minute chart. trading between what is it?
137 00:26:16,530 --> 00:26:17,250 How that is?
138 00:26:23,009 --> 00:26:41,129 4033 That's not right. 40 30.25 that level, the fairway get below the consequent crocin what's the midpoint 4030 25 or 50 cents, something like that? Is
139 00:26:41,129 --> 00:26:47,999 consequent encroachment. And then the higher the fair Vega, which is around 4030s.
140 00:26:54,210 --> 00:27:08,820 Only 37 and a quarter. Okay? If 930 hasn't seen that fairway got traded to yet. And we have a move going down after 930 This is what I was outlining and talking
141 00:27:08,820 --> 00:27:20,550 about. Data Judas swing, because I want to see it run into that 60 minute fair value gap. So if that's my trade, and that's what I was outlining and everything
142 00:27:20,550 --> 00:27:29,940 I was outlining this morning, if it was against that idea, I said but that's not what I want to see. Go back and listen to it. I'm hard lining it. There's no way
143 00:27:29,970 --> 00:27:40,650 any of you can fucking take that out of context. I was aiming, looking for price to go up to the buy side and dig into that 60 minute fair value gap. There is no
144 00:27:40,650 --> 00:27:49,680 fucking ambiguity at all. Net none. And so when I read these two jokers this morning, talk about this shit saying I'll see this is why I get mad and I can
145 00:27:49,680 --> 00:27:56,340 see how people get mad because it was like both sides are explained and then he comes back and says this and and I don't like the blind cheerleading that
146 00:27:56,340 --> 00:28:04,920 everybody does when they don't know what the fuck he's done or what's going on. People were fucking trading it. They know exactly what the fuck was going on. So
147 00:28:04,980 --> 00:28:11,520 that's the kind of shit I talked about in the last Twitter space. If I see that kind of shit, I ain't got any fucking time for you. I'm banning unblocking, I
148 00:28:11,520 --> 00:28:19,620 don't give a fuck what you think about me. Okay, I'm not going to waste my attention on that kind of shit. If you think I'm a fraud, the scammer Go fuck
149 00:28:19,620 --> 00:28:30,180 yourself. Okay, that's as plain as I can make it for you. Fuck you. Because I'm literally out here walking this shit live in a manner that nobody else has done
150 00:28:30,180 --> 00:28:38,010 before. And ain't nobody can do it either. You can do it, come out here and do it. And do it when I'm doing and I'll do it 20 Fucking five times better and
151 00:28:38,010 --> 00:28:47,340 more precise than you. I'm here for that is why I chose this medium Twitter. All the drama started here. I'm back here ending it. I'm closing the fucking
152 00:28:47,340 --> 00:29:01,080 chapter. Nobody's closing shit on me. I'm doing it. So when it hasn't at 930 trade up in the net 60 minute fair value gap. The initial move that you hear me
153 00:29:01,080 --> 00:29:14,910 described in the 930 opening session before I closed the session this morning to livestream while the GDP number was coming out I was explaining that I don't
154 00:29:14,910 --> 00:29:24,570 want this to happen, but I want this to happen. If it does this then I don't have a trade. I literally walked you through exactly how to look at the
155 00:29:24,570 --> 00:29:38,700 marketplace at 930. And you didn't need me. Which is why I wasn't fucking there. Hello. I had already outlined it. I've literally called the whole fucking
156 00:29:38,700 --> 00:29:54,720 narrative before it ever unfolded. That's foresight. That's ownership. That's authorship. That's fucking fingerprints all over that motherfucker. That dropped
157 00:29:54,720 --> 00:30:07,590 down on a 15 minute timeframe is dropping down into a 15 minute fair value guy. And it's also dropping down into a 15 minute order block that's bullish, go to
158 00:30:07,590 --> 00:30:17,850 and look at your 15 minute time frame. That's what you want me in this was supposed to be a really good market review. But you couldn't hear me talking, I
159 00:30:17,850 --> 00:30:26,160 was talking about how it drops down right into that fair value graph on the 50 minute time frame and stops to the tick inside of a bullish breaker that's on
160 00:30:26,160 --> 00:30:35,610 the one minute chart. So you have a bullish order block on the 15 minute time frame, you have a bullish breaker on the one minute chart, you have a 15 minute
161 00:30:35,880 --> 00:30:47,790 discount fair value got that it comes down into perfect delivery to the low tech. And it's happening with the narrative outlined during the 828 30 GDP
162 00:30:47,790 --> 00:31:02,940 number. I want to see the move to happens at 930. If that gap on the 60 minute chart that's read on the chart, if that has not been traded to yet the fake move
163 00:31:02,940 --> 00:31:15,240 at 930, which would be what? Dropping. That's a Judas swing. And then you saw my son do what he used. Everything I'm talking about here, but he's slow. So he
164 00:31:15,240 --> 00:31:23,520 didn't push the button until the next candle started running up. So that's why you see a sloppy entry. But he's learning folks. He's he's just like you right
165 00:31:23,520 --> 00:31:31,140 now. He's learning how to do it. Just because I'm sitting right next to him. doesn't mean he's going to have the exact entry points and precision that you
166 00:31:31,140 --> 00:31:40,230 see me doing when I'm doing executions. But he's using me prompting him saying, Okay, do you see that right here? All right, right. When it does this you want
167 00:31:40,230 --> 00:31:48,600 to and then what he's doing is he's contemplating and he's wrestling like, Okay, do I do it right now? Do I wait and I'm, I'm yelling at him. I'm like, what are
168 00:31:48,600 --> 00:31:56,820 you waiting for? And click, he's clicking the button, but it's late. So I'm telling, I'm scolding him. This is what you don't want to do. Now, because you
169 00:31:56,820 --> 00:32:04,830 bought it when it's when it's an up candle, you've created an opening range between where you entered and what your stop loss needs to be, we're making
170 00:32:04,860 --> 00:32:13,260 larger risk for yourself. You don't want to do that you buy in down close candles or candles that are going down, in grow comfortable doing that when it
171 00:32:13,260 --> 00:32:23,610 hits that low tick. But that 15 minute fair value gap. At that moment, I'm telling him this is this is where you buy right now. And he's saying, but it's
172 00:32:23,610 --> 00:32:35,340 going down? How do I say don't question me. Don't question me, if I'm telling you to do something, I'm teaching you how to overcome your fear. You have to do
173 00:32:35,340 --> 00:32:42,840 what I'm telling you to do. Even though you may not trust it, this isn't hurting Dad, it's not taking money away from me. So if you do it, and it doesn't work
174 00:32:42,840 --> 00:32:52,770 out, it doesn't hurt you. And it doesn't hurt me. It's showing you how to do this, conceptually, where there's no money outcome to it. That means anything,
175 00:32:52,770 --> 00:33:02,190 no loss, no no profit, right, which is the best learning medium that you can have when you're trying to do this kind of stuff. So I told him, I said inside
176 00:33:02,190 --> 00:33:13,080 that fair value got on a 60 minute chart up in that red box. I told him I said find a level that you feel like you can get to. So he scrubbed it up and got to
177 00:33:13,110 --> 00:33:24,510 about $600 Because that's what he essentially gets in a biweekly paycheck. At his job, he works at a coffee shop. So he says I want to see if I can do what I
178 00:33:24,510 --> 00:33:34,710 get in two weeks. So he rolled it up there. And I said, Okay, we'll see what happens. I'm looking at that consequent encroachment. And this is the part of
179 00:33:34,710 --> 00:33:45,210 the discussion I was talking mostly about in this es chart recently in the Twitter space, and I talked about how, where when the market doesn't do
180 00:33:45,210 --> 00:33:54,030 something that you would normally expect, which would be what in this case, trade all the way up to the top of that 60 minute fair value gap. If it doesn't
181 00:33:54,030 --> 00:34:07,230 do that, doesn't that imply weakness? Yes. Not because the markets ran out of buyers, not because more sellers came in to muscle with lower with selling
182 00:34:07,230 --> 00:34:22,380 pressure. No. At that moment, when it trades up into consequent encroachment. 3425 was where I told him I said you want to watch that level? How many times
183 00:34:22,380 --> 00:34:37,080 that a hammer that level multiple at that very moment. It looked just like a retail bull flag. And I was telling him I said listen, look at the NASDAQ, which
184 00:34:37,080 --> 00:34:43,260 is what I was showing you in this live stream tonight. But you can't hear me talking about it. But the students that have been with me for a long time, you
185 00:34:43,260 --> 00:34:51,210 know where my cursor is drawing your attention to even though I'm not saying anything. You heard me saying Do you see how the NASDAQ made a lower low I'm
186 00:34:51,300 --> 00:35:06,120 sorry, a lower high when the s&p made a higher high as it went up into that fair value gap. Oh shit. That's happening when it went to the PD array, in ES, which
187 00:35:06,120 --> 00:35:16,440 is what I was outlining this morning, during the GDP number, before 930 even came, I want to see a trade up into that level. That's, that's your premium
188 00:35:16,440 --> 00:35:27,540 array. And I said, there's nothing else up there. That's an imbalance. So it's going to go up into that. That's your premium. But it can't climb through the
189 00:35:27,540 --> 00:35:43,410 midpoint. And we have a divergence between the NASDAQ and the s&p, s&p Divergence there. So what are we expecting? Look at the dollar index. Dollar
190 00:35:43,410 --> 00:35:56,490 index was saying, I'm going out here, I'm going higher. So if the dollar is going higher, it's risk off. With a s&p Divergence with a premium rate, it was
191 00:35:56,640 --> 00:36:08,970 outlined beforehand, absolutely one sided. During the GDP number being released this morning, we've been talking about the dollar going higher. daily chart
192 00:36:08,970 --> 00:36:23,010 buys, bias is going higher, it's going to keep digging up higher highs higher. So it tells you what from a macro stance, higher timeframe bias, when you're
193 00:36:23,010 --> 00:36:33,120 looking to do a narrative, you start with framing a narrative with that logic in mind, meaning, if dollar is in a buy program, we're expecting to keep pricing
194 00:36:33,150 --> 00:36:46,080 higher, higher, higher, higher, higher, than everything else should be looking for shorts. So you open the day up with everything after the open. If it rallies
195 00:36:46,260 --> 00:36:46,830 faded.
196 00:36:49,050 --> 00:36:58,200 Once it goes to a level that we expect that would limit the upside how far the rally up can go. Well, there's your 60 Minute fair pay gap is outlined. I didn't
197 00:36:58,200 --> 00:37:09,030 say anything harder, nope. Go listen to the live stream. But then when it dug into it. The NASDAQ said I ain't confirming this. I'm not co signing this,
198 00:37:09,360 --> 00:37:25,020 you're on your own Yes. And it left it up there at the pinnacle of its daily high, but not before trading into that fair pay gap I outline this morning. So
199 00:37:25,020 --> 00:37:38,640 now we have es at a premium high off of a Judas swing after 930. It met our objective. But more specifically, it couldn't even get to the upper end of it.
200 00:37:39,480 --> 00:37:52,920 It left the upper portion unfilled when NASDAQ had a divergence that it made a lower high at the same time. At the same time, if you look at the dollar index,
201 00:37:54,210 --> 00:38:10,740 dollars bullish. So we have the perfect storm. s&p has gone to where I was expecting it to go to an outline beforehand, on the basis of how I expected it
202 00:38:10,740 --> 00:38:29,790 to deliver. At the same time, NASDAQ failed to go higher with it. That's a cracking correlation. That's what smart money sees as the green light go. Go in
203 00:38:29,790 --> 00:38:45,090 there and start shorting s&p. While the dollar rages higher, in intraday, that's going to allow what the sell program in ES and NASDAQ to accelerate to the
204 00:38:45,090 --> 00:39:00,900 downside. The gap that I told you to do in your Twitter tape reading exercise the day, which was at 10:06am, New York local time on the one minute chart on
205 00:39:00,930 --> 00:39:12,180 Yes. So if you take that extend that range to the right. And I told my son when it gets into that, I want you to go short. As soon as it went in there. He sold
206 00:39:12,180 --> 00:39:20,910 short, which was obviously incorrect. But I told him I said you have to use a five handle stop loss, which is what he did. And then he got stopped out. And I
207 00:39:20,910 --> 00:39:27,240 told myself, hey, look, dad is going to trade this because it's trading above relative equal highs, which you hear me on that here. I'm sorry, but you see me
208 00:39:27,240 --> 00:39:37,740 tweet. I said, I'm observing these relative equal highs that we just cleared right now. And I put him in again, and I explained to him, this is why I'm doing
209 00:39:37,740 --> 00:39:52,800 it, but the rest of the trade is you like you have to do the rest of it. Now I don't think there's anything wrong with that. But my concern is if he trades
210 00:39:52,800 --> 00:40:03,090 this I'm not gonna mention the company name but you all know what one he sided with him what's when he's gonna go with it? If he makes money in that, and this
211 00:40:03,090 --> 00:40:12,000 company comes forward and says to him, we don't think you're doing this, we think your dad's doing it. I'm just letting you know, company that I won't name
212 00:40:12,000 --> 00:40:18,150 here because I don't want to put anything bad against you right now. Because I'm giving you the benefit of doubt that you're going to allow him to take the
213 00:40:18,150 --> 00:40:30,510 money, he's gonna fucking making it out. If it's Mickey Mouse money, and you see him losing here and there, you're gonna know it's him, you're not gonna see the
214 00:40:30,510 --> 00:40:40,320 level of trading, you see me showing. So let him make his bread. Because if you fuck with me and him, I'm going to put your company on fucking blast, and nobody
215 00:40:40,320 --> 00:40:53,760 will go with you. So just let me know. So I put him in the secondary trade once he, he got stopped down. And I told him, I said, once you're in this, you have
216 00:40:53,760 --> 00:41:09,480 to manage it from here. I tweet. So where's the retail sales stops? Obviously, it's below the lows at the low of the limits after 10. So their sell side there.
217 00:41:10,170 --> 00:41:27,180 And in the lows at 831. So 410 and 417. there abouts, respectively, we had a drop out of that small little consolidation that was formed inside the fair
218 00:41:27,180 --> 00:41:39,900 value gap on the 1006, candle, sharp drop, and it really quickly came right back up in that little area there. And at that moment, I told my son said, Listen,
219 00:41:40,230 --> 00:41:53,310 you might get stopped out here, they might one more time run it up. And that's why I told you to note the fair value gap. At 1001. I said note that I said it
220 00:41:53,310 --> 00:42:00,540 looks like it could potentially rip higher here and I told you exactly if it's going to go higher, it's going to go up here but it got it would stop us out.
221 00:42:01,350 --> 00:42:10,380 And then he would have to trade another entry. And I said it right now, where we're at here, it's 5050, it could spike up one more time. And then ultimately
222 00:42:10,380 --> 00:42:20,700 roll over later on. And do what you see here in the chart today. That's why I said right now, where we're at, we're 5050 we are in a trade. We were in a
223 00:42:20,700 --> 00:42:30,540 trade, we had already seen him get stopped out. And I put him in another one short. So it could have stopped me out by running into dafair. Vega had it done
224 00:42:30,540 --> 00:42:39,840 that I would have put him in one short there. It's only been was one contract. So it's not a lot of money, it risk and it's not a lot of money that he's going
225 00:42:39,840 --> 00:42:50,250 to make in hypothetically right. So I'm teaching him to work with one contract. And the goal is for him to understand that he doesn't need all the movement that
226 00:42:50,250 --> 00:43:03,630 he saw today. If he just gets three to five handles, once a day, he doesn't need his coffee shop job. And that's I'm trying to start him with a humble beginning.
227 00:43:05,010 --> 00:43:17,700 He knows there's a lot of money that can be made in it. But he's also scared to death. And he's so scared to make a mistake to disappoint me. And I'm trying to
228 00:43:17,700 --> 00:43:27,540 keep that in the forefront of my mind as I'm teaching and coaching him. But I'm imbalanced. So. And I'm gonna say that too. So if he doesn't listen to me, I'm
229 00:43:27,540 --> 00:43:36,510 already going to correct him on that, too. If he's doing exactly the opposite of what I've said that he should be doing, or not doing the things I told him that
230 00:43:36,510 --> 00:43:44,940 were paramount. Don't do these things, because this is what you don't want to do. Which is what you don't buy up close candles or up forming candles,
231 00:43:45,360 --> 00:43:56,880 expanding higher bullish candles, we don't buy them. We're distributing, selling into that. We're selling into that. Okay, so either we're selling with a new
232 00:43:56,880 --> 00:44:06,330 entry for short, or we're selling long positions as it's delivering the up candle. That's that market efficiency paradigm. Whereas when you look at retail
233 00:44:06,330 --> 00:44:12,660 logic, most of the time, they're buying breakouts, that means they're buying up close up thrusting markets. It's horseshit. It's bullshit, you're opening
234 00:44:12,660 --> 00:44:22,110 yourself up to risk. And that's why that's it fails more times than anything else. You have to get comfortable embracing uncertainty. But when you learn what
235 00:44:22,110 --> 00:44:34,200 it is, I'm teaching you it's not uncertain. It's specific. It's highly precise. It's not ambiguous. There's lots of things that I'm talking about when I'm doing
236 00:44:34,200 --> 00:44:43,980 tape reading, because I want you to observe these specific reference points. But much like when you see me in live streams and in Twitter's tape reading
237 00:44:43,980 --> 00:44:54,960 sessions, when I'm making a move, it's absolutely fucking obvious. I'm saying all right, I like this. It's running to sell side here and this is where it's
238 00:44:54,960 --> 00:45:05,010 gonna go. This is the objective. They're very specific terms. If I'm saying note this I'm saying reference this on your chart, because we may need this in a few
239 00:45:05,010 --> 00:45:13,050 minutes or later in the day. That's not the same thing as Oh, he's caught a fair bake up when it gets there, it goes up to he's selling short term, that doesn't
240 00:45:13,050 --> 00:45:23,010 mean that I might be referring to that level is it has to go through it, and then come back down and find as support much as much in the same way I mentioned
241 00:45:23,010 --> 00:45:30,720 this morning, when we left that fair value gap that returned back up to it. And I said, we can be 5050 here and we can be stopped. But what I was saying is to
242 00:45:30,720 --> 00:45:40,470 him, I said we might get stopped out again. But for you, you're reading tape, you're not supposed to be no fucking trade. So I'm teaching you that. If you are
243 00:45:40,470 --> 00:45:49,500 thinking there should be a trade there right now is where you have to dig your heels in and accept that uncertainty. It's 5050. Right here, we need to see it
244 00:45:49,500 --> 00:46:03,060 break. And it needs to go down through the candle that formed that fair value got at 830 this morning, New York local time, which is that yellow box on that
245 00:46:03,060 --> 00:46:12,600 one minute chart during the live session I showed you today. And I wanted to see it go down below that and I said note that extended forward to the right across
246 00:46:12,600 --> 00:46:25,980 your chart. And we want to see it act as resistance and Dammit, I'm so fuckin sharp with it. It was right on that one minute candle bumped it resistance off
247 00:46:25,980 --> 00:46:37,650 to the races we go. Just like it's supposed to. It's almost like it was following my fucking instructions. Almost like
248 00:46:38,699 --> 00:46:50,219 it was typed out in a source code and his fucking has to follow crazy works. It's just so crazy how these random things this keeps falling into place every
249 00:46:50,219 --> 00:47:10,889 fucking day. Then it trades down into what the objectives of 4005400 1.50 3988 smashed. And then ultimately, accelerate throughout the rest of the day. And I
250 00:47:10,889 --> 00:47:26,579 saw a tweet from a guy and I don't know what his handle is on Twitter. He does a YouTube thing. I don't know. I don't recall what his handle is. But he mentioned
251 00:47:26,579 --> 00:47:33,539 something to the fact that the assuming it was like a backhanded remark about the implied Fair Pay Gap saying something that's going to cause people to lose
252 00:47:33,539 --> 00:47:42,449 money. So I was like, okay, apparently that means that this is a contrived thing and doesn't exist. So I did it again today. I used it traded with it and smashed
253 00:47:42,449 --> 00:47:54,209 it in later in afternoon. So I get it. Okay, everything I teach is not going to always warm up and give you butterflies and warm fuzzies. Okay, some of it's
254 00:47:54,209 --> 00:48:00,959 going to be feeling extremely complicated. If it feels like that that's not your PD, right? That's not your multiplier, that's not your model. That's not your
255 00:48:00,959 --> 00:48:08,039 approach. Just let that one go. Somebody else is gonna say that's my shit. That's my thing right there. I'm gonna roll with that one. That's the one I've
256 00:48:08,039 --> 00:48:15,869 been waiting for. And it's the same thing with the breaker. Same thing with the fair Vegas. Same thing with institutional order flow and you drill in order
257 00:48:15,869 --> 00:48:28,259 blocks, optimal trade entries, you whatever, mitigation blocks, all these things. You're not bringing everything to the trade, but that you're picking one
258 00:48:28,259 --> 00:48:35,459 that makes sense to you. And you're going to look for that every single time the market does all these movements. And if it doesn't give you yours, you'll miss
259 00:48:35,459 --> 00:48:48,539 the move. And you have to be content with that. It might not be fun when it rips off and tears off without you. But they repeat, and there's no reason Patrick to
260 00:48:48,539 --> 00:49:00,479 get upset, they keep repeating this stuff repeats every day. And you have to filter out all the bullshit, or you'll fall victim to distraction. And you won't
261 00:49:00,479 --> 00:49:12,629 see when your model delivers in price so you can act on it. And the market obviously, you know, broke down aggressively today and just kept deliver more
262 00:49:12,629 --> 00:49:26,579 and more and more lower prices. Ultimately trading down to the 3939 75 and a half level, which is the standard deviation from the Judas swing of the daily
263 00:49:26,579 --> 00:49:38,309 range, which was the low formed at the 830 low all the way up to that essentially, almost 10 o'clock time window or creates the high the day inside
264 00:49:38,309 --> 00:49:49,319 the Faraday gap that range from that high down to the 830 low if you take your Fibonacci laid across that in project, the Fibonacci standard deviations, which
265 00:49:49,319 --> 00:49:55,589 is why I had my Fibonacci settings. I'm very excited. Some of you are probably just watching this video for the first time and you want to know what my
266 00:49:55,589 --> 00:50:02,489 settings are because they don't look like your typical settings. You're right I don't use retail settings. I'm looking at standard deviations, because that's
267 00:50:02,489 --> 00:50:11,129 what the algorithm is going to do, it's going to do measured standard deviations within specific ranges. And I'm teaching you what ranges to use based on the
268 00:50:11,129 --> 00:50:19,469 time of day when they're going to be referred to by the algorithm. If there is no algorithm, this shit would not repeat, repeat over and over again to the tick
269 00:50:19,739 --> 00:50:32,669 every single day. Every day, I'm coming to you every day, and I'm delivering fresh bread, piping hot, right out the oven, and it's perfect. Everything I'm
270 00:50:32,669 --> 00:50:42,329 showing you is to the fucking tick. If there was no algorithm, there's no fucking way there is a retail logic that I can lean on and say, This is what I'm
271 00:50:42,329 --> 00:50:52,889 using to do that. And these jokers out there that are trying to discourage you smear my name. They're jealous. They're envious, because I'm showing you
272 00:50:52,889 --> 00:51:05,369 something that nobody's ever touched on before. And I'm proving it every day, on a one minute by minute basis, which is the I mean, I can do it on a 15 second
273 00:51:05,369 --> 00:51:15,689 chart if you want. I mean, we can do that. Fuck it, I'm gonna do it too. I'm going to do that. And you'll see, there's no way. There's no fucking way anybody
274 00:51:15,689 --> 00:51:23,189 can argue that there isn't an algorithm in these markets that deliver price, and it's all 100% controlled, and there's no reason to be upset about that. You see
275 00:51:23,189 --> 00:51:32,639 these jokers out there? CNBC, this oh, well, you know, the markets have transformed into these untradable environments. And there's no liquidity out
276 00:51:32,639 --> 00:51:41,099 there. Now, because the algorithms absorb it. All the algorithms are causing all the problems we have the fuck out of here. Listen, listen, folks listen closely.
277 00:51:41,879 --> 00:51:55,349 As soon as the markets became electronic, they have started at that moment to be delivered by an algorithm. That means it's all scripted. It's just like WWE
278 00:51:55,349 --> 00:52:03,209 wrestling, the outcome is already predetermined. And I know that chaps a lot of people's asses, especially the ones that work at financial institution,
279 00:52:03,419 --> 00:52:14,399 institutions, brokerage firms, banks. I used to be a trader at Barclays. And we'd look at all the retail traders and we'd laugh because our candles have
280 00:52:14,399 --> 00:52:23,699 these things and talk about look at this come and learn from me. Bullshit. Bullshit, you're showing results even with a my FX book. And it's that little
281 00:52:23,699 --> 00:52:31,439 bit Mickey Mouse of luck and money and you're thinking that's a big deal to talk about where you came from, as Barclays. Barclays don't know, shit. I'm out here
282 00:52:31,439 --> 00:52:39,839 teaching technical science. Okay, this is the real shit. This is the real to the degree of precision that you cannot see anywhere else. There is a fucking
283 00:52:39,839 --> 00:52:51,989 algorithm. And it's been there since we have had electronic trading beginning. And before that, when it was all open outcry, those open outcry traders were
284 00:52:51,989 --> 00:53:06,599 trading in a price feed that they looked up at that board. That board told them what this is where we're at. So what are they trading? They're not making the
285 00:53:06,599 --> 00:53:17,009 fucking market. They're trading in the market that's being made for them. When you listen to these people say, I was a former or I am a market maker at this
286 00:53:17,039 --> 00:53:28,499 trading desk at this firm. You are not making the motherfucking market. You are not making a fucking thing. You're making a list of transactions that you were
287 00:53:28,499 --> 00:53:36,989 counterparty to But guess what? That data that feeds that price that you're doing it at? It's being piped into you, you can't make up your own fucking
288 00:53:36,989 --> 00:53:48,989 price. You can't go outside the bid NAS motherfucker. That's not That's not making a market you are dealing. You are a dealer. The market maker is piping
289 00:53:48,989 --> 00:53:58,949 that price feed into all these institutions and the brokerages and they have to do what work within the scope of a bid Naskh and they can get their money that
290 00:53:58,949 --> 00:54:13,019 way. I'm aware. I am aware of what you believe a market maker is they gotta be delta neutral. They don't care. They're just trying to provide liquidity. Yeah,
291 00:54:13,289 --> 00:54:22,949 I get that. But they're not controlling fucking price. I'm telling you where price is going to go. They have no fucking idea where it's going. I'm telling
292 00:54:22,949 --> 00:54:31,679 you a day before a week before a month before where the fuck it's going. I'm telling you to every minute by minute increment where it's gonna fucking go. I'm
293 00:54:31,679 --> 00:54:42,869 fucking making these fucking markets. Motherfuckers I'm telling you right now, you need to wake the fuck up. We're no longer in Kansas, Alice. Alice, I say
294 00:54:42,869 --> 00:54:54,569 that right? Dorothy motherfucker get it right. I'm taking Wizard of Oz and Alice in Wonderland. This is that part where we've had Control M in a recorded
295 00:54:54,569 --> 00:55:04,919 setting. And I'd say okay, we're no longer in Kansas, Dorothy. So this is what Like when you do a live but I didn't have that mess up in the live stream, I had
296 00:55:04,919 --> 00:55:18,629 a really good one didn't have any reason to feel like I had to edit anything but I'm tired and fatigued. So there it is. But listen, you have learned to wear
297 00:55:18,629 --> 00:55:34,259 these titles if you want to call yourself a market maker. I'm a former market maker. No, you're a dealer. The market maker is faceless. It's all AI. And
298 00:55:34,259 --> 00:55:46,619 sometimes the market will have these periods of manual intervention that means a man gets involved and overrides what would otherwise be scripted for the day. I
299 00:55:46,619 --> 00:55:59,309 know it sounds unbelievable. There's no way that the market could have a high and low predetermined before the trading begins. And yet it is how how, how the
300 00:55:59,309 --> 00:56:08,849 fuck? Can I tell you where it's going throughout the day? Where it's gonna go? How far it's gonna go? Where's it going to turn on every minute increment to
301 00:56:12,509 --> 00:56:29,339 allow me to say this. And I promise we'll move on. Listen. If there isn't an algorithm that I am absolutely fucking certain that my hands are all over. If
302 00:56:29,369 --> 00:56:36,419 there is no algorithm that is controlling and delivering price, all day long, minute by minute,
303 00:56:37,800 --> 00:56:56,970 please, please come forward. explain to everyone what retail skill set I'm using. Every single time I'm doing this, what am I using to deliver this level
304 00:56:56,970 --> 00:57:10,950 of precision, foresight and accuracy? Because if you can do that, you're gonna save me a whole fucking year, because then I can say, Okay, do this. Take care.
305 00:57:10,950 --> 00:57:19,680 See you later. And I'm going to spend the rest of the year doing my RV traveling. It Come on, do me a fucking favor, please. But it ain't gonna happen.
306 00:57:20,040 --> 00:57:27,450 That's why I've told you well, your fucking sleeves up, because we're gonna be here all year long. Because there's nobody else with this. Nobody else has this.
307 00:57:28,530 --> 00:57:37,530 You're talking to the source of it. I'm sorry, if that pleases you off. I'm sorry. If it makes you feel like you got a little dick. I'm sorry. It's not
308 00:57:37,530 --> 00:57:45,030 meant to be like that. I'm here to help everybody that's willing to listen. If you want to learn how to do this, show up every day, and you're gonna see it.
309 00:57:47,400 --> 00:57:56,550 There's no competition here. I'm willing to teach anybody that's willing to show up as long as you're respectful. That's exactly that's all I'm asking for. But
310 00:57:56,550 --> 00:58:08,700 there is an algorithm. It's so fucking painfully obvious if you look at it like this. Because if you are those financial professionals in this industry, and you
311 00:58:08,700 --> 00:58:20,130 wore tags and titles that were market maker, this and market maker that I'm not trying to be rude to you. I'm not trying to talk down to you. I'm just being
312 00:58:20,220 --> 00:58:33,480 straight and direct with you. You are a dealer with a misappropriated title, because you're not controlling price. Price is gonna go radon past wherever you
313 00:58:33,480 --> 00:58:44,580 thought it was dealing in, and you're doing transaction and offering the other side of trades for your clients. That's a momentary transaction. The script is
314 00:58:44,580 --> 00:58:55,260 already predetermined, you're just jumping on board and being a handshake for one trade or the next. That's it. You're not stopping price, you're not
315 00:58:55,260 --> 00:59:06,300 controlling, you're not changing direction and price, it's going to go where it's going to go. And you are just one small little cog in the machine that was
316 00:59:06,300 --> 00:59:19,560 going to deliver that price whether you dealt in that commodity futures are market whether you did your trades there or not. It's already predetermined. And
317 00:59:19,560 --> 00:59:28,080 that might be unsettling. And it's easy for people that work in an industry and say this guy that you're listening to right now me this guy's full of shit
318 00:59:28,170 --> 00:59:35,880 because I worked at this bank I've been doing this I'm a former this and I'm a former that bring your former ass out here and you call every fucking minute
319 00:59:35,880 --> 00:59:47,670 move with me side by side and I will fucking show your ass. Everything you don't know. You think I'm out here just doing this because I like it. I'm waiting.
320 00:59:48,240 --> 00:59:57,180 Because I know there's some young fucking dick out there that thinks he knows everything because he got a position at some kind of institution. Bring your
321 00:59:57,180 --> 01:00:10,800 shit here and get schooled. You're only aware of what you've been indoctrinated in. They told you, this is what happens. This is what you're doing. You're
322 01:00:10,800 --> 01:00:18,240 making the market. That's no different from you buying these retail books. You're going to learn to do this. And you're going to learn to do that. And you
323 01:00:18,240 --> 01:00:28,980 get out there and you do what you find out. It's something entirely different. But it feels good to wear it tighter, like I'm a market maker. You're not making
324 01:00:28,980 --> 01:00:38,760 shit. You're making deals, you're down transactions, that's all you're doing. You're not changing the course of price. You're not, you're absolutely not doing
325 01:00:38,760 --> 01:00:52,770 shit. You're doing what everybody else is doing. You're buying and you're selling. Oh, that's deflating, isn't it. But that's the reality. And you can't
326 01:00:52,770 --> 01:01:00,810 walk around and impress anybody. When you strip it down to what the bare essentials of what it is you're doing, you're doing what you're doing the same
327 01:01:00,810 --> 01:01:09,330 fucking thing that I'm doing when I'm buying on the other side of the other person selling short. That's what a dealer is. That's what the market makers
328 01:01:09,330 --> 01:01:20,580 doing. He's making a book for his clients, but he's trying to do what's the Delta neutral, I know all about that shit. But that's about market making.
329 01:01:22,740 --> 01:01:35,430 market making is outlining where the price is going to go. when, how, and for what purpose, and then coding it and letting that shit go down. And then it's
330 01:01:35,430 --> 01:01:47,190 done. And it just seems to be only one motherfucker. Able to talk about it like that before it happens every fucking day. I wonder who the fuck that could be? I
331 01:01:47,190 --> 01:02:01,470 wonder, I wonder who that person is? And would he be willing to spend time showcasing it for free just to get a test drive? That would be something that it
332 01:02:01,470 --> 01:02:15,840 will be something if somebody could do that and make it available to be studied, observed. See that really exists? Is it really precise? Does it really move to
333 01:02:15,840 --> 01:02:27,660 the tick? I guess the world would never know. Because there's supposed to be no algorithm. There's no algorithm. There's no way anybody could know this stuff.
334 01:02:28,350 --> 01:02:34,380 It would have to be random. And they would fall on their face day after day trying to prove something that doesn't exist, but yet
335 01:02:39,750 --> 01:02:52,080 I heard it from a good source. There's a pizza delivery guy that used to work at Domino's Pizza. He can deliver this shit in 30 Minutes or Less guaranteed or
336 01:02:52,080 --> 01:03:03,990 it's free. I am having so much fucking fun this year, you have no idea. You think it's Christmas for you? It's like my birthday every day here. Every day,
337 01:03:03,990 --> 01:03:14,640 it feels like it's my birthday. I'm celebrating who I am and how I came here. And you get to experience it every single day. And it's fucking fun. It's fun.
338 01:03:15,180 --> 01:03:31,260 Because what I'm removing is all of your fear and doubt. And you're getting to see this shit work every single day. Think about it, folks. How fucking amazing
339 01:03:31,710 --> 01:03:43,680 is it? When we're watching price, and I key up your attention to a very specific level. So now watch, it's going to move from right there to this level next. And
340 01:03:43,680 --> 01:03:53,820 then your chart immediately starts doing that. Doesn't it feel fucking crazy? Like there's no way like I have to be watching something recorded and he's
341 01:03:53,880 --> 01:04:02,370 hacking my system men watching something that's already happening is no way could be like this. I literally I'm sitting here laughing with my son. I said
342 01:04:02,520 --> 01:04:12,180 they're probably shitting themselves right now taking How the fuck does he know this? You're right. You're right. How the fuck do I knew that? How do I know
343 01:04:12,180 --> 01:04:25,830 that? Because there's not supposed to be an algorithm, right? So why am I making this big inflated, bloated? pitch to you about this? Because if there isn't one,
344 01:04:26,070 --> 01:04:35,730 I'm the luckiest motherfucker there's ever been. And I'm gonna tell you something. Luck does not exist. That's a figment of your imagination. You make
345 01:04:35,940 --> 01:04:51,780 luck. You create it, you manifest it with skill. You either earned it or it was given to you. That's it. That only two things because luck doesn't exist. It's
346 01:04:51,780 --> 01:05:04,200 like the Easter Bunny. It's like fucking Santa Claus. It doesn't it doesn't exist but the other way around. that algorithm is absolutely in existence. It's
347 01:05:04,200 --> 01:05:16,650 doing what it's told to do. And for folks to understand, who are they, you're never going to meet them. Until now. They're never gonna talk to you about what
348 01:05:16,650 --> 01:05:28,080 it does. Until now. They're never going to see them be able to do this publicly, because they're not allowed to. Until a language was created.
349 01:05:34,320 --> 01:05:48,300 years from now, many years from now, it's gonna be obvious what you're being a part of. You don't see it right now. But years from now, it's going to make
350 01:05:48,300 --> 01:06:03,150 perfect sense. Why all this took place? Why I'm talking to you why I'm teaching it to you. But for now, this year only. Keep the attention and focus on You.
351 01:06:04,230 --> 01:06:17,190 Focus on learning what it is I'm sharing the things I'm talking about. At that moment. Try try not to do anything extra. Don't dilute your attention. It's too
352 01:06:17,190 --> 01:06:27,300 easy to be distracted with other things that can be learned at a later time that's already on my YouTube channel. The things that you're supposed to be
353 01:06:27,300 --> 01:06:34,770 keeping up with right now. I have students that are tweeting to me say, Yeah, I can't watch your live streams. Right now I see I'm watching the 2016 mentorship
354 01:06:34,770 --> 01:06:45,690 core content. Okay, you're failing, you're failing. If you can't watch these live streams right now and you're missing the boat, you're missing it, you're
355 01:06:45,690 --> 01:06:54,150 missing the opportunity to watch me do this live, calling it explaining why it should do this and why it shouldn't do that. proving to you that there's an
356 01:06:54,150 --> 01:07:07,920 algorithm proving that there is fingerprints all over this motherfucker. And those lessons that's already on my YouTube channel, you can touch them all the
357 01:07:07,920 --> 01:07:19,110 time in the future anytime. Like tomorrow, I'm not going to be doing anything live. So you can utilize what you can use that time to go into pre recorded
358 01:07:19,110 --> 01:07:28,530 stuff and study that. Or do your own tape reading, which I would do that personally. All those lessons are never going to come off my YouTube channel.
359 01:07:28,860 --> 01:07:38,790 I'm not going to delete anything. There's no reason for you to be afraid of me taking anything down. I want it there. Because I want everybody to know that
360 01:07:38,910 --> 01:07:46,440 every one that has taken my shit and copied it and rebranded. It never gave any credit to where they learned it from because they wanted to be the hotshot, but
361 01:07:46,440 --> 01:07:56,070 they can't do what you see me doing. If they are teaching you. You ask them to do what I'm doing right fucking now. And it's going to be crickets. It's going
362 01:07:56,070 --> 01:08:10,890 to be you're out of here. Not talking to you. Because you're going to expose them. And I am out here. I'm literally out here. standing naked in front of you
363 01:08:10,890 --> 01:08:28,560 with no safety net. Live in a medium that I can't retract. Once the tweets go out, boom, it's over. I don't delete one tweet. It's right or wrong. How much
364 01:08:28,590 --> 01:08:42,480 time do you see it being right? How often am I incorrect? How many times do you see it going right to the same tick of the level I'm calling for and then
365 01:08:42,510 --> 01:08:54,960 turning on a dime How often does it react with speed in magnitude exactly what I'm calling for to do so when I'm dog whistling and saying okay, it's time, Ron,
366 01:08:54,960 --> 01:09:02,970 let's go. That's ownership. That's fuckin authorship. That's knowing the shit like the back of your hand
367 01:09:11,430 --> 01:09:27,720 I envy you. You're talking to the source. I'm, I'm him. But I envy you. Because you're many of you are walking into this so early in your learning. And you have
368 01:09:27,750 --> 01:09:41,940 this advantage. You have this? I saw a tweet by a young man said Hey, is it beneficial for me to learn retail stuff before learning? This is a advantage
369 01:09:41,940 --> 01:09:58,560 that I believe it is taught to you in the perspective that is best to digest it, which is I'm introducing a familiarity to it without you falling victim to it
370 01:09:58,560 --> 01:10:08,640 and then we're falling in With thinking that you are going to be sustained by it, and then finding out that it doesn't deliver over time, like you would hope,
371 01:10:08,970 --> 01:10:17,190 because you're learning how to do that, when it's already flawed logic, it doesn't doesn't have any bearing on what makes the market go up or down. It's
372 01:10:17,190 --> 01:10:25,620 just a catalyst, it's a thing that causes a trader to take a trade, much like flipping a quarter heads, buy tail sell, in less time I elbow eight, stock
373 01:10:25,620 --> 01:10:37,380 market crash. So that type of thing. It's trivial. And really kind of silly when you think about what most people do for trading signals, what causes them to get
374 01:10:37,380 --> 01:10:48,420 into their trades. And the way they make it, like I don't make things complicated, I'm just explaining to you in a language that allows me to talk
375 01:10:48,450 --> 01:10:58,080 openly with this language that is nowhere near anything else. And it does sound complicated when I first start bringing out something because you've never seen
376 01:10:58,080 --> 01:11:17,520 this before. Try learning Chinese or or Greek. Those two languages are the most dense length and or Arabic. Mish mole. Like what it that stuff is complicated.
377 01:11:17,730 --> 01:11:31,800 There's so many things to learn, and know. And the first time you're introduced to that is what? This is complicated. This is really complicated. And you're
378 01:11:31,800 --> 01:11:44,220 intimidated by it. And it's easy to run back to what, what seems easy. What students you went to school with, they went through all the rudimentary classes,
379 01:11:44,220 --> 01:11:56,850 they never did anything advanced. No advanced sciences, no advanced math. No additional foreign languages. And they come out into the world. They're the
380 01:11:56,850 --> 01:12:07,080 grunts, they're the people that do what we need every day. They're the firemen. They're the mechanics. They're the truck drivers. They're the delivery people.
381 01:12:09,270 --> 01:12:16,950 Then you have the other people that say I want to go as far as my brain will allow me, I'm going to learn everything in school and press and press and press
382 01:12:16,950 --> 01:12:26,010 and expand my understanding and learn foreign languages and learn advanced sciences and advanced maths. So I understand when I'm teaching this, there are
383 01:12:26,010 --> 01:12:33,990 going to be people that come to me and say, This is bullshit. This is too complicated. There's too. This is too much. He's adding it's complicating
384 01:12:33,990 --> 01:12:43,770 everything. No, you're that person in school that just wants to take the easy way through and I got it no problem. Go out there and do what it is that you do
385 01:12:43,950 --> 01:12:56,760 to live a mundane life. Get your white picket fence, your single family house mortgage for 30 years, borrow against the equity every time you increase. And
386 01:12:56,760 --> 01:13:06,180 just live on credit card debt. Go for it. That's what everybody's doing. I'm just not wrapped that way. And I don't want my student doing that shit. Because
387 01:13:06,180 --> 01:13:22,800 that's not success. That's not living. That's slaving. But they call that the American dream here. Mortgage means fucking Deathnote 30 years to pay what
388 01:13:22,830 --> 01:13:38,700 almost three times for a fucking house. That's the American dream. What you don't want that. You don't want that. Who doesn't want that? I don't want that.
389 01:13:40,170 --> 01:13:52,260 My home's paid for. You want to be able to pay your shit off to you don't want to be in a mortgage, you don't want car notes. You don't want debt. That shit is
390 01:13:52,260 --> 01:14:05,880 like a millstone around your neck. And learning this skill set is one step forward to not living under that oppression. It won't happen overnight. And it
391 01:14:05,880 --> 01:14:13,410 won't happen for all of you. Some of you, you might get real close to it and because of your own character flaws, your own weaknesses, your own lack of
392 01:14:13,410 --> 01:14:24,090 discipline. You won't be successful with this. And guess what that doesn't do? It doesn't change the effectiveness of this. It doesn't mean that it's fraud
393 01:14:24,090 --> 01:14:33,990 doesn't mean the scheme it doesn't mean that everybody else out there that's making money was lucky because lucky doesn't fucking exist. So it's a matter of
394 01:14:33,990 --> 01:14:45,060 perception. You look at price through the lens of whatever you've been introduced to accept as this is what it is. When you read these books, these
395 01:14:45,060 --> 01:15:00,510 retail logic they say that price is random. It's a random walk forward discovery of price. The fuck it is. It is absolutely scripted. When I was younger Man, I
396 01:15:00,510 --> 01:15:10,170 watched wrestling, okay, I was a kid. I loved it until I was in like my 1617 year and then obviously outgrew it. But when I was a younger kid, and I
397 01:15:10,170 --> 01:15:19,920 discovered that it was scripted, and when all the wrestlers would come into town, and there was a restaurant down there that everybody knew when wrestling
398 01:15:19,920 --> 01:15:31,020 came to our town, they would all go there and eat, and you'd have a chance to see them, meet him, see him out of character, drunk, sometimes hopped up on
399 01:15:31,020 --> 01:15:38,700 cocaine and Chip, but you could meet them and talk to him. And sometimes they would be drunk, and they would talk about the shit that you're not supposed to
400 01:15:38,700 --> 01:15:44,910 talk about. You know, when we had that match, remember, you were you were supposed to do this and you were supposed to do and you're like, What the hell.
401 01:15:46,680 --> 01:15:54,750 And when you discover that all that stuff is fake. It's all scripted. They're all partners and buddies. They've worked together to give you a storyline.
402 01:15:55,470 --> 01:16:09,060 That's what you have done. As a retail trader. You have believed a bunch of horseshit. But these other people out there that are selling stuff, based on
403 01:16:09,060 --> 01:16:20,700 that same horseshit will tell you that I'm giving you a load of bullshit. I'm literally out here proving it every fucking day. Proof every day evidence
404 01:16:20,790 --> 01:16:31,140 absolutely undeniable. They're bringing blown accounts. Max last days, shit that doesn't work. Nonsense fucking logic that has absolutely no bearing on what
405 01:16:31,140 --> 01:16:43,680 makes the market go up and down. Do you want to risk do you want to risk real money that you worked your ass off for? At a place that you didn't want to
406 01:16:43,680 --> 01:16:55,440 fucking be at? That didn't pay you enough for the time and energy you put into it? Working around among people like fucking Carl that shit you want to risk all
407 01:16:55,440 --> 01:17:12,600 of your money? On shit, that's contrived and made up. Because that's exactly what bull flags Head and Shoulders patterns, wedges, harmonic patterns. Elliott,
408 01:17:12,600 --> 01:17:19,980 wave supply and demand volume profile VSA name it it's all bull shit
409 01:17:26,160 --> 01:17:39,660 when you when you just happen to be on side of what the script for that day? How do we know what the script is? That's what I'm teaching you this year. But
410 01:17:39,660 --> 01:17:49,470 before I can break down those lessons, I have to prove it exists. And that's what I've been doing. proving it. That's foresight, that's understanding this is
411 01:17:49,470 --> 01:17:59,730 how you know what it's going to do beforehand. You've handled it before, you know how its coded. You know how the source code is there, what it's going to
412 01:17:59,730 --> 01:18:09,000 refer to why it's going to do certain things and reference other points in the past to deliver something that you won't recognize real time, but it looks
413 01:18:09,000 --> 01:18:16,560 perfect in understandable in hindsight, that's what keeps you trapped as a retail trader, because they're going to show you the same horseshit in these
414 01:18:16,560 --> 01:18:26,490 books. Think about when you first learned divergence and momentum indicators like stochastic and MACD. It felt like you cracked the code, didn't it? That's
415 01:18:26,490 --> 01:18:35,430 exactly how it felt. For me, I'm like, Oh, shit, every time these lines do that, price goes down. Oh, now I understand short selling, and then I do it and I lost
416 01:18:35,430 --> 01:18:47,370 math screamed higher. Because I wasn't looking at what the market was doing. What was priced really doing, it's gonna go higher, it still has shit to do
417 01:18:47,400 --> 01:18:59,100 higher up. But because these indicators are only taking the data over a period of time that's defined and limited to the number of look back periods, which is
418 01:18:59,100 --> 01:19:07,230 like for instance, you're looking at the RSI, and you're setting is 14, you're you're looking at 14 periods, whatever the timeframe is, you're utilizing 14
419 01:19:07,230 --> 01:19:18,240 candles. And you're doing the math and compressing the math and you're torturing the data over 14 candles of whatever timeframe you're looking at. And if you
420 01:19:18,240 --> 01:19:35,610 manipulate and torture the data long enough, it's going to submit to anything. When's the last time 14 Candles has the influence over price at any given time.
421 01:19:36,570 --> 01:19:47,250 Where's the logic in that? You just basically pulled it out of your ass is what you did. There's literally no logic behind that at all. You're torturing math
422 01:19:48,480 --> 01:19:57,900 and you're subscribing to and creating a cult like religion, which is what retail is but all of them out there selling shit. They'll say I'm a cult leader.
423 01:19:58,020 --> 01:20:09,240 And you are all part of my cult And we are a cult of fucking winning. We're the cult of precision. We're the cult of knowing that we fucking know we're doing.
424 01:20:09,780 --> 01:20:19,650 Okay, so if that's a cult, sign me the fuck up. Let me renew my membership right now. I want to be a fucking charter member of that fucking shit. Because around
425 01:20:19,650 --> 01:20:27,480 here we like winning. We like knowing what the fuck is gonna happen. I don't like surprises. I don't like surprise birthday parties. I don't like surprise
426 01:20:27,480 --> 01:20:36,000 fucking Hi, how you doing? We didn't we didn't expect to see you were showing up on announced I don't like that kind of shit. I don't like that kind of stuff. I
427 01:20:36,000 --> 01:20:46,890 like planned things. I like to have things scheduled. Expecting things knowing that this is the way things work. I'm a person that likes my shit the way I like
428 01:20:46,890 --> 01:21:00,900 it. And that's how I want my trading to be. I didn't see that in retail stuff. And I tried everything. And when you step out of that stuff, and you look at
429 01:21:00,900 --> 01:21:12,720 price through the lens, I'm showing you to view it through. Everything becomes crystal fucking clear. And it's scary. What you believed before. I have had
430 01:21:12,720 --> 01:21:22,740 financial professionals that when they first heard me in this business know truth of what he's saying. And I just calmly told them, just spend some time
431 01:21:22,740 --> 01:21:37,890 with it. And tell me six months from now what you really think floor traders. Yeah. Bank traders, brokers, big names in this industry that I won't drop.
432 01:21:40,350 --> 01:21:52,410 They're all convinced that there's something different with this guy named ICT. And what's different is, I got the truth. I got tomorrow's headlines. I got
433 01:21:52,410 --> 01:22:00,180 tomorrow's lottery fucking numbers. And I'm proving it day after day after day. And I'm proving it also that it's transferable knowledge that my students can do
434 01:22:00,180 --> 01:22:14,220 the same fucking shit. Look at these young men and women. They're pulling down big fucking money. Big fucking money, hundreds of 1000s of real dollars. You can
435 01:22:14,220 --> 01:22:20,580 laugh and talk about these funded account companies and bullshit and you could talk all the shit. You're not really trading with account their size, their it's
436 01:22:20,580 --> 01:22:29,520 not really happening. You're not really putting your trades in the market bubble blah, listen while they can. And while you can. Fleece the fuck out of those
437 01:22:29,520 --> 01:22:40,410 companies, because they're not going to exist forever. It's not going to happen. But you don't need that. Because if you learn how to do this skill set, trust
438 01:22:40,410 --> 01:22:53,250 me. Not that you should be doing it with friends and family. But listen, when push comes to shove, if there is no funded account companies out there. I had
439 01:22:53,250 --> 01:23:06,630 whole families coming in on one mentorship. The 155 hours a month 25 People ganged up on that one mentorship, they made it happen. It wasn't it was outside
440 01:23:06,630 --> 01:23:17,430 the rules. But they made it happen. The same thing happens here. If you acquire this skill set. How many friends do you have? That you'd love like a brother or
441 01:23:17,430 --> 01:23:28,860 sister. You might not have $10,000 You might not have $5,000 for forex or something to that effect. But if you have a couple of friends that says, Look,
442 01:23:29,550 --> 01:23:39,420 let me show you what I do. I don't have that much money to provide, but I have this skill set. Let me prove it to you for six months. Let them see it, let them
443 01:23:39,420 --> 01:23:51,690 test drive it. They see that and what's available in terms of money making. They're gonna throw fucking money at you. They're gonna fucking do it. You can
444 01:23:51,690 --> 01:24:03,720 take yourself on the internet, and sign up with scouting firms that will literally put you in front of people that have real money. And they will invest
445 01:24:03,720 --> 01:24:18,360 in you through a limited partnership. And it's a real partnership. It's there's contracts, they can't stiffed you. And your you're held to standards that you're
446 01:24:18,390 --> 01:24:29,070 your partner with them. That shit goes on all the time, all the time. There's other ways that you can do it, that I'm not going to talk about here, because
447 01:24:29,070 --> 01:24:40,590 it's really technically not supposed to be done that way. But when there's a will there's a way and there's times coming soon that if I didn't have it, and I
448 01:24:40,590 --> 01:24:53,790 had this skill set. And believe me, let me ask you a question. Knowing what you see me do call out in advance and show my executions. If I said listen, I'm
449 01:24:53,790 --> 01:25:03,570 going to open up a small circle of private investors. Before I even say anything else Let me stop right here, this is not going to happen. I'm just saying
450 01:25:03,570 --> 01:25:15,270 hypothetically. But because I have shown you years of this skill, and foresight, and calling it beforehand to levels of precision that you know, is undeniable.
451 01:25:15,930 --> 01:25:27,660 If I would say, hey, look, I'm gonna take 50 investors 50 investors, and y'all have to come in with 25,000 hours, you, some of you listening would be like,
452 01:25:27,660 --> 01:25:33,510 gosh, I can't do it, I don't have it, I don't have the scratch. But I'm gonna tell you some other people in here listening that don't have it themselves.
453 01:25:33,750 --> 01:25:41,130 They'll talk to everybody else put their asses in front of the videos and the things that I'm calling on Twitter, and they will find 25 Fucking 1000 hours,
454 01:25:41,610 --> 01:25:50,790 all 50 of them, I'll probably have 600 600 or more in the first five minutes. Because they know what they know when they see it. The real thing, the real
455 01:25:50,790 --> 01:26:02,070 McCoy when they're seeing it in front of them. Listen, money, talks, bullshit walks, you get this skill, people will throw money at you. I'm constantly,
456 01:26:02,430 --> 01:26:20,820 constantly asked to do things for money to coach privately for money to go into firms to counsel for money. Go on teaching circuits for money. And I say the
457 01:26:20,820 --> 01:26:35,550 same thing all the time. I'm not interested. Thank you so much. I'm not interested in that. But for some of you, that might be your meal ticket. You
458 01:26:35,550 --> 01:26:52,020 don't have to trade with real money. But this skill set? What separates you? Okay, from the rest? Well, what is the rest of everyone doing? Most of
459 01:26:52,020 --> 01:27:01,800 everything you see out there is Market Replay. Let me teach you this as a trader. And you listen these guys, they'll say, Oh, I took a tray here. I don't
460 01:27:01,950 --> 01:27:10,860 know where my fill was. I think I think I got in here. Let me tell you something. If you took a trade, you know where you got in? That's that's
461 01:27:10,860 --> 01:27:19,290 bullshit Red Alert right there. If they can't show you their executions, and they're talking about, yeah, I think I got in right here. Bullshit. Let me show
462 01:27:19,290 --> 01:27:23,340 you my empty four page of listed results. That's all faked.
463 01:27:26,130 --> 01:27:37,890 If they're not executing, explaining why they're dealing with forehand in front of you. It's fake. I'm doing it better. I'm telling you when it's going to
464 01:27:37,890 --> 01:27:47,850 happen, where it's going to happen in your chart, calling it beforehand. Now, what happens when you learn this year, what I'm teaching you to do, and you're
465 01:27:47,850 --> 01:27:56,850 willing to do what I'm not willing to do, which is sit out there and provide a service by trading it in front of the whole world. And yes, it can be demo.
466 01:27:58,890 --> 01:28:07,200 Because if you're sitting out there with a demo account, and your con every fucking move every single day, better than anybody else out there willing to do
467 01:28:07,200 --> 01:28:16,920 it. And you do that for three, four, maybe six months, and you tell them up front, I'm doing this for free. For six months, you're all welcome to come here,
468 01:28:17,100 --> 01:28:29,520 criticize me, cheer me on, I don't give a shit. I'm doing this because I'm showing the whole world in six months. I want $250 A month, you will be flooded.
469 01:28:30,540 --> 01:28:42,030 With people throwing you throwing join for two hours. They're gonna throw it at you. And all you did was traded a demo account. You're gonna give a medium for
470 01:28:42,030 --> 01:28:48,420 people to watch you trade a demo account, but they don't give a fuck that it's a demo. Just like you don't give a fuck that I'm teaching in a paper trading
471 01:28:48,420 --> 01:28:54,870 account. Some of you had an issue before but then now you started seeing Oh, there's something different here. Yeah. If you just want to listen years ago,
472 01:28:54,870 --> 01:29:02,040 when I first started talking, you would have skipped through all the bullshit. Where would you be then? Now, you'd be so much more advanced in your
473 01:29:02,040 --> 01:29:15,330 understanding the skill once you acquire it. I'm interested to see what you do with it. I can't wait. I can't fucking wait to see what some of you do. Some of
474 01:29:15,330 --> 01:29:26,370 you have no idea how far you're gonna go. And I'm excited to see it. Like I'm here for that I want to see that shit. Because some of you are absolute dynamos
475 01:29:26,370 --> 01:29:39,780 without even knowing it yet. You just need to know what to do when to do it. And get out of your own way. And once that happens, magic unfolds. And I'm hoping
476 01:29:39,810 --> 01:29:51,570 I'm going to find that right person that has absolutely stone cold killer discipline, impeccable risk management skills and learn how to do what I'm
477 01:29:51,570 --> 01:30:05,640 teaching to do in these markets precisely, man and then to do that confidently and not worry about people copying them not worrying about becoming a rip off of
478 01:30:05,640 --> 01:30:15,630 what you're doing. That kind of shit gets in my craw. I don't like that. I deny a lot of what you want me to do, because it pisses me off knowing that I had so
479 01:30:15,630 --> 01:30:25,650 many people ripping me off even before I went and started trading, not trading, but doing mentorships for for fee for new teaching for money. In 2016, when I
480 01:30:25,650 --> 01:30:32,820 did that, I broke every rule that I had ever stood by saying, you know, I'm going to do it for free and when do it for free. And when I saw other people
481 01:30:32,820 --> 01:30:42,570 taking my shit and selling it for money, I was enraged. The whole world was my my enemy. Now, that's how I looked at it. Because I'm obsessively compulsive and
482 01:30:42,570 --> 01:30:54,060 have a mental disorder where I'm bipolar, I'm fucking hide it. Okay, I had real issues, and I wrestled with it. So I went to the extreme. That's how it is, from
483 01:30:54,060 --> 01:31:06,840 one extreme to the next, the best when it's happiest, and rage. And very rarely is there ever a balance point in the middle. So I don't want to go out there and
484 01:31:06,840 --> 01:31:16,890 put these goobers that don't fucking deserve the clout that they would get by sitting in front of the circle of people that don't know who I am. And they're
485 01:31:16,890 --> 01:31:25,440 going to pair it and do exactly what I'm doing. And I'm sure some of them are doing right now. Mimicking whatever I say in my tweets. That's why I'm doing a
486 01:31:25,800 --> 01:31:40,230 chart. The fact that you have to see the tweet, read it, go to your chart, find what it is, you have no time to copy that and repackage it in your own tweet. To
487 01:31:40,230 --> 01:31:50,040 make your followers look like you're smart. Think about everything I do is calculated everything. And also for the doubters only got one minute to make the
488 01:31:50,040 --> 01:32:00,180 decision about what it's going to do. And yes, it looks easy. You see these guys on Twitter, it's all so easy, I can do it. And they don't, they can't. I'd love
489 01:32:00,180 --> 01:32:11,340 to see him do it. Nobody's done it yet. And nobody will until the end of this year, because I'm going to create all kinds of the velocities, little savages
490 01:32:11,340 --> 01:32:19,530 that can go out there and slice and dice. And you'll be able to go on here and strip these markets down, know exactly when to do something, and when to stay
491 01:32:19,530 --> 01:32:31,170 away. And you're going to be enjoying when you see everybody else out there trying to break themselves trading in an environment that is not conducive for
492 01:32:31,170 --> 01:32:43,080 success. And you're sitting back chill, knowing that you shouldn't be doing it. And it's amusing, yes, it's sad and other instances where there's a lot of
493 01:32:43,080 --> 01:32:54,930 people out there that are failing on YouTube. And I've quietly said, Listen, why don't you just try this. And don't even mention my name is not about that. Just
494 01:32:54,930 --> 01:33:03,300 try this. And sometimes they're just not interested. I want to keep doing what I'm doing. And they're not making money. They're not successful. They're failing
495 01:33:03,300 --> 01:33:14,550 and floundering. And I like their personality. I like who they are as a person, from what I can see of them. And I'm trying to cultivate more of what I like to
496 01:33:14,550 --> 01:33:27,870 see in these YouTubers. But I'm going to provide the real skill. And I'm hoping I'm going to find a match with a like a trades by Matt. Like Patrick Whelan,
497 01:33:27,930 --> 01:33:39,060 like a corpse, Aaron corpse. I want to see personalities that I like that I have an affinity for. I want them to learn how to do what it is I'm teaching. Not
498 01:33:39,060 --> 01:33:49,590 because I want them to rep me. I don't want them to talk about me. I don't even want them to mention me. You know, it's not about that. I want to see other
499 01:33:49,590 --> 01:34:02,520 people do well. I love that I love it. It's to me a great deal of and inspiration because I live vicariously through those experiences, because I have
500 01:34:02,520 --> 01:34:13,830 a lot of bad experiences when I was younger. And that's why I envy you. I envy every single one of you. Because you have the advantages that I did not have.
501 01:34:14,100 --> 01:34:22,770 You have the advantages and proof being laid in your hands when I had no proof that none of this shit was ever going to work for me. I just bought it hook line
502 01:34:22,770 --> 01:34:34,560 and sinker and then lost money doing it. See you have a perfect laboratory experiment. I said I'm going to walk in front of you. tell you where it's going
503 01:34:34,560 --> 01:34:48,990 to go point out everything before it happens. Who ever Have you ever seen do that? My whole entire reputation is on the line by me saying I'm going to come
504 01:34:48,990 --> 01:34:59,250 out here and call every minute candle and tell you what's going to happen why it's going to happen. And then if it doesn't happen, holy shit. This guy's a
505 01:34:59,250 --> 01:35:12,630 faking fraud. God, he couldn't even do it. But what are you experiencing? Ever since I started this, every single fucking experiment walking forward, I
506 01:35:12,630 --> 01:35:28,020 guarantee you, it's mind numbing that this is possible. It shouldn't be possible, right? Because if the markets are random, nobody should be this
507 01:35:28,050 --> 01:35:41,820 fucking lucky. And that's what I wanted you to determine on your own. I wanted that epiphany to happen by you going into the charts doing this. And for the
508 01:35:41,820 --> 01:35:48,930 students that have put their work into this, and they're usually the ones that are the most quiet, they're out there making money, man. Like, I have students
509 01:35:48,930 --> 01:35:59,130 that are kicking the fucking shit at these markets. And they don't give a fuck if you know them. They don't care. They don't care. If you think of a fucking
510 01:35:59,130 --> 01:36:08,880 scammer or a fraudster, they don't care that you know that I'm teaching in a demo. They're fucking carving out their own fucking life right now. They don't
511 01:36:08,880 --> 01:36:19,380 give two shits. Because they know what they have learned, is making their money. And they ain't got time for the bullshit, they ain't got time for drama. They
512 01:36:19,380 --> 01:36:29,010 don't care about people's opinion about who me nothing. They don't give a shit who's trading another approach? They're just killing it. But some of my students
513 01:36:29,040 --> 01:36:37,950 just want to be that soldier that wants to go out there and say, You know what, fuck you. You talked about Smart Money concepts. You've talked about ICT, you've
514 01:36:37,950 --> 01:36:48,060 talked about the concepts, talked about the students base. And they want to go out there and slap these assholes around, make them look stupid, you're not
515 01:36:48,060 --> 01:36:55,980 going to have any effect on them. They're miserable pieces of shit, you're never going to you're not going to convince them anything. They're already miserable.
516 01:36:57,720 --> 01:37:15,720 So if that's the motivation for you, it's misguided. Just be you. Just do you. If it's on social media that you claim to strive to do well and make a name for
517 01:37:15,720 --> 01:37:26,010 yourself, do it on the basis of being able to do something that nobody else is doing. I'm laying a wonderful opportunity for a large number of you.
518 01:37:28,890 --> 01:37:38,190 Once you know how to do this, if you sit out there and you call this shit live, and you push the button in front of everybody, and they see you doing it over
519 01:37:38,190 --> 01:37:47,130 and over and over and over and you're just calm, cool, collected. It's business as usual, baby, I get stopped out no problem, I got something else. Get me in
520 01:37:47,130 --> 01:37:56,220 there. Took a loss today. And I'll take take anything else. I'm gonna come back tomorrow and get it back and you make more. It doesn't feel like that's possible
521 01:37:56,220 --> 01:38:05,460 right now for some of you. Like, I could just get to that point, you'll get to that point. You'll get there. But you got to go through this process that feels
522 01:38:05,490 --> 01:38:18,420 arguable, it feels daunting, it feels like you're never going to get through this fucking shit. When is it going to happen for me? When you hear me, outline
523 01:38:18,420 --> 01:38:35,340 these markets, when you watch me execute, and manage these positions. You don't understand how much failure I had early on. You don't know the times that I went
524 01:38:35,340 --> 01:38:45,660 to sleep, weeping, feeling like I'm never going to get this shit. This is what I got to do the rest of my life I had to work these menial fucking jobs and a part
525 01:38:45,660 --> 01:39:00,150 time job just to get extra money. I had a skill set, I can code. And I could not land a job with any of that shit. And I was doing it since I was six in sixth
526 01:39:00,150 --> 01:39:12,000 grade. However, that wasn't where I was supposed to be. I can look back now and see, it was all perfectly orchestrated where I ended up where I am right now.
527 01:39:12,570 --> 01:39:21,180 But I didn't see it then. I felt like it was walls in front of me. Just like you think there's walls in front of you. These moments of confusion, these moments
528 01:39:21,180 --> 01:39:28,380 of feeling like you're not learning anything yet. You feel like you should know how to do this by now. It's been two weeks. We've been doing live sessions for
529 01:39:28,380 --> 01:39:39,060 two weeks, you should know how to trade by now. That's bullshit. That's unrealistic expectations. And you're trying to do too much. That's you're the
530 01:39:39,180 --> 01:39:52,020 you're the byproduct of this generation, the last 25 years and my own children. I see this because the time that the older ones went through public school,
531 01:39:52,530 --> 01:40:02,220 their expectations on life is a little bit skewed. And they picked that up through the shit they learned in school. My two younger ones who were
532 01:40:02,220 --> 01:40:09,810 homeschooled, they don't have those characteristics. What's different? They weren't indoctrinated. My daughter was indoctrinated through all the college
533 01:40:09,810 --> 01:40:21,120 bullshit. And it's funny. She sees her dad do this on her stepdad. But I'm still dad, right? She sees me do this. I've outlined something, the model that you had
534 01:40:21,420 --> 01:40:38,430 given to you last year is hers from me. That's, I mentored that just for her. It's easy. And she doesn't want to do it. Like, as a dad, what the fuck am I
535 01:40:38,430 --> 01:40:46,170 supposed to do? A man look, I'm constantly throwing money at her because she's getting herself in financial trouble. She overspend. She goes into credit card
536 01:40:46,170 --> 01:40:58,830 debt, and it's constant never ends. I have family members, I've tried to help. I've given them money. I've put them in homes, I've made things accessible
537 01:40:58,890 --> 01:41:08,040 vehicles, I've literally given them cars, a wreck them, they lose their house, they don't pay the property taxes on it, and they're in trouble and they lose it
538 01:41:08,040 --> 01:41:18,480 all. Because they're not financially literate. There are some people you just can't fucking help. And a lot of them might be your friends, it might be your
539 01:41:18,480 --> 01:41:30,450 family. Which is the reason why I tell you, it sounds cruel, it sounds insensitive. But love your family from a distance while you're learning this.
540 01:41:30,990 --> 01:41:39,150 Don't invite them into the conversation about why you're doing this. Because they won't understand. And the only thing I'm going to tell you is you're
541 01:41:39,150 --> 01:41:46,410 wasting your time and you're going to lose money. And you're going to just believe a pipe dream is never going to manifest itself and give you the results
542 01:41:46,410 --> 01:42:02,430 you're going into this looking for as the same shit that my own family members and friends told me. They told me that and they all are still working in their
543 01:42:02,430 --> 01:42:15,510 retirement. They're working because they need money. And if I were to listen to the bad advice from people that aren't doing anything talking positive, they're
544 01:42:15,510 --> 01:42:26,040 not making any fucking moves in life. They're working a fucking dead end job at Sears which to Sears even exists anymore. I don't even know if it exists
545 01:42:26,040 --> 01:42:41,130 anymore. No, not Sears Ward's Montgomery, Ward's uncle, my aunt. They worked at Montgomery Ward's. And they were, you know, trying to be the typical uncle and
546 01:42:41,130 --> 01:42:53,790 aunt, you know, they try to give you life advice and ship. The advice they gave was, basically just do what we do. And I want to do what they did. They went to
547 01:42:53,790 --> 01:42:59,430 work, they came home they bitched about having to go to work and went to bed got up and do the same thing. And on the weekends the pitch about how to go to work
548 01:42:59,430 --> 01:43:11,010 on one day. I don't want to fucking do that. Who the fuck wants to do that? family functions that's what the bits the bell. So you don't want to be around
549 01:43:11,010 --> 01:43:19,830 it. You feel like you're around vampires. You go there, you're young, you're full of energy. You're you're pursuing an adventure in bettering yourself. And
550 01:43:19,830 --> 01:43:26,130 you want to share it with them. And you tell it to them and they suck the fucking life force out of you. Oh, that's not gonna work. Oh, you know what's
551 01:43:26,130 --> 01:43:32,010 going to happen? You're going to try to do this and do that. Oh, yeah, no, so so many people that try to do this and do that they lost their ass. You're gonna be
552 01:43:32,010 --> 01:43:39,180 just like them. Don't do that. Just just sit, get yourself a good job. And you know, and don't don't try to buy anything too expensive. Because it ain't worth
553 01:43:39,180 --> 01:43:52,260 it is no reason for I hit a dead if I'm gonna believe that shit, where the hell would I be? Who the hell knows where I'd be. But when I heard that it was like,
554 01:43:52,320 --> 01:44:01,590 in one ear out the other. I said these motherfuckers are family. I'm gonna let them talk their shit. But I ain't listened to this shit anymore. And eventually
555 01:44:01,590 --> 01:44:12,510 I stopped coming around them. I love them from a distance. I didn't let them fuck up my fucking plan. I didn't let them in the conversation. Because every
556 01:44:12,510 --> 01:44:23,730 time I did, it was always negative. It was always talking it down. It was always trying to make me doubt myself when I needed to cheerlead my own self, because
557 01:44:23,730 --> 01:44:32,520 nobody else was around me doing it. I didn't have an ICT. I didn't have a community where I can get encouragement from watching other people do what it is
558 01:44:32,520 --> 01:44:48,870 I'm doing or learning to do. I was by my fucking self talking to myself, reasoning with myself, and many times fucking crying, frustrated, because it's
559 01:44:48,870 --> 01:44:58,050 one thing to be frustrated. Because it's hard and you put a lot of effort into it. But when you're chemically imbalanced, and you think sometimes with
560 01:44:58,500 --> 01:45:09,390 unrealistic expectations See, which is many times what bipolarism brings, like, you. You can't even imagine it. But you can't, you can't fucking imagine how
561 01:45:09,390 --> 01:45:20,040 hard it is. But when you feel like, you know, you're going to be able to do this. And you're putting a lot of effort into it. And when you get a small,
562 01:45:20,250 --> 01:45:34,230 small victory in a milestone in your understanding, and you want to share it, because it means it's real now, you didn't imagine it. You go to a family
563 01:45:34,230 --> 01:45:44,370 member, you go to a friend, and you say, look, look what I just did, or look at, check this out. And how they're going to proceed this is this, oh, you're trying
564 01:45:44,370 --> 01:45:51,420 to be better than me, you think you're smarter than me? You know, you're not smarter than me, you're not more special than me. And when you think you're this
565 01:45:51,420 --> 01:45:59,790 is going to mean that you're you're smarter person, you're gonna have more money than me. That's how they're going to internalize it. And their response is going
566 01:45:59,790 --> 01:46:11,100 to be and that's not what you're looking for. What are you looking for? You're looking for DNS, fucking awesome. That's fucking coolest shit. Let me know what
567 01:46:11,100 --> 01:46:17,160 you do the next time I want to know, or let me do what you're doing. Can you teach me what you're doing so I can get involved. That's what you're really
568 01:46:17,160 --> 01:46:31,740 wanting, but that's never gonna happen. That's not what's going to happen. So don't invite them in the fucking conversation. You're in Fight Club. The first
569 01:46:31,740 --> 01:46:40,590 rule of fight club, we don't talk about fight club. You're gonna get black eyes, your friends and family gonna be you know what's wrong with you. They're gonna,
570 01:46:40,830 --> 01:46:54,810 they're gonna know something happened, you went through a rough period of learning is fell on steps. You caught up volleyball to the eye, and elbow. You
571 01:46:54,810 --> 01:47:05,970 playing ball with your boys caught an elbow. There's gonna be times when you go through this year with me. You're gonna be worn out. It's gonna feel like Man,
572 01:47:05,970 --> 01:47:13,650 that was a rough week. And I don't I'm not sure what I've learned. Two months later, you're gonna know what you learned that week. But you're going to be
573 01:47:13,770 --> 01:47:25,560 battered and bruised. With the level of observation, journaling, studying, watching videos until you're fucking falling asleep. While they're on.
574 01:47:27,450 --> 01:47:47,610 It's like college, you're cramming a PhD level education inside of less than a year. But the benefits far outweighing not having done it. And you can write
575 01:47:47,610 --> 01:47:58,530 your own check with this skill set. Whatever you want to do with this once you know how to do it. And that's that's a big chasm between knowing how to do it
576 01:47:58,590 --> 01:48:08,100 and starting here and trying to do that. A lot of you aren't going to get there. You're going to quit, you're going to do other shit or put it aside for a little
577 01:48:08,100 --> 01:48:14,520 while. And then later on, when this shit in your life is too much. You're gonna be like, You know what? I'm gonna go get I'm gonna go back to that and start
578 01:48:14,520 --> 01:48:24,000 again. I have students that make money right now. That came to me as a paid student, left quit tried to do some other bullshit lost there and said, You know
579 01:48:24,000 --> 01:48:34,950 what, I gotta go back one more time and came back with the mindset that was proper. Understood, it was gonna be hard. And now, if you listen to them, they'd
580 01:48:34,950 --> 01:48:49,800 be like this. The detailing the going into this wanting it to be easy. is what is the problem? You want it to be easy. And I don't care who you learn from any,
581 01:48:49,980 --> 01:49:00,810 any kind of retail bullshit. As soon as you add money to do it, it's hard. What makes it hard? See, hear people talking about this? And they're going to try to
582 01:49:00,810 --> 01:49:10,680 convince you that because I'm teaching you with a paper trading account. Oh, he can't do it alive. Can't I did it with a live account. It's on my YouTube
583 01:49:10,680 --> 01:49:20,550 channel. I showed you every day I logged into the account showed you every fucking statement from every single day, losing trades, winning trades, over
584 01:49:20,550 --> 01:49:33,660 100% five weeks. One contract. I don't need to do years of this bullshit. I don't need to do what I'm doing now. And I'm still doing this. Proven. No matter
585 01:49:33,660 --> 01:49:43,350 what I do. There's going to be people saying you didn't do this. You didn't do this. Well, why can't I ask that of them? Why don't you show me what you fail
586 01:49:43,350 --> 01:49:54,540 that because you're bringing nothing to the table with success. You're just talking shit. But when you're looking at a demo account, you're you're you're
587 01:49:54,540 --> 01:50:07,560 utilizing a demo account. You're free To absorb all of the learning and understanding what this markets doing, why it's going up, why it's going down?
588 01:50:07,740 --> 01:50:24,390 Where's it going to stop. And as soon as you bring in money, everybody's right. There has an issue with one element about demo or paper trading. It's not the
589 01:50:24,390 --> 01:50:43,470 same internally. When you start trading with live funds, that is true. But trading is the same. Whether it's in a live or demo, that is the same. So
590 01:50:43,470 --> 01:50:52,620 they're taking their own experience, because they did what what their demo account, they know by experience, they over leveraged, they kept pushing and
591 01:50:52,620 --> 01:51:02,880 pushing and pushing. And eventually, they got a winning trade, and they ignore all the shit they did wrong. They reset their accounts, all that bullshit. And
592 01:51:02,880 --> 01:51:09,660 they only focus on what the things that made them feel good, the things that gave them that dopamine hit. If I wanted to talk about real money, I could have
593 01:51:09,660 --> 01:51:20,730 made enough to buy a new car in one trade, not realizing that you're in a trade with no stop loss. It was drawn down $30,000. And you came back to the demo
594 01:51:20,730 --> 01:51:26,460 account because it's been running without you for two weeks, you come back Oh, look at this. I'm up on this trade. Let me go shut down social media, you know
595 01:51:26,460 --> 01:51:35,970 exactly who the fuck you are, you do that shit. And because you got a dopamine hit from that response on on social media. Wow, he knows how to trade, you don't
596 01:51:35,970 --> 01:51:48,330 know if I can trade, you just happen to leave something on, it finally made its way to a level where it shows profitability. When you get out there working with
597 01:51:48,360 --> 01:52:01,230 a demo account properly, you're learning to follow rules. You're not learning how the market platform works with just the demo? No, no, no, you are learning
598 01:52:01,260 --> 01:52:12,600 how to read price action. And then how you're going to look for a setup that you're going to go to as this is your model. This is what you're looking for
599 01:52:12,630 --> 01:52:20,220 each time you go into the marketplace looking for a trade, you're not rediscovering what it is you're going to do, you're looking for that very thing
600 01:52:20,220 --> 01:52:31,320 that you do you go into, and you're going to do as a trade entry. What frames the risk on it, it will always be the same. That's why I've told my son I teach
601 01:52:31,320 --> 01:52:42,060 you, you have to use a stop loss. It's no larger than five handles. For somebody who is like what the hell, I can't do that. You can you have to go in looking
602 01:52:42,060 --> 01:52:55,200 for it. That means you have to be on lower timeframes. And you can do very, very well with one contract. One contract is easy to manage. You're all trying to do
603 01:52:55,200 --> 01:53:10,260 these funded accounts. In a demo, you're trading like a wizard, because you don't care about the outcome. You don't care. Well, the here's the problem with
604 01:53:10,260 --> 01:53:26,070 why demo to live is a hardship. Because you care about the Prophet coming in, you care about the losing trade coming. You care. You have rushed into trading
605 01:53:26,070 --> 01:53:37,950 with live money. You are aware you're conscious of the fact that you're in debt, that you don't make enough money and you are conscious that you are impatiently
606 01:53:38,130 --> 01:53:50,670 driving very hard and fast to get more money in your hands because you think you're going to trade your way out of insignificance, mediocrity and being
607 01:53:50,670 --> 01:54:00,480 broke. And you think you're doing it with $100 FX account. You think you're doing it with a $500 Forex account, you think you're going to deal with $5,000
608 01:54:01,560 --> 01:54:20,340 You're not. You're not I want you to hear me. You are not. You have to be properly funded. And as soon as you go into live trading, what you're bringing
609 01:54:20,340 --> 01:54:32,220 to it, because what I'm teaching works, if you just do this and stick to the rules, it works. Where it is a failure for traders that start with live funds
610 01:54:32,220 --> 01:54:43,740 too soon, is you are bringing your bullshit to it. You care about the outcome. You care about being right or wrong. You're you're you're afraid of being in too
611 01:54:43,740 --> 01:54:51,660 early and you're afraid of getting into late, which causes paralysis. So you're looking at a chart and you're watching you know, it's going into that area I
612 01:54:51,660 --> 01:55:03,600 should be doing but let me just watch a little bit more. I it's running now. Alright, so it's up at you candles Now, if it just goes down one more two more
613 01:55:03,600 --> 01:55:11,310 handles, and I'll buy it because that means I'm doing ICT said I'm going to buy when it's going down. Oh shit, it's not going up. But when I'm up 12 Let me
614 01:55:11,310 --> 01:55:21,690 fucking get it here because if it's gone up 20 At least I'll get eight. No wonder stressful. No wonder it's stressful life funds, because you're not doing
615 01:55:21,690 --> 01:55:30,720 what you were trained to do properly because you didn't learn shit. You rushed through the lessons you didn't do the things I told you to do, you haven't
616 01:55:30,720 --> 01:55:42,240 adopted discipline, and patience was not forged at all. Because you binge watch videos, you listen to these spaces like this, and it might entertain you. You'd
617 01:55:42,240 --> 01:55:56,340 like these because I go off the rails, sometimes sometimes I shout. Sometimes I make very loud, abrupt statements. And that wakes you up. It's not that same
618 01:55:56,340 --> 01:56:12,180 boring, mundane voice that drones on and there's lectures that put you to sleep. That's the the college professor ICT here. I'm the drill sergeant, you wake the
619 01:56:12,180 --> 01:56:22,560 fuck up. You're not sleeping in sleeper, wake up. And I'm going to tell you all about yourself. And you need to know that, because that's who's fucking it up.
620 01:56:22,740 --> 01:56:31,710 It's not me. It's not the concepts. It's not the market. It's you. And you have to figure out how to wrangle all these problems that you're bringing into it,
621 01:56:31,710 --> 01:56:42,660 which is the fear of being wrong. The necessity to make a lot of money, which study and it's not possible. You can't take ignorance, and go into these
622 01:56:42,660 --> 01:56:51,090 marketplaces, and consistently make wealth. It doesn't work that way. But that's what you're doing. And that's what people have an issue with, when they see me
623 01:56:51,090 --> 01:57:00,030 teaching what a demo, they think because I'm teaching with a demo. Therefore, I couldn't do this with any other medium. But I'm showing you that I can call this
624 01:57:00,030 --> 01:57:09,060 beforehand. I've already shown that I can double an account in a very short span of time with just the smallest increment, which is one contract. And I can do it
625 01:57:09,090 --> 01:57:17,580 with lots of losses because I was asked can you create a situation where there's drawdown? And how would you correct it? I did it. Could you have major drawdown?
626 01:57:17,730 --> 01:57:25,740 And come back from it? Yeah, sure. Went down 80% intraday and came all the way back up.
627 01:57:27,240 --> 01:57:36,030 Just because a question came to me by students said, Could you come back from 80% drawdown? Yes. And approve it. I'll go down tomorrow with it. And I'll bring
628 01:57:36,030 --> 01:57:47,340 it right back up at the closer today. New equity high. Don't believe me? Go look at the real results first year. It's the series that I show. Three months of
629 01:57:48,600 --> 01:58:02,430 Thinkorswim real trading, trading the ES one contract 25,000 became 50,001. Contract, lots of losing trades, just to prove that you don't need to be fearful
630 01:58:02,430 --> 01:58:11,670 of it. Every scenario that my students came to me with, if you hadn't a Live account, and you did this and do that, how would you do? That's what you're
631 01:58:11,670 --> 01:58:23,880 seeing? What if you're not precise? What if you aren't really that good at getting in? What would be reasonable. That's what I was doing. I was doing close
632 01:58:23,880 --> 01:58:27,870 proximity entries. That means what you see my son Cameron doing this morning
633 01:58:34,710 --> 01:58:51,390 fumbling around, making excuses for not pushing when he's supposed to being distracted by girlfriend by being distracted by ESD at work. And all those
634 01:58:51,390 --> 01:59:02,820 factors is exactly what you're bringing in. And all of that is going to have your attention diluted. And you can't allow that if you're trading with real
635 01:59:02,820 --> 01:59:13,020 money. That's why demo is easy. Because before you even push the button, you already came to the conclusion that I don't care what happens. But I'm
636 01:59:13,020 --> 01:59:22,050 interested to see if it works. Well, if you learn the proper way how I'm teaching you without any money to the entirety of this year, no money
637 01:59:22,050 --> 01:59:31,500 transactions, no money trades, not even a demo until you're prompted. Once we get into the stage of demo, you'll be pushing buttons. But we have to go through
638 01:59:31,500 --> 01:59:41,160 this boring part first. But once you understand what it is you're doing the same logic that you have when you use a demo, where you don't care about the outcome,
639 01:59:41,220 --> 01:59:53,640 but you're interested in seeing the results. That's unemotional. You're engaged because you want to see the scientific response to you doing this. Well, when
640 01:59:53,640 --> 02:00:03,990 you have impeccable money management, your accuracy is right on point and because you've seen it so many times, you're desensitized. You're not surprised.
641 02:00:04,110 --> 02:00:13,830 See, that's the problem when you're trading with iPhones. When you're trading with iPhones, most of the time you're learning shit, that doesn't work anyway.
642 02:00:14,070 --> 02:00:23,280 So right away, you have reason to be wearing your assholes puckering, because you know, this shit isn't probably going to work. Because it's based on flawed
643 02:00:23,280 --> 02:00:33,720 language and logic that doesn't really exist in why the markets go up and down. Moving Average crossovers, normal horseshit trend lines, that doesn't make the
644 02:00:33,720 --> 02:00:44,490 market go up and down. So when you go in, and you're trading with real money, it's not a stretch to understand why you're scared. And you impulsively trade
645 02:00:44,490 --> 02:00:54,420 stupidly. You wait too long, because you want to have confirmation. Or you're impatient because you want to make money. And you think that that's the signal
646 02:00:54,420 --> 02:01:05,370 because somebody on the internet, showed you a video, a PDF, some horseshit. And they said, I made this kind of money trading this pattern, and you're in a hurry
647 02:01:05,370 --> 02:01:14,790 to do the same thing. And if not more, and you're over leveraging your account that's already underfunded anyway. So of course, it's going to feel different,
648 02:01:15,810 --> 02:01:28,020 it's going to feel different. And you see these folks out here. And listen, I'm not knocking any of you, okay? Not to hurt your feelings, not to push too hard
649 02:01:28,260 --> 02:01:40,050 not to say I'm better or smarter than you. But if you're listening, and I'm quite certain some of you are. You're using these funded accounts. And you're
650 02:01:40,050 --> 02:01:52,440 pressing with five contracts, six contracts, eight contracts. And you're very uncomfortable holding those trades. But you're streaming, and I got respect for
651 02:01:52,440 --> 02:02:05,370 that. And you're given and taken, you take in the winds, and you feel like you ran a marathon. That's what I find engaging in these live streams, you can see
652 02:02:05,370 --> 02:02:16,290 their face, you can read their emotions, you can see the frustrations as much as they're trying to hide it. Watch their body language. Watch how their breathing
653 02:02:16,290 --> 02:02:26,850 accelerates. What's their agitated stance, and how they're shifting in their seats and move around and watch the eye contact. When they break contact from
654 02:02:26,850 --> 02:02:37,320 the charts. They're blocking out something they don't want to see a movement against their trade or movement after they got out. That's the real things that
655 02:02:37,320 --> 02:02:55,350 go on in trading. You know, it corrects all that. Trading on one contract. One, trading one contract. Cameron's newbie experienced this morning literally had
656 02:02:55,350 --> 02:03:09,120 1/3 of what is expected to be made on any given week to do the the funded challenge, you know, we got to do the pass or whatever. And with one contract.
657 02:03:10,710 --> 02:03:23,430 And while he's a complete noob, and he's more emotionally attached to my approval, or lack thereof, of what he's trying to do, I'm I'm proud of him for
658 02:03:23,430 --> 02:03:38,250 wanting to do this. If he fails for two years before he finds it, I'm still proud of shit like I'm, I won't let him fail. I won't let him fail. But even him
659 02:03:38,310 --> 02:03:55,860 coming into this, he has no idea what he's doing. But he's seen that one contract was different from seeing 10 contracts and 15 contracts. He was
660 02:03:55,860 --> 02:04:06,780 physically anxious last Friday, just watching that 15 contract trade that I was using to fix all his bullshit
661 02:04:11,880 --> 02:04:25,830 he had access to a trial of 150,000 Fake trade of aid money to let you see what it's like. And I said, do what you think you should do based on what the charts
662 02:04:25,830 --> 02:04:34,080 doing right now. Knowing what you know, which is next to nothing. And he was just pushing the buttons and trying to put this on and put that on different lot
663 02:04:34,080 --> 02:04:44,310 sizes buying and selling right away doing the opposite direction. If it was moving, he was chasing it. Everything a fucking newbie does everything in it
664 02:04:44,310 --> 02:04:58,380 drew down to like 135,000 That's how much okay, okay, so that's that's now watch what it looks like when there's real logic behind it. And three trades boom,
665 02:04:59,010 --> 02:05:10,500 back up to 100 51,000 in the same day on Friday, but he was anxious the whole time because he was watching those numbers. And even though it's Monopoly money,
666 02:05:10,950 --> 02:05:21,510 he's anxious to close it. He wants to move his stop loss up. Like he's flipping the fuck out. Why? Because he has no, now staff think we both know, in you know
667 02:05:21,690 --> 02:05:35,790 that this was a trial version, it's a demo. Nobody could lose money and have any pain from that. But this boy is freaking the fuck out. Because he's bringing
668 02:05:35,790 --> 02:05:51,090 what to it. He's bringing an outcome, that must happen favorably, or he's not going to have dad's approval. So he wants to do something in my sight. In my
669 02:05:51,090 --> 02:06:01,080 presence watching him, so that way I can tell him, You did good, good. Good job. He's afraid he's not going to hear that. So everything he's looking at, and
670 02:06:01,080 --> 02:06:10,860 while he's watching his numbers, he wants to do a good job and close the trade at the highest number, when he doesn't know what makes the highest number get to
671 02:06:10,860 --> 02:06:20,580 where it will print on the chart. And that's exactly what goes on. When people go into live accounts on training, or trade with a funded account. They got
672 02:06:20,580 --> 02:06:30,360 lucky. And no luck doesn't exist. But circumstances fell in favor. And you pass that challenge. So now you have a funded account challenge. Wonderful. What are
673 02:06:30,360 --> 02:06:40,110 you gonna do with it? How long you gonna hold on to it? Because now the real battle begins? Getting it is just, that's participation? You got a participation
674 02:06:40,110 --> 02:06:49,350 award? Are you going to hold on to it? Will you still have it a year later? How much money are you going to withdraw from it? How many withdrawals of
675 02:06:50,070 --> 02:07:00,960 withdrawal? Profits? Are you going to go to pull from it? That's the more weightier matters. But when you get into live trading, leaving demo or skipping
676 02:07:00,960 --> 02:07:12,870 over demo not learning what it is that you're looking for in price. See, that's what you are failing to understand when you see these folks, people out there
677 02:07:12,870 --> 02:07:25,710 saying you don't know. If you're gonna be able to make money. I know I'm making money. I don't know where to fuck you're from. But I know. I fucking No. I know.
678 02:07:25,800 --> 02:07:35,760 Even though I'm not doing thing tomorrow. I know if I want to sit my ass down if on these charts tomorrow, I'm pulling out something. That's just the way it is.
679 02:07:36,450 --> 02:07:51,360 Because I know what I'm looking for retail traders. In everything that comes under the guise of a model that works. It's consistent. You don't know. I'll
680 02:07:51,360 --> 02:08:01,440 give you an example. You don't know what harmonic patterns are going to form tomorrow? At what time you don't know that. You have to wait for these Fibonacci
681 02:08:01,440 --> 02:08:14,790 ratios to come together. And then Oh, okay. Now I see that let me trade that. What differentiates from what I do, and all that Mickey Mouse shit. I know,
682 02:08:15,060 --> 02:08:28,980 there's going to be a fair value get that forms. In the first 45 minutes of trading. I know that I know that I'm going to get a volume imbalance in the
683 02:08:28,980 --> 02:08:42,570 first hour. I know that I'm going to have four trade setups, guaranteed between 930 and 11 o'clock in the morning, every fucking day. No matter what profile,
684 02:08:43,080 --> 02:08:52,140 I'll have that. There at my disposal. Anytime I fucking want them. I go in, I take them by one. I know that I have four trade setups between 130 in the
685 02:08:52,140 --> 02:09:00,690 afternoon and four o'clock. I know every day every microprofile I know they're there. Whenever I want them going out, fucking pluck them off the vine. They're
686 02:09:00,690 --> 02:09:12,030 there waiting for me. That's my fucking food. I know where to find my food. I'm not guessing. When my shits coming. I know where it grows. I know where the vine
687 02:09:12,030 --> 02:09:18,720 is. I know where it's planted. And I'm just gonna walk my ass in there gingerly and pluck that, share it off the fucking line. I can do that. And you're going
688 02:09:18,720 --> 02:09:29,760 to learn to do that. That's what the distinguishing factors about what it is that I do and what I teach my students. We're not wondering when our next signal
689 02:09:29,760 --> 02:09:44,340 is going to come. We know when and how it forms. That is a level of confidence that you cannot fucking understand until you get it. Once you have that. You
690 02:09:44,340 --> 02:09:52,560 sound like me. If you start talking about what it is you do, you'll sound like me to the neophyte to someone that's just coming across me. This guy's an
691 02:09:52,920 --> 02:10:01,380 egotistical fucking prick him all I get it I understand, but it's because I know what the fuck I'm talking about. And I walked away awk and I talked to talk
692 02:10:01,470 --> 02:10:10,260 together, I don't just push it out of my ass, I literally tell you what's about to happen. And then it happens, you get to experience it, you get to weigh me in
693 02:10:10,260 --> 02:10:24,180 the balances every fucking day, and I'm delivering, and delivering and delivering. I'm better than FedEx. I'm always on time. The shits always coming
694 02:10:24,450 --> 02:10:36,390 like it's supposed to. And that's exactly how you want your trading to be, you want your analysis to be predictable, you don't need to fucking guess if there's
695 02:10:36,390 --> 02:10:46,500 going to be a fair value gap that sets up for a run into liquidity. And that's the easiest thing like literally, think about this for a second. Now, so it's
696 02:10:46,500 --> 02:11:02,520 the closest, or whatnot. Whatever I got time. So think about it like this, if you have a clear, obvious level that has relatively equal lows, or, like today,
697 02:11:03,030 --> 02:11:10,320 where the market went up into that fair value gap on the 60 minute chart. And that was our target. But then looking at the NASDAQ, it failed to make that
698 02:11:10,320 --> 02:11:21,720 higher high. And then the market went down below its short term low and the s&p and the NASDAQ and created its imbalances. Don't you know? In every fiber of
699 02:11:21,720 --> 02:11:33,420 your being, don't you understand that that fair value get right before it runs to a sell side or buy side liquidity? Don't you understand? That forms every
700 02:11:33,420 --> 02:11:51,870 day? Think about it. That fucking forms in the morning. And it forms in the afternoon, every fucking day, every day. And you are sitting here worrying about
701 02:11:51,870 --> 02:12:03,120 this shit stopping eventually, because so many people are doing it. You don't listen, when I tell you that the markets book algorithmically. They're going to
702 02:12:03,120 --> 02:12:13,860 these levels, regardless of what buying and selling pressure, and you're bringing this myopic approach to reasoning. What it is, I've already told you,
703 02:12:14,280 --> 02:12:24,540 the markets are going to gyrate and go to levels based on its algorithm. It's offering that price. It's just like if you were a store owner, and you sold
704 02:12:24,540 --> 02:12:37,230 shoes, who sets the price for the shoe. You do. If you want to get rid of the shoes, you mark them down Who Says You Can't nobody. These Jordans, they cost
705 02:12:37,230 --> 02:12:47,490 this much money. Everybody sell for this much money. But you got a pair that Jordan himself came in, try it on said you know what? I'm alright, I'm good. I
706 02:12:47,490 --> 02:12:54,480 don't need it. I get them for free. But you have proof that that man put his feet inside there. So now you're going to sell your shoe for whatever the fuck
707 02:12:54,480 --> 02:13:03,660 you want to sell it for 2000 5000 $10,000 I'm sure there's a nut out there that would literally pay whatever, because that man placed his foot in that shoe. But
708 02:13:03,660 --> 02:13:12,900 who sets the price? You do? It's yours. It's your commodity. It's your storefront. It's your business. You're running your business the way you want to
709 02:13:12,900 --> 02:13:25,740 run it. Well, these algorithms, they're coded to take price to a specific price level by a specific time. I don't give a fuck if you believe me. I don't care if
710 02:13:25,740 --> 02:13:39,390 you don't believe me. I'm showing you evidence of it every damn day. And you can't find anything else out there. This show me how to Wycoff show me how
711 02:13:39,390 --> 02:13:50,130 Wycoff talked about how it was going to do these things at this time of the day. Sorry. Oh, addicted no doubt shit. Sorry. Gan didn't know anything about it.
712 02:13:51,360 --> 02:13:59,400 Elliot, still waiting on the wave, because it never came in his direction at that time. And there is no supply and demand unless you're talking about
713 02:13:59,400 --> 02:14:11,550 commodities. buying and selling pressure is a fucking myth. These things are controlled in the market will offer that price to allow what
714 02:14:13,020 --> 02:14:26,190 trading to occur at those prices. If a lot of sellers come in, like it's think about you watch these, these people say Oh, well, I gotta do is watch the level
715 02:14:26,190 --> 02:14:36,930 two data and you'll see ICTs bullshit about an algorithm is all made up. Just watch the double two data. You're watching spoofed orders. You're watching shit
716 02:14:36,930 --> 02:14:44,370 that is not going to have any impact at all on the direction of price. You're just going to watch fluctuations. That's it. That's all you're doing. You're
717 02:14:44,370 --> 02:14:54,450 watching fluctuations, the delivery, the continuity of that price delivery is what I'm talking about. That's the part you don't understand. You have no idea
718 02:14:54,600 --> 02:15:01,770 what I'm referring to and as many times I've said it you have your fingers in your ear, you're plugging your your mind up like you don't want to listen to it,
719 02:15:02,370 --> 02:15:17,190 you've already convinced yourself that this is no way possible. And I'm taking it back to the argument. If it's not this, then how am I able to do it? And
720 02:15:17,190 --> 02:15:25,770 that's why I tell people spend the year with me, you're gonna see things that makes it undeniable. You'll also see the cycles that come through in the
721 02:15:25,770 --> 02:15:34,920 marketplace, you'll see the seasonal tendencies. All those factors will build on your understanding, and it'll help you fortify the confidence that you need.
722 02:15:35,670 --> 02:15:51,390 You're going to need that shit as a trader. But guess what happens when you see it? And you trust it? Because you've been here so many times before? Moments
723 02:15:51,390 --> 02:16:01,440 ago, I said every day, if you understand the concept of liquidity, everybody can say, Oh, of course, there's stocks below an old low. Of course, they're stopped
724 02:16:01,440 --> 02:16:12,450 above an old high. Everybody fucking knows that. Yes, yes, I'm sure they do. But they don't understand how to use that as a setup that repeats every fucking day.
725 02:16:13,290 --> 02:16:26,340 And that's what I'm teaching you. That's just one setup. All you have to do. Write this in your journal right now. Okay? For you to quit your fucking job. To
726 02:16:26,340 --> 02:16:45,720 quit your job, all you have to do is find something that repeats every day that can yield you five handles. Here's the easiest, most straightforward ICT lecture
727 02:16:45,720 --> 02:16:58,020 ready. Watch price in the morning between 930 and 11 o'clock. Wait for price to run through a liquidity above or below, don't even have a bias. You don't care
728 02:16:58,020 --> 02:17:08,010 about a bias. I don't need a bias I teach you because it's better for you to work within a higher timeframe. directional bias, it's easier to trust and see
729 02:17:08,010 --> 02:17:15,900 the setups because as a new student is so many things to consider what swing high do you use? Which which dealing range? Do you use? What order block what's
730 02:17:15,900 --> 02:17:24,120 very, very good? How do you know what's gonna help you see how fast this compounds in inundates a new student, I understand the frustration, but there's
731 02:17:24,120 --> 02:17:35,280 no short cutting the experience of watching it live. And then you'll find your own model. But if the brass tacks was laid down, here it is. This is it. If I
732 02:17:35,280 --> 02:17:47,130 was to go back in time, and say, Okay, I know nothing. I know nothing about optimal trade entry. I know nothing about the model 2022 that I gave you last
733 02:17:47,130 --> 02:18:00,930 year, all I would be looking for is I want to see an obvious run above a high or relatively highs and then reject that. I want to see an opposing liquidity pool.
734 02:18:01,890 --> 02:18:15,870 I want to see it move sharply in that direction. Once it does that, any any fucking fair value got any of them. Once that occurs. As soon as it trades in
735 02:18:15,870 --> 02:18:25,740 the fair breakup, I'm using that I'm putting a five handle stoploss on it. And I'm waiting for it to rip five handles, half my trades coming off. And then I'm
736 02:18:25,740 --> 02:18:36,120 waiting for it to trade in the opposing liquidity. There it is. In 90 days, I'm quitting my fucking job. That's not me saying you're quitting your job in 90
737 02:18:36,120 --> 02:18:44,400 days. I'm just saying I know that that repeats knowing what I know right now I can go back in time and tell myself this is the thing that's going to repeat
738 02:18:44,430 --> 02:18:57,750 every fucking day. It's it's literally no effort. It's no effort, None. Zero effort required to do that. But you don't know that it repeats. But now because
739 02:18:57,750 --> 02:19:06,150 I've told you, you're gonna go on your charts and say, Oh, shit, that's there, too. Yeah. And I have students that trade models very simplistic just like that.
740 02:19:07,920 --> 02:19:18,990 You can make a model, very, very complex. And that's exactly what I did my mentorship because I knew people were leaking it. Those models fucking make
741 02:19:18,990 --> 02:19:34,470 money. But those models demand a whole lot. They can be coded and automated. So you don't have to really worry about them. But I can also make a very, very
742 02:19:34,470 --> 02:19:43,980 simple elementary approach to it, like I just gave you here. And when I presented in detail in 2020 two's mentorship on my YouTube channel, I can make
743 02:19:43,980 --> 02:19:57,450 it very, very simple. But even when it's most simplest delivered, if you don't know the experience behind its development, how often it forms, how you engage
744 02:19:57,450 --> 02:20:06,840 it, what is it you're looking for? Just because I say put a stop loss on the trade for five handles? Do you know what that means? Where are you going to
745 02:20:06,840 --> 02:20:16,140 place your stock? Because you have to know where you're getting in? Where are you entering? What's your multiplier? What's the pdra that you're using for the
746 02:20:16,140 --> 02:20:24,150 setup, every single time you take the trade. If you're going to use the fair value gap, you're going to put your stop if a short, you're going to put your
747 02:20:24,150 --> 02:20:37,500 stop loss above the candle that makes the fair value gap. If you can't do that, with five handles, can you take the trade? Well, that depends. If you can trade
748 02:20:37,500 --> 02:20:49,290 it with a micro, you can take the trade. But if it's more than five handles, even with and then I can't imagine a trade that you can't do at least one micro
749 02:20:49,290 --> 02:21:06,000 because that's not even that much money. But the micro is $5 per candle, not 50, like a mini. So what are you risking? You're risking $25 It's not much money at
750 02:21:06,000 --> 02:21:20,580 all, to most of us. But there are people that I've trained in impoverished nations where $25 is a whole lot. But that repeats every day. And while you
751 02:21:20,580 --> 02:21:34,950 might need to learn how to do it with setups that risk $25 To make $25 condition yourself, because seeing that pattern of forms every single day. The problem
752 02:21:35,940 --> 02:21:47,490 that you realize, once you know how to trade is that you were told you can't make money with one the one when you can, that's what high frequency algorithms
753 02:21:47,490 --> 02:22:02,190 are doing all day long. Some of them are doing less than one to one, they have a negative. They're trying to make less than what they're risking. Because their
754 02:22:02,190 --> 02:22:12,270 frequency of entry is so high paced in the thing that they're utilizing for a catalyst that gets them in the trade and get right back out of it. It repeats so
755 02:22:12,270 --> 02:22:24,870 often, it doesn't care. The creators, the coders that utilized it and implemented that logic. They don't care about the 35 or 40% Losing they don't
756 02:22:24,870 --> 02:22:34,410 care because they had that statistical edge of 60% of the high frequency order flow in their favor is going to compensate over time, even on a day by day
757 02:22:34,410 --> 02:22:57,060 basis. What happens more frequently. But 30 handle run intraday one way or six five handle trades. multi directional okay, how big the daily range is, six five
758 02:22:57,060 --> 02:23:08,700 handle trades is going to happen more frequently than a one poll single run of 30 handles in the same day. Because there's more fluctuations in price than
759 02:23:08,700 --> 02:23:19,530 there are sustained 30 handle runs in one direction. One, one directional runs 30 candles, there isn't a lot of them within the same day. But there is multiple
760 02:23:19,530 --> 02:23:27,420 deliveries of five handles up five handles stamp five handles up five handles. All of that intraday volatility is what high frequency trading algorithms
761 02:23:27,930 --> 02:23:39,750 capitalize on. Here's what you're being liked, and in being told that the algorithms are causing that to happen, and they're not. They're engaging in that
762 02:23:39,750 --> 02:23:53,400 delivery of price in the disparity between where price was five minutes ago, and where it is today, or next five minutes, that is what it's capitalizing on. So
763 02:23:53,400 --> 02:24:05,670 how many intervals of five minutes occur over the span of a trading session a lot. In these high frequency algorithms are constantly plowing through that
764 02:24:05,730 --> 02:24:11,070 harvesting all of these minor fluctuations. And you're out here trying to get 20 pips a day
765 02:24:12,750 --> 02:24:27,270 50 pips a day 280 50 pips in an hour. It's, it's not needed. All you need is something that repeats over and over and over again. I literally had people
766 02:24:27,270 --> 02:24:36,420 clowning me saying, oh, you know, he's not he's talking about five handles. Dude, there are fucking algorithms that only take one handle. And they do
767 02:24:36,690 --> 02:24:48,870 billions of dollars a year. That's how much they're taken out. Because they're doing transactions and transactions and transactions all fucking day long. In
768 02:24:48,870 --> 02:24:59,880 multiple markets constantly live a little a little bit, boom. This is the way they're designed to do that. They're like the credit card company. Every time
769 02:24:59,880 --> 02:25:11,760 you swipe that card, that merchant has to pay that credit card 50 cents per transaction. That's the middleman. Well, these algorithms are being the
770 02:25:11,760 --> 02:25:24,210 middleman for a lot of your trades. They're not the market maker. But they're utilized as what the counterparty to you. So when they say, oh, there's no
771 02:25:24,210 --> 02:25:35,070 liquidity, that's a lie. There's lots of liquidity. There's lots of buying and selling interest out there. But that buying and selling interest is not buying
772 02:25:35,070 --> 02:25:43,770 selling pressure, that pushes price up and down. There is a disconnect there. And it's because you're being indoctrinated to believe that these markets are
773 02:25:43,770 --> 02:25:56,280 being pushed around because of the buyers and sellers. That's not what's going on. The buying and selling around these price levels is well, limited to whoever
774 02:25:56,280 --> 02:26:07,530 wants to buy and sell at that time. Price is going to be offered continuously higher up if the algorithm is going to be doing a repricing to a, say, an old
775 02:26:07,530 --> 02:26:14,160 high an intraday high. And it's already done. It's run for the day on the downside. So now it's going to just repriced keep going higher, higher, higher,
776 02:26:14,160 --> 02:26:24,600 higher. You have seen these days before. When I was first starting out, I lost a lot of money fading that every time it's there's no way it's going to keep going
777 02:26:24,600 --> 02:26:32,880 up. It's been going up constantly, slowly, all day long tickets or tickets or tick no retracements it just keeps going higher, higher, higher, what's going on
778 02:26:32,880 --> 02:26:43,290 there. The markets perfectly balanced with buyers, and they don't want to ever see it retrace ever, it just constantly, this makes a small little incremental
779 02:26:43,290 --> 02:26:55,650 move higher, higher, high. That's an algorithm. That's what's going on. And look at the depth of market and the level two data when those days occur. It looks
780 02:26:55,650 --> 02:27:07,230 like any other day. So please Stop the bullshit. Don't tell me I don't know how to fucking use that the market ladders were level two data. I know that shit,
781 02:27:07,230 --> 02:27:17,730 man, I know it. And it has absolutely no fucking bearing on what price is going to do. You're watching a gimmick. That's a red herring, you're watching
782 02:27:17,730 --> 02:27:28,590 something and believing that's what's causing the markets to go up and down is not what's going on. Sorry to burst your bubble. But that's just the way it is.
783 02:27:30,900 --> 02:27:40,830 And the sooner you wake up to that the your perception about price and how these markets book will instantly change. And the things that you're fearful of and
784 02:27:40,830 --> 02:27:48,510 concerned over Oh, the markets gonna do this and the markets gonna do that. No, they're not gonna do the same thing they do all the fucking time until there's
785 02:27:48,510 --> 02:27:58,290 manual intervention when somebody says, Okay, we need to set this applecart upside down and upset a whole bunch of bullshit. But unexpected rate
786 02:27:58,290 --> 02:28:14,010 announcement, surprise rate cut or a surprise rate hike, a war event breaks out a pandemic begins something that was unexpected, which is referred to many times
787 02:28:14,010 --> 02:28:25,980 as a black swan. A black swan event is an event that no one knew when it was exactly going to happen. And it's a surprise and shock to most people. And it's
788 02:28:25,980 --> 02:28:36,960 going to send shockwaves through the marketplace. That's a manual intervention. A manual intervention is when the euro and Swiss Evers de pegged and it wrecked
789 02:28:36,990 --> 02:28:50,010 people and brokerage firms literally instantly wiped out in solid. That's manual intervention. That's the risk that you and I incur every single time. We
790 02:28:50,010 --> 02:29:06,450 speculate in any market. Anytime there could be a massive upheaval in these financial instruments that is either organic or synthetically engineered. Either
791 02:29:06,450 --> 02:29:21,330 one can wreck you. Either one is unpredictable. In that risk, is the only risk that I really fear. I don't fear doing a trade and getting it wrong and losing
792 02:29:21,330 --> 02:29:34,140 money because I know what I look for repeats so I don't want to be in forex right now because I'm expecting a black swan event like a euro and Swissy D
793 02:29:34,140 --> 02:29:48,210 pegging. When that unfolded, look at the other currencies. A lot of them are fucking flipped out still too. But euro and Swissy being D pegged. That was
794 02:29:48,210 --> 02:30:03,210 nightmarish like it was you can't survive that. And we're in a climate right now. Where they're ringing in this year central bank digital currencies and
795 02:30:03,240 --> 02:30:10,920 crypto traders think you have it all figured out. None of you know what the fuck is about to happen. I don't know, I just know what you think is gonna happen
796 02:30:10,950 --> 02:30:11,580 ain't happening.
797 02:30:17,010 --> 02:30:33,660 These banks run everything. They own every conglomerate that owns every smaller business chain and franchise. Do some research and find out how many companies
798 02:30:33,660 --> 02:30:51,870 really own everything. And then who owns those companies. And then who owns that it's five families. Five of them you know, a couple of their names. But there's
799 02:30:51,870 --> 02:31:03,480 one that nobody talks about. And I'm not saying it either. But they're the ones that pull all the strings. And they own all of it. And they are the ones that
800 02:31:03,480 --> 02:31:14,940 have everything. Under algorithm. They own the algorithm. They're the ones that tell you do this, you do that you don't do this, you come here when I tell you
801 02:31:14,940 --> 02:31:15,180 to
802 02:31:25,620 --> 02:31:45,330 everything is controlled, everything. Every thing that we deal with is controlled. And people are very slow. To realize how fast we're moving into a
803 02:31:45,750 --> 02:31:59,040 change that is going to be so jarring, so uncomfortable. Even for people like me to have money. I'm concerned I'm not losing fucking sleep over it. Because it's
804 02:31:59,040 --> 02:32:11,700 going to happen regardless. And ultimately, I'm here for whatever length of time I'm here. You know, if the Lord wants to take me now, I'm ready. instant death
805 02:32:12,090 --> 02:32:29,700 instinct, Laurie, I am worried about. But we're all going to go through a period of very uncomfortable conditions. And when these families that are instituting
806 02:32:29,700 --> 02:32:42,810 these central bank digital currencies, well, wait a minute now, Mike, well, we're talking about countries here. Yeah, they're owned. Those leaders they're
807 02:32:42,810 --> 02:32:59,460 all staffed with their own their team player is in those positions. And that's why I said you can get on social media and bitch and complain, you can say
808 02:32:59,460 --> 02:33:12,540 you're going to do this and it's wrong for this and stuff, you can't change it. It's the way it is. You're not gonna you're not going to stop it. No 1776
809 02:33:12,540 --> 02:33:25,560 moments gonna prevent it. The Q anon bullshit that I told everybody. It's a psyop. It was all meant to keep you quiet. Go along and trust the plan. The plan
810 02:33:25,560 --> 02:33:38,220 was to sit on your ass and do nothing. And they did everything they did. And they gained so much ground. You don't realize how much ground maintained which
811 02:33:38,220 --> 02:33:54,900 will now before then this year, you're going to know. And with these individuals that run in own everything. They control the outcomes of major decisions and you
812 02:33:54,900 --> 02:34:05,220 can read between the lines what I've just said there. They literally remove leaders from other countries if they don't go lockstep with what they want them
813 02:34:05,220 --> 02:34:22,500 to do. And you think, crypto traders, you think that these little things that this came out of nowhere in recent years that have had meteoric rises and
814 02:34:23,190 --> 02:34:39,000 meteoric crashes you think that they're gonna let you had these toys as a means of escaping it? You are going to be sadly surprised
815 02:34:44,100 --> 02:34:55,380 we're all being funneled into this and you're going to have no access to those things. Now there's always always been a black market will have a black market.
816 02:34:55,800 --> 02:35:10,680 Yeah baby Maybe not they can't touch your digital wallet they can't touch your digital access. So there's that I've seen so many people hacked, shits, all
817 02:35:10,680 --> 02:35:22,380 gone. Governments have came in and seize their cryptocurrency. Oh, it's it's, it's, it's off exchange, it's this, it's you know they can't do anything man
818 02:35:22,530 --> 02:35:42,840 look that's a pipe dream all the shit that everybody's ever said about crypto, you have bought it hook, line and sinker when I was asked in 2012 A group of
819 02:35:42,840 --> 02:35:51,210 guys, they did like an interview with me and they're trying to get me to go into it. And I was like, I'm not interested in that stuff, is what everybody's gonna
820 02:35:51,210 --> 02:36:05,730 be bitching about in the next 24 months. This shit is the worst fucking thing in your right. Digital currency, crypto, Central Bank, digital currencies, all that
821 02:36:05,730 --> 02:36:22,110 shit. We're all going to be bitching about that. And 24 months it's going to be the bane of our existence, that fucking shit that it brings the pressure, the
822 02:36:22,110 --> 02:36:32,160 fucking limitations. The reason to be fearful about what we say where we go, and what we buy. And what we try to get is going to be directly related to that.
823 02:36:34,110 --> 02:36:48,990 You're not going to escape it. This whole Bitcoin shit. Bitcoin was created and introduced to allow everybody to warm up to the idea of something other than
824 02:36:49,140 --> 02:37:04,170 what is free for us to use right now is cash. You don't see it. Why? Because they've dumbed down your generation. You have no idea what you just went into.
825 02:37:05,160 --> 02:37:13,380 And you think I'm an old guy that don't know what those what's going what's going on. My oldest boy told me that shit. He's the one sitting at 20,000 hours
826 02:37:13,380 --> 02:37:24,780 locked up. He can't put his hands on it. But he knew everything. He was gonna tell his dad how it really is. And I tell him I said it's why I tried to warn
827 02:37:24,780 --> 02:37:35,130 you about you didn't want to listen to me. But sometimes you have to fall in to your shit up to learn. And thankfully, it's only $20,000 And no, I could write
828 02:37:35,130 --> 02:37:45,900 that shit off for him real quick. He needs to feel that I had to go through that shit. If I paid off in some of your eyes you think that's what a dad should do?
829 02:37:46,410 --> 02:38:01,950 No, not this I bought him a truck 50,000 hours no problem getting cash for other things no problem won't pay that off. There's a purpose behind him learning from
830 02:38:01,950 --> 02:38:10,830 that. Because if I make all his boo boos go away like that when I told him not to do it. I'm enabling him there's nothing between the difference between that
831 02:38:11,040 --> 02:38:25,860 and me giving him a heroin addiction and allowing him to continuously do it enabling it so you think that this march of central bank digital currencies that
832 02:38:25,860 --> 02:38:42,780 no one saw coming in 2012 and then you were talking about that and crypto you all thought you had the Robin Hood approach to beating the man when what they
833 02:38:42,780 --> 02:38:58,800 did was give you something that made you feel like you're empowered when this country in United States was being founded and explorations to the West began
834 02:38:59,160 --> 02:39:13,230 they got out there in California and found out there's a lot vote in certain areas. So some of the shrewdest individuals was wise enough to know hey, you
835 02:39:13,230 --> 02:39:30,840 know what we need to make it seem like there's this area here is a good area to the mind gold so they opened up shop What did they do? They sold screens, pans,
836 02:39:31,380 --> 02:39:45,720 pickaxe pickaxes and small shovels for what of course the go look for the gold right so if there was so much fucking gold, why are they wasting their time
837 02:39:45,720 --> 02:39:55,020 selling pickaxes pans and screens and shovels? They should be using that shit to go get their fucking gold. The only people that were making money in the Gold
838 02:39:55,020 --> 02:40:09,390 Rush are the people that were selling the pickaxes, the screens in the fucking pain handling So when they gave you your cryptocurrency they were selling you
839 02:40:09,390 --> 02:40:18,330 the pickaxes because they thought you were doing what you thought rather you were doing what? Mining Bitcoin, of course, there's going to be people that find
840 02:40:18,330 --> 02:40:28,320 a nugget here and their course they got to keep that shit hot because the selling of what the pickaxe is the screens and the pans for panhandling gold.
841 02:40:28,950 --> 02:40:40,260 That's where the people were really making money. So they pacified all of you. It gave you this thought process, that you're beaten the system, you're going to
842 02:40:40,260 --> 02:40:57,780 be able to escape anything bad that comes forward in the future. And they allow that shit the rise up. Listen, listen, listen, listen. When my wife asked me if
843 02:40:57,780 --> 02:41:13,590 I was trading Bitcoin, and I told her by acid, you know, it's gonna go up from 10,000 to 20,000. And when it was at 19,700, my wife asked me, Do you trade
844 02:41:13,590 --> 02:41:24,270 Bitcoin. Now my wife never talked in terms like that. She's always thought of this as a fucking video game. I was literally sitting next to her on the couch.
845 02:41:24,300 --> 02:41:33,540 And I remember the day like it was just five minutes ago, I turn to my left and look at her. And I felt like all the blood is drained out of my body, to my
846 02:41:33,540 --> 02:41:46,590 feet. Because here's my wife, no idea what the fuck is going on in these markets, and she uttered the word, Bitcoin. If there's one person at the end of
847 02:41:46,590 --> 02:41:57,930 the line, it's going to be the buyer of any bullshit in the marketplace. That's my wife. She's the last one to know. And when she asked me, if I was buying
848 02:41:57,960 --> 02:42:11,850 Bitcoin, or if I held Bitcoin, that's the top and I shit you not I living at that moment, I said, Newsbreak. Bitcoins, not going to 20,000 my wife just asked
849 02:42:11,850 --> 02:42:21,420 me if I'm trading Bitcoin, if she's going to ask me that nobody else is left to buy it. It's going down. And I told everybody, it's going to 6000 and I got
850 02:42:21,420 --> 02:42:30,210 fucking ripped apart. Everybody was loving me when I say was gonna go to 20 from 10,000 It ripped up there. And at that moment, I said, No, it's not. And guess
851 02:42:30,210 --> 02:42:39,390 what it didn't do. It didn't go to 20,000. It went down to 6000. Then I said, it's gonna go to 3000. And I was off by I think, like, 200 points. And then I
852 02:42:39,390 --> 02:42:48,630 called, I told you, I said, I will let you know when it's gonna go to 20,000. And then I did an asset, it's gonna go to 30,000 On New Year's, and I was off by
853 02:42:48,630 --> 02:43:00,750 day. And I told you, I was gonna go to 50,000 60,000 at the highest 70 And it's not going to go any higher than that. Look at your Bitcoin chart. If you've been
854 02:43:00,750 --> 02:43:07,830 with me for a long time, you know, when I was on Twitter, I did. I had three other calls that were very minor they were incorrect. But every major move I
855 02:43:07,830 --> 02:43:25,470 called net pitch and it was right on point. How did I do that? Looking at why they would let you want it to happen. The works over now. You want Bitcoin
856 02:43:25,470 --> 02:43:37,350 100,000 Not happening. You have real competition coming out. Which was the whole intended purpose of allowing all of you to get comfortable with something other
857 02:43:37,350 --> 02:43:51,840 than those greenbacks? Those Dolla dolla bills, y'all. If they were to say, hey, look, we're getting rid of your cash right now. And you have no choices the way
858 02:43:51,840 --> 02:44:03,240 it is. That's going to be jarring. They don't want that. So they warmed up the idea of creating something that's allowed to use this currency since fucking
859 02:44:03,240 --> 02:44:15,300 when did the United States Government allow any other currency but the fucking dollar we have went to war? Over this fucking piece of shit currency that we
860 02:44:15,300 --> 02:44:33,510 have. And you think that they're just gonna let this come out of nowhere some mythical fucking being Satoshi. On Are you fucking kidding? You really believe
861 02:44:33,510 --> 02:44:38,160 this shit. Still? You believe it? Satoshi
862 02:44:39,750 --> 02:44:51,780 is so guarded. You're never gonna meet him. He's created only so many Bitcoins. And this is the way like, What the fuck? And you think I come off some bullshit.
863 02:44:51,840 --> 02:45:05,340 I'm proving my shit. That's Santa Claus. Satoshi is fucking Santa Claus. Nobody's ever fucking seen him. He's bring Gifts that's limitless and what do
864 02:45:05,340 --> 02:45:19,230 you have now? Yes, we have a little bit of a movement up in crypto just recently, okay are because of shit. They got to keep you happy. They got to keep
865 02:45:19,230 --> 02:45:29,490 you happy about the idea that there's still hope. While they roll out the central bank digital currencies, you won't notice what's happening in and
866 02:45:29,490 --> 02:45:38,850 eventually what's going to happen is when that gets started you're gonna start seeing shit happen in crypto. You're not allowed to trade this. This is banned.
867 02:45:39,030 --> 02:45:46,650 Brokerage firms are going to be told you can't do this. Oh, but I can trade. You can trade. Yeah, you can trade right now. You can you can absolutely you can
868 02:45:46,650 --> 02:45:57,630 have your shit on your wall. Absolutely. But when their governments come down on the brokerage firms and say, we're seizing your fucking shit. They're not
869 02:45:57,630 --> 02:46:13,260 letting you trade this is the way it is, folks. That's what's coming. When I'm talking about trading, being fucked with that's exactly what I just mentioned is
870 02:46:13,260 --> 02:46:23,460 happening. I think the s&p is still gonna be trading as well I went back to it. Companies are going to do what being business they'll probably be less of them.
871 02:46:24,060 --> 02:46:36,240 But those companies will be offering shares and those fluctuations will be moving these markets around with buying and selling interest not buying and
872 02:46:36,240 --> 02:46:49,140 selling pressure but crypto the way you see it right now where anybody can create a fucking coin. Really you honestly think that that's going to be allowed
873 02:46:50,070 --> 02:46:59,610 when they bring out what they're replacing these fiat currencies with? You asked for this shit. And they created the environment so you would want it and you
874 02:46:59,610 --> 02:47:11,460 thought you were winning. Beaten the fiat system now you're not they used you they pimped all of you. They let you believe that you were calling the fucking
875 02:47:11,460 --> 02:47:25,710 shots and what they were doing was putting a yoke on you some of you have woke up to it, but most of you haven't. But you're going to and 24 months and 24
876 02:47:25,710 --> 02:47:43,080 fucking months you're gonna be thinking to yourself wow I did not see this coming yet once they have everybody in a central bank digital currency and there
877 02:47:43,080 --> 02:48:03,120 is no cash and that's exactly where we're going with over that's the last that's it you get nothing. They own you 100% they own you you money turned off when
878 02:48:03,120 --> 02:48:09,270 they want it turned off. You don't do what they want you to do. No problem. They're not going to take you off of social media they're going to turn your
879 02:48:09,270 --> 02:48:10,470 fucking money off
880 02:48:17,190 --> 02:48:32,340 you think you're stressed out now? How much money do you have in your Bitcoin wallets? Your crypto currencies How about when he sees your shit? What are you
881 02:48:32,340 --> 02:48:38,310 gonna do you're gonna complain to who's going to defend you from that nope nobody
882 02:48:45,480 --> 02:48:56,220 that's what's coming you want to know so bad that's what's coming and I have not been wrong
883 02:49:05,520 --> 02:49:17,730 and so I you hear these and you think to yourself, well, what's the point in trading what knew? It sounds like it's a waste that he can do this. Now you
884 02:49:17,730 --> 02:49:29,040 should be investing you should be trying to get whatever you can right now and not buying bullshit with it. You should be buying things that you need for your
885 02:49:29,040 --> 02:49:46,980 house. Food that doesn't perish real quick, canned goods. Lots of water. Couple years ago when I was on Twitter before they started censoring me and I said fuck
886 02:49:46,980 --> 02:50:02,460 this I'm leaving and mentioned that there was water futures contract coming up. And I also told everybody when you are introducing the Bitcoin futures contract
887 02:50:02,490 --> 02:50:13,500 I said when that happens, your treasured belief about how they're not manipulating Bitcoin they can't manipulate Bitcoin I said as soon as they put a
888 02:50:13,500 --> 02:50:32,910 futures contract on it that arguments over in there it has been it's owned, it's manipulated period. I'm gonna share what anybody says but the US government
889 02:50:32,910 --> 02:50:48,450 created Bitcoin and I know this pissed off a lot of you you're fucking flipping out right now, but they did. Anybody that has simple common sense would know the
890 02:50:48,450 --> 02:51:00,000 fact that they would even allow that to be used as legal tender here. Do we? Do we use Japanese yen here? When's the last time you went to the grocery store?
891 02:51:00,240 --> 02:51:16,740 And you gave them loonies? Swiss francs. How about Deutschmarks? That's one for you. Can you go and pay for gas but Euro dollars here in the US? They're gonna
892 02:51:16,740 --> 02:51:28,860 really what the fuck is this? Get out here with this. But they somehow all of a sudden bent over backwards and let cryptocurrency Bitcoin all of a sudden get in
893 02:51:28,860 --> 02:51:46,260 there and have some use. Ah, when you look at it that way, see, you're told that it's finding its way in as a main staple, it's going to be the reserve currency
894 02:51:46,260 --> 02:52:00,810 of the world the bullshit. It's never gonna be that that's never gonna happen. It was a catalyst it was the Trojan horse that's exactly what it is. And it has
895 02:52:00,810 --> 02:52:09,030 all these little things. These other coins these shit coins these things that move around ripples going to be ripples a bunch of bullshit
896 02:52:15,810 --> 02:52:25,920 I know that this does not sound fun producers that are in crypto. And I'm making you angry right now and you want to fucking prove me wrong. I guarantee it's 50
897 02:52:25,920 --> 02:52:33,630 fucking comments in my fucking Twitter. Feed right now. I'm wrong. You're gonna be fucking cluelessly laughed at blah blah blah blah sure what's going to happen
898 02:52:33,630 --> 02:52:42,360 but I heard all that bullshit. her like shit when I said it wasn't going to 20,000 it was gonna go 6000 And it did. I told you when I told you it would go
899 02:52:42,360 --> 02:52:54,660 up to 20,000 You'd hear it from me I told you I told you to fucking dates and it delivered I told you how far it would go in it stopped
900 02:53:01,020 --> 02:53:14,220 the real funds about to happen soon. When everybody feels like they can weather the storm because they have a little bit of money when that doesn't help,
901 02:53:15,030 --> 02:53:26,040 because you can't buy shit because it ain't there. You're gonna wish you listen to me about putting food in your house not getting things like extra clothes,
902 02:53:26,190 --> 02:53:30,090 socks and underwear that things that people just take for granted right now
903 02:53:36,510 --> 02:53:48,480 over the counter medicines Advil got a headache just pop in there it's easy to get Advil just got there something like that might not be accessible in the next
904 02:53:49,470 --> 02:53:50,310 coming months
905 02:54:00,060 --> 02:54:20,580 it's hard to articulate making something like this that would be so far fetched. But look what we've been dealing with for last three years globally
906 02:54:26,610 --> 02:54:44,310 that ground that they gained with all this shit. These control measures these links that they're able to go to now and no one questions that no one says this
907 02:54:44,310 --> 02:54:47,100 is this is overreach.
908 02:54:53,430 --> 02:55:07,560 They condition you through pain and discomfort and fear And we're in an industry right now. That walks around like, we're the cock of the walk, man, we roll
909 02:55:07,560 --> 02:55:20,130 everything, we're the fucking big swinging dicks of the world, we're financial giants. We're traders. For traders, man, we don't need jobs. I mean, tell you
910 02:55:20,130 --> 02:55:40,380 something we are going to get fucked with they are not going to let us feel like we're exempt. So you need to learn this skill set. Make what you can make,
911 02:55:41,760 --> 02:55:56,040 acquire, store up what you can and fasten your seat belts, because it's going to be a fucking bumpy ride. And I'm not talking about, oh, it's gonna be a rough
912 02:55:56,040 --> 02:56:02,640 couple of months. We're looking at like 10 years of shit that nobody wants to put up with.
913 02:56:07,680 --> 02:56:15,900 And they're going to be utilizing a lot of uncomfortable things to try to get your attention away from the shit that they put us all through. And guess what?
914 02:56:16,290 --> 02:56:22,140 That's repeated. We're doing the same thing that you didn't learn about because you don't learn history.
915 02:56:27,780 --> 02:56:37,260 You don't even see it. You don't even observe what's going on right now is exactly the same playbook they did in 1947.
916 02:56:42,840 --> 02:56:55,020 Because you didn't learn history, they don't teach it. But for the old heads, we were taught history. And some of you are old enough to know, things that were
917 02:56:55,020 --> 02:57:02,460 before my time. But you recognize this shit. And when you try to talk to people around you that are younger, they don't see it. They want to hear your whatever
918 02:57:02,460 --> 02:57:19,770 you're an asshole. You're a racist. Your whatever you want to call it, they're gonna come up with a name to the vilify, you know, one thing you're doing is
919 02:57:19,770 --> 02:57:34,350 saying, what you know, is this repeating history. Everything that's happening right now, were the same catalysts for us to end up in World War One.
920 02:57:43,050 --> 02:57:59,430 And you don't see it. You know, the easiest way to forget about all the bullshit with COVID to vaccinations, the vaccination harm of people dying. All the
921 02:57:59,430 --> 02:58:09,270 businesses that were put out of fucking business, people that lost their jobs, you know, the best way to make all that shit be the least impactful in terms of
922 02:58:09,270 --> 02:58:19,200 conversation, talking points at the watercooler a fucking World War. That's gonna be to talk every dinner table. Everybody's gonna be talking about it on
923 02:58:19,200 --> 02:58:27,420 social media. Everybody is going to be worrying about that. And their children potentially getting drafted. And I'm gonna say this right now I don't give a
924 02:58:27,420 --> 02:58:35,970 fuck. None of my children are going anywhere. They can suck my fucking dick. They're never going to fight for these pieces of shit. They're never going to do
925 02:58:35,970 --> 02:58:43,050 it. I'm never going to allow it and I don't give a fuck. Last time I saw him, they went on a hiking expedition in fucking Europe. See you?
926 02:58:48,210 --> 02:58:59,310 And don't give a fuck. What's your thoughts about that is this is the way it is. But that's what they're cooking up. You got kids, you got children that are
927 02:58:59,310 --> 02:59:05,730 getting ready, graduate. Believe me, they have their eyes on them.
928 02:59:12,300 --> 02:59:24,090 And you're going to be worried about that. Above everything else. If they're cast in that meat grinder. And you think your biggest problem right now is
929 02:59:24,090 --> 02:59:37,560 worrying about getting stopped out in a trade. You have no idea what's coming. There's things that are outside our control. And not being in a position to
930 02:59:37,560 --> 02:59:48,390 prepare and get in a position where you can have the things that you need day by day and have a supply of it. That way if there is a shock to our supply chain
931 02:59:48,390 --> 03:00:02,610 and we can't get medicines, clothing, prescription medications light bulbs simple shit like that. If you don't think about it, but what happens when you
932 03:00:03,900 --> 03:00:14,310 lose the ability to turn on the lights in your house See, you're all used to technology, this thing I'm holding in my hand talking into your and most likely
933 03:00:14,310 --> 03:00:26,640 listening to They've trapped your mind, in your attention in this little prison that they convinced you to, to have to have with you at all times. And you're
934 03:00:26,640 --> 03:00:39,000 constantly looking at it. It's holds your attention, constantly, they own you, with this fucking thing. Just like I own your attention right now for hours.
935 03:00:40,050 --> 03:00:51,000 Why? Because I'm giving you something that's going to turn into a skill set that can make you money. And social media and advertising. They constantly give you
936 03:00:51,000 --> 03:00:57,180 hooks to hold your attention, sex, money, entertainment, dopamine.
937 03:01:04,410 --> 03:01:16,680 And they make you think that you need to buy another one because planned capsulation it's absolution it's the phone is programmed. And every time they do
938 03:01:16,680 --> 03:01:24,870 an update, they slowly reduced the ability for the phone to behave like it's supposed to when you first bought it, the battery life doesn't work as long as
939 03:01:24,870 --> 03:01:36,120 it did. So what happens, you go out and you spend 1200 $1,400 for a new phone every two years. That's for the folks that don't want to keep up with the new
940 03:01:36,120 --> 03:01:48,810 technology. I don't want another phone after this one. I can't wait for this fucker to stop working. And to be honest with you, I don't want to I can't stand
941 03:01:48,810 --> 03:01:58,770 it. I don't carry mine with me when I leave my house. This is something I'm worried about leaving and dropping whatever. And when I cared about my phone, I
942 03:01:58,770 --> 03:02:07,650 always dropped it and broke it. Screen Protectors, fucking OtterBox cases all that bullshit, it still would break. I don't give a fuck about this phone and I
943 03:02:07,650 --> 03:02:24,960 wanted to break in I don't ever drop it. It's fucking contrarian. But I'm hopefully getting you to think about how you can prepare your household. I'm not
944 03:02:24,960 --> 03:02:35,820 saying the doomsday ProCam prepper. Okay, like, you know, Mad Max type Shit, I don't think that's what we're gonna see here. But I do suspect that things are
945 03:02:35,820 --> 03:02:43,500 gonna get really, really hard and violent. Your Neighborhood might be a neighborhood that's nice, like mine is. But unfortunately, those neighborhoods
946 03:02:43,710 --> 03:02:53,130 are the ones that are rated. And you have to have a whole lot of tools at your disposal to help you prepare for situations like that. And in the United States,
947 03:02:53,130 --> 03:03:06,690 we have tools for it. Other countries, you might not have that. So you got to prepare, and every country is going to be affected. Every country is going to be
948 03:03:06,690 --> 03:03:18,000 impacted by every nation. They're going to have this hardship placed on them. Because the whole point is complete and utter submission to what they're rolling
949 03:03:18,000 --> 03:03:36,330 out. They they, the world leaders are just employees to them. You're not going to stop them, you're not going to hinder them, the only thing you're going to do
950 03:03:36,540 --> 03:03:46,470 is bring trouble to yourself. By making a name or Bullseye for yourself. The only thing you should be doing is making your house ready as best you can.
951 03:03:47,700 --> 03:04:04,920 That's it. That's all you can do. And if you do well enough to pad your own household out with non perishable food, things that help your everyday life be
952 03:04:04,920 --> 03:04:21,210 maintained. Should you have a disturbance with being able to get certain things if a while think about like those folks up at na Ohio that train derailment the
953 03:04:21,210 --> 03:04:33,510 whole episode of the shit getting blown up and burnt up and creating a toxic cloud of bullshit in phone out and kill everybody's animals around here. And who
954 03:04:33,510 --> 03:04:41,700 knows what health risks these folks are going to have years from now. What happens if that happened in your neighborhood? How would that affect you as a
955 03:04:41,700 --> 03:04:51,570 trader if your whole ship got wrecked, and now you're in an area where potentially your water supply is tainted your animals if you had livestock,
956 03:04:51,570 --> 03:05:04,800 they're dead. That's what's going on out there. Even in Pennsylvania, where that shit drifted over there. It caused all kinds of as their See, this new
957 03:05:04,800 --> 03:05:13,080 generation thinks that those types of things only happen in movies. Because you walk around with these little four inch universes of the cell phones to carry
958 03:05:13,080 --> 03:05:24,600 around. And whatever happens, and whatever thing with anything that you would know about the world has to come through that social media application. Twitter,
959 03:05:25,050 --> 03:05:37,470 Instagram. Tik Tok. My fucking wife is addicted that tick tock shit, I can't, I have to watch this shit. She shares stuff, like I like it, like I tell her all
960 03:05:37,470 --> 03:05:45,060 the time, I don't want to see that shit. Don't send me those links, I get four or five of my fucking day, I've been talking to you and I got three of them. I
961 03:05:45,060 --> 03:06:00,810 open them up, but they're there. But your perception of the world and everything around you is shaped and molded by these things. And when you hear somebody that
962 03:06:00,810 --> 03:06:16,470 is outside of that, it sounds like oh, there's, there's something clearly wrong with that person. Because I'm not of the hive mentality. I'm not a herd member.
963 03:06:18,150 --> 03:06:30,330 I'm outside the herd. I'm watching all of you get picked off one at a time. And you don't even see it happening. There's a noose going around all of our necks,
964 03:06:30,390 --> 03:06:47,160 and it's tightening up every day, tighter and tighter. And ever so slowly. And money is not going to fix that. For a short period of time, money is going to
965 03:06:47,160 --> 03:07:06,630 permit you to make your house ready. You might need to move if you're in a bad area. If you're in a state that has issues. Maybe trading would be the catalyst
966 03:07:06,630 --> 03:07:26,940 to get you out of that into a more secluded area. Because when everybody else can't purchase food, get food, get gasoline for their vehicles. This big thing
967 03:07:26,940 --> 03:07:40,050 right now everybody's going around cutting catalytic converters off of cars and selling them. What are you going to do when you can't drive your car? Buy food
968 03:07:41,340 --> 03:07:53,280 and the electricity is off? When the lights go out, how are you going to be able to conduct your business? How are you going to keep your household going? Do you
969 03:07:53,280 --> 03:08:06,780 have a plan for that? Most of you especially this most recent generation, you don't think that way. You'd never had no reason to think that way. All of your
970 03:08:06,780 --> 03:08:23,490 TV shows are nonsense. Reality TV, which nothing in that is reality. It's bullshit. And you keep up with scripted drama that you think is reality, it's a
971 03:08:23,490 --> 03:08:35,850 real thing. It's not a real thing these people are acting. In that shape your mind is like it's shaped my oldest two kids. And the logic they hold with many
972 03:08:35,850 --> 03:08:50,070 of the things in today's world is asked backwards. And it's frustrating dealing with them as a parent because they think they got it all figured out when they
973 03:08:50,070 --> 03:09:02,640 don't. And I see them frustrated because they think that they know what it is they should be doing. And when we tell them as their parents, you're there,
974 03:09:02,670 --> 03:09:10,830 you're going to make a mistake, don't ask you should do this, this this and make ready a plan B for that feeling. They know that's not what we're going to do.
975 03:09:12,090 --> 03:09:26,760 And they fail and there has to bail me out. And it's the byproduct of what you have not been taught. The youth of this generation right now. They have not been
976 03:09:26,910 --> 03:09:38,670 conditioned to go out on their own, earn their own keep be entrepreneurs be successful entrepreneurs, independent thinkers. They've not been taught that at
977 03:09:38,670 --> 03:09:49,830 all that those skill sets don't exist. Not in this generation that doesn't. There are exceptions to that. Yes. But if you're by far and large, predominantly
978 03:09:49,830 --> 03:10:08,310 most of them are not capable or functioning adults. Their emotional wrecks their whole or existence has to do with how they're perceived on social media. And
979 03:10:08,310 --> 03:10:12,120 they quickly fail and have to come back home and live with their parents.
980 03:10:17,880 --> 03:10:28,110 And you don't like to listen to something like this, when this is something that you should have learned growing up, you should have heard these types of things
981 03:10:28,110 --> 03:10:29,280 in school like we did.
982 03:10:34,710 --> 03:10:48,150 When I was in school, they taught us how to do things that run a household. Home EQ, how to take care of shit how to do a checkbook, I was surprised to see my
983 03:10:48,150 --> 03:10:58,650 kids never were taught how to do a checkbook in school. They never were taught how to run and manage a bank account. And that's something that's easy and
984 03:10:58,650 --> 03:11:06,390 should be taught. It should be rudimentary. It's not, they took it out. And I don't understand why that would have been done, except for it to make you
985 03:11:06,390 --> 03:11:17,340 stupid. Because if they teach you in school, to watch their balance on your bank account, then you're gonna be more mindful to do what not overspend on stupid
986 03:11:17,340 --> 03:11:27,540 fucking phones, stupid clothes that are overpriced cars that are too much money, image things, see how they conditioned people, you don't see it. But now when
987 03:11:27,540 --> 03:11:40,530 you think about like that, it makes perfect sense. Social media, you think is a fun thing. But social media is the very reason why you're fucking miserable.
988 03:11:42,840 --> 03:11:52,140 Because you don't feel like you're arriving where you want to be at fast enough, because you see other people doing things that they don't really do. They're
989 03:11:52,140 --> 03:12:01,320 faking it. They don't own those things. They don't really sleep in those places. And those girls they pretend to be with, don't really love them or sleep with
990 03:12:01,320 --> 03:12:14,160 them. So you're falling victim to an illusion. And then it makes you depressed. And you sit there and you look at it more and more and more. I gotta go see what
991 03:12:14,160 --> 03:12:23,460 this guy is doing. He's, he's my motivation. No, he's not motivating. You know what he's doing. He's making you feel like shit. Because you don't have and you
992 03:12:23,460 --> 03:12:28,020 won't have. The thing is he's pretending he has. And it's all fake.
993 03:12:33,330 --> 03:12:44,340 That's why I am the way I am. I'm boring. I don't flash anything. I stick to what matters most. I tell you, I can teach you how to trade. I tell you how I
994 03:12:44,340 --> 03:12:54,390 can go on to the charts and show you what's going to happen beforehand. And I do it. I don't sugarcoat it. It needs to be practical. It needs to be proven, it
995 03:12:54,390 --> 03:13:06,510 needs to be believable. And evidence given that it works. For some of you, young folks, when you see this, you're shocked because none of this shit that you've
996 03:13:06,510 --> 03:13:19,320 ever worked with, has been this transparent. It's all been a myth. Because it's all through social media. Social media is social engineering. And you've been
997 03:13:19,320 --> 03:13:32,160 engineered to believe more bullshit than any other generation. My wife, I love her to death. But I tell her things much like I tell him you and I'm usually
998 03:13:32,160 --> 03:13:40,470 about a year and a half, two years ahead of everything else that you see when it goes into the main stream media and people are start talking about it. 18 months
999 03:13:40,470 --> 03:13:52,050 to two years before that. I'm ahead of the curve by two years. And I tell my wife a lot of these things that were coming in and all that shit. When I was
1000 03:13:52,050 --> 03:14:04,350 buying up toilet paper and extra food. In October of 2019 when I was tweeting to all of you before telling you to get your shit together, it's common. And none
1001 03:14:04,350 --> 03:14:14,850 of you wanted to listen. Now all of a sudden, we weren't allowed to go around anywhere. Couldn't go into restaurants couldn't no businesses were open. Gotta
1002 03:14:14,850 --> 03:14:19,890 have a mask on. Stay six feet away. Be afraid
1003 03:14:26,490 --> 03:14:41,610 but when nobody could get their hands on toilet paper, that was like the new gold. I had 300 Fucking rolls of that shit. And I was giving it away. I had
1004 03:14:41,610 --> 03:14:55,530 food, water stocked up over the counter medications, everything at everything. And when they shut down all the what we would expect to have at any normal. Wake
1005 03:14:55,530 --> 03:15:09,990 up and I need someone to go out and get it when you couldn't do that. My wife was flipping out and panicking and had to take her to our storage areas. And I
1006 03:15:09,990 --> 03:15:17,760 said, Listen, look at this, this is where to have this come from. I said, that's what I've been doing. That's what the boys had been doing. We go out, we go to
1007 03:15:17,760 --> 03:15:25,590 the store, we pick the shit up, and we store it in here. And there it is. So I was making ready for all this stuff.
1008 03:15:30,840 --> 03:15:42,120 In August of 2019, I knew what was coming. And I was talking about how all these things were going to happen. If everything I was seeing was going to happen. We
1009 03:15:42,120 --> 03:15:57,600 would know. Come March of 2020 in the hit. And my students that been with me a long time. No, I said all this publicly. And at that time when I started saying
1010 03:15:57,600 --> 03:16:14,310 shit, my tweets were censored. So I said, I'm done. Not now I'm on their radar. I'm done. I'm not talking to more. I'm just gonna do it. I'm done. Now,
1011 03:16:14,550 --> 03:16:27,780 conspiracy theory is fact. I mean, everybody, everybody knows about UFOs now, right? The fucking talking about UFOs every day, and identified flying objects,
1012 03:16:27,810 --> 03:16:38,250 we shut down a UFO. Now, if that shit would have happened, if they were talking about that stuff before COVID Air people would have been panicking. Freaking
1013 03:16:38,250 --> 03:16:49,530 out. But all during that shit, they they slipped that in there. Oh, yeah, by the way, there's real UFOs I'm not saying there's people appearing UFOs flying
1014 03:16:49,530 --> 03:17:02,160 around ETS, I don't believe that. But they're constantly giving us shit to be worrying about. They got something on the menu for everybody to be worrying
1015 03:17:02,160 --> 03:17:13,380 about. And that's how, you know we're in some real shit. Because they're constantly keeping people panicked, just like they did with 911. And I was a
1016 03:17:13,470 --> 03:17:22,980 victim of that shit. Like I, I was fearful everything. Now I don't give a fuck. If I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm not going to worry about it. If I'm going
1017 03:17:22,980 --> 03:17:33,360 to get a disease and die, I believe it's, you know, it's what's going to happen. The Lord's calling me home that way. And narratives it's done. I can't fight it
1018 03:17:33,390 --> 03:17:43,230 can't beat it, it's what is going to be it's gonna it's going to be that I'm not going to live my life in fear. And the worst thing I can do, knowing that I have
1019 03:17:43,230 --> 03:17:53,700 these convictions about what I believe is coming. I've been very vocal about it as as much as I could be right. Because if you said certain things on social
1020 03:17:53,700 --> 03:18:05,550 media before, you'd have your account turned off your shadow banned, and you're blocked and you don't have a voice anymore. So I want to keep this voice
1021 03:18:06,630 --> 03:18:16,260 available. I will sacrifice my Twitter account. I don't give a fuck you I came here for one reason to show everybody that they were full of shit and I'm I'm
1022 03:18:16,260 --> 03:18:30,900 here. I'm proven it. There's nothing like this. But if they were to shut this down, now you losing sleep over this. I don't give a shit about this. But I
1023 03:18:30,900 --> 03:18:47,700 don't want to upset too much. I don't want to say too many things to stand out for all the wrong reasons. But I think it's reasonable now to expect more
1024 03:18:47,700 --> 03:19:03,270 bullshit coming. It may not be wear a mask stay six feet apart. But it might be other shit that is even more uncomfortable. When they predict that we're going
1025 03:19:03,270 --> 03:19:21,270 to have a worst pandemic. Come 2025 How fuck would they knew that? Unless it's engineered I'm gonna say it. And you're just gonna have to accept that the fact
1026 03:19:21,270 --> 03:19:32,640 that this is my opinion. If you want to unfollow after this, it's your business. I don't care. I don't want to debate about it. But I have to say it to get it
1027 03:19:32,640 --> 03:19:51,330 off my chest because that's just the way I am. We're going to see people dying a lot. And we're already seeing it now. The stuff that they put in individuals
1028 03:19:51,750 --> 03:20:04,380 over the last two years is not good. And more and more information is being brought to light about how are bad and toxic that shit was. So when you hear
1029 03:20:04,380 --> 03:20:17,430 people like Bill Gates say, we're going to have a worst pandemic, come 2025 is do the math on that. If you take one dose and it drops your white blood cells,
1030 03:20:18,420 --> 03:20:34,110 and the ability of producing them down by 50%, and you take a second dose, and it takes it down another notch like that your immune system has been wasted. Add
1031 03:20:34,110 --> 03:20:50,430 to the fact that you now have the ability to create blood clots at a faster pace. It's not hard to understand why these young folks that are otherwise
1032 03:20:50,430 --> 03:21:10,440 healthy specimens, they're athletes, that this all a sudden, dying. Of course, people die on time. But I believe they've cooked up something. Where as this
1033 03:21:10,440 --> 03:21:24,420 begun, it begins to manifest itself in a more obvious manner more people dying. How hard is it for people to see that and hear this box on their wall, which is
1034 03:21:24,420 --> 03:21:34,980 the television, which I don't watch. I got nine televisions, not my monitors, but had nine televisions in my home. They're all hooked up to Netflix. They're
1035 03:21:34,980 --> 03:21:43,260 all hooked up to a gaming system of some kind. Usually, it's x boxes, but I have the PlayStation four and I have a PlayStation five. Yes, I'm a gamer. Yes, I
1036 03:21:43,260 --> 03:21:54,090 play call duty. I play Battlefield. And I placed myself in Resident Evil. That's my games. That's all I play. And no, you're not getting my gamer tags. And no,
1037 03:21:54,090 --> 03:22:03,570 I'm not gonna join your circles and bullshit. I'm not gonna do that. But I don't watch television. I don't watch the news. I don't watch anything that bullshit,
1038 03:22:03,600 --> 03:22:10,680 I read headlines. That's it, I don't need the rest of the stuff. I just read the headline. Everything you need to know is in the headline. What they want you to
1039 03:22:10,680 --> 03:22:18,480 fear what they want you to be excited about what they want you to worry about is in the headline. Everything else is bullshit in the articles. So that's all I
1040 03:22:18,480 --> 03:22:37,890 watch. I read the headlines, and that's it. But these, these televisions, the programs, they're all they shape your opinion about everything. TV shows all the
1041 03:22:37,890 --> 03:22:51,180 bullshit. And I believe that because, well, let's be honest, Bill Gates is a piece of shit. And the guy dropped out of college. He doesn't have a metal
1042 03:22:51,390 --> 03:23:09,270 medical degree, but he's over there in Africa, given the polio virus to Africans. Come on out. This guy is a plague. He's a problem. And he's viewed as
1043 03:23:09,270 --> 03:23:23,760 a philanthropist, but he's some savior. And we've we elevated this guy up to a point of which where we look to him as a medical mental giant. Because he funds
1044 03:23:24,150 --> 03:23:41,820 vaccinations. And now the same person has been releasing genetically modified fucking mosquitoes. Okay. What the hell would you want to do that for? Well,
1045 03:23:41,820 --> 03:23:57,060 because they're basically flying syringes. So if you want to spread a disease, I'm not saying one is being spread. But if you want to spread one that's a
1046 03:23:57,060 --> 03:24:07,350 wonderful instrument to do that. When you see a mosquito is on your arm, it's biting you. It sucks. You smash it, it's done. You don't think nothing of it.
1047 03:24:08,730 --> 03:24:22,890 But this dude had hundreds of 1000s of these things released in Florida twice now. He's the same person also that's funding all of the shit that we see that
1048 03:24:22,890 --> 03:24:31,260 looks like clouds but they aren't clouds they it's like it creates a haze over where you live that like here in Maryland. They're constantly spraying this shit
1049 03:24:31,260 --> 03:24:43,050 above us. And you can't see the sun it's always hazy and says shit that when we have rain collect mint, really rain collection barrels here that you you want to
1050 03:24:43,050 --> 03:24:54,780 have extra rain water case the shit goes bad we had well and septic in Maryland. But people like my thought process we like to have barrels that when it rains it
1051 03:24:54,780 --> 03:25:04,830 goes down and we collected 50 gallon drums and there it is. And you start seeing this shit wouldn't be there, on the days that it's really, really clean, clean
1052 03:25:04,830 --> 03:25:12,750 sky, not really shown too much. There's the white puffy clouds like you did see when we were in the 70s and 80s. But now sudden, the sky looks different,
1053 03:25:13,110 --> 03:25:25,200 because they're spraying this shit up there. That's not good for us. And what we found out is that they're using that to block the sun. The beneficial sunlight
1054 03:25:25,200 --> 03:25:30,660 that we get from the sun is being blocked by that spraying of that bullshit.
1055 03:25:32,370 --> 03:25:40,530 And who's paying for it? Bill Gates. And this is the same guy that's been buying up all of the farmland in the United States. He's the largest farmland holder in
1056 03:25:40,530 --> 03:25:54,390 the United States now. We're really close to it. Now. What does he want to do that for? He's the same guy that made that fake hamburger bullshit. Impossible
1057 03:25:54,390 --> 03:26:04,080 meat or some shit. Nobody wants to eat that garbage, genetically modified horseshit. So how many times is one guy need to pop up when there's always a
1058 03:26:04,080 --> 03:26:10,800 problem with it, and he's the guy, it's guaranteeing there's going to be another pandemic, that's going to be worse. And people are going to really take notice
1059 03:26:10,800 --> 03:26:31,230 of this. Come 25. Now, my opinion is that the folks that have taken this vaccine in mind you My oldest is my daughter. She's taken two doses of the Pfizer
1060 03:26:31,530 --> 03:26:41,910 against me telling her please don't do it. But because the TV told her because her friends said, you know, we have to do this protect everybody, blah, blah,
1061 03:26:41,910 --> 03:26:52,020 blah. She did. Now she has constant fucking nosebleeds. She gets rashes all over her back. We were talking to her today, while she was driving home from work.
1062 03:26:52,140 --> 03:27:04,140 And right there on FaceTime with my wife, boom, like a faucet sheet. Her nose is bleeding constantly. She didn't have that shit before she took that stuff. So
1063 03:27:04,140 --> 03:27:20,220 I'm constantly praying that whatever they gave her in that stuff has no effect. But yeah, I hope, hope I'm wrong. But I think what's going to happen is folks
1064 03:27:20,220 --> 03:27:34,380 are going to fall victim to that shit that they put in them in because there was a lot of them that did it. When they start dropping, are everywhere. Athletes,
1065 03:27:35,190 --> 03:27:49,470 politicians, celebrities, your neighbors, your soccer mom, friend, their children, all of a sudden, just dropping. Look at what they're doing. They put
1066 03:27:50,130 --> 03:28:03,930 all of these excuses for you know. Watching no playing video games increases the chances of getting a blood clot and having a heart attack. driving your car more
1067 03:28:03,930 --> 03:28:13,650 than 14 hours a day, or 14 hours a week causes blood clots and potential heart attacks. It's like they're constantly giving you reasons to suspect why people
1068 03:28:13,650 --> 03:28:24,990 are going to be dropping dead of blood clots and heart attacks. So you're probably asking yourself, How the fuck did we get on this topic? Well, the
1069 03:28:24,990 --> 03:28:35,280 reason why I'm doing this is because I want you to be prepared to take care of your own when this shit starts coming. Because that's what's on my heart. That's
1070 03:28:35,280 --> 03:28:45,270 what's on my mind. That's why I want to help you. Because it's going to be hard. It's gonna be scary. It's going to be things that are uncomfortable science
1071 03:28:45,270 --> 03:28:55,110 fiction level bullshit. And maybe some of you have had that given to you and you felt like you were doing the right thing by doing it. Maybe your job requires
1072 03:28:55,110 --> 03:29:07,290 you to do it. You can't work here unless you have this. And I have friends that didn't keep their job because he said no, I'm not taking that. And they had
1073 03:29:07,290 --> 03:29:17,220 coworkers dropped dead after taking it. Do you think they feel bad about not doing it and losing your job? Fuck no. And I'm sure some of you took it. Nothing
1074 03:29:17,220 --> 03:29:28,410 ever happened to you. You're healthy as a horse and great, wonderful. I believe there was placebos put out there. But, you know, that's my opinion. You don't
1075 03:29:28,410 --> 03:29:42,810 have to believe it. I'm not saying you should. That's my belief. And I'm hoping that my daughter had a placebo but seeing how she walks up on her back in her
1076 03:29:42,810 --> 03:30:01,200 arms and stomach and she gets chronic nosebleeds now. She's irritable constantly. And none of that stuff happened before her taking that shit. And she
1077 03:30:01,200 --> 03:30:09,090 it's not in her head. So it's not like a physical manifestation of, oh, she's scared down because, you know, she, she knows she took three days out. And
1078 03:30:09,090 --> 03:30:21,150 that's not that long. She believes that people should get it right now she's mad at us because we won't do it. I didn't wear a mask. I walked around. And I
1079 03:30:21,150 --> 03:30:37,920 literally was around everybody. I never got a dose of that shit. And, yes, in January 2020, before it was obvious everywhere, I lost my ability to smell and
1080 03:30:37,920 --> 03:30:50,880 taste for like, shit two weeks, and I had this weird smell in mine. It was almost like a whatever, if you can imagine what blood in Rust if it had a smell,
1081 03:30:51,780 --> 03:31:03,210 that was like what I was trying to explain to my wife, I say, I can't smell or taste anything. But I have this same constant putrid smell of what would be rust
1082 03:31:03,210 --> 03:31:14,340 and blood. And it was sometimes it would feel like it was a sweet odor, but sickeningly sweet, and then it would get to be it would just be nasty smelling.
1083 03:31:16,620 --> 03:31:30,930 And then all of a sudden, I woke up one day, and 104 degree temperature. I felt like I had been hit by a bus. So I put myself in an ice bath, brought my
1084 03:31:30,930 --> 03:31:46,230 temperature down to 100. And I had to do that for maybe six, seven hours, two or three times, because it would shoot right back up. My head hurts so friggin bad.
1085 03:31:46,230 --> 03:31:58,380 I felt like I was gonna crack open. And I was so fatigued. Once I broke the fever, it was a low grade fever. But I went downstairs, grabbed a bottle water
1086 03:31:58,380 --> 03:32:07,980 chugged it and wasn't wanting to eat or anything. I didn't feel nauseous. But I was zapped with energy and my head was pounding me. So I said, I'm just gonna go
1087 03:32:07,980 --> 03:32:22,770 apparently down. I don't feel well. I went to sleep. And I slept for 17 hours. One shot, no medication, no sleep aids, no nothing. I slept for 17 hours. I woke
1088 03:32:22,770 --> 03:32:32,760 up. My wife was like, are you okay? I said, I don't feel well. I'm thirsty. I said, grab me two bottles of water. She went got me two bottles of water. I
1089 03:32:32,760 --> 03:32:47,760 chucked them. I went to the bathroom, relieve myself, lay back down. 15 hours slept, woke up, had pounded me drank, didn't need again. slept eight hours. Woke
1090 03:32:47,760 --> 03:32:57,660 up after the eight hours. No fever, no pain, just tired. But not tired. Like, I got to sleep. Like I couldn't hold my eyes open. Each time I woke up. It was
1091 03:32:57,660 --> 03:33:08,610 like I couldn't keep my eyes open. Like I hadn't slept. But I slept 1715 and eight hours. Over three days. That's how it was. But after that, it was just a
1092 03:33:08,610 --> 03:33:20,220 mild headache. And just weak like I had new energy for like a week and a half. That's how it was. But it took me like two months to get my full smell and taste
1093 03:33:20,220 --> 03:33:29,460 back in. I had to do that by eating an orange that I burned. And I learned that off of a fucking Facebook video that one of my friends sent me said here scorch
1094 03:33:29,460 --> 03:33:38,220 this orange. It's gonna taste like shit. But do it and see if it works. And it did. I could I could smell and I could get my taste back. So if you have ever
1095 03:33:38,280 --> 03:33:50,820 gonna get this COVID Bullshit, they say you know your smell and taste. Burn in orange and peel. And then peel the orange peel back and this eat it. It's not
1096 03:33:50,820 --> 03:34:06,180 fun. It doesn't taste good. But it brings back your smell and your ability to taste. And it is but but after that I still didn't. I still did not get sick. Or
1097 03:34:06,780 --> 03:34:12,360 my wife never got it. None of my kids got it. So if it was transferable, why didn't they get it?
1098 03:34:18,090 --> 03:34:18,630 What was it
1099 03:34:23,760 --> 03:34:36,390 it was something given to me. Because if it was something that was transferable by a cough, it was something that was transported by sneeze body fluid exchanges
1100 03:34:36,720 --> 03:34:54,300 on air to my wife folks, let's be real, okay. And she didn't get sick. It was given to me. I don't know how it was. But I didn't take a vaccine job and I
1101 03:34:54,300 --> 03:35:08,850 won't do that. And now the same They put in that stuff. You're trying to put that in food, which is what I told my wife, I said, you know, there's a lot of
1102 03:35:08,850 --> 03:35:20,430 people like me and you. We're not going to take that shot ever. I'm not going to do it. I'm going for what they say I'm not doing it. And I live an introverted
1103 03:35:20,430 --> 03:35:27,390 life so for the folks in this audience will be like, You're You're an asshole. Fuck you, you should deserve to get it and fat people say that to me. But I
1104 03:35:27,390 --> 03:35:37,530 learned it Live it introverted. Like, I don't hang around a lot of people. But when I was out buying stuff, preparing for when I knew that shit was coming,
1105 03:35:37,530 --> 03:35:44,910 because I was watching China. I was watching all the bullshit that was coming out and I was like, Okay, this is they're gonna bring that shit here. And it's
1106 03:35:44,910 --> 03:35:54,180 gonna be a bunch of horseshit. So I was buying up everything I could, I knew there would be a bunch of bullshit with not getting the stuff that we needed.
1107 03:35:54,180 --> 03:36:04,530 What's what's the first thing that sells out, if a storms coming? Like a big bad storm, like a hurricane or a big blizzard, in our country, the first thing to go
1108 03:36:04,560 --> 03:36:19,320 is milk, bread, eggs, and toilet paper. So I stocked up on all that shit, and canned goods and bottled water and water filters and candles and batteries.
1109 03:36:20,880 --> 03:36:33,180 extra light balls, everything that I would need if she got upside down for a little while. And it did. It literally happened like that. So all that stuff
1110 03:36:33,480 --> 03:36:46,950 that they put in nice things. RNA horseshit. They're trying to find a way to put that shit in food. And I told my wife, I said, if they're trying to really get
1111 03:36:46,950 --> 03:36:53,160 in everybody, the best way to do it would be to put it in the water and put it in food
1112 03:36:59,760 --> 03:37:11,370 I distill everything I drink. I drink distilled water. If it ain't that I drink the Evian water and which I'm stopping drinking that because I'm not trusting
1113 03:37:12,240 --> 03:37:21,420 that they will eventually put that shit in here if they haven't already. So I drink distilled water from the distillers I have at my house, which is just the
1114 03:37:21,420 --> 03:37:33,990 countertop thing. I drink the well water that I distill. And there's no fluoride in it. There's no anything in it. It's absolutely perfectly clean water. It's
1115 03:37:33,990 --> 03:37:54,120 theme that returns back to a liquid. So we've been replaced and I suddenly get this energy from I just did all that live streaming, talked for nothing, they
1116 03:37:54,120 --> 03:38:02,610 won't hear anything after I went to the Euro dollar chart. And now we're talking about tinfoil hat shit. And then some of you are like, this is the show I've
1117 03:38:02,610 --> 03:38:14,100 been waiting for a nice amount, a lot of interest in interest in this within this huge body of people that are listening to me for trading information. I'm
1118 03:38:14,100 --> 03:38:28,110 sure I've turned off a lot of you with that. But that's not where we're going with this. YouTube in Twitter space stuff, okay. But I had a lot of folks asking
1119 03:38:28,560 --> 03:38:39,180 why I'm doing this, like, why am I doing it? That's the reason why I'm expecting really bad shit to come. I want to be wrong. I want to be able to be laughed at
1120 03:38:39,180 --> 03:38:49,620 by all of you 24 months from now and nothing happens in bitcoins at $500,000 and I want you all to be able to say ICT you are so wrong and laugh at me. I want
1121 03:38:49,620 --> 03:39:09,930 that to happen. I really want that to happen. Because if I'm not we are in some shit. Like we're going to be really uncomfortable. And money isn't going to be
1122 03:39:10,170 --> 03:39:22,560 the answer. Everybody's life's about to change man. Everywhere some harder than others.
1123 03:39:28,530 --> 03:39:42,570 And I want to be able to know when I'm feeling all of that pressure when it's happening to us in our area in my family members and me. I want to know that I
1124 03:39:42,570 --> 03:39:55,830 have at least one you provided you a skill set to hopefully be able to do something to maybe alleviate some of it. Not all of it because I don't think
1125 03:39:55,830 --> 03:40:12,720 it's going to be possible And then you know, hopefully that gives me a little bit more peace of mind, I'll be able to take comfort in at least I know I have
1126 03:40:12,720 --> 03:40:28,920 done something. And I didn't hoard this information. I didn't exclude anybody from it. And I very meaningfully and held heartfelt effort was placed in this
1127 03:40:29,880 --> 03:40:42,210 with a good intention. And for the folks that talk about how I'm motivated to get money, because of ad revenue, the ad revenue and helps me afford my kids
1128 03:40:42,210 --> 03:40:54,630 that do stupid shit. And I'm tired of paying for it out of my pocket. That's the way it is. I got kids now, I got kids, I got a wife, and they just want to spend
1129 03:40:54,630 --> 03:41:06,330 they want to do dumb shit, and take chances with their cars. And when that shit happens, they can't afford to do it on their own. So where's the money gonna
1130 03:41:06,330 --> 03:41:15,180 come from? I'm not gonna fucking keep doing this shit. So if I can put something out there that makes income. That's right, that's this income stream I'll use
1131 03:41:15,180 --> 03:41:24,390 for that kind of stuff. It's none of your fucking business. You know what I'm doing how I get my money. But for the purposes of telling the folks that genuine
1132 03:41:24,420 --> 03:41:35,640 want to know, and not have an ulterior motive for it now, you know, but I'm not getting any revenue right now. I'm talking to you for fucking hours. I don't
1133 03:41:35,640 --> 03:41:51,120 know what time it was. may have gone wrong. There's no 1242 I love to feel like I've been here for an hour and a half. That's what it feels like for me. If I
1134 03:41:51,120 --> 03:42:01,920 had enough to talk about and reasons to hold anybody's attention, I could probably be a I don't know what I'm thinking, like a talk show host. But I'm
1135 03:42:01,920 --> 03:42:13,020 killing talk show host like this is longer than a talk show who's like, maybe a podcast or something like that. I'm constantly on it keeps going on and on. And
1136 03:42:13,020 --> 03:42:22,980 on next month, I can talk Kenny? Yeah. Then I'll stop talking until I'm asleep. I don't sleep very much. So in the answer the question you probably asked Oh,
1137 03:42:22,980 --> 03:42:32,580 answer that question. I wish you would talk about how he sleeps, I sleep in two segments of four hours. So I sleep for hours. Whenever I wake up after the four
1138 03:42:32,580 --> 03:42:43,500 hours and it's usually naturally, I wake up for hours, I get up immediately at a bit. And I start looking at my charts I look at whatever I'm looking at for
1139 03:42:44,430 --> 03:42:58,410 building sentiment, opinions bias. I look at YouTubers that I like to fade. I like to look at websites and forums that talk about what other traders are
1140 03:42:58,410 --> 03:43:09,780 expecting what they think. And then I read the headlines, I just go through the major headlines like Investor's Business Daily, Wall Street Journal, and
1141 03:43:09,780 --> 03:43:20,640 Barron's. And all I do is look at the headlines. I do not read the articles. Because the articles is bullshit. The headlines is that's them priming you.
1142 03:43:21,510 --> 03:43:31,140 They're telling you what to think what the fear what to worry about. And that's how I stay ahead of everything. I know what they're trying to do, because of the
1143 03:43:31,140 --> 03:43:45,210 bullshit that they try to engineer. So I sleep in for hours. I wake up, usually anywhere between four hours for 15, four hours and 15 minutes, something like
1144 03:43:45,210 --> 03:43:59,640 that. And then I'm up and moving about doing what I got to do. And after I'm done talking and having either lunch doing whatever I'm doing with my wife in
1145 03:43:59,640 --> 03:44:12,510 the evening, or afternoon rather, before evening time together. I'll lay down again for four hours. So in between those times if I have an opportunity, and I
1146 03:44:12,510 --> 03:44:26,730 haven't had that since I've been doing this year, but usually I'll lay down for about 15 to 20 minutes as a catena once or twice a day. But I don't need I don't
1147 03:44:26,730 --> 03:44:34,560 need more than four hours of sleep and I know there's a lot of people say oh no, you need to have eight hours of fucking sleep man. If I sleep eight hours, I'm
1148 03:44:34,560 --> 03:44:48,480 dead. Like I don't have any energy. None comes out. Like I it's like I've been lulled into laziness and sleepy. I don't I don't operate like that. Mine
1149 03:44:48,510 --> 03:44:57,690 obviously you can do I sound like I'm low on energy. I'm 50 years old. Okay, but I'm telling you right now I'm going and going and going like the Energizer Bunny
1150 03:45:00,000 --> 03:45:13,620 All night long, okay, all night long, all day long. I don't fucking sleep like the average person, I'll sleep when I'm dead. And I don't have an need for eat
1151 03:45:13,620 --> 03:45:26,460 our sleeps. As younger man, I felt like I had to do that. And I was, I would get sick, I will catch colds all the time, I would always be fucking getting sick,
1152 03:45:26,550 --> 03:45:41,220 always. And when I adopted this, and it was a matter of just because of my life, and you, being who I am now, it grew into Well, four hours is what I could get.
1153 03:45:41,550 --> 03:45:50,010 So four hours, and then I divided it in the day, and then I found another period of four hours. And sometimes I'm not going to be able to stay on the same sleep
1154 03:45:50,010 --> 03:46:00,180 schedule. Like I'm not always falling asleep the same time each day. So I go until I'm tired. As soon as I feel myself. Like I said earlier, in the
1155 03:46:00,180 --> 03:46:09,480 beginning, I'm fatigued because of the talking, I'm not tired, tired, but fatigued of talking. Because I went for as long as I did on that live stream.
1156 03:46:10,200 --> 03:46:18,120 And I hadn't had a break. Like I stayed right here. Like I didn't leave my office here. All I did was stood up stretched for a couple seconds and and sat
1157 03:46:18,120 --> 03:46:29,310 down started the stream that I told you that I was going to do in 15 minutes, I said, I get it off my chest right now and go. So I don't have that normal sleep
1158 03:46:29,310 --> 03:46:43,530 routine that all of you have. And I think if I had a job, then I would probably sleep the regular six to seven, eight hour time. But because I don't do
1159 03:46:43,530 --> 03:46:53,340 anything, like work a stressful job. Because you're stressed all the time, you're stressed, when you go to bed worrying about going there. You're worried
1160 03:46:53,340 --> 03:47:01,350 about that job when you wake up because you got to go there. You're worried about that job when you're commuting there. And you're worried about your job
1161 03:47:01,350 --> 03:47:10,500 when you come home and you're commuting from it. So you're constantly worrying about that shithole of a job. And being there, you don't want to you don't want
1162 03:47:10,500 --> 03:47:23,370 to do it. I don't have that. So when I wake up, my day is mine, I choose to spend helping all of you. I choose it to do what I want to do with my children
1163 03:47:23,370 --> 03:47:38,310 when I'm doing it, walk my dogs. Whatever I'm doing. It's not a job. And I'm working harder at doing what I'm doing with you than anybody does at a job. But
1164 03:47:38,310 --> 03:47:51,420 I don't feel like I'm working. I'm enjoying myself. I'm sharing, I'm talking I'm being who I am. And, you know, I hope it's viewed as cool to most of you. I am
1165 03:47:51,420 --> 03:48:04,830 trying to be personable trying to be you know, something other than the guy that just talks about charts and shit. I'm a real person, I got real family needs and
1166 03:48:04,830 --> 03:48:17,010 things that go on, I got kids that don't listen to me. It's, you know, it's the reality of it. You probably have this opinion, or held this view that, you know,
1167 03:48:17,790 --> 03:48:31,770 everything's together. Everything's balanced. Everything's it's not. It's not I mean, I have a family I have in laws, I have a mother that, you know, isn't
1168 03:48:31,770 --> 03:48:44,580 close to my children. She She has not even seen my two youngest kids. Except for the day they were born and never seen them since. Could you exist as a grand
1169 03:48:44,610 --> 03:48:54,240 mother and do that? That's the person that birthed me. She's not supposed to be a mother, she should have never been a mother. But to say that I wouldn't be
1170 03:48:54,240 --> 03:49:03,570 here. So it's kind of like a weird thing to say, but she should have never been a parent. But I have all those things just like you. I have dysfunctional family
1171 03:49:03,570 --> 03:49:17,910 members. My in laws, they cannot manage money. You can't help them. You give them something, they lose it. You give them money, they wasted. You can't you
1172 03:49:17,910 --> 03:49:26,730 can't do anything for him. So I'm just like everybody else. I have the real world problems that just like you have.
1173 03:49:28,530 --> 03:49:39,630 And me being able to do what you see me do does not make me exempt of that. I'm a real person that manages all these real issues that happen in everybody else's
1174 03:49:39,630 --> 03:49:48,000 life. And if I can do this, you will be able to do it too. You just gonna have to work really, really hard and put your mind to it
1175 03:49:53,190 --> 03:50:03,270 I do believe I need to close this one. Because I'm tired because I'm not. I'm probably gonna go down here and Nah, grab something to drink. Take the girls
1176 03:50:03,270 --> 03:50:15,090 out, let him go to the bathroom. I'm probably gonna go read, read some stuff. See what's going on in the world. See what I missed. So tomorrow, Friday, I will
1177 03:50:15,090 --> 03:50:27,540 not be on Twitter worrying you. And I probably will not be doing anything at all with you on social media until Saturday. So I guess Saturday morning shotgun
1178 03:50:29,280 --> 03:50:42,180 will be here again talking about what I don't know. It won't be this long. I'm quite certain of that. But anyway, if I've kept you company at your job, if I
1179 03:50:42,180 --> 03:50:55,710 kept your company wherever you were, you were hanging out with me. Hopefully, I was good company with you. Hopefully I entertained it. Hopefully I inspired you
1180 03:50:55,710 --> 03:51:06,660 to keep digging in and focus on what it is you're doing here, why you're doing it. And what you're going to do with it, once you get it. That's what I said I'm
1181 03:51:06,660 --> 03:51:19,560 interested in I want to see how you prepare yourself, how you bless others. And that story is what I'm really interested in. So with that, my friends. We're
1182 03:51:19,560 --> 03:51:27,540 gonna close this one with you all very pleasant evening morning wherever you're at in the world. Until next time, be safe.