
Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2022-12-29 08:28


00:38 - When you start running up big, people are going to step in front of you and try to stop you.

01:41 - What’s going on with my trading.

08:54 - I will beat your motherfucking systems.

14:44 - Be as precise as me and you're just going to put brokerage firms out of business -.

20:32 - When you see things like this, it feels like you’re taking a huge step back -.

27:18 - Will’s “real” trading is cherry-picked.

33:29 - You can’t beat me.

36:40 - You have no more excuse damper has no clothes.

42:40 - What do you know about September 24, 2022?

48:01 - The world is in a position where we can see things that we can’t.

53:16 - The 6 o’clock news and the terror threat.

59:43 - Take that stuff out of your life.

01:06:54 - When you’re an adult, you have options and means that say you don’t need to put up this bullshit.

01:12:16 - Women want to be in a stable environment.

01:15:50 - They want to know that you’re there even when you get rich.

01:22:11 - Men think like cavemen, women think like caves.

01:26:11 - When it’s not really meant by her to do that -.

01:32:03 - Steve talks about his first wife and how he tried to get her out of the house.

01:37:04 - The Great Reset kicks off on the 24th.

01:43:36 - German military to be on the streets starting October 1.

01:47:00 - What’s going to happen if the mushroom cloud hits.

01:52:44 - We’re never going to go back to where it was, and that’s going to be worse.

01:58:14 - People are sick and they’re monsters -.

02:04:06 - If you’re not prepared for this stuff, you aren’t going to have the mindset.

02:10:15 - If they don’t want you to win, they will prevent it -.

02:15:56 - What’s going to happen if we have a central bank digital currency overrun? -.



00:00:38,400 --> 00:00:55,500 ICT: paperbacks doing well. I just realized I capitalize the C and T in my ICT you'll see these flaring, and it's not starting off on a good foot is it? So
00:00:58,020 --> 00:01:18,030 obviously, we had a pretty good week. So we've seen several large trades this week. And we've seen people come in and claim that it's done now. And you've
00:01:18,030 --> 00:01:31,410 seen me put that to bed too. And you also now seen proof of what I talked about my private mentorship. I said, if you start running up big, like consistent
00:01:31,410 --> 00:01:41,130 days, and then you start really smashing it, they're gonna step in front of you, okay, they're gonna do things to keep you from being consistent. And I shared
00:01:43,200 --> 00:01:58,140 the first account of that where I was in the trade, and I tried to put the stop on and the target on and it wouldn't do it. So I just selected Sydney and just
00:01:58,140 --> 00:02:09,810 close the trade below the recent loan, you saw that this week, it went lower, even though I went to where I was calling it, I just couldn't focus. So last
00:02:09,810 --> 00:02:22,050 night, and all through today, I took a pretty good amount of trades. And I would have had an enormous windfall day today. I'm planning on peacocking and running
00:02:22,050 --> 00:02:38,700 around showing my self out real well tonight, but obviously, you can see tom foolery that amp in the boys in Chinatown, we're pulling on guru ICT. So it's
00:02:38,700 --> 00:02:50,340 hard to argue with that kind of stuff when you see it. Like I'm literally trying to do everything I can to close that position. I tried to do partials all the
10 00:02:50,340 --> 00:03:02,580 way down. And there's more to that more trades as well. But it just for the sake of not having to sit down all the times where I was toggling through different
11 00:03:02,580 --> 00:03:13,410 monitors, and not have pictures of my family and backgrounds on top of them. So it just made it easy to show you the heart of the trade where it was going down.
12 00:03:13,470 --> 00:03:23,460 I was trying to take eight of the contracts off of the 10 and all the bullshit there customer service Dude, I don't think that guy was even reading the email
13 00:03:23,460 --> 00:03:37,530 correctly. Like when I was reporting it to their I guess it's their trade desk management. I guess I thought it was a person TDM. At amp futures are amp
14 00:03:37,530 --> 00:03:51,510 clearing.com. I got some guy named Charles and got back. So Charles was not in charge today. He had no help for me whatsoever. His email responses gave me the
15 00:03:51,510 --> 00:04:00,990 impression that he was thinking that I was trying to trade more contracts than I should have been allowed where I'm above 10 contracts, I've done more than 10
16 00:04:00,990 --> 00:04:12,900 contracts. So that's bullshit that doesn't fit this issue. The issue was is I couldn't close open positions. And I seen some of you in the responses saying
17 00:04:12,900 --> 00:04:21,330 that you had similar situations like that. And you rectified it by doing the cancellation of the pending orders, like take the stop off, take the limit off.
18 00:04:21,690 --> 00:04:32,010 And then you can do partials I did all that. And remember I was doing these all night long. And it had nothing to do with the brackets. Even though they put
19 00:04:32,010 --> 00:04:41,670 that little disclaimer saying other brackets might not work. Okay, it didn't work, even when it was just a position. Like I couldn't close it at all. And I
20 00:04:41,670 --> 00:04:51,060 had several positions. I was up and down all night long. I was all over that market. And every time he would give me a position that was really in my favor.
21 00:04:52,440 --> 00:05:02,040 It just would not let me out of it wouldn't let me out of it. So I went down into the ledger and tried to close it down. That way, where you just go to the
22 00:05:02,040 --> 00:05:10,200 far right of the trade, it's open. There's a little x there. You click that neck and close a position. Nope, wouldn't have been out either. So it's some
23 00:05:10,200 --> 00:05:17,670 bullshit. So what it is, and that's fine you know, I'm gonna give a fuck these people. I'm already fucking rich. I don't need your fucking little Mickey Mouse
24 00:05:17,670 --> 00:05:25,230 fucking trading accounts I don't need I don't need all that stuff. I've done all this just to prove to you all in the boy down in Texas. It keeps on talking his
25 00:05:25,230 --> 00:05:33,180 bullshit, Mister, I'm gonna try to use five fucking accounts in Robins cup Vinny this. Make it very plainly everybody's attention is at the highest point.
26 00:05:34,440 --> 00:05:44,460 I will do one contract account period. I will show you my four account the fucking opening balance and I expect you to do the same thing you said you'll
27 00:05:44,460 --> 00:05:53,010 open up five accounts and you'll prove that you can read it and I just need you to do one. Just do one. Show me that one full account number. And we're in there
28 00:05:53,010 --> 00:06:02,880 together. And I'm gonna sit there and I'm gonna wait until I see your ass. All you gotta do is show up wanting to show up on even on the fifth spot like Tom
29 00:06:02,880 --> 00:06:16,920 Dante and fucking failed and rode off. Some I wrote him off with 36% The very next day. I will light your ass on fire and make you famous for being the
30 00:06:16,920 --> 00:06:28,470 biggest fucking failure in talker there's ever been. You're a fucking clown. Dude. You are a clown. Come on, dude. I'm in your fucking broker. And they won't
31 00:06:28,470 --> 00:06:39,090 even let me fucking tear the doors off the plucking place. Mr. Wonderful Mr. You can do everything you can fucking turn shit into fucking gold with your futures
32 00:06:39,090 --> 00:06:48,360 trading man. You're a fucking nobody. Uh, nobody. Get him in here running up on this fucking shit. You're trying to do all these multiple fucking accounts,
33 00:06:48,480 --> 00:06:59,340 trying to get these little tiny little moves. I can put one fucking trade on for the week. And smoke your ass. All you have to do is gets cut. You can do it.
34 00:06:59,640 --> 00:07:05,700 Come on, you can do it. You've already said multiple times. You're going to do it. You're going to prove you're going to prove I'm going to prove you're full
35 00:07:05,700 --> 00:07:18,090 of shit. Because I've done everything this year, and you've done nothing but talk out your ass. out your ass. Class action lawsuit bring it motherfucker. I
36 00:07:18,090 --> 00:07:30,390 got receipts 30 fucking years back. I will fucking smoke your ass layer two. I'd beat you in everything. I'd beat you in every fucking way possible. I can make
37 00:07:30,390 --> 00:07:40,140 more money in you. I have more money in you. I bought a house that's bigger than yours that cost more than yours. It's newer than yours. About a truck that costs
38 00:07:40,140 --> 00:07:52,650 more than your fucking dusty ass 12 year old piece of shit. From the fucker I pay more taxes and you earned in your entire fucking life that's who you're
39 00:07:52,650 --> 00:08:03,390 fucking listening to right now. You fucking dick. I have done everything this year to beg and plead the fucking let you feel confident to come in there and
40 00:08:03,390 --> 00:08:10,620 show the world that you are the Alexander that's gonna kick us ETS as you're gonna come from punching in the fucking face bench. I want you to I'll pay for
41 00:08:10,620 --> 00:08:22,620 your air flight. I will give you first class business fucking flight up here. And I Guaran damn tee you. You won't do shit. You fucking pussy. All this talk
42 00:08:22,620 --> 00:08:34,080 in this talk and bring your fucking shit. Bring your shit. Everybody sees I can fucking trade now. Everybody knows it now. And all you got to do is come to the
43 00:08:34,080 --> 00:08:44,040 fucking dance. I'm so good that brokers don't even want me in there anymore. Okay, I will beat you with one fucking contract. I will never trade with more
44 00:08:44,040 --> 00:08:56,190 than one contract and I will fuck you up. I will fuck your Mickey Mouse. Algo box horseshit left right seven six fucking ways from Sunday I will beat your
45 00:08:56,190 --> 00:09:10,830 motherfucking systems ass please, with sugar on top. Please, please find some fucking balls and join that motherfucker because I will make you fucking
46 00:09:10,860 --> 00:09:24,300 infamous. You never even come close to me. Never. Not one fucking chance in hell do you have not one? So make your bullshit your little memes y'all are fucking
47 00:09:24,300 --> 00:09:36,420 bullshit. On your YouTube. Notice you're not growing. Nobody gives a fuck dude. All this fucking Photoshop stuff. Come on, man. Bring your best. Bring your
48 00:09:36,420 --> 00:09:45,600 motherfucking best. It's gonna take some right now. Okay, you have bent your motherfucking knee. You have done that. I'm telling you to your fucking face
49 00:09:45,600 --> 00:09:57,870 right now. You hear it from my own voice. You are a pussy. You fucking failed. You didn't even fucking try. How does that fucking feel? How does that feel man
50 00:09:58,080 --> 00:10:05,100 to put a whole year's worth a boat on Nothing does. Your feelings got hurt because I didn't defend you. You're a grown ass fucking man. Bring that grown
51 00:10:05,100 --> 00:10:19,560 ass man. Let's go. Let's give the world the fucking show that you promised them because I am fucking ready. I am ready dude, I am fucking ready. And what about
52 00:10:19,560 --> 00:10:28,170 that guy see him by the way? This motherfucker sitting with 8% Ain't traded in a fucking two week period. He probably turned his fucking my effects book off.
53 00:10:29,850 --> 00:10:34,530 Dude, seriously? I probably made more money today than his account ever had.
54 00:10:37,470 --> 00:10:50,670 Where's the talker? That Roger banks. Oh, I heard what you said the other day. I'm a professor. I am a professor. I can teach good, but I can't fucking do it.
55 00:10:51,390 --> 00:11:06,150 Listen, son. All you got to do is take that empty for bullshit into a real account outside of a server. Robin, I will make you famous too. I promise. I
56 00:11:06,150 --> 00:11:17,250 promise. You've been polite. But I'll still politely beat your ass in that contest. See all you guys out here trying to jump on the fucking bandwagon.
57 00:11:17,880 --> 00:11:29,220 Dude. You know how you here's how here's how you get to be the best call my bluff call my motherfucking bluff call. See if I don't get in that motherfucker.
58 00:11:29,460 --> 00:11:40,800 And rip the shared apart. How's that? I will beat it with one contract. I will never do more than one contract. How fucking hard is that? Not to just go and do
59 00:11:40,800 --> 00:11:54,630 it. You know what? ICT put himself in a box. Now now go box. But a box. He said don't open contract. E Mini s&p. That's the only market I'm gonna trade. Is that
60 00:11:54,630 --> 00:12:01,500 fucking not fair? I'm giving you all the advantages. Because trust me, you're gonna say oh, no, no, he's not. He's gonna have an excuse. Why he lost
61 00:12:01,530 --> 00:12:11,040 motherfucker ain't losing. I'm not losing. I'm making it so obvious that they're in a motherfucker walking this planet. They even come close to me. I can just
62 00:12:11,040 --> 00:12:21,180 get in there. Get the fuck in there. Show me that you joined should fall camp. And I am on the hook. I gotta do the same thing. Why are you fucking posers?
63 00:12:21,330 --> 00:12:32,340 Hiding? I'm on this Twitter. The clocks running down dude. 2022 is about to close. I'm looking around. I don't see anybody with a fucking pair of balls. I
64 00:12:32,340 --> 00:12:41,670 see a whole lot of empty for servers. I see a whole lot of hindsight I did this I did that. But I ain't done shit. Really. I showed you two brokerage accounts
65 00:12:42,030 --> 00:12:54,240 live. I'm calling moves, and trading them with precision that nobody's fucking seen before. And again, now what I've said before my students have seen it now.
66 00:12:54,900 --> 00:13:05,460 It's proven. The brokers shut me down. You thought I was making up that shit. Dude. I record every fucking thing. Everything. I'm not I'm not a person that
67 00:13:05,460 --> 00:13:20,790 needs to make up bullshit. I don't need to lie about anything. Okay, I will come with receipts period. Now if you've seen enough that that's a little
68 00:13:20,790 --> 00:13:30,510 disappointing because I've worked very hard this year to try to get you guys all worked up into a frenzy to come out here and slay ICT, the talker the big mouth
69 00:13:30,510 --> 00:13:38,820 of braggart a motherfucker to talk about his as well guess what I'm shooting rebels on. I'm sitting here my bells on begging and pleading for you Pisces to
70 00:13:38,820 --> 00:14:01,410 come out here and take me the fuck on. Here that listen, we're close, you hear crickets in silence in some way on a motorcycle. So yeah, I have a little bit of
71 00:14:01,410 --> 00:14:11,010 pent up hostility tonight. Because I know what I'm capable of. And you've seen that. You see me trying to get up near the level trying to get a contract. So
72 00:14:11,010 --> 00:14:19,080 that 10 off. And I can't get it off. Not because I can't train not because I don't know what the fuck I'm doing. I'm doing the same thing you see me do all
73 00:14:19,080 --> 00:14:21,990 the time. But they just got tired of paying now.
74 00:14:27,390 --> 00:14:36,390 Some of you guys think that you're going to walk out here and eventually get to the point where you can train like me. Be as precise as me be as consistent as
75 00:14:36,390 --> 00:14:47,010 me. And you're just going to put brokerage firms out of business that that's not going to happen. That's not going to happen. And I've had literally people in my
76 00:14:47,040 --> 00:14:56,850 mentorship that are paid members over the last six years. Invariably, some of them will come up in the form once they become charter members and everybody in
77 00:14:56,850 --> 00:15:04,830 new charter member is sick and I'll talk now in posting Straight threads in the forum and such. But they said that, you know, it doesn't make any sense why a
78 00:15:04,830 --> 00:15:11,610 broker and I've seen some, some of you actually saying this shit in the tweets and the tweets and such, it doesn't make any sense why a broker would try to
79 00:15:11,610 --> 00:15:21,630 stop you from making money because they make money by your transactions. Now actually, that's the least of their business model. Their better model is where
80 00:15:21,630 --> 00:15:32,970 they be books on money. And every single time I go into a live account, I always I always do a little bit of a Judas swing or I'll drop it down a little bit. And
81 00:15:32,970 --> 00:15:46,740 I want to see how they feel me going forward. Well, they saw that and then I rip their ass apart. pounded on this week I pound and empowerment and pounded. And I
82 00:15:46,740 --> 00:16:01,440 guess they said, Oh, shit. We'd be booked the wrong little fucker. Well, let's pull out all the dirty tricks. In Forex, I would get three quotes, three quotes,
83 00:16:01,470 --> 00:16:11,700 three quotes, not executions, they would deny my executions, it would be just a real quote. And some of you probably experienced that. In futures. It's nowhere
84 00:16:11,700 --> 00:16:22,380 rejecting your order. rejected, rejected, rejected. And you can't get out when it's at the highest point of the parcel or at where you're trying to get out.
85 00:16:22,380 --> 00:16:32,400 No, it's I saw a China turn. And I wanted to get at least eight of the 10 off. Nope, denied me watch it on a Twitter video just posted. It's the very last one
86 00:16:32,400 --> 00:16:44,430 I was trying to close. Wouldn't do, it wouldn't let me do it. So I mean, in the grand scheme of things, it's not a lot of money. It's the general rule of it
87 00:16:44,430 --> 00:16:51,810 all. I'm thinking it happened this week. Because that way, it's one more thing that I told my students that what would happen if you try to be too perfect, and
88 00:16:51,810 --> 00:17:02,430 you just hammer them, they're not going to let you do that. They will not let you do that. The world is rigged. The markets are rigged everything about this
89 00:17:02,430 --> 00:17:14,730 whole show. Every bit 1% manipulated and you have to operate in some small little scope. This lot smaller window of okay, I'll take some meat out of the
90 00:17:14,730 --> 00:17:25,140 marketplace. And then you got to do some nonsensical trades. Shit that doesn't make any sense go in, when you know it's likely to go down. By hold it for a
91 00:17:25,140 --> 00:17:33,030 little bit, don't get out. You have to muddy the waters up. Otherwise, you put a big spotlight on yourself. And then all of a sudden you have the shit that you
92 00:17:33,030 --> 00:17:45,030 saw this week with me. Now you can argue and say, Oh, this guy is making up excuses up dude, I'm making money. I'm making money. The trades are in massive
93 00:17:45,030 --> 00:17:57,780 profits. I can't get out of them. I'm not crying about not being able to trade on. But I'm in the trades. I'm not crying about a trade not being profitable.
94 00:17:57,870 --> 00:18:13,500 I'm in the highest point of the profit. And they won't let me out of it. That's the kind of shit that was going on in 2001 2002. With Forex, currency moves like
95 00:18:13,500 --> 00:18:24,750 that. They, they when they first started, you know, advocate shop workers that would pull that kind of shit all the time. And I fell victim to that same
96 00:18:24,750 --> 00:18:34,380 condition then. And it the only thing you can do is this close. Close the account. So I'm not really interested in continuing a business partnership with
97 00:18:34,380 --> 00:18:42,030 this brokerage firm because they've already shown their colors to me and I'm not interested. And I have shown anybody that's willing to listen to what I put up.
98 00:18:42,630 --> 00:18:51,330 Not my opinion. Not some conjecture. Not some I'm mad because I lost money. No, I fucking made money. But you didn't let me have the amount of money I earned.
99 00:18:52,920 --> 00:19:01,860 There's a difference there. Okay, so the dumb asses that are coming in there in my comment section on my videos, saying oh, you proved yourself as a fraud. How
100 00:19:01,860 --> 00:19:15,570 the fuck is me sitting in a profitable trade 13,000 bagged the fuck out and not being able to close the position out. How's that front? Come on now.
101 00:19:16,980 --> 00:19:30,030 You've seen me in positions larger than 10 contracts. So it's it's obvious, okay, it's obvious. They were doing whatever they could to fuck with me. And I
102 00:19:30,030 --> 00:19:38,400 get it. I mean, you can't beat me. So get me to the point where I don't want to deal with you do business with you and close the account. That's fine. No
103 00:19:38,400 --> 00:19:49,920 problem. But you're gonna fucking pay me what I earned and then it's no problem. They up about your as a company. Anthem futures is trash. That fucking company
104 00:19:50,400 --> 00:19:58,350 is garbage. It's trash. I would not fucking do business with them. And I don't care if you believe me or you take my word of advice. I don't give a fuck. I
105 00:19:58,350 --> 00:20:09,270 don't ever talk about brokerage. firms, there's only two have ever really mentioned. If it's fxcm, because they're trash. And now, amp futures, and I've
106 00:20:09,270 --> 00:20:24,090 been asked me, you're keeping me from taking out period. So where is your excuse? Where's the angle on that? Exactly. So, and if sometimes when you, when
107 00:20:24,090 --> 00:20:34,020 you see things like this or hear about it feels a little bit disheartening, because it may feel like you're taking a taking a huge step back, like, Oh, now,
108 00:20:34,050 --> 00:20:39,090 you know, that was the broker I was gonna go with, because I could start with a little bit of money. Let me tell you something, if you start with a little bit
109 00:20:39,090 --> 00:20:48,240 of money, that little bit of money is going to be the reason why you're not going to succeed because you had it correctly. So don't look at it. Like, you
110 00:20:48,240 --> 00:20:58,200 know, it's the easy, cheap man approach. Okay, the poor man's approach to getting into a market and over leveraging you just because they allow $300
111 00:20:58,740 --> 00:21:10,470 margin for a mini contract when it's, you know, 10 11,000, whatever it is now, that, that that should not be the reason why you're going with that broker. If
112 00:21:10,470 --> 00:21:19,530 it is, or if you'd listen, listen to somebody that says, oh, yeah, this is what you do. You go in, and you pray five times, because I can afford to do it
113 00:21:19,530 --> 00:21:31,650 because I have this much money and account. Dude, seriously, that's a moron teaching you. Okay, that's a moron leading you into ruin. Period. The reality of
114 00:21:31,650 --> 00:21:46,260 it all. You know, I'm not sitting here in NinjaTrader, running daily performance reports that are based on market replay. Bullshit, I'm in a market with a real
115 00:21:46,260 --> 00:21:58,110 account, pulling down real money. And how many times have you seen me come out this year and show day, after day, after day, after day, after day, after day,
116 00:21:58,110 --> 00:22:07,830 after day after day, and show you once in a while where the human in me does something. And it's not as perfect as I want it to be, or these technical
117 00:22:07,830 --> 00:22:19,140 glitches, throw me out of my focus is pretty consistent. So that's why I do everything publicly like that, like in my mentorship, there was never any
118 00:22:19,140 --> 00:22:29,610 private. Here's my example. And here's what I did here that I didn't do. I do it publicly. Everybody gets to see me. Everybody gets to judge me, we mean in the
119 00:22:29,610 --> 00:22:37,680 same balances. It's why it's intriguing to me to see folks that are very opinionated. And you can tell
120 00:22:43,230 --> 00:22:54,540 what, that's all. You can tell who's got the little man complexes, for the ones that no matter what you do, no matter what I show, whatever I prove, I'm in a
121 00:22:54,540 --> 00:23:02,460 trade I'm executing. It's a live account, you know that you want to do want to change the subject. Oh, he was showing this and showing that. But yeah, he had
122 00:23:02,460 --> 00:23:11,970 this cropped out. And you'll know if it's a live account, because you got to look for the green dot, well, hello, the green dot. Just because I'm magnifying
123 00:23:11,970 --> 00:23:22,500 the screen, doesn't mean I'm hiding anything. It just means I prefer no borders on my chart. I'm obsessive. But when I see these little dick guys, okay, these
124 00:23:22,500 --> 00:23:32,580 little pistons, okay, these little talkers that can't find their own way in the world. They see somebody doing something that just completely transcends the
125 00:23:32,970 --> 00:23:47,370 levels of reality that they live in. They can't deal with it. So they got to come in here and try to disrupt it. I am so at a point right now I can see the
126 00:23:47,370 --> 00:23:55,740 tide in the public. And this is another reason why I'm rolling back and to being private again. Okay, private meeting. I'm not trying to be on social media. I
127 00:23:55,740 --> 00:24:01,890 don't have patience for you dumb fuckers. Okay, not and I don't mean that, in general, for all of you. You know, I'm talking about the people I just
128 00:24:01,890 --> 00:24:13,500 mentioned, these asshats these clowns, these motherfuckers that have no fucking idea what they're doing. They this are miserable. The more these things that are
129 00:24:13,500 --> 00:24:25,020 coming into the world, start pressing on everybody. The more that shits gonna get intense, it's going to it's going to be more of it. I don't have the
130 00:24:25,020 --> 00:24:37,470 patience to deal with stupid people. Like, I don't have the patience for that. And I don't have the tolerance to be able to control myself. Like, I mean, this
131 00:24:37,470 --> 00:24:49,170 is what you get, like in this type of event, or medium, unfiltered, whatever's on my mind, whatever is in the front of my mind. That's it. That's what's coming
132 00:24:49,170 --> 00:25:03,240 out of my mouth. That's it, and I don't people's feelings. So because of that, and I know that it's gonna get hardly don't give a fuck about social media. I
133 00:25:03,240 --> 00:25:14,220 really don't, I really don't, I'm laying down, a legacy of the guy that came out proved he could do it made millions selling it then stopped on my own accord to
134 00:25:14,220 --> 00:25:23,160 prove I don't need that. And then I gave it away for free. Just to piss off all the fuckers out there that had ripped me off, and tried to take credit for
135 00:25:23,160 --> 00:25:33,120 something and claimed it as Wycoff. And it's not towards supply and demand, and it's not raw seeing it. I mentioned it last time, we were on the Twitter space,
136 00:25:33,510 --> 00:25:42,030 go over to Amazon and do a search on Smart Money concepts. There's dozens of books out there, and it's all what comes right out of those core content
137 00:25:42,030 --> 00:25:54,180 lessons. No mention of where it came from. But that's where it came from. So these people are pieces of shit. Okay, and I gave them a see a whole lot more
138 00:25:54,180 --> 00:26:03,600 that because I've made the core content lessons public. Okay, that's fine, I understand. But you all know where it came from. You know, where it came from.
139 00:26:03,630 --> 00:26:11,880 And you know, these people have no class and they don't want to give credit where it's due. Fuck them, I don't give a shit. I'll be in the review section
140 00:26:11,880 --> 00:26:22,590 telling her by go to this channel, and you'll see it. Just like John fib, allottee. Jonathan flood, he fucking fraud. Everybody knows that you're full of
141 00:26:22,590 --> 00:26:32,340 shit. And that book was a complete write off out of my core content. And you gave credit to people that had no fucking business receiving credit for any of
142 00:26:32,340 --> 00:26:45,690 it. None of them. So if you're out here, and you're getting ready to do a book on Amazon, just now you'll get more credit. If you cite the person that you
143 00:26:45,690 --> 00:26:56,340 learned it from? Period. I've given it to the world. It's a gift. But if you treat it like you discovered it yourself, you're gonna find it people are going
144 00:26:56,340 --> 00:27:07,050 to shit all over you. And rightfully so. But you're also saying that it's not anything like everybody else claimed it is. Oh, it's fake. It's cherry picked?
145 00:27:08,010 --> 00:27:19,350 Oh, it's cherry picked? Yeah. Cherry Picking winner after winner after winner after winner with a live account? Oops. That's pretty fucking good. And that's
146 00:27:19,350 --> 00:27:32,070 the kind of cherry picking you want to do. Y'all think it was? Well, it's 15 Different demo accounts. And a rented server and I had somebody send me a thing
147 00:27:32,070 --> 00:27:40,800 on TradingView the other day, you keep mentioning the rented MT four server? Like, what is that? Like? What what is it?
148 00:27:41,819 --> 00:27:52,589 What it is, is as you're buying a white label brokerage that isn't active anymore. And I don't know everything about it. But basically, you pay for access
149 00:27:52,589 --> 00:28:02,129 to it. And you can manually put in trades to make it look like you entered at a specific time at a specific price. And you can make it look like a live account.
150 00:28:02,399 --> 00:28:13,679 And that's why MT four with even my effects book is bullshit. So all you have to hear that, oh, look at this right here. I got this, I made that. Let me tell you
151 00:28:13,679 --> 00:28:24,629 something, run a million dollars up on your MT four Raja in the World Cup. Put your $50,000 in there and run up a million dollars in that account. I guarantee
152 00:28:24,629 --> 00:28:35,519 you, you won't need to advertise. You won't need to come to my twitter space, or my tweets and say, I call this move. They're all going to know you. That's how
153 00:28:35,519 --> 00:28:44,579 you do it. Because I'm going to be real honest with you. I don't think you're trading with real money. And that's sincere. I'm not trying to be disrespectful.
154 00:28:44,909 --> 00:28:53,819 I'm not trying to shit on you. I just think that that is not real and it would be very intriguing to see you do it in something like that where it's absolutely
155 00:28:53,819 --> 00:29:02,819 in a setting where nobody can call you fake. And guess what? That would be earning respect from me and I'd come out and say that's the that's the real one
156 00:29:02,819 --> 00:29:20,639 right there. But I don't think you'll do it. I've been inviting everybody. For what shit. I think the first time I did it was 2012 or 2013. Some asshat came on
157 00:29:20,789 --> 00:29:27,599 baby pips and talked some shit. I was like, Okay, let's go over there. They never do anything with it. But each year there's always been somebody and Vinnie
158 00:29:27,599 --> 00:29:37,259 Imani is the one that's tried the hardest, but still ain't found his balls to go in here and do it. Now think about it folks. Be honest. Okay. Listen to me. I
159 00:29:37,259 --> 00:29:47,999 know most of you think why am I wasting my time with this guy but because I want you to understand. He is so hell bent on finding relevance in this industry.
160 00:29:48,659 --> 00:29:59,969 He's willing to slander lie make up bullshit Photoshop make up nonsense. When the easiest thing is to do what he says he could do beat me. He said many times
161 00:29:59,999 --> 00:30:09,899 that he was gonna go into Robins. Input multiple accounts, he keeps skirting around the fact that I said, I will show you my only account number. You do the
162 00:30:09,899 --> 00:30:17,339 same thing. Login prove that you joined that you registered, I will do the same fucking thing. Whatever amount of money you want to start with you want to go
163 00:30:17,339 --> 00:30:27,329 one with a million dollars, I will do it. You want to go with $3 million? I will fucking do it. You want to go anywhere? $10,000 I will do it. One account, and I
164 00:30:27,329 --> 00:30:36,809 will be in there with you, Danny, just like you said, just like you begged me for Oh, he'll he won't ever do it. Motherfucker. I've been year long, begging
165 00:30:36,809 --> 00:30:49,559 for it. Let's go. But you won't do it. And that's disappointing. Because I thought for sure that maybe you found some balls because I told Tom Dante that
166 00:30:49,559 --> 00:31:00,659 you would never do it. Because you know, I'm way better than you. You will never get to this level. Never. You will never fucking get to this level of any.
167 00:31:01,889 --> 00:31:16,259 Never. You'll never do it. I could stop. Let you go 20 years trying to refine your shit. And you still won't be 1/10 of the fucking traitor I am. And that's
168 00:31:16,259 --> 00:31:31,589 the real fucking facts here. Period. I could beat your ass with just the fucking YouTube model with one contract. call my bluff. Call my motherfucking bluff.
169 00:31:31,589 --> 00:31:39,119 Because once you and I are in there, and it's registered, and we publicly made our fucking count numbers down publicly. That's the only accounts that are gonna
170 00:31:39,119 --> 00:31:46,949 matter. I can't use a different one. I mean, think about the logic you're saying there. I mean, folks, listen, pay attention this for a second word of fuck is
171 00:31:46,949 --> 00:32:00,029 the logic in someone saying ICTs can use his family members to open up accounts. When if I show up on that leaderboard, I better not fall off. Like what's the
172 00:32:00,029 --> 00:32:06,779 chances of me using a malt like multiple different accounts? Let's just say I wasn't willing to show you my full account number when I fucking am. I've
173 00:32:06,779 --> 00:32:14,819 already done it with my TD Ameritrade account. I baited this guy. I'm wanting him to say I'm gonna kiss ass. And look how he's trading. I want because he
174 00:32:14,819 --> 00:32:24,959 knows he knows I beat his ass. He knows I did that shit. Just to make like, Oh, it's a trap. You're fucking right it is. But I'm being plain and simple right
175 00:32:24,959 --> 00:32:37,229 now. Danny. Everybody hears me. Everybody knows this. I will open up one single account and show every fucking person that will watch the video that will be
176 00:32:37,229 --> 00:32:38,369 literally two minutes long.
177 00:32:40,230 --> 00:32:51,450 My full account number, me logging into the broker, the same as you open up with I will fucking do it. And then when you do it, and I do it, I'm going to sit
178 00:32:51,450 --> 00:33:00,900 Pat. And I'm going to demand that you just show your ass just one fucking time on the leaderboard. And I'll walk to that fucking number one spot, and you'll
179 00:33:00,900 --> 00:33:20,400 never get near me. Period. You can't beat me. You cannot come close to me. Period. The whole fucking world will see that. I got to step on you got to do
180 00:33:20,400 --> 00:33:29,220 stop your bullshit. You're clownin your fucking talk. Now you're asked for shit and getting a little minions to talk for you. He says I have the biggest fucking
181 00:33:29,220 --> 00:33:38,520 futures discord channel. But your videos don't have any fucking views unless you put my name in it. They don't have any comments section that's filling up to
182 00:33:38,520 --> 00:33:50,100 support you. You begged them to defend you when you're making up lies about me. Oh, you better thumbs up my fucking comments or I'm going to ban you what is
183 00:33:50,100 --> 00:34:00,840 that dude? I know I'm unstable, but that's fucking lunatic. So you want to a class action lawsuit? Okay, I'll beat you in court to you want to come up here
184 00:34:00,840 --> 00:34:15,660 and get your ass beat. Come on up here and I'll beat your ass to do seriously. Like you said, fucking nonsense. Nonsense. You want wants my attention? I've
185 00:34:15,660 --> 00:34:27,420 given you my full attention. I'm willing. I cleared my whole fucking schedule. Dude. I cleared my whole fucking schedule. All you have to do is come to the
186 00:34:27,420 --> 00:34:45,780 dance. But everybody sees you doing what I have already told them last year you would do. Talk, talk and talk. And I had been proven all year long. Every
187 00:34:45,780 --> 00:35:01,650 fucking thing proof and I'm just fucking dabbling. I'm just playing around. I will absolutely stun your ass and you're out I go boxes ship, this garbage
188 00:35:01,650 --> 00:35:13,470 trash, no near anything that I can do. And I don't need any of my best stuff to beat it. I don't believe you have real profitable students, because they will be
189 00:35:13,470 --> 00:35:23,040 coming out in full force shown everybody. Do I believe that you have people that are doing something, and they have hit and miss results? Yes, you have a student
190 00:35:23,070 --> 00:35:30,210 of mine that put out some horseshit saying that I was a fraud and he couldn't make it work because his girlfriend left him and his business failed and
191 00:35:30,210 --> 00:35:39,600 whatever. And he was going to be a profitable student with algo box. He's not profitable, Izzy. I told him, you and everybody else, he's not going to be
192 00:35:39,600 --> 00:35:52,830 profitable in anything. You can't make a winner out of a loser. And I can't make a winner out of a loser. My limitations I'm not I'm a realist. But you can't sit
193 00:35:52,830 --> 00:36:04,560 around and talk about how you have all these results. When it's Market Replay, fucking performance reports. That's not a live trade, dude. I mean, you talk
194 00:36:04,560 --> 00:36:22,770 about me demo this demo that I'm in I fucking live okay. I mean, your broker and they shut me the fuck down. Yeah. You have no more excuse. The emperor has no
195 00:36:22,830 --> 00:36:40,200 clothes now. You must come to the dance floor. Be the man and say you know what? On that one, I'm not willing to do it. Okay, and after that. But actually, what
196 00:36:40,200 --> 00:36:51,900 about you? I have not come at you. But it's kind of real. Oh, man. It's got real Oh, because you're trying to get a name for yourself. When nothing. Normally, I
197 00:36:51,900 --> 00:36:57,720 don't give a fuck about that kind of stuff. I don't care about that. Here's a lot of that kind of stuff goes on all the time. Last time I was on Twitter, same
198 00:36:57,720 --> 00:37:12,990 way talkers. I'll challenge you. And then they don't they don't come in. Okay. So that's why you have to join. Show your account number. Because like my some
199 00:37:12,990 --> 00:37:25,470 crazy twist of events that you do when your account number needs to match. It better be the only account everybody knew you're using. I mean, think about
200 00:37:26,490 --> 00:37:37,560 tweet to me. Hell yeah, that's fair. If you think that that's fair, we both and if Russia Banks was a join to anybody else that wants to join that guy, Sam,
201 00:37:37,560 --> 00:37:39,060 where we focus last name is I don't know.
202 00:37:40,650 --> 00:37:51,090 We all have to show the same full account number. I'm willing to do it the same full balance and show that they're in it. And once they appear on a leaderboard,
203 00:37:52,350 --> 00:38:11,460 it's go time ICT has to perform like seriously, like I'm I'm on the hook that you won't do it. Because you're gonna look like a real piece of shit that you
204 00:38:11,460 --> 00:38:24,090 didn't do anything. You couldn't even keep up. And your only excuse is going to be well I just wanted to see him do like Tom Daschle tried to say I wasn't
205 00:38:24,090 --> 00:38:32,940 really challenging because he didn't call me out. That never happened. He appeared because somebody on the fifth spot fell out. They blew out and it's 40%
206 00:38:33,150 --> 00:38:44,580 showed up for one day and then someone went 36% The next day knocked him off oops. And he was quick to say well you know I really just wanted to see what was
207 00:38:44,580 --> 00:38:54,990 happening I wasn't really trying to win it nobody goes in they'll fucking competition like that and not try to win it it's always been good on the
208 00:38:54,990 --> 00:39:12,180 leaderboard first spot call me up any oil deals getting number five I promise you I will whip your ass. I won't say anything. I won't talk smack while I'm
209 00:39:12,180 --> 00:39:25,980 doing it. I will just do it. And for participation I will give you the fucking Robbins trophy I'll drive my class a RV right down into your little neighborhood
210 00:39:27,300 --> 00:39:36,150 knock on your fucking door and hand deliver it to you and you can live streaming just because you did it. Just because you tried not just appeared and failed and
211 00:39:36,180 --> 00:39:47,640 you're gonna really try to do it. I will give you the fucking trophy and I'll even sign it come on man. What else do I gotta do? What else do I gotta fucking
212 00:39:47,640 --> 00:39:54,330 do to get you in there? Because there's no fucking excuse. Why do you keep trying to get me to go into the Robins coat when you know my system doesn't work
213 00:39:54,330 --> 00:40:04,680 with it. Of course shit many it's a fucking hot button. By to market sell to market by law. Sell them and there's no fucking excuse. None. Anybody that
214 00:40:04,680 --> 00:40:19,890 trades the markets knows this we're at the end of the road. He got knocked up or shut up. Because I don't give a fuck I bet your horseshit Welcome class action
215 00:40:19,890 --> 00:40:28,260 lawsuit. I don't give a fuck I have so many fucking profitable fucking students will come in near fucking with bells on. I'll give a fuck what you're talking
216 00:40:28,260 --> 00:40:41,580 about. I don't care. But I really want to whip your ass. I really do. I've never wanted to deal with anybody else more than I do right now about you. You've lied
217 00:40:41,580 --> 00:40:51,990 and said terrible things about my family. And it's taking great deal of composure, meditation and prayer. Not to come down to fucking Texas and get
218 00:40:51,990 --> 00:41:06,900 locked up. I know what you're doing. I get it. You made up the fucking stories that you fucking did to try to get canceled culture to come down at me. Listen,
219 00:41:07,560 --> 00:41:18,120 these people have received something that they know is real. And you know the person talking right now and selling them anything. I don't need them to buy my
220 00:41:18,120 --> 00:41:27,930 algo box subscription license, none of that bullshit. I don't need to do a helpings hand bullshit. Okay, that only gets them in there, then they got to pay
221 00:41:27,930 --> 00:41:39,300 full price. I don't need to sell shit. Like I'm bagged out. I'm don't fucking need any of that stuff. And my real students know this about me. They don't they
222 00:41:39,300 --> 00:41:44,310 don't need to worry about an upsell. There's no service coming.
223 00:41:51,930 --> 00:41:57,780 So really, it's done. Get in there. Or fight down.
224 00:42:01,770 --> 00:42:18,120 Now I tweeted the other day. What do you know about September 24 2022? And I mentioned that in passing, because everybody on YouTube and everybody on social
225 00:42:18,120 --> 00:42:31,680 media is talking like, oh, no, do you hear that guy or in Germany? In Germany, say, Hey, we're all gonna know where we were and what we're doing on September
226 00:42:31,680 --> 00:42:43,770 24 2022. But what you don't realize is that guy was talking about Russia invading Ukraine on February 24, but misspoke and called it September. And you
227 00:42:43,770 --> 00:42:55,110 can hear everyone in the room sign like, you know, because he said the wrong date. And any mites capable of doing it. And I've done it even in my lectures,
228 00:42:55,590 --> 00:43:05,430 I've said something, you know, I call it a pdra something that it wasn't because my mind's going 100 miles an hour. And it's human error. But he made the error
229 00:43:05,430 --> 00:43:17,250 of calling the day that Russia invaded Ukraine, which is in February 24 2022, he was stating that everyone's going to remember where we were the day and what we
230 00:43:17,250 --> 00:43:26,550 were doing the day that Russia invaded Ukraine. That's what he was basically saying there. So I know there's other stuff out there where they talked about
231 00:43:26,550 --> 00:43:39,540 the shmitah ending, and I'm not gonna get into all that stuff. But what I see, and this is what I think of in permit me, I know a lot of you in here may not
232 00:43:39,570 --> 00:43:47,550 subscribe to the same spiritual views that I have. And I'm not trying to preach to anybody. But you all asked what I was referring to, and what my opinion is
233 00:43:47,550 --> 00:43:56,490 about this weekend. I'll let you know what my faith is. And just for conversations sake, I'm not trying to convert anyone because it doesn't work
234 00:43:56,490 --> 00:44:08,040 that way. Unless it is God draws me in, you know, that's it. To me talking about it isn't enough. So, and then faith comes by hearing and hearing the word God
235 00:44:08,040 --> 00:44:25,500 but that is not what I'm trying to do here. I believe that the Feast of Trumpets this weekend, which technically I think falls on the 25th. So I believe in
236 00:44:25,500 --> 00:44:34,350 Christ, I believe he's the Messiah. I believe he is God in the flesh and he's the only God and that's my personal belief. That's my faith. If that doesn't
237 00:44:34,350 --> 00:44:44,310 align with yours, I don't trim I'm not trying to be disrespectful, but I'm not gonna apologize either. But I believe that Christ fulfilled the spring feasts,
238 00:44:44,700 --> 00:44:54,330 the very the feast, the first fruits, the Passover, and the first. I'm sorry that the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and then his spirit being poured out on
239 00:44:54,480 --> 00:45:06,210 believers on Pentecost. He fulfilled that but the fall feast which is Feast trumpets, which, interestingly enough, has the connotation added to it where you
240 00:45:06,210 --> 00:45:14,820 don't know no man knows the date of the hour when that feast really begins because they have to look for the first sliver of the moon to show. So when when
241 00:45:14,820 --> 00:45:21,690 they asked Christ, you know, what's, what's it gonna be like when you come back? Like, you know how are we got to know all these things. And he says no man knows
242 00:45:21,690 --> 00:45:28,530 that they are the out. To me. I think that was like a tip off to draw your attention back to the fall feast because everything about his life and his
243 00:45:28,530 --> 00:45:38,070 ministry is death, burial and resurrection are hidden in link to those fall feasts and spring feasts. Spring feast and summer feast has been fulfilled, but
244 00:45:38,070 --> 00:45:51,240 we have the fall feast and Russia in Iran. May God and GOG and Persia as we hear about it in Word, or the Bible, they're their allies now for the first time in
245 00:45:51,240 --> 00:46:05,250 history ever. Never, never, never, never has ever been like that. Right now they are. Ezekiel 3039 describes something that would otherwise be known as in modern
246 00:46:05,250 --> 00:46:21,960 descriptions, as nuclear fallout, there's going to be a bomb dropped in Israel. And the fallout is described in that as a as a resulting event. You don't have
247 00:46:21,960 --> 00:46:31,530 to touch this. Don't touch this, this don't do these things. Don't go in this area. That's fallout. Okay, how could someone explain a nuclear bomb back then
248 00:46:31,530 --> 00:46:45,900 when that technology didn't exist? So every year I've been excited around this weekend, because I believe that it's biblical. And there's been many years that
249 00:46:45,900 --> 00:46:59,550 go by and nothing really happened. But look at the world. I mean, everything's upside down. People have grown corrupt. They've lost love for one, just look at
250 00:46:59,550 --> 00:47:04,440 me. Everyone's coming at me. And I'm trying to be the most generous person at the table.
251 00:47:08,610 --> 00:47:24,240 I believe that this weekend could have a major event take place. I believe in a an event called the heartbeat, the heartbeat is the that catching away. And to
252 00:47:24,240 --> 00:47:37,830 the normal person, that sounds preposterous. I know. I get it. But I believe it. And I don't care what anybody else's opinion about it is. But I believe that the
253 00:47:37,830 --> 00:47:47,610 world is in a position where we can see things. That's why I've been telling you all even in my private mentorship, you need to start expecting science fiction
254 00:47:47,610 --> 00:48:03,270 level stuff. Meaning things that you read about in the Bible, you think, Oh, it's a myth. These are fables. Now, I've experienced things in my life that just
255 00:48:05,070 --> 00:48:19,530 I can't, I cannot explain them outside of the Lord. The way I learned what I know, came from him. And I don't care that people like Vinnie, make fun of it.
256 00:48:21,030 --> 00:48:32,190 Like you're not making fun of me, you're making fun of the Lord. And I don't find any embarrassment. When you play my testimony, and I'm tearfully explaining
257 00:48:33,000 --> 00:48:45,570 me. I don't care who believes me, because I don't this is these are experiences that I I had. And there's nothing anybody can take away from me to say that I
258 00:48:45,570 --> 00:48:54,930 didn't. And there's been many times, like when I was talking to everyone before Trump was elected. When I started talking about how Trump was going to be
259 00:48:54,930 --> 00:49:06,240 elected before he was and that he was going to use they're going to crash the economy. My hand to God. I don't even know where that came from. I listened to
260 00:49:06,240 --> 00:49:16,710 that later. And I was like, What in the world? Like I have a tendency this to run off and go on your memories and experiences I've lived through as a trader
261 00:49:16,710 --> 00:49:29,730 and as a person, as a father, a husband, and you know, the whole thing. But when I was telling everybody that I didn't understand where it was coming from. But
262 00:49:30,000 --> 00:49:40,740 man alive, it all came to pass. And I'm amazed by that not because I think I'm special. I'm not saying that. I don't think I have ESP I just think I was given
263 00:49:40,740 --> 00:49:52,770 a word. And I was speaking it. And sometimes when it comes to the economy, and sometimes when it comes to the marketplace, especially like on longer term
264 00:49:52,770 --> 00:50:04,770 things, I feel that same function, and I say it I don't fear being wrong. Don't fear how it might be viewed by other people that would have a different opinion.
265 00:50:06,120 --> 00:50:20,460 In so called macro economic majors and in talking heads. I don't care what anybody else thinks I don't get my information from other people. I don't go to
266 00:50:20,460 --> 00:50:28,830 Twitter, I don't go to new sources and try to figure out what's going to happen. Now I read the tea leaves, by the headlines didn't know how close we are based
267 00:50:28,830 --> 00:50:37,980 on the things that I believe. So I don't have like a new source on a lot of you try to reach out to me many times, even my students that are in the group still
268 00:50:37,980 --> 00:50:47,880 keep asking the same question like I'm gonna forget. And finally, spill the beans. I don't have a resource, like, going here and finding something like
269 00:50:47,910 --> 00:51:00,090 everything I've ever said, I've been ahead of everyone. I told you that food was gonna be weaponized. I told you, if they go past the two week lockdown, we're in
270 00:51:00,090 --> 00:51:12,210 some serious trouble and they're going to put something on us that's going to be forced to vaccination. And all those types of things happened. I said in July
271 00:51:12,390 --> 00:51:24,060 2019, on Twitter, when I was on Twitter before. I said that something really wicked what's going on. And then I set it again in October, I said, Remember
272 00:51:24,060 --> 00:51:35,790 what what they did in September 11 2001. Right after that, in the United States, they used to have this the terror threat thing. It was so silly, but it caused
273 00:51:35,790 --> 00:51:46,830 so much anxiety in me personally. Like that was the height of my agoraphobia. It was the height of my generalized anxiety. Like I had panic attacks weekly
274 00:51:46,830 --> 00:51:55,680 literally took me to the emergency room. I thought I was having a heart attack. I thought I was having a stroke. I thought it was dying. I could not eat. I was
275 00:51:56,220 --> 00:52:06,960 physically fit. I had 18 inch biceps, a 47 inch chest, a 30 inch waist.
276 00:52:09,090 --> 00:52:22,950 I could do a whole lot more than I can do now. But I went down to 150 pounds, and frail. As a matter of fact, I'll find that picture tomorrow and I'll post
277 00:52:22,950 --> 00:52:39,300 it. You'll see how emaciated I looked. Because I told myself up worrying constantly. Because of the nonstop bullshit. My wife, she was always watching
278 00:52:39,360 --> 00:52:48,510 news. And I was never really a big fan of watching things. And I grew up my grandparents. My mom knew the six o'clock news and they never stayed up late
279 00:52:48,510 --> 00:52:58,140 enough to see the 11 O'Clock News with six o'clock news. That was a shit. Like you had to kind of had to find out what was going on. So my wife who I'm married
280 00:52:58,140 --> 00:53:09,570 to now, she was a big follower up of the news. And it was always stressful. Bullshit. Like they Okay, here's the terror threat today, we went from yellow to
281 00:53:09,570 --> 00:53:16,710 Altera threat is orange. We don't know where it's coming from. We don't know who it's going to be. But something's probably gonna freakin happen. Somebody's
282 00:53:16,710 --> 00:53:23,490 gonna do something to us, you know, someone's gonna blow up something, someone's going to drop a plane on your house. Like, that's the kind of stuff that that
283 00:53:24,300 --> 00:53:37,770 caused in me. Like, if you watch that stuff all the time. It feeds you constantly. And it does the very thing that it's designed to do. It tells a
284 00:53:37,770 --> 00:53:55,650 vision, television, the vision they want you to see fear and control, comply. And I fell victim to all that stuff. And I never want medication, not for my
285 00:53:55,650 --> 00:54:08,730 bipolarism not for any of the other things that I've ever suffered in life with. And I was not about to go on to anxiety medication. I wasn't going to do it. So
286 00:54:08,730 --> 00:54:19,110 I had anxiety. I'm sitting out here on my deck. It is so cold out here. Like I should have wore a hoodie or something that warm up getting chilled. But I sit.
287 00:54:19,290 --> 00:54:27,870 I sit and watch these news broadcasts with my wife Ben right. And every day they would change the terror threat and sometimes out of nowhere. Oh, it Arif has
288 00:54:27,870 --> 00:54:36,300 been elevated to red. That means if you see suspicious activity, if you see someone with a bag that they dropped somewhere, it could be a dirty bomb. What
289 00:54:36,300 --> 00:54:44,880 the fuck? Like, dude, looking back at that stuff, it's like what the hell and so I'm old enough to remember that because you're young. But that's how that shit
290 00:54:44,880 --> 00:54:53,730 was back then. And anybody that's in their 40s or whatever, you know, that's way it was. Like that's that that's what was going on. They controlled everybody.
291 00:54:54,000 --> 00:55:02,550 And I stated that that was what was likely to come. They're going to do something worse than want to deal with 11th The Post September 11, controlling
292 00:55:02,550 --> 00:55:12,090 people, the Patriot Act, I was all for it like, yeah, if they if they support these people that want to, you know, blow up airplanes and crash them into
293 00:55:12,090 --> 00:55:21,600 buildings and such. Yes, it's an inside job, and I don't care what you think about it. But those things. Submit made me support the idea of the Patriot Act
294 00:55:21,600 --> 00:55:29,250 and then want to discover what the Patriot Act really is. They can call anybody a terrorist, and you have no rights anymore. You don't even have a right to a
295 00:55:29,250 --> 00:55:41,040 lawyer. That's terrifying. But I was so mad. I was like, Yeah, anybody that does like that latter country like that. They need to be stripped of their rights.
296 00:55:41,280 --> 00:55:51,240 No, that's not right at all. But because they worked on me with or watching that frickin television every day with my wife, she was a mess, I was a mess. And it
297 00:55:51,240 --> 00:56:01,200 finally got to the point where like, I could not function. It affected me with my investments infected my health. Like I stopped eating. I literally, this is
298 00:56:01,200 --> 00:56:18,930 what my diet was for. Strawberry ensures bottles of water. And it hurt to swallow any of the water or in short, because I've had so much erosion in my
299 00:56:18,930 --> 00:56:31,410 esophagus because of stomach acid, and fear. That it was it was crippling. And one day, I said, You know what, I just can't. I can't watch this stuff no more.
300 00:56:33,000 --> 00:56:38,070 So I just completely stopped watching television. And a funny thing happened.
301 00:56:40,739 --> 00:56:51,209 My stomach improved. I didn't have any digestive issues, I started gaining weight naturally, more healthier. I was able to start exercising again, didn't
302 00:56:51,209 --> 00:57:03,659 get quite as muscular as I was before I started becoming emaciated and developed agoraphobia and anxiety. But I got okay. But I didn't have the desire to watch
303 00:57:03,659 --> 00:57:15,809 television and get controlled by fear. didn't care about ever looking at it again. And in my home, I have nine different televisions. And I can tell you, I
304 00:57:15,809 --> 00:57:28,709 probably watch maybe maybe four hours a month. And that means if my wife says hey, you want to watch a movie, okay. But it's something that I own already.
305 00:57:29,789 --> 00:57:39,659 Like, I have a library of old movies, I like old movies and classic things and even you don't have all that woke stuff in those things and movies. Now anything
306 00:57:39,659 --> 00:57:50,039 that's produced today, it's it's all bullshit. Like it's things that make you go at odds with other everyone else, you end up being a Vinny, the guy acts like
307 00:57:50,039 --> 00:58:03,899 he's a Republican, but he acts more like a liberal than anybody else I've ever met. These, these things that cause us to be anxious and things like that. I
308 00:58:03,899 --> 00:58:20,039 tried to prune that out of my life. And that also was with friends. And there's a lot of folks that are very draining. Like when you hear from someone or they
309 00:58:20,039 --> 00:58:30,629 come see you, or you make the mistake, go see them. Do you feel like you're empowered or enriched or appreciative that you spent time with them? Or do you
310 00:58:30,629 --> 00:58:39,419 feel like a fucking vampire to suck the life out of you, your your have been around people like that. Or if you ever, you're watching something, and you just
311 00:58:39,419 --> 00:58:48,779 feel like man, not only was this a waste of time, but I feel like shit now. Like, this was so draining. That's the kind of stuff I pruned from my personal
312 00:58:48,779 --> 00:59:02,249 life. And a lot of it was toxic friendships, people and family members that were just very, very draining. I love them. But I couldn't deal with them anymore.
313 00:59:02,849 --> 00:59:11,489 And it has nothing to do with arrogance, or I'm better than them. I have more money than them. It's the fact that they were just chronic complainers,
314 00:59:12,149 --> 00:59:24,629 everything they're, they're a victim about everything. Like they are the the ultimate thing. They were victimized about this, it's an unfair about that. And
315 00:59:24,659 --> 00:59:31,469 you can't talk to them, encourage them, you can't show them. You know, there's opportunities for them to do what they got to put their ass behind it with
316 00:59:31,469 --> 00:59:40,889 effort. They are interested in it. They want to stay in that victimhood. And you probably know some people in your family and your friendship circle that's like
317 00:59:40,889 --> 00:59:53,309 that. And let me tell you something, the best piece of advice you'll ever get from me, is take that stuff out of your life. Love them from a distance. Our
318 00:59:53,309 --> 01:00:05,099 daughter, and when when Danny started doing all this stuff, it caused her a great deal of anxiety. And we moved her to another state. She recently came up
319 01:00:05,429 --> 01:00:19,289 and found, you know, obviously, you know, her friends at a wedding, she was in part of and we're taking to the airport. She says, I don't think I belong around
320 01:00:19,289 --> 01:00:30,209 them anymore. I knew right away what she meant. But my wife looked at her, like, What do you mean by that? And she goes, I love them. I went to school with them.
321 01:00:30,539 --> 01:00:44,219 And they're, they're like, family for me. But I've outgrown them, because they were constantly toxic, toxic, and just, yeah, she's in a different chapter of
322 01:00:44,219 --> 01:00:56,219 her life. And she's pursuing a career. And she's moving up into upper management of a very large grocery chain. No, she doesn't work at no fucking Chipotle. But
323 01:00:56,219 --> 01:01:07,289 she's, she's doing really well, even though I wish she learned how to trade. She's just told me and it hurt me because I wanted her to do this. But she said,
324 01:01:07,289 --> 01:01:16,079 I just can't do it. You know, I wish I could do it, I would love to make you happy and proud of me to do this, but I can't do it. And I got to accept that.
325 01:01:16,469 --> 01:01:28,199 It's not for everybody. But I was proud of her to this state that she's outgrown toxic friends. It doesn't mean that she hates them, it doesn't mean that she
326 01:01:28,199 --> 01:01:40,799 can't, you know, fellowship with them once in a while. But she's thankful that she's in another state where she's not impacted and influenced by them. And she
327 01:01:40,799 --> 01:01:42,899 realizes how they held her back.
328 01:01:45,510 --> 01:01:54,960 When I removed all of the toxic friendships that were Hey, you know, what can you do for me, Michael? You know, what can you do for me? And if you don't do
329 01:01:54,960 --> 01:02:02,100 it, you know, why don't you do it, because you're not a real good friend, if you don't buy me a house. If you don't buy me a brand new car, because I'm down a
330 01:02:02,100 --> 01:02:11,010 mountain, I can't make my ends meet. You know, you're never, you're really not a good friend. When I'm the same person willing to sit down with them and show
331 01:02:11,010 --> 01:02:22,350 them how to do what I do. And it sounds get tired of it, you're like, you know what, I'm just going to stop making myself available. And eventually, you drift
332 01:02:22,350 --> 01:02:33,390 apart. And time heals that stuff. And I have no interest in hanging around those types of people anymore. And there's family members, I have not seen over 15
333 01:02:33,390 --> 01:02:48,840 years, 16 years. I mentioned the last space. I've only seen my father, actual biological father. Five times, maybe I'm thinking probably more like four, but
334 01:02:49,260 --> 01:03:01,650 no more than five. And every single time I met him, I regretted it. He would talk about how he walked down the street with my mom, who when she was younger,
335 01:03:01,650 --> 01:03:13,200 she was very, very attractive, very pretty. And a lot of guys wanted to be with her. Because she had low self esteem, a lot of guys were with her. And he knew
336 01:03:13,200 --> 01:03:25,680 that she was very loose as a as a young girl, and he was very controlling. And he would think about what she did. Or if someone looked at her, he would smack
337 01:03:25,680 --> 01:03:36,000 her. And that's not right. But he would do that. And I would think to myself, like why are you telling me those stories? Like, what? What's your goal? Like,
338 01:03:36,000 --> 01:03:46,110 why would you tell your son, these ideas of what you did? Like, that's the that's the memory that you reach back to, that's the thing you want to share
339 01:03:46,110 --> 01:03:53,550 with me. I mean, I've only seen you a couple times. And that's the thing you want to talk to me about. So clearly, he's in the right place, you know, he's
340 01:03:53,550 --> 01:04:02,550 never gonna get out of prison. And I don't think he would really do well in the way the world is right now. He would even recognize it. When he went in just our
341 01:04:02,550 --> 01:04:13,380 local area in Maryland, would not even be recognizable, then we've built up so much, you know, so many different things that don't exist anymore. Like we could
342 01:04:13,380 --> 01:04:25,080 drop them in an airplane in an area where he used to stomp around and he wouldn't even recognize it now. So he was upset with me, because I would not
343 01:04:25,080 --> 01:04:30,660 give him money for a lawyer to get out of jail when I didn't know he's not getting out of jail. He's got so many things against them. He's never getting
344 01:04:30,660 --> 01:04:43,200 out. And I tried to explain to him that I understand what he wants. But you got two consecutive life sentences plus 20 years and you've picked up more time
345 01:04:43,740 --> 01:04:58,140 escaping mail and penitentiary in 83. Like, dude, like, you're not getting out like you're done. So I told him, I said, I'm not I'm not going to do that. Now
346 01:04:58,140 --> 01:05:07,800 on top of it. You The same person never reached out to me. He knew my birthday. He knew when my children were born, never sent them a birthday card, and they
347 01:05:07,830 --> 01:05:21,750 never cared about that kind of stuff. So I cut him out. I wouldn't write to him, and I wouldn't reply to his his letters anymore. That's a toxic relationship
348 01:05:21,750 --> 01:05:35,460 that was a toxic drain. My mother who birthed me, and allowed me to sleep under her roof until I was. And then I asked to stay with my grandparents that summer,
349 01:05:36,750 --> 01:05:49,260 and never moved back in the house with her. That's not true. When I was 15, I stayed with her for maybe half of the school year. And then her husband said
350 01:05:49,260 --> 01:06:05,880 that I had to go suddenly back into my grandparents. So that's how it was for ICT as a child. The whole thing of brokens, disruptive, dysfunctional, I'm a
351 01:06:05,880 --> 01:06:16,920 byproduct of all that stuff. And when you have that as a kid, and it's all you ever see, when you're an adult, and you have choices, you have options, and
352 01:06:18,120 --> 01:06:27,450 means that say, You know what, fuck this, I don't need to put up this bullshit. Even if they're friends or family members, you don't have to stay around that
353 01:06:27,450 --> 01:06:37,980 stuff. And you'd be surprised how much of an impact it's having on your ability to learn how to trade or trade profitably and consistently. Because you're
354 01:06:37,980 --> 01:06:43,830 giving a fuck about things that you shouldn't be given a fuck about. These people are a mess.
355 01:06:45,120 --> 01:06:53,010 And either they're gonna want to make a change, or they're not. And you can't fix them. And I tried to be the white knight on a lot of occasions, with family
356 01:06:53,010 --> 01:07:01,680 and friends. And it's just a waste, it's a waste of money. It's a waste of time, it's a waste of energy. And you have to make a decision, you know, this life is
357 01:07:01,680 --> 01:07:09,210 short. You want to walk around feeling regret that you can't fix somebody's problems, when they have no real interest in trying to fix their own problems
358 01:07:09,210 --> 01:07:23,190 either. They don't listen to good. They don't listen to good advice. Can I make sure you guys can see this? I'm not sure if it's still going on.
359 01:07:28,469 --> 01:07:42,359 Okay, so what you know, one of the best things that I did was remove all that kind of stuff, remove news, remove television, remove toxic relationships,
360 01:07:42,359 --> 01:07:55,529 family and friends. And just focus on my immediate dependents and my wife. And I have one friend, like one close friend that I've been with, in a friendship
361 01:07:55,529 --> 01:08:08,639 since pre K. And we went through martial arts together. You know, I just, and I personally don't see him all that much either. So I'm very introverted. I don't
362 01:08:08,639 --> 01:08:25,679 have like, a big circle. here that it's a fire engine. They say I live in a slum ghetto. Because you hear a fire engine. Sure, you can hear it you probably can
363 01:08:25,679 --> 01:08:25,949 hear.
364 01:08:39,150 --> 01:08:49,950 Trying to figure out if it's coming our direction or moving away from it, but sounds like it's going away. But anyway, there's a lot of things that you
365 01:08:49,980 --> 01:09:00,180 probably don't realize that are going to impact or is impacting your developer may be distracting you. And it might be I had one of my students reach out. And
366 01:09:00,180 --> 01:09:09,870 it was a little upsetting. And I felt sorry for she's one of the members in the mentorship. She sent me an email. And I finally got to a bits like from the
367 01:09:09,870 --> 01:09:21,150 beginning of the year. He says, Hey, I'm not sure what to say about this. I just feel like I just want to tell you this. And then you probably can't do anything
368 01:09:21,150 --> 01:09:31,110 about it. But me and my boyfriend. We joined your mentorship together we were doing it as like a, like a co op. We were learning it together. And we got one
369 01:09:31,110 --> 01:09:41,850 of our friends involved too. And he ended up breaking out with her. And she just was completely destroyed by she felt like that was going to be her partner not
370 01:09:41,850 --> 01:09:55,320 only in trading but in her life. And it took her completely out of the whole focus of doing it. Guys, I found as my students they're more affected by the the
371 01:09:55,320 --> 01:10:09,390 acceptance of their bros. Okay, how they're a Mmm. Their image is weighed in the view of others, their peers. And that's why you see them doing what they do on
372 01:10:09,390 --> 01:10:19,920 social media, and with their cars and their things. And they try to look a certain thing in a certain way. And I found that the females, in my ladies, in
373 01:10:19,920 --> 01:10:26,670 my mentorship, please don't come at me under, okay, because I'm I mean, I'm like girl kind of guy, and you're not going to convince me otherwise. And if that
374 01:10:26,670 --> 01:10:40,680 offends you, I'm sorry. But I'm not sorry. But the idea of a lady or a woman, having her hopes set on being in a relationship, and the man is doing whatever
375 01:10:40,680 --> 01:10:54,150 he does. And it happens, folks, it's the way it is. He leaves her that I have seen that happen in my community, where relationships for the women are the main
376 01:10:54,150 --> 01:11:06,450 reasons why they are either distracted, taken off the path of consistency or continuity. And the guys are just frustrated because they can't get their image
377 01:11:06,450 --> 01:11:16,560 game up. And I found that fascinating. I can relate to that. Because I thought that as a 20 year old, everything I was doing was image based in the beginning,
378 01:11:16,560 --> 01:11:25,290 because I had to number one, convinced myself it was real, the money I was making was real. And I liked the attention it gave me when I was young. So it
379 01:11:25,290 --> 01:11:36,600 made me feel significant, it made me feel relevant. And the ladies don't care so much about that. They just want to be distant. They want stability. And if you
380 01:11:36,600 --> 01:11:48,210 understand this, and this is important. Women want to be in a stable environment. They want their investments stable, just like they want their men.
381 01:11:48,810 --> 01:11:57,090 They don't want a rocky relationship. They don't want a man that's, you know, once in a while they are not going to be reliable and dependable and getting to
382 01:11:57,090 --> 01:12:13,200 be men, ladies, this is for you. They want to be encouraged. They want to feel significant in your eyes. If you make your husband who's trying to learn this,
383 01:12:13,200 --> 01:12:27,300 if you're in here, as a partnership, any encouragement you give your husband, while doing this is going to be the most incredible jolt of encouragement,
384 01:12:28,440 --> 01:12:44,280 pride, not in the bad sense of pride. But just all around. Like, it doesn't matter who else doesn't view them as relevant or significant or well put
385 01:12:44,280 --> 01:12:56,040 together. See, a man I can tell you this, this is an honesty. I love my wife. And she gets on my nerves with a lot of things that she's thinks and the way she
386 01:12:56,040 --> 01:13:12,690 acts and says, but she can undo me and completely undo me. If she says anything about me, as a husband, as a father, or when she comes at me with I'm spending
387 01:13:12,690 --> 01:13:23,850 too much time doing what I'm doing with mentoring. Because those things mean something to me. And that's why I said last time we talked, I felt like I've
388 01:13:23,850 --> 01:13:32,700 been freed when she said she understood it now and she's said it was worth it for her to endure all the stuff that she's done since we've been together.
389 01:13:34,560 --> 01:13:45,270 But when she encourages me, I don't care how many of you say thank you ICT appreciate this. When she did that. I don't care how many of you say that in the
390 01:13:45,270 --> 01:13:58,560 past. I mean, you will, I don't care. They don't even come close to her having said that. So ladies, if your husband or boyfriend is in this, and you're
391 01:13:58,560 --> 01:14:11,100 hearing this, the best thing you can do is encourage them. Because if they know you're in their corner, man, that's what they need. They need to understand that
392 01:14:11,100 --> 01:14:22,080 you understand why they're doing it. It may be rooted initially in their need to feel significant, their sense of accomplishment, but I promise you once they
393 01:14:22,080 --> 01:14:34,170 find significance and consistency and profitability. If you've given them that, they're going to treat you like a queen. They're going to give you the life that
394 01:14:34,170 --> 01:14:44,010 you have never imagined. And they're going to love doing it. Because they're going to trust what you've given them the encouragement, the attaboy, keep doing
395 01:14:44,010 --> 01:14:51,780 what you're doing. Don't listen. Anybody else who says you can't do this, I believe you can do this. That's what a man wants to hear. And men, the ladies
396 01:14:51,990 --> 01:15:01,380 that are doing this, if they're partnering up men are trying to learn how to do this. They want to know that you're there even when you get rich. You're not
397 01:15:01,380 --> 01:15:09,420 here to, oh, well, you know, I'm here because it's convenient right now. But if you start making money, well, it's time to go, I have more options, now I'm
398 01:15:09,420 --> 01:15:19,410 bouncing. That's not what they want to hear, they want to hear. We're building this together. And I'm steady Eddy with you right now. And forever, better or
399 01:15:19,410 --> 01:15:29,940 worse, I believe we're going to be better in time. That type of relationship, that's what they're looking for. They want that. And if you can find a partner
400 01:15:30,030 --> 01:15:41,520 in life, that has these qualities and characteristics about what you're trying to do, and pursuing and investing like this. That's a treasure like that is a
401 01:15:41,520 --> 01:15:52,440 best friend, a lover, a partner, like you couldn't ask for anything better than that. We're able to lean on each other. Even when you have a bad day, they're
402 01:15:52,440 --> 01:16:00,900 going to understand, okay, he or she took a loss today, I'm going to be a little bit more tender than I normally would be a little bit more sensitive. I'm not
403 01:16:00,900 --> 01:16:10,440 going to do the little snide remarks that I mean in just because they may take it a little too sharply today. And it may come at me and want to argue about
404 01:16:10,440 --> 01:16:20,790 something that really isn't worthy of creating an argument over. My wife didn't understand that in the beginning. Sometimes when I would have a day where I'm
405 01:16:20,790 --> 01:16:35,460 losing 40 $50,000, that hurts pride. And I didn't want to tell her, I would have a day like that, because it felt like weakness. And I didn't want her to look at
406 01:16:35,460 --> 01:16:49,440 me, because she don't still don't have any idea how to manage the kind of money we have, like she just, it's, it's outside of her. Well, comfort, she gets
407 01:16:49,440 --> 01:16:57,360 nervous dealing with the big numbers, and she gets nervous with all of it. And she just doesn't want to concern yourself with it now doesn't mean that the lady
408 01:16:57,360 --> 01:17:06,480 in her that wants nice things won't once in a while, say hey, look, can I have this? Can we do this? Can we do that? Yeah, that's fine. I'd love to but in the
409 01:17:06,480 --> 01:17:20,700 beginning relationship, she didn't know how to manage me. Like I'm easily provoked, I'm easily sent into a rage, I'm easily taken out of focus. And when a
410 01:17:20,700 --> 01:17:34,230 man like me, and men in general, ladies, when we hurt ourselves with decisions that we made, and we lost money, like, let's be real, honest men. It's like a
411 01:17:34,230 --> 01:17:43,410 woman selling telling you, you got a little dick. Like that, that. That's the thing. That's the thing a guy does not want to hear. It may not even be true.
412 01:17:43,410 --> 01:17:54,330 But if a woman's self tells that to a man, they can laugh outside, oh, yeah, whatever. But in trading, and you take a loss, and then you don't respect that
413 01:17:54,720 --> 01:18:04,290 uncomfortable period that they're going through. Or you make light of it, you're gonna have an argument that man, you're going to have an argument with that man,
414 01:18:04,320 --> 01:18:22,980 he's absolutely going to do something that's going to set off a cake. And it's needless. I have learned as a husband, and a trader that every conversation
415 01:18:22,980 --> 01:18:24,180 shouldn't be around trading.
416 01:18:25,650 --> 01:18:33,300 Because I, my conversations with my wife in the beginning were about what I was trying to do, what my goals were, what I was trying to earn what I was trying to
417 01:18:33,300 --> 01:18:48,540 do this for, and it's, it takes over everything. And she's right when she said that she was jealous because it was always her backseat to trading. And then
418 01:18:48,540 --> 01:19:00,510 when I started teaching, it was even further from me, it was trading teaching than her and I wasn't doing a very good job of being a husband. I wasn't doing a
419 01:19:00,510 --> 01:19:08,460 very good job of being a father but at the time, I thought I was doing everything right. Because I was earning providing and giving them a lifestyle
420 01:19:08,820 --> 01:19:25,620 what else but sometimes men need to have a gentle little reminder and I wish he would have had to understanding how to steer me differently. So as a 50 year old
421 01:19:25,620 --> 01:19:37,350 man that has gone through that I hopefully have given you some younger folks ways to try not to do those same things. Because while I do love my wife and I'm
422 01:19:37,350 --> 01:19:54,990 absolutely in love with her and happy she's She's everything to me like she's my best friend. I don't have a history where I can say I was the best but I haven't
423 01:19:54,990 --> 01:20:03,390 done anything else had a relationship but I was not always there for her. When I'm when she needed Need for those types of things like the emotional leaning
424 01:20:03,390 --> 01:20:12,300 on, I was always in front of charts. And then when I started teaching, I was always in front of charts, trading, and then doing videos and answering emails
425 01:20:12,300 --> 01:20:25,230 and talking, doing all kinds of things. And she had very little of my time. So what real significance? Is there? Being rich, having a lot of money being
426 01:20:25,230 --> 01:20:40,440 successful, but not really being together? Is that happiness in her eyes? No. And that part, I wish I could go back and fix. I can't. Like I can't go back and
427 01:20:40,770 --> 01:20:50,100 be the dad and the times when I should have been. And it's real easy, folks. It's real, real easy to lose sight of all that stuff and get caught up in the
428 01:20:50,100 --> 01:21:00,540 money get caught up in the fame get caught up in the sense of. And for a man, it's so much easier to fall into that trap, because it's the caveman mentality.
429 01:21:02,820 --> 01:21:09,630 That's what anybody that's coming at me to try to get a name for themselves. It's the caveman mentality. They are club, they want to come out here and try to
430 01:21:09,630 --> 01:21:19,470 bonk me on the head from everybody. They see that he's just talking. Men think like that. We think like cavemen. We want something. Okay, let's leave the cave.
431 01:21:19,650 --> 01:21:36,300 Go out and bonk it over the head, drag it home, it's yours. And don't think that way. Women are organization. Stay home. Not housekeeping, folks. Home, building
432 01:21:36,300 --> 01:21:55,950 a home, a family. Men are conquer. Fight, acquire, seize by force, earn. That's our language. That's the way we're wired. Women aren't wired that way. So as a
433 01:21:55,950 --> 01:22:10,710 relationship model, you have to be aware of how each of you think about things. And investing will bring out the worst of you. If you'd let it. Even if you're
434 01:22:10,710 --> 01:22:21,300 successful, it doesn't make any sense. Especially if you just recently started and you haven't tasted success yet. It doesn't make any sense to hear these
435 01:22:21,300 --> 01:22:28,170 types of things. If you're young, you're thinking I'm not getting married. I'm getting how many how many kids? Our daughter tells us all the time she said it
436 01:22:28,170 --> 01:22:40,590 to us when we were driving him to the airport, she was dead. I don't think I'm having kids. I think of myself, of all my children. I'm thankful for that.
437 01:22:41,640 --> 01:22:52,920 Because she's not a motherly person, like she's, she's got a lot of issues. And she's got a focus on career derailleur. And it might change when she's older.
438 01:22:52,920 --> 01:23:02,550 But right now, I think she's making the right decision but not really doing that. I think my son Cameron, I think he is probably going to be the first one.
439 01:23:02,700 --> 01:23:15,120 It's someone pregnant. He's the dawn one of my boys, he's, he wants to be the lover of everybody. And he's got a girlfriend, but I just I know she's going to
440 01:23:15,120 --> 01:23:17,820 be moving away soon and going to college in Florida.
441 01:23:19,830 --> 01:23:29,100 At long distance relationships, folks, this don't work. And he'll obviously find someone up here. And maybe they won't be as protected as they have been together
442 01:23:29,220 --> 01:23:42,300 here. And I'll probably end up being a grandfather and my wife will make me broke, then I'll be buying all kinds of stuff without knowing on. So anyway, I'm
443 01:23:42,300 --> 01:23:50,790 not sure how we got on this topic. But I'm glad I talked about it. I'm glad I mentioned it because I don't think I've ever really sat down and thought about
444 01:23:50,850 --> 01:24:02,850 it as a topic. I guess this is what you get when there's no script and no filter is find yourself in a rabbit trail and down a rabbit hole. But maybe you haven't
445 01:24:02,850 --> 01:24:15,930 given them relationships. And it's easy to think as a young man. She's either going to be on my side or she's nice. She's going back to the streets. I can
446 01:24:15,930 --> 01:24:26,280 tell you, one of my secret weapons is having a woman in my life that understands me. She understands that I'm bipolar. She understands that I'm not going to be
447 01:24:26,280 --> 01:24:41,850 stable all the time. She understands that I am. Results Driven. Success is an important thing to me. Being the best is important to me. And when I don't hit a
448 01:24:41,850 --> 01:24:58,770 mark that I'm aiming for, or I incur a loss that is something that will weigh heavily on me if she makes light of it. Because I view that like any other man
449 01:24:58,770 --> 01:25:12,450 would is You're making fun of me and you're mocking me, in my strength, you're coming at me, and attacking my strength. When it's not really meant by her to do
450 01:25:12,450 --> 01:25:23,250 that when we were younger, that's where we would argue. That's where our argument stemmed from it because it was my inability to be stable, which is what
451 01:25:23,250 --> 01:25:35,490 she was looking for. And she wanted to be able to be silly, and make light of something that if I was able to be stable, and not bipolar, I wouldn't go off
452 01:25:35,490 --> 01:25:44,730 into some rage about something such an insignificant remark about. It's just money. You know, how many times have you lost in your in your whole career?
453 01:25:45,120 --> 01:25:54,450 Well, wait a minute now. That's not what I want to hear. I want to hear It's okay, honey, you'll make it back. That's what I wanted to hear. But if it was
454 01:25:54,450 --> 01:26:03,630 something snide and silly or China, you know backhanded comment, she thought she was being funny and joke. But in my mind, it's like, what did you just say to
455 01:26:03,630 --> 01:26:14,970 me? I think it's not for divorce. But, I mean, it would be hurtful. That's how I would, I would see it because I wanted her to be always in my corner, always
456 01:26:15,000 --> 01:26:28,890 encouraging. But I never asked her to do that. And then one day, when I thought about what I would want to see in her as a response of me being a better
457 01:26:28,890 --> 01:26:37,980 husband, I said, You know what I'm, I have to one, I have to be the one that changes first, I got to be that change. So if I change first, maybe she'll see
458 01:26:37,980 --> 01:26:49,050 it, and it'll get her attention. It worked. And that's biblical, you know, you have to be, you have to change first. And if they love you, they'll recognize
459 01:26:49,050 --> 01:26:58,980 it. And they'll be more patient more tender towards you. And that's really essential. If you're going to be trading, if you're gonna be in here, risking
460 01:26:58,980 --> 01:27:12,150 money. It's not just your money, fella. It's not just your money. Ma'am. If you're a partner, if you are in a relationship, if you're in a marriage, it's
461 01:27:12,300 --> 01:27:29,100 both of your money. And when I was younger, I viewed my money as my money. No bank accounts together. No access to funds. It was she earned whatever she could
462 01:27:29,100 --> 01:27:41,070 earn. And I had what I had. And when I made was mine. If I gave her something, then I gave it to her. That was not right. But admittedly, I didn't trust her.
463 01:27:41,640 --> 01:27:54,960 She didn't come from money. And again, our relationship, her mother was like, I gave you guys six months. And it was it was weird way we got together. But it
464 01:27:54,960 --> 01:28:05,820 was a toxic start. Her family members were jealous. They didn't like the fact that I lived that certain way. And they thought I was just gonna run with her
465 01:28:05,820 --> 01:28:15,840 for a little while and throw her to the side. And I didn't have that view at all. Like, I was interested in her, she had a child, I had a child, I figured
466 01:28:15,840 --> 01:28:20,310 it'd be easy for me to get with someone that understood what it's like to be a single parent.
467 01:28:21,600 --> 01:28:31,350 And then if you're involved with someone that has a child tender towards that, it's hard, I know, it's very difficult, you're gonna have likely another man in
468 01:28:31,350 --> 01:28:40,740 the relationship. And that's hard to deal with. Ladies, you gotta be aware that it takes up very special man, a real man really, to put up with that kind of
469 01:28:40,740 --> 01:28:52,530 stuff. And if you invite all these things into your trading, it's going to weigh on it. These are all things that you have to keep smooth. You have to have a
470 01:28:52,530 --> 01:29:02,400 balanced life. And it's easy when you're young to not think that these are going to be a factor. And folks like me and older than me, that are listening. This is
471 01:29:02,400 --> 01:29:11,100 like, you know, you know what I'm saying you've done it too. And nobody could prepare you for it. Even me talking about it really isn't gonna prepare you for
472 01:29:11,100 --> 01:29:24,150 it. But at least hopefully, it'll be in the forefront of your mind as a real catalyst as to what's stressing you out. What's causing you to worry about being
473 01:29:24,150 --> 01:29:30,210 successful so quickly, because some of you might be wanting to just be successful. So you get the hell out of that relationship. Because you know, it's
474 01:29:30,210 --> 01:29:44,910 toxic, but you're stuck. You're not stuck. You're never stuck. But some of you might view it like that. feeling of being stuck in a toxic relationship will
475 01:29:44,910 --> 01:29:55,770 make you do what? Make money. If I can make money I can get out of this bullshit and get my own place. Make my own ends meet. I don't have to rely on that second
476 01:29:55,770 --> 01:30:09,030 income from this person, whether it be the lady or the male in the relationship. or significant other. If that's what you're enduring, it will be better for you
477 01:30:09,030 --> 01:30:22,950 to get a toxic relationship and then focus on trading. Because you're going to try to do things emotionally, to spur on a faster reaction or response. Or
478 01:30:22,950 --> 01:30:33,390 result, that's probably not going to be what you were hoping for. Because you're being impulsive. You want to get out of that painful relationship, that
479 01:30:33,570 --> 01:30:46,920 environment that is not conducive for a healthy lifestyle. Happiness. You're going to want to do things to get yourself out of that. And you're thinking,
480 01:30:47,160 --> 01:31:00,930 money's the answer to that. And you're gonna find that it's impossible to be profitable like that. It's impossible. How do I know? I tried to earn my first
481 01:31:00,930 --> 01:31:15,450 wife back, rushing into live trading, because I thought that, hey, I love this girl. She was my first. And gentleman. She She looked exactly like Alicia
482 01:31:15,450 --> 01:31:29,190 Silverstone. And I got receipts and proof to show you in pictures. Gorgeous. And I wasn't trading. When I married her. I was in college and getting a degree in
483 01:31:29,190 --> 01:31:39,660 computer science. And she wasn't willing to wait. She thought that I've spent too much time with school and something outside of her marriage. And there it
484 01:31:39,660 --> 01:31:54,990 is. But even knowing that I still would have went back with her. Because I loved her. And I thought if I rushed out there when she and I separated that year, I
485 01:31:54,990 --> 01:32:08,010 was trying very hard to find success. If I could have completed my courses, and learned everything else just to learn faster, I would have done it. I poured
486 01:32:08,010 --> 01:32:20,910 everything into holding myself up. Because my pride. Like everybody knew that this woman, this young girl, actually, she was 16 when I married her I was 18
487 01:32:20,940 --> 01:32:29,940 right out of high school. She was still in high school. I had to get her parents signature and approval for marriage. So it kind of puts it in perspective,
488 01:32:29,940 --> 01:32:40,980 doesn't it? That's almost guaranteed not to work. But she was in a household where her stepfather abused her sexually since she was eight years old. And I
489 01:32:40,980 --> 01:32:54,030 was willing to do anything I could not kill this man. And I asked my grandpa so hey, you can Angel. Can she move in? No, no, no new way. And he made the remark.
490 01:32:54,150 --> 01:33:03,840 It'd be different if you guys were married, but no. So what did I hear? Don't get married. So that's what I told her. I said, Listen, my grandfather said you
491 01:33:03,840 --> 01:33:10,560 can move in, but we got to get married. Okay, so we went got married on that to get her out of the house.
492 01:33:12,480 --> 01:33:21,120 Now this is the same person that I stood out at six o'clock in the morning with my grandmother's largest Fidel was going to run through both kidneys and through
493 01:33:21,120 --> 01:33:35,220 the neck of this fucker that was abusing her. And he decided not to go to work that day. The next door neighbor my then wife's best friend's mom came out of
494 01:33:35,220 --> 01:33:45,540 her house. She was Michael, what are you doing out there? I say I'm waiting for Angel. No, no real reason to justify that. But that's what I told her. I was
495 01:33:45,540 --> 01:33:56,520 thinking myself shit. I can't do nothing. Now someone sent me here. So I am capable of having thoughts like that. But it was because that sick motherfucker
496 01:33:57,150 --> 01:34:11,550 should be in. But we went to the authorities and had him removed from the home as she was already moved in and married with me. But he ended up coming back
497 01:34:12,900 --> 01:34:24,180 because his own daughter in stepdaughters that he was messing around with they they dropped the charges because her mother said, say it didn't happen. says
498 01:34:24,210 --> 01:34:35,070 people about to come back in the house. So I was married to this girl. And for little less than two years we were together. And obviously you can't complete
499 01:34:35,070 --> 01:34:48,120 college in two years, right? She would work and I'm going to school. I'd come home I'd study. No trading. None of that stuff was going on. And we divorced in
500 01:34:48,810 --> 01:35:04,410 1992. And November 5 at 9pm on Thursday night. ICP was born. I read my first trading book about ship that Ken Roberts wrote about, that doesn't work that I
501 01:35:04,410 --> 01:35:14,250 lost money on. But I was passionate, like, I was thinking myself, I'll win her back. I'll win her back. I'll get successful at this, I'll make a lot of money.
502 01:35:14,790 --> 01:35:28,590 I'll make a name for myself. And I rushed in multiple times. Even when I knew I was probably going to blow my account. I had her as the reason why. So what was
503 01:35:28,590 --> 01:35:52,440 I doing? I was trading emotionally well, but trading emotionally, trying to make something so unlikely to happen. As my goal and so hurt that I couldn't see it
504 01:35:52,440 --> 01:36:05,850 or recognize it. In my mind, I'm gonna do it. I had the montage music playing the whole thing, Rocky, I'm gonna do it. And every time I failed, it was just a
505 01:36:05,850 --> 01:36:15,570 worse feeling than the day she moved out to start living her life, and then found out she was with a 40 year old man that used to give me candy for free at
506 01:36:15,570 --> 01:36:29,880 the grocery store his parents owned. And how about that. So I have experience dealing stupid shit being impulsive, for all the wrong reasons, trying to be
507 01:36:29,880 --> 01:36:43,050 relevant, trying to be significant, and using trading as the catalyst for that. But that doesn't work, folks. And you can find yourself in those situations with
508 01:36:43,050 --> 01:36:52,620 toxic friendship, toxic family members trying to prove them wrong about you. That was the other part of the equation. I wanted to show every one of my family
509 01:36:52,620 --> 01:37:08,430 they were fucking stupid and wrong. And I wanted to rub it in their fucking face so bad. And when I finally was able to, I didn't want to I didn't want to. But
510 01:37:08,430 --> 01:37:22,020 the same members of my family won't, won't come see what I live like now. Like, it's too much for them. Because it's real. They see I don't have a job. They see
511 01:37:22,020 --> 01:37:31,830 I haven't worked in decades, I haven't done anything that requires what they had do. Now they're retired, obviously. But the same people said that I would have
512 01:37:31,830 --> 01:37:51,030 the same shit and jobs that they had to work and I didn't. So they live a life of not wanting to give me any kind of like, they were wrong, and well done. Not
513 01:37:51,030 --> 01:38:01,890 that I need that from them. I don't. When I was younger, I was trying my ass off to be able to prove to them that they were fucking false. And I was the one that
514 01:38:01,890 --> 01:38:10,080 was going to be different. And I was nobody like me. But it wasn't easy. And it didn't come quick.
515 01:38:11,190 --> 01:38:22,560 It took a whole lot more time. It took a whole lot more money, and a whole lot more patience to get this. And if you think it's going to be different from you,
516 01:38:23,970 --> 01:38:34,110 it's not gonna be any different. It's going to be hard for you to but it's worth it. Man, is it worth it? You just can't go in here and try to take everybody's
517 01:38:34,110 --> 01:38:47,880 money in one fucking week because they'll do what they did to me. Too much ICT Leave some for the rest of us. Anyway, I could sit here and go on and on. Oh,
518 01:38:47,880 --> 01:39:02,160 and give you a four hour show. But I think it's time for for this one to come to a close. I've said enough tonight. And maybe I bored you. Maybe I talked about
519 01:39:02,160 --> 01:39:16,470 things I had no interest to you. But I don't think anything. Like on the 24th of September. I don't think that don't think the internet's gonna go down. I don't
520 01:39:16,470 --> 01:39:35,730 think the the great reset kicks off on the 24th I think we're getting closer to something big poppin off. And I'm not going to be surprised if it's something
521 01:39:35,730 --> 01:39:51,420 that disrupts the whole midterm election. And let me just state this now. If we have something that undermines the midterms, we are in some real ship folks. And
522 01:39:51,420 --> 01:40:12,000 trading might not be available to any of us. That's what I think Things would be so disrupted I don't even I just don't even know how bad it would be. I just
523 01:40:12,000 --> 01:40:25,920 know it's not gonna be fun. And I still have you know, American, typical American thinks the whole world revolves around them. I understand that. But I
524 01:40:25,920 --> 01:40:41,280 also want you to know that we're the last Domino. I want you to pay attention. Europe, and the UK, you're gonna go through some shit this year. You're all
525 01:40:41,280 --> 01:40:53,280 surprised about your currency collapse, I'm like it is the bounce not done. You're gonna pound it more. A lot of you folks over there going to be freezing
526 01:40:53,640 --> 01:41:03,000 in a couple months. And you're gonna wish he listened to me about getting supplies and blankets, warmer clothes and ways to heat your home and power your
527 01:41:03,000 --> 01:41:15,270 home because I have a lot of friends and family that I've met through mentoring. And when I talk to you like this, that's how I talk to you. I want you to know
528 01:41:15,270 --> 01:41:28,470 that I genuinely give a shit about you. Like I care about you. And I don't want to hear or read stories about how you aren't where you should be since you're
529 01:41:28,470 --> 01:41:31,980 suffering and don't have something or you're in wack
530 01:41:38,400 --> 01:41:48,180 but I didn't warning everybody. And I know it sounds like Chicken Little I know everybody made fun of me on Twitter in 2019. They were talking all their stuff.
531 01:41:50,580 --> 01:42:09,480 Look at the world right now. It's gonna get worse. And it's gonna fall heavily in Europe, and UK first. What's it cost to heat your house? And what's your
532 01:42:09,480 --> 01:42:26,340 electric bill right now? For those in those areas. It's gonna get real, real expensive. I heard that. I don't know if there's any truth to this or not, you
533 01:42:26,340 --> 01:42:34,740 guys can let me know. But Germany apparently has announced starting on October 1, that their military is going to be in the streets making sure there isn't
534 01:42:34,740 --> 01:42:46,110 going to be any riots. Now if that's true, I'm not saying that it is because I don't know for certain but if that's true, makes you wonder why would do the
535 01:42:46,110 --> 01:42:46,620 writing
536 01:42:52,680 --> 01:43:05,280 and other things are expensive. And I know a lot of you think I don't need to do that right now. But if you have not been building up a stockpile, and a large
537 01:43:05,280 --> 01:43:19,560 pantry of non perishable food, water and water filters and things to light your home when the power goes out. Things to stay warm. Probably going to wish it
538 01:43:19,560 --> 01:43:34,740 did. I told that to my private mentorship students. One day I came back I said all my food won't be it. Well, if you bought the things that you eat, and you
539 01:43:34,740 --> 01:43:46,920 wrote out route, rotate the stock. Like I literally have two pantries, I have a working pantry. And I have a long stored long term storage pantry. I eat food
540 01:43:46,920 --> 01:43:58,440 I'm Akin, that's two years old. And my sick have never been sick from it. They taste the same. And those dates are meant for you to hurry up and buy more.
541 01:43:59,580 --> 01:44:10,980 That's what those are. They're their best by dates. They're not you eat this, you're dead. It's not like milk. Okay, it's a suggested date on there. And then
542 01:44:10,980 --> 01:44:19,620 you can still have it for a week or two. As long as it's kept cold, but non perishable foods that go in cans, or dry goods like beans and things like that.
543 01:44:21,120 --> 01:44:32,280 They'll keep you alive. They'll feed you and your family and they store a long time. So there's no reason for anyone to think, Oh, I'm gonna buy this food and
544 01:44:32,280 --> 01:44:45,900 it goes bad. You have to eat it. Not live on McDonald's in the meantime. But if you haven't done that might be a good idea to do that. And yes, I think it's
545 01:44:45,900 --> 01:44:55,680 worth it that even charged on a credit card. Because you're if you're in those areas, Europe in the UK and folks in America, once you start seeing it over
546 01:44:55,680 --> 01:45:11,430 there, you're six months away from being here. That's the long end of it. It could be as short as two months after. That's the way it rolls. Now, when you
547 01:45:11,430 --> 01:45:22,410 hear that kind of stuff, and unsettled a lot of my students, they literally sent emails cussed me out, done with the mentorship, your fear porn guy. I'm like,
548 01:45:23,430 --> 01:45:32,340 all I want to do is make sure you're prepared. That's all. Like, why was I telling you I didn't ask you to buy anything from me. I'm not selling you canned
549 01:45:32,340 --> 01:45:46,650 goods. But the same people email me later on, saying, I wish I would have listened to everything so expensive now. My parents, their parents they're
550 01:45:46,650 --> 01:46:00,330 referring to, they can barely feed themselves. And I don't have enough to do my own family and then too, and it's expensive right now. I don't reply to them.
551 01:46:00,330 --> 01:46:08,460 Because what do you say that? Told you so. And sorry, doesn't feel like it is enough.
552 01:46:14,940 --> 01:46:34,050 I get it, it doesn't feel real. It doesn't feel like that this is potentially going to spin off into some crazy 1984 Shit, but it is. These folks have plans
553 01:46:34,050 --> 01:46:49,380 that makes them a lot of money and gives them a lot more control in the markets are not going to be exempt from it. And if you don't prepare and try to get your
554 01:46:49,380 --> 01:47:06,300 household ready for it, the best you can I work with a two year supply of food. To me, that gives me peace of mind. But obviously isn't. You know, perfect?
555 01:47:09,330 --> 01:47:25,050 Because if the shit does hit the fan, like I'm thinking it will only count down every day. Do I have enough? Do I have enough? Do I have enough? And all the
556 01:47:25,050 --> 01:47:36,090 generators I have and all the solar generators and inverters I have there might be a day where I can't get gas to run those generators. And if I don't get
557 01:47:36,150 --> 01:47:49,530 direct sun for a couple of days, my solar inverters can't charge up. So I'm stuck with whatever frozen foods if it's during warmer days, that's subject to
558 01:47:49,530 --> 01:48:02,580 waste. I can't eat all one day. Those are my concerns. Those are the things I think about. And having a lot of money doesn't exempt me from that problem. This
559 01:48:02,580 --> 01:48:12,690 stuff is going to touch me just like it's going to touch all of you. I have friends and family that I have to look out for. And a lot of them don't listen.
560 01:48:13,440 --> 01:48:26,790 Just like some of you don't want to listen. You think this is all bullshit. Before Russia invaded Ukraine months before he even was talked about, I said it
561 01:48:26,790 --> 01:48:44,640 was gonna happen. And it's gonna pop off in Taiwan. But the real thing is going to be Iran and Russia working together to drop something in Israel. That's
562 01:48:44,640 --> 01:48:48,330 what's coming next. That's the real big thing next, everything else is a distraction.
563 01:48:53,430 --> 01:49:09,270 And when you see a mushroom cloud and that changes everything. Honestly, we like to pretend we're Billy badass and in America, but we've been turned into a bunch
564 01:49:09,270 --> 01:49:23,520 of pansies. We have a lot of strong military men and women. But a new breed. It's coming in. They're soft. They're soft, they're not prepared. And frankly,
565 01:49:24,900 --> 01:49:35,670 we've had a good run. America's had a really good run. And we talk about how nobody would invade us because everybody's got guns and we're surrounded by
566 01:49:35,670 --> 01:49:45,000 water on two coasts, and we have Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. Well look at Mexico. It's a revolving door. Well, not really revolving, is it
567 01:49:45,000 --> 01:49:57,000 like is it is California going down here to get cheaper gas and medicine and everybody else is coming through. So that really doesn't work well and for a
568 01:49:57,000 --> 01:50:06,180 country that touts that they have water on both sides of it, nobody's gonna really want to invade it, they don't need to invade it. They could be sitting
569 01:50:06,180 --> 01:50:21,660 out there on the surface and send some things that we've never had experienced on mainland but I honestly, I have been feeling like we're going to see that
570 01:50:21,660 --> 01:50:38,910 here and I don't think it's necessarily going to be someone else doing it. You read between lines with that one but you want to get a crowd of people that's
571 01:50:38,910 --> 01:50:51,390 divided right now that all come together and be scared shitless talking about voice away Java small tactical nukes somewhere in the United States. And
572 01:50:51,390 --> 01:51:02,490 everybody's assholes gonna start puking, including mine. That's a different, that's a whole different narrative than and whatever the box on the wall tells
573 01:51:02,490 --> 01:51:12,270 you to do. Everybody's gonna be marching to that. Even the Billy badass is the militia man, the boys with the guns that like to tout, they're gonna have a 1776
574 01:51:12,270 --> 01:51:24,930 moment your balls are going to drop off. Rightfully so. nuclear fallout, not knowing when the next one is going to drop. Think of as the science fiction
575 01:51:24,930 --> 01:51:35,010 level shit I'm talking about. You want to show how weird completely now we're going back to where it was. let something happen like that anywhere in our
576 01:51:35,010 --> 01:51:48,270 country in America. And that's gonna be worse than 911 people died on 911 I'm not diminishing that. It was horrible. I scared the shit out of me. It scared me
577 01:51:48,270 --> 01:51:58,800 for years. I was in fear for years. Three years I'd live with anxiety over that stuff. Every time my airplane went over and we live by Martin Marietta airport.
578 01:52:00,030 --> 01:52:08,430 Every time I airport I'm sorry, airplane would fly over which was normal. I'm freaking out like, is this sort of it's gonna drop on me. That's how scared I
579 01:52:08,430 --> 01:52:22,620 was. That's not normal. But that's how effective their shit was. Now let a bomb drop and a mushroom cloud form. Everybody's gonna be thinking, is everyone
580 01:52:22,620 --> 01:52:39,450 coming? Because you're not going to see it coming. It's just going to be there and if the government the media, the news tells you you got to evacuate. This is
581 01:52:39,450 --> 01:52:53,190 gonna be the next area where it's hit. You think everybody's gonna sit still? Hell no. The Highways we packed up, jammed up. Luton everywhere. That's what I
582 01:52:53,190 --> 01:53:02,730 see coming. And hope I'm wrong. I want you all to be able to laugh at me say man, you're fucking really wrong. But do you have to think about what they've
583 01:53:02,730 --> 01:53:17,280 done. They scared everybody into giving up rights. Businesses, their jobs, family members, you couldn't go to funerals. You couldn't see relatives over the
584 01:53:17,280 --> 01:53:17,730 flu
585 01:53:27,270 --> 01:53:37,560 they fucked up our whole global economy. You haven't even seen the real results of all that yet. This little bit of inflation that you're feeling right now a
586 01:53:37,560 --> 01:53:48,390 lot sucks. That's just the beginning of it. To help me get more control, because there's a lot of people like me and says fuck you. I'm not taking your vaccine.
587 01:53:51,150 --> 01:54:01,380 Not doing it. My daughter took two doses of that bullshit against my wishes. I told her please don't do it. But I'm gonna be honest with you my daughter's
588 01:54:01,380 --> 01:54:09,780 liberal. And I saw you may be liberal you're like, oh, fuck you. I'm turning this off. Okay. But when she went to college, they indoctrinated her ass with
589 01:54:09,780 --> 01:54:28,170 some stupid ass asked backwards thinking she's constantly got nosebleeds now. She has migraines. She's got issues with her sinuses all the time now. To get
590 01:54:28,200 --> 01:54:36,990 weird rashes on her back, and her arms. And I hope and pray in Jesus name that she does not fall victim to the things that other people have fallen victim to,
591 01:54:37,440 --> 01:54:41,550 from those things that she's putting her body thinking she was doing the right thing
592 01:54:49,620 --> 01:55:00,000 I did that to so many people. And they hide all the bad things that have happened because of it. And I still have your doctors. I had doctors in my mind
593 01:55:00,000 --> 01:55:11,550 toship and people get mad at me and say, Oh, but you don't know I saw COVID X rays. Listen, man, I get it, I get it. But you're also talking to somebody that
594 01:55:11,550 --> 01:55:28,440 has a child that was affected by a vaccine. So save your shit because I don't want to hear it. Not talking about my daughter, my youngest son when he was
595 01:55:28,440 --> 01:55:43,890 born, for no reason. I've watched my other children born. When he was coming out of her, they ran over, and they stuck him with a needle. His blood pressure
596 01:55:43,890 --> 01:55:57,990 dropped. Within 10 seconds, his blood pressure dropped, his oxygen level went low. And he literally is the slowest of all my children now. He doesn't have the
597 01:55:57,990 --> 01:56:11,400 ability to stay focused. And in the early years of his life, we had an ICU unit multiple times for breathing. had asthma. My wife would be there the whole week
598 01:56:11,430 --> 01:56:27,660 with him. In the ICU, I was home being in Delhi ICT with the rest of them. They've done this, everybody that was willing to listen to them. What's the next
599 01:56:27,660 --> 01:56:36,870 thing? Think about? What's the next thing? What could they do to really get everybody scared shitless.
600 01:56:42,030 --> 01:56:58,470 kind of frightening in it. Because they got to do something bigger, more grandiose. These people are sick. And they're not human. They're monsters. And
601 01:56:58,470 --> 01:57:12,390 they don't give a fuck about you. They don't care about your family. They don't care if you live or die. I don't care if you eat. Their exact words are. We are
602 01:57:12,390 --> 01:57:35,010 useless eaters. That's their words. That's how they view everyone else outside of their little group. 300 people. That's who runs everything. 300 You can't
603 01:57:35,010 --> 01:57:47,670 touch him. You can't see him and you think it's the people gets talked about? It's not. It's 300 people. And they pull all the strings
604 01:57:54,360 --> 01:58:11,040 Nobody gets to be a billionaire. Unless they allow it. And I don't give a fuck what anybody says. That's the way it is. In any country. They set you up, or
605 01:58:11,040 --> 01:58:32,640 they allow it but you're playing by their rules. And if you don't, well planes via the sky. You suddenly develop a drunken habit of driving a car suicide with
606 01:58:33,960 --> 01:58:36,690 multiple holes to the back your head
607 01:58:42,060 --> 01:58:56,850 it's not a group of nice people. And they don't care what they have to do. And they know that there's a little bit of time right now. They can do everything to
608 01:58:56,850 --> 01:59:17,910 speed it all up. So you know about agenda 21 and 2030. There's something in 2025 They're really, really pushing hard to get that to come together right now.
609 01:59:21,240 --> 01:59:35,850 Every country as a puppet show y'all made fun of America saying yeah, we go in there. We spread our democracy. We take a ruler out of their country and put in
610 01:59:35,880 --> 01:59:55,650 what we want. We were just the hand that did that. The person or the arm that moved us that's the 300 people. They come together. They make the rules. And
611 01:59:55,650 --> 02:00:08,130 they set up people and a pig. They take people down They run everything. They run the markets. They run all the banks. They own all the conglomerates. They
612 02:00:08,130 --> 02:00:14,430 own everything. They have their hands and everything
613 02:00:20,130 --> 02:00:31,590 and nothing you or I can do to stop. You can't slow him down. Even if everybody in America said that's it, we're gonna go out in the streets and we're gonna
614 02:00:31,590 --> 02:00:45,960 stand up again. It isn't going to stop it Why do you think they're messing with the food? Because Billy badass with all the bullets when it comes down to
615 02:00:45,960 --> 02:01:05,430 feeding himself and his kids your guns gonna get put them you're going to care more about your kid eaten? Or something hamsters when they're sick? Can you do
616 02:01:05,430 --> 02:01:20,490 surgery? Do you have life saving medications? To get them over something that you don't see happening right now. Because those same people that are telling
617 02:01:21,000 --> 02:01:29,970 their friends and family, let's stand up against the government. They're not thinking like that. But that's how these people are going to come at them.
618 02:01:35,790 --> 02:01:49,080 You want to control the people control the food. To my Bill Gates is the largest landowner now in North America. You think he's buying it to put crops on it?
619 02:01:50,580 --> 02:02:16,170 He's gonna grow food for everyone. No. How about you folks over there in Europe and Netherlands and as your agricultural world going along with the World
620 02:02:16,710 --> 02:02:27,060 Economic Forum's ideas, because last time I checked, you are starting to see the obvious that many people in America are just ignoring it. Because we're
621 02:02:27,360 --> 02:02:42,420 distracted with our little phones. You listening to me on it right now? wishing I could talk about Otterbox and trading. And this is the more important thing.
622 02:02:45,060 --> 02:02:54,090 Because if you're not prepared for this stuff, you're not going to have the mindset if we can trade. And I've said this before, there might be a period
623 02:02:54,720 --> 02:03:03,840 where the markets are not allowing us to trade. What does that mean? I don't know exactly what that means. I just know that there might be a disruption. They
624 02:03:03,840 --> 02:03:16,650 may not be open. They may be taken from us. In my opinion about why can't you download MT four on Apple number one, I don't know. Because I'm not an Apple
625 02:03:16,650 --> 02:03:29,250 user. I think they're garbage. I'll never own another apple device in my life. I moved away from Forex for a reason I told my mentorship. Why. And it was met
626 02:03:29,250 --> 02:03:40,230 with people saying This is bullshit. You know, I want to trade Forex. We need to be focusing on forex, you're welcome to do that. It's moving right now. I call
627 02:03:40,230 --> 02:03:50,700 the dollar higher, which means every other currency is going to do what go lower. I don't want to be in those markets. Because I am admittedly afraid that
628 02:03:50,700 --> 02:04:01,470 there's going to be a massive disruption in price. And I don't want to be offside and something like that. Think back to euro and Swiss, when that was the
629 02:04:01,470 --> 02:04:16,500 pegged it that killed brokerage firms in the they're gone. wiped out. I don't want to have that kind of stress right now. Juggling and balancing and getting
630 02:04:16,500 --> 02:04:25,650 people prepared and I have a family to worry about. And I'm already wealthy, I don't need to be pushing the envelope for for more wealth in trades. I don't
631 02:04:25,650 --> 02:04:39,330 need to do that. But I have moved my focus to equities and specifically the stock index futures because that's where it's obvious. I mean, look what I've
632 02:04:39,330 --> 02:04:50,430 been showing you. It's cleaner price action. I know it's likely to keep going down so therefore, you know if I'm going short. I trust that even if it crashes
633 02:04:50,460 --> 02:05:07,560 that's in my favor. But in forex, you could have a wild 3413 400 to a bank 1000 pips swing the opposite direction, instantaneously, and then the bottom fell
634 02:05:07,560 --> 02:05:16,350 out. Or if you're in a pair that would be inverted. Go parabolic against you going up. And I know some of you like to think that maybe I want to get a part
635 02:05:16,350 --> 02:05:24,390 of that you wouldn't be able to trade that. Just like the CPI number when you see these guys with these demo accounts. Yeah, we traded that across the high
636 02:05:24,390 --> 02:05:41,850 ticker that year full of shit. Sometimes, unfortunately, markets in hindsight present cleverly disguised impossibilities. It looks like you could have done
637 02:05:41,850 --> 02:05:56,880 something you could spectate not speculate, it would not give you a seat on that bus. And that's what, like many of us as the old timers, we liked the Non Farm
638 02:05:56,880 --> 02:06:10,260 Payroll years and years ago, because we saw it move a lot in hindsight thinking, wow, I get a piece of that. Try to get PHIL You can't. It's kind of like what
639 02:06:10,260 --> 02:06:22,860 you watched me trying to do with that $13,000 s&p short today? I'm trying to get out of it. I'm, I'm pushing the close, close, close. Nope. You're not getting
640 02:06:22,860 --> 02:06:33,360 in. On this case, you're not getting out in ICT. So I moved from Forex for a reason.
641 02:06:34,710 --> 02:06:46,800 And it wasn't popular. But I explained why. And I might be wrong, it might not happen. That might not be a major event take place in the currency. But I find
642 02:06:46,800 --> 02:07:01,560 it hard for it not to because all these central bank digital currencies that are getting ready to put on there won't be any reason for all these currencies at
643 02:07:01,560 --> 02:07:11,250 one point. And I don't know which one is going to be the one that you should flock to. So don't ask me that. I don't know that. I don't know everything,
644 02:07:11,250 --> 02:07:25,080 folks. If I knew everything, I would be in forex still pushing hard. But because I understand that I'm probably going to do something wrong, terribly wrong at
645 02:07:25,080 --> 02:07:34,410 the wrong time. And financially hurt me that financially hurts my family. And it's going to take me out of my focus. And it's going to be regret because I
646 02:07:34,410 --> 02:07:48,600 know better. I know, I feel like I should not be doing it sauteing it. I'm at a trade I went back to my roots 1993 I was trading and the bond market days. Those
647 02:07:48,600 --> 02:08:02,100 two markets were my markets. That's why you see you doing so well with them because I know them at the back of my hand. They're very consistent. The
648 02:08:02,100 --> 02:08:09,660 understand the morale, the understanding, rather, that I teach with through price action, you can see it very easy in those markets because they're
649 02:08:09,660 --> 02:08:30,120 professionally traded. Unlike thinner markets, like some currencies and forex pairs, s&p and NASDAQ, even though NASA can be a little bit wild, they're a
650 02:08:30,120 --> 02:08:44,160 little bit more reliable. But even then, they bring with it like you watched today. You can be right and do everything right. If they don't want you to win,
651 02:08:45,300 --> 02:08:56,070 they will prevent it. And again, as a reminder, because some of you guys, well, maybe it was something with TradingView. Now it made it to the CME. My orders
652 02:08:56,070 --> 02:09:11,100 made it to the CME and they were being rejected. So it wasn't a trading view thing. If it was trading view, the CME would have never had the order. And I
653 02:09:11,100 --> 02:09:24,660 asked amp to provide me the CME report the log, I have it. Ask your broker, they'll do it too. It's part of the regulation that you ask for it, they have to
654 02:09:24,660 --> 02:09:37,260 present it. And you can see all of my orders, every one that was being rejected in the bullshit saying that I'm trading with a 10. If I have a 10 contract
655 02:09:37,260 --> 02:09:45,840 limit, and I'm short 10 contracts and I'm asking to get out of the position. I'm inside the 10 contract limit, right if that's really what it is, but it's not
656 02:09:45,870 --> 02:09:53,700 because I've been trading more than 10 contracts. And when you watch me in that video, try to close eight of the 10 Um, well under the 10 contract limit. Why
657 02:09:53,700 --> 02:10:02,850 are they rejecting the eight contracts? Because they did not want me to close that with 12 or 13 does not wasn't profit. They wanted me to just get stopped
658 02:10:02,850 --> 02:10:14,220 out at that stop if at the end of hours that's just one of the trades that I was trading all last night I traded all through London last night. I've not been
659 02:10:14,220 --> 02:10:31,110 asleep. I'm pissed off. I've not been asleep, I probably won't be sleeping until Sunday. And that's normal. Sometimes it happened. So nice out right now is my
660 02:10:31,110 --> 02:10:45,690 time here. I love it. I hate the summer. Can't stand the heat. Anyway, I promised I was gonna wind this down. And I have about four different topics we
661 02:10:45,690 --> 02:10:58,740 started to reach for and I knew damn, well, I'd be here. We'll leave that for another time. So hopefully, at least entertain you, if not, gave you something
662 02:10:58,740 --> 02:11:09,150 to think about. But I sincerely mean the things I said, if you have a way for you to get yourself prepared with canned goods, vegetables, canned meats, the
663 02:11:09,150 --> 02:11:22,980 best thing you can get really like chicken potted meat. Yeah. I don't eat corn beef hash a lot. But I have a lot of that in the event. And it's getting harder.
664 02:11:23,400 --> 02:11:33,810 I think beef prices are going to be very expensive next year. I believe that all of the crops that were planted this year, we're gonna see lower yields on that.
665 02:11:35,340 --> 02:11:48,420 And next year, we're gonna have even less, because fertilizer is so expensive or unobtainable. And everywhere that's allowing for crop growth, and they're
666 02:11:48,420 --> 02:11:58,740 limiting irrigation. So whatever the normal usage of watering crops, farmers are being told, You can't do that. Now, the question is why?
667 02:12:01,890 --> 02:12:13,080 Last couple years ago, I thought everybody stopped paying attention to water. And we're in trouble if they create a water futures contract, they created one.
668 02:12:14,340 --> 02:12:23,070 Remember, when I told you about Bitcoin, I said, as soon as they put a contract on it, it's done. They own it, and no candle tank it. And that's how I told you.
669 02:12:23,850 --> 02:12:31,710 It wasn't going to 20,000 the first gonna go down to 6000. And it went there. And I said, we're gonna go from 6000 to 3000. And I was wrong. You look down at
670 02:12:31,710 --> 02:12:43,230 3200. So are you. But then I told you, I will tell you when it went to 20,000. And I did. And it went to 20,000. I told you was gonna go to 30 years, I was off
671 02:12:43,230 --> 02:12:54,840 by day that I said it would go no higher 2000 new higher than 62. But worst case scenario 70. And that was it. And everybody else was calling for 100,000
672 02:12:54,840 --> 02:13:05,010 Bitcoin. And I said, the fuck it is, it's going down. We're going back down to 20,000. And again, everybody laughed. I'm just going by what I understand about
673 02:13:05,010 --> 02:13:17,550 algorithmic principles and theory. And my wife indicator. The day she asked me if I was trading Bitcoin, when it was trading at 19,700. I think that's it. I
674 02:13:17,550 --> 02:13:23,910 went on tour, I said, I can tell you right now, Bitcoin is not going to 20,000 my wife just asked me if I'm trading Bitcoin knows nothing about the market. So
675 02:13:23,910 --> 02:13:35,910 if she's asking me about Bitcoin, she's the last person in line, there's nobody else that's gonna buy it. Go into 6000. And everybody told me, they hated me.
676 02:13:35,970 --> 02:13:46,290 They wanted to, they wouldn't know where I live, they could burn my house down, then. They were mad at me. They were so mad. But I was so right. I think I had
677 02:13:46,290 --> 02:14:03,570 two calls wrong on Bitcoin the whole time on the whole previous Twitter, adventure. But I still don't understand it. I don't see setups that will justify
678 02:14:03,570 --> 02:14:18,420 it for me. Right now it's hanging around in a small little range. I just see it reaching down below 10,000. Again, that's where I see it being drawn to. It
679 02:14:18,420 --> 02:14:29,040 makes sense to do it. Everybody thinks it's finding support. And they think that it's going to be the Bastion indoors if we have a central bank, digital
680 02:14:29,040 --> 02:14:42,270 currency, you know, overrun with all these different currencies deal in it, or if the whole system collapses, this is going to be the the Savior. It's not that
681 02:14:42,270 --> 02:14:54,600 it's going down to in fact, it probably goes down first. It's just to get everybody thinking digitally. Thinking about things differently. It's sort of
682 02:14:54,990 --> 02:15:07,020 fear. Do you think it was the answer to fiat? No, it was the invitation to think Get outside of VR. See, I see all these people that even when they were in 2012,
683 02:15:07,020 --> 02:15:16,020 I had a guy reach out to me say, Hey look, man, can you talk to us? And did some kind of I don't know if there's a podcast in color or whatever, but he was like
684 02:15:16,020 --> 02:15:24,420 you should buy bitcoin and bla bla bla asked like you don't see it? Was I wrong in the grand scheme of things, I guess you could say it was, but I'm gonna give
685 02:15:24,420 --> 02:15:34,620 a shit it could have went to 200,000 Usher's fuck wouldn't be in it and wouldn't be touching it. Perfect example. I had so many people that did it. And then they
686 02:15:34,620 --> 02:15:44,070 couldn't get their money. They got scammed out of it. And my own son Cody, he invested in this horseshit. He's got $20,000 worth of horseshit locked up
687 02:15:44,610 --> 02:15:56,520 because of the coin base stuff. And he stuck in all that crap. And I told him, don't get in it. It's bullshit. It's rigged, it's worse kind of rigged, there is
688 02:15:57,270 --> 02:16:08,430 and you have no idea how you're gonna be treated with taxes. Like it's, it's a mess, don't think that he had to do it his own way. So he lost his money. And
689 02:16:08,430 --> 02:16:25,920 he's tied up in it. Now here's the kicker. He took a credit card and bought crypto with it. To now he owed the credit card company for that. He sold the car
690 02:16:25,920 --> 02:16:42,900 I paid off for him. Put all that into EBA and some of the other shit coins. It's tanked. And the people he opened up account with apparently are going through
691 02:16:42,900 --> 02:16:52,710 some kind of horseshit bankruptcy or whatever, I don't know. But something's wrong with Coinbase at my understanding, and that's who he was in with. So
692 02:16:52,710 --> 02:17:05,040 everything I warned him about, and every year not to do it, and reason why I wasn't going to do it. Morris what we fell victim to that. So that's why I had
693 02:17:05,040 --> 02:17:05,880 to buy him a truck,
694 02:17:06,270 --> 02:17:15,840 he picked it out. I didn't take him out there. And this is a truck you're gonna get I say go out and he wanted the trucks that way you can push it around and be
695 02:17:15,840 --> 02:17:29,220 a big shot. So he picked up the Chucky, one word. He doesn't make payments on it, he already has his own credit. I'm gonna just count this. Topics as house
696 02:17:29,220 --> 02:17:42,030 I'm not gonna go down. I'm slowly working my way down. But I have to get off here. I do want to get up and stretch up at the invert myself again, spines a
697 02:17:42,030 --> 02:17:47,700 little bit compressed, uncomfortable sitting out here. Even though it is pleasantly cool.
698 02:17:53,850 --> 02:18:00,720 I hope you guys enjoy this kind of stuff. If we were the only friends, this is exactly what it'd be like you'd be sitting on the deck with me. And I'd be
699 02:18:00,720 --> 02:18:10,200 talking to you just like this. Some of you younger cats probably don't appreciate that. That's cool. That's cool. When you get older, you'll have a
700 02:18:10,200 --> 02:18:17,670 different appetite for types of things like this. I don't think I would have been all that interested in this. This is boring. This guy keeps talking and
701 02:18:17,670 --> 02:18:30,990 those sound his own voice. No, that is no things that you should be thinking about. That you probably think he shouldn't be. I'm gonna leave you with that.
702 02:18:32,370 --> 02:18:41,520 Hope you have a good weekend. Hope nothing really pops off this weekend. But if it does, you know, it is what it is. But if I were you, I would go out and try
703 02:18:41,520 --> 02:19:00,930 to enjoy the weekend. Relax, and get prepared for another week of pursuit of profit and excellence. Study. And I think, what are we in month seven now on
704 02:19:00,930 --> 02:19:13,410 core content. So I'll have everything uploaded. By Sunday, so when Monday comes, will be in month seven. So whatever works out to be like an hour average.
705 02:19:15,300 --> 02:19:22,770 Duration in terms of time, I'm trying to hang around that much. I don't want to put too many videos up at one time, that's like two hours or three hours worth
706 02:19:22,770 --> 02:19:31,710 of content hour, it might go over a little bit of an hour. That's where I've been trying to make the uploads that type of schedule, because there's already
707 02:19:31,710 --> 02:19:37,950 too many of them up here and you're all trying to think you gotta get them. Watch right now because I'm gonna take them down. I'm not taking them down. I'm
708 02:19:37,950 --> 02:19:46,410 not taking them down. So just relax. In fact, there's going to be posts in Twitter, that I'll be taking you to specific minute markers. So when you click
709 02:19:46,410 --> 02:19:57,930 on the link, it will take you to a specific reference in a video I want you to understand about that's occurring either in a market that I'm trading or a
710 02:19:57,930 --> 02:20:06,000 market that you're probably watching in forex So that way, it's kind of like it takes you right to a specific moment. So you know what I'm talking about, and
711 02:20:06,000 --> 02:20:14,670 match it up to what the markets doing in real time. So it's interactive, you'll know exactly what it is. So you don't need to download the video, you can, well,
712 02:20:14,670 --> 02:20:22,740 maybe let's do it like this, download the video, so you have a copy of it. I don't care that you do that, in fact, do it. But the links on YouTube are going
713 02:20:22,740 --> 02:20:29,640 to be useful because even if you download those videos, the links I put up are going to be useless to you because that's not going to take you to the video in
714 02:20:29,640 --> 02:20:39,810 your own library downloaded on your computer. It's going to be an interactive approach going forward. So that way, even my private mentorship group will be
715 02:20:39,810 --> 02:20:53,640 able to benefit from it as well. And that prevents anyone from selling my stuff because I stuck it in there as good and deep. Until next time, be safe