
Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2023-02-23 12:32


00:33 - Where do you get all this energy? -.

03:23 - Jack Swagger and Market Wizardry.

09:03 - What would it look like if you could be a superpower?

16:01 - The need to be a market wizard.

22:50 - The only thing you’re showcasing is your ability to gamble.

24:24 - Larry William’s book, “Smart Money Tools”.

31:30 - What would it look like if there was really market wizardry in trading?

35:00 - How do you know when things aren’t going to work?

40:22 - How Larry Williams’ Trading Day of the Month template inspired Steve to start looking for seasonal tendencies.

47:01 - You didn't know this stuff was possible if someone would have told you that you could forecast how the market is going to gravitate.

51:03 - The Fair Value Gap -.

56:30 - Data is a premium commodity now -.

01:02:15 - The smartest people are the ones that know they can’t do this and they stop.

01:08:15 - Bring your bullshit lawsuit.

01:15:02 - Market Wizardry is what you're seeing.

01:18:05 - When you’re talking about specific pools of liquidity you are measuring the algorithms interest in getting to that level or not.

01:24:27 - You’ll know when not to touch any of that stuff -.

01:31:38 - Why you need to look at things differently.

01:38:50 - You’re in good hands.

01:42:04 - When I see other Youtubers and streamers out there doing this, I want them to sit down and contemplate what they’re doing

01:48:59 - You’re not going to be a superhero, but you’ll be a savage.

01:54:24 - When you have the ability to see the future, you have no idea how far you’re going.

02:00:27 - Why I don’t throw my books away -.

02:06:33 - When you start making your monthly salary gross before taxes in one trade, you feel like this was a fortunate windfall and then it repeats.

02:08:57 - He was the father figure I needed.

02:13:39 - When you start making a lot of money, it’s going to show you where your weaknesses are.

02:20:40 - There you go and you young men think that that’s not going to happen to you.

02:28:05 - Don’t leave anything on done.


00:00:33,330 --> 00:00:45,030 ICT: Good evening, folks. hope everybody's doing well. Yes, we're going at it again. So some of you probably are wondering where the hell do I get all this
00:00:45,030 --> 00:00:54,270 energy to do this, I'm suppose to be 50 years old, right? I don't sleep like the rest of you. That's, that's the secret. So we're going to talk a little bit
00:00:54,270 --> 00:01:08,430 about market wizardry, and everything else. If you've been in trading long enough to listen to folks talk about what books were influential to them. You
00:01:08,430 --> 00:01:18,990 probably heard Jack Swagger is books, Market Wizards and New Market Wizards and unknown Market Wizards and a couple other things you've done. I can't remember
00:01:18,990 --> 00:01:31,320 the other titles, but in my opinion, the first two were the best. And I wasn't really all that impressed with the the other ones after that. But I remember
00:01:31,320 --> 00:01:48,000 buying those books, going down to Columbia, Maryland, go to this traders library, where we go in and buy our stuff in our books and magazines and courses
00:01:48,000 --> 00:02:08,310 and sit. And I saw this first edition of Market Wizards there. And I'm thinking Market Wizards. Market Wizards. Yes, that sounds cool. That's going to teach me
00:02:08,310 --> 00:02:19,290 some real shit. Let me just get that book. So naturally, I was trying to keep it guarded until I got home. I didn't bother opening it up. Because I expected to
00:02:19,290 --> 00:02:34,800 see what graphs and charts and indicators and all kinds of alchemy with candlesticks and bar charts. Well, when I got home, I opened it up. And thumbing
10 00:02:34,800 --> 00:02:43,860 through it, and I didn't see any pictures, no graphs of any kind that made any kind of excitement for me. I'm thinking, Okay, well, they're just going to talk
11 00:02:43,860 --> 00:02:55,800 about it then. So I put it aside for a couple weeks actually read other books that I had purchased, and didn't have a morbid curiosity and the fact that I
12 00:02:55,800 --> 00:03:04,590 spent the money on it, I grabbed it, started going through it. And I was actually intrigued to listen to these individuals talk about their experience,
13 00:03:05,640 --> 00:03:24,450 which is honestly where I am today as an educator, and I guess you can say a trading influencer, that I like to see how other traders think. I'm not really
14 00:03:24,450 --> 00:03:34,110 interested in what they use for their techniques of trading. I'm not all that terribly interested in that. Sometimes depending on the person or personality, I
15 00:03:34,110 --> 00:03:42,870 might ask a question or two, just to get a feel for what it is that they're doing. What style of trading or the day trader short term traders use something
16 00:03:42,870 --> 00:03:54,000 to that effect. And while I enjoyed the book, Volume One and Two of Jack Swagger, and Market Wizards, I think everybody should have it. You know, I'm not
17 00:03:54,000 --> 00:04:08,730 getting anything for saying it. But I did a review on books that I felt were influential to me. And they inspired me some of the experiences that these
18 00:04:09,600 --> 00:04:25,140 investors had coming up, and they don't really go into detail on how they trade, which is nice, because it left it ambiguous. It left the reader wondering what
19 00:04:25,170 --> 00:04:44,220 wizardry they did. And because of that title of that book, it made me pursue knowledge that would otherwise be referred to as real market wizardry. And I was
20 00:04:44,220 --> 00:04:56,520 convinced as a young man that I could find that in indicators and applying different strategies and going in and trying to find strategies that worked well
21 00:04:56,520 --> 00:05:07,380 in specific areas and trying to improve prove upon what it is they did. I wasted a lot of time trying to fix things that I knew were broken, and other strategies
22 00:05:07,380 --> 00:05:18,930 and other approaches. And I could have different approaches to the classic indicators you're all aware of and use now today that I don't touch anymore. And
23 00:05:18,930 --> 00:05:34,230 I tinkered with everything, trying to find my own little Harry Potter experiment, trying to find my own wand. And I found out that everything that I
24 00:05:34,230 --> 00:05:50,370 was trying to mess around with, too, do these superhuman feats of accuracy. See, that's one of the things that if you go through those books, like me, I was
25 00:05:50,370 --> 00:06:00,570 waiting on bated breath, waiting for them to teach something that no one else would teach you that you would never find anywhere else. Because they did an
26 00:06:00,570 --> 00:06:12,240 interview with this guy, Jack, he was he or they would divulge some secret concept or approach to getting in there and finding a secret move that no one
27 00:06:12,240 --> 00:06:23,550 else could do. And while each new interview, I was waiting for one of them to step forward and do that, at the end of the book, I forgot about it. Because I
28 00:06:23,550 --> 00:06:30,240 enjoyed the dialogue between Jack and these individuals talking about their experiences, some better than others. Obviously, there's a few of them in there
29 00:06:30,240 --> 00:06:36,840 that I wasn't really impressed with. But everybody's gonna have their own opinion about, you know, just like they have opinions about me and I have
30 00:06:36,840 --> 00:06:49,020 opinions of other people. And opinions are like everything else, like everybody has it, but you get a shit really. But at the end of the book. While I was
31 00:06:49,020 --> 00:07:01,740 thinking about how I enjoyed it, it got me thinking about how I went into the book with something else. Something else put me into that book, it was the
32 00:07:01,740 --> 00:07:15,810 title. Market Wizards was a great title, great title. And while I didn't deliver on my initial expectations, as a Trading Book, even though yes, I read the dust
33 00:07:15,810 --> 00:07:27,870 cover. And it was interviews with traders that you did well in the industry. I was expecting, just like some of you now, every time I do a video, you're
34 00:07:27,870 --> 00:07:44,730 expecting some new techniques, some wizardry. And what I've learned over the years, is that while I was a younger man expecting other people to share their
35 00:07:44,880 --> 00:07:58,710 secrets, their market wizardry, their price chart, Alchemy. They really didn't do it, they really didn't deliver any of that they just talked about what it
36 00:07:58,710 --> 00:08:14,970 best talked about. And I was expecting someone to do a better job on spinning the retail stuff that everybody sees. And every time every single time, a new
37 00:08:14,970 --> 00:08:29,790 book, a new course a new something or other. It'd be the same boring bullshit. wouldn't get anything new from it at all. And then I started pursuing my own
38 00:08:30,300 --> 00:08:41,460 studies. And I started thinking about stuff. Okay. If and think about this, as I asked you this question. If you've never thought about it, think about it right
39 00:08:41,460 --> 00:08:55,170 now. If there really were Market Wizards, traders that were able to do things that were just a cut above everything else that you'd seen before. Something
40 00:08:55,170 --> 00:09:11,460 just really separates what they do from everything else. What would it look like? Well, I got the thinking when I was coming up, like a superpower. You
41 00:09:11,460 --> 00:09:24,420 know, my sons, when they're growing up and my youngest, so he's a little bit slower than the average person I mentioned. He was harmed by a vaccine when he
42 00:09:24,420 --> 00:09:39,630 was born. And while he's not terribly slow, he's noticeably slower than the rest of my kids. bright child, very artistic, very creative. But he's slower
43 00:09:40,530 --> 00:09:49,860 academically. And sometimes he still talks to me like a little kid. And they'll ask me say that. If you could be a superhero, what superpowers would you pick?
44 00:09:51,030 --> 00:10:00,720 It's almost like he forgets the Ask Smith me this question. Every three or four months you'll ask it and I'll tell him something different because I know He's
45 00:10:00,720 --> 00:10:08,310 asked the question before, but I want to treat it like it's a new conversation and a new opportunity to you broaden his opinion about what it is that we're
46 00:10:08,310 --> 00:10:24,480 talking about. So because of that conversation with my youngest son, it made me think about this tonight, and how I came up learning these things, developing
47 00:10:24,480 --> 00:10:25,320 these things,
48 00:10:27,090 --> 00:10:37,560 being inspired by how these markets really book price, and really taking a step away from what everybody else and what I was introduced to, like, everybody else
49 00:10:37,560 --> 00:10:49,140 is, you read the same stuff. Everybody looks at the same thing. The same books, the same strategies, the trend lines and all that stuff. And there are people
50 00:10:49,140 --> 00:10:59,550 out there that make money with that. Absolutely. But my opinion, and this is simply my opinion may differ with you. And you may not agree with what I'm about
51 00:10:59,550 --> 00:11:09,780 to say. But just because someone makes a lot of money. I don't really think that makes them a market wizard. It makes them extremely profitable trader.
52 00:11:09,840 --> 00:11:26,220 Absolutely that skill. That is absolute skill. There's no denying that. But I don't really see that as a market wizard. To me, that conjures up ideas of
53 00:11:27,030 --> 00:11:43,050 precision, accuracy, foresight, higher strike rate than the average trader knowing not to go in to areas where it's not likely to do well, where other
54 00:11:43,050 --> 00:11:52,080 traders that are extremely profitable, they'll take more losses, because they're comfortable with taking losses. And they're comfortable with coming out of
55 00:11:52,080 --> 00:12:07,110 drawdown. Whereas in my opinion, a market wizard would be abstaining from that, and knowing when not to do those things. So when I was a younger man, I made a
56 00:12:07,110 --> 00:12:15,570 list of things that I wanted to really focus on one of them. Obviously, I mentioned this many times in passing. And if you're new listener, I'll just toss
57 00:12:15,570 --> 00:12:26,010 it in here, because you may not have heard it yet. But you probably will, if you go through all the stuffs on my YouTube channel. But one of the first mentors to
58 00:12:26,010 --> 00:12:36,240 me and I've never met this man, so please don't bother him like other people have done. But Larry Williams, I purchased everything that man put out, when I
59 00:12:36,240 --> 00:12:48,840 was younger guy, whatever he did, about if he had an article that he did, you know, wherever he did anything, I got it. He was like, he was like my Babe Ruth,
60 00:12:48,930 --> 00:13:00,090 you know, he was like my Rocky Marciano, my Muhammad Ali, he was the person that I aspired to be like, I wanted to be like him, not in the sense that everybody
61 00:13:00,090 --> 00:13:12,180 looked up to him because he took 10,000 to $1.2 million in a year. But because he had tools that I felt were market wizardry, what tools am I talking about?
62 00:13:12,960 --> 00:13:23,580 Mostly what he has written in his book, how I made a million dollars trading commodities last year. It's a 1970s book. But 75% of that books still relevant
63 00:13:23,580 --> 00:13:37,350 today. I don't, I don't subscribe to the the lunar phases and I bullshit, but all the other stuff, the chapters that he dubs his million dollar tools, they
64 00:13:37,350 --> 00:13:55,050 absolutely are exactly what they are titled. If you're a commodity trader, that stuff still works. Most of my understanding of what a mega trade is, comes right
65 00:13:55,050 --> 00:14:09,450 out of that book. And what I've done is I've heard him in his lectures and his keynote, speakings and everything that he's ever talked about and taught on. And
66 00:14:09,450 --> 00:14:20,370 wherever that man said, he had a difficulty overcoming this. Or he tried this, it didn't work for him. So therefore I use that as well, if he couldn't do it,
67 00:14:21,150 --> 00:14:30,780 let me see if I can go in here and figure that out. Because I've always been a person that loves puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, crossword puzzles, word searches.
68 00:14:31,680 --> 00:14:44,100 That's how my mind thinks. I'm extremely analytical and obsessive. So if I hear someone say they have a issue, and I have an affinity for them, my whole point
69 00:14:44,130 --> 00:14:51,360 of doing it was I'm going to fix this problem for them, and I'm going to share it with them. And they're gonna appreciate me because I'd done it. That was my
70 00:14:51,540 --> 00:15:04,860 20 year old mentality going into most of what I was trying to do as an initial trader, trying to figure it out. He's puzzles. And one of his lectures he
71 00:15:04,860 --> 00:15:17,490 mentioned how it was a short term trading. I don't want to call it a workshop he was standing up on like the stage, he was just talking to the traders and such
72 00:15:17,490 --> 00:15:32,580 and kind like an auditorium event. And it was on the topic of short term trading. And he mentioned how he had no real understanding how to figure out how
73 00:15:32,580 --> 00:15:43,530 to buy at the low. When bullish days, he would always buy on strength, most of everything he did, all of his trading systems were buying on strength, buying on
74 00:15:43,530 --> 00:15:52,770 strength, if it opened below the previous day's low, and it rallies up 20% of the previous day's range, he's buying strength, well, that's, to me, that's
75 00:15:52,770 --> 00:16:04,230 chasing price. And that's why he has these really large stops 25 on an algebra contract. That to me, you know, that's, that's a lot. It's very forgiving. When
76 00:16:04,230 --> 00:16:15,150 you are very confident that you think it's ultimately gonna go a certain measure of handles or, or range. But I never felt comfortable with that I tried very
77 00:16:15,150 --> 00:16:26,400 hard to use his mechanical systems and his rule based ideas, and I just, I couldn't make none of that work, it didn't fit with me. And to me, it
78 00:16:26,400 --> 00:16:45,900 highlighted this need this need to be a market wizard. I wanted to be what that title Jack Swagger is book, I wanted to I wanted to be that title in flesh. Now,
79 00:16:45,900 --> 00:16:52,470 I didn't tell everybody what I was trying to do. Because if I told everybody what I was trying to do, they would have told me that I'm wasting my time. And
80 00:16:52,470 --> 00:17:00,900 no, they wouldn't even understand it. Because most people unless you are a trader, they all everyone we tell when we say we're investing in trading and day
81 00:17:00,900 --> 00:17:09,240 trading, they right away, they know you, you're off your rocker. There's something different about you, you're eccentric. And that's a nice way of saying
82 00:17:09,240 --> 00:17:19,800 you're fucking nuts for wanting to risk your money like this. You have to be a special type of person to believe in yourself doing this and making money. The
83 00:17:19,800 --> 00:17:30,420 average person just can't do that. So you should feel good about yourself because you're cut from a different kind of cloth. And when I was younger, I
84 00:17:30,420 --> 00:17:38,910 knew that about myself. I knew even though I felt overwhelmed when I would blow my initial accounts, and I was frustrated because I wanted to just work right
85 00:17:38,910 --> 00:17:54,570 away. I go back to my notes and think, Okay, what is I'm trying to do? Where am I going to focus. And I wanted to come up with these approaches that would zero
86 00:17:54,570 --> 00:18:12,330 in on a very specific turning point in the marketplace. Because I knew, because of my personal losing trades. my stop loss would many times be the very turning
87 00:18:12,330 --> 00:18:27,930 point in the market direction. And I'm thinking myself, okay, if this is a net sum Zero game, every loser, there's a winner on the other side of it. Okay? How
88 00:18:27,930 --> 00:18:42,270 on earth? Can I be using everything in these books, going from system to system using everything I followed these rules, I followed them. And they didn't
89 00:18:42,300 --> 00:18:59,280 deliver. So it made me wonder if I'm this inconsistent as a new trader. And I'm doing the same things over and over again. I need to come to a point where at
90 00:18:59,280 --> 00:19:10,350 the moment, I feel like I need to be doing what these books tell me to do. I need to stop right then and there. And flip the script. If I feel like I have to
91 00:19:10,350 --> 00:19:21,750 be a buyer based on that bullshit that I was looking at all those books and trying to utilize, stop. Look for what would exist at the opposite spectrum at
92 00:19:21,750 --> 00:19:32,790 that very moment. What signatures and price action would I see if I'm ready to take that trade if I am committed emotionally and psychologically, to follow the
93 00:19:32,790 --> 00:19:43,500 rule based ideas that these retail concepts are supposedly teaching us at the very moment that I have committed? I'm about to take the trade then I have to
94 00:19:43,500 --> 00:20:04,710 stop. turn everything upside down, quite literally. And then look for what it is in the chart at that moment. And that is exactly what I was doing on America
95 00:20:04,710 --> 00:20:15,930 Online. When people were watching me on that message board, run up trade after trade after trade, calling everything in advance. And anybody that would have
96 00:20:15,930 --> 00:20:23,130 did trade for trade, everything I said, would have done $90,000 In one month without any pyramid.
97 00:20:25,050 --> 00:20:35,190 And that's what got my attention, or that's what got everyone's attention, and started following me. Like you're all following now, because you see me doing
98 00:20:35,190 --> 00:20:48,540 things with precision. Every single person that's came to me has come to me by way of seeing something I've done, or you were shared a video of me executing on
99 00:20:48,540 --> 00:21:02,580 something. And you noticed that that's something different. That's different. Sure, people buying sell, they make money, it's wonderful. But they're not doing
100 00:21:03,270 --> 00:21:12,330 the same laser guided entry points. pyramid thing and building up and building up and building up and going right to the same thing all the time. targets,
101 00:21:12,330 --> 00:21:26,970 filled targets hit the targets Hill. You're not seeing that 10,000 automax last days in the same week, multiple times. You're seeing levels, thought process,
102 00:21:28,080 --> 00:21:40,890 narrative, walking you through every individual candle and the logic that it should deliver to. And it goes against everything that every book that I've ever
103 00:21:40,890 --> 00:21:54,780 purchased, tells me. So I sat down. And the first thing I figured out was my power three. Larry Williams says he couldn't figure out how to buy below the
104 00:21:54,780 --> 00:22:05,580 opening price on bullish days. Nothing. Nothing he had allowed him to do that. That's his words, Was he lying and he did it surreptitiously. In his personal
105 00:22:05,580 --> 00:22:13,500 trading, we got to take him at face value. He said he didn't. And that's what I did as a 20 year old. He says he didn't. So that was a personal challenge to me.
106 00:22:14,100 --> 00:22:23,520 I'm going to conquer that for him. He was my hero. I wanted to do that. And say here, look, here's my contribution for producing all this material, who at the
107 00:22:23,520 --> 00:22:33,240 time, as a young man, I felt like he did this just for me. Like all the planets aligned. This was the answer to prayer, much like what all of you say about me?
108 00:22:37,650 --> 00:22:52,170 I was in awe of his works, his books, everything he did. I was not that impressed with his 10,000 to $1.2 million. I was not impressed with that.
109 00:22:53,010 --> 00:23:05,760 Because I understand that that is absolutely nuts. That's not trading. That's gambling with charts. That's what that is. Anytime you are competing in a
110 00:23:05,760 --> 00:23:17,940 competition like that. The only thing you're showcasing is your ability to gamble. Now, if you want to have a competition, where precision entries, lowest
111 00:23:17,940 --> 00:23:34,470 drawdown accuracy, then absolutely that's a trading competition. That's where world class precision would shine. Because anybody can get lucky. Over
112 00:23:34,470 --> 00:23:41,820 leveraging accounts and doing dumb shit. If you've ever traded long enough with lifelines, you've probably experienced a run where you kept doing something too
113 00:23:41,820 --> 00:23:55,590 much. Too much leverage too high of number of contracts or positions in forex, or shares on a stock and you had this windfall victory. And you think to
114 00:23:55,590 --> 00:24:11,910 yourself shit, if I could just do that like every other day. Unrealistic, unrealistic expectations. Trading competitions. Wow. They're wonderful. They're
115 00:24:11,910 --> 00:24:26,010 very entertaining. They're not really showcasing trading skill, because anybody can over leverage on one windfall price run. And Larry Williams even said that
116 00:24:26,010 --> 00:24:36,270 about himself in 1987. He caught up good luck in the marketplace. That was his exact words. So I don't, I never looked at that and said that was an
117 00:24:36,270 --> 00:24:48,810 inspirational thing to me. I mean, I have to recognize it. It's the longest standing record in Robins cup. No one's ever come close to it. But I was more
118 00:24:48,810 --> 00:24:59,760 impressed with his tools. How he utilized open interest and how he looked for accumulation and distribution and his accumulation distribution formula while it
119 00:24:59,760 --> 00:25:09,960 worked. to a lot as a commodity trader, I saw it, it was there. It made me think about measuring accumulation distribution, were as I never would have ever
120 00:25:09,960 --> 00:25:23,820 considered it had, he never brought it up in his teachings. So it brought this insatiable desire for me to go in pursuing how to track these smart money
121 00:25:23,940 --> 00:25:37,770 traders. When I came up with Smart Money concepts, just like my name, inner circle trader, Larry Williams as my initial mentor, and I call him my mentor,
122 00:25:37,770 --> 00:25:52,800 because I subscribed to 90% of what he ever said. Now, I probably use about four to 3%, of whatever he's used and taught in my own personal trading today. But
123 00:25:52,800 --> 00:26:02,940 you can see his fingerprints and his influence over me. And I have still a great deal of respect for him, I'm so thankful that he put his work out there. Because
124 00:26:02,940 --> 00:26:15,030 he could have just said, Fuck all you, and I'm making my money. And there it is. But it's a lot of money to be made. When you're teaching. I've seen that. Lots
125 00:26:15,030 --> 00:26:24,540 of money, it's real, real easy money to do that. But you have to have something that's worth learning. And you have to be able to show that it works. And that's
126 00:26:24,570 --> 00:26:31,950 one of the wonderful things I get to do with all of you. I show you real time I call it live, I walk you through it minute by minute, and you see it every
127 00:26:31,950 --> 00:26:45,900 single day. But these tools, were he had his inner circle workshop. Well, like I mentioned in corbs interview, that meant it and also in passing when I was on
128 00:26:45,900 --> 00:26:54,060 baby pips, when they were asking me where to get their name from that inner circle workshop. I was like, Shit, I didn't, I didn't go to that workshop. I
129 00:26:54,120 --> 00:27:12,450 wish I could. But I'm going to be the inner circle trader. And now I am smart money concepts. Sounds cool, doesn't it? Well, that was inspired by that book
130 00:27:12,480 --> 00:27:26,070 written in 1970. By Larry Williams, his smart money, tools. His Smart Money tools, open interest, accumulation, distribution, Commitment of Traders, you and
131 00:27:26,070 --> 00:27:34,560 premiums, premiums in the sense that you're looking at the commodity market. And you're looking at a carrying normal carrying charge market where the contracts,
132 00:27:34,590 --> 00:27:41,640 for instance, like if you're looking at oil, crude oil, you're looking at the nearby contract now whatever it's trading at, and we'll just say I don't know,
133 00:27:41,640 --> 00:27:49,830 because I'm not looking at well, they say 200 Ops, and then the next contract in the future that would be traded when the nearby contract expires, it should be
134 00:27:49,830 --> 00:28:00,750 like $102, it should be more money going in the future. But if it ever reverses, that is considered a premium. And it's an inversion of normal carrying charge
135 00:28:00,750 --> 00:28:14,940 market pricing for the delivery contract months for a futures contract. And that means there's a real high fevered pitch, demand, real demand. So supply and
136 00:28:14,940 --> 00:28:29,760 demand does work. In that asset class. There's a real supply and demand need for commodities. You need it, you need oil, you need gold, you need grains, you need
137 00:28:29,760 --> 00:28:39,480 meats, you need coffee, I don't drink, it's horrible. But people you know, they need to have that further fix and caffeine and shit. So all of that is a real
138 00:28:39,480 --> 00:28:49,620 supply and demand asset class, you can measure real supply and demand there, you really can't measure real supply and demand with a share of stock or a currency.
139 00:28:51,030 --> 00:29:02,160 There's a synthetic approach to doing it. But it's not the same as seeing it with a market like a commodity market grains, your real tangible things, grocery
140 00:29:02,160 --> 00:29:20,790 store items basically sugar, cocoa, coffee, orange juice, meats, cattle hogs. So I have a lot more tools and concepts than Mr. Williams introduced to the trading
141 00:29:21,030 --> 00:29:33,930 universe and community. But I absolutely subscribe to those that he taught because they are essentially how you can carve out the understanding of real
142 00:29:33,930 --> 00:29:53,250 supply and demand in the commodity markets. But I never felt like that was enough. I always wanted to do more I wanted to over deliver and have an arsenal
143 00:29:53,280 --> 00:29:54,300 of weapons.
144 00:29:55,620 --> 00:30:04,320 One weapon that was good for when the market is going to reverse and go lower. one weapon that I wanted to use when it's going to reverse and go higher one
145 00:30:04,320 --> 00:30:13,710 weapon when I'm going to trade in a trading range, one weapon when it's going to be extremely hard, one directional trending model, very little retracements. And
146 00:30:13,710 --> 00:30:25,650 I set out to look for these things that would repeat over and over and over again, I paid so much money for old data, charts and chart books and things, all
147 00:30:25,650 --> 00:30:43,830 kinds of statistical data on every market. Everything. palladium, platinum, copper, oats, granola, flaxseed, those things are very, very thin as a commodity
148 00:30:43,830 --> 00:30:55,080 market, but I had all that shit. Because I was completely immersed in this. I lived in Brazil, obviously, we can see me. You know, I'm with you every day.
149 00:30:55,410 --> 00:31:06,210 More times. I'm sure your own family members are. And I'm constantly pouring into you. Because I have a lot of shit to talk about this year. But I wanted to
150 00:31:06,210 --> 00:31:24,840 have with that book title suggested market wizardry. I wanted to know, that I knew that I knew. I want to know I had a tool for that. And you hear people say
151 00:31:24,840 --> 00:31:30,810 all the time, oh, it doesn't matter what the market is going to do ICT is going to come up with some shit. And yeah, he did this and did that. You're fucking
152 00:31:30,810 --> 00:31:40,530 right. You're damn right. That's exactly what I've spent my entire fucking adult life doing. I got tech that you couldn't even fucking imagine.
153 00:31:45,810 --> 00:31:58,290 And I'm sharing it before it happens. proving it. And you can't find it anywhere else. As much as other people out there. You got $500,000 Folks, okay. It's an
154 00:31:58,290 --> 00:32:08,580 unknown number of you listening right now. And people take it they put on YouTube. I'm going to pay 500 Fucking 1000 on the fact that it's $2.5 million.
155 00:32:08,970 --> 00:32:19,440 Now 2.5 million fucking dollars. Everything that I'm teaching in this mentorship and everything I taught my core content, everything. Okay? All the things. Find
156 00:32:19,440 --> 00:32:29,700 that shit with the settlement I mentioned in lottery wins, which is only three or four things. Everything, find it somewhere else in anything written before
157 00:32:29,700 --> 00:32:39,360 1996 video format film, or written as we published before, then I'm gonna tell you right now, that $2.5 million ain't never leave my motherfucking hands
158 00:32:39,360 --> 00:32:47,730 because you can't find it. You cannot find it. It's not fucking rehashed. It's not written labeled. It's not renamed. It's not fucking twisted. It's not
159 00:32:47,730 --> 00:32:59,880 revamped. It's mine. And I'm proud of that. It's been entrusted to me.
160 00:33:05,340 --> 00:33:19,710 So when you look at books that talk about market wizardry, technical science, I coined that shit. Echoing that said, Eric, no technical science will boom it is
161 00:33:19,710 --> 00:33:33,150 now. ICT is bringing that shit. Now think about it. Folks, I asked you to contemplate on what it would look like if there was really market wizardry in
162 00:33:33,240 --> 00:33:48,690 trading and speculation. What would it look like? Would it look like having a map of how the market would trade in the future? Almost 75% of the time doing
163 00:33:48,690 --> 00:34:04,110 the same thing over and over again. Wouldn't it have something like that? Yeah, that's a seasonal tendency. More research? Okay. Steve Moore, has the absolute
164 00:34:04,110 --> 00:34:27,120 fucking best. The best seasonal tendency work that's ever, ever been produced. Steve Moore is the highest pinnacle of seasonal tendency, research data and
165 00:34:27,120 --> 00:34:41,940 resources. And what he sells is ridiculously underpriced. And he probably doesn't know who the fuck I am. But I've been wrapping his essence. I was first
166 00:34:41,940 --> 00:34:56,670 introduced to him. In 1995. Anybody that's ever said any messages on tendencies? Unless it's coming from his work. They're absolutely full of fucking shit.
167 00:34:58,590 --> 00:35:11,550 Sorry. You might have your heroes and shit, but I'm telling you, there ain't nothing like that what net man's put down and compiled. Unbelievable. Just
168 00:35:11,550 --> 00:35:22,620 beautiful, beautiful resource. Seasonal tendencies are a real fucking thing. Now, they're not going to work all the time. And books don't tell you when
169 00:35:22,620 --> 00:35:32,490 they're not going to work. So where did ICT go in there? I want to know when they're not going to work. And by knowing that I know when they're going to
170 00:35:32,490 --> 00:35:51,840 fucking work. Oh, shit. Yes. Yes, that's exactly what the fuck I did. So, a market wizard would have what a map, a map that leads to the Forbidden Zone, the
171 00:35:51,870 --> 00:36:07,530 inner circle, where the average person is not permitted to step in. And Angel spirit to trot. Oh. You're also going to imagine that a market wizard would have
172 00:36:07,590 --> 00:36:26,970 ways to determine the highest high and the lowest low for a week of trading. So Young ICT set out on a quest to figure out how to do that. And ICT was
173 00:36:26,970 --> 00:36:39,690 successful in that. And then you start to think, hey, you know what, there's this shit called floor pivots. Pivot numbers, you know, R one, r two s one, s
174 00:36:39,690 --> 00:36:50,400 two, and the central pivot number. I spent a lot of time working with those numbers. And sometimes they work sometimes. But I wasn't happy with some fucking
175 00:36:50,400 --> 00:37:02,310 times. Okay? What if you went to work? You had perfect attendance. You had perfect fucking tenant, you did what you were told by your boss. Never started
176 00:37:02,310 --> 00:37:12,240 in fucking trouble. You put up with fucking Carl's bullshit every fucking day. But you don't get paid for every day of the week. Something happen. Your boss
177 00:37:12,240 --> 00:37:21,750 gets a case of the fucking acid says you know what? I just can't I just can't pay you on Thursday. You give it I need you to work. What the fuck? Are you
178 00:37:21,750 --> 00:37:31,440 gonna? Do? You're gonna put up with that shit? No, no, you're not. And that's how I look at with market analysis concepts. It's got to fucking make sense.
179 00:37:31,860 --> 00:37:41,250 Because listen, if there's real probabilities behind something, you should know when they're in favor, and when they're not likely to be in favor. Now it does
180 00:37:41,250 --> 00:37:50,250 not mean, you're gonna know with 100% strike rate, that that's not possible. You're You're human on human, you're going to do something, you're going to have
181 00:37:50,490 --> 00:37:58,770 some kind of emotional charge behind it. Someone said something to you about when your internet, your concepts don't work. Okay? You're gonna go out there
182 00:37:58,770 --> 00:38:06,630 and try to do what you're trying to shove it right up their ass. So you really want to see that trade, p&l and your stocking, you really want it to happen.
183 00:38:07,590 --> 00:38:18,270 Well, is that really trading clear headed? No. Absolutely not. So there's going to be this human element. It's always introduced in trading, if you're
184 00:38:18,270 --> 00:38:27,480 depressed. I mentioned this morning, if you're issues that's going on your personal life, that's going to influence your decision making skills, it's going
185 00:38:27,480 --> 00:38:37,260 to make you look harmonic, or make you a little exaggerated and quick to make a move, because you want to take that sting away from whatever's causing you
186 00:38:37,260 --> 00:38:51,000 depression and replace it with a feel good lottery win. But you have to have a faith and understanding that what we do as a trader, there's something behind
187 00:38:51,180 --> 00:39:00,720 these catalysts, these triggers that cause us to get in a trade to place a stop where we're going to place the stop to risk as much as we're going to risk and
188 00:39:00,720 --> 00:39:12,510 the target where we're expecting to see markets trade to as an objective our Terminus. And largely, if you look at what we have put up with, with retail
189 00:39:12,510 --> 00:39:25,350 horseshit over the course of your career and mine. It's a lot of bullshit out there. It's a lot of bullshit. And think about how much you talked yourself into
190 00:39:25,350 --> 00:39:37,050 believing that nonsense. Hoping that it was going to take you out of your job when you really had no fucking proof that that she was going to work. It was
191 00:39:37,050 --> 00:39:53,550 just a whim. A hunch. Oh, it's a hope a wishful prayer. Man, I hope these moving averages as an animal patterns lead to me making money so I can get at my job. I
192 00:39:53,550 --> 00:39:58,800 hope these Gartley patterns deliver these butterflies and bats
193 00:40:04,170 --> 00:40:17,550 So I decided that I was going to spend my life pursuing real precision oriented things. And I wanted tools that would tell me when to do something and when not
194 00:40:17,550 --> 00:40:28,560 to do something, and it would not be ambiguous. So I sat out and looked for when the high of the week would form and when the low was that week would form and
195 00:40:28,560 --> 00:40:37,470 what days they would form. And where was I inspired by that? Larry Williams, he would have this thing called trading day of the month. Now, they weren't all
196 00:40:37,470 --> 00:40:49,830 that accurate, but the major turns, and they let me paint a picture for you. Imagine a seasonal tendency for the s&p and the bond market over the course of
197 00:40:49,860 --> 00:40:59,130 each individual month. So if you have trading days, for the month, we'll say an average of 20 trading days, Monday through Friday for weeks or whatever. And
198 00:40:59,130 --> 00:41:11,250 what the market typically did, he crunched the numbers and spit out this data that said, by far and large, this is usually what the s&p and or the bond market
199 00:41:11,250 --> 00:41:23,220 would do for this month of the year. And when I first saw I was like, Oh, shit, I'm going in there. And I every single day, if it was a downtick on the line
200 00:41:23,220 --> 00:41:37,200 chart, it's basically what he was showing you. Then I would sell short. And I got my ass handed to me. And then what I started doing was, and it really wasn't
201 00:41:39,060 --> 00:41:49,110 a smart thing to do. But I was impulsive, obviously, as a young man, and I was trying to make a lot of money real quick. But I noticed that the key turning
202 00:41:49,110 --> 00:42:00,840 point for each trading day of the month, template that he produced and shared. If I just focused on the highest one, when it was getting ready to go down, I
203 00:42:00,840 --> 00:42:16,200 was waiting for that one to occur. And then the next day, then I would look for the trade to go short. So I was using as a confirmation. But it really inspired
204 00:42:16,200 --> 00:42:30,090 me to look for things that would tell me what a roadmap not only over a seasonal tendency that I get and have openly shared and told you, Steve Moore, for more
205 00:42:30,090 --> 00:42:45,780 research, you can Google him. His service is the absolute fucking bomb. For seasonal tendencies. It is so good. I wish I could say more about it to make you
206 00:42:45,780 --> 00:42:58,920 understand how good I've used this man's shit since 1995. There's never been anyone that came close to him. And what he's done, his material, and the work
207 00:42:58,920 --> 00:43:08,940 and seasonal tendencies is the highest degree. And I get absolutely nothing for saying except for the fact that I'm so thankful that he didn't keep it to
208 00:43:08,940 --> 00:43:23,010 himself. And what he sells it for dirt cheap. It's ridiculous. It's, it's, it's crazy. Because he could sell it for a lot more if the traders that looked at it
209 00:43:23,010 --> 00:43:33,780 knew how to utilize it. Because the way he teaches it, in my opinion. It's not how I use it. But he talks about the best seasonal tendencies kind of like
210 00:43:33,780 --> 00:43:46,620 filters it out for you. But their whole approach to thinking about seasonal tendencies like that. And then over the month, what does the s&p do for that
211 00:43:46,620 --> 00:43:57,180 particular month? Where's the main high and where's it usually go overall, if it's going to be a big down swing, the fifth day of the month, and it just keeps
212 00:43:57,180 --> 00:44:05,760 on going lower into the remainder of the month. That tells you it's going to be a really bearish month typically. And I'm not here trying to share or teach
213 00:44:06,030 --> 00:44:22,620 Larry Williams stuff. I mean, I don't know if you can google or find it anymore. But it was all part of his workshop. And that idea inspired me to go in looking
214 00:44:22,620 --> 00:44:36,150 for things that would give me an insight. And I literally scoured every fucking timeframe on the s&p in on the bond market. I literally stripped those two
215 00:44:36,150 --> 00:44:50,040 markets down to ticks. For years of data, I would have that shit in books in spiral notebooks with me in my truck delivering candy bars and fucking Tasty
216 00:44:50,040 --> 00:45:02,820 Cakes, coffee and sodas and shit. And when I had one or two minutes sitting at a stoplight that page was already opened for me to start looking at yet again, I
217 00:45:02,820 --> 00:45:16,650 was a nut with the I needed to constantly be a sponge. And every time I saw something new ideas new. Now, I wouldn't say epiphanies because there was a lot
218 00:45:16,650 --> 00:45:28,650 of things that I thought I was being led to look into. And they really didn't pan out, they were just dead ends. But over the course of 15 years, 18 years,
219 00:45:30,000 --> 00:45:44,010 most of what I have today, that is who I am, was derived from all that shit, digging into things that really was an inspiration to be nothing like anyone
220 00:45:44,010 --> 00:45:56,010 else. Like I wanted, I wanted to be able to sit down with Larry Williams, you know what I mean? And, and say, here's what I've done. And I will, I knew if I
221 00:45:56,010 --> 00:46:06,330 ever had an opportunity to see this man. And I just have to tell him, my oldest son, yesterday said, he's in his 80s and shit. So he's old. But I would love to
222 00:46:06,330 --> 00:46:17,070 meet him, shake his hand, and then show him what I have done. And say, Look, your shirt is awesome. In the 1970s. It was fucking brilliant shit. But look
223 00:46:17,070 --> 00:46:29,910 what the fuck I've done. Look at this shit. Look at this. This is nuts. Like, how many times have you seen me? Call the high in the low of the day. Now
224 00:46:29,910 --> 00:46:39,120 granted, I was off by a point today. Okay, it happens. I've already made concessions with that and told you, hey, look, you know, sometimes I'm off a
225 00:46:39,120 --> 00:46:57,780 little bit. But I do this. Day in, week out Month, Year, everything I've been doing this for years. Quietly in my own little corner of the community as as
226 00:46:57,780 --> 00:47:06,600 traders, until I stepped out there, none of you knew me. And you didn't know this stuff was possible. If someone would have told you that you could forecast
227 00:47:06,600 --> 00:47:16,920 how the market is going to gravitate back to think about those pivots. Okay, think about the floor traders pivot numbers. I've used them and many times the
228 00:47:16,920 --> 00:47:25,830 market was just smoked them go right on through and don't it's like they weren't even there. So what happened? People started doing what tinkering with it.
229 00:47:26,370 --> 00:47:33,840 Here's the version of floor trader pivot numbers. This guy's version of it and this guy, how many fucking floor pivot numbers you need. It's the same one
230 00:47:33,960 --> 00:47:45,030 that's always being used by the floor traders when they were in open out cry pits in the Soccer Soccer market to change and see CBOT. It's the same fucking
231 00:47:45,210 --> 00:47:53,310 plain Jane pivot numbers. Okay. What happens is, is people take something, they tinker and tinker and tinker and tinker, because they want to leave a mark on
232 00:47:53,310 --> 00:48:03,720 the industry. They want to be worshipped. And I'm wasn't really interested in all that. So I had all these tools, and all these weapons of mass destruction.
233 00:48:05,070 --> 00:48:14,550 And the only person I was really interested in sharing it with was Larry Williams. That was that was really what I was doing. I was building up this
234 00:48:16,440 --> 00:48:28,530 volume of work to say, look, this is what you fucking caused in my life. You inspired me to do these things. And I've never met him. And I know he's probably
235 00:48:29,640 --> 00:48:38,640 I know, he's heard about me, because trolls and such have commented, and so you know, Hey, I said you meant you mentored him. And he's been honest, that I've
236 00:48:38,640 --> 00:48:49,080 been honest, I've never met him in my life. I've never met him. But he has been like, I've never met none of you. But I'm your mentor. I'm teaching I'm actively
237 00:48:49,080 --> 00:49:00,270 teaching you. I couldn't recognize you, in a group of people, as a person that listens to me. But you know that you are a student of mine. And if you introduce
238 00:49:00,270 --> 00:49:09,900 yourself, Hi, I'm so and so. I listened to your mentorship, lecture work and, you know, this is what I'm doing with it, or this is my opinion about it. I
239 00:49:09,900 --> 00:49:26,040 would recognize you that way. But until the trolls went and started messing with him and his wife, unfortunately, harassing him that moment where I could sit
240 00:49:26,040 --> 00:49:38,790 down with him and say, hey, look, you were very inspirational to me when I was a young man. You were a catalyst to cause me to go in and look for shit. That is
241 00:49:38,820 --> 00:49:42,180 off the beaten trail. And
242 00:49:43,830 --> 00:49:52,740 for someone that says there isn't those them guys did it to us guys again. There's there isn't these people out there just going after your stuff? And I've
243 00:49:52,740 --> 00:50:01,050 said this publicly and not to be disrespectful, but he's fucking wrong. Okay, there's absolutely there's an entity out there that does that. Okay. And you're
244 00:50:01,050 --> 00:50:19,200 hearing it. So the point is, he inspired me to dig into things when a very deep and technical pursuit. And I learned how to really call the highs and lows of
245 00:50:19,200 --> 00:50:28,500 the day were. And when you think about like, when we were younger, back in the 90s. And now I'm saying, some of you probably are listening, and you're older to
246 00:50:28,500 --> 00:50:37,590 me, and I've traded using pivot numbers and shit like that, and your laugh yourself, was using that shit to back in the day. But it wasn't really
247 00:50:37,590 --> 00:50:46,740 consistent with giving you the high and the low of the day, usually you get one or two of the doubles be hit, and there'll be usually the one level s one or s
248 00:50:46,740 --> 00:50:56,160 two, the support level, one of them would be real close to the low of the day sometimes, then other times, it wouldn't be anywhere around it. So I was really
249 00:50:56,160 --> 00:51:07,110 never satisfied with that. I believed as a young man, once I started digging into the data and started seeing shit. I'm like, Okay, this keeps repeating. I
250 00:51:07,110 --> 00:51:22,110 see this, like, I fucking see this thing. Okay, this little thing that I called and dubbed the fair value gap. It's much like when well, it was my nephew, my
251 00:51:22,110 --> 00:51:35,550 cousin, Aaron, Michael Stan's son, when I sat there and watched him coming up, and he used to read these little highlight books called highlight. And it's like
252 00:51:35,550 --> 00:51:43,680 a children's activity book, they would be mailed to your house every month. And then one page at this book, I like to get it before he did before he came home
253 00:51:43,680 --> 00:51:51,060 from school, I'd already looked at it, and I would mark it up, but I would look at it because there's a page in there. That is a hidden picture book. And what
254 00:51:51,060 --> 00:51:59,730 it is, is these little things, it's like, sometimes I'll draw a cup, or a candlestick, a literal candlestick, not a chart, not a chart, like we look at
255 00:51:59,730 --> 00:52:11,220 candlesticks, or a shoe, or a needle or something like that. And they hide that picture inside of a picture. So I've always been interested like that, like I
256 00:52:11,220 --> 00:52:25,500 look for that kind of stuff. I'm analytical, I'm looking for patterns within patterns. I'm looking for new shit that isn't typical, a puzzle. So when I
257 00:52:25,500 --> 00:52:36,300 started looking at price action, I was convinced that if I looked at it hard enough, studied it long enough, and turned every fucking thing that I've ever
258 00:52:36,300 --> 00:52:47,370 learned as a retail minded trader, the shit that we're told to look for, what would be the fucking opposite of that indicator to tells you what if it's saying
259 00:52:47,370 --> 00:52:56,040 it's overbought in retail, it's going to say, it's time to look for bearish divergence, and it's going to go lower. Oh, shit, I'm gonna go in there. And I'm
260 00:52:56,040 --> 00:53:03,690 going to look for a drop down into a fair value gap. When it does that, and then I'm going to buy that motherfucker. And I'm gonna reach for buyside liquidity,
261 00:53:04,110 --> 00:53:13,320 because that's exactly how I lost my ass in my real counts as a 20 year old. That shit. Don't believe me go on your fucking charts. I'm not gonna repeat it,
262 00:53:13,320 --> 00:53:20,880 you can rewind this when you listen to it in somebody else's YouTube channel, because I don't put these up on my YouTube channel cost too much. It's therapy,
263 00:53:20,940 --> 00:53:26,250 okay, I don't give a shit. You can make revenue off of this. You don't do not put my videos. And it's a it's a guy out there right now. And let me just say
264 00:53:26,250 --> 00:53:33,420 right now, there's a guy out there that's taking my videos, I'm about to rip your shit down off of YouTube. You're taking my videos, and you're trying to
265 00:53:33,420 --> 00:53:43,200 compress all the talking points out of it. And just get to the nuts and bolts. And I'm about to put a copyright strike against you. You know who you are. So
266 00:53:43,200 --> 00:53:50,370 take them off your channel and there won't be a copyright strike. I don't let anybody take my videos and re upload them. I don't want you to do that. You've
267 00:53:50,370 --> 00:53:58,320 not been given permission to do that. Don't do it. But these Twitter spaces, I don't give a fuck how many of you do I don't care, I will never put them on my
268 00:53:58,320 --> 00:54:11,040 channel. So if you want to monetize them, you want to get grocery money off of it. God bless you go do what you want to do with it. I don't care. So but I kept
269 00:54:11,040 --> 00:54:26,160 these old bones cracking. I set out to look for these repeating phenomena in price. And I started seeing these things in at the time I was looking at open
270 00:54:26,160 --> 00:54:37,500 high low and closed bars. So that really puts a big strain on one's eyes. And I was never really early on a fan of candlesticks because I thought it was like a
271 00:54:37,500 --> 00:54:46,710 cop out like this is like preschool Who the fuck wants a look at that. A real Chartist looks at the left tick which is the opening price one single line up or
272 00:54:46,710 --> 00:54:55,440 down which is the open high. I'm sorry, the high and low and in the right tick to the vertical line that creates the high and low that's the closing price. So
273 00:54:55,440 --> 00:55:05,280 it's open high, low close. So I put it off Using candlesticks for a long time, I wish I would have done it sooner, my vision probably would have been spared a
274 00:55:05,280 --> 00:55:17,100 whole lot of fatigue over the years looking at that shit. But I was looking at fair value gaps through the lens of the open high low and closed bar, it looks a
275 00:55:17,100 --> 00:55:26,550 little bit different. You got to really look at the ticks on that little tiny vertical line that makes up the the bar interval, whatever timeframe you're
276 00:55:26,550 --> 00:55:36,990 looking at. And there was charting packages that sometimes didn't have the closing price it just gave you I'm sorry, the opening price, it would just give
277 00:55:36,990 --> 00:55:51,150 you the high and low and close. So we didn't have all the benefits. But here's the thing. Here's the thing, okay. Why would some charting packages, some
278 00:55:51,150 --> 00:56:09,150 charting platforms, not show you an opening tick? Think about that. That was a fucking clue to me. I'm like, Why? Why isn't this showing an opening tick? It
279 00:56:09,150 --> 00:56:19,380 just gives me the high and the low and the closing price. What the fuck was the opening price at where do we start trading it. It made me think that they're
280 00:56:19,380 --> 00:56:29,940 hiding something. The conspiracy theorist in me started thinking, okay, they're not sharing that. So what the fuck is up, just like the commitment of traders
281 00:56:29,940 --> 00:56:40,080 report. We used to have to get that like every two weeks. And then it became an every week thing. But we still had to wait. It was a delay. It was a delay. It
282 00:56:40,080 --> 00:56:47,610 was a delay. And we had to wait for the volume numbers. What the real volume number was for the previous day's trading. We had to wait a day later. Why can't
283 00:56:47,610 --> 00:56:57,870 you hit the fucking data today? Like why can't you have that today? It was all these these these delays. See, you're right now you're fucking spoiled rotten.
284 00:56:57,870 --> 00:57:05,550 And you don't even realize it because you have all of this information. Right in this little thing that I'm talking into right now is stupid fucking cell phone.
285 00:57:08,040 --> 00:57:21,000 You have the world at your fingertips. Swipe here, click here, boom, boom, boom, open up, and you got information immediately. That we did not have in the 90s in
286 00:57:21,000 --> 00:57:33,360 it for folks that were trading before me. They didn't have it. Dinosaurs we were fucking dinosaurs running around, printing out the little tick we had to guess.
287 00:57:33,600 --> 00:57:44,670 On the chart. When we did our charts. We fucking wrote that little line squiggly bullshit. On a graph paper. We guessed okay, this is about where the opening
288 00:57:44,670 --> 00:57:52,980 price would be here in relationship to where we closed yesterday. There's no fucking measurement perfectly doing it. It's just eyeballing it. You know, the
289 00:57:52,980 --> 00:58:05,760 folks has been around for a long time. Ken Roberts bullshit. We had to update our charts by hand. And some of you are so fucking impatient. And entitlement
290 00:58:05,760 --> 00:58:18,090 minded. You can't even appreciate the level of technology you have today. That I know I didn't have when I first started. So you can't track 20 Motherfucking
291 00:58:18,090 --> 00:58:28,980 markets if you're doing the chart by hand each day, you'll never get anything done. And we updated what? Our stochastic indicator? Yeah, all that shit had to
292 00:58:28,980 --> 00:58:35,970 be done by fucking hand calculation did it? Okay, this is where the this is where the average would be here, the D line and the K line. And this is where
293 00:58:35,970 --> 00:58:48,030 they would be. Yeah, man. That's how it fucking was. It's worse than your grandfather broken the fucking school and the store with no fucking socks on and
294 00:58:48,030 --> 00:58:57,420 flip flops and knee deep fucking snow. You heard the stories to everybody. Here's the bullshit, right? But in trading, this is the real real shit. This is
295 00:58:57,420 --> 00:59:09,420 how it was. It was some archaic fucking shit that we had to deal with in data was a premium commodity. If you could get your hands on data. That's what we
296 00:59:09,420 --> 00:59:23,100 were pursuing all the time. And I poured myself into that. And I started seeing these things repeating by reversing everything that retail would expect. Every
297 00:59:23,100 --> 00:59:30,810 trader using it would be doing just because an indicator says it's over fucking bought does not mean that's a short just because it's overbought, and then it
298 00:59:30,810 --> 00:59:32,730 diverges bearishly doesn't mean it's a short.
299 00:59:34,020 --> 00:59:44,880 Even when the markets going down. It doesn't mean shit doesn't mean anything. It just means that you looked at a number of candles in that interval of time. You
300 00:59:44,880 --> 00:59:58,350 crunch the numbers, you beat the ship data and you finally made it submit to whatever output you want. That's what indicators do. That's all it does. And
301 00:59:58,350 --> 01:00:08,850 when you hear somebody say we were all optimizing are your bullshit, your form fitting is what you're doing. There's no optimization. It's form fitting. That's
302 01:00:08,850 --> 01:00:23,580 what you're fucking doing. So when I looked at data, and I looked at times where everything in my rules using retail bullshit, said, Okay, this is a buy. At that
303 01:00:23,580 --> 01:00:35,580 moment I stopped, turned everything upside down. And I would go into the price action and say, Okay, where is the fucking short? What things keep fucking
304 01:00:35,580 --> 01:00:54,990 repeating that caused this market to tear my ass up and go the other direction and then it appeared waterblock breaker, mitigation bla, fair value gap,
305 01:00:55,530 --> 01:01:04,110 institutional order flow entry drill what you know is the flagship or now it's probably not the flagship pattern anymore on my channel. But the optimal trade
306 01:01:04,110 --> 01:01:17,700 entry. That logic I saw that formed on a on a corn chart, the very thing that I looked for I'm sorry, that's not true. I'm thinking on the reflection.
307 01:01:17,850 --> 01:01:25,260 Reflection is the reverse of the optimal trade entry. Where it makes the higher high usually forms the breaker. And some of you're like, Oh, what do you just
308 01:01:25,260 --> 01:01:43,140 say a reflection pattern? That's an old school shit, man. But those patterns they were found by looking at shit, opposite to what we're told to do. And you
309 01:01:43,470 --> 01:01:54,000 see, when I'm executing it, just just read the comments. It's fun reading it. I love it. Because they're like, how the fuck is he doing that? Right? And that's
310 01:01:54,000 --> 01:02:02,970 exactly what I was saying to myself. How the fuck am I losing all the time? I bought all these books. I'm falling, every fucking roll these guys are saying.
311 01:02:04,290 --> 01:02:15,960 And every fucking time I do this, it's going against me. How the fuck is that possible? Right? That's that that's, that's what most of us would think. If
312 01:02:15,960 --> 01:02:26,160 you're trying to stay in this. The smartest people are the ones that know they can't do this and they stop. That's That's wisdom. That's not That's not
313 01:02:26,160 --> 01:02:32,280 weakness. Because if you know you can't do this, you want to know soon as you possibly can come to that conclusion. So that way you don't waste any more
314 01:02:32,280 --> 01:02:44,010 money. No more time and no more peace of mind. But if you'd listen to things like I'm doing right here, you're a fucking traitor. Nobody would listen to semi
315 01:02:44,010 --> 01:02:54,870 bloviate like this. Unless they absolutely fucking love trading. They love everything about it. They love the analysis. They love the lifestyle. They love
316 01:02:54,930 --> 01:03:06,780 every detail. Everything that makes up this industry. And what it is. You live and breathe it. You don't really like me? You just like the fucking shit that
317 01:03:06,780 --> 01:03:18,660 I'm sharing with you because it's empowering. You know, a superpower when you fucking see it. And that's what I'm sharing. I'm teaching you how not to be a
318 01:03:18,660 --> 01:03:32,520 victim to fucking retail kryptonite. This Superman ain't got no fucking concern or worry about retail bullshit. That's never going to beat this. And because
319 01:03:32,550 --> 01:03:44,040 this is the market, that's why I tell you all the time. Don't be fearful. Because this market wizardry is going to keep on fucking rolling. Even if people
320 01:03:44,040 --> 01:03:56,100 come up and say, Oh, well, you know, everybody's doing this. Now you're becoming the new retail. No, because there's a new round of suckers coming into this that
321 01:03:56,100 --> 01:04:03,930 don't know what they're doing. And they're buying all the bullshit. They're buying harmonic pattern courses. They're looking at bullshit they call harmonic
322 01:04:04,200 --> 01:04:15,150 algorithmic horseshit. And they loses their fucking money. You put that against something like this. This is beating its fucking ass. Day in, day out. Month
323 01:04:15,150 --> 01:04:30,900 after month, year after year. The data doesn't fucking lie. Period. Receipts every fucking day. every fucking day. Proof precision, foresight. It's all being
324 01:04:30,900 --> 01:04:45,480 shown to you. You cannot fake this. You can't fucking Mickey Mouse it. It's 100% in your fucking face. You can't hide from it. And why people want to wrestle
325 01:04:45,480 --> 01:04:55,140 with it. And it's like, oh, well, yeah, this is this is a fad right now. Guaran damn tee you. They're going to talk about this shit, even when I'm gone. When
326 01:04:55,140 --> 01:05:06,570 I'm no longer among you, okay, they're gonna talk about this stuff. It's cheap. changed everything. And you watched it, you're part of it. That's exciting. Like
327 01:05:06,570 --> 01:05:19,800 you were here, when this shit happened. You're living in a fucking Gan moment. Think about that. Like you're here. That's not an inflated, egotistical thing to
328 01:05:19,800 --> 01:05:33,240 say. It has nothing to do with me. It has nothing to do with me. It's this phenomenon, this approach to deciphering price. Reading it, forecasting it and
329 01:05:33,240 --> 01:05:42,930 engaging it on a level of precision that is unboxing. rivaled. Period. Don't give a fuck. Who you like, who you love who you supported. Who's taught you how
330 01:05:42,930 --> 01:05:50,940 to fucking trade? There isn't a motherfucker walking around this spinning rock that can come close to this fucking level precision, and I'm standing out here
331 01:05:50,940 --> 01:06:06,150 on fucking Twitter whatton Ain't nobody coming here doing so yes, yes, indeed. I'm in fucking Joy myself. I'm loving it. I am having such a fucking wonderful
332 01:06:06,150 --> 01:06:12,840 fucking time. I got to fucking hard on every fucking day of the week when I'm out here with y'all because you want to know why? Because there's a little bit
333 01:06:12,870 --> 01:06:22,530 down Texas that can't fucking step and I'm waiting Vinnie. Bring your bitch ass. Let's go start leaving stupid fucking voicemails on my fucking phone. Nobody's
334 01:06:22,530 --> 01:06:33,180 blocked you bitch. Nobody's blocked you. You are fucking a bitch. You don't have fucking leaderboard so I can light your ass on fucking fire. You will be famous.
335 01:06:33,270 --> 01:06:44,010 I Guaran damn tee you you'll be fucking famous. Everybody will remember your fucking bitch as as the failure that never could. So please, please, buddy.
336 01:06:45,030 --> 01:07:00,000 Bring your fucking shirt. I will grind your ass to fucking powder. And then lights your shit up. Come on. Come on out there in the real fucking world in a
337 01:07:00,000 --> 01:07:15,600 real competition. Because I am showing you you can't come close. I'm playing with you still. I'm baiting your fucking ass. Please. Let me show the world how
338 01:07:15,600 --> 01:07:27,630 much of a fucking fraud unprofitable little bitch that you really are. Please let me you should have already been on that fucking leaderboard. And but you
339 01:07:27,630 --> 01:07:35,790 can't. You can't do it. And all these little fucking sock puppet accounts that you have that I'm talking to and you think I don't know. I'm talking to you. I
340 01:07:35,790 --> 01:07:47,910 know. I'm talking to you. Yeah, I know. It's you. And you're scared. I ain't scared. I can say your fucking name every fucking day. I don't give a fuck.
341 01:07:48,900 --> 01:07:56,520 Ain't nobody worried about you? Nobody wants your fucking algo box. Nobody thinks that fucking works and we've already seen you shit yourself. And you have
342 01:07:56,520 --> 01:08:16,200 one profitable day one max loss max loss max loss. Oh shit. Yeah. Oh yeah. And what do you see ICT doing? Calling the fucking shots? every fucking day. And I'm
343 01:08:16,200 --> 01:08:28,320 not even bringing up my heavy hitting shit yet. You fucked with the wrong one. Bring your bullshit lawsuit motherfucker. Because I'm going to tear your fucking
344 01:08:28,320 --> 01:08:34,950 ass up in court. And I'm going to reverse that motherfucking shit and I'm gonna put your ass up in the annals of fucking history as the biggest fucking clown
345 01:08:34,950 --> 01:08:45,300 that ever fucked with me and my fucking family. Because I'm going to tear your shit up. You think silence is weakness, bitch. I'm fucking waiting. Don't send
346 01:08:45,300 --> 01:08:57,960 me no voicemails at some Mickey Mouse shit. Just bring it I'm ready for your ass. I am fucking ready for you fucking clown had to get that off my chest a
347 01:08:58,170 --> 01:09:11,130 little bit sends me a voicemail. Like I'm supposed to be scared motherfucker, please. You can't even fucking trade so I'm looking for details in price action.
348 01:09:13,980 --> 01:09:25,050 That tells me with a high degree of precision that I am absolutely in a in a moment in an instant. Where there is armwrestling match between people like algo
349 01:09:25,050 --> 01:09:33,240 box, retail shit. Harmonic this and moving average horseshit golden crosses. That's all dumb shit.
350 01:09:34,830 --> 01:09:44,250 Proof look at his live stream. You'll see it fails. It fucking fails. It's not precise. He'll show you sit after the fact. I'm calling it live minute by
351 01:09:44,250 --> 01:10:01,170 fucking minute. Hello. That shit is the real poison. That's the stuff that you're going to fall victim to trying to trade with. Whereas an arm wrestling
352 01:10:01,170 --> 01:10:15,870 match between with real algorithmic theory and price delivery, which is what I'm teaching you when that is up against anything else, the anything else is fucking
353 01:10:15,870 --> 01:10:28,380 losing. Have you ever seen Have you ever fucking seen now this is nothing about me take me out of the equation, okay? Because I'm sure this sounds like a chest
354 01:10:28,380 --> 01:10:34,260 beating thing the only thing I'm beating my chest is I'm ready for this fucking competition bitch. Please bring your shit you're supposed to be in here if you
355 01:10:34,260 --> 01:10:41,730 don't fucking join that fucking leaderboard and fucking when it Vinnie, you've already said you're in it. So everybody's gonna say you've blown your account.
356 01:10:42,360 --> 01:10:54,780 You're on the hook bitch. You better do it. You better do it. Because you have now cosign, you've done it. My engineer, I'll trade I'll trade all trade.
357 01:10:55,110 --> 01:11:04,080 There's real traders out there doing that shit right now. You ain't stepping into that world. Because you can't fake it. You can't reset your simulator
358 01:11:04,080 --> 01:11:14,370 account. You can't hide your bullshit that it's out there for everybody. And I'm out here without a safety net. I'm calling this shit. overdue. You know pushing
359 01:11:14,370 --> 01:11:25,320 a button. I don't need to. I'm giving you every fucking tick. before it happens. You can't come close to this with anything. Any of you. Not one of you out there
360 01:11:25,320 --> 01:11:37,980 can come close to this. But have you ever seen anybody share a level of consistency, precision and theory that repeats every motherfucking day? Have you
361 01:11:37,980 --> 01:11:48,780 ever seen it before? Because that's what market wizardry. Looks like. That's what it looks like. You're handling it. You're seeing it? You're seeing fucking
362 01:11:48,780 --> 01:11:58,530 proof of it every single fucking day. And I'm choking these motherfucking bitches that had all this shit to talk about before I came back to Twitter. I
363 01:11:58,530 --> 01:12:08,250 told you I'm here. I'm here. Oh, I can trade better than you. Show me. My velcro balls this dropped off. Sorry. I'll talk to you again when I have something else
364 01:12:08,250 --> 01:12:20,820 to say in the response. But I can't show you my trades. I'll show you my day. I'll show you my trades one day. The fuck out here. It's clownery everything
365 01:12:20,820 --> 01:12:33,540 else is nonsense. It's fucking bullshit. These people's egos are fucking crushed. You're learning how to do what these motherfuckers never imagined was
366 01:12:33,540 --> 01:12:47,460 possible. And they can't stand it. And that should give you a fucking sense of satisfaction alone because they see you leaving the ranks of retail theory and
367 01:12:47,760 --> 01:12:56,550 dumb bullshit that has no real reason for making the price go up and down your indicators there's moving averages anything harmonic none of that pushes price
368 01:12:56,550 --> 01:13:07,020 up or down. It's not having any effect on fucking the price movement. It's doing nothing has absolutely no fucking clue that that shit even exist. It's not
369 01:13:07,020 --> 01:13:19,800 referring to any of it. But isn't it fucking strange? Isn't it odd? That the things that I'm showing you I even gave you the fucking chart before the week
370 01:13:19,800 --> 01:13:30,240 even started trading. Here you go. Here's the new opening gaps have this on your chart. And then I shared it before I started this stream tonight that's what you
371 01:13:30,240 --> 01:13:41,610 want your floor pivot numbers to look like but they don't do that. Do they? Oh shit. This is the kind of fucking stream this is the kind of fucking space that
372 01:13:41,610 --> 01:13:49,770 gets you fucking fired to fuck up because it's proof it's fucking evidence and it's undeniable and a motherfucker can say anything about they can come around
373 01:13:49,770 --> 01:13:56,280 and they can tweet and they can sell the bullshit. Oh but you didn't do this ICT but you didn't do this I ain't seen a motherfucker call it tick by tick like I'm
374 01:13:56,280 --> 01:14:06,600 doing ever it's never happened before. And I told you all I could do this shit. But here's the thing guess what it doesn't do? It doesn't make you a better
375 01:14:06,600 --> 01:14:14,190 trader. And that's why I'd never had to fucking do it. Because if it would have made you a better trader I would have done it I'm out here stuntin every fucking
376 01:14:14,190 --> 01:14:22,230 day the show this little bits down in Texas he got nothing on me and everybody that's ever supported him Tom Dante Oh, Vinnie. sort of take on ICT Bitch,
377 01:14:22,230 --> 01:14:31,830 please. There ain't no competition. All you'd ever had said anything about me. Come together. I will beat your team to fucking returns in that fucking Robins
378 01:14:31,830 --> 01:14:40,440 cup or I'll delete my fucking YouTube channel. About that bitch. How about that Kashmir outside that's how about that. Now is that confidence for you? Because I
379 01:14:40,440 --> 01:14:56,760 get a damn t you bitches can't do shit. Now I'm all in which, let's go. Let's fucking go. Let's fucking show the world who the fuck knows what and who can do
380 01:14:56,760 --> 01:15:18,420 what Come up with motherfuckers. Try it. Mickey Mouse pitches market wizardry is what you're seeing. You're seeing a level of technical fucking science. That
381 01:15:18,420 --> 01:15:31,500 yes, it absolutely feels over complicated. It feels like that, because you're learning a language. You're learning a language that you've never been exposed
382 01:15:31,500 --> 01:15:45,420 to none of you happen. Not one of you have ever seen this before. You see a rectangle, you think it's supply and demand? No. Do you see me talking about a
383 01:15:45,420 --> 01:15:58,650 specific candle? Oh, that's a supply demand zone? No, it's not. That's a change in the state of delivery. Where that candles opening is. That is, that is the
384 01:15:58,650 --> 01:16:11,580 change in the state of delivery. And there's three reference points, there's three specific price levels that you need to know about an order block. Look at
385 01:16:11,610 --> 01:16:19,830 supply and demand zones, who the fuck knows what you're going to do with that? Where's your price, what price you're going to look at which one are you not
386 01:16:19,830 --> 01:16:28,830 going to consider at all ever? That's how you know, my theory is not supplying to me and I'm cutting through candles. I'm telling you, the high tech and the
387 01:16:28,830 --> 01:16:38,490 low tech of the day. I'm telling you the moment when the volatility trying to come in the marketplace and start running towards the objectives I've already
388 01:16:38,490 --> 01:16:53,850 given you. That's when market wizardry looks like. That's what it looks like when somebody knows what the fuck they're doing. Today, I recorded something
389 01:16:53,850 --> 01:17:05,460 that you would have never seen. If I didn't want you to see it. If I didn't want you to see it, you'd have a water, salt, any of it. But I want you to see it.
390 01:17:06,300 --> 01:17:21,900 You saw me put the trade on, I told you to level I said that goes to 4000 I think 4,000.75 It kills the the short idea. Whenever I tell you that that's a
391 01:17:21,900 --> 01:17:29,580 stop loss area. That's not me telling you to take a trade now. But I want you to track the the ideas that I'm giving you. If it goes back to those levels, you
392 01:17:29,580 --> 01:17:43,980 got to think about it as okay, that will be a stop out. You shouldn't have a trade on, you shouldn't do that. But it went to it and stopped me out. But when
393 01:17:43,980 --> 01:17:54,480 it hit it, it returned back into the range that I would consider still worthy to take the trade. And that was a that was a run on liquidity. I in that moment. In
394 01:17:54,480 --> 01:18:03,390 that instance, I was liquidity. It took my balance of the open position, I had already took a partial out and it came back and stopped me out. No problem.
395 01:18:04,590 --> 01:18:17,340 didn't skip a beat. Okay, check. Everything's good. I'm going back in. You're gonna see me do that. And reverse when I see something, okay, this no longer is
396 01:18:17,340 --> 01:18:32,430 valid, something else has changed. And now I'm gonna go the other direction. Well, guess what? You can only learn that by experience seeing it. And when I'm
397 01:18:32,430 --> 01:18:36,330 calling every individual pdra When I'm talking about specific pools of liquidity
398 01:18:42,240 --> 01:19:00,180 you're measuring the algorithms interest in getting to that level or not. If I like a buyside liquidity pool, I'm watching it. If I say this is the draw and
399 01:19:00,180 --> 01:19:12,090 liquidity, the net directional if I say note this by side, that means we're watching the seat does it have an interest to get up there? Once it gets there,
400 01:19:12,210 --> 01:19:21,210 then the insight that we get after it hits that? Then it'll give me the next idea about what I want to do. I'm waiting for more information. So please
401 01:19:21,210 --> 01:19:29,550 motherfuckers Okay, stop coming into my fucking comment section. And replying, talking about oh, he's calling this and he wasn't really sure about this. I know
402 01:19:29,550 --> 01:19:40,110 exactly what the fuck I'm looking for. I know exactly what I'm looking for. But I'm also teaching you how it is I'm interpreting every single price fluctuation.
403 01:19:41,010 --> 01:19:51,870 Every pool of liquidity, every inefficiency, I'm looking at those very specific points in price action. And I'm waiting for price to get to that level. If I say
404 01:19:51,870 --> 01:19:59,640 the words, this is object, this is the objective or this is the drop in liquidity. That's absolutely one fucking sided. That's where I'm expecting it to
405 01:19:59,640 --> 01:20:12,000 go. Have you seen me physically? Say those things in my tweets today? You saw that happen? They are not ambiguous. I favor the short side going down into 39
406 01:20:12,000 --> 01:20:23,970 EDA. That is one way that is not well, it's could be either way, bullshit. I know exactly what I'm looking for. And I'm communicating effectively for those
407 01:20:23,970 --> 01:20:32,370 that are fucking able to read and comprehend what I'm saying. If you're pushing buttons, taking trades, you're gonna look at Oh, well, he's he said this, and I
408 01:20:32,370 --> 01:20:42,810 got confused. You can get fucking confused. You're impulsive. And you want to push a button and trade? Because you think you're hearing signals, you think
409 01:20:42,810 --> 01:20:55,860 you're hearing a little nudge by ICT beginner do that? No, don't do that. Don't do that. You're going to fall victim to impulsive. Pushing the button type
410 01:20:56,520 --> 01:21:06,480 responses like everybody else does. That's not market wizardry. That's not knowing exactly what the fuck you're doing. It has nothing. There is nowhere
411 01:21:06,480 --> 01:21:22,770 near that. You're emotionally gambling. Because you're looking for something to make you feel better about what you're doing. Whereas a trader, when we go in
412 01:21:22,770 --> 01:21:33,300 and we speculate we don't care how the outcome is going to make us look to other people because we're not trying to share our results with other people. So guess
413 01:21:33,300 --> 01:21:44,460 what that means? Image has nothing to do with it. But you're trading a social media equity curve. Like everybody out there trying to be an influencer. I'm an
414 01:21:44,460 --> 01:21:54,840 influencer. That can't wait to stop influencing. Like, I can't wait to be done in November. I can't wait. Then on you're gonna see me step back again.
415 01:21:55,110 --> 01:22:04,110 Everything they've ever said about me, I've proven is bullshit. making millions of dollars teaching. I'll stop at my height. There ain't nobody saying I can't
416 01:22:04,140 --> 01:22:14,160 open up mentorship right now I can do that motherfucker if I want to. I don't want to. I don't want to. And you should be thankful that I don't want to. I'm
417 01:22:14,160 --> 01:22:21,900 not building a brand where I can do affiliate with these funded accounts. Fuck these funded account people. I don't I don't give a fuck I don't have no
418 01:22:21,900 --> 01:22:29,670 interest in my son wants to do it. I wish he never would have brought it up. But he wants to do it. Okay, great. I'm not going to have no affiliate link, getting
419 01:22:29,670 --> 01:22:40,650 some kind of fucking money off of it. Fuck all that bullshit. No signal services, no mentorship, join my group bullshit. None of that stuff. I'm pouring
420 01:22:40,680 --> 01:22:50,370 everything into you this year. And all you have to do show up every day, you'll see receipts, you'll see proof that it works. I'll call beforehand. It'll be
421 01:22:50,370 --> 01:22:57,900 fucking clear as fucking day. By the end of this year, you'll know exactly what the fuck you're doing. Now, let me explain something to you. This this topic
422 01:22:57,900 --> 01:23:10,620 tonight. You're not going to be a market wizard in November. That's not going to happen. What you're going to know in November so that way you have a real clear
423 01:23:10,620 --> 01:23:19,710 understanding about what you're working towards. What's the end goal for you? What is the end goal for all of you to submit to everything I put you through?
424 01:23:20,580 --> 01:23:31,410 What is that? It is that you will confidently know when not to do anything. Be still and know that there's no reason for you to be worrying about missing
425 01:23:31,410 --> 01:23:41,670 anything. That's the number one thing right there. That in itself will protect majority of you from blowing out your funded account or blowing your regular
426 01:23:42,090 --> 01:23:53,460 trading account. Everybody that blows your account, always can see it in hindsight that they pushed really, really hard when the market wasn't doing
427 01:23:53,460 --> 01:24:04,650 shit. You have an outcome that you need to have happen. On social media equity curve. You need to make yourself feel better because your spouse or your
428 01:24:04,650 --> 01:24:13,710 significant other is caused you some grief. You're sick, you missed some days at work, you're behind on bills, or you're just in depth. What's it going to do?
429 01:24:13,830 --> 01:24:24,390 It's going to cause you to do reckless bullshit. You're going to know not to do that and Biden event Oh, before that, really. But by November, you will know
430 01:24:24,390 --> 01:24:36,780 when not to do anything. You'll know when not to touch any of that stuff. You won't go into the marketplace, you won't do these things. And you'll know what
431 01:24:36,780 --> 01:24:48,450 you're specifically looking for. When you're going in. In environments where it's low resistance. You'll know exactly what constitutes a high resistance or
432 01:24:48,450 --> 01:25:00,720 low resistance climate that you're trading in. You can trade in high resistance but you'll also know that you'll be using far less leverage and you're gonna
433 01:25:00,720 --> 01:25:09,930 have to demand a whole lot of patience that you would otherwise not require when you're trading in low resistance liquidity run. But the markets really quickly
434 01:25:09,930 --> 01:25:18,300 running for you, it goes right to your objectives. That's what you're wanting to focus on, you want to focus on those, those types of setups. They're fun.
435 01:25:18,900 --> 01:25:28,230 They're, they're easy to know when they're going to be there, because those signatures are, like they're very telling. And you see it, when I talk about it
436 01:25:28,230 --> 01:25:36,000 in my executions, I'll say, alright, I'm looking for a lot of movement, or I'll tweet and say, okay, oh, and see, be a straight run into this. Now, that's a low
437 01:25:36,000 --> 01:25:49,590 resistance liquidity runs. When we are quiet, and we're waiting for price to just chew through some old market structure, that's high resistance. It's high
438 01:25:49,590 --> 01:26:02,040 resistance, it's not moving quickly, and efficiently through and to your objective. So it takes a different type of mindset to go through that. Now, when
439 01:26:02,040 --> 01:26:09,600 you are first learning how to trade, you think that all trades are going to be like a low resistance liquid you run where you get in, it runs because it owes
440 01:26:09,600 --> 01:26:19,140 you something right? It owes you that profit, the fucking market doesn't owe you shit. doesn't owe me anything. But these books and influencers, make you feel
441 01:26:19,140 --> 01:26:28,410 like, well, hey, you know, you sat down, you watch that chart for last 20 minutes? You damn well better play pay me something. You know, because, you
442 01:26:28,410 --> 01:26:42,840 know, it owes me something. That's the mentality, especially today, the last 25 years, this is the mindset of most everybody. You owe me, you owe me. No, you
443 01:26:42,840 --> 01:26:53,850 have to earn that shit. And by just discerning the difference between high resistance and low resistance liquidity runs, you'll be able to effectively
444 01:26:53,850 --> 01:27:05,940 trade and you'll grow to appreciate and want to trade more. So in low resistance, the coherent signatures, where the market is quickly, this runs that
445 01:27:05,940 --> 01:27:15,180 has these really nice, big candles, it just takes off and goes right where you're wanting to go. I know how to teach that. I prove to you that I can see it
446 01:27:15,180 --> 01:27:26,580 happening before it happens. There's a logic there. That's what you're going to know. Come November, you'll know that you will absolutely know it. Will you lose
447 01:27:26,580 --> 01:27:34,650 in some of your trades show you will, you'll lose. And there's nothing wrong with losing. Because money management, which we'll talk about also this year,
448 01:27:34,980 --> 01:27:46,110 will prevent you from blowing up. You don't have to be fearful of it. You don't have to worry about missing moves. You don't have to be in every trade. And you
449 01:27:46,110 --> 01:27:56,100 don't have to be in every market. You can pick one market that you feel confident in that you like. And then that's all you need. It makes it so much
450 01:27:56,100 --> 01:28:11,700 easier. You know what those key levels are? And think about what I'm teaching you. New week opening gaps, New Day opening gaps just that alone in the enormity
451 01:28:11,820 --> 01:28:21,660 normally I'm making up share as I go along normally, the enormous responsibility of managing all that shit on your chart in templates, because new date opening
452 01:28:21,660 --> 01:28:37,590 gaps, and there could be a lot of them, right. So how much of that can you do if you're trading 12 pairs? Well, wait a minute. I see what what if there's no no
453 01:28:37,920 --> 01:28:39,060 new weak opening gap.
454 01:28:40,770 --> 01:28:53,490 Here's what you're not doing. When you look at Aussie dollar, this is the part where you write down in your in your journal. If you look at Aussie dollar, that
455 01:28:53,490 --> 01:29:06,600 currency pair has what it has a commodity currency and Australian dollar, which means it trades on the futures market. That futures contracts going to have
456 01:29:06,600 --> 01:29:21,600 opening gap. You use the price on the futures market. And you use that in reference to what the pair's doing while the futures contracts printing to. I
457 01:29:21,600 --> 01:29:33,870 was teaching you with real time examples this week. And last, where I'm using inter market relationships and intra market relationships. So um, blending other
458 01:29:33,870 --> 01:29:43,680 assets, positively and negatively correlated markets, how they influence each other and how they dance together. All those things come together and give you a
459 01:29:43,680 --> 01:29:56,790 tapestry that you can really see everything. For the second I can't remember which one it was. There was a Batman, Chris Nolan, I think it was. It was the
460 01:29:56,790 --> 01:30:09,450 last one where he was doing Morgan Freeman did something with the cell phone and all sudden, all the monitors in front of him was like giving like, like an x ray
461 01:30:09,450 --> 01:30:24,000 view of some shit, okay? That's kind of like what this feels like, it feels like that to put like a little bit of a cinematic flair on it, when you're able to
462 01:30:24,000 --> 01:30:37,680 see behind price, what it's likely to do think about when I first introduced the idea. Last week or so, I said you want to look at the opening price on Sunday
463 01:30:37,710 --> 01:30:52,680 and the closing price on Friday. And they split that range in half, and also do it in quadrants. So you have a number of specific price levels, also taught you
464 01:30:52,980 --> 01:31:03,210 that if it works towards this half that lower end and fails to go on the upper end of it. That means it's what decidedly weak. And vice versa, if it's coming
465 01:31:03,210 --> 01:31:12,150 down, it can only dig into the upper portion of it and not get to consequent current, which is the midpoint. That means it's bullish. By itself, that doesn't
466 01:31:12,150 --> 01:31:22,170 mean anything. But if you have a narrative that you think the markets going to go higher or lower, and you see that unfolding, it gives you a real advantage.
467 01:31:23,040 --> 01:31:29,880 It also teaches you if we're moving away from the new week opening gap, then we're probably going to train the model which is what I talked about yesterday
468 01:31:29,910 --> 01:31:42,720 real time. So if we're gonna have a large range day, we got a large range day you can't fake it. It's their real time explain to you and you have all year
469 01:31:42,720 --> 01:32:00,660 this shit coming. Which led me to how I was going to close this session tonight with you. I have a lot of weapons, I have a lot of tools, concepts approaches, I
470 01:32:00,660 --> 01:32:15,720 literally could make a trading model every day of the week, for each month of this year, and none of them would be the same. And that still have shit in the
471 01:32:15,720 --> 01:32:30,810 cookie jar. I spent my entire life coming up with every possible fucking scenario to get me into the trades. So yes, when you see these dickheads out
472 01:32:30,810 --> 01:32:38,880 there talking shit, it has always got something that is the reason why you can justify that trait. You're fucking right. Because I was afraid to get in the
473 01:32:38,880 --> 01:32:48,840 trades. I was afraid I had a weakness as a trader. I didn't know what strategies you use to get in because every time I use retail shit, it was fucking failing
474 01:32:48,840 --> 01:33:04,590 me. Everything I tried it failed. Steve Nelson's fucking candlestick book. Garbage didn't fucking help me do shit, but lose more money. Elliott Wave tried
475 01:33:04,590 --> 01:33:16,830 that shit. last fucking money there too. And I didn't try it for a week, folks. I was doing this for a long fucking time. Six months minimum. Before I made any
476 01:33:16,830 --> 01:33:32,850 fucking changes. And I was doing things religiously. Nobody puts in the work like I do. Nobody does. Nobody puts in this type of work ethic in this. And when
477 01:33:32,850 --> 01:33:49,620 I was younger, and I had more energy. every waking moment was this. It was this. I lived and breathed this shit. Markets and price. It's in my fucking DNA. I was
478 01:33:49,620 --> 01:34:00,960 made for this. This is my purpose. This is why I'm on this fucking rock. I'm talking to you. This was appointed for us to meet. You know, damn well, what
479 01:34:00,960 --> 01:34:09,600 you're learning is going to change every fucking thing. Before meeting me. You know it. That's why you're still listening. That's why you put up with my
480 01:34:09,600 --> 01:34:17,130 fucking shit all the time. Yeah, you know, I'm chemically imbalanced. But you know what? Every motherfucker out there that had fucking genius behind them.
481 01:34:17,940 --> 01:34:28,680 There was something different about they were wired differently. That's what I believe I am. It is what it is. But if I didn't look at things, the way I look
482 01:34:28,680 --> 01:34:41,310 at them, I never would have been curious, I never would have pursued it. These obsessive compulsive things that I have birth with that were a problem for me to
483 01:34:41,310 --> 01:34:55,590 wrestle with when I was a child. I channeled that shit into this stuff. And when I finally understood how these markets book I had a mission. How do I bridge
484 01:34:55,590 --> 01:35:09,960 that gap that you're not supposed to see and how I can communicate in a chart the things that don't exist in books that other traders and teachers don't know
485 01:35:09,960 --> 01:35:19,140 anything about. Because believe me, folks, listen, they can talk all the shit they want. Now that it's growing in popularity, but if anybody knew this
486 01:35:19,140 --> 01:35:28,680 beforehand, it would have been out there. It would have been out and you know, damn fucking Well, it would have been out there. And everybody that hears these
487 01:35:28,680 --> 01:35:39,030 people and it's a small little people, small number of Oh ICTs renaming bullshit, dude, you got $2.5 million in your fucking account. As soon as you
488 01:35:39,030 --> 01:35:49,860 give a complete rundown of bibliography, where everything came from what's renamed and everything and I Guaran damn tee, you ain't getting it done. It's
489 01:35:49,860 --> 01:36:08,550 not happening. Sorry, but this doesn't exist. BC before this whole approach of looking at technical science, the take the name that Anton Creel mentioned in a
490 01:36:08,580 --> 01:36:19,680 little video. It's not technical science. It's just trading. No, no, no, no. It's absolutely fucking technical science. There is a science behind all this
491 01:36:19,680 --> 01:36:29,910 shit. When the daily high and low is calculated, at midnight, every fucking day for every fucking market, unless there's a manual intervention, that's fucking
492 01:36:29,910 --> 01:36:39,210 science. Okay, that's fucking science. You don't see the Goldman Sachs boys going out there and calling you were to fucking low the day's gonna be in the
493 01:36:39,210 --> 01:36:48,150 highlight of the day. You don't tell that they are out here telling you anything and intraday. They're gonna tell you that it's noise. No, it ain't. This is
494 01:36:48,150 --> 01:36:59,790 fucking dubstep to me. Okay, this is fucking classics. This is. This is Bach. This is Beethoven. To me. It's fucking symphony. It's just beautiful. I see this
495 01:36:59,790 --> 01:37:19,050 shit as poetry. It's art to me. It's not fucking noise to uninitiated to the people outside this circle. It's fucking noise. It's a cult. But guess what? I'm
496 01:37:19,050 --> 01:37:26,400 a proud card carrying member of the fucking cult of winning motherfuckers if you've got a product that kiss my ass, I don't give a shit when none of you
497 01:37:26,400 --> 01:37:34,740 fucking think outside our circle. I don't give a fuck. And you think anybody that's doing well here gives a flying fuck what you think. They don't give a
498 01:37:34,740 --> 01:37:46,200 shit. You ain't convincing them of anything. They're already in it. They've already tasted it. They already seen it. They've already been convinced of it.
499 01:37:47,670 --> 01:37:59,940 And they keep getting new doses every fucking day. And that should encourage you because I'm telling you something. I fucking wish I had this. I wish I had this
500 01:37:59,940 --> 01:38:09,270 button community. I wish I was a member of a community like this. I wish there was a fucking ICT that I could have went to and learn to shit from. I wish I had
501 01:38:09,270 --> 01:38:22,710 what you have right now. I fucking wish it I wasted so much fucking time and energy and money chasing bullshit. That promised market wizardry. And it was
502 01:38:22,710 --> 01:38:34,050 bull shit. None of their stuff ever worked. They couldn't prove they could use it. You never seen anybody out there fucking doing what I'm doing.
503 01:38:35,850 --> 01:38:45,090 If I say I'm precise, and I'm telling you to the tick, I better damn well fucking be able to do that. Right? Well guess fuckin what? It keeps happening
504 01:38:45,750 --> 01:39:00,420 over and over and over again. That should be encouraging. Because you're in good hands. You're in good hands. You got somebody that gives a fuck? How you're
505 01:39:00,420 --> 01:39:09,990 gonna do with this. That's not charging you anything. There's no fucking coupon codes. There's no fucking Black Friday specials with me. every fucking day is a
506 01:39:09,990 --> 01:39:32,100 Black Friday special. It's fucking free. Free and I just want you to appreciate it because I could have been just like I was as a 20 year old capricious not
507 01:39:32,100 --> 01:39:44,670 really knowing what the fuck I was going to do from one day to the next. And I could have went back on my word. If I was given this, I would spend the rest of
508 01:39:44,670 --> 01:40:05,520 my life teaching other people how to do it. If I was that same 20 year old boy, you thought he was a man I would have said no if it's just for me, but it wasn't
509 01:40:05,520 --> 01:40:12,540 given to me, just for me, it was given to me. So I could do what I'm doing with it.
510 01:40:18,210 --> 01:40:25,200 So now you're not going to be a Market Wizards November, but you're going to know how to find setups, you're going to know how to engage in them, you're
511 01:40:25,200 --> 01:40:32,310 going to know how to place a stop loss and not be fearful that you're going to learn how to pyramid, you're going to be able to know what it is that you're
512 01:40:32,310 --> 01:40:41,970 waiting for. And also what changes the lay of the land where you can't no longer take the trade in it, you have to sit on your hands and stop. And I'll teach how
513 01:40:41,970 --> 01:40:55,530 to reverse it to you're not going to know, okay, I want you to understand this. And please don't be upset. Okay? There's, there's a measure of realistic
514 01:40:55,980 --> 01:41:09,510 expectations that you have to maintain. You will not be able to consistently do what you see me doing now on the low ticks and the high ticks like that, that
515 01:41:09,510 --> 01:41:22,920 stuff takes long, long spans of time. There's so many things that I don't have the the benefit of time to be able to pour into that. Just this year, it
516 01:41:22,950 --> 01:41:34,200 wouldn't be possible. But you don't need that. Which is reason why you see me taking partials getting out really, really early, because I'm trying to
517 01:41:34,200 --> 01:41:46,050 condition you to do what be content with enough. Which is why I told you what, five handles? Do you see me trading with more than five handles? Of course you
518 01:41:46,050 --> 01:41:56,640 do. But I'm showing you that that five handles is a good starting point. And if that's all you ever get good at, you're killing most of what you see in retail
519 01:41:56,640 --> 01:42:10,410 out there, because a lot of people can't be consistent. Here's the thing that drives me nuts. Okay. When I see other YouTubers and streamers out there doing
520 01:42:10,410 --> 01:42:27,510 this, I want them to sit down and contemplate what it is that they're doing. And come up with one or two specific strategies that they know intimately. And this
521 01:42:27,510 --> 01:42:34,500 is what they're going to work with. And their audience will number one, appreciate it because they'll recognize it as it's forming. And there'll be
522 01:42:34,620 --> 01:42:44,850 probably doing the same thing that that YouTuber will be doing when it's time to take the trade on right. By doing that, number one, it makes them a better
523 01:42:44,850 --> 01:42:54,300 trader. It makes them a wonderful, medium to watch. And if they have a personality that's likable, and I like to people asset, I like it, they don't
524 01:42:54,300 --> 01:43:03,780 always rub everybody the same way. I like watching Patrick, because I think he's funny. And I like the fact that he's brash about what he does. He looks and
525 01:43:03,780 --> 01:43:13,110 sounds a lot like I was when I was 20 years old, like traits by men. humble guy ain't trying to fucking shake up the new the hornet's nest with anything, he
526 01:43:13,110 --> 01:43:21,090 doesn't claim, the better anybody else. And he's out there trying to find himself to the other YouTubers, I'm not going to mention because I use them for
527 01:43:21,090 --> 01:43:29,550 the purposes of sentiment. So I don't want to build the case that someone would think of me as belittling them, because I'm not. It's not even then when I'm
528 01:43:29,940 --> 01:43:38,640 looking at it's their chat window and the excitement that their followers have when they think they see something in the marketplace. And no, I'm not going to
529 01:43:38,640 --> 01:43:47,190 tell you who that is. So don't ask me. Okay, it would be rude of me to do that. But when I'm telling you I like someone, because I like them. I'm open about it.
530 01:43:47,220 --> 01:43:56,850 Like Hanuman. Hey, on my channel, this is like Hana effects. I said Hannah Montana because I was talking my son Karen about Miley Cyrus. And he was like,
531 01:43:56,850 --> 01:44:06,030 you know, she's she used to be on Disney. I'm like, I don't know, he was selling his Yes, she did my Hannah Montana. So that's where it came from. But there's a
532 01:44:06,030 --> 01:44:15,330 couple other youtubers that you know, I'm watching come up. They're really, really new. And no, they're not students of mine. So it's not like, oh, you
533 01:44:15,330 --> 01:44:26,250 know, they're students and you're just afraid to share it not the it's not always people that do what I do. Like, I'm not close minded to the degree where
534 01:44:27,090 --> 01:44:36,060 I wouldn't give my time to someone else. If they're trading number one, and they're doing something that's noteworthy, not being a dickhead out there trying
535 01:44:36,060 --> 01:44:47,130 to be a clown. I'll watch them. And if it's something I think is useful to observe and watch how they manage themselves. I share that with all of you as my
536 01:44:47,130 --> 01:44:59,460 community. And you can learn from other people, how they engage the marketplace when they take a losing trade, which is extremely brave. Like to do that in a
537 01:44:59,460 --> 01:45:10,290 live stream. And then you show your face. You can see and hear every mannerism, you're not looking at the back of somebody's head. You're seeing their mug,
538 01:45:10,620 --> 01:45:20,820 their face, you can read their eyes, when they are feeling the weight of their stock getting ready to get hit, man, that's fucking courage. Okay, I don't care
539 01:45:20,820 --> 01:45:32,130 what the fuck you say, that is something that, in my opinion, it commands respect, because you're not hiding anything. You're out there exposing it all.
540 01:45:32,430 --> 01:45:47,280 Matt does that. Patrick does that. And I have a great deal of respect for that. sitting out there, showing your cards, playing the hand that you feel is dealt
541 01:45:47,280 --> 01:46:01,200 to you. And then walking that in front of everybody win or lose. And that's, that's brass. Man, it takes brass to do that. Some people just can't do it. And
542 01:46:01,230 --> 01:46:11,760 I can't allow myself to be in a condition where I'm going to influence the outcome of someone else's money. Because I can take a losing trade. It doesn't
543 01:46:11,760 --> 01:46:19,290 bother me. I mean, you watch me get stopped out. I wasn't losing trade, but you watch him get stopped out and immediately, immediately checked everything.
544 01:46:19,290 --> 01:46:28,440 Everything's good, okay, boom, I'm right back in. You wouldn't do that. If you followed every trade I was doing, and you over leveraged on one and you know,
545 01:46:28,440 --> 01:46:44,040 you would I get stopped out, okay, it's a mosquito bite to me. But for you, because you overleveraged it. Because you're trying to do market wizardry trying
546 01:46:44,040 --> 01:46:59,790 to get your job for hat trick and try to go into early retirement on the heels of ICT streams. When I go into the next trade, which is nothing for me, you've
547 01:46:59,790 --> 01:47:10,440 done damage to yourself emotionally and financially. Now you are afraid of the outcome of the next trade. And you may have watched me do 98% success, week
548 01:47:10,440 --> 01:47:17,340 after week, day after day. And then all of a sudden, now you had that one loss, which probably wasn't all that much. But because you over leveraged it now it's
549 01:47:17,340 --> 01:47:34,530 monumental. You've now laced, the outcome, the result of the next trade now it's paramount that it must succeed. It has to succeed now, because you're damaged
550 01:47:34,530 --> 01:47:54,480 goods. So I know the characteristics that we as humans usually do. We do it all the time, we act impulsively. That impulsive nature is exaggerated in someone
551 01:47:54,480 --> 01:48:07,680 like me, because I'm imbalanced. So I know, I know, if I see something in the marketplace, I got no problem running up on a trade, that would be 5% risk. And
552 01:48:07,680 --> 01:48:13,620 the fact that I'm in that type of trade would inspire you to do what will shit if it's good for him, it's good for me. I mean, he must really trust this trade,
553 01:48:13,920 --> 01:48:24,660 and I might get stung. I'm not worried about coming back from 5% 5% and come right back from that in 30 minutes. You don't have that you don't have that
554 01:48:24,660 --> 01:48:35,340 skill, you don't have that confidence. You don't have the weapons I got. So I'm trying to be responsible because I know the influence I have. And I'm trying to
555 01:48:35,340 --> 01:48:48,630 be a good steward with it. So what do I do, I walk you through the chart one candle at a time showing you market wizardry, foresight, precision, it should do
556 01:48:48,630 --> 01:48:59,790 this, it shouldn't do that. It should do this, it should not do that. In the market just walked on a leash and delivers what we're looking for. Most times,
557 01:48:59,940 --> 01:49:15,240 not every time most times. So when you're looking at what we're doing over the course of this year, in closing, I'm gonna say this and we're done. The idea of
558 01:49:16,140 --> 01:49:24,870 what you're going to be, you're not going to be a superhero. Okay, you're not going to be a juggernaut. But you're going to be a fucking savage. And that's
559 01:49:24,870 --> 01:49:36,300 enough. You're gonna know how to find setups that yield high probability results. That's not 100% Perfect. It's high probability. That means you have
560 01:49:36,690 --> 01:49:47,820 every advantage in your favor that it's most likely going to pan out for you exactly how it's been explained. And I could literally stand in the
561 01:49:47,820 --> 01:49:57,480 motherfucking courtrooms and do this in front of judges, juries, whatever the fuck you want to do. I'm doing it right now. Because I know it in ain't gonna
562 01:49:57,480 --> 01:50:02,100 fucking stop every week, every day. It will not stop.
563 01:50:03,959 --> 01:50:12,869 Nothing's fucking changing except for, it's going to be better. It's going to improve, everything's gonna be more seamless. Everything's going to become
564 01:50:12,869 --> 01:50:25,409 faster, folks. That's what that's the change that's coming, everything is going to become faster and more streamlined. Data will be much more efficient. Latency
565 01:50:25,409 --> 01:50:36,899 will be reduced, there'll be, it's only going to improve, nothing's going to change adversely unless we're no longer allowed to trade. And that might be too
566 01:50:36,899 --> 01:50:50,969 Orwellian for some of you. But anything can happen. Anything can happen. And the more people that make their living or wealth doing this builds the likelihood of
567 01:50:50,969 --> 01:51:05,759 what being fucked with. So it's a matter of as long as it's going to be allowed for us to do it. It's going to work and worrying about what if they take away
568 01:51:05,789 --> 01:51:13,289 the ability for us to trade? If you're worrying about that, and not actively pursuing doing it? You're wasting your fucking time. It could be 20 years from
569 01:51:13,289 --> 01:51:20,489 now. It could be 10 years from now. What are you doing between now and then? Working? You're wasting your fucking life
570 01:51:27,030 --> 01:51:43,470 this year is a divine appointment. You found this? Because it was destined for you to have this. You're seeing someone that I know. I know me, okay, I know me.
571 01:51:44,340 --> 01:51:56,280 I know that there ain't a motherfucker out there that's going to pour into anybody. Like I'm pouring into you. You're not paying me for shit. And I'm
572 01:51:56,280 --> 01:52:11,640 proving it every day with precision with the theory, the logic I'm teaching you it's repeating if it wasn't algorithmic. Listen, folks. If it wasn't absolutely
573 01:52:11,790 --> 01:52:24,720 fucking controlled, there's no way no fucking way that I would know what it's going to do minute by minute. Think about that. It takes more faith to believe
574 01:52:24,990 --> 01:52:38,940 in fucking Santa Claus than the belief that the market is algorithmic now. I mean, it's so obvious now. It should be fucking obvious. And why it's so such a
575 01:52:38,940 --> 01:52:47,700 divisive thing. But you should be thankful. You should appreciate the fact that hey, this is a big fucking weight off my back that hey, it's not pure
576 01:52:47,700 --> 01:52:55,620 randomness, because if it was really fucking random, how the fuck could you sleep at night knowing you're risking money, you think these these organizations
577 01:52:55,620 --> 01:53:04,230 out there that are risking billions of fucking dollars? are doing it with the understanding that it's all fucking random guys. Who the fuck knows what's going
578 01:53:04,230 --> 01:53:15,480 to happen tomorrow? I mean, the market view could go up anywhere. It could go down anywhere. But yet, that's the horseshit that you swallow down and think,
579 01:53:15,660 --> 01:53:27,630 oh, yeah, they said it so it must be true. Goldman Sachs says it's noise on these lower timeframe charts. These people that go out there and make a try to
580 01:53:27,780 --> 01:53:36,210 teach you the 401k approach to getting wealthy. They'll tell you nobody can time the market. We're fucking laughing at these motherfuckers we're doing this every
581 01:53:36,210 --> 01:53:46,860 fucking day, every fucking session. Every minute by minute. It's fucking predictable, folks. Okay, and you should literally be dancing around on a sugar
582 01:53:46,860 --> 01:53:58,860 fucking high. Because you're learning something that most people out there think that it's impossible to do. It should be a fucking carnival experience every day
583 01:53:58,860 --> 01:54:09,180 with me, because I'm showing you the fucking future. We're time traveling. every fucking day. We're time traveling. You're seeing the outcome and then fucking
584 01:54:09,180 --> 01:54:25,800 charts beforehand. As is like having tomorrow's winning lottery numbers every day. Think about that. Think about that. What the fuck? Seriously? That's what
585 01:54:25,800 --> 01:54:28,920 it feels like. It should be feeling like that for you. Because that's exactly what it felt like for me
586 01:54:33,990 --> 01:54:55,890 my later 20s It dawned on me it dawned on me that Oh shit. I have the ability to be able to see the fucking future and then it's that moment you start looking
587 01:54:55,890 --> 01:55:06,570 around and you're waiting for the fucking black helicopters to come fucking swarming in the fucking Men and black shown up. It feels like that. And when you
588 01:55:06,570 --> 01:55:21,240 walk out there every day, and you're able to see it, and it's delivered into your hands every day, just like this. It's a, it's a feeling that I cannot
589 01:55:21,240 --> 01:55:30,900 describe. When I asked that guy corbs. I said, you know, because he asked you why? Why does our community behave the way it does, not all of you, but some of
590 01:55:30,900 --> 01:55:38,460 you that are really just fucking warriors, like, you just want to throw down because somebody said something that you didn't like about me or what you're
591 01:55:38,460 --> 01:55:44,700 learning, or you or whatever, it's gonna be like that all the time, there's gonna be people talking shots, and you don't need to defend me. I'm out here
592 01:55:44,700 --> 01:55:53,610 doing it, and nobody's keeping up with me. So just laugh at him. But when he said that, why does Mark watch our community act the way it does? Like, some of
593 01:55:53,610 --> 01:56:04,500 you would be willing to take a bullet for me, which is insane. The idea that you would represent me in any manner whatsoever, because you have a measure of
594 01:56:04,500 --> 01:56:21,270 respect for me that is beyond father, okay, beyond a parent TL. relationship, and I understand it. Like I understand that dynamic. But when I responded to
595 01:56:21,270 --> 01:56:32,850 him, I said, Okay, try to explain to me like, I'm someone that's not a traitor. Okay? Try to do this to somebody else. And you probably already done it, and
596 01:56:33,420 --> 01:56:43,830 they're never going to understand it like you feel it and experience it. But I asked corbs in the interview, I said, explain to me in a way that you should
597 01:56:43,830 --> 01:56:54,210 feel satisfied. And I'm a lay person, that means I'm not someone that's versed in trading. I'm just somebody off the street. Just nobody ever sat down with me
598 01:56:54,210 --> 01:57:02,160 and talked about trading. And then boom, here you are, you're profitable. You just walked through the full week, you did everything right. All Trades on par.
599 01:57:02,280 --> 01:57:15,990 You just you're dialed in, explain to me how you feel. doing that. And he struggled to do it. And watching his face as he was reaching for words that
600 01:57:15,990 --> 01:57:30,000 would never come close to satisfying. And he doesn't even know what we're doing here. But he knows what it feels like to be on one side dialed in. You can't get
601 01:57:30,000 --> 01:57:46,860 any more doubt and imperfect. You can't improve on fuckin perfect to the fucking tick. How can you fucking improve on that? You can't. So why the fuck? Are you
602 01:57:46,860 --> 01:57:59,310 not elated? That you exactly know where you are? What the fuck? You're learning where you're going with it? Because I'm telling you, the sky is not the end.
603 01:57:59,340 --> 01:58:11,730 It's not the limit. This motherfucking opportunity is limitless. It's fucking limitless. You have no idea how far you're gonna go. I guarantee you, your
604 01:58:11,730 --> 01:58:24,600 thinking your high point is this. It ain't high enough. It ain't fucking high enough. It's gonna be way beyond that. Fucking way beyond that. You just can't
605 01:58:24,600 --> 01:58:34,980 see it yet. Your vantage point isn't high enough for you to be able to see how far you're going to go with this. And that's why I want your story. I want to
606 01:58:34,980 --> 01:58:57,390 know what you're done with it. Because I am placing something in your hands that nobody can that's real empowerment. That's fucking superpower. Like that is
607 01:58:57,600 --> 01:59:06,360 you're able to read the fucking future. Who the fuck wouldn't want that power? You know what's going to happen? You have an enemy. Okay? What's he going to do?
608 01:59:08,880 --> 01:59:17,520 You need to make money. Where's the next thing to make money on? You don't want to lose money. You want to protect your money. Okay, well, you don't want to do
609 01:59:17,520 --> 01:59:30,720 this. You don't want to invest here. You want to do that. That's empowerment. You're not going to be influenced, like the mortals in retail that are always
610 01:59:31,020 --> 01:59:40,560 plagued with trying to get back what they just lost because they didn't know what the fuck to expect. Think about it. Everything that we do, folks.
611 01:59:40,830 --> 01:59:51,600 Everything that we do is around an element of time. This is what time it should do this. You're setting your fucking watch to the shit that we do in trades. You
612 01:59:51,600 --> 02:00:01,380 can set your fucking clocks in your home at your work desk, on your wrist on your fucking phone. Well, maybe not You're gonna think it's automatic. No, but
613 02:00:01,380 --> 02:00:12,630 the point is, you can set all this shit. Like, Swiss timepiece precision, we're not guessing when certain shits gonna happen. You don't see that in fucking
614 02:00:12,630 --> 02:00:21,600 retail anywhere. It's like, well, you know, anything can happen. You gotta be, you gotta be in front of the charts, when it's going to happen. If you miss it,
615 02:00:21,600 --> 02:00:28,080 you miss it, you know, that's how it is. You got to put it in the chart time, because you don't know when these opportunities are gonna present themselves. As
616 02:00:28,080 --> 02:00:36,030 with every fucking book I ever purchased, that's the paint. That's the paint. That's the picture. That's the narrative they tried to put you into believing.
617 02:00:36,600 --> 02:00:46,890 And that's bullshit. That's Grade A fucking bullshit. That's a lie. That's somebody that doesn't know what the fuck they're doing. That's what that is. And
618 02:00:46,890 --> 02:00:59,250 they're writing a book, asking you to pay $60.30 $5 and $40 for a bunch of bullshit. And what and wipe my ass with that shit. It's useless. And the only
619 02:00:59,250 --> 02:01:11,100 reason why I don't throw the fucking books away is because they're sentimental to me. I worked very hard part time jobs just to afford that bullshit. And for
620 02:01:11,100 --> 02:01:18,480 throwing it away, would have been like, you know, I worked my ass off just to throw it away, I wouldn't get enough satisfaction throwing it away. I like
621 02:01:18,510 --> 02:01:34,980 seeing those books. And laughing at them. The writers of those fucking books and how clueless they fucking are. That's why hold on till I hold on to none of them
622 02:01:35,280 --> 02:01:45,450 with any value that they're helping me. Continue being the person you see me as the analyst that I share and do everything in front of you live with the
623 02:01:45,450 --> 02:01:56,040 lectures that I teach from. None of that stuff comes from those books. It's all regurgitated horseshit, that's the same stuff over and over again, that does not
624 02:01:56,040 --> 02:02:07,740 fucking work. But how do people make money with retail stuff? They're good money managers. Because remember, if you're a good money manager, you can flip a
625 02:02:07,740 --> 02:02:21,900 quarter and hit zero buyer tails, your seller, limit your losses, let your profits run, it's a winning strategy right there. As it is, believe me, just
626 02:02:21,930 --> 02:02:34,860 test it. Gift, get $5 in pennies, sit down over the weekend, flip a quarter, okay, and move the pennies to the other side of the table you're at. And that's
627 02:02:34,860 --> 02:02:46,320 your bet. And do that same thing over and over again, it's really hard to lose the money. It's really hard to do it if you limit how much you're willing to
628 02:02:46,320 --> 02:03:00,000 bet. And you allow for if you win, you get three pennies. If you lose, you lose one penny, and you just flip your quarter heads, your buyer, Tails Hersteller.
629 02:03:01,770 --> 02:03:12,150 Thank you about like that. And you'll see it's very hard to lose all of it. It's hard. It's not easy to do it. But you as a retail trader, looking at that
630 02:03:12,150 --> 02:03:25,710 horseshit going out there and rushing in to do it. I got my stochastic on there, I got my fucking CCI on there. My moving average golden crosses, here it is. But
631 02:03:25,710 --> 02:03:33,120 you don't have to manage money. You don't have to manage yourself. Now these books adequately talk about that, which is the reason why I'd beat to share with
632 02:03:33,120 --> 02:03:42,330 you with these types of lectures because that's the stuff that's going to undo you. You cannot be successful without knowing how to manage yourself. And
633 02:03:42,330 --> 02:03:51,420 believe me, I am chemically imbalanced. I'm going to tell you how important it is because it's fucking even worse for me. It's really difficult for me to
634 02:03:51,420 --> 02:03:56,700 balance and manage myself as an average day person, let alone a fucking speculator.
635 02:04:01,890 --> 02:04:19,650 Think, think when you watch me do these live streams? That's not ratchet ICT. That's me with all of my focus. With nobody asking me anything. There's no chat
636 02:04:19,650 --> 02:04:26,100 window I'm reading. I'm not looking at Twitter. I don't give a fuck about what questions are coming up what anybody else is saying. It doesn't matter to me.
637 02:04:26,280 --> 02:04:37,770 The only thing that matters is that candle that's forming right now in front of me. And my intention is dialed the fuck in on that. It's three decades of
638 02:04:37,770 --> 02:04:47,190 conditioning for that. When I'm talking about price, or if I'm talking about something biblical, faith based. You're not going to hear ratchet it coming up.
639 02:04:48,510 --> 02:05:02,940 It's 100% dialed in. But when I'm in an environment like this, where there's no filter, I'm sitting in mind My trading room looking around at monitors that are
640 02:05:02,940 --> 02:05:16,080 off, I'm looking at my stereo and my speakers and TV and entertainment center here and my towers that are underneath my trading desk. Nothing's really drawing
641 02:05:16,080 --> 02:05:25,380 my attention. It's just I'm letting my mind go. And whatever is in the front, gets the talk and say, whatever it's whatever it wants to talk about. Wherever,
642 02:05:25,380 --> 02:05:36,450 whatever point it's being made. It's this 100% 100 mile an hour. And it's not easy to track me. And it may be entertaining for some of you. I'm not trying to
643 02:05:36,450 --> 02:05:45,210 be entertaining. I'm not trying to be funny. I'm not trying to be a comedian. But I'm trying to communicate to you that the things that you don't pay
644 02:05:45,210 --> 02:05:54,330 attention to, that you think that aren't important to you, because you don't have that problem. It'll be easy for you, once you start making money, you'll,
645 02:05:54,480 --> 02:06:04,290 you'll figure it out how to manage making money. That's what you're thinking, you have no idea proof of that is when you start making real money. You're going
646 02:06:04,290 --> 02:06:13,260 to fucking short circuit right there. Most of you have no idea what it feels like to make good money. Because you've been conditioned all your life to make
647 02:06:13,260 --> 02:06:27,780 nothing. Give up your entire fucking day, your entire week, where yourself the fuck out for a little bit of money, come home. be tired, no energy, no time to
648 02:06:27,780 --> 02:06:34,590 do anything. You got to make sure you get eight hours of fucking sleep. To go do it all over again.
649 02:06:39,930 --> 02:06:55,170 Then when you start making your monthly salary, gross, before taxes in one fucking trade. Whoa, this was nice. Wow, this was this was such a fortunate
650 02:06:55,170 --> 02:07:06,900 windfall. And then it repeats. And then you feel like, well, wait a minute, what am I doing that do that I'm going to continuously do that. And then it becomes
651 02:07:07,320 --> 02:07:27,630 every week. And then it comes every day. And then becomes each session, morning and afternoon. That kind of windfall continuously. It changes you. It challenges
652 02:07:27,630 --> 02:07:42,840 you. And it's going to show you where your flaws are. As a young man, I was continuously looking for a way to find validation because I lost my grandfather.
653 02:07:45,360 --> 02:07:58,140 My father didn't raise me. And my mother didn't want anything to do with me. So I've always spent my entire life seeking validation. And when I got it from my
654 02:07:58,140 --> 02:08:15,210 grandfather as a father figure, I lost him due to pancreatic cancer and I watched this strong big Navy man get consumed and went down to 90 pounds. This
655 02:08:15,210 --> 02:08:27,300 man was 300 pounds and not a fat ass either. He was big, big as shoulders biggest fucking back biggest fucking arms. He was a man that motherfucker was
656 02:08:27,300 --> 02:08:31,170 looked he looked like a fucking redwood. But he was a tree of a man
657 02:08:36,510 --> 02:08:43,290 but I watched that disease consume him. And he looked like a shell
658 02:08:51,180 --> 02:09:09,000 and when I lost him I was lost. Because he was my strength. He was my direction in life. This was all before coming to Christ. I was literally clinging to him.
659 02:09:10,920 --> 02:09:20,250 He was the father figure that I needed. He was the he was the discipline. He was the Enforcer when he needed to correct my ass and put me on the right path.
660 02:09:20,250 --> 02:09:26,640 You're fucking off. Get your ass over and do this. Okay, done. chores. I had them done. He never had to ask.
661 02:09:31,650 --> 02:09:42,630 And I remember asking him I said should I join the Navy? Because if he would have said join the Navy I would have done just the please and just to get his
662 02:09:43,620 --> 02:09:57,150 approval. He said no, no, no, no, no, no. The country is not what it used to be. Nobody should do that now. When we were doing it did was a different nation. It
663 02:09:57,150 --> 02:10:12,900 was a different way of doing it. But what they're doing now Oh, no, don't do that. So I didn't. But I told him, I said, I'm going to be an entrepreneur. Oh,
664 02:10:12,900 --> 02:10:22,260 we'll see it. As we said, We'll see it. Get the I didn't take that as well, that ain't gonna happen. Meaning if I'm going to do it, I'm gonna fucking do it, I'm
665 02:10:22,260 --> 02:10:32,070 not going to just talk about it, I'm gonna fucking do it. If I'm going to do it, I won't talk about it. And I knew exactly what he meant. So I didn't talk about
666 02:10:32,070 --> 02:10:45,510 it. I set my ass doing it. I was going to be a systems analyst. I was going to school for computer programming and information systems. And that was my goal. I
667 02:10:45,510 --> 02:10:58,380 wanted to be a systems analyst, I wanted to do all of that. In my schooling, I couldn't secure a job. So I was a coder, since sixth grade by choice, I was
668 02:10:58,380 --> 02:11:00,450 making my own games in sixth grade.
669 02:11:07,530 --> 02:11:21,690 But that's not where I was supposed to be. I looked at things as an algorithm, even before my sixth grade math teacher taught it to me. Everything was a
670 02:11:21,690 --> 02:11:38,850 process. Everything was managing. If then. In my head, I manage my everyday living. If I act out on what I'm feeling, this is what's going to happen, then
671 02:11:38,850 --> 02:11:49,440 I'll have to deal with that. It was always an internal dialogue in my mind wrestling with bipolarism. Wanting to act out, wanting to do things that I know
672 02:11:49,440 --> 02:11:58,590 I shouldn't do. And then feeling emotional, and feeling embarrassed because I felt emotional, and not understanding what that feels like wrestling with it.
673 02:12:00,120 --> 02:12:09,930 And you see these fucking assholes online, they make light of it. Like, if you felt it, you wouldn't talk the way you do. You wouldn't, you wouldn't say those
674 02:12:09,930 --> 02:12:14,100 things because it's very difficult living with it. Very difficult.
675 02:12:19,530 --> 02:12:36,240 But as a younger guy at 20 years old. When you start seeing money come into your hands that your uncle that went to University of Maryland has a business degree.
676 02:12:37,110 --> 02:12:44,280 And he's working on fucking Kentucky Fried Chicken, just to make ends meet. And you can see it on his face. He's ashamed.
677 02:12:49,950 --> 02:13:07,470 And then you his nephew, pay for his school shoes, his clothes, and his entertainment because his father and mother can't do it. I'm glad I had that
678 02:13:07,500 --> 02:13:19,710 experience. While when I first did it. I felt off. I felt like I'm embarrassed to do it for my uncle. He didn't ask me to do it. I did it because they couldn't
679 02:13:19,710 --> 02:13:30,030 do it. If I didn't do it, my cousin Aaron would have been wearing the same shoes in the same clothes that he wore the previous school year. And you know how it
680 02:13:30,030 --> 02:13:33,810 is with kids while you're wearing the same old shit, able to tease them.
681 02:13:39,150 --> 02:13:49,590 But apart from that, I was a dick. I was an arrogant motherfucker. And I threw it in everybody's face. I make more money, I pay more taxes in three months than
682 02:13:49,590 --> 02:14:03,870 your fucking whole family makes in a year. That's who you are listening to when I was 20 That's how I was. When you start making a lot of money. It's going to
683 02:14:03,870 --> 02:14:17,550 show you where your weaknesses are. So as a 20 year old when I said those things. What I was exhibiting was all the fucking pain he was carrying inside.
684 02:14:18,540 --> 02:14:32,040 And I was trying to deflect it and show it as an offense. I finally am able to do this Fuck all of you. You're nothing you're fucking pissed dance. I make more
685 02:14:32,040 --> 02:14:39,870 money than your whole fucking family does. I pay more taxes, and your whole family fucking earns in gross salary. That's the shit that came out my mouth as
686 02:14:39,870 --> 02:14:55,260 a 20 year old. And I'm ashamed of having said those things and acting the way I did. But it manifests because I needed validation. When I was saying those
687 02:14:55,260 --> 02:15:02,250 things. I wasn't trying to hurt anybody's feelings by doing that. What I was wanting to actually have happen and it was stupid. But this is what everybody
688 02:15:02,250 --> 02:15:11,820 does on social media. You think by taking your shit. And look at my fucking cars, look at my shit. Look at my fucking watch, I paid too much money for it,
689 02:15:11,820 --> 02:15:20,610 look at everything that I got. But you can't see them executing any fucking trades, but they're going to show you all this other shit. Look at my house,
690 02:15:20,730 --> 02:15:30,330 look how rich I am. You're a poor fucking low IQ motherfucker, when you see that you're seeing a weak man, like I was at 20 years old, you're seeing a weak man
691 02:15:30,420 --> 02:15:43,590 projecting. And what day and what I wanted to hear was, you know what? That's fucking awesome. And if someone would have said that, every time I did it, I
692 02:15:43,590 --> 02:15:48,840 would have probably broke down and started crying and saying, You know what I was a fucking technical should've never said that. And they would have given me
693 02:15:48,840 --> 02:16:05,340 what I really wanted. validation. And that's what some of you are going into this with. You're looking to use these market wizardry concepts, to make a lot
694 02:16:05,340 --> 02:16:14,460 of money to make a name for yourself. So that way you can go out on social media, and project your weaknesses, but you're going to do it in a way that you
695 02:16:14,460 --> 02:16:23,070 think it's an offense, you're going to really stick it to these people that really fucking made you feel insignificant, you want to crush them. You want to
696 02:16:23,070 --> 02:16:29,190 just make them feel stupid, and they're going to feel more stupid than they are. The fact that they even troll other people. That's the testimony. They're
697 02:16:29,190 --> 02:16:36,780 fucking idiots. Because if they were really making money, if they're really successful, they wouldn't be doing this shit. They wouldn't be hiding in
698 02:16:36,780 --> 02:16:44,970 people's fucking comment sections and on their fucking videos and making up dumb shit. Constantly spending more time with someone else, a grown 50 year old man
699 02:16:45,030 --> 02:16:58,170 has more of their attention span than their own fucking wife and kids. Come on now. That's someone that's trying to compensate for something. And I was
700 02:16:58,170 --> 02:17:09,660 compensating for the lack of direction in my life. When I was 20 I would have done anything to have anyone at that time because not one of my family members
701 02:17:09,660 --> 02:17:16,860 said I was gonna be able to be successful at this. And when I started seeing success, they all turned her head and didn't want to acknowledge it. And it
702 02:17:16,860 --> 02:17:26,070 pissed me off. So what did I do more of the bragging more than showboating more to buy cars more to go on vacations more this close by for another pair of
703 02:17:26,070 --> 02:17:33,810 shoes? I get a muddy throw them in the fucking trash right in front my uncle. And he cussed me out said your stupid asshole. had any idea how much money you
704 02:17:33,810 --> 02:17:42,510 just wasted there? I worked my ass off all fucking week long to make that after taxes and you just fucking did that in front of me. I hear that in my fucking
705 02:17:42,510 --> 02:17:55,890 heart. Every time I think about that, that cut deepest book I didn't throw those fucking shoes away. To be addict to him. I just figured well fuck it. I'll just
706 02:17:55,890 --> 02:18:09,870 go and buy another pair of him. But because he saw me do something that was ridiculously stupid. I could have claimed them. But in my mind, fuck it. I'll
707 02:18:09,870 --> 02:18:15,600 just buy another pair of shoes who get a shit. Go to Nordstrom or buy some more shit. There it is done.
708 02:18:20,880 --> 02:18:36,630 But his the look in his face when he talked about that. And I've watched that glassy. But he was on the verge of so frustrated with me. And ashamed of me. The
709 02:18:36,630 --> 02:18:49,200 way I was acting. He emotionally said those things to me. And it was like he kicked me in my solar plexus like I couldn't breathe. And while I did leave
710 02:18:49,200 --> 02:18:57,840 those shoes in the trashcan, when he walked back in there, I waited for him to go upstairs and I went in. And now I'll go upstairs, I got it cleaned up because
711 02:18:57,840 --> 02:19:11,220 I was renting a room from and I went outside, got the shoes cleaned them up, I gave it to a friend. But I know he went out there the next morning before he
712 02:19:11,220 --> 02:19:27,870 left for work to make sure those shoes weren't in that trash can. Money is going to challenge and change you if you let it and it will allow you to feel
713 02:19:28,800 --> 02:19:41,400 confident about being the wrong type of person. And I'm going to tell you this, and I've said it before, but I mean it every time when I was younger, and I was
714 02:19:41,400 --> 02:19:55,320 trying to showboat and flash and talk down to other people. I never I fucking never felt powerful doing it. I always felt like a piece of shit afterwards. I
715 02:19:55,320 --> 02:20:09,000 wished I could have went back in time and said nothing like that. But I was wrestling with a real need inside of me. And I didn't know how to manage me. So
716 02:20:09,000 --> 02:20:27,090 I asked them, I showed out, talk my shit. spent money stupidly thinking that people would do what? Give me respect. You know, they did. They played me.
717 02:20:28,290 --> 02:20:37,320 Everybody wanted to be my friend. Every girl wanted to sleep with me then. Because they knew what I was throwing around. And hey, all I gotta do is tell
718 02:20:37,320 --> 02:20:46,140 the spoken ad. He's fucking cool. Now get in his wallet. There you go. And you young men think that that's not going to happen to you. And that's exactly what
719 02:20:46,140 --> 02:20:55,020 the fuck is going to happen. Because there's a woman out there. And there's a man out there, that's going to play your fucking ass like a fiddle. Because
720 02:20:55,020 --> 02:21:05,460 you're too wrapped up in your weaknesses that you're trying to hide. Because now you got money. You're going to try to use that money. Like it's a fucking
721 02:21:05,460 --> 02:21:16,800 sledgehammer. smasher by over the head, I'm better than you. Because look what I got. It doesn't make you better. It just means that you spent too much fucking
722 02:21:16,800 --> 02:21:27,300 money on the shit you got. That's all it means. Who's really fucking smart. These fucking people that are buying 300,000 Arphaxad sports cars. That's
723 02:21:27,300 --> 02:21:37,590 fucking stupid. That's fucking dumb. Eight to 10 years from now, none of us is going to be allowed to have a fucking combustible engine. So who's going to be
724 02:21:37,590 --> 02:21:57,060 laughing then Right? So anyway, I just want to touch base with all of you. And I want to decompress and get some perspective on what you've been enduring, what
725 02:21:57,060 --> 02:22:06,540 you've been experiencing, and what you're learning. And in concert with what I mentioned this morning, about maybe not knowing how far you've grown, because
726 02:22:06,540 --> 02:22:17,490 you don't have to measure it yet. And your best testimony of your growth is your terminal, the things that you're learning you're observing. And we're only
727 02:22:17,520 --> 02:22:29,880 really into this now, a couple of weeks. We haven't even done a full month yet. And I've already changed most of your perception about how prices booked by
728 02:22:29,880 --> 02:22:41,250 giving you two specific ranges of inefficiency, where the markets going to constantly go back to and revert to it for the sake of fair value. And by
729 02:22:41,250 --> 02:22:54,420 understanding just that alone, sets up all kinds of setups that you were not even aware for. And they repeats every week, there's going to be this repeating
730 02:22:54,420 --> 02:23:03,810 repeating phenomenon that takes place. And you also know that every morning at that New York opening gap, the difference between where we closed yesterday and
731 02:23:03,810 --> 02:23:16,890 the 930 opening price. What happens if there isn't a gap there? You still reference the respective opening closed price. You have to have those levels,
732 02:23:17,580 --> 02:23:32,760 those levels are going to be useful. The likelihood of you opening exactly where we closed can happen. Sure. Is it going to happen most times No. And for forex,
733 02:23:33,060 --> 02:23:45,330 you're going to use the futures market. Those Canadian dollar futures contracts, those australian dollar contracts, the Japanese yen contracts, the British pound
734 02:23:45,330 --> 02:23:59,250 contracts. Those are going to provide you that gap that you're going to utilize. And when you're looking at the US 500, there's some of you're concerned about
735 02:23:59,250 --> 02:24:13,560 law, I don't see this. And I don't see that. Even though you can't trade the levels in the markets because your country won't let you trade the US markets.
736 02:24:14,190 --> 02:24:28,140 And you can only trade the CFDs the very candles and time that you see me referring to in the futures contract, track as best as you can. In those
737 02:24:28,140 --> 02:24:38,850 respective candles, the levels are never going to line up. It's never going to happen for you. Which is why I've had a difficult time wrestling with that.
738 02:24:39,510 --> 02:24:51,570 Because I'm trying to I'm trying to bridge that for you. And it's many ways much like what I was opening this conversation with how I looked at problems that
739 02:24:51,660 --> 02:24:58,800 Larry Williams and other traders said that they would have, I would go in and I would pursue that as a puzzle to figure out and I'm wrestling with that right
740 02:24:58,800 --> 02:25:16,710 now. I'm trying to Reg, the disconnect between what the US 500 Us 100, and us 30 CFDs. do and how they book with that of the actual us futures market. So, when
741 02:25:16,710 --> 02:25:26,010 we're not together, that's what I'm doing. Like, I'm literally going through charts and trying to come up with a way where I can make this easier for you
742 02:25:26,010 --> 02:25:36,480 that can't trade the futures contract, I might not be successful. But I'm working my ass off to try to deal with. And if I'm able to get to something
743 02:25:36,480 --> 02:25:45,000 where I think it's easy for everyone to understand using it, I'm going to teach it to you, I'm not going to hold it back, it's not going to be in the book, it's
744 02:25:45,000 --> 02:25:52,770 going to be in a lecture that I'm teaching real time over the chart so that we can see it. But I can't dilute my attention. Because it's very easy for me to
745 02:25:52,770 --> 02:26:02,130 chase cars, it's it's very, I have a very hard time holding my concentration on any one particular thing. And the two things that hold my attention the best is
746 02:26:02,130 --> 02:26:15,030 anything that has to do with Christ, or the markets. If I'm watching a candlestick chart book. Like you can hear it like I'm my my focus is 100%. I
747 02:26:15,030 --> 02:26:27,900 will not let anything else get in front of my consciousness, which is what wrestling with bipolarism is like, imagine you're in a room. Okay? You're in a
748 02:26:27,900 --> 02:26:41,400 room with people you don't know. And they all have a question that they're asking you. And they're all asking at the same time. And you don't want to
749 02:26:41,670 --> 02:26:53,400 offend any of them. And you want to give them your undivided attention. But you can't. So you wrestle with the uncomfortable state that that makes it feel like
750 02:26:53,400 --> 02:27:07,680 for you, because you want to give every one of those individuals that is asking you a question. your undivided attention, your your respect your consideration.
751 02:27:10,080 --> 02:27:32,340 But you can't. That's what it's like being bipolar. I can't sometimes fight off these impulsive either responses, or remarks or train of thoughts where I go off
752 02:27:32,340 --> 02:27:40,290 in a rabbit trail, I'll come back, if you give enough time, I'll come right back to where I ended. And it drives my wife nuts, like we've been together since
753 02:27:40,350 --> 02:27:51,270 1997. And she's like, I still can't get over how you are talking. You're having five fucking conversations, five conversations, you know exactly where the fuck
754 02:27:51,270 --> 02:27:58,800 you left off. But you go off on these other things, and you didn't finish the shit you started here. But if I don't stop you, and you just go right back to
755 02:27:58,800 --> 02:28:08,640 doing it, and it's hard for me to follow you. But I can see you go back to it, and you finish it. Because you don't want to leave anything on done. But I know
756 02:28:08,640 --> 02:28:09,900 how it is listening to me.
757 02:28:11,730 --> 02:28:22,950 And this is what I tried to hide from all of you. Because I'm emotional about it. I feel like it's a weakness to do that as an educator. And I understand some
758 02:28:22,950 --> 02:28:30,840 of you might say, well, you know, don't look at it like that. But it doesn't change the way I feel about it, because I've wrestled with it all my life. So
759 02:28:30,840 --> 02:28:46,110 when I can talk it my best form, which has always been the recorded format, where I filtered out all the imbalances, when I'm swinging from, you know, both
760 02:28:46,110 --> 02:28:57,930 sides of the spectrum. It's rare that I'm balanced for the short period of time where I can talk focused, not reach for the colorful language that invariably
761 02:28:57,930 --> 02:29:10,560 shows itself here. That's the that's the mentor I've always strive to be. And that's the one I only wanted you to see. Which is why I did recording only I
762 02:29:10,560 --> 02:29:20,880 knew if I was in a setting where if it was live. I would feel that way. And I was wrestling with that when I was doing private mentorship. And I was trying to
763 02:29:20,880 --> 02:29:32,070 do live sessions and I was wrestling with all that right then in there with 160 Some people all asking me very politely, initially and then got more aggressive
764 02:29:32,250 --> 02:29:39,570 because I couldn't answer everybody at one time and I still get people complained to me. I sent you an email fucking nine months ago. And nobody nobody
765 02:29:39,600 --> 02:29:49,740 responds to me. You're an asshole. You're a terrible mentor. You have any idea what it's like to get hundreds of fucking emails every hour. Who to fucking do
766 02:29:49,740 --> 02:30:01,620 that? No way. I would never get anything done. Like I would never get anything done. Just imagine. Imagine 1000 tweets or not to use for text messages came to
767 02:30:01,620 --> 02:30:11,670 you every day from different people. And they all want a response as soon as they gave you to you, like they're the only person that exists and like you're
768 02:30:11,670 --> 02:30:27,990 there, you're there, there. They are your only student and their right to expect my attention. But I'm human like I'm, I'm not omnipresent. Like I, I can only
769 02:30:27,990 --> 02:30:42,480 occupy one space that one time. That's it. So, because I'm central to wherever I'm at right then and there, and I'm not on the present. I can't humanly answer
770 02:30:42,510 --> 02:30:55,290 everything. Like, I can't do that. I feel guilty when you all give me support and feedback on Twitter. When I'm looking for it, I literally will sit there and
771 02:30:55,290 --> 02:31:03,990 go through and read every single comment and I'm liking it. So that way I I'm communicating to you that I gave you my time, at that moment, and I read your
772 02:31:03,990 --> 02:31:14,670 message. And I want you to know, I read it. So when I heard it, I read your message. Like I took time I read what you said, if I like it, if I think it's
773 02:31:14,670 --> 02:31:23,790 impactful to me, if it moves me or if it's something for the community that I want to share. I thought it was funny or it's helpful, then I'll retweet it. But
774 02:31:23,790 --> 02:31:35,970 I wear my heart on my sleeve as a mentor, which isn't good. That opens me up to criticisms that will invariably do what caused me to have an emotional response,
775 02:31:36,000 --> 02:31:47,940 which is typically fucking rage. Now, in all of the shit that's been said about me, supposedly threatening people's family and threatening children, and paying
776 02:31:47,940 --> 02:31:58,470 for people to fucking threaten them. I am perfectly capable of fucking threatening somebody on my own. I can do that. And I don't do those things. I've
777 02:31:58,470 --> 02:32:10,050 never had to do those things. It's not in my character. Even in my worst bipolar fucking episodes. I've never fucking ever threatened anybody's fucking family.
778 02:32:10,260 --> 02:32:17,400 Nobody's children were ever threatened. And I sure as fuck did not pay anybody to do that. And for a man down in fucking Texas, making a fucking narrative
779 02:32:17,400 --> 02:32:25,290 about this bullshit for fucking clout in attention. You're fucking stupid, dude. You're fucking stupid. And I hope you get in that courtroom. And that
780 02:32:25,290 --> 02:32:32,700 motherfucker opens a fucking cannibal pass on your fucking ass. And you're gonna find out that nobody got paid by me to do any of that shit. I don't need to do
781 02:32:32,700 --> 02:32:43,140 that. You've done nothing to slow me down. You've done nothing to convince anybody learning this stuff that they're wasting their time. You're seeing all
782 02:32:43,140 --> 02:32:49,800 of these people growing in their understanding you're seeing people in fucking making money. They're bringing their fucking receipts the companies that are
783 02:32:49,800 --> 02:33:08,280 paying them are interviewing them so it's about time to shut the fuck up. And on that note, my friends we're gonna close this one and I'm going to wish you all a
784 02:33:08,280 --> 02:33:18,750 very pleasant evening, morning whatever it is where you're at in your neck of the woods and we'll be back out again tomorrow with another carnival like
785 02:33:18,750 --> 02:33:24,480 atmosphere I'm sure overpriced in candlesticks
786 02:33:29,970 --> 02:33:34,860 I think it's a PUT OFF. Till next time. Be safe.