
Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2022-12-29 08:28


00:39 - Today’s Topic: FOMC.

02:47 - The importance of getting the film early on -.

09:16 - You don’t need these big FOMC days.

12:29 - There’s nothing in these markets that would warrant being bullish.

19:47 - Chasing price is the only big moves.

23:33 - Don’t chase the frenzy.

28:41 - The problem with chasing cars -.

32:05 - You’re not beating me, you’ll get back up.

39:07 - Hold yourself to a higher standard unless you show you’ve done something wrong.

42:13 - Why you have to respect the fear you have -.

48:17 - You’re going to have these big moves, extrapolations in one sidedness -.

51:21 - Why I make the videos the way I do -.

59:45 - You’re trying to get to the point of consistency.

01:06:12 - If you don’t master yourself, you’re going to fail.

01:09:54 - What are you looking for in a bear market?

01:16:08 - You have to say “this is bullshit”.

01:17:17 - You want to be able to pay for shit you can’t afford.

01:24:40 - What the hell is he talking about?

01:27:04 - How much would you be willing to pay for this skill set?

01:33:08 - Why chat rooms are a toxic wasteland -.

01:37:27 - Why you have to be willing to learn from your mistakes -.

01:44:26 - Don’t be afraid of failure.

01:48:25 - Don’t try to make a lot of money -.

01:55:09 - Don’t push too hard. You have to have rules.

02:01:30 - Did you lose your job because of that? Did your whole household come unglued?

02:05:10 - You have to be able to manage yourself responsibly.

02:12:56 - What type of individual are these young guys attracting?

02:16:42 - You’re only worth special attention and adoration if you do it all wrong.

02:22:58 - “Crazier” vs “vulgar”.

02:25:29 - I haven’t murdered anyone, but I’m addicted to drugs.

02:32:35 - I knew I was going to fail, and I did everything I could.

02:35:12 - Why you don’t need to do the things you’re trying to do for image proof.

02:42:54 - Be mindful of where you receive it from -.

02:46:14 - The importance of having a mentor -.

02:53:01 - How do you justify looking for perfection when perfection has been shown to you? This is the market.

03:00:35 - How fast our community has grown without any marketing whatsoever.

03:04:28 - Give me the understanding like it was presented to me for a reason.

03:12:49 - When you put your over-leveraged trade on without a stoploss -.

03:16:05 - Getting out of your own way and following the rules.

03:23:33 - The power of this information and how to use it.

03:27:16 - Being pacified by these young men.

03:33:44 - The only day that I didn’t have him was on Thursday nights -.

03:37:16 - When you’re a child, you keep hearing negative shit, it’s going to be a memory.

03:44:01 - His life with his wife now.

03:47:43 - “It’s worth it”.

03:55:37 - They’re diminishing you by doing what they are doing -.



00:00:00,359 --> 00:00:09,119 ICT: Folks, should I be trying not to go too long and to this one? So anyway, today we had FOMC. As a reminder, I know a lot of you are coming in at different
00:00:09,119 --> 00:00:19,559 times, finding this community and discovering, I am wondering who the hell I am. Why am I doing all this? And it's easy to get caught up into thinking, Well, you
00:00:19,559 --> 00:00:28,079 know, he's probably trading FOMC today, and doing the morning session trading this and trading that. Actually, I wasn't, I didn't do anything this morning.
00:00:28,349 --> 00:00:37,229 FOMC is a high impact news driver that you can get caught up real easy. And as I alluded to, on my tweets a little while ago, before coming on to the live
00:00:37,229 --> 00:00:47,669 stream, that in 1993, I blew out a few accounts that year, that was my second year of trading, I had just a single day event of trading 99 to my very first
00:00:47,699 --> 00:00:59,399 soiree into trading with your Kraken. And I took a few months off and then started in 1993. And came to a shocking discovery that certain days of the month
00:00:59,639 --> 00:01:10,379 weren't that good for what I was trying to do, which was guest. So as a young 20 year old, I was baptized in buyers with manipulation. And I got really
00:01:10,379 --> 00:01:16,739 interested in trying to figure out what that day was going to do. And I subscribed to all kinds of things back then I bought books, I signed up to
00:01:16,739 --> 00:01:26,789 services, 900 numbers that were going to tell you what that report was going to do. The night before, it never panned out, there was always a resulting blown
10 00:01:26,789 --> 00:01:35,339 account, or major drawdown, or just simply never getting the film. Early on, I didn't have any experience where it was positive trading these types of days.
11 00:01:35,429 --> 00:01:43,169 But I got caught up with thinking I was going to figure it out, you know. And I wanted to try to capture all the moves like the up down and know exactly what
12 00:01:43,169 --> 00:01:53,669 was going to happen. And years later, I discovered that I didn't need to do those training days at all. And later on. I'm talking like 10 years later, I
13 00:01:53,669 --> 00:02:03,929 discovered how these algorithms that are utilizing these marketplaces, how they implement certain things that I've made, you know, discussions about over the
14 00:02:03,929 --> 00:02:12,929 years, fine. So you can kind of like see what it is that they do, and how they behave. And it's not important for me to try to trade in the morning. I mean, I
15 00:02:12,929 --> 00:02:23,189 can it had a really nice, fair Vega, and it performed very well. And that's going to be times where it simply does that. And that's also what caught me when
16 00:02:23,399 --> 00:02:33,389 I was first starting to learn how to trade and makes 90 993 I believed that I could trade every swing high and low. If I just figured out what those other
17 00:02:33,389 --> 00:02:41,669 guys knew. And the other guys at the time, I was thinking were the people that were writing books, the same books that were selling for $20.20 $5 they were
18 00:02:41,669 --> 00:02:50,639 gonna give me the secrets to the marketplace, making it so accessible for low low price of what would costs really for a two liter bottle of soda in a large
19 00:02:50,639 --> 00:02:53,699 pizza from Papa John's now, that's not a plug for play.
20 00:02:55,260 --> 00:02:57,540 He's got he's got he's doing ads now and stores
21 00:02:57,660 --> 00:03:08,580 the move today. I didn't get back into a house until Good grief. It was like a minute or two right before two o'clock, my local time. And I sat down with my
22 00:03:08,580 --> 00:03:16,080 youngest son, I told him the watch would happen. And I was expecting it to drop down which it did. And then I told him I said look, it's gonna run up air and
23 00:03:16,080 --> 00:03:23,130 take out the relative Eagle highs and go back to bearish breaker. Now, he doesn't know what a breaker is. And I haven't had the time to point to it. But
24 00:03:23,130 --> 00:03:32,160 if you look at your five minute chart, you'll see that the rally up it might ravens that bearish breaker, once it did that, then it started to sell off. And
25 00:03:32,160 --> 00:03:40,770 then I set the recording up. So you could see me do the live execution, if there's going to be a heavy impact news driver, like FOMC something to the
26 00:03:40,770 --> 00:03:51,510 effect, you want to kind of like limit your trading to the three o'clock hour local time. Because what you have is the added benefit of a normal day that take
27 00:03:51,810 --> 00:04:00,240 any other day except for FOMC or, you know rate announcement type thing that usually releases around two o'clock and the follow up conference is 230 in the
28 00:04:00,240 --> 00:04:12,900 afternoon. So FOMC is really like a two stage event. It's likened to many times where I refer to like a terrorist. Okay, here's can take a bomb market small
29 00:04:12,900 --> 00:04:26,370 charge off creates excitement, and everybody's gonna run away from where that bomb is. Right? So the marketer and when you're in a larger charge itself, this
30 00:04:27,000 --> 00:04:43,260 if you look at what takes place, it's also talked about in mentorship from from MC, everything was so it's not creating a new yarn. Okay, spinning new basically
31 00:04:44,070 --> 00:04:55,020 told you today with this rental with Fourcade clarity, it's real hard to argue kind of stuff but live executions. Okay, granted, there are some of you that are
32 00:04:55,020 --> 00:05:02,970 saying no, really satisfy all the trolls nothing's gonna satisfy nothing If nothing is gonna satisfy them, because that's the only way they're getting
33 00:05:02,970 --> 00:05:10,530 traffic. So no matter what I do, if I keep a dialogue going with these types of things, it just makes them irrelevant. Okay interested in making trolls
34 00:05:10,530 --> 00:05:18,960 irrelevant. So, but the idea or argument is, if you just did this for a week, you did just, you know, live sessions every day traded the market, called the
35 00:05:18,960 --> 00:05:26,130 market did this did that it would quiet all the trolls No, it wouldn't, it wouldn't do that at all. And I'm not interested in doing that. And I know you
36 00:05:26,130 --> 00:05:34,140 don't like hearing that, but already proved enough for you to go in and find your own results. Find your own proof. Once you have that. And, you know, that's
37 00:05:34,140 --> 00:05:42,720 why I'm here. If I wanted to be a big celebrity, and having people follow everything I say, on YouTube, live streams and such, I would do that. But that's
38 00:05:42,720 --> 00:05:52,380 not my interest. I kind of like want to wind down. Like I'm, I'm kind of like giving you my farewell like this is we're at the end of this, okay. And what
39 00:05:52,380 --> 00:06:04,410 that means is I kind of like want to backpedal into my privacy again. And I know that doesn't sound fun, it doesn't sound exciting, or happy. But I promise by
40 00:06:04,410 --> 00:06:12,630 the end of this year, before we even get into December, you'll have more than you'll ever need. And will I do YouTube videos, I'll probably put up a couple.
41 00:06:12,840 --> 00:06:22,020 I'm not going to be like this, obviously. But you don't need these big FOMC days, you don't need me calling the moves. You don't need those things. And if
42 00:06:22,020 --> 00:06:29,010 you think that it's simply because you haven't been doing it long enough, and you're growing comfortable, you're getting real comfortable. hearing me tell you
43 00:06:29,010 --> 00:06:36,810 things that make you feel good, that inspire you. And there's enough videos where I've done that, I'm not you don't need that you need to roll your sleeves
44 00:06:36,810 --> 00:06:45,690 up and study. And these things will come to you. But I made a reference today, or this evening, how in 99 Three, where I got slapped around a couple times from
45 00:06:45,690 --> 00:06:46,110 that mistake. I
46 00:06:46,110 --> 00:06:56,250 think I blew three accounts that year. And they were all FOMC days. And I didn't learn my lesson. The first time, I didn't learn the lesson the second time. And
47 00:06:56,280 --> 00:07:02,430 to be honest with you, I really didn't learn a lesson on the third one either, because I tried to do the same stupid stuff. The very next month, with even less
48 00:07:02,430 --> 00:07:09,900 was impatient about trying to save up to get to put into the account. So not up in the excitement of seeing leaves like this, especially if you're coming home
49 00:07:09,900 --> 00:07:21,540 from school, or waking up in your local timezone and seeing what transpired over the time, where FOMC hit the marketplace and get this fear that that was the
50 00:07:21,540 --> 00:07:30,720 only move that could have ever catapulted you into profitability or or successful trader. And it's all about what I mentioned in the last Twitter
51 00:07:30,720 --> 00:07:39,990 space, you're trying to condense your entire career into one transaction, one trading day one event. And that is a problem. And that is like the largest
52 00:07:39,990 --> 00:07:50,640 testimony to someone that is brand new. Because I did that with every single trade. When I first started, every single trade and my first three years in the
53 00:07:50,640 --> 00:08:02,430 1992 1993 1994. They were all make it or break it trading individual Olympic feats, I was trading with the maximum leverage, the largest trading position I
54 00:08:02,430 --> 00:08:11,460 could put on, and literally just static price alone would have taken me out. And you can't trade like that on a day like this. Because if you give your neck to
55 00:08:11,460 --> 00:08:21,480 the marketplace, it'll cut it. It'll cut it and you don't matter to this market, like your ears. You're irrelevant. All of us are, there's so much money to be
56 00:08:21,480 --> 00:08:31,590 taken on days like this. And that's why you see such a wide swing up now. And then the real move takes place. And there's nothing bullish about equities.
57 00:08:31,590 --> 00:08:41,730 Right now, stocks are not in a position to rally. There's nothing in these markets that would warrant being bullish, holding new buying long, trying to
58 00:08:41,730 --> 00:08:50,850 catch a bottom. There's nothing there, folks. Let's just talk about it briefly in the scope of fundamentals. Okay, we have soaring inflation, which they wanted
59 00:08:50,850 --> 00:09:00,270 to die, they only inched up a little bit according to Biden, interest rates are rising, that makes it very difficult for equities to rally. And usually stock
60 00:09:00,270 --> 00:09:10,170 market doesn't like higher interest. And we're in traditionally, the September and October timeframe usually starts to see the market drop down. Now,
61 00:09:10,350 --> 00:09:19,530 generally, that's an exciting time. And I teach, as you'll see in a couple weeks, where I talk about stock trading, and how you can go and pick stocks and
62 00:09:19,530 --> 00:09:27,210 such. You don't have to be a forex trader under me, you don't have to be a futures trader under me, you don't have to be a bond trader under me. You can
63 00:09:27,330 --> 00:09:36,690 trade stocks, you can do stock options. And I talked about how, if you're going to focus on that asset class, there are certain times of the year and if you
64 00:09:36,690 --> 00:09:44,460 focus on don't trade a lot, I believe and I think that you'll see that there's some validity to what I'm about to show you in a couple of weeks. When we get to
65 00:09:44,460 --> 00:09:54,180 that stage or that month of core content. You'll see that there's opportunities here as well, like this October lows, maybe in the first week, so November
66 00:09:54,180 --> 00:10:08,940 sometimes there's follow energy using some kind of accumulation that takes I don't see that this year. I don't know where the low is. But one of my friends,
67 00:10:09,450 --> 00:10:19,110 apparently he was talking about the new Eclipse property weapon has done business properties. Properties and districts, isn't it I live in Southern from
68 00:10:19,170 --> 00:10:28,050 this guy calls me a couple of days ago. And I don't know what format I'm gonna sell. And so our mutual friend apparently ended up talking to him like, almost
69 00:10:28,050 --> 00:10:37,020 90 minutes. Now he's recording the phone call because you hear this every 30 seconds, so I'm not sure what that gave me. So he's like, Yeah, I've been
70 00:10:37,020 --> 00:10:49,020 trading stock options for over eight years. Sound so telling me this and like to pick your brain they sleep? So I get the time because he mentioned our rent.
71 00:10:49,260 --> 00:10:58,800 Alright, so I want to say mutual friend is this, somebody that familiar with we didn't go to school or anything like that he's not a market person, something to
72 00:10:58,800 --> 00:11:07,740 that effect. It's just, you know, another entrepreneur out there, I'm friends with and this guy says to me, you know, what do you think's going to happen in
73 00:11:07,740 --> 00:11:17,220 the marketplace? So I said, Well, let's go down a checklist of things here. Interest rates are higher, inflation is higher. Consumer Sentiment sucks. And
74 00:11:17,220 --> 00:11:20,280 things aren't really good right now. Everything is too high.
75 00:11:21,330 --> 00:11:32,670 I've spent tons of money on automobiles, and I know overpaid, I don't care my kids and, and overstating the vehicles, so I can't, I can't get them to be
76 00:11:32,670 --> 00:11:40,110 cheaper than what they are. So you got to pay what the market price bears. So it is what it is. So I went through this whole list of things explaining why I
77 00:11:40,350 --> 00:11:48,480 personally don't think that there is a very different way than stock or buy stock right now. And I'd is pretty wide open. And so I guess he kept pushing and
78 00:11:48,480 --> 00:11:59,640 pushing out that sama said no. SMP 2900. Very good. So do I think that 2900 is going to happen, like, in the next week or so because he was expecting me to,
79 00:11:59,760 --> 00:12:06,960 you know, cosign on this month, like he wanted to see something like that, in a week, he's talking about how he's gonna buy really, really far out the MGS, you
80 00:12:06,960 --> 00:12:17,160 know, and that time horizon is like February for me, like I can go there sooner it could fail, never go there, too. So just be mindful. What I'm saying, I'm
81 00:12:17,160 --> 00:12:25,620 just talking off the cuff talking to somebody I've never met before. But he basically tried to pin me down, what do I expect? So we have like a perfect
82 00:12:25,620 --> 00:12:33,060 storm, you know, we have perfect storm of all these things happening, you know, you have the whole global reset thing. And that's another discussion on that
83 00:12:33,060 --> 00:12:42,630 time. But all these things are in place. We have midterm elections in the US, all kinds of tomfoolery going on, and they're trying to get a civil war started,
84 00:12:42,900 --> 00:12:53,610 whether you like it or not, they're doing everything they can to stoke the fires of division. So nothing here, there isn't one thing that bodes well, for stocks
85 00:12:53,610 --> 00:13:03,690 going higher, it's all lower. And if we start seeing days where the circuit breakers start kicking in, and what that means is, if the averages dropped down
86 00:13:03,690 --> 00:13:12,270 a percentage, then they stopped trading for a little while. And then they call down the market. They're intended to do that. But what it does is, it actually
87 00:13:12,300 --> 00:13:21,840 creates more panic and fear. And that's just going to speed up the process. And then on Sundays, we're gonna start seeing really extreme gaps, those being
88 00:13:21,870 --> 00:13:30,540 lower. That's what I foresee coming. That's what I see happening. And it's just going to feed on itself, and that fear and anxiety, all those types of things is
89 00:13:30,540 --> 00:13:39,270 just going to accelerate. So long story short, I'm not bullish on stocks, I'm not bullish on the stock market. The averages are anything, but there's a lot of
90 00:13:39,270 --> 00:13:49,410 things that happen in days, like FOMC, where you get stuck on this idea. Like this is the only big moves that can happen. You know, I gotta trade Non Farm
91 00:13:49,410 --> 00:13:58,500 Payroll, I gotta trade FOMC or I can't make money. And I'm gonna tell you how when I was eventually making some money early on, still not really knowing what
92 00:13:58,500 --> 00:14:10,020 I was doing. Then we're talking 1994 Like the first part of 1994 where I was trying to go in and engage these events. I wanted these big days because when I
93 00:14:10,020 --> 00:14:19,410 was chasing as a new trader, having no real idea when to buy as the markets dropping, I wanted to see it rally. And you see these guys on YouTube, they're
94 00:14:19,410 --> 00:14:28,860 out here today talking about how Yeah, well you know, this market after FOMC and it starts running is tearing off. I'm calling the buy. I'm calling the sell. I'm
95 00:14:28,860 --> 00:14:35,700 trying to do this I'm getting all my subscribers we did this we did that. You chase price, congratulations. I did that to a lot when I was 20 years old. And
96 00:14:35,700 --> 00:14:44,280 these big ranges that explode and keep going and going and going. These are the same days where traders will go on Twitter. You are my students don't think that
97 00:14:44,280 --> 00:14:53,160 I don't know this. Listen carefully, because I'm gonna start calling you guys out. If you say I took the same trait ICT high five and understand that liking
98 00:14:53,160 --> 00:15:00,330 those posts, because I'm gonna be honest with you. I think most of you are full of shit. I think you're lying. Okay, I think you're lying to yourself. off and
99 00:15:00,330 --> 00:15:11,490 you're lying to other people. And me, because if you did it, you don't. Anybody else that does it, they show it. So don't wrap yourself up with bullshit. Nobody
100 00:15:11,490 --> 00:15:20,400 wants to hear bullshit, nobody wants to see bullshit. And if you chase that feeling of providing that opportunity for a dopamine hit for someone like me, or
101 00:15:20,400 --> 00:15:27,540 anyone else likes your post, when you say, I took the same trade as ICT, but you've done nothing but draw lines on the chart, or not even done that you just
102 00:15:27,540 --> 00:15:36,930 say I took the same trade, I can't cosign anything that, you know, trying to be rude to any of you, okay, but I try to be as real as I possibly can and hold
103 00:15:36,930 --> 00:15:44,640 myself to a standard that is above everyone else. So if I'm going to tell you, I did something, I'm going to show you how I did something. If I tell you, it's
104 00:15:44,640 --> 00:15:54,000 live, it's live. If I tell you, hey, you know, I messed up, you know, here's what I did wrong. I didn't do it, to start and say, oh, yeah, I'm gonna pretend
105 00:15:54,000 --> 00:16:03,900 I took a loss, I did something wrong, okay. But when you see these big moves, like they had these big rally days, or decline days, you can go in and chase
106 00:16:03,900 --> 00:16:12,360 price, looking at a one minute chart or a five minute chart. And then what will happen is the examples, share it on social media, and the folks that like to
107 00:16:12,360 --> 00:16:15,690 champion themselves as you know, successful traders or whatnot,
108 00:16:15,900 --> 00:16:25,380 they'll go to an hourly chart, and they'll show the hourly candle. And it'll look like they sold the high that hourly candle, and then when they got out with
109 00:16:25,560 --> 00:16:35,280 one or two points, if that, then that's the exit, but it looks like it's at the farthest extreme of that one hour candle. So on the casual view, someone just
110 00:16:35,280 --> 00:16:44,700 going through and seeing that and saying, Hey, high five, I'm killing it with ICT, you know, every week, every day, it won't stop. I just can't, I can't, I
111 00:16:44,700 --> 00:16:54,450 can't like those kinds of posts, folks, okay. Because I know that shit goes on in our house, and everywhere else. And I've never been a supporter of that. I've
112 00:16:54,450 --> 00:17:05,370 never been a supporter of that. I've never champion that stuff. So around here, we don't blow smoke. Okay, we hopefully don't need to do those things anymore.
113 00:17:05,430 --> 00:17:13,860 So if you didn't take any action in the day, then you took no action. There's no shame in that. I've told you not to do anything today. Not because there isn't
114 00:17:13,860 --> 00:17:22,800 an opportunity. But the majority of you aren't experienced have no idea what the hell you're doing. Now, coming into a marketplace, thinking, wow, this is gonna
115 00:17:22,800 --> 00:17:32,130 be a big move day. I'm gonna go in there and disregard everything. ICT said, because you know, I might get lucky today. Or I'm gonna go on somebody else's
116 00:17:32,130 --> 00:17:41,700 live stream and watch what they're doing. And get caught up in the frenzy. Let's go chase a market. And when you chase it, it's already moved. So far, the worst
117 00:17:41,700 --> 00:17:51,750 thing can happen is these jokers, get a little piece of that move. When you have the likelihood of retracement on a fast day like this, where it can move 2030
118 00:17:51,750 --> 00:18:02,430 handles against you like that, then go where you thought was gonna go? Do you mean? Do you have the ability to sit through $50,000 in vacancy for losing
119 00:18:02,430 --> 00:18:09,210 trades? And again, you did it with your Live account? Because you're gonna try to chase somebody else doing that. I'm trying to protect you from stuff like
120 00:18:09,210 --> 00:18:17,070 that. But these guys that do this, and they say look at us right here. This is the move that took place. This is this is what we're looking at. This is what
121 00:18:17,070 --> 00:18:26,370 we're doing after everybody knew it. Why didn't you buy near the low? Why didn't you sell near the high? How much drawdown was you open to? Where's the
122 00:18:26,370 --> 00:18:37,440 execution? What was the rationale behind except for just chasing excitement. And see, in early, probably 1994, two instance square FOMC worked for me. And I
123 00:18:37,440 --> 00:18:47,220 changed the price. And I got such a small insignificant price movement in the grand scheme of things. But because I left that day with a net gain. Well guess
124 00:18:47,220 --> 00:18:55,440 what? My shit didn't stink no more. I could walk around parade around because guess what I just learned how to do. I kicked FOMC there.
125 00:18:56,580 --> 00:18:57,960 I'll see you next week, bitch.
126 00:18:58,170 --> 00:19:07,800 Now, that didn't work. It did not work. Okay, because what it did, it gave me this false sense of security and confidence that had no merit behind it. None. I
127 00:19:07,800 --> 00:19:18,660 convinced myself that this small little scrap, the least of the meat was enough reason for me to go back in because hey, if I got lucky, those two instances,
128 00:19:19,200 --> 00:19:29,970 they say third time's a charm. Oh, yeah. This time the meat was my ass. Okay, it was going off. I didn't learn my lesson. I did not learn my lesson. Until that
129 00:19:29,970 --> 00:19:38,520 one. That one said, Okay, I have no idea what the hell I'm doing. I've been doing this too little of time. And not consistent enough. I need to put more
130 00:19:38,520 --> 00:19:46,440 time behind what it is I'm trying to do. And these days just move too fast. Maybe I'll never be able to do anything with them. But at least for right now. I
131 00:19:46,440 --> 00:19:54,510 put it on the back burner that moved me to what Non Farm Payroll, Non Farm Payroll? Well, there's something different there. There was nothing different
132 00:19:54,510 --> 00:20:04,500 there. Okay, it was the same opportunity to have my ass removed from me. So because I lived this i And doored it for real, okay, I have fortunes lost
133 00:20:04,590 --> 00:20:15,030 because of this dumb shit. I'm trying to spare you and give your career, the greatest opportunity to survive it by not doing these dumb things, these dumb
134 00:20:15,030 --> 00:20:24,270 things that make it feel like it's the lottery. Yes, if you get, and it moves in your favor, which you will not hold the entire move, you're not going to hold it
135 00:20:24,270 --> 00:20:32,910 to the entire move, and the guys out there pretending that they caught this big monster move, they're not holding the entire time they're getting maybe if
136 00:20:32,910 --> 00:20:39,630 they're getting it all with a real count, they're getting small pieces of it. And they don't have any rationale behind why they're doing it. This is chasing
137 00:20:39,630 --> 00:20:51,090 cars. And the problem with that stray dogs chasing cars sometimes get ran the fuck are now I don't know where you've been for the last nine months or so. But
138 00:20:51,090 --> 00:21:00,390 I have been putting out information and content and concepts and structure to how you should conduct yourself as a defendant. You should not be in these types
139 00:21:00,390 --> 00:21:09,840 of markets trading my funds, period. And the story, you ain't ready. I don't give a shit. If that model that I gave you on YouTube is delivering for you and
140 00:21:09,840 --> 00:21:17,070 you've won FTM o counts and you're making real money with your FMO funded account or your trading with your Live account that you've put your own money
141 00:21:17,070 --> 00:21:28,830 in. You should not be touching FOMC days period shouldn't be doing it. Take a look at today, folks, I asked this on Twitter earlier, I said be honest, if you
142 00:21:28,830 --> 00:21:37,200 traded today, do you think you would have lost I'm telling you 99% of you would have. And that doesn't mean that I'm a terrible mentor, it doesn't mean that my
143 00:21:37,200 --> 00:21:45,930 concepts don't work, it doesn't mean that you're a bad student. It just means that the probabilities of you, any of you in this class that started in January
144 00:21:45,930 --> 00:21:53,670 this year, all this free content, all the stuff that I've been providing, you're not ready. And I've had this happen every year when I was doing private
145 00:21:53,670 --> 00:22:01,650 mentorship, I'd have these guys and gals come in, and they get real excited about something they just learned, okay, and they had the benefit of me calling
146 00:22:01,650 --> 00:22:09,900 when the markets gonna go before happens. I don't do that anymore, folks, by the way, but they seen how consistent I was. And they now seen a technique or an
147 00:22:09,900 --> 00:22:20,280 approach or a concept. And they think well, he's saying don't go in to these big days. But I have seen these market moves tear off, if I just get a small piece
148 00:22:20,280 --> 00:22:29,910 of that. Me and that'll really helped me with that credit card. You start putting all these stupid ass ideas together. And then how, man, I want to
149 00:22:29,910 --> 00:22:38,280 confess to him, I'm gonna send him an email, but he never fucking emails me back. I can never get a hold this guy. And it's true. Most people cannot get a
150 00:22:38,280 --> 00:22:47,910 response from me. And it's not because I'm an asshole or dick or trying to be an arrogant, pompous prick that nobody has an opportunity to hear from me. It's
151 00:22:47,910 --> 00:22:56,400 just there's too many of you to try to reach out to me. That's all. That's all. And because I can't do all that all day long. Most of the time, email me is the
152 00:22:56,400 --> 00:23:04,890 worst thing in the world. But these folks that suffer this kind of thing. They want to be assured that hey, look, you know, I made a mistake today. You know,
153 00:23:04,890 --> 00:23:12,450 maybe you believe your account. Maybe you lost your funded account. Maybe you completely did your ass and you just need to be encouraged. You need to be
154 00:23:12,450 --> 00:23:22,980 reminded, hey, look, come back from this. Yes, fuck saved man. I literally I don't give a shit. I lost my accounts in the beginning. You know? 20 years old.
155 00:23:22,980 --> 00:23:34,140 I'm glad I learned how to trade when I was 20. Because that arrogance that I had, and the obsessive compulsiveness, that tenacity of fuck you, you're not
156 00:23:34,170 --> 00:23:38,310 beating me, okay? You're kicking the shit out of me right now. But I'm gonna get back up.
157 00:23:38,340 --> 00:23:45,210 You're not keeping me down. You have to have that mindset as a trader. And maybe that's not the nicest way of putting it. I know some of you don't like to hear
158 00:23:45,240 --> 00:23:52,950 swear words. And I know you'd like to correct me and such. But yeah, folks, listen, we're all adults here. Okay. And we're talking about things that really
159 00:23:52,950 --> 00:24:02,760 hit hard, emotionally, psychologically. And I'm not going to sit here and pretend, okay, some sweet, sugary coated bullshit. So you can walk away feeling
160 00:24:02,760 --> 00:24:11,130 good, you need to have these types of reminders because it's too easy to talk yourself into doing dumb shit. Think about it. It's not limited to trading. It's
161 00:24:11,160 --> 00:24:19,980 everything. So don't these days and think to yourself, well, you know, big moves, I guess. You know, I get lucky and even catch a small piece. Because
162 00:24:19,980 --> 00:24:28,020 these big moves are sometimes forgiving production mistakes that are made on these days, and you're caught on side that means you're on the right side of the
163 00:24:28,020 --> 00:24:34,860 marketplace, not because of skills a bit. You have no idea why he did it, but you're on there, and it starts running off in your favor. And it scares the shit
164 00:24:34,860 --> 00:24:41,970 out of you. Oh, man, I've never seen 200 hours on my account before boom, get out of that. And then it rips even more. And you could have made what
165 00:24:42,270 --> 00:24:51,270 1500 $2,000 So now what are you doing? Shit. Let me get back in here. Like it's gonna give you 2000 More and then does what roars against you. Runs you right
166 00:24:51,360 --> 00:25:01,830 over like a stray dog chasing the car. So you're left demoralized, regretting everything. You've probably blown your account or done such damage to it. Now
167 00:25:01,830 --> 00:25:09,120 you're scared shitless you're paralyzed, you're afraid to take the next trade. And you read these folks. And I feel sorry for him because they're, they're
168 00:25:09,120 --> 00:25:17,910 trying to get these FTM accounts too fast. I mean, I went through drawdown, and I laugh, I've 13 the fella that sent it to me today, he knows who I'm talking
169 00:25:17,910 --> 00:25:25,470 about. And I'm not beating up on you, okay? But if you blow this, it's not the end of it, dude. You're just trying to do it too quick, you're rushing, you're
170 00:25:25,470 --> 00:25:35,400 rushing like something magical is happening. Once you get that funded account, it's gonna get fucking harder. It's gonna get fucking harder. Hello. Now you
171 00:25:35,400 --> 00:25:45,510 have the money, when that money goes up and down, that success and failure in a monetary sense. Whereas in a demo or paper, you don't mean shit. You give it the
172 00:25:45,510 --> 00:25:55,350 value based on your ego and your pride, pride and ego is not equity. That's emotion. That's what that is, folks, that's emotion. And so many of you don't
173 00:25:55,350 --> 00:26:04,830 realize when you first start, you're trading emotionally. You're trading with emotional equity. And you think that that is limitless? No, it's not. Because
174 00:26:04,830 --> 00:26:09,420 you can trade yourself right into a position of insolvency. Wait a minute,
175 00:26:09,690 --> 00:26:17,580 how can I do that if I'm trading with fake money, scare yourself into thinking that this is never going to work for you. And you'll quit jacket dozens of times
176 00:26:17,580 --> 00:26:25,500 when I was younger, I call it quitting. But what I was doing is I was saving up more money to go back in again. Because that bug bit me and come hell or high
177 00:26:25,500 --> 00:26:33,480 water, I was going to swing through these markets like Ken Parker, and nothing was going on. But some of you aren't wired that way. And I understand. But
178 00:26:33,480 --> 00:26:42,720 you're also doing dumb shit, trying to do things that you are not capable of doing. And you may not like to hear people say that even me like it's
179 00:26:42,720 --> 00:26:50,700 discouraging when you talk to me. I had people in my mentorship literally tell me in emails. I don't like when you talk to consumers nice encouraged us. Yeah,
180 00:26:50,700 --> 00:27:01,950 that's, that's, that's nice. There's a time for that. But you paid, you paid to learn how to do this and overcome these problems. So when I give it to you, Mr.
181 00:27:01,950 --> 00:27:10,440 Receive it, that isn't going to feel good. That's the intended purpose. It's easy to feel uncomfortable. So you don't go in that, again, thinking this is
182 00:27:10,440 --> 00:27:19,710 normal. It's not normal to keep doing those things. And these days, like FOMC invite that area in a terrible opportunity for you to sit around and just think
183 00:27:19,860 --> 00:27:26,550 that it's going to be easier on these days. Because there's a lot of movement. No, you need to understand there's a whole lot of fucking risk on these days.
184 00:27:26,640 --> 00:27:38,130 Like you can do so much damage to yourself in such a short span of time. Look how fast folks Listen, your chart, pull up a one minute chart. And look how fast
185 00:27:38,280 --> 00:27:47,910 Emini, s&p, and NASDAQ free felt great when everyone's starting to tell QA? You really think you can fucking trade that? Right now? You think you have the skill
186 00:27:47,910 --> 00:27:56,640 set to do that right now? You don't. And you're not getting fucking filled. I sat there and scrolled through all of these clowns, man. Yeah, and look at my
187 00:27:56,640 --> 00:28:05,160 fill here, you didn't get filled on a real foreign account, okay? You're not getting fit. You're not, you are not getting filled at the two o'clock hour at
188 00:28:05,160 --> 00:28:13,140 the high. You're not, you can do that with a demo. That's not happening with a live account that's not happening. And these people that do that stuff, I don't
189 00:28:13,140 --> 00:28:21,390 even know why do you bother doing this shit. Like, it's not believable, you can't prove you did it. That picture of you putting the arrow there, or whatever
190 00:28:21,390 --> 00:28:27,480 the hell it is that you've done to make it look like you don't know that's not happening, then. Anybody that's ever traded with live accounts, knows that you
191 00:28:27,480 --> 00:28:36,150 are not getting filled like that period. You're not. And people like us see through that bullshit. And I see some of you in our community trying that shit.
192 00:28:36,390 --> 00:28:43,200 I'm just being polite, not saying anything about it. This is probably the first time you heard about it here. But I'm dealing it's that way you just stop. We
193 00:28:43,200 --> 00:28:53,070 don't need fakes, okay? You shouldn't be championing these fake ideas, hold yourself to a higher standard. I hold myself to a higher standard. Unless I show
194 00:28:53,070 --> 00:29:00,810 you I've done something. Assume it didn't happen. And I come to you with receipts every day. Sometimes I don't do something right. Sometimes the other
195 00:29:00,810 --> 00:29:09,390 day TradingView. And amp just didn't do what I was expecting to see happen. It's something completely out of the game. But like I said that I'm worried about, I
196 00:29:09,390 --> 00:29:19,230 mean, this should repeat. Look what happened today, meet up with what I would have done yesterday in interest to you can't make these impulsive decisions to
197 00:29:19,230 --> 00:29:27,480 trade on these big high impact days thinking that that's going to be the saving grace to your success. Like this is the only way you're going to make it. No. I
198 00:29:27,480 --> 00:29:37,500 mean, think about what I've done for my son. I told him I said, Look, you can do very well with four to five points just for five handles 16 to 20 ticks, okay.
199 00:29:37,710 --> 00:29:46,080 Say a lot of people ask him, you know, I mean, ticks around pointing or how many points are on a tick, or vice versa? One handle is one point. Each point, yes,
200 00:29:46,170 --> 00:29:55,860 is 50 bucks. There's four ticks in that point. For the hours. If it does tick. All you're trying to get is for to follow her four or five points in the morning
201 00:29:55,860 --> 00:30:05,220 session, or the afternoon. If you just do that one time a week. That's an extra grand a month less commissions. Now what would that do for you, some of you,
202 00:30:05,370 --> 00:30:16,590 that would really suck? What if you do some more mortgage payment, and maybe a utility, you're not doing a whole lot. But you gotta wait, can't be trading
203 00:30:16,920 --> 00:30:29,070 this, oh, let them do that this is actually something that, I think that that's something you got to work on. Because obviously she studied your FGM account
204 00:30:29,070 --> 00:30:38,700 your father, you've been making money, but your mantra from See, folks these days, don't burn me, I can do it wrong, do anything that will look wrong by my
205 00:30:38,700 --> 00:30:50,220 rules. And these days that have manual 100 miles apart. Don't walk around thinking that you're going to be able to come in here in time you want. And you
206 00:30:50,220 --> 00:31:02,790 just need to know that there's going to be a day where you try that shit. And it remove your head clean, you have to respect you have because this is a free
207 00:31:03,030 --> 00:31:07,590 trade today, are you sure you want to put that much leverage on history, because I was looking for
208 00:31:07,770 --> 00:31:21,330 a good buck ID and I look enough interest and messages and some of these payments. That's important for you, if you're trying to do these types of
209 00:31:21,330 --> 00:31:32,130 things, to know that it does not result in longevity, it ends with a very short career. Regret. And because you're going to want to do this, but you won't be
210 00:31:32,130 --> 00:31:41,760 able to because you're reading this toxic deal of yourself as a trader paralyze yourself with fear, you won't be able to connect trade, because you think I
211 00:31:41,760 --> 00:31:51,090 think about this long enough to say, Okay, put down the Xbox controller cool over if you're driving for a second, okay? You think these days are going to be
212 00:31:52,080 --> 00:32:05,070 all of your problems, you think the last batch, big movement is not see these days. They're designed to smash participants. They're designed to clean the
213 00:32:05,070 --> 00:32:14,340 markets, both sides, the sell side and buy something, it's designed to do that, that's what they use these days for sweeping up on both sides of the marketplace
214 00:32:14,370 --> 00:32:24,510 cleaning up, you can't, you cannot go into this thinking FOMC is going to be the basis of your entire career. Because I guarantee if you do that, you're not
215 00:32:24,510 --> 00:32:33,090 going to have the results you're looking for, you're going to have a terrible equity curve, you're going to have fear. And that fear that you now have adopted
216 00:32:33,300 --> 00:32:41,190 because of participating in these days where you're not equipped, you don't have the skill set yet. I'm not saying you can't have the skill set, obviously, I've
217 00:32:41,190 --> 00:32:48,870 shown it, but it took me a long time, will it take you the same amount of time, I don't know, you might get it faster. But I can tell you, none of you are ready
218 00:32:48,870 --> 00:32:58,650 to do that none of you are ready to but you're going to trade these days and develop fear and anxiety. Because the market moves real quick against you. And
219 00:32:58,650 --> 00:33:06,870 now here's what's going to happen tomorrow, or Friday or next week, there's going to be a bread and butter setup. And you might have the courage to get in
220 00:33:06,870 --> 00:33:13,140 there and take that trade that might happen, you might get in there, you might place your stop loss in there like you're supposed to, you may put your limit
221 00:33:13,140 --> 00:33:20,520 order in there and you might be marking off where you're going to take your partials everything is as it should be, but then it's gonna move one handle
222 00:33:20,820 --> 00:33:28,560 against you. And what's going to happen is your subconscious is going to revert back to what a day like today where you did something stupid, and you could
223 00:33:28,560 --> 00:33:39,150 trade on, and his son of a bitch took off running 1520 handles real quick. And you're gonna think normal every day bread and butter trading opportunity is
224 00:33:39,150 --> 00:33:48,960 going to have characteristics like that, there might be only moved. But your subconscious is gonna say, oh shit, your acid is gonna start pucker in May and
225 00:33:48,960 --> 00:33:59,100 your palms gonna start sweating all instantaneously. Because you're gonna think and expect 15 handles roaring against your position, when is so unlikely to
226 00:33:59,100 --> 00:34:07,950 happen. But you're thinking, you're thinking to yourself that, hey, I've experienced this. So I'm hurtin I don't want to be in that situation. Again, I
227 00:34:07,950 --> 00:34:17,130 don't wanna get caught up in a move like that. So that one handle or four ticks of drawdown in your trade. When your stop losses, four ticks, or I'm sorry, four
228 00:34:17,130 --> 00:34:25,710 points, what you're gonna do, you're gonna get scared of trade, you're gonna get paralyzed with fear with something that is not going to happen, like you
229 00:34:25,710 --> 00:34:33,840 expected in terms of magnitude. It could come back and stop Yeah, yes. But you're gonna start thinking oh, no, man, this thing is going to do what I saw do
230 00:34:33,840 --> 00:34:43,440 on that FOMC day that I was trying to trade because you filled yourself out with toxic experiences. That's why I tell you to paper trade or tape or today's
231 00:34:43,500 --> 00:34:51,810 because it'll give you experience where a resident with a fear or excitement because you didn't make any money, you didn't lose any money. You're getting
232 00:34:51,840 --> 00:35:08,790 experience reading the tape, and he starts coming to us and is full of shit. That stuff. So you're going to do these things on day to have these big moves
233 00:35:08,790 --> 00:35:20,940 these extrapolations, one sidedness. And you're fearful that you're offside doing. Sure. Now it goes against you for ticks, one handle one point in the s&p,
234 00:35:21,210 --> 00:35:29,640 and you don't trust that your stop loss is in the right spot. And you're thinking, Man, this is gonna tear off. And what do you do, you can't handle it,
235 00:35:29,910 --> 00:35:37,620 you can't walk away from the screens, because you have paid your stop loss to do its job. That's it, you that's what you're doing. When you put that order in
236 00:35:37,620 --> 00:35:45,330 there, it's to do its job to protect you. If the market goes to that position or higher, when you're short, get me out immediately. Now there's gap risk, always
237 00:35:45,480 --> 00:35:53,190 market gap. And that's what you're thinking might happen. Because you experienced something that you weren't prepared for, by trading FOMC days or Non
238 00:35:53,190 --> 00:36:01,620 Farm Payroll days. And you've seen these big, wild, crazy little moves, that won't, I shouldn't say little these big moves to happen real quick, sudden,
239 00:36:01,920 --> 00:36:09,960 these dramatic repricing is higher and lower. And now you're coming into the average everyday run a bread and butter setup day, and you're gonna get scared
240 00:36:09,960 --> 00:36:10,230 out of it.
241 00:36:10,589 --> 00:36:19,079 It's gonna shake you out of it. And you know what's gonna happen next, it goes right to where your target would have been to now, you you, not the market, you
242 00:36:19,139 --> 00:36:29,129 beat yourself, again, you're starting to flog yourself punishing yourself, because you have done something foolishly in the past trading in environments
243 00:36:29,129 --> 00:36:37,889 that you should not have fucking never touched. Not it's not because you didn't know better. I told you. And every single fucking month I tell you don't trade,
244 00:36:38,129 --> 00:36:47,099 don't do it. But like my own kids sometimes don't do this. Turn your head. We're doing the fucking shit you told them not to do. You have to learn from that
245 00:36:47,099 --> 00:36:58,439 pain. And then okay, disconnected, because of an FOMC day, a rate announcement day. That's not the same characteristic that would be seen in a new market day.
246 00:36:58,709 --> 00:37:08,519 But because you're not experienced, you're neophyte, and you've now created toxic thinking, because of rushing into a market move or day, like FOMC, or Non
247 00:37:08,519 --> 00:37:16,319 Farm Payroll, you have poisoned your perception of how price is going to deliver. And I know some of you're thinking, this guy nailed medium. That's
248 00:37:16,319 --> 00:37:25,349 exactly what the fuck happened to me. And I never really understood until now. Yes, I've done this to myself before. And it takes a lot of undoing the
249 00:37:25,349 --> 00:37:32,549 corrected. That means. That's why I tell you these things. That's why I make the videos the way I do. That's why I talk to you the way I talk to you. Because I
250 00:37:32,549 --> 00:37:41,579 have lived this shit, folks. I've lived it. I know how hard it is to fix the problems. But some of you just simply want to do the shit. And like, you know, I
251 00:37:41,579 --> 00:37:50,249 used this before, but never seen the movie Jaws. They're sitting on the boat. You know, like, Hey, where'd you get that scar from with this one? And each one
252 00:37:50,249 --> 00:37:57,089 of them are trying to top the next guy. Oh, yeah, I got this one because a tank ran over me in Vietnam. Oh, yeah. Well, this one did this one. And that's, you
253 00:37:57,089 --> 00:38:06,359 know, you all want to be able to say, Yeah, I suffered like ICT. Like, it's some kind of a fucking club, you want to be a part of, I don't want you to have the
254 00:38:06,359 --> 00:38:13,559 same kind of shit that I went through. Why would you want to do that? Don't you want to be the person that said, You know what? I listen to everything he said
255 00:38:13,589 --> 00:38:22,409 aboard the ship. He said to avoid, and I'm doing it better. And I don't have any issues. Man. That's what I want to hear. That's why I'm mentoring mentoring like
256 00:38:22,409 --> 00:38:30,119 that. Because I want to hear students say they have not had one student do that yet. Hundreds of 1000s of students, not one of them has come forward and said,
257 00:38:30,119 --> 00:38:37,829 You know what, you know, I listen to all your shit. And I don't go through that. I'm gonna listen to the lessons that are going to move the most uncomfortable
258 00:38:37,829 --> 00:38:44,249 ones to listen to. Because guess what, that's the stuff that's going to break me. If you're gonna spend the time sitting and talking about how you lost your
259 00:38:44,249 --> 00:38:52,769 money, your ass. You just couldn't get past a certain thing psychologically, and it caused you a problem. I'm going to really pay attention to that. You know,
260 00:38:52,769 --> 00:39:01,439 when I'm listening when I listen, I was reading those Jack Swagger books, Market Wizards. Again, I mentioned before, like there's nothing in those books that
261 00:39:01,439 --> 00:39:09,869 tell you how to trade. But what's fascinating is, is they'll talk about their experience, and what they were feeling what they felt, and what it was like to
262 00:39:10,139 --> 00:39:19,619 overcome those barriers, or periods of drawdown or maybe the failed and what they had to do to get beyond that, to me is fascinating. And I really wish like
263 00:39:19,619 --> 00:39:29,969 those guys that like his name cam trader nut pot. Thing I was on. I don't know what year was on there. But when he talks to these individuals, I wish to ask
264 00:39:29,969 --> 00:39:40,049 questions like, you know, how hard is it for you to come back from periods of drawdown? I don't want to give I don't really give a fuck how much you made.
265 00:39:40,080 --> 00:39:47,760 I don't care. That doesn't interest me. I don't care what your little system does, what your pattern is, what indicators what style of trading I don't give a
266 00:39:47,760 --> 00:39:58,560 shit, okay? I don't even care if it's my stuff. What I would love to hear is how you engage yourself because you're that person. Okay? It's not the market maker
267 00:39:58,560 --> 00:40:05,970 that's getting you personally the money or you've done your own as you did that. And many times, it's by doing the stuff that we're talking about here tonight,
268 00:40:06,240 --> 00:40:14,280 you're trying to trade in market environment that you're not equipped to do. And you don't know what it's like to make the decision to get out of the trade. Or
269 00:40:14,310 --> 00:40:22,530 how about this, if you're in a fast market, and you know, you're offside, do you know when you can close out and flip and go the other direction? I've done that
270 00:40:22,530 --> 00:40:31,560 before I did it. And all it did was open up more questions from the people that saw me do it. And there were people from Baby pips. And there's no way I could
271 00:40:31,560 --> 00:40:38,130 answer that, where they would understand because it takes experience, and they don't like that answer. You don't like that answer? When How long do you think
272 00:40:38,130 --> 00:40:45,210 it's gonna take for me to do this and do that? I don't know. I don't know. Because you're all doing something all, all of you are doing something
273 00:40:45,210 --> 00:40:52,920 individually, that's holding you back. I don't give a shit how long right now, you all are doing something that's having a negative impact on your growth. And
274 00:40:52,920 --> 00:41:00,450 it's why it's important that you journal, and you don't realize what those things are, until you go back and look at what it is you're doing. You keep
275 00:41:00,450 --> 00:41:09,150 doing things over and over again. And they're having a negative response, the results are showing less than optimal, mind that figuring out what it is you're
276 00:41:09,150 --> 00:41:17,520 doing. And it might be something as simple as you know, anxiety about something that you've endured somewhere else, it may not be rooted in the marketplace, it
277 00:41:17,520 --> 00:41:26,280 may be something in your personal relationship, maybe you think that your relationship is on the rocks. And or maybe it's not, but because things have
278 00:41:26,280 --> 00:41:37,020 changed in the bedroom, or at home, something doesn't feel right, and you're just bothered by that kind of stuff can materialize and manifest itself in your
279 00:41:37,020 --> 00:41:46,920 decision making in the marketplace. Because you'll come to these marketplaces, like a way of escaping living a different life. And sometimes you can talk
280 00:41:46,920 --> 00:41:58,650 yourself into thinking you're James Bond, walk out here and find out. No, no, you're nothing like that. And you need a stretcher. So when you have these poor
281 00:41:58,650 --> 00:42:07,320 decisions, to come in here and try to find a way of fixing yourself and feeling good. The worst thing you can do is try to do that on a day like today, because
282 00:42:07,320 --> 00:42:14,940 you're not going to fix yourself, okay? You're not going to fix yourself on a day like this. It's going to do a lot of harm, more harm than you realize. And
283 00:42:14,940 --> 00:42:23,940 it's not going to be noticeable to you until you trade after this day. Like you're not even if you made money. Okay, let's close this one with this idea.
284 00:42:24,210 --> 00:42:33,330 Let's say you did something today. And you went short. You went short. And you had the wherewithal to hold on to it a little bit longer than you normally
285 00:42:33,330 --> 00:42:43,920 would. And you got a windfall victory. Okay, the toxic aspects of this type of day, when you don't have proper experience doing all what I'm teaching you,
286 00:42:44,040 --> 00:42:53,070 these ideas will again, manifest themselves in their typical bread and butter day, what will happen is, you'll get into a move, you'll do all things right.
287 00:42:53,280 --> 00:43:00,210 Stop loss will be where it's supposed to be. Your limit order to take profits will be worth the posted. You're following the model and all of a sudden, it
288 00:43:00,210 --> 00:43:04,080 does a really quick running right to it. Oh shit.
289 00:43:04,290 --> 00:43:07,680 This is that same move. This is the same move.
290 00:43:07,830 --> 00:43:17,880 Ah, damn, this is the same move I just did with FOMC two weeks ago, when I made $6,000 And I didn't know what the fuck I was doing. Guess what? I just caught a
291 00:43:17,880 --> 00:43:26,040 tiger by the tail. Fuck that limiter. Let's take that off. We're gonna watch how this thing just melts today. Oh, it's Mountain. Mountain your fucking face off.
292 00:43:26,190 --> 00:43:32,460 It's going right down to where you thought it was gonna go. Maybe it's one or two beyond that. And it's right about then you're grabbing the calculator
293 00:43:32,460 --> 00:43:40,620 thinking okay, do this hold it did that. My wife stays out of my office right now my kids go play Xbox, and I ain't gotta worry about this and turn. Turn the
294 00:43:40,620 --> 00:43:47,760 TV off and sports. I'm going to focus on this chart. Let's stare at it. Just like ICP fucking says. And all of a sudden, boom, it turned. It's starting to go
295 00:43:47,760 --> 00:43:55,140 up. But now what you're going to do, okay? It's okay. It's okay. It's the fucking bear. Now you get okay. All it's gonna do is give me another fair value
296 00:43:55,140 --> 00:44:04,350 gap. It's okay, just relax. Just relax. Because you've been here before. It's just like FOMC when it's not FOMC you've talked yourself out of a perfectly
297 00:44:04,500 --> 00:44:15,120 framed trade. But now you're expecting it to deliver the same way. Look, rewarded, you want to FOMC day. So you brought a positive result and experience
298 00:44:15,120 --> 00:44:22,380 with stupidity. Let's call it what it is. You're trying to trade in a fast market with no experience and you got rewarded for it. firsthand the world
299 00:44:22,380 --> 00:44:33,240 happened. Now you're bringing in that mindset of hey, that isn't likely to do that. So you abandon sound thinking sound logic the model and now because your
300 00:44:33,240 --> 00:44:43,770 pride and ego and what it really does do like FOMC in it tears off 50 handles in my favor. I can't wait to go on Twitter with that. But it turns on you and goes
301 00:44:43,770 --> 00:44:52,950 right up to your stop off the whole time. You're justifying every bit of the run through your stuff, because you have poisoned your perception of price. See,
302 00:44:52,950 --> 00:45:00,630 these are the reasons why I talk to you the way I talk to you like this and you don't like it because it doesn't give you that puffed up feeling but these are
303 00:45:00,630 --> 00:45:10,050 the ones that matter the most these types of discussions, these lectures, these woodshed moments. These are the very things that I did my own Asquith period, I
304 00:45:10,050 --> 00:45:21,660 did these things dozens of times. And it resulted in blown accounts, drawdown that took weeks to fix. I've done those things, folks. And honestly, if you
305 00:45:21,660 --> 00:45:31,410 don't need to do it, you can do all these things that gets to consistency and ability and never experienced these types of things. It's possible, I'm telling
306 00:45:31,410 --> 00:45:41,490 you, it's possible, but you don't want to listen. And it's frustrating to me as a mentor, because, like, I'm not lying to you. I told you like, dude, I'm blown
307 00:45:41,490 --> 00:45:51,330 accounted for I've lost money doing these types of things. Why would you want to try to do something like this? Like, it's not a challenge? It's not, it's not
308 00:45:51,840 --> 00:46:03,720 like, here, we're going to do a new tic tock challenge. Let's start with trading on FOMC day over leveraging. And, you know, this is wait and see what happens.
309 00:46:03,840 --> 00:46:11,400 That's not something you want to subscribe to, it's not what you want to be doing. So I'm not sure if matches if a message like this reaches any of you,
310 00:46:11,430 --> 00:46:18,780 okay, I'm not sure if it resonates with any of you. Or if this sounds like I'm trying to piss in your cornflakes, but this is the stuff that matters. And I
311 00:46:18,780 --> 00:46:27,630 know it to see the stuff that you're learning, and me executing and Seana. And that's great. Okay, I do want to encourage you. But I'm not trying to invite you
312 00:46:27,840 --> 00:46:35,850 to trade in these days. And hopefully, with this discussion, hear you keep things balanced. Yes, I can do these things, that does not mean that you can do
313 00:46:35,850 --> 00:46:43,500 it. It doesn't mean you can't learn to do it eventually. I'm just saying that, let's be the voice of reason right now, you aren't ready to do what you saw me
314 00:46:43,500 --> 00:46:43,980 do today.
315 00:46:44,040 --> 00:46:53,010 You know it, I know it. And anybody else that knows you as a trader knows that you can't do that either. So don't look at this as a challenge, like, okay, that
316 00:46:53,340 --> 00:47:03,210 I'm going to do it now next month. Don't do that. Don't you're trying to create every possible scenario to hold yourself back. They're perfect little
317 00:47:03,480 --> 00:47:14,550 distractions to success. It said, in all the books I've ever read, and there's a lot of toxic thinking that all of us do it. Okay. And there was a survey that
318 00:47:14,550 --> 00:47:23,790 was done. And I don't know how much truth there is to it. But I can tell you when I was suffering from generalized anxiety and agoraphobia, like I had more
319 00:47:23,790 --> 00:47:34,260 than 300 Negative thoughts a day, but the general person, the average person, rather, they have on a day by day basis, 124 hour period, they have around 300
320 00:47:34,260 --> 00:47:44,070 nits go into their mind, think about that, folks, 300 times. Imagine if you asked 300 women out over the weekend, then 150 On Saturday, 150 on Sunday, and
321 00:47:44,070 --> 00:47:53,400 all of us that go fuck yourself, that would be a kick in the joint one that would not feel good for your ego and your pride. Now, combine that and put that
322 00:47:53,400 --> 00:48:03,390 in the forefront of your mind and challenge yourself with this every single time starting tomorrow when you wake up every single time you have a negative thought
323 00:48:03,420 --> 00:48:11,640 and to your mind as small as it could possibly be like, did I just do something wrong? Or did I forget to do something that's negative? That's a negative
324 00:48:11,640 --> 00:48:20,760 thought, because you're you're questioning whether you did something that you know you should have done, or prevented something? Or if you look at yourself in
325 00:48:20,760 --> 00:48:27,270 the mirror and say, I don't know why I colored my hair this way. I don't know why I'm wearing this shirt. This shirt this the shoes don't look right if these
326 00:48:27,270 --> 00:48:36,000 fucking pants you know, why not listen to my wife and wear this belt with these new shorts. This don't look right, that happened to me today. All these things,
327 00:48:36,180 --> 00:48:45,120 all these things are negative thoughts. So if you're taking up time, and you're acknowledging that thought thing giving you your attention, how many times are
328 00:48:45,120 --> 00:48:55,830 you doing it that day instead of one day? Now imagine doing this while you're in a trade? Oh shit, that's heavy and from the time you enter that trade, how many
329 00:48:55,830 --> 00:49:04,590 times do you think this fucker is gonna go against me? It's Wales. If you're in there for length of time you're thinking a lot this is going to turn on me this
330 00:49:04,590 --> 00:49:11,640 is going to fail. Oh I better not take the partial there. Oh, did I should have cut in here. I should have done this I should have done that. That's all
331 00:49:11,640 --> 00:49:20,370 negative thinking. So if you don't master yourself this business is going to work you and you can have a profitable model because you all have it now you can
332 00:49:20,370 --> 00:49:27,810 have something that has stats you have it now you have proof people making real money all around the world climbing to the top of FTM nerds you don't see
333 00:49:27,810 --> 00:49:37,710 anybody else doing that so give no excuse this stuff works you have all the evidence now that it works but you're trying to do things that's going to do
334 00:49:37,710 --> 00:49:48,870 what invite more negative thinking toxic thinking oh but ICT won't do a live stream fuckin fraud Look at him. You don't need me to do that. You want me to do
335 00:49:48,960 --> 00:49:56,700 you want me to do that? So you can copycat my trades. That's all this is folks. Let's call it what it is. That's exactly what it is. You don't need that. And
336 00:49:56,700 --> 00:50:05,640 again, some of you could be getting started getting all pissed Golf at me, because I said I'm trying to wind down. Oh, come on, man. That's I have a life.
337 00:50:05,850 --> 00:50:15,390 I want to get back to it. And if I do live sessions, I'm gonna be honest with you. I'm gonna tell you exactly the number one fucking reason why I'm not doing
338 00:50:15,390 --> 00:50:24,630 it. Okay, I know that there's a bunch of asshats that are sitting around waiting for me to do a live stream. And once that happens, fucking people come knocking
339 00:50:24,630 --> 00:50:31,830 through my fucking door if they're knocking at all. Okay, and swatted because you've been douchebags out there. I'm gonna pull some shenanigans like that. I
340 00:50:31,830 --> 00:50:39,390 ain't doing it. I'm not gonna give you that opportunity off. I'm not doing it. You can think I'm a fraud. fucky one I'll still trade circles around you. And
341 00:50:39,390 --> 00:50:46,830 this excuse about I'm going to fake Robins with multiple accounts my family members motherfucker already said one account before number full account number
342 00:50:46,830 --> 00:50:51,330 you show yourself show mine account balance. We're in there. No multiple accounts needed. No
343 00:50:51,330 --> 00:51:02,460 excuses. Okay, so stop all that shit. But I'm not doing a live session trading bullshit. Okay, that's not happening. Because honestly, once I did those two
344 00:51:02,460 --> 00:51:10,470 live streams, I got a text from a guy who said hey, look, you this is this is what they're planning to do with you. I'm like, What the hell? They call it
345 00:51:10,470 --> 00:51:19,590 swatting. swatting or something to that effect where, you know, people they report you're doing something and the SWAT and police are were combusting to
346 00:51:19,590 --> 00:51:28,290 your fucking door. Listen, already got some fucking nut job that's live inside all kinds of bunch of bullshit. I'm not laying that out there. So you can do
347 00:51:28,290 --> 00:51:35,010 that. And you didn't get no, bring your ass to Robin, so I can thrash you publicly. And at the end, we can shake hands, and I'll come down to have a
348 00:51:35,010 --> 00:51:44,940 hotdog with you. So bottom line is this, you can do anything you want to do in this industry, the sky's the limit. But you yourself can hold yourself back,
349 00:51:45,120 --> 00:51:54,750 doing all the wrong things, every possible thing that something could have been done negatively. As a trader, I've done all that. I've done all that shit. Now,
350 00:51:54,990 --> 00:52:03,690 what you watched me do today? That's right out of the book of ICT. That's, that's right out of the book. Everything I've taught you is exactly in that
351 00:52:03,690 --> 00:52:12,150 today, I saw on a bearish day expected to rally up to the buy side shift in market structure fair value. Or if you have to fair value guess what are you
352 00:52:12,150 --> 00:52:19,830 looking for? Well, you enter on the lower one, but you anticipated likely trading up into the higher one I watched and waited for it to trade up into that
353 00:52:19,830 --> 00:52:27,900 higher one. Once it did that, then I entered then when it broke down. It didn't take out that low yet. For my first partial. So what what can I do? It gives me
354 00:52:27,900 --> 00:52:37,590 a fair value get to sell short, and pyramid, do I add more than my initial position, I go on with half, I keep splitting it smaller each time, if it would
355 00:52:37,590 --> 00:52:45,330 have gave me another fair value. Before the loan was taken, I would have pyramid it again and shorted two more contract, I was taking partials below old lows,
356 00:52:45,540 --> 00:52:51,630 where sell side is retail has their sell stocks below that. So when the market trades down there, there's gonna be a flood of liquidity coming in the
357 00:52:51,630 --> 00:53:00,090 marketplace for willing sellers at lower prices, perfect for me to buy it from because I'm sure and every time it makes a new low, I'm running down equity,
358 00:53:00,180 --> 00:53:08,760 exactly what I taught. So I took another three off below that freshly made low. And then when it got real close to the lows, and started going backwards, I
359 00:53:08,760 --> 00:53:17,160 typed it out. I said trust me patients, this is going to go lower. It's typical for them to give that false sense. It's going to rally up, they'll tell you in
360 00:53:17,160 --> 00:53:27,210 books and seminars and workshops. Oh, this is support are these are weak bears. So there's going to be a little bit of short covering rally there. Okay, it is
361 00:53:27,450 --> 00:53:34,170 what that is is enticement to let you think that that's support, it's going to rally. That's why I tell you right when it's happening, patients this is going
362 00:53:34,170 --> 00:53:43,800 to drop, in fact that that went up a little bit more, I would have sold more, just to put that little exclamation point on the little cherry on top has only I
363 00:53:43,800 --> 00:53:53,970 see right at the book. Right now the rules, folks, I'm selling right on the highs on a one minute chart. Using the very logic I taught you. I don't care who
364 00:53:53,970 --> 00:54:02,850 thinks I'm a fraud. I don't care. What. Okay, because you have seen it, you're trading with it. You've experienced, I want to see someone else do the same
365 00:54:02,850 --> 00:54:12,180 thing I'm doing. If it's cherry picked, How the fuck can I do anything else on another chart with one minute? annotating it? Like how can anyone anyone in that
366 00:54:12,180 --> 00:54:20,580 short span of time manage another chart? Another market? Come on, man? Seriously? That's why I do it. Just like that. Can you have two thoughts at the
367 00:54:20,580 --> 00:54:29,580 same time? And manage two thoughts at the same time with that level of detail? That's why I'm saying do it if you think that if you're listening, not really in
368 00:54:29,580 --> 00:54:36,900 supportive, what is he doing? He's hanging out because you wait for me to say something you can go make a trolling thing, which is at this point prophetic,
369 00:54:37,050 --> 00:54:46,710 but trying to do what I'm doing. And you as my student, you try it. Just this just to appreciate how good it is that what you've learned, works so well.
370 00:54:46,980 --> 00:54:54,540 Because if it could be faked, you'd be eating everybody else out there faking it or not. They can't do it. They'd be selling courses and proven but this I can do
371 00:54:54,540 --> 00:55:03,780 it too. But everything I use today is what I've already told you that should be incurred. urging, that should be a reminder, hey, you know what, I don't need to
372 00:55:03,780 --> 00:55:12,690 do a lot. And while yes, this stuff work today, and he can do it mean me, you're not ready to do that in a day like today because if you don't really understand
373 00:55:12,690 --> 00:55:20,940 what you're doing, you can really hurt yourself. And I don't want to see any of you remove yourself from this opportunity before you're giving yourself a real,
374 00:55:21,300 --> 00:55:30,690 honest chance. So I can really go down a whole lot more rabbit trails. But I'm quite certain my wife's going to be upset if I stay here longer. As I've already
375 00:55:30,690 --> 00:55:35,460 said, I was spending less time than I'm actually been talking to you. Now and so.
376 00:55:36,180 --> 00:55:43,590 But every time I tell you when it's gonna be short, you know, that's the rules. If it's going to be a short video or a short presentation, bring roots next,
377 00:55:43,740 --> 00:55:54,120 it's going to be longer than the expected duration. But folks seriously, I really want to see succeed. Okay, I know Joe can get around a spar with these
378 00:55:54,150 --> 00:56:03,750 trolls and such but in all sincerity, I believe that if you submit yourself to the things I'm putting you through, it's good medicine, it will turn you into
379 00:56:03,780 --> 00:56:13,440 what it is that is required to do this successfully. I mean that wholeheartedly. I have done more than anybody else out there proving something conceptually,
380 00:56:13,680 --> 00:56:23,160 with precision that really does exist. It's not contrived. I'm not looking at hindsight book examples where it looks like because I drew it out on a chart.
381 00:56:23,460 --> 00:56:33,690 I'm pushing a button. A broker is taking my order, channeling it into the marketplace. A Counterparty is taking the other side of my trades. Hello, I'm
382 00:56:33,690 --> 00:56:43,410 showing my executions. Are you seeing any other trades? At some point? You got to say, okay, everything else is bullshit. And that's painful because that means
383 00:56:43,410 --> 00:56:52,860 you're gonna have a division friends, your online comrades. Oh, he drank the Kool Aid. He drank the Kool Aid. He's one of those cult members of ICT. That's
384 00:56:52,860 --> 00:57:00,630 okay. That's right. We're in the cult of winning. I've embraced it. Now. I'm a cult leader. Now. I am a cult leader. Take that as a sound like I run a cult. We
385 00:57:00,630 --> 00:57:09,420 all pay homage to winning. Okay, winning. That's why the fuck you started doing this? You joined us to what? To look cool in front of other people on social
386 00:57:09,420 --> 00:57:16,920 media. Fuck, that's it. You want to be able to pay for shit that you can't afford? Right now. You want to able to pay your bills, you want to make sure
387 00:57:16,920 --> 00:57:25,170 your kids have more than they have right now. You want to be able to tell yourself, hey, you know what, you deserve a decent meal. Let's go out and have
388 00:57:25,170 --> 00:57:33,990 one. We don't need to go into the refrigerator and make leftovers again. Let's go out and have a night with the spouse significant other and just limp up for a
389 00:57:33,990 --> 00:57:40,410 night and just cut back and not worry about what the fuck that check is going to say is required to pay for it.
390 00:57:40,590 --> 00:57:48,930 I'm not worried about my car payments. I'm not worried about my mortgage being paid. I'm not worrying about how much it's gonna cost for child's education.
391 00:57:49,200 --> 00:57:56,280 Because at this point, some of you shouldn't be thinking, hey, you know what? I was stressing about putting my kids through college and how expensive it is
392 00:57:56,430 --> 00:58:06,990 thought college. Fuck that shit. Okay, this is college. There's really real shit. Okay, you're seeing proof of it. You don't see proof that you're going
393 00:58:06,990 --> 00:58:14,370 horses, paying all that fucking money stressing about tests, they go do a fucking thing for you when you get out there and try to do that job. When you
394 00:58:14,370 --> 00:58:21,120 finally get yourself in this position. You're gonna think about what the fuck does this got to do with all those stupid ass exams and they're just fucking
395 00:58:21,120 --> 00:58:28,950 laboratory experiments that I had to do for college. I'm not doing anything for the shit and I'm worrying about working for this fucking asshole. It's trying to
396 00:58:28,950 --> 00:58:37,410 tell me I can't have off next fucking week because Carl Cosman here one fucking week longer to me and I can't have this fucking week off. That's the shit you
397 00:58:37,410 --> 00:58:48,990 want to do? That that's the shit that you do for your What? No. Carve out your own path. You have the skill sets now you have that you just don't have the
398 00:58:48,990 --> 00:58:58,500 experience it and stop listening to these fucking people telling you that you're wasting your fucking time. Look around. People are doing it be encouraged and
399 00:58:58,500 --> 00:59:06,870 not suck up. I'm not putting people in fucking TMO these people are coming to me showing you the fucking receipts. I got people showing you with live accounts
400 00:59:06,990 --> 00:59:09,240 with fucking withdrawals. Bank fucking
401 00:59:09,240 --> 00:59:18,600 statements to didn't do, folks. It's right in front of you. All you got to do is grab. Grab the fucking hold of it. Just say I said this shit is mine. I'm not
402 00:59:18,600 --> 00:59:19,410 letting go of it.
403 00:59:19,680 --> 00:59:21,000 I will do this.
404 00:59:21,030 --> 00:59:28,440 I don't give a fuck please. I'm not I don't give a shit. You just watch me. You watch where I'm going with this information. That's how you should need to think
405 00:59:28,440 --> 00:59:36,120 about it. Don't let these motherfuckers steal it from you. Don't let your family steal it from you. Don't let your co workers steal from you. Your fucking is
406 00:59:36,120 --> 00:59:46,530 part time right now. You're firing his fucking ass for her. Because ladies can be my wife. And she's about to whip my ass when I get back in this house. I'm
407 00:59:46,530 --> 00:59:55,530 sorry. Hey, she's the queen. Do you feel better? You feel better than you did before we got on you feel energized? Or do you feel beaten down and discouraged?
408 00:59:55,770 --> 01:00:03,540 Because I had everybody around free body said you're never going to do this Do this. It's a pipe dream, you're never going to do it. You're gonna be working
409 01:00:03,540 --> 01:00:12,150 just like the rest of us. Well, the only thing true about that statement is the rest of us and family members and friends. They've been working for the last 50
410 01:00:12,150 --> 01:00:19,650 fucking years. Plus, I'm not. I'm doing whatever the fuck I want to do. Whenever the fuck I want to do it. And I don't look at price tags. And if that bothers
411 01:00:19,650 --> 01:00:27,630 you, and it sounds arrogant, I don't give a fuck. I don't care. I'm not doing it to be arrogant. I'm telling you. This is what you're here to do. Learn how to
412 01:00:27,630 --> 01:00:35,910 make fucking money. And I'm teaching you for free. Some of you think that you should be telling me how to teach you. You don't know shit. You don't know
413 01:00:35,910 --> 01:00:40,830 anything. You have expectations. That's not understanding. That's expectations.
414 01:00:40,890 --> 01:00:45,090 That's you tell me what you want. Give it to me this way on this schedule. I don't like that you
415 01:00:45,090 --> 01:00:51,570 did this. And I'm like, did you do that? I don't like that. You gave out the core content. Like I've lost respect for you. Guess what? It's my content. It's
416 01:00:51,570 --> 01:00:59,490 not your content. It's not mentorship. It's the language. Look at the impact. here's the here's what you need to do. Take a look. Go on Amazon. Do a search on
417 01:00:59,490 --> 01:01:09,330 SMC Smartline concept trading. I did this the other day. And my wife is gonna have to deal with this. The idea of going on Amazon. Okay, because one joker put
418 01:01:09,330 --> 01:01:17,280 out my concepts and reworded everything and falsely attributed to other people that I mean that were influential people to me coming up, like they had
419 01:01:17,280 --> 01:01:26,430 something to do with what it is on trading. None of the shit that I teach and trade with is found in anybody. I honestly today was so tempted to tweet, Larry
420 01:01:26,430 --> 01:01:34,530 Williams on Twitter, or I don't even know if this is really real account or not. But I wanted to ask, have you ever seen anybody trade like this? I have never
421 01:01:34,530 --> 01:01:42,750 personally confronted him and asked him hey, what do you think about this? Everybody's beat him up. Hey, ICT, this guy Michael Huddleston, the fucking
422 01:01:42,750 --> 01:01:45,810 fraudster, the scammer said it. You are his mentor?
423 01:01:45,840 --> 01:01:47,250 Did you teach ICT?
424 01:01:47,580 --> 01:01:56,940 I bought this man's fucking books. I bought this man's books about this fucking man's courses. Okay, that's mentoring me. Okay, he was the first real mentor
425 01:01:56,940 --> 01:02:08,610 ahead and trading and 99% of everything he ever taught through his reference material. I don't even do anything with it. But I still say that man, I wish I
426 01:02:08,610 --> 01:02:16,980 had an opportunity to meet him of the meeting. I would love to shake his hand. Because he turned things around for me. We off on a rabbit trail that I lost my
427 01:02:16,980 --> 01:02:22,950 train of thought because this is not where I always want to go. But and that's that's unsettling because now that's going to drive me I'm not going to sleep
428 01:02:22,950 --> 01:02:34,200 tonight. I'll be up for 36 hours now over this. But anyway, I don't know. Maybe I should do live streams. sit there and wait for them to come knocking on the
429 01:02:34,200 --> 01:02:40,590 door and live stream that happening. I would that be cool to hear. here's the here's the camera rig on my front door, and just wait for it to happen.
430 01:02:42,120 --> 01:02:44,070 I'm expecting you. Yeah.
431 01:02:45,120 --> 01:02:54,000 Some of you like, anyway, I think that if you were honest, in everything that's been shown to you free of charge, with all the evidence you could ever expect to
432 01:02:54,000 --> 01:03:07,260 see live accounts, real executions, recording from a blank chart, marking it up and delivering exactly, exactly like your own chart shows, getting in at the
433 01:03:07,260 --> 01:03:15,690 highs when shorting and getting into the lows when going books. That's the stuff that I believe with no evidence of having really known that it existed. I just
434 01:03:15,690 --> 01:03:23,520 believe it like a fairy tale. I thought that that's what every trader, every trader that made money did. Now obviously there's a lot of people out there that
435 01:03:23,520 --> 01:03:30,840 do all kinds of stuff. And they make money if they're profitable, but they're not doing anything that we're doing. It just they're just catching movements
436 01:03:30,930 --> 01:03:39,810 between one price to another. And they attribute whatever the hell they want to attribute to as the reasons why those things are not what caused the market to
437 01:03:39,810 --> 01:03:49,950 move, but their religion. And that's exactly what this is called Elliott caught Wycoff call it supply and demand, whatever again, all those things are religions
438 01:03:49,950 --> 01:03:59,250 because you're attributing spirituality to something that had absolutely no effect on what what caused that market fluctuation. I'm telling you, and and it
439 01:03:59,250 --> 01:04:08,370 is the thing that makes me so divisive. And it's okay, I'll wear that badge. I'll wear that hat with honor. Okay. If I'm ever remembered as anything, okay,
440 01:04:08,400 --> 01:04:18,060 I'm the guy that divided everybody with this shit. Okay, that's good. Let me go home into history with that, and I'm okay with it. But everything before me is
441 01:04:18,060 --> 01:04:25,890 religious trading. You might look at me as a cult leader. You might look at everybody in this community as a cult member. But there ain't again trader.
442 01:04:26,160 --> 01:04:34,650 There ain't a supply and demand leader. There is no Elliott Wave trader that is considered more precise than me. Period. And that's my real fucking ego. And
443 01:04:34,650 --> 01:04:35,220 guess what? I
444 01:04:35,220 --> 01:04:43,710 hope it makes you joke. Because I'm out here every day inviting you, inviting you begging you pleading with please bring your candy fucking ass with your
445 01:04:43,710 --> 01:04:52,980 shit. Let's go. Because at the end of this fucking year, I'm done. I'm done. And you can pretend after I've left like you were going to do something you were
446 01:04:52,980 --> 01:04:54,390 going to prove to the fucking world,
447 01:04:54,660 --> 01:05:01,500 that your shit, whatever it is, and I'm not talking about any one particular person. This is an open invitation. Come There's nothing like this, there's
448 01:05:01,500 --> 01:05:11,160 nothing. And I am so fucking ecstatic that I have been given this. So I can lay it in front of you just like this, just like this. I could have put any price
449 01:05:11,160 --> 01:05:19,830 tag on this any price tag and demonstrated it, just like you've been watching this entire year, knowing that I'm not selling your mentorship knowing that I'm
450 01:05:19,830 --> 01:05:28,830 not even going to sell you a fucking book. I'm not going to sell you shit. But think about it. How much would you be willing to pay based on what you saw right
451 01:05:28,830 --> 01:05:39,330 now to this year, this year? If you saw all this shit going on proof after proof, this and it delivering perfectly? How much would you dig into your ass to
452 01:05:39,330 --> 01:05:48,720 pay for this skill set? Again, fucking T you'd be milling a dozen hours. And I'm not asking for anything. I just want you to succeed. I just want you to put the
453 01:05:48,720 --> 01:05:58,980 work in that's going to require a daily devotion to this on weekends to be diligent about and there's going to be every excuse in the book and book, every
454 01:05:58,980 --> 01:06:06,480 possible distraction, it's going to be I gotta I gotta do this. This is the reason why I'm failing. I got this in the back of my mind, I can't do this.
455 01:06:06,480 --> 01:06:15,240 Because this is bothering you got to get that shit out. 1414 You got to be agile, and you got to make it work. There's no easy fixes for that. Your family
456 01:06:15,240 --> 01:06:22,740 life is a fucking mess right now. And you can't find time to trade you fix it. That's how you do it. Okay. That means if you have to get a different job,
457 01:06:22,770 --> 01:06:30,780 that's mean. That's it. Your children, our children. I don't want to see you doing what I did. Because it cost it scarred me scarred my children, my family.
458 01:06:31,110 --> 01:06:39,390 They didn't get a dad. They had a ghost that they saw once in a while, that I was chained to these charts change these markets? Yeah. They don't want for
459 01:06:39,390 --> 01:06:49,290 anything. But they wanted me. And I was not there. I was checked out. And I'm telling you, it's easy to say, well, I'll live like that for a year or two until
460 01:06:49,290 --> 01:06:56,910 I get it. Whatever it happens to be little bit longer for you. One year turns into five real quick and you don't realize it. You're playing video games. How
461 01:06:56,910 --> 01:07:03,960 many times have you played video games and realize I've been playing for five fucking hours? I don't. I don't realize I've been paying for five hours. I ain't
462 01:07:03,990 --> 01:07:14,730 taking a piss. I ain't had anything to eat. And I can't feel my ass. Yeah, that's how fast you can get tied up into this stuff and lose all train of
463 01:07:14,730 --> 01:07:20,610 thought. And that's why it's like in casinos, they don't put clocks on the walls. They don't want you to realize how much time you've been there wasting
464 01:07:20,850 --> 01:07:29,160 putting money in the slot machines. And that's what retail traders do. You need to have a balanced approach to this. No more than two hours. Honestly, about an
465 01:07:29,160 --> 01:07:37,590 hour a day is optimal studying on the weekends to two hours, you can do more than that. You're binge watching and you're you're taking time from something
466 01:07:37,590 --> 01:07:47,460 else. Too much is not the best way of doing it. Yeah, no, it feels like okay, uploading sometimes three videos a day. It's built on a schedule. That's not the
467 01:07:47,460 --> 01:07:56,430 schedule for you to digest information is I have a deadline, I want to be done mid November, because I don't want to be doing shit. In the holidays. You'll be
468 01:07:56,430 --> 01:08:04,560 seeing me tweet Happy Holidays. That's it. Like I'm, I'm trying to kick back and enjoy it. So you have to have a balanced approach to doing this. And not like
469 01:08:04,590 --> 01:08:13,920 any other assets Messier. Don't let it discourage you don't let it distract you. Don't let it give you perfect little excuses to be doing something other than
470 01:08:13,920 --> 01:08:22,350 the things that you're supposed to be doing. And don't look at anybody else's progress or results. Whether they be good or bad. had any impact on you. Should
471 01:08:22,350 --> 01:08:30,090 you be encouraged? Yeah, sure, sure. If they're doing well, you support the community members. That's good. That's good. But don't look at someone's
472 01:08:30,090 --> 01:08:38,490 results. If it's positive and say, What am I doing to mine results aren't like that. Fuck that. That's, that's backwards. Don't do that. Because what you're
473 01:08:38,490 --> 01:08:45,510 trying to do is keep up with the Joneses. And you can't do that in trading because there's always going to be somebody that's going to be making more than
474 01:08:45,510 --> 01:08:55,260 you bought more sold more held longer. Got in earlier. Like that's the stupid shit that goes on and traders mindsets and that's why chat rooms are fucking
475 01:08:55,260 --> 01:09:03,630 stupid. I see these guys stop fucking tweeting to me saying we gotta get an ICT discord. Let's get as soon as you do that I block you. Have you noticed that to
476 01:09:03,630 --> 01:09:11,220 the guys that had to restart and get a new account? Just so they can follow me again? Anybody says hey, let's start a telegram. You're blocked. You're being a
477 01:09:11,220 --> 01:09:18,780 dick ICT? No, I just, I'm letting you know. I don't subscribe to the idea. And chat rooms are a fucking toxic wasteland.
478 01:09:19,020 --> 01:09:28,260 Unknown: Basically what you're saying is, hey, we all don't know what the fuck we're doing. Let's all get together and share ideas. The fuck is that? You have
479 01:09:28,260 --> 01:09:34,980 no idea what you're doing. You don't know what you're doing. And you're literally going to be asking the next person that's in you're looking for the
480 01:09:34,980 --> 01:09:36,090 same fucking thing.
481 01:09:36,120 --> 01:09:43,590 ICT: Hey, somebody in here is gonna know what they're doing. I'm not in these fucking rooms. I'm not going into chat rooms. Okay, I'm not going into discord.
482 01:09:43,650 --> 01:09:48,870 I'm not going into fucking telegram rooms. I'm not doing any of that Mickey Mouse shit. That's a distraction.
483 01:09:49,079 --> 01:09:59,969 Unknown: See? You all you all want to team. You want to fucking team. I am me. Just like I'm trying to create in you. You are your own fucking army. You're an
484 01:09:59,999 --> 01:10:07,829 army of one. You don't need me to be your fucking general. You don't need me to be your team fucking captain. It tells you what you need to be doing today. You
485 01:10:07,829 --> 01:10:12,239 don't need that shit. And all of these young guys and gals that are out there, they're trying to get these little
486 01:10:12,960 --> 01:10:21,450 ICT: fucker trying to start these little circles of of people come together. I'm telling you, we did it on baby pips. We took over their fucking chat room and
487 01:10:21,450 --> 01:10:29,220 broke it. Hey, I'm going on chat room in 10 minutes, we get that it's gone. Chat Room won't work flooded it. Too many people one time trying to chat you can't
488 01:10:29,370 --> 01:10:38,250 you can't keep up with the conversations. It's a waste. Did it feel good for my ego to see that happening? Yeah, I'll be honest. It was awesome. But useless. It
489 01:10:38,250 --> 01:10:46,890 was it was not, it was not constructive. And you're gonna get in these rooms, and you're going to quickly find out that you're not getting anything. Listen,
490 01:10:46,980 --> 01:10:54,510 you don't need to go to rooms to get my shit on the slide. I'm putting it on YouTube. So we don't need to have a discord. We don't have a telegram. We don't
491 01:10:54,510 --> 01:11:03,870 need anything else. I'm talking to people directly right on on Twitter. So all my videos, the core content videos, and any future video, I'm not opening the
492 01:11:03,870 --> 01:11:09,990 comment section. You got some shit to say to me, you can write the fucking Twitter, everybody sees it and I can't block you. I can block you if you say
493 01:11:09,990 --> 01:11:16,950 some dumb shit. And I got an interest in and haven't any further conversation with everybody else can see what you're saying to me. So I'm right here in the
494 01:11:16,950 --> 01:11:24,720 middle of the open public, we're in general population right now. Bring your shit, you got something good to say, Bring it, you got something bad to say,
495 01:11:24,750 --> 01:11:32,490 Bring it on the hiding. I'm right here in front of everybody. But having this idea of going into these little communities, we have a fucking community, we
496 01:11:32,490 --> 01:11:40,290 have a community. And when there's a tweet that's put out, you put your idea or suggestion or complaint or whatever fuck you got to say about that particular
497 01:11:40,290 --> 01:11:47,970 tweet. It's easy. Everything's sorted. What's he talking about? Well, look at everybody's responses. I don't need that tweet. They if I see somebody answer
498 01:11:47,970 --> 01:11:55,050 what someone's asked about, I like it. If it's what if I'm in agreement with what they're saying? If I like their response to you, if you have a question
499 01:11:55,050 --> 01:12:02,310 about what I'm saying. That's like me saying the very words that they just said, I don't need to be saying everything. If someone says because they've been
500 01:12:02,310 --> 01:12:09,990 around me, they know how I've taught. And someone doesn't understand what I said in a tweet. Someone come behind me. This is what he meant by that. Oh, then I
501 01:12:09,990 --> 01:12:18,000 see that I liked that. That little heart is my cosign saying, Yeah, that's what I don't need to say that again. I'm saying that, that person's saying. So we
502 01:12:18,000 --> 01:12:25,350 don't need chat rooms. We don't need to fucking telegram. I can't manage all of you as it is. There's too many of you. And you want me to go into another
503 01:12:25,350 --> 01:12:36,120 fucking social media medium the way I'm, I'm too it's too much on YouTube and Twitter's too much too fucking much. I gotta wind this down. And I gotta return
504 01:12:36,120 --> 01:12:44,790 back to my private group. I'm gonna hang out with them. Now that sounds like you know, you're being an asshole. Now I see take No, I have obligations. But I told
505 01:12:44,790 --> 01:12:52,170 them once I get course content up, I'll return back to them. And I hang out with them. And I want to just have that little bit of time with them. And in most of
506 01:12:52,170 --> 01:13:01,200 my time is in my personal life. And I think I fucking deserve it. Okay, that's the bottom line. I deserve it. I put enough into this shit now going for shit.
507 01:13:01,410 --> 01:13:12,750 12 years, non stop. You think because I walked away from YouTube and Twitter that I slow down, man, I spin like, a relentless pace. And I'm doing this. So
508 01:13:12,750 --> 01:13:22,890 these assholes that have told me so much shit. With no fucking respect, just no fucking couth just pieces of shit. I've made it impossible for them to ever want
509 01:13:22,890 --> 01:13:33,120 to sell it now. And if you bought it, you're stupid. Because that shit isn't going to be helpful to you. You had to be there with me doing it. But the save
510 01:13:33,120 --> 01:13:40,770 these people from being victimized from the scammers and trying to sell the shit or get them into their own little telegram room. Come and join my signal
511 01:13:40,770 --> 01:13:50,070 service. And I'll give you ICT mentorship videos, fuck that. Watch the videos, use the core content if you want to. You don't need it. The model I literally
512 01:13:50,070 --> 01:14:00,330 put together on YouTube, this straight right to the point is 41 videos, that literally is all you need. I took everything and condensed into one individual
513 01:14:00,360 --> 01:14:10,380 model that will never stop working. I am not changing anything with the fucking algorithm. It's not going to change. It's not going to stop working. When we
514 01:14:10,380 --> 01:14:20,520 have no longer any access to the marketplace. That's when it starts working. Is that plain enough for you? Is that straight to the point? No bullshit. Yes, you
515 01:14:20,520 --> 01:14:30,600 have a model that works. It's very few rules to it. You have a specific time of day to look for the setups that's trading. That is trading, having rules a
516 01:14:30,600 --> 01:14:38,160 process and following it and accepting the fact that some to do it wrong and lose money. And guess what? That's what everybody into. You have to go through
517 01:14:38,160 --> 01:14:47,940 that. And don't be afraid. Don't be afraid of that experience of I thought I did everything right but I lost. See you're trying to find the video where I cover
518 01:14:48,210 --> 01:14:56,820 how to avoid that when the video I put out was handling drawdown and an inevitable loss or losing something to that effect. So I'm telling you, you're
519 01:14:56,820 --> 01:15:04,050 gonna lose money. You're going to absolutely lose money you're going to have losing trades, you're gonna have everything in the chart indicate to you that it
520 01:15:04,050 --> 01:15:11,220 is likely to do a specific thing. And you're gonna find the courage to push the button. And when it happens, it fails.
521 01:15:12,480 --> 01:15:22,890 It fails with the it, you, you did it, that decision was wrong, the concepts didn't fail, the market didn't do you wrong, you made a decision that was
522 01:15:22,920 --> 01:15:31,320 inaccurate. And you have to own that. And there is liberation, when a trader comes to that mindset and says, You know what, I didn't do that, right. But
523 01:15:31,320 --> 01:15:39,720 guess what, it doesn't change anything, it just means that I had to pay for that mistake. And that mistake gives me experience, I make money in the next trade or
524 01:15:39,720 --> 01:15:48,900 the trades after this. And I come back from that drawdown, it will be an inquiry that all this was was a skin knee, I got a boo boo papercut it didn't remove my
525 01:15:48,900 --> 01:15:59,610 head cleanly and lose my account, or make it impossible for me to trade. Again, he didn't remove your arsenal, it hones you, it makes you trust the fact that
526 01:15:59,610 --> 01:16:07,980 you can come this, when you have a losing trade or losing trades, some of you are not even in a position where you even adore that yet. But you want to go out
527 01:16:07,980 --> 01:16:16,680 there and rush to get an F tml count. Like that's gonna somehow magically prevent you from having drawdown, you know, if you are able to get a funded
528 01:16:16,680 --> 01:16:24,870 account from one of these companies, and you send the proof that you I want to encourage you and I'll retweet it, because I'm proud of you. I'm proud of you.
529 01:16:25,020 --> 01:16:31,470 And a lot of people say oh, that doesn't mean shit. Anybody can do that? Well, I don't see a lot of people doing it. I mean, look how many students I have, do
530 01:16:31,470 --> 01:16:40,740 you see 300,000 of them tweeting to me? No, I'm aware that I'm cognizant of the fact that, you know, it takes some effort. And not everybody is able to do it,
531 01:16:41,070 --> 01:16:48,990 do it, I got a lot of respect for that. They did something that got them to that point, it may not be all the right things, but I want to be an encouragement to
532 01:16:48,990 --> 01:16:58,260 them. So I am aware yes, that they may not even they may never even be profitable with the trading account, once they get access to the quote unquote,
533 01:16:58,260 --> 01:17:06,000 funded account, they may blow it, then that's okay, you're probably going to, but that experience is needed, because then you'll have a greater understanding
534 01:17:06,000 --> 01:17:14,430 and respect for what it is you're doing. Because it it feels like well, you know, I only paid a couple 100 hours to get this funded account. And I'm just
535 01:17:14,430 --> 01:17:21,930 going to try to do YOLO trading, do some wild stuff. And you know, if I make money, great, if I don't, then I'll just, you know, start again, respond like
536 01:17:21,930 --> 01:17:29,250 it's a video game. And if you're doing it like that you're doing it wrong, you got to treat it like it's your only money. If you don't do it, right, you're
537 01:17:29,250 --> 01:17:37,830 homeless. That's the mindset you should have. Treat it like that. Not be afraid that every mistake will lead to homelessness. But you need to make sure that
538 01:17:38,100 --> 01:17:46,410 you're doing everything you can diligently, responsibly and not thinking, Well, you know, I could just respond because that's what this industry has created
539 01:17:46,410 --> 01:17:54,090 this idea that, well, you know, what, I can go for his funded account, and I can get another funded account and join him together and branch this one together.
540 01:17:54,090 --> 01:18:01,680 And I could have accounts and have a million dollars and, and fund that account. And if I blow one, I got 16 More over here. That's the wrong mentality. That's
541 01:18:01,680 --> 01:18:08,010 the wrong mentality. And honestly, you should only do it long enough to get your own money, and and get the fuck out of that shit. Because I don't think it's
542 01:18:08,010 --> 01:18:17,760 gonna be around long. That's my personal opinion. I might be wrong. But I know. I'm gonna be putting the hurt notes on the fuckers. Because what I've taught, it
543 01:18:17,760 --> 01:18:26,940 works. And people are coming in with proof that this shit works. And I've already heard one company talking about how they're going to lessen the amount
544 01:18:26,940 --> 01:18:33,660 of people coming in next year. I'm not putting names on it. But I'm sure if you do some research, you'll find out who I'm talking about? Why would you think
545 01:18:33,660 --> 01:18:42,000 that's occurring? Because they see a wave of motherfuckers coming in, they can whip their ass today like to make money on the failures. That's a business for
546 01:18:42,000 --> 01:18:50,700 them. A lot of people coming in not know how to do it, and have to re up it and go in. And okay, that's a pretty shrewd business model. I mean, if all the stats
547 01:18:50,700 --> 01:19:00,630 are, you know, to believe it's 90 days or less, you're gonna blow your account. Isn't it interesting that companies like that the company name escapes me,
548 01:19:00,750 --> 01:19:09,900 because it's not amp Apex the, you're gonna take out 3000 for the first month 3000 for the second month. And I don't know what the third month is. They keep
549 01:19:09,900 --> 01:19:21,300 you throttled because they want to make sure that you are held inside those 90 days because the bell curve of statistical evidence suggests that if they hold
550 01:19:21,300 --> 01:19:29,520 you underneath that 90 days, you're gonna blow your ass out, and they want to pay you shit. It's a casino. All of this shit is rigged. So now think about
551 01:19:29,520 --> 01:19:37,230 that. Not only do you have to beat the casino to house the market, you have to beat yourself, because you're gonna be throwing wrenches into this whole process
552 01:19:37,230 --> 01:19:45,420 with your toxic thinking ass backwards mentality. Trying to prove yourself to world, your spouse and your friends and neighbors like that fucking means
553 01:19:45,420 --> 01:19:53,460 anything. And now you're gonna go to a funded account process. And trust me, folks, I'm not trying to discourage you, but I'm just I'm talking really real
554 01:19:53,460 --> 01:20:01,020 with you if you were my fucking best friend, and you came to me and said look ICT no. Look, Michael. We've been friends forever. One time, we went to school
555 01:20:01,020 --> 01:20:01,470 together,
556 01:20:01,710 --> 01:20:08,970 I've watched what you've been doing. Okay, I put a pistol around. And I'm finally at the point where I want to do what you do, how do I go about doing it,
557 01:20:09,270 --> 01:20:18,330 I will talk to you just like this, I talk just like this, when it's things like this, I'm passionate, I'm not gonna pull any punches. I don't care if you like
558 01:20:18,330 --> 01:20:27,360 the way I said it. I don't care if you agree, because I live this shit. But if you think for a moment, that you're just gonna waltz in here, and do these
559 01:20:27,390 --> 01:20:35,610 funded account challenges, and something different is going to take place like, like that some hatches the landscape for you, you're underneath another umbrella
560 01:20:35,850 --> 01:20:44,850 of probabilities of failure, and you need to be aware of that. Now, that's not meant to discourage you not to make you feel like oh, shit, you know, he just
561 01:20:44,850 --> 01:20:52,800 took the wind out of my sails. No, what I'm reminding you of, is the rules I gave you use them. Don't try to make a lot of money. If they say you can only
562 01:20:52,800 --> 01:21:02,400 make $3,000. Okay? How about just trying to go and make you 1500 bucks stay way under the radar. Don't be in a rush to get the money out. And in the second
563 01:21:02,400 --> 01:21:11,760 month do the same thing. Oh, we can only get 3000? Well, let me make sure I get my three fucking $1,000 No, beat the whole process by not pushing. That's how
564 01:21:11,760 --> 01:21:19,530 you think it's 10,000 hours if I'm not mistaken, correct me if I'm wrong and Twitter. But I think if I'm not mistaken, a third month is they can only let you
565 01:21:19,530 --> 01:21:27,840 take or they only let you take 10,000 hours. So what that means is, at best scenario, you could in three months, take out what's that? 16,000 hours, what
566 01:21:27,840 --> 01:21:35,760 happens if you run it up bigger, you can't touch it. Apparently, that's what it is. That's my understanding. And I don't have any experience doing it. But why
567 01:21:35,760 --> 01:21:43,920 push harder than you need to just make 1000 to 1500 bucks, then once you make it stop, let them know you're there to fucking get paid, and you're not in a hurry
568 01:21:43,920 --> 01:21:50,820 to get the money. That's how you beat the process. That's how you beat the game. That's how you beat them. Don't think I gotta push it to the maximum they'll
569 01:21:50,820 --> 01:21:58,560 blow out. And that's what all young people are out here doing. You're pushing it because the threshold they gave you, that's the high end. So that's what you're
570 01:21:58,560 --> 01:22:07,260 going to aim for. Right? Why? Why are you doing that? All you're doing is in, it's increasing the likelihood that you're going to blow the account, you're
571 01:22:07,260 --> 01:22:14,760 gonna do something to blow it out. So that's my word on funded account. So you guys ask me all the time, you know, what's my thought process on it? That's
572 01:22:14,760 --> 01:22:22,230 exactly my thought process on it. Don't try to do the maximum that they allow. That's that's how you're gonna fail. That's what every person does when they go
573 01:22:22,230 --> 01:22:30,660 to Casino. Think about it. They don't go in there thinking, Well, let me make sure I manage my money. Well, they're going on American fucking lit, maybe on
574 01:22:30,660 --> 01:22:39,600 drugs, but they're drunk. They're drinking constantly, while they're there. You think sound rational thinking is on the forefront of their drunken stupor? No.
575 01:22:39,900 --> 01:22:48,540 But when you get these funded accounts, you're drunk. See, I'm not trying to diminish your achievement. Once you get to that point, because it takes effort
576 01:22:48,540 --> 01:22:56,190 to get there. You still have to do something to get there. Now, they might not be the right things that got you there, admittedly, once you get there. Yeah,
577 01:22:56,190 --> 01:23:06,300 that's commendable. And I'd like to encourage that. But once you're there, don't fall victim to the idea that, you know, you might just get lucky the stars align
578 01:23:06,300 --> 01:23:14,700 and spinner, the casino, One Armed Bandit, send you those three sevens and you get a jackpot. Because we're back to that same square one earlier in the
579 01:23:14,700 --> 01:23:24,030 conversation. You just want to have that positive experience. And you're willing to risk everything that you paid and put into it, to have that one, feel good
580 01:23:24,030 --> 01:23:31,500 move. Because if you can have that one feel good moment. And it's it's not a dream. It's not an imagination on your part. It's something that you really did,
581 01:23:31,500 --> 01:23:39,480 and you really took money out and you really spent it and you really achieved something, you really rose to the occasion, and you made all your fucking
582 01:23:39,480 --> 01:23:46,410 friends and your family look like assholes. Because you could throw in your fucking face and say, you piece of shit. You tried to hold me back, you talk
583 01:23:46,410 --> 01:23:52,860 down to me. You said I was never gonna do it. Fuck you and your assets, you're thinking, that's what you're thinking. That's exactly and you're not in your
584 01:23:52,860 --> 01:23:58,860 fucking head right now. The ones that know, that's what you're thinking, you know, that's what you want to do. You want to be able to stick into them and
585 01:23:58,860 --> 01:24:08,280 say, but it's creating such an emotional and psychological attachment to what you're trying to do. It's going to be the very reason why you fail. Because
586 01:24:08,280 --> 01:24:16,650 you're putting an all or nothing idea behind it. It's the be all end all. It's the only way it can happen. It has to happen this way. And only this way,
587 01:24:16,680 --> 01:24:23,880 because you can't imagine doing it any other way. Because you don't have the experience of seeing what you've learned is consistently delivered. You just
588 01:24:23,880 --> 01:24:32,430 want it to happen that one good time, that one good stretch of four weeks or so. So you can get that first withdrawal. That's real, because it could be a scam
589 01:24:32,430 --> 01:24:40,590 until that happens, right? This game is difficult, folks, because it's all happening between your ears. In your mind. You think that charts gonna run
590 01:24:40,590 --> 01:24:47,730 against you? When it's probably not. Or you think it's gonna run in your favor? When it's probably not. You think it's not gonna go anywhere today? It's gonna
591 01:24:47,730 --> 01:24:57,570 be a consolidation there and then it tears off big rings do all these things create? What if not, what if, what if doesn't make you money? What you do, makes
592 01:24:57,840 --> 01:24:59,850 or loses money. what's already happened? You
593 01:24:59,850 --> 01:25:07,590 can't make money on it, and you can't lose money on that. So don't let that shit make you have a decision that puts you into risk. Because if you're chasing
594 01:25:07,590 --> 01:25:15,540 market moves, and you go into these funded account challenges or get to the point where you have the funded account access, do not go into that impulsive
595 01:25:15,570 --> 01:25:26,730 mindset, let the boring low threshold, aim for $1,000 for the first month, you think at some figure at this point out of my ass for that end series, you use
596 01:25:26,730 --> 01:25:36,180 that, like I said, use it for your model. When you get funded. Go just try to get that $1,000 Oh, but did they let me get 3000? Who gives a fuck? Who gives a
597 01:25:36,180 --> 01:25:44,940 shit? The market laid 25,000 hours in front of me say hey, you want more? I could have done more trades. Who said I could have done more trades me self
598 01:25:44,940 --> 01:25:52,560 discipline, not there's not enough of that talked and taught because there's not enough profitable fucking people in the world that trying to teach. That's why
599 01:25:52,860 --> 01:26:01,230 you have to have discipline, you have to have rules that say engaging. And guess what else you have to have rules where it tells you you're disengaging, you're
600 01:26:01,230 --> 01:26:09,630 not going to do something anymore. And that's not weakness, backpedaling that's not retreating. That is we beat your ass, we're going home to celebrate. And
601 01:26:09,630 --> 01:26:18,300 we're going to come back again tomorrow and take some more. That's war, it's not retreat, just taking the troops home, some rest food, get your mind in the right
602 01:26:18,300 --> 01:26:26,670 place and get out there and battle it. Again, you're dictating the pace of this war. But some of you are defeating yourself before you can get out there. And
603 01:26:26,670 --> 01:26:34,590 you think that these funded accounts are going to be your secret fucking weapon, like that's going to be the silver bullet. That's the thing, man, that is the
604 01:26:34,590 --> 01:26:42,900 thing. That's this is the thing that got me over that hump, and you lose track of everything that you've been trained to do, and you do something stupid, and
605 01:26:42,900 --> 01:26:53,730 you lose all self control, you make a mistake, and you want to try to fix it real quick. I keep on like this, take the loss, stop and come back the next day.
606 01:26:54,030 --> 01:27:00,780 They have thresholds on there you have to meet and some of them are pretty difficult for a new trader. So if you lessen What is your and try to just aim
607 01:27:00,780 --> 01:27:10,590 for two or $3 a week, make that $1,000 and then stop, get beyond that first three months. And then all those limitations at my understanding that I may or
608 01:27:10,590 --> 01:27:18,210 may be incorrect, I don't have a whole lot of insight about them. But what little knowledge I knew I didn't know have is that they don't let you have the
609 01:27:18,210 --> 01:27:27,240 access to what you could potentially earn. So don't push too hard. Don't make an Olympic feat Olympic Challenge is not an Olympic event for you to try to get to
610 01:27:27,240 --> 01:27:36,810 $3,000 the first month $3,000 A second month, in the 10,000 hours on the third month and then wait to be able to take it all out. What prevents you from just
611 01:27:36,840 --> 01:27:44,820 aiming for the $1,000. And just taking that out and being thankful to $8,000. And I had to work hard for that hard you have to work to get that $1,000 Right
612 01:27:44,820 --> 01:27:54,090 now, without trading. What do you have to sell your something in your house, all your possessions, you got to get a second or third job to make that 1000 hours
613 01:27:54,090 --> 01:28:04,080 extra month. Contrast that with doing such a small task 250 hours a week. And don't let anybody tell you something worth doing. Or what's worth doing. You're
614 01:28:04,080 --> 01:28:12,480 trying to tell me if you walked out your house, and you found an envelope on your front step every fucking morning, with 50 bucks, Monday through Friday, in
615 01:28:12,480 --> 01:28:20,040 a week, you got to earn 50 bucks and you cannot take next week is the same show. And this went on for four weeks. And all of a sudden, that $1,000 that you now
616 01:28:20,040 --> 01:28:29,820 have, you're saying that if it didn't happen the next month, you wouldn't miss it. OSHA bullshit, you got to make your results, low hanging, easy to get.
617 01:28:30,060 --> 01:28:37,290 You're not stressing yourself out to get it. And it's so fucking easy to get. And when you get it consistently over and over and over again, that gives you
618 01:28:37,290 --> 01:28:46,410 experience it gives you experience with managing expectations, your personal responsibility as an individual trader, not to try to do more than it's
619 01:28:46,410 --> 01:28:55,230 necessary. And saying no, when your impulsive side says just go on. It was so easy. We got so fast. Like all the time we got this going one more time. That's
620 01:28:55,230 --> 01:29:03,900 the enemy. That's the enemy. You won't feel like it's the it's going to feel like that's the you in trading that has developed now. No, you're dialed in, you
621 01:29:03,900 --> 01:29:12,420 got when you get an A you lose what you made, and more. And now that hurts and you try to fix it right away. And you got to say no loss. I'll come back
622 01:29:12,420 --> 01:29:19,230 tomorrow. That's how you do it. There's nothing wrong, you're gonna go to work and then fell ill before you got there. Or maybe you got there and you had leave
623 01:29:19,230 --> 01:29:28,200 to come home. You couldn't fulfill your obligations as an employee. And unless you're paid salary, you lost those hours of wage. Did you lose your job because
624 01:29:28,200 --> 01:29:38,850 of that? make less money that week? Yep. Did your whole household come unglued? Because of that? No, it's an event that transpired that had a negative impact on
625 01:29:38,850 --> 01:29:49,170 you monetarily. And you had an indoor it. It didn't change anything to the point where you're now homeless, or you're gonna get a second job now because I had to
626 01:29:49,170 --> 01:29:56,700 go home that day. That's what you're doing. When you take a trade, and it was a losing trade and you refuse to take that loss and go home. You're trying to I
627 01:29:56,700 --> 01:29:59,310 need another job. I gotta I needed another job.
628 01:29:59,909 --> 01:30:09,209 I I need to get another job and assume more risk. Because this one didn't pay me like I wondered, now, how are you going to feel if the last job that you were at
629 01:30:09,299 --> 01:30:16,109 that just fired you and said, you suck as an employee, you didn't do your job, right? And you go in and you started another company, you got a chip on your
630 01:30:16,109 --> 01:30:22,079 shoulder, and a new boss says, hey, look, you know, we don't do things or anything like that, in your mind, the first thing is gonna come to mind. So you
631 01:30:22,079 --> 01:30:29,669 know, fuck you think you don't need to work this job and get no job I got, I found this job, when I wasn't even looking for it. That kind of shit. That's the
632 01:30:29,669 --> 01:30:37,289 kind of stuff I said, when I was young man, I had lots of jobs, I'd walk out of jobs quit and fucking tell him to kiss my ass, because I didn't want that. But
633 01:30:37,289 --> 01:30:45,959 that chip on your shoulder is the same thing you will have if you have a losing trade, you now are going into another job, and you're going to create that job,
634 01:30:45,959 --> 01:30:54,299 you're gonna find a job, the job is the next trade. But you're not prepared to go to work for another company, because you're salty. Because you just got fired
635 01:30:54,299 --> 01:31:02,369 and your last trade fired you, you're no longer employed do not gain from the marketplace. Because that trade fire dress, you got a chip on your shoulder, you
636 01:31:02,369 --> 01:31:09,539 need to tell somebody off? Well, they fired you, they didn't think giving you time on stage to be heard. So what are you gonna do, you're gonna go and press
637 01:31:09,539 --> 01:31:17,219 the button again. Now you're employed again, but you have a chip on your shoulder, and you want to get back with that last job took away from you, your
638 01:31:17,219 --> 01:31:24,569 pride, your bruised ego, you need to prove something, you have to prove something to your spouse, I'm not worthless, I should never got fired by that
639 01:31:24,569 --> 01:31:32,159 other company, that other trade should have never kicked me out. The broker did it to me, the market maker did it to me, the economic counter Did you know all
640 01:31:32,159 --> 01:31:40,049 these other excuses outwardly, that's not you, when it's just you see, all these things are factors that you don't think about because you don't have the
641 01:31:40,049 --> 01:31:47,609 experience. And if you don't have them in the forefront of your mind, and you even try to do these funded account challenges, that 10 clock that makes you
642 01:31:47,609 --> 01:31:55,889 want to do things that you don't need to slow down, don't try to aim so high, and give yourself a real chance. And what happens if you aim for the 1000 hours
643 01:31:55,889 --> 01:32:03,629 and you only make 500 bucks, that's your money, don't leave it in there, take it out. If they give the opportunity to take it out, take it out that reward for
644 01:32:03,629 --> 01:32:10,559 your time and effort, that's going to mean a lot. And it'll be an encouragement for you to have it in your journal that I took a withdrawal 500 bucks, look at
645 01:32:10,559 --> 01:32:17,579 this, this is like I really did that. And I have a lot of students were fighting and ours is a lot of money. I apologize, sometimes you hear me talk about money.
646 01:32:17,909 --> 01:32:26,069 And it may feel like I'm talking down to you, I'm not talking down to you folks, I'm just reminding you that you're learning something that doesn't have a limit
647 01:32:26,189 --> 01:32:36,539 to what you can do with it. But on the same side of that coin, you have to be able to manage yourself responsibly, because on the other side of that coin, you
648 01:32:36,539 --> 01:32:45,329 have the likelihood of losing everything and, and that part is what makes me unpopular, because I remind you every discussion, every time we get together,
649 01:32:45,599 --> 01:32:53,249 that this is the really real side of it all, there's risk here, and you're gonna lose money and Guaran damn tee, you're gonna lose money. But losing money is not
650 01:32:53,459 --> 01:33:03,539 losing your trading career that says a transaction or a series of transactions, just like losing hourly wages from being sick, car breaking down, flat tire, all
651 01:33:03,539 --> 01:33:13,889 that shit is an expense. But because you have made this Olympic event of trading, you've made no room, you've allocated absolutely no room for things to
652 01:33:13,889 --> 01:33:22,439 go wrong, things are gonna go wrong, it's going to happen, you're not gonna do something right, in a losing transaction. And if you don't know what you're
653 01:33:22,439 --> 01:33:31,409 doing, and you rush back in here and try to fix it right away with the ill prepared experience and logic is lacking, are you going to have limited results,
654 01:33:31,589 --> 01:33:39,929 you're probably going to have a compounded loss. And that feeds on the negative thinking that we talked about earlier, you're gonna have more negative thinking
655 01:33:39,929 --> 01:33:48,719 and the negative thoughts that propel you into thinking what I can't go home, and let my spouse see me with this loss, they're gonna see me suddenly come
656 01:33:48,719 --> 01:33:55,139 around the corner, they're gonna know right away, I've lost money. And they're going to ask me and I don't want to lie to them. I don't want to have to say, I
657 01:33:55,139 --> 01:34:02,939 lost money because they're gonna give me that, look, I fucking knew you were gonna lose, I told you, this was going to end up losing money, we can't afford
658 01:34:03,029 --> 01:34:10,709 to lose money. Now contrast that with, if you're going to have your spouse involved in this are aware of what you're doing. You sit down, and this is the
659 01:34:10,709 --> 01:34:19,259 things I'm going to do if I lose money on this first trade or a trade, and it's this much. I stopped trading for that day. Now contrast that in you exercise
660 01:34:19,259 --> 01:34:28,319 that responsibility, and you're losing trade, and you leave your trading area, you walk and join back to your family and your spouse sees you. And you say I
661 01:34:28,319 --> 01:34:36,749 have a losing trade today. Okay, what happened? Oh, this is what my role said. And I had limited it to this. And once I got to that point, I stopped. Now
662 01:34:36,779 --> 01:34:45,719 doesn't that disarm? Any rethink? Okay, you're reckless? Exactly. It's exactly what it does. You have to be able to present yourself only to yourself in the
663 01:34:45,719 --> 01:34:55,499 mirror every day and say, Okay, I'm not reckless. I'm not going out here and doing things on a whim. I'm being responsible with my time I'm being responsible
664 01:34:55,499 --> 01:35:05,099 with this money, and I'm sticking to the rules. If I incur a loss I'm Following the rules that helped me mitigate loss and risk, so that way, I don't blow the
665 01:35:05,099 --> 01:35:12,299 account that way, I don't fill myself up with toxic thinking, and I don't stress my spouse out, because I'm telling you whether you like it or not, if your
666 01:35:12,299 --> 01:35:22,349 spouse knows that you're trading, you have now made this a team effort. And it never, it never is easy when it's like that. Never. Now, am
667 01:35:22,349 --> 01:35:32,129 I saying hide things from your spouse. I didn't say that. But the Bible does say the left hand out your right hands doing. So you can take that how you want to
668 01:35:32,129 --> 01:35:38,909 interpret it, I just look at it this way. If I would have done that and said nothing about what I was dealing, admittedly, I probably wouldn't have my oldest
669 01:35:38,909 --> 01:35:47,399 son Cody, because the lady I got involved with would have never been in a position to want to be with me, for the reasons that she wanted to be with, say
670 01:35:47,399 --> 01:35:56,339 that, okay, I wouldn't have got into trouble with my personal life with a particular woman had I kept my mouth shut, and not let my friends know,
671 01:35:56,339 --> 01:36:05,309 everything I made. And when I was doing now, my present life, obviously, in the beginning, she didn't know everything. And it wasn't until years ago that she
672 01:36:05,309 --> 01:36:14,429 understood more about who I am, what I'm able to do, and even what we have, if I can go back in time, and do things differently, I wouldn't have said anything.
673 01:36:14,609 --> 01:36:22,769 And now let you judge me on that I don't give a fuck, okay. But I would have liked to never really been open or candid about anything. And that's how I teach
674 01:36:22,769 --> 01:36:29,639 my kids, I tell them all the time, and my wife does not agree with this mindset. And I've said this many times in this conversation, we're gonna close it, but
675 01:36:29,639 --> 01:36:35,369 I'm gonna say this, and honestly, because I know she's gonna be disappointed when I go in the house. And you told me it was gonna be this morning, and I've
676 01:36:35,369 --> 01:36:45,719 been out here for two hours. But I tell my children, that you don't owe anybody an explanation as to what you have, or what you earn, period, being married.
677 01:36:45,869 --> 01:36:53,039 Okay? Now I'm gonna say this, this is really going to really cost division. But again, this is my personal opinion, I'm entitled to it. And you can be
678 01:36:53,339 --> 01:37:01,079 argumentative, and you can say, I don't agree with that. And that's fine, we can agree that we don't agree, that's fine. But I'm telling my sons and my daughter,
679 01:37:01,349 --> 01:37:11,189 that what they earn, what they have in their bank accounts, is nobody's fucking business, especially in this world today, where people are motivated, they will
680 01:37:11,189 --> 01:37:19,859 tell you and marry you and have children with you, under the guise that they love you, they want to be with you, when they're willing to put their body
681 01:37:19,859 --> 01:37:31,589 through conception, childbirth, marriage, just to get in a situation where they can fleece you. And then you're devastated financially, emotionally. And now you
682 01:37:31,589 --> 01:37:41,369 have a broken household, all because one individual is motivated by money, when you might be motivated to be profitable as a as an investor, you're not
683 01:37:41,369 --> 01:37:50,759 motivated to live a life that would potentially wreck someone else's family, or your own family. So I tell all of my children, your money, is nobody's fucking
684 01:37:50,759 --> 01:38:00,449 business period. When you get married, should you decide to go that route? Your spouse, it does not entitle them to know what you have. When you die, then
685 01:38:00,449 --> 01:38:07,499 they'll No, leave it to them. And there it is, and surprise them to how much you but you don't tell anybody what you have? Because then guess what, if they're
686 01:38:07,499 --> 01:38:15,959 with you, they want to be with you because they want to be with you not because you have the ability to pay for things that the average person can't. And I know
687 01:38:15,959 --> 01:38:23,039 that there's going to be people to hear this and say this. Wow. I wouldn't have expected that from ICT. I mean, I thought he was this and that. I'm telling you
688 01:38:23,039 --> 01:38:33,899 from personal experience and look around, folks, this world is so fucked up and corrupt. Do you honestly believe look at these young guys. Okay, Miss. I'm
689 01:38:33,899 --> 01:38:41,249 looking at the clock got three minutes to get this done. What are these young guys out there with their cars on Instagram? And they're flashing everything.
690 01:38:41,459 --> 01:38:50,429 You know, I got this, I got that. I got this chain, I got these watches. And I got cars and trade this car and got this car and I got that car and I'm wearing
691 01:38:50,429 --> 01:38:58,559 these types of shoes and these clothes. Look at me, like all the attention on me. Be honest, folks, what type of individual? Are they attracting? Do you think
692 01:38:58,559 --> 01:39:06,509 anybody is looking at that and saying, You know what, this is a really upstanding young man. He's, he's well put together well mannered. You know,
693 01:39:06,509 --> 01:39:15,359 he's, he's not a show off. Yeah. And he's probably someone that's going to be very trustworthy when I'm not around. He's not. He's not trying to be
694 01:39:15,659 --> 01:39:21,959 influential to other people to get more attention. And he's, he's not going to do anything that would draw more attention to himself. So I wouldn't have to
695 01:39:21,959 --> 01:39:30,869 worry about anything when I'm not around him. You think people are looking at these young guys like that? No. But there are girls out there thinking, man, all
696 01:39:30,869 --> 01:39:40,049 it takes us one good weekend. I got my last meal ticket. Because folks whether you'd like this shit or not, or believe it that's exactly what happened to me.
697 01:39:40,319 --> 01:39:43,409 That's exactly what happened to me. And I didn't even see it coming. I got rolled.
698 01:39:44,460 --> 01:39:54,540 It got fucking okay as to what happened and I'm gonna go sit who believes it. Okay, but in 1995 ICT got rolled, and my whole life changed because of that. And
699 01:39:54,540 --> 01:40:03,690 I tell my kids and my oldest son who was a result of that. I tell them all the time you don't tell Anybody what you have? If you're married, and your spouse is
700 01:40:03,750 --> 01:40:10,650 gonna hate me, and can we afford it? You just tell him the bills are fine. You don't worry about that part. You don't pour it on thick. You don't say what you
701 01:40:10,650 --> 01:40:18,180 got and what you can earn none that shit. If you live your life like that, you'll have less drama. Don't Don't call attention to things like that. Because
702 01:40:18,180 --> 01:40:26,340 you can afford Lamborghinis. Doesn't mean, you should have a whole row of them out front of your house. What's, what's the advertising? Well, if I was a con
703 01:40:26,340 --> 01:40:36,090 artist, okay, let me tell you what I would do. I would go down to Miami, in Florida. And I would drive my car in front of one of these other cars that these
704 01:40:36,090 --> 01:40:43,590 YouTuber guys these Instagramers and I would break check them. Let them rerun me. And I assume that's what a con artist would do. There you go. That's a con
705 01:40:43,590 --> 01:40:54,210 artist. That's a con artist mentality. Okay. They're broadcasting. They have something to take. I have to Corvettes Yeah, that I rarely ever drive. And some
706 01:40:54,210 --> 01:41:01,050 of you asked that, can you see I know what you're asking if you think I flipped them. Because the guy down in Texas as I flipped Corvettes, and white ones are
707 01:41:01,050 --> 01:41:08,340 the most popular ones, and yada yada yada. It's the same fucking Corvettes that I'm not trading. They're my babies. And I'm not getting rid of them. But I don't
708 01:41:08,340 --> 01:41:15,960 go around doing those types of things because it draws special attention. I have cars that wouldn't look like anybody else's in the neighborhood I'm sleeping in
709 01:41:15,960 --> 01:41:24,450 right now. But I could afford a whole lot more. I don't anymore, because I seen the tide change the way the world is right now. Everybody's looking for a meal
710 01:41:24,450 --> 01:41:33,960 ticket, everybody's looking for a lawsuit, everyone's looking for some way to scam the next person and you want to broadcast to the world. Look at me, I have
711 01:41:33,960 --> 01:41:41,340 something to take. So I tell my children don't do that. And I don't care what your opinion about that is, because I guarantee you nobody listening to me has
712 01:41:41,340 --> 01:41:49,830 as much money as I have. So you're not going to tell me any advice that I need to follow. So young men and women that are aspiring to get wealthy and fluent
713 01:41:50,010 --> 01:41:58,350 with all this information you've been learning. Think about that. Because what you're saying to yourself, you're only worth special attention, and adoration if
714 01:41:58,350 --> 01:42:10,050 you do that. And you're doing it all wrong. Because you are putting a price tag on relationships with you based on what you can buy a pain floss, how you drip,
715 01:42:11,460 --> 01:42:21,150 all the things that you can run around and represent as an image. That one guy that I met Adele, I met him in the parking lot of Kendall High School, that's my
716 01:42:21,630 --> 01:42:30,570 high school. And I pulled up in my 21 Corvette, and I'm quite certain when I got out of the car, he looked at me and thought, that's not what I imagined. I
717 01:42:30,570 --> 01:42:41,610 didn't expect it to be this guy. And I told this to you all, if you met me, and you spent time with me, this is how I am. This is me if I'm talking otherwise,
718 01:42:41,670 --> 01:42:51,660 most of the time, and that's the markets or world events I'm talking to, it's hard to shut me up. Case in point where we're two hours, but I'm usually soft
719 01:42:51,660 --> 01:43:02,310 spoken, not really talkative, and I keep to myself, but anything like the market, I have to I have to stop myself, I have to make a point to throw or
720 01:43:02,550 --> 01:43:11,970 something like my wife or my kids in Iraq to me saying, okay, look, this has got to take your attention away. But I'm not trying to live a very high attention,
721 01:43:11,970 --> 01:43:19,320 lifestyle. Like I don't do those types of things. Because I've learned a lesson when I was 28 Put me in a situation where I did change my life for 21. So it
722 01:43:19,320 --> 01:43:30,000 scarred me it caused me to not necessarily really appreciate my life as much as I would have had not made that decision to be with someone who I thought was
723 01:43:30,000 --> 01:43:40,560 single who I thought was someone else. And it was being represented to me that that relationship was something that it wasn't, and then become a father, to a
724 01:43:40,560 --> 01:43:49,980 child with that woman. Because of the things that I did and things I said and the way I acted and the things I flaunted it brought the attention that none to
725 01:43:49,980 --> 01:43:58,110 you want everybody to look up to you and say, Wow, they're successful. Wow, look how many people follow them. Everybody's got an high opinion of that person.
726 01:43:58,350 --> 01:44:06,390 Because of this, that kneeling thing. I made a name for myself with a demo account, and proving things that repeat over and over again, with boring videos,
727 01:44:06,510 --> 01:44:16,230 no glamour, no glitz, none that stuff, just the stuff that works. It's never been about image. And when I talk to you, I try to turn back to that idea.
728 01:44:16,230 --> 01:44:23,280 Because I know my kids are listening to these types of because they're on the internet. My older kids listen to these things. And I'm not proud of some of the
729 01:44:23,280 --> 01:44:30,840 things and how I talk because they know when I get well, I'll use the colorful words, but I'm capable of having a conversation without using them. But I'm
730 01:44:30,840 --> 01:44:39,000 passionate about some of the things and what I get answered and I go reaching for the blue collar words. And it's the parts that I wish I wouldn't have had in
731 01:44:39,060 --> 01:44:46,560 these conversations. I wish I could my tongue I wish I could control myself and and be able to articulate these things without having to go for those words. But
732 01:44:46,830 --> 01:44:58,440 my subconscious says you'll appreciate the intensity of what I've said. If I speak to you in a language that we can all agree on is more impactful. And words
733 01:44:58,440 --> 01:45:06,870 are words Okay? In the workbook, some of you never heard me say that because in the YouTubes, I don't ever say those types of words, but stuff, I'm going to say
734 01:45:06,870 --> 01:45:16,320 that because I'm going to reach to something that is, well, I have a strong conviction about, and I'm going to reach for something because I'm conveying in
735 01:45:16,320 --> 01:45:29,280 the easiest manner with the vocabulary words on choosing to either show excitement, disdain, rage, or happiness. Elysian, you know, we're laughing about
736 01:45:29,280 --> 01:45:37,830 it, and just saying, This is fucking crazy, or says funny, whatever. That word may be viewed in some way as the off to bog I wish you wouldn't do that. That
737 01:45:37,830 --> 01:45:47,550 word is just a four letter word, it means absolutely nothing. I didn't fornicators anybody, I didn't call you a fucker, I'm reaching to a word. So that
738 01:45:47,550 --> 01:45:55,830 way you understand, I'm trying to put an exclamation behind. And when I'm talking about things that are not leaning on that type of vocabulary, it doesn't
739 01:45:55,830 --> 01:46:03,750 diminish the things I'm talking about. It just means that at the moment, I feel like I should have your attention without knew that. But other times, I'll reach
740 01:46:03,750 --> 01:46:12,420 those words where I really want you to pay attention. Really pay attention to this and reflect on and are you making these decisions with these thought
741 01:46:12,420 --> 01:46:20,880 processes and milling? And if you are, I'm challenging you to think about why you're doing that. Because most of you aren't really here to make money for the
742 01:46:20,880 --> 01:46:31,290 money, send the money side of it, you want to have attention, you want to feel heard. You want to feel appreciated by other people. And you think that that's
743 01:46:31,290 --> 01:46:41,880 self worth, and that's not that's fake. And I learned that the hard way. You know, my father, he's in Jessup, Maryland, inmate number 155634, male house of
744 01:46:41,880 --> 01:46:53,670 corrections, Michael Joe Harrington, convicted of murder, he was a contract murderer, Hitman, the real thing. Absolutely. Real Deal. Google it, look him up.
745 01:46:53,910 --> 01:47:03,030 There it is. I had a lot of scars, like you have may have a father and a mother that you were raised by. I didn't have that. So I have a lot of built in
746 01:47:03,030 --> 01:47:10,770 hostility and reasons to prove myself. Everybody said I was gonna be just like him, you're gonna be just like your father. Fuck I am. I have anger issues
747 01:47:10,770 --> 01:47:19,110 sometimes. Well, let's be honest, just about every day. But I think I do a pretty good job of managing, I haven't murdered. I didn't go to drug usage, like
748 01:47:19,110 --> 01:47:27,810 my father did when he was in Vietnam, when he bought two thirds of his platoon turn on each other, and literally shoot each other up. And he had to drag a dead
749 01:47:27,810 --> 01:47:35,580 body over top of him to hide, so that way, the he didn't get popped either. And that's the only stories I've ever heard from him about Vietnam, because when I
750 01:47:35,580 --> 01:47:44,490 would ask him, his eyes would gloss over. And he would stop talking. And I just started, he didn't go through anything. And he's just embarrassed. And I've
751 01:47:44,490 --> 01:47:51,480 talked to other folks that were in Vietnam, and the guys that really went through stuff. They don't talk about it. But he picked up a heroin addiction.
752 01:47:51,480 --> 01:48:00,780 They were there. They came home, and his mother and father gave them everything. Now, they weren't a fluid like I am. But they were better than most people in
753 01:48:00,780 --> 01:48:06,990 our area. And that time, they gave him cars, they gave him an apartment that he'd had to pay for. They paid his rent his furniture and didn't spend the
754 01:48:06,990 --> 01:48:15,150 money. And he got drafted. So when he came out, came home, he had a heroin addiction. And he didn't want to do here whenever there. But because of the
755 01:48:15,150 --> 01:48:22,410 stress and everything that's around war, who do you trust, and he couldn't even trust the sample to members. Imagine that. These are the guys that you have
756 01:48:22,410 --> 01:48:31,440 entrusted your life to, you got their back, you got theirs. And because of fear, not knowing when the hell you're gonna get killed, you start using drugs, just
757 01:48:31,440 --> 01:48:40,620 to numb it. And one day, they all fucking flip out. And two thirds of his platoon started shooting each other, that fucks up anybody. So when he came
758 01:48:40,620 --> 01:48:48,450 home, he had to pay for a drug addiction that he picked up over there. And my grandparents cut him off. So what's he going to do to make money, whatever he
759 01:48:48,450 --> 01:48:58,200 could, and he got into the business of doing things that he shouldn't have. It's a strange twist of events. My best friend from preschool, his wife, her uncle,
760 01:48:58,440 --> 01:49:08,010 he and my father decided they were going to do a contract and take a guy out, went into a bar, let him out by gunpoint, walked him down in home school to put
761 01:49:08,010 --> 01:49:16,080 his knees on the ground, put your hands on your head and lights out. And my father's ex wife was the one that turned him in for the ransom. So I didn't have
762 01:49:16,080 --> 01:49:25,770 a father like that. I had a guy I never remembered seeing until I was seven years old, going to marital house of corrections and penitentiary downtown
763 01:49:25,770 --> 01:49:33,150 Baltimore, had a lot of lies told to me saying hey, so I'm we're gonna go fishing. We're going to do all those things that kids do with their dad. They
764 01:49:33,150 --> 01:49:41,700 were all lies. So I grew up as a young man with a lot of hostility and animosity and a chip on my shoulder. Shit, the proof. Everybody my family said I was going
765 01:49:41,700 --> 01:49:51,060 to be just like him. I look around. I don't see anything that my dad ever did. My father would not be talking to you like this. My father would not have poured
766 01:49:51,060 --> 01:49:59,370 out 1000s of hours for nothing. My father wouldn't give two fucks about you. My father wouldn't care if you needed anything. If you were in lack. He wouldn't
767 01:49:59,370 --> 01:50:07,230 care. I'm not nothing like my, and my mother didn't want me. The only reason why I was here and talking to you is because that same man threatened to kill my own
768 01:50:07,230 --> 01:50:14,160 mother and cut her throat if she was going to have an abortion because she had just had an abortion before when I was pregnant with another man. So I grew up
769 01:50:14,310 --> 01:50:24,240 with this idea that I wasn't supposed to be here. In a lot of ways. Most of my childhood was me, building this idea in my head that I got come something that's
770 01:50:24,270 --> 01:50:31,770 gonna make them regret how they neglected me. And that's what wired me to be who I am. And the only people that really mattered to me were my grandparents, they,
771 01:50:32,070 --> 01:50:40,650 they instilled in me the only things that are wholesome and good. If Navy man took no shit. Yes, sir. Don't sleep in on weekends, get up, helped me move these
772 01:50:40,650 --> 01:50:47,340 picnic tables around at a business rebuild picking someone for cash. And I'm gonna do deliveries with them. And you know, some already but they're the only
773 01:50:47,340 --> 01:50:58,860 two people I wish. I hope they can see me. I hope they can see the person I grew into, and how I tried my best to pour into all of you. Because I wish I had this
774 01:50:58,920 --> 01:51:08,520 coming up. I tried to be I don't think of myself as a superhero. I don't think of myself as a rock star. But I tried to be the very thing I prayed I had
775 01:51:08,640 --> 01:51:17,010 growing up somebody to look up to that really genuinely wanted to see me succeed because there wasn't a mother fucker. They wanted to see me six they were all
776 01:51:17,010 --> 01:51:25,830 waiting for me to fail sick and come around and like hyenas and fucking laugh in my face. And I knew it. And I did everything I fucking could. multiple jobs.
777 01:51:26,010 --> 01:51:35,640 Worked on weekends. Fucking study my ass off. Ever did I excelled in everything. Martial arts. Yep. Weightlifting. Yep. Businesses. Yep.
778 01:51:35,820 --> 01:51:46,170 Treating the fucking best baby. The best in area. No motherfucker ever going to be better than me. That's how it's always been. But what pushed me here was the
779 01:51:46,170 --> 01:51:56,400 fact that there wasn't nobody, nobody, not one motherfucker said you can do that. Everybody said I was gonna, every single person said I was gonna fail. Oh,
780 01:51:57,060 --> 01:52:05,430 being the person that I am. All these things that would otherwise be handicaps and other people's mental. I used them as strengths. I have obsessive compulsive
781 01:52:05,430 --> 01:52:15,030 disorder, okay. I'm gonna put myself in fucking charts until I figure this shit the fuck out. Nothing else matters. But this. And yes, I was willing to let
782 01:52:15,060 --> 01:52:25,500 relationships, family, everything fail around me until I got this first marriage. My children, I was not the best father. They were provided for. But
783 01:52:25,500 --> 01:52:32,850 they didn't have my time. Did he talking to me about what they're excited about. And I'm looking at charts nodding my head. Like I heard what they said, I didn't
784 01:52:32,880 --> 01:52:41,940 hear a fucking thing. My children said to me, I was a terrible dad. Terrible. So you see me as someone that's amazing doing that. But none of you would have paid
785 01:52:41,940 --> 01:52:51,330 what I paid to get it and I'm not proud of it. So because of all that guilt, and shame, I live my life like this. And I've been doing this since 2010, where I
786 01:52:51,510 --> 01:53:00,540 literally come out here and do it because I think it should be done. And I wish people wouldn't have sold my shit. Gave me a case of the Assam 2016 Because I
787 01:53:00,540 --> 01:53:07,830 would have loved to been able to say I never went out and sold. I never did this. I never do that. But guess what, folks, I'm not biggest I've ever been
788 01:53:07,830 --> 01:53:16,740 right now. Right now the biggest I've ever been. And I could sell millions. And I don't want to I don't need it. And that's the biggest testimony anybody could
789 01:53:16,740 --> 01:53:27,120 ever have for not needing to do. But some of you young men want to do the very things that I fell victim to, that fucked up everything for the first half of my
790 01:53:27,120 --> 01:53:35,160 life. And I didn't see it coming and you don't see it coming. The things you're trying to do for image attract all the wrong type of people into your life. You
791 01:53:35,160 --> 01:53:42,570 don't want that you think you need it and want it right now. Like that's gonna matter to you. Anybody that comes into life with that type of shit, because of
792 01:53:42,570 --> 01:53:49,590 things you have. They're superficial, they don't genuinely love you, they don't fucking think that you're a cool fucking friend. They're just around you,
793 01:53:49,890 --> 01:53:58,260 because you have something they can't obtain on their own. And maybe you'll let them drive your cars, you know, sleep in the fucking house and pretend like
794 01:53:58,260 --> 01:54:05,460 you're your best buds and maybe some of your attention will cause them to have an image and they can grow. Look at these guys. Look at these young guys, they
795 01:54:05,610 --> 01:54:13,620 they pile up with one another, trying to get clout to build their own image instead of just doing what it would take to be a wholesome individual on their
796 01:54:13,620 --> 01:54:21,660 own merit and their own steam. There they are. They arrived. I have a lot of respect for people to go on their own steam and do their own fucking thing. But
797 01:54:21,660 --> 01:54:30,840 these team mentalities these IML tech guys, it's it's pathetic, and they're all lacking the very same things that I was lacking, because that's exactly what I
798 01:54:30,840 --> 01:54:39,780 was. I was one of those kind of guys, when I was in my 20s and I had no money. I thought Shit, my own fucking parents didn't want me. So it's gonna be easy for
799 01:54:39,780 --> 01:54:49,860 me to get friends, girlfriends hookups, all that there was flashing cash, pull up in my nice cars. It's easy. And it was it was very easy, but it was fake.
800 01:54:49,950 --> 01:54:58,710 They didn't give a fuck about me. They didn't really care about me. They just want to see what they can get from me Gucci bracelets and watches. Rolex is nice
801 01:54:58,710 --> 01:55:07,530 to share with everybody to one my friend And so if I asked you to give me a Rolex Would you give me like, yeah, no way. Yeah, let's go. Done it on a dare.
802 01:55:07,830 --> 01:55:16,110 That woman I had moto Sunlife there, we wouldn't go on an airplane. So a destination she just named off the top of her head, Hawaii, and Hawaii didn't
803 01:55:16,110 --> 01:55:24,900 work out. Couldn't get flight that next morning, Bermuda, we did. And we were in Bermuda the next day at 11am. Now that's not a big deal. Okay, it's not. But
804 01:55:25,470 --> 01:55:34,860 that's the kind of shit I did. Because I wanted to prove to everybody proof proof proof, because that that transaction gave me the response of validation.
805 01:55:34,980 --> 01:55:42,660 Hey, it's real, because I proved it. Look at this. So I've given you all the proof that's necessary. I've given you all the tools to do what I do. Show you
806 01:55:42,660 --> 01:55:51,210 what I've done. proved it, students are doing it, some of our new being better than others. And there are some that are failing. And that's the reality of it
807 01:55:51,210 --> 01:55:58,860 all. You're not all going to succeed. But I believe all of you are capable of succeeding. Do you have what it takes to do this? I don't know. I don't know
808 01:55:58,860 --> 01:56:06,840 what you're contending with. It's like, I had so many things. I was contending with a lot of things that would have been viewed as obstacles or barriers. And I
809 01:56:06,840 --> 01:56:16,470 had to find a way to turn that stuff into an advantage for me. And I used to sit in my my room with books piled up all around my fucking ass. And I would have
810 01:56:16,470 --> 01:56:24,390 the rocky thing where he's, he's training and he's doing all this montage bullshit. As a young man, I used to do that shit. And you young guys would
811 01:56:24,390 --> 01:56:30,750 probably laugh your ass off, you're gonna do the same shit. I played the certain songs and I'm playing Eminem. You know, I'm up here and I'm doing all the
812 01:56:30,750 --> 01:56:31,920 bullshit. Look,
813 01:56:31,950 --> 01:56:41,790 I got it. You got to do whatever you do to get yourself motivated. I had to dig into some fucking dark shit, to keep me motivated. Because everyone around me
814 01:56:42,060 --> 01:56:51,930 was broke ass motherfuckers that had a toxic view on life, themselves and everyone else. And here I am trying to come to the point where I'm not working.
815 01:56:52,230 --> 01:57:01,650 Like I'm not working for these fucking people that literally are not better than me. Just because you went to fucking Harvard, just because you went to fucking
816 01:57:01,650 --> 01:57:08,820 Yale. And you've done this and you've done that. And your parents paid for this or your fucking athletic ability put you through school on a scholarship. And
817 01:57:08,820 --> 01:57:13,050 now you're in a position of management who were taught me you think that fucking makes you better than me?
818 01:57:13,350 --> 01:57:22,290 Unknown: Who the fuck are you? Dude? You wasted time in school. Fuck off. You're gonna stay here. You need that paycheck. The fuck if I need it. I'm making my
819 01:57:22,290 --> 01:57:23,250 own paycheck.
820 01:57:23,370 --> 01:57:27,960 ICT: They're all still fucking working on opening to get their fucking vacation approved.
821 01:57:28,050 --> 01:57:35,970 Unknown: Fuck you. I'm on vacation. 20 Fucking seven. If I want to go on vacation go tomorrow, right now I can fucking pack my shit and go, there isn't a
822 01:57:35,970 --> 01:57:39,180 man or woman saying hey, you got to go to work tomorrow.
823 01:57:39,390 --> 01:57:48,090 ICT: That's what motivated me. Fuck working. I am not fucking lazy. You all can see I'm not lazy. There ain't a motherfucker out there in this industry putting
824 01:57:48,090 --> 01:57:57,900 out more than I put out. I am a over fucking workaholic, I will fuck everybody to death. This was gonna be a short fucking lecture, a short little discussion.
825 01:57:57,900 --> 01:58:09,360 Remember that? Because I give a fuck, I give a fuck. I care. I want you to succeed, you have taken the time to sit down. And you are giving an ear to the
826 01:58:09,360 --> 01:58:19,410 things I'm saying. I have what works. If I have that thing. Everybody fucking, and I'm laying in your hands, all I want you to do is doing the right things
827 01:58:19,410 --> 01:58:28,740 with it. So be mindful where you received it from. I said earlier, I got off tangent, go to Amazon and do a search on Smart Money concepts. And look at how
828 01:58:28,740 --> 01:58:35,550 all these people are writing books. And look at all the shit that you're seeing in my mentorship videos. That's within your books, and you don't see my name.
829 01:58:35,730 --> 01:58:44,640 Oh, he's pitching his name? No, it's not about me. That's not That's not what this is. Because when you listen to my testimony, you know who I'm giving credit
830 01:58:44,640 --> 01:58:52,410 to. Because without him, I can't do anything. But you see these kids out there trying to make a name for themselves real quick put it out there in writing. And
831 01:58:52,410 --> 01:58:59,400 none of them have an correct description of what an order book is. And that's the reason why I've done what I've done with OtterBox because all of them are
832 01:58:59,400 --> 01:59:07,740 going to look real stupid, real stupid. When I put these books in your hands for free, and you see exactly what an order book, what makes it an order book, Why
833 01:59:08,070 --> 01:59:17,850 is it trustworthy? And why they're not going to stop working one day. It has nothing to do with banks. Okay? They go down in this down clothes candle they
834 01:59:17,850 --> 01:59:28,350 call an institutional candle. And folks Listen, stop calling runs on liquidity, liquidity grabs, that fucking is irritating as shit. Like, I don't want to sound
835 01:59:28,350 --> 01:59:39,660 like a snob but that sounds like ignorance liquidity grab. Now, it's a raid on liquidity or a purge, it can sweep that liquidity or when it engages it, it just
836 01:59:39,660 --> 01:59:47,730 uses it as a speed bump. But he's these guys out there literally have taken everything and that mentorship stuff that you're getting the core content
837 01:59:47,730 --> 01:59:55,890 lessons. That's why I've done it for the people that have sent me emails from a group that are paid, but you lost a lot of respect. I love you as a mentor, but
838 01:59:55,920 --> 02:00:03,630 you really fell down a lot of notches, in my view of you as a person. Okay? I'll be fine with that. Now go over to Amazon and look at what they've been doing
839 02:00:03,630 --> 02:00:11,940 with what you paid for. That's why I'm doing it for free. Because those same lessons, that's in my private group, no, it was not it, you had the experience
840 02:00:11,940 --> 02:00:19,800 of sitting with me every single day, telling you where the Mark was gonna go. Using this concepts, you could do what anybody would want to learn how to do,
841 02:00:20,070 --> 02:00:28,080 but they've bastardized it and prostituted, and put it out there and tried to make it like they created it. But none of these kids can do what you see me
842 02:00:28,080 --> 02:00:34,710 doing. That's why I came back to Twitter to shut the mouth of all the bullshit artists out there. So you're welcome to say whatever you want saying, You're an
843 02:00:34,710 --> 02:00:42,480 asshole, you're a prick, you're arrogant, whatever, I don't care, I had loose ends. And I came back to Twitter to make sure I tied them all up. And it's
844 02:00:42,480 --> 02:00:50,850 funny, everybody has a loose tongue when I wasn't around on Twitter. And now I'm back here. And everybody's lost their tongue. And their velcro balls dropped
845 02:00:50,850 --> 02:00:58,710 off, like a tree buttered. And so and so really, I'm coming out here daily, wouldn't you want to have a mentor it does this. Now, you might not like the
846 02:00:58,710 --> 02:01:09,240 delivery, the tech that I use or don't use. But that's just not me, I don't like to be refined 24/7 is impossible for me. I go off the rails and give it enough
847 02:01:09,240 --> 02:01:21,210 time. off the rails. I know where I'm going again, I know where to destination, it's perfil I got receipts baby, I got an all day long every week, every day,
848 02:01:21,330 --> 02:01:28,230 and you have the capability of doing some stuff. And that should be exciting, that should be encouragement to you. And you should not be trying to do these
849 02:01:28,230 --> 02:01:35,280 toxic things that are not going to bring you what you're hoping there. If you're trying to get attention, you're doing it wrong, you're going to do things that
850 02:01:35,280 --> 02:01:44,580 are going to motivate you for all the wrong reasons. And when you fail, that's normal progress, shows, failures are all part of this. losing trades are part of
851 02:01:44,580 --> 02:01:51,570 it. It's all part of the learning process. And you can't avoid it. And some of you are trying to avoid it, these things are going to be the catalyst for you to
852 02:01:51,570 --> 02:02:03,090 be impulsive, to try to get a reaction from other people, because you need outside sources like I did when I was 20 years old. I needed to be validated as
853 02:02:03,090 --> 02:02:12,870 a young man, I needed it. My father couldn't be a father to me. And I literally I saw my dad less times than I have fingers on one hand. Think about that. Now I
854 02:02:12,870 --> 02:02:19,860 know some of you were birthed into this world you don't know your father didn't ever around, and I get that I'm in the same situation. That's who I am. That's
855 02:02:19,860 --> 02:02:28,650 me. And several men stepped in in different stages of my life and played dead for a short period of time, but nobody longer and better than my grandfather.
856 02:02:28,980 --> 02:02:30,270 And I wish they could, you know,
857 02:02:30,480 --> 02:02:39,240 I wish I could hear him. Tell me he's proud of me that that is something I can never get. And that motivates me, that drives me, I would love to hear my
858 02:02:39,240 --> 02:02:47,340 grandma say, I'm proud of you, Michael, what you've done with yourself and how you help others, I do that I do that all the time, I think about every single
859 02:02:47,340 --> 02:02:56,190 day for I lay my head down thinking myself, I wish they could just see it. And that I didn't amount to the pieces of shit that every one of my family said,
860 02:02:56,190 --> 02:03:05,340 because that's what they were all stuck in that mindset of just going to work, get a mortgage, if you are lucky, not all my fingers have homes, they some of
861 02:03:05,340 --> 02:03:13,710 them are rented in places like my mother, who didn't want anything to do with me. She had something and thank your mother, you know, like, hey, look, I think
862 02:03:13,710 --> 02:03:25,290 you're going to do well keep keep pushing. No, that should happen. None of that. None of that. When I talk to you remember most of what I'm saying, in my mind. I
863 02:03:25,290 --> 02:03:35,250 have my children. So my audience right now has been my sons and my daughter. But because I feel passionate, and I mean it from my heart. And you're hearing this,
864 02:03:35,340 --> 02:03:42,600 it feels like I'm talking right to you. And that's what made me as a mentor. Little bit different because I'm not blowing smoke up your ass. I'm not using
865 02:03:42,600 --> 02:03:50,130 rented it for servers. I'm not talking about things that happen. And I didn't push a button and I didn't pretend about a story or a backstory or an origin of
866 02:03:50,130 --> 02:03:59,010 some kind of horseshit. I live this stuff, the things I tell you the real, the people that were in my life real, where I came from, where I learned these
867 02:03:59,010 --> 02:04:08,520 things, real, the experiences and the testimony, I gave that some jerk down in Texas claims to be a Christian, but makes mockery of and I have no shame and no
868 02:04:08,520 --> 02:04:22,470 tearful testimony. That's real. I'm a human being unreal, I'm not AI. I have feelings. I have a temper. I have limits to my patience. And I had to endure a
869 02:04:22,470 --> 02:04:32,370 lot of things that I know most of you wouldn't have done. And if I wouldn't have been plagued with OCD bipolarism all these things that are very hard to manage
870 02:04:32,400 --> 02:04:42,090 every day. Like it's very difficult being who I am. It's hard to it feels like it's 1000 things in my head fighting to be the first inland all the time. And I
871 02:04:42,090 --> 02:04:51,480 can't do a good job all the time consistently in managing which one gets to be in the front row right now. And if you don't know what that means, or don't
872 02:04:51,480 --> 02:04:57,810 understand what that means. Just think about when I'm talking to you like this one. I'm all over the place. I can come back to a conversation that I started
873 02:04:57,840 --> 02:05:06,450 2530 minutes ago an hour ago. Memory back to it. Like, I didn't pause from it. And it's very hard to learn from someone like, I'm aware of it. I'm aware that
874 02:05:06,450 --> 02:05:17,550 I'm not an ideal mentor because of that. So I, I try to encourage you to do things a specific manner and studying under me, because I'm aware that I'm not
875 02:05:17,580 --> 02:05:27,960 the best in that regard. I have a lot of limitations. I'm not as eloquent as other people. But I am absolutely the best. And I don't care if that money here,
876 02:05:28,170 --> 02:05:39,330 I am the that I am the best period. And I'm willing to teach you, I'm willing to show you what it is that I do. I'm giving it to you. And I just, you know, want
877 02:05:39,330 --> 02:05:48,000 our community to just remember that not kiss my ass, not worship me. You don't need to be thanking me every day. Yeah, I appreciate it. Okay, I appreciate
878 02:05:48,000 --> 02:05:57,570 that. You say it, but you don't need to, you know, showing up every day, and just, you know, putting the time effort and it show me your results. That that
879 02:05:57,870 --> 02:06:05,700 is how you thank me, that means, you know what? I hear you, I listened to what you said, put the effort in behind it, and here's what I've done with it, you
880 02:06:05,700 --> 02:06:15,720 know, what fucking A, that is the shit, that's the fucking thank you I'm looking for. That means that my time. And I've already been proven, I haven't wasted my
881 02:06:15,720 --> 02:06:23,610 time, you sadly, have done very well. And I'm hoping that the ones that are still struggling, can get it for themselves want that to happen for them. And
882 02:06:23,790 --> 02:06:34,680 sometimes, you know, it doesn't work. And it's not because of any lack of trying on my part or validity on results of these concepts, because it's there. But
883 02:06:34,710 --> 02:06:45,810 it's just like it was for me my first six years, man, it was hard, because it was me in the way, there was just stupid shit that I was trying to do. And once
884 02:06:45,810 --> 02:06:53,310 I removed all that stuff, and got out on my own, and stripped it down to the simple things, and I know it sounds oxymoronic, because you look at all the
885 02:06:53,310 --> 02:07:00,630 things I got going on. And people that hate on me all the time. They'll say, Well, he's got an excuse or a model for everything out there.
886 02:07:00,659 --> 02:07:01,799 I fucking do.
887 02:07:02,970 --> 02:07:12,270 I mean, I already told you I did. I'm just showing you fucking evidence of it. I'm pushing a button. Hello, I didn't come to you and say I am trading this look
888 02:07:12,270 --> 02:07:18,180 on my YouTube channel. There's lots of different things you can do. You have all these other educators out there. And I'm quite certain there are some educators
889 02:07:18,180 --> 02:07:26,220 out there that make money, not just selling but trading, but they're not going to be as precise as what you see me do. And that's just the way it is. Okay, and
890 02:07:26,250 --> 02:07:34,590 I'm not trying to piss on them. Because there's a lot of very respectful mentors out there that know I talk like this, and they don't talk, you're talking shit.
891 02:07:34,800 --> 02:07:41,880 You know, they probably think I'm bullshit. You know, I'm a braggart and whatever it is the only thing but if we want to compare apples to oranges and
892 02:07:41,880 --> 02:07:52,260 oranges to apples and sit down and show what we got, there's no comparison. How do you honestly, Seriously folks, how could you justify looking for anything
893 02:07:52,260 --> 02:08:03,420 else when perfection has been shown to you? This is the mark. It's been cracked, deciphered. And language that's not easy, initially to learn. But once you
894 02:08:03,420 --> 02:08:14,160 understand the language, you can't escape it, it's infectious. It makes you feel like studying is never enough. You want to get a hit off of it every day. And
895 02:08:14,160 --> 02:08:22,980 every time you learn something new, it's addictive. It's intoxicating. Because you feel that empowerment growing. It may exactly right in your hands, where you
896 02:08:22,980 --> 02:08:30,840 can go after it and use it right away. But you see it, it's growing. It's growing in your understanding. It's growing in your awareness of it, you're
897 02:08:30,840 --> 02:08:39,600 seeing it in price, and it's an encouragement. And that's all part of this process. And I had to go through that by myself. See, my uncle didn't like the
898 02:08:39,600 --> 02:08:49,200 fact that I was making. So he made money with luck, one flash pan, moving the sugar mark in the 80s. He bought his condominium, and then he couldn't afford to
899 02:08:49,200 --> 02:08:58,530 keep the condominium because he couldn't trade. He had a one hit wonder. But then here I am I renting a bedroom, room and board $50 a week, and I'm killing
900 02:08:58,530 --> 02:09:05,280 it. And I'm thinking he's gonna be proud of me. I mean, after all, he encouraged me to go to school to be a computer programmer and information systems and data
901 02:09:05,280 --> 02:09:12,720 science and start trading rich people World Trade Futures. And that's what I heard when I was 15 years old all the way till 16. And finally I just told
902 02:09:12,720 --> 02:09:19,320 myself, I wasn't interested in the stock market. And what I'm what I was doing and showing them that I could call a market. I noticed everything I would say he
903 02:09:19,320 --> 02:09:29,370 would be a contrarian, and I seen in him that he just wanted to be right. And me be wrong one time. And I didn't understand that. I was like, oh, Stan, I'm
904 02:09:29,370 --> 02:09:37,740 telling you what I'm dealing with real money. I'm in this with real money and you're telling me your opinion. And it's diametrically opposed to what I'm
905 02:09:37,740 --> 02:09:47,160 actually dealing with my own money on every single time. Like you're resisting learning from me. And it's just you and I in this bedroom, like I'm dealing with
906 02:09:47,160 --> 02:09:56,370 nobody else can see or hear what I'm saying. And I want to share this with you. And he resisted me just like a lot of these fucking trolls are doing that same
907 02:09:56,370 --> 02:10:05,610 thing my own family members still will not sit down and learn from me. And I would literally sit down with them someone until they fucking got it right. My
908 02:10:05,610 --> 02:10:19,020 own children, my own fucking birth, blood of my blood, flesh of my flesh, children live off the fat of this stuff. And they still, they still will not
909 02:10:19,020 --> 02:10:27,360 take the initiative and say, You know what I'm, this is what I want to do. I don't understand that. Like, it's, it doesn't make any sense to me. Like, I
910 02:10:27,360 --> 02:10:38,010 don't understand that. And here I have all these people, you know, I got 340, almost almost 343,000 registered followers to the channel on YouTube, which I am
911 02:10:38,010 --> 02:10:45,570 absolutely blown away by. Most of the comments on the videos, though, are made by people that are actually not subscribed to the channel. So I'm often
912 02:10:45,570 --> 02:10:55,320 wondering, like, you know, how many people really check me out, because I almost got 3 million views. Again, for this month, they had over 3 million views on the
913 02:10:55,320 --> 02:11:07,500 channel last last month. And to me like that's, that's insane. Like I here I am this simple guy from a hick town, Middle River, Maryland. And the know that all
914 02:11:07,500 --> 02:11:17,430 you people around the world, all of you different walks of life, the simple fact that you even know my name, that blows me away. Like, that's incredible. Like,
915 02:11:17,430 --> 02:11:26,670 I'm humbled by all that stuff. But it's incredible to see how fast our community has grown, without any marketing whatsoever, no advertisement, no, not at all,
916 02:11:26,670 --> 02:11:35,400 by word of mouth. And that should be a testimony to what it is you're learning. And once you're good at this, you've heard, if you're like, in my age bracket,
917 02:11:35,670 --> 02:11:42,600 we we came up here and about the turtle traders, and what they were able to do how everybody wanted to be a turtle, oh, I wish I would have had an opportunity
918 02:11:42,600 --> 02:11:50,010 to train with Richard Dennis and, and be this and be that and that's, that's cool. I even thought that to me, I wish I could have been a part of that. Well,
919 02:11:50,010 --> 02:11:52,650 you're in something like that right now. Like you're here.
920 02:11:52,889 --> 02:12:02,729 I mean, you're listening. And I know this is gonna rub the wrong way on a lot of you. But you're listening to again, you're listening to all these folks that we
921 02:12:02,729 --> 02:12:12,149 read about in books, like you are now hearing, the person that upset everything. And every form of technical analysis is going to be changed. Because of all
922 02:12:12,149 --> 02:12:19,019 this. I'm promising you, everybody that lives longer than me, you're going to see this stuff written in books, and it's going to change the whole landscape.
923 02:12:19,289 --> 02:12:26,969 And that's cool. That's, that's neat. Like, I would have wanted to be a part of this type of community too. It's neat. It's like The League of Extraordinary
924 02:12:26,969 --> 02:12:33,629 Gentlemen. And gentle Ladies, don't get upset. It's just the title. I reached him online, there it is. But I really wish I would have had something like this
925 02:12:33,629 --> 02:12:41,309 coming up, it would have been such an encouragement. Like I've wished for something like this. And I was the same same type of guy that people want
926 02:12:41,309 --> 02:12:48,569 America Online, hey, let's, let's create a message board for just people that want to trade. The commodity markets that, let's do this, this is like, I'm
927 02:12:48,569 --> 02:12:57,119 talking to myself, nobody gave a shit. And now, if I say I'm going to talk about something, or I do a video, and people are asking you to come on their channel
928 02:12:57,119 --> 02:13:06,899 to talk to them. Like, I don't mind talking like this, because I can be myself. But when I'm like being interviewed, like it's, it's uncomfortable, because I
929 02:13:06,899 --> 02:13:15,539 don't obviously be be this loose with them because I'm on their channel. And I'm more mindful and careful about what it is I'm trying to say because I don't want
930 02:13:15,539 --> 02:13:30,239 to come on. uneducated, in vulgar, which many times I come across, like a nice rants and things. But I'm real. I'm not trying to be something I'm, and I'm as
931 02:13:30,239 --> 02:13:38,339 genuine as you can ever imagine someone being because like, I don't have to keep track of eyes. I don't need to keep track of bullshit. Like, it's why you hear
932 02:13:38,339 --> 02:13:47,579 me saying the same show. It's fine. Because this is my life. This is me this is this is it. But I'm constantly blown away by how blessed I am to be in this
933 02:13:47,579 --> 02:13:58,109 position. Like I am absolutely honored and blessed that you would see me as someone worth listening to, and how all this came to be. And all the people that
934 02:13:58,109 --> 02:14:08,999 came into my life, how a Lord touched me and put a gift in me and an understanding and something that I know, that had his hand not been in, I never
935 02:14:08,999 --> 02:14:16,499 would have been able to get right. And it doesn't matter who came into my life and who presented opportunities and who tipped the hand and pulled the veil
936 02:14:16,499 --> 02:14:24,809 back. Okay, that still wouldn't have mattered. All those things were so complex. When I first looked at them, I didn't understand what I was looking at. And I
937 02:14:24,809 --> 02:14:33,419 prayed I asked, I said give me the understanding, like, it obviously was presented in front of me for a reason. So that made me understand it. And if I
938 02:14:33,419 --> 02:14:42,989 understand it, and you give me that understanding, I will spend the rest of my life sharing it like a ministry. I'm not going to be perfect. I'm human, I mess
939 02:14:42,989 --> 02:14:52,679 up. I'm not going to talk eloquently all the time. I have mental illness, like I have things that I plagued with that have to wrestle with. I'm not a perfect
940 02:14:52,679 --> 02:15:04,769 human being. I'm not a superhero. I'm not the upstanding mentor that you have imagined. I'm A real guy with a real life a real family, and sometimes that
941 02:15:04,769 --> 02:15:12,059 family's dysfunctional. My kids don't listen, just like sometimes your kids won't listen to you. And it frustrates me as a father, it frustrates me as a
942 02:15:12,059 --> 02:15:20,159 mentor, it frustrates me as a public figure, because I would want nothing more than to have my all of my children come out there and just run aces on
943 02:15:20,159 --> 02:15:29,579 everything and say here, we're going to continue your legacy debt. That would, that would be amazing. And I don't, I don't have confidence, that confidence
944 02:15:29,579 --> 02:15:36,899 that that's going to happen. To me, it's perplexing. Like I don't, I don't understand why. Like, it should be easy for me to be able to put that together,
945 02:15:36,899 --> 02:15:45,209 and it happens. But my kids always tell me, this is a lot harder than you make it seem that, like, when you sit down with us, and you see what's going to
946 02:15:45,209 --> 02:15:54,119 happen, and it happens, it looks real easy, but they can't seem to do it. And it's it takes time. It takes an investment in time. And a lot of times that's
947 02:15:54,119 --> 02:16:05,099 going to be an overwhelming odd for the majority of you. And some of you're like this son of a bitch and shut up yet. Does he ever shot not when I'm awake. When
948 02:16:05,099 --> 02:16:12,059 I'm awake, I'm going to talk but I only Shut up. And sometimes I talk to him thing. I'm looking at the clock. And I know I'm
949 02:16:13,620 --> 02:16:21,630 just paint the picture for you. I'm sitting out here in the parking pad in front of my home in my pickup truck. Air conditioners on the windows are all steamed
950 02:16:21,630 --> 02:16:31,170 up with condensation. And I'm looking at the radio time says 12:06am. I love you were honest with you, I gotta go, I got a good four hours still in the past tank
951 02:16:31,200 --> 02:16:39,780 like I could literally keep going. But I'm going to purposely find a way to close it right now. Because I know some of you have probably tapped out, you
952 02:16:39,780 --> 02:16:49,140 know, like ice is going in. But I just wanted to make sure we understood each other about today, I'm not trying to invite you to feel confident that you're
953 02:16:49,140 --> 02:16:57,090 going to be able to go out and do that to none of you. If you've just started training with this year, if you've put yourself in front of the lectures and are
954 02:16:57,270 --> 02:17:05,550 getting your ear like these sessions here. Don't fall victim into thinking that you're going to be able to not that you can't eventually, because everything I
955 02:17:05,550 --> 02:17:14,850 did today is literally taught in my teaching that are being laid in your hands. Now, does that equate into you being able to do it again. But you'll understand
956 02:17:14,940 --> 02:17:22,950 if you study price action and certain things that you've learned in these lectures, placing them together with experience seeing it happen every single
957 02:17:22,950 --> 02:17:30,570 week, every single day, every single month, quarterly, you'll see that these things repeat. And you'll know when to anticipate certain things like the market
958 02:17:30,570 --> 02:17:40,650 maker sell model. Model, they're all parts of a greater whole. And I don't want you to lose sight. Just because I did that today. That'd be a goal for you.
959 02:17:40,740 --> 02:17:50,190 Yeah, down the road. But that should not be the sole goal. Right now. I'm gonna get like that and trade on FOMC. Don't please don't do that. Because if you took
960 02:17:50,190 --> 02:17:57,570 that from what I did today, that's why I made sure I was honestly I was I was thinking about not doing it. Like you didn't even know I took that trade. Do you
961 02:17:57,570 --> 02:18:07,500 have no idea did it? And then I was like, Okay, I have to at least remind them before I put it out there, hey, look, just know why I'm doing this. It's not
962 02:18:07,500 --> 02:18:18,120 meant for you to as instructions to hey, look, this is what you should be doing. It's not like a veiled you know, co signing of trade FOMC days, that has not
963 02:18:18,120 --> 02:18:26,850 changed. I'm telling you all don't do it. It's not subliminal messaging is treated just like a Non Farm Payroll, you don't have the skill sets to read it.
964 02:18:27,180 --> 02:18:35,100 You could get easily caught up on the wrong side. And you can run away for you before you can really fix it. If you're not disciplined and you don't have stop
965 02:18:35,100 --> 02:18:42,510 loss. And like some of you don't have a stop loss. I see that many times when you're showing me your charts. You can't do that stuff in a day like this,
966 02:18:42,540 --> 02:18:52,830 because it will it'll undo you real quick once that scars on you. It's real hard to work through that. And I have deep scars from things that hurt me in my 20s
967 02:18:52,830 --> 02:19:06,120 in certain losing trades and certain accounts that roasted it. I still feel that today. I'm 53 decades ago, not really within three days, but 26 years ago, I can
968 02:19:06,270 --> 02:19:13,890 I can feel that all over again. And I don't even look at the journal entries to relive and you don't want those kind of war scars because they hinder you. I'd
969 02:19:13,890 --> 02:19:24,330 love to know how much better I would be if I wouldn't put myself through all the toxic shit that I did. I endured stupid shit that I put on myself thinking I
970 02:19:24,330 --> 02:19:34,380 figured it out when I really didn't figure it out yet. And I was so eager to be better than what I really worked with the time because I needed that validation
971 02:19:34,410 --> 02:19:46,920 I needed that feeling of accomplishment arriving not being relegated to the status of mediocre which I feared I had anxiety about being mediocre and that's
972 02:19:46,950 --> 02:19:59,850 you know, I'm I'm boring and my delivery boring in my long like this bullshit. Like get to the point. Well the point is is you know, this is hard shit and you
973 02:19:59,850 --> 02:20:06,240 need I'm going to be honest with you and tell you, you're making dumb decisions. If you are doing some of the things we talked about in this discussion, if
974 02:20:06,240 --> 02:20:13,080 you're focusing on those things, they're all the wrong things to focus on. And knowing that they're the wrong things is important to you don't waste time and
975 02:20:13,080 --> 02:20:23,760 energy, and listening to a couple hours long of an old guy listening to how he fucked himself all up and held himself back and telling you in all honesty, if I
976 02:20:23,760 --> 02:20:33,030 wouldn't have done these things to myself, how much better am I as a trader, if I would have done less of that dumb shit? Like, I didn't have anybody telling me
977 02:20:33,060 --> 02:20:40,080 I was off course, I didn't have anybody saying you're doing some stupid shit here, it felt right at the time, just like it probably feels right for you, when
978 02:20:40,080 --> 02:20:48,090 you put your fucking overleveraged trade on without a stoploss because hey, you know, you got away with it last few times. So let's try to do it on FOMC. And
979 02:20:48,090 --> 02:20:56,970 then you get your ass Hannity ruins you completely. And you can get to a point where it does you in and you can't do any more trading anymore, because you're
980 02:20:57,000 --> 02:21:06,780 totally afraid, you might open up another account, but you cannot trade after that. You'll do dumb shit. And subconsciously, because you can't stand the pain
981 02:21:06,990 --> 02:21:13,440 of not knowing what to do, you'll start taking stupid little dumb trades. And that will overtime
982 02:21:13,470 --> 02:21:20,220 blow that next account out. And that way that way, you're, you're removing yourself from it. Because subconsciously, you just want to be done with that
983 02:21:20,220 --> 02:21:29,100 pain. I have done that to myself, too. It's a it's a weird feeling. It doesn't make sense to someone that has never really traded with my funds. But my second
984 02:21:29,100 --> 02:21:37,560 year, there was one account that I had. And I was literally on the verge of feeling like I had figured out everything I ever needed to do. And then all of a
985 02:21:37,560 --> 02:21:48,450 sudden one trade one losing trade, put me into a series of drawdown. And over the course of a couple of days, I blew the account out. And it's because at the
986 02:21:48,450 --> 02:21:57,870 time, I didn't want to be patient with myself and give myself time to just work through that drawdown. So I just took death by 1000 cuts, I literally sat there
987 02:21:58,170 --> 02:22:09,870 and just kept getting in trade after trade after trade after trade, trading in an account, remind you now, every round term was 100 bucks. That's theft. That's
988 02:22:09,870 --> 02:22:17,010 that should have been on. Okay. Each trade was 100 bucks per contract. They call it a full service brokerage. Oh, he didn't get service fully,
989 02:22:18,630 --> 02:22:28,440 deeply do no lube. But I did this subconsciously I didn't. I didn't know it at the time. But looking back at it now knowing more about myself and psychology
990 02:22:28,440 --> 02:22:40,440 and how I think I purposely just did it. Because I didn't want to wait for the next trade to set up that was valid. I was so worn out with the waiting, the
991 02:22:40,440 --> 02:22:48,900 discipline that was required. I was like, You know what, it's easier for me to just this, run a countdown so that way, I don't have any excuse. I can't be in
992 02:22:48,900 --> 02:22:57,660 front of charts because I have no reason to be there because I have an account. Now, I know, there's somebody listening, that has done that to themselves. But
993 02:22:57,660 --> 02:23:04,260 they probably never thought about that until it was explained to him just now like it, like you probably thought about it. But as soon as you start thinking
994 02:23:04,260 --> 02:23:11,610 about you dismiss it real quickly, because it's uncomfortable. You've never heard that kind of shit from any podcast, or any trader. But that's the real
995 02:23:11,610 --> 02:23:21,060 shit. That's what happens when you live this stuff. And it works you when you thought you were gonna go out there and own the world, in your second year of
996 02:23:21,060 --> 02:23:29,400 trading, didn't know shit. Didn't know anything, you get tricked into thinking a couple of winning trades, is equating to skill isn't, you gotta know what you're
997 02:23:29,400 --> 02:23:39,330 doing. And I found that strated this year that there's a way to do this. And it can be extremely profitable, it can be extremely precise. But it's not an easy
998 02:23:39,480 --> 02:23:48,090 looks easy feeling for a long time. But once you know how to get out of your own way, and you trust the rules, it is easy. But getting to that point, trusting
999 02:23:48,090 --> 02:23:58,680 yourself to get out of your own way and following the rules is hard is very hard. It takes so much discipline, and I can't articulate it in enough words or
1000 02:23:58,680 --> 02:24:11,100 emphasis that really grabs the sheer essence of what is required to be in that state of mind, to be disconcert dialed in. But you all are capable of coming in.
1001 02:24:11,190 --> 02:24:20,400 Because if you have not taken this away from being under my wing this far, I've openly admitted that I have several mental illness. I'm not afraid to say it.
1002 02:24:20,460 --> 02:24:29,970 I'm not ashamed of it. It is what it is. Anybody that is the mall enough knows that I exhibit all these things. If I can do this, there's no reason why you
1003 02:24:29,970 --> 02:24:38,040 can't like you have, you might have one or two things that I say I haven't wrestled with. So what that doesn't mean you can't do this, you may not have
1004 02:24:38,040 --> 02:24:48,600 money. You may live in a country in Africa, you may be in an impoverished, impoverished nation. You may have even more disadvantages that it doesn't change
1005 02:24:48,600 --> 02:24:57,210 the fact that you can do this. It just means you're gonna have to work harder than the other people and everybody in America regardless if you are living on
1006 02:24:57,210 --> 02:25:07,410 fixed income, or you're on subsidies because I on subsidies, I had guys that are in prison right now. They're listening to this shout out to you guys are crafty
1007 02:25:07,590 --> 02:25:16,230 cell phones in the fucking cells and shit but pay respect. I see if he's ever talking where you can't wait to get on the outside and do this shit. That's
1008 02:25:16,230 --> 02:25:23,610 awesome. I hope when you get out here and you achieve and you reach out, reach out to me, let me know what you're doing. I would love that that would be an
1009 02:25:23,610 --> 02:25:34,230 encouragement to me as a mentor. And if I'm a catalyst or to turning your shit around for you and get you in the right direction, man, what a blessing What an
1010 02:25:34,260 --> 02:25:42,270 honor and privilege that would be because if I can get my dad out, because he's doing two consecutive life sentences, plus 20 years, that's not even counting
1011 02:25:42,270 --> 02:25:51,600 the time that he got. When he broke out of the Maryland penitentiary in 83. He faked a heart attack. He got himself a revolver, stuffed chambers with paper so
1012 02:25:51,600 --> 02:25:57,450 that when when he pointed the gun at the guards, it would look like he had Moulton. And he saw the handcuff key. And I know this sounds like some Tom
1013 02:25:57,450 --> 02:26:04,950 Clancy bullshit. But guess what, you can do that it's all on the fucking internet. Michael Joe Harrington, Maryland State Penitentiary, prison escape, he
1014 02:26:04,950 --> 02:26:13,680 faked a heart attack. When he got him in the van, he put the gun to the guard's head behind the cage. And they said he's got a gun in the open fire in the van
1015 02:26:13,800 --> 02:26:21,810 in the Uncle My Best Friend's wife's, he got shot in the head instinct did, my dad caught around in the chest, and he still has the bullet lodged behind his
1016 02:26:21,810 --> 02:26:29,490 heart. And he can't do operation because it would kill while he picked up more time from that. So it's hard to beat two consecutive life sentences plus 20
1017 02:26:29,490 --> 02:26:40,470 years, and then you get more time for trying to escape. So yeah, he turned 70 years old. And they and I always said that, if he ever got out, you know, I
1018 02:26:40,470 --> 02:26:47,700 would pour everything into him trying to learn how to do this. But his health failure several strokes already last year. And this year, I'm sure he's really
1019 02:26:47,700 --> 02:26:56,040 not any better. And when the COVID stuff happened, and nobody was allowed to go see anybody. So all visitation stopped. And he lost, you know, a lot of sight
1020 02:26:56,040 --> 02:27:04,440 and his ability to write. So you can't write anybody. So I don't honestly, he could die in there. And I won't know, like I won't know. And I just, I think
1021 02:27:04,440 --> 02:27:14,070 about how I have students that were in prison and in jail. And even they got involved in and it's changed their life, like they they view themselves
1022 02:27:14,070 --> 02:27:22,170 differently, have a little bit more respect about themselves as an individual. They're making better decisions, they feel more empowered, and not trying to be
1023 02:27:22,170 --> 02:27:31,530 something that led them to get themselves into trouble. And you can feel like an upstanding citizen and be respectful, and also be proud of who they are. Because
1024 02:27:31,530 --> 02:27:32,700 they're doing it on their own steam
1025 02:27:32,700 --> 02:27:40,710 and fucking right that is something to be proud of. That's something to be proud of. Because I know if my father got out, and he was younger, not 70 years old, I
1026 02:27:40,710 --> 02:27:48,690 don't think he'd get a fair shake. You have done his time paid his dues, Guyana, some of you have been like, oh, he should have been killed. He they had him set
1027 02:27:48,690 --> 02:27:57,360 for gas chamber. But Maryland stopped dealing with death penalty. But he was slated to get the gas chamber. And I guess God saw fit to do that. But he's
1028 02:27:57,360 --> 02:28:05,040 gonna pass away deficient trips that he promised that I'd have with them. They're never gonna. And that shit made me salty. As a young man, I wasn't
1029 02:28:05,040 --> 02:28:13,050 approved. And I knew what coming out. You know, I put myself in my own prison when I was emotionally, psychologically, and I know how it might feel. I've
1030 02:28:13,050 --> 02:28:23,190 never been in prison, I went to jail, I got locked up for driving a car with tags on the wrong. And I did have my license. So because they had to make sure I
1031 02:28:23,190 --> 02:28:32,550 was who I was, I got locked up, spent a day in jail and then got out. But that wasn't fun. And I can imagine how being in inside. And that sucks. You can't do
1032 02:28:32,550 --> 02:28:37,920 this can't do that unless they tell you and finally get out here. And now if you've been in it for a while, and you come out to the world the way it is now
1033 02:28:37,920 --> 02:28:48,300 it's fucked up. And if you can find a way to carve out your own existence with what I've done here, man, that's fucking awesome. That's awesome. I mean,
1034 02:28:48,300 --> 02:28:57,540 there's no limit to what this information can do for someone. And I know it's easy for a lot of walk around with all these advantages. And maybe you didn't
1035 02:28:57,540 --> 02:29:05,910 make the decisions that put you in jail. Maybe you didn't make the decisions that cause you to lose your freedom. So you have a lot more advantages as
1036 02:29:05,910 --> 02:29:16,080 someone but isn't it admirable for someone to devote time and energy into something like this, and make it on their own steam? And watch them transform
1037 02:29:16,080 --> 02:29:25,920 themselves into an upstanding, productive citizen that no one can say, hey, we gave you a free handout. Fuck your handout. Fuck all that. Just give me the
1038 02:29:25,920 --> 02:29:32,280 fucking skill set and watch me fucking rise. That's, that's, to me. That's commanding respect. That's
1039 02:29:32,280 --> 02:29:40,170 something that anybody should have. I can respect and some of those men and women in my community, and I respect them. I think that's fucking amazing. And
1040 02:29:40,170 --> 02:29:47,010 they earned that themselves. I didn't give them trades. They did that shit on their own. That's credit that they fucking earned. So none of you have an excuse
1041 02:29:47,010 --> 02:29:56,160 why you can't do this. It's a choice you're making or maybe a series of choices that are leading to you not doing but you're doing all of these things many
1042 02:29:56,160 --> 02:30:04,440 times subconsciously. And I'm just challenging you the thing inventory is Think about what it is you do on a day by day basis, week by week, and how many times
1043 02:30:04,440 --> 02:30:12,120 when you think about negative thoughts, and are you acting on any kind, you don't realize that you are, you might react verbally to spouse, or your children
1044 02:30:12,120 --> 02:30:18,750 or your friends and co workers or whatever, and you snap at them or you say something shitty, because you just thought about something negative, that stuff
1045 02:30:18,750 --> 02:30:26,040 wears on you. And when you're in the market, if you don't have control of yourself, think about next time you're in a live trade, do it with the least
1046 02:30:26,040 --> 02:30:34,620 amount of leverage, and take inventory, how many times you think the trade is going to turn on me and put a checkmark, we're in, like, make a column negative.
1047 02:30:35,220 --> 02:30:42,780 Every time you think about negatively Oh, check, check, check it at the end of the day, right for you go to bed, everything that you thought negatively
1048 02:30:42,810 --> 02:30:50,520 counting times that you put a checkmark on it. Now, obviously, you know, is it practical for you to be having a piece of paper and pen doing it every second?
1049 02:30:50,760 --> 02:31:03,720 No. But I'm sure if you did just part of that, as an experiment for yourself. You'll see how toxic we as humans are to ourselves. And that shit will ruin you,
1050 02:31:03,750 --> 02:31:12,780 as a trader, you got to go in with every reason to believe that what you're doing works number one, that you trust it, and you're doing the shit that the
1051 02:31:12,780 --> 02:31:20,250 right time, and you're not trying to force something because you don't like how you feel right now, because somebody offended you. Somebody didn't give you
1052 02:31:20,250 --> 02:31:29,550 enough attention. Someone didn't give you respect, someone thinks that you are not where you should be in life, or that they're better than you. Or they do
1053 02:31:29,550 --> 02:31:37,680 better than or they have more than all that shit. That's a negative thought. And that kind of shit is being pacified by these young guys. They get out there on
1054 02:31:37,920 --> 02:31:47,940 social medias. And he puts her lipstick on for social potential cars, and you're compensating, you know, growing up, and I'm sure it existed before I was born to
1055 02:31:47,940 --> 02:31:57,690 growing up when people had tars and things like I have. And like we see on social media, they would say, Oh, he's compensated, he must have a small dick. I
1056 02:31:57,690 --> 02:32:05,640 don't think that's the problem. Most times because I can speak candidly and tell you that's not a problem for me. But I can tell you this, I did compensate when
1057 02:32:05,640 --> 02:32:15,900 I was a young man because I needed to be validated. I needed that I needed someone to look at me when I was 20 years old. And guess I was new money. Yes, I
1058 02:32:15,900 --> 02:32:23,190 needed that. That shit wasn't a dream. I'm living it. And that's what these young men are doing. Right? They put these images of themselves out there with
1059 02:32:23,190 --> 02:32:31,980 all these cars. And I'm not here to tear him down. Whether they pay cash for them, or whether they lease them, because if I'm leasing it, they're getting the
1060 02:32:31,980 --> 02:32:39,690 best treatment, you're getting complete right off. If they bought it out in cash. That's dumb. That's that's real fucking stupid. But putting that
1061 02:32:39,690 --> 02:32:49,440 aside, they're compensating. Because if you really are comfortable in your own skin, you won't mind talking about your frailties. You won't hide them. If
1062 02:32:49,440 --> 02:32:56,820 someone asked you, you'll share them. So yeah, this is how this is I wrestled with this. Or I overcame that that was a problem for you don't try to mask it
1063 02:32:57,060 --> 02:33:07,980 with the superficial things like image, jewelry, clothing, drip, that kind of stuff. The more you see that, the more I know that that person is hurting
1064 02:33:07,980 --> 02:33:16,200 inside. But don't laugh at things like that. And like if we were talking, if I left, if I left a comment on their social media, as who I am, is in a circle.
1065 02:33:17,340 --> 02:33:24,720 They would probably block me they were probably blocked because they wouldn't want me in the heat or smoke that comes along with that kind of shit. But number
1066 02:33:24,720 --> 02:33:32,610 one, I don't like the do those types of things. But, you know, did you probably list about five different gentlemen that are out there constantly. And the only
1067 02:33:32,610 --> 02:33:43,200 thing you see them doing is their cars, where they sleep, what they were, what they had on their wrist, or what they had around their neck, and maybe maybe
1068 02:33:43,380 --> 02:33:51,870 over the last 50 videos, you might see two trades, and there are some exorbitant amount of of potential profit, which you know, whether that's real or not,
1069 02:33:51,870 --> 02:34:00,270 whether it's a rented empty for server? I don't know. I don't know. But I know there's a dude on YouTube. His name's Rafi I think Palmdale or something like
1070 02:34:00,270 --> 02:34:10,230 that. This guy's making a million dollars every day. And if that's true, he's better than me. Think about that. Now we know that ain't true. But the point is,
1071 02:34:10,440 --> 02:34:20,580 these guys, they do that stuff, just like I did when I was 20 years old. And that's why I troll them. I think that's, it's sad because I know I wrestled with
1072 02:34:20,580 --> 02:34:29,880 that garbage. And when I came to terms with all of it and said, You know what? Fuck, nobody likes me. Fuck them. I don't care. I gotta live in my skin. Like I
1073 02:34:29,880 --> 02:34:40,170 have to love who I am. And I have to love me with all of the fuck ups. Yeah, this is me. And there was a time I like I hated me. I felt like I wasn't enough
1074 02:34:40,200 --> 02:34:49,350 for anything for relationships or success. And that's why I did that podcast on my SoundCloud. Are you deserving? Because that actually was a revelation that I
1075 02:34:49,350 --> 02:34:56,430 got, personally for myself, because there was a time when I didn't feel like I deserve the success. Like I didn't believe I deserved. I didn't come from a rich
1076 02:34:56,430 --> 02:35:06,270 family. I didn't come from an affluent family. Yeah. my college education Yes, I think computer science Yes, I can do all these fucking things. But all that
1077 02:35:06,270 --> 02:35:17,040 stuff right now like I could not seriously, I could not code anything in any of the languages I learned when I was at the same my own life, I can't do it like,
1078 02:35:17,130 --> 02:35:24,660 it's weird. Something happens when you're like in your 40s like shit starts breaking off, like, and I have forgotten a lot of stuff. And when I read some of
1079 02:35:24,660 --> 02:35:33,660 my journals, I'm thinking myself, Dan, I forgot about that. What the hell. And it's just, I don't know, it's something you got to experience when you get
1080 02:35:33,660 --> 02:35:43,350 older. But I know that these young folks that are listening, you hear this type of stuff. And there's old dude, this the old dude used to be a young dude. And I
1081 02:35:43,350 --> 02:35:50,790 used to do all the same silly shit that you were trying to do right now. And never ever got me. I wasted money doing that stuff. And if you take your time,
1082 02:35:50,790 --> 02:36:00,330 and you just build yourself up, and invest all that energy in yourself, you will thank me in yourself for doing so. You won't invite all the toxicity. You won't,
1083 02:36:00,510 --> 02:36:09,480 you won't be living your life for the acceptance of others. And that's how I did my 20s and it got me fucking misery. Like, I didn't enjoy my money. I hated it.
1084 02:36:09,750 --> 02:36:20,490 Like I did it sometime. I wanted to fucking be away from it. Like I didn't want to do it anymore because I couldn't enjoy it because my oldest boys mother was
1085 02:36:20,490 --> 02:36:27,600 constantly trying to be in my pocket. And it sounds, you know, hearing it superficially like that. It sounds like I'm a deadbeat dad, I'm not a deadbeat
1086 02:36:27,600 --> 02:36:38,370 dad, and my kid was with me six days a week, the only day that I didn't have him was on Thursday, and I had him every day. And everything was paid for. Nothing
1087 02:36:38,400 --> 02:36:49,200 was in she he didn't need anything. But I was so depressed at that time, in 1995, and 96, I just didn't want to do anything. I could feel myself slipping
1088 02:36:49,200 --> 02:36:58,440 into depression. I was embarrassed, I was ashamed that, you know, I had a child with a married woman. And I was ashamed that people that knew me growing up, you
1089 02:36:58,440 --> 02:37:08,280 know, I didn't come from a lot of money. But I came from a family where our word meant something, you know, our convictions about things, you know, who we were
1090 02:37:08,610 --> 02:37:17,040 referred to as a good guy, that boy when I was a child, and such as this was ashamed of, you know, being wrapped up in all that bullshit, because I thought I
1091 02:37:17,040 --> 02:37:26,310 was with someone that was single. And they weren't. And it's just, I was catfished. Really, that was the way it was like I was absolutely taken aback. I
1092 02:37:26,310 --> 02:37:35,550 didn't know what I was getting involved in. And yes, I'd take ownership of getting her pregnant. I mean, I had a part in that. Absolutely. But how it
1093 02:37:35,550 --> 02:37:45,000 happened, it was and I can sit here in bits and complain house a victim. But that was how I viewed it. And it caused me to just hate everything, hate me and
1094 02:37:45,000 --> 02:37:53,610 hate my life and hated trading and didn't want to be successful. I didn't feel like I deserved to be successful, I was ashamed of what I got wrapped up in and
1095 02:37:53,880 --> 02:38:01,860 cut everybody off. Now the only person that was around me was my older son, Cody. And that was my only source of happiness. That was it. And then you see
1096 02:38:01,860 --> 02:38:06,810 him sitting at the table. Some of you actually thought that that was me as a kid learning how to trade
1097 02:38:08,520 --> 02:38:18,690 as Cody in his pajamas, in an apartment that I was renting. And I was renting that apartment when I could have afforded man a lot. But I had to live a
1098 02:38:18,690 --> 02:38:32,220 lifestyle to try to beat this woman in the courts. So I lived a life that looked less than, and I put my whole existence on hold because of a relationship with a
1099 02:38:32,220 --> 02:38:38,580 woman that I should have never got involved with. If he would have been honest with me, I never would have, I never would have laid down with that woman, I
1100 02:38:38,580 --> 02:38:47,190 never would have done that. But, you know, I was attracted to her. She was good looking. And we had fun together. And I was a young man and hey, you know, I
1101 02:38:47,190 --> 02:38:57,330 made a mistake and deal with it. But that also had an effect on my relationship with my son and still has, like we have all my children. He is the one I have
1102 02:38:57,510 --> 02:39:07,620 the least contact with. And we had a rough time. He felt that was the worst fucking father on the planet. And a lot of things that he remembers, are fake
1103 02:39:07,620 --> 02:39:14,790 memories of shit. That didn't happen because he had a separate household over there. And they would talk about me all the time. And you know, when you're a
1104 02:39:14,790 --> 02:39:22,710 child, you keep hearing negative shit. You're going to remember as a memory, but I had him all the time. And him all the time. He's always asked me three times,
1105 02:39:22,860 --> 02:39:34,440 three times. Young guys, you just don't realize how fast shit can go upside down with stupid choices and stupid, stupid decisions. And making a lot of money does
1106 02:39:34,440 --> 02:39:43,560 not make you exempt from it. It just makes you a target for it makes you very susceptible to fake relationships, friends that aren't really your friends. Like
1107 02:39:43,560 --> 02:39:53,280 I have one friend that I know is my friend friend. And he's been my friend since preschool. And he doesn't trade which doesn't fucking make any sense. Doesn't
1108 02:39:53,280 --> 02:40:02,280 make any fucking sense. Like dude, what the hell are you doing? But yeah, it ain't in it. Amen, you know, but I have talked to you a long time, and I had a
1109 02:40:02,280 --> 02:40:12,300 great deal of fun talking thing, shooting the shit with you. And if we were hanging out in my house, or we were at your house, or were in some public space
1110 02:40:12,450 --> 02:40:22,200 to shoot and shit, this is how we would talk, no act, no front, no pretend, just, this is the way it is. And I don't give a shit. If some of you didn't like
1111 02:40:22,200 --> 02:40:29,460 this, I don't give a shit. If you felt that was a waste of your time. If it is, you know, whatever, they'll go and listen to anything I do in the future. But
1112 02:40:29,610 --> 02:40:38,220 this is the real stuff, this is going to impact you. And it's outside of charts, it's outside of trading decisions, all these things are going to bleed into what
1113 02:40:38,220 --> 02:40:46,830 you do in trading. And if you have a toxic thing going on in your personal life, and you can't overcome that, it will manifest in your trading. And it'll it'll
1114 02:40:46,830 --> 02:40:54,780 take you out of this industry and the game itself before you have a chance to succeed. So don't invite all that kind of stuff with image. If you start making
1115 02:40:54,780 --> 02:41:02,010 a lot of money with this, keep it to yourself. And somebody might think, Oh, you just don't want anybody else getting attention. Okay, try it and see. And once
1116 02:41:02,010 --> 02:41:10,770 you see how toxic it becomes, it's a drain like it's not empowering. Like you have to constantly keep up with an image. What am I going to keep up with? I
1117 02:41:10,770 --> 02:41:18,330 know how to trade I can show you another trade every day. I don't need to keep up with the last car I showed I bought. I don't need to keep up with what house
1118 02:41:18,330 --> 02:41:27,150 somebody else lives in and what house I can afford to buy. I've already done it this year because I had just on my straight but the point is, is I don't need to
1119 02:41:27,150 --> 02:41:34,890 do those things. I'm 50 years old with the fact that I gotta prove I'm married. I have a beautiful wife. I love and gentlemen, if you have a wife, if they're
1120 02:41:34,890 --> 02:41:44,340 willing, for my 50th birthday, it's probably too much information for some of you. But fuck it, we're talking. She went and had a thick, it's a boudoir.
1121 02:41:44,520 --> 02:41:53,640 photoshoot done. She went up to Pennsylvania and a lady. He's a photographer. She wants her home. I didn't know she was doing this man alive. These are
1122 02:41:53,670 --> 02:42:04,950 beautiful. Like they she looks stunning in them. I mean, yeah, there's a few of them that you can't share, obviously, but all of them are done so tastefully,
1123 02:42:04,950 --> 02:42:14,250 and she just looks so beautiful in them. And when she gave me the album and showed me what it was, I wasn't expecting it. Let me tell you something. I love
1124 02:42:14,250 --> 02:42:22,770 my wife. I am surprised that do something like that. Because she's always been very, like that was the last thing I've ever would have expected her doing. But
1125 02:42:22,770 --> 02:42:28,500 she wanted to do something really memorable is my 50th and such but I don't know, fuck, I brought this up.
1126 02:42:30,090 --> 02:42:38,490 But, I mean, we're friends, right? We're talking shit. So let's, you know, this little area. I am so thankful for this. I'm so thankful that I don't have to
1127 02:42:38,490 --> 02:42:48,540 worry about her wanting to be with me because I have things because in the beginning our relationship, she didn't know, shit, nothing. And then when she
1128 02:42:48,540 --> 02:42:56,160 started questioning, you know, how I have money without working for it. She started asking questions like, you know, are you doing something illegal? Like
1129 02:42:56,160 --> 02:43:06,060 you're you deal drugs like that? And I was like, no, no, I had investments and things like that. And my aunt made a point to tell her, you know, he's a
1130 02:43:06,060 --> 02:43:13,500 millionaire. He's got this. He's been doing that, and yada, yada, yada. And she didn't believe it at first. And then she pinned me down to like, do you really
1131 02:43:13,530 --> 02:43:22,890 do this? And do you really do that? And I was like, Okay, let me show you what I did. So there it is. But once once I finally told her everything about me and
1132 02:43:23,100 --> 02:43:33,030 what I'm able to do and what I've learned and what I've been involved in, it's very liberating. Because it's, it's scary. Like when you get fucked over by a
1133 02:43:33,030 --> 02:43:40,260 woman, okay, that you thought you were having a relationship and you're like, Wow, I'm I'm attracted to this woman, I'm having a great time with her. This
1134 02:43:40,380 --> 02:43:49,230 whirlwind romance. It's, you know, if you ever seen the movie nine and a half weeks, that was literally me in the 20s with my oldest son's mother, that nine
1135 02:43:49,230 --> 02:43:58,650 and a half week type thing. It's weird. But that's literally the first time I saw that movie. She She and I watched that together. And I think she was trying
1136 02:43:58,650 --> 02:44:08,280 to pattern our relationship like that, because it was about that much time before. Everything blew up. But I didn't have a real good trust factor with
1137 02:44:08,280 --> 02:44:16,500 women with my first wife. And then in this one here. She was married and hid it from me. And we were running around with one another. And it got to the point
1138 02:44:16,500 --> 02:44:24,330 where I was like, you know, I never go to your house. I mean, you've been the mind. Why don't we go to yours? Oh, well, you know, I like to sleep and I was
1139 02:44:24,330 --> 02:44:34,110 like the hell's go, something's wrong with this picture here. Like something's wrong. But it's just wonderful to be with a wife that I have now, and we got
1140 02:44:34,110 --> 02:44:44,280 married in 2001. We got together in 1997. And I don't have to hide anything from and the other day I shared a tweet. We weren't taking a drive. And out of the
1141 02:44:44,280 --> 02:44:54,900 blue, she just kind of said, you know, I have always been jealous of all these people that you talk to you like tonight. I'm sure she's upstairs asleep right
1142 02:44:54,900 --> 02:45:04,380 now. And she probably went to bed thinking angry thoughts and then maybe she wrestled with it said you know Why does it but she still wants to bed without me
1143 02:45:04,380 --> 02:45:12,390 in the bed, whether, because I'm spending time with you all. But she told me arrived the other day when I drive around. And it's weird, like we take the same
1144 02:45:12,660 --> 02:45:23,100 three different drives. And it's like, what the hell? You're supposed to be, like, just fucking ICT guy, you're this boring fucking dude has all these fun
1145 02:45:23,100 --> 02:45:31,170 cars you barely fucking drive and you do the same three routes of driving all the time. And sometimes we'll take our dogs put one of the kennels in the back
1146 02:45:31,170 --> 02:45:37,530 of the pickup truck, and we've taken for a ride. And they like see the cows and they bark and bullshit and you're probably like, What the fuck is this guy going
1147 02:45:37,530 --> 02:45:44,310 on about? Hey, I suck your gas into this. Okay, so you're gonna sit here and you're writing this whole thing out until it closes off? Okay, that's the way it
1148 02:45:44,310 --> 02:45:54,240 is. You don't you don't turn it off. Because you don't know how I'm gonna end it right. But we read your writing. And she I know. I know. You love doing what you
1149 02:45:54,240 --> 02:46:02,730 do it. I've seen it. In the beginning, I thought it was a fad. But it's like this is this is you like this is you love doing this. And in the beginning, I
1150 02:46:02,730 --> 02:46:10,200 hated it. Like I was jealous of everyone that you were spending time with. In fact, I thought you were having an affair. Like you were talking to someone
1151 02:46:10,200 --> 02:46:13,320 else, like another female. I'm like what the hill. As you can see,
1152 02:46:13,350 --> 02:46:20,250 I know now, there's a lot of people around the world that are looking at your shit. And I don't understand what the hell you're talking about. Still to this
1153 02:46:20,250 --> 02:46:28,590 day, like she can't understand what it is that we do. The way she sees it. It's a video game kind of the way she says, she dismisses it like that just says
1154 02:46:28,590 --> 02:46:38,280 Aleksis video game itself bullshit doesn't mean anything for her to tell me that she was always jealous of that number one hurt. It just cut me like fuck I
1155 02:46:38,280 --> 02:46:45,930 already think about this as it is. And I've already shared that with you and other video streams and lectures and series on my YouTube channel. But when she
1156 02:46:45,930 --> 02:46:56,010 said that, she was jealous of how much time I had to vote to all of you and doing this. But knowing now how people share their affection and adoration for
1157 02:46:56,250 --> 02:47:05,370 the time and energy and effort that I put into it. She goes, I know it makes you happy, and it's who you are. And that makes me happy. And it's worth it. That
1158 02:47:05,370 --> 02:47:14,760 was very moving from me. Because it freed up a lot of guilt. Because I'm, I'm me. And I wrestled with a lot of things. And if I get an idea in my head, no
1159 02:47:14,760 --> 02:47:26,280 one's stopping me. No one's gonna say please don't do that. It's to me very comforting for my wife to finally let me know this. And it feels like, you know,
1160 02:47:26,550 --> 02:47:34,410 I feel like a piece of shit as a husband and I look back, and I'm honest with all of you and them and tell them all the time. There was many times where I
1161 02:47:34,410 --> 02:47:44,610 knew I could have stopped. I made plenty of money that day. I don't need to do any more trading, but my obsessiveness says beat the fuck out some more. Why?
1162 02:47:44,790 --> 02:47:55,320 Because I need validation. I need that, because I can't get it. Because my grandfather who was my dad can't give it to me. So it drives me. That's the
1163 02:47:55,320 --> 02:48:06,240 wiring I have. I'm hardwired for that. And she gave me one of the greatest gifts, a man, a husband, a teacher could ever have received. Like she, she gave
1164 02:48:06,240 --> 02:48:17,100 me the validation that I've been seeking. Like, all of you could thank me every day, you could all for all kinds of appreciation. And thank you all. Listen, I
1165 02:48:17,100 --> 02:48:26,550 do appreciate it. It's not needed, I want you to understand that is not going to scratch the itch. Because you're not my grandfather, you're not my dad, you're
1166 02:48:26,550 --> 02:48:39,570 not my parent. But my wife, my best friend, my lover, my life's partner, she gave me a gift in that. And maybe it's something you might have shared in your
1167 02:48:39,570 --> 02:48:49,050 own social media circle, maybe you would have kept that private. But it was monumental to me. Like it was like a milestone. Like I felt like a big weight
1168 02:48:49,050 --> 02:48:58,410 came off my back like this desire this need that I've always felt every single day even before you knew me, before I even knew who the fuck I was. I live my
1169 02:48:58,410 --> 02:49:06,870 life like that. When I had jobs, I worked so that way I was better than everybody else. And I worked my ass off until I got that recognition. And if
1170 02:49:06,870 --> 02:49:15,150 someone cut the case of asked about that, or jealous or whatever, I would just be more into whatever I was trying to be better than everybody else. That's how
1171 02:49:15,150 --> 02:49:24,600 I am not because I want to be competitive because because of the nature of of competitors ism. It's not the competitive nature itself. It's the fact that that
1172 02:49:24,630 --> 02:49:34,650 underlying need to be validated that stems from my childhood. That's what motivated me to beat him. And I don't feel that anymore. It's a weird feeling.
1173 02:49:34,650 --> 02:49:41,910 It's like I feel like I'm free. Like I don't know how to put it in words where I just feel like I don't have that chain around me anymore. Like I don't have
1174 02:49:41,910 --> 02:49:52,740 that. I don't know. I don't know the real words to it escapes me. I just know I feel happy. Like I really feel happy. And I want to make this woman, the
1175 02:49:52,740 --> 02:50:00,120 happiest woman in the world. I've obviously been, you know, a faithful husband. I never would have done anything outside of our relationships, you know? Was
1176 02:50:00,120 --> 02:50:07,980 that whatever she would ask me for right now. And she's not the kind of, you know, that would really do that type of stuff, even though she is excited about
1177 02:50:08,070 --> 02:50:18,600 the new home. But whatever she would ask for it be nothing that would give it to her anymore. And it feels good. Like, it feels good. Because I have a lot of
1178 02:50:18,600 --> 02:50:26,430 times, you know, when I'd be working on videos for you, or the mentorship group, she would pass by and see me and sometimes she would shake her head and like,
1179 02:50:26,520 --> 02:50:34,410 you could see the staining or like, like this, was this chick on a stop? Like, I never spend time with you, when is she gonna come to you? And then that was the
1180 02:50:34,410 --> 02:50:43,800 look. And I would see it and I'm like, Sure, shortchange this video, and I'll pick it up on the next one. I knew it. I was aware of it. But I still kept doing
1181 02:50:43,800 --> 02:50:55,230 it, because who I am. And she understands because of all of your feedback, that feedback that you shared in my YouTube videos and on Twitter, I was surprised,
1182 02:50:55,230 --> 02:51:03,810 and then one that she would even look at it, because she always avoided it. And sometimes when some of you were doing those video testimonials and showing your
1183 02:51:03,810 --> 02:51:04,470 cricket class, I
1184 02:51:04,470 --> 02:51:12,630 think, can I see your faces, like I would love to see some of your faces and put a face to a voice because it's one thing to type something out, anybody can type
1185 02:51:12,630 --> 02:51:20,760 something out, anybody can do that. I wanted to see a real, a real person, a real face. And a lot of you did that on YouTube. And some of them were very
1186 02:51:20,760 --> 02:51:28,560 moving brought me to tears about my wife to tears, my kids to tears, showing your appreciation for what you've learned and what you're able to do now. That's
1187 02:51:28,560 --> 02:51:37,440 awesome. And you know, her looking into that. It first kind of felt weird. I was like, why I was looking here and I was thinking shit, she wants to learn how to
1188 02:51:37,440 --> 02:51:47,940 fucking trade. Man, I got a fucking trophy wife, fuck yeah, my wife got me a fucking chicken machine. She's not trying to trade. But long story short, she
1189 02:51:47,940 --> 02:51:57,390 just, she can just see what they give you. And I can see how that will motivate you. And I'm happy that you get that and it's been worth it. So I just want you
1190 02:51:57,390 --> 02:52:08,970 to know that I appreciate the love. Well, adoration, respect, thankfulness that you have extended to me. And I don't, don't take that for granted. Especially
1191 02:52:08,970 --> 02:52:17,820 now. Like, I am so thankful that she made her feelings known to me, because you're not going to check down and never found that out or hurt her ever say
1192 02:52:17,820 --> 02:52:26,280 that. It wasn't like she wrote it down on a card. It wasn't like she sent it to me in a text. She was in the vehicle with me. And we're driving and she just
1193 02:52:26,280 --> 02:52:36,990 came out with it. And it moved me. You know, some of you younger guys would think it was a big deal. But that, but I've been with this woman since 1987. And
1194 02:52:36,990 --> 02:52:47,670 she's always had animosity towards all she literally had animosity towards all of you. And she didn't like the fact that I was doing she wanted me to stop all
1195 02:52:47,670 --> 02:52:58,110 the time. And because of me coming out publicly and making new a lot of the lesson. She She literally would tell me all the time stop teaching because these
1196 02:52:58,110 --> 02:53:07,740 pieces of shit that are selling your stuff, okay? Like they're just making a mockery of it. They're they're making money off of it. And they're diminishing
1197 02:53:07,740 --> 02:53:15,390 you. By doing so they're not diminishing me. They're advertising for free. They're getting paid a commission by selling it. Yes. Is it wrong? I believe so.
1198 02:53:15,720 --> 02:53:22,170 They're trying to get credit for something they're trying to do something they shouldn't be doing. But you found me because of that. Exactly how I designed it.
1199 02:53:22,320 --> 02:53:32,220 They all worked for me. Everyone you resellers was your pimp like that. You all worked for me. You worked every corner for me. I didn't have to pay for
1200 02:53:32,220 --> 02:53:41,550 advertising. You did it for me. And all of you find folks that tutelage now, you have them to thank, because they did a good job drawing attention to how to find
1201 02:53:41,550 --> 02:53:49,350 me, I didn't have to do any of that type of work. You came to me, because somebody talked about something that you found leaked, Oh, this guy can do this,
1202 02:53:49,350 --> 02:53:58,800 this guy can do that. And now you've tasted it. You've seen it. And now you're encouraged by it. But my wife was never a fan of any of you. None of you. Her
1203 02:53:58,800 --> 02:54:06,210 feelings. Were the only telling you the nice stuff because they want something from you. Since you stopped doing this. They're not going to go ship. Well watch
1204 02:54:06,240 --> 02:54:15,330 the greeting. I agree most of you will just move on. And that's fine. That's what adults do. I'm not looking for you constant handshakes. Here, I made a
1205 02:54:15,390 --> 02:54:25,140 promise. I made a promise that if I was gifted with this, I was spend the rest of my life doing it. So I'm doing that. But for her to say that it's not her
1206 02:54:25,140 --> 02:54:34,710 nature to switch up like that. When she changed gears and says, Hey, look, I can see it now. Like this is you like, yeah, I always knew it was you and it's your
1207 02:54:34,710 --> 02:54:47,100 personality and your passion and your life. But I can see and hear. And like when she watched that young lady Hannah, and she was it's odd Hearing People Say
1208 02:54:47,100 --> 02:54:56,640 your name and talk about you. Like she sees me as the husband. Yeah, she knows I do this stuff and she she knows that these charts do some squiggly shit on her
1209 02:54:56,640 --> 02:55:04,500 and money comes into her bank account, and bills payments. Go It boughten she'll have to worry about that stuff. But when she said she listened to this young
1210 02:55:04,500 --> 02:55:12,870 lady, and the reason why is because my daughter and her were talking, because I said, look to my daughter, watch her channel. Hopefully this will inspire you
1211 02:55:13,140 --> 02:55:22,110 see, she and my daughter are talking about it. And I guess it was intriguing enough for her to want to watch one of them. And she says, You know, it's weird
1212 02:55:22,110 --> 02:55:31,230 hearing people talk about you, but they knew you. And she, because you have a lot of videos, I said, that's nothing. They YouTube channels, little like my
1213 02:55:31,230 --> 02:55:40,650 library of videos. And mentorship is like, over 1000. Like, it's a lot, it's a lot of videos. But she goes, I can see all of the comments that people come in
1214 02:55:40,650 --> 02:55:51,840 behind and say, they say really nice things about you. And she's aware of many, she's aware of other people that have made, you know, an attempt to troll me
1215 02:55:51,840 --> 02:56:01,680 discredit me and say terrible shit about me, that ain't even true, but I guess it comes with it. But it really took a toll on her. And I guess she needed to
1216 02:56:01,680 --> 02:56:03,750 have some kind of a settlement. So
1217 02:56:05,520 --> 02:56:13,470 she needed some kind of a confirmation that there's another side to that. And when she saw all of because he's never had been actively trying to look into any
1218 02:56:13,470 --> 02:56:22,410 of it. But once you saw the feedback and stuff, and seeing it not just on Hannah's channel, and not just on my channel, but in the Twitter, you know, when
1219 02:56:22,410 --> 02:56:31,260 I put out something, you guys really come to life. And she saw that, and just, it feels good. It just feels really good. And I just want to let you know that I
1220 02:56:31,260 --> 02:56:41,340 appreciate everything. I appreciate the feedback you give me. I appreciate the tweets that you say, you know, tell your wife to say, you know, tell her that we
1221 02:56:41,340 --> 02:56:50,970 appreciate her patients letting you do what you do for us. And to me, that means a lot. Like I I appreciate that. Because like I said, she's never really been a
1222 02:56:50,970 --> 02:56:59,250 fan of any of you. And don't take that personal. But just think about your own spouse. Look how much time look how much time I'm talking to you right now. Four
1223 02:56:59,250 --> 02:57:09,120 hours nonstop. No commercial breaks. You think I can't on the fucking Energizer Bunny, it has nothing on me. Nothing. I don't have a bottle of water here.
1224 02:57:09,330 --> 02:57:18,090 Nothing. I can still go, this battery will die before fucking I start wanting to talk. Okay, but I just want you to know that I have it's a wonderful experience.
1225 02:57:18,270 --> 02:57:28,320 It has given me motivation, like you can't even imagine. And I'm wondering if she's thinking she shouldn't have told me this because she's like, Oh, shit, now
1226 02:57:28,350 --> 02:57:35,520 he's gonna do more of it. Because it's almost like I told him to go do more. When she didn't. She just said, I understand why you have lived your life like
1227 02:57:35,520 --> 02:57:44,190 this. understand now why you do it. And I'm thankful and I'm happy that you get what you get out of this. And she said, it's been worth it. That part right
1228 02:57:44,190 --> 02:57:56,820 there tells me yes, it hurt her. It took from her, which I always were was aware of, but for her to basically acknowledged that it was a suffering on her part of
1229 02:57:56,820 --> 02:58:08,160 doing without that she feels like that was her participation in it. And she's thankful that that was her role of just allowing me to do it. Because let's be
1230 02:58:08,160 --> 02:58:16,830 honest, folks, I mean, if she would have put her foot down and said, Listen, it's this for me. As nice as you people probably are. I would only fuck off
1231 02:58:16,830 --> 02:58:23,820 Celia, I gotta go. And so is a really real, everybody out here listening to this would have done the same thing. Like if it's choice of your wife or your
1232 02:58:23,820 --> 02:58:34,590 husband, or doing this, you know, I love my wife more. And I really love her now. And I just I am so in love with this woman, and so thankful that the Lord
1233 02:58:34,590 --> 02:58:46,380 gave me her. I'm just, I'm in a really nice point in my life, that every moment feels important. Like, like today, everything I was doing today, I was thinking
1234 02:58:46,380 --> 02:58:55,440 myself like, man, and maybe it's because I'm 50 Maybe because they say, you know, life really begins at 50. I'm just really appreciative of everything. And
1235 02:58:55,590 --> 02:59:04,110 if you ever wonder if I do appreciate any feedback, I may not like your comment because you say, oh, yeah, you're the goat. I don't like your comment because
1236 02:59:04,110 --> 02:59:13,200 you said that. I understand what you're saying. I don't want you to refer to me as that. Not because I know you're I know you're not calling an animal. I just I
1237 02:59:13,200 --> 02:59:20,880 hate that term. Like I hate it. I can't I have a disdain for it. But I didn't know I'm the best. I don't need you to tell me. So just that we know each other.
1238 02:59:21,150 --> 02:59:28,710 You don't need to go forward with any kind of continuous thing about it. But a simple Thanks, that's enough. It's cool. But showing me your results. That's how
1239 02:59:28,710 --> 02:59:34,800 you thank me. So tomorrow, work your ass off and bring me some results. Until next time. Be safe.