
Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2023-02-20 20:22


00:19 - Today’s Topic: The Measure Of The Tape -.

06:25 - Gap risk and the potential draw on liquidity.

12:48 - No secret weapon in Enigma.

17:13 - When you get invited to a party, bring your favorite outfit.

23:35 - Using a bullish divergence and a slow stochastic.

27:34 - What really makes the market go up or go down -.

32:57 - What has helped support the narrative that the market is in a range?

37:59 - The problem is you’re not spending enough time looking at what market profile you’re in.

43:58 - What to Expect From The Market In February.

50:34 - Daily High and Low of the Week.

55:20 - What was the range of the weekly high and low over a 15 minute timeframe?

01:01:19 - How do you know when a bearish breaker is going to happen?

01:06:34 - You can’t fake price.

01:16:46 - Are you more fearful of losing your job or not being able to pay for groceries because the world is about to go upside down?

01:22:55 - Why am I doing this? Why am I doing this?

01:26:58 - What difference does it make if you don’t have boundaries?

01:32:22 - Why he stopped the 2021 mentorship.

01:39:07 - Mentorship is not something that makes one exempt.

01:45:47 - How to live your life the way you want to live your life -.

01:52:03 - How to overcome the fear of hurting yourself in these markets.

01:59:13 - The first half of my life was very selfish.

02:03:38 - It’s therapy, it’s therapy.

02:08:21 - Your best friend is your journal -.

02:14:06 - Don’t live your life like you don’t have any money.

02:21:17 - The money in my bank account doesn’t make me happy.


00:00:19,680 --> 00:00:32,130 ICT: Come on morning, folks. Good morning. It is a good morning. So welcome back to another chuck on Saturday with ICT. Today's presentation for February
00:00:32,130 --> 00:00:46,830 18 2023, is dealing with the topic of the measure of the tape. Now, obviously, when we've been watching the live streams and with my commentary over each
00:00:46,830 --> 00:01:00,960 individual one minute candlestick many of you have had a great deal of new learning, new observations, things that you didn't think were possible, you're
00:01:00,960 --> 00:01:13,590 seeing evidence to the contrary. And we have been introducing two new concepts over the last two weeks or so at the end, wo g and n d o g, which is the new
00:01:13,590 --> 00:01:24,660 week opening gap and new dig opening gap. And you're seeing the effectiveness of knowing having that on your chart, and the influence over price that it holds
00:01:26,250 --> 00:01:36,780 and how it can gravitate back towards those levels. And we'll touch a little bit about that today. And go through all as much as I have on my notes, I have
00:01:36,780 --> 00:01:48,180 slated about 60 minutes. That doesn't mean I'll go for a full 60 minutes, it just means that I have about 60 minutes. So once we are done that, regardless, I
00:01:48,180 --> 00:02:03,780 must be off by 10 o'clock. So a little bit more time structured on today. So for your notes, you want to go back and look at the review. And incidentally, I have
00:02:03,780 --> 00:02:16,110 not been very good about keeping the live streams in the lectures for 2023 mentorship for YouTube, collated in order to bring them together in one
10 00:02:16,140 --> 00:02:28,050 playlist. So I have done that this morning. And at first glance, it looks like everything is in relatively close order. I think there's a few of them. They're
11 00:02:28,080 --> 00:02:38,040 out of order, but they're not essential for that to be like that. Some of most of them have the dates for the presentations anyway, some of them don't. And
12 00:02:38,040 --> 00:02:46,890 you're welcome to send me a tweet, let me know which one needs to go. Where did they get real quick because I noticed this morning, when someone asked about a
13 00:02:46,890 --> 00:02:57,510 particular lecture that I've done. I prompted them to go to the 2023 mentorship playlist on my YouTube channel. Now I discovered that I haven't been keeping up
14 00:02:57,540 --> 00:03:08,250 with that. So a lot of things going on. And hopefully, you'll be able to go that playlist now and get all the things you may have missed. But the review on
15 00:03:08,250 --> 00:03:24,450 February 12 of 2023. It's basically giving you my expectation going into the new week, which is always always uncertain. Okay. So in your notes, you want to
16 00:03:24,450 --> 00:03:28,530 write this down. There's three uncertainties that you have to embrace.
17 00:03:29,940 --> 00:03:32,790 You have to knowingly
18 00:03:33,780 --> 00:03:49,500 willingly embrace three specific uncertainties in market and in speculation. Number one, black swan events. A black swan event is something that nobody can
19 00:03:49,500 --> 00:04:04,200 expect. No one can time it just comes out of nowhere. There's a time or season when it's probably likely. And we've been on a sustained timeline for that.
20 00:04:04,290 --> 00:04:18,090 We've been seeing all kinds of different black swan events over the last three years or so. And that's basically COVID related, war related. All kinds of
21 00:04:18,870 --> 00:04:28,020 economic upheaval. And we're looking at one that's looming now with the central bank digital currencies. So that's going to absolutely impact the markets and
22 00:04:28,020 --> 00:04:37,800 currency trading. So that's an uncertainty. Okay, that that black swan event that thing that pops out of nowhere that can cause the market go crashing down
23 00:04:37,800 --> 00:04:49,020 or raging higher depending upon what the driver is or what what the event is. The second is we do not no one knows I don't know and you're never going to
24 00:04:49,020 --> 00:05:08,730 learn where the new week. Sunday price opens. And you never know. For number three where the gap opening opening price at 6pm will be. So the new day opening
25 00:05:08,730 --> 00:05:18,360 gap and a new week opening gap. And Black Swans they are three uncertainties that you have to embrace. And the wonderful thing is with the exception of the
26 00:05:18,360 --> 00:05:29,700 first one, the other two, we don't need to know what they are. But once we have them, it gives us insight, which means sitting on your hands, allowing the tape
27 00:05:30,540 --> 00:05:40,230 to give you the storyline. Let the price tell you it. Don't try to guess it don't try to forecast where these opening prices are going to be. Now I'm going
28 00:05:40,230 --> 00:05:52,770 to teach how we can anticipate sometimes not all the time sometimes where the gap would move in our favor at either the new week opening gap or the new day
29 00:05:53,010 --> 00:06:08,790 opening gap. So those lessons are, are forthcoming as we go deeper into March content. If we look at the review on the 12th of 2023. The two scenarios I would
30 00:06:08,790 --> 00:06:20,130 have preferred to see, neither of which gave me an outline to work with. When we started trading on Sunday, we had a higher gap opening, not by much. And it
31 00:06:20,130 --> 00:06:29,580 traded back down into the range that was formed in the last hour or so of trading on Friday. Previous Friday, not yesterday. But I mentioned that if we
32 00:06:29,580 --> 00:06:44,310 were gap higher, that would send my mindset to looking for to trade higher into imbalances and maybe trust into a higher timeframe order flow. But I preferred
33 00:06:44,340 --> 00:06:52,740 gun in my head and which is always what I do. Because I know some of you will invariably listen to what I'm saying and say he's calling both sides. No, I will
34 00:06:52,740 --> 00:07:01,920 go both sides when I have no idea where it's going to go next. But then I cosign by saying, but if I had a gun to my head, this is what I say. So I'm always
35 00:07:01,920 --> 00:07:07,800 giving you my opinion. But my opinion is always laced. And
36 00:07:09,420 --> 00:07:10,590 provided with
37 00:07:12,120 --> 00:07:22,020 a disclaimer stating that it we're only talking about what I believe may happen, not that I have hard evidence to prove that the bias is going to be this or
38 00:07:22,020 --> 00:07:33,180 that. So that way, you can see that because of that, that uncertainty. This is the reason why I Don't speculate as much on Sundays anymore. I don't do a lot of
39 00:07:33,180 --> 00:07:43,260 the over the weekend holding of trades anymore, because there's too much gap risk. But it's gap risk. What we were talking about so far in this presentation,
40 00:07:44,160 --> 00:07:57,690 you don't know where we're going to open on Sunday. I don't know no one knows. It could be an enormous gap difference between Friday's closing price higher or
41 00:07:57,690 --> 00:08:11,100 lower, you have absolutely no way of knowing what that's going to be. And you don't know if it's going to gap severely, away from Friday's closing price, and
42 00:08:11,100 --> 00:08:23,010 then still scream in the direction of the gap. opening price. You don't know that? I don't know that. So we have to always see what those opening prices are
43 00:08:23,010 --> 00:08:32,490 gonna do. Once they give it sit on your hands and wait, what are we looking for continuation or failure and reject and return back into the range that was
44 00:08:32,490 --> 00:08:51,450 created by the gap opening price and the previous session closing price? Having these uncertainties in price many times that uncertainty and fear and anxiety
45 00:08:51,450 --> 00:09:05,550 about not knowing what's going to happen at those times leaks into other times where the market is a little bit more predictable. Now I say that loosely
46 00:09:05,550 --> 00:09:15,810 because I don't want to convey the idea that you're going to know you're going to know where price is going to go? No. You're going to have a
47 00:09:18,510 --> 00:09:19,290 measured
48 00:09:21,480 --> 00:09:35,400 statistically weighed out. Things have been more times like this than not type of scenario. Which is why I say the first lesson I teach you as a student is to
49 00:09:35,400 --> 00:09:46,380 understand where the markets likely to go into next. What's the potential draw on liquidity? Is it above market price now or is it below market price? Notice
50 00:09:46,380 --> 00:10:00,510 that I don't ever say in my lessons never state that it's absolutely unequivocally without a doubt promised that it's going to go that level up or
51 00:10:00,510 --> 00:10:16,380 below, it's just more likely to do that, now more likely, is equivalent to you more likely than not arriving to your job safely and soundly. In that manner,
52 00:10:16,380 --> 00:10:25,680 you woke up and left your bed, when you go to work, the same odds are that in the marketplace, but you don't see it that way, because you're placing what
53 00:10:27,060 --> 00:10:38,100 you're placing the emphasis of a monetary reward or loss on the transition between you entering your car and getting to work. Now you don't do that. But
54 00:10:38,100 --> 00:10:46,830 you do the same thing with trading now, as you should, you should have the measure of respect. But you don't think about the monetary loss of potentially
55 00:10:46,830 --> 00:10:59,700 driving over a nail getting a flat tire D or curving a tire busting it. Getting into an accident, because you were looking at ICT tweets and scrolling through a
56 00:10:59,700 --> 00:11:14,700 video to hear a certain part of you and get to and something happens that causes you to crash. Those things there's uncertainties are always going to be in the
57 00:11:14,700 --> 00:11:26,490 marketplace. But what I'm teaching you to do with the tape reading is allowing you to see the things that are going to be more pertinent to you as a trader.
58 00:11:27,660 --> 00:11:36,630 What makes you tick, as a trader, we all are studying price delivery, we're all understanding that these concepts have an influence over what price is going to
59 00:11:36,630 --> 00:11:49,020 do. But you don't know which one you're going to use for your setup. Some of you are at stages where you can see them perfectly in hindsight when I show them to
60 00:11:49,020 --> 00:11:57,210 you and it makes perfect sense. And you can't see it real time. That's normal. Some of you can't even understand the logic with me showing it to you in
61 00:11:57,210 --> 00:12:09,840 hindsight, because you're absolutely brand new. And that's normal to some of you are now discovering how comfortable it's becoming, for you to see real time one
62 00:12:09,840 --> 00:12:17,010 minute candles painting. And the logic behind it, where price is going to gravitate towards that drawl or inefficiency that's going to pull price higher
63 00:12:17,010 --> 00:12:31,800 or lower. It's not so random anymore. And that is now normal for you. You're all at different stages of your development. And the measure of the tape is going to
64 00:12:31,800 --> 00:12:43,620 provide you a different measurement based on the time you've been spending with me and the concepts I teach. But understanding there are there's three primary
65 00:12:43,620 --> 00:12:54,000 uncertainties that you cannot absolutely know. And you will never know. And I promise you, I have no secret weapon. No algorithm twists. No, nothing in Enigma
66 00:12:54,000 --> 00:13:05,010 tells me where the opening price is going to be. Nothing. I have absolutely no, I have to submit myself to the will of the marketplace. And once it does
67 00:13:05,010 --> 00:13:14,580 whatever it's going to do at these times, then I measure what it is I'm looking for. What is it that I'm looking for? I've shown you this week, we trade it down
68 00:13:14,580 --> 00:13:25,140 to certain levels after a gap lower. I want to see it run by side. It does. I want to see it run sell side it does. And those narratives during those live
69 00:13:25,140 --> 00:13:35,910 streams that I'm telling you, because we're not lost in price. We haven't lost them price. We're not lost in the candlestick jungle, we're waiting for a clear
70 00:13:35,910 --> 00:13:45,780 path to a destination that we have already set out for looking in a direction. This is where we're likely to go. But we have to wait. We have to wait for the
71 00:13:45,780 --> 00:13:55,710 market to tell us Okay, now it's done its damage and tricking other traders into thinking it's going to go the opposite direction to that. That's manipulation.
72 00:13:56,790 --> 00:14:07,710 That's the thing that we like to wait for. After these gaps after the session open at 930. At the 830 News embargo when it lifts, we're waiting for those
73 00:14:07,710 --> 00:14:20,430 little tricks. There's little unfortunate events that the lesser informed speculators are not aware of. And they fall victim because they're using
74 00:14:20,550 --> 00:14:32,610 concepts that you've learned in books based on breakout strategies. And then or looking for confirmation after a move has began in the chase price. So in my
75 00:14:32,610 --> 00:14:45,960 live sessions on many times, drawing on the ideas that you as a retail trader, or someone that is not in our community that trades purely on retail logic, how
76 00:14:45,960 --> 00:14:56,010 they're going to perceive price at that moment. And the times I'm saying that, I want you to write down your notes. When I say those things when I'm referring to
77 00:14:56,010 --> 00:15:04,740 a retail traders mindset or a concept that they may see right now or They're sort of they're shorting here, or they're, they're bullish here. Or if I'm
78 00:15:04,740 --> 00:15:12,360 referencing where their stops would be at that moment. And I failed to mention this prior to this now, but I've mentioned it in passing in lectures. But when
79 00:15:12,360 --> 00:15:20,280 I'm doing a live session, and I'm calling real time candlesticks, and where the price is going to go and what it shouldn't shouldn't do. When I mentioned our
80 00:15:20,280 --> 00:15:32,250 reference, retail logic, or retail stops, at that moment, at that very moment, I want you to think about that wrestling match that armwrestling match that war
81 00:15:32,250 --> 00:15:47,820 between the real market maker versus the people that trade on patterns for pattern sake, the emphasis of believing that price is going to go up the hopes
82 00:15:48,570 --> 00:16:08,130 and fears the outcomes of billions of dollars. Where's it more likely? To follow the logic of some kind of harmonic animal pattern, some kind of Fibonacci ratio
83 00:16:08,490 --> 00:16:20,160 Gartley retracement type thing, a butterfly crab, shark? All those things. Billions of dollars are gonna be weighed in the balances on those
84 00:16:22,380 --> 00:16:23,130 gimmicks?
85 00:16:24,330 --> 00:16:41,130 Or is it based on real order flow, and where existing orders are above or below the marketplace? Clearly, clearly, it's the latter. Large institutions, large
86 00:16:41,130 --> 00:16:56,580 banks are not trading on harmonic animal themed named patterns. They're not dealing that pokes. They're never teaching you what they're really dealing. You
87 00:16:56,580 --> 00:17:09,510 hear people say, learn how to trade like the banks. They're not teaching you how banks trade. I'm teaching you how banks trade. The logic is proven. It's to
88 00:17:09,510 --> 00:17:22,860 detect precision. It's predictable. It's not something that's ambiguous, we're looking for very specific things to repeat at a specific time of day. And that,
89 00:17:22,890 --> 00:17:37,350 when that logic shows itself, at the same time, that some retail logic theory concept pattern, and I'm just gonna say pattern, because predominantly, and this
90 00:17:37,350 --> 00:17:49,560 is my experience when I was learning as a new trader back in 1992. In the first five or six years of it, most of what I was looking for was a pattern with an
91 00:17:49,560 --> 00:18:03,420 indicator to tell me something. When nobody was telling me to look at the things I'm teaching you, which is time and price. I was more concerned about if my
92 00:18:03,960 --> 00:18:16,050 Fibonacci was set to the right settings. Was I really in an oversold condition? Because not every one of my indicators would agree that we're oversold yet. I
93 00:18:16,050 --> 00:18:24,240 would use this person's book to discuss it just came out. I figured, okay, this is the person that knows something new now, because he produced a new book. And
94 00:18:24,240 --> 00:18:39,270 it was the same stuff. It was the same things all the time. So when we look at price, we're looking for specific times of the day to produce a specific
95 00:18:40,560 --> 00:18:50,940 expectation that we hold over the price. We only are interested if price can go to this level above where we are right now. That's my sign. That means we're
96 00:18:50,940 --> 00:19:08,850 bullish, we are not trading yet. We're anticipating the market to give us some kind of tipping of its hand. We're waiting for some kind of algorithmic display
97 00:19:08,850 --> 00:19:18,090 in price action that would qualify for now. This is the time when we want to engage. Right now our attention to that point is interested in seeing it do
98 00:19:18,090 --> 00:19:29,100 certain things at a specific time. But once those things occur, what is that? A shift in market structure. A run on stops. That's it. Two things. That's it.
99 00:19:30,870 --> 00:19:46,410 That's it. It's either going to run stops, then we're going to wait for a rejection of that. What happens after that? A breaker but, but no. If it runs
100 00:19:46,410 --> 00:19:59,370 that we're looking for a breaker but what happens if it hasn't gone down below? What would be a breaker yet? We're considering any imbalance prior to that
101 00:20:02,909 --> 00:20:06,479 Oh, well, that seems pretty easy. Yes.
102 00:20:07,349 --> 00:20:16,529 What I've been saying all along, but you're trying to bring in commitment of traders, and ICT stingers and catapults and whiplash patterns and everything
103 00:20:16,529 --> 00:20:26,729 else that ever taught, you're trying to bring everything to it. Think about when you get invited to a party, you know, your favorite outfits, right? You know,
104 00:20:26,759 --> 00:20:34,199 you know what those favorite outfits are, especially the ladies listening? You know, that's the one you look like the bomb in. Now, when you get invited to the
105 00:20:34,199 --> 00:20:44,189 party, you're scrambling initially, do I really want to wear this one where it is the winner? Do you bring all five or six of your favorite outfits that you
106 00:20:44,189 --> 00:20:53,729 looked at bombing? Of course, no, of course, not. You settling on one. And that's exactly what you're doing as a trader, you're gonna settle in on that
107 00:20:53,729 --> 00:21:07,529 one. Pattern, concept pdra multiplier, that thing that you're going to use as a trader, that's where you're going to be the bomb. And then you look good in all
108 00:21:07,529 --> 00:21:19,829 the other outfits. But you have a special affinity for this particular one. And that's the one you want to represent yourself in? Well, as a trader, it's no
109 00:21:19,829 --> 00:21:33,659 different. I'm giving you the invitation every day in a live session to come to the party. But you're going to pick out what particular PV array resonates with
110 00:21:33,659 --> 00:21:44,849 you. That matters, not what anybody else thinks about what you should trade or use as a catalyst for getting into a trade. It matters not what my opinion of my
111 00:21:44,849 --> 00:21:51,989 favorite ones are. Many of you ask a lot of times, hey, look, you know, you teach a lot of things. But what's your favorite setup, because it's going to be
112 00:21:51,989 --> 00:22:01,319 easier for me to just cut through all the chaff, and go right to what ICTs favorite is, they're all my favorite. They're all my favorite, based on whatever
113 00:22:01,319 --> 00:22:11,069 the markets doing. I'm plug and play, I've authored these things. So I can pick and choose whatever one I want to use. I can use all of them if I want to, which
114 00:22:11,069 --> 00:22:19,469 is what you see me doing when I'm doing pyramid entries, I'm literally using every single one of them. That's available at that time during that market move.
115 00:22:19,979 --> 00:22:28,829 But not every single PD array is going to exist in every single price run, which is the benefit of understanding them holistically, not just individually,
116 00:22:29,009 --> 00:22:39,629 because I could literally write a book three, four pages long and not even scratch the surface on one PV array at a time. That's how deep this can be. But
117 00:22:39,629 --> 00:22:49,229 it need not be that complicated. It simply needs to be Which one do you like the most, which one makes the most sense to you right now. And bloom where you're
118 00:22:49,229 --> 00:22:58,409 planted. Don't think that that's the best you can be or where you're ever going to be as a trader. It just means that gives you the first initial foundation to
119 00:22:58,409 --> 00:23:06,209 start your growth from, which is really critical as a developing student, because it's too easy to springboard and bounce around to different teachers,
120 00:23:06,359 --> 00:23:18,359 concepts approaches, all kinds of things. And you'll never learn. You'll never learn that way, you'll be introduced to new things. Like a drug Here, try this
121 00:23:18,359 --> 00:23:25,589 one. Here. Now try this one here, try this one. And you're never really clear headed and focused on the thing that you're supposed to be looking for right
122 00:23:25,589 --> 00:23:37,619 now. Which is one specific model that you can start with and build an understanding from and grow as a trader. I've said it many times. But just for
123 00:23:37,619 --> 00:23:50,819 the folks that are wondering. My first pattern that made consistency with me was when I was using an oversold condition or an hourly chart, when I thought that
124 00:23:50,819 --> 00:24:02,939 the daily and the weekly were going to go up to an old high. That was a previous week high or the high in the last three days. That was my target. I was using
125 00:24:02,939 --> 00:24:13,679 something as simple as a bullish divergence and a slow stochastic. And that's what I was using. But because the market then this is this is I want you to
126 00:24:13,679 --> 00:24:23,879 understand this, because the market that I was looking at was already predisposed to go higher anyway. And I couldn't articulate it becoming bullish
127 00:24:23,879 --> 00:24:33,359 or bearish outside the scope of whatever the slope of the 50 day moving average was being was being plotted on my daily chart. So I looked at where we are today
128 00:24:33,359 --> 00:24:42,569 at the time of my analysis and look back nine days. If the slope of that 50 day moving average was higher today than it was nine days ago. That was my bias.
129 00:24:45,719 --> 00:24:59,129 Stick that was dumb, right? Dumb, but the logic was as long as it's doing that. Then I'll buy especially if the 60 minute or hourly chart was oversold and it
130 00:24:59,129 --> 00:25:08,609 diverged bullish thing In a stochastic, that means it made a lower low and the cost I'm sorry, low low in price, hourly, the hourly candles went lower. But the
131 00:25:08,609 --> 00:25:19,289 stochastic failed to make a lower low that I used that the next day, I would wait for a higher opening, because I was downloading into big data. So I had to
132 00:25:19,289 --> 00:25:27,749 wait for the session to open because the commodity markets had session times. And we would see the opening price at the bond market and we would see the
133 00:25:27,749 --> 00:25:36,359 opening price in the grain market, we would see the opening price and the s&p and the currency futures. And I would look for a higher price gap opening. And
134 00:25:36,359 --> 00:25:48,599 then if it traded down into the gap halfway, I would buy that. That was my that was my whole model. That was it. And honestly, if you use institutional order
135 00:25:48,599 --> 00:25:52,439 flow and higher timeframe, and you know where it's likely to go, you know, that still works today.
136 00:25:54,420 --> 00:26:00,750 What did you just say? What did you just say ICT? Did you just sin,
137 00:26:01,320 --> 00:26:12,240 you just send this is sacrilegious. Look at this, this guy is talking about indicators? No, I'm telling you how it came up. Now, let me tell you how and why
138 00:26:12,240 --> 00:26:25,830 it worked. The market was already going higher. I didn't have the experience. I didn't have the wherewithal to know what makes the market continuously bullish.
139 00:26:26,820 --> 00:26:37,170 So the deciding factor, which is what every retail trader does, with their indicators, their gimmicks, their toys, all these things are just a driver for
140 00:26:37,170 --> 00:26:46,860 you. Like when I say gun to my head, that's the gun that ahead for a retail trader, because otherwise they have no idea what they're doing. They have to
141 00:26:46,860 --> 00:27:06,570 have an instigation, a catalyst, a cause an abrupt decision making event that that's what has to happen. And because most traders have really no idea what the
142 00:27:06,570 --> 00:27:21,840 hell the markets doing, they rely on something like a pattern, an approach some kind of technique that they learned that they have conveniently subscribed a
143 00:27:21,840 --> 00:27:31,800 faith based logic to when it has nothing to do with what the markets going to do, but it gives them their decision making. moment, this is what I'm going to
144 00:27:31,800 --> 00:27:43,110 do and why. But the only difference between that. And what I'm teaching all of you as a student, is I'm teaching you what really makes the market go up or go
145 00:27:43,110 --> 00:27:58,980 down. Not looking at these gimmicks, these toys these things, as the reason for you deciding what to do was the fact that the 50 day moving average, when I was
146 00:27:58,980 --> 00:28:10,110 trading in the 90s, today's value in the 50 day moving average plotted on a daily chart, if that value was higher than it was nine days ago. In my mind,
147 00:28:10,110 --> 00:28:24,060 that means it's going to keep going up. Well, what do you think happened? When I got into a price run? That went to a fair value gap that was just below the high
148 00:28:24,060 --> 00:28:25,620 I was looking to go to as a target.
149 00:28:29,130 --> 00:28:30,000 It would retrace
150 00:28:31,800 --> 00:28:47,100 and then it would scare me. And I would jam my stop loss up too tight and I'll get stopped out. Or it never got to those levels. I wanted to see it go to it
151 00:28:47,100 --> 00:28:49,500 went to a fair value get there was just below those highs.
152 00:28:51,869 --> 00:28:52,619 And I added
153 00:28:56,490 --> 00:29:06,090 and then I thought it as it dropped down the whole time that moving average on the daily chart was telling me it's bullish.
154 00:29:08,819 --> 00:29:10,079 It was bullshit.
155 00:29:10,950 --> 00:29:18,930 Okay, that's the equivalent of the board that it had. And because I was looking at something that had absolutely no bearing on where price was going to go next,
156 00:29:19,200 --> 00:29:26,370 all it was doing was saying what was obvious anyway, if I just looked at open high, low and close, the markets been going up, I don't need you don't need a
157 00:29:26,370 --> 00:29:37,890 moving average to tell you that. And I don't need and you don't need an overbought and oversold indicator to tell you if it's overbought. So those
158 00:29:37,890 --> 00:29:49,350 things are useful for traders that need to have a catalyst, something that get them into a trade because they have no understanding about what price is doing.
159 00:29:49,500 --> 00:29:53,310 They have an understanding and a faith based logic that these patterns
160 00:29:53,729 --> 00:29:55,049 should do this.
161 00:29:56,280 --> 00:30:05,670 Now think about what you're saying. This is exactly what I was doing. As I was saying that my nine day moving average difference between on a 50 day moving
162 00:30:05,670 --> 00:30:17,220 average difference between today's value and nine days ago, is going to tell me, if I should trust price going up or down. Instead of simply taking that shit off
163 00:30:17,220 --> 00:30:26,940 the chart, and looking at the price, it was going up, moving averages only crunch, and smooth out what's already happened. Of course, it's going to be
164 00:30:26,940 --> 00:30:41,010 going up, and you don't need a trendline. But see, what that does, is it gives you a focal point to take all of your attention and say, Okay, I'm going to look
165 00:30:41,010 --> 00:30:50,880 at this thing, this trendline, this moving average, this harmonic pattern, this whatever, whatever you want to call it, whatever you want to bring to the
166 00:30:50,970 --> 00:31:03,540 discussion of retail logic and trading, that thing, that your point of interest that your decision making mechanism. If it does this, I'll do that if it doesn't
167 00:31:03,540 --> 00:31:16,200 do this, I'm doing nothing. And the only thing I've been doing is taking your attention off that bullshit, and putting it on price itself. Because it's going
168 00:31:16,200 --> 00:31:25,440 to tell you everything you want to know. You want to know when it's gonna return reverse, it'll tell you that. You want to want to know when it's get ready to
169 00:31:25,470 --> 00:31:34,770 explode and move in one direction. It'll tell you that too. You want to know when it's going to be consolidating and hard to trade me and choppy conditions
170 00:31:35,310 --> 00:31:46,920 have proven that it tells you that too. So pray tell why the fuck would you want to look at anything else? Open high, low and close tells you everything. It
171 00:31:46,920 --> 00:31:54,720 tells you everything. And you don't need to look outside of it to derive a bias, a narrative or a trade idea.
172 00:32:01,079 --> 00:32:08,909 When we're looking at the new weak opening gaps, one of the things I've already mentioned it before, but you need to make sure you have this in your notes. The
173 00:32:08,909 --> 00:32:20,279 new week opening gap on Trending days, or trending weeks, where we're going to have a One Direction railroad ride away from where we opened up. That new week
174 00:32:20,279 --> 00:32:34,739 opening gap is going to be little to no importance, maybe used one time in a week. And then it just never comes back to it again. I taught you that if we
175 00:32:34,739 --> 00:32:43,349 keep going back to it and gravitating to it. That conference, we're going to be in a sustained consolidation, it means that the markets not likely to do what
176 00:32:43,919 --> 00:32:54,119 have these big tear off runs. I've explained that to you this week beforehand. Before it did what your chart shows right now I told you that we will be in a
177 00:32:54,119 --> 00:33:01,139 consolidation. I took you through the daily chart and I told you look where we're at. We're in this range. What was also some qualifying things has helped
178 00:33:01,139 --> 00:33:11,069 support that narrative, why I was confident telling you that because we had two volume imbalances on a daily chart inside that small little range. In the same
179 00:33:11,069 --> 00:33:19,949 volume of bounce, I told you in the February 12 review on YouTube before the week, even though I told you have them on your chart and extend them through the
180 00:33:19,949 --> 00:33:35,699 entirety of the week. I'll touch on that a little bit later in this discussion. But new week opening gap is fair value. It's a static value between the opening
181 00:33:35,879 --> 00:33:44,009 price on Sunday and the closing price on Friday. And the midpoint of that which is consequent encroachment. Those three specific price levels are going to be
182 00:33:44,009 --> 00:33:57,599 very, very sensitive throughout the spectrum of a trading week. If it's going to be range bound. So you see people saying I don't do very well in trending
183 00:33:57,599 --> 00:34:08,009 markets. And they'll say I do very well in consolidating or consolidating choppy markets. Okay. And you see other people say, I can't do good in choppy,
184 00:34:08,219 --> 00:34:24,659 consolidations. I like trending markets. Okay, I have something for all of you. My toys. They play in every market profile, every single one of them, which is
185 00:34:24,659 --> 00:34:35,969 why I teach market profiles, not market profile like you think market profiles or templates, think of them as schematics on what the market should do,
186 00:34:36,149 --> 00:34:49,889 conceptually on a line basis. Okay. We're going to talk about that too. Because the market tends to do these types of things. With a greater sense of
187 00:34:50,309 --> 00:35:01,229 repetitiveness and transparency, it many times telegraph. It's going to be doing these very things and you simply have to align your expectation shins and then
188 00:35:01,229 --> 00:35:14,699 wait for the time of day, day of week for it to occur. What do you mean by that? It's too ambiguous. It's too vague, Michael. Think about what I gave you in my
189 00:35:14,699 --> 00:35:26,399 analysis throughout this week, in the live sessions, in the reviews in in the pre market analysis before Sunday even opened, I said that we're going to be
190 00:35:26,849 --> 00:35:40,289 likely to see a risk off scenario. Risk off means Dollar Index is higher. All their markets are lower. So if you haven't done this yet in your notes, risk off
191 00:35:40,319 --> 00:36:03,389 dollar higher markets lower risk on dollar lower markets higher. We mean markets higher anything other than dollar, yen, pound gold, oil, equities, index
192 00:36:03,389 --> 00:36:17,609 futures. Notice it and say crypto. I don't know, man, don't ask me about crypto. Okay, I'm clueless, I have no idea. But every other market will be pressured. If
193 00:36:17,609 --> 00:36:26,279 you want to talk about buying and selling pressure that exists between the mechanism between risk on and risk off. If the dollar is going higher, it's
194 00:36:26,279 --> 00:36:34,439 going to be very easy for other markets to drop. And your cell models can be trusted. Your institutional order flow when it's bearish can be trusted, your
195 00:36:34,439 --> 00:36:42,989 premium arrays can be trusted. But if the dollar index is consolidating,
196 00:36:44,670 --> 00:36:45,540 and it's stuck.
197 00:36:47,670 --> 00:36:59,130 That's going to be seen in other markets too. It doesn't mean that all markets in that condition will be stagnant and consolidated. It just means that that's
198 00:36:59,130 --> 00:37:14,100 the the expectation you should hold. But within that, that tells you a story. What is that like what do we get in any lien in real close? If we have a range
199 00:37:14,100 --> 00:37:33,060 bound consolidation in dollar index. In Forex, you can look at the relationship between pairs like Euro pound. Because the dollar index is being held doesn't
200 00:37:33,060 --> 00:37:45,720 mean that every foreign exchange market or pair is going to be consolidating. It just means now, when dollar is being held in consolidation, the crosses, like
201 00:37:45,750 --> 00:38:00,330 Euro pound, aussie yen, pound yen, those exotic crosses will be manipulated. And you'll see the runs occur in those markets versus the Dollar pairs. My
202 00:38:00,510 --> 00:38:12,900 techniques work in every market profile. The problem is, you're not spending enough time looking at what market profile we are in. And I'm telling you where
203 00:38:12,900 --> 00:38:26,130 we're at before we even start trading. Let's go back to the 12th of February, before the market opened up, I stated that I believe that the dollar is going to
204 00:38:26,130 --> 00:38:36,510 go higher. I believe still that the dollar is likely to trade up into those relatively equal highs that I have shaded in orange, their spy resting up here.
205 00:38:36,720 --> 00:38:42,000 Unless we see something completely undermined that expectation this week, I'm holding true to that
206 00:38:47,550 --> 00:38:59,490 the dollar expanded higher in two week. We're not trying to predict the closing price on the week. I'm not trying to teach you or have your focus on knowing
207 00:38:59,490 --> 00:39:09,690 where that closing price is on the weekly candle. That's not what your your your job is not to do that your job is to anticipate the market gravitating towards a
208 00:39:09,690 --> 00:39:24,690 direction on that weekly chart, expanding higher on dollar and expanding lower on other markets. But the problem here is within your measuring of that tape
209 00:39:24,750 --> 00:39:41,670 that's going to be delivered over that day, over the course of the week. You have to sit or also we are stuck in that range on the daily chart. Since
210 00:39:41,910 --> 00:39:47,400 essentially the first trading days of February, we're stuck in a range bound environment.
211 00:39:50,070 --> 00:39:50,910 So
212 00:39:51,870 --> 00:40:05,460 when I give you that bias that I think is risk off, we're going to see what kind of market profile consolidation with Thursday or Friday expansion. Go back and
213 00:40:05,460 --> 00:40:13,830 look at the core content, look at day trading section of the core content. For those that are really versed in keeping good notes with my concepts, or if
214 00:40:13,830 --> 00:40:23,520 you're a charter member, and you know exactly what lessons and where to find it, what month should they look for, for the daily and weekly templates? There's
215 00:40:23,550 --> 00:40:32,280 those profiles that I teach in my core content that's already on my YouTube channel. So you don't have to ask me for it. It's a consolidation week with or
216 00:40:32,280 --> 00:40:45,660 Thursday or Friday, expansion. Now think about what I've talked to you about on Sunday, higher dollar, but we're in a consolidation. So we have to wait for
217 00:40:45,660 --> 00:40:54,180 something to occur. It's, it's gonna be consolidation. Yeah, it's gonna be choppy. Yes. Is it tradable? Yes, absolutely. I traded other people traded it,
218 00:40:54,180 --> 00:41:01,500 it's fine. But we are considering this big event coming into Tuesday, which was the CPI number.
219 00:41:02,910 --> 00:41:05,490 And it's interesting, isn't it? Now,
220 00:41:06,930 --> 00:41:12,930 you see these folks out here, they're out there constantly running numbers, because they're crunching numbers. There's a certain guru and you're talking
221 00:41:12,930 --> 00:41:22,170 about me, there's a certain guru out there that says that when the markets make the high, the weak, or the little the weak, he says it's 70% of time. It's on a
222 00:41:22,170 --> 00:41:34,590 Tuesday. Yeah. Yeah. It's not an every week profile that delivers a bias higher or lower. Sometimes there's weeks where it's expected to do nothing but go
223 00:41:34,590 --> 00:41:44,940 sideways. You can't factor that. Because if you do that, then you skew your output. And numbers like anything, if you torture them them enough, they're
224 00:41:44,940 --> 00:41:55,560 going to confess to anything. That's what indicators do. They whip and torture data that's already happened that you can't make money on. And if you tinker
225 00:41:55,560 --> 00:42:04,440 with them long enough, the indicator will tell you what you want it to say. And I was victim to that. And that's all these authors that were do. They take
226 00:42:04,440 --> 00:42:15,090 something to form fit something that's worked in the chart, in the hindsight they did not do that shit life. Now you see me walking you forward on a one
227 00:42:15,090 --> 00:42:27,600 minute candle basis, calling every fucking candle exactly how it's gonna happen. Now, there's no indicator in that. There's no retail thing that I'm leaning to.
228 00:42:27,750 --> 00:42:37,830 I'm talking about the candle that's forming. Based on the stuff that I talked about on Sunday, before the market opened up. We're in range bound. We're
229 00:42:37,830 --> 00:42:46,650 expecting a move in the dollar. We're expecting weakness in other markets. But does it happen? Right from Jump Street? Does it happen? Well, it's just gonna be
230 00:42:46,650 --> 00:43:02,700 a straight decline. No, we have to be navigating through consolidating and choppiness. Looking for areas of what fair value will want us to focus on
231 00:43:02,700 --> 00:43:12,150 Michael, there's two volume imbalances I told you to focus on from the daily chart on the ES told you take those levels. In fact, you want to go back through
232 00:43:12,630 --> 00:43:23,100 that? February 12. In a lot of key levels I talked about I'll mention them in here for those that are lazy. But there's specific ones in here that I talk
233 00:43:23,100 --> 00:43:33,630 about, in that basically frame the whole entire week. Now I leave that for those students, when they see me talk about it, they have them on their charts. And
234 00:43:33,630 --> 00:43:42,510 then when they watch the end of the week, when it comes to conclusion, and they see, wow, the market did go up to that level. Well, the market did go down to
235 00:43:42,510 --> 00:44:02,820 that level, and it didn't do anything else. That's real harmonic. That's the way Elliot wants to wait right on right. I want to hang 10 on that wave. Well, if
236 00:44:02,820 --> 00:44:11,850 you go through the market review on February 12, you'll hear me talk about how we're expecting and I'm expecting specifically that the expansion higher on
237 00:44:11,850 --> 00:44:25,320 dollar set means it's going to be easy to find what the sharp big magnitude moves are going to be in what direction in ES down. It doesn't mean you're not
238 00:44:25,320 --> 00:44:32,130 going to have rallies that are tradable that look decent when you're on a one or five minute basis. It's going to look dynamic cuz you're zeroed in, you only
239 00:44:32,130 --> 00:44:45,270 have three candles on one minute candlestick chart. You're so zoomed in, you got to take some space and and crunch it up and put more data on there. But you're
240 00:44:45,270 --> 00:45:00,930 gonna see that these big sharp declines that we've seen an ES are in concert with what we were expecting on Sunday before the market even opened up Mario is
241 00:45:00,930 --> 00:45:12,750 going to gyrate back and forth all day, all week on, that's going to happen, yes. But you want to know where there's conditions that's going to present range
242 00:45:12,750 --> 00:45:23,490 bound, difficult times where we don't see these big trending days. Trending days are easy to trade in, and you don't have a whole lot of opportunities to get in.
243 00:45:23,880 --> 00:45:31,860 It's just, here's where you got, you got to know to do it, this, this, this, and if it starts running after that, it's it, it's over. You've missed it, you got
244 00:45:31,860 --> 00:45:43,230 to wait now for the next opportunity. But in rangebound, consolidation, like we're in right now, you have to be nimble. Pick your shots, when it gets to your
245 00:45:43,230 --> 00:45:53,160 levels, you get out, don't think that we're going to keep on tearing off higher, or tearing off lower, it's going to be within a predetermined range. So what,
246 00:45:53,580 --> 00:46:03,600 what's the weekly profile? We'll go back and listen to the 12th of February, I tell you, it's going to be risk off, dollar higher markets lower. So now let's
247 00:46:03,600 --> 00:46:11,940 take that one step further. Michael, let's put further scrutiny behind all the things you said before. So what you're saying essentially, is the markets gonna
248 00:46:11,940 --> 00:46:25,680 go sideways, yes, but it's has a lower tone behind that. For markets being bearish, and dollar higher. So while within all the context of a range bound
249 00:46:25,680 --> 00:46:36,030 market, over the course, the entirety of the week, we're essentially going to see the biggest move with the magnitude and speed that we'd like to look for as
250 00:46:36,360 --> 00:46:51,120 price action signatures is going to be in the expansion higher for dollar and lower for s&p lower for Euro lower for cable lower for all other assets. Okay,
251 00:46:51,360 --> 00:47:00,000 so if that's what we're expecting, overall, if you take a step back and pull up a 50 minute time frame on any of your markets that you'd like to follow. We had
252 00:47:00,000 --> 00:47:10,860 what staring us in the face on Tuesday, CPI? That was the that was the big it was the elephant in the room. Or in this case, it was the bull in the china shop
253 00:47:12,180 --> 00:47:26,400 is when an erect everything. But did it do what it was designed to do? Let's take a closer look at that. On Tuesday. All this was behind the backdrop of CPI,
254 00:47:26,460 --> 00:47:39,510 which is what mechanism manipulation. You're not trying to predict anything except for the volatility that's coming into the marketplace, do not have high
255 00:47:39,510 --> 00:47:51,810 expectations, or knowing anything specific about any key level holding this or that because CPI FOMC rate announcements, they can sometimes literally destroy
256 00:47:52,350 --> 00:48:02,520 even my best analysis concepts because it's manual intervention. manual intervention is within the scope of what I mentioned earlier to begin this
257 00:48:02,550 --> 00:48:09,750 discussion, which is a black swan. You don't know when they're going to manually intervene, you don't know that. You don't know when a bank is going to come out
258 00:48:09,750 --> 00:48:20,670 and say yeah, we're gonna we're gonna do a surprise, interest rate cut, or hike, or what you don't think they can't do what they can. They can go out and devalue
259 00:48:20,670 --> 00:48:33,960 a currency overnight, boom, gone. That's always risk. And we know that when we first come into this business, we're welcoming that uncertainty and you need to
260 00:48:34,530 --> 00:48:40,950 doesn't mean we want to see it happen. But you say, as a trader, it's not likely to happen, but guess what Shit happens.
261 00:48:46,020 --> 00:48:57,090 But if we're expecting consolidation, through all that consolidation, ultimately, the largest magnitude move is going to be dollar higher. All other
262 00:48:57,090 --> 00:49:15,270 markets lower. Oh, well, if we look at the profiles that I teach, and taught in 2017 That's when those videos were produced the summer months of 2017. Now that
263 00:49:15,270 --> 00:49:35,490 logic was with me in 1996. That I put it into students hands in 2017, there in news core concept, modules and lectures on my YouTube channel. So we have a
264 00:49:35,490 --> 00:49:45,930 range bound consolidation week, with a Thursday or Friday expansion. Okay. What would that look like based on what I gave you on Sunday? A range bound market.
265 00:49:48,180 --> 00:49:58,500 If we're going lower. That means for s&p If we're going lower, because we're expecting risk off, that means the dollar is gonna go higher. That means on
266 00:49:58,500 --> 00:50:10,950 Tuesday, CPI should do some kind of manipulation and create what for the dollar on Tuesday, the low of the week? What's it mean for s&p and forex? It should be
267 00:50:10,950 --> 00:50:23,220 making what? The high the week. Okay, when should the new move occur? Because if we don't trade the manipulation, we're waiting for what to occur Thursday and
268 00:50:23,220 --> 00:50:26,400 Friday's expansion lower for s&p and higher
269 00:50:27,810 --> 00:50:39,510 for $1. Look at your charts. Did it do it? Yes.
270 00:50:41,340 --> 00:50:53,580 Let's go further. Let's look at the Tuesday high. What's some of the observations there? Well, the February 3 of 2023 the daily with constant
271 00:50:53,580 --> 00:51:02,010 encouragement to premium WIC. Okay, if you if you look at that Tuesday's high just goes like one point, maybe a point a quarter past that constant
272 00:51:02,010 --> 00:51:09,570 encouragement of February 3 daily WIC. So the WIC above that daily high on the third of February. split that in half.
273 00:51:11,880 --> 00:51:16,440 Look at your high on Tuesday. Well, that's random.
274 00:51:17,940 --> 00:51:31,260 It also swept February 9 Spice Oh, liquidity. And it was all manipulated by what? CPI? Okay, let's flip it. Let's look at the other side of the weekly
275 00:51:31,260 --> 00:51:45,630 range. The low of the week. Look at January 30 2023, that candle mean threshold? It's a bullish order block, the level actually is 4057, three quarters. So
276 00:51:45,630 --> 00:52:02,910 405 7.75 just happens to be a level I've already talked about those you have a new chart. It purged the daily low on February 10 of 2023, which that low comes
277 00:52:02,910 --> 00:52:16,230 in at 406 0.75. And suddenly, the only discount rate that I mentioned on the February 12 commentary was first of February this count consequent Kurzman
278 00:52:16,590 --> 00:52:19,380 406 7.25.
279 00:52:27,480 --> 00:52:42,150 So inside that range, that weekly range. What was the factors that you should have been paying close attention to go back to the daily chart? What can I talk
280 00:52:42,150 --> 00:52:51,090 about on the 12th of February, I said those two volume imbalances there. You want to extend them throughout the entirety of the week all the way through
281 00:52:51,090 --> 00:53:01,890 Friday. But Michael, I got all this shit on my chart, how am I supposed to see price, you're supposed to have different templates to do certain things. New
282 00:53:01,890 --> 00:53:11,070 week opening gaps, you're going to need a template just for that, you're going to have five of them on your chart at any one time. If they're in close
283 00:53:11,070 --> 00:53:16,770 proximity to one another, it's going to be a lot on your chart. And you're going to add what you're going to add on your rectangles for fair value gaps you're
284 00:53:16,770 --> 00:53:32,640 gonna be you'll have too many things. This is the reason why I use a notepad. I don't have all that shit on my charts. I have it in my notes. But you as a
285 00:53:32,640 --> 00:53:44,400 student learning this, you'll have to do what I did how I did it was I had charts that I only kept for certain functions, the primary function for the new
286 00:53:44,400 --> 00:53:53,490 week opening gap, I have a chart that just simply has that on it, I have nothing else on it. And I refer to that intraday intra week. Whenever I need to
287 00:53:53,490 --> 00:54:02,310 reference something. If I want to check my my notes. Maybe I wrote a number down wrong. Maybe if you didn't annotate a specific level correctly, I'm constantly
288 00:54:02,310 --> 00:54:10,050 referring back, okay, I'm making sure I'm double calibrating every one of my notes that this is exactly what it is. And I'm watching to see if price
289 00:54:10,050 --> 00:54:20,340 gravitates towards these new week opening gaps. The one you're in right now that starts tomorrow evening, and Sunday. That's one and then you're gonna use last
290 00:54:20,340 --> 00:54:30,000 week's new week opening gap the week before that the week before that, and the week before that there's five always on that chart. It doesn't mean you're
291 00:54:30,000 --> 00:54:39,570 limited to just that, but you have to have at least the last five. Why? Because I've taught that you're going to see that overlap of every month. That shift in
292 00:54:39,570 --> 00:54:49,740 money flow that comes into the marketplace. By having those last rolling four and the one you're presently working with. You won't be surprised by anything.
293 00:54:50,580 --> 00:55:01,530 You'll see how it's gravitating towards it, and gravitating away from it. And because if it hangs around that new weak opening gap We're in consolidation,
294 00:55:02,400 --> 00:55:13,710 when it moves sharply away from it. And your analysis already calling for a big Trending Event, then you know, you have confirmation, the thing that everybody
295 00:55:13,710 --> 00:55:27,960 is looking for with indicators, you don't need it, it's going to tell you in price. So if you look at the range of the weekly, high and low, what was what
296 00:55:27,960 --> 00:55:35,610 was taking place throughout the entirety of the week, over 15 minute timeframe with those daily volume imbalances? Don't you don't know which ones I'm talking
297 00:55:35,610 --> 00:55:47,340 about. Watch the 12 of February's analysis. When it gets to the s&p, you'll see there's I don't draw them on the chart for you, I tell you where they are. And
298 00:55:47,340 --> 00:55:56,610 then you draw them out, I have usually draw it with a rectangle extended through I will show you on Monday, I'm not gonna be trading on Monday to bank holiday.
299 00:55:57,030 --> 00:56:09,510 And it will be a pre recorded lecture. So that's when you'll see my next I guess soiree with talking about the markets. So there won't be a live session on
300 00:56:09,510 --> 00:56:17,790 Monday, there won't be anything except for a pre recorded lecture that I'll probably do sometime in the morning. I'll have it up by hopefully, one o'clock
301 00:56:17,790 --> 00:56:27,360 in the afternoon. And that's the next installment for the mentorship here. But before I show you that, I want you to take a look at your own chart and show
302 00:56:27,660 --> 00:56:37,530 where that imbalance where that volume imbalances, artists, whoever, extend them through your chart and look at it over the course of the entire week, with a 15
303 00:56:37,530 --> 00:56:51,990 minute time frame. What observations Do you see there? Notice all of the intra day and intra week imbalances, all cluster within those two volume imbalances on
304 00:56:51,990 --> 00:57:05,190 a daily chart. See how that's creating a lot more of what we've seen on the daily chart. Just spotty price action, spotty meaning it's creating these little
305 00:57:05,190 --> 00:57:17,460 efficiencies or gaps created at The New Day opening. You can really appreciate it if you have your 15 minute timeframe chart showing those two daily volume
306 00:57:17,460 --> 00:57:27,180 imbalances that I refer to, in the February 12 2023. See this this type of lecture here. For some of you, it's just like, I can't follow this. Because
307 00:57:27,180 --> 00:57:36,330 you're lazy. You didn't write down and draw into your charts, the things I'm talking about when I do the analysis. You're not even doing it right. This is
308 00:57:36,330 --> 00:57:45,090 exactly what happened when I had paid students paid students, I would sit down and tell them exactly what I just told everybody for free, openly and publicly.
309 00:57:45,990 --> 00:57:51,810 They didn't take notes, they didn't record the levels in their charts. They didn't stay with the bias I was getting them, they were doing opposite to that.
310 00:57:51,960 --> 00:58:02,310 And they can complain say it's a scam and they run off and quit. That's on you. That's not what I've taught. And you're you're doing the very opposite of
311 00:58:02,310 --> 00:58:11,580 whatever it is I'm telling you to do. And your results are going to be what fucked. So don't do that. So if you take that 15 minute timeframe, and you have
312 00:58:11,580 --> 00:58:20,910 those daily volume of outside, annotate and show you exactly with my cursor, I'm not drawing them on my chart because I want you to do them when yours if you
313 00:58:20,910 --> 00:58:32,310 want to use horizontal trend lines to annotate the volume imbalance, okay? If you want to use the rectangle, okay, it's a preference, your annotation style is
314 00:58:32,310 --> 00:58:40,800 going to be your annotation style, your colors, all that stuff is gonna be yours. Don't Don't try to mimic everything or use my charts, you're not going to
315 00:58:40,800 --> 00:58:52,740 learn the same. You'll learn to do it by doing it yourself. But if you take your 15 minute timeframe, show the entirety of Sunday's opening to Friday's close.
316 00:58:53,040 --> 00:59:04,530 That's how much range of price data yet to have on your chart. Have those daily volume imbalances highlighted on your 15 minute timeframe. And then toggle in
317 00:59:04,530 --> 00:59:14,280 the lower right hand corner on trading view go from it usually will be toggled by default with eth, which is electronic trading hours. You want to toggle that
318 00:59:14,280 --> 00:59:24,330 and trade it to I'm sorry, switch it to rth regular trading hours. And when you toggle that you're going to see all the new date new date get more or less
319 00:59:24,330 --> 00:59:33,510 converge within those two volume and balances majority of the week. You're seeing
320 00:59:33,540 --> 00:59:34,470 visually
321 00:59:36,090 --> 00:59:48,060 why markets consolidate What's the mechanism behind why they are consolidating. It's creating these gaps these inefficiencies that he has to keep coming back to
322 00:59:48,060 --> 01:00:03,240 re priced to because there is no overwhelming pool of liquidity above or below the marketplace to inspire price to go outside of it. There's too many of them
323 01:00:03,390 --> 01:00:14,880 near term all around them this big cluster that's been shown on the daily chart for the entire time we've been trading in February. So there's no reason for
324 01:00:14,880 --> 01:00:28,950 price to go explore outside that boundary yet. Why? Because they're holding price where it's at right now. It's at a point where it can go either direction,
325 01:00:28,950 --> 01:00:40,710 which is why I said, we're going to have a consolidation market, it can go higher, and it can go lower. That's 5050. Right. On a higher timeframe basis,
326 01:00:40,740 --> 01:00:50,700 it's 5050. Yes. But on an intraday and intra week basis, we can still frame in a bias. I give it to you on Sunday, we're going to range bound, yes, but I do
327 01:00:50,700 --> 01:00:56,160 believe that the dollar is going to expand higher, and s&p in foreign currencies and other markets, we'll go lower
328 01:01:02,910 --> 01:01:13,980 all of those imbalances throughout the entirety of the week that you've been seeing on regular trading hours, on a 15 minute basis, all are occurring within
329 01:01:13,980 --> 01:01:23,460 those two daily volume imbalances. Let's go one step further. It looks like a mess, doesn't it? I mean, look at your chart right now, if you've done what I
330 01:01:23,460 --> 01:01:35,280 just said, asked you to do. It's like, man, look at this mess. How could anybody decipher any of this? This is just madness, it's chaos. I mean, I'm at my wit's
331 01:01:35,280 --> 01:01:46,980 end like this is too much. Now. It's, it can't see anything and all this. Go into Thursday. Okay, on your 15 minute timeframe, make sure your charts are
332 01:01:46,980 --> 01:01:57,780 toggled to regular trading hours now. That way, you can see that gap lower on Thursday that I talked about how we were going to trade back up into and I said
333 01:01:57,810 --> 01:02:10,440 that we would not likely to trade all the way back up to the previous closing price. On your 15 minute timeframe, while regular trading hours is toggled, not
334 01:02:10,470 --> 01:02:24,180 electronic trading hours and again, you toggle that on trading view in the lower right hand corner. If you look at the Thursday, gap, we got lower look at the
335 01:02:24,480 --> 01:02:37,140 bearish breaker. That can be seen on Wednesday, February 15. And if you're using a 15 minute candlestick chart, the time candle is going to be 14 colon four five
336 01:02:37,650 --> 01:02:44,130 in your chart must be set to New York time. If you're doing anything other than if you're looking at your local town, you're not going to find what I'm talking
337 01:02:44,130 --> 01:02:56,430 about. Everything that I teach your charts and trading view must be New York local time. But if you look at the February 15, which is Wednesday's bearish
338 01:02:56,430 --> 01:03:11,820 breaker on a 15 minute candle, the candle itself is at the timestamp of 14 colon 45. Notice that how price when it came back up into the gap that was formed at
339 01:03:11,820 --> 01:03:24,570 the New York session opening gap. At 930. The differences were we traded and closed the previous session and we're at 930 opening. You're going to be doing
340 01:03:24,570 --> 01:03:36,420 this every day as a day trader and index futures. You do this every single day. You're going to toggle real trading hours from electronic trading hours. Because
341 01:03:36,420 --> 01:03:46,860 that gap, the difference between the previous session close and the new session opening at 930. Yes, we traded all night long. Yes, it's really going on. It's
342 01:03:47,010 --> 01:04:01,740 it's being traded back and forth. Yes. But the premium or discount of that gap relative to where we close the previous session. What I mean by that we've
343 01:04:01,740 --> 01:04:14,460 talked about the pdra matrix know the term is we're opening up with a premium if the gap is higher than previous session close. We're opening at a discount if
344 01:04:14,460 --> 01:04:24,540 it's lower than we were closed in the previous session. So on Thursday, we opened were down we were in a deep deep discount. So it trades up to what the
345 01:04:24,540 --> 01:04:36,780 previous session closed nope, it doesn't need to but how do you know when it's not going to do that Michael? Teammate timeframe bearish breaker 1445 Candle
346 01:04:38,130 --> 01:04:39,120 February 15.
347 01:04:39,630 --> 01:04:49,770 Okay note that also, if you've done what I told you to do by taking that volume imbalance and extending it through the entirety of the week, when your 15 Minute
348 01:04:49,770 --> 01:04:52,290 candlestick on February 16.
349 01:04:53,490 --> 01:04:54,270 The candle
350 01:04:55,560 --> 01:05:14,160 12 colon 45 Okay, so 1245 candle on a 50 minute time frame that high tick is the high tick of your daily volume imbalance. At 14, colon 30. That high, the 1430
351 01:05:14,160 --> 01:05:25,680 high is the high tick of that candle. And it's also the high tech or that daily volume imbalance. What happened after that? freefall.
352 01:05:33,420 --> 01:05:47,520 Nothing's random. There is no chaos. It's just looks unfamiliar right now. Everything I told you on the 12 of terms of key levels, what to look for what to
353 01:05:47,520 --> 01:06:03,660 watch. It's in your chart right now. The method of how price would deliver over the entirety of the week is exactly what your chart shows right now. Dollar when
354 01:06:03,660 --> 01:06:15,900 higher, markets went lower. We had to deal and contend with what consolidation CPI did the very manipulation that sets the tone for what if it's going to be a
355 01:06:15,900 --> 01:06:26,340 consolidation with a lower market and higher dollar. That means in simplest terms, Tuesday's the event with I'm sorry, with manipulation, and then it's
356 01:06:26,340 --> 01:06:37,320 going to be providing what? Tuesday flow of the week for dollar Tuesday high of the weak or other markets. Thumb in the eye to all these number crunchers. But
357 01:06:37,380 --> 01:06:45,870 it's, it's not true what he says no, it's absolutely fucking true. When I say I'm out here walking it, I'm proving it to you, you're looking at it. I'm
358 01:06:45,870 --> 01:06:59,580 calling it in every one minute candle. But you can't fake it. There's no way of faking that. And you're seeing how wonderfully detectable price can be. Not all
359 01:06:59,580 --> 01:07:08,490 the time, not all the time, there are certain things we have to wait for. But once it shows me what I'm looking for. It's on a leash now. And we're going to
360 01:07:08,490 --> 01:07:18,450 walk it right to where I say it's gonna go. Don't believe me, keep showing up every day. Keep showing up every fucking day. And you will get what you came
361 01:07:18,450 --> 01:07:28,650 here for proof evidence skill set, and the confidence to be able to do this at the end of the year when I'm no longer doing it. You don't need to worry about
362 01:07:29,040 --> 01:07:37,950 what I'm not going to be doing. What I'm doing right now is what you need to be focusing on. Because this is where you learn to build these muscles up on your
363 01:07:37,950 --> 01:07:47,580 own. Working out with us together, training your eye to see these things in price action real time. Not, oh, it's already happened. Let's talk about cherry
364 01:07:47,580 --> 01:07:49,380 picking hindsight stuff. That's not what we're doing here.
365 01:07:57,420 --> 01:08:05,040 So we have had, in my opinion, in closing here, we've had a very fruitful week in terms of learning.
366 01:08:07,050 --> 01:08:09,930 We had some pretty
367 01:08:11,520 --> 01:08:25,710 impactful events within price action that we observed real time. The weekly consequent encroachment levels that I gave you also, for to the last two weeks,
368 01:08:25,710 --> 01:08:39,300 I told you, we were on February 12. Level. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, the February 12 review on YouTube channel content. I mentioned that the 41 78.25 level and
369 01:08:39,300 --> 01:08:49,980 41 61.25. They were key levels to have them also on your chart counselor to go look at your charts and see how that was impactful to price action. There was
370 01:08:49,980 --> 01:09:03,420 one thing on my notes I didn't touch on, I apologize. But apart from that we had fun this week. We had a learning experience. It's fun to get in there and have
371 01:09:03,450 --> 01:09:10,230 these little laboratory experiments with price action. Does it do these things that we're looking for? Does it do this that we're looking for? Does it hold
372 01:09:10,230 --> 01:09:29,040 true? And right now, you're all seeing it. And I've had students for years that paid me and when he watched this happen every single week, every single day. And
373 01:09:29,040 --> 01:09:36,390 that's why you never saw them come out in public and complain and say I was a fraud that I wasn't doing it in front of them every single fucking day every
374 01:09:36,390 --> 01:09:47,640 single week. Now you're seeing it more so than they did. I'm doing it on a one minute candlestick chart. And yes, there might be a 20 to 32nd delay in the live
375 01:09:47,640 --> 01:09:56,910 stream. But guess what, once I talk in the livestream is projecting it out into the internet, and you receive it, I can't call it back. I can't change my
376 01:09:56,910 --> 01:10:08,280 opinion about what I said was going to happen or wasn't going to happen. I'm out here, no safety net. This week, I had a live stream killed. You watch my battery
377 01:10:08,790 --> 01:10:19,590 thing pop up, say okay, low charge. All I did was plugged it, plug it in. I don't know why my live stream was cut. And I don't know why when I tried to
378 01:10:19,590 --> 01:10:30,300 restart a new live stream, even rebooting, it would not start another one. So it just might be one of those instances where, you know, it's just a connection
379 01:10:30,300 --> 01:10:40,710 issue, that's fine. But if it happens again, I'm going to take that as I shut the fuck up. Okay, and I'm just gonna put that out there. So that way I know.
380 01:10:40,710 --> 01:10:53,190 And you all know now, I'll have to change my delivery method. But it's pretty uncanny how we're out here. And every single individual woman candles dancing to
381 01:10:53,190 --> 01:11:06,570 the tune, playing. We're watching and observing price action. And until it tips its hand, I'm taking your attention on both premium and discount arrays. Yes,
382 01:11:06,570 --> 01:11:13,800 that's absolutely what's going on. Because I need you to observe that moment that shift in market structure when things become absolutely clear. When did
383 01:11:13,800 --> 01:11:22,290 that happen? When I'm talking about those breakers that told you how to go into that breaker in the levels where the body's going to respect it and the wicks
384 01:11:22,290 --> 01:11:26,820 can go this far. And where we were looking for it to go.
385 01:11:32,279 --> 01:11:33,119 You can't fake that.
386 01:11:34,890 --> 01:11:46,170 You can't make up shit. As you go in a one minute candlestick chart. There's no There's no way. And for the folks that are doing mentorships, they're teaching
387 01:11:46,170 --> 01:11:57,900 you and you're paying them. Ask them to do this. Because if they know my Smart Money concepts, if they know how to trade, if they know how to read price, if
388 01:11:57,900 --> 01:12:10,110 they know how to do that stuff they say they can do, they will gladly do what I'm doing. And they will be just as precise. But they're not going to be able to
389 01:12:10,110 --> 01:12:19,470 do that. They're not going to be able to do that for you. They're gonna give you excuses as to why they can't. If they have figured out a Nygma they'll do what
390 01:12:19,470 --> 01:12:32,070 I'm doing right now. But they won't, they'll have Yunnan Yang symbols on their fucking chart and showing 15,000 Our max last days and killer stream from their
391 01:12:32,070 --> 01:12:32,910 trades go to shit
392 01:12:41,340 --> 01:12:54,840 I'm gonna say this, I'm gonna close. There's a lot of YouTubers out there. That might be a little intimidated. Because when I'm doing my live streams, there's a
393 01:12:54,840 --> 01:12:56,040 little bit more people watching me.
394 01:12:57,360 --> 01:12:58,830 I'm not competing against you.
395 01:12:59,970 --> 01:13:07,740 Okay, I'm not going to get on there and call you by name and talk about how you're not a good trader, or you're foolish or does shit don't work that you're
396 01:13:07,740 --> 01:13:19,140 using, I'm not going to do that. That's I'm not trying to be that person. I'm not trying to compete with any of you. All I'm trying to do is make a medium for
397 01:13:19,140 --> 01:13:33,600 those that are interested, that wants to see. You're able to see my thoughts, my expectations, the way I read tea leaves of these market fluctuations.
398 01:13:33,840 --> 01:13:35,520 I will get it wrong, folks.
399 01:13:35,880 --> 01:13:45,990 Something will happen where I get it wrong. And you're not going to hear me piss and moan you're not going to hear me gasp I'm not going to go into a fucking
400 01:13:45,990 --> 01:14:00,360 tyrant until Oh, this bullshit. It's just I did it wrong. That's okay. Take a step back and reevaluate what's going on. You need to experience that. That's
401 01:14:00,360 --> 01:14:05,850 the only reason why I changed my mind about doing it two times a week today, every fucking day.
402 01:14:07,290 --> 01:14:08,880 I'm going to make sure
403 01:14:10,020 --> 01:14:21,660 I'm in front of the charts where I read it wrong. You need to experience that you need to see me in the frailty of my humanity, do it incorrectly. Where I
404 01:14:21,660 --> 01:14:32,220 bring in my gut and feelings about what it is I'm expecting because I've done it so long. And I tried to finesse something that I know if I was being honest,
405 01:14:32,250 --> 01:14:41,220 right there on the fly. My logic says to do this, but because I've been here so many other times, I'm a human, you're going to have that shit happen to you as a
406 01:14:41,220 --> 01:14:45,360 traitor to that happens folks.
407 01:14:45,809 --> 01:14:47,729 You can be as rigid as you want to be.
408 01:14:49,529 --> 01:14:58,199 You're gonna have all the rules, all the things that you're supposed to do, but you know, damn well that sign said 55 Fucking miles an hour. Don't go one mile
409 01:14:58,199 --> 01:15:05,279 an hour over it but you think that you can get Do nine, because the unwritten rule is, well, as long as you don't do 10 miles an hour, they won't pull you
410 01:15:05,279 --> 01:15:12,629 over what the fuck, you're still breaking the law, right? So it's no different with trading, you're going to do the same shit whenever you get that little itch
411 01:15:12,779 --> 01:15:16,499 to push the acceleration pedal down, when you're not supposed to do so
412 01:15:17,880 --> 01:15:18,810 you're going to be
413 01:15:20,220 --> 01:15:29,940 rewarded with pain, you're going to be rewarded with an adverse reaction. And you will see me do that right in front of you. And there's no reason to be
414 01:15:29,940 --> 01:15:42,840 afraid of that. I'm not afraid of it. I'm not afraid of it. So if I'm teaching you, and I'm not afraid of it, and I know what's going to happen, and once I do
415 01:15:42,840 --> 01:15:59,160 it, you've already seen me take a loss last week, it came right back up. Like it never even happened. The things that you're fearful of nothing. It's all worth
416 01:15:59,160 --> 01:16:08,190 thinking. What if it does so? What if it doesn't do the shit you're afraid of? You've wasted fucking time. You wasted opportunity?
417 01:16:08,550 --> 01:16:10,020 What if? What if this?
418 01:16:10,050 --> 01:16:17,460 What if that? What if everything I've been saying all these fucking years is exactly what I've been proving? Now? You're out here in front of everybody? How
419 01:16:17,460 --> 01:16:28,470 much time that you waste now? And you're still some of you. But what if? What if? What if you got off your ass and started training with us every day? What if
420 01:16:28,470 --> 01:16:40,620 you did the things I told you to focus on? And don't focus on the shit I told you not to focus on? If you did that, what if you did that? I know I did all
421 01:16:40,620 --> 01:16:54,210 that same silly shit to you procrastinate, because you're afraid. Okay? What are you more fearful of? Are you more fearful of losing your job? And not being able
422 01:16:54,210 --> 01:17:07,290 to pay for groceries? in meeting your ends? Because shits about to go upside down? Or are you fearful of while learning when it's normal to make mistakes,
423 01:17:07,710 --> 01:17:17,280 where it's safe to make mistakes when you're not even trading with real money or even a demo that you can afford to be wrong while you're learning no ego, no
424 01:17:17,310 --> 01:17:25,500 pressure, no pride, nobody looking at what you're doing in private to be able to laugh at you because you're not going to take your results while you're learning
425 01:17:25,530 --> 01:17:42,600 to the social media spectrum there's a right way to do it and a wrong way to do it. I'm doing everything I can humanly within the scope of reasonable and beyond
426 01:17:42,600 --> 01:17:42,900 that
427 01:17:45,120 --> 01:17:46,410 to help you get this
428 01:17:50,610 --> 01:17:59,730 I'm hoping I have enough time to get through what I want to get through by the end of the year. But the way the things are unfolding around us I might not be
429 01:17:59,730 --> 01:18:11,850 able to what I mean by that shits breaking out all the time it's hard shit going on right now. And just pay attention everything I told you that was going to
430 01:18:11,850 --> 01:18:22,350 happen and for those that were in my private group you've known this now for two years or more. I told you what's happening and what's coming it's all happening
431 01:18:24,840 --> 01:18:36,810 in live sessions and Twitter spaces I told everyone you're asked ready because it's it's coming remember I told you at 18 months we're coming down the wire
432 01:18:36,810 --> 01:18:41,820 folks you have to get your house ready
433 01:18:44,610 --> 01:18:45,390 you have to
434 01:18:48,540 --> 01:19:02,520 because what they got in store for all of us and I'm not exempt the money I have it's a lot but they can push a button and boom I have nothing nothing there's no
435 01:19:02,520 --> 01:19:18,810 safe haven places there's no wall you got to put your money in I don't fucking know. So while you can you stay busy learning skill sets like this one. We may
436 01:19:18,810 --> 01:19:29,400 have a period where the markets not allowed to be traded. Something might happen that causes access to the markets to be interrupted for a period of time. Oh,
437 01:19:29,400 --> 01:19:32,400 that can't happen that's bullshit. Well guess what on 911 It fucking did
438 01:19:38,640 --> 01:19:50,370 all they need is the reason to do it. That's all just the reason that would be globally accepted as a what makes sense why we can't trade right now because
439 01:19:50,400 --> 01:20:03,210 look what happened? What's going to happen? I don't know. But I know we're coming down to the wire. Do I have time? Why? Why would I even bother doing
440 01:20:03,210 --> 01:20:18,000 this, I might be wrong. And you don't have the skill set and another stream of income that can come from this. It's not guaranteed to any of you. But the
441 01:20:18,000 --> 01:20:27,810 measure of the tape is going to reach farther for some, and tall short for others. And it's all gonna be based on how much time and effort and energy you
442 01:20:27,810 --> 01:20:41,160 pour into it. And here's my thought process. Even if you get halfway to where you hope you get one quarter of where you want to be, from having all this
443 01:20:41,160 --> 01:20:53,880 information and understood and skill set from doing it. That's far better than sitting around paranoid because of what's about to happen, how everything's
444 01:20:53,880 --> 01:21:02,010 going to be expensive or not be able to be obtained how much the eggs cost for you now.
445 01:21:07,230 --> 01:21:22,110 I said that was going to happen. You like meat? Like eating steaks? It's gonna get real fucking expensive in the next nine months. Real real expensive. But
446 01:21:22,110 --> 01:21:23,190 guess what that means?
447 01:21:24,449 --> 01:21:28,679 It's hardship for most Yes. Because that means
448 01:21:31,739 --> 01:21:33,389 we have cattle futures that we can trade
449 01:21:40,140 --> 01:21:52,260 so it allows you to channel what would otherwise be viewed as stress, anxiety, panic. In the average person, and that sticker shock when you go to the grocery
450 01:21:52,260 --> 01:22:00,390 store, you're feeling right now. When you can pull out an extra 1000 $1,500 a month in trading notice I said that not a fucking Lamborghini.
451 01:22:04,470 --> 01:22:05,910 Not a fucking Ferrari.
452 01:22:07,830 --> 01:22:27,060 Now, not a $2 million house like ICT? A $1,500 $1,000 Bump each month? If that's all you got? How many people do you know that are never gonna get that? How much
453 01:22:27,060 --> 01:22:37,800 better Are you off than them? I'm sure when you're in one hand, you can list five friends that you know that if you did that, you'd be better than them. And
454 01:22:37,800 --> 01:22:41,880 it's not about being better than a person, but in a position financially to be able to.
455 01:22:43,980 --> 01:22:44,850 Whether it's
456 01:22:51,930 --> 01:22:52,530 if I can be
457 01:22:52,530 --> 01:23:02,700 honest for a moment, and then I'm gonna stop. Because I'm only talking about shit on this that I didn't want to talk about again. What's my expectation?
458 01:23:02,700 --> 01:23:08,880 What's my goal? waterfox am I doing this? Because I keep asking why am i You see people asking me? Why are you doing this? First of all, let's get one thing
459 01:23:08,880 --> 01:23:22,260 straight. I could write a fucking check to myself in the amount of millions of dollars every single month again. If I wanted to, I don't want it. I could be
460 01:23:22,260 --> 01:23:32,730 charging you all money. I don't want it. I swear to Christ almighty. I'm never ever, ever, ever, ever charging for mentorship ever again. I'm never doing it.
461 01:23:33,120 --> 01:23:47,520 I'm never doing it. It's February 18 2023. Michael Huddleston will absolutely never charge for a mentorship ever again. It's never going to happen. So why am
462 01:23:47,520 --> 01:23:48,000 I doing it?
463 01:23:53,160 --> 01:24:14,460 I have had this information for almost 25 years. You're not supposed to know it. I wasn't supposed to share it. And I had a case of as one day because I was told
464 01:24:15,210 --> 01:24:27,450 you can't do something. So I've told you many times facetiously that it's human nature for someone to see the sign it says Don't touch wet paint. Don't walk on
465 01:24:27,450 --> 01:24:40,800 the grass. I was that kid as a little one. I was quiet. But I always wrote my initials on the desks at school. But pain I've picked my finger in the semen
466 01:24:41,130 --> 01:24:50,250 that was just poured and put my initials in the year. I didn't mean anything mean by it. It's just that was my human nature to don't do this. Okay, I'm doing
467 01:24:50,250 --> 01:24:58,200 that. That's what we all are. We're sinners. We do the things we're not supposed to do. Don't walk on the grass. I'm fucking moonwalking on it.
468 01:25:03,600 --> 01:25:29,940 So when I'm told you can't use this I can't use it to fucking me I can't use it you cannot use it oh as so well what happens if I come out publicly with
469 01:25:29,940 --> 01:25:48,810 something that is real real real close to it much like Pepsi is to coke I'm not really sharing the recipe for Coca Cola but it looks just like it does in a
470 01:25:48,810 --> 01:26:00,630 class it has the same effervescence gives you the same sugar high but the ingredients are not exactly the same
471 01:26:05,880 --> 01:26:08,310 so when I'm not allowed
472 01:26:10,650 --> 01:26:11,820 to sit at the car table
473 01:26:14,850 --> 01:26:16,800 because they know I know how to count cards
474 01:26:22,290 --> 01:26:41,310 I've spent years documenting a reason why I'm doing what I'm doing and nobody that said don't walk on the grass don't touch the wet paint can say I used that
475 01:26:49,440 --> 01:27:03,000 camera kemira life be made difficult still chocolate being it's always been threatened all the time. But you're all benefiting from something that my hands
476 01:27:03,000 --> 01:27:03,510 been in
477 01:27:07,980 --> 01:27:08,910 and I'm proving that
478 01:27:12,420 --> 01:27:25,950 what difference does it make because it should I do and unfortunately for those that don't like to hear about it I drag you across it not because I take
479 01:27:25,950 --> 01:27:42,840 pleasure in that it's just I constantly have to remind myself I do have boundaries. And I don't like the fact that I have boundaries and I like to press
480 01:27:42,840 --> 01:27:47,220 into them as much as I can sometimes too much
481 01:27:52,410 --> 01:27:53,910 I wish I could talk more openly.
482 01:27:55,680 --> 01:28:04,350 I wish I could say everything that I want to say but I had to be measured
483 01:28:06,090 --> 01:28:08,940 calculated Am I take a deep breath
484 01:28:09,840 --> 01:28:18,990 before I started talking and making sure I don't lose control and go off the rails and say more than I'm supposed to
485 01:28:25,500 --> 01:28:26,430 the opinions of
486 01:28:28,590 --> 01:28:34,350 others that listen to me it's really not that big of a deal to me.
487 01:28:35,760 --> 01:28:41,610 It's me laying down a logic
488 01:28:44,399 --> 01:29:08,999 of what I'm using when I'm using it and because I've made it public let's as far as I can let the cat out of the bag Do I have something that is outside of
489 01:29:11,159 --> 01:29:29,519 retail stuff. At this point. Any reasonable person can look at that and say yes. Does it go further than this? Absolutely. Do you need all that? No. So why am I
490 01:29:29,519 --> 01:29:40,289 doing all this reframe. I'm gonna pour myself into it like this. Number one. It's been asked of me many times from all of you. And I'd be lying if I said
491 01:29:40,589 --> 01:29:56,219 when I came home and the summer months of 2016 we had come back from the beach. We spent a week and I got emails from people saying there's a lot of people in
492 01:29:56,219 --> 01:30:04,619 the Middle East that are selling your free videos off your YouTube channel just there. Sonam and you know me now because of being in these Twitter spaces, I'm
493 01:30:04,619 --> 01:30:19,019 bipolar. And it's very difficult for me to control myself once I flip the switch inside, not that I want to, but when it happens, I start running. And sometimes
494 01:30:19,019 --> 01:30:28,259 it's ugly things that come into my mouth. And sometimes it's sometimes it's funny stuff. And sometimes, I wish I could go back and erase that from history
495 01:30:28,259 --> 01:30:42,599 because it's, I'm not in control of myself. So, while I've never been drunk, I've never been out of my mind because of drugs. To me, I look at it, it's
496 01:30:43,019 --> 01:30:57,899 equivalent to that. And I got pissed off. I got mad. And I did the very thing I said, I would never ever do. And I went on Twitter, and I said, Here, you
497 01:30:57,899 --> 01:31:02,339 motherfuckers are never going to get anything ever for free anymore. You want to learn from me? This is it.
498 01:31:03,420 --> 01:31:04,260 150 bucks.
499 01:31:07,170 --> 01:31:15,750 Now looking back at it was stupid, because I was thinking, I'm punishing them how to how am I? How am I punishing them? The only thing I did was say, hey,
500 01:31:15,750 --> 01:31:25,080 look, pay me 100 For these hours, I'm gonna give you some really good shit. So they can sell that too. And that's exactly what they did. My shit was leaked all
501 01:31:25,080 --> 01:31:36,930 over the place. It was in telegram channels. It was in discord rooms, it was on Google Drives. It was on flash drives being sold hand to hand at bus stops. It
502 01:31:36,930 --> 01:31:43,290 was the new crack. It still is. I got the Heisenberg shit. I mean, this is the real shit. Everybody wants this.
503 01:31:45,149 --> 01:31:49,019 That's cool. But
504 01:31:50,160 --> 01:31:58,350 all the time I was spending and doing all that stuff, making all the lectures and putting out with everybody's personalities and character flaws and
505 01:31:58,380 --> 01:32:12,540 impatience. It was just me doing it. Me just me answering the questions producing the videos and editing and everything else. Yes, it was hard. It was
506 01:32:12,540 --> 01:32:31,350 hard to do all that shit. And I wished I hadn't done it that way. And then I had a audience member. Say, you know? Would you ever let anybody else come in
507 01:32:31,350 --> 01:32:40,560 because I have a cousin, I have a brother. I have a sister after this after that. And they would come in with these requests. And I was like, I'll do one
508 01:32:40,560 --> 01:32:49,800 more enrollment. I'll do one more enrollment. And every year when I wanted to stop it just was like, bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger, and produce more
509 01:32:49,800 --> 01:33:13,050 work for me. Then I had to stop the 2021 group that was it. A lot of young folks that came in. Nope. No discipline. No respect. No couth courtesy. Just you know,
510 01:33:13,050 --> 01:33:21,150 I'm talking about young young folks. And I was a young folk at one time, I was an asshole, a prick, arrogant little asshole. And I had a lot of those come into
511 01:33:21,150 --> 01:33:31,200 the 2021 mentorship. And a lot of them are running mentorships right now teaching my shit. And they're the ones that I blocked. And they talk shit about
512 01:33:31,200 --> 01:33:46,530 me now and they still can't keep up. When I went through that mentorship, and I was looking for a way where I could feel satisfied. And say, Okay, I'm, I'm
513 01:33:46,530 --> 01:33:58,920 content. I'm done with this. I have a lot of people constantly email and they still do. Can I join your private group? No. I'm going to tell you something,
514 01:33:58,950 --> 01:34:12,690 honestly. Okay. This is the God's honest truth. And everybody that's in my private mentorship can come out and say I'm lying if I am. Right now. The only
515 01:34:12,690 --> 01:34:24,270 thing they're getting from me is the opportunity to ask questions where you don't. When I present something, you get it the way I give it to you and there's
516 01:34:24,270 --> 01:34:35,490 nothing extra. That's it. When I produce a lecture, I give them a medium. And I say, if you have questions about what I did here, you can ask me and I will
517 01:34:35,490 --> 01:34:44,280 answer their questions. That's what they're, that's the group. I've already taught everything on those core videos that's on my YouTube channel. They
518 01:34:44,280 --> 01:34:53,700 watched me do that live. That was what they paid for that experience that that exposure to it before it happens. The lecturers being a part of that community.
519 01:34:57,120 --> 01:35:06,960 When I'm teaching, I'm teaching publicly That way, no one can sell it and steal it and say here, I've got something cool. Here's ICTs videos. I don't produce
520 01:35:06,960 --> 01:35:16,440 videos for that private group anymore. I haven't done so in years. Now. And that's not probably true. Is it about about over a year or so? I give them a
521 01:35:16,440 --> 01:35:31,410 community place for them to talk with me and ask me questions and talk with other members. That's what that is. There is no way to join that. So why am I
522 01:35:31,410 --> 01:35:47,610 doing this? Because I know what's about to happen. I've known it for a while when I stepped out on baby pips. 2010. I was reading a lot of people on there
523 01:35:47,880 --> 01:35:57,510 talking like they knew what they're talking about. And they don't know what the fuck they're talking about. And I was afraid to come out and talk about these
524 01:35:57,510 --> 01:36:01,740 things. I was afraid. I'm gonna deny it. I mean, I was fucking afraid.
525 01:36:07,590 --> 01:36:20,790 Not because of being judged by the public. It's not when I came out and more to demo badge. Forever. I coined that term demo baller. That's who I was. So Was
526 01:36:20,790 --> 01:36:29,910 anyone gonna say that me? Not. I came out publicly and said, I'm doing this sort of demo, but I'm doing it 50 times better than you. Can you're selling shit.
527 01:36:31,350 --> 01:36:34,110 Pretend to be something. Elite.
528 01:36:38,460 --> 01:36:43,260 Lamborghinis and BMWs
529 01:36:44,520 --> 01:36:54,870 between showing your trades getting in and out. And that's what people saw. When he joined my mentorship before what you're seeing right now. Little recordings
530 01:36:54,870 --> 01:37:08,400 of me doing examples of trades. And now you have the benefit of doing what? Seeing why I've done those trades. So after I closed that private group down, I
531 01:37:08,400 --> 01:37:22,440 had a lot of people reach out to me and say, hey, look, you know, you're an asshole, because you won't let me join. You're being selfish. You're a jerk. You
532 01:37:22,440 --> 01:37:29,370 won't let other people do you did this many times that you stopped now. And I know there was a lot of people that couldn't afford to keep up with the payments
533 01:37:29,370 --> 01:37:40,560 on you. There's a lot of people that could have never done it at all. I had folks or Africa joined up 25 Deep per account. That means there was 25 people
534 01:37:40,560 --> 01:37:58,920 chipping in just to make that one monthly payment each month. I didn't know that time. But that's how most of that she got on telegram. One family member got
535 01:37:58,920 --> 01:38:03,330 greedy and tried to sell it and then it got leaked and got leaked and got leaked and got leaked. That's how it happened.
536 01:38:09,870 --> 01:38:21,360 So I had all these folks reach out to me and put a heavy heaviness on me. And I took me back to when I was on baby pips when I first stepped out there the very
537 01:38:21,360 --> 01:38:32,760 first post I ever made. With every new and aspiring forex trader wants to know, I had that thing typed out for like a week before I put it up, edit it, edit
538 01:38:32,760 --> 01:38:46,680 things took things away. I was afraid. Like I was afraid to start it all. Knowing me once I started something, it would just go on and on. And then I
539 01:38:46,680 --> 01:38:59,400 would just eventually get to the point where I knew I share too much. And then the ramifications of all that stuff I've had to deal with. So when I had a lot
540 01:38:59,400 --> 01:39:08,790 of folks all around the world, reach out to me. And you see it still in my comments. And when I've comment on other people's videos. Hey, can you do one
541 01:39:08,790 --> 01:39:09,420 more mentorship?
542 01:39:10,470 --> 01:39:17,430 Folks, listen. I'm doing it right here. This is my last time
543 01:39:20,910 --> 01:39:33,090 I believe my family is going to need me and I'm going to need them. It's going to get hard. It's going to get real real hard. And having a lot of money is not
544 01:39:33,720 --> 01:39:51,150 something that makes one exempt because money will be attacked. So I'm doing this because I want to clear conscience. I don't want to have to answer to you
545 01:39:51,150 --> 01:39:56,220 could have did this much more and help this many more.
546 01:39:58,260 --> 01:40:00,480 If you would have done it This way,
547 01:40:02,040 --> 01:40:13,200 and I felt like I was being directed to do this. You can call it conscience you can call it just guilt you can call it attention seeking call whatever you want
548 01:40:13,200 --> 01:40:26,130 to call it. I'm doing what I feel in my heart I should do. No matter how many people find success or fail in it. No one's gonna be able to say I did a half
549 01:40:26,130 --> 01:40:39,780 assed. No one's gonna say that I held anything back. No one's gonna say that I didn't pour myself into it. And I'm going to have a clear conscience when I tell
550 01:40:39,780 --> 01:40:51,750 you the second Friday in November this year, should we get to that point? Because something had happened? You Tomorrow is not promised a new man. But what
551 01:40:51,750 --> 01:41:08,910 happens when we get to that point? What are my hopes my hopes are this that you will have found a way to get out of your own way. Stop hindering your progress.
552 01:41:09,780 --> 01:41:22,590 Stop having lofty expectations of yourself and your trading. Be realistic with it. Go back and watch that end series. That's how I started on baby pips. I
553 01:41:22,590 --> 01:41:36,420 wanted you to think responsibly about money. How to earn it. And how to use speculation. Not get rich quick. I've never permitted get rich quick ever. I've
554 01:41:36,420 --> 01:41:46,050 never ever ever done that shit. And anybody that gets out there and flashes that pops up. Look, folks, I have the real shit. I have I have all that money. I have
555 01:41:46,050 --> 01:41:54,090 all those fucking toys. I can go out and buy a Lamborghini. every fucking day of the week. I can do that. I can live stream that shit. I can go out there and
556 01:41:54,090 --> 01:42:01,890 show you the fucking receipts. Here it is. There's no fucking lease payment and I don't lease a fucking car now at all. All my shits for real you're seeing
557 01:42:01,890 --> 01:42:17,940 Photoshops yet 2019 was a lease until it was paid off. And I still own it. It's in my garage. I don't like Lamborghinis or shit. I like American muscle. And
558 01:42:17,940 --> 01:42:31,470 while I'm talking about I took a Hellcat jailbreak edition, they had extra work done to it took it out the other day. They have a $50,000 markup on this fucker,
559 01:42:31,560 --> 01:42:38,790 which is insane. It's already it's too stupidly expensive as it is, but they're not making them anymore. So I've been wrestling with and the dealer keeps
560 01:42:38,790 --> 01:42:46,140 calling me up saying, Look, how can we do a deal? How can we do a deal? We got to come up with 30,000 because that just doesn't make any damn sense. I mean, I
561 01:42:46,140 --> 01:42:57,810 wasted a lot of money, lots of money over my lifetime on cars. But I know having that car I'm buying it to not drive it. Which makes no fucking sense, right?
562 01:42:57,990 --> 01:43:06,570 When I drive my Corvettes I drive every car that I own. If you're gonna invest money in something like that, you know, I just don't have the disposition to do
563 01:43:06,570 --> 01:43:13,950 it. Like I'm not a collector in that respect. I'm not a Jay Leno by a car and put it in a fucking room and don't touch it. Now, that's not me. So I've been
564 01:43:13,950 --> 01:43:23,730 wrestling with that. Nobody's gonna be paying $230,000 for that car. So but they're trying to argue and say the owners just watched them one bite at an
565 01:43:23,730 --> 01:43:38,520 auction for 210,000. If that's the case, and you'd be selling your shit for 190,000, not 138. So it's all bullshit. I don't know how I got on that topic. I
566 01:43:38,520 --> 01:43:51,660 want you all to be able to take what I'm sharing. formulate an approach that's unique to you. That matches your disposition, your personality, not chasing
567 01:43:51,660 --> 01:44:06,360 money, not chasing wealth, not chasing clout, but to be able to make your ends meet or at least a alleviate some, if not most of the added increase that we're
568 01:44:06,360 --> 01:44:07,710 all going to experience.
569 01:44:09,510 --> 01:44:10,800 When I go to the grocery store,
570 01:44:11,850 --> 01:44:27,540 I buy groceries for four people and two dogs. And my grocery bill is anywhere between a low and $100 to 1500 hours a month. Now, that might not be the
571 01:44:27,540 --> 01:44:43,410 equivalent to you. It may be less it may be more but I can tell you I wasn't spending that two years ago. So I thought to myself around the fall of last
572 01:44:43,410 --> 01:44:57,060 year, I was thinking myself, you know, what can I do to live with myself? To know that I've done everything that I could have done to make this accessible to
573 01:44:57,060 --> 01:45:09,390 all of you did she tell you how to do it properly, to walk you through it, to show it to you real time, what it looks like in the charts. And remove all the
574 01:45:09,390 --> 01:45:20,040 bullshit that these assholes out there claim that they know about me what I really look like what you all see what I look like I showed myself on corpse
575 01:45:21,510 --> 01:45:32,580 interview. That's me. You see me without my facial hair? When I was driving my Corvette did a little short thing on YouTube.
576 01:45:33,810 --> 01:45:34,830 That's what I look like.
577 01:45:35,970 --> 01:45:46,200 Does that make you more money? No one I look like it doesn't make any sense. If I show you my cars, if I go out and buy that jailbreak edition, does it make you
578 01:45:46,200 --> 01:45:58,770 more money? No. I've lived my life. The way I want to live my life, I don't try to live my life in front of all of you. I don't have an interest in doing that.
579 01:46:02,520 --> 01:46:03,510 There is a
580 01:46:05,250 --> 01:46:15,660 narrative that I want to use, because it'll help me write off and depreciate the motorhome that I have. So I will be doing like a private, not a private but a
581 01:46:15,660 --> 01:46:24,390 separate playlist of like a digital nomad. That's what I'm going to call it that playlist will be digital nomad where I'm taking our RV out to different
582 01:46:24,390 --> 01:46:34,200 locations this year. And because I will be trading, you'll see me over the shoulders, I'm trading. And I'm in the RV. So that allows me to write that off.
583 01:46:34,770 --> 01:46:46,710 Because it's a series for me to do what collect ad revenue on YouTube with that series, which allows me to do what legally depreciate that RV, which I paid
584 01:46:46,800 --> 01:46:59,040 nearly $300,000 for. Don't just do things on a whim. I'm doing things that make sense. Now, anybody else that goes out and buys an RV?
585 01:47:00,029 --> 01:47:02,669 You eat it. That's the way it is.
586 01:47:03,689 --> 01:47:21,449 But if I show something, it's part of my sitcom, my presentation my YouTube channel. It's a element. That is part it's integral to what it is I'm doing
587 01:47:21,749 --> 01:47:33,059 digital nomad, I'm a traveling around the world trader. And here I am trading the s&p, we're in Arizona right now. We're in Utah, we're in Montana, which I
588 01:47:33,059 --> 01:47:43,559 can't wait to go up to. And I think I've already told somebody why. But because I'm doing that, and I'm running a business with it. It allows me to do what
589 01:47:43,619 --> 01:47:50,429 legally depreciate it. Whereas if you tried to do that, and you don't have a business, it'd be like, What the hell are you trying to do that for you can't do
590 01:47:50,429 --> 01:48:01,049 that. Can't do it. So there's a way to be a master over money, or, which is what we're trained to be in school, a slave to money.
591 01:48:06,420 --> 01:48:22,080 I want you all to be able to do what you can, within your own limitations that you held right now that will be expanded over time. Through growing pains,
592 01:48:22,080 --> 01:48:32,040 you'll be able to do more than you'll be able to do when you first start doing this. But my hopes and prayers are that I have completed this year in a way
593 01:48:32,040 --> 01:48:44,010 where I've impacted your life inspired you to make better changes, decisions about what you do with money and how to pursue it. And hopefully created a
594 01:48:44,070 --> 01:48:58,380 vehicle for you to go in and explore the opportunity for you to find that in this. I can't promise it to you. I wish I could. A would if it could be easier
595 01:48:58,500 --> 01:49:10,860 or shown to you in a real straightforward 123 Easy, I would do it. God knows it's my wish and prayer for you to be able to do this and I want to stop when
596 01:49:10,860 --> 01:49:21,960 I'm done. That way you know I'm not leading you on to some key paying the ad revenue. Keep doing this and keep doing that. I don't I don't want that. If it
597 01:49:21,960 --> 01:49:35,040 was about money, I would be putting up the PayPal link saying here pay me and look how many people's follow me right now. If just 20% started paying me I'd be
598 01:49:35,040 --> 01:49:45,180 back to making millions of dollars again a month. It's not about that. I'm already rich. I don't need more money. I don't need to do it. I don't ever need
599 01:49:45,180 --> 01:49:58,980 to take a trade ever again. The rest of my life ever, ever everything I own is owned. I don't rent. I don't lease don't do shit. So I'll lock stock and barrel
600 01:49:58,980 --> 01:50:14,430 mine. And I'm proving to you that I'm not motivated by attention, or people paying me monthly subscriptions. I don't need that. So when you come to me and
601 01:50:14,430 --> 01:50:26,250 you're listening to me, there's no ulterior motive. There's no upsell coming. In the easiest way for me to in my mind, I was thinking, how can I prove that
602 01:50:26,250 --> 01:50:37,560 there's no reason not to trust me. And what I'm saying, and what I'm teaching you in the marketplace, is do it for free. Do it publicly, do it live streamed,
603 01:50:37,860 --> 01:50:51,720 do it every single day, and ask nothing in return. And that's why I'm doing it. I might not be successful, there may be some of you that I don't reach, that you
604 01:50:51,720 --> 01:51:03,630 can't do it. In in certain respects, I guess in some ways you can say I failed, being able to teach for every person, but I'm trying my best. I'm doing I've
605 01:51:03,630 --> 01:51:18,480 never claimed to be the best mentor on the mentor of every mentor out there teaching this shit. But I'm not the best mentor. I'm not the best. I'm not upset
606 01:51:18,480 --> 01:51:31,020 about that. I know there's limitations to me. But I'm doing everything I can to make this obtainable for you.
607 01:51:36,870 --> 01:51:46,440 And it's frankly since I've started every night, when I lay my head down, I have went to sleep peacefully.
608 01:51:48,180 --> 01:51:51,570 Thankfully, I don't have anything
609 01:51:51,570 --> 01:52:04,260 in my heart that feels regretful I don't feel like I have lived my entire life where I know things that the general public would never know. And there's many
610 01:52:04,260 --> 01:52:19,020 times I've been in situations I've watched other people hurt themselves in these markets. And I know how that can be prevented any haunts me because I can't I
611 01:52:19,020 --> 01:52:28,380 can't fix everyone and I can't bring those people back in some of them were friends I was afraid to tell them
612 01:52:32,760 --> 01:52:33,660 what are you afraid of
613 01:52:43,260 --> 01:52:44,400 being able to see my family
614 01:52:45,960 --> 01:52:50,940 and they've seen me breathe
615 01:52:59,189 --> 01:53:02,579 so it takes a whole lot of effort for me to create a language
616 01:53:08,729 --> 01:53:25,799 presented where it is far enough away. But for someone that knows it, they can recognize it. And it has nothing to do with anything retail nothing
617 01:53:33,300 --> 01:53:53,910 and when I'm done this year I won't be feeling like I have more to do to not feel a guilt free life you're not entitled to this information. I'm not
618 01:53:53,910 --> 01:54:09,960 obligated to teach it. But I made a promise. And I feel like this is the best way for me to fulfill that. Man if anybody has odds against me after this
619 01:54:12,300 --> 01:54:29,760 whatever I can't, I can't connect with everyone. Some of you have a issue with me because I'm doing this and you try to sell something so you don't want to
620 01:54:29,760 --> 01:54:46,770 vilify bill of vilify me on that. Exaggerate shit, make up things. Doctor my actual image, say things are not true about me and my family are because you
621 01:54:46,770 --> 01:55:02,730 can't be at this level. My disposition and my character is I want to help everyone. Even other people that Do this and sell things and try to make a
622 01:55:02,730 --> 01:55:03,780 business for themselves.
623 01:55:08,910 --> 01:55:20,700 I could be a selfish dick and keep growing in my community and never reach out to other people. But if you look at what I do, I reach out to other YouTubers,
624 01:55:21,750 --> 01:55:25,470 other traders, other people that are starting up their own little thing.
625 01:55:27,239 --> 01:55:28,079 And I bump them.
626 01:55:29,460 --> 01:55:38,310 Because that's my nature. I do that that's who I am. I'm not a villain. I'm not an asshole that goes around with the club. The never everybody the head saying,
627 01:55:38,670 --> 01:55:54,000 your trash. You can't do this. You can't do that. I have been blessed with a wonderfully, wonderfully supportive community. Some of you are just overzealous,
628 01:55:54,540 --> 01:56:07,230 and you want to treat it like it's a football team. And we're not the Pittsburgh Steelers. We're not the Terrible Towel swinging. I think I got that right. I'm
629 01:56:07,230 --> 01:56:13,500 not a football fan. I'm probably going to be embarrassed myself here because I don't know sports. Well, but I know there's you know, I think it's the
630 01:56:13,500 --> 01:56:27,390 Pittsburgh Steelers. Pittsburgh Steelers. I think yeah, I know it's Steelers. But they have this town, they swing around in, in the audience in the stadium.
631 01:56:28,110 --> 01:56:38,640 And they start screaming and stuff. I don't understand it. But some of my students feel like that's what it's like, or like, they're one of the 300 You're
632 01:56:38,640 --> 01:56:44,010 the Spartans, you, they gotta go out there and do war with people. That's not what this is, man.
633 01:56:45,029 --> 01:56:45,899 It's not what it is.
634 01:56:47,640 --> 01:56:56,790 But I'm been blessed with such a huge community that just keeps growing. I got 20,000 followers on Twitter. And I don't even know how it happened. Like, in a
635 01:56:56,790 --> 01:57:06,240 very short time, it just boom, they were there. More to 140 3000 on Twitter. And I'm just a little bit below half a million subscribers on YouTube.
636 01:57:07,109 --> 01:57:10,889 I'm intimidated by that. Like I am.
637 01:57:12,359 --> 01:57:26,519 I'm nervous. Because I don't I'm I know there's a lot of people listening. But when there's a number attached to that like that. It's very intimidating. I
638 01:57:26,519 --> 01:57:42,209 mean, you hear me talk about the markets when I'm dialed in, and I'm distracted by how the numbers and ears and listening to me. I don't want to see that chat
639 01:57:42,209 --> 01:57:49,289 window. I don't want to know I don't never know how many people are listening to my live streams or in this like I don't know how many of you are listening.
640 01:57:50,099 --> 01:58:03,599 Because if I if I see that I'll choke it'll it'll become a impediment for me to be able to talk openly and freely and be me because I'm still that kid
641 01:58:05,430 --> 01:58:06,240 from Middle River
642 01:58:13,170 --> 01:58:17,430 that will never have the pleasure.
643 01:58:19,800 --> 01:58:27,240 This sense of accomplishment here the man that he loves, tell him you've done good
644 01:58:34,319 --> 01:58:39,209 and as many times as I hear from all of you, and I appreciate it, it doesn't satisfy
645 01:58:47,310 --> 01:59:00,420 so when I do these things, the scratch an itch that I can't ever satisfy. And I I guess in many ways, I'll continue doing it until I don't have my mental
646 01:59:00,420 --> 01:59:14,010 faculties or here it's a pursuit of something that I'm never going to obtain and I know it but that's the passion and the drive behind me. That's why I do it.
647 01:59:15,540 --> 01:59:17,700 I like to think that he can look down and see me
648 01:59:29,640 --> 01:59:31,830 the first half of my life I live very selfishly
649 01:59:39,779 --> 01:59:50,969 and seeing many of you through this medium or the internet, coming in contact with so many of you it changed me
650 01:59:57,479 --> 02:00:10,289 when I was a 20 year old Knowing this stuff makes you feel a mortal. Arrogance, pride
651 02:00:22,319 --> 02:00:38,759 when you get older, and you have a family and you lose family members, you lose children. That stuff weighs on you and your view about how you keep score in
652 02:00:38,759 --> 02:00:53,849 life changes. It's not about how much money you make and how much you have in the bank. It's the relationships, how you impact other people, and how you lead
653 02:00:53,849 --> 02:01:10,349 them. And I want to be able to know that I've done as much as I can, within the scope of my capabilities. Because I don't claim to know how to teach the best
654 02:01:10,349 --> 02:01:21,689 way I don't I don't know, I don't know how to do that. I've prayed all the time, for the gift of teaching for the patients to do it. And you can hear I'm
655 02:01:21,719 --> 02:01:38,819 wrestling with real things that a human being in a better position mentally. Because I can't fight these imbalances. I can't correct them. And I will never
656 02:01:38,819 --> 02:01:53,279 take medicine for it. I will not do it. To me. It's not medicine. It's changing who you are by taking that. And I don't want to be anybody but me. That's why I
657 02:01:53,279 --> 02:02:00,119 don't drink. I don't get drunk. I don't take drugs. I'm lucid all the time.
658 02:02:11,040 --> 02:02:13,320 I wish I would have had the courage to come out and tell you
659 02:02:14,310 --> 02:02:15,510 in the beginning why
660 02:02:17,880 --> 02:02:33,780 I'd only do things recorded because I know what it feels like for me to live like this 50 years old. And 1000 thoughts in my head all the time. And when I
661 02:02:33,780 --> 02:02:43,170 was younger, it was all violent thoughts. You would look at me and think wow, this, this boy is quiet. He's so pleasant. He's well mannered. But I had
662 02:02:43,170 --> 02:02:49,650 homicidal thoughts in my head all the time. Because I didn't want to be where I was. I felt uncomfortable.
663 02:02:50,880 --> 02:02:53,310 claustrophobic, pressure,
664 02:02:53,670 --> 02:03:09,990 anxious, not knowing that they were chemical imbalances in how do you articulate that as a kid you don't know how to say You stay quiet and you say nothing. And
665 02:03:09,990 --> 02:03:25,650 now over time. Too much shit, I have to start talking. And that's what I can talk and talk and talk and talk. And it's better for me to talk. Because if it
666 02:03:25,650 --> 02:03:34,380 stays inside of me, it bottles up. And then it comes out later on with a family member that didn't ask for it.
667 02:03:36,660 --> 02:03:40,380 Why do you do these? Twitter spaces, it's therapy.
668 02:03:43,290 --> 02:03:48,600 Frankly, I don't give a fuck if you like what I'm saying. I don't care. It's letting me
669 02:03:49,080 --> 02:03:50,100 get rid of it
670 02:03:57,330 --> 02:04:17,070 these aren't for my children. But when I make videos they are here it's just an outlet. And if I can help in the process, if you can see past my poor choice of
671 02:04:17,070 --> 02:04:30,630 language sometimes. And you can get something from it. All the better. If you don't get anything from him, don't listen to him. If you're offended by him,
672 02:04:30,660 --> 02:04:41,340 don't listen to him. They're unfiltered. You'll hear me have an emotional high sometimes. In the eyes, you'll hear me cry sometimes.
673 02:04:46,560 --> 02:04:52,320 I'm human. When people say things about me that aren't true.
674 02:04:54,029 --> 02:04:54,929 It bothers me
675 02:04:56,279 --> 02:05:04,049 knowing that I put as much effort into doing what I do When I'd be willing to help any of them
676 02:05:17,699 --> 02:05:29,639 too much emphasis is placed on image. And I don't want any of you as my students that become good at this fall victim to that stuff. You can go into it with the
677 02:05:29,639 --> 02:05:41,969 other right mindset like I did. Our hair bows like 1000 hours a month, and I'll retire at 40. And then when you taste real money, real fast, that stuff changes
678 02:05:41,969 --> 02:05:53,879 you real easy. And then when you make it known to people around you, your friends and your family, and they bring in their views about what it is that you
679 02:05:53,879 --> 02:06:04,529 should be doing, and how you should do this and do that. And they can't even make their bills. They can't even get their car fixed, because they don't have
680 02:06:04,529 --> 02:06:15,119 enough money. And you're making what they earn in four months, in a day. And they're going to tell you what you're supposed to be doing. And they get angry
681 02:06:15,119 --> 02:06:23,369 because you're not listening to them. How many times do you have to listen to that before you blow up in their face and tell them about themselves. That's
682 02:06:23,369 --> 02:06:28,979 what I did. And I wish I could go back in time and take it away. Because those words cut
683 02:06:35,819 --> 02:06:36,899 your family members, they
684 02:06:36,900 --> 02:06:50,910 love you, your friends, they love you. But they're not going to love you doing better than them. That's a rare quality in a person. In some of you are going to
685 02:06:50,910 --> 02:07:03,360 experience that, unfortunately, to the best thing you can do is mind your own fucking business. And don't let anybody else mind yours. Meaning don't talk
686 02:07:03,360 --> 02:07:14,400 about what you make. Don't talk about what you're doing. Don't plan on sharing what you're planning on doing. The only thing you're doing is inviting people
687 02:07:14,520 --> 02:07:23,580 that are not doing it won't understand what you're doing. They don't have the capabilities to even pursue it because if they did, they'd be doing it
688 02:07:23,580 --> 02:07:32,250 themselves. Proof of that as soon as you tell them you're trading Oh, you're gonna lose your ass. That's a pipe dream. They just communicated their view of
689 02:07:32,250 --> 02:07:40,860 it, which they adopted from somebody else because they've never done it. Ask anybody that's making money today. If you should pursue what you're doing
690 02:07:41,460 --> 02:07:51,150 fucking right you should epsa fucking loot leash should. Why is it taking you this fucking long? Why aren't you already fucking trading. That's the response
691 02:07:51,150 --> 02:07:57,540 you're gonna get from people that are successful. Get the fuck in here and let's go. You're missing out, let's go.
692 02:08:01,410 --> 02:08:02,340 But in the beginning,
693 02:08:03,899 --> 02:08:19,769 you feel like you need that comfort of a friend and a family member to encourage you. You don't. You don't need that. I thought I needed it. You don't. That's a
694 02:08:19,769 --> 02:08:21,749 mistake. To do that.
695 02:08:23,370 --> 02:08:26,880 You know, your best friend is your journal.
696 02:08:30,120 --> 02:08:40,740 You want to pour yourself out? confide in someone that's never going to tell your story to anyone else that never gonna spill your mistakes and embarrass you
697 02:08:43,470 --> 02:08:44,310 pour it into your journal.
698 02:08:46,260 --> 02:09:00,540 It's therapy. It's useful. It's effective learning. It tracks all your progress. It's never going to judge you is going to show your highs and lows without any
699 02:09:00,570 --> 02:09:18,510 judgment. And it's the best fucking trading book you'll ever read. And you're the author of it. How impressive. Stop buying people's books. They're talking
700 02:09:18,510 --> 02:09:22,530 shit to you. nothing new under the sun
701 02:09:29,970 --> 02:09:41,520 take all your attention all your energy and pour it into what you're doing. And once you learn how to do this, find a way to pour your efforts into others. Help
702 02:09:41,520 --> 02:09:52,680 other people take what you earn a month. It's okay. I'm going to take 5% of what I earn. And I'm gonna go out and I'm gonna find someone that needs it not to
703 02:09:52,680 --> 02:10:02,550 these organizations, because that shit rarely ever goes into the people that they say they help. Go out there in the trenches. in grocery stores, you want to
704 02:10:02,550 --> 02:10:12,900 see somebody in need of things. Walk around your grocery store. Get yourself a cart to get a loaf of bread, things that you can walk around with, not thaw out,
705 02:10:13,830 --> 02:10:26,370 spend some time and observe. Read the faces of those individuals in there. They're going to tell you a story if you just look and you want to feel like
706 02:10:26,370 --> 02:10:44,730 you've accomplished something. buy their groceries. And when you turn to you, they can't even talk. Your eyes are full of water because it's tearful. That it
707 02:10:44,730 --> 02:11:07,950 feels real good. It feels really good. And they don't know you from Adam. Didn't ask for help. But you did it because you want to. In living life like that is
708 02:11:07,950 --> 02:11:09,360 very very fulfilling.
709 02:11:18,960 --> 02:11:20,310 I've had so many people
710 02:11:24,180 --> 02:11:37,680 turn to me and just say like, you have no idea how much this helps right now. into me many times I feels like a divine appointment. Like I was placed there at
711 02:11:37,680 --> 02:11:51,450 that time. For that moment for that very thing. And it feels good. It has nothing to ego. It's not virtue signaling because the only three people that
712 02:11:51,450 --> 02:12:04,140 know about it, or four people that know about it is God. The person receiving it, me in the cashier witnessing it. I don't try to make a spectacle out of it.
713 02:12:05,040 --> 02:12:14,820 I try to catch him when he woke up to the register when there's nobody else around us but mean them and the cashier, cashier and quietly without
714 02:12:14,820 --> 02:12:27,390 embarrassing them. Get the attention of the cashier and not just mouth out and say I got them don't charge them. They usually smirk. Okay. Anytime goes are
715 02:12:27,390 --> 02:12:36,600 done, it's paid for. And they look bewildered. Which is funny sometimes. Because you're like, What do you mean it's paid for? They can totally lost their mind. I
716 02:12:36,600 --> 02:12:43,740 don't even take my card out of my pocket. Yeah, was it paid for? It's okay, it's paid for. And then when you turn around, see me I'm smiling, sometimes crying.
717 02:12:45,450 --> 02:12:58,710 It feels good. And I'm only saying this to you. And I've said it before. I don't want you all to say Oh, that's nice if you ICT because that's more reward than I
718 02:12:58,710 --> 02:13:07,980 don't want that. I want to encourage you all to not think about what you're going to do for yourself and your own image online. I live in this kind of
719 02:13:07,980 --> 02:13:24,150 house. I drive this car. I can go on these vacations. Look at this watch that pay too much money for what do you think feels better going out and buying a
720 02:13:24,150 --> 02:13:37,710 piece of shit Rolex watch, which I don't own a Rolex and I would never own a Rolex or fucking shit. The garbage. protec is the real watch what matters more
721 02:13:39,930 --> 02:13:57,900 cars, trips, vacation homes, houses or reaching out and touching someone else with your wealth. And being impactful in a positive way like that. That's far
722 02:13:57,900 --> 02:14:13,860 better. I don't look at people that have more money than me that fly around and jets and shit. and think, wow, I wish I could be like them. They don't live
723 02:14:13,860 --> 02:14:33,990 lives, like unliving. Even if you earned enough where you could take yourself out to. Once a month, you go out, you find someone in need like that. Randomly
724 02:14:33,990 --> 02:14:40,410 just pick them. Ask God to say hey, put me in front of somebody that needs it. They'll find a way to get you there.
725 02:14:42,989 --> 02:14:44,429 And when you do it one time.
726 02:14:46,229 --> 02:14:52,139 The next time you're in front of your charts and you're looking for trades, you're gonna be like, I want to do that again and I want to help someone else
727 02:14:52,139 --> 02:15:00,119 again. Rather than let me be successful in this because at the end of the month, I'm going to take this much and I'm going to bless somebody with it. Do
728 02:15:06,600 --> 02:15:07,170 you want to see your
729 02:15:07,170 --> 02:15:16,170 accuracy increase? It will. Doors will open up and things like that, when you know it in your heart, you mean it, you're going to do it.
730 02:15:17,460 --> 02:15:20,130 Okay? Let's see you do it.
731 02:15:20,849 --> 02:15:32,399 And you're gonna find things get real easy. Because you're not living the life for you, not just you and yours, but you're trying to be helpful to other
732 02:15:32,399 --> 02:15:35,819 people, and the oil will not run out
733 02:15:43,649 --> 02:15:56,759 I don't want you just being good traders. If that's all I wanted, I would just stop teaching, because I've already taught you how to trade. I want you to be
734 02:15:56,759 --> 02:16:09,749 better people, better human beings, and I'm learning to be better in the process. I want you to find a way to look at your life, and try to live it a
735 02:16:09,749 --> 02:16:23,459 little bit more purpose driven. It has nothing to do with religion. I mentioned God. But you may not believe in that change the fact that he does or doesn't
736 02:16:23,459 --> 02:16:36,479 exist. But you can still do these things and be rewarding to other people. And it just feels good. It feels good. For somebody who don't have any money, you
737 02:16:36,479 --> 02:16:44,369 can't imagine doing that. And most of you lie and say like the lottery, if I win the lottery, I'm gonna give this to that person, I'm gonna buy a house or if the
738 02:16:44,369 --> 02:16:54,869 one you wouldn't have done any of those things, you would have been greedy and would have kicked every bit of it. And that's why you don't want to how many of
739 02:16:54,869 --> 02:17:06,689 you have sat down and figured out? If you could make this much as a goal? How much would you be willing to give to someone in need? I'm not gonna say, Here,
740 02:17:06,689 --> 02:17:17,459 go this give us this charity, here's the charity. I'm telling you, you find someone that you know, in front of you is in need. And you give them what they
741 02:17:17,459 --> 02:17:26,669 need. You're gonna do it where you they don't know you. They're not gonna come back and ask for seconds and thirds and fifths
742 02:17:33,210 --> 02:17:46,980 in many ways, you're appearing to them like an angel. You're not going to be there when they talk about you. But you can imagine you're gonna go home and
743 02:17:46,980 --> 02:17:59,460 think to themselves, how on earth did that just happen when I can't make it right now and I'm barely struggling to this meet ends right now. And this person
744 02:17:59,460 --> 02:18:06,270 just popped up right there. And now I got these groceries that I didn't have to pay for what a relief
745 02:18:12,479 --> 02:18:13,199 I liked that.
746 02:18:16,920 --> 02:18:19,170 I liked the fact that you don't even have to know my name.
747 02:18:24,389 --> 02:18:38,159 And I'm thankful for the opportunities that I'm given when I do it. It's been only one time. And I can tell you that I did it. This young lady she had a kid
748 02:18:38,159 --> 02:18:52,169 in her car her car. And I sang I'm gonna I'm gonna pick her fall around the store. Afraid that she's probably thinking I was creeping, right. So I'm keeping
749 02:18:52,499 --> 02:18:59,909 a good distance away. I'm waiting for I'm like when she's not putting anything else. He had a birthday cake in her cart. I think she had a candle or to
750 02:19:00,749 --> 02:19:11,249 somebody somebody's birthday party, right? If only she makes it up to the to register. Now hurry up and right behind her. And I'm telling him cashier I got
751 02:19:11,249 --> 02:19:25,589 her. Don't charge her they you guys, okay, you don't have to pay for it. She's what? I didn't. How's it free? And she pointed to me. And I just smile to her. I
752 02:19:25,589 --> 02:19:42,599 said don't worry about she's like No, thank you. No, I appreciate it. Nothing. Just out the door. You meant. That was a weird feeling. I didn't know what to
753 02:19:42,599 --> 02:19:51,539 think about it. I still don't know what to think about it. I guess entitlement. Maybe they thought that maybe she thought I was trying to hook up with her or
754 02:19:51,539 --> 02:20:05,579 something to that effect. But that was the only one time that didn't have the experience of feeling like it was a blessing. And I'm sure you know, if you do
755 02:20:05,579 --> 02:20:15,749 it enough, you'll probably have one or two instances like that, but it never discouraged me of doing it. But if you sit down and you make a budget, for in
756 02:20:15,749 --> 02:20:23,099 your trading profits each month, you're gonna go down to the shelters, and drop off blankets,
757 02:20:23,610 --> 02:20:25,290 food, to the
758 02:20:28,200 --> 02:20:38,250 places that give to the public. And you do so without any, I'm gonna get a tax write off, here's my information. If you do it in that that way, there's your
759 02:20:38,250 --> 02:20:53,640 reward. test and see if what I'm telling you isn't true. Do it with the right motives in that little bit that you're doing is going to magnify in your life in
760 02:20:53,640 --> 02:21:06,660 ways that you can't even imagine. Versus I'm going to make so much money and I'm going to buy all these things that I've seen other people do that I want to
761 02:21:06,660 --> 02:21:21,900 have. I wish I had a car like this, I wish I had a house like that. Any thoughts on the having all that stuff? It doesn't make me happy. The money in my bank
762 02:21:21,900 --> 02:21:36,720 accounts. That doesn't make me happy. It doesn't feel content, it doesn't make me feel like I've arrived. What I love most about my life is I don't have to go
763 02:21:36,720 --> 02:21:51,120 to work for someone else. I can choose how I wake up and how I spend my day. And largely it's all of you. You are my day, you are my weak, you are my month, in
764 02:21:51,120 --> 02:22:06,030 this year, you're my entire year. My day is spent with how I'm going to pour myself into you what I can do to improve? answer as many questions as I can
765 02:22:06,060 --> 02:22:28,410 along the process of doing whatever I'm teaching and discussing. And also get a therapy session. But cars and fast sports cars and high dollar ticket things. It
766 02:22:28,410 --> 02:22:41,850 doesn't make you happy. It won't make you happy. And as soon as you share it with social media, or your show your friends. As soon as you do that it's done.
767 02:22:45,270 --> 02:22:59,130 It's done. Then what are you going to do? Up it? How you're going to outdo it. For somebody, you're going to be in a lease payment for that sports car. We're
768 02:22:59,130 --> 02:23:10,830 gonna go lease another one. Look at this one now, and then look at this one, and then look at this one. At some point, you'll wake up and realize that this isn't
769 02:23:10,860 --> 02:23:26,310 what it should be about. The little hearts underneath a tweet. Or what whatever Instagram does, I don't even know. It's too insignificant and short.
770 02:23:27,690 --> 02:23:28,500 to last.
771 02:23:31,410 --> 02:23:50,400 You want your life to be purpose driven. You want to be in some capacity. Philanthropy, it's you want to be a giver to some degree. You don't have to be
772 02:23:50,670 --> 02:24:01,200 nutcase like I am where I'm giving you more time than I get my own family. But in my mind, and this is what I reasoned with my wife with. I've wrestled with
773 02:24:01,200 --> 02:24:10,140 this. So if I do this, I'm hoping that I'll have peace about it. And I don't have to do it
774 02:24:17,219 --> 02:24:28,859 and that's why I'm doing it. And that's the drive behind it. I could make a lot of more money. I could be making millions of dollars every single month.
775 02:24:29,580 --> 02:24:32,130 Again, over and over and again.
776 02:24:34,500 --> 02:24:42,780 I could charge for my live sessions. I could create that little join thing where only people could be a part of it if they paid I don't want to do that and I
777 02:24:42,780 --> 02:24:56,550 will not be doing that. I don't know any other way for the people that are on the fence about me and what I teach them to finally say, Okay, I'm going to try
778 02:24:56,550 --> 02:25:04,650 now and I'm gonna waste my time what a guy that's going to try to sell me something later on, I'm not selling you nothing. I'm doing it in front of you.
779 02:25:05,340 --> 02:25:15,300 I'm calling it in front of you live, everybody can see the same thing. If I'm right, you all see it. If I'm wrong, you all see it. I'm taking your attention
780 02:25:15,300 --> 02:25:23,520 to the very things you're supposed to be focusing on right now in your learning in your process of taking in all this information, the very right moment at the
781 02:25:23,520 --> 02:25:28,020 right time, with what subject matters. I'm not talking about the ones I'm teaching in that order.
782 02:25:33,420 --> 02:25:44,880 Should I stop studying all the other stuff, you should be only focusing on what I'm teaching right now. All of your attention should be focused on this. Because
783 02:25:44,880 --> 02:25:54,900 if you look at the live sessions, if you watch them late, like if it's something you couldn't be a part of the real time. They're at least an hour long. And now
784 02:25:54,900 --> 02:26:01,050 if you're watching them, and you're doing it the right way, you're not just watching it, you're pausing it, rewind it, listen to what I said, screenshotting
785 02:26:01,050 --> 02:26:10,710 it and then taking notes, that's not an hour event, it's longer than an hour. And I'm doing it every day. And then how much are you going to study outside of
786 02:26:10,710 --> 02:26:19,950 that, looking at something else, all these other videos you can go back to, they're not going anywhere, I'm not deleting any of the videos, they're not
787 02:26:19,950 --> 02:26:31,230 going anywhere, that you will not have this experience after this year. I'm not going to sit in front of you every single day. But read a chart and talk about
788 02:26:31,230 --> 02:26:44,340 what it should and shouldn't do. This is the only time you're going to see that. So if you are looking for that experience, is being given to you for free, the
789 02:26:44,340 --> 02:26:55,230 second Friday of November, it stops. So it doesn't make any sense for you to look at videos that are already up there and then up there on YouTube channel
790 02:26:55,230 --> 02:27:04,230 for months now, they're not going to be deleted or not gonna be removed, and they're not going to lose any other effectiveness. The same lessons in them now
791 02:27:04,500 --> 02:27:18,540 will be effective in the in the future. But what advantages will you dismiss and not participate in? By not watching the live streams when you can? It will be
792 02:27:18,540 --> 02:27:30,390 foolish for you not to be engaged, at least with that. And keep your focus on that. How, how easier could I say it, pretend that you just started as a paid
793 02:27:30,390 --> 02:27:39,540 mentorship with me. Just like I was dealing with my mentorship group. Look at what I'm teaching you what I'm showing you at the beginning of the week,
794 02:27:39,900 --> 02:27:52,560 throughout the week, the reviews in the live streams. Keep your focus there. Do that walk forward with me each day each week each month, you will get what you
795 02:27:52,560 --> 02:28:02,910 came here for. When you have more time, then you can delve into those other things. But you have to at least consume what I'm producing each day. And each
796 02:28:02,910 --> 02:28:14,550 week. That's the fresh bread. You can still live off of the old stale stuff that's on my YouTube channel. That stuff still feeds, it still does good. But
797 02:28:14,550 --> 02:28:25,530 like anything else, you want it fresh piping hot out the oven. You're getting it every single day here. And by focusing on that, you will get the sustenance that
798 02:28:25,530 --> 02:28:38,790 you are seeking as a developing student. Your focus is being guided, it's being directed to what matters most right now. But over time, it'll be more but in the
799 02:28:38,790 --> 02:28:40,080 beginning this is sufficient.
800 02:28:42,900 --> 02:28:44,070 So, as a
801 02:28:44,070 --> 02:28:54,480 reminder, in closing, I will not be trading on Monday I will not be doing anything I will not be talking about the markets, not Forex, not futures, not
802 02:28:54,900 --> 02:29:08,130 anything. I will be providing a teaching lecture that I will have up hopefully by one o'clock Monday afternoon, my local time New York time. And with that, I
803 02:29:08,130 --> 02:29:20,400 wish you all a very pleasant weekend had you probably hear my start talking to these hungry. Have a good weekend. Enjoy your Saturday and Sunday. And I'm sure
804 02:29:20,400 --> 02:29:23,160 I'll be tickling your Twitter this week.
805 02:29:24,600 --> 02:29:27,720 Until next time be safe