
Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2023-02-08 10:04



00:07 - Good morning, everyone.

01:20 - How do you look at price action on the days that I’m not doing it as live sessions?

09:16 - The market analysis vs technical science.

12:01 - What do I do with all this? How do I make money?

19:05 - When we’re looking at algorithms anymore, the characteristics tend to repeat themselves across major markets.

22:48 - You don’t need to be painted into a box -.

28:49 - These people are thebillionaires, but their trades aren't high accuracy.

30:56 - How Jim uses price action to predict a future outcome.

37:02 - What is going to happen in the market.

40:39 - How does the market determine whichflavor of the market is going to be used?

45:12 - You’re going to know what real Jade is -.

49:04 - Morning and afternoon sessions will be more frequent.

56:37 - You want to skew the results of your progress because you want to have a report card -.

01:00:27 - When you’re not even ready to call the market correctly every time you look at the chart.

01:08:24 - You can’t do anything you want to do on your own when you’re not satisfied.

01:12:36 - Why you have to step out of your comfort zone.

01:17:58 - Why would you want to do that? -.

01:20:59 - You shouldn’t be worried about the level of risk -.

01:28:07 - Why you have to guard your mind while you’re new.

01:31:09 - You don’t even touch a demo.

01:37:47 - Gaps that don’t fill in.

01:42:24 - You're in this business to make money, not to make friends.

01:50:05 - You want something that tastes like muddy water -.

01:54:34 - What does it mean to be an order block trader?

02:02:14 - You don’t want to find out you did it wrong.

02:06:21 - Character flaws are going to shape you as a trader -.

02:12:23 - When you’re obsessively compulsive, it’s hard to overcome the damage.

02:15:33 - Every one of your pyramid entries should stand on its own -.

02:20:23 - Why you need to listen to the unfiltered me -.

02:22:45 - Who might say you’re an idiot if you don’t make money?

02:28:45 - Test the things I’m telling you.

02:31:35 - How does the market know what pattern to use today?

02:38:34 - How do you know if you’re bullish or bearish?

02:42:10 - Don’t be greedy with it and be forthcoming with it.

02:49:28 - The best thing you can do as a trader is to give yourself a nice living place.

02:52:50 - If you’re not doing this, what’s wrong with it?


00:00:07,740 --> 00:00:21,150 ICT: Good morning. It's another Saturday here. Before I get into this, if you will be so kind as to let me know, the audios coming through cleanly. Can you
00:00:21,150 --> 00:00:38,070 guys hear me the volume good? I'm checking Twitter for your response, by the way. Thank you, Kayla, thank you margin gold. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
00:00:40,290 --> 00:00:59,640 Alright, so here we are, on the cusp of a new journey. this coming week, you'll be sitting in the presence of hopefully, much more educational medium, using my
00:00:59,640 --> 00:01:10,530 content in my experience, and I want to kind of like, give you a little bit more details as to what to expect. So that way we know what we're doing. Also kind of
00:01:11,070 --> 00:01:23,850 describe the difference between traditional technical analysis versus what you're gonna see. Hopefully, you've seen in the past month, I've been with you
00:01:23,850 --> 00:01:34,740 every day, calling specific things and price action and at the risk of sounding braggadocious, I'm not trying to be I just want you to think about how many
00:01:34,740 --> 00:01:47,760 times I've mentioned something in price action real time, before the fact and how price delivered after that. And some of you have followed those reference
00:01:47,760 --> 00:01:57,420 points, real time taking trades. I'm going to say this again, and you'll hear me say every single time we do a live session, please don't do that. You don't know
00:01:57,420 --> 00:02:07,890 where I'm going to be going with the lesson, you have no idea if it's going to be something that's going to be meant for you to struggle with. And or if it's a
10 00:02:07,890 --> 00:02:16,200 low, we just have the code you run. You don't know that. And that's the first month. Okay, I'm going to put you in front of the charts with me. And I'm going
11 00:02:16,200 --> 00:02:25,620 to have you observe specific things. The reason why I'm doing it that way is because my son literally will be sitting right next to me. Sometimes I'll make
12 00:02:25,620 --> 00:02:34,560 an grunk that will you know, somebody else next to me, not just simply me talking to myself, because I want him to understand, much like a neophyte would,
13 00:02:34,980 --> 00:02:42,090 you know, how do you go in and how do you back test? How do you study? How do you look at price action on the days that ICT is not doing as live sessions? How
14 00:02:42,090 --> 00:02:50,910 do I get the maximum growth out of not pushing a demo account, not pushing an entry button, okay, not going with a live account, because that's the best way
15 00:02:50,910 --> 00:03:02,790 to learn when it's not the best way to learn. It's the worst thing you can do. In my opinion, and my experience as an educator as well. It's been my
16 00:03:02,790 --> 00:03:16,590 observation that those individuals that start trading with money, whether it be the most insignificant amount of money, versus not learning how to worry about
17 00:03:16,590 --> 00:03:31,320 the outcome in terms of monetary reward or pain loss. The ones that do it without money, tend to be quicker to profitability, more long term consistently
18 00:03:31,320 --> 00:03:42,540 profitable. And they're not plagued with the problems that either myself as a trader, I still have impulses when I see certain moves. You know, I know that
19 00:03:42,540 --> 00:03:55,740 the 20 year old ICT wants to go in there and go 30% of equity on that one trade just just to say, I killed you, I slayed you. You had no answer for me coming in
20 00:03:55,740 --> 00:04:05,730 and taking it and plundering you. That's, that's a thing that comes up many times throughout the week, when I see a setup that is absolutely easy. And I'll
21 00:04:05,730 --> 00:04:14,520 show you what easy looks like. And that's the whole point of why I'm doing it this year because I want you to focus on those conditions. Because technical
22 00:04:14,520 --> 00:04:28,170 analysis leads us as new traders, new developing speculators in the marketplace. We are invited many times to do things because there's lots of ways different
23 00:04:28,170 --> 00:04:39,900 roadmaps and routes to get to a winning outcome. And it's not limited to my stuff. Okay. Anything that's a catalyst that makes a decision, whether it be a
24 00:04:39,900 --> 00:04:50,070 random number generator, flipping a coin. Last time your elbow hurt you, the price of cattle went up. There's traders that do that kind of stuff. And as long
25 00:04:50,070 --> 00:05:00,180 as they manage the money, it could potentially in theory, be profitable, but the outcome isn't really linked to what you believe the catalyst was for you. Get
26 00:05:00,180 --> 00:05:09,510 into the trade. I want you to think about that throughout the year. So every time when we're doing our live sessions, I want you to, at the end of it right
27 00:05:09,510 --> 00:05:21,120 when we're done, Don't postpone it. Now, I'll do it when I get more time. At that moment, I want you to record in your journal, what your observations were,
28 00:05:21,840 --> 00:05:32,040 what things that you felt, while price action was being delivered, and where I'm commenting and where I'm placing your attention. And I want you to focus on
29 00:05:32,040 --> 00:05:44,670 doing that without having any real negative reflections. So, while I don't sugarcoat the realities of trading, and what you're going to have to go through
30 00:05:45,360 --> 00:05:55,470 in your journal, you absolutely are sugarcoating it. Because you want this book that you're writing, in your own words, in your own observations, your personal
31 00:05:55,470 --> 00:06:09,690 experience, this year, each of you that take on this endeavor, every single week with me, if you journal it, you're going to have the best trading book there's
32 00:06:09,690 --> 00:06:21,330 ever been. Because it's going to be uniquely linked to the way you think it's going to be uniquely associated with your personal experience that no one can
33 00:06:21,750 --> 00:06:34,530 download and transfer to you. You saw it, you were there, you watched it happen. The Good, the Bad, when it was 1.0, it was precise, and if being a precision
34 00:06:34,530 --> 00:06:42,810 that you could have never imagined, and times when you thought it was going to be precise, and maybe I thought it was going to be precise, it doesn't deliver
35 00:06:42,810 --> 00:06:52,440 as we expected, you're going to have all those experiences. And that's something that you're going to encapsulate that a book written by someone else, and the
36 00:06:52,440 --> 00:07:04,020 things that they picked as salient. For the book, you're gonna have the real deal that that's, this is the Trading Book that all of you would want to buy,
37 00:07:04,740 --> 00:07:15,150 but you're never going to find it on the bookshelf. Now I'm going to write four books. But those books fill will pale in comparison to the book that you're
38 00:07:15,150 --> 00:07:25,380 going to create and write in your own journal this year. And I mean that wholeheartedly, you have no idea the benefit of doing it this way, until after
39 00:07:25,380 --> 00:07:35,100 it's done. And when the year closes, and we break for the December month, it's the second Friday of November is when we're going to start the live sessions
40 00:07:35,100 --> 00:07:46,830 that way. Some people were asking, How long am I gonna go, I'm sticking to my schedule. second Friday of November, that will be it. So we won't be doing any
41 00:07:46,830 --> 00:07:57,960 more live sessions after that. But it'd be to two per week. So I want you to know that it's exciting what we're about to do. It's exciting, not only for many
42 00:07:57,960 --> 00:08:08,220 of you, but I'm excited because I know what you're about to experience. And I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve. Like I literally feel like a kid at Christmas
43 00:08:08,220 --> 00:08:18,630 Eve still believing in Santa Claus. And the excitement of I'm gonna get presents, what am I gonna get? Nothing bad's gonna come, right. So that's how I
44 00:08:18,630 --> 00:08:29,700 feel. I feel that that excitement for all of you. Because many of you are plundering around through your confusion, you don't know what you're doing what
45 00:08:29,700 --> 00:08:42,030 you're looking for. There's a lot of videos on my channel. The easiest way for you to know where to go. And where to study is when I'm literally doing the live
46 00:08:42,030 --> 00:08:50,340 sessions. Because when I'm referring to something, I'll refer to where I talked about these types of things. So that way you can go back and look into, oh, well
47 00:08:50,340 --> 00:08:58,140 let me in between the next live session, let me go and delve into what he said there. And that way I can get a better understanding, it'll help you fill in the
48 00:08:58,140 --> 00:09:07,740 gaps that I won't be able to do on a minute by minute candlestick analysis, reading it real time with you. My focus is going to be limited to what it is
49 00:09:07,770 --> 00:09:16,830 that's occurring in the chart at that time. And that can be covering forex and everything else. I will be doing daily reviews in the evening time. So I'll give
50 00:09:16,830 --> 00:09:26,490 you my analysis on forex. And I'll give you an analysis on the macro economic front, you know what the markets should be doing collectively. And I'll try to
51 00:09:26,490 --> 00:09:35,790 keep them relatively short. But if you're going to have require me to cover all those markets, you're going to expect at least a 20 minute video at the minimum.
52 00:09:36,120 --> 00:09:45,870 Okay, because we're doing analysis analysis can't be done. The manual approach can't just do drive thru menu, analysis and expect to get really good results.
53 00:09:47,640 --> 00:10:00,120 So the discussion this morning is the market analysis versus technical science. The topic came to me last night for a lay down and Now,
54 00:10:01,560 --> 00:10:09,930 I want you to think about what it is that you know. And what it is that you believe about the markets right now, what analysis concepts, what traditional
55 00:10:09,930 --> 00:10:21,870 approaches have you adopted, used, discarded, I can look back and tell you that I've gone through a lot of different approaches, and placed a great deal of
56 00:10:21,870 --> 00:10:33,390 emphasis on things that have really no bearing on who I am as a trader today, just about every, every mentor I had, has their fingerprints on me as the
57 00:10:33,690 --> 00:10:49,200 trader, but very few elements really bleed into the actual things that I do trading. So I'm thankful for the mentors that I've had. But none of them taught
58 00:10:49,200 --> 00:10:59,490 me how to trade like I trade, they gave me the little bump, a little nudge, have focus over here, look at this over here, and it got my attention, like Linda
59 00:10:59,490 --> 00:11:08,550 Raschke, you know, the whole idea of staff hands, which, you know, I just thought, This is what happens when you're wrong, when you put your stop loss in
60 00:11:08,550 --> 00:11:17,580 the wrong place, it gets hit. And then because of the purchase that she taught with her book with Larry Conners, that whole premise was how I built the
61 00:11:17,580 --> 00:11:29,100 confidence of going in selling short run above old highs, or buying below lows. And that was my version of turtle suit. It's not the same as her book titled,
62 00:11:29,610 --> 00:11:38,070 concept, turtle soup or not even turtle soup plus one is a good book, I think you should have it, every trader should have it. There's a lot of things in that
63 00:11:38,070 --> 00:11:48,900 book that I don't subscribe to. But it helped me, they helped me understand a concept about trading that was alien to me. And I know some of you have those
64 00:11:48,900 --> 00:12:02,460 things about my content, most of you at some point or another. Look at all that material on my YouTube channel. And you think, wow, where do I begin? What do I
65 00:12:02,460 --> 00:12:11,250 do with all this? You know, I just want to learn how to make money. Can he just tell me in five minutes how to do that. I can't do that in five minutes. But I
66 00:12:11,250 --> 00:12:22,590 want you to focus on how I'm doing it literally over my shoulder. When we do our live streams. Think about what I'm not and not while I'm doing it afterwards.
67 00:12:22,650 --> 00:12:32,490 These are all the things you're going to record in your journal, you're going to note how little that you need to focus on to find a setup that will yield
68 00:12:34,110 --> 00:12:45,510 potential points. Or pips, if you're a forex trader, everything that I'm going to be teaching over the medium of the E Mini s&p is absolutely applicable to
69 00:12:45,510 --> 00:12:57,180 stocks. It's applicable to Forex. It's applicable to cash markets, if you're not in the futures market. I've been wrestling with the idea of how I know a lot of
70 00:12:57,180 --> 00:13:10,620 you don't have access to the futures markets. And you'd like to trade the like the the US 30 instead of the Dow futures, or the US 100 cash market instead of
71 00:13:10,620 --> 00:13:22,260 the Nasdaq futures. And the US 500 versus the s&p Evening. I've thought about how I was going to do that. So I think what will have to happen is I'll have to
72 00:13:22,260 --> 00:13:33,510 create a layout. So that way when I when I'm observing things in ES, and when I interchangeably, go back to the MQ chart so that we can see and compare and
73 00:13:33,510 --> 00:13:43,020 contrast. You'll see also on my chart, how I'm plotting and posting the the SMT. I seen a couple of us, how did you put that on there? I'll show you, I'll walk
74 00:13:43,020 --> 00:13:51,030 you through it. That way you can see what it is I'm doing how I dress my charts up so that we can do everything that you see me doing with my charts. You're
75 00:13:51,030 --> 00:14:03,360 seeing one template of the eight monitors that I have. Now, I don't think because I said eight monitors. There's eight in front of me. Okay, I have
76 00:14:03,630 --> 00:14:11,100 supporting monitors to the side of me, but they're not important. The ones that I'm actually working with and making the decisions on what it is I'm following
77 00:14:11,100 --> 00:14:23,070 what I'm focusing on there right in front of me. And you only need the template I'm going to show you, if you can't have the template where it has the three
78 00:14:23,070 --> 00:14:32,880 charts on one screen. You can toggle through just by changing the timeframe. It don't think that you have to have it exactly like I'm saying. But a lot of you
79 00:14:32,880 --> 00:14:44,130 asked for this. So I'm showing it. It is not the secret to it. It's whatever you're comfortable with. If I had eight screens on my desk in front of me, don't
80 00:14:44,190 --> 00:14:55,200 equate that my experience or my success in being able to do this is a tribute to because I have eight monitors because I can literally be walking around I tell
81 00:14:55,200 --> 00:15:03,000 you not to trade on your phone. But because I know what I'm looking for I could trade on my phone But that's not an invitation for you to say, well, ICT said he
82 00:15:03,000 --> 00:15:11,550 can do it. So therefore I am his student, I should be expected to the same thing. That's not true. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying, to come back the
83 00:15:11,550 --> 00:15:21,720 idea that you have to have all of this real estate in front of you in terms of monitors you don't. So don't let that be an impediment to you, or a point of
84 00:15:21,720 --> 00:15:31,920 contention for, oh, well, you know, I have to have extra things I can't afford. And that's the perfect excuse why I'm gonna feel no, one laptop, when I'm doing
85 00:15:31,920 --> 00:15:42,570 all of my video work, and I'm recording, I'm using a laptop, when I'm talking to you, Well, I'm not talking to you now with a laptop. But if I'm doing live
86 00:15:42,570 --> 00:15:54,030 streams, I'm going to be on a laptop, one single laptop. But I have a layout that I'm constantly referring to. And you'll see exactly what I mean by that.
87 00:15:54,330 --> 00:16:04,650 Most of all the things that you're worrying about, or have worried about, when trying to learn from me, or watching videos and such, you're gonna see how all
88 00:16:04,650 --> 00:16:15,540 of that was just needless anxiety. You're trying to make everything applicable to every condition in the marketplace, on any given timeframe, when it's not
89 00:16:15,540 --> 00:16:25,350 necessary. Much like it was when I first learned technical analysis, the traditional approach that technical analysis, I wanted to apply everything,
90 00:16:25,830 --> 00:16:35,490 every trade had to refer to administrators, every trade had to have at least three moving averages, it had to have two oscillators, is one oscillator might
91 00:16:35,490 --> 00:16:42,510 be lying. So I have to confirm it with another oscillator. If they agreed, and there was a divergence there, then and only then the trade was really good,
92 00:16:42,510 --> 00:16:57,480 because I had two witnesses behind the idea, right? So more isn't better. It's not. And my charts only get bloated, when I'm annotating levels for you to
93 00:16:57,480 --> 00:17:15,360 observe. And it's going to be very hard for me to do what it is I usually do with price action. And, like, I'm gonna have to force myself to annotate much
94 00:17:15,360 --> 00:17:25,200 more on a chart than I normally would. So that way you can see it. So if you're wondering what I mean by that, just basically think about what I'm doing with
95 00:17:25,200 --> 00:17:34,650 the chart when I'm recording it. And during the execution, I like I have to force myself to do that. I don't, I don't do that when I'm trading. It's usually
96 00:17:34,650 --> 00:17:41,730 just a naked chart, I'm looking for price at a specific time to do certain things. And I'm looking for periods where I can use a pyramid when it's
97 00:17:41,730 --> 00:17:57,600 necessary. So it's going to be a growing thing for me doing this live with you. So that way I can listen to your feedback, in try to be, at least in this part
98 00:17:57,600 --> 00:18:05,040 of the feedback, or at least try to be a little bit more sensitive than you normally would. Because I'm easily offended when I see other people show no
99 00:18:05,220 --> 00:18:13,110 consideration for the fact that I'm doing this for free when I don't need to do it at all. So I'm looking for constructive criticism. I may not take your
100 00:18:13,110 --> 00:18:25,980 criticism, under advisement, and even implement it or use it. I won't be rude and snap back at you. But I may use it in the live streams going forward, if
101 00:18:25,980 --> 00:18:34,560 it's useful. If it's something I know I can accommodate, I'm absolutely willing to do that. But I'm not going to be doing Have it your way. Can you pull up
102 00:18:34,560 --> 00:18:44,790 gold? Can you pull up poodle, we're not doing that. Okay, we're focusing primarily on the s&p, because you only need one market. And whatever you see me
103 00:18:44,790 --> 00:18:58,980 doing this entire year, if you're a Eurodollar trader, okay. Or you are $1 dollar CAD trader, you know, whatever, whatever forex market that you trade,
104 00:18:59,700 --> 00:19:09,960 it's applicable, everything, everything runs on this same algorithm. That's what you're going to discover. I wasn't supposed to say that said the other day when
105 00:19:09,960 --> 00:19:21,300 we're looking at algorithms anymore. The characteristics tend to repeat themselves across major markets. I think that's a nice, ambiguous way of saying
106 00:19:21,300 --> 00:19:30,450 it without causing people that don't believe there's an algorithm to get all upset. But technical analysis, when we look at the marketplace, and when I'm
107 00:19:30,450 --> 00:19:34,230 going to be training you to do if you're already profitable.
108 00:19:35,760 --> 00:19:43,920 Some of the things that you'll see me do might resonate with you because you have a lot more experience and you know, what you're looking for in terms of
109 00:19:43,920 --> 00:19:55,770 price action. You might be bullish when I am expecting higher prices, and you may not see these entry points that I'm going to refer to as price paints. In
110 00:19:55,770 --> 00:20:03,540 the beginning, it'll feel like I don't understand what he's doing that for, but when it's day Today, if we're doing it week after week, and then month after
111 00:20:03,540 --> 00:20:12,600 month, and you look back over the course of the entire year, you're gonna see wow, wow, yeah, well, I can really see that I can really see that happening. And
112 00:20:12,600 --> 00:20:20,010 there's nothing except for the open high, low and close on the chart. The only things I'm putting on there is to highlight what it is that you should see
113 00:20:20,040 --> 00:20:29,430 specifically in this specific area, what my attention is focused on, and only in that. So don't look at anything else on the chart, outside of whatever I'm
114 00:20:29,430 --> 00:20:38,700 referring to. Because everything is inside that specific moment in that series of candles in that fractal. And that sounds like a mouthful, but you'll
115 00:20:38,700 --> 00:20:55,800 understand exactly what I mean, starting on Tuesday. When we start, I walk you through a traditional market analysis. You know what I'm what I see, from a
116 00:20:55,800 --> 00:21:04,560 traditional stance, what every trader would expect to see. And that may or may not align with what I think is going to occur in price. And it doesn't mean I'm
117 00:21:04,560 --> 00:21:12,540 going to be right all the time. So don't be Don't be tricked into thinking just because you've seen almost 100% accuracy for the day by day basis for as long as
118 00:21:12,540 --> 00:21:20,550 I've been going, that I won't get it wrong. I will. It's absolutely it's absolutely going to happen. And I am in fact, I'm looking forward to that
119 00:21:20,550 --> 00:21:32,460 because I want you to see that it's going to be very infrequent. And that's the benefit. So you're afraid of being wrong. Some of you out there that don't like
120 00:21:32,460 --> 00:21:41,760 me, think I've been afraid to do that. I've not been afraid to do this, I just don't want to do it prior to now. Because it's easily copycat it. It's easily
121 00:21:41,760 --> 00:21:51,510 parroted for people that don't know me, and they're running channels and running services, it's gonna be very easy for them to repeat what I'm saying, if the
122 00:21:51,510 --> 00:21:58,650 audience that they have in front of them is not aware of me doing it for free, I'm in front of everyone. And I'm accurate, it's gonna make them look accurate.
123 00:21:58,680 --> 00:22:06,180 And I'm so whole reason why I didn't want to do it. But this year, I'll give you my year, I don't care, I can give you a year, and it still won't take any new
124 00:22:06,180 --> 00:22:19,320 skin off my back. And it will hopefully help a lot of you in the course of doing it. So by traditional analysis, or market analysis, that really entails a macro
125 00:22:19,320 --> 00:22:31,200 analysis, looking at the higher timeframe monthly, weekly daily, what's the quarterly shift that we're presently in are about to transition out of seasonal
126 00:22:31,200 --> 00:22:41,730 tendencies, you know, very long term, macro perspectives, you know, where the market is really likely to be going on a higher timeframe. That That doesn't
127 00:22:41,730 --> 00:22:51,150 really impact. A lot of the day trades that I do, because I can be buying and selling the same day on any given day. I could literally flip a quarter and say,
128 00:22:51,150 --> 00:22:58,710 Okay, if it's heads, I can only be a buyer today. And then I could just make money doing buying in a down day. And these are all things I've done over the
129 00:22:58,710 --> 00:23:08,730 years to teach myself that yes, there's a there's an importance behind narrative and bias, but I can trade without a bias, you will learn how to do that this
130 00:23:08,730 --> 00:23:18,030 year, you do not need to be painted into this box that sometimes it makes it makes you feel like when you're watching my videos, like this is the only way
131 00:23:18,030 --> 00:23:27,330 you can do it. No, there's lots of ways. There's lots of ways price is constantly moving. And you're gonna see the plethora of types of setups that are
132 00:23:27,330 --> 00:23:37,020 available to you. And just because I'm not taking them doesn't mean that they're not valid. I just, I'm not worried about that one, I'm looking for something
133 00:23:37,020 --> 00:23:46,380 else. I'm looking for a different cherry to pick if you will, you might like a plum, okay, you might like an apple, you might like an orange, okay, there's,
134 00:23:46,410 --> 00:23:55,050 there's a different variety out there. And I'll show you how to bring your own personality to it and not be forced into any particular mode. So that way it
135 00:23:55,050 --> 00:24:06,540 feels more organic to you. It feels like it's your method, your method your your model. And while I helped you, you've adopted it as your own. And it's really
136 00:24:06,540 --> 00:24:19,110 important to have as a trader because copycat trading doesn't work unless you're doing signals in your allowing your your trades to be copied, which is what I
137 00:24:19,110 --> 00:24:30,240 don't do. There's no real benefit to that if you're trying to learn how to trade now if you have no interest in becoming a trader, but you want to be profitable
138 00:24:30,240 --> 00:24:36,870 and you found someone that's got a hot hand it makes sense makes their signals available. There's nothing wrong with that either. But I don't think anyone
139 00:24:36,870 --> 00:24:46,260 should be following someone signals if your interest is trying to learn how to do this because the only thing you're gonna do is develop codependency and I
140 00:24:46,260 --> 00:24:56,880 think you'll see this year I'm not going to develop or cultivate codependency I'm teaching you independence. I want you to be I want you all to be able to say
141 00:24:56,880 --> 00:25:05,790 at the end of the year, because of what you've taught me because As we walk through the charts live, a lot of the questions and misunderstandings and fear
142 00:25:07,050 --> 00:25:19,500 has been countered. And now I feel independent, apart from you. And I feel like I can go forward without you. That's exactly what I'm aiming for. I'm not aiming
143 00:25:19,500 --> 00:25:28,140 for, you got to keep coming to my channel for ad revenue. That's not what I'm doing. I'm showing you how you don't ever need to come back to my channel after
144 00:25:28,140 --> 00:25:36,600 this year, how's that work for you? How's that a marketing ploy for you? That's exactly what I want, I want you to be independent. And you should want that
145 00:25:36,870 --> 00:25:48,120 every trader should want that every trader should want that have the outcome and the experience with a mentor. I could, I could form this into something where it
146 00:25:48,120 --> 00:25:56,700 makes you feel like you have to be with me forever. And I could fleece you for life. And you would gladly pay me if I was going to do that. I don't want that I
147 00:25:56,700 --> 00:26:05,880 want you to do this independent. You don't need to buy anybody else's stuff. You don't even need to buy my books. Okay, don't you want me to do that it's not an
148 00:26:05,880 --> 00:26:11,490 upsell, I'm not building the audience. That way, I have more people buying my book, I'm going to prove that you won't even need to do that at the end of this
149 00:26:11,490 --> 00:26:24,480 year. Because you'll know exactly what to do. So there's no risk here. There's no risk, none, you have zero risk, you have all upside. And it's exciting.
150 00:26:24,870 --> 00:26:33,990 Because you're gonna see something that no one else is able to do. Because they have a business, they have an image, they have to make revenue selling their
151 00:26:33,990 --> 00:26:47,970 stuff, I don't need to do that. And I love doing this. So you're gonna have a market analysis given to you. And we will lean on that. In its macro analysis,
152 00:26:48,360 --> 00:26:56,520 as I mentioned that higher timeframe stuff, seasonal tendencies. And then I will do a top down analysis from monthly all the way down to a 15 minute timeframe.
153 00:26:58,230 --> 00:27:09,090 So that way, you know, every timeframe, what I'm looking at what I think is salient for that particular day, nothing is going to be hidden from you, I will
154 00:27:09,090 --> 00:27:21,660 have nothing on another chart that you didn't see every single timeframe. I'll walk you through it. Nothing is hidden from you. Absolutely 100% transparency,
155 00:27:21,930 --> 00:27:35,460 you will see and know everything that I observe and see and identify in every timeframe. Every key level will be made mention of that's a traditional market
156 00:27:35,460 --> 00:27:46,680 analysis. There's nothing inherently special about that. We all start there, it's useful. And where it's pertinent. I will show you how the retail will see
157 00:27:47,850 --> 00:28:00,690 the average trader, the hedge fund trader, what they see in price, and I will show you how to use what I teach is technical science, where it frames the
158 00:28:00,690 --> 00:28:14,250 narrative. How are the funds? Because that's why this business is what it is. They're not after your stop. They're not after baby pips, communities stops.
159 00:28:15,270 --> 00:28:28,290 They're not looking at Forex, factories, message boards, community stops. You're just following the same logic that these large funds use. This is the way it is.
160 00:28:30,750 --> 00:28:48,120 So the market seeks that liquidity. And I'm going to teach you how to identify those armwrestling matches where the fund managers positions. Wait a minute,
161 00:28:48,120 --> 00:28:59,160 Michael, you said fund manager. These people are the billionaires. Yeah. Yeah, they are. But their trades aren't high accuracy. They're trying to make 15 to
162 00:28:59,160 --> 00:29:12,450 25% a year. You know, some of you're trying to do in one morning session. They're not trying to do a whole lot and they can weather being wrong a lot.
163 00:29:13,350 --> 00:29:15,360 Because number one, they're using other people's money.
164 00:29:16,950 --> 00:29:24,630 They know there's a sucker born every minute. Every time the market goes up. Oh, man, somebody made money today. I wish I could let me put some money in my 401
165 00:29:24,630 --> 00:29:36,990 K. Let me go in here and put my money in this fund over here. So there's always a new influx of suckers coming into that this market is constantly bringing in
166 00:29:36,990 --> 00:29:52,350 people and it's throwing people on our rear end through loss fear margin calls, the issues constant got a revolving door. But it's never gonna run short of new
167 00:29:52,350 --> 00:30:03,120 people wanting to come in. Why? Because your jobs suck and they never pay enough. I don't care who you are. Got surgeons in here, make over 7000 hours a
168 00:30:03,120 --> 00:30:24,450 year. And enough. Okay, come on. So there's always going to be greed. So this approach to trading is never, ever, ever, ever gonna start working. Because the
169 00:30:24,450 --> 00:30:35,940 same mindsets that come in, are indoctrinated to do the same stuff that these books talk about. And these are mostly matches when their stop loss where their
170 00:30:35,940 --> 00:30:47,760 premise about where the market is going to go based on a pattern, or a moving average pointing some direction or other. When that fallacy is placed, as an
171 00:30:47,760 --> 00:31:07,830 opposing view, to what the actual markets going to do. I'm trying very hard not to use the Word that shall not be named. The approach that I employ, and how I
172 00:31:07,830 --> 00:31:18,720 use price action to predict a future outcome, when there's armwrestling match between the retail perspective on what price should do versus what it is that I
173 00:31:18,720 --> 00:31:32,250 do, what I've taught you, and what I'm teaching you and going. Those are perfect snapshots of exactly how you are going to want to trade, you're gonna be looking
174 00:31:32,250 --> 00:31:45,660 for those perfect conditions. They're perfect. Because you have at that moment, the highest probability for the market to go to where real large pools of
175 00:31:45,660 --> 00:31:57,420 liquidity are resting. How do you know baby pips stops? Or where? wherever they're at, in a particular currency? You don't? You can speculate and say,
176 00:31:57,540 --> 00:32:09,390 well, it should be here should be there. But do you know for certain, no. But you know, darn well, above a daily high or a four hour high, or an hourly high
177 00:32:10,950 --> 00:32:26,820 funds have their order sitting right above that. So the market will absolutely go there. It's going to go there. Especially if there's a retail theory,
178 00:32:27,090 --> 00:32:40,440 suggesting otherwise. So if you were asking me if we were casually meeting at a bar or whatever, it was something I don't frequent. Go to a bar. But if we were
179 00:32:40,440 --> 00:32:52,230 to meet one evening, Hey, Jim, how's it going? We just got to talk and what do you do for a living? What do you do about ABA? I basically look for we candid
180 00:32:52,980 --> 00:33:09,120 positions, the fall in the lap as an arm wrestling match with smart money and capitalize on that. Then SR reply, person listened to that. They're not
181 00:33:09,120 --> 00:33:16,350 interested in trading. It's just It suffices. Oh, wow. You really got to figure it out. I don't need to go into a chart. I don't need to show them anything on
182 00:33:16,350 --> 00:33:27,000 my phone. It's just Oh, wow. Wow. Okay, that makes sense. So you're looking for the dumb money. Exactly. But I try not to say dumb money, because it's
183 00:33:27,060 --> 00:33:43,680 derogatory. I always use the word Street money, or retail. But ICT if you're trading in an account with Thinkorswim you're trading retail. That would be
184 00:33:43,680 --> 00:34:01,290 true. Anyone that's trading in a brokerage firm like that, that would absolutely be true. But I can't trade retail. So I can't submit myself to that. And I'm
185 00:34:01,290 --> 00:34:13,530 trying to also cause a paradigm shift in your thought process about what you think you know about the markets and how it really books. And then when you can
186 00:34:13,530 --> 00:34:25,410 look at the markets and see these armwrestling matches between what the retail crowd everybody learns the same things. Everybody is thinking the same thing.
187 00:34:27,300 --> 00:34:34,890 You got two moving areas they've crossed they're pointing up. It looks like it's gonna keep going up. And it's had a small little rally higher, and now it's
188 00:34:34,890 --> 00:34:47,010 consolidating, but slightly sloping down. Oh, everybody knows what that is. That's a bull flag. Not if we have just literally traded into a premium PD
189 00:34:47,010 --> 00:34:59,670 array, and we're in a larger scale sell model. You're looking at a potential Smart Money reversal. But the retail crowd has no idea about what that is their
190 00:34:59,670 --> 00:35:12,780 expect In continuation because the moving averages are pointing up, I started with moving averages, it's helpful in the middle of the moves at the end, and at
191 00:35:12,780 --> 00:35:23,670 the beginning, they're useless, absolutely useless. You'll get chopped up and beat up in those points and also when we're in consolidations. And that's part
192 00:35:23,670 --> 00:35:36,090 of why I will be doing a traditional technical analysis and market analysis, and then showing you technical science, which is building narrative. And then from
193 00:35:36,090 --> 00:35:49,410 that narrative bias for the day and for the session. How do I do that? How do I, how do I arrive at a bias? I might be long term in a bimodal. It means I'm
194 00:35:49,410 --> 00:35:59,910 primarily looking for higher prices on a daily chart and weekly chart. But my narrative and bias for the session morning may be bearish. Well, wait a minute,
195 00:35:59,940 --> 00:36:10,710 wouldn't it be low probability No. Now, because of the conditions are correct, everything I'm looking for at the time that would allow me to come to that
196 00:36:10,710 --> 00:36:21,210 conclusion, you will know about them. That way you have real world real world experience with someone that's been doing for a long time. And behind the
197 00:36:21,210 --> 00:36:30,840 curtain view. You've already seen the proofs you daily, I can do this, how many times that I call something not happen. Show me a my effects book now. I will
198 00:36:30,840 --> 00:36:43,260 call it live. Count how many times I got it wrong. Did it go exempt, the rest of it was gonna go. That's proof my textbooks that that can be faked. I cannot fake
199 00:36:43,260 --> 00:36:53,040 it in front of a quarter million people, they all see the same thing live. And when you watch me live over a chart, there will be a small delay between me
200 00:36:53,040 --> 00:37:00,570 talking and your computer or device receiving what it is I said, but once I say it, I can't edit it, it's going to arrive at your computer or your device
201 00:37:00,570 --> 00:37:11,070 eventually. It is what it is. And it won't matter because I'm going to tell you where I believe the markets gonna go, you're not going to need a two second
202 00:37:11,340 --> 00:37:19,830 update of what is going what's going on. Because I already will frame out the day, I'll tell you what I'm looking for, why it should do this, why it shouldn't
203 00:37:19,830 --> 00:37:32,340 do that. And it'll hopefully hopefully, so my goal by doing this, it will disarm you. It'll relax you because you're all coming with this fevered concern that
204 00:37:32,460 --> 00:37:38,580 it's all gonna start working. I better, I better start making money with it right now. Because nice Mike, Mike, he's, he's give it to everybody, they're
205 00:37:38,580 --> 00:37:44,520 gonna change it. They're gonna take my opportunity, because he's been so generous, and I don't want to cuss him out, because I want to learn from him
206 00:37:44,520 --> 00:37:57,900 too. But this asshole is making it impossible for me if he keeps going on. No, relax, relax, trust me, trust me. It's not going to change. When you get it
207 00:37:57,900 --> 00:38:08,280 wrong, sometimes Absolutely, you will see me get it wrong. It will be nothing in the grand scheme of the entire year. I want you to see me get it wrong, I
208 00:38:08,280 --> 00:38:17,400 absolutely want to see happen. Because some of you are going to lose your friggin minds. What? Oh, my goodness, and you're going to wrestle with
209 00:38:17,400 --> 00:38:32,430 something, feelings and emotions and concern, anxiety, your hero got it wrong. And it's going to be good for you. That's a growing pain. And you'll see it's
210 00:38:32,430 --> 00:38:45,480 nothing. It's a paper cut. Just leave it alone, it'll heal. But all this concern that things are going to change. And it's going to be made impossible for you to
211 00:38:45,480 --> 00:38:58,200 be able to do it because I'm bringing all these other individuals into the mix. It doesn't change it. You have no idea how deep this market is. It's a lot of
212 00:38:58,200 --> 00:39:07,590 money in this marketplace. I can have millions of followers isn't going to change anything. The market is going to do what the market is going to do.
213 00:39:07,920 --> 00:39:08,490 Period.
214 00:39:10,470 --> 00:39:16,020 So you'll be this arm this year, you'll see that there's nothing you should have been worrying about. You should have just went through the process like I've
215 00:39:16,020 --> 00:39:27,120 told you to do this very way. And you would have learned sooner. But you'll understand by technical sound, no technical science aspect of what it is I do.
216 00:39:27,810 --> 00:39:35,190 And the reason I'm saying taking science is the guys over in Goldman Sachs. They they made a remark one time. Yeah, you know, you don't have to complicate this
217 00:39:35,190 --> 00:39:45,090 stuff. Because they see everything I talked about. They see the things I teach. And it's a lot of moving parts. And because you know, they don't really make any
218 00:39:45,090 --> 00:39:59,760 decisions. They just follow a long term model and hope it moves in their favor with somebody else's money. That idea allows them to be standoffish snooty.
219 00:40:00,000 --> 00:40:10,620 snubbers okay, you know, we don't need to do that it's too much effort too much technical science. It's only it's, it's just trading. It's not technical
220 00:40:10,620 --> 00:40:21,240 science. So when I heard that, and I was like, You know what? I'm going to take that and run with it. And it really is very similar to what you could call what
221 00:40:21,240 --> 00:40:29,070 it is I do and what my students do. It's technical science. See, when you look at an indicator, and you're looking at moving averages, and you're looking at
222 00:40:29,070 --> 00:40:37,380 all the things that everybody else knows about in books. Now, I want you to think about this. Okay? It has nothing to do with the Word that shall not be
223 00:40:37,380 --> 00:40:54,090 named. It's common sense. If everybody if everybody knows that, if the 18 day moving average crosses over a 40 day moving average, and they're both sloping up
224 00:40:54,090 --> 00:41:04,560 that's called stalking. Okay, when are both pointing in the same direction up? And then indicator like a slow stochastics, 14 periods, slow, slow, Stochastics,
225 00:41:04,560 --> 00:41:18,540 smooth by a 3%. If that is used as your oversold condition, and you see it cross over and start pointing up after being oversold. Everybody that's ever read
226 00:41:18,540 --> 00:41:33,570 anything about books knows that that would class to the BB defined as what? It's a buy signal. Okay, everybody knows that. The Pray tell why is it that everybody
227 00:41:33,600 --> 00:41:35,490 isn't making millions of dollars with that?
228 00:41:41,430 --> 00:41:56,940 Exactly. It's more to it than that. There has to be something to ferret out what the shit that doesn't work. Because there's so many indicators and so many
229 00:41:56,940 --> 00:42:10,620 variables. And so many potential theories inside of retail logic. How does the market and how does the participants of that market determine which flavor of
230 00:42:10,620 --> 00:42:23,550 the market retell logic they're going to use for that day, for that market, for that timeframe. For that session of that day, in that timeframe, you see how
231 00:42:23,580 --> 00:42:36,720 infinitely This is ludicrous. It's It's madness. And when I took a step back and looked at my own approach to doing this, and seeing the results, not being
232 00:42:36,720 --> 00:42:47,820 supportive at all, I was like, Okay, there's, there's a way to do this. But it's not by doing this, applying different things all the time, constantly evolving,
233 00:42:48,000 --> 00:42:57,630 thinking, I'm evolving into a better version of a retail trader. But in fact, all I was doing was constantly adding more dirt, and making the water even
234 00:42:57,630 --> 00:43:07,140 harder to see through. But you feel like you're doing something constructive. I'm going to show you the opposite, even with my own content, which is what it's
235 00:43:07,140 --> 00:43:18,150 been all the time. But because you see that mountainous volume of work that I put on my YouTube channel, I ain't going through all those 900 and some videos
236 00:43:18,150 --> 00:43:31,110 Good grief. Not a dozen I don't even know how many videos. But I know I've made I've made a lot of videos or the time of teaching. I want you to know what it
237 00:43:31,110 --> 00:43:41,580 looks like using a simple approach to what it is that I do. Using that model from last year. I'm also going to teach you a variable in it so that way, when
238 00:43:41,580 --> 00:43:51,000 we look at price action, what we're trying to do is ascertain what it is that the retail crowd is going to be likely expecting. You have to know what that is
239 00:43:51,390 --> 00:44:03,150 not because we want to duplicate or replicate or mimic it. We have to know what they're likely to anticipate in price because that crowd is most most of the
240 00:44:03,150 --> 00:44:18,090 time inaccurate. They tend to be the losing crowd. Most times now inside that community of traders. There are diamonds, traders if still find consistently
241 00:44:18,090 --> 00:44:35,910 profitable outcomes. But that logic even those individuals use is flop. And that knocking profitability. I'm not knocking experience. I'm not knocking the
242 00:44:35,910 --> 00:44:41,820 accolades. They take its show and lay it on the table and say here's what I've done. Here's all the proof. Here's all the my effects books. Here's all the
243 00:44:42,030 --> 00:44:51,690 track records. Here's why. I'm not arguing that those are facts, that's fine. I'm still arguing the fact that you're impressing upon anyone willing to listen
244 00:44:51,690 --> 00:45:01,530 to you and to the person in the mirror. But that's the reason why the market did what it was doing. It has nothing to do with it. You're a good money manager.
245 00:45:02,430 --> 00:45:16,170 And that's commendable. Absolutely. But you're going to learn how to see price as it really is this year. And you're going to know what real Jade is. Because
246 00:45:16,170 --> 00:45:24,630 I'm going to show you what real Jade is. So you've seen me show you trade every single day, I placed real data in your hands on Twitter, tweeting to your
247 00:45:24,630 --> 00:45:37,200 specific handle on a specific day. And pointing to another direction away from it. So you know what I'm expecting? Calling it out real time, every single day,
248 00:45:38,220 --> 00:45:44,490 every single day, it's boring, isn't it? You know what's going to happen? I think he's going to sign on to Twitter. He's going to talk about something and
249 00:45:44,490 --> 00:45:50,490 marketplace, it's gonna, it's gonna deliver in your charts. And you're like, man, if this keeps happening, this keeps happening. It keeps happening. It's
250 00:45:50,490 --> 00:46:01,350 exactly what it will feel like for you at the end of this year. You won't need ICT on Twitter. I'm trying to make myself irrelevant. Again, how is that a
251 00:46:01,350 --> 00:46:12,000 marketing ploy? I want you to be done with me, at the end of this year. Some of you were I don't want you to separate yourself from us. You do want me to
252 00:46:12,000 --> 00:46:22,200 separate you and I, you do. Because that's independence. That's exactly what I want all of my students to have. And I don't feel any heartbreak over that.
253 00:46:22,380 --> 00:46:31,110 That's exactly what I'm trying to teach you to be, I want that that's the outcome I want. You want me to be glad handing with you continuously. And that's
254 00:46:31,110 --> 00:46:40,590 normal. But there's a point at which a trader says, All right, I want independence, I don't want to be tethered to this person or this model, or this
255 00:46:40,590 --> 00:46:48,450 service or this product. I want to be able to walk the walk myself and know, yeah, I might get slapped around once in a while, but it's not gonna take me out
256 00:46:48,450 --> 00:46:59,910 again, I know how to weather it. And I'm gonna continue with this approach because I know it will deliver consistent potential profitability. That's what
257 00:46:59,940 --> 00:47:11,400 every trader wants the confidence, knowing that they will be okay on their own. And most of you right now don't have that. So I'm doing the best thing I can.
258 00:47:12,090 --> 00:47:24,180 And really, frankly, the last thing I could do, except for trade your accounts where you put a trade copier out there the the navigation through price action,
259 00:47:24,630 --> 00:47:37,020 using just a couple of things that basically you already know, and streamline so that way, you know, this is all you have to worry about. But ICT Why aren't you
260 00:47:37,020 --> 00:47:47,850 looking at this timeframe, they had an orb. If I'm not talking about it, I'm not using it. Think about it, now. You're bringing everything you're bringing the
261 00:47:47,850 --> 00:47:57,600 kitchen sink approach, just because I've taught many things on that channel. Doesn't mean I'm bringing all of it to these live sessions. Some of you're gonna
262 00:47:57,600 --> 00:48:07,890 be like, Wow, this is really simple. Exactly, exactly. And you would have discovered that had you've done all of these things on your own. But you don't
263 00:48:07,890 --> 00:48:14,760 want to feel like you're wasting your time. And some of you are still going to be sitting in these live streams and disconnect, turn it off and say this is
264 00:48:14,760 --> 00:48:25,470 wasting my time. And I want you to know here to hear it right now hear me, you will never, you will never make it as a trader. Because you're not able to
265 00:48:25,470 --> 00:48:33,990 subscribe to a point of view long enough to see if it's really worthwhile or not. I already know it works. I have students all around the world that are
266 00:48:33,990 --> 00:48:44,730 making real money with it. I don't need you to support it. I know it works. But I'm making it available to even you the doubters, the cynics, skeptics, I mean
267 00:48:44,730 --> 00:49:01,440 the skeptics. So we will arrive at a narrative each day, what I think might pan out in terms of price action. And because of that narrative, I will subscribe to
268 00:49:01,440 --> 00:49:10,830 a bias for the day. And for that particular live session. But it'd be the morning session, predominately there gonna be morning sessions. But throughout
269 00:49:10,830 --> 00:49:21,510 the year, I'm going to sprinkle in afternoon session so that we were not just a one trick pony, morning sessions. In some days, I feel you know, that my family
270 00:49:21,840 --> 00:49:31,170 and my wife will be supportive the idea I might do the morning and the afternoon session that day. But we'll take that on a day by day basis. And I'm not
271 00:49:31,170 --> 00:49:40,620 promising it, but it's likely to occur because I'm going to ask her throughout the year, if it's something really designed to do well. Or maybe it's something
272 00:49:40,650 --> 00:49:51,420 I will show you how if maybe I get the morning session wrong. Okay, it's gonna happen I think I'll say okay, well, let's meet back again at 130 and we'll do
273 00:49:51,420 --> 00:49:59,970 the afternoon session and see how would I try to mitigate if I took a live trade, which you won't see me pushing the button but you will see me outline
274 00:50:00,000 --> 00:50:08,760 where the market should go, this is particular PDA, the market should go higher or lower from here. And this is where the market should not go to when I say it
275 00:50:08,760 --> 00:50:16,230 should not go there in your mind when you're journaling after the fact not pushing a button and putting a stop loss in there. But that's the equivalent
276 00:50:16,230 --> 00:50:26,250 thereof. And you'll see what I mean, I'll do a couple of mock ups in the first couple weeks, and show you what your what you should be doing. In terms of post
277 00:50:26,400 --> 00:50:35,700 live stream. Everything you heard me talk about what I did in my charts, you'll have my whole chart with the annotations, obviously, as I'm going throughout the
278 00:50:35,700 --> 00:50:44,430 day. But I also, I don't know if I'll tweet it, or if I'll post it on trading view published, maybe I'll maybe that's what I'll start doing on trading view,
279 00:50:44,670 --> 00:50:53,790 I'll publish end of day like a journal. Let me know, give me a one in response to the tweet that shows this live stream or this podcast, or what does it call
280 00:50:53,790 --> 00:51:05,490 it here, Twitter space, but give me a number one if you would like me to use trading view, and publish my chart, and with all my, my, my personal annotations
281 00:51:05,730 --> 00:51:12,000 and observations that I think are pertinent to that particular live session. And then I'll just publish it right to you. So if you follow me on TradingView,
282 00:51:12,000 --> 00:51:18,780 you'll be able to just go to my I guess my profile. I've never done anything on TradingView like that, but and then you can publish things there. And I'll just
283 00:51:18,780 --> 00:51:26,820 treat that as this year's like journal. And anything noteworthy. I'll just, I'll just dump it there. That way you can see it, it'll stay there. And it's pretty
284 00:51:26,820 --> 00:51:31,890 much I think it's easy to see it. I've seen other people doing it. But
285 00:51:35,880 --> 00:51:44,160 so you'll I'll go through the analysis, traditional market analysis, then I'll go through how I develop my own personal narrative in the morning, what things
286 00:51:44,160 --> 00:51:55,350 I'm utilizing. So by repetition, you'll see oh, this is our top to do that. Yeah. And then bias, why it should do this go up? Or why should go down. And
287 00:51:55,350 --> 00:52:03,750 you'll see everything that you're doing that's complicating it. I'm not complicating this, I've never complicated it is this, you're trying to read
288 00:52:03,750 --> 00:52:13,530 another language that you've never learned yet. But once you understand the language, you see that there's very little that's necessary, or required for you
289 00:52:13,530 --> 00:52:27,060 to find setups that pay out. And then, after we arrived at the bias within that narrative that I'm going to frame for you will look for precision signatures,
290 00:52:27,120 --> 00:52:38,460 and what are they specific elements within time of day? And specific PV arrays inside the pdra? Matrix? What? What is that? Well, it depends on what the market
291 00:52:38,460 --> 00:52:46,320 is presenting them. Because not every run is going to have a breaker, not every run is going to have a fair Vega. Eventually they will, but not in the beginning
292 00:52:46,320 --> 00:52:55,740 of the move. And you'll see and you'll hear and you'll understand. This is what the market is presenting us right now. Right now, this is what you need to focus
293 00:52:55,740 --> 00:53:04,890 on. does the market look to do this doesn't do that. And you'll see you'll see if folks, you will see it and it will come alive. The charts will start
294 00:53:04,890 --> 00:53:17,520 communicating much more information to you than what you already see. Now. It'll feel like the same way it feels when you look at a hindsight chart. And if I
295 00:53:17,520 --> 00:53:26,490 just would have saw that real time, you're gonna see me do that real time, you're gonna see it, you've already seen enough of it. You've seen it, you've
296 00:53:26,490 --> 00:53:34,320 seen that through tweets, it's codified in timestamped. There's nothing being deleted. Okay, as much as I want to go back and delete some of these
297 00:53:34,320 --> 00:53:51,270 embarrassing typos. I don't delete anything. It's there. And it can't be argued, it was called beforehand, and it delivered to the tick daily, weekly. And that's
298 00:53:51,270 --> 00:54:01,440 what my subscribers have seen my long term students. They've seen years of that every single day using higher timeframe charts. So don't be afraid or think that
299 00:54:01,770 --> 00:54:12,900 this doesn't fit me. As much as I want to use this information ICT I just simply cannot trade intraday charts. My life doesn't allow me to do this and I'm
300 00:54:12,900 --> 00:54:24,480 struggling. What do I do? You study what I'm taught in these live sessions and apply it to higher timeframe charts. It's the same thing, folks. If I show you
301 00:54:24,510 --> 00:54:36,000 examples, and I and I hide. I take away the timeframe. And I say what do you see here? Do you see this? This this this this? You'll see it's the same thing.
302 00:54:36,150 --> 00:54:47,760 Because price is fractal. The same things that we'll do on a one minute chart, a 32nd chart. I said that right? 32nd every every candle is 30 seconds interval.
303 00:54:49,830 --> 00:55:00,750 It's the same thing applied in that timeframe all the way up to a weekly and monthly to a quarterly chart to a yearly chart. It's the same thing It's the
304 00:55:00,750 --> 00:55:12,600 same thing. Prices following the same characteristics of delivery, no matter what timeframe you're using. And you're going to know how do you know what's
305 00:55:12,600 --> 00:55:22,230 timeframe to use, I'm going to show you that. But I can't write a paragraph in a book, or a chapter in a book, I can't do a video series and just do stale
306 00:55:22,260 --> 00:55:31,200 examples of it. And you get the real understanding of what it is didn't understand what it is I'm teaching you. I'm going to show you, I'm going to
307 00:55:31,200 --> 00:55:40,980 prove it to you. I'm going to lay it in your hands, every single time we come together live, you will understand exactly exactly what to do, what not to do,
308 00:55:41,070 --> 00:55:49,800 what to focus on what not to focus on, what's the things I'm not supposed to focus on everything I'm not talking about. If I'm not mentioning it, it's not
309 00:55:49,800 --> 00:56:01,290 important. And I'm telling you, your face is going to ache, because you're gonna be smiling, because he's like, this is so much easier than I thought it was.
310 00:56:01,500 --> 00:56:13,890 Yes. And you have delayed that gratification. You have not me, you have you haven't sent simply sat down and did the work of being in front of these charts,
311 00:56:13,920 --> 00:56:22,980 when it's uncertain, it's scary, you might get it wrong. That's wonderful. That's opportunities for you to learn and grow. But you look at that as failure,
312 00:56:22,980 --> 00:56:33,750 that's not failure. How is it failure, if you've never put a live trade on, you didn't take a loss there in the same capacity, reversing it and when it does
313 00:56:33,750 --> 00:56:42,990 something right in your favor, you can't look at that and call that success. You didn't make profits on that. So see what happens when you start doing that. You
314 00:56:42,990 --> 00:57:01,230 want to, you want to skew the results of your progress. And these milestones are hidden from you. Because you want to have a report card am I doing right? Well,
315 00:57:01,230 --> 00:57:09,630 my first day of school, I don't know how to write the alphabet, I don't know how to do simple arithmetic, I can even write the number three. But I should know
316 00:57:09,630 --> 00:57:24,240 how to figure out six times eight. I should know what the square root of nine is. On your first day, that's unrealistic occupations. And social media has
317 00:57:24,240 --> 00:57:42,720 cultivated that your expectations on yourself. However, everyone else around you should view you is completely diametrically opposed to reality. And you're gonna
318 00:57:42,720 --> 00:57:56,070 see, there's nothing to worry about. You're going to lose, you're going to miss, you're going to do it right but not do a good enough. That's all normal. It's
319 00:57:56,100 --> 00:58:05,460 all normal. There's nothing to be afraid of. There's a way to protect yourself in this, you still will lose money when you deal with a live account. But you
320 00:58:05,460 --> 00:58:16,050 absolutely do not listen to these influencers on YouTube. tell you, if I could go back in time, I would go in there and I would never use a demo account, I
321 00:58:16,050 --> 00:58:26,430 would start with the smallest amount of money and trading swaggy. That's not good advice. I do not subscribe to that view. And I think if anybody was really
322 00:58:26,430 --> 00:58:36,630 trying to learn how to do this, that's the worst advice you can give anybody. That's the absolute stupidest stupidest thing to do. If you want to learn how to
323 00:58:36,630 --> 00:58:47,040 shoot a gun, really well practice very first time with live ammunition. You've never handled a gun before. Let's go out there to the gun range. And let's work
324 00:58:47,040 --> 00:59:03,990 with an AR 15. Really, really let's test the efficacy of parachutes. With somebody else packing your chute. Suddenly, you don't want to do that deal.
325 00:59:05,160 --> 00:59:12,510 That's the equivalent of going out there and trying to learn how to trade with live money. I don't care if it's the smallest amount that your broker will allow
326 00:59:12,510 --> 00:59:25,410 you to do. You are building all of this expectation. Listen, we all know nobody's here. Nobody's in this industry. Nobody starts trading to look smart.
327 00:59:26,880 --> 00:59:41,550 Okay, nobody joins this industry to stand out in the crowd to be looked up on the on the basis of being right. As a trader. We came to this industry to make
328 00:59:41,550 --> 00:59:51,960 fucking money. That's it. No other business now everything else after that are bonuses. They're things that build up the reasons why and in support. Oh, this
329 00:59:51,960 --> 01:00:04,200 is something this is the derivative of being successful as a trader. So go back to square one, you want to learn how to fucking make money, I will show you how
330 01:00:04,200 --> 01:00:15,960 to make fucking money. But you have to start by learning what these candles are going to do. And the way you learn that correctly, is remove money. Remove it,
331 01:00:18,660 --> 01:00:33,000 take it away. Because you're trying to make this about the money. When you're not even ready to be able to call the market correctly. Every time you look at
332 01:00:33,000 --> 01:00:40,440 the chart, if you have that minuscule account balance, push the button, you're in a trade. You're you're trading the smallest lots and swag, I'm not beating
333 01:00:40,440 --> 01:00:50,880 you. I'm just saying, I saw a clip sent to me. And they asked, Do I subscribe to that view? I'm like, No, I'm not knocking yet. And that's, you know, trying to
334 01:00:50,880 --> 01:01:03,600 be rude or anything. But you have a lot of followers. And people with a lot of followers have a great deal of influence. And I'm trying to be as responsible as
335 01:01:03,600 --> 01:01:20,490 I possibly can. And still not be well disrespectful. By taking any trade, when you have zero understanding of what it is you're doing, you have zero
336 01:01:20,490 --> 01:01:28,260 understanding about what you're going to feel as a trader while you're in a trade. Everybody will come to that threshold eventually when they put it a Live
337 01:01:28,260 --> 01:01:34,710 account on. And they put that first button. But don't rush that.
338 01:01:37,080 --> 01:01:53,220 For years. For years, I made YouTube videos. Never monetize them. Never did any of it. My son told me multiple times that why don't you just turn on ad revenue.
339 01:01:53,310 --> 01:02:05,520 I was like, No, I don't want to do that. I don't want to I don't want to do it. And then when my daughter says no, I can't trade that. Okay, so I'm not going to
340 01:02:06,180 --> 01:02:13,770 dip into my money every month and say, Okay, here's how I'm going to do I'm going to work my ass off and take on risk and do this, this. And I'm going to
341 01:02:14,100 --> 01:02:21,150 prop you up in your lifestyle because you don't want to trade. I'm making it available to you. It's on the YouTube channel, everybody else is doing it. And
342 01:02:21,150 --> 01:02:31,440 every time I see people, and I share it on my Twitter feed I shared on my community posts, here's people doing your model. My daughter still is not
343 01:02:31,440 --> 01:02:38,370 motivated by that. You got people out there saying oh, if ICT was so good at trading his own kid doesn't even want to trade. Doesn't that tell you something?
344 01:02:38,400 --> 01:02:47,310 No, it just tells you she's a woman. That's very stubborn. Okay, that's all it is. She's stubborn, she doesn't want to do it. Okay, you can't make her
345 01:02:47,430 --> 01:02:55,890 husbands. You can't make them do what you want them to fucking do stop trying. So I'm not going to do it anymore. I'm not gonna lose my mind over that. So my
346 01:02:55,890 --> 01:03:05,340 ad revenue goes right to my daughter. anytime she needs something, there's the key, there's the cookie jar comes out of. Now, why am I even mentioning that?
347 01:03:07,980 --> 01:03:21,090 You prove you prove that there is a value to it. People come to that channel. They watch videos. It's great. Wonderful. Okay. I've always could have been
348 01:03:21,090 --> 01:03:32,370 making this ad revenue. But I didn't worry about it. Just like your trading, you already know. Nobody needs to be reminded. If you do this, right. And you did it
349 01:03:32,370 --> 01:03:41,430 with a live account, what's going to happen? You're going to have more money in that account before you put that trade on. That's a that's it's expected, right?
350 01:03:41,430 --> 01:03:48,390 That's why you're here. That's why you're listening to me. That's what you're listening to me to get to that point where you don't have to listen this
351 01:03:48,390 --> 01:03:57,000 bullshit rant stuff anymore. You can go out and get your own money, get your own bag. But you don't even realize the things I'm talking about that are outside
352 01:03:57,000 --> 01:04:08,220 that chart. That's the shit that's going to prevent you from doing it. That's the stuff that's in the way that you don't see it. You have blinders on, like my
353 01:04:08,220 --> 01:04:19,500 daughter. She is in her own way. I am not going to lose my fucking mind trying to tell her. It's you. It's you. It's you. Because then she'll take it as that
354 01:04:19,500 --> 01:04:30,000 you're, you're making me uncomfortable. And you're telling me things that's not encouraging me. So I know my limitations. I'm telling you as your mentor in
355 01:04:30,000 --> 01:04:43,200 trading. I know your limitations. And as a human being, you will not learn anything correctly by going right into a live account. Here's what's going to
356 01:04:43,200 --> 01:04:56,310 learn. I should have never done that. And that right there that moment that that I wish I wouldn't have done that. You need to go and lose money to know that you
357 01:04:56,310 --> 01:05:08,280 shouldn't have done that. That's asinine Why do you need to have that scar? You really need that to know that if you push the button incorrectly, you know what
358 01:05:08,280 --> 01:05:13,800 the fuck you're doing, you're gonna lose money, you need to know that you don't already know that that's that's what goes on in this business all the time,
359 01:05:14,370 --> 01:05:25,290 people lose their ass all the time. They blow their account margin call out of the business to buy. You need that to make it real for you. Because I'm gonna
360 01:05:25,290 --> 01:05:35,520 tell you something. As soon as you do that, that right there, that's the shoe and your rock. I said that wrong. It's the rock in your shoe that you'll walk
361 01:05:35,520 --> 01:05:47,160 with the rest of your career. It'll play I got shit that I did from 1993 that creep into my mind when I still do trades today. And you see how precise I am.
362 01:05:47,550 --> 01:06:01,050 And that shit still comes up in my head. And you have to be able to say, Get behind me. I'm focusing on what I'm doing right now. Now, it took a lot of
363 01:06:01,050 --> 01:06:10,590 decades and years to get to where I can do that today. But do you think you had the wherewithal to do that as a new startup? Thought? No, you do not want to
364 01:06:10,590 --> 01:06:22,770 give a shit where you came from what you can do. You can't do that, folks, this is hard. This is hard. And you're placing all of that unnecessary pressure and
365 01:06:22,770 --> 01:06:30,450 stress on yourself. When you don't even know who the fuck you are. As a trader, you don't even know what you're doing. You have no idea what you're doing, what
366 01:06:30,450 --> 01:06:42,840 you're going to finally settle in on as a model. So, apparently, it's not hard enough for you, you want to go out there and make it an Olympic feat. Because
367 01:06:42,870 --> 01:06:49,800 deep down inside, what you really want to be able to tell the world is I never did a demo, I went out there I started making money right from fucking Jump
368 01:06:49,800 --> 01:07:04,320 Street and that shit never fucking happens. It never happens. Because you pick up bad habits, what habits being fearful them. When I place a trade, I don't
369 01:07:04,320 --> 01:07:13,980 give a flying fuck what is going to happen. I don't care. If it goes my target great. If it hits my stop, I don't give a shit. I so I have literally, I have
370 01:07:13,980 --> 01:07:24,000 trades, constantly popping up in my understanding about what I'm looking at in price. I can go through any market and scan through any timeframe, I will find a
371 01:07:24,000 --> 01:07:34,800 setup. You will be able to do that same shit at the end of this year. That's a Guaran damn tee promise you're going to fucking do that. But you have to go
372 01:07:34,800 --> 01:07:47,310 through the right stages of learning. And you can't be worrying about money. Think about it. Take a look not left that's on this is the last time we're gonna
373 01:07:47,310 --> 01:07:58,110 fucking mention this shit. This is pissing me off now and think about it. The fact that you're listening to this guy talking to you right now? What does that
374 01:07:58,110 --> 01:08:08,700 communicate to you? Look in the audience members. Look how many people I don't know. I don't ever look at it. I'm afraid I'll see the name that I know. Nothing
375 01:08:08,700 --> 01:08:17,100 myself. Well, I said that many F bombs are from that person out embarrassing. So this way, I can just talk on filter now and give a fuck if I offend somebody.
376 01:08:17,220 --> 01:08:28,800 It's not intended. It's meant for you to be improved upon. And yes, this is abrasive. I'm seeing like sandpaper. I'm smoothing out your your rough edges
377 01:08:28,800 --> 01:08:38,160 with me being coarse. But you need to hear this kind of stuff. But the fact that you're fucking even here listening to me, what does that mean? You can do
378 01:08:38,160 --> 01:08:45,210 anything you want to do on Saturday, you're fucking spending it here with me. Or watching this or listening to this later on. Or watching a video on YouTube that
379 01:08:45,210 --> 01:09:02,520 somebody has taken and uploaded. You're listening to this because you don't have your shit together. You got a job? It pays your bills, maybe barely. Or maybe it
380 01:09:02,520 --> 01:09:15,870 does pay your bills. But you're not satisfied. You want more. Okay. Wonderful, perfect. Every night when you can barely make your bills, gentlemen, ladies.
381 01:09:16,890 --> 01:09:31,290 Think about it for a second. Okay? Seriously. You're laying your head down on your pillow. And you're thinking yourself, fuck. It's middle of the week. I
382 01:09:31,290 --> 01:09:44,490 still got this many days to still work in all of my money from my fucking paycheck is already spent. What am I going to do? You have to rest because you
383 01:09:44,490 --> 01:09:53,850 have those days to go to work and do what's necessary to get that money that you haven't really secured yet. You haven't even done the work yet. And you're
384 01:09:53,850 --> 01:10:04,560 worrying about the fucking money. You can't make that goal way because you're worrying about it. And even when you do the work and you finish that work week,
385 01:10:04,590 --> 01:10:15,570 you already know that you still don't have enough fucking money to meet your bills. That's the equivalent of what the fuck you people are doing. Trying to go
386 01:10:15,570 --> 01:10:22,020 out there with a live account, you're putting unnecessary stress. You're not going to make more money because you did that with a live account before you
387 01:10:22,020 --> 01:10:32,820 should have. The only thing you're going to do is cause sleepless fucking nights. You're making it harder. You're fucking blaming me for it. I'm telling
388 01:10:32,820 --> 01:10:43,500 you not to do this shit and you're still want to do it. God tells me to shut the bed yesterday in the fucking Non Farm Payroll. I feel really bad about myself.
389 01:10:43,530 --> 01:10:50,550 You're doing every fucking thing I told you not to do I told you don't fucking trade Non Farm Payroll. I told you don't go on stalking social media. And boohoo
390 01:10:50,610 --> 01:11:00,330 Don't fucking negatively charged your fucking results. Don't record it like that. What are you doing? You're doing everything backwards? And who are you
391 01:11:00,330 --> 01:11:07,770 talking to? You're talking to me? Like I fucking caused that for you. That's exactly what you're gonna see people doing this year. You're gonna get in there.
392 01:11:07,800 --> 01:11:14,520 You're gonna push a fucking button based on what I'm talking about in the marketplace. They're gonna hurt themselves. And they're gonna make fucking
393 01:11:14,520 --> 01:11:26,100 videos and say ICT shit doesn't work. Look, here's the proof. I fucked up. No, yeah, you're right. You fucked up. You fucked up. You want a mentor? You want
394 01:11:26,100 --> 01:11:33,870 somebody to tell you how to do this. guide you through the fucking jungle show you where the fucking the quicksand is? Here's where the snake pits are. This is
395 01:11:33,870 --> 01:11:35,580 the shit that's going to rip your ass off.
396 01:11:36,840 --> 01:11:48,390 Avoid those things. Why? Why do you want to fucking go through that shit. Because you have a character flaw. And you're walking around with blinders on
397 01:11:49,050 --> 01:11:59,940 trying to ignore it, and looking for any opportunity to put the blame and fault on your failure. something outside of yourself. That's the ugly part about this
398 01:11:59,940 --> 01:12:13,200 business. It is a mirror that you can't hide your real self. everything that's wrong with you is going to manifest itself in your trades. You're impatient,
399 01:12:13,200 --> 01:12:20,970 you're going to fucking see it. You're reckless, you're absolutely going to fucking see it. You're impulsive and gamblers, you're really going to see it.
400 01:12:22,020 --> 01:12:33,600 And then drawdown Oh, I better go to fucking Max leverage. No stop loss. And that's a mentor. That's a mentor doing that bucket is it's a gambler. That's
401 01:12:33,600 --> 01:12:40,830 somebody that doesn't know does not know what the fuck you're doing. I get animated. I get heated like this. And you might hear this stuff out of context
402 01:12:40,830 --> 01:12:49,920 and listen to it. Just a small clip. Like this guy is fucking nuts. I am the motherfucker you want to listen to? I've done it all. I knew how to get you
403 01:12:49,920 --> 01:13:01,320 here. I've proven it every single fucking day for years, years and years. And where's your record at ICT? It's in the annals of fucking history asked my
404 01:13:01,320 --> 01:13:09,390 fucking students. Why aren't they out there saying this shit don't work. But there's more people coming forward. Making money making money making annual
405 01:13:09,390 --> 01:13:22,140 salaries. They can annual salaries. Where's the fucking proof? Find your own stock in proof. Find it. It's waiting for you. Why are you fucking around and
406 01:13:22,140 --> 01:13:31,170 waiting? You got to step out there and do the work that every one of these people that are making real progress in real fucking money. They think they give
407 01:13:31,170 --> 01:13:39,180 a flying fuck how much you doubted right now. They're not even worried about you. They're in their own world right now. Running after their dreams. Pursuing
408 01:13:39,210 --> 01:13:45,780 Excellence. You don't give a flying fuck who doubts them now? They don't give a shit about their parents what they thought about it now. They don't give a fuck
409 01:13:45,780 --> 01:13:52,830 about their friends. Their co workers from Carl he can have employee in the fucking month pocket spot every fucking day of the week who gives a shit your
410 01:13:52,830 --> 01:14:03,720 ad? I hear? That's the way it's supposed to be. That's why I'm fucking here. All I want is for you to people that just simply fucking do what's necessary. And
411 01:14:03,720 --> 01:14:16,200 stop fucking around. You got one year. You got one fucking year. If you don't do the work this year, it's all on you. It's all on you. And I'm gonna give a shit
412 01:14:16,200 --> 01:14:28,200 who talks shit about me after this? I don't give a flight but I really don't get booked now really. But it's needless stress that you put on yourself. Needless.
413 01:14:29,730 --> 01:14:43,140 And you don't even recognize that you've put all this extra bullshit on yourself on something that's already complicated. Because you have to beast this monster
414 01:14:43,140 --> 01:14:55,470 this fucking juggernaut of a fucking traitor that's trapped inside of you that's dying to get out. But you're so fucking formidable. You're preventing it. And
415 01:14:55,470 --> 01:15:09,690 you have to get out of the way. You got to let that happen. You got to let that beast out of the cage and let it find a thorn in its pall. Let it break out,
416 01:15:09,690 --> 01:15:22,020 break a cloth and that little bit of pain, it's okay. It's okay. It still will eat. It still will devour it still will conquer, it still will get out there and
417 01:15:22,020 --> 01:15:33,840 take it down a buck and flush. And that will be results. That's money. But you have to fucking let the process unfold naturally, organically. You can't try to
418 01:15:33,840 --> 01:15:48,450 protect yourself and do all these things. That is bad advice from people that shouldn't be listened to in certain respects. Anybody Listen to me. I don't give
419 01:15:48,450 --> 01:15:58,890 a fuck who it is. anybody tells you the best way to learn how to trade in the beginning is to skip a demo. And go right in the live trading. I'm talking
420 01:15:58,890 --> 01:16:08,280 subscribe. Never listen to that motherfucker, again. Period. There it is. That's my opinion on that matter period, because these markets will rip your ass apart.
421 01:16:09,300 --> 01:16:27,930 And mentally work your fucking ass. I have friends that no longer breathe. They're below ground. Two of them. Skip demo. Sorry, that's the fucking really
422 01:16:27,930 --> 01:16:41,820 real. Anybody that tells you skip a fucking demo, go right in the live trading is absolutely fucking clueless. That's just the bottom line. That's the fucking
423 01:16:41,820 --> 01:16:50,910 bottom line. And that goes for anybody. That is the worst fucking advice anybody could ever give or receive in terms of speculation in these marketplaces.
424 01:16:51,870 --> 01:17:04,920 Because the only thing that will do is present you toxic thinking, you are creating the very things that you're supposed to be mastering as a trader, fear
425 01:17:05,280 --> 01:17:16,470 and greed. And the only thing by trading with live money before you know how to fucking trade, or even manage risk. That's the only outcome that's going to come
426 01:17:16,470 --> 01:17:26,280 from them. You're gonna learn, you're gonna absolutely learn, you will have personal experience with fear and greed immediately. And that goes for the rest
427 01:17:26,280 --> 01:17:38,580 of your career. Now, it takes so much effort, effort and emphasis on balancing those characteristics once you adopt them. Because once you have them, you have
428 01:17:38,580 --> 01:17:51,150 them. You have them. It's it, it's over. It's like a scarlet letter. The wrestling match. The trader has to do the rest of their fucking career to master
429 01:17:51,150 --> 01:18:04,710 themselves and be able to beat that shit off. creeping into their next trade idea. It's hard. It's fucking hard. And why would you want to do that? You
430 01:18:04,710 --> 01:18:11,550 listen to these people out here. They ain't making real fucking money. Okay? They're not I don't give a fuck what anybody says. They tell you not to do that
431 01:18:11,550 --> 01:18:20,130 shit. They have not made real fucking money because I'm gonna tell you something. People that made real fucking money will tell you straight up. You
432 01:18:20,130 --> 01:18:34,470 got to respect risk. You have to know what you're doing. You have to present yourself in a position where you aren't being tugged back and forth with fear.
433 01:18:35,670 --> 01:18:44,400 Oh my gosh, I might get stopped out what happens if I get stopped out? You get the fuck if you get stopped out. It's demo. You're learning how to be
434 01:18:47,010 --> 01:18:57,330 comfortable with being wrong. Now, that's already hard for men. It's hard. You don't think so? As somebody out this is tonight when you go out to the clubs
435 01:18:57,330 --> 01:19:05,670 tonight. That's going on the first good first good looking person you see in the club, walk up to them ask them out. What are you going to feel when they say I
436 01:19:05,670 --> 01:19:12,690 got a boyfriend? I got somebody else on the interesting you're fucking not gonna get the fuck out of here. No, I don't want your fucking drink. What are you
437 01:19:12,690 --> 01:19:27,180 gonna feel? Oh shit. It's gonna make you feel like you wish you never left your house. Now that same mindset you're going out there looking to get turned down
438 01:19:27,390 --> 01:19:45,960 immediately. And for a man when we lose money, or if we get something incorrect or for turn down that totally wrecks us. Not me. I'm top GB. We're coming at me
439 01:19:46,080 --> 01:19:56,340 all angles. Bullshit. Every man thinks this way. Don't give a shit. Tell them they don't have it downstairs. And watch how fast they turn into a little boy
440 01:19:56,340 --> 01:20:07,500 that loses their fucking mind. Women have amazing power. Over men, they're easily malleable, easily manipulated, easily defeated, and it's between their
441 01:20:07,500 --> 01:20:18,990 ears. And that's exactly what you invite, you invite that same easy, flawless victory over yourself, by going out there and trading with real money before
442 01:20:18,990 --> 01:20:30,930 you're ready. You're asking for it, you're absolutely begging for it. And not realizing that that is so detrimental to you as a trader for the rest of your
443 01:20:30,930 --> 01:20:42,420 fucking life. It creates a thought process that will always be referred to continuously going forward. Whereas if you simply just do what I'm asking you to
444 01:20:42,420 --> 01:20:54,570 do, it costs no money. It does the best job of teaching you to prepare your mindset for focusing on what what the markets doing not, is it going to give you
445 01:20:54,570 --> 01:21:03,720 your fucking money or not? Or is it going to take enough that you can still sleep at night? I'm not worried about that. You shouldn't be worried about that.
446 01:21:04,170 --> 01:21:14,250 You respect the level of risk that's out there. Because it's always potentially every trade you get into is a losing trade. You have to cover the costs. Do you
447 01:21:14,250 --> 01:21:25,380 cut the cost and close the trade out and profit it's not profitable. realized gain as the only profit and it has to be above and beyond the costs, fees and
448 01:21:25,380 --> 01:21:33,180 commissions spreads. See, everybody walks around in this industry in the beginning with blinders on.
449 01:21:35,070 --> 01:21:47,460 And it's it's very frustrating for me having been around a longer time than most of you also suffering more than most of you would ever endure. And just stupid
450 01:21:47,460 --> 01:21:58,830 fucking advice, dumb shit advice, impulsive nature, maybe you didn't hear it from somebody else. Maybe didn't hear it from another influencer. Just simply go
451 01:21:58,830 --> 01:22:10,350 out there and start trading with live money. That's the best way to learn. It's not that is not the proper procedure is learn the basics about the marketplace.
452 01:22:11,850 --> 01:22:29,220 Learn risk management, then, then tape read, not demo, tape read study real market action. Back test. Look at all moves. Study in great detail Law Journal.
453 01:22:29,910 --> 01:22:39,930 What what do you want to gravitate towards as a setup? Some of you already know what that is, generally, but because you see me or someone else do a video. You
454 01:22:39,930 --> 01:22:48,960 know shit. That's how I want to trade. When that's not even the best way for you particularly specifically aligned with your personality. You just think That's
455 01:22:48,960 --> 01:22:57,270 fucking awesome. But that's awesome. You know, it's also not always awesome to me. Watching Mike Tyson walk out here with a fucking towel wrapped around his
456 01:22:57,270 --> 01:23:04,080 head. No socks, rip the shit out of some guy in 30 seconds walk out here make $30 million. That was fucking awesome. It doesn't mean I'm gonna be able to do
457 01:23:04,080 --> 01:23:16,380 that. But I can respect it. I can get my fucking my area where I workout and I can stand in front of me. And I could do shadow boxing and think I'm fucking you
458 01:23:16,380 --> 01:23:26,310 know, the bee's knees. But I'm not getting a new fucking record. No Mike Tyson. I know my limitations. But the problem is because of social media. We think that
459 01:23:26,370 --> 01:23:36,630 oh shit. I can do that to watch me and you should sell. It's over. It's fast. You got that money in our account? It's gone. What did you learn? I shouldn't
460 01:23:36,630 --> 01:23:52,110 have ever done that. I didn't know as much as I thought I did. Oh, wow. I can lose a lot faster than I thought I could have. Yeah. So the process is basic
461 01:23:52,140 --> 01:24:07,710 understanding about markets. Risk Management. Before you even start studying why price action or back testing, you have to know risk management. By doing such,
462 01:24:08,460 --> 01:24:16,830 and it's the boring topic then do I want to hear about but that's the part that gets you rich. Don't want to hear about that shit ICT. That's the part that gets
463 01:24:16,830 --> 01:24:30,000 your fucking rich pal. That's the part that fucking tells Carl. Keep your fucking desk job, bitch. I'm out of here. That's the part. The boring shit.
464 01:24:30,120 --> 01:24:40,230 That's the stuff that gets you there. When you go to listen to anybody else in any other industry. You go to them, and they talk to you. They're imparting
465 01:24:40,230 --> 01:24:47,490 their wisdom. You went there because you know they're going to talk about this one thing that you went there to listen to. And you can't fucking stand
466 01:24:47,490 --> 01:24:59,250 everything else they're talking about because it's not scratching that itch. Fuck your itch. All that shit is your limited perspective about what it is that
467 01:24:59,250 --> 01:25:09,390 you should be doing. Like, you're coming to someone that's the professional, the person that's in a better vantage point than you more experience than more than
468 01:25:09,390 --> 01:25:19,770 you, and you're coming to them, me or anyone else. And you're saying, I don't want to hear all this bullshit. Get to the point. The point is, You're the
469 01:25:19,770 --> 01:25:31,230 fucking problem. You have to be teachable. You can't cherry pick what it is you think is going to work from you when you have no experience. And that's what
470 01:25:31,230 --> 01:25:40,440 you're doing. When you go out there with a live account. you're discovering you don't know shit. You need that lesson monetarily in terms of the loss, the
471 01:25:40,440 --> 01:25:46,650 embarrassment, the shame, the pride, the regret, knowing Damn, well, what you were going to do was a gamble. You might just take that money, go buy some
472 01:25:46,650 --> 01:25:49,200 fucking scratch offs, you're probably better off
473 01:25:56,250 --> 01:26:06,570 after learning basic understanding about the marketplace, what is that? what market you're following? What time says a trade? What's its minimum fluctuation?
474 01:26:08,970 --> 01:26:24,960 What does it look like? What has it done historically? What's the margins? How much does it take to trade it? Then risk management? How much are you going to
475 01:26:24,960 --> 01:26:35,100 worry about incurring per trade? It's going to change. Once you start really trading, it'll definitely be different. Because in the beginning, you think I
476 01:26:35,100 --> 01:26:44,580 can do 2%? Now you can't. You can't trust me. Because as soon as you put your first like trade on, and if it's a forex pair, and you see me like it's a
477 01:26:44,580 --> 01:26:52,920 negative since you betrayed on you're underneath the dealing spread, and then it has a little bit of a drawdown against you. You really feel that 2% is too much.
478 01:26:53,790 --> 01:27:04,260 And now what are you thinking about? What bad advice tells you to do all the time? Get an air with a small account and learn how to trade? No. Because now
479 01:27:04,260 --> 01:27:13,530 you're worried about shit. I wish I wouldn't have pushed this trade. I wish I would have waited for more confirmation. Here's your confirmation. Don't fucking
480 01:27:13,530 --> 01:27:22,530 trade with light funds until you know how to fucking trade. That's the confirmation. Everybody that's ever made money. Really, and knows what the fuck
481 01:27:22,530 --> 01:27:36,060 you're doing will tell you this is best advice. You don't you do not fucking give an offering to the market with money when you have no idea what the fuck
482 01:27:36,060 --> 01:27:46,920 you're doing. If you need to know, if you do it wrong, it will take money from you hear it from me right now. If you go in there, and you do it wrong, your
483 01:27:46,920 --> 01:27:57,900 money's gone. There you go. Now, go on past this point. It's an IQ test. Are you fucking stupid? That stupid is gonna go out there and do it with a live account,
484 01:27:58,020 --> 01:28:12,480 not knowing how to do it. Now you're gonna pass the IQ test is the fucking IQ test is very simple. You don't do it. Simple. Smooth brains are gonna go out
485 01:28:12,480 --> 01:28:21,180 there and fucking open up a live account and try to figure out how to trade like that. And waste time build toxic thinking and be afraid of every trade you take
486 01:28:21,180 --> 01:28:31,410 in the future, versus being indifferent to the outcome. That's the sweet spot. That's the part that it took a lot for me to get to. And before I get to that
487 01:28:31,410 --> 01:28:40,350 point, I'm wrestling with most reminds me that time I took that trade in, right? Why? Why would I even think about that? Because I lost the fucking real money.
488 01:28:41,670 --> 01:28:52,200 More money than you earned in a year. I don't give a fuck where you're at. I earned it. That's the that's still equivalent. Okay, those things hurt. For a
489 01:28:52,200 --> 01:29:05,640 man. It's pride. It's ego. It dashes sense of self worth. And yes, I wish I had the money back in my hands. But I rushed into live trading before I should have.
490 01:29:05,940 --> 01:29:16,080 I'm telling you, I'm fucking telling you, with all the experience I have is teaching. And with my own trading when I first started doing it and seeing other
491 01:29:16,080 --> 01:29:27,870 people do it, it never pans out. It never fucking pans out. And you see these people on every different venue of social media. They'll go up and say yeah, I
492 01:29:27,870 --> 01:29:33,810 went out there I didn't do demonstrating and how I learned how to trade blah, blah, blah. Again, Danti they wouldn't be able to sit on a live stream and call
493 01:29:33,810 --> 01:29:44,160 the market not have any sense of calmness. You'd see their emotions. You got to see their face now see their face, listen to their breathing pattern. Cousin,
494 01:29:44,400 --> 01:29:54,930 fuck me. Bullshit. Hold on. I gotta go to the bathroom. Mute. They're puking their guts up their wish they never would have livestream that day. That will be
495 01:29:54,930 --> 01:30:04,230 the reality of it. But you don't get to see that. You don't get to see that. because they're only going to give you a little snapshot, what they want you to
496 01:30:04,230 --> 01:30:16,680 see. And these are the same types of people, they're going to tell you bad advice, when that bad advice wasn't even profitable for them. So you have to
497 01:30:16,680 --> 01:30:27,390 guard your mind. Protect your mind while you're new. Because it's so easily easily distracted with things, it's going to cause you to hurt yourself. In the
498 01:30:27,390 --> 01:30:36,030 way you think about the market the way you think about yourself. You'll grade yourself too early. Oh, this person understands it more than I have. And they've
499 01:30:36,030 --> 01:30:43,320 been studying in less than me who gives a fuck? How do you know that they've been doing it longer. And it is one of sound smart and fun everybody else on
500 01:30:43,320 --> 01:30:54,090 social media, stop worrying about your social media equity curve. Everybody's in drawdown as far as I'm concerned. Because if you're out there constantly virtue
501 01:30:54,090 --> 01:31:06,480 signaling, try and get attention. Look at me Look at me. You're you're really, really in drawdown. I don't give a shit. I talk to you through the medium of a
502 01:31:06,480 --> 01:31:19,200 demo. I'm having shame in it. Because that's the right way to learn. But you don't even touch a demo, until you've tape read, tape read and tape read. You
503 01:31:19,200 --> 01:31:30,240 see the market do whatever you expect it to do without any transaction. Because what you've done is you've learned the basics about the marketplace. The market,
504 01:31:30,240 --> 01:31:41,550 you're gonna be following every aspect of what it is required to trade it, the times it trades, its margin requirements. Then you understand risk, how to frame
505 01:31:42,150 --> 01:31:51,900 a trade in terms of monetary risk. Whatever your beginning expectations are in terms of what your trade should be allowed to take from you. In the industry
506 01:31:51,900 --> 01:32:03,180 standard of 2% is too fucking high. It's too high. That's not realistic for someone starting now. You want it to be so insignificant that it literally feels
507 01:32:03,180 --> 01:32:20,310 like nothing to you. That's the right way to learn how to trade. And then by having that realistic expectation on yourself and your results, then you go into
508 01:32:20,340 --> 01:32:30,840 tape reading how to learn to read price, how's it move, when there's these specific types of signatures that we're teaching you? When do they occur? How
509 01:32:30,840 --> 01:32:38,790 does it what does it look like? How do they repeat and look very close to one another? What does it look like when it fails? What things are warning signs
510 01:32:38,790 --> 01:32:50,550 that it's not likely to pan out? You haven't even touched the fucking demo count yet. And you are all still feeling impatient. Some of you already turned off
511 01:32:50,550 --> 01:33:00,210 this Twitter space because ain't telling you what you want to hear. Good. Get the fuck out of here. You're not ready. You're not ready. You're not ready for
512 01:33:00,210 --> 01:33:15,480 me, at least the people that are making real money, they've gone through this. And you can't shortcut it. Once you see with tape reading over and over and over
513 01:33:15,480 --> 01:33:29,790 again week after week, you have at least 60% of your expectations come to fruition. What? Yeah, you got to be better than half the time right? Then only
514 01:33:29,790 --> 01:33:40,860 then go into demo, then you're gonna see another growing pain because now you're looking at it with a scorecard attached attached to it. Are you right now?
515 01:33:41,130 --> 01:33:49,830 Whereas before a tape reading, you're just watching and observing, recording what your observations are. Oh, did this did that it's going to be boring for
516 01:33:49,830 --> 01:33:59,910 most of you that are just in here trying to copy me. That's that's the litmus test is going to be? Why are you here. Because if you're here to learn how to
517 01:33:59,910 --> 01:34:13,740 trade, I'm going to teach you exactly how to do what I do. And you won't need me. But some of you want spoon fed five minute trainers, signals copy me
518 01:34:13,740 --> 01:34:23,850 service, that type of stuff. And I'm not doing that. I'm turning people into monsters. I'm turning people into savages. You want to make your yearly salary
519 01:34:23,850 --> 01:34:36,450 in a fucking month. Stay with me this year. Stay with me this year, and there is no limitations period. You're gonna lose money in the process. But you want to
520 01:34:36,450 --> 01:34:46,590 make what you make a year in one month. I will give you their skill sets and how to arrive at that. But you are going to be the determining factor. How fast or
521 01:34:46,590 --> 01:35:01,380 at all if you get there, not me not the concepts not the market. It's you. And once you get into the demo portion of learning you trade with lowest degree of
522 01:35:01,380 --> 01:35:12,840 risk you can. And you grow from that up higher more. As you learn to trust, what you're doing isn't being influenced by the outcome. That's why it takes time,
523 01:35:12,840 --> 01:35:25,470 folks. It takes time. You have to desensitize yourself and condition yourself to look for the process to deliver the outcome, not the trade to make me money.
524 01:35:26,490 --> 01:35:36,360 Because if you do these things, and you're doing everything I'm training you to do, and you manage risk, the derivative is the fucking profits, the limited
525 01:35:36,360 --> 01:35:44,730 drawdown the corrections from drawdown, that's the, that's the fruits of everything I'm teaching you. But you all think you're going to have a vertical
526 01:35:44,730 --> 01:35:53,100 fucking spike on your equity curve from day one, never any drawdown. Never any adversities, never develop never any difficulties in understanding what it is
527 01:35:53,100 --> 01:35:54,990 that you should be doing or navigating through trades.
528 01:35:56,040 --> 01:36:06,060 When I've told you all this time, in all the rates, you're going to be dealing with that. And now you're going to equate that your failure success is only
529 01:36:06,810 --> 01:36:19,770 based on your Live account, when you're not even ready to be trading with a live account. That's stupid. It's fucking stupid. But because you have all these
530 01:36:19,770 --> 01:36:29,460 other influencers, these are these authors, these book writers, these course makers, these public figures are your fucking friend that's lying to you and
531 01:36:29,460 --> 01:36:39,270 saying he's been doing it. He's making money, but he's showing you a fucking demo account. Everybody is going to give you everything that is diametrically
532 01:36:39,270 --> 01:36:50,520 opposed to what I've been beaten into your head today with. And I'm the bad guy, whatever, don't give a fuck. I'm not going to work on Monday. I can take a
533 01:36:50,520 --> 01:37:00,180 vacation wherever the fuck I want. And I don't work with Carl. So who you listening to? You didn't swipe no fucking credit card here. There was no Pay Pal
534 01:37:00,180 --> 01:37:10,650 payments here. And you will have to renew anything, no subscriptions, it's nothing. And I'm making monsters. And they're bringing the receipts. They
535 01:37:10,650 --> 01:37:22,020 themselves are killing it. You're seeing all the interviews from the companies. There's no proof, there's all kinds of fucking proof. Look around. And you're
536 01:37:22,020 --> 01:37:34,410 among them, if you will allow yourself. Gotta Get Away, you have to get out of your own way. And stop worrying about I want to know when the gaps are still
537 01:37:34,440 --> 01:37:46,650 supposed to stay unfilled. You'll see they'll teach you. But it's only going to be beneficial over live data. You'll learn it by that by repetition, over and
538 01:37:46,650 --> 01:37:54,840 over again. It'll desensitize you. And you'll see even sometimes when it does fill in like this past week here, I had two areas I wanted to see left open
539 01:37:55,380 --> 01:38:04,530 doesn't mean the trade fails. It just means that it's better for them to stay open because then if it stays up and really onside, that means I'm right about
540 01:38:04,530 --> 01:38:13,500 where I'm at in terms of my entries, and where it's likely to go. gaps that don't fill in this is for your notes. I'm not sure if you wrote anything down.
541 01:38:13,500 --> 01:38:27,750 I've said today because I've been pretty. And I mean the the emphasis on gaps not closing in, if they don't fill in. It's like rocket fuel for your trade.
542 01:38:29,340 --> 01:38:40,710 Why? Because it is in a hurry to reprice to a level that's outside the range it's in right now. Get gaps that don't fill our signatures that tell me we're
543 01:38:40,710 --> 01:38:49,860 going outside the present range for external range liquidity. I'll talk more about that even my mentorship students private group just learned something
544 01:38:49,860 --> 01:39:00,990 there too. This stuff is the sweet stuff, the sugar, okay, that makes everything I'm dealing with you even sweeter when you're in trades. You want to see
545 01:39:00,990 --> 01:39:10,560 specific levels that once a fair value get forms. If you start seeing fair value gaps, keep forming and not filling it and it just keeps pressing higher. Man you
546 01:39:10,560 --> 01:39:18,930 are in for a sweet run. It's gonna run and probably go way beyond you thought it was gonna go. So every time I get into a trade, I'm looking for that signature.
547 01:39:19,110 --> 01:39:27,900 It might not present it. But I'm looking for it. Because it gives me that insight it means that I have a fucking tiger by the tail. And I want to hold on
548 01:39:27,900 --> 01:39:38,220 to that and sometimes you'll see I'll move my my not my start but I've moved my target beyond what my original expectation is. It still doesn't mean that I
549 01:39:38,220 --> 01:39:47,550 won't take the blinds portion of the trade off where I originally had my take profit. It just means that Oh shit, I might have a bigger run here. Let me open
550 01:39:47,550 --> 01:39:58,200 up the gates a little bit more wider settling. It's a clear shot for a further profit objective. But I'm still to protect myself because it's it would be
551 01:39:58,200 --> 01:40:05,610 foolish for me to not take profits where I originally thought the take profit or Terminus would be where I thought the trade was going to go. Ultimately, it
552 01:40:05,610 --> 01:40:14,430 would be foolish for me not to at least take most of it off there. And then let, let's see if I have a runner and leave a small portion on. Now as a new student
553 01:40:14,430 --> 01:40:23,550 or a new trader, you're questioning as well, if you really thought that then why would you take off? Nothing, and just let it all run? Well, that's because I
554 01:40:23,580 --> 01:40:32,880 want to make fucking money. And I'm a human being. And I'm prone to be human sometimes, and I could do it wrong. And that's infancy on your part to think
555 01:40:32,880 --> 01:40:42,540 that way. And maturity on my part, because I've lost lots of money, and I've made money, and then can't understand these things, unless you've been there. So
556 01:40:42,540 --> 01:40:50,010 it's easy before you even started trading, to say, Well, if you're teaching this, this doesn't make any sense. It's counterintuitive. If you think it's
557 01:40:50,010 --> 01:40:56,190 gonna go higher, why bother taking the partials off, that makes no sense, you incurred this much risk when you put the trade on, so therefore, it's stupid to
558 01:40:56,190 --> 01:41:02,790 scale off profits. That's somebody that's not profitable talking to you. Okay, that's somebody that's not consistently profitable. That's somebody that's
559 01:41:02,790 --> 01:41:11,550 talking out of their ass, or someone that's in the fight has no idea what you're doing, and they weren't perfect. And perfect doesn't fucking exist. It doesn't
560 01:41:11,580 --> 01:41:21,930 not in trading. It's never gonna, it's never going to be a goal you arrive at but guess what, it's a target. I aim for all the time. But I also manage myself,
561 01:41:21,930 --> 01:41:32,700 I manage my trades responsibly. I know that if I take if I'm sure if I'm taking out a short term low, or intermediate term low, I better damn well fucking take
562 01:41:32,700 --> 01:41:42,000 something off the trade. Because I might, I might get drunk with the whole trade and think, wow, it's gonna really run farther. And if I don't take it off, and
563 01:41:42,000 --> 01:41:51,840 it rips against me. Oh, fuck, I just set my whole trade. Now. The the argument here's the argument and the rebuttal to people that say partials are stupid. Let
564 01:41:51,840 --> 01:41:58,590 me tell you something. I've seen so many people preach against me, you know what I'm what I teach students to do in the beginning, because it's important. It's
565 01:41:58,590 --> 01:42:06,330 that little reward that cookie, it's your yellow belt from being a white belt, progressively going towards the black belt. You're you're teaching yourself that
566 01:42:06,360 --> 01:42:15,960 you're doing everything right. You're growing in your confidence, and you're paying yourself as you grow in more thresholds in time and experience. But when
567 01:42:15,960 --> 01:42:23,640 I hear and see people saying taking partials is stupid, because when you put a trade on, it makes no sense to say you put on a 2% risk, and you're trying to do
568 01:42:23,790 --> 01:42:34,980 XR. Okay. You trying to make 10 times what you're risking. Well, that's, you're gonna learn that today. I mean, not today this year as well. But their argument
569 01:42:34,980 --> 01:42:45,120 is if they put on a trade, or anyone puts on a trade risk 2% And they take partials off you're not getting your full 10 I'm getting fucking paid man. I'm
570 01:42:45,120 --> 01:42:54,000 getting fucking paid. What do you say when it goes back against you and your full your full 2% Stop? What the fuck did you make? You may Jack and shit and
571 01:42:54,000 --> 01:43:02,040 Jack left fucking town. Bottom line is this. You're in this business to make fucking money. You're not in here to make fucking friends. Okay, that's it.
572 01:43:02,190 --> 01:43:11,190 These motherfuckers that tell you stupid shit are not making fucking money. And that's the bottom line. Why the fuck are you gonna listen to somebody that
573 01:43:11,190 --> 01:43:21,630 aren't they're not proven shipped to you. They got long winded bullshit. Whether it be typed out in fucking Twitter, or on fucking posts or on fucking Instagram,
574 01:43:21,690 --> 01:43:33,270 where they talk about their fucking ass on fucking YouTube. And they bring no proof that their fucking know what you're talking about. Zero that's the people
575 01:43:33,270 --> 01:43:47,580 you want to listen to get the fuck out of you. partials pay. Okay, partials never fail in pain. You ever think about that? There has never been a partial
576 01:43:47,580 --> 01:43:58,200 profit that never fucking paid profit. That's 100 Fucking percent. Fine. Fucking percent. You don't know. You don't know if that stop boss is gonna get hit on
577 01:43:58,200 --> 01:44:07,680 your fucking trade. I don't fucking know. Nobody fucking knows that. You don't know if your target is gonna fucking get hit. I will give a flying fuck if it's
578 01:44:07,680 --> 01:44:19,260 a 50 yard trade 200 Fucking are all this stupid shit you see on social media. You don't know that. But guess what the fuck? I do know. I'm there. I'm getting
579 01:44:19,260 --> 01:44:28,980 five fucking handles. I know I'm getting fucking liquidity below that fucking short term low and I'm sure I know. I'm fucking getting that every time I bark
580 01:44:28,980 --> 01:44:37,620 on that fucking Twitter feed and that shit delivers you know what? I know. I know what the fuck I know. It's what I know. It delivers you're gonna know that
581 01:44:37,620 --> 01:44:45,870 skill set this fucking year. You're gonna be able to tell these motherfuckers pound fucking sand motherfucker you don't know shit. Get the fuck up the fucking
582 01:44:45,870 --> 01:44:58,620 road. Nobody's listening to your clownery shit no more. Okay, because the real shit is here. It's here. It's not myth. It's not made up is not conjecture. This
583 01:44:58,620 --> 01:45:05,820 is the fucking market. This Here's how you get paid. This is how you make fucking money. This is how you manage risks. This is how you learn this is how
584 01:45:05,820 --> 01:45:16,770 you progress productively this is how you fucking do it. They're gonna fuckin poke out there that tells you to do it this way there ain't no fucking corpse
585 01:45:16,770 --> 01:45:27,240 out there that tells you to do this there ain't no fucking educated is going to do this because they got a fucking image to maintain. Fuck, image. Image don't
586 01:45:27,240 --> 01:45:38,250 pay shit. Don't pay shit. You know what pays results? I don't need anybody that like my fucking videos. I don't need you to listen to my fucking Twitter spaces.
587 01:45:38,340 --> 01:45:45,300 I'm getting fucking paid regardless. I'm gonna do the shit I'm teaching you and it won't make a difference who believes it or doesn't believe it? It still
588 01:45:45,300 --> 01:45:55,260 fucking works. And partials pay every fucking time. It's 100% strike rate motherfucker.
589 01:45:55,530 --> 01:46:06,360 What is wrong with that? Where's the logic in arguing against that? You're gonna sit in that fucking trade. You're gonna sit in that fucking trade and allow it
590 01:46:06,360 --> 01:46:15,750 to go against you and stop your whole fucking 2% or whatever the Mickey Mouse shit management you used to put it on? Oh, that's that's the randomness in the
591 01:46:15,750 --> 01:46:28,110 marketplace. This is what happens. You have to strike it up as you win some you lose some fuck off. I ain't in here to do that. I'm not here for 5050 Shit. If
592 01:46:28,110 --> 01:46:39,060 you came here with that logic, I'm telling you something. That shit is gonna die real quick. Because I'm not a 5050 Motherfucker. I might be 50 fucking years
593 01:46:39,060 --> 01:46:48,990 old. But I'll tell you right now, when it comes to fucking trading. I want my results. I want my fucking potential to be on side more than 50%. And if I can't
594 01:46:49,020 --> 01:47:00,660 argue that, in my analysis, the fuck I'm not getting in there. I gotta know that I have multiple position exits, in terms of partials before I even get to my
595 01:47:00,660 --> 01:47:12,240 target. Well, you just say, oh shit, you better break that notebook out right now. Pull the fucking car over. So you can type in text to yourself immediately.
596 01:47:15,480 --> 01:47:26,550 Every trade that I'm looking to take, I want at least two partials before I get to my terms. That's a high probability trade for me. Was that mean? It's high
597 01:47:26,550 --> 01:47:35,430 probability. It's going to go to my tournaments. No. It's high probability. ICT is getting fucking paid. I'm showing up to the venue. That means I put my acid
598 01:47:35,430 --> 01:47:44,460 from the fucking charts. I push the button. I'm getting fucking paid. I'm getting paid. Nobody's fucking me out of my fucking my royalties. I showed the
599 01:47:44,460 --> 01:47:53,100 fuck up. Pay me motherfucker. I don't care if I close the show down and get determined. I don't give a fuck. You don't care either. You don't know if
600 01:47:53,100 --> 01:47:59,640 they're gonna drop a fucking bomb over here. You don't know if they're going to come up with some fucking Chicken Little disease and fucking something's going
601 01:47:59,640 --> 01:48:08,880 to cause the market goes upside down. How do you know that's not going to happen? Can you fucking tell me? Can you prove that you know that there is not
602 01:48:08,880 --> 01:48:19,560 going to be some fuckery going on on Monday. That causes the market to take a shit. Do you know that? Because I don't know that. But you listen these fucking
603 01:48:19,560 --> 01:48:30,120 20 year olds walking around here on social media. They got everything fucking figured out. 200 ollar baby and I'm trading fucking nano lots for six years. I'm
604 01:48:30,120 --> 01:48:40,800 still trading nanobots. But I'm dealing 200 are, you gotta you gotta respect me. The fuck we do. Come on, man. At some point, you gotta call bullshit. partials
605 01:48:40,830 --> 01:48:53,850 is how you get paid. And you need that in the beginning. You fucking need it. You need that little push that reminder. This is why I'm doing this. I waited
606 01:48:53,850 --> 01:49:02,490 all this time for the second set up to happen. I'm in front of the charts. I'm pushing it. I'm in there. I need to know. I'm doing the right shit. How do you
607 01:49:02,490 --> 01:49:10,770 do that? You get your yellow belt. You get your blue belt, that you're working towards your black belt, which is getting trades to go to Terminus, your full
608 01:49:10,770 --> 01:49:21,090 targets. But nobody fucking joins any martial art walks out there. And the fucking sensei says All right, well, you arrived. Here's your participation and
609 01:49:21,090 --> 01:49:29,520 we're here's your fucking Black Belt. But that's what you think. You would think that with all these people on social media. They watch videos, whether it be
610 01:49:29,520 --> 01:49:41,280 mine or other people's and shit. And all of a sudden they're trading the market replay and they're fucking authorities in the whole business. It's tiresome.
611 01:49:41,520 --> 01:49:51,870 It's like, once you taste the real shit when you have fillet when you have filet, okay, a nice piece of fucking fillet right on the plate and you taste it
612 01:49:51,870 --> 01:50:06,270 for the first time. I'm sorry. Sorry, man. You just can't fucking have cat fish. Okay. You think, oh yes, we're on the same level here. We're not. It tastes like
613 01:50:06,270 --> 01:50:16,950 muddy water. Okay, tastes like shit. You want something that you want the real stuff, you want the meat and potatoes, you getting that here? I don't care if
614 01:50:16,950 --> 01:50:28,080 you like me, I don't give a fuck. If you think I'm the best mentor or not, I don't give a shit, I will teach you exactly how to rip this shit apart and build
615 01:50:28,080 --> 01:50:39,210 a life for yourself. And it's costing you nothing but the effort and time that you put into it. If you fail, you have failed. And the only way that failure
616 01:50:39,210 --> 01:50:48,930 occurs is if you quit. That's it. That's how quitting affects you. That's failure. The people that feel like they want to quit, but keep pressing into it.
617 01:50:49,140 --> 01:50:55,890 They're the ones that are getting all these big payouts. They're the ones that are making the point of, I don't want to have to work anymore. I quit my job.
618 01:50:58,620 --> 01:51:09,030 They had people just like you that doubted them. They have people that still can't fucking believe that they made it. And believe me, I guarantee you, they
619 01:51:09,030 --> 01:51:15,600 have a whole lot of people that are fucking envious as shit now, because they wanted him to fail. They wanted them to fucking fail. So they can say, See, I
620 01:51:15,600 --> 01:51:23,340 told you, you're just like us, you're just like us, you're never going to be able to do it. So you should have just listened to us when we told you don't
621 01:51:23,340 --> 01:51:35,310 bother them. Those are the people that you cut the fuck off. You don't make your business there's you don't give the you don't give the wheel to them. Because
622 01:51:35,310 --> 01:51:43,560 they're gonna steer your ass right into a fucking tree. Isn't this much as you may think they love you. And they may they very well may love you. But they
623 01:51:43,560 --> 01:51:58,320 don't love you doing better than them. I'm gonna say that again. Your friends and your family. They may love you. But they don't love you doing better than
624 01:51:58,320 --> 01:52:06,390 them. And that's true, especially when they tell you, you shouldn't be doing what you're doing here. It's a pipe dream. Let me tell you something new. What's
625 01:52:06,450 --> 01:52:16,800 new, what's the sweetest fucking thing in the world? Here's the sweetest thing in the fucking world. Every Monday morning, when I wake up, I stretch out my bed
626 01:52:17,040 --> 01:52:25,980 and look around my room. And I'm like, You know what I gotta do today. Go to work. You know what my aunt and uncles and my cousins and my fucking best
627 01:52:25,980 --> 01:52:36,270 friends growing up through school we're dealing today going to work with their fucking thinking about right now. I'm only thinking about them because I don't
628 01:52:36,270 --> 01:52:43,680 have to do what they're doing. They're thinking about how much they don't want to be going whether you have to go to get their money. Who's in a better
629 01:52:43,680 --> 01:52:55,140 position here. It has nothing to do with arrogance. This is how you combat that shit. Okay, all these fucking people around you. Unless they're telling you go,
630 01:52:55,500 --> 01:53:06,510 go, don't fucking stop dig in. You are going to do this. Then you tell them nothing. If you suspect that they're not going to support you 100% Why even
631 01:53:06,510 --> 01:53:14,250 invite them into the conversation? Don't because if you love what you're doing here, and you want to make this your fucking life and your career, and you want
632 01:53:14,250 --> 01:53:29,130 to pass the skill set on to your kids. Should you ever decide to have kids you're gonna be thankful that you stuck in this. It's hard. It absolutely is
633 01:53:29,130 --> 01:53:39,750 hard. But so as exercise and working out. You think everybody has these beautiful, symmetrical, you know physiques that are aesthetically pleasing.
634 01:53:40,170 --> 01:53:47,670 Everybody strives for the bikini body, the summer body, you think they just got that because they watch it on TV and watch the exercise videos. That's the same
635 01:53:47,670 --> 01:53:56,130 thing you're expecting to do when you watch it videos. When you're watching me teach this stuff. I mean, if you're gonna put your ass in front of the media or
636 01:53:56,160 --> 01:54:05,490 sit down and listen to me, okay, all I'm doing is giving you the instructions on what to do. Just like that exercise video. You're not getting the repetition,
637 01:54:05,940 --> 01:54:14,160 you benefits that they're doing, they're sweating their ass off. They're making ad revenue off you watching their shit or purchasing their their program. They
638 01:54:14,160 --> 01:54:22,470 will give a fuck if you exercise or not, they don't care. But here, I'm reminding you constantly. If you're just watching my videos and being
639 01:54:22,500 --> 01:54:32,640 entertained, or using them as a fucking lullaby to go to sleep, some of you people do. That's cool. I don't give a shit. Bottom line is you have to do the
640 01:54:32,640 --> 01:54:41,730 work. What does that work? What I'm going to put you through this year. And you'll see it's fun. It's actually fun. In the beginning, it feels like what I'm
641 01:54:41,730 --> 01:54:51,540 doing here. Couple weeks ago, you'll say oh shit this, I'm starting to see it now. And those observations the things that you see that I don't talk about.
642 01:54:52,050 --> 01:55:03,360 That is where you start mining. Meaning that's the direction that your personal personality, your unique personal acted on price that is starting to be
643 01:55:03,360 --> 01:55:13,260 activated. You're starting to see things in price. And you need to pay attention to it. It doesn't mean go on Twitter and say ICT, I found this right here. What
644 01:55:13,260 --> 01:55:24,000 do you think it doesn't fucking matter what I think? If it's resonating with you, it's your business, mind your fucking business. I'm not trying to mind your
645 01:55:24,000 --> 01:55:34,440 business, I got my own fucking shit to worry about. But the things that start making sense to you in the live streams, that's the beginning foundation to what
646 01:55:34,440 --> 01:55:43,170 you're going to be focusing on as a trader. You're not going to see why I'm calling a specific level important. Why are you picking that candle? But then
647 01:55:43,170 --> 01:55:47,640 when I talk about fair value get going? Oh, yeah, it makes sense to me. So does that mean you're not an order block trader,
648 01:55:48,210 --> 01:55:55,620 it doesn't mean I don't understand order blocks, fuck fair, I guess I can see that easily. I'm going to conquer order blocks because something's there. And
649 01:55:55,620 --> 01:56:04,650 I'm understanding I'm going to waste my fucking time doing something harder than I could just simply follow what I see easily. The fair value gap. And either one
650 01:56:04,650 --> 01:56:13,560 of these things can be interchanged with whatever PV array. That's the part that most of you don't realize, you only need one. You could completely carve out
651 01:56:13,560 --> 01:56:23,040 your entire career with one model, one entry technique, your multiplier, that multiplier is the pattern that you key up on every single time you go into the
652 01:56:23,040 --> 01:56:31,320 marketplace. If there's not a breaker, you're not trading it. If there isn't a fair value get you're not trading it. I don't give a fuck if that keeps running
653 01:56:31,320 --> 01:56:40,470 up 100 handles who gives a shit that wasn't your trade. Maturity is I don't need that trade. Because I know all these other instances where my model is going to
654 01:56:40,470 --> 01:56:47,880 speak and I'll be able to activate a trade right there. And I won't worry about anything else except for the trade I'm in I'm managing myself and I'm managing
655 01:56:47,880 --> 01:56:56,310 the trade I mean fuck everything else, and I'll give a shit what bitcoins doing. I don't give a shit what fucking FTX drama is going on? I don't worry about
656 01:56:56,340 --> 01:57:02,910 who's in office in the United States who's fucking getting replaced in another country? I don't give a shit about none that stuff. I'm gonna trade I'm watching
657 01:57:02,910 --> 01:57:10,620 that fucking market. I'm only giving a shit about that market. That's it. My focus is dialed in. And I'll give a shit about what these other influencers are
658 01:57:10,620 --> 01:57:15,600 talking about on their live streams. I don't give a fuck about what you're trading. I don't give a fuck why do you think this markets better than that
659 01:57:15,600 --> 01:57:22,620 market? Why don't you trade the ES over the end? Q Why you trade and NTU? Not the ES. Why did you train Dow? I don't like fucking Dow Dow is piece of shit to
660 01:57:22,620 --> 01:57:31,800 me. Okay, it's too spotty. I have lots of students that make money with it. I personally don't fucking like it. I use it for macro analysis, when I'm looking
661 01:57:31,800 --> 01:57:40,590 for it to confirm the averages. Basically, Dow Theory, market breadth is strong. If they're all in agreement. That means if they're all moving in the same
662 01:57:40,590 --> 01:57:51,240 direction, then that's a healthy market is more likely to sustain its move as if it's on a higher timeframe. But I don't trade down. I'll trade MQ NASDAQ, or
663 01:57:51,240 --> 01:58:02,490 I'll trade es predominantly. Yes, in my opinion. Okay. If you had to say, Michael, you cannot trade any other market the rest of your life what's what's
664 01:58:02,490 --> 01:58:18,750 the market? The s&p any market but the s&p ICT bonds, the 30 year treasury bond? What's the other market? Then it would be NASDAQ. Okay, apart from those three,
665 01:58:18,780 --> 01:58:32,670 if you had to pick one market, what would you trade? Nothing right now. Now, does that give you the order of importance now? I constantly see the same
666 01:58:32,670 --> 01:58:43,260 questions coming up. Did you Did you ever think about what I just said it's what I said. That's it. After 30 years of doing it, that's That's it. The only reason
667 01:58:43,260 --> 01:58:53,250 why I stopped trading Forex is because I believe that we're about to see something pretty devastating in terms of currencies. I don't want to be caught
668 01:58:53,250 --> 01:59:02,040 offside when it happens. Also, the currency markets are rather sloppy. It took basically an entire month for dollar to get down to our target that I mentioned
669 01:59:02,040 --> 01:59:09,870 in the first week of January. Go back and watch that video. dollar went down to that fair value get right in the middle of it and put his own spin on it
670 01:59:09,870 --> 01:59:20,880 currently, you'll see in the analysis on Sunday. Am I right down to consequent curtailment of the fair Vega on a daily chart. And look at the reaction we had
671 01:59:20,880 --> 01:59:40,200 the last two days lb only went to one target and Euro went to all of them. Now, how many times did I call the s&p and NASDAQ and how many times to deliver. See
672 01:59:40,200 --> 01:59:51,270 the difference there? But Michael, why don't you trade for us a picture's worth 1000 words. If I'm not where the markets really going to be moving. I'm gonna go
673 01:59:51,270 --> 02:00:03,750 to where it's moving. Easiest. I want the real clean price runs and that's been going on in index features. Should Forex start getting wild again, start really
674 02:00:03,750 --> 02:00:12,600 opening up, then I'll be more active in forex. But right now, it's not worth my time. I'm not suggesting that you stop trading if that's what you do. Don't let
675 02:00:12,600 --> 02:00:23,400 me I'm not trying to influence you. But you're asking me. So I'm telling you. I read a tweet the other day, I guess it was this morning. Guy says, I see it's
676 02:00:23,400 --> 02:00:31,530 time for me to go. You know, you're talking about futures. I'm only in forex. I've learned how to trade. Thank you. I'm out of here. Okay, wonderful. That's
677 02:00:31,530 --> 02:00:40,680 exactly what I'm looking. I want independence. I'm not heartbroken over that. Alright, I've done it, I know exactly what I'm doing. I'm making money.
678 02:00:40,830 --> 02:00:52,560 Appreciate you. See, I'm not leaving me, I want you to fucking leave me, okay, I want you to leave me happy, satisfied, profitable, knowing what the fuck you're
679 02:00:52,560 --> 02:01:05,610 doing no regrets. That's exactly what a mentor should want. That's what you should want from your mentor. Not he paid me. I love you keep paying me back out
680 02:01:05,610 --> 02:01:20,790 of here, man. You will get what you put into this this year. That's what you're gonna get. If you have asset. That's the results you're gonna get. pour yourself
681 02:01:20,790 --> 02:01:31,740 into it. And really be diligent about what you're doing studying and focusing and being organized with your journaling. I'm telling you, it's going to totally
682 02:01:31,740 --> 02:01:43,140 transform every aspect of your analysis, your thought process and as a trader, and your executions will be much cleaner, you'll be more refined, you won't make
683 02:01:43,140 --> 02:01:55,950 a rash judgment, your executions will be much fewer, but more of a quality entry versus I'm afraid I'm gonna miss it. Let me just jump in here now in case it
684 02:01:55,950 --> 02:02:03,300 runs away without me, or it went down to where you should have been. But then I want to see if it really, really reacts there, the way I'm expecting price, and
685 02:02:03,300 --> 02:02:13,950 then it doesn't you chase a little bit, that stuff will be refined. And you'll see less of that. Only if you put the work into it. And be okay with the
686 02:02:13,950 --> 02:02:21,630 outcome. This is where you want to mess up. This is where you want to find out you did it wrong. You don't want to do that with your Live account trading with
687 02:02:21,630 --> 02:02:29,220 a funded account or your own money. You don't want to discover that you don't know how to manage yourself or your emotions or the psychological weight of
688 02:02:29,220 --> 02:02:42,480 being in risk. You don't want to learn that. While you're out there in it. You want to master that progressively. So that way you're not influenced. Once
689 02:02:42,480 --> 02:02:51,750 you've done months of back testing and tape reading. And he's done months of demoing. Wait a minute, I need to make money right now. You're gonna fucking
690 02:02:51,750 --> 02:03:01,770 fail. Okay? You want the honesty, you want the truth, you're gonna fail. I'm not here to see you fail. I don't want any of you to fucking fail. I want you to go
691 02:03:01,800 --> 02:03:15,570 out there and fucking kill it. Replace your fucking job, double that income. I want you to have all that and more. But I'm a practical realist. I know that
692 02:03:15,570 --> 02:03:26,460 that doesn't work like that. It takes a lot of effort. It takes a lot of unlearning. And you all have things that I'm not aware of, which are character
693 02:03:26,460 --> 02:03:42,000 flaws. I don't know what your character flaw is. I don't know if you're impatient, impulsive, reckless, doubtful. Stubborn, not willing to take a loss.
694 02:03:42,480 --> 02:03:54,090 That's a hard one for everybody. Can you be wrong and not lose your fucking mind about it all. And think oh, gotta get it all back right now. I'm going to put
695 02:03:54,090 --> 02:04:08,370 you in a demo trade this year. I'm going to tell you the put this trade on. When I tell you to do that. Do not do that with a live account. Because I'm going to
696 02:04:08,370 --> 02:04:21,180 put you in a losing trade. And I'm going to close the string at the end of it and tell you don't try to get it back into the next live stream. And I want you
697 02:04:21,180 --> 02:04:33,390 to think about what that feels like and if it was real money. How hard that would be how fucking devastating and irritating and just it's like a mosquito
698 02:04:33,390 --> 02:04:42,180 bite. You know, it's there, you know, damn, well, you shouldn't scratch it. Because if you scratch it just makes it worse. And that's exactly what you
699 02:04:42,180 --> 02:04:50,310 experience. When you have a losing trade with live funds and you did not learn how to trade. You're going to go back to scratching it and the only thing it
700 02:04:50,310 --> 02:05:04,590 does it makes it bigger and aces worse. That's what drawdown does. And then drawdown becomes what a balloon account. Oh Last funded account, regret, misery,
701 02:05:05,910 --> 02:05:14,430 all that stuff's avoidable. You don't see it like that now, because you haven't endorsed it yet. But some of you think that you, you're never going to have that
702 02:05:14,430 --> 02:05:26,220 problem, or you'll be fine. If it happens, no, you won't, you won't be fine. You'll be marred and scarred. And now you're damaged spirits. Because now you
703 02:05:26,220 --> 02:05:33,210 have to trade with that the rest of your life, I'm gonna tell you something. This is why I like listening to people that actually trade with real money and
704 02:05:33,210 --> 02:05:42,450 have been doing it longer than a couple years. Or in recent couple months, most people on YouTube are just now getting into a funded account that never had
705 02:05:42,450 --> 02:05:45,180 direct real account. But they're all authorities now.
706 02:05:46,950 --> 02:05:58,410 I love listening to people has been doing this at least half as long as I have, and longer. And I love listening to their wisdom of what they had to conquer in
707 02:05:58,410 --> 02:06:05,250 themselves. I don't give a shit about how they trade. Because I'm not interested in that. I don't think there's anything better for me to do, except for what
708 02:06:05,250 --> 02:06:12,930 I've done. Now, I would say that regardless of how I trade, so what happens is, is my students hear that and they think you're, I'm gonna go over here until
709 02:06:12,930 --> 02:06:19,620 this guy is trading illegally, you're a fucking clown. You're not trading order blocks of Faraday gas bits. You're nobody, you're Street money. I don't tell you
710 02:06:19,620 --> 02:06:27,210 to do that. I don't want you to do that. That's stupid. Okay. But I would have this mindset regardless of how I was trading, moving average crossovers. And if
711 02:06:27,210 --> 02:06:37,080 I was consistently profitable, that that's just me. That's my confidence. That's that's the, that's a strength in me. But it was a character flaw. And when I was
712 02:06:37,080 --> 02:06:47,130 20, because I was parading around like a fucking peacock on America Online. With banter that said, I was smarter than I really was. And I didn't know what the
713 02:06:47,130 --> 02:06:57,690 fuck I was doing. In the market showed me I didn't know what I was doing. And that was very painful. You don't want to have that experience. Because as a man,
714 02:06:59,370 --> 02:07:12,450 there was years ago, I would have never admitted that. You know, in my early 30s, it was just just coming to the point where I was like, You know what? That
715 02:07:12,450 --> 02:07:23,640 was embarrassing. I shouldn't have done that. But now, I realize there's benefit in telling you as a student, you don't want to have that experience. It's
716 02:07:23,700 --> 02:07:36,540 shameful. Number one. It's something that is, in my opinion, it's repulsive behavior, because nobody really wants to see somebody gloating. Like I sometimes
717 02:07:36,570 --> 02:07:46,770 facetiously, play around with it on Twitter, okay. But when you listen to me, when I'm talking to you and teaching you, you can hear the reality, okay? I
718 02:07:46,770 --> 02:07:54,750 mean, yes, I think I'm better than the average bear, but I'm not bragging, okay, and I don't want any of you to adopt that mindset, either. But when you have
719 02:07:55,710 --> 02:08:08,130 character flaws, I'm gonna say this part, we're going to close it because I'm, I'm hungry. When you have character flaws, it's easy to number one, observe them
720 02:08:08,160 --> 02:08:23,310 when you get in this industry. All those character flaws are going to shape you as the trader. For instance, when I first started 1992, I was scared to death,
721 02:08:24,150 --> 02:08:35,340 of putting on that first trade. I was so scared. I wanted I wanted to get in there. And a couple things moved without me soybean meal. I was looking at that
722 02:08:35,340 --> 02:08:42,840 market, it moved, and I was afraid to do anything, I just let it go. I looked at cocoa. These are all commodity markets, because that's how I started as
723 02:08:42,840 --> 02:08:53,610 commodity trader and cocoa moved. And I was like, Damn, if I would have done that I would have made 500 bucks. That's like, okay, shit, and how the fact that
724 02:08:53,610 --> 02:09:04,890 I get into orange juice, think about I was afraid to enter. So my weakness, my character flaw was what doubt in myself, which was realistic, because I didn't
725 02:09:04,890 --> 02:09:12,660 know the fuck I was doing. So my subconscious was saying that you need to sit down, you don't know what the hell you're doing. But the gambler in me who was
726 02:09:12,660 --> 02:09:21,330 in control, said, I gotta do something because I just let two winning trades go and I didn't do shit. Well, three strikes, you're out, right? So I looked at
727 02:09:21,330 --> 02:09:30,540 orange juice. I said, Oh, it's gonna move. I'm afraid to get an orange juice. Because what happens it has a limit move. It's really thin. That should have
728 02:09:30,540 --> 02:09:37,110 been a reason why I shouldn't be trading it. But I was saying oh, well, you know, I want to get in there. I've never done I've never traded options before.
729 02:09:37,920 --> 02:09:47,070 Never had any idea what the fuck I was doing options, no idea. I said, Well, you know, I think it's gonna move. Let me buy some protection. I'll pay $1,500 for
730 02:09:47,070 --> 02:10:00,240 my option. That was the premium I paid. Plus, plus the 100 Fucking dollar commission. That fox investments trade cost me that's what it costs me for One
731 02:10:00,240 --> 02:10:15,930 contract 100 fucking dollars, that's an IQ test in itself. But I plunked my money down. I missed the soybean meal trade, I missed the cocoa trade, I missing
732 02:10:15,960 --> 02:10:29,700 orange juice, I'm in there. But just in case I'm wrong, let me do it with an option. I paid the $1,500 premium. The very next day, aren't shoes opens up. My
733 02:10:29,700 --> 02:10:40,440 option premium is now $750. Now, that doesn't mean I made $750. For those that don't know what I'm talking about. It means that I paid $1,500 For something now
734 02:10:40,470 --> 02:10:56,100 that is worth $750. It took one fucking sleep one night of sleep to lose half of what the premium was I paid what just happened. Here's what happened. I started
735 02:10:56,100 --> 02:11:04,350 trading with real money before I knew how to trade. And then I traded impulsively, because I was fearful I was going to miss the next trade. That was
736 02:11:04,890 --> 02:11:13,830 the third one in the line of two previous winning ideas that I didn't execute on. And I made a stupid choice of listening some fucking clown on another
737 02:11:13,830 --> 02:11:24,630 message board said you don't want to trade with futures because the underlying risk is unlimited. But with options, you can only lose what you paid. Well, what
738 02:11:24,630 --> 02:11:35,190 do you fucking do? Here you go. Here's a perfect fucking poster child of a fucking loser trade right here, boom, everything wrong. impulsiveness. Trying to
739 02:11:35,190 --> 02:11:42,960 get in, I have to prove that I'm trading with a live account. I gotta get in there. I want to see results. And I did everything I shouldn't have done. I knew
740 02:11:42,960 --> 02:11:57,630 nothing about options. The fucking option was over priced. The volatility built up until it was too much. The premiums were expensive. And the option writer
741 02:11:57,630 --> 02:12:12,330 made 50% overnight, and I lost half my money in the net one transaction. It took me 20 minutes to immediately give him a fucking phone and say listen, sell it at
742 02:12:12,330 --> 02:12:27,270 market. Send me the rest in a check. One trade in immediately I shut that bitch down. It scared the hell out of me. I'm gonna tell you something. For some of
743 02:12:27,270 --> 02:12:34,200 you students have been around for a while. You heard this fucking story more times than you want to hear it. But I'm gonna tell you something else. There's
744 02:12:34,200 --> 02:12:43,140 people that need to fucking hear it. You've learned the lesson. But new people are coming to me all the time. And they they see what I'm able to do. They see
745 02:12:43,140 --> 02:12:52,500 me executing they see me calling the market live now. And then taking on my fucking superhero. Like, this guy can't do anything fucking wrong. Well, wrong.
746 02:12:54,300 --> 02:13:08,400 I am a human being. I am capable of doing it wrong. And when I first started, I was the perfect poster child of doing everything fucking wrong. And I'm telling
747 02:13:08,400 --> 02:13:18,690 you, it's so hard to overcome the damage that that shit did. Oh, it's only one transaction? No, no, no, no, no. When you're obsessively compulsive like I am.
748 02:13:19,740 --> 02:13:32,040 Like, that's like my wife cheating on me. It's equivalent to that. It feels like what the fuck? And you can't undo it. It's 30 fucking years ago. And I couldn't
749 02:13:32,040 --> 02:13:42,150 remember what it felt like, I felt gutted. Like, there has to be something wrong with the spoken data. There's no way that's accurate. No, that's right. Like,
750 02:13:42,150 --> 02:13:55,290 what the fuck? Seven or 50 hours back then folks, let me tell you something. I didn't even earn half that in a week. Yeah. It was bad. Like that was like what
751 02:13:55,290 --> 02:14:07,080 the hell? It took the wind out of my sails. Let me tell you something. It's stories like this were people that are traders today that have made money and
752 02:14:07,080 --> 02:14:17,280 are consistently profitable, and they're worth listening to. I love listening to that. Because that's what shapes who they are. It's the Mickey Mouse
753 02:14:17,280 --> 02:14:23,970 motherfuckers that are constantly talking about how they need money. Oh, look at them withdraw this dude. Here's the fucking trade of this stuff. Here's the
754 02:14:23,970 --> 02:14:33,780 fifth er trade a day. When's the last time you fucking did something wrong? And what did you learn from it? That's what I'm interested in. Because anybody can
755 02:14:33,780 --> 02:14:47,070 get lucky. I got lucky. I got lucky for a while it made money. It doesn't mean you're skillful. But if you had a adverse experience in this industry, and
756 02:14:47,070 --> 02:14:57,450 you're able to overcome that, and turn it around and use it as a strength, but I thought I forgot about what I was going with earlier right. My weakness in the
757 02:14:57,450 --> 02:15:16,290 beginning was fear. fear of getting in my fear of trading predominantly was founded on fear of entering, I was afraid I was going to do that part wrong. So
758 02:15:16,320 --> 02:15:30,750 most of my work in my whole trading career was looking for an arsenal of ways to get in. Why did I need so many entry techniques, because I was afraid of missing
759 02:15:30,750 --> 02:15:44,490 the move. I'm not missing shit, I got a fucking 12 gauge. In my hand, every time the market opens up, I got a dozen ways to get in that motherfucking mood in
760 02:15:44,490 --> 02:15:45,270 that Chase.
761 02:15:46,950 --> 02:15:56,940 That's what I show you all the time, when I'm doing pyramid entries, I'm showing you that every one of these can be the individual model that you employ. And not
762 02:15:56,940 --> 02:16:07,140 one of them is superior than the other ones. Some of you think, oh, I want to learn how to do that pyramid thing, when I want you to just focus on the fact
763 02:16:07,140 --> 02:16:17,280 that any one of those pyramid entries, and what I mean by that is when I put a trade on, and I'm adding more to it every single time I do that. That would be
764 02:16:17,280 --> 02:16:28,770 the very instance if I hadn't traded it rented entered it earlier at all, I would use that as my primary entry. If you can't justify your pyramid entry on
765 02:16:28,770 --> 02:16:39,300 the basis of that, your get your gambling, you're guessing every one of your entries, when you're adding to a position, it should be able to stand on its
766 02:16:39,300 --> 02:16:49,590 own, as that's the sole reason why you enter the trade if you were never entered, or built in a position prior to that entry. And when I learned how to
767 02:16:49,590 --> 02:16:59,190 pyramid, it was not taught to me that way. I was taught as soon as you can afford to do so by it. That was Ken Roberts approach. And I lost money trading
768 02:16:59,190 --> 02:17:08,340 Ken Roberts that was never profitable doing anything with his bullshit. It was a stupid fucking, it was an Introduction to Trading. And so it was. And it
769 02:17:08,340 --> 02:17:21,600 introduced me to failure. Toxic thinking it produced everything I'm trying to keep you from having that I'm trying to be if I could go back in time, I'm
770 02:17:21,600 --> 02:17:31,980 trying to be the very person I wish I would have met. Because I would have listened to everything I'm telling you to do. And avoid dealing, I would have
771 02:17:31,980 --> 02:17:47,190 done that. After seeing what I'm able to show you and call beforehand execute, prove it. If I existed as a person outside of myself, in 1992, I would have
772 02:17:47,190 --> 02:17:56,730 threw that fucking book in the fucking trash on November 5. And immediately this poured everything into what I'm trying to give to you. And I would have looked
773 02:17:56,730 --> 02:18:11,550 at no one else. I'm not trying to cultivate a hive mentality where you only listen to me. I'm just saying, I know what I needed. And I couldn't find it in
774 02:18:11,550 --> 02:18:18,180 anything else, or anyone else back then. And the resources that you have available, like the fact that you're listening to me right now. You're all
775 02:18:18,180 --> 02:18:23,640 dealing something right now you're all maybe you're driving, maybe you're working, maybe you're working out, maybe you're getting ready to fall asleep.
776 02:18:23,640 --> 02:18:31,950 Maybe some of you fell asleep already. And so some of you were sitting there diligently with a notepad writing down things and listening to this and
777 02:18:31,950 --> 02:18:39,510 thinking, wow, I never looked at it like that. Wow, I didn't think he had hardships before. That's figured he knew everything and never had a problem. No.
778 02:18:40,470 --> 02:18:55,830 It was a lot of work. A lot of prayer that me here. But my fear of missing a move. And fear of doing it wrong, was my first barrier. And I plunged in with
779 02:18:55,830 --> 02:19:11,820 some stupid shit as my first transaction, knowing not one thing about options. Nothing, I knew nothing about it. I learned a lot. waking up the next day. Fuck
780 02:19:11,820 --> 02:19:28,950 options. I ain't doing it. So my career began as pursuing precision entry techniques. Because my pursuit was I have to overcome my fear of picking the
781 02:19:28,950 --> 02:19:41,220 wrong entry point. And now I'm known all around the world for having all kinds of highly precise entry points and techniques to engage the marketplace. So I
782 02:19:41,220 --> 02:19:58,050 turned to my weakness into my strength today. Think about that. That stuff comes from someone that went through the trenches. And I love listening to seasoned
783 02:19:58,110 --> 02:20:07,530 traders that share observations about their own development, the things that they endured, what they turned around on their own trading, what what benefited
784 02:20:07,530 --> 02:20:16,500 them, and how it was contrary to what they first got into the industry thinking, this is what they should have focused on, versus what they later found that was
785 02:20:16,500 --> 02:20:26,460 more appropriate, which should have been a majority of their time and concern early on. And I try to do that in my teachings and in my lectures with all of
786 02:20:26,460 --> 02:20:34,260 you and I know sometimes it's dry. Okay, sometimes it's really boring. And I think the reason why you guys liked these Twitter spaces, because number one,
787 02:20:34,260 --> 02:20:43,500 you get to listen to ratchet ICT, the unfiltered me where you see and hear my chemical imbalances when they occur. In the YouTubes, I filter that out, and
788 02:20:43,500 --> 02:20:55,230 that's why it's boring. Like, it's it's like, I mean, I get it, it's a boring library and kind of guy talking to you here. You know, when you when you hear me
789 02:20:55,230 --> 02:21:08,010 get passionate about you like, oh, shit, you perked your ears up. It breaks up the monotony of the learning, and also introduces reality, like there's a real
790 02:21:08,010 --> 02:21:21,510 person that's talking to you. You know, I had real downside, I had real adversities, I lost real money. I blamed several accounts early on, chasing
791 02:21:21,510 --> 02:21:31,890 things that I thought were the last bastion of technical analysis that, you know, I better jump on it right now, or it's going to stop working. Stop
792 02:21:31,890 --> 02:21:39,060 thinking that way. The market is going to book the way the market is going to book. It matters, not how many people are buying or selling it. It's going to do
793 02:21:39,060 --> 02:21:50,790 what it's going to do. It's seeking liquidity. And it's rebalancing in any inefficiency. If it's not doing that it's going to consolidate. That's it. So
794 02:21:50,790 --> 02:22:05,490 when we sit down, and we're looking at markets, the number one criteria is should you be trading today? Is it likely to be ugly, consolidating and choppy?
795 02:22:05,820 --> 02:22:15,930 And I've done a lot of work to produce a list of days where I don't think it's good for me to do that. When is it likely to be chopping and consolidating and
796 02:22:15,930 --> 02:22:27,660 just do nothing where it could just chop you up? Good news sideways. The day before a high impact news event like Non Farm Payroll rate announcement, CPI.
797 02:22:29,190 --> 02:22:38,070 Oh, but ICT I made so much money on the day before. Don't give a fuck. I'm talking about me, my personal experience, I'm looking for a specific element in
798 02:22:38,070 --> 02:22:47,010 price that I'd like to operate in. You want to chase whatever you're chasing, you made money well done. Who might have say that you didn't make money? I'm not
799 02:22:47,010 --> 02:22:52,980 showing up on your fucking channel. I'm not going in your comment section. Do you see me going around anybody else's channel saying, dude, you're fucking
800 02:22:53,010 --> 02:23:02,550 you're a clown, you're not trading my stuff. So therefore you're an idiot. But you have people on the outside, coming to my audience, I'm not in your audience,
801 02:23:02,550 --> 02:23:09,630 you're in my audience. And you're saying that this doesn't work, that doesn't work. And there's no proof and everybody's making money in fucking bringing
802 02:23:09,630 --> 02:23:18,240 their receipts and being interviewed by these companies. It's not me doing that. They're not photoshopping. They're not photoshopping you. Funded accounts and
803 02:23:18,240 --> 02:23:27,510 certificates. These trucking companies themselves are interviewing them. You see their names on the leaderboards up there. They're getting paid. Okay? What the
804 02:23:27,510 --> 02:23:49,500 fuck? I think that more is made about image in this industry, then practicality. And I have tried to be as practical as humanly possible, and still keep people
805 02:23:49,500 --> 02:23:58,620 awake. Because, you know, there's a lot of dryness to this. And in the beginning, it was all dry. When I first started, it was all books, it was all
806 02:23:58,620 --> 02:24:08,670 dried, it was new videos, once you purchase them. And you didn't have the access to people that number one, if they were profitable, they ain't telling you shit.
807 02:24:09,810 --> 02:24:18,330 They're not telling you shit. They're not teaching you nothing, but not teaching you their best stuff. But that's it. They finally found it right. And that's
808 02:24:18,360 --> 02:24:26,580 understandable. But the way they marketed everything back in the 90s in the 80s and such, you know, they made it seem like they they themselves. Are you the
809 02:24:26,580 --> 02:24:35,280 only thing ever, which is what everybody else says they I'm dealing I'm not saying I'm the only one that can be profitable, that that my students are only
810 02:24:35,280 --> 02:24:43,230 ones that are profitable. I'm the only one that gets the heart of why price books. But you can be profitable with flipping a quarter. I'm not arguing that.
811 02:24:44,130 --> 02:24:52,410 I just wrestle with these opinions that are strong armed against me and my community. When they say oh, there is no word it's not going to be mentioned.
812 02:24:52,500 --> 02:25:10,830 And we're not going to have you know, consistency and precision When we can, like these people out there in this industry or like, at some point, it's, it
813 02:25:10,830 --> 02:25:21,990 makes you wonder like, are they really this opinionated? Or are they being encouraged to just put in, put out there and misinformation. Because anybody
814 02:25:21,990 --> 02:25:29,700 that sits on the fence and just take somebody else's opinion, whether it be about me and what I teach my students, or anything, and they let anybody else
815 02:25:29,700 --> 02:25:41,160 frame their opinion for them, or provide their mindset about a thing, whether it be trading or anything, to me is it's unfortunate because it's, it
816 02:25:42,600 --> 02:25:51,240 provides the clearest indication that you're not really equipped to be a trader. Because really, what you're doing is you're looking for somebody else to give
817 02:25:51,240 --> 02:26:06,180 you your thought process. And how anybody would do that, and be able to live with themselves is beyond me. Like I'm, I am a result of hard work, yes, but
818 02:26:06,180 --> 02:26:19,560 also a result of a lot of prayer, and belief, and blessing. All the work in the world didn't get me here. All the effort in the world didn't get me here.
819 02:26:20,430 --> 02:26:35,070 Believing in other people's thoughts, and the internalization of price and how the markets book did not get me here. being contrarian to everything out there.
820 02:26:38,010 --> 02:26:51,330 Did I open this discussion up today with everybody in this retail part of the world, okay, in trading, they all learn the same stuff, diagonal trend line
821 02:26:51,330 --> 02:27:07,110 support and resistance, moving average crossovers, oscillators, patterns for pattern sake, and 2% risk. Whereas all the yachts Where's all the maintenance?
822 02:27:08,730 --> 02:27:22,260 Where's all the evidence that they can do it? Precisely beforehand. It's incredible how that doesn't exist. But they write books, they make courses, and
823 02:27:22,260 --> 02:27:35,040 they sell themselves on social media as the ones that are capable of doing that. I come to you with a demo. I stand out here in front of the entire world. Some
824 02:27:35,100 --> 02:27:47,580 ridiculed me. Some people don't give a shit as the right mindset. I prove to you where price is going to go conceptually, with a theory that repeats on a
825 02:27:47,580 --> 02:28:00,030 narrative that is understood and highly focused. It's transferable knowledge has nothing to do an image. I don't present my image in my personal life. I've done
826 02:28:00,030 --> 02:28:10,260 it one time to answer bullshitters. And the promise that that bullshitter made, didn't get answered the way they said, if you prove that you have these powers,
827 02:28:10,710 --> 02:28:27,210 I did. And it's just it's never gonna be enough. So what I live in, what I drive, how I spend my money, what I wear, how I cut my hair is irrelevant. Are
828 02:28:27,210 --> 02:28:40,020 you going to be able to make your rent payment this November? Pay your utility bill. By knowing how many Corvettes I own. how big my square footage of my house
829 02:28:40,020 --> 02:28:51,360 is? How many garages do I have? What do I feed my dogs? What's my favorite shoe? I like when you guys ask me what fragrance I wear because I'm a frag head. But I
830 02:28:51,360 --> 02:29:03,540 don't think that all the things that people say about me or concern themselves about with me is even worth mentioning. And just the guy that I want to help
831 02:29:03,540 --> 02:29:12,750 you. And if you test the things I'm telling you to test, the evidence will be there for you to decide whether or not you want to pursue it. It costs you
832 02:29:12,750 --> 02:29:23,340 nothing. You'll know spend a month, one month you'll know right away if it's bullshit or not. If there's some logic to it, you'll see it right away. And once
833 02:29:23,340 --> 02:29:34,740 you see it, you can't unsee it. No one can tell you that and see what you watch me do publicly now. But years later from now, there will be people that creep up
834 02:29:35,070 --> 02:29:43,020 and try to discredit everything that you witnessed. We did it we've been seeing it for a year and a half. It's been like that it was the same way when I was on
835 02:29:43,020 --> 02:29:55,980 America Online. The same thing still goes on today. They will lie and say you didn't see what you fucking saw. You didn't understand what was about to happen
836 02:29:55,980 --> 02:30:06,960 in the marketplace when it was explained to you beforehand. Who's really nuts here? Who's really fucking stupid? The people that lets other people frame their
837 02:30:06,960 --> 02:30:16,200 narrative and their viewpoint and their opinion about something. Because if you are allowing anyone to tell you what you should or shouldn't do as a trader, or
838 02:30:16,200 --> 02:30:29,130 who to learn from, and you have never put the time and effort into the scene, whether there is any validity You're an asshole. You're, you're an idiot, and
839 02:30:29,130 --> 02:30:41,310 you have no business, being a traitor, because you're not independently thinking for yourself. Number one, you're allowing other people to influence you. When as
840 02:30:41,310 --> 02:30:51,240 a trader, I don't give a fuck, who is who's doing what I can be in the marketplace, buying and selling, whatever I'm doing. And somebody that has a
841 02:30:51,450 --> 02:31:04,380 bigger following than me, maybe has a better command of an audience segment of this industry. And maybe they may be opposed, diametrically to the idea I had in
842 02:31:04,380 --> 02:31:17,070 my trade. I'm not looking at my trade saying, me get out of this. Nope. Nope. Because I know what I'm looking for. Nothing changes my opinion about the market
843 02:31:17,070 --> 02:31:26,070 or the trade I'm in except for the price itself. I'm not influenced. In my thought process about the marketplace. I'm not swayed in my opinion about the
844 02:31:26,070 --> 02:31:34,980 things that I use and implement in trading. I'm not changing and tinkering anything. I'm not changing any settings. I'm not adding to I'm not reducing.
845 02:31:35,610 --> 02:31:49,200 It's always the same thing. It's the same stuff every single day. Why? Because the markets doing the same shit every day. Time and price. How does the market
846 02:31:49,200 --> 02:32:00,570 know what pattern to use today? What harmonic pattern to use today? What school of thought? Is Elliott Wave today? Is it Wycoff? Is it supply and demand? Is it
847 02:32:00,570 --> 02:32:20,640 Dow Theory? Is it volume profile? The essay? Think folks think every school of thought, every single one of them out there. They will never agree on everything
848 02:32:20,640 --> 02:32:34,920 at the same time. But you know what agrees? Timing grace. The open high, low and closed doesn't lie. It can't hide. And it ain't gonna fucking change. Okay,
849 02:32:34,980 --> 02:32:42,540 there's no reason for you to be worrying about how much I teach. It isn't how many more people come into the fucking party, it will not change shit. It just
850 02:32:42,540 --> 02:32:59,280 makes it better. Because there's more volume, there's more participation. That means what liquidity more people in there doing it, it's gonna be more, it's
851 02:32:59,280 --> 02:33:10,920 going to be more of a fun engagement. It's not that everybody's doing the same thing. So therefore, it's gonna stop. Think about the logic in that. How many
852 02:33:10,920 --> 02:33:20,370 books have been written about supply and demand? How about volume profile? Why don't the guys that do volume profile worried about No shit, there's more people
853 02:33:20,370 --> 02:33:29,190 learning the volume profile, we better not, we're not teach that shit. It's all over YouTube to it doesn't have my logo plastered on it. But the point is, it's
854 02:33:29,520 --> 02:33:38,670 the same argument, you're worrying about things that are not something that you should be worrying about. Here's what's never going to stop happening, okay? The
855 02:33:38,670 --> 02:33:48,090 markets going to open at a predetermined time, they're going to close at a predetermined time. That's a constant, it's not going to fucking change. There's
856 02:33:48,090 --> 02:33:58,410 a holiday schedule that we follow. Sometimes we'll have a shortened trading session. Or sometimes we'll have a completely closed trading session. That's
857 02:33:58,410 --> 02:34:10,560 time. That's not going to fucking change. That's the constant. The open, the high, the low and the close those three price points. They're never going to
858 02:34:10,560 --> 02:34:23,040 fucking change. There's a beginning point there has the highest and the lowest and when it closes time and price, what it does and what liquidity it seeks and
859 02:34:23,040 --> 02:34:33,840 what inefficiency remains in the price. That that is the variable but those variables repeat over and over again in a format that is easily understood and
860 02:34:33,840 --> 02:34:50,490 identifiable. last statement, and we're done this Tuesday. I want you to think about what I'm walking you through for the folks that are here for babble in my
861 02:34:50,490 --> 02:34:58,650 videos and think wow so much shit here. You know, how do I get through all of this? How do I cut down to the meat? It through all the fat all the bullshit
862 02:34:58,650 --> 02:35:08,610 talking? What's something I can go out there and start working with here's what you're going to see. Okay? We're going to look at Tuesday. Now, I don't know
863 02:35:08,610 --> 02:35:13,560 what Tuesday price action is going to be like, I don't genuinely know, I don't know if it's going to be a shit day. I don't know if it's going to be a trending
864 02:35:13,560 --> 02:35:25,560 day. I don't know, I don't know. It's just going to be the day that I first sit down. And there it is. So if you've been a student of mine, you know that it's
865 02:35:25,560 --> 02:35:35,250 the first Tuesday of February. That's the general rule. That's how I resumed live trading, okay, anything in January, I usually don't even watch the charts.
866 02:35:35,850 --> 02:35:41,370 But because I want to be doing it live in front of you. I don't want to be rusty, I want to be close to the marketplace. And my finger has been on the
867 02:35:41,370 --> 02:35:41,880 pulse.
868 02:35:43,320 --> 02:35:54,060 But we sit down in front of these charts, I sit down in front of these charts. As a technician, I'm looking for the answer to one question first. Are we in a
869 02:35:54,060 --> 02:36:04,890 condition that is favorable for high probability trade? How do I arrive at the answer to that? I look at the economic calendar. What's the economic calendar
870 02:36:04,890 --> 02:36:19,470 for today? Is it loaded with high impact or medium impact news events? Or is it lacking any of that, but has those very things the next day? So in terms of day
871 02:36:19,470 --> 02:36:28,920 of week, we're going to be live streaming on Tuesday? So the economic calendar, I have not looked at hand the god I've not looked at that economic calendar. I
872 02:36:28,920 --> 02:36:40,110 don't know if there is or isn't, I don't know. I'm going to do everything. Right for the first time. On the live stream, I'm going to pull up the websites. I'm
873 02:36:40,110 --> 02:36:48,930 going to show you exactly what I walk through exactly what I'm doing every fucking time. I sit down in front of my charts to talk to you you don't see all
874 02:36:48,930 --> 02:36:58,770 that stuff. That's not in the videos. Okay. I'm going to do that very thing. That will you know, Oh, okay. When it makes sense. Now, it's not a lot. It's not
875 02:36:58,770 --> 02:37:12,150 acrobatics, okay. Isn't requiring you to do all kinds of contortions. And you meditations, it's simple, straightforward shit. But if there is a lack of news
876 02:37:12,150 --> 02:37:18,930 drivers today, but there's going to be a big news event tomorrow, we could potentially be in a listless trading condition. That means it's not a lot of
877 02:37:18,930 --> 02:37:29,610 animation, not a movement. So you have to be a real small short term scalper working on a one to five minute chart and be content with that. Or do nothing
878 02:37:29,610 --> 02:37:38,250 and wait for it to the next day where there has a high impact news driver. So there's your answer to the equation of is it going to be a favorable position or
879 02:37:38,250 --> 02:37:47,310 day for trading with high probability? high probability of what seeing a nice sustained price Ron Greer has multiple points of entry and allows at least two
880 02:37:47,340 --> 02:37:57,210 exits for partials before it reaches Terminus. Oh, shit, that's pretty practical. That's some real bones right there. I can work with that ICT, right?
881 02:37:57,510 --> 02:38:04,950 But you're not going to get that in the first hour. The fucking sessions are you? You gotta you gotta walk this mile with me, baby. Okay, you brought road
882 02:38:04,950 --> 02:38:15,120 snacks for some of you tapped out already. You didn't get that nugget. And then besides that, the next question is okay, if it's going to be a favorable day,
883 02:38:15,540 --> 02:38:26,820 worth trading, not chopped up and chewed up into pieces. You want something that's clean that has a opportunity to run not have a strong probability of
884 02:38:26,850 --> 02:38:40,860 retracing against you hit a stop loss that you want to use, hopefully? Are you bullish? Or bearish? How do we do that? We're using on the weekly chart. What's
885 02:38:40,860 --> 02:38:50,940 the weekly chart likely to do expand higher expand lower? That's your premise going in premise is not narrative. And it's not bias. It's just where we start
886 02:38:50,940 --> 02:39:03,390 from. And then we'd look at the lay of the land. What's the chart showing us? What did it do overnight in London? What to do the last two days because we're
887 02:39:03,390 --> 02:39:14,250 on day three right now. The last three days previous highs and lows. That's where you're worried that won't be named, is going to reach for for liquidity.
888 02:39:19,650 --> 02:39:30,750 Already in a few couple sentences you're already seeing well, I can see. I can see a routine in this. Yep. It's the same routine every day. But you'll hear
889 02:39:30,750 --> 02:39:41,460 people say it's complicated I overcome. I'm not over complicating shit. I'm giving you a PhD level education. And you can streamline this down into the
890 02:39:41,460 --> 02:39:56,130 leanest, meanest, motherfucking model you can ever come up with. With very few moving parts. But binary. If then syntax. You got to know what you're looking
891 02:39:56,130 --> 02:40:08,550 for. If it just if it does this, then you do that. He does this, but not that you do nothing. I'm walking you through that real time with a chart. There'll be
892 02:40:08,670 --> 02:40:17,400 a session portion that you need before the markets open up, we're doing this so that way we have an idea and expectation what we're looking for. And if this
893 02:40:17,400 --> 02:40:28,740 does not pan out, what would constitute a reversal? Not every situation brings that. But I'm going to frame out what would what would cause that it's not plan
894 02:40:28,740 --> 02:40:39,330 a plan B. And wherever one pans out, I'm right. That that will think that, but the folks that are really learning, they'll see oh, these are conditions. These
895 02:40:39,330 --> 02:40:47,460 are things that would support the idea of the trade, but it would no longer support the trade. If it does this. What is that you'll see it in the chart, I'm
896 02:40:47,460 --> 02:41:00,630 gonna explain to you, because it's a varying. situation, you trade by trade. But the rules are pretty much the same way. But you have to see the few times
897 02:41:00,630 --> 02:41:11,760 understand what I mean by that. I'm not reinventing the wheel, I'm not adding new content, I'm showing you exactly what it is you should be focusing on. And
898 02:41:11,760 --> 02:41:21,240 by doing that, day by day, even when I'm not doing a live session, you should do this for yourself, do the same things that I've walked through. And don't be
899 02:41:21,240 --> 02:41:30,150 afraid if the outcome for what you're studying doesn't pan out the way you expect it to. There are opportunities for you to learn when it does that. And
900 02:41:30,150 --> 02:41:36,750 you don't want to learn the lesson with a live account that you didn't know what you're doing. When you were just hoping it was going to make your money before
901 02:41:36,750 --> 02:41:48,810 you knew how to trade. And then once we identify if we're bullish or bearish, we're going to work out a narrative. What should happen? What should price try
902 02:41:48,810 --> 02:41:59,340 to do? If it's bullish? What should it try to do? What level of manipulation? What liquidity should it reach for? What shouldn't it reach for? And how should
903 02:41:59,340 --> 02:42:07,740 we expect the price to deliver and then when the market starts looking price, you'll hear me call every candle, this is what we want to see, we don't want to
904 02:42:07,740 --> 02:42:17,250 see this, this is what we should see. There's nobody doing that. Everybody out there pretending they figured out my Enigma, you'll never see them call every
905 02:42:17,250 --> 02:42:26,430 single one minute candle and outline exactly what it's supposed to do. Well, I'm going to do it all here fucking long. Week after week, you're gonna see it,
906 02:42:26,760 --> 02:42:44,250 okay. So if you want to see somebody, pour everything into you. I'm doing it. I'm Daddy, all you have to do is show up. Take notes. And I promise, I promise
907 02:42:44,250 --> 02:42:57,450 you, the end of this year will be worth celebrating, you will be in a location, mindset wise, experience wise and skill set wise that you can't fully appreciate
908 02:42:57,450 --> 02:43:06,930 yet. But once you arrive there, you're going to remember this conversation sitting here listening to this, you're going to know exactly what I meant, then
909 02:43:07,710 --> 02:43:18,660 not now. You're excited for it now. But when you're there, no one's going to be able to take it from you. No one's going to cause you to doubt it. No one's
910 02:43:18,660 --> 02:43:28,080 going to make you feel like you've wasted your time you will have arrived, you'll know exactly what you're doing. When you're supposed to do it, why you're
911 02:43:28,080 --> 02:43:37,560 doing it. And when not to do something, you will not feel like you have to second guess what you're doing. You won't be influenced by anybody else, you
912 02:43:37,560 --> 02:43:49,200 probably won't even be on social media anymore afterwards. And that's a good thing. your circle of influence will be the person in the mirror as it should be
913 02:43:49,200 --> 02:44:02,670 as a trader. And I'm excited. I'm so fucking excited to see what all of you do with it. And I'm hoping that you're, you're forthcoming with it. Don't be greedy
914 02:44:02,670 --> 02:44:09,240 with it and try to hide it and pretend and go around pretending you figured something out on your own bullshit, because there's a lot of you now that know,
915 02:44:10,050 --> 02:44:17,760 my content, you're familiar with it. And you can see when people are calling bullshit, renaming it and doing other kinds of dumb shit with it. You'll be
916 02:44:17,760 --> 02:44:24,360 ridiculed by that. You'll get more respect. If you're just honest and say, You know what? I went through the task of going through it like you said, and I'm on
917 02:44:24,360 --> 02:44:32,880 my own trader. Now I'm using these concepts. That's awesome. I got all the respect for that. If you do well, I'll bump you by a new parameter. I'm not
918 02:44:32,880 --> 02:44:45,480 hiring people. I'm trying to promote you. It's not there's there's nothing in me that's trying to slow you down. I guarantee you there any one motherfucker out
919 02:44:45,480 --> 02:44:59,340 there that's teaching paid or for free. It's pouring more into anybody than I am. Because I know where I'm taking you. I know the outcome of this. Not for all
920 02:44:59,340 --> 02:45:10,230 of you For the ones that put the work in, I already fucking know. And I can't wait. I can't wait for you to understand exactly what I mean by that. Because
921 02:45:10,230 --> 02:45:22,140 once you feel it, and you experience it, that's empowerment. That is confidence. That's not arrogance, that's not pride. That's confidence, the thing that you're
922 02:45:22,140 --> 02:45:33,330 lacking right now, you think you're confident your job needs you right now. It doesn't need you. You need it, you lie to yourself. You lie and say, that
923 02:45:33,330 --> 02:45:46,770 company needs me. Nope, it doesn't. There's gonna be a whole lot of people this year, getting laid off made redundant. And it's gonna get worse into 2024. And
924 02:45:46,770 --> 02:46:00,600 what you're learning is a hedge against that. You may not be laid off, you may not be sacked. But you might not get a raise. And that would be impactful to you
925 02:46:00,600 --> 02:46:11,580 wouldn't it? This gives you the ability to give yourself a fucking raise whenever the fuck you want. You want a new car? How much does it cost? Okay,
926 02:46:11,910 --> 02:46:24,600 let's figure this up. I need this many pips this many points over the next four months, I can pay that bitch off in cash done. And not even drain anything and
927 02:46:24,600 --> 02:46:34,830 put yourself behind the eight ball with all the other rules and goals that you have for yourself and your trading. Imagine imagine this okay? And I promise
928 02:46:34,830 --> 02:46:42,780 this is it because I'm really starving them. ICT keep saying you gotta start you keep going. I over deliver, motherfucker. And don't you complain about okay.
929 02:46:42,810 --> 02:46:56,790 Don't you complain to me about getting more than what you paid for it? Okay, nobody fucking does that sit down. Imagine the power of saying you know what?
930 02:46:59,670 --> 02:47:11,940 This is not repping any specific funded account, or company. And I think if there's anything that should be looked upon as maybe not lasting forever, it's
931 02:47:11,940 --> 02:47:20,700 that I don't think the funded account type thing is going to be a thing for long term. I might be wrong if I'm wrong. But it's unregulated in a lot of ways. And
932 02:47:20,700 --> 02:47:32,880 I think that that will eventually be affected. But that need not be a concern. Okay. I'll talk about this year, how you can find ways to get money with the
933 02:47:32,880 --> 02:47:42,270 skill set that you'll learn. Because believe me, there's, there's lots of ways to do that. You don't need funded accounts. But let's just say for instance, you
934 02:47:42,270 --> 02:47:55,770 want to get to the point at the UN this year, you know what you're doing? How many of you own your own home? How many of you rent How many of you have a home
935 02:47:55,800 --> 02:48:12,630 with no mortgage? How many of you want a home with no mortgage? How many of you want a home with no mortgage and a new car with no car note. Now imagine, at the
936 02:48:12,630 --> 02:48:26,490 end of this year, you have this skill set, you know, you know how you can go in and get 25 handles per week out of the s&p multiple ways to do it. But you know,
937 02:48:26,490 --> 02:48:30,360 with confidence, you know, 25 handles is easy.
938 02:48:37,770 --> 02:48:48,510 You you'd look around and you see a house you're like, Okay, may not be $2 million 9000 square feet. But it may be something that you would love to live
939 02:48:48,510 --> 02:49:03,900 in. You think yourself wow, you know what I'm going to work diligently to try to get the closing costs the down payment. So that way, you don't have to have a
940 02:49:03,900 --> 02:49:12,630 PMI, which is like the secondary mortgage that the home buyer has to pay if they don't pay at least 80% of the note on that mortgage when they first buy it at
941 02:49:12,630 --> 02:49:25,110 closing. Get those closing costs associated with buying it a covered okay for that particular house. And you secure your selection on a new vehicle, not a
942 02:49:25,110 --> 02:49:39,300 Lamborghini because they're garbage. Okay? But a new ride. Something is reliable, something that you like, and it's economical. The best thing you as a
943 02:49:39,300 --> 02:49:51,120 trader can do is number one, give yourself a nice living place and a reliable form of transportation. If you can secure that it costs you nothing out of
944 02:49:51,120 --> 02:50:01,920 pocket except for the upkeep on it. You are actually in the highest bracket in the United States because most people don't own their home Most people don't own
945 02:50:01,920 --> 02:50:18,450 their cars, or paying a note of some kind. Imagine the power and confidence knowing that, okay, I'm going to purchase this house with somebody else's money.
946 02:50:20,790 --> 02:50:28,560 Because that's what you're doing. If you're using that fund that account, yes, you're paying your monthly expense to maintain it, from what I gathered from,
947 02:50:28,770 --> 02:50:39,990 that's what I understand the balance, but you secure the funding. And you do the work to build the account up. And you get that house settled, it's in your name,
948 02:50:39,990 --> 02:50:52,860 but you didn't pay it off yet. And you secure your your car. You didn't pay it off yet. But you're paying the notes on it through your trading, you have one
949 02:50:52,860 --> 02:51:03,330 account that meets those expectations. And that's it. You're not taking your results to social media. You're not doing this crazy shit, where you're trying
950 02:51:03,330 --> 02:51:14,340 to look better than everybody else, you're not competing with anybody else, you're just making ends meet. In that role of that one funded account is to make
951 02:51:14,670 --> 02:51:28,800 the minimum expectations in terms of cost between the car and home, then you start a secondary account that's completely outside of the workload that you
952 02:51:28,800 --> 02:51:41,730 placed on that one. That's all you do with that account. Once you meet it, you stop. You fucking stop, you don't push it anymore. It's only there to work for
953 02:51:41,730 --> 02:51:51,360 you. You make your car note, you make your house note, and you cover the cost of whatever that funded account monthly payment thing is that they require whatever
954 02:51:51,360 --> 02:52:07,020 that is. And then you stop. You trade your other account, your other account is the account that you're trying to do for growth. You use that to parlay up, same
955 02:52:07,020 --> 02:52:16,050 five handles a day, 25 handles a week, and you let the heavy lifting of money management do all the work. And you work over the course of one calendar year
956 02:52:16,050 --> 02:52:30,930 with that in one calendar year, you should have no problem covering the costs of that car note then that car note money is no longer an issue, the money that you
957 02:52:30,930 --> 02:52:41,040 would have been paying towards the car note, you now apply to your house now, in addition to and then now that that secondary account, you work towards building
958 02:52:41,040 --> 02:52:54,480 up sizable lumps that you put towards each new quarter, or six months or a year that you throw at that mortgage. And you pay it off inside of three years. You
959 02:52:54,480 --> 02:53:05,970 own your house and your car, you use somebody else's money with a skill set that I'm going to give you for free this year. So in three years, that I say you're a
960 02:53:05,970 --> 02:53:15,000 fucking millionaire know that I say that you could have your own home paid for and your fucking car paid for with this skill set and give you a way of doing it
961 02:53:15,000 --> 02:53:29,130 and a process a procedure to do it. I think I just outlined a model for some of you that I think is practical. It's practical. It's not high and lofty. It's not
962 02:53:29,130 --> 02:53:43,620 immediate gratification. And it's obtainable. Contrast that with what you are doing right now. How is what you're doing right now, if you're not doing this,
963 02:53:43,620 --> 02:53:57,870 if you're not part of this, this phenomenon, this movement of ICT and the world growing and understanding how to tap into these marketplaces and withdrawal and
964 02:53:57,870 --> 02:54:13,110 harvest abundance. If you're not doing that, if you're not making it, taking advantage of and making it a goal for you to find another stream of income using
965 02:54:13,110 --> 02:54:21,960 a skill set that's transferable. If you're not doing that, what's changing in your life for the better. How are you going to get closer to those goals?
966 02:54:21,960 --> 02:54:30,180 Because if you don't own your own home, and you don't own the car free and clear. When will you and how will you?
967 02:54:35,790 --> 02:54:43,020 For some of you I think that's a realistic goal to aim for. It might take you longer than three years. But if you're working towards that goal, and you're
968 02:54:43,020 --> 02:54:51,540 seeing progress, what's wrong with it? Nothing. It's given you a target to aim for. But what happens if you already own a home? And what happens to you you
969 02:54:51,540 --> 02:55:03,060 already own a car, several cars. What do you set as a goal, whatever your heart's content is, but whatever it is, you Send it to paper, write it out. This
970 02:55:03,060 --> 02:55:12,420 is what I want to see happen in the next three months. This is what I want to see next six months is the next 12 months is the next three years. Where do you
971 02:55:12,420 --> 02:55:22,590 want to be? What do you want to obtain? What do you want to be able to fulfill your life, maybe for your children, maybe you want to help them with a home,
972 02:55:22,770 --> 02:55:31,740 maybe you want to help them with their first car, maybe it's college, maybe you want to be able to make the the ends meet for college tuition for your kid,
973 02:55:31,770 --> 02:55:38,730 because maybe you make a little bit too much money like we were we were unable to get college tuition for my daughter make too much money, they don't give it
974 02:55:38,730 --> 02:55:54,570 to you. When you start an account, its primary function is to meet that end. What's the chances of you gambling that and seeing how far you can run it up?
975 02:55:54,660 --> 02:56:03,630 When you know it's associated to taking care of something like that? It's not likely is it at least it shouldn't be if you're responsible. You're investing in
976 02:56:04,980 --> 02:56:19,020 a major hurdle. And barrier in financial terms. The Home Mortgage, a car note, college tuition, you make one account, you work for that you wait for the best
977 02:56:19,020 --> 02:56:25,440 setups only. You don't just go in here and say, Well, you know, it looks like it might be a good setup, fuck that. You're going in there and you're looking for
978 02:56:25,440 --> 02:56:32,550 the right setups, the right days, and you're only focusing there, and you're meeting that goal for the month, you're covering all the costs associated with
979 02:56:32,550 --> 02:56:43,680 doing it. And then you fucking stop. You withdraw all the money that's required to meet that threshold for expense to meet that purchase or overcome it. And
980 02:56:43,680 --> 02:56:58,320 once it's done, you'll look back and say, You know what? I have mastered money. Money is not victimizing me. I'm not hurt by a lack of money. I will never worry
981 02:56:58,320 --> 02:57:10,980 about a lack of money. I have mastered money. I have mastered my finances because I don't see bills as a problem. Bills. Everybody has everybody whether
982 02:57:10,980 --> 02:57:20,970 you rich millionaire or not. We all have expenses. I don't worry about expenses. I don't think about like, what I'm going to do. What am I going to do about
983 02:57:20,970 --> 02:57:31,470 this? If there's a bill that comes up, it's getting paid. If I know there's a big large expense coming. I know how to do it. I know how I'm going to attack
984 02:57:31,470 --> 02:57:38,670 it. If it's a really large one. For some of you, when you're first starting out. You got to think about it as that elephant How do you dwell an elephant one bite
985 02:57:38,670 --> 02:57:48,360 at a time. But you don't hear and you'll see books written about this is what you're supposed to do. Go out there and you break it down. modularly they all
986 02:57:48,360 --> 02:58:01,140 tell you 20 ar 15 ar two and n AR do it all real quick and try to get an overnight. Get rich quick. Fuck that shit doesn't work. It does not work. Be
987 02:58:01,140 --> 02:58:12,600 practical with this business, this business in this industry. Because if you treat it with responsibility, the world's your oyster. Who says you can't make
988 02:58:12,600 --> 02:58:31,110 whatever the fuck you want to make? Who's stopping you from that? Because as as far as I can tell, the only one that's stopping you. Is you. On that note, thank
989 02:58:31,110 --> 02:58:40,020 you all for hanging out with me today. I'm gonna be taking Monday off. So that was a reminder, if I'm quiet on Twitter, just know that it's not because I don't
990 02:58:40,020 --> 02:58:50,100 like you. It just means I'm resting because Tuesday will be a lot of focus for me. Okay. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. I've had fun talking with you. I hope
991 02:58:50,100 --> 02:58:55,410 you got something useful from all this. Until next time. Be safe