
Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2022-12-29 08:27


00:22 - How I get my students to learn how to trust themselves.

02:40 - If I was looking for something north, I would have told you where I’m looking for it -.

09:40 - If the setup doesn’t form an entry, then there’s nothing for us to do.

12:46 - Why he doesn’t want to talk about specific markets.

18:15 - How to deal with doubting Thomases.

23:23 - The second fair value trade that happened.

25:38 - What is your concern in the marketplace? What is your timeframe?

31:59 - Keep yourself on a leash -.

34:33 - Some of you don’t know what that feels like. Some of you get on there and you lie and you’re not showing

39:46 - When I point what I’m suggesting to you as the viewer, if it’s above the marketplace, you should know that that

45:09 - It’s a balancing act -.

48:26 - The second half of this year is going to be fun and I'm going to offend a lot of you.

54:40 - Don’t waste your money on YouTube.



00:00:22,200 --> 00:00:38,910 ICT: All right, folks, you should be hearing me right about now had a drive to an area where I could get a better signal. So I'm parked here in local park.
00:00:39,960 --> 00:00:50,370 Alright, so I want briefly and machine it will be brief because I gotta go take a look at this hell guys coming down 2500 hours, I'm trying to get more than
00:00:50,370 --> 00:01:04,380 that off and a cut on the the additional fees they like to tag on when you when you buy it, but that's not what I'm here for today. So, obviously, you know, we
00:01:04,380 --> 00:01:17,970 had analysis given on Friday, and this is kind of like part of the video that would otherwise like, make people roll their eyes and you know, this guy brags,
00:01:18,000 --> 00:01:27,990 it's not bragging, okay, but to get it out of me today, and not included in tonight's reveal, which will allow it to be a little bit quicker to I want to
00:01:27,990 --> 00:01:43,980 talk a little bit about this here, which is how I teach how I get my students to learn how to trust themselves, and how I lend my experience. So this morning, I
00:01:43,980 --> 00:01:59,280 shared with you what my expectations were for s&p. Now, if you go back and look at the tweet, the first glance is going to look ambiguous, it's going to be up
00:01:59,280 --> 00:02:11,190 or down. It's not up or down. Okay, the chart is showing you all the discount arrays, the low on the day, the fair value gap that's below equilibrium of the
00:02:11,190 --> 00:02:20,010 range I've actually highlighted. And I showed you the fair value gap I was watching which was the initial one, which in my mind was a little bit too early
10 00:02:20,340 --> 00:02:32,670 on a day that doesn't have a whole lot of news. And a 30 was kind of quiet. So I said in the tweet, I said I would mean higher, I would run one more time higher.
11 00:02:33,000 --> 00:02:41,010 And then you know that that's where I'm looking for down there. Those discount arrays. If I was looking for something north, I would have told you where I'm
12 00:02:41,010 --> 00:02:52,830 looking for it. The chart shows exactly what the framework is. Now, if you're coming to me, without any experience with me at all. It's going to be
13 00:02:52,830 --> 00:03:01,830 frustrating if you're here to try to get me to give you a trade signal, a setup. Buy here, sell here, stop here, target here partials hear I don't do that,
14 00:03:01,830 --> 00:03:10,440 folks, I don't do that for the people that see paid me. Okay. I don't do signal services. Now I could obviously you can see that I'm capable of doing that. But
15 00:03:10,440 --> 00:03:20,700 why will I refrain from doing it, I want you to understand this. Okay. I've had a lot of people come to me through my private group. And a lot of them paid the
16 00:03:20,700 --> 00:03:32,730 learning this skill set. I promised them just like I'm promising them again, publicly. I will not operate a signal service. Because there's a lot of my
17 00:03:32,730 --> 00:03:41,820 students, they're actually doing it. They're operating signal services. And do I have a problem with that? Absolutely not? Nope, I don't, I don't have any
18 00:03:41,820 --> 00:03:53,880 problem with that at all. And it would be a really shitty move for me to go out here and start doing that. And take any interest away from any of my students
19 00:03:53,880 --> 00:04:00,300 being able to do that as a business. Now, you might look at that and frown and say, Well, I'd rather have you do it than them. I have some really good
20 00:04:00,300 --> 00:04:07,770 students, folks. And believe me, they're not going to get out there and offer their signal service, which I'm telling you it's their signals because I don't
21 00:04:07,770 --> 00:04:15,180 provide it for them. In my private group that I'm not sitting down and saying okay, guys, here's what we're doing. Pull out your Decoder Rings, everybody,
22 00:04:15,180 --> 00:04:21,180 raise them in the air, or here's we're gonna do we're all in attendance. Now. We're all going to buy here, and we're all going to put a stop loss here. And
23 00:04:21,180 --> 00:04:32,070 our partials are going to be here and our targets are going to be here. There it is go. That's not what this is. Okay. The ICT way of learning is the school of
24 00:04:32,070 --> 00:04:41,880 hard knocks, you're gonna get frustrated. And I do that for a reason. Because if you're lazy, if you're weak minded, okay, if you are impatient, you're gonna
25 00:04:41,880 --> 00:04:51,930 call me a piece of shit, a fraud, a con artist and quit good the day. See you later. I'm still doing what I'm doing. You won't be done with and folks that
26 00:04:51,930 --> 00:05:00,750 look past all that and say, You know what? I'm going to work with what he's given me. And we're going to see what we see. Those are in the visual that stuck
27 00:05:00,810 --> 00:05:14,880 with it. Now today I gave you kind of like the 2016 version. But I was doing sitting down with the private group in my daily sessions, I would outline
28 00:05:14,880 --> 00:05:19,650 something, I would point to something, I didn't have it drawn up on the chart like I was giving it to you.
29 00:05:21,360 --> 00:05:31,230 But I will talk about where I felt it was likely to go. Now, what am I doing there? I'm lending you my experience. This is where bias is framed. So the
30 00:05:31,230 --> 00:05:41,400 framework is what we're talking about here today. Now, there's two views. The uninitiated the people that have no experience, all I teach, they look at that
31 00:05:41,400 --> 00:05:50,040 and think it's incomplete. Or it's two sides, he calls both sides of the marketplace. No, let me walk you through it. Okay, because I already blocked
32 00:05:50,040 --> 00:05:56,910 some goober this morning. They said, I caught it both ways. There's no fucking way I call that both ways. There's no way that that's both ways in the tweets
33 00:05:56,940 --> 00:06:08,700 right there. This is what you don't understand. If you think that way, if you felt that way. Understand this, this is how you go forward with me. And at least
34 00:06:08,730 --> 00:06:18,360 you'll have the better understanding and clarity as to what you're supposed to be doing. If I'm annotating a chart, okay, if I'm showing you something that's
35 00:06:18,360 --> 00:06:30,450 below the market price, in other words, at the time of the tweet, if I'm showing or if I'm referring to a price level, that's below market price. That is me
36 00:06:30,450 --> 00:06:44,250 saying to you, I believe me Not that you should I believe that the bias for that particular session, unless I say for the day for that session would be bearish.
37 00:06:45,600 --> 00:06:56,970 Now I'm interested and my attention was on that fair value gap that I showed, and that's my interest. Now, after I tweet, I have to make a decision just like
38 00:06:56,970 --> 00:07:05,580 you do. I'm not getting an A move. As you'll see, there was a real execution. It was demo to see you guys. Now you'll see it's a demo champ. There was a trade
39 00:07:05,580 --> 00:07:12,990 that was not with real money. But it's Monday, there's no news. I'm trying to get a feel for exactly what I said in the tweet, I'm trying to get closer to
40 00:07:12,990 --> 00:07:22,620 price action, because I don't see anything in the economic Canada has me. Convinced one, but based on what I was showing you in the tweet this morning, my
41 00:07:22,620 --> 00:07:35,910 bias was bearish. Clearly, everything in the chart was annotated, below market price. Now what did I mean by if it were me, I would rip it higher. Now, what
42 00:07:35,910 --> 00:07:43,710 I'm saying there is I'd like to see it, run one more time, make a higher high to upset anybody else that wants to get in early, and then come back to that same
43 00:07:43,710 --> 00:07:54,750 fair value get that I was entertaining the chart. That's what I meant. Now my students understand that because we'll use a fair value gap again. Now for folks
44 00:07:54,750 --> 00:08:05,010 that think new fair value gets because they watched me or they learned from somebody else parroting what I've taught. They won't see it that way. So there's
45 00:08:05,010 --> 00:08:14,550 two views. There's the initiated people that understand what I'm doing, they understand where I'm pointing, okay, I do this, I'm telling you. I have real
46 00:08:14,550 --> 00:08:21,900 students that are in the Twitter audience. And they're constantly coming in saying to people that will chime in because they're frustrated. Oh, but Sir, you
47 00:08:21,900 --> 00:08:30,570 said this, and this and this. Look, man, you're not paying attention to the most important things, the most salient things are in that chart that I tweeted. And
48 00:08:30,570 --> 00:08:40,200 where did price go? there and went lower. Now? Did I think this morning it was going to overshoot that fair pay gap? Admittedly, no, I didn't think it was
49 00:08:40,200 --> 00:08:49,770 going to do that. This afternoon. It could have done it. But I don't know every time I put something out now. It just seems like it's like a ravenous pack of
50 00:08:49,770 --> 00:09:01,410 wolves jumped all over it and it starts to run, which I find interesting. But I engage the second fair value guy. Okay. There was a gentleman tweeted, saying
51 00:09:01,410 --> 00:09:14,490 that I really didn't say, a sell or a buy. So I really didn't call the market. Again. Listen to what I'm saying here. And if you look at what goes on how I
52 00:09:14,490 --> 00:09:24,150 teach, that's what I'm doing. I'm pointing downrange. Okay, that might be above the marketplace or down below the marketplace. And today, there was no chart
53 00:09:24,150 --> 00:09:36,510 pointing to anything higher than I even give a level above market price. No, no, I'm not pulling things out of thin air. I'm giving you a logic to focus on.
54 00:09:38,279 --> 00:09:47,159 One set up this morning. But if the setup doesn't form an entry, then there's nothing for you to do, period. Some of you actually entered on that fair value.
55 00:09:47,159 --> 00:09:55,229 gapping you've proven it by tweeting it to me after I started talking about and shared my thoughts about the marketplace and here's my framework. Here's what
56 00:09:55,229 --> 00:10:03,659 I'm paying attention. Here's what here's my attention right now. So I'm I'm tipping my head into you. And to be honest with you, this is gonna sound
57 00:10:03,689 --> 00:10:11,579 arrogant, but you should be fucking glad I'm doing that because I hold this stuff back for a reason. There's a lot of little assholes out there that run
58 00:10:11,579 --> 00:10:19,739 around creating new mentorships parroting everything I say, Never crediting anything, they didn't go through the bullshit I had to go through to learn this.
59 00:10:20,609 --> 00:10:28,799 And it makes them look superhuman, because they're calling out things and referring to things that I'm doing. And that's why I wait to the last minute.
60 00:10:29,759 --> 00:10:38,669 Because I've learned that there's a dozen of them, at least that I know of, that are in my mentorship. And I'm trying, I'm trying to find out which user user
61 00:10:38,669 --> 00:10:50,219 group they're in. And so I can remove just to take their, their meal ticket away. So I understand that there's gonna be audience members that come to me,
62 00:10:50,669 --> 00:10:58,739 and they're gonna look at what I'm doing. And it's gonna feel like, well, he's really not doing anything, when in fact, I'm doing a whole lot. It's just you
63 00:10:58,739 --> 00:11:07,949 want me to sit down with you and say, Okay, I'm concerned about you believing that I can do this, I'm so concerned that I'm gonna lose sleep over this. And
64 00:11:07,949 --> 00:11:16,469 I'm so anxious that people are gonna think I'm a fraud, that I'm gonna have to sit down with you on a day by day basis, and tell you where to buy where to
65 00:11:16,469 --> 00:11:27,479 sell, put a stop loss, take profit, Target, run up a live account, when Robins cup, break the Olympic records, do backflips off of his in the beach, okay, sit
66 00:11:27,479 --> 00:11:35,429 in there and talk about stupid shit and videos, then don't prove anything else. That's all everybody else does. You want me to do all these things, every time I
67 00:11:35,429 --> 00:11:44,309 do something new. Or in addition to what I was ever willing to do, it's never going to be enough. But I'm telling you, I'm never going to put you in trades,
68 00:11:44,339 --> 00:11:52,289 it's not going to happen. I just ain't gonna do it. Because if I did, that, everybody would be out there running services, and just doing what I'm doing.
69 00:11:53,819 --> 00:12:02,579 And they would make lots of money. And then we can nerves. I wouldn't do it, I will I will not do that. Now, I've also told this to my students that are
70 00:12:02,939 --> 00:12:10,289 running signal services, and we're planning to do so that if they have a large group, they're going to have that same thing people are gonna come in, they're
71 00:12:10,289 --> 00:12:21,359 going to rip them off and copy their trades and such. And there's no way around it. So to avoid that shit, because it would get on my nerves. I avoid doing it
72 00:12:21,359 --> 00:12:30,539 number one, too. I, I keep that market there for my students. Because there's a lot of people out there that are never going to they're gonna watch me teach
73 00:12:30,539 --> 00:12:38,519 this stuff for free. And prove that it works. And they're still going to bitch and complain to me. Oh, I just can't make this work. It just doesn't make any
74 00:12:38,519 --> 00:12:45,959 sense to me. I'm still confused. But you said this in his other video forgetting everything I just said about that very morning. What we're looking at. They're
75 00:12:45,959 --> 00:12:55,439 talking about gold. Who the fuck said anything about gold today? Nobody mentioned gold. I didn't talk about gold. No mention of gold. Why are you asking
76 00:12:55,439 --> 00:13:07,979 me about gold? I don't give a fuck about gold. Gold sucks. I don't like gold. Okay, there it is. It's just like crypto to me. I don't want to trade it. If I
77 00:13:07,979 --> 00:13:14,849 talk about a specific market, why the hell are you going to ask me about something else? I'm not going to divert my attention to something else. That's
78 00:13:14,849 --> 00:13:31,139 another reason why it was too much for me in 2016 when I was doing, I didn't 35 People join my very first mentorship. And I did I think it was GoToWebinar.
79 00:13:33,149 --> 00:13:38,909 I think it was good. I don't know what exactly because we went through several of them. But we'll just say it was GoToWebinar. But it was a live webinar
80 00:13:38,909 --> 00:13:48,419 service that I had everybody in the room at one time. And they all could question What the fuck was I thinking there? Let me tell you something. I don't
81 00:13:48,419 --> 00:13:58,529 give a shit how good you are. When you have 100 people asking you something, and you're trying to do the best to make them feel like you care about their
82 00:13:58,529 --> 00:14:09,509 question. You want to give them the response? Hold it. I couldn't concentrate. I couldn't I don't I have a hard time focusing anyway. But bottom line is this if
83 00:14:09,509 --> 00:14:17,819 you have 100 people in there and they're questioning you all different shit. And it was the same way then I have a Euro dollar chart in front of me and they're
84 00:14:17,819 --> 00:14:25,979 fucking asking me about dollar yen and I hate fucking DOLLAR YEN. And they're just you're ignoring my my question ICT. I'm paying UBS and my answer my
85 00:14:25,979 --> 00:14:33,269 questions that I'm thinking myself shit, you know, I gotta, I gotta answer this person. They're right. I mean, they're asking me a question, but they're wrong
86 00:14:33,269 --> 00:14:40,289 because they're not following along in the presentation. And the whole time. prices move around. I'm second guessing what I'm doing. I can't concentrate. So
87 00:14:42,089 --> 00:14:50,159 I've learned not to do that shit. I just take what I'm willing to put it out there in the public. And then you just chew on it. If I'm wrong. I'm okay with
88 00:14:50,159 --> 00:14:58,529 being wrong. But I'm not questioning what the fuck I'm doing at the time. I'm not I'm not fielding everybody's question. That's why if you look at when I post
89 00:14:58,529 --> 00:15:08,669 something just for entertainment value, the read the people that respond to it. Look at him it's like, are you even paying attention? Are you paying attention?
90 00:15:09,029 --> 00:15:17,369 Because I'm taking all of that everyone's attention into one focal point one particular market one time frame one chart one structure one framework. There it
91 00:15:17,369 --> 00:15:24,059 is, and you're still gonna get two fucking views. The people that don't know what the fuck they're doing, ain't paying attention don't give a shit about what
92 00:15:24,059 --> 00:15:31,889 I'm doing. They want they want to make their system work. That's what it is. They're coming here and they want to see something that they're doing in their
93 00:15:31,889 --> 00:15:40,799 chart with their fucking indicators with their stupid shit that they learned some somebody's fucking bullshit book on Amazon. And they're coming here and
94 00:15:40,799 --> 00:15:49,889 they're trying to say okay, it seems to be rigged a lot. So if he gives me like a thumbs up or if he likes my post, that's like the little nudge for my trade in
95 00:15:49,889 --> 00:16:00,269 my system so I can come back and say yeah, I was in this trade I didn't use your system, but I took the trade I've seen so many that shit to like listen in here
96 00:16:01,169 --> 00:16:08,879 you came here to learn that's it if you came here to size up with me bring your fucking shit let's go I ain't fucking waiting around no more there's two dicks
97 00:16:08,909 --> 00:16:11,219 out there running around saying they could beat my ass and training
98 00:16:16,470 --> 00:16:35,580 Am I still working on you batch how many fucking weeks and months I got stuck around Tucker limits sitting around fucking make his stupid mother fucker. Man
99 00:16:35,580 --> 00:16:41,310 you better bring your fucking shit because I'm gonna tell you right now at the end of the year if you all fucking stuck to me bitch I'm gonna open up a can of
100 00:16:41,910 --> 00:16:58,110 dice on your ass. You need the fucking look that as a fucking clown the rest of your fucking life motherfucker No, I am not everybody's fucking choice mentor. I
101 00:16:58,110 --> 00:17:05,940 am not fucking balanced I don't care about fucking wax my fucking butt come into my fucking house come into my mother's freaking house
102 00:17:07,980 --> 00:17:16,830 some fucking F Oh
103 00:17:23,519 --> 00:17:34,259 see I had to get out of the house to do these types of things my wife will be like them too. I gotta let it out. I gotta let it out folks it's fucking almost
104 00:17:34,289 --> 00:17:49,469 ended July somebody else be beat my motherfucking is in the markets and what am I still fucking waiting sucking told all of you these aerosols were
105 00:17:51,840 --> 00:18:11,940 there but on the fucking fraud fuck you. Compound them are fucking frog fuckers I keep laying the shutdown. Keep laying it down laying down laying. But once you
106 00:18:11,940 --> 00:18:25,320 have all the supporters, the supporters you've already convinced I don't need to talk about yet. You know it. But I already warned you. I have OCD I'm obsessive.
107 00:18:26,670 --> 00:18:39,480 My eye is gonna go to the nail. And when they raise their head up, that's the one I'm hitting. Because these people don't make money. These people have
108 00:18:40,650 --> 00:18:51,000 insecurity issues. Now, I might seem a little unhinged at times, like just a moment ago, but I can assure you I'm very lucid as to what I'm gonna be doing in
109 00:18:51,000 --> 00:19:02,640 the marketplace. And I don't care who believes me. I want these doubting Thomases to come here. They think they have a bigger dick, because I will remove
110 00:19:02,640 --> 00:19:15,990 it publicly and feed it to their fucking ass. I'm tired. I'm fucking tired. Everybody sitting on the sidelines talking their shit. And getting away with it
111 00:19:15,990 --> 00:19:32,430 now you're not getting away with shit. No more No, no, no, no. That time has gone past. See? You're gonna have this problem. If you get out here in the
112 00:19:32,430 --> 00:19:43,440 public, especially today's society is they're so toxic. They're so fucking toxic. And they're so about me, me me, me me. Make it about me. They're a
113 00:19:43,440 --> 00:19:53,790 victim, or they should have been considered over someone else. Yeah, I'm not going to convince everybody I'm aware that some of you probably turned to shut
114 00:19:53,790 --> 00:20:02,310 off on it. I don't care. I don't give a fuck if I love you unfollow me. I don't care if you ever watched my videos. I don't care, I don't care, because none of
115 00:20:02,310 --> 00:20:12,750 this stuff is going to affect how I live. That's already been established before I even did mentorships. Period. So when you open yourself up, I mean, if you,
116 00:20:13,230 --> 00:20:26,910 there's some people out there very, very stronger. I guess I'll say it like this. There are folks out there that are more psychologically stable, to endure
117 00:20:27,300 --> 00:20:39,540 things. That would be, if not worse, if you had the position I'm in right now. And others would say the shit that he said about me about you, it'd be easy for
118 00:20:39,540 --> 00:20:48,930 most of you that, well, I'm not giving any energy, I can't do that. When you guys try to say, oh, ICT that pisses me off. I'm gonna be honest with you don't
119 00:20:48,930 --> 00:20:59,520 do that. Don't fucking do that to me. Because I know you mean well. But the only thing I see is someone trying to tell me what the fuck to do. And I don't, I
120 00:20:59,520 --> 00:21:12,330 don't like it. So when you come to this Twitter, or you come to my YouTube channel, it's a one way street. Now, that street might end with a losing
121 00:21:12,330 --> 00:21:20,970 position for me. And I don't want any of you to suffer that. So understand that I'm not trying to get you into trades. because invariably, if I keep doing this,
122 00:21:21,000 --> 00:21:27,840 I'm gonna have a losing trade. And unfortunately, that's gonna be the one where that guy sits around, he watches me do all this stuff, calling all kinds of
123 00:21:27,840 --> 00:21:38,010 different mediums and points where the markets gonna go. And then finally, he has to go home has to get in on one setup. And he's thinking, Well, I got this
124 00:21:38,010 --> 00:21:48,030 funded account, and I gotta get this much money to be able to pass it and I only got three days left. Fuck it. I'm going all in. And that's the losing trade. Now
125 00:21:48,030 --> 00:22:00,180 forget the 50 fucking times before I was right. But this one episode, this one instance, okay, this moment where they plunge and did something and took
126 00:22:00,240 --> 00:22:11,640 initiative. But the overleveraged and they did things that they shouldn't have done. They lose? Who's getting the fault for that? Them? Fuck now? I am. I'm the
127 00:22:11,640 --> 00:22:20,640 one I'm the asshole. When I had no idea they were even pushing the button. Nobody, nobody's going to take the ownership of that. They're always going to
128 00:22:20,640 --> 00:22:32,580 keep it on me. I'm aware of that. But when you take the focus away from the things I'm pointing to, if I'm saying look at this market here, look at this
129 00:22:32,580 --> 00:22:39,000 time frame, this is the framework, this is the thing that you know you watching right now, think about it, folks, these are questions all of you have asked for
130 00:22:39,000 --> 00:22:45,420 years. ICT doesn't do anything, he doesn't use his tools in front of you.
131 00:22:46,770 --> 00:22:58,110 I'm putting you in front of the chart, I'm putting you in a position where you can see it before it unfolds. Watch, study it. Because if you haven't been keyed
132 00:22:58,110 --> 00:23:05,580 up on that chart this morning, you would have looked at it in hindsight and say, Oh, well, you know, I can see it now. But I'm showing it to you before it
133 00:23:05,580 --> 00:23:16,020 happens. Now that second fair value got I took a screen shot of me actually going in where it shows the little order can short workplace. You'll see that
134 00:23:16,020 --> 00:23:27,210 tonight and the review. said only trade. I didn't do any kind of peer meeting or anything like that partial along the way where the chart says that's what I did.
135 00:23:28,320 --> 00:23:40,230 Now, was it a lot? No. Most of the setup that was bread and butter here. It required a second. There you go. That's what I waited for. Now, I could have
136 00:23:40,230 --> 00:23:51,570 went in went short. In a minute or two after I sent that tweet. I could have done that. But I waited, what was I waiting for exactly what I teach you. That
137 00:23:51,570 --> 00:24:00,900 second fair value got that I put additional tweets on. That's the one that's the setup, where we had that swing low to actually broke that. That's the one I
138 00:24:01,020 --> 00:24:13,980 worked with. And I had to allow for the revisit to that higher fair value gun. So when I put the trade on, I had had to favor the lower end of the price being
139 00:24:13,980 --> 00:24:26,220 delivered the debt, discount fair value gap, but allow for the stop to potentially. Well, not potentially, but be above the first fair value gap. So
140 00:24:26,220 --> 00:24:34,680 there's a little bit more risk there. Because we were going into the 930 opening. It was a lot of uncertainty, new news, but it was standard price
141 00:24:34,680 --> 00:24:46,740 delivered today. This wasn't like economic news coming out and sending everywhere. But if you look at the five minute chart, and 15 minute chart, zoom
142 00:24:46,740 --> 00:24:56,460 out before I show you tonight and review. If you look at it, you'll see that we ran up into a fair value gap. So we were pushed up into a premium overnight
143 00:24:56,910 --> 00:25:05,730 until this morning. So We had that little short term shift in market structure that I didn't draw attention to. But your I should see it, that chart to
144 00:25:05,730 --> 00:25:12,300 Twitter, your I should already say, okay, he sees a bit of a gap. So where was the shift in market structure? Oh, there's that swing low. Yeah, there was
145 00:25:12,300 --> 00:25:24,690 displacement, he had to trade back up into fear, right? Yep. Okay. But you're not going to learn this, folks. If you're trying to give me something else to
146 00:25:24,690 --> 00:25:32,760 look at, when I'm taking your attention to what I'm worrying about, what am I looking at? What's my concern in the marketplace? Where am I expecting price to
147 00:25:32,760 --> 00:25:42,420 market what timeframe, that's framework, that is what I'm trying to get you to understand. Like, I would love to have had this been given to me coming up, I
148 00:25:42,420 --> 00:25:51,690 would have loved it, I would have learned so much. Because I'm taking you to a chart where that framework is going to provide a setup was a setup right then
149 00:25:51,690 --> 00:26:03,000 and there. But you have to study it and watch it with these levels in mind, that logic below the marketplace. And when you have that, it feels better when you're
150 00:26:03,000 --> 00:26:11,400 watching price, you don't even have to put a demo trade on just watching it, you'll feel encouraged because it starts delivering closer and closer to those
151 00:26:11,400 --> 00:26:18,510 levels, then it creates a little smaller imbalance and comes back and rebounds is that then comes and goes once more time lower and keeps digging in digging in
152 00:26:18,510 --> 00:26:26,670 digging in. And then when the market opens up at 930, it starts playing, it runs right to the levels we're looking for. Isn't that not what I talked about in
153 00:26:26,670 --> 00:26:34,770 that 2022 Free mentorship on my YouTube channel. That's exactly what I'm teaching you how many times you got to see this stuff to have any faith in it.
154 00:26:35,490 --> 00:26:46,290 Apparently, nobody is gonna be able to do enough for some of you. And that's not my audience, there are people that I absolutely mute, I might not block you. But
155 00:26:46,290 --> 00:26:57,180 I mute people sometimes when when I have an inclination that they're probably really not trying hard. They're just there to wait for the setup. Wait for me
156 00:26:57,180 --> 00:27:06,330 pointing to the obvious type thing, you're gonna get fucking frustrated with that. Because I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to
157 00:27:06,330 --> 00:27:16,620 lay a cookie in your hand. So that way, you get comfortable with me giving you the trade setup. No, I'm doing far more than will be reasonable. For someone to
158 00:27:16,620 --> 00:27:24,900 still be able to learn, you're learning to trust this, because I'm taking you into a small little section of price action. Okay, small little section of
159 00:27:24,900 --> 00:27:33,300 price, where the logic that I'm teaching, you should materialize. I'm not looking at any chart patterns before this little area, that chart that I've
160 00:27:33,300 --> 00:27:43,170 tweeted that little five minute framework. That's what I was focusing on that little piece, nothing before it made any didn't have any impact on what I was
161 00:27:43,170 --> 00:27:44,490 trying to show you nothing.
162 00:27:45,810 --> 00:27:59,850 What you had in that chart was all you needed. When I said do what do you see? On Twitter? Last time I was on Twitter. I would take everybody to a specific
163 00:27:59,880 --> 00:28:09,660 fractal on price on said what do you see? And so many times people would come in here, it's not enough information in the chart bullshit. You haven't studied
164 00:28:09,660 --> 00:28:15,870 enough? That's what that is. That's what you're that's what you're showing me you don't know what I'm teaching, you haven't been learning you haven't been
165 00:28:15,870 --> 00:28:27,840 studying. Because if you have you know enough to know what this trucks likely to do next. So when I see people that have sincere genuine questions about the
166 00:28:27,840 --> 00:28:39,210 things I'm posting, I'm either gonna reply to them, don't expect it to, but I'll reply to them on their tweet, or I'll bring it up in the review or a video. In
167 00:28:39,210 --> 00:28:48,750 passing, I'm not going to say this person asked me, I'm just going to have it in my notes. Talk about this, talk about this talk about this. So there's a lot of
168 00:28:48,780 --> 00:28:59,130 folks out there that are not equipped to do this folks. And you might be one of them. You may be struggling with not being able to do it. You can't bring
169 00:28:59,130 --> 00:29:05,940 yourself to study you can't bring yourself to back test. You can't go back and look what is back testing. Just go ahead. bold moves, and breaking them down how
170 00:29:05,940 --> 00:29:17,310 I teach you see, you hear all these people talking about how hindsight and that's that's bullshit in ICTs this I mean hindsight hindsight, well, first of
171 00:29:17,310 --> 00:29:28,440 all, everybody, everybody that ever learned anything learns from hindsight. When you go to get surgery, the guys that were cutting on you, ladies cutting on you?
172 00:29:28,980 --> 00:29:42,630 Do you know how they learned? Oh shit, old case studies. And they cut on dead bodies to cadavers. So are you going to say that that wasn't enough education
173 00:29:42,630 --> 00:29:52,140 for them. Now maybe you're not the one that wants to raise a hand for their first live surgery, but you're never going to know that. But everybody learns
174 00:29:52,140 --> 00:30:02,190 from hindsight. And what I'm doing is I'm doing you the greatest service a mentor could ever do. I'm not taking any more I need from you. How about that?
175 00:30:03,030 --> 00:30:12,240 How about the fact that I could be making millions of dollars doing this shit? And I still gotta get free from these fucking assholes. Listen, I'm never gonna
176 00:30:12,240 --> 00:30:19,290 win with them. I know. But don't mother me when I'm reaching out to them and responding and slapping him around because I gotta get it off my chest. Because
177 00:30:19,290 --> 00:30:30,330 if I don't get it off my chest, it's gonna manifest itself in some way, shape or form in my home. And I don't want that. So I discharge it publicly. Twitter is
178 00:30:30,330 --> 00:30:42,570 my therapy session, I get all my ego aspects out there. That's what I do. I managed myself there. When I didn't have Twitter, what was I doing? I was
179 00:30:42,570 --> 00:30:52,560 talking to my kids, motorists boys, telling them this is what it is and talking to him the way I've talked to you here. No, I'm not the Christian guy that
180 00:30:52,560 --> 00:30:59,280 refrains from bad words. I can't control myself. Sometimes, folks, and I've always been open about that. And please don't send me emails and scriptures
181 00:30:59,280 --> 00:31:10,530 about oh, well, if you had the Holy Spirit, you wouldn't do this. And you listen, I am a man. I sin. Okay, I sin until I die and leave this body, I'm a
182 00:31:10,530 --> 00:31:21,330 sinner. And I repent for every single time. So please, don't send me that stuff, either. I know, every time I do, I go in with the intention of not going off
183 00:31:21,330 --> 00:31:31,230 rails, but I do, which is the reason why I don't want to do live streams. Because I'm gonna go off the rails. And my ego will really shine there. Because
184 00:31:32,340 --> 00:31:44,190 have you done all kinds of stupid shit. So I have to keep myself on a leash. And this isn't the best type of leash, but it is really me. This is the real me this
185 00:31:44,190 --> 00:31:56,370 is, this is how I am. That means sometimes, in the same conversation, you'll get Dr. Jekyll and other times they're hot. And I wrestle with it. And when people
186 00:31:57,000 --> 00:32:08,670 make snide remarks, or they make bullshit about me, I go after that. I go after that type of stuff, because all of it's bullshit, it's all fake. And I can prove
187 00:32:08,670 --> 00:32:17,340 this stuff. And I've already said this before, if they ever wanted to do an investigation with me, come on, bring me your fucking computer. Let me pick up
188 00:32:17,340 --> 00:32:25,110 my charts, and I'll do this shit right in front of you. And I'm proving it in front of all you now. I'm calling it I'm doing it, I'm executing. There it is.
189 00:32:25,770 --> 00:32:27,330 How much more do you need to see?
190 00:32:28,650 --> 00:32:36,450 You want me to help you run your account. That's the problem. That's your perspective. That's your view. That's not reality. The reality is, is you need
191 00:32:36,450 --> 00:32:44,580 to understand that there's things that you're going to have to learn to trust, because you put your ass in front of the chart that you stayed there you watched
192 00:32:44,580 --> 00:32:52,650 price deliver, you watched how price, meandered around and moved a little bit away from where you thought it was gonna go to next handles, but still delivers
193 00:32:52,650 --> 00:33:00,630 what you thought was going to happen, or where I'm pointing to. That's a struggle that you have to go through. Everybody does. And when I first time to
194 00:33:00,630 --> 00:33:09,840 learn how to trade, it was very, very difficult for me to sit still. And let these candlesticks paint, like it was hot. And these counselors when I first
195 00:33:09,840 --> 00:33:19,020 start doing open high low close bars, but it was very hard to submit to that. I know it needs to likely go to a specific price level for me to get out or move
196 00:33:19,020 --> 00:33:28,710 my stop if I was using one back then. But to submit to, you know, all the times it sits still moves back a couple points, and then goes in your favorite and
197 00:33:28,710 --> 00:33:36,330 quickly comes back against you, but not against you and your position. But the new equity high in that trade. It eats away a little bit and you think you're so
198 00:33:36,330 --> 00:33:45,570 it's reversing. That's not that you have to sit in from the chart and endure. But you have to do that, folks, I can't make that easy for you. And if I sit
199 00:33:45,570 --> 00:33:54,330 down and plan it every single candle every single time and fluctuate. You know what you're gonna take away from that experience. ICT walk me through that? I
200 00:33:54,330 --> 00:34:02,310 didn't see it for myself, where you have to see it fielding the internal wrestling match. Okay, this feels like it's reversing, but I'm going to stick
201 00:34:02,310 --> 00:34:09,900 with the idea that it's going to go to this level. And then when it does, you know how it feels. Some of you don't know what that feels like. Some of you get
202 00:34:09,900 --> 00:34:17,490 on there in July. And you say, Oh, I have the same trade, but you're not showing me that you took the same trade. So those those comments, I really don't
203 00:34:17,490 --> 00:34:26,370 appreciate them. I don't like them. Because if I was a follower, okay, say I was subscribed to ICT as a separate person, I'm not me, I'm somebody else. And I'm
204 00:34:26,520 --> 00:34:37,170 I'm following ICT on Twitter. And I see a lot of folks come back say Oh, I had the same trade issue. But they didn't post anything. They don't have an entry in
205 00:34:37,170 --> 00:34:48,090 their chart with the stop loss. You know, I'm gonna think this person's bullshit. Or this is ICT making up accounts. Because he can't possibly have
206 00:34:48,450 --> 00:34:56,730 19 2050 different accounts where he's doing all these account entries and showing examples. That's what I would think. So in some respects, the trolls
207 00:34:56,730 --> 00:35:03,390 have a valid point in certain points. But you can't say I don't have a trade and you can't say the concepts don't work. And you can't say that I'll have
208 00:35:03,390 --> 00:35:16,920 profitable students because all those boxes have been checked very, very, very clearly in front of everyone. So there's two sides to views of it, of a
209 00:35:16,920 --> 00:35:29,220 framework that I outlined. I'm also doing this on the fly, folks. You know, sometimes, like this morning, I'm not going to be in front of Twitter. I'm not
210 00:35:29,220 --> 00:35:36,690 gonna be in front of my charts. That's why I was doing everything from my phone. I'm walking around my kitchen. I'm trying to get breakfast made for myself,
211 00:35:36,750 --> 00:35:45,060 Okay, I'm trying to feed my two boxers, I'm trying to do all these other things. Because economic counter wasn't all that exciting to me. So I was just doing my
212 00:35:45,060 --> 00:35:55,800 normal stuff. But I saw something. And as I'm doing other things in the kitchen, I'm one thumb and trying to get that chart together and wrestling with it,
213 00:35:55,800 --> 00:36:04,410 because he kept dropping the fucking line on the wrong Kindle and was pissing me off. But finally, I got it all squared away and throw it up on Twitter and air
214 00:36:04,410 --> 00:36:17,730 does. So when you see tweets like that, and there's no if there is not a price level, okay? If there's not a price level above market price, How the fuck can
215 00:36:17,730 --> 00:36:26,190 you say that I'm calling a higher, I'm not calling a higher, I'm not calling that higher. Everything in that chart was below market price. There was not one
216 00:36:26,190 --> 00:36:36,840 level hinted that I did not say anything by side, nothing. The chart was seeing everything. If it wasn't important, I wouldn't have scrolled back far enough to
217 00:36:36,840 --> 00:36:45,090 show you the low the day where the fair value got was in relationship to equilibrium. And draw out the fucking fair value gap and put a little dollar
218 00:36:45,090 --> 00:36:54,090 sign this is where it's going to draw to. That's what I felt was likely for the morning session. But like a pack of rabid wolves, I think that, you know,
219 00:36:55,920 --> 00:37:06,510 everybody tore into that trade. Maybe chased it. Who knows, but you watched it unfold. And that's a bread and butter setup. That's not a barnburner. And that's
220 00:37:06,510 --> 00:37:15,990 not like a big move. But that's the kind of stuff that when I refer to a bread and butter set, what is the bread and butter setup. It's a setup where they
221 00:37:15,990 --> 00:37:27,000 repeat almost daily, you will get one in either the morning session or the afternoon session. But rarely will you get them you've seen
222 00:37:28,440 --> 00:37:37,740 both morning and afternoon session when there's no real economic data on the calendar. So when I said standard delivery today, that's more or less look for
223 00:37:37,740 --> 00:37:45,870 one good setup in the session. That's it, don't try to milk it. Don't try to go crazy. Don't go in here and try to pyramid anything. Because that's probably not
224 00:37:45,870 --> 00:37:53,970 going to pan out for you. So bread and butter is get in there, get something small, and be content with it and move to the sidelines. And don't don't go
225 00:37:53,970 --> 00:38:08,220 crazy that it was able to capture that full morning Google Eric said no. You saw where mine limit order was the last single filled on limit. And that was it. The
226 00:38:08,220 --> 00:38:16,110 closure of that fair value gap. That was all I was anticipating for this morning. But if you look at it, what happened was they went back up to that area
227 00:38:16,110 --> 00:38:27,660 where I showed I showed the partial the first partial be taken that fair value got look what it did to it. Like precision, I see T precision, Swiss precision
228 00:38:27,660 --> 00:38:39,570 ain't got shit on ICT. Okay, I didn't start my own watch collection, ICT timepieces. Always American. So anyway, but look at your chart on that five
229 00:38:39,570 --> 00:38:50,280 minute. And you'll see that the market went back up. When NASDAQ made a lower low and ran out previous day's low and all that s&p was still meandering around.
230 00:38:50,820 --> 00:39:00,690 It went there. Now you get where the partial the first partial was added to the chart to get it might back up to that to do what offer what an algorithmic short
231 00:39:02,160 --> 00:39:17,070 is that go back and look at a chart you guys want to draw? Then it went lower. See that? Where to go to the relative equal lows. Look at the five minute chart.
232 00:39:17,070 --> 00:39:38,250 It's there. So when I point what I'm suggesting to you as the viewer or their student if it's above the marketplace you should know that that I'm tipping my
233 00:39:38,250 --> 00:39:47,970 hand to you. I'm showing you my hand if we're in poker, okay, we're playing cards. You are a confederate. You're part of it. Okay, you're you're with it
234 00:39:48,090 --> 00:40:00,300 with me. Okay, I'm showing you my cards. No, I'm not showing you how I'm going to play those cards. But the students of mine know what I would be utilizing You
235 00:40:00,300 --> 00:40:07,560 don't know if I'm going to use a breaker, you don't know if I'm going to use a fair guy you got you don't know if I'm going to use the institutional. But we're
236 00:40:07,560 --> 00:40:17,820 not going to see it. That's another reason I don't like to do latching because I'm going to cross. Things that don't want to talk about publicly that paid
237 00:40:17,820 --> 00:40:26,310 members paid for. And you shouldn't be upset about that. Because I've already given a lot already. And I'm working with the same model I've taught since
238 00:40:27,900 --> 00:40:37,800 February, the 2023, mentorship, this pattern, folks, I'm telling you, if you haven't warmed up to the idea how this thing works, and how often it completely,
239 00:40:38,160 --> 00:40:50,280 just delivers beautifully, over and over and over again, in all different asset classes, too. But I tried to push you hard with index futures and forex, to
240 00:40:50,280 --> 00:40:58,020 study those. You don't need anything else. You don't need to subscribe to other people's courses or mentorships. Okay, cuz I'm gonna tell you right now, you're
241 00:40:58,020 --> 00:41:07,320 not they're gonna do, they're going to reinvent what I've been teaching. And they can't do what I'm doing. Period. If they could they hear me because they're
242 00:41:07,320 --> 00:41:13,140 listening, come to my fucking Twitter account and call the market before it happens. And I'll do the same thing and I'll blow their fucking doors off your
243 00:41:13,140 --> 00:41:22,950 ass. Okay, and nobody was subscribed to your ass then. And again, your followers too. And I'll still be doing it for free. See, I'm, like I said, I've said this
244 00:41:22,950 --> 00:41:31,080 before, I'm fucking bulletproof. None of you guys can do shit to me. Because I can trade. I can stand in the courtroom and do this. I can do it a Live account,
245 00:41:31,500 --> 00:41:38,880 I can do it with a demo, and it doesn't hurt my feelings. It doesn't make me feel less of a trader. I don't feel like I'm not good as a mentor, because I'm
246 00:41:38,880 --> 00:41:40,740 being responsible as a mentor.
247 00:41:42,930 --> 00:41:48,300 There's lots of trade setups, it's going to form that I'm not going to be participating in but I can still engage them and show you that this is what it
248 00:41:48,300 --> 00:41:57,420 does. I'm looking for my own setups this morning. That may have been your setup. But because I didn't do a live trade in it. But I did execute with a demo. Don't
249 00:41:57,420 --> 00:42:06,210 look at that and say, Well, I see teeth and take that with a live account. So I probably shouldn't use this as my model. No, don't do that. Don't fucking do
250 00:42:06,210 --> 00:42:17,520 that. Because if you saw this morning, before I even put my tweet out, you found your model. That's the one you'd lock on to fuck what ICT says, You found it,
251 00:42:17,580 --> 00:42:25,350 you know what the fuck you're looking for. Now, don't let anybody especially me. Because I'm not trying to try to discourage anybody, once you find your own
252 00:42:25,500 --> 00:42:36,390 niche in this. That's it. Don't let me change it. Don't let me influence any of that. Because once you find that one, that's what everybody's looking for. That
253 00:42:36,390 --> 00:42:44,880 one thing, that model that approached the way the chart looks, the timeframe that you're looking forward to forming the logic behind all that shit, once you
254 00:42:44,880 --> 00:42:55,890 have that, stop looking, stop trying to tinker with it, stop fucking around with it, it works. Just look for it to continuously deliver, and you're gonna have
255 00:42:55,890 --> 00:43:08,430 losing trades with that. Some of my better models still have losing trades, folks. There's no perfect trading there isn't it doesn't exist. But if you have
256 00:43:08,460 --> 00:43:18,990 something that you see, based on what you learned, don't change it. Don't look for me to add more spice to it, you'll need to kick it up a notch. You want it
257 00:43:18,990 --> 00:43:27,900 to be simple, easy, that is so obvious in the chart that your eye goes right to it. Don't let me fuck that up for you. Because I don't know that you're doing
258 00:43:27,900 --> 00:43:37,170 it. So it's not intentional to happens. But just know this. If you have something that's in your trading that you've been doing, and it's working, don't
259 00:43:37,170 --> 00:43:46,140 tinker with it, don't mess with it. Don't try to add more to it. Just work with it. Because experience will guide and tell you what you should be doing. Because
260 00:43:46,140 --> 00:44:00,570 right now, so much is surface of finding consistency. And as I mentioned before, that's a very location for developing students in trading. You have all these
261 00:44:00,570 --> 00:44:08,940 feelings of one go out there and conquer the world and over leverage because you got something that works. And now you're telling yourself well, I know I'm never
262 00:44:08,940 --> 00:44:18,420 going to continuously do over leveraging. But it's, I got to do it this time because I just want to know what it feels like to make a big trade. And then it
263 00:44:18,420 --> 00:44:27,930 gives you an answer. And then you feel demoralized. And then you'll second guess the setup again, when it forms. And you'll feel like it ain't worth taking it
264 00:44:27,930 --> 00:44:39,990 because to use less leverage because now you have drawdown. It feeds on itself. You have scared fearful money and that can't make money. So all these things.
265 00:44:40,170 --> 00:44:46,890 It's a balancing act. I many times use this expression in my private group. It's like plates spinning, you're seeing a plate spinner. They take the little dowel
266 00:44:46,890 --> 00:44:53,010 rod up here on the stage and they take a plate and spin the plate around on top of Dale and they got 2030 of them all at one time. They had to keep every plate
267 00:44:53,010 --> 00:45:01,350 spinning, running around and seeing which ones wobbling and golden spin at some more. That's what profitable consistent trading is like You're gonna balance all
268 00:45:01,350 --> 00:45:12,480 this bullshit. And now, some of you, you want to bring in, look at the shit that I get and look at that giveaway and look at a proven, and I still catch it. So
269 00:45:12,480 --> 00:45:21,510 you're asking yourself developing, you want to get out here in the world of social media, where all these motherfuckers are miserable creams or this monster
270 00:45:21,510 --> 00:45:30,300 fucking shit baggers, okay, they literally hate their fucking life. They live to go on social media, the pits on everybody else. That's what makes them feel
271 00:45:30,300 --> 00:45:43,020 good. Some of you guys want that so bad, and you're not ready for it. You're not ready for it. You're not, because that's a dream. It's a drain on your
272 00:45:43,020 --> 00:45:55,200 attention. It's a drain on your focus. And you don't need that in your early development. And honestly, nobody really needs it at all. It's toxic as shit. So
273 00:45:55,200 --> 00:46:03,270 you got to ask yourself, you know, why are you here? Are you here waiting for me to make a mistake saying Say hi, you're a fucking clown. See, you're a fool. And
274 00:46:03,270 --> 00:46:13,110 ignore everything else I've been doing all year long. Because that's what I'm gonna say if you do it, then it'll be crickets. I'm gonna lose. That'll happen.
275 00:46:16,320 --> 00:46:22,080 But what are you doing with the information I'm giving you right now? Are you here to try to learn? Because we're here to learn? I promise you. I'm here to
276 00:46:22,080 --> 00:46:27,900 help you do that. I'm here to fucking help you do that. I really walk around
277 00:46:29,160 --> 00:46:38,910 wanting more people to say you know what? I'm making a change. It's gonna take some work. It's gonna take some effort. And nobody else fucking believes in this
278 00:46:38,910 --> 00:46:48,060 at all. And I'm still gonna dig into this. That's my audience. That's my audience. Not the people that said wishy washy. Well, you know, he said
279 00:46:48,060 --> 00:46:57,480 something that proved to me I got a fucking thing to prove. You know, you should. I don't owe any of you any fucking thing. Nothing. I'm sitting here
280 00:46:57,480 --> 00:47:06,870 spending my personal time talking to people that only want to fuck who you are. I don't know you. I'm never gonna meet you. I don't know you shit. I love
281 00:47:06,900 --> 00:47:14,730 sharing. But I can't stand these entitlement motherfuckers that come to my fucking social media or to email me or leave comments on my YouTube channel?
282 00:47:15,630 --> 00:47:27,120 What's with this level of entitlement? Like I owe you more? Fuck, I owe you nothing. Nothing. You are me something bitch. Hey, do you ever meet something?
283 00:47:27,510 --> 00:47:33,630 Fucking respect and if I don't get it fuck off. I don't need you. I don't want you to fucking be a part of my mentorship group. I don't need you to be watching
284 00:47:33,630 --> 00:47:44,340 my fucking videos. I don't care about your opinion. Okay. But I'm hearing smoke. I'm here for it. They said I'm gonna get ran off of Twitter in a week. Time
285 00:47:44,340 --> 00:47:57,990 Dante you motherfucker. Bring your bitch so over here. You can't trade period. Prove me wrong. Oh shit. He went there. It did. I did. Don't ya, I gotta list. I
286 00:47:57,990 --> 00:48:06,060 gotta fucking list in 2022 told you the second half of this year. It's gonna be fun. And I'm gonna offend a whole lot of you. I don't give a shit. I got a chip
287 00:48:06,060 --> 00:48:26,550 on my shoulder. And I'm smoothing it out in public. So let's see. Going forward you're either gonna look at what I'm teaching you and use it. Or you're not. If
288 00:48:26,550 --> 00:48:33,210 you're profitable in that trade already. And you're just sitting here for curiosity sake, and just fun. Okay, that's cool. I get it. I do the same thing.
289 00:48:33,660 --> 00:48:41,910 I look at people on YouTube. I see what they're doing. They say they're making money. They show empty force statements and shit. You know? I don't have any
290 00:48:41,910 --> 00:48:52,050 faith and all that. Once Adam Webb revealed that people can go in there and mess around to empty form. That's why I left I was like, fuck that. Nobody's gonna
291 00:48:52,080 --> 00:49:02,490 say that about and they still did. They still do. And I use MT four and natty explain everybody that's using what I taught. And they're doing it with
292 00:49:02,490 --> 00:49:19,470 TradingView and they're doing it with NinjaTrader I see markets. oanda. Amp see at some point bullshit on the bullshit. And that's what I sat down with last
293 00:49:19,470 --> 00:49:35,130 year. I said, you know, how do I go out here and bring everybody's attention to the truth and not offend everyone? Because I have a paid group obviously. And
294 00:49:35,850 --> 00:49:46,110 believe me, they're fearful that I'm gonna go out here and just start going nuts with teaching everything they've been taught. To have I know. I've done enough.
295 00:49:46,920 --> 00:49:56,310 Where if you were in mentors, a model that you would have come to if you just did what I told you to do. This fair value gap. I'm going to tell you this also
296 00:49:56,310 --> 00:50:04,500 because there's a lot of people they're still trying to buy these on the pirate by Thomas, you folks, I swear to God Almighty, if you buy this stuff from other
297 00:50:04,500 --> 00:50:11,760 people, you're gonna regret it. You're gonna regret it do a chargeback right now, if you did it, do a claim against the fucking shit, get your money back,
298 00:50:11,790 --> 00:50:20,460 okay? Because I promise you what I teach the rest of this year, just what the model you've been taught. It's more clear more to the point than anything I've
299 00:50:20,460 --> 00:50:28,080 done in the private group, the private group was me giving them overload of everything, I dumped everything in them. And they still had to come up with
300 00:50:28,080 --> 00:50:34,320 their own model. That's why a lot of people pitch, oh, there is no method. There's a method there. But you have to put the things together. Like I told
301 00:50:34,320 --> 00:50:40,830 you, I gave you instructions how to do it. And to prove that it works that two people in the beginning the year say, oh, you know, this shit doesn't work. I
302 00:50:40,830 --> 00:50:47,010 want my money back. I said, prove to me doesn't work. Because I'm gonna go out on it and prove it with a live account. And I'm also gonna have people that are
303 00:50:47,010 --> 00:50:51,060 strangers doing it right from the YouTube channel, and they're proving it's profitable. So they've been
304 00:50:57,750 --> 00:51:06,240 my mentorship group, don't ask me to join because you can't. Okay. Believe me. If I was broke. I know I would be making millions of dollars again, every single
305 00:51:06,240 --> 00:51:13,650 month. I don't need to do that. It's not arrogance. It's the fucking facts. I don't need your fucking money. I don't need any more money. I got more money
306 00:51:13,650 --> 00:51:20,250 than I'm ever gonna fucking need the rest of my life. Okay, there's, there's my net worth the answer for you all people out there pretending I'm fucking broke.
307 00:51:20,490 --> 00:51:27,120 I downsize I live like this. Because I don't want to be among the rich, where they're gonna go after these motherfuckers I'm living amongst the average person
308 00:51:27,210 --> 00:51:36,150 never on here, who knows where manager says Guess what, I don't give a fuck. Don't care, I ain't scared because because you knew where I live at. You just
309 00:51:36,150 --> 00:51:49,740 know where one residence is. She gets deep, I won't be in that house. I'll be in something else that I'm not going to talk about. But I'm living around among the
310 00:51:49,740 --> 00:52:02,130 average people now for a reason. Because they're going to eat the rich. And I don't want to be amongst that. I want to be a grey man. But wanting to join my
311 00:52:02,130 --> 00:52:12,690 private mentorship group are buying Instagram guys that are selling videos. And understand these guys. They bought somebody else's copies, and somebody else's
312 00:52:12,690 --> 00:52:20,370 copies and somebody else's copies. And the only thing you're gonna get is a video that was talking about something at that time, that you're not gonna,
313 00:52:20,490 --> 00:52:28,740 you're not it isn't going to help you. It was only beneficial to people. Like for instance, when you watched me do that tweet this morning, and I outlined the
314 00:52:28,740 --> 00:52:40,080 framework. Can you use that right now? Fuck no, you can't use it right now. But see, I understand where you are mentally and psychologically about wanting to
315 00:52:40,080 --> 00:52:56,400 learn. Okay, listen very carefully. Do not buy videos from anyone. I promise you, you will not learn it that way. Because I sat down. I got on people's
316 00:52:56,400 --> 00:53:03,690 nerves in the mentorship because I would talk like this in the lessons that like, could you just not do that? Fuck you. Fuck you don't tell me what to do.
317 00:53:03,720 --> 00:53:09,240 It's a mock bucking house. I'm going to teach the way I'm going to teach I'm going to repeat as much as I fucking want to repeat what I want to repeat
318 00:53:09,240 --> 00:53:18,090 period. Don't tell me don't come to fucking me telling me how I'm going to fucking teach my shit. You don't want to learn to get the fuck out of here. They
319 00:53:18,090 --> 00:53:27,510 didn't want that she is because they can't edit it out. They can't edit it. They want to be able to sell the videos as they are because that made hundreds and
320 00:53:27,510 --> 00:53:38,190 hundreds of them. And it's going to be in a video where it says this shit is only gonna work for you right now. And I taught that way. It had an expiration
321 00:53:38,190 --> 00:53:48,570 on it. What's that mean? That the logic that I was teaching in those individual lessons you had to be with me right then and there. If you weren't, you can't
322 00:53:48,570 --> 00:54:04,710 get anything out of it. And genius, isn't it? Yes, I know. Yes, I know. How talking to her again? No, not all the time. But I am being honest. So don't
323 00:54:04,710 --> 00:54:16,170 waste your money. Okay. Believe me, don't waste your fucking money. What you're getting on YouTube. And the things I'm sharing on Twitter are more right to the
324 00:54:16,170 --> 00:54:26,460 point than anything I've done in my private group period. My private group has every fucking tool they would ever need. But they still have to come up with a
325 00:54:26,460 --> 00:54:32,970 way where they're going to bring it together for themselves. And some of you might be thinking, Man, I'm glad I didn't buy that. Good. That's how you should
326 00:54:32,970 --> 00:54:42,870 feel about it. But the students I have in here that are lazy that paid me and I have them. They literally did not do the things I told him to do. They'll swear
327 00:54:42,870 --> 00:54:52,980 up and down. Oh, I did this. I did that I studied I back tested. But you didn't put the work into building the model of your own. Like, what? What did I do with
328 00:54:52,980 --> 00:55:02,370 this model on YouTube? made it simple, which is what I told everybody in mentorship to do. Pick one In PDO, right, what's a PV array? It's a premium
329 00:55:02,370 --> 00:55:12,030 discount array. That means wherever the market price is above it, their premiums. And below it's a discount. What is a PV array? Specifically, order
330 00:55:12,030 --> 00:55:23,040 block? A breaker, fair value got there just three, there's other ones, but predominantly, that's it. You only need one PD array to make your model. If you
331 00:55:23,040 --> 00:55:32,220 take the fair value out, take that out of the 2022 mentorship and replace it with my bearish breaker or bullish breaker. You have a model everything all
332 00:55:32,220 --> 00:55:41,490 being all things being equal. Exactly the way I thought it changed fair that you get to breaker. Now you have another model teach me another model, ICT just
333 00:55:41,490 --> 00:55:48,600 fucking do, just like that. But it doesn't feel like a model for someone that's new. They haven't spent any time with me have looked at price action studied how
334 00:55:48,600 --> 00:55:53,220 price delivers on these sessions in the morning in the afternoon, how they work with a weekly range.
335 00:55:55,980 --> 00:56:03,030 It's gonna feel alien to them. It's going to feel like it's incomplete. He's holding something back. That motherfucker. He's so arrogant, he holds it back.
336 00:56:03,030 --> 00:56:10,860 He he loves to hold it dangled in front of you. When I see that shit. These are people that are clowns, okay, they have never really done the work. And they're
337 00:56:10,860 --> 00:56:18,810 the ones that want me to spoon feed them, and I'm not gonna fucking do it. And you shouldn't want me to look at how much growth these people that I don't even
338 00:56:18,810 --> 00:56:26,970 train in my private group. These are people that is simply going through YouTube channel. And they're sharing shit in their own tweets before I even do anything
339 00:56:26,970 --> 00:56:36,240 with it. They're sharing it. They're, they're putting into trades, they're explaining in detail what they're expecting. And man. I mean, I ain't got no
340 00:56:36,240 --> 00:56:46,290 fucking chain telling this. I have a mentorship group with a shit ton of people in it. I have better feedback on Twitter, and in my comment section on YouTube
341 00:56:46,380 --> 00:56:55,650 than I have in my private mentorship group. So why the fuck are you worried about jumping in net? Don't Don't think that you got to do that. You are being
342 00:56:55,650 --> 00:57:10,740 mentored right now. For free. I'm still talking to you right here. No money, and no ads. No ad revenue, no, nothing. I'm here because I give a fuck. I care. I
343 00:57:10,740 --> 00:57:20,700 want you to succeed. Because I get off on it. I walk around like a fucking peacock when I see people proven that they're taking home real money. Not the
344 00:57:20,700 --> 00:57:26,760 demo account. Like I like that. But when they finally get to that stage where they're really taking money, and it's going into their bank account, and ends
345 00:57:26,760 --> 00:57:36,990 meet fucking right that fucking feels good. It feels amazing. When I share that with my wife, she's like, wow, it makes you wonder what they're thinking. Like,
346 00:57:37,020 --> 00:57:50,340 if they didn't do this, that's exactly right. That's what I'm thinking like, you don't even know what your KPIs for those of you just found me. You know, what's
347 00:57:50,340 --> 00:58:00,420 this guy all about? Man, I'm about winning. And I'm about sharing that skill set. That's what I'm about. And I'm about to go get lunch. So we're gonna close
348 00:58:00,420 --> 00:58:09,600 this one here, because I've been going for a long time. My Highlander actually turned itself off and sit here too long. Maybe it's a sign, wrap it up and talk
349 00:58:09,600 --> 00:58:25,620 too much. But anyway, in short, in closing, there's one framework that I provide that means it's one setup one bias one way okay. If I call a level above the
350 00:58:25,620 --> 00:58:35,220 market price, and I say by side referencing that at all, then you concern yourself with new something going higher there was nothing mentioned at all not
351 00:58:35,220 --> 00:58:42,960 one fucking thing up above the market price. Everything was below and I've already taught you that we use fair value guys because we're not supplying
352 00:58:42,960 --> 00:58:51,990 demand. Okay? We're not supplying demand. We're not looking at dumb shit that makes no sense. We use the things that I teach you that the algorithm is going
353 00:58:51,990 --> 00:58:58,560 to refer back to don't believe me look at your five minute chart. Look at the very first paragraph you got below market price where I had an annotated partial
354 00:58:58,560 --> 00:59:08,130 here when it went below it we're gonna go back up to that very fucking level. Did it go past it? No. went right into it because the algorithm sees that it
355 00:59:08,130 --> 00:59:20,040 refers back to it. Now you're gonna tell me, Elliot, we Gann harmonic this and that supply and demand Dow Theory Wycoff all of them. All of those types of
356 00:59:20,040 --> 00:59:31,440 styles of trading. They took a backseat to the precision that I'm teaching you Well, apparently, because he can't keep up. Until next time.
357 00:59:32,340 --> 00:59:32,790 Be safe.