
Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2022-12-29 08:27


00:36 - Backup recordings are kind of like this.

02:23 - The importance of having enough time and space to learn.

07:01 - Naked price action and how to use it.

10:05 - Being profitable is like a beautiful multimillion dollar sailboat without a rudder -.

15:23 - You want to do more, you want to trade more.

19:04 - When you have a vision for your future, write it down.

26:23 - People go broke and kill themselves in the beginning.

28:39 - The importance of consistency in your trading.

34:36 - Give your boy his first car and give him a truck.

38:13 - What does it mean to have a credit card?

43:39 - You need to have a approach that allows you to do the very least and let the compounding over time do the heavy lifting.

46:42 - The weight of making money like that.

53:07 - When it was going against me, it paralyzed me in fear -.

59:10 - If it’s just to make money, how much are you going to earn?

01:01:28 - When I first got with my wife, I didn’t tell her what I was doing.

01:08:26 - Why aren't you rich? Why aren’t you proven you’re making your money? Why can’ts you go out

01:11:59 - Don’t let other people scare the shit out of you.

01:17:55 - Get your ends meet every single month.

01:20:50 - Why you need to have a low threshold objective -.

01:27:32 - You’re not going to be exempt from this conversation.

01:31:34 - Mentoring for a full year is crucial -.

01:39:00 - You’re never going to make it if you don’t have an edge -.

01:41:46 - You have to be ready to do it -.

01:48:07 - All of us have room for improvement.

01:52:21 - How does this meet your ends?

01:58:04 - You think you’ve seen it all.



00:00:36,210 --> 00:00:56,940 ICT: Hi folks, we're back at it again. Doing something a little different today and leaning into a new series and YouTube channel recordings on kind of like
00:00:57,360 --> 00:01:17,400 this thing when I do my recordings for years, sometimes this sort of drops off or cuts out seriously subpar audio not that I'm always looking at having the
00:01:17,400 --> 00:01:28,200 best audio switching between laptops and sometimes in an RV you don't know our drive. By better is always
00:01:33,480 --> 00:01:46,770 but I'll have a clean view with twist live because it will be watching the recording. Hopefully a clean version
00:01:59,460 --> 00:02:16,110 on live session, it shouldn't be some kind of a roll. That is not why I'm not going to try and produce a live session like this actually kind of get nervous
00:02:16,110 --> 00:02:27,390 about it because I know I have a tendency to just go off the rails sometimes. But a lot of you like that too. So like I said two times a week, phone half an
00:02:27,420 --> 00:02:31,050 hour just getting the time and space to do without.
00:03:15,120 --> 00:03:20,100 is the expression that we say make ends meet is never met
00:03:26,310 --> 00:03:41,310 Bill mom has to match up with your expenses for that month. weeper particular day. Sometimes in Division I've had this early on as a young man. Most of the
10 00:03:41,310 --> 00:03:57,060 time, I didn't have the ends. To me, I'd worked two jobs to one full time one part time job. And it's intriguing. A lot of you are starting off in that
11 00:03:57,060 --> 00:04:09,630 circumstance where you don't have a whole lot of telling you don't have a lot of freedom to sit in front of charts. And just the study is an endeavor. So I
12 00:04:09,630 --> 00:04:17,790 commend you for doing that because I had to do the same stuff. And it's not easy. And it's not easy to be motivated when everyone around you doesn't
13 00:04:17,790 --> 00:04:28,590 understand while you're even considering it because it seems like a pipe dream. So I'm going to try to in this new series, and I don't know how many videos
14 00:04:28,590 --> 00:04:41,760 there's going to be, but I want to do the best thing I can for directing the new skill set that you've acquired. So in 2022, I've been obviously teaching you a
15 00:04:41,760 --> 00:04:50,010 price action model that is very simple. It's very streamlined. It's not a whole lot of things that you got to be worrying about. It's not complicated. As the
16 00:04:50,010 --> 00:04:58,110 detractors and people out there looking for cloud want to tell you. They'll do anything to get you from learning how to do this because it works and it works
17 00:04:58,110 --> 00:05:06,270 better than everything else out there. and people are getting funded with it. And that's one of the topics I'll talk about in this series as well. I don't
18 00:05:06,270 --> 00:05:16,020 know what episode it will fall in, but I will tackle the funded account stuff. I don't have any affiliated company. So I'm not going to rep anyone, please don't
19 00:05:16,020 --> 00:05:28,980 contact me anymore. I don't do those types of partnerships. But I want to be the mentor that obviously has given you a skill set has given you an understanding
20 00:05:28,980 --> 00:05:36,720 about how price should book and what you should be looking for in price. But now that you have this skill set that you're getting better at practicing each day,
21 00:05:36,720 --> 00:05:46,650 and we can now month, what are you going to do with it? See, that's one of the things that got me in trouble as a developing student, because once I learned
22 00:05:46,650 --> 00:05:58,620 how to put a trade on and make money, and initially I was doing it with blind luck. I didn't know what I was going to do. Once I had initial success. Have you
23 00:05:58,620 --> 00:06:06,360 ever considered that? It's funny because you have all these individuals out there that are going to teach you and they very well may be good, profitable
24 00:06:06,570 --> 00:06:18,150 educators, they may be walking the walk and talking to talk and doing everything legitimately. But they're trying so hard to get you to be able to do well. So
25 00:06:18,150 --> 00:06:27,540 they can take you on a pony show. Here's my one trick pony. Here it is. This is the person I trained. And they'll rep that person. And there was a website, I'm
26 00:06:27,540 --> 00:06:39,750 not sure if they're still in business, but Forex mentor.com. I bought every single thing from that website early on when it first came out because I
27 00:06:39,750 --> 00:06:49,290 literally was entertained by the garbage that they would throw around. And so many people came through that website, claiming to be good traders are educators
28 00:06:49,290 --> 00:06:58,920 and such. And there was one older lady. And this has relevance. I'm not going off on a rabbit trail. But there was a lady there and I can't remember her name.
29 00:06:58,920 --> 00:07:12,900 But she paired up with one of the guys that was doing like coaching over there. And she learned from Chris Laurie, she learned from I guess, this naked price
30 00:07:12,900 --> 00:07:20,580 action. And she got pretty good at finding very, very short term intraday setups. And for the life of me, I wish I could remember a name is gonna drive me
31 00:07:20,580 --> 00:07:35,910 crazy, but they're not releasing a course. And something to the effect of like frequent trade setups, or the name of it escapes me, but apart from her, and
32 00:07:36,570 --> 00:07:46,680 Chris Laurie being the only one I thought that had a real good understanding of price action. It's beyond retail. Not your classic Support Resistance stuff. He
33 00:07:46,680 --> 00:07:55,290 kind of like shined out of all of them over there. And let me just drop this real quick. I happened to get pushed an email, where someone actually went to
34 00:07:55,290 --> 00:07:59,280 Chris Laurie's Twitter, and wrote ICTs better.
35 00:08:00,780 --> 00:08:09,030 Please don't embarrass me like that. I mean, I gave one guy out of the entire industry, a nod. And it's not meant for you to go over there and say, well, ICT
36 00:08:09,030 --> 00:08:16,710 does it better? I don't, I don't want that. Okay, I got I think he's a decent guy. I understand. He tries to stay in his own lane, because he knows where I
37 00:08:16,710 --> 00:08:26,970 go. It's a carnival, okay, and he doesn't want that drama, because he knows it's not good for business. And he's run a business for a number of years trying to
38 00:08:26,970 --> 00:08:36,240 do what he's doing. And ultimately, I think he's does a good job. I don't know what he's doing recently. But he asked me to look into his stuff. He gave me
39 00:08:36,240 --> 00:08:44,400 free access to it. I gave him my advice as to how he should designate disseminate his information, how I should teach it and get away from the the
40 00:08:44,400 --> 00:08:53,820 workshop stuff, okay, he get into this is the content, make it approachable, where people can go in and digest it, not just go to a workshop, cram it all in
41 00:08:53,820 --> 00:09:04,200 there, get a book that may not really answer everything. But don't go over there and harass that guy. Okay. I mean, Larry Williams was harassed, you know,
42 00:09:04,200 --> 00:09:13,530 because I said that he was the real first real mentor of mine. And ICT said, You taught him personally, side by side. I've never said that. But all these ideas
43 00:09:13,530 --> 00:09:26,580 of mentors, okay. They teach you like this older lady, on forex mentor, she came up with a course, that basically was taking you into a very simple little setup
44 00:09:27,030 --> 00:09:36,360 that repeated every single day. And she would find it on one of the currency pairs. Now, I thought that was a really handsome way of approaching price
45 00:09:36,360 --> 00:09:44,580 action. And she was showing a spreadsheet. She didn't show any live accounts. But she showed a spreadsheet where she tallied what she more or less made in her
46 00:09:44,580 --> 00:09:54,510 trades. Now, did she take those trades? I don't know. I don't care. I liked the idea of what she was trying to do. Now. I don't think she was a good educator.
47 00:09:55,140 --> 00:10:05,850 And they were using her as the pony. That was look, here's proof that we have something that works. But the proof was lacking because there was no real
48 00:10:05,880 --> 00:10:17,970 account, it was just a spreadsheet. So I'm bringing that up, because everyone in the industry that teaches, we all want students to do well, okay, we want that.
49 00:10:19,110 --> 00:10:32,040 The problem with that is we can give them a skill set. But the personality, and the real life issues that that person has to encounter every single day of their
50 00:10:32,040 --> 00:10:40,380 life, and whatever adversities are plaguing them, you know, their job, their work schedule, their spouse, their significant other, their children, their
51 00:10:40,380 --> 00:10:53,820 single parents, health problems, age, everything that you may not really consider as a factor in your development. Now when you have profitability taping
52 00:10:53,820 --> 00:11:02,970 in and they will either entice you to do things stupid, like it did me spend money frivolously thinking that was always gonna keep coming in. And I had
53 00:11:02,970 --> 00:11:21,300 cracked the code early on. When I hadn't. I was just getting lucky. No one taught me what to do, once profitable. So I blew up. being profitable, without
54 00:11:21,300 --> 00:11:35,100 any direction, is like a beautiful multimillion dollar sailboat. Without a rudder. You're out there, wherever the winds gonna carry you. And it's hard to
55 00:11:35,100 --> 00:11:44,760 understand if you've not obtained profitability yet, but it's a problem being profitable. It sounds like an oxymoron. This sounds like this can't be true. How
56 00:11:44,760 --> 00:11:55,800 can you have a problem? being profitable, but yet you do once you get there? Because you start wondering, okay, well, I've been making this much this
57 00:11:55,800 --> 00:12:06,900 consistently. I do have losing trades, but I come out on top over the course of the week or the month. But where do I go next? What do I do with it? The
58 00:12:06,900 --> 00:12:16,800 exercise of just doing it alone is honing your experience and your edge that goes without saying, Where do you go? What do you aim for? What do you what are
59 00:12:16,800 --> 00:12:26,250 you trying to do? What structure should you start applying to your business of trading? See, it's not enough to say, well, I want to make a million dollars,
60 00:12:26,250 --> 00:12:34,650 because a million dollars is not a lot of money. I've already spent a million dollars this year. And I don't have much to show for it. But you have to have a
61 00:12:34,650 --> 00:12:49,080 goal, you have to have something to aim. And there has to be a structure behind that. So one of the series I had intended to do once I completed the private
62 00:12:49,080 --> 00:12:56,190 mentorship stuff, and we're done now that I would sit down and kind of give a public
63 00:12:58,230 --> 00:13:08,760 blueprint of what I wish I would have been given as a 20 year old, just discovering profitability, figuring out that, yes, I could be consistent with
64 00:13:08,760 --> 00:13:19,680 bonds, yes, I can be consistent with the s&p and I put away all the mega trade, I have to do only those types of setups, you know where the big bumps in the
65 00:13:19,680 --> 00:13:27,480 marketplace, I was only focusing on that, because Larry Williams said, that's where I should be focusing. And because I was looking for that all the time,
66 00:13:27,480 --> 00:13:39,990 there was all these trades that were occurring daily, weekly, monthly, that I were on that were but I was really not paying attention to or even aware of,
67 00:13:39,990 --> 00:13:51,000 because I don't have the skill set. It's time I was profitable. But I was looking for big, big, big trades most of the time. So I would do have on trade
68 00:13:51,000 --> 00:14:01,650 or an s&p trade and one contract, and then realize that I'm consistent with one contract. And you've recently saw me this year, just do one contract over the
69 00:14:01,650 --> 00:14:11,520 s&p and NASDAQ and doubled the account. That was a real count. And I showed losing positions, that all kinds of things, the handicap myself and still
70 00:14:11,520 --> 00:14:22,800 doubled the account. So for some of you 100% Return sounds too lofty, but I can tell you what you've already been given is easy to obtain that, but you have to
71 00:14:22,800 --> 00:14:36,570 have the skill set and discipline to adhere to picking your right setups and try not to trade every single day. I want to have a setup. That gives me a
72 00:14:36,690 --> 00:14:46,950 consistent framework that goes into the marketplace, that even a neophyte that doesn't have a long time behind them of profitability, but just recently found
73 00:14:46,980 --> 00:14:53,910 consistency with this model on YouTube, that they can go in and feel comfortable. This is the setup I'm looking for. It makes sense. It's there. I
74 00:14:53,910 --> 00:15:04,740 can engage it. And then once it gets to a profit objective stop, turn the computer off and go do something else. That's, that's what I have in mind for
75 00:15:04,740 --> 00:15:18,300 the new developing recently profitable student with this mentorship. But you now have a problem, don't you? You want to do more, you want to do more, you want to
76 00:15:18,300 --> 00:15:28,800 trade more just like I started thinking, Well, I'm doing one contract. And I was trying to make $1,000 a month to save. So I can retire at 40. I was willing to
77 00:15:28,800 --> 00:15:43,170 put those 20 years in. But then realize that, wow, I could do $1,000 A week. No real effort is a lot easier than I thought it was. Now, don't let me mislead you
78 00:15:43,170 --> 00:15:54,750 folks. This is the 20 year old that was getting lucky. So I think myself, Wow, I can do this every week. And then we came? Well, I could day trade the bonds.
79 00:15:55,530 --> 00:16:05,160 I'll look at the divergence between the 510 and 30. Year. And when they're diverging, and I have a bias it's bullish, I know I can go in and buy it. And
80 00:16:05,940 --> 00:16:18,930 not that I started making $1,000 a day. So I'm 20 years older, and I'm looking around with my friends and they're working. Like one guy is working at a gas
81 00:16:18,930 --> 00:16:32,040 station other guy. He's working at a meat market where he's cutting up meats and such. And they're doing okay, I guess for our age bracket. And I'm doing $1,000
82 00:16:32,040 --> 00:16:47,850 A day in less than 45 minutes. And I'm thinking to myself, Wow, you I can do a lot more if I started trading more contracts. Because making $1,000 a month that
83 00:16:48,930 --> 00:17:00,900 really just didn't do it for me. Once I started doing it consistently. I was like, this is, too. I need more like anybody else. So I want to insert a trade
84 00:17:00,900 --> 00:17:15,360 more contracts, and then realized $17,000 a week that jobs are now obsolete and stupid to me. I mean, why would I want to work when I can do this. So I started
85 00:17:15,360 --> 00:17:29,250 trading even more and have a direction as to where I wanted to go. Now let's contrast that with how I started. November 5 1992. Thursday evening at nine
86 00:17:29,250 --> 00:17:42,030 o'clock, in my aunt's family room. I cracked open that lane book by Ken Roberts. And that's not to be disrespectful. But I thought that I had figured it all out
87 00:17:42,030 --> 00:17:51,960 that simple little book was going to do it for me. All I did was give me the fire the start doing it. But I had a direction. I had a goal. What was the goal?
88 00:17:52,500 --> 00:18:02,760 If I could make $1,000 a month and save that? By the time I'm 40 I'll have a million dollars. And honestly, I didn't understand the effects of inflation. I
89 00:18:02,760 --> 00:18:09,030 didn't think about all those things. I just wanted to have a million dollars because back then a million dollars. That was really something a million dollars
90 00:18:09,030 --> 00:18:17,880 is nothing new homes cost that now and they're not even really worth it. Period. A lot of people out there on social media saying I got a million dollar house
91 00:18:17,910 --> 00:18:29,940 now you have a house that's overpriced. Okay, and the home that I purchased that I'm speaking to you in right now, I paid $630,000 for is it worth it? No.
92 00:18:31,050 --> 00:18:40,350 They're saying I could get 750 for it now. Is it worth it? No. So a million dollars, not a lot of money. But in the beginning when I sat down that Thursday
93 00:18:40,350 --> 00:18:49,110 evening at nine o'clock, at the completion of reading that book, because I read it from cover to cover, I couldn't put it down. Before I went to bed. I had pen
94 00:18:49,110 --> 00:18:56,100 and paper out and calculator, crazy clicking the buttons, okay, if I do this, I do that. You know what I'm talking about. You've done it too. You're sitting in
95 00:18:56,100 --> 00:19:03,690 your job. You're sitting there bored. Over the weekend, you can't wait to start trading, okay, if I gonna get 10 pips this day, I get 10 More pips over here.
96 00:19:03,930 --> 00:19:11,610 And, you know, you know, you're nodding your head, you're smiling, you're laughing, you know exactly what it is. You're calculating crazy. Okay, but
97 00:19:11,670 --> 00:19:17,340 that's fine. There's nothing wrong with that. But suddenly you start saying I wanted to make millions and millions of dollars in your first year. That's,
98 00:19:17,400 --> 00:19:31,350 that's stupid. But what I was doing was I was coming up with a way where if I just did the lowest objective, and say, with losing trades, and I eke out a net
99 00:19:31,350 --> 00:19:47,790 gain of $250 a week. That's $1,000 a month. That's obviously taking an effect for taxation and commissions. So I was preparing myself to have adversity. I was
100 00:19:47,790 --> 00:19:59,880 preparing myself to be imperfect. And I had structure to what I was doing, why am I why I was trading and trying to eke out a net gain, after all cost and
101 00:19:59,880 --> 00:20:10,260 time. exception of 250 hours a week. Now, there's an average of 4.3 weeks per month, and not every month has just four weeks, some of them have five. But I
102 00:20:10,260 --> 00:20:20,010 did the math simply on four weeks, and 250 a week. So that would give me my $1,000. And I was going to stick to that I was going to work a job, I don't
103 00:20:20,010 --> 00:20:30,750 care. And when I'm turning 40, I'm not going to be working for the man, I'm not going to be doing those things everybody else does. The structure of me doing
104 00:20:30,750 --> 00:20:43,770 that. Once I started making money, I abandoned it. Or it's when you have a vision, you have a plan for your, your future, it's best to obviously write it
105 00:20:43,770 --> 00:20:55,470 down, write it down. So that way it's codified. And you know, this is what you're aiming for. something strange happens. There's a metamorphosis that
106 00:20:55,500 --> 00:21:09,270 occurs when you start making consistent money, everything goes out the window. It's like casino time, you lose all aspirations for being structured about
107 00:21:09,270 --> 00:21:18,720 everything you're doing. You're just saying, well, to see what happens if I do this many contracts. And I tried to hold for this much. something's changed, not
108 00:21:18,720 --> 00:21:29,220 for the better. So over years, of looking back and looking at journal entries, and the times where I struggled, and the times where I had an epiphany is where
109 00:21:29,580 --> 00:21:40,530 it felt like I was really gaining in my understanding. It was when I was referring back to having structure in the way I was trading, not in the sense
110 00:21:40,530 --> 00:21:50,460 that optimal trade entries or order blocks in their infancy, none of those types of things. I'm talking about the structure of what it is I'm doing as a trader,
111 00:21:51,330 --> 00:22:00,330 what's the motivation? What's my goal? They have to be specific. Because if you don't have specific goals, you won't know when you're going outside the lines
112 00:22:00,330 --> 00:22:12,390 and boundaries of what would lead to realistic results getting to that objective. Would it be reasonable for me to expect a net gain in 1990 to $250 I
113 00:22:12,390 --> 00:22:21,750 know some of you are laughing $250 This guy's showing 7000 10,000 on a date. humble beginnings, folks where you're at right now. Don't be afraid of that.
114 00:22:21,750 --> 00:22:31,830 Don't be ashamed of it. Everyone starts there. But most people fail right there. They don't ever come out of that. And I can tell you the blueprint to get out of
115 00:22:31,830 --> 00:22:41,520 that stuff. And get to the next level and hopefully get to where I am now. You'll do things I'm going to talk about in this series. And in this woodshed
116 00:22:41,520 --> 00:22:51,840 moment, can you to the woodshed and correcting your perspective on how you should be thinking you're going to make this money. Okay?
117 00:22:53,160 --> 00:23:03,390 You have to have a very, very low hanging fruit objective and an increase that gradually very, very small, very, very small, slow, incremental modular gains.
118 00:23:03,840 --> 00:23:12,870 That's how you do it. If you jump and you think, Okay, I have a low hanging fruit objective, I hit it, I've been hitting consistently. Alright, now I'm just
119 00:23:12,870 --> 00:23:27,450 gonna go, I want 10,000 hours a month, you're gonna fail. Because you didn't make that transition from 250 hours a week, to 500 hours a week, to 750 hours a
120 00:23:27,450 --> 00:23:40,530 week, to 1000 hours a week, to 1500 hours a week. That's a gradual increase, you get acclimated to the risks the feeling of putting on that type of trade, as it
121 00:23:40,530 --> 00:23:51,750 grows exponentially. You don't even know what that feels like. You have no idea what that feels like. And the winds are scary as hell. They're so scary. Yes, I
122 00:23:51,750 --> 00:23:59,850 said it right? The winds, not the losses. The losses haven't really stopped you from trading. As long as you had money in your account. You kept taking trades.
123 00:23:59,850 --> 00:24:09,360 So that's not a fear factor for you. You're smiling again. That wasn't a deterrent for you to stop trading as long as you had money in there. Oh, I lost
124 00:24:09,390 --> 00:24:16,620 Okay, well, I'm gonna pissed off now. I'm going in, I'm gonna go in here for more, and they're gonna pay me with interest. Yeah, and the interest was paid,
125 00:24:16,650 --> 00:24:25,260 you'd paid it. Now you're in greater drawdown or you're blowing your account, like I did dozens of times over my career. There's no shame in that. You have to
126 00:24:25,260 --> 00:24:37,050 learn from those things, but you are going to be doing things at a slower pace. That's how you make ends meet. Things are hard. The markets are hard right now,
127 00:24:37,140 --> 00:24:49,830 I've said this throughout this year and mentorship knows this as well. Things just are not as clean as they usually are. And it's not surprising, but it's not
128 00:24:49,830 --> 00:24:56,130 impossible. Obviously you've seen that. So you have to pick your shots. You have to know what you're doing while you're doing it when you're doing it and when to
129 00:24:56,130 --> 00:25:08,610 avoid it. That's part of your trading plan. But doing as part of your growth plan to make ends meet? Where are you going to start? Where's your low hanging
130 00:25:08,610 --> 00:25:17,850 fruit? Threshold? What are you aiming for? Well, one of the things I like to teach is, and where did I get the 1000 hours. Um, I don't have a specific reason
131 00:25:17,850 --> 00:25:26,610 for 1000. I just felt that $1,000 to me at that time was a lot of money. And if I could save it every single month, nobody in my family was saving $1,000. And
132 00:25:26,610 --> 00:25:36,120 they were working. So I'm thinking, I'm working as a vendor, filling out candy machines, and servicing soda and snack and cold food machines and coffee
133 00:25:36,120 --> 00:25:45,630 machines. If I can save 1000 hours a month, I'm doing better than everybody else. And they can laugh at me that I'm making less than 300 hours a week, but
134 00:25:45,630 --> 00:25:53,460 I'm saving 1000 hours a month. That's how I looked at it. So most people were looking at me when I would tell them what I was trying to do. I was going to
135 00:25:53,460 --> 00:26:03,090 learn how to trade and make money in the markets, the commodity markets at that they were crinkle the nose up at means they do. Are you serious? Like you're
136 00:26:03,090 --> 00:26:10,620 gonna lose your ass and you're gonna, you're gonna lose your shirt, there's no way you're gonna find profitability. People go broke and kill themselves. And,
137 00:26:10,860 --> 00:26:18,390 and that's true. And honestly, by the grace of God, I didn't do those things that would have led to those types of decisions. Not that I would have our
138 00:26:18,390 --> 00:26:30,720 harbor harmed myself, but I've known people that these markets have caused them to check out. And it's sad, because they put too much stress on themselves in
139 00:26:30,720 --> 00:26:43,230 the beginning. See, that's what educators do wrong. And admittedly, when I first started teaching way, before I showed up in 1996, I didn't incorporate this in
140 00:26:43,230 --> 00:26:57,540 my teachings, I was teaching, go for broke, get rich or die trying that type of mentality, everything all in. Without being vulgar always went there. I did not
141 00:26:57,540 --> 00:27:10,740 incorporate what I was learning at the time, which was small, little incremental shifts in growth, going higher and higher gradually. And when I would get the
142 00:27:10,740 --> 00:27:23,610 big run ups in my equity as an new trader, admittedly, I couldn't, I couldn't tolerate that excitement, that overzealous feeling of, I just made more money
143 00:27:23,610 --> 00:27:28,410 than my entire family collectively, in a year, just this week.
144 00:27:30,330 --> 00:27:42,660 That's too much for a young man, especially from where I came from. Like, it's, it's unfathomable. It's a scary, overwhelming, intimidating feeling. And the
145 00:27:42,660 --> 00:27:55,170 only way I could make myself believe that it was real, was I had to do it again. Right away. Otherwise, it was luck. And sometimes I will get lucky again. But
146 00:27:55,170 --> 00:28:04,740 eventually pushing my luck and trying to do better than the last two trades, three trades, more risk, more risk, no stop. It's gonna go in my favor, because
147 00:28:04,740 --> 00:28:18,210 the last three did over leveraged. And then the account gets blown. So what I discovered and how to prevent that was I came up with a way like I first
148 00:28:18,210 --> 00:28:28,860 started, I had realistic, absolutely easy, easy objectives. Now think about this. I'm the guy that's already proven. I've got millions of dollars, and I've
149 00:28:28,860 --> 00:28:36,840 made millions of dollars, and I can trade really very well. And I'm consistent. I'm the guy that sitting down with you right now and telling you, you should be
150 00:28:36,840 --> 00:28:46,770 aiming for about $250 a week. And it's laughable to some of you right now, I know, I'm not talking to you. But there's a lot of folks that have not found
151 00:28:46,770 --> 00:28:58,230 consistency yet. They just breached that. Now I can be profitable, but you just arrived. You just got there. And this is where everybody without discipline
152 00:28:58,470 --> 00:29:08,100 blows up. They self destruct. It's not worth mentioning the individuals that open up their account with live funds and this go right out and dusted and never
153 00:29:08,100 --> 00:29:15,930 see profitability. Those individuals are not the topic here, because they're going to always be there. But my target audience here is the individuals have
154 00:29:16,260 --> 00:29:24,540 gone through the 2022 mentorship. They've done the work. They've done the back testing, they've seen that that is a real pattern. It really repeats. It's very
155 00:29:24,540 --> 00:29:34,530 precise and it's consistent. But now you've been trading it and you're consistently finding it now. He's dabbled with live funds, and you did that
156 00:29:34,530 --> 00:29:42,690 decision on your own. I didn't tell you to do that. What is the advice that I would give you if I could go back in time, what would I be telling myself? It
157 00:29:42,690 --> 00:29:54,810 would be do what you first started with go in there with a very easy objective. Now some of you are already being critical and thinking due to FERS and couldn't
158 00:29:54,810 --> 00:30:08,460 do anything like that's just literally my guess For one tank a week now, if you're getting one tank, and maybe maybe a week's worth of groceries, if you're
159 00:30:08,460 --> 00:30:18,690 single with no children, I don't know. I mean, I know it cost me a lot of money to put food in the house for my boys because they're growing. And it's not easy.
160 00:30:18,690 --> 00:30:31,050 It's not cheap. But with ns, the series, I'm trying to cultivate this mindset as these new breed of traders that I've created here in 2022, how you can go out
161 00:30:31,050 --> 00:30:40,830 there and grab a hold of consistency and longevity. And it's the secret that I found, which I didn't place too much emphasis on in the beginning, I quickly
162 00:30:40,830 --> 00:30:51,450 abandoned it. And it caused me to go into guns. But if you go in, and you start thinking to yourself, Okay, if I can make $200 a week, consistently, and I stop
163 00:30:51,450 --> 00:31:03,240 there, and I do that consistently, as 1000 hours a month, now, you all want to leave your job, some of you doing, Oh, I love my job, I really don't want to you
164 00:31:03,240 --> 00:31:11,460 want to leave your job, don't lie to me. And don't lie to yourself, if you could sit home, or sit on a beach somewhere and knowing that you only put in 90 Min
165 00:31:11,460 --> 00:31:21,300 workday, taking a trade that you basically stopped for a couple of days, and you made more than your job would have paid you for that month. Nobody wants to stay
166 00:31:21,300 --> 00:31:27,570 working in that environment. Okay, forget about it, you're not going to, you're not going to convince me you're not gonna convince somebody else that you love
167 00:31:27,570 --> 00:31:35,430 your job so much that you want to give your personal time and freedom and be away from your family to the US rich, okay? See that bullshit. Nobody believes
168 00:31:35,430 --> 00:31:47,550 that. So you all want that. That's why we're here. That's why we're trading because we want to leave the rat race. And guess what, that's commendable.
169 00:31:47,550 --> 00:31:55,620 Because a lot of people just say, you know, what's too hard, I'm just gonna suck it up. And they medicate themselves with alcohol and drugs and extracurricular
170 00:31:55,620 --> 00:32:02,010 things in their marriages and their relationships. That's a destructive path. If you just need to say, hey,
171 00:32:03,990 --> 00:32:14,460 I have to have a job right now. But I don't have a job, my rest the rest of my life, I don't have to have that. That's a decision you're making. And that is
172 00:32:14,460 --> 00:32:23,520 still in your control, even with the things that are in play right now. Inflation, you know, the struggles with employment, finding, you know,
173 00:32:23,550 --> 00:32:34,380 affordability, with everything, housing, cars, all that stuff. I'm going to tackle all that stuff in the series. I'm making a practical trading series. So
174 00:32:34,380 --> 00:32:45,840 it's not enough to simply say, ABC 123, here's the system, here's the setup and go in and trade it and make money. That's not enough. It's too myopic. You're
175 00:32:45,840 --> 00:33:03,030 giving someone you're giving a child a loaded gun. That's never good. Because harm is going to come. It's It's inevitable. So I know I've given you a 50
176 00:33:03,030 --> 00:33:18,900 caliber Barrett, and you don't even realize it yet. But if you understand where you're going with it, what are you going to do with it? You'll see how easy it
177 00:33:18,900 --> 00:33:32,100 is to build wealth. Wealth doesn't happen right away. Now, your goal should be to work towards being rich riches, not wealthy, wealthy is where the money is
178 00:33:32,100 --> 00:33:43,860 making money for you Rich is where you don't need to work to make your bills. There's a difference there. So what I have thought about and I'm using my son,
179 00:33:43,860 --> 00:33:57,600 Caleb as a guinea pig. Things are very, very expensive right now. And my oldest son that lives with me, he is about to get his driver's license. And he wants a
180 00:33:57,600 --> 00:34:19,530 Camaro. Now No. No sound, mind, sober minded parent with by their teenage boy, a Camaro as their first car. I know that I wanted to do that. But my wife said,
181 00:34:19,830 --> 00:34:29,010 you know, that's not right. So I told him, I said, Well, I will tell Caleb to give you his car, which I bought for him too. Now before you get in there and
182 00:34:29,010 --> 00:34:37,290 start saying, Oh, you shouldn't do this shouldn't do. I think every dad should give their boy, their first car doesn't have to be the best car. But I needed
183 00:34:37,290 --> 00:34:50,340 that help. And I was younger, and I got it. So I'm doing it for them. But they're they're tasting cars, obviously are much more expensive now without
184 00:34:51,630 --> 00:35:02,850 needing to be in high end cars. So case in point. I told Caleb I said look, part of your development is you You're gonna give up the car that I got you. And
185 00:35:02,850 --> 00:35:14,970 you're going to give that car as a starter car to your brother. And I'm going to give you a new Toyota Tacoma truck. So that was the plan. A week ago, week and a
186 00:35:14,970 --> 00:35:23,940 half ago, I think it was. And I bought it the same day, I bought my own truck. So I told him, I said, this is the truck I think you should have. It's a decent
187 00:35:23,940 --> 00:35:35,160 one six cylinder. It's a Toyota, you can put million miles on this thing. He'll drive forever. Okay. He liked it. So I went, I bought it. Now Toyota Tacoma
188 00:35:35,160 --> 00:35:43,290 trucks. Now some of you are already wanting to turn it off, or turn off the space. But that's okay. You'll want to come back to these types of lessons once
189 00:35:43,290 --> 00:35:57,870 you lose your money. That truck cost me $55,000. And that's what I'm taking some off. Yeah. So I do a lot of deals with Jones junction, I've spent about
190 00:35:58,050 --> 00:36:12,330 $600,000, just in two years, buying cars from them. Now, I have a lot of volume. And I have a lot of leverage when I go when I say this is what I'm willing to
191 00:36:12,330 --> 00:36:23,700 pay. I know you're trying to make money. But this is what I'm willing to pay. They only came down 3000 off of that price that to come. Why? Because they had
192 00:36:23,700 --> 00:36:31,560 somebody in there ready to buy it too. But they were giving it to me, it may not be the best practice to talk about openly. But because I do a lot of business
193 00:36:31,560 --> 00:36:40,110 with them. They're like, Look, if you pay this will sell to you. But they're out there waiting to talk to us about that, too. So I scooped it up and bought it.
194 00:36:40,890 --> 00:36:41,430 Hate me.
195 00:36:42,900 --> 00:36:52,950 But he has that pickup truck sitting on my drive pad. He can't have it yet. Because this is all part of this series. I told him I said you have to leave the
196 00:36:52,950 --> 00:37:00,060 job you're working at because where he works in, they've messed this car up, which is another reason why my oldest son is living with me, he's getting that
197 00:37:00,060 --> 00:37:07,740 car. It's already dinged up a little bit, not because of Kayla, but because of the people that he worked with that was jealous of what he drove, he doesn't
198 00:37:07,740 --> 00:37:20,730 drive a very nice car, Nissan, it's not that big of a deal. But where he lives and where he works, that is a crime ridden area. And it's been meant for him to
199 00:37:20,730 --> 00:37:32,190 be inspired to want to leave that do better. And if he gets this truck, and he takes it down there to that job, it'll be ruined. So I told him, I said, you
200 00:37:32,190 --> 00:37:44,640 need to get away from that job. Come up here. In the money you're making, you need to get yourself a townhouse or condo or whatever. And start living up here
201 00:37:44,910 --> 00:37:59,010 and get a job up here. So once he has that thing, have that truck. So I bought the truck. But I put it in his name, I have not done any payments in a long
202 00:37:59,010 --> 00:38:10,110 time. But because he doesn't have any credit. I want him to establish credit. So I did a cosign because he doesn't have any credits too young. So he's now got a
203 00:38:10,110 --> 00:38:28,380 $900 a month bill. That's an end that he now has to meet. So what did you got to do? That $1,000 plan. So in his trades, he has to find a way to always be able
204 00:38:28,380 --> 00:38:44,700 to net enough money to cover that corner. It keeps him from doing what? rolling the dice, to do big trades to do one more five point move. Now, some of you
205 00:38:44,700 --> 00:38:59,820 might be thinking this diabolical, you're an evil father. But my children didn't learn this. Because they watched me. They weren't even inspired. So I have to
206 00:38:59,820 --> 00:39:08,700 put them in situations where they have otherwise, they're going to be left to doing these types of jobs the rest of their life, because I'm not going to just
207 00:39:08,700 --> 00:39:22,260 lay money in their lap. I'm not doing that. So he's in a situation now that he has to make that work. And if he doesn't, he messes up my credit, which must be
208 00:39:22,260 --> 00:39:34,230 honest, I wouldn't have to happen, but it would if the payments didn't be kept up. And he's building his own credit. So he has a vested interest in seeing this
209 00:39:34,260 --> 00:39:48,930 done right. His insurance only went up. I don't think maybe 40 bucks a month. I think it was something it was less than 50 bucks. It's called that. So he went
210 00:39:48,930 --> 00:40:00,120 from not having a car note to now having basically 1000 hours a month. That's not counting gas. Because I'm sure it'll probably spend a little bit more and
211 00:40:00,120 --> 00:40:13,920 fuel, but if he works close to where I live, and he works close to, which is not determined yet, because we don't know what we're going to decide on, I don't
212 00:40:13,920 --> 00:40:24,840 know if a condo was the right thing for him. And I don't know if he's gonna choose a townhouse or a single family. But his trading has to meet those needs
213 00:40:24,870 --> 00:40:36,510 because daddy's not paying for it. So I'm forcing him out of the nest into the real world. So you had a taste of what it's like to make mine. He had a taste of
214 00:40:36,750 --> 00:40:45,090 seeing it in your account. But now what do you do with it, you have to be structured about what it is you're doing with it. So it helps him and anybody
215 00:40:45,090 --> 00:40:56,940 else that would apply this because it did it well. I didn't have a car note that was 1000 hours, I had a bill to myself. My first bill every month was 1000 hours
216 00:40:56,940 --> 00:41:11,310 has to go into my savings account, it nation's bank. That's where I was doing business. So all my focus was making money to guarantee that I had that 1000
217 00:41:11,310 --> 00:41:23,220 hours a month to pay me first, then I had a car payment, then I had insurance, then I had gym memberships. And you know, whatever things I was doing that were
218 00:41:23,220 --> 00:41:26,250 extra curricular what's at the beginning of my training wasn't much.
219 00:41:29,040 --> 00:41:37,860 Anytime I go out to eat with my friends that that kick around money, that pocket change. That would be after I paid my bills. And the first bill I paid myself
220 00:41:37,860 --> 00:41:49,140 was the 1000 hours a month. So I lived on that principle that I paid myself first. And then everything else, whatever had left, I lived on that. So I'm
221 00:41:49,140 --> 00:41:56,250 forcing my son into that. And I'm telling you as my students to do that same thing. So you might be laughing and thinking, Man, I can definitely do nothing
222 00:41:56,250 --> 00:42:08,730 for me. Oh, really, really? Okay, let's say you have a $2,500 a month mortgage. And that's pretty reasonable considering most houses are around 350,000. That's
223 00:42:08,730 --> 00:42:23,550 like the median price right now in the US. With your utilities, and your mortgage, and 25 an hour is about there. What happens if you have 1000 hours
224 00:42:23,640 --> 00:42:36,960 every month that goes towards that? How much of an ease on your stress and nerves, would that bring you I can tell you that would be a very big weight. And
225 00:42:36,960 --> 00:42:47,520 you're not getting everything covered, but you're doing the right thing that's making ends meet. And then doing that month after month, slowly growing it more.
226 00:42:47,670 --> 00:43:04,350 So then you're trying to make 1200 hours a month. And then 1500 hours a month 17 52,000 A month. What that does, it allows you to grow with a principle
227 00:43:04,350 --> 00:43:15,300 oriented approach that you have to make this work with a sober, low hanging fruit, objective and target. You're not out there just throwing a dice and say,
228 00:43:15,300 --> 00:43:22,920 Okay, let's see what I can get what's the best that can happen in this situation. That's a laboratory experiment that's guaranteed to blow up in your
229 00:43:22,920 --> 00:43:35,460 face. Versus I don't need to do very much to make 250 a week. Even Forex is stagnant as those pairs are right now. You can still eke out two infidels a
230 00:43:35,460 --> 00:43:46,320 week. It's not it's not a big deal. It's easy. If you're trading micros in the s&p and NASDAQ, you know the futures market not the 50 hours per point for ES
231 00:43:46,320 --> 00:44:00,870 but the $5 per point, word 9.8 per point, that would still be possible and get that two or three dogs, you're going to work. But you can get it. But you want
232 00:44:00,870 --> 00:44:13,800 to have a approach that allows you to do the very least and let the compounding over time and the new equity increases. Let that do the heavy lifting. That's
233 00:44:13,800 --> 00:44:23,610 what I did. That's the real secret to it all. Doing something very small cookie cutter approach when I was on baby pips. Okay, what did I preach? If you were
234 00:44:23,610 --> 00:44:35,460 with me back then 2010 What was our teaching? Find one good setup. 25 pips a week. Now you can get five pips a day. If you're Ultra new and you're scared to
235 00:44:35,460 --> 00:44:44,070 get into a trade and hold it to completion. Is there something wrong with going into a trade and getting out after five pips? No, not if you're new, because
236 00:44:44,130 --> 00:44:50,940 you're going to be scared. You're gonna be terrified. It's going to turn against you and it might turn against you. But if it moves five pips in your favor, and
237 00:44:50,940 --> 00:45:01,920 you're brand new, and you cover and you get out, you give yourself that cookie, and he's okay. I'm aiming for 25 pips, but I got out This entire week, every
238 00:45:01,920 --> 00:45:11,640 single day, and I got out with five pips of movement, it went to my target where it came back and stopped me out who cares? But five pips it gave me and I got it
239 00:45:11,640 --> 00:45:19,050 when it offered it to me. I closed it. I did it every day. So now I got my 25 pips. Is there anything wrong with that? No. Not if you're brand new trader.
240 00:45:19,050 --> 00:45:27,510 Nope, absolutely not. And then the next week you go on, it's okay, I'm going to try to hold on and see if I can get to that. Eight pips, or 10 pips on the 25
241 00:45:27,510 --> 00:45:37,080 I'm getting. And then when you get it, even though it looks like it's going in your favor to your target, you close it at 10 Just do that. What you're doing is
242 00:45:37,590 --> 00:45:48,150 you're giving yourself experience. It's unrealistic for any educator, me included, to sit down and say, Okay, here's what you do, here's how you learn
243 00:45:48,150 --> 00:46:00,480 how to trade, and then go in there and hold it for your target, or stop. And don't ever take any partial or early exits. That is stupid. You're stunting
244 00:46:00,480 --> 00:46:16,260 their growth. The best learning I had, was gradually going into making money. I had flash in the pan winds, I ran up accounts real fast, and real fast, blue
245 00:46:16,260 --> 00:46:20,790 limp. So I didn't understand the weight
246 00:46:22,350 --> 00:46:32,670 of making money like that. Because it's very stressful. And it's addictive. Like I've never done cocaine. I've never done heroin. I've never done any kind of
247 00:46:32,670 --> 00:46:46,950 hard narcotics, and I've never been drunk in my life. But I can tell you, I've been high on the markets. And that is a rush. That is absolutely phenomenal.
248 00:46:47,250 --> 00:46:59,040 Like it is nuts. You. Once you feel it, you'll know what it means to know what it feels like to be high on the market. Because you feel invincible. You feel
249 00:46:59,040 --> 00:47:07,980 like you're the cock of the walk. And nobody that's better than you. Nobody can touch you don't even talk to me. Don't even speak to me like you're beneath me.
250 00:47:08,610 --> 00:47:25,470 That's That's what happened to me, I became a jerk a prick. But that's the worst route to take. If I would have stuck with my making ends meet approach to 50 a
251 00:47:25,470 --> 00:47:35,400 week, break it down modulae. Let's say your goal isn't 1000, I would say it's the full 2500 hours a month for your mortgage. Not that you're depending on
252 00:47:35,400 --> 00:47:47,160 making that to pay your mortgage. But what you're trying to do is is aim for some end of the meet every month, start with trying to just get half of it. Or
253 00:47:47,700 --> 00:48:02,070 try to meet your lowest make me it's a cable, maybe it's a credit card bill. It may not even be $100. But go into your trading with that mindset. And I promise
254 00:48:02,070 --> 00:48:16,230 you, it seems silly. It seems like what I'm in this to do big money. But you can't do big money unless you're consistently managing little money. Little bit
255 00:48:16,230 --> 00:48:28,230 of management, on a little bit of money is going to teach you everything you need to know how to do large money over time because that little bit of money if
256 00:48:28,230 --> 00:48:46,710 you keep doing it correctly, what does it become more money. Net more money has a growth curve. In terms of okay. I'm used to trading one micro on ES and $5 per
257 00:48:46,710 --> 00:48:59,550 point. Now I'm at the point where I can trade two micros and then three micros and at some point you start trading one mini say they have $50 per handle $12.50
258 00:48:59,550 --> 00:49:10,560 per tick that feels a little bit different. First time you do it, if you're not used to seeing that it's a little intimidating, and you start thinking that's
259 00:49:10,560 --> 00:49:19,890 just too much. And I've watched guys on YouTube, get in there and trade on a one minute chart and just about every single one minute candle, they're trying to do
260 00:49:19,890 --> 00:49:29,160 something and it's moving around such a small little fluctuation. But they're like, I gotta get out. Again. It's going against me. What are they trading? I
261 00:49:29,160 --> 00:49:39,330 don't think they know. So you have to know what you're doing. That's why I told my son to just go after five handles. Five handles I said if he gets it in the
262 00:49:39,330 --> 00:49:48,360 morning, he doesn't have to do it in the afternoon. If he doesn't get it in the morning, he goes in looking for an afternoon. If he has a losing trade in the
263 00:49:48,360 --> 00:49:58,470 afternoon, doesn't hurt. It doesn't take a trade. He eats it. If he takes a trade in the morning, and you get to the five handles. He has the choice to go
264 00:49:58,470 --> 00:50:06,480 on an afternoon but I tell him by the mile Don't Don't do it, trade the next trading day. And look for that setup again, there's lots of five handle moves
265 00:50:06,540 --> 00:50:15,780 all day long. There's lots of them, there's a plethora of them. So what is that that's a low hanging fruit objective, it's real easy to find five handles every
266 00:50:15,780 --> 00:50:26,250 single trading day, even in a choppy market, five handles can be had. Now, what does five handles mean to you? Well, it's going to mean different things to each
267 00:50:26,250 --> 00:50:43,890 one of us. To me, it's going to mean a whole lot to someone like my son, it could mean 1200 50 bucks. So 1200 50 bucks, if you just do that one time, just
268 00:50:43,890 --> 00:50:59,430 once a week. That's pretty good for not even me. Now, I don't want him to stop there. Obviously, as his father and as as inner circle trader, ICT, I want my
269 00:50:59,430 --> 00:51:02,190 son to be a freak, like I want him to be
270 00:51:03,780 --> 00:51:12,870 way beyond me. And he has the advantage of youth. And I have all the advantage of the wisdom. And I can tell him how to get there. But he has to do these
271 00:51:12,870 --> 00:51:24,570 things to do it. You can't just Well, I'm gonna go on here and just go all in. It's not Texas Hold'em. It's trading for a living, and you're trying to do one
272 00:51:24,570 --> 00:51:34,260 of two things, build wealth, or make ends meet in the beginning, you can't build wealth, you have to make ends meet. That means you have to consistently do
273 00:51:34,260 --> 00:51:45,690 things that make sense to erase the debt that you have to pay out every single month, those debts, you're going to have them the rest of your life. I'm rich,
274 00:51:45,720 --> 00:51:55,500 and I still have to pay utility bills, I still have to pay all these little things that add up. Amazon Prime, you know, HBO Max, like I got everything,
275 00:51:55,530 --> 00:52:05,130 there isn't a channel or service out there that my wife or kids don't have. And I don't want to TV. But I have to pay for that. It's a bill. Okay, I could sit
276 00:52:05,130 --> 00:52:14,640 down and say, you know, you don't need all that stuff. But I don't care. It's a write off. All these things are a write off. So I use that to my benefit. That's
277 00:52:14,640 --> 00:52:22,380 the justification I give to myself, but my family, they're spoiled. They don't need to have all these things. But they have on because we can afford to have
278 00:52:22,380 --> 00:52:31,830 them. You may not afford them right now. But you can be in a position where it won't matter to you either. But you can't jump to that, like I was trying to
279 00:52:31,830 --> 00:52:40,980 jump as a 20 year old thinking, wow, you know, I can make a lot of money in a very short period of time. And I'm only dealing with one contract. So I jumped
280 00:52:42,300 --> 00:52:55,770 to doing three and five and 10 contracts of bonds and the s&p. And yes, when I was right, man, it was really nice. But when it was going against me, it
281 00:52:55,770 --> 00:53:05,550 paralyzed me in fear. It scared the living hell out of me. Because it's fun. And it's exhilarating. And you have that deer in headlights paralysis when it's
282 00:53:05,550 --> 00:53:13,560 running off in profit. And you just you don't have a target. You don't know where it's going, you just want to go in and see how far it'll go up. And you
283 00:53:13,800 --> 00:53:20,640 stuck looking at the chart and it's just going, going, going, going going and you don't know when to get out. And I would overstay my welcome. And then I
284 00:53:20,640 --> 00:53:29,640 think, Okay, what's this retracing down to this level, it is old high is going to find support because it's a floor now because the ceiling has been broken.
285 00:53:30,450 --> 00:53:42,720 Now it's gone, what support wrong, going lower, and I'd find some other old high and draw a line across my chart and expected me support and it wouldn't. And I
286 00:53:42,720 --> 00:53:53,100 wouldn't get out of the trade. Because I had what I had no structure in what it is I was doing. I was like that million dollar sailboat out there with no rudder
287 00:53:54,330 --> 00:54:01,380 wherever the wind is going to carry me as long as I'm in the marketplace what was happening to me. And I had fortunes going in and out of my account all the
288 00:54:01,380 --> 00:54:12,150 time. But no idea where the pull the plug, where it's of I just simply would have said you know what? I want to make $1,000 a month, right? Okay, what
289 00:54:12,150 --> 00:54:32,100 happens if I just get that for day and just stop? on 20 contracts? Yeah, $20,000 a day. It's hard to stop though. Because if you can see the potential to make 50
290 00:54:33,600 --> 00:54:43,380 You're gonna do what you're gonna hope for 50 And as a young man with no idea what the hell he was doing. Just rolling the dice. That's what I was doing. And
291 00:54:43,500 --> 00:54:53,130 it was worse when I started inviting people to see me doing it. And now we get a high off of being right in front everybody. Yeah, look at that. See you in the
292 00:54:53,130 --> 00:55:04,260 hill. I am. I'm the guy that's going to do this in front of you every single day. Haha look at this strict And then when it was bad, I wanted to crawl under
293 00:55:04,260 --> 00:55:17,940 a rock. It was too much my ego couldn't allow for that. Because I didn't build in those expectations and those expectations in performance. So you will have
294 00:55:17,940 --> 00:55:27,990 all those problems if you use low hanging approaches to make your make your ends meet. So you start gradually from a very small, low hanging fruit objective, and
295 00:55:27,990 --> 00:55:37,440 make it so insignificant in terms of money, that it won't be hard for you. And you gradually build that up. This is why I tell everybody, you're not gonna get
296 00:55:37,440 --> 00:55:39,930 good at trading your first year.
297 00:55:41,160 --> 00:55:50,310 You're not gonna get good at trading in your first two years, it's going to take you five to 10 years to get really good at trading. What's my definition of
298 00:55:50,310 --> 00:56:01,590 good, you know, yourself? You know, what's going to keep you from blown up, and you avoid it. Use you soberly. Consider the risks that are involved, not just
299 00:56:01,590 --> 00:56:09,420 what's the maximum I can make here. See, I guarantee you, if we were doing a poll, like it, we're in a live event and I gave out this handout. In the
300 00:56:09,420 --> 00:56:16,200 beginning, it was a questionnaire, real quick questionnaire. And then you had to drop it off in a box before I got up on the stage start talking about why it
301 00:56:16,200 --> 00:56:26,970 would be What are you more likely to feel impulsive about going after the big money or fear of the losing trade? You're going to be impulsive about making the
302 00:56:26,970 --> 00:56:38,250 big mind. Because that's what you've been. Me, every other educator out there. Every author, every YouTuber, any influencer, we all do the same thing. We all
303 00:56:38,250 --> 00:56:48,900 talk a good game about it, you can make money doing this. But not all of us talk about the perils losing money. I do that and then a couple other large name
304 00:56:48,900 --> 00:57:00,720 people do it too. But for my knowledge, I've never seen anybody break it down to a point where it's humble beginnings. And you start there. I didn't learn that
305 00:57:00,720 --> 00:57:14,760 from somebody else. I had to figure that stuff out. And I abandoned it foolishly and just started going after Lambo lifestyle. I want to have the Lux lifestyle,
306 00:57:15,420 --> 00:57:24,570 luxury, everything Port Magazine, that's what I was aiming for. Not this is number of pips and points I can get in the marketplace consistently. And I'm
307 00:57:24,570 --> 00:57:36,900 gonna use money management do all the heavy lifting. I don't know what I was doing. And I'm a math guy. Science Guy, and I got lost in the money. That's what
308 00:57:36,900 --> 00:57:48,270 happens, folks, that's exactly what happens. And I know some of you are gonna think to yourselves, well, I'm not gonna be into that. It was a full, we all get
309 00:57:48,270 --> 00:57:56,460 bitten by that bug. Greed, man, it's the venom that you just don't understand until you feel it. And the problem is, you don't even know you're under its
310 00:57:56,460 --> 00:58:08,850 influence until it's too late. Ruin, then you're like, if I just realized that that moment. Yeah, every time I blew my account, I knew the exact moment, I
311 00:58:08,850 --> 00:58:24,180 should have not done the very thing. But yet, I still did it. Because I had no structure, I had no way of determining what it was that I was aiming for. And
312 00:58:24,180 --> 00:58:32,670 it's not just the dollar amount. What are you striving for? What is you're aiming for? For Your? Your trading? What's the goal? What's the reasons why
313 00:58:32,670 --> 00:58:42,960 you're doing all this stuff? If it's just to make money, okay, how much? How are you going to? How are you gonna earn that much money? What is you're trying to
314 00:58:42,960 --> 00:59:02,220 do? If you looked at trying to make 1% a day you'll find out that 1% is pretty easy. And what happens is, you get greedy because you know, you can get that 1%
315 00:59:02,220 --> 00:59:13,650 And it doesn't take a lot of effort to get it. Now to make 1% one time a week that is amazing results hooks. Okay, so before I go any further, just know that
316 00:59:13,650 --> 00:59:25,680 if that's all you do, you're killing it. Okay, don't let these guys out here that are trying to tell you they make 20% 50 our trades every single week, okay?
317 00:59:25,680 --> 00:59:32,880 Because believe me, they will put me on welfare if they're making that kind of money. And they will be proving it. They don't if they're making that kind of
318 00:59:32,880 --> 00:59:45,510 money, why are they trading point five lots on their Forex trades. You've been trading like this making 50 are and to honor our trades for two years and you're
319 00:59:45,510 --> 00:59:58,020 still beneath one full standard lot tomorrow. It doesn't hold up. The logic doesn't equate to them telling the truth. So you have to have that in mind. As a
320 00:59:58,020 --> 01:00:07,800 trader, you have to know where the OSHA is draw a line in it and say, Okay, this is what's going to get me in trouble if I aim to do those things. If I try to
321 01:00:07,800 --> 01:00:18,630 duplicate what I see other people doing on Instagram, on Facebook, on Twitter on ICT videos or whatever, that's not you. You need to go back to your roots. Where
322 01:00:18,630 --> 01:00:30,540 are you at right now? Where do you live? How do you live? What do you have to pay? Because those bills, whether you watch an ICT video, whether you learn from
323 01:00:30,540 --> 01:00:36,630 me or someone else, those bills are coming every single month, that end needs to be met.
324 01:00:37,740 --> 01:00:48,870 Now, you have to work your job or jobs, maybe go into school and work your job, you have expenses, they have to be met. You're struggling right now. But that is
325 01:00:48,870 --> 01:00:59,160 a temporary thing. That's temporary. It's hard to look past it. When I first got with my wife, when I felt confident, because in the beginning, I did not tell
326 01:00:59,160 --> 01:01:10,950 her what I was doing and how I had went ahead. And you can look down at me all you want. But I got burned early on with bad relationships. So she was a humble
327 01:01:10,950 --> 01:01:27,300 girl. And I was attracted to her over time. Once I trusted her. Once we had our second child, then she knew who I was. It didn't change her. I have a good one.
328 01:01:28,710 --> 01:01:41,790 That's how she gets to reap the rewards of a queen. Because she didn't expect it in the beginning. Chase me because of that. As a life lesson, both sides
329 01:01:46,980 --> 01:01:57,960 her visibility was limited was when I first told her what I have when I can do when I earn, she didn't believe me. And then I sat her down in front of the
330 01:01:57,960 --> 01:02:06,240 computer screens and I said, Now watch what I do here. She said that can't be real money. And then it was transferred to the bank. And then we went to the
331 01:02:06,240 --> 01:02:15,600 bank. And I did a withdrawal. And she saw it. And she said this is not your money, your asset. You're right. It's not my money. It came from other people
332 01:02:15,750 --> 01:02:25,920 doing the wrong thing. And they lost, I won. Now it is mine. It's in my hand. So I'm claiming this money now is mine. But it's not my money because they lost it
333 01:02:26,070 --> 01:02:37,680 fair and square. They made the decision. Their liquidity was my game. And she's not impressed to to this day. She understands that she understands that money
334 01:02:37,680 --> 01:02:46,710 comes from that, but she's not impressed by it. So again, that gets back to the root cause of why you're doing this. Are you doing this to make ends meet? Are
335 01:02:46,710 --> 01:02:55,980 you trying to do this to impress your girlfriend, your boyfriend, your spouse, their in laws, somebody else outside yourself. Because if you're doing that, I
336 01:02:55,980 --> 01:03:07,440 promise you, you're going to do things recklessly. You're gonna try to live up to some expectation that nobody's asked you to live up to I wish somebody had
337 01:03:07,440 --> 01:03:23,160 told me that. Because when I was 20, I was trying to do shit that nobody asked me to do. But in my mind because I wanted to feel significant. I did it. I would
338 01:03:23,160 --> 01:03:32,370 overspend on dumb shit. For people that didn't deserve it. Didn't even love me. Didn't care about me, weren't really my friends. But I was doing those things
339 01:03:32,370 --> 01:03:40,290 instead of saying, You know what, I'm gonna focus on making ends meet. What's my goals? What's my, what's my purpose of operating this week, this trading day?
340 01:03:40,320 --> 01:03:49,050 What's my goal? What's my goal for the week? What's my goal for the for the month? What's the goal for this quarter? wasn't doing that? I was looking at how
341 01:03:49,050 --> 01:04:02,070 much can I afford to trade? Because that's what I'm trading with, all in all the time. And that stupidity. And that's also the reason why I wasn't afraid when
342 01:04:02,070 --> 01:04:08,970 the account would get blown. I'm 20 I got plenty of yours. You know, I got all the time in the world is this going to take me a little bit harder, and I'll get
343 01:04:08,970 --> 01:04:18,660 another job delivering pizza work all day. And eating time. I work at Domino's and I deliver pizza, do a magic trick at the door for the kids. And here's five
344 01:04:18,660 --> 01:04:29,160 bucks, thank you very much. Only gotta get 20 deliveries like that I got 100 hours. Well do that. Six days a week. Wasn't long, I had enough money to put
345 01:04:29,160 --> 01:04:41,820 into account and I'm trading again. So that didn't determine that didn't cause me to fear doing the all type of trading. Because I knew what I was doing was
346 01:04:41,820 --> 01:04:50,220 reckless. I was making that decision to do it instead of being sober minded about it. Not that I was drunk because I never drank alcohol but I was drunk in
347 01:04:50,220 --> 01:04:59,700 the sense that I needed this to be a big play all the time and not realizing all the time I was wasting if I just would have did small incremental gains I would
348 01:04:59,700 --> 01:05:11,820 have been grown more accustomed to and acclimate myself to the pressures of holding these these big positions in trading 50 contracts of Chicago portrayed
349 01:05:11,820 --> 01:05:32,880 wheat on the day where they remove the limits. It was in July. And there was an issue with the crops. And this thing went nuts. If I just would have had another
350 01:05:33,960 --> 01:05:46,440 cent, maybe a cent and a half, it would have stopped me out. And I would have owed money to the brokerage firm money that didn't have. But it went in my
351 01:05:46,440 --> 01:05:56,820 favor. And I got out to shoot too soon, too short of where it really went that day. But I dodged the bullet that day. And that that was the one that scared the
352 01:05:56,820 --> 01:06:10,860 hell out of me. Because I was like that could have really ruined me. But you live, you learn. And I had to start thinking about what is it I'm doing? Am I
353 01:06:10,860 --> 01:06:21,240 just in here playing lottery, because that's really what I was doing. I was trying to win lottery. And you can't do that and last long in this business.
354 01:06:21,750 --> 01:06:29,640 Because the lottery wins don't come like that. They're just, there's books written by people that made this much money. I had a windfall victory over here
355 01:06:29,640 --> 01:06:41,910 when windfalls are not consistent. They're not likely to happen for you. They're more or less, the less likely to ever happen for you than anything else.
356 01:06:42,240 --> 01:06:49,020 So you have to lower your expectations and have no fear about that. Don't give a shit about these people on the internet. They're lying to you saying they're
357 01:06:49,020 --> 01:06:57,570 killing it. They're doing this they're trading 10 times better than that guy without no fucking proof. None of that stuff. They talk out their ass the whole
358 01:06:57,570 --> 01:07:07,500 time. You're worrying about all that stuff. You're listening to all that stuff instead of just doing what it is that makes the most sense. The least that can
359 01:07:07,500 --> 01:07:18,660 be done consistently. And letting time and money management, the compounding interest of doing the same little thing over and over and over again. That's
360 01:07:18,690 --> 01:07:31,740 easy to accomplish. Five handles in E Mini s&p Five pips or 25 pips a week in forex. I mean, I could do so much better than that. Okay. Why aren't you
361 01:07:32,520 --> 01:07:46,320 retired? The same kids that talked to me that was to me in 2019, on Twitter want to bark at me. And they're trying to hawk us a system. Dude, why aren't you
362 01:07:46,320 --> 01:07:56,460 rich? Why aren't you proven? You're making your money? Why can't you go out there show a lot of count. You're showing empty for screenshots. These people
363 01:07:56,550 --> 01:08:03,600 are constantly distracting you. And you're buying into that bullshit, you're being distracted, and you're not sitting down and you're not working on
364 01:08:03,600 --> 01:08:14,190 yourself. You're not minding your own business. This business is not going to run itself. You have to run it. And if you're worried about Tom, Dick, and
365 01:08:14,190 --> 01:08:24,570 Harry, okay, and dollar menu mentorships over here, you're not going to learn how to do this for yourself. You're going to flounder and fail. And you're going
366 01:08:24,570 --> 01:08:31,230 to sit there and think to yourself, Man, how long I've been doing this. And if you start doing that, and you start taking inventory and you don't include all
367 01:08:31,230 --> 01:08:38,010 the bullshit that you're looking at and wasting time worrying about keeping up with the Joneses over here, this one saying that they can do that and but they
368 01:08:38,010 --> 01:08:50,310 ain't got any proof. Why are you wasting time? If you have not realized that by looking around now, the world is vastly changing. It's so quickly changing every
369 01:08:50,310 --> 01:09:01,200 week something news coming up, and it isn't good. And your job right now, it's not fucking guaranteed. You have no idea how hard it's going to be. And if you
370 01:09:01,200 --> 01:09:12,660 don't put your nose in the charts and start studying, I promise you, you will be typing emails to me saying I wish I would have fucking listened because I had
371 01:09:12,660 --> 01:09:23,790 people doing that the last two years. And I don't want to receive those kind of emails. They hurt. Because you didn't listen to me. I'm not asking you to give
372 01:09:23,790 --> 01:09:38,400 me anything. Don't pay me nothing. You don't send me nothing. Nothing. But you better fucking listen. Because if you don't, I promise you. You are not going to
373 01:09:38,400 --> 01:09:46,890 be prepared. Your jobs are not guaranteed your income is not guaranteed. One of your jobs say you and your spouse are working. One of you might get sick one of
374 01:09:46,890 --> 01:09:59,310 you might get ill not be able to work. Can you keep that up and not lose your home? Your cars, your health insurance. Care for your children.
375 01:10:04,740 --> 01:10:19,740 This is a wake up call. I'm doing this because I give a shit. I know, there's gonna be a lot of you that aren't going to be prepared for this. But if I do
376 01:10:19,740 --> 01:10:29,550 what I'm doing here, and you don't do it, I have a clean conscience. You were given detailed instructions, you were told you were talked to by someone, I
377 01:10:29,550 --> 01:10:40,590 care, I care about you, I don't know you, but I care about you. All of you are on my mind all the time. Because I know you're out there fucking around, looking
378 01:10:40,590 --> 01:10:54,420 at stupid shit wasting your time. And you're going to hurt yourself wasting time and money. Here, right here, the guy talking to you. I'm giving you my time and
379 01:10:54,420 --> 01:11:04,590 giving you my experience. I'm holding your hand. But you got to start doing the work. Because if you don't show it's going to be turned upside down real soon.
380 01:11:06,330 --> 01:11:16,980 And what you think you're able to do right now to earn a living and pay for things to meet these ends, it's gonna get harder. And that's to scare the shit
381 01:11:16,980 --> 01:11:28,290 out of you. Because it does mean and I'm a multimillionaire. I'm not fearful, because I know who I believe in, I know my needs will be met. But I'm fearful
382 01:11:28,290 --> 01:11:40,260 for my family members that aren't as equipped as I am. I'm constantly bailing out family members, helping them do things friends the same way. I love these
383 01:11:40,260 --> 01:11:50,160 people, I don't feel like I'm being taken advantage of. I'm the first to offer it. They're not coming to me asking for it. I'm blessed to be in that situation.
384 01:11:50,520 --> 01:12:02,880 That's My nature. That's not virtue signaling. I'm telling you. This is something I have dealt with my entire life, seeing other people black and doing
385 01:12:02,880 --> 01:12:12,660 what I can. And some people I can't help. Like some students that come to me. They say they do all the work, they show 10 pages in a journal. It's not work.
386 01:12:13,470 --> 01:12:23,130 I'm doing it. Let's just writing down what you heard me say. Not going into the charts and finding it yourself. And then journaling that that's the work. That's
387 01:12:23,130 --> 01:12:34,890 the boring part that takes a lot of time. It eats up a lot of time, your football time, your boys our time your girls night out time. And for me, it was
388 01:12:37,980 --> 01:12:59,340 my own family not going to soccer games and baseball games. Missing out on that making sure that I had enough to take care of everybody because I was focused on
389 01:12:59,370 --> 01:13:15,480 ends. I was already rich. But I know that money can go like that. And you need to get yourself prepared. And you start by having very easy objectives. And let
390 01:13:15,480 --> 01:13:25,020 compound interest do that magic. Trust me folks, you don't you don't blame me. No problem. Do a spreadsheet. I don't care what you start with 100 bucks. The
391 01:13:25,020 --> 01:13:31,440 math is there. I don't think you should be trading with 100 bucks. I mean, go back and change that because I know I've said many times in the past or a lot of
392 01:13:31,440 --> 01:13:40,950 people go in and say I'm gonna put $100 I'm gonna get rich. No. You got to be properly funded. What is that? I think honestly, if you're trading less than
393 01:13:40,950 --> 01:13:49,320 $10,000 You are not equipped. Not not equipped to do what needs to be done. You're gonna you're gonna gamble, you're going to do things and when you take a
394 01:13:49,320 --> 01:13:59,490 loss it's gonna feel like I'm so close to not having enough money and you'll trade recklessly now 10,000 hours I'm talking that amount of money with micros
395 01:14:01,050 --> 01:14:16,140 what I could trade $30 At am yeah, no, you can. I can too. But that's stupid. Go into this with very easy, low hanging fruit objectives. Something so small that
396 01:14:16,140 --> 01:14:26,130 you can hit easily. And don't let anybody else out there tell you. Oh, you're not good. That's not enough. Oh, you suck. You're never gonna get rich. Don't
397 01:14:26,130 --> 01:14:35,130 ask these same people. I'm promising you this. They're the same people that bark at me. They're working a job folks. They're working a job. They're talking on
398 01:14:35,130 --> 01:14:44,580 their texts and needed a little Twitter, between their oil changing, okay, before scrubbing the floor at Walmart. Okay, they're all working. They're all
399 01:14:44,580 --> 01:14:54,420 working. And they're critiquing you and me. And we're out here doing it. We're calling it I'm trading it. You're trading. You're seeing all these other people
400 01:14:54,420 --> 01:14:55,560 get they're getting funded.
401 01:14:57,630 --> 01:15:05,700 They're getting their scratch. They're not sitting on their ass, they're doing the work. They know. It isn't gonna fall in their lap. They're putting the work
402 01:15:05,700 --> 01:15:16,620 in. And you know what? Kudos, well fucking done. That's the right thing. That's the right thing. Not sitting around just watching videos. I mean, you're never
403 01:15:16,620 --> 01:15:25,290 gonna get this doing this. You have to study, you have to dig in. You got to go into those charts and say, You know what? I'm going to defer all my wants and
404 01:15:25,290 --> 01:15:34,620 all my extra things, my fun stuff. And put that on the side. I got time for that. Right, man. I got business to work right now. I have a business to run.
405 01:15:34,800 --> 01:15:41,880 I'm building an empire. I have time for all this people in my life dragging me down. Give me some bullshit. I gotta worry about you got your own life to worry
406 01:15:41,880 --> 01:15:48,630 about. I'm worried about mine. I got a family to take care of. I have a legacy to build. I have to prepare some shit. Come on. There's a storm coming. I gotta
407 01:15:48,630 --> 01:16:01,320 make sure I'm ready for it. There's got to be a thought on your ass. If it's not there. Check out turn off. Don't come back to this channel. Don't look at me.
408 01:16:01,320 --> 01:16:07,740 Don't Don't Don't look at any of my videos. Don't do that shit. Because the only thing you're going to do is going to piss them moon that it doesn't work for you
409 01:16:07,740 --> 01:16:16,650 because you didn't do the work. Because there's all these people around you. They're proving it. And none of them regret it. They all say one thing. I wish I
410 01:16:16,650 --> 01:16:27,930 would have listened sooner. And this is one of those series that I want you all to know going in. This is some really real shit. You have to get ready. Things
411 01:16:27,930 --> 01:16:41,130 are gonna get so hard economically. You aren't ready for it. I'm not ready for it. That's why I'm steady in here. I'm trading I'm, I am in here. Okay, I'm
412 01:16:41,130 --> 01:16:51,090 getting ready to hunt and do all kinds of shit in the fall. I'm ready. And I got millions. I'm not ready. So you're going to talk to me? Oh, yeah, you know, I
413 01:16:51,090 --> 01:17:01,290 got a funded account. I'm ready. You ain't ready. You are not ready. You got to constantly be working. But don't lose sight. Don't get stupid. Don't get here
414 01:17:01,290 --> 01:17:13,470 start making crazy bets because you want to see a windfall victory. That stuff isn't isn't isn't time for that. This is getting your ends meet. Getting your
415 01:17:13,470 --> 01:17:23,850 into the meat every single week every single month. Not worrying about it because I'll tell you something. Scared money makes no money. If you're scared
416 01:17:23,850 --> 01:17:33,360 shitless because you're probably gonna lose your job. Your spouse is about ready to lose their job. Your car went up and you can't afford no 55,000 Ask for a
417 01:17:33,360 --> 01:17:46,380 fucking to come in. It's overpriced. Everything's overpriced. delimited Highlander at this replace my 19 with 68,000 hours. A truck should not be 68,000
418 01:17:46,380 --> 01:17:59,820 hours. Everything's jacked up everything. Just because I'm ICT doesn't mean I'm exempt. I gotta pay shit. That's exorbitant just like anybody else does. But are
419 01:17:59,820 --> 01:18:10,170 you in a position where you can just go out there and just dip in? Here you go? Who's 60,000 hours for new Highlander? Who's 60,000 for a Rubicon? Here's 55,000
420 01:18:10,170 --> 01:18:21,060 hours. Where'd that come from? I didn't pay cash for that one for that one down. But it is what it is. It still costs $55,000 right there in my answer 55,000. If
421 01:18:21,060 --> 01:18:29,490 my son will pay it, I gotta pay for it. Right. So that's the end that has to be met. So I got my thumb and my son pressing your ass is going to be working
422 01:18:29,490 --> 01:18:41,190 towards getting that Bill met every single month. So now he has what is a fire under his ass. That's what has to happen sometimes. And when I talk to you, not
423 01:18:41,190 --> 01:18:48,390 all of you need these types of discussions. I'm aware of that. But I have the young folks in mind because they tend to feel like everything is connected this
424 01:18:48,420 --> 01:19:00,360 be given to them and then reminding them that nobody owes you shit. You work for it. If you don't work for it, you don't fucking get it. And nobody feels sorry
425 01:19:00,360 --> 01:19:11,040 for you. Nobody's gonna feel sorry for you when you can't make ends meet and you didn't get yourself prepared. When things get really hard. When things get hard,
426 01:19:11,190 --> 01:19:21,750 these markets gonna go all over the place. And if you're not prepared to be in them, you're without and if you're without and without a job, or if you have new
427 01:19:21,780 --> 01:19:37,110 financial restrictions placed on you because now you went from two incomes to one how do you think you're gonna be able to trade on it that pressure you're
428 01:19:37,110 --> 01:19:40,680 not you're gonna be scared shitless
429 01:19:42,300 --> 01:19:51,930 you're gonna be fearful, afraid to push the button or do reckless trades because you're gonna be waiting too long for confirmation that we already removed. And
430 01:19:51,930 --> 01:19:59,550 then when you put the trade on, it still might work in your favor, but it starts pulling back and have a natural retracement and you're afraid and you get out
431 01:20:00,180 --> 01:20:07,230 And it still goes in your favor, if you would have stayed in, that's what scared money does. So that's why I'm telling you in this series, I really am pushing
432 01:20:07,230 --> 01:20:19,950 hard for you to have a very low threshold objective, something that's so easy, so easy. And let money management and compound interest do all the heavy
433 01:20:19,950 --> 01:20:29,220 lifting. You don't ever have to do anything more than just five handles in the index market. You don't have to do anything more than 25 pips a week the money
434 01:20:29,220 --> 01:20:38,670 grows and as it grows, you carry more leverage, the risk doesn't grow in exponential fashion, the monetary association to the equity will obviously
435 01:20:38,670 --> 01:20:47,670 because that's goes with the the game, the more money you make, if you're risking 1% of that account, and the account is growing, that 1% will grow
436 01:20:47,670 --> 01:20:57,510 exponentially, too. But you can't understand the effects of that. If you try to rush through it, because you can get lucky and do over leveraged trades. And you
437 01:20:57,510 --> 01:21:07,110 get this new equity Hi, all you out there saying Oh, I wanna I want to get a $500,000 funded account. The fuck you do, you don't have any idea how to trade a
438 01:21:07,110 --> 01:21:13,560 $10,000 account right now, you can't even manage that risk. You're talking about you want to have a million dollars in a funded account, you want to be able to
439 01:21:13,560 --> 01:21:24,930 trade with 500,000 hours leverage, you're, you're gonna die, you're literally going to blow your brains out. More money is not how you fix this. It's more
440 01:21:24,930 --> 01:21:34,440 experience growing gradually, I'm telling you, I'm fucking telling you, you are not going to do a half mind are funded account and do well. If you think you're
441 01:21:34,440 --> 01:21:41,220 just going to go up there, pass the challenge and get that on your first go. You ain't been trading for a year or two or three. Do you think you're just gonna go
442 01:21:41,220 --> 01:21:56,280 out and do that I'm telling you energy, I'm telling you don't think like that. You're doing it wrong. What's the lowest funded account? go that route. Trade
443 01:21:56,280 --> 01:22:07,590 with that build that up. Because you can't build that 10,000 or $20,000 leverage funded account up to a $500,000 account in two years. Guess what? You sure as
444 01:22:07,590 --> 01:22:15,300 fuck wouldn't have done anything with that 500,000 IRA account. You're not prepared for it. You have no idea what it feels like to be in those types of
445 01:22:15,300 --> 01:22:28,380 trades. That's why you see everybody, they put their little certificate said I got funded. And then two weeks later, I blew it. I'm not talking down to you.
446 01:22:29,280 --> 01:22:45,960 I'm talking to you. i You're doing what I'm telling you what not to do. And so many of you are in line to do the same bullshit and hurt yourself and prolong
447 01:22:45,960 --> 01:22:57,060 this whole process. What's the lowest hanging fruit object do and as the money grows, more money will be allocated to each trade, the percentage of risk is not
448 01:22:57,060 --> 01:23:09,150 increasing. That stays constant. And as the equity grows, the results will grow. comparably. And you don't get sucked into this. I have to do it right now. I
449 01:23:09,150 --> 01:23:16,380 kind of have it all right now. No, you don't. Because you're not prepared for it mentally psychologically. You can't you can't handle it. You can't, you cannot
450 01:23:16,380 --> 01:23:28,980 handle that type of success. When winning trade that cat gets put on. You're not gonna be asleep. You'll be out of the trade. I'm telling you like no dos. You
451 01:23:28,980 --> 01:23:43,680 ain't sleeping. Like a crack fiend. Okay. Scratching yourself. Like that Dave Chappelle mean, you want another hit, you want a little bump? Because it's been,
452 01:23:44,250 --> 01:23:54,240 and I've had that happen so many times. And it's demoralizing when you realize that's what it was. And that's what you're creating, you're creating that
453 01:23:54,240 --> 01:24:03,660 habitual drug usage, feeling in your trading. That's not how people do it. They are doing this for their lifetime. Career traders are not looking for that bump.
454 01:24:07,260 --> 01:24:21,960 They're working their business. They're running their business. They're managing their business. It's not casino time to them. They're going in with the intended
455 01:24:21,960 --> 01:24:30,540 purpose. They're not winging it. They're not being influenced by other people. They're not telling them it's not good enough. They don't give a fuck what
456 01:24:30,540 --> 01:24:39,750 anybody else thinks. They're doing what needs to be done for them. Because every one of us has a unique threshold for pain and pleasure. Some of you are a little
457 01:24:39,750 --> 01:24:40,710 bit kinky than I am.
458 01:24:43,800 --> 01:24:57,510 In trading, you have to know where your thresholds are. If you start stretching yourself outside those boundaries, which you're gonna learn, as soon as you
459 01:24:57,510 --> 01:25:09,450 start trading with life funds, you're gonna see how hard it is to hold on to a winning trade. But it's easy to hold on to a losing trade. Why is that? You
460 01:25:09,450 --> 01:25:21,240 don't want to submit to a loss. But you really want to get out of that winning trade because you think it's the only one that's ever gonna happen to you. You
461 01:25:21,240 --> 01:25:27,120 found a unicorn, and you want to make sure you have evidence and you can bring it back and show to your friends and family, your co workers, your boss, ha,
462 01:25:27,240 --> 01:25:35,700 look at this fucker, you said I wasn't ever gonna make any money. Look at this, stick that up your ass. That's what you want. So what are you trading for?
463 01:25:36,570 --> 01:25:47,820 Outward validation. Professional traders don't give a shit what anybody else thinks about them, or their trading, or their abilities, or their model, or how
464 01:25:47,820 --> 01:25:55,590 little their threshold is that they go in for every time you put a trade on. See in the beginning, you have to have that structure, you have to have that limit
465 01:25:55,620 --> 01:26:04,350 placed on you, their training wheels. And don't let anybody tell you that they're not useful or needed, because they are. Why else is everybody else
466 01:26:04,350 --> 01:26:16,680 blowing on. Because they have no structure, no limitations placed on themselves. It's 2% risk. No stop, lets go. And I have no limits on how many times I can
467 01:26:16,680 --> 01:26:22,530 take a trade. If I take a loss, I'm gonna go back in again, because I have enough equity and I'll keep doing it until I can't. Because I know eventually
468 01:26:22,530 --> 01:26:30,960 I'm gonna get away trade, not taking in consideration that they have no structure, they have no low hanging threshold to make ends meet. So that's going
469 01:26:30,960 --> 01:26:38,520 into throw the dice and see if they get a win because they know in their mind, they're gonna go in and manage that winning trade correctly. Now, after taking
470 01:26:38,520 --> 01:26:50,580 five losing trades in the same day. The fuck you are. Folks, I'm telling you, these are things I did not just once dozens of times, and you got to know that
471 01:26:50,580 --> 01:26:59,550 you're not going to be exempt from it. And believe me, this might be an uncomfortable conversation that you don't want to be listening to, you want to
472 01:26:59,550 --> 01:27:08,880 get to Okay, get to the part where it feels good. That didn't get kind of serious, folks. This is where the rubber meets the road. I already taught you
473 01:27:08,880 --> 01:27:22,680 how to trade. Now I'm telling you how to survive. Because having that 50 caliber beret you could still hurt yourself. There's a whole lot of people out there
474 01:27:22,680 --> 01:27:30,840 that buy all the next best things and gadgets and things. And they still are useless. Because they haven't properly been trained
475 01:27:36,150 --> 01:27:43,680 your intelligence as a trader, just because you now know this model, and you know what it looks like how to find them. Your intelligence as a trader is
476 01:27:43,710 --> 01:27:53,310 infantile, right now, you're still an infant, your baby. And that's not a knock against you, you have to be aware of that. And you have to take baby steps. And
477 01:27:53,310 --> 01:28:00,360 then you start moving towards where you're walking a little bit more efficiently and without anybody holding your hand and then eventually you'll get stronger
478 01:28:00,390 --> 01:28:09,360 and more coordinated and you can run and then you become an adult and you have all that adult muscle and capability and stability and agility all those things
479 01:28:09,360 --> 01:28:23,160 that lead towards you are able to do things that a small child can't and right now as a small infant in your understanding about the markets and your personal
480 01:28:23,160 --> 01:28:32,670 experience you can't grasp the importance or the weight of the things I'm talking about right now because you haven't endorsed it yet. But once you do
481 01:28:32,970 --> 01:28:43,200 these types of lessons mean much more and that's why these Yahoo's get so all these guys he's just going oh no, no. ain't talking about nothing. That's how
482 01:28:43,200 --> 01:28:50,700 you know they made no fucking money. They never made money. The people didn't want to have conversations like this and talk about these. This is the real
483 01:28:50,700 --> 01:29:01,080 world. This is what real trading is about. It's not pushing a button winning Hey holla over on Instagram Look at me. Here's my rented Lamborghini Lamborghini
484 01:29:01,560 --> 01:29:15,150 rents flat and I don't really live in Come on. Here's my fake watches. I'm gonna zoom in because you'll see it's fake zing bullshit. I mean you guys like all
485 01:29:15,150 --> 01:29:22,470 that stuff? Because it's entertaining. But I'm not trying to entertain you. I'm trying to turn you into a fucking monster where you go in there and you say you
486 01:29:22,470 --> 01:29:31,170 know what? I don't give a shit if you fire me tomorrow I don't give a shift this business I work for closes the fuck down next week. I don't care I'm feed me and
487 01:29:31,170 --> 01:29:39,090 mine very nothing you're going to do to stop me from doing that period. Nothing you can say about it. I don't give a shit what influence are on the internet
488 01:29:39,090 --> 01:29:48,390 says anything about me I'm still going in here fucking kids. Nothing stopping that and nothing stopping you as my student nothing. It's just Aaron opportunity
489 01:29:48,390 --> 01:29:58,050 between you and you getting that realization of that profit. It's it. That's the thing separating it. But you have to make that move. And you can't do it. Just
490 01:29:58,350 --> 01:30:08,640 jump out there blindly. You got to Have a structured approach to it. And you're all going to have a different approach. Period. What's your low threshold
491 01:30:08,670 --> 01:30:17,010 objective? It might be 500 hours a week, it might be $100 a week, you might be a stay at home mom, you don't need a whole lot, the husband's taking care of
492 01:30:17,010 --> 01:30:24,150 everything, you got a big nest egg. But you want to do this on your own, you want to contribute, you want to feel like you're bringing something to the
493 01:30:24,150 --> 01:30:33,540 table, you know what that's admirable. And you might be thinking, all I have to do is make 100 hours a week, and then let that grow and build up, man two years,
494 01:30:34,290 --> 01:30:44,400 you could still be doing amazing returns, if you let the compound effect take root. But you have to submit that part of that time. That's why again, I get
495 01:30:44,400 --> 01:30:56,760 back to working with a year of mentoring. Mentoring for a full year is crucial. Because you're gonna feel all those factors of downtime on the market are just
496 01:30:56,760 --> 01:31:03,540 simply not willing to give you anything. And you got to know what it looks like, what does it feel like? Can you even tolerate that? Because there's a lot of
497 01:31:03,540 --> 01:31:13,410 students that came through my fold that threw it in. This is too hard. It's not working for me, and not listen to me, in my experience, and we're in a period
498 01:31:13,410 --> 01:31:19,920 where it's not gonna be high probability. Oh, he's always saying it's never high probability, man, get the fuck out of here. I know when it's high probability,
499 01:31:20,010 --> 01:31:30,000 and I tell you, okay, and then when it is it is, but if it's not, it's not. I can't make it not be high probability. Well, this is a warren buffett would be
500 01:31:30,510 --> 01:31:40,920 wanting to talk to me, okay? I'm not a billionaire. Okay, I'm not a billionaire. Point is you have to know what you're doing this for what limitations you have
501 01:31:40,920 --> 01:31:51,930 to place on yourself, and not have any reservations about why you're doing it and adhere to it. So ends what for you, what makes your ends meet? What's that
502 01:31:51,930 --> 01:32:03,000 dollar amount that covers all your bills, all your expenses, all your entertainment, that number has to be a specific number. Then inside that total
503 01:32:03,000 --> 01:32:15,360 month expense there your total? And what's the lowest one? Maybe it's a better idea for somebody to start there. But you should be moving towards getting to
504 01:32:15,360 --> 01:32:26,100 the most expensive one. And I did a poll on Twitter, and did a poll on my community tab on the YouTube channel and asked everyone I said, What's your
505 01:32:26,130 --> 01:32:32,130 largest already knew it's going to be mortgage or rent? Okay, that that's goes without saying, but I just want to make sure I had the data to prove to
506 01:32:32,130 --> 01:32:36,600 everybody, this is why I'm saying what I'm saying. But everybody understands that's going to be the largest expense.
507 01:32:37,740 --> 01:32:47,160 So what is your rent? What is your mortgage payment, every single month, that's your largest expense. So you might start with the smallest bill like a credit
508 01:32:47,160 --> 01:32:59,190 card, or a utility bill or some kind of fancy like a car note. Not that 900. Ours is a small car note because it's in my mind, even with the money. And
509 01:32:59,220 --> 01:33:09,120 that's a lot of money for a car payment. Like we're not talking about like a BMW. I mean, it's a Tacoma pickup truck. It's not in special. But it's a note
510 01:33:09,690 --> 01:33:20,880 that needs to be paid. So how do you go in and attack that. And then each time you get to that threshold of meeting some low hanging objectives in your ends
511 01:33:20,880 --> 01:33:27,240 that need to be met? In other words, whatever the lowest bill is, you start there, and then you graduate towards what's the next bill, if you're making that
512 01:33:27,240 --> 01:33:36,060 money, work up to the large expense, which is either rent or mortgage. And then once you have that, even if it's 50% of that that's a huge weight off your
513 01:33:36,060 --> 01:33:43,530 shoulders and an encouragement to you. As a trader, you're encouraged. You don't need anybody else to tell you, you're doing the right thing. You don't anybody
514 01:33:43,530 --> 01:33:51,300 to give you an attaboy at a girl, pat on the back. You feel it because you see like, I know I'm making this money. And while you're building up your account,
515 01:33:52,380 --> 01:34:01,560 you're telling yourself constantly, I'm consistently working towards this. And it's growing. It's building up. I'm not trying to get rich, overnight, wealthy,
516 01:34:01,770 --> 01:34:10,050 trying to false in front of everybody. Oh, no, it's, this is not the time for that. You need to make sure that you have food in the house, you can make sure
517 01:34:10,050 --> 01:34:21,480 that your bills are met, that your roof stays over you. Your car stay Roman stay fueled up your health. And health expenses are covered clothing, your children's
518 01:34:21,480 --> 01:34:32,280 needs are met daycare. Good grief. I'm sure you guys have to pay for that are paying out your ass for that. What if that's covered in your trading? And that's
519 01:34:32,280 --> 01:34:44,250 all you ever gotten out of it? Is that failure? Think about it, folks. If you got your children's costs covered every single month, but you still had to keep
520 01:34:44,250 --> 01:34:54,330 your job. Is that failing and trading? Now if you ask the 20 year olds without kids, okay, that's that's, that's you ain't, you're failing? Because that's
521 01:34:54,330 --> 01:35:07,650 their mentality. It's richer, nothing. And that's That's their youth. That's how I was do you have to have everything or you had nothing. But when you have a
522 01:35:07,650 --> 01:35:17,490 chilled me you have children or family take care of and you're participating in a family and working family perspectives and observations change and they
523 01:35:17,490 --> 01:35:26,130 mature. And those of you that are in those circumstances understand that, man, if you had just half your mortgage paid every single month, how much would that
524 01:35:26,130 --> 01:35:38,190 be off your back. That's all I'm suggesting here is that beginning point, be your full mortgage that you can pull out. But if you get anything that's not
525 01:35:38,190 --> 01:35:46,380 having to come out of your pocket from your job or your earned income. And you're having a secondary income from this. And I'm not promising it's going to
526 01:35:46,380 --> 01:35:54,060 happen for you. Because this all relies on you doing it. But I'm trying to put the mindset together for you. So that way you go in with the right perspective,
527 01:35:54,180 --> 01:36:04,380 because you have a skill set. Now, you have a model, it works, folks. Nobody's going to be able to come up here anywhere on social media, call me out, call me.
528 01:36:04,440 --> 01:36:11,610 I'm right here on Twitter, I can't hide from any comments. Everybody can talk to me. But you can't submit some some stupid shit, I'm blocking you telling me what
529 01:36:11,610 --> 01:36:20,280 I'm doing is wrong. Or show me what you got is better. outline it beforehand. Don't just say here's what I did yesterday. Here's a trade that took on board.
530 01:36:20,310 --> 01:36:30,930 Don't bind, let bullshit. You are here to learn how to trade you've been taught. But now you need to know how to engage as a trader. So what do you start doing?
531 01:36:31,230 --> 01:36:43,380 You don't go out there and go nuts. Don't don't think I'm gonna go out here and just kill it. Do the maximum maximal effort. No, no, no, no reserved effort. Low
532 01:36:43,380 --> 01:36:54,480 hanging fruit objectives. Don't try to do more than it's reasonable for you. Because you're just now learning. You just got this weapon in your hands. You
533 01:36:54,480 --> 01:37:07,020 have to learn how to clean it, store it, carry it and not blow your head off. Because that's what most people do. And a lot of good, meaning folks come
534 01:37:07,020 --> 01:37:20,190 through pay me two, all the way up to 11. And because they didn't want to listen, everybody quick has been afforded, they just didn't want to listen. To
535 01:37:20,190 --> 01:37:27,570 me, they know themselves. So why make that last payment might that charter member payment because they just can't do it.
536 01:37:28,860 --> 01:37:37,590 Okay, they know themselves better than I do. But there's a lot of you that know yourself better than I do. And know that you want this. And you know that you
537 01:37:37,590 --> 01:37:47,220 have everything in your being is telling you, you're gonna do this, and ain't nobody out there going to tell you that you're not. That's my audience right
538 01:37:47,220 --> 01:37:55,350 now. That's who I'm talking to. Because if you're on the fence, and you think somebody can influence you to talk you out of doing this, or not using what it
539 01:37:55,350 --> 01:38:04,620 is I've taught, you're not my audience, you're not a student, you're just the casual observer. And you're never going to make it in any training whatsoever.
540 01:38:04,620 --> 01:38:18,300 Because you're too influenced by other people. Someone that has been in my study, in my mentorship in my teachings and lectures, for at least three months.
541 01:38:19,980 --> 01:38:29,460 They've seen enough this year to know that there's there's absolutely something here that is worthwhile. It can be exploited in the marketplace, it's there.
542 01:38:29,520 --> 01:38:38,220 It's a real edge. It repeats, it's algorithmic, it's not random. And it's time specific so that we know when you're going to be operating. Think about this.
543 01:38:39,030 --> 01:38:46,170 All these businesses that are brick and mortar, okay, like a storefront, you go in there you buy your shoes, buy your clothes, how do they know when when sales
544 01:38:46,170 --> 01:38:54,930 are going to come in. They have sales reports and trends where certain times of the day on certain days a week, this is where we have a rush of customers
545 01:38:54,930 --> 01:39:03,540 usually, but there's no real guarantee that that's going to happen. You don't know if there's going to be customers coming into your business. In this
546 01:39:03,540 --> 01:39:13,980 business I laid out for you, I'll give you a business plan. Every single day, you're looking at the market between 830 and 11. That's your storefront hours.
547 01:39:14,970 --> 01:39:23,520 There's your business hours, okay? It's not a full day and you're looking for something to happen. You're waiting for a customer come through the door. That
548 01:39:23,520 --> 01:39:31,050 means you're watching the seat when liquidity is getting taken. Okay, they took something off the rack, they're interested, okay, you're standing at the
549 01:39:31,050 --> 01:39:39,120 register and make sure that sales done but he might change their mind, the market might run off and they may put it back on the rack and leave. It's the
550 01:39:39,120 --> 01:39:48,090 same thing with this business. But you have to be there. You have to be in front of the market waiting for that opportunity. You got to be you have to have the
551 01:39:48,090 --> 01:39:59,490 store open. You're not gonna make the sale. Every other business out there. They have all this overhead all these costs all these requirements for employees.
552 01:39:59,580 --> 01:40:09,330 You're the boss So you're the employee, you have operating hours, it's very easy. 830 To 11 Boom, done. If a customer walks through the door, it means the
553 01:40:09,330 --> 01:40:18,240 seller doesn't come in. Guess what? You don't have to work hard that day. You just had to do. You had to have the doors open the lights on. And that's
554 01:40:18,240 --> 01:40:25,920 sometimes what trading is like. Just because your assets down in front of them. You're getting to trade the market. This is bullshitting me. I mean, sitting
555 01:40:25,920 --> 01:40:37,020 here, they better give me an FE SVG. It better give me a fair buy it better some of those answers in a sling if it don't give me an SVG. It's funny reading some
556 01:40:37,020 --> 01:40:47,070 of you guys, your expectations and entitlements ridiculous. It's funny, entertaining as shit. But it's unrealistic. It's crazy. But that's what trading
557 01:40:47,070 --> 01:40:58,020 is about. Sometimes, you can be ready to do it. And I'm not ready to do it. And you gotta be okay with that. And no, guess what? Your model ain't broken. Your
558 01:40:58,020 --> 01:41:09,660 threshold your five handles is not too much. It's gonna give it to you. Just Not That day, or that session. Don't want to trade in the morning. Do you think it's
559 01:41:09,660 --> 01:41:19,320 too much volatility uncertainty, okay, no problem. We can go out to lunch, use the pm session stuff I've given you. There's a lot of times the last 90 minutes
560 01:41:19,320 --> 01:41:27,780 of trading, that's the easy stuff. Because you can see what it's done in the morning. All that uncertainty, the bias is still in play. And the higher
561 01:41:27,780 --> 01:41:35,700 timeframe daily chart is gonna lead you to what, where's it growing to. And usually the last 90 minutes to 60 minutes, the algorithms really kick in market
562 01:41:35,700 --> 01:41:46,350 on clothes, orders start piling in, and boom. You could just roll nice, easy, predictable market environment where liquidities ran to. That could be your
563 01:41:46,350 --> 01:42:01,140 model. That could be your five handles. If you're in extreme, so obviously, you can see what the way this conversation went. It just wasn't a YouTube video. And
564 01:42:01,140 --> 01:42:10,590 I'm now thinking about it. I'm not going to be putting it on YouTube. Further. I probably put it on SoundCloud, because I am recording. It should be a good audio
565 01:42:11,340 --> 01:42:18,750 capture the Twitter space wasn't that good? And for some breakups in or whatever. I apologize. It's not intended can't do anything with that. But I
566 01:42:18,750 --> 01:42:26,820 think with the way I've been recording with our regular microphone, it should be okay on a SoundCloud, playback. So I'll add that sometime this evening. I'm not
567 01:42:26,820 --> 01:42:27,540 rushing to do it.
568 01:42:28,770 --> 01:42:40,980 But I wanted to have this conversation with you to kind of like align your mindset with now you have this skill set, you have this model, what do you do
569 01:42:40,980 --> 01:42:53,040 with it, don't go out there thinking that you have to do above average returns or superhuman or Olympic level feats, because that's what it feels like. In our
570 01:42:53,040 --> 01:43:03,840 community. Sometimes it feels like everybody's is expected to do ICT level precision, in an hour, buy long, sell short all the same day. That's not I'm
571 01:43:03,840 --> 01:43:14,550 your teacher, I don't expect you to do that. That's not realistic, that's not reasonable. What I believe you should be doing is taking an inward look at how
572 01:43:14,550 --> 01:43:24,690 you have to live. Because the way you live is not the same way I live and 20 students in mind, they're going to have a amazing contrast between what they
573 01:43:24,690 --> 01:43:35,040 have to have each month. In some countries, very little as required. But where they're at that little bit is a lot. And what they see is potential in the
574 01:43:35,040 --> 01:43:45,450 marketplace would literally make them kings or queens immediately. In other places like in the United States where everything's extremely expensive. It
575 01:43:45,450 --> 01:43:56,910 takes a whole lot to elevate ourselves up to a point of influence. But if affluence is your goal, then obviously I've given you enough to get that you got
576 01:43:56,910 --> 01:44:05,850 to submit that have time to get to it. But having these unrealistic expectations and high lofty profit objectives that you have to do every single day, every
577 01:44:05,850 --> 01:44:15,690 single week. Come on. Nobody told you how to do that. I didn't tell you how to do that. So I'm taking you back to square one. The same way I started on baby
578 01:44:15,690 --> 01:44:31,830 pips 25 pips a week for forex, for five handles a day, which was what 25 handles a week in futures. That's a nice living if you let the compound interest do all
579 01:44:31,830 --> 01:44:42,180 the heavy lifting. What do you think happens when you get to a quarter of how much can you trade with that? And you're getting 25 handles a week. Do the math
580 01:44:42,180 --> 01:44:51,540 on it. That's the homework assignment for you to figure out what's the lowest you can do. And if you just did the lowest, and let compound interest do its
581 01:44:51,540 --> 01:45:01,920 job, not trying to get rich real quick. Not trying to quit your job right now. I'm reminding you. You're working your job. You need the key that every possible
582 01:45:01,920 --> 01:45:11,670 way of income right now, you need to be maximizing that and preparing your household and your family for rough times, buying extra stuff, canned goods,
583 01:45:11,850 --> 01:45:19,470 household wares, things that you're probably not gonna get to get in a couple months, because you just simply not gonna be able to get it or afford it. And
584 01:45:20,670 --> 01:45:31,170 not be worrying about relying on your job because you're gonna be growing your business to replace that job. And that is a feeling of empowerment that I cannot
585 01:45:31,170 --> 01:45:41,250 articulate. No one can tell you what it really feels like. You can see everyone else do it and be encouraged. Because they'll give you their testimony about how
586 01:45:41,250 --> 01:45:49,140 you know I did this. And I did that. And this is what it feels like. It doesn't resonate the same way until you've had it done yourself. And when it happens,
587 01:45:50,760 --> 01:45:58,530 nobody's going to tell you you waste your time, no one's going to be able to tell you that you're not going to hear it. You know what to say Go fuck
588 01:45:58,530 --> 01:46:06,480 yourself. But you might be pleasant about it. Say, you know, I'm I don't agree with that. And I don't regret it. But for naysayers and people that want to talk
589 01:46:06,480 --> 01:46:14,880 down and discourage you, that pisses me off. Because really what you're trying to do is they're trying to steal joy. They're trying to steal legacy, okay, they
590 01:46:14,880 --> 01:46:22,260 kind of take that from you. And I'm working my ass off to make sure that you have the opportunity right in front of you. And I'm constantly reminding you,
591 01:46:22,620 --> 01:46:32,190 it's a real thing. It's really here, but it's just fall into your lap. It takes effort it takes work is it going to be positive every single time that you sit
592 01:46:32,190 --> 01:46:40,080 down in front of charts, it isn't going to feel like a good feel warm and fuzzy moment because you start your back tested. Or you may take a trade, whether it's
593 01:46:40,080 --> 01:46:49,020 in demo, or if you ever eventually go into live funds, it may not work for you, that doesn't change shit, this stuff still works. One losing trade are a series
594 01:46:49,020 --> 01:46:59,070 of losing trades, does not make a model a failure, it just means that you did something wrong. And you own it. Guess what that does, it frees you up to not
595 01:46:59,070 --> 01:47:08,730 worry about your model not being effective. It just means that you have room for improvement. All of us have room for improvement. I'm room firm from it. I still
596 01:47:08,730 --> 01:47:16,470 fuck up appetizers and tweets, I should stop and read read before I hit the send button. But I don't give a shit. I push it. But then once I do it, my OCD kicks
597 01:47:16,470 --> 01:47:17,730 in, we should have done it.
598 01:47:19,410 --> 01:47:28,590 You know I'm human and not AI. We're gonna same thing with my trades, I sometimes exit just a little bit too soon. And if I just would have held on to
599 01:47:28,590 --> 01:47:36,750 it one or two minutes longer, it would have been a better favorable thing for me. I wrestle with that all the time, all the time. But you're always going to
600 01:47:36,750 --> 01:47:46,980 have room to grow, to improve upon, none of us have it all figured out. And that includes me. If I was absolutely perfect, believe me, my ego would fucking show
601 01:47:46,980 --> 01:47:52,770 it to you, I would be out here, flaunt it all the time. So if anybody else is out there saying they got something better, they'd be out here doing that shit
602 01:47:52,770 --> 01:48:01,620 too. So you don't see it happening. So stop wasting time. Put your head in the in the charts. Stop worrying about dumb shit that isn't gonna put anything in
603 01:48:01,620 --> 01:48:12,600 your pocket isn't going to help you learn how to trade. Okay, focus, we are a community of like minded individuals, okay, we're looking for the same thing in
604 01:48:12,600 --> 01:48:21,150 the market. Now all of us are not going to treat it the same way. We're all going to do something different. We're gonna look at a different market all the
605 01:48:21,150 --> 01:48:30,810 time. A lot of you are still in forex. And I'm focused primarily in index futures right now. But you're all able to see things and I didn't take you to
606 01:48:30,810 --> 01:48:41,580 the chart. That's really good. I should feel real empowerment. But sometimes that doesn't feel enough. You feel like you gotta be coddled, you gotta have a
607 01:48:41,580 --> 01:48:51,360 little bit of a moment of, you're doing the right thing. You need to be validated. Stop looking to me to validate you, if you know what you looked for.
608 01:48:51,960 --> 01:49:03,180 And it panned out in your chart, you do not need me to tell you You did well, if it was a positive expectation at the end of it, realized. You need me to tell
609 01:49:03,180 --> 01:49:14,250 you the right way. I understand it feels like it's too good to be true. I understand that. But stop looking for outward validation. Everything you need is
610 01:49:14,250 --> 01:49:24,150 going to be found by yourself and grow comfortable with that solitude all by yourself doing it. Because that's what the real world trading is like, soon as
611 01:49:24,150 --> 01:49:35,790 you start putting time into allowing other people into your business. It's never a good thing. Because nobody's volunteering, labor for your trades, okay, and
612 01:49:35,790 --> 01:49:41,340 they're not going to critique you the way that you think you should be critiqued, probably gonna give you some bullshit because they probably said
613 01:49:41,340 --> 01:49:52,080 there. They've been longer than you. They made more money, they have more leverage, their stop loss was smaller. This isn't the type of business where we
614 01:49:52,080 --> 01:50:00,960 sit down like in the cigar room and talk about how you know our businesses are doing really well. And we all can do about it. This is an industry where
615 01:50:00,990 --> 01:50:10,680 everybody's pulling out their thing and measuring it all up. Okay? That's what it's all about. So don't invite it. Because no matter what you say, or even
616 01:50:10,680 --> 01:50:19,560 show, somebody else is gonna go out there and say some bullshit and say they can do it better. And chances are 99% 99, and we approve it, there is an error to
617 01:50:19,650 --> 01:50:27,900 get a rise out of you. And that little bit of time that you've wasted, giving that attention, that could have been used to encourage yourself by going through
618 01:50:27,900 --> 01:50:33,900 your journal, looking at times when you did it, right, because you might be going through a period of time, where you're doubting that you are going to be
619 01:50:33,900 --> 01:50:42,540 able to do this. And that's why journaling is important. You have to know what it was like when you were doing the right things, and what it felt like. That's
620 01:50:42,540 --> 01:50:49,740 what you record in your journal, only the positive things and when it's negative, you say, Okay, this doesn't work did didn't work here, I did this
621 01:50:49,740 --> 01:51:00,840 wrong. And I'm learning from it. See what I just did there. I acknowledged the fact that the responsibility was mine, I did something wrong, and I'm using it
622 01:51:00,840 --> 01:51:13,110 to learn how to improve and not hopefully repeat that same effect, in my future straight. It completely removes the negativity. It doesn't give me a report
623 01:51:13,110 --> 01:51:23,970 card, where I go home with a D, and I don't want to show my mother, okay, that type of regret or anxiety, you're gonna have losing trades, I have losing
624 01:51:23,970 --> 01:51:31,200 trades, you're gonna think it's gonna go up and it goes down. And you either get in line with that, or you don't, but you have to have all those things factored
625 01:51:31,200 --> 01:51:42,480 in into your ends. How does this meet your ends? Because if you start doing shit outside of the goals and models and routine that you're working towards each day
626 01:51:42,480 --> 01:51:53,220 and leak, the things that you structured, what is it you're trying to do? How do you get that $250 a week? How many handles how many pips do you have to do that
627 01:51:53,250 --> 01:52:03,840 across the week, how many trades you're gonna try to aim for, you can do it 125 Pip trade, or you can do it in two trades, 110, Pip 115, Pip. Or you can do it
628 01:52:03,840 --> 01:52:09,900 in five, five, Pip. It's how you feel comfortable doing it.
629 01:52:11,010 --> 01:52:19,590 And you grow from that, and you let time and experience build on it. And the whole time you're doing that, you're learning to know what it feels like to have
630 01:52:19,620 --> 01:52:30,030 more equity in the account. And that increased risk by money, not percentage, the amount of equity at risk, is always going to be associated to the risk
631 01:52:30,030 --> 01:52:39,210 parameter, you're placed on it, no more than 2%. I'm thinking 1% is ideal for all of you, preferably less than, because you knew that you can do a lot. If you
632 01:52:39,210 --> 01:52:51,390 just make 1% a day. Something you think you got to do more than that are not impressed by this. This isn't enough. That's a trick. That's a pitfall. That's a
633 01:52:51,390 --> 01:53:08,730 snare. Because 1% is phenomenal. That's a lot. He started doing it over years. Man, you're in a league that is rarely ever seen in any financial circles. Like
634 01:53:08,730 --> 01:53:24,000 you're you're on the path to becoming really, really a fluent. And you won't be swayed by the knocks, the losses, because you've done this growing from modest
635 01:53:24,000 --> 01:53:34,290 beginnings. And you know what it feels like to have winning and losing, winning and losing. It takes it away from you, and you'll lose, right? But it's not
636 01:53:34,290 --> 01:53:44,310 debilitating your account. It's not removing the potential for you to have more business done with that account. Because if you wrote that, not only to have
637 01:53:44,310 --> 01:53:52,110 regret, and you're gonna feel bad that you didn't stick to your your game plan. What's your game plan? Well, I'm What are you aiming for? You have to have
638 01:53:52,110 --> 01:54:00,840 goals. You see all these nincompoops out there that are literally out there telling people, you shouldn't have trading goals. The fuck out of here, dude,
639 01:54:00,870 --> 01:54:07,140 there's the same people. I'm a prop trader, renting a flat and gotten the fucking money. I'm begging people to buy my course. That's who that's who's
640 01:54:07,140 --> 01:54:16,290 talking to you that person, they're going to tell you that you shouldn't have goals. And you have to have both. When you run a business, any business, they
641 01:54:16,290 --> 01:54:24,570 all have goals, they will have sales numbers are trying to reach for they may not hit them, but they're gonna learn while they're doing it. Okay, this
642 01:54:24,570 --> 01:54:31,110 campaign didn't work. This strategy didn't work. So we aren't going to waste any more time and money on that. We're going to cancel that out. And we're going to
643 01:54:31,110 --> 01:54:39,390 pour money into the things that were working. What was that? When we were striving to hit 25 pips a week 25 handles a week that was easy to ship to get.
644 01:54:39,420 --> 01:54:47,130 We had customers coming through the door every fucking day, between 830 and 11 o'clock something was lining up. And if you have yourself a little pool of
645 01:54:47,430 --> 01:55:05,130 markets, both index markets, maybe a commodity like I don't want to say gold but let's say a metal, okay, or a currency pair yours, or Forex stock, okay, those
646 01:55:05,520 --> 01:55:18,240 create the setups and go in New Zealand, which ones is forming in, go after it when it does. You're running a business, when someone comes to the door, your
647 01:55:18,240 --> 01:55:26,910 storefront between 830 and nine o'clock you got to close that sale. That means you got to be attentive, be ready to engage them. When that fair value gap is
648 01:55:26,910 --> 01:55:35,100 there and price goes up into it. That's the register being stood by by the customer, they got their money in your hand you have to take it from? Are you
649 01:55:35,100 --> 01:55:44,940 going to stare at them in London just walk away? Are you going to run your business? Or are they going to leave your storefront and go into somebody else's
650 01:55:44,940 --> 01:55:55,920 trading account. Because I'll tell you something, my sheets open for business, I'm waiting. And when they come in there to get something they're going out with
651 01:55:55,920 --> 01:56:03,240 more than they thought they're gonna buy. Because I'm gonna milk the shit out of them. I'm gonna pyramid I can, I'm gonna take whenever I can. I'm gonna do that
652 01:56:03,270 --> 01:56:16,170 every single time. Because that's what became therefore they might not like it afterwards, they spent too much money. But guess what, it's in my hands now. And
653 01:56:16,170 --> 01:56:26,580 I say you have to do business. Trading is just like that. It's not meant for everybody. But you have to run your own business. You have to mind your own
654 01:56:26,580 --> 01:56:33,960 business. And you have to do things to make ends meet. And your ends are not the same as mine. They're not the same as 20 other people in the community. But our
655 01:56:33,960 --> 01:56:43,740 community is growing. It's thriving. You can see how we encourage one another. That's how I want it. We don't put up any bullshit. Someone comes here talking
656 01:56:43,740 --> 01:56:52,050 shit show us. Because you ain't showing us get the fuck out of here, man, nobody's buying that bullshit no more. Nobody's got time for it. Because you
657 01:56:52,050 --> 01:56:54,420 taste it and seeing now what the real shit is.
658 01:56:55,740 --> 01:57:04,560 You think you've seen it, you've tasted, you've watched it? Real accounts, multiple people doing it all showing proof that they can do it, recording it on
659 01:57:04,560 --> 01:57:12,120 YouTube, my students are doing that. Whereas everybody else said, where's all these other mentors? I'll make a million dollars a year, I can do this on the
660 01:57:12,120 --> 01:57:17,250 greatest mentor. And there were about one four fucking competitions and nobody in that knew I was in a competition with but guess what? I got no fucking
661 01:57:17,250 --> 01:57:30,930 students proven I can make any money. Where the fuck are they at? How many 120 days you need. Hello. But here's my boys, my gals, right there on YouTube,
662 01:57:31,020 --> 01:57:49,440 recording their entries management, boom. Over and over, and over and over. And the Army just keeps growing and grown and grown. And I fucking love it. Because
663 01:57:49,440 --> 01:58:02,820 there's none of you. None of you have the excuse to sit on the fence and say, Yeah, but how do I know it works? If you got that question, yeah, you got to
664 01:58:02,850 --> 01:58:16,680 move along. Because there's so much evidence now. Stevie Wonder can see it. But anyway, hopefully you guys got the right mindset. Now. You don't have to do a
665 01:58:16,680 --> 01:58:26,640 lot, you have to do something. Whatever that is, you have to be consistent with it. And let it be very, very low threshold, very easy. And that's what I wanted
666 01:58:26,640 --> 01:58:34,650 you to have going into this. And maybe I could have done it in five minute discussion. But I don't like doing that. I like dragging across the coals and
667 01:58:34,650 --> 01:58:40,980 make you think about things that you wouldn't otherwise think about that are really useful things that you're going to endure, you're going to have these
668 01:58:40,980 --> 01:58:49,260 feelings, you're going to encounter them. You're gonna have these adversities, these second guesses or regretful things that you didn't listen to me. I'm
669 01:58:49,260 --> 01:58:56,880 taking into those moments that when you think about it right now, it's safe to feel it. And think about it where it doesn't harm you. But to start least let it
670 01:58:56,880 --> 01:59:09,300 resonate with you that hey, if this does happen, I'm gonna real really feel bad because I was wondering in advance, and I have a way to avoid it. And if I mess
671 01:59:09,300 --> 01:59:20,610 it up, whose fault it is to ICTs Fuck no, it's not my fault. It's not the system. It's not the model. It's Yours. It's Yours. Because guess what? When I
672 01:59:20,610 --> 01:59:31,230 lost fucking money, it ain't my wife's fault. It's not my dog's fault. It's not anybody else's fault. It's mine. I pushed the button. I didn't get out when I
673 01:59:31,230 --> 01:59:41,010 should have or I was wrong when I put the trade on. And you have to eat that. You have to own it. That's your responsibility as a business owner. You did it
674 01:59:41,070 --> 01:59:54,630 wrong. Eat it. Learn from it, improve upon it. And I can go on on so many different tangents right now. But anyway, I'm looking at the time we here at the
675 01:59:54,630 --> 02:00:06,120 two hour mark and congratulations if you've endured this long man you got some endurance this stamina. I see T strong baby. But I'm gonna close this one. I've
676 02:00:06,120 --> 02:00:13,830 rambled on enough. It's Saturday I got things I want to get into my life I'm sure it's probably want me to come up out of this cave and do something other so
677 02:00:14,250 --> 02:00:32,130 we'll do that what my whistle here procrastinating when I goodbyes I've had a lot of feedback given to me about what expectations are with this series. And
678 02:00:32,130 --> 02:00:40,830 some of them are really, really good suggestions was one of the reasons why also I wanted to delay. Instead of doing it last night with the first episode, you
679 02:00:40,830 --> 02:00:52,470 wouldn't have gotten a two hour presentation, obviously. But some of the suggestions that were sent to me through TradingView, and things that come to me
680 02:00:52,470 --> 02:01:04,980 by way of email. Were very good. And they changed my first episode. Outline, they were that good. So I want to kind of like utilize some of the things that
681 02:01:04,980 --> 02:01:13,020 they asked me to incorporate in some of the issues that they were enduring, because they can make money. But now, this is the things that they're
682 02:01:13,020 --> 02:01:22,830 encountering, which I thought to myself are wonderful teaching bowls, and elements to learning. Because it's real people dealing with real money. And I
683 02:01:22,830 --> 02:01:28,890 think that's something that is noteworthy. If you're going to be listening to anybody, you should be listening to someone that's obviously dealing with real
684 02:01:28,890 --> 02:01:35,490 money and real hardships and or positive things that's coming from them doing it.
685 02:01:35,790 --> 02:01:43,860 That's a real addition to you learning. And there's no better way, if you're getting the feedback from someone that's actually doing it not just me, because
686 02:01:43,860 --> 02:01:49,860 I can say I can do this, and I can go out there and trade a Live account, I can do this and do that call the market do all that stuff. It's not the same as you
687 02:01:49,860 --> 02:01:58,140 watching other people that have learned just like you, they didn't get any kind of special treatment, they just did things I'm telling you to do. Those things
688 02:01:58,140 --> 02:02:07,410 helped them the same way they can help you, but you're gonna have a different arrival time, you know, it's going to happen on time, trust me, it happens all
689 02:02:07,410 --> 02:02:15,930 the time for everybody when they stick with it. But you don't have any excuse now to think that it doesn't work. Okay, that's the main takeaway, too. If
690 02:02:15,930 --> 02:02:24,840 that's the case, then you have every reason dig into it, and submit to that time, however long it takes, and keep working towards it, because it's worth it.
691 02:02:25,560 --> 02:02:33,960 It's absolutely worth it. And if you get like I'm trying to press on my son, he's gonna have to come up with $1,000 a month, he has to consistently do that.
692 02:02:34,860 --> 02:02:45,750 And if the truck no doesn't get paid, that means Daddy's got to pay for it. That means he's in my pocket. Okay, well, I'm in his pocket rather for $1,000. So he
693 02:02:45,750 --> 02:02:54,390 owes me. So he doesn't want that. I don't want him to have that either. But now gives him a framework that he has to now start building from. And then when he
694 02:02:54,390 --> 02:03:06,720 gets his new home up here, he'll have that in addition to. So he's learning how to make ends meet, while he's getting his credit established. And I'm being more
695 02:03:06,720 --> 02:03:13,140 proud of the dad as we go along through that process. But all these steps, you're gonna have to do that, whether you're an adult that's got children, or if
696 02:03:13,140 --> 02:03:19,950 you're a young guy or gal, and you're going through the process of becoming a independent adult living on your own, too. These are all things you have to
697 02:03:19,950 --> 02:03:27,060 learn how to do. And unfortunately, they don't teach us that stuff in school. They teach us a bunch of bullshit that has nothing to do with anything. And
698 02:03:28,350 --> 02:03:35,940 that's why we don't put our kids in public school, we homeschool because they wouldn't never learn anything that useful. You don't even teach you how to
699 02:03:35,970 --> 02:03:47,520 manage your checkbook in school anymore. It's crazy. But anyway, I will touch base with you obviously once a week with this series, but I will continuously do
700 02:03:47,520 --> 02:03:55,680 the other things I do like their reviews and such. But once a week, I'm aiming for Fridays. So we'll have I think the first one, the first video, it'll
701 02:03:55,680 --> 02:04:03,960 probably be about an hour long. But then after that, I'll aim for like 15 minutes. So each episode will be 15 minutes, I can compress everything I want to
702 02:04:03,960 --> 02:04:12,150 do after the first one because the first one is going to have slides and things that are pertinent to the first episode. And once you have them, I'll refer back
703 02:04:12,150 --> 02:04:22,650 to them in all the subsequent episodes. But we are long drawn out for the episode type thing, probably four or five at most episodes. And I think we'll
704 02:04:22,650 --> 02:04:28,200 have everything accomplished with that. And until I'll talk to you next time, enjoy your weekend and be safe