
Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2022-12-29 08:26


00:12 - The importance of having a sense of urgency in business.

02:19 - What led you to get into the trade?

04:40 - Full Service Brokers.

07:01 - How did I do all the trading? How did I put the orders in?

09:02 - What was your pivot number? -.

11:40 - How to time in between your stops.

14:25 - What it felt like waiting at the Hs.

16:00 - Can you imagine this? This is how I started.

18:52 - How to avoid being a negative impact on you and your life.

21:32 - Do what you need to do how you can when you can.



00:00:12,480 --> 00:00:32,730 ICT: Alright, so on the road again, there's probably gonna be a real short one, I got to return a rental car. The sort of space ended yesterday, obviously, set
00:00:32,730 --> 00:00:43,020 off alarm bells for a lot of you. And it was intended to do that. Because sometimes people get very lackadaisical, very complacent, thinking they have a
00:00:43,020 --> 00:00:54,570 million million days and months ahead, and they can just put things off and I'll get around to it when I got time. Or today's Father's Day, by the way, for
00:00:54,570 --> 00:01:12,060 everyone, that's a father in the sense that with my kids later on, but yesterday's message was kind of like what that's on kids. They gotta get ready,
00:01:12,120 --> 00:01:28,560 they gotta get things in motion. Sometimes the way it's given to you, if it's not spiced up with a sense of urgency, it can be ignored. And a lot of you took
00:01:28,740 --> 00:01:32,370 what I say today and looked into what I was suggesting is going on
00:01:38,129 --> 00:01:55,499 so I'm not going to feel this what I said yesterday after I did this space, and force the session I could have included how I was actually trading I first
00:01:55,499 --> 00:02:14,909 started using it and that was our first basic route use the daily chart the direction we look for a 60 minute chart to diverge The question is going to be
00:02:14,939 --> 00:02:29,579 obviously how did I actually execute what was I doing? What was the things that led me to get into the trade? I mentioned in a previous discussion that I'll
10 00:02:29,579 --> 00:02:51,269 send the videos on YouTube it's called a contract machine totally with the actual prices, real time exchange strikes so I want you to think about them and
11 00:02:51,269 --> 00:03:04,859 tell you okay how before you started trading, what got you into it? Are you interested in that you're interested in your expectations for persons with the
12 00:03:04,859 --> 00:03:21,359 arts and when I first started obviously I was right after even Kim Roberts figures out it's about one passing through could be very, very elementary
13 00:03:21,959 --> 00:03:34,199 doesn't teach anything in sight screening sites. Also, there's a realistic expectation that it's going to be easy to make millions of dollars when I found
14 00:03:34,199 --> 00:03:49,349 out very quickly and that's not true. And so obviously, when I got into indicator based ideas,
15 00:03:50,340 --> 00:04:08,280 because I imagined this is what my day looks like. I live with my hands I was welcome to have a meal with them once a week. I think they would kept me from
16 00:04:08,310 --> 00:04:21,630 eating much of his mom responsibility, any cleaning supplies, responsibility. Whatever. Honestly, myself.
17 00:04:25,650 --> 00:04:37,890 And like I said that what the discount broker because first foray in trading was with Fox investments. And as I mentioned before, I was paying $100 round turn
18 00:04:39,060 --> 00:04:50,160 for one contract. And that's just the way they policed us back in those days and they called it full service brokerage. When really, you know, they really didn't
19 00:04:50,160 --> 00:05:10,080 help any, any other brokers. So my day would consist of getting up in the morning ran for 15 minutes to shower dress and rush out the door and then do an
20 00:05:10,080 --> 00:05:22,740 hour drive in about 40 minutes so every day I was speeding every single day I was way over the speed limit I would usually stay up until around 130 In the
21 00:05:22,740 --> 00:05:42,630 morning looking at charts so I would get out to Ellen sales here's the key warehouse back load up my truck last minute things that I didn't have a
22 00:05:42,630 --> 00:06:04,110 warehouse like any specific juicers, any coffee plants all the stuff that could be a delivery item for that particular route six o'clock on route to downtown
23 00:06:04,110 --> 00:06:22,560 Baltimore like Bernie just about Saturday and in some some stops on some days back the very next day
24 00:06:29,730 --> 00:06:43,320 How can I find time actually ends up trading I like it this indicates to me.
25 00:07:01,920 --> 00:07:07,650 far so good. And it's not gonna take too much time to repeat myself. But just hanging out with the government
26 00:07:15,180 --> 00:07:27,720 just talked a couple minutes. Didn't even say the F word. Except for Father's Day. That's two words. A second, just want to make sure we get through the
27 00:07:27,720 --> 00:07:28,320 tunnel without this.
28 00:07:33,449 --> 00:07:38,819 While you're waiting for me, if you can hear me, let me know what you're doing today for Father's Day.
29 00:07:49,380 --> 00:08:04,800 It's like the survivors. I don't want to say too soon because it's alright, so the question is have How did I do all the trading? How did I put the orders in?
30 00:08:05,280 --> 00:08:14,070 Because back then we didn't have cell phones. Well, let me put it this way. Cell phones were not something that everybody has had and took for granted like we
31 00:08:14,070 --> 00:08:24,930 have today. So during my route, not really think about this, the young guys and gals in the listening, they're really not going to fully appreciate this. But
32 00:08:24,930 --> 00:08:36,450 for folks that are old enough now to look back and remember phone booths and pay phones. Yeah, there's weird devices yet to put money in to make a phone call the
33 00:08:36,450 --> 00:08:45,720 corner, the corner stop drug dealers office. Certain certain phone booths you just weren't going to go into because you knew they were being operated by a
34 00:08:45,780 --> 00:08:46,920 illegal LLC.
35 00:08:48,480 --> 00:08:50,460 So anyway, the
36 00:08:52,710 --> 00:09:04,170 the contract if it got to a specific price level that I liked, and I would do pivot numbers, pivot numbers or common floor numbers. And because I was only
37 00:09:04,170 --> 00:09:13,650 interested in buying, I wanted to see it move above a certain level. And I wanted to see it. Once it did that. I wanted to see it pull back down into that
38 00:09:13,650 --> 00:09:23,070 same level. So it would break it to break for instance, like r1. And some of you that don't know what this is, we're gonna be like, what is r1? That'd be like
39 00:09:23,070 --> 00:09:35,040 r1, this resistance one, r two resistance to an S one. s two, we support two and then you have your pivot number. Now, before you listen to this and start
40 00:09:35,040 --> 00:09:41,010 thinking, wow, he's giving me secrets. So go out there and start using It's garbage. Don't listen to it don't don't any kind of weight behind that. Okay,
41 00:09:41,070 --> 00:09:52,380 I'm not trying to convince you that this stuff is useful. But that was what I was subscribing to at the time. So when I was watching the court track, for
42 00:09:52,380 --> 00:10:03,570 instance, the soybean market went above r1 and came back down into r1. I would expect it to find support there. And then because I was bullish that day, and I
43 00:10:03,570 --> 00:10:17,010 only wanted to be long, I didn't go short on anything. I would use that return back to r1 as my like support level by so here's what I was doing. Now. Think
44 00:10:17,010 --> 00:10:30,030 about this, folks, because this is absolutely insane. This is the epitome of unrealistic expectations. That's what a young ICT are before ICT became the
45 00:10:30,030 --> 00:10:40,230 young, fledgling Huddleston, that was out there, sweating his rear end off doing menial work, racing around town to try to get his route, making next to nothing,
46 00:10:41,010 --> 00:10:49,800 daydreaming the entire time that he's going to escape that rat race with the gambling procedure that I'm about to explain to you. So I'm watching quadtrac
47 00:10:49,890 --> 00:11:03,300 approach I was like, Well, if you look at the Galaxy Note 20. Honestly, this is almost the size of the quote track, which I think is built by memory, it feels a
48 00:11:03,300 --> 00:11:12,480 little bit wider by memory than the own. I'm actually putting my hand right now. So it was basically about that. Dimensions are in size, and I had a duct tape
49 00:11:12,480 --> 00:11:20,340 Yes, ducting to my windshield of my truck. So I would be staring at that. Instead of watching the road. Most of the time, I would go over the lines,
50 00:11:20,640 --> 00:11:31,350 dangerously doing everything wrong, reckless. Okay, I was training and driving with reckless abandon. Yes, I'm proud of it. But it is true. So I'm just looking
51 00:11:31,350 --> 00:11:43,050 at how it was. But when I got that breakout above the r1 and came back to r1, I'm thinking, Okay, I'm gonna have a big range day. I'm buying strength. So what
52 00:11:43,050 --> 00:11:53,790 I would do is, I would basically try to time in between my stops Now mind you, I'm driving, I'm paying attention the cars around me making sure I'm following
53 00:11:53,790 --> 00:12:02,820 the stop signs and red lights as best as I can, because the markets are taking precedence over that. And also, while I'm inside the stops, the markets are
54 00:12:02,820 --> 00:12:11,640 still moving, but I'm thinking to myself the entire time to hey, you know what, I got this figured out, you know, this is going to the market away from me. You
55 00:12:11,640 --> 00:12:22,470 know, he owes me something, you know, the universe owes Michael Huddleston, a failure. So it's, it's reasonable for me at that time. 20 some years old.
56 00:12:23,640 --> 00:12:31,080 expecting that while I'm in there, loading candy machines and coffee machines and snack machines and fixing the ballot though the bill validators that had the
57 00:12:31,080 --> 00:12:39,090 dollar bill jammed up this unit took the initiative to put something in there with scotch tape on it and the bill accepted with jam up and up, I can use it
58 00:12:39,090 --> 00:12:46,980 behind that $1. So I would do all those things, servicing the machine. The markets are still moving, folks. There's no pause, then to come out to the truck
59 00:12:46,980 --> 00:12:54,270 for human race to get back into the cab look and see where I'm at. I'm like, Okay, what's the high today? Okay, all right now. Now I gotta find a phone.
60 00:12:55,260 --> 00:13:12,750 Because now it's done what I expected as the idea or the setup. Now, the race against I got to get to a payphone. In this Isuzu truck. Think it was like a 14
61 00:13:12,750 --> 00:13:27,840 foot truck. And I'm racing around to get to the nearest payphone. So I'm racing, I finally get a payphone. And then sometimes somebody is on that patient. So I'm
62 00:13:27,840 --> 00:13:38,100 flipping out. The next time, I'm like, listen, is there any way that I could, like hurt you? And of course, you know what that response is going to be? Fu
63 00:13:38,100 --> 00:13:50,130 buddy, get out of here. Good find. I can't find them. The markets are moving. I gotta get on it. Like I gotta go. I gotta wait. So I'm rushing back to the cab
64 00:13:50,130 --> 00:13:54,450 of the truck. I'm looking at the code track. I'm missing the move to now tell myself Okay,
65 00:13:55,049 --> 00:14:02,249 I wanted to buy I wanted to buy one. So now I'm gonna buy three. Because I missed part of the moves. I gotta make that up. Right? I mean, it's only common
66 00:14:02,249 --> 00:14:11,759 sense if that's what you're gonna have to do. I mean, everybody understands that right? So sometimes I would get pissed off and I'm not going to wait for this
67 00:14:11,759 --> 00:14:20,399 person and I would rush down the road and look for New Haven. Now over time I got good at knowing where things were. But sometimes I didn't get to them in
68 00:14:20,399 --> 00:14:34,109 time. But when I did get to him, this is what happened. I dropped 25 cents into it. Call the phone number. When we come out here, each desk please. One second
69 00:14:34,109 --> 00:14:48,299 please. And I'm gonna give you the real time what it felt like waiting HS and you give them your account number and your PIN number. It's okay. What's your
70 00:14:48,299 --> 00:14:58,469 order? I would like to buy three. Christmas week at the market. You want to hope your confirmation yes
71 00:15:09,840 --> 00:15:20,220 Okay, you bought three Christmas wheat at whatever the price they give you. Any confirmation number? You want to put a stop on? No, thank you. Bye. rushed back
72 00:15:20,220 --> 00:15:32,730 down to the truck. Get my truck. Start driving. Forget where my next stop was because I'm watching price retrace against me at $180 per Penny, because each
73 00:15:32,730 --> 00:15:47,160 penny is 50 bucks. So now I'm watching it go back down to r1 or something. But no stop loss now goes to a level that I'm not comfortable with. I'm gonna
74 00:15:47,160 --> 00:15:57,390 comfortable with where it's trading now. So where am I back to finding a payphone? I gotta find a payphone not my next stop. I'm not worried about that.
75 00:15:57,660 --> 00:16:08,040 I got to get to a payphone. Can you imagine think about this. I know some of you can't really grasp this. But this is madness. This is how I started. This is how
76 00:16:08,040 --> 00:16:17,700 I did this stuff. And I believed that I was going to be successful. With that insurmountable odds that I want that feat that I was laying before me every
77 00:16:17,700 --> 00:16:27,270 single day, Monday through Friday. I was thinking, Man, I can't put out this. So I stopped trading on Thursdays and Fridays. I couldn't handle stress was too
78 00:16:27,270 --> 00:16:35,430 much. I had to wind down so I can enjoy the at least some restful part of the weekend. So I had to do now what had to squeeze whatever trades I was gonna do
79 00:16:35,430 --> 00:16:47,370 into Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Why? Because I couldn't whether the emotional psychological effects of what I was trying to do. So not only was the
80 00:16:47,370 --> 00:17:04,440 young ICT was he confident in himself, I don't think it was so much confident. I was just wildly gambling, wildly gambling. And I was just hoping hit the lottery
81 00:17:04,770 --> 00:17:13,770 on every single trade. And not only was I trying to beat the market had the right direction, picked my best price, while the price is moving around all over
82 00:17:13,770 --> 00:17:28,950 the place. And I did not only time my entry. But I had the time, the location of where I was in Maryland, in proximity to a payphone. Now, I would love to sit
83 00:17:28,950 --> 00:17:41,940 here and tell you that this worked out. It didn't I did not do that. I literally went through three accounts trying to do that same stuff, blowing it, blowing it
84 00:17:42,090 --> 00:17:50,760 and blowing and convincing myself each time, I'll just be better. And I literally went around in my personal vehicle on my route, in my personal car,
85 00:17:50,910 --> 00:18:01,980 driving around making special note of where every single payphone would be. Now think about that. That's how obsessive compulsive kicks in when you have it like
86 00:18:01,980 --> 00:18:16,110 AI. And it'll convince you sometimes that what you're doing is the only way it's gonna work when sometimes it's impossible. And this was impossible. So why am I
87 00:18:16,110 --> 00:18:26,700 telling you this stuff, I'm telling you that I started with the most unrealistic expectation and realist unrealistic approach that anybody could ever have
88 00:18:26,700 --> 00:18:38,100 imagined. I did that stuff. And I blew accounts and rushed and tried to make things happen faster, because I was uncomfortable. So contrast that with what I
89 00:18:38,100 --> 00:18:46,920 was telling you in the last Twitter space, where some of you feel like, I'm not going about doing this now. You took this theme right out of my engine, the wind
90 00:18:46,920 --> 00:19:01,380 out of my sails, get up and go and got up and went without me. That's not what that was intended for folks. I might be wrong. And how awful would it be? If I
91 00:19:01,380 --> 00:19:11,490 am? And you just said, I'm not going to do it. I want you to feel inspired, like put all of the other things you're doing and wasting your time. Focus on
92 00:19:11,490 --> 00:19:25,530 improving yourself with this. You have time? How much time I'm not certain. When I said within less than two years, we'll say it that way. We'll see major
93 00:19:25,530 --> 00:19:34,380 changes that did not say you're not going to be able to train in that timeframe. Eventually, there might be something that will temporarily make it unavailable
94 00:19:34,380 --> 00:19:43,950 for us to trade. We'll be resumed trading. Yes, I believe so. But Will there be a period of time where you can't? Well, if you were alive or aware of what was
95 00:19:43,950 --> 00:19:53,400 going on when September 11 occurred, nobody was allowed to trade for a while. They kept the markets closed. So it might be something like that. Or it might be
96 00:19:53,400 --> 00:20:01,290 a little bit longer. I don't know. All I'm saying is this prepare to prepare and having in mind that that might be something that takes place If it does, you're
97 00:20:01,290 --> 00:20:03,960 not surprised that it's not going to wake you out.
98 00:20:05,610 --> 00:20:12,750 And also, you've made preparations at home, and you've got some extra food and over the counter medicines and things that would allow you to be a little more
99 00:20:12,750 --> 00:20:23,460 comfortable and not be without, and that would cause more stress. That's all I was suggesting to you folks, some of you take things to the extreme. And yes, I
100 00:20:23,460 --> 00:20:35,820 was a little fired up, because it angers me that this is going on, it angers me. And even pisses me off even more that people want to deny it, like it ain't
101 00:20:35,820 --> 00:20:42,690 going on. Because they don't want to see it. They want to ignore it like, they're like, it's somehow gonna just stop, because they don't want to subscribe
102 00:20:42,690 --> 00:20:54,630 to being real. Your emotions aren't going to change the fact that this is going on, and nobody's going to stop it. So worrying about it isn't going to add
103 00:20:54,630 --> 00:21:05,640 anything to you. So how do you avoid being a negative impact on you and your life? Just do the best you can? That's all you can do. Nobody Do I have a lot of
104 00:21:05,640 --> 00:21:14,100 stuff saved up. But I don't feel like I got enough. So it's something that you just continuously work towards. That's all that's all you're doing. And that
105 00:21:14,100 --> 00:21:24,210 way, if you're doing something in the right direction, positively trying to secure a skill set. And hopefully, in in a short period of time of doing the
106 00:21:24,210 --> 00:21:35,760 right things, you can start working towards making additional income, we'll only be able to do that no. But some of you will. And it would be a terrible thing to
107 00:21:35,760 --> 00:21:51,510 not at least try. If you don't try. That's failure. That's failure. If you don't at least try. You basically laid down and said, You know what, I'm going to take
108 00:21:51,510 --> 00:22:03,090 whatever happens to me. And basically what you're saying is you deserve that to happen to you. When I don't think that. And you shouldn't think that either. So
109 00:22:05,160 --> 00:22:14,190 I want to kind of add that to what I wish I would have included in the last discussion because I was thinking how it I would have been much better in terms
110 00:22:14,190 --> 00:22:21,810 of how I could have ended it last. Because most of you feel depressed. And that's not what I did it for. I wanted to feel fired up, like you know what,
111 00:22:22,290 --> 00:22:29,760 that's all right, game on, I'm ready. whatever's coming, I'm gonna get myself ready for it. That's my mentality. And I might not be fully ready for it. I
112 00:22:29,760 --> 00:22:39,030 don't fear it. But I know I'm gonna be feeling those things when everything happens because I have children. I'm not fearful for myself, I'm fearful for my
113 00:22:39,060 --> 00:22:47,610 children. Because if something happens to me, you know, the dad, I mean, because it's Father's Day, everybody that's a father and gets what I'm about to say, you
114 00:22:47,610 --> 00:23:03,210 know, I will lay down everything for my kids, I'm not. I'm not glued to this world, for anything except for them. And if they could be 100%, where I would
115 00:23:03,270 --> 00:23:14,970 appreciate their ability to do what it is that I do, or at least a partial percentage of what I can do. I could lay down and not worry about anything
116 00:23:14,970 --> 00:23:27,840 anymore. So that kind of like motivates me. It motivates me to do that same thing with all of you, folks, that I probably will never meet. But I think about
117 00:23:28,110 --> 00:23:40,500 every day, all of you wondering what you're doing right now. Working towards improving yourself, shoring up your ability to make ends meet. That's the kind
118 00:23:40,500 --> 00:23:49,200 of Guru I want to be remembered for. I don't want to be the guy that promised you the Lamborghini, I never did that. I'm the guy that's trying to talk to you
119 00:23:49,230 --> 00:23:58,710 with common sense. And sometimes I'm gonna say things that's gonna probably unsettle you. Sometimes it's going to make you feel a little fearful. Folks,
120 00:23:59,070 --> 00:24:08,130 look around. This is a really real world. It isn't going to always touch you with a soft glove and feather. Although that might be fun on a Saturday night.
121 00:24:09,000 --> 00:24:23,640 Bottom line is this. Do what you need to do, how you can and when you can. And that's all you can do your skill set. Focus on that. Because I promise you, as I
122 00:24:23,640 --> 00:24:32,460 mentioned many times before, if you learn how to do this, well, it is easy for money to fall into your hands. And that can happen overnight, through funded
123 00:24:32,460 --> 00:24:46,590 accounts, partnerships with someone because guess what folks that's legal to you can literally go into partnerships. And they fund the account and you are the
124 00:24:46,590 --> 00:24:56,460 person that would be operating the trades and executing and you split 5050 There's plenty of people that want to do things like that. Or if you have money
125 00:24:56,460 --> 00:25:03,360 saved up and you get your skill set to where it would be to be considered Then, then you go in with your own money.
126 00:25:05,369 --> 00:25:15,179 There isn't one way, okay, I give you multiple ways to do this. You just have to figure out which one you're going to do. After you learn how to do it. That's
127 00:25:15,179 --> 00:25:25,199 the number one priority right now. preparing yourself so that we can. And once that occurs, greed will always is will always exist, it's going to be there.
128 00:25:25,469 --> 00:25:32,099 People were going to be looking for ways to make more money real soon. And guess what you're going to be? You're going to be that person that can do that for
129 00:25:32,099 --> 00:25:44,819 them. How empowering will that be? So you listen to us, you know, my life and get depressed. Like somehow it's the end of the world, and no hope everything's
130 00:25:44,819 --> 00:26:00,239 all it's all downhill from here. But you can literally change the whole dynamic of your entire life. Just by simply learning this skill set. Once you have it,
131 00:26:01,829 --> 00:26:12,119 it's, it's a skill set that will serve you. And when things get crazy, people are going to be losing their jobs. And they're gonna be scrambling to make
132 00:26:12,119 --> 00:26:22,739 money. And there's a lot of people with a lot of money that will not have faith in who they were working with before. All you got to do is be able to prove you
133 00:26:22,739 --> 00:26:33,149 can do it. And money will literally line up for you. So I wanted to give a little bit of inspiration and kind of contrast what I gave you last time wasn't
134 00:26:33,149 --> 00:26:40,106 meant for you to be defeated in your feelings and emotions. So hopefully this was little bit better for you. And again, it's every week