
Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2022-12-29 08:24


01:48 - What’s happening in the market today.

08:06 - Big down days, big ranges, and small ranges.

13:51 - The choppy range is going to create a lot of doubt and confusion.

19:33 - Don’t wait for a full stop out.

25:46 - The market can stay in a range bound condition or trade higher and leave it.

30:37 - What is a fair value gap?

36:09 - Don’t try to reach out to me.

43:42 - The byproduct of a day like yesterday -.

49:45 - The mirror analysis of yourself and your character.

55:02 - Why you need to be realistic about managing risk -.

59:55 - I make my kids work menial jobs because I hate them.

01:05:26 - Scott’s run on the 3950 level -.

01:09:05 - Nasdaq looks like it wants to take the S&P 500 down.

01:13:06 - The unicorn is your unicorn.

01:17:51 - Don’t go out and express yourself in a pompous manner.

01:23:05 - What do you want to get paid?


00:00:01,530 --> 00:00:16,140 ICT: Alright folks, can you hear me? Just give me a response back to that tweet I just posted out appreciate it. You can hear me. Everyone that's asking to
00:00:16,140 --> 00:00:30,090 speak with me. I'm going to ignore your requests respectfully. I don't know what I'm doing on this thing is trial and error. Is the audio clear? And is the
00:00:30,090 --> 00:00:34,890 volume good? Thank you J rod
00:00:42,810 --> 00:00:52,620 Awesome. Awesome. All right, so give me one second longer I appreciate your patience. But it looks like it's gonna be pretty quiet this morning. So far,
00:00:52,620 --> 00:01:00,450 there's no news to speak up and just give me a couple more seconds to get my charts one.
00:01:52,020 --> 00:02:07,050 Alright, so if you watching live or listening live, I should say you take your E Mini s&p chart and open it to the 15 minute timeframe.
00:02:15,090 --> 00:02:32,670 Okay, and overnight, it ran up and took the balance of the position I had on from yesterday's three o'clock, short opportunity. That example was hopefully
00:02:32,670 --> 00:02:43,440 insightful to you. A lot of discussion about what was shown in my tweet yesterday without really going through it a couple of beta males out there to
00:02:43,440 --> 00:02:54,300 chat and not really picking up on the narrative. But this is the invitation I'm going to places in the beginning if all you out there that are like educators
10 00:02:54,300 --> 00:03:04,980 and want to be gurus and traitors and stuff. Why don't you start showing your statements? So I can No, you can trade too, because I think it's been raised up.
11 00:03:05,520 --> 00:03:18,660 Now. The bar has been raised, saying You took a trade and talking about something doesn't work anymore. So I believe because we have no real news this
12 00:03:18,660 --> 00:03:34,860 morning. Think about what we have seen this week so far. For the index futures. The big smashed down day we had on Wednesday, the outside they was down close.
13 00:03:36,360 --> 00:03:48,060 The fact that we didn't take out May 12 low on Spoos Emini, s&p, and NASDAQ failed to take its low out but on the Dow and and a lot of you guys are
14 00:03:48,060 --> 00:03:57,420 questioning all the time. Why don't ever talk about that. I don't trade the Dow. Okay, I don't trade it, but I do incorporate it with my analysis between the
15 00:03:57,420 --> 00:04:09,870 three averages. So anyway, the point is this. We had a big smash down day, one Thursday, outside day with down close Generally, I like outside days with down
16 00:04:09,870 --> 00:04:17,460 closes when the markets bullish. Now let's say this market has been going up. Okay. And I think we have a little bit upside this morning. Let me just preface
17 00:04:17,460 --> 00:04:28,470 it by saying all that. I don't think there's anything to do at the very moment. I want to see what we do at 930. I'll probably hang out with you until around 10
18 00:04:28,470 --> 00:04:40,200 o'clock and then I have to escape. But, you know, I try to talk with you about some things that I think may be useful to you. And also review what we did
19 00:04:40,200 --> 00:04:52,230 yesterday, a little bit more detail. But the idea of a outside day with a down close if it's bullish. I teach that pattern is a setup that's usually bullish
20 00:04:52,230 --> 00:05:00,900 that goes into the next few days after that, because we have been going lower. We've been going lower into May at a seasonal tendency. I'll lined in the
21 00:05:00,900 --> 00:05:13,590 mentorship on YouTube, you've all watched that transpire. So if we look for days to have outside days down close in a market that's bearish by itself, it just
22 00:05:13,590 --> 00:05:25,980 means it's likely to continue lower. But if we are met with what we have, here we are at the end of the week, you know, Thursday, we had a mixed day didn't
23 00:05:25,980 --> 00:05:33,510 really continue going lower to make a new lower low. The three averages have not confirmed one another with the lower low on the daily chart. So if you take a
24 00:05:33,510 --> 00:05:46,140 look at your E Mini s&p June 2022 contract, and you'll notice the relationship between Thursday's low versus may 12 is low. It wasn't able to make that lower
25 00:05:46,140 --> 00:06:00,720 low compared to the 12. On May. Same thing with the NASDAQ. But we did get it lower on the Dow. So by itself, you know, that's I guess if you want to use it
26 00:06:00,720 --> 00:06:13,410 as like a Dow Theory, the averages have not confirmed. And we're at the end of the week, we don't really have any news today. So it could potentially be a very
27 00:06:13,410 --> 00:06:21,990 lackluster digging session, going by face value looking at what we have right now. But obviously all that can change at 930. When the equities market opens
28 00:06:21,990 --> 00:06:32,640 up, and things start getting moving around. So we'll see what we get in regards to that. But I wanted to kind of like, roll back a little bit on the discussion
29 00:06:32,640 --> 00:06:45,270 with yesterday's whole entire day. The whole point was, and for those that have actually been with me for a while you know this to be true. And even the folks
30 00:06:45,270 --> 00:06:57,840 out there to have my mentorship, whether it's been by hook or by crook. You know what I say in that mentorship, I talk about how going big down days, or large
31 00:06:57,840 --> 00:07:07,170 Range Days, big ranges beget small ranges and small ranges to get large ranges. I learned that from Larry Williams, and I think it's a truism, it's going to
32 00:07:07,170 --> 00:07:14,040 never fall out of style, it's real. When there's a lot of excitement, when there's an interest in a market,
33 00:07:15,600 --> 00:07:26,550 that's when everybody else feels comfortable going in. And I don't want anybody to take one or two of those tweets that were given yesterday, which I obviously
34 00:07:26,880 --> 00:07:40,590 assaulted most of you. That's not my intention with the Twitter. But I made it an attempt to walk you through a day. Which, I guess in retrospect, looking at
35 00:07:40,590 --> 00:07:49,410 how I guess this is a lot easier. But I wasn't confident that I was gonna make it work. So I had my son next to me, and I was gonna just basically translate
36 00:07:49,410 --> 00:07:59,340 what I was giving him with you. So if I've given you a lot of tweets, or you're wondering like, man, what did I sign up? I'm not going to continuously do that,
37 00:07:59,370 --> 00:08:12,600 obviously. But the session yesterday was really geared towards, you know how to avoid blowing, you're focusing on the real manipulation and the move that takes
38 00:08:12,600 --> 00:08:20,940 place in the day. And how we moved and gyrated around that initial fair value gap, I gave you the levels and showed you in the video on YouTube last night and
39 00:08:20,940 --> 00:08:34,830 episode 32 of the 2020 mentorship series on my YouTube channel. It just kept going above and below and then gravitating right back to that fair, Vega just
40 00:08:34,980 --> 00:08:45,420 stayed within that range and only went up a little bit just to take the buy stops and very, very shallow declines. And as soon as you determine if you
41 00:08:45,420 --> 00:08:56,790 haven't really got that much experience yet in trading, the the sooner the sooner you can find out that you're in a day like that better. In you then
42 00:08:56,790 --> 00:09:07,110 you're met with? Do I continuously watch the market? Or do I wait to the last hour of trading. And that's kind of like the takeaway from yesterday, you're
43 00:09:07,110 --> 00:09:17,730 gonna learn by failure, that you're not going to see these things coming all the time, but as a precursor just know, ahead of time when we have big down days,
44 00:09:18,000 --> 00:09:29,100 and there's a large range day and we're near the end of a daily range. And we're within the last few trading sessions and now for weeks in a month or so, we've
45 00:09:29,100 --> 00:09:42,030 been bearish. We've been seeing the indices go lower since the beginning of April. So I'm not calling the bottom. I'm not trying to pick the bottom. But if
46 00:09:42,030 --> 00:09:51,690 you're going to be day trading or studying price intraday, you have to be aware of what may transpire after you see these big down days, especially if you see a
47 00:09:51,780 --> 00:10:01,350 outside day with down close near the end of the price run. And what I mean by the end the price run if you refer back to the blow made on May two Well, versus
48 00:10:01,350 --> 00:10:13,590 the April highs on your daily chart, that whole entire price swing. We're near the end of it right now this week. But we didn't get a lower low on Thursday
49 00:10:13,620 --> 00:10:27,330 with NAS or Spoos. We got it with Dow. So while I don't trade the Dow and why don't I trade it, it's, to me, I think it's a little too sloppy, it's erratic.
50 00:10:27,750 --> 00:10:40,830 And I'd prefer to be in s&p, s&p will have the cleaner price moves. NASDAQ, if I'm in a idea that is parabolic, and onwards, I think the markets really going
51 00:10:40,830 --> 00:10:50,520 to run, I think it's going to really take off, I have a big range day, I want to try to trade in the NASDAQ. Because I want that because it tends to exaggerate
52 00:10:50,520 --> 00:10:58,110 everything when it's a big move. Other people may say, Well, I'm not going to trade the NASDAQ because it's going to rip my face off. And I'll slow down and
53 00:10:58,110 --> 00:11:06,630 go into the s&p, I'm not like that. And you've seen me do that. And I've done it with live trades, Live account, it's not afraid of that. You won't be afraid of
54 00:11:06,630 --> 00:11:14,760 it either. But it doesn't mean it's an invitation for you go out there and risk live money and everything I teach you should be viewed in the context of paper
55 00:11:14,760 --> 00:11:25,440 trading and demo. But I've kind of like wanted to go into this year, like I mentioned last year, of trying to prove to everyone that there's no reason for
56 00:11:25,440 --> 00:11:35,220 you not to go in and look at this stuff on your own and see it for yourself. But invariably, when you do these things, like Murphy's Law, whatever can go wrong
57 00:11:35,250 --> 00:11:47,820 will. And as a new student, it's very easily easily found for a new student to be discouraged because of initial adversities. And if you started, like for
58 00:11:47,820 --> 00:12:01,740 instance, if say use signed up for this whole business of ICT mentorship, ICT concepts, Smart Money, concepts, whatever. And you started learning yesterday,
59 00:12:03,180 --> 00:12:13,170 that is going to be a huge hurdle. And it's going to create a lot of doubt and confusion, because intraday range was choppy, it was sideways. And that was more
60 00:12:13,170 --> 00:12:14,490 or less what I was walking you through.
61 00:12:16,080 --> 00:12:22,320 Go back and look at the tweets. And you'll see that you can't just take one tweet out of there and say, Oh, look, he did this, he did that he didn't do
62 00:12:22,320 --> 00:12:31,320 this, he didn't do that. The whole context was stay out of the marketplace, because we went to 5050. So 5050 means we're gonna be in consolidation.
63 00:12:31,320 --> 00:12:39,900 Consolidation means wait till the last hour of trading doesn't mean you're gonna get it right doesn't mean I'm gonna get it right. It just means that as soon as
64 00:12:39,900 --> 00:12:49,980 you realize you're in a choppy range bound market, especially with index futures, this is predominantly linked to just index trading. This is not a Forex
65 00:12:49,980 --> 00:13:03,840 idea. I don't like Forex, you know, afternoon, to be honest with you. Noon local time, New York. But if you noticed how we were just holding that range, and ran
66 00:13:03,840 --> 00:13:15,120 up for the buy side, as I was outlining in a tweet yesterday, the whole context of what I was taking you through. A lot of traders just want me to, or students,
67 00:13:15,120 --> 00:13:24,390 I should say, want me to just get to the point give me a give me a way to buy or sell. Pick my entry. Give me a way to determine where my stop loss should be.
68 00:13:24,390 --> 00:13:33,300 Tell me how to move my stop, when should I move my stop and give me a target. And the fat expecting that to be understood, because I have already done all of
69 00:13:33,300 --> 00:13:46,020 that. Like that's already on YouTube right now. The problem is, there are so many variables to how the market is going to book present. What I mean by
70 00:13:46,020 --> 00:13:55,140 percent, it gives you opportunity, and sometimes it gives you these in impressions that it may be a good day to trade. But then all of a sudden, as
71 00:13:55,140 --> 00:14:05,820 soon as you press the button, it does what it did yesterday, and can be very frustrating. I can tell you as a younger man in my 20s when I first started
72 00:14:05,820 --> 00:14:15,870 trading the s&p we didn't have these big ranges back then in the 90s. They were nowhere near the level of volatility that's available to all of us now. But the
73 00:14:15,870 --> 00:14:25,590 idea of getting in on those days, like yesterday, when I was a young man, I would be in there trying to capture every continuation bull flag bear flag the
74 00:14:25,590 --> 00:14:35,340 whole business, I would go after everything I thought to anticipate the next run. But only on an upside because I was a buyer. I didn't want to short
75 00:14:35,340 --> 00:14:46,800 anything. But I would literally blow my accounts out all the time with those types of days. So you have to know what leads to those events. So that way you
76 00:14:46,800 --> 00:14:56,910 can avoid it or at least know that once you're in it, and you've taken a loss or two. You have to learn how to stop. Like you have to stop and not do any more
77 00:14:56,910 --> 00:15:07,680 trading and When it's easy, and the markets are real primed, and we're not primed to do anything exciting yet, I'm watching the charts as I'm talking to
78 00:15:07,680 --> 00:15:18,690 you. So don't think I'm not paying attention to it. When it's easy to see the market drawing to a particular high or a particular low, and it's one sided,
79 00:15:18,720 --> 00:15:27,750 that's what I teach as a low resistance liquidity run, okay, where you have just a real easy run to an objective. It's so one sided, you can't even argue about
80 00:15:27,750 --> 00:15:37,620 the possibility of an opposite perspective. That is my definition of high probability. I get the question all the time, like what makes a trade high
81 00:15:37,620 --> 00:15:47,220 probability, the fact that you can only really define it, either in a bullish stance or a bearish stance, and using the concepts that I teach, it is
82 00:15:47,220 --> 00:15:58,290 impossible to sell it to yourself as a closing opportunity numbers, if you're bullish. If you think the markets gonna go up, can you go in, in any way, shape,
83 00:15:58,290 --> 00:16:06,720 or form, justify a short, using what I'm teaching you. And if that's true, you can find something that's short, that's not high price, it doesn't mean that it
84 00:16:06,720 --> 00:16:15,600 can't still go up, it just means that it's not high probability. So when I'm mentoring my students, I'm teaching them to look for those types of setups. And
85 00:16:15,600 --> 00:16:24,840 the whole point of yesterday was not a high probability setup. And I told you watch, we're going to build this up, take the buy side out and watch the middle
86 00:16:24,840 --> 00:16:31,290 of the range. And it's going to occur between three o'clock and four o'clock. I don't know why these beta males out there that want to sit here on the sidelines
87 00:16:31,290 --> 00:16:41,250 when I'm safe, and not show you anything that they're doing this year. But they want to talk and chitchat. Go into the whole timeline of yesterday. And the real
88 00:16:41,250 --> 00:16:47,730 riders that were with me the entire day yesterday. Yes, it was grueling. Yes, I beat your Twitter.
89 00:16:49,170 --> 00:17:01,950 But you came away with now a measure of experience that you otherwise not, would have another never had got, without having gone through it. It's easy to get
90 00:17:01,950 --> 00:17:09,570 frustrated, and say, You know what, I'm not anymore, I'm done. Or going in and over trade in not knowing what you're doing, and then walk away with a toxic
91 00:17:09,600 --> 00:17:20,130 view about the experience. Whereas yesterday, all of us that were together, we were walking through the entire daily range on a one minute chart. So that way,
92 00:17:20,130 --> 00:17:28,530 we are reading the intraday volatility, how the market would likely reach for liquidity pool, if it doesn't reach down for it, what's it going to do? change
93 00:17:28,530 --> 00:17:40,080 gears, if it pulls back into a imbalance after it's left it, I taught you how to save your stop, don't wait for a full stop out. Like there was a lot of things
94 00:17:40,080 --> 00:17:51,330 yesterday that if I were 20 years old, again, I would have really had a notebook, out and pen. And literally going through the whole thing again, with
95 00:17:51,330 --> 00:17:58,230 the chart like I would still be doing it today, going back through yesterday's price action, reading everything into what I was outlining on the tweets,
96 00:17:58,500 --> 00:18:13,020 because that would have preserved sounds that I literally with live money blew out in the early 2020s, early 20s, in early 1990s. So when I give you these
97 00:18:14,010 --> 00:18:22,500 lectures, and I talk about the things that are going to be problematic, their conversations that the young guys want, like you don't want that you want to be
98 00:18:23,280 --> 00:18:33,930 in these big moves, that capture a lot of movement, make money, and then parade on social media. That's not what I'm trying to inspire. I'm trying to inspire
99 00:18:33,930 --> 00:18:43,890 folks to have a sober mindset about the real risks involved in this industry, because it's easy to hurt yourself. It's easy to hurt yourself, listening to
100 00:18:43,890 --> 00:18:52,020 anybody, even myself. So I have to pick my words carefully. Because there's a few out there that want to take anything they can take out of context and say,
101 00:18:52,020 --> 00:18:57,780 Look, he didn't do this, right. He said that he didn't. But forgetting the fact that we got about three o'clock yesterday being a short after the biceps get
102 00:18:57,780 --> 00:19:09,480 taken out and go back to the Millah range. They're not going to talk about that. But that was the whole point of yesterday's discussion. So as I mentor as I
103 00:19:09,480 --> 00:19:21,420 teach, as I try to bring things to light with the things that I use and implement in the marketplace, there's this large chasm, okay between hearing me
104 00:19:21,420 --> 00:19:35,520 or watching me display an idea conceptually, versus really understanding what it is that is required to do it yourself. Because the analogy I use all the time,
105 00:19:35,520 --> 00:19:45,750 it's not like you watch the video. It's an instant download. It may feel like that it may look like it's easy. It's not easy. It's not easy when you're
106 00:19:45,750 --> 00:19:54,000 developing and you're learning. It's normal for you to have that overwhelming sense of uncertainty. It's that's a normal thing. I had that I had that for a
107 00:19:54,000 --> 00:20:03,990 long time. Nobody was really cheering me on. I'm telling you that that's a normal part of this process, and try not to get your attention on like the
108 00:20:03,990 --> 00:20:10,920 Instagram guys that want to promote the image only that type of thing I want all of you, at least
109 00:20:12,179 --> 00:20:20,579 in my target audience is I want everyone to appreciate the underlying risks, because it's real easy to a wreck yourself financially, emotionally,
110 00:20:20,579 --> 00:20:33,089 psychologically. And it's painful. And you can develop real mental illness, from allowing yourself to be harmed in these marketplaces. Because it's easy to just
111 00:20:33,419 --> 00:20:42,149 feel like, okay, well, I got time, I'm gonna sit down from the charts. And if you apply that type of mindset yesterday, that was the whole point of walking
112 00:20:42,149 --> 00:20:51,749 you through it yesterday, I knew, if I wouldn't have been talking or tweeting about yesterday, most of you would have been like, I'm done. This is not doing
113 00:20:51,749 --> 00:21:01,619 anything on board. Some people were actually tweeting, say up, there's no set up, I'm just gonna leave. If you are not versed in understanding what you're
114 00:21:01,619 --> 00:21:10,529 doing in the market number one, two, with what I'm teaching you. And you say, I'm not going to look at the market, because the setups, not there, you're
115 00:21:10,529 --> 00:21:20,939 cheating yourself from real experience that's going to protect you in the future. I'm not always going to be here to point to where the markets gonna go.
116 00:21:21,689 --> 00:21:29,099 I'm not going to be chit chatting with my mentorship group. You know, in the future, when I can't do it, they're going to be left to make these decisions and
117 00:21:30,089 --> 00:21:40,199 lean on their own experience. So when I teach, I'm teaching an independent thinkers approach where you're not handheld. With me, I'm not trying to GLAAD
118 00:21:40,199 --> 00:21:48,329 hands on anybody, I'm not holding anybody hostage. My intent is for you to be able to look at the things I'm teaching you go through the experiences and
119 00:21:48,329 --> 00:21:57,779 endure the things that are required for you to get a better understanding of what it is that's required to participate in these markets. But the importance
120 00:21:57,779 --> 00:22:06,389 is, is you have to go through these long periods of boring, boring price action and looking at things that aren't necessarily going to put anything in your
121 00:22:06,389 --> 00:22:18,869 pocket immediately. Or take anything out. That's the main plus. That's an advantage. So when you're just observing, and your tape reading, not even demo
122 00:22:18,869 --> 00:22:27,179 trading, like there's a lot of you that are pushing the button already with live accounts, saying yeah, made this ICT, I did this with your mentorship. That's
123 00:22:27,179 --> 00:22:34,829 cool. You know, I get it, you're excited. But I've already mentioned many times, none of you should be doing that yet. But we have not had enough time. For me
124 00:22:34,829 --> 00:22:44,099 first starting teaching this whole thing. I think what was the first lesson and in February, or something to that effect. It was really early in the year. All
125 00:22:44,099 --> 00:22:55,319 of you should still be in the observation and maybe just starting to work into forward testing before testing is not pressing a demo. Like you got to be
126 00:22:55,319 --> 00:23:06,539 sitting down in front of the market and tape read. make annotations on your chart without pushing a button. Stop thinking about how much money you're making
127 00:23:06,539 --> 00:23:16,649 are losing and stop thinking about all the opportunities that you're missing. Things repeat that some of the better takeaways from sitting down from the
128 00:23:16,649 --> 00:23:26,429 charts and reading price on a day by day basis. Because then you'll be convinced rather quickly that there's a button ample amount of opportunities over the
129 00:23:26,429 --> 00:23:38,219 month stop thinking that you have to trade every single day. If you beat yourself up and not know what you're doing and you over trade and or push like I
130 00:23:38,219 --> 00:23:48,899 would like to see I would like to see that 3855 level swept it would make sense to do that. But the market can stay in a range bound condition or trade higher
131 00:23:49,019 --> 00:23:59,039 and leave that there. It can it can be there for months. Nothing says it has to go down here right away. I prefer it and right now if you're looking at your
132 00:23:59,609 --> 00:24:04,049 receipt on your E Mini s&p Let's go into a five minute chart
133 00:24:09,690 --> 00:24:23,550 Alright, so right now it's 10 minutes to nine near York local time. We have sweating 34 level and we took out the short term highs at 3944. So both near
134 00:24:23,550 --> 00:24:32,550 term buy side liquidity and sell side has been taken out. After three, again we're looking at a five minute chart on E Mini s&p, so on trading view your
135 00:24:32,550 --> 00:24:43,620 symbol would be E S, M 2022 and five minutes interval. So if you look at the high that was formed around five o'clock in the morning or certainly see if
136 00:24:43,620 --> 00:25:03,930 that's every time you have 510 515 that high at 3949 and a half. That was three times the market went up. See it was a high forehand At 3:45am, then at higher
137 00:25:03,930 --> 00:25:20,850 high formed at 440 or so. And then 515, then the market broke a short term low, at five o'clock in the morning, Faraday got formed on the 540 candle, and then
138 00:25:20,850 --> 00:25:34,710 the market traded down. And notice it did not take out the short term at 410. But then ran up above the short term high at 620, again, then broke down, we
139 00:25:34,710 --> 00:25:50,730 create another fair value got on the 810 Candle displacement on the downside, except for this small little low at eight o'clock on the dot, and then we broke
140 00:25:50,730 --> 00:26:02,910 down and took out the short term low at 710. Now, I'm not saying that you can't scalp that that's obviously a scalp. But when I'm looking at the market, I'm not
141 00:26:02,910 --> 00:26:14,790 looking for these little tiny micro moves. Okay, I'm looking for a move that could be framed as a small scalp like that, but I want to be part of a larger
142 00:26:14,790 --> 00:26:24,330 price run. I mentioned earlier in the conversation that I'm teaching my students to look for low resistance liquidity runs, that's either going long, and running
143 00:26:24,360 --> 00:26:36,780 above an old high or going short target of running out an old low. That is kind of like my bread and butter approach to trading. There are things that obviously
144 00:26:36,780 --> 00:26:47,010 helped me frame that logic, that idea, but they are predominately already taught on my YouTube channel. So you can dig into all those other things that support
145 00:26:47,010 --> 00:26:59,580 the idea. But the main thing if you're a student that just came to me by way of someone say, hey, look, check this guy out, whatever. Note that low eight, I'm
146 00:26:59,580 --> 00:27:11,070 sorry, for 10 liquidity resting rate below there, there isn't really any imbalance to the left of us. So the liquidity rustling below 410 on E Mini s&p
147 00:27:11,340 --> 00:27:21,900 five minute chart, that's a drop in liquidity. And then there's no real imbalance after that until we get down to the lows at 250. That is the low at
148 00:27:23,220 --> 00:27:34,350 250. In the morning, go back a little bit. And you'll see that relative equal lows down here sort of cell side resting below that. So that's a draw. Let me
149 00:27:34,350 --> 00:27:52,620 put down my chart. Alright, so I got what I was saying. low resistance liquidity run, the idea of looking for trades that are one sided, where it's easy, you
150 00:27:52,620 --> 00:28:02,910 don't have to put a whole lot of thought into it. But waiting for those types of setups. Those are, in my opinion, what traders should be striving to trade and
151 00:28:03,540 --> 00:28:15,540 hunt. Not looking for just any old pattern. You know, you're all learning my fair value. Not every little gap constitutes a low resistance liquidity run
152 00:28:15,690 --> 00:28:29,490 entry. Many times it could be just filling it in it's because it's a common gap. Fair Value. Fair Value gaps are part of a underlying logic. And it's not just a
153 00:28:29,940 --> 00:28:40,890 small little separation that's highlighted with three candles. Okay? That candle at if you have your five minute chart on E Mini s&p, if you look at the candle
154 00:28:41,100 --> 00:28:45,030 exactly at 810, this morning on May 2020 22.
155 00:28:46,950 --> 00:28:58,470 That is the fair value got that one candle that is down the next candle to the right of it has a high of 30 and 40 and a half the candle prior to the candle at
156 00:28:58,470 --> 00:29:18,360 a 10 has a low of 3941 and a half that gap because it has already ran by stops the biceps resting above that 620. High that right there. That is a fair value
157 00:29:18,360 --> 00:29:29,370 gap because it's implying and the logic behind this and narrative is the market has already dropped and we return back into that imbalance at 810 that candle so
158 00:29:29,370 --> 00:29:46,410 it fills in that candle rebalances goes back up to the low of the candle at 805 then price is allowed to release lower and take out the low at 710 Because
159 00:29:46,410 --> 00:30:01,170 there's liquidity resting below that and then now we just swept the low are doing it we can tell you that we swept the world at 410 So When I'm teaching
160 00:30:01,170 --> 00:30:10,140 people look at the marketplace, it's easy for someone to be critical and say, Okay, look at this, you know, this fair value get didn't work there, oh, this,
161 00:30:10,260 --> 00:30:18,570 this didn't work there, this didn't work there. When, if you're going to look at what I'm teaching or investigate what it is I'm looking for, don't go in with
162 00:30:18,570 --> 00:30:28,770 the mindset saying, let's see how this fails, I want you to go in looking at how I teach you how to find it. Because the critics, they avoid all that, they're
163 00:30:28,770 --> 00:30:36,480 not going to go through the process of doing it the right way, as I outlined, and then you'll see that there they exist, they're there in the move every
164 00:30:36,480 --> 00:30:47,310 single day, every single week, they repeat all the time. If you go in looking for moves to systems, because you think it's a fair value gap, that's going to
165 00:30:47,310 --> 00:30:57,300 frustrate you, because it's not going to give you moves like yesterday, there may be fair value gaps there, okay by what is defined as the pattern. But that
166 00:30:57,300 --> 00:31:08,460 pattern is not associated with the expected delivery of price for that given day. So what I mean by that, as I outlined on day on Thursday, it was a large
167 00:31:08,460 --> 00:31:19,080 range day. And we're near the end of the range on that daily, Ron was lower from April high to May 12. So we're by definition, without the use of an indicator,
168 00:31:19,110 --> 00:31:28,590 we're oversold, we don't need an indicator to plot the fact that we're oversold. So the markets really, really, really suppressed, pull down low, it's at a real
169 00:31:28,590 --> 00:31:43,710 deep discount. And we're at the end of the week. And we start short on s&p, and the Nasdaq before running out May 12, low. But the Dow was able to go through
170 00:31:44,280 --> 00:31:58,620 May 12, slow. So all of those ingredients come together and create this product called consolidation. And those days, if you don't know what you're looking for
171 00:31:58,620 --> 00:32:09,270 when to anticipate them how to read them. You can go in and trick yourself into thinking there's a pattern there. There's a pattern in anything, you can be
172 00:32:09,270 --> 00:32:18,510 Fooled By Randomness. But when you apply logic, and the narrative that would be associated with a low resistance liquidity run, that means it's a high
173 00:32:18,510 --> 00:32:30,480 probability one sided price move that is justifiable only on the side that you're trying to trade. In the beginning, when you're learning, it's not going
174 00:32:30,480 --> 00:32:38,280 to feel clear to you as to what that means. And that's why I tell everyone, you have to take your time, you're gonna get these moments of astonishment, where
175 00:32:38,280 --> 00:32:48,420 it's like, I finally got that it's an epiphany, where you discover what you didn't realize was important to you. Now, suddenly, things become a lot more
176 00:32:48,420 --> 00:33:03,720 clear. And that is the byproduct of going through back testing, looking through old data and studying it. Watch that gap at, let's see what candles at 840 on
177 00:33:03,720 --> 00:33:18,780 your five minute chart. See if there's any response after going into the high on the 845. Candles high at 3937 and a quarter. See if there's a response in there.
178 00:33:19,800 --> 00:33:33,360 We left relatively cool lows at 29 and a quarter. And we have sellside resting just below 3915 and a quarter.
179 00:33:44,910 --> 00:33:56,670 So one of the frustrating things I've endured as a mentor, and teacher not just in recent years, but when I was doing one on one consultations and teaching one
180 00:33:56,670 --> 00:34:06,060 on one back in the late 90s. That does not happen. So please don't try to reach out to me. I don't do them anymore. But I'm just referring back to those
181 00:34:06,090 --> 00:34:17,610 experiences. I had many times where the people I was working with they would take what I gave them, follow the instructions. And they were on our way happy.
182 00:34:18,540 --> 00:34:24,090 And I had a handful of folks that were if I give them a set of rules and say this is what you're looking for. This is what you're trying to operate and
183 00:34:24,090 --> 00:34:37,110 engage with. They would say okay, I get what you're saying. But so as soon as you say but you just cancel out everything before what you just said. What they
184 00:34:37,110 --> 00:34:47,670 were saying to me and showcasing is they have no discipline. And many of you learning this, not just under me. Many of you are going to discover that you
185 00:34:47,670 --> 00:34:56,040 don't have discipline either. I didn't have that either. In the beginning, I was literally all over the place chasing everything because I felt like there was
186 00:34:56,040 --> 00:35:07,380 going to be something else that made it easier when I discovered the Easy aspect comes through the grueling process of going through and reading price studying
187 00:35:07,380 --> 00:35:20,400 this candlesticks, not, it wasn't counsel expect that it was open high low close bar. But the the randomness of price action, what repeating phenomenon were
188 00:35:20,400 --> 00:35:31,890 taking place. And studying that, and because I was actually taking trades and losing, I was trying to go back and say, okay, somebody obviously made money on
189 00:35:31,890 --> 00:35:41,700 the other side of the street. So how are they doing it? If I'm losing in my live account, and I'm putting money up in unbound grain markets, or on buying live
190 00:35:41,700 --> 00:35:52,230 cattle or lean hogs or, you know, crude oil, gold, or whatever I was, at the time trading? What was I doing wrong? That they could see, that was an
191 00:35:52,230 --> 00:36:01,590 opportunity. And that was one of the biggest epiphanies for me is to go back and see what it was I was referring to. And how if I was to reverse it and say,
192 00:36:01,590 --> 00:36:12,870 Okay, if I didn't look at it with that perspective in mind, okay, if I didn't look at it as if I'm bold, I'm buying it. That's all I was doing back in the
193 00:36:12,870 --> 00:36:26,310 90s. I was afraid to short, I didn't understand it. So I was a permeable, okay. So if I took along and I got stopped out, or if I didn't use a stoploss, because
194 00:36:26,310 --> 00:36:34,080 I did that a lot in the 90s, I was afraid to put it in the wrong place. So what was the safest way to trade then in my mind, don't use a stop. And I ruined
195 00:36:34,080 --> 00:36:42,840 myself so many times doing that, you have to have a threshold in which this is where I'm wrong. I'm not going to trade anymore. This is where I have to pull
196 00:36:42,840 --> 00:36:53,490 the plug. But I would go back in my trades and start reverse engineering it from the other side, like someone was a bear. And that was one of the biggest
197 00:36:53,490 --> 00:37:05,190 discoveries for me to trust being a short for bear is to see when my own live trades were failing when I was extremely bullish. And I had my biggest positions
198 00:37:05,190 --> 00:37:16,470 on long 20 contracts of soybeans, you know, I'm, I'm really in there, I'm really trying to do what is likely to be a big move, right? So if it craps out, and I'm
199 00:37:16,470 --> 00:37:23,580 stopped out and it goes careening the other direction, I'm going in trying to figure out what it is that I did wrong. And if I was a bearish trader, what was
200 00:37:23,580 --> 00:37:37,650 I looking for that would be there. And one of the patterns that continuously forming is what I literally just gave you all on mentorship, on YouTube, that
201 00:37:37,650 --> 00:37:46,890 pattern of waiting for a run higher, because I would chase breakouts. I didn't call myself a breakout artist, okay, because breakout artists, they would
202 00:37:46,890 --> 00:37:54,810 literally just leave their their stock order above the marketplace and let the market and then not me back then I was scared. I was scared I wanted to see the
203 00:37:54,810 --> 00:38:04,710 market really running, really taking off where a reasonable expectation will be to see the market go maybe two cents above an old high for trading the grains
204 00:38:04,710 --> 00:38:17,520 it's like $100 per contract. It's like it's the same as like an evening. It's 50 hours per cent. But I wouldn't wait for it to move like 15 to 20 cents. Now on
205 00:38:17,520 --> 00:38:33,060 that big candle up. I'd be chasing and buying long there. Well, obviously just static retracements would come back and start scaring and I would move my stop
206 00:38:33,060 --> 00:38:42,690 loss if I had one lower opening up the risk even larger and larger because in my mind I had to be right because it's been going up it was really explosive to the
207 00:38:42,690 --> 00:38:45,030 upside. But
208 00:38:46,140 --> 00:38:58,170 I got wrecked. I got my counterparts handed to me. And what I discovered was this pattern of going above an old high then breaking down and then that
209 00:38:58,170 --> 00:39:11,910 secondary rally up at that time if I hadn't been stopped out. Or if I removed my stop and I weathered that retracement. I would feel like okay I dodged a bullet
210 00:39:11,910 --> 00:39:20,850 there and then I would feel more confident and I'd be in there praying to God helped me get this move past you know this level here keep going up. Just let me
211 00:39:20,850 --> 00:39:29,520 get out of it. Even at that point. I didn't want to be a profitable trader in that trade. I just wanted to be able to survive it and commission which at that
212 00:39:29,520 --> 00:39:46,950 paying $100 per contract let me say it again $100 Every contract Fox investments okay. That's what I was paying as a beginning trader. Everybody was getting
213 00:39:46,950 --> 00:39:55,500 raped back then it was ridiculous. Okay, you guys complain about what you have to pay for your Commission's today. This is peanuts, okay. It's nothing compared
214 00:39:55,500 --> 00:40:04,080 to what we were having to pay back in the 90s. And before that, it was just, you know, they Call it full service brokerage full service. Yeah, they're servicing
215 00:40:04,980 --> 00:40:12,330 the hose without no lube. And I didn't know any better Africa, this is what you're supposed to do. And it wasn't till later on, I moved to Lindwall dock
216 00:40:12,330 --> 00:40:18,750 where it was a little bit better in terms of the Commission's I think it was around like 30 hours round turn, which, even by today's standards is does it but
217 00:40:18,750 --> 00:40:29,880 man coming from 100 hours per contract to 30 hours, it's, it's a big savings. But back to the discussion about how this whole model evolved. During that
218 00:40:29,910 --> 00:40:38,640 return back to the fair value gap that I had no awareness of, I had no awareness of that fair value gap at all. Didn't even stand out in the chart, I had no idea
219 00:40:38,640 --> 00:40:47,280 what it was, didn't see it, it was always in the charts. But I paid no attention to it, because I didn't understand it. But as it went back up into that fair
220 00:40:47,280 --> 00:40:55,680 value gap, I'm thinking, okay, my long trade is going to be able to get me back to a point where I can just get out of it, because I can't stand it. I'm
221 00:40:55,680 --> 00:41:05,070 completely, I'm completely mentally and physically and emotionally fatigued. Now, I don't have any stamina to be in the market anymore, not long, not short,
222 00:41:05,070 --> 00:41:15,630 nothing, I just want to be out of it. Give me a number one, tweet to me number one, right now, if you've ever had that experience, where you're in a trade and
223 00:41:15,630 --> 00:41:23,580 you're just absolutely exhausted, you just want to get back to even, you don't care about being profitable. You don't want to be you know, a net loss on a
224 00:41:23,580 --> 00:41:32,520 trade, but you just, I don't even care if it goes to the moon. But just let me get out of where I got in it. That is what these markets will do to you. That is
225 00:41:32,520 --> 00:41:43,230 the byproduct of a day like yesterday, you have to know what that feels like. And many of you are so new, absolutely so new, that you don't even know that
226 00:41:43,230 --> 00:41:55,380 that's available to you in terms of insight and experience that would protect you. It keeps you from learning how painful that you can blow your account, you
227 00:41:55,380 --> 00:42:05,040 don't need to blow your account folks to to learn these lessons. And that's why I'm mentoring you this way. If you go through these learning episodes, and take
228 00:42:05,040 --> 00:42:13,950 yourself in the market and endure these moments like yesterday, that one day, you can look back and say, well, this, I didn't make any money. This was a waste
229 00:42:13,950 --> 00:42:21,630 of my time. This is a joke. This guy can't trade. This is fair value gap pattern didn't work. His model is broken, it's fake, it's flawed. It's a lot. It's
230 00:42:21,690 --> 00:42:32,430 illogical. You know, he's only hindsight he's this he's that. That's where losing traders do. You immediately go to the toxic excuse as to why it's not
231 00:42:32,460 --> 00:42:45,990 working for you. When the whole concept and point was, go into the marketplace study, what is it doing? How is this going to benefit me? Or, more importantly,
232 00:42:46,440 --> 00:42:59,250 how could I be harmed by this? Because if these environments repeat you, they do if you know what they look like going in, or once you get involved, and you can
233 00:42:59,250 --> 00:43:07,800 identify what it is in terms of a market profile day where it's likely to consolidate and in chop you up? How do you engage with that? How do you trade
234 00:43:07,800 --> 00:43:21,390 it? Well, I give you insights on how to do that. Stop trading off into all throughout the afternoon, wait to that last hour target. And look for a pattern
235 00:43:21,780 --> 00:43:31,470 that makes sense, that run led by stops and pullback to middle range. You don't need it to take out the lows at 39 or 3055. Or what it was, you don't need that.
236 00:43:31,650 --> 00:43:35,280 If it pulls back to the middle range and you sold short, the daily high.
237 00:43:36,570 --> 00:43:45,240 Who's gonna complain about that, I'm sure look around, you'll find some money. But if you're in here trying to find setups that are consistent, even on
238 00:43:45,240 --> 00:43:53,040 consolidation days, you're gonna find that those choppy days if you go back and look at the last hour of trading, many times you're gonna find that opportunity
239 00:43:53,040 --> 00:44:01,290 present itself and sometimes it can go even further in the middle of the range. But it's better to take the bulk of your trade off as you watched me illustrate
240 00:44:01,290 --> 00:44:08,880 in my video last night, it's better to take the bulk of your trade off in the middle because it could stay range bound or like it did with me Come back up and
241 00:44:08,880 --> 00:44:14,490 take my stop which was only on one contract basis. And the majority of everything else was taken off in the middle range and you might even take the
242 00:44:14,490 --> 00:44:24,930 other one off but remaining to took one off in the video of the recording. But back to the discussion of the model. So during my times when I was being a
243 00:44:24,930 --> 00:44:39,420 breakout trader chasing price, so I'm like Johnny come lately. Okay, I'm waiting for it to not only break out bullishly and run up 1520 pennies. Okay, that's
244 00:44:39,450 --> 00:44:52,200 $1,500 Unknown I'm sorry, it's 20 cents, that's 1000 hours. So 750 hours to 1000 hours movement already hired. And then I'm going in and I'm buying. That's what
245 00:44:52,200 --> 00:45:02,610 I was doing back then. Because in my mind as a new trader, no experience whatsoever. Completely. greenhorns. This they're I mean, I was the definition of
246 00:45:02,610 --> 00:45:13,320 absolutely clueless. But I'm gonna live money, way too fast, no idea what I was doing. And I was chasing it because I was thinking, okay, Ken Roberts showed me
247 00:45:13,320 --> 00:45:25,680 in this book that these moves go, like $20 moves, you know, in, in the grains, you can do that, or silver is gonna go up to $50, you know, an ounce, it's every
248 00:45:25,680 --> 00:45:36,990 day, every year, he was promoting that by silver, by silver by silver. And that book really converted me into thinking that every trade I was going to get into
249 00:45:37,440 --> 00:45:49,230 what's going to be these big blowout, huge run up moves. So it was in my mind thinking, hey, I'm gonna wait for the breakout, that initial breakout encourages
250 00:45:49,230 --> 00:45:58,080 me, but then I'm gonna wait, I want to have further confirmation. And a lot of you actually probably had this experience to where you can pretty much see
251 00:45:58,080 --> 00:46:06,660 likely to go. But you don't have the courage to actually go in when it's the best time to get in. You want to wait for it to start moving in that direction,
252 00:46:07,080 --> 00:46:14,730 and give up a half or three quarters of the move. And then you start saying, Okay, well, I can see it's gonna go to that particular level right there. And
253 00:46:14,730 --> 00:46:21,960 then you go into the train. And it might go for you go peace, and those are your wins. They're the ones that you'll feel confident showing your friends on social
254 00:46:21,960 --> 00:46:30,030 media, or your co workers. But you won't share the ones where it retraces against you, which is normal. But you get either stopped out or scared, you
255 00:46:30,030 --> 00:46:38,010 close a trade and then it runs to your objective. And you go away thinking I'm never learned this, you're never going to learn it doing it that way. And just
256 00:46:38,010 --> 00:46:44,070 like I didn't learn how to trade profitably by doing what I was explaining earlier, waiting for the anticipating the breakout, seeing it and then watching
257 00:46:44,070 --> 00:46:55,920 it run even further. And then calling that confirmation. No, that's not confirmation. That is observation of someone else doing it right. And me not
258 00:46:55,950 --> 00:47:07,290 having the understanding the discipline, or the foresight, as I aged when I should have. But when it would go back up into the fear of a gap on my long
259 00:47:07,830 --> 00:47:17,610 after it took out a high, I would be confident that I'm going to get to the point where I can get out of the trade and be breakeven. So what I was doing was
260 00:47:18,180 --> 00:47:33,720 teaching myself to be what? late to the party and never making money. Think about that, apply that scene hardcore in the mirror analysis of yourself.
261 00:47:34,290 --> 00:47:44,400 Because I guarantee you put a number to tweet to me number two. If you've ever endured that or experienced it, and there's no shame in it, it's normal. Because
262 00:47:44,790 --> 00:48:00,330 these markets are a well, in a lot of ways it's a mirror, it's going to show you yourself. And that reflection isn't going to be appreciated by most of you, does
263 00:48:00,330 --> 00:48:12,030 you think you look a certain way, or are a certain type of person. And when you engage in these marketplaces, and you put in your opinion, or you associate your
264 00:48:12,030 --> 00:48:24,360 intellect, to what these little patterns and candlesticks are likely to do next. And young men and women they stick their whole existence and image on the fact
265 00:48:24,360 --> 00:48:32,910 that these candlesticks do something that relates to a profitable or positive outcome
266 00:48:34,770 --> 00:48:44,880 instead of just saying, okay, is this making me money? And how is it going to hurt me. And over time, when I was going back through all my losing trades as a
267 00:48:44,880 --> 00:48:57,270 bull, because in the 90s, as I was doing, I discovered, because the pattern that Ken Roberts was teaching his course, which was not really accurately described,
268 00:48:57,450 --> 00:49:09,540 or titled, but the world's most powerful money manual and course. And it was neither powerful or enabling for me for any profitability. I've never made money
269 00:49:09,540 --> 00:49:19,230 with anything the guy taught. But when I took everything that he talked about, and John Murphy refers to in his book, technical analysis of the financial
270 00:49:19,230 --> 00:49:26,550 markets, I think that is a book that everybody should have not because the stuff in it works but because if you take take that logic and turn it upside down, you
271 00:49:26,550 --> 00:49:37,560 have a 90% winning rate, okay, in back testing, go back and look at all that kind of stuff. And that logic fails. It fails. Trendlines are wonderful when
272 00:49:37,560 --> 00:49:50,490 it's already happened, everybody can do that kind of thing. But the hard walk forward for traders not only on their mind, mentorship, but in any endeavor in
273 00:49:50,490 --> 00:50:00,270 terms of trading this is hard, not because the concepts are, you know, unavailable because they have been obviously explained to you with me makes it
274 00:50:00,270 --> 00:50:13,920 hard is your personal personality, your character flaws, all of us have character flaws. I'm a perfectionist, I have to be perfect. Like I have to be
275 00:50:14,100 --> 00:50:25,380 perfect in my that's what I'm pursuing ever going to get there. But my trades, the things I'm showing, I think they they illustrate, above average, I'm getting
276 00:50:25,380 --> 00:50:33,420 into lows and getting out above old highs, vice versa. Now I'm not doing it all the time I take losing trades. Logic is what I want to go in. And I try to teach
277 00:50:33,420 --> 00:50:48,240 my students, where is the most logical entry point for a trade? And before that, I want to know where is it likely to go. And that is likely to be the outcome or
278 00:50:48,240 --> 00:51:00,480 the terminal to where price is going to be drawn to? can I justify a trade in the in the opposing direction. Because if I can do that, then I still might take
279 00:51:00,480 --> 00:51:06,120 the trade. But I'm not going to trade with four and a half percent leverage behind it, which would be like my competitive leverage gearing. I don't always
280 00:51:06,120 --> 00:51:14,730 trade with that. But I do it to showcase the difference between talkers out there that talk about what they do a market replay, and they in reports that
281 00:51:14,730 --> 00:51:24,450 they can easily be changed and audited, and make adjustments and edit it. You can't do that with TradingView. There's nothing you can't do any of that with
282 00:51:24,450 --> 00:51:35,220 trading view. And you shorts aren't gonna be able to do that when you're trading through a live broker and using trading view as the portal. So that's why I'm
283 00:51:35,220 --> 00:51:46,080 teaching the way I teach. That's why I'm in this trading view. That's why I show you the statements. That's why I show you the results. The bottom line is you
284 00:51:46,080 --> 00:51:56,340 can go out there and chase all kinds of wonderful illusions that a lot of people want to trick you into believing. And yes, I made millions of dollars selling my
285 00:51:56,340 --> 00:52:06,660 education. I don't do that right now. I'm not going to do it again. This is not only eating, I'm not teaching you a little bit to get your mouth wet and say
286 00:52:06,660 --> 00:52:18,510 Okay, now here's the, here's the pitch. I'm not selling anything, nothing. It's been stressful. But I do enjoy teaching. But I want to teach you properly.
287 00:52:19,560 --> 00:52:28,590 Because there's a way to do this incorrectly. And it's everybody out there parroting what I say? They have no idea why I said what I said they just repeat
288 00:52:28,590 --> 00:52:39,060 what I said. And that's why their students get frustrated because they can't get answers to the things that they heard me say they then repeat because they don't
289 00:52:39,060 --> 00:52:49,620 understand why I thought I said. So when I do these long rants and discussions that are very boring. To someone that just wants to get in, give me a stop and
290 00:52:49,620 --> 00:52:58,170 give me a target, I ain't got time for this, I got things that go on and talk about. Those individuals are never going to find longevity or consistency. And
291 00:52:58,170 --> 00:53:11,400 my students, my heart is in them succeeding. And I think if you pay attention to me long enough, you can hear that, like I am passionate about all of you, like I
292 00:53:11,400 --> 00:53:24,000 want you to succeed. What's it going to give me there isn't going to be a mentorship for sale. It's just the enjoyment, the satisfaction of knowing that I
293 00:53:24,000 --> 00:53:28,530 poured myself into individuals on the internet that I'm never likely to meet.
294 00:53:29,909 --> 00:53:39,209 And you have done something to change your entire family tree. And that, to me is amazing. I wish I would have found somebody like what I'm trying to be for
295 00:53:39,209 --> 00:53:49,439 all of you. But I'm not going to sugarcoat this stuff for you. I'm not going to sugarcoat it and say you're going to walk into these marketplaces. And it's
296 00:53:49,439 --> 00:53:56,429 going to be an optimal trade entry every single time you get in it. And you don't need to worry about a stoploss you don't need to worry about over
297 00:53:56,429 --> 00:54:07,019 leveraging. Just do as much as you can afford. Do you understand how irresponsible that would be? I'm telling you I'm promising you that you're going
298 00:54:07,019 --> 00:54:16,919 to lose money. These young guys out there that sell courses and make YouTube videos. You never hear them talk about risk. None of them really put risk
299 00:54:16,919 --> 00:54:25,919 disclaimers in from their videos but they're out there Schollander least Lamborghinis and such. Let me tell you something. When you make for instance,
300 00:54:26,429 --> 00:54:39,929 like $500,000 a week in mentorship pay. Okay. How many Lamborghinis could I have purchased or even leased doing that? For six years or so? How many houses could
301 00:54:39,929 --> 00:54:49,739 I rented and pretended to be somebody on not? How many vacations could I went on? Till pictures and have somebody go around taking pictures? I mean, filming
302 00:54:49,739 --> 00:55:01,709 me. Look at me. I'm flossing. If that was what I wanted to do, I certainly could have done so. And you didn't see you still don't see it. Because none of that is
303 00:55:01,709 --> 00:55:12,539 going to deposit money into your pocket. A lot of you are trying to live vicariously through other guys and gals out there on the internet, doing those
304 00:55:12,539 --> 00:55:27,659 types of things. When I was a younger man, that was my approach. Today, I teach with a really boring, introverted style. Because this is what pays the bills.
305 00:55:28,649 --> 00:55:42,119 This is what's realistic about managing risk. Talking about making money, and not really emphasizing the underlying risk associated to doing this is
306 00:55:42,119 --> 00:55:52,019 irresponsible. And I want you to understand where you're going to lose. I'm telling you, you're going to lose. But I want you to know that it's assuring to
307 00:55:52,019 --> 00:56:05,219 know where these pitfalls are likely to materialize. Some people are not going to want to find value in that, like yesterday's entire drawn out discussion
308 00:56:05,219 --> 00:56:17,099 throughout today is a day that will absolutely do down. Anybody that's talking smack a guarantee, ask them to show their trade statements from yesterday, live
309 00:56:17,129 --> 00:56:26,909 trade statements, they might want to talk smack, Go show it, put it up on YouTube, put it on Twitter, I guarantee you, they won't do that. Because they
310 00:56:26,909 --> 00:56:39,149 probably got chopped out yesterday. I'm sitting here on trying to the best I can possibly be to be an insightful educator and dad to him, and also communicate
311 00:56:39,149 --> 00:56:52,319 the same things to you typing it out throughout the entire day. And he's able to push the button. And he's doing well. He's not been learning how to trade very
312 00:56:52,319 --> 00:57:06,269 long, and we're talking literally less than a month. So he is by no means a trading giant. He's not that great yet. There's a lot of things he's uncertain
313 00:57:06,269 --> 00:57:14,489 about. He's not confident about himself at this point. But his intentions, he says is that once he understands what he's doing, he wants to put a YouTube
314 00:57:14,819 --> 00:57:23,309 channel together. And should he get to this point, I will absolutely invite all of you over there. He doesn't care about trolls. He's not trying to teach
315 00:57:23,309 --> 00:57:34,259 anybody. He just wants to have the opportunity to say, this is what I play with my dad's life's work. And this is what I took myself out of my job with because
316 00:57:34,259 --> 00:57:47,459 I make my kids work menial jobs, you probably work menial jobs I did a lot of them. If you look at my younger life, I had such low income jobs that just
317 00:57:47,459 --> 00:57:58,679 stripped time from me. And I hated it. And I hated every person that employed me. Not because they were bad people. I did have bad employers, but I hated them
318 00:57:58,679 --> 00:58:07,349 because they had control over me my time. When can I do something? When Can't I do something? And what am I getting paid for being here? You're prostituting my
319 00:58:07,349 --> 00:58:07,799 time
320 00:58:09,480 --> 00:58:19,830 for next to nothing. And I have nothing to show for it. So that lesson was important for me. And I forced that on my children. You see these trolls out
321 00:58:19,830 --> 00:58:26,910 there. One guy that says he investments when I was into private investigators ask him what about the chargeback he did for his private investigator because he
322 00:58:26,910 --> 00:58:35,730 couldn't afford the $10,000 for the 10 days that they were recording me. And then he asked them to go on my personal property record through my windows, my
323 00:58:35,730 --> 00:58:44,370 family and wife and children through my windows and then they fired him. And then he did a chargeback on his credit card saying oh yeah, I didn't make these
324 00:58:44,370 --> 00:58:56,580 charges. Potentially. Yeah, we know about that. These people, okay. They're sick. They're not teaching you anything that makes money. They don't make money
325 00:58:56,580 --> 00:59:03,990 for real. They work in in Market Replay because if they could, they'd be taking their amp account right over that trading view and plugging it in. And then
326 00:59:03,990 --> 00:59:18,870 you'd see the results like I just showed my son yesterday. Hello. Shit just got real. Mind daughter does not work in the fucking Chipotle. She managed to
327 00:59:18,870 --> 00:59:39,420 restore. My children are being groomed to appreciate the money they make. On their own steam, I can give them millions. But what have I done? If I die, they
328 00:59:39,420 --> 00:59:51,750 can't make more of it. So I'm giving them a life skill, and I'm burdening them. I had a rough childhood. I appreciate the things I've been given and blessed
329 00:59:51,750 --> 01:00:04,920 with and this insight was not easy coming to me. I went through a lot of hardship. My children will appreciate what they can do on their own. Because if
330 01:00:04,920 --> 01:00:14,850 I give it to them, it's just like any old Christmas present you give to your your children. Oh, it's great for that moment when they tear it open. And 20
331 01:00:14,850 --> 01:00:27,300 minutes later, they've done forgot about it. The appreciations evaporated a life skill like this. Well guess what it continuously gives over and over and over
332 01:00:27,300 --> 01:00:37,860 again. And that would make me proud this, I hope to get to see all of my children. I'm hoping that when Caleb makes this turning point where he can be
333 01:00:37,860 --> 01:00:58,530 consistent, not have any inspiration by me whatsoever to do this on his own two more minutes and the equities open up that I can join. I want to see that. Like,
334 01:00:58,530 --> 01:01:06,630 it's emotional for me to to see it. Finally one of my kids are trying to do it immediately. They're all waiting for me just to handle money. But I guess like
335 01:01:06,630 --> 01:01:17,940 anybody else's parents when they're with someone that's a fluent. I don't live my life fluently is Have you seen part of that? I live introverted life I try
336 01:01:17,940 --> 01:01:29,460 not to draw too much attention to myself. And hopefully my children follow that same process but my children work menial jobs. Caleb right now brings home $400
337 01:01:29,460 --> 01:01:40,140 A week at his job comes home sore works in a warehouse making I don't know if it's condiments or something like not ketchup or anything like that. But some
338 01:01:40,170 --> 01:01:51,660 like the name escapes me. Of course, radish is company makes horseradish stir meat. They're known for making horseradish. And others uncoding Cody. He lives
339 01:01:51,660 --> 01:02:07,170 across the street from his stepfather. And they have a trailer that he lives in by choice. He's traded crypto, but he and I you know we're not the closest but I
340 01:02:07,170 --> 01:02:19,650 hope that when he sees Caleb do well it'll inspire him to do same thing. But they're all individual people live in their in their individual lives. And
341 01:02:19,650 --> 01:02:27,240 they're making whatever decisions they're making on their own and the consequences that come from those decisions are about to open up here and about
342 01:02:27,240 --> 01:02:39,180 15 seconds those decisions are going to bring with them the rewards or repercussions and all of them have been made available like all the things that
343 01:02:39,180 --> 01:02:48,870 I know how to do are made available to them but you're discovering that is not easy as it takes some work and they're young they're in their 20s they they're
344 01:02:48,870 --> 01:02:57,120 not thinking that way I want to pour all that time into that that's going to be worn down by money that's really what they're thinking like 20 year olds do.
345 01:02:59,820 --> 01:03:08,250 Just take a second watching this opening price movement here oh my run on the 39 2950 level
346 01:03:36,210 --> 01:03:38,040 not too exciting this morning so far.
347 01:03:50,369 --> 01:04:01,259 Most device silence after 950 I'm looking at still the five minute chart because there's nothing for me to be looking at in lower.
348 01:04:27,599 --> 01:04:47,969 Now we opened we went down below the 3930 lows just briefly and just a small little movement above the high formed at 835. So, so far, we don't have anything
349 01:04:50,069 --> 01:05:01,679 to work on. Based on bias. I think that it will make sense for them to run the buy side in here because everybody wants that 30 At Five level, everybody's
350 01:05:01,679 --> 01:05:11,969 pointing to everybody, even people that are on Twitter they're looking forward to. So if I was making the market I'd run up to 3950s.
351 01:05:21,480 --> 01:05:23,130 NASDAQ is real heavy and here
352 01:05:28,710 --> 01:05:38,250 it has got stops at less than 1009 60. s&p should be picking up moving lower. Now if it's going to move in concert with the NASDAQ.
353 01:05:44,550 --> 01:05:53,610 Dow you can see it's sloppy. And that's the reason why I don't touch it. s&p is refusing to go lower.
354 01:06:18,420 --> 01:06:29,100 I sent out think about what I was talking about earlier, and how we have this expectation of hunting one sidedness in the marketplace. Does the market show a
355 01:06:29,100 --> 01:06:41,700 one sidedness this morning? No. Even in the opening, it's been not in a hurry to get anywhere. In particular, it's just recently went above and below for near
356 01:06:41,700 --> 01:06:51,270 term liquidity. And it hasn't really moved a lot yet. Now, admittedly, it's only been four minutes, not even four minutes since the opening. But NAS looks like
357 01:06:51,270 --> 01:06:55,680 it wants to take it's 11,009 60 11,009 50 liquidity
358 01:07:04,199 --> 01:07:28,169 no real imbalance on s&p to speak of. No one thing in my mind is the buy side at 4950. But the stops below 3915 and a quarter. Good, they take it down to 3915 to
359 01:07:28,169 --> 01:07:35,939 make them think they're gonna run for the 3055 and then ramp it up into 3950 That would be what I would do that I would absolutely do that.
360 01:07:50,190 --> 01:07:53,610 NASDAQ in striking distance on that 11,009 50.
361 01:08:11,760 --> 01:08:28,470 SAP just not wanting to join the phone. Now, in response to what I was saying earlier about one sidedness. When you have a one sided market gearing where a
362 01:08:28,470 --> 01:08:39,690 low resistance liquidity run for like a run to old high or low was what I'm kind of really trying to teach my store. It'll have a very clear pattern and
363 01:08:39,690 --> 01:08:51,030 expectation. At the opening price, or after opening press opening at 930. You'll get this flurry of price action, like if we were bearish, the ideal scenario in
364 01:08:51,030 --> 01:09:01,860 my mind would have been run up, take the take out that 3950 level and then break down, then come back in for a fair value get an end run for 3915 and a quarter.
365 01:09:02,580 --> 01:09:12,120 That's if I was bearish. That would be the ideal scenario I would have been looking for. And we didn't get that they get a fair shake up for that. This is
366 01:09:12,120 --> 01:09:24,360 s&p Five minute charts. That way you can calibrate on your own 840. That candle is a favorite I got it returned back up into that area. And I mentioned that,
367 01:09:24,420 --> 01:09:33,930 you know, watch that level and we've now started moving lower. So I'm sorry, NASDAQ has blown out it's 11,009 50 level. s&p is about to take that 3915 and a
368 01:09:33,930 --> 01:09:50,370 quarter level. and Dow just looks like a mess. So I guess I don't tree down. It's only 30 stocks that make up that composite index. And those 30 stocks just
369 01:09:50,370 --> 01:09:56,610 don't have as much weight that like the s&p 500 and NASDAQ 100 have
370 01:09:59,100 --> 01:10:15,300 but We want to see one site in this one, we're looking at the marketplace. And if you don't have clear one sidedness, and if you're expecting bearish prices,
371 01:10:15,300 --> 01:10:24,600 the obvious would be the market rallies above the opening price runs to either an old high or rebalances to a fair value gap, then breaks down and goes to a
372 01:10:25,440 --> 01:10:35,550 low resistance liquidity run for sell side liquidity below low. That is, to me what all of you should be hunting for. That's your unicorn, okay, they exist
373 01:10:35,730 --> 01:10:46,350 there in the marketplace. But they don't form every single trading session every single day. You have a handful of those over the course of a week. But apart
374 01:10:46,350 --> 01:10:55,260 from that, you can do little tiny little scalps, they may not have the same level of probability behind them. But if you're getting one for one, and you
375 01:10:55,260 --> 01:11:03,870 know what you're doing, you know, over leveraging yourself, you can grow an account with one to one, you don't need five to 150 to one 200 to one like these
376 01:11:03,870 --> 01:11:12,840 guys on Instagram, and telegram rooms. Yeah, I'm doing. If you ever done the math on these guys, they're old. Okay, but they're claiming they got 500 to one
377 01:11:12,840 --> 01:11:27,630 trades. Why aren't they billionaires? Like seriously? Why if you can do that? Why are you trading with one micro lot with your empty for screenshots? Like,
378 01:11:28,260 --> 01:11:39,330 it's been six months, you should be at least about the standard lot. Now. The things that people believe and swallow just because they see one screenshot or
379 01:11:39,330 --> 01:11:51,240 something is ridiculous. And all I try to do is be a voice of reason. Okay. I could do a lot of those things for real that they're pretending to afford. But
380 01:11:51,240 --> 01:12:03,990 it does nothing to make you a better trader. Thinking about things responsibly, respecting level risk, and doing things that are boring. Trading is boring. You
381 01:12:03,990 --> 01:12:12,120 want it to be boring. Your job sucks, right? Everybody hates their job. You're there. You have to put in the time. It's boring. You'd rather be doing something
382 01:12:12,120 --> 01:12:22,260 else. Trading is like that, too. People say Oh, I love trading. No, you don't. You don't love trading. You love trading when it's profitable. Okay, let's be
383 01:12:22,260 --> 01:12:32,910 real. You don't like trading? You don't love trading? You love winning? Okay, but everybody wants to love trade. I eat sleep. Breathe trading. Yeah, I do
384 01:12:32,910 --> 01:12:44,310 those things. And I hate it. Like, I hate it. I love back testing. I love studying price action. I love that. I hate trading. Why do I hate trading?
385 01:12:44,610 --> 01:12:57,900 Because every single one of these candles that form I'm expecting it to do what I want it to do. Think about that. And I'm being 100% honest with you. I want
386 01:12:57,900 --> 01:13:06,690 every single one of these candles to do exactly what I want them to do. And that is an internal struggle for me. Because I've mentioned many times I'm
387 01:13:06,690 --> 01:13:18,870 obsessively compulsive. So I want things my way. I am an absolute control freak on every aspect of my aim when I look at these candlesticks, it's an internal
388 01:13:19,050 --> 01:13:29,460 armwrestling match when they don't bend to my will. So in my approach to learning how to beat these markets, I had to align myself with how they look.
389 01:13:30,300 --> 01:13:40,440 And I was blessed and fortunate to end up in situations that I was in that I was able to learn what these things do. There are times when I don't know what
390 01:13:40,440 --> 01:13:51,600 they're doing. And it was a hard process for me to learn when that is because when you're young, and you're able to do very, very well very, very easily.
391 01:13:52,650 --> 01:14:02,550 After initial look, it gives you this feeling of invincibility you feel like you can't do anything wrong, you feel like you just walk into and command the
392 01:14:02,550 --> 01:14:18,090 attention of everybody. And it messes with you. So, that sense of arrogance and pride. That was an affliction for me as a young man. That obviously is what goes
393 01:14:18,090 --> 01:14:35,580 on with students they learn from me to get good at it. And then they consoled themselves with pompous actions, okay, and the outwardly, you know, flex and if
394 01:14:35,580 --> 01:14:45,630 you're young and you're doing that kind of stuff, just know that that did not help me It hurt me. And in the world like today, like I would really be popular
395 01:14:45,630 --> 01:14:59,010 if I was the old me and 20s on Instagram. I'd probably be one of the biggest followed person on Instagram in trading circles. Watch the the 3950 levels on
396 01:14:59,070 --> 01:14:59,610 s&p.
397 01:15:01,920 --> 01:15:16,860 Now unbalanced on Spoos. On the downside, it just ran down, didn't get in to the 3915 and quarter level. But we're back above where we opened. Real, real,
398 01:15:17,220 --> 01:15:29,580 choppy, indecisive price action is what I'm saying. But the last thing I want you all to do, if you're young and you're trying to learn this is go out and try
399 01:15:29,580 --> 01:15:41,550 to outwardly express yourself in a pompous manner. Because it's your not your only thing you're gonna do is attract the wrong element, the people that are
400 01:15:41,550 --> 01:15:49,470 just going to look for you to be, how are you going to outshine the last time you did on Instagram? How are you going to outdo the last video you just did
401 01:15:49,470 --> 01:15:59,460 when you showed your house that you're renting, or the last cars that you bought, but you're not showing trades, you're not showing how to go in and help
402 01:15:59,490 --> 01:16:09,150 the viewer. And I'm trying to do that, even in these boring discussions that I have in my videos, I'm giving you those mile markers that you're going to
403 01:16:09,150 --> 01:16:24,300 encounter, given enough time. You going to endure these things. And if you don't have something to lean on, in terms of correcting the direction you're in, or
404 01:16:24,330 --> 01:16:37,380 encouraging you to make a change or endure something. It's unfortunate that people think that that part of the video or that part of my teaching is the
405 01:16:37,380 --> 01:16:47,700 least of importance. And you'll actually see people go in and put little minute marker links to avoid, in my opinion, the real important factors in those
406 01:16:47,700 --> 01:16:55,410 videos. It's not me, pushing a button watching the chart, go to a specific level that's entertaining for you as a new student, because it's like, Oh, I see that
407 01:16:55,410 --> 01:17:06,300 works. That's cool. But the things I'm talking about in the video that everybody else would just kind of like dismiss. That's the thing that gave me the
408 01:17:06,300 --> 01:17:17,490 foresight and trust to stay in the trade. How many times have you taken care of because it didn't move right away for you? Why does that happen? Because you
409 01:17:17,490 --> 01:17:25,680 haven't endured enough back testing. And then tape reading, getting comfortable with the idea of what it is you're looking for. What's the pattern? What's the
410 01:17:25,680 --> 01:17:33,300 framework? Is it repeating? And then once you identify and you grow confident, it repeats to some of you are saying, oh, yeah, it repeats it. ICT says it
411 01:17:33,300 --> 01:17:42,030 repeats. Do you know what the repeats personally? Have you done the work? Don't take what I say and run around thinking that's the gospel. I'm telling you go
412 01:17:42,030 --> 01:17:51,390 out there and prove it to yourself. Because once that nobody's going to convince you. And that's why people say it's like a cult here. If this is a cult, you're
413 01:17:51,390 --> 01:18:02,460 welcome to leave. Okay, Nobody's holding you here. There's no Kool Aid, you know, exit strategy here. You're all welcomed to stop writing, or stop listening
414 01:18:02,460 --> 01:18:12,000 to me. But if you want to learn how I'm doing it, I'm literally giving you everything I'm telling. I'm telling you, what goes on in my mind, what the
415 01:18:12,030 --> 01:18:19,590 hurdles that you're going to encounter, and how to overcome them. If you choose not to listen to it, don't be upset and you don't get the result you're looking
416 01:18:19,590 --> 01:18:25,020 for. So it's 945.
417 01:18:32,070 --> 01:18:49,710 I'm just looking at this equity here. And downs come back up into its opening range, the s&p was unable to take that 3915 and a quarter low out. NASDAQ did so
418 01:18:49,710 --> 01:19:03,180 again we have a divergence at the lows on s&p against the NASDAQ NASDAQ went lower as the P failed to go lower. And went on to specifically if you look at
419 01:19:03,180 --> 01:19:24,420 the candle at 935 The s&p failed to make that lower low than that of 250 to 250 is low and s&p is been kept in place. But the three o'clock in the morning low
420 01:19:24,420 --> 01:19:28,140 on NASDAQ has been swept out
421 01:19:39,870 --> 01:19:45,330 Yeah, I wouldn't be I'm not interested in today
422 01:19:51,000 --> 01:20:07,590 no news. It's a Friday. Most of the range for the week has been put in on Thursday. And everybody wants 3855 So everybody, let's, let's talk like, retail
423 01:20:07,590 --> 01:20:18,570 for a second. Okay. Let's say you were fortunate enough to be short from Tuesday or Monday or earlier in the week. Or, I'm sorry, Thursday, say you were lucky
424 01:20:18,570 --> 01:20:34,470 enough to get to high on on Thursday and wrote it down. It's Friday. What do you want to do going into the weekend? You want to get paid, right? So that squaring
425 01:20:34,470 --> 01:20:45,030 up positions, if you don't want to think about the logic that I teach, okay, the sales retail module, would you reasonably assume and expect that short covering
426 01:20:45,120 --> 01:20:52,800 should come into the market today. Because to get out there short, they got to do what they have to buy, right. So if the market fails to go lower, and you
427 01:20:52,800 --> 01:21:01,560 believe it's buying pressure that moves price up, I'll talk in those terms. That way, you can understand what I see in price today. That way, I'll talk to you
428 01:21:01,560 --> 01:21:09,150 with retail logic. So that way, if you don't want to subscribe to the conspiracy ideas that I get labeled with, well, this call it it's probably gonna be short
429 01:21:09,150 --> 01:21:18,630 covering today, it probably won't go lower, and disrupt those people that want to see that 3055 Because everybody, everybody wants it. It's already talked
430 01:21:18,630 --> 01:21:31,980 about on every medium, and areas. So if it doesn't go down there, and people are covering short, what is likely to be taken by stops. Okay, so I'm not trading
431 01:21:31,980 --> 01:21:41,820 today, I'm not entering, I only have a trade entry forming in my charts right now, just sloppy opening range trading. But that 3950 level, this looks like
432 01:21:41,820 --> 01:21:54,330 it's just too easy. Like they can make it take that and two candles and go on. So I'm not interested in taking anything today. I've had lots of video work that
433 01:21:54,330 --> 01:22:05,130 are still complete with my other group. So I have things I want to take care of today. But I really appreciate you hanging out with me this morning. And I'm not
434 01:22:05,130 --> 01:22:18,960 sure it wasn't insightful to you if it was helpful to you. But I meant to yesterday, with my son being here, I wasn't able to test my live streaming go, I
435 01:22:18,960 --> 01:22:27,780 gotta check that out and see if I can do that. So I'll probably end up doing that really late tonight. So if I wake you up, or if I disturb you, in your
436 01:22:27,780 --> 01:22:35,430 evening affairs, or that it's not me trying to be on live session for a long period of time, I'm only going to go in there long enough to just test that I
437 01:22:35,430 --> 01:22:45,360 can see my screen, and that I can hear myself and should that work. Monday, my intentions are to sit down that I don't want to be doing this. Because this to
438 01:22:45,360 --> 01:22:48,150 me is it's not
439 01:22:56,820 --> 01:23:05,820 sorry, I'm looking depressed. It's not something I want to do. Like I feel disconnected because I got a phone face than me and my face. And then I've got
440 01:23:05,820 --> 01:23:14,130 my charts in front of me. I feel like I'm plate spinning. So it'd be just easier for me to have my chart in front of me and point to it and but I wanted to give
441 01:23:14,130 --> 01:23:26,220 you the exercise of yesterday sitting in there and internalizing the struggles that would be associated with the day like yesterday I think that's going to be
442 01:23:26,220 --> 01:23:43,560 it and we will close our session now. I think if I do this right little the little toggle box I did for you the Twitter space it says toggle to record it.
443 01:23:45,480 --> 01:23:55,770 If all of you that know how to do this would have I'm going to ask you a question and just reply to it or send me a tweet to mongers most recent rather.
444 01:23:56,700 --> 01:24:11,790 I think it was Yeah, reply to my tweet. Most recent one and tell me how I make sure everybody can hear this because I don't know how to do it. I know I know
445 01:24:11,790 --> 01:24:19,530 when I'm closing it when I stopped this will everybody be able to see it or access it? I don't know.
446 01:24:28,380 --> 01:24:31,410 Waiting for someone to tell me exactly how to make sure everybody gets it
447 01:24:39,030 --> 01:24:54,090 back thank you very much for that letter telling me it automatically saves. So, is it my understanding that I close it The link will be made. I have it toggled
448 01:24:54,090 --> 01:24:54,660 to record
449 01:25:06,600 --> 01:25:15,390 Alright, we're gonna find out what happens. I'm gonna end the session here. If it gives me an opportunity to like tweet it or whatever. That's what I'll do. If
450 01:25:15,390 --> 01:25:27,060 not, thanks for hanging out. And I guess I'll talk with you by way of YouTube lately. Just a reminder, I'm not doing videos on YouTube every single day. I
451 01:25:27,300 --> 01:25:36,990 promise that this week, but we'll resume what the normal schedule on Tuesday and Thursday next week on board. Enjoy your weekend. Thanks for hanging out. Be
452 01:25:36,990 --> 01:25:37,620 safe.